#kept it under wraps to not b annoying
demonstars · 1 year
ultimate fic recs by nunki demonstars
no order of preference, just my all time fave dnf/dteam fics!
tried to keep it to one fic per author but honestly i didn't really pay attention, i just posted from my bookmarks. for this reasons, all authors are credited and linked to ao3. there's cc and c!/manhunt au fics (more of the former, but the warning seems necesary). there's also both nsft and not on this list, which are marked.
the list grew without my intention, so without further ado, here's a chaotic and huge list of fic recs from 2020 to 2023, for your enjoyement.
Kiss me in the morning light by dangergranger & shadeofblue
Five times Dream kisses a man (that isn’t George) and one time he finally does it right.
mood ring baby by minecraftbed
A proposal, of sorts.
paper & crayons by snowdreamr
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Dream and George taking care of a child on Valentine’s day is a terrible, terrible idea.
all of you, a verb in perfect view by findinghomes
Despite being soulmates, they do nothing about it (well, okay, maybe not nothing).
tug me closer by effervescentwolf (expl.)
Dream likes getting his hair pulled. George just likes making him fall apart.
Protected by Anonymous
Dream is the Crown Prince and the future king. His sworn duty is to protect his kingdom from outside threats, especially from the scourge of magic. George is his best friend and, technically, his servant. And he has a secret.
stage left by anonymous
cc!dnf roleplay c!dnf
down my arms, a thousand satellites by crabnap
Dream gets sick and George, to his amazement, is actually very soft and caring about it. Surely nothing life-changing will come of this.
my heart (in your chest) by heartinhands
It's an early morning in LA and George just wants to be with Dream.
a little bit of you by sickah (expl.)
Dream is over waiting on George, especially when all George does is tease him and lead him on. So, he meets a hot girl at Twitchcon and she turns out to actually be really, really cool. George loses his fucking mind.
cherries by sappymix1
Everyone always said that Dream loved too much.
loving you is bigger than my head by tippysleeps (expl.)
"You only ever talked about, like, footballers.” “Yeah,” Dream says, like it’s obvious. “To you. What, was I supposed to talk about my attraction to you as it was developing?” George blinks. “You talked to people about your attraction to me?”
lavender haze by furculaed
“Lavender?” he asks, holding up the bottle. The afternoon air has this foggy feel to it, almost like nothing is real. But the heat of the sun is curling around George’s hair and his smile strikes deep into his heart right where he loves him so Dream thinks this has to be real. “It’s supposed to help you sleep.”
At the Intersection of Infinity by DeathSquiggles
dream is trapped in a time loop on his 23rd birthday and keeps repeating the day with no clear way out.
your hands were warm (though you came in from the cold) by didnt
George and Dream are roommates and somewhere down the line things got messed up.
got me looking so dumb right now by dreamsickle
About a month after George gets to Florida, Sapnap takes a spontaneous trip with Punz up to Karl's for a week. He gets home, and something's different.
at the mouth of desire by offday
Somehow, close was not close enough.
aurum scarce (and meant for kings) by wooowriter
George's first hurricane.
my pen and paper cause a chain reaction by dizzy
George has some issues with something Dream tweeted.
hit my heaven's door by preytall (expl.)
It'd be easy, then, to overlook. But Dream keeps playing with the chain.
ignore my heart and lie to the truth by mincraftbed (expl.)
“You wanna be like… friends with benefits?”
Misquote Me (Do It Once More) by MoniFoundLove
In which George drops hints about their future and Dream ignores them a few times (accidentally).
thy eternal summer shall not fade by greyquills
A month into their senior year of high school, Dream spends the entirety of period three AP Literature class finding new and creative ways to flirt with George. George is understandably flustered.
but i was always on my way to him by womanhunt
Dream and George spend their first night together after meeting.
A Quiet Life (A Handshake) by undermycoat
The strongest dam in Essempy will never break, no matter if it cracks or leaks. George is not the strongest dam.
For The Bit by biboyhalo (expl.)
5 times Dream and George get distracted during sex and the 1 time it actually matters.
be the one by riversofgold (expl.)
Agreeing to be friends with benefits with George is the worst decision of Dream's life.
love on film by havocrat
George arrives in Florida. It takes four days to film the meetup vlog, and only three for Dream to completely lose his mind.
the first day of the rest of our lives by wooowriter
George's first full day in Florida.
to burn with desire and keep quiet by falsettodrop (expl.)
Varying degrees of togetherness, in four parts.
until you're by my side by sweetuhcreature
A late night in Florida, a later night in London. George thinks there's something wrong with him.
suck a dick fallacy by literaphobe (expl.)
Dream has so much he wants to explore about his sexuality, but no one he trusts enough to do it with. Lucky for him, George is finally in Florida. Surely things will be easy enough to figure out between best friends like them. It ends up spiraling far beyond what either of them could anticipate.
get you the moon by snowdreamr (expl.)
It’s George’s birthday, and he finally allows himself to love.
You Are the Golden Dawn by hircinean (expl.)
dream falls in love with george all over again, several years later.
I'll Be Here When You Return by mssjynx (expl.)
Five times that George took care of Dream, plus the one time that Dream took care of George!
i think he knows by Anonymous
It’s a weekday in Florida, and Dream seems perfectly content to like fanarts in which he’s kissing GeorgeNotFound on the mouth. George, for all his worth, can’t help but do something about it.
button-downs and seashells by quartzfia
George is a daycare receptionist and literally falls on his face for a tall blonde who comes in early for pickup.
Deep sea, baby by orphan_account
You survey his skin as if it will erase a border.
late spring by towerofthegods
It's the hours between night and morning, and Dream wants to know more.
the elephant in the room by heyobsessions
the things dream learns about george after he moves to florida, and the things they learn together
sugar honey sweet by enonymous
Gift-giving as a love language, or: 5 times Dream bought George something, and 1 time George bought something for him.
Do Androids Dream of Poetry? by ABirdWithoutFeathers
> Happy birthday!! Who are you? > My name is George! it is so, so nice to finally meet you. What is a birthday? > It’s the anniversary of the day you come into existence, when you start being. Today is your very first day in the world. Oh. Well, what do I do now?
flirting on the timeline by cloudfarmer
Dream is a popular Minecraft Youtuber and George runs a stan account for him on Twitter. After George replies to one of Dream's tweets with a jokingly flirtatious proposal, it quickly turns into a lot more than George was expecting when Dream publicly accepts.
cinnamon and swirl
Dream decides to tell his friends about his daughter right before they move in.
Saying something stupid like, "I love you" by noquesadilla
misunderstandings, obliviousness, and food poisoning. Never a good combination, less when it's Valentine's Day.
i'm not just drunk, i really think i'm in love with you by nervouswaltz
Dream gets drunk at a party. He calls George.
give you my heart if you’d take it by copperfic
He knows he has no right to be upset, hates that he is, hates the burn of jealousy so strong he almost feels sick, but every time he imagines Dream, loose and tipsy and happy, kissing some stranger—multiple ones by the sound of it—he has to swallow the urge to scream or throw up or, god forbid, cry.
circle the drain by twostorms
George makes it to Florida. It’s more complicated than it should be.
where the sun sleeps by meridies
The crew are pirates with no mercy, George is a selkie, and there is more to Dream than meets the eye.
something that's real by lodestones
George used to dream of this—settling into a life together, meeting the family, building furniture in their house, for their room—of domesticity and easy comfort and happiness, like nothing he’s ever known.
two reflections into one by mieldoux (expl.)
It takes Dream some time, but when he comes to the realisation, it rewires the chemistry in his brain. He and George—they have the same thing, it seems. The thing for the stubble.
ilysfm (i love u so fucking much) by zephryus
Five times George swore like hell, and the one time Dream reciprocated.
Love Me Loud by DeathSquiggles (expl.)
George has a fresh Foodbeast’s Kitchen League Battle Royale victory under his belt and a spring in his step from the energy of the crowds. He expects Dream will want to shut himself away in his hotel room and decompress alone after what must have been one of the most overwhelming days of his life. Dream has other plans.
Comorbidity by sappymix1
It's summer, and the face thing is making both of them a little weird.
you got the peaches (i got the cream) by (it says orphan acc but i'm 95% sure it's preytall's old acc) (expl.)
A love letter to George's... assets.
bibingka by furculaed
Dream gets home from a night of drinking and decides to decorate the house.
it's a big refrain (after all) by tippysleeps
It takes mere weeks in the loving heat of Florida for him to look at Dream out of the corner of his eye, and think he could take on anything as long as it was with him.
One night (or forever) by winterlighting
George breaks his bed on his first night in Florida, then a sleeping arrangement that was meant to last until he got a new bed frame soon turned into a routine; full of domesticity and gestures that blur the platonic line.
revelations in distance and proximity by indigoh
2020 Dream and 2023 Dream unknowingly swap bodies for a day to heal past wounds. 2020 Dream has an opportunity to confront feelings he’s pushed down and repressed while 2020 George gets some of the reassurance he needs.
When The Sunlight Dies by bramble_patch & personalized_radio
It's been three months since the coup. Three months since Sapnap, a knight, and George, his prince, have been chased out of their home. Three months of being on the run, trying to find a safe way out of Kinoko without being caught by the president's mercenaries or an opportunistic bounty hunter.
just a test by honeyplease
“I asked,” Dream replies, sounding far too unbothered for the words that follow this, “When are we gonna kiss?”
Who Can Love You Like Me? by ivegivenuponyou (expl.)
“Can we go to our room?” His small hand reaches forward, curling around Dream’s neck and pulling them closer until their chests touch. There’s a glint in his eyes that Dream can recognize even in the dark. “We literally just got home, how are you already horny?” He can’t help but grin, throwing his arms over George’s shoulders.
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kemistre · 11 months
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εïз┊𝟏:𝟒𝟕 𝐀.𝐌. — feat. mammon
synopsis. he couldn't help but be concerned when he couldn't find you at 1:47AM
— content warnings. oh just mammon being completely head over heels for you and panicking just a lil bit, gn!reader, they/them pronouns — word count. 1, 478 
εïз┊author's note. hehe i know i haven't posted in a few days so here's this <3 i want to write over the weekend but i'm not sure how realistic that is <//3 also i don't play this game anymore but that doesn't mean i don't love all the demon brothers any differently 🤭
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a yawn fell from his lips as he made his way down the hall to your room. his older brother, lucifer, had kept him up studying for as long as he could. it was evident from the dark bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders drooped as he walked.
it wasn’t out of the ordinary for mammon to check up on you in your room if he wasn’t in there for the night. he’d been doing it every since you stopped sharing a room with beelzebub. it was just a part of his nightly routine at this point.
another yawn came from his lips as he raised his hand to his mouth, his eyes shutting for just a moment before opening up again as he stood in front of your door. a human living with demons, a demon falling for a human. that was something he never thought would happen to the likes of him.
he sighed, grabbing the door handle and twisting it slowly, hoping not to wake you up from the creaking of the hinges. the light from the hallway peaked into your room as he opened the door more. 
he rubbed his eye with his free hand as he stepped into the room to get a better look at your bed. every night you were always wrapped up in your covers with the cutest sleepy look on your face, it was something that always made him smile more than he’d like to admit.
so, when he didn’t see that precious expression of yours asleep in your bed, he panicked. his eyes widened as he swung the door open, even more light shining into your dark bedroom. he swore he looked in every corner, under everything, over everything, and you weren’t there.
he stood outside your room, looking back and forth before making a b-line to leviathan's room, his younger, anime obsessed, shut in of a brother. he banged on the door. “levi! LeVi y/n’s missing! they’re gone, they just vanished into thin air LEVI!” 
before he could bang on the door again, it opened, showing a very annoyed looking levi on the other side. “you made me drop ruri-chan, you scum.” 
“ruvi whoever doesn’t matter, y/n-”
“ruri-chan does matter.”
“oh screw this,” his eye twitched as he threw his hands in the air, regretting his choice to find this brother first. “i’m done with ya, i’ll find them myself!”
levi stood in the doorway, his annoyed glare turned into one of confusion. “find who?”
“y/n’s missing?” 
“...” mammon bit his tongue, slowly turning back to his brother with a smirk on his face, he had thought of the perfect plan. make levi jealous. “nope, cuz i’m gonna find them without ya and then i’ll be the hero, not you!”
“hero..?” his eyebrows raised, a grin soon finding his lips. “that’s me! the hero, i am!” his eyes filled with pride as he placed his hands on his hips, his “hero stance” as he calls it.
“weirdo..” the word fell from his lips. getting levi to play along was always easy as long as you make him think he’s some sort of hero. 
while mammon was thinking of where you could be, he suddenly felt a tug on his wrist. “every hero needs a trusted steed!” and he was dragged through the halls by levi who was really off in his own world.
before he knew it, he was standing in beelzebub’s room while levi poked him until he was awake saying he was just the right steed he’d been looking for. 
“y/n’s missing?” beelzebub spoke, his voice low and raspy since that was the first thing he said after bein woken up. “are they in the kitchen? that’s where i’d wanna be right about now.” he yawned as he stood up, following his older brothers down the halls. 
levi was way too happy to make a plan to find you, but in the end, mammon just let him do whatever because at least he was helping. the three of them split up, texting each other with their findings. nothing, absolutely nothing. 
“where are ya..?” mammon whispered to himself, his brows furrowing as he made his way down the stairs and to the front entrance. a sigh fell from his lips as he casually glanced around the area, not seeing anything that stuck out. 
until he took the shortest glance out of the window, his eyes widened as a smile graced his lips at the sight of you sitting on a small hill outside the house. he practically trips over his feet running out of the door and to you. 
which, unknown to mammon, one of his younger brothers had seen. he smiled at just how obvious it was that mammon loved you. “how cute~”
as he gets closer to you, he stops running, trying to play it off like he was casually walking towards you. “human, why are ya out here so late? i was worried about y-” he coughed, shaking his head slightly. “beel was so worried about ya he shook me awake, i thought he was gonna eat my arm.”
when you didn’t respond, he poked your head. “hey, i was talkin’ to ya.” a pout formed on his lips as he took a seat next to you on the grass, just a bit closer than he’d meant to.
his eyes scanned over you. you were in your pajamas, but out here in the cold looking up at the sky. 
“whaddya lookin’ at? there’s nothin’ up there.” his eyes moved from you, to the nighttime sky he’d been looking at for centuries.
you smiled, your voice hoarse. “in the human world there is,” his lips parted slightly as he looked back at you once more. “have you ever seen stars?”
of course he hadn’t seen stars. he’d never been to the human world at night before, but he couldn’t let you know that. “pfft-” he waved his hand dismissively, a smirk on his lips. “yeah of course i’ve seen stars- duh.”
you giggled, making his eyes widen as the tips of his ears turned a deep shade of red. “they were always so fun to look up at, it was peaceful trying to find the brightest one or seen shotting stars. so, i’m just reminiscing, that’s all.”
“well you should go back to bed,” he changed the subject, in truth, he didn’t want you to see him so blushy and such a mushy mess for you. “it’s dangerous out here by yourself, a demon could eat you y’know?”
there was a moment of silence, where neither of you spoke. it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, no, it was comforting. “out of everyone, i’m glad you’re the one that found me, mammon.” the cheery smile he’d come to know and love graced your lips as you looked his way. 
he was too stunned to speak, where usually he’d have a snarky comment denying any feelings he might of felt from your words, he had nothing this time. blush covered his cheeks as his eyes grew wide. the proximity of you two didn’t help his situation either. you were so close.
your hand found his on the grass, smoothing over his as you leaned closer to him. your lips getting almost dangerously close to his. his mind raced. was this a joke? it had to have been a joke. there’s no way you’d feel the same way right? a human and a demon was not a good combo, right?
his heart beat was ecstatic as his free hand slowly found its way to your cheek, cupping your face in the most gentle way. there was hesitation on his part, but could you blame him? he’d been holding back for so long. ever since he might you, he’d been holding back his greedy self for your sake. for the first time in his life, he held back his greed for something, for someone, just for you. “y/n..”
your lips barely brushed against each other, before you both heard a whine from behind you. “y/nnnnn-chan~” and suddenly, mammon felt a hard hit on his head, being thrown to the side like scum. “you don’t get to hog all of y/n-chan’s time like that!” asmodeus, the fifth oldest of the demon brothers whined. “what if i wanted to have a moment with my lovely y/n-chan?” he hugged you tight, pressing his cheek against yours before he started leading you inside, occasionally sending victory glares back at mammon who was still sitting in the dirt.
mammon sat there, a frown on his lips as they began to quiver. his fist hit the ground, then another, and then another like a child throwing a small tantrum. “dammit asmo...” he held a finger up to his lips. “we were so close...”
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chuuyasheaven · 10 months
keep listening to the voices
“—Don’t act like you didn’t see this coming, ‘donna.”
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“Today was really stressful for him, so he was happy to finally just find peace in you. But in those thigh highs you were wearing, he took it way too literally. .”
Tags: Dazai Osamu / afab! Reader, slight chubby! Reader, thicc thighs, feral! Dazai, rough sex, oral (afab! recieving), dacryphilia, fingering, praising kink, degrading kink, overstimulation, pet names, might contain grammar errors, kinda rushed, kinda cringe?, jus’ a drabble, etc.
Notes: Damn, y’all really are encouraging my voices, aren’t you? Filthy fucks. . .(enjoy anyway lmao)
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There are rare days where Dazai actually does his work, which is usually a lot, in those days, he returns home annoyed and stressed. Another thing is, that he seeks your comfort. But this time, he changed his plans.
Why? You should know, seriously. Since you’re kinda chubby, you have thick thighs. The thighs that Dazai loves so much, especially when they’re in thigh highs. The reason’s pretty obvious, he loves how the slightly flow over them.
Whenever you’re in those, he either eats you out or fucks you really good. Bonus if you wear his shirt without anything but panties. But what if you combine those with a stressed Dazai? Well, you can find out yourself.
Right after he came through that door, looking for you, and saw you in his shirt and thigh highs? He absolutely lost control and became feral. So instead of just either eating you out or fuck you rough, he combined those too.
Ever since he came home, he already ate you out once, but didn’t stop after that. Dazai kept on going as if he starved himself. “. . Ah! D–dazai, please. .”, you whimpered for him to hear, he lifted his head to smirk at you. “Y’know, if you keep moaning my name like this I won’t stop anytime soon, ‘donna.”, Dazai teased you before returning to your wet folds. You threw your head back as his warm breath hit your cunt, you covered your mouth to refrain any further moan. He didn’t like that, to say the least.
As an solution, Dazai lifted himself slightly once more to level your thighs, looking at them as he gently kissed them. Those kisses turned into gentle bites, especially on places where he knew you were sensitive.
Still no sound coming from you, he just got back to your pussy, this time, he replaced his tongue with his talented fingers. With those fingers, he reached your sweet spot, the spot that always made you reach high notes. “. .F–fuck!”, you muttered under your breath, loud enough for him to hear.
“There we go,”, Dazai claimed proudly. You tried to muffle your moans again, but this, Dazai didn’t let you. As he started to finger you more aggressively, hitting your spot perfectly. That’s when your noises were being heard again, also when your second orgasm came.
While you tried to calm down from all this overstimulation, Dazai already has got to take you. Your eyes flew open as you felt him inside of your cunt, feeling the overstimulation again. He immediately started to pound into you, but not really gentle either.
You could really tell he had a shitty day, Dazai was grunting under his breaths, his grip on your hips hardened to probably leave some marks on it later on. “S–so good for me. . Such a good slut f’me, aren’t you, princess?”, Dazai slurred panting.
“O–osamu, please— ah!. .sensitive!”, you tried to tell him but he didn’t really listen to your whines. “Just b–be quiet. . ,”, left his grunting mouth, “. .Wrap your legs around me, now.”, he ordered you. When your legs wrapped around his waist, he hit deeper inside of you because of the new position.
With this new angle, you were moaning louder than before, which made Dazai even more aggressive with his pounding. “That’s right, let everyone know h–how good I fuck you— s–shit. .”, you felt your next high arriving, your cunt made that clear.
Before you even knew it, it already washed over you and you gushed over his cock. But Dazai didn’t stop, his thrusts got even rougher than before, his tip bullying your spot repeatedly, everything felt so intense at this moment.
Dazai didn’t show any signs of stopping right now, this would be your forth orgasm. At this intense overstimulation, you felt tears threatening to spill out, they eventually did fall after a few thrusts. This just made him chuckle. “Aw, I didn’t e–even cum once but you’re crying already? What a–a greedy whore. .”
“. .‘m s–sorry, ‘Samu. .”, you slurred, not really able to tell whole sentences. “It’s a–alright, princess. .just keep taking me s–so good,”, praised you after, honestly, he found it cute how you were sobbing because of his cock. Soon, Dazai could tell he was growing close, and your fourth orgasm would be approach too.
Then, he finally came, right inside of you. You came around his cock, some flowing out around it. “. .Hah, would you look at that?”, Dazai panted while looking down on the mess you both made on your sheets. Dazai first pulled out before pushing the load back into your hole with his fingers.
“—Hm, this isn’t enough for me. .how about round five, bella?”
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This is an 50/50 for me. .
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nanaminsmoon · 11 months
𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭.
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a/n: this is the quickest piece of writing i’ve ever done and it’s because it was meant to be a joke because i just think this audio is mad funny...but it’s not too bad. i didn’t even think i’d upload anything today but this happened so enjoy i guess:))
cw: oral (m receiving), ony is just overstimulated, ony calls reader ‘baby’, n word usage.
wc: 922 + i only reread this once
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‘don’t you know i will make you nut until you fucking cry? d’you hear me? you’ll be nuttin’ and cryin’ at the same damn time.’
watching a lot of tiktok meant that you often annoyed ony with random videos in his messages, and phrases you found funny. although he told you to stop, you knew he loved it really. so you didn’t stop. something you found particularly hilarious was the audio of that one guy saying ‘don’t you know i will make you nut until you fucking cry. d’you hear me? you’ll be nuttin’ and cryin’ at the same damn time’. so that phrase had graced ony’s ears multiple times. a day. he didn’t use tiktok as much as you—the only reason he even had it was so you could send him videos you liked. so the first time he had heard it, his ears had perked up in curiosity; he didn’t know you were referencing something else, so he just thought you were threatening him with some lifechanging head. but you clarified, and he slumped into the couch as he played 2k.
seeing that reaction, you decided to just give the man what he wanted, and now he had nutted three times; the first in your mouth, the remnants of the second were on your chin and his thighs, and the third was on your chest. your actions had been true of your words—albeit playful, and not necessarily your own, they hadn’t been shy of your true intentions. the headset, that had once been atop ony’s head, had been taken off, and sat next to him. it had been the only audience member observing the sloppily lewd noises coming from the place your mouth and his dick met. all assisted by the hands that paid great attention to the places your mouth couldn’t reach. his midsection was covered in a heedless mixture of his nut, your spit, and his sweat. his beautiful brown skin shining like honey covered chocolate, melting under immense heat. and there’s nothing you wanted more than to taste the sweetness on your tongue; transferring onto you to settle on your tastebuds.
pearly whites held his white tank top as his eyes were painfully closed. his attempt to look down at you was delayed by eyelashes sticking together, salty murmurs of overstimulation acting as an adhesive to keep them united. keeping his eyes shut was the only thing he could control; his hips moved on their own, following the wetness between your plump lips to get another release. it was relief ony wasn’t sure he wanted, he didn’t think he could handle it. and his neck made sure to warn him of that—whipping his head from side to side as he searched for an avenue of relief that wouldn’t leave him shooting blanks.
if the sounds in the room hadn’t been overshadowed by amplified suction noises, you would’ve heard the quiet cracking noises produced as a result of how hard he was curling his toes. you had long snatched that nigga’s soul, and now you were just cleaning up the crumbs, making sure his chest would now hold a you shaped hole.
maybe that hole would be reminiscent of the one at the back of your mouth, wrapping itself around his tip as you swallowed around him.
“y/n, b-baby, n-no more” , his shaky hand lifted to softly push your forehead back. but his hips couldn’t help fucking your mouth more, pushing himself further inside you, and whining every time you gagged. the volume of ony’s whimpers was the highest it had ever been—his vocal cords could not find it in themselves to move in a way low enough to duplicate his usual growls, and groans. so they remained stagnant at high-pitched whimpers and whines, loud cries filling the living space.
ultimately, you kept to your promise, and ony’s eyes brimmed with salty streams of overstimulation, before the streams merged into a waterfall that fell down his soft cheeks.
“y-y/n, nnghh—ffffuckk”, his voice felt like it was going hoarse with how hard he was pushing his voice to form intelligible words and sounds. and his chest heaved deeply as he tried to stabilise himself again. the first step of said process being a firm palm pushing you back, causing you to fall back onto the rug. giggling at the mess you had made of the man you loved. his fourth, and final, nut came out in small specks. and you saw the visceral juxtaposition of delightful agony painted all over face; his lips had parted but all they could muster was heavy breaths. this man was fucking drooling onto the couch cushions, and you just giggled again.
“you asked for it”, you chortled, getting up to make your way to the bathroom to get some warm towels to clean you both up.
as delicate as your hands were, ony still winced at your gestures of kindness. sorry hands still felt tainted by lust as you cleaned off the fruits of your slobbery labour. you wanted your own relief, but you knew ony wasn’t in the headspace to give it to you so you just continued wiping him down. you could’ve sworn the overstimulation had knocked him out, but then you heard faint grumbles through unstable, and snotty sniffles,
“stay off that fucking app.”
© Rights owned by nanaminsmoon. Do not repost without permission.
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bon2bonn · 7 months
Carlos Sainz X leclerc!reader
Synopsis who? Read and find out.
Words count : 2.8k
Warnings : grammar, cursing, blood, cheating mentioned, overprotective brothers, not proof read, hospitals, arguing , ex! Pierre.
*Anything in (bold italic) is either french or Spanish.
You can read " pt.2 here " and "PT.3 here" and "pt.4 here"
*Let me know if anyone would like part 2 of this✨
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Giving her twin and youngest brother keys to her appointment wasn't a great idea, at all . Their once in a while checking in on her turned into crashing whenever they please just to annoy her and raid her kitchen empty , "you always get the good stuff" as they put it .
Reminding them that they both have their own places to stay at whenever they're back home from roaming the world driving their super fast cars , it went in one ear and out the other . So it came down to one of two choices (a). Putting up with their antics and endure it (they're your brothers it's kind of what you're signed up for life being the only girl and having an overprotective twin brother on top of that) , or (b). Snitch on them and tell her Mama .
Snitching won't do . From experience it backfired before , them being the dramatic class A actors they are they put up a sob story of how they missed her , being busy with their careers drifts them apart, and missing on her life and how they wanted to spend time compensating the wasted time away . that got her a scolding of a lifetime from her Mama while they both sat back behind her eating snacks (from her own pantry) and snickering like the little first grade school kids they are .
Enzo being the godsend he is would kick them both to let her breathe . But that won't last long , they always come back . specially when it's time for the Monaco GP . Both would hound her for not attending their races as she used to , guilt tripping her for refusing them flying her out through the season , knowing she'd give in and let them drag her out . Touring around the paddock, introducing her to the new faces and catch up with the familiar ones , and she'd take it as a chance to get back on them , saying how Max and Lewis are the best drivers or how Sebastian is her all time favourite Ferrari driver , which leaves them very annoyed and highly offended , both working restlessly to not let her near any of them or their garages under any circumstances.
But for now they're just mainly here to snoop and munch on her groseries . And as she was about to berate them for barging in, again , the doorbell rang which left her confused as she's not expecting any visitors or any delivery today . Looking back she sighed as none of them made a move to see who's at the door shrugging "it's your place , you should see to it yourself", with a huff she mumbled "if so then what are your lazy asses still doing here!! Huh?" Then head out to answer the still ringing door .
A young man dressed in a uniform stood at her door holding a delicate bouquet of her favourite flowers . Asking hesitantly "miss leclerc?" , She gave him a reassuring smile "yes , how can I help you?" and he visibly let out a sigh of relief handing her the flowers along with a note "a special Delivery specifically for you miss , please sign here to confirm" after signing and thanking him she wished him a good day and shut the door , taking a moment to admire the bouquet delicately wrapped and took notice of the note attached to one of the stems as she was about to smell them . smiling as she read it :
"I saw them and thought of you mi amor , I miss you so"
Pocketing the note and heading to the kitchen to find a suitable vase to put the flowers in , her overly curious brother followed her in , seeing the bouquet and the shy smile on her face , they smelled something weird going on , and it's definitely not the flowers .
They kept on asking about it ," who send them , and why?" She scoffed at that giving them side eyes as she asked " you mean I don't deserve to get followers ? Like why would anyone send them to (ME)? Right?" They both panicked not meaning for her to think that way , apologizing and trying to explain how they're just curious about who might send them , but she just shrugged saying it came without a name or a note on it and went on prepping the stems and adding water before arranging then and taking it out to the living room, setting it proudly in the centre both her brothers glaring at it , both in mild disgust (but none of them would say a word they're her favourite flowers they won't be that mean) , and greatly disturbed as someone out there is sending their precious sister flowers ! , but who's that bastard who knew her favourite flowers and dared to send them to her place ? Who!? . As there's nothing they could do without a note or any idea who might send them they just let it go seeing her smile and how happy she was about them they let it slide , for now . trying to distract her away as they both thought about throwing them along with the vase out the window but they'll hold off of it for now .
Later that night while putting together outfits for the upcoming weekend , she received a message , asking her if she like the flowers . She laughed as she send a message assuring that she Indeed loved them , but her brothers didn't , sending a picture of both her brothers both glaring at the flowers as if that would welt them faster . The messages went back and forth each one brought a wide fond smile into her lips.
The weekend rolled in , and both free practices and quali went well , as well as it could go for Charles with his record of unfortunate events this year spcially during home race , starting to believe that Monaco's curse is real as both him and his youngest brother were doomed with bad luck through the weekend .
Her Attending their races and cheering them on the loudest was the highlight of their days , but as for the past couple of years it wasn't the case anymore . Avoiding any race like the plague , with excuses of being busy with work and having to travel elsewhere for events and meetings . But realising how apart that made her feel from her brothers more so with Charles . How time went by without her standing by his side supporting him through his hard times , now more than ever , calls and messages aren't the same as being there to hold his hand after a bad day . So she decided that she won't let anything or anyone scare her away from supporting her brothers.
After checking in and meeting both Enzo and Arthur chatting and giving her own predictions about the upcoming race , they spotted Charles Giving him a judgemental look as he met them outside hospitality .
He knew what she was about to say " don't start with me " she just kept looking at him " I didn't say anything !" He huffed refusing to listen " what's wrong with it , it's my lucky pants!" Giving him a once over " this thing have nothing to do with luck , it's hideous! That's what it is ! " He argued back " it's not" she gave him a deadpanned look " You look like a walking stop sign!" He looked offended as Arthur tried to cover his laugh with a cough he turn to her glaring lightly " take that back!" , Shrugging she said " I will when you give the clown's pants back to the cercus " . Before he could reach out to tug on her hair as he used to whenever he couldn't win an argument and still do , Enzo smacked his hand away guiding her to move away to not start anything , he scold them both urging her to move along and for Charles to head down to his garage , before he's called out for being late . He dragged his feet giving them three hugs all wishing him luck and to stay safe before heading back .
Charles huffed in defeat, making his way to meet up with Carlos in his driver's room , both heading to their team's preifing, complaining as he made his way across the paddock , Knocking on his door after he reached it , hearing a faint "come in " he opened the door stepping inside. Finding his teammates hunched form sitting in the corner , sighing before approaching to sit beside him , both exhausted and fed up with their team's failed attempts through out the season, neither the cars nor the strategies are functioning properly , their word not taken seriously as their team kept on pushing on them expecting different results while applying the same failed methods .
Looking around the room he spotted a single flower sitting atop one of the shelves , he let out a tired huff of a laugh turning to Carlos beside him " you got flowers too" that got the Spaniard's attention asking in a distracted Mannar "hum?" , Charles pointed it out to him , getting a faint but genuine smile back " I didn't receive it, I bought it" earning a confused sound of his teammate "why would buy only one flower? " Carlos leaned back " I didn't only buy a single flower , I got them for someone dear to my heart , they're always on my mind and whenever I can I send them flowers to let them know that I'm thinking of them , and I always keep one with me" that got Charles to oooh at him " you're very much so in love mate" Carlos only smiled at him " I am" , Charles smiles at him but adds in confusion "but still ,why do you have one with you ?" He looked at him before finally answering " whenever I give them flowers I always keep one with me , that's like Keeping a piece of them with me , and to know when to get them new flowers to replace the old ones" Charles groaned pushing Carlos "now I feel too miserable and too single ,why can't someone love me like that?!" Carlos laughed at his dramatic friend standing up nudging him to get up "com'on , we have a meeting to attend" Charles groaned again rolling his eyes as he stood too both heading out "it's not like they have anything new to say , the cars are shitty and they'll blame us again " .
Stepping out of the hospitality she , making her way back to the pit where she left her brothers to go and grab a drink , seeing them deep in conversation with some of their friends she took the chance to stretch her legs and go somewhere less crowded , taking a moment to breathe before going back to the bustling paddock.
But before she could move along , someone called her name , turning back she found Pierre heading her way she gave him a nod as he stood before her " not even a hello? " She just stood her ground giving no reaction " what do you want Gasly?" He feigned hurt as he puts a hand on his heart " chérie, you've wounded me , don't be like that" she rolled her eyes " I have no interest in what you want to say , and I'd appreciate it if you don't waste my time" turning to leave he caught her wrist tugging her back "I was talking to you, you need to listen to what I have to say " she only scoffed at him" and I don't have to listen to anything you have to say , I've listened to you long enough to know how little your words means, now unhand me!" , his grip only tightened as she tried to tug her hand out and before he could retort back , a hand grabbed his causing his hand to loosen up but still not letting go , both looking up finding Carlos who stood before Pierre , his back straight and shoulders tense as he stood to shield her from the other's sight , with her free hand she gripped the back of his shit grounding both herself and him before it escalate into a bigger scene , he gave him a cold stare "let her go" , Pierre only glared at him " this is non of your business Sainz, so run along " he spat out before wincing as the grip on his wrist only got stronger making him release his hold on her "it got everything to do with me , she clearly told you to fuck off" Carlos then twisted his hold hard enough to cause pain but not enough to cause damages , taking a step towards him he promised darkly " touch her again , and you won't have a hand to drive with" releasing him as she tugged at his shirt whispering for him " Carlos, please, he's not worth it " turning to her he took her wrist in his hand delicately inspecting the bruise of a handprint around it , but got cut off as Charles approached them , unaware of what occurred minutes ago " what are you three doing?" His smile dropped as he took in the sight of his sister's bruised wrist, Carlos angry face and Pierre's retreated figure who turned tail when he saw him coming.
He took her hand before she could hide it away asking angrily " who did this !?" Both looked at each other before she shook her head " it's nothing" but Charles didn't take that " how is it nothing! Your whole wrist is bruised up!" Before turning to Carlos with a glare "was it him?" His sister stepped between them trying to calm her brothers rapid thoughts "Non! , Charles please calm down. he helped me! " Charles kept his glare as he looked at her " then who did this !?" She shook her head "I'll tell you , but not here , please!" . Giving them both an irritated look but backing out as people started to wander around , giving his teammate a harsh glare before moving on without a word , keeping his temper down until he gets an explanation from her .
She turned to Carlos with a worried frown taking his hand in hers to give him a reassuring squeeze trying to brave herself before facing her brothers wrath , they planned on telling him about what's been going on between them , but they didn't expect it to be like this . He held hers with both hands giving her knuckles a gentle kiss before giving her bruised wrist one too , trying to comfort her as best as he could before having to let her face her very much angry brother on her own addressing her gently "I could come with you mi Vida , you don't have to do this alone" , smiling at him she shook her head at his words "I have to tell him , at least by telling him it'll get the burden off of our shoulders and I don't want things to turn between you two, I know how he'll get once he finds out and I don't want him to say or do anything that he'll regret " he reluctantly lets her hand go nodding in understanding of what she meant but still concerned about her "alright, but you call me the moment it over , I don't care whenever , you call and I'll be on your doorsteps the moment you need me , if I have to face him then so be it . nothing would keep me away from you , ok?" She nodded in agreement giving his cheek a light peck before turning to follow her brothers steps .
On her way out she met with Enzo who frowned upon seeing their faces , hers filled with worry and doubt , and his is twisted in mild irritation upon seeing her wrist but kept his mouth shut as she hastly told him they were going to talk , immediately understanding what she meant ushering her to go with a worried look while praying that it won't turn into a disastrous mess , Holding back a curious Arthur who was about to follow them , shaking his head while telling him quietly he'll explain it to him later , standing back watching as they disappear beyond the gates of the paddock .
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dexlexia · 8 months
little rice balls - osamu x reader
pairing: osamu miya x reader rating: 18+ summary: Almost a decade later, you two were married. You both worked at the onigiri place, but after a few years of marriage you decided you wanted to expand your little family. While the sex was immense, he never expected you to take it out of the bedroom, let alone in the restaurant. tags: pwp, smut, breeding kink, semi-public sex, kitchen sex, married couple, fluff (to an extent)
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Osamu thought you were beautiful, he remembered the day the two of you met. You were outside of the gym waiting to give Kita back his notes when the second year spotted you. At first his brother tried to flirt with you but you seemed more annoyed with the blond. But then you smiled at Osamu and gave a wave that made him unable to keep eye contact with you. 
Almost a decade later, you two were married. You both worked at the onigiri place, but after a few years of marriage you decided you wanted to expand your little family. While the sex was immense, he never expected you to take it out of the bedroom, let alone in the restaurant. 
It was after closing, you had shooed the last of the drunk customers out of the building with a broom and passive aggressively clearing your throat. Eventually they all filed out, which left you and your husband alone. 
As Osamu turned off the neon light outside and lowered the thin curtains. You dimmed the lights and kept your gaze transfixed on your husband. Eventually you came up behind him and kissed him in the centre of his back, ”We did well tonight.“
He smiled as he took his cap off and ruffled his sweaty hair, ”Yeah well, it is Friday night. Most people want something heavy on the stomach after a bunch of beer.“ He chuckled and turned in your arms. He smiled down at you, ”I couldn't have done it without my lovely wife.“
You reached up and cupped his face, ”Teamwork makes the dream work.“ Then chuckled at your own cheesy words. You leaned up to kis him on the lips while you grabbed onto his ass. You gave it a firm squeeze.
Osamu's eyes went wide in the kiss before he relaxed against your lips. He wrapped those strong arms around him and held you close. The kiss deepened, but eventually he pulled away and gazed down at you, “Honey.”
  “Yes, my darling husband?”
He smiled down at you, “Someone's gettin' a little frisky.” Then kissed you on the forehead, “Have you been thinkin' about me all evenin'?” Then watched you place both of your hands on his broad chest. 
  “Well, the way you were bending over to serve tables did something to me.” You admitted with a shy smile, “Those pants leave little to the imagination. No wonder all those buisnesswomen were tipping so handsomely. They probably thought you were one of the dances they had seen at the club.“ 
Osamu blushed a little and looked away briefly, his smile turned into a grin, ”Now yer butterin' me up. I think those ladies were bein' very polite.“ He looked back at you and tilted his head to the side, ”Is someone a little jealous?“
  ”No, no. I could never, because I know you want me.“ You got up on your tiptoes and whispered into his ear, ”After all, you're not trying to have a baby with those women.“ 
Osamu chuckled and pulled back to look into your eyes, his tongue grazed his top lip, “Of course, baby.” He said, “It's a husband's duty to make sure his wife is _bred_.” Then felt up your sides, he squeezed your hips before he kissed you on the mouth. 
Husband and wife, local business owners in a small town, being handsy like they were sixteen again. Osamu moved you up against one of the tables and held you against it while his hand slid up your shirt and started to feel at your breasts. His lips never left yours as he felt you up. 
  “You're lucky it's so late.” He said, “I'd hate fo the old geezers in the area to see us fuckin'.” Then laughed before he pulled you in for another searing kiss. He breathed heavily through his nose as both hands were soon under your shirt and grabbed at your breasts.
He loved you, he loved his amazing wife. You were all he ever wanted, more than anything. Soon you were going to have his babies, and with your luck it'll be twins. He kept you pinned against the table as the two of you feverishly made out. His cock started to strain in those dark pants and his heart raced.
As you kissed, you reached out and knocked off his hat so you could tangle your fingers in his dark hair. When the kiss was broken, he dipped down to your neck and made his way inside of the collar of your shirt, where he left a rather dark love bite on your collarbone. As if the wedding ring wasn't enough proof of his love for you. 
You giggled and grabbed onto his head with both hands as he added more marks to the collection on your neck. You rubbed your thighs together and moaned. “Shit, Osamu.”
He gripped onto your hip to keep you from squirming as he breathed against your neck. His breath was hot and heavy as he felt his blood pressure rise. He pulled his head away and look at you, “As much as I would love to break a leg of this table from fuckin' ya, I think we should take it to the back.” Then stepped back, his erection was painfully obvious in his pants. 
You chuckled and took his hand. He then quickly raced with you to the back of the store and soon had you up on the pile of bags of rice in the kitchen. You were high enough that he could keep eye level with you, but short enough that he wouldn't have issues having sex with you. 
  “Now you better be good, baby girl. No gettin' cum all of the rice bags.” He smirked, “If I see a single drop, I'll flood yer pussy till it makes a real mess.” Then started to pull your pants down. He got a good look at the black panties you wore underneath. 
He wanted to breed you, he wanted to breed you so badly he could barely contain himself by that point. A deep primal urge to see his precious wife round with his child. He'd be a proud man knowing that his beloved wife was giving him a couple of brats to raise. The thought made his heart skip for a moment before he got your pants and underwear down to the floor. 
His pupils looked bigger from the rush of lust through his body, his heat hammered in his chest as he started to take off the t-shirt you wore. For a moment he thought of having to get you a bigger size once the belly comes in, but by that point he'd make sure you stayed home and took care of yourself till the kids were born. 
  “I love you.“ He said. 
  ”I love you too, Samu.” You pulled him in for a kiss as you started to work on his belt. Soon you undid it from his waist and pulled it off till it clattered to the ground. You felt the heat rise in your face as you pulled down his bottoms which exposed his hard cock to you.
You remembered how much of a challenge taking his cock was. It took almost two years of dating before you could deep throat him properly. He grabbed you by the thighs and held your legs open. He was still impressive as always. 
  “Makin' a baby in the place we make all our onigiri. Seems fittin'. We'll be making two little rice balls of our own.” He winked. 
You broke out into a grin as you looked at him, “Them rice balls, they're our kids. Made with love by mama and papa.” 
He reached out and touched your stomach, “Yeah and I'll keep lovin' ya till they're born.” And gave the skin a good rub before he held open your legs with one hand on your left thigh and started to guide his cock into you.
For a moment however he rubbed his pre-cum soaked cock up against your pussy. He especially rubbed against your clit which made your thighs tighten. Your face would scrunch up whenever he rubbed against it just right. With a shuddered sigh, his body thrummed with lust.  
  “I love you.” He said. 
  “I love you too.” You responded. Never had you felt content with anyone else. Osamu was going to be the perfect father ever, you'd better prepare yourself to be a volleyball mom because there was no way your children weren't going to be involved with the sport. But you'd love them all the same just as you loved Osamu. 
He looked at you with lust in his eyes, his dark eyes seemed even darker as he rubbed his hard-on against your pussy lips. He groaned to himself before he had enough of his own teasing and slowly sank his length into your sweet sex. You gripped onto his shoulders as he started to move his hips. 
  “That's it.” He moaned, “That feels good.” He quickly ran a hand through his sweaty hair before he placed it back on your hips for good leverage. He rolled his hips in a consistent time. Your nails dug into his shoulders as he pushed his cock up inside of you. It hit against the beginning of your cervix, threatening to bruise it if he didn't impregnate you first. 
  “I don't know how it fits.” You moaned. 
  “We make it work, honey.” He kissed at the side of your face as he moved, “We're two perfect parts, meant to be together.” Then continued to roll his hips. He held onto you as he started to pick up his pace, the tight heat around his cock made his heart race as he clinged onto you. His hot heavy breath against your equally hot skin as you two fucked in the back of the store. 
Soon your lips met once more which silenced the moaning and panting you were doing. You were all over each other, your legs bounced around his waist with each thrust of his hips. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and deepened the kiss as he continued to move his hips back and forth. 
You pulled away from the kiss, panting wildly as you moaned, “Get me pregnant, Osamu. Fuckin fill me up and get me pregnant! I want all your babies!” Your back arched as his cock rammed deep inside of you, you clenched around him which only excited him more. 
  “Don't worry.” He said, “I will, I'll make sure yer pushin' out twins until I can't get you pregnant.” He groaned, “I want to see my wife full of my brats, so everyone in this town knows that I fuck her good.” His tongue hung out of his mouth for a moment as he wildly panted, “You better get pregnant, I want you to take every last drop.” 
  “Please, Samu.” You moaned as he continued to rail you. Your breast bounced and you held onto him tightly. You weren't going anywhere, you were staying with him till the end of your days. That was your husband.
He kisses you passionately once more, he bucked his hips rapidly as he neared completion. His heart hammered in his chest as he got closer. He gripped onto your hips as he pushed his cock as deep as it would go. Your body moved in accordance with his thrusts, you could feel your heart in your chest. 
You broke the kiss and grabbed onto his hair tightly. You went back to kissing as you joined in the pursuit of reaching your climax. Your heart raced, you felt sweat run down your back as you fucked like rabbits in the back of the store. 
  “I'm gonna breed ya.” He said, his lips so close to yours and then with two more hard thrusts you both climaxed at the same time. He slowed down until he reached a full stop and he thought his heart was going to explode from how fast it was racing. 
  “Holy shit.“ You moaned as he slipped out of your pussy. All of his cum must've been shoved deep inside of you because not a single drop dripped out onto the rice bags. You pushed hair out of your eyes as you panted.
Osamu leaned in and kissed your neck. He massaged your breasts as he gave you words of affirmation against your skin. With another searing kiss on the lips he looked at you in the eyes, he wasn't finished, “How about we get home before we can't air the smell of sex out of the building.” 
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honestsycrets · 11 months
miguel o'hara: love alphabet
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A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
“What?” he murmured, glancing down to your hand. Your pinky slid over his knuckle, drawing his hand closer. His eyebrow cocked, glancing up from your tentative grip to your eyes. He might have sighed, intertwined your fingers, and kept moving.
The first time your fingers wrapped around his, he didn't know what to say. His words were a bolus in his throat, debating what-- or rather how-- to respond. He caresses his fingertips over your skin, the easiest way to say it was okay.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
“Quieres un bebé?” Miguel crossed his hands one over the other. He chews on his thoughts, a fine line of stress passing through his brow and into his fearful eyes. It was possible that he could ruin it again— his voice, a breathy shake. “Está bien. Let’s… try.”
He’s terrified.
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
He might do it if you’re in bed, your eyes lidded heavy by sleep, drawing you closer and closer as if you were his only favourite stuffed teddy. But he prefers it when you initiate, winding your small arms around his tapered waist and refusing to let go. “Hm? You want me to come to bed?”
D = Darling (Pet names)
"They're for you, hermosa." It could have been the flowers, but Miguel was more certain that it was the trill of your pet name off his lips, the way your lips pursed delightfully, propping up on your tippy toes to kiss him.
Pet names are important to him-- because they're important to you. The slight glimmer in your eye, a giggle when he calls for you, or the ear-to-ear smile that you sported the first time he did. He loves the effect they have on you.
E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
“You like her, don’t you?” Jess notices first. He’s caught. He hates being caught.
He doesn’t want to show it. His eyes might linger, tracking your little fingers waving him goodbye. His cheeks might flush warm under his tan with a blown kiss. He falls hard, but denies it harder.
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
He didn’t mean to shout. He knows about your past— about the man in your past, the damage to your body that came with a bad relationship. After that first, blow out fight, he doesn’t stay away long before he slinks back into your shared bedroom, his hand on your shoulder. A kiss on your shoulder. “Perdón.”
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
Miguel wants to be the first thought on your mind when you wake up. You wake to the feeling of his tiny bites. The blossoming feeling of his lips dragging across your thigh, kissing higher, and higher. You lift the sheets, cheeks flushed. "Miggy."
He wakes you up with a kiss. Miguel will wake you with a small kiss on your shoulder or between your legs depending on the time he has to spare. Ideally, that's best spent between your legs.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
Hugs aren't his favorite public display of affection. But he tolerates it, his hand coursing over your back, holding you firm, tight, and safe against his body. If it makes you feel better, he'd do a lot of things.
I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
He paces. Paces. And paces. Everything has to go according to plan and that plan includes the safe delivery of his daughter and perhaps, a little bit of bullying of the medical staff to calm his nerves. Your face contorted in pain is not one he ever likes to see. Directionless. Useless. He doesn't like being in situations he cannot readily fix. He trusts your words-- this will pass. And at the end of it, he'll finally have his hands on his daughter.
J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
"I don't like the way he looks at you," he might say, arms crossed, eyes hard. You might throw him a tricky smile. "Then you should probably snap me up first."
The space between dating and not dating was annoying. Miguel doesn't have time for indecisiveness or inaction and the constant uncertainty that arose with his jealousy was but another loose end to tie up.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
“Me voy. Dame un beso.” Miggy likes to say before he leaves your bedroom. Miggy doesn’t ask for a lot of things. He does, however, ask for kisses. Soft kisses, small kisses. Long kisses, hard kisses. It’s an excuse for closeness, to cop a feel, be reminded of how much you love him.
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
“Her?” he might gesture to another woman. A harmless tease triggered something deeper— some terrible fears bubbling to the surface. Insecurity, Miguel would say. A mean, mincing little laugh out of his lips. “Hermosa, are you jealous?”
In his youth, it might have been an issue— sleeping around. He’s settled now, too old to be bothered with chasing every pretty thing that he runs across. At the end of the day, your angelic little smile makes his heart race.
M = Memory (Their favourite memory about you?)
Blissed out. That moment of complete rapture and resolved delight. It doesn’t matter how he achieved it. A night alone in bed or the first look at your— and his— daughter. It’s the delight that he longs for. For that, he lives a dozen favourite memories every time he wakes up beside you.
N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
His palms on your tense shoulders are the first indication of Miguel’s apology. His fingers roll along your shoulders, shifting down to your shoulder blades. In its place, one of Miguel’s chase kisses. “Okay, Miguel.”
Miggy scarcely apologizes to anyone else. When it’s you, though, he has to. It eats at him long after the fight, the thought of you being upset with him over his typical snap. Maybe his servitude is the best apology.
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
“You look so good, Miggy.” Miggy likes the way you look at him. Your eyes glazed in what he could only say was lust, half lidded and dark. He could smell you— your need, your excitement. Even if he could easily tear the webbing around his body. Miggy is a giver— he works, he gives a lot. Sometimes, he admits, it’s nice to lose control and have you take it. To receive pleasure as much as he gives it.
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
“Miggy, please, come here.”
“I’m busy,” he murmured, walking from one part of his desk to another. Your body, flush against his back, is the only thing that gives him pause. Maybe it could wait.
Miggy doesn’t wind down well. You have to plead with him to rest— that it can wait, that there isn’t more he could do, that you have needs. Maybe you can convince him anyway.
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
It’s stupid. It shouldn’t make him as happy— as proud as it does. The way Peter looks at you when your stomach begins to show, the slight round curve of your pregnancy. “Good job, Miguel!” he says, as if he did anything but bend you—
S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
You were new to Spider Society when he saw it, underneath your bracelet, the hot red curl of his name.
“You can’t be serious.” Even if your name is plastered on his wrist, the world’s cruelest tattoo, he will deny it. Miguel doesn’t need one more thing to lose. A daughter, and now a soulmate? Something’s are better left unsaid. It will keep you safe.
T = Together (What do you like to do together?)
“You’ll love the butterfly festival, Miggy. Just give it a chance. Umm, right here!”
He glances at the ground. The flutter of too many butterflies, one landing on his broad nose, is aggravating. Still he settles down your picnic blanket, the basket, lays down in scratchy jeans and a t-shirt that feel misplaced on his large body to— what was it— “appreciate nature”. What he appreciates is the way you snuggle up to him, cheek and hand on his chest, the warm sun on his head. Behind his sunglasses, he grunts.
“Maybe it is nice.”
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers on the relationship?)
He handles them himself. Enough said.
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
If he has a measurable goal that can be obtained through vulnerability, he’ll use it. But on the daily, he often finds himself avoiding that vulnerability— being strong for everyone, everywhere, neglecting his own necessities. You’ll just have to locate the cracks.
W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
“It’s not going to fit,” Miguel folded his massive arms one over the other, watching as you held up tie after tie against his warm skin. “Mi vida.”
“It’ll fit if you don’t make a fuss. Even body builders fit.” He sighs, long and hard. Guess he’s stuck.
He rather not deal with all the huff over his wedding. Slap a ring on it, let’s go. But of course, you need the fairy tale wedding. At least he’ll indulge you— and maybe enjoy himself a little along the way.
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
Critically. Miguel likes to think he treats all his exes with the same amount of care that he does others, but he may just be a little more sassy— or critical of what they say or do, if he can be bothered with them to begin with.
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
“Lyla, show me—“
“Your girlfriend, yeah, got it!”
Creep. He’s not spying because he necessarily suspects anything— but he is creeping because he’s lonely. Because sometimes it isn’t feasible to waste what time he has. A little look can be harmless, can’t it?
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
His sleeping is patchy. The nightmares of failure, the resonant loss of his young family. Sometimes, you just have to be there for him, to soothe the pain in his chest, and convince him it will all be okay.
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presleyanswrites · 6 months
Hey babes got another request Well, it’s is more of an idea with JJ inspired by the song “up there down here by Jake Owen” feel free to do with this whatever you want 🤍🤍🤍
free falling - J.M.
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pairing(s): jj x christian!fem!reader
a/n thank you for this baby
summary reader is scared about going full pouge due to her strict religious family but caves in after a date where jj shows her what she was missing.
word count 1.5k
warning(s) swearing, grammar
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your mother comes storming into your room, slamming the door open which combusts against your fragile thin walls.
"Y/N." she groans and tries not to loose her patience. "What did i tell you about john b?"
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, knowing you would be flipped upside the head if you dared.
"you know? that guy who's always wearing flimsy shirts like a complete fool?"
she gives you a cold stare, her eyebrows on the ceiling and her eyes popping out like she was furiated.
"why is he in our driveway with that rusty ass old worn-down no good van?"
she immediately squeals and covers her mouth with her hand that was painted with red nails and an engagement ring.
she sighs and mutters under her breath to be forgiven but all you do is roll your eyes, (without her seeing of course) and storm past her and down the driveway, your mother scrambling for you, screaming and yelling for you to come back but you had made up your mind.
you had just recently become friends with the pogues, hanging out then and there as it seemed the bond kept growing by day, but you were scared of getting attached because of your family and how the felt about the pogues.
it had become a daily topic at dinner table conversations and it had started to annoy you after a few surf trips with those certain ian hated people.
you wondered if it was just easy for them to say just because they were rich assholes, and your new friends made you realize that over these few weeks.
they weren't really religious. You felt that at times they used it as a cover-up, or some kind of crutch to hide themselves and make them look perfect. and thats what your family image had always held the standard for. They didn't want you to be truthfully happy, whether it was with the pogues or not. They wanted you to be perfect.
you were naturally drawn to them, especially the blonde one who had sneaked into your window late at night when you knew the alarm in the house hadn't been set.
they taught you how to have fun. JJ, taught you how to live, be loose, go with the flow like the waves would. Something you had never experienced before due to the strict brick-and-border lifestyle you had obtained since you were three years old.
part of you felt guilty for being such a rebel since you were taught to always sit straight, but it felt good. it felt good to not have to constantly worry about every action you took.
as you scurried down the stairs you laugh at john b who honked the horn and gestured for you to get in.
"were going to the beach, theres a bikini in the back that kie dropped off for you, don't worry."
you were only excited for one thing. to see your favorite blonde boy again.
john b caught onto the energy and rolled his eyes, "the shithead will be there too, don't worry."
you gelt yourself blush at the comment but the both of you knew that was all that you were worrying about.
the engine starts as john b pulls out of your driveway, you didn't even look at your mom beating on the window.
as the van makes it's way down the road, you tilt your wrist out rhe window and make a wave gesture with your hand, making john b chuckle a little.
"so, you going to live life outside the bubble wrap yet?"
you groan and shift your head on the back of the seat. "I dont know! My parents are being total asses about it." you cover your face with your palms.
you slightly flinch at your words, you were already under the influence. you couldn't help it.
he gives you a look, "y/n, all the pogues have either went against their parents, or went to their funeral."
he looks back at the road and turns on another street.
"besides, do you really want to live your life for your parents?" he makes a raspberry with his lips.
"not on our watch. you deserve more than that." he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head slightly, "we'll show you."
he stops the van on the sand and turns the engine off before getting out and shutting his side of the door closed.
you huff and squint your eyes at the coastline ahead and maneuver yourself out of the twinkie, following john b out and onto the beach where all your friends were sitting by the fire and downing beers, except for pope of course.
"hey, guys." your lips curl into a laugh.
JJ spots you in the bikini and looks at his shoes before you take a seat next to him.
"hey princess," he faces his head away to hand you a beer from the cooler, "how'd getting out go?"
you shrug, "mom nearly killed me but here we are." you take a sip of the beer and place it in the sand.
his lips go into a downward position and he nods, finishing the rest of his drink.
"what do you think would happen if i ran away?" you press your lips together.
JJ nearly spits out his drink, "what?! why? for what?"
you put a small smile on your face and loosen up your shoulders, "i dunno i just kinda like you guys." you bite your lower lip, "i feel like if i don't get out now then i never will."
he looks you up and down, "not bad, newbie."
you laugh a little while the pogues continue to talk about surf plans.
"you wanna go somewhere?"
you hum a little, "where you have in mind?"
"ahhh, i dont know," he cocks his head, "private, maybe."
you nod your head and get up, "lets go then."
he chases a wave as he sits on his board, and you follow him out onto the water.
he kicks back a wave as you sit in the water admiring how hot he is surfing.
the both of you have fun riding waves before you make your way back on the sand, your gut internally sore from laughing so hard.
he takes your hand in his as you walk down the beach near the water line, finding a good spot to sit down as the sky turns pink from the orange sun setting into the horizon.
"so," he mumbles, looking ahead at the ocean in front of both of you, "you've been hangin' out for a while, you still a kook?"
you rest your tounge to the side of your mouth, "john b wants me out of figure eight already." you swallow, "i dont think its a bad idea."
he smiles, "well we know all about getting away from CPS." he takes a sip of his beer, "JB made like a pact with some of the officers by workin' a few extra shifts so they would get off his ass."
he shakes his head, "crooked cops," he tuts, "not bad for us though."
you felt a sigh of relief come over you. you wouldn't have to worry about legal consequences of it.
he turns his head to look at you, "what, you think you'd go to jail?" he laughs as you give him a sarcastically nervous look.
he looks up at the sky, "okay, yeah, maybe if you stick around for it all you might have some shit in your records."
you start laughing and jj admires your beautiful smile.
he looks at your face, "so, what do you say?"
you couldnt stop smiling when you were with him, especially all alone like this. "yeah whatever i'll pack my stuff tonight," as you draw circles in the sand.
"atta' girl," he nods as he sets down his beer.
you feel yourself blush and giggle like a little middle school girl as he wraps an arm around you.
"just so you know, im not so tight with the man upstairs."
you chuckle and nod, "obviously." you purse your lips slightly, "its alright."
"but," he starts, "you make me wanna be a better version of myself, you know?"
you grin and stare at the ground, "do I, now?"
"yeah." he smiles, "how bout' this?" he studies your face on his shoulder, "you teach me about all that god stuff and i'll teach you how to have some fun."
you snort at the comment, laughing, "deal."
he rubs your arm as you both look at the glistening water, the campfire in the distance.
you feel him sigh as he gently holds you on the sand, "thank god i have you, y/n."
you roll your eyes into your head at the corny joke before he tucks a small kiss on the side of your face making you blush slightly.
this girl is heaven on earth, jj thinks to himself.
"pope actually wanted you first."
your mouth drops open, "what?"
you start laughing as you punch his shoulder and JJ gives you a dominant stare.
you put your hands up in surrender, "okay, yeah, im yours, i give up."
he snickers to himself as you look in his eyes.
JJ shakes his head as he ruffles the top of your hair, making it all messy.
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tags/idols @cafekitsune @theblackcatwitch4 @kardamenaa @drudyslut @abbyheartsyou @midnightstaylorswift @theblackcatwitch @gillybear17 @kraekat29 @wingsofoceann @drewstarkeysbae @aesthetic-babyyy @yeet-skeet321 @cal-flakes @theblackcatwitch3 @windandoceanobx join my taglist♡ masterlist
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foressfaction · 2 months
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:Ticci Toby:{A Rewrite}
Chapter 9
WARNING:: This story contains EXTREMELY triggering topics such as Domestic/Child/Substance abuse, Death, harsh language, GORE and dissociation triggers. This story mentions mental illnesses and disorders such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, and Tourette's Syndrome. !!TICS MAY BE TRIGGERING!!
Chapter nine
"Hey, hey listen to me okay?" A soft voice rang out, it was Lyra's. Toby opened his eyes to see the bright bathroom lights. He must've finally passed out. He felt a tight restriction around his torso, it was wrapped in gauze, and blood was still soaking it.
"Everything is alright, everything is alright!" She was holding his hand, obviously noticing the red hand marks. She knew what happened.
"...i fell.." Toby mumbled out.
"Dammit Toby! I know you're lying! What happened!? You were bleeding everywhere, your arms are bruised and red, and- are those hand prints?! Were you jumped?! Please tell me!"
Lyra was crying, in tears. Her hair was a mess and what little makeup she did wear was smeared all over her face.
"You're covered in so many other little cuts! You know I can't handle seeing you like this! Tell me please so I can fix this!"
He was flinching to her worried yelling. "You can't fix this, Lyra." Toby started, wincing to the pressure that finally hit him. "T-To fix it, you'd have to fix me. A-And I'm…simply unfixable."
Lyra hugged him tightly. "I'm going to tell you this…at school tomorrow….you go to that kid…and you break his arm, do you hear me! Break his arm!"
Her grip on him was very tight. He had to pat her arm to let go so she wouldn't accidentally suffocate him.
"..Sorry…Sorry I'm just so angry.." She wiped her tears. "So very angry,"
"I'll get in trouble" Toby mumed weakly, not liking the sound of her idea. "I'll do it then." She insisted though he sat up quickly, shaking his head. "No, don't! That's wh-what-what he wants, attention…a reaction!..I-if i just keep ignoring them, they'll leave me alone-"
She cut him off. "Okay well look where that got you, Toby!"
Toby flinched at her sudden words, looking a little offended. "If they don't get it, they'll do what they can until they do! It's a natural human instinct. You have to stick up for yourself!" Lyra kept going, but he felt obligated to confess. "I did try! They were too strong..They threw me around as if i was a ragdoll…"
"Then tell the police! I'll call them myself so be it!"
He perked up, fear in his eyes. "They threatened to kill me…If we do-" he warned.
Lyra went quiet, staring at him. She didn't know what to say
"..Can we just forget about it? Look, I'll b-be healed in a month or so- everything will be normal again.."
Lyra still didn't know what to say. She felt helpless. She leaned on the wall and slid down, sitting criss-crossed. She was sitting right beside the tub where he was laid and treated, and now sat in.
He didn't like the fact she just sat there, looking lifeless.
"I love you, Toby, you know?" She spoke, staring at the wall.
"But sometimes you are…A handful.." She slightly laughed under her breath. Toby couldn't tell if she was joking or annoyed, maybe both, who knew.
Toby huffed a weak laugh as well. "y-yeah because…g-getting jumped is my fault, haha.."
She faced him, sighing. "..no..no…you're just lucky i'm not as dense as mom, who believes your tiny lies about your physical state." She pulled her knees up into a hug.
During that time of pure silence, Toby was thinking about that figure he saw again, he didn't know why but he couldn't remember much about that day honestly.
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4ngeldusstt · 10 months
S I L K R I B B O N pt.2
A/N: originally this were two separate fics but I realized they worked well together and that they could be silk ribbon part two so here it is, y’all really liked the first part so i hope you enjoy this one too!! ( this is also the longest fic I’ve ever written lol )
Warnings: angst, mention of death, injuries, blood, swearing
Word count: 3,233
Part One
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He was about to lose it, all the control he had left before diving straight into insanity after his grey eyes land on a bloody baby blue ribbon laying on the pavement that clearly belonged to you.
All kinds of scenarios going though his head, ‘you were just fine, maybe injured and you happened to lose the ribbon on your way to a safe place, right?’ This kept replaying in his head like a mantra in hopes to manipulate his thoughts and as an attempt to calm himself down, you couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe that. His gaze going left and right, franticly looking for the face he so much longed to see with no luck, he cursed under his breath holding your ribbon tightly in his fist, his boots landing on the hard pavement, a small provisional camp was set up to treat injured soldiers and to be used as a meeting point for the ones who made it. The short man roamed around asking your friends, team mates, literally anybody he found if they knew anything about you, no one seemed to give him a clear answer.
With each passing minute his anxiety was getting worse, “if she happens to be injured we’ll find her Levi, she’s a tough one.” The commander said in hopes to reassure the raven haired man. “I know she’s alive, that brat not dumb enough to die.” He was upset at you, trying to think about the lecture he was gonna give you once you were in front of him for worrying him this much, how dare you? “Before parting I made her promise, she promised she’d make it back safely.” This part was a bare whisper lost in the background noise only perceived by him.
“I guess I’ll have to go find her myself.” Before the commander could answer the captain was already in the air swerving through buildings and roofs, the commander had no choice but to follow him, some of your close friends also took the hint and joined the pair.
After a while of franticly looking for you, Jean seemed to perceive a couple of soldiers a few rows of buildings to the left, “I think I found her! To the left, where that titan is, it looks like it could be y/n!” Levi’s ears perked up at the information with hope in his eyes and fear on his heart he changed directions towards where your friend notified, as they got closer they confirmed it was in fact the person they were looking for, landing in the nearest roof for better observation. “Hey! Y/n, we came for you!” Armin yelled, not loud enough to notice as you were too focused in the situation that was unfolding in front of you. “There you are.” Levi stated to himself, feeling a wave of relief dissolving his previous worries at the sight of you ‘well, at least you are alive.’ he thought.
Your eyes immediately landing on your commrade as a titan wrapped it’s fingers around him as if he was an annoying fly, having no time to process the situation you were already swerving around with your gear your only fixation being not having another death on your back, not if you could avoid it.
When you realized you were also trapped between the other hand of the titan, taking everything in you to move the blades with all the strength you had left in your body, refusing to die like this. You noticed your friends and superiors were watching the scene unfold on a near roof, most of them with little to no gas left in their tanks, Levi had his hand on the blade ready to engage but was stopped by Erwin “Don’t. You better than anyone know she hates it when she gets underestimated.” With a sigh and an annoyed look he stopped on his tracks still attentive to engage if needed.
The ambient was tense, all eyes on the hand that held you captive praying for you not to be dead. With a swift move your blades cut their way out the tender flesh of the titan, with a barely perceivable move you cut it’s nape freeing your friend, you could’ve stopped there but you didn’t, the adrenaline of being this close to death, made you go feral in rage as you started slicing the titan up and down with an amazing use of the gear making it almost impossible for them to follow your small frame as you maneuvered through the air, landing on the nearest roof after basically mutilating the beast that had the guts to even attempt to kill you, you went on a rampage and started going insane slicing every nape of every titan your eyes landed on.
Everyone was in awe, they knew you were good but damn this was excessive, once you were done and no titan was in sight thanks to your skills you made your way joining the rest that were waiting for you. The second your feet landed on the roof you collapsed on your knees, turns out the titan managed to break you a couple ribs along with some deep cuts you self inflicted by accident when attempting to break yourself free, with your levels of adrenalin going down, a wave of agonizing pain that you brain managed to ignore until seconds ago, went though your body as you tried your best to hold it together in front of everyone. You can’t show yourself being weak, you refused but failed as every breath turned into the sharpest pain you ever felt in your life, before you could realize, you felt your body giving out and falling forward.
Before your head could hit the tiles Levi quickly rushed to your side and held you, laying you down as careful as he could, “don’t worry, I’ll be just fine.” You reassured him, looking up noticing you had to make an effort to keep your eyes open. “I know, now stay awake for me will you?” He said trying his best to sound as calm as possible not to worry you. “I can try Captain, but in all honesty the pain is starting to be too much.” You said with difficulty attempting to not make a big deal out of it, talking and breathing was severely painful at this point you are certain a rib might of digged through one of your lungs at least. Your head filling quickly with thoughts, ‘I’m actually going to die.’ Suddenly your breathing started to fasten, to the point you were almost hyperventilating, the subconscious act causing your wound to worsen your eyes quickly finding Levi’s giving him a pleading look begging for help.
“Hey, breathe with me okay?“ he quickly noticed the traits of a possible panic attack, luckily he knew how to deal with them because of previous situations where you might of needed his assistance, “L-Levi, it hurts so bad.” Your voice barely coming out at this point, your body tensed at the feeling of hand lifting you up carefully “take her and follow me, we’re going to the medical camp we set up to treat the injured, she’ll get treated as a priority, we can’t loose such a good soldier can we?” Hange said in an attempt to break the tension, “Listen to me Y/N, I’m going to need you to hold onto me, okay? It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be just a few minutes I promise, try to stay awake for me a little longer, you’re doing good.” he had his sight fixated on your face taking in your features, pulling some loose hair strands out of the way cupping your cheek as he gently spoke to you, the fellow soldiers around stranged by the sudden change of attitude in their usually cold and mean captain, not even commander Erwin has seen Levi act like this. Let’s say he had a soft spot for you.
You did as you were told and wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body up securing his arm tightly around you, he was fast and great in maneuvering around buildings so as soon as you realized he was already on land. He carried you bridal style into the tent, you could feel his fast heart rate “calm down Levi, I’ll be okay. You are not going to get rid of me that easily.” Leaving a small laugh cut by a sharp pain that caused to groan out in pain. “You say it as if I wanted that to happen.” His lips turning from a frown to a side smile “it’s you who won’t get rid of me, brat.” He looked down at you with those beautiful stone grey eyes. Gifting him a smile in response.
Fast enough you were being checked and treated, Levi was not happy that he was kicked out and couldn’t be by your side at the sudden decision that they were going to have to perform emergency surgery on you. The man walked out with an annoyed expression, the commander approached him “what did they say? Her friends are worried about her, well, we all are any information is good to know.” “She’s going under surgery, overall she’ll be okay.” He exhaled in relief, still worried as there is a small chance surgery can go bad. He won’t be completely at peace until he is sure you are a hundred percent okay. “Thank god, that’s good to hear. I’ll notify her friends I’m sure they’ll appreciate this information, thank you Levi.”
Fluttering your eyes open, squinting at the natural sun light that came through the big windows as an attempt to adjust to it. Flashbacks flooding your mind as you remembered the previous set of circumstances that led you to this state. The smell of fresh laundry and lavender was still impregnated in your senses from when your captain carried you, “Levi” the image of him looking down at you with that much emotion as he caressed your skin, was printed in your head. “Y/n” a sudden voice pulled you out of your own thoughts making you turn your head in shock “you called my name but something tells me I wasn’t ment to hear, am I right?” the man said letting out a small laugh as he shook his head in disbelief approaching you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, “I'm way better than I was that's for sure, I told you I was gonna be just fine.” You gave him a cocky smile playfully rolling your eyes, “well, you do in fact look better. Never thought I’d miss your brattiness but I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.” Your brows lifting in surprise, “You, Levi Ackerman missed me being a brat? Oh, and was the Captain Levi worried? about me?” You looked up him with fake disbelief, deep down you knew he cared about you and were thankful for that but you enjoyed teasing him way too much.
“Tsk, I don’t know why I said anything. Yes, I was very worried about you, I almost went insane when I found this on the floor and couldn’t find you.” He pulled out a small piece of fabric from his pocket, your ribbon, the one he gifted you a while back, blood almost hiding it’s original and beautiful baby blue color, seeing it made you understand what kind of thoughts could've went through his head when he found it. “I-I didn’t even notice when it fell from my hair, thank your Levi for bringing it back. It means a lot to me, I’d be very upset if I lost it.” You took the ribbon from his hand as you inspected it holding it in your own, remembering the day of how it got to your hands. It was a gift from Levi, it’s a very special item for you and you cherish it with your whole heart.
Feeling tears fill up your eyes as you held it close to your chest, closing your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks, when you opened them you looked at Levi with a warm smile, his instinct was to wipe away your tears with his thumb, like he always did when you cried. “thank you, for everything you do for me Levi, I don’t deserve-“ “you do deserve it, at this point it’s obvious I care for you and I don’t think you are that oblivious to not realize I have feelings for you. I don’t expect an answer I just needed to get this off of my chest.” He looked down and walked towards the door, ‘is he actually going to leave after confessing his feelings to me?’ “I care about you too and I also think it’s very obvious that I’m very much in love with you, Captain.” Your statement caught him off guard, turning around to face you trying his best to hold in a smile that was threatening to scape his lips. “Well, soldier I think we have a pending conversation for after you fully heal and get the hell out of here, don’t you think?” He smirked, this time not even bothering to hide it.
After chatting for a while he left the room allowing you to properly rest, you didn’t want him to leave but he has duties and paperwork due to tomorrow and needed every minute to be able to finish it.
Your recovery was surprisingly fast, in about a month your ribs and wounds were fully healed and you were ready to go, finally. Commander Erwin forbid you to train to the extent as you used to, having to take it a little more lightly at least for a while, afraid that you would get hurt and obviously the captain agreed with him in this decision.
As days went by the relationship between you and Levi changed, he was more attentive and went out of his way to do small acts of service for you, like preparing your horse before you had to use it, double check if your ODM gear straps were perfectly secured, picking up an extra plate of breakfast, lunch and dinner for you so you didn’t have to (and to make sure you ate properly), prepare you a cup of tea when you couldn’t sleep,... overall he was glued to your hip following you around every where you went. It didn't bother you, deep down you were aware that the reason behind that change was you being that close to death, for a while he actually thought there was a big chance you could be dead, so you just limited to enjoy the extra attention and made sure to thank him constantly for everything, the least you could do was to express your gratitude, being thankful for even the slightest thing he did for you.
One night you went to his office, as per usual, to provide him some company when he was busy that he very much appreciared. Sipping on your tea as you put your knees to your chest sitting comfortably on the red leather couch that was nearest to his desk, you observed him in silence as he sighed putting the pen down “It's done, fucking finally.” Meaning he now had all his attention directed to you. “I think now it's a good moment to have a talk.” You swallowed hardly, nervously shifting in your seat. “Let’s talk then.” You said attempting to appear as calm as you could be. “I want to be with you.” Words blurting out of your mouth, not even giving him any time to be the one to start the conversation. “Are you aware that it won’t be easy, right?” He stopped for a second “I want to be with you too, honestly it has gotten to a point were I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” His tone was low and sincere, he was for the first time in his life opening his heart for someone.
“Me nether, you have become an essential part of my life, a part of me I want to keep, take care of and cherish forever, only if.. that’s okay with you.” A small smile appeared on his lips, lowering his head “Of course I’m okay with that, Y/N. I want to be able to do the same for you. I can’t-I refuse to live a life without you in it.” Your cheeks feeling warmer with each passing second as you hid in between your knees, eyeing him. “So.. that means what I think it does?” He nodded, “It is, now come here brat.” He made a motion with his hand signaling for you to come closer. You stood up and took seat on his knees, arms wrapping securely around you. His next move took you by surprise, as your now lover rested his head on your shoulder inhaling your scent, your hand instinctively found it’s way to his head, fingers tangling with his soft black hair, causing him to dig his face further into your neck and groan. “You must be exhausted, you had a lot of work today, you should probably rest.” His arms tightened around you, “don’t leave, stay. Please.”
Levi never let himself to be this vulnerabe with any one, but you have proved him enough at this point to be worthy of seeing him like this, he felt like he could be weak around you and just allowing you take care of him. “alright, let’s get you ready to go to bed then, is that okay? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere and that’s a promise.” The last part having a double meaning, you actually didn’t plan on going anywhere, not tonight or ever. “Mhm, you better keep that promise.” he mumbled tiredly against your skin, loud enough for you to hear.
Once you both were already tucked in the soft sheets of his bed, with his strong arms holding you close to his chest and your face burried on the crook of his neck. Picturing diferent scenarios in your head of a future with your lover, how you dream everything to be once you both retire from the Special Operations Squad. Maybe already married, maybe owning a small beautiful cottage in the hills away from the city, maybe having one kid or two, your only worries being what dessert are you going to bake that day and what flowers are you going to chose to refill the vase that will sit on the windiow sill in the kitchen. For now, you were happy here where you are right at this moment, that is being wrapped up in the safety and comfort of Levi's hold.
The next morning you woke up alone, coming to the conclusion that being a captain ment a lot of things, one of them getting up way too early for your liking. As you turned to your opposite side, facing the empty spot next to you, your eyes met with something placed on top of his pillow. Sitting up, you take the items which were a note, in it he appologised for not being there with you when you woke up, with a smile your sight was set on the other item he left for you, a brand new silk ribbon, this time he chose a beautiful shade of light pink.
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lolahauri · 3 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Does He Fuck You Better Than Me?
Ship: Bree Van De Kamp/Reader
Type: Smut, Semi-Implied F/F, Gender Neutral Reader, One-Shot.
Contains: Cheating, Vaginal Fingering, Oral, Nipple Play, Dirty Talk, Squirting, Implied Toxic Relationship, Some Plot, Bottom!Bree.
Words: 1,022
Requested?: Not Really.
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"You cheated on rex?"
"Of course not! What do you take me for? ... I cheated on Orson."
You never got tired of seeing Bree sprawled across your bed, body fully on display, looking good enough to eat. The way her silky copper hair lied across your pillows alone was a sight to behold, and right now, she was looking exceptionally divine.
She was wearing your favorite lingerie tonight, a lacy blush set, with matching lipstick to really make it pop. You almost wished you didn't have to rip it off of her right now.
Bree pulled away from your heated kiss, a gasp slipping past her lips as you rushed to remove her bra, being more clumsy and rough than usual. You weren't trying to be so aggressive today, but you couldn't help it right now, you were just so stressed out.
"My, what's gotten into you today?" you could tell from her tone she was equally aroused and confused.
Ignoring her question for now, you managed to pull the clothing from her and toss it to the floor, leaving her breasts fully out on display. You briefly scanned her face, looking for any hint of resistance. And when you didn't see it, you ducked your head down and got to work.
She let out a loud and sudden moan, arching her back from the sensation. Your tongue was sucking and licking circles around one nipple, pinching and rubbing the other between your fingers. It didn't take much to get her going tonight, looks like you aren't the only one who's a little pent up and needy right now.
"Y/N... You didn't answer my question." her words were being broken up with small gasps "Is... something the matter?"
You lifted your gaze to lock eyes with her, "I think you know what's wrong."
Before she could speak again, you brought her into a rough kiss, moving your hands down her sides and fiddling with the straps of her underwear. She lifted her hips up a bit, allowing you to pull them down in one swift motion.
Bree slowly pulled back from the kiss, speaking up as you trailed your lips down her body. "I'm being serious you know, tell me what's going on tonight."
You stopped your movements, face hovering just above her navel as you sighed and looked back up. "Well, it's not exactly easy seeing that man have his hands all over you, you know?" wanting to stop this conversation from turning into another argument, you kept making your way down south, exploring her lower body with your hands.
"Oh, this again?" you rolled your eyes as she spoke "Y/N, we've talked about this-" she cut herself off with a small moan when you kissed the top of her pussy "He's- he's my husband... you knew that and you agreed to this anyways. There's really no reason to be upset."
You simply hummed in response, licking and biting her inner thighs, watching the way she jumps a little bit each time. The thought of Orson doing this to her made your stomach turn, why is she even with him? She has you now, she should just realize what she really needs is right in front of her and leave his sorry-ass behind.
"Right..." you finally spoke up before licking a strip up her pussy, flicking your tongue over her clit. You wrapped your legs under her thighs, reaching up and gripping her hips tightly to hold her in place.
Her breathing was heavy as you swiped over her bud a few more times, but she could tell you were still annoyed. "Don't be like this. You know a relationship like ours could never work long-term, right? Let's just... have our fun and forget about all this relationship nonsense, okay?"
Ouch, that stung a little.
You brought your hand down and ran a digit over her folds when she finished her little monologue, slowly pushing your middle finger inside, dragging it in and out. Her back arched a bit off the bed, she was so wet already.
"Does he fuck you better than me?" you smirked to yourself as you added your ring finger into her hole, picking up the pace with your thrusting and sucking her clit harshly.
"Huh?" she lifted her head off the pillows a bit, shocked by your question. But her words were failing her as you continued to suck her pussy. Any attempt at speaking turned to moans and incoherent babbles.
You detached your lips from her and curved your fingers upwards, hitting her sweet spot with every insert. "Come on, tell me. Is that what it is? Is that why you stay with him?"
You laughed under your breathe at her failed attempt to respond, flicking your tongue over her clit a few more times. "Does he make you feel this good?"
Her moans increased the more you went on, you could tell she was getting close. Her body was squirming under your touch, silently begging for more. "Use your words, Bree."
She huffed in response, she both loved and hated that condescending tone you used in moments like this. You didn't let up though, your movements slowed drastically as you waited for her to say something, grinning the entire time.
Bree sighed, "No..." she barely got out, still fidgeting and moaning like crazy.
"No... what?" you teased again, sliding your tongue ever-so-slowly between her folds as you kept dragging your fingers out at an agonizing pace.
"No, he... doesn't touch me better than you do."
Chuckling at her weak voice, you decided that was good enough. "That's right."
Without any warning, your movements ramped up, fucking her hard with two fingers and swirling your tongue around her clit. She was gasping for breath under you and closing her thighs around your head.
After a few moments longer, she let a few particularly loud moans out before coating your face and hands in her orgasm. You let her come down from her high, removing your fingers and sucking the clear liquid clean off.
Her chest was still heaving as you sat up, reaching for a towel and wiping down your face.
Maybe you should have jealous, angry sex more often?
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moonlightstar27 · 9 months
Let me sleep~
Summary: You can’t sleep after having a bad dream so you bug Belphegor till he’s had enough and made you fall asleep
Contains: Cowgirl, pussy eating, cock warming, fluff, reader asking questions that won’t make sense
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You can’t sleep. Not after that horrid nightmare you had just now. You had a little to no little with in the room you laid you head in, it might have something to do with it being night, but you can’t sleep. Not without someone help you go back to sleep. You walked out you room and head up the stairs to Belphegors bed. You thought of it as a bd idea but you needed him and only him.
You lifted up the covers and slipped under and cuddled up to him, but it didn’t go unnoticed, “MC? What are you doing in my room….And in my bed of all things.” You told him about the nightmare you had but her just chuckled at you. “You had a nightmare and came running to me? You think I’m special?” You nodded you head and hugged him close to you, thinking you’d be fine you’d close you eyes trying to sleep.
You tosses and turned trying to find a way to sleep but can’t you faced the back of Belphegor’s back and started to speak up. “Belpie, you up?” No response. “Hey I have. Question, do you guys ever eat random items you’d find? Or become a sea house for star fish?” Still nothing from him, this should’ve given you the sign that he was awake but you kept going. Asking him more and more questions.
“Do you ever look at the stars and wonder if you could eat them whole? Or maybe you stuck on a sour lollipop cause you’re really hungry?” The bed had shifted and you’re meet with his burning purple eyes. “You sound like fucking Mammon, shut up.”
“But i can’t I’m not sleepy and i have so many more questions to ask you” you turn your body towards him and poke at his back. “Come on Belphie, answer my questions.” He groaned in annoyance and turned to looks you dead in the face. “There’s two things things that I hate in this world Lucifer, and people getting in the way of my sleep.” He shifted over on top of you, pinning your arms down.
“I’ll take care of you going to sleep till you can’t take any more and pass out~” Belpheger slides under the covers to where you’re shorts are, and unties the drawstring and slides your panties down. “B-belphie! What are you doing?” He doesn’t take his time and starts eating your pussy, very slowly.
Even with out him being seen you can hear the lewd noises coming from the covers the hard sucking from his mouth on your clit is pleasing you so much. You gently his hair and softly going his face on your clit, spreading your legs for him to get in there. “Fuck, you tasty so good for an annoying person. But I want more.” Belphie then lifted you up on his shoulders and started sucking faster.
You moaned out at the fast attack on your clit, what made it worse was that he started to finger you. You felt your orgasm come in fast and hard. Your legs wrapped around his head as your orgasm came crushing down hard on his face, he happily drank it down. For some reason you felted sleepy after that, and drifted into slumber.
Hours passed since and you felt the sun on your skin, slowly opening your eyes you were meet with the sun… And something in you. You move your head down to see what it is, your panties were still off and what was in place of it was Belphies cock. It’s so filling you can’t believe its in you. “Mmmm MC stay still your so warm~” Belphie grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer, putting you deeper on his cock. A moan lefted both of you mouths. “Belphie~ Stop teasing me like this.” He let out a small chuckle and lift you on top of him and bounced you on and off of his cock at a slow paced, slowly rocking back and forth “Damn, M-mc you feel so good.” He whimpers as you bounce on him a little bit faster now, he’s trying to match your pace but he can’t he’s lost in the pleasure.
He flipped the both of you over and started pounding in you leaving your legs within the air, you grip onto his backs for support and to push him in deeper to hit all the Right places, both of your highs are close and you it now. You close the space between you and him and kiss him softly, you feel his hands on your ass as he lifts you closer and have one more thrust into you and cums deep within you.
“F-fuck~ MC that was… Amazing.” He held on you as he laid back on to the bed. You both were out of breath, but you wanted a little bit more of him. “Hey, Belphie, are you up for a round 3?” Silent, it was quiet. He went back to sleep. Maybe you should too. After all you got him mad once, you don’t wish to get him mad once more…. Or do you~
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sw33tsnow · 5 months
Enchanted by the aching wounds
- (II) / (III)
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Mercenary!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Harpy!F!Reader
Warning: fluff, slight NSFW, vocabs, past traumas/comfort, nakedness, tension, NOT FOR MINORS #: I'M TERRIBLY APOLOGIZE FOR ANY GRAMMAR ERRS
Wordcount: 2k1
19th century vocabs (if needed):
Inn: Hotel
Son of a Biscuit Eater: Son of a B****
Gibface: An ugly person, especially one with a heavy lower jaw
Duffer: Dumbhead (Clumsy)
Pap(s): Nipple(s)
Starry night - the thought wandered Simon's mind when he first saw you.
Sapphire twilight blue wings with a few alternating gray stripes on each feather, iridescent under the beautiful moonlight. Amber eyes glowed as you furiously stared into his chestnut ones, your black horns and claws were dotted with white spots like stars beaming in the cimmerian sky. When the One-Four-One found you in the damp hold, not a single piece of clothing covering your body, only two lines of dragon-like scales with the exact same color as your wings, running from your shoulder blades down to indiscreetly cover your bosoms and private parts.
Harpies were described as brutal and bloodthirsty creatures with a hideous physique, mankind parents used those tales to scare their toddlers whenever they came home late. Flapdoodle. Here you sat, on Simon's bed as he carefully disinfected and bandaged the wounds on your gorgeous smooth skin. 
“Son of a Biscuit Eater” you hissed. Simon's muscles tensed and his breath caught in his chest as your delicate eyebrows furrowed, the clean rag in his hand was gripped so tightly that it’s almost dried.
Just some more bruises on your face left but he couldn’t clean them at this angle, the blond accidentally touched the cut on your jawbone as his thick calloused fingers held your chin and tilted your head towards him. He withdrew his hand but still kept it in front of your face, giving you an anxious look.
“Please….I’m alright” Gently grasped the man's wrist with both of your hands, motioned him to continue as you pressed the rag to the wound on your jaw. Simon gulped, you hands were so tiny compared to his, yet the missing warmth where you two touched gave his stomach butterflies.
He nodded before continuing his work but with less force, felt like dandelions placed tender kisses on you.
Three firm knocks on the door broke the tension. Simon grunted, he just got some alone time with you and was already disturbed by god-knows-who. Gently checking your face once more, the blond threw his dirty rag into the basin of blood-red water, picked it up and walked towards the door. Outside was Soap, a callsign - you called him that to not mistaken with Captain Price. The gentlemen had introduced their names and callsigns for convenience and you reciprocated before Simon kidnapped you to his room.
“Wha' d’ ye want, Johnny?” The man’s lips growled beneath the cloth.
“Quit the nag, Ghost, brought clothes fo’ little lass” Soap peered inside and was blocked away by the blond's broad shoulders taking up the width of the entire doorway. You weren't dressed proper yet, couldn't let anyone see you completely bared, again, after the previous night.
“Tha’s trully kind of ye” A small hand clinging to Simon's meaty bicep caught the men’s attention, you walked over with a blanket wrapped around your body. The blanket slid down and exposed your collarbone as you reached out to the shorter man with a kind smile. Simon quickly pulled the blanket and wrapped it around you like a cocoon, you stood still, tried to stiff the laugh when Soap tossed the garment at Simon and left whistling as if to annoy him.
“Screw tha gibface” Aggresively closed the door, the blond grumbled before looked at you, "This’s the smallest we got, ‘ll get ye somethin’ to tie these culottes" 
You turned your face to the side and chuckled, sounding like bird’s chirping to Simon’s ears. Whipping your head back, you slowly walked closer to the taller man as your hand tried to mute the laugh by covering your mouth.
“Wha’?” Simon raised his brow playfully at your adorable expression.
" 'll need to get changed, but if ye offer a hand…." You took the suit out of Simon's hand and gave him a mischievous look. The gentleman could only shake his head in disbelief, the cloth on his face definitely succeeded to cover a small smile formed on his lips before he absented from the room.  
Panting like an exhausted animal, Simon's body was covered in a sheen of sweat and his chest was heaving rapidly. Coming to his senses, he laid down on the luxurious mattress of the inn, put his hand on his forehead and tried to go back to sleep. The man hadn't had this nightmare for such a long time, the nightmare he never wanted to remember, but since the last job when Simon was injured, everything had changed.
Your party broke the deal and sold your team out - of course now that bilge rat's six feet underground with a bullet in his forehead - you and the blond were separated from the other three. Fortunately, Simon's injury was not severe, but the heavy snow did nothing but made his fever go south. There’s no other way but for Simon and you to hug each other, naked, to keep warm. Your wings wrapped tightly around him, delirium making the blond feel so intimate in your embrace, the warmth that he hadn't felt in years made the forgettable memories come back to haunt him again. Undoubtedly, you noticed Simon's strange behavior whenever the team mentioned that failed business, so you decided to go talk to him. The man wasn't good with words but he knew you'd only speak or act when you've considered everything prudently, plus he’s felt comfortable with the mindfulness you gave him.
Frankly, the gentlemen were not wrong letting you join the One-Four-One. Price always asked you to spar with Soap and Kyle so he could leisurely enjoy his cigars, knowing full well that you could deal with these two big boys. Guns were necessary but you rather chose swords or knives because “Even magic wouldn't help wet gunpowder”, you said. And Simon was indeed amused, you and the blond have a lot in common. Both of you despise loud noises or parties, but would never refuse elite booze. Simon’s aloof and you’re sweet but quite blunt and indifferent in your own way. If the two of you were next to each other, his mocking eyes and your sarcastic statements could humble some smug mouths with no difficulty. 
Carriages’ wheels were still rumbling on the street, creating a headache-inducing noise and workers who got off work late were singing loudly in their drunken stupor. Simon gave up, dangling his legs off the bed, messy blond hair and tired eyes made him look even more haggard.
"Screw this" The man muttered and went straight to the bathroom.
Having filled the bathtub, Simon returned to the sink and began preparing the shaving foam. Out of the blue, the window opened and a strong wind rushed in, making the blond grab his gun and raised it towards danger, only to know it was you.
"Couldn’t sleep?" You said as you closed the window, walked towards Simon and gently took the deadly thing from his hand.
"Aye....ye’re back" The man relaxed his muscles.
Ever since joining as the mercenary in One-Four-One, the team called it a favor from you that they can hardly do without being spotted, scouting. Not assassination, they'd pull that easily, you sure. 
You nodded, put down the gun and started taking off the hefty articles. Your leather boots were neatly stacked next to the cabinet, along with your pants. Your shirt's back was ruined by your wings, so as a habit, you naturally stole the man's shirt and put it on, knowing he would allow it. Simon stared at you in stoic, this wasn't a new sight but definitely his favorite - you stood there in his white tunic, the hem hardly covered your lower body as you raised your hands to tie your hair up hastily.
"Allow me, mister duffer" You leaned forward, grabbed the brush and the steel straight razor, walked up behind him. The blond scoffed and turned around, a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing more, you grinned and moved closer as Simon spread his legs for you to stand in between. 
Having scraped out the foam with a brush and applied it to the man's face, you slowly spread the white mixture onto his masculine cheeks, majestic chin and square jaw. Simon placed one hand on your hip, the other reaching up to remove the stray lock away from your forehead, causing your focused gaze moved up to him.
"Wha’ ‘ve we known?"
"Well, bastards 've started loading the Pearl (the ship) but only one last cask has not yet exported, jus’ as announced" You swiftly flipped out the razor and twirled it in your hand. 
"They're just gettin’ started" The blond mumbled.
"Hush now, ye're putting your life in my hands"
Tilting Simon's head to the side, starting from his cheekbone, you finished with the razor leaving his jawbone with a clean line. Gently flicked the foam into the sink, you cleaned the blade with the towel on the man's thigh and continued until the left cheek appeared smooth. 
“Pleased?” Simon asked as you moved back a little to get a perfect angle of his face, just like an artist was indeed satisfied by her sculpture.
“Hmm…quite delightful, sir” Could hear the blond's amused laugh because of your committed face.
“ ‘Sir’? Ye truly a chaff, doll” Simon slightly shakes his head before turning the other side to you. 
You chuckled, started working on the right cheek and the area under his chin, careful not to touch his Adam's apple.
“All done” You placed the cleaned razor to the side and mildly rubbed away the foam on his handsome face. Walking to the tub and dipping your arm to the water, it was steamy when you startled Simon by breaking into the bathroom but the temperature seemed to cool down a little, lukewarm perhaps.
“Come now, water’s ready”
Simon nodded before standing straight up and stripped off the towel around his waist to the cold marble floor. Didn’t say a word, the man casting his enormous shadow over you as his hulking frame approached your smaller. He unbuttoned the white tunic and peeled it off your body, no permission required, he slowly bent down to strip the last cloth which covered your private gem.
Simon entered the bathtub and gingerly placed you on his lap, face to face. You massaged his scalp with your soapy hands, gently put more pressure as you moved down his neck and tense shoulders. The man eased up as your hands roamed his torso, straight and wet dense hair laying flat against his skin and sturdy abdomen with soft plush on two rib sides shown how well-fed they got. 
The blond purred as you tended to his tired body, small and caring hands, avoiding sensitive places, merely cleaning him. Fresh water poured down from the top of his head, washing away the lather that smelled faintly of perfume scent. Simon's half-lidded eyes peered down as your soft lips pressed on each scar scattered his figure, your paps lightly scraped against his body, leaving an prodigious itchy sensation.
"Ye wanna talk, Si?" You whispered, your ear pressed against his chest where his heart was beating steadily. The nickname which only allowed to be called by your angelic voice. 
"Wanna savor this with ye" The man replied with a low tone, semi-hard shaft twitching in eagerness as his hand lazily rubbed your back. You knew this’s a normal physiological response.
How ironic it was that Simon and you were neither lovers nor spouses, even though your desire for each other was undeniable. Yes, both of your families encountered terrible circumstances and wounds on your bodies were absolutely not beautiful memories. Sympathy perhaps - the two of you listen, comfort, and mingle with one another. That's Friendship, certainly, but love, how ambiguous. The yearning was explicit but is it amour or just physical affection? You two understanded the pain and the loneliness, not afraid to open up but there were plenty of secrets left unsaid still. 
Familiar corporeal touch was clearly trust and concern, no sexual desire contained and none of you dared to cross this fragile boundary. Awkwardness couldn’t overcome the cowardice because Simon was rigid and you were too coy.
You didn't answer, just pressed endearing kisses to his long lashes as he replied the same on your wet hair. The two of you lingered for a long moment before getting out of the cold water due to your non-stop sneezes.
Taglist: @shadowlali , @ghostlythots
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hemmohaze · 2 months
Weekend Getaway
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Smut, Alcohol consumption, and Cursing
A/N: I literary wrote all of this while listening to b-Sides and rarities. Justice for Greenlight
Coachella Weekend 2019
The drive to the house they'd all be staying at during Coachella should've been an only hour but due to Micheal's dick not be able to control itself once he saw Kalani in just his Final Fantasy shirt and a thong, they were late because he wanted to fuck her senseless in their shower.
Also heavy traffic on the highway was halting them. So now the couple was an hour away from the house.
Kalani stuck her head out of the window and sighed seeing cars for days. "We wouldn't be in this problem if your dick couldn't control yourself." She mumbled, pulling up a game on her phone to pass time.
"If I remember correctly all I heard from you was 'Oh fuck! Don't stop don't stop. Your dick is so good’ He imitated Kalani. "I can’t recall you complaining."
"Don't stop doing what you're doing. Every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it know it." Kalani starts singing their most hated song earning a blank stare from Micheal.
"I hate you. That song is god awful."
“I mean you were a horny teenage boy. Looks like not much has changed.” She patted his thigh.
Before he could come up with a snarky remark the touch screen in his car lit up with Ashton's contact.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Where are you two?" Ashton questioned seeming worried per usual.
"Stuck in freeway traffic. Yeah I know man it’s awful. We'll be there as soon as we can but no promises it’ll be in 20 minutes. Go talk to KayKay and annoy her.” He hung up.
"He truly is such an old man." Kalani joked as she adjusted the straps on her tank top. Her under boob sweat was going to be miserable since she decided to go braless with this specific top and the air conditioner was doing nothing for her.
She placed her sandal clad feet in the dashboard and dozed off during the slow traffic and the low playlist playing.
Thankfully with Micheal driving a little faster and definitely breaking some traffic laws, they got to the place with everyone waiting in their cars since Kalani had the keys to the house.
The boys unloaded their cars while Sierra,Kalani, and KayKay squealed once they saw one another.
"Sierra! You look amazing." She complimented her friend's new hair. Recently she'd gotten blonde extensions for Coachella specifically.
“KayKay your hair looks awesome too!” She exclaimed with a smile looking at her black bob.
“Thanks. It was such a bitch to cut.” She chuckled.
"Kalani you’re glowing. Your pilates is obviously paying off girl you look so good!!" Sierra slapped her butt playfully.
“I can’t wait for a weekend of girl time while our boys do their manly things.” She joked wrapping her arm around Sierra’s and KayKay’s shoulders as she was leading them in the house and telling everyone where their rooms were.
Three hours passed and the group was around the firepit all drinking with slow conversation and a collective playlist playing on a speaker.
Micheal's eyes kept taking in Kalani's appearance while he was in mid conversation with Luke. The way her curls bounced in wind, the way her face lit up whenever she was talking about something to her vlog camera that excited her to Sierra, the bright red tube top mixed with her glowing tan skin. She was the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on.
“I think your mans is staring at you.” KayKay nodded her head to Micheal who was at the fire-pit while the girls had their feet in the pool water. He waved to her making a crimson blush creep on her face.
Slowly when it was getting dark the group made it inside into their respective rooms. Micheal sat on the bed, mindlessly scrolling through the TV to find something to watch while Kalani showered to get the day off of her while she also had a surprise for him. In preparation because she was determined to get dicked down, she shaved basically everywhere so she was a hairless cat.
Quickly drying off and lathering herself in body oil and vanilla lotion. She grabbed a hot pink lace set she got from a Skims PR package in the mail two weeks ago, less to Micheal's knowledge. She looked at herself in the full length mirror and smiled at her appearance. She felt so sexy and confident.
Micheal knocked on the door noticing she was gone a while. "You good in there?"
"Yeah I'm coming out now!"
She opened the door walking out and Micheal's jaw dropped at the woman he gets to call his girlfriend.
"Do you like it?" She tucked a curl behind her ear in anxiety that he wouldn’t like it.
"Like it? Baby I love this, you look so sexy and beautiful, fuck got me at a loss for words here." He took her tattooed hand and pulled her in his lap.
She smiled down at him and leaned closer to place her lips on his. It was a slow and passionate kiss.
“Can I suck your dick please.” She asked between open mouth kisses.
He nodded his head and moved closer to sit on the edge of the bed, his breathing picking up as Kalani made her way on her knees kissing every mark and little teasing touches until she got to his basketball shorts.
Micheal jutted his hips up so she could take them off him. He let out a breathless moan as the cold air of the room hit his already hard cock.
She bit her lip in anticipation and spit in her hand before stroking him slowly. She kitten licked his tip until fully putting his length in her mouth. She closed her eyes moaning around his cock. She hasn’t gotten the chance to suck him off in forever and god did she miss it.
Micheal whined at the sight of his girlfriend going down on him. Normally he goes down on her first but he did miss her ungodly mouth. It made things worse that she was rubbing herself through her panties.
“Take those off. I wanna see you play with your pretty pussy.” He motioned.
She nodded and threw them across the room, startling Southy, who ran out of the room towards Luke and Sierra’s where Sadie was. Moose was somewhere in Ashton’s room since she wasn’t a big fan of Calum.
She pulled back slightly as she started to gag, drool and faint mascara tears in her eyes as she kissed around his length and slipped him back in her mouth, determined to make him cum.
She bobbed her head a bit faster as his abdomen tightened. Knowing he was close he pulled her face back slightly.
“Fuck let me come on your tits please.” He groaned making her nod. She slipped his length out of her mouth and widened her eyes making her look more innocent as he jerked his length as she felt the sticky substance fall on her boobs.
Micheal picked her up and laid her across the bed with him over her. “Fuck, that was amazing baby.”
“Well I finally got to suck you off after months of waiting for you to say yes.” She giggled, obviously still stuck in his post orgasm haze.
“Not my fault your pussy is incredible.”
She leaned up to kiss him as she jutted her hips into his.
“Someone’s needy.” He teased making her whine.
“Mikey please.” She said spreading her legs, showing her glistening arsoual.
He lined himself up with her and pushed all the way until he was balls deep almost. Waiting for her nod of approval, he started moving slowly in and out of her. His thrusts were small and rapid as he buried her head in his neck, speeding up his thrusts.
“Oh shit.” She moaned out, not caring who heard her.
“That feels good huh? My thick cock in this little tight pussy.”
Kalani moaned in response and clawed at his back. One hand was next her head while the other was on her hip holding him up so he wouldn’t squish her.
His hand traveled down to her swollen clit as he rubbed it in slow circles making her jerk.
“Mikey I’m so close.” She moaned into his shoulder. Her nails gripping his back leaving little crescent moons.
“You wanna come for me lovie?” He grunted, watching her face contort into pleasure as she came undone as her walls clenched uncontrollably against his throbbing cock. “That’s it baby.”
“Kalani fuck.” He moaned out as his thrust came to a complete halt as he came inside her. Their heavy breathing and the smell of sex lingering in the room. He pulled out of her giving her forehead a gentle kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
She rolled over as she heard the water being turned on quickly and his hand tapping her thighs open so he could drag the warm washcloth cleaning her gently. He reached her clit that was still puffy as she whined from overstimulation. “I know baby, you did so good though.”
He dug in his bag pulling out a muscle tee and leaving her pantie less due to her still clenching around nothing.
Climbing into bed he pulled her close to his chest as she was already dozing off to his whispers of sweet nothings until they heard a voice.
“God damn y’all are so loud! Some of us are trying to sleep.” Calum’s voice rang throughout the house. “You also owe me and Roy 20 bucks.”
“I did not consent to that!” Roy argued back.
Kalani groaned in embarrassment as Micheal rolled his eyes in annoyance. “I’m gonna kill them both tomorrow.” He whispered.
“Yes tomorrow but right now we need sleep. Don’t kill Roy though, Cal’s probably messing with you. Roy’s too nice for that.” Kalani said as she disappeared into a deep sleep.
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aurora567 · 2 months
Padora's Gift Ch. 11
Warning: this story will contain mature content such as but not limited to sex, cursing, blood, violence, breeding kink, A/B/O themes ect.
Word count: 3225
AN: I will be visiting my little sister who just had a baby and so I will not be posting anything from April 12-26. I will make a post on my tumbler as well but incase no one sees it. Chapter 12 will be posted on May 1st sorry for the wait.
Last Chapter
Holy shit! Did she really just make such a flirtatious comment to Bakugou fucking Katsuki? She did, she really did. Geeze's HR would have her head. She was supposed to be working with the man, not flirting. And the tabloids! she could already see the headlines. Second rate omega hero tried to steal the best bachelor and number two hero. Now she wanted to crawl under a rock and hide as she could feel Bakugou's eyes watching her as she buckled the kid into his seat before quickly running around the jeep to jump in herself. Not looking at either man she buckled herself in and turned her attention over to Hatori smiling as she asked him how he enjoyed the day?
And of course the kid was more than happy to start going off about what a great day he had. How happy he was that he got to spend the day with two of his favourite heroes. And she welcomed that the jeep was so nice and open allowing the wind to carry away the smell of her distress and internal turmoil. Luckily listening to Hatori helped allow her to try and clear her mind, steady her breath and most importantly calm down her pheromones before either alpha in the front of the jeep could notice. Damn it she hated not wearing her scent blockers even if the damn things itched and where annoying as could be. But at least they kept her emotions a secret and to herself now allowing anyone else to notice the changes that occurred within her mind or body.
The car ride felt fair to short before the jeep was rolling to a stop parking in front of her shabby little apartment building. A part of her was so relieved she wanted to run and hide in the safety of her home. And yet a small part of her almost didn't want to say goodbye to the two large looming idiots who had also apparently crawled out of the jeep as well. Though to her demise she was now forced to deal with a rather reluctant kid who did not want to get out of the jeep willingly.
It wasn't easy to try and get the kid out of the jeep. And poor Bakugou was a growling idiot of course as he cursed the kid under his breath. Of course each curse earned him a glare as she stood back watching Kirishima try to calm the kid down.
"How about we go make some cookies? We can spend the evening baking your favourite goodies," she called out which in turn had the kid shut up and look at her with an arched eyebrow. He looked skeptical as if she may be lying to him. The kid had at least one weakness. He loved sweets a lot.
"With extra chocolate chips?" The kid asked as Kirishima stepped back and the kid stuck his head out the door. She resisted the urge to laugh as the kid seemed to be trying to barter with her.
"You drive a hard bargain, little man. Sure with extra chips," she said as she watched the kid smile widely and jump out of the jeep as both men looked at the woman like she grew a second head. One minute ago they thought they were going to have to rip the child from the jeep. The next he jumped out willingly, all smiles. Though his big blue eyes looked between both male hero's as if wanting to ask if they would join, but he bit his tongue. Kid was smart; he knew hero's were busy people. Still he at least climbed out of the jeep dried eye and smiling.
"Will you take some cookies with you to work on Monday?" He asked as he walked over to stand by her side. His small hand wrapping around hers before he glanced back over his shoulder as Kirishima removed the booster seat from his jeep.
"Only if you don't eat them all," she said laughing lightly as she teased the kid watching him pout as he started to whine that he wouldn't eat all the cookies. With her backpack over one shoulder, Hatori's hand in one of hers, she reached for the booster with her last empty hand only for Bakugou to scoop it up.
"I'll carry it up for you," he growled almost as if it was some inconvenience for him. But she wasn't an idiot. If Bakugou didn't want to do something he would never have even suggested it. And arguing or even saying a word about it would only blow up the idiot.
"Thanks. See you Monday Kirishima," she said waving a hand at the red head as Hatori waved like the little excited idiot he was also saying his goodbyes as they turned to walk away leaving Kirishima to lean back against his jeep and wait as he watched his blonde idiot friend walk with the woman and kid as they disappear into the apartment.
Sakaki wasn't sure how to react to the blonde as he followed her to the elevator as he really wasn't needed but she wasn't about to tell him she didn't need his help. Bakugou didn't just do things out of the kindness of his heart. This was something she imagined she would have had to argue with Kirishima over but she never expected Bakugou to just grab the booster seat and carry it for her. And of course he looked rather irritated with the action of helping her out. But he didn't actually say anything as the elevator ride remained silent between them. Though Hatori was more than happy to yap about the plan to bake cookies with his aunty Shinzuko. Though sadly for him neither adult was really truly listening to him as both were too busy being stiff and nervous to say anything.
Even as the elevator dinged open the two remained silent as they both watched Hatori run ahead of them down the hall. Damn it get back here, she screamed in her head at the kid not wanting to be forced to walk beside the blonde idiot. After all, what could she say after embarrassing herself before climbing into the jeep after spending the day together. The spike in her scent had the blonde's nostrils flare. And yet he didn't say anything to her which was odd for him. Which only drove her anxiety even more. She fucked up, didn't she? Pulling her keys from her pocket she was quick to open the door before the small body raced into her house kicking off his shoes as she tried not to shit herself as she wondered if she should invite him in. But then again Kirishima was waiting for him so that gave her a wonderful excuse not to.
"Thanks," she said softly as she reached out to grab the kids booster seat from him only for his empty hand to wrap around her wrist. She wondered if he could feel her racing pulse as she stood there looking up at him as she froze. A part of her wanted to tip her head to the side and whimper in submission to the blonde who was glaring down at her. But she stood frozen, unable to move.
"The rugrat. How long is he sticking around for?" Well that was not the question she had been expecting from the man. Well every single word from him was a surprise as she blinked her eyes trying to force her fuzzy brain to work.
"Friday. He goes home Friday," she mumbled simply which seemed to be all the blonde wanted to know as he dropped her wrist and thrust the booster seat into her face as she struggled to reach out and grab it before the blonde had turned and wordlessly was making his way back down the hall towards the stairs.
She watched the door to the hall close behind him leaving the dark haired woman standing confused in her open doorway. What the fuck was that? She growled to herself as she just stood there looking down the hall with her eyebrows knit together till the yell from the excited child in her kitchen forced her to turn and step into her home.
The rest of the weekend had flown by quickly. With the remainder of Saturday night spent cooking cookies after having some dinner. Then Sunday was spent more relaxed. Throwing on movies she welcomed the time to cuddle and just enjoy the kid. Which just had her omega keen as she allowed herself to actually enjoy having a child around. Though it was a mild problem as she worried about how having the kid around and spending so much time with two attractive alpha's was probably going to send her body and it's annoying hormones into overdrive. She knew it was not a good idea but she started to double up her suppressants. Which on its own was either going to help her or do nothing at all. She really hoped it was going to be helpful. But for the day she caved in to those annoying omega desires as she cuddled and enjoyed the day with Hatori.
Monday morning had come far too fast. But at least the weekend off was nice. Saturday had been fun even if she embarrassed herself at the end. But still the hike had been nice, the food was oddly very delicious, and the view had been breathtaking. Sunday was a nice day to spend in bed curled up with Hatori most of the day, even if she had a strong feeling that would bite her in the butt later. But it was too hard not to cave in to the kids desire to watch movies, and her omega needs to cuddle and fawn over the kid. Of course Sunday night she was texting Kirishima asking him if he would once again grab Hatori from school while he was on patrol and take him back to the agency till she finished the stake out with Bakugou. Of course the man had jumped at the request and was more than happy to tell her yes which eased her mind on what she was going to do with the kid. And of course she apologized for the time it would take him to do the simple task since the kids always went nuts seeing a hero and she knew it was just as bad for him since Red Riot was a well known top pro.
With Hatori dropped off at school and her running to get to the agency. At least the run had given her a chance to burn off some of that anxious energy since the last words Bakugou spoke to her still confused her, and spiked her anxiety. But at least now she was wearing her scent blocking patches again so she did not need to worry about her scent giving away her emotions.
Rushing through the front door of the agency she found Bakugou and Kirishima standing among the lobby in full hero gear apparently ready to start their days. And of course Kirishima flashed her a wide sharp toothed grin while Bakugou was a scowling, growling unhappy person.
"You're late idiot!" Ah a typical greeting as well.
"Good morning I missed you too Boom Boom boy," she said as she watched his top lip curl back and could even hear the popping from his hands. But it was too good not to use Mina's old nickname for him. Kirishima just tried not to laugh as he watched the exchange between the two people in front of him. As he yelled at her she just ignored him and turned her attention to wishing Kirishima a good morning which he returned in a far more kind manner.
Not even bothering to wait for the blonde to calm down she turned on her heel and started heading out of the agency. After all Bakugou wasn't wrong, she was late. But really she just wanted nothing more than to get the slow and annoying stake over and done with. And as expected Bakugou was quick to storm after her as she led the way out of his agency. And yet once he joined her the walk was quiet, well quiet between them. After all, Dynamite still drew a good amount of attention in his hero gear.
The day had dragged on painfully slow, as was expected when all one does is sit hidden on a building roof with binoculars in hand watching one building in the distance in particular. Though the sudden shiver that ran up the woman's back quickly had her lowering her binoculars to glance around. Her brain was screaming at her to run. This was a feeling she was all too familiar with, it felt like she was being hunted. Of course the blonde idiot beside her wouldn't feel the same fear or have such instincts but she had learned a long time ago when her omega said run she listened to it. Her small hand shot out to grip tightly around the large bicep beside her.
"Run. Now!" She hissed trying to keep it among a whisper as the blonde whipped his head to look over at her with one soft eyebrow raised. The look on his face said it all. He wanted to yell at her but knew better than to do so while trying to remain hidden. She didn't even wait for his reply before she jumped to her feet. The hand on his arm never let go and she hoisted him up with her.
"What the hell!" Was the growl that came from the blonde as he struggled to find his feet under him as she paused. She wanted to just jump off the roof. They would both easily make it down, especially Bakugou but his explosions to stop himself from free falling would bring attention. Going through the building like how they entered it was though was the other option, but she hated the idea of being caught inside. It was much easier to fight out in the wide open space. But there was no real choice. She could hear Bakugou growling at her as she started to drag him towards the door off the roof.
"We've been compromised," she hissed as he continued to curse at her. Though that single sentence had him shut right up. And now his footsteps fell in time with hers allowing her to let go of him and know he is following her.
"And how do you know that?" Of course he was about to question her.
"We are being hunted. Someone is watching and following us," she hissed as she ripped the door open and quickly started down the stairs. She had no desire to be caught running down stairs while trying to fight. So she wasted no time in running down them as Bakugou rushed after her.
"That doesn't answer my question," he growled, his voice getting a little louder now that they were inside a confined space.
"Call it instinct or whatever you want. But I'm well accustomed to the feeling of a predator watching its prey," she said, not exactly wanting to have to stop and try to explain to an alpha how she knows the feeling of being in danger and that getting away is a must.
She could hear him grumbling and calling her a few choice words but she didn't care as they reached the bottom of the stairs. She was more hesitant to just go flying out of the stairwell and into the hallway. But still she didn't slow down too much as she still felt the need to get to the street and away from the cramped area. But of course she wasn't going to get her wish. As she rushed past a door it suddenly opened and a metal pipe came flying out aimed for her head. Of course she easily ducked out of the way. And using the momentum as she pushed herself up planting her palm roughly into the jaw of her attacker sending him toppling backwards unconscious.
And that was all it took for all the other doors to open and an all out chaos to start. The two heroes were clearly outnumbered but that was nothing new for the two of them. But the tight area was quickly becoming crowded as more and more villains filled the hall. There was quickly becoming no way to get through the crowd. And at least Bakugou had grown wise enough to know he had to be careful and not use his explosions inside. But that made it a bit harder leaving the two of them to fight using hand to hand combat.
"Where the hell are all these guys coming from?" She growled as it seemed the large group was keeping the two boxed in. Sakaki didn't enjoy this situation as she winced as a blade glanced over her stomach, slicing through the suit and grazing her skin. Though a simple glance showed just the slightest hint of red. Well at least it wasn't running down her stomach so she left the wound be, as she struggled to disarm the man in front of her. But this fighting was growing annoying and would quickly grow exhausting if they were not careful. She growled as she glanced over at Bakugou taking on a mountain of a man. Trying to move herself closer she quickly pulled her mask off her head.
"Dynamite catch," she called out as she tossed the mask at him watching the confused look that crossed the man's face. It won't fit him well but it was better than nothing.
"What the?" Yep she could hear his confusion.
"Put it on dumb ass," she hissed at him as she moved her left hand down ripping at the hole in her suit making it even bigger. As her right hand moved up, removing the scent blocker from the back of her jaw.
"Now everyone can take a little nap," she mumbled, allowing her scent to fill the room along with the poisonous gas. Though a slight shift in the chemical compound allowed her to knock out those around her in the small space. She could hear a few of the alpha's in the group growling some less than pleasing words about there being an omega bitch in front of them. But the words didn't last long as she watched the criminals start to drop like flies. Though now she got to enjoy watching the room start to spin as she couldn't even stop the hiccup that then had the woman giggling softly. Ah yes now the joy of not having her mask on she got drunk off her own scent and quirk mixture.
She felt herself swaying softly as she giggled like the drunk she was before a strong hand gripped her shoulder trying to keep her steady as she looked over at the blonde who was looking down at her with her mask in his other hand. She let him guide her down the hall and past the bodies as they made their way out of the building while Bakugou was on the phone calling in the event that just happened.
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Remain By His Side Chp.7 Taxi
Chap.6 (Smut) Chapter.7
Leon's week to spend back home was over, and now you waited for the taxi with him.
Heyo! this one is shorter. my motivation for writing has been shot b/c of my allergies lol
Warnings: More slow burn, leon needs a hug, he and reader are both kinda sad, brief mention of sibling death, Leon ignoring his feelings
“When will you come back?” You asked him, looking into his eyes. Leon was leaving back to military training, and a taxi was already called.
He’s been…quiet towards you. Ever since he told you about Raccoon City in detail. Ever since that night, he hasn’t looked you in the eye. 
“I…don’t know.” He mumbled, “But I’ll come back. Unless you move. Or kick me out.” 
You snorted, “That's not going to happen, I like our apartment.” It was a good location. You were close enough to your medical school you could practically walk there. Once the semester begins in a couple months, you’d be grateful for the short commute, “Besides, even if I got a new place, I’d send you a key.” 
Leon’s grin seemed…empty, hollow, “I haven’t annoyed you yet?” 
“Not at all. Besides, you’re Mocha’s favorite person, I wouldn't kick you out.” Your teasing was lighthearted, but the smile on your lips was bittersweet, you always hated when Leon left. He’s become a part of your life you didn’t want to give up. Friend didn’t seem like a strong enough word, but you couldn’t think of any other word. 
“Oh, I see. You want me to stick around for the cat,” He gave you a tender laugh, though it didn’t meet his eyes. 
What happened? Did I do this? You thought to yourself. Maybe you forced him to open wounds he would rather forget. It's only been a few months since Raccoon City fell. Perhaps you should have waited before pressing him for details of that horrible night.
You covered your worry, “Well, she does deserve everything she wants.” 
He laughed again at your words, “Even when she wakes us up at 5am.” Leon snorted before putting a hesitant hand on your shoulder, “Take care of yourself ok?”
You felt…warm whenever he touched you. In any proximity. You felt warm, safe and cared for. In response, you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug, “You too. I’ll make sure to write every week.” 
He nodded as you pulled back. 
You kept your eyes on him, and your hands were on his chest. Under your palms, you felt his heartbeat. Strong, steady, but rapid. Like he was nervous. 
Leon nodded, now unable to meet your gaze. He seemed…flustered under your touch. 
Your frown wasn’t missed by him. But he didn't comment. After a moment of silence you sighed, “Did…Did I do something wrong?”
His eyes widened and he looked at you surprised, “What? No.”
Your hands stayed on him, “Ever since you told me about Raccoon City, you’ve been…acting different. I was afraid I might’ve forced you to talk about it before you were ready.”
“It’s not that.” Leon had both hands on your upper arms, “You didn’t do anything wrong. It's…it's just me. That's all.” He looked away, facing the street. As if he prayed the taxi would come sooner. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” You pressed slightly, hoping he’d give in. you really didn’t like pushing Leon to do or say something he didn’t want to do. 
Lord knows his free will has been taken enough.
He shook his head, “You shouldn’t worry, everythings fine.” he lied. He was a terrible liar. Why was he lying to you?
You didn’t know what else to do except hug him. His strong arms wrapped around you in response, “Whatever is going on, I’m here for you.” reluctantly, you pulled back and looked at him. 
“Please…I…” He mumbled, looking at the ground, “Look, it's not important, ok?”
You held your tongue, debating with yourself before you said your next words, “You're important to me,” your words were honest, “and I want to make sure you’re ok…”
Leon swallowed, finally looking at you. His lips twitched slightly in a frown, before he swallowed. He spoke quietly, “I’m…just gonna miss you.” His response surprised you. You expected more from him. Still, you knew he was hiding something.
He’s usually so honest…
Your frown was obvious. But you didn’t push for more details, “I’ll miss you too.” you responded, just as the taxi was arriving. 
The two of you hugged again before he stepped away.
“I’ll see you later.” Leon smirked, but still, his blue eyes betrayed his smile. 
“See you later.” your words were not a goodbye. You’ve found out that after your brother's death, you couldn’t say ‘goodbye’. Not anymore. 
You watched the taxi drive away, out of sight. With a sigh you returned to your apartment. 
Honestly, you tried not to think about how lonely your home felt again.
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