#joe goldberg x beck
kaekae444 · 3 months
me core!!!
(i have a problem)
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happy74827 · 2 months
Can you make more Joe Goldberg? You did such aan amazing job on the first one that I NEED a second one. Just please consider. Thank. Love your fics btw 💖💖💖
Lily of the Valley
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[Joe Goldberg x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Coffee might not be his favorite, but things can change when it involves a person like you.
WC: 659
Category: Fluff
Fortunately, I already had this small idea in mind for our lovely stalker man and this request really just put the icing on top of the cake. Hopefully it fulfills your needs 🙌 (also you’re too sweet… thank you so much for the kind words 💞)
Coffee. The hard, hot, and bitter drink that is the reason many people get out of bed each day and the reason why some people stay up until the early hours of the morning. He never understood the appeal.
But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the smell of coffee beans roasting, the smell of fresh ground beans being poured into a filter, and the smell of the finished product. He didn't understand how something so bitter and disgusting could have such a calming and comforting smell.
Joe had been sitting in a booth in a coffee shop for the past few hours, watching the world outside go by, sipping a small mug of tea, and his current read, "The Woman In The Window" by A.J Finn, in front of him. His eyes were trained on the people going by, not really taking much of anything in. He was on autopilot, a default setting he slipped into whenever his mind was full of something else.
It was only when a waitress with a short, black pixie cut walked over to his table that his eyes come back into focus, and his thoughts began to slow down. She didn't look like she belonged in a coffee shop. With a long, floral dress, combat boots, and a cardigan, she was far too pretty and too interesting to be serving lattes. She was a rose in a garden full of daisies, a peacock among chickens.
Then, like a snap to reality, the sound of his name pulled him away from her and onto… you. The whole reason he was here in the first place.
If he thought the waitress was a rose, you were a whole bouquet.
"Jonathan! Are you going to order anything, or are you just going to keep sitting there, scaring all our other employees?" You said a laugh in your voice.
He hadn't even noticed the waitress had already left, and now, you were standing by the table, holding a coffee pot.
Yeah, he needs to stop letting his thoughts take over.
"No, no, I was just, uh, reading."
"Reading a book, or reading her?" You said, cocking your head to the side, indicating the waitress who had moved on to another table.
"Reading the book."
"Mhm, sure." You said, not at all convinced. God, he just wanted to kiss the smirk off your face. Those pretty lipstick-covered lips moving against his.
You shook your head, smiling.
"You want a muffin… or something? On the house, since you're a regular and all."
He looked down at the book again, then back up at you. Unlike the waitress, you were dressed for work in a black, collared shirt tucked into black pants and a black apron tied around your waist.
It told him a lot about you, like the fact that you were a rule follower organized. The other waitress played confidence to stand out. You wanted to blend in, but still, he noticed.
How could he not notice you?
"Blueberry, right? Your usual."
"Okay. I'll be back in a second."
You had just turned to leave before you spun on your heel and stopped.
"And, Jonathan,” you paused. "That book in your hands? Wonderful read."
As you walked away, he realized how his heart had started to beat faster, and he couldn't stop the grin on his face.
A bouquet? No, you were something far more rare and far more beautiful than that.
You were an orchid.
And when you returned with that perfectly shaped muffin and that award-winning smile, Joe decided this would be the last time he ever chased a woman. Because this one?
It was as though you were a mix between all his past loves and yet someone entirely new.
You were that new orchid in the greenhouse, the lily of the valley, and he wanted to nurture you and make you grow.
It's time to stop blending in; he would bring you out to bloom.
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crybyemissamericanpie · 6 months
written with the heart - Guinevere Beck x fem!reader
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written with the heart - Guinevere Beck x fem!reader
Beck sat in the corner of the bustling Starbucks, her frustration palpable as she stared at the blank pages of her notebook. The soft hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounded her, but it all seemed distant as she wrestled with her writer's block. The cozy atmosphere that usually inspired her creativity now felt stifling.
"Come on, Beck, you can do this," she muttered under her breath, tapping her pencil against the table in a futile attempt to summon inspiration. The weight of her own expectations bore down on her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment in herself.
Just then, the familiar jingle of the cafe's doorbell announced the arrival of someone who could provide the distraction Beck desperately needed, her best friend.She slid into the seat across from Beck, a warm smile on her face as she took in the sight of her struggling friend.
"Hey, Beck. Rough day?" She asked with a smal smile, concern softening her gaze.
Beck sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, you could say that. I just can't seem to get anything on paper lately. It's like my creativity went on vacation without me."
She chuckled, reaching across the table to give Beck's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Well, maybe I can help. You know, two heads are better than one."She said with a small giggle
A small smile tugged at the corners of Beck's lips as she looked into her eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate it."
For the next hour, the two friends immersed themselves in conversation, laughter, and shared ideas. Her presence had a calming effect on Beck, easing the tension that had gripped her since they first met. As they chatted, Beck couldn't help but marvel at the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her own passions,the way she laughed,smiled,she was gorgeous.
"Stories are the ones written with the heart.You know?If you are not in the right place in mind or heart it can be kinda hard to write"She said with a smile,as Beck nod also returning that smile with also a small blush but she tried to ignore it
In the midst of their banter, Beck found herself studying her more closely than usual,the way her hair fell in gentle waves, the subtle curve of her smile, and the genuine warmth in her eyes. It was in that moment that something shifted within Beck, a realization she hadn't expected.
As the afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the cafe, Beck's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't deny the warmth blossoming within her chest, the realization dawning on her like the first light of dawn. It wasn't just writer's block that had been holding her back; it was the realization that her feelings for her went far beyond friendship.
Lost in her thoughts, Beck barely registered the soft touch of her hand on hers, a comforting gesture that felt like an unspoken promise. In that quiet Starbucks corner, amid the hum of conversation and the aroma of coffee, Beck's heart whispered a truth she couldn't ignore..
She was in love with her best friend.
Days turned into weeks, and Beck found herself navigating the uncharted territory of her newfound feelings for her best friend. Every shared glance, every subtle touch, fueled the flame that had ignited within her. She couldn't shake the warmth that spread through her whenever she was near, and it left her both exhilarated and anxious.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Beck and her decided to take a casual stroll through the city streets. The soft glow of streetlights illuminated their path as they meandered through the quiet neighborhoods. Beck couldn't hold back the nervous energy that buzzed within her, threatening to spill her newfound truth.
As they walked, she turned to Beck with a curious smile. "You've been a bit quiet lately. Everythings okay?"
Beck hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak her truth. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."
Her expression shifted from curiosity to concern, and she stopped walking and sat on a bench next to them, giving Beck her full attention.
"I… I've been trying to figure out how to say this," Beck began as she sat down next to her, her words cautious but sincere. "I've come to realize that my feelings for you- and not like normal friends do... I didn't expect it, and I'm still trying to make sense of this feeling, but I couldn't keep it from you."
For a moment, silence hung in the air, the weight of Beck's confession settling between them. Her eyes searched Beck's face, and a gentle smile curved her lips.
"Beck, you don't have to figure it all out right now. I value our friendship more than anything," She said, her voice soothing. "Let's take it one step at a time."
Relief washed over Beck, and she couldn't help but smile back at her. In that moment, beneath the city lights, they reached a silent understanding that spoke volumes.
Stories are the ones written with the heart.
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emmarobertsslut · 1 year
Hello, Could you write something with Joe Goldberg and Y/n? 🥹 Pretty please
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Cupcakes and lovin’
Joe Goldberg x Reader
genre: fluff (because we need more happy joe.)
warnings: making out
Request: yes
You giggled as Joe wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your lips with frosting.
He kept kissing you softly as you tried wriggling out of his grasp. You smack him lightly, “Joe! Stop messing around and help me with these cupcakes.”
“Hon, all that’s left to do is frost ‘em.” He mutters, going back to your lips. You sigh as his lips make their way down your neck.
You let out a soft moan when he keeps sucking on the sweet spot on your neck.
He pulls back and grabs the pink frosting with his hand and wipes it all over your face.
You loudly gasp, some of the frosting falling into your mouth. He starts hollering loudly, practically doubling over at your face, too busy laughing for him to notice you taking twice as much frosting and getting it all over his face and soft brunette hair.
“Hey!” He pouts, pulling you into his reach again, the two of you falling over the couch. He looks at your face and thinks how lucky he is to have you in his life.
He finally got the break that he needed. After Beck and Love and all of the killings. He met you. And you changed him so much. He has not killed one person after you.
The most perfect girlfriend he could ask for.
“I love you, Y/n.” He can’t help but hold a grin when he see’s you smiling widely at him. “And I love you, Joe Goldberg.”
He will do anything to keep that innocence that you own.
“Guess we have to buy new frosting for the cupcakes.” Guess so.
You are his everything.
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castial · 1 year
Joe's type are...
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cute writers
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and mentally unbalanced.
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Do you know who meets all these requirements? <3
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thedisc0spider · 2 months
Who I will write for:
-Michael Bluth
-Jeff Winger
-Abed Nadir
-Steve Harrington
-Dylan Matthews
-Ryan Atwood
-Seth Cohen
-Ryan Howard
-Peter Parker
-Bucky Barnes
-Steve Rogers
-Joe Goldberg
-Chandler Bing
-Nick Miller
-Peter Parker
-Cedric Diggory
-Edward Cullen
-Spencer Agnew
-Logan Howlett
-Timothèe Chalamet
-Guinevere Beck
-Love Quinn
-Kate Bishop
-Wanda Maximoff
Now, these are just the main ones. If you request a character and I know who they are I will write for them. Also I’m open to doing smut, fluff, and angst. I’m also open to writing fem!reader, male!reader, and gn!reader! Just make sure to SPECIFY IN THE REQUEST or else I’ll do fem!reader by default.<3
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sackgrl · 7 months
need guinevere beck x reader recs BADLYYY there r literally NONEEE
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Fandom: You
Sample Size: 254 stories
Source: AO3
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joonie7007 · 4 months
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( bro doesn’t deserve diss)
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
peach salinger —
peach salinger being obsessed with you would include BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! ☆ when you met peach salinger at brown, somehow you just got the feeling that she would be important for you. when peach first saw you wandering the college halls in search of your class, she knew you were the one. and no one, not even you, would ever change that.
smile for the camera ☆ peach has been sick for so long, it makes sense that now she wants to have fun. what was supposed to be just a drink or two turned into an endless night - albeit a forgettable one for your drunken brain. but peach has more than enough photos to prove that what happened is not imagination.
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rikaluver · 28 days
Who said sex can't fix everything?
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[Joe Goldberg X Guinevere Beck]
Summary: An alternate way of fixing their relationship in S01E19: Candance. WC: 2145 Category: Smut CW: Assault, Aggravated Assault
For the first time, I'm writing about a big interest of mine that isn't Postal or FNAF all because my friend put the idea in my head. Thanks, Paige <3
"Get up on the fence!" Joe shouted, his voice aggravated and rapid, "don't move."
"Hey, come on man, be cool." Nicky whimpered in a hushed tone. He tried looking back at his perpetrator but was swiftly met by a blow to the face with his assailant's weapon of choice—a gun.
"Shut up!" Joe demanded, seizing Nicky's hand, which clutched his phone. "Unlock it."
Nicky searched frantically for the home button with his thumb. He had only one thought on his mind. Stay. Alive. And the only way he would do that is if he complied. He unlocked the phone and Joe snatched it out of his hand. His goal was clear as his finger made a bee-line for the phone app, opening it up to see nothing but Beck.
Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck, Beck.
Of course, there were some other calls from his wife and his office but Beck was the only one that mattered right now.
"Jus-just take whatever you want."
"Shut it!" is more of what Joe wanted to say, but it all came out as an angered grunt. He kicked Nicky in the back of the knees, forcing his head closer to the fence. His finger moved to Nicky's messaging app where he'd find messages with Beck. The first one that caught his eye was a message from Beck: stop contacting me. It's over.
The more he scrolled up, the more evidence of their affair he could find. From images, to sexual messages detailing how Nicky wanted to taste her. It made him sick to his stomach and all he could think about was the betrayal.
How could she cheat? What the hell was he doing wrong? She's all he ever wanted. Everything he did was for her, and this is how she repays him? A tear dropped onto his screen, causing a ripple of water, distorting his view.
He kicked Nicky in the back of the knees again, causing him to fall to his knees before he'd start his pleading. "I-I have a family, I..." His breathing was labored as he stumbled over his words, "I can make it right."
Joe cocked his gun, how dare he even think about talking about his family now? After the affair he's been having with Beck? After all the lies and deceit?
"Please, my family, man, they don't deserve this."
Mr. Mooney's words came to mind: "Some people...deserve to die."
Beck's words also flooded his mind: "I know in my heart...that is not you. That can never be you."
The gun felt heavier and heavier, almost to the point where it felt like it was trying to pull itself away from his hand and toward Nicky. He was ready to pull the trigger, and Nicky could sense it. His body shook with fear and tears streamed down his face as he looked over his shoulder at the barrel pointed at his temple. This was it. He was going to die.
But something, something overwhelming led him to put his gun down. It might've been guilt. It might've been the belief that karma would come around. Whatever it was, it saved Nicky's life.
Joe's next destination was Beck's apartment. She was his final stop for the night, and he'd make it a memorable one. He wasn't sure what he would do but a part of him wanted to see her. He hurriedly walked to her apartment, opening the door with his key only to find her in the living room. The sound of the door opening and closing caught her attention. She turned around facing an angered Joe who seemed to have a few things on his mind. She noticed his demeanor, his stance. His hands balled into fists, his face red, his eyes bloodshot. He'd been crying.
"You told me I was crazy." He spoke slowly, his voice deep.
"You told me I was crazy for even thinking it." Joe pointed at her, then back at himself all the while getting closer, "if we don't have trust, we have nothing. You said that to me. Do you remember?"
Then, it dawns on Beck. The first time Joe had accused of her of cheating, she said those exact words to him. "What are you talking about?" She looked down, to the side, anywhere but at Joe.
"You know what I'm talking about." There's a brief silence before Joe speaks again, his voice breaking. "There's no Emma Fox."
She swallows her spit, finding the courage to look Joe in the eyes.
"I'm only gonna ask you this once," he closes his eyes, "and I need the truth." He exhales slowly and shakily, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Are you, or were you ever fucking your therapist?"
Beck doesn't answer and instead looks away.
"Answer me," he says through gritted teeth. "Answer me!" She flinches, closing her eyes. He doesn't mean to yell at Beck, no, he would never intentionally yell at Beck. He loves her. You don't yell at people you love. But you don't cheat on people you love either.
"Yes. Yes, I was. I did. I...I cheated. But it's over now." She attempts to reason with him.
"I've done nothing but dote on you. Support you."
"I know."
"Love you," the volume of his voice gets louder.
"I know, Joe."
"And look at what you've done to me." His voice cracks. "You dig into my past, you dissect my life. You paint me out to be this monster, this...someone who could hurt people, who could do terrible things. But who is the monster here, really? Who?"
"It was wrong of me. I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" His jaw clenched. "You're fucking sorry? For what, Beck? For hurting me? For making me look like a fool?" His hand runs through his hair, pulling it, before he looks back up at Beck—her neck. He'd choke her. That's what he'd do. It was simple, and he'd get the same satisfaction as if he were to pull the trigger. He'd kill two birds with one stone. He'd choke the life out of her, and the pain would go away. All of it. All the pain she'd caused him would be gone. And she wouldn't have to feel it either. It'd be quick, too. She wouldn't suffer. Maybe they'd even end up in heaven together. He steps forward and she steps back, afraid. Afraid of what Joe might do to her.
Before he knew it, his hands were on her neck. She tried to pry them off but he was much stronger than she was. His hands gripped her tighter and tighter and her vision began to blur, and his mind began to race.
"Please, stop. I'm sorry," Beck plead, her voice barely above a whisper, "I love you."
Her words rung in his ears and suddenly he felt as though he's being choked himself. What is he doing? Why is he doing this? He loves her too, more than anything, and yet he's choking the life out of her. Her fingers loosened their grip around his wrist, and she fell to the floor, coughing. He knelt to the ground.
"I'm sorry." He said, his voice cracked as his hand caressed her cheek. "I didn't mean to." His eyes welled up with tears, and all she could do was stare. Stare into the eyes of the man she loved, the man she still loves. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you. You know that. I'm just a little broken."
"Joe..." She croaked, reaching out to touch his face.
There was a moment of violence between them and an undeniable sexual tension. A line had been crossed, a boundary broken. Their eyes met and in that instant, there was no denying their desire for one another. They were a mess. An absolute mess, and they were attracted to each other in the most fucked up way.
He pulled her close, pressing his lips against hers. Her hand cupped the back of his neck as he moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck. She was breathless, and he was intoxicated.
She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She pulled off her shirt, exposing her breasts and he cupped her right breast with his hand, gently squeezing her nipple. He was gentle, almost timid with his touches, and his kisses. Her body arched towards his, her arms snaking around his waist as she felt his arousal against her leg. She was desperate, and she needed him. All of him. She didn't care about the consequences, she didn't care about the affair, she didn't care that this is all wrong, and she didn't care about the way he had just assaulted her. She wanted him, and nothing would get in the way of her desire. She unbuttoned his shirt, her hands roaming his chest before she pushed him onto his back and got on top of him. Her hands moved down his stomach to his pants, tugging them off and freeing his erection. She stroked his cock, causing him to groan as he bucked his hips. His hands slid up her thighs and rested on her ass as she continued to stroke him.
He grabbed the sides of her underwear, pulling them down before she got rid of them herself. His mouth watered as he stared at her, all of her, and how perfect her body was. Her breasts were beautiful, and her hips were so damn inviting. He licked his lips as he looked up at her, waiting for her next move. She positioned herself on his lap, slowly sliding down onto his cock.
He whimpered as her pussy engulfed him. She felt like heaven. It was warm and tight and wet. It was everything he had imagined it would be and more. She was perfect, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked so beautiful, riding his cock like this.
"Beck...there isn't a line in the world that I wouldn't cross for you." His thumb brushed against her cheek, causing her to shiver. Something in her mind snapped though, she didn't know why but something...something in her made her slap him. Hard. His face turned to the side, his lip cut by his teeth.
To her surprise, he didn't get upset. "Fuck, do that again, please." He groaned. The sound of his voice and his moans were enough to push her over the edge, and she slapped him again. He bucked his hips in response and bit his lip. His fingers dug into her hips, urging her to keep going.
"Oh god," she moaned. "Oh, Joe." Her eyes closed, her head tilted back. He watched her as she rode him. He wanted to watch her cum.
"Beck," his voice was deep and husky, his tone needy. He was close, so close, but he didn't want it to end. Not yet. He was desperate for more. She slowed her pace, moving her hips against his cock, grinding against him. His mouth fell open and he groaned. "Don't stop." He begged.
She leaned down and kissed him, her tongue slipping into his mouth. He tasted sweet, salty, and a little bit coppery. His hands moved to her back, his fingers trailing up and down her spine. She whimpered as his nails grazed her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Her lips moved to his neck, and she kissed his throat. Her teeth nipped at his skin, and he gasped. "Beck, fuck," his voice was low and breathless. He was getting closer and closer. She could feel his cock pulsing inside of her.
She sat up, and she watched him. His eyes were half-lidded, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair was messy. She couldn't help but think how beautiful he looked. She moved faster, grinding against his cock, taking him deeper. "I want you to cum for me, Joe." She whispered. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his moans. "I want you to cum inside me."
That did it. His cock twitched inside of her, and he groaned. His grip tightened on her hips and he thrust up into her. He came inside of her. She smiled, feeling his cock throb. Her pussy clenched around his cock, and she whimpered. That feeling of having warm liquid shoot inside you. How she longed for it.
His breathing was labored, and his chest was heaving. She laid her head on his shoulder, her cheek resting on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat, and it made her feel safe. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Her body fit perfectly against his. His skin was soft and warm, and he smelled good. It was a familiar smell. He smelled like home. The feeling was comforting and made her feel loved and secure.
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happy74827 · 1 year
Babeees love the rhys montrose x reader fic, can't wait for more. What are your plans for the other fics?
AWWW IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT 💞💞 Writing him is so gosh darn difficult. Like I would type out his dialogue and try to read it in his accent and then question myself if he’d actually say that lmaooo
Regarding my other plans… it’s a very funny story. I legit have no idea 💀 My brain comes up with these random potential scenarios at like 3am and then it’s a 50/50 chance on whether it actually gets done. However, my strong will power and motivation to help populate this man on this app will overcome that (hopefully). I just have to be very VERY creative on the scenarios, given the canon storyline 👀
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hermionewrites · 2 months
guys i’ve been watching you. (the show) is there a fandom for you????
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eighttoeseightseconds · 2 months
What the fuck is this? Are you guys stalkers now?
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perkqularkreashions · 4 months
Living with the Enemy, Joe Goldberg x Reader
Part 1: Last Nice Guy in New York??
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Prompt: YN is close friends with Peach, Annika, Beck, and Lynn. She doesn't fit into their circle, nor does she try to. Joe soon sets his sights on YOU, leading to a domino effect within Y/N's life.
Requested: YES | Requested are OPEN|
Warnings: Mature Content, Manipulation, Stalking, Slightly Proofread.
It had been some time since you last spoke with Peach and her willing and obedient entourage. You blissfully ignored them, avoiding the usual hangouts and skipping daily walks with your son. You took different routes and dined at other eateries, and for a while, you enjoyed this simple and slow-paced lifestyle. 
It was a particularly warm day in New York; the increasing winds had died, allowing you to turn off the space heaters that litter your apartment. You relished the smell of cleaning products and baby formula rather than burning rubber. You watched as Rafi bounced around in his walker from his room back to the living room. His hand slapped against some trinket that sang a quick tune of “You are my sunshine.” It was probably his favorite plaything on that bouncer, but it annoyed the absolute hell out of you. The loud and high-pitched continuous loop of "you are my sunshine... my only sunshine", but he loved it, so you endure it. You cracked open the window, allowing the fresh air to filter into the apartment, the warm breeze washing over you briefly before returning to stillness. Contently, you sighed. Your eyes flickered to the door; a hesitant knock followed by two more confident knocks. You shuffled off the couch, unable to gaze through the peephole due to the grime built up over the years. You mentally noted that you need to tell the landlord about that. Unlocking your three deadbolts, you pressed your ear against the door, hearing the muffled female voices.
You opened the door and noticed Peach, Beck, Lynn, and Annika. Your eyes widened as you stumbled back, Peach charging into the apartment. Her eyes glanced around as she brightly smiled at Rafi before returning her cold gaze to you. She crosses her arms, waiting for you to fill the silence with an apology. The tension hung in the air like a heavy fog, palpable and suffocating everyone as they all watched you, their once easy rapport replaced by an uneasy silence. Every word left unsaid seemed to echo between them, filling the space with a sense of unease that was almost tangible. You chuckled before turning away, gathering some of Rafi’s items out of habit. “You don’t just go MIA for weeks like that!” Everyone slowly shifts into the apartment; you feel suffocated. “I called, you never answer.”
You plainly answered, “I know.” You shoved some clothes into the hamper before returning to the group. You tried to think of something to say and formulate something harsh and crude to say back to Peach and her brainless minions that followed her every call, jumping at the snap of her fingers and pleading for some sort of acceptance from her. You sighed, sitting on the sage-colored love seat, your elbows resting on your knees as you rubbed your temples gently. “Peach, you and your…whatever this is. Can happily get the fuck out of my apartment. You can’t just storm into my home and expect me to drop to my knees begging for you to what…forgive me?” 
You felt the couch dip next to you, the smell of her engulfing you. It iterated the fuck out of you yet offered you a warm feeling. She was home; despite her manipulation, gas-lighting, and bitch behavior, she was home. You finally looked at her, your face growing warm as you pressed your lips together. Her smile growing as she knew, she squealed, wrapping her arms around you. “Say you forgive us… me?” You nodded against her before pulling back. “Great, let’s go out to eat! We’ve missed you and have lots to catch you up on!”
You nodded, pressing a feigned smile on her lips; Annika smiled, wrapping you in a brief, one-armed hug. She was followed by Lyn, who seemed more than pleased that you had returned. They moved away, gawking at Rafi as they spoke with him in an annoying, high-pitched tone. They were flashing toys in front of him before snatching them quickly as he giggled loudly. You stood beside Beck; an awkward silence washed over you both. Beck wanted to speak… she wanted to ask if what Peach had been filling in her head was true. Suppose you had been trying to pine after Joe; how would she feel? She admitted her feelings for Joe were growing; she liked having him around and the attention he provided her when Benji was off on a binge of whatever drug would provide him with whatever relief. “We missed you… I missed you,” Beck spoke, cutting through the silence. 
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled, bumping into her shoulder and offering her a half smile. She tucked a small piece of hair behind her ear.  
“I’ve been dying to tell you about everything, I mean everything,” Beck whispers through her laugh as she watches you for a moment. Beck confided you about everything; you weren’t judgmental and never gave advice—you were just a lending ear that she craved in the whirlpool that was Peach. You sighed, knowing that no matter where you were in your life and how far you thought you had escaped Peach, she was always lurking in the shadows, ready to devour you at any minute.
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You hummed softly, your hand occasionally, moving the visor back to check to see if your son was still alive. Your hand fluttered in front of his face; quickly, he reached for your fingers. You had spent most of the morning shopping for groceries and wanting to find some fresh produce. You gathered green apples, strawberries, and some blueberries. It has been a slow-paced morning; class was canceled, you were finally caught up on your assignments, and only needed to grade some papers from some of your classes. You hadn’t seen Peach since your lunch date with the girls two weeks ago. It was spent, for the most part, talking about Beck’s choices in men and the plethora of men that have taken her to bed… all this steaming from Benji ghosting her. You didn’t know what she saw in him, but he was a poser and couldn’t hold down an idea, let alone his own business. She had fucked, Mr. Bedroom Eyes, someone that she had met in the library, all while leading on Joe and worrying about Benji.
Your eyes shifted slightly; noticing him underneath the navy-blue baseball cap, he examined the fruit before placing it down. You smiled brightly, peering left and right before approaching him. You stuttered for a moment; wait is it weird that you were approaching him? Did you even need to say hello? You stood behind him, mindlessly watching his gaze at the fruit. Weaving through the throngs of people as your eyes held steady on him, your hands tightening against the stroller. Panic surged through you, threatening to overwhelm my senses as your hands hesitantly reach out to his shoulder. Joe jumped as he spun around; a toothy grin fell on his lips as his eyes shifted to Rafi. “Sorry, this must be weird.” You quickly tried to explain, and yet there you stood. 
“No!” Joe smiled, “No weird at all.” He watched you, taking in your beauty from the curve of your lips to the furrow of your brows. Your eyes are a soft color, filled with so much emotion. He contained his excitement, continuing to handle the slightly ripe peach in his hand. A soft breath of relief escaped your lips; Joe watched you, taking in every moment, from the twitch of your eye when you smiled to the slight tightening of your hands against the stroller’s handle. Were you nervous? You didn’t need to be! I am all yours! Joe’s thoughts muddled aggressively through his head, his eyes concentrating more on your slight movements, the way you shifted your weight to your left hip as you stood there, watching him. Your index finger nervously taps before stopping.
“Good, I thought it’d be weird if I recognized you in this crowded space,” you laughed; it was soft. A small smile crept on his face as he moved closer to you, a single step to be closer to you. You slightly shifted, leaning against the stroller as you pushed it in front of you before bringing it back. “It’s nice to see you again.” Your heart fluttered as you watched his goofy take hold of his lips. His cheeks dusted pink as he nodded hesitantly; he stepped forward, watching you walk away in the crowd, occasionally wiggling your fingers in front of your son’s view. 
“Are you alone?” Joe mentally cringed as you paused, peering over your shoulder in confusion, “I meant, I could keep you company while you go shopping… If you don’t mind.” Do you mind? You wouldn’t mind, would you? Joe thought; he watched you ponder his offer, and you fully faced him as you smiled, nodding at him. Joe joined you, shoulders bumping into each other as you continued to walk through the farmer’s market. Looking at the different herbs and vegetation sprawled on the tables, you fingered at them, rubbing your fingers with a concentrated look on your face as Joe pushed Rafi. Joe watched you in awe, his hand gripping against the stroller in angst and yearning. He watched you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear; you quickly turned to him, putting a strong-smelling herb in his face. He winced as he swatted at his nose; you laughed softly before agreeing with the saleswoman that the left one was more pungent. 
“My mom made this weird-tasting soup for me when I was sick, but it always helped. It helps when Rafi has a little bug. He hates it; he scratches at my arms when I force-feed it to him.” You laughed, showing him the small craters in her skin that hadn’t healed properly. Joe took your arm, letting his thumb trace over the craters. “He’s so mean when he wants to be; I guess he gets that from his dad.” Joe watched you, taking in every word that was said. 
“His dad hit you?” You were stunned; you placed the herbs in your tote bag before looking at Rafi, making a slight face and tickling him. Joe observed you, your face tense as you seemingly tried to feign enjoyment in the brief time with your son. He watched how you weren’t standing so close to him; your shoulders still touched every again, but not the same as before. Joe cursed at himself for bringing it up; Joe hated that he made you feel so small and helpless again. You froze at the sound of your name; Joe noticed it, too. He peered over his shoulder seeing someone rush to you, his hand waving wildly as he began to jog to catch up to you. He called your name again. Joe’s eyes flickered at you, and you were frozen, eyes wide in fear. Joe leaned closer to you, but you were snapped out of thoughts when the man stood directly behind you. You slowly turned, now facing the stranger. Joe watched the man; something about was familiar, the curve of his lip and the bushiness of his brow. His hair was long and pulled into a rendition of a man-bun with some pieces falling in front of his face; he was clean-shaven and muscular. His skin was a deep cooper color that glistened but wasn’t sweat…more of an oil-based lotion. 
“It’s been so long!” he smiled with a bright smile, teeth perfect and in a row, no obscurities or imperfection. He tried reaching out for a hug, but you backed away, letting a small smile rest on your lips. You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t have to for Joe to notice how uncomfortable you were. “Who’s this?” His eyes never left yours. Joe could see the intimidation in his eyes, and his smile never reached his eyes when he spoke. 
Joe moved the stroller before him, stretching his hand in the process; a bright smile rested on his lips. “Joe.” The man didn’t acknowledge him or care for his name. Finally, he passed him a glance, his face churning into a distasteful look. His eyes moved to the stroller, and as a bright smile crossed his lips, he bent down for a moment. Wiggling at Rafi’s shoes, speaking in a babbled baby talk before looking up to you again. 
“You know he misses you and him; you shouldn’t run away. Especially with his child.” The man spoke, and he stood to his feet. “See around.” He spoke before brushing past you. Joe grabbed your arm, and you winced momentarily, flinching away from him. Your eyes finally connected with Joe’s; you sucked in a deep breath before grabbing unto the stroller. A sense of comfort washed over you. 
“Thanks for today… for this. I appreciate it,” you hummed. Joe nodded, watching you walk away; his eyes focused on the man who had ruined your perfect day together. It started innocently enough, stumbling into an impromptu game of hide-and-seek. Plunging into the maze of crowds, Joe found himself, trailing the stranger, drawn by the same curiosity that everyone in the market has. Joe shadowed his movements, picking up a weathered journal or a fruit that was slightly ripe. His eyes cut to the man every chance he had gotten. As Joe meanders through the maze of makeshift booths and colorful displays, the man he’s following remains blissfully unaware of his presence. They weave through the crowd, partaking in a dance that only Joe is aware of. 
“Dom! Dom! Dom Batista! As I live and breathe in the flesh it is you!” Joe groaned at the dramatic nature of New Yorkians, every word that stumbles out of their mouth an illicit affair with Shakespeare and a Soap Opera. “It has been so long since we’ve last seen each other!”
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Joe followed behind you, face low as he watched you hurriedly move through the streets, passing men and women alike. 
Batista….Batista….Batista is the name of a Judge in New York City; their mother was an actress who starred in plenty of movies before her fall from grace and getting addicted to cocaine. They had three children, three boys: Jonathan, the oldest—who was a criminal defense attorney. He was married with two sons. He didn’t post on social media, but his wife, Mary Glassgo, came from an Affluent family in Virginia who had established wealth through “other means.” during the late 1700s, did, in fact, post and posted often. She was overly descriptive and pictured all the locations where they dined, shopped, and vacationed. She was on a trip with her two sons, enjoying the mountains in Vermont.  The caption was, “Can’t get away from life all the time, but when I do, it’s always with my two favorite boys.” Joe followed you across the street, scrolling through her Instagram until he came across a photo from Thanksgiving; he dragged his thumb across the screen, revealing a picture of her and another man who looked similar to Jonathan, tagged was St_Do_Batista. Dominick, the middle— Joe, recgonized him as the man he saw today; he frequently posted almost every day at the gym. He was a professional boxer; his face wasn’t riddled with too many lacerations and scars, which indicated that he was good at his craft. He had a girlfriend, one of many girlfriends. They all came and gone, as soon as a new one would be posted with a bright smile, not knowing her fate. Petite blondes, curvy brunettes, tall red-heads, even some bald girls with tattoos riddling every surface of their bodies.  
“Hello….” Joe thought; he scrutinized the photo, and you were smiling, your cheek pressed against him as you embraced him. He just won a fight; he hugged you tight. Joe scrolled to the following image… it was a video; he played it. You giggled as he spun, cheering as one hand held you tight against him. You spoke gently, words that the camera didn’t pick up, nor did anyone else. He continued to scroll as he noticed that most photos were of you cooking in his house, at the park with him, on his couch with the laptop tucked on your thighs as you carefully examined whatever was on the screen. You took up a majority of his life and then nothing. Joe saw a picture of him and another look similar to the Batista family; he clicked on the tagged name. RafiBat didn’t post much, but when he did, he generated a lot of attention from women. He was a boxer, too, and he and his brother were often referred to as the Basista Brothers. He didn’t post you often, once or twice; that was in photos with Dominick. But it was evident that you both were friends. He was attending a university known for its Marine Biology program. He had been traveling overseas, where he had been for the last few months, pictures of him with sharks, fish, turtles, and some other classmates. There was a picture of you, smiling brightly in his bed with her belly exposed; it was small, possibly in the early months of your pregnancy. His caption read “My Everything.”
Joe’s attention was averted to the left as he noticed someone briskly walking, eyes concentrated on you. His hand dug into his pocket as he pulled out his phone, dialing quickly. He spoke before hanging up. Did you not notice? Did you feel someone following you? Joe broke off in a sprint, laughing softly before calling out your name; you peered over your shoulder in confusion, hesitating as you squinted your eyes at him. 
Joe’s body collided against yours, taking your hand as he smiled gently. “Why’d you run off like that? I was looking for you everywhere!” he calls out exaggeratedly loud, his hand falling at his side; he watched your wide eyes swiftly snap to him while he continued to guide you forward, Joe’s hand pressed on your lower back. “Someone has been following you,” he whispered through a gritted smile. Her body stiffened as his words echoed through the stillness in the air; you were tempted to look, her head inching to the left slightly. “No, don’t look… Just keep walking baby.” You hummed in understanding. Joe peered over his shoulder, watching the man avoiding the dim street lights, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, his body focused ahead of him, but he could see the whites of his eyes and the darkness of his orbs staring deep into your side. Then Joe remembered the small encounter you had at Peach’s party, the drunken party-goer grabbing you, retelling his woes of missing their friend group and a man who seemed to miss you just as much. Your body reacted negatively, your eyes watering, and your skin paled as you stumbled away from him.  Joe watched your hands dance against your face, trying to wipe the anxiety that was trailing through your body. Joe wanted to lead you home, protecting you from the evils lurking in the shadows you weren’t aware of. Joe allowed you to lead you both to your apartment complex. Joe swiftly grabbed Rafael, allowing you to close the stroller. You put in the code 76477; Joe held open the door as you shuffled in your hands, digging through your satchel in search of your keys. He noticed three locks; just as if you practiced this a hundred times, you easily unlocked the door. 
Joe smelled deeply, taking in the scent of baby powder and your aroma. Rafael rested against his neck, his chest breathing gently as he slept. His tiny breaths could be heard as they smacked against his pacifier. Joe scanned your apartment again; it was vastly bigger than Beck’s and his. His eyes fell on an opening; it wasn’t too big but just big enough to have a window, an oak-colored crib decorated with white and green. “You can just set him down in there…He won’t last too long in the crib,” He heard your voice as you locked the front door. You were latching on the deadbolts and other self-brought knick-knacks. Joe set Rafi down, brushing his hair out his face; he squirmed slightly in a panic. Joe quickly turned on the mobile, slightly out of reach for Rafi. He pressed a button; the mobile began to hum to live, and soon, water sounds came on. Splashing, sounds of whales and dolphins, and what seems like rain hitting the waters. It was soothing, and Rafi’s face soon mellowed. Joe allowed Rafi to hold unto his finger; his grip was tight as his body sprawled on the crib’s mattress.
“He usually isn’t so peaceful to put down. He must like you.” He heard you whisper; Joe peered over his shoulder, watching your head pressed against the door’s frame. Joe removed his finger, returning his attention to you. You walked out of the room as Joe followed you. The silence washed over you as you paced around the room, trying to find the right words. Joe stood there, waiting, allowing you to take as much time as needed. 
“Joe?” You finally whispered, your eyes finally landing on him. In that moment, Joe felt your souls tying together, latching and burning into each other. “Thank you.” you pushed out, tucking your bottom lip into your teeth. 
“I noticed him following you after the market…I didn’t know what to do but when I saw him trying to cross the street… Who is he?” 
“Dominick, my ex’s brother. Rafi’s father.” Joe nodded; you trusted him, you trusted him. You weren’t a liar like Beck, “Dom and I were close; I even thought we would be together, but then he got a girlfriend. He stopped coming around, that’s when I met Rafael, he was gentle at first…but I guess that was the point. I had a fling with him and then with his brother, shit just got messy fast, and I got pregnant. That’s when he got abusive… I tried pressing charges, but his dad always dropped the cases, saying that I was a daughter of a junky prostitute and a “john.” I asked for a different judge and each time I was denied. I was finally….finally allowed to get a restraining against him, but it expired, and I wasn’t allowed to renew due to no current impending dangers.” Joe watched you; he stepped close to you, grabbing your arms. You sighed, looking up at him. 
“If you need anything, anything… I am here for you.” Joe whispers; you nod, folding your arms underneath each other.
Please ask me to say; please beg me to stay. Joe thought; he nodded as he moved away from the couch. “Joe, wait!” You stood up, “You don’t mind staying for the night, do you? I would feel comfortable with a man around the house… just for the night.” Your voice is soft, and Joe could tell you needed him. He couldn’t deny you. He peered over his shoulder and smiled. 
The night progressed as you lay in the bed, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. Your eyes squeezing shut, trying to feign being asleep in hopes of tricking your mind into slumber.
“Joe, are you sleeping?” You called out into the darkness, “Joe?” You called out once more, panicked; you sat up quickly squinting through the darkness as you watched his chest slowly fall and rise. You sighed for a moment, shifting comfortably in the bed.
Joe rises from the couch, groaning as he shuffles to you. He crawls into bed, and you open the covers, allowing him to slide in. His eyes were low from being awoken from his sleep, his hands tight as he observed you move closer to him. You craved his warmth; a sense of comfort and protection seeped through to you. Your eyes focused on Joe’s, watching through the stillness of the night and the slight light that the moon gave you. His hand gently reached out, tucking your hair behind your ear, holding onto the strand until he reached the end. He moved closer, pressing a kiss on your forehead. He held it, trying to compose himself. He didn’t want to push himself onto you; he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He wasn’t going to be like your ex or your father. Joe pulled back, your eyes fluttering open hesitantly, and you moved closer to him. Your lips molded together, smacking in the silence as your slight hums vibrated into his mouth. He pulled away; you were vulnerable and seeking out comfort in him. He needed to wait to see if this feeling rang true. He wanted you more than you could know, more than he thought possible. He couldn’t take advantage of you like this, not right now… not ever. He cuffed your cheek, kissing your forehead before you, wishing you a good night.
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Burning something evoked a wide range of emotions in Joe, a symbol of something new shifting in the atmosphere. The flicker of a match igniting, the scent of smoke swirling in the air, and the crackle of flames consuming the body— the overwhelming sensory experiences that engage him in the death of Benji. He stood over the growing flames, watching them dance against his body; Joe thought he would feel at ease. He couldn’t–his mind racing back to you and Rafi. Joe grew angry, feeling compelled to kill Benji; he was powerless against the woe of Beck, her smile and innocence being stripped away. It's as if his autonomy is being stripped away, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed. The heightened feelings of frustration and resentment began to grow through this loss of control. 
He thought of you as he smelled the charred remains of Benji, your face dancing in the flames. He sighed, pushing his forearm against his brow. He quickly dialed you; he needed to hear your voice. 
“Joey?” Joe heard you whisper, soothing all anxieties that rushed through him. His hand gripping the steering wheel. “Joey? Everything alright?” He hummed, letting his head rest against the steering wheel. It has been one month since he had forced his way into your apartment, leaving articles of clothing behind and coming up with any excuse to stay the night, not that you minded. He had a key to your apartment now, coming in the mornings and getting Rafi together for daycare as you prep for classes and graded papers. Your glasses hung off the bridge of your nose while you gnawed on the cap of the pen—your eyes shifting from the monitor to the paper as you scribbled some markings on it before moving on to the next. The way his lips danced against yours, his hands gently caressed your skin as your lips tangled.
“Yes, everything is alright.” He heard you shuffling, the covers shifting off your body. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No, Joey, no, you didn’t. What’s wrong?” You could always read him; you would always tell. You didn’t even have to look at him to see that something was picking at him. He knew that you were good for him; you were everything that he needed you to be. Joe remained silent; the only that was heard was Rafi’s babbling. “Just come over and well talk, okay.”
“Okay.” Joe hung up and made his way to you, his head spinning from his recent murder. His fingers trembled as he pulled down your street, finding a parking spot adjacent to your apartment building. He moved out of the car. His key jingled in the locks swiftly; you swung open the door, watching in bewilderment. Worry drawn on your eyebrows and lips. “Joey, what is going on? Was it—”
“No…no, just Beck.” You nodded for a moment, allowing him to enter the apartment; slamming the door, you proceeded to deadbolt the locks. You stared at the final lock, trying to compose yourself; he wasn’t yours. You were just friends. Why did it hurt at the mention of her name at the thought of him being at her apartment, embracing her? “She just makes me insane, always having to watch her and look out for her. All the lies and the—” You picked up the clothes that scattered the floor, tossing them in Rafi’s dirty clothes hamper. Mindlessly, you grabbed the toys, tossing them in a bin as they interrupted his sentence. 
“I see.” was all you could mumble out, your eyes flickering to him. He continued to ramble about how he didn’t trust her–how she was always so secretive around him. But that was Beck; the doe-like look in her eyes always masked the truth that crawled beneath the surface. She was manipulative; everything she did was calculated and meticulous. Her bold red lip contrasted against her pale skin, and her dress revealed just enough of her thigh to keep her professor yearning for more. The way she teased and poked at man’s most animalistic and primitive yearning, dangling it in front of their face before yanking it. You turned to face him, letting the hamper fall against the floor. 
“I frankly don’t want to hear about Beck. I understand she’s your girlfriend or whatever she is but, I can’t take hearing about her. When you’re sitting in my apartment, helping me take care of my son… playing house with me. I don’t want to hear about Beck. I get enough of her when I am with them. Every issue that plagues her, I hear about, all the damn time. Benji, you, the Captian. I can’t–I just can’t do it.” You turn away, heated you move into the bathroom face burning with embarrassment and angry. Angrily you slapped at the knob, turning on the hot water on. It screeched for a moment before the hot water spit out.
As you step into the shower, the hot water cascades over your skin, offering a momentary reprieve from the turmoil. Droplets dance across your body, carrying away the remnants of anger and frustration that cling to you like a heavy cloak. With each passing second, the tension melts away, replaced by a soothing sensation of renewal. You close your eyes, allowing the water to envelop you completely, washing away the Beck and Joe's monologue that echoed in your mind. Steam fills the air, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you stand beneath the gentle stream, letting it cleanse your body and soul. Slowly, the weight of the conversation begins to lift, replaced by a sense of clarity and calm. In this sanctuary of steam and solitude, you find solace. You sighed as the shower opened; you saw his feet planted in the shower and the sound of a soft sigh resting in the air. You feel his hands gliding against your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips pecked your shoulder, sucking in the aroma that cascaded around him. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?”  His hand gently drummed your abdomen, his cock hardening against you as he pecked at you, his hands moving to your breast, kneading at them slowly, letting his fingers squeeze and tug at your nipples. 
“Please, forgive me” he whispered; you couldn’t say no to him. So, you nodded, turning around fully to face him. Pressing a gently kiss against his lip, stepping out of the shower, grabbing the towel as you instantly moved to Rafi’s crib. 
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As the tears streamed down his Rafi’s flushed cheeks, Joe’s heart ached with empathy. With gentle hands, he lifted the sobbing child into his arms, cradling him against his chest, his hand rubbing circles against his back something that he noticed his mom and he liked. Leaning close, he murmured soothing words in a soft, reassuring tone, his voice a balm to the boy's distressed soul. With each gentle stroke of his hand and whispered promise, Joe felt the tension begin to melt away from his Rafi’s trembling form. He rocked him back and forth, a steady rhythm that mirrored the beating of his own heart, a silent vow to always be there to chase away the shadows and dry the tears. Joe moved back your bed, and you reached out your arms, allowing Rafi to settle into your chest and Joe to cuddle back into your side. Rafi was a crybaby and wanted you to hold him 25/8; you wanted to break him out of that habit. Joe and you had been working on getting him to sleep through the night in his crib, it would only last two nights out of the week before Joe caved and dragged himself to Rafi’s crib, engulfing him in his arms. You didn’t bother to correct him; you could tell that something was off with him. You two didn’t speak much after your moment the shower; you didn’t try to get him to speak either.
A heavy knock on the door had woken Joe; he hissed in frustration, moving the walker out of the way as he stumped his toe against it. He looked back, seeing Rafi whining for him, his arm stretched as he crawled closer to the edge of the bed. Joe scooped him up, snatching your phone and checking the time—7:37 AM. He grunted as he moved to unlock the deadbolts and finally the door. The door swung open, revealing Peach. Her eyes widened as she glanced at Joe; quickly, she shook her head, trying to find the right words to say but couldn’t. Peach observed him, eyes squinted in fury and confusion. “She’s sleeping Peach.”
She called out your name, moving into the living room, her eyes falling on you as you lay in bed. Her head snapped to Joe, realizing that he was in his boxers. “What the fuck! What did you do to her?” Peach asked as she tried to grab Rafi. Joe stiffed her and backed away as she continued to reach for your son. 
Joe held Rafi tightly in his arms as Peach had her outstretched arms and a determined frown on her face. Ignoring Joe’s protective grip, Peach reached for the child, her fingers brushing against Joe’s before clasping around the little one's hand. Joe’s heart skipped a beat, a surge of protectiveness welling up within him. He pulled back, his hand resting against Rafi’s back as he watched Peach’s face morph, her eyes narrowing before he turned her attention to you. 
“Peach? What–What are you doing?” You shifted from the covers, you were in a grey crewneck, a B printed in brown and outlined in red. Your hair messing tied away from your face as you squinted to fully focus on her. 
“No! No—what are you doing?” She hisses, stomping towards you, your finger jabbing into the air as she throws her hands dramatically. 
“Peach, he was just—I saw Dominick. Since then, he has been here for me. Nothing… Nothing else has been going on.” You shouted over her rambles. Something in her face changed; she slammed her mouth shut, looking at you, taking in your words. She grabbed the back of her arm, holding it tighter to her person. Joe noticed the slight change in her demeanor at the mention of Dominick; he scared her. 
“Did you–” You quickly shook her hand, stretching out your hands for Rafi; Joe quickly moved to your side, sitting on the edge of the bed as Rafi crawled into your lap. Joe’s hands rested on top of yours; he pressed his lips against Rafi’s head before cuffing your chin. He rose to his feet. He grabbed his things, placing them on his clothes. He jiggled his phone before leaving out of your apartment, a silent single for you to call him when she leaves. “When did that happen?”
“Nothing happened. He just was here for me at the time and… I trust him.” Peach laughs, sitting on the bed. 
“Trust him, absolutely not. You know he’s playing you just like he’s playing Beck!” You rolled your eyes, unsure of what to make of her accusations. I mean, they weren’t incorrect in their entirety. Joe had a fleeting romance with Beck and probably still does. “He’s using you. I lost Beck to him, and I am not going to lose you. In this stupid ideology where you think you need him! You don’t need him! I am here for you; call me if you are feeling scared; call me if you are feeling down!” 
“I know” you mumbled, caressing Rafi. “I shouldn’t trust him” you confessed. “I really shouldn’t” a bitter laugh left your throat as you chocked on a sob that rose in your throat. 
“He could be like Rafael! You are so blinded by love that you didn’t see it then, but I did, and now, I do.” Peach whispered, as she inched in Joe’s spot. Resting her head against your chest, her hands wrapping against your torso. 
 Joe stood outside the closed door, his fists clenched at his sides, he strained to hear the muffled voices from within. Anger simmered beneath his skin, fueled by the snippets of conversation that reached his ears. Each word felt like a dagger, piercing through the thin veneer of his composure. He could hear her strained voice, a mixture with a Peach’s voice—a voice that grated on his nerves like sandpaper. His jaw tightened, muscles coiling with tension as he fought the urge to burst through the door and confront the source of his jealousy head-on. The temptation to intervene, to demand answers, pulsed through him like a steady drumbeat, drowning out reason and restraint. With every passing moment, his anger mounted, a raging inferno threatening to consume him whole. Yet, for now, he remained on the other side of the door, a silent witness to his own unraveling emotions. Something needed to happen, Peach was always in the way, the intricate dance of relationships that she always blocked. Stepping on his toes and stealing you away from him. Tangling you in her grasp, the same spell that Beck was under.  She was a figure looming in the background, casting a shadow over any potential romance that Joe worked so hard to grow and nourish. Her presence was like a shield, deflecting any attempts at romantic advancement with a casual remark or a well-timed interruption. 
He needed to kill her; her undoing was all the fault of her own. 
Goodbye Peach Sallinger. 
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vampworks · 2 years
Nothing but Your Doll
warnings: minor profanity and Joe just being himself
Pairing: Joe Goldberg x Fem black oc
Summary: Joe reunites with a girl from his childhood and falls for her during her performance.
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We met again in a bar after weeks of trying to recover from Beck and all the chaos but it's worth it because it brought me to you. You were on stage singing like the angel I always knew you were.
"Each time I cling to your kiss. I hear music divine…"
Damn, you were a godsend. Your eyes scanned the crowd as if you were searching for me. 'Im here now, sorry for the wait,Viv.' my drink deserted as I made my way closer but off to the side.
"My arms enfolding you ,Never knew this thrill before."
The crowd ran silently as you sang. my eyes narrowed as a few idiots gawked and snickered at your figure. Don't worry about them, none of them deserve to be in the same room as you.
"Whoever thought I'd be holding you close to me,
Whispering "It's You I adore","
your eyes continue their search through the face in the crowd then narrow in my area. Did you see me? It's me. We can finally start over. Let me be here for you.
"If you should leave me, Each little dream would take wing.
And my life would be…through,"
finally, your eyes met mine with a gasp. A million thoughts ran through your face as you recovered. never blinking as if I'll disappear. 'adorable'
You continue, your breath quickens, and a smile creeps into the corners of your lips.
"Besame o Besame Mucho, Love me forever,
and make all my dreams come true"
Cheers rang through the room as you took off as if nothing else mattered. your ran ended with a jump into my arms and suddenly all was right in this terrible world again. "Hey, Viv!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. "Oh my god, you're actually here! Holy s--t, I can't believe it, Joe. I admit it took me a second to recognize you all the way in the cut like this, ah f--k; I missed you so much." your voice muffled as you spoke a mile a minute into my chest. Your arms slowly come from around my neck as I put you down. We both noticed the next singer come up to the stage with an amp. "Wanna get outta here?" I whisper in your ear and you hold back a shiver as my hand grazes your lower back. "Yeah, mine isn't far from here."
Finally, you're back in my arms, right where you belong. All these years apart, I'd still hear your voice when they spoke. I felt your touch in theirs. None of that was even close to love, none of them could compare to what we had. Back in the system, it was just us against it all. You wore your tight curls in braids like you didn't know anything else. You were always so tiny, and your clothes never fit quite right but you never minded, did you. All the more fabric to hide inside. Even then, all I wanted was to swoop you up and never let you go but I couldn't. For that, I'm sorry and I'll gladly spend the rest of our forever making up for it.
The long years apart changed you. Chipping black nails now turned to long red fake ones. Huge sweaters were long forgotten for cardigans and tight dresses. Those messy braids were now a billow of curls. I loved it all and You knew I would, didn't you? With all that changed, some things never would. The way your brown skin lit up beneath the sunlight and how your eyes met mine as if it was the first time every time.
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