#its very good 100/10 vibes
shou-jpeg · 6 months
1 and 50 <3
Your song is Dust + Stars by Rogue VHS and Tima.
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Song writing break.
Send me two numbers between 1 and 50
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harmoonix · 2 months
(astrology observations)
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🖼️: Moon in the 8th house has a lot of deep meanings behind it and the sad part is that sometimes it can cause pain/suffering but it comes with its good things as well if you have your moon at 8° or 20° you can feel the same
🖼️:Water Moon + Fire Sun combo in your chart gives a vibe of both short temper + chill temper, is like a mix between a spicy and sour seasonings
🖼️: Ascendant at 4°, 16° 28° degrees have the cutest face expressions (Cancer Energy), like when they smile or make a specific face
🖼️: Ascendant at 10°, 22° degrees can give you a beautiful looking face and in general your body too, so many people out where look stunning with those degrees on the ascendant
🖼️:Those with Jupiter in the sign of Cancer/4th house can feel the most lucky when they think about their family or creating their own families, it gives them an excitement energy
🖼️: Most people will argue about this but Venus in Scorpio is tricky as hell with the relationships because Venus is in detriment, Scorpio Venus may not know how to act when they're in love or in a relationship
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🖼️: Sagittarius Risings will 100% wanna look for someone who is very communicative with them, and someone who can express their feelings in a relationship (Gemini in the 7th house)
🖼️:Moon in Capricorn/Moon in the 10th house natives can be the ones who have a hard time with telling their true feelings, most of them are close people and don't want to get hurt
🖼️: Lilith asteroid (1181) aspecting Mercury gets excited about hearing other people's voice, like some voice can turn them up just by hearing them
🖼️: Saturn in the 10th house feels like a dad who is constantly watching over you, because Saturn feels at home here is a healthy placements for Saturn and let's say Saturn transforms into a dad figure
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🖼️: Chiron in Aries/ at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can struggle with their anger issues or having a hard time to calm themselves sometimes having a hard time to focus on themselves too and tends to forget about things that make them happy
🖼️: Taurus in the 4th house/Venus in the 4th house > They don't express their sensuality often but when they do people get stunned by it. Most natives with this energy make people to feel safe and at home/peace
🖼️: Most Taurus Risings i know have such cute voices and I think is because they have Gemini and cancer rulling their 2nd and 3rd houses (The combo of air + water makes this energy). Definitely they got the physical touch love sign with their Scorpio in the 7th house
🖼️: When it comes to the past I think South Node in the 9th/12th and 8th house makes the native to wonder a lot of about it or to have a lot of questions towards their past lives
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🖼️: Natives with 5th house empty usually don't want kids, until there is some love asteroid like, for example i have asteroid Aphrodite (1388) in this house but overall my house is empty (no planets just asteroids) and I don't want or wish kids
🖼️: I think Air Risings and Air Moons are the most social people out there because of their open communicative aura/social skills/ they're pretty ambient in their energy as well and they have a good humour tho
🖼️: Sun in the 1st house natives makes the native to be so determined and focused towards their life, they're so ambitious and powerful and their energy overall is just amazing
🖼️: Neptune aspecting Pluto or Uranus makes the native so spiritual, like is amazing they're getting more wise with their age and more mature
🖼️: Neptune in the 12th house has a surreal needy of getting closer with other people's feelings/like they want to know your soul first and before all
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🖼️: Pisces/Cancer and Virgo placements especially Moon are vey underatted when it comes to being clingy and clinginess, they're so clingy but they don't show it at first
🖼️: Virgo Risings have a very dirty way of talking because of their Scorpio in the 3rd house, they're so so so dirty in talking (when angry they may cuss a lot)
🖼️: Taurus Lilith is so so touchy and needy but they dont usually show it...like they will give you some signs or indications but most of these natives are just hidden sensualists
🖼️: Be careful if you have Lilith in Cancer or Lilith in the 4th house or at Cancer Degrees because you can "absorb" in a way the negative things from your mother, and the meaning of this placement is to NOT be like your mother (you know what I mean like in toxic ways or tendencies)
🖼️: You will never know what is going through the mind of the Uranus in the 1st house, they are thinking at multiple things at once and often can get distracted
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🖼️: Groom asteroid in your 9th house can indicate having a foreign spouse (if you are attracted to men) if you are attracted to women check Briede asteroid
Asteroids Codes: 5129, 19029
🖼️: Groom 5129 in the 12th house can indicate soulmates or twin flames, maybe even a karmic partner, someone's who's very passionate and sensitive
🖼️: Mercury aspecting Neptune or Mars (Or having those planets in the same house) makes the native "sharp mind - sharp tongue", they are extremely intelligent but can also fool people
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting Venus (all aspects) are so beautiful, when Jupiter aspects Venus it expands your beauty/charm/love to everyone and puts you in the spotlight
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting the Ascendant are the most underrated when it comes to beauty in Astrology, Jupiter literally is blessing you when is touching the ascendant
🖼️: Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces/ Risings are having 2 ruler planets that can influence their lives, check your both ruler planets when you have one of these 3 risings. Look for Mars and Pluto for Scorpio/Look for Jupiter and Neptune with Pisces/Look for Saturn and Uranus with Aquarius 💅🏼
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✨ With all the love, bless you all! ✨
✨ From the past, present or future ✨
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coruscatingcorvid · 6 days
Hello my dearest friends. Though the time is never specifically stated, through some extremely scientific sleuthing I have determined the likely time period the flashbacks between Annabel and Lenore are taking place.
First off, from the very general vibe of their clothing, we can put them in the late victorian to early edwardian era (roughly 1880s to 1900s). Since we rarely see either of them in bustle dresses, I would assume at least 1890s. While we don't see very many of the iconic 1890s giant puffy sleeves, Annabel's dresses in particular that we see are reminiscent of late 1890s evening wear. For example:
Annabel's dress in episode 67:
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Evening dress from 1898-1900:
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ADDITIONALLY, in episode 90, we see Annabel's wedding dress. While not exact, it is distinctly reminiscent of lace insertion dresses which grew popular during the edwardian period. Though it is not a part of the dress itself, Annabel's necklace is similar to dress collars at this time.
Annabel's wedding dress:
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Wedding dress from 1902:
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Lace insertion dress 1908:
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We also see other dresses from this time period on other characters through episodes 65 and 66.
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(Dress from 1898, [4])
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(Shirtwaist ca. 1900, [5])
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(Shirwaist 1900-1910, image copyrighted: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/86042 [6])
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This (above) is particularly interesting case because it reflects an earlier time period than much of the other clothing. The character who wears this is Annabel's maid, Nessa. However, this could easily be reflective of the historical precedent for wearing clothes after they were fashionable, since clothing is expensive. The dress she wears here is very similar to dresses from the 1880s.
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(Dress, 1885-88, [7])
Brief hair interlude:
Nessa has exactly Gibson Girl hair, which was popular from the 1910s to about WWI [8].
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Annabel, meanwhile, uses rag curls, a type of heatless wet set.
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(Unfortunately I haven't been able to find historical images of rag curls with reliable sources, though this was one of the more consistent ones, and is purportedly from 1870. Additionally, I could not find any copyright free photos of what setting it looks like, but Annabel's hair in the first image is how you set rag curls, so feel free to look into it yourself!)
Unfortunately, I can't really speak on the menswear, as I don't know enough about it currently to be able to note details that have been translated into art.
I do want to add the caveat that I am not an expert in historical fashion, just a nerd, and while I do have a good amount of background knowledge, there could very well be inaccuracies in this. Additionally, none of this is meant to try and nitpick any historical inaccuracies--the art in the webcomic is gorgeous and I am 100% here for artistic license/artistic interpretation/vibes.
SECONDLY, the most concrete evidence we have for the time period comes from the conversation between Lenore and Annabel's father in episode 67. He says to sail to England on the ship Oceanic on the White Star Line. The RMS Oceanic made her maiden voyage on September 6, 1899 from Liverpool to New York [10]. Upon its launch, it was the largest passenger ship of its time [11]. On September 8, 1914, the ship ran aground [10]. Which is a pretty big time period. BUT, Annabel's father says that she is "The largest and finest ocean liner in the world," which she was, until 1901, when she was surpassed by the RMS Celtic on July 25, when she made her maiden voyage [11, 12].
Thus, the flashbacks (as far as we have seen in episode 105) between Lenore and Annabel Lee must take place before July 25, 1901, and begin after or around 1899!
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kaisntbreathing · 3 months
Married to the Hazbin characters (Vox, Valentino, Alastor, Lucifer)
Forever yours 💍
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Hazbin marriage headcanons
❝ [I'll show you off to the whole world.] ❞
⚡︎ (If he actually loves you) he'd spoil you rotten and be protective asf especially with Val.
⚡︎ He absolutely loves showing you off to anybody and everybody (willing or not) able to listen or see.
⚡︎ Solid 9/10
⚡︎ Although he can be a little moody at times I'd say he's alr overall.
❝ [Your miniera darling] ❞
♥︎ Oh boy. (I'm sorry-)
♥︎ Dear Satan the fucking mood swings-
♥︎ Also kinda gives off sugar daddy vibes ngl.
♥︎ Overall maybe 5-6/10
♥︎ Well I'm gonna try to keep this pg. 13 so I'm gonna stop this right here.
❝ [Oh dear.] ❞
♬ Assuming he genuinely loves you. he'd be a good husband I think.
♬ If he doesn't really love you than it's a different story.
♬ He'd be the type to try to be romantic in his own very special way - Charlie
♬ For example, he'd be romantic by giving you a eye or a hand, but eventually after a very long time of waiting. He'd give you actual gifts.
♬ He only has one very big rule for you to follow, absolutely no technology at all.
♬ Honestly on a scale rating, I'd give him a solid 8.5/10
♬ He'd definitely be the type of husband to dance with you, and if you don't know how to then he'd simply teach you.
❝ [My sweet darling.] ❞
★ If he's married you than its proof enough he loves you obviously.
★ Duck rings idc what anyone else says ( 🖕)
★ Please for the love of everything unholy touch his wings, don't think just do it. And if you take your time and groom and pluck them for him. 🤌🤌🤌
★ Idk why Lilith didn't want him like tfym 'nah?' BITCH-
★ Anyways, he'd do literally anything in his power to make you happy and or to satisfy you at all.
★ And if you and Charlie get along well, it does something to him and OMG-
★ Overall I'd give him a solid 100/10 (fight me🖕)
★ Protective ASF.
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mmavverickk · 7 months
I “love” the betrayal fics where the entire camp suddenly believes that this new guy has actually accomplished all of Percy’s achievements and Percy lied to all of them, like camp didn’t literally witness half of those accomplishments and like Percy actually outright says “I did X.” Percy says almost nothing about what he does, Camp hears about most of his achievements from others
oh, we've all seen those fics. new guy shows up, he's actually Percy's half-brother. Annabeth suddenly only has eyes for him, everyone suddenly hates Percy because new guy does too, Poseidon may or may not disown Percy, and then Percy runs away and joins Chaos.
it's been copied and pasted thousands of times in hundreds of ways.
not a single one of those fics has Percy's departure from Camp happen realistically. it's not even impossible to grow resentment between Percy and the campers, which is what these writers seem to want. but the way they go about it? a cookie cutter asshole pied piper OC who steals the spotlight and turns Camp into a hostile mob of angry demigods? Unrealistic. 0/10 trope, literally 50% of why i will not read fanfictions with OCs.
have some realistic ways of turning Camp against Percy or vice versa:
- Percy could be captured. The area he was taken from is drenched in blood. no one could survive that, Percy's gotta be dead, so Camp doesn't look for him. after [x amount of time] of captivity and probably torture, Percy gives up hoping for a rescue. he discovers darker uses for his powers, frees himself, and doesn't go back to camp, because they abandoned him. opens the road for angst and emotion and tearful reunions etc.
- Camp is attacked. maybe it was a lazy beach day. no one is ready, only a few campers have their weapons. they're outnumbered and maybe surrounded and definitely out of options. Percy won't let anyone die. two ways to go about this one:
A) percy destroys the attackers single-handedly, using every tool in his arsenal, every fucked up thing he can think of to make sure his people survive. he controls poison and blood and drowns monsters and, i don't know, freezes them into ice cubes or boils their skin or stops their hearts. Camp is terrified of him now. he leaves. or B) the armed campers fight back, but percy isn't fighting. he's busy keeping the injured from dying. how? he's controlling their blood. he won't let it deviate from its normal path. Camp is terrified of him now. he leaves.
- [x god] sends Percy on a quest. but, surprise! it's not a quest! it's a trick, to lead Percy to his death! Percy survives, but can't go back or he'll be revealing he's still alive before he figures out why [x god] tried to have him killed and if there's anyone else behind it. fun conspiracy vibes.
- percy adopts a new pet, except this time it's a drakon. "Percy," Chiron says very patiently and not-at-all exasperated, "you can't keep a drakon as a pet. it will eat your friends and we don't have the space." Percy flips authority the bird and strikes out with his new pet to find somewhere they can settle. kinda cracky but written right it could be funny.
- Percy pisses Zeus off. not surprising. Zeus wants to kill Percy. not surprising. for his own good, Chiron sends Percy on a roadtrip/changes his name and sends him to mexico along with multiple witness protection agents/quest to keep Percy out of sight for a while to allow the king of olympus time to cool down, because we like when percy is alive and also the war poseidon would wage at his death would kill us all.
are all of them 100% realistic? no, but neither is Percy leaving Camp. Hera had to literally kidnap him and erase his memory to keep him away. the point is that they're different and plausible, and not the same exact trope repeated over and over again until i can tell you the plot of hundreds of betrayal works in one sentence.
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feralwetcat · 1 month
Ranking Fable characters on how good they would be at darts
...random order to who comes to mind
Rae - 7/10
- literally a bow dude
- probably shooting darts at an image of fable tbh
- was taught by Aax
- tho does miss a bit cuz shaky hands
Aax - 10/10
- trident.
- don't ask.
Ocie - 9/10
- again, trident
- though i think she's more likely to miss
- underwater however-/hj
Ven - 0/10
- wet cat cant throw darts
- tho has probably tried extremely hard
- has definitely hit one of the other two Coworkers on their forehead exactly somehow
Ari - 11/10
- no, I won't explain, just vibes
Fenris - 5/10
- misses lots but when he does hit, its spot on
- better at melee
- bit the dart board one time, wasn't allowed to play again after that
Violet (/Centross) - 8/10
- hits more than Fenris
- but probably has purposely hit someone with the dart and said it was an accident
- became a 10/10 after ascending
- perks of becoming god: immortal, good at darts.
Ulysses - 5/10
- i feel like he'd have shaky hands so that'd mess it up
- but definitely hits sometimes
Icarus - 0/10
- can't explain
- drinking challenge, drink every time they miss the board (hard)
Caspian - 100/10
- don't ask
- accept the SKILL
Bonus: Major Gods
Fable - 2/10
- was really good before reaver
- now everyone blames him for Icarus' shitty skills
Enderian - 10/10
- what else was she gonna do in the bubble
Netherum - 5/10
- been missing for too long
- but was pretty mid
- soul beat their ass at darts before
Alerion - 5/10
- very eh at it
- though probably played against enderian once
- won that one, somehow
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rzyraffek · 9 months
Could you please do headcanons Slashers (like Michael, Brahms, Billy, The Sinclair brothers) as caregivers for their S/O who is an age regressor
Or headcanons for those Slashers when they find out their s/o is an age regressor?
Okay I acually went and educated myself on this topic for you my dear anon🥰🌼
if your uncomfortable with topic of age regression pls dont read that😭
So basically as far as I understand age regression means that somone acts like child due to some traumatic event??? And like they act childlike and participate in child typical activies (such as drawing with crayons, speaking like a toddler, drinking from bottles ect) if i make headcanon that don't make any sense im sorry! I have no experience with this topic! ALSO this is pure platonic! Age regression isn't a kink or a fetish!!
Slashers with age regressor y/n
Brahms Heelshire
Tbh y/n acting childish kinda woke up his inner child, CUZ HE LITTERALY GOT LOCKED IN WALLS IN AGE OF LIKE 10 so he kinda missed out on some fun stuff
100% plays hide and seek! Or tag! My man loves some good round of hide and seek, this place is huge! *insert british accent* "oh you little scallop... if I find you I will tickle you so hard..."
Question: age regression is like temporary or like forever thing? Like regressor acts like that when they are in bad metal state or just always? Bcs if always then it might be hard with Brahms, see he kinda.... has mommy's issues has huge need to be taken care of, probably similar to y/n's, he kinda wants a person who will just pamper him and make him feel like he's the single child yknow? All the attention on him? Yknow what i mean??
If y/n draws him something nice, dude will put it on a fridge with a magnet and be proud
If thats like temporary thing, he acaully will ask a lot of questions: how should he act? Do you remember anything? How does it work? Can he get some cuddles? Do you still love him while regressing? (Ofc you do, but he doest understand)
Billy Lenz
You guys vibe
Dude won't see any difrence😭
Yay one more reason to watch cartoons together! (His favorite ponny is rarity and fluttershy)
If y/n babytalks and uses toddler-like vocabulary... dude will mimic it😭 he just thinks that will help with communication😭 its not like you guys struggle with it or anything, Billy is just build like that
Yall draw together, his artstyle already looks like toddler drew it (not in cute way)
Plays dolls with y/n (but he acually makes it interesting! Like he makes it all dramatic and the tea is just jawdropping)
Also don't bother explaining what is age regression, just say "sometimes I act like kid to cope"😭
Micheal Myers
But kinda likes it, not in weird way! He enjoys taking care of y/n, but he has his own ways of doing so
He won't play with them or let them cuddle him too much
But he accepts little drawings and stickers that y/n gives him
He is still stalking them, making sure noone tries to bully them or anything
He is very protective, for example if y/n cuts their finger while making food, dude is all over them: Oh no no dont cry! Uhhh.... uhhh oh! See a pretty bandage? With puppies! Pls dont cry...
On rare days he is acually around (phicially i mean, cuz hes always around just not interacting with y/n) and it happens for him to be in good mood too, he will let y/n nap on him or put some stickers on his outfit- he never takes them of btw, the only reason that stickers wash of is the field he 'works' in? Yknow a lot of mud blood and water. He also holds y/n hand if they are spooked
And he fucking loves fluttershy and applejack
Steals some cute shirts and socks for them!
Sinclair Bros
Bo is the least understanding, tbh he will lisen to y/n only if they have very good relationship
Vince is just 👍
And Lester is acually very open to the idea
Drawing and playing dolls with Vincent
Going on cool drives with Lester
And napping with Bo
Whole fridge is covered in drawings and cute magnets
All Vincent's notebooks and Lester truck covered in stickers
Even Bo gun didnt escape the sticker apocalypse
Vince made special wax figurines for y/n
Lester calls them "kiddo" 😭😭
Bo puts his hand on their head and rubs it till their hair goes all puffy
They all act like older brothers who have to take care of younger siblings while perents are away😭😭
Vince acually vents to regressing y/n and they are just like: "man I just wanna pet the dog"
Bonus round! Added few more!!
Bubba Sawyer
Bestie vibes
Yall just spend time playing with dolls and drawing together
Absolutely lets y/n nap on him
He totally combs their hair and puts them in nice bun (or if y/n has short hair he will just brush it)
He kinda sees age regression as lil break from reality? Like you two can just vibe and act they way you want to😊 he enjoys, cuz tbh he do be acting like child(not in bad way!) And his happy that you both can do all those child-like activities without being judged by other person
Bit y/n once
Asa Emory
Ew a child
I mean
Idk he gives me "the dad that never has time for u cuz he has too much work"
Like yep he will read y/n a bed time story and he will tell them all about bugs and nature. But hes busy most of time
OMG ABOUT BED TIME STORIES Asa will read you one but he is so exhausted that he acually falls asleep first
He trusts them and knows that even whilr regressing they wont do anything dumb, but he still bans them from his 'workroom' theres... well some photos and drawings of victims and i doubt y/n wants to see it
Lets them sit on his lap while he reads newspaper like middle-aged man he is
Gives lil head kisses before sleep
Bug themed plushies and figures
Makes y/n watch animal planet and bbc nature with him
When he's out for longer periods of time he will buy them McDonald's as an apology
Done. I hope it makes sense! I never witnessed anyone age regress so idk how relatable it is!! I used x reader tags only to reach bigger audience
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shoezuki · 2 months
I dunno why but I feel like Gepard can handle liquor. Like Sampo has the gift of bein smart knowin his limits and what to drink and when, so he gives off the vibe of being able to handle a lot but he's not that heavyweight. He's jus big brain conman XD. Get enough in him n he'll go down like the rest.
But Geppie. Man's sippin vodka from the bottle and not even slurrin his words. When he was a trainee the older guards decided to prank him with a glass of absinthe n called it a weak alcohol only for him to get halfway and not even bat an eye, only stopped cuz it tasted like ass. Dude takes the path of preservation seriously. Even his liver is beyond destruction XD.
Which is why I find two situations very freakin funny, which I'd love your opinion on:
1) Sampo starts up a drinking competition with him. It's on one of his guardian mandated holidays, so Gepard doesn't have to be responsible, and Dove 3 in 1 won't leave him alone anyway, so he agrees. Partway thru Sampo realises he's losin but Gep insists on gettin the drinks so he can't even cheat his way to victory. Cue Gep having to drag a very drunk, incredibly flirty Sampo back to Natasha but he keeps running off. Even being drunk doesn't stop him from havin smoke bombs up the wazoo.
2) Sampo manages to cheat, scheme, girlboss his way to victory. He comes out on top but now has the problem of an incredibly drunk, dangerously curious Silvermane Captain who won't stop flooding him with the oddest of questions. "Why are your eyes so green? Is your hair natural? What happened to the rest of your shirt? Do you really enjoy crime or is it jus something you fell into?" Whi- okay that one was oddly specific and he doesn't have the capacity, as tispy as he is, to answer.
He really needs to get him back home, before he asks the wrong person the wrong question, but isn't cognitive enough to face being questioned by Bronya and would sooner die than face Serval. So he opts into takin him to one of his more obvious hideouts which poses 10 million problems in and of itself when he keeps freakin touching everything!
ANON YOURE RIGHT YOURE A FUCKING. GENIUS. I been thinkin bout this A LOT ACTUALLY prob cuz for some reason fandom seems to lean towards gepard bein a horrific lightweight (i mean i know Why the lightweight trope is very much seen as 'cute' and childlike n whatever but i digress). But tbhtbhtbh i agree w u 100% like.
Gepard is a Tank of a Man. Homie can handle anything. Mfer the living embodiment of preservation like dude could be like 'serval this drink sucks' and hes gulping down perfume, unaffected. Dudes prob ate weird shit out on the front lines n questionable rations. The stuff in his fridge is expired n hes jus shrugging and eating it anyways.
I think w sampo its like. He SEEMS like he can handle his liquor. And hes not bad w it. But hes an Actor. Mfer could be plastered and you wouldnt know. Dude could convince a breathalyzer that hes only a Little Tipsy. But theres a threshold for him where he jus Caves at some points. Like u said tho man is Always competent w bombs. Like drunken boxing but w daggers dude could be blown over by a gentle breeze but still kicks ass.
I imagine that gepard doesnt Usually drink in that he jus. Doesnt care much. But absolutely his drink of choice is the hard shit. He jus has whiskey w ice or vodka w tonic water like a freak. Maybe a white russian if hes feelin zesty. When his guards convince him to go to the bar n challenge him to take shots he shrugs n jus packs them back no big deal.
But oh my god like. The 2nd scenario. I imagine it in order like first sampo realizing gepard has an Inhuman tolerance n making it his missiom to get the good ol captain fucked up. N it takes a while but like. Gepard jus gets more... blunt. But in a strange soft questioning way where he asks the things he wonders bout but never says aloud. The kinda soul reads like 'sampo youre a criminal not because you need to be but because you enjoy the thrill and attention right?' N sampo is just like holy fuck. But its like his inhibitions are gone and hes so Curious about everything and everything. He hangs onto sampos every word n it drives sampo crazy
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is it just me or does this pic radiate MAJOR predator/prey vibes? like he's just rawdoggin your soul. just me? okay
anyways, smutty thoughts below the cut
tw: loud concert, mentions of anxiety, mentions of wolves, mentions of smut, cuss words, kinda daddy issues?, fluffy angst (or angsty fluff)
a/n: so um yeah I meant for this to be like 10 sentences and I wrote a goddamn novel oopsies. and this ain't even the full thing.
You were sitting on the balcony all the way to the right of the entrance, at one of the smallest gigs you'd ever seen Metallica play. Wolf and Man was pounding into your ears, your senses blurring from the thrill of it all. You were watching Robert and Kirk run circles around each other, and you smiled at how silly these old men could be, like they were being kids again. You felt eyes burning into the side of your head and just 100 feet away was James, staring you down in a fierce manner. He didn't break eye contact as his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, he was hypnotizing. Your smile fell slowly as your lips parted, lost in his sultry glare. One of the spotlights fell on him so perfectly; you could see every beautiful outline and shadow of this masterfully sculpted man; his sweat covering his skin with a thin sheen. The massive screen behind the band was focused on him, and you saw up close how his eyes were clouded with something more than lust, a wolfish need, like he wanted to tear you apart, make you squeal, savor every inch of your skin. Something you had dreamed of ever since walking through the venue door and saw him in his vest and tank top. He smirked at you as he played the last few notes of the song and brought his tank to his mouth to wipe the sweat off his upper lip, the drops glittering his silver hair no more. The crowd screamed and clapped as the men gave their thank-yous and till-next-times.
-----------------------Backstage, a half hour later------------------------
The bag and ticket checks were brutal, and you started to wonder if this was a bad idea. Meeting Metallica seemed like a good idea in retrospect, yes, but now your anxiety was getting the best of you. Your palms were sweaty, your heart was racing, and your mouth was dry as the Sahara. The bottle of water sitting in your bag suddenly came back to mind as you snatched it from its pocket and tried to take off the cap. Your hand was shaking, making it difficult. You finally managed to get it off and sipped it for the next few minutes. Jesus Christ, was meeting 4 60-year-old men this fucking stressful? Some quick self-reflection brought you the idea that meeting Rob, Kirk, and Lars was exhilarating, but not stress-inducing. Meeting James was your main problem. It wasn't really a problem, he was just your favorite of the band, whether for his look or his playing, you didn't know, but you had chalked it up to a fair 50/50. This was a problem you were excited to have. Some parts of you were more excited than others, but you pushed that thought to the very recesses of your brain. If you had the scenario of screwing a man old enough to be your dad in the back of your head, it would definitely make its way into your conversation, which was more or less bound to get you a weird look and a premature "it was nice meeting you!" But God, his stare made you anxious in all the right ways and you just couldn't stop thinking of him staring into your soul as he chased you down, captured you, and made you his. You snapped out of your little thought bubble as you neared the platform. James was shaking the hand of a middle-aged man, someone you guessed was a father because of the 5-ish-year-old girl standing at his feet, holding onto the bottom of her father's shirt. James squatted down so he could be eye-level with the girl, and you instantly knew that he looked differently at others. He had reserved that stare just for you. Your brain ran rampant with the possibility that he might actually just want you, and that he wasn't generally so domineering and intense, but just when he saw you. In fact, his eyes returned to what you thought a 60-year-old's should look like, soft and sweet, teddy-bear-ish. He shook her tiny hand, and she shook it back and moved in for a hug. You couldn't blame her; he looked like just about the most huggable person there. He laughed as he closed her arms around her, telling the dad that it was okay after he tried to apologize and pull her away.
"Be good for your dad, okay," he asked, almost commanded as he straightened her jacket, ruffled from the embrace. He gave her one last smile as she nodded and walked off with her dad. The attendant ushered you forward as James picked up his water and took a sip at the same time you did. When he tilted his head back down, he saw you staring at his battle vest, or more importantly the tank top covering his chest and tummy. God, his tummy was hotter from up close. He caught you staring, and your faced burned with embarrassment.
"You like it?"
Your breath caught in your throat at his raspy tone.
He laughed and set the bottle down on the table behind him. He gestured you to the chairs and table set up on the platform, probably decades-old wood that squeaked when you settled into it.
"My jacket, you like it? Saw you starin' at it, figured it interested you."
He was subtly fucking with you, letting you know he had caught you staring at his tummy, imagining it colliding with your back as he drove deeper and deeper into you, owning you. He had known that you were awe-struck by the idea ever since he saw you staring back during Wolf and Man. He had all the confirmation he needed.
"Oh, yeah, it's an awesome vest! I have one like it, just not as many patches. It's also a little less worn; I just bought it and started adding stuff about a week ago, actually."
He smiled and leaned back. The angle allowed his tank top to stretch tighter across his stomach; allowed his vest to cling to his shoulders, accentuating how broad he was. You involuntarily inhaled through your nose like it was the last sniff of oxygen you'd ever get. You'd tried your best not to gasp, that would for sure get his attention. He smirked.
"I know you're not here to talk about vests. I can tell something's on your mind. C'mon I have 3 kids, I can tell when something's wrong by poorly masked facial expressions," he joked, and you softened, comforted by his willingness to peer into your thoughts.
thanks for reading, this is my first ever fic! i think i did fairly well, but feedback is appreciated! should i do a part 2?
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isa-ghost · 2 months
Could I mayhaps have some hc!philza headcanons? Could be him in his hardcore, or how his time in hardcorr affects him now maybe? :D
So these will be operating off the theory that qPhil is hcPhil with his memory fucked up by the Federation. I'm gonna aim for "pre island, this is how qPhil was" but we'll see what happens as I actually write these LOL
What if I call these Pre-Dilf Edition in the masterlist SKFJSKFJSKFHF
10/10 would read the hardcore deity set I did recently to go with these :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He either had a flawless sleep schedule (early to bed early to rise ass mf) or no sleep schedule at all (spending 3+ nights hyperfocused on smth). It made for a very loopy Phil sometimes, which his murder of crows very much enjoyed
This man can fit so much joy and whimsy in him. Everything is awesome, everything is a breathtaking work of art and everything is decades of rich history to uncover. He loves life, he loves the passage of time, he loves teaching the murder about what he finds & restores
That's his main hobby besides being a survivalist, restoration and an informal form of archiving. He sketches the builds, takes notes on the deities, adds his own little touches to each place to make it a little prettier
He could fly for hours. Sometimes he'd fly aimlessly into late into the night, too immersed in sight-seeing and chatting with the murder
He had little altars in Flowerfall, Nether Void & Greater Spawn Islands for OO, BE, and Rose respectively. He'd leave little shiny things, trinkets that made him think of them, offerings like cooked fish or blaze rods or flowers in little offering bowls. Just as a nice, more direct way of giving them thanks for creating something so beautiful and allowing him to restore it to its former glory
He fucking loves swimming and fishing and hanging out at Endlantis, he'd just very aggressively avoid the cave that is EK's tomb. It was extremely haunted, he never got good vibes down there
He sometimes considers making his own remarkable build as a sort of "I was here, I too am a mark upon this history" but looks at his house and is like "mmmmbetter not" (he's an idiot, he could 100% build something cool, just probably not on the scale of the builds the gods have created. He'd probably create it for Goddess of Death, not even himself 💀)
Obligatory gapple addiction mention. It didn't start because of the murder, but he definitely used them as an excuse to further indulge once he started devoting eating one to the crows who'd been in the murder for a year. He never really had a reason to quit, or worry about the addiction, so he never experienced negative effects from it. Gapples aren't exactly harmful, just.. tinged with just enough magic to infect the brain. (He never experienced withdrawal misery on QI bc the Feds wiped his memory so his body had no idea it should be having a bitch fit =) )
Semi-related, he loved the days where he and the murder lacked the motivation and focus to do restoration things so they'd just fuck off in a random direction for ages and go on loot sprees. Nothing more exciting than hunting for more god apples :D
He started out liking fishing. The murder got too obsessed and it became the bane of his existence. But he loves the murder, so he does it anyway. Besides, he wouldn't trade chill talks with them for the world. :')
Btw he doesn't know this but it was equal parts the Ender King & the Feds ripping rifts between the universes that got him caught and taken to QI. EK didn't plan for that to happen, he just wanted to escape to a new reality to find a vessel to come back to power. Which is why once Phil was on the island, EK went "Fuck it, I'll use that asshole since he's not only compatible, but from the same plane of existence"
Mobs never scared him much (except Enderman) despite the fact that they were very dangerous and he's a survivalist. He was practically a mob whisperer, it's how he trapped trophy ones, made certain farms and why he was 99% fearless when farming charged creepers. QI has so many mobs he's never seen in his life that his chill instincts are suddenly like AAAWTFWTF
He never felt truly alone despite being the only humanoid. He felt like Rose was always with him, very rarely OO, and the murder ofc. He could understand them and he'd talk to them all day every day. Not only that, he had pets like Pog and Champ and there were quite a few times he'd humanize inanimate objects, which scientifically helps keep you sane in isolation such as survival. He always felt like he had Something to socialize with
That said, he IS still a bit weird socially on the island. Socializing with humans is way different than crows, other animals, gods, and objects.
Btw Ian is God of Chaos (a lesser god like Goddess of Death) and other mods like Birder, D3 & Wolfy are notably larger or perhaps a different species of corvid that hang out among the murder :D
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐃𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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got a request for dokyeomie, hope you’ll like it :))
DK is an INFP!!!!
this ray of sun is a living lover
he lives to find his other half, his soulmate, and just love them until they die
he lives to love, really
he does believe in soulmates, the red string or any other myth that makes lovers melt when they think of it
so i think that when he meets his s/o, its love at first sight really
he just loves their vibe (your vibe to get into the whole “imagine” thing)
its really a vibe thing, nothing has to do with your appearance, maybe even your gender (i’d see him as pansexual)
he’d be quite shy, but very guided by his beliefs and motives, so he would try and ask you out quickly
maybe he’ll take things a bit too fast, because he KNOWS that you’re the one for him, but this might scare you a bit
if you tell him, he’ll be more careful and gentle
on dates, and any time hes with you, he just looks at you with love and admiration
it truely is love at first sight, the members are kinda jealous to see how easy it was for him to find his s/o
he looks at you with stars in his eyes fr
tries to initiate physical touch like holding hands, or putting a hand on your waist while walking
once you get in a relationship i think he’ll cry
hes just so happy to finally be able to show you more of his love for you (if theres more to show lmao)
he keeps talking about you to the members
anytime they see each other he always says your name at least 10 times seungkwan said
in the same minute lmao
giggly boy, still blushes anytime you give him attention because you’re juste THAT attractive to him
admires anything you do, and supports you in all of your life decisions
a very supportive and helpful boyfriend
like even though he practiced for 12 hours, he comes to you and cooks you smth, or does the laudry or anything
he won’t rest, not if you need help (and even if you don’t he’ll still help)
SO emotionally supportive
he is a huge listener, when you need to vent he’ll sit down and listen to you, he won’t interrupt you, never
reminds you that he’s here by caressing your hands, or holding you close to him
out of all the members dokyeom would be one with the healthiest relationship
maybe the little “red flag” of the relationship would be his silent treatment
we had the example of it with the joshua and dk “fight” in a gose episode
he would be one to avoid fights, and just stay silent
if something annoys him he’ll stay silent so you “guess” what you did that made him mad
this would be very annoying for you and on the long run it’s tiring as well
but if you make things clear with him from the beginning then he’ll make an effort
he loves you too much not to try
Smutty part below :) 
sex with dokyeom is,, impressive??
this man behaves like a shy and lovely guy, and then he just shows another side of him in bed
hes so strong!!! 
(loves pinning you on the bed)
i think he has a size kink or smth like that, like he loves seeing how big he is on top of you-
always has you facing him, he just needs to see your face
likes to have sex a bit everywhere in your appartment, if it’s in the dorms then he prefers his bedroom, or maybe the living room if hes 100% sure that no one will come in
loves kissing! kisses you anywhere he can, on every inch of your skin. With time he learns and remembers the places that have more effect on you
if we ask him what he prefers between boobs, thighs or ass, he’d say the 3 of them
he just can’t keep his hands for himself and has to touch them, caress them (and kiss them ofc)
SO GOOD at eating you out!!!!!!!!! i think one of the best among the members
not very vocal in bed, just a few moans and grunts here and there, but nothing much
kinda like chocking-
like not really chocking but just likes having his hand around your throat when it gets rough
if you get your hand aroung his throat he’ll smile, finding you cute lmao
idk why i just can’t see him as a sub, he just switches and becomes more dominant in bed to me :)
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matthyeu · 1 year
Just had a thought and now it won’t get out do my head: What do you think an arcade date with zb1 would be like? What’s their favourite game? How’s the most competitive? Who will win you something? Who tells you to win your own things?
ft. my cursed thoughts bc i didn't have the energy to flesh stuff out
can be taken romantically or platonically bc friends can have arcade dates too
(i love having funny thoughts in between studying + reliving some cute moments looking back at prom photos for inspo so thank you for this)
favorite games:
jiwoong: he's effortlessly just good at everything to the point where he casually plays all the games when you're sitting there like ?? how
hao: over there playing guitar hero or some shit i swear like proving musical talent to the core!!
hanbin: ddr 100% you can not tell me man isn't on dance dance revolution every single moment there. you can't pull him away either. he devours it too like got everyone watching like that one kid
matthew: bro loves playing claw machines to look at cute things bc me too he just sees things and is like "ooooo" and somehow ends up at it for hours but only comes back with one thing for you (it's the thought that counts)
taerae: he's always on the coin pusher but he's so bad like idk why he plays but he loves standing there BUT he will get frustrated when they won't fall and smack it so he gets the alarm rang on him
ricky: he probably likes to play skee ball. idk why but it gives the VIBES like he would probably like how he looks cool. bc it's like the closest thing to bowling and he seems like someone who would like to look cool while bowling
gyuvin: pacman. he has tried every game and found out he is bad at them. the only thing he can go back to is pacman.
gunwook: playing streetfighter but like seriously. has my man sweating over here. please bring a towel for him.
yujin: he gives me the vibes of someone who would play those like shooting simulator whether it be jurassic park or like those ones with the zombies. and he might get jumpscared lol
most competitive: hao
doesn't really try to be but the moment you're in there challenging him, he's going at 100%
would win at like every game and you're sitting their regretting ever doubting him
though he just gives you all his points afterward so you can do whatever you want for prizes
that's the real reason he just wanted some motivation to get more points for you
wins you things: matthew, jiwoong, ricky (kinda)
we've already talked about matthew spending hours to get something for you (he's super diligent about it he will get you the thing you want even if he spends all his money)
wbk jiwoong good at it all, so no surprise he comes back with whatever you wanted (doesn't matter if its 1 or 10 he shall get them all)
so now ricky
why kinda?
well he doesn't actually win you it
he tries but then finds out that it's all a scam and nearly impossible
so he tries to bribe the employee to give it to him
ends up buying it from them for you so it's the same thing right??
tells you to win your own things: yujin, taerae
he wants to but then gets frustrated that he can't bc like?? who made it so damn hard
so he tries and then almost breaks the machine so ends up telling you to do it yourself
and then we have yujin who's just just like "do it yourself" bc he doesn't wanna
but then you keep bothering him about it bc you can't win
like bro getting a lil annoyed with how badly you want something
so then he plays it
but then keeps it for himself
he says it's compensation for you bothering him about it LMAO
too busy to even be near a machine: hao, hanbin, gyuvin, gunwook
well technically hao is going to get points to get you prizes but he's staying away from the machines knowing they're a scam
the other three though, they're off in their own worlds
they take their games very seriously (especially hanbin & gunwook)
gyuvin's just having a nice time being immersed so you don't want to bother him
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Rating the inner circle on how I think our first date would go
(A lot of Grammer mistakes are in the following)
Rhysand 4/10
I don't think it would go well he'd go way out too early and invite me to a high-class fancy restaurant. And that would make me uncomfortable. He probably can't find a person that's not a gold digger, and if he does find someone good, he will overwhelm them with how much money he has, leading to no second dates.
Will make me order the most expensive options on the menu.
Would get mad if I asked him on his dating history.
Is the type to call his ex crazy.
Would try to banter and be smug and smooth but I'll probably misinterpret that as him being mean(I have autism)
Would also say something like
"I can cure autism"
Def read my intrusive thoughts and think I'm insane.
Over all bad date and will not call me back.
But will call to make sure I got home safe.
Will tell the group chat about me, then have them throw shade on social media.
Feyre 6/10
Would probably do a chill date.
Like a movie at her place then dinner.
Dinner will be like pizza and some cool drinks.
Her emotional constipated touch starved ass will do that arm thing. You know the one, the yawns then puts their arm over your shoulder. It will be awkward.
The movie willlllll definitely be something like a blumhouse movie .
Will tell jokes that do not land. It will leave me like.
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She gives off the vibes that she probably has no idea what she's doing, and it shows.
Ends up talking to much about how toxic her ex boyfriend and his friends where
Over all its nice but too awkward for a second date.
Cassian 2/10
Is Def the type to tell you to wear a dress then take you hiking.
Is the type to laugh at his own jokes then talk over you.
Unintentionally (intentionally) mansplains things to you.
Will laugh at me for being tired on a hike.
Will compliment me but it always sounds so back handed
"That dress isn't what I was expecting"
"Oh you look different"
"I think the dress really reflects who you are"
Definitely has a mini rant about modern women. It's never really misogynistic, but bordering it.
Will pay attention more to the wilderness then if I'm okay.
Will be surprised that I'm crying and tired.
Will call me to ask why the date didn't go well.
Will rant to Rhys about how he keeps getting blocked.
Azriel 7/10
It will be a nice pic nic date.
He's is the I know a spot guy. Beautiful view ,tent, food, fairy lights, and a boom box with a good mixtape ready.
Makes me feel special and heard.
Has the best date food.Not too heavy but not too light.
Gives me his coat of I get cold.
Takes beautiful pictures of me.
Is poetic
Will let me yap and speak on through the date.
The only red flag is that he's so secretive. He barely talks about his life,his goals,his day-to-day.
And that's very noticeable and suspicious.
Overall nice date .
Will call back and you will have a second date
The Morrigan 5/10
The best date ever
Nice restaurant with an awesome atmosphere.
Best conversationalist.
Compliments you in the best ways.
You fall for her immediately.
She makes you laugh, is so intelligent, is wonderful overall...
But then you mention politics.....oh boy
Will say that she's a girls girl, but you notice how she talks shit on Twitter to other women.
She's the type to talk about ALL WOMEN STRUGGLING if your a marginalized woman mentioning the discrimination you face.
She's also the type that says "they should just find a job"
"Or poor people should just work harder"
Great date, but our politics don't align and no second date.
Will probably kiss at the end of the date but her thick layer of lipstick will annoy me.
Armen -100/10
Worst date ever
Shows up fashionably late.
Doesn't understand why I'm mad
"You should know I'm a busy woman"
Will looks me up and down , making me feel self conscious.
Perpetual make unnecessary passive aggressive comments.
Will snap at the waiter for making a mistake.
Snaps her fingers at the waiter like he's a dog or something.
Talks business instead of romance.
Her flirting will come off like straight up insults
Will judge you for your interest
"Well I'm an artist-"
"You can't even draw"
Will straight up just talk about work, is so bad at talking about anything else.
Definitely will make you feel poor
"I like your dress and neckla-"
"It's Balenciaga"
"....that's nice"🙃
If she does genuinely compliment me, it sounds ai generated.
"Your eyes are like the brown of freshly grown forest trees about to be cut down buy a lumberjack"
"Wow thanks. Your eyes are beautiful too"
"I know"
Will answer Rhysands calls during the date.
Will tip the staff at least but will say something like
"Be nicer next time and smile more"
Won't notice that I didn't call her back for a second date and goes on with life.
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ferrariseventeen · 2 years
seventeen as types of drunks; hip hop unit
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Seungcheol: He’s the reminiscent type, he’s bringing up old memories and retelling stories for the 100th time but its okay because he’s over exaggerating and making things a million times funnier. He’s also confessing his love to everyone in a 10 mile radius, like if you meet him in the hallway he’s gonna be slurring out all the things he likes about you and how much he appreciates you. Becomes a clingy boy, like he’s holding onto your arm and burying his face in your shoulder when he laughs or playing with your fingers while he's zoned out. Will ask you to do a shot with him at least once. Probably will be the last one up.
Wonwoo: He can be found kind of doing his own thing, mostly observing everyone else. Likes to sit and relax, sip his drink and watch everyone get progressively more drunk. He’s doing who knows what on his phone but its glued to his hand. Joins in on a few group drinking games and genuinely enjoys himself. Videos everyone and is the token photographer for the night. May or may not get up to sing a song for karaoke, it really depends on how drunk he is. Not clingy or touchy but will hold your hand while snuggled up in a corner. Sneaks some of his favorite songs on to the playlist. Pretty steady drinker and knows when its time to call it a night unless drunk gaming is involved.
Mingyu: He’s going to be eating everything in sight, if he’s not cooking something up he’s ordering one of everything on the menu. Honestly it’s a good thing, it keeps him a good level of drunk despite him drinking a lot . His precious gyu giggle comes out a lot, he’s surprisingly extra cute when he’s drunk. A very physical drunk, he uses his whole body to tell stories and forgets how big he actually so he’s usually the culprit of the mystery of the spilled drink. He’s just very excitable. 100% a drunk texter, will text people he barely talks to or will send texts to friends making plans he will forget about the next morning.
Vernon: Is like a ghost, you swear he was just here? Ends up reappearing like half an hour later with tacos for everyone. Honestly a vibe, he’s grooving to music and is just pretty chill. Probably the one who’s picking out all the music and is making everyone listen to his favourite songs, but it’s okay they’re all really good and he’s lifting the mood with the way he’s singing along. Laughs a lot, like doubled over at jokes that aren’t even that funny. A little confused when it comes to some of the drinking games but he’s trying his hardest. Knows when it’s time to call it a night.
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medilies · 3 months
Byler fic rec - 5 WIPs that are worth it
I know some of y'all don't like reading incomplete fics, but here are some that are so good even the WIP averse won't regret reading them.
These fics are still updating (just not very regularly) so you will get the complete story eventually.
As you can probably guess, they're all longer chaptered fics, so expect multi-layered plots with at least a healthy dose of angst in each.
cosmonaut. by ghostshaming (T, ~82k, 15/?)
Gut wrenching. Heart breaking. A deep dive into Mike's depression and what could have been. You'll notice the writing is beautifully sensory, I'd also say this fic probably is the closest to the show plotwise. One of those fics that has its own little vibe unlike anything else.
them's the breaks by emelinelou (not rated but I'd say T, ~90k, 14/?)
A bit of canon divergence here where Will can mind-travel into the Upside Down and make it his own... or so he thinks. And ik I'm saying this for all of them but this is just fucking BRILLIANT - the overall tone is a bit more lighthearted than cosmonaut despite the characters still getting into some sticky situations, the byler of it all is ~chef's kiss~ and I really like the characterization of Mike and Will here (that is, if they were the type of people to greet each other with 'Yo').
If You Stay by Flurryofstarz (M, 52k, 11/?)
The Proposal AU! This is another fun, fairly lighthearted one. I watched the film for the first time after reading this, and I gotta say, I was disappointed - this is so much better than the film imo!! (Read: more meaningful conversations between the two leads, fewer bizarre moments thrown in, well adapted to fit byler, just as much comedy, and more drama heheh). A wonderful fic, whether you've seen The Proposal or not.
Make Believe by Flurryofstarz (E, ~84k, 17/?)
Flurryofstarz strikes again! This is an a/b/o fic, in which Mike does everything in his power to protect Will, who he's sure will present as a male omega, the most oppressed designation. (Don't worry if you don't know what the terminology means, it's all explained!) This fic is so intricate and beautiful and stays so true to the characters, it had me SCREAMING at Mike at some points, because that boy has good intentions but that does not translate to good outcomes. This is definitely one of the more serious fics, with no end to the angst in sight. 10/10. Go read it.
(Also, note that while it's marked as explicit, it hasn't yet reached any NSFW content, so please don't let that stop you. Though be warned there are some uncomfortable moments thanks to our favourite small town bullies - so far I'd rate it M.)
the vale of shadows by sevensided (stonedlennon) (M, ~30k, 11/?)
I mean, duh. Everyone's familiar with sevensided's legendary work a dream always the same - that's just basic byler lore - and this is the third and final installment of that series, in a fantasy setting this time! I can't say much more for fear of spoiling it, but trust me when I say it's equally brilliant as ADATS.
This is the only fic on this list where I'm not 100% sure if they'll continue to update. Even if they don't, though, the latest chapter ends on a nice note.
That's all, go give these amazing stories some love!
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hueningsloverr · 8 months
౨ৎ playing roblox w/ txt !
pairing : ot5 x reader  summary : how i think roblox with tubatu would go!! word count : 0.4k
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choi soobin -
he's a natural disasters kind of guy
like an og, 2015 roblox player
i think he probably played a LOT with kai during their trainee days
he doesn't really branch out and try new things
controversial, but most likely to get his account banned
he'd rage, once in a while
just let it all out
kai and gyu wouldn't listen during practice today? tyun wasn't feeling good? jjunnie was out doing something else?
bottled up emotions would come just flying out
very quick to apologise + very embarrassed
choi yeonjun -
flee the facility type of guy
“its not that serious”
screams, cries, and throws his computer across the room
tyun at some point has had to restrain him
but he always spares you whenever you're on diff teams <3
until he doesn't
so quick to switch up
but at the end of the day, to him it is actually just a game
he'll use it to make destroy gyu or kai sometimes
but he doesn't care that much
he just likes getting to spend time with you
choi beomgyu -
he would BEG to play adopt me
lowkey would just want to scam kids
but you would do it together <3
would also adore those silly roleplay games (where he gets to grill 7 year olds taking their online relationship too seriously)
whenever you two play you have to make sure he doesn't say anything that would get his account banned
def has like 10 burner accounts
he rotates hating on kids and getting suspended
most likely to have moa find his account tbh
he like barely hides it
kang taehyun - 
he would be so contempt playing some sort of chill vibe game
you guys would sit for hours just chatting away listening to the music
then he'd ask to play toh
would beat ur ass
and would laugh abt it.
gyu is definitely his mentor
you will catch this man 'studying' each map
learning how to beat the levels as fast as possible
just wants to prove he's the best in some way🤧
huening kai -
the type to play royal high and love it
he'd have a cute little avatar and everything
the type to buy female sets
100% an og player
and 100% hates the new updates
“its so expensive~”
has over 2M diamonds
literally has every gamepass under the sun
probably started playing with hiyyih while he was a trainee
so they could still bond and have their ‘special’ thing
but of course you're allowed to play
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authors note: im in such a slump right now that all ive been doing is homework and playing roblox, so take a 3 AM draft all about txt and roblox 😻
©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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