#it is also still so much i can't say and can't typically get a proper outlet for
arcaneyouth · 2 months
i think the one downside to people thinking my comic is super awesome and compelling is that i don't actually get to ramble about spoilers very often because people really want to see it play out naturally aisdUHASLDIUHASLIDH which is fair and flattering. i'm going to implode with all the words in my chest i'm not allowed to say tho
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Sevika × Lawyer!reader
I feel like Sevika would be spilling all the gossip. We all know this woman doesn't dance around the point, and her lawyer is just like, "NO. You CAN NOT say that on the stand."
this is SO funny it reminds me of a post that i'll try to find from a while back where someone was like 'sevika didn't even try to keep vi a secret from jinx she just loves to gab' jlsafkdjlfak
also, i have no idea how court proceedings or law in general works, so this is just me bullshitting lmaooo
men and minors dni
when you first started out as a lawyer, you were broke as shit, young, and incredibly overworked as a public defender.
in your first year practicing, you defended a man named silco, who was being charged with drug trafficking. his case was easy-- there wasn't enough evidence for a proper prosecution-- and you managed to get him off with no charges.
five years later, he approached you again. apparently, in the time since you'd last seen him, silco had built himself a successful shimmer business. you were still broke and overworked, but you weren't young and idealistic enough to want to be a public defender much longer. so, when silco asked you to become him and his crew's full time criminal defense lawyer, and when he showed you the paycheck he was willing to give you for your help, you eagerly took him up on his offer.
now, you're working full time under silco's employ. your typical day consists of giving silco legal advice, or bailing his teenage daughter out of jail. his crew is smart, they rarely get caught, but every once in a while you have to enter the courtroom to defend one or another of his goons who tripped up.
like today, for example.
sevika is silco's number two, his right hand woman. you've met her a few times in passing-- she likes to lurk, standing behind silco's desk as the two of you talk or chauffeuring the two of you down to the local precinct to get jinx out. but you've never had the chance to talk to her.
at least not until now.
sevika was arrested, suspected to be the ring leader of the local shimmer ring. she isn't, of course, and it should be relatively easy to get the charges dropped.
it should be.
but as you're talking with sevika in a private room, coaching her for her time on the stand, you realize that this might be one of the hardest cases of your life.
because sevika can't keep a secret to save her fucking life.
"okay, so where were you the night of the 24th?" you ask. sevika blinks.
"oh, was that a friday?" she asks. you nod. she chuckles. "i remember. me and silco were testing out some new product in his office all night. we got a bit carried away... called some girls over, drank the bar dry, heh, it was a good night." she says, smiling.
"sevika, we practiced this!" you say. sevika blinks at you.
"o-oh shit, right. uh, i was at home, in my apartment." she says.
"were you alone?" you ask.
"uh... yes?" she tries. you groan, and move onto a different line of questioning.
"what's your relationship to silco?" you ask. sevika cringes.
"ew, fuck, don't say relationship." she mumbles. you chuckle. "he's my boss." she says.
"and what do you do for work?"
"me or silco?"
"well, silco runs the operation, i keep his clients and goons in line."
"and what, exactly, is that operation?" you ask. sevika gulps.
"uh. b-buisness?" she tries. you snort. "he runs a bar." she says, biting her lip to keep from talking, likely trying to keep herself from adding on 'and he's the biggest shimmer producer in zaun.'
you're impressed by her restraint, and you smile at her. she grins.
"and what do you do to keep his 'goons' in line?"
"beat the shit outta them. sometimes more, if they really fucked up." she says, shrugging. you groan, leaning forward to smack your forehead against the table between you and your client.
"sevika. you're fucking with me, right?" you ask, dropping your lawyer voice to talk to the woman across from you. she hums.
"trust me, hotstuff, if i was fucking you, you'd notice." she says, smirking. you groan.
"that's not what i--!" you cut yourself off to take a deep breath. sevika grins. "don't give me that smile, you're gonna end up in prison if you don't get your act together!" you scold. sevika shrugs.
"would you come visit me?" she asks, batting her eyelashes at you. you huff.
"cut it out." you say. "this is serious, sevika, how the fuck are you so bad at lying?"
"i dunno. fuck do i have to lie for? i say what i mean, and i mean what i say." she says. "like, for example, i'd really like to get to know you better. both mind and body." she says, smirking again. you can't contain your laugh, despite the growing concern you have for the woman in front of you.
"i can't go out with clients." you say. sevika pouts.
"why not?"
"i could lose my license." you say. you shuffle through your papers as sevika eye fucks you, trying not to get distracted by your attractive client. "okay, let's try some easier questions. when did you start working for silco?" you ask.
"ten years ago."
"and he immediately appointed you to second in command?"
"fuck yeah he did. have you seen me fight? he'd be stupid not to."
"sevika!" you cry. she blinks.
"you can't say that! you can't say any of this!" you rant, raising from your seat to begin pacing. "you-- do you want to end up in stillwater? because that's where you're headed if you don't get your head out of your ass and start taking this seriously."
sevika blinks at you, a smirk on her lips, one of her eyebrows raised. "you're hot when you're angry." she says. you could strangle her. instead, you throw a handful of papers at her head. she squawks and dodges them, and you scrub your forehead in frustration.
you take a break, slumping down in your chair and collecting your thoughts. sevika pulls out a joint, and you make grabby hands for it. she snorts as she hands it to you.
"don't think you're supposed to get high on the job."
"yeah, well you're giving me a migraine. gimmie." you demand, snatching the joint out of her hand and putting it between your lips. sevika just giggles, lighting the end for you as you inhale. "thank you." you say after a moment, exhaling the smoke and passing the joint back to your client. she takes a hit and relaxes back in her chair, her eyes not leaving yours.
"fuck are you looking at?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"you're very attractive." she says simply. "i've always thought so. and now you're all huffy and angry at me-- it's only making me like you more." she says again. blunt as ever. you sigh.
"tell you what." you say after a while, taking the joint from her mouth and putting it in your own. you take a hit, rising from your seat and rounding the table, before sitting on the table top right in front of her. you blow the smoke out in her face, and sevika blinks up at you, stars in her eyes. "if you start taking this seriously, and if you don't end up incriminating yourself on the stand, once the charges are dropped-- which they will be if you get your shit together-- i'll let you take me out to dinner." you say.
sevika grins. "really?" she asks. you nod. "dinner and dessert?" she asks, her eyes dragging down your body. you snort.
"don't push your luck." you mumble. sevika just smiles.
she ends up getting her act together pretty quickly after that. you aren't sure if she was truly that motivated by your offer-- or if she was just being obnoxious before-- but either way, you're happy.
when her day in court arrives, sevika's cool, calm, and collected. you aren't. you're nervous as shit, worried that she'll slip up while being questioned.
before the judge arrives, sevika nudges your foot with hers under the table. you look up from your papers to stare at her. "what?" you ask.
"relax. 'm not gonna fuck up a chance at goin' out with you." she whispers. you huff a laugh.
"you're ridiculous."
"mhm, and you like it." she says.
she ends up doing great. there are a few moments where she nervously eyes you from her spot on the stand, and you have to dig your nails into your palm to keep from mouthing the lies you'd rehearsed together to her. she figures it out though.
and when court is dismissed, after the charges being dropped, you don't even leave the courthouse before sevika's tugging you into a supply closet and pressing you against the door.
you smile at her.
"i did it!" she says, giddily. you giggle. "you did it!" she adds on, shaking you by your shoulders. your giggle turns into a full-blown laugh, and sevika grins at you.
"congratulations, sev, you're a free woman."
"free to do this too, right?" she asks, her hands coming up to cup your face. you snort and nod.
"i guess a deal's a deal." you say. sevika giggles.
"oh please, like you haven't been counting down the days until you could get your hands on me." she mumbles, rolling her eyes. you giggle and shrug.
"i plea the fifth." you say. sevika laughs, and then you tug her forward by her suit jacket to press her smiling lips against yours.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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thattimdrakeguy · 24 days
I'm reading the Batman Zdarsky run in reverse. That way if I see any bull I can back out at anytime: and to be honest--besides a few things. I really enjoy it
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LIKE YO, THAT IS JUST STRAIGHT UP TIM DRAKE RIGHT THERE. It knows who he is as a character. his motives, it's great.
Screw the people complaining "oh why is tim still robin :((", THIS IS WHY HE IS STILL ROBIN. Because this is when he's at his BEST. When he gets to hit his character purpose, WHEN HE GETS TO BE HIM AT HIS MOST HIM. It's FANTASTIC.
Reading in reverse because I know I hated the first story, it was so contrived and ridiculous.
But this--this is some good shit.
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Tim being an underdog fighter, having to use his wits to win the fight? MY DAWG, MY DUDE, MY GUYS, MY GALS, MY THEMS, MY THEYS, THIS IS SO TIMMY DRAKE. This is so damn Tim Drake, guys. Oh, my gosh, I am loving this so far.
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Dick has his temper back? And trust me, he isn't normally like this. But he's hitting a limit AND IT'S SOMETHING NEW, NOT JUST A REFERENCE. HE'S ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING HE'D DO, 'CAUSE HE'S AT HIS LIMIT. That's wonderful, man. That is so wonderful.
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Plus Tim is the heart of the Bat-Family again? This feels like someone actually went back to read these characters before writing it. I'm not saying everything is perfect of course, but these high marks are exceeding all my expectations. And I STOPPED reading comics because of how the beginning of this run destroyed any hope I had.
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You guys have no idea how much I'm enjoying the few issues I've read. Besides the cussing (I remember after a bit they decided Tim was someone who used funny words instead of proper cusses), this feels like the Tim I know and love during the era I especially loved him.
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Tim comparing himself to his predecessors? Tim not being a natural? A WRITER REMEMBERING THAT?? It's been so long since I've seen that! Most writers treat him like he was another prodigy when he wasn't. AND THIS GUY REMEMBERED THAT!
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I shouldn't be so happy at just seeing Tim do Tim things, and serving his character purpose. BUT YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE A WRITER KNEW WHAT TIM WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE.
Only complaints I have is that Jason feels like a typical Bat-Family member, and not the sketchy outsider that he is. Making him so close makes his character more bland in my opinion. And Steph is--also generic af unless she's wacky quirky...which is a characterization I hate for her, because she started off so damn interesting, but they made her a freaking trope instead, which is such a disservice to her, but she barely does anything so far, so whatever I guess. Doesn't mean much.
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This is the first honest thing I've seen that I hated.
Not this
This isn't the Bat-Family
This is a sitcom world the fandom wants to be the Bat-Family and some comply with
They're not a sitcom. The conflicts, and uniqueness of the characters is what makes things feel alive and well.
This stuff is cheap fanservice for the fanon demographic that doesn't buy comics to begin with.
Fanon doesn't belong in canon.
I mean sure Tim could be drawn smaller, the gag of him looking 12 when he's nearly 18 doesn't work when he's bigger than Damian who is 15 (and contrary to some bullshit comics isn't meant to be small. that was a random thing added for writers who aren't clever to write better humor. it actually contradicts things that were already established).
Don't see the big deal though for most of this.
Can't wait to find it, though. Oh boy.
This whole obsession with Zur Batman, is way over done though. So--I wouldn't be shocked if that was the problem, because my golly does that plot point not seem to be stopping--and it was there from the start and part of the reason why I didn't read it 'til now.
Good Tim tho, at least. So heehee, yey for that--I think--I guess.
Oh, well.
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It let me peak at a pseudo-version of an AU I made up years ago. So that's pretty freaking cool.
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Always a plus.
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And redoing Red Robin story beats but better? Normally I'd hate references to Red Robin, 'cause that changed the perception of so many characters for the worst, but ayy, a bit of redemption isn't bad.
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Man, just seeing simple stuff like Tim and Bruce being good ol' classic Batman and Robin warms my heart. It's been so long since Batman and Robin has acted like a proper classic Batman and Robin. It's dynamic that's been sorely missed by many.
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Like, DUDE, this is such a Tim thing for him to do!!
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And he's showing emotion?? He's crying like how he does?? Because he's not a typical Bat-Family member who just angsts his way through?? THEY'RE MAKING HIM STAND-OUT AGAIN BY MAKING HIM, HIM??
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Like this part is why I originally stopped reading, not because Bruce should think Tim is his soldier, and not his son, THE FREAKING OPPOSITE.
But because the original story has Bruce acting weird when unneeded, just to say this was so unneeded, and adding in all these stupid corny Bat-Family moments was so groan worthy.
This run started off with a story that was a total turn off for me.
To end up being a run that could've kept me enjoying DC, rather than running away from it from as far as I have.
Chip Zdarsky started off awful, but really, he ended up great.
And I've seen people complain about his run, and TRUST ME, there's stuff to complain about. But I have only ever seen the stuff worth complaining about, or stuff I WOULD complain about.
At least when Tim is around.
Go figure.
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Maybe I should've paid sole attention to how he wrote Tim and nothing else at the very least for that first story.
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'Cause even in the first story, Tim was well-written--it's how cheap the rest of the story telling was in that first story that turned me off--and the weird knew about the movie plans that I am still fully judging harshly. (Love the new Superman film suit, though)
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toujokaname · 8 months
An Unfamiliar Sight (HiMERU Idol Story)
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Author: Kanata Haruka
Characters: Rinne, Niki, Kohaku, HiMERU
"—HiMERU also feels restless in his school uniform, you know."
Season: Winter Location: Lounge in TV Station
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Rinne: Hiya~ I got to the dressing room earlier than expected, huuh.
I've turned into a respectable member of society ♪
Niki: What're you talking about, Rinne-kun. A respectable member of society doesn't typically stroll into the dressing room right at the last minute.
Uh, wait? Is Kohaku-chan the only one here?
Rinne: Ain't it weird that Merumeru's runnin' late? Did he get a stomachache or somethin'?
Kohaku: Haah. You both just go at yer own pace as always. Didn't y'all see HiMERU-han's message?
HiMERU-han mentioned there were some procedures at Shuuetsu Academy he couldn't miss, so he'll be late.
Rinne: Academy? Oh, yeah, Merumeru's still a student.
Any way you look at it, he doesn't look like a student at all, so I totally forgot.
Niki: I completely forgot about it too. So HiMERU-kun's an earnest student, huh~
But, you know, it's kinda mysterious. I feel like I've never seen HiMERU-kun in his school uniform.
Even though we've already spent a bunch of time together?
Kohaku: Yeah, that's right. When Crazy:B got thrown into the same room, he and I both took a temporary absence from school.
He returned to school after movin' into the Seisoukan dorms, so we haven't had a straightforward chance to see it, y'know?
Rinne: Gotcha. Well, I guess Merumeru ain't tryna hide it either.
In that case, wouldn't it be interesting to see Merumeru in his uniform at least once?
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HiMERU: —What about HiMERU's uniform?
Rinne: Oh, speak of the devil ♪ Hey, Merumeru. You're wearing your uniform this... time...
HiMERU: Apologies for the delay in getting here. HiMERU will get ready quickly.
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Rinne & Kohaku: .........
HiMERU: Amagi, Oukawa, what's the matter? You look quite dumbfounded.
Rinne: Gyahahahahaha! Hey, hey, ain't that a bit too much, Merumeru?!
HiMERU: What is it with you laughing all of a sudden, Amagi?
Niki: Woah~ It's my first time seeing HiMERU-kun in his school uniform.
Yup, yup, I see. So it feels like that~ It's kinda refreshing.
HiMERU: —Right. Now that Shiina has said that, HiMERU gets the gist of it.
However, he finds it upsetting to be laughed at to this extent.
Kohaku: No, sorry, HiMERU-han... It ain't like I'm burstin' out laughin' like Rinne-han, but....
Seein' HiMERU-han in an unfamiliar outfit, I was at a loss for words to describe this strange feelin'...
Rinne: No matter how I look at it, you look like a cosplayer! For real, my stomach hurts! Gyahahahaha!
HiMERU: (...Is it really enough to warrant saying that?)
Rinne: Hey, hey, don't make that face, Merumeru.
I've never seen ya look like a proper highschooler before, so I just burst out laughing.
Kohaku: My bad, HiMERU-han. I'm in the same boat as Rinne-han.
There's a saying of "the clothes make the man", but in yer case, it's the opposite.
The uniform can't compete with yer mature atmosphere.
HiMERU: —Amagi, Oukawa, there's no need to force yourselves to keep talking.
It seems like you are desperately trying to patch it up, but the conclusion remains the same.
From now on, no matter how much of a hurry he's in, HiMERU will make sure not to come to work still in uniform.
Rinne: Don't get so pouty, Merumeru. It was my bad.
See, I never really went to school properly.
So it's prolly the norm for highschoolers like Merumeru to exist, yeah?
Niki: Well, besides HiMERU-kun, none of us are really attending school properly. Even I only graduated middle school.
Kohaku: I'm also just startin' to get back into school.
If you think 'bout it that way, the only one here who's leadin' a decent student life's HiMERU-han.
I wonder what kinda highschool life yer leadin'. I'm curious now...
HiMERU: —HiMERU can confidently say it hasn't been the youth that Oukawa is expecting.
Rinne: But, actually, you're havin' an exquisite time at school, ain'tcha?
Accordin' to our deputy director, Shuuetsu's a place with a well-established employee benefits system.
HiMERU: HiMERU hardly makes use of it. Naturally, HiMERU prioritizes idol activities.
—Ah, but some of the services available at Shuuetsu may indeed be described as "exquisite".
Kohaku: Oh~ If HiMERU-han says so, then they must be real good.
What the heck are they? I wanna know for reference.
HiMERU: Although it may have sounded grandiose, it's not such a big deal.
It is only a ryoutei—that is to say, a high class traditional restaurant. You can enjoy delicious dishes with well-balanced nutrition.
Niki: Please wait a second!
A ryoutei?! There's a place like that at Shuuetsu Academy?!
HiMERU: Yes, it seems that it is managed by the same affiliate company as CosPro.
A dedicated chef and nutritionist are assigned to each idol to provide the optimal menus.
It is reasonably inexpensive for students, so it has been helpful for HiMERU to utilize it several times when he eats meals.
Niki: ...I see. There's such a heavenly place in Shuuetsu, is there.
I've decided. I'm gonna transfer to Shuuetsu Academy! And I'll eat a bunch of food at the ryoutei!
Kohaku: That's a lousy motive, Niki-han...
Rinne: To begin with, Niki's a middle school graduate. You gotta start from the beginning, not as a transfer!
You'll be a first year in highschool and it'll just be too tough, so forget it, forget it.
You'd be better off securing your future by becoming my housewife and getting a permanent job at my place.
Niki: I hate that, I don't wanna be taken away by Rinne-kun for my whole life!
Please, HiMERU-kun! I don't like being pushy, but I wanna go to Shuuetsu's ryoutei too!
HiMERU: —HiMERU can't do anything about it single-handedly.
However, Shuuetsu Academy is a school for outstanding idols.
If Shiina can demonstrate exceptional talent as an idol, perhaps...
Niki: Are you for realsies?! You must be!
HiMERU: —Provided that you can demonstrate your ability. In that sense, this upcoming recording may be just the right chance for you.
Niki: Alriiight! Once it's decided like that, I'll get to work right away!
Rinne-kun and Kohaku-chan, we're going all out today!
The taste of ryoutei is waiting for me!
Kohaku: Niki-han really is a guy who only cares 'bout his stomach...
Rinne: ...Nice job baiting Niki, Merumeru.
But I won't take the blame for whatever happens later, aight?
HiMERU: —HiMERU understands that. That is why he didn't confirm anything either.
In the worst case scenario, he will take out a meal from the ryoutei and bring it back to the dormitory. It's humiliating, so he'd rather not, if possible.
Now, let's put an end to the chitchat. There's not much time left for the recording, so let's get ready quickly.
—HiMERU also feels restless in his school uniform, you know.
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Note: About the housewife line... Yeah I don't know man. What it says on the tin. The page just talks about how women getting married used to be referred to as a permanent job, which is what Rinne says Niki should get with him.
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weenwrites · 6 months
pre-dating hcs of tfp smokescreen and wheeljack (separate) with a shy/awkward human charge, what would both make of them, how long would it take for their relationship to progress, and how would the confession happen? 🙏 thanks for the food  
✎ A/N: Here you go! Hope you enjoy it ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's so smitten with his crush that his view on you is actually a bit skewed and biased. He thinks you're one of the best people in the world and he'd enjoy hanging around you whenever he gets the chance.
He's so eager to prove himself to you that he rushes head-first into things at times to try and impress you. He stumbles here and there at first, but when he gains his footing and calms down a little more, he pulls off rather impressive feats to try and catch your attention and your praise. Now of course he doesn't want to seem too desperate or anything that would make him seem unappealing to you, so of course he tries to play it carefully and make it seem like he isn't trying too hard to vie for your attention... It's a fine line, and he's not too sure how to try and reach that perfect "middle zone".
Smokescreen's typically the kind of person to take initiative, sure, but when it comes to you he's at a complete loss on where in your relationship he should go ahead and ask you out on a date, and he agonizes over these things for days on end. Whenever he looks back on times you've spent together in the past, he'll sometimes mutter to himself all about how "that was the perfect moment! Why didn't I take it?!" and "ugh... I should've confessed to them then..."
When he thinks he's mustered the courage to, he tries to do it at the pinnacle of an impromptu "date" when you're both having the times of your lives. But even then, it's hard for him to even begin saying anything, and he doubts whether he should be mentioning it at this time specifically, but he's gotten this far... so... he should do it! He should take this chance while he still can!
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He thinks you're cool in his eyes, regardless of whether you are or aren't. He has a tendency to treat you like a partner in crime of sorts. He'll take you out to go do something fun, but it's also probably something dangerous. But if that isn't your cup of tea, then he'd settle for just sticking around you and talking.
While he's pining for you, he doesn't actually treat you all that differently, nor does he act too differently either. He's still pretty chill and casual around you, and the only difference is that he wants to hang out with you more. As a result it's not too clear that he like-likes you. And if you're sorta the same, then your relationship will take quite some time to progress since he's trying to guess if he has any sort of chance with you, but he can't find any signs.
He's not afraid to pop the question... Well... Maybe he's a bit afraid... But he's willing to take whatever answer you give him, no matter how bad it is. So he finally bursts the bubble one day. It's not during any special moment the two of you are spending together, or anything like that. It's just on a normal day while you're both hanging out. He drops it so casually that it sounds like he isn't nervous in the slightest, but if you were to listen more carefully to the way he says it, and pay more attention to the look on his face and the glint in his eyes, or the way he's wringing his hands... He's nervous.
He gets what it's like to long for the way things were, and he's worried that if you don't feel the same way, he'll be left wishing for that same old feeling of friendship between the two of you. But much to his relief, you feel the exact same way, so he doesn't worry about that for long.
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thebisexualdogdad · 6 months
The blue canary - Thea Queen x Male Lance!reader
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*a/n: Laurel didn't die in season 4*
● you had known Thea practically since birth through your older siblings Laurel and Oliver being childhood friends and eventually dating
● you were really close but grew apart at 12 when Oliver and your other sister Sara died in the Queens Gambit ship wreck
● it wasn't until you were 17 and Oliver (and later Sara too) came back that you reconnected
● it's a real slow burn relationship not getting together until you guys were 22 after the whole Damian Darhk fiasco
● by this point Thea has become speedy and you've become the blue canary following in your sister's footsteps
● you already knew your way around a gun thanks to your dad as well as being trained in hand to hand combat by Laurel and Sara
● but your weapon of choice are your blue shurikens
● Laurel and Sara are even more protective of Thea than Oliver is when you tell everyone you're dating
● you expected the whole typical older brother "if you hurt her I'll hurt you" speech from Oliver but instead he's just like "if you ever break her heart those two are the ones you need to be afraid of" he says pointing to Laurel and Sara
● Laurel "he's right you know"
● "Why are you threatening me?? I'm your brother??"
● Sara "yeah but we like Thea better"
● meanwhile there's Quentin "how is it that every single one of my kids has dated a Queen??"
●"it could be worse, I could be dating Oliver instead of Thea"
● Quentin "don't even joke like that Y/N"
● Oliver “Hey I'm right here”
● getting interrupted all the time by your siblings
● even at your apartment they let themselves in with keys you didn't know they had
● you and Thea are busy making out on the couch and Sara just pops in
● "Sara! Knock first!"
● "I come to see my little brother after being gone with the legends for 6 months and this is the welcome I get?"
● one time you joined the legends going back to the 1800's
● as fascinated with the waverider as Thea was she is perfectly fine not time traveling anymore
● "Hey babe, Sara invited me to go on another one of their missions you want to join?"
● "no thanks, I'll stay here in the present with electricity and proper plumbing"
● Thea is much better with a bow and arrow than she is with your shurikens
● she was trying to throw one at your target practice set up in the arrowcave when it flew completely past the target and nearly hit Oliver in the head which he ducked just in time
● "Okay no more shurikens for you speedy"
● "come on Ollie I was so close to actually hitting the target this time!"
● "were you??"
● date nights also getting interrupted when Felicity calls you in to stop ongoing crimes nearby
● “damn and I was really looking forward to dessert too”
● Felicity “please tell me by dessert you mean actual food”
● Thea “well there was definitely going to be whipped cream involved”
● you and Malcolm Merlyn do not get along at all
● “Thea do you really need to date this guy, I expected someone better for my daughter”
● “Merlyn if you don't shut up I'm going to cut off your other hand”
● Thea “do I need to separate you two??”
● it's still awkward doing any sort of PDA in front of Oliver
● you kissed her goodbye before heading out for a mission and Oliver is just glaring at you
● “Y/N and I have been together for two years, I really can't kiss my boyfriend in front of you yet?”
● “nope,” is all he says making a show of picking up his very sharp arrows
● Laurel whispering to you “you're lucky I'm the one who caught you guys in the med bay earlier, if it had been Oliver those arrows would be in your chest right now”
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slasher and stranger things characters with a book worm s/o
So I've been recently getting into reading a bit more and I'm building quite a collection of books. But if I ever learn how to bind books I'm making so many books out of fan fictions that I love. Anyway 2023 is my reading era and I wanted to write something for any other book worms here. I threw in a few Stranger Things Characters because I haven't written for them in such a long time and I've been meaning to do it. Sorry for the long little blurb.
Warnings: Typical mentions of slasher stuff like murder, violence, etc, reader being lovingly teased
Includes: Vincent Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Johnathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent has never been much of a book guy. He's much preferred working with his hands and writing than reading books and things like that. But that doesn't mean he won't be supportive of your hobby.
He's going to indulge you as much as he can. Getting you every book and magazine in the town for you to read. If you ask he'll tell Bo to buy you some books whenever he goes into a real town.
Will ask you to read to him or ask you about whatever book you're currently reading. He loves to work on something while you're reading a story to him.
Doesn't matter what type of book it is, he wants to read about it if you're interested in reading it.
Vincent likes drama books. The more dramatic and gothic the better.
Brahms Heelshire
The Heelshire mansion is full of books to read so you'll never have to worry about running out of things to read. Most of them are classic books or old rich people books but I'm sure that there's still great things to read.
Insists that you read to him while you're reading whatever you are. If you're the type of person who likes to annotate their books in whatever way he's going to want you to read them to him too.
Will ditch the kid books at bed time and insist you read him a chapter of the book you're currently reading.
Also takes the time that you read to him as a way to cuddle with you. Despite being 6'3 he's gonna wanna sit on your lap while you read to him. Or have you sit on his. Whatever the case you two have to be cuddling while you're reading.
Brahms likes children's books the best.
Bubba Sawyer
I'm not saying Bubba is dumb, but he probably can't read very well because he's never really had a proper education. If you're into books he's going to want you to teach him how to read better.
Now the Sawyers don't have much books at home but if Bubba finds any on victims he'll give them to you. He'll also ask Drayton to go into town and buy you some.
He'd love to cuddle with you while you read to him. He loves physical affection and including something that you really enjoy just sweetens the deal.
I know that before the internet you had to go to a woman you know, cosmetology school, find a magazine or get a book on makeup looks to learn how to do makeup and I feel like Bubba has a ton of magazines on how to do makeup that you can read.
Bubba would really like romance books, putting himself in both the womans and the mans positon.
Jason Voorhees
Like Bubba Jason can't read very well, but that won't stop him from trying to improve his skills. He'll get you as many books he can find around camp and on victims. He'll probably ask you to give him lessons too.
I think that Jason has a collection of books that his mother gave him as a child or books she read herself and a good 6/7 months into the relationship he'll give you those books to read.
Will build you a bookshelf from scratch. I was talking about this with @chronic-boogara but Jason would 100% build you a book case from scratch. Like go and chop the wood himself and everything. But you might have to go buy him some more supplies.
Would adore if you read your books to him. Will drop anything he's doing to cuddle up with you and read the book with you. Especially if it's after a long day of work at the camp.
I think he'd like more fun adventure fiction books.
Eddie Munson
Will tease you for being a nerd when he is also just as big of a nerd as you. He means it as a joke and if anyone else makes fun of you for being a book worm then he's going to fight them.
He doesn't have the money to spend on buying you books but he'll constantly take you to the library whenever you ask. He'll also save up and buy you like five books for special occasions.
If he's working on a new campaign and lacking ideas he'll ask you about what's happening in your book, especially if it's a fantasy book and draw inspiration from there.
I've said this before but Eddie is touch starved and very handsy because he's never had a partner before you. So he'll always have you read to him while you're on his lap or cuddling in some kind of way.
His favorite books are horror or fantasy books.
Steve Harrington
Will also call you a nerd, but in a loving, joking manor. If anyone but him or a close friend makes fun of you for literally anything he's going to get aggressive. Well verbally at least.
English was never his strongest subject. He doesn't get why you're willingly reading books not for school but he doesn't really care, as long as you're enjoying yourself he's happy.
Steve does have money and he will spoil you with books and whatever else you want. If there's a movie adaption of a book you like coming out he's taking you to go see it and will listen as you explain the differences between the book and the movie.
If you try reading to him he's just gonna fall asleep. It's not because you're boring him, it's because your voice while you read is so calming. It makes him even more sleeping if you're cuddling together.
His favorite thing to read is probably sports magazines.
Johnathan Byers
He's not an avid reader but he likes to read from time to time. He quickly picks up on your hobby and will take note of it too. He listens to every word you say about whatever book your reading and will remember it.
He memorizes your favorite genre, tropes. authors, etc so when he has the money he can go to a book store and buy you something he hopes that you like.
Would love it if you read to him. He doesn't care what the book is about he just wants to hear you talk. Also loves it if you do voices for different characters. He might tease you a little about it but it's all in good fun.
I feel like if he ever has the chance to get you a signed copy of a book you love he'll do it. He'll either get it signed first then give it to you or drive you to whatever book signing is going on and help you get it signed there.
His favorite book genre is fantasy books.
Nancy Wheeler
She's a book lover too. I feel like she's the type of person who tried to write a book in the 3rd grade and forgot about it after three chapters.
She'll happily trade books with you or read the same one at the same time so you can have a little mini book club.
Will read to you if you ask her to and will let you read to her. She finds it calming and fun to read together. Maybe not with much physical contact but still reading to each other.
If she has spare money she will take you book shopping. I think that a cute date idea she has is buying you a book and you buying her one then highlighting any lines that make you think of each other.
Her favorite book genre is romance.
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ohmyspacesailor · 3 months
Little things I've noticed on my rewatch of 1x01
So, it's been a while since I've actually watched the show and I've started to miss Crowley and Aziraphale something fierce. So I've finally started at the beginning and here are some small things that stood out or that I didn't notice to that extend before. Nothing revolutionary, but maybe you'll enjoy / be devastated by it anyway.
Eden: Crawley saw Aziraphale before their talk on the wall since he mentions seeing him with a sword. They kept hanging around the garden for a while, but haven't talked that much since Az asks Crawley's name?
After receiving the Antichrist: Crowley is devastated. The way he days "Already?!" gets me every time. Is barely able to keep it together infront of Hastur and Ligur (terrific acting by David here). Immediately tries to call Aziraphale.
Park, going up the stairs: "It's not some little temptation I've asked you to cover for me while you're in Edinburgh for the festival". Their arrangement is so casually lived in by then. And the way Aziraphale lights up when he's invited to lunch. Also, Crowley's hair is stunning in the sun here.
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After lunch: Az gets totally distracted by Crowley's company, forgets all about Armageddon or their disagreement over it. Wants to open a bottle for a "special occasion", tone indicating inside joke / hidden meaning. There's a theory about that being sexual, but while I support that headcanon I think it's more of a joke along the lines that it isn't actually a special occasion, because they drink together all the time.
Infront of the bookshop: "this is purely social" Sure Az, as if that makes it any better in heaven's judgement. Now you're just being silly! (see what I did there?)
Making the pact: How cute is Crowley here?!? I already knew that and think about it constantly, but seeing it again is something else still. I mean, seriously:
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Babysitting Warlock: How somehow Nanny Ashtorath is able to sing so much better than I've ever heard David Tennant do (no offense) is a proper mystery to me.
Meeting on the bus: Why don't they talk on their job as nanny and gardener lol?They must have endless opportunities and still they hang out even more. Ok, probably more like a plot hole for coolness than being meant romantically on purpose here, but still.
Bus and dinosaur park: Crowley can't bring himself to tell Az the whole ugly truth about the antichrists power / the dog not to frighten him too much. This is really sweet and very telling about how he sees him as kind of naive and innocent. Also, he's protective snek. Another amazing thing here is how he doesn't even consider killing the Antichrist himself although he is been working against hell all along anyway. Ties nicely to the bandstand scene later.
In the shop: "Crowley: Would I lie to you? - Aziraphale: Obviously, you're a demon, that's what you do". While his is pretty hurtful towards Crowley and typically blindsided of Aziraphale, it's also so devastatingly accepting of him as well.
In the shop at the end ("he's named the dog"): Crowley is really, really afraid and that respectively makes Az nervous (the looming doom in his delivery of "welcome to the end times").
That was all for this round... In general it blew my mind how much of their story is already in episode one!
And I'll never get tired of mentioning how David and Micheal disappear completely into their characters. I try to admire their work in the moment, but I keep forgetting it's them. Only because I have seen so much of them by now can I spot them as the actors in tiny moments that last mere half-seconds. That's always a weird triumph. "ha! I've seen a glimpse of Micheal's smile there!" or "the way Crowley says 'helly hellhound' sounded very David" and that's basically it.
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HII!! How are you :) hope you wouldn’t care if I make this request BUT… could I maybe request Any of The Creepypastas (PLATONICALLY) with a Child! Creep! Reader who has a Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche Personality?? Basically like dress like them as well and the same story ^^ So Riliane is a very Wealthy Princess who’s very selfish, whimsical, and egotistical? feel free to have fun with this!! just do whatever you’d like :) thanks!
Hello! I do not have much knowledge on this character, but I did some research and I hope this is to your liking! <333 I also tried to use some of the more popular creeps and some I've never wrote for before
Thank you so much for requesting!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Creeps with a Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche Child!reader
Eyeless Jack
When you arrived at the mansion almost everyone knew immediately
Even Jack, who spends his time locked away either in the medical wing or in his room
You have a very....loud personality to say the least
The first time he ever meets you, it's after you tripped in the garden and scraped your knee
With the way you were screaming one could've sworn you had your leg chopped off
Oh and don't get him started on when he tried to clean the wound
Once you had calmed down enough to actually sit still and let him fix you up, that's when you got started about how "horrid" the medical bed you were sitting on was
A princess like you deserves better than some hard, cold table with thin paper carelessly spread over the surface
Jack doesn't indulge in your snarky comments, and instead focuses on carefully placing a band aid on your knee ("It has to have unicorns!")
Whenever Jack sees you around the mansion, it is typically when he's getting some extra food
You tend to enjoy commenting on how "greasy" he looks
And occasionally he'll allow you to at least file his claws down to silence your constant begging to make him "look like a proper gentleman"
You certainly humble him, that's for sure
Ticci toby
When Toby first hears about you, he assumes it will be another situation like Sally's
Just a small child, so sad and confused as to where they are, what's happening and why it's all happening to them
Boy, was he wrong
The second you arrived you made it known that you weren't going to take nothing from nobody
He kind of respects you for that tbh, you go kid!
He tries his best to make a good impression, offering to play dolls or bake sweets
You, of course, are not up for it
"Those dolls look as if they've been burnt in a house fire and baking is servant's work."
A small piece of you is pleased that someone is actually making an effort to make you happy
Then again, everyone should be trying to make you happy
Toby tends to be the one you hang around the most
Only because he'll do practically anything if you ask nicely enough
"Tobias, go get me a blanket for my afternoon nap, pretty please"
"Well, since you said please...."
Jason the Toymaker
Jason thinks you are the sweetest little thing
He doesn't seem to see that selfish, egotistical side of you like the others do
You are a perfect little angel in his eyes
And a wonderful model
To go with your lavish lifestyle, you need new dresses quite often
And since Jason is so good at sewing, and is great with children, you tend to gravitate towards him
He senses your style so well too!
You give him a messy sketch and he executes it so perfectly
Even his suggestions are up to your standards
"I was simply loving this pattern you wanted, but instead of maroon how would you feel about gold trimmings?"
You have such a wonderful array of choices thanks to him
Of course, there are moments where you can't wear your fancy dresses (For example when you are working)
The day you got your uniform you downright refused to wear such a hideous outfit
But Jason managed to fix it up so that you at least managed to wear it
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ponett · 1 year
some more SLARPG-related questions and answers taken from my retrospring:
Hi, I wanted to start by saying I loved your game and it meant a lot to me. Instead of gushing sappily though, I wanted to ask about the cross iconography in Melody's staff and Provence's armor; what cultural or religious significance does this symbol have in the world of Reverie? (If it doesn't mean anything to them but does to us that's cool too!)
the + shape (typically in green) is the symbol for healing magic, rather than a religious symbol
hi! in an answer on here just now you referred to "the beast kingdom", is that a canon thing and there is a monarchical governed body called The Beast Kingdom, or was that just something you threw out there because you didn't have a name for it, or some exciting third answer?
the country slarpg is set in is The Beast Kingdom. i can't remember if that's actually stated in the game. i think it is? maybe it was cut from the intro so as to not overwhelm the player with Fantasy Proper Nouns up front and i forgot to put it somewhere else? idk. the sapphire islands are some distance off the coast, and brightport is on the mainland
i saw some speculation about this based on the name, and yes, it's intended to be a modern constitutional monarchy
(after answering this i doubled checked, and yes, the name is mentioned in the game)
Is there any kind of animal species beast folks strictly CANNOT be? (besides RandomFurryUser726's custom closed species obviously)
off the top of my head i can't think of anything they COULDN'T be, no. mammals, birds, reptiles, sea creatures, bugs. i guess when you get to some of the more oddball invertebrates it becomes trickier, but i also wouldn't completely write off the possibility of coming up with a jellyfish character or whatever. it's just less likely that i'd go for something like that compared to, you know. furries
since holly floated the idea in her own stream: Did Jodie forge her own grill?
you know what? sure. this is canon now
How did Claire come to choosing her name? Was is just a name she liked the sound of or is there more significance for her?
undecided due to how much that part of claire's life is still unexplored
just curious, but is zinnia's hair color intended to be more 'older woman gray hair' or 'magical girl white hair'?
her hair is naturally a very light blue, like how melody and jodie just have naturally white hair
i pictured the scrap cannon skill working by magnetizing a bunch of scrap metal around one's arm to make an arm cannon and firing off a big ball of more scrap metal from that. is this a valid interpretation?
this isn't how i picture it but it's cooler than how i picture it and also adds yet another mega man allusion to the desert, so
Given that it's the day of the Big Game: How do each of the Novas (+ Faith/Beverly) feel about sports?
jodie likes sports and follows the brightport teams actively, but she's also too good of a sport to really hate their rival teams
allison's always liked the act of playing sports way more than watching them (although she was never good enough at following orders to play on a team as a kid). she'll watch the big games with jodie, though
beverly is a casual fan who will at least root for local teams but doesn't really pay that close attention
melody and faith don't follow sports but can be convinced to show up for a super bowl party type get together
claire can only get invested in a sport or team if there's a jon bois type documentary that gets deep into the nerd shit
Were there ever any other names other than SLARPG in the running? Or was it always gonna be slarpg all the way.
i always considered changing the name. i have a list of 75 different names i considered over the years in my notes, ranging from more generic fantasy titles to sillier ones to more unique ones. early on most involved melody's name. many later ones include "Reverie." i may share the full list someday (possibly good fodder for a patreon post), but the "serious" title i've mentioned considering before was Power Couple (or Power Couples). i still like that one
i debated over the title a lot for many reasons. mainly, people are weird about the title, either treating the whole game as a joke or assuming it's porn or whatever. some also assume that you just cannot play the game if you aren't a lesbian, a thing that people don't do with other fantasy things that happen to feature sapphic relationships without putting it in the title
the problem, of course, is that changing your title is often a death sentence. half the struggle with marketing a game is even getting people to remember it in the first place in an era where a million things are constantly fighting for your attention. people need to have seen it a few times before they create that mental connection of "oh, THAT game, i've heard of that." so changing your title massively undercuts that
in that regard, Super Lesbian Animal RPG is just way more unique and memorable of a title than the alternatives i was considering. it's direct and unambiguous about the content of the game, and it grabs your attention in a way that something like "Guardians of Reverie," for instance, doesn't. (that's not a title i was considering too seriously, just an example.) also it abbreviates to a unique hashtag, which i find convenient. also i can say that rock paper shotgun once referred to it as "brilliantly named," so like, of course i can't change it now
several of the names i considered are now in the running for an overall franchise name, though, since i have zero intention of naming a game Super Lesbian Animal Platformer or Super Lesbian Animal Visual Novel or whatever
I wish you could kiss Holly this life is so unfair
fear not my friend, large women exist in our world as well
are all cars on Reverie weird fantasy vehicles like the one in the Celestial Wasteland? or was it just the fact of Greenridge being a tiny town with dirt roads that made cars irrelevant to mention or see in the story?
fantasy vehicles such as flying cars and airships are very common on reverie, but regular wheeled vehicles still exist too. (there is a conversation about motorcycles in the game.) i'd imagine regular, non-flying vehicles are just the cheaper option, but they're also not particularly necessary in greenridge, a small, old town built for foot travel that doesn't exactly have a highway connecting it to the mainland
from the sounds of it, would it be safe to assume that the exact level of involvement you had in the characters Anthony/Scarlet designed varies from character to character? Like for some characters you'd have a solid-ish idea of gender/species/age/role, other times you just have the role ("I need an NPC to fill this nice"), and other times they just sprung a design on you without any prompting from you?
yeah, it varied a lot. for example, faith was a character i conceived and had a pretty clear idea of, but i was struggling to come up with her design, so anthony offered to give it a shot. other times i might request something from him, and he'll give me a black and white concept sketch that i color and then turn into a sprite. but then you've got, like, the paladin brigade, who are characters anthony just pitched to me thinking that they'd be a good addition to the cast. he came up with their names, designs, color schemes, personalities, team dynamic, everything. i just filled in details where necessary. the boys are also anthony's babies - they would not have been included in the game at all if he hadn't pushed for it
meanwhile, scarlet's characters (which included a good number of more general NPCs that didn't make it in due to time constraints) mostly consisted of me giving her broad directions like "we need some adventurers to hang around noel's sanctuary," and she'd come up with her own ideas from there
what's the hardest part of making a cohesive and/or compelling narrative to you?
for me at least, it's the logical glue that holds a story together that's the hardest. that's just the type of writer i am, and as far as i know it's pretty common to feel that way
i'll know specific scenes i wanna hit, emotional beats, the general mood and tone, images i want to use, those sorts of things, but the logical shuffling around of pieces on the chess board to connect those disparate moments is harder to nail down for me. why is this character doing this? why are they here instead of there? why can't the protagonists just do this other thing to solve their problem? what in the narrative is going to steer them towards this next moment? what is this supporting character's motivation that informs their participation in this event? why did this character know or not know this key fact? etc. and in a video game - especially an rpg like this - there's that added layer of needing to give the player clear objectives, having reasons for them to go from point A to point B, excuses for gameplay elements to space out the story beats, and whatnot. it can be a lot to juggle
with slarpg in particular i knew most of the big emotional beats and major setpiece moments i wanted to hit early on, but the logic of the plot took a LOT of reworking. lots of late night pondering and scattered notes trying to piece together the villains' plans and things of that nature
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knotwerk · 22 days
holy shit i fucking love editing. (remind me i said that in two weeks.) 
i’m working on the proper hydration series finale aka PH6. i finished writing the first draft on 4/6/24, clocking in at 85k words. and then i sat on it for a few days before rereading it, did an extremely cursory once-over edit, and sent it off to my first reader & og beta @demolitionwoman-blog (CHEERS!!!). she started working on the beta, and by the time she hit chapter 3, she made the observation that the next step in the editing process for this might not be a typical beta read, but a structure/development read, and maybe a reverse outline would be a good next step. 
and i was like, i have never heard of a reverse outline. like, i have never heard of most things, really; i just started writing fiction in fucking august 2022 and am having a FUCKING BALL learning by doing. so i googled reverse outline, read the top three hits lol, and was like OH FUCK YES. 
because i do not Outline-outline when i write. all respect to those who do!!!!!, but i just Can Not. i have tried, and i get both daunted and bored, and that combo is like fucking kryptonite to my brain. for a longer piece (or a piece that doesn’t just burst out of my fingertips in response to a gifset or bts drop or tweet or gc comment 😅), i do make a sort of vibes outline. like, i open a fresh doc and splort down all the themey ideas i’m able to put words to at that point, and i make notes on whatever beats have already formed in my head, but it’s loose and sketchy at best. and then i write and see what happens as the story unfolds, and i go back to that notes doc to sort of talk to myself about it, to update the vibe outline as i get further in my draft, etc. 
but PH6 is the longest & most complex thing i’ve written yet, so by the time i got to the end of the first draft—by the time i’d put the whole story into words—i was like, oh my god, what is this. like, has this done the thing i wanted to do, per my vibe outline, and also, what did it actually do, and is it legible (whatever that means; like far be it from me to tell the reader what they should get out of something, but, generally speaking, is it cohesive.). now that i have told the story, like… what the fuck is the story about please, and does it "work." 
so i “finished” my reverse outline yesterday and omfg it’s helping so much and it’s SO EXCITING!!!! LIKE, THIS IS HELPING ME WRAP MY MIND AROUND THE THING I DID, SO I AM BETTER ABLE TO SEE WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO!!!! AND I CAN WORK WITH THAT!!!!!
it’s like i had a bunch of kittens scrambling around in my brain and while i was writing i was like 'oh i love these kittens so much, and i really hope this story herds these kittens effectively so they slow down just enough that people can really see their cute little faces (including me, i am people)' and then i finished the first draft and was like 'ahhh did the story herd the kittens??? i can't tell, they're still moving too fast in my brain' and then the reverse outline showed up and was like I COME BEARING TUNA AND FIFTEEN CARDBOARD BOXES and now i can see the kittens better. 
and then! i slept on it last night, and this morning my brain was like, “oh, here, why don’t i just efficiently articulate the vibes and arrange them in a tidy visual diagram that reveals how they all flow through the story for you?” WHEE!!
and then i got so excited that i had to put it down and write all this instead of working on it further 
(this, which could probably use its own reverse outline lmao)
like, i’m reading Mary Ruefle’s Madness, Rack, and Honey, which is a book of collected lectures that i cannot stop screaming about and that slaps so hard i keep having to throw it across the room, and just the other day i read, in the chapter “On Secrets,” 
I used to think I wrote because there was something I wanted to say. Then I thought, “I will continue to write because I have not yet said what I wanted to say”; but I know now I continue to write because I have not yet heard what I have been listening to.
and i think the reverse outline is helping me hear it a little better, and that is fucking exciting.
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aesthethief · 11 months
Togachako in Chapter 394
I need to get this out of my chest, so it's best to just dump it here.
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This panel here says:
The breakdown is as follow:
お茶子ちゃん (おちゃこちゃん) : Ochako-chan
と (to) : and, with, if, when, promoted pawn (shogi)
出久くん (いずくくん) : Izuku-kun
みたいに / 見たいに (mitai ni) : similar to ~, like
正しい (ただしい / tadashii) : right, just, correct, righteous, honest, truthful, proper, straightforward, perfect
事 (こと / koto) : thing, matter, fact, circumstances, business, reason, experience
言われて (ゆわれて / yuwarete) : to have been told (passive form of 言う /ゆう)
おしまい (oshimai) : the end, closing, being done for
だから (dakara) : so, therefore
My translation would be:
"I was told that being like Ochako-chan and Izuku-kun is the right/correct/proper way, that's why I'm through with it."
This sentence can be interpreted in a lot of ways. You are entitled to your own interpretation as much as I am to mine, so don't limit your perception because of this post alone.
To put in more context, Toga utters that sentence right after this page that explains how she couldn't ask her past crush who resembles Izuku, Saito, to give her his blood because he would say that she's not human and he would think she's not cute.
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"Izuku-kun resembles the person I used to like. He was called Saito-kun. I couldn't ask him to give me his blood. Because then, he would say I'm not human...!! Because, he would think I'm not cute."
好きだった人 (すきだったひと / suki datta hito) : The person that (I) liked
に (ni) : particle, in this case, to indicate location of action
似る (にる / niru) : to resemble, to be similar to; the て-form + いた indicates past progressive tense, and い in いた is usually silent in Japanese
って言う (っていう / tteiu) : called
の (no) : feminine speech to indicate emphasis
血 (ち / chi) : blood, consanguinity
ちょうだい (choudai) : a way to make request, indicating familiar relationship
言う (ゆう / yuu) : to say, to call; potential form is 言える; negative potential is 言えない; past tense ending of い-adjectives is ~かった
だって (datte) : because, but, after all, even, too
人間 (にんげん / ningen) : human being, man, person, character (of a person)
じゃない (janai) : to not be (am not, is not, are not), casual form of じゃありません
言われる (yuwareru) : passive form of 言う
ちゃう (Chau) : casual form of ~てしまう; in this case, indicates an event has been completed with negative feelings
から (kara) : In this case >> it means because, since
カァイイ / 可愛い (かわいい / kawaii) : cute, lovely, adorable, charming, pretty; Kaaii is kawaii but with a little lisp
~くない (~kunai) : negative form of い-adjectives
思う (おもう / omou) : to think, to consider, to believe; passive form is 思われる (おもわれる / omowareru)
Toga is opening up to Ochako about her sorrow, and "I was told that being like Ochako-chan and Izuku-kun is the correct way" is her saying how love should be like in society's eye. It's putting love in a box and constricting it in the way that rejects people like Toga, labeling them not "human". Other forms of love that can't be accepted by the "norms" is considered hideous and improper.
This experience of being discriminated against is what the queer community has to face every day. So yes, that line is Horikoshi calling out against heteronormativity through Toga. It further proves to anyone who is still not convinced that Toga's story arc, as a whole, is queer allegory.
It could also be taken as how Horikoshi perceives shonen most cliché ending: the male protagonist always ends up with the female love interest. If memory serves me right, he said something along the lines of not wanting the manga to end like a typical shonen (if anyone has the screenshot of this interview, would you be so kind as to send it to me, pretty please?), so it's not too far-fetched to assume that way. Though, truth be told, I still have doubts that he would follow through with that. So, let's wait and see.
Interestingly, after Toga told Ochako that her expression of love would make her crush think that she's not cute, Ochako chose to keep calling her lovely and cute.
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"Am I... cute?"
"Number one in the world / the cutest in the world."
私 (わたし / watashi) : I, me
カァイイ 、可愛い (かわいい / kawaii) : cute, adorable, charming, lovely, pretty (Toga says it with a lisp)
世界一 (せかいいち / sekaiichi) : best in the world
Ochako, bless her heart, understands Toga and everything that makes her her, albeit a bit late. Toga has always wanted acceptance and she gives her that wholeheartedly, symbolized by telling her what she has longed to hear. And it was done genuinely, not just to please her. She remembers Toga always wanted to talk about romance with her, hence she is using that to connect with her. She tells Toga her story, her parents, her motivation to be a hero, her crush on Izuku, and her desire to stop Toga, saying that those are what makes her her.
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"This is what I am! That's why I am here!"
これ (kore) : this; pronoun that's equal to nouns, meaning it can be subject, object, or indirect object
が (ga) : indicates subject
私 (わたし / watashi) : I, me
だから (dakara) : so, therefore
今 (いま / ima) : now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, (one) more
は (ha, reads as wa) : topic marker particle
ここ (koko) : This place, area, or part
に (ni) : in this case >> location of a person
いる (iru) : to be (of animate objects), to exist
From my understanding, she is saying that her experiences shaped her, therefore she can be the hero she is now, the hero who's fighting for everyone's smile. For that reason, she doesn't fight Toga the way a hero is supposed to fight villains, because she has seen Toga's tears and she hates that. She wants to stop her from crying as much as wanting to stop her from killing the heroes. So, she lets Toga see her the way she is while readying herself for another stab yet doesn't try to defend against it, hoping Toga to understand that she can trust her.
And it works out.
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Toga pours her heart out, letting herself be vulnerable in return, letting Ochako to "touch her sorrow" (as she says it). She says she has had enough of how people always told her that the correct way is "to be like Ochako-chan and Izuku-kun", that's why she joined the league of villains since it was the only place where she could live as she "likes".
In response to that, Ochako expresses her regret.
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"Even though you've been giving me signs all along, I noticed them too late."
ずっと (zutto) : continuously in some state (for a long time, distance), throughout, all along, the whole time, all the way
サイン (sain) : In this case >> sign
を (wo) : indicates direct object of action
出す (だす / dasu) : to send, to submit; ~て form is 出して
~てくれる (~te kureru) : to express something was done for you
~ていた (~teita) : past progressive tense
のに (noni) : in this case >> although, in spite of, even though
気づく (きづく / kiduku / kidzuku) : to notice, to recognize, to recognise, to become aware of, to perceive, to realize, to realise
の (no) : nominalizer >> if attached to verb, the verb is treated like noun
が (ga) : indicates subject/object
遅くなっちゃった (おそくなちゃった / osokunachatta) : show, (to become) late, too late; ちゃった is the past form of ちゃう, which is the casual form of ~てしまう (used to indicate that an action or event has been completed, often with unintended or undesirable consequences)
What's even more interesting is that she also says this.
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"I can't be a substitute for the league of villains but... I thought I have to tell you that your smile is lovely."
敵連合 (ヴィランれんごう / viran rengou) : league of villains
代わりに (かわりに / kawari ni) : instead of, as a substitute for, in exchange for, in return for; ~の has to be attached if it's noun
なる (naru) : to become, to be, to play a role; potential + negative is なれない
けど (kedo) : but, however, although
あなた (anata) : in this case >> you
の (no) : in this case >> possessor
笑顔 (えがお / egao) : smiling face, smile
が (ga) : indicates subject
素敵 (すてき / suteki) :lovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool
だと (dato) : from ~であると, used to nominalize the quotation clause
伝える (つたえる / tsutaeru) : to convey, to tell; attached with ~なきゃ, short for ~なければ, which is used to convey "must", "have/has to"
~と思う (~とおもう / ~to omou): to think, I think; past form is ~思った
Since we know that the league of villains is like a safe place for Toga, Ochako's wording makes it sound like she wants to be someone whom she can express her love freely to, someone whom she can be herself with. With this sentence, added with how Toga has expressed her love to her many times and how words like "cute" and "lovely" symbolize acceptance to Toga, Horikoshi wants the readers to know that Ochako doesn't shy away from Toga's feelings.
I remember seeing this quote, "Love is when you give someone else the power to destroy you, and you trust them not to do it", and think that it really fits them so well and perfectly. So, I think that whatever ending Horikoshi may have for them, it won't negate the love, in whichever form, they have for each other.
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
hi hi! first of all I want to state how much I adore your IF so far, I haven't found many IF that are purely slice of life and I am loving it ❤️ 😍 💖 second! do you have any recommendations for IFs? I've just started moving away from the CoG forums and the content here on tumblr is just 🤌 but I'm not too sure where to start? tysm 😊
I mean, I have so many recommendations tbqh. It's a hell of a list and hopefully, I haven't forgotten anyone by the end. I would say that if you've been around for a hot minute you probably know most of these but I'm old and rarely see new stuff atm because I'm a busy bean so...
Recs under the cut;
@northern-passage is such an easy recommendation for me. I'm not super into your more 'classic' fantasy as a genre but Kit has really built up their characters to be something special. The concept of the hunter is a great one and the branching Kit does is insane. I'm so interested to see where it goes and also ready for it to destroy me emotionally.
I haven't played @speakergame in a little while but the cosy vibes I try to get into YLAF are also here. It's not slice of life but it's similar to that with a heap of supernatural stirred in. I'm also excited for @partiallystarsif, which promises to be a game that I've been wishing someone would write.
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting is one of the most top tier sci-fi I've read in a while. It has a great MC, a badass partner in Nash and also BUGS. Again, I'm super looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter after that cliffhanger. Shit is about to hit the fan and I am here for it.
@if-eventhorizon is written by actual love of my life Brigid. Event Horizon is your pretty typical crew in space doing stuff they shouldn't be kind of sci-fi and I adore it! Can't wait to find out what everyone has done in their past to be there and unravel the situation. Love it! Brigid is also an incredibly talented artist, also writes @if-closedloop and...
@if-lostbirds is again written by Brigid, and although they profess post-apocalyptic Western sci-fi to be niche, I whole heartedly disagree. I adore the writing in this one, they really did something there and I think everyone will get something out of this one. If you're looking for something a little different with fewer (but super meaningful) choices then this is for you! Also I did convince them to put the big worm back into it so... worm.
For someone who would say she doesn't like a western, @larkin-if is also a bit of me. It's got vampires and cool character dynamics between the Preacher (MC) and their father figure Wyatt. Not to mention the ROs are all really cool. I'm excited to meet Ace in the future but it's the whole plot of attempting to hide your true identity that really hooked me in.
@bodycountgame is currently on a little bit of a hiatus because Nell is super busy with real life 😷 but it's still a stand out fave for me, undoubtedly worth the wait. If you want something that's campy, written in proper British dialect and is basically love island with a hell of a twist then this is for you! I can't recommend body count enough, it's what got me moved way from CoG games and into this little community we have!
@thistooshallpass-if is an IF with some of my favourite characters (not hurt by the fact that thyme is also one of my fave people!) I can't wait to see where it goes as I've been promised angst and knowing them I have no doubt! I'm also mega excited for @writingnights because different takes on supernatural creatures is always fun to me.
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings is popular for a reason. I'm a few chapters behind but just writing about it has made me want to sit down and catch up! Kristi's characters are fun and feel like people to me with their real quirks, which is always something I enjoy. I can't wait to solve the mystery with this one.
@attollogame is a pretty hard one to describe to me so I'd say just play it? The writing and lore surrounding it is so so solid. It's all pretty much just a vibe, and a good one at that. I am not up to date at all but everyone should be better than me and read it!
Golden by @milaswriting is amazing! It's a supernatural romance game and you can just tell that Mila cares so much about the characters she writes, it really comes through in her writing. She's also over at @milaswrittenworld and I'd encourage a follow all around because she is just a really lovely gem of a person.
I haven't read @ofna in a little while but I absolutely adored what I did read (god knows how many updates ago it was). The writing is amazing and, again, I can't wait to get to solve the mystery 👀
I've undoubtedly forgotten so many but these are ones that come to my covid addled mind 😅 I hope this is a good starting place for you, anon 💛
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sodabranch · 3 months
That one Anon back at it again with more thoughts about the handsome fella who deserves the world and a kiss on the cheek. Hope to give you some motivation for your lovely work :)
1. An employee taking off their headgear and Justice getting all giddy from finally seeing a proper human face, after so long! It slowly reaching in to feel their head, because of how soft they always are.
2. Justice daydreaming about a nice future with its buddies, as it watches them sleep. Wouldn't it be nice to return to that life within a proper home for all of them, no more tacky suits, plenty of space, and an actual kitchen?
3. A scenario where Justice comes to realise the gravity of the situation, overhearing the employees talk of the consequences of not meeting quota and the fear for their lives. Already troubled by the loneliness of Dine, it causes a snowballing desperation. It can't go back to that!
There has to be more scrap, than what the employees typically collect, right? If it takes out those turrets, that's extra. If even tattered sheet metal is worth something, how about Justice tears some more off the moon bunkers' interiors? Perhaps, even those enemy nutcracker parts are worth a pretty penny.
But what if they come just short, after already selling all they had? Then, it can... rip out an arm of its own? Whatever keeps them alive for just a few more days...
Justice considering the possibility of if one could override the ship's systems, removing it from Company control, and escaping this hellish job.
And what if an employee dies? Would Justice be in denial, trying to wake them up, retrieve them, or tend to the fatal injuries, or would it understand right away?
4. Ending it sweetly: Justice may or may not understand human relationships, but knows an engagement ring is a great sign of love and trust. It finds one and presents it to its master. And they're keeping it! Never giving it to the Company!
At this rate, I may as well ask you permission to have Justice's hand in marriage.
Anon I'm going to have to give you a name you're like an acquaintance now First off: Justice love is for everyone !!!
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OMG yes I literally cannot imagine its excitement after seeing a human face for the first time in many years. Ofc, you can kinda make out what pepople look through their visor, but with the darker tint,, it's just not the same,, It would examine all your factions, trying to remember every little detail it can: the colour of your eyes, how your hair looks, any distinctive marks;; then cherish that image for as long as it can
AHWHHAHSDHSDHDHS AND THE DOMESTIC SCENARIOS <3<3<3 no more worrying about reaching the goal at the end of the deadline,, finally realizing it is no longer serving, but rather being part of the group,, like a found family kind of deal ;;_; Spending time indulging in everyone's hobbies, taking interest for their routines and the things they all have to say and do,,,, OUGHH psychic damage,,
3. AND um this um this ¿¿???? like, first, I still believe Justice doesn't understand human emotions 100%,, but it can sense the tension and dread setting in as time progresses, this is kind of an unlucky week,, so it will do whatever to aliviate the crew's load. From risking it staying just a bit overtime (Careful with the hounds D:) to taking extreme measures and trying to sell its precious rifle,,
And ofc the arm thing :o like, being semi-biological it could theoretically replace it with another one... but this also means it will hurt.. a bit too much;; anything for the well-being of the team
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and well, death is a pretty complicated topic. It does understand the concept of death, it has witnessed it and has even been the cause of it,, but the difference is in lacking the proper knowledge as to what death really means... If it were to happen to one of its teammates it will first try to do whatever in its power to try to remmediate the situation,, in a state of pure panic like, trying to resusitate them, carrying them to safety or looking for help;;, once it realizes nothing can be made you can only imagine the unbridled rage it will feel. This being one of the only times it has been seen showing this emotion aaaaaaaa
(I can speak more but I don't want to make this too long hhsfhhfhfh)
4. YESS YESS i mean, human relationships have kinda always been present in its life, to taking care of a family to seeing its crewmates interact. This doesn't mean it is that well-versed in the subject, But just finding this shiny object on one of their excursions and thinkign it is really beautiful,, it has already seen something like this before, people gift it to each other as a sign of loyalty and total devotion so someone special in their lives! This made it immediately drop whatever it was doing at the time and go out looking for its master, finally finding them on one of the many corridors of the structure,, dropping on one knee (it guesses this is the proper way to do it??) and giving them the ring AHJSHHSD omg brainrot
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Hello it’s me, what would mason do with a trans pet anon and I am backkkkk for more. I don’t know why but the combination of fair but strict and very competent at his job(for better or worse) is making me absolutely melt for mason. Anyways back to questions. Would mason ever recommend killing a pet if they were too traumatized by a bad owner to function? Also besides obedience and loyalty, is there anything in particular he values about pets? Also what if there was an owner that gave his pet deliberately confusing orders just so he could punish them?
Masons already made it clear he wants pets to have clear orders but he’s also made it clear that pets job is to please their owner. What if a pet was depressed and didn’t obey? How would he respond to that? Also have you ever thought about role play? No pressure, but I think interacting with mason would be fun.
Can I be🪶 anon please
Hello 🪶 anon!
Mason is so engaging BECAUSE of that!! He's easy to hate but also something enticing about how he thinks..... Thank you so much for the questions i always adore them.
And yes!! I've done role play before and very much enjoyed it!! You can catch me here on tumblr however I like using discord because then I get to use italics and such in chats. I'm #raccoooooooon6286 (yes there are 8 o's idk man i thought it would be funny at the time and now it feels too iconic lmao)
Besides obedience and loyalty, is there anything in particular he values about pets?
"Pets are fantastic companions and have such entertaining personalities and behaviors. Personality is the thing that makes each pet so special and unique - no two are alike. I know there are some trainers out there that require such strict exceptions of behavior there is no room for the pet's own personality and that is borderline abuse. They might be a lower life form but they are still a living being.
"Take Clyde for example. There are times during hikes or just out in public where he lags behind because he's staring at the ground or a tree or something random. He's a good boy though so he never gets lost - but he's not right at my heels like another trainer would demand. And you know what? Every time I go see what he's staring at it reminds me to appreciate the world a little more. Seeing plants or birds or patterns through his eyes is fun and engaging. I mean I can't live my life like that all the time because I'm a human being with responsibilities, but moments of thinking more simply like they do are refreshing."
What if there was an owner that gave his pet deliberately confusing orders just so he could punish them?
"That is abusive," he sighs. "Not technically illegal and not reportable but abusive as hell. Sickening. Some might say "oh at least they're not taking out their issues on other people" but still. Just deal with your own shit instead of tormenting your pet, ya know?"
What if a pet was depressed and didn’t obey? How would he respond to that?
After he established that the disobedience was from depression, his first step would be seeing if there are environmental factors to the depression. Is the pet getting proper sleep, nutrition, exercise? If so then he would recommend "supplements." (He has an affiliate code for the company he recommends lol). They're not technically medication because they don't have to be approved for human use by a testing organization, but they're "based on" research from human medications [aka drugs lol]. Typically he recommends some that are for anxiety, but I'm sure there are plenty out there for depression too. Likely the pet would end up in a bit of a perpetual state of disassociation 😬.
Extra TW for discussion of euthanasia
Would mason ever recommend killing a pet if they were too traumatized by a bad owner to function?
In general, no. If a pet is so traumatized by an owner they can't function and require a high level of care, Mason would advocate for legal action against that owner. Either jail time or having to pay for the pet's full time care. Killing or incapacitate pets is not socially or legally acceptable. nor is euthanasian really. Perhaps if the pet killed someone, but even then Mason would argue there is something else going on in that situation. Again, not because he's a good person, but because he infantilizes pets so much he doesn't believe they are capable of a lot of things and therefore not responsible for their actions.
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thefirstknife · 11 months
Was looking through some older posts of yours and you had answered in an ask about Guardians changing classes and Rezzyl Azir/Dredgen Yor that:
“So while they may be naturally attune more towards some aspect of Light wielding, they still have to train to actually become their class in full.”
Can you elaborate a little more on that. Like how long would that take and how extensive of the training? Has there been any lore going more into detail about that?
Sorry if that’s a lot. Thank you for everything you do for this community it’s Greatly appreciated!!
It's okay!
Unfortunately, we don't really know how that took place. With Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yor it's super hard to say because he's very much a mythologised figure. His transformation into Yor was so mysterious and complete that most people never knew it used to be Rezyl and that was by his own design.
So how long it took him to get into the persona of Dredgen Yor and start behaving more like a Hunter? We have no clue. It might have been a gradual transformation as the Thorn corruption was spreading. Also, since we have no information on Dredgen Yor ever using any Light abilities, we don't even know if he only dressed as Hunter or if he started using what we would typically associate with Hunter abilities. So ultimately we don't even know if he actually trained in any Hunter disciplines.
This is especially a problem for Dredgen Yor in particular because he was such a reviled figure that I don't think he would've had the option to actually have a Hunter or Hunters teaching him. He might've learned through observation only and learned what he could. It was also fairly imperfect for him, as you can see on his cloak that the Hunter symbol isn't quite made properly. This maybe hints that without a proper teacher and enough time, one can't really learn these things easily. But that's purely speculative.
Felwinter also doesn't specify how long it took him to learn cross-class abilities (he learned shoulder charge from Titans). He of course didn't switch his class entirely, but learning other abilities surely takes time. However, we don't know how much time.
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Outside of simply gameplay reasons, that's a really interesting question. Perhaps Ghosts have something to do with, as well as maybe some intrinsic attunement to the Light. Maybe the way the Light manifests in someone newly rezed is innately more geared towards a specific type of ability. But then in order to truly perfect this ability, one has to train for it. It's very unclear how it works and we have no idea what are all the elements that affect someone becoming a class or choosing a subclass.
There's some information on newly rezed Guardians in lore. For example, this one from Ghost Stories which is a Ghost recounting his experience with rezing his Guardian for the first time and that Guardian being forced to fight the moment she was rezed:
Problem was… my Guardian—the one I'd spent a very long time looking for—was lying dormant in their path: a lifeless husk in need of a wake-up call before her remains were atomized and I was left, for eternity, without my chosen. That I'd found her seconds before the Red Legion's survey team arrived was… unfortunate. But I had to do what I had to do. Some risks, after all, are worth taking. It was now or never. And besides, there's no timing like bad timing. I opened myself up to the Traveler's gift and enveloped her in Light just as the mining rig settled. My new Guardian gasped and sat up, crying out as if waking from a nightmare.
Basically, the Ghost had to rez her before the remain would be permanently destroyed, becoming unrecoverable. After the initial shock, the Guardian immediately started fighting. With her bare hands. No Light was used and there's no real indication of her class or subclass. There's a mention of her charging, but it's not clear if this is a Titan-type charge. Dodging is also mentioned. Nothing about Light is shown. I'm thinking that it's far more likely that new Guardians don't pick any specific class/subclass until a bit later and that us being rezed with a class is just a gameplay feature. Basically, all Guardians have the potential to use Light and to attune to certain abilities, but at the end of the day they still have to be taught and learned.
Osiris also recounts his experience of seeing Aunor being rezed for the first time.
"I remember the day you were raised," Osiris says with hushed strength. "Curled up beneath a ruined bus, screaming for help. Too terrified to listen to your Ghost, too frightened to hold the gun it had nudged under the wreck for you."
It seems getting to a weapon was more important than Light, possibly because newly rezed Guardians aren't really capable of doing anything specific with it. Which means they have to learn it later, possibly through exploring it on their own or with a teacher (or both). There has to be something innate about it, I think; that everyone's spark is inherenty leaning more into some specific way to use the Light, which then turns into a class through training and learning. Osiris himself is shown, very early in the Dark Age, as wielding Dawnblade. We don't know how long it's been since he was rezed here, but Dawnblade is very much defined almost exactly as we know it even that early in the Dark Age. Very curious.
Already mentioned Felwinter, but if you look at his lore book, he is never shown using the Light here. When he's rezed, he's just confused and in danger, mostly shown running away and using weapons. When he fights a Warlord over what would later become Felwinter's Peak, it is only said that Felwinter shot the Warlord's Ghost. On page 4 of the lore book, Felwinter meets another Exo Guardian and they get into a fight against the frames and only the other Exo is shown using the Light, much to his own surprise:
It was Gryphon who saved them in the end, with three bolts of Arc Light that erupted out of his hands. As the frames closest to them disintegrated in a shower of blue light, Gryphon whooped and said, breathlessly, "I've never done that before."
This is super vague as far as Light abilities go. No clue what class Gryphon-11 would be here. He was capable of using the Light, though clearly has not done so before, and his Light isn't defined into any specific class or ability.
Felwinter later became known for being a void user, but it seems that only came to prominence after he joined with the Iron Lords. He probably ended up favouring the Warlock class for a variety of reasons, but he wasn't really rezed as one in the same sense that it happens to us in the game.
This has also been shown with Zavala in his story trailer. He is never shown using his Light in his early fights; the first time we see him wielding it in the trailer is later in the City.
It's a really interesting thing to think about and so far, we've seen a lot of different things, both in lore and gameplay itself. Lore seems to imply that when a Guardian is rezed, they don't immediately know their class and they don't use their Light right away. But then again, in gameplay we get the Light really quickly. Could also be to indicate that the Young Wolf is special! But either way, there's still a lot that's not super well defined and now with Lucent Hive, the'es even more questions. Seems like the reason they mimic our classes and subclasses is probably because that's what Savathun learned while exploring the Light, as well as possibly something tied to Ghosts and how they've learned that Guardians work. I'm hoping for more on the Lucent Hive over this topic, as their experience would be unique and allow us to study the process in a way that we couldn't do back in the Dark Age.
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