#work abroad
studykac · 8 months
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🌺 08.25.23 🌺
Had a half day at work today, so I went to a cafe and got some studying done! Also, I got myself a sweet little early birthday present by buying myself Happy Place by Emily Henry. I really enjoyed her other books when I read them earlier this year, so I'm excited to give this one a go!~
I'm also treating myself to a few special things this weekend! Tomorrow, I'm going to see NCT at their concert, which I'm really looking forward to!~ Ans on Sunday I'm getting my first ever tattoos which is crazy, and in definitely excited for both but also a little terrified because I'm doing both alone 😵‍💫
🎧 Love Countdown by Nayeon ft. Wonstein
📚 The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li
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How to use technology to make new friends while studying
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It's a story as old as time. You enrol in a program that's in a different city, country or even continent.
Sometimes this means having to adapt to a new culture, new language and new way of life. For many, this is the first time they've been completely on their own - paying their own bills, taking care of their living space and meeting new people.
Being in a new environment means having to adapt. It's challenging because it often forces you to get out of your comfort zone and be the one that drives things forward. While setting up events and asking people out comes naturally to some, most people struggle with anxiety, fear of rejection and other obstacles.
All these troubles are doubled or tripled when you're completely new to a location, without any network to work off of. Studying or working abroad can feel extremely isolating, but it doesn't have to be.
Here's how you can leverage technology to make friends as an adult studying or living in a new city, country or continent:
1. Join Meetup groups and events
Meetup is an extremely useful app/website. You can search up events and groups in your neighbourhood or city. You can sign up to individual events, or become a group member so that you're notified whenever your group organizes an event.
Most events and groups are completely free, so you won't have to worry about any unnecessary fees.
What's more, you don't even have to be physically present to attend. If "real life" friends aren't your thing, there are also plethora of online events you can attend. This option is also great if there aren't any local groups or events that interest you.
This has been one of the main ways I've made a bunch of friends while working and studying abroad.
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2. Look into your university's student organizations on Reddit or Facebook
If you're currently studying at a university, you're basically a proverbial fisherman living on a beach.
If you're studying abroad, there are bound to be at least a few dozen, if not hundreds or thousands, of international students in your city who are just like you. They're probably also homesick and trying to fit in. They don't know anyone here either. They want to meet people like them, and make memories that will last them a lifetime, just like you.
Even if the student body of your university doesn't have that many international students, you can still find many people who share your interests and values. You can bond around things you have in common.
The easiest way to start making friends with likeminded people from your university is to look into student organizations. Most universities have at least a few. Some are sports-related, some are focused around a hobby, some are mission-driven, and others organize fun events like parties. Find one dedicated to a topic or activity that interests you, join it, and become an active member.
Try to attend as many events as you can, participate in online discourse, join the group chats and talk to people. It sounds scarier than it actually is. Remember that people who run and attend these events do it because they're passionate and want to meet other passionate people. You share the same goal. Don't be afraid to meet them and show them who you are.
How do you find out if your university has student organizations? You can search them up on Reddit or Facebook. Type something along the lines of:
{Your university} groups
{Your city} groups
{Your university} organizations
{Your university} student organizations
You can also try to find subreddits or Facebook groups for your general student body. Most universities have some social media ran by students to promote their events. Try to find them! I guarantee you that they're going to be thrilled by you wanting to join them.
3. Find websites or apps with your city's events
Most cities with medium to large populations have apps and websites dedicated to listing out events of varying sizes. These can range from bigger events like concerts and stand-up comedy nights with famous comedians to smaller events like reading clubs and canvas painting sessions over a glass of wine. These are public events, and many tend to be completely free.
You can find them fairly easily by searching up Events in {your city}. These sites tend to be pretty popular so they should be somewhere at the top of your search results page.
Even if you think your city is too small for that, or that your country isn't too techy, I highly suggest trying to find them nonetheless. You might be pleasantly surprised!
4. Join Discord groups centered around your interests
If you're a fellow Discord enjoyer, you might be a member of a few Discord servers pertaining to your hobbies, especially gaming. But you might not be very active in most. Well, now I'm going to ask you to actually talk in those groups. Become more active, talk in voice chats, join movie nights, start new events, join and play in the Minecraft server with others. I know, I know, it's not easy. But that's why you should choose one or two servers you care about the most, and really try to get to know the people there. Just make sure everyone you're talking to is comfortable (and of-age)!
If you've never used Discord before, that's okay! If none of the tips above worked for you, try creating a Discord account and joining a few servers centered around a topic or hobby you like. Discord servers are basically like a giant WhatsApp group, but a bit more organized. Most people are really nice, and you can just leave if you don't feel comfortable around some people or in particular servers.
There are two main types of Discord servers: public and private.
Public Discord servers tend to be very large and can be overwhelming sometimes, because there are loads of things happening at any given moment. But they're also much easier to find and they tend to be more active due to the large member pool. Public servers also tend to be more moderated and have a clear hierarchy of admin, moderators and other staff.
Private Discord servers are created by individuals for their friend groups. You won't find these servers online, because they're mostly based on a member inviting you. These groups tend to be smaller and have more freedom. It's easier to integrate into a smaller group like this, because everyone already knows they can trust the other members.
There are many ways to find and join Discord servers. Here's a few ideas that I've used in the past:
Browse through public servers listed on DiscordServers.com.
Go to subreddits dedicated to particular topics, and then look for Discord groups that people list. Sometimes the subreddit has an official Discord server, and sometimes you have to find them up through the search bar. Just type in "Discord" to find them.
Most YouTubers and celebrities have official and unofficial Discord servers, so look in YouTube video descriptions or online for any mention of that.
If you use Twitter, chances are that many of your mutuals are in some Discord servers already. Keep an eye on that and ask to join if they mention it.
5. Use Google Maps to find cool places
No, I'm not setting you up to get murdered haha.
Open your Google or Apple maps app and browse around your town. We usually use these apps when we know the location we want to go to already, but how about using it to find places that look interesting?
These apps have come a long way since their inception, and they're basically full-fledged search browsers now. Type in "cafe", "gaming", "coworking space", "library", "gallery", or similar places you'd like to go to but you don't know if they exist. You might be surprised.
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Idk why January has been so busy ✨
I sent off my application for a work abroad program at the start of the month and it feels like it’s just flown by since then.
On the bright side, ITS ALMOST SUPER-BOWL TIME 🧡
I’ve booked the Sunday and Monday off of work so I can watch it all, just hoping and praying Bengals make it through with ease ✨
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oneleggedflamingo · 2 years
PSA about summer jobs at finnish berry farms.
There are a bunch of berry farms that let the workers live on the farm for very cheap during the work months. My rent per night was less than 2 euros. I slept in a nice hundreds years old clean granary, the air was good and there were no mosquitos.
If the farm does it right, the living space is Ok, you have access to the laundry machine and shower room at all times, the kitchen has all the important tools and stuff and the workers toilet works. And the boss drives the workers to the grocery store at least once a week if they don't have a car or there isn't public transportation.
But I have also read about farms that are absolutely horrible to live and work in, and in general, I don't think berry farms are under proper supervision. (I read about cases were people are over worked and sleep in animal sheds without enough personal room to strech in.)
I recommend working on a berry farm during a summer once in your life because you will save and make some money and get to experience the best part of finnish summer for almost free, but try to find aggriculture students from that area so you can find out if the farm is horrible or good. Most are good but you never know. During the two summers I have had coworkers from all around the world and everyone has been nice.
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nnmarudkar · 10 months
A Dream I 'Oversea'...
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Social media has laid a red carpet to most of your problems that web around your head. Every time I go on my social media account nowadays, I see one person leaving the country. Well done. Some or the other is settling outside giving me that FOMO. Get out without speaking. SSSHHHSSSHHH! I feel too far from this and jealous people. How does this happen? Hence I scroll down faster to ignore all this intentionally. But then that story or reel pops up. I may be jinxing it entirely for you for the good and for the worse. 😄 Well that does not mean I think bad of you. Jokes apart. Please have a great life and make good out of it. Change is not just constant but it is good and so empowering. Alone is wonderful at some intervals to revisit yourself. And being alone in a different country is splendid and rejuvenating. It is amazing without an elder who has 'seen more rains' or the 'world than you'. It is amazing how you make a shift and upgrade at all levels; personality, professionally, monetarily, psychologically and atmospherically. It is one of the milestones that suggest you have grown.
I miss doing all this. I think the ship sailed, the train left and the bus drove off. But…
Dear Friend,
You must be in good health and status there. I see a lot of beautiful pictures under happy skies on green lawns, cloudy cliffs and saintly serene rivers with exotic looking food across diverse cuisine. I surely want to know the experience. Experience of visiting a new location and meeting new people from various other countries. How does your friend list look? How does it feel to be on your own? Back home people look at you with utmost respect. Everybody is proud of you. Your family, relatives, neighbours, street, city, state, country, the sky, the moon, the sun and the universe. What is your heart's expression? Is it overwhelming or relaxing?
How does it feel to stay away from home? How is it to do everything on your own? I am sure it started hand to mouth but even that had a quality of life. Absolutely not easy, I understand. But isn’t it a ‘look I achieved it’ moment at times?
It has to be a great walk on clean roads, inhaling fresh air, walking past the well mannered population and having people not look at what you are wearing. They do not spit, cough and throw things just like that. It is a beautiful strolling experience. Refreshing or depressing after the first few days? Your people are curious to talk to you ‘What is happening there, what did you make, how do you travel, how easy are you now with the new place etc,. Motivational, right?
They are glowing here with your self made attitude there. They flaunt your city’s gifts here. I know you have had a ride to choose it for them. Did they expect it from you?
Isn't it still a beautiful feeling buying them souvenir? They take pride in telling people you stay in whichever country.
Here people do not expect much from us. We are now what they want us to be and do. We are in the ‘the sad generation with happy pictures’ zone here. We struggle on wet and gross roads, footpaths just not for a walk, AQI falling to new lows as low as the billboards and hoarding about to fall on our heads and the highlight is yet we say ‘I love this city.’. Because the fact is we have nowhere to go. Which is out of no choice. ‘We’ are not all of us. But some of us who just thought one day our futures will take us across the seas and give us a better life. How big fools were we. We were meant to see people spit and walk on that mucus. Because we were not as fabulous and courageous as you. We weren’t as intelligent and sharp as you. But above all we just failed to realise our fates. How typically our fate was written and unsupportive in lifting us up. We failed to understand us.
Tell me, do you feel lonely there? Sure you might be. We are lonesome here in the crowds. You have had your moments, definitely.
Do you love cooking or have transformed into lazy bone ordering or eating junk everyday. I am so certain that you have learnt cooking and enjoy it like therapy at times.
And do not give me that nonsensical debate of ‘it's not easy’, ‘we have had to go through a lot’, ‘worked hard to reach here’ etc. We know how it must have been for you. However, the grass is always green on the other side. And amongst all the happiness there is an urge to pretend discomfort. And yeah, this city definitely does not call your heart back, which is why you are enjoying it there. So do not tell us you have hard times. The country will run for you if you are in trouble and may give you a rose and special treatment when you come back. We will not see that ever. So today living our life here is not like it was when you left the country. We trade our respect in return for sanity and money. After all, we still have to deal with dirt and indiscipline.
Does the mind feel free and decluttered? Does it have a lot of other burdens or exploring a life at once?
I suppose be thankful enough that all those toxic energies are kept away from you by fate and your will. It is a roller coaster when your critic stands right beside you. They surprisingly become your well wishers when you are away. Stay away and stay enlightened.
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juvinadelgreko · 11 months
i don’t know who needs to hear this but it is not fucking normal or ok for your boss to yell at you, especially not in public. if you’re safe and financially stable, quit that job immediately. just get away as soon as you can.
and don’t ever let anyone complain about how you do something if they aren’t willing to do it themselves. accept constructive criticism, yes, but don’t accept complaining.
and do not, DO NOT, “volunteer” for a for profit entity. no matter what they offer you in housing or tips, DO NOT. they will treat you like an employee with the benefits of a volunteer, which is to say, almost nothing.
lastly, if you take a job in a foreign country, ALWAYS have a safety net. whether it’s friends, family, money for a hotel, a backup job, whatever. don’t make yourself vulnerable in a place you don’t know.
you deserve love, safety, and respect, no matter your position.
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dgspeaks · 4 months
The Digital Nomad Guide to Being a Successful Online Tutor
Online tutoring has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its many benefits, including flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. it’s an extremely popular option for those looking to be digital nomads and work from anywhere. With the rise of technology and the internet, it has become easier than ever to connect with students all over the world and offer them personalized…
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srkshaju · 4 months
Middle Class Abbayi
মিডল ক্লাস মানুষের জন্য একটা সহজ Scope হলো ভালো জীবনের আশায় দেশ থেকে বিদেশে পারি জমানো।
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উন্নত বিশ্বে মধ্যবিত্তদের জীবনযাত্রার মান বাংলাদেশের তুলনায় অনেক উচ্চতর। গাড়ি, বাড়ি, শিক্ষা, চিকিৎসা, নিরাপত্তা ইত্যাদির ক্ষেত্রে তাদের অধিকতর সুযোগ-সুবিধা রয়েছে।
উন্নত বিশ্বে সাধারণ জীবনযাপন বাংলাদেশের মিডল ক্লাস লাইফ থেকে হাজারগুণ উন্নত।
কিন্তু সমস্যা অন্য জায়গায়! এই সমৃদ্ধ জীবনটা বেশির ভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই আপনাকে একা উপভোগ করতে হবে। আপনার বাপ-মা, ভাই-বোন দেশেই থাকবে।
বিদেশে পাড়ি জমানোর মিডল ক্লাস সেন্টিমেন্টের ফ্যামিলি ভ্যালু নিয়ে বড় হওয়া মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের সন্তানদের মধ্যে একটি অদ্ভুত মানসিক দ্বন্দ্ব দেখা দেয়।
একদিকে তারা উন্নত জীবনযাত্রার স্বপ্ন পূরণ করে, অন্যদিকে তারা পরিবার ও দেশের সাথে দূরত্বের কারণে অনুশোচনায় ভোগে।
তারা তাদের প্রিয়জনদের ছেড়ে যাওয়ার জন্য অনুশোচনা করে এবং তাদের সাথে সম্পর্ক বজায় রাখার জন্য সংগ্রাম করে।
কফিতে চুমুক দিয়ে ইন্সটাগ্রাম স্টোরি দিতে প্রথম সেকেন্ডে ভাল লাগলেও, দ্বিতীয় সেকেন্ডে মনে হবে আমার আম্মা এইখানে থাকলে ভাল হইত।
থার্ড ওয়ার্ল্ড কানট্রিতে জন্ম নেয়ার মত অভিশাপ আর হয় না। আমাদের দেশ বদলে দেয়ার মত বড়বড় হ্যাডমওলা স্বপ্ন নাই।
আমরা শুধু বাপ-মা, ভাইদের নিয়ে এক সাথে একটা সুস্থ স্বাভাবিক সাধারণ জীবন চাই।
যেখানে জীবনের পাঁচটা মৌলিক চাহিদা খুব স্বাভাবিক ভাবে ফুলফিল্ড হবে।
Is it too much to ask?
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el-capi-de-siam · 4 months
Looking to get TEFL certified? Want a change of scenery by working in another country? Use my unique link here to fill out a form and get in touch with my advisor at International TEFL Academy:#INTteflacademy
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emleelion · 5 months
The yearly return!
As per usual I have returned from my 6 months work abroad and will be posting all the stuff I made and never got a chance to post. Expect more posts for at least a month or so before I'm off travelling again.
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hostes-manager · 9 months
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​​​​​​🇰🇷ЮЖНАЯ КОРЕЯ 🇰🇷
💳ЗАРПЛАТА - Оклады от 2.000.000 вон + ставка 10.000 вон час + чаевые!
Оклад выплачивается 1 раз в месяц, ставка за рабочие часы раз в неделю.
З/п от 3.000$ в месяц
Основная обязанность, это развлечения с гостями, а именно:⠀
- Встречать гостей заведения;
- Общение с гостями, можно через переводчик;
- Петь в караоке;
- Распивать напитки, можно отказаться, но не в обиду гостю;
- Следить за напитками, создавать атмосферу праздника, играть в настольные игры;
📆График работы: с 19:00 до 05:00. 2 выходных в месяц.
🛏ПРОЖИВАНИЕ: в апартаментах бесплатно. Всё в шаговой доступности (гипермаркет, метро, клуб)
✅СРОК КОНТРАКТА: минимум 2-а месяца.
Без подводных камней ,скрытых обязанностей , обмана !
Интим, выходы и прочее строго запрещены
Прозрачные условия труда !
❗️Въезд по электронному разрешению K-ETA
Для въезда необходимо получить разрешение K-ETA (помогаем с оформлением). Разрешение выдается онлайн в течении двух суток, для граждан РФ
по K-ETA можно работать 2 месяца (с возможностью выезда и заезда ещё на 1 месяц)
💯Полное информационное сопровождение менеджера до вылета и на протяжении всего пребывания в стране
Хотите подать анкету в караоке клубы❓пишите в telegram - @hostes_manager ✔️
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careersworld · 1 year
The Advantages of Working as a Pharmacist in Qatar
Pharmacists are a crucial component of the healthcare system, playing an important role in providing patients with safe and effective drug therapy. Qatar, a rapidly developing Middle Eastern country, is a land of chances for chemists seeking a promising and satisfying career. In this article, we will look at the benefits of working as a chemist in Qatar as well as the pharmacy profession's future in the country.
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Competitive Salary and Benefits: Pharmacists in Qatar are compensated well, with tax-free income, health insurance, paid annual leave, and other perks.
High Demand for Pharmacists: Qatar's population is rising, and there is a great demand for qualified healthcare workers, particularly chemists. This indicates that there are many work prospects for chemists in the country.
Advanced Healthcare System: Qatar has an excellent healthcare system, with cutting-edge hospitals and clinics that use cutting-edge technology and equipment. This enables chemists to work in a modern and well-equipped setting while providing excellent patient care.
Cultural Diversity: Qatar is a multicultural country that welcomes people of all ethnicities and nations. Working as a chemist in Qatar allows you to interact with people from all backgrounds and learn about different cultures.
The Future of the Pharmacy Profession in Qatar
Technological Advancements: Pharmacists in Qatar should anticipate working with modern systems and technologies as technology in healthcare becomes more prevalent. This includes computerized medical records, automated dispensing systems, and tele pharmacy services..
Expansion of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Qatar is heavily investing in the development of its pharmaceutical industry, with intentions to construct a domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing business. This means that chemists will have new chances in research and development, drug safety, and quality control.
Focus on Patient-Centered Care: Qatar's healthcare system is shifting towards a more patient-centered approach, with an emphasis on personalized care and improved outcomes. This means that chemists will play a larger role in drug management and patient education, hence improving patient health and well-being.
Opportunities for Continuing Education: Qatar is committed to offering chances for continuous education and professional development to its healthcare workers. This includes training programmes, seminars, and workshops that keep chemists up to date on the most recent advances in their area.
In summary, working as a pharmacist in Qatar offers many advantages, from competitive salaries to advanced healthcare systems and a multicultural environment. Qatar's pharmacy profession is also bright, with technological advancements, a growing pharmaceutical industry, and a focus on patient-centered care. If you are a pharmacist looking for a rewarding and promising career, Qatar is a great place to consider.
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worldswin · 1 year
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advisionoverseas · 1 year
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If you are someone who is looking for international job opportunities immigration consultancy services or assistance in migrating to a foreign country look no further than our immigration consultation company, we are a team of professionals from CS and legal background who provide the best solutions to clients who are looking to migrate to Canada, Europe, United Kingdom and other countries. Our company provides a wide range of immigration services including assistance with applying for Golden Visa for Europe, helping companies or individuals to set up a business or opening a start-up and providing consultation services for individuals, who are seeking to settle and migrate abroad. We also offer study abroad consultancy in Mumbai and overseas, consultancy for job seekers who are looking for work abroad opportunities. One of the key services we provide is Canada immigration services. We understand, that Canada is a popular destination for immigrants and that it has a range of opportunities for individuals, who want to work and live in the country. Our company helps clients, to navigate the immigration law system in Canada and provides them with information on the various programs and pathways that are available to them. This includes information on the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) immigration permanent residency in Canada PR requirements and Canada PR application. We also provide assistance with obtaining an Employment Visa, Resident Visa or Immigrant Visa application for those who want to work or settle in Canada. Our team of experts, can help individuals to determine the easiest way to immigrate to Canada, from India or other countries based on their individual circumstances. Our company also provides services, for individuals who are looking to migrate to Europe or the United Kingdom. We can assist clients with obtaining a Golden Visa for Europe, which is a type of visa that allows individuals to live and work in Europe for an extended period. We can also help clients to navigate the immigration law system in the United Kingdom and provide them with information on the various visa options, that are available to them. We understand that the immigration process can be complex and overwhelming which is why we provide genuine consultancy, for abroad jobs and immigration requirements. Our team, of experts can help clients to understand the permanent residence requirements, for the countries they are interested in and guide them through the application process. We provide top immigration consultants and immigration abroad consultants to ensure that our clients have access to the best possible support and advice. Our company is committed to providing the best consultancy for foreign jobs and immigration law services. We strive to provide our clients, with accurate and up to date information on the immigration process and requirements for the countries they are interested in. We also offer visa online services to make the process as convenient and efficient as possible for our clients. If you are looking for an immigration agent or visa consultant near you, look no further than our immigration consultation company. We are dedicated to providing the best possible services to our clients and helping them to achieve their goals of migrating to a foreign country. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your immigration journey.
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medlearner00 · 1 year
Jalalabad Medical University is a reputed medical university located in Kyrgyzstan. Established in 1993, it is one of the oldest universities in the country. The university offers various courses in fields such as medicine, electronics, energy, construction, and agro-industrial complex, among others. However, it is primarily known for its medical faculty, which attracts students from different parts of the world.
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alekseigavrilov · 1 year
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