#idk this fandom is a little exhausting at times that’s all
tkbrokkoli · 10 months
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from my first walk in months
[begin ID: two nighttime photographs of 5 sunflowers. they are illuminated by streetlight and reach up high into the dark sky behind a fence. in the background, silhouettes of trees are visible. end ID]
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dimitrscu · 10 months
Answer this on private if you want, but I wanna thank you for talking about ur ocs with me however long ago that was (I think it was during bloodborne or something?? idk). Your little ideas and hcs helped inspire me a shitton in regards to what I could do for my writing, especially when it came to dragons! Your ideas regarding the naming for dragons and how that thing worked, along with your idea of Lannseax having a little sister she looked after have blown my notes and troubled plot ideas into the right direction. You may not know it, but you have a brilliant mind when it comes to this stuff and I wish you luck with whatever silly scenarios you have cooking for your own little blorbos! (make sure you torture them and throw them into angst town >>>)
Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!!!!
Thanks, Bim <3
I’m glad I could help you out even though I’m not so good at opening up about my ideas. I’m so used to getting shot down whenever I try and talk about this stuff with other people it can be a little difficult to get my point across sometimes. But do I appreciate your message and thank you again for being so cool about everything.
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justporo · 8 months
Hi! Could I please get some headcanons or a drabble of Astarion x anemic!Tav and how things may differ when it comes to him feeding on them, how he'd take care of them if they needed it, etc? Would love to see what you come up with. Thank you for your time! 💜
Hello and thank you very much, Anon! Since I'm actually hit with the Bloodless debuff today myself... What else could I have written?
This is a very sweet idea to write something - which I took and then made it sarcastic... I hope you like it.
Also - idk why, but for this I pictured Tav as velnna's Staeve - you probably know who I'm talking about and if you don't you should very quickly go over there and find out, because I love Steven and you should really give this incredible incredible artist who has contributed so much to this fandom a lot of love. All the love. (I didn't wanna tag them because I didn't know if it was okay and didn't want to annoy them but go check out their blog!!)
Pairing: Astarion / Tav (You) Wordcount: 1,6k
The sun was burning in the sky. You felt sweat almost drip from your skin. Every step seemed to be harder than the last one. Your heart was fluttering although your pulse seemed flat. Damn this Mountain Pass.
You and the rest of the party had been hiking through the mountains for days. It was exhausting for everyone, but especially for you it seemed. Surely, the fact that you had offered Astarion your blood almost every other night (and that he was always very keen and graciously grateful to take it) had quite obviously to do with how much your stamina had dwindled.
But you knew offering up your blood was very much helpful. Not only to the vampire, but the party as a whole: Astarion had basically become a menace on the battlefield since he’d been able to feed properly. Also, you were stubborn – a bit of missing blood wouldn’t knock you out. Or would it?
You tripped on a loose stone and almost face-planted on the ground. Only in the last moment were you able to catch yourself and dampen the fall with your arms. You quickly got up again and hoped no one had noticed since you’d dropped to being the last in the group today.
But trying to raise yourself so quickly had been a mistake and you suddenly felt overly woozy, your vision blurring and you were immediately back on one knee.
And of course, it hadn’t gone unnoticed: Astarion had been in front of you and had seemingly been alarmed by the noise of your fall – twice.
“What is it, Tav, got too distracted looking at my back, hm?”, he taunted and came over to where you were doubled over – leaning on your arms too now because you felt so dizzy all of a sudden that you felt you had need of all of your four limbs on the ground to support you.
When the vampire realised you weren’t getting up and also didn’t respond to his quip in your usual witty manner, he quickly gave the others a shout to let them know not to go too far ahead. Then he came over to you. You were desperately trying to not pass out when you saw the hands of the pale elf through your blurred vision reaching for you.
“You do hear me, yes?”, Astarion whispered to you. You could only nod curtly. His hands hesitantly touched your shoulders.
“Alright, can you get up? There’s a big stone over there where you could sit down.” You shook your head which made you even dizzier.
“Oh hm”, Astarion seemed a little helpless on how to proceed with you. You felt him turn away.
“Don’t tell the others!”, you exclaimed breathlessly. The vampire whipped around: “But… why?” “Just don’t please”, you whispered and carefully looked up at his face. Was that… actual worry?
“Please just… Help me sit on this rock, let me have some water… and rest and we’ll keep going in a few minutes”, you pleaded with him. Astarion didn’t look completely convinced but sighed in defeat after a few of your racing heartbeats.
“Alright – could you please not die for a moment while I go and talk to the others?”, he said in a sassy tone that couldn’t completely gloss over the worry in his voice.
You let your head fall down again and simply nodded. Astarion went off towards the rest of your companions.
Ever so slowly you felt a little bit better. Cautiously you knelt back onto your feet – at least not on all fours anymore! Shortly after you tried to carefully get up and move over to the rock Astarion had mentioned.
That was when the vampire returned. “Oh no no, you stay right where you are, you poor helpless creature that would have perished already had it not been for me.” He ran the last few feet over and grabbed one of your arms to slowly put it around his neck and help you get up and walk over to sit on the boulder. You wanted to say something witty at his taunt, but your mind was too blank.
“Also, we are actually taking a break – all of us, so don’t even try to keep on walking”, he scolded you as he placed you down.
“What did you tell the others?”, you asked simply as you placed your forearms on your thighs and just sat leaning forward like that for a little. “Tss, does it matter now? Something like I broke a nail of mine and needed a moment to mourn it or whatever”, Astarion replied annoyedly.
“Can’t believe they actually stopped for that”, you said slowly and chuckled with your head between your knees and threw up a look at your vampiric companion. “Yeah well, seems they care a lot about my wellbeing. And I take it they would about yours, too”, he gave back – again very sassily. You just chuckled but didn’t reply. You saw that he relaxed a little.
“Ah here. You should probably drink and eat a little”, the vampire said after a while of the two of you just sitting there. He offered you a water bottle and some berries from a pouch – both of which weren’t his for obvious reasons.
You narrowed your eyes at him: “Where did you get those?” “By the Gods, you are so reluctant to help, I should’ve left you in the dirt.” Astarion rolled his eyes at you. “The druid gave it to me – you’re not as inconspicuous as you might believe, oh mighty leader of our adventure troupe.” You had a desire to punch this cheeky elf but you knew you were in no condition to act on something like this, so you sighed and first took the water and then started to munch on some berries from the offered pouch.
Silence spread once more between the two of you. Before Astarion broke it again: “Listen, Tav, darling, I know this must be because you’re letting me drink your blood so often.” You immediately wanted to start protesting but the vampire hushed you, brows furrowed.
“No, for once, you’ll let me do the talking. Don’t think I’m blind – your form has been declining for quite some time now. We can’t go on like this. I mean, Halsin has also noticed already.” You stayed silent and kept popping berries in your mouth and silently thanked the druid for his kind gesture – even if you didn’t want the others to know of this weakness. You slowly started to feel better.
“As much as I enjoy our little late night… sessions. We should probably take a break – at least concerning these particular ones. And maybe later, keep longer breaks in between if you insist to keep throwing yourself at me to drink your blood”, Astarion continued and sighed theatrically.
He tried so hard to be sarcastic about the whole thing, but you noticed that he was actually worried, judging by the guilty glint in his red eyes. And maybe it was that the blood loss was affecting your brain too much but you stared at him and just dryly said: “You know, you could just admit that you care about me, Astarion.”
The vampire huffed in surprise, then he sneered with a click of his tongue: “Bah, of course I do, you seem to be the only one to get this group of clowns to work together after all. It’s not like I care for you much as a person. As a blood bag maybe, but other than that…”
You pursed your lips and let him ramble, digging his own verbal grave by trying to talk himself out of it.
You didn’t even reply afterwards, just let him steep in the own awkwardness he created.
You kept looking at him – even offered him a berry, he scrunched his nose at – then shrugged and ate it yourself.
You slowly opened your water bottle…
“Okay, maybe a little. Tiny bit. Because you’re the only one in the group who seems to have a real sense of humour – at least when you’re not lying in the dirt being a dried out husk”, Astarion exclaimed.
You grinned at him wolfishly and shook the last of the berries from the small bag into your mouth ignoring his insult. “Now, wasn’t even that hard, was it? I really like you to, Astarion”, you said and then slowly stood up – careful not to immediately make a fool of yourself again.
“I liked you better when you were staring at the dirt up close”, the vampire replied and jumped up while crossing his arms over his chest, then sauntered away.
“Sure, if that’s what you need to tell yourself”, you kept teasing and slowly went after the brooding vampire.
You met up with the rest of the camp then went on your way for the rest of the day. The others were already so used to the two of you missing from the camp at the same time (mostly during nighttime, of course) that they didn’t even look up when the two of you came back.
Later when you all had settled down for the night you saw that Astarion went over to Halsin and talked to him softly. They both threw you looks in between which made you uncomfortable because you certainly could imagine what the topic was. Before Astarion had also made sure you’d gotten the first serving of tonight’s dinner (and also seconds).
Even later when the others were already at rest the vampire confessed, he’d been asking the druid about how he could go about drinking your blood without putting too much of a strain on you. Again, you noticed that he seemed not only concerned about his blood rations when he explained that to you.
The next days you also noticed that Astarion had started carrying some water and the bag from Halsin containing the berries.
And you thought to yourself that – for a blood bag – Astarion seemed to put an awful lot of thought and action into making sure you were okay.
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐇 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲 "𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲" 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦?
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See my other Welcome Home work here!
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Hey!! Yes, I know, I have some few inbox that I should answer, and don't worry, I will, just let me do a quick post here- -w-
So I'm back with the promised WH headcanons! And I hope you will like them :D
(And yes, it has a short plot now. I did it. I wrote it. ✨
×❢ About my work ❢×
Fluff fluff, all is fluff! No pronouns used for the reader, but good boy/girl mentioned, even if it's expected, there's no smut. Although Howdy is a bit teasing, but it's not r rated so •-•
Fandom: Welcome Home horror project by Clown
Character(s): Wally Darling, Howdy Pillar, Barnaby B. Beagle, Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Ship(s): The Characters / The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Form: Headcanons
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: LoveGame by Lady Gaga
('cause that is next on my playlist •_•)
“Let's play a lovegame, play a lovegame
Do you want love or do you want fame?
Are you in the game?”
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(All illustration belongs to Clown!)
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Wally Darling
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It was quiet in his house, even Home didn't let out a single crack until this moment. There was just one problem. You haven't seen your dearest puppet oh so long ago. The plan was that you two will have a cuddle time together, but he was nowhere. 
You got up from the couch and carefully looked around in the house. You cautiously called out his name, but no one responded. 
You walked around in the house a little bit, hoping to find him. 
He had his own painting room where he could make his own fantasy alive with the brush. 
You walked closer carefully, not to scare him. Even so, he could actually clearly hear you sneaking up behind him, but he was more focused on the picture. 
You peaked through his shoulders to see what he was up to. 
Oh. My. Gosh. Your heart skipped a beat. He was painting a picture of you. How cute! Wally was a very talented artist and you were very amazed in this moment. He always did such a great job. 
"This looks so great, Wally! You are such a good boy!" you said quietly, while you gently placed your head on his shoulder. 
• it comes off to him like compliment
• and it's from you
• his sweetest neighbour
• of course, he is happy! ♡
• "Thank you, Neighbour!"
• he smiles at you happily, hoping that you like his work
• "Do you like it, Neighbour?" 
• omg ofc you like it! How could you not?! 
• He is so happy about the compliment and about that you're liking his work. 
• he just stares at you happily with open mouth, listening your cheerful voice while you commenting of him and his art
Eddie Dear 
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Eddie came home and you could tell, he was clearly exhausted. Poor boy, running back and forth all day, and do this job all alone, it must be tiring. 
He got down next to you, just quietly lied down on his back and put his head on your lap. 
"Hey." you said softly, curling his hair gently with your fingers. 
"Hey, love!" he looked at you with his tired eyes, but his lips still curled up into a kind smile. 
You were resting quietly in the warm room, just hearing each other's calm breathing was enough relaxing. 
"It must be hard for you to do this job all alone, Eddie." you said quietly, no to destroy this calm moment that you have been in for awhile. "You're such a good boy!" you chuckled. 
• he slowly opens his eyes, looks straight up at you
• look, idk if they can blush, but now he does it okay? 
• like his face is completely red
• he always gets so flushed when you complimenting him
• he's so flattered 
• and so damn cute ♡
• he's speechless, he can't think of what he could say
• so he just simply says
• "Oh... Erm... Thanks, (Y/N)!" 
• he will definitely give a kiss to your hands in return
• Your compliments mean too much for him ♡
(a.n: btw I love Edddie, he is such a sweetheart 🥺 ♡
He is definitely my favourite character beside Barnaby! ★) 
Barnaby. B. Beagle
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 He knew that work is tiring for you and you had a long day. He wanted to do something pleasant for you. He couldn't cook, it was too difficult for him and he didn't wanna blow up the kitchen with his tryings. So instead of cooking, he cleaned out. It was not as perfect like you would did it, but it was acceptable. He was already finished when you were standing in front of the red and blue colored door. It was easy to recognize it. It had similar colors as Barnaby and it was the biggest door in the neighbourhood. 
He opened the door with a happiest smile on his face. He was clearly missing you. He let you in and you immediately took a seat on the comfy couch. 
Just a few minutes after you had some chance to look around. The house wasn't perfectly clean, like you could still something in the conner, but it was enough to make you feel happy and greatful about Barnaby. 
"What a good boy!"
• omg i can imagine how his tail starts wagging
• I mean he's like a dog, but different, but still a dog, so what did you expect?
• he definitely loves it when you call him a good boy
• he just listens your soft and lovely voice while you caressing and rubbing his fluffy head
• he especially likes rubs behind his big ears
• will rest his head on your lap and just melt in and let you to pet and praise him
• probably will bite you carefully in an affection way
• or slobber on you occasionally
• he wants you to say it more times, so he'll try to make you proud as often as he can
• he absolutely loves it ♡
"Thank you, Barnaby!" 
Frank Frankly
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You wanted to see your partner's reaction too much to lose this idea. You leaned forward in the chair to get a better look at Frank, then you called him. 
"You are such a good boy, Frank!" 
• he looks up at you strangely and confused
• you can't help, but giggle a little bit cause the frustration
• "Well... Thank you, (Y/N)..." 
• then he goes back to his job
• probably he has to do something with those colorful bugs what are around him
• seems like he found a better company than you :") 
• you stood up and got over to him, tried not to hurt his garden and the bugs
• "But seriously, hon, I do think that you're doing an amazing job!" you said it softly as you hugged him from behind.
"Thank you, Darling." he smiles at you adorably
• he still adores you dw ♡
• but he definitely likes dear, hon, love or even darling more :D
• (btw I think it would make him uncomfortable- not sure, but I feel like- lol)
Howdy Pillar
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You rested your arm on the counter as Howdy checked your items. You watched his movements. Slowly tracing your eyes from his face down to his hands, paying attention to details as well.
"Y'know, you do so much work in this place, Howdy. Like a good boy." You added jokingly the last sentence, didn't think of it too much, though.
He stopped moving for and looked up on you. You look directly in his eyes, getting red of embarassment.
"I mean-" You looked away sheepishly. "Not like that, just... You're doing such a good job here, y'know? It must be hard to keep this place alright by yourself." you chuckled awkardly, trying to change the awkard mood that you accidently did.
Howdy was still looking at you, but he didn't seem nervous or weird out about this. He just stared at you and then suddenly his lips curled into a kind, but a teasing smile.
"Yeah, it is." he answered.
He already put in a bag the last item you have bought of him, then he gently gave the bag to you with his third hand.
"You wanna drink a quick Dark Roast with me? Or if you prefer it more, you can have orange juice, or tea." he leaned closer to you on the counter.
"Sure." you said.
He walked away from the counter as one of his hands started to lead you beside him.
He glanced at you with a smile and said
"You still have to pay, though. Don't think that I'll forgot."
• omg-
• i don't think he'll mind it y'know
• but he prefers call you a good pet/boy/girl
• he may get teasy about it
• beside that, he will treat it as a compliment (cause he really deserves it)
• call him often, he won't mind
• just please don't call him like that in public :>
• he's cool with it :D
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fairy-writes · 3 months
first, congratulations on 1300!! with the event can i have a medium cappuccino with chuuya from bsd? thank you in advance and congratulations again!!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Prompt: Hurt/comfort scenario with Chuuya from BSD
Word Count: 0.7k
Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Sick!Reader, Business AU?? Idk; it’s not the normal BSD universe.
Notes: Idk if this really counts as hurt/comfort? But it’s the idea I'm going with, so it’s what you get, lol.
This also briefly features a character from Stormbringer! But you don’t need to know anything other than he’s a doctor :)
The world was in a haze. 
You ache. You’re exhausted. Your stomach hurts. Your head hurts. Your mouth feels fuzzy with the lack of brushing your teeth after throwing up.
But you don’t say a word. You don’t call in. Instead, you get up, put on a mask, brush your teeth, and head to work as the infamous Nakahara Chuuya’s secretary. 
Luckily, he doesn’t comment on your mask when you arrive at your desk.
He sweeps into his office as he always does, his coat billowing around his ankles. He sheds it and his hat on the coat rack. He brushes past you without so much as a hello, and his office door shuts with a bang that has your brain vibrating in your head. 
Guess he wasn’t in the mood to talk today?
Work goes slowly. Almost agonizingly so. 
You remind yourself to alternate taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol every four hours and keep your mask on except for drinking water. But it does little good. You still feel feverish and achy, and your stomach is constantly churning despite having walked down to the corner store and bought yourself a can of soup to eat for your lunch break. 
Things come to a head when you knock on Chuuya’s office door with some reports from last week. 
“Come in.” His voice is muffled, but you hear it even through the door and what feels like cotton in your ears. The hinges squeal and grate on your nerves and eardrums. 
“I have those reports you wanted, sir.” You say through your mask, and he looks up from his laptop, sticking a hand out for them as he runs a hand through his hair. 
He looks annoyed. 
You give him the reports and go to leave when he stops you by saying your name. You turn.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and you blink. When did he ever ask if you were alright? You were positive he barely even knew your name.
“I’m fine, sir. Just a little cold, is all.” You say, and his frown deepens, but he doesn’t get up from his desk. 
“If you say so.” He mutters, and you take that as your cue to leave. 
But you promptly pass out the moment you turn around. 
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When you come to, you have no idea how much time has passed. But you hear something… Just on the edge of your hearing… 
“—n you hear me?” A voice… A familiar voice… Your boss, maybe? 
When you open your eyes, you find you were correct. He’s leaning over you with a concerned look on his face, and you realize you’re on the couch in his office. 
“What happened?” You groan, and he sits back, clearly relieved. 
“I thought you died there for a minute,” He grumbled, and you felt white-hot embarrassment shoot up your spine and warm your ears. When you go to sit up, he is on his feet helping you.
“I passed out?” You ask, and he nods, 
“You went down pretty quickly and smacked your head, so I called Doc. He should be here soon.” At that, you swing your legs over the side of the couch. 
“I’m fine. Just a bit dizzy, is all. I have to get back to work.” 
His hand clamps around your wrist, and you freeze. He wears his standard leather gloves, but his hand is still warm through the material. 
“You aren’t goin’ anywhere. And it’s either Doc or the hospital.” He warns, and you glare stubbornly at the floor before relenting and sitting back down on the couch. Chuuya is sitting on the coffee table directly in front of you, hands clasped and resting on his knees. 
Doc, as eccentric as ever, gives you a clean bill of health and a cold compress for the bump on your head. He also says something to your boss that you don’t quite catch, but he nods and dismisses the man. 
“You’re taking the rest of today and tomorrow off.” He says abruptly, and you nearly trip where you are walking back to your desk. 
“What? No! I can’t afford to do that!” You retort, and he rolls his eyes,
“You’ll still be paid.” You pause in your argument and frown. 
“I will?” Chuuya huffs and puts a hand on the small of your back, steering you toward the elevator of the high-rise office building. 
“Of course you will. Just…” He pauses, and you look at him. His cheeks are flushed pink, and he refuses to look at you.
“Yes?” You prompt, and he sighs, still averting his gaze. 
“Come back feeling better.” He says, and you grin at him as the elevator door closes on you.
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pandalexoxo · 1 month
also, i haven’t written down any of my rules, but i don’t have any limits! i’ll write whatever requests people send me! whatever your dark mind can think of will be my pleasure to create!
i don’t mind if you’re not 18+, since, if i ever do make smut i’ll just label it as 18+ and TRUST that 18+ ONLY will read. you all have probably seen, but i’ve just written about my thoughts of different fandoms so far so there’s no 18+ posts YET. (maybe i’ll make this account SFW and do another for NSFW? idk, i normally post on other platforms but randomly decided to give tumblr a try lol)
as a NM/trans man myself, i TRY to keep my readers gender neutral by not really describing the characters features. hard on TRY bc i know the last blurb fic i made of dead plate was Rody x Male Reader lol, oopsies! anywhooo, enjoy~!
WARNINGS! doppleganger mention, possible unconsciousness, possible death, possible unfunny dialogue (bc sometimes i’m the only one who finds me hilarious lmfao), you’re kinda a baddie ngl, you and Francis are besties, Francis is a cat lover?! Francis is a tired old man who hates technology. phone mentioned despite the first wireless phone being made 23 years after the story takes place (use your imagination) uhhh, anything else i forget? comment below!
Francis let out a long sigh of relief, taking his cap off with one hand, using the other to dab away at his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief. Upon seeing the exhausted man, you can’t help but smile softly, shaking your head as you get ready to scold him, once again. You cross your arms, looking at him through the window with a playful disappointed glare.
“mhm mhm, what do we have here? you really should be getting more sleep, mr. milkman, your eyes are starting to sport their own eye bags.”
with this comment, Francis shakes his head but is unable to stop the small, yet tired smile on his face. he bends down to place the crate of milk jugs onto the floor before handing over his ID card. you hum, narrowing your eyes when Francis doesn’t give into your whims. you eye his card, glancing at it a few times before slipping it back to him with a chuckle.
Francis’s eyebrow raises in confusion at your reaction but ends up shaking his head, rolling his eyes playfully and sighing softly. he places his cap back on his head and huffs, deeming your reaction as a go ahead inside.
“now… what if i was a doppelganger? you aren’t even going to call my room to check if someone is there? such a reliable doorman we have.”
despite Francis’s playful tone, your grin slips into a frown as you study Francis from behind the glass. this causes him to tense up, suddenly feeling nervous, like he did something wrong. you hum, tilting your head into your palm as you seemingly analyze Francis for a little while before deciding to speak.
“what’s up brother?”
Francis blinks a few times in surprise, his head tilting in confusion at your question. His eyes narrow as he thinks about the question you asked.
“what’s… up… brother…?”
Francis looks up at the ceiling, taking your question to heart. upon seeing nothing on the ceiling, Francis can only shake his head and sigh at your antics.
“are you done with your tomfoolery, (Y/n)? i’m quite exhausted and would like to go up to my room and rest.”
you can only shake your head, clasping your hands together like a disappointed father getting ready to discuss their kids grades at the dinner table. you begin to explain.
“when Francis first walks in here, he always forgets one of three things… his keys, his hat or the crate of milk. you came in here, although exhausted, you seemed put together, unlike Francis, who is clearly going through a midlife crisis. Francis will then ask me about my cat, well, because he’s a cat person, though he insists no one knows. oh, and, Francis’s home phone has been broken for the past few days and is actually at the store, right now. so, Francis being here so soon, isn’t possible. that, and well, Francis never understands my references, but indulges me anyway… anything else i forgot, doppelganger?”
you bat your eyelashes, smirking from behind the window like you just cracked down the traitor in your group. with each statement, Francis’s doppelgänger’s face becomes visibly more and more angry until the doppelganger begins to completely change: black eyes with white pupils, a wide and eerie black mouth, adorned with long and sharp claws on the end of the doppleganger’s elongated limbs.
“you… you’ll regret this… i will get in one day and get my feast, starting with you. i’ll gut you, keep you alive so you can watch your organs fall out of your body and your blood splatter against-! *CLANK! BAM! PLINK!*”
before the doppelganger could finish his fantasy, much to your amusement, the doppleganger’s body tenses upon being struck before crumpling to the floor after becoming unconscious. you look up from the doppleganger’s body to see the real Francis hovering above the, possibly dead, doppelganger. you shrug, knowing that you wouldn’t have to call DDD services to take care of the mess, now you just have to clean up the body.
“mmm… tuesday… tuesday…? did i get that right?”
you hold back a chuckle at Francis’s response to your last question. you can only nod, letting Francis have the win this time. pinching the bridge of your nose and sighing, a loud laugh bubbles up from your throat as the two of you realized what Francis had hit the doppelganger with.
“ngh… i just bought this phone… damnit… his hard head must have broke it, ah, if i bring it back could i get a… refund…?”
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funnywormz · 1 month
I think this shitshow with Toshiro stems from the trend of people INSISTING that interpersonal conflict must be a moral failing. Like I think there's something to be said about how people afford so much less patience to people who are autistic in the "wrong" ways, but also Laios and Toshiro just clash on a fundamental level that has nothing to do with that. Hell, you could read Toshiro as autistic as well. People related to Laios' side of the argument but instead of getting any nuance out of it they started projecting their experiences with ableist people onto Toshiro.
AGREE AGREE AGREE. i think that Fandom Brain gets people very used to thinking of conflicts in terms of "who is the bad guy and who is the good guy", so when they encounter a more nuanced conflict they don't really know what to do. i don't think toshiro is a bad person at all, in his conflict with laios he's just exhausted and starving and has been pushed to the limit and from his perspective, laios doesn't even seem that emotionally affected by the situation. i don't think what he said was right and it was pretty cruel, but i don't think he's a villain or deserves to be permanently hated as a character just bc he fucked up this time lol
also yeah you could definitely read him as autistic, and i think that highlights an issue in the autistic community in general bc like....... a lot of autistic people have conflicting needs which can lead to conflict between them/make them unable to stand being around each other. and it's not because either of them are neurotypical or bad people, they're just incompatible. like autistic people who loudly stim vocally and autistic people who meltdown when they have to be around loud noises, for example. it doesn't mean either of them is bad or not autistic, just that they have conflicting needs
i 100% agree with the last part too. i disliked toshiro at first myself bc i had been (and still do ngl) projecting onto laios hard and the conflict they had reminded me of times when people have been mean or angry at me irl for social blunders i've made unintentionally, or when someone i thought liked me/was my friend turned out to actually hate me. it's a common experience for autistic people and that scene resonates with that! but i think it also helps to take a step back from projecting our own traumatic experiences onto the scene and just look at it objectively. laios isn't perfect either and he's the one who actually starts the physical fight by slapping toshiro (i feel like i don't see many people mention this lol). i feel super bad for him in that scene but he's not a perfect victim and has done things wrong himself too
as an autistic person i've also been in situations where i can relate to toshiro too lol, like where someone is overly physically and emotionally familiar with me when we don't know each other well and i've wanted them to back off but haven't been sure how to say it without hurting their feelings. this kind of conflict is far from just being a "neurotypical vs neurodivergent" thing as a lot of people portray it in the fandom
idk i just wish people would think a little more deeply about the scene and put their own emotions and experiences aside to instead consider the conflict with the added context of the individual characters and their respective cultures + the situation they're in. people don't have to like toshiro but i wish they wouldn't paint him as a villain or make up awful shit about him just to justify their feelings when he isn't even that bad of a dude in canon yknow 😑. also we literally see him at rock bottom struggling and freaking out and i think that's important to remember. in a different context i doubt he would have ever said those things to laios
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tartagliad · 1 year
Not Wanting to Eat
Summary: how would the boys do when you don't want to eat (but you're hungry)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Zhongli, Kazuha, and Alhaitham
Genre: Fluff
G/N reader!
Warnings: reader is a bit sick in Alhaitham's
(a/n: I have eating problems.. maybe I'm too exhausted or stressed..? idk, I'm hungry, but nothing sounds good. Even my favourite food doesn't feel right.. I'm ordering cookies for breakfast and it's 10.30 am rn.. it's dumb.. but idk what else, ehe- it's already nighttime by the time this is up.. this is an indulgent of mine, hehe-)
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He knows something's off about you
Your eating patterns are.. let's just say scattered
In the morning, you usually have breakfast with him, which was pretty early
For the last few days, you would eat when the sun is almost high in the sky
You also ate lunch at 4 or 5 pm and not eating dinner AT ALL-
It genuinely makes him worry about your health.. you're an ordinary mortal, he's scared if something bad happens to you..
Night time comes, both of you were enjoying your time with each other
Both of you are currently in the living room, you reading your documents whilst laying your head on his lap
Zhongli was reading a book. His other hand gently stroked your hair
"mmh.." you made a noise, he then looked at you, "is there something the matter..?"
He scans you, you shake your head slowly, "I'm just hungry.." you said. His eyes widens a bit, "I'll make you something then-"
Before he could finish, you cut him "thanks.. but I don't want to eat.." you then continue reading
Excuse me?? It left him speechless, did he do something wrong to make you like this?
"Love, I've noticed you haven't been eating properly. Mind telling me?" he spoke softly
You hesitate a bit, "it's dumb.. but nothing really taste good.. just thinking about it.. I don't know.."
Now, it left him confused.. "Even something you like?" he asked and you nodded
He sighed, gently cupping your cheek and facing you towards him. "You have to eat at some point, whether you like it or not.."
It's true.. you've been eating just because you need energy.. even if your body refused to..
"I'll make you something.. don't worry, it's not going to be in a big portion.. just small will do.." he left a little kiss on your forehead, then walk to the kitchen to cook :3
You smiled to yourself, "how sweet.." you mumbled
It makes your heart flutter on how caring he is <3
Zhongli comes back to you after a few minutes to give you a cup of tea, "Here, not to worry.. it's a softer brew, it'll help your stomach a bit.." he smiled softly
You hummed as a thank you, carefully taking a sip at it. It does made your stomach better
Knowing that you were comforted by it makes him feel relieved a bit..
..He hopes that you could finally eat properly again.. it hurts him that his gem didn't want to eat :''
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Usually at the Crux, it's always a large feast for everyone to gather around and eat
It's normal for you and Kazuha to feast together and both of you never missed it
But now it's a bit different
You told Beidou that you're a bit busy and probably going to end up in the room for a bit
She then gave you the idea that you could eat while working, so she then told Kazuha to bring you some food
You thanked her and it was going smoothly until.. you told him just bring the food to you later
Not only that, when both of you are at Liyue, you refuse to eat anything and told him that he can eat first
..he doesn't want to, okay?? :(
Kazuha won't eat if you're not going to (but he ended up eating because from your whines..)
Although you grab a drink or a bite-sized cake to consume.. it doesn't feel the same
It feels wrong for him to eat a full portion of food while you were only having a snack
He DESPERATELY needed you to eat with him or at least let him feed you with his cooking :(
One night, he decided to confront you about this, he knocks the door
''y/n.. it's me" he spoke, you responded with a hum and he then walks in, like usual.. you're working
"Darling, can we talk for a bit..?" he sat on the bed beside you
You then put your pen down, looking at him, "what is it, Kazu?" you tilt your head.
"I realized that you didn't want to eat.. are you okay?" he pats your head.
You kept quiet, you looked at him, hoping for an answer from you, "I just.. didn't feel like it.. although to be fair.. I am hungry..'' you explained, "nothing really tasted good.. even my favourite foods.." you continued
It saddens him.. not wanting to eat although you're hungry is far too concerning..
"My poor sunshine.." he gently pull you to his chest, you leaned your head more
He hums softly, twirling your hair gently
"I don't want you to get sick.. especially busy like this.." he holds you, sniffing your hair, "try to eat, okay..? it'll make you feel better.."
You nodded slowly, leaning against the desk for support you then rest on the bed beside him
Pulling out a bar of chocolate and snapping it, he then feeds it to you, you bite into it, "See? it's good, right..?" kisses your cheek
"It's.. sweet.." "I know.." he chuckled, pecking your lips
"Try to get some rest too, don't stress yourself out.." he smiled, you hummed as you continued eating the chocolate that he feed you
Just by you eating chocolate makes him happy a bit.. but it still a long way for it to go away.. :")
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He knows damn well that you're a hardworker, but not this much-
You've been busy with the reports from the Akademiya
It takes quite a bit of your energy, but that's just how it is..
Alhaitham wasn't concerned about anything, he's glad that you have some productivity
After a bit, he noticed somethings wrong with you
When he prepared some snacks for you in your office, it often left untouched
Also, did I mentioned that you also got a bit isolated (EVEN FROM HIM)??
When he happened to met your friends, they told him that you also refused to go eat with them, even if they forced you, you only asked for a drink (non alcohol ofc)
It makes him worried for you, your work is also starting to get a bit more stressful every minute
Often times also, you came home and just continued to work.. not paying attention to him
..how odd he thought, the usual you would greet him with a kiss
Alhaitham then followed to the bedroom, to his surprised, you're not even resting.. you continued working..
His heart sinks a bit, just when did you stop resting..?
Approaching you, he was caught off guard by your soft whimpers
"y/n, what's wrong?" he went beside you quickly, rubbing your shoulder gently
"..mmh.. I feel sick.." you curled up a bit, trying to hold the pain
Holding you close to him, he gently soothes you, "want to go to the bathroom?" he rubs circles on your back
You shake your head, leaning more towards him, he then pick you up and move you to the bed
"Have you eaten today?" he asked, holding your hand gently, "I didn't saw you go out from your office.."
You look away, not wanting to face him, this made him more greedy for answers. "Is your work stressing you out? If yes, I can help you reduce it."
It sounds great actually, "..a bit.." you looked at him, smiling a bit, "and no.. I haven't eaten anything.." you looked at his hand that was holding yours
He wasn't surprised actually, and you also know that, "What would you like to eat?" he asked, you fall silent again, thinking deeply before then shaking your head, which made him frown
"Sorry.. it's just that every food that comes to my mind doesn't sound good, it makes my stomach uncomfortable.." you answered, "although yes.. I am hungry.."
Rubbing your hand again, he sighed, "How about I'll make you some soup?" it sounds a bit odd since he doesn't prefer eating it, but for you right now, he'll do it. You nodded
"Be right back." he kissed your hand before leaving the room
Although the smell of food that he was making was good, your stomach didn't agree, it churns a bit.. making you curled up again
It took a bit to calm it down, just in time when Alhaitham comes in
"Here.." he sat beside you, gently feeds you the soup, making sure it's not too hot
It hurts him to see you slightly frowned uncomfortably whilst holding your stomach at some of the bites..
Especially when he felt that you were a bit lighter when he picked you up.. :(
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samwinchestermydude · 2 months
My Supernatural Journey I guess
I actually did go into spn fully expecting to ship Destiel. I came into SPN after watching Merlin, and I had often seen Merthur (my beloved) and Destiel likened together. I barely knew anything about Sam. I only found out that Sam existed because I saw that he was being shipped with his brother on the Ao3 ships polls last year. I didn't know if Sam was important or not because I hadn't seen much content about him. So I ended up calling him the hippie brother mentally.
The only things I thought I knew about Supernatural was that it had some religious stuff in it, Destiel was canon apparently, there were demons and stuff, and John really hated. My impression on Spn was this horror show that was featured this really tough macho dudes but the show was supposedly kind of gay??
I also followed this one person way back for discussing this one video game. They were an ex-supernatural fan way back but left because they found discourse surrounding destiel to be to exhausting. They also used to be a big Sam fan and shipped wincest. I like found the latter to be like really weird back then but man the tides have turned.
So I turned on the Spn pilot with my mom in the same room one day out of sheer boredom. Back then I was still considering Spn as that tumblr show. And then the rest was history, and I lost countless hours of my life obsessing over the show.
So first of all, I only saw one brief glance at Sam before voting for merthur in the wincest vs merthur poll (I'd have probably voted for wincest now lol) so I didn't really know who he was. To me initially he just looked like the 2nd big, gruff dude with long hair. And then I found out that the sweetest looking boy with the floppiest bangs was that guy, Sam.
Also I thought Dean was the younger brother for some reason before watching the show (Probably because Jackles just doesn't age lol). So I was really surprised to see that the little kid in the opening scene was Dean and that the baby was Sam. Oh and I was totally predicting that John died actually in the opening scene and that something else was pretending to be their father lol.
I think I fell in love with the show right away. There was just something really believable and palpable about the brother's estrangement and relationship from the start and I just wanted to see how it developed. S1 is just filled with great horror episodes, and I started watching around October so it was just perfect timing.
So Things that Ended Up Suprising Me the Most/Other Things
I actually ended up really liking John in s1. JDM was just stellar in his all scenes and brought an emotional and sincere side to John. He's tough for sure but he doesn't hide his feelings about his boys. Like you can see the tears in his eyes when they reunite. Also his speech about how he wants Sam and Dean to have normal lives and how he's tired and so broken up after seeing all his friends being killed by meg never fails to hit hard. Do I think John was a good father. No. But he did care about his boys truly. And while I do understand Fandom's widespread dislike of John it is disheartening to see him reduced to this unfeeling caricature. John's problem wasn't that he felt too little; it was that he felt to much and he never really properly managed it and it ended up hurting the his boys.
I thought Meg and Sam would maybe end up being a thing and was like :(((( (because I just liked the bros being by themselves even though I wasn't a wincest shipper at the time lol) but I was also like go Sam if thats what you want ig? Lmao Idk I just wanted Sam to be happy even back then. Anyways thank god that never happened.
Me falling in love with Sam.
Dean. I always saw a lot about him but never found myself to interested in him as all I saw was Destiel content with him. But I ended up falling in love with his character so hard in Devil's trap. When he begs John not to kill him :(((((((((. I think Devil's trap is one of my favorite episodes for Dean. It's when I started to understand him and his loyalty to his family really touched me.
1x22 was also the episode that convinced me SPN was going to be a insane show. Like what a season finale. I feel so bad for the fans who had to wait to watch s2. I actually jumped up and said it ends like that?! The car scared me so bad.
Around s2 I set my foot in the wincest fandom. Back then I thought you guys were scary but in a good way. But I was also getting really into the codependency at the time so I found myself starting to seek wincest out because well you guys just get it. And then Dean sold his soul for Sam and I looked up wincest fic for the first time with the intent to read fic about wincest. Before it was reading wincest fic despite the wincest and then well all hell blew loose (sorry I just had to).
First wincest fic I read: half the man i used to be by dollylux. I wasn't exactly a wincest shipper then. But I thought it was fucked up and strangely fitting to Sam and Dean's relationship and fucked up lives. It was probably the fic that got me into wincest.
I had a bit of an internal rule I set for myself back then where I could only read Wincest fics that were about them being in a fucked and toxic relationship because I felt bad reading fics about an incest ship. So I guess in my mind it cancelled out because then I thought then I wasn't romanticizing the incest lol. Idgaf now. I read anything about Sam/Dean if it's good.
When You're Not Here by raziella was the 2nd wincest fic I read. I read it because it's pretty much gen but it does have some wincest leanings. It's a really good fic.
I gave up Destiel even before s4. It was around in S3 after seeing Sam slowly go insane that I realized I wanted nothing more than the two brothers together.
I just realized that even if Destiel was canon or not nothing could be as important to Dean than Sam was and vice versa for Sam.
I actually was anxious about s4 because I didn't want the show to change that much and drift from the focus on the brothers.
S4 and s5 were really difficult to go through for me. I thought they were great television but it was too painful. I felt horrible seeing what happened to the brothers and how they drifted apart.
S4 Sam hair was probably my favorite.
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tenthcrowley · 1 year
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Bucky Barnes x Trans!Reader (he/they)
Request: None.
Fandom: MCU.
Genre: Little angst but fluff at the end.
Words: 1370
Summary: You haven't been feeling great lately, you haven't been feeling any positive at all. After a rough day at work someone finally notice your mood.
TW: Faking happiness, intense crying (just the noise of throwing things and groans), old binder not binding enough now, reader's looks like a MESS, and just fluff? idk
This was just awful. Since you woke up you knew the day will suck. You didn't have motivation for anything and you were just sick of feeling like this. You sighed now laying down on the couch of the living room in the Avengers building. You remember the first time you entered hhere, it was like a kid with a bunch of brand new toys. Just that the kid didn't had to fight constantly.
"You okay?" You didn't realize when you had closed your eyes, wow you must be really exhausted. You open them and look up at Steve who had a concerning look in his face.
"Yeah, yeah, just... very tired." You try to smile at him but it's most like a disgusted face. He chuckled. He knows you, he knows you're stubborn and never admit you're dying to have some rest. You remind him of his younger self. Younger in like before he was frozen, but technically he hasn't changed because, again, technically he's still a young man. Never mind, he thinks you look like him when he was trying to join the war, strong, insistent, brave and a little (much) stubborn.
"Go on. Get a shower and sleep. Some rest will do you well."
You roll your eyes as you got up from the couch.
"Yes, dad." He laughs while you're leaving to your room.
You were really good at faking, lying. Everyone would think you're living the best moment of your life while you're internally dying. You're so good to put a fake smile on your face and hide all of your pain. Pain. God, when will you stop feeling pain? When will you feel free, happy.
Steve looked at your way still when you had left. Bucky placed a hand on his shoulder to get him off of his trance.
"You okay?"
Rogers nod. "I am. He's not. They say they're okay but it's just not true. I don't know why he cannot trust me yet." He's sad. Because he really loves you, you're like kind of a little brother to take care of and seeing you this way, seeing you in pain but not telling, faking, hiding it, not trusting him. It hurt his heart a lot. "They will tell you, tho." That's true. (Y/N) is always honest to Bucky. When (Y/N) opens to him, they ask him to remain silence about it. He does. But Steve wasn't born yesterday, he knew they tell each other almost everything. Didn't know what exactly but that's not of his business and he gets it.
"Uh, I can't try." The black haired man left his friend alone in the living and made his way to your room. He wasn't gonna show it, but he was very worried about you. You are really important to him, you take a big place in his heart and viceversa.
Before he can knock, he hears groans and sobs with violently punches to things, not things that can break tho. Bucky sighs and finally knocks, instantly the noise stops.
"It's me."
The door immediately opens and (Y/N)'s hand reaches him to pull him inside the room and closing the door again. When Bucky turns, your eyes are red and swollen from crying, dried tears on your cheeks being replaced by new ones, your hair is all messed up like you just got out of a street fight, but what caught his attention the most was that you were shirtless, scratching your arms without causing any injuries but leaving your skin red and burning, you were in just your binder, in your old and worn binder. Now he knows why you were all shut the entire day, you were having dysphoria the whole fucking day. He understood, being around cisgender men all day could be tough for you, he didn't know you feel, but he understood. Plus you haven't bought a binder in like a year so it's stretched out and old, which means it doesn't tightness like it used to.
No words needed for when he opens his arms and you ran to hug him. He squeezes you and puts his nose on the top of your head. You love that. His hugs are different than the rest. Despite his metal arm, his hugs are comfy and warm, it brings you back to Earth instantly, they make you feel safe and like home. Minutes passed and you just hug. He never let you go making you the one to break the wrap when you feel it's been enough. So he just stays, smelling your hair knowing you just showered and maybe that's another reason why you're like this, since your binder it's not wet you didn't wore it to get showered. Finally you pull out the hug now calmed.
"Do you want to explain it me? If not, that's okay, I understand." He smiles at you, looking directly at your eyes.
You feel your heart warm and you sigh. You've been in the Avengers for like a year now and it's been impossible to not fall for Bucky. You avoided him, all the time! But that bastard always found a way to come back to your life. Until one day you stopped fighting and just gave up to the idea of having him around almost all the time, making you fall really hard. And stuff like this, this situation right now, everytime he comes and calms you down, he gives you a kiss on the forehead, when he hugs you, when you compliments you, stuff like this makes you confuse and it's like playing with your emotions. You know Bucky doesn't realize that so at least you can be obvious about your feelings for him and he will just never know.
"I need a new binder." Being honest? That's the only thing you could say right now. You wanted to explain to him but... you couldn't. It's like if you say how you feel, all the calmness he gave you would fly away like a feather in a rough wind. Simple as that.
"Okay. We can get you one." He smiled again and you felt melting. You adore the way he smiles. He stepped closer and gave you a kiss on your forehead but staying inches from your face.
You looked at him. You wanted to kiss him so bad. So so bad. So you did, excepting that could say all your words can't. For your surprise he responded the kiss with the same sweetness and caring. You both blushed because you understood each other. This kiss speaks more than a million words and you get it. It feels like you both needed it, you both needed to let out all the sentiment you've been keeping and couldn't express. Your hands were at the sides of your body and so his. You didn't want to touch each other, at least not yet. The kiss finally broke and you could look at each other's eyes, another thing you understood.
"So you...?" He said.
"Yes." You answered fast. "You?"
"Yeah." You both giggled and finally looked at each other. You saw his blue eyes that were like a sky in a plenty summer, clear, shining and beautiful. There was love in his eyes you could tell. You smiled for real for the first time in days. You felt happy after so long. You wanted to cry of happiness, not just because Bucky feels the same way about you but because you're finally feeling good, at least for a moment.
"Go on, put a shirt on and we will go out to buy you a new binder." He said giving you a kiss on the forehead and then walking to your bedroom door.
"Really?" You said trying to hide your excitement.
He looked at you and nod smiling before leaving.
You smile got even bigger as you grabbed any t-shirt you liked to put it on then fix your hair to finally come out. You're being happy. Even if Bucky was already there for you before, somehow, now it feels even better, have him by your side like more than a friend it felt different. You felt different. Different good.
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harrowharkwife · 1 month
camilla or pyrrha for the character ask meme!
favorite thing about them: where do i even fucking start. her skill, and strength. her wit, she's so goddamn funny. her resolve. her bravery. the quiet ferocious intensity with which she loves and cares about people. as tragic and troubling and fucked up as it is in canon, i find her perennial tendency towards pair-bonded dysfunctional codependency to be. ALARMINGLY relatable. i love her flat affect. i love her observational skills- she's clever, and perceptive. i may or may not have an enormous crush on her. i love her loyalty and devotion. i love (read: hate) her tendency to deflect any and all important personal questions. i love that she doesn't let go. i love her love for spreadsheets and sharp knives and sensible shoes and sketching. i love her impeccable bedside manner. i love her and her letters and her cassette tapes and her fuckass bob and her smile that makes the earth want to marry her and i love her slate-clay eyes and her laugh. i love that she fought like her heart had already exploded.
least favorite thing about them: i mean, with camilla this question is really more of a "most concerning things about them," isn't it? her codependency, her lack of individuation and independence, her refusal to develop her own identity and exist as her own person. which, like, from one autistic bitch to another, girl i Get It. if i could get away with making myself a satellite accessory to another person instead of having to figure out how to be a person myself, if my society had groomed me to do exactly that from birth, yeah, i would probably do the same thing. being a person is fucking exhausting. but it's also so, so worth it, and it breaks my fucking heart that cam never had the chance, and that the people in her life by and large never encouraged her to really try. we do see pal pushing her on it a little here and there from time to time, and i appreciate that, but it was clearly never enough to stick, y'know? i hate how self sacrificing and selfless she is, i wish fandom at large would talk more about her depression, i want to give her wellbutrin and a hug and therapy.
favorite line: too many to choose. life is too short and love is too long. i don't let go, it's my one thing. sure, it's a nice handkerchief. i think there's another teaspoon full of blood in here somewhere. camilla hect fought like a grease fire. the cohort has taken the rest of him away and i don't know where they've put him.
brOTP: gideon, though i am a lover of the cam/gideon agenda! also nona, and palamedes.
OTP: dulcie, but i also love campyrrha, in like a mutually sorrowful toxic cathartic cav4cav grief sex sorta way.
nOTP: idk that i have one? i'm not really into cam/corona the way some people are
random headcanon: autistic like i mentioned earlier. i think she'd love cats
unpopular opinion: personally speaking I'm not a shooter for the aro/ace cam agenda, though i don't have anything against it!!! I've definitely seen it done in fascinating and lovely and compelling ways before! it's just not how i personally interpret her, but i think that's literally just a personal grudge on account of being an autistic woman with somewhat flat affect, and having seen fandoms Immediately jump to hit every serious-mannered, autistic-coded woman character that has flat affect with the aroace headcanon stick Immediately and at first blush without interrogating the potential stereotypes and assumptions behind that choice. not saying that that's what people are doing with cam at all, just that it was a general pattern i was observing across fandoms- honestly i see the logic behind it with her, and i don't think it's a "wrong" way to interpret her at all, i think it's perfectly founded! but unfortunately i am just projecting on her and she got caught in the crosshairs of me deciding i had Had Enough and that it was time to draw the "let autistic women fuck" shaped line in the sand and take a political stance 😂 you understand. aroace cam truthers are some of my most beloved comrades in arms. peace and love on planet earth
song i associate with them: EXISTENTIAL CRISIS HOUR! BY KILO KISH. see also: butterfly net by caroline polachek, true blue by boygenius, my friend by hayley williams, ***look at me now by caroline polachek,*** francis forever by mitski, the body is a blade by japanese breakfast, crude drawing of an angel by caroline polachek.
favorite picture of them: im on mobile and also stoned outta my gourd so I'll rb this with some art tomorrow!
ty emma!!!!
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sinfulsalutations · 11 months
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Nour, my love! Congratulations on 500! It's so well-deserved. You bring so much positivity and warmth to this corner of the fandom, and your writing is just perfection. I always love seeing your posts on my dash. Thank you for everything you do, and for sharing your beautiful work with us. ♥️♥️♥️
For the fic prompt , may I request 13 with Mayday? Idk what it is about him that screams husband material, but now that I've seen the prompt, it's all I can think about.
➼ ɴᴏᴜʀ'ꜱ 500 ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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➼ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ☆ “ɪ’ᴍ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴍᴀʀʀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ”
➼ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ☆ ᴍᴀʏᴅᴀʏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➼ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ☆ ᴘ ɪɴ ᴠ ꜱᴇx, ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜱᴇx (ꜰ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ), ᴏᴠᴇʀꜱᴛɪᴍᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 544
➼ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
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“Mayday, Mayday, I-”
“Fuck, yeah, baby, I know,” The perpetrator of your overstimulation interrupts your chants. The scruff of his beard, now drenched from his time between your thighs, runs up against your face until his mouth is hovering over your ear, softly tucking a strand of hair behind it. “I know.”
He’s already made you come twice. Already had you rocking against his face and moaning so loud, no doubt Hexx and Veetch have begun to stir. 
Then, the greedy man grips your hips, handling you when you’re too sensitive to even form words, and sits you down on his cock, slowly rolling his hips with a groan even as you’re squeaking and gripping his chest, telling him that it’s just too much, too much, Mayday. Baby.
“Please,” He begs, and suddenly, you melt. You look down, catching his watery eyes and desperate quiver, how his lips part so delicately when the whine afterward comes out. At that moment, you become acutely aware of how hard he is nuzzled into your sensitive, spent pussy, and suddenly, you’re empathizing.
Careful hands trail down his warm, rough-skinned arm until you spread his palm open and interlock your fingers together. You lift yourself up before sinking back down methodically in tune with his breathing, causing him to groan as he exhales.
“I need… I need to–” He begins, but now it’s your turn to interrupt him halfway.
“You will,” You assure him, starting to pick up the pace of your movements again. He moans pleasantly, quiet compared to the sound of your body hitting his with each rock, each bounce, each thrust. 
“You will, I–fuck.” 
You interrupt yourself when he rubs his thumb over your far over-touched clit, sending your nerves into another frenzy. 
“Mayday,” You whine again.
He flashes you that devastating smile your way once again, hands rubbing slow circles over your waist.
“Please, come with me?” He asks. You don’t have time to respond before he’s reaching up and kissing you, his feverish hold against you making you melt, even with the surprise from his request. He parts slowly, eyes still half-lidded while he grunts, continuing your pace from before.
“Let me make you feel good again,” He says.
You huff, another whine leaving you as you press your foreheads firmly together, taking in everything you can, selfishly and so so lovingly.
“Fine,” You tell him, kissing him again and wrapping your heads around his neck. As they interlock at the back, you catch his gaze again, blinking back the tears of your exhaustion. Mayday only smiles again.
“I’m gonna marry you just for that,” He tells you with another soft kiss.
“Not if I marry you first.”
His encouraging praises are the only things that manage you to really work at your pleasure when you continue, the muttering of pretty prose in his coal-chared voice almost entirely irresistible. Before you know it, you shake and clench; then again, and again when you feel him begin to push his hips up as well when you begin to lose your rhythm, and groan a little too loud than he should,
“Fuck, fuck, baby, baby–”
How does he always manage to have you coming for him as many times as he wants, no matter what?
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tags: @starstofillmydream @pb-jellybeans @corrieguards @badbatchbabe @ladytano420 @jediknightjana @sleepycreativewriter @shinyshayminflower @secondaryrealm @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @followthepurrgil @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @aconstructofamind
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lesbiannancytruther · 10 months
hey guys did you miss me i missed you
anyways rising clawing myself out of my grave to complain again because im reminded half of the st fandom is STUPID
i just saw someone say, fully and genuinely, that nancy constantly dismisses robin’s inputs, that that was ALL she did in the past seasons with steve and jonathan, and ultimately she just wants a ‘yes partner’
and honestly it’s kind of beyond me?? how someone can so drastically misinterpret a character and their relationships? how is one just so wrong?
obviously, they brought up ronance’s first meeting, and of course, the age old “she was so mean”, when. no she wasn’t. she was absolutely impatient, and even snappy, she didn’t have much patience for robin’s rambling, but there was never a point where she insulted her or demeaned her. matter of fact? that’s what ROBIN was doing.
of course she didn’t mean to! robin was just questioning her reasoning and rambling to someone who was exhausted, wanted to go alone in the first place, and has been consistently ignored and questioned for her reasoning the entire show.
can you see why, maybe, nancy wasn’t the most receptive to robin’s attempts at honest conversation? or attempts to clear the air? cause nancy genuinely doesn’t have any problems with robin beyond the fact that she’s distracting her from doing what she does best, and that she chose to come along only to call all of her ideas ‘a massive shot in the dark’
and you know, i’d FULLY get it if after this, nancy DIDN’T see the value that robin’s input had and just ignored her and didn’t listen to her, like you’re implying…, but then,… she actively chooses robin to break into a psychiatric ward with her…..? makes her a disguise and everything…??
now, considering robin’s very real tendency to ramble about things that are kinda personal, it makes sense that nancy is like “let me do the talking” and idk, if when robin started talking one of the first things she said to the person they’re trying to convince they’re academic scholars is “my BOOBS hurt” i would also! probably! be a little freaked!
and you know what? cause robin’s idea works…. nancy trusts robin more! learns more about her and her strengths! they high five afterwards did you miss that!!!!!
to the overall claim though that she wants a ‘yes partner’…. idk this is just so weird and tbh, so misogynistic😭 this ENTIRE show nancy has been doubted and questioned and ignored, half of the time she’s slowed down by people that are supposed to care about her because they just assume she’s boy crazy or she’s cheating or they just think she’s wrong!
and idk, it would be weird if nancy didn’t hate that? if at the first sign of someone who admits she’s a genius and sees the value in her input, it softens her?
wanting someone who doesn’t doubt you constantly is not wanting a ‘yes partner’. matter of fact, nancy DOESNT want a yes partner. if robin was a yes partner, nancy wouldn’t have found out half of the shit that she did, because robin provided new insight and handled situations in HER way. robin didn’t blindly agree with everything nancy did, and it only drew nancy closer to her
anti-ronancers i will never understand u fr
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fuckin-sick-bih · 8 months
I'm Your Rock, Baby. I won't back down.
Fandom: Stranger Things (honestly in my head I was thinking of Tattoo and Florist AU but it's kinky Eddie instead of kinky Steve this time? idk food for thought!) Summary: Steve's been sick and Eddie's been enjoying playing Caretaker. When Steve wakes up from a nap, they watch a movie together and cuddle. CW: cold sneezes, sneezing on partner's neck/shoulder, mention of nose blowing/wiping but really low mess fic for me! Word Count: 1,259 MINORS DNI Author Note: little drabble i did just writing in the tumblr text post thing bc for some reason writing in the tumblr text box makes it easier to write rn? idk, man, don't ask me how my brain works i just live with this traitorous electric meatball
Eddie swayed his hips to the beat of the song as he hand-washed the few items they had that weren't dishwasher safe in the sink, rings sitting on the counter beside him. His phone was softly spitting out one of his current favorites and he was mumbling along, trying to keep quiet so Steve could rest.
Poor Steve had been down for the count the last few days with a nasty cold that had left him utterly exhausted. He scrubbed at the pan he'd made breakfast this morning in as he mulled over the last few days of meds, tissues, sleeping, soup, meds, and more sleeping.
Of course, Eddie was over the moon at getting to take care of Steve. Anytime he got to take care of Steve was a win in his book. His boyfriend was like a walking poster child for hyper independence and Eddie secretly blamed the Harrington parents for that.
Pulling the drain and letting the sink water gurgle down into the abyss, Eddie sighed. He paused his music only to hear sniffling from back in the bedroom. Straining his ears, Eddie swore he heard a catch of breath just before-
"Don't stifle!" Eddie called out instantly, though his tone was fond as he dried his hands.
As he headed back to the bedroom, Eddie spoke again, "You want a sinus infection? That's how you get a sinus infection." He crossed his arms and admired the sight of Steve sitting up in bed with a tissue folded over his nose.
There was a light blush over Steve's face, skin still lightly tanned from summer. "Sorry. Habit. Snf! What were you doing out there? I thought you fell asleep with me?"
The quiet softness as well as how his voice seemed to grate against his throat, making Steve wince a little had Eddie moving over to the bed to sit with him. "Aw, I'm sorry. I woke up and started cleaning up a little is all. Thought I'd let you sleep as long as you could. Seemed like you needed it. How you feeling now, handsome?"
One of Eddie's hands was coming up to brush Steve's bangs back up out of his face, carding lovingly through his hair as well as pressing to his forehead. "Better than I was, honestly, but I th-hih-! ohh no... heh-ih!"
It was like Eddie's whole world was slowing down as he watched and felt Steve's expression crumple into a pre-sneeze show. His brows rose then collapsed into a pleading sort of pinch while his nostrils flared, mouth hovering open.
"E-ehhddieh-! EhX'TSHH! ID'SHuh! Hh...! ugh d'noh..." Steve collapsed forward, head jerking downward to sneeze towards their laps as his face flushed with color. He was scrambling for a tissue, but Eddie was already plucking and handing him several.
"Bless you, sweetheart, jeez." Eddie leaned forward to kiss Steve's forehead and then the top of his head. "You sure you're feeling better?" He teased, trying not to squirm as Steve blew his nose into the wad of tissues.
A little sniffle came from Steve as he finally pulled the tissues away from his face. "Uh-huh. Just think it's moved to my head. I'm all-" He gestured vaguely to his face and head with a pointed finger and sniffled again. "What's that word you use?"
Eddie made a strangled little sound and rested a hand on Steve's knee. "Stuffy?" He suggested helpfully, praying his boyfriend was searching for a more vanilla term.
"Sure. That." Steve replied with an amused little grin and Eddie knew right then and there that Steve was feeling better if he was getting one of those smiles.
Without warning, Eddie leaned in to press a soft kiss to Steve's lips before pulling back. "Brat." He took a moment to pretend to examine him, going so far as to thoughtfully tap his chin for dramatic effect. "You feel up to watching a movie on the couch with me?"
Steve looked amused at first, but he was quickly looking more and more distracted. "Yeah, I... I think I can manage- that..." His eyes went unfocused as he tried to respond to Eddie's question and Eddie knew pretty quickly what was going on as his eyes flicked to Steve's cherry-red, chapped nostrils that twitched and flared.
"Hiih... IXX'TShhuh!" Steve lurched forward towards their laps again with his powerful sneeze that had tears springing to his eyes. "Ugh, sorry. That might end up happening... more- heh...ihh-hh! ISSHHuh! God, sorry." 
. . .
Twenty minutes later found Steve curled up in Eddie's lap on the couch with Princess Bride playing on their television. Eddie was playing with Steve's hair as his head rested on his shoulder, legs sprawled over his lap.
They were both covered in a blanket and Steve had the box of tissues in his lap, one in his hand which he kept dabbing at his nose with. Eddie was doing his best to pay attention to the movie, but if he was being honest with himself he could quote the whole thing from start to finish just by where in the musical score they were.
So instead he doted softly on Steve who was sleepily watching the movie. Not much energy to do anything else as Eddie pressed soft kisses to his forehead, hair, eyebrows, and even the bridge of his nose once.
Though that had made Steve's eyes well with ticklish tears and his nostrils flared as his breath hitched softly, "E-Ehhddie, that's gonna... huh-! m-make me s-sneeze..."
"Oh, is it?" Eddie practically purred as he lifted a hand to gently tap the pad of his pointer finger against the side of Steve's nose. "Hadn't noticed."
"IHIshhiiew! IXt'Hue!" Steve exploded moments after the tap like that was all he needed to be set off. Eyes watering, bright red nose twitching and shining ever so slightly around the chapped rim. "Ugh, snf! you're a menace, Munson. Absolute snff! menace. Those good for you? Or should I nix the tissues and use you instead?"
A shudder ran through Eddie at Steve's words and he groaned, letting his head tip back. "That's playing dirty, Stevie, and you know it. You can't dirty talk me while you're sick and sneezy." Then came the soft feeling of plump lips traveling over his throat and the subtle brush of a damp nose tip against his Adam's apple.
Eddie would deny at all costs the noise that garnered from him.
It did get Steve to chuckle, though. "Like you tapping my nose isn't playing dirty. You made me sneeze. That- hhh... oh h-hang on... gonna- hihh..."
This time Eddie didn't get to watch Steve's build up, but he could feel it. Every stuttering inhale pressed up against him, the way his fingers curled against Eddie's shirt ever so slightly, and how Steve tucked into his shoulder with a final wavering. "Hihh-ih!" Before finally pressing his face into Eddie's neck and shoulder as he sneezed, "IHHxT'Shuh! Ohh- snf! shit, I forget what I was saying." He admitted, chuckling a little again as he pressed a tissue to his running nose.
Meanwhile, Eddie was getting his heart rate under control and running his fingertips lovingly along Steve's back up and down. "Bless you, pumpkin. Okay, I promise-" And Eddie made a little X over his heart with his free hand. "No more teasing my poor boyfriend's nose unless he asks or he's all better, deal?"
And then Steve gave him a wicked smile. One that only meant one thing. "I never said it was a bad thing, Eds."
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zels-echoes · 26 days
MHA 423 spoilers under the read more so please don’t open if you don’t want to be spoiled.
I am getting really disappointed in fandom constantly jumping to conclusions.
There is so much negativity and despair from everything happening in this chapter with the death of Shigaraki and… For some reason everyone is saying Shirakumo is dead.
First, where the hell does everyone get the idea that Shirakumo/Kurogiri died in this chapter? He WAS going to sacrifice himself to stop AFO, and he started to disappear as he was creating a portal to switch places with Deku, yes, but it got interrupted by Bakugo. Even with the way Rukasu interpreted it says otherwise:
‘Kurogiri starts to disappear but, at the last second, Bakugou appears and propels to deku with his explosions.’
Yes Hori is going write Shirakumo trying to sacrifice himself, get interrupted by Bakugo, and die for no fucking reason having done absolutely nothing there. There’s no way Shirakumo is dead, guys. There’s no point of Bakugo’s entrance being like that if Shirakumo still dies anyway. The point was to say STOP SACRIFICING YOURSELF AND TRAUMATIZING YOUR BEST FRIENDS, OBORO.
Yes I know there’s the panel where we see Shig say ‘Kurogiri..’ as well with what looks like embers of the portal vanishing, but… Nothing really came of that. Nothing to me confirms Kurogiri/Shirakumo is officially dead and gone. There would be no point to writing Bakugo last second interrupting him like that. At all. My bet is the portal vanishing because he went out-cold. He was already exhausted before that. Hell I really don’t think any of the villains are dead except AFO. The only one who deserved death. As well as Shigaraki (note: but not Tenko Shimura).
Second, do you all forget the point of MHA (and Star Wars for that matter since it’s a core influence), is to hold out hope? The final war is supposed to be about saving lives, not losing them. Is Shigaraki dead? Yes, but Tenko Shimura will be saved, and I’m on board with the Phoenix theory because why would it be mentioned that the regeneration half of the quirk was removed before giving it to Tenko? Destruction of Shigaraki is then restored by Shimura. It’s beautiful.
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Third, the manga isn’t over yet. Shonen Jump hasn’t even come out with the announcement on when it’s supposed to end. We likely still have 10-12 chapters left considering this is the start of a new volume. Stop jumping to negative conclusions, give it time, have a little patience before despairing and making such harsh judgements.
Idk, I could be very wrong and just coping. Maybe Shirakumo did die, maybe Shig/Tenko is gone for good. Maybe the end is just full on Star Wars where the Vader/Kylo Ren figure does a good thing by killing evil sith Emperor Palpatine figure then peaces out (sequel ending was stupid af to begin with). Everyone could very much be dead and gone but truly what kind of story would that be? But idk it doesn’t feel hopeful for this story. That’s not saving any of their lives as Deku wanted. You’re telling me they’re just going to up and rebuild society without the perspective they need from the villains who weren’t accepted in the current mold? Is it just going to be on Deku’s shoulders like Luke Skywalker? Spoiler alert: Everything post OG trilogy Star Wars is in the damn shitter with the New Republic and I'm not just talking the sequel trilogy (See: Mandalorian and Ahsoka) and for the love of god WE DO NOT NEED THAT TRASH HEAP OF A SEQUEL TRILOGY REPEAT ANYWAY (I feel bad for Filoni having to pick up the pieces of this trash to make the sequels seem coherent like he had to with the prequels). I don’t believe that for a second. Something is gonna happen. Hori has been taking what we expect from a show like Star Wars and flipping the table on it. Like All Might being an Obi-Wan figure who goes to fight the Vader figure and dies, but surprise, All Might lives instead, because we don't need the master to sacrifice himself and die. The only thing we can do is wait. Horikoshi has been doing a shit load of back and forth between despair and hope, and I sure as hell can’t see it ending on despair.
No more of this solo Luke Skywalker and Rey (yeeshyeeshyeesh) building everything back up with the light side of the force. If you want balance, you need the light and dark working together.
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theprodigypenguin · 5 months
As angry as this situation has made me, it also reminds me how much I love writers in general, and especially in fandom. Like these are a group of people who loved their freaky little guys so much they used 24 letters to compile works with so many words it could rival the Library of Alexandria.
@beyondkailani is LITERALLY the reason I started writing One Piece fanfic. The title of my first official fic was INSPIRED by her because I loved her writing so much. Clipped Wings is my favorite ASL fanfic EVER.
@arielxlazarus helped me write so many of my fics, especially the ship fics, because I would constantly go to her feeling uncomfortable and "idk I don't think it's very good" and she'd help me beta and motivate me enough to the point where I was confident enough to actually post them. So all those IzouSabo fics I have? Those are thanks to her.
"Worn Away With Time" by @leohanan is my favorite Dad Dragon with Sabo fic, yes you heard me so you getter go read it cuz I'm going to start crying.
"Nightmare" by luxiela?
"A Song About First Snow" by winterleaving?
Those fics have carved themselves into my brain and altered the chemistry. Being a writer among writers is such an outrageous experience, because who better to understand you?
I used to be, and still am, obsessed with the Hemingway quote "there's nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed", and I never realized how true that was until I became a writer.
The fics you read at 2 in the morning when the voices are too loud? Those words are scars put out for the world to see, because there is nothing more vulnerable or more feeling than a writer who spends hours upon hours of their life writing fic for free, simply because they are compelled to by the urge to create.
How is that not one of the most amazing things you've ever heard? How can you not immediately respect those people? Whether they're writing smut or gen or anything else, a writer is something so needed in thus exhausting world.
And I really hope one day everyone can agree on that.
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