#kickboxing workout class
penpoise · 6 months
Kickboxing Workout with Bag
Kickboxing, a dynamic and engaging fitness regimen, has gained immense popularity for its holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. One of its standout components is the kickboxing workout with a bag—a powerful and versatile tool that adds intensity and excitement to your training routine. Benefits of Kickboxing Workouts with a Bag Cardiovascular Benefits Kickboxing bag workouts…
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uppercut-athletics · 1 month
5 jab counters
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iron-sides · 1 year
have just informed parents of desire to do roller derby in college. hoping it will help quell The Rage
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simplestudentplanning · 7 months
100 Things To Do Instead Of Doom-Scrolling Through Social Media
Read a book.
Write in a journal.
Learn to cook a new recipe.
Practice a musical instrument.
Start a DIY project.
Draw or paint.
Learn a new language.
Do a puzzle.
Exercise or do yoga.
Listen to a podcast.
Watch a documentary.
Play a board game.
Try a new workout routine.
Start a garden.
Plan a future trip.
Volunteer online.
Write a letter to a friend or family member.
Learn to knit or crochet.
Take online courses.
Practice photography.
Organize your closet.
Play video games.
Learn a magic trick.
Write a short story.
Create a vision board.
Make a playlist of your favorite songs.
Try a new hairstyle.
Experiment with makeup.
Learn to juggle.
Play a card game.
Do a home workout challenge.
Explore virtual museums or art galleries.
Do a digital detox day.
Learn calligraphy.
Rearrange your furniture.
Create a scrapbook.
Learn to play chess.
Write and perform a song.
Practice mindfulness.
Learn origami.
Plan a themed dinner night.
Do a home spa day.
Learn to code.
Play a musical instrument.
Build a blanket fort.
Take online dance lessons.
Research and try a new type of tea.
Learn about astronomy and stargaze.
Try a new board game.
Create a podcast.
Learn to solve a Rubik's Cube.
Start a blog.
Make homemade candles.
Research your family tree.
Practice a new type of art (e.g., watercolor, sculpture).
Learn to speed-read.
Write a poem.
Make a list of personal goals.
Learn to play a new card game.
Create a budget.
Build a puzzle or Lego set.
Learn to identify constellations.
Try a new fitness class online.
Make homemade pizza.
Experiment with DIY face masks.
Learn about a historical event.
Create a bucket list.
Learn to tie different knots.
Try a new type of workout (e.g., Pilates, kickboxing).
Create digital art.
Plan a themed movie marathon.
Learn to juggle.
Explore a new genre of music.
Write a letter to your future self.
Take up a new hobby (e.g., birdwatching, geocaching).
Research and try a new type of cuisine.
Make homemade ice cream.
Practice deep breathing exercises.
Create a photo album.
Try a new type of dance.
Write and perform a short play.
Learn to play a new board game.
Take a virtual tour of a historical site.
Make a time capsule.
Learn about different types of architecture.
Plan a virtual game night with friends.
Write and illustrate a children's book.
Try a new form of exercise (e.g., HIIT, Zumba).
Learn about different types of plants.
Create a DIY home decor project.
Plan a themed picnic at home.
Research and try a new type of dessert.
Practice positive affirmations.
Try a new type of puzzle (e.g., crosswords, Sudoku).
Learn about different types of birds.
Experiment with DIY skincare products.
Take up a new form of art (e.g., pottery, glassblowing).
Create a list of things you're grateful for.
Learn about a new culture.
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famous-anonymous · 1 year
Fitness Youtube Video Review 3
The title of this video is - 30-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout (No Equipment Needed). This is a cardio workout posted by the channel - The St.James and the name of the presenter is June Waypa. This workout is a Kickboxing cardio one. It should leave you feeling fierce and energetic, It is part of "The You & Improved: At Home Series which features full body workouts which range in complexity, intensity, and duration from its expert fitness instructors. A workout with the theme of Kickboxing, that is fun. The duration of the video is 29:12.
The exercises included in this video are - Single punches to the front, Repeater knee strikes, Round kicks, Knee strikes, Knee round kicks, scissors kicks, and Reverse Lunges.
I think that teenagers would be very enthusiastic about this workout because this workout is short but it is a lot of fun. It is like doing kickboxing but also has the side benefits of doing exercise.
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astro-rainbow777 · 3 months
Exercising in Accordance to the Moon Signs & Houses
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Ok so before we get started here I do want to note that this post covers working out with the moon signs and phases. I in particular have a Cancer Mars- Mars the planet of action and movement in accordance with Cancer which is ruled by the moon. That being said- there are individuals whom may find this helpful and there are others who may not. As a Cancer Mars which is a Mars sign in detriment- I have to find certain ways to motivate myself and get in shape that may not ring true for some people. This happens to Mars in 4th, Libra Mars and Mars in 7th as well. I think that a lot of these particular placements may think “Oh well, I will never be in the best shape of my life because my mars is in detriment” -This simply isn’t true. It just means we have to play to our strengths and weaknesses when building up a routine, motivating ourselves, etc. For Libra Mars or Mars in 7th- they may need to workout with their partner, in classes or have a gym buddy. Regardless whatever your Mars sign is- try giving it a shot. In particular I have a Cancer Mars so this works for me 100%!
Moon Signs:
In Astrology, each zodiac sign rules over different body parts. That being said, which ever sign/house the moon is in can be an indicator of which body part you can work out that day.
Aries- Cardio, High Interval Training, Kickboxing
Taurus- Shoulders, Neck/Throat stretches
Gemini- Arms
Cancer- Chest
Leo- Back
Virgo- Abs
Libra- Glutes
Scorpio- Hips, Pilates
Sagittarius- Thighs
Capricorn- Climbing, Stairs, Knee Mobility
Aquarius- Calves
Pisces- Yoga, Swimming, Feet Stretches and Flexibility
1st House- Cardio, High Intensity Training, Kickboxing
2nd House- Shoulders, Neck/Throat Stretches
3rd House- Arms
4th House- Chest
5th House- Back
6th House- Abs
7th House- Glutes
8th House- Hips, Pilates
9th House- Thighs
10th House- Climbing, Stairs, Knee Mobility
11th House- Calves
12th House- Yoga, Swimming, Feet Stretching and Flexibility
So say the moon is in the Sign of Taurus- in my sixth house, because the moon stays in that sign for roughly 2 & 1/2 days, I’ll workout my Shoulders the First Day and the next day my Abs. Than by the 3rd day- if you’re consistently working out at the same time- the moon should have moved to Gemini. Because when the moon transitions to a new sign first before it moves into a new house (according to Placidus-not whole sign), I work out the moon sign body first, than the house body part second. You want to make sure you’re not just doing the same body part over and over again, so you don’t stress out and over work your body.
Anyways- I hope this was helpful, especially for the Cancer Mars/Mars in 4th house people. I hope this information serves y’all well and helps out with staying motivated and organized! I know it’s a very untraditional way to work out- but as a Cancer Mars I’ve tried it all and this is the only thing that works for me!
Thanks so much y’all! Have a good one :)
-Kya 🖤🌈🌧️
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venus-haze · 1 year
Kick It Out (Queen Maeve x Reader)
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Summary: Maeve doesn’t date, for her own good and that of anyone she might be interested in. Teaching you how to kickbox definitely isn’t dating, even if the two of you do flirt every time you’re alone.
Note: Female reader with some references to being plus size, but not enough for me to designate the fic as such. No other descriptors are used. This takes place slightly before Homelander outed Maeve, but she still does a lot of internal shittalking about him. Hopefully I did well with her characterization because I’m already planning a follow-up. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Some references to homophobia Maeve’s experienced. Homelander vaguely threatens the reader to Maeve. Semi-public fingering, Maeve's kinda rough. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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It was a coincidence, really, when Maeve walked by Vought’s employee gym during one of the yoga sessions that was part of HR’s company wellness initiative. She’d forgotten Vought even had that, not interacting much with the corporation's rank and file on a regular basis and using The Seven’s exclusive gym to train. The employee gym was spacious, clean, and at that moment filled with dozens of Vought employees in a rainbow of athleticwear. Maeve could remember the old Jane Fonda workout tapes her mom used to put on in the mornings, how pleased she was with little Maggie’s rapt attention at the videos. You always need to keep your body moving, Maggie. It’s so important. 
Her eyes scanned the group lazily until they landed on you in the middle of a stretch that made Maeve feel like that little girl staring at Jane Fonda in spandex all over again. She licked her lips, giving you a quick once over before anyone could notice. You would become target number one the moment Homelander got a whiff she was remotely interested in you. Her fists clenched at the thought of how he–and her own complacency–ruined her relationship with Elena. She couldn’t do that to you, not that she even knew your name, and she wouldn’t learn it if she could help it. She wasn’t that selfish.
At least, that’s what she thought, until somehow she kept running into you. An interview here, a briefing there, she wasn’t even sure what you did at Vought exactly. It didn’t matter. You clearly hadn’t drunk the Kool-Aid, viewing your job as a way to pay the bills instead of the feverish devotion so many of its employees had. She started looking forward to seeing you, taking the opportunity to stand next to you when she could and exchange quips back and forth about how corny a promotion seemed or how weird the marketing team was. 
Like clockwork, though, you’d be in the employee gym whenever the yoga classes were being held. She casually brought it up one day, asking if you were really that into yoga, or just taking advantage of the free classes.
You nodded. “Yoga’s nice, but I’d love to get into kickboxing or something. I’m kind of nervous to sign up for a class. I’ve never done anything like that before, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up.”
“I can teach you,” Maeve said, the words coming out of her mouth before she could even think.
“Are you sure? That’d be great, but only if you have the time and everything.”
“Yeah, let me give you my number. It’ll be easier to plan that way.”
You handed your phone to her, and she quickly entered her personal number into your messages, texting a simple ‘Hey’ to herself. She hesitated a moment before giving you back your phone. Okay, this was for real. She was committing to it. 
“I’ll text you later. I’m free most weeknights, so just let me know,” you said cheerfully.
A sour mix of excitement and regret clouded her mind until you left, and as she walked down the hall to the elevator, she thought she’d at least have a chance to at least convince herself that it wouldn’t be that bad. She was never that lucky.
“Uncharacteristically nice of you to offer to help out Y/N,” Homelander said, almost as if materializing out of nowhere.
Maeve balled her hands into fists at her side. Why did he always have to be lurking? Recently, he had been fucking off to god only knows where, sometimes for days at a time. Of course he had to be around when she finally made a move. “I’m just full of surprises.”
“Your heart’s beating like a racehorse, Maeve. You’re not that excited about just practicing some kickboxing moves, are you? I’d be a better partner than her, in that case. You and I are practically indestructible. Her on the other hand—it’s amazing how fragile humans are.”
Maeve remained silent, letting out a shaky breath as she refused to acknowledge his taunting.
“You think she knows her sports bra is a size too small? I mean, one downward dog and her tits are practically spilling out of—“
“Get a grip,” Maeve snapped.
“Hey, don’t be like that. It’s just locker room talk,” Homelander said, a menacing smile plastered across his face. “Speaking of surprises, I wonder what Y/N would think if she knew this was all a ploy for you to get into those tight yoga pants of hers. I guess I can’t blame you. Not exactly my type, but with the way you can see her panty line through them, she’s practically asking for it.”
“Asking for what?” she asked, standing taller as she looked him in the eye, daring him to make his threat. 
“Hit a nerve there, huh, Maeve?”
“Mind your business, and I’ll mind mine.”
“Well, you sure know how to pick ‘em,” he said abruptly.
She knew him well enough that it meant someone was coming down the hall, and he didn’t want them hearing a word he said. Scoffing, she shook her head as she walked away, trying to keep a brave face as she made her way to the elevator. 
Storming into her suite, she slammed the door behind her and threw the nearest breakable object at the wall before collapsing onto the couch, her head in her hands. Fuck. She’d been too obvious, too careless, and now you were going to be on the receiving end of it. Keeping her distance wouldn’t be fair to you, and it’d only put you in more danger when it came to Homelander. As much of a Girl Scout as Starlight could be sometimes, at least she was willing to risk it all for Hughie, even when he was lying through his teeth to her about Butcher and Compound V. At the very least, Maeve could do the same for you moving forward.
Still, she decided she was way too sober for her liking, and dug through her cabinets to find a half-drunk bottle of vodka, wanting to escape the gravity of the situation she found herself in for just a little while. 
The next day, she woke up a few minutes past eleven, her head pounding as she checked her phone. A few missed calls and texts, including one from you: ‘Hey! Homelander said you were sick. Hope you feel better soon💐’
Between the thought of Homelander being near you and her raging hangover, Maeve leaned over the side of the bed, throwing up into the nearby trash can. She got another text from Ashley, asking if she’d still be able to do her designated crime fighting schedule that night since she was supposed to team up with A-Train. Staring at the text, she grinned, getting out of bed to choke down a few aspirin and make her way to crime analytics.
The department’s office was depressingly dark, and the girl who nervously pulled up the schedule for the next few weeks looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Opening the notes on her phone, she quickly typed what days and times Homelander would be away from the tower. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d do while she figured out how to take control of the situation. 
Your kickboxing lessons with her began a little after seven on a Thursday evening. Maeve had asked you to keep everything under wraps, claiming she didn’t want everyone pestering her to train them. This was a one-off thing because you were friends. She was relieved at how your face lit up when she put it that way.
The whole arrangement made her realize how rusty she was at flirting with someone she was actually interested in, as opposed to the sleazy guys she’d bring up to the tower for one-night stands only to kick them out afterward. Training with you was great, you were eager to learn despite struggling to pick up some of the moves. She took the opportunity to stand close to you, putting her arms over yours and guiding your movements, her body framing yours. Sometimes her hands would linger over your skin, feeling how soft you were against her until she felt you shiver or heard your breath hitch. The physical, intimate closeness drove her crazy. In those moments, she wondered what your whole body felt like, your stomach and thighs surely plush beneath her fingertips.
Things came to a head during your fourth training session. Homelander hadn’t been at the tower for a day or so, and you were acting bolder. There was no way you didn’t catch her staring at the way you bounced around while Heart’s ‘Kick It Out’ blasted from the speakers you’d connected your phone to. She was sure you were doing it on purpose at that point.
“I think I’m almost as good as you,” you joked, beads of sweat rolling down your forehead.
She laughed. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.”
“Bring it on!”
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you stood across from her on the training mat. Your stance wasn’t the best, but you were trying despite her dodging your blows with ease. Just because she liked you, it didn’t mean she was going to hand you a win. You were having fun, a smile on your face as she caught your lifted leg before you could really kick.
In any other scenario, she figured you could hold your own pretty well in a fight with a non-supe. You threw a punch which Maeve blocked without so much as blinking. One more time, you went for another kick, only for her to send you flat on your back with a thud.
She pinned you to the mat, the two of you silent except for your breathing. Maeve didn’t do anything but stare at your face, just mere inches from hers for a few moments. God, you were fucking pretty. Your eyes seemed to sparkle despite the harsh gym lighting, and your parted lips were almost calling to her.
“You win,” you said softly from beneath her.
“Do I get a prize?”
“Wanna get drinks after this? On me?”
She smiled, reluctantly getting up from on top of you. “Hope you have your credit card ready.”
You took her outstretched hand, almost surprised at how fluidly she pulled you up onto your feet, until you remembered she was the strongest woman in the world, after all. The fact that she was getting drinks with you was a plus.
“I know a few places in my neighborhood, if you don’t mind going out to Brooklyn,” you said. “They’re kind of dives, but they’re fun.”
“That honestly sounds perfect.”
“Okay. I’m gonna shower and change really quick.”
She nodded. “Take your time.”
As soon as you disappeared into the locker room, Maeve looked down at her costume, internally groaning. It was the furthest thing from inconspicuous. In all honesty, she missed having a secret identity, the small thing that separated her from the persona that Vought manufactured for her. Whether for sentimentality or foolish hope of a situation like this one, she’d kept some of her street clothes. 
Glancing at the locker room again, she decided to rush up to her suite and throw on something that would afford the two of you some privacy. Tapping her foot impatiently, she waited for the elevator doors to open before slipping inside and pressing the button for her floor.
When she reached her suite, she frowned at the selection of clothing in her dresser. Touching one shirt, she felt a lump form in her throat. The somewhat coarse fabric sent memories rushing back, she’d worn it on one of her last dates with Elena, before she handed her whole life over to Vought and Homelander sunk his hooks into her. There was a slight stain on the sleeve, evidence of Elena’s wine glass that had tipped over when some asshole decided to make it clear that he didn’t approve of their date, so he had to make it the whole restaurant’s problem. When he started becoming aggressive, Maeve grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him over, knocking him into at least three other tables with the sheer force she used. That was the catalyst for her initially fake relationship with Homelander, as Vought’s marketing team decided it would improve her image after the incident. 
She exhaled, shaking her head as she tried grounding herself. Things could be different with you. She’d take back control of her life—from Vought, from Homelander, from her own self-sabotage. Her outfit choice for the kind-of-but-not-really date was simple. She ran her fingers through her signature styled waves, messing her hair up a bit to make her less recognizable. Seeing herself in the mirror, she smiled. For the first time in months, she looked and felt like herself.
Her phone buzzed, and to her relief, it was a text from you.
‘Hey! Ready to go when you are🍻’ 
Biting her lip, she retyped her response to you three times before sending, ‘Great be down in a min😄’ 
She instantly regretted her choice of emoji, but it didn’t matter, something that simple wasn’t going to ruin her night. After all, she couldn’t remember the last time she was asked out by someone she actually liked. You hadn’t explicitly said it was a date, but the tension was there, and Maeve hoped to god she wasn’t reading too much into things.
You were waiting in the gym for her, now changed back into your work clothes of a blouse and skirt. In the meantime, you had pulled up the info for some of the bars that you and your friends frequented in your neighborhood. She looked over them quickly, settling on a 70s-themed one you recommended based on the decor and cheap burgers. Her mind raced while the two of you walked down the hall and to the elevator, deciding to leave through a service corridor rather than the building’s main floor.
As the elevator made its descent to the lower levels of the building, Maeve figured she at least owed it to you to let you know what you were getting yourself into. She’d already put you at risk with the amount of time she was spending with you. You looked at her in confusion when she pressed the emergency stop. 
“You know this isn’t just drinks, right?”
You smiled a bit, “What is it then?”
“Y/N, I’m serious,” she said. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Maeve, can you just be real with me instead of the cryptic shit?”
“Fuck," she groaned. "Okay, look. I’m into you, but Homelander’s a jealous son of a bitch who won’t let me have a life, so the fact that we’ve been spending time together and going out for drinks means you’re in serious danger.”
You were quiet for a few moments. She took your silence as an understandable rejection, moving to press the emergency stop button to bring you back up until you spoke. 
“I’ll take the risk.”
“Are you sure? Y/N, Homelander won’t hold back. I’ll do what I can to protect you, but–”
You looked at her, really looked at her, as she laid out the risks for you clear as day. It didn’t matter. You’d come to the conclusion pretty quickly that she was worth it. She was Queen fucking Maeve for Christ’s sake. Most importantly, though, you were into her too, and you’d never forgive yourself for passing up the opportunity to go out with her and see where things led.
As she was in the middle of listing ways Homelander could kill you, you interrupted her with a quick peck on the lips, enough to startle her out of her rant for a moment. That seemed to get the message through, because she kissed you, backing you into the elevator wall across from the closed doors. 
You parted your lips for her, happy to let her take the lead as she cupped your cheek in her hand, her fingers pulling your face closer to her. Even though she’d just pinned you to the floor less than an hour earlier, you were taken aback by how strong she was. She bit gently on your bottom lip, her teeth tugging at it before kissing you again. 
Groping one of your breasts through your blouse, she moved her hand further down your body until she reached your thighs, her fingers gently tracing undistinguishable patterns into your skin. You could feel her start to play with the hem of your skirt before sliding her hand beneath it.
You whispered a soft “yes” against her lips when her fingers brushed against the damp spot on your panties. Pressing her fingers against your core, she watched your face contort in pleasure as you whimpered for more. 
It felt like eternity before she finally pushed her hand past the cotton material and began teasing your clit, ignoring your aching pussy. She pressed hot, open kisses against your skin before settling on the crook of your neck, biting into the tender skin so hard you almost thought it would break. 
“Maeve, fuck,” you moaned.
“Too hard?”
You bit your lip, shaking your head. “Harder.”
Maeve grinned, slipping her index and middle fingers into your pussy, and you were almost embarrassed at how wet you were. She didn’t care, curling her fingers inside you, pumping them in and out until your breath caught in your throat. You gasped as you gripped her shoulders, trying to keep your legs from giving out from under you. Using her other hand, she held you up by your thigh, her fingers squeezing your soft flesh. 
You leaned your head back against the wall, eyes fluttering shut as she began rubbing her thumb against your clit, bringing her attention back to it as your pussy clenched around her fingers. She brought her lips to your ear, her teeth grazing your earlobe before she whispered, “You gonna cum for me, baby?”
“I’m close,” you barely managed to say.
“Don’t hold back. I wanna feel you,” she said, her voice raspy as she squeezed your thigh for emphasis. 
“Fuck–fuck, I’m–”
You came on her hand, fully relying on her strength to keep you up as she kept fingering you through your orgasm. Pressing her lips to yours, you were hardly able to kiss her back as you moaned into her mouth, your fingers clawing at the wall behind you as you tried getting a grip on something.
Finally, she pulled her hand from your pussy, and the one that had been holding you by your thigh wrapped around your waist to support you. She brought her hand to her mouth, licking your juices off of them so casually you wouldn’t have thought anything of it. You kissed her again, feeling lightheaded at the taste of yourself on her lips. Still, you figured someone must have noticed by then that the elevator wasn’t working. You didn’t even want to think about anyone finding you and Maeve like that, especially if Homelander ended up hearing about it through the grapevine.
“My roommate’s working the night shift,” you whispered, your voice noticeably hoarser than before. “I’ve got beer at my place.”
“Fuck the bar,” Maeve said, kissing you again.
You let out a yelp that dissolved into a fit of giggles as she literally swept you off your feet. She smiled, pressing the emergency stop button, sending the two of you back down to the service corridor you’d be slipping out into the night from.
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animezinglife · 5 months
ACOTAR Headcanons - Gym AU Edition
Some just-for-fun and weirdly specific headcanons based on my own very regular observations.
Feyre: Feyre is actually pretty typical in terms of gymgoing, who tends to fall into her own zone once she has her playlist up and running. She usually starts on the treadmill and people watches before fully getting into her own zone and opting for intuitive workouts that feel right for her at the time rather than going for strict programs or plans. She doesn't sweat. She glistens. She keeps her attire pretty practical with classic, neutral leggings and a tank top. Often shows up with Rhys even though they separate to do their own thing. Honestly, everyone kind of just likes Feyre even if they don't really know her.
Elain: The Soft Gym Girl™ aesthetic incarnate and the social butterfly who makes friends with everyone in her group fitness classes. Is adored by all the older ladies who work out there and knows them all on a first-name basis, and they bond over gardening. Always has her yoga mat and shows up in paler colors and can fearlessly rock a white 'fit, often with a light wrap sweater or cardigan over her workout clothes. She somehow still always looks put-together and perfect after a workout, a low ponytail with curls/waves still intact and hint of color on her cheeks that makes it look more like she's blushing and less like she's just worked out for an hour. Don't underestimate her, though: she can hold her own in any group fitness class and loves the way they leave her feeling.
Nesta: Don't Talk to Me™. Grandmaster of the RBF, who pulls her hair back tightly in a neat, low bun or severe braid so that no strands stray from their place. She will glare at anyone who tries to speak to her/distract her and will usually completely ignore anyone who makes that attempt without even taking off her headphones. Also looks crazy hot despite it all and opts for sleek, plainer, dark outfits (usually matching sets) in cuts that show off her lean, strong form. Only shows up when she feels like it but somehow doesn't lose strength or stamina.
Amren: The Small But Mighty™, who like Nesta falls a little more into the RBF category but also gains a lot of attention by the absolutely stupid amount of weight she moves for her small stature. She's also the one you never quite know what you'll see doing: she might be deadlifting the weight of two Cassians, or she might be pulling some calisthenics in the corner. Nobody knows much about her. Nobody asks. Has been witnessed talking to Nesta; so far the only time the regulars have seen the former smile.
Mor: Bold Gear Girl. She has no fear when it comes to her wardrobe and will wear anything from unforgiving red leggings, to a bodysuit, to a one-strap sports bra. She knows she looks good and isn't afraid to flaunt what she's got, but she also gets in her zone and can keep up with the best of them in just about any type of exercise. She likes taking classes with others and absolutely kills it in Zumba, but she'll just as easily kill it in kickboxing. Also much stronger than her feminine, curvy frame gives away. When that belt goes on (and it's definitely pink), it's game time.
Rhys: Despite being called "out of shape" by Cassian and Azriel, Rhys is anything but. Like Feyre, he tends to not stand out too much aside from his looks and presence, but definitely still gets noticed for his beauty and sensuality by all the women (and a few men). Definitely dressed head-to-toe in name brand gear that fits his body beautifully to the point of being sinful. The Pretty One™ that's caused at least one gym girlie to walk into a wall or trip over something while trying to watch him. Often shows up with Feyre even though they separate to do their own thing. Has big Married Man and Loyal energy. Wears his wedding ring through every single workout. Silently judges really bad gym 'fits with Feyre. The old ladies who work out there are convinced he's the guy from their sexy billionaire romance novels and they absolutely talk fantasies about him over lunch afterwards.
Cassian: The Fit Pro™. The Trainer, unofficial or otherwise who has the training and education to know exactly how to train his body and others' to maximize both efficiency and benefits. This man is Strong™. He's also built a social media following and has accidentally become something like an influencer because of his funny, easygoing personality and wicked smile. May or may not be hypped up on pre-workout. He will program the perfect workout to meet his friends' goals but is also excellent at improvising. Always willing to train his friends. Unironically and completely intentionally wearing The Sweatpants™. The only man brave enough to ask Nesta how many reps she has left or crazy enough to do so while grinning. Will not do yoga or Zumba. Is convinced both would cause him irreparable injury. Surprisingly agile and quick with rock climbing despite his size. Cannot be left unsupervised for too long. Is universally loved by all of the old ladies and hugs them. The old men really like him too and like to share "back in my day" stories when they used to lift a lot more weight, too. Got kicked out of Planet Fitness.
Azriel: The Strong and Silent Walking Sin™, who always has his headphones on, is always wearing all black, and considers muscle-up ring dips a normal part of his warm-up. This man shows up in layers of black gym gear and is peak V-shape aesthetic, with the kind of shoulder-waist ratio that makes other guys simultaneously jealous and question their sexuality. Nobody knows much of anything about him, but he never misses a workout and he's too many people's gym crush. When that hoodie/pump cover comes off, it's all over. Hits the mat with MMA guys or Cassian on occasion and forces a submission with the former fast. He always knows more about you than you know about him and has probably somehow overheard every conversation you never wanted him to.
Lucien: Simultaneously the Endurance Guy™ and the Social Butterfly™ with a well-rounded, smart training plan. Sure, he's not as big as Cassian or as intense as Azriel, but he's also no slouch when it comes to strength training and is regularly underestimated in it despite his strong, fit body. King of bodyweight exercises with crazy stamina. He's the guy who will overlap you ten times over on the track without breaking a sweat while you're dying. He isn't as quickly noticed when he walks in, but the ones who notice him do so thoroughly. Aesthetics are his middle name. Will kick your ass in a Spartan--only Azriel and Cassian can really compete with him there. Lucien's top of the line in terms of speed and overall agility. Knows everybody's business, but keeps it to himself. Will tease you a little, but will also help you out if you have a question. Likes to wrap things up by lounging by the pool during the warm seasons. Seems like he's spent a lot of time outdoors. Can also handle the rock wall and bouldering like a pro. The old ladies absolutely adore him and keep trying to set him up with their granddaughters.
Tamlin: Pretty, But Distant. Tamlin keeps to himself and focuses mostly on strength training through weightlifting. He's strong as hell but isn't necessarily pushing himself too hard for a new PR. Never asks for a spotter and takes a few seconds too many switching through songs on his playlist. He does genuinely look good, but currently isn't putting off the vibe of someone you could get close to. Not quite getting those revenge reps from his messy breakup in yet, but he's getting there. Raises an eyebrow and stares at grunters with a look of mild annoyance, then ends up moving far more weight with ease and in silence. Unclear if this is out of pettiness or not (but it's low-key funny af).
Ianthe: The Influencer™ with a full face of makeup, a one-strapped sports bra, and the up-the-ass bike shorts trying to get the perfect selfie. Is sitting on the equipment far too long and is starting to annoy people. Spends more time finding the perfect lighting, walking around the gym trying to pick up men, and somehow always being at the front of the weight room doing hip thrusts or bent-over rows with 2 lb. dumbbells. Makes eye contact on the hip abductor.
Jurian: Slightly loud and a little competitive, but also can usually back up his talk and what he's able to accomplish. This guy occasionally disappears at random, but is overall consistent and somehow knows everybody's business (and will bring it up). Probably the one grunting at the same amount of weight Amren's deadlifting.
Tarquin: The Fish™. This man is in the pool at 5:00 a.m. every day and swims a number of laps so smoothly and quickly that Ryan Lochte is nearly able to construct a coherent sentence. When he's not in the pool, he's quietly drifting around the weight room and resistance machines. King of the lat pull-downs. He's pretty sensible overall and doesn't stand out too much outside of the pool even though he looks amazing. Also a popular choice among the old lady crowd. Had to kick Cassian out of Planet Fitness.
Varian: Amren's shadow and designated spotter even though she doesn't need one. Nobody's entirely sure what he does. He kind of just hangs out.
Helion: Gym Daddy™. Helion brings as much knowledge to the floor as he brings swagger. It's hard not to notice him and he's strong af, but somehow makes everything he does look easy and like he's not even trying. Has definitely messed with Cassian at one point or another by "easily" moving a close-to-max weight while carrying on a conversation. Somehow makes everything look slightly sexual even if unintentionally. Keeps thorough records of his training sessions and almost always has a small notebook or notepad with him to do so.
Thesan: The Machines Guy. Thesan likes a workout where he can focus and get into his own zone, and he likes to do so a bit more quietly and on his own time. He's not competitive. He's just here for his health, but is polite if approached. He's fit but isn't the heavy lifter or endurance guy that some of the others are. Pretty generally well-liked; isn't sure how to answer the sweet old ladies' comments about them "having a granddaughter!" for him but is polite about it anyway.
Sorry, I don't know Eris, Emerie, Vassa, etc. enough yet to include them, so feel free to add on!
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"No, it's fine. We do allow men to join here. We just don't get many recently. Guess a lot of guys are intimidated by women who can kick their asses."
"We do boxing, kickboxing, grappling and submission, MMA, whatever you like. Um... you seem very nervous. Are you wanting to do this for self defense?"
"Oh, a group of girls who pick on you at school? Um.... if you don't mind me asking, what kind of things to they do to you...?"
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"Bathroom blocking... oh, no! I'm so sorry. Yes, I'm familiar with the idea. I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I used to do that to boys at my school. We thought it was all harmless fun back then, finding a boy we thought was cute, and stopping him from being able to pee before classes."
"If it helps, that probably means these girls actually like you. It's just their way of getting your attention. Maybe you can get them to join here too, help focus their energy into something more productive?"
"Oh... Shit! Did you just leak a little bit at the thought of that? Um... OK... maybe that's not such a great idea, just yet. Um... let me get you a spare pair of pants, and we can get started,"
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"Now, it's important to stay hydrated, this is very physically demanding. So please make sure you have enough to drink. Plus, given your problem, it's probably a good idea to give your bladder a bit of a workout, while we're building up the rest of your muscles."
"Don't worry if you can't hold it all through the session. We all have to start somewhere. I don't care if you can last 12 rounds, or if you pee your pants in the first. As long as you're giving it your all, you're welcome at my gym."
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uppercut-athletics · 9 months
Muay Thai combos
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theladyofshalott1989 · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Firstly, thank you @il0vemazzystarr for my first-ever question in my Askbox. :) 1. Hogwarts: Legacy (obviously...LMAO). My husband (not me) bought the game last February because I was very vocally adamant that I wouldn't like it. Turns out he knows me better than I know myself. <3 2. Writing. The first "book" I ever wrote was in kindergarten. It was about a horse named Rose who wanted to learn how to ride a bike. The plot was *chef's kiss*. The illustrations... well, not so much. (I have been writing ever since.) 3. Coffee. It's my lifeblood. I nearly always have a cup beside me.
4. Workout classes, particularly yoga, kickboxing, and dance. I have never been very good at motivating myself to work out on my own, but if I can find a decent class somewhere that's well-attended, I will be there religiously every week. I love to exercise with other people! Fun fact: I once took a Fencing class. I was absolutely atrocious at it, but would still recommend it.
5. Reading. Before I had my child, I typically read anywhere from 75 - 90 books a year. My favorite genres are fantasy, m/m romance, and science fiction. My favorite book last year was Less by Andrew Sean Greer (The MC, Arthur, is my spirit animal).
Tagging the last 8 people who have liked or reblogged something on my page here (no pressure to answer though!): @honeybadgerdontcare394 @heyitszev @juneymont @a-usernamelol @kylowrehn @cherry-lys @breannabanana8 @the-chaotic-scilla-aster
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froottalks · 10 months
Sparks in the Ring - Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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[summary: reader decides to learn kickboxing and natasha is her instructor. need i say more?]
{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3}
The gym buzzed with the rhythmic thud of punching bags and the sound of determined grunts. Natasha Romanoff, known to most as the legendary Black Widow, stood in the center of the training area, her sharp eyes surveying the room. She was more than an Avenger; she was a skilled combatant, a master of espionage, and now, a kickboxing instructor.
(Y/n) (L/N) had entered the gym that day with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The decision to take up kickboxing had been a spontaneous one, driven by a desire to challenge herself and perhaps find a new way to channel her energy. With every step she took closer to the training area, her heart pounded with a blend of anticipation and determination.
"Hey, are you here for the kickboxing class?" a friendly voice called out, snapping (Y/n) out of her thoughts. She turned to find a woman with fiery red hair and a warm smile standing beside her.
"Yeah, that's right," (Y/n) replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
The woman's smile widened. "You're in for a great workout. I'm Natasha, your instructor."
Natasha's presence was magnetic, her aura radiating confidence and strength. (Y/n) found herself drawn to her instructor's energy, an unspoken understanding passing between them.
The class commenced, and Natasha led the group through a series of warm-up exercises. (Y/n) struggled to keep up at first, but she was determined to give it her all. As they moved on to practicing kicks and punches, (Y/n)'s body began to respond to the rhythm of the workout, her determination igniting a newfound energy.
After the class ended, (Y/n) stayed behind to catch her breath. As she wiped the sweat off her forehead, she noticed Natasha approaching her.
"Great job for your first class," Natasha said with a smile. "You caught on quickly."
(Y/n) grinned, a sense of accomplishment warming her. "Thanks. It was challenging, but I really enjoyed it."
"Kickboxing isn't just about strength; it's about control and technique," Natasha explained. "With practice, you'll get better."
As weeks turned into months, (Y/n)'s dedication paid off. She became a regular at the gym, honing her skills and pushing her limits. Natasha was there every step of the way, guiding her through the process and offering encouragement.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/n) found herself alone in the gym with Natasha. They had developed a comfortable rapport, often sharing light banter and laughter during training.
"Ready to spar?" Natasha asked, a glint of challenge in her eyes.
(Y/n)'s heart raced at the prospect. She had sparred with classmates before, but this was different. This was Natasha Romanoff, a woman who had faced down the most dangerous adversaries and emerged victorious.
"Sure, why not?" (Y/n) replied, her voice confident.
As they stepped into the sparring area, (Y/n) couldn't ignore the flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness. The adrenaline surged through her veins, heightening her senses.
The spar began, and (Y/n) focused on her training, relying on her instincts and the techniques Natasha had taught her. Their movements were a dance of precision and strategy, each strike and dodge a testament to their training.
To (Y/n)'s surprise, she found herself holding her own against Natasha. It was as if all the hours of training had culminated in this moment. They exchanged punches and kicks, the intensity of the match escalating with every passing second.
Natasha's skill was undeniable, her movements fluid and controlled. (Y/n) pushed herself to match her instructor's pace, her determination shining through.
As the spar reached its peak, Natasha's eyes locked onto (Y/n)'s, a playful grin tugging at her lips. Their gazes held a magnetic pull, an unspoken challenge and a shared understanding.
In a swift movement, Natasha deflected (Y/n)'s strike and spun, using her momentum to disarm her opponent. (Y/n) found herself on the mat, pinned beneath Natasha's weight.
Their breaths mingled in the air, the tension between them palpable. Natasha's gaze was intense, a fire that mirrored the sparks in (Y/n)'s chest.
"You're a quick learner," Natasha said, her voice husky. "I'm impressed."
(Y/n)'s heart raced, her cheeks flushing as their close proximity sent shivers down her spine. "Thanks, Nat."
Natasha's eyes held a hint of mischief, her fingers trailing a path along (Y/n)'s arm. "You know, I think you've earned a reward for your hard work."
(Y/n)'s breath caught as Natasha's face drew closer, their lips almost brushing. The gym around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in their own world.
"Would you like to grab a coffee with me after this?" Natasha whispered, her lips ghosting over (Y/n)'s ear.
A thrill coursed through (Y/n)'s veins, her heart pounding in her chest. She met Natasha's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and desire.
"Absolutely," (Y/n) replied, her voice filled with confidence she didn't know she possessed.
With a playful smirk, Natasha released (Y/n) from the pin, allowing her to sit up. As they both stood, their eyes locked once more—a promise of what was to come.
{Part 2}
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healthy444 · 25 days
What are the most effective exercises for weight loss?
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When it comes to losing weight, the key is to find exercises that you enjoy and can stick with consistently. Here are some of the most effective exercises for weight loss:
Walking: It's simple, free, and accessible. A brisk walk can burn calories, improve your mood, and be easy on your joints.
Running or Jogging: These are great for burning a lot of calories in a short time. If you're just starting out, you can alternate between jogging and walking.
Cycling: Whether on a stationary bike or riding outside, cycling is excellent for weight loss and also builds leg strength.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): These short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods are incredibly effective for burning calories and boosting metabolism.
Swimming: This full-body workout is gentle on the joints and great for building endurance and muscle while burning calories.
Strength Training: Lifting weights or doing body-weight exercises (like push-ups and squats) helps build muscle, which can increase your resting metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you're not working out.
Group Fitness Classes: Activities like Zumba, kickboxing, or spin classes can be fun and motivating, making it easier to stay consistent.
Yoga and Pilates: While these might not burn as many calories as some high-intensity workouts, they help with flexibility, muscle tone, and stress reduction, all of which support weight loss.
Rowing: This is a fantastic full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and burns a significant number of calories. Plus, it’s low-impact.
Jumping Rope: It’s not just for kids! Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
Dance Workouts: From hip-hop to ballroom, dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and burn calories without it feeling like a chore.
Hiking: If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking is a great way to combine cardio with strength training (especially if you’re tackling hills).
Stair Climbing: Whether you use a stair machine at the gym or take the stairs whenever possible, this exercise targets your legs and glutes and can really get your heart pumping.
Kickboxing: This high-energy workout helps you burn calories while improving your coordination and building muscle.
Elliptical Trainer: This machine provides a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
Additional Tips for Maximizing Weight Loss with Exercise:
Consistency is Key: Regular exercise is more important than occasional intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, combined with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
Mix it Up: Variety can prevent boredom and target different muscle groups. Combine cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises for a well-rounded routine.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before, during, and after workouts helps maintain your energy levels and improves performance.
Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your workouts and progress. This can help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Your muscles need time to recover, which helps prevent injuries and improve performance over time.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. It's important to push yourself, but not to the point of injury or burnout.
By incorporating a variety of these exercises and tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to lose weight and improve your overall fitness. Remember, the journey to weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, so find what works best for you and stick with it!
Remember, the best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy and can do regularly. Combining different types of workouts can also keep things interesting and work different parts of your body. And don't forget to pair your exercise routine with a healthy diet for the best results!
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konigstigerr · 4 months
I wish to have a satisfyingly sized ass of acceptable firmness, what workout do you suggest? No homo though.
short answer, squats, lunges, deadlifts, hip thrusts.
correct answer, while those exercises are fine to activate the glutes, the sad reality is most of us spend too much time sitting. as you sit you compresses the lumbar spine and tighten the hip flexors which ends up causing anterior pelvic tilt.
this leads into you not being able to engage the glutes as much as you'd think, often compensating with the hamstrings in the squat or the back on deadlifts and hip thrusts. you can stick to the big four and see results, but they'll be slow.
if you suffer from this (and you probably do) you absolutely need to add hip extension and hip abduction exercises on top of stretching out the flexors and the back. for hip extension you can do kickbacks and for abductions you can do clamshells.
as for stretching, do lizard pose and downward facing dog, try to hold them for 30 seconds at a time, and do as many reps as you feel comfortable. tbh, not only is it a bit of a pain to stretch for a specific muscle, it can be hard to tell if your form is correct on dfd, it pays to join a yoga class, you'll also end up stretching the rest too. avoid the classes with instagram baddies, the good teachers are the ones that have moms and grandmas as students.
a surprising recent discovery i made is that kickboxing will force you out of the anterior pelvic tilt because if you don't you'll fall on your ass when you kick forward.
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inkedstarlight · 1 year
Bittersweet: Chapter Sixteen
Summary: The Inner Circle visits Rita's Bar when Nesta is working. Worlds collide. Read it here on AO3!  Bittersweet Masterlist
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Left, right, right, left.
Cool sweat perspired from every pore, her labored breathing drowning out every other noise in the gymnasium.
Jab. Feign. Jab. Lead kick.
She’d been here for almost two hours, but her motions were still sloppy, robotic. She was doing something wrong. Frustration powered her movements.
Lead kick. Jab. Jab. Uppercut.
The burning muscles in Nesta’s body screamed at her to stop. They had been for the past half-hour. It was the longest workout she’d done since she’d begun practicing on a regular basis last week, and her bones rattled with every exertion.  
Giving the punching bag one last resounding hit, Nesta stumbled back to rip off the grimy, moist gloves the gym lent out and grabbed her water bottle, all the while gasping for air. Taking inventory of the room, she noticed there were only six other people working out. It was nearing eleven at night; Illyria closed in an hour.
After a little research on Illyria’s website, Nesta gleaned that Cassian worked late hours only on Mondays and Wednesdays. During the rest of the week, his latest class ended at 7pm, making the evening hours perfect for Nesta to get a workout in without running into him. After the class she and Emerie had gone to, she’d decided that she wanted to continue kickboxing, but the last thing she wanted was to see Cassian upwards of three times a week. Illyria was the nearest gym to her apartment, and their prices weren’t completely outrageous like most in the area. Colorado was fucking expensive.
And so, she’d been going to Illyria four days a week to no one’s knowledge, not even Emerie. The few times her friend had asked her if she wanted to attend another self-defense class, Nesta was quick to come up with excuses. If Emerie knew Nesta was practicing on her own – was going out of her way to avoid Cassian – she would give her so much shit.
But for once in her life, it felt like Nesta finally had something that was hers. A couple hours a week where she enjoyed something other than reading a trashy romance novel in bed or making fun of customers with Emerie and Helion, the latter of whom had won that ridiculous tip competition. Nesta ended up in dead last, to no one’s surprise. Now, every night, an unhealthy mix of Lady Gaga, the Dixie Chicks, and Harry Styles played on the overhead speakers at Rita’s. Emerie was still sore about the loss.
Kickboxing brought her peace of mind. With all her thoughts focused solely on the heavy punching bag in front of her, there was no space for darkness or anger or loneliness. Just her body moving to a rhythm only her ears could hear.
Yanking out her earbuds, she began winding down when she spotted Gwyn stretching on the mats just several feet away.
After their one (and only) kickboxing class with Cassian, Emerie and Nesta had grabbed coffee with Gwyn the following Thursday. Once they got over the initial awkwardness of getting to know each other, the three ended up chatting until the worker had to kick them out at closing time. Their conversations were lighthearted and fun, but Nesta couldn’t help but notice the lurking darkness in Gwyn’s striking eyes when she thought no one was looking. It reminded Nesta of herself, of Emerie.
They’d only gotten together only once after the fact to grab lunch, though the group chat Gwyn had created was always dinging with new messages. Funnily enough, Gwyn shared Emerie and Nesta’s dry sarcasm and by the end of the meal, they all wore happy smiles.
“Gwyn!” Nesta uncharacteristically called out to her new friend.
The redheaded beauty looked over her shoulder to where Nesta was now approaching, pleasant surprise etched on her face. Guilt stabbed at Nesta’s chest. I need to make more of an effort.
“Nesta, hi!” Gwyn got to her feet with a smile. She noticed the punching bags Nesta had just come from. “Are you kickboxing?”
“I’ve been practicing a bit,” Nesta admitted.
Gwyn pursed her lips in thought. “I haven’t seen you at Cassian’s classes.”
Nesta, unable to come up with any sort of response, let out an awkward laugh. Gwyn raised a brow, but she didn’t prod further, thank the Gods.
“I’ve actually been meaning to text you guys,” Gwyn said hesitantly, worrying her bottom lip. “I was thinking one of these nights we could make drinks and watch a movie or something at my place? Only if you want to,” she added quickly.
Nesta’s body went rigid. She wasn’t the type of person to do “girls’ night,” and she would wager that Emerie felt the same. Neither of them was good at the whole let’s-drink-margaritas-and-gab-for-hours kind of situations. Nesta hadn’t ever experienced something like that, and it felt silly to do so at her age. Women like Gwyn weren’t friends with people like Nesta, the former far too sweet to be corrupted by Nesta’s ugly past. And sure, Emerie knew about Tomas, but Nesta kept the rest locked away. The thought of getting even closer with these women… it was terrifying.
At the same time, something inside her lit up at Gwyn’s words. A part of her wanted to get drunk off tequila and talk about stupid shit and ogle over hot actors in a movie. She’d never yearned for a friendship quite like that but after meeting both Gwyn and Emerie, it felt like a real possibility.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Nesta found herself saying.
*                      *                      *
“For the love of God, Helion, save all of our ears and turn this shit off,” Emerie groaned in exasperation, the Dixie Chick’s “Cowboy Take Me Away” playing for the fifth time that evening.
“Oh, come on, Em,” Helion stretched his arms out and gestured to the other side of the bar, “they love it!”
Indeed, the patrons more than happy for a reprise as they howled the chorus that’d been stuck in Nesta’s head since she clocked in. Gods-damn that stupid competition.
Emerie groaned, dropping her elbows to the bar top, and burying her head in her arms. “How much longer must we endure this torture?”
Helion checked his bare wrist. “Only two weeks until the competition starts back up.”
Emerie lifted her head if only to point a finger at Nesta. “You better step up your game when those two weeks roll around. Gods know Thesan is too shy and Viviane is too busy eye-fucking a certain firefighter to pay attention to her surroundings.”
“Hey!” Dishes clattered in the sink as Viviane’s voice called out from the kitchen where she was doing dishes. Emerie shot Nesta a toothy grin at the sound of short-strided footsteps that got louder and louder until Viviane was standing before them, arms crossed over her chest, her platinum hair tied in a messy knot.
“Kallias and I are just friends,” she huffed, her chin raising high. Emerie, Nesta, and Helion all gave her flat looks.
“Of course,” Emerie purred. “Thank you so much for coming all the way over here to let us know –”
Emerie’s words were cut off by a wet towel being thrown at her head. She ducked just in time, the towel landing on the floor behind her with a splat.  
Viviane crossed her arms, eyes triumphant. “And I pay attention to my surroundings just fine, thank you very much.”
With a swivel of her heel, she disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Can you believe her?” Helion whisper-shouted, ever the gossip. He playfully tugged on the bottom of Nesta’s ponytail. “She’s totally in love with him.”
Emerie nodded her agreement emphatically. “No shit, Sherlock.”
Helion opened his mouth to say more when a voice cut him off.
“Nesta!” Elain’s all-too-familiar voice called from behind. Nesta looked up from the negroni she was making only to wish she could disappear.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Standing near a vacant table stood an excited Elain, the rest of Feyre’s little circle surrounding her. Feyre gave a small wave, Rhysand lifting his violet eyes to look at her before pulling out a seat for the former to sit. Azriel was holding Elain’s hand, tugging her toward the booth seats. Amren wiggled her fingers playfully, her dark hair swishing lavishly on the top of her bare shoulders.
When Nesta’s eyes finally met Cassian’s, and he was staring intensely at her before sliding his gaze behind her shoulder where Helion stood closely behind her. When he returned his attention to her, she swore his eyes had darkened. She clenched her fist behind the bar.
“Who is that guy?” Helion asked, promptly Nesta to turn around. He subtly nodded his chin at Cassian.
“That would be my youngest sister’s friend.”
“Well, I think he wants to kill me.”
“It’s likely,” Emerie chimed in. “He has the hots for Nesta.”
“Emerie!” Nesta hissed. She spared a glance over her shoulder to make sure no one heard. Cassian was talking with Elain and Azriel. She blew out a sigh.
“Oh-ho, is that right?” Helion straightened with renewed interest, mischief coating his every word.
“No, it is not right. Emerie is delusional.” Nesta shot her friend a look that said, I’m going to cut you.
“Whatever you say, princess,” Helion cooed, brushing her hip with his fingertips, his hand lingering just a couple seconds too long as he walked past her.
Ever since Nesta thanked Helion for his help and discretion after Tomas paid her a visit at Rita’s, they’d fallen into a comfortable friendship. Strangely enough, Helion was one of the few people Nesta allowed to touch her. He was a physically affectionate person by nature, and Nesta had allowed him to hug her on more than one occasion. It helped that they mutually knew their friendship was strictly platonic.
Glancing at the table again, Nesta noticed that Cassian’s eyes burned a hole into the exact spot Helion touched her.
“Look how jealous he is,” Helion chuckled next to Nesta as she slid the negroni across the bar to a customer. He leaned closer to her ear as he whispered, “What do you say we have a little fun? I bet he looks hot when he rages.”
Both Nesta and Emerie spoke at the same time.
“Don’t you dare –”
“Oh my gods, do it –”
Helion doubled over in a fit of laughter, Emerie howling along with him.
“Would you two grow the fuck up?” she seethed, resulting in another round of laughter from her coworkers.
She turned away from their idiotic tactics to see Amren approach the bar, heels clicking loudly on the linoleum floor. A perpetual smirk played on her darkly lined lips.
“I was going to give you a heads up,” Amren gestured to the table behind her with a grimace, “but your endearing sister insisted it be a surprise.”
She was no doubt referring to Elain. Nesta heaved out a sigh. “It’s fine. I’m just surprised… everyone came.”
Amren shrugged. “We were all feeling restless and sober. Cassian mentioned we hadn’t been to Rita’s in a long time – we used to come here almost every weekend – and Elain was instantly sold on the idea.”
There was no way in hell that Cassian didn’t know Nesta worked there. Whenever they saw each other, he usually asked how work was going. She contemplated that for a moment, cold annoyance warring against warm pleasure. Gods, she was being ridiculous.
“Who’s this?”
Nesta looked up to see Emerie pointing at Amren. The woman had no manners.
Nesta sighed and gave a lazy introduction. “Emerie, this is Amren. Amren, this is Emerie. You both like emo music and making my life a living hell.”
The twin grins the women gave each other was enough to send a shiver down Nesta’s spine. Nesta went back to the drink she was pouring as they talked for a couple minutes before Amren excused herself back to the table.
“Aren’t you going to order drinks?” Nesta called after her.
Amren turned with a mischievous grin. “I was actually hoping you’d come to us. How do you expect me to order for six people?” Her grin turned into a fake pout that Nesta wanted to rip off. She knew what Amren was doing.
A couple of customers had walked in and sat at the bar while Nesta was talking with Amren, so she took care of them before going out on the floor. She and Helion tag-teamed it – Emerie had gone on her break – all the while the latter stood close and touched her the entire time. She knew she should put a stop to it; it was ridiculous to play games like this. But she secretly liked the idea of Cassian paying attention to her, getting jealous of another man.
When the rush died down and Helion could handle the bar on his own, Nesta crossed the floor and approached the table where everyone sat, nerves hurting her stomach.
“Hey, what’s up?” Everyone looked up as she greeted them. They all smiled back at her, some more than others.
“We thought we’d visit you at work!” Elain exclaimed with the clap of her hands. She looked Nesta up and down. “I’ve never realized how good you look in that uniform; you’re always rushing out the door. I bet you get hit on a lot.”
Nesta flashed her sister an uncomfortable smile as everyone watched. “Heh, something like that.”
“Who’s that guy at the bar, your coworker? He’s cute,” Feyre cut in. Gods, what was with these people and their obsession with her love life? They had a single-track mind.
Nesta couldn’t help noticing however, the way that Cassian visibly tensed in response to both Elain and Feyre’s comments. She would never admit it, but a part of her reveled in his reaction.
“Yeah, that’s Helion. We’re just friends.”
“I didn’t realize friends touch each other like that.” Cassian’s voice was like gravel as everyone turned to look at him with surprise.
“What’s it to you?” Nesta glared down at him.
He met her stare with more bravery than most men who were unlucky enough to witness her wrath.
“Um, do you think you can make me a strawberry mojito?” Elain’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. Nesta turned to look at her sister whose eyes were darting between Nesta and Cassian.
Nesta plastered a smile on her face. “Of course, Elain. Anyone else?”
“Jack and coke,” Cassian rumbled. Clearing his throat, he added, “please.”
Nesta struggled to focus as everyone gave her their drink order. She felt Cassian’s eyes on her the entire time, but she refused to acknowledge his attention.
*                      *                      *
The rest of the night flew by in a blurred episode of making drinks and entertaining customers. Nesta’s feet were aching from all the running around, and her cheeks hurt from fake smiling. On the bright side, Helion had taken pity on Nesta and Emerie, and he switched up the music to a hypnotic R&B mix. He then convinced them to take a shot, which then turned into two and then three. More than once, Nesta caught herself swaying her hips to the beat.
Meanwhile, Elain and the rest of the crew comfortably remained at their table, ordering more rounds of drinks every so often. They’d been there for almost three hours, and it was clear they were all quite tipsy. It was Elain’s cheeks that gave her away; her face grew flushed when she consumed alcohol due to a mild allergic reaction. And right now, those smooth cheeks glowed red under the dim lighting of the bar. Feyre also had an easy tell; she broke out in uncharacteristic giggles when she drank.
Nearly every time Nesta glanced in their direction, Cassian was already watching her. He’d steadily been drinking jack and cokes. Nesta would guess he’d had about four so far, but he remained composed. Except for his eyes. They simmered with enigmatic interest.
It was nearly one in the morning; Rita’s closed at two. Helion’s shift ended at midnight, so it was just Emerie and Nesta tending the bar. The former was clearing a couple empty tables when Cassian gracefully slipped into the barstool directly in front of Nesta. She looked up from the glass she was drying to meet his intense gaze, a strange sense of déjà vu hitting her in the middle of her chest. His dark eyes were blurry and hooded with alcohol. It was a good look for him. Gods, she forgot how much room he took up.
“Jack and coke?”
Unblinking, Cassian swallowed roughly and nodded at her.
Nesta turned her back to him to grab the handle of Jack Daniels, using the moment of reprieve to exhale the air she was holding in. Stop freaking out. It’s just Cassian. Willing herself to recompose, Nesta managed to face Cassian once again, easily finishing his drink and sliding it across the granite counter between them.
“Having fun?” She gestured to his friends, all of whom hadn’t seemed to notice Cassian had even left the table.
Cassian brought the glass to his full lips, taking two large swallows which amounted to just a little less than half the drink. Nesta watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he gulped, the columns of his neck tanned and thick.
Tanned and thick? Gods, I blame those fucking shots Helion shoved into my hands.
Cassian shrugged in response to Nesta’s poor attempt at making conversation. “I love my family, but sometimes big groups like that are… I don’t know.”
“Draining?” Nesta suggested.
“Precisely,” Cassian agreed. He rested his arms on the bar and leaned forward. “More importantly, are you having fun?”
“Living the dream.”
That got a smile out of him. The knot in Nesta’s stomach unraveled slightly.
“Can I at least buy you a drink?”
“You going to make it yourself?”
Cassian didn’t miss a beat. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”
“Anything?” Nesta put her arms on the bar, leaning her hip on the bar so she was eye-level with Cassian. She knew the angle pushed her tits together, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. In fact, she found herself wanting to. “That’s tempting.”
“Tempting,” Cassian murmured the word, his eyes unabashedly running down her neck, not quite dipping below the dangerously low neckline of her shirt. He met her gaze once again, and that’s when Nesta realized how close their faces were from each other.
“You know I work here,” Nesta whispered loud enough for only him to hear before she could even think about what she was saying.
A gulp. “You know I work at Rita’s, and you were the one to suggest coming here tonight.”
Cassian’s full lips tilted into a smirk. “Ask me what you really want to know, Nesta.”
Nesta couldn’t bring herself to ask him. Her throat burned with the desire to let the words out.
“Maybe I’m not as transparent as I thought.” Cassian shook his head with a chuckle after several beats of silence.
He pulled away from her and stood, throwing down a fifty dollar bill, but not before reaching between them and brushing a strand of hair behind Nesta’s ear. He looked down at her with an intense look. “Good night, sweetheart.”
Nesta was still leaning into the ghost of Cassian’s touch long after he’d left.
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trivalentlinks · 1 year
started doing mma (mixed martial arts, aka that thing from the tap out job) again after a multi-year hiatus and wow
i'd forgotten how much i loved this, or maybe i just like it more than i used to--
this is certainly true for kickboxing (kickboxing and bjj (grappling) are the main components of mma); i remember last time i didn't like kickboxing and only went when i wanted a workout and the bjj classes didn't fit my schedule
but this time i think i actually like kickboxing just as much as bjj, if not more--there's something about punching/kicking/elbowing a heavy bag as hard as you can repeatedly that's so cathartic actually
(i think the problem was my previous gym put so much emphasis on partner drills where you can't use full force; this gym does partner drills, too, but only for like 20% of class; most of class is bag-work, and after a frustrating day at work that feels so good)
and as for bjj... i think i am realizing that i've been touch starved. not in general (so lucky to have a partner of similar tactileness) but for a very specific kind of touch that looks something like this
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you know. competitive hugging as a woman at my gym calls it
(unrelatedly, she's super cool: a larger woman (i could barely wrap my arms around her midsection), but she knows how to use it, and also she is fast and very strong and has amazing balance, certainly not one to be underestimated. also she got into bjj because her daughter was doing mma, and she wanted to see what it was all about, but now she's much more into it than her daughter, and just.
heart-eyes. what a mom. everyone else i know who's done mma has told me that their mom's reaction was more along the lines of 'ew. why are you doing this. how uncivilized')
though also
i'd forgotten about the injuries >:(
kickboxing bruises up and down my shins and the tops of my feet (from kicking the bag) and also on the sides of my thighs (from being kicked in partner drills),
did something to my shoulder a couple weeks ago landing wrong from a throw (my last gym didn't really do take-downs, so i'm not great at landing safe),
and now i have a sprained wrist from being rolled over it wrong in bjj a few days ago
but honestly all i can think about is how many days before i can go back to mma (doctor says 1-2 weeks, but by then i'm going to be at a conference, so it's more like 3.5 weeks (T_T))
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