#its honestly so much funnier to think about it this way
ruerock · 1 year
🧸<- talks about spongebob in tags
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kevindavidday · 4 months
THANK YOU for your “andreil doesn’t actually need to say I love you bc their actions speak louder than words” tag bc I’m right there with you. They don’t *say* I love you, bc it has no meaning to either of them. They didn’t hear it growing up. But actions? Those have meaning to them both. And so it says I love you deeper than words ever could.
you're welcome alsjalkdkss i was so scared to type that cuz ik most of the fandom thinks otherwise which makes sense i mean its their perception but as someone who didn't grow up with a lot of 'i love you's' and the ones that i did hear were tinged with excuses for abuse i kinda understand why they wouldn't say it???
there's so many other ways to express love to say 'i care about you' or ' i DO care' or stepping up when times are rough, sacrificing sleep for someone just to stroke their hair after a nightmare, holding their hand, knowing also how alien the words would be to the other person in the first place
i always thought that actually knowing and accepting someone loves you deeply changes you more than just hearing the words would
i see their i love you as more of a reverse game? the way they confessed in the first place with neil's 'you like me' and andrew's 'i hate you' response it would be so much more meaningful to me if it's a situation where neil says "you love me" and andrew just stays quiet one day yk he doesn't deny it sure but he doesn't need to say it and that's alright!!!
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Fellow Psych enjoyer!! Im watchin psych at this very moment lol, i know its a tough question bc i dont even have a definitive answer but like, what's your favorite episode?
hmmm well i did very much enjoy the episode where Lassiter & Henry bond over fishing... i also like the episode where Shawn gets kidnapped & ends up on top of a moving car <3
#ive seen some episodes out of order#since my friend used choice ones to get me interested lol (it very much worked!)#but i only started watching it all the way through yesterday#so im only on season 2 :/#i also loved the one i just watched - the counterfeiting episode! twas funny#but really since im binging the show they're all kinda blending together lmao#And its mostly on as background so there are some where i have no idea what happened or what it was about#rambles from the bog#tbh a lot of the time watching it#i find myself sitting here and going: man. if it was made pretty much the exact same way just with today's climate#it wouldve been even fucking funnier#bc obviously the humor in the show is kinda Dated! there's a lot of times where im sitting here going 'oh that was bad taste'#or 'oh that would Not fly today'#but it is a really good show#easier to enjoy when you understand the era it was made in & accept that there's gonna be unsavory bits#honestly its interesting! im on s.2 which was released in 2007 i think#and i believe i was like... around five years old? i dont really remember Living the time period!#so its interesting to see! its a whole different range of slang and american culture & tech!#all i really remember is the phones... i remember the awe when someone at school turned up with a touchscreen#they were pretty fuckin new so they were expensive & my parents could afford one#so my first phone was your average flip phone. it served its purpose! i loved listening to the ringtones! that was my spotify <3#anyway wait fuck what were we talking about#OH RIGHT PSYCH. um. yes🤝#i dont like shawn's dad! lassiter is probably my favorite! i may have a crush on juliet! shawn is the most bishrekxual man i have ever seen#gus deserves better & more screen time! the whole show is just really good#*old man voice* they just dont make em like they used to....#said both positively and negatively. some aspects are good they're gone. other aspects... sigh
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choccy-milky · 7 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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thishazbinamistake · 4 months
Episode 6 was overall pretty decent, but it was the episode that truly made me realize just how much I hate the swearing in Vivzie's shows. Like, I know people like to joke about her bizarre obsession with cursing, but in my opinion, it genuinely, actively harms the worldbuilding and tone of her series.
In Hell, people swearing makes sense, and as obnoxious as I find it, I can look past it. Hell is supposed to be chaotic and raunchy, so it checks out that its residents would have little regard for politeness and social etiquette. But when we're introduced to Heaven, this supposedly very clean-cut and conservative society, and the angels regularly curse there as well, it makes the whole dichotomy between the two feel much weaker. It would be one thing if it was just Adam who swore a lot, and he was treated as sort of an outlier, but literally the first angel Charlie and Vaggie meet at the golden gates says fuck! Why?! There was no point to it. It wasn't even funny!
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And then, there was the court room scene. As always, Adam is cursing every other word because that's his entire personality, I guess. None of the others seem to think anything of this angel talking like this, but when the literal princess of Hell says fuck once, Sera and Emily look all shocked and disapproving like it's the most blasphemous thing they've ever heard. Why?! Have you not been hearing the shit that's been coming out of Adam's mouth for the past 10 minutes??
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It would have made way more sense and honestly been way funnier if angels absolutely never swore, and Charlie swearing was sort of a culture shock to them. And if they really wanted to keep Adam as a foul-mouthed dickhead, he could have at least put up a more polite and chaste front to give the impression that he's a well-behaved angel in front of the Seraphim. It was so hypocritical and nonsensical to the point it honestly feels like a writing oversight.
By far the worst example of all this to me is the ending of the episode. It's revealed to Charlie that Vaggie was once an exterminator, to the shock and horror of the both of them. This is portrayed as an extremely serious and dire revelation that could potentially change the two's relationship forever. I felt a lot of suspense, and it honestly made me hold my breath for a moment...
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...but then it's immediately followed up by Adam saying "Oh, fuck yes! Suck it, bitches!" in his annoying surfer-dude voice and it just completely shatters the tone to pieces. Any and all tension is just gone.
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This is just straight up awful writing. Like we laugh at the memes but I genuinely hate Vivzie's juvenile obsession with swearing. It's not funny, it's not subversive, it's not even mature; it's just distracting, cringeworthy, and obnoxious. We can't even have a single serious moment without it being ruined with "haha fuck lol bitch!!" all because going three seconds without a swear word apparently makes Vivziepop break out into hives.
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bomber-grl · 8 months
[jealousy head-canons]
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Gn!reader (no specific pronouns)
A/n: hope u like it :)
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He pretends he isn’t jealous when rlly he is
Honestly I imagine two scenarios for this gremlin
Either he doesn’t get jealous whatsoever and thinks it’s beneath him
Or he gets totally jealous and denies it, again, because it’s beneath him
Ima go w the second one
So I don’t think Damian’s ever been jealous of anyone before
Why would he? Everyone else is beneath him and he’s way better
Well he’s also super competitive
So imagine when he sees you hanging w this super attractive person , giggling and laughing
And all of a sudden he finds himself thinking “what’s so funny about what they’re saying anyways? I’m way funnier 🙄”
No you’re not but it’s ok pookie
(I imagined the “cause less than 20 feet away from me was juli,my juli” sound 😭 idc if it’s kinda cringe)
Anyway he isnt rlly confrontational when it comes to the other party right away, either that or w you
He automatically does a background check on the person and finds out a bunch of shit about them
It goes two ways from here
He,1 doesn’t care cuz they’re lame and average or 2 he gets even more jealous and goes for the kill
Not actually, he doesn’t want what happened last time to repeat itself)
Anyway, he goes up to you and hangs w u like usual
Except it isn’t like usually cuz for some reason he’s pouting and glaring daggers at you
Then u bring it up
Like Damian, honey, why tf u glaring at me bitch?
It takes so much for him to spit it out but u end up coming to the conclusion without him ending up telling you
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” You practically yell this once it hits you, full of surprise and a teasing tone
Damian starts blushing profusely denying it
Claiming its “beneath him”
As I’ve already stated he does
But once you start poking and prodding he ends up admitting it and says u shouldn’t hang w them
U end up teasing him but also babying him
Which truthfully, makes things even worse but it’s ok
U promised to drop it temporarily in order for him to spit more things out
Totally worth it until a week later u nearly get punted by Damian for bringing up his jealousy in front of Tim of all people
U got a scolding from him saying “[your name] why did u bring that up in front of tim of all people, you know our history😒”
Like ok sassy 🙄
Yea, he gets jealous pretty easily if the person is attractive and fairly impressive
Not that this tsundere would ever admit it
A/N : coming up next is is Damian Wayne x jealous reader where the roles are reversed 😇
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arty-cakes · 7 months
being both a bretta and zote fan is so so painful actually ppl will always find some way to make sure they never interact again or use the latter to (seriously) demonize zote for stuff he never did while also mischaracterising bretta and i 💥👊💥🥊👊🤜🤛💥🤜👊🤜💥🤜💥🥊 🤜👊👊👊🤜💥 im not good at putting into words why this is frustrating
either make them divorced mortal enemies or reluctant friends who actually enjoy eachother's company either of those are funnier but why make up stuff that didnt happen and then pretend its canon and the reason why they should never talk again..... thats so boring
i was gonna leave this in the tags but no i wanna talk
i know im complaining here but its honestly not an issue i see a-lot like i do see them being enemies or friends in fancontent and to the ppl who do that ily very much. its always cool. and people like my dynamic too and when they let me know it makes me rlly happy lol
but i feel like people need to understand that not every situation is good or bad sometimes they are just. situations. like bretta and zote
and i still feel like there's this general misunderstanding about zote that needs to be cleared up which is that he's not actually.... a liar lol. or i mean the only person he lies to is himself and he's not pretending to be a knight he really BELIEVES he's a knight. don quixote coded like he rlly believes he killed the vengefly king and won the colosseum tournament and whatever. all confirmed by his dreamnail dialogue like it makes it REALLY CLEAR that he believes what hes saying. he's actually having delusions thats why most people in hollow knight choose to help him out its why he cant process life threatening situations. he's still annoying just because of his general personality but NOT because of his delusions. (i'd say something profound about how usefulness ties to worth in most people's subconscious and its rooted in ableism and its why zote hate is so loud and normalized but i dont know how to) basically he is not out here 'manipulating' anyone wtf
bretta's delusional too btw the game literally calls her out (gpz godhome description i think). personally i like that canon decided these two should meet and the result was this awfully tough dreamgod that u can fight 10x that's hilarious to me. if a fan made this up and it never happened in canon i would be like 'holy shit this should be a dlc this WOULD happen' because these two are just like that
also people seriously forget that bretta didnt just leave because of zote she left because of ghost too. girl just had enough of short knights ok she was done with both of them if you bring her back to town she's not suddenly gonna realize ghost is heroic and cool and be apologetic and want them back and zote's mad and jealous. <- this out here is mischaracterising ALL 3 of them its so juvenile what.... and i just dont think she'd care that much about either of them, a lot like how zote barely gives a shit about the infection or never realizes she left, they both have tunnel vision these two are the same do you see it
also tell me he was lying when he called ghost a beast because they are thats all they've been striving for this is a compliment to them i know it
this isnt reallyyy a rant. its a personal grievance because i like them both so i care about their portrayal and interactions and i like it when they aren't lonely. but also they're really light-hearted characters so why not just treat them like that....they go through shit and then they move on easily and go through it all over again. its been 7 years can we cut them a break. i dont wanna see anymore mischaracterising unless its really funny
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tmntxthings · 4 months
Could we please have some head cannons with the rise boys reactions to their best friend/crush laughing and giggling on the phone like a maniac?
Who would be the most jealous and how would they go about it?
Also, i love your work sm. 💜💜💜💜
Jealous Headcanons
author’s note: thank you, hope you enjoy this one as well, sorry for the wait c:
warnings: none to note, unedited
Mikey wouldn’t be jealous, though he’d definitely get nosy and ask, “What’s so funny angel??” He’d have a grin on his face just from your laughter. Because duh even if it’s not due to his jokes he likes to see you happy! Dare I even say he would be the least jealous of all his brothers? I think Mikey would instantly be trying to befriend all of your friends just so everyone could hang out together! Though if you ignore his question and just keep on laughing he may get a little butt-hurt. Expect him to start getting closer, and closer to wherever you’re lounging. His eyes twitching with a bit of mania in his grin now, “C’monnn I wanna know too!!” If you’re still keeping quiet and ignoring him then maybe you should get ready for him to jump you completely. In your lap, wanting recognition, “Hellooo I know you hear me!!! Is this a prank?? Am I being recorded???”
Raph is honestly just happy you’re here. The worst you can do to this turtle is be gone too long from his side. Remember he isn’t too keen on being alone. I think he would be like Mikey in that your laughter is infectious and he’d probably be grinning to himself despite not knowing why you’re even laughing. If the phone call goes on forever though he may get a little jealous that you’re here with him yet not really paying much attention. He’ll go grab one of his stuffed teddies for comfort. All the while giving you looks of longing. His snaggle-tooth digging into his lower lip because he doesn’t really want to interrupt your call. But his body language is begging the person on the other end of the call to hang up already!!
Donnie would play off his jealousy with annoyance. You were over in his lab and the incessant giggles were becoming a distraction. He’d huff and throw glares your way, trying to catch your gaze so you would maybe feel a tad guilty for being so obnoxious in his presence! Who was making you laugh so hard anyway?? And he thought he was the funny one! He’d start grumbling and mumbling to himself that maybe you should just go over to this person’s cool lab and listen to all their jokes in person! He’d sulk once you were off the phone, completely denying any form of the word jealousy. “Jealous?! Hah! That’s preposterous does he have a fully decked out turtle tank? Or a genius-built lab? OR-“ the list would go on and on until you sedated him with cuddles and compliments.
Leo would be the most jealous. Why? Because he thinks he’s funnier. Plain and simple. Laughing at even his brothers makes him twinge with a bit of jealousy. So you can just imagine his heated stare from above his Jupiter Jim comic when you answer a phone call from “just a friend” and its been over ten minutes with nonstop laughter. He loves his comics but this one may be a bit crinkled due to his own strength getting the best of him. When your phone call is over he doesn’t know whether to ignore you purposely out of spite, or try to get you to laugh even harder at his own jokes to rebuild his pride. If you told him whatever joke had made you laugh so hard, he’d deny it was funny at all. “That’s funny to you??” He’d sneer. “If you say so!” Leo is p-e- to the t-t-y!
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
Opinions on transfem/Trans woman c!Wilbur? If you havent already, since its a slightly popular Hc w c!W
honestly I'm mostly indifferent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
it's not for me, but like I've got no particularly strong feelings either way. I can absolutely see a lot of reasons for that reading - it all does fit, so it's not a matter of there being no justification, but more so just personally I just don't hold that headcanon
the thing with either of them being trans is that like, I am for some reason oddly attached to Quackity being specifically and strictly a man who's into men, or at the very least masc individuals - maybe it's cause I just started off with that "hc" (I mean it is kinda pretty heavily canon - I don't recall him ever flirting with a woman). Wil being mtf would obviously make all of that very complicated - each time I start to think about it I can't help but think if 1. is there any way for Q to still be into Wil without that invalidating Wil's gender identity 2. is there any way for Q - a gay man - to have feelings for a woman that doesn't invalidate his sexual identity Like, exceptions happen, but mm idk It's obvioulsy completely different if you hc Q as pan/bi/homoflexible/whatever else, but yeah personally I'm just really attached to the idea of Q being strictly homosexual
When it comes to the nonbinary umbrella it's kinda similar (with both being amab) - with Wil it works i'd say, there isn't as much of a conflict with Quackity's sexuality, but again, I'm mostly indifferent and you do you; with Q it just kinda doesn't quite fit for me - idk he just has relatively binary man vibes imo
in regards to other combinations of one/both of them being trans: > Wil's ftm - yeah sure I'm down with that, good for him, I don't actively hc that but like yeah no conflict there, plus I guess it'd explain how he had Fundy - though fantasy mpreg makes it so much funnier > Q's mtf - idk i just don't feel it in the slightest. He doesn't really give me any of those vibes. Especially considering things like the fact that he's short, has longer hair, is/used to be a sex worker (with presumably male clients), is heavily (and at the very least primarily, if not exclusively) into men, canonically has a big ass, etc, so it just really doesn't sit right with me to then have him be mtf - I just want some more representation of those characteristics in men, y'know? > Q's ftm - ok so, it fits. And I really really hate that it fits. It would make so much sense but holy fuck guys I cannot handle that ok - I'm ftm, and if he's cis then I can like at least partially remove myself from all of that... but if he's ftm then holy fucking shit everything just hits so much harder like guys I'm not strong enough to handle the pain of seeing this much of myself in him ok I will simply collapse, like him being seen as an object and sexualised and put down and belittled and pressured to be all submissive and shit just hits so completely different if you see it through the lenses of him being ftm and let me fucking tell you I am NOT ready for the breakdown thinking about it and how similar and in some cases identical to my own experiences it all is would cause m > ANYWAY with them both being trans it's just a combination of my previous thoughts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
hope that answers your question UwU anyway ha ha bye--/lh
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redbirdandbluebird23 · 2 months
Concept: Established relationship jaydick faking a "fake relationship" because they are not yet ready to disclose their real relationship to the rest of the batfam. So when Tim, Damain, Bruce, Steph, Cass,Duke, catch them out on a date, playing tonsil hockey on the rooftop, grinding on each other at the club, etc, they're all "obviously, we're only doing this for the mission, dummy. He's so not my type." And the other batfam members being various degrees of convinced about the "fakeness."
Honestly, I think it would be a hell of a lot funnier if they were caught in a compromising position by Bruce, who being the emotionally dense human being he is, just goes, huh, they must be working an undercover case.
Jason and Dick, being the gremlins they are, just decide to run with it and see how long they can fuck with Bruce before he has to admit its not for a case.
Cass and Alfred obviously already know about their relationship, but they're also down for messing with Bruce whenever the opportunity arises. But the rest of the family are completely oblivious. So, the announcement that Dick and Jason are fake dating for a case meets mixed reactions.
Babs and Steph are definitely suspicious, they can both see the little things Dick and Jason do for each other that are just a little too real to just be them faking. Eventually they can't take it anymore, and one, or both, of them outright ask if they're really faking. Jason would be shy admitting it, but Dick would be all beaming smiles and showing Jason off, but they were never planning to hide it indefinitely, so they have no issues coming clean when asked.
Tim and Damian are a bit like Bruce in the way that they don't even want to consider the alternative. But eventually Tim, much like Babs and Steph, sees something he can't ignore. It's probably not explicit either, just Dick and Jason trying to have a movie night in one of their apartments, wrapped up in each other on the sofa. They look so soft and domestic that a switch flips in Tim's brain and he's like, oh shit, this is serious. He definitely doesn't leave them to it though, he essentially crashes through the window and starts up a whole interrogation while Dick tries to stop Jason from just picking him up and throwing him back out of the window.
Damian though, Damian will willingly ignore all the signs that are right in front of him, just like his father, because it just doesn't compute in either of their brains that Dick and Jason could be together like that.
But then something drastic happens, maybe Jason gets badly injured on patrol and Dick comes into the cave begging and screaming because he can't lose him.
He ends up standing vigil at Jason's bedside, whispering into Jason's hair about how much he loves him, and please wake up, little wing.
Bruce is watching, because of course he won't leave the medbay, not when it's Jason injured, and he's suddenly forced to accept that it was never fake, that this is real and it terrifies him. Because if they lose Jason again, he knows Dick won't come back from it if he's emotionally involved, and if something happens to Dick, they'll lose Jason for good because Dick is the main thread keeping Jason in the family.
Bruce obviously doesn't say any of this, he just gives his support in the most monotone voice once Jason wakes up, and then goes to update his contingency files because he knows has a whole other angle to consider.
(Damian, however, initially can't decide which one of them he wants to stab because they both played a hand in raising him and he doesn't trust either of them with each other. It takes lots of bribes of homemade food and antique weapons to win him over onto their side)
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Transfem auntie buggy ideas again bc AAAA BRANROT I LOVE WOMEN-
Ya know,,,,, how Oda said,,,,,, Buggy COULD be really fucking powerful if there was effort put in? What if in transfem Buggy world, the effort was due to dysphoria-fueled depression and anxiety. Coming out ((and having such blatant and unrepentant support, from her lovers AND the Guild in its entirety)) leads to her actually... feel okay-ish. It's not a sudden in-all-fix-it ((she needs a PLETHORA of therapies)), but it starts her on a good path. Thay first step was difficult, but it was made... so much easier. Which leads to the second step. The third. The fourth.
And now that Buggy isn't having seventy four panic attacks every three minutes, she can devote some Brain Space to other things - her weapon making has become a sort of fidget toy type of situation, and she's.. actually really gotten a knack for this, over the years. She'd never call herself prodigal ((lowkey even if she is, with chemistry, physics and spatial awareness, she's so deep in the I'm A Liar hole that she doesn't clock that just.... Getting It isn't normal)).
Croc and Hawk are very supportive, even if they bully her (consensually).
And eventually, they even deign to try teaching her Haki - just to realize she's... been using it constantly almost her whole life. Her Observation is innate, acute, and one of the reasons she's so charismatic and able to reign in a crowd. It's both a talent for manipulation and also a form of reactive observation haki - by shifting her own energy among her followers, prospective or otherwise, she can encourage a specific reaction. It's a mix of Skill, Natural Talent and smoke and mirrors.
Learning that makes her wonder - if Haki can be so dynamic and THEN SOME, what other places has she not considered such an approach? Her weapons? Training? Her... her devil fruit...?
It's a paramecia. It affects her body, and she's gotten some rather decent control of it. Do paramecias awaken like zoans? Do logias? New Fixation Hours. She goes a little feral with the possibilities.
Suddenly, it seems like all of these little walls she never noticed before have fallen away, leaving a vast horizon of possibility.
Shanks will take a bit to arrive at Karai Bari, and he's expecting a specific version of his former best friend (or former love or former sibling, depending on Preferred Shuggy Flavor). He is anticipating the Buggy he saw a few years ago, but this time Woman Mode.
Crocodile and Mihawk's protective hovering is not exactly smth he anticipated, but he's willing to roll with that! His lovely Bug is just so pretty, he HAS to tell her, see her for himself, it's not even a want, it's not a desire, he needs it the way hee needs sea salt in his hair and a hilt in his hand and air in his lungs.
Buggy, meanwhile has skipped right tf over many emotions, instead Fueled By Hyperfixation, and while part of her is absolutely REELING at Shanks showing up unannounced on HER island, another part is cackling in mad scientist and saying "convince him to guinea pig, 'for old time's sake'." Shanks is WEAK to Buggy Begging Eyes, and Croc and Hawk ((while also weak but not exactly as weak as Shanks, they can pretend)) are watching and honestly laughing internally bc....
Well. Buggy's on a ROLL. And Shanks is her newest toy.
Poor Redhair has NO IDEA what he's in for...
SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A PRINCESS SHE'S LITERALLY LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is actually canon to me. Okay. Okay? She was just insecure and dealing with dysphoria and now she's the queen of the world. She owns it. Shanks is such a simp he's gonna let her do anything lmfao. And Mihawk and Crocodile absolutely love her and it's even funnier to bully her this way. And she's,,, She's so powerful. Queen. Absolutely amazing. Sexy but also really cute. Prettiest clown you've ever seen. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HER CLOTHES??? Because I have so many outfits in mind I am going INSANE. And I can't stop thinking about Luffy and her getting along and Luffy being extremely happy (not to mention Sanji, Don't- Don't let Sanji see her because maybe he dies. Me too).
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
I am sooo tempted to read the novel just so I can write a fic with Lloyd and Javier in a happy relationship with a mutual benefits agreement with Alicia and Silluria (who are of course also in a happy relationship) with the right characterizations.
honestly. that's such a fun dynamic. putting all of them in a happy polycule resolves so many issues at once and gives us such insane possibilities. i am now obsessed with this concept.
but also i'm bi so like. in my head. this is their arrangement.
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lloyd and alicia get married so he can have the tax benefits of being the royal consort and she can get rid of the annoying people she needs to be married and have someone to make an heir with, but he still lives in the frontera estate and they see each other every weekend when alicia gets visitation rights to yongyong because they share custody of him. once charlotte is born, she alternates between spending two weeks in the palace, one with only alicia and the other with both alicia and lloyd, and then one at the frontera estate with only lloyd.
as for why javier and silurian get married it's mostly so she can also get rid of the people who think that if she's her father's heir then she should at least be married so she can have an heir of her own. and well they spend a reasonable amount of time together, when they meet in the capital while accompanying their respective lovers so. yeah why not. they have two babies, the eldest a namaran and the youngest an asrahan, who spent two weeks at the palace, one at the frontera estate and then visit their grandfather at namaran one week every two months.
all four of them are Stressing™ about all those trips and poor yongyong and ggoming get so much work out but they're committed to giving their kids the chance to get to experience everything they have to offer them. but also they run a tight schedule and trying to organize anything is a nightmare, they get the hang of it eventually but the first couple years were An Ordeal.
everyone in court pretends not to know about their arrangement but it's really hard when the royal consort only spends two weeks out of three at the palace, bringing and taking with him lady namaran's husband, while lady namaran lives almost permanently in the capital with the queen.
that and also all three kids call alicia 'mom', silurian 'mama', lloyd 'appa' and javier 'papa'. so like. it's an open secret.
the facts its rumored that more often than not lord frontera and sir asrahan will share a room, while the queen and lady namaran have rooms next to one another, that may or may not have a secret passage between them and that more than once all four of them have been seen going in and out of the royal chamber is really not anyone's business either.
i do want to say this does not solve the fact that lloyd emphatically did not want to marry into a position of power and that silurian had a whole arc about not needing to marry, but. it is much funnier and gayer than the original ending so i'm a lot happier ajksdhjkahfkjds
of course this is just. what came out of my brain once you oppened that possibility ajskdhjkafds
please do try it out your own way, i'm sure you have some truly wonderful ideas!!! please. give us gays everything we want <333
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surr3al1sm · 7 days
How I think different Danceverses say “Cotton candy”.
Now this probably seems like the most random post ever, and honestly it is. But one of my favourite things to learn about regarding linguistics is how different countries have wildly different words for the same thing (Cotton candy being one of the funnier ones), and sometimes I think a little too much about how the different danceverses work and what their cultural differences would be. So this is a result of that.
Dancity: ‘Cotton candy’, just the basic one lol. I feel like Dancity would use cotton candy because I think Dancity’s culture would be comparable to the American culture we all know that is protrayed in popular media. So therefore I feel like they would use the same name.
Westerra: ‘Sugar cotton’, loosely based on the german ‘Zuckerwatte’. Now I know that Westerra is heavily based on like the wild west and western culture (and thus has nothing to do with German culture), but I feel like they wouldn’t use cotton candy, so I based it off a similar yet different play on the same words. It was important for me to have the ‘cotton’ part since I feel it fits with the whole western theme.
Carnavallium: ‘Spun sugar’, this one I’ve seen in all sorts of different languages so I don’t really know which one sparked the idea I just feel like they would call it what it is lol. Another fun fact is that since Carnavallium is like carnaval and circus themed I feel like they would be the biggest enjoyers of cotton candy. :)
Winterhaven: ‘Daddy’s beard’, based on the french variant (not even going to try tho, I don’t speak french). Why did I chose this cursed naming? Santa.
Eternyx: ‘Sugar spider’ based on the dutch ‘suikerspin’. This is the one that sparked this whole idea lol. I feel like they just would. Its the spooky factor but also just straight to the point with the sugar part. A big contender was the name in Afrikaans ‘Spooks asem’ which literally translated means ‘Ghosts breath’ but I wanted to be a little self indulgent with this one.
Sun Horizon: ‘Sweet cotton’, based on the portuguese variant (not even going to try just like the french variant). I was going to go with the Spanish name at first but that would mean using the same name as Westerra and I feel like the two danceverses are too different for that. So I went with the Portuguese version instead lol.
Cyberfunk: ‘Sweet cloud’, I’m not sure where this one originated but I found it on google and thought it was fitting lol. I could see Clementine using sweet cloud.
Wackygroove: ‘Old Lady’s hair’, this one is seen in multiple languages as well. I choose it because it made me laugh. Thats all really :)
Melosia Realms: ‘Candy floss’, the British english variant but I feel like a lot of variations are used here since Melosia Realms is described to have varied cultures. So I’d imagine people would have different names depending on where they’re from.
Floworld: ‘Candy floss’, just like Melosia Realms. Feel like these two danceverses would be very close in (general) culture due to both of them being closely tied to the flow. I do feel like coaches from Floworld would say that its the ‘correct’ way to say it, just like the British do.
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homestuckreplay · 1 month
pied in the face by my clown father
(Pages 91-96)
John and Dad's Strife continues, even while we can no longer click the buttons. What I love about this scene is how well matched they seem to be - the narrator says 'Looks like DAD will enjoy the prankster's gambit on that exchange, as is usually the case.' (p.92) but honestly, I think that's unfair to John. He's holding his own, equipping his disguise again just in time, stealing the pie tin from Dad so he can't magically fill it with another cream pie - and, well, the finishing move with ejecting Sassacre's was a lucky break, but maybe it's luck John can learn from for future encounters.
Speaking of Sassacre's, this is the third time where the weight of the tome and its ability to crush something has been relevant. On page 32, 'Good grief this thing is huge. It could kill a cat if you dropped it.' When we learn about John's nanna on page 52, 'A tall bookshelf. A ladder. An unabridged COLONEL SASSACRE'S.' And now its far more harmless, yet thematically linked, activation of the smoke pellets. It's a shame John already allocated hammerkind to his strife specibus, because Sassacrekind would probably be really effective, and very appropriate for his character. I have a lot of questions about the limitations of the strife specibus, and this raises a new one - is John capable of using any item as a weapon if it isn't a hammer? Could he hit someone over the head with Sassacre's still, or eject it from his sylladex to crush them? Or is he completely unable to damage someone with it, and can only use it as defense or utility?
Items being ejected is also a new use of the sylladex - I kind of assumed that the inventory just wouldn't accept any more items once it was full, [thanks to @tenaciouschronicler for the correction - we did actually see this already! silly me forgetting the tutorial so soon] but high speed blasting away the item on the last card is much funnier. It's also more helpful, as John can access the items on both the first and the last card, so long as what's on the last card isn't especially fragile. I wonder if John will be less angry at his sylladex now that it's actually helped him out. Probably not - his hatred seems to be more irrational than that, and he's not going to be in a good mood now that he's stuck with this giant cake - but we'll see.
Are we finally going to get Sburb tomorrow? Is John's path to the game and back to his computer undisturbed? Or is some other nefarious obstacle going to get in John's way once again?
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
What is one thing that little Leo misses about life before losing his arm, and one thing he thinks is really cool about his new prosthetic (besides blowing you up?)
Love 2 arms left by the way! It warms my heart 💙
Honestly? I believe the answer to both of these questions, is the ability to actually feel the arm!
He would definitely miss feeling stuff with that arm. Without feeling, its hard for him to gague how much pressure he puts on something, how much he is squeezing an object, ect. He has probably broken many objects just by not being careful about that, and relearning to just, hold things? Is a bit of a struggle. He cannot even feel if anyone touches there at all, same goes with textures, cant feel squat.
However? Not feeling in that arm is also the best thing about the arm. He can stick the arm in a blazing pit of fire and feel nothing. Can grab things out of the oven without an oven mit. Can touch anything he wants no matter the temperature. Guy tries to stab him? He can make the guy stab the arm! Sure it will cost Donnie another 100 bucks but at least it didnt stab him! Even funnier if he heats up/cools down the arms temperature through whatever means and then touches someone else with the arm to mess with them! He can hold Mayhem with that hand without worry of getting scratched or bit! Oh the possibilities-
And thank you so much!! I am so happy so many people are interested in this AU!! All the feedback I have been getting is absolutely incredible~
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