#kyoka x momo: my hero academia/boku no hero academia
curiousochako · 4 months
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All of my ships! Hoping at least one of them becomes canon
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chiquilines · 5 months
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Yes i know i JUST said I'd be less active but ive been wanting to draw this for actual months. Live love momojirou <3
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nanaosaki3940 · 29 days
Watched MHA S7 Ep02 just now and I can't stop crying over Star's death. As a manga reader, her death didn't make me sad that much when I read the manga but after watching the anime I couldn't stop bawling my eyes out... 😭😭😭💔💔💔
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Touya is back, baby!! And we're seeing him again in the next episode!!
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And also with season 7 airing now, I wanna promote my ongoing MHA Touya X OC X Shoto fanfic "The Crimson Butterfly" from Quotev and Wattpad -
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denkigami · 2 months
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more denki kaminari takes off
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huntedhounds · 1 month
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all of these are drawings from last year (2023)!!!! i’m gonna talk about each of them under the cut, so if you aren’t interested you can go about your day ❤️!
1: The Bakugou headshot. A style experiment!! i was trying my best to mimic elijahpiejah’s (instagram) style at the time!! it was a fun exercise to study what was unique about his style 😊
2: D&D KrBk ft. Mina. This was for a D&D bang that i was in. Unfortunately, my partner never finished the fic so i just have this pic based on one of the scenes in the outline.
3: Rody/Deku. Lukas inspired me to doodle this one if i remeber correctly. i think it was also one of the first sketches i did when i got my new drawing tablet!!
4: JirouMomo. a doodle on New Year’s Day just after midnight that was drawn in the dark lol. power went out at my friend’s house as we were hanging out 😂
5: Cherri and the Aro/Ace flag. (i designed this specific ateo/ace flag. it’s free to use if you want) tried making a profile pic for june last year but i never ended up using it. might this year who knows?
6: KrBk Shark Teeth Zine piece. this was for a Kirishima-centric zine. everyone’s writing or art had to involve kirishima and his teeth in some way hehe. I decided to draw Bakugou piercing Kirishima’s paired labrets aka snake bites!
that’s all! thank you so much if you read this far, you’re a real one. you get a gold star! ⭐️
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frickingnerd · 1 year
holding hands with kyoka jirou
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pairing: kyoka jirou x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, todomomo
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you had been dating jirou for a while now, but you never made a big deal about your relationship
it's not like you were hiding the fact that you were dating, but the two of you just aren't the type of couple who has public make out sessions or brags about your relationship
for people who don't know the two of you, it could've just looked like you were just close friends
but when jirou's best friend momo started dating todoroki, jirou seemed to be eager to be more affectionate in public as well
suddenly, she was holding your hand whenever she got the opportunity, always grabbing it so tight that you thought she'd never let go of it again
you didn't mind this of course, but after a while you got curious what made jirou change her mind
you ended up asking her about it while walking her home after a double date with the two of them and that's when you got your answer
"those two always hold hands and show off what a cute couple they are. i… i want us to look cute too!!" 
jirou had the cutest little pout on her face as she confessed to you and you couldn't help but laugh about it
she glared at you, thinking you were laughing at her, but you quickly eased her worries
"i'll hold your hand and look cute with you whenever you want, babe~" 
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kaidonvill · 10 months
MHA HEADCANONS: (just my opinion bro)
The headcanons will be random characters from mha:
+ Monoma is the type of person to act shit around class 1-a yet admires them in the inside, like my brother can go like "ngl bakugo is kinda awesome" "I feel bad about how I treated midoriya" he is canonly sweet and calm.
+ Momo doubt herself for sure (idk why but fuck her she is smarter than me man) like she can cry herself to sleep (typical behaviour that happens to every girl that acts confident and then end up doubting herself/me-)
+ Midoriya will soon be a very talented artist or designer If he ended up being quirkless, like imagine being the one drawing heroes posters and shit (just like me fr)
+ When Kyouka is with denki alone she acts all sweet and kind around him *innocently* but around people she roast him and act different (she does that to everyone I'm sure)
+Mina ashido is the type of person to fight with someone and then in 2 mins they end up being best friends (you dropped this 👑)
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lildudie18 · 5 months
🐞 didn't have the energy to post these two days ago 🐞
🐞 secret santa 1/3 🐞
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akanewcrld · 2 years
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notes: what it would be like to share a desk with them!! 
characters: ochako uraraka, momo yaoyorozu, kyoka jiro, mina ashido, tsuyu asui, toru hagakure 
warnings: mentions of food in tsus!!
word count: 0.8k
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OCHAKO URARAKA, who passes you little notes everyday. it could be a question like “wanna hang out after school?” or just a cute drawing, but you often see a little folded paper with a heart on your desk. 
your eyes look down to find a white paper folded, with a tiny heart drawn on top. you look over to ochako, who is too busy writing down notes about the lesson to notice. 
you open the paper, reading the content inside. “hey, wanna hang out after school? :D” you take your pencil and write on her note “ofc <3” and slide it back to her. 
ochako reads the note, smiling over at you before going back to writing the notes. 
MOMO YAOYOROZU, who helps you study. if you space off in class, she will let you copy off her notes. she invites you to her dorm to help you learn everything you need to for that next test, but sometimes you’ll just hang out. 
“y/n?” you snap out of your thoughts, looking over at momo. you ask her what she needs. 
“you haven’t written down any notes.” you look at momo’s paper with half of the page already filled, then at yours, which is empty. 
“here, you can copy off mine, but pay more attention next time, y/n.” momo tilts her notebook towards you slightly, continuing to write. 
“we can also study at my dorm later, if you want.” momo tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. you nod your head in agreement, making momo smile. 
KYOKA JIRO, who gives you her airpod in a boring class so you can both listen to music. she’ll usually play loud music but sometimes you’ll convince her to turn it down so she can at least try to focus. 
you let out a sigh, only loud enough for you to hear, and jiro. she looks over at you, pulling out her airpods. she holds one out to you that you take and she starts to play music. 
you take a few minutes to not pay attention to the class, lightly tapping your feet to the rhythm of the music. once one or two songs end you turn to jiro. 
“hey, maybe we should try to pay attention a little bit, that looks like stuff we should probably know.” jiro frowns, but it’s not like you want to pay attention either. 
“yeah, you’re right.” she turns her music down some, giving you a thumbs up before she starts writing. 
MINA ASHIDO, who is always talking to you during class. it doesn’t bother you much, but aizawa often has to interrupt his teaching to tell her to pay attention. due to all of her talking, she doesn’t get the best grades, but you try your best to help her!
“hey y/n? me and the squad are gonna be hanging in my room if you wanna come! it will be fun.” mina whisper shouts. 
“sure, i will.” you smile at mina, turning back to your notes. 
“oh, did you hear that-“ 
“mina, stop talking in my class, or i will send you to detention.” aizawa clears his throat, going back to his lesson. 
“i’ll tell you later..” mina tries to focus on the lesson, visibly confused. 
“i could help you later if you want.” mina nods in agreement. 
TSUYU ASUI, who is always giving you little snacks and sometimes packs your lunch for you. sometimes she’ll even bring homemade food, which tastes very good. 
your stomach grumbles quietly. you forgot to eat breakfast and it’s the class before lunch. you stare at the clock, willing it to go faster. 
“y/n, are you hungry, kero? i made some homemade cookies if you want one.” your eyes light up at tsu’s words and you eagerly nod your head. 
tsu hands you a cookie which you take a bite of. “mmm!” you whisper, taking another bite. tsu puts her cookies away. 
“im glad you like them, kero.” 
TORU HAGAKURE, who always lets you borrow her school supplies. pencils, highlighters, erasers, anything you need. 
“alright class, take out you pencil and notebook. you’re gonna need it.” your teacher says. you grab your notebook from your bag, searching for a pencil as well. 
hagakure taps you on the shoulder. “y/n? here, take this.” she gives you a pencil which you accept. “thanks hagakure!” you smile at her. 
“do you need a highlighter too? fee free to use mine.” hagakure has a few highlighters lined up on the desk in the middle of you and her. 
“you’re really awesome for letting me use your school supplies hagakure, thanks.” you tell her at the end of class
“o-oh, it’s nothing. just trying to help out a friend.”
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xotomesimpx · 2 years
The Day His Eyes Changed Pt2: The others reaction to Shigaraki being your brother
A/N: You may want to read a little into the first part to really get a idea of what was happening or what is going on. Lets jump right in to this. Enjoy
Aizawa Looked down at was going on and you were sent off of the campus grounds. No one knew where Aizawa was taking you but the room became still. "What are we going to do?! They are obviously in danger and hurt by all of this!" Mina cried out while others spoke in agreement and mumbled amounts themselves.
Genuinely did not want to believe that you of all people had connections to such scum.
Why are you only now just telling us damn nerd!?
If it is one thing Bakugo secretly hates it is silence. It reminds him all too well of what dangers lie ahead in battle. But this one was different no one knows who or what they are fighting.
He hates not knowing how to make this situation better but once a solution comes up. He is going to volunteer as the first person to take on the tasks.
Bakugo from now on is keeping an eye on you both to make sure you are not some traitor in disguise. And to protect you in case something were to happen.
Seeing Aizawa take you away did make his nerves spike and he closed himself off in his dorm to try and relieve his anger.
He felt sorry for you although he does not have siblings but he does have a lot of friends that are just like siblings to him. *Couch cough bakusquad*
If anything like that happened to them he would do anything to bring them back to normal again to fix whatever damaged they caused.
"Man, this does not look good." This was all he could say or think in the moment. Under pressure Kirishima has never been too good with words.
The only other thing on his mind though was whether or not you would get in trouble. You had done nothing wrong at all and taking your hero license away or kicking you out of the hero course would not be manly at all.
"We can't let the teachers drop them from the hero course. They worked so hard to get here guys! They might be close to a villain but they totally aren't." He finally mustered up his manlyness and spoken up.
Everyone was hesitant but agreed after some convincing. You were not going to give up on Shigaraki. And they were not going to give up on supporting you in whatever happens during this time.
Denki felt a short circuit coming up a few minutes after you came out with your confession. His anxiety was getting the best of him. Where you really in danger? Are we all in danger? Who else here can be connected to the villains?
overtime though he starts to let his imagination get the best of him and he starts to think of cool things. That defiantly do not click with the setting or tone of room he was in. "Do you guys think if the two of them had a sibling argument they just started running around and touching each others stuff with their quirks to get back at each other?" No one really knew what to say other than stare.
Jirou stared at him "Denki read the damn room."
But of course he started voicing other weird things or questions about the topic. In hopes to lighten the mood. If he does not think too much about it then maybe he can still see you as a friend. Of course they are my friend, what am I thinking?!
He just hopes you don't possibly sick your brother on him on the others. "Imagine what a fucking flex that is though. No one can fuck with you if your brother is one of the #1 villains in Japan. All he has to do is-" "Denki enough!"
Sero was just laughing along with Denki and egging on his humor. A part of him trusted you enough to know that you would not just let any of the other or him into harms way.
He just wants things to be resolved soon so then everyone and you can be friends again. And he can tape you to thee walls like old times. Old times being about two hours ago give or take. But still that was a long time ago.
"Let's just hope they can come back to the dorms. What the heck are they even going to do to them? We were interrogating them jut fine." Few shrugged as they all thought on what could be happening to you right now.
He may or may not be planning a prank on you. "They kept this secret from me so I am keeping their stuff away from them." Tapes up your dressers and cabinets to your desk that is in your dorm. "...Hopefully they come back to see it."
Hero or villain it doesn't matter he knows for a fact everyone here will knock the sense back into you and that Shigaraki if it came down to it.
Was really concerned a villain can be a villain regardless. But a villain who was constructed into one? She always had this question circling in the back of her mind. When she would come across Toga. "There is a thin but broad line between good or evil. Shigaraki Tomura is evil... But Shimura Tenko? I think y/n is going to try and make a proposal of some sort."
Everyone was a little lost at first "What you mean by all that Ochako?" Izuku sprung up in understanding "She means y/n is going to propose a plan so we can find Tenko's brain and memories. Then we can put them all back in him to save him from this path of villainy."
That is when the puzzle was finally solving itself. "I don't know about you guys but I think i want to meet the real Shimura Tenko. And get rid of these villains for good together." Some started to wonder though and piped in their thoughts. "How can we even capture one of the League of Villains leaders?"
Tsu shrugged "Him and the league always seem to follow us to every other event, ribbit. All we have to do is plan ab occasion or send out some people under cover."
"This plan is has to be full proof not just for us. But for y/n." Ochako felt a wave of determination flow through her. She knew you were nothing like the man you saw on the news. But you everything like Shimura. And given you love your family just as much as she does to save them. She wants to be in your corner to cheer you on.
Morally grey on the matter, yeah he may be family and lost any recollection of the good person/child he was in the past. He is still a villain. Do you not remember she could have been faceless cause of him? Or just how much damage he caused to Japan as a whole?
But seeing as everyone else was on board with the idea. And getting more perspective on the matter she can see your point of view. She has younger siblings too and would do anything for them. And they would do anything for her, even the plan was crazy or risky.
"Sometimes for family... You have to do the things you normally wouldn't" She would listen to everyone equally on the matter while also worrying about you and your mental health. All this does not feel good for the heart or the head. Tsu would help Momo try and settle everyone down or comfort those who need it.
After all they are both like the mom's of class 1-A. They help keep everyone's head on straight.
She will be cautious though and try to think of ways that won't end up into a battle.
Everyone in this class is practically her best friend. Once she saw Aizawa take you away she did not know what to do or think. Were you going to jail? Were you going to get yelled at?
When some insinuates you may be a villain she is the first one to cut them off. "This is the same y/n who saved you from that hunk of falling building! How can you say that when we don't even know the full story?!"
Mina would always come for your defense even in time like this. She would also be stratigizing how she can help you through all of this as well.
"My bestie is going to jaaaaiiilll!"She cried out wiping her eyes and was blowing her nose into everything.
"Mina that is my arm... Never mind" Once with the help other others she settles down again. And listens to Denki and Sero's light jokes and thoughts on this. It helps her get through these emotions a lot. "Maybe... Shimura would be a good brother if given a new start?"
Not sure what to do other than listen and retain all the information first. So many thoughts and perspectives on a broad matter. "Does anyone need more tea? Oh, I also can me a new hot chocolate made with hints of rose." All in all she is concerned for everyone else at the moment. Including you see as you were caught by the teachers.
Is a little more relieved when Tsu offers her help with making snacks or drinks. The two talk on it together in the kitchen quietly. "Y/n is smart so whatever they have planned is bound to work. Especially given how much time it took for them to think up of this plan."
She also used her imagination a bit (after all she is really creative when it comes to thins) So at the back of her mind she thought of classic sibling scenarios between younger you and Shigaraki. This only raised more questions in her mind.
Consoled Mina a lot as well and thought about maybe putting on a movie for everyone to watch together. And by the time it is over maybe you would come back.
Jirou noticed Momo's nervousness seeping through and helped settle her down. "How about a movie everyone?"
Everyone took up the offer and as the movie began to play. With everyone huddled up together in the common room. All Momo could do was glance at your empty space where you usually sat. Villain or not you were still important to the class and her.
Was trying to deflect Denki's comments "Read the room dude." But she would admit she was also on edge. She did appreciate the refreshments that Momo left out for everyone and offered.
Just like Mina, she was defending you and telling any of the others off. "Oh yeah sure they are a villain but they put themselves at risk for you how many times?" (May or may not throw hands.)
She also wished everyone lighten up a little. She may be a bit of a edge lord herself she'd admit at times but this atmosphere was getting to her too. But she does agree that Shigaraki deserves to have his memories and things given back to him.
"Neither of them had a chance once that All for One stepped into their lives. And what if other people out there are in the same position as them?" As a kid she always wanted to fight for everyone equal chance. It was clear as children neither you or Shigaraki were able to fight this.
And now you both needed someone to fight and bring you both back together properly for once. "What kind of hero would I be if I don't help fight for them? And what kid of hero would that make all of us?" Hopes this will all pass over and you won't get into trouble. Leaves after a while of watching the movie and hides in her room to write lyrics and make a tune or two about this.
A/n: This kind of gives me mixed signals. not too sure how I did on this second and final part on this. This was a long one but hope it was worth it. Also I am taking requests so feel free to put stuff in my asks. Whether that be about my OC's etc.
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lxstfuck · 2 years
Hi so I wanted to make a request if u can do a momojiro x fem reader then please consider doing it if u dont do this stuff just tell me u wont so I know so like if ur going to do it
It is basically that the reader used to ship momo and jiro so hard and at the same time loved them both so when they get together the reader is broken cuz she wanted to be a part too so when they knew they talked it out and asked the reader if she wanted to be with them
I would be really happy if u wrote it
A/N: We all love angsty romance in this household. Since you didn't clarify I made it like this Romance>Angst>Romance. I hope you enjoy this!
Tags: Mineta, romance to angst to romance, fem reader, reader is in class 1A but we don't mention quirk usage yet, drama. If i forgot anything lmk.
«Rooting for us you»
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It was a sunny day, wind blowing softly as it rocked the branches of the trees that adorned the place. Truly beautiful. At least it would be beautiful if you got a chance to admire it. Instead, all were exhausted and fighting, again, to be the last one standing.
“The game is very easy:" The monotone voice of the teacher started to say. “be the last one on battle. You'll be fighting until one is the winner!" He raised his voice and a sadistic smile had appeared on his lips. Chills ran down everyone's spine, meanwhile, Aizawa kept explaining the rules: absolutely none. Quirks were to be used. But they did expect them to use brute force as well. Pairing up was not an option. You looked around, eyes wandering to the two girls that made the perfect team. Kyoka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu. Not only they made a perfect team, but also a perfect couple. It was jealousy perhaps? For a time you didn't know you didn't know if you felt envy towards one or the other. Eventually though, you came to realize it wasn't jealousy that you felt. It was love. True pure love.
You meditated about the feelings you had. Love. You loved them. But you felt guilty deep inside. How embarrassing and problematic would be if you confessed to them. They would have problems? Would they break up? No. It can't happen! You like them together. They are beautiful together. It was adorable. They were adorable. Whenever they laughed at something. The way they held hands in a way that seemed so romantic. The little presents on special occasions. Yet, you wanted to be there. At least to hype them up. And you did. For a long time you managed to help them set up dates, choose gifts, sometimes you'd even help them get ready for the dates.
Mineta of course realized that and tried to convince them to kiss or do more. You stood up for them and figured out that a single threat was enough. You would activate your quirk and show him you weren't scared and you weren't going to let it slide.
“I was rooting for us" You say, hiding in a corner, waiting for someone to attack you or for you to attack. A single tear streamed down your cheek and slide to the corner of your lips, the salty taste of it making you lick your lips out of instinct. You repressed a pained sob when you spotted them. Right under you. Little giggles and soft whispers that you couldn't figure out. Oh dear. The lighting wasn't good but you saw them smile and it made your heart sink.
Why? Why?! WHY?! Why her? Why couldn't you have a happy ending too? Life was truly unfair with the ones that don't deserve it. Everytime you think you might be letting go of that hope of getting together, you are reminded and proven wrong in the worst way possible. Like right now. Was it truly necessary for them to be there? Of all the cold, dark places. Here was the perfect place?
It ends here. You couldn't see them, so you decided to not look at them for the rest of the game. You needed them out.
“Nice view?" a voice startled you, out of instinct you threw a punch. A thud made it's way to your ears and you looked down to see the girls gone and Ojiro on the ground.
“I'm so sorry!” I exclaim but all i got was a thumbs up while he stood up and took impulse to hit you. “In my defense, you scared me" You shrugged and jumped to another place, sometimes swinging on the edges to get better angles. He had a powerful, strong quirk so it was all about getting him exhausted or finding a way to bring him down. You look down while swinging and saw acid, Kirishima was the only one who'd survive that. Maybe i could find someone to do the work for me. Yes! That was it! You screamed, making sure to let someone know your location and hoping someone would take the bait. And it wasn't long before explosions were heard. “bingo" you say under your breath and move up quickly.
“Oh fu-" Was heard before an explosion went off. Some dust going up. You laughed a little too loud and ran for it. Your quirk was more for protection than for attack, so of course you were scared for your life. “Come on out!” the echo made it impossible for you to figure exactly were it was. Ojiro was down but you were standing.
How many were left? You calculated the chances and figured if Bakugo was here maybe Deku was too. Maybe they hadn't had an encounter or you would have heard about it. It's easy to tell when they're fighting because of the amount of words they say. Mind running calculations you couldn't help but think about them again.
Where were they? Were they ok? Have they fought someone? Have they lost yet? You couldn't help but worry. You needed a plan to take out Bakugo. He was stubborn, and a hot headed. Maybe that was it? You would use that on your favor.
“Im right here, dumbass!" you yelled, jumping from a building to another. A laugh was heard from his part. Deep and scary. Those words fit him perfectly. Now it was time to lost him. Plus ultra!
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It didn't work out.
You were currently on the nurse with some horrible scratches and a broken leg. And it hurt so much you yelled curses at him and your quirk managed to put a fight for you and protect you.
15 years and never broken a bone. Yet, on a stupid game, you broke a ful leg. Bakugo was almost surprised when you cussed him like a sailor. Some went to check on you. Recovery girl saw the distorted leg and frowned almost asking how did that happen. However, she remembered the many times she saw Midoriya coming with more than two broken bones.
After treating you, you heard the curtain being opened and saw the two girls that were in your dreams every night. The girls you had helped so much and cheered on to be together.
“How are you feeling L/N-san?” Momo sat down at the edge of the bed and grabbed your hand gently. She was shaking. You gave her a soft smile.
“I've been better. How are you two? Who was winner?" you asked, changing the subject because it'll made you think of something else.
“Kaminari won. Dumbass shocked everyone. Literally." laughed Jirou. ”The only ones standing was him and Deku but he forgot the shocks got in buildings too and Midoriya almost short circuited". Momo shook her head, worried.
“I didn't notice but your hair is long" You said absent minded.
“I told her I loved her hair. She's just a little shy about it yet". Kyoka poked her sides, making Momo laugh a bit.
You were a little pained.
“Listen we... Wanted to talk to you". Oh no. They figured out? Were they mad? Disgusted maybe? Maybe they won't talk to you ever again? “Don't worry, good things!” They must've seen your face of panic because they tried to calm you down. You took a deep breath and tried to sit down. Jirou helped you up and a pained whine was heard. “Must've been horrible huh?"
You nodded with a smirk on your thin lips. But you shrugged it out.
“We wanted to thank you" They smiled at you. “You were rooting from us since the beginning. You've helped us so much and we're grateful for being our friend, Y/N". You could only think of two things.
How the name came so naturally out of her mouth and how she called you a friend. Pain. That hurt you and if anyone heard your inside, they'd hear your heart cracking a bit more. But you liked the pain. Maybe you were a masochist.
“We love you”. They hugged you slightly. “Noy like a friend.” You gasped.
“Like a best friend?" you had to make sure. Not even in your wildest dreams would this happen. Maybe the anesthesia was kicking in.
“No, Y/N we love you” The emphasis made your heart squeeze. Your vision was cloudy and tears formed in your eyes. “We're sorry and we understand if you're disgusted by it but we love you. We want to be with you." You sobbed. Happy tears streamed down your face, your hands wrapped around them to secure them. As if they were going to scape any moment.
“Is this...” You hiccuped. “is this a joke?”
They laughed. Not a mean laugh. It was soft, reassurance in it.
“Would you like it to be a joke?" you shook your head hurriedly. A clear answer to them. They kissed your cheek and forehead.
“Now you can be rooting for us three instead of us two" Momo said softly as she placed a gentle kiss on your hand.
“I'll be in your care then. I'm rooting for us”
If it was a dream, which was not, you prayed to never wake up.
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I very much enjoyed writing this down!
Fun fact: i can't write angst for shit. Unless i have a clear scenario in my head. So writing angst for this was hard.
I hope you guys enjoyed this and my asks are open, so are requests and thirsts!
Make sure to check my master list for rules and here you may find for which fandoms I'll be writing for. Take care everyone, remember you're all absolutely gorgeous!
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Putting Up Halloween Decorations With Momo And Jirou!
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Scenario:- its time to decorate your class’s dorm with momo and jirou!
Pairing:-Momo x Jirou x gn!reader (platonic)
It was that time of the year again
The time to break out the halloween decor and spooki-fy the entire dorm!
You momo and jirou pulled out all the decor from the previous year and also the absolute shit ton that you’d bought with denki and mina
“Umm whereee are we goin to put all of this?” Jirou asked looking down at the mess of both old and new decorations on the floor
“Perhaps we could donate the ones we wont use?” Momo chimed in also trying to figure out what to do
“Oorrrr we could give the remaining lot to class 1-b???” You said,your face stuffed with popcorn
“Theres no way monoma would let them use it...”{jirou}
“You’re right...”{momo}
“What if we just left it anonymously??”
Your crunching filled the silence for an awkward few seconds before they both nodded and said in unison,
“Yeah,that works”
So you got to work sorting out what pieces you’d keep and which you wouldn’t
Of course you eneded up advocating to keep the majority of the pieces(ITS THE MEMORIESS!!)
While momo and jirou had to continuously convince you to let them go
In the end you had a mix of both new and old that perfectly co-ordinated with each other!
“Oh yeah its all coming together now ; )” you said.jirou audibly groaned
“You’ve been hanging out with kaminari and ashido too much -_-”
Momo(sweet angel) was still lost and asked what she meant
“Its a meme from a disney movie.The emperor’s new groove?” Jirou explained
“ITS GREAT!! WE SHOULD WATCH IT ONE DAYY!” You practically yelled
Momo smiled and nodded at your enthusiasm and jirou just reminded you that you had to finish decorating the entire dam dorm before making other plans.
“Oh yeaa”you said suddenly remembering what you three were actually there to do.
You got back to work and within two hours youd managed to decorate the entire area
And thanks to Momo’s expert eye for design,it looked absolutely *PERFECT*
It didnt look too crowded or stuffy and everything was just right where it needed to be to look like a pro had decorated it!
“FINALLY!!” You said as you got off the last step of the ladder after hanging up the light up pumpkin garland from your little outing with mina and kami
“Yup” said jirou as she got up from off the floor where shed been adjusting the speakers and the pumpkins.
“Done!” Momo’s voice came from where she’d been positioning the ghosts and cobwebs
“Id say we did great guys!” You said,your arms around their shoulders.
You stood there for a good five minutes admiring your work and them you took a selfie before going over to,and flopping down on,the couch
“What now?”{jirou}
“You know what? Sure!” Jirou said while she reached for the remote to cue the movie on the screen
Meanwhile you dragged momo over to the kitchen to make a big ol batch of popcorn”
And within five minutes you were all settled on the couch in blankets with the lights off
The emperor’s new groove definitely wasnt a traditional halloween time movie but hey! This was now an impromptu girls movie night and there werent and hars and fast rules!
You both taught momo all the references and when the moment youd referenced earlier she got the joke and laughed
It really was a nice way to end the day and when everyone saw the spooktactular dorm and then your sleeping forms on the couch, no one bothered you
So when you woke up the next day you were definitely confused but you just woke up washed up and got ready for the day like nothing had happened
Everyone comented on how good the dorms looked
Even monoma
Though he didd say how theirs would be way better just a second later
Kendo promptly slapped him upside the head and took him away apologising for her classmate’s behaviour as she did
Little did he know that the decor they’d used the next day were the one’s youd decided to not use the day before
Hehehe ; )
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Your writing is cute! I love reading through them all. They make me feel better everytime and I go back to reading them a lot.
If it's okay, could I request a story for My Hero Academia? fem!reader has a quirk that makes her nose grow like Pinocchio from command as opposed to lies. Her nose is invulnerable and can lift tons of weight, but it's embarrassing to her because she's often called "tengu" or "Pinocchio" would it be okay of the girls of class 1-A help talk to her and give her confidence about her quirk? Maybe help her find ways to use it to help them and others? I hope this is okay, sorry for the bloated request. I'm self conscious about my nose but I'm sure this exposes that ahaha
Class 1-A girls helping reader who have a nose quirk
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Class 1-A girls ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
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Im so happy that my writing comfort you so much ~ it gives me a lot of motivation!! ❤️❤️
And don't worry dear, this blog is a safe space for everyone (i'm not going to allow any kind of agression towards anyone!). I feel self conscious for my body some times too so i fully understand you, I hope this help you 💜
Remember that i always write for gender neutral
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Exist all kind of quirks, some are noticible and others are not that much, some change people appearance and other have different effects. In class 1-A are an extent diversity of quirks too, and everyone is rather kindly witch others
The ones who are more probable to say something about your quirk is Bakugou by insulting you and calling you weak (nothing personal, that is how he is) or Midoriya wanting to know all about your quirk (but if you are uncomfortable he will stop and will deeply apologize)
In the class are a lot of people with quirks that affect their body, so they could understand you and they are quickly to say the good things about your quirk (Mina and Kirishima cheer for you while Midoriya rant about every good thing about it)
Still, if you prefer to relay more in the girls they will be happy to help you out, the first to approach the topic could be Momo (since she is really caring), Tsuyu (she is really observant and she will notice how insecure you are about it) and Mina (since she super cheerful, she probably do it while complimenting you)
By the very moment they notice your insecurity they will try to help you, you are their friends after all, they may even team up to cheer you and boost your confidence (thanks to Mina and Hagakure)
The more that are physicaly affected by their own quirks are Mina, Hagakure and Tsuyu, and they will gladly tell you stories about the inconveniences they've had with it or how they had made peace with their quirk and accept themself, and with that they will recommend you different things you could try to feel better with your quirk
Probably the girl how have the most similar quirk to yours is Jirou, and she could tell you her experiences about it too if that will help you (but she will do it shyly), and the other will talk to you about it too, at the end all of them will be talking about how they got their quirk, how they discovered all they can do and different funny stories about it (like fails or accidents), if you don't want to talk much about it its fine, they will wait until you are comfortable, but if you do they will happy to heard you, none of them judge you or laugh at you
This chats probably happen in sleepovers, they do it from time to time and of course you are invited over every single time. Sometimes they even make some self-care routine while talking
Uraraka, Mina and Hagakure become your own personal unofficial cheerleaders, always giving you compliments about your quirk and celebrating each improvement you have (it could be a little embarrasing at times but they always do it with the best intention)
Non of them will tolerate any offence towards you, whenever they heard someone talking bad about you or making fun of you they get defensive even if you aren't there, and this isn't just because you're insecure but because you are their friends and no one have the right to treat others like this (what kind of heroes they will be if they don't help a friend when they need it?)
Tsuyu is always honest so if you ever doubt yourself or think that they are doing all of this for some kind of pity you can ask her, she will never lie to you and will reasure you that all of them truly care for you
Momo is the more eager to help improve and find other ways to use your quirk and she will do help you if you ask her, at the end the other girls will get envolved too and they could help you while they train them too
Every time they make something to try to help you or cheer you up it always end in something really funny, and at the end all their efforts always works to help you at least to feel a little better. It could be a long road regain confidence but they aren't going to give up or lose hope in you
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
hii! may i request some cute mmjr halloween hcs? :D ~ vya
ahhh yes I was hoping someone would ask for them ehehe >:3
so just to set the stage here, I fully think both of these gals are crazy about the other, in the way of like, not fully believing that the other can like them back as much as they like them
and I think that would kind of shine trough a little extra on halloween
both of them generally enjoy this holiday, but they had very different ways of celebrating it growing up
In the Yaoyorozu household it was very glammed up, they either went to or hosted these big, fancy costume parties, always with themes, and everything was very polite and almost regal lol
while in the Kyouka house, there were more traditional celebrations, like fun, over the top costumes, giving out candy to the neighborhood kids, and her parents would often let Jirou have halloween parties with her friends when she was still in elementary and middle school
and so when they start dating, they both really want to try to do what they think the other wants
but since neither have much experience with the others ways of celebrating, they seek help elsewhere to surprise the other
Momo goes to Denki, who knows Jirou very well being her bestie, and with Denki comes Kirishima, so now she has a little team on her side
while Jirou seeks out Shouto, who not only knows Momo fairly well, but had a similar upbringing in the sense of the people surrounding their families
and with Shouto comes Izuku, who may not have much experience with fancy halloweens, but he loves love, and since his boyfriend, Kirishima, is suddenly busy helping Momo and Denki with some kind of secret project, he has a lot of extra time
Denki and Kirishima are going all out with Momo's plan, they're planning on decorating Momo's room in a typical halloween way that they hope remind Jioru of her childhood
Kirishima keeps being brought to tears by the whole thing
Shinsou tried to carefully tell his boyfriend that they might be going a little overboard, but it's far too late for that now that Denki is fully invested and hyped
while Jirou managed to get Shouto to help her learn some basic ballroom dances, which makes izuku super emotional, while Bakugo is sitting in a corner huffing and pouting at how Jirou is stealing his boyfriend's precious time that could be spent on him
but he would never admit that out loud
and he would definitely never admit that he kinda thinks the whole thing just a little sweet
so, when halloween finally comes around, they both have plans they're desperately trying to get to work
Jirou is planning on taking Momo out to their special spot in the park by the dorms to look at the stars and then ask her to dance with her and surprise her with knowing how to
and Momo is planning on decorating all of her room in the typical halloween decorations and watch Jirou's favorite scary movies in the new matching PJ's she's gotten for them
luckily, the scheming boyfriends ends up figuring each other out, and therefore manage to avert the crisis somehow
without the girls knowledge, they all band together to sort of morph the two ideas together in Momo's room
they manage to borrow Aoyama's telescope, so they can still stargaze from the room, and the make space so they get to do the dancing, and get all the movies queued up and ready
so naturally, matching PJ's, the Scream movies, stargazing, and slow dancing in their flannel PJ's after the movie marathon becomes their little halloween tradition
the boys are all so fucking proud of themselves lmao, as they should be honestly <3
help I'm so single laihfslkhfskla
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lunejump · 2 years
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since I can't really repost all I posted on my old blog, here are the edits I made that I like most. feel free to click on the pics to see them better, and reblog if you like🌙
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