#last night when he called (4/21) i was sleep.. then i answered.. n fell asleep not even 10 seconds later LMAOOOO
leetm · 1 year
hearing my bf talk to his friends abt me, kicking my feet 💞💞
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fayemarvels · 3 years
Backseat rider
Peter Parker x fem!reader (She/her)
Inspo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9lOKWFG54
I tried to write this in the second person so please tell me how you like it.
Summary: Inspired by the wonderful song Backseat Rider by Sara Kays, with my little twist on it, and with a happy ending.
You and Peter have been friends for a long time, and he promised you the first ride in his car. When you come back from your Europe trip, MJ is sitting in the passenger side. The fact that you are in love with him doesn't really help.
Or: Peter promised you a ride in his car and his stupid plan fails because he is jealous.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bad writing, grammatical mistakes,
Word count: 5.1k
English isn't my first language so please don't mind the grammar and sentence structure mistakes and stuff. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, please let me know.
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist *******
9. September 2013
It was the first day of school and you were standing at a bus stop just a few blocks from your new apartment. You and your parents just moved to queens and you were starting in a new school.
With your new schoolbag which you got for your 12th birthday just 3 days ago slung over your shoulders, you tapped your foot nervously against the concrete under your newly polished shoes.
You were so excited to start 6th grade in a new school, away from the people in your old one. You were always a shy kid and some of the kids from your previous school picked on you just because of that.
The school became hell and you started making excuses as to why not to go in. At first, your parents were annoyed thinking you were just lazy. But you later opened up about your struggles and they started to take action.
But before much happened, one of your parents got a job opportunity in Queens, New York, and without much thinking, took it. When you left the school, you felt like you could finally breathe. A huge boulder fell off your shoulders and you were so excited to find some new friends and meet new people. To get a new start.
Due to the traffic, the bus came with a 7 minutes delay. And as the bus rounded the corner to arrive at the bus stop, a frazzled-looking boy came crashing into you.
Before you could crash to the ground, he caught your hand and pulled you towards him in an effort to save you from crashing into the hard ground.
“I am so so sorry, I didn’t mean to I fell asleep and burned my toast and spilled toothpaste on my shirt, and ” he took a deep breath before he continued with his rambling.
“Oh god I am so sorry, I’m rambling” He scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, truly. But I would really appreciate it if you let me go.” You said quietly and the boy’s eyes widened in horror.
“Sorry, sorry” he kept apologizing and mumbling underneath his breath.
“Please stop apologizing, nothing much happened,” You laughed lightly and he breathed out in relief.
“I’m Peter, by the way, Peter Parker,” he introduced himself more calmly. Now, that he wasn’t rambling and frantically running his hands through his hair, you could finally focus on his features. He was slightly shorter than you, with curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were still tinted with sleep.
“Nice to meet you Peter my name is (Y/N) (L/N).” You introduced yourself and you stepped together into the bus. You looked around for two places to sit, preferably together.
“There,” Peter pointed to the back of the bus. You pushed through the crowd of people standing and made it to the seats. Peter let you sit beside the window and sat beside you.
“The public transport in new york is so horrible,” Peter whined and you raised your eyebrow.
“Is it? I just moved in like 2 weeks ago so I didn’t have much time to explore.”
“Oh, so this is your first day of a new school.” His eyes widened in realization and you nodded.
“What school are you going into?” He asked and you could see the excitement in his eyes.
“Palm tree elementary school.” You answered and Peter jumped in his seat.
“Oh my, me too, that’s so exciting, Ned will be so happy,” he squealed you smiled widely.
You talked the rest of the ride to your stop, and through the short walk to your school. This boy might just make this school much more exciting than you thought.
20. August 2019
“Okay, just wait for me outside of your apartment building I’ll come and pick you up,” Peter said into the phone and you hummed in acknowledgment.
“Okay Petey, I’ll be waiting, I missed you so much throughout the summer, I’m sorry I didn’t call” you apologized feeling guilty.
“It’s okay, I get it, I was the one to suggest it. Okay, I’m leaving, I’ll be at yours in about 10 minutes. ”
You and your family went to Europe for the majority of summer. You tried to keep in contact but of course, it was hard the time difference made it very difficult to find a time where you both can call and don’t lose sleep.
The first person to stop trying was Peter. On a rare call one night, he informed you that he didn’t want you to lose sleep just because you wanted to talk to him
“Don’t worry, you’ll tell me everything when you get back, just don’t forget to bring me souvenirs.” Peter teased and you laughed sadly. You missed him so much and the heavy feeling in your heart wouldn’t go away.
“Okay, just prepare yourself because I’ve gotten you a souvenir from every single location we went to.” You sniffled.
“Hey, don’t cry, everything will be alright nothing will change I promise.”
10 minutes later, Peter pulled up to your parking lot and your heart skipped a beat. Your smile widened and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. This was the first time you saw Peter after a month and a half. You returned from Europe only 4 days ago so you used that time to get rid of the jet lag.
Your smile dropped when you saw a shadow sitting on the passenger side. You shook your head and moved closer to the car. Peter stepped out of the car and you flung your arms around him. He tensed for a bit before he wrapped you up in his arms and breathed in your scent.
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” he mumbled into your neck and you pressed your lips into his hair.
“I missed you too, for the last two weeks, my parents were a pain in the ass,” you complained and Peter laughed. Then he got serious.
“Well, at least you have parents.”
“I’m just kidding, don’t worry bug,” he giggled and you hit his shoulder lightly.
“I hate these jokes,” you complained.
“I know, that’s why I make them.” He giggled and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay. C’mon, I have my classmate MJ here, I wanted to introduce you two he stepped away and you wrapped yourself around yourself.”
Peter opened the back door for you and you thanked him. When you got into the car he closed the door behind you and quickly got into the driver seat.
“So MJ, this is (Y/N). Bug, this is MJ.” He introduced you two and you waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I heard about you so much, is so nice to meet you.” MJ greeted and you smiled.
“I would like to say the same but Peter has never talked of you,” you scratched your neck shyly and MJ waved her hand.
“It’s fine, me and Peter only started hanging out about 3 weeks ago, but we’ve gotten a lot closer.” She explained and you nodded.
“So, Peter told me you are in an art school,” Mj started and you shuffled to the edge of your seat so you could hear better.
“Yeah, I do interior design, color pallets, and furniture designs.” You explained and MJ nodded her head.
“That sounds really cool, you’ll be the first I’ll contact when I’m furnishing my house” MJ laughed and you giggled.
“Yeah sure, just give me a call,”
But then, it got quiet. You just relaxed against the seat behind you and closed your eyes for a few moments.
“So, I saw the star wars movies the other day, it was so good,” MJ exclaimed and Peter laughed out loud.
“I tried to get this lady into it but she hated it. The same with star trek.” Peter said, pointing at you.
“Yeah, I hate it so much,” you chimed in but they didn’t respond. They just continued laughing and talking without you. You couldn’t help but think that they looked so much like the two of you looked when you talked about both of your favorite things.
MJ sat in the passenger seat for the next five weeks. When you traveled to school, from school, or even during the weekends.
She was there every single time Peter came to pick you up. And to be honest, it hurt just a bit more every single time you saw her sitting in the front seat of his car.
You and Peter were supposed to go to see the new astronomical exhibition today. You were getting ready in your room when your eyes drifted over a framed picture on your vanity table. It was taken last summer, before he got his car, before MJ. You had taken it with your Kodak disposable camera in a parking lot in front of your local Target. You remember it like it was yesterday.
21. July 2018
It was around 10 p.m. when you and Peter left the target with a plastic bag of candy and a brand new disposable camera that you found in the sale aisle. You tore the safety tape away from the box and pulled out the instruction manual.
“I’m so excited; I’ve never had any of these.” You exclaimed and Peter chuckled at your happy face, threw his arm around your shoulder, and pulled you in closer to him.
“You are going to love it, it’s so fun. Especially because you have no idea how the photos are gonna turn out.” He smiled and you nodded.
“I always watch the tiktoks of people’s reactions to the developed photos, and they always look so happy, I want to try it.” you declared and pulled the camera out of the box.
“First things first bug, just a quick info, you need a lot of lightning for the photos to turn out good,” Peter explained and you waved your hand mindlessly, messing around with your temporary camera.
You quickly pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight. You put the phone on the ground in front of him and he looked at you puzzled.
“Will you do me a favor and be the first photo on this camera’s film?” You asked him and Peter nodded, acting very posh and snobby.
“It would be an honor, my lady,” he faked a bow and you burst out laughing.
“Okay smile for me,” you giggled and Peter smiled widely. He was so beautiful. Hair messy, and a hoodie a little too big on his body, with the long sleeves making cute sweater paws.
“Come onnn take the picture so we can eat the sweets,” Peter whined and you quickly snapped the picture of him. He bent down, took your phone from the ground, and turned off the flashlight.
“Come on I even got us and your fuzzy socks so your toes won’t get cold,” he said and you hugged him from behind.
“you are the best, you know that?” you mumbled and he shrugged.
“Might’ve mentioned it a few times before” You let him go and he pulled out the blanket from his backpack.
“Come on let’s sit here,” he pulled you towards the curb a few feet away from the spot you were standing at. He sat down, wrapped his arms around your legs, and rested his face on your stomach.
“Let’s sit here and eat all these delicious candies” he looked at you with wide eyes and you dragged your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Okay Doll, let’s do this,” you teased and he blushed hard.
“Stoop you know I blush when you call me that,” he complained and you laughed softly. You gently unwrapped his arms from your legs and sat down next to him.
“So, let dig in,” you rubbed your palms together and he put the bag between you two.
“I want the Reese’s,” you said and Peter handed them to you.
“Smiile,” you smushed your cheek against Peter’s and he smiled into the camera. The flash had gone off and you smiled to yourself.
“I bet this one’s gonna be so good.” He said and you nodded.
“So, as I was saying, May told me that she wants to buy me a car for my 18th birthday. I don’t know how she wants to do that but I’m not complaining.” Peter gushed and you wrapped your arms around his middle.
“I’m so happy for you, you deserve it.” You smiled and Peter continued.
“I want to take you on a road trip when we finish school. All around the US. From New York to L.A,” he looked at you hopefully and you smiled at him widely.
“That sounds so good, we can go to grand canyon and Zion and so much more, Oh my God, we will need so much more of these disposable cameras. Peter, we need so much food and tents and sleeping bags and maps.” You took a deep breath before you continued.
“We should make a checklist, we should start preparing, Peter why are we sitting here?” you asked and Peter gently shushed you by putting his pointer finger on your lips.
“We still have 2 years bug, no need to overthink it, everything is gonna be fine.” He assured you and you nodded.
“Come here,” he pulled you towards him and your head landed on his chest. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent.
You were pulled back to reality when your phone rang. It was Peter.
“Hey (Y/N), we are nearly here, only about 4 minutes.” He informed and your breath got stuck in your throat. ‘WE’. MJ is coming with you. He didn’t ask, he didn’t inform you beforehand. He just invited her.
“Ummm Pete I’m suddenly not feeling very well, I think I should go and lay down, maybe you should go alone,” you mumbled and he hummed.
“Okay, get better alright? We can go somewhere tomorrow.” He suggested and you hummed in agreement, as you couldn’t do anything else without breaking down.
“Okay (Y/N) goodnight, get well soon. I’ll see you tomorrow” He didn’t wait for your response before he hung up.
You stared at the phone as the tears cascaded down your cheeks and you put no effort into stopping them. You slowly wiped off the makeup you put on just a few moments prior and threw out the cotton pad.
You stood up from your vanity and moved over to your bed. You couldn’t understand it. What have you done wrong? Just a few months prior, Peter would drop everything to be with you when you weren’t feeling that well. Now, he didn’t even ask what was wrong.
You cursed yourself as you tried to keep your sobs at bay. You lost him and it was all your fault. If you called more often or at least texted and kept in contact during the summer, everything would be fine. He wouldn’t be in his car with someone else but with you. But the more you thought about it the more your mind betrayed you,
‘Wait, he was the one to suggest that you two would stop the contact, did he get tired of you? Did he want to get rid of you? Is he sending signals by hanging out with MJ every single time they should be hanging out alone?’ the thoughts in your brain were running around before they suddenly stopped.
“He didn’t call me bug,” you realized. He always called you bug, never (Y/N). He only called you that when he was annoyed or angry with you. You started thinking back to every single hangout you had in the past 5 weeks to see if you could stumble upon a memory where you angered or annoyed him. Nothing.
Your shoulders sagged and you put your face in your hands.
“What should I do now,” you asked yourself as you tried to remain calm and not to let any more sobs out. As you looked around your room, slowly calming down, you saw a piece of Peter’s hoodie peeking out from your closet. In a rage of fury, sadness, and anger, you quickly gathered every single piece of clothing Peter ever gave you and put them in a cardboard box.
Taking out a piece of paper, you took your favorite pen and started writing a little note for your now ‘ex’ best friend.
Dear Peter, returning your clothes, maybe you can give them to MJ, now that she is your best friend and you don’t care about me. Could’ve at least told me you didn’t want me in your life anymore, instead of sending mixed signals and hurting me by that. Fuck you. – Love, (Y/N)
You signed it with fury coursing through your veins and closed the box with duct tape. You swiped the stray tears that fell down your cheeks and threw on a hoodie.
“Going out for a few minutes!” you shouted to your parents and closed the door, before hearing their response. After putting the hood up, you opened the window to the fire escape and you threw your legs over the window sill, taking the full cardboard box with you.
“Let’s do this,” you mumbled to yourself and dropped down to the ground.
The walk to Peter’s apartment didn’t take long, only about 10 minutes. But the walk felt so much longer this time, maybe because this would probably be the last time you would ever make it. You started tearing up just at that thought. You didn’t think this is how it would end. Six years of friendship ended just because you were too annoying. You shook your head and continued walking; you couldn’t afford to burst into tears in the middle of the road.
You stopped in front of Peter’s apartment and let out a shaky breath. This is it. You knew May would be at work, so you let yourself in with the key, underneath their doormat. You stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind you. You rushed into Peter’s room and threw the box on his bed. You didn’t want to linger around and experience the pain of remembering all of the memories you and Peter shared in this room.
You looked around one more time, and your eyes watered when you saw your favorite t-shirt thrown over his chair. You really wanted to take it but decided to against it. ‘He can do whatever he wants’ you thought and closed the door behind you.
The walk from his apartment wasn’t much better. But it was a bit shorter than the one before. You hadn’t had much time to think this time. You just came out of his building and in a few seconds, you were laying in your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks.
Now, that you calmed down a bit and your head cleared, you laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling, face blank of any emotion. You got pulled back into reality by your phone vibrating. You sat up and moved the phone closer to your face. It was Peter.
You had 6 missed calls and 26 unread messages from the curly-haired boy. But you decided to ignore them and turned on the airplane mode. You curled up into a ball and snuggled up into your fluffy blanket. It was going to get better, you will get better, the pain will subdue, the anger will not.
You were so damn angry at him. How could he do this to you, string you along when he doesn’t want you in his life anymore? Letting a few tears slip, you let your eyelids droop and let your mind wander into the darkness of sleep.
“I don’t understand, what does she mean by a new best friend? What does she mean by not want her in my life anymore?” Peter asked as he paced around his room, with your note crumpled up in his right hand.
“I think you did the opposite of what you wanted to do you know?” MJ interrupted him and he looked at her horrified.
“This is all my fault, I’m the reason she feels like this,” he mumbled and continued pacing in circles.
“Remind me why you wanted to do this again?” MJ scoffed and Peter stopped to think.
“To make her jealous,” he mumbled and MJ stood up and hit him across the forehead with a rolled-up engineering magazine she found randomly thrown under his pillow.
“You are so stupid, Peter. And I can’t believe I helped you. But at least I got the cute girl’s number,” she mumbled the last part and Peter ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
“I fucked up,” he announced and MJ glared at him.
“Yeah, no shit genius. Remind me how this started again. In detail and soak in just how stupid you are,” she growled out and he got lost in the painful memory.
It was around 3 weeks after his best friend left for Europe, he was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when he saw a photo she posted just 4 hours ago. He went to like it but his thumb froze before he could double-tap. It was a photo of her smiling, looking as beautiful as ever, on a beach with a sunset behind her. But it wasn’t her that made him freeze, it was the boy that was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She was grinning at him, her smile shining brighter than all of the stars in the night sky.
“Who the fuck are you?” Peter mumbled to himself as he looked over more of the photos in the post. As he scrolled, the pair of them only grew closer on the pictures. Them sharing a meal, them in the sea, them on a carnival with a huge green teddy bear in her arms. Just from the last picture, it was clear that the boy won the plushie in one of those shitty scam carnival games Peter couldn’t play even if he really wanted to.
But what really got him, was the post from her private Instagram, the boy from the previous photos was kissing her on the corner of her mouth. Tears gathered up in his eyes as he exited the app and ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
‘Could she have a boyfriend? But she didn’t tell me,’ his breathing got quicker and he had a sudden urge to puke. Before he could stop himself, he opened his contacts app and scrolled to find MJ’s phone number, she could help him.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to ask but I need you to help me make my best friend jealous.” Those words came from his mouth before he could even think about them.
“I told you before you started with this stupid plan of yours that it won’t work out,” MJ snapped him out of his mind. Peter stared into the distance before he snapped out of it.
“I need to go and see her, I need to explain,” Peter rushed out before MJ stopped him.
“You need to give her some time, she wouldn’t want to see you, and only get angry or even more upset.” She explained and Peter nodded in understatement.
“You are right, I will let her cool off for a week, and then talk to her,” Peter concluded. MJ blinked in surprise.
“Are you sure you want to give her a week? I was thinking more like 2 days, not 7,” MJ said cautiously and Peter huffed out angrily.
“God, why are you so cryptic, why can’t you just tell me and help,”
“Because this is your relationship, that is on line, not mine. And you want me to solve this for you,” MJ raised her voice and Peter rolled his eyes.
“God, this is useless” he mumbled and the girl in front of him scoffed.
“I can just leave if that’s what you want,” She stood up to leave but Peter grabbed her forearm gently.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just really anxious and I want to see her. But you are right, I shouldn’t leave her without explanation for such a long period of time,” Peter apologized and MJ nodded.
“I need to go, mum wants to watch this new movie she saw in Target, I’ll text you okay?”
“Okay bye, enjoy the movie,” Peter mumbled and MJ walked out of his room.
“Great Parker, just great,” he mumbled to himself as he watched her leave through his window.
2 days later
Peter was standing in front of your school, waiting for you to finish. The last two days have been torture for him and he couldn’t wait to talk to you. When he heard the bell ring on the inside of the building, he stood up from the bench he was sitting on and moved closer to the main entrance, just a precaution and so he wouldn’t miss you walking out.
He started to get worried when he didn’t see you walk out even after 15 minutes.
‘Maybe they had some science lab and are cleaning up or something he thought to himself to calm down a bit. Then, he saw one of your friends, Bee, walk out and he waved at them.
“Hey, she isn’t here today,” Bee said to Peter. He only frowned. That’s weird.
“Okay, thanks Bee, do you think she could be at home? Is she sick?” Peter asked and Bee frowned at him.
“I thought you were best friends, you don’t know where she is?” Bee asked him and Peter looked down looking very guilty.
“We had a fight,” he mumbled and Bee scoffed.
“Well, I guess you fucked up pretty bad because she never misses school.”
“I know, I fucked up and I hurt her, but I just want to make it better, I gave her time to cool off and now, I need to apologize,” Peter explained and Bee nodded their head.
“Okay Parker, last chance, if you hurt her to this extent ever again, I’ll kick you in the balls.” Bee threatened and Peter nodded.
“Don’t worry, this is the first and last time this has ever happened, won’t hurt her ever again, I promise,” Peter said and Bee could tell his words were genuine.
“Fine Parker go, and if she is not at school tomorrow, you are a dead man, I’m telling you that right now.”
“Don’t worry Bee, I’m going to make this right,” Peter promised as he walked away from your school.
“Honey, someone is here to see you,” Your mom called out and you looked from under your blanket. You couldn’t function correctly for the past few days, the loss of your best friend being too much to bear.
“Tell them to go away please,” you mumbled and she shook her head sadly. You stopped crying a while ago, no tears left in your body.
You heard a gentle knock on your door.
“Hey bug,” You whipped your head towards the voice, and the tears you thought ran out, welled up in your eyes. He was there, even after he exchanged you for someone else.
“Pete,” you whispered and he quickly walked towards you and sat on your bed. You threw yourself into his arms but then quickly pulled back and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and Peter shook his head.
“I came to apologize, I hurt you by my actions and made you think something, that isn’t true at all,” he explained and you tilted your head, reminding Peter of a cute, confused puppy.
“I will just tell you the truth, and hope you will be able to forgive me.”
“I was jealous. It’s simple as that, and now that I’ve said it out loud, it sounds so stupid.” He took a deep breath and slowly tangled his fingers in yours.
“The truth is, I have feelings for you. You know what? Scratch that, I’m in love with you and have been for a long time. When I saw you with the guy in Europe, being all cute and sweet together, I just lost it.” He confessed and looked up to see your face. You had an unreadable expression on your face.
“Fuck, he even got you a huge teddy bear from the carnival scam games, I could never do that for you, and I know you love that corny stuff.” He said with a shaky voice and could feel the tears push into his eyes.
“I wanted to make you jealous, but I hurt you instead and that hurts me even more than seeing you with that boy.” He said and then kneeled on the floor beside your bed. He took your other hand into his and kissed your knuckles gently.
“I’m so sorry Bug, please forgive me,” he begged as he put his forehead against your hand. The tears that gathered in his eyes flowed freely down his perfect face and it hurt you to see him like this. You took your hand away from his and you could see the quick flash of pain on his face. You caught one tear with your finger and whispered.
“Please don’t cry, I’m going to cry too,” he quickly looked up and smiled sadly, when he saw your sunken and tired face.
“I forgive you, Peter.” You said with a crack in your voice.
“And you know, it actually worked out, I was so jealous when I saw you with her.” You confessed.
“I love you too Peter, I always have” you whispered and Peter’s face lit up with joy.
“You, do?” He asked and you nodded with a slight smile on your face.
“I do, so so much,” You caressed his cheek, shuffled closer to him, and kissed him on the forehead.
“Come here and lay with me,” you demanded and Peter chuckled.
“Well, what my lovebug wants, she gets.” Peter teased and you hid your face in the blanket.
“I kinda like it,” you whispered shyly and Peter laughed lightly.
“Scoot over love, let me lay with you.” You shuffled over and Peter slipped under your blanket. He laid down and slowly maneuvered your body, to lay comfortably on his chest.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, we’ll work it out, I promise.” You mumbled and Peter nodded and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, Peter”
“I love you my Bug,” It was quiet for a bit before Peter spoke once again.
“So, who was the boy in the photos?”
I'm sorry I kind of disappeared for two months, but I had an extreme case of writer's block, but I am back. But I still have no ideas so if you have any ideas, I would be forever thankful if you pitched them to me.
I would also like to thank you for 97 followers, it's unbelievable.
I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback and told me what I can change.
Thanks for reading
- Faye xxx
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alt-rose · 3 years
a trip to syracuse - colson baker
colson baker imagine
a trip to syracuse - a trip to syracuse leads to a cameo and a heart to heart.
word count: 4.9K (someone stop me)
the scene is in big time adolescence. if you haven’t seen it, i highly recommend. it’s on hulu. 
(this could be considered a part 2 to 21, but it could be read alone)
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(GIF from tenor)
it was July. you had spent your last few months working your ass off at SNL before staring as a lead in your first comedy film after your second season of SNL had ended. you had been all over the country in the last few months. you were in New York for work. then, you traveled home to your hometown to visit your family during your first week of the summer hiatus. then, you had to ship out to LA to work on your movie. then, you somehow ended back in your hometown.
you were everywhere. busy. never had time for yourself, or the time to do what you really wanted.
you hadn’t seen Colson since a few weeks after your birthday weekend. you texted back and forth. you called occasionally when you both had time. he made you laugh, and you, of course, enjoyed hearing about all his crazy stories. you looked forward to the random pictures he sent you from the studio or from set. he liked having something to share with someone, or rather, someone to share things with.
the two of you were like two best friends that could share everything with each other without needing to be physically there for each other. you could go days without talking because of your busy schedules, yet whenever you caught up with each other, it felt so natural. your relationship felt impossible to explain to anyone that asked. you felt connected to him somehow, but you couldn’t place the feeling.
             colson baker: you should come visit me
that was the text you got at 3 am on a Wednesday, well technically Thursday.
you smiled at your phone as you stared at it. the light blinded you as you laid in bed in your dark bedroom at your parent’s house. it was 4 am in New York. what could he have possibly been doing? you learned not to ask that question often when it came to Colson and Pete. they were night owls and tended to drink or smoke anything they could get their hands on. for your sake, you’d rather not know what they were doing. it helped keep your nerves at bay.
however, 4 am in New York tended to worry you a bit. you opened your phone, squinting as the light grew brighter. you began to type back.
             you: I should?
             you: please tell me you are being safe
you scrolled through your phone as you waited for a response. your phone buzzed with a notification. you opened the message.
             colson baker: safe at pete’s place
ah. Pete’s place was their new hangout. Pete was staying with his girlfriend, AG, as you called her, and it was technically her place. they were getting ready to head to Syracuse in a week or so for Pete’s new movie that Colson was making a cameo in.
             colson baker: you should visit
             colson baker: call me a pussy but I miss you
you smiled at that text. he missed you. your heart thumped in your chest.
             you: I miss you too
             you: text me tomorrow when you are sober and it’s not the middle of the night.
             you: let’s see if sober colson wants me to visit
you watched as the typing bubbles appeared before the message appeared.
             colson baker: sober colson said yes
             colson baker: but, I’ll text you tomorrow about it
you laugh at his message before typing back.
             you: goodnight cols
             you: get some rest
your eyes began to lull shut, but you were determined to stay up for the next ten minutes in case he wanted to text you.
you fell asleep to one finally message from him.
             colson baker: goodnight velcro monkey
somehow the velcro monkey joke always made an appearance when someone was drunk or high. it made them laugh at how the reserved, independent person you were could turn into the clingiest drunk on the planet.
you smiled one last time before shutting off your phone and going back to sleep.
the next morning, you sat in your parents’ kitchen answering emails on your laptop. your attention was occasionally pulled away from work as you watched your dogs play in the family room. it was good to be home for a bit, but your parents and dogs were a bit distracting when it came time to work.
             “your phone has been buzzing for the last 20 minutes,” you mom said setting your phone down at the kitchen table. “you left this upstairs.”
             “god, thank you,” you tell her not looking up from your computer.
             “a lot of messages from a Colson Baker,” she gives you a look, raising her eyebrow.
             “who’s Colson Baker?” your dad asked butting into the conversation as he made his way into the kitchen.
you moved to quickly snatch you phone from them. you were an adult now with an adult job, yet they still treated you like a teenager.
             “a friend,” you reply as you opened your phone.
you had four messages and a missed call from Colson.
             “seemed like they really wanted to get a hold of you,” you mom hummed as she moved to make her third cup of coffee that day.
             “why do they want to get a hold of you so badly? seems important,” your dad chimed in.
             “guys, it’s fine. please chill,” you reply. “just a friend. anyway, I have to take this call.”
you got up from the table before taking your dogs out to your back patio. you took a seat on one of the outdoor lounges as you called Colson.
             “hey,” his raspy voice rang through the phone.
             “hey,” you sigh. “what’s up with Syracuse?”
             “you should come visit me in Syracuse.”
             “I know, but why Syracuse?” you laugh.
             “Pete’s doing his movie, and we’re both making a cameo.”
you went silent for a bit.
             “we talked to the director this morning. they need background for my cameo scene, so I suggested you to Pete, and he was cool with it. the director said it was cool if you wanted to join the project for a cameo.”
             “are you serious?”
             “deadly. come spend the rest of the summer in Syracuse with me.”
             “I’ll have to check my schedule-”
             “shut up,” he laughed. “I know you’re free.”
             “you’re right,” you sighed. “my family isn’t going to be happy with me leaving again, but they can just visit when SNL starts back up.”
             “so you’ll do it?”
             “sure, what else do I have to do?” you asked adjusting the phone to your ear. “plus, a week or two in Syracuse with you and Pete would be fun.”
             “YES,” you heard him shout over the phone. “aight, cool,” he finally calms down. “I’ll let Pete know.”
             “alright, Cols. sounds good,” you sigh into the phone.
             “what’s wrong?” he asked after a beat.
             “nothing. I’m just trying to figure out how to explain why a Colson Baker was blowing up my phone earlier to my parents.”
you heard him let out a laugh from his end. you heard him murmur something to someone. you heard him laugh once more before he addressed you.
             “Pete said to tell your parents that I’m your dealer.”
             “tell Pete that my parents might have a heart attack.”
you heard him mumble something before you heard a roar of voices.
             “tell your parents that Colson works as a janitor for NBC,” you heard Pete yell into the phone.
             “you guys are ridiculous,” you sigh into the phone as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
             “but you love us,” Pete sang into the phone.
             “yeah, I do.”
you heard them laugh.
             “you could just tell you parents the truth,” Colson suggested. “I don’t mind your family knowing. the whole reason we were keeping it quiet was to keep you out of the spotlight.”
you thought about it for a minute.
             “and what exactly are we keeping from her family?” you heard Pete in the background.
             “that I’m her best friend now. I replaced you,” Colson quickly replied.
             “HEY,” you yelled sitting up in your seat. “I never said that.”
             “it’s okay,” Pete said louder into the phone. you can only assume he was closer to the phone. “I know you love him more than me.”
             “that’s not true,” you said in a defensive tone. “I love you both equally.”
             “RIIIIIGHT,” Pete drew through the phone.
             “right,” Colson agreed.
             “it’s okay. I know who you text when you’re supposed to be working, (y/n),” Pete slyly said in the phone.
             “knock it off, Pete,” you growl into the phone, causing the guys to laugh. “where’s your girlfriend? can’t you go bother her?”
             “oh shit,” you heard Pete say. “I forgot to bring her the food we made. bye (y/n).”
you laughed at him before you heard Colson.
             “I took you off speaker. he went back into his room with the food.”
             “you guys made breakfast?”
             “yeah, our post-mushroom pancakes,” he said. “totally came down from them a half hour ago. the food’s probably cold as shit now.”
             “RIP to AG’s kitchen.”
             “RIP, indeed.”
you laughed.
             “I can’t wait to see you, Cols,” you smile into the phone.
             “I’m excited to see you, too. I’ll send you a plane ticket.”
             “I can pay for my own plane ticket. it’s okay,” you reply. “you can save that up to buy me dinner when I get to Syracuse.”
             “(y/n) (y/l/n), are you asking me on a date?”
             “too forward?” you laugh.
             “not forward enough. maybe, I could buy you breakfast too?”
you laugh and cover your mouth with his suggestion before you finally calm yourself down.
             “maybe you could,” you reply coolly.
             “NOOOO,” he whined into the phone. “can you come to New York now?”
you laughed together before the conversation lulled into a gentle silence.
             “can I tell you a secret?” you whisper into the phone.
             “I’ve been listening to your music.”
you paused waiting for his reaction.
             “oh boy, have I converted you to hip hop and rap?”
             “no, I made an exception for Machine Gun Kelly,” you smile.
             “really?” you could hear him shift around. “got a favorite?”
             “27,” you reply too quickly. “I’m a sucker for the piano. Kiss the Sky and Habit are pretty good too.”
             “next show I have, you’re gonna be in the crowd. I want to perform for you.”
             “for me?” you ask in a posh voice. “you could always give me a private show.”
             “I just might.”
suddenly, your attention was pulled to your mom who was standing at the back door. you raise an eyebrow at her as you listened to Colson mumble through the phone.
             “hold on, Cols,” you tell him. “what’s up?” you ask her.
             “we’re leaving in a half an hour to go to dinner at your grandparents. you need to get ready,” she replied.
you nod to her. she stood in the doorway waiting for you to get off the phone. you raised another eyebrow at her. she wanted to eavesdrop on your conversation.
             “alright,” you sigh. “Cols, I have to go. I have dinner with my grandparents.”
             “fine. fine. call me later?”
             “yeah, I’ll call you later.”
             “bye (y/n), love you.”
you smiled at that. even though the love was platonic, it felt good to hear it from him.
             “bye Cols, love you too.”
once you hung up, you gave your mom a pointed look.
             “love, huh?” she smiled.
             “just a friend,” you mutter before calling the dogs in.
             “just a friend that you love,” she teased.
             “so who is Colson Baker?” your dad chimed in once the two of you made it inside.
             “he’s a friend of Pete and I,” you reply heading to the stairs.
             “what does he do?” your dad asked looking up from his phone.
             “just look him up. I have to get ready.”
once you safely made it up the stairs and away from their questions, you began to rummage through your closet for clothes. you were pulled out of your search by your dad yelling up the stairs.
a week and a half later, you were on a plane to Syracuse. your parents weren’t super hip about you leaving so soon, but you argued that it was for work. and, it was. you weren’t lying.
they also were not so happy about your friendship with Colson, or Machine Gun Kelly as they knew him. your mom argued for the tattoos, which made no sense, since they liked Pete, and he had tattoos. they were also not so impressed that he was a rapper.
maybe, you shouldn’t have let them read all the articles about him.
he was heavily misunderstood by the media, and Colson was not ‘Machine Gun Kelly’. he was Colson Baker. you tried to explain that he was so much more than what the media portrayed, but your parents were more of the seeing rather than believing type.
with that all said, you were happy to be out of the house. you were tired of constantly arguing for and defending your friendship. anytime you got super defensive of Colson, your family accused you of being in love with him. were you? hell yeah. but, you weren’t going to admit that to anyone. you ran from your feelings, remember?
once you finally landed at the airport in Syracuse, you texted the guys.
             colson baker: in line waiting for you
             colson baker: north pick up line
             colson baker: black escalade
when you finally made it out the doors with your baggage, you searched for the black escalade. you attention was pulled to the sound of doors opening, and you found Colson on the passenger side of the car as Pete climbed into the backseat. you smiled as you watched the guys. you made your way to them.
             “hi,” you smile.
             “hi,” Colson replied looking down at you.
you kinda forgot what it was like to be around six-foot giants. Colson moved to take your bag from you before putting it in the trunk. after you helped him load up your bag, he took your hand and led you to the passenger seat.
before you could hop in, he grabbed you and kissed you. you moved to grip the fabric of his jacket as you kissed him back.
             “did you just kiss her? what? did he just kiss you?” Pete asked dumbfounded from the backseat as he looked back and forth from you and Colson.
you laughed to yourself as you buckled your seat belt while Colson made his way to the driver’s seat. as he hopped in and buckled up, he turned to you. you laughed before turning to Pete.
             “anyone want to answer me? did you kiss her?” Pete said slapping Colson’s shoulder with the back of his hand.
             “yeah, I did. what are you going to do about it?” Colson raised an eyebrow at him.
you laughed picking at the skin of your lip.
             “what the hell? am I third wheeling this whole trip?”
             “dude, you would have had me third wheeling this whole trip if we didn’t invite her.”
             “how long?” Pete whined. “how long has this been a thing?”
             “since my birthday,” you reply quietly.
             “since your birthday,” he said dropping his jaw. “that was months ago.”
             “I know,” you laugh. “to be fair, we haven’t seen each other much since. we’ve been talking and stuff, though.”
             “what the hell, guys.”
you and Colson both laughed as he pulled out of his spot in line and drove toward your hotel.
             “oh, I told my parents about you, and they googled you. they aren’t very happy.”
you spent your first day on set waiting around for the guys in Pete’s trailer before your call time. you and Colson sat and talked, just being close to each other after months apart. once it was finally your call time, you got your makeup and hair done, which wasn’t much considering you were just an extra in a scene.
the director had you placed at a bar table with two other girls. drinks were all placed in front of you. you fixed your hair a bit before the director called action. the scene began and you just kept your head down, while you waited for your cue. one of the guys walked up to your table and began talking to the three of you. the camera panned over to your table, and the guy began his lines. you smiled and laughed at him.
             “I already have a tab open so if you want another-”
             “hey,” Pete yelled catching your attention. “I’m sorry about our friend. we found him in a dumpster. he’s a rescue. sorry”
             “it’s okay,” the girl next to you yelled.
             “aw don’t worry. he’s got all of his shots though, so he won’t bite,” Pete called back.
             “oh,” the girl laughed. “what about your puppy?”
             “who? Mo?”
             “yeah, he looks a little young to be in here.”
             “you look a little old to be in here,” Pete shot back. you had to hold in your laugh.
             “CUT,” the director yelled. “let’s do it one more time, just in case, and then move on.”
you repeated the scene once more before everyone moved on to the next part of your scene. the guys all crowded around your small table. Colson stood behind Pete, who was sitting on one of the barstools.
             “you guys look great. can we get another girl on the other side of Griffin please?” the director asked, gesturing to the second lead in the film. “(y/n), can you move?”
             “yeah,” you reply before hopping out of your seat to sit on the other side of Griffin. you then realized that you were directly in the camera’s line of vision.
you looked up at Colson who was across the table from you. he sent you a wink before taking a drink of whatever liquid was in his glass. you smiled back at him before Pete reached across the table to fist bump you. you laughed at him before getting ready for the scene.
the director moved back and called “Action.”
             “Mo actually got back from the army,” Pete started his lines.
             “yeah?” you respond.
             “yeah, he was there for 16 years,” Pete replied to you.
             “let’s not talk about, yeah,” Griffin responded giving Pete and Colson a look.
             “anyway, yeah, he hasn’t been laid in 16 years. how crazy is that?” Pete said before Colson could interrupt him.
             “aye, to Mo,” Colson said bring his glass in.
             “to Mo,” the table responded crashing the glasses together.
             “welcome back brother,” Colson said.
             “yeah, man.”
             “hoo-rah, right?” Colson said clinking his glass to yours.
             “hoo-rah,” Griffin cheered back.
             “hey, may we all make it to heaven before the devil knows we’re dead, baby,” Colson yelled.
             “YEAH,” Pete cheered back beating his chest like a frat boy.
             “cheers,” Griffin called before clinking his glass to yours.
             “wait. what does that mean?” Pete asked.
             “like, we’re sinners and-and-” Colson nodded his head. “and, bad motherfuckers, and he’s coming to suck us back…” Colson paused to do a little motion before continuing. “he wants us.”
             “isn’t that, like a Buzz Frontier song?” the other guy asked, and Colson looked up at him.
             “who wants us?” Pete interrupts looking at Colson. “what did he do? what did we do?”
             “Satan, motherfucker, wants us,” Colson said moving his head to emphasize each word.
he then bent his head back up before making eye contact with you. one of the other girls began to laugh, which caused the table to laugh with her. Colson sent you another wink, and you smiled back at him.
             “Cut,” the director called. “that was good. let’s do it one more time.”
you were sad that your scene was over. you liked working with Pete and Colson. after you finished getting out of your costume, you put your clothes back on before heading to Pete’s trailer. in there, Pete and Colson were lounging on the furniture.  
             “what are you two doing?” you laugh as you close the trailer door behind you.
             “waiting for you,” Pete shot back.
             “what’s the plan?” you asked taking a seat on the couch next to Colson.
he wrapped an arm around you.
             “I have to shoot for a few more hours, but we can meet up later,” Pete suggested.
             “do you want to go out?” Colson asked you. “while we wait.”
             “sure,” you nodded. “what time do you think you’ll be done?” you asked Pete.
             “not sure, but I’ll text you.” Pete stood up from his seat. “I have to get back, but I’ll see you later.”
             “aight,” Colson replied reaching to dab up Pete.
Pete took his hand before patting you on the head.
             “bye Pete,” you call to him as he leaves.
             “bye, be safe,” he laughs back at the two of you.
as you watched the door of the trailer shut, you felt a pair of eyes on you. you turned to find Colson staring down at you.
             “what?” you laugh at him. “do I have something on my face?”
             “no.” he gave you a small smile.
             “then, stop staring at me like that.”
             “staring at you like what?”
             “like that,” you said pointing at his face. “making me feel self-conscious.”
             “can’t help that you’re really pretty.”
             “and that’s my cue to go,” you say starting to get up from the couch.
Colson laughed behind you before pulling you back onto the couch.
             “do you want to go to the mall?” he asked smiling at you. “then I can take you out for that dinner you promised me.”
             “ohhhh, I guess I did promise you a dinner,” you hum. “let’s go then.”
             “try it on.”
             “no. did you see how many zeros were on that tag?”
             “jesus, just try it on.”
             “get in that goddamn dressing room and try on the goddamn dress,” Colson mutter quietly to you.
Colson had dragged you into some fancy boutique to “buy you a dress.” you resisted, of course, and the fact that he was so willing to buy you an expensive dress scared you. you were very responsible with your money, and you never splurged on yourself. this, of course, was not going over well with Colson now that you were refusing to even try on a dress that was more than a hundred dollars.
             “Colson, it’s really expensive,” you softly say looking up at him.
             “so?” he shrugged. “please let me buy you something nice.” he gave you the closest thing he could to ‘puppy dog eyes.’
             “jesus, fine,” you breathe pulling yourself from his eyes. “I’m trying it on, but if I don’t like it, you’re not buying it.”
             “scouts honor,” he said holding up his hand.
with that, you snatched the hot pink mini dress from his hands and marched toward the dressing room. you could hear Colson lightly laughing at you as he watched you.
once you made it into the dressing room, you took a seat on the bench. you put your head in your hands before taking a breath. were you doing this? yes, and it went against every bone in your body. after you settled yourself down, you began to take off your clothes before trying on the dress.
once you began to slip on the dress, you couldn’t get it to zip up. you tried every angle possible, but the zipper wouldn’t budge. you let out a heavy sigh before collecting yourself. you peeked through the sliver of the door to see if Colson was outside the dressing room. you found him browsing at a rack of clothes a few feet from your dressing room.
you opened the door by a crack before poking your head out.
             “Colson,” you whisper-yelled to him.
his head perked up before finding you. he began to stalk closer to you.
             “how does it look?” he asked when he got to you.
             “I think I need a bigger size,” you admitted to him.
             “I’ll go grab the next size up, but can I at least see it?”
             “no, it won’t zip up,” you shot back.
             “can I try?”
             “can you try?”
             “jesus christ,” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. “just turn around.”
you opened the door a bit more before turning around. you felt him place his hands on your hips before finding the zipper.
             “this should totally zip,” he whispered in your ear. “the zipper’s just stuck.”
you felt him move the zipper down before pulling it back up. the dress finally zipped.
you sighed once the dress finally fit properly. as you glanced in the mirror, you fell in love with the dress. you looked good. it was almost as if the dress was made for your body. it didn’t gap in weird places, and it wasn’t too snug. it felt perfect, and for its price, you were glad it was perfect. it would be a rip-off if it wasn’t.
             “damn,” Colson whispered.
             “damn,” you nodded.
             “you’re getting it.”
             “I’m not going to fight you on it,” you reply turning around to face him. “now, get out so I can get dressed.”
             “at least, let me unzip you first,” he laughed.
four hours and a shopping trip later, you and Colson were sitting in some fancy restaurant together. he was in a fashionable shirt and jacket while you sat in your hot pink mini dress.
             “thank you for dinner,” you say reaching across the table to take his hand.
             “you’re welcome,” he smiled at you after he handed the paid check back to the waitress. “I promised you a dinner, didn’t i?”
             “you did,” you laugh.
             “you wanna get out of here?” he suggests nodding toward the door.
             “sure,” you nod back.
with that, he moved to help you out of your chair. with his hand in yours, the two of you headed to his rental car. he opened the passenger door for you. before you could get in the car, you turned and placed a hand on his cheek.
his eyes met yours, and your heart melted. his hands landed on your waist, and he pulled you close before planting his lips on yours. you leaned up to kiss him back. and there you were, standing in the parking lot of a fancy restaurant making out like a bunch of teenagers.
at sunset, the two of you were sitting at the private rooftop patio of your hotel. you were both laying on one of the daybeds watching the sky change colors. you were deep in thought.
             “I’m scared,” you admit staring up at the sky.
             “scared?” Colson quietly asked you from where he was laying next to you.
             “yeah,” you breathe. “I don’t do relationships. I run from them. maybe it’s my fear of rejection or my fear of getting hurt.” you pause for a moment. “I really like you. like really, really like you. and part of me is scared because I don’t want to get hurt, but I want a relationship. I want love, you know?”
             “I get it,” he murmured next to you.
you were both at the point of the night where deep conversations were rolling. should you have been so honest with him? who knows. would you regret it tomorrow? maybe. but, right now, it had been said.
             “and, I want a relationship with you.” he rolled over on his side to face you. “I’m just scared because I don’t want to be just another girl for you. you buy me a pretty dress and take me to dinner with the hopes that I land in your bed tonight, and it makes me wonder,” you whisper.
you could feel his gaze. he took one of your hands and placed a kiss on the backside of it.
             “you and I both know my track record with relationships kinda suck,” he starts. “but, I want this to work.” he brushed a peace of hair from your face. “I’ve never felt this way with anyone, and I’m going to be completely honest when I say it scares the shit out of me. and, if it makes you more comfortable, we can take this relationship at whatever speed you want it to go. I just want to be with you. I want to make this work, and I want to be a part of your life. I want this relationship to be more than just texts at 4 am and kissing you once every three months.”
you were both quiet for a bit. you were processing what he had said. he wants this to work. he wants to be with you. he wants this relationship, and he wants it to be more.
             “I’m gonna fall in love with you if you keep saying shit like that,” you whisper after your moment of silence.
             “good,” he smiled placing a hand on your cheek. “because, I’m falling in love with you.”
your breath caught in your throat. you wrapped your arms around his neck before pulling him down to you. he placed his lips on yours and kissed you. laying there in the daybed, you kissed him back.
             “be my whatever,” he whispered.
             “be your whatever?” you ask raising an eyebrow.
             “yeah, whatever you want to call yourself. just be mine. be mine, baby.”
and you kissed him once more.
not sure how i feel about this. hopefully, this does justice for a part two, anon. i hope you enjoyed. feel free to send requests. - rose xx
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pixie88 · 3 years
Rem’s Birthday BBQ
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Chapter 5 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: Remy set Laila up on a date, but Laila and Harry aren’t happy about it. How will the birthday celebrations go? Yes, Laila’s embarrassing moment has happened to me haha! I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff, Mild NSFW & Adult Language.
Word Count: 2106
Pairings: Laila x Harry
"A date?" Laila questions him "Yeah, with one of Alec's mates" Rem seems super excited about this "What friend?" Harry asks, looking over to Alec "Freddie, I didn't think he'd be Laila's type, but Rem seems to think that he is" as soon as Alec tells him its Freddie Harry chuckles "Freddie?! Really?! Good luck Laila!" There is almost a hint of jealously in his voice.
"Come on, Harry he's not that bad!" Alec tries not to laugh through his lie "She'll fall asleep before they have even ordered drinks. He has no chat when it comes to girls" Laila looks over to Rem "So you're setting me up with a bore?" Rem shook his head "No, he is actually really funny! Ignore these two! I just want you to find someone...it's been 8 years since Josh...you need to get over him at some point!"
A sadness still came over Laila each time someone mentions his name "Rem! Look, it's your birthday and I don't want to fall out with you over this, so here is your present I'm going to walk away from this conversation before I say something I regret!" She gets up leaving before anyone can say anything.
"Auntie Laila!!!" Carly collides with her "Come on, we are all on the zip swing" Laila parents had a huge back garden surrounding their house, so her dad built a park for the grand kids. All the kids loved the zip swing they would take turns on having a go and pulling the seat back each time.
Having 3 older brothers Laila had a total of 11 nieces and nephews. Chris had Lilly - 11, Luna - 9 and Carly - 5, Max had the twins Isla and Arya - 10, Nate had Alfie - 5, Issac - 7, Blake - 11 and  Zeppy the oldest at 18.
"Auntie Laila" Alfie zipped past on the swing as he hit the end the swing flies up nearly dropping Alfie off backwards "Wow, be careful Alf!" Laila watches her nephew run back to the start with the swing in tow.
"Where are your parents?" she looked round at the kids "Nanny and Grandad had us stay over last night. We had a camp out in the living room" Carly tells her "Why don't you have a go?" Carly pushes her towards the swing "Yeah, Auntie Laila!" Alf cheers her on "But....!" she hesitates but the kids aren't taking no for an answer.
Laila gets on, gripping the swing for dear life "3...2....1...Go!" they count her down, she zips along the line, then as it hits the end.... the chair flies forward up into the air and Laila's grip loosens, she fell backwards onto the grass the swing above her with no passenger "LAILA!!" she hears a familiar voice shout within seconds she knows whose voice it is as he stands over her "Are you OK?" Harry looks down at her as soon as he asks, she bursts out a laugh "Other than dying of embarrassment? Yeah, I'm OK" he starts to laugh with her as he helps her up off the ground.
"You went down before the seat did!" he laughs, "I didn't expect it to throw me off," she looks over to the kids who are laughing at her, "Should we get you a drink?" he puts his hand on the small of her back leading her to a table.
She sits as Harry grabs them a drink "Laila, are you OK?" Terry looks at her worried "Dad, I'm fine," she laughs, "Still, I better go and tell them to be careful" he leaves her alone at the table walking over to the kids.
Harry hands her a Pimms can "I wasn't sure what you wanted but thought you can't go wrong with Pimms right?" he sits down next to her with a beer in his hand "Actually, I don't like Pimms" she lies, "Oh! I can go and get you something else?" he's about to get up when she giggles and pulls him back down "I'm joking!" She laughs, he narrows his eyes at her with a grin "That was just mean!" he laughs, "Erm...Its looks like you have a date this Friday!" She scrunches up her nose at the question "Argh...I need to find a way to get out of that one!"
"Oh?" he's sips his beer trying to sound neutral "I know Rem means well..." he has to ask. It's now or never right?! "What was he talking about earlier? When he mentioned someone called Josh?" He watches as her walls slowly go up.
She turns to him "No judgment?" He nods just wanting to listen to her "OK, Josh was someone I met in college, we were together for over 4 years. Engaged, but then he got sick...." she takes a deep breath gearing up to say the words "He passed away...." she looks down at her hands in her lap.
He wished he never asked now, he takes her hand.
She looks up at him "It took me a while to date after that and I'm not trying to give you a big head or anything, but you are probably the first person to have made it to a second date," he tries to hide his smirk, but it breaks out "Must be my amazing dates" she shook her "About that... do you do normal dates" she raises a questioning brow at him.
He chuckles "I...to be honest with you, I've never done dates as extravagant as I have with you.." Laila tuts at him finding it hard to believe "Honestly, it's the truth. You have this thing about you that makes me just want to impress you"
She lets out a little laugh, "I love the big wow dates, but I prefer simple ones," he smirks at her "Now she tells me! What if I was to do a movie night and dinner at mine? You would be happy with that?" She pretends to think for a second "It depends on your cooking skills" she winks, he howls "My cooking skills are fantastic actually!" she shoves him "Of course they are!"
"Friday come over and I'll show you!" she knows exactly why he has chosen to do it on that day "Have you forgotten? I have plans," he knows she's baiting him, "We both know you don't want to go on that date and I wasn't lying earlier when I said you'll be asleep before ordering" for a split second she could see a hint of jealousy in his eyes as she decides what to do "I'll let you know" she smirks, teasing him.
Later everyone is a little tipsy now and Nate drags Laila up to dance "Nate, No!" he isn't listening to her "Come on, every family gathering, we always get up and dance!!" all the kids that haven't fallen asleep are up dancing too. Pharrell Williams - Happy is playing everyone that is still at the party is up dancing except Alec and Harry who are watching from the sidelines.
"Grandad, you dance like an old man!" Carly laughs at Terry doing the robot, Remy dances his way over to Laila "I'm waving my white flag!" she shook her head at her oldest friend "Rem! I'm sorry I snapped a bit earlier," she hugs him "Hey, you made up for it as soon as you came flying of the zip swing. That was priceless! But one thing I did notice Harry seem to run to your rescue pretty quick?" Remy gives her a look he always give her when he knows there's more to the story.
She can't keep it a secret from him anymore, she looks round Harry isn't within earshot, but his eyes are glued to her, "If I tell you something you can't tell anyone! I mean not even Alec! Pinky promise?" Rem rolls his eyes "Laila, how old are we again?!" she huffs at him "OK, I pinky promise! Now what is going on?" she checks one more time "Harry and I have been on a couple of dates" Remy's face lights up "W...what!? You and Harry?! When did this start?" Rem has 21 questions for her.
"It started after your stag weekend. He came to the salon for a haircut and it went on from there," she whispers to him, "Do you like him? Have you....you know?" He winks at her, she can't believe he just asked her that "Rem! No! We haven't! I do like him" Rem pull her in for a hug "Lulu! I'm happy you've finally gotten yourself back out there!"
She blushes "Lulu, you haven't called me that in years!" She laughs. "Called her what?" They hear behind her, turning they saw Alec and Harry joining them "Lulu, I used to call Laila it growing up"
"Well, Lulu you won't mind if I stole my Remy for a dance?" Alec spins Remy, she laughs, "No, of course not. I'm happy for you to take him off my hands! His dances moves are awful" she laughs.
Alec and Remy start dancing together with everyone else.
"Lulu huh?" She turns towards him "Oh, no! Don't tell me you're going to start teasing me about it?!" He laughs, "Nah, I might start calling you it myself. Oh, by the way your dad offered to let me stay the night" she looks at him confused "He did?!" Why has he done that? "I told him I couldn't have more than one beer because I was going to drive Alec and Remy home, so he said we could all stay"
"That's my dad for ya! I'm staying the night too" her dad had already told her that she could stay a few days ago "We could be sleeping next door to each other again?" He winks. "Just keep the snore session down, yeah?!" she laughs, "I do not snore!" he protests "OK, if you want to believe that!" She teases him more "You are so irritating, but I like it. I really want to kiss you!" she smirks "Sorry, but you'll have to keep your lips to yourself!" He huffs.
Its after midnight Remy, Alec, Harry and Laila were the last ones to head the bed "Night Lulu and Haribo!" a drunk Remy sways into his old bedroom with Alec. "Which room did your mum say I was in?" Harry whispers trying not to wake everyone "The guest room next to my old ro...." his lips crash to hers, the kiss is electrifying making every nerve ending stand on end.
They stumble into her bedroom onto the bed. His lips trail down her pulse line, his hand glides up her leg, slipping under her playsuit and brushes against her centre "Harry?" he pulls away to look at her. "I want to....its just..." he strokes her face and smiles as he collapses on the bed next to her "It's fine. We can take it slow" she felt relieved he understood. "Not too slow we can't cuddle?" he lets out a soft chuckle "I do like to cuddle" he wraps his arms around her.
"I am sorry! It's been so long since I've been with someone in that way," he kisses her forehead "Don't give it a second thought. I can do slow" he begins to stroke her hair making her eyes drift.
"Laila! Are you awake?" she heard her mum call out, followed by a knock on the bedroom door, she looks around the room realising where she is.
With Harry is asleep next to her "Laila?" her mum calls out again.
Shit! She can't have her catch Harry in here! Laila tries to wake him "Harry! Wake up!" he begins to stir, she silences him with a finger to his lips.
When the door handle twists Laila pushes him off the bed and he falls to the floor with a thud "Ouch!"
"Laila, Are you..?" Laila smiles at her mum "Mum?! You alright?" Laila tries not to blush.
"Yep, I just wondered if you wanted breakfast?" Laila nods "Great, what about Harry?" Laila is shocked by her mum's question "What? Harry?" she asks, "Sweetheart, if you're going to get him to hide behind the bed at least make sure his feet aren't sticking out the bottom or did you forget he's nearly 6 foot? Well, I suppose we are all the same size when we're doing the horizontal tango" she winks as turns to leave the room "I'll take his silence as a yes to breakfast" she closes the bedroom door.
Harry pops his head up smiling at a very red Laila....
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 6.
@secretaryunpaid​ @lem-20​ @aussieez​ @khoicesbyk​ @irisofpurple​ @shewillreadyou​ @txemrn​ @pixiezilla6​
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Egotober Day 5: Life is Ours to Chose
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Care
Summary: Wil is not the only mind twisted and affected but the Manor, Dark is not immune to the House’s effects, to the mismatic soul rot that exists therin. There comes a point in every child’s life when they realize that their parents are not invincible, Illinois just thought he already knew that.
A/N: *comes in like a fancy waiter* okay who here at this table ordered a Dark angst special with a side order of WKM implications about that crib that Mark and the team didn’t want to take out of the master bedroom because they didn’t want to move or break anything in the room? No one? Okay, guess I’ll just leave this on the table.
And, yes I know that crib is supposed to 100% have absolutely nothing to do with the plot, but in the same livestream (The “I Explain Everything” livestream the team did for a charity event) he said to ignore him and go with what was in the videos first, so there.
Warnings: none
Illinois had plans for the day, a nice little date with Eric. It had been a while since he’d been able to get Eric alone for some couple’s time. He’d gone to the main warehouse to show face for a bit before slipping away . . . but Dark wasn’t there.
He asked around and Google and Ed hadn’t seen him. He’d never shown up. So Illinois turned back around and went back to the Manor, a bit worried.
Over the years Illinois had figured out or been told information about Dark’s past. About Damien and Celine. Most of this information had been gleaned by Illinois’s curiosity over the years, exploring the Manor and generally being more observant than the rest of his siblings. Other times Dark personally confided the information to him since Illinois already knew things about him. Of course it was nothing overly detailed, just enough to understand.
The information only made the two of them closer. Illinois didn’t know everything about Dark and Wilford’s past, but he knew enough.
So when Illinois walked into the Manor he could feel something was wrong. It wasn’t just quiet, Illinois could almost hear his own blood pumping in his ears it was so quiet.
Then . . .
“Sweetie where are you‽”
Suddenly, at that cry the Manor seemed to fold itself around and Illinois was standing right in front of the master bedroom, the doors thrown open and an absolute mess inside.
Against one of the walls, under a large window was a black metal crib. It had been Bim’s crib when he was a baby. Dark had placed it up in the attic. But this time instead of being under a fabric cloth, it was back in the open, decorated with toys and a mobile overhead with stars. The room was a complete overturned mess. As if someone had been looking for something.
“Marc, where’s—” Dark demanded from behind Illinois, her voice urgent with almost panic.
Illinois looked behind him to see Dark, looking like her red soul. She froze when she met Illinois’s eyes.
The Manor seemed to ripple in some silent command. Dark looked confused before letting out a sigh of relief, “Ugh, it’s been such a long day.”
“Everything okay?” Illinois asked.
“Yeah, sweetie, don’t worry, I just thought,” she looked away, “nevermind.”
“No it’s okay,” Illinois tried to reassure her, as she walked past him and went into the master bedroom to clean up. The adventurer noticed instantly that the crib was conspicuously absent, but there was a clear clean spot in the mess where the crib had once been. “What happened?”
Dark smiled and turned back to pluck his hat off his head and start smoothing down his hair with her other hand. “Don’t you worry about that sweetie, ugh, you have such nice hair, don’t hide it.”
“You usually don’t mind the hat,” Illinois reminded her, and she smiled at him.
Dark held out the hat, “Well you’re a nice boy, and goodness knows you’ve got your father’s confidence but you can never have too much help.”
“My old man’s confidence?” Illinois chuckled, taking his hat back but not putting it back on just yet.
She was already walking to the room, muttering to herself, “Ugh, that bastard probably did this.”
“You need any help?” Illinois offered, something just wasn’t right.
“I’ve got this,” Dark promised, starting to remake the bed, with her hands instead of her aura.
In fact! It had just occurred to Illinois that her aura was completely absent, the red-blue after effects, the ringing echo.
She was just about to finish the bed when she collapsed, screaming bloody murder.
Illinois was next to her in an instant, trying to figure out what was wrong. She was screaming and her suit shirt was starting to darken with blood. Illinois at first didn’t move her, unsure of what had happened but after a bit he was able to stop the bleeding, grabbing the nearest article of clothing.
Dark didn’t bleed out but eventually the pain got too much and she just fell asleep. It was terrifying, Dark didn’t have a pulse and sometimes the Entity just didn’t breath, but Illinois had never seen Dark like this.
He was on the phone with one of Dark’s doctors, one Dark used for Illinois and the others but even when she came over she couldn’t find anything. There was no hole, no cut, not even bruising. But there was a lot of blood.
So Illinois waited by her bedside for Dark to wake up, calling Eric to tell him that the date would have to wait. Another couple of calls and Illinois made sure the network hadn’t noticed anything off and would continue to be running while Dark was out of commission.
Illinois also kept Bim and Yan out of the room. The Manor had righted itself back from whatever had happened while Dark had been acting weird. Wil came in and out, worried but sure she would wake up again.
At around seven at night she did.
“Sweetie?” Dark called out, and Illinois rushed over to her side.
“Mom?” Illinois tried.
“I can’t move,” she sounded terrified, tears started to fall from her eyes.
“I’m right here,” Illinois promised.
“Don’t tell your dad yet,” Dark pleaded. “He . . . I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Illinois promised.
Dark gave a shadow of a smile, looking at him with love and awe, “I don’t know how you came from him. You’re so sweet, are you Wil’s, you have to be.”
Something in Illinois felt like he was being smothered, he couldn’t speak, his voice locked up in his throat for the first time since he’d watched his first adventuring partner die.
Before he could come up with something to comfort her, Dark’s eyes fluttered closed and she fell back into sleep . . . or more likely unconsciousness. Illinois wasn’t sure there was a difference with Dark’s situation.
She left Illinois to brew in his own suspicious thoughts.
This time she wasn’t out long, maybe fifteen minutes, and with it there was that familiar pitched ringing. Illinois held his breath.
“Ugh,” Dark groaned, reaching up to grab at where the blood had first started seeping from. “Where?”
“You okay?” Illinois asked.
Dark jumped, reflexively shifting back to look like his blue form, then he recognized Illinois and changed back. “Oh, it’s you. What happened?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t see you at work so I came looking for you,” Illinois warned. “You weren’t doing so well so I moved you onto the bed.”
Dark picked herself up a bit, looking at the clock, “How long have I been out of the office?”
“A couple hours, no one noticed,” Illinois promised.
She let out a sigh of relief, “At least something went right today.”
Wilford walked in and gasped when he saw Dark was half seated and ran at full speed towards her, jumping on the bed.
“Darky!” Wil shouted and Dark gave a surprised yelp. “How was your nap? I missed you.”
“Missed you too, Wil,” Dark smiled, patting Wil on the arm.
Reading the room, Illinois stood up, “Alright, I’ll step out for a couple minutes, call me if anything changes, alright?”
Dark stopped him, grabbing him by the arm, “Thank you.”
“Any time 엄마,” Illinois told her, Wil had rolled over to Dark’s side and was cuddling next to her.
“Dark,” she corrected.
“Not to me,” Illinois reminded, with all the confidence of a child who usually got away with things his siblings did not. Then with one last check if Dark could move, Illinois left.
He avoided Bim and Yan, there wasn’t any questions the two of them could answer for him. Illinois had known that Wil and Dark had been together for years, and he knew from scant hints he had been confided with, that Dark’s red soul had been with another before that. But he didn’t think that there had been a use for that crib before Bim.
But Illinois had to be sure that wasn’t the case. That there wasn’t a missing sibling out there, even if they might have died years before Illinois had been born. But they were someone worth looking for.
So he went to go find the only person who could possibly have old pre-network records of Egoton: Google.
Google was in the main warehouse, working on some device that wasn’t built enough for Illinois to even guess what it was.
“Why?” Google asked after Illinois asked for old records.
“Because I need that information for research,” Illinois answered. “Shouldn’t take more than about fifteen minutes, and then I’m out of your business.
Google let out a frustrated sigh and a holographic projected screen appeared in front of Google, angled towards Illinois. Illinois started to try and access Egoton’s census records.
“Egoton’s record before 1965 is circumstantial at best,” Google warned as Illinois tried to filter through the information.
“I just need to find records of anyone with the last name Barnum: B-A-R-N-U-M. Probably an adult in the 1920’s or 1930, married.”
Google went silent for a moment, his eyes flashing blue before he looked up, the screen in front of Illinois changed. “Zero individuals found with the last name Barnum.”
Illinois sighed in frustration, “Come on Old Man. Try D-O-O-M.”
“Doom?” Google asked, just staring at him.
“Just do it,” Illinois grumbled, and when the android didn’t seem to be doing anything he added, “please.”
“Zero individuals found with the last name Doom,” Google informed.
“Course,” Illinois grumbled. “Why would he let any records of that survive? How about Doomstrum, D-O-O-M-S-T-R-U-M.”
“Still zero,” Google answered. “I do not know what you could possibly be looking for.”
Illinois was about ready to call it a loss, that he didn’t have any other information. Dark had covered his and Wil’s tracks fairly well. But then a name came into Illinois’s mind. Maybe from some distant memory of one of Wil’s lucid spells where he’d been drunk and jabbering on, or from some paper he had found. Or a name said in contempt when Dark thought no one had heard it.
“One more name and I’m done,” Illinois promised. “Markiplier. I think it’s a stage name. Try Iplier, or I-plier? However it’s pronounced. I-P-L-I-E-R.”
Google rolled his eyes but when quiet again, but this silence lasted longer. After about a minute or two Google brought forward a result. “It’s not in Egoton records but there is a mention of a Mark Iplier in the Los Angeles Evening Express. Date: April 13, 1929. The article is tucked back in the entertainment section, of sorts, the article details that a beloved Broadway actor and his wife are expecting a child.”
“Does it give the name of the kid?” Illinois asked, more hopeful than he should have been.
“No,” Google answered.
“That’s probably the only thing I’m going to get,” Illinois groaned.
“Why are you trying to look through Egoton’s destroyed records?” Google asked, artist to scan through the article. There were no pictures and nothing but human speculation. But it was a lead Illinois had been looking for.
“Just some questions I’ve had about how Egoton was before Dark showed up,” Illinois answered, and Google was more than convinced he was only giving him half the truth to throw the android off the story.
“Is that so?” Google asked, staring at him unblinkingly.
“Hey if you find out more, feel free to tell me,” Illinois shrugged and straightened his hat. “Anyways, if you don’t mind, I have to get back home. See yah Googs.”
Google made an angry hum and watched Illinois leave without even trying to stop him to ask more questions. The young man would head back to the Manor, but Google would start scouring for those names.
His interest was peaked.
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 25: An Air of Déjà Vu (Part 2)
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2284
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1)
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Mackenzie barely slept. The sun wasn’t even up yet when she decided to get out of her room and walk around the cold castle. The hallways were as similar as they were different. Paintings, flowers and other decorations made each corridor easily recognizable. It wasn’t hard for the ultimate to find her way back to her room when she turned around as she started to feel sick. She collapsed on the red velvet couch, hoping the nausea would soon go away. She fell asleep and Heidi found her hours later when the sun was high up in the sky.
Heidi was standing in front of the couch, her arms crossed over her chest, a look of disapproval on her face.
“It’s almost noon,” she said coldly. “What are you doing?”
“Sorry,” Mackenzie replied groggily, “I didn’t sleep much.”
“I was told you came back at midnight.”
“I did. I just didn’t sleep well.”
“You’re probably jet-lagged,” the witch dismissed her with a wave of the hand. “Anyway, now that you’ve taken a nap, I’m sure you’re ready for your morning lesson.”
“Morning lesson?” she repeated as she rubbed her eyes.
“You have ten minutes to get ready. I’ll wait for you in the library.”
Heidi then turned around and left the room without any other word. Mackenzie stayed on the couch for a minute, stretching up. The library, she thought. Elijah could be there. She had tried hard not to think about her last nightmare, but as she was walking the castle’s hallways, it was all she could think about. It’s not real, she told herself. Elijah wouldn’t hurt her. That nightmare was just a silly dream, it didn’t make any sense. Elijah wouldn’t hurt her. She knew that much. Didn’t she?
She finally got up and picked up a pair of jeans and a purple shirt before putting on her sneakers and making her way to the door. As she was about to open it, someone came knocking.
“Lady Alemaund?” the servant from the night before asked from behind the door.
Mackenzie opened and the girl quickly bowed to her, making the elemental uncomfortable.
“Lady Alemaund, Lady Beauregard has sent me. She wants me to take you to the library.”
Mackenzie scoffed internally. Of course, Heidi thought of everything.
“Thank you,” she smiled shyly.
As they walked in silence, Mackenzie was dying to ask about Elijah, if she knew, by any chance, his whereabouts. She resisted all the way to the library, but, as the girl was about to open, finally blurted it out.
“Is Elijah inside?”
“Sir Mikaelson?” she asked, and Mackenzie nodded. “He’s walking the maze with Sir Davidson outside,” she answered, missing the look of relief on Mackenzie’s face, “do you want me to bring him here?”
“No,” Mackenzie replied, too quickly, “no, no, that’s fine, don’t bother him, thank you.”
The girl nodded then opened the door, bowing as she gestured Mackenzie to enter.
The library was not at all what she expected. In fact, it didn’t look like a library. It was more of a lab than anything else. Herbs and other flowers were hanging on the walls and from the ceilings, jars filled with all sorts of things of all sorts of colors were carefully organized on the hundreds of shelves that were spread in the rooms. Sure, there were a few books here and there, but that didn’t make it a library.
“There you are.”
Mackenzie jumped as she heard Heidi’s voice from across the room, near two big windows that were the only source of light. She was standing behind a metal worksurface on which had been laid a few empty jars as well as an opened book and other ingredients.
“There are plenty of spells we could study here,” Heidi said. “And plenty of potions. Come on, I’ll teach you the basics.”
 Potion making would have been easy enough if Mackenzie had managed to focus for one second. But every single word that came out of Heidi’s mouth were ignored by the troubled ultimate who could only hear the same sentence over and over again: “You can’t trust him, he will hurt you.” Surely her mother wasn’t talking about Elijah, nor Alexander, nor anyone else Mackenzie could think of. And if she were talking about Elijah maybe she didn’t know what she was talking about. Maybe she thought Elijah was like Klaus, a dangerous psychopath who would kill her because of her power. Maybe she didn’t know Elijah at all. Maybe she was wrong. Or maybe, her mother wasn’t the source of the nightmare at all. Maybe it was just a dumb dream and she was worried for nothing.
Heidi was losing her patience and even though she could see something was wrong, she had no intention of asking her about it. That was a job for Alexander.
The heretic appeared in the lab, as if summoned by Heidi’s thoughts, followed by the original vampire. He seemed happy to see Mackenzie, as happy as Alexander was to see Heidi, however, only one of the women avoided their other half’s eyes.
“How’s it going?” Alex asked cheerfully.
“Terribly,” Heidi replied with a sigh. “Maybe you’ll get something out of her.”
“Potions aren’t your thing, uh,” the half vampire, half witch said jokingly.
“I’m just tired,” she mumbled, looking down at her hands that were playing with a mortar.
“Ah, well, maybe we should cancel today’s training session?”
“Out of the question,” Heidi said. “On the contrary, it’ll wake her up.”
Mackenzie walked around the table in silence and towards Alexander, still avoiding their eyes, as if she was ashamed of herself for having such terrible thoughts.
“Let’s go then, I’ll follow you.”
“You sure?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, finding her behavior quite strange.
“Are you okay?” Elijah asked as he put a hand on her shoulder.
She moved away quickly, before she could even think about what she was doing. Elijah caught a glimpse of her eyes and found fear in them. She didn’t look long enough to see how much it hurt him.
“I’m fine, I’m just tired, I think I should go lie down.”
“Yes, of course,” the vampire said, looking at both Heidi and Alexander, wondering if they had seen the same thing he had.
 To her relief, no one came to bother her that night. And she actually slept, unbothered by any dream or nightmare. She was up at nine, and ready to go when Heidi came to get her, to the witch’s surprise. She didn’t mention the event of the previous day and the lesson went perfectly well. Mackenzie decided to focus on what was being taught to her rather than the silly thoughts that wouldn’t leave her head. She felt ridiculous having those thoughts but didn’t seem to be able to get rid of them.
According to Sarah, the servant who had apparently been assigned to her, Elijah was in the library, the real one, with all the books and other things the Queen kept in her official library. He was expecting her for lunch and maybe the most horrible thing she had ever done in her life was standing him up with no warnings whatsoever.
The training session with Alexander went as well than the others, she made clear progress but also got her ass handed to her more than once. Fortunately, the session was cut short as they were told about a ball that her Majesty the Queen was hosting that night. Alexander let Mackenzie go early, assuring her that Heidi would be busy at the moment mumbling about being told way to late, that she didn’t have any appropriate gown to wear and that she didn’t want to go anyway. Mackenzie spared him a polite smile before she made her way back to her chambers where Sarah was waiting.
“A few dresses are waiting for you in your bedroom,” she said, “pick one and call me when you’re ready to change.” She bowed before she exited the room, leaving Mackenzie alone with three dresses so beautiful she didn’t think she’d be able to choose just one.
As she grazed the fabric of each dress, she was reminded of the gown Elijah had sent her for the ball his mother had hosted over a month ago. She remembered all of it. His words, his gestures, his smile… She remembered how much she loved being with him just two days ago, and now… now she didn’t even know what to think.
Either way, she was the biggest idiot of the whole universe. First scenario, she was worrying for nothing, thinking Elijah would even want to hurt her in the slightest, or, second scenario, she had trusted an original vampire with her secrets, her life, and her heart, only for him to play her to the death.
She wanted it to be a mistake, just a dream caused by the huge amount of sweets and other cakes Cornelius had made her eat that night. She wanted it to go away, to forget it, so the burning ball of guilt and doubt would disappear from her stomach.
She took out the first gown from the hanger. It was a beautiful blue, almost as blue and magical as Cinderella’s magic dress, with a heart shaped corset and no sleeves. The second one was a stunning purple, similar to the previous one, only with a more reasonable cleavage. The third one was green, in a similar fashion as Cornelius’ clothes. That one she dismissed right away, the corset seemed like a real pain.
“Wear the blue one.”
Mackenzie jumped as she gasped, startled by Elijah’s voice. She hadn’t heard him come in. She looked away quickly when she realized he was the one who had sneaked into her chambers without a sound.
“Hey,” she greeted quietly.
“I missed you at lunch.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Heidi kept you longer than planned?”
She frowned as she thought he’d know exactly at what time she ended her lesson with Heidi this morning. He was testing her, she realized, to see if she would lie to him. Elijah was no fool. He knew something was wrong.
“Then what happened?”
She didn’t reply. What could she reply?
She suddenly felt two hands travel on her waist and her heart skipped a beat as she felt his power near her, as if it was a knife to her throat. She gasped then jumped, startled, before she pushed him away, stepping away from him in a nonsensical panic, causing her back to meet with the wardrobe behind her.
She stared with big eyes at the predator who could so easily kill her if he wished so. And though the act in itself would physically hurt, it wasn’t what she was most afraid of. Elijah was her friend, Elijah was more than that. She loved him, of all kinds of love, she’d felt it all, platonic, pure friendship, gratitude… The love a student had for a teacher, a victim had for a savior. The love of a teenage girl. A first love. A ridiculous love. One that hurt even when everything was perfect. No, she didn’t care about the physical pain. She was more troubled about her heart, her heart she had just given him. She would die if it weren’t real, she would die if he weren’t who she thought he was, she would die as if her heart were being ripped from her chest, she would die from grief, she would die from the heartache.
And at that moment, she thought she would die seeing the look on his face. A look of betrayal, as if someone had just ripped his heart out of his chest, as if she had just stepped on his heart, he had just given her.
“You’re scared of me,” he said, as if he didn’t believe it.
Just like she had done for the past twenty-four hours, trying to push the bad thoughts away, he had too, thinking he had to be wrong when she pushed him away, that she wasn’t scared of him because why would she be?
And those last twenty-four hours crumbled loudly inside of her head as his words echoed over and over again “you’re scared of me” he said like a sad puppy. As vulnerable as he could be, as she had ever seen him.
How could she think, even for one second, that this man wanted to hurt her, that this man had played her, played some kind of twisted game with her? How could she think so low of him? She would never forgive herself, she thought. She didn’t know that she had so much power, that she owned him. She realized, now, that he owned her too, and that even if only a day had passed, it had seemed like an eternity to be away from him, to avoid him, to think of him like a threat, as if he was dead somehow, as if he had never existed and all she had believed had been ripped away from her in the most cruel way.
Tears filled her eyes quickly and one fell on her cheek as she shook her head.
“No,” she breathed out before she hurried towards him.
She hugged him tight, burying her wet face in his chest and he embraced her as if he hadn’t seen her in years, as if he had lost her and had finally found her again.
“I’m not scared of you,” she said, “I’m sorry.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly as he rested his cheek on the top of her head, stroking her hair.
“Nothing,” she sniffed. “Nothing at all.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!!
The entirety of the chapter can be found on my patreon page: patreon.com/alonelydreamer as well as the first part of chapter 26.
I really need to know if the tags are working so please let me know if you were notified!
Have a great week!
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99@aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog @caelst13​ @casedoina​ @nyxestia @happylittlehufflepuff5​
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halstudandruz · 5 years
Took You Long Enough
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood and shootings a few swear words too
It had been almost a year since I was transferred to intelligence. Which also meant it had been almost a year since Erin Lindsay had left for New York. Voight partnered me with Dectective Jay Halstead taking over Erin’s place, and I knew the first day I walked into intelligence I was in trouble. As cheesy as it sounds those green-blue eyes and wide smile made me weak at the knees. As much as I hated to admit it, it didn’t take long for me to develop a crush on Jay, one that I would hide for as long as I could. Unfortunately for me Jay was broken. Erin had left him in pieces and he wasn’t ready to be put back together. So it wasn’t exactly easy to be his new partner at first, but as time went by he learned to open up again, and we quickly became a dynamic duo. However this also meant it was becoming increasingly harder to keep a professional outlook on things when it came to Jay. I understood no matter what we had to keep things professional at work, and I knew I wouldn’t let it affect our job regardless, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t struggling being with him day in and day out hiding my true feelings. One drunken night about 4 months after I came to Intelligence Jay made a move which led to us hooking up. Later that same night still in my drunk state I had stupidly let my feelings slip, but Jay made it clear he wasn’t ready. In all honesty I didn’t know if he would ever be ready, but you better believe that didn’t stop him from reaming Adam a new one when he made a move on me. Acting as though I was his. Even though all we were and probably ever would be was friends with benefits or partners with benefits if you will. You also better believe that didn’t stop the drunk hookups we had after each tough case, or in all reality after pretty much any case. Which I put a stop to recently. My feelings were becoming too strong and I was quickly starting to drown in the bliss that was Jay Halstead. Although this made it awkward at first we had learned to work through it pushing any and all tension to the back of our minds acting as though it wasn’t obvious. Even though nobody in the unit had said anything I had quite the feeling they all knew. Except Kim of course. She quickly became my best friend in the unit. We clicked right off the bat, and she was well aware of my situation.
But on this particular night I was beginning to regret my decision. We were working on a particularly tough case this week, and Jay knew it was starting to take a toll on me. And sadly the more I drank the more I was reminded that I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, the safest place I’ve ever had the pleasure of being. I was trying to keep my conscience in check reminding myself that those moments meant everything to me, and nothing to him. Feeling the sting throughout my body every time I repeated that in my head. After almost calling him myself I decided I needed to go to bed before I made any mistakes. As I shut the TV off, and walked to the fridge to get a water I heard a knock on my door. Looking at the clock on my stove I realized it was already 1 o’clock in the morning, and knew there could only be one person standing at the other side of that door. Feeling my heart start to beat slightly faster than before I took a deep breath before opening the door. There he was standing in my door way hands stuffed in his pockets, hair slightly messy, looking down at the floor. I ushered him inside closing the door as he took off his coat.
“Jay I can’t. We talked about this.” I said not looking at him knowing if I did I was going to break.
“I’m not here for sex [Y/N].” He sighed before continuing, “it’s just I couldn’t sleep..” he trailed off before finishing.
“Okay.. and? You want me to keep you company? You could’ve just FaceTimed me or something.” I asked confused as to what he was getting.
“I was just wondering if maybe I could sleep here..” He said shifting from one foot to the other.
“So, you want to sleep in my bed? I mean yeah I guess that’s fine. I mean if it’s really that big of a deal we could just like switch beds yours is comfy too.” I laughed. “But yeah you know where everything is.” I said as I started to make a bed on the couch.
“[Y/N]…” he gulped looking at me.
“Hmm?” I asked looking at him.
“I understand if you say no, but it’s just that I haven’t slept good in weeks as in like the last time I stayed here and we… like.. yeah.. and it’s just that I’m exhausted, and was hoping maybe I could sleep with you? Like actually sleep I mean..” he blushed looking down at the floor again. I had never seen him this shy and it was easily making my heart race. Without thinking I quickly nodded my head yes walking off towards my room. I didn’t turn around knowing full well that Jay was following me. Once we got to the room we began to strip getting ready for bed. Jay slipped off his shirt and jeans laying them on the dresser before crawling into my bed. I graciously watched without making it obvious loving every second. Feeling my skin get hot at the same time. I began to strip down to my bra and panties. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jay staring.
“Could you like not watch me?” I asked nervously.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” Jay shrugged winking at me and licking his lips. Making me weak at the knees, but slightly angry at the same time knowing how easily he could influence me. Once I was undressed I took Jay’s shirt off the dresser slipping it on I walked towards the bed to see him smirking at me.
“What?” I asked slightly annoyed at his confidence.
“You know what.” He smiled bigger at me.
“It’s more comfortable than mine.” I rolled my eyes climbing into bed. Although that was true it was only half the truth. As stupid as it sounds there was something even more comforting about having his shirt on and scent even closer to me that made me sleep better. I snuggled into him without thinking as he wrapped his arm around me. We laid there in silence for a little. As I was starting to sober up I wondered if this was the best decision. Feeling a mix of emotions swirl in my stomach. Feeling once again like I was being pulled in different directions with him. I understood that he was still getting over Erin, and I knew he wasn’t trying to play me in anyway, but that didn’t make anything easier. I felt like I was a teenager again trying to get her crush to notice her, and that made me even more mad at the situation. There was too many variables involved and it was just getting increasingly harder. I knew sooner rather than later he had to make up his mind.
“Jay.. I don’t think you realize how hard this is for me..” I began to give him my speech before I was interrupted by his slight snoring. I sighed laying my head back down on his chest. Falling asleep to the beating of his heart. The next morning we were awoken by my alarm going off. I reached over to turn it off as Jay loudly groaned next to me.
“What time is it?” He asked hand covering his eyes.
“5:45.” I answered rolling away from him sitting on the edge of my bed very much so regretting the coldness that overwhelmed me now.
“We don’t even have to be at the district until 7:30 why in the hell are you waking up now.” He rolled over trying to pull me back down to him.
“Go back to sleep I’ll wake you up once I’m done getting ready.” I leaned down kissing his shoulder before heading off to the shower. Once I was done getting ready I woke Jay up, and rushed him out the door. We got in our separate cars heading off to work. “Morning Sarge.” I nodded at Platt before unlocking the gate and heading upstairs Jay following behind me. After everyone was there Voight began to go over the case again trying to piece any new leads together.
“We have to be missing something.” Adam said tapping his pen on his desk.
“Well the longer we sit here the bigger chance we have of these girls dying so dig deeper.” Voight answered harshly. After what felt like forever we finally got a break in the case and were now on our way to catch the guys in an abandoned building where they were apparently keeping the few girls hostage.
“Thanks for letting me stay last night, I really needed that.” Jay said trying to fill the awkward silence that was present in the truck.
“Yep, no problem.” I answered calmly, but could hear the shakiness in my voice and turned away from him.
“Hey, look at me.” Jay said concern on his face glancing over at me.
“Let’s just focus on the case for right now.” I sighed leaning back in my seat preparing myself for anything we may encounter. Once arriving at the scene we all surrounded the building waiting for Voight to give us the cue.
“Chicago PD! Put your hands up!” Voight screamed after Atwater busted in the door. Once entering the suspects quickly retreated not taking long to begin firing weapons at us. As I rounded a corner I seen the girls huddled underneath a stairwell handcuffed to the wall. They looked terrified, but relief was covering their exhausted and bloody/bruised faces at the same time. Thinking I had enough cover I ran towards the girls, but quickly fell to the ground when I felt an emense pain in my abdomen. I screamed out once I hit the concrete floor.
“Ruzek cover me!” Jay screamed before kneeling down beside me quickly ripping at my clothes. “50-21 I got an officer down! Multiple shots fired at police. Roll an ambo to our location now!” Jay screamed into his radio while trying to apply pressure to my side.
“Jay what happened?” I asked adrenaline still running through my body.
“It’s fine, you’re fine, [Y/N], just keep talking to me.” Jay tried to say calmly, but I could see the worry obvious in his face as well as hear it in his voice. “Come on keep looking at me, don’t you dare close your eyes, [Y/L/N].” Jay grabbed my face as I began to feel my eyes getting heavier by the second. Quickly I began to feel the darkness overtake me hearing shots surround me in the background as well as Jay screaming my name.
~Jay’s POV~
I paced in the waiting room feeling sick to my stomach. Everyone was seated around me trying to keep me off edge. Luckily for us we took down the suspects, and saved all the victims they had raped and tortured. At this moment though, that fact made me feel absolutely no better. There was so much blood, and as much as I trusted the doctors at Med with my life I didn’t know if they could do the saving this time. It didn’t help that it had been what felt like days since she was brought in.
“Jay come on man you have to sit down.” Adam patted my back leading me towards a chair. The tension was so thick in the room I was finding it hard to breathe.
“No, I need to go get a drink. I’ll be back.” I shrugged Adam off walking towards the hall where the vending machines were. Once I was by myself it was like my legs had stopped working giving in on me. I punched the wall before sliding down it head falling into my hands. As much as I tried to hold them back the tears began to run down my face. I was too emerged in my thoughts to hear footsteps walking towards me. I jumped once I felt an arm being wrapped around me. I glanced up to see it was Kim. “I’m such a fucking idiot.” I cried.
“She understands Jay.” Kim sighed rubbing her hand up and down his back.
“No, I was playing her. Even though that wasn’t my intention I was, and I was too wrapped up in myself to even think about how I was making her feel.” I sighed feeling more tears run down my face. I have always had a hard time being vulnerable, but honestly at this point I had nothing to lose all I was concerned about was [Y/N].
“She didn’t see it like that Jay.” Kim replied turning herself towards me trying to look at me.
“What if I never get to tell her Kim.” I looked up at her.
~[Y/N]’s POV~
I woke up to what sounded like beeping surrounding me. I quickly opened my eyes, but just as quickly shut them again regretting that decision as the lights blinded me. I felt pain radiating through my body and I tried to groan, but no sound came out. I also felt someone holding my hand, and tried to squeeze it. I knew it had worked when the grip tightened around my hand. After a few minutes of laying there trying to gather my thoughts I slowly opened my eyes blinking quickly as I tried to adjust to the bright light. I groaned again this time hearing the sound successfully come out. I turned my head to see who was sitting beside me. I was welcomed with the sight of Jay looking alert, but also completely exhausted at the same time staring back at me.
“Water.” I croaked out hearing my voice adjust to the dryness that filled my throat. Jay quickly jumped up fetching me a small cup, and laid it to my lips slowly dumping it into my mouth. “Thanks.” I smiled at him as he sat back down next to me. It was then that I realized I was in the hospital, an IV in my hand, and gauze completely covering my abdomen. I tried to readjust myself, but wined whenever I felt sharp pains shoot through me.
“Stay still.” Jay scolded me reaching up to brush my hair back from my face.
“What happened?” I asked. Jay sighed giving me a brief of the events holding tighter onto my hand. His voice shook as he retold the story.
“I’m going to go get Connor, and let him know you’re awake.” Jay stood up kissing my forehead before I watched him walk out. Not long after Dr. Rhodes came into my room to check my vitals explaining my injuries, and what he did to fix them. I was then left alone with Jay again.
“You look exhausted.” I said as I looked over his appearance. Bags very evident under his bloodshot eyes along with messy hair, and wrinkled clothes, but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t still look just as gorgeous.
“I’m so sorry [Y/N].” Jay looked down as I seen water cloud over his eyes.
“Hey, come on it wasn’t your fault I made a bad call I should’ve made sure I had someone watching before I went off.” I said reaching my hand up to his face carefully.
“Not about that, I mean yeah I am sorry about that, but just for everything between us,” he looked at me putting his hand over mine before continuing, “I didn’t think I could ever do it again. I didn’t think I could ever feel this way again. Honestly I didn’t ever want to feel this way again, and it all scared me because what I feel for you is even more intense than what I felt for Erin. I truly didn’t think that would ever be possible, and I know that’s a really cheesy thing to say, but whenever I thought I lost you I’ve never felt so broken in my life. I was so worried and lost. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here, and I’m sorry for what I put you through along the way, but I really do love you [Y/N].” Jay confessed looking me straight in the eyes voice cracking slightly. All of a sudden tears begin to roll down my cheeks as the shock set in that Jay was finally telling me what I wanted to hear for so long. “Oh my gosh no, baby please don’t cry, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Did I say something? Are you hurt? I mean I know you’re hurt but you know what I mean..” Jay began to panic. Which made me laugh. I wiped my tears away with a huge smile set on my face.
“Well I guess I’m glad to see something came out of me you know being shot and all.” I laughed.
“I am not in the mind set to be messed with right now.” He sighed running a hand down his face when he seen my smile.
“I love you too, Jay” I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. “Took you long enough.” I rolled my eyes making him chuckle.
“I think we both need some rest.” He said carefully sliding into bed next to me kissing me again. As we talked before falling asleep next to each other.
700 notes · View notes
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Took You Long Enough
*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood and shootings a few swear words too
It had been almost a year since I was transferred to intelligence. Which also meant it had been almost a year since Erin Lindsay had left for New York. Voight partnered me with Dectective Jay Halstead taking over Erin’s place, and I knew the first day I walked into intelligence I was in trouble. As cheesy as it sounds those green-blue eyes and wide smile made me weak at the knees. As much as I hated to admit it, it didn’t take long for me to develop a crush on Jay, one that I would hide for as long as I could. Unfortunately for me Jay was broken. Erin had left him in pieces and he wasn’t ready to be put back together. So it wasn’t exactly easy to be his new partner at first, but as time went by he learned to open up again, and we quickly became a dynamic duo. However this also meant it was becoming increasingly harder to keep a professional outlook on things when it came to Jay. I understood no matter what we had to keep things professional at work, and I knew I wouldn’t let it affect our job regardless, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t struggling being with him day in and day out hiding my true feelings. One drunken night about 4 months after I came to Intelligence Jay made a move which led to us hooking up. Later that same night still in my drunk state I had stupidly let my feelings slip, but Jay made it clear he wasn’t ready. In all honesty I didn’t know if he would ever be ready, but you better believe that didn’t stop him from reaming Adam a new one when he made a move on me. Acting as though I was his. Even though all we were and probably ever would be was friends with benefits or partners with benefits if you will. You also better believe that didn’t stop the drunk hookups we had after each tough case, or in all reality after pretty much any case. Which I put a stop to recently. My feelings were becoming too strong and I was quickly starting to drown in the bliss that was Jay Halstead. Although this made it awkward at first we had learned to work through it pushing any and all tension to the back of our minds acting as though it wasn’t obvious. Even though nobody in the unit had said anything I had quite the feeling they all knew. Except Kim of course. She quickly became my best friend in the unit. We clicked right off the bat, and she was well aware of my situation.
But on this particular night I was beginning to regret my decision. We were working on a particularly tough case this week, and Jay knew it was starting to take a toll on me. And sadly the more I drank the more I was reminded that I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, the safest place I’ve ever had the pleasure of being. I was trying to keep my conscience in check reminding myself that those moments meant everything to me, and nothing to him. Feeling the sting throughout my body every time I repeated that in my head. After almost calling him myself I decided I needed to go to bed before I made any mistakes. As I shut the TV off, and walked to the fridge to get a water I heard a knock on my door. Looking at the clock on my stove I realized it was already 1 o’clock in the morning, and knew there could only be one person standing at the other side of that door. Feeling my heart start to beat slightly faster than before I took a deep breath before opening the door. There he was standing in my door way hands stuffed in his pockets, hair slightly messy, looking down at the floor. I ushered him inside closing the door as he took off his coat.
“Jay I can’t. We talked about this.” I said not looking at him knowing if I did I was going to break.
“I’m not here for sex [Y/N].” He sighed before continuing, “it’s just I couldn’t sleep..” he trailed off before finishing.
“Okay.. and? You want me to keep you company? You could’ve just FaceTimed me or something.” I asked confused as to what he was getting.
“I was just wondering if maybe I could sleep here..” He said shifting from one foot to the other.
“So, you want to sleep in my bed? I mean yeah I guess that’s fine. I mean if it’s really that big of a deal we could just like switch beds yours is comfy too.” I laughed. “But yeah you know where everything is.” I said as I started to make a bed on the couch.
“[Y/N]...” he gulped looking at me.
“Hmm?” I asked looking at him.
“I understand if you say no, but it’s just that I haven’t slept good in weeks as in like the last time I stayed here and we... like.. yeah.. and it’s just that I’m exhausted, and was hoping maybe I could sleep with you? Like actually sleep I mean..” he blushed looking down at the floor again. I had never seen him this shy and it was easily making my heart race. Without thinking I quickly nodded my head yes walking off towards my room. I didn’t turn around knowing full well that Jay was following me. Once we got to the room we began to strip getting ready for bed. Jay slipped off his shirt and jeans laying them on the dresser before crawling into my bed. I graciously watched without making it obvious loving every second. Feeling my skin get hot at the same time. I began to strip down to my bra and panties. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jay staring.
“Could you like not watch me?” I asked nervously.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” Jay shrugged winking at me and licking his lips. Making me weak at the knees, but slightly angry at the same time knowing how easily he could influence me. Once I was undressed I took Jay’s shirt off the dresser slipping it on I walked towards the bed to see him smirking at me.
“What?” I asked slightly annoyed at his confidence.
“You know what.” He smiled bigger at me.
“It’s more comfortable than mine.” I rolled my eyes climbing into bed. Although that was true it was only half the truth. As stupid as it sounds there was something even more comforting about having his shirt on and scent even closer to me that made me sleep better. I snuggled into him without thinking as he wrapped his arm around me. We laid there in silence for a little. As I was starting to sober up I wondered if this was the best decision. Feeling a mix of emotions swirl in my stomach. Feeling once again like I was being pulled in different directions with him. I understood that he was still getting over Erin, and I knew he wasn’t trying to play me in anyway, but that didn’t make anything easier. I felt like I was a teenager again trying to get her crush to notice her, and that made me even more mad at the situation. There was too many variables involved and it was just getting increasingly harder. I knew sooner rather than later he had to make up his mind.
“Jay.. I don’t think you realize how hard this is for me..” I began to give him my speech before I was interrupted by his slight snoring. I sighed laying my head back down on his chest. Falling asleep to the beating of his heart. The next morning we were awoken by my alarm going off. I reached over to turn it off as Jay loudly groaned next to me.
“What time is it?” He asked hand covering his eyes.
“5:45.” I answered rolling away from him sitting on the edge of my bed very much so regretting the coldness that overwhelmed me now.
“We don’t even have to be at the district until 7:30 why in the hell are you waking up now.” He rolled over trying to pull me back down to him.
“Go back to sleep I’ll wake you up once I’m done getting ready.” I leaned down kissing his shoulder before heading off to the shower. Once I was done getting ready I woke Jay up, and rushed him out the door. We got in our separate cars heading off to work. “Morning Sarge.” I nodded at Platt before unlocking the gate and heading upstairs Jay following behind me. After everyone was there Voight began to go over the case again trying to piece any new leads together.
“We have to be missing something.” Adam said tapping his pen on his desk.
“Well the longer we sit here the bigger chance we have of these girls dying so dig deeper.” Voight answered harshly. After what felt like forever we finally got a break in the case and were now on our way to catch the guys in an abandoned building where they were apparently keeping the few girls hostage.
“Thanks for letting me stay last night, I really needed that.” Jay said trying to fill the awkward silence that was present in the truck.
“Yep, no problem.” I answered calmly, but could hear the shakiness in my voice and turned away from him.
“Hey, look at me.” Jay said concern on his face glancing over at me.
“Let’s just focus on the case for right now.” I sighed leaning back in my seat preparing myself for anything we may encounter. Once arriving at the scene we all surrounded the building waiting for Voight to give us the cue.
“Chicago PD! Put your hands up!” Voight screamed after Atwater busted in the door. Once entering the suspects quickly retreated not taking long to begin firing weapons at us. As I rounded a corner I seen the girls huddled underneath a stairwell handcuffed to the wall. They looked terrified, but relief was covering their exhausted and bloody/bruised faces at the same time. Thinking I had enough cover I ran towards the girls, but quickly fell to the ground when I felt an emense pain in my abdomen. I screamed out once I hit the concrete floor.
“Ruzek cover me!” Jay screamed before kneeling down beside me quickly ripping at my clothes. “50-21 I got an officer down! Multiple shots fired at police. Roll an ambo to our location now!” Jay screamed into his radio while trying to apply pressure to my side.
“Jay what happened?” I asked adrenaline still running through my body.
“It’s fine, you’re fine, [Y/N], just keep talking to me.” Jay tried to say calmly, but I could see the worry obvious in his face as well as hear it in his voice. “Come on keep looking at me, don’t you dare close your eyes, [Y/L/N].” Jay grabbed my face as I began to feel my eyes getting heavier by the second. Quickly I began to feel the darkness overtake me hearing shots surround me in the background as well as Jay screaming my name.
~Jay’s POV~
I paced in the waiting room feeling sick to my stomach. Everyone was seated around me trying to keep me off edge. Luckily for us we took down the suspects, and saved all the victims they had raped and tortured. At this moment though, that fact made me feel absolutely no better. There was so much blood, and as much as I trusted the doctors at Med with my life I didn’t know if they could do the saving this time. It didn’t help that it had been what felt like days since she was brought in.
“Jay come on man you have to sit down.” Adam patted my back leading me towards a chair. The tension was so thick in the room I was finding it hard to breathe.
“No, I need to go get a drink. I’ll be back.” I shrugged Adam off walking towards the hall where the vending machines were. Once I was by myself it was like my legs had stopped working giving in on me. I punched the wall before sliding down it head falling into my hands. As much as I tried to hold them back the tears began to run down my face. I was too emerged in my thoughts to hear footsteps walking towards me. I jumped once I felt an arm being wrapped around me. I glanced up to see it was Kim. “I’m such a fucking idiot.” I cried.
“She understands Jay.” Kim sighed rubbing her hand up and down his back.
“No, I was playing her. Even though that wasn’t my intention I was, and I was too wrapped up in myself to even think about how I was making her feel.” I sighed feeling more tears run down my face. I have always had a hard time being vulnerable, but honestly at this point I had nothing to lose all I was concerned about was [Y/N].
“She didn’t see it like that Jay.” Kim replied turning herself towards me trying to look at me.
“What if I never get to tell her Kim.” I looked up at her.
~[Y/N]’s POV~
I woke up to what sounded like beeping surrounding me. I quickly opened my eyes, but just as quickly shut them again regretting that decision as the lights blinded me. I felt pain radiating through my body and I tried to groan, but no sound came out. I also felt someone holding my hand, and tried to squeeze it. I knew it had worked when the grip tightened around my hand. After a few minutes of laying there trying to gather my thoughts I slowly opened my eyes blinking quickly as I tried to adjust to the bright light. I groaned again this time hearing the sound successfully come out. I turned my head to see who was sitting beside me. I was welcomed with the sight of Jay looking alert, but also completely exhausted at the same time staring back at me.
“Water.” I croaked out hearing my voice adjust to the dryness that filled my throat. Jay quickly jumped up fetching me a small cup, and laid it to my lips slowly dumping it into my mouth. “Thanks.” I smiled at him as he sat back down next to me. It was then that I realized I was in the hospital, an IV in my hand, and gauze completely covering my abdomen. I tried to readjust myself, but wined whenever I felt sharp pains shoot through me.
“Stay still.” Jay scolded me reaching up to brush my hair back from my face.
“What happened?” I asked. Jay sighed giving me a brief of the events holding tighter onto my hand. His voice shook as he retold the story.
“I’m going to go get Connor, and let him know you’re awake.” Jay stood up kissing my forehead before I watched him walk out. Not long after Dr. Rhodes came into my room to check my vitals explaining my injuries, and what he did to fix them. I was then left alone with Jay again.
“You look exhausted.” I said as I looked over his appearance. Bags very evident under his bloodshot eyes along with messy hair, and wrinkled clothes, but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t still look just as gorgeous.
“I’m so sorry [Y/N].” Jay looked down as I seen water cloud over his eyes.
“Hey, come on it wasn’t your fault I made a bad call I should’ve made sure I had someone watching before I went off.” I said reaching my hand up to his face carefully.
“Not about that, I mean yeah I am sorry about that, but just for everything between us,” he looked at me putting his hand over mine before continuing, “I didn’t think I could ever do it again. I didn’t think I could ever feel this way again. Honestly I didn’t ever want to feel this way again, and it all scared me because what I feel for you is even more intense than what I felt for Erin. I truly didn’t think that would ever be possible, and I know that’s a really cheesy thing to say, but whenever I thought I lost you I’ve never felt so broken in my life. I was so worried and lost. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here, and I’m sorry for what I put you through along the way, but I really do love you [Y/N].” Jay confessed looking me straight in the eyes voice cracking slightly. All of a sudden tears begin to roll down my cheeks as the shock set in that Jay was finally telling me what I wanted to hear for so long. “Oh my gosh no, baby please don’t cry, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Did I say something? Are you hurt? I mean I know you’re hurt but you know what I mean..” Jay began to panic. Which made me laugh. I wiped my tears away with a huge smile set on my face.
“Well I guess I’m glad to see something came out of me you know being shot and all.” I laughed.
“I am not in the mind set to be messed with right now.” He sighed running a hand down his face when he seen my smile.
“I love you too, Jay” I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. “Took you long enough.” I rolled my eyes making him chuckle.
“I think we both need some rest.” He said carefully sliding into bed next to me kissing me again. As we talked before falling asleep next to each other.
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
hi it’s 👏🏼 anon again. I wanted to request a scenario where Aizawa and his s/o are reunited after along time being apart for a couple of months. Also you’re so amazing idk how you’re not flooded with asks. Thank you for your hard work!
Thanks for being so patient and giving me so much freedom with this request! I hope you enjoy it! If there’s anything you would like changed, feel free to let me know. Reader: Gender Neutral
Scenario: Three months apart finally came to an end, and you returned from your business travels in Europe. Your patience was pressed to its limits as your flight ran into complications landing in Tokyo, and you rushed to get your baggage so you could finally go home- only to be caught by the very person that you couldn’t wait to see. 
Word count: 1181
“I don’t know how people in long distance relationships do it,” you sighed into the phone as you tucked yourself into bed. Last you checked, it was 21:45 (9:45pm), making it 5:45am the next day in Tokyo. For the last three months, you fell asleep as Aizawa was getting up for his day job of teaching future heroes at U.A. High School, and you absolutely hated it.
But this was part of the life you chose. You were essentially the trailblazing lawyer in international hero relations and law- a very specific and rigorous career. Getting called away was common- but for three months? This was the first time it happened, and it was because you were not only presenting in more conferences, conventions, and expositions, but also meeting with prominent and distinguished leaders in each city and country you visited to talk policies and law. The work you did was important, and you knew it, which is why you agreed to take on the task.
After two months of heavy traveling and presenting, you were more than ready to go home. You pushed through that last month, and in the last week alone, you’d been in 4 different countries and more than 10 cities. You were tired of it. And most of all, you missed Shouta immensely.
“Patience, trust, and hope,” came his steady voice- both an answer and, in this case, a mantra. He sounded more tired than usual, and that worried you. “Get some rest, Sweetness. You’ll be a night’s rest closer to home when you wake.”
Over the phone, he heard a long and soft sigh as you conceded to his logic. Even though you were worried about him, there wasn’t much you could do from thousands of miles away. The most you could do to help was give him some peace of mind regarding you.
“Yeah… You’re right. 36 more hours.”
“36 more hours,” he repeated softly. “And almost half of that time will be in airports or in the sky.” His reminder was sweet and reassuring.
“I love you, Shouta. Have a good day for me, okay?”
“Only if you sleep sweetly for me.” You couldn’t help but smile at his words. Even if this was how you two said goodnight for the last three months, it was still endearing and comforting. Just like you would never grow tired of his voice, the way he said goodnight would never wear on you. After all, this was something you wanted for the rest of your life.
“I’ll do my best,” you chuckled. “Knowing I’ll be with you the next time I’m in a bed makes it so much easier.”
“Good. I love you, too, (Y/N). Rest well.” He hung up after his sweet sentiments. You grabbed the spare pillow, hugging it to your body as you curled up, the promise of home lulling you to sleep quickly. The next 20 hours flew by. When you woke up, you were busy with final meetings and then booking it to the airport to finally head back home. All that remained was the nonstop 15ish hour flight from Madrid to Tokyo.
As if testing your patience, your flight met some complications when it tried to land in Tokyo. First there was heavy air traffic, then the landing strip wasn’t clear, followed by some other reason that you didn’t care about. It took an extra hour for your plane to land and let everyone off- meaning your patience was tried and thin. With your briefcase in hand and laptop bag slung across your body, you stepped off the plane and left the gates, masterfully making your way through the airport you were no stranger to. You were so irritated that all you could think about was getting your checked baggage, the first taxi you came by, and home.
Out of nowhere, you were caught in a tight bind. You froze, your arms pinned to your body and legs pressed together, unable to even turn around. As your eyes lowered to the fabric that held you, your body relaxed, the gray fabric giving away your captor. Aside from his protégé, he was the only hero you knew that used the material- and you knew more heroes than most, given your line of work. Rather than pull you back to him, Aizawa stepped up to you from behind, the scarf unwinding and letting you go just as his arms came around your waist to replace them. Gently he placed his head on your shoulder, letting you rest your temple against his cheek.
“Shouta…” You sighed his name softly, turning around and placing your briefcase on the ground between you two. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you stepped into the hug, pulling him close for a tight embrace. “I missed you so much.”
“I know.” He kissed your forehead, holding you in the middle of the shopping strip inside the airport. “I missed you just as much, my love.”
“But, I thought… Didn’t you have work?”
“Yagi is covering for me today. I couldn’t wait to see you. Surprise,” he chuckled as he gazed at you, face as serious as ever, but with gentle eyes. Seeing you in person for the first time in a quarter of a year was hitting him harder than he expected and was willing to admit. His sweetness made you bite your lip to keep it from trembling, your brows furrowing as you tried not to cry- and failed miserably but gracefully. Tears welled and quickly overwhelmed your eyes, falling down your cheeks. Just as you began to cry, you turned your face away from him, cheek against his shoulder as you squeezed him tight. Aizawa brought one hand up to the back of your head and stroked it, strumming his fingers through your hair and rubbing your back to comfort you.
“It’s okay,” he whispered into you ear, nuzzling you gently. “You’re home.” His voice just barely trembled as his restraint wavered, but he held back the overjoyed tears that threatened to materialize.
Even when you cried, you were lovely and refined. You didn’t gasp for breaths and your nose didn’t run- this time, all you had were dignified tears. As you stopped crying, Aizawa turned your face to his and kissed you gently.
“Let’s get your bags, Sweetness. The kittens are waiting, and they’ve missed you dearly. ” He smiled down at you, lowering his arms and taking your hand.
“Yeah?” You picked up your briefcase and walked with him to the baggage claim, holding his hand with your fingers between his.
“Mmhm. They slept on your pillow and side of the bed whenever I laid down.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the mental image his words brought up. Moments like this cured everything for you. Your agitation was a thing of the past, your fatigue and exhaustion replaced with a certain joie de vivre that only the man beside you could inspire. Home could have been anywhere- Madrid, Paris, London, Rome, Berlin- as long as Shouta was with you.
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It’s Not Only A Crush - request #6 (100 followers celebration)
@akamaiden requested: #4, #14 and #21 with Ivar, you can do it modern! Congrats again baby, I’m so proud of you! 💕
4.“There’s only one bed.”
14.“Don’t leave me.”
21.“I care about you.”
Pairing: Modern!Ivar x reader
Warnings: only a single “shit”. It’s kinda fluffy
Word count: 1.254
Length: one-shot
A/N: I’m so sorry for taking so long 🙈 but this ended my 100 followers celebration (when I’m so close to my second hundred, you guys are the best). I had so much fun writing these requests (my delay on them was due to college and adulthood life, ew) but now I’m so ready to open my inbox for requests, so you can come whenever you want!
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Partying with the Ragnarssons was always fun, no doubt of it, but that always hit you bad. They always had more booze than you could count and you always, every time, crossed your own limit.
Being their friend since childhood give you privileges on their parties, or other night outs.
You knew every each one of them very well, but you were closer to Hvitserk, who always had told you how much Ivar had a crush on you. Hvitserk loved his little brother and wanted him to have some fun, so he always tried to made you both hook up.
Which never worked, since, as Hvit said, Ivar was such ‘a pain in the ass’.
“I don’t get it, he knows you are willing to be with him but he always fuck things up.”
You never told Hvitserk that, but you always thought that Ivar was the most cute of the brothers, him being all embarrassed and blushing around you, but Hvitserk had a point: Ivar had many chances to be with you in those parties and he never did a move; actually, he seemed to always avoid you, which it was a contradictory act of him - as a child, he always followed you around like a lost puppy, and always had an excuse to be with you and Hvitserk.
Tonight you were done with him and his cowardice, so you took it on the booze.
Standing on the kitchen island, completely drunk, a bottle in hands, you were screaming excitedly, partying.
“I am queen of the world! You all hail Y/N!” everyone, as drunk as you, cheered, you cheering as well. In the middle of the crowd you see Ivar approaching, politely excusing himself through all those bodies. “Ivar! Ivar!” you call for him.
“I know, I’m coming,” he answers.
“Yeah, come here! I need to crown my king! Come come come!” you start to jump excited, your heels almost slipping from the kitchen island.
“Y/N, stop that, you’re gonna fall and hurt yourself. Hey, let’s go. Time for you to rest,” Ivar was doing all his efforts to get you out from the kitchen island while he tried to steady himself on his crutch.
“Nooooo,” you cried. “I don’t wanna go, the party didn’t even started yet.”
“The party started hours and hours ago, and you’re bad. Come on, Y/N, you gotta help me,” Ivar was reaching out his free hand for you.
“I’m bad? Oh Ivar, you have no idea,” you chuckle. “I’m such a bad girl,” Ivar’s jaw clenched, a sign of him pissed off.
“Stop making yourself look like an idiot and come,” he said in a harsh tone and you pouted your lips. “Please,” he said at last.
You took Ivar’s hand and, with some difficult, you got out from the kitchen island. No one paid any attention in you two - their drunk minds had already got entertained with something else. Ivar passed one of your arms around his shoulder while his free arm was holding you still around your waist. He was very strong, so he did a good work while carrying you upstairs to his room, even with his crutch.
“Sit on the bed, Y/N, you gotta rest.”
“Demanding, King Ivar,” you say all smiles and run for his bed, jumping on it.
“This won’t gonna end well,” he mumbles to himself, going to your direction. Your feet were flat on the floor and you were moving them back and forth. “Y/N, stop it, I need to take your heels off,” you stop the motion while seeing Ivar taking off your shoes, slowly and delicately. Your heart was jumping.
“Ivar…?” you call him, low tone.
“Yeah?” he said while he put your shoes on the corner.
“There’s only one bed,” you said with your most flirty tone - or at least you hope so.
“Yeah, I don’t need more than one to sleep, do I?” Ivar was coming back for you.
“You know what this means?,” Ivar’s expression was confused. “One bad, two of us. You know what this means,” you grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him to the bed with you. He fell right beside you and you held his face to kiss him.
His mouth was a little open, so you slid your tongue past his lips. Ivar wasn’t moving, clearly nervous. In the moment the kiss began to grow deeper, he broke you two apart.
“You’re drunk, Y/N,” he said a little breathless. “I can’t do this to you, not you being like this. It’s not right. You should rest,” Ivar got out of the bed and was leaving.
“Where you going?” you ask.
“Out. Giving yourself a little privacy.”
“To what, Ivar?”
“To sleep? Maybe?” he said in an angry tone.
“Are you… angry at me?” without letting him answer, you say quickly: “I am the one who should be angry at you! How many chances to be with me you had? Huh? Many chances, Ivar! You never do a shit, a single shit. You always avoid me in your parties but when I’m around with Hvit you always have the perfect excuse to be with us…”
“Just go to sleep, Y/N,” Ivar interrupted you and opened the door. In lightspeed, you take a pillow from Ivar’s bed and throw it at him, hitting his head.
“Don’t you dare to leave, Ivar! Don’t leave me,” Ivar look back, at you.
“What?, do you think I want to be with you while you are drunk? Acting like an idiot? I don’t want to have you in my arms like that, Y/N. I love you the way you are, I want to have you the way you always are, I want to have you, and not your ‘drunk-you’.”
“You… said…”
“You love me.”
“Of course I love you. It’s not only a crush; we’ve been around each other long enough, Y/N. I know you. I love you. I just hate when you get like that, that’s not you. I hate the fact that you always seem to want to be with me when you’re drunk…”
“That’s not true.”
“Oh no?” he said, not truly believing in you.
“No. But that’s the only moment when I get the courage to try some move, since you’ve never done anything. Hvit many times left us alone and you never… Ivar, actually, you moved back, away from me. What was I supposed to think?” Ivar bit his lips. “When you went for me tonight, I thought you finally had the guts.”
“No. But I see what always happen in our parties, so I was just trying to make it easier for you the next day. I care about you, that’s why. I had no plans on sleeping with you and taking advantage of your state.”
“Ivar…” you whispers. He was looking down at his feet. You reach out your hand for him. “Come here. Sleep with me. I don’t wanna be alone,” Ivar look up, wide open eyes. “We are not going to do anything, relax. I just… wanna be hold in your arms.”
Ivar goes slowly to his bed, taking his sneakers off before lying down beside you.
“Promise you won’t be a coward anymore.”
“Coward?” Ivar repeated your word, offended.
You hold his two hands and make him hug you, snuggling into his arms and chest. “That’s how you do it, Ivar.” You feel him smiling against your hair and, right before you fell asleep, you felt a little kiss too.
Taglist: @mblaqgi @dangerousvikings @oddsnendsfanfics @deepdarkred @irishhiggins @tinypuppysoul @kingbouji3 @i-war-s-boner @capitanostella @loothbrok @noaor @thehuntress26 @sassymcgonagal1651 @hoodirwin5 @attorneyl @collecting-stories @certainobservationwasteland @dreams-in-different-colours @3x5gurl @readsalot73 @thisisparadisemylove @action-adventure-and-cheesecake @titty-teetee @cutiedaij @austenkingmylady @ivarthesweetheart @golden-pickaxe @bill-istvan @lokis-sunflower-anna @cynthianokamaria @hallowed-heathen  
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criminalhotch · 6 years
“Going the Distance”~An Ethan Dolan Imagine
Can you make an imagine where you’re dating Ethan and you’re like half way across the country in ur state and see the sister squad and the whole Emma and Ethan thing; and you end up like unintentionally ignoring Ethan and everyone because you’re like hurt?? And confused?? And mad?? And all of a sudden he like gets fed up and just comes to see u and and it’s all angsty
Don’t know if you taking writing ideas but I just thought of one: Y/N, Grayson, Ethan, and Emma go back to Jersey. Everyone is loving Y/N and Ethan feels like no one is like Emma. It causes a lot of problems between Ethan and Grayson bc Ethan is rude toward Y/N bc he feels it is her fault on my no one seems to like Emma. In the end, Ethan and Y/N talk everything out. Thanks! Your writing is like flawless! ❤️
A/N: Thank you to the two people who sent in these requests. It was going to be really hard to make two separate storylines so I combined them! Long distance sucks, my best friend lives 11 hours away from me and I only see him a couple times a year. This one isn’t my favorite but it matches the requests. I hope you guys like it! 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, cursing, nothing major
Word Count: 4,454
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 I sat in my apartment in my home state. I was miles upon miles from my boyfriend, Ethan Dolan. We had been together a year, but the fans didn’t know. I wasn’t famous, Ethan didn’t want me to get hate because it was a long-distance relationship only making it worse. I hadn’t seen him in three months. Every time they go home to New Jersey I have a big test, so I can never go. I adore his family. I miss him more than anything. I love him I do but distance is so hard. They travel so often it makes it even harder. He does treat me so well. We call, text, snapchat, and FaceTime all of the time. He sends me things to my apartment just because he misses me but with school there’s just never a good time for us to see each other. I decided that I would Facetime him. “Facetiming Turtle Man”. It then stopped ringing meaning he declined it. Soon enough, my phone dinged with a text from him. “Filming a vid with Emma, Gray, and James. I’ll call you later, baby. Love you” it read. Emma, imagine that. No wonder everyone is shipping them. My thoughts made me that I shouldn’t respond.
 A couple of hours later I looked at my phone with two missed calls from Ethan. I had decided to take a relaxing bath and left my phone on the counter. I thought about calling him back, but I was tired. I knew that us talking would only end in a fight or with me crying, probably both. I decided it was best to just go to bed and I did just that. I threw on some sweats and one of Ethan’s shirts that I had even though it had lost his scent months ago. The next morning, I woke up at 8:02 and my first class is at 8:30. It was also a 15-minute walk from my apartment to my class. I threw my hair in a bun, kept the clothes on I wore to bed, brushed my teeth, then left. I got to my class with three minutes to spare. I decided to check my phone. Three missed calls from Grayson and 12 from Ethan. As well as four texts from Grayson and 21 texts from Ethan. Unfortunately, I had no service in this building so responding was not an option and to make it worse this class is three hours long. I guess they will just have to wait.
 Ethan’s POV (Last Night after filming)
“Has Y/N responded to you?” I asked Grayson. “No, you?” he asked. “No, and it worries me” I admitted. “She might have fallen asleep, E. You know she has her 8:30 tomorrow” he reminded me. “You’re right, I just worry, and I miss her” I sulked. “I know you do, dude,” he said patting my back. “What if she is mad at me? I don’t know what I did” I told him. “Maybe it’s not something you did but who you are with” he suggested. “Grayson, you are my brother why would she be mad at that,” I asked him with a tude. “Not me, you fucking idiot. Emma” he said. “Why would she be jealous of Emma?” I asked. “Let’s see it’s a female who sees you way more than she does. All of the fans ship you and Emma with that ugly ass ship name because they don’t know about you and Y/N, not to mention you guys are kind of flirty in our videos” he explained. “That’s just how we are, it’s not serious. I love Y/N, not Emma” I told him. “Ethan, I know that. I have to listen to you complain about it every day, but she doesn’t see you, every day. It’s hard for her too, E” he told me. “I don’t know what to do Gray” I admitted. “She’s probably just asleep. If she doesn’t respond before class tomorrow, then you can worry” he negotiated, and I nodded. “I’m going to go play Fortnite and hope I can clear these thoughts up,” I told Grayson as I headed to my room. I started my game and before I knew it the clock read 4:13 am. I decided to get into bed and try to get some sleep. I tossed and turned for hours. It’s now 8 am and I didn’t sleep a wink. I got up and walked across the house. I found Grayson working out, imagine that. “Gray she never responded to me,” I said. “Me either but why are you out of bed before noon?” he questioned. “Is it out of bed if I never fell asleep?” I asked. “E” he sighed. “My mind wouldn’t shut off, Gray. I can’t lose her. I love her” I said pulling my hair through my fingers. “Go pack. I’m going to book you a flight while you pack. Go see her. The video for Tuesday is almost done and I can finish it. We can do something in New Jersey for next Tuesday. You just go get your girl, alright?” he said. God, I love this kid. “Thanks, Gray,” I said hugging him. “You’re welcome. I am the best twin ever, now go” he demanded. I went upstairs and packed. It was pretty last minute but if I forgot anything I could have Grayson bring it to New Jersey. I walked back downstairs around 8:45. “Ok, you have a flight at 10. I have printed off all of your information. If I were you I would have Y/N come to New Jersey with us for Thanksgiving later this week. You guys can meet Emma and me there” he explained. Emma was coming to New Jersey because her parents decided on a   last-minute vacation but didn’t ask her to join so she didn’t have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving, so Grayson and I invited her to come to New Jersey with us. I ate a quick bowl of cereal then had Grayson drive me to the airport. We got to LAX about 10 minutes before my plane boarded. I got to my gate as soon as boarding started. I got on the plane and before I knew it I was in the air. I was so ready to surprise her. I need it. She needs it. We need it.
Before I knew it, we had made it to the next airport. I got off and headed straight to Y/N’s house. I had her address from sending her things in the mail. I went straight there hoping that she was home. I knocked but no one ever came. I decided that I would do what any good boyfriend would do. I would wait, at her doorstep for her to arrive.
 Y/N’s POV
I decided to steal some of the school’s WiFi before I go back to my apartment. I went to the library grabbed one of the study cubicles and got to work. I had one last test before Thanksgiving break and then I was done. I was pretty confident, but it couldn’t hurt to refresh myself. I stayed in the cubicle for a couple hours just to ensure a good grade on this test. I packed up my things then took the 15-minute walk back to my apartment. I made my way up to my apartment where I saw a figure standing in front of a door. They must be waiting for maintenance, I thought. I kept walking until I realized the figure was in front of my apartment and he looked familiar. He looked like Ethan. I realized I never responded to any of them. I should do that when I get settled in. The closer I got the more I realized it was Ethan. “Ethan?” I asked. “Y/N!” he exclaimed while jumping up. We ran to each other. I dropped my backpack not caring about my laptop. I ran as fast as my feet would take me. It felt like it took forever but soon enough I was engulfed in his arms again. I buried my head into his chest. I took a deep breath trying to take everything in. Then I began crying. I pulled away from him and wiped my tears away. “Why are you crying, babe?” he asked. “I missed you so much and I am so glad you’re here” I explained. “Well, I’m here now, alright? No more tears” he said kissing my forehead. I unlocked my door then took us inside. My apartment was filled with pictures of Ethan and I. “I’m everywhere” he said. “Hey, it’s both of us and there’s some of Grayson too but when I don’t get the real thing I have to make do” I shrugged. “I know this is hard for you, it’s hard for me too” he sighed. “E?” I asked. “Yes, baby?” he said. “Why are you here?” I asked. “Well you wouldn’t answer Grayson or me, so I knew something was up. Even if you were mad at me you would respond to Grayson, at least. I was so scared something happened to you that I had to be here. Grayson found me a flight while I packed my stuff up then the next thing I knew, I was here” he explained. “I’m sorry for worrying you. After you declined my FaceTime I got upset so I took a bath then went to bed. Then I woke up late this morning, so I didn’t have time to respond before class then the building I was at didn’t have service. Then I went to the library and zoned out. I’m fine E. I didn’t mean to scare you” I sighed. “Why were you upset?” he asked. “I just missed you,” I said. “It’s more than that. You’re looking away from me which means you’re hiding something” he noticed. Damn, why did he know me so well?  I stayed silent. “It’s Emma isn’t it?” he asked, and I nodded. “Grayson was right” he sighed. “What did Grayson say?” I asked. “He said that you might be jealous of Emma because she is with me a lot and we’re friends. That there are fans shipping her and I because they don’t know about us” he said. “And you guys get awful friendly in your collabs” I mentioned. His eyes dropped, and I prepared for the worst. He had cheated.  “Y/N, baby girl, sweetheart, pumpkin, my princess. I know you are thinking the worst. You are thinking that I cheated on you but I didn’t. I would never. Emma and I are seriously just friends. You know my personality and that I’m very goofy which could be mistaken as flirty. I do not love Emma, I do not even look at Emma that way. There is only one girl I look at with all the love in my heart and that’s you” he said pulling his phone out. “Ethan, what are you doing?” I asked. “You’ll see” he smirked. A few seconds later my phone dinged. It was a notification: Ethan Dolan tagged you in a post. I shot him a look. What was he up to? I opened the app and saw a picture of Ethan and I from a few months ago. There was kind of a long caption. “Just an update on my life for you guys. Emma and I are NOT together. I am with this beautiful girl right here. Her name is Y/N and I love her with everything that I am. Not many people know that we have been together for the past year. She isn’t famous, and I was worried she wouldn’t be able to handle the hate so please treat my girl well, she has my heart. Don’t be the reason she breaks it”  
“Ethan” I smiled as tears filled my eyes. “I love you so much. I know I didn’t ask, and I just did it, but it was the only way I could prove how much I loved you” he said pulling me into him. “You’re so extra babe” I giggled. “Can we snuggle for a little bit?” he asked, and I nodded. As we laid there I began to think. “E how long are you staying?” I asked. “Well it’s Monday and Thanksgiving is Thursday. My family’s Thanksgiving is Thursday at 4 which I really want you to come. I’ll buy your ticket, I just want you there. They miss you” he admits. “You don’t have to ask me twice. I see my family all the time” I giggled. “Oh, um I should probably tell you this” he started. “Tell me what?” I asked getting upset. “So, Grayson and I felt bad. You know how soft we are, Y/N even if we don’t act like. You can’t leave someone alone on Thanksgiving, right?” he smiled trying to guilt trip me. “E, what did you guys do?” I asked. “WeinvitedEmmatoNewJerseybecauseshedidn’thaveanywhereelsetogo” he said all in one breath. “So Emma is going to be at your family Thanksgiving?” I asked. “Um, yes?” he said unsure of what my reaction would be. “Good, I can tell her to stay the fuck off my man,” I said. “Babe, she’s not after me” he pleaded. “Bullshit E. Open your eyes when you watch your videos. She is all over you! Not Grayson but you! She knows about me, right?” I asked. “Well of course. I talk about you all of the time, ask Gray” he said. “She clearly doesn’t get the hint then, Ethan” I scowled. “Babe, we only get to see each other for a few days let’s not spend it arguing” he pleaded. “E, I don’t want to fight but I haven’t seen you in months, then there’s some YouTuber I have never met all of over you, your fans ship you guys together like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. How am I supposed to feel?” I asked with tears pricking my eyes. “Y/N, don’t cry. We both know I can’t handle your tears, babe” he says softly. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore, E” I admitted even if I didn’t want to. “Y/N, I just told everyone, don’t say that” he begged. “Ethan, I have seen you maybe four or five weeks of the over 52 we have been together. This destroys me. I miss you more every day. I watch your videos to support you and Gray, obviously but so I can hear your voice and your laugh so I can see you smile. Yes, we talk all the time but college is so much plus having a famous boyfriend who lives states away. I can’t keep doing this, E. I love you, this has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t love you. I love you more than anything but loving you is killing me” I sobbed as my head fell into his chest. “Move in with Grayson and me” he suggested. “Ethan that’s crazy,” I said looking up from his chest with tear-stained cheeks. “I cannot let you go. You have made me a better person, Y/N. Not to mention, I love you. Everything I said in that Instagram post was true. You have my heart; baby girl and I can’t be without you anymore. A year is long enough” he explained. “Ethan, what about school, my family, my friends, but again most importantly school?” I asked. “UCLA?” he said in a duh tone. “I won’t get into UCLA” I shot back. “Actually, I already applied for you because I was going to ask if you wanted to move in with Gray and I after Christmas?” he smiled trying to read my reaction. “Did I get in?” I asked worriedly. “OF COURSE, YOU GOT IN. YOU ARE THE SMARTEST GIRL I KNOW” he exclaimed. “I’m mad at you” I whispered. “For what?” he asked. “Going behind my back and applying at UCLA” I explained. “Well, you should be mad at your mom too because she was the one who suggested it and told me all the information I needed that I didn’t have” he admitted. “You went through all of that just, so we could be together?” I asked, and he nodded. “Ethan Grant, you are an idiot and you’re sneaky, but I don’t know what I’d do without you” I smiled. “My parents are ok with me transferring?” I asked him. “They told me that they trust me to take care of you and that you’ll be much happier being with me then stuck here” he explained, and he was right. “Are you going to move in with us?” he asked. “I don’t know, E. It’s a lot all at once” I answered. “Take your time. You have a couple weeks before anything needs decided” he told me as I snuggled into his chest. If I wanted to be happy I knew that LA with him and Gray would be the best thing. He’s everything to me but what if we break up. I’ll have to move back home and that’s scary too. I love him, but I’m scared.
 It’s Wednesday afternoon and we’re flying to New Jersey. These past couples of days with Ethan have been so nice. I only had one class yesterday and once I was done with my test I could leave. I was back before Ethan even got up for the day. Grayson and Emma’s flight got in 10 minutes after Ethan and I’s did so we decided to wait for them. We could hear Y/Ship/N being chanted but we just decided to ignore it waiting for Gray and Emma. Soon enough their plane landed, and we were met with Grayson’s big smile and Emma being Emma. “Hey, Y/N. How are you?” Gray asked wrapping me in a hug. “Good, how was your flight?” I asked. “Not bad” he smiled then I looked at Emma. “Y/N, this is Emma. Emma, this is Y/N” Grayson said while Ethan stood there awkwardly. “Hey, E has told me a lot about you,” Emma said, and I smiled. “Yeah, you too” I lied not wanting to make her feel bad. We started walking out the airport hearing. “Why is Emma here?” “Is Emma dating Grayson then?” “Gremma” “Ethma” “Y/Ship/Name” then the farther we got the worse it got. “Emma shouldn’t even be here. Flirting with Ethan when he has a girlfriend” “Boo Emma” “Emma should go back to LA” “No one likes Emma” “Fuck you, Emma”
I looked at Ethan and he was angry. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were narrowed. I squeezed his hand trying to make him feel better, but it didn’t work. Shortly after hearing more mean things he let go of my hand and stormed in front of us. I just let him go. I waited for Emma and Grayson to catch up so I could walk with them. “Why aren’t you walking with Ethan?” he asked. “That’s a good question” I answered. “What happened?” Emma asked. “I think he got mad at all of the fans being mean to Emma. I squeezed hand trying to get him to calm down, but he just got mad and stormed off” I explained. “He’s such an ass sometimes” Grayson muttered.
We walked to the waiting area by the door, waiting for Lisa and Sean to pick us up. Ethan was outside in the cold. “E, wait inside with us” I yelled and he ignored me. “Whatever, freeze. See if I care” I yelled staying inside with Gray and Emma. “I’m sorry, he’s being like this” Grayson apologized. “it’s fine, he will get over it,” I said. “I don’t know why he is so upset. I get hate all the time, this is mild” Emma explained. “It’s Ethan, who knows” I mumbled. “My parents just pulled up,” Gray said. We put our stuff in the trunk as Ethan had already put his things up then got in the car. “I’ll sit in the back with Gray” I said and they both nodded. The whole ride back to the Dolan’s was damn near silent other than the few questions Lisa and Sean asked us. Ethan never answering any of them. Ethan shot out of the car and headed up to his room. “What’s wrong with your brother, Gray?” Lisa asked. “Honestly, I don’t know” he answered. “Y/N, do you know?” Sean asked. “Not really. Shortly after we got to the airport he got into this mood” I said, and they nodded not asking any further. I put my things in Ethan’s room. He was sat on his bed and his back to the door. I dropped my stuff off and headed back downstairs letting him make his own decisions. “He still being a pain?” Emma asked. “Yeah, he will calm down eventually. Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, he will talk eventually about what’s bothering him” I explained.
Emma, Grayson, and I sat watching Christmas movies. We were watching Home Alone. We had already watched Elf and The Grinch. Ethan came downstairs to get a drink and didn’t say anything to anyone. He went back up to his room. “What is his deal?” Grayson asked. “I don’t know” I muttered not pushing it. “I’ll go talk to him,” Grayson said getting up from the couch and pausing the movie.
 Grayson’s POV Sometimes Ethan confuses the hell out of me. This being one of those times. I barge into his room not caring that I didn’t knock. “You could knock” he scoffed. “You could not be a dick,” I said back. “Your girlfriend is hanging out with Emma and me because you are ignoring her. For what reason Ethan? What has got you so pissed off you are ignoring everyone when it’s the day before Thanksgiving? Shouldn’t you be I don’t know, THANKFUL” I yelled at him. “Y/N is making everyone hate Emma. Look at twitter everyone is telling Emma she’s ugly and to leave us alone because they know I’m with Y/N. It’s not fair” he said. “Ok, so you are pissed at the fans but taking it out on Y/N. Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?” I asked. “She was the one that was jealous of Emma” he shot back. “Ethan, you fucking idiot. She is your girlfriend and barely gets to see you where Emma sees you all the time. I would be jealous too” I explained to him. “I see you all of the time and she isn’t mad about you” he sassed. “I am your brother, your TWIN brother so there’s no way I am going to be able to take you from Y/N. We share our time with you, it’s different, Ethan. And if you’re too ignorant to figure that out maybe you should break up with Y/N and be with Emma if that’s what you want” I yelled. “No, it’s not. I love Y/N, but I care about Emma. I don’t want her getting hate because of Y/N and I being together. It’s not fair to Emma” he said. “Ok well, it’s not fair to any of us when you ignore us when you are mad at the fans. Tweet something and tell them to be nice to Y/N and Emma. It’s not that hard, E. You are just so damn stubborn that you don’t think about things” I said, and he sighed knowing he had fucked up. “I’m going downstairs and sending Y/N up here. You better apologize, you asshole” I said. “I will, thanks Gray,” he said. I walked to the living room and looked at Y/N. “I calmed him down, go to talk to him,” I said, and she nodded.
I walked into Ethan’s room slowly. “I’m sorry” he started. ‘I was mad at you when I should be mad at myself. I was the one who hid you from the fans for so long now they are mad not only that I hid it but because I’m not with Emma. I blamed you for everyone being mean to Emma when it’s my fault. I guess because we argued about Emma and I’s friendship that it was an easy way to escape my guilt. I’m so sorry for being a stubborn asshole. I’m going to tweet and clear everything up. I hope you still love me” he apologized keeping his head down scared to look at me. “I do still love you Ethan, but you need to talk to me instead of getting mad about things. I don’t want people being mean to Emma, either. If you weren’t up here wallowing in self-pity you would see that I don’t really mind her” I explained to him. “I’m so sorry that I ruined Thanksgiving” he sighed pulling his hands through his hair. I grabbed his cheeks making him look at me. “You didn’t ruin anything, E. Now clear things up and you can join the rest of us downstairs,” I said kissing his forehead and running my hand through his hair. He grabbed his phone and opened the Twitter app. He tweeted, “Hey guys. We saw some of you at the airport. A lot of you had nice things to say and some didn’t. I know you are upset that I didn’t tell you about Y/N sooner. I had a good reason for that. Therefore, a lot of you thought I was with Emma. I’m sorry for the confusion. Emma is one of my best friends and Y/N is my girlfriend. I love and care for both of them in different ways so please don’t send hate to either of them. Thanks. -E”
“There hopefully things get better” he smiled. “You tried, E and that’s all that matters,” I said. “I do love you, Y/N. I don’t want Emma. I want you and I still want you to come to LA” he admitted. “I love you too, E” I smirked while leaning into his lips. Smiling into it I kiss him. Before I knew it, he had flipped us onto the bed. “Ethan” I yelled while he flipped us over.  I was lying on my back and he was hovering over me. “Are you going to move to LA and live with Gray and me?” he asked wanting an answer. “Yes, E. I’ll move to LA with you and Gray as long as you get off of me, so we can downstairs,” I said. “Fuck yeah,” he said jumping up. “You’re an idiot” I giggled. “But I’m your idiot” he winked. “Yes, I suppose you are,” I said as I shook my head as we headed back to the living room. Ethan Grant Dolan, you are an idiot, you are the most stubborn person I have ever met, but you complete me.
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hercleverboy · 6 years
Ghost Of You
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PROMPT : Ghost Of You By 5 Seconds Of Summer
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: Swearing, Heavy angst.
Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time
If I can dream long enough, you'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine
3 months, 21 days, and 5 hours.
That’s how long it’d been since the love of Bucky’s life had left. With no explanation at all.
His eyes fluttered open, and heaved a small sigh, his eyes adjusting to the early morning sunlight that poured through the slightly open curtains. He smiled contently, reaching his arm out to his girlfriend, who’d fallen asleep soundly next to him the night before. However, a frown graced his features when he found her side of the bed cold and empty. He heaved himself out of the bedroom, pulling on some sweatpants and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he headed downstairs to the kitchen, were his lovely Y/N would be, making his morning coffee as she always did. Though, as his feet padded softly into the marble floored kitchen, he was surprised to find that she wasn’t there. So he called out for her, but received no response. He checked the bathroom and the living room, though those too were empty. And that’s when the panic set in. He rushed back up the staircase, calling out her name, though it seemed to only echo around the walls of their small home. His breathing picked up, beginning to get erratic and he told himself not to panic, that there was a sure excuse for everything. However, that thought was wiped from his mind when he saw the wardrobe doors, wide open, with her side completely empty. Void of her autumn coloured jumpers, and hundreds of pairs of shoes that she insisted she needed no matter how many times Bucky rolled his eyes at her antics. He reached for his phone that sat idly on his bedside table, checking or any messages or missed calls, only to find there were none. He pressed the phone to his ear, having dialed her number, as he rushed around the home, looking for a note she may have left that explained her absence. Though again, he found nothing, and her phone went straight to voicemail. He called another 23 times, though each time nothing changed. After the 23rd call, he sank down against the bathroom door, as the tears fell rapidly from his eyes. She’d left him, she really had. The woman he loved with all he had, the woman that made him feel so human despite the animalistic things he’d been guilty of doing, The woman he’d hoped to marry one day - Gone. And just like that, Bucky’s world fell to pieces around him.
He’d hoped that she’d come back, with a silly excuse for her sudden absence, and everything would be okay. But that didn’t happen. On that particular morning, he woke up from another night of getting a mere few hours of sleep. His nightmares had also returned — she was the only one that kept them away — and he found himself unable to sleep most nights. He sat up against the headboard, pulling his knees to his chest, and placing his head in his hands. He found that he couldn’t seem to cry much anymore, as if he’d cried himself dry. He was careful not to touch her side of the bed. The left hand side, she’d always insisted she liked that side better. He hadn’t touched it once since she’d left, he couldn’t bring himself to. Turning his head, he looked at the cup that sat on her bedside table. The cream coloured mug stained with the burgundy coloured lipstick she often wore, though the stain had faded since he’d last looked at it. Though he didn’t dare touch it. And he supposes that if he could dream, he’d dream of her. How she’d held him after he’d wake up in cold sweat, tears staining his cheeks from another nightmare. How she’d whisper sweet things into his ear, tell him that he would be okay. How he wished she was here to tell him that.
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
And I chase it down, with this shot of truth
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
Liquor never did much for the winter soldier, the serum from HYDRA had made it so. Bucky could sit and drink shot after shot in an attempt to forget how his heart desperately ached and yearned for the woman he loved. It wouldn’t do jack shit. He’d only end up throwing the bottle at the wall in his angered state, before crumbling to the ground in tears. That’s how Steve had found the poor man, 4 weeks after Y/N had left. Crumbled into a ball on the kitchen floor, surrounded by glass shards, hands shaking and bleeding as he cried out for Y/N, His Y/N.
Steve was his best friend, and had seen him at his worst times, but this was impossibly worse than ever before. Steve, having not seen Bucky for a while had gone over to the couples cozy home, knocking and waiting patiently for an answer. When none came, he turned to leave, assuming they were out, but the sound of glass shattering gained his attention. He knocked again, and busted the door open when he recieved no response. Calling out for Y/N and Bucky, Steve cautiously entered the home, checking all the rooms before heading towards the kitchen. His ears caught onto the sound of shallow breathing and what sounded like crying. He turned the corner into the kitchen, his heart breaking at the sight of his best friend, holding himself as heartbroken sobs left his chapped lips.
“She’s gone, Steve.” He whimpered out, before breaking down into more sobs. Steve was confused, though quickly caught on. He’d noticed that Y/N’s car wasn’t in the driveway, and how the home seemed to be missing the warming glow that she’d brought. Y/N had gone. Had she left? Had she been taken? Steve wanted to ask, but the sight of his sobbing friend took priority at the moment. This was his best friend, sitting absolutely wrecked on his kitchen floor. And with no other idea on what to do, Steve dropped to his knees beside Bucky and hugged him tightly. To which Bucky responded by gripping onto his friend, as he cried into his shoulder. The cracked cries that left his lips broke Steve’s heart, welling tears in his own eyes. Never had he seen Bucky in such a way.
Steve got all of the avengers looking for Y/N, though she’d managed to clear her path pretty well. This only broke Bucky’s heart even more, because it meant that she didn’t want to be found. Though he wouldn’t give up. He needed her like he needed air to breathe. If she’d left because she felt as though she wasn’t good enough, he’d spend every minute he had to making her believe she was more than enough. Whatever he could do for her to come back with him, to go back home. Weeks turned to months, and the search wasn’t turning up any results. So Bucky would sit, in his broken home, as the record player spun the vinyls that she’d loved to listen to. A particular song began to play, one that she’d claimed was ‘their song’, and it only made his heart clench more. He stood up, swaying slightly to the melody as he remembered how they’d danced to this very song. How they’d made 3AM promises that it would be that very song that they danced to during their first dance as husband and wife, that they’d have kids of their own one day.
They laid in their bed, wrapped up in each others embrace. It was 3 in the morning, and they really should’ve been sleeping, but the couple found that conversations at this time of night were the best. Y/N was softly giggling at a joke Bucky had made, as she laid on his chest, her fingertips tracing patterns on his chest as his hands held her hips gently. Her giggles died down, and she sighed contently. Bucky took the time to take in her beautiful features. How her smile brought such a sense of warmth, how the light freckles on her cheeks seemed to shimmer, how her soft skin gleamed in the small stream of moonlight coming from the window. It was at this time of morning, that he let his mind speak, without often processing his words. It meant everything he said was authentic, and meaningful.
“I’m going to marry you one day, Doll.” He whispered, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
She chuckled, quirking a brow. “Are you now?”
He smirked, tightening his grip on her a little as if it would bring her any closer than they already were. “Damn right I am. One day, I’ll ask you, and You’ll be the Mrs Y/N Barnes,”
She chuckled fondly at the idea, looking into his eyes with a look of adoration. “And I’ll say yes in a heartbeat.”
He chuckled at that, “I’d hope you would.”
“And our first dance, it’ll be to our song?” She asked, her voice perking up in question.
“ Of course, doll. And after I make you my wife, we’ll have tons of wild sex and hopefully get a few kids out of it.” He was partially joking, though he knew that he wanted her to be the mother of his children.
“I would gladly have your children. But I get to choose the names, right?” She giggled.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, darlin’.”
Cleaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt
You wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt
We're too young, too dumb, to know things like love
But I know better now, better now
Steve insisted on coming over to the apartment, to help Bucky out with the cleaning jobs that he was too mentally exhausted to complete himself. The search for Y/N had become harder and harder, as every time they came back from a potential lead empty handed, the chances of finding Y/N got slimmer and slimmer. Bucky wasn’t taking care of himself, admist all the worry for Y/N, he’d forgotten to take care of himself. So Steve insisted he’d come over to help.
Steve let himself into the apartment, with a key Bucky had given him months ago. It’d been when Y/N and Bucky as gone away from the weekend, to spend some time together. Y/N had hundreds of house plants that she kept. They were her pride and joy. Whether it was the little cacti that sat by the front door, or the flowers that were budding in a vase on the island in the kitchen. She loved them, and always ensured they had enough water. So when they’d gone away, she asked Steve if he’d keep them healthy for her, giving him a spare key and strict instructions on how to feed each one. Bucky had tried to keep them topped up, knowing that when she came back to him she’d be upset if her plants had died. But over the past month, the only thing that mattered to him was getting her back home. He disregarded anything that didn’t involve the next potential lead, and threw himself into figuring out where she’d gone, and why.
“Hey, Buck. How’re you feeling?” Steve asked, polite as always.
“I think I might have a lead on Y/N. Someone in —“ Bucky started rambling, but was cut off by Steve.
“When was the last time you ate? Or even showered?” Steve was growing angry. He understood how he was struggling to cope, he was grieving. Though Steve hated to watch as bucky tore himself apart, not even looking after himself properly as he was so consumed with finding her.
“I’m fine. I don’t have time for that, I’ve got to— I need to find her.” Bucky’s eyes were pleading, but then again so we’re Steve’s, as he begged for his friend to take care of himself. Steve bent down, beginning to pick up some crumpled cans and crisp packets that littered the room, and had just opened his mouth to encourage Bucky to eat something, when the doorbell sounded.
Bucky gasped, his eyes welling with tears as he made a dash out the bedroom door, with Steve calling after him. Bucky threw open the front door, ready for Y/N to be standing behind it, only to be met with a confused looking delivery man. Bucky’s face dropped, and his hands fell beside him.
“Uh, package for a — Mr Barnes?” The delivery guy mumbled, confused at the tears that welled in Bucky’s eyes. Steve came up behind him, taking the package from him and smiling politely.
“Yes, thanks.” He thanked the delivery man as Bucky shuffled back to his room, all hope of his Y/N returning vanishing from within him.
Steve held the package suspiciously, checking it out before deciding it wasn’t a threat and was safe enough to open. He pulled open the package, ripping the tape from the sides, and out fell a t-shirt with a small white note attached to it. Bucky’s eyes drifted over to the black shirt that Steve held in his hands. His mouth ran dry and his throat tightnened when he recognised it immediately. It was his Led Zepplin shirt that Y/N stole from him repeatedly. It used to annoy Bucky, when he couldn’t find his favourite shirt, but that one morning he’d walked in on it hanging from her frame, he’d decided it looked better on her anyway.
“Buck?” Steve’s voice brought him back from his daze, and he stumbled toward we’re Steve stood. He took the shirt from Steve’s hands, and brung it to his nose, inhaling deeply. And of course, is smelled like her. Her favourite Tropical perfume filled his nostrils, and his eyes clouded with those all too familiar tears. This was the shirt she’d worn when she’d left him. He squeezed the fabric in his fingers, inhaling the scent again as Steve remained silent, his eyes re - reading the little note that had been attached to the shirt. Bucky eventually looked up, his eyes landing on the paper Steve held.
“What does it say, Steve?” He asked quietly, though Steve couldn’t seem to find an appropriate response. Therefore, Bucky snatched the paper from his face fingertips. It was definitely Y/N’s handwriting. Neat and tidy, written perfectly in the blue felt pen she loved so dearly, and beautiful in every sense. He read the simple words over and over, hoping that maybe they’d change if he read them just once more.
“I’m so sorry, Buck.” Steve whispered. Bucky willed himself not to cry, and so sucked in a deep breath, placing the paper on the bedside table and sinking down against the bed frame, holding the shirt to his chest.
A string of simple words that made his broken heart feel shattered.
“I’m not good enough for you.
Let me go.”
After moments of silence, Bucky felt a shuffle beside him, as Steve took a seat on the floor next to him.
“Im so lost without her, Stevie.” He mumbled.
“I know, buddy.” Steve placed a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. “But we’re gonna bring her back. Okay?”
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
Bucky would never forget the day that he was pulled from his bed by rapid knocking on the door. It’d now been 6 months without his beloved Y/N, and the avengers search wasn’t turning up any results, and neither was Bucky’s. He’d groaned, hoping that whoever it was would get the hint and leave if he just ignored them for long enough. However, whoever was knocking was persistent, and so, Bucky dragged his aching body from the bed and trudged towards the door. Pulling it open, he sighed when he saw Steve standing the other side.
“Steve, you were here yesterday. I told you I’m fine, now go—“ Bucky began, but was interrupted by Steve who quickly cut him off.
“We found her.” Steve breathed. If he’d come from the tower, he was breathing heavily from the overall anticipation and adrenaline of it all.
Bucky’s voice chocked up, and his world spun. “I— you — what?” He managed to choke out.
“Y/N. We found her.”
She sighed, breathing in the fresh scent that the air held around her. She sat on the small balcony of her studio apartment, looking out at the bustling city around her. Paris truely was a stunning city, and the French culture was so intriguing to her. She’d always wanted to travel, and use what she’d learnt of the French language to communicate with those around her. She simply adored it. However, no matter how content it made her, that didn’t stop the heavy ache in her chest that weighed her down. Her heart ached for the man that she loved. Though, she had no right to claim she was heartbroken, because she’d done it to herself really. She’d been the one to leave without giving the poor man any indication as to why. And it was impeccably cruel. Thing was, she couldn’t give him what he wanted. She was no where near enough. Numerous times throughout their relationship, Bucky had expressed how he planned for her to be the mother of his children, and god she wanted nothing more, but that was the problem. 2 weeks before she’d left him without a trace, she had booked a doctors appointment. She thought she may have been pregnant, which excited her to no end, but she wanted to have it confirmed before she told Bucky. When the doctor told her she wasn’t pregnant, but instead was unable to conceive, her world collapsed. She didn’t say a word to Bucky. Surely he’d be disappointed in her? Her body wasn’t capable of giving him the one thing it was supposed to be able to do. It hurt her to think of how fondly he’d spoken of having kids and being the father he’d always wanted to be, when she knew she’d never be able to give him what he desired. Her logic was that if she left, he’d move on from her and find himself a woman who could give him the family he wanted. So with tears streaming down her cheeks and sobs catching in her throat, she’d kissed his cheek as he slept peacefully on their bed, and left without a single trace. She covered her tracks to the best of her abilities, because she knew that the Avengers would be all in on trying to find her. She couldn’t let that happen, not if she wanted to give Bucky the chance he deserved. She sighed, gazing out as the sun set, before standing and grabbing her coat from the rack by the door, slipping on her boots, deciding on going on a walk to clear her clouded mind.
Stopping in front of the apartment building, which was down one of the narrow stoned paths of the beautiful city, Bucky couldn’t comprehend what was happening. After months of sleepless nights and crying himself dry of tears, he was finally going to get his girl back and bring her back home where she belonged. No matter what had made her leave, they’d fix it. He wouldn’t live without her, he simply refused to let her go after this. The 6 months of torture without her taught him, if anything, that once he got her back, he would never let her leave his sight again. Steve pushed open the door, and began the climb up the stairs to where Y/N’s studio apartment was on the fourth floor of the building. Bucky followed closely, the nerves building up inside him. Yes, he was going to get his girl back, show her how much he loved her. But what happened if she didn’t want to go back? What happened if she didn’t love him anymore?
Bucky didn’t have time to process the immense speed that his thoughts came at, and was surprised at how quickly they’d reached the door that was hers. Steve banged the side of his shoulder into the front door, which swung wide open due to the lack of security on the door lock. The studio was quite bare, but still had little pieces of Y/N littered everywhere. Her perfume hung in the air, and there were 3 small cacti plants on the kitchen side. Though, Y/N was no where to be seen. They both checked the small apartment, but found nothing.
“She’s not here.” Bucky murmured. “She’s not fucking here!” He yelled, his metal fist curling into a ball and smashing down on the wooden table in the kitchen, making a large hole through its center.
Steve attempted to soothe his friend, though it did little to ease his anger. “Bucky. Calm down. She can’t have gone far—���
“She was supposed to be here!” He screamed, his breathing turning erratic. The silence was deafening, but Steve didn’t dare speak. Only The sound of her boot heels walking along wooden floors broke the silence. Seconds later, a hesitant Y/N walked slowly into the apartment.
Bucky’s head whipped around at the sound of someone entering the apartment, and the breath was knocked from his lungs. There she stood, tears in her eyes and a small smile on her lips. His Y/N.
“Hey there Doll.” He managed to whimper out, the tears causing a lump to form in his throat.
“Hi Bucky.”
And I chase it down, with this shot of truth
That my feet don't dance like they did with you
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
Matching Scars (4)
Summary:  “How could someone like you, love someone like me? It makes no fucking sense.“
Pairings: Loki x Reader // Steve Rogers x OFC
Warnings: Nightmares, descriptions of physical abuse, swearing, angst, eventual smut, depression, intrussive thoughts, self-harming, etc.
A/N: This is the first series I wrote at the beggining of summer. I posted it on ao3. 
Series masterlist
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Your phone rang loudly enough to wake you up. You didn’t know how long you’ve been asleep, but as you opened your eyes, you realized that it was night. You scanned the room to see if there was someone there with you, as you could feel a presence. Empty. You reached the lamp on your nightstand and turn it on, when you saw the book Frigga gave you and a note on top of it:
Dear pain in the ass,
I came to see you earlier and you were peacefully asleep, and despite knowing that you love my face, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. I leave you the book so you're not too bored, I'll come in the morning to see you.
With love,
You smiled at Anne's note and took your phone to see who called you. It was 10 PM, so you decided to return the call to the unknown number. No one answered. The second you left the phone on the nightstand again, a message popped up.
Hey, Y/N. I’m Evan.
I tried calling you a few times today but your phone was off or maybe you gave me the wrong number. I hope you didn’t.
I was wondering if maybe you wanted to meet me tonight for a drink at the bar?
I’m already here with some friends, so I can’t receive or do phone calls.
Let me know? :D
FUCK . You totally forgot that you had a life. OMG. You had to work tomorrow. You jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. You saw a light at the end of the aisle, so you went, hoping you could talk to someone so they could take you back home. You stepped into a lab, with a lot of machine pieces and a lot of papers splattered in the floor. You heard a noise and you immediately turned around to see what happened.
Tony fucking Stark was before you, with a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked terribly tired. He closed the door and smiled at you.
“Hey kiddo, how are you?” He said in a friendly tone.
“I’ve been better, but good I guess. Thank you so much for everything Mr. Stark.” Is it too much to ask for an autograph? You asked yourself, without needing an answer. It was too much.
“I guess you came here for a reason, and I’m sure it’s not for the small talk.” You rolled your eyes and grinned. “Well, you're talking to me, so I also understand that that's just the reason.”
“No, I-I need to go home, I work tomorrow morning. And also in the afternoon.” You felt very nervous. You were speaking to Iron Man himself. Bye. Chill the fuck out bitch. You cleared your throat “So, yeah, I need to go now.”
Tony looked at his watch, and took his phone. “Let me arrange that. Go back to sleep kid. You need to rest.” You nodded and left the room. You didn’t have the energy to argue.
Once you were back in your room, you realized you needed a shower.
While you showered, you couldn't stop thinking about Frigga and all the conversations you had about her sons. She had told you how intelligent Loki was, such a loving and caring person, with trust and abandonment issues, but he always struggled to be better. The Loki you knew was cruel, ruthless, narcissist, confident and a huge asshole. Thor on the other hand, was a huge puppy, soft and loveable, just what Frigga told you.
“I hope one day you’ll meet them. You’ll get along well with my younger son, you have a lot of things in common.” You remembered she told you once. You really missed her.
You didn’t notice that you were crying until your body began to shake. You sat on the floor while the water fell on your back, you couldn’t stop crying. You rested your head on the wall, until the sobbing stopped, and after more than half an hour, you left the shower.
You dried and carried your tired body to the bed. You texted back Evan, telling him that you were sick and maybe you could meet any other day.
You fell asleep after reading almost half of the book, around 4 AM.
“Are you sure she’s okay? She never sleeps this much. I’ve never seen her so bad.” Anne’s voice echoed in your head like it was from a dream.
“She’s just dealing with a lot of pain. The grief she’s feeling must be too much for her body to bear.” A deep voice said. You couldn't put a face to the man who spoke, but he sounded familiar.
“I hate to see her like this, she’s been through a lot already, Steve.” You could hear the concern in her voice. You made an effort and opened your eyes. You saw Anne sitting next to Steve Rogers, with her head resting on his shoulder and his hand stroking her long blond hair.
What the fuck is going on? Anne and Captain America? This bitch really gets what she wants. Even the famous Steve Rogers.
You thought to yourself as you sat in the bed. You yawned and cleared your throat. Anne looked at you and ran to hug you.
“Are you okay? Is everything fine here? Do you need anything? Do y-” You cut her off. “Anne, I’m fine. Not as good as you, though.” You looked at Steve, who was now blushing. You laughed and he smiled shyly.
“I would like to do something today. I can’t stay here longer, I might go insane.” You looked at Anne, who was smiling at you widely.
“Alright, get out of your pajamas and after breakfast we’ll see what we can do.”
You went to the kitchen, and stopped in your tracks as you saw Loki. He glanced at you and after a second looked away to keep reading his book.
You entered the room with your head held high looking at him with disdain. God, you hated this man so much you could just punch him just for breathing. Breathe, that’s what you needed to do. Breathe .
“Good morning, garbage. Planning a mass murder?” Where did that come from?
“Just one.” He said cocking his head towards you, with a mischievous smile.
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What an ass...He has a nice smile, though. You frowned at your last thought and pushed it away.
You prepared your breakfast, and you could feel Loki’s eyes piercing the back of your head, and everytime you tried to catch him looking, he was peacefully reading. So annoying.
You heard steps coming from the aisle, and you felt relieved that hopefully, more friendly company was coming. Stark entered the kitchen with a huge smile, for you. He glanced at the annoying God, who was still reading in his corner.
“Hey there, sleeping beauty, how are you today?” You rolled your eyes at your nickname, and answered the truth. You were going to be okay.
“It’s good to hear that kiddo. Is this little bitch treating you alright?” He said looking at Loki. You laughed and nodded.
“Since everyone is so happy to have this whiny mortal here, I’ll be at my room until she’s gone.” He stood up and tried to leave, but Tony grabbed his arm before he could go.
“Take some extra food then, she’s staying here two more weeks. So unless you wanna starve, which I wouldn't care at all, change your attitude. She has done nothing to you.” Loki pulled Tony's hand away and left without saying anything else.
“Two weeks? What about my work? And my apartment?” You asked him, worried. You could not afford to miss your work for two weeks.
“You don’t need to worry about any of that. You just need to worry about resting and trying not to kill Loki.” He smiled at you and went to prepare himself a coffee.
Your day was pretty amazing. Steve and Thor showed Anne and you the building, the gardens and the library. Anne almost died when she stepped in the huge room, you both loved books, in fact, that’s how you met 10 years ago. You were both looking for the same book in a library, and the rest is history.
Tony arranged Anne’s stay as well, so you both could have holidays together. You actually knew it was Steve who talked to Mr. Stark about Anne, but you were fine with it. Two days here and your friend was already glowing.
Her ex, Charlie, was the worst person ever. She was still not over him at all, so maybe staying here could help her.
You spent the afternoon in the gym boxing and doing some training. You hadn’t boxed in months, work took all the free time you had. It felt good to release tension. You started fighting with 12 years old, when they put you in your first problematic foster family, the eldest son beat you just for talking, and the father started doing the same. From there, things did not improve, each household was worse than the previous one, until you were 17 years old. Your last family was not that bad, they even paid for you to go to therapy, although at 21 you left and never returned.
You were taking off the bandages from your bloody hands, when someone applauded you from the door, rage bubbling in you when you saw who he was. Fucking Loki.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Becoming Human - Chapter 21
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Previous Chapters:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
When I woke up again, I knew Leo was gone. I didn’t go through the stages as I had before; I was numb from fear. The look he had in his eyes as I fought and failed to avoid sleep had followed me into my dreams, depicting an enraged Leo taking on the science lab at the office and destroying everything. Would he really be that out of control? I knew he was capable of doing a lot more than a human could. He was made of the best software and engineering in AI robotics. A normal Kboy was trained to not show any harm to humans or their surroundings.
But Leo wasn’t like the others.
My mind slipped back to the night he found out about my incident and how he passed out from the sheer control of resisting an outburst. Could he be somewhere in this world offline from the overwhelming emotions he was feeling?
I felt helpless as I laid there trying to figure out what to do. And after seeing Leo’s phone purposely left on the bedside table, I knew things were worse than I could hope for. I couldn’t help Leo alone. Scrambling around to find my phone, I unlocked it and dialled my most used number.
“Gunhee,” I managed to say when the call connected, biting at my chapped lips a little. “We have trouble.”
“Yerin, it’s after eleven, why are you ringing me?” I could hear the sleepiness in his voice but the idea that it was that late and Leo wasn’t home yet bothered me further. I got up out of bed and began trying to find clothes in the darkened room.
“Leo, he knows.”
The sharp inhale of his breath seemed to waken his senses entirely. “You promised you wouldn’t tell him!”
“I’m only human, I didn’t say it with my own mouth initially either, and you and I both know Leo is able to read our emotions better than we think he can,” I protested, flinging my legs through a pair of sweats that I couldn’t tell belonged to me or Leo until I was having to tighten the waistband. “I was sick and he left when I was asleep. You haven’t seen him today at all, have you?”
Gunhee groaned and I could tell he was rubbing at his face in frustration. “I saw him earlier and he asked me if he could trust me or not. I didn’t know what he meant and I told him of course, that I was always honest with him. He must think the absolute worst by now.”
“Gunhee,” I started, my voice shaking as the panic surged within me. “You don’t think he’s done something bad, right?”
“Of course not, he’s a robot trained to respect our world.”
“Except we all didn’t show him respect,” I mentioned, throwing a hoodie over my head and left my room to go fetch my purse. “Leo has a temper.”
“He has a what?”
“He can experience anger, he’s just very good at suppressing it. But with the look in his eyes that I saw-”
“I’ll be there in five.” The call was disconnected and I hurried to put on my shoes before leaving the apartment, making my way out into the lobby and waiting for Gunhee to show up. Although I knew it was only minutes that I waited, it felt like I stood there for eternity until his car appeared outside.
Running out the doors and right into the passenger seat, Gunhee barely waited for me to close the door before he took off again, a grim expression on his face. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel as he navigated the late night traffic. “You look like shit, and why didn’t you tell me he showed anger before? Was it at you?”
“Didn’t it show up on his records?” Gunhee shook his head at my question and I sighed. “It was over something I need to talk to you about when this isn’t the biggest issue in our lives. That’s odd though, in that moment he must’ve not recorded anything.”
“I trust in you that you’ll tell me when it’s right. Do you have any leads on what he’d do?”
“Last time he just collapsed from holding back.” I grimaced when Gunhee cursed and smacked at the steering wheel. “But I don’t think he’s going to hold back this time.”
“We’ll try the lab first,” he decided and the rest of the ride to Kboys Headquarters was tense and silent. We took the elevator up to the floor we needed, walking through the darkened hallways with a quickened pace until Gunhee used his swipe key to get into the locked down science lab. The lights were out but I could see the faint glow of the multitude of Kboys lined up in the main floor below. They all seemed untouched and my heartbeat eased a little finding no massacre in sight. Gunhee however was frantic, using his long legs to his ability and powering on ahead. Despite being weakened from my emotions and sickness, I managed to jog to keep up with him as he ran down the stairs and over to a room I had never been in.
When I made it to the door I gasped, finding Leo on the floor beside a wall lined with technology that I knew had to be important. Obviously, Gunhee would have guessed Leo wouldn’t use physical strength when he knew of this hub of information was more vital than any Kboy out there.
Leo glanced up at us with darkened eyes, barely smiling at our arrival. Gunhee cursed again as he edged forward. “Leo you didn’t-”
“All the information on your research is held within these backup devices, right? If the office suffers a blackout, the generators keep this information alive. But if someone or something were to manually destroy this system, Kboys would face a huge impact.” He looked up at the doctor when he referred to himself as something lesser than man, his face contorting up with pain. “I thought about attacking all those robots out there that you plan to base off of my mind. I could do it too, quite easily. The temptation was strong.”
Leo got up and Gunhee, despite being taller, looked tiny beside him. Leo sighed heavily. “But I remembered helping you in here the other week, hyung. It would be more devastating if I ruined this entire system.”
“L-Leo,” Gunhee started, and I was startled to see my best friend begin to shake. “You didn’t, y-you-”
“Then I thought about how much work you have all done. How many customers this company has. How many people are employed and rely on having a job here, Yerin included. It’s a curse having a moral compass. How humanlike of such a robot, don’t you think?”
Leo stepped around Gunhee then, coming over to collapse against me as my friend rushed to check that the systems hadn’t been messed around with. I held onto his frame as best as I could but his weight against my weakened body made us both slip to the ground, Leo grabbing me tightly as he buried into me.
“I’m sorry,” I repeated over and over, rubbing at his back as he struggled to remain calm. “I didn’t know how else to cope with it. Please don’t ever run away from me like this again.”
“Don’t give up on me then,” he pleaded from inside my embrace, and I choked back on a sob as I looked up at my best friend and what he and his department had started. I could see the guilt coursing through him as he breathed heavily from finding everything untouched.
Humans were far too cruel, and we were teaching Leo just how bad we could be.
  Despite Leo’s lack of faith in Gunhee, he allowed him to pick us up and drive us to work the next day, my cold easing off enough that I felt like I didn’t need to take another sick day. And whilst Gunhee was more apprehensive than usual, he still tried to make conversation with Leo on the way there, and Leo responded to everything he said. I knew deep down, beyond the betrayal Leo was feeling, he knew Gunhee wasn’t a bad person.
It gave me immense anxiety to leave my boyfriend and best friend to travel alone together though, heading into the call center on edge and bumping into Daniel in the process.
“Oh Yerin-noona, are you alright?!” he cried, helping me upright before I fell and genuinely scanning over me to ensure I was okay. I smiled lightly at him and he grinned after completing his evaluation. “You are fine. Although you were sick yesterday and I can see the adverse signs from that. Would you like me to make you some camomile tea?”
“Actually why don’t you make two, Daniel-ah. Bring them into my office, won’t you?” We both glanced towards Younha, Daniel smiling brightly at her before leaving me to follow my boss into her office. After sitting down, and asking simple questions about my health, she finally asked what I knew was on the tip of her tongue. “That Leo bot we see around the building, he’s yours isn’t he?”
“Not… officially,” I stated weakly, her eyebrows hiking up a little at my vague answer. I sighed, feeling the urge to share everything with her in that moment but knowing the experiment was deemed classified made me hesitate.
“I assumed it was something you couldn’t talk about, given how Doctor Jung has been investing a lot of attention in you of late,” Younha said with a sigh, fiddling with some papers on her desk. “However, I feel like you need someone out of the situation, who understands the complexity of loving a Kboy to talk to. Is that something you’d like?”
I was nodding before I realised it, and soon the journey I had been on so far tumbled out of my mouth with more ease than I expected it to. 
Next chapter
A/N: Leo’s suffering is hard, but I think both Gunhee and Yerin now realise the consequences and how entangled their lives and feelings are with him. And now we have Younha being involved too. Will we see some progress towards saving Leo now?! 
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imcuaddict · 6 years
Back to normal
Pairing: Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Words: 3k+
Warnings: kinda sad, kinda happy and swearing
Summary: You and Tom are drifting apart and neither of you can’t help it
A/N: Honestly this is so bad and it’s my first time imagine and writing in a looooong time. So… enjoyed it? Idk give feedback if you want to… PD: Also English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for the mistakes.
Y/N woke up, feeling the bed empty. It wasn’t weird, most likely Tom had stayed up late on the set doing shoots or had gone out with the cast to a club, or maybe, just maybe he was fucking his new co-star. But just maybe.
Y/N sighed, she got up and saw that it was 4:05 in the morning. She cursed. Even if she wanted to go back to sleep, the fact that Tom was not there caused her anxiety. She knew that in less than five hours she had to be ready for work, so she decided to start her day at 4 in the fucking morning”
She went to the kitchen and prepared some coffee, grab her laptop and began to see all the work that was pending, she put her headphones and started working. It had not been more than 20 minutes, when carefully the front door began to open.
Tom was shocked when he saw her awake, she was sitting in the couch with her laptop on her legs, very concentrated. She didn’t realize that he had arrived, Tom stared at her, seeing how beautiful she looked when she was focus. She felt someone's eyes and realized that Tom was standing in front of the door. His hair was wet from the rain, his eyes were red, tired and there were bags under them. Y/N put the laptop aside and Tom half smiled.
“What are you doing awake? “He asks walking towards the kitchen.
“I just got up and couldn’t sleep” she said taking a sip of her coffee.
Tom nodded.
“Where were you?” Y/N asked in a trembling voice.
“We stayed up late, doing some shoots” he said grabbing a water from the fridge.“
Y/N knew that Tom was not lying, because of the state he was in, you could tell that all he wanted to do was sleep.
“What time do you have to go to the set?” Y/N asked, getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen counter.
Tom finished drinking the water and looked at her
“We started shooting at 11”
Y/N nodded.
“You should go to bed” Y/N said looking at the floor.
Tom nodded
“Good night, darling” He said and started walking towards the room and disappeared.
 Y/N sighed and went back to work, but her mind was not there anymore, she couldn’t stop thinking what had happened between them. They started dating when she was 21 and he was 22, four years later there they were, he was asleep, and she was wondering what the hell was wrong. Tom and Y/N were inseparable, they were those couples that other couples wanted to be, of course they argued and had their problems, but in the end, they always fixed it.
But this time it was different, since Tom started shooting his new movie 3 months ago, things had changed, he became distant and cold, there were no more conversations before bed. Tom avoided her and even the simple gesture of giving her a goodnight kiss had gone, at first Y/N thought it was because of the stress and pressure he had, that everything was related to work. But after Tom started uploading photos, videos of the cast on his Instagram showing how great his life was, she realized that it was not it.
Y/N did not know if they were drifting apart or if there was someone new. And the thought of the second one scared the hell out of her. Tom was working with an “it” actress. An actress who was beautiful beyond existence, an actress who had everyone at her feet, an actress that all of her made Y/N scream. Things were changing, and she didn’t know what to do.
 She tried so hard to push everything away, she knew Tom wouldn’t hurt her, for fucks sakes, the boy did not have anything evil in his body. But she was just perfect. And it did not help the dating rumors about them.
And now it's 5am and she couldn’t stop thinking about everything she did wrong that could lead to Tom cheating on her, if he was cheating on her.
Tom closed the door and went directly to the bathroom, wet his face and took off his clothes, just leaving his boxers. Tom knew that things with Y/N were wrong, he didn’t know what had happened, but he knew that they were drifting away. And it didn’t help the rumors that he was cheating on her with his new co-star. He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful, and that their personalities match perfectly together, but nothing happened between them, he would never dare to hurt Y/N. She was "the one", he wanted to wake up right beside her every day, he wanted to hear her sing in the shower every morning, he wanted to see the way her cheeks dimpled when he makes her laughed, he wanted her to be always with him, he wanted to spend eternity with her. He loved her, with everything. Tom walked to the bed and lay down, he was so tired that he could sleep all day, but tomorrow he had another day on set. Thinking about how coward he was to make suffer the person he loved most in the world, he began to close his eyes, the last thing he remembered was that one way or another he had to fix things.
At 6:30 am, Y/N closed the laptop and went to the room, as soon as he entered, Tom's calm snoring filled the room. He looked so peaceful and calm, he looked like a child, without any worries. Y/N came over and gave him a kiss in front. I love you she whispered.
She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom. When it came out, Tom was still asleep. Y/N grabbed the dryer and her makeup bag, and exited the room, leaving Tom to sleep a few more hours. When she finished getting ready, she realized that it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to sleep a few more hours, she still had two hours to go to work and she was ready to go. Sighing she turned on the television in the living room and started playing with her cell phone. Wasting time, she felt her eyes heavier and heavier.
When Tom woke up, the bed was empty, he imagined that Y/N had already left. As soon as he finished his morning routine, he left the room and the first thing he saw was his girlfriend asleep on the sofa, Tom smiled, she looked so innocent and sweet. Tom approached her and began petting her hair.
“Darling” he said quietly. There was no answer
“Babe, Y/N, get up”
“5 minutes more” she said muttering
“If I leave you 5 more minutes, you will not get to work” T om said, still petting his hair.
"Shit," she said, waking up suddenly. She saw that the clock read 8:30, she was so late.
“I must go” she said grabbing his bag.
“Babe don’t worry, I can take you” Tom said holding her hand. Y/N froze at this movement, Tom was offering to take her, something he hadn’t done for months. Y/N let go of Tom's hand and a glint of sadness appear in his eyes.
“You don’t have to, I can call and say I'm late," she said, playing with his fingers.
This hurt Tom, he wanted to do something nice for her and she was pushing him away. She noticed the hurt in his eyes.
“It’s just I don’t want to you to be late for set because of me” she said trying to justify herself. The truth was she wanted that lifted, she wanted her Tom, the curly boy who gave her surprises kisses, the playful boy who knew when something was wrong and always made her feel better, she wanted her Tom back.
“I’m the star baby, I can be late sometimes” he said half smiling
“Ok, let´s go” she said walking towards the door.
The whole ride they were silent, they didn’t know what to talk about, for weeks they weren’t more than 5 minutes in the same room, they haven’t touched each other for weeks, for weeks she did not feel his breath on her when she slept, for weeks Tom did not hug her. Lately everything was uncomfortable and silent.
"We've almost finished filming," said Tom, trying to break the silence. "We're not doing scenes anymore, just reviewing them and giving opinions"
"Ok" Y/N said a little confused
"I was thinking, that tonight we could do something romantic, I could leave earlier." he said grabbing her hand
On this day it was the second time he made this gesture and Y/N's heart was spinning, Tom was trying to fix what was wrong between them and for the first time in months she felt that finally everything could go back to normal
"I would love to do something" said Y/N, intertwining her fingers with his.
He looked at her and kissed her hand
"We can see each other in our restaurant"
"Ok, at 8 o'clock is fine?"
"Perfect," he said, parking the car in front of the large building where his girlfriend worked.
"Thanks for the lift"
"It's my pleasure, babe"
When Y/N was about to open the door, Tom pulled her towards him and kissed her, and she felt the world fell away, it was sweet and gentle, comforting in ways she hasn’t felt in months. He moved his hand below her ear, while his other hand rest on her lower back. She ran her fingers through his hair as their breaths mingled. She wanted to pull him closer, she wanted to feel his beating heart against her chest, and when she was about to do it, a car honked and made them separate immediately, making them come back to reality. They both giggled
“I love you” Tom said touching her cheek
“I love you too”
“See you tonight” Tom said as Y/N got off the car.
 She was euphoric, she hadn’t felt that connection for so long that she was so nervous, she felt like she was going on her first date with him. During the day, the only thing she thought about was getting home and preparing what she was going to wear, how she was going to comb her hair and do her make-up. She wanted to be perfect for him, she wanted him to flirt with her, she wanted him to open the door for her and tell her how beautiful she looked, she wanted him to make her his at the end of the night, to kiss her and touch her, she wanted him to hug her and tell her how much he loves her. She wanted everything to go back to normal.
Tom was feeling the same, he couldn’t concentrate on anything, he couldn’t wait to 8 o clock and be able to see her, to say that he loved her with all his heart, to tell her that she was his world. He wanted to apologize for being distant and cold, he wanted to make her his, wanted to hold her, he wanted to make her see stars whenever he kissed her and touch her, he wanted that at the end of the night everything would be as before.
She arrived home around 6pm, she got herself some food and started planning the whole evening, she took a bath and waxed, exfoliated and hydrated her skin. She put the sexiest underwear she could find, she decided to keep it simple and wore a dress with V-neckline, a leather jacket and ankle boots. Her hair was done and she wore a little bit of mascara with eyeliner and lipstick. She felt sexy and beautiful, her self esteem was on the highest peak and she couldn’t be happier about it.
She arrived at the little restaurant around 8:05, Tom wasn’t there yet. As she was sitting down on the table, she remembered the first time she entered this place.
They been running away from paparazzies and fans almost all night, this was just their second date and things were going downhill. When they met at the movies a fan spotted Tom and posted on twitter, minutes later the whole place was surrounded with fans, asking Tom photos and autographs. She was okay with that. He was famous, he had fans all around the world, and everybody wanted a piece of him. When he finished taking pics with the fans the movie had already started, so they decided to just walk downtown. Things were going nice and steady, they enter a sport shop and Tom bought a pair of sneakers, but when they left the store some paparazzi where outside waiting for him. He grabbed her hand and pushed them away, while they screamed things like
“Tom a picture for Seventeen Magazine”
“I thought you were dating Zendaya”
“Tom, who is your new lady”?
They followed them and took pictures of him for about 40 minutes, when they decided to leave, Y/N was tired of walking so much and was very hungry. Tom on the other hand seemed angry, she was about to tell him that they could to her house, when it started to rain. Tom cursed, and they started running to cover from the rain. They came to an alley and at the end of it there was a small sign illuminating the door of the restaurant. They ran towards it and entered. The place was almost empty and smelled the like homemade food. They sat down at the end of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry" Tom said embarrassed
"It’s okay don’t worry about it"
“it’s not okay, they rude and disrespectful about my privacy.
“Don’t worry Tom, you’re famous, I’m guessing these happens very often”
“Yeah, but this time is different, because I just wanted to spend some time alone with you”
She blushed at his words
“I really like you, Y/N”
“I really like you too, Tom”
The night went very well after that, they order food and start talking about everything they can think of, they even lost sight of the time because the waiter had to threw them out of the restaurant, because they were closing. After that night they both realize their true feelings about each other. And that place became special in both of their hearts.
It was almost 10 pm and Tom was nowhere to be seen, she was sad and angry, she called him but sent her straight to voice mail. She couldn’t believe that he was two hours late, maybe he forgot? Or maybe something bad happened to him on the way to the restaurant? Thousands of possibilities went through Y/N's head about why her boyfriend was not there.
She had no text or a call from him, she was getting desperate and also the waiter who had gone three times to take her order.
"Miss, if you're not going to order anything, I'm going to ask you to leave."
"No, my boyfriend is on the way, 15 minutes max"
"15 minutes, if not, you have to leave" said the waitress walking away.
Y/N sighed and murmured
"Where the hell are you Tom?"
Y/N started reviewing Tom's Instagram, to see if there was an explanation of why he hadn’t arrived. Nothing, there was not a new story, there was no picture. Nothing. When she returned to her home page she saw that Tom's co-star, had uploaded a new story to his Instagram.
It was a picture of her and Tom, they were sitting in what looked like a club, she was kissing him on the cheek, her arms around his neck and he was holding a drink in his hand and the other hand was holding her, while he was winking at the camera.
Y/N's heart broke into a thousand pieces, she felt dizzy and out of breath, she needed to get out of there. She got up and ran to the door ignoring the looks of pity that everyone gave her. She ran and ran until her legs asked her to stop, she stopped and started walking towards a bench that was close by. As soon as she sat down, she let go a loud sob and tears started rolling down her cheeks, she let go of everything she had been enduring, not only because of that night, but because of everything she had been carrying for months.
Tom walk out of the club around 10:05, he didn’t want to go, but his agent planned a promotional party for the film, and had to attend, when he tried to leave his agent appeared with Tiffany and made him do a small session of photos, forcing them to upload in each social network they could. Because his cell phone had died early on the day and he was very desperate to get to the restaurant, he ran away as soon as she finished taking the last photo. When he arrived at the restaurant and didn’t see her he cursed, she was gone, he didn’t know how long she waited for him, but he knew he had broken another promise to the person he loved the most in the entire world.
He walked to the apartment they shared, hoping Y/N would give him another chance. As soon as he opened the door, Tessa received him running towards him wagging her tail, greeting her, he walked to their bedroom, waiting to see his very angry girlfriend, but all he found was an empty bed.
When she run out of tears to cry, Y/N got up and started to walk towards the apartment, of course she went to McDonald's first and ate her dinner. She knew she was a disaster and the face of pity that the cashier gave her didn’t help much either, she felt her eyes red and swollen, her feet hurt, and she was cold, she just wanted to get home and sleep until the pain she felt in her heart will disappear. She checked her cell phone and she had 5 missed calls from Tom. Now you’re calling asshole Y/N thought
It was almost midnight when she walked trough the door and Tessa received her. She was surprised to see Tom home.
“Where were you” I’ve been calling you like crazy, I thought something bad happened to you” he said getting up from the couch.
“Yeah, well now you know how it feels” she said walking into the apartment
Tom felt guilty, he looked at her carefully and noticed that her eyes were red and puffy, her voice was trembling and hoarse which meant she had been crying. She had been crying because of him and he knew it very well.
"I’m Sorry, I had to do-"
"I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear any more excuses," Y/N said, cutting him off.
"I don’t want to hear it Tom, I don’t want to hear why you didn’t show up to restaurant and made me wait two hours for you, I don’t want to hear that you had to do something better involving the movie, I don’t want to hear why you were holding her when you supposed to be holding me, because is always the same excuse and honestly I am fed up" said Y/N trying not to cry and going entering their bedroom
 Tom froze, he didn’t know what to do all, he let out a frustrated scream. He started to calm his breathing, he thought it was better to give her space before talking. He stayed on the couch only hearing his breathing, not knowing what to do. Gosh he wished he wasn’t so stupid, he wished he could tell the things the way he felt it. This was his fault and he had to fix it. Slowly he knocks on the door, when there was no answer, he entered the room. The sight of her broke his heart, she was on the bed all curl up, hugging his pillow and quiets sobs leaving her mouth. Tom approached carefully to the bed touching her back, she didn’t move, so he massaged his back for several minutes, until her sobs quieted down to just be a steady breathing.
“Are you cheating on me with her?” she suddenly said
“You think I’m cheating on you?”
“I don´t know, Tom. Lately everything seems like…. I-I don’t know” she said turning around to see him. Deep down Y/N knew that he could never hurt her that way.
“I know what you mean, lately it seems like I can’t find the right words to say to you, even though I know what I want to say”
“You didn’t answer my question”
“You think I will hurt you like that?” Why are you so insecure about her?” he said little annoyed
“Well maybe because the last 3 months you been avoiding me, maybe because you been posting pictures about her in all your social media, because lately it seems you want to spent more time with her than me, maybe because tonight was supposed to be our night and you end up ditching me to stay in a club with her, maybe because she’s perfect for you and she is everything that I will never be” she said gradually lowing her voice.
“Who said she was perfect for me?” I found the perfect woman for me 4 years ago and I would never dare to cheat on her” he said pulling her close. “You’re the perfect woman for me Y/N, and I love you and I’m so sorry about tonight” he said whispering in her ear.
Tom sighed
“I’m so sorry about everything, love” he said
“I’m sorry Tom” she said
The two of them cuddled each other, until they fall asleep as if tomorrow didn’t exist, as if everything bad that had happened between them was in the past, as if tomorrow morning everything would go back to normal. They both knew that this was not their reality, that tomorrow they would have to confront their problems, that they would probably continue having discussions, they knew that in order to return to normal both of them would have to give their best effort and that it would take time, but in that moment that didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered was that the two of them were finally together, that finally they both had a little bit of hope that the future between them would be better, that finally both of them said everything that they need to say. That finally everything was going back to normal.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 23: The Holy Forest - Part 2: Heidi Beauregard
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 1723
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there, besides I couldn’t have it edited! I hope you’ll like it!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1
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The weather inside the Forest was identical to the one of the open world. As cold and as humid, as grey and as depressing.
Heidi was sitting on the passenger seat of Alex’ black Mercedes, her partner at her side, his hands on the wheel, an original vampire behind him and an ultimate behind her. The witch’s eyes fell on the mirror outside her window and she caught a glimpse of her goddaughter. The elemental was half asleep, her head resting on the vampire’s shoulder. The silence and the steady road had allowed her to fall asleep as her unexpected fear of flying had kept her wide awake on the plane. No one would dare wake her now.
As they drove past the black iron gates, the red brick wall appeared in the mirror and Heidi knew she was home. The city had an old aura, she recognized it easily. She watched the old houses and the old buildings as Alex drove past them slowly. The street was narrow and there was just enough space for the car to drive through it.
Elijah watched the houses too, with a sad nostalgia, thinking back to the time of black houses and buildings made of wood, back when he was still by Niklaus’ side. He recognized the different architecture styles, the oldest one from five centuries ago. The city was a mixed of old and new, but even the old didn’t seem affected by time. The wood and the bricks seemed new, as if it had just been built. The vampire caught a glimpse of what was inside the businesses: a coffee shop, a restaurant, a library… What he saw inside surprised him. It wasn’t what one would expect when they saw the buildings from outside. It wasn’t any different from any coffee shops in cities like Berlin, Paris or even New-York. It was the same with the people walking the streets. Dressed in different fashions, like Heidi and Alexander, some obviously had preferred to keep the clothes from their century, but their corsets didn’t stop the women to use smartphones, nor did their top hats stop the men from doing the same. It was a sight to behold, and Elijah knew he still had a lot to discover.
Heidi knew the Forest perfectly well. She knew every secret it held, every person it hosted, everything and anything, just like Margo did, just like Alex would if he paid attention to this sort of things. She knew that Margo would make them wait before she received the four of them in the throne room. She knew she would judge their clothes, the way they stood on their feet, their every word. She knew the questions she was going to ask. And Heidi was arrogant enough to think she already knew the answers.
She had spent the last four hundred years there, with Margo. The last two with Alexander. She had made herself one of the most powerful witches on Earth. Not more powerful than Margo, certainly not stronger than Pandora or Ambrosia, though she doubted anyone was more powerful than the two sisters. They were older than the Mikaelsons. Probably the eldest people alive. Former slaves in Athens, back when democracy was the norm but slavery, ironically, was too, they had been rescued by witches and had been empowered by their rage and their want for revenge. But now, over two thousand years later, maybe they were tired of people, maybe they were simply tired of life, as they always retreated in a secret place, disappeared for years, even centuries, only to be summoned by people they trusted, people powerful enough to summon them, when they had no other solution to their problems. Heidi was one of those people. As was Margo.
Heidi had gotten strong the same way. Empowered by rage and the want for revenge, after her village burnt her mother alive for being a witch. Marguerite, her mother, accused of using witchcraft to seduce Jean, the lawyer’s son, Heidi’s father, didn’t even get any chance to defend herself as the villagers got the rope and the pitchforks and the torches and through her in the pyre, way too happy to kill a witch, to kill the woman that had been a sister to them, a midwife to their wives, a doctor to their children. So Heidi did the same thing to them. She burnt them all alive as well, one night, exactly a month after her mother’s death. She burnt their houses while they were sleeping, burnt her “friends”, their parents and their children. The lawyer’s son and his entire family. Every single one of them. Even the church and the school and the house where they kept the sick and injured. She ignited the flames with a smile and witnessed them die with a laugh.
She didn’t flee France like Margo fled Spain. She left it behind, left everything behind, knowing if she crossed the path of other superstitious little bastards she would do the same thing to them. She got to Germany, found the Forest, found Margo, and she had stayed there, where no one would even think about burning a witch, where she wouldn’t cross the path of superstitious little bastards.
Two centuries in the Forest, a life of her own, settled comfortably in the castle, with more power than she needed, she met Alexander, who too had left everything behind and found the Forest. He was a little bastard but at least he wasn’t superstitious. And he made her smile. And he made her laugh. And she was in love with him, so in love in fact that after only a year later, she asked herself how, how did she ever live without him?
The car stopped in front of the castle, two guards posted on each side of the huge opened front door, a page ready to open the car doors and another ready to take their luggage from the trunk. The page bowed to her as she exited the vehicle and he was almost hit by Mackenzie’s door as she opened it. Elijah was by her side in a flash, helping her out of the car. She looked awful, obviously exhausted, and maybe a little hungry. If not starving.
“Lady Beauregard,” the page greeted. “Welcome back. Her Majesty will see you in an hour.”
Heidi didn’t bother with a reply and it’s Alexander who thanked the servant and dismissed him. She looked up to the sky, her eyes slowly travelling on the castle’s façade. The white stones looked like marble and she knew it would be cold inside. She shivered already at the thought of entering her home. She followed Alexander inside, walked between two columns with Mackenzie and Elijah by her side before stepping in the hall.
Nothing had changed. The carpet was still red, covering the white marble floor that they had renovated a century earlier. The guards were still wearing the same uniform, posted at the same place, holding the same weapons. The servants walked around silently, stopped to bow to them before resuming their task.
“I’m going to change,” she informed them, without looking at any of her travelling companions before walking away.
Mackenzie and Elijah watched her leave, and their attention was called away from the witch’s back as their heard Alexander chuckle.
“I think she hates this place, but she’ll never admit it. Probably because she doesn’t know it.”
“Is she okay?”
“She’ll be fine,” he nodded. “She’s impatient, she hasn’t talked to Margo in months.”
“Are they close?” Elijah asked.
“They’re best friends.”
“You are nobility here?”
“If you can call us that,” he shrugged. “Sure, I guess. So are you, by the way,” he winked at Mackenzie.
The elemental, who just wanted to find a bed and slid under the covers, didn’t realize he was being serious and chuckled at his joke.
“Don’t laugh, Lady Alemaund,” he mocked. “You might just be the most powerful creature here.”
“Don’t remind me,” she sighed, which made Elijah smile.
“I don’t think anyone is going to let you forget it.”
“Sir Davidson,” a page interrupted them. “The rooms are ready. A package is waiting for Lady Alemaund in her chambers.”
“Is it as we asked?”
“Yes, sir, they are in neighboring rooms. In the main wing.”
“Then I’ll show them myself, thank you.”
The page bowed again before walking away without saying another word.
“We were afraid they’d send you off to the guest wing,” the heretic told the original vampire, “we made sure you weren’t too far away from each other.”
“I appreciate that,” Elijah nodded.
“We just got here. Who sent me a package?”
Alexander chuckled. “The queen, silly. It’s probably a dress, or a crown… or both,” he grinned mischievously.
“I… Am I… expected to wear a crown?” she stuttered.
“I’m kidding,” he laughed. “A crown is given in a coronation. You haven’t had one of those… yet.”
“Stop it!” she told him as she slapped his arm, making him step back with a laugh.
“Alright, alright,” he said. “Let’s go then. We can’t be late.”
“What should we expect from…” Elijah paused, looking for the right word, “Her Majesty?”
“Margo’s not a tyrant. You can expect her to be as friendly as Heidi,” he shrugged. “She’ll be asking you questions, and she’ll be expecting answers. Don’t lie to her, she’ll know. Be respectful, of course, she’s a queen, she expects to be treated like one. But why don’t you just see for yourself, uh?”
“I’ve met less reasonable queens,” Elijah told him. “But none as powerful as her, I expect.”
“You’re right about that, friend,” Alex said as he put his hand on Elijah’s shoulder.
The original vampire let the heretic tap his shoulder in silence, then watched him walk away from them, following Heidi’s footsteps. He looked down at the elemental who was repressing an amused smile. He raised an eyebrow at her, which made her laugh.
“Look at you,” she said. “You made a new friend.”
“Did I?”
“You two are going to get plenty of time alone later,” Alex called from the hallway, “come on!”
“Come on,” she repeated with a grin.
He smiled back at her as he stepped forward, took her hand in his and let her drag him to her godfather.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!!
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99@aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog @caelst13​ @casedoina
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