#just thinking thoughts while working on my s6 rewrite
theghostofashton · 2 years
from a writing standpoint, the mentorship concept of 4x08 would’ve been a lot cooler if they’d paired the seniors with the newbies and continued that throughout the rest of the season, allowing for a great rapport to build within the glee club and some cool dynamics with all the kids, but from an emotional standpoint........i am very glad it was the alums bc i missed them so much
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fazedlight · 4 months
Confusion (Late S6 vibes. I found a use for William… I’m sorry?)
The Catco elevators opened to a chaotic scene as Lena stepped out. Despite being afterhours - it had just passed 6pm - employees were shuffling around everywhere, with frequent murmurs and occasional shouts flying by.
“Looking for Kara?” Nia said, passing by Lena while holding a large stack of papers on the brink of falling. Lena opened her mouth to speak, but Nia didn’t wait for an answer. “She’ll be back in a few minutes, I think she’s meeting with Andrea.”
Lena nodded as Nia quickly disappeared into the backrooms. Guess this is normal when they crash the issue, Lena thought, making her way to Kara’s desk and setting down the mocha and pastries she had brought from Noonan’s. She had been lucky to get there just before closing, after Kara’s text that they’d have to skip movie night in favor of a late night at work.
“Lena,” came a deep voice behind her, “What are you doing here?”
Lena turned, nodding to William as he approached. “Just bringing Kara some stuff,” she said, gesturing to Kara’s desk. “Late night for you too?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Hopefully the last, before I move back to London.”
“You’re moving?”
“Looking forward to going home,” William said. “I’ll be leaving in a few weeks. Just enough time to hand off my responsibilities at Catco.”
“Going back to The Times?” Lena asked.
William nodded. His eyes drifted to the coffee and sweets, and Lena noticed a tinge of confusion. “I best get going,” he said, not remarking on what he was thinking. “The senator’s fraud case means I have an article to rewrite.”
“Good luck,” Lena said, as he waved and left. Lena turned back, finding Kara as she rounded the corner with Andrea. Kara met Lena’s eyes, and the blonde smiled wide.
“You smell like smoke,” Lena said, brushing ash off of Kara’s shoulder, eyeing the charcoal hues that tinged her supersuit.
“A forest fire will do that,” Kara said, practically shaking like a dog to get other ash off her hair. “Luckily we got it before it spread very far.”
William glanced over curiously from where he was jotting notes. He had been working with Alex and Brainy on mapping out city hotspots when Supergirl had arrived back from her firefighting. It hadn’t taken long for Lena to make her way out of the lab and go up to the super.
“I think we gotta spray you down,” Lena teased.
“Brainy said the nanobots can handle it,” Kara said, tossing her hair back. “I just gotta deactivate at some point.”
“Yeah, you gonna get around to that soon?”
“Will you two knock it off?” Alex said, her voice aggrieved. “Some of us are trying to get work done.”
The two had the good sense to look a little bashful, and William glanced over curiously. From his side, he could hear Alex mutter “just good friends, my ass”, and he watched as Supergirl threw her head up towards Alex, flushing slightly, and seeming suddenly unable to look a confused Lena in the eye.
This is going a bit too far, William thought, eyes darting to Lena. Flirting with Kara? And Supergirl?
“Well, it’s been great working with you,” Supergirl said, extending her hand.
William returned the gesture, then doing similar with Alex, and J’onn, and Lena. “Please do keep in touch,” he said. “I’d love to hear from you when you’re back in London.”
“Have a safe fli-” Supergirl suddenly turned her head.
“Something going on?” Alex asked. 
“Bank robbery downtown. Might be a big one,” Supergirl said. “Safe flight, William. We’ll see you later.”
William nodded as Supergirl left, J’onn and Alex following. That left him behind with Lena, who didn’t frequent the field unless magic was afoot. Which left him a bit grateful for the chance…
“Well, William-”
“Don’t break her heart, Lena.”
Lena’s brows furrowed, utterly perplexed. “What?”
“I see you,” William said, a serious expression on his face. “The way you flirt with Supergirl. The way you flirt with Kara.”
“Kara- flirt-” Lena’s eyes widened.
“Look, they’re both clearly interested in you,” William said. “All I’m saying is be clear with your intentions. Kara doesn’t deserve a broken heart.”
“I don’t have intentions. With- with either of them,” Lena answered.
William’s face tensed with skepticism. I’ve said my piece, he decided. “It’s been great working with you, Lena.”
William tilted his head back against the plane’s headrest. The 5hrs from National City to Metropolis had been annoying enough. Now it’d be another 6hrs to London. I hope I can get more sleep this flight, he thought, glancing out over the Atlantic Ocean. 
He looked down at the gossip rag he had purchased in Metropolis Airport, beginning to flip through it. It was mindless garbage, hopefully boring enough to lull him to sleep. 
As he turned the pages, he was surprised to find a picture of Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor - but then again, it was only a matter of time. It’s just so fucking obvious, William thought, wondering if the tabloid suspicions would force Lena to choose.
But he was also unsettled - it was an odd location. To any casual reader, it would simply be a random picture on the street, the two perhaps on the way to get a cup of coffee. But he knew they were just feet away from the Tower. A location that, according to Alex Danvers, Kara had no awareness of.
He stared, and stared. Would Lena be so foolish to ask Kara to meet there?, he thought, knowing the Luthor was too smart to make such a casual mistake.
That’s when his already-jetlagged brain began to scan Kara again. The blonde hair. The emphatic voice. The way she fiddled with her glasses. The way Lena flirted with her, just like- 
Wait, William thought, startling awake with a shot of adrenaline. Wait, WHAT?!
It was early morning when Lena took her seat at a lab bench, her mind still swimming from William’s observation the day before. Have I really been that obvious?, she wondered to herself. Does Kara know? And if she does, she hasn’t said anything because… 
Lena put her face in hands. God, I hope I haven’t been making a fool of myself.
“Are you okay?” came a voice.
Lena’s head popped up, finding Kara wandering into her lab, a hint of concern highlighting the blonde’s face. “Your heartbeat is fast,” Kara said, “I just came over to - to see if something was wrong.”
“I’m fine,” Lena said, her voice a high-pitched squeak.
“Lena,” Kara said, taking a seat next to Lena, pulling her into a hug. “Lena, I’m here.”
Lena sighed, relaxing into Kara’s arms. What am I so afraid of?, she thought to herself. That Kara doesn’t feel the same way? That our friendship will change? While the first was the only likelihood Lena could really see, the second… just didn’t seem like a real possibility. 
Lena pulled back from the hug, gazing into Kara’s face. Didn’t we learn we should be honest so long ago?, she thought. Even when it’s hard? “William… said choose,” Lena said slowly, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, “Between Kara and Supergirl.”
“Choose?” Kara said, confused.
“I’ve, er,” Lena swallowed harshly. “I’ve apparently been flirting. With both of you.”
Kara’s eyes widened. “On purpose?”
She sounds… disappointed?, Lena thought, and she knew Kara could hear her heart beginning to pound a little faster. “I- I can do it on purpose? If you want.”
And this time Lena felt a growing joy in watching Kara flush. “I’d like that. And, um,” Kara paused, shifting shyly. “Maybe after we do that for a while, I can ask you on a date?”
Lena smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”
This idea has been floating around in my head for a while. I did do a 9-word fic for it - but then I figured hey, may as well write out the full thing.
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matan4il · 1 year
Hi! I've just read your meta (and loved it♥️) and I wanted to ask you your thoughts about it being filmed as an actual series finale
I know some people have been saying (about buck's and Eddie's resolutions) that they feel rushed because they had to wrapped it quickly in case it was the end, but if it were that way, why didn't they just not introduce the plot about Eddie being lonely? Because I feel like, for a series finale, it would have work way way better if they'd show us Eddie being happy and excited about life in general, not tied to some random girl (specially after season 5) And for Buck, is obvious that him picking his own damn couch would have been a more satisfying conclusion to his arc
And I mean, I don't think the writers are stupid, they know what they're doing tying buck's couch to some random love interest. So I don't think (personally) that they approached this ep as a series finale. My guess is that they knew there was a pretty good chance they were gonna get picked up, so they left some threads open on purpose. There were better ways to do that, sure. But I truly cannot conceive the writers thinking 6x18 works as a series finale (what they did in 5x18 works so much better, imo)
And I know Oliver said they didn't know about the move until two hours before the article dropped, but the rumors (and therefore the negotiations) started way earlier, so TPTB could still have been pretty positive they were gonna move to abc, no?
Anyway I just wanted to ask your thoughts about it being conceived as a series finale or no, and about the theories about rewriting and reshooting stuff that have been going around, if you have seen them
I'm sorry about the long rambling!!! But you always have great takes so I wanted to hear your thoughts on this
Thank you so much!!! Have a great day ♥️♥️
Hi Nonnie! First, thank you so much for reading and liking my 618 meta, and for letting me know you did!
Second, I detailed here the three scenarios I see as possible for how the drama around 911 being canceled/moved might have affected the end of s6. I'll tell you honestly, if I were in charge and I thought my show is being canceled, I would wanna go out with a big. Pull no punches back in the show finale, and leave people with a taste of what made the show great. Maybe even try to give a twist that would help the show go down in TV history. Whichever scenario actually took place, that's NOT what they did with this finale. It was lukewarm at best. It had good parts, but even those IMO suffered from how rushed everything felt.
I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding Eddie and Buck's resolutions. For both of them, they deserved something deeper and more meaningful than "resolving" everything by shoving them into yet another random hetero r/s with an underdeveloped LI.
I agree, while I believe Oliver that they didn't know until 2 hours before the finale aired, there is no way they didn't know BTS that there were talks about possibly moving 911 to ABC. The showrunners? For sure knew before the finale aired that this was at the very least a possibility, though when did they find out about the possible move, I have no idea.
I guess that's a part of why I feel clueless regarding which of the 3 scenarios is the one that actually happened: IDK what the timeline BTS was, and the finale itself on the one hand felt very much as if it tried hard to tie everything up neatly, on the other hand, it wasn't going for the epicness that I think a show finale deserves. So I could see it being a poorly conceived show finale, a well conceived (originally) but poorly executed show finale, or a poorly conceived last moment change from a show finale into a season finale to leave some things only seemingly resolved, but actually meant to be re-opened and addressed in the next season... I guess because in whichever scenario I look at, something wasn't done right, I find it hard to tell in which direction exactly did they fuck up. Does that makes sense?
Thank YOU again for the incredibly lovely and kind words! I hope I managed to somehow help. Have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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nin-jay-go · 2 years
Please tell me more about Rebooted but in your rewrite, Zane season go
(also i love all of it, it's wonderful)
oh man do i have THOUGHTS about rebooted
-the pacing. oh GOD the pacing. i'm fixing the pacing. s3 goes by sooo fucking fast and i need to spread it out a little bit
-i'm gonna cut down on a couple of plot threads bc there's just too much going on in s3 lol
-i'm cutting the love triangle. that shit is dumb and bad and should not be Like That
-i am, however, keeping jay and nya's breakup. this is through them realizing that they're both still kids and with no relationship experience, plus whatever i'm having replace the perfect matchmaker machine thing. either way, there's nothing that says that nya's perfect match is cole so she doesn't get dumb like that
-i'm not sure what i'm gonna be doing instead, but they need some time apart. they're gonna properly work everything out in s6, but jay is gonna be a bit sad and bitter at nya, himself, and cole (bc he has a crush on him but doesn't want to do anything about it, so he tries to either avoid them or argue. he's not doing great)
-also nya's a lesbian and was experiencing comphet trust me i'm a lesbian
-zane still dies :( sorry king
-pixal and zane get more time to get to know each other instead of love at first sight. i love pixane, pixane is canon in alterline, but i have a weird relationship with romance and i hate the love at first sight trope. they're gonna get some moments of bonding and getting to know each other
-idk if its canon or not but pixal is the one to rebuild zane's titanium body. his consiousness was left behind with his core, which is ??? here? i haven't figured it out yet
i mean the biggest issues i have with rebooted is the pacing, the love triangle, and the too-muchness. i think rebooted's biggest crime is that it feels extremely rushed. my friend pointed out that shows like this tend to have set first seasons, then when they get renewed for another season drop Everything into the new season while also being careful and quick with it. gauging the audience reaction. s3 did well commercially i'm pretty sure, but it doesn't hold up. pixal my absolute beloved though i'm so glad she was added
any suggestions for s3 are appreciated!! bc its just a Mess djkfhgkdjfhg
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chonidale · 10 months
Actually yeah you're totally right, it was worse of them to spend 4 seasons with bh and va and not mix it up.
I didn't know ras admitted he always had Choni getting back together in mind because watching S5 and S6 you wouldn't be sure of it until literally 6x22.
tbh, I felt at the time, heather declaring them as soulmates was a cheap cop out to get them back together since they hadn't laid any real ground work for them in S6. But I guess the plan was for it to make more sense later on knowing where they end up in S7 so I'm all for that line now lol.
he said that telling separate stories for them was important, but as they were plotting the end of the season, he knew it was time to finally bring them back together again. should have been earlier but whatever.
but you watched 6x04 and thought them being soulmates was a last minute cop out? when they were originally going to introduce the reincarnation of abigail's ~long lost love with a new character/actor in 5x19 but then scrapped it, only to make that character a topaz played by vanessa instead? then kinda rewriting abigail's establaished 5x19 story to bring thabigail over from vale to dale? toni immediately being able to tell cheryl didn't feel like herself when abigail was in her body? cheryl admitting she was holding onto the idea that she and toni were 'fated to' reunite?
it was clearly set up from very early in the season, just not very well or consistently, because that's riverdale for you. ras even said in post 6x01 interviews, while teasing 6x04, that choni's storyline would be a big one throughout the season, which is obviously misleading in terms of screentime and progress, but shows that they very much had the soulmates story planned from the beginning of the season, as they had no other storyline going on in s6 beyond building to that reveal. some people like to credit how loud fans were for choni at paleyfest for making them soulmates, but at most, that got us the thabigail sex scene, not choni soulmates. which i definitely think was something they decided back when they made the choice to introduce supernatural elements to the show for real. but either way, whenever they decided to do it, god bless because it's done wonders for redeeming them and making a lot of shit easier to swallow. i really hope that's brought up in the last two episodes and we see toni find out in some way, but i'm not holding my breath.
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shadowdianne · 3 years
Alright, so @delirious-comfort tagged me in something about wips and SHAME. That's what I got. Sure there was something else thrown in there but bottom line: shame! xD She, brilliantly, went for WIPS in the sense of works that have never seen the light and who knows if they ever will -please, I want to know what half of them are about, you evil- Since that's basically impossible on my end of things I'm just gonna go for unfinished stories and call it a day since they are -technically- works in progress
Painted Voices -SQ- Oh boy, 2015. I don't even remember what I wanted to do with this one. It was at the time there were a bunch of stories with either one of them being blind or deaf and I tried to jump into that. I'm ashamed of it and certainly will delete this because I'm sure it sucks and I was an idiot about the whole thing.
The recognizable stranger -SQ- 2015 as well... I remember this one. I have mixed feelings about this but I will simply state that I don't remember what I wanted to do with this one. I was the: What if these two met prior to the events of S1 that existed back in the day.
Words unsaid -SQ- Technically I wouldn't count this as a wip but A03 is marking it as such so I'm going to stick with it xD FixitFic. I used to do a bunch of those with every new episode or so. Eventually, however, I stopped writing them in a single series. I remember having someone telling me that it bothered them that I did it like that and so I started posting them as separate one-shots and I guess I forgot to close the thread of this one.
The missing page -SQ- 2015 againnn, honestly, I don't remember what I wanted to do here. I believe it was about Regina going back into the book or in time and just seeing things from an outside perspective. It was also the time when writing Daniel and Emma as the same person -sometimes Emma having Daniel's soul within her some other times in a more convoluted way- was a thing. So if I remember correctly this was my take to that.
A forgotten promise -SQ- The witcher au before the witcher turned mainstream xD Ah, I'd have loved to finish this one. It required a lot of work and I was in the middle of my uni years and the feedback was... uh. Let's go with uh, so I started to have second thoughts, think it was rubbish and halted it altogether. [For context sake the small amount of ego I DO have tells me to point out I was churning 4 to 7 prompts per day at the same time] I would probably erase it entirely if I tried to do anything with it now so I'll just leave it there.
It feels like magic -SQ- Ohhh, remember when we all did magic realism? I loved that. On this one Regina was transformed into a cat because things and the story revolved around Emma buying her as her familiar. It has 13k posted but I think I wrote like 30k beyond what I ended up posting. Same story: I started to think it was shit; cornered myself into a panic attack and never finished it xD Tag yourself: Dianne doesn't end up their wips edition
Sateen memories -SQ- No fucking clue what that one was about
I'm not afraid of the dark -Princess Rover- It was going to be a rewrite of a bunch of lore back in the Shannara Chronicles all the while shitting on canon and the books but didn't happen.
What you want -SQ- Emma is the Dark One, Hypersexualization of the character. If you have heard me rant loud enough you know I prefer teasing. I got bored.
Nothing is true, everything's permitted.-SQ- The AC au! I also have mixed feelings about this one due to THINGS. It involved lots of studying because I wanted to make an accurate enough portrait of the historical momentum I was writing about. This was in 2017 so whilst I don't remember exactly I know I was working two jobs plus uni so yeah, nah, I didn't have the mind to write more than the prompts I was doing at the time xD
There is no hex or spell I could unlearn with you by my side -SQ- The HP AU. I basically stopped due to -points at JKR- and that it was a series of drabbles so it was linked to the amount of prompts. I remember it was the time Tumblr did an inbox purge, lots like half the prompts, most of them for ever so... it just sits there.
Of magic and prowess -SQ- Steampunk! It was supposed to be the second part of And the cogs are ticking if I'm remembering correctly. Very short and sweet, 5 chapters. I got 11 eleven kudos, 2 comments, about 15 asks stating that they rather wanted me to keep writing prompts than whatever I was doing with this and I said fuck it. Yeah, yeah, the vitriol I have inside is not lost to me.
Tiny nothings -SQ- Same thing as some fics above this one. I started doing lost moments but I ended up migrating it to single oneshots. This one is set in S6 so added to the previous explanation I would also add the: S6 was a pain, one.
Hidden truths -Rizzles- It was a prompt(?) but I was never too sure about my ability to write Maura and my brain shortcircuited.
Deipnon -SQ- Actually this one is co-written. Life happened. Nothing more. -I hope you are doing good Eva, love you lots-
Lost words -SQ- One word prompts. Same story than before really: I wrote them solely on tumblr, someone told me to re-post them on a03, I did, I then got anons telling me that it bothered them, stopped altogether.
The miller's daughter -SQ- Ohhh, I used to love this one. Rewriting of... something I guess xD Enchanted Forest based, total AU but trying to give a Grimm-esque perspective. 2016... who knows what I did xD Again, overworked is the answer.
But I know this night you will come -SQ- Well, actually this one was a trio if I'm remembering correctly... yeah, Regina, Red, Emma. Dunno, is this time to state that I've discovered I'm demi? lol. I'm not sex-repulsed but it bores me to tears writing about it. Give me teasing and I will write a full novella out of it. But sex is *yawn* for me when writing about it.
Ghost of you -SQ- Ohhh Emma!ParanormalInvestigator! I have a bunch of those. There was a mirror, a very angry Queen and far too much worldbuilding to fit into a tiny story. Yeah, I also see that pattern xD
Arcadia -SQ- The only fic I will ever be ashamed that I didn't finish to the point of self-destruction. I actually wrote it, I then lost the files, corrupted, gone, puff. But then I didn't rewrite it and then I felt self-conscious and then... shame.
Beyond -SQ- 2019 Probably one of the last de facto prompts I accepted. I wasn't feeling all that good about my writing. I think I was basically trying to jump start something that had died. I would have loved to finish it. Honestly.
Annnd, that's it! Tagging @rubikanon for this one <3
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 512: Morning Coffee
Yang angrily walked into the house with her coffee cup in her hand when she heard someone coming up the stairs. She looked down and nearly had a heart attack. Jaune was walking up the stairs shirtless.
"Morning!" Jaune called as he climbed the last stairs, and Yang stumbled back a bit.
"So, uh... Ladykiller, why?.. are you all sweaty... and shirtless?"
"Because?," Jaune asked, "working out makes me sweaty... and so I took my shirt off... and... uh... Yang?"
Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and looked him in the chest... I mean eyes... She looked him in the eyes. "Yes?"
"Is that coffee?" he asked, and she developed a wicked smile as she turned back to the patio?"
"Hey, Weiss?!" she called.
"Yes?!" Weiss replied from the patio.
"Do you have any more coffee?!"
"Oh!" Weiss replied, and a moment later shuffling could be heard, "yes, of course!" She rushed into the house and nearly slid to a stop when she saw Jaune.
"Morning, Weiss." Jaune said to her, and she just stared. "So, uh... coffee?"
"Oh, yes, what?, of course!" she replied, and rushed off to the kitchen. Yang turned to the ascending flight.
"Yang?" Jaune asked.
"I'm going to my room to mope." Yang said to him, "No ladykilling while I'm gone."
"I honestly don't know what to say to that." Jaune uttered in reply as Yang walked up the stairs. "Uh... happy... moping." he said, and Yang paused, looking back at him with the strangest smile.
"You know what?" she asked, and he shrugged, "Thanks." she said, and turned back up the stairs.
"What's all the... going on?.." Ruby asked as she walked inside. "Oh, sweet Good God!"
"Morning." Jaune said to her.
"So?.." Ruby asked, "Not only did you have a cute bunny under your armour, you had like ridiculous muscles underneath."
"I wouldn't say ridiculous." Jaune stated. "Would I? I mean, how much muscle do you need to be ridiculous."
"I don't know..." Ruby voiced, "I'd say..." and gestured to him, "that much. You're like Yang on steroids."
"I do believe that is how biology works." Weiss said as she walked up to the pair.
"What works?" Ruby asked.
"Men have testosterone, which is what steroids are made off."
"Sooo?.." Ruby asked, "he IS like Yang on steroids?"
"I don't think my hair is as nice." Jaune stated.
"Also a product of steroids." Weiss added.
"It is?" Jaune asked.
"How could you POSSIBLY know that?" Ruby asked her.
Weiss blinked at her a couple times before replying. "Because... I studied... biology?" she asked. "I'm not really sure how else I could answer that."
"I thought you were studying Grimm?" Ruby asked.
"I have studied a great many things." Weiss haughtily added. She then looked over to Jaune who's gazed was fixed on the coffee cup. "Oh, yes, of course. I have to apologize, I do not know how you like your coffee."
"Black's fine." Jaune said, and took a sip. "Oh, that's the stuff. Like much better than when anyone else makes it."
"Why thank you." Weiss replied, and found her gaze slowly descending. It took a bit of willpower to bring it back up to his eyes.
"I'm not saying," Nora said from the top of the stairs, "that you guys can't flirt. But could you, I don't know, do it quieter? Or not by the stairs?, or... is that coffee?"
"Fantastic coffee." Jaune said, as he savoured another sip. Nora reached down trying to grab it, but Jaune extended his arm to keep it out of her reach. She then tried to force her way by him, but he just blocked her, keeping her up the stairs.
"Nooooo." Nora voiced, as she reached for the coffee.
"Did you want some?" Weiss asked.
"YES!" Nora shouted, "I mean, yes please."
Weiss turned to walk away, as Jaune kept Nora up the stairs. Weiss came back to find Nora looking at her with a scowl on her face.
"Are you not coming down for coffee?" Weiss asked.
"Maybe if Jaune would let me." Nora said, as she reached in vain for the new coffee cup. Jaune just looked over into her eyes, staring at her. "Oh!" Nora shouted, "Please?" she asked, and Jaune stepped out of the way. "Thank you very much, WEISS." she said, and turned, scowling at Jaune. Jaune just reached his arm out to her, Nora pulling away as she saw it come close. "No, this is MY coffee. You have your own."
"And it's delicious." Jaune stated, taking another sip.
* * *
Blake felt her grip loosen against her blade as she looked at Ilia through tear-filled eyes. She could hear a Faunus with wings gliding down from above, but could not move... not even summon her aura.
* * *
Aurora walked in the front door and Nora jumped up from her seat, walking over to her. "So, what have YYOOUU been up to?"
"Making connections." Aurora replied.
"Hm?" Nora asked, as Jaune stood up from his seat to lumber over.
"Favours are the currency of the elite." Aurora replied.
"Any good ones?" Nora eagerly asked her.
"Several." Aurora simply stated, "Several through those managing Weiss' assets; several who want to do anything they can to help survivors of the fall of Beacon. I'm sure they want to do even more if Haven happens as you are expecting." Jaune handed a business card over to Aurora. "Hm?" she asked.
"Someone from Mistral who owes us a favour." Jaune stated, and Aurora developed a wicked smirk." Hm?" Jaune asked her.
"Oh, just seeing what my mistress sees in you."
"Huh?" Jaune asked, as Weiss hustled over.
"I do believe we need to talk." Weiss quickly said to her.
"Yes, Mistress." Aurora replied.
* * *
Weiss elegantly sat on one of the beds in the bedroom and pointed at the other. Aurora moved over and sat down. Weiss closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. "And just what do you think you are doing?"
"Was the comment inappropriate?," Aurora asked, "if so, then I apologize sincerely." Weiss breathed in deep once again, "But I must say, Mistress, that he is the only Huntsman you ever mentioned." Weiss' eyes flew opened and glared at Aurora. "You mentioned quite a few times his few romantic overtures, and you had more and more trouble every time pretending you were offended by it." Weiss closed her eyes, breathing in deeply, trying to calm herself. "Your colours are showing, Mistress." Aurora stated, and Weiss looked down to see the light blue plummage below her. She looked back up into Aurora's eyes, completely uncertain of what to say. She breathed in deep once again, "And what would you have me do?"
"Well, for one, recognize that the sisters seem to share your condition."
"Ah!" Weiss exclaimed, "To that we have come to an accord!"
"Miss?" Aurora asked.
"We have agreed to take no positive action until after Haven is resolved."
"Well, fantastic." Aurora stated, "But remember that taking no action won't guarantee that they won't get closer to him."
Weiss glared at Aurora. "I thank you for your consideration, but I believe I can take care of this by myself."
"Do you know his birthday?" Aurora asked, and once again Weiss glared at her. "The name of any of his seven sisters?"
Weiss paused a moment before saying anything, "Which... does he..."
"He doesn't seem to have a favourite, per se, but strong feelings, in both directions, for all of his sisters."
Weiss once again sat quietly. Her eyes widened,
"Does he have a favourite cake?" Weiss asked.
"I haven't been able to find ANY favourite food." Aurora replied, "As for cake, he's from a large, rural family. Cakes were always home-made, usually pretty simple. His biggest issue is that he tended to only get one piece on his birthday."
"Then we will have to rectify that." Weiss stated.
"Just over a month away." Aurora said to her. Weiss stared at her, "Just into the start of the Semester."
"So?," Weiss asked, "just when we got into Beacon?"
"Yes, Miss."
"I hate to ask..." Weiss voiced, "but what else have you learned?"
* * *
Note:  I’m not going to rewrite the Battle of Haven, and S6 starts immediately after the battle.  Yang doesn’t pull her arm off, and Jaune uses his short-sword and shield to fight Cinder, but nothing else really changes.
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
Seen a lot of talk about relationships in people’s rewrites, and I wanted to share my headcanons for the “butterfly fic” AU! (I’m currently going on an S6+ timeline, so the story starts off with all canon couples and then... crumbles from there)
Bloom x Sky: The two of them got together for real at the end of S2 in this timeline, after the identity shrouding/theft both of them pulled made their start rocky. They both understand why the other did it, but it doesn’t make it any better or easier to bear after months of insecurity, thinking they would be dumped eventually when the truth came out. S3 though S4 they are well off, but then the whammy hits when Sky loses his memories during the oil rig rescue mission. He still knows Bloom and that he loves her, but even after a year he doesn’t feel like he can recover the version of his self that he has been before. Bloom tries to assure him as best as she can, showing him that she can learn how to love the “new” him as well. Their lives end up on hugely different trajectories that lead to their relationship slowly crumbling over the S8 timeline, during which Bloom is going crazy worries about her sanity and reliability (👀). Bloom also slowly finds herself developing feelings for Stella after the other confesses. In the end Bloom and Sky go their separate ways amicably.
Stella x Brandon: So, Stella confesses to Bloom, then how does SxB work out? Well, both Stella and Brandon are home of sexuals in a mutually beneficial fake relationship. They did date of course back in the S1-2 time, fully conforming to what society expected of people of their standing. Stella believed as long as she could find a guy ok enough to settle with, everything would be fine. She could be happy. Brandon on the other hand was a bit more aware of his crush on Sky, but he though if he hid behind a relationship with a conventionally feminine and attractive girl he could squash all rumours and budding feelings. Internalised homophobia is a bitch that did a number on both of them. Though this is not to say there are no real emotions between them. Stella loves Brandon deeply, they consider each other their respective closest friend. In that vein, Stella would do anything to make life as stable and comfortable for Brandon - after his childhood had been less so - including marrying him to make him a prince. Since Solaria supports polyamory, this comes at no additional strain for her. His presence in the meantime wards off other suitors and creeps, for which she is very thankful, as it gives her space to figure out her feelings about Bloom. And oooh does she have many. She eventually confesses during the S8 timeline, but has to wait quite a while for a positive response, after which Stella and Brandon both come clean about the nature of their relationship to the rest of the world. In the end, Stella is lucky enough to celebrate not one, but two fun weddings.
Brandon: He gets his own column, because his story goes on separate from Stella’s. While the engagement to Stella is still on the table in the S6 timeline, Brandon struggles both with his crumbling team of Specialists and his feelings about the new recruit. Alright, he did not recruit Roy to the team because he thought he was cute. Brandon thinking that and low-key flirting with him came after they settled on the addition to their team. But BxR doesn’t have a long future after Roy believes Brandon cheated on Stella by sleeping with him. Plus his tension with Layla eventually lead to Roy leaving the team mid S7. Long after that, Brandon gets over his crush for Sky, just when Sky is in the middle of a life crisis and Brandon tries his best not to get sucked in too deep again, but that hurts Sky and irreparably damages the close friendship they had before.
Flora x Helia: Ah yes, unproblematic faves. Don’t change what isn’t broken. (Their S5 trouble isn’t about Flora being jealous about a literal teenager,  but rather about her shock of him being so willing to close off and leave behind people from different stages of his life.) The two of them would be set for marriage if such a custom existed on Lynphea, but they definitely plan on raising a family on planet once that is an option again.
Timmy x Techna: Equally low drama zone. They felt a bit pushed together when they first got acquainted as their friends started to date each other. Techna was having their gender identity crisis for the majority of S2 so a relationship was furthest away from their mind. They softly flirted in S3 as they grew closer, which as we know ended in Timmy losing his marbles when Techna got sucked into the Omega portal. He confessed right as the rescue mission was still happening and the two of them have been going strong since then. In S5 they even move together, which Musa joins in S6 (they had a two bedroom flat, just in case they needed the extra space from each other, when/if things weren’t working out, but they were using only the one bedroom anyway, so Musa was welcome there) Surprising everyone who knew them, Timmy and Techan were actually the first ones to get married. After Timmy’s family was becoming more and more hostile, denouncing him for his choice of career, Techna thought it was the most logical thing to get married and grant Timmy much better social security. The two of them plus Musa living together were falling into a tooth-rottingly cute domesticity, until life got unexpectedly difficult.
Musa x Riven: The drama central couple that never should have gotten together. In retrospect everything was super clear to Musa: they had gotten together after Riven had rescued her from Shadowhaunt, playing the hero he had always wanted to be - this streak for glory being the thing that ruined their relationship down the road. Riven’s insecurity got the best of him during S5 and he couldn’t stop comparing himself to Sky, feeling helpless even beside Musa herself. She of course was incredibly offended her boyfriend only wanted her as long as she was waifish and he could swoop in for the rescue, so as soon as Domino was restored the two of them broke up, Riven going his own way, away from the Specialist team itself. Reflecting over the mistakes of her relationship cause Musa to realise she was forcing herself to like a lot of things about Riven, and maybe she was actually also interested in women as well. Layla welcomes her to the wlw world and suggests Musa put herself out there. However Musa doesn’t find love anytime soon (not like there weren’t options out there, like Galatea would go on a date with her in a heartbeat if Musa only asked) And then after moving together with Techna and Timmy, the three of them fall asleep on the same couch one too many times for Musa to start thinking there might be something there, a bit more than just friendship.. and then of course she ruins it, cause....
Riven x Darcy: He enters the story again in the S8 timeline, and disappears quickly again after Flora gives him the worst advice of her life (that she thought he looked genuinely happy with Darcy, hoping he wouldn’t force the thing with Musa). So he goes looking for Darcy, unintentionally setting off the whole plot for this arc, because Darcy is not where she should be prison and she is not there on her own accord. Darcy and Riven continue to have a thing on and off (seeing as she is a wanted criminal and shit) and that drives Musa up the wall. She may or may not still have feelings for Riven. Upset, she looks for an outlet with her quarantine mate, and that ladies and gents, is bad decision central
Stormy x Musa: Bad decision central. A drunken one night stand, let’s not talk about it anymore.
Layla x Nex: A sweet one sided crush that goes nowhere. Nex tries, but Layla is nowhere near ready to date again when he steps into her life in S7. He takes the rejection with dignity and the two of them try to remain friends, as best as they can, when Nex suddenly becomes the biggest critic of Layla’s chosen relationship in S8 (he means well of course, and once again, despite the Riven-vibes he gives off, he knows when to shut up).
Layla x Orion: A girl can only handle so much flirting on galactic starsailers before she starts noticing a kind of chemistry she tried to suppress from budding for years after a huge personal loss. Are LxO a match made in heaven? Probably not, but they offer interesting perspectives to each other and are both happy with a casual relationship at that point. Things get tense about a year in when Layla pitches that she does want something more permanent and Orion’s first instinct is to nope out of there. But despite themself, Orion has to realise they really like Layla way too much just to let her go because of their attachment issues. The actual relationship between them is a bit on hold until after everything in the Universe is sorted, but in the meantime Orion becomes the biggest supporter of Layla going her own way and exploring independence away from what people expect of her. Deciding that being a nymph and protecting the whole Universe is way more important to her than following the path the circumstances of her birth set out for her, Layla eventually settles with her partner sailing the winds of the cosmos.
Daphne x ?: Immortal Queen. Needs no one in life except maybe her right-hand woman to lean on 👀 
Some one-sided crushes that went nowhere, but were sweet anyway:
Musa x Layla: not a secret that Musa had a thing for Layla when she transferred to Alfea in S2
Sky x Riven: Due to his amnesia, Sky idiotically forgot he was already out as bi and had a whole crisis, as he developed a tiny crush on Riven of all people
Icy x Tritannus: Gets an honourable mention here because it wasn’t true love, but obsession with power on both sides
Musa x Stella: Not as pronounced as Musa’s other crushes, but on the down low she always softly admired Stella and it turns out what she felt wasn’t envy like internalised societal expectations made her believe 
Diaspro x Sky: Once again, a bit more obsessive than loving. Diaspro saw Sky like a lifeline and she hyperfocused on being able to call a husband her own. After her betrayal and prison time she mellows out, gets pardoned and gets a kind of “stupid, but loving” bf who would kiss the floor she walks on.
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Backtrack - Summer of ‘98: Chapter 3
Backtrack Masterlist
Series Summary: What if you were the one Dean came to instead of Lisa? Rewrite of “Swan Song” and some of S6.
Word Count: 2252
Warnings: fluff, light angst
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
A/N: Chapter 3′s song: Tides by Swimming Tapes.
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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“I don’t know,” you said skeptically, surveying yourself in the mirror. “I mean, is this really...me?” You turned towards your friend and gestured to the flowered sundress and sandals. 
“Of course it’s you!” your friend, Andrea, exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and turning you back towards the mirror. “You look beautiful, and Dean’s going to think so, too.”
You blushed at the thought and bit your lower lip. “You really think so?” 
“I know so,” Andrea said, giving you a reassuring smile and squeezing your biceps gently. “Do you trust me?” she asked suddenly, turning and going over to her purse lying on your bed.
“You know I do,” you scoffed as you watched her rummage through the bag.
“Good,” she said. “Because I have an idea.”
“Okay…” you said suspiciously.
Andrea held up a small tube of lipstick. Your eyes widened, suddenly feeling very nervous. “N...no,” you stuttered. “I’m good.”
“(Y/N)!” Andrea snapped. “You said you trusted me! I’m your best friend, and I know you better than you know yourself. I know you’re a tomboy, but would it really hurt you to branch out? Just a little? And just for tonight?”
You bit your lip and looked to the floor. You knew Andrea was right. You’d never been a girly girl. You hardly ever wore dresses, preferring your jeans and t-shirts. And on the rare occasion you did wear dresses it was always with Converse and your hair in a ponytail. And you hated makeup. Especially lipstick. 
But maybe Andrea was right. You never put yourself out there or stepped out of your comfort zone. Maybe you did need to push yourself a little. “Okay,” you said, nodding once and squaring your jaw.
Andrea raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You’re serious?” she asked incredulously.
“Just do it already!” you clipped. “Before I lose my nerve.”
“Okay,” Andrea chuckled. “Little Miss ‘Livin’ On the Wild Side’.”
“Shut up,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Sit,” Andrea directed, gesturing to your bed. You perched on the end, raising your face to the light when she told you to. Her eyes were focused as she rolled the creamy lipstick over your lips, making sure it was flawless before she put the cap back on. “There!” she said triumphantly. “Go take a look.”
You smiled timidly before sliding off the bed and going to the mirror. “Wow,” you breathed, your eyes widening at the sight. Your lips were now a soft shade of pink, almost peach, the color contrasting just enough with your skin to bring attention to the plump flesh of your mouth. “I’m hot!” you blurted.
“You totally are!” Andrea laughed, making you blush when you realized what you’d said. “Told you you could trust me.”
“You’re right once again,” you said, grinning as you turned back around. 
“What would you ever do without me?” Andrea teased.
You put your finger dramatically to your chin as if deeply contemplating her question. “Probably die,” you finally said with a shrug of your shoulders.
Andrea laughed. “What time is Dean coming to get you again?”
“7:00,” you said, glancing at the clock. Your stomach clenched. “So...in fifteen minutes…. Andrea...I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Listen,” Andrea said. “I know you haven’t felt like yourself since you and Caleb broke up, but I really think this would be a good thing. I like Dean. He seems like a nice guy, he’s cute, and he doesn’t strike me as someone who plays games. At least not from what you’ve told me.” She came up and hugged you tight. “Go. Have fun.”
“Okay,” you finally conceded just as the doorbell rang. You heard the door open and muffled voices downstairs before footsteps approached the staircase.
“(Y/N)!” Leah hollered up the stairs. “Your date’s here!”
Your stomach flipped, and you looked to Andrea, your eyes wide. “Go,” she chuckled, practically pushing you out the door.
You walked down the stairs nervously. You found Dean standing near the front door, twiddling a set of keys in his hand as he looked around at the family pictures on your walls. He looked up as you descended the last step, his green eyes lighting up. 
“Hey,” you murmured.
“Hey,” Dean said, grinning. “You look gorgeous,” he breathed, his eyes sweeping over you.
“Thanks,” you said, feeling a blush creep up your face, your shyness getting the better of you again.
“You ready?” he asked eagerly.
“Yep!” you said, picking up your crossbody bag from the table by the door. 
He opened the door, standing off to the side as you approached. “Ladies first,” he said, gesturing to the entrance.
You giggled before walking through, pausing while he closed the door. “A lot nicer inside when there’s not a party and people aren’t puking,” Dean said, jabbing his thumb behind him.
“It is,” you chuckled. You started down the sidewalk towards town, but stopped when you didn’t hear Dean following.
You found him still standing in the driveway, an amused smirk on his face. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” he asked.
“To the carnival,” you said in confusion.
“And how did you expect to get there?” Dean asked.
“By...walking,” you said. “I do it all the time.”
“Well, not today you’re not,” Dean said, starting for his house.
You frowned before hurrying to catch up with him. “What do you mean?” you asked once you were by his side again.
“You’ll see,” Dean said vaguely, sending you a wink. He walked to the garage where he deftly pulled the heavy door open. Their Chevy Impala sat inside, freshly washed and waxed. Dean stood back, gauging your reaction.
“No way,” you breathed. “We’re taking her?” 
“Yep,” Dean said proudly. “Wouldn’t be a proper date if we didn’t.”
“How did you manage that?” you asked, walking over to the vehicle, your hand trailing lightly over the sleek, black metal. You knew his dad was particularly possessive over the Impala after observing them over the few weeks since they’d moved in, rarely letting Dean drive, if ever.
“Dad’s taking a few days off from...uh, work. Told him I needed Baby for a job of my own,” Dean said.
“Baby?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Yep, good ol’ Baby,” Dean said, slapping a hand on her trunk affectionately. “Been the only one I needed. ‘Til now.” He glanced up at you when he said the last part, and you couldn’t help the butterflies that danced in your stomach.
You cleared your throat, desperate to keep the silly grin that threatened to cross your lips. “So,” you said. “You know you’re not getting paid for this “job,” right?” you asked playfully.
“I’m not worried about money, when I’m getting paid in something better,” Dean said with a smirk. “Kisses.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Feeling lucky, huh?” 
“Am I right?” Dean asked, his voice playful but with an undertone of hopefulness.
“We’ll see,” you said coyly.
Dean chuckled before coming around to the passenger’s side. “You really ready this time?” he asked with a chuckle, opening your door for you.
You smiled and nodded before sliding into the car, the warm leather soft against the backs of your thighs. Dean shut the door behind you before going around to the driver’s side and climbing in. He started the Impala, the engine roaring to life and leveling off to a steady hum. 
Dean sent you a grin before he started backing Baby up and out of the garage. Before long you were on the highway, headed to the carnival only a few streets over. 
The boardwalk and surrounding area were busy as Dean parked the car. He quickly alighted from the Impala, pocketing the keys and hurrying around to the passenger’s side and opening your door for you.
“Thank you,” you said, stepping out and grabbing your bag.
You and Dean started for the carnival, the sounds of laughter, playful screams, and the smells of kettle corn and cotton candy filled the air. “Where to first?” Dean asked as you passed under the carnival banner.
You looked around at everything being offered before pointing to the carousel. Dean cocked an eyebrow. “Isn’t that for little kids?” 
“No!” you scoffed. “And even if it is, I’m a big kid at heart.”
Dean chuckled as you made your way over to the ride. It wasn’t long before you were both settled on the carousel, you on your white palomino and Dean on his black stallion.
Soon the scenery of the carnival was flashing by. Dean’s face was lit up as he watched you, wind in your hair, head tipped back and a wide grin on your lips as you let go and enjoyed the exhilaration of it all.
But all too soon the ride was over. “That was so much fun!” you exclaimed, smoothing down your windswept hair. 
“It was,” Dean admitted with a grin. “Where to next?” 
“I’ve already picked. It’s your turn,” you said, adjusting your bag across your shoulder.
“Well, I was kinda thinking the fun house,” Dean said. “But we don’t have to if you don’t….”
“Let’s go!” you said excitedly, grabbing his hand and practically running over to the brightly colored building with the face of a clown as its front. Dean presented two tickets to the attendant before leading you inside, his hand never leaving yours.
You walked through, enjoying the various attractions. There was a floor that tipped back and forth and backwards and forwards, resulting in you grasping onto Dean’s arm while his snaked around your waist to hold you steady; fun house mirrors that distorted your bodies beyond recognition and had you and Dean bursting at the seams with laughter; the jet air vents that had you feeling like Marilyn Monroe; and the ball pit you and Dean had to navigate to get to the exit.
By the time you reached the end, you were both hot and sweaty messes. You wiped your hand across your brow, enjoying the light breeze that cooled your heated skin. “I need something to drink after that workout!” you panted, fanning your face.
Dean chuckled, holding out his hand to you. “C’mon.” He lead you to one of the food trucks advertising corn dogs, funnel cakes, and freshly squeezed lemonade. He ordered one of the lemonades, grabbing two straws before coming back to you, settling himself down on the wooden bench beside you. He handed you the plastic cup, you drinking the sweet and tart liquid greedily. “You having fun?” Dean asked as you handed him back the drink. You nodded as he took a sip. “Good,” he said with a grin. “Any idea what you wanna do next?” 
“Well, I’ve been craving cotton candy since we got here,” you said with a giggle.
“Cotton candy it is,” Dean said before taking another sip.
“So how do you like it here?” you asked as you and Dean walked along the outskirts of the carnival. You popped a piece of the pink candy floss into your mouth before offering some to Dean.
Dean pinched some of the fluffy candy between his fingers, placing it in his mouth and letting it melt on his tongue before responding. “I like it,” he said. “It’s so different from Texas, and anywhere we’ve lived really.”
“How so?” you asked, taking another bite and watching him out of the corner of your eye.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “It’s just the people, the town, the atmosphere…. It all just...feels like home.”
Your heart seized up as he spoke, a wistful and almost sad tone in his voice. Even though you’d never talked about it, you knew he’d had a rough life; a life already burdening him even at his young age. You stopped walking, Dean coming to a halt when he realized you weren’t by his side anymore. He turned to look at you, a questioning look in his mossy eyes. 
“Everything okay?” he asked in concern.
You smiled and closed the small distance between you, taking his hand in yours and brushing your thumb over the back of his larger one. “I’m just glad you’re here.”
He grinned, his eyes growing soft. “I am, too.” He cleared his throat and glanced to the ground quickly before meeting your gaze once more. “So, uh, you wanna go do something else?”
“Sure,” you said with a soft smile and quick squeeze of his hand. 
Minutes later you and Dean were seated on the Sizzler, your body squished against Dean’s side as you whirled around, your hair whipping around your face. You couldn’t help but laugh as the ride spun you both around, your chortles swallowed up by the wind. You could hear Dean’s deep laughter, too, as he carefully maneuvered his arm around you, holding you close. 
You and Dean were still laughing once the ride finally stopped and you were making your way back to the parking lot. Dean grabbed your hand and whipped you around to face him once you reached the Impala. Your breath caught in your throat at his close proximity as he stared down at you, the side of his face illuminated by the bright lights of the carnival.
His hand rested on the small of your back, keeping you pressed against him while his other came up to caress your cheek. “Thank you,” he breathed, his eyes searching yours affectionately. “Thank you for tonight... And for reminding me what it means to be alive.”
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
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Dean Girls:
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
I don't really like Phole as a ship but I think Cole as a character had a lot of potential and I'm mad that it was never, at any point, handled well. so I'm curious, how would you have rewritten Cole's story so that he might still be redeemable and a character you can root for? granted, you would probably have to rewrite it from the very beginning but I'd love to hear your thoughts if you're up for it
yeah cole is like a very difficult character to work with bc in charmed evil isn’t a thing you do it’s a thing you are, and if you’re a demon, congratulations! you’re evil. But we did get brendan rowe in season one who was like a warlock but was trying to not be a warlock and again it’s this human half that is a loophole in the black and white morality clause and he got to be a good person in the end. the difference between brendan and cole was that brendan refused to take anothers life (extending this to bugs too??) and moved to become a man of the cloth to escape evil’s hold on him. cole on the other hand actively worked to surpress his human half and spent like over a hundred years being undeniably evil. so like. have you even given us a character worth redeeming? the countless lives he’s stolen and evil he’s brought to the world..... it’s a lot to undo. and that’s always really been the main source of my beef with cole is that he was undeniably a horrible person for OVER A HUNDRED YEARS. like the body count man. it’s really difficult to make him a good person. it’s really difficult. it’s not not doable, but it has to be a grueling processes and really explore who he was who he is and who he’s trying to become. when never really got much acknowledgement of any of that (who he was: belthazor. who he is: cole. there’s a difference (?) he’s in love with phoebe. who he’s trying to be: a good person so phoebe stays in love with him. it’s so surface level man it’s i don’t i don’t like it)
and like i’ve been think about demon redemption arcs a fair amount bc i definitely want to throw a demon character into my fic i’ve got my ideas and lil plans and all that but like it’s still like. really difficult to justify the taking of a human life to those sworn above all to protect it. i’m not objectively against characters who have killed people. but if you want to integrate a character who has killed people into charmed?? honey you’ve got a big storm coming. and honestly? the easiest strategy is to ignore it. chris killed a valkyrie in the s6 premiere (three valkyries??) and rather than attempt to justify the cold blooded murder of good beings, the show just ignored it. which, imo, was the best strategy for that situation (and then went on to sprinkle in him being disgusted/scared/horrified of bianca shanking a demon in chris crossed to show him sorta as this morally good figure, in hopes that we had forgotten that he had done worse. and uhh i think we all did!! i did at least). phoebe & paige are technically responsible for the death of rick the criminal, turning him into chris knowing Full Well he would be killed by demons, when they could have easily just orbed his ass back to prison. how to we deal with this? we don’t. so like, quick fix on cole’s redemption arc? cut black as cole. turn a blind eye to his past. leave it in the shadows. pretend like he’s never killed anybody. if they wanted to redeem cole this is the easiest way and in no manner stands against the moralities they have already set up. but if you wanna do it proper
cut the age gap. having cole already over 100 just leaves to much murky area. it’s also like never used in any interesting way like he never is like oh yeah [cool/important event] i was there he’s just sorta. old. for no reason. so get rid of it. just make him thirty. don’t make him an upper level demon. you can make him the son of an upper level demon so he has upper level demon qualities / powers, but having him essentially the source’s right hand man, a legendary demon and all that,, it’s just. there’s no way you hold that position without being cruel beyond words. evil in ways you can imagine. getting incredibly creative with how horrible you can truly be. you’ll never get a character like that as a “good guy��. they can be sick as fuck antiheroes or morally neutral/dubious characters, but if they’ve already committed that much evil, you can’t get them to be good. especially not charmed ones good. so like, you can have him half demon, but don’t make him a good demon. have him be raised by his human father until he’s captured and taken in by demons. he has a strong survival instinct and works to blend in with other demons, but he’s always secretly working for an escape. he’s charismatic and clever so demons like him, but they do sort of regard him as a bit of a coward, because he’s never actually killed anybody. so when he volunteers to kill the charmed ones, everyone considers it a bit of a joke. but he comes to them with a strategy. he’s human, and while that might be a weakness, it can also be a strength. he knows how to act human, he knows how they work. he can blend in, and work his way into the lives of the charmed ones like no demon ever could. so the demons are like okay. i’ll bite. but first you need to prove your mettle. kill somebody and we’ll approve your mission. and cole’s like okay bet bc he’s like i bet i can find somebody shitty and then, once i’m approved for the mission, i can actively work my way into the lives of the charmed ones and then get protection from them. and the demons are like oh lit bc we have the perfect person for you to kill and cole’s like oh uh i thought i’d just go out and kill somebody and the demons are like no need : ) we already grabbed the guy you can kill him right now : ) and cole turns around and his father is dragged in. so now we have this moral complexity because cole only wants to do this so he can be safe, so he can be human, but at the expense of his father’s life? and it’s this moral conflict and it seems like he will and then it seems like he won’t and then he looks into his father’s eyes and he seems not fear or desperation, but acceptance. and cole does it.
and now it’s more important than ever that his mission succeeds, because if he can’t gain the charmed ones favor, if he can’t gain their protection, then his father died for nothing. he killed his father for nothing. so he poses as a da, bc that’s obviously a good guy, right? he can work with the charmed ones, as a good guy, until they trust him and work with him and then he can come to them begging protection, after he’s already established himself as a someone who’s good. and he doesn’t actively seek a relationship with phoebe bc he’s worried that if he enters a relationship with a charmed one and then reveals himself as a demon, it won’t go over well. so he’s still at war with himself with his relationship with phoebe, but in the end, he caves, because he loves her.
after he reveals himself as a demon, begging himself for the charmed ones protection, prue is ready to kick his ass, because he’s a demon, and demons are intrinsically evil. they’ll to whatever it takes to achieve their goal, kill whoever they need to to get what they want. and cole sours at this because he can’t help but remember his father. he killed him to get what he wants. is prue right? but phoebe’s like no, he’s good, i know him, he’s good. but now cole’s really like, am i? and phoebe’s like i love you and i believe you and i trust you but now cole’s pulling away. and we get to see proper emotional turmoil over this and his evil act and he has to grapple with the death of his father and he has to tell phoebe what he did and then she is properly horrified but she loves him and he loves her and they commune with his father’s spirit blah blah blah his dad forgives him tells him he’s proud he made it out and he wants what’s best for him so on and so forth and then he uses his insider info on the demon world to help the charmed ones everyone lives happily ever after
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kurtstinypurse · 4 years
Top 5 Klaine fics?
I’m a bad person that reads a bunch of fanfic but then doesn’t bookmark them or anything, so they just go into the void, one after the other. I will forever be in the endless cycle of “ah, I remember a fic that ___” and then never find it again.
I’m trying to do better.
Here are 5 that really made an impression on me:
Down on the Corner by flowerfan
AU after Season 5/ Alt!s6. Blaine went back to Lima after the breakup, but Kurt stayed in New York. They do in fact reunite on the corner outside the loft in six months, but it doesn't go as either of them expected. Over the course of the next year, Blaine struggles to find himself, and Kurt struggles to find Blaine. And while they both realize that love doesn’t necessarily conquer all, they discover that it definitely helps.
I loved the exploration of Blaine’s experience with depression, and I really appreciated the boundaries he set with Kurt. I’m such a slut for communication, ESPECIALLY Kurt and Blaine communicating, and this hit all my marks. I have so many thoughts about S6, and I can only hope that my S6 rewrite fic ends up even coming close to holding a candle to this one.
Someone Like You by iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of "When Harry Met Sally" for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is... they're both in committed relationships.
I read this one recently and fell in love. I generally shy away from super long fics (it’s 100k+), but this one never felt long to me. I’m such a sucker for friends-that-could’ve-been-more-but-never-quite-got-there, and I am completely in love with New Mexico, so the setting was perfect, too. The writing really stuck with me and perfectly captured the intensity of love they have for one another and how far in denial they were about it. Do you need something? haunts me. Oof. 
Is It Weird? by a_simple_rainbow
Blaine sends his Topics in Contemporary Music mid-term essay to the wrong e-mail address, writing an extra m where it was supposed to read Humel. Kurt, spending a semester abroad in Paris, is having a challenging night of essay writing and procrastination, and goes a little bit beyond letting Blaine know he got the wrong person, sparking what will soon be described as a "weird pen-palish thing we got going on" that takes them both by surprise and leaves them hopeful and giddy.
I’m also a sucker for a good penpal situation, and this one is just. The best.
life is like a song (I want you to sing to me) by luthien82
AU-ish - Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since college. They would do anything for each other, which Blaine proves when Kurt confesses he has to go home for a wedding - a wedding where everyone expects him to bring his long time boyfriend. The thing is: Kurt doesn't have one. But he has a Blaine, who is willing to help. Enter one group of crazy, well meaning friends, a week full of wedding preparations, and lots of sexual tension and you've got yourself a mix that's just bound to blow up in their faces...
The fake/pretend relationship trope could hit me with a car and I would say thank you. I love it. I just. Love it. (Alternate Pick: Only Pretending (Or Not At All) by little_escapist
Virtually Indistinguishable by Lepidopteran
Blaine is an inexperienced sub looking for an introduction to D/s through a virtual reality program called SafePlay. Unbeknownst to him, a bug in the program makes the program match him with a real person instead of the AI he thinks he's getting. But the more sessions Blaine has with Kurt, the more he wishes that Kurt were real…
Alright, I’ll admit it. I like reading D/s and I think Kurt and Blaine fit the roles very well. This virtual reality aspect was really intriguing to me, and added a nice layer of pining and obliviousness.
This is probably way more than you bargained for, but I had fun. Now I gotta work on my library. Thanks a bunch!!
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hello. Is there a chance that you know when the decision about Chuck beeing the villain of the entire show was made? And more specifically was season 9 written with this point of view?
Hi there! I’m sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days, but I’ve been turning it over and over in my head trying to figure out how to actually answer. Because I don’t think this is something that was like the writers just suddenly decided, and began plotting everything else in the story around that fact, you know? And while it might be interesting to puzzle over, it doesn’t affect how I personally engage with the show.
I’ve written many times about the difference between a Watsonian Reading of a text versus a Doylist Reading of a text, and why sometimes understanding the Doylist might inform the watsonian read you’re willing to accept, so I can understand the interest in wondering if there was a moment in the writing room where it was declared that Chuck Was Not A Good Guy, and that the entire story should be told with that underlying assumption. For me, personally, it’s been clear since 4.18 that Chuck was not really a good guy, long before it was revealed that he was really God.
Was this always the intent of the writers? We just don’t know. I don’t think it matters. He always came across to me (ESPECIALLY in 5.22) as a self-important dick... but I know a lot of people really love his monologue on everything, and have always had rather warm feelings about it. So was their intent to make him seem smugly self-satisfied from the start, or is that an angle that later showrunners and writers seized upon and played up? Does it even matter when the story has made it clear now that Chuck has been the villain of the entire show from the start?
I understand how my personal opinion from the start here has probably made it easier for me to roll with the more recent canon revelations about Chuck than it would be for folks who have always believed that Chuck was a Good Guy from the start, that God would ultimately be on their side, or that if God wasn’t actively helping them, it was only because he was testing them or having them prove themselves to themselves or whatever. I understand people have clung to the notion that he was essentially still a good guy, even through all the shadiness. I just... could never see him that way.
ESPECIALLY after s11. I don’t think Chuck’s characterization has really changed since then. It’s just been... unmasked for what it really is. I think everything Chuck The Prophet was saying back in 4.18 about being a cruel and capricious god was... pretty on the nose. Then again, I’m fairly sure that Andrew Dabb took over the showrunning duties in mid-s11, and began setting up what he knew would eventually become the series endgame run, with Chuck as the final big bad. So that run up to the end of s11... was Dabb’s doing...
I don’t really know how much Chuck’s character (his fictional being, in addition to just... his personality, like how we’d talk about the character of real people, the quality of his essential being or whatever) played a part in the writing from 5.22 when he “vanished” through 10.05 when he appeared to tell Marie “not bad” at the end of her musical, and then again from that point until he dragged Metatron to the bar at the end of the universe in 11.20. I’m fairly certain that as soon as they began writing s11 and determined that Amara would be “God’s sister” that they knew that Chuck would have to make an appearance eventually. And the entire storyline of the MoC having been derailed and repurposed in mid s10 likely facilitated the escalation of the story. But again... I’ve written heckloads of stuff about s10, the accordion plot, how Carver had been writing toward a series finale in 10 until they got word they’d be renewed and wanted to keep going, and jerked the whole story onto a completely different narrative track in the back half of s10. As a seasonal arc, s10 will forever be my least favorite, because it’s just... a mess. Yes, even s6 comes across more coherent than s10, just looking at the overarching narrative structure. Episode wise, s10 probably wins for a few stellar entries, but yeeeeeesh, it’s a structural disaster overall.
But I have a tag for that, and lots and lots of posts, and Carver himself saying that this was exactly what happened there, so... I think it’s probably valid to say that the writers really hadn’t even thought much about Chuck until the MoC became about the Darkness in 10.23, and then they had to invent a whole mythology to bring in this super-powerful God-level power to the story, and “God’s sister!” sounded like a solid plan...
So I’d say that Chuck was being set up at that point to have to answer for his “original crime” of locking up the Darkness, you know? Though I don’t know how much of how it played out by the end of s11 was Carver’s doing, or Dabb’s. I am fairly certain that from the moment Dabb took over (quietly mid-s11, and possibly knowing he’d be tapped to take over before then and beginning to lay down tracks toward his eventual story plan, and then completely by 11.23) that what we’re seeing play out in s15 was always his intent.
But in s9? I don’t think Chuck was really even on any of the writers’ radar, at all. Even if they all were working from the perspective that he was God in the Supernatural universe. I just don’t think it affected what they were writing, you know?
Well, I mean, there’s earlier episodes where God was referenced... I mean 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon (hey, written by Dabb!) where we learned that God knew all about their problems, but he didn’t think it was HIS problem... I mean from that moment on, it’s really difficult to think of God as a charcacter who’s on their side, you know? And the end of the story he’d been content with was Sam in Hell for eternity, and Dean miserable in suburbia for eternity, and Cas probably being subjugated by Heaven and the Apocalypse starting again anyway... I mean... ew...
Or in 6.20, when Cas prayed to God, begging for a sign, begging for help, to do the right thing, he got NOTHING in return, zip, zilch. He did the only thing he could, and in retrospect, wasn’t releasing the leviathans something Chuck was probably deliriously happy about? More monsters and mayhem! A beloved hero character becoming the villain in the process! I mean, in s9 when Metatron was “Playing God” and trying to write his own story of the universe, isn’t this exactly the story he wanted to create too? Kinda on the nose there, even if they weren’t actively portraying Chuck himself as the bad guy here. They were explicitly telling us that Metatron was literally rewriting God’s playbook as self-insert fanfic.
So even if they weren’t actively writing Chuck as the big bad, they used Metatron-- the scribe of God-- to fulfill that function. In 11.20, when Chuck talks with Metatron about his turn playing God:
CHUCK: You know, you really are a terrific editor, Metatron.METATRON: (Chuckles.) Well, I was a terrible writer. A worse god. It's good I've got something going for me.CHUCK: (Takes off his glasses and stops typing.) Yeah, you know, I have to say, I didn't see the whole evil-turn thing coming.METATRON: Mm-hmm.
CHUCK: (Chuckling.) Why did you try to be me?METATRON: That was just a sad, pathetic cry for attention.CHUCK: (Chuckling.) Who's attention were you trying to get?METATRON: Yours.
He takes all of this and tries to turn it around, to deflect blame from himself as if he hadn’t literally done everything Metatron did, and more.
METATRON: It wasn't just the saps who were praying to you. The angels prayed, too. And so did I – every day.CHUCK: I know.METATRON: You want to sell the best-selling autobiography of all time? You explain to me – Tell me why you abandoned me. Us.CHUCK: Because you disappointed me. You all disappointed me.METATRON: (Stands up and looks at CHUCK with wet eyes.) No, look. I know I'm a disappointment, but you're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are.(CHUCK starts to look more guilty as he looks at METATRON.)METATRON: Yeah, sure, they're weak and they cheat and steal and... destroy and disappoint. But they also give and create and they sing and dance and love. And above all, they never give up! But, you do!
But even after Metatron’s sacrifice, even after everything nearly falls apart, Chuck STILL tries to weasel out of responsibility for anything, still tries to deflect and minimize, even blames Amara for why he had to lock her away in the first place. And that hasn’t changed about him one whit, from the start right through the present. It’s always been an essential part of his character, and he’s been called out on it repeatedly in s15 by Becky, by Amara, by Sam, by Dean... probably by Michael, too. Like... this is how he’s always been, it’s how he’s always been written, even if the intent had never been to explicitly unmask him as the ultimate big bad of the entire series until the end of s11.
Like Amara accused him in 11.22:
Chuck: I'm sorry. For this, for everything.Amara: An apology at last. What's sorry to me? I spent millions of years crammed in that cage... alone... and afraid, wishing -- begging for death, because of you! And what was my crime, brother?!Chuck: The world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me! Amara, you give me no choice.Amara: That's your story. Not mine. The real reason you banished me, why I couldn't be allowed to exist... you couldn't stand it. No, we were equals. We weren't great or powerful, because we stood only in relation to each other. You think you made the archangels to bring light? No. You made them to create lesser beings, to make you large, to make you Lord. It was ego! You wanted to be big!
and he admitted to Becky in 15.04:
CHUCK: Things were said. Uh… Now I’ve found msyself low on, um… resources. I went to ask my sister for help, and she rejected me. ‘Cause she sucks. And now I’m just… stuck. So, I thought I’d come see you, my number-one fan. And, I don’t know, see if you can help make me feel big again.BECKY: So, you want me to… fluff you?CHUCK: I mean, no.BECKY: You do. You thought you could just come back to me, your pathetic ex, your number-one fan, and get what you’ve always gotten from me… a nice big crank on your ego.
Meanwhile, in 11.22, Amara had asked him if he wouldn’t change, why should she? Yet... she DID change, beginning in 11.23 when she reconciled with Chuck. Only... he never did change at all.
So... to finally circle back to your question again... I don’t know if it’s relevant what the writers were thinking about Chuck and any random potential for him to return to the story in any capacity, let alone as God, let alone as the eventual Ultimate Series Big Bad back when they were writing s9. I don’t even think God/Chuck was on their radar at all, because I don’t think the entire MoC storyline was crafted with the end result that it would be the key to the Darkness’s prison. At least not way back in s9 when the MoC was dreamed up. It only ever evolved into that because of the narrative disaster of the s10 plot accordion. Which is why, while I fucking HATE s10 for it, I can’t be all that mad about what it unwittingly brought about, either.
Heck I hope any of this makes any sense whatsoever. This is one of those subjects that’s just like “insert key, wind mittens up, watch her go” :’D
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chainofclovers · 4 years
33-38 for the writer ask
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?
Honestly, I have a terrible habit (that I don’t break because it works, unfortunately) of starting a writing session by skimming through pretty much everything I’ve written up to that point in the current chapter/short story/whatever. I edit as I read, because I always find things that don’t ring quite right from a sound perspective, straight-up typos, or places I want to expand. When I get to the end of the old stuff, I then keep writing new stuff until it’s time for me to get ready for work. When I’m finally to the end of the new writing (after days of making myself sick reading the old stuff so many times), I’ve got a draft that’s been very unevenly edited, and I go back through and do a proper, careful edit of the whole thing.
34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?
Oh, gosh, I probably have so many but I don’t really know?! I don’t really put stock in concepts of high brow and low brow literature, and while I don’t think that’s revolutionary or anything it’s certainly something that Matters to certain people in the literary world but not to me? I wish I had a better answer to this; I’ll post one if I think of something interesting. LOL 
35. Post the last sentence you wrote
She thinks about how Frankie’s always pointing out that she doesn’t have to be so unequivocal.
(Coming to a final chapter of “To Justify What You Need” near you! Although maybe not in that form; this is the last thing I wrote before getting ready for work this morning! It hasn’t gone through the miserable yet enjoyable editing process.)
36. Post a snippet
Here’s the first paragraph of the same chapter. It’s had a few days of scrutiny. 
When Grace hangs up the phone, the light in her bedroom seems impossibly bright. The sky’s been clear all morning, and the sunshine can’t have brightened even further so quickly, but now that the phone call is done every surface seems lit up with a glare that would hurt her eyes if it weren’t for the lack of tension in her temples, the remarkable looseness in her skull. It’s the opposite of being drunk, when the thing right in front of you is sharply important and everything else blurs. Everything is important right now. Everything, periphery and all, bursts with color, like her entire life is the After segment on a home improvement show. 
37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?
I type most things, but I often write by hand if I’m stuck. Sometimes free-writing or trying to write a little scene or vignette or something by hand unsticks me. I can go type the nonsense if I’ve written by hand, and that feels like writing, and then I can keep typing new stuff!
38. How do you nail voice in your books?
“Books”--awwww. I’ll answer re: fic here, because authentic voice is so important. I try really hard to have the actors’ voices in my head. Would they say they dialogue I’m writing for them? Will the words work with their vocal patterns? As I read through conversations, I try to hear it as spoken--the pacing, the actual voices, etc. I do something similar for narration. It sounds silly, but I’ll try to watch and hear the thoughts like they’re a movie, too. Our inner brains don’t sound like a perfect, descriptive third-person narration, but I try to imagine the brain-patterns that would accompany my narration. 
If all of the above is getting suspiciously difficult, I go back to the source material. For instance, it’s been awhile since I’ve rewatched any G&F because I want to watch all six seasons prior to the seventh season coming out (whenever that will be...). But I was struggling recently to hear what Jane and Lily would sound like delivering the lines in my current story, so I rewatched the s6 scenes where Grace reassures Frankie that she isn’t a joke and where they’re in the seafood restaurant and call each other their “first person.” It totally reopened the writing possibilities for me, just hearing their voices do those scenes, because those are the two scenes most tonally similar to what I was trying to write.
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pendragaryen · 5 years
the 100 ask game            
tagged by @carrieeve
1. What station on the Ark would you be from?
Farm station
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
Mh, I really don’t know...
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
Ha! We wouldn’t have had THAT kind of relationship so that he’d feel he have to make me something like this...
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
probably Zoe Monroe
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Monty and Harper (or after Marper’s death... Murphy and Emori)
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to you?
Floukru or Trikru? But... thinking about it... most likely Trishanakru
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
I lol’d... Sorry.. But I don’t think you can make ANYTHING out of Anne... Anne kom Trishanakru... ;)
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
Um... Blank space tbh. He was too unimportant for me to hate or love him. Only in relation to Raven and/or Clarke of course... What he did was disgusting.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
Tbqh... I don’t know. Maybe... if my friends would’ve taken it too. I’d like to say that I’d be strong enough to refuse it. But seriously, I have no clue what I’d have done in that particular situation.
11. What character do you relate to most?
S1-4: Bellamy. Since S5: Clarke.
12. What character do you like the least?
Deep sigh... I go with E/ho here. I didn’t like her back in S2 and I can’t bring myself to like her since.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
black leggings, boots, long shirt with some kind of a big leather belt, fitted leather or denim jacket, ragged scarf ... something like that and definitely nothing special
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
The two-headed dear... if you can possibly speak of FAVORITES here... unf...
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
Um... I think i’d be some kind of a librarian... maybe... Or I’m just tending to plants...
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Oh god... Not as a concious decision. But if I would have shut down all of my thoughts at that particular moment... i’d probably just ACT...
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
Out of the Nightbloods? Um... I don’t know many of these. Later on: Madi. Probably.
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
I’d probably be laughing ALL THE TIME and over the most stupid things
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
I go with Bellamy here
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
Um oh god... I think... Abby? Back in the time of the ark/Arkadia. And/or rather Kane than Jaha.
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
I would’ve been on Kane’s side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
Haha... Dunno... I LOVE music. So i’d probs go with an MP3-player too. ;)
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
No war paint. But tattoos. Maybe some climbing plants like ivy or something like that - but in black and white of course. On my arms and neck and reaching out onto my cheek. Oh and I like the hairstyle Octavia had back in S2. Something like that maybe.
24. Favorite quote?
Clearly “Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things”. Nothing fits the whole show better that these words imo.
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
Out of ALL characters? As much as I’d LOVE to say Bellamy... but.. Um... Probs Indra or Luna. Out of our delinquents: Octavia. Otherwise: Maybe Diyoza. Just a feeling...
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least fave: I am prohibited to mention that (see above). Fave canon: Marper. Fave non-canon: Sea Mechanic (Raven/Luna)
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
Depends on the plot what kind of song I’d like to hear. In regards to my fave pairing/ship... probably “Rewrite the stars” performed by James Arthur. I just LOVE this song so so much...
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
The bunker huh? I have no idea. Do you mean the Wonkru-bunker or the bunker/tower he was imprisoned by Jaha/Alie? As for the latter: Seriously. How should it be possible to shut him out of your life completely? It simply WON’T WORK. So... I think we’d probably doing all the weird and funny things that are available (games, karaoke, drinking and so on) and then I’d take my things and search for an empty, silent space just for myself. Just a place to retire to sometimes.
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
I wouldn’t have survived praimfaya. That’s for sure. I’d have been burned to ashes. Before that: Probably hit by a grounder spear.
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
Always Emori. She’s such an interesting character. And all the new characters that will appear in S6.
31. A character you’d bang?
Is that even a question......... Big B of course. Captain daddy can come @ me all the time. ;)
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
Definitely Eden
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
Lol what kind of a question is that... i would HAVE to follow blodreina... she’d throw me in the pits if i don’t... And ugh... I’d probably read mountains of books - if there should’ve been some down there...
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
Refusing to eat my fellow peeps...
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
I’d probs be friends with Harper and Monty, as well as with Bellamy. I’d have my difficulties with Murphy and Echo, I’m pretty sure of that...
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
Not as long as Clarke
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
run and hide
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
Diyoza is impressive. I admire her. I LOVE(D) Shaw tho... Least fave: Obviously McCreary.
39. Would you Spacewalk?
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
Waaahh! THE ALGAE OF COURSE! *shudders *
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
I’m not a warrior. Never was. I’d probably try to negotiate some kind of peace with the enemy. Like Bellamy said at some point in S5: Everyone its little space of Eden to grow something on your own...-ish ;)
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
If I HAVE to choose here... The thumb drive...
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
Oh god... THAT’S hard... I do have a sister who is very, very dear to me. I can’t possibly imagine to poison her... I can’t compare her to O though, bc I was never separated from her for 6 long years - nor is she like a blodreina (NO-ONE is like blodreina... >.<). Bellamy said he did it (amongst other obvious reasons) bc he wanted to save her from herself. Maybe... if she would have gone too far, too... and the life of MY greatest love would be on stake... I’d do it.         But no... I don’t wanna think about that. 
As for what I’d do to stop Octavia... I don’t have any better idea either. That’s the problem here. *sigh *
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
I’d only prefer to stay awake, if I’d have the love of my life by my side like Harper did, and if it would’ve been his choice too. Otherwise: Cryo.
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Abby and/or Jackson
I’ve tagged so many of you peeps out there in things over the last weeks and I’m sorry in advance if you should’ve done this already. But this is SO INTERESTING ;) So here we go, I tag: @iishallbelieve, @thgbookprincess, @junebugninja, @fen-ha-fuck-you, @katersann, @lovethyblakes, @clarkgriffon, @tracylorde, @jasperjoordan, @jordanjaspergreen, @hostagetakerandhisgirlfriend, @hereforbobmorley, @clarkeywifey, @bellarkekomlovekru, @bellaarke, @arkadianbellamy, @lameblake, @peterstarkss, @sometimesrosy, @bellamys11thfreckle, @lostinbellamy, @asroarke, @grumpybell, @kingbobbymorley, @bobmorleyisking, @octannibal-blake, @pilotzaven, @ringsabellamy, @little-oxford-st, @diyozas (in no particular order)
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
Xena Final Season Rewrite
This is galaxy brain. I got progressively more amped about the possibilities reading this, and I have zero notes because YOUR MIND.
Ok so here’s my pitch for a redone S6 and thus series end…
S5 ends on “Looking Death In The Eye”, I know “Another death fake out?” but hey it’s the final run so just go with it. It’ll just be a 20 episode season. I realize LDITE is episode 19 so we’d need another filler episode in the season to make it even which I’m not a fan of but I do like even numbers and what’s one more filler like episode? Depending on the quality it could be good; maybe there’s an unused “Hercules” plot left they could use for the season before all the Twilight stuff happens or they can do another filler idea they had specifically for “Xena” since I’m knocking out 5 episodes from season six, just no religious episodes please as they don’t do well execution wise on this series! The worst that happens is we get another MWF which was horrible yes but 2 completely garbage episodes out of 130 is still a pretty good track record!
S6 opens with “Livia”, “Eve” and then goes into “Motherhood” thus to set up the season of the old themes really winding down towards the end. An important note: the opening title sequences doesn’t change because really team why are you going to mess with that in the last year?!
Episode 4 would be “Coming Home” to reestablish the Amazons and it’s followed by “Who’s Gurkhan?” because while it’s not a great episode I’d argue it does show the impact of the time jump on Gabrielle so it’s not just a Xena thing.
Episode 6 is “Legacy” but without Gabrielle questioning her life path yet again; she’s still upset about killing the kid and accepts death as her punishment but it’s not this whole round 23 of this plot if you will. She explains her side and says she was blinded by the sand which plays to the tribes being blinded by hate for each other a bit they almost didn’t get together to fight the Romans. Episode 7 is “Send In The Clones” because it’s filler and each season has to have at least one filler episode if it’s almost 20 episodes long plus it’s close to the death episode of “Looking Death In The Eye” so timing wise it feels like it fits versus being near the series end and feeling even more like the filler it is.
Episode 8 would be “When Fates Collide” to play on the fact Hades is gone and to give Karl Urban one last goodbye. Also this was a strong episode so even if people thought the start of the season was just okay to good this would be an episode that would hopefully keep them watching! Also this is the best “Joxer” episode and lets Ted go out on a high I feel because he plays a character more could stomach than the Joxer we saw most often.
Episode 9 - 11 would be the Beowulf arc for schedule filler more than anything but also set up a time lapse later to explain why a clock has run out. Plus this has a legit kiss so you got to have that in the final season! :)
Episode 12 is “Old Ares Had A Farm” because it’s arguably the best episode of the season and plays into the depowered gods plot.
Episode 13 then by extension has to be “The God You Know”; I would do a rewrite script wise also to say Michael appears at the start to tell Xena about Caligula but then he disappears because he really screwed that up for her and made no sense the more he popped up in the episode. Xena would lose her god killing power still in here so you have her having to trick Caligula at the end but it’s due to a time limit running out, instead of being able to kill gods as long as Eve is alive it’s like a one year thing or even 30 year thing from the time she was born because of her destiny so at that point you can say the time is up and she lost them not because of any issues with Michael.
E14 would be a “You Are Here” type episode but not that episode; I love the questions the reporter asked don’t get me wrong but the episode just doesn’t work genre wise, it’s too much of a mash up. This position is close to the Beowulf arc to make it seem not just random filler but also gives some space for those who didn’t like the episode and would end that plot here with Xena having to talk Odin into giving her the apples so love can still exists. You can still do the scene where she gives Ares his powers back also and explains why you need the balance of them thus ending the gods arcs on “Xena” in a sense for the most part but also still keeping Aphrodite, Ares, and Celesta around to have it feel like “Xena” still to a small degree versus being more modern with the Eli stuff most episodes. If you liked the religious stuff fine, but to me it always felt heavy handed execution wise even though it created some interesting discussions so I lean towards limiting the episodes featuring it because again quality wise it just felt forced more often than not. If you still want the reporter in here for questions just make him a scribe or bard like Gabrielle following along and asking the questions to keep the genre consistent.
E15 is “Last Of The Centaurs” for one last Ephany send off and again to bring back in the Amazons before the end.
Coming back to the Amazons for the last time 16 and 17 would be the episodes featuring Varia and company but with some script changes; “Dangerous Prey” would still happen but Varia wouldn’t be as sidelined in this - she and Xena would work together at the end showing she can listen to take down the prince. Maybe it was just me but I really felt they handicapped Varia skill wise compared to how smart she was in “Coming Home” to point out Eve just based on hearing about a move she did and then seeing it so I would make her more like her CH self but still green enough Xena could show her some things to help her become queen and a better fighter to protect the tribe that way. This also allows Renee one more good go at directing like she wanted. Next would be “To Helicon And Back” so in this version Varia isn’t queen just yet but she’s clearly next up, people are still looking to Gabrielle for answers as the senior most queen; this episode is one of the final pay offs to the Twilight arc which started the season and is now ending the series again to feel like time has past but it’s still “Xena” at its heart. It plays out pretty much the same way with them fighting Bellerophon because if they don’t kill him then he’ll just keep coming after them; Varia is still kidnapped and she is sent to die with her people he thinks because maybe she does agree to his terms but the big thing is she doesn’t betray them so there’s no Gabrielle questioning her, Varia is meant to be the hope of the Amazons so her betraying such a core element doesn’t really make sense as that would kill them in a different way - she explains what Bellerophon said but replies with that just shows why he doesn’t understand his mother’s love for the Amazons. Gabrielle still has her great run scene but Xena just sees the bomb incoming and yells at her in time. I place this episode here because I think this episode shows the weight of the Amazon title wearing on Gabrielle and sets up Xena taking issues maybe with them even if she says nothing because the culture Gabrielle loves but she’s just not cut out for day to day queenship and this arguably calls back to her hinting at settling down in previous episodes most recently OAHAF.
E18 is “The Abyss” honestly for filler because it gives a break of time between Helicon and Vengeance for that story to work this way; it does have a great cave scene in it though so there’s that!
E19 is “Path Of Vengeance” which works as the wrap up for multiple things, namely Eve, Varia, the Romans, the Amazons, and Ares as well. It plays out much the same way we see originally; Ares uses a desperate to rebuild the Amazon numbers Varia and feeds even more on her rage when Eve returns and we learn the backstory for the new Amazon queen. Varia hasn’t seen Eve since “Coming Home” so her rage over her return to their lands makes sense still and if she’s being used by Ares it works to explain some continuity issues one might feel from how she should have grown from Xena’s teachings in “Dangerous Prey”. Eve still wants to make amends but has things complicated by the Romans show up to protect her given some in Rome still view her as a plus, Gabrielle still challenges Varia to a fight to be queen of her tribe in an attempt to save Eve so we still get that awesome fight, and Xena still saves the day in the end helping Varia see she’s being played by Ares and that people can change so she doesn’t have to become the thing she hated. I would also want some way worked in that we’d still get the line “I thought you might have sprained it on my face” from Gabrielle about the fight because I did love that tease. And with that we say goodbye to the ones listed above.
Finally episode 20, because it’s another 20 episode season only in the name of hopefully bettering the season and series, is “Many Happy Returns”. It’s more of a comedy yes, but it ends with a developed arc for the heroes - Gabrielle becoming someone more than just a small town girl and Xena back to how she was before Cortez arguably corrupted her so in a way redeemed with more work to go because she never feels redeemed; also they save a virgin which is how the series started with Xena saving Gabrielle. Also you have Aphrodite heavily in this which feels like old “Xena” compared to the modern religious vibes of this season. They literally fly off into the sunset together which is a much better way to end things I feel!
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sol1056 · 6 years
three anons: what the hell was all that in S7
Picking out the three that are most to the point for this answer, but I’ve got another dozen or so that overlap. Not sure I’ll have time/energy to answer the rest individually, so hopefully this meta will be sufficient. 
I mean it could be that they had different execs back then who were better at their jobs and kept Shiro around. No one disliked black paladin Shiro, even the DotU fans were ok with it, and the writing in s1-2 was mostly very good. Changing all that was a bad idea. I would have left on the spot if Shiro died or was benched, like now, I'm only around for closure. Maybe they were different execs with this decision & the EPs leaped at the chance. Well, we know who's also gonna be in trouble if that's the case.
With your theory on how storyboards were reused and characters shuffled around for cost cutting, might this not also partly explain the Adam flashback scene and how it was staged? I mean, they were originally supposed to be roommates and the scene was meant to appear in season 2 but got cut. What if they just reused the storyboard (or even animation, if it was already mostly done) the way it was and then just changed the dialogue? This could explain the lack of intimacy in the staging, too. Ezor and Zethrids interactions were more openly intimate maybe not (just) because they‘re villains who die immediately after, but because the decision to make them an item came before storyboarding was done, so the staging is more suggestive. I mean, if you think Shiro was mostly pasted in in the first half of s7, that might make sense.
If cost was the issue and they already had the black paladin Shiro version written, and got the greenlight to change it to Keith then things don't add up. Because they changed it once more! Which could have been avoided if they stuck to the Shiro one. And it goes without saying it would be better written to follow canon instead of the mess we got, like, I cant imagine this NOT discussed. So if it wouldn't be cost effective to change it again for Keith and it would be badly written, why did it happen?
Behind the cut: the most likely chronology of revisions, the clues in S7 as to its original form, and what this means for S8 and the Black Paladin position. 
This is everything I’ve been able to figure out between interviews, podcasts, tweets, plus researching the industry and a few reality-checks with friends more familiar. As always, any mistakes are my own. 
version 0: "five teenagers"
This would’ve been the first pitch after getting the green light, and probably only a loose synopsis, with just the pilot given a rough storyboard. A post-apocalyptic Earth conquered by the Galra, who are seeking Blue. The execs rejected JDS' mechanism for the discovery of Blue, in favor of simply having Keith ‘sense’ Blue. The execs also rejected the idea that Shiro would die only a few episodes in. This summary seems to be the basis of the "five teenagers" part of the teaser.
version A: "shiro kicks the bucket"
Timelines would've dictated moving onto an outline pretty quickly, detailed down to the episode level, including bits of dialogue, motifs, turning points or emotional beats. In this revision, Shiro dies/leaves at the end of S2 and does not return. This is the “originally we wanted him to kick the bucket” version, which the execs rejected.
version B: "shiro goes away for awhile"
If I'm interpreting the hints correctly, the "does Shiro die or not" question got tossed back and forth all the way into S1/S2 pre-production. Rather than rearrange everything, the easiest fix would've been to leave most of the story intact and write only a new ending where Shiro returns. The execs reject this rewrite, saying Shiro can’t be gone that long. This is the “we tried to just have him gone for awhile, but the execs said he had to come back sooner” version.
version C: "enter the clone"
Again, easiest fix is to insert Shiro/Kuron, remove Keith, and reverse that just before Shiro's return in version B. This impacts only the middle seasons (S3-S6); the clone compromise satisfies the execs. Kuron's characterization makes a lot more sense if it’s Keith, in visuals (ie Kuron leaning against the wall in Keith fashion), dialogue (fighting with Lance), and action (leaving without consulting the team). It's also why no one mentions Keith's absence. Because in the original version A, Keith was standing right there.
version D: "wtf is going on", aka Season 7
When JDS mentions having a full season written with Shiro as Black Paladin, it didn't make sense how they'd have a script and not use it. With @ptw30's visual detective work, I think I may've figured it out.
Technical notes: first scripts are all written for a season, then voices are recorded, and then the combined script+recording is used to storyboard. Production seasons are 26-episodes, independent of actual broadcast seasons; VA may be recording scenes across two 13-episode seasons completely out of order, since the recording schedule's going to be based on who's available, not chronology of the file numbers. The biggest staff changes are usually in April ('staffing season') when new shows get the greenlight and start sharking around to catch writers, designers, directors, etc.
In March of this year, S5 was released. At least some of the storyboarders were released in time for staffing season; in April, Hedrick moves to a new project. With S7/S8 being unchanged since version B, I suspect Hedrick delivered the scripts for S7 and S8 by winter of last year, at latest. Even that would be tight, since that's expecting animation to deliver 26 episodes in an 8-month timeframe. [edit: probably delivered much earlier, given the studio leaks show images we can recognize from S7/S8, so some amount of these seasons were in production by then.]
In June, S6 dropped, and a week later, Hamilton was announced as the new story editor via the Lets Voltron podcast. With the lead time required in production, there doesn't seem to be any reason to even need a story editor, at this point. All the pre-production work should be done.
In August, S7 dropped. Hedrick's editor credit is only for the first half of the season; Hamilton gets it for the second half. That means the last six episodes were written after Hedrick's departure. (May Chan's S2 script was reused in part, and she gains a belated co-writing script credit for that. Hedrick should've received the same; it's standard.)
Let's recap a few things we know (and a few we can intuit) about S7:
The season was already written with Shiro returning as Black Paladin, possibly also recorded and storyboarded. 
S6 reversed the S4-S5 trend, lending strength to exec arguments that Shiro is necessary in the story.
After S6 dropped, the EPs said the wolf's name was a spoiler. See this post from @pwt30; tl;dr is that perhaps the EPs intended the wolf to be Shiro's spirit. 
Despite Shiro's return, he's absent for the majority of the first half; when he is present, he barely speaks a half-dozen words, and none are plot-relevant. See @ptw30's post for more details. 
There's a glaring incontinuity when Allura says the paladin armor protected the team, yet Shiro is frozen with the other non-paladins despite wearing armor. 
Keith never offers for Shiro to pilot, nor mentions it, nor even seems to consider it an issue.
Not everything dovetails since I don't have the full picture, but here's my theory: S7 was originally outlined with Shiro's spirit in the wolf, rather than Black. I have no idea when/how JDS would've thought up the CA:WS parallels for his sole writing credit, but Shiro's "I died" and Lotor's psychotic breakdown are squeezed into S6E6, which was written by Josh Hamilton, Hedrick's later replacement. The only other Shiro-in-Black point is a few minutes at the end of S6's final episode. Shifting from Shiro-in-wolf to Shiro-in-Black really only affects one episode, with a bit of editing for another.
Anyway, S6 ends version C, and we segue to version B. For the first half of S7, the clone's body may have been in stasis while the team traveled through its various non-adventures. The episode we now know as S7E1 may have been the mid-point, with about six episodes of Shiro being unconcious. After watching the numbers drop from S3 to S6, the execs may've rejected another six episodes of where-is-Shiro and insisted he come back ASAP.
S7 only has two episodes that must be in order; the rest are pretty rearrangeable. All they had to do was insert Shiro into the background and record a few lines. (Several lines are pure voice-over, which also saves cost/time by not needing to animate moving mouth.) But the moved episode is only his memory/awakening, and the logical next episode would be Shiro's reconnection, and the rest of the season would roll from there. Without moving the entire second half of the season to the start, moving only his awakening episode would mean Shiro does nothing for 5-6 episodes and then abruptly reconnects.  
In a recent interview, JDS said at first the execs weren't enthused until JDS talked up the new mecha they'd give Shiro to captain. Honestly, there's no way JDS got to be EP without giving a really good pitch, but there may've been another element to his argument: nostalgia. The EPs seem certain everyone suffers from their same nostalgia dementia, which if you do, then you probably have been waiting for any glimpse of that og!Keith. If Shiro returns at the start of S7, then Keith's time in Black has been limited to a few disastrous episodes in S3, and a single big battle in S6. The beginning of S7 is the only time we'd ever see the Voltron84 formation working as a unified team, and returning Shiro too soon would defeat the whole purpose of showing how the team has grown in his absence.
The solution seems to have been to remove Shiro's reconnection completely, and keep Keith in Black. That would mean re-recording Shiro's lines from the midpoint onward, and editing in Keith over Shiro. The savings would be that only half the seaon would have to be reworked, not all. The loose end of the space wolf --- an artifact of version B --- was left in place.  
What I'm not sure of is whether the following are significant enough changes to warrant removing Hedrick's name and replacing it with Hamilton's. It could be, if supervising the revision process is enough to override the previous credits. I have no idea about that part of the industry, and it's the kind of edge case you're just not going to find a lot of blog posts about, so if you know, tell me. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.
Anyway, this would've meant Shiro was switched in for Allura, Allura was put back in a lion, and Keith was switched in for Shiro. This would explain why Shiro speaks as the leader of Voltron despite no longer being a paladin, and the uneasy sensations a lot of people got about the characterizations. It was most striking in the last three episodes: Shiro felt like Allura v2, while Keith felt like Shiro v2. And that further, the Altean-Earthian ship just 'lighting up' for Shiro --- and becoming that oversized white mecha --- may've meant as Allura's fourth (fifth?) deus ex machina.
I'd be willing to bet that mid-battle, Allura repeated her stunt from the end of S2, heading out to destroy Sendak's crystal by herself. She wouldn't need Sam to hack her brain, and then we'd also have a call back to when she got knocked down by the crystal-ball thing on Naxzela. If she was the one meant to go toe-to-toe with Sendak, that would explain the bizarre neutrality of Sendak's words --- he says nothing personal to Shiro, at all --- and the even more bizarre silence on Shiro's part. Allura's words wouldn't fit Shiro, so he's silent.
And lastly, it'd mean that the one leaping out of Black to cut down Sendak wouldn't have been Keith. It would've been Shiro.
Where would the story go from here?
If I look at the events of S7, the first half is terribly disjointed, really. If Shiro was supposed to wake at the midpoint, an episode (or two) is missing. One for him to reconnect with Black, and a second that would provide some minor conflict to settle him back into position. Those two episodes were likely replaced with the unexpected and frankly over-told two-parter of the Earth flashbacks.
Two problems with that, one technical, one structural.
First, the flashback two-parter has a lot of moving parts. Brand-new designs, characters, and backdrops. It's far too elaborate to be done in an ultra-compressed timeframe, not without several heart attacks and therapy bills on the part of the animation staff. (Plus, the US-based storyboarding team is already downsized, so fewer hands to do the work.)
Second, it doesn't make a lot of structural sense, especially against the big revelations in S6 of an existing Altean colony. Within the story, there's no reason to halt everything and travel across the universe to take however long to build a new castle, when the Altean colony question is far more pressing. Returning to earth also violates the structure, because it's really just a standard milieu: start on earth, head out to have adventures, and return home at the end.
But here, they're returning home and then possibly leaving again. That's just... a rather peculiar and imbalanced way to do it. It doesn't help that doing so means literally telling Romelle her people are just gonna have to rot, the paladins are certain they need the castle more. Why would you take one of the more compelling storylines you've come up with, only to background it again, and wreck the traditional bookending milieu structure at the same time? Especially if that means coming up with major set-pieces and brand-new designs in the space of several months, after a chunk of your core staff are already onto other things.
I think those two flashback episodes -- and the rewritten finale episodes --- may've been cribbed from S8. In other words, the second half of S7 was the original end of S8. That would mean repurposing already-created storyboards and animation artifacts, so there's a huge time savings there (not counting the need to re-record voices and edit the visuals to match the changed-around parts). 
[note: if there’s anywhere you want to frontload introductions for the spin-off, it’d be in the final season, not the penultimate season. Here it feels like a big honking distraction, rather than an organic segue into the next iteration.]
That change necessitated that utterly bizarro mecha that appeared out of nowhere with the most ridiculously impeccable timing. There needed to be a reason to pull the team back out to space to deal with Haggar and/or the alt-Alteans and/or Lotor or whomever else it turns out to be.
So... where we go from here depends on when S8 gets released, because that’ll tell us how much they did (or did not) edit the episodes. Another clue will be whose name gets listed as head editor for an episode; if we see Hedrick’s name reappear at the top, we’ll know we’re dealing with episodes that are enough unrevised to qualify as being Hedrick-edited, that it’s a version B episode. 
My expectation? They’ll move Shiro’s reconnection to the first part of S8, and add an episode or edit pieces of another, to blend it into what would’ve been the first half of S8 (probably with filler to mask the gap). Then add an episode to segue into the version B finale of S7, where we’d end with the original VLD lineup. With the time needed for animation, that’d be the easiest (if potentially awkward) way to repurpose as much as possible of existing artifacts. 
If we don’t get S8 in the next 1-2 months, though, all bets are off, and there’s a much greater possibility that the entire final season is being redone from scratch. I’d expect Keith to stay in Black, in that case, but I’m always willing to be pleasantly surprised.  
edited to add: see this followup for another detail that supports the reversed-seasons theory
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