#let the bad guy get away YOLO
Fic prompt: undercover kiss set sometime at the end of s4 🙌🏻👏🏻
Could-be-canon insert between 4x19 (47 Seconds) and 4x20 (The Limey).
Was also given a word of the day (like, two months ago, sorry) which was "rough". So, here you go: two birds with one stone!
She hadn't expected it; the way he slammed her back against the wall. The force of impact caused her to bite down on his lip and she could taste the blood it drew.
She wanted to apologise, but he was unrelenting and she couldn't pull away, couldn't stop. She ran her tongue over the wound to soothe his pain and the guttural moan she incited was like a drug: instantaneously, she was hooked.
His kiss was rough and bruising, like the raw brick he had her pinned to.
His tongue as angry and forceful, as his words had been just moments ago.
What they had been fighting about, she wasn't quite sure. Everything, it seemed.
These past few days nothing was the same as it had been before and she didn't know why. She didn't understand what she had done, how she had hurt him. All she knew was that this felt an awful lot like the beginning of the end.
And that hurt.
Her skin scraped along the porous wall as he leant further into her. His knee slipped in between hers, forcing her legs to part for him; not that she would have denied him, anyway.
Better judgement was a thing of the past, doing the right thing wasn't her concern anymore.
She just wanted this closeness, this illusion that everything between them was fine.
She could lie to herself easily enough, she had been doing it for years now.
She had all but abandoned her watch, closing her eyes and shutting out the world around them - including the man they were supposed to be staking out.
But getting caught now would jeopardise their entire case - that is, after all, why they were currently making out in a seedy alleyway behind one of the city's most infamous nightclubs.
Letting their suspect slip through the cracks now would ensure they still had a case tomorrow. That's what she told herself, anyway.
It wasn't at all, not even slightly, because she couldn't focus on anything more than the taste of his mouth.
It wasn't at all, not even slightly, because the coil in her stomach was tightening with each involuntary roll of her hips against his.
It wasn't at all, not even slightly, because his touch had stolen the breath from her lungs and now she was feeling dizzy.
And weak in the knees.
And her heart was racing a million miles an hour.
Too soon, she felt his lips pulling from hers and it took everything in her not to chase them, to reclaim them with the same level of ferity he had shown.
"He's gone," Castle whispered as he stepped out from between her thighs.
The chilled night air filled the space between their bodies, making the loss of his warmth all the more cruel.
His eyes stayed fixed on the dark end of the alley, where their suspect had disappeared into the night, purposefully avoiding hers.
Her arms crossed her torso like a protective shield as she fought to catch her breath.
"Go home, Kate. There's no point in pursuing anymore."
While logic told her he was referring to their suspect; in a relationship built on the precarious foundation of subtext and innuendo, she would never be certain.
He looked at her, his eyes almost begging her not to continue.
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
It was pathetic how broken and needy she sounded, but she didn't care.
She wanted his reassurance, his promise that this wasn't over yet.
That there was still hope.
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mvltisstuff · 8 months
hi!! could you possibly do a one-shot where buck and reader are flirting during the dosed episode? like they get high and are handcuffed and are just giggling and flirting and then accidental confession or something and then the next day they’re just like “i’m pretty sure we’re dating now..” thank you so so much!! this idea just made me giggle so <33
you get me so high - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif does not belong to me
a/n: i adore this idea, thank you for sharing <3 i worked on this very sporadically, and i’m not the biggest fan of it but i hope you enjoy!
whoever brought those brownies in was an angel to y/n. yeah, a felony for sure, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t secretly enjoy it.
even though the whole station had been haunted by taylor and her team the entire day, all of the worries of the job seemed to vanish. buck wasn’t sure why, but he just saw everything different than he has before. nature called for him and he was more than excited to be at his job.
he just wanted to laugh at everything, each little girl in front of him was the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. he watched y/n from across the room, sitting on the floor and playing with a girl in a massive dress shaped like a pastry.
“where did you get this dress?” she asks, running her fingers down the satin on the side.
“my mommy bought it for me!”
“can she buy one for me?” y/n asks, turning her head to see the grown firefighter skipping over.
“y/n!” he shoots out quickly, jogging over to lean next to her on the ground.
“hi buck! will you buy me a dress like this?”
“only if you buy me one,” he smiles. “maybe we should put bobby in one.” he starts completely laughing at the thought of bobby in a pretty pink dress, with a sash and a tiara.
“what is going on- buck!” chim shouts. “can someone help us over here?”
“how are we not helping?” buck asks, leading y/n to just shrug. they glance over at eddie in the corner, looking at all the pageant girls like they have 5 heads. he almost looks fearful of them, swaying in his spot.
the next few minutes were a blur, and suddenly they were all handcuffed together against a wall. hen, eddie, buck, and y/n were all connected by their hands, being watched by athena like they misbehaved at school.
“ooh, you made him cry!” buck teases, looking at the tears streaming down eddie’s face. y/n just looks closer to athena’s face.
“you’re a hot cop, thena,” y/n speaks airily, just smiling cheekily at the officer in front of her.
“you guys are high as hell and you’re on duty.”
“what?” hen exclaims. “i didn’t smoke anything-“
“well you ate something! someone brought marijuana brownies into the station, so you’re all off work.”
the team just looks around in shock, not fully caring until y/n and buck start giggling once more. “just- just sit down against this wall, and do not move.” athena demands, walking away to deal with the other emergency in the main room.
y/n and buck sat fine against the wall, comparing hands and very lightly slapping each other on the sides. a few spouts of silence would happen for a few minutes while the group of stoners just watched the world pass in front of them.
“buck,” y/n whispers.
“what?” he asks.
“you’re really cute, like i just figured i’d let you know.”
“thanks, you’re a cutie, too,” she giggles at his words, throwing her head back against the wall as he just glances at her. normal, sober buck would’ve had a racing heart and nerves fluttering all over his body because she told him he was cute. he knows he’s not bad looking, but hearing it from her is when he truly believes it. now, he just figured why not? yolo, anyway.
“no, you’re like cute cute. like hot oiled up firefighter cute.”
“that means so much, y/n,” he says, the sly remark almost making his heart clench.
“i want you under my christmas tree.”
“well, i want you in an easter egg for me.”
“well, i want you-“
“can you just shut up?” eddie asks, still distressed about being handcuffed and drugged. “we get it, you’re into each other. and what happens when you’re not high?”
“i don’t remember talking to you,” buck teases, giving eddie a side eye but keeping his head directed towards the pretty girl next to him.
“alright,” athena comes back into sight. “let’s get you all home, maybe sleep off some of this.”
the next morning, y/n remembered every little thing she said to buck, and he remembered every little thing he said to her. they hoped maybe it was like alcohol, making them forget what they may or may not have said, but nope. it was clear as day. it didn’t feel as awkward, though. it felt easier. like a weight was off their shoulders after being weighed down for so long.
when they both arrived at work, the look from the other just told them everything they had to know. buck meant everything he said, and so did she. her eyes lightly wandered over his, and he didn’t even make her say anything. they both knew that those cookies made a great thing burst open.
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zorosleftmantit101 · 4 months
Bro wtf im alive!!
As shit from the groupchat
C/W: swearing, NSFW, mentions of suicide, general shit post stuff.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Chopper, Usopp, Ace, Sabo, buggy, Shanks, Crocodile, Doflomingo
NOTE: Schools back and its been super fucking busy + plus im hyperfixated on bulders gate and game of thrones rn
Luffy: My balls dropped insted
Zoro: Peburty
Zoro: How tf do u spell iy
Zoro: Pubesraty
Zoro: Pubes
Sanji: Valentines more like. Suicide
Buggy: Ur so wacky
Shanks: *wanking
Shanks: 109 mph dick slaming in and out of this dirty half full starbucks cup i stole from a homeless crack addict (im imagining its ur tight boy pussy asshole)
Buggy: Shanks.
Buggy: Stop.
Shanks: Erm no!
Franky: Teachers should NOT say nice things to me (i have a praise kink and daddy issues)
Nami: Bro i gotta shit so bad
Nami: Im in the car
Usopp: Oh
Nami: I am NOT shitting at school
Usopp: PUSSY
Nami: this was all a trick girls dont shit
Brook: Im so excited to drink today im actually shaking #slotmachines
Luffy: Happy Monday!
Chopper: It is NOT Monday my guy
Luffy: ... the shotgun is in my mouth
Franky: Bc l've got another day off
Franky: Should I come visit
Robin: YES
Franky: Hmmm
Franky: If I get bored I'll ride up
Robin: Then ill ride u up
Franky: What time u guys got recess and lunch
Robin: Get u preggo
Franky: SHIT
Kid: just punch the customer
Law: nah I need that shit to traumatise them, I need the customer to be rude to me and I start levitating in the air while chanting and blood pouring out my eyes
Kid: When parents let their kids order and its like "what's that fetus, your learning to speak!! Yeah well spell trombone, didn't think so faggot"
Ace: U stick ur dick in ur bum and get urself pregnant
Ace: 2024 lets make it happen
Sabo: "Emo!" So close! I'm actually wearing the skin of your mother
Crocodile: WAIT
Crocodile: NO
Doflamingo: NGHH (reverse psychologyed your ass)
Sanji: Ouchieeeeeeeeeeee my back hurtsss urghhhhh i wish their was a big sexy latina to sit on my face, only to make the pain go away of course
Nami: Guys i close the store in half an hour and im boooooredde i already finished cleaning wveryhringggg
Robin: Okok pro tip
Robin: Do u have pens?
Robin: Hand sanitizer
Robin: And paper towel
Nami: Im gonna just finger myself
Franky: That was my son 3 years ago before the incident...
Brook: Was the incident me whipping the nae nae! YOLO cash money dab on them fortniters
Franky: No
Franky: Big Foot stepped on my unborn baby
Law: If i die i wanna be reborn as an electric chair
Killer: Cheaters are dick beaters - Shakespeare probably
Sanji: You are quite literally the most cutest girl I've ever seen
Luffy: Bro my dick actully smells so fuckimg bad, it never smells bad do i have aids
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Hyung line!Straykids x Male reader
Warning: gay, probably bad grammar, Ex being a ugly bitch they is. Lino being a bit s3xual but no smut. Might be cringe?! Swearing. Yolo idk fr.
Theme: Fluff, slight-angst or well idk.
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"I know you are in here; your car is parked! Open the door; I just wanted to  talk."The ex kept on banging on the door, his voice getting more and more aggressive as the [Y/N] annoyingly sighed, as he wanted Chan to show up.
At this point, he thought about grabbing the knife from the kitchen and just threatening his ex to make things quicker, but yet again, he didn't want to go to jail, so he just kept on sitting on his couch, covering his ears as the banging continued until it finally stopped.
The reader slowly uncovers his ears, then looks at the side of the front door. He slowly walks up and out of his ears next to the front door to eavesdrop on what is happening.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I don't think it's any of your concerns, mate."
The reader quickly opens the door to see two of the men glaring at each other.
The reader quickly looks at [Y/N] with a smirk until Chan pushes him away with a loving smile, hugging the reader and giving several kisses on the cheek.
"Hello, love! I hope this man wasn't bothering you! I hope you got the movie date ready." Chan chuckles, grabbing the reader around his waist.
"What..." The ex stood there in shock, watching the two 'couples' give each other lovey-dovey eyes.
"Hey you, are you going to keep gawking or are you finally going to walk away? I'm taken." The reader comments, side-eyeing his ex as he watches him mumble a few curse words as he walks away.
They both walk back inside, shutting the door behind them.
"Thank you, Chris! I love you so much!" The reader hugs Chan, giving him hard pats in the back.
"I love you too, man. Now let's start the movie date because I brought snacks."
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Lee Know stood there confused, rereading the request over and over again, until he heard running footsteps coming towards him with a shout of "Babe" along with it.
Lee looks up to see the boy smiling, almost happy to see him, but his eyes—something about his eyes—show fear.
The boy opened his arms and gave Lee a hug. Lee was hesitant until he gave the boy a hug, then looked up again to see a stranger walking up to the two of them with anger in his face.
"[Y/N]..." The stranger stopped, then stared at the two.
"Can you stop following me, Eric? I told you I have a boyfriend... I'm not getting back with you." The reader angrily snapped at Eric, then gave a quick peck at Lee Know's cheek, making the boy flustered.
"Come on, this guy? He can't be that good." Eric scoffs, looking up and down at him.
Lee Know tsked at the man, rolling his eyes.
"He is actually, he can cook, he takes care of the cats well, which means he can easily take care of our future children, and not only that, he is even GREAT in bed, even better than you, so fuck off."
Lee Know stood there, just nodding away while his ears turned red. Eric rolls his eyes as he walks away, mumbling curse words at the reader.
The boy sighs in relief, crouching down and petting Soonie.
"So, I'm good in bed, huh?"
The reader side-eyes the man as he smacks Lee Know's knee, clearly embarrassed.
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"Yeah, my boyfriend's going to show up and beat ya ass, that's for sure, Shawn." The reader angrily said this to Shawn, his ex, sounding confident.
"I bet your so-called new boyfriend of yours is scrawny; he can't beat me. Look at me!" Shawn flexes his muscles, his muscle meat showing a bit, but it wasn't as big as Changbin.
"Uh huh, you bet on it?"
Shawn nods, taking out his wallet. "I bet your boyfriend isn't even strong enough to beat me up; you're just bluffing. I bet 200 bucks."
The reader nodded, smirking. He looks around to see if Changbin has shown up. He sees a curly black-haired man wearing a black T-shirt, almost fighting for his life through his big muscles.
"BABE! OVER HERE!" The reader shouted, grabbing half of the people's attention, along with Changbin and Shawn, who stood there in shock.
"Hello, babe! So, this is the ex you were talking about." Changbin stared at Shawn, wrapping his arms around the reader's neck.
"Yeah, so, Shawn, about that bet..."
Shawn still stood there, silently staring at Changbin and looking at his buff body.
"What bet are we talking about?" Changbin whispers to the reader. "You beat the sh*t out of him." The reader replies as Changbin stands there in shock.
"Yeah, the bet... here, please don't beat me up, sir." Shawn tosses the 200 bucks to him as he runs away.
The reader grabs the money and smiles, giving Changbin a quick peck in the cheek. "Thank you, babe."
"Uhhh, yeah, sure." Changbin giggles.
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"Alright, Damien, I don't know who told you to have the audacity to sit in front of me; I told you several times that the seat was taken." The reader grumbles, impatiently tapping the table.
"Well, that person isn't here, so technically, it doesn't matter. You know me; I scare people away, so it won't matter, just like I said." Damien smirks, acting cocky.
"Damn, you're still in that damn bad boy phase, just like in high school." The reader sighs, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
"Because I am a bad boy, people love bad boys just like you like me." The reader kept on looking down, tapping aggressively on the table even more, until...
"What this about my love liking bad boys?" The reader quickly looked up, giving Hyunjin a big smile.
Damien looks up to see Hyunjin staring directly down at him. "And not only that, you in my seat, bad boy." Hyunjin side-eyes the man, gripping his shirt.
"Yeah, get your ass off. My boyfriend is here."
Damien scoffs as he gets up and glares at Hyunjin. "Thanks, bad boy." He smirked as he sat himself down.
"I do hope this CREEP wasn't bothering you, love." Hyunjin says it out loud for all the people to hear, leaving Damien feeling embarrassed and having all eyes on him.
Damien walks away, running off.
"No, for real, though, are you into those types of men?" The reader rolls his eyes, chuckling a bit.
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ranchthoughts · 8 months
Moments of ephemerality/permanence/YOLO/photography/voyeurism/control/accountability etc. in Only Friends ep. 8
of course, where we've been so far
there's been a lot of good meta on many of the topics below over this weekend but I'm not going to link them here - they will of course be in the weekly meta round-ups I make on Fridays
Ownership and control
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Over and over this episode we had characters saying what they thought characters should do with their life - mostly Cheum and Top worried about Mew, but also of course Ray with Sand. However, we also had characters push back against the idea that people were owed an opinion or control over other people's choices - April tells Cheum that just because she is Mew's friend doesn't mean she has control over his life, Mew tells Top that his soberness is not Top's concern nor purview, especially given they aren't even together.
Other examples:
Dan, Nick's boss, texting him to say "don't get too drunk"
Ray telling Sand "You like me, you love me, you can't walk away from me. You're mine no matter what," Ray not allowing Sand to kiss or flirt with other people despite the fact that he is dating Mew
Boston hesitating to spend time with/hook up with Atom because Cheum doesn't approve
Boundary pushing and crossing
In the same vein: times boundaries/lines were pushed or crossed this episode:
Speaking about Mew to Sand, Ray says "at least he let me cross the friend zone line" (brings to mind the distinctions Sand tried to draw between fwb, friends, and partners)
Sand didn't reply to Ray's messages so Ray finds him at the university
Ray doesn't take Sand's no for an answer when he's trying to get Sand to join him in his community service
The job Dan offers to Nick involves a lot of overtime, and Dan is definitely interested in Nick as more than a (subordinate) coworker, he also texts Nick at the party telling him not to drink too much
Nick was blocked by Boston but he shows up to the party to talk to him
Sand and Nick made a pact to move on but they have broken their own promise by being at the party
Ray interrupting Sand's moment with the other Freddie Mercury guy at the party, asking if Sand slept with him, Ray inserting himself into the conversation and proposing a threesome
Ray kissing Sand without consent
Top undressing Mew after the party then climbing into bed to cuddle him while he sleeps
Boston taking Atom home even though he knows Cheum will be mad
Boundary setting
A few instances of, for lack of a better word, "boundary setting" I wanted to note too:
April reminding Cheum that Mew is a grown adult who can make his own decisions
Sand pushes back against Ray quite a bit this episode - e.g. telling him to leave him alone, refusing to go do Ray's community service with him (though he did seem to be worn down a bit at the end of that conversation, etc.)
Boston shuts down Nick when he approaches him at the party and rejects the idea that Nick is blameless/hasn't done bad things as well
Mew refuses to kiss Ray in private (which of course sets up the incredible moment of Mew kissing Ray in front of everyone to make Top jealous)
Mew repeatedly affirming it is his choice to do what he wants and other people are not involved/should not have opinions on what he chooses to do
I also noticed "freedom" mentioned a couple of times this episode this episode:
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Boston tells Atom a relationship needs trust and freedom
Mew says he has more freedom without Top in his life
And you could contrast this with the above times people were controlled/people tried to control other people (e.g. Top and Cheum getting involved in Mew's life, Ray stopping Sand from kissing others, etc.).
Accountability and responsibility
Continuing on our discussion of accountability and responsibility of the last two weeks:
Top says he doesn't want Mew to "mess up his whole life because of me" - he envisions Mew's recent lifestyle changes to have lasting consequences
Ray seems quite chill when talking about the community service he has to do (his main concern seems to be that it is boring), and he does drugs at the party despite that being risky given he was just arrested for drunk driving
Sand says he accompanied Nick to the party because he feels bad for how he hurt Nick
Cheum lays into Ray for doing drugs at the party; he tells her to "loosen up" and she tells him to "learn some responsibility" and reminds him multiple times that he is bound to get jail time if caught with drugs right after his other arrest
the friend group getting in trouble/visited by the cops because their party is too loud and they didn't file for permission for it
After @waitmyturtles comments last week I was very attuned to any mention of boredom in this week's episode
Ray says the community service he has to do is boring
Mew says he is bored of himself, he thinks he is too plain (and this is why he is trying out a new lifestyle)
Ephemerality vs. permanence
Just a couple of the things I noticed this episode that didn't fit anywhere else in this write up:
Yo and Plug breaking up, Yo unable to commit to the relationship in the way that Plug wanted because she has been let down so much in the past (relationships have not lasted, people have not stuck around) - scared and saddened by the ephemerality of life she deliberately chooses ephemerality now to save herself heartache
Boston staring at a picture of him and Nick on the dock - permanent record of their time together, despite Boston saying he doesn't like photos taken of himself with partners, we saw this photo meant something to Nick too (he excitedly showed it off to Sand)
hi ephemerality squad: @chickenstrangers, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @distant-screaming, @lurkingshan, @neuroticbookworm, @rocketturtle4, @slayerkitty, @thatgirl4815, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles, @wen-kexing-apologist
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thisloveislikeabattle · 9 months
for no reason whatsoever my brain immediately assumed that the halloween party would happen towards the end of episode 8, or at least in the second half
the police arriving at the party and the problem with the drugs, along with all the theories about who called the cops and if anybody's gonna be arrested, feels to me like an end-of-episode moment. classic cliffhanger, right?
and maybe that's really how things are gonna happen but maybe not, because I noticed that some scenes in the preview for next ep can only make sense if we consider them happening after the party
that's way I have a little theory based on that:
1. this specific topmew scene
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we can see them in their university clothes (idk how to call them, is there a better term?), in what kinda looks like a bathroom to me but that's not really important, so maybe they meet after class? I'm focusing on this because top's sentence leads me to believe this is after we get to actually see mew's bad state at the party
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2. the nick and papang interaction
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we don't know yet if nick's scenes with papang are actually related to nick's plan to earn boston's forgiveness, that's what the preview makes me think but the only friends previews have always been pretty deciveing on purpose. what really matters to me anyway is the shirt nick is wearing in that second scene tho, and the assumption that it also takes place after the party
3. sand starts to take some distance from ray
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after the raymew dance scene, and the talk with ray outside yolo, we can see that sand is actually starting to walk away from ray– he's finally setting some boundaries, not letting ray walk all over him. those two scenes, both taking place at night, are the only sandray scenes we are shown– sand and ray are the only ones that don't have a daytime scene in the preview
now to my final theory, after considering all the above (and in case you're wondering, yes, the previous ones were points to give my main theory context and recipes) :
that sandray scene from the series' trailer
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if the halloween party happens relatively early in the episode, and if the scenes we see of the guys in university are after that, we could finally have this 0:02 seconds scene from the trailer in our hands.
it all makes sense to me: ray showing how selfish and possessive he truly is as soon as he notices sand getting away, not caring at all about how he's been hurting him all this time– and we can see that from sand's expression.
also thinking about sand being like "we cannot be friends we were never friends" / "fuck it I'm gonna kiss this guy just because he's also dressed as freddie mercury" / "i'm not one of your options ray", at which point ray could start to realize sand really means it and be like "you're not going anywhere".
now, I don't know if anyone else had the same initial thought as me or if from the start it was pretty clear to everybody that some scenes are supposed to happen post-party– that wasn't my case tho so i wanted to share it even if in the end I might be totally wrong
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silviakundera · 4 months
Manner of Death ep 2-3 rewatch
Everyone in this fucked up lil town is suspicious. Twin Peaks vibes continue.
Local detective is like, no problem dude. You had a personal relationship with the decreased but you can still handle the autopsy. I trust your professionalism. oh if only he knew that Bun just accidentally? on purpose? reframed the story of last night to Hot Stranger Tan arguing with Jane, who had a mark on her. Leaving out the part where Tan was clearly whaling on Bun's Old Friend because he'd done something not-good to Jane. We already see that Bun has like -100 in objectivity and good judgement lmao.
This will bode well for his love life.
I remain confused why Tan is stepping in to teach a class of students?? Does he really do a teaching side job?? idk this whole drama is a fever dream. I'm not gonna worry about it.
Love how early episodes Tan's entire modus operandi is to protect good doctor Bun by... warning him off in the most smugly menacing way possible.
Bun: "everyone is suspicious"
me: ok yeah that's true
Bun: "but you are more suspicious than others"
me: ... i want to, and yet can't argue with that
It's not clear to me still, and this is a rewatch, if the whole, 'have Bun repeatedly attacked to terrify him into dropping the case' thing was Tan's idea & execution vs following orders from his brother. Either way it's nuts that Bun later just brushes that off, but that's why this is weirdo4weirdo.
Ep 3
It's like I can SEE Bun's thought process now. Which is both social darwin's law dumb but ALSO thirsty-guy understandable.
Tan is his best suspect for the murder & absolutely sketchy but also the hot guy he kissed when drunk & was kissed back. Now Tan keeps showing up and giving major sexy vibes and major I'm-involved-in-this-case vibes. Maybe he's the killer. Which would be bad. Bun will probably get murdered. But maybe he's not! In which case, Bun completely turning away his advances and not allowing himself to be pursued could mean hot guy loses interest. Bun is thinking with his dick but in his defense, hot guy keeps showing up and doing wild shit like telling him his hands smell good, and bringing him a cute Get Well Soon cactus, insisting on driving him home from the hospital, and beating up a trespassing thug.
Do I let him stay the night?
Con: he might be the person actually threatening me
Pro: he might just really be into me
(spoiler: he's both! 😭😂😭😂)
I honestly have such profound admiration for Tan's audacity here as he gaslights this man into moving into his home to be safe from the night terrors & insomnia he caused.
Though I'd completely forgotten that the whole "we can share the bed" part WAS BUN.
I mean, I guess if you are going to risk your life for that fine face then might as well. YOLO
This is like 2 dick-drunk dumbasses upping each other in shameless Lock It Down manoeuvres while cosplaying as just your average reasonable and well-socialized locals, throw together by true-crime circumstance.
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matchacowbee · 2 years
this is my first tickle fic so 😭 I hope you like lol im actually so scared posting but yolo
ddlc | sfw | platonic tickles |
nat x yuri
lee natsuki💗ler yuri💜
Natsuki had a rough evening. Having to deal with her father get angry with her for the kitchen being a mess again, she spent her Friday afternoon cleaning. All she wanted to do was to read some manga and be away from all the chaos in her home for once. As she finished her chores, she felt exhausted and trudged upstairs to her room. Although she felt tired, it was a Friday night, and she had her own free time. Besides, her dad was usually out all weekend and didn’t pay much attention to her. Natsuki took the opportunity to ask her friends to hang out. She takes out her phone and opens to the group chat with sayori, monika, and yuri.
nat- hey guys is anyone free to hang out tonight!?
sayori- sorry!! me and my family are out for dinner ;(
monika- I’m afraid I’m busy too, I need to finish some things for the club 😅
nat- boooo 😒 what a bummer
Natsuki stared at her phone for a bit before flopping down on her bed. She missed her friends, they were her safe haven. her phone vibrates as she gets a new message. It reads from Yuri.
yuri- I’m free :-)
Natsuki takes a look at the text with a little ounce of guilt. It was hard hanging out with Yuri sometimes, as they were polar opposite’s. Natsuki felt kind of awkward around her. Even during club, they rarely discussed poems with eachother first. but over time they had both adjusted to eachother. Natsuki responds
nat- yayy!! can I bring my manga over ? in the mood 2 read 🥲
yuri- of course
Natsuki gets up excitedly and begins to change out of her school clothes. As she slips into more comfortable clothing, she tries to recall the last time she had gone over to Yuris house. It had been a while since they had both had some one on one time.
Natsuki makes it over to Yuris house carrying her box of manga with her. As she approaches Yuris front door, she’s soon greeted by the taller girl. Yuri smiles and let’s her in.
They enter yuris bedroom and natsuki hops onto Yuris bed. She lies down and sinks into the soft bedding. Yuri looks at her friend and stifles a small laugh. She then glances at the box of manga Natsuki set on the floor. She bends down to observe what the series was called. Natsuki jolts up and rushes over to her box. “H-hey!! Don’t look!” She grabs the box and holds it tight to her chest.
Yuri looks at her with a dejected face. “Oh.. I’m sorry, I was just-“
Natsuki interrupts her..“You wouldn’t like this kind of genre, so yeah”
Natsuki takes her box, places it at the end of the bed and picks out one of the novels. She then props herself on yuris bed, turned away from her and begins to silently read. Although Natsuki was being a bit harsh on her, Yuri was used to this type of behavior by now. Natsuki would often act this way around the other girls, especially after being teased or joked around with.
Yuri slowly walked up closer to her trying to get a glimpse of her book. She peered behind Natsuki, observing what kind of manga she had brought, since she was too flustered to show her. it seemed like another series about baking, which suited her personality well. As Yuri moved in closer, Natsuki began to turn red as Yuri was right in the crook of her neck, casually reading her manga with her.
“gosh Yuri, if you wanted to read with me so bad you should’ve just asked”
Yuri comes out of her focused gaze on the book and looks at Natsuki with a nervous smile. She adjusts herself and takes a step away from Natsuki.
“well you seemed embarrassed to show me, but I just wanted to see. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable”
Natsuki face turns a light pink, as she looked at Yuri. She shouldn’t have been so harsh, after all, Yuri did invite her over and let her read manga in her room. No need to have her defenses on here.
Natsuki pats the spot next to her, “Here, come sit with me. We can read together…. If you want to”
Her eyes lock with Yuris and then looks away bashfully. Yuri smiles and walks over to her bed and takes a seat next to the small girl.
Natsuki inches closer as she held the book wide enough for both of them to see. she glanced over at Yuri for a moment. Yuri was already focused on her book, her eyes locked on the page as they scanned the pictures and text. Even for enjoying horror and dark novels, Yuri was just as much a reader for other genre’s, even if it wasn’t her thing.
They sit for a while and read together. Natsuki enjoyed her time, feeling replenished from her tiring afternoon. She closed her eyes for a moment and smiled to herself. Soon enough, she drifts off to sleep and her head lands on Yuris shoulder. Yuri becomes startled and comes out of her reading trance. She looks down at Natsuki, who was quietly snoring on her shoulder. The book slowly slipped from her grip and landed in front of her.
“u-um Natsuki?”
She peers at her. It was a nice moment, a peaceful one at that. Although Natsuki would often hate when the other girls called her cute, there was no doubt that she indeed was. Her soft snoring and small figure was no help against her argument. Yuri placed the book on her bedside table and gently shook Natsuki to try to get her to wake up.
Natsuki stirred a bit in her sleep and slowly woke up. She felt a little drowsy and looked around.
“Sorry I guess I was pretty tired, I’ve been cleaning all afternoon…”
Yuri gives her a warm smile
“That’s okay, no need to be sorry”
“I didn’t snore or anything did I?” Natsuki asks
“oh, well you did actually, but it was kind of cute”
Natsuki turns away from yuri embarrassed. Yuri giggles and reassures her, “Don’t be embarrassed! You’re just a little tired that’s all”
Natsuki puts her hands on her face. Yuri notices her ears turning red.
“um do you want to continue reading?” Yuri asks
Natsuki is quiet for a moment and lifts her head up, but still looking away from Yuri.
“Sorry if I’ve been a little mean today. I think I am just a little on edge from being around my dad so much…. I really appreciate you inviting me over”
Yuri smiles and moves closer to her, and gave her a gentle embrace from the back. “It’s okay, I’m glad you’re here” Yuri replied
Natsuki accepts Yuris hug, and her face flushed a light pink. They had never been close like this before. She felt bad about being mean to her before and she felt a bit of remorse. Then suddenly, Yuri gave natsuki a quick squeeze on her sides. Natsuki flinched and whipped her head around to look at Yuri.
“H-hey! What was that for?”
“oh, um I was trying to cheer you up, you seem a little upset”
“well don’t do that….it tickles” Natsuki mutters.
Natsukis face grew a shade of deep red. Yuri stared at her for a moment with big eyes.
“You’re ticklish? You don’t seem the type. Since you act all tough”
Yuri then takes natsuki in her hold and gave her gentle pokes along her sides, catching Natsuki off guard.
“ah! hold on Yuri, don’t!!”
Natsuki let out a fit of giggles and squirmed in yuris grip, defenseless against her hands. Yuri spidered her fingertips along Natsukis ribs and sides. The small girl jerked around trying to escape. Her laughter was sweet and squeaky and each new place Yuri had explored, gained her a squeal from Natsuki.
“ahaha Yuri stopp!!” Natsuki pleaded. Unable to control her balance, she fell into Yuris lap. She continued to squirm as Yuri tickled her stomach. Yuri slowly brought her hands underneath natsukis sweater and traced little circles on her soft skin with her nails. Natsuki let out a high pitched squeal and exploded in laughter. Yuri looked down at the smaller girl fighting against her touch.
“Aww you really are cute”
Natsuki was laughing too much to try and argue about being called cute. Her face was all red and her hair messy.
Yuri blushed at the sight. She began to slow down her touch and removed her hands from underneath her top. It was fun, but Yuri didn’t want to overwhelm her friend. Natsuki started to steady her breathing and propped herself back up. She glared at Yuri, who wore an amused face. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive” Yuri says
Natsuki blushes and averts her eyes from Yuris “Please don’t tell the other girls, I don’t want them to tease me more”
“I promise”
Natsuki yawns and looks up at Yuri.
“Is it all right if I sleep here tonight? I don’t really want to go back home.”
Yuri nods and gives her a warm smile.
“Of course, you must be tired after all that squirming” Yuri teased.
Natsuki stares at yuri with an embarrassed face and then bashfully looks away. She thinks to herself, maybe it’s not so bad hanging out with Yuri after all.
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jedimaesteryoda · 3 months
tw://violence, sexual violence
Knowing who I'm about to talk about, that trigger warning is earned. Among all the (many) villains in Berserk, the one that always freaked me out the most was Wyald, the second apostle Guts met in the Golden Age arc.
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Wyald's the kind of guy you can tell there's something not quite right with just by looking at him with a simian appearance and an unsettling smile. His apostle form is giant ape-like being with his upper torso on top, and an eye in the middle and one on each shoulder. And you know it's bad when his apostle form has a spiked phallus that makes me shudder to think of the women he may have used it on.
On a side not, it was so satisfying to see Guts emasculate him with his sword.
In terms of stats, he is superhumanly strong being able to punch a boulder to pieces, crush a guy's skull with two fingers and knock down a tree. Though in terms of weight class, he's not the most powerful apostle compared to the likes of Zodd and Grunbeld who could easily kick his ass (proven when Zodd dispatches him) with their more powerful apostle forms. And, let's be honest, even if Wyald was in his demon form and they in their human forms, they would still kick his ass given they're talented warriors in their own right having honed their skills whereas Wyald movements are noted to be sloppy with no technique. He is a classic brute who's all power and no skill. It's seen in the way his weapon of choice is a log, and his men easily being routed by the Band of the Hawk. Hence, why a pre-Dragonslayer Guts was able to defeat Wyald using his intelligence and outsmarting him.
He's also quite arrogant to the point that he recklessly charges straight ahead for the Hawk in spite of the clear risk. That may by due to the fact that he knows he is immortal and can heal from almost any wound as well as use his superhuman strength. His overconfidence proves to be his undoing.
He is the leader of the Black Dog knights, Midland's army made up of criminals who garnered the worst reputation. Under his leadership, they had a long list of war crimes, deliberately targeting civilians. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't uncommon in the Middle Ages as well as in Berserk's setting for armies to target the local populace, but Wyald takes it to another level of brutality as shown with the village where they raped and murdered the women, killed the men and threw kids into a fire and used their dismembered body parts as standards.
If you haven't already guessed by now, what really made him scary is that while not as strong as the aforementioned Nosferatu Zodd or Grunbeld, they at least have standards and you know the worst they'll give you is a quick death. Wyald on the other hand, might mutilate and/or rape you. Wyald is exactly what you'd fear most from an apostle: a sadistic, raping, brutish and heartless psychopath who is a monster in every sense of the term. He has zero restraint to the point he even kills his own men for routing or even advising caution. He even tries to rape Casca in his apostle form in the middle of a fight.
"That's the problem with grown-ups." *Crushes subordinate commander's skull with two fingers* "If you start talking about living or dying, you end up wasting your life away."
He approaches war with a libertine attitude with the motto "to enjoy and excite" or basically YOLO which sounds fun until you learn his idea of enjoyment and excitement is rape and slaughter. He even approaches it with a casual attitude, referring to people who exercise caution as "grown-ups" as if he is a kid complaining. He is over a century old, and he is at the same time both old and child-like. His words end up making more sense when you see his actual human form when he dies:
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By the time his behelit activated, he was already an old man who had lived an insignificant life and for much of it, played it safe. Likely plenty of people as they get older, he was filled with regrets and wished he could be young again, and do the things he wished he had done. He got his wish in the form of a behelit and became an apostle. Being forever young with superhuman strength and healing, he could finally ingratiate his id without fear of any consequences.
But eventually karma caught up with him. He died a gruesome death at the hands of another apostle as a result of his actions stemming from being hypocritically worried about dying. As he told Zodd, he was told "Do as thou wilt" to which Zodd replied "Then, I shall do as I will," and dispatched him. For the first and final time, he faced the consequences of his actions and paid for it.
Wyald died not even being a climactic villain but a fake climax of the Golden Age arc. He didn't even deserve the top tier. He served to satisfy readers only with his justly deserved death.
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pocket-lyricbook · 1 year
Villain, Teniwoha - English Translyrics
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(Written November 8th, 2022)
  All these people maybe start to hate us, when we’re holding hands
Drop out of the race and now you’re a problem, reported just as they planned
Mutant, that’s a lie, I’m only living my true life
Whether I say X or I say Y
  The stubborn people that I see, watch our lives in black and white
They’re so quick to accuse, like a flame to a fuse, say that I’m infringing on you
  Mr. Crazy, Villain, Villain,
Nocturnal petals wait for dark ‘till they bloom
I try a whole new look and workshop the things I do, so I can look like a boy for you
  Dear sirs, Dr. Duran Duran, 
Please come pick me up, I’ve ran out of luck
Perception that won’t budge, these strangers have got me stuck,
To people I don’t know, Villain.
  Villain, villain,
Villain, villain,
Villain, villain, villain, 
  The life that you hate, life that I hate
Watch as it all becomes inflamed
  Nature’s deviant so, I keep my sex secret, nobody needs to care
Man or women, don’t you know two stamen, won’t get you anywhere?
Do you know, I’ve told you, I’ve told you, that guy Ranpo, import you, import you
Someday, he claimed, man made plants will bear their own fruit too
  Hey, you don’t have to be so scared; there’s many genders out there
Let’s talk, loving and sad, things are good ‘till they’re bad, when you’re there you can grow a new pair
  Mr. Crazy, Villain, Villain,
Possibilities, I pray for your peace
My heart’s not much to see, it’s one bedroom-sized at least, can you let me have some jealousy? 
  Hi there, I swear, YOLO, YOLO
I need a little love, can you give it up?
Nobody has to know, if I don’t want them to know
The me I intend to grow
  I made this song for all of the fallen villains, proof that love can win
Act the part ‘till I’m sick, be the people that I’ve never been
You know, they say, the crueler a town proclaims, the brighter the side they hide away
I’m dancing on all ads you turn your nose up, call that a pop font love.
  Oh! Mr. Crazy, Villain, Villain,
Nocturnal petals wait for dark ‘till they bloom
I try a whole new look and workshop the things I do, so I can look like a boy for you
  Dear sirs, Dr. Duran Duran, 
Now I’ve shown up!
Perception that won’t budge, these strangers have got me stuck,
To people I don’t know, Villain.
  Villain, villain,
Villain, villain,
Villain, villain, villain, 
  The life that you hate, life that I hate
Watch as it all becomes inflamed
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wrencatte · 1 year
the (hopefully) humorous beginning to what will eventually fill a bad things happen bingo square. the holidays (and the work load they bring) is really taking all my (creative) energy
He holds up a finger – one second – and peers through the scope. With a quiet, steady exhale, he pulls the trigger and – pop! smack! Vicious swearing drifts up towards his perch and he smirks triumphantly. Deeming it safe, he slides the safety on and flops over to give his brother a winning smile.
“Dickiebird, how lovely it is to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Dick raises an unamused eyebrow. “Did you just shoot Tim?”
“You have no proof.” Branches cracking in the distance has him rolling his eyes. “You know, for little birdies, y’all suck at rural everything.”
He finally gets a huff of amusement, Dick’s lips quirking into a half smile. “That’s why we’re out here, Jay.”
“Yeah, well, no amount of capture the flag is gonna save your sorry asses when push comes to shove,” Jason retorts.
He’s already turning back to his stomach, peeking through the scope for movement. Their urban stealth lessons do jack shit out here in the woods between Bristol residences and the county line. He hears every snapped stick, every rustle of branches. He’s gotten Tim four times, and Damian only twice due to his training with the League.
It helps, though, that they weren’t expecting him to come to this shindig with a sniper rifle full of paint pellets. He grins when he spots the flash of Tim’s dark red hoodie. It widens when it disappears as quickly as it came and isn’t seen again. Good, they’re finally learning.
“Still think we should’ve gone somewhere actually rural,” Stephanie mutters.
Jason follows a trail of dark green as Damian almost-expertly weaves between trees. He’s getting closer to where Tim disappeared, and he grins in anticipation for that fallout. The brats have been getting along a lot better lately now that they realized they had more things in common than just Robin. It’s been an eye opener to see the kinda shit the two of them get into when they put their heads together – and he and Dick are usually the unlucky victims of it.
But right now, they’re tired, covered in paint, and getting sniped from an unknown position. Tensions are running high. And it’s ripe for an epic fight. If someone doesn’t come out of here with blood on their knuckles, he’s gonna be real fucking surprised.
“Well, we would’ve if someone didn’t shout YOLO and fuck off a building,” Jason says, finger hovering just off the trigger. Dick fails to cover his laugh. Steph groans audibly. “How the fuck are you on this comm line anyway? Go away.”
“Babs,” because of course. “Don’t get shot!”
“I’m the one doing the shooting here.”
“Don’t get shot by hunters, you asshole. I prefer you guys without bullet holes, ‘kay?”
Jason rolls his eyes; hopes she can hear it in his voice. “Spoken like a true East Ender, Blondie. There’s no huntin’ in Bristol. Nothin’ to hunt.”
“Oh, you’re so knowledgeable, mister Got-Adopted-by-the-Richest-Man-in-America,” Steph mocks. Jason scowls. “Don’t come crying to me when a hunter mistakes your skinny ass for a deer.”
“My ass ain’t skinny!” Jason snaps – then swears when there’s an audible click of her disconnecting from the network. “New rule, no blondes allowed in the manor,” he tells Dick. Bruce would like that rule – keeps Oliver out. Too bad Barry’s included.
Dick laughs again. “I take it Steph is being a menace?”
“As fuckin’ usual.”
Jason pauses – lets that comment sink in then –
He throws himself to his feet just as Damian and Tim burst out from the bushes and part around a smug Dick like it’s a practice maneuver. Which, considering, it probably is.  
Jason ducks under Tim, bends in half to avoid Damian. He slides out his back-up from behind his back and – holds it against Dick’s temple, his feet braced apart, arm extended outward. It’s a bad position, someone can easily sweep one of his legs from under him or jab his inner elbow to unlock it, but everyone freezes either way.
“You’re such an asshole!” Jason spits. Tim laughs – and, aw shit, he’s inching towards Jason’s abandoned rifle.
Dick smirks. “Takes one to know one!” he says brightly. His arms are casually crossed, his body set loosely. Completely unconcerned. Like a fucking asshole. “I can’t believe it took you so long to notice.”
“Did you set Steph on that?” he demands. Dick shakes his head. Jason’s frown turns murderous. He might become an only child real soon. “This is against the rules.”
“Oh, and bringing a sniper rifle isn’t?” Damian says hotly, even as he carefully sidesteps in front of Tim to hide what he’s doing. “We agreed no weapons.”
“You agreed no weapons. I didn’t agree to shit.”
“That’s now how that works!”
The rules being that they have comms so Babs can call score, but no one is able to communicate with each other. Only Dick, Damian, and Tim have been talking. Dick hunted down Jason and gave away his position on purpose. Steph broke her arm YOLO’ing (which is an exaggeration of what she actually did, she hurt it on patrol) which is why she’s not there and why they decided to do it in Bristol (the real training will come when she’s healed). Her butting in actually ruined Dick-Tim-Damian’s ambush by giving away the comm thing too early.
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gaymerasmus · 11 months
Hello! May I request a romantic match up?
Appearance: nonbinary, 5'8, straight black hair (dyed) to my shoulders, pale, square body, big natural eye bags, beauty mark on side of chin, bad posture, skinny but with some muscle, and I got big round eyes and a long nose (I'm also a big mixing bags of dark styles but mostly emo, metalhead and corp goth)
Intrests: comics, zombies, horror, superheros, plants, books, video games, fashion, music, my pet bird, learning, morbid stuff, metal, collecting, creating (sewing, painting, dancing ect.), animals, gore, running, working out, and just anything I can do to not be bored YOLO
Personality: anxiety, ADHD,witty, sarcastic, curious, supportive, go get it sort of person, confident but insecure about my looks as a non binary person, impulsive, persuasive, passionate, blunt,logical but also emotional, creative, oldest to sec oldest of 5, chill dad or uncle basically,traumatized (PTSD) , smart, eccentric, ditzy, and it kinda just depends who I'm around because I change a little depending on who I hang out with I'm easily effected by others ( I may become more aggressive with someone or get a habit from them on accident)
I also tend to push people away sometimes, my ideal date is going to a amusement park or exploring, my ideal type is just someone interesting, supportive and at least a little bit honest! (They also have to be prepared for lots of emotional baggage to show at some point but I deal with it like a caring champ)
Hope you like it :) you've been paired with
Pyro C8
Omg everything about you makes them SO excited! They think your looks and your personality reflect each other very well. They love hanging out with you and doing all different kinds of creative things.
You guys definitely end up in some kind of arts and crafts hijinks. Probably at the expense of Spy's designer suits, but Pyro swears it looks better that way.
Pyro is extremely physical, so I hope you like cuddling and holding hands and kisses and hugs and kisses and maybe getting your butt pinched sometimes and kisses and
You bring out their sweet the same way they bring out your silly. They can't help but love you when you're next to them smiling and covered in miscellaneous glitter and/or bloody bits.
Did I say bloody bits? Sorry, I meant hacked body parts of anyone who dare stand in your and Pyro's way. If you were up for it, they'd love to give you an "up close and personal" view of what their day-to-day killing spree looks like.
They may or may not find the idea romantic tbh. Serious power couple vibes going on with this one.
I'm not sure if it's "official canon" bla bla bla but I think Pyro is nonbinary as well, and what better support system could you have than one with first hand experience?
Seriously though, they love helping you come out of your shell! They adore the thought of dressing you up in different dark styles (and adding a little pink bow if you let it happen).
And you just know they'd be so damn supportive when you get insecure. Always a sweetheart, they'd give you whatever you need to make you feel good about yourself.
They might be a little confused if you push them away, but Pyro has never been one to hold grudges with people they care about. Patience is a virtue you wouldn't expect them to have mastered, and yet they let you explain what's upsetting you before helping you out.
To summarize, Pyro really is just a lovely partner and would be super supportive and caring :) your personalities build off each other super well, which gives you a great dynamic! Also Pyro mask kisses. Muah.
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Angel (lrh)
warning: language, violence, mature content
note: starting a new project. hope you guys like this as much as i do
Luke had never been so sweaty in his life. Los Angeles, winter, 2016, and salty liquid pooled in the crevices of his skin. He was feeling sticky and over all gross, at least he would be feeling so, had he been sober enough to care about such a thing. If he thought about it, really thought, he could probably trace back his drunken stupor to one drink, the first of many that started all of this, but he had not the time nor the mind to do so.
Him and his band finished a set at a smaller venue, somewhat underground, one of a few shows before a hiatus of band activity. Which sort of meant, in this case, a few more nights of being young and stupid before going about his newly found adult life, and he intended to make the most of it, even if the night ended in getting his stomach pumped in the ER.
“You okay mate?” Ashton’s face seemed close enough to breathe on Luke, yet far enough away for his voice to sound distant. The room was spinning a bit, then a little bit more, then Luke made the wise decision to sit down, letting himself fall back blindly, and luckily, collapsing onto a couch backstage. The stupid itchy beige pattern on it made his skin crawl and bile rise in his throat so he sat back up as the room promptly returned to normal. He dug his fingers into his weary eyes and got up again.
“Hey, you wanna go to a party with me and Ash tonight?” Michael entered the room reading something on his phone.
Luke nodded, though he knew it obviously was a bad choice to make, seeing how wasted he already was. You only live once, YOLO, or whatever young people say nowadays, he should know anyway, he was only 20.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” he grumbled and his legs threatened to collapse beneath him, but he found the strength to crawl into the back of Michael’s brand new SUV. A perk of being famous of course, and the ‘new car smell’ settled his stomach in an odd sort of a way. He had no idea where the car was driving to, or how exactly he would make it home to the place he was staying at with his bandmates but he didn’t let either thoughts pollute his mind, leaning against the glass window.
The party was raging, truly, raging, music pumping loud enough to blow an eardrum, floor sticky under his black Converse shoes from spilled liquor or other liquids he didn’t want to think about, and it was packed. Wall to wall, there were people, partygoers, general no-good evil doers with lowered inhibitions.
He stumbled to the kitchen, seeing Michael and some chick in a near fistfight for the last slice of pizza, no, wait, the girl swung at him, it was a real fistfight, now.
Ashton pushed Luke aside quickly to break them up, sending Luke hurdling out the door, and he just accepted his fate, walking out now, seeing where else he could take himself tonight.
Passing a few partygoers outside, he was met with flowers, beds of flowers on front lawns, worms on the pavement and apple cores scattered, just missing trash cans.
Then, like the gates of heaven opening upon him, a glowing red light emerged in the distance, like a feast to a starving man, a den to a wounded and weary creature, crimson in the night sky like an atmospheric blush.
The sun had far set, and the sky was pitch black like a gaping mouth above him, ready to swallow him whole if he confronted it for too long, as he walked down the strip of road which included a Burger King, a CVS, and, as he approached, the name became clear as day in front of him, ‘Les Belles Femmes.’
Slowly, he made his drunken steps to the club, one foot in front of another, only every few steps did he lay his foot wrong on the pavement, uncomfortably rolling his ankles but he kept his gait anyway.
Luke immediately felt out of place here. Every man in this room, hell, even some women, had a sense of belonging here, as if they could not find another place in the world to be. Perhaps Luke did feel out of place in life every now and then, but not to the extent that these individuals did. There was something desparate about them, their eyes hungry and hands feather like through the air. Luke joined them in their desperation, as everybody was looking for something, in one way or another.
He dropped himself into a leather lounge chair somewhat close to the stage and slumped back into the chair, only now feeling the burning sensation behind his eyelids everytime he blinked. But every thought in his mind dissipated to dust the moment he lay eyes on her.
Her, with her silky hair. Her, with her sultry eyes. Her, with skin softer and smoother than the rim of a glass cup, and she reflected like one too, as the heavy LEDs touched the highs of her cheekbones, the curves of her breasts and hips, the highlights in her hair.
Luke had never known much of love, never cared to know anything about what it would feel like to see someone and just know, know, know that they were the one, but if he didn’t know any better, he would say this feels good, whatever it is that he’s experiencing right now as he gazed hungrily at this woman.
She was a woman, for lack of a better word, and there was nothing childlike or girlish about her, down to her mature frame and set expression on her face. It made him wonder how long she had been doing this for, this job, since she had no doubts about her performance, her appearance, even the opinions or expressions coming from her audience, she didn’t doubt herself and she wasn’t unsure of what she was doing. That was something Luke could never have.
It’s not easy being known. People know you for one thing, you can’t be another. Luke could lie about it all day: he is a grown man, and he doesn’t need the opinions of his audience to dictate his feelings. He could tell it to himself as he fell asleep at night, looking at himself in the mirror, he could write it down on paper, speak it into existence, repeat and repeat to himself before going out on stage, sharing a portion of his existence with everyone who cared enough to look, but he couldn’t hide the way he felt. Even if he did, it wouldn’t stop it. He couldn’t run from the truth, even when the gun fired in the air and he felt the air push past him as everyone else did so, the truth would weigh him down like a ball and chain for the rest of his existence, he supposed.
Her eyes scanned the room the moment she entered and he knew she had a plan all set up in her mind. She gravitated towards one man in particular. Past his prime, but not one foot in the grave, he had a tattoo of an eagle on his tricep and that told Luke all he needed to know about this brown haired man, and if it didn’t, the crusted yellow stains on his gray wife-beater would have done it just as well.
‘Slob’ was the word that came to mind, though Luke wasn’t sure he was much better, covered in sweat and wearing dirty clothes.
He didn’t mean to stare so hard but once he realized he was, it was far too late to stop it now as the woman now sauntered his way. He gulped.
She lay a hand on his shoulder and let it wander as she came into contact with him, “what’s your name?” Her voice was resonant and low in the space of the club, like she was whispering a secret only to him.
“Luke, what’s yours?” He almost stuttered like an idiot but he caught himself. Her laugh was alluring as she smoothly moved closer.
“You can call me Angel,” she spoke to him softly.
Though it wasn’t unnoticed by all. He didn’t pretend he wasn’t looking at all, the man she was previously with. Carrying no shame, he stared down the tall blond boy like nobody’s business, though he was about to make it everybody’s problem. He balled up his hand into a fist by his lap.
In establishments such as this, there’s typically several guards there to prevent things like this from occurring, though tonight, there was only one. Steve McAdams, that was his name. Just by the looks of him, one could easily assume that he played football or did wrestling in his youth, simply by his build and the expression he never let depart from his face.
He stood nearly 6’5, a true giant of sorts at 300 lbs and he only noticed this fight at the second punch, thrown by Luke, after a quick regroup in thought due to the first blow to his own face, right in the jaw, or it would have been, had this other man have been sober.
Steve went for Luke first, gripping the top of his tricep and yanking him forcefully when Angel intervened. “No! No, he didn’t do anything!” She stepped in between the three men and blocked a bloody faced Luke from Steve’s wrath.
It was Steve’s job to protect these girls, this establishment, and to believe them over a customer’s word, so that’s what he did. He yanked the other man away, much more forcefully than he had attempted to do with Luke, and dragged him away.
Angel’s glamour dissipated quickly as she watched in horror as Jason, her regular (and favorite) customer was escorted out of the club, likely the last she’d ever see of him. It’s not that she had grown an emotional connection to him, more to his money. Their relationship went both ways: he was her favorite and she was his. Meaning he tipped well, most importantly.
When she turned back to face Luke, he was still on the ground, hands and knees scraped the floor and blood dripped from his nose. He expected Angel to run to his aid, show some compassion, anything, but she just sighed. With ache, he lifted his head to see her walking away with no care at all.
He didn’t move from that position, until he felt a hand on his arm. It was Angel, she had returned. With no smile or word for comfort, she helped him back onto his feet. He leaned his weight onto her as she led him outside.
She sat him down on a cement planter outside and he slumped over a bit. “Let me see,” she demanded and took his face into her hands to lift it up, inspecting it.
Luke never thought he’d meet an angel. Ironic, since he was in the city of angels itself, but something about the pale moonlight illuminating from behind this woman changed his faith, even for just a moment. “You’re so pretty,” he slurred.
“I know. How are you getting home tonight?” She was crazy, she knew it. She wasn’t supposed to get involved in things like this, customer’s lives and whatnot, but she already was involved, not by her choice, of course, so she couldn’t help but feel guilty. After all, if it wasn’t for her, he’d still be fine right now. He’d be wasted, but he’d be fine.
He shrugged lazily and she groaned, knowing this would be her responsibility. “Alright, I’ll take you home,” she started her lead to her car, a small, gray, Toyota hatchback. He inspected her closer now, and noticed she had a bag of things with her, a purse, though he couldn’t remember the word, and dug out her car keys from the depths of it. Once she did, she opened the passenger’s side door and promptly pushed him into it.
She settled herself into the driver’s seat and took a deep breath. “If you try anything, I’ve got a stun gun you’ll have the pleasure of meeting the wrong end of,” she threatened lowly, just as a precaution, he was still a strange man. He put his hands up in surrender. She shoved her phone his way. “Put in your address.”
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starveildust · 6 months
Tinder Story #1 first time drunk party
For my first dating story I'm gonna share, I will start with one of my first experiences. A few years ago I just came out of my first really toxic relationship. I started to use Tinder for the first time. The thing is, I didn't use a picture of myself. I didn't use a picture of someone else. In fact I just put memes as my profile picture. I had a somewhat funny discription of myself tho. Still I got a lot of likes.
(Side note: It was one of the first times for me drinking. I only drank two times before that. Those stories are coming soon too)
I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to get over my ex and meet new people. So there was that one guy (Not gonna use real names). Lets call him Dan. So Dan texted me a really shitty but also funny and long pickup line. I thought it was cute and answered him. He was really surprised I even answered. But the conversation went well. He was joking about how I might be a killer or an old man, since I dont have a picture of myself in my profile. I just told him maybe I am. Seems like he needs to find out. He jokingly said he is scared but was still into it. We made a date to meet.
The first two dates went really well. There is nothing interesting to share at this point other than that he invited me to his birthday party he was planning to do a few days later. I told him that I would love to come but since my parents are really conservative I will not be able to drink. I could only drink when I'm not going home and lie to my parents and tell them I'm just going to a sleepover. So He offered me to stay the night with him. At that time I was living a yolo life so I just said yes.
The day of the party came. I was really nervous because I liked him alot and I didn't have much experience in any way at that time. He was really cute and kept mixing drinks for me and asking me if I am alright because he knew it was one of my first times drinking. Although he kind of didn't seem like he knew what he was doing mixing the drinks I still drank them. I watched him mix them in the kitchen and there we shared this moment where I touched his hair and said how good it feels. He then did the same. His hand then moved a bit down to my cheek/chin. We looked in each others eyes. It was the first time for me to be held that way. It was the moment where we were about to have out first kiss. But someone came to the kitchen and disturbes us.
Shortly after he noticed before me that I was not doing well. I didn't know what was happened, since I never had the experience of drinking too much. He took me to the bedroom and made me lay down. I had a bellyache. He brought me tea and a bucket, which I sadly both needed. I felt so bad becuse I held him back from his party but also it was his fault because he mixed the drinks wrong. He put in twice the amount of alcohol which was supposed to be in. But anyway, the evening ended for us. I went to sleep and he came about an hour later, when his friends left. The next morning was really cute too. I had a sweater from him and we talked a bit. After that I went home. We were still texting and made up a new time to meet.
When we met outside to go for a walk and we talked alot and had a fun time. I was thankful that he didn't take advantage of me while being nearly blackout drunk and I gave him his sweater back. He sadly then told me that he is going to make a semester abroad and he didn't know how to tell me earlier. I was pretty sad and didn't understand how he didn't tell me earlier or why he was on Tinder when he knew he soon wouldn't be in the same county. But I accepted it and wanted to still keep in contact. This wasn't the last time we met tho.
The last time we met was a few days before he was going to move away. I went to his place. Things started to get a bit steamy while we were joking around. It was the first time we made out. He wanted to take it to the next base and started to undress me. I wasn't ready for this and before I was completely naked I stopped him. At that point I told him that I was still a virgin. He was supprised but said it was not a problem for him. For me it was though. It was the last time I saw him. He barely texted me after he moved away and then told me he doesn't want to stay in contact anymore for my own wellbeing. I was very hurt. Not because he "broke up" with me but because he wanted to take my virginity knowing he would move away and didn't want to stay in contact.
Well that was my first story I wanted to share with you. I hope you liked it. Please leave a comment and follow for more.
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catnherthoughts · 1 year
is it suffering? 3/27/23
how horrible is it that you make me feel this way. both of you guys in a room could make my heart implode. i think eventually i will get over you, but her, im not sure if that can ever happen. your kind is so easy. i barely have to work with men, they simply are infatuated with my being. i can have any man i want expect for you. maybe even you if i throw my dignity out the window. but i can not. and i cant feel any sort of emotions for another man. not romantic at least. the way i wanted to vomit and scrub my skin after i kissed billy bob. the amount of men that tried to be with me. was horrid. i felt shameful in my soul. i felt like a bad person. it is kinda mean to think of you when im kissing other men. i wonder if you do the same. i doubt i cross your mind as much you cross mine. you are a constant thought in my mind and i hate it so much. i kiss other men, talk to them, even try to force myself to have a romantic connection with them to move on. but no. i can't get past you. now i have to do the inner work and i guess i should thank you for that. you are the end of the cycle that has been ruining my life. losing you, someone who i loved deeply, who i shared months of my life with, hurt and hurts me so internally. lost a lot of weight and got prettier because of the gym. i know im beautiful. i know im a lovely woman. as a person, i am pretty sure im great. maybe ill be single and stop focusing on love because i am sure i cannot get it with someone else. no matter how much i try. the hole you left me with gives me room to wonder - a playlist i made a few years ago. maybe you're the reason i'll stop dating men as a whole and they'll scare me like how it was with her. i can't even think about being sexual with a woman. i am a bit scared ngl. i wonder who you'll bring to your formal. icky thought. it could have been me, very pretty woman. but no, you'll be with something.... something def. the fear in your eyes when you saw me see you with the other girl. little do you know i was telling her how you made me sad. you make me a bit sad but if i am being honest now that i am thinking about it, i don't think that it's really you. its what we had, what we could've had, and the idea of you that i have created in my mind. there are many men that are infatuated with me and it is scary. as a woman to know there is amn that can not leave me be. multiple men who stalk me essentially. would you protect me? hold me and tell them to go away. or would you let me be hurt by them? when you told me to close my window so that people wouldn't watch me. i should've listened. you are a wise man. you knew me more than me. you knew you were breaking me so you stopped us. and while it hurts i would be dead right now if we kept us going. and it wasn't because of you, it was because of me. and that is why i need to heal. its just a bit difficult to heal by myself when i am so used to using other men to move on. maybe that was the cycle. i appreciate who you are as a person. you did so much for me that, while it was painful in the moment, was beneficial to me.
sex was the best tho and im nervous i'll never get that again by someone else but yolo
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dreamilyjake · 3 years
good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you
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pairing: heeseung x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: a bit suggestive, mention of alcohol
a/n: this is my first time actually writing for real and first time posting! i hope you'll enjoy it. leave some feedbacks if you will♡ might want to write more
"Y/N, I don't want to go to the party. You know how I am with these things." Fae, your best friend groaned. It was the weekend after your finals were finally over, you think you deserve to celebrate and have fun after suffering for so long trying to get over with the semester. "Oh, come on! We tortured ourselves enough with all of the studying! It's time to have some fun," you attempted to persuade her. There was a party at some rich boy's house that you didn't bother to find out. You only knew from your classmates that everybody was welcomed to go to the party.
"It's not like I would always drag you to come with me, just this time please. I want to have fun!" you pouted cutely. Which to Fae, wasn't at all cute. She would punch you in the nose if she didn't love you enough. She wondered why you suddenly wanted to go to this party so badly. You and Fae weren't really party-people. She thought maybe it did make sense that you wanted to try something new and entertain oneself. You both deserve it anyway. She groaned and mentally rolled her eyeballs all the way to the back of her head. You knew she was finally agreeing to come with you. 
You squealed in excitement as you both got ready for the party with the baddest outfit and stunning makeup. You were actually a glasses-wearer. But, you chose to have fun for the night to put away the awful spectacles and put on contact lenses. You decided to go for a matching black outfit, a mesh long sleeved crop top with a skirt while Fae wore a dusty pink dress. As you put on your platform boots and Fae put on her pink heels, you both got out to the driveway and navigate your way to the house party. 
The moment you arrived the music blasting through the walls was already so loud when you were still outside of the driveway. You got into the house and saw a bunch of familiar faces of your classmates. "Hey, Y/N! You're here," Jake greeted you with his charming smile. You attempted to greet back with a loud hey so that he could hear you through the loud music.
"Didn't think you'd make it, Fae," Jake winked flirtatiously. Fae just smiled forcefully, not bothered to withstand Jake's flirty nature. Not that she hated Jake, she just hated any human that's identified as a male, because yeah. She just does. That's her morale. Maybe every male has disappointed her in every way to make her hate men so much. No one has ever changed that. "Y'all have fun, okay." Jake clicked his tongue with a little wink and went away. "Let's find some drink and get dazed!"You decided to go to the table on the side to get the red solo cups that were already filled with some type of alcohol and chose to go YOLO to just drink them without much thought. "Omg, all of the fuck boys are here, Y/N," Fae whispered to you in a low voice signalling to the bunch of boys. You looked at what she had signalled. It was Jake and his group of friends. His really really hot friends. Fucking hot at that. They're four people, a bunch off a-holes. Kidding. They just have a reputation in your school for being bad boys and playing around with girls. You only knew Jake because he was your classmate. You never really have ever interacted with the other three boys but you have seen them a bunch of times. There was Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon. They always wore some article of black outfits but they do always looked so fucking good every time you laid eyes on them.
You never told this to anyone but you always kind of have a slight crush on Heeseung. Maybe, not really a crush but he's an eye-candy. Heeseung was such a good-looking guy to look at. Though, his mannerisms that you caught him doing sometimes sent a frenzy in your mind. He's so fucking handsome, you couldn't take it. Promptly, you saw the hyung of the group of boys looked to your side for a split second, you might think you were fooling yourself to think of that. Then you saw him whisper something to Jake's ear, Jake blatantly turned up his head and looked for you, because your eyes met. Smiling and giggling to Heeseung, you have no idea what the fuck they talked about. Why were they looking at you? "Y/N, you saw that right?" Fae nudged your arm. You pretended to be puzzled, "What?" Fae breathed out, "I know it wasn't just me. You saw they were looking at you. Well, Heeseung to be exact."You scratched your head, "I didn't want to be full of myself to think they did," Fae scoffed, "Well, just remember he's bad news." You just nodded while drinking more alcohol from your cup. You were starting to feel buzzed. You weren't that great of a drinker anyway but you didn't know why you felt the thirst and urge yourself to keep on sippin.
The more time you spent there, the more you kept on noticing Heeseung would always stare at you. Fae seemed to be engrossed in finding her other friend that she knew. She was socialising just fine with other people. When you looked at Heeseung again, only to find out he was still staring at you intently, the room began to feel way too hot. The lack of oxygen was catching up to you. "Um, Fae, I'm gonna step outside for some air." You muttered under your breath. "Okay,babe," She nodded while still communicating with her friend.  
When you stepped outside by the side of the house, there were still a lot of people there but less than they were inside. The sound of the water from the pool by the side of the house gave you a calming effect on your nerves as you inhaled a deep breath. You didn't know what you were getting so worked up over."Hey Y/N, I was trying to look for you," Jake chirped out of nowhere. "You're looking for me?" You asked, with a raised eyebrow. Jake scratched his head, "I don't know how to say this, well, do you want to play games with us?" You were kind of surprised he invited you, but the invitation did sound amusing. "With the guys," he added, "Oh and some other people," he smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, sure let's go," The thought of Heeseung being there was pretty exhilarating so you decided to just go for it. 
He brought you to a room where it was pretty much private and only a few people was there, the boys and a few girls. Jake sat down, and you just followed suit seated next to him. "So, this is Y/N. If you don't know her." He introduced you to the group. "Hey Y/N, I'm Jay." Jay said with the sweetest smile on his face. "Sunghoon," Sunghoon remarked with a wink. Before Heeseung could open his mouth, Jake cut in, "And that is Heeseung," he smirked. 
"Let's play a game!" "We're gonna play seven minutes in heaven!" Someone shrieked, while you felt your heart just stopped beating. Fuck, what the hell are you supposed to do now. Your heart hammering inside your chest didn't do any good to the rising tension in the room, also with the thought of, if you ever had the chance of being with Heeseung. "Since we're equal with the number of people, the guys are gonna write down their names, and the girls can draw the names, okay?" Jake suggested. Everyone nodded and you were stuck in terror.When the boys were setting their names and the papers, you really didn't know if you wanted to silently ask to get Heeseung or to not get him. Both are very much a scary outcome. By the time they were done, Jake went up to you to pass you the box of names, "Y/N, pick one," Jake instructed softly. You placed your hand in the box, with both eyes closed you randomly chose a piece of paper, 100% not knowing what to expect. Jake finished the rounds with the box name. "Okay, who did you get?" You lowkey shakily opened the tiny piece of paper, to see a 'Heeseung' and your heartbeat per minute just raised so fucking high you might have a heart attack. You couldn't believe your luck. You don't know if you're too lucky or too unlucky to get him. Jake peaked at your piece of paper, chuckled whilst clapping his hands. 
"Okay, Heeseung you can go first." Jay declared. You muttered 'What' in a tiny voice. Jake just soothed your back up and down with his palm. "Remember, seven minutes. Not more, not less." Sunghoon spoke sternly. Heeseung looked at you softly, offering his hand for you to take to go into the closet in the room. You willingly take his hand into your own. It feels warm and nice. When you entered the closet was actually quite spacious to say the least. Jake closed the door of the closet, "Have fun," he winked naughtily. 
You stood there not knowing what to do. "Um, are you okay?" Heeseung asked in a hushed tone. You looked at him for a short while and nodded slightly. "I wouldn't want to do anything if you're uncomfortable, Y/N." He spoke with a gentle voice. "No, I'm fine,actually," You said even when your heart was beating so loud in your ears, you thought that your heart was gonna jump out of your chest. Then, you felt his hands cupping your face making you look up to him, God, he's so beautiful even in such a dark setting in the closet. "You seem nervous, baby." He whispered while caressing your face. "I'm not," You lied blinking your eyes. "Really? So I don't make you nervous, hmm?" Heeseung hummed. You bit your lips, looking at his shining eyes and slowly your eyes trailed down to his beautiful lips. He chuckled lowly seeing you like that. "Y/N, can I kiss you?" He asked slowly with thumbs now caressing your bottom lip. You nodded, feeling shy under his gaze. "I need words love, do you want me to kiss you?" He questioned again in a stern manner. 
"Yes, please kiss me Heeseung." You said with a breathy voice.With that he kissed you on the lips, and it felt so electrifying. The feeling of his lips on yours gave you flutters in your heart, you almost felt like floating. He deepened the kiss, and made you move your bodies to press closer to each other. He slipped his tongue slightly in your mouth and felt your warmth. Feeling how good your mouth tastes. He pulled away for a split second only to kiss you from a different angle and it made every part of your body burning with fire. With a shaky breath, you pulled away, he was still cupping your face in his palms stroking your cheeks gently. "Fuck," he muttered very lowly. 
Then you heard noises from outside of the door, Jake annoyingly clapped his hands, "Alright! Seven minutes are over!"
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