#just wanted to get a 4$ nice meal man
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usually the characters in my dreams have blurry faces and. obviously do not know that they are in my dream. But Apparently Not Fucking Apollo From Hades 2 (The Game)
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
im always like wistfully sighing one day i will live with somebody who loves me and we'll cook together and itll be so romantic and then i remember when i was a kid and my mom would force me to let my sibling help me bake and id get so mad that i considered fratricide
#in my head cooking is a very nice calming thing however every time i Actually cook its like a fucking battlefield its genuinely dire#its entirely my fault bc i always turn the heat up so high and then i get stressed bc im like ITS COOKING TOO FAST ITS BURNING AND THE#MIDDLE ISNT EVEN COOKED and its like . yeah man bc you have the heat full blastt 😭😭but if i have it low im like This is taking too long.#even worse if im cooking a dish/meal that has multiple components and i need 2 be prepping one thing while another thing is cooking#and they all have different cook times so i have to make sure they all get done around the same time. it does make me cry a lot#one day. i will have my own house where i feel safe and i can cook and learn how 2 cook in a way that doesnt make me burst into tears#one time. evil. at home i was just gonna make myself pancakes 4 dinner and then my entire family was like is for me? so i had 2 make pancak#s for everyone meaning i had 2 make Good pancakes bc idm if my pancakes r a little burnt or whatever and ik my family doesnt either#but in my head im like If i give my family burnt pancakes they will hate me until the day i fucking die#so i was already stressed bc it went from making like 5 silver dollars to like 30 and the first 2 patches were burnt and everybody was#running around and it was So hot and then the smoke alarm came on and we had just moved in so i didnt know where it was to turn it off so i#just sat down on the floor and started sobbing LOL#my mom finished the pancakes thank gd. but basically it was very scary and i Want to learn how 2 cook but i fink it needs to be#cooking for only me until i feel comfortable cooking more food at a time#bc making a lot of food stresses me out to much As seen above.
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ja3yun · 2 months
Red Ocean | P.JS
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vampire!jay x succubus!femreader warnings: smut (mdni), rough, unprotected sex, power dynamics, blood and biting (a lot of it), dirty talk, spanking, oral (m.rec), throat fucking, swallowing, mentions of manipulation and control (but all consensual!), not proofread, anything else lmk! wc: 8.5k synopsis: with jongseong starving for his next feed as a self proclaimed veggie, his friend suggests visiting red ocean to quench his thirst, but when he gets there, there's something off about the place. a/n: hi! so listen, this is completely new territory for me bc i write cute lovey dovey scenes and this is pure FILTH. this was originally going to be a thank you for 1.5k (which thank you btw!) but i think i want to write something else for that since this kind of fic doesn't suit some people's taste, so please enjoy it as just a lil something. there is a lot of blood and vampire stuff so like, if you don't enjoy that, feel free to scroll!
Slumping onto the couch beside his buddy Jake, Jongseong looks like he's been through the wringer. His eyes are droopy, his head's pounding, and he's got this desperate hunger gnawing at him. "I'm fucking starving," he groans, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to block out the craving for blood that's been driving him nuts.
It has been 4 weeks since he has had a decent meal and he is starting to lose the strength in his body, his powers growing weaker by the second. It’s gotten so bad that he almost mauled the girl next to him in the lift on the way up to his best friend, Jake’s apartment, thinking about how good it would be to pierce her neck and taste her blood on his tongue, drinking her until he’s stuffed.
But it goes against Jongseong’s number one rule: never feed from a human.
Jongseong has lived his life for 148 years and lived 127 years of it as a vampire. He has been a self-proclaimed vegetarian for over 60 years, vowing that now he can control his thirst around humans, he will never feed from anyone ever again. It was a personal choice, one that is lost on his friends because, to them, one of the greatest pleasures in this shitty never-ending life is to feast on fresh human blood.
It’s not that he didn’t love the taste of human blood, in fact, he often finds dinner within the confines of a type O blood bag that Jake kindly provides him when on shift. His friend works as a delivery man, transporting goods from one hospital to another, and sometimes while he has to use the ‘bathroom’ he sniffs out what he calls the Treasure Room; a room filled with red gold. Stealing the blood is easy, it’s understanding why Jongseong won’t just suck on a pure nape that is the hard part.
“There are some bags in the fridge,” Jake points over to his white, shabby refrigerator where he keeps some spare bags of sweet crimson for himself, “I can’t keep doing this, Jongseong. The hospitals are starting to notice and it’s hard enough to feed me never mind you,” he exhales heavily, trying to relay to Jongseong the burden he carries.
Jongseong sighs, fighting to find the energy to drag himself to the fridge, “I’m sorry, the closest woods is 5 hours away and wildlife doesn't exactly run rampant around these parts,” he retorts, hoping his friend will understand his struggle.
The bags are nice, but they’re cold and stale, he wants something warm and substantial, something only living beings can provide. Unfortunately for him, deer and foxes have been scarce in recent weeks.
Nodding, Jake pulls himself off the couch to grab him and his friend a bag. Jongseong watches Jake take the blood bags from the refrigerator, his stomach twisting with relief and remorse. He despises having to rely on Jake for meals, knowing the toll it puts on his friend.
Jake hands him one of the bags before sitting beside him once again, concern etched on his face, “You could start feeding from humans again,” he suggests, knowing that it’s sort of a lost cause. Jongseong has been a veggie for so long that he knows the idea is ludicrous to him, but it seems like his only option now.
“Not a chance in hell,” Jongseong argues back, piercing his fangs into the blood bag and sucking some out of it, his eyes lighting up as he tastes the sweetness. Despite his love for human blood, he stands by his morals, “I’m not that person, I’m not like those mosquitoes from the Tracks.”
The Tracks are notorious for hosting some of the most bloodthirsty vampires to roam Seoul. They’re lethal and dangerous; in Jongseong’s eyes, they might as well be parasites. He knows it’s wrong to cast judgment on a whole group of people based on a few individuals, but these creatures aren’t like Jake and Jongseong; they’re predatory and conniving, doing whatever it takes to get humans to surrender to them, even if that means abusing their power.
Jongseong vowed to never do such a thing, to keep humans safe. After all, he was laid victim to the hands of a vampire all those years ago, why would he now wish to cause the same harm to an innocent being? 
Jake sits up straight, his thinking cap secured firmly on his head, “What if they consented? Like how Bona has consented to me?” he offers as a solution.
Bona is Jake’s long-term human blood bag turned girlfriend, she allows Jake to take what he needs from her, trusting him to never harm her. It works tremendously well, however, as much as she is there to provide herself to her man, Jake doesn’t like to abuse the offering, hence the use of blood bags for himself.
Jongseong scoffed, recognising the uniqueness of Jake's situation, "It’s alright for you to say, your girlfriend is the most chilled person I know. Could you imagine if I just walked up to someone and was like ‘Hey, can I suck on one of your main arteries for a couple of minutes?’ I’m sure that’ll go down well,” he remarked sarcastically, highlighting the absurdity of the notion.
Suddenly, Jake’s eyes light up as if he had come up with the solution to all of Jongseong’s problems, “What about Red Ocean?” he queries.
“The sex club? I’m hungry, not horny, Jake,” Jongseong says back.
Red Ocean is a famous strip joint in the middle of town that also provides bonus services to those who throw enough money around. It’s not the worst place in the world but it is certainly not what he is looking for.
“Well you’re single as well as hungry,” Jake starts, his face never diminishing his bright expression, “What if you could quench both thirsts at once?”
Jongseong had no problem getting laid, in fact, he was good as it gets for a superb fuck around these parts; it didn’t take long for him to lure women into his bed for a one night thing. But that didn’t mean he feasted on them, he was far too much a gentleman for that. The woman that he slept with signed up to get pounded into, not drained of their blood.
"What the fuck are you even suggesting? That I go feed off some poor girl just because she's a sex worker? It's a legitimate profession, you know," Jongseong argues vehemently, placing the now-empty blood bag on the coffee table before him.
Rolling his eyes, Jake lets out an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, yeah, we all know you’re a feminist" he quips, brushing off Jongseong's defence, "But Red Ocean isn't just your run-of-the-mill sex club. My buddy Jungwon told me they've got a whole section specifically for vampires like us. Plenty of willing donors, no strings attached."
Jongseong runs a hand over his face, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in, "But why would anyone agree to that?" he wonders aloud, struggling to comprehend the idea of people willingly offering themselves up as disposable blood bank for a paycheck.
Shrugging nonchalantly, Jake takes a sip from his own blood bag, "Different strokes for different folks, I guess," he offers with a shrug as if that explains everything, "I'll have Wonnie send over the details."
Despite his reservations, Jongseong knows that his hunger won't be satisfied for long with just blood bags. Reluctantly, he nods, conceding to Jake's suggestion. Perhaps Red Ocean holds the key to quelling his insatiable cravings without compromising his morals. Only time will tell.
Standing outside the red-lit nightclub, Jongseong hypes himself up to enter, his comfort zone being pushed to its brink. He is a homebody who enjoys binging TV shows and playing his guitar, so this venture is foreign to him. 
His nervousness is heightened by the fact that he is here alone. Jake, being the devoted lover he is, would never risk an argument with Bona over a place like this. And Jongseong's other dependable friend, Heeseung, is preoccupied with a work assignment, leaving him to traverse this foreign environment on his own.
Despite his concerns, Jongseong knows he can't back out now, the hunger that lies in the pit of his stomach is only getting worse. With a final steeling of his will, he pushes open the club's entrance and enters the throbbing, crimson-hue interior, prepared to face whatever awaits him within.
The place really lives up to its name Red Ocean because all he can see in front of him is red; red lighting and neon signs, the workers are all laced with some form of red attire, and there is an ocean of people. Jongseong looks like a deer in the headlights as he walks up to the reception desk. 
His gaze is immediately drawn to a sultry figure standing near the entrance. She's the epitome of allure, with long, flowing hair cascading over her shoulders and a figure that curves in all the right places. Her eyes, smouldering with an enticing gaze, seem to beckon him forward.
She stands behind a large desk area, her presence commanding attention as she takes in the arrivals with a knowing smile. Dressed in a form-fitting dress that accentuates her ample curves, she exudes an air of confidence and sensuality that leaves Jongseong momentarily breathless.
As Jongseong approaches, he can't help but feel a flush of heat rise to his cheeks under her gaze. Her lips curve into a seductive smile as she extends a manicured hand towards him, her voice smooth as velvet as she speaks.
"Welcome to Red Ocean," she purrs, her voice laced with a hint of mischief, “How can we fulfil your desires tonight?” Her question hangs in the air as Jongseong is entranced by her.
He can’t put his finger on it, but suddenly he’s more tired than before, his body almost as if it’s being led on its own, like he’s having a strange out-of-body experience. Perhaps it’s the heat mixed in with the smoke, or maybe it’s something more.
Clearing his throat nervously, Jongseong tries to regain his composure as he addresses the hostess. "Um, yeah, I was told there's a private area?" he asks, hoping she'll understand his subtle hint.
With a dark smile, the hostess nods, her gaze lingering on him with a knowing glint. "Absolutely, sir. For £700, you can enjoy the company of one of our talented performers in a private setting, with a complimentary bottle of champagne," she explains smoothly, her fingers dancing across the screen of her iPad.
Jongseong defiantly shakes his head, “No, no, none of that,” he notices how her smile drops as if he has offended her, “No! I just don’t…I don’t need that kind of service,” he says softly. This is going a lot more awkwardly than he had planned. The last thing he needs to do is offend her, this could be his only chance at a proper meal for weeks.
There’s also a nagging voice in the back of his mind that’s telling him to be careful. Telling this woman outright that he is a vampire could end disastrously, hunters lurk in every corner of the city, waiting for their moment to capture vampires exactly like him. It’s not easy to tell who is a hunter and who isn’t, so for all he knows, this club could be collecting vampires and luring them in with possibilities of feeding when in actual fact, they will tear them limb from limb and burn them out back.
He has to tread carefully here.
The atmosphere is heavy around him as he tries to regain control of the situation, but with his energy low, it’s proving difficult, “Do you provide…special services?” he asks, puffing out his chest a little to feign confidence.
Jongseong isn’t a timid person, he’s always been known for being strong and confident but for some reason, he’s regressed back to his little awkward, virgin self. This place is throwing his entire aura off and messing with his head. Maybe it’s just the hunger that sits within him.
The hostess eyes him sceptically, her gaze lingering on him in a way that sets his nerves on edge. "We offer a variety of unique services, tailored to each individual's preferences," she replies, her voice dipping seductively as she sizes him up. "So, sir, how can I ensure you have the best experience possible?"
Jongseong shifts uncomfortably under the weight of the hostess's scrutiny, his mind racing with uncertainty. He hadn't expected this encounter to be so challenging. Every instinct tells him to tread cautiously, to protect himself from potential danger while still satisfying his hunger.
"I... I'm looking for something," Jongseong finally manages to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something... off the menu, so to speak."
The hostess raises an eyebrow, her expression unreadable as she considers his request but she doesn’t budge, in fact, she crosses her arms, clearly having enough of this encrypted conversation. Jongseong needs to be straightforward if he wants to leave here fully satisfied.
The password.
How could he forget that Jake had texted him a password? Once Jake had asked his friend Jungwon for more details, he said the only way to get into the back area with the other vampires was with a password. Jongseong’s brain has been so clouded since he walked in here that he completely forgot the one important detail.
"Dracaena Trifasciata," he manages to utter, though his pronunciation leaves much to be desired. Still, the hostess's reaction tells him he got the message across, her bored expression transforming into a sly smirk.
As Jongseong watches, spellbound, the hostess's transformation leaves him momentarily breathless. Her once closed-off demeanour now radiates warmth and familiarity, as if she's greeting an old friend rather than a stranger.
"My little crimson crusader," she purrs, her voice sending a shiver down Jongseong's spine. "Why didn't you just say so?"
Her words are like a siren's call, drawing Jongseong closer until he stands before her, unable to resist her magnetic presence. As she reaches across the desk, her hands beckoning him nearer, Jongseong obeys without hesitation, his curiosity mingled with a sense of trepidation.
With deft fingers, she undoes the first few buttons of his crisp white shirt, her touch sending sparks of electricity dancing across his skin. He feels a flutter of nerves in the pit of his stomach as her hands glide over his chest, exploring with an intimacy that leaves him feeling exposed and vulnerable.
She tilts her head, her gaze locking with his in a silent exchange of understanding. Jongseong can't tear his eyes away from hers, captivated by the depths of emotion swirling within them.
Despite the warmth of her touch, Jongseong can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at the edges of his consciousness. There's something about her that feels off, something that sets his instincts on edge. She isn’t a vampire, the heat of her touch is enough to clarify, but she is certainly no human.
But as he stands there, caught in her gaze, he finds himself unable to pull away. Whatever she is, whatever secrets she holds, Jongseong knows one thing for certain: he's in deeper than he ever imagined, and there's no turning back now.
As she pulls away, a sense of relief washes over him, though he can still feel the lingering intensity of the hostess's gaze. Standing upright behind her desk once more, she regards him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, "You're a lot younger than those we see around these parts. You can't be any more than 160," she muses, her perceptive gaze honing in on Jongseong's youthful aura.
"I'm 148," Jongseong admits quietly, a hint of embarrassment colouring his tone. He's never given much thought to his age, existing as a perpetual 21-year-old who happened to live through 3 plagues and 2 world wars. 
Pouting playfully, the hostess holds a hand over her heart in mock sympathy, "Aw, you're just a baby," she coos, her tone patronising. The remark sends a surge of irritation coursing through Jongseong, his shoulders tensing and his jaw clenching involuntarily.
He suppresses the urge to retort, reminding himself to tread carefully in this unfamiliar territory. Despite the hostess's seemingly jovial demeanour, there's an underlying edge to her words that sets him on edge.
Circling the desk, the hostess stands in front of the young vampire, her body dangerously close to his as she leans up and presses her lips to his ear, “Follow me, I’ll lead you to everything you’re starving for,” she whispers. Jongseong feels a shiver run down his spine as the hostess's warm breath caresses his ear, her words sending a jolt of anticipation through him. Despite the warning bells ringing in the back of his mind, he finds himself unable to resist the allure of her invitation.
As Jongseong weaves through the crowded club, his senses are assaulted by the mingling scents of sweat, alcohol, and, most tantalizingly, human blood. Each passerby sends a wave of hunger coursing through him, his fangs threatening to descend at any moment. But he clenches his jaw, reminding himself of his resolve to abstain from feeding on humans. Yet, isn’t that what he’s on his way to do?
Beside him, the hostess effortlessly navigates the throng of clubgoers, her presence commanding attention wherever she goes. She greets familiar faces with a knowing smile, exchanging pleasantries with ease. Jongseong can't help but marvel at her confidence and poise, even as his own nerves threaten to betray him.
Eventually, they reach a door marked "Staff," but as the hostess swings it open, Jongseong is met with an unexpected sight - a long, dimly lit brick corridor stretching out before him. The hostess glances back at him, urging him to follow with a subtle gesture.
With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, Jongseong steps through the doorway, the weight of uncertainty heavy on his shoulders. He can't shake the feeling that he's venturing into uncharted territory, but with the promise of satisfying his hunger looming before him, he presses on.
As they reach the end of the corridor, Jongseong's heart quickens with anticipation, his senses heightened as they stand before the heavy, rusty door, “It’s just through here…” she trails off, silently asking for his name.
“Jongseong,” he replies, bowing his head in politeness. 
"Jessica," she offers in return, a slight grin playing on the corners of her mouth. Her simple gesture of introducing herself somehow eased the tension that had been coiling in his chest.
Jessica pushes open the door, revealing what can only be described as another reality. As Jongseong crosses the threshold, he feels as if he has been transported to a place beyond his imagination. The space before him is bathed in a delicate, ethereal glow, and the air vibrates with a palpable energy that awakens his senses. Peculiar symbols decorate the walls, their significance unknown to Jongseong but imbuing the place with an aura of ancient mysticism.
Jongseong's eyes widen in astonishment as he takes in the scene before him. The space beyond the heavy door is bustling with activity, filled with vampires from every generation lounging on plush couches and perched on bar stools. Gone is the facade of the club he had entered earlier; this is the true heart of Red Ocean.
The lavish area makes Jongseong question everything he has ever known. How many places are there like this? He hadn’t heard about this secret club until only a few days ago, so how long has it been here?
More importantly, “Uh, how much is this service?” he asks timidly as his eyes still scouting around the area where vampires are chatting away as if they aren’t deadly creatures of the night.
“Oh baby boy, don’t worry about that,” she smirks, turning to face him. It’s an ominous response, one that doesn’t fill him with much confidence, but he’s so hungry and weak that he can’t afford to pass up this opportunity due to mere scepticism. As long as it doesn’t break the bank, he’s willing to pay whatever he needs to quench this thirst.
The air in this new section of the club only serves to make him feel weaker like it’s sucking the breath from his lungs.
As Jessica looks around the room, his eyes follow, leading him to see a beautiful girl leaning against the bar, nursing her drink. The hostess’ face beams as she ushers the mystery girl over, much to Jongseong’s delight.
He might only be here to feed but who says he can’t indulge in these needs with someone beautiful like her?
“Y/N! Over here,” Jessica shouts, gesturing her friend forward. 
As you hear Jessica's call, you set your drink down, licking the remnants of the sweet beverage from your lips. It’s been a slow night for you, your usual boy cancelling last minute, leaving you in desperate need of someone new, someone to play with.
Snaking your way towards the awkward boy, you make sure your movements are purposeful, each sway of the hip intentional as you lure him into your vice. He’s a pretty little thing, much prettier than half of the men here, so you find yourself trying to grip him with your movements, beckoning him closer with every step.
As you approach him, you can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through you. There's something about him that sets him apart from the others in the room, something that makes your pulse quicken with anticipation. 
This is going to be a fun night.
"You are just the girl I need to treat my little sucky cup here well," Jessica states with a teasing grin, tracing her hand down Jongseong's arm, causing him to swallow deeply, "Could you take him off my hands?"
As you get closer, a rush of exhilaration runs through you. Jongseong's lingering gaze on you, hunger and desire in his eyes, just adds gasoline to the fire that is blazing within you.
Stepping closer, you rub his chest, much like the hostess had done but your touch is a lot more enticing, the way your fingertips linger on his skin a little too long causes his dick to twitch and his knees to crumble, as if he wanted to bow down and worship the ground you walked on.
Your leg slips between his, your knee rubbing against his inner thigh, close enough that he can feel it near his cock but far away enough to have him whining for more contact, "What's your name, baby?" you ask softly, your voice dripping with seduction as you look up at him through hooded eyes. You can see the desire burning in his gaze, the hunger for something more, and you're more than willing to give him what he craves, even if he doesn’t quite know what that is yet.
Jongseong's chest tightens at your touch, and his senses are overwhelmed by the magnetism you exude. With each passing second, he becomes fascinated by your presence, unable to resist the pull of attraction that draws him closer to you.
"Jongseong...Jay....Jongseong," he replies, his voice a frantic whisper. Your proximity, mixed with the gentle motions of your body against his, causes him to feel dizzy with need.
You stifle a laugh as your nails dig into his chest, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Jongseong. "Jongseong Jay Jongseong, I’m Y/N," you purr, your voice dripping with seduction, "Would you like me to take you somewhere with a little more privacy?"
Your gaze meets his with an intensity that sends a shiver down his spine, your fingers digging into his flesh with a mixture of pleasure and pain. "Or would you like to have an audience?" you continue, your eyes wandering to the left.
Jongseong follows your gaze, his heart pounding in his chest as he takes in the scene before him. To the left, round couches are cluttered with vampires indulging in their primal desires, feeding from their claimed workers, fucking into them with velocity. Some couples are locked in passionate embraces, their bodies entwined in a frenzy of lust, while others simply watch on, their eyes gleaming with arousal.
One particular couple catches Jongseong's attention, the sight of blood dripping down the girl's body as she relishes the feeling of a vampire pounding into her from behind, their shared moans only silenced by the loud music that surrounds the club. He hates to admit it, but it makes Jongseong’s dick twitch.
Peeling his eyes away, he returns his gaze to you, “Private, please.”
You withdraw your body from him, leaving him aching for your touch. You held so much power over him despite being a supernatural creature, "A gentleman, huh?" you tease, your voice dripping with amusement. "Let's see how long that lasts." He can't help but feel a sense of longing as you tease him with your words, your playful demeanour only adding to the intensity of his need.
If he was starving before, he’s ravenous now.
You lightly intertwine your fingers with his as you pull him towards your private room,  the knuckles of his hand brush along your ass as you stay a step in front of him. His eyes rake over the back of your body and take in the sight of you. You are perfect in every way, your body exactly his type, the lingerie set you have on is a beautiful white laced number that leaves nothing to the imagination. 
Jongseong is too busy admiring the way your ass cheeks jiggle as you walk that he doesn’t even notice you opening the door and leading him in. Your presence is like a drug all on its own, like he needs to surrender himself to you to experience the full pleasure. 
The moment Jongseong sets his eyes on the room and not your body, he's enveloped in a world of sensual decadence and luxury. The walls are draped in rich, red and gold fabrics, casting the space in a warm, inviting glow. Intricate patterns adorn the walls, adding a touch of opulence to the intimate setting.
In the centre of the room sits a large, lavish round bed, its sheets adorned with intricate designs that shimmer in the soft light. The bed beckons invitingly, promising hours of pleasure and indulgence for those who dare to partake.
To one side of the room, a collection of toys is splayed out in the corner, their presence adding a hint of playful excitement to the air. From silk restraints to feathered ticklers, the array of implements promises endless possibilities for exploration and delight.
But that’s not what he is here for, he is here for a quick feed to tide him over for the next few weeks until he can go out hunting again. This is transactional and absolutely nothing more.
Lighting a few candles on the mantlepiece, you hear him speak up behind you, “Uhm, you should know that I’m not here to have sex or anything, I just need to feed a little,” he confesses.
The room, though exquisitely decorated, suddenly feels charged with tension as Jongseong's words hang in the air. The candles flicker softly, casting dancing shadows across the red and gold decor as you turn to face him, your expression unreadable.
"Excuse me?" you respond, your voice laced with disbelief. For a moment, Jongseong can sense a flash of anger in your eyes, a flicker of indignation at his suggestion.
But before he can backtrack, Jongseong rushes to explain himself, his words tumbling out in a frantic rush. "I'll pay for the full service!" he blurts out, desperation evident in his voice. "But to be honest, I just need some blood, that's all."
You laugh, slowly sleeking your way back to him. If he was turned on by the view of you from the back, he was foaming at the mouth as he took in the sight of your breasts spilling slightly out of the white-laced cups. 
“Jongseong, who told you about this place?” you ask, leading him to sit down on the edge of the bed.
“A friend of a friend,” he replies, trying not to touch your sides with his big hands despite the urge that flows through him. 
To make matters harder for him, you straddle Jongseong's lap and a surge of arousal courses through him at the feeling of your barely covered pussy pressing against his covered cock. His breath catches in his throat as you wrap your arms around his neck, your proximity overwhelming his senses.
"And did this friend of a friend tell you about our services? What it entails?"
With a playful pout, you gaze into his eyes, your seductive gaze leaving him feeling helpless under your spell. His mind goes blank, his thoughts scattered as he struggles to gather his thoughts in the face of your overwhelming allure. All he can do is shake his head in response to your question, his lips parting slightly in silent anticipation.
Blinking slowly, you draw him in closer, your silent command irresistible as he leans towards you, drawn by an invisible force he can't resist. And as your lips hover mere inches apart, you whisper words that send a shiver down his spine.
"You feed from my blood," you murmur, your voice sending a thrill through him as you grind down onto him, eliciting a shallow moan that you swallow eagerly, "And I feed from your desire."
It’s like something finally clicks in his brain; the lack of energy, the pull you have on him, his hunger replaced with a burning desire, the password being a succulent snake plant. You were no human.
“You're a succubus,” he whispers, the words hanging in the air as confirmation of what he's known deep down all along.
Placing your hands on his cheeks, you hold him in place as you swipe your tongue along his lip, tasting him for the first time. He tastes like honey, the sweetest taste you won’t be able to get enough of.
Taking his hands that are clenched tightly by his sides, you open them up and place them on your breasts which he happily obliges, “We can be called many things, succubi, Lilith’s angels, demons, the list is endless.”
As Jongseong squeezes your tits, you feel a surge of pleasure course through you, the sensation heightened by the contrast between the supple softness of your skin and the rough texture of your lingerie. Despite his attempts to resist, he finds himself unable to break free from your hold, drawn deeper into the web of desire you've woven around him. Even if he wasn’t under your spell, he doesn’t really know if he would want to stop anyway.
"We can be called many things - succubi, Lilith's angels, demons," you murmur, your voice dripping with seduction as you revel in his touch. "The list is endless."
As you speak, Jongseong can feel the weight of centuries of history and lore pressing down on him, the knowledge that vampires and succubi have long been intertwined, using one another to get what they need. But while vampires may pose a threat to humans with their insatiable thirst for blood, succubi wield power far more dangerous, feeding off human desire and emotional vulnerability.
Thus, Archangel Michael made it his mission many years ago to rid God’s great earth of any incubi and succubi, summoning his choir to catch them and burn their souls. The purge started in the 1910s, causing most demons like you to go into hiding, to save yourself from obliteration. 
It makes sense why Jongseong had never heard of this secret part of the club before, they had a lot to lose if news got out. For Michael’s choir, if they were to find out about this place, they would have a field day, picking apart each and every one of them.
You see his brain ticking and it makes you giggle, “We can help one another out, no?” you pose the question, knowing you can make him say whatever you need him to, to do whatever you please with him. Flicking your hair to the side, you expose your pure nape, “C’mon Jongseong, aren’t you starving?” you say seductively, your tone hushed as you emphasise the word starving.
Jongseong’s hand reaches up to touch your exposed neck to feel the blood pumping through your veins. He can hear it coursing along your neck, begging to be drunk by him. He licks his lips in longing, knowing that what he craves is just under your thin layer of skin.
As Jongseong's body reacts to your touch, his primal impulses take control, pushing him to the brink of want. His trousers tighten, a physical indication of his intense yearning. In his mind, he tells himself that you, your power, that is causing him to feel this way. But deep down, a nagging doubt persists: is it truly you, or are his own primitive urges driving him to the point of desperation?
Lost in the haze of lust, Jongseong finds himself unable to distinguish between reality and desire. The line between craving your blood and yearning to be buried deep inside your heat blurs, leaving him consumed by a frenzied need that threatens to overwhelm him.
His finger pricks your neck, drawing some blood as a taster out of the tiny wound. Involuntarily, his fangs protrude as he smells your sweet crimson blood, his mouth watering at the idea of devouring you right here, right now.
You know you’ve won, you’re going to get what you need and all at the expense of a tiny bit of blood, “That’s it, baby, give in to temptation,” you urge him, pulling his face closer to your neck. You can feel his breath ghosting over the wound and it makes your body press itself against him, seeking your own form of satisfaction.
Finally, he gives in, licking up the droplet of blood that seeps out of your neck before piercing you harshly. He savours the taste of your blood on his tongue, his senses ablaze with euphoria. Demon blood is intoxicating, having the same effect on vampires as alcohol does on humans, leaving vampires delirious with pleasure. He’s gentle compared to the older men you’ve had, meaning he has some form of restraint in him left.
Undoing his buttons, you slip off his shirt past his shoulders, hands roaming over his tanned skin as you crave to feel every inch of him. You tickle up his sides softly, causing his arms to instinctively pull you closer, pressing your tits against his bare chest as he revels in the sensation.
Retracting from your neck, his mouth stained with your blood, Jongseong's eyes meet yours with a newfound determination, "Stop controlling me," he demands, his voice laced with defiance as he challenges your hold over him.
But you shake your head, refusing to relinquish your grip, "Sorry, I can't do that," you reply, your tone unapologetic, "It's the only way I can get my end of the deal."
Jongseong bristles at your refusal, his determination only growing stronger, "Stop controlling me, and I'll fuck you properly," he challenges, his words a bold declaration of his intent.
Capturing your lips in his, he bites down on your bottom lip, sucking the sweet blood from it as he loses himself in the moment, bucking his hips up to rub his jeans against your clit, sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
In that moment, Jongseong proves himself to be more than just another vampire under your control. With his youth and vigour, he possesses a raw intensity that sets him apart, igniting a fire within you that burns hotter than ever before.
Licking along his right fang to taste your own blood, you moan out, craving him more than anyone ever before, “Fine. But don’t disappoint me, baby. I would hate to use you like a puppet,” you whisper back, your tongue collecting more of your blood from his chin.
In a flash, Jongseong feels like he finally has his energy back, that weight of your control finally lifted, leaving him the opportunity to do whatever he wants with you. Although he knew the intensity of your manipulation, he hadn’t realised how freeing it was to be in control of his own body.
Quickly, he lifts you up and tosses you on the bed, his strength showing as you fly up to the middle of the large bed. His display of strength only fuels your desire for him further. 
You pull him by his neck to hover over you, kissing him messily as you breathe in his need for you, “Tell me what gets you off,” you say quietly, a smirk playing on your lips as you lend your hand down to cup his cock through his jeans, “You want me to suck you off?”
Jongseong groans into the kiss, the idea of your pretty lips around his shaft only sending him further into a tizzy, “Fuck yes, Princess. You think you can handle it?” his grip lands on your throat, squeezing it tightly as he shuts off your airwaves for a millisecond, “You think your tiny little mouth and throat can take me all the way?”
He originally came in here for your blood, but now all he’s thinking about is how he needs you bent over every surface, in every position, and having you begging for him. Something is appealing to him to hold so much power over one of hell’s strongest demons. Especially in your own playground.
You haven’t seen his cock, but your mouth starts to water just at the thought of it. Honestly, you didn’t expect him to be so vocal and demanding considering when you saw him he looked like he turned into the wrong club.
Maybe he was full of surprises.
Pushing him off you with all your might, you take control once again, “Edge of the bed, baby,” you instruct, sticking by your promise to not manipulate him into doing what you want, however, if he proves to be difficult, you might need to take things into your own hands.
Luckily, he’s an obedient little bat, taking off his bottoms before sitting down, stroking his thick cock as he waits for you to get into position. 
You give him a light kiss on his lips before trailing down his neck. Your actions leave your wounds seeping in front of him, inviting him to drink your blood once more. It stops you in your tracks but you don’t mind, the sensation of his hot, wet tongue licking over your wounds somehow made your pussy throb.
His fangs are anchored into you, stopping you from moving. He can’t get enough of you, your blood slowly turning into an addiction as he drains you, feeding himself full of you. 
Reaching your hand down, you grab his cock and yank it, causing him to yelp and withdraw his mouth from you. Jongseong’s eyes are wide as if questioning your intentions but you only offer him a laugh as a response, kissing into his mouth as you stroke him slowly.
Your soft hands feel amazing on his member, the way you expertly tug and squeeze him in all the right ways, it’s sensational, but he needs more. One of his hands pulls your face, holding it tightly in place as he stares deep into your eyes, “Are you going to suck my cock like you promised? Or do I have to fuck your throat instead?”
If you weren’t already wet, you were now. It’s as if he knows exactly what to say to get your motor running like he somehow knows all your turn-ons. Placing one last kiss on his lips, you snake down to his hardened length, tip pink with arousal. It’s so inviting, practically begging to be sucked.
Swiftly, you take his head into your mouth, sucking eagerly as you look up at him, eyes glistening with want and need. 
Jongseong moans out, the sight of you taking his cock in your pretty mouth while your blood is smudged all over your lips, it’s a sight he wants to etch into his brain forever. For all the years he’s been alive, this might be his favourite moment.
You love it too. As Jongseong's desire amplifies, you feel a surge of energy coursing through you, fueled by the intensity of his lust. It's a sensation unlike any other, the raw power of his desire feeding into your own, replenishing your energy with every breath he takes.
Taking him deeper into your mouth, you lay your tongue flat and bop your head up and down at a perfect pace. Jongseong grips your hair tight, creating knots in the strands as he pulls at your roots. The motion elicits a hum from your throat, sending a vibration through his cock straight to his tight balls. 
“Fuck, Princess, you’re so fucking good at that,” he states the obvious, knowing that you do this often, but this was a new experience for him, not one person has ever come close to sucking cock as good as you do.
You smile as you look up at him, your cunt dripping from his praises. It means something more when the men you’re with are saying those sorts of things out of their own free will, not because you’re feeding those thoughts into their minds.
Jongseong can feel himself getting close, ready to cum down your throat and have you swallow it. He thrusts into your mouth, now taking charge as he pushes your head down and bucks up, the back of your throat not stuffed with his fat cock.
“I’m gonna cum, Y/N,” he warns before shooting his load down your throat, each spurt making you gag as you struggle to swallow it. 
With his hand on your neck, Jongseong massages your throat, coaxing you to open wider and take in everything he has to offer. As he presses deeper into you, he can feel his length snugly nestled within your channel, the pressure from his hand adding to the pleasure coursing through him.
Finally, sensing your need for air, Jongseong pushes you off of him, allowing you to finally catch your breath. Despite not having even fucked you yet, you feel completely satiated, your body thrumming with the energy you've drawn from him.
You’re throat and face is red as you regulate your breaths, your voice hoarse as you begin to speak, “Did I meet your expectations?” you ask, biting your lip as you straddle him once more, his cock laying against your thigh.
Nodding, he pushes your hair back from your forehead, “You’re fucking unreal,” he whispers.
Laughing, you take hold of his spent cock, pumping him softly, “Can you fuck me, or is our session done?” you ask, hoping for a certain answer.
With his sensitive cock in your hand, he hisses, shutting his eyes as he revels in the sensation. He wants nothing more than to bend you over and fuck you senseless, but he needs to replenish the energy that he’s given away to you.
Jongseing takes your other hand, bringing your wrist to his lips. As he kisses your veins, his eyes remain locked onto yours, his teeth ready to sink in and take what he needs once again. Swiftly, he sinks his fangs in, causing you to tighten your grip on his dick, causing the vampire to moan out loudly. 
You take it as a sign to keep going, stroking him until he is hard again. 
The mixture of your hand working his oversensitive length and the blood he’s slurping out of you push his adrenaline to a new level, his energy replenished and his need to take you even more prominent than before.
Reluctantly, he removes himself from your wrist, kissing it softly before giving you it back, “I’m going to fuck you so good, you’re going to beg to be my personal blood bag,” he whispers, primal thirst for blood overtaking his body. But you don’t mind, truthfully, you like this side of him, it gets you off seeing him take control of you.
With a firm grip on your ass, Jongseong lifts you effortlessly, carrying you to the centre of the bed and laying you down gently. Your heart pounds in anticipation as he moves your thong aside, exposing your glistening pussy to his hungry gaze.
Desperate for release, you wrap your legs around his hips, grinding your folds against his throbbing cock in search of any form of relief. The friction sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, igniting a fire that spreads up to your stomach.
Jongseong's desire burns hot as he positions himself between your legs, his eyes locking with yours as he prepares to claim you as his own. At that moment, there's no room for hesitation or restraint - only the need to lose yourselves in the ecstasy of each other's embrace.
You arch your back, urging him to take you completely. The anticipation builds between you, each moment stretching out into eternity as you both crave the release that only each other can provide.
“Tell me you want it,” he demands, his mouth finding its way back to your neck. Mewling out, you try to push his cock inside of you but he holds steady, resisting your advances, “You were being so good earlier, what happened?” he tuts.
As hot as it is for him to be in charge, you can’t stand him getting too cocky, "I want you, but that's the difference, isn't it? I want you, but you need me," you tease, running your tongue across your bottom lip in defiance.
Jongseong clenches his jaw, and his eyes deepen with want. Despite his efforts to retain control, your words create a fire within him, creating a need that threatens to swallow him completely. But he pulls himself back, determined to show you that he is still in control.
With that, he thrusts into you with a force that leaves you gasping for breath, your walls clenching around him in response to the sudden intrusion. Each movement is calculated and deliberate as he sets a punishing pace that leaves you trembling with pleasure.
He takes you roughly, his cock sliding effortlessly in and out of your wet heat. A moan escapes your lips as you feel him stuff you to the brink, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity. He’s holding no punches, making sure you know exactly who needs who.
Your nails dig into his back, leaving crescent-shaped marks in their wake as you cling to him desperately, your body writhing beneath his with unbridled passion. Every touch, every kiss, sends shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you, igniting a fire that threatens to consume you entirely. 
“Jongseong!” you cry out as he drives into you harder, making sure you feel every inch of him, your walls being battered by the strength of his large dick. He’s incredible, top 5 best fucks you’ve ever had.
As Jongseong sits up, his hands pressing firmly against your back to arch you, you feel a surge of pleasure course through you as he drives himself even deeper inside you. His commanding presence leaves you breathless, lost in the intensity of the moment, “Tell me you need me,” he hisses out, spanking your ass as he thrusts faster, “Go on, beg for it.”
His demand sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but cry out in ecstasy. Each thrust drives you closer to the edge, your body trembling with anticipation as he takes you to new heights of pleasure.
With your resistance cracking beneath the force of his want, you find yourself entirely succumbing to him. Your raw, needy voice fills the room as you scream for more, your words a desperate plea for relief.
"I need you, Jongseong," you cry, your voice full of longing, "I need you to fill me up, to give me your cum." Despite the roughness of his previous ministrations when he was fucking your throat silly, you find your voice somehow, driven by an intense yearning that runs through you.
A triumphant grin spreads across his face as you give in. He drags you up by your hair and makes you sit on his cock as he piledrives into you harder, the tip of his cock hitting your sweet spot. Your neck is still pumping out blood but he knows he can do better than that; his teeth sink into you again, tearing the flesh as he rips into you, feeding from you like a man starved for centuries. The blood drips down onto your white lingerie, turning it pink.
In the throes of ecstasy, pure bliss envelops you both as you reach the pinnacle of pleasure, screaming out each other's names in a symphony of release.
"Jongseong!" you cry out, your walls clenching tightly around him as he spills his seed deep inside you. His movements slow but remain powerful, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Your limbs go limp as you bask in the aftermath of your shared climax, your heat still clinging to him desperately, unwilling to let him go. Every inch of your being feels alive with pleasure as if you've been transported to another realm of existence.
Collapsing on top of you, Jongseong’s pants are short as he tries to catch his breath, his entire body exhausted. His tongue licks your wounds lazily, hoping it can heal you somewhat while also drinking every last drop of his dinner. 
“You’re amazing, Y/N,” he whispers into your nape, “Are you okay? Was it too much?” he asks with genuine concern, warming your chest a little.
“I’m good, thanks, Jongseong,” your voice is hushed, the effort to speak proving too much. 
He rolls off of you, examining your body to make sure there’s nothing bleeding out. You spot him doing this and laugh, “I’m fine, it takes a lot more to kill me than some vampire bites.”
It fills him with relief to know you’ll be okay. He hasn’t ever gone that far before, giving into his vampire urges so easily. He had lost complete control tonight, but as scary as that is, he wants to experience that again.
No deer or cow will ever compare to the sweet taste of you.
Almost like reading his mind, you lean against the headboard and speak up, “If you see Jess, she’ll be able to book you in for a next time.” Your eyes glimmer with mischief and also promise. You want to be devoured by him again by any means necessary. 
Nodding, Jongseong begins to get dressed, using the wet cloths provided by the club to clean his face of any blood. It’s a shame that all that beautiful red nectar going to waste.
“What if I don’t come back?” he teases, a smirk gracing his beautiful face as he turns to you.
“You will, they always do.”
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
Do you enjoy the idea of Sticking It To The Man, but also you’re fucking tired? Maybe you appreciate the idea of direct action of some kind but ADHD, depression, or physical disability has made it nigh-on impossible for you to actually, you know, do shit?
Well, friends, allow me to introduce you to a small but significant thing you can do to Stick It To The Man while also benefiting your own mental health:
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I haven’t bought green onions in a year.
If you’re sitting here thinking “holy shit, Nina, those look like hell,” you’re not wrong—they’re recovering from some unintended abuse. They survived two weeks in triple digits (that’s upward of 35 degrees for y’all with the weird sciencey math units) while I, uh. Forgot to water them. The outer layers dried out to protect the inner layers and as soon as I watered these thirsty bitches they went
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They literally looked dead three weeks ago. So yeah, they’re not too pretty right now, but you wouldn’t be either, and they’re bouncing back nicely.
So, how to do this simple thing?
1) obtain dirt and a pot. You’ll want to do this first because the next steps go surprisingly fast. My green onions live in a 6” terracotta pot and some gardening topsoil, but you can use potting mix (not Miracle Gro tho, that stuff is trash), dirt from outside if you live in a place where it’s safe to do so, any kind of soil will do provided it’s clean and doesn’t contain pests (although most pests will leave alliums alone because they hate the smell). To be clear, because we love and respect our biosphere in this house, “pests” in this context means “bugs that specifically will attack green onions while providing no benefit to either the onions or any other plants you may have.” The pot is mandatory, however—if you want to do this year-round, you need to be able to move the onions inside/outside as weather allows/demands.
2) buy some green onions. You can skip straight to step 4 from here if you want, but if you’re planning to use them first…
3) cut them only to the tops of the white bits. In other words you ONLY want to use the green part.
4) put the white bits in a ramekin, measuring cup, etc. with some water. I’ve used things as big as juice glasses for this, but that’s really on the big end. Put your container in a window with some sun.
5) 3-5 days later, you should see about half an inch of root growth on the bottoms of your onions, and possibly the beginnings of a tiny green spear at the top. (Maybe a bit more, if they’re overachievers.) Plant them in your pot with just a bit of the white sticking up overtop of the soil.
6) water just a little bit, every other day. You want the soil to always be moist to the touch, but never out and out wet.
7) watch them sprout. This is excellent for your mood, by the way. Science says having and tending green things provides visible benefits to both your physical and mental health. We also know that making tangible things is good for your mental health, and green onions grow quickly, so you get benefits fast.
8) As they grow, you can reduce watering to three times per week because they’ll be able to store more water. The leaves will feel firm and “thick” (you’ll understand what I mean when you get to feel a properly-watered green onion) when they have enough water, much like a succulent’s leaves will get thicker and firmer when it’s well-hydrated, so it’s relatively easy to tell if they need a drink.
9) trim your onions as you need them! I try to never take more than 3-4 leaves in a week—about half a bunch—so it has time to grow more, but if you live with a bunch of people you can get around this by just starting more green onions. Buy three or four bunches and plant them all. They don’t go bad because they literally just grow until you need them. I’ve actually planned meals around “I have not used enough green onions lately and the leaves are bending under their own weight, I need to trim some tops.” Although the ones you see in the grocery store have open tops, you’ll notice closed spears on your new leaves, and these are completely edible. Yes, I regret to tell you they cut off and probably waste the tapered bits just for The Aesthetic. They’re just like any other green part of the onion.
AND YOU WILL NEVER NEED TO BUY GREEN ONIONS AGAIN. Just add a little soil now and again to replenish the nutrients.
Yes, they’re cheap. Yes, this is a small thing. But many small things added together are a big thing. And when you’re confident in your green onions, if you have the desire and ability to do more, there are many other plants you can grow from grocery-store starters.
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the girl next door 4
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Even if the work is a lot and at times tedious, you’re grateful for the excuse to stay inside. As you hole yourself inside the house and tidy the messes, big and small, you can hear the conversations out the walls, wafting in through open windows. It’s as content as your mother’s been in the last few years. Steve is nice enough and he doesn’t have that same snooty lean as the other suburbanites.
As you mop, you think of how he mentioned the city. You wonder what it was like. Before your grandma passed, you and your mom lived in a walk-up in a small town. Everyone there knew your names too and reviled it just the same. You never mean any harm but wherever you go, you seem to inspire spite.
Dishes, floor, walls, dusting, errant cobwebs, clutter...
You work until your mother comes in, swinging the door violently as she drags herself inside. You go to help her and she swats you away. You retreat and she finds her way to the recliner. You shut the door and lock it.
“Wonderful man,” she groans as she lays her head back and tilts the chair, extending the footrest, “don’t make ‘em like that anymore. He’s the sort I shoulda picked.” She closes her eyes and gives a wry hum, “’specially over your dad.”
You don’t say a word. She only mentions your father to remind you of that half of you she hates. You gather up the clothes on the couch into a basket. The laundry will have you up late. Your own fault; you should’ve done this all a lot sooner.
“Should I start dinner?” You ask.
“I don’t know if I’m in the mood for burnt chicken,” she scoffs meanly.
“I could do mac and cheese,” you offer.
“I’m teasing ya. Jeez, you got no sense of humour,” she sighs dreamily, “not like Steve. Such a charming man.”
You pass through the kitchen and descend to the basement to fill the washer. You add soap and twist the knob. You leave the basket on the lid and head back up. You peruse the fridge as you ponder what to make. Mac and cheese would be easiest.
You get started and the TV blips on in the next room. The audio helps chase away the tension. You leave the water to boil and lean on the archway that looks into the front room.
“Um, mom, what should I make tomorrow? For uh, dinner? With... him?”
“Well, don’t sound so damn excited,” she sits up, “whatsa matter with you? The nice man wants to come see us, unlike the rest of these snobs. My own sister won’t come through that door.” She snorts and shakes her head, “you can go to the store tomorrow and grab something nice. I don’t want ya serving that man starchy potatoes. Down at the fancy store, they got those premade meals.”
“Those are expensive,” you remark.
“And? You get your stipend, you don’t gotta be leeching off of me,” she snips.
“Um, yes, I know, I wasn’t--”
“God, look at that,” her eyes flick up to the ceiling, goddamn dusty, it’s a wonder I can breathe.”
You look up and see what she means. There’s a layer of dusty on the ceiling fan as it turns lazily on its lowest setting.
“I’ll get it--”
“Better. You’re not gonna embarrass me tomorrow. I’d be better off if you stay in your room,” she tuts.
“If you want--”
“No, you come out and say hi. Don’t be rude. You know I did try to teach you manners. You just never spoke enough to use them.”
You frown and look down meekly. She’s not wrong. You turn and go to grab the duster. You don’t think tomorrow is going to be any different than any other.
The next morning, go out to the grocery store to grab the meal for that evening. As you return, you linger at the end of the street. You can see Steve on his lawn. You wait for him to go inside before you drive up and pull into the driveway.
You carry the bags inside with your sights set on the house and nothing else. Inside, you put down your haul on the counter and put each item away, one at a time. Your mother is in the bathroom, chirping out a song out of key.
“God dammit,” she snarls, “I can’t find my red lipstick,” she rattles through her bin of makeup. She doesn’t wear it very often. “Get in here.”
Before you can pass the open door, her demand pulls you back. You enter as she sits on a stool in front of the mirror. She shoves the bin away and grumbles.
“Here,” she holds out a pair of tweezers with a tremble, “damn brows are unruly.”
You nod and step closer. You press a hand gently to her forehead and pluck out the stray hairs, shaping them as best you can.
“Don’t forget my lip,” she huffs hot breath onto you. “Don’t think he’ll like the tickle.”
She chuckles to herself. You don’t get it. You finish and step back, holding up the hand mirror for her. She shrugs.
“Get me some of that moisturizer,” she points unsteadily to the shelf above the toilet. You do as she says. “Mm,” she grumbles as you face her again, “not wearing that, are ya?”
You look down. The loose tee shirt with butterflies on it and the faded jeans are a bit plain. You tug on the hem and raise your head.
“You got a dress somewhere in there,” she shakes her head as she flips the cap up on the bottle after three tries. “I bought you some nice ones and you never put them one.”
“Uh, okay, yeah, I’ll check,” you promise. “Need help?”
You reach for the bottle and she keeps it out of your reach. You back up and leave her. You can sense her agitation growing.
You cross the hall to your bedroom and go to the closet. You slide the door open and sift through the contents hung from the bar. There’s a dress. A pink polka dot dress she got you in high school. Nothing special; a bargain bin cotton a-line with thin straps.
You take it out and examine it. That was the only dance you went to. You got stood up by the boy who asked you. You realise now it was only ever a joke at your expense.
You undress by your bed and put the dress on. It’s tight. Maybe it’s shrunk or maybe you’ve gotten bigger. You didn’t think your chest had grown that much since high school but it’s bulging out and your thighs feel a bit too exposed. You go into the hall and back into the bathroom. You shift the door as you mother works as spreading the eye cream above her cheekbones.
You look at your reflection and cringe. You turn to your mom.
“It’s too small,” you say to her.
She peers over with a scowl. She looks you up and down and drops the tube of cream. She shakes her head.
“Put a sweater over it,” she sneers, “it’s fine.”
“Right, uh, okay,” you agree and swallow. Even with a sweater, you don’t know. The skirt won’t be any longer.
“Would ya stop crowding me?” She shoos you tersely.
You push the door back against the wall and slip out of the bathroom. You head back to your bedroom and pick out a grey cardigan. It has no buttons but it’s at least as long as the dress. It’s better than feeling so exposed.
You hardly think it will matter. You already feel like a third wheel. Steve didn’t exactly spend hours talking to you and your mother as much as said you are collateral. They’re both just putting up with you because you’re there.
You run your hands over your face and hair. Can't dress that up. You pout at your reflection. You wish you could iust hide on your room and draw.
You look over at your sketchbook and cross the room. You sit on your bed and slide the folding table close. You open the pages and pick up the pencil. You straighten the page you tore from the old home and garden magazine and copy the shape of the amaryllis petals.
You can forget a little longer until real life wakes you up.
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pinkflower2003 · 5 days
all too well blurb part 4
all too well masterlist
in which the twins turn 18, gaining a new age and a new last name
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GeorgiaAlonso: Alexa, play 18 by One Direction🗣️ what a year, gained a dad, gained a new last name and officially because F1’s princess,in my 18 era, let’s get wasted🩵 oh and happy birthday twin, i love you (other than when ur being annoying)
Y/NLN: happy birthday my baby girl, so proud of you💗 (you’re not getting wasted btw, it’s a family meal we’re having Georgia)
GeorgiaAlonso: oh…Is this a good time to tell you i’ve already started pre-drinking?
Username1: Georgia is such a mood I love her
username2: should she even be drinking? I swear you can’t drink at 18?
Username3: Georgia and AJ live the majority of the time with their mum in the UK, that’s where they go to school so they can drink at 18 - i think Fernando stays there with them a lot now.
AJAlonso: does that officially make me the prince of F1?
GeorgiaAlonso: no the price spot is reserved for Leclerc only, you can be the butler of F1
Username4: she gets the Charles hype, she is one of us
CharlesLeclerc: I was summoned?
GeorgiaAlonso: HI KING👑🫶🏻
username7: crying in the club rn WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
username8: i read somewhere that for their birthdays, the twins wanted to get their surnames changes
FernandoAlonso: My beautiful child, happy birthday mi hija cannot wait to celebrate your amazing day and many more💚
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AJAlonso: Another year older, another year cooler. Happy Birthday twin, at least i’ll always be taller than you.
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GeorgiaAlonso: alright big foot, no need to show off
AJAlonso: did someone say something? oh, sorry didn’t see you all the way down there
GeorgiaAlonso: go fuck yourself
AJAlonso: its my birthday you can’t say that to me, you have to be nice
GeorgiaAlonso: (it’s my birthday too tf) lemme rephrase it - thou should go fuck thyself please and thank you
LandoNorris: @/YN are they always like this? this is highly entertaining
YNLN: @/landonorris if you think this is entertaining please feel free to let them stay at ur house when they’re doing WWE
GeorgiaAlonso: i’m literally John Cena wym💪🏼
LandoNorris: i’ll pass, they’re both taller than me anyway i’m too scared
AJAlonso: @/LandoNorris are you the same height as Georgia? I think last time she measured she was 5’2
LandoNorris: i’m 5’2 and a HALF actually, thank you very much
YNLN: my boy, i love you so much, so proud of everything you have achieved💗 happy birthday! (please stop Georgia from drinking)
GeorgiaAlonso: AJ has literally drank more than me, where do you think all the beers have gone?
YNLN: @/fernandoalonso: sort your children out please, i had them on my own for 17 years now its your turn, but this time with alcohol involved
FernandoAlonso: ayúdame cristo (help me christ)
LanceStroll: i heard there was gonna be a family meal? Where was my invite?
LewisHamilton: and mine?
CharlesLeclerc: and mine?
GeorgeRussell: mine too?
OscarPiastri: I wanna be involved too?
DanielRicciardo: i heard alcohol was involved, when and where?
MaxVerstappen: Can I come?
LandoNorris: Do i mean nothing to you guys? Where was my invite
AlexAlbon: This is a trend i’m joining, where can I get an invite?
FernandoAlonso: no, none of you are invited (except Lance, you can come)
GeorgiaAlonso: WRONG, you can all come, do not listen to that old man, my besties gotta come see me😘
LanceStroll: I just wanted to come for the free food🧐
GeorgiaAlonso: choke
FernandoAlonso: my handsome boy! so proud of everything you do, you and your sister are my greatest achievements💚
AJAlonso: above you World Championship? damn, i’m honoured
FernandoAlonso: forgot about that one, lemme rephrase, *my second great achievements.
AJAlonso: 🤨thinking about changing my name back rn
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YNLN: 18 years ago i gave birth to the most beautiful humans I have ever laid my eyes on. For years, it was just me and you both, you are both the funniest, kindest, smartest people I have ever met, thank you for letting me be your mum, it has been the best job i’ve ever had (but do your own washing now)
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GeorgiaAlonso: the best mama ever🩷 thank you for everything
AJAlonso: the best mum, the best supporter!
FernandoAlonso: thank you for bringing the most beautiful humans into the world💚 they truly are the greatest gift you ever could have given to me, you are the best mother ever x
YNLN: you also gave me the greatest gift, thank you for being such an amazing dad, you’ve made our heart whole again x
username8: get married already
username9: the best F1 family ever !!
DanielRicciardo: MILF
GeorgiaAlonso: DANIEL NO
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FernandoAlonso: as many of you know, this last year I had the honour of getting to know my children Georgia and AJ, my beautiful girl and boy. Today is their birthday, their 18th to be exact, and I couldn’t be prouder of who they have grown up to be. I love you both so much (no matter how sarcastic and chaotic you both are) and I cannot wait to be here for many years to come and see the adults you are and all that you achieve💚
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GeorgiaAlonso: my papa!🫶🏻 does this mean now i can drive ur aston martin?
FernandoAlonso: absolutely not
GeorgiaAlonso: wtf
AJAlonso: thanks dad! but seriously can we drive ur aston martin? Have you seen me karting? i’m so good
FernandoAlonso: still a no
F1: we love the daddy Nando content🫶🏻
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
Tear Stained Pillow Case - p3
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Pairings - Drew Starkey x Fem!reader
Summary- reader tries to move on.
Warnings- language, over the clothes grinding, female orgasm. (18+)
Part 2 Incase you missed it
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You had your first date, it was strange. The guy was nice but he wasn’t special, his touch didn’t send shivers down your spine. His lips were rough and sloppy against yours, you found yourself thinking back to the way Drew kissed.
He put his whole body into it, his hands would cradle the back of your head and his lips would mold against yours, goosebumps would litter your skin when his tongue slipped between your lips. You’d taste him on your tongue for weeks after he left.
You tried not to think back to Drew during the date but it was hard, you were so used to the way he did things. Pulling your chair out for you, offering you his jacket, rubbing his thumb against your hand. You missed it.
You never spoke to the guy you went on a date with again, 4 weeks had gone by and you had been set up on another date by a friend. Pushing the negative thoughts to the back of your mind, you need to move on.
You found yourself bored, tapping your fingers on your knee as you listened to the man in front of you talk about his job. Who knew being an accountant was such a bore.
Your eyes wandered over his shoulder, your breath catching in your throat as you made eye contact with Drew. He gives you a soft smile, pulling himself to stand.
Panic bubbles in your chest as your eyes fall back on your date and then back to Drew who was walking towards you now, grabbing the edge of the table to stop yourself from getting up.
“What’s wrong?” Your date questions, reaching his hand over to pat your own.
“Hi y/n”
Both your eyes look up to Drew who towers over the small candlelit table, your date looks back to you for a brief second. “I thought you two were over?”
“Wait… how did you know about him?”
“Bella said that you two broke up… I did some research”
“You looked us up online?” Drew questioned, brows creased together at your date. You shot him a look, as though to tell him to shut up.
“We are broken up”
“About that”
“I think… I’m just going to leave, here mate” your date pulls himself to stand and grabs his jacket. “Take my seat”.
You watch your date leave, turning your attention back to Drew who sat opposite you with a grin. “I’m leaving”.
You go to stand as your waiter steps to your table, placing down both plates. “Enjoy”.
“Come on y/n… eat first”
He gives you puppy dog eyes, the eyes that could make a girl weak at the knees. You take a seat again and stare down at your pasta, you are hungry. You would eat your meal and then leave.
“You look good”
“I’ve missed you”
“Drew… please”
“Okay okay… let’s eat”
You both sit in silence, the sound of the chatter around you buzzed through your ear drums. Chewing on your pasta, you can feel his eyes on you every so often. Your own eyes gliding over his body, taking in the purple shadowing under his eyes. He looked thinner, tired.
“Drew” he looks up at you, mouth full of salad. “Are you okay?”. You didn’t want to know the answer truthfully, worried he was unwell.
“Not really” your heart begins to race, every possible scenario running through your head. Gulping down the food you had been chewing on. “y/n please come back to our place, I need to speak to you”.
The mention of your home has goosebumps rising on your skin, you grabbed the napkin and wiped your mouth. Reaching for your bag, you couldn’t do this.
“Please… please don’t leave” he begs, he’s already standing. Grasping your hand that clenched around your purse, taking a deep breath you meet his eyes.
“I don-“
He cuts you off, tucking the loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Please”
You find yourself nodding, letting him pull you out of the restaurant not before passing a hundred dollar bill to the waiter. Silence followed you both, walking towards his car.
He does what he has done a million times before and opens the door for you, the familiar butterflies swarm your belly. You offer him a soft smile and step into the car.
A sudden wave of nervous nausea hits you, gripping the seatbelt that hugged your body. You weren’t sure this was the right thing to do, still torn between forgiving him and cutting all contact with him.
You still loved him, loved him so much your heart physically cried for him at night. But him kissing Odessa really fucked you up, you dreamt about the two of them together for months.
Your head snaps to his direction, all negative thoughts out of the window. His eyes are soft, lips quirked into a smile. You watch as he hops out of the car, turning your head to take in your old neighborhood .
Memories punch you in the face, tears welling behind your eyes. You bit down on your tongue to stop yourself from crying, stepping out of the car when Drew held it open for you.
Luckily the street was empty, you both were able to get inside without the old lady next door noticing the two of you. No doubt having a lot of questions of where you had been.
It still smelt the same, ornaments still in the same place. Photos scattered on several bookcases untouched, your blanket still placed on the sofa.
“I haven’t been here since…” Drew’s voice brings you back to the present, you nod your head, unable to trust your words. “I’ll get us some water”.
You find yourself taking a seat on the sofa, running your hands against the material, breathing in the scent of your once happy home. “I get someone in to clean the place every fortnight, so the dust doesn’t accumulate”.
“I’m not selling the place, it’s ours”
You cast your eyes down to the water that has appeared in your hands, staring at the cup you always drank from. Biting your lip you look up at Drew, he’s watching you intently.
“y/n… I’m so sorry, I should have fought for us, I should have been a better boyfriend…”
His hand has grasped yours now, pulling your body closer to his. He’s holding you, breathing in your scent. Your own nose buried into his neck, your favorite cologne invading your nostrils.
“Please, please forgive me… I will do anything, I will-“
You cut him off, pulling away from him and distance yourself by stretching your arms out, palms pressed firmly to his chest.
“How did you know where I was tonight?”
“I didn’t”
“So why were you there?”
You expect him to say meeting him with Odessa, everything always goes back to her.
“I’ve been going every Saturday since we broke up…. It’s your favorite place, I was hoping you’d turn up one day”
“y/n… I’ve been going to all your favorite places, hoping we would run into each other. You wouldn’t answer my calls, I wasn’t going to turn up at your parents… I wasn’t going to bring drama into your sisters life”
Your heart warms, you let him pull you back into his chest. His fingers stroking your back, your lips press to his collarbone, you feel him tense for a moment.
He kisses your hair, tightening his arms around you. “I promise, I will do better.. I will never work with Odessa again, I will quit acting”
“Drew! No… you will not quit.”
“If it means I can have you back… I’ll quit”
You're holding his head between your hands and kissing him, ignoring the nagging in the back of your mind not to jump back into things. You missed the taste of him, the familiar ache you hadn’t felt in so long settles in your lower belly.
His fingers run through your hair, your legs have a mind of their own as they wrap around his waist. Settling your bum into his lap, he pulls you in closer until your chest touches his. “I’ve missed this” he mumbled against your lips.
You kiss for what feels like hours, but really it’s only been a few minutes. You pull away, breathless, lips tingling from his stubble. “You're so beautiful”.
You're kissing again, this time your hips move against his. Causing a delicious friction between the two of you, his throbbing cock presses against his jeans.
You let out a gasp when your clit nudges it, his fingers grip your hips. Pulling you down against him, you don’t stop your movements. Letting that tingle bleed through your veins, his hands help you move slower but harder, your fingernails digging into the flesh of his neck.
You find yourself reaching for the bottom of his shirt but his hands stop you. “Let’s not rush this..”
Your movements stop, embarrassment floods you. Cheeks tinting a shade of cherry red, you fumble to pull yourself away but he holds you tighter. “Hey, hey pretty girl… that’s not what I meant. Let me help you another way”
He brings you back to his lap, moving your hips against his once again, he shuffles himself so his hard cock pressed firmly against your mound. “Oh!”
“Like that baby girl” he lets out a groan, his cock aching to feel your around him. His fingers pressed harder into your hips.
You hold onto his shoulders and let your hips move against him, he continues to guide you along. Staring up at your scrunched nose, he pulls you down to kiss you again. “You like that?”
Your panties are soaked, pussy clenching around nothing as your swollen clit rubs against him. You want to pull the material away, feel his throbbing cock against your folds. But he’s right, you shouldn’t rush into anything.
“Oh god” you cry, your head feels hot and that tingle spreads throughout your body. Hips meeting him a bit rougher now, chasing that familiar high you hadn’t felt in months. “Let go baby… cum in those pretty panties of yours”
His words edge you closer, dropping your forehead to his. He kisses you again, tongue nudging into your mouth. Your arms wrap around his neck as he grinds up against your mound, your crying out into his mouth.
Euphoria, there is a buzzing in your ear. Toes curled as your orgasm hits you, you don’t want this feeling to end. Grinding your hips into his rougher and faster until the pleasure fades and your left feeling embarrassed again.
“Oh god”
You're jumping off him and running to the bathroom, locking it behind you, tears fall from your eyes when you see all of your things scattered in the bathroom still, just how you left it.
His knuckles tap softly in the wooden door, you don’t want to open it. You don’t want to face him.
“Please baby… open the door”
You splash water on your face and turn to unlock the door, he steps in and closes it behind him. Wrapping his arms around your waist, the two of you stare at each other in the mirror.
“Please let me show you how much I need you.. I’m so sorry for everything… let me work for it, please take me back, I can’t live without you, you're my everything, the reason I breathe, the reason I live.”
You stare at him for a moment, you can’t live without him either. But could you trust him, could you forgive him and move forward.
“Okay” you whisper, his arms tighten around you. Pulling you closer to his chest, a sigh of relief emits from his lips. He leaves a soft peck to your shoulder.
“I will be better, I will show you how much I love you, I will make this better”.
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🏷️- @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @users09 @teresalesbian @outerbankspov @bbycowboi @stuffyownswrld @ietss @tastycakee @maybankslover @loverofdrewstarkey @wpdailyminimeta @willowpains @littlefirefly08 @brooklynscherry-z @imnotapretzelsstuff @ijustwanttoreadlols @its-ria-07 (I tagged a few people who commented on the last part, lmk if you don’t want me to tag you in the next part)
(If you’d like to be added to the taglist for this series please lmk otherwise here is where you can be added to my general taglist for all fics)
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stop-talking · 3 months
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (pt. 6)
Derek Danforth x fem reader
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Word count: 3.3k
Tags: 18+, Derek x fem reader, no use of y/n, HEAVY angst, fluff, enemies, enemies to lovers, (very) slowburn, sass, banter, suggestive themes, mentions of drug use, withdrawals, rehab, mentions of masturbating.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Derek wakes up in your arms, and decides that's exactly how he wants to start every morning from now on.
Today's the day. He's going to confess to you.
Well, if he can sneak out of bed without waking you up. That might prove to be a challenge, seeing as how you have both an arm and a leg draped over him.
Under other circumstances, he'd be content to just lay here and let you hold him. Unfortunately, there was a sort of... "incident" last night. One he desperately wants to clean up after.
So, he carefully moves your limbs, shifting slowly until he's off the bed. You stir in your sleep and he waits with bated breath, but thankfully you remain unconscious.
It's still early morning. Barely past sunrise, from what he can tell. Hopefully he'd have time to get a few things done before you inevitably realize he's gone.
As he slips out of his clothes to hop into the shower, he's suddenly extremely grateful you'd taught him how to use the washing machine. If you saw the mess he'd made of his boxers, he would probably have to off himself.
While he washes off, he goes over his plan for the day in his head. Derek has always been somewhat of a romantic, despite how things may seem. Dating is just... complicated when you're a billionaire. And the president's son. And a crackhead.
He groans and shakes himself out of his slump as he dries himself on a towel. None of those things matter here. Right now, he isn't an addict, billionaire, or the son of the president. He's just a man.
A man who desperately needs to tell you how he feels. Derek is sure if he has to spend one more "platonic" night in your bed he's going to go insane.
So, he starts to put his plan into motion.
"Half cup water... one and one-half cups mix..." He mutters, reading the instructions on the back of the box of pancake mix. Even though you've had him help cook almost every meal, he still hasn't learned much. He's an expert at standing there and stirring, sure, but actually cooking? Not really.
Pancakes, though? He's pretty confident he can make those. Hell, he could probably scramble a few eggs to go with it. You'd taught him that a couple days ago.
He wants to show you he's serious. How much he appreciates what you've done for him, and how much more he needs from you.
But what can he offer in return?
Breakfast, for a start. If he was back home, he'd either take you out somewhere nice or have his chefs prepare something. That isn't an option here, but he could make due.
Derek stands back and studies the stack of pancakes and skillet of scrambled eggs. It looks... edible? Right? Not terrible, at least.
He sighs and starts to clean up the counter. He'd made quite the mess, probably dripping an entire pancake's worth of batter everywhere. You make cooking look so easy, damnit.
Now what? Go wake you up? No, surely there's something else he can do for you. His brow furrows in concentration as he takes the dirty dishes to the sink. The sink that's already filled to the brim with old cups, plates, and cutlery.
Fuck. Guess he's doing the dishes.
You wake up feeling uneasy. Something's missing.
No... someone is missing. Where's Derek?
After checking his bedroom, you stumble downstairs, still in your pajamas.
"Derek?" You call out, getting a little more anxious with every empty room you pass through. Where the hell is he?
"In here!"
Oh. The kitchen. Duh. You turn the corner and see Derek with his sleeves rolled up, arms plunged elbow-deep into soapy water.
"What are you doing?" You can't help but ask, even though the answer is obvious. He's doing the dishes. Without a fuss.
"Oh, uh... just... I used a lot of dishes making breakfast, and-" He stammers, nodding his head over to the stove.
"Breakfast?" You follow his gaze, eyeing the stack of pancakes.
Is this real? Did Derek fucking Danforth just wake up early and make you breakfast? And what the hell is he wearing?
"Yeah. I thought I'd thank you. You know, for the cake."
He dries his hands off on a dishcloth, and you silently take in his outfit. He's dressed up. Or, at least, what Derek probably considers dressed up. It's a little strange seeing him back in one of those silk button-ups he's so fond of after nearly a week of the regular ol' shorts and t-shirts his mom picked out for him.
Oh, shit. He's looking at you. Say something.
"What's the occasion?" You finally spit out, eyes darting between his clothes, the clean dishes, and the fresh breakfast.
Derek scoffs. "Occasion? Does there have to be an occasion for me to do something nice for you?"
"Guess not." You mumble, still a little dazed from everything that's happened in the past few minutes.
"A 'thank you' would be nice, ya know." He crosses his arms and gives you an exaggerated pout.
"Oh my god, Derek." Laughing, you forcefully un-cross his arms and pull him into an embrace, resting your chin on his shoulder.
He groans from the sheer force of your hug, and wraps his arms around you as well, returning the gesture in earnest.
Holding him so close like this, you can't help but notice his scent. He smells... different.
"Is that cologne?" You ask, pulling back just enough to look him in the eyes as you giggle.
Derek's cheeks flush pink and he stammers out a response, tripping over his words.
"I-I always wear cologne."
"No, you don't. At least not lately."
"And how would you know? You make it a habit of smelling me?"
He's obviously trying to bait you, so you just roll your eyes.
"Derek. You've practically been living on my lap lately. I know what you usually smell like."
"Okay, well, I wanted to smell nice today. Sue me."
"You want to smell nice today... but there's no occasion?" You lean in a little closer, and give him your best teasing smile. He's just trying so hard today, it's adorable.
Derek opens his mouth to say something, but instead just gives you a weak smile. His eyes flicker from your eyes down to your lips, and his arms squeeze you a little tighter.
Shit. If you keep this up, he's probably going to kiss you. Or you'll kiss him. And you aren't quite sure how to feel about that.
Still, you don't want to break the hug just yet. One of your hands makes it's way up to his earlobe, and you start to fiddle with his earring. Your other arm remains firmly wrapped around his waist.
"This a real diamond?"
"Of course." He scoffs, and with how close you are, you can feel his little huff of breath on your face.
"You aren't scared to lose it?"
"I have a hundred more just like it, sweetheart."
Of course he does. Rich bastard. You try to pull away, but he clings onto you.
"Hey, I still didn't get a thank you." Derek pouts, giving you that pitiful expression he's so good at. Damnit.
Fine, he wants a thank-you? You know exactly how to thank him...
"Here, let me get that for you." For the first time, Derek offers to carry the little bag of essentials as you make your way down to the beach together.
As he slugs the heavy thing over his shoulder, he feels a bit of regret for not offering sooner. He likes to think of himself as a gentleman, but obviously he isn't if he's been making you carry this damn thing all along.
"Thank you, love."
All those feelings of remorse fade when you take his hand and smile. His chest floods with warmth and he can't help but wish you'd thank him the same way you did earlier that morning.
He still can't believe you actually kissed him. On the cheek, sure, but a kiss is a kiss, and Derek isn't going to complain.
"It's pretty out today." He muses, looking up at the clear sky. You simply hum in agreement as the two of you trudge through the sand together.
This is a way more romantic setting than the kitchen. That's why Derek hasn't yet confessed to you. Not because you make him nervous or anything.
Okay, maybe it's partially due to nerves. He can't help it. You kissed him before he could get a word out.
You kissed him.
Thinking about it makes him grin like a fool, and he squeezes your hand a little tighter as he walks. He still can't believe he got so lucky.
And hey, maybe he'll get lucky again.
"Race you to the water!"
Or maybe not. Derek groans and drops the beach bag, then rushes after you. He kicks up sand, then water as he makes his way into the ocean.
"FUCK, it's cold." He cries out as the water reaches his chest. Honestly, he didn't even plan to wade in this deep, but he was determined to catch up to you.
"Oh, don't be a baby. It feels nice."
Derek's breath hitches as you snake an arm around his waist, pulling him tightly against your side. Tentatively, he puts his own arm around your back.
"You're gonna regret making fun of me when I fucking drown right in front of you." He grumbles, still a little uneasy being this far in the ocean.
"I won't let you drown. Even if it's a little tempting." You laugh and rest your head on his shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
"It's tempting to let me drown?" He scoffs, feigning annoyance. It's so hard to be mad at you when you're cuddled up to him like this.
"Maybe." Your other arm wraps around him now, trapping him in a tight hug.
Derek's heart pounds and he can feel his brain go fuzzy. This is it. He should tell you, right now, how much he wants you. How much he needs you.
Unfortunately, before he can stammer out a response, a wave draws near. An especially tall wave.
He tries to take a few steps back, but his legs tangle with yours and he stumbles. In his terrified state, he only grips you tighter, effectively pulling you back with him.
The two of you plunge into the water and Derek nearly drowns you in an attempt to right himself. After a few seconds of struggling, he feels you hook your hands under his armpits and pull him up.
He coughs and sputters, then braces himself as that wave he'd seen earlier finally washes over the both of you. For a minute, he's certain he's a goner. The water goes over his head before he can even hold his breath, mouth still full of saltwater.
You hold him tightly against your chest as the wave passes over you both, then start dragging him back towards the shore. When he finally opens his eyes and shakes the water from his ears, he notices the sky has gone dark. Shit.
"Are you okay, love?"
Derek just blinks at you as he wobbles to his feet in the knee-deep water, trembling fiercely. Your hands cup his face, turning it left and right as you inspect every inch of him.
He pulls away, if only to cough up a gallon of water.
"Might need... CPR... mouth-to-mouth...?" He chokes out, laughing in an attempt to get his racing heart under control.
"Oh my god, Derek. First you nearly scare me to death, then you ask for a kiss?" You give him a light shove, but your face gives away the relief you feel.
"In my defense, I did warn you I was going to drown." He scoffs.
Your response is cut off as it starts to drizzle. The sky, which was a perfect endless blue just minutes ago, is now completely covered in dark clouds.
"You wanna finish this inside?"
After showering off the sand and saltwater, you throw on some pajamas and head over to Derek's room.
Yeah, it's the middle of the afternoon, but with the raging storm outside...? Well, it just feels like a pajama kind of day.
"Derek?" You call out, making sure to knock loudly on his door. Don't need any more accidents. "Can I come in?"
"No." He croaks, and you're certain you can hear him sniffle.
Shit. You'd better apologize soon.
No response. Damnit.
"I'm coming in anyways." You announce, slowly opening the door.
Derek lies sprawled across his bed, one arm draped over his face. The room is depressingly dark for the middle of the day, and the dreary whether definitely isn't helping.
Still, his outfit almost makes you chuckle. He's sporting a green robe that you hope he has some kind of clothes under, and his hair is still damp from his shower. God, this man certainly has a flair for the dramatic.
"Derek, love? What are you doing?"
He groans as you flick on his lamp, burying his face further into his arm.
"Sulking." He answers honestly.
You sigh and hop up to sit next to him on the bed, instinctively placing a hand in his hair. A familiar tightness pulls at your chest as you try to find the right words to say. Guilt.
"I'm so sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have made you go that far out, not when you can't even swim. I should have-"
Derek cuts you off, weakly pushing your hand away.
"Stop. Not mad at you."
His half-assed grunt of a response throws you off. What? Not mad at you? Then what the hell is he sulking for?
You sit in silence for a minute, chewing on his words. Fuck, how do you fix this? He almost fucking drowned because of you.
"Still want that mouth-to-mouth?" You tease, nudging him.
That gets him to look up at you. His eyes are puffy and red, a sign he's been crying.
"Is that a serious offer?"
"Was it a serious request?"
You both silently stare at each other, for a lot longer than you probably should. Does he actually want a kiss? Damnit, why are you even considering this?
"Just tell me what's bothering you."
Derek sighs and tilts his head back, closing his eyes.
"A lot of things."
"That's real specific. Thanks."
Without even looking, he gently smacks your leg with a hand. Brat.
"C'mon, Derek? Please?" You lean over him, lacing your fingers into his hair once more. He doesn't want you to leave, not really. You're sure of it.
"Well for starters, my head hurts." He grumbles, leaning into your touch.
"And my throat feels weird. I think I swallowed half the ocean."
You start to reply, but he opens his eyes and holds up a hand, shushing you.
"Seriously. When we finally have internet again, check the news. There'll be headlines about it. 'RISING SEA LEVELS MYSTERIOUSLY FIX THEMSELVES; NO LONGER AN ISSUE' or some shit."
You burst into a fit of laughter. God, he's so dramatic.
"Wow, I... Anything else?" You sputter out, choking back more laughter.
Derek just glares up at you, so you gently tug at his curls and plant a quick kiss on his forehead. It's not... weird, right? You've already kissed his cheek. This isn't much different.
He lets out a soft whimper and shifts slightly, scooting closer to you.
"You wanna lay on my lap?"
It's not a strange request. Your lap seems to be one of Derek's favorite places lately, as you've both gotten more comfortable with each other. So, you decide to try something a bit different.
"Here, no, this way..." You scoop your arms underneath him and he melts at your touch, letting you move his limp body how you like.
After a little bit of struggle, you get him situated between your legs. His cheek rests against your bare thigh, his stubble tickling your skin. Guess your pajama shorts are riding up quite a bit. Oops.
"How's that, love?"
He just hums in response, eyes closed again as you play with his hair. One of his hands makes it's way up your leg, settling on your thigh, right next to his face. He doesn't grab or grope you, seeming content with the gentle touch.
His hand is soft. You've noticed that before, but now, in contrast with his scratchy stubble, it feels even softer. He has the hands of a man who's never had to work a day in his life.
And here he is, acting like a lapdog.
"I've been trying to tell you something all day." He mumbles groggily, probably already half-asleep.
There's a long pause. You continue to stroke his hair, and he nuzzles against your thigh. Your eyes wander down his figure, smiling at the green robe. It looks good on him. It'd probably look better off him.
Maybe putting him between your legs was a bad idea, because suddenly your mind is plagued with images of him coming. Fuck, that was nearly a week ago now, and you can still envision it perfectly.
"Are you... gonna tell me?" You finally ask, trying to distract yourself.
"Not sure I should, honestly."
"If not telling me is making you cry like this... you should probably just spill."
"I'm not crying." He shifts, letting his head fall back between your legs as he pouts up at you.
Fuck. He's so goddamn close. You give him an incredulous look in return.
"Okay, I'm not crying anymore." He corrects himself, avoiding your gaze.
"Just tell me what's on your mind, love."
He grabs your hand and moves it to cup his cheek as he finally looks back up into your eyes. His expression is that of pure admiration. God, he looks so vulnerable.
When he finally speaks, it's barely above a whisper.
"I think I'm falling for you."
Derek's breath hitches. He can't believe the words that just came out of his mouth. Above him, you look equally shocked. He watches as you seem to go through the five stages of grief, expression changing rapidly.
He just lies there, frozen in anticipation. Your hand presses against his cheek a little more tightly and you let out a sigh.
"Derek, no."
No? What the hell does that mean? Is this a rejection? His heart plummets into his stomach and before he can ask, you speak again.
"No, you aren't." You speak firmly, eyes fixed on his.
"Fuck does that mean?" He stammers, starting to get agitated. How can you so confidently declare you know his own feelings better than he does?
"It means you don't like me like that. Not really. I'm just the only person around."
Before he can argue further, you move your hand over his mouth, cutting him off.
"And you're not yourself right now. Not with the withdrawals and whatnot. This isn't right. I'd be taking advantage of you."
Derek's chest tightens and he bites his tongue. Fuck. He didn't think of it like that. Still, he doesn't really care. He'd happily let you take advantage of him. But how to explain that to you?
"It's not- you're not... I..." He rips your hand away, tripping over his own words as he tries to voice his feelings. Why do you look blurry?
Shit. He's crying again.
The worst part is, you're making sense. He can't say with 100% confidence that his feelings for you haven't at all been influenced by the fact you're the only one here with him. Would he have fallen for anyone given these circumstances? Derek isn't sure.
You seem to notice his wavering resolve, because you sigh and gently move him from between your legs.
"Where are you going?" He chokes back a sob, sitting up as you slide off the bed.
"Gonna make dinner."
You turn and leave without another word. When the door clicks shut, Derek just flops back down on the bed, letting the despair take him.
Hey, maybe he'd cry out that gallon of saltwater he swallowed.
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Author's note: Sorry for the wait on this chapter... I went a little off-track and wrote some smut about being Mike Schmidt's dentist. Oops.
Anyways, I hope this chapter is as angsty as I intended. I'm trying here. I'm always open to constructive criticism, or feedback of any kind, really. Feel free to put an anonymous message in my inbox, or leave a comment. Is there anything I've written that made you cringe? Are there slow parts that you skim over? Are there any words that you've noticed I use too frequently?
Literally any feedback is welcome, just be respectful about it. Thanks!! <3
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linos-luna · 6 months
My Queen (Pt. 4) 🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt 5)
Warnings: delusions, Stockholm Syndrome, toxic relationship, yandere
—————————— 👑 ———————————
Gently, Hyunjin braided your hair, adding little flowers and clips, making you feel special. After months of staying indoors, you finally convinced him to go on a date outside, beyond the usual garden or park outings.
It’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just worried about someone stealing you away. As he finished tying your hair, you discussed the day's plan.
"So, first the cafe?"
"Yes, love," he nodded
"Then a walk through town and maybe some shopping?"
"Mmhm..." he nodded, a bit nervous.
"And dinner at the end?"
"Yes, only the best for you, my queen," he replied.
"That makes me happy," you said, turning to give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Thats good," he smiled, the nervousness fading as your affection warmed the moment.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👑
You took a sip of your hot mocha, sighing with comfort as you took in your surroundings. It was so nice being out in public. Fresh air and the warm smell of coffee had you feeling good.
It was a chilly day and Hyunjin had you dressed in a skirt with warm tights and boots. While at the cafe, he would be eyeing any and all people in the surrounding area. No one should lay eyes on his queen. No one here is worthy of her presence.”
Due to drinking a large Iced Americano, Hyunjin had to take a bathroom break. He wanted to be quick, but he knew you wouldn’t move.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
You hear a familiar voice and turn around. It was a friend.
"Oh, hi Jihyo!"
"Where have you been?" The girl asked while coming right up to you.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been gone for months! We thought you were kidnapped!"
"Oh I’m okay. I'm not kidnapped. Hyunjin brought me home."
"Hyunjin?” She said with a pause. “That weird guy who likes you? Did he kidnap you?"
"No, he brought me back to the castle."
"The cas— y/n, that's crazy talk! He kidnapped you! He's not right in the head.”
“What do you mean?” You ask with the tilt of your head.
“You’ve been gone for months!” She said frantically. “How could you let him keep you imprisoned like that??”
“Oh no.” You replied. "He's the love of my life,"
"Y/n, he's brainwashed you," Jihyo said, grabbing your wrist.
“How has he done that—?”
Hyunjin returned, glaring until Jihyo let go. "Who is this?" he asked.
"A friend, Jinnie. We were catching up, right?"
"Y/n..." Jihyo spoke cautiously. "We should hang out sometime."
"Yeah? Maybe you can visit." You added excitedly. “Jinnie, can Jihyo visit the castle?"
"I'll think about it," he said.
"Come on, darling," Hyunjin said, pulling you away. "Let's go; I want to get you some pretty jewelry."
"Okay! See you later, Jihyo!"
Your friend watched as the man lead you out. She was incredibly worried. Yeah she was glad you’re okay but she’s also worried about how you spoke. What has he done to you?
~~~~~~~ 👑
“What were you talking with your friend about?” He asked while getting back to the car.
“Not much really.” You said with a shrug. “She’s just been wondering where I’ve been.”
“What did you say?”
“I said that you took me home. Back to the castle.” You said with a smile.
Hyunjin sighed with relief while leaning in to give a quick kiss.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, my love.”’
~~~~~ 👑
After some shopping and him just spoiling you in general, you found yourselves at a restaurant. Nothing too fancy but still nice.
As you waited for your meal, Hyunjin, rubbed your hand and admired the new necklace he'd given you. He had an even bigger surprise planned and was excited. When the food arrived, you felt awkward; you were used to him feeding you.
"Sorry, Love," he apologized, noticing your hesitation. "I didn't mean to make you wait!"
"It's okay, Jinnie.”
Ignoring the curious looks, Hyunjin cut up your food and fed you, even taking care of your drink. It might have seemed strange to others, but they figured it was just a cringy couple thing.
After finishing, he ordered dessert, a slice of cake for you to share along with ice cream.
As you waited, Hyunjin stood up next to you, taking your hand.
“Y/n, my love.”
“You are the most beautiful and amazing woman ever. No one compares to you, my queen.” He continued. “I wish to spend all eternity with you. I wish to rule by your side forever and ever.”
After getting on one knee, he pulled out a ring from his pocket, one he had bought earlier in secret. “Will you marry me?”
You covered your mouth in shock. So unexpected! You could feel as the others in the restaurant turned their heads at the interesting scene.
“Of course I will!” You said with a smile, hugging him tight as he stood up. This illicited the surrounding patron to clap and cheer. Believing that this was so sweet.
Some tears rolled down your cheeks as he slipped the ring on. “I love it, Jinnie.”
In this moment, you felt so happy. Surrounded by cheering people and your loving boyfriend— no Fiancé! You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him. The love of your life.
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mrsrookhunt · 8 months
♟ Monster Rook Hunt 🪦
Rooktober part three! Tempting @v-anrouge in again lmaooo
Three classic monsters, one extra-extra double pickles Rook.
Congratulations on winning your way into this man's heart and onto his dinner table.
You're so gorgeous to him.. you make him blush, you make him stutter and gasp, you make him feel his heart flutter and his mouth water.
Absolutely thinks you're more like a creature he can't hunt, a full meal he can only have a snack from, and it is vaguely annoying to him. It's like gardening, but with the extra requirement of cuddling the plant after picking the fruit from it.
But Rook is nothing if not a man dictated wholly by his not beating heart.
Depending on whether he was born a vampire or turned, how he treats you will be different.
If he was born as a vampire: You're a snack, that's all he's been taught. He may treat you kindly but he won't fully understand human needs and love. He'll probably attempt to love you the way other vampires show love. Enjoy those blood bags he set in front of you with wide eyes and a besotted smile, waiting for you to make the first move on your shared meal.
If he was turned a vampire:
"MY LOVE, MY LOVE, I HAVE BROUGHT YOU A GIFTTTTT" and it's a 4-course meal of all his favorite foods as a human he hopes you can enjoy the same.
So extremely and extraordinarily attentive. You may be his meal, but you're also his lover, and he treats you with every bit of love and affection he's been preparing for 350 years to give.
And he's also definitely turning you into a vampire. Don't worry, he'll keep an eternity filled with his antics.
Very in-touch with his wild side (what's new).
You may or may not have met him at a gas station in the woods when you threw an apple core into the wooded area next to the pump, and a shaggy golden wolf came bounding back to you with wide eyes, a wagging tail, and the apple core in his mouth. Your first game of fetch. Call it a date; that's what he did anways.
Your idea of cuddles is different to his. You may like to lay on his chest and watch a movie. He may like to completely tangle all of your limbs together and bury your face in the crook of his neck, because, Rook. Don't worry maybe you can hear the movie playing.
All of your meals are hand-hunted by your one and only. In human form, he's out hunting, a good thing, since otherwise he's harassing you with incessant French. In wolf form, he just wants to lie down on the bed and be docile. Is it a show so you're not afraid of him? Maybe. I guess it's an excuse for you to stay with him for a few years forever to find out.
He would love if you were into gardening. He takes pride in hunting food for you, and would be thrilled to use some home-grown herbs to make a meal you could both be proud of.
He's very rugged. It's a fight to make him wear nice clothes. If it's not practical ripped up and some hand me down from GOD KNOWS where, he doesn't want it.
Also, shaving. I hope you enjoy stubble because he will not be getting a clean shave. He can tell you he's 'just shaved', but you wonder how many nanometers of hair he even took off.
More like a golden retriever than a wolf. If it weren't for his superb hunting skills he'd be a disgrace to the werewolf community altogether.
And we could talk about how many kids he wants but let's keep this PG
Snuggles? Snuggles.
Rook can't speak very well like this. But he can certainly show you the depths of his affection with body language alone.
You should be honored he came back from the dead just for you. You should probably be less honored that the museum has warrants out for your arrest now because, apparently, you can't take a mummy home, even with his consent.
Have you eaten? Have you?? He keeps trying to shovel food in your mouth with every passing moment that he's allowed in your fridge. Something about 'eating like royalty'. You don't know, honestly. The gauze makes it hard to hear him.
From what you've gathered, he was a highly-revered huntsman in his time. Not high enough to be buried in a pyramid, but high enough to be buried with great respect to his body.
You're not sure what brought him back, honestly, his love for you, your being unsure of whether he was a real mummy or a replica, some cheesy artifact bringing him to life ...we'll never know. His desire to prove you wrong may or may not have been at 100%
Did I mention he loves snuggles?
Do NOT try to remove the wrap. It's not for security reasons. It will not harm him to remove it. HOWEVER HE WOULD RATHER NOT UNDRESS UNTIL MARRIAGE THANK YOU.
Try suggesting he put on clothes over his wrap. It's not comfortable. It's like when you have long sleeves and you try to out a jacket over them. But if it's comfortable for him... just buy two sizes larger and try to ignore it.
Part two coming soon!
Suggestions for monsters are more than welcome!
-Oct. 16th, 2023
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deja-yu · 7 months
Co-workers - Choi San Chapter 1/3
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Genre: Fluff (for now :])
Synopsis: San quickly becomes your work bestie but neither of you want to end up as 'just friends' -> Ch 2
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Your steps feel heavy as you follow your new manager down past a couple rows of desks before she stops and points at an empty desk at the end of a row. Window on the right and 4 more desks to the left, exchanging awkward hell’s with the people on your row and the one that sat on the other side of the row. Once at your desk your manager told you to settle while she went to fetch you some documents. A deep sigh leaves you and you hear someone chuckle in front of you. Leaning towards the window to look past your desktop you meet the eyes of a man your age who is doing the same. Resting his head on his hand with a grin, “First day’s are always rough huh?” you nod and he perks up, reaching his hand over in the gap for you to shake. “I’m San, I started here two weeks ago. At least now I am not the only newbie" he says it in a teasing tone but the smile he sends you helps take some of the weight from your shoulders. The return of your manager makes you wave him a little goodbye which makes him laugh, trying to ignore the embarrassment from not having said a single word to him in return you try to focus on the manager info dumping your new tasks. 
You spend the next two weeks trying to find your way around the office, and your co-workers. Everyone was nice enough but they didn’t seem too bothered about the steep prices of the restaurants around the building, whereas you went back to eating home packed lunches after joining them for lunch once. Wondering if they were really making that much more money or just insane to pay 20 for a glorified salad. That is however why you and San started eating lunch together, who had previously been eating alone. You spot him when you enter the cafeteria of the building. It was shared between all departments so it was a bit more populated. Having already accepted to sit alone and on your phone, you were surprised when you spotted San. Equally alone on his phone in an empty corner. You took a deep breath and walked over. “Hi, is it okay if I sit with you?” he glances from his phone with surprised eyes, “Oh! Newbie. Yes of course” grinning as he waves to the seat across from him, “the expensive lunches not your thing?” you snort “you and me both I assume” he chuckles in response and confirms with a nod. “So what did you bring?” putting his phone down to give you his full attention. Cheeks heating up as you pull out last night's left-overs. "It looked better last night I swear” defending yourself preemptively he chuckles “Didn’t say nothin”. As your cheeks seem to flush even more, a small smirk tugs at his lips before he pulls his lunch box and shows you his own meal, left overs from last night.
“San?” you whisper while leaning over towards his desk, he pokes his head to the side with a smile. “Yes?” you give him your best puppy eyes, “Can you get my stuff from the printer?”. Smile quickly turning into a glare he sighs, “Is he still trying to get a date with you?” you pout and nod. Another sigh before he gets up and you watch him pass Ben’s desk, the latter's head pops up and quickly starts a conversation with San. You giggle when San sends you a glare. As he returns you send him a big smile, “thank you, thank you” you tell him as he hands you the documents over the desktops before sitting down. With a smile you retrieve a candy from your bag and put it on San’s desk, rolling it over and he grabs it just before it rolls off the desk. Smiling to yourself before going back to work. San’s smile was a little bigger as he enjoyed the sweet taste of the candy, but that wasn’t the main reason for his smile. 
It was only you and San left in the office, being assigned to a project together. It was your second month with the company now but besides San you haven’t really made friends with other co-workers. Ben wants to hang out, but you don’t want to hang out with Ben. You were going through documents together on San’s computer but your brain was fried. San bumps into your shoulder, “what?” you question. He chuckles, his eyes scrunching as he smiles. Finding you adorable enough to ignore how he had been working solo for the last half hour. “Do you want to call it quits? I can finish on my own?” straightening up you shake your head. “No, no I am here. Sorry, what do we still need to do?” His smile is still bright enough even this late into the day to bring some energy back to your body. San points out some items that need improvement before you can send it in, working together you manage to finish the document within another hour.
In the elevator down you check the bus times before sighing, the buses no longer running as much this late in the evening, the next one coming in 45 minutes. “You need a ride? My flatmate is picking me up, they won’t mind dropping you off” you consider it for a second, but just as you are about to reject not wanting to be an inconvenience, San cuts you off “It might start raining again” he smiles at the way your mouth closes as you rethink the offer for a moment, “Alright, but only if your friend agrees” “he will” San persists.
The two of you are waiting for about 3 minutes but you shiver from the cold breeze, summer slowly coming to an end. Without a word San drapes his blazer over your shoulders, it blocks out the cold air, an instant relief, your tense shoulder dropping making him smile. “Better?” you nod and thank him, you put your hands through the armholes to wear it properly, wrapping the blazer tighter around yourself.  You could smell his perfume and you get lost in thought, earlier tonight as you leaned in close the same smell greeted you. You wondered how he managed to still smell so nice after such a long day. A car pulls up with a honk and San waves, “That’s them” you follow his steps. The window is rolling down in the meantime and a guy around yours and Sans age pokes his head out. “OHHHH!! Is that the famous Y/N?!” His hair is half blonde, half black like an oreo. And you can’t help but laugh when San starts whacking him through the window. The driver easily dodges and rolls the window back up till San retreats his hands, “Open my car Wooyoung”. You watch Wooyoung stick his tongue out before he looks at you, “You should let them get in first!! Where are your manners? After talking about them so much”. San seems to give up with a sigh and steps aside so you come a bit closer and greet oreo boy. “San said you wouldn’t mind dropping me off but I can still take the bus if it’s an issue” the boy immediately protests with many no’s and tells you to get in the car. The loud click letting you know he unlocked the doors. You go to open the backdoor, “What are you doing? Sit next to me, am I scary?” you get taken aback, “oh! No, I just thought San would sit in the front” Wooyoung scoffs, “Don’t worry about him”. You look at San who lets out another sigh, you silently ask him for permission and he gives you a pouty face when he notices, “We won’t get home if we go against him, he is very persistent”. 
Wooyoung is tapping the steering wheel excitingly while San opens the passenger door for you. Getting into the seat you spot another guy in the back who gives you an awkward wave. San has barely closed the door behind you before Wooyoung excitingly leans close “That’s Yeosang, but tell me Y/N. Has our Sannie been treating you well?” you giggle but tell him yes, fortunately so. Hearing the back door close you go to buckle up “Just bring them home Wooyoung, they’re tired… I’m tired” San says while sticking his face between the front seats. “Alright, alright! Here but in your address” Wooyoung hands you his phone and bickers with San while you put in your address. You snort at the back and forth between the two, when you hand Wooyoung back his phone he immediately turns his full attention back to you. “Why are you here?” San asks Yeosang, “He promised me mcdonalds” Another question asking as to why he is in the backseat and not the front, “Because I always sit in the back”.
Wooyoung waits all but 2 minutes (the time he needed to merge back into traffic) before asking you questions again. San told me you were new in town, San told me you like going on hikes, San told me about Ben, are you into Ben? You face scrunches in disgust making wooyoung chuckle as he catches it in the corner of his eye. “No, he is a little too weird for me. He has asked me out I think like six times by now” now Wooyoung's face scrunches in disgust. “Do you have a partner?” you shake your head “Just tell him you do have a partner” you sigh “I did! After the third confession”. San grumbles in the backseat, “You told me he stopped asking after that” you turn in your seat to look at him pouting. “Well, I just started to get good at avoiding him, but when you called in sick last week he asked me out on both days when I had to go to the printer myself” He rolls his eyes. “Just say you’re dating San” Yeosang jumps in, causing there to be a small pause in the car before Wooyoung starts laughing. San tells him to shut up and gives him a small shove, Yeosang seems offended but you turn back to the road with red cheeks. “Why not? Is he not your type?” Wooyoung jokes, “If not, I am single and ready to pick you up tomorrow” San snorts behind him “In my car?” Wooyoung ignores his friend. “San told me you guys live together?” Wooyoung chuckles at your quick attempt to change subject but lets you, talking about how he and Yeosang met in college doing the same program, they met San later when they all ended up getting hired at the same domino’s. “Oh so pizza nights at your place must be great” they all laugh, “We got fired after a month” Yeosang says before giggling. “Only because the kitchen caught fire” Wooyoung says, which makes your eyebrows shoot up, he notices and laughs trying to backtrack. “It wasn’t our fault!! It was a really disgusting place and we didn’t even cause the fire. They just blamed it on us because it happened after we closed”, “I think it was the rats” San adds from the backseat making you laugh. 
“Let me walk you to the door” San says as he gets out with you, making you turn from saying your goodbyes to the other two with a small jump. “Oh no… It’s alright” But he doesn’t budge just giving you a smile, you’ve gotten to know him well enough while working with him that this is his ‘You better do what I say’ smile. Rolling your eyes you shut the door and start walking towards the building in front of you. “You’re really annoying sometimes you know that” he chuckles, “Just want to make sure you get in safe”. Which is just great, it’s not like you lied to the car of strange men to take you to a building 2 streets from yours. Panic building as you get closer and closer you don’t even hear what San is asking till he tugs you to a halt by grabbing your wrist. “You okay?” glancing between him and the door you unconsciously bite your lip. But you see the elevator door open in the lobby, brushing San off you give him a big smile “I’ll see you tomorrow!” rushing to enter after the person exits the building. Alright, now you just get in the elevator and take the stairs back down. Too caught up in the stress of playing off lying to your work bestie you don’t look back to see San laughing, hand coming to cover his mouth before he turns back. You also miss how Yeosang jogs up to him while holding your phone. 
By the time you make it down the stairs from the third floor you freeze, San outside going over the names on the mailboxes. “What are you doing?” it comes out harsh and it makes him straighten up stuttering while his cheeks redden. “You… you forgot your phone” your face relaxing as an oh slips from you followed with an apology. San is rubbing his neck “It’s alright, I couldn’t call you” motioning towards your phone as explanation “and you didn’t tell me what number you lived on so this was the fastest way… but I kinda look like a stalker” he breathes out with a laugh. Embarrassed by the situation he lowers his head but soon enough realisation dawns on him and his head lifts with a questioning look, “but why did you come back down? Did you notice it was missing?” pausing you feel your face heat up, avoiding his eyes before you murmur out your answer. “Sorry what?” you glance at him quickly before looking away again “This isn’t my building” San looks up at the building “oh”. Wanting to disappear you groan “I just… It’s a habit when I don’t know the person” clutching his heart he lets out a small ouch. “No! Like it’s just with taxis and stuff… It’s not like we’re..” he cuts you off with a laugh. Embarrassment floods your veins and you cover your face with a sigh. “Hey! No worries. I tell my sister to do the same. I’ll just assume with people you don’t know you meant those two dipshits” a chuckle comes from you and it makes him smile, but you're still covering your face so he covers your hands with his to pull them from your face. Heart doing a somersault when your eyes meet his which crinkle as he smiles. He lets go of your hands but you grab back onto one of them “You want to walk me home?” his smile turns into a grin as he nods. Walking past the car Wooyoung is hanging out the window “What the hell are you two doing?” you jump a little, too caught up to remember they were waiting. As a result you try to remove your hand from Sans but he squeezes your hand slightly before loosening his grip, giving you a questioning look. You stare into his eyes a moment before tugging your hand away again, this time he lets you but his smile does seem to drop slightly. He hides it by turning back to Wooyoung “You drove to the wrong street! I will be right back” you can hear Wooyoung complain about how he didn’t but San just waves him off. 
“So… you sure this is the right building?” he teases while you search for your keys in your bag. “Ha ha ha yes this is the right one” sending him a glare as you finally fish out your keys. “You will be at the company outing tomorrow right?” As you ask him you give him puppy eyes in case his answer is no. “Oh yea, it’s not really optional. But don’t worry it’s dinner and by the time you’ve finished your plate everyone will be too drunk to notice if you leave” watching his shoulder tense a little the dread you’ve had about this twist a tad tighter. “I need to get back to the car” right, his friends were waiting. “Sorry for tonight… thanks again for everything” ensuring it was no problem he finishes his goodbye with a small wink “I will see you tomorrow evening”. It’s not till you're in the elevator with red cheeks that you notice his blazer still keeping you warm. 
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you’re fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn’t want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn’t necessarily take husband’s feelings into account as well.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I’m just trying to vibe off what I’ve seen of Kid Buggy. I’m no expert. I’d protect that kid with my life. He’s so adorable. I also like the trope of “Meeting your self from another time” and “gets turned back into kid-self”. This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up. Also, kelpies. Are they in One Piece? I honestly don’t know but I love kelpies and needed an excuse to mention them.
Title comes from "Sailing Song" by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @misadventures0fdes @sylum @valen-yamyam16 @dohkyu
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Chapter 2
Your husband refused to speak to you until the kid was gone, but you weren’t going to put up with this. Instead, you carried on like normal, taking the kid with you as you did your tasks around the ship, giving him a tour, and when it was dinner time, you fixed his favorite meal. However, when your husband came into the kitchen, he was glaring at you.
“What’s he still doing here?”
You crossed your arms and stared at him. “I’m feeding him dinner because I’m not going to let this kid go hungry because you think he’s a kelpie or omen or whatever is rattling around in that brain of yours.” With a huff, you grabbed two plates and piled them both with food before placing them on the table. Kid Buggy was already seated, watching Adult Buggy cautiously. His clothes weren’t dry yet from earlier and he didn’t want to go for another swim.
Your husband grumbled and took a seat, glaring down at his plate of food. At least you cooked his favorite meal, must be to make up for this crap he’s having to deal with. He sighed and picked up his fork before he started to shovel food into his mouth. You rolled your eyes and fixed your own plate. Kid Buggy immediately started to do the same as his adult counterpart. His eyes lit up and he looked at you excitedly.
“This is my favorite!” He said with his mouth full of food. “How’d you know?!”
You just shrugged and smiled at him as you sat down between them at the head of the table, handing the kid and your husband each a napkin. It was a lost cause because neither of them took it from you so you set it down beside them. You tried to make an effort. “I know everything.” 
Kid Buggy looked between you and your husband; Adult Buggy did the same. It was weirdly intriguing and adorable to you. You ate your own food, not looking at either of them. Once your plate was clean you picked up your husband’s napkin and leaned over to wipe his face; he rolled his eyes, mumbling something about pirates and not being scary. The kid narrowed his eyes at the two of you as you leaned over to do the same for him.
“You both wear your food as much as eat it, you know.” You chuckled as you wiped the kid’s face, and to your surprise, he allowed it a second time. Your husband was used to it by now. He may be a pirate but you still wanted him to be somewhat clean, even if it was just using a damn napkin from time to time. “Now, sweetie, remember the conversation from earlier, about who this man across from you is?”
Kid Buggy shrugged and set his fork down. “You said it’s me from the future, but I don’t like this, I don’t want to be some loser like him.”
“You little-”
“Buggy.” You shot your husband a look. “This is you as a kid, so you can’t be mad if he’s sassy to you.” 
“He isn’t me!” Adult Buggy insisted. “Stop saying that!”
“Honey, it is, I know it.” You assured him. “I'll take care of him and get it all figured out, okay? I promise.”
Your husband crossed his arms and glared at you. You just smiled sweetly at him. You would figure it out, no matter what.
“This is my bed.”
“And I share it with you.”
Your husband stood at your side of the bed, glaring down at you and the sleeping figure beside you. There was no way you were going to allow the kid to sleep with the crew, and while you didn’t talk about the sleeping arrangements first with your husband, you also couldn’t find him to talk about it. He had disappeared after dinner, grumbling once again about kelpies, omens, selkies, whatever. You didn’t even know at this point. So after you got yourself and Kid Buggy ready for bed, you let the kid tell you another story about his adventures as an apprentice before he fell asleep nearing the end of his tale. It was kind of cute.
“Just for the night.” You told Buggy as he stormed over to his side of the bed. “Buggy, why are you so upset by this?”
“You brought something onto the ship!” He hissed at you as he threw the covers back and climbed under them. “We don’t know what this is!”
“It’s you, Buggy.” You sighed as you looked down at the sleeping kid. He was sprawled out beside you, snoring loudly. It reminded you of someone else you knew. “He mentioned being an apprentice on the Oro Jackson, and… and you know weird things like this can happen!”
“Not weird like this!” He shot back. “I’m going to sleep and when I wake up that kid better be gone. I don’t care where you take him, he has to be gone.”
He turned his back to you after that and pulled the covers over his head. Okay, you weren’t really bothered by that reaction. He was upset over this but you wanted to know why. What made him so certain this wasn’t him as a kid? It made you wonder if something happened to your husband as a kid to get him this freaked out. Your husband could be stubborn but you were determined. You carefully crawled over the sleeping kid and slipped under the covers behind your husband, stretching out behind him as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Buggy, tell me what’s wrong, please.” You murmured in his ear. You felt his body stiffen up, whether from the question or you suddenly being right there, you weren’t sure, but you needed to know. “You… you seem scared.”
He turned and glared at you but you didn’t back down. “I’m not talking about it.”
Oh, well… 
You rested your chin against his shoulder. “I think there’s something to talk about, honey.”
He scoffed and looked away from you, but he didn’t shy away from your touch. You leaned over to kiss his cheek, hoping that might help him relax enough to start talking to you. Clearly there was something about having Kid Buggy here that was bothering him more than the kid just “being a curse or bad omen”. It made you wonder of the possibility of other universes, alternate realities, but then you remember hearing those stories from the drunk sailors and pirates, and really, you heard enough of those stories from different places that it had to be a possibility. 
“Buggy, did something happen to you when you were that age?” You asked. He tensed up once more and you loosened your hold on him, but he sighed heavily and relaxed in your arms. “Honey?”
“Stop talking and go to sleep.” Buggy replied wearily. “Please, it’s late.”
Oh, he said please to you, that meant something. You knew when to stop, and if he was using words like that it meant you had to back off, so you did. You kissed his cheek again and pulled the covers around the two of you tightly.
“I love you so much, Captain.” You whispered in his ear. “You’re the fiercest pirate on the seas, and no one ever stands a chance against the future King of the Pirates.”
That did the trick. He rolled over and wrapped himself around you, head tucked under your chin as he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as you ran your fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. You’d have to try and ask him again tomorrow. Maybe you could get him and the kid to interact without insults and threats.
Kid Buggy, however, had stirred and woken up at that moment, hearing you say the words ‘Captain’ and ‘King of the Pirates’. Now he was more confused than ever.
You were the first one awake, which wasn’t a surprise, but what was a surprise was you were surrounded on both sides. Your husband was clinging to you like a damn octopus, arms and legs wrapped around you with his head resting against your chest. The kid was curled up beside you and your arm was holding him against your side. Did he move in his sleep or did you? It was hard to tell but you didn’t think too long at that moment. You needed to get up and start breakfast.
Not to mention they were both snoring. The kid at least was nowhere near your ear, but your husband moved in his sleep and suddenly he was snoring right in your ear. Okay, that was enough. You suddenly sat up, jostling them both awake, and their matching sleepy expressions were quite adorable.
“Good morning!” You giggled, leaning over to kiss your husband on the cheek before turning to give Kid Buggy a kiss on the forehead. You pretended not to notice the smug look on your husband’s face at being the first to get attention, but you figured the kid wouldn’t care. “I’m going to get breakfast started, okay? Both of you get dressed and come find me in a bit.”
You got up before either could respond, throwing on your clothes for the day and hurrying out the door. Hopefully your husband wouldn’t throw the kid overboard again but you knew not to hold your breath. Maybe they could have a bonding moment, or Buggy could talk to his kid self or vice versa, who knew, but you wanted your husband to be honest about why this was so upsetting and stressful for him.
They finally joined you fifteen minutes later. Kid Buggy’s clothes were finally dry, so he put those back on. Your husband had his jacket and hat on, looking every bit the dashing and handsome captain that he is. You brought him a cup of coffee and kissed his cheek, complimenting on how handsome he looked this morning. He leaned back in his seat with a smirk; the kid just looked between the two of you.
“So… do I become a captain?” He asked; you both turned to look at him. “I heard you talking last night.”
“Oh!” You poured him a cup of juice and brought it over to him, giving your husband a look that said please please be quiet and don’t interrupt let me just explain something to the kid. “Um, yes. You become a captain with your own crew and everything!”
His eyes widened and he looked at Buggy. Your husband was watching you carefully, but he said nothing. The kid actually looked impressed by that. “Is this my ship?”
“My ship.” Buggy told him, narrowing his eyes. “I worked hard to get where I am.”
“But if I’m you then it’s also my ship.” The kid said with a smug look, crossing his arms as he looked back at the captain. You chuckled softly as you served them both breakfast; eggs, toast, and potatoes. The two Buggys locked eyes for a moment before both picking up their forks and shoveling food into their mouths. It was quite a sight to see how in sync they were with their movements. You finally sat down with your own plate.
“You have to work hard to get where he is.” You said, pointing from the kid to your husband. “It didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of work and sacrifice, y’know, usual stuff.” 
“Wow.” Kid Buggy grinned. “Do me and Shanks have the ship together? Is he a part of the crew too? Where’s he at?”
Your husband stopped eating and set the fork down. He pushed back from the table and walked out of the room. It was surprising that he didn’t blow up at the kid, but you were grateful that he didn’t. The kid looked at you with a frown.
“What did I do?”
“Nothing.” You assured him. “We can talk about it later, I promise, but we got chores to do after breakfast.”
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Old Scars, New Blood 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she’ll never be wanted, not only by the man she’s crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: Still sick but going to have to work.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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With meal prep complete, you return to Lloyd’s office to find it empty. The remnants of his earlier spill remain speckled over the desk and floor. You clean it up, leaving a lemony fresh scent in your stead. While you’re at it, you tidy up the bookshelves.
You hesitate on your way to the door. You glance over your shoulder as something tickles in your head. You still don’t get why Lloyd didn’t tell you about Valhalla. For months, he hid that from you. You think about that day in the car and being left on the side of the road. Maybe he’s been planning to cut ties with you for a while.
You stare at the large iMac. It would be wrong to snoop. Even if it isn’t his redeeming quality, you’ve always been honest with Lloyd. You’re just confused. He’s never anything less than straightforward so if he’s going to fire you, why hasn’t he just pulled the trigger?
Maybe… you know too much. That sends a shiver through you. It may actually end with shots fired.
“There she is,” Lloyd interrupts your inner turmoil and you whip around to face him. He’s freshly showered and styled. You can smell the specialty oil he puts in his mustache, “the fuck are you doing in here?”
“Cleaning,” you reply quickly.
“Looks pretty fucking spotless,” he tosses keys at you and you flinch, catching them against your chest, “I need a ride.”
“Um, I can get Jackie–”
“He drives like an old man,” he retorts, spinning on his heel as he snaps his fingers, “chop, chop, kid.”
You swallow your agitation. Usually, you’re better at it. Today you just find him grating. Maybe you’re just a bit sore about him leaving you on the highway. Well, get over it, he’s not apologising.
You follow him with the keys in your hand. He’s several paces ahead of you as you scurry to keep up. His stride is tense as he opens and closes his fists.
As you come outside, you hear a whistle. Lloyd peers over and scuffs to halt as he faces Thor. The large blond bounds over, a shirt with only one button done up displaying most of his chest. He looks over Lloyd’s shoulder and his cheek dimples.
“Running away?”
“Business,” Lloyd says flatly, “I’ll be back.”
“What about my business?” Thor challenges. Lloyd doesn’t respond. “Relax,” he slaps Lloyd’s arm, “I’m ragging on you. Tonight, we will share some of your scotch, eh? Get you nice and loose.”
“Mm,” Lloyd grumbles, “we’ll see.”
“The little one prefers wine, I think,” Thor points over Lloyd’s shoulder, “oh, and she has quite the sweet tooth, eh? You must know that.”
“Whatever. She’s the assistant. Her job is to worry about what I like,” Lloyd sneers, “don’t wait up.”
He turns back towards the car and you send an apologetic smile past him. Thor smirks and winks, flicking his tongue out lasciviously. You blanch and swiftly follow Lloyd.
You still don’t believe what he said in the kitchen. Not only that he said it but that he meant it. You’re certain it’s all just a part of this pissing match between the men. Thor keeps stepping onto Lloyd’s territory, he’ll keep going till he gets bit. You don’t how much longer Lloyd can hold out.
Lloyd’s in the passenger’s seat of the SUV before you even get to the door. You open it and swing yourself in. You hate how big all these vehicles are. You shove the keys in the slot and turn the engine. You shift in the seat and slide your phone out of your pocket, placing it in the cup holder.
You check the time then the mirrors. It’s not unusual for Lloyd to head out later in the day but you didn’t have anything on the agenda. You know better than to ask questions. That’s what he liked about you, if he likes anything about you.
“Would you just fucking drive?” Lloyd growls.
You wince and shift into gear. You look behind you then ahead of you. Thor watches you as you ease into reverse. Or maybe he’s watching Lloyd…
You roll the wheel and turn towards the gate. Lloyd takes out his phone and slumps in the seat as he scrolls and taps. You steer through the gate and pull out onto the road. You don’t even know if you should ask where to go.
“Head northeast,” he says.
Right. You take his direction and turn onto the ramp onto the highway. He grumbles at his phone but says nothing else until you have to get into the exit lane. What is he up to?
You head into the city and he directs you through the main row where much of the nightlife thrives. You’ve been there many times before. He isn’t shy about his nocturnal activities. He commands you past his typical spot.
When he points you into the lot behind a Hilton, you frown. Is he that desperate to get away from Thor? You don’t say a word as you idle by the back wall.
“Right,” he doesn’t look up from his phone as he undoes his seat belt, “I’ll be a while.”
You look over at him confused. What does he mean?
“I’m sure you can keep yourself entertained,” he pokes his tongue out as he smirks at his phone. You catch the glimpse of a chat, a picture sent of a woman in a thong. You cringe and grip the wheel.
“I’ll just go back to the compound–”
“You’ll stay the fuck here,” he tears his eyes from the cell and jabs his finger at you, “you need to remember who the fuck you work for, kid.”
You say nothing as he opens the door and drops out of the SUV. You know this side of Lloyd. His ego is bruised. It happens after rough missions or when an agent gets mouthy. It’s worse now since he can’t do much about his problem. 
He slams the door behind him and you watch him march towards the entrance. You sigh and roll down the windows before you shut off the engine. There’s no use in wasting gas for who knows how long. You’re certain if you get bored, you’ll have enough time to get a coffee down the block.
You grab your phone and shuffle through several apps. You can’t focus on any of the time-eating games you keep for when you’re restless. You have nothing else to distract you. Your sister hasn’t answered the text you sent her a week ago and Lloyd is busy.
You open up your downloaded series and turn on the same show you’ve seen a dozen times before. Still, you’re not paying attention. You don’t think Lloyd is here for business. It really shouldn’t matter to you but it feels extra humiliating to have to wait outside while he does…whatever.
You turn off the show and let the car go silent. You adjust the seat to recline and close your eyes. You’re exhausted. All the chaos has got the best of you. 
Your phone vibes before you can get cozy. It’s Lloyd. You tap the preview so it expands.
‘Need lube. Ten minutes.’
You scoff. Is he serious? Your heart shrivels up as your stomach turns. He’s punishing you. Not because you did anything but because he can’t punish Thor. You’re so so tired.
You grip the wheel and stare at the phone. You wonder if he knows? Is this why he’s doing this? All these years, talking about his escapades, you just assumed it was his usual crassness. He talks like that with everyone. If he’s not boasting about killing, it’s fucking.
Either way, he knows what he’s doing. This is low. You are low.
You open up maps and search for a shop nearby. You fix the seat and pull out, driving numbly as you follow the automated voice directing you through the street. You park without paying attention and get out, nearly stumbling from the height of the SUV’s lift.
You stroll inside the shop with its blackened windows and enter with your head down. Your eyes scan furtively as you search for your goal. The task is made more difficult as the flesh toned silicon and shameless displays set you on fire.
“Hello, hon, can I help you find something?” The man behind the counter asks.
“Er,” you cross your arms, “lube.”
“Alrighty, are we looking for flavoured? Water-based? Oil?”
You blanch as he rounds the counter and strides towards a rack. You shrug and trail after him. You see a black bottle with cherries on it.
“That’s fine,” you pluck one off the shelf and quickly retreat to the counter. “Credit.”
You bring up your card on your phone and tap. The man behind the counter tries to break the tension but you’re not listening. You shove the receipt in your pocket and swipe up the bottle and leave.
Back in the truck, you have to hold back from screaming. What are you doing? You don’t need this shit. Why do you keep bending over backwards for Lloyd when you don’t have a chance? Why have you wasted a decade hoping for nothing?
Because, you don’t have any other options.
You turn the car on and roll out of the lot. You make your way back to the hotel in a haze. You check your phone. He sent the room number and nothing else. You walk into the hotel, ignoring the front desk clerk, and wait for the elevator. You step onto it and watch the doors shut.
You get off and follow the signs to the exact door plaque. You knock with your knuckles, your hand fisted around the bottle. You hear giggling. It’s more than one woman. Footsteps approach the other side.
A woman in an open robe opens the door. She has dark wavy hair and smeared lipstick. Lloyd growls in the background as you glimpse his naked ass.
“Hurry up, sugar tits,” he calls, “I’m starting to chafe.”
You shove the bottle at the woman and drop it. You don’t wait to see if she catches it. You spin on your heel and you’re gone. Your eyes fill with hot tears. Tears like acid. Tears of stupidity.
When you get back to the car, you keel over the steering wheel and heave. You don’t hate Lloyd. You hate yourself. You need to cut it out but somehow, you just can’t. He’s the worst person you know and yet, you want him so badly.
As the sky darkens, you get out of the SUV to stretch your legs. You pace around and check the time. You don’t want to get back in the car. Instead, you wander down the street to the coffee kiosk you drove by earlier. You get an Americano and drag your feet back up the pavement.
You stand outside the SUV and sip from the cup. You chew the paper brim anxiously and look at your phone. Another car door opens and closes.
“Candy?” A man approaches.
You look up, the glow of your face making the stranger nothing more than a dark shadow, “not me,” you back up and press your phone to your chest.
“Oh, sorry,” he puts his hands up, “thought you were someone else.”
You shake your head as he turns and wanders off. You’re not entirely sure how he mistook you for a prostitute. That is what he thought, isn’t it? Candy? Sounds pretty tasty.
You get back in the SUV and lock the doors. You put your phone in the cup holder and it flashes. A message. You don’t bother reading it. You tap your fingers on the console and close your eyes, sipping from the warm cup.
A knock on the other window startles you. You turn on the light and see Lloyd peering in. He winks and tugs on the handle. You hit the locks and sit up.
He gets in and lets out a sigh, “ahh, I feel good.”
You don’t say a word as you slip your cup into the empty holder beside your phone. You start the car and press the gas. As you come to the exit, Lloyd yawns and stretches his arm between the seats, gripping yours above your shoulder.
“I’m fucking starving, let’s hit a burger joint,” he says as he rubs his stomach, “you don’t think I would be with how much I ate.”
He cackles and you bite down. You don’t understand it. He repulses you and yet there’s that sharp pang in your chest.
“You see the tits on Kasia? Fucking pert–”
You veer onto the next street and he hits the door with the motion, “hey, be fucking careful.” He shifts in his seat as he touches his crotch, “I’m tender.”
You sniff and pull into the drive through. You stop by the menu, “what do you want?”
“Get me some of that honey chicken and some rings. Extra honey sauce for the rings. Oh, and a sprite.”
“Sure,” you answer as you drive up to the speaker. You recite his order and the fuzzy response tells you to drive up to the window.
“What’s up? You’re not hungry?”
“I’m fine,” you insist.
“Aw, you on another diet,” he taunts, “bone broth?”
“No,” you answer flatly.
“I’m not sharing my rings,” he says.
“I don’t want any,” you insist.
“You’re fucking testy,” he accuses as you pay.
“I’m tired,” you utter and roll up to the pick-up.
“You’re tired? Fuck, my back is aching from all that thrusting.”
“Would you stop?” You snap before you can stop yourself, “I don’t want to hear about your dick anymore.”
He snorts and sits up straight, “excuse me, kid?”
“I don’t care,” you reach over and give a blunt thanks to the drive-thru worker as you take the paper bag. “Why don’t you shut up and eat?"
You shove the bag in his lap then take the cup and move your phone to plant it firmly in the holder. You follow through the lane and back onto the street. The silence is still and stolid around you.
“If you wanted to join in, you just had to say–”
“No,” you snip. You know he’s not serious, he’s teasing you. You’re a joke to him. “No, I don’t want that.” You grip the wheel tight and bite down until your jaw hurts, “I don’t want you.”
He inhales and blows it out heavily through his nose. The bag crinkles as he opens it and reaches inside, unleashing the smell of chicken that makes your stomach rage. You ignore the discomfort and focus on the road.
“Learn to take a fucking joke, kid,” he snickers, “maybe then, you’ll catch a dick or two.”
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suekeyyyy · 7 months
If your requests are open. Could you do a homelander smut with a female reader where she already has a baby and he see her breastfeeding the baby and i would like it rough and hard only if you're okay with writing if not i will take anything. Thank you
I got you bro.
Long days.
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Homelander x fem!reader
Summary: Vanessa has been Ashley's assistant for about Six months and has become pregnant and has her baby Skyler a baby boy.
Warnings: bad words, groping, babies, Smut, Breastfeeding, nipple play, Oral, breeding, Gass lighting.
- Vanessa sat in her office, typing an email for black noirs. Accepting the new sponsorship as the face of some serial brand when she hears the door of her office open, she looks up and sees Homelander in smiles. " Homelander, it's nice to see you again." She smiles back at him, tilting her head to the side a little.
" Ms. Holland, it's nice to see you, to how is the baby aaa Sky was it?" He asked in a sarcastic way she gave him a dry chuckle." Skyler, and yes, he is well." Homelander insisted on meeting the boy when he was first born, but he only met him when he was 4 months old.
Homelander looked down at Vanessa boobs they were bigger, and her hips were wider to he bit his lip. " Do you need help with everything, Homelander?" Are you trying to get rid of me?" He smirks. " Not at all." She says, finally fullly looking him in his face, her glasses Reflected her screen and the email she was sending.
" Well, Ashley sends her best wishes to baby Skyler. The little guy is so adorable, right, Ms. Holland?" He was jealous of the baby she could hear it in his voice. " Oh yes, he is."
Homelander stares at her. " Is there any way I could see you in private? Maybe we could discuss it over lunch, or maybe dinner? Or if it’s more comfortable for you, we could meet in room 204 in the next hour? I just find that the privacy of a hotel room really makes for a much more relaxed, honest environment." She chuckled at his sweet yet childish request. " I only have two hours of work left. Why can't you just visit my house like normal?~"
" Oh, but don’t you see? That's precisely the point. I want us to have a private discussion, an intimate encounter, something that'll leave a lasting impression. Just imagine us... alone at a table, enjoying the company of each other over a delicious meal. a romantic night, just you and me." Goes behind her chair and rubbed her shoulders.
" I have to pick up Skyler from daycare, so I have to say no. Even if I want to do it, just come over after my shift, it would be easier. " He sighed Aggravated by her.
" No, no. You don’t understand, dear. What we do together will have to be a secret. I can not just pop over to your little house for a casual visit. I need total privacy. That's why I need a hotel room with soundproof walls where no one will bother us. It's the perfect place to have deep and rough-"
He rubbed her shoulders harder, but she cut him. She smirked that him " I have soundproof walls.~"
"And a nice big mattress, too?" He asked a smirk on his face, and she nodded." Well, then, may I come over after you pick up Skyler?" "mhm." She smiled he was so cute.
" Excellent. And don't worry, my lips are sealed. Our little secret is going to stay exactly that. A secret. I swear. I'll see you soon, sweetheart. And call me John." She waves him out.
About two hours later, Vanessa clocks out and divers to Skyler's daycare. She walks into the building and signs, and that's usually does writing her son's name, then her name, and how she was related to him.
She walks to the newborn, an infant room when she sees a Sister Cassie. She was classified as a nun, the only one at the daycare.
" Oh, Ms. Holland Skyler is in play pin with the other babys." Sister Cassie loved Vanessa she was a powerful woman in her eyes. Taking care, baby, by herself with no man to help her. "Thank you, Sister." She walks over to the huge play pin and sees Skyler and smiles,"My baby boy. " She says and reaches out to grab Skyler, Skyler smiles, and when he sees that, it's his mommy.
She walks out with Skyler spitting up on her power suit. She sits her Skyler down, making sure he is safe in his blue monster ink car seat.
The fit.
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[ A/n: With socks with no kevonn on it. ]
- Vanessa pulls up to her home and goes to the back seat, grabs the car seat, and walks it to her house door. Opening it and locking it behind herself, she walked straight to Skyler's room just as she sat his car seat down he started crying and yelling.
She picked up the boy only for him to yell louder she started to unbutton her shirt, slow sitting down, showing her black bra she pushed down her left side of her bra.
Revealing her tit to the boys, Homelander sat in the room next door face to the wall watching, and he was turned on.He had a bin there for about an hour sitting and walking around her room sniffing her stuff her bras just be closer to her.
Skyler was already lached to her boob his right baby holding her hand while to others holding her boob she really loved her baby Skyler.
"Shh.. It’s okay, Skyler. Mama’s here." Vanessa gently rubbed her son’s head as he latched to her breast, drinking in her milk. "Shhhh... It's okay. Everything's is fine. Mama's is right here." A contented smile spread across Vanessa’s face as her son fed. She sat there for a moment, rocking back and forth, gazing down at her newborn and savoring this precious moment.
Homelander drolled. Only slightly wiped his face, not carrying that much about the drol ' Hmm, the little bastard doesn't seem to notice me at all. He only has eyes for those boobs. Just as he should. I can't wait to put my own lips on those things. I'll suck those things dry, and when she'll begs me for more, It's going to be so... Satisfying I'm going to have so much fun with that woman.'
about two minutes later. Skyler was a sleep in his crib. Vanessa fixed her shirt and walked into her room only to see Homelander.
"Ah, there she is. What a beautiful mother you are, Ms. Holland. It's so sweet watching you take care of a child. An seeing you're with an all-you-can-eat buffet. I mean wow."
She only chuckled it wasn't the first time he had done this she it was normal of her. " Well, thank you for the compliment." She pats his cheek.
Homelander smiled. "I have a request, Ms. Holland. I'd like to taste your milk. May I drink it fresh and warm? Straight from the source?"
Vanessa had Surprise looked on her face he had watch her nurse before But he never took it this far. She bit her lip.
' what the fuck am I doing?'
" Sure, why not? I mean, there's a first time of everything." She slowly walked to her queen size bed Revealing her black bra once more."Mmm, looks delicious." Homelander was enjoying every moment he walked up to the woman Bending down to her Torso unbuttoing her heat belt and pulling her pants down.
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- She had white underwear on Homelander Roughly pushed her back into the bed she yelped as he pulled down her underwear. He got in-between her legs and kissed her biting her lip.
She raped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer he unbuttoned her bra. " Shit." He said, looking her her boobs the bare light brown skin of Vanessa's boobs and the Hazel of her nipple as it strained against the air making them hard. He took the the buds into his mouth making her moan out.
An hold his face closer, she slowly pulled down his plants showing of his horse cock he bit her nipple she jolted and before she could protest Homelander had her on her Stomach and he whispered " Did I say to take off my pants?" She was surprised by his reaction." Answer me slut." He sounded cold in his voice.
' Slut who is he talking to?'
" No you didn't." "So why did you do it?" She gasped as her Felt his dick going to her body " Oh John!"
He whispered to her as he pounded into her. Relentlessly, one of his gloved hands grabbed her as wall the other held her boob as milk as slow came out. She grabbed for the head borders of her bed, trying to stabilize herself as she moaned and cried out for Homelander.
"Oh, that's good and you're good milk-maker, aren't you, Vanessa?" He said into her ear. "You've been pumping it out just for me, haven't you? Because you know I want as much of it as you can give me. I want it all, Vanessa. I can't get enough of it. You belong to me, now Vanessa. " He whispered to her.
She moaned out louder she moaned longer as she felt him hit her G-spot."Oh, John, yes, right there right there!"
" Right here!?" " Yes!" She yelled out as he hit it harder. Homelander griped the back of the hair, pulling her head back, and he kissed. She melted in his hands like slime.
Wall in the next room, baby Skyler sound a slept peacefully with his blanket kicked off.
" I'm gonna - " go ahead, dear, come for me." Vanessa and Homelander both came at the same time, and her hole body went limp.
Homelander's satisfied smile grew wider. He slowly pulled out of Vanessa's body. He flipped the woman on her back and gave her breast, and gave a final squeeze before releasing it. He leaned back, his body relaxed.
Vanessa sleepaly climbs up to Homelander's chest, holding him close to her. He looked at the sleeping Vanessa, then in the next room sleeping baby Skyler. Both of them were his to pamper now. " I love you, John." Vanessa whispered, and he only kissed her forhead. " Yeah, of course you do."
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ladyylavenderrr · 1 year
At first, Luigi is hopeful. He sits in his (admittedly comfortable) cell with his head held high. He looks out the window and imagines what his brother will do when he finally comes for him. There’s no question that Bowser will get the beating of a lifetime, of course, but Luigi still wonders how the showdown will go. He occupies his mind by imagining it all.
After 4 days, Luigi starts to get worried. He and his brother had never taken this long to rescue Peach when she’d gotten captured. Bowser must have realized this too for he soon takes the time to actually speak to Luigi.
“Your brother busy or something?”, he jokes. It gets a chuckle out of Luigi. Only a small one.
After an entire week has passed, Luigi stops responding to his captor entirely. It’s a real shame. The two had been having nice conversations. Bowser is a nice guy behind his tough façade. The constant kidnapping thing he has going on isn’t ideal, but at least he’s not cruel.
Once Luigi goes silent, Bowser starts bringing him more and more of his meals personally. He smiles kindly when Luigi finally takes a bite after an entire hour of refusing and it’s the only thing that awakens Luigi from his depressive state, if only slightly. Bowser keeps talking throughout these interactions, even if his captive won’t respond.
After two weeks, as Luigi sits on his little bed, slowly sipping at his soup, he finally cracks. His sobs come so suddenly, they surprise even him. The man barely even registers Bowser kneeling in front of him. He perhaps says something but Luigi can’t hear him. He’s too busy sobbing pathetically onto his meal.
He’s not sure how he finds himself in the koopa’s arms, sobs shaking him violently. He’s not sure who was the one to even go in for the hug, if Bowser pulled him down to the floor or if he himself leaped towards him in a panic. Either way, Luigi shakes and clings to the king in desperation.
Bowser lets him out of his cell not long after.
After 3 weeks, Luigi begins throwing things in fits of intense anger. Even though Bowser has allowed him to leave his cell and wander the castle, he doesn’t. Luigi mostly just stays in his room. If before he was depressed, now he was angry. He snaps at any servant that dares approach, he punches walls and screams into his pillow. Bowser is the only one to not get angry. When servants glare as he throws the meals they brought, when nearby guards yell as they restrain him, Bowser is calm and kind. That fact just makes Luigi all the more furious.
“Get out!” Luigi weakly throws a chair. Bowser stays still. “Why won’t you leave?!” Bowser stays still. Luigi lets out a scream of frustration and tears at his pillow. “Just get rid of me! Just hurt me already!” Bowser doesn’t. He just stays still, an unreadable expression on his face.
When Luigi tires himself out he falls to the floor and cries. He finds Bowser there to hold him once more. “Why aren’t you mad at me?”, Luigi chokes out through his tears. Bowser doesn’t respond.
After a month, Luigi finally starts going out. He walks in the gardens (quaint as they may be compared to those in the mushroom kingdom) and almost feels like himself again. He helps out in the kitchens and feels joy fill his being once more. When he’s introduced to Jr, he takes to him immediately and the two bond quickly. Luigi notices that he isn’t guarded anymore and when he’s by the palace gates, he’s not looked at with suspicion. The message is clear and the opportunity is there. Luigi doesn’t take it.
“Why don’t you leave?”, Bowser asks him one day. The two are sat in the royal library and Luigi is caught off guard by the question. Their conversation had been cheerful and lighthearted up until that point, about nothing in particular. It takes a moment for Luigi to answer but he finally responds with “Why would I?”
“Don’t you have friends you miss?”
“I don’t want to think about them…”
He thinks about Daisy, about his friends in the toad villages. He can’t bring himself to imagine going back to them, to a life outside of Bowser’s kingdom.
“Besides, where would I even go? Back to him?”
The way Luigi hisses the phrase out is enough to keep Bowser quiet. The koopa stares at nothing yet his attention is clearly still on Luigi.
“You’re the one who took care of me at my lowest. Not him.”
Luigi takes his hand with his own, shaking nervously.
“I don’t want to go back. I want to stay with you.”
The silence between the two stretches on endlessly.
“You wouldn’t abandon me, would you?”
Bowser looks away, his face red, but when Luigi feels him squeeze his hand, he knows he has his answer.
After 2 months, Luigi gives up on the idea of the mushroom kingdom ever coming to a peace with the Koopa Kingdom, at least not in his lifetime. Luigi finds the prejudices he believed about the residents of this kingdom to be nothing but a fabrication. Luigi can’t even recall why the two kingdoms hate each other so much. He only knows that things have always been this way and that’s how they’re destined to remain. Bowser speaks to him about his recent revelations about the unending conflict, about his failed attempts to find peace with Princess Peach. The distrust runs too deep, it seems.
“Is that why you kidnapped me then? Were you upset you had failed again?”, Luigi finds himself asking.
“Not really. But I’ve always kidnapped someone, right? It’s what I do, even if I’ve stopped being sure why.”, Bowser’s eyes were far away. “I guess I just wanted someone new to take.”, he chuckles.
Luigi finds himself smiling and laughing alongside him. “I’m glad you did.”, he speaks. Despite all that’s happened, despite being abandoned by his brother, Luigi can’t help but thank fate for bringing him to Bowser. He’s found someone who’s good for him, someone who cares for him, warts and all.
It’s too bad a red-capped hero slowly making his way toward Bowser’s castle has to ruin it all
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 💐
When Steve got home, Robin had soup waiting for him. He was beyond grateful for a nice warm meal at the end of the day. He had been short with her during their shift—Steve could be a real grump when he was sick—so he apologized for being a dingus.
While they ate, Steve put on their favorite show: Head of the Class. Robin told him he'd make a good teacher every time they watched it. Maybe he would've considered becoming one if he had gotten into college.
The next day was Sunday, and the store was closed. Finally, a much-needed day off. Steve’s plan was to stay in and help Robin pack up her entire life—again. He’d helped her move into his apartment after she’d graduated in the spring.
They both knew living together was temporary, but that hadn’t stopped Steve from getting used to how things were and not wanting them to change.
Robin had spent most of the time they were living and working together trying to convince him to come with her. Instead of living in the dorms, she suggested they get an apartment in the city together. That way, they’d still be there to support each other and could afford it by continuing to split the rent.
If only Steve wasn’t running his mother’s dream business. He couldn’t bring himself to commit to Robin’s plan. He wanted to, but mostly because it would feel even more like hell in Hawkins without her. Besides her, all Steve had left were the kids, and they would eventually go off to college, too.
When it was official that he wasn’t going to go, Steve put up a flier to find another roommate.
He’d been relying on Robin too much. With her and Nancy gone that fall, maybe he could get a life of his own. As much as he’d miss them, he was in too deep to abandon the shop and his mom.
He’d come to love his job. He never thought he’d love anything about working, but he’d found something he was good at—something that most days didn't even feel like work. He was helping people and bringing joy to others. He liked taking care of flowers, too; seeing them grow and bloom and then go off to finish their purpose.
Back in Robin’s room, she was going through her bookshelf, contemplating every single book she had and throwing most of them in a box that would go with her. Steve didn’t know how he was going to lift it to his car on moving day.
“Robs, I’m pretty sure you won’t need any of your books. You’re going to a big school full of nerdy, smart people just like you. Of course the place is gonna have a library. Although… I’m not sure that they’re going to have this book.” Steve looked at it, brows raising suspiciously. There was a muscular man standing proudly on the cover. Kinda feminine, with long flowing hair. He was embracing a woman with a very ample bosom.
Robin snatched the book from him, face flushing, and dropped it in the box. Steve didn’t get an explanation, but they continued to chit-chat.
Random objects kept triggering Robin’s memory, sparking tales that Steve listened to intently. He laughed when she read out loud from her diary the passage about her massive crush on Tammy Thompson.
Steve sang like a muppet, interrupting her just to get her to laugh with him while he arranged her clothes so neatly it was like they were the most complicated flower arrangement he’d ever crafted. Getting every piece of clothing into her suitcase almost felt like Tetris. It was satisfying when he got it closed. Luckily, Robin wasn’t a stereotypical girl with a lot of clothing anyway.
When she went to pack up the bathroom, Steve was so focused that he nearly missed the phone ringing. There was one in his bedroom that was closer than the one in the kitchen, so he got up and ran into his room to catch the call.
Still being sick, Steve was breathless by the time he was able to grab the phone. He sat down on his bed and took a deep breath before he answered. He wasn’t sure who it could be, but his eyes widened as he listened to the person on the other end. The name made him pause: Eddie. Oh.
That was familiar, wasn’t it?
He was about to speak when a sneeze snuck up on him. He pulled out the hanky he’d been favoring ever since it had been given to him. He blocked the receiver, cursed softly, and blotted his nose as it hit him: it was the hanky giver himself on the other end.
“Hey, Eddie! Yes, this is Steve from Harrington Floral,” he replied, smiling a bit. He was chomping at the bit to find out if Eddie’s uncle had gotten engaged. “Did your uncle pop the question last night?”
Forget that Eddie was calling him to find out about his roommate vacancy—he had to know if there was any good news. Steve laughed excitedly when Eddie confirmed that it did indeed happen and that his uncle had visited the flower shop that morning.
“Oh! Your uncle is Wayne? He is the sweetest guy! I didn’t know he was going to propose. He damn near cleared us out of roses! At least now I know it was for a very good reason!”
If Eddie had a nickel for every time he’d heard someone call his uncle sweet, he would’ve been broke. Most people judged Wayne by his surly exterior, just like they judged Eddie by his style and taste in music.
It made Eddie like Steve more, and he could feel a genuine smile stretch across his face. “His fiancée loved them, man. I can pretty much guarantee they’ll choose you to flowerise their wedding. And he’ll be back to buy another bouquet from you as soon as those roses wilt.”
He’d seen the determination in his uncle’s eyes. Wayne wasn’t the type to back down from his words. Kathleen was going to be getting bouquets for the rest of her life. They wouldn’t all be as extravagant as the first one, sure, but she would be spoiled as much as Wayne was able.
“I really appreciate the business,” Steve said, “and because you came on the same day, it just shows that you’re both equally sweet and thoughtful. Happy to hear that he’ll be a repeat customer. Maybe you will be, too?”
Eddie ducked his head. If he had a nickel for every time someone had called him sweet, he would be double broke. It was likely just a salesman’s tactic, but the flattery was pleasurable regardless.
He wondered if Steve would be put off by him if he knew Eddie hadn’t given the flowers to anyone and had kept them for himself like a loser.
“I’ll be back,” he confirmed. And not just because he had a quickly escalating crush on the man in charge. Those Black-eyed Susans on his mother’s grave still looked as fresh as the day he’d bought them. Eddie coiled the phone cord around his finger. “So, turns out I really didn’t need that free bouquet.”
“Guess you didn’t.” Steve was giddy about the news. He loved that the shop's flowers were a big part of the proposal. “Even better that you didn’t pay for them.”
Steve wondered if Eddie had given them to the bride. Given how impressive the ones his uncle bought were, probably not. Maybe Eddie had someone else to give them to.
Steve had nearly forgotten why Eddie had called until Robin appeared in his doorway. He gave her a glum look at the reminder. “You called about the room, though, right?”
Despite having the flier up for almost two weeks, Steve hadn’t had a prospect for a roommate until then. It was kind of a relief to get an inquiry from someone he’d at least seen in person.
“Yeah. I live with Wayne right now, so I’m going to be cramping his style pretty soon if I don’t skedaddle, what with his new bride and all.” Eddie laughed quietly, tapping his fingers on the table.
Steve made a noise of understanding. “My roommate is moving out next weekend. She’s going off to college... You’re the first person who’s called me about it, so if you’re free today, you can come see the place?”
Eddie’s fingers tapped harder. The prospect of being in constant close quarters with a guy he was into was somewhat dangerous. It would either be fun or complete torture.
Or both. Probably both. Eddie had to go for it.
“I can come see it today. What time and where?”
He remembered what area the apartment was located in from the ad, but he couldn’t remember the street name.
Eddie stood up, spinning in a circle to try and find a pen and paper. Of course, there was nothing close by, and he ended up getting tangled in the phone cord instead and had to spin in the opposite direction to unwind himself. Idiot. “Hang on, just let me grab something to write down the address.”
“No problem.” Steve waited patiently, chuckling a little when he heard noises on the other end of the line. Sounded kinda chaotic.
It took way too long, but Eddie eventually found a ballpoint pen in one of Wayne’s jackets. He rushed to grab the phone again. “Sorry, sorry, I’m ready now.” He uncapped the pen with his teeth, using his arm as a notepad to scribble the address down. “Alright, got it. I’ll see you soon.”
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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