#Masks and Maladies
inkribbon796 · 7 months
Egotober 2023 Day 1: I Just Want to Help
Summary: Silver wouldn’t go as far to say that he has a “biggest fan” just that he has someone who sees him as a “biggest inspiration”. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem, however Silver is a superhero with two dangerous supervillain enemies who run a massive criminal organization.
Prompt: Cape
A/N: Been a while, dealing with some serious writer’s block brain rot. Hoped to return early but didn’t happen. So I’m dropping off some Egotober stuff and hopefully some other stuff but I make no promises. This Egotober I’m going with an additional theme that was highlighted in: Six Ate Seven. So for some people it’s been a while but this works in that former reality. Where Patton is still a Lost One and deals with those characters. This is in the timeframe where they’re all still kids (teenagers to be exact). So you might see teen Ethan running around too.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Over the city streets of Egoton, Silver was keeping a watch on the town.
While he was conducting a sky patrol he heard someone calling out to him on the top of a fire escape.
“Hey, Silver!”
Silver looked over and saw the rather common sight of what looked like a kid wearing a mask. They were maybe a teenager in bright blues, a sweater and a pair of jeans, and a black domino mask that looked like it’d been brought at Spirit Halloween. A bright blue cape on and a shock of dyed blue hair.
A kid looking like a superhero was common. He and the rest of the Coalition saw it all the time. What was uncommon was one standing on top of the fire escape.
“H-Hello?” Silver said, coming to a stop to float mid air.
“I’m here to help,” he had a huge smile on his face as he half jumped up on the top of the rail and balanced on it.
“I don’t think the Coalition can legally add minors,” Silver tried to say. He didn’t wanna just crush this kid’s dreams right out the gate. Maybe in ten years they could set something up, but not now.
“No, I can fight bad guys, I can do this,” he said with a huge smile.
Silver floated over closer.
“Come on, kid,” Silver said. “This stuff is really dangerous. You can’t just be running around in a domino mask and a sweater. Wilford shots people on a whim. Dark flays people apart with his shadow aura.”
“And I have powers,” the young man said. “I can do this and I’ll do it with or without you.”
“You’re like what? Ten?” Silver asked.
“I am fourteen,” the young man boasted. “I’m a man.”
“Oh yeah, fourteen, that’s so much better,” Silver said. “You know what I was doing when I was fourteen? Playing video games and being too chickenshit to talk to girls. That’s what I was doing.”
“Yeah, because you were wasting your powers, I have them and I’m going to use them,” Ethan said.
And then he ran off and Silver’s heart was beating a little too fast. This kid was going to be the death of him. Either this kid was going to kill himself, or Mark was going to do it for him.
Silver tried to catch up with him but the kid had disappeared. Which was probably the most terrifying thing. He had to get this kid home safe and he couldn’t find him.
Silver hit his communicator. “SAM, we got a teenager running around trying to fight villains.”
“Seems like a you problem, Silver,” an automated voice said.
“No, no it’s us problem, you ass. He can turn invisible.” Silver began flying around.
Silver wished this had happened last week when Marvin had been in town. They had absolutely no one in the Egoton branch who could follow aura trails. Maybe he could get Marvin over stateside for a while, or they could find someone who could see aura trails. He’d take anything at this point.
While he was flying around, starting with the fire escape and radiating out from there. He called his entire team out to track down one fourteen-year-old kid.
“APB, we have a fourteen-year-old punk running around and trying to be a superhero. I need help finding him before Wilford kills him. He turns invisible.”
“I hear you,” Wade said, he sounded like he was in the middle of a crowd or his mic was broken again. “Why are you chasing a child?”
“In-vis-ible, invisible, dipshit,” Silver said. “Is there some toy or tool that the Septics left last week that we can use?”
“I think I have something,” Bob said. “Marvin was testing some weird shit out when he and Average were in town.”
Silver began a mad chase through the city, which unfortunately eventually led him to the Warehouses. The superhero hoped desperately that the kid wouldn’t be here. He could be in and out and that he’d just gone home.
Silver tried being stealthy, and for a second he caught sight of the teenager he’d been chasing. And Silver’s heart sank as he started following him.
In front of one of the warehouses in the cluster was Wilford.
Silver’s literal worst case scenario.
There was someone, maybe a teenager, with him in a tweed suit. With a matching dark green hat on his head. They seemed to be talking about something, Wilford talking with his hands rather animatedly.
Then Wilford’s eyes were tracking something and Silver’s heart managed to beat even faster.
“Oh, ho,” Wilford smiled as he reached out and grabbed something. “What have we here?”
A few things happened at once. One was the teenage hero turned visible again as he fought for air against the grip on his throat. Silver flew closer, trying to get to them before Wilford shot the teenager. And then there was the far more worrying thing to happen: Dark showed up.
The kid in tweed was pulled through a portal, worrying Silver, and Dark emerged in their place. Oozing purple, blue, and a little bit of red aura, dripping off of him like toxic waste.
His eyes met Silver’s mask and he looked braced to attack.
Then his eyes tracked over to the kid. “Wilford, what are you doing?”
“Little tyke has a neat party trick, I only plucked him out of thin air,” Wilford smiled.
“Hmm, release him,” Dark said and to Silver’s amazement the madman did so.
“No fun, Darky,” Wilford frowned.
The teenager began backpedaling towards Silver, who was all too happy to push him behind him but kept a hold of his arm.
“Who’s your friend, Shepherd?” Dark’s head tilted.
“Not my friend, I’ll be escorting him back home,” Silver said.
Dark’s eyes moved between Silver and the teen behind him. His head tilted and he looked a little smug. “Is that yours, Silver?”
“No, I’d have to have been ten, if he was mine,” Silver said.
“Interesting, I would have thought you were older, but now that I think about it, you do sound twenty-four,” Dark smiled at him.
“Nope,” Silver tried to sound casual. “Not that young, I’ll take him, and we’ll be out. Forget you saw either of us. Just go back to doing illegal shit.”
“Oh, we will,” Dark smiled at him. “Now run off. And take your little child with you.”
Silver did just that, dragging the young man along but keeping an eye on Dark and Wilford.
Bob and Wade were waiting for them in costume.
“Gatling, Drowned,” Silver greeted stiffly and lifted the young man’s arm up.
Within seconds a bubble enclosed around the young man.
“Hey!” He shouted.
Bob was looking at the teenager beating his fists against the bubble.
“So this is your little Syndrome, huh?” Bob said.
“If this kid turns into a supervillain, I think you deserve it,” Wade smiled at him.
“I’m going to be a superhero and you can’t stop me,” Ethan said. “I don’t need you three to do it.”
“I don’t know, Silv, I like this kid’s moxie,” Wade said. “Maybe we can keep him around.”
The young man smiled at Wade.
“Absolutely not,” Mark said, flying up with a careful but firm grip.
He signaled and Bob made a handle grow out of the top of the bubble. Silver grabbed it and began flying off. “C’mon, before Dark follows us back to the kid’s place.” 
“Not a kid!” The young man shouted.
“You’re four-fucking-teen,” Silver shouted. Which reminded Silver. Dark had seemed to know that. But . . . That sounded off.
How did Dark know what a fourteen-year-old even looked like? As opposed to a thirteen-year-old or a ten-year-old. Dark hated kids, always looked at them with some kind of disgust.
It took some time to get both the kid’s name and his address from him. Mostly under threat of demasking and scanning his face and start calling up different schools to figure out who he was.
They arrived in front of a house in some suburban neighborhood. Not the biggest house, but no one could compete with Dark’s Hilltop Manor.
Silver knocked on the door as he popped the bubble barrier and grabbed Ethan Nestor by the arm.
“I just want to help,” Ethan glared at him. Still in his mask and costume.
“We can talk when you’re eighteen,” Silver said. “This isn’t a game. Just because I can get thrown against the wall and keep on ticking doesn’t mean everyone should be doing it.
Ethan was about to respond when the door opened and a worried looking woman opened the door.
“There you are,” she said.
Silver held up Ethan’s arm. “Ma’am, I believe this is yours.”
Ethan pulled his arm away. “I’m not going to stop.”
“You should,” Silver said. “If this was anything else I’d say follow your dreams, but Wilford is a madman and a murderer, and so is Dark.”
Ethan took off his mask and stormed inside.
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just try and talk some sense into him,” Silver said. “Have a good night, ma’am.”
She said goodbye and the door was closed and Silver flew off, going back to scanning the city and hoping he wouldn’t run into Ethan again.
He was wrong of course. He’d see Ethan several times over the next couple of weeks, and then more often over the next couple of years.
In the Manor, however, Dark was chewing Wilford out.
“What was that?” Dark held Wilford against the wall, his arm barred across his chest.
Wilford smiled at him.
“No,” Dark cut him off. “You had Illinois with you, within sight of the heroes.”
“It wasn’t that bad, Darky,” Wilford said.
“Only because I was watching,” Dark said.
“At best, I’m one of your enforcers,” Illinois said.
“Don’t, or I’ll just let Arthur and Kay be enforcers and you can stay behind.” Dark gave him a look and turned back to Wilford.
“J.J is the single biggest threat the heroes have against us, and I need that time traveling bastard to stay in England dealing with Anti and not in our city.”
“Jay is fun, Darkling, come on,” Wilford smiled.
“No, and that’s final, if I see J.J in town anytime soon, you will regret it,” Dark said.
Then he let Wilford go and steered Illinois back to the living room where the rest of the Lost Ones were playing games. 
Both Ethan and Illinois returned safely home.
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happylittleaccidents · 4 months
honestly, dyspraxia would explain a lot. why i randomly fall and trip when there is literally nothing to fall or trip on. time blindness (that could just be the adhd, but you never know). why i hate driving with a burning passion and only do it because america is stupid about public transit. and also why autocorrect must save me and why i don't type with my thumbs and probably why my handwriting looks the way it does. and i can't catch things except when all the physics aligns and-- wait, did i have difficulty learning how to ride a bike? does this explain my dance issues?
and just so you don't beat me to it:
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vampireb1tez · 1 year
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This is Malady, my Hazbin Hotel oc! I’ll share a proper bio sometime soon, but he’s a human sinner who died during the Black Plague.
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jezatalks · 2 years
En fait, ça va être galère car j'avais oublié que mon contrat était du 1er juin au 30 septembre (qui fait des contrats intérim de 4 mois ???). Du coup je suis giga dans la merde car légalement, si je ne peux pas prouver un CDI impossible de rompre mon contrat (et y a des risques que ça aille en justice...)
Après j'ai juste dit "on m'a contacté pour un boulot en peinture pour août et je n'ai pas envie de passer à côté" Dooonc possiblement je peux dire que au final non et je reste en station jusqu'à la fin du contrat. Mais pas envie.
Je suis giga dans la merde car j'en ai marre de ce taf et de l'état anxieux dans lequel je suis en train de tomber.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
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fake hypochondriac
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hy·​po·​chon·​dria noun
excessive concern about one's health especially when accompanied by imagined physical ailments
summary: If an apple a day, keeps the doctor away then what keeps a pharmacist away? Whatever it is, Ghost wants to eradicate it. This man's small crush will send him to extremes. A sequel to "a panacea"
pairing: Ghost x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, fluff, and flirting
a/n: by popular vote, ghost's sequel won! don't worry though, price's will be coming real soon ;)
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The unit had been a buzz about your work as a pharmacist officer. From clearing Gaz’s congestion to the ridiculous bandage you gave to Ghost, they simply would not stop talking about you. Soap even tried to convince the doctor that he needed to visit you for a malady of reasons but your colleagues were smarter than that. You had to give it to him, the fake food coloring blood applied to his stitches was a nice touch. It became a running joke in the medical wing. Some of your closest work friends even gushed about how the men would talk about you as if you had discovered the secrets to eternal life.
All joking aside, in all your years here, people had called you pet names and made small attempts at flirting but you always had your main goal on your mind: provide the best care so they can stop bothering me. However, one man caught your eye. No one would ever know that the masked man who wore a star bandaid was the one who stole your heart.
Of course, you’d never want anyone to have to constantly come visit you on the pretense of needing medication but you valued the time spent with him. Somehow he ended up needing every single vaccination. From pneumococcal to typhoid, you wondered if you should tell him that these were all voluntary.
Little did you know, he made every effort to miss the optional clinics and went straight to you upon his return. Your soft touch and even softer laugh were like music to his ears. He didn’t know how many people were graced by your presence like this but he tried to make himself the most memorable one.
His younger self would have laughed at his antics. His mother used to say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Even though you weren’t a doctor, he would cut down every apple tree and burn every pie if it meant seeing you daily.
One day, Soap gave him an idea. The team was ending another debriefing with Laswell and making conversation as they left the room. “I wish I could visit the lass but all she does is either give me my meds or gives her whatever you call recommendations” Soap groaned as he lugged the large number of building layouts and files in his arms.
“Pharmacological and non-pharm recommendations, Sergeant” Price corrected. “You better learn their terminology, they didn’t go to school and experience those muppets at the local chemist’s for nothing.”
That was it, Ghost would ask you for some silly non-pharm recommendation like Gaz had and keep coming up with new ailments to keep visiting you.
The plan was in place, following the lunch rush he walked to the medical wing and made his way to the pharmacy.
You stood in the back, answering yet another phone call from a doctor. “As I said before, you need to find out what their reaction is to penicillin and other beta-lactams. I don’t care if they say they have a true allergy, you know anaphylaxis is the only indicator. And no, I’m not ordering something off the formulary just because your patient says they were sneezing after a bout of amoxicillin. Just call me back after you spoke to them and if you really need it, then you know where to reach me.” With that, you slammed the phone down and let out a groan. You knew pharmacology was no doctor's favorite subject but this was antibiotics 101.
Your technician came around the corner, “Captain L/N, is everything alright?”
“You know we’ve been working together for what 2 years now? I’m just Y/N especially back here in this phone call hell.” you laughed as you sat down in your chair. “I’m alright, just another medic trying to get me to order something off the formulary for kicks”
“Well Y/N, there is someone here to see you. Just a soldier complaining of a sore throat. He says the doctors won’t prescribe anything because they haven’t observed anything wrong.” Your tech responded before disappearing amongst the shelves to fill some incoming scripts.
You made your way to the front where you were surprised to see Lt. Riley wearing a face mask (although still with the ghost print). Even though he had been coming for months now, live vaccines had to be spaced out by 28 days, you had not seen his face fully. His eyes were trained down and you noted his surprisingly light eyelashes. He still had the ever-present eye black and you wondered how he kept his lashes so pristine. If it was a mascara or a brand of makeup remover you needed to know!
“Simon,” you spoke in a cheerful voice. By now, you were on a first-name basis. It only took one tuberculosis skin test for him to encourage you to call him by his name. To be fair, when you held his arm gently to measure the area he would’ve told you anything.
“You aren’t due for any vaccinations you know. You’ve cleared me out! I’m sure the doctors would think I’m sticking you for my pleasure and your pain.” you joked. You were teasing but you knew there was no way he was here for yet another immunization.
“Not this time, love. I’ve got this tickle in my throat. It hurts when I swallow and I swear Soap saw my tonsils angry and inflamed,” he replied.
“And the doctor didn’t diagnose you with bronchitis or call for your tonsils to be removed?” you questioned. It wasn’t unusual for them to miss anything but you were realistically unable to prescribe anything to him.
“Well let me take a look. If you want to head over to the vaccination area then you can take your mask off. I’m sure you are familiar with where it is.” With that, he nodded and walked toward the designated area. He appreciated your kindness and that you valued his privacy.
You let your technician know where you’d be and they waved you off saying they could handle the onslaught of soldiers if it came to it.
As you entered the corned-off area, you saw Simon there, fiddling with his mask. You didn’t understand why he was so nervous, how could someone so well acquainted with violence be nervous of a flashlight and quick examination?
“Don’t worry, I’ll sure to be quick. I just need you to remove your mask and open up wide,” you explained and fished in your pocket for your pen light. To any recruit, they would’ve made a cheeky comment to your command but Simon obliged to your ask.
As he lowered your mask, you couldn’t help but admire the man in front of you. He was gorgeous. He looked like he was carved from a model like some Greek deity. His face was adorned by various silvery scars that looked painted on a portrait with metallic paint. His jawline was sharp and his lips were blush pink with an even sharper cupid’s bow. You made sure not to ogle for too long and began your assessment.
As you pointed your flashlight, you examined his throat and tonsils, trying to find if the doctor had missed anything. But when you saw no redness and his lymph nodes weren’t swollen, you didn’t know what to say.
“Hm, well good news and I guess bad news but I’m not seeing anything here. I’m not sure what to tell you but I wish I could help” you said in a defeated tone. You looked saddened by your lack of discovery and this made Simon want to scratch his whole plan.
“But,” you began, as he put on his mask, “my grandparents would always say ‘Y/N, all you need is to get some good rest and have a cup of tea with lemon’” you explained, trying your best to impersonate your best old person voice. Simon chuckled at your attempt. God, you really knew how to brighten someone’s day, and who could not love your sweet, grave voice?
“Sorry to take your time, love, but I’ll be sure to let you know,” he said and stood up before giving you a thankful look.
“The pleasure is all mine, Simon. I try to do what I can for one of my favorite patients,” you replied. You were laying on the flirting hard, something you would lie in bed cringing about later.
With that, he walked out of your little bubble and went about his day. You watched his muscular ass figure exit as you too returned to your day.
Although you thought you had cured him with some good advice, you were visited every other day for the next few weeks as he still had the same complaint. You had recommended everything following each checkup. From spoonfuls of honey and thyme lollies to encouraging hot showers and steam therapy, you were out of options. By what seemed like his 10th visit, you were prepared to march him down to radiology and make sure that this wasn’t some terrible looming illness.
“Still having that sore throat, huh?” you questioned as he walked through your doorway. He nodded in agreement and you picked up the landline. “I’m making a quick call, we’ll get this sorted out.”
“Hi, this is Captain. L/N. I have Lt. Riley here and he has been complaining of a sore throat for weeks. Is there any way the lab could run a throat culture as well as some blood work for me?”
And that’s how Simon ended up in the doctor’s office with a cotton swab down his throat and multiple needle pricks to his veins. He should’ve picked something more benign like reoccurring IBS but then again he might have ended up with a finger up his ass instead of the swab.
Two days later, you received a notification that the results were in. To your dismay, the results showed nothing. The swab was negative for every infection and his blood cell counts were all within normal range.
Frustrated, you told your tech you’d be back and walked your way to Cpt. Price’s office.
You knocked on the closed door hoping not to disturb the man. His baritone voice echoed into the hallway as he told you to enter.
“Hi Captain, sorry to bother you,” you said noting the mountain of paperwork on his desk as well as his extinguished pile of cigars. “But I was wondering if you had noticed anyone else in your unit with a sore throat. Lt. Riley has been coming to the pharmacy for a few weeks now and no one can figure it out.”
“Not that I know of. We haven’t run drills either so I know our quiet Ghost isn’t necessarily screaming at the recruits. He hasn’t come to me either with any complaints,” he explained and leaned back in his chair. He knew that Ghost was wasting your resources so he decided to let you in on a secret.
“As their commanding officer, you know I highly value the word of my men. But I do remember during my school days, that boys would tend to lie about an illness just to get sent to the infirmary and eventually home,” he explained. “It’s no secret that some soldiers, even Ghost, show a fondness for you.”
You blushed at his response, you couldn’t imagine that of all people, the stoic Ghost had a schoolboy crush on you. Hell, you hated your school nurse and always dreaded going to the doctor. You went days before telling your mom that you might have broken your finger during recess (you can still remember her rushing to the emergency room the minute she saw your bruised and puffy finger).
“I’ll talk to him the next time he comes in, which I hope he doesn’t,” you said, “thanks for the advice. And don’t forget, I always have a pack of nicotine gum for you if you ever decide to quit.” He chuckled and politely shooed you away. As you shut the door, you shook your head as you heard a lighter flick and smelled the familiar scent of a cigar.
Right on schedule, Simon came strolling into the pharmacy. You had just finished chatting with Soap and chastised him for yet another antibiotic prescription. This time it was for an infected foot wound after forgetting to change his socks and wading in still, grimy water during a mission.
As Soap gave you a cheeky smile saying he’d be back, Ghost tried to suppress his jealousy. Why did Soap have to be blessed with a purulent foot wound instead of him? Maybe he’ll try that one next.
“Ah Simon, I’m heading out to lunch if you’d like to join. I’m presuming it’s still the throat issue so I can check it out after.” You said and reached into the fridge under the counter to grab your food.
You made sure to lock up the pharmacy and lower the protective barriers, you couldn’t let anyone access the “good stuff.” Your tech said their goodbyes as they went to the mess hall for some warm food.
It was the dead of summer but today was surprisingly balmy. You knew there were some tables outside so you pushed the exit door and sat down on one side. He sat opposite you as you opened up your salad and half sandwich.
“So, can I tell your story?” you said before taking a bite. He nodded watching you intently.
“There was a time I broke my finger during recess and didn’t tell my mom for the next 3 days. You should’ve seen her face when I revealed my oozing, bruised ring finger. The thought of missing school and recess was devastating so I hid it like a child.” you explained and held up your left hand showing how your ring finger was slightly askew compared to the others. He laughed heartily, which made you also laugh in return.
After wiping some tears from your eyes you went on, “And that’s why my mom was so shocked when I got my MPharm. She always tells my dad that she doesn’t understand how someone so adverse to doctors went into healthcare.”
“We all have our weird obsessions, plus you are a natural,” he said and was almost at a loss for words as you smiled back at him, the sun hitting perfectly on your face and dancing in your hair.
“Anyways, I told Captain Price that story and he had such a different experience. He said that as a young lad, he and his mates would do anything it would take to get into the infirmary and home. I couldn't believe kids were so smart and had the forethought to plan something like that!”
Ghost knew where this was going. He also received notification that the tests came back clear of any illness. He knew the jig was up but couldn’t run away from the confrontation.
“Now, I’m not debunking your mystery illness, Simon. But I just wanted to talk to you privately and ask if there was anything else that you haven’t told me?” You asked and knew you had got him hook, line, and sinker. His eyes glancing around and his sweaty palms were confirmation of your theory.
He took a few moments to answer and you both sat in silence. You finished the remainder of your food and wiped your hands neatly as he stroke the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“I guess I was just finding an excuse to talk to you,” he began to explain and you could see his extremities begin to grow flush. “I, uh, didn’t know how to so once I ran out of excuses with the shots, I decided to fake a sore throat,” he sheepishly replied.
With his confession, you couldn’t help but laugh. And laugh you did. Hard. It took you a minute before returning your composure.
“You know that the other soldiers can just have a regular conversation with me. I don’t bite and I swear I’ve talked Gaz’s ears off about pollen and flowers. I just feel bad now for making you undergo all those tests,” you said gently placing your hand on top of his.
“I do see what you mean though. If I had a doctor as handsome as you, I would have every illness, injury, and question under the sun.” You couldn’t leave him thinking you didn’t reciprocate your feelings. With that, it was your turn to blush.
“It’s rather childish isn’t it?” He said as he gently caressed your other free hand. “Sorry for wasting your time.”
“How about you make it up to me with dinner? I can show you that there’s more than just textbook knowledge to me” you offered, “I know a surprising amount about languages, I can flirt with you in 10 different ones.”
“It’s a date, gorgeous. I’m all ears for anything you have to say,” he said and you both looked like lovesick teens, “As long as you keep this a secret. You know the doctors would never believe me if I actually got sick.”
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After months of dating, you revealed a secret. “After I spoke to Price, I had a suspicion to check your medical record. You know I could see you never went to the doctor right? You never logged any visits for your alleged sore throat.” You said jokingly and lightly punched his shoulder. “I just can’t believe you roped everyone into it. I can have a normal conversation, babe.”
He laughed at your reveal and kissed the top of your forehead. “I just wanted to make sure your university course load prepared you for anything.”
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INFATUATION - Yandere!Chisaki Kai x Quirkless!Reader 
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Sickness was inescapable. No matter where Chisaki looked, it was there. Thanks to the disgusting malady known as Quirks, the whole world was practically teeming with it. 
I shouldn’t be here. 
Chisaki scrunched up his nose as he waited in line, putting as much distance possible between himself and the other customers. He had a splitting headache and was in desperate need of coffee, but it was starting to feel like it wasn’t worth it. If only he’d been closer to home, then he wouldn’t have even thought to expose himself to all this chatter and filth. 
Thankfully, the mask he wore was enough to intimidate most of the other customers, and they were wary of giving him his space. He’d also been glaring at them with visible murderous intent, which probably helped. 
He eventually made it to the front counter, where a young woman with a pretty smile greeted him. 
“Hello,” you beamed. “What can I get for you today?” 
You were beautiful, no question about it, but that alone wasn’t enough to break through Chisaki’s mysophobia. The thought of being touched by anyone other than Pops made him shudder in revulsion. Every person he met was sick. Just because you were rather easy on the eyes didn’t make that any less true. 
“A small coffee,” Chisaki muttered. “Make it black. I don’t care for sugary things.” 
You nodded happily. “Sure thing. And what name can I put down for your order?” 
For a moment, he considered giving you the alias he’d taken on since becoming the leader of the Shie Hassaikai —Overhaul—but he supposed using his villain name so carelessly might arouse some suspicion.
“Just Chisaki is fine.” 
It was a name he’d discarded of for the most part, and when he uttered the syllables, he couldn’t help but feel they sounded a bit foreign. 
Perhaps he had made the right choice though, because your pleasant smile grew even wider after the fact. 
“That’s a lovely name,” you complimented, then rung the order in and accepted his payment. “It’ll be ready soon. Thank you!” 
Chisaki couldn’t deny that he was attracted to you, which is why is was such a shame. A shame that you were just as diseased as everyone else. 
Or so he’d thought. 
“Damn, [Name], you’re still working here?” an arrogant voice chuckled cruelly. “I thought they would’ve fired your Quirkless ass by now.” 
Chisaki felt his brows lift. Instinctively, he turned back towards the counter and found that a group of people appeared to be heckling you—if your bitter expression was any indication. 
Your beautiful smile was nowhere to be found. “Can I please take your order?” you frowned. “There are other customers still waiting.” 
Needless to say, the people bullying you didn’t relent, not for a single moment. They made a big show of uttering all sorts of vile insults, and Chisaki could see the way your shoulders were trembling as you desperately tried to retain your composure. 
They’re a bunch of idiots. She’s the normal one, not them. I can’t believe they would take pride in being diseased. 
Chisaki felt as if he’d just found a goldmine. He’d finally met someone who struck his fancy, and not only that, but you were Quirkless. You were free of the malady that plagued the vast majority of the population. 
He would be an idiot not to act.
“You’re making a fool of yourselves,” he sneered, stepping closer to them. He normally hated to get near anyone, but in the interest of intimidating these assholes, he supposed he had no choice. “I suggest you walk away before you embarrass yourselves any further. You’re holding up the line and getting on everyone’s nerves. Disease-ridden scum.” 
“Huh?” the ringleader of the crew scoffed. “What’s your deal, douchebag? We can say whatever the hell we want. It’s a free country.” 
As much as Chisaki hated Quirks, his Quirk was entirely necessary if he wanted to purge this world and rid it of its filth. If he so desired, he could kill these morons on the spot, but that would hardly be a smart move. Besides, he didn’t want to risk scaring you off. 
He was still going to kill them, though. Just not right now. 
As it turned out, they were the type to talk a big game, but didn’t have the guts to follow through with their words. All it took was one violent glare from Chisaki’s golden eyes, and they seemed to buckle under the pressure. 
“Leave,” he demanded. “Get the hell out of here before I make you regret it.” 
They exchanged nervous glances before letting out a series of huffs and storming out of the store. What a bunch of cowards. He could have killed them all with his eyes closed. 
Once they were gone, he turned back towards you. 
“Are you alright?” he asked. “It sounded like they knew you. Does this sort of thing happen regularly?” 
You strained a smile. “Just some people I used to go to school with. It’s okay. I know they’re just trying to get a rise out of me. But thank you for speaking up. That was really nice of you. Oh, and... your order’s ready, by the way.” 
You slid the coffee over to him, and Chisaki wasn’t exactly sure what possessed him, but he went out of his way to ensure that his gloved fingers brushed against yours as he grabbed the cup. You didn’t have a Quirk, after all, which meant that you weren’t sick like the others. 
Even though I touched her, I don’t have any hives. 
You couldn’t see it because of his mask, but Chisaki was smiling. His spur-of-the-moment decision to come here had really paid off. 
“I realize you’re working right now, but would you be willing to give me your number?” he asked. “I find you to be incredibly beautiful, and the fact that you’re Quirkless doesn’t bother me. In fact, I prefer it that way.” 
Red hues burst across your cheeks, and you timidly bowed your head. “Oh, um... thank you,” you said with a shy smile. “I’m very flattered that you think so. I’m pretty sure I’m not really supposed to give out my number while I’m at work, but my shift is close to being over. If you’d like, maybe we could talk for a little while once I’m done?” 
Chisaki nodded, feeling his chest swell with excitement. “Yes, that would be perfect, thank you. I’m more than happy to wait.” 
True to your word, it didn’t take much longer for your shift to finish. You ended up taking a walk together outside, and Chisaki was so fixated on you that he hardly took any sips of his coffee, which was surely getting cold. He could tell that you were very friendly and open-minded, considering the fact that you’d so readily given him a chance. Perhaps you appreciated that he’d stood up for you. The thought of you being grateful and indebted to him thrilled Chisaki more than he could even put into words. 
“This was really nice, but I should probably head home soon,” you admitted. “I need to get some studying done. I have exams coming up soon. But I had a lot of fun! You’re such a nice person, Chisaki. I’m a bit curious, though. Why do you say you’d prefer for someone to be Quirkless?” 
“Quirks are a disease,” Chisaki immediately replied. “They are a mutation. Humans didn’t used to possess such powers in the past. What happened to the human species was a massive and detrimental genetic shift. Our bodies are no longer the way they once used to be, natural and unblemished. Quirks are a plague upon humanity.”
“I suppose they are a mutation, but...” You paused, then gave him a puzzled look. “It’s strange. Most people go crazy over Quirks, especially since it’s allowed for so many heroes to surface. To be honest, I’m used to being harassed over the fact that I don’t have a Quirk. It’s my first time meeting someone with a mindset like yours, and I have to admit, it’s really refreshing. You don’t look down on me, and... it means more than I can express.” 
She already considers me to be special.
The way you gazed at him with pure adoration in your eyes... Chisaki decided right then and there that he had to make you his. 
The first thing he did after you gave him your contact information was to look up anything and everything he could possibly find out about you. He had some of his underlings do some digging on their own end. You let a few details slip while you texted back and forth with him—the name of the university you attended, for instance—and slowly but surely, he was able to piece together the various aspects of your life. 
Even though you’d only just met, Chisaki was already infatuated with you. He had never had a such a strong desire to claim someone. He’d never yearned to be touched before, but ever since he’d met you, all he could think of was roaming his hands over every inch of your body, and letting you do the very same to him. 
His morality had long since gone out the window ever since he began experimenting on Eri to develop the anti-Quirk bullets, so he didn’t even bat an eye when he started stalking you all the way back to your apartment. 
The more you talked, and the more research he did on his own time, the more he learned about you—and good lord, every part of you really was perfect. He could hardly stand this anymore. You’d only just recently become acquaintances, and your relationship surely wasn’t developed enough for you to see him in a romantic light, but Chisaki was tired of waiting. He’d already waited his entire adult life to find someone he was interested in. Enough was enough. 
That evening, he broke into your apartment, and you found yourself pinned to the floor by him. 
“C-Chisaki?” you stammered nervously. Your eyes were wide and trembling as you gazed up at him. “What’s happening? How... how did you get in? I don’t even think I told you where I lived...”  
Instead of gracing you with a response, Chisaki did the thing he’d been yearning to do ever since you’d first met.
He removed his gloves and allowed his bare fingers to sink into your soft flesh.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned. His lower half was throbbing with arousal; it already felt like he was about to burst. “You’re perfect, [Name]. Just perfect. All for me.” 
He ran his fingers across every curve of your body, and by now you were already kicking and screaming, begging for him to release you. Tears blurred your vision. You couldn’t seem to understand why he was acting so differently all of a sudden, but you didn’t realize that this was nothing out of the ordinary. These were his true feelings for you, and he was a far more deranged man than you could have possibly known.
Chisaki gripped your wrists with one hand to hold you in place, then used his other hand to remove his mask. You were finally able to see his face in full for the first time. He’d always known he was objectively handsome, so he supposed you must have been quite thrilled with this turn-out. 
But you only cried harder. 
“Chisaki, please,” you sobbed. “I-I’m really scared. I don’t understand why you’re doing this. I liked you. We were getting to know each other... weren’t we? I promise I won’t cut you out of my life as long as you stop this right now.” 
She’s so adorable.
Chisaki couldn’t help but crack a little grin. You were gorgeous when you smiled, but the sight of your pretty face drenched in tears wasn’t half-bad either. He understood why you were a bit surprised, but you would come to terms with things quickly enough. You were interested in him too. That much was obvious. All he was doing was accelerating the process a bit, that’s all. 
“You’re exactly the kind of person I’ve been waiting for,” he breathed, cradling your cheek with one hand. He let the weight of his body keep you pressed to the ground, and you squeezed your eyes shut when his face drew closer to yours. “We’re going to be very happy together,” he insisted. “Now that I have you, everything is falling into place. The Shie Hassaikai will rise to its former glory again, and I’ll have the perfect bride through it all.” 
Chisaki paused for just a moment, reveling in how utterly helpless you were, then smashed his lips against yours. It was his first kiss, and he was sharing it with the most perfect person. Your lips were so soft and inviting. The way they trembled furiously as your tears fell just turned him on even more. 
He groaned into your mouth, plunging his tongue down your throat and forcing you to accept his twisted love. You choked from how forceful he was being. In between your whimpers and uncontrollable shaking, you didn’t have the strength or lucidity to put up a proper fight. 
Chisaki eventually broke away from the sloppy kiss, strings of saliva rolling down his chin as he gasped for breath. For a man deprived of touch for so long, it was almost too much stimulation for him to bear. 
“Perfect,” he mumbled again. “You’re so perfect, [Name]. I won’t let you get away. You’ll see that we’re meant to be together.” 
He grabbed your hand, which was limp and barely able to hold itself up, then pressed your palm down against his boner.
“Now, then,” he said, licking his lips. “How about we make each other feel really good?”
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Option 1: You will never experience a communicable disease again, you dont have a special gene or special blood to be studied or benefited from, you're just lucky. you will never be sick or infected, and all viruses cower in fear of you. your immune system is indestructible, but never attacks your own body, this also eliminates allergies. BUT you will feel noticeable, distracting 4/10 joint pain every second of your life until you die, and no pain medication, tylenol, or sedative will ever dull or mask it. there is no cause and is incurable. you will go to sleep, wake up, eat, shit, and do work while in pain.
Option 2: After five days, you will be magically cured of every injury, pain, disease, mutation, malformation, mental illness, or malady that plagues you and you will have the worlds healthiest body. your immune system is slightly above average but not infallible, and you might get injured in the future but it won't be so bad because you are so healthy that you heal very easily and well. BUT on day one your lower half will be slowly crushed by heavy machinery. you will live, but days 2, 3, and 4 must be natural recovery from the incident, pain meds and sedatives barely work, this is still the worst pain of your life. you will have difficulty sleeping because of the pain. on day five you will receive the magical cure and it will be over instantly.
no loopholes, no but what if, no genie logic, just as written and as intended.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Yandere!Joker x Hypochondriac!Reader Headcanons
💜 Admittedly, Joker doesn't understand your fears, at first. For one, Joker has been victim to (and occasional creator of) so many conditions, illnesses, and maladies that he can hardly remember them all. And being in a constant state of being sick in the head takes a bit of the novelty away from being ill. Joker's met his fair share of germaphobes in his time, too. Usually he finds such fear of germs funny, but seeing it concern you so greatly takes the humor out of the situation. But hey, easy fix, right? He'll just ask his boys to fetch some hand sanitizer and it'll be all good.
💚 After witnessing you begin to spiral and break down over your worries after he had failed to take your fears as seriously as they should, Joker realizes that his initial assumption had been horribly wrong. This was far from normal germaphobia. This was serious! And serious problems required serious solutions - unfortunately. So, sorry, sweetheart, but you've been permanently barred from access to any medical texts. This is for the best, he promises! C'mon, the more you know, the more you'll worry. Take your mind off it by watching some cartoons with him!
💜 May use your requests for reassurance as a means for manipulation. And by may, he means absolutely will. You're just so cute clinging to him and begging him to tell him you're alright! In those moments, it feels like the whole world could be falling apart, and as long as he reassured you that it wasn't and that everything was okay, you'd believe it. It was a little bit addicting if he were being honest. He'd hold you in his arms and caress your face, assuring you that you were fine, you were normal, you were the furthest thing from I'll and he'd protect you from anything that could hurt you - and if you don't think he'd try to wipe out an illness just for you, then you're sorely mistaken!
💚 If you're concerned that you're already under the effects of an illness and are in extreme panic, Joker doesn't think twice about kidnapping Gotham's finest doctors in order to look you over and do a check up to make sure everything's okay. Joker will hold your hand and stick by your side the entire time to make sure you're as comfortable and at ease as you can be… All the while, the doctors are being held up by his men and Joker's hissing out threats if they do anything to upset or scare you. 
💜 Joker's never been one to forgo cleanliness, but that's not to see he's always had his hideouts squeaky-clean. This, however, is completely changed around in order to quell your fears. Joker now has stocks of sanitizers, gloves, masks, and all sorts of cleaning products. Unfortunately for his goons, though, he's rather lazy, and the job of cleaning and keeping things sanitized is usually offloaded onto them. If they fail to keep things clean enough, the Clown will go into a rage and make them dance as he fires a gun at their feet and then force them to clean up the mess 'they' made. Honestly, getting good help these day was so hard.
💚 If there's one thing Joker knows, it's that laughter is the best medicine. If he finds you ruminating, he'll immediately go into a routine he'd been thinking up that he's sure will leave you breathless with laughter until you've forgotten all about your worries. He loves you laugh and he loves when you're carefree and happy. And after he'll talk to you for hours and hours, absolutely smitten and grateful that he could help you through, even if only a little bit.
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zae5 · 5 months
I had a tiff with our lovely moot over whether Viserys was worthy of pity.... but then she almost swayed me 😩😭 So please Zae! Cure my fears and kick out these delusions, I beg you! 🥺
I just know I'm going to go off on a rant whenever you pop in here, for you my lovely Kalki🌹
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Summary: The events of the life and court of King Viserys Targaryen narrated by one of the unnamed ladies-in-waiting of Queen Alicent Hightower.
Word count: 600
Warnings: This is an ANTI VISERYS drabble, if you have any sympathy for that crusty old leper DO NOT ENTER.
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He cuts a sorry figure seated upon the Iron throne. That is the first thought that crosses her mind and perhaps the first real one she remembers upon being summoned to King's landing. Not the stench and the overcrowding, nor the lack of fresh air or the rats scurrying about at night, but the picture of the wilting royal occupying the highest honor of the realm. It seems almost disgraceful that the might and power of the dragon lords has come to this. He wears the crown of his predecessor with an air of importance, fruitlessly trying to hide the rotting flesh peeking out from underneath. She almost pities the man above her before she's graced by his patronizing smile. Some of the ladies back home had remarked on his agreeableness, easy demeanor and manner of welcoming even the humblest of subjects, however the sight in front of her could turn a healthy eye sore.
He wears his geniality worse than the mask that covers half of his face. Over the years the veneer seems to have faded, due to sickness, the maesters say and she wonders what could a man of two and fifty have done to beget such a malady.
She finds her answer soon enough. It lies in bloodied fingernails, in torn eyelids and wounded sockets, in wrung hands and bloodshot eyes, in tireless sermons and ramrod spines. She feels strained, stifled, angry and spent as the days go by, with no way to let it out. The Sept offers her little comfort, surrounded by the same incense that shrouds his very chambers and she wonders how the lady she's come to know finds peace in such a place. It is the only time she sees her lips straighten and her brows unknit, so she holds her tongue, clasping her own hands in inquisition before the Crone. Her obedience is soon rewarded by companionship. She trails behind skirts of green from dawn to dusk, silently observing, responding only when asked, eyes forever on the lookout. The Queen lives up to her reputation which seems to pierce her even more. Her lady in armor, as green as the flame of her maiden place, faces the years with a stiff lip yet a kind gaze, all while the dragon slumbers and withers like the skull beneath, waiting for a candle to be lit yet again at his altar. She wonders whether her lady prays for him, for death or mercy, or perhaps to find each in both.
Her invitation soon extends to dinners. She's a faithful servant of the crown attending feasts as well as intimate gatherings, still observing but not without a subtle jape passed at an opportune moment. Her children, albeit withdrawn and cold to an onlooker, burn just as brightly and she finds herself warmed by flames of gold, blue and green.
As the dishes in front of her vary in their decadence and texture her thoughts are often drawn to the grandiose salves and bandages changed soon after, varieties of both from all across the realm. His flesh peels like the breast she'd dig into, coated with honey, thick and juicy while he rots away in comparison. As the maesters advise caution, the yellows and blacks oozing out of his back do nothing to placate the morbid curiosity and satisfaction that runs through her and she realizes at last, just as the feasts she'd come to earn, the man before her wholly deserves his due.
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inkribbon796 · 6 months
Egotober 2023 Day 10: Territorial
Summary: Anti finds out about Marvin moving oversees, and is not too thrilled he’s losing a toy.
A/N: Happy Birthday to Anti, he gets separation anxiety and feels for his birthday.
Prompt: Glitch
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
A lot of people thought Anti was an idiot.
Sometimes the glitch demon liked it that way. If someone thought he was stupid or weak they didn’t react fast enough before he cut their throat out. He’d made Dark bleed a lot of his rotten gunk blood before he treated Anti like the threat he was.
But he knew when the Septics were planning something. And they were planning something big. Not the fun kind either where it would be a fight and maybe they’d trap Anti into a bricked up phone, or a necklace, or that one time they forced him to be in a music box. This wasn’t the fun type of planning.
In fact, Anti suspected it had less to do with Anti, and everything to do with Dark.
Which always boiled Anti’s blood.
So Anti did what he always did best. He waited for Marvin to take one of his many walks around town. And set a car on fire right next to him.
“Hey!” Marvin called out, after getting spooked by it as a couple people screamed. His magic spun around him. “What the hell?”
Anti didn’t say a word, he just turned into a glitchy mess of aura and anger.
Magic began humming along Marvin’s skin. “Fine, asshat, let’s go.”
Anti’s latent aura got staticky as Marvin could only see malice and fury in his eyes as they clashed. Glitchy green aura mixing with the vibrant purples and silvers of Marvin’s magic.
Marvin was used to the quips and the threats, but whatever had set Anti off had him absolutely furious. “Did Dark come to town and no one told us? Did Rumble set your dick on fire?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Anti said as he kept trying to go for Marvin’s throat.
It took Marvin a while to tire Anti out and he started slowing down after destroying someone’s car.
“So, you gonna actually tell me what happened?” Marvin asked.
“You and the others are up to something and I don’t like it,” Anti said.
“Oh, because I’m probably moving to the States, at least for a little bit,” Marvin said, not thinking why that would be a problem.
Anti stiffened, so furious and angry that he looked calm. “To Egoton?”
“Yeah, well, no one in Egoton can see aura and they—”
Marvin didn’t get to finish, Anti lunged at him with renewed anger. Thankfully Jackie ran in to help him and being outnumbered and tired made Anti run off to sulk before they discorporated him.
The glitch demon would be back to fight with them another day, today he stewed in his anger. In his indignant fury.
Dark was not getting Marvin to play with. All the Septics belonged to Anti. They belonged to him. If Anti had to drill that into Dark and the Septics heads he would do that.  If the magician wanted to fuck off to a different country, Marvin would make him leave an arm when he did it.
Marvin sent out a random text to Anti. “It’s not personal, they’re just all blind as shit when it comes to aura.”
Anti sent a response of a phone virus over to Marvin’s phone just out of spite. Then he went to Egoton to get into a fight with Dark. The glitch demon used his aura to phase through every warehouse wall until he found the demonic mob boss in his office minding his own business.
The glitch demon got a couple scratches in and ripped Dark’s suit up but wound up getting discorporated in the end. He’d been fighting for a while and Dark discorporated him, unsure what exactly had set Anti off and not caring enough to ask.
The glitch demon was unpredictable and Dark changed into a new outfit and was left to deal with Anti after he’d reformed in a couple weeks.
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gothghostiie · 8 months
I must inflict upon you the Brainrot I’ve had lately: Plague Doctor Wesker.
Imagine him being the mysterious doctor traveling through your fantasy city during a nasty outbreak. Some of his patients wind up remarkably cured; some die mere days after he visits. Turns out he’s spreading the Uroboros virus to the people of your city, using it to see which of them have the superior genes. One stormy night, he visits your home, and when you see those fiery eyes behind the mask, you know that he’s the source of the malady. When he goes to infect you, he has you pinned down rather suggestively, and then you sob that you’ll do anything for your life…
I’m sorry I need to get railed by someone in a Plague Doctor mask-
ooo I like that 👀
Wesker just tilting his head at you, chuckling darkly behind his mask. "anything you say?"
he ends up plowing his cock into your tight little hole, filling you up nice and good over and over again <3
who knows, maybe if ur good enough for him he might just steal you away and keep you as his little pet on travels :3
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Edward is even more remarkable. . . . I'll give you an example. You can publish it or not, it makes no difference to me. When I came out of the asylum, the person who collected me was Edward Hardwicke. He took me to an Italian restaurant. I had a pasta and a glass of red wine. He then drove me back to my home where we sat and had a cup of tea. It was Edward Hardwicke. He is one of the loveliest people, and I suppose he *is* the best friend that any man has ever had....in life. Which is after all how Doyle describes Watson.
- Jeremy Brett on his co-star Edward Hardwicke
In the same way everyone has their personal James Bond, so too do people have their own Sherlock Holmes. Mine will always be Jeremy Brett. Not just because he came closest to the original Sidney Paget drawings in the Strand magazine, nor that he was supported by an excellent film production crew who were loving to the source material. With all due respect to all the other wonderful actors that have played Holmes over the many decades, no one can come close to Jeremy Brett.
What makes Brett stands out was he captured Holmes’ inner life better than most because he inhabited the same qualities and struggles. Not only was he tall, atheletic, and aristocratic but his best friends were the actors who played Watson on screen. Moreover the secret to his success was how Brett’s life mirrored the deep and hidden vulnerability behind Holmes’ frigid exterior.
In 1976, Jeremy Brett married Joan Sullivan Wilson, who died of cancer in July 1985. it perpetuated his descent into depression for which he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Brett was prescribed lithium tablets to fight this condition. He suspected that he would never be cured, and would have to live with his malady. And yet he wanted to return to work, and to play Sherlock Holmes again because he shared an affinity with the famous detective. 
The first episode to be produced after his discharge was a two-hour adaptation of The Sign of Four in 1987. From then on, the changes in Brett's appearance and behaviour slowly became more noticeable as the series developed. One of the side effects of the lithium tablets was fluid retention; Brett was putting on weight and retaining water. The drugs were also slowing him down. According to Edward Hardwicke, Brett smoked up to 60 cigarettes a day, which "didn't help his health." He also had heart troubles. His heart was twice the normal size; he would have difficulties breathing and would need an oxygen mask on the set. "But, darlings, the show must go on", was his only comment.
During the final decade of his life, Brett was treated in hospital several times for his mental illness, and his health and appearance visibly deteriorated by the time he completed the later episodes of the Sherlock Holmes series.
Jeremy Brett died on 12 September 1995 at his home in Clapham, London, from heart failure.
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"The Shadow Blight is a surly thing. Though it shares traits commonly associated with infections from Earth, the effect it has on organic matter is not easily corrected with human medications. This malady is sentient and works as a hivemind, spreading itself far and wide by hijacking the minds and bodies of its victims and forcing them to do its bidding. Once under the control of the Blight, the victims will typically act as drones to spread the Blight further, even as their bodies begin to change and warp. This transformation is typical of corruption and is marked by excessive muscle tearing and bone growth as the Blight turns its victims into increasingly monstrous creatures, creating "ideal" hosts for this eldritch virus."
"Disturbingly, the Blight is unable to fully exert its will over its victims until the corruption has had a few days to incubate. In that time, the victim will experience a range of unpleasant symptoms that vary from person to person and range wildly in severity."
"For Medic, the symptoms manifest as an impending sense of doom and an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. Though fully cognizant of what's happening to him, the inability to cure himself leaves him unable to cope, leading to increasingly erratic behavior and self-isolation. In this state, Medic appears to be hiding from something that only he can see, resulting in extreme paranoia. Heavy remains the only person Medic will allow near him as the Blight slowly supplants his mind."
"For Heavy, the symptoms manifest as extreme agony and desperation. Heavy retains full autonomy and is conscious of what is happening to him, which only serves to worsen his condition. Despite his awareness, the Blight's attack on his nervous system results in unnatural behaviors. Heavy may attempt to rip his own nerves out in desperation, apparently trying to tear the Blight out of his body. The harm Heavy poses to himself in this state is extremely high and may require him to be restrained and monitored at all hours."
"For Cmedic, the symptoms manifest as asphyxiation and the sense of losing control. Nyctoplasm is the common name given to the substance that makes up the Blight, and this Nyctoplasm is produced in excess in Cmedic's throat and lungs, creating a blockage that cuts off his ability to breathe. The resultant feeling of strangulation that follows renders Cmedic almost entirely mute and the inability to voice his fear can intensify Cmedic's symptoms. Disturbingly, the excess Nyctoplasm that the Blight produces has also glued Cmedic's mask to his face, making starvation and dehydration a real threat."
"For Cheavy, the symptoms that manifest are truly horrifying and wholly unlike symptoms seen in other victims. The Blight appears to tranquilize Cheavy, warping his perception of reality so severely that he's unable to recognize that there's anything wrong with him. In this state, Cheavy is overcome with a single desire that overrides any and all cognitive thought - protecting his Medic at all costs. Though he is incredibly lethargic in this state, Cheavy can become violently hostile if Cmedic is faced with a threat, both real and perceived. Cheavy will attempt to transport Cmedic somewhere safe against his wishes and may even plead with Cmedic to come with him, completely unaware of the danger he poses to Cmedic."
My Deviantart!
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ecc-poetry · 11 months
Remember when pride was a sin? Order goeth before the fall. Remember when we stole fire from the gods?  Remember when our mothers were like, so bad, and our fathers had their reasons? Remember when Saturn ate six of his children? (Chaos from calories.)
Remember the great nothing of sea and sky? Remember the flood?  Remember when blood ran the clocks, when we tumbled the moon out of heaven and drove thorns through our tongues? Remember the great mother? You remember her: Her tail is split like history. She tributaries, capillaries  to capulet capture: her scattered children drink. She is a healer of maladies–order from chaos. Remember when we lived in the swamp in a chicken-legged house? Remember when Hera wished for a son and whipped her ordered cells to holy parthenogenesis? Remember when the husband laid down  at the feet of his wife? Remember the lamb? Remember when property was a sin? Leave all things you have. Remember what the wolves did under scarcity? Remember when all the witches got together  and they hanged the town fathers? Me neither. Remember when the regiments came? Remember fire? Chaos from orders. Remember when love was a commandment? Remember when my girl taught you  to play vinyl backwards and she reknit Osiris? Remember when the girls were all turning into laurel trees and the boys were all turning into swans? Quadrupling their chromosomes! Remember when the angels came down from heaven and fucked the shit out of us? Remember how this poem is not a biography? Remember Gaia? She loved her children the same, the communist. Remember when I gave birth to you? Remember how you told your mother the material world was an illusion and she smacked you with her jewel-encrusted spoon? Remember the queen who was feted  with her own two sons? Chaos from hors d'oeuvres. Remember the lesbians who lived at the bottom of the sea?  Remember when pride was a catalyst? Remember how fire was so thirsty for the moon? Remember when you were wet with miracles? Remember how we cried ourselves whole again? Remember when the girls were wine,  how their laughter fizzed like champagne floats and we drank and drank?  Well–you didn't. Remember when the men stiffened with milk? How we drank and drank! You mistook the trees for the harvest again, orgasm from chaos. Remember when we could always tell what not to do by the little piles of ash? Remember the time before gravity? Every natural law looks like chaos while you're inside of it. Remember how late you got to the vineyard? Remember more things in heaven and earth? All that is seen and unseen? Remember all the things we can't see? Remember when the world was an egg? Remember before it all went wrong? Remember how I stopped apologizing for my body and now my body lives rent-free in your head? Remember when I was made of flowers? Remember when I was made of blood? Wearing Hecate's three faces of maiden, multiplier, swamp. Remember when I went skinny-dipping in an ocean of milk? Remember how you blamed me for something I did in a dream? Remember how physiologically, you're bigger than me with more upper body strength, and how spiritually I don't care? Remember when I hid my heart in a knotted oak so I couldn't be killed? Remember how I danced the night after  my wedding was spoiled: Drowned and dragging seaweed, order from choreography. Remember how this poem is not a biography? Remember when flesh was a prison? Life sentence. Remember the lady in a cage? Remember how we really lost Eden? Remember how evil is not just good backwards? Remember when the mask of your face sloughed off and all that was left was a hole no man could fill? Remember that this poem is a biography? Remember when love was a commandment? Do you remember when pride was a sin?
-elisa chavez
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kissedbyghosts · 6 months
Before the collision their two minds had danced very close.
He saw her masks and the forms she took had filled the void within him.
The earth shook with the beat of their hearts as their lips sang beautiful maladies.
Their transparent thoughts were filled with light that no one else could see.
Sometimes they cried but, mostly, they drank, doused in the cold fire of anesthesia.
The ghost of her thoughts echoed in eyes as deep as any ocean.
He swam in them with awe and fear and sank just like a stone.
Tangled in waves of midnight hair, they drowned in one other.
And forgotten by all but the white of their bones, they slipped beneath the waves.
©️ JM Tiffany
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the-ravens-requiem · 7 months
Plague-Tober 2023 #1 - Safe
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There are many small towns and villages scattered amidst the forests and rivers in the Middle Kingdom. In one such village to the north called Pine Hollow, there is a clinic nestled amidst tall trees.
Those who are suffering from a malady or illness seek the physician out, well known for his bedside manner and kindness. Walking through the dark wood and coming across the small clinic is not an easy task for the afflicted, nevertheless the pilgrimage is often completed.
Tales of his healing magic curing symptoms of illness that plague the afflicted in just a few sessions are far and wide, and many come from other lands just to see him work. A miracle worker, by most standards.
I recently visited the physician so that I too, may see his work. Curious by nature, I found myself fascinated by the tales and wondered how one could capture such success. We share the same goal, after all: To help people.
Making the trek was an easier task for me than some, and soon I found myself in front of the healer's dwelling. It was a small place, much like my own. Though the nature of his work was slightly different than my practice. As such, once I stepped inside, I was not surprised when I found that he had partitioned parts of the clinic off for the infirm to rest. Only four beds, but I was told that it is because he does not often need more than once or twice to completely heal even the worst illnesses.
When speaking to the physician -- whose name was Marbas, one of the cat-shaped folk of the Faewild -- I found him to be quite charming and soft-spoken. The voice which came from his lionesque muzzle was deep and sonorous, almost melodic. I found that listening to him speak was quite pleasant and was easily persuaded to see how such a demeanor put ill persons at ease.
We spoke for a while. I asked him a few questions about his practice, though the longer I was there the more captivated I became. And yet, something was off. My long and well-honed instincts told me that there was more to Marbas than meets the eye. I did not think him a charlatan, but still. A nagging sort of feeling. I finally gave in once my surface level interview had been completed and requested a more private conversation once the clinic was closed, and he seemed to be agreeable.
I watched him work the rest of the day. The joy on the patient's faces when their suffering had been eased. He confided in me, off-the-record, that although he could cure afflictions he could not completely cease the pain of more chronic sort of illnesses. He was not the miracle worker of tales in the sense that he could not make a blind man see again, or make one whose legs were weak to stand or walk again. Such was out of his field and the nature of his magic. He could only return one to their natural state, and some things just were. I appreciated this honesty, and he noted that at the height of his fame he had to turn so many away because of this that it nearly broke his heart.
When I watched him work, however, I noticed that I was unfamiliar with the sort of magic he used. It did not appear to be any healing magic I had ever encountered on any of my journeys. It had the feel of something far more ancient. When we were able to speak privately, I asked him about it.
Marbas seemed startled that I had noticed, but after a moment or two he reached out to touch my hand. In that moment, I think we both understood the nature of the other. This sparked an honest confession.
I remember Marbas' eyes being golden in color. He looked at me through my mask as if he could see me completely, underneath. And when I looked back, I began to piece together what I had saw that day. The words were soft and mumbled, as if he were embarrassed by them.
"I feast on their suffering."
The catfolk visage was a clever illusion. Marbas was something far older than The Known World itself. The Old World would have called him a demon, and I was unsure of what they would call him now.
He confessed that he had started this venture a long time ago, simply as a means to eat. Suffering of the afflicted was sweet, he explained. His domain was disease, both in the giving and taking sort of way. When he discovered that more people would come to him if he healed them, he decided to pose as a physician and open a clinic. Over time, the joy of the healing took the place of his hunger, though he still fed upon the suffering because that is how he survived. But instead of causing it himself, he would absorb what would come through the doors of his humble clinic.
Marbas confided in me that he knew some of his regular patients began to see through his charade, but his service was so successful and eased so much of their pain that they chose to look past it. They felt safe with him, and the eating of their suffering was his payment when they could not provide coin. An open secret, essentially.
It was a secret I would keep with me, as well.
Who am I to deny a fellow healer with a secret? It would be hypocritical of me to sound such an alarm. And if he is not doing any harm, who am I to stop him?
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Also inspired by this post.
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