#it makes me uncomfortable. as an aroace person.
kozzax · 4 months
opened the alastor tag. it's full of alastor shipping. closed the alastor tag. screamed.
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ticklepinions · 11 months
This isn't a shot at anyone and although this is in response to a comment, this post is more for awareness.
Please, do not romantic my platonic. As an aroace person the way I perceive and experience love is very different from heteronormativity. I just find it so disheartening to like read that oh this friend you talked about definitely has a crush on you because of how touchy they are. Like my years of friendship with this person is just boiled down to romantic interest and to me that's real sad. I get that here in the West we are less touchy with our friends but why should I have to conform to that? Why should you conform to that?
Hug the homies, kiss them goodnight do whatever feels right between the two of you. Relationships do not have to be labeled all the time. It's annoying and frustrating to have people assume that one friend is falling for the other simply because they're comfortable holding hands platonically. "Oh but friends don't do that-" shut the fuck up. You don't get to define what's deemed platonic/romantic in a relationship you're not even involved in. I feel sorry for everyone that feels like they can't do things that are normally seen as romantic with your friends. Like seriously you're all missing out on the depths platonic love has. And idk why the world wants to make it my problem for its own ignorance.
Can't people just be? Without any hidden intentions or ulterior motives?
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therealjosephcranor · 2 months
Tbh I think people are clipping the wrong part of the Ivantill kiss like - okay yes the big sweeping kiss is BEAUTIFUL. But have you all seen. the last kiss. the tiny, sweet kiss Ivan gives Till just before he starts to choke him. When they make eye contact and you can see the determination and love in Ivan's eyes, and for the first time, Till finally sees him back.
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aroace-spec · 3 months
lately i have been so frustrated cause one of my friends keeps telling me that out of everyone, she believes i'm going to be the one married with kids no matter how many times i've told i don't want kids. do i see myself married? potentially. but i'm on both the aro and ace spectrum, so it's more unlikely, and i don't particularly feel the need. She insists that i have to get married, so i always like "haha yeah maybe" just hoping she would drop it.
at this point, it almost feels like she's acting like a third parent to me and trying to tell me what my future is, and i don't know what to do.
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rabbithaver · 2 months
If your son were to date you’re mosted hated hated kind of person who would you react?😈
that's a really good question. i guess it'd depend on who it is?
Silver reads as 14 to me, for the record — i know ages in the Sonic franchise are very hotly debated, but that's just how i interpret him. though honestly age in this series does not seem to correlate too much with independence. so, like almost everyone in the cast, Silver is tremendously independent, though i would argue he is almost uniquely so, as canon has never referred to him as... ever really having parents, and he clearly had to be independent in order to survive the hell world he grew up in, so...
i guess i wouldn't be hugely comfortable telling him who to be with or whatever. he's got his life sorted out for the most part. though... he does not have the best history with making decisions, so... i guess if he were like "hey dad this is my new boyfriend Mephiles :D" i would have Concerns™ lmao
whereas if it were Espio or even Sonic, it'd be fine because, y'know, they're good boys with good hearts ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
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rillette · 2 years
Who do you ship Jason with? I'm currently riding a JayRoy high and poisonivory characterizes Jason so so well. And Roy. Both of them
i ship jason with some therapy and a cool new hobby called rest and relaxation
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sirenium · 10 months
'Your tumblr crush-' please don't do this to me I'm quite literally aRO—
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[Banner ID: There's no DNI for this post. However, there's nothing stopping me from blocking you if you're a weirdo or an asshole. End ID]
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diamond-vic · 1 year
Full offense but If you see someone saying ‘I have a headcanon that these characters who never explicitly say they love each other romantically are in a queerplatonic relationship’ and you feel inclined to be like ‘no they have sex’ to them when said characters were minors the whole show and are literally only barely legal adults when the person were talking about them… maybe go away
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sereniv · 1 year
#my grandma yet again blurted out something i rather bring up when im comfortable or when its actually relevant#'oh theyre part yaqui' and immediately im like...oh no why#and rosie her friend just looked so elated#and said 'you gotta get that money'#idk how she couldnt catch how uncomfortable i was because i couldnt hide it#grandma why u do this i tell you not to#she did this with being vegan and being trans#i dont want to talk about these things unless i know im comfortable or its relevant#its personal! im embarasses! im uncomfortable!#and then when i accept it and go to actually talk about how i feel and my connections and yknow#talk from the heart#then she gets distracted. rosie my grandmas friend does. and interupts me#and its like cool so that whole situation was juat to make me uncomfortable. and now im going to be thinking about it#happened when me being trans was brought up and me being aroace#interrupted. dont get to explain or anything#but fucking just 'get that money' made me so mad. and she was so in her own little world#i couldn't cover up how uncomfortable i was and she didnt even notice.#GOD she is insufferable sometimes. and the shit she said about homeless ppl#rosie not my grandma my grandma is fine just. likes bringing me up i guess#but i just have to sit there and nod and like i dont want to pretend like it doesnt bother me but i also dont want to say something#honestly it also just makes me sad. like#when i try to talk about oh im learning this or im contributing this or whatever even unrelated#like just in general i get interupted. that really doesnt help my complex about not being listened to lol!#anyway food was good but experience sucked#im still mad about the money thing idek why i was shocked. thats totally a rosie thing to think#and then she even tried to argue with me that I could enroll like. no i think i know#my dad can my cousin can my other cousin is. i cant. and even if i could its not just an easy decision#ans especially not based in fucking money. AUGH. glad she offered me pot like yes i need to chill#let me look at the fucking raccoon#her dog is super cute tho.
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greyselkie · 1 year
shout out to videogames for giving me bi panic even though i'm aroace
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paladinofmidnight · 1 month
I'm aroace. Always have been, always will be. And you know what ticks me off the most about it? It's the sentiment from allo people, that tell aces/aros/aroaces that the love they feel "must be platonic!" Or that if the have sex or date they aren't a real ace/aro/aroace.
This is wrong. It is wrong now, it was wrong then, and it will always b wrong.
Aros are defined as people without any romantic ATTRACTION. They can date, fall in love, or maybe they never will, and they find happiness in that.
Aces are defined as people without any sexual ATTRACTION. They can fuck, fuck around, make dirty jokes, or maybe they never have sex, or are uncomfortable with even the idea being brought up.
Ik this, because I'm aroace, and I'm in a poly relationship. I love my two partners, my boyfriend AND my girlfriend, but you wanna know what? I was never romantically or sexually attracted to them. I, oh so simply, just fell in love with them. I trust them completely, and I love them more than myself.
If I was not in love with them, I would not be in a relationship with them. It's as simple as that. I am not allo, I find no meaning in pretending to be attracted to someone. I've dated before, although it was more from societal pressures than any feelings, and that is why I'm so certain.
I never got a crush phase, never got the butterflies in my stomach or the fantasys about someone I was not close too.
Many aros/aces/aroaces will probably never want or find such relationships with a person. And that's okay, but it does not mean all are like that. People under the A-umbrella are 1000% valid, regardless of their wants/needs to have or not to have a relationship.
The Acespectum is always one of the hardest things to figure out if you are, because it is impossible to teach what the absence of something feels like. So, if you think you are, take it slow. Figure it out at your own pace, and don't be afraid of someone else's anger that you may not fit what they think you should be. In the end it's your choice, your wants, your needs, and your life.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Hello, don't mind me, I just need to vent for a second.
First off, I just wanna say, as an aroace person on the ace-spectrum, feel free to ship Alastor all you want. Ship him with anyone. Have fun with it. Sex repulsed. Non-sex repulsed. Grey-ace. Demisexual. Pure unadulterated smut. Whatever, have at it. I love that shit.
Just please do it without infantilizing ace-aro people.
The amount of art, fics, and takes I've come across that's so patronizing to Alastor and his sexuality. Thing's like Alastor venting to Rosie about his feelings for a character with the caption "Alastor feeling love for the first time." Or Alastor wanting to have sex with a character and having feelings about that, and someone commenting "That's called a boner, sweetheart. That means you like them 🤭"
Like??? Like do ya'll not see how patronizing that sounds? Being ace-aro doesn't mean you don't know your own body. It doesn't mean you don't understand the functions of your body.
It doesn't mean you've never experienced intense emotions. It doesn't mean you've never experienced love before.
And, look, I know these are meant to be jokes. I know. People are joking. I laughed at the first few I came across, too. It's not meant to be harmful or condescending; no one means it that way. But there's been so much with such...bad takes recently, and I don't know about any other ace-spec people (I don't speak for all ace-specs. Hell, there are probably other ace-spec's who don't mind, enjoy it, or are making content like it themselves. I just speak for myself) but GOD it's getting uncomfortable.
Alastor is in his late 30's-early 40's in human years. That is the established age range we have for him. Do you really think that he'd go that long without ever experiencing "love?" He went through puberty just like everyone else, do you think he doesn't understand his own body???
Being asexual, or sex-repulsed, or touch-repulsed doesn't mean you automatically don't explore these parts of yourself. It doesn't mean he's never, once in his life, touched his own dick, or pussy, or whatever genitalia you're giving him. He can still very well be a "virgin" (which in and of itself is a social construct) while also knowing his body and confidently handling any "sexual needs" he has.
Do you really think he doesn't know what a boner is? That in all the years he's been alive and dead (on Earth and in Hell), he wouldn't have experienced these things once? (And you know what? Maybe he hasn't! Perhaps there are ace's out there like that! But you're telling me he doesn't KNOW what that is??? Really???)
Ah, no, it's all because he just hasn't found the right person yet, right? It's not until Lucifer/Angel Dust/Vox, whoever found him, and they gave him these feelings, and oh no, poor Bambi is feeling twitterpated and horny for the first time, isn't that romantic!
Honestly, not really. It just sounds like the same, stupid shit ace-aro people hear from family, friends, and acquaintances about their sexuality. You know, the tried and true: "Oh, you just haven't found the right person yet. You'll want all that eventually, you'll see😊"
Do you not see how frustrating that is?
Look, I am all down for Alastor exploring parts of himself. I want him to navigate different relationships, feel them out, figure out what kind of relationship he wants and what he's okay and not okay with doing. But there are ways to do that without treating him like a little UwU silly baby boy who doesn't know his own body, or his own emotions, or his own relationships with other characters. Like he needs someone to teach him about himself.
How about instead, he finds someone he feels comfortable exploring these elements with? Instead of them "teaching" him how to fuck, or masturbate, or whatever the hell you want to call it, they're giving him the room and safe-space to explore it at his own pace??!!
It comes across as someone who isn't on the ace-spectrum "teaching" an ace-spec character about their own sexuality which puts such a gross taste in my mouth. Or, at least, that's how it comes across to me.
And the thing is, I know people aren't going to stop. I know they're going to keep infantilizing Alastor and his aro-ace identity, and I wasn't originally going to make this post, because you can't control what people do in fandom.
So this is mostly just a post to say: HEY! Hello! Ace-aro person here! I hope you all are having fun and I love that you're exploring Alastor's asexual/aromantic identity! Especially those who may not be in the ace-spectrum themselves, as you're learning about us and our experiences! That's awesome! Can we just do that while also treating Alastor like the adult he is? Can we do that without being infantilizing and patronizing about his sexual identity? Please?"
That's all I really wanted to say. I just needed to get this off my chest instead of letting it fester. This isn't an attack on anyone, this is just the perspective of an Alastor multi-shipper who loves exploring his relationships with other characters (sexually and non-sexually) and deep-diving into the dynamics of the show.
Thanks for reading.
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Silly little Alastor headcanons
A/n: Just something little while I work on requests (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
I love writing for Alastor bro—
Warnings: none !!
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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📻𖤐 This mf is probably SO fun to gossip with, he somehow knows everything about almost everybody and leaves you with your jaw on the ground
📻𖤐 Also, sleepovers?? He’d be the best person to have there as well. He knows how to keep. Things entertaining
📻𖤐 It takes Alastor a while to get comfortable with the idea of any form of touch from you. It’s funny because he touches you sometimes but you can’t touch him without him getting all staticky and staring at you in an uncomfortable way until you eventually get the hint and stop..
📻𖤐 As time went on and you two got closer, he’d allow you to link your arm with his while walking through the streets of hell.. little touches here and there I think he’d allow from you sometimes too.
📻𖤐 Would 100% dance with you anywhere. Like seriously anywhere. Going on a stroll and there happens to be a little music playing? “Come on darling, let’s dance” Bored? “Dance with me”
📻𖤐 Not like anybody would say anything about it though, he’s the fucking Radio Demon, they’d have to have a death wish to do something like that.
📻𖤐 I noticed this in the show so it isn’t much of a headcanon but he bleats !! (A sound fawns make :3)
📻𖤐 It makes me wonder what other dear like tendencies he has, perhaps he sheds his antlers?
📻𖤐 lol imagine finding that lying around in Alastor’s room and just being very confused 💀
📻𖤐 Freaks out whenever he realizes he actually cares for someone, especially someone of lower status than him.. takes poor Alastor a little while to come to terms with lolz
📻𖤐 Doesn’t drink often but a glass of red wine is always a go to for him, usually paired with reading a book
📻𖤐 Is aroace but has no clue that’s the label for it until you two get to talking about it (“oh I’m just kidding, I know you’re an ace in the hole!” … “a what now?”)
📻𖤐 He probably reads a lot
📻𖤐 Adding onto the last one, he seems like the type of guy to read Shakespeare.
📻𖤐 Alastor is very particular about his appearance, needs to make sure everything looks good and will probably drop whatever he’s doing to fix something that alters his appearance in a way he doesn’t like. He has a reputation to keep, doesn’t he?
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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"Use me like a drug!"
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa x f!reader
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Highly requested part 2 of:
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa: "She's a regular here..."
Part 3 is out!!
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the love on my first part of Drug Dealer! Seonghwa <33 Special shoutout to @ygswl for letting me use her ideas for my writing~ I hope you enjoy this continuation as much as the original!
Ps. Sorry if its not as intense as you hope it would be 😭 I'm the most romantic aroace person u will ever meet, I like NEED to include romantic stuff
CW: mentions of drug dealing/mafia/illegal businesses, drug dealer! Seonghwa, yunho cameo, seonghwa and reader are dating, fluff,!!SMUT!!, unprotected sex (pls stay safe yall), consensual somnophilia/free use, seonghwa cries cuz pussy too good 🙏
Seonghwa hung up the phone, his face a mix of irritation and anxiety. He started pacing the length of his office's shabby rug. MATZ had recently been losing customers, courtesy of the new company, PARADIGM, that entered the industry less than a month ago. He had just gotten off a call with Yunho, his supplier and good friend who had intel on them. PARADIGM was apparently backed up by the son of a rich mafia leader in the city. This meant that they had higher budget, higher manpower, and higher quality goods. And they were quickly stealing MATZ's spotlight in the local drug-dealing scene. Of course, Seonghwa was willing to resort to dirty tactics to get back his customers. But even if he was able to find a group of hitmen to raid and temporarily disrupt their business, MATZ would face even worse collateral damage in the process. After all, MATZ was still a way smaller operation compared to PARADIGM. This news was nothing but trouble for Seonghwa and Hongjoong's business and livelihood, and he knew it.
He continued pacing the room, swearing out loud when he accidentally stubbed his toe against the coffee table's leg. However, he quickly cut himself off when he remembered you were resting on the couch. Tiptoeing over to the slightly-battered, leather sofa in the middle of his office, Seonghwa caught a glimpse of you sleeping peacefully under one of his coats. His tense expression softened slightly. Ever since he had fucked you in one of his new faux fur coats, you'd started stealing his jackets and coats, often using them as makeshift blankets whenever you visited or felt lonely when he wasn't around.
He sighed as he thought about how you had came over on your free day to spend time with him, but had ended up falling asleep when he was taking too long to answer customers' calls and order cancellations. It was a tough, busy period for MATZ, yet you would patiently wait for Seonghwa to make time for you, wasting yours in the process.
"I need to lie down..." He mumbled to himself, as he made his way over to where you were snoring lightly on the couch. Perhaps cuddling up to his beloved girlfriend for a nap would help to temporarily ease the building migraine work was giving him. He stepped over your discarded clothes on the floor, taking note of how the jean shorts and flimsy t-shirt were probably uncomfortable for you to sleep in. Running one hand through his messy locks, Seonghwa unbuttoned his collar with the other to give himself a little breathing room, before carefully getting under his coat to spoon you.
However, despite the presence of your comforting scent and warmth, he still couldn't get the possibility of losing his beloved business out of his head. He knew that it was understandable to be concerned, but he was struggling just to find something else to think about, even if it was only momentary. Suddenly, he winced at the feeling of something pushing against his groin.
Looking down, he realised you were unknowingly pushing your soft ass against him. Your skimpy silk sleep shorts left little to imagination, and Seonghwa could already feel himself getting hard. He groaned under his breath. Out of all times he had to be horny for his girlfriend, why'd it have to be when you were asleep? The last thing he'd want to do would be disrupting your rest when you were exhausted from a long week of classes.
This, however, brought him back to a text conversation you had with him just a few days earlier. You'd noticed how Seonghwa had been very stressed lately, and had brought up the concept of free use to him. Essentially, you gave him your permission to let him use you for stress relief, even if you were asleep. Seonghwa's heart ricocheted in his chest thinking about it, internally thanking the gods for sending an angel to him.
He carefully tugged down your silk shorts, chuckling at how you shuddered when his cold palms came in contact with your dewy skin. He was taken aback at the wet spot on your lilac panties. Were you expecting this? His face heated up at the thought of you being all ready for him to use at any moment. As if you weren't already the perfect girlfriend for him. Hurriedly, he tugged aside your panties and fumbled to pull down his own pants.
Seonghwa bit his lip, holding back a whimper as he sank his hard cock into you. His neck arched back, stretching out the letters tattooed across his long neck. He buried his face into your exposed shoulder, inhaling your scent as he effectively caged your frame into his larger one. His breath hitched when you whined and shifted in your sleep, but he exhaled a sigh of relief when you fell back into deep sleep with a satisfied look on your features.
Slowly, Seonghwa began thrusting in and out of you, setting a slow but comfortable rhythm for himself. He swallowed his moans as he leaned in to lick and suck at the skin under your jawline, leaving behind faint purple marks that would surely show later on. Even in your state of unconsciousness, your body reacted to Seonghwa's movements, clenching on him every now and then and letting out quiet moans. "S-shit, you're so good to me, sweetheart... my y/n," he mumbled more to himself than to you. "Even... even when you're tired and sleepy, you still help me out... I love you so m-much." The stress from work started to melt away, the migraine disappearing along with it. Your warmth and closeness was so overwhelmingly relieving that your boyfriend even started tearing up. His restrained moans turned to desperate whimpers and hiccups. He reflexively slid an arm around your soft waist, pulling you impossibly close to him and allowing his cockhead to hit an even deeper spot in you. This startled you awake with a loud moan.
You blinked sleepily at your surroundings, aware that Seonghwa was balls deep in you at the moment. He was too deep in pleasure to notice you'd woken up, though. You sucked in a breath when he hit that deep, new spot in your cunt again, tilting your head to leave a kiss on his tussled black hair, when you felt hot liquid dripping down your bare shoulders and sliding down your collarbone.
"Hwa? Baby?"
Seonghwa jumped a little, suddenly made aware that you'd woken up. He hesitantly lifted his head from your shoulder to make eye contact with you. Puffy, teary doe eyes stared back into your own.
"..hwa? Are you crying?"
"Oh...uhm, fuck, yeah, I'm so sorry, sweetheart--"
He started pulling away from you, embarrassed to be caught crying while literally fucking himself into you. But you grabbed his hand and looped it back around your waist, earning a befuddled look from your panting lover. You offered a smile. "Stressed?"
He gave a sheepish smile and nodded, lips trembling and eyes still shiny from crying. You gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips.
"So use me. Use me like a drug."
Seonghwa's eyes widened.
Shortly after the two of you had finished, it was Seonghwa's turn to fall asleep. You quietly watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. The tears on his face that hadn't dried yet were gently wiped away by a tissue clutched in your fingers. How could he be so effortlessly beautiful? Your attention was quickly drawn away by Seonghwa's phone vibrating on the coffee table. Anxious that the noise might wake your knocked out boyfriend, you reached over to pick up the call.
"Hello, Seonghwa? It's Yunho."
You let out a sigh of relief. You knew Yunho. He was a good friend of Seonghwa's and was also MATZ's supplier.
"Hey Yunho! This is y/n. Seonghwa's sleeping right now, and I don't wanna wake him up. What is it?"
"Oh my god y/n! Its been awhile since we talked. Seonghwa's resting? Thank god, honestly. Poor guy's been so stressed out lately, with that new company stealing all the customers. Did he happen to tell you about PARADIGM?"
"No, but they sound like trouble. Why'd you call him?"
"Fuck, yeah, I called because I got good news! There's another gang in the drug industry that's rivalling with PARADIGM. They're even planning to raid PARADIGM's hide-out within the next month. Both groups are around the same size and have similar backgrounds. High chance they'll wipe each other out when they eventually fight. I wanted to tell Seonghwa that he doesn't have to worry about losing MATZ anymore."
"Thank you so much, Yunho. I'll make sure to tell him the good news."
You hung up the call, bubbly with excitement and happiness. Seonghwa stirred in his sleep just as you hung up with Yunho. He rubbed at his eyes, mumbling a sleepy "who was that?". You leaned down to peck his lips, running your hand through his bedhair at the same time. "Go back to sleep first, baby. Rest and I'll tell you later." Seonghwa gave you a grateful grin and nodded before letting his head hit the couch pillow once more.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Dear Mr Gaiman,
I know the topic of queerness in Good Omens has been debated to death so please feel free to totally ignore this message :)
I just wanted to ask you about the labelling, or lack thereof, of Crowley and Aziraphale. As an aroace person myself, it makes me a little uncomfortable that many fans are happy to accept that they can’t be gay because they’re not human, but are still happy to give them the asexual label. As if gay identities are somehow more inherently ‘human’ than ace identities. And forgetting that there is a huge overlap in those identities, since there are plenty of gay asexuals out there.
I know it’s not intentional, but it’s hard to not view their unlabelled, ‘ineffable’ love in light of queer cinema’s historical context, which for so many years has resorted to queer coding, because queer love was itself considered ‘unmentionable’.
Thus, my question: would you ever consider labelling Aziraphale and Crowley? Even just as queer? Or would you rather their queerness remains completely up to interpretation, death of the author style?
I think either is valid, and will not take away from my excitement for s2❤️
I've described their relationship as queer many times. I've said it's not gay because neither of them is a human male. Here's a four year old tweet that might help clarify things:
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(Make, as I pointed out in the next tweet, is a typo for male.)
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kallesque · 4 months
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play god
cws // NSFW, SMUT, IF THIS ISN’T YOUR CUP OF TEA THEN LOOK AWAY MUTUALS I’M EMBARRASSED, leashes, blindfolding (?) but it’s dottore’s mask, 3rd person POV, femme reader.
╰┈➤ dottore x reader: for the record, i’m aroace.
𖤐 slowly, he drags her forward inch-by-inch, forcing her to scramble on her hands and knees lest she loses her balance and tips over. embarrassment burns at her face, battled by the chill of the room— she swallows back a cutting remark before it escapes her throat and opts instead for a sarcastic smile, faux-sweetness poisoning her words.
“how very charming. i see now why you’re so greatly loved.”
“not at all, darling,” dottore grins wider, more manic, “but i know you do.”
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the floor is cold under her as she kneels, head craned upwards to glare at him.
behind the beaklike mask, dottore smirks. it shields his gaze as red eyes traverse every flicker of her expression. he watches as her hand rises to fidget with something at her neck, her eyes following a path that ends at his own hand. 
he waits.
she sinks back to sit on her ankles, knees starting to grow numb and uncomfortable— but he prevents it when he tugs , her entire body lurching forward indignantly under the sudden movement. his grin only widens, teasing as his head tilts to regard her. 
something to say? 
“…i know that you wanted to try new things out,” she finally sighs, cheeks flushing slightly in embarrassment, “but was the leash really necessary?”
the doctor looms over her, watching as she swallows, nervous. her throat bobs beneath the leather, a pale, pretty thing. briefly, he thinks about slotting his fingers around it and squeezing.
“it’s fun , no?”
“humiliating, more like,” she murmurs. “what did you want me to do, even. crawl to you? sit up and beg?”
“oho, now you’re giving me ideas,” dottore giggles and she raises a brow, trepidation the faint shadow that veils the twist of her mouth. he takes a slow step back, and normally this would be salvation— only, the leash follows his movement, and the leather strap slowly grows taut, tugging at her. 
he seats himself down on the sofa, and her glare intensifies when she finds herself being pulled towards him slightly, defiance making her spine grow rigid and obstinate. dottore pats his thigh as he sprawls, a condescending little motion that makes her blood boil. “go on,” he mocks. “it’s like you said. crawl to me.”
she can’t see his eyes, but she feels the stare on her practically intensify, searing in the silence. “ no? ”
she presses her lips shut, refusing to say a word— and then he yanks so harshly that she falls forward, hands cushioning her fall before she can tumble face-first into the floor. something like a surprised half-wheeze wrenches itself from a constricting throat, and she bites back curses before she can spit them out.
slowly, he drags her forward inch-by-inch, forcing her to scramble on her hands and knees lest she loses her balance and tips over. embarrassment burns at her face, battled by the chill of the room— she swallows back a cutting remark before it escapes her throat and opts instead for a sarcastic smile, faux-sweetness poisoning her words. 
“how very charming. i see now why you’re so greatly loved.”
“not at all, darling,” dottore grins wider, more manic, “but i know you do.”
his remark is met by silence and another tug on the leash, more insistent this time, pulling her forward another few inches. this time, when he finally ceases, she’s positioned between his legs, neck beginning to ache in earnest. a pause hovers in the air between them, and the doctor lapses into thoughtfulness before leather-clad fingers graze her chin, holding her in place.
“stand up,” he intones. 
she flashes him a startled little glance, defiance glittering in her eyes.
“you wear your emotions so openly on your face it’s adorable, my dear,” his voice drops, “now stand. ”
to her dismay, when she rises, her knees threaten to collapse from beneath her, stiff from disuse. a moment passes as she wobbles unsteadily, and she thinks she hears him snicker under his breath at her internal struggle. “you’re into some fucked-up things, doctor.”
he laughs, low and raspy, and the sound makes heat bloom against her skin in the wake of it. “you entertain my whims regardless. something tells me you’re not as against the idea as you try to seem.” a hand reaches up, experienced fingers working to remove his mask— within mere moments, a scarred face makes itself known before her and garnet eyes hold her captive.
she’s the one looking down at him now, but something in his piercing gaze has her helplessly pinned in place as a thrill shudders down her spine. the leash dangles uselessly as he places his free hand on her waist, an immovable pressure coaxing her nearer and nearer— though she may hold the higher vantage point, it all boils down to a mere illusion of power, toppled easily by the fingers at her hip.
“cat got your tongue?” he taunts. “i don’t bite.”
his fingers flex, malicious, and she’s knocked off-balance in an instant. by instinct, she reaches out to steady herself— seeking a grip, a saving grace, anything— and she lands wide-eyed on his lap, hands braced against his chest.
without missing a beat, he rearranges her so that she ends up straddling him, legs bracketing his own and hips pressed right into his. at this, her composure cracks, a sharp exhale of air serving as the dead giveaway to her rattled nerves.
“though i could, if you’re this eager.”
sharp teeth gleam, that razorblade edge the last thing she sees before darkness envelopes her vision, a cool touch like metal curving over her skin chased by the warmth of his hand. it takes her a moment to adjust as he slots his mask over her eyes, heightening her other senses all while he mutes one.
“most people just opt for a blindfold,” she snarks.
“i like the way my things look on you,” he remarks flippantly, and she stoically ignores how her cheeks warm.
from where she sits astride him, she can feel him pressing up into her through the layers of fabric that divide them both. a reminder of the current situation at hand— though not an entirely unpleasant one, if she dares to be honest. dottore shifts his hips up teasingly, and her entire spine stiffens, biting down something that sounds suspiciously like a moan.
with her sight dulled, her awareness of everything else increases tenfold. the jolt of excitement that skitters over her nerves leaves her near-breathless, and it sounds out in her voice as she speaks, tone airier than usual. 
“s-surely you can’t toy with me forever. you grow predictable, lord harbinger.”
he notices, of course, the leather dangling from her neck picked up once more as he plays with it, twisting it between his fingers. though she’s unable to pinpoint his exact intention, the eyes that she feels boring into her are enough of an insinuation to enlighten her.
finally, the leash grows taut again as she’s pulled down, her face angled blindly towards his. she can’t help but allow her body to relax, melting against him when hot breath ghosts her lips and sends her head spinning.
“do you recall,” he hums dangerously, “what happened to the last person who talked back to me?”
she licks her lips, suddenly nervous. “i do.”
“and the one before them?”
the echo of a bloodstained memory flickers red-hot through her mind. “yes.”
has she crossed the line? surely this is the extent of it for her. even with her, the doctor’s patience is a finicky thing.
“ terrible things happen to those who oppose me,” he comments patronizingly, and the hand on her waist slides up her back, halting at the back of her neck and pressing her down even more. it’s as if her senses submerge themselves in syrup, dazed in her unseeing stupor— he’s irresistible even when menacing, a whisper of fear drowned out by desire.
“but you…”
his lips graze hers and she whimpers, body awash in heat as he purrs, “i quite enjoy your defiance. i wonder why, darling.”
a harsh tug on the leash pulls her into a downward spiral, closing the gap as dottore finally kisses her. 
he grins against her mouth, sharp teeth nibbling at her lower lip before he bites , chuckling when she yelps at the taste of metal blooming across her tongue. in the blindness imposed upon her, she's weightless, the only grounding force presenting itself in his body beneath her and his hands on her skin.
she makes a sound of complaint, his hand sliding up to her hair and idling with the strands. “shh,” dottore coos. “sweet girl, just relax .”
“let me see you,” she murmurs, placing her hands on his shoulders as she pushes herself up a little higher, looking sightlessly down at him.
“have patience.”
“ please ,” she repeats stubbornly, “let me see you.” precariously, she balances her weight on one hand, the other rising as she feels around his mask, trying to unfasten it from her face.
dottore hisses in irritation and her hands are ensnared in a flash, leather-clad fingers squeezing the bones of her wrists so tightly that she whimpers in pain. 
he wrestles her arms behind her back and holds her like that for a moment. “i don't like repeating myself twice,” he purrs, low and raspy. heat rushes through her so fast that she trembles for a second, a delicious shiver racing up her spine. 
dottore leans forward, pressing their bodies together face-to-face. she jerks her arms instinctively, trying to put space between them— his hold remains unmoving, tightening on her until she's arching in his lap, head tipping up slightly.
“lord harbinger, i— mhhf?! ”
he pauses in his ministrations for a moment, lips pressed against the smooth skin of her neck before his teeth sink in harshly. she twitches, accidentally grinding down on him. another gasp spills from her lungs at the pleasure-pain. 
dottore smirks. “hmm?”
he bites into the fingertip of a glove and pulls it off, doing the same to the other as he recollects her wrists in a one-handed grasp, leaving her at his mercy.
“i, oh ,” she stifles a cry when cool fingers wander under the fabric clothing her torso. again, she strains against him— to look upon her tormentor, to touch — and again, he denies her, grasp unflinching and lips travelling down and down as she trembles.
dottore unbuttons her shirt, her chest heaving roughly as he laughs, unbridled glee taking on the sound of something darker. the shirt falls open, revealing an expanse of skin beneath that he slides his palm over briefly, the touch burning like wildfire on her oversensitive nerves.
his hand pauses at the waistband of her underwear, fingers hooking into it teasingly. her breathing stutters.
her arms loosen from their position, falling limp at her sides. distantly, she hears the clink of a belt being unbuckled. 
“place your hands on my shoulders.”
instantly, she obeys, fingers digging tersely into the fabric of his shirt. the sound of cloth tearing greets her ears as he rips her underwear off in one smooth motion, baring her completely to him. he grinds her down on his lap without penetrating her, slickness coating him easily as she chokes on a whine. “y-you—!”
in the next moment, the mask finally falls from her face, allowing her to bear witness to the condescending smile on his countenance, wicked as he mocks. “m-me?”
scarlet eyes glitter hungrily and he rocks his hips up before she can respond, making her gasp. “you're so unfair ,” she moans, her grasp on his shoulders tightening.
“unfair?” he pulls her in by the leash, piercing gaze boring into hers. “you were the one who wanted to see me as i toyed with you. haven't i been nothing but just ?”
a momentary silence is interrupted by an impatient yank on the leash. dottore's smile sharpens. “shouldn't you thank me? go on, doll , ride me. worship me with your body.”
she holds eye contact for a long, drawn-out moment, and perhaps it's the heat simmering in those scarlet optics that drives her next move— the recognition of her own want mirrored in his gaze and the knowledge of his own desire for her that sparks the dredges of defiance once more.
so she tangles her fingers in his hair and tugs , heedless of the hiss that spills from gritted teeth when she meets resistance. “no,” she mutters, challenge the edge that lines her reply. “i don't worship you. i never will.”
a soft laugh greets her in response, and teeth scrape along her neck. she swallows the whimper that threatens to escape her, and her eyes slide shut.
“say that again,” dottore hisses.
she twitches as his voice skitters over heated skin, lips a prayer at her throat— and forces herself into stillness. “tell me again that you don't worship me.” the drag of teeth slides razor-sharp, enough to make her choke on a breath, and she feels his lips curve against her in a wicked smile, a stark contrast painted against his false patience.
“i don't.”
fingers trap her chin, squeezing her face harshly.
“you will.”
and god , she's loath to admit it, but when he claims her mouth again, all cruelty and teeth— when her blood stains his lips in a blasphemous kiss— she will not admit it — but it's his name and no other that she gasps out.
and he doesn't let her go, drunk on her as if she's the last breath he'll ever take. her lashes flutter hazily and she catches glimpses of a blood-red stare between blinks, even as her oxygen dwindles and the fervour between them rises. 
“lord harbinger,” she tries to say, cut off by his tongue when he licks into her mouth, hot and overwhelming. “lord harbinger!”
she tugs at his hair, begging for a lungful of oxygen— but the groan he exhales into her mouth tells tale of the opposite effect intended and he pulls her even closer to him, a pleased rumble spreading into his chest.
“sir— dottore!” 
desperately, she yanks harder at his hair, finally wrenching his head back and cutting the kiss off. she inhales, breath rising and falling as she stares at him, wide-eyed and lips swollen.
the doctor, on the other hand, looks smug, the fingers at her chin adjusting. he presses a thumb into her mouth, keeping it open. “ooh , did i get too carried away?”
“ yes ,” she gasps, forgetting to sound irritated.
something sly sparks in his gaze as she eyes him down. dottore cants his hips before she can react, sliding completely into her within the next moment. he fills her so completely it's sinful , the stretch making her jaw slacken and arousal pool in her core.
“y-you bastard ,” she stutters, helplessly squirming on him.
dottore cackles at her expression. “caught your breath yet?”
“no, wait— aah ,” she whimpers as he shifts, setting her nerves on fire again.
the fingers in her mouth prod harder, pressing down on her tongue. “oh, that's right,” dottore remarks casually, ignoring her, “what was that you said earlier?”
her response comes out garbled. “that i'd never worship you.”
“no, not that, darling.” he hums, feigning thoughtfulness, “ aha , i've got it. if i recall correctly…”
the realization dawns on her when he snaps his fingers.
“you called me sir . i quite liked that, see,” he explains. “do you think you could do that again?”
she blinks stubbornly. “dream on.”
“ aww , i promise you'd like it,” he singsongs. his hands fall to her hips, caressing the soft skin.
“i will not, lord harbinger. ”
she's not sure what the devil himself looks like, but this must be it— his grin shifts from charming to sly, manic as he lifts her up and slams her down on him,  surging forward to swallow down the cry that forces its way from her lips.
he breaks the kiss and fucks up into her, watching as her eyes flutter and her lips part in pleasure.
“darling, we'll just have to find out, won't we?”
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