#i'm amused but also squinting suspiciously
"I've never fired a gun before" says the guy with a machine gun/rocket launcher combo weapon that also has compartments to store several smaller guns
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Funniest lie he could have told
[ID: A Trigun 98 screencap of Wolfwood looking with surprise at the gun Vash is handing him and exclaiming, "Hey! I've never fired a gun before!" End ID]
ID courtesy of @princess-of-purple-prose
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railingsofsorrow · 5 months
drabble #11
summary: you are caught red handed squinting while reading and your coworkers don't let it slide.
w.c: 682
warnings/content: no warnings just fluff and bickering between friends; annoyance towards dirty lenses (based on a personal experience); secret relationship (implied).
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“pretty girl.”
you were writing something down in a post-it note that you thought was relevant for the investigation before derek's voice came out of nowhere, startling you.
you look up at him, frowning, “why do you have to sneak up on people like that?”
“where are your glasses?” he inquired, narrowing you down with a suspicious look. his arms crossed over his chest as he had the serious stance he usually carried when he was trying to figure someone out. you straightened your back slightly, choosing to go back to your reading since you didn't have a reading speed of 20 000 words per minute and you also didn't want to answer that question.
see, here's the thing. glasses are annoying. dealing with dirty lenses is the worst part of wearing them, because as soon as you clean them up, they get absolutely filthy in the next second. also, you broke your lenses at least three times given your line of work.
so, yes, you purposely forgets them a few days a week to not deal with these issues.
maybe more than just a few days a week.
and your coworkers decided to make a comment or give you a look every time they catch you squinting up at a page.
“hey,” you glared up at derek morgan as he flickered your case file much to your annoyance. “i'm talking to you. where are your glasses? can you even see me right now?”
“shut up, derek.”
“do I need to get you a new pair to leave it here in the office?” he asked with indignation written all over his face. “that's the only way you'll wear them!”
“I don't need to wear them.” you practically hissed at him before he broadcasted the conversation into the entire bullpen. “they're reading glasses, it's not like I need to have them on all the time.”
“the strength of your glasses recently increased to 2. so you do need to wear them if you don't want it to get worst.” spencer dropped his things on his desk, butting in on the conversation as if he had been invited. you scowled, not the slightest amused. he only shrugged.
“see what I'm saying, pretty girl?” derek gave you a look. he resigned with a ruffle to your hair then walked away to make some coffee.
you let out a sigh, fixing up your strands in frustration.
“here.” you looked down at the object placed in your lap. “you forgot it at my place last night.” you blinked up at him, mouth agape.
“at the bedside table?” spencer gave you a look. the faint memory of your eyeglasses case on top of his bedside table came to your mind.
which was why you couldn't recall where your glasses were at home. you had been late for work and decided to give up on the search.
but they weren't even at your place.
“I cleaned them up.” he added.
“oh. right.” you took the case from him, a coat of pink painting your cheeks. you hoped he didn't expect you were going to wear them. “thank you.”
“thankfully you didn't purposely forgot it at home, right?” spencer softly teased, poking your hip which earned a kick in his ankle.
“shut up.”
he chuckled, stealthily eyeing the bullpen that was fairly empty because it was still early in the morning. he leaned down and quickly pecked your cheek then the corner of your mouth.
“spencer!” you hissed, a warning in your tone as you looked around for any prying eyes.
grinning cheeky at you, he took a few steps back. probably to go to the kitchen to grab the coffee derek was taking too long to bring. “movie night at 8 again?” he mouthed.
with a roll of your eyes, you nod “yes.” you mouthed in return, sticking your attention back to the twenty files to be finished at your desk.
“put your glasses on!” he said out loud on purpose, now attracting attention.
you groaned, hiding your face between your hands.
idiot. an absolute idiot.
taglist: @lilyviolets
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve has spent so many days and so much cash on this. Searching for every little thing, needing everything to be right. Setting it up had taken hours too. He had to take a shower once he was done because he'd started sweating. But in the end, it's worth it.
See, Eddie loves Halloween. He loves little spooky things. But he also likes the cuter spooky things. Cartoon bats with sad, puppy-dog eyes. The pale reds and soft lights. Not that he'd ever admit that.
But here, alone, in Steve's house? Well, anyone would think that it's just Steve liking those things. No one would look at the soft silk spider webs with little hearts woven in and think, "Eddie Munson was the one who saw those and started tearing up!"
The entirety of Steve's house, downstairs, is fully decorated with those types of things. He even found little lights- kind of like fairy lights but in the shape of spiders and bats, a soft, dim glow to them. The way they light up the room feels almost... romantic.
Steve squeezes out the front door as soon as he hears the familiar rumble of Eddie's van, grinning at the suspicious look he gets when he pointedly holds the door shut.
"Close your eyes," Steve quickly says before he can ask. "Please?"
Eddie squints at him for a moment. He shakes his head, looking amused. "If you kill me now, Harrington, I'm going to be very upset."
He does close his eyes though, making a show of covering his eyes with his hands.
"Don't look yet," Steve warns.
He ignores Eddie's muttered threats, propping the door open before gently guiding him just past the threshold so he can shut the door behind him.
"Ok, now you can look." Steve steps carefully to the side so he isn't in the way but can still see his reaction.
Eddie dramatically throws his hands away from his face, but then freezes. His face falls blank for a moment, eyes slowly getting a little wide as he takes the hall in. His eyes dart around like he can't decide what to look at first.
He moves through to the living room almost on autopilot, face still blank as he looks over everything. It's the same when he moves into the kitchen, when he looks out into the back yard.
Steve shifts, feeling suddenly unsure with how still Eddie has gotten. "Do you like it?"
Eddie turns, blinking at him. "Do I like it? Steve, are you- did you- all of this? For... fuck. Steve."
"That a yes?" Steve tries to smile.
"Oh for- of course it's a yes," Eddie laughs, finally grinning, though he keeps looking back around him in disbelief. "Did you... I mean... you didn't do all of this just for me, right?"
"So what if I did?"
"Fuck you," Eddie grins wider though. He steps forward to cup Steve's face in both of his hands, staring at him with awe. "Fuck you, so hard, Jesus Christ Steve."
"Did I miss anything? I know you didn't say anything about-"
Eddie kisses him to shut him up.
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hanniejji · 2 years
curious little vixen
[ tighnari x child!y/n ]
summary: tighnari doesn't remember when he started getting attached to the small human who seemed to take after him. a menace, but only because he is one too. he's not too proud of that but you're smart, so that's a start.
notes: man i love tighnari and his sassy attitude, made this while i have literally nothing to do at work ackckd | m.list
words: 844 | warnings: 'bud' as nickname as in flower bud, 'pup' because young foxes are called pups, and shrimp, used "y/n" one time
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"it doesn't look like a rose though."
amused, tighnari pats the tiny human behind him on the head, gently cupping your little hands in his to raise the flower in your palm higher.
"remember what i told you about the flora in sumeru?"
he watches your face twist in a confused pout, peering in the back of your young mind to remember his past lessons. a few seconds of being adorably focused, you perked up, an excited smile appearing on your face.
"flowers in sumeru are named after flowers that look nothing like them!"
"precisely," another pat on your head—he smiles proudly, taking the flower from your hand and intertwining the stem around your tuft of hair tied in a topknot. he fixes the tie with the flower, before pushing himself to stand and offering his hand in your direction.
"you're catching up quite fast, little one."
"i doubt i can reach your level of intelligence," you pout, tiny fingers encased in his hand and curiously watching your surroundings despite having already walked this path so many times. nonetheless, the forest is such a vast corner of knowledge and nature, all waiting to be discovered. it never ceased to juggle your curious little mind, having been around tighnari too much made you very inquisitive and observant.
a fact also never ceased to make tighnari proud and glad that you took after his interest.
thus, he takes it upon himself to take you out to the forest from time to time and slowly teaches you about the things he knows. of course, he makes sure that you're kept safe during the duration of your walks. archon knows what tighnari would do to anyone or anything that dares put you in harm.
"you're still very young, there's plenty of time for you to learn and grow," tighnari helps you cross the tree trunk laying on the slightly high water surface. "although," he grins down at you, keeping you balanced as you walk.
"what?" you tilt your head up to squint your eyes at him, already expecting a witty response.
you know tighnari already well enough to know that he's a tease, he sometimes would playfully tease you by playing harmless little pranks or asking bizarre questions that your little mind can't keep up. no harm done though, he knows his limitations but they're enough to keep you on your toes, prepared to hear the most annoying jest. much like a certain albino who also likes to say the most unfunny jokes.
right now, the mischievous smirk on tighnari's face lets you know that a teasing remark is incoming.
"you have a veeeery long way ahead of you before you can reach my level of intelligence, bud."
you groan, rolling your eyes. of course, why did you not expect this smug scholar to have a slight ego when it comes to his smarts?
"watch me in a few years!"
"sure, pup."
he gently nudges you forward, still holding your hand to keep you from falling the makeshift bridge. "careful, we don't want you walking back to the camp soaked."
tighnari's ear twitched, already feeling a suspicious tingle and squinting his eyes at you.
"i haven't done anything?"
"you're planning to do something."
"i'm nooot."
tighnari stares at you pointedly, letting you walk halfway the tree bridge and following, still being cautious.
the next thing he knows, the two of you are submerged in the river. he barely felt your hand tug at his harshly, bringing him along with you as you both fell off and into the river.
his head pops out to the surface, shaking the water off his hair and ears. you're laughing loudly, kicking your tiny feet to keep you floating. he glares, but he can't deny that seeing you this carefree makes his chest feel warm. your laughter in the forest is such a perfect fit, something about seeing you this happy in a place that he works so hard to protect fills him with so much pride.
"you should've seen your face!"
"oh shut up, shrimp."
"you have a large variety of nicknames for me, huh."
"c'mon, get out of the water before you get sick. i don't want to spend a single moment nursing a stubborn brat."
despite his words, his hand tightens around your hand as he stirrs you both into the direction of land.
he did, in fact, take care of you as you sneezed into the tissue. blankets are wrapped around your shivering body, an empty bowl on the bedside table and the aroma of freshly made medicine from herbs wafting across tighnari's room.
"you're a menace."
"so are you."
tighnari rolls his eyes, but still tucks you to bed, fixing the blanket around you and eyes softening at the way your breathing relaxes, eyes closing in a peaceful sleep with the help of his medicine.
you are indeed a menace, he guesses it's what he gets for hanging around you for too much. but he wouldn't exchange anything for it in the world.
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noodleblade · 7 months
soundstar 19. talking late into the night
(GOD IM FINALLY ANSWERING SOME OF THESE PROMPTS. IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER). I also gave myself the personal challenge to keep this under 1k. I'm proud of myself:3
Anyways, uhhhh I'm obsessed with the idea of Starscream being able to have full-fledged conversations with Soundwave without Soundwave saying a word so that's the premise of this fic<3333 enjoyyy!
AO3 Link xx
“Do you ever recharge?”
Soundwave did not jump. Nor did he move in any such way to signify his surprise. Not that he’d ever admit Starscream got the drop on him. 
He remained in his still, rigid stance in front of the central console, helm directed at the various screens despite no longer paying attention to them. Rather than turn and face his midnight visitor, Soundwave pulled up one of the surveillance cameras on the bridge to his internal HUD and watched Starscream posture at the doors. 
Soundwave watched as Starscream’s expression dulled from his sneer, clearly put out by Soundwave’s lack of response. Curiously enough, those sharp optics darted to the exact camera Soundwave was monitoring. 
“It’s rude to ignore your superior officer.”
Soundwave swiveled his neck enough to have his visor directed at Starscream. 
There. No longer ignored. 
“Glad you are putting in the effort to appear professional,” Starscream grumbled as he stalked forward. Without his usual audience of the vehicons, Knock Out or Megatron, Starscream approached him quietly, subdued. He knew his usual antics would not garner him any reaction from Soundwave so the effort was simply not needed. It wasn’t a sight Soundwave was granted often. Suspiciously, he kept his guard up. Something was off.
Soundwave tilted his helm to the side, his visor glinting off the dim lights. 
“I’m fine,” Starscream muttered. “I appreciate the concern.”
Soundwave gave one nod, before turning back to his work. Peripherally, he could feel Starscream saddle beside him, his wings nearly touching him as the seeker flexed and stretched. 
“Of course you’re working.” 
Soundwave didn’t bother to respond to that and continued to type away. Starscream leaned closer, optics squinting to read the code. 
“Are you rerouting earth tech surveillance to our main housing?”
It was a bit more complicated than that. But, Soundwave had no interest in explaining so Starscream’s simplified version would be suitable. He inclined his helm, a bit pleased with Starscream’s mouth ticked up in a smile. 
“Impressive as always. Maybe we should withhold recharge from you. You don’t seem to need it.” 
Despite his teasing words, Soundwave took note of the formality of his words. There was no jeer, none of his typical bravado. Quiet was the only way Soundwave could describe it. Perhaps even concerned, which Soundwave was even more perplexed by. 
It wasn’t like Starscream to be considered with others, let alone Soundwave’s recharge patterns. He cocked his helm curiously, biolights pulsing. 
“I’m not concerned,” Starscream snapped, though it was light. “I’m merely observant. Wouldn’t you consider that an admirable quality?”
Soundwave found himself amused with Starscream’s deflection. It seemed in his tiredness, his typical insults became softened. That being said, Soundwave noted it was well into Starscream’s scheduled recharge slot. It wasn’t often the seeker was roaming about at this hour. 
He brought up the hour to his visor and directed it fully at Starscream. 
“I’m aware of the hour, thank you,” Starscream sneered. “No need for you to be concerned either. I just…” Starscream let the sentence die, his gaze turned back to the central console screen. 
Despite his words to not be concerned, Soundwave could not help the matter. While it was rare for Starscream to be up at this hour, it was even more rare for him to lose his words. The quiet was now disquieting. Starscream was not one for quiet. He liked the sound of his own voice too much to not fill the gaps of peace with it. Soundwave felt on edge, waiting for the silence to end. 
Awkwardly, Soundwave shuffled slightly to his right, opening up the space at the console. For them to share. 
Starscream huffed a mildly unamused laugh but didn’t say anything still. For a few kliks, nothing happened and Soundwave felt the tricking of dread. Perhaps his gesture of kindness was rather that of foolishness. 
Slowly, Starscream leaned closer. Soundwave made no move to notice it, continuing to type away. Another klik passed before Starscream stepped closer, helm bowed to look at the screen. 
“You know,” Starscream started again, his usual cadence back, “if you are so desperate for my assistance, you could just ask.”
Soundwave turned his visor to Starscream unamused, but relieved by the smirk cropping up on the Air Commander’s face. His field was warmer as his vile grin covered his face. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you company.”
Unexpected words, but Soundwave found them to be not completely unpleasant.
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zablife · 2 years
Jake's Reaction to You Fainting at the Beach
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin x pilot gf reader
Summary: You pass out from dehydration while playing football on the beach, but the dagger squad gets suspicious when Jake is a little too attentive.
Author's Note: Requested by a lovely anon.
All of dagger squad was on the beach assembled by Mav for a team building excercise. You were glad to spend the day outside, enjoying the break from work and exercise with your colleagues. You’d been a good athlete all your life and although you’d never heard of dogfight football, you picked it up quickly. Jake was beaming at you with pride, which you hoped none of the others had noticed. So far you’d managed to hide your new relationship and you hoped to keep it that way a bit longer. 
As the sun rose higher in the sky and the breeze stopped, you found yourself becoming overheated. Mav called a break for everyone and you jogged toward the large yellow cooler he’d brought. Jake popped it open, grabbing a bottle of water and tossing it to you before closing the lid. 
Coyote raised his arms in question to his best friend. “Hey, man, what about me?” he asked incredulously.
“Ladies, first,” Hangman explained with a sly smile and you laughed as you took your water over to chat with Phoenix. 
Soon you were all back to the game, running back and forth along the wet sand in the sweltering heat. Your legs weren’t moving as quickly or feeling quite as light as they had before. You wondered if the sand had gotten softer or if it was just your imagination. No one else seemed to be having trouble. You noticed Jake watching you and you swore he had a look of concern as you stopped to wipe sweat from your brow, but you shot him a thumbs up and he winked back. 
You took a deep breath and focused on your next pass down the beach trying to see where you should position yourself to receive the ball from Fanboy. You turned trying to make him out in the sunshine, but saw the figures in front of you turn to wavy lines. You squinted to make out the football, but your vision turned to bright white as the sand rushed up to meet your cheek.
The next thing you remembered was Payback standing over you, waving his hand in front of your face as you blinked.
“Hey, give my girl some room!” Jake practically growled at him. He shoved his way between Payback and Phoenix to kneel next to you. Looking into your eyes he asked, “Y/n, what happened?” 
“Got dizzy, I guess,” you said quietly as you squinted against the bright sunlight. 
He used his hand to shade you asking “Feel ok to sit up?” You gave him a small smile and nodded slowly. “Ok, go slow now, darlin,” he said placing an arm behind your back for support. “Does that feel alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m ok now,” you said, placing a hand on his cheek to reassure him. After a few moments of rest, he hoisted you up to a standing position letting you lean into his side for support as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
Only then did you realize you had an audience. Your fellow aviators were watching with amused smirks and it was obvious they knew there was something more between you and Jake.
“Your girl, huh, Hangman?” Coyote teased. Jake looked at you to see if he was in trouble and you just laughed.
“Yeah, I am. Anybody got a problem with that?” you asked playfully.
You heard a chorus of “no's” and “uh uh's” as everyone around you shook their heads. They were all smiling though and you could tell they were happy for you both. It felt like a relief for everyone to know the truth and in the end, you were glad you hadn’t had to find a way to tell them. It was the only good thing to come from fainting on the beach, except maybe the way Jake pampered you the rest of the day.
****If you liked this blurb, please comment and reblog!! Also, feel free to send me an ask and request another! I'm always willing to write more for Hangman or Rooster.****
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presumenothing · 5 months
me: hey so what about post-canon crack with accidental gh–
everyone within radius: not AGAIN
When Li Lianhua opens his eyes (again) after what has to be the most excruciatingly drawn-out death anyone must ever have had (yet again, and what good is the universe if it can't even be creative for once?), it's to find himself suspended weightlessly above the ground (big deal, he mastered that – hell, invented that before he was seventeen).
And also, apparently, invisible to everyone.
(…okay, fine. That's new.)
Well. Almost everyone; there's always Hulijing (good girl, best girl, no fooling that nose).
And also –
Hiiiii, says (thinks?) Li Lianhua, floating just on the edge of corporeal-stabbing distance.
"You are a blight upon my existence," Di Feisheng bites out, suggesting that a physical set of lungs is not strictly necessary to make himself heard.
"You mean, the fact that even the great Di-mengzhu can't possibly fight me like this? Literally speaking."
Di Feisheng crosses his arms with something perilously close to a pout.
"That's nonsense!" splutters Fang Duobing. "What do you mean, I probably just can't see him because I'm too rigid-minded!?"
Di Feisheng shrugs; fight the messenger and lose, sure.
"Or it could also be the not-spending a decade at mortal peril," Li Lianhua muses. "It's not like we have enough of a sample size to tell."
Fang Duobing squints suspiciously at the answering huff of amusement. "If not for the fact that I doubt anyone else would be able to find a way to leave me out of the conversation from beyond the grave – ow!"
Li Lianhua blinks in surprise at the still-definitely-see-through hand he'd reflexively thwacked Fang Duobing with. "Serves you right for pointing," he says anyway.
(Hulijing barks in clear agreement.)
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || The Quarry
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When the community had resided back to their own homes, Abraham dealt with Regs body, giving him a burial.
Daryl, Natalia and Morgan sat around the island in their home, sharing a meal.
"You were right." Morgan said to Rick, as he looked through his belongs. "It wasn't over."
"We should talk more tomorrow." Rick said. "Listen. I don't take chances anymore."
"And you shouldn't." Morgan agreed.
Michonne and Carol caught Daryl and Natalia up on what they had missed, a better version of what Spencer had given them at the gate, whilst Natalia held Judith, before her bedtime.
"So Noah, he...." Natalia trailed, bouncing Judith on her hip.
"Glenn watched the whole thing happen, there was nothing he could do, we almost lost Tara as well, if it wasn't for Eugene." Michonne added.
"Man stepped up, finally." Daryl commented.
"What happened when you were out there?" Carol asked.
Natalia looked up at Daryl, who met her gaze.
"Uh oh." Michonne said.
"Did you find anyone?" Carol pushed.
"Sort of." Natalia started. "But we lost him, he just disappeared."
"No where in sight, we looked." Daryl continued. "Then got ourselves caught in a trap."
"Oh, god!" Carol gasped, as she covered her mouth.
"That's when Morgan came out of nowhere, saved our asses." He left out the part where they argued over who was going to get to sacrifice themselves.
"Just a pretty standard day." Natalia finished.
In the morning, Daryl was out the front, working on his bike, Natalia sat on the steps, boredly watching him, just for something to do, Sully was next to her, also watching the man as she scratched his fur.
Rick then walked out the house, heading down the steps.
"So, is he okay with it?" Daryl asked, nodding off to Rick putting Morgan in one of the makeshift cells, until they knew he wasn't still crazy, Michonne had told Natalia what had happened back in Kentucky.
"It was pretty much his idea. He gets it." Rick said.
"It's got a bed and a bath, but it's still a cage, you know?"
"He gets it. He told me what happened out there with the trucks." Rick looked at the pair.
"He tell you about those guys he met? The Ws." Daryl gestured to his forehead.
"Like that walker we saw, yeah."
"They're everywhere." Natalia squinted up at the two men, shielding her eyes from the sun.
"We need more watch points. And I'm gonna tell Deanna we don't need to go looking for people anymore."
"What? Rick." Natalia stood up from the steps. "That's our job."
"Look what happened when you were out there."
Daryl just nodded, bending down to work on his bike again.
"You feel different about it?" He asked the man, already hearing what Natalia thought.
"Yeah, I do." Daryl admitted.
"Well, people out there, they got to take care of themselves, just like us, I'm gonna get him out. Shouldn't leave him in there any longer than we have to."
When he had walked away, another person appeared.
"Natty!" Natalia turned around, before seeing Evie running towards her, by herself, once again.
She bent down, catching the little girl as she ran into her arms, wrapping her own arms around the woman's neck.
"You're back." She cheered.
"I told you I would." Natalia said, hugging the girl back, as Sully excitedly sniffed her, before receiving scratches from her.
"Hi, Daryl." She looked at the archer, who had sat down, from kneeling, watching the pairs embrace.
"Hi, Evie." He replied.
"What are you doing here?" Natalia asked, speaking with an authoritive tone. "Where's your dad?"
"At work." She replied.
"And where does he think you are?" She looked at the girl suspiciously.
Daryl was slightly amused at this side of Natalia, he'd been told off by the woman many of times, and so had others, but it was never like this, he thought she was very... motherly, but he wouldn't dare to ever tell her that, scared she might burst into tears or even shoot him.
"School..." The little girl looked down, kicking the ground, scuffing her purple trainer.
"Evie. Why aren't you there? Learning is important."
"I wanted to see you, you said we could hang out when you got back." She perked up, arguing with the twenty-seven year old.
"If your dad finds us together when you should be in school, who do you think he's going to blame, its not gonna be you, it'll be me."
"He won't get mad, he said it's okay."
"Evelyn, are you lying to me?"
"No... Yes." She sighed. "You're my best friend, Natty." She battered her lashes, where the hell did she get that from. "And my mommy's gone." She pretended to wipe at her eyes, as if she were crying.
"Nice try, I'm taking you back." She stood up, taking a hold of the girls hand.
"Natty, I don't wanna."
"I'm not arguing with you, you're going."
"No!" She shouted in Natalia's face.
"Evie!" Natalia raised her voice. "You have to."
"She can stay." Daryl interrupted. "It won't hurt to just miss one day."
"See." The young girl gestured to the man in front of the bike. "Daryl agrees."
"Daryl doesn't get to make decisions on your education." Natalia told her.
"Neither do you."
"When you're ditching, I do."
"Nuh uh." She put her hand on her hip, popping it.
"Yuh hu- what am I doing, fine! You ditch again, it's your dads fault, got it?" She pointed at the girl.
"Deal." She rolled her eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked Daryl, moving to sit next to him on the floor, looking at the bike.
"Fixing it up."
"Can I help?" She asked him.
Daryl looked up at Natalia, who shrugged.
"You said she could stay with us."
Daryl spent the rest of the afternoon messing about with the bike, making sure to explain to the little girl from time to time what he was doing, and explaining the tools to her, even a few times getting Evie to hold something for him.
Natalia watched them interact, quite liking this other side of the man.
When Rick and Morgan had returned from burying Pete, on Deanna's orders, with Ron, he called a meeting.
Carl had offered to watch Evie, as well as Judith and Sully, whilst her and Daryl left for Deanna's house, Milo was also there, which she had a brief conversation with before Rick had explained about the Quarry full of walkers.
"My team, we saw it early on." Heath, who had been on a run with Annie and Scott, since before the group arrived, told the full house. "Back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here. There was a camp at the bottom. The people, they must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad. They didn't make it. They were all roamers. Maybe a dozen of them."
"And no one's been back since?" Maggie asked.
"DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction. And I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself." Heath replied.
"So all the while the walkers have been drawn by the sound and they're making more sound and they're drawing more in." Michonne explained.
"And here we are." Rick started. "Now what I'm proposing, I know it sounds risky, but walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in could go off the edge any day now. Maybe after one more hard rain. That exit sends them east. All of them, right at us. This isn't about if it gives, it's when. It's gonna happen. That's why we have to do this soon."
"This is uh... I don't even have another word for it. This is terrifying. All of it. But it doesn't sound like there's any other way." Carol said, meekly.
"Maybe there is." Carter spoke up.
"There's not." Natalia put him down.
"There could be. Couldn't we just build up the weak spots?" He pressed. "I could draw up plans. I worked on the wall with Reg. Construction crew, we could try and make it safe."
Natalia looked at Milo, who was listening to Carter, but even he sounded doubtful, catching Natalia's gaze for only a moment, before they both looked at Rick.
"Even if we could, the sound of those walkers is drawing more and more every day. Building up the exits won't change that." He told him.
"We're gonna do what Rick says." Deanna decided. "The plan he's laid out."
"I told you all, we're gonna have Daryl leading them away." He pointed at the man who was sat in the windowsill, Natalia was leaned on the wall beside him.
"Me, too." Sasha volunteered. "I'll take a car, ride next to him. Can't just be him. I'll keep them coming. Daryl keeps them from getting sloppy."
"I'll go with her." Abraham declared. "It's a long way to white-knuckle it solo."
"Alright, we'll have two teams. One on each side of the forest. helping manage this thing. We're gonna have a few people on watch from now on. Rosita, Spencer and Holly. So they're out. So who's in?"
"Me." Michonne was the first.
"And me." Natalia raised her hand. "Piece of cake, right, long as everyone sticks to the plan." She shrugged.
"I will, Nat's right." Milo offered, causing a small smile out of her.
"What about Evie?" Natalia muttered to him, he wasn't too far away from her and Daryl.
"She'll be safe here, I wanna make sure it stays that way."
People began conversing with each other as they discussed what to do.
"I'm in." Glenn told Rick.
"I'd like to help as well." Gabriel raised his hand.
"No, who else?" Rick shot him down. "We need more."
"There's gotta be another play." Carter continued to ramble. "We can't just control that many."
"I said it before, walkers herd up. They'll follow a path if somethings drawing them. That's how we get them all at once."
"So, what? We're supposed to just take your word for it? We're all supposed to just fall in line behind you after..."
"After what?" Rick challenged him.
"After you wave a gun around, screaming, pointing it at people. After you shoot a man in the face. After you-"
"Enough!" Deanna shut him up.
"I'll do it." Heath brought them back to the actual conversation.
"Me, too." Francine joined in.
"Whatever you need, I'm in." Tobin told Rick.
"Now, who else?" Deanna asked.
"I'll go." Nicholas raised his hand high, even though Natalia could see Glenn clearly shaking his head no. "We have to do this. I need to help."
"You sure you can handle it?" Rick asked him, knowing what had happened with Noah and Aiden, and then getting an idea what had happened between the pair in the woods the night before, even if they had said it was walkers.
"You need people." He shrugged.
"We'll make this work. We'll keep this place safe." Rick assured the people of Alexandria.
"The plan, go through it again." Carter said.
"Man, he just said it." Daryl rasped.
"Every part, again. The exact plan."
"Do you want us to make step by step instructions whilst we're at it?" Natalia asked. "Or should we get this done so you can get back to cowering inside the walls?"
Outside the house, Rick pulled out a map, the people joining in, gathered around it, as he devised the layout of the plan.
"Marshal and Redding, we force them west, here." Rick said, pointing at it on the map.
"How?" Deanna asked.
"We block it off so they can only go one way, west, away from the community."
"Block it off with what?" Carter enquired.
"Cars. We'll use the RVs, some of the bigger trucks, park them end to end."
"We'll be drawing them away." Michonne added. "They're gonna keep moving."
"Yeah, but that many? Just bouncing off some sedans? And then when they start slipping through, and the ones that walk away start distracting the rest and you stop drawing them away?" Carter stood up.
"Mans got a point." Heath agreed.
"We got plates." Eugene said. "The big-ass metal ones from the construction site. We can use them to fortify the whip wall. It'd help disperse the force of impact and direct the walkers clean. Like a pool table, Eight ball, corner pocket."
"That's an army out there." Carter pointed ahead.
"And Eugene's right, it'd work." Natalia spoke up.
"But what happens when this doesn't hold. And they push on through. The curve on this hillside is gonna send them right back east. Right back here." Carter pointed on the map. "You seriously want to risk that?"
"No." Rick told him. "So you need to help us to make it hold."
"These walls, you built them." Morgan said. "So you've already done the impossible."
"Carter. Please." Deanna spoke to the man.
Once Carter was on board, Rick told the people of Alexandria, that they would start the building process the next day.
"Hey." Milo approached her side as people were beginning to disappear to their own homes, she was heading over to walk home with Daryl, before he caught her attention.
"Hi, Milo, I'm glad you volunteered to help out."
"Course, like you said, "Piece of cake" right? I meant it when I said I gotta make sure Evie's safe in here, no matter what. She's all I got, and I'm all she's got... well, biologically anyway."
"What do you mean?" Natalia asked him, frowning slightly.
"Y'know, my kid adores you, sometimes I think she might even like you more than she likes me, I know I can be harsh and impatient with her, with everything going on-"
"Its easy to forget she's just a kid. I get it." Natalia finished, folding her arms.
"I- just, I'm glad she has you now, as well, if anything were to happen to me, out there, I know it sounds like a lot, but, I'm just hoping you'll take care of her, I don't think she's given me much choice of trusting anyone else with her, Evie doesn't talk to anyone like she does you, hell, she doesn't even talk to the other kids at school."
"Milo, nothing is going to happen to you, you won't-"
"Okay, but if it does, I just want you to promise me you'll look after her, take care of her for me."
Natalia thought about it for a while, before sighing.
"Fine, but I won't, okay, because you're going to be fine, nothing will happen."
"Deal." He smiled at her. "Anyways, on a lighter note, did you want to have dinner with us again, a welcome back from your recruiting mission."
"Yeah, I'd like that, thank you." She smiled, though she still felt a heavy weight from the conversation.
For the next two days, they got to work on construction, so they could corral the herd without it backfiring and them getting off track.
Milo had been showing Natalia a lot about the building, sometimes jokingly helping her with heavy slabs of sheet metal, making it known that there was something he was better at than her, when she had more of a skillset in this world, than most people.
"You two seem awfully chummy." Michonne said, as he walked away to help someone else.
"What?" Natalia asked.
"Don't act all confused now, you and him." She nodded at Milo, who was patting Daryl on the back as they talked about something, wheelbarrowing dirt across the place, he was smiling at the archer, but Daryl still hadn't warmed up to the man.
"Mich, we're just friends, okay." Natalia told her.
"And what about Daryl?" She wiggled her brows.
"Huh? The same as you and I, what else?" Natalia seemed thrown off by that comment, she heard it a lot, and she knew people had been making their assumptions for a long time, since back at the prison, but for some reason, it felt a lot different now than it did before, and she didn't want to explore why. "Can I actually tell you something."
"What?" Michonne asked, bending to pick up a sheet of metal.
"Milo, he uh... after the meeting, he just kinda said something weird."
"About, if he, y'know, out here, what he wanted to happen with Evie."
"What, that he wants you to take care of her in case he couldn't?" It didn't sound insane to the woman.
"Yeah, exactly! That's strange, right?"
"No. Evie has made it loud and clear that you're her best friend, not like I'm jealous or anything, I'm not."
"Yeah, okay." Natalia scoffed.
"But, you two seem close, like real close, the kid cherishes you, it's not surprising he'd wanna leave the care of his daughter in the hands of someone he knows will take care of her, you have dinner at their house like every night now, and you're shocked? I was actually waiting for you to tell us you're moving out and in with them."
"You really think that?" Natalia asked "Maybe I should sit back a little, I'm not her mom or anything."
"Yeah, cause her mom is gone, but you're doing a lot of good, she needs you, don't hurt her feelings by pushing her away cause you're scared."
"I'm not scared."
"Then act like it. Besides, You don't have to freak out just yet, he's gonna be fine, Milo's getting good at handling himself."
"Yeah, you're right." Natalia looked over her shoulder at Rick talking with Deanna. "Enough about my love life, what about yours." She grinned at her friend.
"I don't know what you mean." Michonne rolled her eyes, acting nonchalant.
"Oh, really, so you don't think he's attractive, not even a little?"
"I didn't say that."
"I know, your face gives it away too much." She teased.
"Shut up." Michonne shoved her.
A scream sounded.
Natalia and Michonne looked over, Rick and Deanna were staring ahead, and that's when they saw walkers were approaching the construction site.
The pair ran over with their weapons in hand, so did the others in their group, ready to take the walkers on.
"Hey." Rick told Daryl, who was getting ready to shoot, whilst stopping the group from going ahead.
"Rick." Natalia told him.
"Use your shovels. The guns will draw more." Rick told the people of Alexandria, not letting his people take over.
"Help us." Carter cried.
"You can do this. You need to, all of you."
A man in a hat was kicking them away, until he fell over, they were scared and had no idea what they were doing.
Morgan then ran forward, kicking Natalia and Michonne into action as they jumped in to fight the walkers.
"Morgan, don't!" Rick called after him.
Natalia pulled a walker off one of the men, dragging him backwards before plunging her knife into it's eye, throwing it away to move onto the next, as her family did the same.
She continued until they were all gone.
Natalia wiped blood off her cheek, flicking it off her finger and on the ground as the Alexandrians stared in scared silence.
"You said you don't take chances anymore." Morgan spoke to Rick.
"You okay?" Natalia asked Milo.
"I'm, I'm fine." She felt sort of proud that he was the only who had at least tried to fight a walker and succeeding.
The construction was done, and the day had finally come for the rehearsal, where Rick would explain the plan and they would run it through, find anything that could cause a problem for the day.
"Its an insane world, we have to come for them, before they come for us. It's that simple." Rick told the group of people, stood in front of the Quarry full of walkers. "This is where it all starts, tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck. Opens the exit, and we're off. He hops out. Catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike..."
A rumbling from behind him caught their attention.
"You see that?" Sasha asked, pointing at one of the trucks.
The cab of the truck groaned loudly, then the bit of land it was on collapsed, causing the truck to fall to the ground.
The group watched in horror at what was happening.
"It's open! We gotta do this now! We're doing this now!" Rick told them.
"But we're not ready!" Milo cursed.
"Yes we are, you gotta work with what we got, you can do this!" Natalia told him, running back towards her team, which consisted of Rick, Michonne and Morgan.
Tobin's group, get moving, go!" Rick instructed.
"No, Rick. We're not ready!" Carter copied Milo.
"Sasha, Abraham!"
"Damn straight, we'll do it live!" Abraham called, him and Sasha getting in the car.
"You meet Daryl at red. Let him take them through the gauntlet."
"Yeah, we meet at Red!"
Daryl was stood across the opening between the two trucks, watching it with his crossbow in hand.
"Are you good to go on your own, I can come with you, it's gonna be a lot." Natalia told him as she checked the magazine of her gun.
"No, I got it, you make sure everything else goes smooth, I ain't wasting my fuel just for the plan to fail."
"Alright, be safe, or I'll kill you, Dixon." Natalia told him.
"Always am, you too."
"Make sure you come back home."
"Rick, I'll hit the tractor place." Glenn told him.
"Okay, who else?"
"We got to take them out, or they'll distract the horde." He explained to Heath, then Nicholas began arguing about going with, Glenn was against it but then finally caved.
Milo ended up joining Glenn's team.
"Rick, this was supposed to be a dry run." Carter continued.
"Daryl, get ready." Rick told him.
"They're coming." He shouted. As a walker squeezed through, scraping the skin on his back off.
"Rick, we haven't even gone through the whole plan."
"You want to go back, go back. We're finishing this." He told the man. "Tobin, you hit it on my signal. They're heading for home, we don't have a choice."
"Be safe." Natalia reminded Daryl, going in to kiss his cheek, her hand on his stomach as she leaned in, but he turned his head at the last second wanting to say something before he didn't get the chance, grazing their lips together.
Natalia stared at him wide eyed, before running backwards, with Michonne and Morgan.
He was frozen for a second before getting a hold of himself, staring back at the walker that was heading for him.
"Get ready to hit the flares." Rick told them. "Now."
On his say so, they shot the flares into the sky, a beacon for the walkers to follow.
"Tobin, hit the truck!" Rick told him.
The man did as he said, opening the gap, as Daryl shot at the walker.
Daryl then revved his bike loudly, waiting for them to move towards him.
"You all have your assignments." Rick spoke into the radio as his team neared their destination. "You know where to rendezvous. Daryl leads them out. Sasha and Abraham join him at the bottom of the hill. Glenn, you hit us when you take care of the walkers at the tractor place. That's the one thing we gotta get ahead of. Everybody, keep your heads. Just keep up."
The four ran through the trees' hitting their mark at the yellow balloons.
"Glenn, you there, yet?" Rick asked through the radio.
"Almost, We'll have it handled before they get here." His voice came from the radio. "And we'll meet you at yellow."
"Copy that."
They caught their breath as they stood in front of the RV, wating for the call.
"It'll hold." Rick assured his friends.
Well, that's good." Michonne replied. "You know, considering where we're standing."
Natalia didn't join in with the remarks, which was off for her, Michonne paid attention to that.
"So much for him being a friend." She hit the back of the woman's hand, this sparked interest in Rick as he looked at them.
"It was an accident." Natalia mumbled, staring ahead.
"I gathered that from the way you both acted like you'd been hit by lightning." She teased.
"I don't want to talk about it right now." She chewed her nail.
Michonne let it go.
"Michonne." Morgan said.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Back when you were in that place, where I lived, did you take one of my protein bars?" He asked.
Rick and Natalia side eyed the pair, wondering why he'd bring that up right now.
"No." She told him confidently.
"See, I could have sworn there was one more peanut butter left."
"That's how it is, isn't it?" She sighed. "You always think there's one more peanut butter left."
"I've had recurring nightmares about that happening to me." Natalia mused.
"Glenn, you have to hurry." Rick spoke into the radio after a while, as he stood on top of the RV. "The noise could distract the herd right off the road. Talk to me."
"We're here." He confirmed.
"It'll be alright, they got this." Natalia looked around, squinting in the sun.
"You not worried about Milo going with them?" Michonne asked her.
"No, he's been getting better, he can do it." She assured.
Eventually, they heard the loud sounds of Daryl revving his bike as he rode towards them, the harsh snarls and growls of walkers following.
"Here comes your man." Michonne said.
"Stop." She swatted at her friend.
They then shot flares into the sky.
They continued doing this until the metal began rattling as the walkers pressed themselves against it, it was working, just like an eight ball pocket, like Eugene had said.
Michonne and Natalia stepped closer, watching carefully through the gaps of the walkers.
A few had caught them, snarling as they continued walking, causing the two women to shy away from being spotted.
Rick had seen this, shooting another flare above to keep them on track.
They then moved on, back into the trees to find Glenn's group and Tobin's.
Milo was still there, unharmed.
"Hey, you made it." She smiled at him, leaning in for a quick hug.
"You said I would." He grinned back.
"It's working." Carter said, as they watched the walkers stroll along the road. "You were right."
He put out his hand, to shake Ricks, who accepted it, calling a truce.
"Everyone, we need to finish this." He looked around at the people. "We have to keep moving and fan out down that thing front to back. Like we said, cops at a parade. Glenn, you take the back. You got the other walkie."
"Got it."
"If it gets sloppy, we fire our weapons, pull them back on track." Rick told them.
"I'll hit the front." Carter offered, jogging off.
"Okay, one after the other."
The group then spread out.
Natalia followed the members of her team, whilst Milo went with his.
As they ran, a mans scream caught their attention, it was Carters, it had caught some of the walkers as well, as they followed from the road, and towards the noise.
"Tobin, they're breaking off." Rick spoke into the radio.
"What do you want us to do?"
"Fire your guns and draw them back."
Rick was the first to reach Carter, Natalia wasn't too far behind.
Rick yanked the wailing man off the walker that was chewing his face off, whilst Natalia plunged her knife into the walkers head.
Carter continued to wail and scream frantically.
"Oh, I'm dead."
"Shut him up!" Natalia hissed, looking ahead at the walkers moving towards them.
"Carter, take a breath." Rick told him, he didn't listen. "Carter."
"Oh, god!" He cried.
"Be quiet. Shh Shh." He tried to smother Carters mouth.
"Rick." Natalia groaned, looking at the road.
"Carter, you got to be quiet." He kept trying.
Natalia had enough, dropping her knife into his skull before Rick got the chance.
The man was silent, and dead.
Gunfire then rained from a distance.
"It's working." Tobin cheered into the walkie. "The gunfire is bringing them back on the road."
Rick and Natalia looked up, Morgan and Michonne was stood by them.
"You got them, Tobin." Rick replied.
"Copy that. What was that screaming?"
"That was Carter, he got bit right in the face. Nat stopped him, there was nothing else we could do." Rick admitted.
Rick got up, grabbing his gun, Natalia wiped her hands, as she used Carters shirt to wipe her knife clean from his blood.
"We have a good hour until we have them to green. When we hand them off to Daryl, Sasha and Abraham. Why don't you head back, tell everyone what happened?" Rick asked Morgan. "They should know."
"Okay, Rick, I just-"
"Will you do that for me?" He cut the man off. "I'll take care of that one." He pointed ahead at the lone walker. "Michonne, you take point with Nat." He said.
"I know it's how it is." Morgan started. "I do."
"Yeah. I do, too." Michonne sighed.
"He was bit, nothing we could do for him, no point getting ourselves killed as well." Natalia told them both, walking ahead.
As they walked through the woods, a horn blared loudly in the other direction.
"What now?" Natalia cursed as they ran back, through the trees.
"Whatever that is, it's far." Michonne said.
"It sounds like it's coming from-" Natalia was cut off.
"Home." Rick finished.
Tags: @fallenkitten
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madiomens · 8 months
Just Pretend [n.s.]
Chapter Twelve
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The last show in France came and went and before we knew it we were walking into the Airbnb we had for the two shows in Spain. I yawned as a shiver wracked my body from the chilly night air, bringing my suitcase to a halt so I could wipe the tears out of my eyes. Nicholas chuckled beside me and rubbed my back.
"I wish I could say the very little sleep gets easier, but it doesn't. At least it's only midnight so you can get a little more rest than usual." He said, pulling the hood off his head.
I smiled at him and stretched out my sore muscles. "This is nothing. When it's actually cold outside is when I'll really be yawning."
"You're a cold sleepy person, huh.?" He questioned with a chuckle as he grabbed some water from the kitchen.
"Almost too cold." Noah's voice chimed in from behind me before I could reply.
I squinted my eyes at him, stifling the grin that threatened to make its way on my face. "At least I don't make the room a sauna."
"True. These bitches cut off my A/C all the damn time. Pisses me off." Noah said, shooting pointed looks at the boys.
Folio held his palms up. "Don't include me in that, I don't live there."
I scrunched my nose. "How do you relax without cool air?"
"A/C is not meant to be run when it's cold outside." Nicholas yelled from the kitchen.
"It's also not meant to be 1000 degrees inside." Noah said, raising his hand up to lightly pinch my nose as he walked past me.
I scrunched my nose at him as a smile slid on my face, watching his back as he retreated to claim a bedroom. I turned to look at Jolly, who was standing beside me and giving me a look as if he could read my thoughts.
I furrowed my brows at him. "What?"
He shook his head with a side grin. "Nothing. I just see everything."
"Everything of what?" I questioned.
"Just everything." He said before going to claim his own bedroom.
I squinted my eyes at his back before making my way to the hallway to claim my own bedroom- even though I'll more than likely be using very little of it. My eyes landed on Noah, who was leaning casually against his doorframe with his arms crossed and hood over his head.
I paused in the middle of the hallway, causing Folio, who I didn't realize was behind me, to run into my back. I stumbled forward a few steps as Folio's arms shot out to stabilize me but wound up pushing me right into Noah's outstretched arm.
"God, sorry Folio." I said, turning to apologize to him.
"It's ok, I think I was half asleep." He said through his yawn, rubbing his eye sleepily.
I chuckled and squeezed his arm. "Go pass out in a bed."
He nodded and sloppily kissed my cheek as he walked past me. "Goodnight, Maddie, I love you." He said through another yawn.
I laughed and watched him drag his feet to the end of the hall. "I love you too, sleepy head."
I turned to look at Noah, who was looking at me with a raised brow. "What?"
"Why are you going to claim a room when you'll just be in mine?" He questioned, crossing his arms back across his chest.
I chuckled at him. "Because won't it be a tad suspicious if I put all my stuff in your room if I have a perfectly good empty one right across from you?"
He snorted and squinted his eyes at me. "Maybe you should just go room with Folio since you loooveee him so much."
I raised my brows at him and pushed my suitcase into the empty bedroom before walking closer to the pouting man. "Are you jealous right now?"
He sniffed and pushed off the doorframe, taking a step backwards into his room. "No." He said stubbornly.
"Ah. So you won't care if I actually take you up on that suggestion?" I asked, turning as if to walk towards Folio's room.
He took one long stride forward to grab my hand, causing me to look at him in amusement. "Don't."
I chewed on the inside of my lip to hide the humorous grin that threatened to break across my face. "You want me to stay with you, huh?" He pursed his lips but stayed silent, his grip still on my hand. "I'm gonna need you to use your words, Sebastian."
He sighed dramatically and threw his head backwards. "Maddie, will you stay with me?"
I let my smile break free and reached up to pat his cheek. "See, that wasn't so bad."
He sighed again. "Well?"
I chuckled. "Let me shower and I'll be in here."
"But-" He started before I cut him off.
"No I will not shower with you because I want a quick, hot shower so I can get in bed, capiche?" I said, chuckling as I watched his face fall into a pout.
I pulled his head down to kiss his cheek before turning on my heels to quickly make my way to my room before he could pull me back. I shut the door behind me and shook my head with a chuckle, opening my suitcase to pull out an oversized sweatshirt and some leggings. I quickly showered, washing my hair and body before doing a quick shave, and dried off before getting dressed. I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair before flicking the light off, grabbing my phone charger and phone. I turned the bedroom light off and shut the door softly behind me as I made my way into Noah's room, shutting his own door softly as well. He was walking out of his bathroom, rubbing a towel over his head to dry it off from his own shower.
"You know, for someone who agreed we both didn't need anything but casual you sure are needy." I said with a chuckle.
He squinted his eyes at me as he tossed his towel on the sink. "I don't wanna sleep alone."
"Fair enough." I said before plugging my phone up and sliding into his bed.
He turned the bathroom light off so that the only light on was his bedside lamp, which cast a golden glow over his bare torso. I rolled on my side and watched his every move as his muscles flexed while he pulled on a hoodie, my eyes never leaving him. He looked down at me as he fixed the hoodie, lashes creating dark shadows on his cheeks. He crawled into the bed painstakingly slow before reaching over to caress my cheek with the back of his finger. I reached up to do the same to him with my thumb before pulling him down to press my lips onto his. He dropped his hand to slide it underneath my hoodie, rubbing up my side and sending goosebumps up by body. Our lips worked together in unison deeply. There wasn't any urgency to the kiss like there normally was. Every move was slow and deep, as if we had all the time in the world to relish in each other's embrace. He rolled me on my back so he was leaned down over me, his hand coming up to rest on my breast and gently squeeze it. He broke the kiss to look down at me, eyes searching my face with some sort of emotion I hadn't seen in them before.
"What?" I questioned quietly.
He shook his head as he kept looking over my face, bringing his hand out from under my hoodie to rub a hair off my forehead. "Nothing." He said before sliding his arm under my body and pulling me towards him to lay on his chest.
I placed my hand on his chest and began rubbing circles there, leaning my head back to look up at him. He was staring at the ceiling and chewing on the inside of his lip as he absentmindedly ran his fingers up and down my back over my hoodie.
I furrowed my brows at him and placed my hand on his cheek so he would look at me. "What's going on in your head?"
His eyes searched mine for a bit before replying. "I'm glad you saved that girls life at the festival."
I softly smiled. "Just doing my job."
"If you weren't there, you wouldn't be here." He whispered, voice barely audible.
I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "I'm glad I'm here."
A crooked grin slid onto his face before he went back to staring at the ceiling, in his head again. "Me too."
I furrowed my brows again as I stared at his face in confusion with the mood change. I took a deep breath and let it out before settling onto his chest more, deciding to let him be with his thoughts. He'll tell me about them if he wants to.
A wave of sleep washed over me and my eyes slid shut, dozing off into the darkness as Noah's heart kept racing with whatever was going on in his head.
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gokartkid · 1 year
If the sentence prompt is open, maybe Maxiel: “You misunderstood”
"You misunderstood," Max is half laughing, Daniel can hear it in his voice even when he isn't looking at him; he can see his face in his minds eye, cheeks crinkling and eyes squinting shut.
"Well--" he's trying not to laugh as well, scrubbing at his hands and splashing water onto his face. His cheeks feel flushed and red with embarrassment, and the cold water hits him like a balm, "I don't think it's my fault, to be fair!"
"No," Max's hand, on the small of his back. It's the lightest touch but enough to make Daniel react, tilting backwards just so to get more contact, "it wasn't. I think that I, of course, made it a bit confusing maybe."
"Uh huh," he deadpans, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid the sting of soapy water. He scrubs his fingers over his face, working them into the planes of his cheeks, his forehead, "thanks. I mean, obviously, I'm still embarrassed but you know. I'll get over it."
He's trying to be more okay with a lot of things, with Max; admitting when he's wrong; admitting when he needs help; admitting when he's feeling embarrassed. Mostly he's trying to get better at telling Max when he misses him, without feeling like he's having to crack open his chest to say so.
Daniel wants to say it as casually as Max does, like listing off items to get from the grocery store; could you get some more potatoes for dinner, also I love you, also I miss you.
"Mmhm," Max hums, amused. Daniel cracks one eye open to look at him, wags a finger mock disapprovingly.
Max ducks his head forward, body curving. He presses a warm kiss to the side of Daniel's wet mouth. Daniel turns his head properly to reciprocate, lips sliding over the seam of Max's mouth. It's nice for a moment, before Max pulls away and makes a face.
"Ah," he scrubs his hand over his mouth, "soap. Yuck."
Daniel starts laughing, and splashes him with water just to hear him squawk with disapproval. Max jabs his fingers into Daniel's ribs in retaliation, making him yelp and jerk away, still laughing.
"I love you, by the way," he says it all in a rush; his heart squeezes and clenches hard in his chest. Max's hair is dishevelled and there's still some mud on his face from chasing after the sheep, bits of dirt caught in the collar of his shirt.
"I love you too," Max smiles, before his face changes, suspicious, "Did you say that just to get me to stop tickling you?"
send me a sentence + a ship!
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animeomegas · 2 years
Monarch im in love w Hadrian already tell me more literally anything plz-
Also OMG YOU FINALLY MOVED! YAYYYYY I hope you’re feeling better monarch🥺🥰🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ahh, I'm so happy that you like him, queen!!! And yes! I moved, I'm still settling in, but it's going decently :) @queenondeezmatatas
(Omg, I have this in my drafts for ages, and I only just noticed it 😫 I’m so sorry, queen!!)
Warnings: Storm mention
"Don't forget to secure the sail after you bring it down!" you shouted as loud as you could so that you could be heard over the wind. "It breaks and we all die!"
"Yes, Captain!"
"Nix, work out a shift for steering! This storm doesn't look like it's going to be too bad, but we still need people steering the waves. Two at a time, and don't forget to tie yourself onto the deck!"
"Maddy and I will stay on deck first," Nix said firmly. "Everyone else, below deck, try and get some sleep and if there's a chance, we'll swap out steering duties in an hour or two."
You focused your gaze on the sky, noting the dark clouds, the direction of the wind and what it looked like in the distance. It didn't look too bad, you'd certainly survived much worse, but it wouldn't do to get complacent, so your storm protocol was in full swing.
"Alright, Nix, Maddy, good luck," you nodded at them both. "You're two of our best sailors, you'll do a great job, I'm sure.
"The rest of you, finish your tasks and head below deck!"
When you returned to your quarters about ten minutes later, Hadrian was sitting upright in your bed, looking more than a little tense. His eyes locked onto you the second you walked in.
"What's going on?" he sounded nervous.
"Just a small storm-"
"A storm?!" Hadrian yelped, standing up from the bed and walking towards you. "But we're at sea, how- what-"
"It's alright," you reassured, holding up both hands to cut him off. "We've suffered much worse and been fine, relax."
Hadrian didn't look like he was going to relax even a little bit, but as he opened his mouth, a distant rumble of thunder cut him off. He jumped like a rabbit, letting out a little squeak as the boat rocked.
"You should lay back down," you said, guiding him back to your bed and encouraging him to lean back. "The rocking could topple you or make you feel sick, um, being pregnant and all."
Hadrian allowed you to tuck him back in, but as you pulled away, his hand lurched out and grabbed you by the wrist. The first sound of rain drops began as you looked at each other.
"Where are you going?" he said, eyes frantic. "It's not safe out there."
"Hey, it's barely even a storm, alright? There's no need to be scared."
"I'm not scared!" he denied immediately, letting go of your wrist like it was burning him. "Storms are dangerous, that's all."
Your lips curled into an amused smile at his denial. He huffed at you, turning over in the bed and tucking the blankets around himself.
"I'm going to sleep," Hadrian said, huffing once more.
The rain picked up, pounding against the ship from all sides and making an awful racket. You weren't concerned; the ship was designed to handle water, it was the wind and the subsequent waves that would be the problem, and the wind was staying relatively mild.
You watched Hadrian’s shoulders tense periodically as the rain picked up and then abated over and over again. He still refused to turn back over or ask for help though, something you admittedly found rather endearing. 
Before you realised what you were doing, you picked up a book from your desk and sat at the head of the bed. Hadrian turned around to squint at you suspiciously. 
“I thought I’d read something to you, take your mind of the storm a bit,” you offered, suddenly feeling a bit shy. “I’m probably not as good as you are, with all the fancy tutors you had, but I’m not bad at reading aloud.”  
Hadrian blinked at you for a moment, mouth slightly open like he wasn’t sure what to say. Eventually he offered a tentative smile. 
“That would be nice, if you wouldn’t mind. Not that I’m scared of storms though,” he added quickly, crossing his arms over his chest, resting them on his bump. 
“Alright then,” you smiled back, settling in next to him and opening the book to the first page. “Chapter one-” 
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l223m0nade · 2 years
I wrote a thing! A Bucky-With-A-Cold scenario bc that is my favorite thing in this life, in which he is pretty Winter Soldier-y but not in an angsty way, and Steve is all tender for him.
Canon-ish, post-WS, Steve Bucky and Sam are going on missions against Hydra while Bucky/the Soldier recovers his memories & self.
IDK about this title but I'm stoked I finished this so it's goin up :D
“…Hey Buck. You wakin’ up?”
            The Soldier cracked his eyes open. Took stock of his surroundings: bare wood, high windows looking out onto cold gray sky and earth, unfamiliar lumpy couch, scratchy wool blanket, tall blond man hovering with a cup of something steaming in his hands— Steve. He was with Steve.
            He relaxed as the rest came trickling back. Safehouse. Northern Canada. A mission: chasing down a small Hydra cell that had gone to ground in this remote area. Then… helicopters…
            “How are you feeling?” Steve liked to ask that question. The Soldier had come to realize it wasn’t a taunt or a deliberate attempt to confuse him or make him feel weak, but it was still hard to answer most of the time. He grunted vaguely, then frowned at the scratchy ache in his throat. Had he been screaming in his sleep? There wasn’t the tight misery on Steve’s face that usually resulted from that.
            He was actually smiling a bit, managing to look concerned but also the slightest bit amused. “Do you remember what happened?”
            “Helicopters.” Big ones. “Three of them. You, me, and” the man with the wings— “Sam. He was fine. I took out the crew on mine. You fell,” he finished accusingly. Talking scratched at his throat and resonated oddly in his nose, which felt sort of cotton-wool-stuffed and sensitive and increasingly tingly.
            Steve’s eyes went to his leg and he finally noticed the splint and bandage engulfing his right knee. “…Then what happened.” He still forgot to put inflection into his voice sometimes, to make his words a question instead of a flat statement. Steve didn’t mind, anyhow.
            “You went jumping right after me, ya goof.” Steve suppressed a chuckle as Bucky’s eyes narrowed further at the suggestion that he and not Steve was the goof. “Threw me clear of the hole in the ice while the damn helicopter crashed on top of you.” It hadn’t been funny at the time, but Bucky lying safe on the couch, bundled in blankets, and giving him that accusing narrow-eyed glare that was so familiar, was making him feel giddy with relief and happiness.
He was also starting to scrunch and wrinkle his nose a little —Steve had a guess why— and it was a little, well, cute. “A rotor hit your leg, not too hard but hard enough for a fracture and a pretty bad wound, and you sunk with the chopper, so you were under for a few minutes before me and Sam could get to you. You were hypothermic. I was worried.” He knew his face was doing something very soft and tender but he couldn’t help it. Bucky looked exasperated as he often did in response to Steve’s worry. He was also getting a hazy, confused little expression on his face.
            The Soldier wanted to roll his eyes, a recently discovered expression Steve often inspired, and snark back at the big blond idiot, but before he could, the building tingling itch in his nose crested, seized his breath in a series of hitches, and— “heh…hih-ehschoo!” it only abated for an instant, and then returned. “hitschoo! …heh-heh, adt—” the last one fizzled away and left him blinking and shaking his head. The cotton-wool feeling was still there, even more than before.
            Steve looked more sympathetic than surprised. “Bless you. This is for you to drink, if you want it—” he put the cup of tea on the coffee table within arm’s reach. “It’s good for sore throats, which I think you might have right now.”
            The Soldier squinted at him suspiciously. How did he know that? He sniffled. The feeling that had made him sneeze had backed off, but felt like it could return any second.  
            Steve did his concerned smile thing. “I think you might be a little, well, sick. There was a mention in—in a file I found” now he was glaring at the floor like he’d like to murder it. “Something about immune sensitivity to severe cold temperature. And even though the serum’s supposed to stop us ever getting sick, I’ve gotten a little under the weather when I was healing from an injury before. You might be dealing with a cold, pal. Might not have had one since the last one you caught off me in the ‘40s, or, I guess, you might not remember.”
The Soldier didn’t remember much from Before, though things came back once in a while. Did he remember feeling like this? He had to sniffle again. His head and face were starting to feel big, and heavy, and a soft pounding had started up behind his eyes. His leg hurt, but that was more familiar than this other —just feel crummy, Stevie—feeling.
He shrugged uncertainly in lieu of answering, sat upright just enough to reach the cup of tea and take a few cautious sips. It hadn’t been an order, but he could tell Steve wanted him to drink it. It did feel good on the soreness in his throat. But the steam rising from the cup, despite being a barely perceptible sensation, felt like a feather tickling his nose, and suddenly the sneezes were back.
“hdtsch, h-h-hitsch!...hitshiew!” He turned toward the back of the couch and managed not to spill the tea, sniffled a few times in a row, but his nose wasn’t done: “huh…huh-ISHhhoo!”
“Bless you, Buck! I think that’s a ‘yes’ on catching a cold. Let me get you some tissues, or find something in this place that’ll work…” Steve moved off with purpose as he spoke. It was a safehouse: well-stocked with non-perishable food and basic medical necessities, but not much else. He waffled between bandage cloth and toilet paper for a few seconds and then grabbed both. As he returned to Bucky on the couch he heard another soft but itchy-sounding sneeze— “hih-etssch!” followed by a series of urgent sniffles. “Here you go, pal. Couldn’t find tissues but you can blow your nose with either of these.”
Bucky grabbed a rectangular piece of cloth meant for bandaging wounds, clearly needing to tend to his nose too much to freeze over the decision as he still sometimes did with minor choices offered to him, and blew his nose with an expression of relief.
“Sorry I don’t have any handkerchiefs. I carried one for a while after I woke up, but people don’t use them much anymore and I got tired of getting looks like I was insane or getting called ‘Grandpa’ every time I pulled one out.”
Bucky blinked up at him. His nostrils were already pink and sensitive-looking, and there was a slight flush showing on his cheeks as well. “I don’t remember…this,” he said, gesturing at his face with the makeshift tissue. His voice was getting a bit rough and congested. He cleared his throat. “S’not too bad.” He rubbed his nose itchily, turning it more red, and gave a soft cough. His eyebrows turned up and he gave a shivery inhale like he was about to sneeze, but then it deserted him and he sunk back onto the couch cushion with a sigh. He looked like he was feeling pretty miserable, whatever he might say.
“Not too bad, but not too much fun, either. I sure remember how it felt for me.” Steve said softly, putting his hand on his friend’s warm forehead. Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut, and on instinct Steve put the back of his hand to Bucky’s cheek, and watched as he leaned into the soft cool touch, vulnerable in a way he so rarely was. Something clenched in Steve’s chest. “You definitely have a fever. I’m sure you’ll be better before long, especially if you rest. Get some more sleep; I’ll heat up some soup when you wake up.”
“What ‘bout you,” murmured Bucky sleepily, followed by another soft sniffle.
“Don’t worry about me, Buck.” Steve could feel how sappy his expression must be, and was grateful Sam was sacked out in the back bedroom. “I ain’t tired yet, I’ll be on watch.”
“You were—snfff—in the water too” said Bucky accusingly, fighting sleep as he tried to turn the tables of fussing onto Steve.
“You tossed me outta there so fast I barely had time to get wet.” Steve’s eyes twinkled as he smiled. “Too worried about me, as usual.” Bucky scowled at that like Steve knew he would, scrunching his red nose.
“Like hell. Just didn’t want you to go getting yourself…fro—frohoze…huhh…HUH—USHchoo! Ugh. Frozen againd.” Bucky replied, interrupting himself with a heavy sneeze into the cloth in his hand. He really sounded like he had a cold. He lifted the cloth again just as he shivered into a tiny soft “hih-tishh” and blew his nose tiredly.
“Sleep, Buck.” Steve gave into the urge to stroke his hair and Bucky gave a little sigh, eyes finally sliding closed. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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we can take it slow (seongjun baek x reader)
details: fluffy oneshot with a pinch of angst, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and seongjun are long time friends
summary: becoming friends to lovers–seongjun never thought such a thing was possible for him.
a/n: wrote this as a writing trade thing with my friend @dyingstar-light ! check out her piece too if you'd like ^_^ 💖
"You're too cute." Seongjun laughed as he accepted the harsh elbow you gave him before teasing, "Hey, careful, I'm driving."
"Whatever." You pouted but it didn't last long. "Anyway, I seriously regret doing all that stuff. My ex did not deserve any of it."
Seongjun hummed. "Yes, I remember you telling me stories about them. They're... a real piece of work." He glanced at you, just to show you his small grin before looking back to the street. "Putting them aside, though, I can't believe you did all those romantic things for them."
"Ugh, me either."
He laughed a little more at your dramatic wrist flick. "Honestly, it's kind of sweet knowing how far you went for your ex. Next person who wins your heart is going to be lucky. They'll get all that special treatment."
He waited patiently for you to quip back with something similar to your, "Whatever," earlier, but was only met with silence. His eyes moved to look at you once more, and his brows raised when he saw you appearing rather awkward.
"What? Was that really too much?"
"Uh, no." It seemed like you were scrambling for words so you wouldn't appear suspiciously quiet, but it was too late. "I just--"
"Come on, spit it out. I know you're hiding something." Out of the corner of his view, he could see you squinting your eyes at him. He clicked his tongue in response, still amused. "Don't give me that look, we've been friends for far too long for me to not notice something so small."
You let out a deep sigh and turned to the window. "If I tell you, you might seriously crash the car."
He scoffed. "It can't possibly be that surprising--"
"I like you."
Thankfully, the car reached a red light and as Seongjun slowed to a stop, he also slowed down his thoughts to process what you just said. His brows narrowed when the idea of romance popped into his head and he looked your way for a confirmation of some sort.
You didn't give any verbal reply, but the fact that you were turned away had him guessing you were probably too shy to make any kind of eye contact with him.
He didn't know what to think. Of course feelings like joy and excitement ran through him, but doubt was also starting to make its place alongside the aforementioned two. Maybe this was a joke… maybe he was even dreaming?
Seongjun made a thoughtful hum aloud before laughing at his own absurdity. Now that he thought about it, your feelings for him were pretty obvious. It seemed like one of those things that wouldn't be noticeable unless pointed out. And that would mean… what exactly?
He'd gotten so used to the way you treated him he never even knew that was your way of expressing your crush on him? Wait–
"How long have you liked me, hm?" he casually asked.
You slowly turned back to look at him, scrunching your nose at his amused expression. "...That's seriously what you want to reply with?"
"Mhm. What's your answer?"
A look of disbelief flashed in your eyes and you turned away again. "You know what, I knew this was a bad idea. Just pretend you never heard anything."
Seongjun glanced at the road and continued to drive when the light turned green. "What are you going on about?"
"No need to rub salt in the wound." You sighed and flopped back on your seat. "Just say you don't like me."
"Ah, so that's what you think is going on." Seongjun burst into a small fit of laughter, the kind that was dry and really not helping his situation. You groaned and he laughed a little more. "Darling, I like you, too, I'm just teasing you."
"'Darling'?" you stammered, giving him another look once again.
He smirked at how flustered you looked. "That's right. So answer my question, will you?"
Your jaw went agape for a moment until you shook your head. "I don't know, I just know it's been a while."
"Mm. I figured." You deadpanned as Seongjun moved a hand to pat your thigh. "There, there. If it makes you feel any better, I've liked you for a while as well."
"Wow, thanks! My feelings hurt so much less now!" You waved your hands in a jazz hands motion, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Now Seongjun was rolling his eyes. "I'm serious. And if you're wondering why I never acted on my feelings then I can ask the same of you. In my own defense though, I'm just being cautious."
You tilted your head. "Cautious about what?"
There was a somewhat tense silence as Seongjun pondered about how he could best word what was running through his mind. He eventually replied only after you both arrived at his driveway and he parked his car, which wasn't too long.
He took a deep breath before answering with, "You know the kind of person I am. The things I do."
"Well, I'm just worried that throwing romance into our relationship would change some things." You continued to give him a look of confusion. He rubbed at his nape with a hand and looked away. "I'm not sure what exactly, but I'm still worried. And I don't want to ruin what we have. You're…" Seongjun awkwardly laughed. "Someone I really treasure. A really good friend of mine." He added more softly, "The only one, if I have to be honest."
"Hey…" You moved a hand to cup his cheek, tilting his head to look at you. "I'm not sure if I can see exactly where you're coming from, but I get it somewhat, so I want to tell you that just because we both confessed to each other, it doesn't mean we should start dating immediately or anything. We can take it slow and see how it goes."
Seongjun smiled a little and placed a hand on top of yours. "You think we can just cross that bridge when we get to it?"
"Yeah!" You beamed at him and he chuckled at your enthusiasm.
"Alright. Let's take it slow, then." He moved your hand off his cheek to gently take it into his hand and bring it to his lips. After pressing a small kiss to your knuckles, he gave you a sweet smile. "Shall we see where the future takes us?"
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
I'm absolutely delighted your prompts are open! Your writing is amazing and always makes me smile, it's the best way to start the day along with a cup of coffee!
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are given another chance at raising a child after a family is killed leaving only a young child behind. Lan Sizhui is delighted to have a baby sibling. Though everyone is more or less nervous about it (mostly be Wei Ying is a gremlin) but also there isn't any other options.
“It’ll be fine,” Jiang Cheng said, rolling his eyes. “Hanguang-jun raised Lan Sizhui, didn’t he? And he turned out fine.”
“I did,” Lan Sizhui said agreeably, then frowned. “I think I did, anyway.”
“Not to be a spoilsport, but, realistically speaking, how much raising did Hanguang-jun actually do with you?” Jin Ling asked, and held up his hands when Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi both glared at him. “I don’t mean any offense or anything! I’m serious. We know he was in seclusion those first few years, right? Who raised you then?”
Lan Sizhui thought about it. “Back in the beginning? Well…that was mostly Teacher Lan, I guess.”
“Teacher Lan’s the best,” Lan Jingyi said loyally, then added, “Well, other than that fondness he has for surprise quizzes. But that’s not applicable to parenting, is it?”
Lan Sizhui made a face that suggested that maybe it was, in some weird way, shape, or form.
“Teacher Lan, really?” Jiang Cheng asked, clearly getting drawn in despite his best intentions – as was often the case. There was a reason their little group swung by the Lotus Pier nearly as often as they did the Cloud Recesses and Jinlin Tower, despite Jin Ling not living there part of the year any longer. “Wasn’t he mostly in recovery for those injuries he got during the war? I would’ve figured Zewu-jun would’ve been more involved, wouldn’t he?”
“He was around sometimes, but no, it was mostly Teacher Lan,” Lan Sizhui said. “Zewu-jun was often busy – he was rebuilding the Lan sect –”
“I was rebuilding the Jiang sect! So what? I still raised Jin Ling, and he wasn’t even supposed to be here – I had to fight the Jin sect for months just to get the opportunity – ”
“Yes, jiujiu, we know!” Jin Ling said hastily. “You don’t have to tell that story again! You didn’t have to tell everyone that story in the first place!”
Jiang Cheng huffed. He was probably going to tell the story again whether they liked it or not.
“I think I see what you’re saying, Jin Ling,” Ouyang Zizhen put in, always a good fellow for throwing himself on a conversational sacrificial sword. “If Lan Sizhui was already a few years old when he was adopted, and then Teacher Lan raised him for the next three years, then he would’ve been old enough to be entered into the Cloud Recesses’ official junior classes by the time Hanguang-jun took charge of his education, right?”
“Yes, that’s what I meant, that’s it exactly!”
“What does it matter?” Lan Sizhui asked.
“Yeah! Hanguang-jun still raised him the rest of the way,” Lan Jingyi put in, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring. “Gave him lessons and tips and all that!”
“Isn’t that something he does as a sect senior anyway?”
“Well, yes, but it’s different for Sizhui, okay?”
“I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that. After all, the person who teaches the most is the same as the parent, and being the person raising them is what matters no matter when they’re adopted,” Jin Ling said, with an eye on Jiang Cheng, who looked begrudgingly pleased. He looked begrudging all the time, though, so it was probably just pleased. “But my point is – once you were part of the lessons, even if he was raising you the rest of the time, you still already mostly had your personality down by then, right? We’ve never seen what someone raised entirely by Hanguang-jun from birth would be like.”
They all stopped to consider that.
“More than that,” Jin Ling continued. “This kid’ll be raised not just by Hanguang-jun, but by Hanguang-jun as he is now – after he and Senior Wei got together. You know?”
They did know.
“And of course, that’s all putting aside that the kid will be raised by Senior Wei himself, too…”
“Maybe we should start investing in defense talismans,” Jiang Cheng mused. “Because everything is going to explode. Everything.”
“Everything will not explode,” Lan Wangji said calmly.
“Are you sure?” Wei Wuxian asked. “Because I’m not sure, and I’m more likely to be involved in these hypothetical explosions than you are.”
“Mm. I’m certain.”
“Wei Ying will be an excellent father,” Lan Wangji said, and his voice left no room for doubt.
“It’s easy for you to say,” Wei Wuxian whined, though he was smiling now. “You already have the experience of it! They say that it’s easier the second time, when you know what to expect…”
“Do not tell lies,” Lan Qiren said mildly. He was looking over some of Wei Wuxian’s notes – he’d insisted on any new inventions passing through a sanctioned approval process before they were put into practice and had volunteered himself to review them, a matter that had caused Wei Wuxian no end of stress until he realized that Lan Qiren really did intend to approve anything that met his standards and, moreover, understood musical cultivation enough to understand what he was driving at with most of them, even the esoteric ones, at which point Wei Wuxian gotten extremely enthusiastic about the whole thing.
This didn’t mean that they were friends or anything, but they’d at least formed some sort of tentative truce.
Most of the time, anyway.
Wei Wuxian squinted at his old teacher suspiciously. “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you saying that it’s not easier the second time?”
“I am only saying that I have experience in raising a child not my own,” Lan Qiren pointed out, and Wei Wuxian nodded, slightly abashed; he knew that the old man had basically raised Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen, of course, although sometimes he forgot. “The first child I raised was Xichen and his personality as a child was much as it was as an adult: gentle, amiable, friendly, obedient.”
That made sense. Wei Wuxian nodded.
“The second child I raised was Wangji,” Lan Qiren said. “He bit people.”
Wei Wuxian burst out laughing.
Lan Wangj virtuously ignored them both, continuing to write a letter without the slightest hint of embarrassment – even his ears hadn’t turned red. What a shame!
“I can testify to that myself,” Wei Wuxian giggled, leering at his husband in the hopes of getting a rise out of him. “He’s still a biter – for certain lucky people.”
“He was a lot less discriminating when he was younger,” Lan Qiren said, and Wei Wuxian winced, abruptly remembering that Lan Wangji’s uncle was, in fact, still in the room. Luckily it was pretty easy to flirt around Lan Qiren, who didn’t seem to notice most of the time, but it was still a bit awkward. “And I once succumbed to temptation and gave him mixed messages, which I believe made it worse.”
That sounded like a story.
“He gave me a candy after I bit Sect Leader Jin,” Lan Wangji clarified, which made Wei Wuxian start laughing again. “He did not expect me to remember. I remembered. Nor did I allow him to forget about it.”
“It is easy to make mistakes while raising a child,” Lan Qiren said, ignoring Wei Wuxian’s cackling. “But if one means well, and tries hard to do the right thing, children are very forgiving – usually.”
Despite his best efforts to remain neutral, Lan Wangji’s eyes curved slightly in a smile. Wei Wuxian felt his heart go all warm and melty all over again.
“This is true regardless of whether it is the first or second child,” Lan Qiren added. “I have confidence that you will both do fine.”
“We will,” Wei Wuxian proclaimed. “With parents like me and Lan Zhan, how could the kid go wrong? And we’ll even try to avoid too many explosions!”
“Please do. One Lan Jingyi is enough for the Cloud Recesses.”
“You know, I was wondering – how did you end up with him being quite so…hmm…”
“Oh?” Lan Qiren said, and Wei Wuxian noted to his amusement that Lan Wangji straightened in back in sudden alarm despite Lan Qiren’s extremely nonchalant tone. “Have you not met Lan Yueheng yet? I must introduce you when he returns –”
“Perhaps not,” Lan Wangji said, sounding a little worried.
Worried, in this case, meant fun.
“No, I think I definitely need to meet this person – Lan Zhan, stop batting at me! I know exactly what I’m doing…”
Wen Ning looked down at the baby with which he had been entrusted.
“I don’t have any idea what I’m doing,” he confessed.
The baby gurgled.
“I think Wei-gongzi may have been thinking more about ‘babysitter that doesn’t need to sleep and has inexhaustible energy’ and less about ‘is this person qualified to take care of a baby’.”
More gurgling.
“I just wanted to apologize in advance.”
The baby yawned.
“…right then.” Wen Ning straightened up. Someone was going to have to raise this child, and based on how distractable Wei Wuxian was when he was around Lan Wangji and visa versa, it looked like it was going to have to be him. “Let’s do this.”
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Eight // Wanda Maximoff
chapter seven | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter nine
author’s note: Y/C/N = your cousin’s name, also this is later than I wanted today but i’ve been super busy so sorry for that! Also, I’ll be responding to comments from the last one as soon as I’m free. Enjoy 😊
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"...okay, so now use the water to dilute the colour."
I did as Wanda said, dipping my brush in the glass of water and diluting the watercolour I was using, but I must have used too much because it made the paint run and then the paper started to get too damp to hold together.
Wanda facepalmed, sighing as I smiled sheepishly.
"My bad...?"
She glared playfully before ripping a page from her sketchbook. "Try again, milaya (darling). And use less water this time."
I squinted in the sun as I glanced at her. "Can't you just accept I'm not very good at painting? Or art in general?"
She shook her head, taking the torn page from my grasp and replacing it with a new one. "No way. You're not getting out of it that easily. It's not hard, I promise!"
I groaned lightheartedly. "You said that about drawing. And about using acrylics. And about using chalk."
"And I'm saying it about this, now c'mon, try again," she encouraged with an amused smile before returning to her own painting.
We were sat in my garden, hanging out and making the most of the lovely day we were having. The Spring breeze was getting warmer as we transitioned into Summer and it was a nice change of pace from the usual bad weather we had. So nice that Wanda wanted to do some painting and also teach me how to. But art was never my strong suit and I'm sure she knew that but still proceeded to try anyway.
Sketching out the tree before us for the third time today, I attempted to provide an outline that I could eventually fill in with green watercolours. Unlike Wanda though, it wasn't fun. My eyes veered over to her and I smiled to myself as I admired the look of concentration on her face – her 'art' look, I dubbed it. It was this very specific expression she got whenever she worked on a painting or drawing, and it always reminded me of that first time I saw it, after we met in the stationary store and when she took me back to her room. Absolutely wonderful.
"I don't hear a pencil moving," she said, not looking up but beginning to smile.
"That's because I'm looking for... what did you call it?" I racked my brain, thinking back to the day in the store when she talked about inspiration. "Vdokhoventi?"
A sharp exhale escaped her lips as she finally lifted her gaze to meet mine. Attempting not to laugh, she tilted her head adorably. "Vdokhnoveniye."
I quirked a brow. "Is that not what I said?"
She giggled, shaking her head. "Definitely not."
I grinned, shrugging. "Well, that's what I meant."
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm not it, so eyes on your page."
"Oh, how dearly mistaken you are, love," I said quietly, leaning close and giving her a knowing smile.
She looked up, expression softening with a smile. Her eyes were heavenly, pupils dilated as she squinted in the sun, and they flickered to my lips before she settled on nudging me in the shoulder slightly. I snickered, leaning my head on her shoulder since everybody thought we were as close as best friends, so it wouldn't look suspicious. She sighed contently, letting me watch as she moved her paintbrush, painting a flower that was peeking through the grass we were sat on.
I could have stayed there forever, in that moment, sitting with Wanda and watching her paint under the sun. But of course, all good things come to an end when you don't want them to.
"Y/N, dear," I heard my father call, and when I looked up, I saw him approaching Wanda and I from the direction of our house.
Straightening up, I watched as he attempted to sit on the grass, but his legs were too long and he struggled to cross them. With a hearty chuckle, he stretched them out, slightly bent, and leaned on his hands.
"I'm getting too old for this, ladies," he said humorously, making Wanda and I smile.
"What d'you need, dad?" I asked, raising my brows.
"I just wanted to check in and see if you were ready for tonight," he said casually, making me furrow my brows. He seemed to notice my confusion, prompting, "Tonight? Your cousin's birthday party?"
"My cousin's what-now?"
He sighed, massaging the point between his brows. "Y/C/N? They organised this months ago. We're all expected to be there." His glanced to Wanda. "You, too, dear."
Wanda hummed, pulling her gaze from her painting and looking to my dad. "Yes, I'm aware. Got my dress ready and everything."
My eyes snapped to Wanda's with surprise. "You knew about this?!"
"You should be more like her," my dad muttered, as Wanda smiled with a hint of mischief in her eyes.
I looked back to my father. "I was planning on helping Y/B/N with his manuscript tonight."
My dad waved his hand. "I've already talked to him. He's agreed to work on it before the party starts so you're both on time."
I groaned, already tired at the sound of yet another party. Did it ever end?
"Don't be late," he ordered, though his voice was anything but stern. Cue another groan. He smiled before looking to Wanda's painting. "Wow, that's great, dear. Apparently you've got Y/N here attempting to do the same?"
Wanda chuckled as she handed him my several failed attempts. "Key word being 'attempting'."
He accepted the pages and stifled a smile of amusement. "Wow... maybe you should stick to writing, Y/N."
I ripped the pages from his grasp. "Cheers, dad, really."
He laughed before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. "It's all in good faith, dear. Now remember. Don't be late tonight, okay?"
I sighed, which he took as my response, before pushing himself off the grass with a grumble. Dusting his trousers, he nodded to Wanda and I before leaving us be.
"You could've told me I had yet another party to attend tonight," I told Wanda with narrowed eyes.
She shrugged, smiling helplessly. "I thought you knew."
I laid back on the grass with a dramatic sigh. "I just don't understand why our life revolves around extravagant parties, balls and dinners."
"That's just how it is, moya lyubov' (my love)," she said with a warm smile.
I looked up at the sky, raising my hand to shield the sun from my eyes, though my heart fluttered at one of the many nicknames she called me in Russian. "I'd rather live in the middle of nowhere. Where nobody expects anything of me and there's no stupid parties to attend."
She rested a hand on my leg before laying beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I relaxed my head on hers, appreciating how well we fit together.
"Same here," she agreed, making me gasp playfully.
"What? Don't you love the glitz and glamour?"
She laughed quietly. "I do, but I like the peace and quiet more."
I breathed out, fingertips brushing hers. "Maybe I can be a little late tonight... accidentally run over time so I don't have to stay as long."
Her fingers tugged on mine between us as a warning. "No. I'll be left alone and I'll be bored. And when I'm bored, I drink."
It was my turn to laugh. "You won't be alone, Wanda. You'll have Pietro."
She shifted so she was no longer leaning on my shoulder but instead tilting her head to look my way. "I want you."
I turned my head and gave her a small, promising smile. "I'll try to be on time."
She quirked a brow. "Try? You will."
My eyes flittered away, ready to argue otherwise, but she sat up and grabbed her paintbrush. I sat up, too, ready to tell her I would try, but I flinched when she flicked water towards me from the tip of it.
"Are you serious?" I asked, wiping the water from my eyelids with tongue-in-cheek.
She chuckled and I grabbed my paintbrush and did the same, watching her squirm when it flicked on her face.
Suppressed smile on her face, she wiped away the water and glared with dazzling eyes. "You shouldn't start what you can't finish, milaya (darling)."
Smiling from ear to ear, I quirked a brow devilishly. "Oh?"
"You're so lucky we're in front of people," she said lowly, leaning close enough to be platonic, but her hand slipped under my dress and creeped up my leg, making me involuntarily shiver. "Or you would be in serious trouble."
I stopped her hand from going any higher, the rings on her fingers cold enough for me to not melt under her touch. "I highly doubt that, love."
She held my gaze, intoxicating and mesmerising all at once. A sly smile tugged at her lips as she said, "Don't test me then. You heard your father. Don't be late."
I exhaled, licking my lips. "Fine. I won't be."
Later that afternoon, I found myself sat in my brother's study as the two of us worked on his latest manuscript together. It was a love story, his (my) specialty, and I was helping him to sort out his sentence structure when he decided to question me.
"Will you entertain me for a moment?" he asked randomly, making me look up from the pages.
"I'll probably regret it, but go on," I said jokingly, before looking back down and adding some notes to the paper.
His chair creaked as he leaned back, eyes watching me thoughtfully. "Are you in a secret relationship?"
I almost choked on my spit as he asked this, heart dropping to my stomach with panic. He couldn't know about Wanda, right? We'd been so careful.
Thankfully, I played it off well as I merely glanced his way before distracting myself with note-taking.
"Why would you think that, Y/B/N?" I asked like he was insane.
He shrugged in my peripheral. "I don't know... I've been wondering for a while. You've just loosened up so much more. And you're not as uptight as you usually are."
"Cheers," I said sarcastically.
He leaned forward, head resting in his palm. "This all happened right about the time I met Wanda..."
I swallowed hard, quirking a brow at him to play down my panic.
"I saw you with Pietro the other week," he continued, and I could finally breathe when I realised what he was insinuating. "I'm happy if you're happy, Y/N, but I'm not a fan of you sleeping with my publisher."
At that thought, I shuddered and proceeded to shove Y/B/N on the arm. "Don't say that. And I would never."
Just your fiancé, I thought guiltily.
"Good," he said with relief, straightening up. "Because you're not supposed to do that until you get married."
I rolled my eyes dismissively in response, but wondered if that still applied in a world where one was not allowed to marry the person they loved.
Y/B/N gave me a reassuring glance. "Look, I'm okay with it, I guess. But I'd appreciate the heads up so I can give him a stern talking to."
Realising there was a hint of mirth in his voice, I looked up and gave him a warning look. "Don't you dare."
He laughed, patting me on the back, to which I shrugged off with annoyance.
"It's the Maximoff charm," he commented knowingly. "The twins have that effect on people, don't they? Wanda sure has it on me."
A short silence fell after he said that and I chewed on my lip curiously, unable to stop myself from speaking until it was too late.
"Is her love reciprocated?"
He looked down to me from his daydream, no doubt of Wanda. "Pardon?"
Knowing there was no backing down from the conversation now, I avoided his eyes. "The engagement between you both was arranged... you're clearly in love with her, but is it returned?"
His lips twitched into a frown. "I'd hope so."
I hummed, diverting my attention away from him and to the pen in my hand.
"Why? Did she say something?" he asked, voice laden with worry.
"Of course not," I reassured him.
"But you'd tell me if she did?" he asked eagerly.
I looked his way and saw him peering down at me, hanging onto my response. I nodded lamely, which seemed to put him at ease as he sank into his chair with relief.
We spent the next few hours working on the manuscript without a hitch, but I noticed the time and realised the party was already in full swing. Wanda's words came to mind and I hoped she wouldn't be too annoyed at my lateness.
"We're wrapping it up now, don't worry," Y/B/N said, noticing me check the clock. "Thanks for the help. I'm gonna get this to my editor tomorrow. Your amendments should help make the process go a lot smoothly."
I hummed in response, feeling a heaviness settle on my shoulders as he mentioned his editor. It was always the same routine – I helped him with his manuscript, he got it edited, got his book published and got all the credit. And I was stuck in the same position, wishing I could do the same.
"What is it?" he asked with a sigh, sensing my mood.
Playing with the corner of the manuscript, I met his gaze. "I help you with your writing, but I never get anything from it."
"You get to help me," he pointed out, not seeing the issue. "Isn't that enough?"
Pietro's offer came to mind as I said, "What if I wrote my own book? And got published with my name on the cover?"
He squinted as he studied me, trying to find the humour in my words. Letting out a laugh, he shook his head.
"Y/N, that's absurd."
I raised my eyebrows hopefully. "I mean, is it? Would that be so bad?"
He pressed his lips together and breathed out through his nose. Resting a hand on my shoulder, he gave me a condescending look.
"I'm saying this because I care," he said, making me feel like crap. "But yes."
As if I didn't already know the answer, I asked, "Why?"
He motioned with his hand like it was obvious. "Because. People would look at you differently. You'd be undesirable. You know men don't like smart women. I'm just looking out for you as your brother."
I looked away, the bitterness at his words stinging more than usual. "Well, I like smart women."
Thinking I was joking, he chuckled. "Don't go saying things like that. One might misinterpret."
My teeth pressed into my lower lip hard, trying to contain my frustration.
"You can do this every now and then," he said, referring to the manuscript, "but any more isn't possible. Besides, two authors in one family? That's insane."
I forced a smile, but I wondered if his last comment was the real reason he wouldn't let me at least try to get published.
"Anyway, never mind that," he said indifferently. "We should probably head out. Dad is not going to be pleased. Especially since I promised we wouldn't be late."
I nodded, sliding my chair out and wanting to be anywhere but here right now. "Yeah, come on."
He gave me a sneaky smile. "Can't wait to see Pietro?"
I slapped him on the arm before standing up, ignoring his laughter. Nothing to make an already-depressing night worse than going to a party you didn't care for.
Wanda Maximoff was a very difficult drunk to be around, I'd learnt that the hard way.
As soon as Y/B/N and I rolled up to my cousin's house, a third of the guests were drunk and the rest were tipsy. A typical Y/L/N get-together. Y/B/N was instantly dragged away by some family whilst I was quick to make myself scarce, attempting to find Wanda. But the place was bustling with people and there were way too many rooms to check.
I found Pietro before I found his twin, as he was poking around party favours on a table in the corner, attempting to make out what were in the bags.
I found Pietro before I found his twin, as he was poking around party favours on a table in the corner, attempting to make out what were in the bags.
"If you're expecting a brand new fountain pen, you won't find it in there," I teased, making him jump.
He sighed when he looked my way, realising it was me. "I know that. But there's nothing better here to do, so I may as well know what freebies we'll be getting by the end of it."
I smirked. "Anything good?"
He shrugged, seeming disappointed. "Just some chocolate and perfume samples."
Holding back a smile, I said, "How tragic."
"If you're looking for my sister, she's over there," he said, nodding behind me. "You'll love this one."
"What do you mean?" I asked, brows knitted with confusion, before turning around and following his gaze.
Wanda was indeed stood on the other side of the dining room and I could just about make her out between idle guests. She was chatting to some woman, hands moving erratically and with expression, a grin on her lips.
"What is she doing?" I asked unsurely, tearing my eyes from her and looking to Pietro.
He was withholding laughter as he answered, "Sometimes, dear Y/N, my beloved twin sister gets drunk when she's–"
"Bored," I finished, remembering what she told me this morning. My face dropped as I mumbled, "Uh-oh."
"Uh-oh indeed," Pietro said, grinning at his sister's dismay. "Drunk Wanda is a very truthful Wanda. So, any secrets of hers will most definitely be revealed tonight."
Pietro was too caught up in his own amusement to notice my eyes widening.
"One of our servants made me a platter a few years ago," Pietro explained, oblivious to my panic. "It was a delicious cheese platter, the cheese having been imported from France. Then, Wanda proceeded to eat it without telling me. When I asked if she did, she lied. And I only discovered she lied because she got drunk a few weeks later and bragged about how good the cheese was."
Continuing to ramble, though this time in Russian, Pietro complained about said incident, though I wasn't listening as I watched Wanda talk to the woman enthusiastically. I could only imagine what secrets she was sharing.
"Pietro!" I cut him off, earning his attention. "Shouldn't you do something? To stop Wanda?"
The cheese platter story long forgotten, his grin reappeared on his lips. "Nah, it's funny watching her make a fool of herself."
I gave him a look of disbelief before looking back to Wanda, who was laughing at something by herself. The woman she was speaking to seemed partially confused, but smiled to be polite. I gulped, before shaking my head.
"I'm not that mean," I said to Pietro before making a move to stop her.
Pietro booed me playfully, but I ignored him and approached the drunk brunette, managing to catch her conversation.
"–and they're usually such catty bitch–"
"Wanda!" I immediately cut her off, bumping into her side slightly to get her attention. "There you are!"
Green eyes widened with excitement as they met mine. "Y/N! You're here!"
Ignoring her, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her close before looking to the guest she was talking with.
"My apologies for her behaviour," I said with an awkward smile, hoping Wanda hadn't revealed anything suspicious.
"No need to apologise, dear," the woman said with an amused smile. "Wanda here was telling me all about how lovely of a sister-in-law you are. Or will be."
Wanda grinned, looking to me and leaning in so close that her nose brushed my cheek. "Yeah, she is," she continued to the woman, though her eyes were on mine. "She's sweet, not like other people make out their sister-in-laws to be."
My face was warm as I cleared my throat and smiled once more to the woman. "If you'll excuse Wanda and I."
The woman barely got out a nod before I dragged Wanda away, trying to keep her lips away from my neck (she was also an extremely clingy drunk). Tugging her into the bathroom down the hall, I closed the door behind us and released a breath of relief, grateful for the escape from guests.
"You look very sexy when you're worried," Wanda complimented, stepping forward and smiling dazedly.
She placed her hand on my jaw, moving closer so that her lips were grazing mine as she mumbled, "You came late, milaya (darling). But I still love you."
I'd like to say that I had the willpower to push her away and scold her for acting so obvious about us before, but my lips went numb as she captured them between hers. I could taste the alcohol on her lips as she moved them against mine, making me dizzy and forgetting what I was going to say. Her thumb caressed my jaw and I relaxed under her touch, hands resting on her chest. When she tried to part my lips with her tongue, I seemed to come to my senses.
"Wanda, you're drunk," I muttered, pushing her back gently.
She chased down my mouth again, sucking on my lip and tilting my head back so she could have better access. I tried not to let her win as I kissed her briefly before pulling away. Clouded hazel eyes met mine with a matching smirk.
"You're such a tease," she whispered, her accent thicker than usual and making my stomach flip uncontrollably. Her thumb traced my lips as she continued, "You shouldn't do that when I already know how you taste, moya lyubov' (my love)."
The way she was staring at me made me flustered in place, and she seemed to notice her effect on me as she winked my way.
Shaking my head and trying not to let her win, I said, "Look, Wanda. I'm sorry for being late. But did you really have to get drunk?"
She shrugged, leaning her weight on my shoulder with her hand. "If you hadn't kept me waiting, then I wouldn't have."
I sighed, looking to her apologetically. "I didn't realise the time."
A permanent troublesome smile was fixed on her lips as she watched me.
"Your brother told me how you can be when you get drunk," I said with mild concern, hoping she'd register my seriousness. "You need to be careful, Wanda. We can't have people finding out about us."
"It seems to me," she began agonisingly slowly, lacing her arms around my shoulders, "that you'll have to watch me all night to make sure I don't do anything out of line."
Determined not to play into her teasing, I maintained her gaze with a stern stare. "It seems I'll have to."
She bit her lip, eyes flickering between mine, before leaning further into my ear. In a whispered voice, she said, "That means you can't leave my side, printsessa (princess)."
I clenched my jaw, ready to agree, but a gasp escaped my lips as hers sucked on my earlobe, teeth nibbling on the sensitive skin. Stupid Wanda and her stupid flirting and stupid attractiveness.
"Wanda!" I scolded, though my cheeks were flushed as I pushed her away gently.
She laughed adorably, the sound making my heart skip a beat. "What?"
"You have to behave," I told her, swallowing hard and trying not to let her teasing smile get to me. "You can't do this out there. Okay?"
"Okay," she agreed in a way that wasn't reassuring in the slightest.
I rolled my eyes before grabbing her hand and leading her back outside the bathroom, returning to the party. I wasn't planning on leaving her side for the rest of the evening, even if Y/B/N wanted to be with her. The last thing I wanted was for her cute drunken self to reveal something she couldn't take back.
To my relief, she kind of behaved after that. There were times when she would get a little too touchy to be platonic, but a quick stare set her straight. Y/B/N wasn't around much, as when he did join us, he was immediately pulled away by some family friends who wanted to discuss his books. For once, I was glad he was an author, afraid of what would happen if Wanda got too comfortable in his presence.
At one point though, he was able to join Wanda, Pietro and I at a standing table, relief flooding his expression when nobody called after him. His arm wrapped around Wanda's waist and he kissed the top of her head, making me look the other way with distaste. She scrunched her nose up at the action before distracting herself with a drink. I gave her a knowing look, having told her earlier to stop with the alcohol. She pretended not to see me.
"Sorry I've not been able to spend time with you tonight," he said to Wanda, oblivious to her tipsy state.
"It's almost like it's your birthday and not your cousin's," Pietro joked, smiling at him.
My brother chuckled. "I guess. They just all wanna talk about my manuscript."
"Ah, yes, the reason you were late, right?" Wanda asked, eyes falling to mine.
"I'm sorry," my brother apologised, assuming it was him she was speaking to.
"You were helping him, too, right?" Pietro asked, looking to me curiously. "Maybe I'll finally get a glance at your work."
I narrowed my eyes at him, having figured he'd put the subject to rest after last time. He merely grinned in response, finding joy in messing with me, just like his sister. Before I could say anything, my brother beat me to it.
"Don't be getting any ideas. It's just a hobby." He smiled forcefully, before glancing at me. "Isn't it, Y/N?"
"Don't be getting any ideas. It's just a hobby." He smiled forcefully, before glancing at me. "Isn't it, Y/N?"
So he was jealous. Wow.
"You don't need to hide your relationship, y'know," he continued when I didn't respond, looking to Pietro.
The silver-haired publisher choked on his drink as he looked to my brother, clearly very amused.
"I know you're together," Y/B/N said with agitation. "Everybody does. And don't get me wrong, Pietro, I respect you as a publisher."
I groaned quietly, closing my eyes with embarrassment. When I opened them, Pietro was watching my brother with an entertained smile, meanwhile, Wanda was looking between them with a twitching frown.
"But if you're going to date my sister, you should do it the right way," my brother continued stupidly. "It's not appropriate to have whatever this is." He motioned between us with his hands. "It's wrong."
I jumped when Wanda's hand slipped to my arse, squeezing it gently. Thankfully, our backs were to a wall so nobody would have noticed behind us, but I instantly glared at her and removed her hand. She gave me a cunning smile, not bothered by the consequences.
"...and if you're sleeping together like I suspect," Y/B/N was saying, making me flush with humiliation, "know that our friendship is at breaking point. I can't have that blatant disrespect in my life."
Wanda continued to attempt to grab my arse, making me slap her hand away several times, all whilst trying to manage whatever conversation was happening right now.
"I can't believe you just said that," I finally spoke up, managing to keep Wanda at bay long enough. "You're such an idiot, Y/B/N! I told you I wasn't with Pietro!"
Pietro tried not to laugh as he met my brother's intimidating stare. "I value our friendship, too, Y/B/N. Which is why I can promise you I have no... relations... with your sister. I don't like her like that, I can assure you."
Wanda snorted with amusement, before hiding behind a glass of wine when everyone looked her way.
Y/B/N seemed embarrassed as he cleared his throat. "Oh."
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, oh!"
"I guess I should apologise," he said awkwardly, looking to Pietro. "I–"
"No apology necessary," Pietro cut him off, raising a hand. "I am thankful for the entertainment however."
"I'm gonna go literally anywhere else," I dismissed myself, unable to take the uncomfortable situation any longer.
Without waiting for a response, I turned on my heel and walked away. To my surprise, Wanda trailed after, falling into step with me.
I glanced at her unhappily, quirking a brow. "Can I help you?"
"Oh, don't be mad at me because your brother's an idiot," she said with a wag of her hand.
I gave her a suggestive look. "I told you to behave."
She pressed her lips together in a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry... Y/B/N was talking about you and Pietro and I– well, I don't like sharing, remember?"
The improper glint in her eye as she stopped before me, watching with amusement, made me feel warm all of a sudden. That day when she first told me that and we proceeded to make love flashed to mind, and she seemed to know as she had a mischievous look on her face.
Clearing my throat, I pointed a finger her way. "Behave."
I should have known by the devilish look in her eyes that she wouldn't.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.II (Kang Yeosang) Rated
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Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress!/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Light Angst, Crack, 80s Au.
Summary: Getting the chance to spend time alone with Y/N, Yeosang jumps at the opportunity, getting a little more than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Dumb attempts at humor, second hand embarrassment, Lynn is still creepy, slight voyeurism/ exhibitionism, making out in car, heavy petting, allusions to oral (male receiving).
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The two best friends giggled amongst themselves as they entered inside the establishment, hands full of bags that contained to go boxes with several assorted sandwiches, burgers and fries inside of them. Hearing the bell signal customers, the peppy blonde at the front counter looked up from the thick stack of papers in front of her, mouth automatically showcasing her perfect and commercial worthy smile she always used when greeting newcomers or even regulars.
"Good afternoon what can-" Her expression immediately soured, smile fading and in its place puckered lips took shape.
"Oh... it's just you two." She drawled out the last words, eyes rolling as she peered back at the papers she was busy with.
Looking over at each other, Lynn simply shrugged her shoulders as one of her eyebrows raised up in puzzlement. Meanwhile, Y/N couldn't contain the soft snort that passed through her tight sealed lips, the sound coming out more like a goofy raspberry that further irritated the girl at the counter.
"Hey Sora. How's your day going so far?" Y/N tried to make conversation, but it was obvious the girl wasn't having it, blatantly ignoring both of them as her hand scribbled even faster, pages being turnt at a fast speed. Shifting awkwardly in her stance, Y/N turned her head to look at her friend, who merely shook her head, face clearly indicating to her to not try to act nicer and to simply get to the point of why they had come all the way to the workshop.
"Are the boys still here?"
With a few muttered grumbles, Sora lifted her pen and pointed it behind her towards the door that led to the garage, silently answering where the mentioned individuals currently were.
Sora let out a scoff as the two girls made their past the counter, annoyed ever so vastly by the fact she had no authority nor power to forbid them from going to the back. Being friends with Wooyoung and the rest of the gang, obviously they got special privileges that allowed them to come and go as they pleased not only in the shop but also down at the tracks. And frankly Sora hated it, hence why she didn't refrain from demonstrating her hostility towards Y/N and Lynn, but especially towards the latter for more personal and complicated reasons that everyone was aware of but Lynn herself.
"I don't know why you go out of your way to be friendly towards her. She's been needing to take a chill pill ever since high school." Lynn retorted. Putting down the bags she was carrying for a moment, she pulled the sides of her oversized denim jacket back over her shoulders, the top having slipped off rather uncomfortably on her torso.
"Honestly?...... merely to piss her off." Y/N snickered maliciously, her true intentions finally coming to light.
"Well I'd say you do a fantastic job then. She just takes one look at you and her blood is boiling." Lynn pointed out as she picked up the bags once more.
"Trust me Lynn, you anger her more than I do." Thay statement made the petite girl do a double take at the office behind them.
"Me? Whatever did I do to Barbie?" She questioned, never once recalling a moment where she even spoke two words to the preppy girl that wasn't a casual greeting or goodbye.
Y/N looked with a deadpanned expression to her friend.
"You seriously don't- you know what? Never mind."
Not wanting to waste time trying to explain to her frequently unobservant buddy why Sora had a price on her head, Y/N just quickly rushed over towards the group of men huddled around the red Ferrari F40, one of them hidden underneath it, no doubt in the process of checking or fixing minor issues. Seeing the girls approaching them, all of the boys quickly sprang to life, Wooyoung leading the entourage as they came up towards them.
"So our lovely diner girls actually decided to join us for a movie night. I knew you guys couldn't resist my deadly charm."
Not only were the girls unamused by his little joke, but even his friends behind him shook their heads, disapproving greatly of his overly confident and light narcissistic attitude that he exuded at times.
"I only came cause I am not going to spend a perfectly good Friday night cooped up in my house watching Dynasty." Y/N firmly stated, shutting down any further attempts of flirting directed towards her.
"I like to see people get stabbed or gutted to death."
Cringing at the macabre girl's overly calm response, Wooyoung tilted his head back and looked at the tallest member of the gang, nose crinkling significantly as he silently mouthed a few words over to him, deeply questioning his friend's taste. Said friend simply shrugged and stepped up closer towards the girls, not surprising anyone that he'd pick a stance that had him facing Lynn from the front as he always liked to do.
"Well I'm just really happy you guys decided to join us. I thought you would be happy at knowing it was a horror film."
Not too far behind him, San and Mingi were already giggling amongst themselves, sending each other signals and jokingly theorizing how the night was going to go like.
"I am exceedingly happy Yunho. My body is so filled with joy and immense contentment that I can hardly keep myself from grinning." Despite the jubilant sentence, Lynn's face displayed absolutely no emotion and her raspy and low toned voice was still as monotone and lifeless as it tended to be. Yunho's bright smile nearly faltered, feet rocking back and forth awkwardly as he did not know how to proceed after such a statement. Luckily Mingi stepped in and changed the topic.
"Please tell me there's food in those bags and that we can have some." He pointed to one of the many bags that the girls were carrying.
Lifting one hand up then the other, Y/N shook the contents lightly.
"Your favorites." She chuckled when San came up and tightly squeezed her body into a hug.
"This is why I love you both." Y/N did not mind the slightest bit when he suddenly pulled her face towards his, mouth pressing hard and intense pecks on her cheek repeatedly as a show of gratitude. She was so used to his affectionate nature.
Turning around, Wooyoung cupped his hands over his mouth so that his voice could resonate loudly.
"Yeosang quit tinkering with it already! You're going to get dirty and we have a movie to catch." He shouted at whom the girls presumed was under the race car.
"You literally have speakers built into your vocal chords, there was no need for that makeshift megaphone." Lynn grumbled at him, causing the male next to her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
"Speakers built in hie vocal chords. Good one." Lifting his hand up, Yunho held it up towards Lynn, expecting her to high five him back but was instead met with her cold, squinting eyes that inspected his palm.
"Your aura is overly forced....and you have leftover grease on your hand." She looked away after finishing that sentence. Hearing her say that made Yunho instantly check his hand, immediately wiping it off on his jeans as he mentally slapped himself for looking like an idiot in front of the girl he fancied.
Not paying mind to whatever was happening around her, Y/N's eyes were glued on the figure that emerged from under the car. She couldn't help but admire the strong and buff biceps that were peeking out of the plain white tshirt the man was wearing, sleeves slightly rolled up above his shoulders. The angelic face belonging to him looked even more dazzling due to the light sheen of sweat around his temples, no doubt caused by the work he was doing. Even as he reached for one of the cleaning towels so he could wipe the grime and oil off his hands, Y/N continued to gaze at Yeosang, mind already conjuring up many ideas and fantasies with him as the main protagonist.
"Oh sweetie, you're not making this any easier." She mused inwardly, one of her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.
Discarding the rag on one of the toolboxes nearby, Yeosang carefully approached the group of friends, still awkward in interacting with all of them, trait that only helped in making him stand out like a sore thumb, more than he already did. Clamping a hand over his new buddy's shoulder, Wooyoung brought a hand up and patted one of his squishy cheeks.
"Now that you're finally here we can go." Looking around, Wooyoung gestured around.
"So who's riding with who?"
Immediately Yunho turned his face towards the girl next to him, about to voice out his want of having her in his car, but it seemed as if his plans would fall through as Mingi latched an arm around him.
"I'm going with Yunho." He seemed determined not to let go of him.
"Why? So you can cling to him during the scary parts?" A chorus of laughter poured out at San's amusing words.
"As if!" Mingi huffed, though it was more than obvious to everyone that it was precisely as San had predicted.
"Mingi... I was kinda hoping I could... you know?" Yunho tilted his head over to Lynn, making him get the picture of what he wanted.
"Whatever happened to bros before hoes?" Mingi sighed as he detached himself from Yunho.
"Ok then. Yunho you go with Mingi, San you can take the girls and I'll keep Sangie here company since he's still a little bit shy you know."
It seemed as if it was all decided about how their night was going to run, so Y/N knew she had to speak up and take the opportunity before it was all settled.
"Why don't I ride with Yeosang instead?"
Hearing her suggestion, the male in question widened his eyes in shock, not expecting her to voice that out loud. Even Wooyoung found it slightly odd and suspicious that she'd say that. But then he remembered the type of girl Y/N was and it started to set off alarm bells in his mind.
"Oh it's ok Y/N. You probably won't like to have him scream in your ear and cover his eyes like a baby at the jump scares." Not taking kindly to such blasphemous talk about him that painted an inaccurate picture.
But Y/N remained undeterred. She would stand her ground no matter what.
"Oh please, I insist. I'd love to take care of him..." She did not hide the sultry way she said that last part, eyes locked on Yeosang's, the boy swallowing hard and pressing himself further into Wooyoung's side. Wanting to bargain even further, Y/N took hold of her friend.
"How about this? Lynn goes with Yunho and Mingi, you ride with San and I get Yeosang?"
San cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh he wanted so desperately to release.
"I don't think it's just him she wants to get." He chuckled to himself.
"You're seriously leaving me alone with these 2 giants?" Lynn pointed to the two men at her right, one of which obviously was more than willing to welcome the arrangement.
"I promise Mingi won't disturb you too much with his crying." Yunho swore to her, hand coming up to clasp around Mingi's mouth when he attempted to protest that decision.
Wooyoung looked over to Yeosang, leaning in and dropping his voice so that only he could hear.
"If you don't want to, just say the word and I'll get her off your case." He offered. Although they had only met just a couple days ago, Wooyoung felt compelled and obligated to look out for the new boy, even if it meant protecting him from his other friends.
Knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was a bad idea, Yeosang glanced over at Y/N. Meeting her eager eyes and cunning smile, any resolve to stay close to Wooyoung was immediately dispelled from his mind. He might never get another opportunity such as was presented to him and he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was rather curious to find out more about the young vixen that he had heard so much about since he moved into town. With an assured smile that slightly worried Wooyoung, Yeosang stepped forward and held out his hand towards Y/N.
"Shall we get going then?"
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Unable to focus his attention towards the gigantic screen right in front of him, Yeosang slumped down further in his seat, fingers tugging his red sweater over his body. Every few seconds or so, he'd turn his head to peer at the girl on the passenger seat, looking exceedingly calm and collected unlike him. He was overly anxious to the point his food was still untouched, sitting in the backseat, long forgotten. Y/N, although collected, was bored out of her mind, elbow rested on the window, head being supported on her palm as her eyes never lingered away from the gore filled scenes being displayed across from them. There was a deafening silence inside the black Iroc Camaro, the tension between both individuals becoming increasingly thick.
Becoming desperate after 40 minutes of not getting him to make a move or even attempt to break the ice, she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unzipping her green varsity jacket, Y/N began to slide it off her shoulders, revealing the low cut crop tank that she was hiding thus far.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" She asked him as she tossed the clothing item behind her before settling back into her seat, fighting hard to keep her signature smirk off her face.
If he wasn't feeling hot before, Yeosang certainly started to feel heated after she had taken off her jacket. His hand reached out to grab the cup of soda in the cup holder, gulping most of the contents and ice down to help cool him down. He made an effort not to glance back at his companion anymore, knowing if he did he would have been unable to keep his eyes off her chest. Although it was dark and he turned away almost immediately, he had not missed the fact that she had chosen not to wear a bra, her nipples slightly poking out through the thin and flimsy shirt that even slowed one to make out the outline of her areolas. It was definitely a weakness of his, and Y/N was quick to find that out. Thumb coming up to her mouth, she began biting down on the nail to keep from giggling at Yeosang's reaction. He was devastatingly adorable with his wide eyes and stiffened posture, knee restlessly bouncing up in an agitated fashion. Looking in between his legs, she felt disappointed that she hadn't caused enough damage to earn a tent forming in his pants. He obviously knew how to calm himself in time. That wasn't enough to make her give up. On the contrary, it only hardened her resolve to get him to break.
Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, she reached her hands inside of her tank top. Cupping her breasts in her palms, she started off with slow movements, massaging them gently. Her eyelids started to flutter, closing only briefly as very faint and soft sighs were being exhaled through her nose. Although it was mostly done to tease the boy next to her, she got carried away and started to become more and more turned on with what she was doing. Each time she'd purposefully pinch and pull at her hardening peaks, a muffled whine would be heard coming from her throat, legs starting to spread inch by inch as her planters started to stick against her core.
Opening her eyes and tilting her head, she witnessed Yeosang's astounded expression that also held some lust in it. He was no longer sipping from his drink, but rather his teeth and tongue were merely toying around with the blue plastic straw as the grip on the base of the cup was lightly crushing it. The movie ultimately failed its purpose of keeping him distracted as his attention had fully diverted over to the sexy girl next to him, watching intently as she pleasured herself, wishing that it were his hands instead that were ministering such devotion to her breasts.
"Wanna be a doll and help me out here?" It seemed as if she had read his mind.
Without even a second of hesitation, Yeosang reached down and adjusted his seat back as far as it could go. Jumping at the invitation, Y/N climbed on top of him until she was straddling his lap. Yeosang's hands eagerly clasped around her waist, thumbs circling on the skin of her exposed abdomen. Cupping his cheeks, Y/N leaned her face down and harshly entangled her lips over his own. Yeosang hummed softly as he tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick, head tilting back when one of her hands tugged at his hair. His hands didn't hesitate to trail up and cup her mounds through her shirt, taking over the job that was previously being done by the owner's hands. Her insistent mouth parted his trembling lips, tongue poking out ever so slowly until it began divulging in the sweet taste of his wet cavern. Although he was no stranger to French kissing, Yeosang had never experienced a makeout session as intense as the one Y/N offered. She was very skilled and experienced, as proven by the swirl and swivel of her tongue against his own. He couldn't stop the moans pouring out from inside him, his hips bucking up into hers as if on instinct while his hands became more harsh and aggressive as they grasped at her breasts with near ferocity. Y/N would only pull away from their kiss for a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath before her lips lured him back into her. It was finally dawning on Yeosang's mind why so many men became captivated by her charms, even when knowing what the outcome would be. Here he was, the most lovely and hottest girl he'd ever met in his life, on his lap, making out with her while simultaneously getting to second base. He felt so damn lucky. But Y/N wanted to take it up a notch, not satisfied with ending the night with just heavy petting.
Sliding off his lap, she suprised him when she took hold of his belt and began to take it off him. Getting an inkling as to what she might have had in mind, Yeosang took hold of her wrist, making her head shot up at him.
"Is something wrong?" She began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she really fucked things up already.
Yeosang turned beet red as he swallowed harshly, trying hard to form the words his head was attempting to sought.
"Are you.... are you a virgin?" She felt like she would have died if the answer was yes.
Seeing her worried face, Yeosang quickly shook his head.
"No! I'm most certainly not a virgin." He sounded almost offended at the insinuation, but it helped calm Y/N down, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"I just...I've never tried...that before."
His confession just made him cuter in her eyes, previous desire to corrupt and play with him only heightening to new levels after that revelation. Wanting to entice him, she moved her hand to cup at his bulge, loving the way he immediately gasped when she started palming him through his jeans. He bit down at his lip so harshly he believed it would draw blood. He wouldn't contain himself as he bucked his hips up into her palm, desperately wanting her to help him out with his problem. When her fingers reached for his zipper again, he didn't stop her, he merely lifted his hips up to help her as she pulled his pants down by the belt loops, his hardened cock popping out to greet her, surprising her when she noticed how large and thick it was, the head leaking with precum which she used to her advantage and began spreading it down his shaft. The contact of her hand gripping him had Yeosang shuddering, low groaning spilling out his lips. Looking up at him with a devilish grin, Y/N began lowering her head until her lips brushed against his tip.
"Just sit back and relax pretty boy."
A raspy wheeze was caught in Yeosang's throat as soon as he felt her warm mouth on his length, hands flying behind him to clutch at the leather seat of the car. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It felt so dirty, so wrong and yet he wanted it. He wanted her........
He didn't care if he was playing with fire and he'd get burned by the end of it.
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @hanatiny @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @minhyukmyluv @rainteez02 @nanamarkie @serialee
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