#i will never be normal about it I Need to Scream
brainrot-of-a-thot · 2 days
i was wondering how togame, sakura and unemiya (if you can) would react to someone else flirting with the reader😭 and p.s i just wanted to say your writing is chefs kisses 🫶🏻
she’s mine (just not officially)
or, someone is flirting with you, and they can’t deal, featuring: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, jo togame, suo hayato, kiryu mitsuki
a/n: I actually sort of combined two similar requests into one — just felt it would be easier for everyone! tbh I loved writing this. jealous boys are yummy ~ and thank you so so much for your kind words babes, they mean so much to me! <33
note: first time writing for pretty boy kiryu!! ooh nooo he’s actually kinda cute eeeeee
c/w: fem!reader, crushes, headcanon blurbs, language, jealousy, pre-relationship
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the instant that sakura haruka registers that someone’s flirting with you, he’s clenching his teeth so hard that his gums start to ache.
there’s many things that crop up in his mind and threaten to spill from his lips — but he holds them back, because none of them would truly make sense in the situation.
you can’t very well tell someone to back off of your girlfriend when she’s not your girlfriend.
it irritates sakura to no end to watch the way your cheeks flush prettily at every lame-ass compliment the slooze offers you; they aren’t even that good, simply mediocre at best, and it’s very clear that all the dude wants is to get in your pants — and sakura can’t even fathom how you can’t see that.
your giggles, normally so pleasant to his ears, grate like nails on a chalkboard when they’re evoked by someone else.
sakura knows he’s more than likely overreacting, but he can’t help it. every fiber of his being is screaming at him to yank the douche away from you, to separate your bodies that are drawing way too close for comfort, to drag you off to some darkened corner and show you that he’s the one that’s worthy of your attention — that all he wants is to receive it and offer you his own.
but he can’t — and that’s the worst part of it. all these things he wants to do, all the things that sleazeball is currently doing, are the things that sakura is too scared to do.
maybe one day, he’ll pluck up the courage to put himself in that place; and if only he could see the yearning glances you send his way, then he would realize there is no need to fear rejection.
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truth be told, you won’t even know hajime umemiya is jealous, because he knows how to (mostly) play it cool.
he’s long since learned to smother negative emotions with ones that are positive — and if he simply can’t smother them, he will act as if they aren’t even there, and proceed with his day like normal.
this process is no different when he feels that green snake curl up in his heart.
of course, he’s outwardly calm, but on the inside he’s seething over every interaction you have with the man. umemiya is taking note of every single pick-up line and compliment the man is throwing at you, and discreetly judging them — that one was way too cheesy, or that one delivered way too lazily, and really, when is the whole “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” schtick going to die out?
umemiya couldn’t blame him for asking that question though; you were purely angelic, what with that soft smile and those beautiful eyes and that silky hair — he could go on and on about every angelic quality about you.
umemiya does his best to keep his nose out of these situations, but the second he hears the man suggest a date, umemiya is springing to your side with a bright smile.
he’ll apologize to the man and launch into an explanation about how you have plans already (plans of which you weren’t aware of until just now), and only once he’s secured you away from your suitor will he smile sheepishly and say, “I totally forgot to let you know about that. just figured you’d want to come along.”
umemiya never once stops to wonder why you never refute his claims of agreed-upon plans, or why you never question the fact that those same plans turn out to be very rushed and obviously cooked up on the spot; or why he only springs them on you when you’re being hit on.
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when someone is flirting with you, jo togame has to find a way to occupy his hands — by fiddling with his ramune bottle, fixing the collar of his jacket, or even in some cases, by simply shoving them in his pockets.
because, nine times out of ten, when someone starts flirting with you, togame is right there beside you; and his hands begin to tremble with the urge to place themselves somewhere on your body. he wants to sate that protective and possessive growl in him by showing a subtle claim over you by a well-placed hand on your hip.
but togame doesn’t hold that claim over you; because although he’s head over heels for you, you have absolutely no idea about it — and sometimes, togame doubts you’d ever hold the same depth of emotion for him too, even if you did know.
so he sits, and he waits, and he seethes. and he yearns. and he thinks.
thinks about what it would feel like if he could do the very thing his mind was screaming at him to; wonders how good it would feel to have your body tucked against his, to be able to look at the guy and say, “I’m sorry, but she’s taken,” all the while you smile up happily at him. like he’s the only man on earth.
togame thinks about all these things — completely unaware that, in that same moment, you are too.
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whenever a man enters a conversation with you, suo hayato very subtly injects himself into it and then takes complete control of it. though it’s fairly obvious the man only wanted to talk to you, suo somehow manages to get him roped into a conversation with him as well.
suo is never straight-up rude — but it’s not hard to discern if one bothers to read between the lines. his voice is as calm and unaffected as ever, even bordering on genuinely conversational at times, but there’s this hint of something else beneath it; almost like a threat of some sort.
any and all topics pertaining to you are steered in another direction, the turns always orchestrated by suo himself — sometimes you find yourself wondering why the guy is even still there, why he’s actually conversing with suo when you could clearly feel that he was interested in you.
the man knows why. he feels the silent commands that suo sends his way, feels the aura from him.
of course, you can’t really detect that — but the man flirting with you certainly can. whatever metaphorical language suo is speaking in the man understands clearly, and before you know it, his interest in you is deflected (forced) away.
and every time, you’re left wondering why you don’t feel disappointed about it; and why it just feels more natural for it to just be you and suo.
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kiryu mitsuki is what you’d call a man of few expressions. it isn’t that he’s emotionless or incapable of feeling, it’s just that it’s difficult to tell what he’s feeling. his expression is always soft, eyebrows relaxed and eyes even more so, his lips always pulled into a smile as if he’s heard a joke that only he understands. if anything, you’d say kiryu looks content with life — it’s actually a quite charming look.
but when someone’s flirting with you, kiryu looks anything but. his brows are furrowed and the smile is wiped from his mouth. his eyes, a kind, gentle green, burn like twin peridot in hellfire.
kiryu can’t even hide it; can’t be bothered too. he’s shown his affection towards you in ways that are too blatant to be considered merely-friendly. he may not have ever verbally confirmed his feelings for you, but he doesn’t really have to. kiryu shows them.
of course, he’s well aware that you haven’t reciprocated these feelings; and he won’t force you to — if it happens, it’ll happen naturally.
it’s because of this philosophy that he won’t ever interject himself or disrupt the flow of your conversation with the man, but after it’s all said and done with, kiryu will be just a tad clingier towards you than before — and secretly, selfishly, hope that you’ll reciprocate his feelings soon, so that he can finally call you his and he can say all the things he wants to to guys that flirt with you.
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the-muppet-joker · 2 days
If your heart is three sizes too big (the vriska staredown post as reference) does that mean you also kin the grinch? I’m aware that may have been unintentional, but that’s a very funny coincidence for three green men.
No. The Grinch had a heart three sizes too small. I was referencing something very personal to myself...
You see, when I was a child, I was subjected to a lot of cultural talk of horses as an unfortunate side effect of growing up in Kentucky. I learned a lot (against my will) about the Kentucky Derby as well as famous horses.
I learned about Secretariate.
I remember where I was when my father told me what they discovered during that horse's autopsy. I was roughly 9 years old, sitting on a bucket or somesuch item in the stables as my Father was feeding his horses. I had not yet been mauled by Bucephalus, his prized horse, but I still had a healthy fear of them, even at that time. It was their eyes that scared me.
Father told it to me casually, as if it was a charming trivia fact: Secretariate had a heart three times the size of a normal heart. They never knew it until he had died.
I am not sure exactly why this fact struck me as so disturbing. Father certainly did not notice the way I completely froze after he told me, or my shallow, frightened breaths. He didn't look at me. He never looked at me.
I could clearly picture the swollen, pulsing mass of meat and blood that had kept Secretariat alive. Did it burn inside him? Did he know, on some level, that something was wrong inside him? Did he feel wrong? He ran like an animal trying to escape something inside of him, too large for his chest, different and monstrous in a way no one could see on the outside.
I felt my own heart pounding in my chest. Too large. Too monstrous. Swollen with hate and emotion and a need to run. A need to rip it clean out of my body. I was too young to feel like an animal whose insides were all wrong.
So no, anon, I do not kin the Grinch, even if he is the most fuckable of the Christmas characters. I want to bounce up and down on his long green fingers and feel his green fur inside me while I ride his hand and scream in ecstacy while he
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razorblade180 · 3 days
9 days of Lancaster Day 9: Firsts
Ruby:(Don’t over complicate this. Don’t do it. Just relax… relax…)
Jaune:Uh Rubes?
Jaune:Are you gonna hit retry or…
She turns her head and notices they’re on they’re on the ranking screen. When did the match end!? Ruby finally hits continue. Jaune can’t help but chuckle a little as he leans back against Blake’s bed.
Ruby:What’s so funny?
Jaune:You seem a little lost in thought. Thinking of a way of outplaying me?
Ruby:I introduced you to this game. I know your skills.
Jaune:And yet I out rank you.
Ruby:Because you’re such a try hard! I’ve been busy on missions.
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair. It’s nice that you finally have time off. I would’ve thought your team would be knocked out for days. I was little shocked when you said you planned an all day video game date.
Ruby:I begged a little. Also called in a few favors. Weiss just needed a nice place to sleep, Blake is flexible and I became a pouty little sister for Yang.
Jaune:Qualities of a true leader.
Ruby:Shut up! I’m just happy you didn’t procrastinate on any assignments.
Jaune:Pyrrha said she’d add Nora to my training if I did.
Ruby:Yeah that would get me moving too. Soooo you’re really free ?
Jaune:Yep, I’m all yours for the day. Any game you need a partner in, I’ll help you see credits.
Ruby:…And if we get tired of games?
Jaune:We got movies. There’s a couple good ones that came while you were away. Or ones you’ll force me to watch.
Ruby:Stop acting like you don’t like horror.
Jaune:It really isn’t an act. But you planned all this and who am I to not appreciate that.
Ruby:So you’re done for anything?
Ruby:*red* Even…oh I don’t know, sleeping together?
Jaune’s hands stopped pressing buttons and Ruby managed to send him to the loser screen. It wasn’t intentional but a small boost of confidence as she turned her head right to see him looking at her with a flushed red face.
Ruby:Don’t make it weird!
Jaune:Me!? What!? You just- context please! Was that a ploy to win!?
Ruby:I’m not that petty! Look I just…. *plays with hair* thought maybe we should discuss that idea. We’ve been together for almost five months and it’s been really great! It’s felt a little weird though that you never seemed to make a move or bring up “that”
Jaune: Do I really give off that sorta vibe? I had no idea.
Ruby:I’m not saying you do, but between how you used to try flirting with Weiss and our casual conversations, it didn’t feel like you weren’t into more intimate things. Ugh, I really don’t know what I’m saying at this point! I guess a part of me felt a little confused and worried if you weren’t interested in me in that way at all.
Jaune:Oh I have had thoughts, but i know how to keep them to myself.
Jaune:*blushing* That’s normal and decent behavior! Why, are you interested?
Ruby:Of course! I organized I room date to give you the opportunity to-
Saying it aloud made it sound way more embarrassing and forward than Ruby meant for it to be. And pulled her hood over her head and huffed in defeat as she stared down at her lap.
Jaune:….Does your team know about this?
Ruby:Blake does. She said her bed is fair game. Those are actually my sheets right now. As far as Yang is concerned, I asked for privacy so we can have our first kiss.
Jaune:We’ve made out a bunch of times.
Ruby:I’m very sneaky when I want to be. Look, I get this is a lot I’m dropping on you and we don’t have to do anything today. I just…really wanted to know where I stand with you and to let you know that…I’m okay with going further with you. *crimson* I really like you. A lot.
Jaune:…This question may sound a little dumb all things considering, but I have to hear it. I get that you’re okay with it, but do you want to have sex with me? As in your are looking forward to it?
Ruby:…Very much, yeah.
Jaune:….Hold on just one moment.
He took her scroll and walked out of the room. Ruby wanted to scream until she passed out. Why did she start this conversation!? Was it too forward!? They were having such a good time before this moment. Why did he leave!?
So many thoughts bombarded her brain and they didn’t stop when she heard the door unlock again. Her scroll flew into her lap so she knew it was him. Seconds later, a box of condoms fell into her lap. Her brain took a moment to process what she was looking at then her head immediately jerked up to see Jaune bright red and also avoiding her gaze.
Jaune: Nora may have helped me find female ones too, as well as emergency pills.
Ruby:Ah, I see. How proactive. Well…*twiddles fingers* Weiss may have helped me find a pay for some quality meds awhile go.
Jaune:Huh, imagine that.
Ruby:Yeeeep. Jaune, can you look at me?
Jaune:*makes eye contact*
Ruby:Soooo are we…still playing video games right now?
Blake:*eating noodles*
Yang:You think the date is going well?
Weiss:Yes. *eating cake*
Yang:Really think she’ll go for a kiss?
Blake:Ruby can dive into a Nevermore’s mouth. She’ll find the willpower to kiss a boy.
Yang:….Maybe I should call t-
Weiss:Yang, as a younger sister myself, I appreciate my older sister. However, if she interrupted me on a date with a call or coming home early, I’m going to be mad for a very long time. Eat your burger and relax. Ruby will be fine.
Yang: I know, ugh! It’s like I’m antsy for her. Gods, if I’m like this now then I don’t know if I can handle her asking about sex.
Blake and Weiss:Don’t worry about that now.
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daisykihannie · 2 days
Does Size Matter? (L.MH)
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Day 2 of 8 days of kinks: Size Kink (small dom)
pairing: Dom!Minho x Ftm!Reader
warnings: size kink, smut, nsfw, established relationship, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, body worship, oral (receiving), overstimulation, just one slap, begging, etc.
a/n: ngl this is a bit self indulgent as a 182cm muscular Transman but oh well
@chvnlix Day 2: Here
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Minho was a bit on the shorter side, being only 172cm tall but size doesn’t matter right? It was just a fact for Minho that he was short, it never really bothered him much as he grew up. Yeah, he got bullied for it as a teenager but he was past all of that right? At least he thought that was the case until he started dating a man who was 182cm tall.
It started to get annoying. The way people would whisper when you two would go on dates together. Muffled voices talking about how his boyfriend was certainly the man in the relationship simply because of his muscular build, broad shoulders, and his height. First of all, they’re in a gay relationship so they were both the man but he also knew that was the socially acceptable way to call him a bottom.
Why the hell were so many people concerned with his sex life? Even scrolling on tiktok took a turn as he saw edit after edit plaguing his for you page. Normally the edits were endearing when speaking about the two of you, how cute you were together, how all the hottest men were gay, etc. but then they suddenly were all about how he was the “baby girl” and how easily you’d be able to manhandle him. Even going as far to call him a fucking Omega and you an Alpha, truly what the fuck stay?
“Hey kitten?” Minho called from where he was seated on the couch in your apartment. You turned away from the counter where you were chopping vegetables for the dinner you were making the two of you to look at him over the kitchen island. “I thought i told you to stop calling me that.” you grumbled and squinted your eyes at him. “oh hush, i know you love it.” he cooed in a teasing tone.
“What’s up my love?” you asked and leaned across the island, propping yourself up on your elbows. The muscles in your biceps and pecs tensed and relaxed as you got comfortable. You were currently shirtless and just wearing an apron and your athletic shorts, it was the middle of summer and it was far too hot to be cooking at the stove and wear anymore than you were. Plus, you knew how much your boyfriend admired your muscles, his size kink and all.
“Why do Stay think I'm a bottom when we are seen together? Does my appearance scream that I take it in the ass or something?” Minho asked and you barked out a laugh at the thought and Minho's bluntness. “First of all, I don't have a dick so there’s no way you could take it up the ass. Unless you have a side piece, do you have a side piece Lee Minho?” you couldn’t help but tease him a bit, he always gave the best reactions.
“You did not just call me by my government name… L/N F/N.” he groaned and tried to give you his best threatening expression but he honestly looked like he was going to cry hearing you call him his real name. “It’s Lee Y/N, thank you very much.” you blew him a kiss and turned back to the pot on the stove, stirring the pasta a bit and flipping the searing beef. “I hope you know that there is no way I could have a side piece, I don’t like people enough and I already have my hands full dealing with you kitten.” he retorted.
You let out an annoyed groan at him using that pet name again, he didn’t need to know that you were getting worked up from it. “Also, you could get a strap. That’s something to take up the ass.” Minho answered and you smirked at that. turning back around to face him. “Is this your way of asking me to fuck you in the ass with my strap? I didn’t think you’d-“ you were cut off by minho shouting “NO I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT ASKING YOU TO FUCK ME- SHUT UP!” his face flushed red either in embarrassment or annoyance. There’s no way in hell your boyfriend would ever bottom, even with your best puppy dog eyes and begging.
“Ugh! can you just answer my question please? Why does EVERYONE think that I'm the bottom in this relationship?” Minho buried his face in his hands and threw his head back against the couch. “Maybe because you’re smaller than me and unbelievably adorable~” you cooed, not even trying to tease him this time. It was a genuine explanation and honestly the only one you could think of considering you’re the only one other than Minho himself who’s aware of your dynamics in the bedroom.
“Seriously? That’s so fucking annoying. It’s not my fault I stopped growing.” Minho grumbled, clearly this whole thing was bothering him more than he let off. Turning off the stove, you moved to sit next to your boyfriend on the couch. “Min baby, does it bother you that much?” you asked with genuine concern. You’re a fixer, if there’s a problem or someone is upset you can’t help but want to fix it and make them feel better. This unfortunately wasn’t a situation you’d be able to fix.
“No… it’s just- i don’t know.” he grumbled and leaned his head against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around yours and snuggled into your side. “Does sir wanna prove he’s not a bottom? Fuck your kitten so good that he can’t walk tomorrow?” you purred into the top of his head and flexed the bicep that he held onto. The growl that ripped from his chest in response had your pussy gushing and eager. “That sounds like a perfect idea babyboy~”
All you did was blink and now you were pinned to the couch cushions with Minho towering over you. He slotted his knee between your legs and used his thigh to apply pressure to your throbbing cocklet. You were already so hard and wet, yet he hasn’t even touched you properly. A small whimper left your lips as you tried to rut against his thigh but ultimately the tiny amount of friction just wasn’t enough. “So needy you wanna use my thigh to get off? You’re such a pathetic slut for me aren’t you? My pretty little slut.” he groaned out and you couldn’t help but preen at his words.
Yes, you might be stronger than Minho physically and larger than him but the way he could easily overpower you and have your brain melting was insane. His presence alone was powerful and his words had a way of making you weak, not that you wanted to fight back in the first place. You are putty in his hands, he owns your heart, your mind, and especially your body. It’s as if you were created with Minho in mind, made to be his other half, made to compliment and complete him.
“m-more…” you moaned out while trying to grind against his thigh, both your hands still pinned to the couch. “What’s that? you’re gonna have to use your words pretty boy.” minho cooed, encouraging you’re already mushy brain to try to work and form actual coherent sentences. “Sir- please… need you so bad.” you whimpered, desperate.
“You already have me baby, i’m all yours and your mine.” minhos response came out in a fond and loving tone, almost sickly sweet. Unfortunately he didn’t move to give you what you were failing to ask for. You were well aware that he knew exactly what you meant but Minho never gave you anything easily, you had to earn his compliance and you weren’t anything if not obedient to him.
“Need your cock sir… need you to fuck me dumb on your cock please please please… fuck- n-need to be split open on Sir’s cock…” you whimpered out, so needy and desperate that you felt like you could cry. You simply had no self control when it came to your boyfriend, it was addicting to be under him and his control like this. The way he fucked you with his eyes, the cat like eyes piercing through you, the taunting smirk on his lips that showed his cute bunny teeth. He was so cute but so fucking evil at the same time and you loved it.
“Good boy~ i guess your brain does work after all. All these muscles but still so so weak for me. My perfect oversized cock sleeve.” His words rushed straight to your cocklet and you couldn’t bite down the moan that rattled out of your throat. His words were painfully true, you were a weak oversized cock sleeve for him and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Minho pulled away from you, earning a whine in protest. You were already slipping so far away that the small amount of space he put between your bodies was too far. While Minho was pre-occupied with removing his shirt and unbuckling his belt, you leaned forward to lick and bite at the pale skin covering his abs. You mouthed at his flesh sloppily, making his perfect skin glisten with your saliva, savoring the taste of sweat on his skin.
Luckily he allowed you to do what was needed to satiate yourself while he stripped, he untied your apron next, throwing it somewhere in the room and moving to remove your shorts and boxers in one move. Once you were both bare he pushed you away from his body, making your back bounce off the plush cushions of the couch momentarily from the sheer force he put into it. You learned a long time ago that his smaller frame was a deception, he was strong as hell even though it wasn’t obvious aside from the size of his muscular thighs.
You whimpered when Minho forced your legs apart, admiring your hardened cocklet and glistening pussy. You hid your face in the crook of your elbow and looked to the side, still insecure about your body and where it was still biologically female. You tried to hide it in the muscles and the masculine results of being on Testosterone for a while. You even got top surgery but you still couldn’t bury the way you hated having a pussy.
“My pretty boy~ so pretty and wet for me. I will never get tired of seeing your hard cock and your leaking pussy. I wish you could see just how pretty you are for me.” He cooed, his words genuine as he worshiped your body. He always made sure to tell you how much he loved the parts you were most insecure about. “Maybe i should show you how much i love it~”
Before you had a chance to register his words in your cotton candy brain, you felt his tongue lapping at the juices flooding out of you, wrapping his pretty lips around your cocklet and letting out a deep guttural groan. “My pretty boys cock always tastes so fucking delicious. I just can’t get enough of how you taste on my tongue.” and Minho was diving in again.
You were a moaning mess under his tongue. Your hands were flailing around, trying to find purchase on something, needing to grip something, anything, to stay on earth while he sucked you off like his life depended on it. At this point, Minho was doing this for his own pleasure, drunk on your taste and the noises you made. “Can’t find anything to hold onto pretty boy? it’s okay to use my hair my love. Feel free to pull on it, use it to ride my face, i can take it.” His voice was thick with his arousal and his chin and nose was soaked with your juices.
Both of your hands carded into his hair and held on tight, the moan he let out sent vibrations straight through your most sensitive parts and you couldn’t help bucking your hips up to meet his tongue. “That’s it, ride my face like a good boy.” he mumbled against your core, the knot in your stomach tightening further. You were close, so painfully close but you didn’t want him to stop and you could tell from the expression on Minhos face as you watched him between your legs that he didn’t want to stop either.
“fuck! cl-close- so fucking close… s’good feels so- nggh!” you cried out and your thighs threatened to camp down on the sides of his head if it weren’t for his hands pining them down to the couch with a bruising grip. Your hips and thighs trembled and the muscles spasmed under his hold but he didn’t pull away or slow down. He stayed buried between your legs, drinking down all of your release with a groan and his eyes fluttering and rolling back in his head slightly as he savored your release on his tongue.
Once you were jolting away from Minho in overstimulation, he finally came out from between your legs and made his way back up your body. “Taste just how delicious you are baby.” He said in a sultry tone, diving in to slot his lips between yours in a wet and sloppy kiss. The kiss was hungry and desperate with teeth clashing together and tongues battling for dominance in the kiss. Minho obviously won and took control of the kiss, his hands pawing at your body as you both swallowed each others moans in the kiss.
He was rutting his hips against your cocklet, his length getting drenched in your fluids and his own saliva as it dragged across your sensitive spots. His head would catch on your entrance a few times but he never pushed in, eliciting heady moans from you as you angled your hips to hopefully get him inside you and failing none the less.
“Min- please… just fuck me already damnit.” you growled, growing impatient with his teasing. “oh? that’s not the way you talk to someone you want something from now is it?” a slap landed to your left cheek, not super hard but enough to sting. A choked moan left your throat, followed by a whimper as you looked up at the man above you with pleading eyes. “p-please baby…” you whined.
“That’s better. Good boy.” he leaned in, taking your lips in his own again and slammed into you, buried to the hilt in one thrust. “God fuck! Always so fucking tight for me.” Minho groaned and began to thrust. He’d pull out almost all the way, leaving just the very tip inside before slamming back in and angling his hips to hit your sweet spot repeatedly.
“This pussy is fucking mine. Got it? No one can ever fuck you like i do. You were made for me. Mine.” Minho grunted out and picked up his pace, still slamming into you as hard as he can everytime. “y-yours. all yours min. Fuck! m-made for you- s’good! fuck me s’good.” you were babbling now, sentences coming out slurred and almost incoherent as you felt the familiar tightening of that knot in your lower stomach.
“Getting fucked so good you can’t even think. All you know is me and my cock. How good i make you feel. My perfect, oversized cock sleeve. Your muscles are fucking useless when I wreck you like this.” Minho became more talkative, a sign he was getting close with the way you clenched around him and the pathetic sounds you let out filling your apartment, loud and uncaring of who heard. They’d know exactly who was the top in this relationship.
“m-min- I- close…” you could barely speak at this point, you could feel your impending orgasm from your toes to your fingers and in your head. You body trembling at the sensitivity as you fought back your climax. “Me too baby, gonna pump you full of my cum. Go ahead and cum for me like a good boy.” Minho growled out, leaning down to be close to your ear and pushing his chest to yours. The added weight to your body combined with his words were all it took to have your orgasm hitting you hard and fast.
Minho continued fucking you through it, filling you up shortly after and riding out his own orgasm. You were trembling underneath him and whining in overstimulation. Minho took a moment, his body collapsed over yours, catching his breath before he had to clean you up. He pulled out with a hiss at the sensitivity of his cock head dragging against your walls that were still spasming. He sat up and watched his cum spill out of you for a moment, taking a picture for his personal collection before going to the bathroom to get a wet wash cloth and cleaning you up.
After you were both clean, he put his own boxers back on before putting you in yours. While you fought sleep, he went to the kitchen to reheat the dinner you were cooking. He made each of you a plate before bringing them to the living room and placing them both on the coffee table, turning on the TV for you both to watch. He lifted you up from where you were laying and tugged you into his side, wrapping one arm around you and using his other hand to scoop up some food and begging feeding you.
Somehow, you looked small in his hold. The sight of your large muscular body looking small against his clearly smaller frame fueling his size kink further. “I love you so much Y/N, my big baby.” Minho said and placed a kiss to the top of your head while you chewed what he’d fed you. “Love you too Min, so much.” you said with a smile on your face and cheeks still stuffed with pasta.
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sapphixxx · 2 days
Man, I think what makes me so sad about Guilty Gear is just knowing that there won't ever be anything quite like it. The cultural soup that spawned it just doesn't exist anymore. The edgy 90s counterculture boom can't really be replicated. Doom is something you run on thermostats and microwaves, Mortal Kombat is something your brother's friends played in college, spiked leather and heavy metal are things anyone might be into, arcades have been dead longer than they were alive, everyone is aware of JoJo. Everything that was shocking, transgressive, and exciting then is now pretty normal (if still beloved--nay, more beloved, even). They even made a new Matrix movie about this feeling. And the thing is, there were a lot of fighting games tapping into the same things as Guilty Gear was. They all died in obscurity, and Guilty Gear is the lone survivor, carrying the DNA of a cultural moment but unable to propagate, being the last of its species. Sol Badguy is a perfect protagonist for it, in that sense.
At the end of the day, there's just no real analogue. The genre of musclebound blood soaked anime it was drawing from like Fist of the North Star, Bastard! and Ninja Scroll don't really exist anymore. Rockstars of the hotel thrashing middle finger waving hard drinking hard partying variety don't really exist in the same way, either. Very few recent album covers would make for good stage backgrounds. There isn't really an "underground" subculture or counterculture--we're all just in different niches that are one online search away from each other. Nobody has to "introduce" you to metal, you don't have to know a guy, just look up a few whole discographies and listen on your commute. Fighting games themselves are a firmly established genre with it's own self selecting population--in the 90s it was pretty common for basically anyone to casually try a few rounds of Tekken or have some version of street fighter at home. That's not really the case anymore, and, as such, fighting games need to be designed differently and more thoughtfully than they used to be.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!None of these are bad things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it does mean that any attempt to do something in the same vein as Guilty Gear will necessarily be a pastiche. Hell, even Guilty Gear itself was pastiche by the time of XX. This isn't a bad thing either--I'm loving Little Goody Two Shoes, for example, which is the most lavish and loving throwback to 90s shojo and 00s RPG Maker horror games. But it would still be different. Because even the most loving reference or recreation, even the ones that surpass the quality of the originals, can't replace the spirit of expressing something quintessential to your current moment, whatever that moment is.
The moment that I cherish cause I grew up in its shadow is long gone. I don't know if there's anything in the current moment that could speak to me in the same way. Most of my favorite all time games, manga, anime, etc etc all came out in the last few years, so this isn't about old shit being better. I guess most of what I love that's currently being made just didn't lend itself well to riffing on in the same way. Unfortunately, high passion rock operas screaming your feelings just lend themselves perfectly to kickass games, and those aren't in vogue like they used to be. And, ultimately, on a strictly personal level, I'll never be 15 again, being shown the sickest shit I've ever seen before a D&D game for the first time.
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ghostinthegallery · 5 hours
I can't believe The Silence and the Storm is over a year old! The first anniversary was May 27th (yes I missed my own fic's birthday in my defense I was traveling and forgot how time works).
I'm trying to compose my thoughts because this sure feels like a time a blog post would be fitting. However, my engrams are scrambled because...wow do I have too many feelings.
As some background, I've been a writer for a long time. And I've written 3-5 books (depends on how you count "completing" a book but it's 5 full drafts, 3 of which were heavily edited). I wanted to be a trade published writer (still do) and for a while I was feeling good about my chances! I got lucky and received some wonderful professional mentorship (and met one of my best friends during that program!). I took that guidance to query agents (a necessary step for access to most big/medium US publishers). I knew it would be hard and take time but...4 years later all I have to show are a few requests, hundreds of rejections, and one agent who asked me to rewrite my entire book only to reject me anyway (me, bitter? No not at all nooooo).
I'm a creative person and sharing my work feels like sharing a part of myself. Something that is not easy for me to do. After a while I just assumed I was missing something necessary. My work didn't resonate, but I didn't know how to fix it. I’d never reach anyone in the way I so desperately craved, and it was my fault for not being good enough. I felt broken.
During one of many major depressive episodes my spouse bought me a copy of The Infinite and the Divine. That book has changed my life. I was never much of a fanfic writer before. Either I thought the original work was too good and I didn't think I had anything to add or it was too bad so why would I bother with it when I could just go read/watch something better? 40k inspired me though. The ideas are incredible but underutilized enough that I felt like I had something to add.
So I started writing necron fic because why not? There wasn’t enough for me to read, and I needed more robot stories. Maybe I could rediscover my love of the craft, make some friends, make some robots kiss. Distract my mind from the horrors. So I posted a little OC fic and actually got some nice comments. Hey! Positive reinforcement! Hadn't had that in a while.
Emboldened, I continued in the most normal way possible. Going from a 7 chapter OC story to a giant civil war epic including every named necron character I could find with 6 (then 7...then 9) POVs. It was the type of grand space opera I've always wanted to write but never did because I didn’t think I had the skill and it's harder to sell. Luckily AO3 is free. Ain't no playing to the market there!
Now, a 40k necron civil war space opera is...niche. So I wasn't expecting much. I would have been happy with some kudos, some comments. Fan art felt like a pipe dream, but what are writers if not dreamers? The main goal was to enjoy myself. It was low pressure fun, I love the characters, what could go wrong?
Nothing, but I was wholely unprepared for things to go as right as they did. Y’all have been amazing. So many great comments and ideas exchanged, gorgeous art, fun asks, a lot of screaming (it’s fine probably don’t worry). I’ve never had such a strong outpouring of support for my work. It feels incredible. But also sometimes confusing. I’ve trained myself so well to handle rejection that I kind of forgot how to handle acceptance. Especially for something so personal. This is a weird story about undead space robots, there’s a lot of politics, sometimes the robots have sex. It’s got out there head canons, and 99% of the tyranid parts are pulled out of my ass because nobody knows how the space bugs work okay. My weirdness being embraced on this scale is one of the greatest feelings of my life. But it’s also new, and way out of my comfort zone. I’m being seen and adjusting to that.
Still, writing in this space has been one of the most consistently joyful things in my life for…well, over a year now! It’s changed how I view my art. I actually can create stories that touch people and make them feel things. I can take risks and have them pay off. I know not everyone will love this, but some people really seem to love it. That is mind blowing to me.
It’s making me reassess a lot about how I approach my art. Writing and other. I still plan to pursue publication. I want to get paid for my work, but this is making me consider alternate paths that might fit my style (and psyche) better. I don’t know what the future holds, but if you’d told me a year and a half ago that a big part of it would hinge on an AO3 gay robot skeleton space opera…I would have thought you were nuts, but also hoped you were right because that sounds rad as hell.
So in conclusion, thank you all so much for reading <3
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 hours
The Fuck Up Chapter 1
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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Y/N and Bucky had been best friends since they were teenagers. They met on the first day of high school in English, both groaning over the fact that the assigned reading was The Grapes of Wrath, considered an American classic but an incredibly boring read. They were paired up in a project together and became inseparable ever since. Y/N had no family, having been passed from foster home to foster home until finally being placed with the family she was with now who were willing to keep her. She had a hard time trusting people, and Bucky liked a challenge. They quickly became the most important people in each other’s lives. They were teased about dating each other, and as much as they each had moments of having more romantic feelings towards the other, nothing had ever come to full fruition. Bucky’s family took Y/N in and treated her like their own. Even with her new adopted family, she had never felt so loved in her life.
After high school they had planned to go to college together, but the housing market crashed and Bucky’s parents, Winifred and George, had to use his and his sister Becca’s college funds to keep their house, and no companies were giving out scholarships as they all tried to protect their assets. Y/N had been able to use a grant system to get into college. Bucky came from a military family, and although he had had no plans of ever joining, it seemed he had run out of options. He enlisted in the Marines. Y/N was upset, not wanting him to risk his life, but understood. She supported him as he went through boot camp and then the rigorous special operations training, but the military was hard on him. Bucky had always been an emotional person, and Y/N hated watching him have to deal with the PTSD and the group mindset that the military instilled in him, changing him from the happy-go-lucky kid she’d known to an anxious, trauma-ridden mess. She finished college and got a digital marketing degree, working for a major online company while doing some photography as a side hustle.
Twelve years later they were both in their thirties, barely getting to see each other but keeping in touch. Bucky had had a few close calls while on special ops the last few years and his family was pushing him to not re-enlist.
“Please, Buck, no more,” Winifred begged him. “You’ve served your country well. You’ve almost died three times over the last few years. Please stay,” she cried as he looked at the re-enlistment papers.
“I know, Ma, I know,” Bucky sighed, setting them down. “I…I just feel like I got one more tour left in me. I need to do this.”
“Hey everybody!” Y/N called as she entered the house.
Winifred spun around. “Y/N! Come here please!”
Y/N followed her voice to the kitchen. “Hey Winnie…wait,” she looked between them. “What’s wrong?”
“Bucky is thinking of re-enlisting,” Winifred said, sniffling sadly.
The look on Y/N’s face when her head snapped towards him made him flinch. “You…” she stuttered, her eyes wide and her brow furrowed. “You just got back.”
“I know, honey,” Bucky walked up to her and grabbed her arms. “I just need to do this. One more tour.”
“No,” she replied, pulling away from him. “You said you were done. We wrote to each other about it. You promised me,” Y/N’s eyes started to fill with tears.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N,” Bucky begged. “I can’t handle it when you cry.”
“Well that’s TOO DAMN BAD!” Y/N screamed at him. Bucky stepped back, surprised by her reaction. Winifred gasped, also shocked by her outburst. Y/N was not one to normally get emotional or react out loud to things. Y/N shook her head and closed her eyes, trying to breathe normally as her hands clenched at her sides. “You promised me,” she whispered.
Bucky sighed and bit his bottom lip. “Y/N, please understand—”
“No, you need to understand something,” she interrupted him, her eyes opening and glaring at him. “I don’t know where this weird obsession came from with you wanting to run into danger. You joined the military so you could get help with college. But then you re-enlisted, and re-enlisted. And now you have this codependent relationship with an organization, in a government, in a country, that doesn’t care about you!” She walked closer to him until she was toe to toe with him. “You are just another body to them. If and when you die, they’ll easily replace you. We can’t replace you!” She gestured to Winifred and herself. “I need you,” she cried, the tears finally falling down her cheeks. “You are wanted, appreciated, and loved here, at home. Why is that not enough?”
“It is enough,” Bucky said, blinking rapidly to stop any of his own tears falling.
“Obviously not,” Y/N whimpered, her chin wobbling as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. “I can’t…I can’t do this,” she whirled around and left the way she came.
“Y/N, hey wait,” Bucky called after her, following her to the front door. “Come on, honey, please don’t leave, let’s talk about this!” Y/N didn’t answer him, continuing to walk through the front door and out to her car. “Y/N…honey please!” She didn’t even spare him a glance as she got in her car. He tried opening her door, but she had already locked it. She quickly backed up and left his parents’ house, her tires screeching as she peeled down the street. “Fuck,” Bucky grumbled, running his hands through his hair.
He knew she was right, that it was stupid of him to re-enlist and put himself in harm's way. He had made a lifelong friendship in the military, and through some misguided idea of brotherhood had promised his friend he’d come back for another tour and join him for more special ops. But he had also promised his girl he’d be done after this last time. His girl?
**picture found on Pinterest...can we all agree that A.I. is dangerous just for this picture alone? #buckywiththelonghair
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softsan · 23 hours
✉️ ・ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬: | 01 | 02 |
✉️ ・ ── 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐲/𝐧'𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
✉️ ・ ── 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Mafia AU, Angst, Kingpin!Taeyong, Queenpin!Y/N, Fem!Reader, Childhood friends, Betrayal, Enemies to lovers, Eventual Smut.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:  You were the only surviving heir of the old-time Mafia kingpin that had ruled the four territories. You were long thought to be dead, living the normal life you had always wanted...Until you run into a Taeyong, a formidable ghost from your past. You are then thrown back into the Mafia underbelly, reuniting with enemies you had hoped had forgotten you. Will you run away? Will you stand beside Taeyong, kingpin of the North, and be his queen? Or will you take your rightful revenge.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Possessive Themes, Future Explicit Sexual Content, Murder, Kidnapping, Strangulation, Torture, Weapons, Graphic Violence, Heavy Angst, Explicit Language, Alcohol Consumption, Mentions of Drugs, Betrayal, Morally Grey Characters.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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Your melodic laughter filled your family’s gardens, “Hurry up Taeyong!” You gently pulled him along, your fingers intertwined with his.
You twirled past the trees, your hair blowing behind you in the wind. He followed you wordlessly, besotted by your sweet voice. It was filled with such innocent excitement.
You dug your heels in the grass, coming to an abrupt stop by the stone water fountain that was at the garden’s center. Taeyong was still bewildered by your touch, your kindness, and most importantly how you didn’t withdraw with repulsion. You didn’t see him as the monster he was, but as a boy. A friend to play with inside this lonely cage of yours.
“Father brought them back for me from his trip,” You delightedly pointed at the fish in the pool, enamored at their beautiful colors.
Taeyong’s faint smile slowly faded, lines creasing across his forehead. His heart ached, heavy with conflict. He was stuck between what he ought to do, and what he wanted.
“You must be close to your father...”
“Not really.” You dipped your fingers into the water, letting the fish nibble at your fingertips, “He’s always been closer to my brother— ” You paused for a second, “They never allow me to go on trips with them.”
Taeyong had vision as such. He knew you’d never really seen anything past the grand walls they’d built around your family’s mansion. It was the reason why you were such an easy target—a sheltered, naïve, and longing desperately for a friend to play with.
You were the defenseless little girl who unknowingly spilled all your family’s deepest secrets, and he was the unforgivable monster that had gained your trust, and friendship. Who would soon be responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of one of the greatest mafia families to have ever existed.
“But that’s okay," You beamed, "I’ve got you now.”
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Taeyong’s head pounded, his skull screaming as he rolled over onto his back. He stared absently at the ceiling, running his hands through his hair.
He couldn’t get you out of his mind. The curvature of your neck. The scar cut across your delicate skin.
It’s not possible.
You could never have survived what had been inflicted upon you... A full-grown adult couldn’t have bared it, let alone a twelve-year-old girl.
“You’re dead.” He whispered to himself. 
This was just his guilt coming back to haunt him.
“Hey, boss!” Taeil knocked on the door of Taeyong's master bedroom.
“Come in.”
“I’ve had to cover your meetings all morning. What the hell have you been doing in here?” Taeil raised a brow, glancing about Taeyong’s room, “Is there someone else here—”
“There’s no one here.” Taeyong cut Taeil off.
He knew what Taeil was implying.
"My mistake," Taeil shrugged, "All you’ve been doing lately is working, I just thought maybe you’d finally decided to balance it out with some fun.”
“What do you need?” Taeyong’s voice was curt, clearly not in the mood for this conversation.
"Yuta and Winwin are on sight for today’s job." Taeil brushed off Taeyong's attitude, "But they've just called in for some backup," He readjusted his black glove as he talked, “It appears a handful of Eastern forces have eyes on our target too.”
Taeyong gritted his teeth, his pride taking offense. The East was overstepping itself by entering his territory without his permission. Moreso, they dared to come after his targets too? Taeyong had thought they’d know better, especially after the last time.
“What are you doing?” Taeil frowned.
Taeyong rose from his bed, opening his closet to reveal a number of suits and ties, “I’m going to greet our little friends” He said mockingly.
“Boss—" Taeil wavered his hands, "You can’t be serious.” Taeil's eyes widened in alarm, “These are just some low-level thugs. Yuta and Winwin are more than capable of handling it themselves.”
“And yet, they request backup?”
“As —aa precaution!” Taeil tried not to stumble over his words.
Taeyong began to button up his white-collared shirt, “It’s been a while since I’ve been in the field. I'm itching to spill some blood,” His tongue instinctively darted at his lips.
That’s what I like to call fun.
Taeil shook his head disapprovingly. If Taeyong were to go, then there was no way tonight wouldn’t end up in an utter blood bath.
“I’ll make sure all the paperwork is in order,” Taeil grumbled, dreading the outcome of tonight.
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You spent most of your free time curled under your blankets mindlessly binge-watching reality TV shows. You had two assignments due by the end of the week, and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to work on any of them. 
Your thoughts would dwell on the devilish ghost from you dreams. The ghost you’d wished had remained as but a nightmare. 
Too many years have passed. He doesn’t recognize me. You tried to comfort yourself to no avail.
You’d never be safe again if he came to know of your existence. Neither, would the ones you held dear, such as foster sister Yebin and your roommate Jen. Their lives would all be in jeopardy if Taeyong were to ever uncover the truth.
“I cannot believe it!” Jen barged into your bedroom, her nostrils flared with frustration.
“What’s wrong?” You tore your eyes away from the television. 
“He’s with another girl!”
You blinked a couple of times, waiting for Jen to elaborate.
“He told me that he was just going to play pool with the guys.”
You slowly nodded, catching on. Jen was talking about her latest fling, whom she’d met in her economics class. 
“Maybe he is,” You said, instantly regretting it as Jen came charging at you, sticking her phone in your face.
“Do you see this?!”
You did. Jen was holding down her fling’s friend’s Instagram story, replaying it over and over. You sighed. He clearly had another girl on his lap and was at a house party of sorts.
“We need to go now!”
“Go?” Your lips tilted downward “I’m in my PJs, already!” Your eyebrows knitted together.
“You’ve been in your PJs for the last three days.” Jen dismissed, throwing back your covers and yanking you away from your comfortable warmth.
“Jennnnn,” You whined. “Just break up with him over text. You guys haven’t even been together for that long.”
“Not a chance! I need to see his face when he realizes he’s lost the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”
You groaned as Jen flung one of her low-cut miniskirts at you.
“Wear this,” She demanded, “Oh, and this.” She threw one of her neon tube tops at you.
“I’m going to freeze to death.”
“We are going to look so hot. He’s going to regret ever fucking us over,” Jen vowed, ignoring your protests.
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“He blends quite well as a college student,” Winwin apathetically commented on their target who was mingling on the opposite side of the room.
“He’s at a house party drinking his fucking ass off,” Yuta replied less than impressed.
Taeyong remained silent. He and his boys were at the edge of a room, pretending to down cups of stale beer as the obnoxiously loud music thundered throughout the house.
Over by the bean bags was their target. He was the scumbag that had taken loans from a few high-profile clients of Taeyong’s before heading underground without paying his dues. Unsurprisingly, it appeared he owed money to the Eastern gangs as well. Not that Taeyong would give them the chance of getting their hands on him. 
Taeyong’s clients had requested a particularly brutal kind of hit. One Taeyong had every intention of carrying out. 
The beat of the music thumped the ground at your feet. You wobbled after Jen, carefully trying not to trip in your seven-inch heels. You cursed her under your breath. Did she really need to drag you along?
“I see him.” She shouted over the music. You nodded, without hearing a word.
You weren’t accustomed to being around so many people. Bodies dancing and bumping into each other. You were completely out of your element. You couldn’t hear a thing, you could barely walk, and your skirt was continually threatening to rise up on you.  
Jen’s cage-like grip pulled you deeper into the vast living room.
Taeyong's mask of indifference fell instantaneously, and so did his of beer. It spilled at Yuta’s feet before rolling away.
Taeyong ignored Yuta's vexation, his sight focused solely on you. He hadn’t imagined he’d see you so soon. Your twinkling eyes, your pouting lips.
Taeyong’s eyes drifted to what you were wearing. You were sporting, a skirt that shouldn’t have really been called a skirt and a top that barely covered your breasts. He tried not to observe the smooth skin of your legs and how your shoulders glistened under the colorful lights. 
The heat in his chest bubbled, awakening something he thought long to be dead. 
Why are you here? 
You took a left following your friend who was dragging you deeper into the room.
"I need to get her out of here.” He directed to his boys, shouting over the music. 
“What are you talking about?” Winwin raised his voice, “Johnny’s in position." His eyes furrowed, "He's about to take his shot.”
Taeyong couldn’t allow you to see what was about to unfold here. 
“Yuta," He ordered, "Get her friend.”
Yuta’s eyes followed Taeyong’s line of sight. He was thrown by the sudden change of plans, it wasn’t like his leader to hesitate and risk endangering the mission. 
You could see Jen’s sort of boyfriend in the distance. Jen kept her pace, swerving past those who danced. You weren’t as elegant accidentally bumping into a woman a few feet taller than yourself. The woman was pissed, her face red from drink. She shoved you, Jen’s tight grip loosening. You yelped, anticipating you’d fall to the ground. However, your back collided with another. Thankfully, they’d broken your fall. 
“It’s all right, I’ve got you.” His voice whispered in your ear, the heat of his breath sending shivers down your spine.
You tried to push away from the stranger, but he had an iron-like grip around your waist.
“Let me go!” You tried to cry over the music.
“I can’t do that.” The stranger said, carefully spinning you around to face him.
It can't be? It isn't?
What was left of your cool completely evaporated.
His beautiful eyes stared into yours, searching for an explanation. 
“Y/N?” He softly mouthed.
You read his lips. Your face flooded with fear.
He does remember me.
His heart hammered in his chest. It was you. Your expression when he’d said your name had told him everything.
Taeyong’s hold never wavered as he led you silently out of the house. Once the back door opened, you were belted by a cold gust of wind. You shut your eyes, not brave enough to face your fate.
Taeyong could feel the skin under his fingers turn to gooseflesh. You were undoubtedly cold. Whether from your lack of attire or from being reunited with him, Taeyong wasn’t entirely sure. 
The night was the darkest of purples, starless and void of any stars. Taeyong positioned you against the wall, satisfied you weren’t close enough to any of the windows to see the horrors his boys would impose. 
You felt Taeyong reluctantly let go of your waist. You could hear him unzip his leather jacket, then you felt something heavy drape over your shoulders.
Why is he offering me his jacket?
He gently placed both of his hands over your ears. He prayed you wouldn’t hear a thing. To his surprise as soon as the skin from his hands made contact with your face, you opened your eyes. 
Taeyong felt weak under your gaze, his face hot. He didn’t understand the sway you held over him. It was almost preposterous, as for years nobody had managed to crack the hardened shell that had encased his heart. 
At least not until he crossed paths with you again. 
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The driver followed the long bend of the road, Taeyong’s vehicle roaring in the dead of night.
Taeyong had the most profound urge to play with your hair as your unconscious self lay peacefully on his lap. Winwin, their resident chemist had given you a sedative, putting you into a slumber.
Admittedly, Taeyong wasn’t keen on the idea, but he couldn’t foresee any other way you’d come with him willingly.
“Are we dropping the girl off?” Taeyong’s driver asked from the front seat.
He should have said yes. He should have let you go and allowed you to continue living the ordinary life you’d since built for yourself. However, Taeyong was not beyond being selfish. You had been the one thing in this world he had wanted. The one thing he’d thought he’d long lost. He knew in this very moment, he’d never allow you to leave him again.
“No, take us home. She’s staying with me.”
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MONI’S NOTE: Part 2 is here 🥳. What do you think about then changes I've made? I would much appreciate your thoughts, comments, reblogs and likes are extremely valued.
TAGLIST: Let me know if you'd like to be added to this taglist!
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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lavouredior · 3 days
Hii do you think you could write a fic on how Vox would correct or fix bunny reader attitude when she misbehaves? xox
he doesn’t ( he tries )
this is also me feeding into the fact that bunny is a little
warnings: reference to another fic where bunny got spanked as punishment
Calm It Bunny
“princess i need you to stop screaming.” this had been going on for at least the past hour.
you had woken up to vox already being in his office so per usual you ran out of your room and straight to his office taking your usual spot on his lap. you had stayed up late the night before because valentino had watched you for most of the day and when he watches you he loves to wind you up so that vox has to deal with you being hyper.
the only problem was you were so excited to go find vox and to take a nap cuddling him like you did pretty much every day that you had forgotten to grab your stuffed animal when you ran to him.
which normally wasn’t a problem since vox would always send one of his assistants to go get your stuffed animal. except for today since vox had a cleaning service come in to clean up your guys’ room because he wanted to get you your own setup for when you were little since most of your toys were always getting scattered around.
vox hadn’t even noticed the stuffed animal missing until you had woken up and asked him for it. he was in need of a break and knows you love when he watches you play with your toys so he had taken you back to your room but your stuffed animal was missing when you guys got there.
“wan’ stuffy!” was all you said since you started your little tantrum. vox sighed then held his hand out “come on princess maybe val has it? you wanna come with me and go check?” you just nodded grabbing onto his hand.
valentino became the go to whenever you lost anything since he had found your stuffed animal when you had left it in the limo after going out one night with him and vox.
the idea of going to see if valentino had it calmed you down a little bit, your screaming turning into once in a while sniffles and the tears on your face starting to dry up.
vox handed you a pair of sunglasses before picking you up. “you put those on when we get to val’s studio okay? i don’t want you seeing anything if he’s filming.” you just nodded, laying your head on his shoulder.
you guys got to the studio and luckily there was no filming going on today, valentino was sitting in his office doing lots of nothing. which is why vox was fine with setting you down and letting you run over to the moth.
“vally!” valentino was pissed for a second about the nickname before he saw the little bunny the nickname had came out of. “oh if it isn’t bun, i wasn’t expecting a visit from you today.” he paused noticing the dried tears on your face. “conejita, what’s the matter?”
“she lost her stuffy. i was hoping maybe you had seen it?” valentino shook his head “i never see that thing unless it’s attached to the little conejita, she takes it everywhere.”
there wasn’t a sound out of you, vox was hoping you didn’t hear what valentino said or see him shake his head and that you were just hopefully staring at valentino.
he soon found out that was false when your tantrum started all over again. “wan’ stuffy!” he sighed attempting to pick you up but being met with you slapping him.
the slap brought both valentino and vox to be surprised. “princess.” he said attempting to pick you up again but being pushed away by you.
“bunny. i’m trying to be nice and help you find your stuffy but if you’re going to act like this you can say goodbye to your stuffy forever because i won’t help you if you’re gonna act like this.” his response just caused another scream to come out of you which prompted valentino to get up and shut his office door.
“HEY!” vox yelled finally getting your attention as he had crouched down to your height and getting you to stop screaming. “listen to me right now bunny. you’re gonna stop screaming right now, we’re trying our best to find your stuffy for you and you’re being nothing but mean. you’re gonna knock that off right now, you behave or no stuffy okay?”
all you did was nod going over to vox and wrapping your arms around him. “no wan’ spank!” he nodded picking you up and sitting down in the office chair valentino kept for when vox bored him about business. “i’m not gonna spank you princess but you need to behave. no more being loud.”
“i jus’ wan’ stuffy.” more tears started falling down your face which vox was quick to start wiping. “i know princess but we can only do so much if it’s gone it’s gone.”
“no!!!!!” you practically yelled but vox chose to ignore it knowing him getting mad at you just made everything worse as him yelling just made you noise wise worse. “princess, i need you to quiet down, you’re gonna hurt valentino’s ears.”
“i no hurt vally.” valentino chuckled at your response placing a kiss to your head. the two had just sat there playing with you for a little bit to try and get your tears to stop falling after your tantrum had stopped.
then there was a knock on the office door before angel dust poked his head in “bun bun come on out here real quick.” you looked over at vox who nodded his head before going by angel dust.
“we all heard about ya lil stuffy and we got velvette to make ya something.” he said before handing you a stuffed animal that looked exactly like vox. “ya like it bun bun?”
“wove it!” you said before running back into the office and showing vox and valentino. “look at that princess now you have a stuffed animal you can cuddle when i’m busy.”
“no!!!!” you just glared at vox, but it wasn’t really a glare it was more you trying to but just looking silly. “i’m sorry princess you got a stuffy of me to cuddle now.” you nodded being happy about him using the right terms to describe your toys.
A/N: valentino & velvette planned the whole thing to get the stuffed animal from her because of how dirty it was so they put it in the wash but it shrunk and they knew better than to give it back to her like that. ( they don’t wanna be the reasons she cries )
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just-browsing1222 · 5 months
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Wake up, babe, new favorite episode of television just dropped.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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There is a platonic explanation for all this. Right?
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loki-us · 6 months
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Just like Thor was changed by Jane, Loki was forever changed by Mobius
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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hanbok!!! for fun!
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thutner · 3 months
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lawrence kutner as your boyfriend, part 1.
disclaimer: listed below are the writer's own personal headcanons about the character although they are very much canon in my head YUP they actually happened
GIVES THE BEST HUGS !!!!! :( you could be coming home from an exhausting day at work or simply sitting down on the couch and he'd just take you in his embrace. his hugs feel like warm mugs of coffee during winter, enveloping you in warmth so comfortable you find yourself almost melting into his arms. he would be the type to run his fingers gently through your hair, rest his chin on top of your head, and allow you to bury yourself into the crook of his neck.
he would make sure to check up on you and see if you're doing okay. kutner would notice even the smallest changes in your behavior. you're a lot quieter than usual? you bet he'll be the first to ask if you're doing okay, or if there was something you needed to talk about. “ if you don't want to talk about it now, just know that i'm here to hear you out. whenever you're ready, okay? ”
ramble about your favorite movies/tv shows with you. “ BABE, GUESS WHAT? i finally finished watching [movie/tv show name]! you know? the one you said you liked. ” you two would spend minutes, even hours, and talk about specific scenes, going so far as overanalyzing them. you would banter playfully about which character dynamics/tropes were better and you would theorize about alternate endings about open-ended storylines. on his days off, you two would (re)watch the movie/tv show, sometimes reciting the dialogues alongside the characters.
kutner would share his clothes with you. he once caught you standing in front of the mirror, wearing one of his shirts. he found it so endearing that he began to rummage through his own cabinet to look for any shirts that he doesn't use anymore so he can give them to you. he loves seeing you in his clothes because to him, it was one way in which you're flaunting that you belong to him, that you're his significant other, and no one else's.
he'd send you reminders throughout the day via text/call. as a doctor who works long hours for house, it's a given that there are nights when he wouldn't be home. still, with whatever free time that he gets on his hands, he'd be sure to send you a text message/give you a quick phone call. regardless of how busy his schedule would be, he would find ways to keep you updated so you wouldn't worry.
from: kutner
to: y/n
hey babe :D can't make it home tonight sry i will make it up to u i promise :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i miss u already pls don't skip out on dinner ok or i will be very sad :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i love you <3 i'll be home soon i promise :(<3
he would take you to magic shows for your dates. when you first started dating, kutner was feeling nervous whether or not you'd like magic shows. he's always liked them and he would feel so bummed out if he just screwed up his chances of being with you by sharing one of his interests. but after seeing that you shared his interest and love for magic, he'd always check up locations near your shared apartment to see if they were hosting any magic shows. sometimes, when he sees you amazed at a particular magic trick, kutner would take the initiative to learn how to do the trick itself so he could surprise you during your upcoming date/s. 99% of the time, of course, he fails. but he gets points for trying. :")
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werebutch · 3 days
My mom getting a new place is kinda making me anxious I think she thinks I’m gonna move in w her instead of my dad 😭 and I’m not sure why I don’t want to. Cuz she’s way better. But I don’t. And I feel responsible I think and plus my sisters will never favor my mom over my dad… so we’d live apart. but I’m 20 years old I can live whatever I want. But. But but but
#idk I really like our house too. it’s great. it’s exactly my style. I would miss it LMAO#but again my mom is just.. she’s so much more organized and she and my stepdad actually get stuff done#and take care of themselves. living w her would be more like we’re roommates and not how it is w my dad#who needs to be taken care of and doted on like a child. my sisters too but I don’t think they’d survive living without me at my dads 💀#or they’d be really pissed at me. at the least#my dads house is constantly horrible so messy so so so bad no free counterspace anywhere can barely walk thru the house and cat vomit#everywhere. unless I take care of all of it. I can’t have company over unless I know a week in advance so I can make it look like a normal#house. and at my moms it’s never like that. it’s messier than average sure but it’s never disgusting like that#people are always telling me not to do anything and let my family learn to clean up after themselves but if I don’t it will just get worse#and worse. they’ll wait weeks before doing anything. it’s embarrassing. and depressing. if I let it go long enough I am miserable every day#after being homeless or on the verge of homelessness for 10 years my dad can’t even appreciate the fantastic house we have 😭#he has to fuck it all up. it’s not 100% his fault bc my sisters do fuck all but he DID teach them to be this way. the only reason I do#anything is because I snapped out of planning to kill myself and realized that I needed to be there for my sisters. so I started being like#their parent more and more. but they still never learned to unload the dishwasher or take out the trash without screaming about it.#I’m just very overwhelmed and nervous about this move. I also feel horrible as if I’m disappointing my mom if I don’t move in. I don’t want#to disappoint her any more than I already have..#she is soooo excited about giving me a room the basement so I can have my bunnies there..
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vesuvian-meme · 8 months
I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the vampire elf. I am so normal about the v
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