#if you want to pretend to be an influencer go to Twitter or ig
piya-re · 3 months
the most annoying blogs on this website are the ones that have fans. not content creators or blogs with a specific purpose but regular ppl with regular blogs who have literal fangirls who hype them up and give them the audacity to be annoying and preachy.
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jandiaries · 2 years
“go eat your greens”
powerpoint revolution presents pretty privilege
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You are pretty and pretty much privileged, you are in no position to tell us about the inequalities surrounding in this world.
once upon a time, in a place where we both stand... “this is so wrong, we should change this” the pretty girl said. but little did she know...
close your eyes, free your thoughts and imagine cassie from euphoria. she wakes up, removes her bath and body works eye patch, goes to her huge bathroom to begin her fifteen steps morning skin care routine she learned from a Korean beauty vlogger Song Hyo Min aka prettypinkpossum12.
after that lengthy procedure she goes down to have her plant based breakfast. she tells everyone that she’s vegan but she eats cheeseburger whenever she likes. there she goes, posting on her instagram story a bowl of yogurt and whatever mixed veggies. for the final touch, she put the hashtag “go eat your greens” but she did not even touch that fucking salad.
her life isn’t complex. she’s born privileged, a nepo baby, she gets whatever she wants. a twitter activist but her activism just stays on that blue bird app. a fake feminist who only cares about her body type, an influencer on tiktok who was once cancelled for mocking android users but pretty girl just pulled off a macarthur and returned unharmed with a different username. she also posts “support small business!” via ig story but that’s just her rich friend’s shop selling overpriced crochet bucket hats. lastly, she’s pretty. she could do no wrong in the eyes of society. she’s aware of her privilege but never admits it. like spoiled crazy claiming she’s a self made baby. i don’t like her but most of all i don’t like her principles.
she goes to a school where according to her, “everybody likes her, haters just wanted to live her life”. she acts as if she’s a modern day regina george. just with the additional cup of slay (admittedly) and bad attitude (oh boy). her overwhelming confidence is her female rizz. she only cares about herself. ironically, on that day, she was set to present a lecture about The Changing World (and what can we do about it).
she doesn’t even know anything. she is out of touch privileged, the worst type. she thinks she’s smart because she knows conspiracy theories, basic algebra, memorized amy dune’s cool girl monologue and the tiktok sped up chorus of enchanted in one sitting. what makes her stupid is the fact that she pretends to know but in fact she doesn’t know a thing. she’s either unaware or she doesn’t simply care because it doesn’t directly affect her, her status, her lifestyle, her everyday life.
she screams politically correct. the truth is, she’s just pretty pretentious. she’s like a break free manipulative female character reject from ottessa moshfegh stories. (oh shit)
she tells everyone to shift to a plant based diet because meat harms nature but is an avid fast fashion consumer. if i had the extra money i would love to print her a statement shirt “practice what you preach” with “because i can’t do it” in lowercase.
but there she goes with her powerpoint revolution, i mean presentation, condemning everyone for their carbon footprints... condemning everyone except herself.
I always find it funny when the rich get to talk about Change. While they actually have the power to do so, it just seems like an airy idea. They don’t get to tell the actual story. They only have an internet perspective of what it’s like to be oppressed. If they want to change, they will only move to the parts that will be beneficial to them. As Edith from Enola Holmes has said “because you have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well”. Exactly. Why would they bother to change their perfect world and lives?
While you try to tell everyone about your perspective of good, you should take into consideration that not everyone has the privilege to just abruptly change their lifestyle. You have to acknowledge that you stand in a special place of privilege to do that.
I once read that the idea of a "personal carbon footprint" was popularized by BP, the world's 6th largest polluter. I have been thinking about it ever since. Big companies can evade responsibility by saying Hey girl, slow down on what you consume you’re destroying Mother Earth but here I am emitting a potent greenhouse gas. Same energy as that pretty girl. Politically correct people mostly come from privileged lives. They can seem to see all the disparity in society because they don’t have daily societal struggles. Girl, they can see the most absolute shit and still advocate for it. Pick a struggle Miss Ma’am. Like why would the marginalized care so much about free speech or eradicating plastic straws when they are struggling for survival on a daily. 
Then we blame them. For not understanding, for not cooperating, for not caring, for every reason possible. 
All we have produced over the years are all band-aid solutions. Global Warming? Quit plastic straws. Air Pollution? Switch to almond milk. Climate change? Recycle your Pepsi bottle. It’s not wrong. At least they’re doing something. Yeah. But it does not hit the core of the problem. It’s all becoming an individual responsibility. I wish this pretty girl and her likes just devoted their energy and wealth to demanding accountability from mega oil companies and other pollution-contributing corporations rather than giving a boring PowerPoint lecture about Claygo. Clean as you go, she said. You should’ve just shut up.
Maybe this other girl let her intrusive thoughts win. She stood up and said, “Shut up”. The pretty girl was stunned, puzzled but later on gave a mocking smirk. She then proceeded to tell everyone in that lecture room how she felt disrespected, blah... blah... blah... I guess this is it. Everyone went quiet when the other girl went in front and said  “You are pretty and pretty much privileged, you are in no position to tell us about the inequalities surrounding this world. We know who you are. Stop faking your principles.”
I paused.
This scene reminds me so much of the catfights in Euphoria. I told the girl beside me.
"Because the pretty girl looked like Cassie?”
"Then why?”
“Cause it’s a cultural reset.”
-jan, thoughtballoon
November 19, 2022
Cover Design:  Pickles by ERIKA LEE SEARS  Graphics: Canva, Pinterest
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dojae-huh · 2 years
Hi.... Just curious
I don't know if you use insta or not. But why do you think someone likes other people's posts?. In the context of Do and Jae here.
I noticed that Doy often liked the posts of people he followed. Sometimes even leave comments. Meanwhile, as far as I know, Jae only likes 2 photos, even though he doesn't even follow anyone on his account.
Among 127 (including winwin) only Jae and Tae do not follow the other members' accounts. And the two of them also only ever liked 2 photos of the "127" member. I haven't found Jae ever or not leaving a comment. But if Tae I know he has commented on Do's post. Which he neither follows nor likes his posts. LOL. Jae once watched live insta Do (a legendary moment for Jaedo shipper) And Tae once watched Jae's live when it was Jae's birthday.
And then winwin is one of the people who often likes Do's posts. Although the two of them don't seem very close or interact often. I'm sorry if I'm wrong because I'm new to this fandom so I don't know if Do and Winwin were really close? If I'm not mistaken, even winwin never liked Jae's posts and didn't follow his insta account even though they were line friends. Aren't they that close? So why do you think they liked someone's post? Is it just because they are online? Or bored? What do you think if it's from their habits?Thank you. Sorry if I beat around the bush. I hope you read this and are willing to answer.
Thank you.
The usage of likes depends on the platform. For example, on twitter it's: 1) adding to the collection of favourites, saving posts to access later if needed (pictures, interesting info, posts with many useful links), 2) "I agree with this post" - letting the author know that you like the content, 3) marking as "read" for easier navigation on a blog.
Instagram has bookmarks as a separate option, you can even create folders. On the other hand, your likes influence what IG offers you. If you like a picture with pigeons, IG will start offering you random Arabs showing off their prized rare breed pigeons. Personally, as I like to scroll IG offers, I don't leave likes under the posts of my friends I'm subscribed to (who are artists) as I don't want to be offered cartoons and comics fanart instead of the pigeons. And in this I'm being selfish. IG likes (and comments) influence a post's promotion. The more readers interact with a post, the more readily IG algorythms show this post to random new users (ergo, like works of artists and creators, it helps them to get famous).
People say that a verified account (with a blue tick mark, NCT members have verified accs), i.e. an account of a celebrity, has an option to hide subscriptions and likes. I think it's what Jae and Tae did, they hid their public info.
Why would they do that? To not be transparent. To not show the fans who they follow (which NCT members, which celebreties or foreign artists). IG activity becomes political. Fans keep an eagle eye on all interactions, they find out all the producers, agents, song-writers, companies, etc, who subscribe to NCT members. And monitor who congratulated with BD or a solo song and who didn't. A BigBang member liked to go on drunken like-sprees, so the fans knew all the slash fanart he liked and all the gay foreigners he befriended. Yes, I mean GD.
As for Doyoung. He leaves likes for two reasons: 1) to let neos know he keeps an eye on their activities, to support the bonds (a like under a Xiaojun's cover or WinWin's magazine photoshoot will do that), 2) to show his friendship with 127 neos (a like under Yuta, Taeil or Johnny's posts will do that).
Doyoung can say he liked Yuta's latest IG post to Yuta personally, but a like is a public thing, an action eveyone will witness. That's why fans kept a close eye to DoTen on IG, whether Do liked any of Ten's posts in 2020-2021 or not (the two had a quarrel).
To pretend he is not close to Jaehyun, Doyoung ignored him on IG for several years. Only recently he started to leave likes under Jae's posts. Which is a sign that he relaxed with the hiding and now officially "knows Jaehyun exists".
Jaehyun and WinWin are close friends and there are multiple other ways to communicate. When WW is asked about Jae, he says they keep in touch. They don't need to leave likes on IG, considering for them IG is part of the job, a public space.
WinWin had been a part of 127 before WayV debuted and he was transferred to that unit. DoWin was similar to DoWoo. WW is one of Do's "children". They are not as close as DoMark, for example, but they like each other and flirt on IG at times with "I want to see you!".
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
Love Don’t Cost A Thing
Grayson buys you a car, Twitter stans are mean, and Grayson’s really good at making you feel better. 
A/N: this is part 1 of fics I wrote a month ago, forgot about and finally finished. this started out as a simple fluff and idk what happened. also let’s pretend that Grayson still has a wrapped porsche because I could totally see him wanting to match. 
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: horribly written smut and a lot ofme pretending I know about nice cars
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God, some bitches will do anything for clout nowadays.
Honestly, when will Gray wake up and realize she’s just with him for his money?
What a fucking gold-digger.
That word rings around your head as you continue to scroll through the replies from Grayson’s latest tweet, each one nastier than the last. You sniffle, wiping your tears and locking your phone, before turning to look at your boyfriend through the bedroom window. He’s outside talking to Ethan excitedly over a car, not just any car but a 2021 Porsche 911. A car he bought just for you.
He had approached you earlier this afternoon with a broad grin. As easily excitable as he is, this didn’t feel out of the ordinary to you, so you simply raise an eyebrow while continuing to sip your coffee.
“Are you finished with your final yet, Y/N ?” He whispers out of caution that you might still be testing.
“Two more questions, then I’m all yours baby. What’s wrong?” A sense of worry washes over you since you know he wouldn’t interrupt you unless it’s crucial. He’d grown accustomed to your new routine since the pandemic began. After asking (begging) for you to quarantine with him, he soon realized that the time he thought you two would spend together was taken up by quizzes, essays, and exams as you finished up your senior year of college. While he was more than willing to take second-place to your studies, he was a little antsy for you to be finished.
“Nothing. I just wanted to show you something out in the shed.” Now, this you do roll your eyes at. While you were occupied with studies, he was out in that godforsaken tiny shed almost every day. Secretly, you were glad Ethan had foregone the bed idea because that was the only thing getting him to come to bed to you every night. You assure you’ll be out in a few minutes and shoo him away to finish the test that will ensure your bachelors.
Only twenty minutes later, you feel as if a crushing weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You crack your neck before sighing and closing your laptop, elated that the four years of your undergrad were finally behind you. You pull out your phone before remembering your promise to Grayson. You walk out the back kitchen doors and turn the corner, not expecting what was behind it.
Your mouth drops. Sitting in front of you is a shiny, white Porsche complete with a giant red bow on the hood. Your boyfriend sits on top of the back seats, dressed in a blue button-down and black slacks. Grayson’s beaming as he holds a bouquet of roses out towards you. You try to think of something, willing anything to come to your brain, but shock leaves you speechless so you start tearing up instead.
Grayson, mistaking your tears for anger or sadness, is by your side in a minute.
“Angel, what’s wrong? Do you not like it? I wanted to wrap it to match mine, but Ethan said it was a bad idea. But- but we can always go to the dealer and switch it out if you don’t like it or I can -“ He stammers, immediately worried that he had disappointed you. You cut him off with a deep kiss, relieving any worry that was flying through his brain as he grabs your waist to hold you closer.
“No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect. Everything’s perfect. But why?” You question.
“Well, I wanted to do something special for you since you finished school today. And since we can’t travel anywhere, I figured this was the next best thing. You’ve worked so hard these past four years, Angel; I just wanted to show you how proud I am of you and how much I love you.” He explains, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Your heart melts at this. While you had expected maybe a five-star dinner and hopefully some marathon sex, you had no idea your boyfriend would do something so extravagant for you. Never in your wildest dreams did you believe someone would care for you like this, and adoration begins to fill your entire being.
“Grayson, I- I don’t know what to say.” You’re astounded, and every time you look at the car, you’re speechless again.
“Hopefully that you like it. It was kind of expensive.” He jokes, now reassured that your silence is a good thing and not out of anger. You swat his chest before wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. Just as his hands start to slip towards your ass, you pull away from him.
“Thank you, Grayson. For the car, for letting me stay here, for everything. I don’t deserve you-“
“Don’t start with that.” He cuts you off, leaning in so your foreheads are touching, “You do plenty for me, and if we’re honest, I don’t deserve you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, funny. There’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you, and you can’t change that.” Before you can even respond, you notice Ethan making his way out through the back door.
“Yo, what are you two still doing out here? Don’t you have reservations at six?” He yells out, towel over his shoulder and obviously not expecting the two of you to be interrupting his future tanning session. You turn back to your boyfriend, confused as Grayson sighs exasperatedly and looks up to the sky.
“I haven’t told her about that yet, dickhead.” Grayson yells back to his brother.
“Well, can you hurry up? I want to lay out for a bit, and the weather app says it’s supposed to rain at four.” Ethan asks. You can’t help but giggle, knowing Ethan’s just oblivious to the very intimate moment you and Grayson were having. Grayson huffs, annoyed that his brother is ruining his plan before turning to you.
“I booked us reservations at Il Cielo.” Your eyes widen at the mention of your favorite restaurant.
“But how? It’s been booked for weeks. We couldn’t even get in for my birthday.” You question.
“The owner’s daughters are fans, so I promised a couple pictures tonight in order to get a table. Now go get dressed, we can take your car if you want.” He explains. Images of you two dressed up while Grayson drives the new Porsche fills your mind and you slightly shiver. Grayson, raising an eyebrow to your reaction, leans down for another kiss with you. Right when Grayson’s tongue enters your mouth is when you hear the fake-retching coming from the other twin.
“Bro, go away!” Grayson groans, holding you closer to him. You’re both leaned up against the car as you turn to watch the interaction between the two siblings.
“Fine. But first, let me get a picture of the happy couple. You’d kill me if you didn’t get to flex how good of a boyfriend you are.” He says, grabbing his phone. Grayson moves to argue, but you silence him, posing for the camera instead. You both smile, looking happier and more in love with each other then you’ve ever been. And you can’t help smiling wider when you see the tag and pictures on Twitter.
It only took a few minutes before the hate comments started flooding in. You had set your phone down for a quick shower but returned to notification after notification. It was non-stop dm’s, tweets, and even responses to IG photos from 2016 about how you weren’t good enough for Grayson, how you were just using him, and how he would eventually find someone better.
Usually, you could just ignore it, turn your phone off and turn a blind eye to the negativity spewed at you. But you were already emotionally overwhelmed, and you couldn’t help the small part of you that agreed. What had you done to deserve a man who could drop thousands of dollars on you at a whim? You weren’t impressive, weren’t an influencer or a model, just an average girl who managed to catch his eye.  
Your phone screen starts to blur as tears form in your eyes. You try to stop the burning feeling in your throat. Still, fat tears begin to roll down your cheeks onto the screen as you start sniffling, falling victim to your deepest insecurities. You were so caught up in yourself that you hadn’t even noticed Grayson making his way down the hall.
“Y/N, are you almost ready? We have to leave for the restaurant soon.” He yells towards his room, making his way to you before noticing your sobs. You look up at him before sniffling again, feeling sorry that he had to see you like this.
“What's wrong, Angel?” He asks gently, moving to sit next to you on the edge of the bed. He wraps an arm around your bare shoulder, careful not to move the towel you had wrapped around you from your shower.
“Nothing, it’s nothing. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready.” You attempt to reassure, moving to wipe the tears from your eye. You wince, noticing how unbelievable you sound even to yourself, and you can already tell Grayson is unconvinced.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asks. You nod, not meeting his eyes, looking down at your lap instead. He softly grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his intense stare. “So, what’s wrong?”
“God, it’s really nothing. Some fans on Twitter had just tweeted me some stuff and -“ Before you could even finish, he’s grabbing his phone to look at the replies, nostrils flaring as he reads what fans had mentioned you in.
“It’s honestly nothing, G. I was just being overdramatic.” You promise, wanting to drop it at this point and continue with the perfect day you two were having.
He’s silent for a second, which worries you more than anything since he always has something to say. You rub his thigh, trying to comfort him before he grabs your hand.
“You know none of that is true. There is no one better, never will be. My future begins and ends with you.” He whispers, sounding even more hurt than you. You stare at him widely, dumbfounded at the bold confession Grayson just dropped on you. Taking your silence as disbelief, he moves your hand towards his mouth so he can start kissing your wrist.
“Believe me when I say, Y/N, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. “ He growls, dropping your wrist to move in front of you. “What can I do to get that through your head?”
With that, he grabs your head roughly, bringing you into a hot kiss. You immediately whimper, wrapping your hands around his neck to pull him closer to you. His tongue slides against yours desperately as he rips your towel off you, tossing it carelessly over his shoulder.
You pull away from each other, panting with desire and trying to catch your breath as Grayson goes down to suck warm, wet kisses onto your neck.
Moaning his name, you move to unbutton his shirt shakily while he continues to move down your neck to your chest. You shrug his shirt off before scratching your nails down his chest as he takes one nipple into his mouth.
Twirling the other nipple in his fingers, you arch into him before he’s switching to the other one and repeating this process. He continues like that for a while until you moan and whimper underneath him, trying to grind up into his lap.
“Grayson, please. Touch me.” You mewl, hips bucking when he drags a finger through your slit. Grayson sucks the mess off his finger before looking down at you darkly, hazel eyes turning a deep brown. He kneels down, spreading your legs and placing his large hands on your hips to hold you down. He places soft, open mouth kisses on the apex of your thighs and meets your gaze before speaking again -
“Mine. You’ll always be mine. Nothing can change that.” He promises. You clench around nothing, feeling like you could cum just from his words of reassurance. He notices how you react and sharply inhales.
“Fuck, so pretty.” He breaths out, and you’re not even sure you’re supposed to hear that, watching Grayson lose himself in the desire to express how deep his love runs for you.
He spreads your lips apart with two fingers before licking at your clit softly. He licks it again before pulling you towards him with a long, slow lick watching as you fall apart.
You already knew this was going to take no time on your end, but watching his intense gaze on you causes you to produce more and more wetness, to the point where you feel like you’re leaking onto the mattress.
He stops at your clit, circling it a few times with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. He suckles on it, watching as you fall back onto the mattress with a high pitch whine.
“Grayson.” You moan shakily, moving to get closer to his mouth.
You start rolling your hips onto his face, grabbing your tits to ground yourself somehow. Your moaning consistently now, not knowing how else to convey how good he’s making you feel other than with high-pitched sounds.
He places his arms under your thighs, pulling you closer to him, and starts making out with your pussy, savoring every sweet drop that comes out of you. He sucks harder before pulling back and rubbing at your clit with two fingers.
“So good, Angel. Perfect for me.” He gasps, lips swollen and red. His mouth is dripping, and he shakily runs a hand through his hair before diving back in.
He focuses on your clit this time, sucking hard while reaching to slide two fingers inside of you. He drags them back and forth, feeling you clenching down hard on him.
“Grayson, I’m so close.” You moan, getting louder and louder as he continues to flood your body with pleasure. He sucks on your clit even harder before dragging his fingers against a specific spot, and you’re suddenly overwhelmed with white-hot pleasure. You scream as your orgasm rolls through you in shockwaves, simultaneously pulling away and trying to get closer to him.
He doesn’t take his mouth off you and groans loudly at how your pussy pulsates in his mouth. He notices he’s grinding in the air and presses a palm down to relieve some of the pressure in his pants.
You lay there with an arm over your eyes, taking ragged breaths trying to calm yourself down. Grayson finally removes himself from you and goes up to lay next to you, stroking your hair and moving your arm so you can look at him.
“Never has a man ever made me cum that hard.” You mutter. He laughs at that before he turns to kiss you softly, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips and tongue. His kissing grows sloppier and sloppier until he’s slotting himself in between your thighs.
You reach down to unbutton his pants and pull them and his briefs down as far as you can until he leans back to remove them altogether.
He gets back in position, kissing you some more while his rock-hard cock brushes up against your thigh. He grinds into you as you pull away from him.
“Yeah.” he murmurs hotly, continuing to grind into you.
“Fuck me, please.” You purr.
He breathes shakily and lines up with you, rolling his hips into you slowly. You both moan at the first thrust, his guttural and deep and yours high-pitched and whiny. He slowly grinds into you one, two, three times before picking up and thrusting into you properly.
He grabs one of your legs, placing it over his shoulder, allowing him to reach inside you deeper. He speeds up, overwhelming you with the relentless snap of his hips.
“Grayson.” you cry as he reaches down to rub your clit. He groans, unsure whether to look at your aroused eyes, your bouncing tits, or how effortlessly his dick enters and leaves your pussy. He tries to look at all three before groaning, “So fucking hot, Y/N.” He leans down to kiss and suck at your neck before growling in your ear, “Don’t give a fuck what anyone says. You’re so perfect for me. So wet and tight.”
At this point, he’s speaking incoherently. So overwhelmed by how well you’re taking him that he’s saying anything and everything that comes to his brain. That doesn’t stop his words from going directly to your clit, and you moan loudly at his words, begging for him to fuck you harder.
He does as asked, and it isn't until he leans down to kiss you again that you feel your second orgasm hit you like a freight train. You cry out while you dig sharp nails into his back, riding out your orgasm as he continues to pound into you. His thrusts stutter as you clamp down on him like a vice. He continues to roll his hips while cursing lowly into your ear.
“Cum for me, G. Please. I need it.” You whisper while scratching lightly up his back, hoping this will edge him on to finish. Sure enough, his hips stutter as his dick swells before hotly cumming inside you.  He groans out loudly, rocking his hips slowly into you before coming to a complete stop. He lays down on top of you, grabbing a blanket to cover the two of you.
You run your hands through his hair as he softly kisses your forehead.
“I love you, no matter what. Don’t listen to Twitter.” He confirms, sleepily. You hum in agreement, kissing his neck as a response.
“I love you more.”
You both are quiet, the silence lulling you to sleep before Grayson is rapidly jerking himself out of you. You look at his wild expression, concerned.
“Fuck, I forgot about our reservations.”
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echolocati0n-art · 3 years
The c!dream and c!eret situation, how it wasnt manipulation, and how it affected eret.
// manipulation
I talked about this on twitter but I feel like it’d also be fun to post here
We don't know if Eret approached dream, or if dream approached Eret. But I’m going to assume dream approached Eret first in this situation because it was the last person people would expect to betray lmanburg. Dream played to Eret’s sense of "the greater good" and their hope of achieving peace. He purposefully asked Eret for help instead of Tommy, whos a loose canon, or Tubbo who has a very strong sense of loyalty, or Fundy who wants to prove himself as more than Wilbur’s son. Being king was just something used to sweeten the deal of betrayal. The deal in itself wasn't manipulation, but Dream promising peace when his objective is to keep the conflict and to hold power over others was definitely putting Eret in a weird spot where he had power, but was still seen as a subordinate by Dream, and that power dynamic was pretty obvious. 
When Eret became king, they never really had any power. This was apparent. Dream made Eret king in hopes he could take care of the normal ruler duties, while Dream himself could actually be in charge without saying it. EG If Dream just declared himself as king, it could start outright rebellion and open defiance. Whereas you leave Eret in charge, youre free to do what you want. 
Now as a victim of manipulation, I want to say the definition has been kind of scewed. We used the term during exile, which WAS what was happening, but we can't just throw the word around for every unhealthy relationship. The best example of manipulation in this scenario is Tommy and Dream, Dream trying to convince Tommy that hes his friend, but then also getting rid of the invitations, forcing him to throw away his items, and wanting complete and utter control of every move he makes, etc etc. An example of an unhealthy and abusive but not manipulative relationship is Quackity and Schlatt (despite the power imbalance and Schlatts abuse, we don’t see Schlatt try to gaslight or manipulate Quackity, same with Fundy and Tubbo). 
We never see Dream try to pretend to be Eret’s friend, but we do see the power dynamic, Dream isn't nearly as controlling of Eret as he is to Tommy, but ig that's because to Dream, Eret is disposable. We see this during the dethroning, it is very possible that Eret could have lost one of their lives whilst running away from Punz and Sapnap (?). Dream doesn't use manipulation to control Eret, but rather power and influence. So we see a very toxic relationship between Eret and Dream, and that Dream only sees Eret as a pawn in his sick twisted mind game.
This isn't to undermine Eret's experiences though, this can still be very traumatic. And Eret sees situations like Tommys and thinks "well it wasn't nearly as bad for me, so why should I look for help," when in reality it's put a lot of stress on them, and affects their relationships with characters. EG Eret tending to isolate themselves after Dream is put into prison, and they're desperate to bring Wilbur back because they think that if he comes back, everything will be better, and that not only Eret but everyone around them would be happier and back to the way it was before everything happened. Not reaching out to their friends, and even going away to god knows where for a month or so. Erets in denial about all of this because they think that just because others had it worse than he did, what happened to him surely cant be that bad, right?
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enchantedisabella · 5 years
Modern Greek Gods
my ig is vivacityandvellichor
Apollo: patron god of memes/vines. absolutely has a meme acc with over a million followers. you think peter parker, a fucking gen z meme legend, isn’t his illegitimate child? that he made just to spite athena with spiders? you are w r o n g
Zeus: the one those Straight White Guys (ew) pray to. often they place maga hats at his altar but even Zeus isn’t that much of a douchebag to support tr*mp and he burns them and strikes those guys with lightning at once. he’s that kind of dad that refuses to vaccinate his kids tho (sigh)
Athena: literally the inventor of just fucking shitposts that mess with your head and are filmed by Apollo saying shit like ‘i have faced God and stepped over Her heaven to get to my throne’. probably runs a shitpost acc and a feminism acc at the same time with wildly different posts, but everyone knows it’s her. there’s even accounts comparing her captions on her different accs bc one will be like ‘big mood gonna go die now bc for some reason i didn’t want the tide pod challenge to die and I DID IT wtf is wrong w me im begging for the sweet release of death’ and the other will be like ‘systematic oppression is only beneficial to straight white males who will continue to oppress poc, women and lgbt+ if they don’t recognise their privilege’
Persephone: kindest person ever. except when you try her, karma’s gonna be a bitch to you. usually she just stays home and plays with her cats, probably spends half her life as a stalker on tumblr or running an aesthetic ig, and the other half baking muffins to throw in the face of her enemies but also to give the best ones to her mom. is definitely taylor swift reincarnated, there’s no doubt.
Demeter: andrea swift reincarnated. that soft friend who will go batshit crazy if something happens to her precious daughter. 100/10 has a very good mother-daughter relationship. hates gossip column blogs but loves it when the tea is served for someone that deserves it. (kanye anyone?)
Aphrodite: works at buzzfeed, no doubt. one of those fashion bloggers with a ridiculously huge influence over celebrities even though all they do is post outfit combinations and promote products, and always has steaming hot tea to serve on every website available. loves dishing out to demeter and gets along surprisingly well with apollo who is also invited to those premieres with her (though for different reasons ofc). runs the most colourful ig acc ever, has an insane amount of followers. wakes up with perfect hair and no one knows how.
Poseidon: youtuber. one of those annoying ones who always say to subscribe to their channel before really doing anything much or saying anything worthwhile? like, why not say it at the end when people actually know what your content is about??? always gets invited to those youtuber conventions but hellaaa problematic. not a total dirtbag, supports feminism and everything, but he just has an overall toxic personality. athena stays tf away. somehow is actually lowkey hot tho and has had flings with every other well known celeb who lives near him.
Hades: HIGHKEY anime stan. pretends to like shit like my chemical romance but actually jams to one direction when alone. video games and pokemon go is their life 24/7, but they still try to hide the fact that they waste their (probably few) remaining days on it even tho everyone already knows. has tried tiktok once and went viral for being hilariously fucking bad. definitely has a meme face. apollo once made a meme out of hades’ face to spite him but it actually also went viral and now hades is known as the ‘pikachu corndog guy ’ around the internet. sometimes ppl ask for selfies on the street and he h a t e s it. will flip them off but can’t swear without sounding like a twelve year old who hasn’t gone through puberty.
Dionysus: is incredibly good at tiktok. once did such a smooth pop and lock with six of his nymphs that it went viral. can shuffle up the stairs like hell was freezing over but he didn’t give a shit. runs those eating asmr accs that’s mainly just him stirring drinking wine super loudly until he passes out (somehow still gets a staggering ton of views), but before that, poseidon makes sure to film all the stupid shit he says to put it on his youtube channel. athena’s sometimes there too and uses his overconfident phrases for her shitposts. needless to say, dionysus is a legend on stan twitter.
Ares: will Fite you. is literally the equivalent of a human trash can. people do put maga hats at his altar and he fucking wears them like the fucking trashbag scum that he is. athena plots different strategies to kill him and has polls for the best ones on her story. Straight White Guy trashhhhhhhhh. nobody likes him. he runs an ig acc with maybe four followers at best, and they’re all just all his other own accs that he uses to anonymously harass athena so she can’t shove his own failures into his face. she always knows it’s him, though. people beat him into pulp on online arguments but he refuses to admit that he’s wrong. gets a kick out of harassing people on the subway. athena refers to him as ‘it’ every time she talks about him because she says that subhuman feces should be referred to by the correct pronouns.
Hephaestus: that one sleazy guy at school who’s best friends with hades but isn’t as bad as asshole ares. knows that ares is morally wrong, but still is kind of ok with him unlike everyone else. wouldn’t go so far as to like him tho. that geeky guy who always gets invited to parties. nobody knows how, but he’s in the ‘popular’ crowd, but often overlooked. some people think that it’s because he does all his hw for them, but actually, hephaestus is that guy who’s sleazy and cheap but really slick and conniving. can get himself into any club. that guy who only uses social media to stalk others, and he follows like 1000+ people but nobody will follow him. kind of a douche but not so much to become revolting. haaaaaates poseidon bc they’re both toxic af and recognise it in each other but not in themselves. that guy who apologises for a racist thing from eight years ago that’s been brought up. actually means the apology but doesn’t have much empathy.
Hera: rules wattpad and i mean rules it. her stories basically win every bad boy x good girl cliché award ever. terrible grammar but somehow has a shit ton of votes and comments. has had a string of shitty boyfriends but only has eyes for zeus, the most problematic guy ever whom she keeps on returning to. she blogs about all her relationship failures mostly because she’s too hooked up on zeus, and all her ten million followers tell her to get some therapy or help but she never does. queen of falling into toxic relationships and honestly athena hates her personally but feels really sorry for her. probably doesn’t understand feminism all that much but still wants equal rights for everyone. doesn’t care if you’re lgbt or a diff race, and i don’t mean accepting i mean she literally does not give a flying fuck. one of those ppl who is ‘fake woke’ bc they actually do have good morals at heart but say things like ‘i don’t see colour’ only for athena to reply scathingly w things like ‘you actually do, you just don’t want to acknowledge your own white privilege by admitting it bc to admit it is to admit that you actually have been born w an upper hand’. def is one of those straight white girls who actually are decent and try their hardest to understand racism but just can’t get it. vents on wattpad yet somehow only gains followers.
Artemis: ah, saved the best for last. arty is a fucking queen, she’s the one who consistently burns tr*mp on twitter and challenges views. probably an actual activist irl who is v well known and promotes herself through ig. is probably best friends with taylor swift and emma watson. probably lowkey has the best singing voice and is actually an artist using music to protest. is mutuals with her feminist acc with athena on instagram. probably best friends w her and they do everything together, run a joint private finsta with a fairly small following of 500 people but post the most aesthetic bff photos.
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" Idk why some of you are on my case about not liking ONE of his movies you need to care less about my opinion maybe. " Because you are an influencer in Seb's fandom. You saying you have the least interest in to watch this movie will make his fans to refuse to watch the movie. And we know how important for Seb's career is this movie. It's his first leading role. If this movie bombs at box office Seb won't have a leading role anymore.
1) I’m sorry but no I’m not lol. Not even close. Any random Seb fan instagram, tumblr, or twitter has at least 4x the followers I do. I have less than 0.3% of the followers that sebastianstanfan on IG does.
2) I’ve said over and over I hope the movie does well and gets good critical reception. I’ve said that I hope I’m wrong. If anyone is taking my opinion (which again is basically “meh”) about this movie as an reason to not see it they have the strength of character of a canned shrimp.
3) This movie absolutely does not have the power to make or break his career. It’s gotten so so little press. In the past week my google alerts have turned up maybe one or two mentions of it per day, mostly in local newspapers and as a side note in lists of what’s coming out this month. The hype has been almost non-existent. Compare that to F&WS & tell me Sebastian’s options for leading roles depend entirely on whether TLFM does well. It’s not realistic.
I will keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: I hope this movie does well. Everyone who can should absolutely go see it. I will keep posting the good press that I see about it (which I have been doing fyi). I will repost or post any of my followers excitement, thoughts, or reviews when they see it. But I’m not going to pretend that I want to see it, which was the question that was asked that started all this nonsense.
Arguing with me and calling me a tasteless idiot is not the way to get me to change my mind (maybe that wasn’t you but it certainly was a tactic someone tried). Tell me why you’re excited to see it! I’ll happily post and amplify any of your asks celebrating this movie if you’re able to leave off the lecturing. This is the last argument I’m going to have about this goddamn film so make your future asks count.
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Tell ab your oc’s bb
they are a band called 'Mist' they are mostly influenced by Queen (obviously), The Runaways, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin,Janis Joplin, Blondie, Joan Jett, Jimmi Hendrix, and many more!!Their music is a mix of glam rock mixed with blues and a tiny bit of jazz vibes!
There are four members:
Helejna Alliah Farshad but likes to be called 'Elle Farshad', she is the oldest member ( 26 years old ), She is a big big lesbian and has a crush on Olivia but we not gonna talk abt that shhh 🤫 her nickname is Ell or Helej. she is the principal singer, but was the last one to join Mist!! She plays piano, electric guitar, banjo, bass clarinet, and is a songwriter. She is indian, from Mathura, an historical indian city, and went to England with an internship to study photography on College, she talks hindi, french, spanish and a bit of japanese!! she's a big fan of classic movies and old books. She has long reddish brown straight hair, hazel eyes, a prominent but pretty nose and her style is based on the rock 60s. She tweets a lot about music and shares a shit ton of her photography work, not really a fan of working out but she does like to watch Olivia on her bike races or swimming, her personality can be both really bubbly and sophisticated or very quiet and conservative
Liza Dolores Welsh. Her nickname is Lizzy or Welshy She is 23 years old, a bisexual disaster !! and one of the original creators of the band, She is the principal guitarist, and also plays piano, acoustic guitar, trumpet, electric piano, bass tuba, flute and drums! She is part irish and part british, she came from Cambridge, studies philosophy and letters on college, writes poems on her free time and has two little puppies named Star and Lily. Lisa talks French and Italian, does gymnastics and is vegan! Doesn't understand social media but likes to share her workouts and poems. She is an activist and fights for the earth, Liza isn't afraid to yell about the worlds problems and to help people. She has short dirty blonde hair, green eyes and her style is a bit modern classic but mixed with the 70s.
Wendy Steinffield. Her nickname is Wen or reddy ( cause of hair) . She is also 23 years old, and is considered hetero but would have no problem dating a girlie !! one of the original creators of the band. She is the drummer!! And also plays acoustic guitar, piano, electric guitar, flute, trumpet, violin, trenor, organ piano, saxophone, trombone and much more!! She is from Chester England, studies biochemistry on college, loves art and she is a really good dancer !! In her free time she does martial arts and GIRL SHE CAN BREAK SOMEONE IN HALF WITH HER HANDS. She has a motorcycle and it's a bit obsessed with it,, Unfortunately she can't properly sing but it's trying to do her best as an instrumentalist. She likes blues music and heavy metal, one of her drumming inspirations is John Bonham from Led Zeppelin. Wendy talks spanish and french, loves to do chemistry jokes that nobody understands on twitter and posts a shit load of shitposting on her ig story. She has hair to her shoulders, messy and wavy dark red, her eyes are blue and has a tattoo on her arm. Her style is a bit bohemian mixed with rock.
Olivia Sophie Deacon Beaulieu. Before we move on... You may be asking 'Deacon??' And yeah in fact, Olivia is John Deacon's daughter, ( let's pretend John had another kid but not with ronnie okay this is pure fiction ill go in more details from this story later) Her nicknames are Olive,Oli and sometimes Deak, She is 22 years old, and a big bisexual trouble!! the youngest of the group and also the original creator of the band !! Olivia is the bassist of the bans, she also plays piano, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, violin, double bass, drums, synthesiser, trumpet, banjo, double neck guitar, harp, ukelele, and wants to learn more!! she also sings incredibly good !! She was born in Putney and studies physics, mathematics and astronomy in college, talks in japanese, french,italian, russian and latin. Is a very active person and loves sports, she is a cyclist, lifts weights, does swimming, running,yoga, and recently started trapeze arts. She supports campaigns to fight against diseases, child poverty, world hunger and earth problems, with Liza is an activist and they both help those organisations. She donates and always tries to help the others. Olivia is really active on social media, always concerned and showing ways to help people and earth and also recording videos of their life as a band ( has a youtube channel !! we stan an influencer queen) She literally looks like his dad but in female version, with brown long hair, sweet eyes and prominent nose!! Of course she is big influenced on funky music and rock, her style is 70s mixed with modern fashion ( and sometimes clothes she stole from her dad's old closet )
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yespoetry · 5 years
An Interview with Maryan Nagy Captan
copy/body by Maryan Nagy Captan is a poetry collection that explores identity, place, home, gender, and family dynamics. It was originally published by Empty Set Press in 2017. With the close of Empty Set earlier this, we have partnered up with ESP and are offering the chapbook as a free ebook. You can read an interview with the Captan below (and poems from the collection are forthcoming on our site on Monday, October 14), and can download the collection here and below.
Did you write this collection to any kind of music?
This collection spans about 9 years worth of work. The oldest poem in the collection, "Housewife", was written in 2009 while "Blood Pact" was completed in 2017.  There are so many albums that are my tried and true and have been for the past decade which deeply influenced the bulk of the work: The Lemon of Pink by The Books,  Shake Shugaree by Elizabeth Cotton, Veneer by Jose Gonzalez, Noah’s Ark by CocoRosie, Aquimini by Outkast, Rain Dogs by Tom Waits, Plaisirs D'Amour by Rene Aubry, anything by Bessie Smith, anything by Kendrick Lamar, anything by John Cage, In Rainbows by Radiohead, the list goes on and on. 
Describe your favorite meal.   
I'm not sure if it qualifies as a meal but a minimum of 20 pieces of my mama's waraq ineb drenched in lemon juice (preferably eaten on the couch next to my dad while we switch between watching Wimbleton and Lebanese soap operas on DISH Network).
Choose three books that you've always identified with?  
I have such a hard time answering questions about identifying with books or characters. I think partially because I don’t read narratives where I identify with the characters. I read to escape into form and language. However, I do have books that I love and have read many, many times over the last several years. Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein is a bible, as is Recyclopedia by Harryette Mullen, and Zong! by M. NourbeSe Philip come to mind. 
However, I find myself identifying much, much more strongly with visual art. I feel most connected to the work of Masao Yamamoto, Louis Bourgeois, Joan Miro, Paula Rego, and Ren Hang. 
Choose one painting that describes who you are. What is it?  
For the past few years, I’ve been enamored with the work of Julie Speed, an oil painter and collage artist based in Marfa, TX. My current favorite piece is titled “Eyes to See.” How does it describe me? I like to think that I am both figures in this painting. As a writer and performance poet, I get self conscious about overwriting or being too insistent in the work. As a reader and citizen of the world, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and insight that we’re expected to consume regularly. It can be suffocating. 
However, behind all the chaos of humanity is a bird and a tree and an open window.  I think this aspect speaks strongly to my desire to always find a sliver of hope in everything: an escape, a reminder, a moment of joy.
What do you imagine the apocalypse is like? How would you want to die?  
Even though it’s a terrible movie, I always loved the premise of The Happening. In it, plant life develops an airborne toxin that causes humans to commit suicide. 
In this version of the apocalypse, instead of an airborne toxin, all plants and trees develop a taste for human blood and devour all of humanity in a few days. I wouldn’t want it to last too long because it sounds horrific. 
In this scenario, I’d prefer to be gently leaning onto and then very suddenly be absorbed into Bald Cypress. Though, I hope I’m the first to go because I’m way too soft to actually witness any of this.
If you could only watch three films for the rest of your life, what would they be?  
This one’s too hard but okay: Beetlejuice, Cairo Station, and Chungking Express.
Where do you find inspiration lately?
Lately, I’ve been screenwriting and studying storytelling. It’s been really energizing and it’s changing the way I think about poetry. I’ve always been inspired by what I feel most challenged by so right now, I’m learning to tell stories through narrative and the three act structure rather than through emotion and musicality.  It’s really hard but the creative payoff is huge.
Where did you write most of your book? 
The majority of the book was written in Philadelphia, and three of the poems were written in Keene Valley, NY during a residency with Paul Smith College of the Adirondacks.
What was something surprised you recently?
I recently learned that a placebo can still have a positive effect on someone even if they know it’s a placebo which I thought was so fascinating.
What do you carry with you at all times?   
A piece of mica from Clark Park in West Philly.
Tell us a bit about your writing process. What works and what doesn't? What doesn't, but you keep trying it anyway?
I’ve always been self conscious about how little I produce but I’ve slowly come to understand over the years that I don’t write unless I feel compelled to.  
I can meditate on a poem for days before actually writing it. I’m obsessed with subjectivity (as a concept and with my own) and I feel most compelled to write when I’m in a state of deep introspection. I’ll meditate on an idea for days and when a poem finally comes, I’ll spend eight months editing it to death. I have some poems that have gone through 30-40 different drafts. The biggest challenge for me is to write a poem, edit once, then twice, and be done with it. The poem is done after the second edit. It has to be. 
One of my favorite mantras comes from the teachings of J. Krishnamurti: Observe your confusion. Study it. 
For me, what works is writing about something that scares me about myself.  At the present moment, I’m most interested in examining how I’m complicit in, even though I protest against, the deconstruction of the natural world. I’m attracted to hypocrisy as a theme and find it really difficult to write without relying on tropes. 
What doesn’t work for me is sitting down and saying “I’m going to write a poem.” The compulsion to write is an integral part of the process. Without it, ideas just don’t come. 
What are some of your daily rituals or routines?  
Birdwatching and drinking coffee is my favorite daily ritual because I like to pretend I’m retired even though I’ll probably be working for the rest of my life. (: 
What was the hardest part about writing this book?
Honestly, when Angelo invited me to publish with Empty Set, I already had these poems ready. They span the length of nearly a decade and I had already performed them dozens of times. These are the poems of my 20s. 
Now, that I’m in my 30s and working on a new collection, one that is intentionally thematically linked and far more narrative, I think the obstacle I keep coming up against is the question of whether or not each of the poems is building on the last or if the poems are merely reiterating the same ideas. 
copy/body is as a book is a collage: the poems are linked by their musicality, language play, and loose themes of domesticity. The current book I’m working on is much more intentionally themed and though there are individual pieces, the book is designed to be read as one long poem.
Ultimately, the hardest part of writing copy/body was finding the time to write and the hardest part about having time to write is actually writing. But maybe that’s the case for everything.
Define happiness for you. 
The silence of a desert.
Maryan Nagy Captan is an experimental writer, educator, and performance poet based in Austin, Texas. She is a Fellow at The Michener Center for Writers and serves as the Marketing Director for Bat City Review. Maryan is the author of copy/body (Empty Set Press, 2017) and an alumna of the Disquiet International Literary Program. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming in The Egyptian Writers Folio (Anomaly Press), Foundry, AJAR, Apiary Magazine, Mantra Review, Boneless/Skinless, Sundog Lit, and elsewhere.
Joanna C. Valente is a human who lives in Brooklyn, New York. They are the author of Sirs & Madams, The Gods Are Dead, Marys of the Sea, Sexting Ghosts, Xenos, No(body), #Survivor, (forthcoming, The Operating System), and is the editor of A Shadow Map: Writing by Survivors of Sexual Assault. They received their MFA in writing at Sarah Lawrence College. Joanna is the founder of Yes Poetry and the senior managing editor for Luna Luna Magazine. Some of their writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Them, Brooklyn Magazine, BUST, and elsewhere. Joanna also leads workshops at Brooklyn Poets. joannavalente.com / Twitter: @joannasaid / IG: joannacvalente / FB: joannacvalente
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worldjeongguk · 7 years
Smeraldo: What we know so far lol
The source code of the blog contains words like 스메랄도 = smeraldo and 석진꽃 = seokjin flower Ok, so the things I’m about to say are NOT PROVEN to have a relationship with BTS’s comeback, but the possibilities are high so stay with me cause I'll go quick in 5,6,7,8 (I’m so sorry)
credit to: @ / rosoidae on twitter! https://twitter.com/rosoidae 
There's a story called, 'La Città di smeraldo' that takes place in a small town in Italy in the 1500s-1600s. The story's about an 'ugly' man who hid in an old castle alone. Because of his looks he received lots of hate & cruelty while growing up, he never opened his heart to anyone. Whenever they tried to approach him, he hid in anger. His happiness was to plant flowers in his garden. 
One day a woman appeared near the man's castle. She jumped over the garden fence and stole a flower. this angered the man at first, so he watched his garden all night. But when he fell a sleep, the woman took another flower. This continued for several nights.
   The man pretended to be asleep and watched the woman steal a flower. He started becoming curious about the woman. He began waiting for her without realizing he kept waiting for her to come and the next day seemed a little brighter.
Following after her one day he realized that she was selling the flowers that she stole from him to make a living. The man desperately wanted to help the woman,  but he was afraid she would be terrified by the way he looks. He knew she would not love his 'grotesque' appearance.
   He came to a conclusion that the only way he would be able to help her is to let her continue stealing flowers from his garden.   The man decided to make a flower that doesn't exist on the planet, so that the woman could sell them at an expensive price.  
He began to make the flower in his castle. After many unsuccessful attempts, the man made a flower that didn't exist and filled his garden,but the woman stopped coming. No matter how long he waited, she never came to his garden. He eventually found out that the woman had died.
BigHit representatives revealed that bts' next comeback's theme will be about loving yourself. In the story the man did not love himself.   If he had loved himself he could have showed his face to the woman, and helped her before she had passed away.
THE RELATION TO BTS’S COMEBACK! (This is messy pls stay with me lol. AGAIN: CREDITS TO ALL OWNERS, MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN! :))  For the upcoming paragraph, credits to: @ / rosoidae on Twitter
 Jin tweeted a selca today, holding the Smeraldo flowers. These flowers were, according to a screenshot, discovered on june 12, 2013; the day of BTS’s debut showcase stage.  The screenshot:
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It's  석진시 (seokjin o'clock = 12:04 because his birthday is december 4th) at the top of this screenshot (credits to @ /  xuichi on Twitter)
On Instagram, there is an account called flowersmeraldo (https://www.instagram.com/flowersmeraldo/)
It has posted a picture, that says in korean: “The true feelings that could not be expressed” The handwriting looks oddly like Jin’s writing, check for yourself:
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This account is believed to be owned by BTS, posting hints.
With the (fake) discovery of this smeraldo flower, the florist "Testesso" is gonna "open" a flower shop mid-september, I smell a comeback. (Check their captions and bio for more info since my Korean is very very poor!) 
The name of the blog is “te stesso”. If you translate the Italian phrase: “Ama te stesso” into English, you get “love yourself.” Haven’t we heard this before, guys? 
In every post, there’s a link to a certain website: www.flowersmeraldo.com This website leads you to a Korean Naver blog, which is also (obviously) believed to be owned by BTS.
The name of the blog is “te stesso”. If you translate the Italian phrase: “Ama te stesso” into English, you get “love yourself.” Haven’t we heard this before, guys?  Also,the meaning of the Smeraldo flower is "non potevo dire la verità,” which means "i couldn't tell the truth" or "the truth i couldn't tell.” They also have that phrase repeated on both the IG page and the blog itself.
Apparently Hobi once posted the source of the blog, and 
( credits to @ / ctrlbeat on twitter!) (upcoming info completely comes from their account!)
the source code of the blog contains words like:
 스메랄도 = smeraldo, and
석진꽃 = seokjin flower
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The blog posted an event asking people to submit stories with confessions to family or anyone and 7 people's stories will be relayed. The winner’s will receive a special gift (Apparently a bouquet and a card or something? I’m not sure and also tired)
The stories have to be emailed and submitted before august 15th, 10pm kst. The last Bon Voyage episode also happens to be on this day. Maybe it’s a special date? :)
There are 7 episodes on the blog explaining the history of Smeraldo and the 5th mentions a "William Ashbless" who is a fictional character, and a poet. The fictional William Ashbless from Italy created playing cards and the blog mentions "The flower card", influenced by Smeraldo flowers.  
The Smeraldo flowers were supposedly discovered in "La Città di smeraldo" = "The emerald city", commonly known from Wizard of Oz.
Lastly, this blog was created july 4, 2017, on the same day the BTS logo video was released.
It’s about to get even more confusing, I’m so sorry~
Well, The Smeraldo Acadamey, TSA for short, is a fictional academy. The academy was originally founded on sept. 12th 2013, on Rap Monster’s birthday. The first attendee was ‘Inbloom BTS’ Screenshot:
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 As you can see in the screenshot, their fourth anniversary is this year. So is BTS’s. Coincidence? I think not. 
if you email academysmeraldo@gmail (from the TSA FaceBook page) you get a reply from "Ashbless Will"
On the FaceBook page, there is also a post about Hawaii. Bon Voyage, I guess?
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(credits to user @ / nvrwlkln on Twitter) 
Here is the conference schedule:
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(credits to user @ / beiataehung on Twitter)  
We have arrived at the last paragraph of my longest post in the history of Tumblr, I’m proud of you for getting through all that!
The flowers on the edges of HYYH part 1 and 2, may be Smeraldo’s.
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(credits to user @ / shinebrightRM on Twitter!)
In the I Need U MV, do you guys remember Jin holding flower petals. Right. You see where I’m taking this. Also, they used EXACTLY the same flowers/flower petals in the I Need U shoot. Here are some pictures:
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(credits to user @ / namjoonned on Twitter!)
There’s also a Twitter account to match the blog and the Instagram account, https://twitter.com/FlowerSmeraldo . This account has posted something just 11 hours ago. Sadly enough I can’t really read Korean. Their last post said something about being open in September (I can SMELL a comeback)
CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY MADE IT TO THE END AND AS OF NOW, YOU ARE COMPLETELY UPDATED ON THE ONGOING THEORIES! I hoped you enjoyed reading it because I put A LOT of time and effort into translating, looking up, and overall typing to create this post. Let me know what you think about their upcoming comeback, because I’m super excited :)
And to BTS, if you’re reading this you owe me some aspirins (and some love) because I got a headache of all this typing damnit i love you bye
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
How Ring Transmits Fear to American Suburbs
This is the third of a three-part series, where we’ll explore how Ring transformed from start-up pitch to the technology powering Amazon's privatized surveillance network throughout the United States.
On Halloween 2017, Ring’s servers crashed en masse. The Ring app was nonfunctional. Why? Millions of trick-or-treaters overwhelmed Ring’s servers. Children dressed as ghouls and superheros executed an accidental denial-of-service attack.
Kids are central in Ring’s marketing strategy, and the company even bragged about how many children they surveilled on Halloween this year.
When the company once known as DoorBot relaunched as Ring in 2014, its marketing strategy promptly changed. The convenient “smart home” doorbell butler was gone, reborn as Ring, a home-security product that doesn’t simply sell fear, but sells the idea that the nuclear, suburban family is a delicate, precious thing which needs protection from a hostile world.
In Ring’s advertisements and commercials—which are spread across HGTV, Fox News, podcasts, and social media alike—the company tells the public that it isn’t watching their families, but watching over them. Ring wants customers to think it's the protective father, but not Big Brother.
Although Ring is telling families that they need protection from unsafe neighborhoods, the company is also radically changing what a typical neighborhood is like. Ring has quietly partnered with over 600 police departments around the country and promotes Neighbors, its own neighborhood watch app, where users are supposed to report “suspicious” people.
Ring has also heavily pursued city discount programs and private alliances with neighborhood watch groups. When cities provide free or discounted Ring cameras, they sometimes create camera registries, and police sometimes order people to aim Ring cameras at their neighbors, or only give cameras to people surveilled by neighborhood watches.
We don’t have any substantial proof that towns become safer when Ring enters the picture. But when Ring cameras enter a town, it’s easy for cities to equate surveillance with being a good neighbor.
Inside Ring’s Marketing World
Ring’s marketing materials on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are a strange mix of installation instruction videos, testaments to how Ring supposedly reduces crime, and family moments as captured through surveillance cameras. It’s like a combination of America’s Funniest Home Videos, Ellen, and Cops.
In these videos, high schoolers leave for school and say goodbye to their parents. Small children in costumes talk to their parents through the camera intercom. A family plays in the front yard, unknowingly activating the motion-detection feature on the doorbell camera.
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Image: Obtained via public record request from Commerce, CA
Ring dedicated a blog post to a video showing a 19-year-old woman leaving for a date. Her dad demanded to interview her date before allowing her to leave the house. The dad made the man repeat, several times, that he would return his adult daughter before her 10:30 p.m. curfew.
These videos sell old-fashioned notions, depicting the typical customer as a nuclear American family with a patriarchal father figure supervising women and children who are unable to protect themselves.
This ethos extends to the influencers that Ring has chosen to sponsor its cameras:. At least a dozen popular Instagram accounts , almost exclusively run by white women, have promoted Ring products, according to Ring’s tagged posts on the platform. They all appear to be mom lifestyle bloggers who favor a Charleston aesthetic of white houses, linen clothes, and Etsy signs that say things like “Hello” or “No Soliciting.”
View this post on Instagram
When you’re paranoid like I am & think every time the doorbell rings it’s a crazy person on the other side (who else pretends like they’re not home & hides when the doorbell rings 😂) you invest in security for peace of mind. Y’all know I love my security cameras so we recently got the @ring so now I know who is coming & going and that makes this Mom feel so much safer! Check out my IG stories for details ❤️ • I just wish I had it a few months ago when my door was shot with silly string 🤷🏼‍♀️ 📷: @chelsearoc
A post shared by Ashley McClellan Houston (@nashvillewifestyles) on Jun 7, 2018 at 7:25am PDT
Ring also has a section of its website called RingTV dedicated to sharing videos hand-picked by the company. RingTV’s Fun & Convenience tab is dedicated to videos like "Goldendoodle Puppy Uses Ring Doorbell."
But aside from all the wholesome family videos and cute puppies, the company also uses the RingTV website to try and prove that its cameras prevent crime.
The Crime Prevention tab shows videos depicting people who "stop crime in its tracks" or catch "strangers in the act." Some of the videos appear to show people apparently considering stealing a package, but not doing so after seeing a Ring camera.
However, it’s unclear how commonplace any of these success stories are. Millions of people own Ring cameras, and the Crime Prevention tab hosts nearly 50 videos.
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Image: Screenshot from RingTV
The Neighbors App, and the Racial Politics of Suburbia
Suburban life is at the center of Ring’s marketing materials, and almost all footage that the company shares is captured at suburban homes. This focus says a lot about what Ring is selling, and to whom: Historically, American notions of the suburban, nuclear family have been built upon the exclusion of people of color.
After World War II, white families fled from urban centers and resettled in homogeneous suburban regions. Redlining practices excluded people of color from getting loans and mortgage payments that would allow them to move into the same areas.
Additionally, as Vanderbilt University historian Sarah Igo writes in her book The Known Citizen, Americans associated the sanctity of the suburban home with the right to privacy. Suburbia was meant to be not only a destination of white flight, but a refuge.
Neighbors, Ring’s neighborhood watch app, efficiently encapsulates the mixed politics of privacy within the home and racial exclusion.
The Neighbors app, in its most basic function, allows people to upload footage from Ring products or other security cameras for other users to see. A post can be sorted into one of five categories: crime, safety, suspicious, stranger, unknown visitor, or lost pet. The Neighbors feed consists of these user-submitted posts and bite-sized alerts posted by Ring about possible dangers around town.
The app was launched in May 2018, one month after Amazon finalized the acquisition of Ring. (It wasn’t the company’s first experiment with mobilizing the politics of neighborhood watches to sell their products. In 2017, Ring offered free swag and discounted Ring products to neighborhood watch groups that promoted Ring and agreed to testify against their neighbors in court, if necessary.)
The Neighbors app has since developed a culture that is completely obsessed with crime and the self-policing of neighborhoods, and users often resort to racial profiling. Similar problems exist on the crime-reporting app Citizen and the neighborhood hub app NextDoor. On Neighbors, all posts are dedicated to crime, and three out of the five possible post categories deal with suspicious, strange, or unknown people. These options implicitly encourage people to post about people they don’t trust. In practice, this lack of trust is often racist.
The Aesthetic of Fear on Neighbors
The Neighbors app empowers people to not just watch their neighborhood, but to organize as watchers. Ring markets Neighbors as a “digital neighborhood watch,” which is an accurate description. It encourages people to think about who belongs and who is an outsider. In this way, Neighbors is not just a digital neighborhood watch. It’s a digital gated community.
“So much of it is this shared sense of the people who happen to be on that [app], or who we assume are neighbors like yourself, and watching and policing the dangers in your neighborhood,” Igo told Motherboard. “[Neighbors] also will undoubtedly reinforce some sense of who belongs here and who doesn't.”
When people take pictures or videos, they determine who and what is worthy of attention. But when people use security cameras specifically, they also determine who is suspicious and who does not belong.
Security cameras carry an aesthetic of suspicion and fear. Footage is often grainy, black and white, or green-tinted due to night vision filtering—but these aren’t inherently “sketchy” traits. Since security footage is usually shared in the context of crime on local news, all security footage is marred with the appearance of suspicion. Local news tends to over-represent crimes committed by people of color, meaning people of color captured on security cameras are at an especially high risk of appearing to be suspicious.
As more people buy cheap home security systems, the amount of security footage is proliferating. This means that more people appear suspicious than ever before. Even if a person has done nothing wrong, even if they have the wrong address or if they’re dropping off a package, they will appear suspicious.
Neighbors, and apps like it, have empowered people to publicly share footage that they consider unsettling, and people who they consider to be out of place, at a scale that we’ve never seen before.
Individual Decision With Group Implications
There’s a crucial, unstated aspect of owning a Ring camera: You aren’t just making the decision to surveil your own property and visitors when you buy one. You make a decision on behalf of everyone around you. If someone walks by your house, lives next door, or delivers packages to your home, they will be recorded and surveilled. They don’t get a choice. Buying even one Ring camera is a fundamentally communal decision.
Andrew Hager, who was a delivery-person for a meal-prep company in the Portland suburbs, said that he noticed all the “fancy houses” had Ring cameras, especially around Beaverton, OR. (The Beaverton Police Department has partnered with Ring, per documents obtained by Motherboard.)
For a while, he didn’t realize that Ring doorbells were actually cameras.
“It might've changed how I acted if I knew that there were cameras,” Hager said. “I was always professional, but I would’ve made sure I was not picking my nose or something.”
Hager added, more seriously, that he would not have been “blatantly checking the house out” if he knew he was being recorded.
“I feel like if people were watching me, they would've thought, ‘Oh, is this guy casing the joint out or something?’” Hager said. “Because you could totally think I was like, ‘Oh how much square footage is in here. I wonder how much they pay for this place.’ Before the door opens, I’m always looking around.”
Hager’s fear is justified. On the Neighbors app, users frequently post videos of people looking at their homes, taking pictures of their homes, or lingering around their homes. The captains often speculate as to whether the person is planning a robbery, although they just as well could have been at the wrong address or admiring the house.
“Making sure that packages are okay seems like a pretty common sense goal,” Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the anti-surveillance advocacy group the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project and member of the Immigrant Leaders Council of the New York Immigration Coalition, said. “But the problem is that it comes at the price of recording these workers who are delivering them. It's just part of this surveillance web on the job that's depriving workers of autonomy and privacy, and can really have an emotionally toxic effect over the long term.”
The New Neighborhood of Ring Cameras
Ring has two aims that work in tandem. On one hand, it wants to become embedded in the process of policing. But it also wants to build relationships with neighborhood watches, and to have its cameras to become a feature of neighborhoods.
Ring doesn’t only partner with police departments. The company also provides discounts to local neighborhood watches and homeowners associations. According to emails obtained from Olathe, KS using a freedom of information request, all community leaders need to do is reach out to Ring.
"We would ask that a community leader (for instance head of HOA or neighborhood watch president) go to [redacted] to begin the process,” a Ring representative told a police officer who asked about local subsidy programs. “The community programs teams at Ring will work with them to create a limited time, zip code specific discount zone."
Ring also provides city-level discounts, if the city agrees to pay up.
Dozens of cities have Ring discount programs, which involve cities and towns paying Ring up to $100,000 in taxpayer money in order to subsidize Ring camera purchases for their residents. Ring will match every dollar committed by a city per the terms of these discount programs. This means that for every $100 residents save when buying a Ring product, the city pays $50 and Ring pays $50.
These city-level discounts have been happening since 2016, according to documents obtained by Motherboard.
By funding these discount programs, cities conflate surveillance and citizenship. For instance, West Hollywood, CA distributed flyers advertising its Ring subsidy program at voter registration events, according to documents obtained by Motherboard. West Hollywood also sold subsidized Ring products “exclusively” to residents in areas moderated by neighborhood watches. Everyone who bought a discounted camera was added to a registry list with their name and address.
West Hollywood isn’t alone. Camera-purchase registries—which Motherboard obtained from Redondo Beach, CA, West Hollywood, CA, and Green Bay, WI—included the names of purchasers and the police patrol areas in which they live.
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Image: “RE__Request_for_shapefile_assistance.pdf” from West Hollywood, CA.
Documents obtained by Motherboard also show that several cities will loan or sell discounted cameras Ring cameras to residents. In one camera “loan” program in Green Bay, WI, police technically owned all footage generated on all cameras given to residents, per contract documents residents had to sign.
Police from Redondo Beach, CA even used the pretense of camera registries to determine who should get a discount and who shouldn’t, according to a city council meeting memo obtained by Motherboard. Police said that they inspected the facades of homes of each applicant, and looked for who had the most “optimal viewpoints that could assist with criminal investigations.”
In a slide presentation obtained by Motherboard, Redondo Beach police said that applicants who offered to surveil their neighbors would get a heavier discount than those who only offered to surveil their own property.
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Image: Screenshot from Secure Your Castle slide presentation from Redondo Beach, CA obtained by Motherboard.
Ring doesn’t officially endorse cities requiring people to go on a camera registry in order to obtain free or discounted cameras.
“Ring won't subsidize devices to cities to be used for camera registration programs,” a Ring lawyer told city officials in Peoria, IL, who asked about creating a camera registry program. “If you cannot agree to that, then we cannot do the program.”
“This is getting ridiculous,” the Peoria lawyer said to a Peoria City Manager, after forwarding the email thread to him.
But cities can make camera registries without Ring’s permission. The Peoria Police Department unveiled a surveillance camera registry program two weeks before these emails were sent.
“As a policy, Ring does not support any subsidy match program that requires recipients to subscribe to a recording plan or share footage as a condition for receiving a subsidized device,” a Ring spokesperson said in an email. “We actively work with these groups to ensure this is reflected in their programs."
The Fanatic Culture of Ring Stans
People decide to buy Ring cameras for lots of different reasons. Ring customer Bryan Herbert told Motherboard that Ring makes his life easier.
“I’m disabled and tend to walk slow,” Herbert said via Twitter DM. “It’s nice being able to speak to people at the door and let them know it’s going to take me a minute to get there.”
But one thing connects all Ring camera owners: a sense of community.
Digital community is a crucial tenant of Ring ownership. There’s Neighbors, where geographic neighbors connect with one another through Ring’s platform. But there’s also Facebook and Reddit, where user-moderated, fanatic communities for Ring product owners have flourished.
In these groups, people are implicitly understood to have accepted the privacy tradeoffs that come with owning the cameras, and the proliferation of police partnerships. The resulting culture is a combination of a do-it-yourself machismo and intense product loyalty.
The most noteworthy examples are r/Ring, the Ring-focused subreddit, and Ring Doorbell Users Group, the Facebook group for Ring owners. These online communities aren’t primarily focused on sharing “success stories,” or sharing so-called sketchy footage on Ring cameras. Users mostly troubleshoot technical problems and answer one another’s questions. Often, people who speak too negatively about Ring products are disparaged, even when they face frustrating technical problems with no obvious solution.
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The admins of the Facebook group often advocate on behalf of Ring. In one post, the Facebook group admin screenshotted and shared a post, which began by complaining about the quality of Ring cameras.
“Don’t get me wrong,” the group admin wrote, “I’m sorry that [name redacted] is having issues and feels he must so eloquently announce to everyone that he is GIVING UP.”
The admin suggested solutions to fixing Ring products that were often more labor-intensive or expensive than setting up the device itself.
The culture on r/Ring is pretty similarly to the culture in the Ring Doorbell Users Group on Facebook. Dan Sullivan, one of the moderators of r/Ring, said in a phone call that he’s been a subreddit moderator for about four years, around the time that DoorBot became Ring.
“I’ve been leading that disaster for a while,” Sullivan said. “It was really an echo chamber when I came across it… There were people who loved it, people who hated it, and there was no one to talk to about it. It’s still like that now.”
Sullivan said that he tried to engage with Ring’s social media team and get them to provide help. Ring tried, but it’s mostly stopped engaging.
“Ring used to participate, but then they stopped because people were attacking the employees,” Sullivan said.
How Does It Feel to Be Watched?
Among the many Ring users that Motherboard spoke with for this article, none expressed privacy concerns, or misgivings about having a camera in and around one’s home.
Sullivan, the r/Ring moderator, said that if people are worried about their privacy, they just shouldn’t get a camera. It’s like Facebook, he said. If you don't like Facebook, just get rid of Facebook.
“I don't have it inside of my house for a reason, but I don't really care who sees what goes on on the outside,” Sullivan said. “You could make a list on why you shouldn't have a camera. Obviously these [videos] are going somewhere, being sent to a server somewhere. But I don't have anything to hide. I’m not a criminal, there's no risky things going on at my house. So I’m not worried about it.”
Sullivan added that there are benefits and drawbacks to every product. For him, the benefit of catching a criminal on camera outweighs the risk of relying on a private company to catch them.
Several Ring camera owners told Motherboard that they, in part, chose Ring because they wanted cameras that weren’t made in China, citing security concerns. Neither of them were concerned about how camera footage and customer data is used.
Why We Watch Ourselves
There’s one unavoidable fact about Ring: people are choosing to use this product. They’re choosing to put a camera in their homes. They’re choosing not only to watch other people, but watch themselves.
Self-surveillance isn’t a Ring-specific phenomenon. The core of self-surveillance has to do with how we understand privacy.
Sarah Igo, the historian, says that “privacy” deals with the threshold between where the individual person ends, and a collective society begins. As a result, privacy concerns are often invoked in situations where people are scared, apprehensive, or uncomfortable about changes happening in their society—technological, social, or otherwise.
As explained by Igo, after World War II, when white people fled to the suburbs, a combination of academic scholarship and popular opinion strengthened the idea that freedom, especially freedom from authoritarianism and fascim, can be found in the right to private property, space, and land.
The American home, in the face of these fears, became a place of safety and tradition. It was a place for families where a patriarchal figure protected his wife and children.
Americans, as Igo describes it, often fear and mistrust objects that mediate between the private home and the outside world. Many people in the early twentieth century viewed the telephone as an unwelcome intruder in the home. Fear of wiretapping was widespread throughout the century. The doorbell, for many, was no exception. Igo writes that people viewed the doorbell as something that empowered the outside world to penetrate and intrude on “domestic tranquility.”
Interestingly, Ring customers believe that the doorbell camera protects the home. It doesn’t invade the home; rather, it guards the home. Igo said in a phone call that this isn’t necessarily surprising. Ring doorbells, like all doorbells, mediate the relationship between the home and the outside world.
“Video cameras, security cameras, and so forth is the turning of the home outward to watch, in the other direction,” Igo said. “So I think it's still connected to this longer history of worry about invasions of the home. To prevent those, you have to look outward and invade the privacy of those potentially right on the street outside.”
“[There’s] this sense that the barrier can also be a window on to who's on the other side,” Igo added. “And that, at the very least, suggests rising distrust of unplanned interactions.”
So What Now?
Ring has some experienced pushback in recent months. In August, Senator Markey demanded the company answer questions about its data retention and relationships with law enforcement. Then, in November, five senators demanded Jeff Bezos answer additional questions about its data security practices.
Despite this pushback, Ring is not faltering or losing momentum.
It doesn’t hurt that the company has crucial connections to power. Jacqui Irwin, a member of the California state assembly, is married to Jon Irwin, the chief operating officer for Ring. Kira Rudik, Ring Ukraine’s chief operating officer, was recently elected to Ukranian parliament. Ring has connections in precisely the places it needs them in order to continue operating as it always has.
However, it’s impossible to talk about Ring in a vacuum, as if Ring is the only home surveillance company selling fear and promising security in return. Ring is the symptom of a worldview in which crime is an existential threat, and data-capturing technology is the solution. For people who subscribe to this worldview, it doesn’t matter that crime rates are actually going down nationwide. The only thing that matters is that they believe crime is a threat.
According to Evan Greer, deputy director of digital activist group Fight for the Future, Ring is a product that’s “incompatible with a functioning community.” If you don’t trust your neighbors, Greer said, it becomes okay to surveil in perpetuity.
“That's a fundamental idea that ties community together: neighbors trust each other, and protect each other, and take care of each other,” Greer said. “It just feels like, for Amazon’s business model to succeed, they have to sow distrust and fear between neighbors.”
Cahn, the privacy advocate, said that Ring and security products like it capitalize on a widespread feeling that we are never safe.
“It goes to some almost society-wide anxiety, that if we can't prove everything's okay, at every moment,” Cahn said, “then somehow, something terrible is happening.”
There is no single reason that people choose to watch themselves and others. The people of Baltimore, MD believe that camera footage can be a tool that facilitates justice in a city where justice feels rare. For others, Ring cameras offer the convenience of seeing who is at the door. Some people buy Ring cameras to usher in peace of mind.
Everyone who buys a Ring camera shares one core belief: that Ring cameras are neutral, objective, or even benevolent. However, in a world so overcome by fear that the people believe they must not only watch others, and watch themselves, there’s no such thing as a truly benevolent tool.
How Ring Transmits Fear to American Suburbs syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon and thanks for your patience in waiting for my response!
As you can see, I cut out the blogger W&S’s full “PR” post about MM that you had attached to your ask. Instead, I'm just going to address some excerpts from the post. For those who want to read W&S’s entire post, it can be found HERE.
On Q Scores
So let’s look at W&S’s false PR claim about MM related to Q Scores:
“Quite simply a Q-score is a measurement of the familiarity and appeal of a brand, celebrity, company, or entertainment product. Used to be, Q-scores were measured by a celebrity’s appearances on TV/film, talk shows and in entertainment magazines. Nowadays, the score is figured almost solely from social medial statistics. To put the score in perspective, right now Johnny Depp has the highest Q-score at 92. Trump’s Q-score is 98. Sam and Cait’s Q-scores range from 38-42 which is a very respectable range for actors in their genre. The interesting thing is that this time last year, MM had a Q-score of 18, which has risen to over 30 as of today and why? Because of Sam. Here is a girl that has chased fame since she was 12 years old and she’s finally got her hands on something that can help her achieve that. She’s going to continue to use him and us unless we do one thing.
“Ignore her.”
I have no idea where W&S got her numbers but the reality is that from everything I can tell, Sam and Cait DON’T actually have official Q scores. Ironically, MM has several Q Scores from when she was a young adult (19 to 21 years-old; between 2007-2009).
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You have to pay a fee to get the actual Q Scores, so I did not obtain MM’s actual scores, but as you can see in the above screenshots, those Q Scores exist for MM but NOT for S or C. 
And honestly, all of the above makes sense, given that Q Scores are:
“The recognized industry standard for measuring consumer appeal of performers, brand ambassadors, influencers, characters, licensed properties and brands.” [emphasis added]
Q Scores for celebrities are most useful to help companies know if their sponsorship of shows that feature those celebrities can sell products. Outlander is a cable show--it doesn’t have commercial sponsors. So businesses have no incentive to figure out how appealing S or C are to consumers. However, according to IMDb, from 2007 to 2009, MM had been on shows that involve commercial sponsors, including 224 episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful.
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I’ve done this Q score search several times over the years and it always yields the same results. If you doubt me, you can do your own HERE. 
So MM was clearly NOT trying to use the relatively unknown C-list actor S to up her Q Score, especially since S didn’t even have a Q Score. 
Furthermore, based on his IMDb profile, Billy Magnussen, the guy MM dated just before S, was about on a par with (and probably slightly more famous than) S at the time that MM was dating Billy--and during the time she was dating S. (BTW, Billy like S, also doesn’t have a Q Score. 🤷) Consequently, it made no sense for MM to drop Billy to date S (or to even “secretly continue to date Billy” while she “pretended to date S” as ES falsely claimed  🙄) because there was NO major career advantage for MM in her being linked with S rather than Billy--especially in 2016, when S hadn’t started making Hollywood films.
MM’s dating Sam did not increase her social media followers/activity enough to significantly impact her career
W&S also made an analogy to MM’s motivations in dating S by referring to a fictional character ship on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. The fictional characters “EF and Sami” were shipped by viewers as “Ejami.” Viewers waited 8 years for them to get together. which finally happened in 2013. Days fans blew up social media with their happiness.
According to W&S, in 2014, Nielsen started to include social media in their ratings of shows. So the show’s producer Ken Corday decided to break Ejami up and have EJ get blackmailed into a relationship with a younger woman. Corday did this hoping that the viewers would be outraged and light up social media. Viewers chose not to fall for his “devious plan”; instead, they “went silent.” Consequently, the social media ratings for Days tanked. W&S goes on to say:
“What’s my point in all this? My point is that MM is taking PR lessons from Corday. That picture she posted with the rainbow wasn’t some innocent thing, she KNEW using a rainbow would rile fans up. You see in Hollywood, there’s one simple and very true rule “There’s no such thing as bad publicity!” Every time you interact on MM’s Twitter or Instagram, whether to say yay or nay, whether you call her a saint or a slut -she benefits from it.  Every single time! Don’t think social media is that important? I have a friend that’s an actor – a relatively well-known soap opera actor at that - who was just turned down for a role because his social media presence wasn’t that strong. No joke! “
Hello?! First, does W&S realize she is conflating a young jobbing actress’ social media popularity with how social media can impact show ratings because of audience reaction to fictional characters and plots? We’re talking apples and oranges here. 🤷
Yes, sometimes celebrity social media makes a difference. But in the eyes of Hollywood, MM isn’t even on the radar in terms of social media. Because a social media presence in Hollywood involves MILLIONS of followers--NOT THOUSANDS.
For instance, in July 2018, a few months after MM and S broke up, MM had about 24,600 followers. 
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At the same time,  Emma Watson (an A- list film actor) had  47 MILLION IG Followers and Sophie Turner (a B+ list TV/ film actor) had 7.7 MILLION IG Followers.
I don’t remember how many IG followers MM had when she first started to date S; I think it was around 14,000 followers. So even if she increased her following by 10,000 during the time they dated, that is meaningless by Hollywood standards. And the amount of traffic on her social media that those extra 10,000 followers added would again be meaningless in Hollywood terms. 
And I’m sorry, there is such a thing as bad publicity. The hate on social media by certain Outlander fans towards MM in which they accused her of being a “beard” a “paid girlfriend” and “trashy” isn’t the kind of publicity that would boost anyone’s career in Hollywood. Because remember, as stated above, Q Scores measure “consumer appeal.” Nasty comments on social media like the ones repeatedly made towards MM by certain Outlander fans would have actually lowered--not raised--her general “consumer appeal.” 
IN CONCLUSION: MM had little to gain in dating S in terms of helping her career. If she had stayed with Billy she would have faired about the same--and maybe better because there wouldn’t have been all those awful SM comments made about her by Outlander fans. Consequently, the conspiracy theory that she left Billy to be with S (or to “pretend” to be with S) as a way of boosting her career doesn’t make sense.
BOTTOM LINE: Don’t believe the “PR experts” in Shipperville
From what I can tell, almost everyone in Shipperville who claims to have some PR background is either exaggerating their background, lying, or has PR experience that is not in the entertainment industry. This is because they consistently provide PR misinformation that comes right from the tinhat playbook passed on from fandom to fandom from the time of the faux Lord of the Rings Domlijah ship from years ago. My advice is that fans shouldn’t believe anything they say, especially if they discuss PR conspiracy theories regarding S & C. JMHO
[See more below the cut about a question the anon had about interpreting a comment left on W&S’s post and another issue raised by the anon.]
Interpreting an Old Remark
“Could you also interpret mega________’s comment from the post? I am confused because I thought she was an Anti/Truther, not a shipper, since she has made supportive posts of Sam and the women he has had relationships with like MM.”
Anon, you might want to ask  herself to explain what she meant when she wrote the comment:  “How many? Not one. Zero, zero zero. DONE!!  ❤️️ ❤️️ “
To my knowledge mega_________ is a nonshipper who was always supportive of MM. Her remark was a riff on a twitter exchange between S & C based on an Erika Jayne song. Basically, S & C were saying they don’t have any more f*cks to give about fandom drama.
I would assume, given that she has always been supportive of MM, that mega_________ was implying that MM would give “zero f*cks” about W&S’s suggestion that Outlander fans “ignore her” on social media.
But that’s just my interpretation based largely on the fact that I know she is a nonshipper. However, W&S’s post is 4 years old. It’s remotely possible mega_________ was a shipper back then, in which case, I would interpret the comment differently. (Like myself, many nonshippers started out as shippers.)   As I said, it would be better if you ask mega_________ yourself Anon. 
As to the other blogger you mentioned being “disappointed with” (whose name was one of the ones I blanked out in your ask), as far as I know she is a lovely woman who was a shipper (although she rarely posted about it). I would assume by now she has moved on from the ship and might be embarrassed by some of the things she said years ago (remember, that post was from 2017).
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Businesses, Beware of Influencer Fraud
The dynamic nature of online marketing has made it such an exciting field to explore. Unfortunately, it also means that it is also susceptible to more unscrupulous elements that aim to victimize businesses that simply want to take advantage of all the benefits online and social media marketing offer. Particularly on Instagram, one of the most vibrant platforms on digital marketing these days, a challenge for marketers has risen: influencer fraud.
With the newly installed power given to so-called influencers, or accounts with a substantial amount of followers that are believed to have an impact on the latter’s spending decisions, an opportunity has become available for cybercriminals to cash in on this trend by pretending to be influencers victimizing both their followers and businesses alike. Instagram (and Facebook, as IG is a Facebook company) has put the effort into controlling influencer engagement fraud, although those efforts may not be enough anymore. Let’s look into the various events that have affected the otherwise promising world of influencer marketing:
  Has the government done anything?
The answer to the question is an absolute yes, but then if the question were, “Has the government done enough,” it would be a no. The government, through its agency the Federal Trade Commission, has rolled out guidelines for influencers, requiring them to put a disclosure notice on all sponsored posts. However, the guidelines have not been as effective as they were intended to be. For example, a campaign of US department store Lord & Taylor had them employing 50 Instagram influencers who they required to post about a dress. However, the company didn’t require those IG influencers to disclose the sponsored status of their posts. The case ended in a settlement, with the FTC banning the business from “misrepresenting that paid ads are from an independent source.” However, no fines were required to be paid.
The FTC is especially critical of companies that have pressured influencers to hide the fact that their endorsements are paid advertising. In 2016, video network Machinima settled a deceptive advertising complaint with the FTC for not disclosing that it paid YouTubers to make endorsements of the Xbox One, and telling them to position their opinions as independent reviews. The settlement, which also did not involve a monetary penalty, has done little to deter native advertising on platforms today. The FTC is now calling for “codifying elements of the existing endorsement guides into formal rules so that violators can be liable for civil penalties.”
(Via: https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/12/21135183/ftc-influencer-ad-sponsored-tiktok-youtube-instagram-review)
  Who is responsible?
So, who has the ultimate say on how influencer fraud should be controlled? It’s none other than Instagram’s parent company, Facebook. Instagram the platform and its users are so prone to fraudsters that in a very short amount of time, for example, five minutes, any user of the platform can inflate his or her followers and like count by the thousands simply by purchasing them. Facebook has done some action to abolish this fraudulent practice of when it took in 2012, with fraudulent users getting blocked. Since then, fraudsters have become advanced, and safeguards against them have not progressed as fast.
The longer people stay on the platform, the more ads they are shown — and the more ad revenue Instagram can make. It is in Instagram’s interests to make life easy for influencers by allowing them to achieve huge follower growth and engagement, in order to keep them on the platform rather than risk losing them to competitors like YouTube and Twitter.
(Via: https://www.cityam.com/influencer-fraud-buck-stops-facebook/)
  Influencers expose the system’s weaknesses
Who better to expose the fault of Instagram as a platform than influencers themselves?  A blogger sent to deliver a message to her followers to not believe everything they see on social media and be more discerning on what the accounts they follow stand for by staging a fake vacation. Natalia Taylor filled her Instagram account with pictures of her having the time of her life in Bali, only to reveal later that she just took the photos in an IKEA.
Her first post with a "Bali" location was captioned "The queen has arrived," and shows Taylor in what seems to be a glamorous setting. Other photos showed her lounging in a luxurious bath and preparing to pop a bottle of champagne.
(Via: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/natalia-taylor-youtuber-bali-vacation-ikea-fake/)
  Just say no
As a business just starting your journey on social media marketing, you cannot afford to be connected with fake influencers, only to be duped by them in the long run. You need to be alert in spotting real influencers and separate them from fake ones who will only cause trouble. There are some easy steps to sport fakes, but then you have to know the red flags to be alert for.
They are often bots or real people who purchase their likes and followers to help raise their engagement artificially, making them appear to have a strong following and thus a good influence over the market. That's not the reality, though, and you’d get better results by opening your window and throwing your cash out into the street.
(Via: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/345854)
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Businesses, Beware of Influencer Fraud Find more on: The All Systems Go Marketing Blog
From https://www.allsystemsgomarketing.com/social-media/businesses-beware-of-influencer-fraud
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janetberrymx · 5 years
The Psychology Behind Apple's Viral Marketing Strategy | Secret Formula Explained 2019
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Uproxx, Brewbound, and the Internet Gaze on Women in Beer
In July 2019, pop culture website Uproxx published a list touting the best beer influencers on Instagram. The 12 individuals included bloggers, brewers, and photographers, and 10 of them happened to be women.
In a now-infamous episode of the Brewbound Podcast, former editor Chris Furnari derided these women. In a transcript of the episode, Furnari names the first two Instagrammers, who are male; then, he says, the list “goes to s*** and it’s all chicks who basically take photos of themselves in like low-cut tops with beer.” He refers to the women as “girls in tight clothing and bathing suits,” and their beer-focused Instagrams as “ones where we’re just looking at chicks.” This portion of the podcast has since been deleted.
Following the incident, Furnari made multiple public apologies, writing, “I unfairly stereotyped and made generalizations about a group of individuals who have clearly earned the right to be recognized.” He continues, “The comments I made were out of line and demonstrated a complete lapse in judgment.” His words proved to be insufficient, however. On July 25, 2019, Forbes.com announced Furnari left his position at Brewbound, an award-winning beer news website where he served as editor for more than eight years. It is unclear whether he resigned or was terminated.
For the record, the women Furnari referred to are Bella (@onehoppylady), a food and beverage photographer who did not share her surname at press time; Caitlin Johnson (@bigwrldsmallgrl), blogger and content manager; Heather Lewis (@beerbitty), blogger and former operations projects director at Brooklyn Brewery; and Megan Stone (@isbeeracarb), brewer at DuClaw Brewing Co. Some of their photos indeed include plunging necklines and bikinis, but there is diversity among their profiles. Stone (@isbeeracarb), for example, shares her beer-focused travel adventures and collaborations with other brewers; and Lewis (@beerbitty) posts about life experiences through the glass of memorable beers.
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So I had the pleasure of interviewing THE Sam Calagione of @dogfishhead at work recently!! I tried very hard not to fan girl over the legend I’ve been reading about for at least a decade, but I think a ton of my co-workers fan girl/fan boyed quite a bit when he came into the office. And I couldn’t resist getting a selfie 😅💁🏻‍♀️ What a fun guy! Super grateful that he made time in his schedule for this interview during his trip to NYC! We’re so proud to be distributing Dogfish Head at @unionbeerdist 🍻🍻 Head over to the @unionbeerdist IG and click on their link in bio to read the full interview!! And give them a follow too! ☺️🍻🤩
A post shared by Bella (@onehoppylady) on Feb 4, 2019 at 5:04pm PST
Furnari’s comments sparked fast and furious responses from men and women in the industry, many of whom are avid readers of Brewbound, fans of the slandered Instagrammers, or both. His departure caused even more controversy.
“Calling BS on this,” New Belgium spokesperson Jesse Claeys tweeted on July 25, 2019. “Furnari has always been a pro and a strong advocate for craft beer. Taking female beer/boob Instagram ‘influencers’ to task for essentially returning to misogynistic 70s era beer marketing is not a fireable offense.” (Update 8/12/19: New Belgium’s PR department requested VinePair clarify Claeys made this comment personally, not in his capacity as a spokesperson for the brand. His Twitter account has since been deleted.)
Beer writer and broadcast journalist Tara Nurin noted how easy it is to say something “stupid” on air in a Forbes.com piece, writing, “I feel the hosts were actually speaking up for women by chastising those whose personal branding suggests that their chests are more important than their faces and that their bodies speak louder than their minds… We still have a double standard but now it’s women who are commercializing themselves and trying to silence the men who give their opinions about it.”
Others argue these women deserve the same reverence and respect as Furnari or any beer professional. “I’m tired of women having to prove themselves as beer drinkers,” Melis, a.k.a. @thegirlwithbeer, who was also included in the list and prefers not to share her surname for safety reasons, wrote on her feed. Melis is a communications manager for a craft brewery in San Diego. “I work full time for an independent craft brewery, support the Brewers Guild and Pink Boots Society. […] You want beer culture to be more diverse and inclusive? Stop sh*tting on the people who bring diversity to it. Do better.”
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I have three significant things happening soon. The first one is that Melis @thegirlwithbeer and I are going to PANAMA next week!! I was invited to collab with @fulaicaza at @boquetebrewingcompany, and asked Melis to come along. Ale has a whole itinerary packed full of exciting things that we can’t wait to share with y’all. If you happen to live in Panama City, we will be doing a little meet and greet event. Check my stories for info. TAG your friends in Panama, we’d love to meet them!! And stay tuned for the next drop of news. 🇵🇦 ✈️ . . 🍻🍹: @southernbeergirl, myself, and @thegirlwithbeer drinking some @brooklynbrewery Bel Air sour and beer cocktails at @thepearlhotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #craftbeeronly #craftbeerlove #craftbeerbabe #craftbeergirl #brooklynbrewery #brooklynbeer #sourbeer #unicornhair #rainbowhair #craftbeercommunity #panamacitybeach #panamabeer #visitpanama #beerblogger #travelblogger #gypsybrewer #ladybrewer #girlswithbeer #dippindaisysswimwear #beerus #boquete #boquetepanama #sandiegogram #visitsandiego
A post shared by megan ✻ beer ✻ travel ✻ style (@isbeeracarb) on May 30, 2019 at 2:39pm PDT
Bella, a.k.a. One Hoppy Lady, also defended her right to control her own image in an Instagram post following the podcast, writing: “Does my fitted shirt discredit the 9 years I’ve spent in the beer industry? Does @isbeeracarb’s bikini erase all her brewing knowledge? Is @la_petite_biere too sexy to enjoy beer? […] I’m disappointed in Brewbound for publishing this harmful speech against women.”
(Ironically, or perhaps not at all, the Brewound Podcast topic was “diversity and inclusion.” It later featured an interview with D.C. brewery owner Julie Verratti, former chair and current member of the Brewers Association Diversity Committee.)
Womanhood, like beer, is political. What women say, wear, and do with our bodies in public is regularly politicized and policed. When the collective expertise of a group of young women is called into question because of the ways they present their bodies online, it opens our eyes to the ways conservatism and unsolicited criticism are unfortunately still present in the beer industry — and the world at large.
Interestingly, this is not the first time a listicle of influencers sparked controversy within the beer community. In 2017, “30 Female Beer Lovers You Must Follow On Instagram,” published by Men’s Health, also ruffled feathers. Some responses, from women as well as men, were strikingly similar to Furnari’s recent remarks.
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Quality is so important to me when I make beer, I make sure all of my ingredients are fresh and healthy before using them. I taste the wort and beer in every stage to make sure things are progressing as they should be. I’m so concerned about quality, which is why since I’ve started at @jaggedmountaincb we have been using the lab company @fermlyknow ! They have the specialized equipment that most breweries can not afford or have space for. They are able to test a wide range of things from ABV to calories. If you are worried about a contamination they can test for other unwanted yeasts/bacteria. I was able to visit their lab the other day and pretend like I was helping 😝 in all reality it was super cool to see how they go through the samples that us breweries send them. I was most fascinated by the way they test for calories! If you want to have a more in depth view be sure to check my stories. Fermly is a great option for breweries concerned about their beer quality, or just getting a more in depth view at your beer. Both of the owners have been in the beer industry, and give you a personal touch with direct communication. This is why if you mention me, southernbeergirl, you can get 10% off your first order with them! Check out the link in my bio to see all the services they offer 🔥 THEY TEST INTERNATIONALLY TOO! Have you ever gotten your beer tested? What are some things that surprised you the most?
A post shared by Alyssa (@southernbeergirl) on Jul 29, 2019 at 8:35am PDT
“I just think that championing these so-called IG ‘beer chicks’ is not the best vehicle for [recognition]… IG has just become an endless T&A parade with nearly naked pics being posted to lure you to their paid sites,” Hopgoddess312 wrote in a BeerAdvocate forum discussing the article. She also referred to the list as “a bunch of pics from women’s IG accounts, a good chunk of which are just tit pics and nothing to do with beer.” (Ironically, or perhaps not at all, Hopgoddess312’s profile photo is also a close-up of her breasts and a beer.)
“I feel this type of attention sets us back and demeans the hard working women who are in the industry,” Afro Beer Chick wrote in an October 2017 blog post. “There is no need to be a ‘hey look at me’ type beer chick… Let’s keep the boobs and butts for the other Instagram thots.”
On the other hand, the Men’s Health list was published in its “Sex” section. This is a meaningful editorial decision that reinforces the idea that attractive women and beer experts are two different subjects that often overlap.
Two years later, we are still grappling with these nuances. When members of the beer community see women baring it all in their photos, and earning more “likes” and followers, it’s easy to critique them for marketing to the male gaze. Yet when a male figure enters the ring to publicly condemn these same women, many jump to the women’s defense. What’s the deal?
It’s all about agency and respect. All members of the beer community should be able to present themselves however they choose, so long as they’re not hurting anybody; it’s not up to us to dictate what’s best for anyone else.
Yes, many of the Instagrammers included in last month’s list have sexy public personas. They’re also equipped with brains and beer expertise. Assuming anything less does a disservice to us all.
The article Uproxx, Brewbound, and the Internet Gaze on Women in Beer appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/beer-boobs-misogyny/
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her-red-scarf · 5 years
A bit of a personal vent (Don’t read if you want meta or anything, this is a serious personal post)
I couldn’t directly say this on twitter because that person checks my twitter all the time so I’d like to say it here. I’ve been working with an old online friend for about 1 or 2 years now. I say “with” because they basically made it out like we all were in equal control of a discord server alongside other people in spite of them being admin. However, as time went on and some things occurred, that someone started acting like they had superiority over everyone else and treated themselves as the only one in charge to the point where they made major choices without any discussion with what the other mods think prior and sometimes even yelling at the mods for a petty reason. What’s worse, they specifically got catty and condescending with me more and more for no real reason to this day like they thought they could make me their punching bag. They’ve been accusing me of things I’m not(saying I’m a white knight, ‘easily influenced’ and a pedophile indirectly on multiple occasions with poor evidence), harassing my family members(specifically my 12 year old brother which he tried to brush off as “nothing important” to everyone else because ig my own family doesn’t fucking matter) and overall making spiteful comments at the end of every talk we have like if all of our regular conversations are arguments in their eyes. Not to mention they’ve shown themselves as a hypocrite multiple times(Says that everyone ‘ruins games for them’ simply by LIKING those games so they actively avoid games their friends like, yet tried to make us play a really uninteresting and controversial game to the point of lying about it before having a breakdown on Twitter that they need to get their friends to like what they like) and excuses anything they do on their mental disease to an inconsistent level to the point where it’s obvious when they’re lying. Because of these instances, I started realizing more and more times this person has been kind of scummy to me like when they gave me the silent treatment and complained about how I was a bitch all because I spoke with them until 2AM instead of 6AM at a time where I REALLY needed sleep(and this was after they kept me up until 6-8AM on DM discord calls for ‘comfort.’) And that’s just a single example. However, the real kicker here is the discovery I made a few nights ago where one of my friends said they weren’t sure when to tell me this but the current moment seems to be the best time to tell since I have brought my issues with other server members in private. It turns out that this person took advantage of the time I had a depression for two months over the near-death experience of a close family member(who is still a young teen, mind you) just to use as a lie that my depression caused something in order to cover up the fact that the ‘something’ was all their fault because they was petty. Basically, this depression was so bad that I almost passed out on several occasions and I constantly had rushes of anxiety thinking my young family member wasn’t going to make it. This person basically pretended to comfort me those two months only to spend most of those two months complaining about how a bunch of users left the server and they’re such assholes for that(Nice to make supposed comfort for me all about yourself btw) only for it to turn out those users left because they were being a jackass. They then proceeded to tell remaining members, thinking they wouldn’t figure out it was a lie, that people were leaving because I was depressed and they misunderstand what’s going on with me despite how they all were leaving because of them being a jerk. They’ve been keeping this up without telling me or apologizing for a year, thinking they got away with it. Well, no. I have an ex-friend now and I do not tolerate being used and manipulated for someone’s own personal gain constantly and think they can still call me their friend. And it also turns out that most people on the server secretly really dislike them since that incident so that leaves me and two other people who have actually been on their side and remained their friend for the longest time. So the way I’m repaid for always being there for them is to treat me like dirt for months by harassing my family, making fun of my sexuality change and calling me things I’m not in order to make me shallow, and thinking doing all this is just fun and games because my life is nothing more than entertainment for them. Ironically, they got angry at a fictional character to an emotional degree and shamed me for liking said fictional character for doing the exact same thing as they did. I have been blackmailed, harassed, victim-blamed, shamed, objectified, shoved aside, manipulated, lied to, baited and generally been mistreated by this fucking asshole, alongside their awful treatment of specific friends I have, and I do not want them to be the admin of this server anymore. I’d leave if I didn’t appreciate everyone else in it so much. Thank you for listening, I had to put this up somewhere.
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