#i. literally going to cry if the scents are too strong when i try to go back in and try to slerp
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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here’s to hoping for a ✨better✨ next week… _(:3 」∠)_
#really long rant about my ✨work woes✨ incoming— pls lemme have this moment before i cry at the interns on monday—#short summary of my utterly horrendous week go—#on monday: the machines kept taking turns to die (and that stupid self-restarting computer aaaaaaaaaaa—)#tuesday: the machines were horrible (again). and the final chapter of act 1 of the mona manga came out that night (which was much sad :( )#wednesday: was relocated to that acid-using station and got an acid burn on a really inconvenient part of my hand >:(#like yo. acid. why couldn’t you have landed on the back of my hand instead??#why did you *have* to splash onto the left side of the base of my left index finger?? i can’t even wrap a plaster around it and it sucks >:(#thursday: the machines were horrendous too! they refused to pass the daily quality checks!!! and there were tons of samples to load too!#as a bonus this lady kept hijacking the computer to check results or something while i was trying to enter stuff into the job queue thing#(the job queues for the stupid machines that is)#and so i could do absolutely ✨nothing✨ while she did her stuff… and then she complained that my workstation was really slow that day >:/#lady p l s. blame the machines!! and it’s only my literal second day at that station so— :( and you kept stealing control of the computer :(#and then there’s today. friday. (ʘ‿ʘ) the person who loaded the samples last night put said samples into the wrong slots of the machine…#…and so the dumb acid autofiller spewed out acid anyway. which spilled onto the machine and then evaporated (for the most part) overnight#and so! when i popped in to the workstation a good 10 min late (having overslept a little due to believing it was already saturday)…#i noticed the wrongly placed samples,smelled the really strong scent of acid,went ‘ah maybe the toluene reacted with the solvents’…#…and just carried on as per normal. it only clicked that those were acid fumes from the missed samples when my eyes started to water ಥ‿ಥ#and even then i ran off to find a coworker to ask ‘will the thing still autofill if there aren’t any beakers in the indicated slots’…#but ofc i couldn’t articulate properly bc i was ✨lightheaded✨ from the acid fumes. i felt really loopy for almost an hour after that tbh :(#and so i still have no idea how i’m still employed at this place tbh. all i do is blabber nonsensically and forget my coworkers’ names :/#but i think my terrible jokes have become a little more commonplace in the workplace. whoops.#i’d say ‘merry christmas’/‘happy new year’/‘happy birthday’ when i give printouts to others,and now they say it back to me lol#i stg my sense of humour is utterly horrible. no wonder why this higher up lady (probably) secretly dislikes me lol#like she’d say ‘i’ll train you in [test method]’ only to give like a half an hour overview before leaving me to fend for myself </3#on the other hand,she’d train and guide literally every other person for hours on end till they’re familiar with the test method :(#or maybe she thinks i’m too capable (lol). prolly not though. i usually stare confusedly at her like 👁👄👁 through her explanations#well. i think i’m done with my venting for now. see you tomorrow.#inedible blubbering
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missnotbrave · 2 years
my roommate spilled acetone on her bed and then used rubbing alcohol and clorox bleach to clean it out but the scent stuck around and now shes lighting candles and spraying her wet mattress with perfume GIRL MY SENSES ARE BEING BOMBARDED IM NAUSEOUS MY SENSITIVE FRAIL SINUSES CANT DO THIS
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Eeek I love your writing it makes me so 🫶🫶🫶 Can I make a request?
If you do angst to comfort, can you make reader waiting for Alastor to come back (they're married) for seven years? Reader's friends has been pushing them to have a new lover—introducing them to new demons or overlords that the reader might like, but the reader only loves one; which is Alastor. Until Vox made the news that he was back, for months, without looking for the reader. Which makes the reader think Alastor doesn't love them anymore and tries to not be in his attention whenever they meet and pretends to not know him. What will Alastor do? :3 Thank yous!!!
Oh man...that ANGST!!!
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Reader is sad, Suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
When Alastor first dissappears, you assume he's just busy and will be back by the end of the day
And then you wake up alone...so maybe he'll be back tomorrow. Tomorrow turns into a week, a week turns into a month...
He's just gone, suddenly ripped away from you without warning and you didn't even get a proper goodbye
So you search for him, you ask everyone if they've seen him or heard about his whereabouts
You even ask Vox if he managed to kill your husband, knowing the TV head wouldn't be able to resist bragging about it
Instead, he looks surprised and uncomfortable with your obvious distress, muttering something about keeping an eye out for you
Rosie is worried too and offers her help but turns up nothing, she does her best to keep an eye on you
You never give up on finding him, knowing that he's alive out there
After the first three years your friends start trying to get you to move on, setting you up with available bachelors
Valentino has offered to help you get over your husband multiple times because he's just such a good guy
You don't give any of them a chance, you had already found the one man you wanted to be with for eternity and married him
He's just not here at the moment
The pain in your heart is just as strong as when you first realized Alastor was missing, crying yourself to sleep nearly every night
The only time you get to see him now is in your dreams, clutching one of his jackets with his scent still on it
You just feel so abandoned...
After the sixth year, your friends try to get you to move or throw out some of Alastor's things but you can't bring yourself to do it
He's going to come back to you, you know it, so you keep your wedding ring on and still present yourself as a married woman
Rosie makes sure you take care of yourself on the days when your sadness swallows you whole
"Wipe away those tears now, have you eaten today? No? I have just the thing for you.."
Seven years go by and nothing has changed for you
You're sad and miserable, running errands when you suddenly pass by an electronics store, seeing Vox on the TV
That's nothing new to you, you almost turn away and keep walking until you hear Vox say something about Alastor
You're suddenly frozen, listening to Vox bitch about Alastor's multiple offenses during these last few months
He's been back...for months..? And hasn't come to see his wife?
You're blinking away hot tears, the air in your lungs going sour and your stomach doing flips
Did Alastor really abandon you like that? You need to go see the one person who you know has been digging into Alastor for as long as you have
Vox literally screams like a child when you're suddenly bursting into his office and grabbing him by his suit
"How long has my FUCKING HUSBAND BEEN BACK!? And why didn't you tell me, Vox!? WHY!?"
"FUCK! Who let you in here!?"
"VOX!" You're shaking him now, making his screen glitch out
"A-at least a couple of months for sure! He's doing something with Lucifer's daughter and a hotel or some shit! I thought you would've been the first to know he was back!"
Vox is relieved when you finally let go of him, fixing his suit before suddenly giving you a cruel grin
"Wait wait wait-don't tell me-he hasn't come to see you this whole time!? You wait all these years for him and he's shacking up with Lucifer's daughter, a porn star and who knows who else!?"
He suddenly stops laughing when you slam his screen into his desk, storming out afterward so he doesn't see the angry tears in your eyes
"Don't get mad at me because he started a new life without you!"
Vox knew exactly which ugly worries to pull out of your head and you let him get to you
But you knew he was right, looking at all the evidence presented to you...it does look like Alastor is starting over
A small part of you is telling you that he's replaced you somehow but you have enough pride to doubt it
But that self pity comes back to bite you that same night, crying harder than you ever have before
By the end of the week, you've convinced yourself that he doesn't love you anymore, that he got bored of you
You still haven't taken off your wedding ring yet
Imagine your surprise when on your way home you bump into Charlie Morningstar, the princess of hell herself
She somehow managed to crash into you and knock down everything you were carrying, making you sigh and bend down to pick it up
"Oh my gosh, I'M SO SORRY!!" 🥺
You mumble something forgiving back to her, still picking up your things when you hear a familiar voice that makes your heart ache
"Charlie, my dear! What sort of mischief have you gotten int-Y/N?"
You're still as beautiful as Alastor remembers, if not even more so
You can hear the surprise in his voice, along with notes of panic and guilt
You just ignore him, gathering the rest of your things before walking in the opposite direction of them, you don't dare look at Alastor
You know you would break down if you did
He doesn't follow you, nor does he follow you the next time you run into him, or the time after that
It hurts you a little more each time, wanting to know if your husband ever loved you at this point
He doesn't know what boundaries to push with you anymore, he just misses you like crazy
Alastor knows he has to do something-
He tries cornering you the next time he sees you, standing in your way
"Y/N, please just let me explain-"
"I don't know who you're talking about, I'm not who you think I am."
He grabs your wrist, eyeing your wedding band with a frustrated expression
"You're wearing our wedding ring..."
"This is the ring my husband gave to me, and I haven't seen him in years."
You rip away your arm and walk away from him, crying to yourself over how much it hurts
You don't see how his ears lay low, and how he watches you with a regretful expression
He wishes he could just tell you everything, wants to run after you and hold you
But his deal doesn't allow it, he wanted to go straight to you when he got back-never wanted to leave you in the first place
But he was also too ashamed to face you, scared to find that you moved on or that you no longer loved him
He hates that he's hurting his wife like this and it sours his mood for weeks afterwards
Charlie and Vaggie start to understand that Alastor's sudden angry attitude always happens whenever he sees you
But they don't know who you are and they're way too afraid to ask Alastor because he's still digging his claws into everything out of anger
Niffty is actually the one who tells them that you're his wife but Husk explains to them that you're probably pissed at him for disappearing
Charlie is crying at the thought of Alastor and his wife being separated, Vaggie having to comfort her
So the two women get to work on finding you themselves, showing up on your doorstep one day and inviting you to the hotel
It takes a lot of coaxing and convincing from them to finally get you to go with them
You're a bit surprised to hear that Alastor is helping with a hotel centered around the idea of redemption
But you figure he's got some sort of angle, he always does
Alastor isn't there when you three arrive, Charlie having talked your ear off about everything Alastor has been doing to help
Which is unlike him, you're immediately suspicious
But you recognize Husk and Niffty, the little woman running to you and crawling all over you in excitement
"Y/N! Y/N! You're here! Are you gonna stay? Is your house messy? Do you have roaches for me to kill~?"
"Hey Y/N, you look like you need a drink.."
You almost start crying then and there, not having realized how much you missed them too, hugging Niffty tight as you take a seat at the bar
It almost feels like old times, the three of you talking late into the night until it's just you and Husker...
He takes a shot and seems to be preparing himself for something, uncomfortable suddenly
"Y/N...there's something I gotta tell you...about your husband..."
You're expecting to hear the worst, to hear that Alastor cheated, to hear that he's seeing someone new
But what Husk tells you is far FAR from that...you don't know whether to be thankful or horrified
Your husband's soul...owned by someone else? Just what did that man get himself into?
You don't even realize you're crying until Husk is awkwardly hugging you, patting your back gently as you cling to him
At some point, you must've fallen asleep because you wake up in an unfamiliar bed, your face buried in Alastor's neck
You almost relax and fall back asleep before your eyes suddenly pop open, jolting up and shoving him away
Even with what Husk told you, you're still mad at him, he never came back to see you
Alastor wakes up fast enough to realize he's falling off the bed, climbing back up with downward facing ears
"We need to talk, darling.."
"What is there to talk about? You don't want a wife anymore, is that it? Is that why you never came to see me?"
He looks so guilty and upset, his smile tense as he looks away, you have to resist the urge to rub his ears
You flinch away at first when he takes your hands before reluctantly letting him hold them, missing him too much to fight it
"I was too ashamed to face you...there's so much I can't tell you and I was...scared that you would be with someone new."
"Do you have any idea how much pain I was in? Alastor, it nearly broke me.."
He has tears pricking in the corners of his eyes, looking away to try and save face as he pulls you in for a tight hug
"Just please...forgive me and let me be your husband again. I'll do everything I can to fix this..."
It doesn't make up for all the pain you felt for seven years but it's definitely a start
You've missed him too much to continue being angry with him, so you just cling to him and cry
You cry until you both fall asleep again, eventually waking up tangled in each other's arms
He's kissing all over your face, ghosting his lips over your eyes, your nose, your forehead, eventually getting to your lips
You suddenly feel so full of emotion, like you could burst with happiness at finally having Alastor again
You had nearly given up hope that you would feel him, taste his lips, or smell his raw scent ever again
You dig your nails into him when he tries to pull away, forcing him to kiss you longer as his hands bruise your hips
You both are panting by the time you pull away, bodies pressed as close as possible out of a need for contact
His voice comes out like static, leaning in for another kiss as gazes at you with loving eyes
"I have missed you...so much..."
You could cry if it weren't for the fact that you were sick of crying, instead rolling yourself on top of him and kissing along his jaw
"You better prove it to me."
His pleased growl followed by claws digging into your clothes answered you well enough
You know he still has a lot to make up for but this is a good start
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Sorry this one came out so long!! I hope you like it!!
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karasimpno · 1 year
haikyuu men reacting to you getting followed on your way home
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I had something pretty scary happen to me last night, so what better than fictional volleyball men to seek comfort in! (lmao this was actually a year and a half ago, it’s literally been sitting in my drafts that long. happy 1.5k, friends!)
featuring: iwaizumi, bokuto, daichi, sakusa
contains: mention of being followed, fear, comfort, gn!reader
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Iwaizumi starts when you slam the door behind you and fall back against it, letting out a heavy exhale. He looks up from where he’s slicing vegetables for dinner with a concerned expression. “Babe?” he asks, concern lacing his voice, not used to you waiting by the door before kissing him hello. He sets down the knife and walks over to you calmly. “Are you okay?”
The lump that forms in your throat threatens to break as you purse your lips together to keep from crying. “No,” you barely manage to whisper, and before the syllable is even off your lips, one of Hajime’s strong hands is on your waist, pulling you closer. His other hand gently but firmly cups your cheek, drawing your gaze to his, all fiery intensity at seeing his love hurt like this. “What happened?” he whispers.
It comes out in a jumbled, rushed mess - “there was this guy - he was following me, I - whenever I would speed up or - he would walk faster. And I tried to get away, but he crossed the street too and - ” you don’t realize it, but you’re trembling, heart racing again at the memory. It ignites something in your boyfriend.
“I’ll fucking kill him,” Hajime growls, and you don’t doubt him for a second. Your resolve crumples at that very moment, and you fall forward into his sturdy chest, his safe, strong arms instantly wrapping around you. “I was just so scared,” you whisper, and Hajime’s thoughts turn to nothing but you, holding you tight and reassuring you: you’re safe.
You don’t actually realize how scared you were until you see the look on Bokuto’s face when you walk in the door. 
Big, warm, owlish eyes find yours and something inside your chest heaves, sending a shudder through your body. Your boyfriend is already whipping around the kitchen table before you reach can an arm out to steady yourself on the wall. Usually so strong and buoyant, Bokuto almost startles you with his softness as he pulls you into his embrace. Big, strong arms wrap around you and you allow yourself to collapse into the safety they provide.
“Baby...” he whispers against your forehead from where you’re nestled into his neck. A hand snakes up to tangle in your hair and press you closer against him. His fingers are strong, tense, and you can practically read his thoughts - if only I’d been there...
Bokuto bends down and scoops your legs up, which you eagerly wrap around his waist as you bury your face farther into his neck. He smells like sunscreen and cologne and you could almost cry at how comforting that exact scent is. Supporting you with one hand and using the other to rub comforting patterns up and down your back, he gently carries you back to your shared bedroom, where he holds you for the rest of the evening and lets you know - you’re safe, you’re safe.
“Oh my love,” Daichi murmurs, pulling you into his embrace on the couch. His thumb had been gently rubbing over your knuckles as you calmed yourself down enough to tell him what had happened on your way home, but now he can’t keep himself from holding you close. If he had lost you...
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you say firmly. You’re not sure whether you’re reassuring him or yourself, but feeling his strong arms around you is a hell of a lot better than trying to regulate your own heartbeat. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “I wish I could’ve...” but he trails off. He knows right now is not about him.
Instead, he pulls you fully into his lap and tucks your head under his chin, running reassuring fingertips up and down your arm. You feel safe, like he’ll never let you go. You feel your elevated heart rate receding, and you relax into his embrace, feeling better already. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and the two of you sit in silence like that for a long time. 
At one point, after it feels like you two are essentially part of the couch, Daichi puts his hand on your head, his fingers gently scratching your scalp as a low humming begins to resonate from his chest. You always used to catch him singing under his breath when he cooked for you, and the vibrations from his sternum lull you into an even deeper sense of peace now. You forget your worries and for a moment the world is just you and him.
“Come here.”
The words are the first thing you hear when you finally make it back into the safety of your home. If you didn’t know the man any better, you would be sure the words were angry, even aggressive. But no, Sakusa’s voice was just urgent. You exhale shakily, feeling numb, and slip into Sakusa’s quickly-approaching arms.
You had texted him what had happened after hiding in a late-night grocery store to call a ride home instead of walking. Sakusa had demanded to come pick you up but you had insisted on just calling a car instead, because you wanted to be home as soon as possible. Now that you were here, locked in his warm embrace, you just wanted to lay down, the fearful adrenaline leaving your body in a rush.
“Can we just...” you slip out of his arms and barely have the strength to lead him to your shared bedroom and flop onto the mattress, feeling his weight dip onto the comforter alongside you. Intertwining your legs, he takes your face in his hands and rests his forehead against yours, knowing you need peace and comfort right now. His thumb brushes gently across your temples.
“Breathe,” he whispers, and you do, your chest rising and falling in time with his. “I’m right here,” he says, pulling you closer. “I’m not going anywhere, you’re safe, right here.” You don’t even notice the tears forming until they’re dripping onto his shirt, but he just holds you even tighter and grounds you with his touch.
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biblio-smia · 7 months
your new mike angst has literally crushed my heart pretty pls write something sweet to help me recover
ask and you shall receive! (can be read as a part of the mike mini series or apart!)
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mike waits up for you tonight. it's a rare thing and something you always insist he doesn't have to do, but mike thinks about every time you've waited for him (and how full his heart feels when your head peeks over the couch, smile growing as soon as you see him). he frowns every time, shaking his head at you while you roll your eyes and try not to smile. but really, mike has recently discovered that sleep refuses to find him without you in his arms.
mike's heart picks up the pace when he hears your keys jingle, imagining all the keychains you've acquired on your keyring (mostly from abby, a few from him) clicking together to create a harmony that excites him. the lock clicks and mike holds his bottom lip between his teeth as he grins, pulling the blanket over the bottom half of his face to hide his smile. the door creaks a little as it opens and mike hears that lovely jingle one more time as you hang your keys. there's soft thuds - one, two - as your shoes hit the ground and a change in the sound of your footsteps once you're on the carpet.
you come up behind the couch, peering over to see the vague outline of mike, his body made identifiable by the top half of his head. he's breathing softly, making the blanket on him rise and fall, the corners of his eyes slightly crinkled - but he's not fooling you.
"is the love of my life asleep?" you smile, set your arms and head down on the back of the couch, waiting for mike's eyes to magically open.
they don't, but the blanket slips down to reveal his toothy smile.
"yes," mike's mouth jokes as one eye opens, just a little, to finally peek at you.
"i meant abby," you grin and mike rolls his eyes, smile not quite disappearing. he's sitting up and you're leaning down, meeting each other halfway. mike cups your face softly as you kiss, your hands still holding on to the back of the couch to keep yourself from falling too far.
but then there's a strong tug on your body and half of it's over the couch.
"mike!" you cry, pulled off-balance, one hand coming up to the arm of the couch to steady yourself. mike only smiles as you accidentally cage him in; grins as, with one more pull, you're on top of him. the groan of his name is muffled by his own lips and the blanket traps you more than it covers you, thoroughly entangled between mike's body and yours.
"mike-" you pull back but mike chases your lips, interrupting you. your eyes are closed but they still roll, a small smile forming at mike's desperation.
he finally lets you go, taking in fresh air through small pants. your head's in his neck and his arms hold you close, the warmth mike radiates suddenly reminding you how tired you are. you can tell by mike's quietness that his brain has also begun to catch up with his body.
"dinner?" mike asks softly, fingers rubbing at stray patches of skin.
"mmm," you groan, burying your face deeper into mike's skin. "too tired." it's funny how the alertness you carried with you only a few minutes ago has drained out of your body as soon as you'd fallen into mike's arms.
"you should eat something."
you move your head, tilting your head downwards and biting mike's shoulder. "there."
mike laughs, moving your head back so that your nose hits the crook of his neck because he loves the feeling of your lips on his skin, even if they aren't moving.
the dull scent of mike's body wash reminds you that you need to shower, too.
you groan and try to lift yourself off of mike.
"what are you doing?" his voice is a little raspy and you realize he's falling asleep.
"i gotta shower, baby," you respond softly, lips pressing against his jaw before he looks at you. you're grateful for the still-on television that illuminates him for you, his tired eyes and small frown making you smile.
mike makes a whining sound in his throat, rolling over so that you sandwich him between the back of the couch. your hands are in his hair for only a few moments before you realize it will only reduce your chances of escape.
"you're too tired," he suggests, rubbing circles on your back to try to coax you to sleep. it's working, your will breaking down the longer you breathe in mike's scent.
you wrap your arms around mike and you roll. you didn't upgrade that old twin sized bed for nothing. there's a soft thump and you take most of the fall, groaning a little as mike's weight presses against you. it's only for a second, though, as mike lifts himself off, his arms by the sides of your head. this isn't much better.
"get off."
"mike." you can't even pretend to be serious, laughter slipping out the second mike's lips are on your cheek. "i have to shower!"
mike groans and warms your face with soft kisses before he finally rolls off. your senses begin to come back and you take advantage of the remnants of your awakeness, dashing to the bathroom to make the trip fly by as quickly as possible.
mike has a warm plate of food waiting once you're out - he had woken up, too. you're impatient to finish and mike can tell, moving to make sure the kitchen's all clean so you don't choke on your food. the dishes are rinsed but will have to wait until tomorrow for a proper cleaning, because you're in mike's arms in no time.
mike has learned to only brush his teeth when you are, too, because the two-minute-long wait is agonizing unless he's doing it with you.
the light gets flicked off and the two of you are careful managing your way in the pale moonlight that shines through the cracks in the blinds. but this route is familiar and you find your bed as well as you would with the lights on, your fingers pulling at the sheets to make room for you and mike.
there really wasn't a point for such a big bed when you sleep with half your body on mike. he likes it like this, loves the feeling of you on his chest, of half your torso slung over his. it's comforting, the heat of your body and the smell of your skin. there are soft mumblings about your days, words like a lullaby, only spoken to push the other to sleep. it's okay; it'll come up again tomorrow over breakfast (or maybe brunch; tomorrow's saturday).
halfway through a story that was no longer making sense, the two of you are asleep, breathing even and slow. nothing wakes the two of you - not shifts in positions throughout the night, not the sunlight shining through under the blackout curtains, not the creaking of the bedroom door. mike is only vaguely aware of another presence in the room as your sleepy eyes part slightly, shifting and patting a space for a little body to join you. his hand pulls the covers up and the three of you find sleep again.
mike ends up cooking breakfast for dinner that day.
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requests for mike schmidt are open!
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thebottomfromhell · 2 months
wait: you the moment Muzan was asking that person if they looked sickly? before he killed them I mean what if, that happened again with someone else(reader, perhaps?) but they end up being blind (and he didn't know until reader subtly points it out)? like he asks and reader says 'I'm not sure what you're asking, but you sound pretty healthy.' all genuine smiles and all
I would change the scene a bit for it to make sense, but Muzan encountering blind reader is a lovely idea.
So, also I did this one before others I still owe cuz I'm literally sick, and I always become lazy when sick, and it was the one I needed to think the least. I should feel better by Monday, but I wanted to keep the promise of 2 post per week.
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Muzan encounters GN Blind Reader in the scene of the alley
Warnings: Mentioned non-character human death, Implied life-threat to reader and Open ending.
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You were born blind. Your mother more often than not said you cried a lot, both as a baby and as a toddler, scared, because you couldn't see anything. The second you didn't have someone touching you you feared you got lost or abandoned, so you cried. You stopped crying when you started to grow up, thankfully your parents were quite wealthy, so you never had problems with being sustained, even if with your current condition living a normal life, like getting a job and starting a family, is harder than normal.
You never let that bother you, though. Also, your other senses do help you around a lot. You can hear, smell and touch your way through most places, so as long as you have your loyal can, you are more than fine. This night, you can sense due the lack of sun rays in your skin, is a busy one. You don't even know what took you so long, since you were only buying some sweets in a shop you go a lot. Since the woman that makes the sweets knows about your condition, sometimes she sneaks some more samples, thinking you don't realize the rations are bigger than normal. Still, it's an endearing gesture.
But the crowd tonight is making it harder to go home, it's too loud and full tonight, so using the temperature of the walls you guide yourself to an alley, there the stones are colder since they didn't get the sun's heat during the day. Then... there is a scent of blood. You know how it smells, since you were little you were able to recognize your mother's periods to the smell in the kitchen when the cooks are cutting the meat. But in those times the smell was diluted, but now it's strong, pungent. Is someone bleeding out? Should you call for help?
No, if it's so bad, it's probably a murder in the alley, if you draw the attention to yourself you might be the next victim, so you make the best to calm yourself. You are blind, so as long as you pretend to be oblivious to what is going on, you might have a chance to flee. You have done this before, not with MURDER, but you have had your fair share of stories of finding people having sex in alleys, and pretending to not know.
"What are you doing standing there like a freak? Can't you see what is going on?" Says a voice, it's rather sweet and soft, clearly manly, you would dare to bet it's a healthy man from his twenties to his mid thirties. In any other situation, you might have even been smitten by the voice. But now.... "No sir, as you might have realized... I can't see. Did I interrupt on something?" You ask, trying your best to keep your nerves under control. You hear steps, shoes with platforms from the west? Is the murder someone wealthy? They are comming towards you. And you know it's not the victim. The victim would beg, run, shove you to scape... not walk calmly towards you.
You move your staff on the ground, making little hits from side to side, hoping it will make this person keep it's lenght as distance. He stops when you hear the edge hit his leg. You stop the movement. "Scaping the crowd, huh? Seems we are not so different from one another. I'm sorry for my tone earlier, I needed some time alone, the city can be upseting at times." Before he sounded as if he was containing his anger, but now... it's gentle, even nice. You can feel hands, not so big or thick, but very strong, in your shoulders, as he guides you to turn around back to the streets. "This alley is infested by pests, let me help you in the way out. Let's go sit somewehre else." You let him, because you are afraid of what he will do if you don't.
You do relax in the crowd for once, though, since is improbable he will do anything to you in front of other but... no one is reacting. Shouldn't he be covered in blood? Then again, he doesn't feel wet, even id the faint smell is still there. Also, he moves you gently, making sure you don't trip or bump into anyone or anything, constantly telling your the name of the streets you are going and describing them for you to know where you are, more or less. He is precise, you know exactly how to go home from here. Part of you wonders if you should tell the authorities, but... would they believe you?
"Here. Here we should be able to rest." You both sit on a bench, there is something off about this man, but you don't know what. "So, what is your name? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." You nerviously grip tight the bag where you have your sweets, not knowing how to react. "Y/N...." you answer, if only to be polite. "Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you. Do you live nearby? Have anyone who is supposed to pick you up?" You don't give the exact location, but you asnwer "I live near by. With your descriptions I should be able to get home from here by my own."
"Is it really? Then, I have other matters to answer to, so I will stop keeping you. We might see each other again." He says and... gone... you use you staff after some seconds of silence to check and he is really gone. Or farther than the staff's full lenght's reach. How? You didn't hear any steps or sense any movement. He is just gone. What? How?
You stay in the bench for a while, could it be that you have gone mad? Is this a dream? Was it part from your imagination? Was the man a ghost? You stay a while trapped in your thoughts before going home. Some days pass, weeks, more than a month, and you get to almost forget about the experience. It probably wasn't what you thought, and you will never se that man again, so why worry.
Then, one night your father tells you to go to the main room to meet his new business partner adopted son's. He is a lot younger than you, around half your age, but it seems it will be your job to entertain the child while your parents make business. The kid is very quiet while everyone else is here, it makes you wonder if he is even there. Then, you hear it again. "I told you we would meet again, Y/N." You freeze, it isn't coming from the child, is it? "How would you react if I told you I can give you sight?" You are blind under the situation, no pun intended... Just who the hell is this guy?
"My name is Kibutsuji Muzan, never repeat it."
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faetima · 28 days
Hi!! Can I please request a hanahaki fic with blade? I'm not sure if you've written for him though!
Also, please take some breaks! You've written a lot of fics lately, you might get overworked 🤍
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𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. .
. .hanahaki just had to put you through fucking hell, didn't it?
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, blood ; gn reader ; modern au, hanahaki au
i will be writing a part two to this.. soon enough :3
you couldn't do anything about this stupid disease anyways, so what was the point of even trying?
you heaved up clusters and clusters and clusters of ugly bright red petals, their sickly sweet scent making its way up to your nose. you felt so fucking nauseous and dizzy. the fragrant miasma of flowers overwhelmed you. you wanted to vomit or cry or die or anything but cough up these dumb stupid flowers.
the flowers flopped onto your floor--your newly polished floor-- ungracefully, covered in slick mucus and freshly coated in splatters of blood. they smeared the previously pristine tiling with blood, the iron stench of it mixing with the flowers and filling up the entire room. you just wanted the disease to kill you already. if it was going to either way, why make you suffer?
after what felt like hours and hours and hours and hours of coughing and heaving and choking, the flowers finally stopped fucking coming. you took shaky shallow breathes, trying to ground yourself.
your palms stung, and you looked down to realize you had been digging your nails into the palms of your hand almost strong enough to draw blood.
your gaze trailed up to the stupid fucking flowers.
upon closer inspection, you realized they were spider lilies. red ones.
his favorite flowers.
too bad you hated them.
his eyes were the same exact color of the flowers you had just coughed up.
blade sat two seats in front of you and one to the right, and whenever you saw him you couldn't help but wonder why you had fallen for him.
he was always so indifferent and cold. sure there might've been something warmer under his icy exterior, but you weren't the type of person to go dig through someone's cold attitude just to find out what they were actually like.
but some days you wished you knew what was under that cold front of his.
you were getting worse.
you'd barley come out of your room to stretch your legs or go to the bathroom or even eat.
the spider lilies were killing you from the inside out. of course you had to have hanahaki for someone who probably hated you, if he even knew you existed, that is.
and, on top of that, out of all flowers, the ones you coughed up had to be toxic.
if just hacking up the flowers was bad, the nausea they caused because of being toxic was worse. you couldn't even go five minutes without feeling abdominal pain and nausea.
blade swallowed hard.
why did he feel like this? why did his heart beat so fast when this random ass person passed by?
he gritted his teeth.
"kafka," he grumbled, barley glancing in her direction.
kafka glanced up from her book, setting it down elegantly and tucking a strand of mauve hair behind her ear, adjusting the tinted glasses sitting atop her head in the process.
"yes, bladie?" she grinned a little, and blade could only groan in irritation.
"who's that?" he muttered, gesturing towards the person he had been thinking about earlier.
"why?" kafka mused. "you've never been interested in learning others' names before now. what's changed?"
"nothing," he muttered gruffly, crossing his arms across his chest. his ears felt hot and his heart was beating faster and he was getting butterflies and he didn't know why.
kafka grinned, eyes glinting with amusement.
"ooh, i think someone has a crush."
"okay, let's go talk to them then bladie."
"why not? is it cause you like them?"
"..fine. let's go talk to them."
your head fell forward a little. another sleepless night of coughing up flowers didn't bring you any good.
suddenly, your eyes snapped open.
was that.. blade? walking towards you? with kafka?
no, it probably wasn't. you were probably just sleep deprived and hallucinating or something.
but then you smelt the strong and unmistakable scent of anise, too real to be your imagination.
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okkalo · 1 year
This is my first time requesting but hear me out
You’re rin’s partner who’s hospitalized and rin came to visit you after the u-20 match but the bllk boys saw him buying flowers and going to the hospital as they were following him out of curiosity
hi anon! thanks for the request! this is so cute to think of jdjdidhd i hope u have a good day/night!
i did these in headcanon format because it was easiest for me to write,, i hope you don’t mind!!
warnings: spoilers!! proceed at your own risk
character: rin
a mistake meeting
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- he literally thought of you everyday (god he feels so lukewarm right now)
- remember the phone privileges they could get during the first selection? probably uses it to text you because missed you so much
- undoubtedly tries to show off during the u-20 match to impress you (and sae)
- the day he goes to visit you happened to be the same day the blue lock boys hung out together
- the group catches him at the flower shop after their free dinner with the ex u-20 members
- reo probably has to hold bachira back from running up to greet rin
- it was roses and orchids to mean “i miss you” but in a romantic way ;)
- they all probably stood silent for a good minute and just watched rin in disbelief
- they stood that way until rin started to leave the flower shop
- “let’s go follow him!” was bachira’s wise idea
- and so they did.
- barou left. he didn’t want to be apart of stupid acts.
- chigiri’s and yukimiya’s curiosity were the only reasons why they stayed. no one knows why nagi stayed tbh he just continued following everyone though
- tokimitsu was dragged by bachira.
- the rest were actually curious and didn’t mind following him
- imagine this huge group trying to tail a guy while trying to be discreet about it
- they got a lot of weird looks.
- karasu kept smacking the back of bachira’s head to get him to shut up
- the only reason they didn’t get caught is because they were pretty far away from rin.
- anyways the hospital wasn’t far from the flower shop
- it’s a WONDER how they got past the person who checks people in
- probably said they were with “that guy” (they pointed at rin while he walked away to the room you were in)
- another wonder is how rin still hasn’t noticed them
- yk how u get stickers showing you got approved to go further into the hospital?
-imagine how long this whole thing took 💀💀 all of them just dumbly standing in front of the sticker machine like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
- if we’re being real and you could only have a certain amount of visitors (idk what the actual amount is help) they would send bachira and tokimitsu (they figured rin would go easy on them)
- we’re going to continue the unrealistic whole group visiting scenario though because it’s funnier.
- rin, still oblivious to this all, made his way into your room
- rin says he never cries but he was about to when he saw your face light up in excitement (im about to cry too.)
- IMMEDIATELY engulfs you in a strong hug, his head burying itself in your neck as he inhaled your scent
- if you’re crying he will wipe your tears with the softest look on his face
- awkwardly hands you the bouquet
- also awkward with his first words with you
- probably stares at you with the soft look while a, “hi,” leaves him
- you guys start your conversation while the rest of the blue lock boys finally find the room rin went to
- meanwhile otoya is thinking of how to rizz you up 💀
- they watched in silence for a good minute, bachira taking pictures to send to isagi later
- they wouldn’t even have gotten caught if it weren’t for the nurse who loudly asked if they needed something
- at that both you and rin look back at the door and just see all of them dumbly looking at the nurse
- they’re so stupid help me
- rin immediately goes red STEAM COMING OUT OF HIS EARS
- please put a hand on his arm. it’ll remind him not to go ballistic
- the nurse awkwardly walks off, noticing rin’s now scary demeanor
- cue the awkward laugh with them all scratching the back of their head from the group
- except for bachira. “hi, rin!” he excitedly waved at him then at you. wave back.
- “hey, you were the guys who played with rin in that match!”
- your excited tone was the only reason rin hadn’t started yelling yet.
- bachira took that as an invitation to just walk in and start talking with you
- he probably sits himself in between you and rin on the bed 💀
- otoya absolutely flirts with you during this time as well.
- just pray rin didn’t kill them all after they left…
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unedited thanks for reading!
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮...
Part Two
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x (female) Reader, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x (female) Reader
Summary: you have a fwb situation going on with both Bradley and Jake; it’s supposed to be just sex, no feelings, and yet… you’re in love Bradley and Jake’s in love with you…
Warnings: Jake is the literal softest™️ babyboy ever, use of ‘y/n’ like once or twice, angst, smut, bit of dry humping, oral (f receiving), fingering, penetrative sex (m+f), tiny bit of cockwarming, minors DNI
A/N: ahhhh it’s here!!! I’m so excited about this, I love this fic so fucking much honestly and I really really hope you do too! idek why tbh but its just genuinely become one of my most favourite things I’ve ever written, I’m just in love with it and I’m in love with Hangman! I really hope you guys enjoy this!
Read Part One
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Your other… situation-ship. 
At this point you couldn’t really remember how it had happened; how you had ended up being friends-with-benefits with both Bradley and Rooster. Rooster came to you to fuck out his frustrations and pains. And you suppose the repercussions of that were usually what lead you here. To Jake.
Jake’s face lights up when he sees you in his doorway, that all too familiar cocky smirk of his adorning his face. But his expression falters when he finally takes in the look on your face. His eyes light up with sympathy, his brow creasing with concern, the muscles in his jaw jumping with anger. You quickly realise that Jake had almost immediately sussed out what had happened; it wasn’t exactly something new. You almost break down again, the lingering pain over Bradley was like a thorn in your side, ever persistent and present. Jake takes a deep breath, as if he was trying to control his temper.
“What did he do this time?” He grinds through his tensed jaw.
You just shake your head as your lip quivers. You bite down on it, desperately trying to stop yourself from breaking down again. You’d had enough with the crying. Enough with the hurt. Jake gives you understanding nod before he reaches out for you, pulling you into his strong chest. 
You hear the faint sound of the door closing as you tuck your head into the space between his impressive pectorals. Your hands fist into his shirt as you hold onto him tightly. His arms snake around your back, holding you impossibly close to him. His hands are flat against your back, rubbing soothing circles on your body. He lets his chin rest on the top of your head, tucking you into him. You inhale Jake’s scent, his deep earthy musk mixed with the subtle smell of jet fuel that lingered on all the Top Gun pilots. You breathe in his comforting smell over and over as you work on steadying and slowing down your breathing. He holds you with a gentle firmness. But beneath it you could feel the anger that rippling off him, barely contained and threatening to reach the surface. 
“Seriously, what did he do?” Jake asks again.
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” you mumble into his white shirt.
It was half true; Rooster leaving right after sex wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. But what was out of the ordinary was that kiss. That god-forsaken kiss. It had left both you and Rooster reeling and neither of you had known how to handle it, so instead you’d each lashed out at the other.
Jake pulls away slightly, his hands landing on your upper arms as he looks at you. He shakes his head with a kind of sad disbelief. 
“I don’t believe you,” he tells you blankly.
You shrug, trying to force a small smile onto your face. Jake just shakes his head in disappointment as he looks as you. You feel almost guilty, like maybe you shouldn’t have come here. That maybe it was unfair on him somehow.
“I just want to help, y/n,” he sulks with a small frown that tugs at your heart strings.
You instinctively reach up a hand to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing over his impeccable cheek bone. You sigh quietly, “I know.”
Before you can stop yourself, you’re pushing up on your toes to close the gap between your faces. Your lips push against his gently, moving slowly as he tenderly reciprocates the motion. He lets out a soft hum as his body finally starts to relax, some of his anger at Rooster starting to dissipate as he melts into your kiss. His hands stroke down your back until they move to land on your waist. You kiss him for a moment more before you pull away, your hand staying on one of his biceps as you turn to make your way further into Jake’s house. As you twist and step forward a small surge of pain flares through your lower abdomen. It didn’t actually hurt that much, but the surprise of it was enough to have you sucking in a sharp breath and doubling over forward’s slightly, your hand tensing on Jake’s arm.
Concern quickly laces Jake’s face as he looks down at you.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He asks urgently, his hand resting lightly on the small of your back.
“It’s nothing,” you shrug again, hoping Jake wouldn’t catch the heat rising to your cheeks. “Just a bit sore,” you attempt to make the comment sound as light as possible.
You can literally feel Jake’s body tense beside you, his body practically rippling with anger.
“From him?” He asks curtly.
You avert your eyes from him. That, and your silence, are enough to answer Jake’s question. He shakes his head in a gesture that exudes both anger and disbelief. All of that fury from before comes racing back into his body. You see Jake’s other hand ball into a fist, the veins in his forearm jumping. He closes his eyes briefly as he takes another deep breath, fighting every urge he had to jump in his truck and go beat the shit out of Rooster right then.
“Fuck, y/n,” he exclaims. “Don’t you think you deserve better than that? Better than him fucking you and then tossing you aside? Because that’s exactly what happened, right? Again?” 
You flinch at the bite of his words. 
“That’s just what our arrangement is,” you mumble sadly. 
Jake carefully turns you by your hips, moving you to face him. His eyes are pained as they meet yours. His hands are holding onto your waist, strong enough to hold you in place but light enough they weren’t painful like Bradley’s grip had been earlier. 
“It’s not that different from us,” you say casually.
And yet you immediately regret your words when you catch the look on Jake’s face. His face falls, his gaze slipping away from yours as he stares at nothing, a painful sadness creeping over his expression. 
“But don’t you want more than that?” He breathes quietly.
You almost glare at him for that comment. It was unfair. He knew you were in love with Bradley. And this comment, as small as it was, felt like he was throwing it back in your face.
“You know that I do!” You snap back at him.
Pain flashes across Jake’s face again, his eyes closing almost as if he was physically hurt.
“But with him, right?” His voice sounds strained, like it was a fraction away from breaking.
You falter for a second, completely bewildered and thrown off by the comment.
“I- I don’t-“ you scramble, your heart straining as Jake’s face grew sadder still. “I don’t know,” you whisper.
He shakes his head sadly again.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Jake,” you breathe so quietly it’s almost inaudible.
Jake’s eyes open suddenly, snapping up to meet yours again. There’s an intensity burning behind his pained eyes that has your insides squirming. 
“I want you to say that you want more,” he looks at you earnestly. “I want-,” he sighs shakily, “I want you to say that you want more… with me.” 
The world around you goes blurry as you take in his words. Take in his meaning. The only thing in sharp focus was the desperately earnest look on Jake’s face as he looked at you.
You’d never thought to let yourself love Jake. You had just assumed he wasn’t the type to be in a relationship, and so you’d never thought to dwell on it too long. 
Granted, it didn’t seem Bradley was the type for a relationship either, given his emotional unavailability. But, somehow, you’d managed to kid yourself that you’d be the one to break through. Stupid, you thought to yourself.
But now here you were, with Jake staring at you pleadingly, all cards on the table. Being emotionally open in a way you could have only dreamed of having with Bradley.
As you look at him you feel something inside you start to stir, like your insides were turning soft and buttery. A gentle warmth flowed through you, a kind of comfort and safety you don’t think you’d ever felt before. Your heart aches, but it somehow felt good. The way a heart aches for someone you love. The ache of wanting, needing to be around them. The tug of one soul to another. 
You feel your heart start beat faster as he looks at you, your pulse thrumming in your ears. Your hands feel light, almost numb. His hands are warm where they had moved to cup your face, his thumbs absent-mindedly stroking over your cheeks. A tremor takes over your fingers as you tentatively reach out for Jake, hands slipping around his neck. Your eyes search his, just as his search yours, before he very slowly inches his face towards yours.
It’s like the whole world slows down. The fleeting moment of Jake’s head dipping to meet yours somehow dragging out to eternity. And then, when his lips brush against yours with the lightest of touches, you suddenly knew what it meant when people said they felt ‘fireworks’. Your insides sizzled, your entire body coming alive. But it was more than just the physical. It was as if your very soul was alight with a yearning passion that you’d never felt before. Even in just this gentle kiss there was an intimacy and closeness that you’d never felt with Jake before. The type of intimacy you had only dreamed of with Bradley.
The kiss isn’t rushed. It was like the two of you were learning each other’s mouths for the first time all over again. His tongue sweeps lightly over your lips, silently checking in with you, asking for that permission to take things a step further. You answer him with a soft moan, parting your lips slightly to allow his tongue to hesitantly sweep against yours. He takes his time still, languidly exploring your mouth with his tongue, tasting you as if he’d never get enough. Gentle moans leave your mouth as Jake devours you with a gentle hunger. He matches each of your moans with soft groans of his own. 
Jake takes a step forward to close the gap between your bodies, his hips connecting with yours. Your stomach is flush against his as you lean into his body, curving your spine to connect as much as your body with his as you could. Jake’s hands slowly move away from your face, caressing your body as he moves to land his hands on your hips. His hands stay hovering just on the surface of your body, not pressing into you. It was as if he knew that under your jeans lay bruises in the shape of finger prints from Bradley.
He keeps kissing you for a while, the two of you simply enjoying the feel of each other’s lips, the closeness of your bodies. You feel your insides jump when his big hands slowly and gently slide to caress your ass. He kneads and squeezes your cheeks tenderly, using it to pull your body even closer to his. His hips start to gently rock against yours as he guides you forwards softly, the two of your bodies moving slowly and gently together. A high-pitched moan lodges in your throat as you keep kissing him deeply. You hear him groan against your mouth, feeling his dick jump slightly in his loose joggers as he starts to grow hard.
After a few minutes he stops his kneading. He then gives your ass two light pats with his hands. Your lips twitch with a tiny smile even as they still move with his. That was Jake’s go-to signal for you to jump up.
You go to oblige his silent request, cocking your leg up to fit over his hip but you hiss in a breath of pain, breaking the kiss, as a small flare of soreness shoots through you. Jake holds you steady by the waist, his strong hands still so gentle.
“You okay?” He ducks his head to look at you.
You just nod your head and grab onto his shoulders, pulling yourself against him, not wanting this moment to be over. Thankfully it seems Jake seems to feel the same. He brushes his lips across yours swiftly before he bends down and promptly swoops you into his arms, picking you up and cradling you in his arms. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, holding on tight.
“Allow me, ma’am,” he winks at you, emphasising his Texas drawl.
You can’t help the small giggle that escapes you. Jake reciprocates with a deep chuckle as he starts to make his way up the stairs, carrying you all the way through his place until you reached his bedroom. He takes you straight over to his grand bed, lying you down onto the dark forest green sheets. He climbs over you, slotting his hips between yours but not pushing against you too much. He was still taking his time with you, being gentle and cautious. You weren’t sure how much more of it you could take. Both your heart and your body were now aching for this man.
Jake kisses you again, slowly, languidly. His hips rest above yours, pressing into you lightly but without moving. He has one arm bent beside your head, supporting his weight whilst his hand cupped your neck, his thumb brushing along the edge of your jaw. His other hand sat on the curve your waist, that thumb also brushing against your body in a soft, reassuring gesture. 
The kiss slowly but surely starts to grow more hungry, more intense. His tongue glides over yours as his body slowly starts to rock against yours, his clothed cock pushing against your clothed cunt. You didn’t even care that you were somewhat sore and sensitive from Bradley. You wanted Jake. You needed Jake. Now.
You moan slightly louder into the kiss, starting to move your body with more fervour against his. You drag his shirt up his back, bunching it at his broad shoulders, begging for him to take it off. He obliges with a small smirk against your lips, pulling away for a fraction of a second just to toss his shirt to the floor before his mouth is immediately back on yours. 
Jake continues to just kiss you. Even as his body gently grinds against yours. Even as you can feel how painfully hard he is beneath his black sweatpants. He lets you set the pace, not pushing you any further than what you were ready or wanting for.
But you definitely were wanting more. You widen your legs beneath him, pushing out your knees, allowing him to grind his crotch even deeper and even closer to yours. You gasp into his mouth, your jaw going slack and hanging open as he humps you just right, the curve of his impressive cock hitting just the right spot, pushing against your covered clit. Jake continues to kiss you even as you lose focus. He licks into your mouth, more soft groans emanating from deep in his chest.
“J-Jake…” you plead with a pathetic whine, your nails digging painfully into the hard muscles of his back. “Please.”
He groans at your plea, moving to begin kissing along your jaw.
“Shh, don’t worry, princess,” he coos quietly as his lips trail across your throat. “I’m gonna take care of you. Show you how you deserve to be treated,” he promises gently.
Your mind is so dizzy from the intensity burning between you and Jake that you barely acknowledge the dig at Bradley. 
Jake begins a soft assault of kissing and biting at your neck. He nips your skin gently before sucking at it softly, bringing to the surface an artwork of delicate bruises. He continues to take his time, not rushing, simply enjoying his work as he coats you in small bruises. Your hands run through his hair, tugging at it whilst simultaneously pushing his head, keeping him as close as physically possible against you. His hands reach for the hem of your own shirt just as he places a delicate kiss to the hollow of your throat. His hands toy with the edge of the fabric for a moment, waiting for that indication of permission before continuing. You just tug at his hair even harder, signalling for him to carry on. 
You feel his lips curve into a smile as he places one more kiss to your throat before he’s pulling your shirt over your head and throwing it to join his on the floor.
Within a second you lean up and grab his face again, smashing it against your own with another desperate moan. You arch your back and push into him, the softness of your breasts colliding with the solid wall of his chest. Your hands scrape over his scalp, tugging on his short hair tightly, eliciting a deep groan from him which you swallow greedily. He allows you to kiss him for a brief moment before he pulls back to look down at you. He smiles wistfully as his eyes rake across your naked torso.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says slowly. “You deserve the fucking world,” he whispers as his head dips to begin another assault of love bites across your skin.
Now he kisses lower, moving down your chest, kissing every inch of you he could access. Your body practically shudders when his mouth reaches one your breasts. His bites at the soft skin, eliciting a sinful moan from you. He sucks a bruise to the surface before he pays the same attention to your other breast, kissing his way across your chest to reach it. You then feel one of his large hands land on your free breast, palming and kneading it softly.
A whimper of his name leaves your throat as he begins pinching your nipple between his fingers, squeezing it lightly; hard enough for you to mewl at the sensation but gentle enough that it didn’t hurt. He does the same to your other nipple, but this time with his mouth. His gently tugs your nipple between his teeth pulling it lightly before letting you go.
At this point you could actually feel the wetness that had grown between your legs as you ached for this man. Ached and longed for his touch. You could almost thank the heavens when you finally feel one of Jake’s hands slip between your bodies. His fingers run along the hem of your jeans, running from one hip to the other and back again. He was again silently checking in and asking for permission at each step, another thing that just made your insides melt at this insanely sweet and soft side of Jake that he let almost no one other than you see. You answer his silent question by bucking your hips up deliberately.
He moans against your breast, the vibrations seeping into your chest. He looks up at you with those angelic green eyes of his, making your heart thump wildly in your chest.
“Tell me if you need, or want, to stop,” he nods at you gently.
You return his nod swiftly, one of your hands stroking the back of his head. It’s then that he begins kissing his way further down your body. His eyes stay on yours the entire journey down your body until his lips brush against the top of your jeans. He gives your breast a final squeeze with the hand that was still resting there before he uses both of his hands to undo your jeans and pull them down your legs, throwing them to the floor. He groans hungrily when he takes in the sight of you just in your panties, squirming on the bed as you wait in aching need for him. 
“So fucking perfect,” he hums mostly to himself.
Jake slowly starts to kiss his way up your legs. He starts with your ankle, his large hand holding your leg in place as his lips trail fire across your skin. He kisses and nips up your calf, kissing the inside of your knee, before his mouth trails even higher, his warm lips caressing the soft skin of your thighs. He bites a bit harder at the soft skin of your thighs, repeating his nipping and sucking motion, pulling even more marks to the surface of your skin. Your hands quickly race to cup his head, pulling him closer to where you wanted him. He smirks, placing a quick kiss to your clothed cunt before he finally hooks his long fingers into the waist band of your panties and leans back enough to pull them down and off your legs. 
You sigh in content and let your head fall back as you pull Jake back towards your centre, your legs falling open as you invite him in. 
But he hesitates for a moment. You sit up on your elbows to look at him and find him there with a serious, contemplative look on his face. You’re about to question what’s wrong when you catch where his gaze had fallen.
On the bruises that Bradley had left on your hips.
You feel an inexplicable heat rush to your cheeks. Your heart almost stings as you take in the look on his face. His face was reading a mixture of hurt and a kind of wistful sadness. And shimmering on the surface was this ripple of anger. He brings up a hand to caress your hip, his thumb swiping over the dark marks gently.
“It was consensual, if that’s what you’re worried about,” you whisper in a nervous stammer.
Jake shook his head lightly, leaning down to place the softest of kisses across the bruises.
“It wasn’t,” he hums against your skin. “I know Rooster’s a good guy really,” Jake muses thoughtfully, “I know he wouldn’t hurt you. Not in a way you didn’t want. Not physically anyway.”
You feel your chest tighten at the reminder, a stab of pain shooting through your heart. Yes, Bradley had fucked you so hard you were sore. But Jake was right, that had been a given, something you had accepted and consented to. It was the emotional pain that hit you so incredibly hard; that kind of pain was something else entirely. You try to empty your head of the thoughts as you drag a pointed foot up Jake’s back, tucking your leg in to pull him closing to you, hoping he’d pick up on the fact that you really didn’t want to dwell on it. Didn’t want to be thinking about it, or Bradley himself, during this incredibly beautiful and tender moment with Jake.
“I just don’t like seeing his marks on you,” he pauses for a second, his eyes unfocused. “I never did,” he admits.
There it was again. That easy honesty. That emotional vulnerability. Availability.
You didn’t know to respond so you just give him a soft, slightly sad, smile. You reach out a hand to cup his face, stroking his face with your fingers. He sighs lightly before twisting his head to place a kiss to your palm. He stays like that for just a moment, just looking up at you from between your legs. 
But thankfully it’s not long before he’s placing a final kiss to one of the bruises before he moves to kiss down your lower stomach. He kisses you all the way down, his lips moving across your pubic bone until he reached your pussy lips. He looks up at you again just as he pushes out his tongue and swipes it between your folds. 
An involuntary moan rips from you as his tongue licks from your dripping hole up to your clit over and over again, slowly spreading your wetness and his saliva all through your slit. His tongue is gentle, not pushing too hard yet, just tentatively feeling you out.
“This feeling okay?” He hums gently after a moment.
“Yes,” you nod frantically, your voice strained with pleasure. “Feels so good,” you whimper earnestly. “Please don’t stop. Don’t stop, Jake,” you plead with him as you buck your hips up towards his face. 
He smirks, placing a quick kiss to your pussy lips again before he lets his tongue push between them again. He keeps his focus on your clit for now, swirling around it with his tongue, letting his saliva coat you. He works you slowly and gently, steadily building his pace as he starts to swirl your clit a little faster, a little harder. He alternates between the swirling circling motion with sucking softly on your small bundle of nerves. His arms are hooked under your thighs, his hands tucked around so the held onto your waist. He holds you gently, letting you buck and writhe freely against his face, letting you move how wanted to, how you needed to, in order to gain the most pleasure. 
He keeps his tongue working on your clit when you feel one of his hands slide out from under your thigh. You gasp when you feel one of his fingers circle round your entrance, gathering your wetness and teasing you lightly. You whimper when he slowly and gently sinks that finger inside you, your wetness and his spit letting it slide in easily. You still feel slightly tender from Bradley but it wasn’t enough to actually be sore now, not enough that you would even contemplate asking Jake stop. Jake sinks his finger inside you until you feel his knuckles brush against your lips. He stops then, looking up at you.
“That okay?” He asks quietly.
You nod, giving his hair another tug, signalling that it was more than okay. That it was fucking heavenly, actually. He smirks again before he reconnects his mouth with your clit. Your moans are as soft and gentle as his tongue. Soft and content sighs fall from your lips as he devours you so delicately. His finger is just as gentle inside you, pumping you slowly. He gives you that time to get used to the feeling before he adds another one, his thick, powerful fingers giving you that delicious stretch. He keeps his movements slow, pumping you for a while before he switches to curling them inside you, stroking that particular spot that had you seeing stars.
Pleasure radiates from all corners of your body, building to a delicious burn in your groin. Your fingers and toes feel tingly with a kind of pleasant numbness, your body feeling weightless with euphoria. This didn’t feel rushed or forced as it had just done with Bradley. Jake was letting you take your time, let your body work its way naturally towards a climax. He was quite happy to keep lapping and sucking at you for however long it took; his priority was just making you feel as good as possible. There was no rush for you to reach your climax, no rush to finish, just a focus on making you feel fucking incredible.
“O-oh, Jake,” you sigh as the bliss within your body starts to build more and more, taking you right to the edge.
Jake groans an acknowledgment, keeping up with his current pace, giving you finally enough to tip over into pure ecstasy. 
“That’s it, princess,” he hums softly against your pussy as it clenches over his fingers.
He strokes and sucks you through your high, keeping his pressure light so as not to overwhelm you, letting your orgasm crest and fall naturally. When your body finally starts to convulse, your hips jerking from his touch, he finally lets up. He begins kissing at your thighs again, murmuring against your skin how good you were for him. How beautiful. How perfect. 
He seems perfectly content to just keep his head between your thighs, kissing and nipping at whatever patch of skin he could reach. Eventually you sit up and grab him by the back of the neck, yanking him towards you until his mouth was on yours again. You release a high-pitched whine as you taste yourself on his lips, his tongue. He groans into your mouth when you rake your nails down his chest, earning a hiss from him as you scratch over his incredible stomach. You don’t waste a moment as you dip you hand under the loose waist band of his black sweatpants, letting your hand dive right under his boxers.
“Fuck,” he curses quietly under his breath when your fingers wrap around his large cock. 
You swipe your thumb over the slit on his head, causing a shiver to run down his spine. You collect his pre-cum and using it to help slide your hand leisurely up and down his dick. You jerk him off for a minute, kissing him the entire time. Your other hand still holds the back of his neck. You use that hand to pull him down with you as you lie back onto the bed. He groans into your mouth as you open your legs wide for him, letting him lie his hips between them, inviting him in.
“Please,” you whisper against his lips.
He understands what you mean, what you want, and hesitates for a moment. 
“You’re sure you want this right now?” He asks genuinely, his voice quiet and serious; it causes your heart to swell.
“Yes. I want this,” you nod lightly. You tilt your head to bump your nose against his, “I want you,” you breathe, “please.”
He groans at your plea and places a hasty kiss to your lips again before he’s pulling his sweatpants and boxers down and discarding them somewhere. He quickly clambers back up the bed until he was once again positioned above you, his hips slotted between yours. You both groan when you feel his dick rub against your wet cunt. He grinds against you for a moment, giving you both the slightest bit of pleasure but nowhere enough to get either of you anywhere. He was just again taking his time with you, revelling in every moment he could be connected with you.
“Are you sure?” He asks again, looking down at you sincerely. “I don’t want to hurt you even more.”
Your heart flutters at the genuine tenderness and concern that glossed his gorgeous green eyes. You cup the back of his head, pulling him back in for another kiss. You knew there would be no going back after this. Know you and Jake would never be the same. 
And neither would you and Bradley.
And yet you wanted this. You wanted this with Jake. You wanted to feel everything. Feel everything that Jake was causing to stir inside you, all these feelings for him that you didn’t even realise you had. You wanted it. You wanted him. 
You did want more. With Jake.
Jake looks at you tenderly and you know he’s thinking the same thing. That this was some deciding moment. That there would be no going back after this. But he wanted to take that plunge. Wanted to take it with you. 
You keep your eyes on his burning green ones as you reach down and grasp his cock, guiding him towards your entrance. You nod your confirmation at him as his tip pushes against your hole.
“Just let me know if it’s too much,” he whispers earnestly against your cheek.
You smile lightly to yourself. It was a frequent occurrence for Jake make comments about his size and whether he was going to fit inside you. It was all just part and parcel of his outrageously cocky attitude. And yet you didn’t really mind. You couldn’t deny how hot it actually was. You couldn’t help the sense of pride that would wash over you when you could take all of him inside of our tight pussy.
But now his comment was coming from a place of genuine concern, and it just made you flood with warmth at the tenderness of his worry for you. 
He rests his forehead against yours as he finally pushes into you, going slow and steady. He slides inside you unhurriedly, letting your body take him in at its own pace. You can definitely feel the tenderness, but again you don’t care. It just felt so good to have him in you, to have him so close.
“Oh, f-fuck,” you breath with a whimper as he eventually bottoms out inside you.
Your breathing heavy, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Is that a good ‘fuck’ or a bad ‘fuck’?” He teases gently with a smirk, a tiny glimpse of that cocky bravado that you associated with him.
“A good ‘fuck’,” you confirm, returning his smile with an easy giggle.
He chuckles as he leans in to connect his lips with yours in a quick and light kiss.
“But seriously, you feeling okay?” He checks in once again.
You nod, bumping your nose against his as you tilt your chin to push your mouth on his quickly.
“Please, move,” you beg with a whisper.
His cocky smirk only grows as he begins to move his hips, his incredible cock finally moving inside you. Your fingers curl to dig into his skin, pinching at the skin of his broad shoulders as he starts to gently fuck you. He takes his time with each stroke, pulling almost all the way out before slowly pushing all the way back inside you. His groans are quiet in your ear as he keeps his head hung low, tucked into the crook of your neck. He kisses at your skin, peppering his lips all over your neck and collar bones. You moan and sigh in blissful pleasure as you lean back, your head falling back as you revel in how good he felt. Jake keeps his pace steady, keeping his focus on fucking you good and deep rather than hard and fast. One of his hands is resting on your waist, his thumb stroking your bare skin. His other arm was bent to support himself, resting just next to your head, his hand cupping the side of your face.
Jake kisses his way back up your jaw until he finds your lips again. He kisses you softly and intensely, the feeling of his lips matching the delicious feeling of his cock moving inside you. He then leans back a bit, holding himself higher with his arm. You whine lightly at the slight loss of contact, missing the feeling of his large body almost crushing yours completely. He looks down between your bodies, groaning deeply at the sight of his hips moving against yours. He then steadily drags his hand down from your waist, moving over the curve of your hip, caressing the side of your ass, before he moves even lower, his impressive hand splaying across your thigh. 
A gasping moan leaves your throat when Jake grabs that thigh, hiking it up his hip, pulling it up until it was almost resting on his waist. You both groan as you revel in the new angle; Jake managing to hit even deeper inside you. He flashes his signature blinding smile at you as he stretches your leg out straight, his hand stroking over your calf. 
You groan at the stretch, but he doesn’t keep your leg there for too long. Just long enough to place tender kiss to your ankle before he’s returning his hand to your thigh, keeping your leg hooked high up his waist, keeping that exquisitely deep angle. You feel your pussy clench at the new angle, pleasure rolling through all corners of your body. He groans deeply as you squeeze him, his hips almost faltering for a moment before they pick up their steady rhythm. He steadily starts to increase his pace, fucking you a little faster than before. 
“Jake,” you mewl, one of your hands moving to caress the back of his head, fingers splaying through his short hair.
Your eyes lock with his again. His face looks almost nervous, scared. His brows furrowed and face twisted from more than just pleasure. You reach up your other hand to cup his cheek, letting your fingers stroke his face gently.
“What? What is it?” You whisper shakily.
He lets himself fall forwards again, his chest pressing against yours. His grip remains on your thigh, keeping your leg hooked high up his waist. He takes a deep, unsteady breath before he answers you on his exhale.
“I just- I love you,” he breathes quickly, so fast and so quiet you’d have missed it if his face wasn’t so close to yours.
He gulps softly as he looks down at you, and you swear you can see fear flicker across his face. There was no cocky external bravado here. Just pure, raw emotion. True openness and sincerity. It made your heart sing, your mind spin.
There was definitely no going back to the way things were now. He’d finally said it. Said what you’d guessed at earlier. Now he had confirmed it. And he looked almost terrified at the prospect. His breath is shallow, his body trembling as he holds himself above you. You reach up to cup his face, a tear stinging your eye. As you look at him, looking at you, you suddenly know the feeling in your chest.
But then Bradley face flashes across your brain and your heart stings with the pain. A tear pricks your eye as you try to blink away the image desperately. 
Jake’s face drops and you can see he’s about to stammer an apology, immediately regretted what he’d said. 
But you didn’t regret it. Yes, you loved Bradley, but there was something about Jake that was undeniably calling to you. With Jake it had always been so easy. The friendship, the talking, the fucking, the emotional connection. And suddenly you couldn’t understand why you, why your heart, had never looked at him like this before.
Jake’s mouth hangs open limply as he stutters, an apology dropping from his lips, his eyes avoiding yours.
You grab the back of his neck and pull him back into you, crashing his open mouth against your own. He groans his surprise, but the noise is lost in your mouth as you kiss him fervently, devouring his mouth and swallowing any stupid apology that he could attempt to voice out loud. You kiss him hard and deep, leaving no room for any words, only your moans and his grunts. He’s stiff for a moment, recovering from his believed slip-up, but soon he starts to melt back into you as you kiss him dizzy.
His hips finally start to move with more fervour, his thrusts speeding up. You whimper another curse of his name when his hand slides back down your thighs, slotting between your legs until his fingers quickly found their way to your clit. Your body lurches, your chest pushing forwards as you arch your back. He ducks his head and sucks one of your breasts into his mouth greedily, groaning around your soft skin. Your hands tug on his hair frantically, your body burning with that delicious euphoria. It all felt different, more intense, like every single sense of yours was heightened as Jake fervently fucks you towards another climax, his fingers working their usual magic as he rubs at your clit in time with his thrusts. 
“Are you close?” He croaks with a ragged pant when he feels your legs wrap even tighter around his waist, your heels pressing into his back.
You nod incoherently, not trusting your voice to verbally respond.
“Good,” he breathes. “Wanna feel you cum for me. My pretty girl. Cum for me, please,” he begs breathlessly. “Please baby.”
His pleas, his soft groans, the tender loving look in his eye; it’s all enough to finally send over the edge into pure bliss again.
“Fuckkk, Jake, oh fuck,” you almost cry as your orgasm shatters you.
Your body convulses, curling forwards over Jake as the waves of pleasure roll through you. 
“Sh-shit, you feel… feel fucking amazing,” he sounds almost close to tears, his voice broken from how good you made him feel.
He grunts deeply into the crook of your neck as he climaxes. His heavy breathing is hot and ragged as he pushes his himself impossibly deep inside you, his hips stuttering as he spilled himself inside pulsing cunt. He gently rocks you through both your highs, letting his fingers slow to a languid pace on your clit as he works you through your climax. 
When your body starts to shudder slightly he relents, letting his hand snake back up your body to cup your neck. He spends some time just kissing your neck again, letting you both catch your breath. You don’t know how long you spend there like this, his cock still inside you, slowly softening. His lips stay connected to your skin, kissing your throat lazily as he nuzzles into you. You lie there, revelling in the warmth and closeness of his body. You didn’t even mind the weight of his large body on top of you. In fact, it was extremely comforting. One of your hands scratches his scalp gently, whilst the other trailed up and down his back, your fingers grazing over his warm skin.
After a while he shifts his head to lie on your chest, his puppy-dog eyes looking up at you. His takes his hand and gently grabs your arm that was stroking his back. His fingers run up your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake, until his hand finds yours. His fingers intertwine with your own. You can feel a slight tremor in his fingers and you meet his eyes to see a painful sadness laced in them. You swear you feel a crack in your heart as you stare at his forlorn expression.
He clears his throat awkwardly before he speaks, his eyes shifting away from your gaze again.
“About what I said…” he clears his throat again. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it. Shouldn’t have put that on you. Especially because you’re in such a vulnerable place right now. And I know how you feel about Rooster and I just- I don’t know. I- it was stupid. I’m sorry,” he rambles quietly, his fingers playing distractedly with yours the entire time. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs again after a moment, bringing up your hand to place a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“Jake,” you whisper hesitantly.
His eyes snap back up to meet yours and you feel something tug on your heart as you look at him, his green eyes so unbelievably wide as they look over at you. His eyes were alight with a mixture of emotions; full of love and tenderness for you. But also glossed with fear and a deep pain.
You free your hand from his to stroke your index finger from his forehead, down his temple, across his cheek, to eventually brush over his kiss-swollen lips. You swallow before releasing a nervous breath.
“I think… I think I might love you too…”
Read Part Three
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A/N: okay so I do kinda have a part three for this? but it’s really short, more like an epilogue I guess? idk if I’m gonna post it tbh but we’ll, just let me know what you guys think! I really hope you liked it
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wordbunch · 1 year
Elves comforting you
a/n: wifey @queenmeriadoc requested “how elves comfort you when you’re missing your family” and I tried my best to deliver! you know the drill - lemme know how you liked it, reblogs and comments are extremely appreciated and the ask box is open 😊💖 i’m excited/nervous bc it was my first time writing for most of these characters! 👀
INCLUDES: Galadriel, Arondir, Elrond, Celebrimbor, Gil-galad
(Elrond and Galadriel can count both as LOTR and TROP versions, ig?)
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absolutely understands you because she was parted from many of her family members and close people
asks you whether you want to talk about something, you want advice or you just want her to distract you somehow
she will offer a shoulder to cry on if you need that
she will run her fingers through your hair
also she will pamper you the whole evening to try and chase the sadness away because she loves to take action as much as she can, especially when it comes to someone she loves deeply
she will bring you your favorite food or some magically calming herbal tea, run you a bath full of flowers and scented salts and all those fancy things
he is a great listener and you know you can open up to him about your sadness and nostalgia
you can see in his eyes that he is deeply empathetic
he will gently cradle your face in his hands and wipe away any tears that might appear
in order to cheer you up, he suggests a walk, because sunshine and fresh air always seem to work for him
the walk ends up being a hunt for the most beautiful flowers that he wants to pick for you
so gradually your tears turn to smiles and you end up walking back home together with a bunch of flowers in your arms and his strong arms around your shoulders
oh he completely understands how you feel and he literally tears up a bit when he sees that you’re sad
he will talk you through your feelings and try his best to advise you, but he knows that it can only help so much
his touch is feather light as he takes you to your quarters and he knows you well enough to know the best medicine for your sadness - a cuddle session
he will fiddle with your hair as you two talk, he will be the big spoon if you want him to, eventually he will pepper kisses onto any available area of your skin
if you drift away to sleep, he will still be there and hold you until you wake up, feeling a bit less sad
he doesn’t need to ask “is something wrong”, he can immediately ask “WHAT is wrong” because he can read you that well
he will definitely hold your hands and squeeze them in support while you’re spilling the contents of your heart out
if your family doesn’t live too far away, he will ask whether you want him to accompany you on a trip to them
if that isn’t an option for whatever reason, he is definitely taking you on a “trip” to the forge - he knows you like to watch him work so it will be a nice distraction to you
also maybe he will make you a little something special, suited just to your taste,  like a hair accessory, to cheer you up even more
either way he won’t give up until he makes you smile
while you’re alone and pondering your feelings, he sneaks up behind you and envelops you in a warm hug
he will inquire about your thoughts and emotions in a comforting low voice - he knows exactly how to get you talking
he will immediately suggests going to visit your family if possible
but until then, he will make sure to have your favorite food made for you
and he will dance with you to nonexistent music, maybe hum a tune
and spin you around the biggest hall until your laughter starts echoing around it
also soft kisses are a must
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​ @entishramblings​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​ @dinofromspac3​
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
⭐️ a/n: a quick little fluffy somethin’ I’ve had on my mind since I woke up this mornin’.
“Lose my number.”
That was the last thing you’d said to Katsuki before slamming the door to his apartment when you’d stormed out.
Now you found yourself face to face with him, your eyes locked with those fiery amber orbs you’d fallen in love with more than 3 years ago. It had been months since the breakup. You’d crossed paths with him like you’d hoped you never would but here you were.
You’d just stepped onto the platform while digging through your purse for your phone when you literally bumped into your ex-boyfriend.
You gasped and grabbed the first thing your fingers found, which just so happened to be the blond bombshell’s rock hard biceps. You recognized his charred earthy scent before anything else. In the same instant, he’d instinctively grabbed your elbows to stop you from falling before his brain even registered it was you.
He looked good. Too good. His hair was shorter than you remembered and it suited him well.
You both fumbled over your words, stuttering out awkward apologies as you collected yourselves.
“Hi.” “Hey.” You both spoke at once.
“Sorry.” “You okay?” You both spoke at the same time again before chuckling nervously. This was getting more and more awkward by the second.
“Yeah, m’fine, thanks,” you answered.
“How’ve you been?” Katsuki asked, a slight blush blooming on the apples of his pale cheeks.
“G-good,” you said while anxiously rubbing the back of your arm. “You?”
“Hah!” - Here it comes, you thought. - “I’ll always do just fine,” he said, puffing his chest out.
You averted your eyes, remembering how tired you’d grown of his posturing when you were together.
“Glad to hear that,” you said as you started past him.
He did an about-face in your direction. “You look good, (Y/n),” he said quickly as if trying to stop you from walking away just yet.
You turned and smiled sadly at him. “You too, Katsu.”
God, how he’d missed hearing you call him that. You were the only person who’d ever called him the verb for “win” in Japanese. He’d always loved that about you. It was one of many ways you’d shown that you always understood him.
Once again you turned to leave. Katsuki could only watch, his heart aching for you. And yours for him.
[9:42 pm]
Don’t Answer (KB): Hey.
You: I thought I told you to lose my number.
Don’t Answer (KB): I can’t. Still have it memorized.
Don’t Answer (KB): miss you
You: miss you too
Your phone rang. Don’t Answer (KB) appeared on the screen. You answered anyway.
Katsuki detected the tears in your voice right away.
“Want me t’come over?” he asked in his quiet, husky voice.
You took a long, ragged breath from crying since you saw him a couple of hours ago. “Yeah?” you answered meekly.
Katsuki jumped out of bed. “M’on my way.” You could hear the rustling of his hoodie as he pulled it over his head.
“Miss you so much, Katsu.” Your tears soaked into your pillow as you squeezed it en lieu of the man you loved.
“I’m comin’, (Y/n),” he assured you. “Your door code still the same?”
You sniffed. “Yeah. Never had the heart to change it.”
Katsuki smiled silently. He knew it all too well. The fact that you’d been typing in his birthdate all this time made his fevered heart swell even more.
“Hurry, Katsu,” you whispered.
“I will, I promise.”
[9:59 pm]
You heard the faint click of your front door as the pounding of your heart grew louder.
The bed dipped beside you in your dark bedroom, the covers rustling gently as the familiar sound of Katsuki’s body slid in beside yours. His strong arms enveloped you just like they always had as his breath dusted over your ear. You shuddered into his embrace, his warmth engulfing you like the flames of your love for him.
“M’here, babe. I’ve got you,” his smoldering eyes slid shut as he murmured into your soft hair. “And I ain’t lettin’ go this time.”
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ayayiiie · 1 year
Can u do enhypen with a reader with bad migraines ?
Hiiiii thank you for your request !
Here you go ~
EN- reaction to their s/o having bad migraines.
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Members under the cut ! :3
Lee Ethan :
I think he will stare at you while thinking of a way to make you feel better
You’re not someone who gets migraines THAT easily (even if it can happen) but when they hit, they hit HARD
So he’d be a lil lost
Will give you hugs and kisses for suuure
He would be THIS type of bf : ‘lie down on me and sleep baby’
When you would wince in pain, on the verge of crying
#panic_Bambi activated (even if he doesn’t show it krkr)
« Huh…huh… do you want some tea ? Fresh air ? Massage ? »
You would shut him up by hugging him and telling him to stroke your hair
« Imma give you some med wait a bit »
He would eventually get the hang of it after some times and then immediately know what to do
Park Jay :
Who’s Jay ? I only know Mama Jay 🤭
#know_what_to_do boi n°1
Jay knows your body more than you sooo
He would actively prepare a bath filled with sweet scent (not too strong since you have a migraine lol), rose petals and bath bombs
Would give you pro massages with slow and relaxing music in the background
Man is literally opening a spa lol
« Wait here I’ll cook for you. »
You are in the tub.
So yeah, he would bring you your favorite dish on a tray and leave the bathroom while making weird noises and a funny dance
Fr he would be the best to lift up your mood 💀
He’s a keeper so take care of him when he has migraines too (even more with six chaotic boyz 😭)
Sim Jake :
« Imma head out to buy some meds, go rest in the bedroom, I’ll be quick »
For some reason he brings Layla back with him ?
As he would slowly open the door, he would whisper to Layla :
« Mommy is sleeping keep quiet 🤫 »
You woke up anyways lmao
But having them both by your sides really ease you
You would hug Layla as she’s so soft and Jake would back hug you keeping you warm
« Do you want some snack ? I bought some along with the meds »
He would be extra careful because he knows you get easily mad when you have a migraine
« Let me do it, go get some rest »
« Jake I just slept for 4 hours straight »
« Shhhh go back to sleep, it’s not enough »
Park Benjamin :
frozen #1
I think he would give you space because he wouldn’t know what to do and wouldn’t want to make you mad
You see this one moment of him spacing out ?
Yes that’s him.
With him you will need to go to him and hug him
Sunghoon is the type of bf who needs to know everything, every detail
So when you need attention or anything else, you need to speak, to communicate every sentiment, every thought
If you want him to do something you have to write it down on a post-it or else he will forgot 🥹
So basically it would go like this :
« Sunghoon ? »
« ..yeah..? »
« Can you massage my temples please ? »
« Huh..yeah…like this..? »
« Put a bit more pression »
« Like this ? »
He’s cute bye.
Kim William :
#know_what_to_do boi n°2
As en ENFP he would try to help you as much as he can
He seems to know a lot about meditation and self care so he would show you a routine on how to avoid migraine and how to treat it
« Drink a lot of water, it’s good for your body and help relaxes it »
« Sleeping is a must but when it’s too painful and you can’t sleep just close your eyes and breath profoundly »
« I’ll massage you, try to relax at the maximum ! »
« You need to take a break, assignments are killing you really *eyes roll* » while massaging your temples
Remember when Jungwon said Sunoo listen the most to him ?
So whenever you would need anything, he would do it for ya
Without whining and complaining
« Sunoo can you pass the water bottle please ? »
That’s the ninth time you’re asking but Sunshine will just keeps his lips closed and gives you what you want
Make sure to reward him afterwards :p
Yang Johnny :
Clueless but not so clueless
Would be very attentive to your needs since Jungwon listen very well to others too
He’s very observant and detailed so you won’t even had to tell him about your migraine
He would point his nose in your bedroom and looks at you without you knowing
It would probably run like this in his mind :
« They’re exhausted and they keep supporting their head with their hands : migraines coming right away »
Ninja Jungwon in action 🥷
He would call you quietly to not startle you
« Okay time for a break you look like you’re about to pass out anytime soon »
For him, walking can ease your mind and brings you peace
So you both would take a walk towards the nearest park alongside Maeum
When you would come back he would prepares something hot to drink and some snacks and you guys would probably watch some movies
Guess who falls asleep during the most interesting scene ?
You both of course 🤭
Nishimura Ni-Ki :
Okay we all know he’s teasing everyone all day
You knew when you began dating that teasing would be a part of your routine
Because teasing is his love language
So what happens when he can’t express his love language anymore ?
The first time you had a migraine he teased you like his life depended cause he was feeling particularly mischievous
Well he rapidly knew it was wrong because boi almost got yeeted out of the window
Got quiet all of a sudden and looked at you like you were some monster
Maybe got traumatized lmao
So now he got prepared and you would have a freshly new Riki infront of you
He would just watch some yt videos on his phone or scroll on Tik Tok
But hey, you want attention
That’s when it gets risky because he knows you’re in a bad mood when you have a headache
So for once he would listen to you and hug you :)
« I like it when you’re calm like this… »
He would have insecure thoughts because of what you said (he can be very noisy and annoying with people he particularly cherish) but suddenly
« But I love when you tease me too, it shows how much you know every details of me »
Happy Riki 😃 you too happy 😃
You’ve reached the end of the reaction !
Why it keeps getting longer the more it progress ? I wrote a whole essay for Niki 😭
Hope you enjoy it !
Thank you ! 👸
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danmainacc · 2 years
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Raph saves you from Meats Sweats and, quite literally, falls head over heels. ( header credit to qoeww ) 
Character: Raphael
Writing - type: One-shot
Warnings: fluff, kidnapping, a little bit of angst ( you know I can’t write without it ), meat sweats wants to eat you
Author’s note: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭 I really wanted to wait until tumblr released me from my shadow-ban prison, but alas, I am still here ( 10 support tickets later ). I hope you guys enjoy !! Lemme know what you think. And know that I see every comment, even if I can no longer reply 🥹
A soft sigh left your lips as you looked out into the sky, the moon’s pale face standing out in front of the navy blue night.
This area of New York was an anomaly. Despite it’s close proximity to NYC, it almost never saw the effects of light pollution, the stars just as visible as they would be in the country.
You found this place not too long ago, about maybe a year or so. You had first moved and you decided to explore, to take your mind off the sudden change.
One thing led to another, and now you’re here more than your own house.
Another sigh managed to slip as you rested your cheek in your palm, the moon’s expression almost mirroring your sadness.
‘This is so stupid.’
You scoffed at yourself, scolding the growing lump in your throat into nonexistence.
‘A year in this stupid town, and not a single friend.’
Some could say that when you tried to make friends, you came off...strong...and loud.
But that’s just how you were raised. That’s how you’ve been your whole life.
Back home...real home...you were a hit.
Your friends liked you, your family liked you, hell, even the people that didn’t like you, liked you.
You were funny, sarcastic, a little clumsy, out-going, happy.
But shit happens.
Jobs run thin, and next thing you know you’re on a one-way flight to the other side of the country, no friends in sight.
You shook yourself out of it as you felt something wet rolling down the apples of your cheeks, the feeling almost foreign.
You placed a hand on your face, pulling it back to see that, yes, you were crying.
You scoffed, shaking your head in disappointment as your cheek returned to your palm, the tears now flowing.
Sighing, you took out your phone, checking the time to see that it was way past your curfew.
Yet not a single text from Dad.
You groaned, standing up from your spot on the ledge and hooking your ankles onto the nearest gutter, clinging onto it and sliding down like a fire-pole.
When you landed, you came face to face with your usual alley.
Now, you knew it wasn’t the best idea to take a dark alley home every night, but it cut the normal walking time in half. And if you walked fast enough, you could surely be home before anyone noticed you were there.
Letting go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you started on your way, keeping your pace at a power walk.
Though for some reason, the alley seemed different. There was a eerie, almost non-human, feeling to it.
The lights were flickering more than usual, the air was filled with the smell of food, and at times, you could’ve sworn you heard a pig snort.
‘You’re goin’ crazy.’
Just then, you noticed a large shadow that sat not too far in front of you.
It was in the shape of a food truck.
A food truck that wasn’t there two seconds go.
Now breaking into a sprint, you tried your best to get past it, seeing as the vehicle was blocking the only exit.
But just as you made it past, something grabbed you by your backpack, harshly pulling you back and holding you up.
“Well, well, well. What ‘ave we got here?” the person creepily smirked, licking his lips.
You couldn’t make out his face in the darkness, but you could make was his overwhelming scent of dirty pig.
“A teenage girl. Nice and plump in all the right places.”
He creepily poked at your hips and stomach, the touch making you retreat into yourself, trying to get away.
“I’d say you’d make a good chili.”
Your heart came to a screeching halt at those words, all the air in the world seeming to disappear.
‘Did he just say...I’d make a good chili?!’
And just as you were about to scream, the man hit you upside the head with the butt of his meat tenderizer.
You woke up to see that you were tied up in butcher’s twine, resting on top of a surprisingly large cutting board.
Suddenly, you remembered the words of the man just before you blacked out.
‘I gotta get out of here!’
Lifting your head, you saw him standing next to a very large pot, bringing what looked to be stock to a nice boil.
And not only that, but he was apparently a pig-man-hybrid-thing.
‘Don’t even wanna know.’
Hearing something clink behind you, you realized that the pig man left his knife on the cutting board with you.
You grabbed it, shaving down your ropes until you came loose, and then tucking it into your bomber jacket for save keeping.
Quietly standing up, you tiptoed off the cutting board, taking a step onto the food truck floor, only for it to make the loudest creak the world has ever heard.
“For fuck’s sake!” you groaned, making a run for the door.
“Oh, no you don’t!” the pig man shouted, tossing a butcher’s knife at you.
It landed in the door and stopped you from reaching for the handle, letting him grab you and hoist you up once more, as if you were nothing.
“Whetha you lioke it or not, I’m turning you into chili. And there ain’t nobody around to save ya.”
The realization of your situation finally sunk in.
You were trapped in this pig-man’s food truck of horrors, and were about to be made into a chili for him to eat.
No one knew where you were, or where to find you. And there would probably be no evidence left, since you’d be halfway through his digestive track before morning.
You let out a blood-curdling wail of anguish, shocking the hybrid man.
The wail slowly turned into a sob, no doubt getting the attention of those in nearby apartments.
“Quiet, you!” he shouted, punching you in the face and letting you drop to the floor.
Your head throbbed so hard it was practically audible, and you wanted nothing more in this moment than to be absorbed into the ground and dropped into the safety of your room.
“Now, I gotta get to chopping before this stock boils over,” the pig man smirked.
And just as he was about to grab you, a large, green figure burst through the wall of the truck, knocking the pig-man out the door.
“You stay away from her--.” Raph’s breath hitched as his eyes landed on you, one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen, sitting on the ground.
His heart banged aggressively against his plastron, and despite his cold blood, he felt warm all over.
He couldn’t place his finger on what it was about you. Your hair, your soft eyes, *cough* *cough* your shorts.
But what he knew for sure was that he had to save you.
Yet that rendered him unable to save himself when she tripped over his own feet.
He fell flat on his face, shaking the foundation of the truck.
Now for you....to say you were shocked, would be an understatement.
You just found out today that pig-hybrids and turtle men exist, and one was laying on the floor not too far in front of you.
But he saved you from the creepy guy, so the least you could do was check to see if he was alright.
“Hey,” you chimed, slowly approaching and giving him a soft poke on his shoulder.
“Are you okay? That was a really hard fall.”
Little did you know that the turtle next to you was as giddy as a schoolboy.
You touched him! And not only that, but you talked to him. 
Your voice was so soft and silky, yet firm it its tone. God, he could listen to you talk for hours.
“Hello?” you asked, wondering if he fell unconscious.
“Oh!” he exclaimed, jumping back up and startling you. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I’m a little clumsy.”
He warmly smiled, making something in your stomach flutter.
“It’s alright,” you assured, standing up.
“This might sound cheesy, but I’m kinda here to save you,” he sheepishly explained, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smiled back at him, a small chuckle escaping your lips. “That’s great, cause I am in desperate need of saving.”
He chuckled as well, taking a step closer to you and holding out his arms. 
“May I?” he asked politely.
You nodded, him scooping you up in his arms and jumping out the hole he first came in through.
And now that you had time to truly rest, you took the oppurtunity, resting your head on the man’s plastron as you fought to keep your eyes open.
You don’t know why you were trusting this man so easily. There was something about him that just made him so comforting.
As your eyes fluttered shut, Raph had to use all his self-control to keep himself from swooning.
Even asleep, with hair disheveled and a slightly bloody nose, you still looked goregous. 
And the fact that he was able to be so infatuated, so enamored with you from first glance, was startng to scare him.
But scary or no, he had to face the facts:
He fell for you. And hard.
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justreadertings · 1 year
Ok so I was writing Sweet Understanding but I cannot stand Rowaelin seperation so I NEEDED to write this. I think I reread it once? So if it’s iffy that’s why. Beisdes this is more the “I’m zoning out in class and want to think of a Rowaelin hurt/comfort situation” typa thing. This is also my way of saying maybe? another Sweet Understanding chapter this weeked? I think! I’m making progress! Ok I’ll stop rambling, here a canon Rowaelin oneshot for ya- Magee
TW: nightmares, PTSD, slight mention of blood.
Aelin bolted up from bed. Darkness caked their room, but her shaking hands could not light the candles next to their bed. Rowan was immediately up next to her, his reflexes quick as a cat. Light festered in instantly, the matches already discarded by their bedside table, his hands rubbing up and down her back. 
Sweat poured down her face, and she kicked the blankets away as she tried to breathe. Rowan grabbed one of her hands, and placed it on his solid, steady heart. It helped her, even if exhaustion was starting to play tricks with her mind. She could still taste the blood in her mouth, still felt dirty with it.
Her fingernails dug into Rowan’s forearm. “Get him out of here,” she gritted, eyes shut tight.
“Who, Fireheart?” he asked her, voice level. When she felt entirely herself, she would have taken time to appreciate her stony warrior, not fazed by her insanity. But she felt too far from herself. Too out of it. And she could literally smell him from across their bedroom. How did he even get in here?
Nausea crept up in her. “Rowan, get him out of here.”
“No one is here but me and you.”
Tears clouded her vision. “No, Rowan. He’s here. I need-” her voice faulted. She didn’t feel angry anymore, she was just… scared. And she hated being scared but gods, she couldn’t do it again. She couldn’t go through it all again. She wasn’t strong enough. Aelin began crying in earnest. “Rowan, I can't do it. Please get him out of here.”
Her mate’s hands rubbed soothing circles on her back, and she wished she could sink into the comfort of it. “Who is here, Aelin? Tell me and I’ll get rid of him.”
She shook her head, frantically. It was like her past and her present weren’t catching up to her, like she woke up but not quite right. “Cairn,” she told him. “I can smell him- I- I can feel him.” Aelin gagged at the scent clogging up her nose before it was replaced by the intense smell of her mate’s rage. 
It was enough to pull her to open her eyes. She stared at him for a moment, chest still heaving. Aelin placed a hand over her mouth before a wash of calm and exhaustion spread over her. Tears fell from her eyes. The world came back into focus.
“Rowan,” she sighed, leaning to rest her forehead on his shoulder.
Rowan’s fingers drifted through her hair, giving her both the comfort she craved and the space to think. 
“I could have sworn he was at the foot of our bed,” she finally whispered. 
His fingers worked her tense neck. “I know, Fireheart.”
Pure exhaustion weighed on her. “I’m so tired,” she told him.
“I know,” he whispered back, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her cheek. Her neck. Even if she was damp with sweat.
“I hate him,” she gritted. “I hate that I can even conjure his face. I hate that he has that power.”
Rowan spoke against her forehead. “He’s long gone. Far from this world. Rotting in a hell somewhere.”
She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. Rowan laid back on their pillows, and she crawled onto him, resting her head over his beating heart. Aelin intertwined their legs, not knowing where she stopped and he began. 
“Do you think there'll ever be a night where we’ll just… sleep?” She asked him, breath ghosting his chest. 
Rowan continued to stroke her hair, his other hand banded around her middle. “One day, Fireheart.”
Aelin’s eyes fluttered closed. “Promise?”
The last thing she heard before falling back to sleep was her mate’s soft voice, her comfort in her worst moments. “I promise.”
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bogbees · 23 days
this was the initial ending for forsake me not I wrote back in like, November and now has literally nothing to do with the actual ending besides like, the end goal, so i personally wouldn't call it a spoiler since we all expected this outcome.
im nearly done the actual chapter!
He spies the yellow haired boy, and smiles wide, his plan is going into motion.
Tanjiro hides his face by ducking his head,
"The one I like might be stupid…" he sighs, not looking up from the table, "what am I going to do about Rengoku-san…"
Kyojuro's eyes go wide. Surely it wasn't going to be this easy.
"Am I now," Kyojuro grins as he sits down next to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro doesn't move for a moment, clearly confused by how the scents and sounds aren't matching up. He then rolls his head to face him, Kyojuro smiles wide at his confused face, and laughs as he jumps off the table like a whip, his eyes wide, "Rengoku-san!" he cries out in utter disbelief.
"Yes," he nods, grinning, absolutely ecstatic.
Tanjiro looks absolutely frantic, eyes blown out, eyebrows furrowed, "why do you have Zenitsu's haori—"
"He lost it. I am on my way to find him, and thought you'd know!" He smiles, lying through his teeth, delighting in the way Tanjiro frowns after discreetly sniffing the air, catching him in the act immediately.
"But!" he says way too loudly even for his own ears, "I'm much more interested in why you think I'm stupid!"
"I, I didn't!" Tanjiro's face is red as the apricot blooms, his eyes "I said the one I like is—"
Kyojuro smiles, nods at him, feeling giddy.
"I said—" he tries again, nerves absolutely wrecked.
"The one you like! The one who's strong and kind! Cute with a nice smile! Me!"
Tanjiro's eyes are impossibly big. Kyojuro thinks he might cry, with how his lips seem to wobble.
"It's true," Tanjiro says.
Kyojuro feels like he will truly combust.
"Good!" He shouts, way too excited to contain himself any longer. Way too excited to not let Tanjiro know he loves him.
"The forget-me-nots were for you!" he announces, "every time I thought about how much I love you, they would climb up my throat to replace my words, my feelings of true love!"
"Foolish! Indeed!"
"No! No! I mean to say I know!"
Kyojuro's excitement comes to a sudden halt. He hums loudly, eyes wide in shock.
"When you— when we slept, um, together, you coughed, I think it woke me up, I heard you tell me you love me…"
Kyojuro's face feels hot, hotter than any blaze he's encountered.
"And, I, um, have been trying to tell you."
Kyojuro hums loudly and closes his eyes, his cheeks hurt from the force of his smile. He feels incredibly foolish, "so that's why you think I'm stupid!"
"Ah, no! Just, um, well, when I tried to tell you I felt the same, I didn't know how to do it and the advice I got might not have been the best."
Kyojuro is reminded of the few moments between them over the last week, when they nearly kissed under the moon, when they spared,
Tanjiro slumps to his knees, exhaling a great sigh, he begins to cry, "I was so ready to propose first!"
Kyojuro's eyes widen, his smile reaches ear to ear, his blush grows in intensity, overwhelmed to hear that, he hums.
"Ahhh, I even, after the night, when you told me you couldn't wait to see me, I ran back all the way to your house, and asked for your father's permission to marry you," he's rubbing his eyes free of tears, smiling brightly.
Kuojuro can't believe his ears. His eyes can only confirm it. He reaches out to touch Tanjiro's cheeks, he helps him wipe away his tears, softly smiling, "did you!" he laughs, his heart caught in his throat.
"I did! I was so nervous! But I really wanted his approval! Because I love you so much!"
Kyojuro can't resist the urge this time. He envelopes Tanjiro in his arms, his chest shuddering as he quietly laughs, at the absurdity of the turn of events.
"And I love you so much!" he says, squeezing Tanjiro, listening to him laugh, he doesn't think it could get better than this.
Eventually they relax, content to just be in another's arms.
"Ah, I wish I didn't know…"
"Know what, my dear?"
Tanjiro's face flushes red upon hearing the term of endearment, but it doesn't help his mood, "know that you were considering surgery."
"Oh, you were right! I didn't want surgery. I didn't think it'd have been pleasant to remember the intensity of my feelings yet feel nothing. I suppose those feelings might have been sparked and became a great blaze of passion once more, but they do say you never feel the same after the roots are surgically removed! It was more frightening than any demon I've ever faced!"
"It was you! Your passionate speech regarding it! Remember when I collapsed? It was because I wanted to kiss you!"
Tanjiro hides his red, red, red face behind his hands, "I thought I was imagining things!"
Kuojuro hums,
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May I ask for a SAGAU Venti x reader/player fic where the reader takes Venti to the GAA and mains him always please? And one day he sees the reader/player is crying so he’s determined to get out of the device to help her. Thank you! Also if you can please use she/her pronouns ❤️
Gladly! Since you didn’t specify wether you wanted cult sagau or just basic sagau, I went with basic since that seemed to fit your request a bit more. Also, while I do understand the request for a gendered reader; I do try to keep my works gender neutral, since it’s never fun to be left out. So while I can’t fulfill the fem!reader part, I can certainly do the rest!
Well Done
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If someone had asked Venti where his favorite place was a few years ago, he wouldn’t have missed a beat before replying with the answer of ‘why, all of Mondstandt of course!’
But had someone asked him that now, well, his answer would be quite different.
While his nation would always be dear to him, he had found something he loved even more.
Your company.
He adored every moment with you, enjoyed going wherever you took him, every second with your presence was a joy. The bard’s heart would leap when he heard your voice, and the sound of your laugh was a sure fire way to make him smile.
But today… Today something was different.
You had been silent today. Uncharacteristically so.
He grew more and more nervous, but he really began to panic when he heard you sniffle quietly and hold back sobs. He wished with everything in him to reach out and comfort you, but he couldn’t reach your world.
You log out of the game, too emotionally exhausted to try to continue playing. Instead you opt to lie down and cry, letting the tears that had been begging to be shed all day finally go free.
A bard clad in green barged into an alchemist’s mountainside camp, out of breath from the journey.
“Ah, Venti, what brings you here? Has something happened?”
“Albedo is the portal ready yet?”
“Oh that’s what this is about. I see. Well, in a literal sense, yes, it’s operational. However it is… Unstable. Extremely so. While I’m certain you must be eager to meet them, for now it’s best to be patient. I will need time to resolve some of the issues that have arisen before it is safe.”
“There’s no time for that! J-Just let me use it, I’ll be fine! I’ll test it out for you!”
“Are you alright Venti? You’re not this… frantic usually. Has something happened?”
Venti sighs softly and looks the researcher in the eye, a few stray tears in his own.
“…they were crying Albedo… They’re crying and I can’t do anything to help them from here…”
“… I… I see.”
Albedo hesitates for a moment before sighing himself.
“Very well, if you are certain you wish to take this risk, then I’ve no chance of swaying you. However, keep in mind, this is not permanent. The way the portal is now it can only form a temporary connection between worlds. Once that time is up, you will be transported back to Teyvat.”
“That’s fine. That’s enough, more than enough.”
You hugged the pillow tightly as you lie on your bed, having exhausted yourself from the emotional battle so thoroughly that you’d cried yourself to sleep.
Because of this, you didn’t see the familiar set of doors that you passed through every time you logged into Genshin materialize in your room. Nor did you see them open, or the figure that stepped through. You were too deep in sleep to know the fact that they muttered quiet words of affection and validation to you.
“You’ve been so strong… Please, let yourself rest [Name]. You’ve done more than enough…”
Later you’d awaken to a lingering scent of flowers and apple cider, and perhaps if you looked a moment more, you’d find a small pendant of a blooming cecilia left on your pillow.
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