#if you DO care and DO have a preference please feel free to vote!!
waterfallofspace · 11 months
So, I've been working on my OC's again, and honestly I'm just having such a fun time flushing them out into (hopefully) believable humans~~
Annddd, not that I expect anyone to really care, but if I was gonna share them, and you were going to care, what would you guys want to see first?
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lilac-witch · 4 months
Lassitude - Azriel x Reader
Summary: Between training regiments, court meetings and missions, Y/n has never been so tired, so Azriel does his best to comfort her during this time. Meaning: "suffering from a lack of energy" Word Count: 481 Warnings: None
Exhaustion was too light a term for what Y/n was feeling.
The past few months had been a whirlwind of training, meetings and missions. The line between work-life blurred with social life, to the point where Y/n felt she was losing her mind.
That day had been no different.
She was out of bed before the sun was up, begrudgingly leaving the warmth and safety of her mate's arms behind for an early morning meeting with the High Lord of Day.
Three hours later, she was dragged into yet another meeting, sitting at Rhysand's right hand in place of Mor, who was busy on the continent.
Following the morning full of meetings, Y/n found herself observing the progress of the female warriors she trained in the Illyrian mountains.
"is it just me or are they doing worse than last week?" her second asked, as they watched lousy strike after lousy strike.
Y/n shook her head, baffled at the step backwards in terms of progress.
After an hour of standing in the snow-capped mountains, she could feel her eyes begin to droop, the lack of sleep catching up to her.
"Go home, you look like you're about to pass out."
Y/n looked to her second. "You sure?"
"Please go, I don't want Azriel hunting me down because I let you hit the ground," she laughed, waving her off.
Y/n smiled through the exhaustion. "I could kiss you right now, but I'm afraid if I take a step I'll crumble. I'll see you tomorrow."
And with that, she winnowed back to the townhouse.
Thank the mother Azriel had arrived moments before her, because the moment she landed in the foyer of the townhouse, Y/n's legs folded beneath her. Before she could hit the ground, Azriel's arms were around her, supporting her body and pulling her upright.
"Are you alright?" Azriel asked, concern swirling around in those beautiful hazel eyes.
Y/n mumbled something incoherent, head resting in the crook of Azriel's neck.
"I didn't quite catch that, love."
She lifted her head, eyes barely open. "I said that I'm exhausted."
Y/n watched as Azriel's face sagged in relief and a smile graced his lips. Lips that moments later, made contact with her forehead.
"Well then, let's get you to bed, mate."
"Why'd you have to say it like that?" she mumbled, curling further into his warmth as he lifted her into his arms, beginning the trek to their bedroom.
"Like what?"
"Like you want to initiate something other than sleep, which I would be fully on board with at any other time."
Azriel laughed heartily as they crossed the threshold of their room. He placed her on the bed with utmost care, brushing a strand of her from her face.
"Another time, love. For now, get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."
Well, after a long while... I'm back! I really don't recommend getting sick while studying law... not a fun experience :(
But anyway, this was the idea I had where I couldn't decide between Az and Rhys, but your wish was my command, and Azriel was a clear winner:)
I'm going to be releasing another poll shortly, so please feel free to vote on your preference. A gentle reminder that my inbox, Letter Box, is open for requests. And once again, thank you so much for the love and support:)
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
stray kids in high school
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genre: headcanons; general, highschool! au
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing
a/n: heyy everyone. i wanted to try out some high school headcanons to see what you guys thought. i find i enjoy writing high school aus and there have been a few requests for these so i thought i'd give it a go! please like and reblog if you enjoy, and feel free to send a request in for more highschool aus when the askbox is open <3
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the class president
chan is extremely popular. he's friends with literally everyone due to his approachable personality. he doesn't want people to feel left out and is very attentive
the oldest in the class, so people naturally respect him
you would think being class president would make him unpopular due to the responsibility coming with that role. but in reality, he was voted as class president by the rest of his peers because he's so well-liked. everyone trusts him and his personality exudes natural leadership qualities
has a rapport with everyone, including the teachers. so if he doesn't hand in his homework on time or forgot to do an essay, his powerful persuasive skills come in handy
which makes him very good at debating. he tends to lead the debates but finds it interesting to sit back and watch the chaos unfold. he's a good devil's advocate
best subjects are physical education, music and mathematics. but he doesn't really do particularly badly in any subject. his grades are both decent and consistent
he or changbin are the team captain of the majority of the sports teams
he's also very good at keeping himself organised. always on schedule and does the homework as soon as it's given to him so that he has more time to do what he wants, much like seungmin
lee know
the class clown
bet you thought i was going to put hannie as this
but nope.
please don't fight me in the comments i beg just hear me out
i see minho as the class clown because he is naturally gifted in wit and intelligence
he's not the typical class clown. they usually are stereotyped to be the most extroverted and outgoing person in the class, which is not the case with our dear minho
rather, he's just the funniest person there. mostly everybody appreciates his humour
what's better is he's able to piss around during class and still have the charisma to get away with it
also fairly level-headed so he exceeds in academically inclined subjects
also strong in the arts. he's damn good at drama, that's for sure. he has the confidence to play any character
and it will come as no surprise that his core subject, the one he actually cares about, is dance
he comes across as cynical, satirical and a humourous genius, so it comes as a surprise to most teachers that he favours dance above all subjects. seeing him express himself in that way is truly amazing
because of this, he definitely has a lot of secret admirers
the jock
i mean, what did you expect
probably the most popular person in the school, let alone the class
everybody knows him and respects him
he, in turn, knows everybody. which means he knows all the gossip. and knows who to spill the tea to
has many circles of friends, it's hard to keep up really
involved in a lot the sports teams and is usually their main player
despite being smaller in height, he's the best at basketball. knows how to bounce around people and uses his speed and energy to get to where he wants
all the ladies love him, obviously
he's super flirty and highkey likes the attention. and it's hard not to give him it
but he never really comes across as obnoxious
he's just there for a good time, really
probably one of the loudest in all his classes. put him in a class with wooyoung and yeonjun and no one is getting any work done
main focus is sports, so his grades in other subjects are average or lacking a bit
he knows if he puts his mind to it he'll probably be much better in academic subjects. but that just doesn't appeal to him. he'd prefer to focus on the teams he's part of and the bonds he shares with people, which does unfortunately take a toll on his grades
the artist
he's a very stereotypical art kid who sits in the back of the class sketching detailed drawings he rarely shows off
but he's not necessarily all shy and quiet
his group of friends definitely brought him out of his independent shell
best friends with felix, who is essentially a louder version of himself. if these two sit anywhere near each other in a class and there's no way to get any work done from the amount of talking they do
obviously exceeding in the arts, particularly art and english. he has to have a creature outlet, and his talent in art comes so naturally to him. his art teacher absolutely adores him and uses his work as an example to all the other classes
as for english, hyunjin seems to find it very easy to understand the writer's thoughts and intentions. but his favourite lessons have to be when the teacher is discussing poetry, a hobby he has been working on recently
hyunjin laughs at everything, which can often get him into trouble. whether it's changbin making an inappropriate joke or seungmin being his witty, awesome self, hyunjin giggles at them all
overall, hyunjin keeps to himself, only coming out with his opinions if needed
the all-rounder
he's the annoying guy who doesn't revise or study on any test but will get some of the top grades in the class
liked by many people, but also disliked by the same amount
they're just jealous, what can i say?
gets a LOT of attention from all genders who can blame them
people are sometimes baffled by han because he, being his hilariously amazing self, may appear to set low expectations. he's loud and talks a lot and cracks jokes in every other sentence
but then he's the only one to work out this weird ass equation on the board. or he's the first to understand complex concepts in philosophy class
he's very bright, to say the least
however, he'd say music and drama are his forte. or, at least the subjects he likes the most
he and minho are a match made in hell heaven and the cause of many teachers' joys (and anxieties). on the one hand, they work well together and you should see them in debate class, oh lord-
however, they can be very unpredictable
you can't help but indulge in their ludicrous behaviour, purely to see them try and outwit each other
they're outrageously flirty about it too
they're just the main characters at this point, idk
the sunshine
there's no other way to describe felix other than being wholesome
he has no beef with anyone. he minds his own business and just does his own thing
focuses on improving himself
wants to create a productive and positive learning atmosphere
takes regular mental health breaks his attendance is low and encourages other people to do the same
he's like the class therapist. he inspires comfort in all his fellow classmates. he may not be the stereotypical popular guy but he is the most well-liked because of his kindness
having a gracious heart and a soft, welcoming smile on his face make him absolutely irresistible to all. his natural, gentle charms are no match for mean-ass bullies
besides if anyone laid a finger on him they would be severely beaten by chan and changbin but we move
always fun to work with in group projects because he has a lot of creative ideas. thinking outside of the box is his speciality and he has quite a lot to offer to the group
makes brownies for everyone in the class during wintertime <3 he never leaves anyone out, even people he hasn't gotten a chance to get to know yet
he just balances the group out and acts like a glue that holds the class together
the teacher's pet
seungmin is extremely organised. he's got his folders colour-coded and containing all of his notes. he has one for all subjects so he can compartmentalise his thoughts for each one
you can always rely on him for any sort of stationery. forgot your pen? he's your guy. you need a highlighter? he's got both a neon and pastel collection to choose from
teachers love him. he hands in work on time, contributes regularly to lessons, and is overall the perfect, model student
will probably remind the teacher that they set homework much to everyone's annoyance
will scold the others if they don't have theirs
he, like bangchan, usually does the homework as soon as it's set, just so he can get ahead
he made an unlikely friend in jeongin, who is quite different to him in terms of personality
they can't quite figure each other out but their differences push them closer together. it's cute. and both of them are good influences on each other so being paired up in class is usually a safe option
they joke that they're the most normal people in the class
overall, seungmin is a hard-working student and his grades are a good reflection of that
he's more worried about burning out, which has happened in the past
the new kid
at first, jeongin was very quiet and didn't talk to anyone
being the new guy in class was already daunting enough. but seeing all these big and impactful personalities - like the class president who seems to have a charming and commanding presence, or the extremely handsome humour expert who twists everything into his own little joke - it's hard not to be intimidated
would he fit in? would he make friends?
of course it's natural to worry about this sort of thing, especially coming into a new class
but in reality he has nothing to worry about
the class president, bangchan, immediately takes him under his wing, allowing him to hang out with his group and get to know the others
which is very daunting, considering they all have unique personalities and different ways they interact with one another. jeongin finds that initially intimidating
but he's able to play it cool. and soon he finds no problem settling into the class and making new friends
seungmin is the person he sticks with the most and ends up having a close bond with
jeongin gets average grades. he had good days and bad; one day he's contributing the most in class and the next and the next day he doesn't say a word
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
Lovely beings of the Dreamling tag, I need your help. 🙇‍♀️ I'm writing a Shadow & Bone Dreamling AU where Dream is the (sad wet cat) Darkling and Hob is the (soft dom) Sun Summoner.
It's inspired by this GIF set of Mr. Ferdinand Kingsley by the talented @issylra 🌼
The problem is: who do I put in the position of power? Both versions are very compelling and (to my lack of shame) I am a greedy hoe who wants both.
So! I have written samples for both versions, and I would like for you to read them and then vote which version you prefer. (Feel free to defend/explain/keysmash about your choice in the tags if you choose to reblog. 😊)
Both versions are under the cut! Please read them first before voting! (And thank you in advance for helping me. 🖤)
prompt: sharing a bed + assassins
(sad wet cat) Darkling Dream in the position of power
"The bed is large enough to fit both of us," Dream says, because it's true. He is just stating the facts. The inn is a day's ride away from the capital. Jessamy and Matthew will take turns guarding the door. Fjerdan assassins are on their tail and want them dead.
Facts are easy. Unlike his muddled feelings about the man in the room with him, facts are black an white. Safer to navigate. There are no grey areas about them.
"Yeah, I can see that," is Hob's reply. He has his hands on his hips as he regards Dream. "You sure you want to share a bed with me? I wouldn't want you to be scandalized when we wake up in the morning and you feel my--"
"Both of us need to rest," Dream interrupts before the image could fully form in his head. Hob on his side behind him, slow, sleepy hot breaths against his hair, arms around him, keeping him warm and safe... These thoughts have no place, no right to consume his waking mind. "And you, most of all, since you are the one they are after."
A lie. Fjerda has long wanted Dream dead as well, but Hob does not need to reminded of that knowledge and be burdened by it.
"I can take care of myself, you know," Hob tells him. A counter. A challenge. A fact. Dream remembers their first meeting, and Cain's broken nose. He cannot refute that. But he also cannot say that he worries still. Not because Hob is the Sun Summoner, but because Dream cannot bear to think of him being in peril in the first place.
"We ride at first light," Dream says, and sits on one side of the bed before lying down, still in his black kefta. His armor must always be donned. In place. No chinks in them.
Hob sighs and sits on the bed as well, before he extinguishes the balls of light he has conjured. His skills are getting better. No wonder Fjerda is getting nervous.
"Good night," Hob says in the dark as he lies down beside him. Dream can already feel his warmth, and their bodies aren't even touching yet.
Dream hums, and longs to close the distance between them.
He doesn't. He dares not.
But Hob does not care for things like propriety and personal space. Never had, with Dream. Hob closes the distance between their bodies as if it were as easy as breathing and not a daunting journey across the ocean that it is in Dream's eyes.
"Cold?" Hob asks next to his ear. "You're shivering."
Dream didn't even notice. He knows Hob can feel the quickened beating of his heart, but he doesn't notice himself shiver. The words get stuck in his throat for a moment before he says, "Sleep, Hob. We have another day of travel in front of us."
A non-answer. Hob always forgives him this, even when it frustrates him. And Dream knows he is frustrated, judging by how his arms tighten a little around him. Not so tight that it hurts. But just tight enough that Dream cannot wiggle away in the night.
"Yes, Your Majesty," Hob says in a sarcastic tone, his lips so close that it brushes against Dream's nape.
Sleep comes easy to Dream that night, and he cannot spare a thought on why that is, because first light comes, and with it, the imperative to escape.
But unlike what Hob assumed in the night, Dream is not scandalized by the shape of Hob's manhood that nestled innocently against the upper swell of his buttocks, just below his lower back that morning.
No. It only served to stoke the flame growing larger in the pit of Dream's stomach. One day, he is sure that the fire will raze all his carefully built walls and consume him utterly. He fears and anticipates that day in equal measure.
(soft dom) Sun Summoner Hob in the position of power
"Come, darling," General Gadling says, and pats the empty space on the bed beside him. "I won't bite."
Dream hesitates. He knows it is improper, for the General, for the Sun Summoner himself, to invite someone as dirty as Dream to share a bed with him.
Yet he wants. He longs to know what it's like to fall asleep surrounded by General Gadling's scent, and the man himself beside him. To wake up and trace his features while he sleeps. He had been looking so stressed lately.
Because of Dream? Because of all the trouble he caused?
The proper reply to General Gadling's order would be to firmly state that he would be fine sleeping on the floor.
"You're thinking too much again," General Gadling says, now rising from his comfortable perch to lead Dream towards the bed with his own hands.
Dream should refuse. He remains quiet and pliant, the nerve endings in his hands alight at the general's touch.
"I told you, didnt I? I won't bite." When General Gadling smiles, it's a smile fit for a rogue, but it's tempered by fondness. By gentleness. He has smile lines around his eyes. Dream wants to kiss them. "I mean, not unless you want me to."
An image of General Gadling biting his neck and sucking on the same spot, leaving a vivid mark on his skin, has Dream flushing.
"Do you, my star?" General Gadling asks. He has gotten closer somehow without Dream noticing. "Do you want me to bite you?"
"N-no," Dream lies.
"You don't sound so certain," Hob says. He tucks a strand of Dream's hair behind his ear, his touch lingering on Dream's jaw.
"We should sleep," Dream tells him, and forces himself to move away from the man and towards the bed, sitting on the neater side, back towards him. Dream hates that he wonders how many others shared General Gadling's bed before. He's so kind and handsome, a living saint, both in skill and in deed. Surely there have been others before Dream.
He is not so naive to think that he is the first, or the only one.
And yet, Dream is the one sharing his bed tonight.
No, not sharing his bed in a carnal way. Just sharing the bed. For sleep. Like how he and his siblings shared a bed. And meals. Sometimes even clothes.
And besides, it was only for tonight, while the otkazat'sya staff and the other Grisha find the ones resposible for the assassination attempt against Dream.
General Gadling sighs. "Very well. But please, go ahead. I have something I need to check on before I could join you."
'Something?' a traitorous part of Dream's mind asks. 'Or someone?'
"No," Dream says, when General Gadling moves towards the bedroom door. "Please. Stay." Dream bunches the thick blankets under his hands so he could force the stubborn, humiliating words out of his mouth. "I am... The attack has left me..." He looks up helplessly at the general. He could still feel the press of cold steel against the tender part of his neck, just under his chin.
If General Gadling had been a second too late...
"Oh, my sweet Dream." And now General Gadling has knelt in front of him and drawn him in for an embrace. Dream clings to him and, to his utter shame, starts to cry. "I should have made him suffer more."
Dream shakes his head. Dead was good. Dead means they can't hurt Dream anymore. But alive could mean that they could potentially hurt General Gadling. "I'm glad he's dead," Dream says quietly against the general's neck, in between hiccups. "I'm glad you're not hurt."
"I'm glad you are not hurt." Dream shifts as he feels a new sensation against his temple. Is...Is General Gadling kissing him there? Dream shivers as the small kisses makes their journey from his temple to his forehead, and then his cheeks. General Gadling seems to be unable to stop himself. His kisses are growing more heated, and Dream finds he does not mind. "I am glad you're still here with me."
With me. Not with us.
"Will you stay with me?" Dream asks him. General Gadling has stopped just before he reached Dream's lips, and now Dream can't look away from his mouth, slightly red from all the little kisses he bestowed Dream.
"As long as you want me to."
'Forever, then,' Dream thinks, as he moves to makes space for General Gadling, so they could both slide under the covers. When General Gadling wraps Dream up in his arms, he finds that he is finally able to breathe easier.
"Good night, General," Dream says quietly against the golden kefta, nuzzling it a little. He may not be allowed this indulgence, but for the moment, he does not care.
"Good night, my darling," General Gadling says, lips brushing Dream's forhead as he speaks.
His siblings warned him what would happen if he got caught by the Grisha. But they did not warn him about General Gadling, and the care he would show Dream. If the cage they mentioned is being caged inside General Gadling's arms, then Dream would choose it between freedom any day.
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submissivegoals · 21 days
Hello. And welcome to my naughty blog.
This is a safe space for legal kinks, curiosities, identities, pronouns, and respectful discourse.
I post what I like or parts of things I like or are curious about. Some things I'm not a fan of but an element of it tickles my fancy. Some I post to support those who have the curiosity to feel safe to discuss without shame or fear of judgment. Some of you have great talking points or advice, and I learn so much from you.
In my vanilla world, I handle my own affairs. In my not so vanilla world, I lean more towards submissive. I enjoy learning about being more soft and pleasing and obedient. I leave the bratting to the ones who like to brat. I charge my energy by making my Dom feel appreciated and comfortable and relaxed, respected, served, and well cared for. But that level of my preferred submission is not easy to take and must be earned. While types of fantasy kink such as misogyny and patriarchy, you guys can visit here. Providing you are those with emotional maturity, knowing that it doesn't fly in the real world is paramount. I'm a firm believer in there's a time and place for everything. Real misogyny, patriarchal, racism, classism, and bigotry can go whistle up a drain pipe. I personally believe all politicians are crooks no matter who you vote for. They're all part of the same bird no matter what wing they represent. Vote who you want. We should all agree that basic human rights are for everyone, and they all come with responsibilities we're all accountable for.
I'm by no means an expert in this field. I'm only an expert on me. But I enjoy learning from others, so please feel free to reach out. My asks are open. Just keep it respectful. We're all here to learn.
I'm currently seeking heterosexual male Dom for myself, but friendship with anyone respectful and legal. I don't have the spoons to juggle a poly life. Mentors are appreciated, and friendship is welcome, but I prefer to connect my submission to someone who can have that focus for me in a one on one capacity.
While I can appreciate a spanking, I'm not into major pain and bruising and skin breaking.
I'll purr in your ear and wear those hello kitty headbands, but I'm not eating from a bowl on the floor. I'm not into heavy degradation. Unless you're genuinely taken ill, I don't do poop or vomit. Drugs, diapers, needles, licking toilets, licking feet or shoes, or assholes are also hard no's. If it will land me in the ER or OR or IV vanco, it is a big nono.
Two things that are non-negotiable with me. Safe words and aftercare. Both are paramount. Potential doms: If these are not that important to you, you're not for me. Move along.
I have family I take care of here, so travel may be discussed, but relocation on my part is an impossibility. I wish that were different, but I have no regrets.
I'm just going to put this out there as plainly as possible. As I said, I welcome all respectful people, and it's a safe space for all. Having said that, that includes those who do not hold the same beliefs as me. My God and Me time is important, and I don't like it disrupted. I'm not going to shove my religion down your throat, and we can agree to disagree. I'm only putting this down here because I know Doms like to "own us. Mind, body, and soul." My Dom-to-be an relax on my soul. That's God's business as I understand Him. The rest is up for dibs as we vet each other out. We're all on our own spiritual journey. I just want to be upfront on mine.
If there's anything else, feel free to ask. And enjoy this lil naughty blog of mine. If I have something of yours you don't want to share, I'll be happy to respect your wishes and remove it.
☕️ till then.. .
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Okay, so...July 11th is the anniversary (or the fic-iversary, if you will~) of the first fic i posted in the OI fandom (and also the first one I'd written in 6 years lol) and I was thinking of doing some kind of celebration or something, maybe with drabbles. Is that something y'all would be interested in? I never do these kinds of things because I just assume no one cares enough to participate (which is totally fine btw lol) so if you would, please let me know by voting below:
If you're not interested in this, that's okay, no hard feelings. Please don't feel bad voting that way if you don't care, I'd really prefer to have honest answers so I know I'm not wasting my time lol.
If you have any additional thoughts/comments, please feel free to let me know. 😊
Thanks guys 💖
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koinotame · 6 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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round 3 / part 1 -- voting information
(original round three information post)
theme: pastries date: july 16th (next sunday) at 1:00 PM MDT*
(other information, including this upcoming rounds' brackets can be found below the cut!)
first off, round three's theme will be: pastries
i don't even particularly like most pastries, and also find them hellish to try and create, so the heat is on!
we'll see if i can come up with something even more painful for round four (/lh)
(if you guys have any ideas as well, feel free to send 'em in!)
second order of business: date and time!
during the preliminaries, one of our creators mentioned that the polls went up while they were otherwise occupied. i knew that i should have got more info out about it beforehand, but i was in a rush so i just ran with it.
for this round, i'm planning on the date/time listed above (july 16th, 1:00 PM MDT). if this is a problem for any creators involved, feel free to shoot us as ask/message me or sun via tumblr (or sun on discord!) and we'll see what we can do.
third: iteration cover images
you may or may not have noticed the change in set-up for the poll image. while i can only do so much about the blur (it vexes me continually), i did put background colors behind the cover art.
if you are a creator and are in this upcoming poll, make sure sun or i have your preferred cover art, but along with that, feel free to send in the hex code of what color you want for your background.
this is by no means a necessary component. if you don't care, i'm happy just making them up. but if you do care, feel free to shoot me or sun a message or ask. @/ing sun or i on the discord will work as well.
(as a side note: if you are in a team, feel free to collaborate on your cover art/background color choices!)
i will only be accepting changes to art/hex codes up until saturday, july 15th. if you're redesigning anything and know you won't have it finished until the day of, please let me know so i can plan accordingly.
finally: the brackets.
(the moment you've all been waiting for...)
poll one: doublestep & sewer punks || @tomatoshapedstars @kettle-bird eon rewind & mirrored mutation || @rubberducky2pointoh @gayemeralds
poll two: ez's turtles || @ezgurple Mystic forest || @bluepeachstudios + @wondrous-art
the winner(s) will head off to round four. the losers will be disgraced from the pastry world... forever (/j /nsrs)
now, an important part of this: ties going forward.
while sun and i have agreed that two-way ties will still be allowed moving forward, three-way or four-way ties are messy and a little unfair. soo, in the event of three-way or four-way tie, a separate elimination round will take place.
if one of these ties occurs, i'll release the information about how it will all go down. for now, i won't make this post any longer than it needs to be.
if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to sun or myself either here or on discord. the ask box, as always, is open.
best of luck to all of our contestants, and we'll see you there!
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
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rwbyfictivebracket · 1 year
This is the blog for Chocolate Bar System’s RWBY fictive bracket polls!
Essentially, this is just for fun and not really all that serious!
We’re pitting our RWBY fictives up against each other tumblr poll style! The seed is random because we have no idea how to set that kind of thing up properly and we don’t really care since it’s not that serious anyway!
Each poll will have two of our fictives and some basic info about them so even people who don’t know them personally can still make a little bit more of an informed vote decision!
Of course, if anyone wants to ask about anyone personally, feel free to send us an ask here! We’re happy to answer any questions about us!
We’ll be posting one poll per day for each round. Each poll will last a day, and the results will be reblogged on said poll. Once one round’s polls are all settled, we’ll start the next round and so on. There’s three rounds, a semifinal and a final.
The ultimate winner of this bracket will get a special trophy and a crown in innerworld! Yay!
Please do not start any sort of syscourse, we support all systems and would prefer if anti-endos/sysmeds don’t interact!
That being said, vote for whoever you want! Have fun, because we will!
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athrecia · 6 months
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Here's a list of rules both for the roleplay and the server itself.
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❁ | This server is only meant for people 18 and older. There will be verification required via ID, but don't worry we aren't interested in your name and address. All you need to do is cover your vital information (except your birthday) and write on a piece of paper your discord and tumblr usernames. There may also be required a verification object, like a cup or a pen in the same picture to make sure it wasn't doctored. Can't be too careful!
❁ | First and foremost, this is an adult server. Mature topics that are considered dark or sexual in nature are allowed but must be placed behind a spoiler with a trigger warning.
❁ | Mistakes happen, members will be given a chance to fix their post if the appropriate trigger warnings weren't added. If it is done a second time, members will receive a warning. The third time this happens will result in a strike. Continuously ignoring this rule will result in a ban.
❁ | If you want to continue scenes containing sexual content, members are asked to move the scene into a private thread so that members who are uncomfortable with the topic can remain in the space without stress. Sexual content should not be the sole focus of members. Choosing to primarily roleplay just sexual content instead of character development may result in a ban.
❁ | It is recommended to use the designated channels for these topics. This includes house chats and private inn rooms. Sexual content is to be avoided in public spaces so that it doesn't affect others and their writing. All parties must consent to engage in these topics. Please make sure to communicate with your roleplay partners.
❁ | Communication is essential. Please let us know what is on your mind so we are aware and can help. Feeling uncomfortable about something? Talk to the people involved and/or message a Moderator for help.
❁ | Citizens (regular server members) have a maximum of 8 character slots each to begin with, this includes NPCs. More character slots can be purchased in the ⁠shop using server ⁠currency.
❁ | Although there isn't a limit to character abilities, it is recommended to run all abilities passed the Moderation team so everyone is on the same page. Things such as Metagaming and Godmodding are not permitted. It is advised to use the ⁠dice-chat to determine a fair outcome for all. If things begin to get concerning around abilities and being overpowered, rules will be revised with limitations placed. All abilities that are considered threatening to the Gods and Goddesses are dampened. If you are unsure, reach out to a Moderator for help.
❁ | Any Outlander characters (any character who aren't a native species or are from another world besides Athrecia) must be run passed the Council (Moderators) or Creator (Admin) first before bringing the characters into the roleplay. To further explain what an Outlander is, they are not: anime characters, characters from tv shows, characters from book or comics. Outlanders are original characters from worlds you have created. If this is still confusing, please feel free to message.
❁ | Character aging is done every roleplay year, this includes children. Rapid aging is not a thing in this server as it is preferred to keep aging as natural as possible. (password: blessed be) Timeskips happen every 3 months in real-time in which the server will vote for how long the timeskip will be.
❁ | Roleplay days will equal two real-time weeks unless otherwise stated. If a scene is not completed within that time, it is to move to ⁠overflow chats.
0 notes
anthonybialy · 1 year
No-Way Street
Avoid the Democratic way at all costs.  The path’s inherent peril should be featured in every map application.  You’ve been warned about heading that direction.  Sadly, innocent travelers are being dragged along, too.  The lack of rumble strips is as alarming as the quantity of potholes for quality government work.
Getting what they wanted is a curse.  It it helps liberals cope, everyone else suffers far worse fates.  A stubborn desire to avoid credit is why mandate embracers believe all that communal mumbo jumbo.  Having to suffer along with everyone else makes us feel like we are all in this together.  The party that’s spent a few years inflicting its dreams loathes noticing consequences for a good reason that’s less than decent.  The genie giggles as he grants their wish.
The hammer surely fixed the windshield chip.  Unfortunately for those regrettably in charge, those poor folks enduring what follows have noticed the pattern.  Everyone can see compulsory priorities in action, or rather lack of it.  There’s very little movement for a nation Democrats have changed so rapidly.  Rotting cities are the embodiment of their glorious values.  Mandatory ideas in practice don’t seem to show as much caring for others as advertised.  Enthusiastic taxers never try running businesses with their results in mind.
You may ponder how many more examples they need.  Victims have concluded the present amount is beyond sufficient.  Some rather misguided voters could apparently use a reminder of what they inflict.  It’s one thing to maintain an unfortunate doctrine.  A republic with democratic principles means those enabling legal buffoonery are relieved at secret ballots.
Enjoy the innovative approach to solving problems they totally didn’t create.  Joe Biden is saving you money by ensuring there’s nothing to buy.  The cunning strategy resembles lowering crime by making items too rare to locate and steal.  And please enjoy family time when there’s no possible way to purchase fuel.  You ingrates won’t even thank kind politicians who reduced your soulless materialism.
Professional politician and amateur president Biden is unable to achieve anything tricky like allow people to perform tasks for compensation.  He leads a movement that can only fib about how they’re succeeding.  It’s not the best skill to develop unless you seek employment in the rather disreputable field of filling an office.  The tired andn tiresome incumbent’s only success will take the form of deterring young people from bossing around others after winning elections.
Pretending the globe is melting hasn’t ruined it to the dismay of the apocalypse’s fans.  We might still be ruined by commerce.  Mean stores decided they wanted to make more for selling stuff, which is why proprietors gathered in secret and decided to simultaneously raise prices.  My sources indicate the vote was unanimous, which is just what’s expected from greedy capitalists.
Coincidences are the only presently thriving aspect.  Acting as if commercial outposts wouldn’t undercut competitors is crucial to maintaining the Democratic delusion.  Astute retailers can make more by selling for less, which is voodoo liberals don’t grasp any more than they do that there will be responses to incentives either positive or negative.  They prefer the latter as part of their effort to coerce citizenry into glory.  It’s no wonder trade foes are so dedicated to creating static societies.  You have no choice to shop elsewhere, bizarrely claim those who want to ensure a lack of competition by letting our stupid government commandeer industries.
It’s frustrating when nothing you believe works.  I just wish there could be a remedy.  Some extremist theorists suggest humans are free to modify their opinions.  You could always try a new mentality that doesn’t involve getting rich by printing money.  But that seems too much like the freedom of interaction innate autocrats reflexively oppose.  Stubborn pride leads to a refusal to change.  Nobody else gets a chance at entering a higher economic quintile as a result.
Alleged openminded geniuses aren’t into the whole ability to alter themselves, as seen by their steadfastly goofy belief that everyone rich was always that way just like the impoverished have no hope but to beg for federal alms.  Thanks to deleterious Democratic policies, the chances of self-improvement are far tougher.
The one lesson Donald Trump taught the party he soullessly joined out of convenience is that you only need to be better than the other awful option.  Aspiring to more than what a pouting steak peddler shared would be nice, but politics is even trashier than usual.
It’s not like Republicans are super amazing to the point sensible voters should worship politicians of their own.  The alleged alternative are at their worst when they rip off their adversaries.  It’s not exactly a wise strategy to be as scuzzy, much less attempt to bribe voters halfheartedly.  You’d think there might be an audience for being left alone after a Biden term of extreme helpfulness.
Democrats don’t think it’s fair they should be blamed just because they got their turn and showed they’re all-time putzes.  Professional whiners claim they never got a fair shake.  Mean conglomerates making massive profits ruined the chance to impose economic justice just like the world suddenly turned chaotic just to hurt Biden’s dreams.
Unhelpful checks and balances prevent a full agenda implementation.  Pushy dreams can’t even be partly realized.  The excuse for lack of partial progress makes as much sense as halting drilling then bitching when fuel costs more.  Wait: what happened?
0 notes
gothichorrorshow · 2 years
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I posted 4,589 times in 2022
That's 597 more posts than 2021!
426 posts created (9%)
4,163 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 909 of my posts in 2022
#undescribed - 105 posts
#tw all caps - 33 posts
#tw cursing - 20 posts
#tw emoji - 20 posts
#donation - 11 posts
#trans - 9 posts
#autistic - 8 posts
#prev tags - 7 posts
#tw unreality - 7 posts
#autism - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i have always eaten blue/green first then yellow than orange last red (best one) for everything additional colors go somewhere in the middle
My Top Posts in 2022:
Heya it's black history month so here's a couple donations for struggling black people if you want to and can help them out.
There's more donations for not exclusively black people but other marginalized people as well in the tag on my blog "donation," feel free to look through that.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
If you cannot donate, please at least boost their posts or this post
If your a black person and you want to boost your donation here, I encourage putting it in the reblogs and I'll boost it and add the link to it in this post!
50 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
The reason behind person first language is so wild it's literally the alltistics going
"if you want me to acknowledge you as a person you must state that you are a person before you say you're autistic"
57 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Anyone else forget they're supposed to actually talk to people?? To maintain friendships??
80 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
According to my calendar it's flag day so time for pride flags people
113 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok y'all, time for a different kind of self care post.
If this post makes it big (y'all get to decide the note count goal cause it's for you) everyone who sees it has to put in a little more effort towards self care. Including me, and including all of you.
This can be a small effort (like drinking more water or taking a shower) or a bigger one (getting a therapist or cutting out things that are bad for your mental health) whatever you prefer or need. But it has to be something. Anything at all.
I'll add on in the reblogs for further inspiration/ideas if you don't know where to start.
I will be working on fixing my eating habits and relationship with food if we meet the goal. I'll try and post about it for proof too.
First 50 replies get to vote on the note count goal, and whatever I see the most of will be the goal. Put your vote in the comments please, the reblogs will be so much harder for me to look through so I won't count those. Don't spam comments until we reach 50 comments, spam reblog instead if you wish.
If y'all can do it for individuals, I hope y'all can do it for yourselves and for eachother.
283 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Just This Once~
ꕥPosted: 8/30/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Sub!San (He’s also a soccer player but we ain’t here for the plot-)
ꕥWord Count: 1.9k
ꕥWarnings: Unprotected sex, mentions of San in subspace, reader discovers she has a power kink, San discovers he has a praise kink, use of “good boy” and “baby boy,” use of handcuffs, oral sex (m receiving)
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho​ @bobateastay​ @nevieatiny​ @onceonafullmoon
ꕥA/N: I’m back! Sorry for being gone for a bit, college started back up two weeks ago and I’m bound and determined to get straight A’s so I’ve spent almost all my time on schoolwork lol. Anyways! I’m gonna try to post at least biweekly. In a day or so I’ll have you all vote of my next fic topic also! All feedback is appreciated :)
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San flopped down on the bed before her, a sigh leaving his lips as he settled into its silky fabric. Exhaustion was prominent on his lower eyes, visible in the way he awkwardly leaned back into the cushions. The movements caught her attention, causing her eyes to flicker towards his and away from the tv. Her eyes shined and he felt butterflies in his stomach as she smiled at him.
After all this time. She still makes me giddy. San mused.
“Hi, love.” His voice sounded strained.
“Hi, baby. Is practice getting to you?” She asked, moving a strand of hair from his face, looking at him with concern, “If you’re pushing yourself too hard again I swear I’ll force you to take a break.” She giggled, trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m just frustrated. I can’t seem to focus and our tournament’s in three days. I just don’t know what to do.”
Soccer became a passion of his when he was young. He and seven other friends of his spent essentially all their free time playing. Although they were all incredibly talented, San had won an MVP trophy three years in a row and as such he put a lot of pressure on himself to improve.
“Is there anything I can do?” She asked, eager to help.
“I’m afraid not. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.” San gave her a sad smile.
His legs spread slightly as he shifted to find a more comfortable sitting position. He had no underlying intent with the action, but feelings of desire awoke in his lover anyways. She’d never been dominant with him before, not that she had a large problem with it since she had a more submissive temperament anyways, but this time she wanted to take care of him. Just once, she wanted to have him at her control.
He always preferred to have control, not because he was afraid to submit to her, but because he wanted to shower her in praise and love every time she was at her most vulnerable with him. He never wanted her to forget how much she meant to him.
Looking at how tired he was, she felt her heart pang. As good of a time as any, she told herself.
She moved to take a seat in his lap, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned towards his ear, biting his earlobe slightly. “Please let me take care of you.”
He hesitated, knowing what she was hinting at, but not wanting her to feel obligated to do so.
“I don’t know, honey. I don’t want you to feel like you have-”
“Hey.” She caressed his face with her hands, “I want to do this. Just this once, let me do all the work. Please?”
He pressed his lips into a small smile, secretly enjoying how adamant she was being. He was looking forward to it, he couldn’t deny.
“Okay, baby.”
Given the green light, she began to leave kisses down his freckled neck, knowing full well how sensitive his neck was. He let out a hum, moving his hands to wrap around her waist and pull her closer. She smiled and gave a gentle bite to the skin, beginning to suck at the area and leaving a beautiful purple mark behind.
“You’re already doing so well for me, baby boy.”
San laughed through a moan as she began to palm him through his jeans, “You’re really getting into this, huh?”
She giggled and bit her lip as she helped him remove his shirt, “A little.”
She leaned forward to push him back on the bed, the both of them laughing as he was knocked back. He moved up to her lips and kissed her hard, “Well I’m enjoying this a lot.”
With a smile she reached for his hands, pinning them above his head. It was such a thrill to her, knowing that he could so easily overpower her, but he wanted her to have the power. He wanted her to make him submit.
The thought gave her chills.
The woman hesitated before asking, “Can I handcuff you?”
San stilled, thinking it over. He’d never even thought about being handcuffed before, even though he’d put them on her countless times. Eventually he nodded with a slight grin, a spark of excitement running through him.
She bit her lip to hide a smile before darting to their closet, rifling through the assortment of sex toys before pulling out a pair of handcuffs and promptly cuffing her lover to the bed.
“Is this still okay? Is it uncomfortable?” She asked him.
His eyes filled with love, “I’m okay, babe. Promise. Now come here, gimme a kiss.” He pursed his lips at her.
She happily placed a kiss on his lips. It was a light kiss, one that quickly turned heated and sloppy. Both began a desperate game of bucking their hips against the others’ in hopes of some sort of friction and she couldn’t help but bite her lip at the feeling of him growing hard.
“You’re so hot, San,” She ran her hands down his abs, causing the man to shudder underneath her fingertips, “Never in my life have I met a man as amazing as you. I never thought I’d be able to find a man who is so kind and generous and just so good to me. You’re more than everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
The man flushed a shade of pink as deep as his hair, feeling at a loss for words. He opened and closed his mouth, hoping words would come to him. When none did, the woman pressed another kiss to his lips.
“Thank you for loving me.” She whispered before resuming her task of trying to pull an assortment of whines and moans from his mouth.
Encircling her fingers through the belt loops of his jeans, she pulled down the fabric as slow as possible, pressing kisses to the newly exposed skin. San bit his lip, trying to conceal the noises threatening to escape him.
“Sweetheart, that just won’t do.” She taunted him, fully removing his jeans and underwear, “I’m gonna need you to be loud for me. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel. Can you do that?”
He nodded, his bottom lip still between his teeth until she raised a brow at him. “Yes...I-I can do that.”
“Good boy.”
He whimpered, tensing against the restraints as she pressed a kiss against the tip of his member, then taking him in her mouth. Her hands held his thighs down as he unconsciously tried to thrust against her, the noises he was making only spurring her on. She hollowed out her cheeks and tried to take in as much as she could, her eyes beginning to water. Ignoring the tears threatening to spill she found a steady pace, pleased when he arched his back off the bed.
“Your mouth feels so fucking good. God it always does.” He moaned, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
She swirled her tongue around his cock, enjoying everything about the situation. His taste, his noises, the power she had over him. The woman pulled back from him, a trail of saliva connecting from his member to her lips. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, drinking in his already fucked-out state.
“Please.” His eyes were pleading, every ounce of him yearning for anything she would give him. He didn’t even register what he was saying, not even fully understanding how quickly he was entering a sub-space.
She gave him a dark smile, “What was that?”
San averted his eyes, feeling incredibly embarrassed as a blush appeared on his face. He turned away from her and felt her grab his chin, “Nuh-uh baby boy. I want you to repeat that.”
He closed his eyes, his desire to be inside her greater than any embarrassment he could possibly feel, “Please. Ruin me.”
“As you wish.” She whispered into his ear, tearing off her own clothes. Only then did she realize how wet she had become, her drenched panties all but sticking to her skin. The man smiled slightly at the knowledge that only he could turn her on that much.
She belonged only to him.
When their bodies finally connected, they simultaneously groaned at the feeling. The pent up desire in both getting fulfilled at last. The woman placed her hands on either side of his chest, beginning to raise and slam her hips into his. He met her halfway, doing his part to meet her hips in the middle.
The sound of skin and noises of pleasure echoed across the room. If either had the capacity to be bashful, they would have been, yet the pleasure growing within them shut out any feelings of shyness. His eyes closed as she continued to grind down against him, giving him no chance to breathe at the repeated stimulation, not that he cared.
So this is what it’s like on the other side, he thought, now completely immersed in her and only her, in everything she was doing to him. San felt like his heart was going to explode, from either love or pleasure he didn’t know. Likely both.
“My good little boy.” She cooed, feeling entranced in his sultry gaze and sweat-covered skin not knowing he was feeling the same way.
He whined at the praise, his hips again raising to meet hers. She began to feel a slight pain in her thighs from the repeated motions and she couldn’t help but wonder how San was always able to do so without feeling tired. Regardless, she did her best to keep her speed, only faltering when he hit a certain spot inside of her. He panted when she picked up speed, chasing her own high and instructing him to do the same.
She spoke without even registering her words, the pleasure becoming overwhelming for her, “You make...make me feel so good, San.”
The man bit his lip, trying to hold back for her but finding himself failing. “Please let me cum.” He cried, so close to his high but not daring to come undone without her permission.
She smiled sweetly at him. There wasn’t any way she’d prevent him from pleasure, yet she still found it cute of him to ask. “Let go for me, baby boy.”
And he did, desperately slamming his hips into hers for her high to follow shortly after. As they slowed their movements, with closed eyes and lazy smiles, she lifted herself off of him. His face was laced with concern when his lover winced from overstimulation, but she assured him she was alright as she removed the handcuffs.
The woman kissed his lips and told him to remain on the bed as she ran to get a warm towel. She returned with a kind smile and ran the cloth over his body, cleaning him up just as he always had for her.
As San slowly came back to his senses she pressed a light kiss to his forehead, followed by a tender “I love you,” which he returned with tears in his eyes.
“Baby, why are you crying?” She asked with furrowed eyebrows, raking her brain for anything she could’ve done to hurt him.
He shook his head, “I just love you so much. It’s overwhelming at times.”
She bit her lip as she felt her face flush and warmth spread throughout her chest, “So...what did you think?”
He gave her a big smile, “I think we should do that more often.”
“Yeah?” She asked eagerly, not trying to hide how much she got off to the power trip it gave her.
San pressed a soft kiss to her nose, “Yeah. We definitely should. That’s not just happening once.”
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Last one of this series. Im thinking if doing a poll to see which series i should start next... Because i have too many headcanons. Maybe I'll mix and match???? Who knows. I'll ask y'all to vote
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚SOLOMON proposing headcanons ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
It’s been a while since he’s thought about marriage 
He’s very much a free spirited type of person and the idea of being tied down to someone never really gave him an appeal 
Until you came along 
I know, I know, it’s super cliche, but it’s honestly how he feels. Instead of taking away his free spirit, you actively encourage it and make it seem like the adventure never ends. What more could he want? You’re literally the perfect partner in his eyes and that’s why he has to ensure that you stay that way: his. 
He’s not one to take these things lightly at all and he makes it a point to bring things like rings, marriage, preferred flowers, and ideas for weddings into everyday conversation. It’s spaced out enough so that you don’t notice what he’s doing but he’s sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later so he has to be careful with what he says and does. 
Honestly, it’s kind of fun to trick you into giving him all the information he needs. 
He’s even made it so random engagement ads pop up on your phone! Siri is always listening is all I’m saying
You’re special, but you’re also going to be marrying a wizard (hopefully) that’s centuries old and has close to no romantic skills anymore so… he really hopes that you don’t mind 
You should know that, though, since you’ve been with him for a while 
It’s not even that he can’t be romantic, it’s just that he wants to add his own spice to things and it usually ends up as some sort of joke instead of being seriously romantic. Not this time though. This time he’s determined to at least make half of it romantic… like… the second half. The serious half. 
For the ring, Solomon chose a white gold band with small diamonds that follow a spiral up until the main gem, which is a black diamond. If you reflect the ring just right, it almost looks like there’s stars in the black diamond and he did that on purpose. You’re special; you’re his star. 
He’s honestly super proud of the ring and he knows it’ll look good on you. 
Mainly because you’ll officially be his and he actually has a matching band for himself but sshhh you don’t know that yet 
Anyway, his plan to be romantic consisted of a midnight walk that had you somewhat grumpy. Who goes walking around past midnight? Like of course you trust Solomon to keep you safe but it’s also so much nicer to just lay in bed and cuddle? His adventurous spirit is showing and you’re unsure on whether or not you like it right now lol 
He’s been cracking jokes and pointing at constellations in the sky, which is nice, and reminds you of how much knowledge he actually has. People don’t give him enough credit but it shows that Solomon could easily rival Satan on certain topics. 
“Solomon… I love you but… I'd rather go home and cuddle.” But he just laughs and pulls you into him. “Not yet. It’s not time yet.” Whatever that means. It’s chilly and although his jacket was over your shoulders, you much rather have him hold you under comfy sheets, you know? 
“Now.” You were confused, watching him grin like an idiot and stand in front of you. A beautiful lake was to the left of you but that’s unimportant. That’s not what you’re supposed to be looking at right now. “Solomon, wha--” “Ssssh, just listen.” and for a moment you did, listening to the silence that surrounded you and left you more confused, all while that grin was still on his face. 
“You may think this is crazy, but you’re dating me so you should be used to that” true “there’s a reason we’re out here and I much rather show you than spend my night talking about it but first… the silence. You hear it right? Nothing but the softest sounds of bugs and wildlife. A soft breeze rushing through your hair.. I know I’m always on the run with you but it’s moments like these I really cherish. I never liked being tied down and too many people have tried, but then you… you encouraged me to be wild, and free, and a little bit crazy.” He laughs softly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the ring box before pointing at the sky, where a star shower had started to take place. “ and that’s the encouragement I needed and… you make me want to relish in this silence, in nothingness more often. It made me realize that it’s never truly nothingness, though. It’s just like this star shower; silent, but exciting and beautiful to look at… much like our love, or so I think anyway. I don’t want to lose my star showers, or our love, so I need to make you mine (Y/N). Please be mine and say yes to marrying me?” 
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kimtaegis · 3 years
Present feelings
Way too many words about everything that’s been on my mind about this fandom lately.
(Just diving right in with the most recent one)
Taking a joke as a non-15-year old
This whole James Corden debacle has been straight up embarrassing. That it even had to lead to that very awkward interview moment the other day is on another level of cringe-worthy. It was a joke, it was supposed to be superficial and stereotypical and it wasn’t even the punchline. How fragile must one be to feel so deeply offended by such a stupid joke that you send the entertainer, which most likely didn’t even write it himself, death threats? If I’d be offended by every single joke that has been made about Germans or whatever, I wouldn’t be able to laugh at all anymore. Most of the people who were so enraged by it probably wouldn’t have even known about the joke in the first place, wouldn’t it be for the absolute intimidating way news spread in this fandom. We may not all be 15 years old, but some sure behave that age.
And on top of this already horrendous behaviour, it actually led to this week’s interview. The fact that Namjoon actively addressed it, that he knew about it, is just horrible. My perception of this may be very different to those of many, but did you ever think about BTS wanting to address it, not Corden, because they wanted to stop James getting hate because of it? However it may be, I feel so ashamed to be in a fandom where people lose any kind of dignity and respect over a harmless joke, and I am disappointed that BTS didn’t comment on the death threats statement at all. This is so wrong, and they know about it, and they stay silent, which indiretcly encourages these kind of actions. Personally, I also don’t see why James Corden should apologise to the boys for a joke which wasn’t attacking them as people or anything the like, he simply used a very common gag that has been made about the fans of boybands for decades. We all know that this isn’t true, so why act like an actual teenager about it? Don’t we know better?
Being a fan while not being a fan of Everything
I love the boys with my whole heart. I love their personalities, their content, their music, what they stand for. And I still don’t like Permission to Dance. I also don’t like DNA, or their latest red carpet fashion choices, or some of their hair cuts. It seems like many people aren’t aware that one can have different tastes and preferences and opinions. I’m sure that everyone has at least one trait in a friend that they don’t enjoy so much or can’t relate to, does that mean you hate them, and that you shouldn’t be friends with them anymore? Not be there for them anymore, not support them anymore? I hope the answer is obvious. We don’t owe these men anything, we don’t get paid to promote every single thing they do, no, we do this fandom thing for fun in our free time, and it is our choice how we do it. Feel free to mass stream if that brings you joy, but please don’t call anyone out on how they are being a fan. Don’t forget people have lives outside this fandom too, real life problems, and that those can affect their fandom experiences as well. I still wonder why anyone would care for my life so much that they’d lecture me about how I have to like my favourite boyband. This is no one’s business but my own, and I hate to admit that I fairly often feel like I have to react and act a certain way when e.g. new content drops, or otherwise I’ll get unfollowed or even called a fake fan.
Grammys, Scammys, losing my jammies
Regarding more recent events, I once again am baffled about the extent in which fans want to protect these grown-up men as if they’re their flesh and blood (more to that in the next “chapter”), and seem to sometimes completely lose theirselves in their argumentations. Cue: The Grammys.
I am absolutely no music industry expert by any means, but I do know the difference between the AMA’s and Grammys. The first is purely fan-voted, so I was surprised that apparently many other fans were so surprised about them winning Artist of the Year this time. Wasn’t it very predictable? They have the biggest fandom in the world behind them, they’ll win any award that can be voted by their fans at this point. Anyways, then there’s the Grammys, where, and I will say apparently, actual professional people of the music industry get to decide who wins. And again, I’m just a casual listener who doesn’t know anything about musical engineering or production, but maybe, just maybe, from a professional point of view, Butter is simply not a good song? Never in a million years would nor could I compare it to the masterpieces that were on their earlier albums, so how would a committee feel about it? Yes, it was on number one for weeks, and broke records, but I’m very sure that the way fans interacted with the song doesn’t play any kind of role for the Grammys at all. You’d hope that the people who get to decide on the nominees and winners are taking actual quality of the songs in consideration after all, but well, seeing how many nominations Justin Bieber has once again received this year, I am still agreeing to the general statement that the Grammys are bought and unfair and should simply be ignored for the sake of everyone who enjoys good music. I wish BTS would finally realise this too and would stop with their Grammy-winning/Americanisation-agenda; it plays with their minds and with the quality of their music.
Don’t tell my mom I’m in a cult
I’ve been in quite a few fandoms before, from films to series to other bands. And never, never have I felt this awful as in this fandom. Additionally to everything I said in prior “chapters” comes this dreading feeling of pressure I get from most of the other fans. The pressure to stream, to get them to win every award, to get them to the top of every chart, to let them break records. All I see is numbers sometimes, numbers numbers numbers, and the actual music gets lost in a sea of clicks and likes. And so does individuality, and originality, and once again – quality. To pick up the analogy of friendship again, and it may be a personal opinion, but I hope it isn’t; I would always want my friends to be honest with me, to tell me if I messed up, to give me room to improve by being critical with me. I would never expect them to like everything I say and do, but to know that in the end they got my back and want the best for me, that’s what’s important. What I want to say is: I simply do not understand how so many people can so blindly follow and obsessively enjoy everything BTS do. Maybe I’m just bitter and too depressed to feel the same, sure, I won’t deny that. Being able to hype up everything they do would definitely make things easier, looking at how you get treated if you express just a breath of criticism. But this can’t be it. If everything they do gets hyped up, even if it’s questionsable as hell (e.g. them collaborating with McDonald’s this year, them holding concerts in an ongoing pandemic), then how will they be able to ever self-reflect and improve themselves? Many may think so, but they aren’t gods. They are humans who make mistakes too, and I think as a fan, you should also be allowed to acknowledge that.
Oh you’re a content creator? I’m sorry.
Being a BTS content creator on top of all these things makes everything worse, when it should be the opposite. I love making gifs and graphics, and I love the boys, so it should actually be a win, but once again the community sucks every bit of joy out of it. Considering the size of this fandom, the notes on original posts are ridiculously low in comparison, you have to self-reblog your own stuff about 8 times or hope to get reblogged by big blogs to get about 10% of your followers to interact with it (at least in my case), the like button is an absolute disgrace and should be banned, and the audacity some people have to repost others’ creations is unbelievable. I spend days on birthday edits, change colourings 5 times before posting, and for what? For people to fully ignore them or to put dumb comments under them? To develop disgustingly envious and competitive thoughts towards other creators at the end of the day? I’m aware that not everyone will like everyone’s style of content and I don’t expect that, but hell, if you already liked it, why not take those three seconds to reblog it too? You can make someone’s day by doing that, trust me. You can also enjoy posts about non-recent content! I really feel like emphasising that, since no one seems to care about anything that hasn’t been posted an hour after the content’s release.
Wrappin’ up
I know that this post is highly negative, but I had to get it out. I had to, and I have to say that I am mentally ill (<3) and everything seems to suck all the time in general, but I’m convinced that there’re people out there who can maybe relate to some things nevertheless. I need to end this on a positive note, though – I love them. And I love how they can make me feel, and most of these things I talked about are obviously not even related to them directly. I met one of my best friends through them, and so many other amazing people. I will try to always come back to these facts, to remember the good sides, and to enjoy this hell of a ride as much as I can.
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Troublesome Baby
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↠ Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Reader
↠ Warning: SMUT! Slight size kink, nipple play, overstimulation, hint of breeding, Akaashi wanting to make his baby know how pretty she is and how wrong people are about her.
↬ Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Pissing a delinquent is never a persons choice. And what pisses off Akaashi most was when people picked on you instead of him.
⇢ Day 2: Delinquent
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A person's feelings can be confusing. One minute they're saying they like a good guy who knows how to keep track in time and hs his future planned out and the second they're liking someone whom their parent's had warned them about.
If you like someone who was always up to no good, are you a masochist? They would ask. Are you out of your mind? They would scold. Do you have any idea how this'll affect your life? They would judge.
You'd like to think otherwise of people who wore tattoos, have so many scars, are always picking fights or having that gangsta stance and aura. You prefer to see them as still a human being with a cold outer shell in order to protect themselves from the cruel world, shielding their gentleness deep within.
It was cliche; a bad person getting soft for one person. But that's how it is even in reality. Sometimes, we can only be vulnerable to the ones we trust the most. And the ones we trust the most are the loved ones.
And those who we love, never deserve how they spit at the world.
That's how Akaashi was with you.
Everyone was shock by the time the former first year had a drastic demeanor change. He was timid, reserved back at his first year in highschool. Polite, and what you'd expect to have an astounding school performance. Hey never would've thought that joining the volleyball club would change someone so idly.
They always thought they were a team filled with passionate players who loved to play fair, but it turns out they loved to get rough around games and outside matches.
Roughness was never Akaashi's agenda. But with a stoic facade and built, athletic feature, he fits in perfectly to look like someone you should stay away from. Still, he kept on being the reserved person he was by hiding his wounds underneath his uniform or volleyball jacket. He doesn't admit it outloud, but he was insecure about his beating wounds.
The times where he and the team would go on random beatings after losing a bet or if someone dares to mess with anyone close to them happened often. Now that word was spread that you, sweet little you, happened to be the pretty faced setters girlfriend is targeted by many disgusting comments.
No man would want to tolerate that or will tolerate their beloved pummeled onto the ground. From all the members of the team he was voted to be the most terrifying one, he doesn't stand down from a fight especially for his baby, he wouldn't stop until the person who made a worthless comment about you, the person who would make you look down at yourself, the person who would make you cry is at their mercy.
His delinquent phase soon carried on until he reached his 20s. Even though now he was an editor and his teammates had their own domestic lives and jobs ahead, they kept up with their ways to earn a bit of cash during the night. Minus Bokuto on some occasions due to his volleyball tournaments world wide, it was mostly just him and the former third years. Even the two females had managed to know their ways into the dangers in joining as long as it helped them raise the cash up a bit.
And that leads the scenario now, you cleaning up his wounds again at the peak of 1 am in the morning after a misunderstanding beat down the past hour. He came home more bruised and bloodied than before— that meant they were outnumbered. Usually, it's Bokuto who would bark at the people who would mess with them. He was known to be feared due to his popularity, but inside the group, it's really just Akaashi who was the monster amongst all of them when he was angry.
You didn't know how long you were going to tolerate this. Him always coming back to you with new scars drawing his skin and you patching him up. It was always like this since highschool, but as you grew, people get tougher, bolder. This was too much.
"Keiji, please stop doing this."
Dabbing the cotton on the alcohol a little and tapping his skin gently to avoid stinging him, you were sat on your study chair whilst he was sitting on your shared bed. You were already trying to hold in the dam from breaking as you had been cleaning all his wounds for the past minute, but as you do, they only seem to get bigger and painful for you to bear.
"I don't want you to keep getting hurt."
Finally putting ointments on his arm, he uses his free hand to cup the side of your face, and raises you too look into his eyes. Ones that weren't feral as they were a couple of hours ago.
"They were bad mouthing about you, I wasn't letting that slip."
"But it's fine! People bad mouth about me a lot even before.."
Inside it still stung. To be growing up mocked by society in any way they see flaw in you. You were always an insecure woman up until now, any little words from others can make you into a brawling mess. What more if some threatened you, you'd be a fleeting coward.
Akaashi knew that about you when you began dating. At first he didn't pay mind into it, but the more he got to know what a kind and loving person you were, he realized just how cruel people can be to those with soft hearts. He hated those to the bone, he would never tolerate that kind of person throwing a pile of crap to someone above them.
"I just don't want to keep thinking one day you won't be coming by the door because of this..I'd rather you just stop being like this after years than to get more bruises. I don't care about the money, Keiji, I earn a lot too."
Your trembling figure was obvious, he knew how emotional you get for whenever he gets reckless, and how you over think of the things the people he has placed back in their place said about you. He never liked the fact you tried to be strong for him so many times and not even reaching out for comfort from him.
He cooes softly, moving away the medical kit from your side and hoisting you up from your chair with ease, allowing you to straddle his lap. You were easy for him to carry considering the height difference, thus making him more protective of you seeing as you look like a small child in fear.
Protesting softly at him to put you down since he was just freshly fixed up, Akaashi let's your head fall on his naked shoulder blade with his hand behind your head, giving your hair a slow stroke down to your back.
That's where you started to cry on his skin.
"I don't care about the money that much, I just hate it when someone threatens or mocks you without even having to know you."
He hears you sniffle at his skin, your tears wetting a small patch on it along with your face. He hushes you for a second before patting your bum, indicating he wants to see your face. With head lowered, you pulled away from his shoulder, sniffling down the tears while roughly using your wrist to wipe your eyes.
He grabs one of your wrist as his soften eyes met your red ones. He lowers your hand down to your lap, with your other one following as he was the one to wipe your tears away.
"It hurts me to have them say such things and have you crying like this. You have no idea how far you are from what they say."
The both of you took a small pause, letting him squish your cheeks with his thumbs rubbing underneath your eyes as small, left over tears escaped. Your hands below pressing against his bandaged abdomen, wondering how much trouble he's gone through just for you with a new batch of tears ready to fall.
"You don't cause me trouble, baby. I did this because you didn't deserve it. It was my decision, not yours or anyones. You will never be the reason for my troubles."
He was an observant guy, any little sign of of your body he knows what's going on. He slides your hands up from his abdomen, to his chest and placing them on his shoulders for you to hold onto. Tilting his head a bit to get an angle of your view, he gives you an adoring smile at the sight of your lips slightly pouting out and your eyes wide and glossy.
"You look cute right now."
Blinking away the blurred vision, your heart thumps a little from the way he was looking at you and his small compliment. You loved it when he gave you a lot of assurance and reminders about yourself. Even in times where they seemed unnecessary.
His finger tracing your cheeks to your nose, tapping at the tip making you shut your eyes and crinkle a little. When he groaned at the shift of your hips now snugging against his growing bulge, he quickly places his hands on your hips to hold you in place.
Your eyes popped out, stammering apologies saying you didn't mean to do it on purpose while gripping his shoulders. You hear him sigh out, worried you might've hurt him but soon vanished when you felt his hands sliding down once again to your bum.
"Why don't I show you how pretty you really are?"
He moves from his position. By instinct, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lays you down on bed and pushes himself up.
"W-wait, your wounds."
"I'm fine, baby, don't worry."
His hands found their way down to your pajama shorts and pulls them down with ease. He let's his shirt that you were wearing on as it only fueled his arousal at the sight of you looking smaller compared to him.
Thighs shaking and biting back a moan when his index finger slid down on your clothed slit, he repeats his actions upwards and downwards until you shortly got the middle part of your panties wet.
"Just enjoy and relax for me." 
You clutched the pillow underneath your head when his finger started to press in your clothed slit, his warmth radiating strongly against your sensitive regions, it made you grind shyly on the finger teasingly trying to intrude your entrance. 
He bites lip at the delicious sight and pulls his fingers away, spreading your legs apart so that he could settle himself on his stomach and his face near your lower lips. Sliding your panties down almost too quickly, he pushes your inner thighs to spread for him, giving him a better view of what his teasings done to your body and blowing cool air on your twitching hole, drooling with more arousal.
He hears a small whimper from you and looks up, you covering your mouth with the back of your hand, and your other fisting the sheets. Giving your inner thighs a kiss to calm you down, he winks at you before repeatinf his early ministrations on your now bare pussy.
"You're so easily aroused."
It came out like a breathy whisper from his lips as he watches his finger slide up and down. The thought of you tight and clenching to nothing makes him want to plunge in immediately.
He hums pleasingly at the sight and slowly inserts his index finger in. You moan out loudly in surprise, hiding your face to side and not wanting to look down thinking you might just cum from the sight. He began pulling his finger out and then pushing it back in, he wiggles a little inside of your hole loving how warm and wet it was, until he inserted a nother finger in to stretch you.
He thrusts both fingers in with a decent pace, not wanting to go fast knowing how sensitive and easily you'll cum. His mouth was watering at the sight of his fingers being swallowed in your small pussy, and leans his face down with his other hand spreading your lips and giving it a small kiss that made your hips jolt up as he began to attack your clit.
"K-keiji! Too good!"
His free hand holds one of your thighs way to keep you spread amd at his mercy. The two fingers inside of you thrusting erratically when you tightened around them, now hearing the sloshing noises and his mouth sucking you to death.
He watches your head move from side to side and your chest heaving from his treatment. He can feel his own cock painfully erect inside his pants and moves bit, moaning against your clit at his boxers friction, and your hands finding their way to his hair and begging him not to stop.
"Keiji! Please, please, don't stop! Please, I'm close!"
His fingers beckoning inside of you knowing what he was now pressing at and flattens his tongue on your pussy before smirking up and saying,
"Go on, pretty girl, cum for me."
Hearing his voice was like a knock out for you as your hips arched up and the grip on his hair tightened. The pads of his fingers pressing and teasing your sweet spot until you were cumming hard for his mouth to take in.
He pumps a few more thrust until your orgasm faded. You whimpered from the additional thrust and grabbed his wrist to stop.
"Too much, Keiji.."
Hungry eyes raking your sweating body and wet folds, his pants getting unbearable at the moment and zips it down immediately along with his boxers, letting his cock free and breathes in the cool air as it hits his cock that made it twitch in need.
How much he wanted to keep eating you out despite being sensitive, but the need to be inside of you caves in as he hovers above your quivering body and attatching his lips with yours. He slips in his tongue to deepen the kiss, grinding his cock against your wet slit as you moaned inside his mouth from the much needed friction and something inside your needy cunt.
But Akaashi wanted to savor the moment, he knows you were a virgin. He's only fingered and eaten you out during the years of relationship. Even though the thought of having his cock a taste of your cunt drives him insane, he wanted to make sure every part of your body was touched, kissed and adored like he promised.
Fingers now tweaking your right nipples as your legs tried to close themselves from now having to be stimulated from your torso, to his hard cock still grinding tantalizing. But his body was in between them, and his mouth was practically eating your whines and mewls for him. Seeing how sensitive you were getting over the little touches he was giving made him moan against your lips. His hand moves to tweak your other untouched nipple and pulled a little, your back arching as he releases his mouth from yours letting you moan loud.
Your back still arched giving him a quick access to suck on your erected nipple, biting softly yet playfully in synch with his pinching on the other nub.
Trying to move away from his mouth and fingers by pushing his head gently, he uses other hand to pin both of your smaller ones above your head and releases your nipple with a pop, shivering from the air.
He stops playing with the other one and moves there to suck on it. His finger moving to the soaked one and pulling it softly. You trashed on his hold as he continued to assault your breast. Not seeing the way his eyes are now getting half lidded at the sight of your teary ones from the amount of pleasure and the sound of your pleading singing in his ears.
"AH! Keiji!! Please— no more!"
But he knows how much you didn't want this to stop. If you really did want to stop, you would've used your safe word. But just smiles at you fondly, letting his finger move from breast to breast and pulling and pinching quickly.
"Mm, I just love," he pulls a little harder on your left nub, but not to painfully for you, "How your body reacts to me." you hear his chuckled laugh when he stops to massage your breast alternatively, leaving you whimpering from how skillful his hands were.
"You're getting cuter and prettier as time goes by."
Shamefully, your walls clenched from his words. He knows judging by how you bit your lip and shutting your eyes and grins at you. He knows how much you loved getting praised and told all the lewd things he wants to do to you.
"You'll be prettier with my cock stuffing inside you, won't you, baby? 
Hands trying to pry his stronger ones away so that you can hold him, hide on his skin and let him ravage you. He does however, using both his hands, he separated your arms and pins them at the side of your head and proceeds to attack your neck.
He cooes at the side of your skin, cock now lubed from his pre cum and yours with the tip just poking on your lower lips impatiently.
"Please..inside, Keiji, please."
Yours legs widened themselves, preparing for what you've both been wanting that evening. He laces his hands on yours, the position you now had more vulnerable for him and he wanted nothing more than to take you and make you feel protected and pleased.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay?"
Lips pressing on your forehead as you relaxed on the sweet sensation, but as seconds went by, your body tensed when he entered the head of his cock in, inching slowly his hard length.
Akaashi's hands gripped yours harder when he feels your cunt fluttering and hugging his member tighter than he expected. His breating becoming ragged so he started leaving trail marks of love bites on your neck to calm the both of you down from the foreign feeling.
Each mark he gave came with a soft praise, telling you how good you were doing taking his cock perfectly and how beautiful you were breathless underneath him. He told you, you were doing a good job holding in and with that you let out a shaky breath before telling him he can move.
Thrusting out slowly, letting your juice slide freely on his cock before thrusting back in with force, enough for you to choke a moan. His hips taking their pace into what he knows is bearable for a first timer like you, but the way he was clenching his jaw tight indicates how much he wants to have his way and fuck you like he was on a rut. You were so tight and small compared to his impressive length that it was getting painful for him to be in a vice like grip down there.
It was a struggle to take him, but at the back of your head as you feel his cock move in and out of you felt so right, you wondered if it could be more pleasurable as it is. His face was alarming to you so you rubbed your thumb on his hand letting him pause and exhale harshly. He didn't know he was holding back so much to the point he forgot how to breathe.
"Are you okay?"
He panted above you as you stared in daze and in euphoria from being stuffed. Trying to stay grounded, you attempted to grind your hips to rile him up, only for him to growl and thrust in, forcing your hips down with a squeal from your lips.
"Don't do that."
"But you're struggling."
He breathes through his nose, he hates to admit it but he had to hold himself together not to take you like a freak in bed. He reminds himself that tonight was about you and only you. How wrong the words were of the people he's beaten for you.
"It's fine, I don't want to hurt you."
Nuzzling his nose on your cheek, he hums happily on your skin when you press your cheek in reply. As your eyes stared at each other, you knew how gentle your Keiji was with you. You knew he would never hurt you even if he could. He wasn't going to.
"Please Keiji."
Moaning wantonly when your shifted your hips in a good angle for his cock to thrust on, you looked at him with pleading eyes and drooling mouth.
"Please go harder."
Groaning on your skin, he thrusts in suddenly, lettinf your back arch once more as he placed his chin on your chest and licks his lips in hunger.
"You asked for it, baby girl."
The thrusts he was making was now audible inside your room; his balls slapping below your bum, your cunts lewd juices being messed up on both your bodies and your moans slowly becoming screams.
His mouth found their way back on your nipple, biting roughly and licking away the pain followed by a good sucking. Hips never faltering or holding back anymore and engulfs your shaking body.
"Fuckers were so wrong about you, love. Look at you,"
Your mouth was drooling from the side, hair messed up in display on the pillow that made  them look soft and angelic on you, eyes, your hands holding onto him tight with your body jiggling up everytime he thrusts in.
"You look absolutely ravaging."
He lets go of your other hand and places his on the back of your leg, hoisting it up and placing it on his shoulder, letting his cock piston deeper into you and making a mess out of you.
"I can't even move a lot from how small and tight your cunt is."
He laughs breathlessly as he aims to find your sweet spot again. You were trying to pull away from his hold but with your thigh up on his shoudler, you were stuck taking this all in like a good girl.
"I think I may be too lucky to have you in my life."
The tip of his cock was now kissing that spot that made you scream out in the blue, Akaashi cursed when your cunt clenched his raging member as he kept aiming at your precious spot.
"Fuck, do you like that, baby?"
Sobbing for the much needed orgasm, your body gives up and lets the male above you use it to please you both.
"Fuck, my hips can't stop."
He buries himself at the crook of your neck, moaning near your ear, edging you close to your release to the sound of him. He lets out small whimpers and groans, his cock twitching violently inside you with his thrusts losing their rhythm.
"Baby girl."
The heat in your stomach felt different from your previous orgasms. This felt hotter, tighter, and a whole lot messier. But Akaashi showed no mercy and carried on,
"Cum for me, baby."
The freed hand he had a minute ago now being a teasing bastard and rubbed your swollen clit. Pinching and rolling all four of his fingers on, making you scream and thrash. Panting with the thought of dying frkm the immense sex he was giving until the last line made you scream without a sound,
"I'm going to cum inside."
Your eyes rolled sinfully at the last line, your bodh ascending above not hearing Akaashi gasp from the way you came and groan as both his cock and abdomen get soaked from your cum and your stomach filled with his thick load and kept thrusting in a slower pace. Your cunt spasming on his member, milking him dry until you were taking all of his load in.
Exhausted, his body stills and lays a bit above you, not wanting to squish you with his member remaining inside you. Sniffles can be heard coming from you as you calmed down from your high, Akaashi stroking your hand that was still clamped on his and peppered you with small kisses and sweet confessions.
"You did so good."
"That's my baby."
"Always so beautiful even like this."
You other arm came and wrapped themselves on his neck, pulling close to you as you inhaled his masculine scent, anchoring you down back to earth before coming to realization on how damp your bottom was.
Blushing, you buried your head on his neck followed by a laugh from your boyfriend, listening to you blabber multiple apologies.
"I'm sorry!"
"It's okay, I liked it," He captured your lips with kiss, kissing you lovingly and a little longer before pulling away only to give you small pecks repeatedly, "It was sexy."
"You sound so different when you use that word, Keiji.."
"But it's true."
He didn't bother pulling out after you pleaded him not to. Even if it was your first time, it was addicting to have something fill you up to the brim. It made you feel snug and full, and it felt right. Akaashi wasn't complaining on the cock warming, in fact he held you closer to his chest and twirled your hair nonetheless.
"You're really not what they describe you, love," he admires how the dim light from your room manages to create a good lighting that made your skin glow. The hairs that sticked to you forehead after the intimacy you both caught up made you look like a soft baby with eyes looking at him full of love,
"I can't even describe you anymore."
Your eyes trailed down to his wounded torso from his face. Even though he was tainted, Akaashi was sculptured beautifully like no other. But inside you prayed that he wouldn't go home another day with freshly opened wounds just to defend you as you traced your fingertips on each bruise and scar.
He spots on and grabs one of your hands and pulls it in for a kiss on the knuckles, "I promise, I won't make you worry anymore."
Smiling, you snuggled on his chest pleased and full of bliss, feeling his lips kissing the top of your head repeatedly and his arms hugging you closer to his body.
Pressing your cheek on his chest, you looked up to him and asked, with a small tint of blush on your face in embarrassment, "Um..W-why did you you know...In me?"
For a second he blushes as well, but in the end he seemed to be smiling excitedly as you missed the way his eyes glanced somewhere down your stomach.
"So I can have another pretty baby to love."
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