#introduction to tumblr
fishybehavior · 2 years
I've been wanting to make this for awhile, for the new people coming into my fandom but for anyone who's new in general
Now I am a newer Tumblr user (I joined in 2020 what a year) but I know how to get around here on the ole tumbles so if you are new and wondering "what the fuck is all this?" I'll show u a few tips
now the first thing I'd honestly recommend is to get involved with some kind of fandom. You don't have to be super into anything, but finding people who like things similar to you is a great way to start making friends! And honestly we have a fandom for almost anything, if u aren't into anything now you can probably look up any tv show or movie you watched in the last 20 years and someone will have made a post of it!
You don't have to be involved in a fandom but its a good way to meet people and see how we interact casually with one another if you are lurking for a little bit to learn
Now, second piece of advise, your blog.
Tumblr is a blogging site, and what you are probably used to refering ur profile, we call our blogs. It has ur pfp, header pic, maybe a couple of lines introducing urself, and then all of ur posts.
First thing I recommend is to change ur pfp, a lot of people base if u are a bot or not is if u use the default image as ur pfp. I suggest a character u like, an animal, a color, a flower, anything u like. I must warn you that I don't recommend u use ur own face. Number 1 some of the appeal of tumblr is anonymity, but 2, there are other bot blogs (such as porn blogs) that use real people as their pfp, and so some people may block u on site.
Now under your pfp you can put a couple of sentences in you blog, you can use this for anything. A lot of people put their preferred pronouns or maybe their age, or what fandoms their into, or maybe their patrons, or other blogs they run. What I recommend is that you dont put any personal info in here, especially if u are a minor. Don't specify ur age if your under like 18-21, if your under that just put minor.
next i want to talk about is cultivating your experience
Now you dont have to do this right away but if there is certain types of content that you know you don't like or you find triggering I suggest doing this. On Tumblr we use tags to organize our posts as well as to warn. You can block certain tags in your settings.
press this button on the top right of ur page (if you are on desktop, if on mobile it'll be the bottom right
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then in the drop-down menu select Settings, then go to Account, then scroll down until you see the header, "Content you see"
(on mobile once you hit the lil person icon on your bottom right, hit the gear on the top right of you screen, then fo down until u see "Content you see, it'll take you to the same thing)
here you can block tags and filter content. There are two types of filtering, by tags and by content. By tags only will block posts by the tags they have, while content blocking will look through the entire post for blocked words or phrases.
I personally use blocked tags more but do whichever works for you. If you are going to block tags there are certain types of things to keep in mind.
For one, we use warning tags. Tags that are put in posts specifically to warn people of certain content that we know can be triggering. For warning tags there are three main ways that people tag them (there are more but these are very common), tw dogs, cw dogs, dogs . Now I'm using dogs as an example tag, but the preface of tw (trigger warning) and cw (content warning) are very common, and if you want to block a certain trigger i suggest that you block both of these along with just the word by itself. (Also spelling does count)
this works similarly with content blocking, but u dont use tw or cw. Just put down the words or phrases that you dont want to see.
now when you block a post u don't ever see it, rather it appears on your dash like this
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it blocks out the whole post, tells you what tags or content that appeared for it to be blocked, and gives you a choice if you would like to see it anyways. This is how blocked posts will appear and you wont see the post at all unless you decide to view the post for yourself.
i think this is where I'm going to leave it for now, might reblog with more info in the future. But there are plenty of other posts with other info about how tumblr works and how to maneuver this site. I hope you find this helpful and that you enjoy your experience on this site 👋
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yunoftheclouds · 3 months
What’s with this sassy, lost child?
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heritageposts · 2 years
how do i start to read marxist leninist/leftist stuff ? i searched on the internet but it’s super confusing lol
the most important value for me as an ML is anti-imperialism, so i guess i'll always recommend that people start with works centred on that
some suggestions below (all books should be available either on marxist.org or as pdf/epub files on libgen)
American Holocaust by David E. Stannard
about the colonization of america. not explicitly marxist, but it's probably done more to radicalize me than any other piece of writing. this is the pile of corpses capitalism is built on:
Within no more than a handful of generations following their first en counters with Europeans, the vast majority of the Western Hemisphere's native peoples had been exterminated. The pace and magnitude of their obliteration varied from place to place and from time to time, but for years now historical demographers have been uncovering, in region upon region, post-Columbian depopulation rates of between 90 and 98 percent with such regularity that an overall decline of 95 percent has become a working rule of thumb. What this means is that, on average, for every twenty natives alive at the moment of European contact-when the lands of the Americas teemed with numerous tens of millions of people-only one stood in their place when the bloodbath was over. To put this in a contemporary context, the ratio of native survivorship in the Americas following European contact was less than half of what the human survivorship ratio would be in the United States today if every single white person and every single black person died. The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world. That is why, as one historian aptly has said, far from the heroic and romantic heraldry that customarily is used to symbolize the European settlement of the Americas, the emblem most congruent with reality would be a pyramid of skulls. - David E. Stannard
2. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed. - Vladimir Lenin
3. The Wretched of The Earth by Franz Fanon
Let us look at ourselves, if we can bear to, and see what is becoming of us. First, we must face that unexpected revelation, the strip-tease of our humanism. There you can see it, quite naked, and it’s not a pretty sight. It was nothing but an ideology of lies, a perfect justification for pillage; its honeyed words, its affectation of sensibility were only alibis for our aggressions. A fine sight they are too, the believers in non-violence, saying that they are neither executioners nor victims. Very well then; if you’re not victims when the government which you’ve voted for, when the army in which your younger brothers are serving without hesitation or remorse have undertaken race murder, you are, without a shadow of doubt, executioners. And if you chose to be victims and to risk being put in prison for a day or two, you are simply choosing to pull your irons out of the fire. But you will not be able to pull them out; they’ll have to stay there till the end. Try to understand this at any rate: if violence began this very evening and if exploitation and oppression had never existed on the earth, perhaps the slogans of non-violence might end the quarrel. But if the whole regime, even your non-violent ideas, are conditioned by a thousand-year-old oppression, your passivity serves only to place you in the ranks of the oppressors. - prefrace by Jean-Paul Sartre
4. Discourse on Colonialism by Aimé Césaire
Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa I have talked a good deal about Hitler. Because he deserves it: he makes it possible to see things on a large scale and to grasp the fact that capitalist society, at its present stage, is incapable of establishing a concept of the rights of all men, just as it has proved incapable of establishing a system of individual ethics. Whether one likes it or not, at the end of the blind alley that is Europe, I mean the Europe of Adenauer, Schuman, Bidault, and a few others, there is Hitler. At the end of capitalism, which is eager to outlive its day, there is Hitler. At the end of formal humanism and philosophicrenunciation, there is Hitler - Aimé Césaire
5. Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism by Michael Parenti
probably the most accessible introduction to communism that doesn't demonize countries that have undergone—or attempted to undergo—a transitation into socalism (like the ussr, cuba, etc.)
The very concept of "revolutionary violence" is somewhat falsely cast, since most of the violence comes from those who attempt to prevent reform, not from those struggling for reform. By focusing on the violent rebellions of the downtrodden, we overlook the much greater repressive force and violence utilized by the ruling oligarchs to maintain the status quo, including armed attacks against peaceful demonstrations, mass arrests, torture, destruction of opposition organizations, suppression of dissident publications, death squad assassinations, the extermination of whole villages, and the like. - Michael Parenti
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alexxgoober · 27 days
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Remade intro because I changed my sona I am a SNAIL.
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egg-on-a-legg · 1 year
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have we forgotten someone?
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saessenach · 2 months
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We're settled where we should be.
Bertha & George Russell in Never The New, episode 1 of The Gilded Age
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technically-human · 4 months
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“In many ways it was an act of affection by the end. An embrace. A cuddle, even! Ha! Yes, let’s call it a cuddle.”
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boiraplushies · 11 months
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Our Pikachu plushies say be proud and trans rights!! Remember that their patterns are available as a Patreon reward ^^
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bite-the-bait · 30 days
hello. i’m tom and i’m 22 years old. cis male an all that unimportant stuff. been into true crime since 2017 but mainly posted on forums. tumblr is scary to me. the most interesting cases for me are andrew blaze (i like the part where the downfall was recorded) and the academy maniacs. i’m partially but almost completely deaf. mainly just thought posting about true crime related stuff. follow if u wanna!
reblog if u can so i can get mutuals please :-)
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samsantala · 2 years
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Tumblr Introduction
Hey everyone! I'm Sam Santala, I'm a concept artist & art director working in games for aobut 8 years. I draw creatures and characters for video games like Guild Wars 2., Dragon Prince and Everwild . I haven't been on Tumblr for years, so I've had to restart ;___; but if you like concept art, illustration, creatures and game design, give me a follow :)
You can also find more of my work here:
Thanks everyone!
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gazkamurocho · 5 months
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Part 3: The watermelon (and Kiryu) came back to Majima ✨
Part 1 | Part 2
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yellosnacc · 7 months
Welcome to the introduction (yippee)
I'm Philip/A/yello. I enjoy writing, art, science, and this is the blog focused on my personal brain worms.
My big brain worm is worldbuilding, and the world you are seeing is the World of All (placeholder name). World of All is placed on a single planet with multiple 'continents' that host independently evolved ecosystems and currently 4,5 sophonts/"aliens". This unique setup is all thanks to the Designers, mindless blobs that have managed to keep their landmasses isolated for billions of years (among other things). As a bonus, some of the blob physical manipulation is left in the sophont creatures' brains who have yet to understand physics on a deeper level.
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Here are the 5 (O.s are having a redesign session). Mole stars have not made contact with the rest.
You can also find me on Twitter · Instagram · Bluesky ·
This post will be updated with time. Beware, many posts are outdated, but I try to mark them.
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space-writes · 4 months
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wip intro - claws
sharp objects x carrie x hellraiser
🩸 Genre: Queer Horror
🩸 Features: teacher/student relationship (university edition), toxic romance, gender fuckery, broken identity, demonology, murder, self-harm, obsession, stalking, infidelity, a lot of blood, pact-based magic system, corruption, jealousy, eldritch entities, love is a wound, body horror, attempted suicide, and a little bit of arachnophilia
🩸 Status: First draft completed
🩸 One Sentence Summary: A young student’s obsession with his demonology teacher sparks a twisted romance that draws him to the limits of his humanity—and into the web of an eldritch horror.
🩸 Series Tag: wip: claws
love makes monsters of us all...
When Vivien Webb breaks into Rainier Mortem’s office, he's only following the whim of his obsession. Love makes you do things like that. Things you shouldn’t. But when he finds—and impulsively steals—a hidden vial of demonic ichor, it sets in motion a chain of events at once everything he’s ever wanted and a nightmare made real.
In Rainier’s defence, sleeping with a student was never something he intended to do, things just sort of shook out that way. Vivien is different. Special. Addictive. And Rainier’s never been good at denying himself what he wants. Besides, if the kid stole his ichor, he needs to know sooner rather than later, because he has plans for it far greater than whatever street corner Vivien’s planning on selling it on. But it isn’t the ichor either of them should be concerned with—it’s the thing it came from. Because demons, much like lovers, want nothing less than all you have to give.
Vivien Webb - gay transmasc nightmare boy. loves spiders, eyeliner, and Rainier Mortem. many issues, none of which he's dealing with. undiagnosed autistic (no, he hasn't figured it out yet either. it's not going well for him.) ftm in this case being female to monster.
Rainier Mortem - wretched bisexual demonology professor. hot and charming and knows it. incapable of taking responsibility for anything. the closest thing demonology has to a rock star. astonishingly good with his mouth. dirtbag trans ally and horny bastard.
Wolfe Talbot - Rainier's oldest, longest-suffering friend. former army medic, current paramedic. regrettably still a little bit in love with Rainier. regularly calls Rainier on his bullshit (not that Rainier listens).
Holly Barker - Wolfe's girlfriend and former classmate of Rainier's. feminist, pagan, and prone to speaking her mind. would stab Rainier in the balls given the opportunity. possibly the only actually sane person in this book.
Alice Vox - hottest, gothest sex worker. owns the nightclub Wonderland. another old friend of Rainier's who is actually smart and never slept with him (much to his neverending despair). enjoys fucking with people.
taglist: @belovedviolence @foxboyclit @coven-archives @mjjune
@revenantlore @sarandipitywrites @noblebs @k--havok @asterhaze
@verba-writing @indecentpause @bootstrapparadoxed @olliexwrites (ask to be +/-)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
still really funny to me that we it can be argued that the maid dress thing becoming TRADITION was martyn’s fault. because originally it was a joke about a thing he said on stream that… escalated. but then he said it was tumblr’s natural defense system. and we all went. actually YEAH IT WILL BE. and now it is because it is funny. thank you martyn,
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Writeblr intro post
So yeah when I first came here I didn't know this was a thing so I've been working on this in the background. Now that it won the poll, I'm making it now!
I'm going to edit this post as I go so it has more links as I make posts about my WIPs!
About Me
Hi. Call me Kaylin. It's a pen name but I like it. (Some people are just finding out this isn't my real name and y'all should've read the bio)
I'm an education major and do writing on the side and it's a huge passion of mine (hence why I want to teach literacy)
Asexual demiromantic sapphic (she/her) currently in a relationship - (I am comfortable within reason to talk about my experiences)
Love ask games and tag games and generally interacting with others
Love reblogging mutuals' writing talking about WIPs!
21+ but my WIPs are YA - I don't usually reblog anything with a mature community label (sorry in advance for mutuals who do), but when I do I mark it 18+ and I try to label content warnings (LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING)
I'm an educator by heart so I love giving feedback, know a lot about kids, and of course education psychology and theory
I have minor scoliosis, early start of arthritis in my hands, and chronic headaches and migraines attacks in control with medication if anyone needs to ask me about these experiences for writing purposes. I also occasionally use a cane due to knee pain from an injury.
I have an ultimate get to know me game here if you want to check that out
My asks are always open! Feel free to stop in whenever you want!
The Secret Portal
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA sci-fi/fantasy
Planned to be a five book series
Quick version: A bunch of adolescents discover a portal to a dimension populated by people with powers. There's also a war. Yayyy.
The first installment is currently in the process of being read by beta readers. Apply to be one here!
Tagged as #the secret portal, #tsp, or #teaspoon if you want to give it a nickname. #tsp updates and #tsp excerpt are used as well. All characters get their own tag and #alium will be used when talking about my world building
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
School of the Legends
YA urban fantasy fairy tale retelling
International school for people with gifts (born with), majicks (learn), and curses (given).
Currently in planning stage but five chapters have been written.
No intro post yet but I'm working on it!
Tagged as #school of the legends and #sotl. Also use #sotl updates and #sotl excerpt, though not as often as TSP
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @illarian-rambling
Other Ideas
It Was All Just a Dream - high school senior gets an entire redemption arc via vivid dream
The Emerald of Secrets - temporary title for vague fairy fantasy idea
Perspectives - we watch the same event five times in a row from different perspectives
Eternity - temporary title for a supernatural detective story
The Others - temporary title for a sci-fi apocalypse story
There are more but these are the main ones
What I Post or Reblog
Updates on my writing
Tag games and ask games! I love them dearly but it may take a bit to reply! I have a lot piled up and not all of them are simple. But I will get to them!!
Writing from others
Writing advice
Beta requests, book announcements, and intro posts to help boost!
I try to keep things positive! If I see a negative post about writing I'll usually reblog it with some positive spin. Sorry if that's annoying but it makes me sad that people aren't happy about writing.
I always try to include image IDs to make my blog accessible - if something is incorrect or you have any suggestions for making IDs better let me know!
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innocentlymacabre · 4 months
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Lucille Carmine is not one to relinquish her hold on someone once her wicked talons have sunk into them, as Jayce all too painfully learns once more. He’s pulled into her employ again, Lott jumping in after his best friend, tasked - under extreme duress, of course - to retrieve The Liminality Paradox. Previously thought to have been nothing more than a bedtime story, Jayce and Lott find themselves unwillingly heading to The Crescent of Fools and Forgotten Time, right into the heart of The Fool’s domain, a place where time and space lose all meaning, where everything that has ever happened is happening all at once and where nothing ever happens all the same. A place where the ends of the universe could be nothing more than a hop, skip, and a jump away, but the five feet in front of you could stretch out to infinity and beyond. A place where the insane rule sovereign and the sane are grinded to a dust, folded into the ripples of the Crescent. All to steal an artifact of untold power for one of the most dangerous overlords of the criminal world, and to lay even more unchecked power at her feet for her to abuse.
STATUS: open for votes! all you have to do is read the script and give your honest opinion and the winner of the competition gets their movie fully funded and produced!!
I've found that using both tools in conjunction is more reliable than just reading, so to make sure your vote counts in one go, just hit play and mute the tab while you read. feel free to reach out to me if you run into any issues!
GENRE: urban fantasy / heist / comedy
MEDIUM: feature film
WARNINGS: description/depiction of wounds, death and pain (will be modified as necessary)
LINKS: WIP tag (x) | Vote here! (x) | Ko-fi 💜 (x)
general taglist in the comments (ask to be added/removed!) // newsletter
any boosting would be much appreciated!
picture credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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