#is a huge part of edward's character
fullmtal · 2 years
character deep dive.
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height: 4′11″
strength ★★★★☆
dexterity ★★★☆☆
health  ★★★★☆
energy ★★★★★
beauty ★★★★★
style ★☆☆☆☆
hygiene ★★★★★
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perception ★★★★★
communication ★★★★☆  
persuasion ★ ★ ★ ☆☆
mediation ★★☆☆☆
literacy ★★★★★
creativity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cooking ★★☆☆☆
tech savvy ★★☆ ☆☆
combat ★★★★☆
survival  ★★★★★
stealth ★★ ★ ☆☆
street smarts ★★★★ ☆
seduction ☆☆☆☆☆
luck  ★ ☆ ☆☆☆
handling animals ★★★★☆
pacifying children ★★★★★
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intelligence ★★★★★
happiness  ★★ ☆☆☆
spirituality ☆☆☆☆☆
confidence ★★★★ ☆
humor ★★★★★
anxiety ★★★☆☆
patience ★★★☆☆
passion ★★★★★
nice ☆☆★☆☆  mean
brave ★☆ ☆☆☆ cowardly
pacifist ★ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ violent
thoughtful ☆★☆☆☆ impulsive  
agreeable ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ contrary
idealistic  ☆☆★☆☆   pragmatic
frugal ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ big spender  
extrovert ★ ☆☆☆☆ introvert
collected ☆ ☆ ★ ☆ ☆ wild
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charisma ★★★★ ★
empathy ★★★★★
generosity ★★★★★
wealth ★★ ★ ☆☆
honest ★ ☆ ☆☆☆  deceptive  
leader ☆ ★ ☆☆ ☆ follower  
polite ☆ ☆☆ ★ ☆ rude
political ☆ ☆☆ ★ ☆ indifferent
higher power ★☆☆☆☆ 
fate/destiny ☆ ☆ ☆☆☆
magic ☆☆☆☆☆
soulmates ☆☆☆☆☆
good and evil ★★★★★
luck ★ ★ ☆☆☆
family ★★★★★
friends ★★★★★
love ★★★★☆
home ★ ★ ★ ☆☆
health ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
praise  ★☆☆☆☆
justice ★★★★★
truth ★★★★★
power ★ ★ ☆☆☆
fame ☆☆☆☆☆
wealth ★☆☆☆☆
others' opinions ☆ ☆☆☆☆
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tagging: commit theft or say i tagged you either way you’re tagged!
#look at hohenheim and trisha this boy is PRETTY#if you call him that he will be weirded out#also yes pacifist multiple times despite his willingness to take someone on when it isn't necessarily wise?#his emphasis on reverence of life and not EVER taking it and how scared he'd be if he was enlisted to in a war?#is a huge part of edward's character#from icarus who played god to the transition of a sun who learned his lesson in the most brutal and tragic of ways on using life.#also yeah he throws some of that money around bc uh he can be impulsive#he's a lot more cautious and strategic but still.#also yeah we all know ed does NOT prioritize himself so health priority is very low#but he tries to hide that.#very confident and full of self hatred at the same time#ed u ok? no ? ok#his communication skills vary bc he can be AWFUL at it and also put his foot in his mouth of be so blunt and true in his words people#get struck by them.#he's the kindest person you'll meet but has one of THE Roughest Mouths you'll ever meet#and a lot of that behavior is a shield as much as part of his personality#so he's a lot of things!#he acknowledges that a higher power exists i mean hello gate of truth but#he's still agnostic#also ed can come off so rude and be rude but really? he's not an asshole. he's a sweetheart who struggles to articulate#while also being clear in his words.#his actions speak of an insane selflessness and love for the things around him. and above all people.#he's just...not NEAR as polite as the babie brother..#even if he actually can be quite polite to people he's at the library meeting or food places etc.#even higher ups that...aren't mustang.#or hughes.#oh ed..#𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀 *  ── the anatomy of a heart of steel.
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laniidae-passerine · 8 months
sorry for loving Ed and Izzy more than Stede but maybe they shouldn’t have made Ed like that (a fellow mixed race babygirl suffering under her mental illnesses with a sadistic streak that is both informed by and independent of her childhood traumas) and Izzy like that (absurdly pathetic but in need of help and trying to get better)
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oatmealaddiction · 2 months
Okay but the weirdest thing about the whole "Brotherhood is better you should skip 03" discourse that's become commonplace now, it sort of forgets the world Brotherhood came out in and why you should watch the original Fullmetal Alchemist. When Brotherhood came out, the original Fullmetal Alchemist was one of the most beloved and most watched animes of all time. Brotherhood assumes you the audience have already seen it because of course you have, everyone has seen it, so it skips important information and speeds the story up because it doesn't want to bore you with things you already know. Have you ever wondered "hey why does the first episode of Brotherhood kind of suck, and why am I being introduced to like 50 new characters, and why are they acting like I know what the hell an alchemist is?" It's because Brotherhood thinks you've seen 03.
The first 7 or so episodes of Brotherhood constitute dozens of chapters in the manga, and the first 25 or so episodes of the original Fullmetal Alchemist. The Nina Tucker episode in Brotherhood, in FMA 03 takes up nearly three episodes. Yoki gets a backstory in 03 and it's genuinely one of the best episodes and taken directly from the manga and Brotherhood glosses over it because: duh, you've already seen it. And so if you skip the original you miss out on dozens of really great character building episodes like Ed and Al meeting Hughes for the first time and getting to spend a whole episode helping him free a train from terrorists, or Ed and Roy having a duel that expands on the relationship they have, or episodes where the brothers just help out random people in towns before the major story gets going.
The original also paces itself quite a bit better than Brotherhood and is more in line with the mangas storytelling. In the manga we don't find out about The Gate until nearly two dozen chapters in, and the same goes for the original anime. Like, that's a twist reveal in those stories, and it's weird that the most watched series is the one where they tell you all about The Gate in the first two episodes because they assume you've already seen the original show.
What's more, people don't know that Hiromu Arakawa helped write for the anime while she was still in the middle of writing the manga, and as a result was inspired to write scenes in Brotherhood that the anime did first. That scene of Edward getting impaled by a falling beam? Directly inspired by a similar scene in the original anime. There's a lot of little instances of that and they're great when you can recognize parallels and things in Brotherhood that are direct references to the original anime, but people don't notice any of that anymore. Because the original anime is just an automatic skip these days, and it's a bummer because people don't realize what a giant it was back before Brotherhood was released. They treat it as *bad,* not realizing it was one of the most beloved anime of its time and the problems people take issue with have a lot more to do with personal taste than any kind of actual flaw in the writing. Brotherhood was never meant to dethrone it, and the original anime was always supposed to be part of the viewing experience which is why those first few episodes of Brotherhood are so fast paced. So like, please stop telling people Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 is a skip, or it's bad, or you don't need it because Brotherhood is better. Regardless if you think Brotherhood is better or not, the original wrote Brotherhood's check. It was huge, it was beloved, and Brotherhood is *banking* on the knowledge you've seen all of it and loved it. And trust me when I say there is so much to love about the original series. It's still my favorite branch of the FMA franchise, and it's worth your time, I promise you.
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when-wax-wings-melt · 8 months
Y'all wanted the presentation? Here's the presentation. Image descriptions are below the cut!
(technically this wasnt part of the assignment, which was "write an essay and read at least one full page to the class" so the reason why there's those huge blocks of text is because that is taken directly from the essay. i can condense things if I WANT to condense them)
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[ID: 15 screenshots of a powerpoint presentation. The text is either white or gray, and the theme is various shades of purple, typically with bubbles of dark/light purple and images.
Slide one: Title reading "Keeper of the Lost Cities: A Love-Hate-Love Relationship, And What It Can Do To Your Psyche" with three images on the side. The first image is a meme of two stick figures, the first saying "kotlc lore is second nature to us rabid fans so it's easy to forget that the average person only knows the average special ability count and one or two vackers", the second figure saying "and valin, of course," and the first saying "of course." with text at the bottom reading "Even when they're trying to compensate for it, experts in anything wildly overcompensate the average person's familiarity with their field." The other two images are of Shannon Messenger, a white woman with blonde hair. The images are captioned "The dastardly mastermind behind it all" and "meet Shannon Messenger".
Slide Two: Title reading "Background" with a block of text and two images. The text reads "In total, the Keeper of The Lost Cities (KOTLC) series has over 7000 pages, split between nine and a half books (Book 8.5 was, uselessly, a novella) with a planned tenth coming in late 2024, and a graphic novel dropping in November. It’s the kind of series that hooks you the same way a fisherman hooks a fish: with a promise of a treat that goes very, very unfulfilled." The top image is the cover of the first keeper of the lost cities book, captioned with "book one of what will soon consume my entire brain for years and years and years" and the bottom image is a fish staring at the top image as if it is a tasty treat, captioned "Poor, innocent little 6th grade me".
Slide Three: A block of text reading "This is to say: KOTLC is a good series, at least at first. It’s certainly been my core obsession for a good (or bad) five years. It’s a hook because you can’t escape once you’ve begun. It’s my own personal brand of heroine, as Edward Cullen might say if Bella were a too-long book series that doesn’t resolve any plotlines or character arcs and instead piles more information on top of worldbuilding until contradictions are more plentiful than the packed main cast." An image of Edward Cullen from twilight is captioned "Me, apparently".
Slide Four: A small caption at the top reads "If the series ever ends you can call me Brant when Jolie asked him to leave the Neverseen the way I will burn down my house and kill everyone I love (haha just a joke to get us going)​" with an image of a huge explosion below it. Text reads, "Basically, KOTLC is a good series, but the idea of recommending it feels like I’d be violating several articles of the Geneva Conventions. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. The thought of it ending is an impossibility on the scale of the apocalypse and I hope (I'd rather) the world ends before this series does."
Slide Five: Titled "Queer-Coding in the Lost Cities" with the image of Sophie Foster and Fitz Vacker on the side. Text reads, "The queer-coding doesn't just stem from Sophie’s dedicated denial of both her worth as a human being and her desire to kiss her pretty girl friends. A connection called a “Cognate Bond” is often referred to in the text as the closest two elves can become, emotionally and mentally. Cognates exist when two Telepaths (such as Sophie) have such a deep and unbreakable trust bond that they become more skilled together than they were apart. In creating and maintaining this bond, they have to complete trust exercises and not hold back secrets keeping them from total confidentiality. Sophie’s cognate is her friend (and love interest, and, debatably, ex-boyfriend) Fitz, whose romantic relationship was in a large part focused on their cognate one. Their trust exercises involve staring into each other’s eyes, holding hands, having matching rings, and Fitz telling Sophie that she’s the only person he can truly trust. Fitz also asks his father at one point if cognates are allowed to date each other— his father affirms the statement."
Slide Six: Titled "Queer-Coding: Qualden, Tiertice, and such other 🤨🏳️‍🌈 moments​" with the text, "Notably, Alden has the authority to do so since he himself was a cognate, only undergoing a nasty breakup— sorry, only losing the bond after his cognate, Quinlin, kept too many secrets. It’s implied that two other characters were once almost Cognates, only to grow too far apart when one of them, Prentice, has his sanity forcibly shattered and is locked in prison, leaving his (gay lover) best friend, Tiergan (code name Granite), to raise his son. The choice to parallel Fitz/Sophie, Alden/Quinlin, and Tiergan/Prentice was possibly not a conscious one, since Messenger has never attempted to hint at the existence of homosexuality before, but it still resonates with hundreds of queer teen readers who look at the portrayal of utter devotion and trust between two men and think, wow. this is what i see in myself.​" The image is a quote from Neverseen, reading "'What did you give him?' Granite asked, cradling Prentice like a baby. Prentice's head lolled to the side, his body limp and pale." / "Granite held Prentice tighter, whispering, 'It's going to be okay.'"
Slide Seven: Titled "Honorary Errol "I have five identities and they're all the true me" Forkle Mention​". Smaller text below reads "Strut it Magnate "I inspired Loki but don’t even ask about the horse thing" Leto!​" A picture of Mr. Forkle is next to a tumble post by me about Forkle being trans based on the Loki thing. The slide is decorated with several trans flags.
Slide Eight: Titled "Beauty Standards" with text reading "Speaking of things Shannon Messenger did subconsciously, it’s so painfully clear that this series was written by a white American woman that it makes me break out in hives. Messenger establishes very early on in the series that all elves, no matter who they are, are gorgeous in comparison to humans. For some reason that I’m sure has no correlation to Sophie and therefore Messenger’s personal biases (aka Western hetero/cisnormativity and gender roles), every single elven character is slim with clear skin and no glasses. For some reason, beards seem to be impossible for elves to grow naturally, since the only time facial hair ever appears on anyone’s face is when they take an elixir to change their appearance." An image of Sophie with her human family is captioned "Sophie with her ugly nasty disgusting human family apparently​".
Slide Nine: Text reading "Valin is a member of “the drooly boys” who, had they been “human, would’ve been skinny, with acne and braces. Since they were elves, they were fairly good-looking—or they could’ve been if they hadn’t slicked their hair into greasy ponytails” (Messenger KOTLC 170). It seems elves have evolved past the need for brown eyes, acne, crooked teeth, facial hair beyond eyebrows, and variations in body fat—not to mention most other features that make people unique. ​There is indeed a single elf who is fat and even has wrinkles (elves also don’t physically age past 30, fun fact). He alters his appearance with berries that swell his skin, making him the only unique body type besides Sophie’s human family, who are consistently thrown in terrible comparison to her new, movie-star-looking adoptive parents. The berries also make him smell, interestingly enough.​" Images of Councillors Zarina, Terik, and Clarette line the right side of the slide.
Slide Ten: Text reading: "By portraying the elves as the standard for beauty and then removing any pimple, stretch mark, fat roll, body hair, crooked tooth, big nose, or any of the thousands of features that add depth to faces and bodies, Messenger tells us that perfection lies in eliminating all “flaws.” She tells her young readers that they are desirable if they look like Sophie, or Biana, or Keefe—not Stina with her curly hair, or Dex’s too-skinny arms, or Forkle’s large stomach, or my human body.​" The family portrait of the Vackers is also there.
Slide Eleven: Text reading: "Mostly, what defines KOTLC is how it’s interpreted rather than the content itself. I look at Sophie Foster and see parts of myself, but that does not make her me. These characters always feel so painfully real, desperately relatable, as if Messenger cobbled together a main cast from bits of my life, but they are not. In the end, they are just characters. ​In the end, it’s just a series made for middle schoolers, in the same way the sun is just the sun, and the stars are just there to twinkle merrily and not to be explored.​" Sophie on the cover of Exile is also there.
Slide Twelve: Text reading "Literally the day after I finished this presentation a new Marella short story came out in the paperback version of Stellarlune (book 9). This is a quote in the short story:​" with a picture of the short story of Marella being gay about Linh. Also on the slide is "🚨🚨🚨Alert Alert!🚨🚨🚨​" "🤨🤨🤨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️​" and "Everyone is excited about Marellinh canon but I think she will simply never acknowledge it again.​"
Slide Thirteen: Just the text "Oh, By The Way, This Series Is Off The Walls Insane​"
Slide Fourteen: Text reading "Things that happen in this series: Alicorns have sex and then there is a graphic birth scene (but the Forkle as Loki thing is going too far 🤨)​, Love Interest confesses his feelings by telling Sophie he wants her to be assigned to marry him by the government​, An ogre bodyguard plays matchmaker with her charge and his crush (successfully)​, There's a guy who can sense "potential" except is definitely lying about this​, Villains die so disappointingly. So far we have "hit on head with rock" "smushed by door opened too quickly" "exploded" "fell into evil birthing sauce" (this last one was cool though)​, and A school principal becomes president​" Three tumblr screenshots and memes detailing other things that happen in the book are also there.
Slide Fifteen: THE END. A screenshot captioned with "Credits for the fake book 7 cover go to @/aphelea on tumblr​" shows a canva/booktok style fake cover for Flashback, with a dancing couple, a horse, and the words "he was a boy. she was a horse. could I make it any more obvious?"
/end id]
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So Izzy said a thing.
The thing seems to be a part of a redemption arc and makes him sound like a human rather than a monster.
The Canyon went wild with joy and jubilation. The haters are doing everything they can to rationalize the thing in a way that would fit their point of view. One of these things makes me feel like a part of a wonderful, welcoming, and very queer community. The other makes me perplexed, annoyed, and sad at the same time - in a way that feels very personal.
OFMD is an explicitly and unapologetically queer show. And not just that, it shows a variety of non-normative behaviors (Jackie’s polyamory, Geraldo’s humiliation kink, Lucius and Pete’s penchant for “having an audience” to say nothing of Izzy’s masochistic tendencies) in a completely non-judgmental way, making the viewer feel like all ways of performing one’s sexuality are valid.
Izzy wants to be a part of this world. For all his anger and manipulations, and (yes, let’s call him out for the sake of fairness) his abusive behaviors, he desperately wants to be a part of the world where he is free to love who he loves, in whatever way he is capable of doing so. No matter how much the haters don’t want to acknowledge it, this is ultimately a story about love. Both Con and Daddy Jenkins admitted Izzy is in love with Edward and the fact that the antis are willing to contradict not only the actor (who, may I remind you, was instrumental in shaping Izzy’s character) but also the showrunner is very symptomatic of the larger issue of how queer people have been treated in society.
No one in their right mind chose to become a pirate unless they had no other option. Piracy was fraught with constant danger and meant being an outsider everywhere. The only place one could be more or less safe was between people in the same lifestyle. In OFMD that is represented by the Republic of Pirates, where not being a pirate would get one in trouble. Sure, there is some violence but it comes with the territory and - much more importantly - it’s never motivated by someone being a pirate.
Izzy claims to hate the Republic - and for someone as repressed as him it makes sense. There are people being a different kind of a pirate than Izzy would like there - drunk, rowdy, and undisciplined. He clearly takes great pride in his work and has built his whole identity around being Blackbeard’s first mate. Seeing people be pirates while taking their responsibilities lightly doesn’t fit his worldview because he’s been taught that all of his energy should be spent protecting whatever freedom the pirates managed to carve out for themselves.
Someone once wrote that despite what the popular meme says, Izzy isn’t a real pirate dropped into The Muppet Treasure Island, but rather a hard boiled queer-coded character from a 50s noir movie dropped into today’s Pride. He’s had to keep vigilant against any threat for so long he hasn’t noticed that there was a way to be a pirate/queer and still enjoy one’s life. That one can like frilly robes and be a somewhat competent sea captain. That it is possible to pine for one’s boyfriend and keep one’s crew safe. That being soft doesn’t necessarily mean being weak.
He’s willing to do whatever it takes and sacrifice whatever has to be sacrificed (Stede’s life, Edward’s happiness, his own status of the loyal first mate) to keep his little pirate/queer world safe. It’s this conviction that puts him in the way of Ed and Stede’s relationship and makes him an antagonist. But - and it’s something the haters seem to be incapable of grasping - an antagonist doesn’t have to equal a villain.
Why does Izzy react so violently to Stede, exactly? Why is he willing to go against his captain's wishes in challenging Stede to a duel? Why does he sell Stede out, making a deal with the enemy in the process? Because Stede is a stranger infiltrating Izzy’s safe space. The English are a huge threat, sure, but they are easily identifiable from a distance. Stede seems to Izzy to be something far more dangerous - an outsider worming his way into the heart of Izzy’s world, where he can do truly irreparable damage. The English are cops who chase gay boys around the park. Stede has the potential of being an undercover cop sent into a queer bar in the 1930s to get the dirt on the patrons so they can be blackmailed and arrested.
Of course, he may not be that, but it’s a risk Izzy can’t allow himself to take. With his vision of what it means to be a pirate/queer he's sure he sees through Stede’s ruse. Now, I’m not trying to excuse abusive behavior, as some of Izzy’s choices were hurtful to everyone around him. But as a queer person I do have sympathy for someone (grossly) overreacting in defense of their safe space. Constant vigilance is an inherent part of the queer experience, especially for those living in conservative countries or remembering the times before the Pride.
Like, for example, Con does. Con, who - yes, I will repeat this because it’s super important here - played a huge part in shaping Izzy’s character. Con, who despite having a decades-long career where he often clearly gravitated towards queer characters, only got comfortable enough THIS YEAR (and thanks to this show and this fandom) to publicly come out. Con, who - as a friend wonderfully phrased it - is queer as in start a riot, not as in love wins.
And Izzy is the same. He is a start a riot pirate/queer in a show full of love wins pirates/queers. His way of being what he is is so totally different from everyone around him that it makes him an antagonist. (Sure, there are other start a riot queers in the show - Jim literally kills a man who wronged them and Lucius is very outspoken about his opinions in a way that makes him somewhat radical, but neither of them is as extreme in their ways as Izzy is and neither goes against the main characters’ romance thus becoming an antagonist.) But. The thing is, when you are a part of a minority, when you are being prosecuted and targeted for who you are, you need safe spaces. And those safe spaces need protection, because every freedom can be taken away if wrong people come to power. No doubt the queer movement would look much more tame and palatable to the bigots if we were all the love wins queers. But we desperately need the start a riot queers if we are to survive.
So yeah, you can say Izzy said what he said because he needs a structure and clear hierarchy in his life. He absolutely does. Some of it comes from his submissive and masochistic tendencies, sure (I wrote a lot about that, including a piece for the Above All Else zine). Some of it may come from neurodivergence (some people read Izzy as autistic, I’m not going to discuss this because as a neurotypical person I have nothing of value to say about it). But it also ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY comes from the desperate need to protect his safe space from outsiders.
And there is one more thing the haters conveniently forget about: OFMD is also a show about growth. It’s about Stede turning from a wooden puppet into a real boy and then into a man. It’s about Edward learning there is a life beyond the legend of Blackbeard and peeling off at least some of the leather. And judging from the trailer, it’s about Izzy learning you can be a start a riot pirate while being accepting of the love wins pirates in your life. 
The more I think about it, the more likely I find it that Stede’s “I don’t care what anybody says, he’s actually a good guy” line from the teaser refers to Izzy. But even if it doesn’t, I am 100% sure the haters will be proven wrong. This show never relied on stereotypes and cliches. In fact, it actively does everything to break them (from Jim’s sacred quest for revenge ending up with them befriending Jackie to the only names that get mispronounced being those of white characters) while killing off the real enemies of the pirate/queer crew (Badmintons, Jack, Geraldo) and giving all its characters place to grow.
So, maybe one day we will all learn to love Izzy? 
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gerryrigged · 11 months
wait wdym dc didn't stick with Red Robin for Tim [and the de-aging thing?] what are they calling him if not RR?
He's been Robin again since 2019 😬 it's a bit more complicated but that's the gist of it.
Okay so Tim became Red Robin in the 2009-2011 series of the same name, back in the post-Crisis timeline. He was supposedly 17 at the time, by official records, and I believe he was still supposed to be 17 when the universe was rebooted with Flashpoint in 2011? (Although this doesn't really make any sense with respect to jamming the huge number of events that happened while he was Robin into like four years, if he was supposed to have become Robin at 13; he should probably at least be 18 if not 19-20).
The Flashpoint reboot took us into the New 52 (much beloathed), where nearly everyone was de-aged to some extent to keep Bruce Wayne and his generation from getting ~too old~, and also Tim Drake was mangled into a completely different character who had never been "Robin"; he'd been "Red Robin" right from the start of his vigilante career. He was de-aged to 16 for the New 52 Teen Titans series.
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Teen Titans (2011) #0; as you can see, this version of Red Robin kept a version of the bandoliers and gave Tim a fancy new functional wing cape that he could fly around with.
Next, Rebirth in 2016 was a partial reboot that brought back some aspects of the post-Crisis timeline; tbh I'm not an expert on this period. What I do know is that Tim mainly appears in James Tynion IV's run of Detective Comics that ran from 2016 to 2018. During this period Tim was still called Red Robin, but he'd basically reverted to a Robin costume, with only the silly doubled "RR" symbol identifying him as not ~actually~ Robin winkwink nudgenudge, and as I understand it he was mostly back to functioning as Bruce's partner.
Tynion's run ends in Detective Comics #981 with Tim telling Bruce that he's going off to Ivy University. (He's totally lying, as Tim Drake does; Alfred notices that his tracker is going off in the opposite direction of the university, but Bruce is like "I trust him" and turns the tracker off. Yay, I guess?)
Anyway the important bit is this revealing that Tim is 'going-off-to-college' age. Which could still reasonably be anywhere from 17-19, and DC being DC, they ~refuse to confirm~
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Tim as Red Robin on the cover of Detective Comics #934 (2016); as you can see, he's pretty much Robin again lol
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Detective Comics #968 (2018); another shot of his "basically Robin" Red Robin costume
In 2019 we got the actual return of Tim as Robin (no "Red") in Brian Michael Bendis's Young Justice run, re-uniting the Core Four from YJ 1998.
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Young Justice (2019) #1
As you can see, he no longer has the doubled 'RR', and he confirms that he's Robin - "Well, one of them!" I think he's supposed to be filling in as the Gotham Robin while Damian is running around the world having adventures and presumably getting into trouble, as Robins do? idk.
Tim also chases down his erased post-Crisis past at the beginning of this arc, having Zatanna magically restore (most of) his memories of the previous timeline, and, crucially, his forgotten best friend Kon, kickstarting some plot.
Tim, and all of the Young Justice crew, are notably young-looking for almost the entirety of this run. It varies based on the artist, but uh, yeah for the most part they are really damn baby-faced. This is a trend that continues with Tim and his generation of friends from this point onward, so fans have basically thrown up their hands like "is he 17 forever???? is he Edward Cullen from Twilight???? is he aging backward????"
We Just Don't Know
In any case, Bendis makes DC's next attempt to give Tim his own identity in short order, giving us the hilarious, ill-fated, and rightfully short-lived "Drake" identity.
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Young Justice (2019) #10
He's back to being Robin by issue #18, hilariously switching costumes from one page to the next, although some time has apparently passed during the scene transition.
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Young Justice (2019) #18; Jinny: "Is Drake back to being Robin?" Kon: "I think Batman and Spoiler made him go back to Robin. Don't bring it up. And say thank you because we didn't have to have the Drake intervention we were planning."
And as of the current date (July 13, 2023), Tim is still in the Robin identity, sharing it with Damian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ God knows how old he's supposed to be right now. I certainly don't.
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Batman (2016) #136; the most recent issue out to date, with Tim suiting up as Robin while filling Bruce in after diving into a bunch of parallel dimensions to bring Bruce home.
As you can see, it's a Mess. The Tim Drake's Vigilante Identity question is of course a hotbed of wank and infighting, as people are torn between (a) wanting him to continue as Robin and (b) wanting him to move on and "grow up" into his own identity again (and, importantly, leave Damian as the sole Robin again, lol).
It feels like most people are for option (b), but then nobody can agree on what his next identity and costume should be. Red Robin again?? Some other bird-based identity that doesn't share a name with a major restaurant chain?? Something else entirely??
God only knows what DC is going to come up with, especially after the Drake fiasco.
And there you have it, Anon! Hope that was helpful.
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kenora-pizza · 3 months
Musical musings - TTTE edition
One of the things that got me back into TTTE was the banger soundtrack and character themes. Music has always been a huge part of my life, I have classical training for the piano and an in-depth knowledge of musical theory and harmonic practices for classical music. So here are some of the things I noticed about various character themes and some of the engines' whistles.
Gordon is considered to be the biggest engine out of the main 12, and this could be reflected in his whistle, as it has the greatest interval between the two notes which make it up, that being a minor seventh between C and Bb.
James' whistle (G - C#/Db) is a tritone/Augmented 4th/Diminished 5th. In medieval times, this interval was considered to be a representation of conflict, discord (no, not THAT Discord) instability and danger. You can hear it in pieces like the iconic opening to Camille Saint-Seans' Danse Macabre, and in Hector Berlioz's La damnation de Faust to represent the titular character's arrival in Hell. James, I've noticed, is pretty damn insecure. He clings to his red paint like a lifeline and hides behind a veneer of arrogance and vanity. He can be quite boastful, to the detriment of his relationships with other engines, with him usually being the aggressor in conflicts with them. So I suppose the use of a tritone for his whistle is appropriate.
Percy appears to (mentally) be the youngest of the main 12, and this could be represented by having the highest whistle out of all of them.
Thomas' character theme and Edward's Series 2 theme both feature modulations to the parallel major of the initial key's relative minor, with Thomas' theme starting in F major and ending in D major, and Edward's theme starting in C major and ending in A major. The "relative minor" of a major key is the minor key which shares its key signature (ex. the relative minor of F major is D minor since they share the same key signature of one flat, likewise with C major, A minor and a key signature of no accidentals). The "parallel major" of a minor key is the major key which shares its 1st note (AKA, the tonic). So....like mentor, like mentee. Or like Father, like Son, in terms of musical themes.
Henry's theme is in a quadruple meter (following an 8-measure phrasing pattern, likely 12/8 time), meaning that there are 4 beats to a measure. However, each one of these "beats" consists of a triplet(If you were to count out a measure, it'd be 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12, and you'd conduct it like 4 beats instead of each of the 12 individual notes) And Henry is the number 3 engine. Hmm.......
If I think of any more, I'll post 'em. If anyone even reads this lol
P.S: One of my favourite OSTs is Kingdom Dance from Tangled, and every time I listen it, I think of the twins. Probably because it uses the E Dorian mode (with a dash of E Mixolydian) which is common in Scottish music. Just in case anyone's confused, the "Dorian" mode is an 8-note scale which starts on the second note of a given major scale. (e.g, E is the 2nd note of a D major scale, so its Dorian mode uses the same signature of 2 sharps). The Mixolydian mode is an 8-note scale which starts on the 5th note of a given major scale. (e.g, E is the 5th note of an A major scale and thus, its Mixolydian mode uses the same key signature of 3 sharps).
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stjohnstarling · 4 months
I did a little googling about Fifty Shades of Grey's origins as a fanfic and oh my god I have opened a terrifyingly deep rabbit hole. It's so much more than Fifty Shades. I think all of self-publishing might be an offshoot of the Twilight fandom. I'm going insane.
This essay explains a lot. Twilight fans got sick of Twilight but still wanted to participate in the fandom, so they got creative:
There were stories where vampires didn't exist (like Fifty Shades of Grey). They got CRAZY popular within the community because they were essentially just generic romance novels with characters we already knew (made it easy to write and consume, as we already liked and cared about the characters). Though there were always nods to the original Twilight series within them, you didn't even have to know Twilight to enjoy an All Human-AU. I've gotten tons of reviews on my fanfic where readers say they've never even picked up the book. By 2010, probably a good 75% of Twilight fanfic being produced was All-Human. It was literally a chore to find a fanfic that had anything to do with vampires.
Twilight fanfiction diverged from its source material to the point where it was only a minor tweak for most popular authors to drop the Twilight link entirely and publish their fanfic as original novels. From a comment on that essay:
Seriously, Twilight fandom got really crazy big for a few years there. It was not totally uncommon to get multi-million clicks on a semi-popular story. It's weird looking back on it and calling it "Twilight fandom" because it was really more like "Romance Novel fandom". For real, for a period there, calling a Twilight fanfic author a 'Twilight fan' would be the ultimate insult. But they never stopped writing about Edward and Bella! It's so weird
And from the main Twilight article on Fanlore:
So what we've created in our neck of the woods are people using their fanwork to gain a huge audience, then removing the fanwork, filing it, publishing it, and sending cease and desist letters if the fanwork is shared. (The published works are then marketed back to the fandom via author profiles and banner ads on the archives.)
Fifty Shades of Grey was the first of these to explode, but it's far from the only one. Every single one of EL James' fanfiction contemporaries I've looked into is not just a self-published author but among the biggest self-published authors in the world, many of whom were foundational to shaping the look and feel and tropes of the medium. Twilight fanfiction is absolutely foundational to all of self-publishing.
This explains so much about the mainstream parts of the industry to me. I don't think they've ever fully gotten out from under the weight of the Twilight fandom, even to this day. It's still the same stuff, look at this. From a former fan's ff.net profile:
My BFF Angel and I (who met through [writing Twilight fanfiction]!) are co-writing writing a dark YA series of standalone romances, with so many of my fave themes. Trauma, bullying, addiction, social issues, violence, pretty rich high school boys being douchebags, hurt/comfort, frantic dry humping, you feel me you feel me.
The resulting book series from 2021 has tens of thousands of Goodreads reviews.
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aurora-313 · 23 days
I never understood why there had to be such a massive conspiracy around Masaki. It detracts from the tragedy of Memories In The Rain and Ichigo's character as a whole that she was a Quincy.
Look at that flashback objectively if Masaki were a powerless human:
It's bucketing down rain, a deluge in the middle of monsoon season. You're eager to get your son home from his karate practice. Conditions are dreadful but as long as you're on concrete, you're both okay. Then your son suddenly stops. Something only he claims he can see catches his attention. You've indulged his talk about ghosts because he's a boy, he's allowed to have an imaginary friend and its never harmed anyone. But suddenly, your son's shouting. Launching into a full sprint down that steep slippery hill, at the base of which is a dangerous rushing river. Or potentially slip on a loose bit of stone or root, and break his neck. You can't see what he sees. As far as you're aware, your son's taken absolute leave of his senses and is charging headlong into a certainly fatal situation. Naturally, your response would be to freak out and throw yourself after your son, hoping to catch him before he could jump into the water, very probably drowning. Then CHOMP. Hollow chow.
Revealing Masaki was a Quincy is irreparably cheapening her death.
Let's pretend for a second Grand Fisher wasn't there. And the same thought process outlined above occurs.
In an attempt to stop Ichigo running down the hill, Masaki could've slipped, fallen and broke her neck instead. Or took a bad tumble, ending with a fatal blow to the head. The effect on Ichigo would've been the same. He would've developed a massive guilt complex because his tragedy of impulse caused his mother's death.
That is the whole crux of Ichigo's guilt. His actions caused this outcome. And it was the hardest lesson he had to learn.
Grand Fisher or no, if Ichigo hadn't acted the way he did, if he hadn't tried to save the 'girl' from falling into the river, then his mother wouldn't have died in the first place.
Revealing Masaki as a Quincy, and that her powers were """conveniently""" stolen at exactly the time she needed them most, completely invalidates the human randomness, tragedy and relatability of that death.
It invalidates the guilt that drives 99% of Ichigo's character and actions. That same guilt, now predicated on false pretenses, fueled his desire to protect, to suffer through hell if it meant he could protect the people he cared about (at times to their detriments). Especially since that desire can rage dangerously out of control, and at one point literally got Ichigo killed and reanimated as a monstrous hollow hellbent on destroying everything around it, muttering 'protect, protect, protect' like a zombie.
It's a flaw Ichigo had to overcome by coming to terms with it and using it to as motivation in a healthier manner. Not be absolved of.
A prime example of a character carrying their guilt and growing past it done well is Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood.
Edward and Alphonse never got over Nina and Alexander. They were never absolved of their guilt. Its a mark permanently etched in their collective psyches and reconciling with the fact alchemy could be used in such vile ways drove a huge part of their early characters.
What they did was learn to grieve and cope and move on with it as motivation. They vowed never to allow that kind of monstrosity to happen again. Even when Ed's about to give up his alchemy forever, he declares 'I'm just a simple human who couldn't save a little girl. Not even with alchemy.'
Rather than have Ichigo go through a journey like this, EBTR removes the burden of guilt from Ichigo's shoulders completely when Isshin tells him "No, it wasn't your iconic recklessness that got your mother killed. It was an ancient prophecy and you never should've felt guilty in the first place."
Isshin may as well have said "Everything you believed about yourself since the moment you were born is a lie. The foundation of your personality since you were 9 is a lie. Have fun finding a therapist to deal with the crippling psychological ramifications of that bombshell, but do it after you win another war for us."
It irreparably damages Masaki, and by extension Ichigo's and Isshin's, characters that she had powers.
If Masaki was a Quincy from the jump. Cool, why didn't she teach Ichigo basic control of his reiryoku? Or how to tell the living from the dead - something Ichigo canonically struggled with for as long as he could remember? Basic safety measures that would've avoided those kinds of situations in the first place.
You don't wait until a toddler get splattered by cars before telling them not to play in a busy road, or not to stick a fork in a power point after they've been electrocuted and rushed to the hospital. You teach them rules and install safety measures to prevent those situations in the first place.
There's four main interpretations I take from Masaki's decision to willfully neglect Ichigo's education in the spirit arts:
Well-meaning but naïve and frankly reckless desire to preserve Ichigo's innocence for as long as possible. Fair and the most benign explanation.
Threatened into maintaining her silence by either Kisuke or Isshin (or both depending how generous I feel), lest the seal on her hollowfication "mysteriously" weaken.
Realizing she was a dead woman walking since been bitten by White, Masaki partook in the conspiracy to turn Ichigo into a living weapon and purposefully martyred herself to make it happen.
Masaki having powers is the cosmic retcon of retcons and Kubo didn't think about the implications of his own writing...
If Masaki absolutely HAD to be a Quincy for the sake of turning Ichigo into Aizen's gary stu project, then fine.Yhwach's influence should've been kept far FAR away from it.
Maybe Masaki couldn't use her powers because if she tried, it would've destroyed the seal keeping the hollowfication in check. When Grand Fisher emerged, she baited it to kill her instead.
"Oh, but we need to explain why Ichigo's so powerful."
Ichigo's sperm donor is an ex-Captain and member of one of the royal families, who are noted to have above average base stats. His powers took a hollow aspect thanks to the encroachment temporarily transforming him into a hollow at the base of shattered shaft. Hollowfied Shinigami are naturally stronger (on paper) than their non-hybrid counterparts.
"Why does he two spirits?" The awakening of his power was so fractious it literally splintered into its component pieces. The hollow is the repressed parts of Ichigo's, so its a psychopathic reflection of himself. The old man is the other half of his soul realising the best way to get through to Ichigo is by giving him actual fucking parent.
Sometimes Occam's Razor is the best solution.
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hkpika07 · 10 months
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Did you know Big Engine Brawl by @spaceboid and the rest of the lovely team makes me just a little insane. It’s probably one of my favorite ttte things anyone has ever done ever.
Everything about it is just so prefect and right. Especially with Gordon my blorbo Gordon. I’ll be doing some autistic analysis. Spoilers under the cut!
OKAY. So this has captured gordon so perfectly in my humble opinion. His first song Indignation (perfect name by the way) is GRAND and very idk how to describe it but it feels fancy. Even his facial expressions here are very indignant and apathetic. He’s not really taking this seriously because he thinks he can EASILY win. And I love how later near the end of the song the chart for Gordon’s part gets so overly complicated and more complex. It’s like how he thinks so highly of himself that he pushes himself past what he can physically do. He’s so determined to win that he does more than he can manage because he’s a big engine, he’s supposed to be able to manage it. And he thinks he’s so much better than this random small thing that he’s showing off. And if you learn anything on Sodor, it’s to not show off. AND THEN RIGHT AS HIS SONG IS SUPPOSED TO END HE FUCKING BREAKS AND HURTS HIMSELF BECAUSE HE PUSHED HIMSELF TOO FAR. HE GOT SMACKED DOWN FOR SHOWING OFF. Just like the hill. Also I love that his buffers fall off it reminded me of the cgi episode where his buffers fell off and he had to get huge diesel buffers.
God and the big finale sone with all 3 of them. I’m gonna go insane I’m gonna eat concrete. Gordon’s angry flushed face as he’s finally taking BF seriously. He’s so FOCUSED. I LVOE how they all work together. At points where James and Henry take up the lead part of the song and Gordon is providing harmony support. I am running around my room I am stimming so hard I think I might explode actually. JAMES AND HENRY’S JUST TIRED APATHETIC FACES TO IT ALL. THEY ARE SO DONE. NOT ONLY WITH BF AND GF BUT WITH GORDON’S UNNEEDED FRUSTRATION ABOUT IT. ALSO WHEN JAMES AND HENRY FIRST COME FOR BACKUP THEIR MUSICAL STYLE REFLECTS THAT. HENRY’S IS LESS GRAND THEN GORDON BUT ITS FAST AND DANGEROUS IT REMINDS ME OF THE IMPACT OF THE FLYING KIPPER. AND JAMES HAS A SLIGHT SWING IN HIS SECTION A LOT LIKE HIS MUSIC.
In short this captures Gordon’s character absolutely perfectly in ways that will make me autistically infodump about it to anyone who will listen. I may have gotten some music things wrong because I am not a musician at all. But I do know Gordon’s character and this is perfect. 1000000/10 PLEASE GO PLAY AND SUPPORT IT
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magicalyaku · 5 months
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Hello and welcome to my 2023 reading wrap up! A big Thank You to everyone who followed my ramblings throughout the year! <3 I will continue through 2024. Maybe I'll learn how to write proper reviews, at least I'll try to remember better what I actually want to say about the stories. In 2022, I read 93 books plus my own. Guess how many it were in 2023? 93 plus my own!! xD That was huge coincidence and I love it. Of these 94 books, 4 are rereads (which won't be included in the "Favourite" sections), 2 are non-fiction, 11 are non-queer. I only DNFed 1 book (which is not pictured) and other than that I only disliked 6 books! (And it's a pretty soft dislike in comparison. I don't hate them nearly enough to want to shit on them again. :'D).
So on the the awards!
Most Read Author: KJ Charles (8 books)
Least Favourite Book: Daresh (Katja Brandis) (the one I could not finish for dear life)
Favourite Character: Brand (The Tarot Sequence) and Will (The Will Darling Adventures) (yes, there's a trend)
Favourite Covers (of books I read, not releases):
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(There were too many. D:)
Highest Emotional Investment (aka The Agony, the suffering, the why you do this to me Award): Dark Heir - The Scottish Boy - In Memoriam
Wildest Story: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Favourite Books:
The Devil's Luck (L.S. Baird)
The Scottish Boy (Alex de Campi)
In Memoriam (Alice Winn)
Just Lizzie (Karen Wilfried)
Dark Heir (C.S. Pacat)
The Will Darling Adventures (KJ Charles)
Gwen & Art are not in Love (Lex Croucher)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
More Books I enjoyed greatly:
Oracle of Senders series (Mere Joyce)
Of Feathers and Thorns (Kit Vincent)
Wren Martin Ruins it all (Amanda deWitt)
Simon Snow series (Rainbow Rowell)
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley (Shaun David Hutchinson)
The Tarot Sequence (K.D. Edwards)
The First and Last Adventure of Kit Sawyer (S.E. Harmon)
Sixteen Souls (Rosie Talbot)
By any Other Name (Erin Cotter)
The High King's Golden Tongue (Megan Derr) and more!!
Most Used Name: I counted names last year and didn't want to do it again this year because I read so much fantasy, so the names were all over. Still, there was one who stood out amongst them all with at least 4 instances, if not more. Probably more.
Congratulations. I have to admit, I've always liked that name. My favourite character of all times and part of my one and only OTP is named Will as well and I kinda hope the last book of their second trilogy never comes because it will probably make me scream and ... ...
Bonus! This year, I counted pages! Because I felt that most books were much shorter than what I read before. So I wanted to know. Turns out, my feeling was wrong. My 93 books had a whole of 33011 pages which results in approximately 350 pages per book. That's pretty normal I dare say.
That's it for 2023! I had a very good year in books. I wanted to read less actually, and failed spectacularly because I had too much fun. And if anyone's wondering how I read so much, I read fast and I just didn't do anything else in my free time. Escapism to the max. I hope, the new year treats you well! I hope, you have fun with the books you read! Let's meet again soon! <3
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forthegothicheroine · 18 days
How Other Great Detectives Would Solve the Riddler Murders
A series I do sometimes. This is based on The Batman (2022). I will be assuming that none of these universes have already established superheroes and supervillains unless it's also in that canon.
Sam Vimes: The Watch as a whole might solve the case, but Vimes is going to be in the wrong headspace. Carcer was bad enough as playful serial killers go, but a serial killer who liked Sam Vimes and wanted to be his best buddy? I think that would make Vimes need his own stay in Arkham.
Sam and Peter: This one is my favorite, it works so horribly well! The Riddler, having been a huge fan of American Vandal, addresses his messages to these two teenage goobers (and it is in fact in the form of vandalism.) Selina ends up saving their lives due to secondhand embarassment when she sees them trying to interview Carmine Falcone about whether he was on any Gothamite subreddits. (Oswald Cobblepot was happy to talk to them about it!) It all comes down to whether the pressure of stopping a serial killer causes the boys to bloom or break, and I'd like to hope it would be the former.
Phryne Fisher: I totally get why the Riddler would fixate on and write letters to Phryne, she's a very good person to fixate on and write letters to! (I've often said she's like if Catwoman were Batman.) Phryne sleeps with Selina and gets surprisingly flirtatious with Oswald. Having already taken down a cocaine ring, she knows enough to honeypot her way into the lower floor of the Iceberg, and very narrowly avoids death at the hands of Falcone. She can solve riddles easily enough, though I don't know if she'd put them together in time to stop the flooding of the city. I'll call this success with a similar casualty rate to Batman's.
Sammy Keyes: This one is a real dick move on the Riddler's part. Addressing your serial killer messages to a tween girl who'd been involved in catching other criminals, thus revealing she's living in an apartment illegally and potentially getting her taken away by social services? It's absolutely something he would do to make a broader social point, but still it's a serious dick move. I think Sammy is way out of her depth here but I want her to succeed because I love the idea of subsequent Sammy Keys books having recurring characters that include the one cop slightly sympathetic to her, the junior high mean girl, and the serial killer who sends her cryptic letters from incarceration.
L: I just know that somehow this is going to involve Edward Nasthon, Forensic CPA, being on the team to catch the Riddler and him and L having a vaguely but unconsumatedly homoerotic dance between friend and enemy. I don't think he'd want to kill L, though, since he'd rather have him alive to acknowledge him as the smartest coolest guy ever, so I'll give L the edge here.
Jane Marple: No matter how I twist it, I just can't see a scenario in which the Riddler would send serial killer messages to Miss Marple. Instead, I think Edward Nashton would just meet her at a tea shop, they'd have a friendly conversation about the novel she's reading, and then she'd call up the police and tell them she's found the Riddler.
Columbo: This isn't a great setup for Columbo, since his method of detection is all about catching people in their lies, which is hard to do with a killer who is a nobody and who keeps to the shadows. He would definitely put Falcone away in the course of the investigation, but I don't know if that's enough to stop the grander scheme in play. If he does catch him, though, he would stop the flood because Edward Nashton would be SO vulnerable to casual conversations about hypothetical approaches to crime.
Philip Marlowe: I think Marlowe would kind of work his way backwards here. He'd get deep into the grime of Gotham, end up stopping a plot to flood the city, follow that up by an investigation into the mob and unconsummated sexual tension with Selina, just barely escape getting murdered by Falcone, get hit on the head by Cobblepot and have hallucinations involving penguins with umbrellas, then finally catch Edward Nashton, the petty little nobody who killed people to make himself feel like somebody.
Dale Cooper: This is a good case for Cooper, lots of subplots that lead into other subplots, nothing overtly supernatural but a vague general feeling of curses and doom. He would find deeper meaning in all the coded riddles that pointed to dark truths about the universe, topped off with dreams of cats and penguins doing his taxes. I sure hope the Riddler is willing to wait for all that before flooding the city, because Coop works at his own damn pace.
Hercule Poirot: I can see Poirot fitting in to the art deco Gotham of the animated series, but the modernist urban grime of the 2021 film is viscerally unpleasant to imagine him in. He could solve the riddles and aid the police, certainly, but more than any of the other detectives, my mind is rebelling against my attempts to imagine these people in the same room at the same time.
Sam Spade: Selina Kyle hires him to help get her friend out of a jam at the same time as Cobblepot hires him to get a few murders discreetly solved before the cops get too nosy, and then Falcone tries to have him whacked when he gets too close on both accounts. The Riddler would take him completely by surprise, but I'm having so much fun imagining Edward Nashton looking up at him with big Peter Lorre eyes and babbling about what crime really means that I'll allow him to at least stick around for that. I think he can get out of this still alive, but it would be a close call.
Kinsey Milhone: Why her, she wonders? Sure, she's a detective, but she's hardly a household name. She goes through all her files to see if this could be connected to anything she's ever worked on, and lo and behold, back when she was an insurance fraud investigator, they always worked with a forensic CPA named Edward Nashton. Now, what could have ever become of that guy...
Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes either immediately solves this or fails utterly, and it all comes down to how quickly you think he could decode things using a computer.
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aineryeo · 4 months
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Ayn Newgate (Daughter of Edward Newgate; Whitebeard)
A little original content for now since I'm dead for One Piece ahhhh!!! I can't wait to delve into her concept more later on. But this is a fun little thing for now :) In my personal timeline, this is where she meets Shanks. Ayn Newgate is actually a character based on a One Piece reader insert fic I haven't posted because it's not done yet and I'd feel bad for layouting the plot and just leaving it to dust again aha... It would be awesome if I finish it just a few before Live Action Marineford.
A huge part of her existence is for me to cope and rewrite One Piece to make it so that Ace lives 🧖‍♀️
Can you guess what her power will be?
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Roommates - E.N
(this takes place BEFORE he becomes the riddler. I wanted to write what I thought he would have been like before, so here ya go. metal head, introverted, smoker, emo Edward. lmao. also, I watched Little Miss Sunshine and fucking loved it, highly recommend. ALSO, i realize that it's very unrealistic for a small apartment to have two bedrooms EACH with their own bathrooms, but SHUT UP I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT <3 so pls ignore that in this fic)
Summary: Edward Nashton: a quiet, reserved, heavy metal loving introvert. Y/n: a friendly, outgoing, hyper extrovert. Very different personalities. Though, opposites do attract.
Word Count: 10,797 (guys, what is happening to my fanfics, they are getting so long...is this a good thing?)
Content Warning: Smut, explicit language, hinting of r*pe, hinting of drugging a drink, knife, penetration, corruption kink, virgin!reader, daddy kink (brief), kind of stupid!Reader (that's mean to say but true), dom!Edward, Edward being a HUGE 'simp' for y/n, sub!Reader, praising, ed guides y/n through sex, gentle sex that turns rough later on, fingering, oral fem receiving, aftercare. (There might be grammar mistakes cuz I'm reading this over at 1:30 am, so please cut me some slack I have class in the morning lol. Hopefully the errors aren't too bad. If so, I'm sorry pookies <3 I promise the fic is still good!)
Songs For Inspo:
Kunst - KMFDM
Custer - Slipknot
Sweating Bullets - Megadeth (my FAVORITE metal band, Dave Mustaine ik ur like over 60 but we can figure something out, please u were so hot in the 80's and u still are plssssss...)
Bounce! - System Of A Down (love them sm)
Revenga - System Of A Down (one of my fav songs by them)
Freak On a Leash - Korn (yoNatooRADatEDotRAndat - John Davis in his songs)
Chop Chop Slide - Insane Clown Posse (edward would SO listen to them, not listening to any other opinions. also this song is so funny like its the cupid shuffle but violent.)
Heavy Metal Lover - Lady Gaga
Eddie My Love - The Chordettes
Vacation Bible School - Ayesha Erotica
Daddy AF - Slayyyter (Edward is so daddy AF guys, i don't think u understand fr like i want this man to *censored*)
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(picturing Edward Nashton as a metalhead is hot to me and I feel like it is EXTREMELY accurate for his character. Like, he's an introverted lunatic...he definitely loves metal. This is now a personal headcanon of mine.)
~Read Below Cut~
"Oh, you precious thing..." Edward cooed, reaching down and stroking her hair.
Y/n looked up at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He chuckled, trailing his hand away from her hair and down to her chin. Gently, he pulled at y/n's bottom lip with his thumb. Y/n squeezed her thighs together.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked sweetly, a hint of desire lacing his tone.
Y/n whimpered, breathing heavily. She didn't even know how to respond to his question. It was so bold and blunt, something that he was able to be with ease. But y/n had a hard time with that, unable to get her thoughts out fully. She nodded, lips forming a pitiful pout as she looked up at him. Edward bent back down to her level, grabbing her leg gently and lifting it up. Slowly, he trailed kisses up her shin, over her knee, and up to the bottom of her thigh. Y/n shivered at the feeling of his lips against her skin.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you, angel? I need to hear you say it."
"Y-Yes, Eddie, please..." She whined.
He smiled, looking up into her eyes as he planted another kiss on her knee. Edward's eyes were glazed with adoration and love, lust only a small part of the glint. He desired y/n, yes, that was a fact. But, he didn't want her in an animalistic way, no not at all. He so badly wanted to pop her cherry gently, showing her how much he loved her with his body. There was plenty of time for more rough and kinky acts in the future, but you didn't get another chance at your first time. And Edward wanted y/n's first time to be loving, caring, fun, meaningful, and passionate.
"I'll give it to you angel, I promise. I'm going to show you what sex is, what it means, and I'll show you how much I love you through it."
-3 months before-
Edward heard a knock at the door just barely through the music he had playing. Groaning, he got up from his desk in his bedroom, walking out into the living room. His hair was a mess, black streaks scattered throughout his hair due to a crappy dye job he did. A lit cigarette hung from in between his lips as he opened the door. Grabbing the cig, he held it between his pointer and middle finger. Before him was a young girl, maybe a year younger than him, with a bunch of boxes and a single suitcase. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Hi! I'm your new roommate! Y/n L/n! We talked over the phone, remember!?" She exclaimed, reaching out and shaking his hand rapidly.
Edward instantly grimaced.
"Oh, how could I forget..." He mumbled.
"These are all my things, is it ok if I come in?" She asked politely, a bright smile on her face.
"Um, yeah. Do you want help carrying your stuff in?" He begrudgingly asked, putting out his cigarette on the ashtray near the door.
"Oh, that would be so nice! Thank you!" Y/n beamed.
Edward started to bring in some boxes, moving them to the spare bedroom. Y/n grabbed a box as well, looking around the apartment. She didn't like that he smoked inside, but she felt better when she noticed he had a window open. She really appreciated that. With a bounce in her step, y/n brought back boxes to her new room. The metal music that Edward was listening to was still playing in the back, fairly loudly.
"You have the same music taste as my dad!" She commented, smiling.
Edward froze in place, box in hand as he looked at her. His face was blank, only a look of confusion in his eyes. Y/n felt herself blush and quickly got back to moving things to her room. Edward rolled his eyes as he placed the last box on her bed. He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at the contents scattered all over the floor.
"You've got a lot of clothes..." He stated.
"They aren't all clothes!" She laughed, finding it amusing that he thought that.
"Then what the hell do you have in these boxes?" He asked, regretting it instantly, because he truthfully did not care.
Y/n looked around for something to open up a cardboard box with. She looked at the desk in her room, smiling when she saw a pencil. Grabbing it, she stabbed it through the tape and Edward flinched, taking a step back. Y/n ripped the tape away with help from the hole she punched in it. She picked it up and angled it slightly so Edward could see the contents. He opened it up, looking inside and raising an eyebrow, glancing back up at y/n. Pulling out a picture, he looked at it and laughed.
"A bunch of cartoon horses?" He asked.
"It's the Mane 6 from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, thank you very much!" She huffed.
"Alright then, well I'm going to leave. Have fun unpacking the things you stole from an 8 year old." He commented before leaving her room.
"That's so rude!"
The two of them instantly recognized how different their personalities were. It was a little jarring at first, living with someone who was the complete opposite of them. But, Edward tried to keep to himself a lot. However, y/n found herself becoming more and more interest in Edward. She definitely had a type...
Slightly scary/intimidating.
Looks a little bit homeless.
He checked off all the requirements on y/n's list....
-2 weeks after moving in-
Y/n's room was fully decorated and furnished. The bed that was already in the room now had pink and white bedsheets with lace on the ends. A bunch of fairly lights were strung about the room and she had all her posters hung up. Shelves were lined with stuffed animals, figurines, and candles. Y/n's room smelled like fruit punch and flowers, if that made any sense. Her room was so cozy and homey, just how she wanted it. Though, most people would say it was too cheery and bubbly for a bedroom. And, those people were dead wrong in y/n's opinion. Y/n was currently listening to music and dancing in her room on top of the fluffy pastel pink rug she had. She was wearing a pair of black leggings that flared at the bottom and a hot pink spaghetti strap tank top. Underneath that she was wearing a white lacy bra. Edward was at work today, so she wasn't worried about the music being too loud.
"Sometimes I wonder if you still wanna fuck me..." She giggled to the lyrics, spinning out of her room.
The white socks she wore caused her to slid across the tiled floor of the kitchen. She swayed her hips back and forth, dancing to the fairly erotic song that was playing. Opening the pantry door, she grabbed a box of cheez-its. Y/n took a bowl from one of the cabinets and poured some of the crackers in. She put the box away and started to snack on the cheez-its. The sound of the front door opening was drowned out by the loud music. Y/n was dancing away, oblivious to the fact that Edward was watching her dance as he put away his keys and coat.
'Well, it's fine because I'm a whore'
'And I sleep with guys just for fun and drugs'
Y/n was still swaying her hips around, jumping up and down slightly. Edward chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets, one of which had a chain dangling next to it. Y/n turned around eyes closed as she sang the lyrics, opening slightly at the end.
"Vacation Bible Schoooo..." She froze, hands in the air.
"Hey." He said, eyes heavy and tired.
The music continued playing in the background, causing Edward to smile slightly. Y/n let her hands fall to her sides, a blush on her face. She cleared her throat, grabbing a cheez-it.
"Hello Edward, nice day outside, right?" She asked, placing the cheez-it in her mouth.
"Yeah, really good day to listen to bimbo music in my kitchen." He commented.
"Shut up."
The two roommates had grown tolerable of the other after some time. Y/n was still absolutely obsessed with Edward, finding his mysterious and intimidating nature addicting. Every time he was near her or talked to her, she felt her stomach do backflips. And, Edward was no idiot. He knew how she felt. He was a genius, for sure, but it didn't take a genius to know how y/n felt about him. He didn't want to act on it just yet, even though he felt himself getting feelings for her as well. But, he did enjoy purposefully teasing her. It was a fun little game for him.
-1 month after moving in-
It was around 10 in the morning and y/n sat on the couch, bundled up in blankets. She was as snug as a bug in a rug. It was her day off from work, and she didn't really have much planned. Because of this, she decided that she would watch a bunch of Pixar movies, starting with Cars. Cars was one of those movies that y/n could watch over and over and never get tired of.
"Where is it...?" Edward mumbled.
Y/n realized that she forgot to tell Edward that she had the day off. It aligned well with his work schedule, as he didn't work today either. She wanted to ask him if he wanted to watch Pixar movies with her. Though, she figured that he would say no, in classic Edward fashion. Y/n looked to her right, ready to ask Edward, but her face flushed instantly. Edward stood in the living room, looking around with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was completely naked, other than the towel of course. His hair was slightly dry, though still damp in most places. Y/n couldn't see his eyes that well because his hair hung in his face, covering most of his face up. Edward looked up, not really reacting when he saw y/n.
"Oh, hey y/n. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked, hand gripping his towel.
"U-Um, today is m-my day off. I meant t-to tell you, but I fo-forgot..." She stuttered.
Edward took in her flustered appearance, knowing the affect he had over her. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, getting it out of his face. Y/n watched with her eyes wide as he continued to walk around the living room.
"Have you seen my shirt? The uh...the...oh the Slayer shirt." He asked.
Edward looked towards y/n, mouth forming an 'o' as he saw the shirt resting on the top of the couch behind her. He walked over, leaning down slowly, making sure to get as close to y/n as possible. Based on how stiff she became, Edward could tell that he was definitely doing a good job at teasing her.
"Here it is. Oh, are you watching Cars? That's a good move. Mind if I watch it with you?" He asked, voice coarse from smoking a cigarette earlier.
"Oh, u-um, sure yeah. I was g-gonna ask you that actually." She mumbled.
"Alright, well I'm going to get changed. I'll be back."
Over the next few months, y/n and Edward's attraction to each other grew stronger. Y/n would follow Edward around like a dog after it's owner, and it was extremely apparent to him. One night, y/n decided she would go out to a party with her friends from work. Not wanting to be alone, even though she knew most of the people, she invites Edward.
-2 months after moving in-
Y/n knocked on Edward's bedroom door, a System Of A Down song playing loudly on his speakers. Shuffling was heard from behind the door, and then the music was turned down, but not too much. The door swung open to reveal Edward, who leaned against the doorframe. He had a very slightly cropped black tank top on with the skull from Megadeth on it, a few small holes ripped in it. His jeans were washed out and a chain dangled from one of his pockets. Y/n could see his happy trail above his belt, and she felt her breath hitch. Edward pushed his glasses up, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Oh, um...I'm going to a a work friend's party tonight. Just a few drinks and music, stuff like that. I was wondering if you uh, if you might wanna go with me?" She asked, fidgeting with her hands as she looked at the floor.
Edward smirked, noticing how shy y/n was at the moment. It was clear that she desperately wanted him to go with her. He usually didn't like parties, but he couldn't say no to her face. Not when she looked so small in front of him, so needy for his presence at all times. It fed his ego for sure, but it was also nice to be wanted.
"Is there a dress code or some shit?" He asked.
"N-No, I don't think so? If there is then she never mentioned it."
"Ok, then this is what I'm wearing." He said.
"So, does that mean you're coming?" Y/n asked, excitement lacing her voice.
"Sure. I don't have any other plans."
"Yay! I'm going to go get ready right now! We need to leave in 30 minutes!" Y/n squealed, running to her room.
Edward watched her, closing the door to his bedroom a few seconds after. He turned the music off, knowing that they would be leaving soon. Opening his closet, he looked for a jacket to wear over his tank top. Grunting, he grabbed the first one he saw, which was denim. He had patches sewn on it, each from different bands he listened to. He also sewed a bunch of green question marks into it. Shrugging, he slid the jacket on and grabbed a pack of smokes from off his nightstand. His lighter was already in his pocket, so he grabbed his pocket knife and put it in his back pocket. You could never be too safe in Gotham. Even he knew that. As he walked out of his bedroom and closed the door behind him, he wondered about what he just agreed to. If y/n's friends were anything like her, then he would have a headache within the first 5 minutes. Sighing, he grabbed his wallet from off of the table next to the front door and put it in his other front pocket. He could hear music from y/n's room as the shower cut off. A couple seconds later he could hear the hairdryer. Y/n usually liked to take her time getting ready, but if there was a time limit then she could get ready extremely fast. She always liked to be early to everything, which was a good thing. Edward was the same way.
"Can't even drink while I'm there..." He mumbled, realizing that should be prepared to be the designated driver.
After about 10 minutes, y/n came out of her bedroom. She had on a lacy spaghetti strap tank top, it was a soft purple in color. Her pants were ripped denim shorts, which was a good choice since it was summer in Gotham. Y/n's hair was let down, wavy in some places and curly in others, chaotic but cute, just like her. Underneath her hair was a white ribbon that tied into a quaint bow on the top of her head, off-centered on purpose so it wasn't so symmetrical. Blush adorned her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Her eyelashes were accentuated with mascara, a glittery eyeshadow with no color covered her eyelids. Y/n's lips were plumped up with a shiny pink lip-gloss. Edward felt heat rush to his face, and he quickly looked away.
"Ok! I'm done! Just gotta get shoes on!" Y/n cheered, rushing to the door.
Edward stood up, watching her as she bent over and slid on light blue converse. The shoes had tiny gems on the edges, and stickers on the top of it. He remembered when she customized them. He walked in the living room one night to see her hunched over them, it was really amusing. Clearing his throat, he slid his combat boots on. Y/n grabbed her purse and Edward grabbed his car keys.
"You're gonna have to tell me the directions." He said.
"Oh, are you driving?"
"I was hoping we could take my car."
"Aw, but I wanna take my car..." Y/n pouted.
He grunted, closing his eyes shut. Mumbling under his breath he pinched the bridge of his nose. Edward let out a sigh and placed his keys back on the table.
Edward was slumped in the passenger seat of y/n's soft pink mini cooper. The interior was light brown leather, and it smelled just like her room, like fruit punch. Tiny little stuffed animals, beanie babies, and squishmallows were in her backseat. One beanie baby, which was a unicorn, was in the corner of her dashboard, in front of Edward. Y/n giggled, turning into the driveway of her friends house. She got out of the car quickly, shutting the door behind her. Edward got out too, hitting his head on the roof of the inside of the car. Wincing, he cursed under his breath. Once he was out he closed the door, hearing y/n lock the door shortly after.
"Your car makes me stick out like a sore thumb." He said.
"Yep! I know! Now, let's go!" Y/n said, skipping to the front door.
Edward shoved his hands in his pockets, following y/n slowly. The only reason he agreed to coming was to make sure y/n was safe. He hated going to parties, and he didn't even know the people, so it was even worse. But, it's hard to say no when y/n gives him puppy dog eyes. Stepping up on the front porch, y/n knocked rapidly on the door, ringing the doorbell twice after. Edward chuckled softly, standing behind her. When the door opened, y/n was practically bouncing in place.
"Oh, y/n! Hey! I was worried you weren't coming!" Her friend said.
"Sorry, Emily, we got stuck in traffic." Y/n said, gesturing to Edward.
Emily looked behind y/n, looking Edward up and down. He looked ominous towering over behind y/n. His eyes were tired and he smelled like leather and pine.
"Oh, you'll have to introduce everyone to him. Me included. But, please, come in! It's really hot outside. We've got AC in here." Emily said, moving aside so they could walk in.
"Thanks Emmy!" Y/n walked inside, Edward following close behind.
With how close Edward was following y/n, you'd think that he'd be scared to leave her side. But, he wasn't. Not even close. He didn't look like a lost puppy, he looked like a rabid attack dog that would maul someone if they breathed a little too hard. He was like a bodyguard following y/n around. Everyone looked towards y/n, smiling when they saw her. At work, y/n was considered the nicest and friendliest person. But, that also led to people taking advantage of her. Asking her to cover shifts, stay late, and even do other peoples jobs. Edward knew about all of this, because y/n would tell him about it. It was sad that she didn't realize it was manipulation. This was partially another reason that Edward came: to make sure that y/n wasn't coerced into doing something for someone. He didn't want to see her come home 3 hours past when her shift ended for the 3rd time this week.
"Hey girl! Oh, who's Mr. Tall, scary, and hostile?" A girl asked.
Edward looked at her, his face emotionless and dull. The girl looked away quickly, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. Y/n smiled as everyone gathered around, it wasn't that many people, maybe 10 people. That was without including her and Edward. Emily was there as well. Placing her hands on Edward's shoulder, y/n shook him lightly, not getting a reaction from him. A few people chuckled, causing Edward to grunt lightly.
"This is my roommate, Edward! I'd be living on the streets without him!"
"Oh, THAT Edward! Y/n talks about you all the time at work!" One guy said, taking a sip of his drink.
Edward smirked slightly, letting it fall as quickly as it appeared. Y/n awkwardly laughed, brushing the comment off.
"Uh, where's the drinks at? I'm parched!" She asked.
"In the kitchen, and outside we have music playing, we have a pool too. Though, I forgot to mention that to everyone. So, only go for a swim if you're ok with not having a change of clothes." Emily laughed.
"I already know someone is going to get so drunk they jump in. And, it won't be me. Maybe." Y/n smiled.
Emily turned to Edward.
"Do you want a drink, Edward?" She asked.
"I'll take a Coke." Was all he said.
"I'll get it for ya!" Y/n smiled, going to the kitchen.
Some people in the house made their way outside, other's sat on the couch in the living room and talked. Edward leaned against the wall that connected to the banister of the staircase. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched y/n in the kitchen, ignoring basically everyone around him.
"So, what's it like living with y/n?" Emily asked.
Edward raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact with y/n to look at the fairly tall woman. He shrugged, sighing as he looked up at the ceiling.
"It was jarring at first, she's pretty hyper. But, I'm getting used to it." He replied simply.
"Well, Adam was right earlier. She does talk about you a lot. Don't tell her I said that though." She laughed.
"Uh huh." He mumbled.
Emily took this as a sign to walk away, which Edward greatly appreciated. He was not one for socializing. Hence, why he doesn't like parties. Shortly after, y/n came back from the kitchen. She gave Edward a can of Coke, and took a sip of the drink she got.
"What did you get?" He asked.
"Margarita. Well, a poorly made one. But, a margarita nonetheless." She replied, giggling.
"You wanna go outside?" Y/n asked.
"Sure, I need a smoke anyways." He grunted.
The two of them walked outside, Edward glaring at some of her coworkers as they did so. His glasses caught the reflection of the moon, and he leaned against the outside of the house. Placing his coke down on the porch banister, he pulled out a cigarette. With it between his lips, he lit the end of it and took a drag. He blew smoke to his left, making sure it was going away from the backdoor, not wanting to get smoke inside the host's house. Watching y/n, he noticed her talking to a few people, coworkers no doubt. The sound of crickets and frogs in the summer night comforted Edward and made him feel relaxed. Taking another drag, he blew it to his side again. Y/n had already drank her entire margarita. She came back to the patio and looked at Edward, pointing at her drink.
"Gonna get another!" She said.
He nodded curtly, confused as to why she told him. He wasn't in charge of her. She could do what she wanted. He took another puff from his cigarette. The two guys that y/n was talking to approached him. He raised an eyebrow, looking up at them from his hunched over posture.
"Yeah?" He asked, voice hoarse.
"You're y/n's roommate?" One guy asked.
"Last time I checked." He answered.
"Can you do us a solid?" The other one asked.
Edward didn't answer, only looked at them. The guy on the left elbowed the guy on the right softly, chuckling. Ed took another drag from his cigarette.
"Is she a good fuck?" One of them asked.
"Yeah, she seems like she'd open her legs for a good price." The other commented.
Edward's eyes narrowed as he finished his drag, blowing the smoke directly at them. He mumbled under his breath, something about how gross they were. The two men coughed, trying to wave away the smoke. Edward straightened his posture, fixing his glasses that were slightly crooked.
"What the fuck, man?" One guy asked.
"That was a dick move!" The other said.
Edward put his cigarette out on the bottom of his boots. He glanced to his left and saw an ashtray on the banister. He dropped the cigarette in there. Noticing he had a few ashes on the tips of his fingers, he brushed them off on the shirts of the two guys.
"Mhm." He grunted, walking away from them and going inside.
Edward didn't bother saying anything to the two men, it would be a waste of his breath. But, he did know that he didn't want y/n to be anywhere near those cretins. He went to the kitchen, seeing y/n pour herself another margarita. Walking up to her, Edward tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, take a huge gulp of her drink, smiling wide at him after.
"Hi Eddie!" She giggled.
"How many drinks have you had?"
"Well...th-this is my 4th one..." She hiccupped.
"I see. Well, I think it's getting late. We should head back home." He said.
Just as he said that, one of y/n's coworkers walked up to the kitchen counter. She leaned over, propping her elbows up and letting her cleavage show. Edward looked at her and rolled his eyes, looking back at y/n.
"Hey girly~ tell me about your friend here. He seems interesting." She winked at him.
"Oh! W-Well-"
"I'm not interested." He replied curtly.
The girl scoffed, standing up. She mumbled under her breath.
Edward looked back at y/n, seeing that she was absolutely wasted. He sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The two men from early walked in and Edward glared at them. Leading y/n to the living room, he whispered down in her ear discreetly.
"We need to leave, ok? I'll tell you why when we get in your car."
She nodded, unsure of why Edward wanted to leave so bad. But, after living with him for a little over 2 months, she trusted him. Y/n glanced over her shoulder and saw two guys staring at her. She looked back at Edward and he nodded subtly. Y/n took this as a signal to say bye to her coworkers.
"H-Hey guysss, it's g-getting late. I think weee're gonna go hooome." She said, smiling drunkenly.
"Aw, already? It's only been an hour since you got here! Stay longer, you're always the life of the party!" One girl with a braid said.
Edward squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, knowing how easily she was influenced by her coworkers. She fidgeted with the hem of her tank top, drinking the rest of her margarita. She shook her head.
"N-No, sorry..."
"Ok, well, before you leave, do you think you can cover a shift for me this weekend? I know you don't work weekends, but I have a concert to go to and I really don't want to miss it." A guy said.
"Well, I-I sup-pose..."
Y/n looked up at Edward, seeing that he was watching the two guys in the kitchen. They were eyeing up y/n, and y/n finally noticed that. She shook her head.
"No, I can't. We-We're leaving nowww, bye everyone." She slurred.
Before anyone could say anything, Edward made sure y/n had her purse on her and they left the living room. He guided her to the front door, watching the two guys as he opened up the door for her. He quickly followed her, closing the door and helping her go down the steps. Edward opened up the passenger door for her, making sure she buckled herself in. He groaned before getting in the driver seat of the pastel pink mini cooper. He felt like a giant in the vehicle.
"Who were those two guys?" He asked, buckling up and backing out of the driveway.
"J-Josh and Aaron..." She stuttered.
"Don't ever talk to them at work. Don't ever accept anything from them and do your best to not work a shift alone with them." He demanded, his tone serious and instructive.
Y/n nodded.
"W-Why?" She asked.
Edward sighed, gripping the steering wheel as he put the blinker on. He turned left and glanced quickly at y/n.
"They asked me a very disgusting question about you. And then they made a gross comment on you." He said.
"Like w-what?" She asked.
Edward scoffed, stopping at a red light.
"Well, one of them asked me if you were a good fuck. And then the other one said that you seemed like you'd open your legs up for a good price." He said through gritted teeth.
Y/n went quiet, giggling drunkenly. Edward didn't understand why she found it amusing. But, he assumed that she was just drunk and laughing it off. Deep down, it probably made her very uncomfortable.
"I've n-never even fucked anyone bef-fore." She hiccupped.
Edward found this comment surprising. He figured a beautiful girl like her would have had plenty of sexual encounters. But, here he was, being proved wrong. Still, he shrugged and turned onto their block.
"Don't let them know that. Knowing how creepy they are, they'll probably find a way to twist that and sexualize you in ways no one ever should. They seem like the kind of people to fantasize about...taking advantage of you..." He said, shuddering at the thought, the words feeling like poison on his tongue.
Y/n mumbled to herself, staring out the window. Edward sighed, pulling into the parking garage of their apartment building. Parking the car, he got out and closed his door. Walking around the car, he opened up y/n's door and helped her get out. She groaned, the salt from the rim of her margarita cup stuck to the corners of her lips. Edward huffed, letting y/n hold onto his arm for stability. She was absolutely hammered. It was clear that she could not hold her drink well. Locking the car, Edward put the keys in his pocket and helped y/n up the stairs. When they reached their apartment, Edward unlocked the door and opened it up. Y/n went straight for the bathroom and Edward heard her gag over the toilet. Sliding off his boots, he hung his denim jacket up and picked up y/n's shoes that she removed when running to the bathroom. He walked to the kitchen, grabbing a sticky note from off the counter and picked up the pen next to it. Scribbling something down, he slapped the note onto the door of the fridge.
He grinned, proud of the little reminder he posted up. When the two of them needed to remember something, or communicate with the other, they would leave post-it notes on the fridge. It was usually used to let the other know if there was no milk left, or if a certain food was theirs. But, this worked good too. Edward walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. Y/n didn't respond, but he heard a flush. The faucet of the sink ran for a little while, and then the door opened up. Y/n's mascara ran down her face slightly.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah...just wanna go to bed..." She mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.
Edward watched as she went to her bedroom, about to turn around to go to his own. Her meek voice caused him to stop, looking back towards her.
"Th-thank you for getting me out of there. I d-don't know why I hang out with those people..." She sniffled.
"Don't thank me, y/n. That's the whole reason I went."
"What reason?"
Edward grinned, pulling out the pocket knife he had in his back pocket. Y/n's eyes widened slightly and she blushed subtly. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight.
"To make sure you were safe."
After that incident, y/n felt safer with Edward than she had ever felt with anyone else in her life. Her fascination with Edward turned into full love. Edward felt love towards y/n as well, feeling the urge to protect her at all times. What started off as two roommates finding each other annoying, had evolved into love and adoration. One night, Edward notices how shy y/n is around him. She tells him that she has feelings for him, and he listens to every word of it.
-3 months after moving in-
Y/n sighed, a pen and paper on her desk as she sketched away. She couldn't get his eyes out of her head. His dark, tired, mysterious eyes that hid behind his messy bangs. She giggled as she remembered seeing him in only a towel, recalling how it made her stomach do backflips. A knock at her door snapped her out of her thoughts, causing her to turn down the music that played from her speaker. It was her playlist she listened to when she was in a really happy mood, so basically, it was music that Edward wouldn't listen to. She looked in the mirror, making sure her hair was cute. She was wearing a peachy color oversized t-shirt that she got from a thrift store. It ended just in the middle of her thighs, hiding the cream colored panties she was wearing. Opening the door, she looked up at Edward who stood before her. A dark olive green tank top covered his chest, his arms on display, and a pair of flannel pants hid his legs away. The black socks he wore contrasted heavily against her pink ones.
"Hey, Eddie. D-Do you need something? Is my music too loud?" She asked, feeling sheepish.
"Huh? Oh, no it's not. Uh, I was wondering if you had anything to eat yet? I haven't had something to eat, so I figured I'd just order some pizza or some shit." He said, stretching his arms upwards, revealing his happy trail.
Y/n's eyes trailed down slightly, but quickly flicked back up to his own. She shook her head, clearing her throat. Edward tilted his head to the side slightly.
"Uh, no. I haven't had anything to eat yet. P-Pizza sounds good." She stuttered, trying to hide the notebook that she was drawing by blocking it from his vision.
Edward noticed how awkward she was being, and decided to make it worse, just for fun. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked in y/n's room. Sitting down on her bed, he was careful not to sit on any stuffed animals. Last time he did that she nearly ripped his face off. Y/n shyly sat back at her desk, trying to ignore the fact that he was ordering food in her room. However, she took advantage of this and took occasional glances at his eyes, using them as references to get a more accurate drawing of his eyes. Edward watched as she scribbled away, placing the order over the phone. Once it was placed, he hung up and slid the phone back into his pocket. Getting up from the bed, he walked over and looked over y/n's shoulder.
"They said it'll be at least 15 minutes." He briefly explained.
Y/n flinched when she realized he was behind her. Frozen in place, she watched in terror as Edward picked up the notebook, looking at the sketches of his eyes. He chuckled, placing the notebook back down.
"Those are pretty good, you really captured how tired I look all the time." He said, being serious about his compliment.
"Th-Thank you..." She stuttered.
Her heart felt like it was about to burst with him standing behind her. Slowly, she turned around in the chair and stood up. Edward watched as she walked to her bed, picking up a hello kitty plush and fidgeting with it. She looked nervous, and Edward had a good idea as to why. Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, watching as Edward leaned against the wall that was directly in front of her.
"Um, E-Edward?" She asked.
"Uh huh?"
"There's something I need to tell you..."
He nodded, grabbing y/n's chair from her desk. Pulling it towards him, he sat in it, getting close to her. She felt her heart race, the moment feeling intimate with him being in front of her. Letting out a shaky breath, y/n fidgeted with the plush in her lap.
"W-When I first moved in with you...I was really skeptical..." She started.
He listened intently, spreading his legs slightly as he leaned back into the chair. Y/n swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry. His presence was enough to make y/n feel anxious.
"But, I c-couldn't help but notice that I had f-feelings...for you..." She mumbled.
"Oh really?" He asked, not surprised at all.
"Y-Yeah...I think I...I think I love you...Edward..."
He nodded, his glasses glinting from the fairy lights that were hung in y/n's room. She anxiously awaited his response. Her eyes stayed on him as he stood up, pushing the chair back to where he got it from. Taking a few steps, he stood directly in front of y/n. Sighing, he knelt down, looking up at her as he gently held her hands in his.
"I know you love me, y/n. I've known for a while. I've felt the same." He said, rubbing over her knuckles with his thumbs.
Y/n's eyes widened and she felt heat rush to her cheeks. She was stunned by his gentle demeanor, not used to it. He was usually gruff and blunt. Sure, he could be nice and caring every now and then, but this time he was being vulnerable.
"You mean..."
"Yes, y/n. I love you, too." He reassured, kissing her hand.
Y/n gasped softly, unable to comprehend what was happening before her. She watched as he reached his hand up slowly, cupping the side of her face in his palm. He hummed to himself, the music that played softly in the background providing a nice ambience, even if it was y/n's hyperpop music.
"I don't know how else to ask you, y/n, so I'll just say it." He said, sitting up, meeting her eye line.
"Will you be my girlfriend? I probably made that sound like we're in middle school, but whatever." He chuckled.
Y/n nodded frantically.
Edward smiled, looking down at her lips. Brushing his thumb over them, he sighed. Y/n looked at his as well, wondering how they would feel against hers.
"May I kiss you?" He asked.
"Yes, please."
Leaning in, he tilted his head slightly. His lips met with y/n's in a soft embrace. His hand held the sides of her face gently as y/n's slithered around his neck. She sighed in delight as he pulled away, completely enamored with his entire being.
"You're so heavenly, y/n. My angel on earth." He cooed, dimples showing as he smiled.
"Oh, Edward..." Y/n giggled.
"Why don't you and I go watch a movie while we wait for the pizza, hm?" He asked.
"That sounds good. What movie?" Y/n asked, grabbing Edward's hand as he helped her up.
Y/n tossed the hello kitty plush back on the bed. Turning off the music that was playing, she followed her boyfriend out of the room. Edward thought for a moment, running a hand through his hair. As they walked, y/n caught whiff of his scent and nearly melted. She hated the smell of smoke, but when it came from Edward mixed with pine, leather, and green tea, she couldn't resist.
"Let's watch a horror movie, is that ok with you?"
Y/n nodded.
"I love horror movies, I had a huge crush on Stu Macher for a long time. Still kinda do..."
"Oh, you're one of those girls." He winked.
Y/n blushed, sticking her tongue out at him. The two of them sat down on the couch, the only light in the room coming from the fairy lights that y/n convinced Edward to hang on the wall behind the T.V. Y/n snuggled against his chest, feeling him sigh under her touch. He rested his hand on her thigh as he wrapped his around around her. Y/n watched as Edward put on Friday The 13th. As the movie played, y/n giggled, the feeling vibrating through Edward's chest.
"What's so funny, squirt?" He asked.
"Nothing, I just can't believe we're dating now. I'm just super happy!"
"I'm happy too, angel." He cooed, kissing the top of her head.
A knock on the door made them both look away from the T.V. Edward got up, letting y/n stay on the couch. He smiled as he saw her watching the movie from the corner of his eye as he opened the door. Flipping through his wallet, he pulled out 15 dollars, 10 dollars for the pizza and 5 as a tip. He always tipped people who worked in customer service. Edward was a really friendly person, but he looked like he could rip your throat out. So, the pizza delivery guy was quick to leave. He looked at y/n and faked a surprised face as he showed her the pizza, y/n giggled and got up from the couch. Edward placed the box on the kitchen table.
"Go ahead and start eating, I'm gonna get some water. Do you want some?" He asked.
"Oh, yes please!"
Edward poured two glasses of water, bringing them back to the table and placing them down. He looked at the T.V and chuckled, looking at y/n as she took a bite of pizza.
"Honestly, if I was a killer and I saw a naked woman in the woods, I'd run away. Do you know how awkward that would be? Like, 'Hey, I know you're basically naked but I kinda wanna kill you...so...you ok with that?' Like, how do you handle that?" He asked.
"Yeah, you're right! That's so weird. I don't care who you are, if you see a naked person in the woods, you're gonna be a little thrown off." She agreed.
The two of them continued to watch the movie, eating their pizza as they did so. Edward stole occasional glances at y/n, smiling every time she laughed or reacted to the movie. Every thing she did made his heart swell. Once he finished eating and y/n finished eating, Edward cleaned up their mess, even though y/n offered to do it. The movie came to an end as Edward finished cleaning up, and y/n gave him a kiss on the cheek. He repeated the gesture, saying good night before he walked to his room. Y/n grabbed his hand, frowning as she looked at him. He chuckled and tilted his head to the side.
"What's wrong, angel?"
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"To bed...?"
"Well, um, can you sleep with me tonight?" She mumbled sheepishly.
Edward smirked, nodding as he embraced her in a hug. Y/n smiled and pulled away, running to her room quickly. Humming to himself, Edward turned off all the lights that were still on, turning the T.V off as well. He did a double check of all the windows of the apartment and the front door, making sure they were closed and locked up.
"Eddie, come on! I moved my stuffed animals for you!" She called.
"I'm coming angel, just double checking things." He said, walking to y/n's room.
Stepping inside, he saw that y/n moved all of the stuffed animals on the bed to the corner of her room, all in a pile. However, she did leave a worn out rabbit on the bed, something from her childhood. Edward had to admit, her bed looked extremely cozy with all the fluffy blankets and plump pillows she had. Y/n went into her bathroom, brushing her teeth. Edward forgot about that, and quickly went to his bathroom to do the same. Once he came back, he saw that y/n laid flat across the bed, head hanging off the other side. She was stretching her back out in a comical way. Smirking to himself, Edward crouched down and attacked her thighs with kisses. Y/n shrieked and shot up instantly. Edward looked up at her from his position on the ground, watching her face turn red. The subtle muscles in his arms were flexed from how his arms were propped up. Y/n couldn't help but stare at them, squeezing her thighs together at the sight. Edward noticed and raised an eyebrow, finding the movement to be curious. Testing it, he pushed himself up with his hands, making sure to flex his arms as he did so, and lo and behold, y/n couldn't look away. Chuckling, Edward looked down at her thighs and hummed at how gently she rubbed them together.
"What are you doing there, hun?" He asked.
Y/n looked away, blushing. Firmly, yet softly, Edward moved her chin to force her to look at him. His eyes were soft as he looked into hers, seeing how nervous she was.
"You just...you make me feel hot. And I get..." She trailed.
Edward placed his hands on her thighs, looking up at her for approval. She nodded, breath hitching as he spread her legs slightly. His expression was understanding, knowing that y/n never did anything sexual with someone before. He wasn't sure if she had done anything to herself, she obviously knew about being turned on, so most likely she has.
"...wet?" He finished smoothly.
Y/n nodded, face beet red as she watched him massage her thighs. He planted a kiss on her inner thigh, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin. Edward could feel her shiver under his touch and it drove him wild. Standing up slowly, he looked down at her. Her little bambi eyes gazed up in his baggy eyes. He brought his hand down and stroked her hair.
"You make me so...hot and bothered, Eddie. I just...please..." She sighed desperately.
"Oh, you precious thing..." Edward cooed, reaching down and stroking her hair.
Y/n's eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly agape. He chuckled, trailing his hand away from her hair and down to her chin. Gently, he pulled at y/n's bottom lip with his thumb. Y/n squeezed her thighs together once again.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked sweetly, a hint of desire lacing his tone.
Y/n whimpered, breathing heavily. She didn't even know how to respond to his question. It was so bold and blunt, something that he was able to be with ease. But y/n had a hard time with that, unable to get her thoughts out fully. She nodded, lips forming a pitiful pout. Edward bent back down to her level, grabbing her leg gently and lifting it up. Slowly, he trailed kisses up her shin, over her knee, and up to the bottom of her thigh. Y/n shivered at the feeling of his lips against her skin.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you, angel? I need to hear you say it."
"Y-Yes, Eddie, please..." She whined.
He smiled, looking up into her eyes as he planted another kiss on her knee. Edward's eyes were glazed with adoration and love, lust only a small part of the glint. He desired y/n, yes, that was a fact. But, he didn't want her in an animalistic way, no not at all. He so badly wanted to pop her cherry gently, showing her how much he loved her with his body. There was plenty of time for more rough and kinky acts in the future, but you didn't get another chance at your first time. And Edward wanted y/n's first time to be loving, caring, fun, meaningful, and passionate.
"I'll give it to you angel, I promise. I'm going to show you what sex is, what it means, and I'll show you how much I love you through it."
Y/n breathed heavily, watching as he stood back up. Glancing out of y/ns room, he looked back at her.
"I need to get something, hun. I'll be right back." He said.
Y/n watched as he left the room, hearing him opening drawers in his own. She took this as an opportunity to catch her breath, even though she figured she'd lose it again within a few minutes. As Edward came back in the room, y/n saw that he had a condom in his hand.
"If I'm going to take your virginity, I'm going to be safe about it." He said.
Y/n smiled at him, appreciating how thoughtful and responsible he was being. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. But, knowing that Edward would be the one popping her cherry, she felt comfortable. Safe. In the right hands.
"Are you sure you want to do this, angel? If it's something you don't want, then I won't do it. I don't need sex from you, I'm happy just being in love with you." He said.
"Y-Yes, Ed. I'm sure. I want this. I want to do this with you." She reassured.
Edward nodded as he placed the condom on the nightstand. In one fluid motion, he removed his tank top, his bare chest on display. Y/n shivered as he let his pants fall to the ground as well. The bulge in his boxers was evident, and it caused her eyes to widen. Sitting down next to her, he patted his lap. Y/n took the invitation gladly, straddling his lap. Edward brushed a piece of hair out of her face, looking deep into her eyes.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?"
Y/n blushed, about to say something before being cut off by Edward's lips. She melted into the kiss, hooking her arms around his neck. His hands trailed down from her shoulders to her lower back. Sliding his hand under her shirt, he rubbed circles into her skin.
"Have you ever been given oral, angel? It's ok if you haven't." He said.
Y/n shook her head.
"Do you want it?"
She nodded quickly, the idea of Edward's lips over her pussy making her whimper softly. He smiled, kissing her forehead before gently flipping her over on her back. Letting her legs hang over the edge of the bed, Edward closed her legs, hooking his thumbs under the fabric of her panties. Y/n sat up, holding his hands in place. Looking up at her, he cooed.
"Honey, I'm not going to judge you. You're perfect just the way you are."
Y/n nodded, releasing her grip on Edward's hands. Propping herself up on her elbows, he watched as Edward pulled her panties off, placing them beside her on the bed. With his palms, he spread open her legs, looking at her center. He let out a shaky breath, kissing her thighs.
"Just like I figured. Perfect." He said.
Leaning forward, Edward let his breath fan against her soaked core. She shivered, hips bucking simply from his breath. Slowly, he let his tongue roll out of his mouth, placing it against her. Y/n moaned and gripped the sheets. Letting her get used to the feeling, he massaged her hips. After a few moments, he licked a stripe in between her folds. When she bucked her hips again, he held her legs down firmly. Edward began to suck at her clit, tongue flicking over it occasionally. He was fluid with his movements, making sure it wasn't too overwhelming for her. Y/n reached down and tugged at Edward's hair, signaling for him to stop. Groaning at the sensation, he pulled away from her legs. His lips glistened with her arousal, wiping it off with his thumb before licking it off. Y/n was panting heavily, face flushed.
"You did so good, angel. How did that feel?" He asked, rubbing her thighs softly.
"S-So good..." She gasped.
"I'm glad, darling. Are you ready for more?" He asked.
Swallowing a lump in her throat, she nodded. Her thighs were coated in her slick and Edward's saliva. It served as a lubrication for Edward as he gently slid his finger between her folds, letting it coat his finger with the wetness.
"Ok, I'll be slow. You'll probably feel a small stretch, ok? I'm just going to use one finger." He explained.
"Ok, Eddie. I trust you."
Just like he said, he slowly pushed his pointer finger inside of her. Wanting her to slowly adjust, he only went down to his first knuckle. Y/n whimpered, the sensation a new feeling to her. Edward pushed in to his second knuckle, causing y/n to gasp. After a few more seconds, he slid his entire finger inside her. Y/n's back arched.
"How's that feel? Does it hurt, baby?" He checked.
"N-No, just pressure...so good...m-more?" She asked.
"You want more, are you sure?"
"Yes!" She cried.
Obliging, Edward slid his middle finger inside of her. Y/n yelped, panting as he slowly pumped in and out of her. The pace was slow enough that she could handle it but not too fast to where it hurt. It was perfect, almost like he knew her body inside and out. He smirked.
"Can I do something?" He asked.
Y/n nodded.
Edward stretched his fingers out in a scissoring motion, watching y/n squeal and arch her back. He reveled in the sight of her pleasure, slowly repeating the motion as he pumped inside of her. After she got used to it, he pulled out, laughing at her whines. She grabbed his hand, putting it back between her legs. He pulled it away, shaking his head.
"Angel, don't you want me? Or, are you still not ready for it?" He asked, lifting her shirt up slightly and placing a kiss on her tummy.
"N-No, I want it! 'M just nervous..." She mumbled.
"Aw, pretty girl. I told you I'd be gentle with you. I'm going to take good care of you, I promise you. You just need to trust me, angel."
Y/n nodded.
"Ok, but if I say stop you'll stop right?" She asked.
"Of course, sweetheart."
She smiled, feeling better about what was to come. Edward gently picked her up, placing her head down on her pillow. Reaching over to his side, he grabbed the condom off the nightstand. Y/n grabbed the hem of her shirt, looking up at Edward.
"Only if you want to, y/n." He said.
She nodded, slowly lifting it up over her head. Y/n tossed it to the side. Edward looked down at her as he straddled her lap. His eyes scanned her chest, leaning down and placing kisses over it.
"You're so beautiful, y/n. I mean that." He said, in awe of the woman below him.
Y/n leaned forward, grabbing onto the waistband of Edward's boxers. He smiled at her eagerness. Nodding, he let her pull them down. Her eyes widened as his dick popped out, causing her breath to hitch. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth. Laughing, Edward pushed her back gently. Sliding his boxers off completely, he dropped them on the ground.
"No, not tonight y/n. Tonight is about you. You're all I care about tonight." He hummed.
She nodded, watching as he opened up the wrapper for the condom. Placing the trash on the night stand, Edward rolled the condom over his dick. He hissed at the contact, twitching in his hand. Y/n shuddered at the thought of it inside of her. But, it also exhilarated her.
"Are you ready, angel? If you've changed your mind, that's perfectly fine."
"Eddie, please, I need you..." She whined.
Shivering, he nodded and lined himself up with her. He propped himself up on his right arm, cupping y/n's face with his left hand. He counted down from 3, making sure y/n wasn't caught off guard. Groaning, he slowly slid inside of her, only pushing the tip inside. Y/n moaned, reaching up and hooking her fingers in his hair.
"Oh, fuck. Angel, you're so tight. A-Are you ok...?" He asked.
Y/n nodded, taking deep breaths.
"Y-Yeah, I'm ok. Keep going, j-just slow. I want it all..."
Edward nodded, doing as she said. Slowly, his dick pushed inside her, inch by inch. The feeling of her walls stretching around him made him roll his eyes back, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He whimpered in her ear, lifting y/n up slightly so he could wrap his arms around her. Y/n whined as she felt him twitch inside of her.
"L-Let me know when you want me to move, baby." He panted.
Edward stilled inside of her, kissing her neck delicately. His heart fluttered as he felt her pulse around him. He had had sex with people before, but it never felt meaningful. So, right now, in this moment, Edward felt absolutely enamored with the girl below him. His girlfriend. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, and he wanted it to be exactly what she wanted it to be. He wasn't the type to listen to anyone, but he would do anything y/n asked. He would do anything for his angel.
"E-Eddie...I'm ready, please." She panted.
Edward nodded, slowly pulling back and pushing inside of her. Each thrust was gentle and loving, not wanting to be too harsh with her. Y/n moaned underneath him, tightening around him as he kept a steady pace. Scratching at his back, y/n groaned.
"I want it faster, please!" She pleaded.
Edward knew he was going slow, but he was worried about hurting her. Moaning, he picked up his pace, hips slapping against hers. Y/n continued to moan underneath him, begging and crying for more. She wanted it faster and harder. Propping himself up on both of his hands, he hovered over her.
"Are you sure, angel? I don't want to hurt you."
"Eddie, I'm sure. Please, I wanna cum! Please! I need you so bad, Eddie please..." She whined, her voice desperate and pitiful.
He let out a guttural groan as he reared back and rutted up into her. Edward watched as her eyes rolled back, scratching at his shoulder blades. His mouth opened slightly as he maintained his harsh pace, whimpering at the sound of her moans and whines.
"Oh f-f-fuck!" Y/n cried out.
"Y-You like this? Does it f-feel good, angel?"
"Oh, fuck, yes d-daddy!"
Edward's eyes widened, a pathetic moan leaving his lips. That name sounded so sinful leaving her mouth. It was laced with a sweet honey that Edward couldn't get enough of. Moaning, he grabbed her hips and quickened his pace.
"I-I'm g-gonna...I think I'm..." She gasped.
"That's good, angel. I'll get you there. H-How do you wanna cum, baby?" He asked in between sloppy thrusts.
"M-Mouth..." Was all she said.
Edward pulled out of her, dropping to his knees off the bed. He pulled her close to him, cupping his mouth over her pussy. Lapping hungrily at her core, he buried his tongue inside of her. Y/n moaned, arching her back as she gripped at his hair. Pulling away, Edward put a finger inside of her, curling it inside of her.
"That's it, cum for me baby. You've got it..." He cooed.
As if on command, y/n let out a loud and erotic moan as her orgasm washed over her. She whimpered as Edward swallowed every bit of her climax, not wanting to waste a single drop. It smeared over his face as he buried his face between her thighs. He acted like he hadn't eaten food in weeks, and her arousal was the only sustenance he could get. It went down his throat like a sweet honey and he wanted more and more. But when there was no more, he pulled away, a string of saliva from her pussy attached to his bottom lip. It broke as he stood up and looked down at y/n. The sight of her naked and run through was enough to bring him to his own orgasm. He groaned, bending over and gripping onto the sheets for stability as he pumped his hot load into the condom. Panting, he let it ride out, a shiver running down his spine when it went away. Pulling the condom off, he tied it and tossed it in the waste bin near y/n's night stand. His glasses were fogged up and he was breathing heavily. Using his fingers, he cleared his glasses and leaned down, kissing the top of y/n's head.
"Ok, I'm gonna pick you up now. Is that ok?" He asked.
She nodded, holding out her arms so it was easier for him. Y/n wasn't the only one who was utterly exhausted from the events that played out. Grunting, Edward placed y/n on the counter top in her bathroom. Grabbing a wash cloth, he dampened it and gently wiped away her climax off his face. After that, he cleaned off the arousal and spit that was smeared over her thighs. Once that was done, he left washed his hands. While he did this, he yawned.
"Make sure you go to the bathroom, ok?"
"M'kay, Eddie."
"I'm gonna get you a new pair of underwear. I'll wait in bed for you, angel. I just want to make sure you're taken care of first." He said.
Leaving the bathroom, Edward closed the door behind him. Grabbing his boxers, he put them back on. Yawning, he didn't even bother with trying to find his tank top as he went to y/n's dresser. Opening different drawers, he looked until he found the one with y/n's underwear. He was surprised to see she had lacey panties, but he didn't pick one of those. Looking through, found one pair that looked like it would be the most comfortable. He grabbed y/'s shirt from off the floor and placed them on the bed. He groaned, realizing that he needed to brush his teeth.
"Hey angel, I'm going to brush my teeth again ok?"
"Wow, did I taste that bad?" She joked.
"Haha." He mumbled to himself as he went to his bedroom.
He was quick with brushing his teeth, wanting to get under the covers with y/n. Rinsing his mouth out of the toothpaste, he left his room and came back to y/n's. He was happy to see that she put on the clothes he laid out and got in bed. He closed the bedroom door behind him.
"Do you sleep with those lights on?" He asked, gesturing to the fairy lights that hung around her room.
She nodded. Edward smiled and turned off the main bedroom light, leaving the fairy lights on. Feeling cold, he was quick to get in bed behind y/n, drawing her close to his chest. She turned around, nuzzling into his chest.
"That was amazing, Edward." Y/n smiled.
"I'm really glad I could do that for you, y/n. I wanted it your first time to be special."
"Well, it was. You made me feel so comfortable. You talked me through the whole thing, I really appreciated that. I was super nervous."
"Of course I guided you through it, I wasn't going to leave you in the dark."
"You're so sweet..."
"By the way, no, you did not taste bad. Quite the opposite actually." He hummed.
"Yeah, you were acting like it was a four course meal." She giggled.
"Uh, cause it was. Speaking of, I didn't get any desert. Can I snack on a couple of your fingers? I'll leave you your pinkies." He joked, opening his mouth, about to put her fingers in his mouth.
"What?! No! You weirdo!" She laughed, snatching her hand away from him.
He scoffed, rolling on his back and staring at the ceiling. Crossing his arms over his chest, he mumbled to himself, pretending to be mad. Y/n rolled her eyes, resting her head on his bare chest. Humming, he stroked her hair.
"Fine. I won't eat your fingers. Yet..."
"Mmm, well give me a heads up when you're about to, ok? I'd like to say good bye to them." He said.
"Are you really that attached to your fingers?" He asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? They let me grab things."
"True. That's a good point. Well, how about I just give a you a kiss. I think that'll be a good desert."
"Hmm, I guess that's ok." She giggled.
Edward rolled his eyes as he kissed her gently. Humming to himself, he held her close to him, rubbing her back. She sighed, warmth flooding her body as he embraced her. Both of their eyes grew heavy as they felt comfort in each other's presence.
"I love you, Eddie."
"I love you too, y/n."
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find masterlist 2 here
-Steve Rogers
An understanding between artists
Steve is in love with the male reader and outed
Police officer Steve Rogers x male reader
-Bucky Barnes
Werewolf Bucky x vampire male reader
“Can you please come get me?�� drabble
“You’re gonna be okay, baby, just breathe. It’s all going to be fine.” Drabble
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who has a prosthetic arm
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who likes pastel and sanrio
-Poly Stucky
Relaxing on a snowy morning part 1
A snowy evening (Relaxing on a snowy morning part 2)
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 1
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 2
Poly Stucky x shapeshifter male reader who turns into a wolf pup
-Tony Stark
Tony Stark x Ftm teen reader
Tony Stark x top rival male reader
-Loki Laufeyson
Loki x Tank/Healer male reader
-Moon Knight (Marc, Steven and Jake)
Marc and Steven being comforted by the reader after being yelled at
Shower fun with Marc❤️
Khonshu x ftm reader
Steven Grant x Monster/Non human male reader
Sub Jake Lockley x Dom male reader (scent and Collar)❤️
Jake Lockley x ftm reader❤️
Sub Jake Lockey x Dom reader, Alleyway❤️
Moonboys with male reader who says the safeword
Moonboys x ftm reader who was harrassed for being gay and trans
Moonboys with a flirty male reader and how he flusters them
Moonboys with a tall and buff male reader
Steven Grant venting to his boyfriend
Nine realm headcanons
Bucky and Loki x Oblivious male reader
Avengers forgetting about your anniversary
Marvel x Eldritch horror male reader
Marvel Characters reacting to reader suprise hugging them
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader meeting at a gala part 1
Dick Grayson x Male reader meeting at a gala part 2
Dick Grayson x male reader, undercover❤️
Dick Grayson x ftm reader who is dysphoric
Dick Grayson x Possesive dom male reader❤️
Dick Grayson x former circus performer male reader
Dick Grayson nsfw alphabet❤️
Dick Grayson with a ftm reader whos been deadnamed and misgendered on purpose
Dick Grayson being brought into subspace by the reader with sparring❤️(ish?)
-Jason Todd
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader part 2❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom male reader, desperate for each others touch❤️
Jason Todd nsfw alphabet❤️
Jason Todd being insecure about his appearence with an artist reader
Jason having flashbacks as the reader stitches him up
Jason with a male reader whos older and is like his sugar daddy ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake trying to flirt with a Tiefling reader but he has no idea how
-Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne and speedster male reader who he hates but starts to like
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne nsfw alphabet❤️
Klarion x young justice hero male reader
-Edward Nashton/The Riddler (2022)
Reader comforts Edward when hes working
Edward and the reader are obsessed with each other
Edward x male reader whos a huge romantic
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 1
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 2🖤
Top Edward x Bottom male reader, who met at Arkham❤️
-Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)
Bruce x Male reader who is big and intimidating, but a softy
Bruce x Detective male reader
Sub Bruce x dom male reader❤️
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan nsfw alphabet❤️
Ftm Hal Jordan with a Ftm reader ❤️
Hal Jordan with subspace, edging under a weighted blanket ❤️
Hal Jordan and the reader having enough of him putting himself down ❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen nsfw alphabet❤️
-Wally West
Bottom Wally West x Top Kryptonian male reader❤️
-Clark Kent
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet❤️
yandere Clark Kent nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-el
Conner Kent/Kon-el with a ftm reader
Conner Kent/Kon-el nsfw alphabet ❤️
Conner Kent/Kon-el loving the readers scent and stealing their hoodies
Conner Kent/Kon-el x kryptonian male reader ❤️
Conner kent/Kon-el cuddling with the reader for the first time
Kaldur'ahm x alien male reader
Joker x ftm reader
Ledger!Joker taking care of the sick reader
Batson headcanons
Batsons x ftm reader
Batsons x Himbo ftm reader
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 1
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 2
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 3
Batman/fam being determined to adopt a criminal/vigilante reader
Batboys throwing eachother around as bonding
DC characters and what kind of yandere i think they would be
Batsons with an autistic reader who mirrors them
The Boys
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander being spanked by dom reader ❤️
Fight Club
-Tyler Durden and the Narrator
The Narrator is extremely in love with the male reader who also catches Tylers attention
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz x male reader headcanons
-Poly Ghostface
Handsome Devil part 1 (slasher male reader)🖤
Handsome devil part 2 (slasher male reader)🖤
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 1
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 2
Poly ghostface x autistic male reader
Poly ghsotface with a reader whos in denial about their sexuality
Poly ghostface x metalhead reader with a personality similar to Stu
Poly ghostface x reader whos fascinated by gore and blood
-Brahms Heelshire
Brahms Heelshire x protective male reader
Brahms Heelshire being comforted by male reader
Cuddling Brahms after a rough day
-Michael Myers
Michael Myers x himbo reader
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Michael Myers with a voice kink ❤️
-Thomas Hewitt
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
-Corey Cunningham
Corey Cunningham x slasher male reader who replaces Michael 🖤
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Corey Cunningham comforting an overstimulated reader
Slashers x male reader who is insecure about their thighs
Slashers with an s/o who vapes
Slashers and a weirdly strong male reader who keeps beating them
Slashers being given a flowercrown
Michael Myers and Brahms Heelshire with petplay
Jason Voorhees and Pyramid head with violent hide and seek
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Pyramid head Proposing
Dead by Daylight
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
Evan Macmillan sfw and nsfw alphabet❤️
Frank Morrison and Danny “Jed Olsen” Johsen with a s/o whos built like a brick house
Evan Macmillan, Jason Voorhees and Bubba sawyer bottoming for the first time
Star Wars
-Din Djarin
Din x Tall tanker male reader who is secretly a softy
Din Djarin x Flirty bounty hunter male reader
Din Djarin x Stoic male reader
Din Djarin nsfw alphabet❤️
-Poly Bobadin
-Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker x ftm reader
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x Touchy male reader
Anakin comforting reader who was tortured and has night terrors
Anakin x Jedi male reader who is Plo Koons padawan
Sub Anakin x Dom male reader who is scared of intimacy, plus handcuffs❤️
Anakin with a ftm reader who has dysphoria
Padawan Anakin and a father figure male reader who falls in love with Shmi
-Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker x Shapeshifter male reader
Clonetroopers x ftm reader
Anakin, Darth Vader, Obi wan and Cody, overall headcanons
Deaged star wars ocs
-Montgomery Gator
Vending Machine Mechanic
Monty x tiny male reader
How the security breach cast would help the reader instead of freddy
Security breach cast x animatronic male reader
Harry Potter
-George Weasley
George Weasley x slythering male reader
Solo Leveling
-Sung Jin Woo
Sung Jin Woo x childhood friend male reader
One punch man
Saitama and Genos relationship headcanons
Guzma with a stoic reader who has a centiskortch
Team star bosses with a reader who is the leader and a psychic type user
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
Rick Sanchez (C-137) with a ftm reader with autism
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost with a short male reader who is underestimated because of his height
Ghost with knifeplay ❤️
Ghost with knifeplay part 2 (theres actually no knives in this one)
Ghost with a reader whos bigger and scarier than himself
Call of Duty characters being fucked while being interrogated ❤️
Alejandro, Soap and König with a tall feminine male reader
Ghost and Soap with a himbo reader who is submissive and breedable ❤️
John, Alejandro,Gaz and König finding their partner asleep with animals.
Soap, Ghost, Rudy and König with a partner on the autism spectrum who copies their accent
Rudy, Alejandro and Price as biology teachers
Rudy, Alejandro and Price with an s/o whos a biology teacher
141 with a male reader who owns a huge wolf
Alejandro, Rudy and Soap with a flirty reader who speaks multiple languages
Ghost and König with a big chested male reader
Call of duty characters with a reader whos tongue tied and fumbles to speak
How the team reacts to ghost having a husband with colored hair and stretched ears
Ghost, Price, Alejandro, König, Gaz and Rudy with a male reader with long hair
141 with an older reader who still moves like a 20 year old they gush over
Cod characters with a male reader who has thick thighs and stretch marks
Cod characters reacting to meeting Prices husband
Cod characters with a male reader with a very low spice tolerance
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revasserium · 2 months
a rumination on falling in love; aka the terrifying and strange reality of "dream girl" becoming "real girl"
or, what happens when an only child who has only ever loved in fiction falls in love in real life instead
this is not for you. unless, of course. you, like me, have felt like this before. which is to say, this might be for you. but it most definitely is, 100%, for me. so read on if you'd like. or, close out and move right along.
i am very lucky, i think, to have had the childhood that i had -- only child, two loving parents. but not only that, two loving parents who were good at loving and also good at parenting (which are two very distinct and different things and somehow, at least in my semi-limited exposure to people around my age, is becoming rarer and rarer these days). i am lucky to have been allowed to grow as i have -- to never question that i am loved, unconditionally and endlessly, to never question whether or not i have something -- because of course it's mine -- i've got no siblings to have to share anything with.
now, to some, that might be a sad, lonely thing, but i never thought about it that way. because i was never taught to think about it that way. and contrary to popular belief, it hasn't made me (or at least so i think) stingy or "bad at sharing" -- it's actually made me rather an over-sharer. i always have snacks at the office, i try to offer advice freely, i spot dinners/outings when i can, i like the joy it brings to share things not only to the people being shared with, but also to me -- the person doing the sharing.
but the double-edged sword of only-child-dom in upper-middle class america is time -- the huge, gaping excess of it, giant swaths of it after school, great big chunks of it on the weekends, the seemingly unbridgeable chasm between turning off the light and falling asleep. later, i'd learn that undiagnosed adhd and very high performing manic depression are to blame for most of my vibrating sense of need to fill every hour of every day with some kind of productivity (this, unironically, is why i love new york city -- the frenetic energy of it matches my mental wavelength so that i can feel "productive" even when i'm just walking down the street or sitting in a bar).
but back then, i -- and by extension my lovely parents -- tried to fill it with stuff -- 2 different art classes, ballet, swimming, piano, debate club, singing, chinese school, and of course, with my still yet unfilled hours -- reading and writing. to say i was raised by the books i read would be an understatement. to say i am nothing more than a massive conglomerate of those characters that resonated most with me in those books would be parenthetical to the fact that i'm also built by all those characters i've ever admired or wanted to be. i am, in the most cliche, literal, non-lampshaded sense "that nerdy book girl" who made it her entire fucking personality to be... that nerdy book girl. and this, amidst the stratospheric rise of "not like other girls" media and rhetoric -- it was not healthy (it still isn't), but it was a large part of who i was. and a lingering part of who i am today.
my overactive, adhd-driven imagination served me well, then. into the stories i delved, and what i couldn't find in my normal every day life, i found in narrative. long before the tiktok-ification of "book boyfriends" came the voices in my head that sounded like all the would-be book boyfriends i'd ever have -- everyone from edward cullen to kakashi to four (that one guy from divergent who only has like 4 fears, which in retrospect is so, so cringe, but alas) to fictionalized versions of one direction members. the list goes on. i used to be able to hold entire conversations, play out entire scenes with these mental constructs with impudent ease. spend hours in my room by myself just imagining.
it was like astral projection -- my body, here, my mind and my soul, somewhere else entirely. and this i believe (to this day) is the core of a lot of my writing and creativity. and also the core of a lot of my philosophies and beliefs. the ability to sink into a dream, a scene, a story.
and then. i fell in love.
and sure, it would be much too cliche to say that misery breeds good art so a happy artist would (at best) produce mediocre art/writing/whatever. because i've also seen fantastic art produced by very, very happy artists. the sad truth is only that it's much rarer than the alternative of the painfully mainstream tortured artist.
but to some degree, i think there's an inkling of truth in that saying. because having a real-life boyfriend, with all the real-life machinations and strings of having said real-life boyfriend has made it, somehow, much harder to access that old imaginary part of me. like a child growing up and losing the ability to "make believe" the way they used to. except, i know it's still there. there are still moments where i touch it, where i dip my toes in and it always feels like coming home.
and it's more than just the normal adult-ish responsibilities of going to work and paying bills, making dinner and shopping for groceries. doing laundry and investing in your roth ira. because before real-life boyfriend, i still did those things and i was still able to seamlessly get to that "elsewhere place". somehow, it is the physical presence of real-life boyfriend that seems to act as a "grounding agent". he is home, so i can't go to that other place. or, i can kind of get there, but i've always still got one foot steeped in reality.
it is not a necessarily good or bad thing, just an observation at most. but it does create this new "space" for the "want" of that elsewhere. for the want to being able to slip into that creative asphodel like i used to -- blink and i'm there. so i find myself often sitting at my desk, wishing, and then wondering what it means that i can't. that it isn't always and immediately accessible to me anymore.
perhaps absolute solitude was the unquestioned prerequisite for so long that i'd never noticed it until the solitude was no longer available to me. or perhaps the book-boyfriends are just shy creatures, afraid of the blaring daylight that real-life boyfriend might shed on their ultimate two-dimensional beings.
or perhaps that was always a "safe space" that i'd created for myself, and now real-life boyfriend has created a safe space for me too, and the venne-diagram of the two space spaces overlap just so, making a less singular space of each of them in turn. i don't know, but it's an interesting thought.
it's always struck me, now thinking back, that i've never been even remotely interested in having a real-life relationship before now. but that i've also never questioned if i wanted the current one that i'm in, if this was "the one" or if it was "good for me". and in that too, i know i am very lucky. few people can say that they struck gold the first time they've ever tried.
i know for a fact i wouldn't be this happy, have this good of a life if real-life boyfriend weren't here. he has made me better in ways that i do not have words to describe. but i'm also terrified of the earthen grounding-ness of him. i've spent my entire childhood and most of my adult life with my head in the clouds, taking the necessary trips back down to earth when i had to but... it feels strange to be "here" more and more. there's a hole inside of me where "that" heaven should be.
but two things can be true -- i am happy here; i still yearn for that elsewhere.
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