#i was gonna color it but its too late for figuring out how to do that rn
piknim · 1 year
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its not great but its mine
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What makes a man
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A/N : This is the second piece into the angiverse or my dad Eddie series of blurbs. A series of Fathers Days throughout Eddies life. One Where his father wasn't so kind, another when he surprised Wayne, and one more where you surprise him. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
P.s Photo in header are all from google straight up not gonna lie to yall have no idea who edited the Eddie and Wayne photo but its phenomenal.
P.p.s update : the photo of Eddie and Wayne was created by user @fefemunson on Pinterest and insta 💕💕🖤
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem reader
WC: 4K
TW: Angst ( Al - need I say more...) Fluff ( Wayne's gift, doting husband, baby girl Munson) Smut ( Breeding kink, F receiving, fingering, unprotected PIV, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, accidental edging, squirting) If y'all see anything I missed please let me know. Not really edited all that much.
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Sweat rolled down the side of Eddie's face as he sat crouched behind a car in the packed lot of a junkyard, a few towns over from Hawkins. The sun had set but the heat waves, in the middle of June 1975,  had become almost stifling as he kept an eye on his surroundings. Al had promised that if Eddie just kept watch this one last time, while he took care of some business, then he could get him the guitar strings he had his eye on.
It had only been two seconds, two seconds Eddie let himself get distracted as he watched the fireflies light up the darkening sky in swirling patterns. Two seconds and Eddie had missed how a tall figure made its way over to the door in which he watched his father disappear behind. Two seconds and he was too late to let out his crow call to let Al know there was someone coming. 
“Run.” A gunshot and a flash of his father was all Eddie heard and saw before his limbs were weaving in and out of old abandoned things that people no longer needed. Things that people no longer wanted. Losing traction as the rain from the night before made the clay and mud beneath his feet slide. He had caught up to Al, Eddie had never been an athlete but when it came to running for his life, he had more practice then one should at his age.
“Stupid, How could you be so fucking Stupid?” Al was catching his breath as he slowed, pretty sure that the men he was stealing from had given up at least for now. “I mean I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that right.” Eddie walks beside his father and he’s heard the spiel time and time again. “If you think I’m getting you those guitar strings after this, You can forget it.”  Eddie knew he was never getting those strings, and if he was being honest with himself he knew this was the only time he was going to get with his father. That's all he ever wanted , to feel like he was needed and if that meant he would have to sit through some words that hurt, then that's exactly what he would do. 
He thought to two days ago. Hawkins Elementary had fathers day arts and crafts sweep through the halls and through classrooms as the day approached within the upcoming weekend. He decided that he was going to draw what he knew best. Eddie had drawn a dragon, large and fierce , one only a brave man could face. Sword in hand and threatening he had drawn his father slaying the dragon that plagued the princess’s  nightmares around the realm. He was so excited to present it to his father but as he sat and heard the words his father was saying the longer the picture sat in his backpack until it littered the bottom of it at the end of the year. 
Eddie would never give the picture to Al, in fact he would grow to forget about it. 
It took only a few months as the fall leaves began to change colors and fall to the ground, Al would find himself behind bars. Life without parole for numerous crimes that would leave Eddie with nothing but his mother and His uncle. It would be a very very long time before He would even hear the sound of his voice again. 
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June 1985 had become as hot as Eddie thought it possibly could within the trailer. Wayne was currently out shopping for two new units, one for the living room and one for Eddie. As the men of the house could no longer stand having their hair drip sweat in their eyes and slick down the back of their knees. So they counted couch change and broke open piggy banks for the luxury of air flow. 
Eddie had found himself trying to pry the window that had been painted shut open in his room. A small one across from where his bed sat, and it took all of his strength and an hour of his time, but he had finally been able to crack it. Sweet relief had started to settle around him as a breeze picked up and his curtains swayed in as he took a look around his room. Clothes scattered and books in a pile, a few cups on his desk and sheets of paper askew, Eddie decided to start cleaning his room.
 A half clean floor surprised Wayne as he looks in on Eddie as he arrives home with the new units. Almost not wanting to say anything at all to stop Eddie in his task, but he curses himself as the words leave his mouth. 
“Come help me unload this truck boy.”  Eddie slips on a pair or worn out sneaker and trudges through the inferno only to be met with a realization. It was colder outside then it was in the trailer and he stood on the shared porch in disbelief. 
“How is it cooler out here than inside?” 
“Not for long If i can help it, Now come one and give me a hand before I melt out here.” 
Eddie helps Wayne take both units into the house and he holds them up as Wayne takes his time to install them, making sure that he eases the process as much as he can for his uncle.
 Eddie Holds his breath as Wayne plugs in the unit in his bedroom and the second the small little green light pops on and revs the A/C Unit to life, That breath leaves his lungs in a huffed out laugh as he jumps up and down in joy. A laugh from Wayne as he pats Eddie's shoulder as he leaves the room. “Glad you like it. I’m hitting the hay so keep it down here okay?” Eddie nods his head towards his uncle as he lifts his shirt up over his head and just basks in the cool air hitting his skin for what feels like the first time ever. 
Eddie opens his closet to hang a few stray long sleeve shirts he had  found scattered across the floor. Giving each the smell test before grabbing hangers. Who needs a long sleeve tee in this heat anyway, he thinks to himself. He stops and bends to find an old shoebox that had fallen from the top shelf and somehow landed upside down. Small trinkets from his past had toppled out and onto the floor, a few movie stubs, from trips to the cinema across town. His first DND Handbook , a small pick-me-up Wayne had brought home from a thrift store for him one day after finding out he had the flu.
 Then a small folded up piece of paper caught his eye. A Knight in shining armor depicted as slaying a dragon, one with a tail that could take out entire cities and claws like daggers. A sword through its skull as he shields himself from the bloodshed,but the face of the knight confused him. He remembered drawing the picture for his father , his rounded features and brudish stance, but the more he looked in on the knight he realized the picture he had drawn was not rounded but more sharp. The knight was more gentle as if it hurt to even have to slay the dragon but for his princess he would do anything. He had drawn Wayne, not his father. 
The picture would continue to lay in the box , and Eddie would put the box back in its rightful place on a shelf in his closet , but Eddie would always know that Wayne would slay his dragon. In fact he realized Wayne had been slaying them for years all in the sake of his protection. This brought a smile to his face as he left his room and made himself some dinner, making Wayne a plate to leave in the fridge so he would have something to eat before having to go to work. Tomorrow he wouldn't wait for the phone call from his father that would never come, instead he would spend it with his dad, a man who took him in and loved him for all that he was. 
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An Early Morning of June 1988, Eddie paced by the phone for what seemed like hours. He started off his day by sitting , but the nervous bile that would rise in his throat had him up and down. His mind was set on hearing disappointment but you reassured him he would hear nothing of the sort. Finding himself sitting, knee bouncing as if it had a live wire in it, you start to separate things off the stove into their own spots on the kitchen aisle. A breakfast fit for a king, sausage and eggs , bacon and pancakes. All that was missing was Coffee. 
The night before you and Eddie had gone to Waynes for dinner leaving a small gift that he wasn’t supposed to open until this morning. You were sure he would open it as soon as you left but the line had stayed silent and Eddie knew for a fact he would call if he did. Given the gift he was receiving you had hoped the phone would ring sooner rather than later simply for the fact that you wanted Eddie to have peace of mind. Each second that passed you saw in Eddie’s features that he was going to the dark and weathered places. 
You and Eddie had given Wayne a mug. A small pink mug that when Wayne opened it reminded him of a diner he had not far from his house when he lived in Tennessee as a child. As Wayne poured his coffee into the mug he noticed that when he went to take a sip his hand caressed within it perfectly, a new favorite he would have to keep by the sink. As his last few sips drained the cup he saw an inscription on the bottom of the inside.
‘Pa Pa needs Coffee first’ 
A shrill ring from the telephone made you and Eddie nearly jump out of your skin. He picked up the phone and held it to his ear but before the word “hello” could leave his mouth Wayne had already started.
“Are you serious? Don’t be playing no games with me boy, cause if i have a heart attack then i'm taking your scrawny ass with me! You better be telling the truth or so help me -” 
Eddie's sniffles match Waynes as he just nods his head as if the man on the other end of the line can see him.
“I’m telling the truth, we’re having a baby girl, Uncle Wayne.”  Eddie turns as he hears a small sob leave you . You had been watching the man in front of you tell the most important person in his life the news of having your first child. It broke you in the best way.
 Eddie motioned for you to come over to him as he couldn't pull the cord far enough to reach you. He wrapped both of his arms around your neck as he held the phone to his ear letting Wayne rattle on his congratulations while you let the tears fall and land on his shirt. Eddie hoped this would be one of those moments you never forget. One that even when you were sitting next to him old and gray , he hoped this would be a memory he could always reach out for.
 Eddie hung up the phone and still having you wrapped up in his arms led you backwards. He stopped next to the fridge and opened it opting for orange juice instead of coffee. He had told you about a week or so ago that anything you couldn't do, he wouldn't do, and It was becoming a challenge. Coffee and a cigarette had been his daily routine for as long as he could remember, but having you struggle was something he was not going to let you do alone. So this morning he poured you a glass of juice along with his own and you both sat and ate the breakfast of champions, a slight Happy Father's Day on the tip of your tongue. 
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Summer on the cusp of beginning in June of 1991 had bees buzzing and roses blooming . A cranky tot had been an alarm clock for you and Eddie for the past three weeks. Not only had your daughter reached the terrible twos but the heat was something she didn't like in the slightest. A stressful few months of Eddie working non stop and you finishing rotation on night shift had left you no time alone together. That would all end tonight. 
Wayne had agreed to take Angie for the weekend while you and Eddie had finally convinced your jobs to give you the time off. A rushed drive to Waynes gave you that pit feeling in your stomach and the tears that stained Angies face at your absence gave you tears to shed of your own. Mom guilt was always something you would struggle with. How could you not? Eddie squeezed your knee as he drove, peaking at you every so often to sooth the pit, he felt it too, but you deserve this. Eddie Deserved this. 
An early check-in to the hotel you had booked gave you enough time to get dressed and listen to Eddie complain about the restaurant you were taking him to having a dress code. You packed him a black blazer and a maroon button up ,but the man refused to wear slacks. Absolutely threw a fit about it, so he compromised and wore black jeans that you had to inspect for rips. While you wore a black dress that fit snugly against your soft tummy, coming up short against your thighs. If you bent over the entire place would be getting a show but you were saving that for your husband. God your husband, you loved the sound it rang through your brain, an earworm the word had become since you married. Husband, the father of your child, the man you gave your everything to and he gave you back all of himself in return. 
The dim light of the room made you squint at the incredibly small print of the menu in your hands and as you look across the table you see Eddie doing the same. 
“You see a burger here anywhere?” you roll your eyes. 
“Eddie, we did not drive an hour into the city for you to order a burger from a five star restaurant.”
“Why not?” you could see the slight slip of the corner of his mouth. You smile and turn your focus back on figuring out what to eat before the waiter comes back. The pasta sounds nice, the steak on a table across the way looks divine. You settle on a Caesar salad , Eddie orders steak and fettuccine. A beer in front of Eddie pairs with your glass of white as his hand comes across waiting for you to take hold. You indulge him as you pick up your glass with your other hand. Soft circles across your knuckles have you leaning into the table.
“Have i told you how incredible you look tonight?” Heat rushes through you at his tone, seep sultry, dark. A twist in where he laces your fingers with his own and a gleam in his eye. You know exactly what he wants to hear.
“Oh yeah? Me? What about you over there?” You return the look as the waiter sits your food in front of you interrupting whatever he was going to say.
 A tight smile is all he gives as he picks up his beer and takes a sip. He picks up his knife and you watch as he tries to cut into his steak, lifting your glass and taking a long sip you take the edge of your heels and slide it up his leg. He nearly drops his fork on the ground at the unexpected touch. Eddie stares wide eyed as he brings his food to his mouth slowly taking the bite.
You look away as if your heel isn't still making its way to his knee and sliding in between his thighs, placing your shoe right against his groin. You can see the way his body stiffens and instantly his hand is slammed against the table. It gets the attention of your waiter as if the sound was a call of his name. When he asks if you are enjoying your food and if you need anything Eddie rushes to get the words out.
“Yes! Good! Everything is delicious! Can we get the check please?” he obliges as he walks to grab the tab for the two of you. Giggling as you take in the wild look Eddie is giving you.
"You done already babe?"
"You are going to be the absolute death of me, woman.”  you pay for dinner as a treat for Fathers day, shit this whole weekend was for Fathers day. Eddie gave you hell for paying but the bruising grip on your hip as you walked through the restaurant had you knowing he was going to pay you back tenfold. 
Barely making it through the door to your hotel room Eddie had already shed the blazer you had made him wear. Lips catching between teeth and struggling to undo buttons has you both breathless and frustrated. Eddie pulls the shirt up and over his head yelling fuck it as it soars across the room. The rattle of his belt buckle sends a shiver down your spine as you sit and struggle to undo the clasp of your heels. Eddie kicks the denim that pooled around his ankles to the side as he jumps up onto the bed. His knees against the sheets, he takes one of your heels in his hands and leans it against his chest as he undoes the clasp for you. He throws the heel behind him and does the same to the other leaning over you as his hair falls around your face.
“Mhmm, I've been thinking ‘bout this all day.” your lips crash into his, a hungry, feral feeling overcomes you as you wrap your legs around his waist. His lips begin their journey down your neck and across your chest, sucking small spots and leaving small bruises, as if leading breadcrumbs to find his way back home. He reaches the hem of your dress as he nips at your thighs pushing the fabrics up so it bunches at your waist. 
“Isn't it Fathers Day, shouldn't I be the one going down on you?“ He catches your eyes as you look down and shakes his head. 
“Nope. Like you said, it's Fathers Day and that means I get whatever I want baby,  and I didn't get to have dessert.” He takes the lace between his teeth and lets it snap back in place listening as you let out a small whine from beneath him. 
“Mmm so sweet” He slips the thong along your thighs and down your legs as you let them spread for his immediate return. Except it’s not immediate, he takes his time. “So good to me, aren’t you sweetheart?” He takes his time kissing his way down your thighs to your dripping core. He drapes your legs over his shoulders as he slips his tongue through your folds and around your clit. Sucking hard as he lets the slick of your arousal coat his taste buds. Kissing your cunt as if he can’t live without its breath in his lungs. He slips his tongue into you as he lets his nose stimulate your clit. You wonder if he can breathe but the thought is lost as he slips a finger into you instead coming back to focus on that bundle of nerves. Your hands wrap themselves around his curls and grip hard, earning a moan from him that vibrates against your core as he adds another finger and a gasping moan sounding from deep within you as you chase that lightning through your core. Shaking thunderous moans of His name leave you as you give in to your husband. He slows the curl of his fingers and lets you ride out your high letting himself pant against your thigh as your grip in his hair loosens. 
Laughs from Eddie send you into a fit of your own giggles and the loving look he gives you as he hovers over you letting you taste yourself off his lips. Slow and needy you reach down and grasp Eddie's length through his boxers and a groan is made from the back of his throat.
“Eddie.” The soft moan of his name is all it takes for him to give you anything you ever wanted. Some Days it’s your laugh, other days it’s the way you take care of his daughter, but right now in this moment it’s the way you're sighing at his touch. 
You sit up pushing his shoulders back until his head hits the pillows,straddling his waist and sliding up and down his cock a few times, coating him in your slick. Lining him up with your entrance and sitting slowly until his entire length is buried inside you. A deep moan from within the both of you. You lift yourself off of him leaning back resting your hands on his thighs as the angle lets him hit that sweet spot inside of you with every drop back into his lap. The way his cock slides against your walls has you throwing your head back ,eyes closed in ecstasy.
“Uh uh , Look at me , Let me see you baby.”  your chest heaves with each thrust he sends upwards into you, unable to form words. A sudden flip has you separated from Eddie right as you were on the cusp.
“I said look at me Baby, Come on. What ? dick so good you’ve gone dumb?”  He slams into you and the sounds of his skin slapping yours, as he fucks you into the mattress, echoes off the walls.” God you’re so tight. Squeezin the fuck outta me.” You whine as he lifts you so your chest is flush with his own. “Look so good underneath me ,gonna fuck you full baby.” 
“Yes , god yes Fuck Eddie, fill me up.” you moan through each thrust, right against his ear. You reach your climax gushing around Eddie a small spray reaching his abdomen and wetting the sheets beneath you. Nail marks scratching down his back send him into his own orgasm as he coats the walls within you thick, falling forward with you under him. A weight you would always welcome. Both of you lay in utter bliss for what feels like forever before he slips out of you. You hiss at the empty feeling but welcome the warm rag Eddie drags across your center. A glass of water is given to you as you lay tangled in the sheets bringing them to your chest as you gulp down every drop. A small smile on Eddie's face has you feeling like you did the first time you saw him. Unbelievably awestruck. 
“What's on your mind Honey?” He thinks for a second but gives you an answer far from what you expect. 
“I think we just made our second child.” loud and blissfully you laugh. 
“One not enough? “ His dimples practically touch each other as he purses his lips, letting his tongue glide over the bottom.
“One is plenty, but I just can't help but want a little more of you in the world.” you sit up on your knees as you bring Eddies face down to your own, sliding a hand across his cheek as your lips meet.
"I wouldn’t mind a little more of you out there either.” 
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
Tea time
Type:one shot
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Summary: Yn sees a new kind of tea while shopping at one of her favorite shops, come to find out it’s a strong form of aphrodisiac, reverting the drinkers to ‘their most primal instincts’. Not believing it she decides to make it for her and her mate as a joke.
(A/n, this is my first go at smut. I’m so sorry if it sucks. Also sorry I haven’t posted in forever, I had like zero ideas- this why I need y’all to help me, I can’t make decisions for myself. Anyway on too the Oneshot)
Azriel is out on yet another spymaster mission, so to kill a bit of time, I stroll through the isle of my favorite tea shop in Velaris, Trixies tea time shop. As I’m looking through the different teas I spot a box I’ve never seen before, it’s red and black, with a heart on the front, looking at the description to see what it tastes like I see something…interesting.
This is a drink to give you and your partner a once in a lifetime experience. The natural roots in this drink revert one to their most natural state, all while tasting like sweet and sour cherry.
I inspect the box for a few more moments before ultimately deciding to take it. My poor Az has been so stressed lately, maybe this could help him unwind and lead to a night of fun for the both of us, also wever tried nearly every method to get me pregnant as we desperately want a little one of our own. Besides what’s the harm if it’s simply a hoax. Taking the three new times I’ve grabbed to the desk, the woman-Trixie who I’ve made friends with smiles as she looks at the red and black box.
“So you’ve got plans for tonight?” She teases softly as she tells me my total. I roll my eyes before thanking her and walking back home.
“Hey Az baby?”
“Yes love?”
“I’ve made some tea for us.” I smile softly as I set it on the coffee table in front of where he sits reading on the couch.
“Thank you sweetheart.” One of his rare smiles save for me graces his lips as he kisses my head softly before picking up the glass and bringing it to his lips. “Hmm, this is new? What is it”
“Oh just a new one at Trixies I saw, figured we could give it a try.” I bring my own glass to my lips and we both simply sit in each others presence until we’re done and take them to the kitchen.
I lay with my head in Az’s chest moments later, his hand absently running through my hair as he continues his book. “Is it hot in here?” He asks out of the blue, pulling at the color of his shirt.
“Yeah, yeah I suppose a bit.” My eyebrows scrunched as I just now noticed the sweat dripping from his forehead and my own dripping down my back. I sit up as he continues clawing at his shirt. As he peals it off with a grunt more arousal then I thought I’d ever had sweeps through me like a wave.
As my mate turns to me I hear him audibly growl before he opens his mouth and I see his canines sharpening and his eyes darkening. “What-“ another grunt, “-what was in that tea?” His voice seems deeper and by the mother I’ve never thought this male could be this attractive.
“I-it said its to bring us to our most primal instincts-I didn’t think-I thought it was a hoax.” I’m panting as all I can think about is the man in front of me turning me into his bitch, filling my womb with his seed and giving me his babies.
“I think-I don’t think it’s a hoax love.” The last word growls and an involuntary moan leaves my lips as a smirk graces his features. “I don’t think-gods you don’t know how badly I want to put you on all fours and make you my bitch, get you nice and round with my babies. How much I want to fill your womb as you beg me to stop.”
I crawl to the male like a bitch in heat. “Do it Az. Make me your bitch.” I’ve never sounded more desperate or horny in my life as something flickers in my mates eyes and he lunges for me with a growl like a predator to pray, his hand landing on my throat as the other wonders my body.
“I’m gonna make you my bitch, gonna have you begging for my babies. Do you want my babies? Want to be big and round for me?” I nod breathlessly as his hand squeezes the supple skin of my thigh. “Words baby.” His hand squeezes my neck, just enough to have me struggling slightly for air.
“Y-yes sir. Please, fill me with your babies, get me nice and round.” Just like that the weight of his body is gone and all I can do is whine, my body feeling almost heavy.
“Take off your clothes and get on all fours.” He grunts as he takes his painfully hard cock from the restraints of his pants, that’s when I notice it, a swelling knot at the base of his dick. I make quick work of slipping from my restraining clothing and getting on all fours, my Butt slightly raised and pointed towards the male. “Good girl. Such a good girl for me.” His face goes to my neck as he rubs my back and thighs.
A yelp leaves me as he sniffs my pulse point before biting down. Hard. Just as he does this his hand shimmies to my clit, rubbing softly before delving to my folds, spreading the soaked lips and feeling around them as I moan uncontrollably. He takes his fingers and brings them to my lips, “open.” I immediately obey and he sticks them in my mouth, I moan at the taste of myself on tongue as I suck his fingers like a whore. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen, I’m gonna fuck you so hard you can’t walk, I’m gonna fill you with my seed and make sure you know who owns you.”
“Yes sir.”
“Say it again.”
A throaty moan leaves my mate just before he pushes into my slick folds and my head falls back in pure ecstasy.
Azriel pounds into me, his lips assaulting my neck as moans and grunts leave us both, at this point he’s fucked me in nearly every position, his cum dripping down my thighs as he pushed in again and again from behind me where I lay on my stomach. Bite marks litter both our skins, particularly near our pulse points where a delicious scent I’ve never smelt before radiates from him. “Gonna, gonna cum baby.” He sighs as he furiously drags himself in and out of my tight pussy, a ring of cream at the base of his knot. His words finish off my building orgasm as I cum hard enough to see stars. Azriel lets out one last chesty moan before his knots slips into me and I get dizzy, never have I been this full as he paints my wall with yet another load.
My mate falls to his side, me going with him seeing as we’re attached, however I don’t think I would be able to move on my own without him anyway. Az pulls me tight to his chest, nuzzling his face in my neck softly as he slowly falls asleep, snores falling from his parted lips.
I know it sucks but I tried ok. Please give me ideas guys! My suggestion box is open and in need of some good ideas. Love y’all.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
yeah, this little family kind of owns my ass now so i’m glad you love them! and thank you for being my first request, i literally dropped everything i was doing cause i wanted to get this out tonight! sorry if the formatting is shit, posting on mobile is weird for me. will tweak any mistakes tomorrow!
Look Who’s Talking
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
summary: eddie takes his three year old shopping. obviously, cuteness ensues. **sequel to Penny for Your Thoughts**
warnings: none, i think. oh, except PREGNANCY WHAAAAT.
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gif by corrodedcoffins
“We’re gonna get you some cool new threads, pretty girl. I’m thinking slacks.”
The look Penny gave him made him snicker, her eyebrows furrowed together as she eyed him like she regretted not being able to opt out of this. Sure, she had no idea what slacks were, but clearly she was not fond of the word.
Penny was in need of some new clothes, the now three year old was beginning to outgrow most of her wardrobe. She even had little high waters, and that made his eyes water. His baby was growing, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Normally, shopping was a family activity but you were incredibly irritable lately and Eddie figured you could use some alone time to relax. You hadn’t protested too hard when he offered to take Penny to pick out a couple of new toddler ‘fits. Now that she didn’t demand a nipple every once in a while, it was easier to take Penny places with him.
Like the outdoor shopping center, a recent addition to Hawkins.
“Can we get snacks, too?” Came her cute little voice as he unbuckled her from her carseat.
She’d always been a bit of babbler from the moment she started trying to communicate, was speaking a couple of broken phrases here and there a little after she had turned two but it wasn’t until after her third birthday that she figured words out. Like really well. Scarily, well.
Penny went from baby talk and referring to herself in third person to asking him if he could sit down with her on his lap so she could tell him about how ‘tiwed in the hawt’—she still had trouble with her ‘r’s—she’d get when she spends her day making a city with her building blocks before her bedtime only to wake up and find the city back in her toy box. All her hard work gone.
From just ‘Daddy, no eat Penny’s toes! Penny’s toes not fo’ eatin’ to ‘Daddy, why awe you twying to eat my feets foe? Thewa not vewy yummy, not wike ‘spetti.’, all within the span of less than a year. Broke and warmed his heart. She immediately clung to him like a baby koala as he pulled her entirely out of the van and shut the door, letting her dad press a multitude of kisses into her still baby fat filled cheeks. “Yeah, we’ll grab something on the way out.”
“You got a big nose, daddy.” She also had no filter, something you both had to be incredibly cautious about because it wasn’t a matter of if she would repeat something. It was when. And Penny had already told Wayne how ‘fuckin ‘cited’ she was with her approaching promotion.
Eddie smirked at the memory of last Christmas and the way you’d immediately disappeared into the kitchen—because it had totally been you that fucked up—as he made his way to the kids clothing store you bought most of Penny’s clothes from. The bell above the door sounded as they entered, and Eddie crouched down to set Penny on her legs.
He loved holding her, but he wanted to get her comfortable with walking around in public, and a confined setting—while she had a lot more of her impulses under control, the need to immediately run free and wild when her parents put her down in most settings was still hard for her to ignore—such as a store was the perfect opportunity. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her or he’d have a heart attack.
“Alright, lucky Penny. What colors are we thinking about for your fall wardrobe?” He asked, pulling something tan and fluffy off of a rack for her to inspect.
She reached a little hand up to scratch at her head, fingers gripping the curls for a moment as she tried to figure out a way to convey to her daddy that what he was holding up was very ugly.
“Uhm, I dunno. Not that. Maybe Gween? I wike gween, and yellow. And pink. Owange is a hawd colow, huh daddy?” He had no idea what she meant by that, but he agreed nonetheless. His baby was always right.
Eddie put the ugly article of clothing back, letting Penny wander around to whatever caught her eye.
Except, she just kept walking, didn’t even bother looking at anything. “What about this one?” He asked, pulling a random little green sweater out for her in an attempt to catch her attention. Before he could even get a good look at it, she was letting out the most dramatic of little screams.
“DUCK! WOOK! WOOK, DADDY! ’S A DUCKIE!” She pointed at the embellishment on the front of the sweater, and sure enough, it was a duck. And not even a cute little cartoon one, it was an embellishment of an actual duck. Eddie knew it was her latest obsession, along with city construction, but he hadn’t realized the form of it didn’t matter to her.
“Alright, we found our first pick.” He double checked to make sure it was the right size before letting her hold onto it. The way she cradled it to her chest, mumbling gibberish to it reminded him a lot of Gollum. Two minutes later she got tired of holding it, so it ended up thrown over his shoulder.A blue blouse, a pair of pink overalls, pink sweats, pink pants, three pairs of little jeans, an orange sweater, two care bears shirts, three packs of socks—those she wanted to hold, cradling them like babies despite the fact that Eddie knew how much she hated socks—and the green duck sweater later, Eddie was pretty satisfied with their little shopping haul.
Penny had kept up a continuous stream of commentary ranging from her opinions on the selections to fleeting thoughts she had a couple of ‘yestertimes’ ago with absolutely no relation to their bonding time, but it was still endearing to Eddie. Everything she did, was. Eddie absolutely adored how random she was. She’d be going on and on about how ducks aren’t scary like chickens, how you promised her you’d protect her from them forever, then she’d remember he existed or something because she’d turn around and hug his leg—and she put her all into hugs—giving his jeans a kiss before looking up at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes. His eyes looking up at him through a face so similar to yours.
Fuck, you guys made a whole, perfect little human together. That’s all the proof he needs to know magic is real.
“I wuvs you, daddy.”
His heart wouldn’t ever not melt for her.
“I love you, too, baby.” He choked out through the emotions making his throat feel tight. “Daddy loves you so much.”
“Yes.” Is all she said, leaning up on his leg for a few moments before she was off again. Eddie followed immediately after her, eyebrows pinching together in confusion for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. Something was missing.
“Yes?” She responded, curls bouncing as she felt the need to start trying her hardest to hop along instead of walk.
“Where are the socks?”
After they’d double backed around the store and found the pack of socks—Eddie only needed to watch her glance nervously at a certain shoe box a couple of times—he figured it was check out time.
So did the woman who rang them up, only it wasn’t just the clothes she was checking out, her blue eyes raked over his frame with lust clouded eyes.
“She yours?” The blonde asked, folding all the little articles of clothing before placing them into a bag.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s response was bleak, doing his best to mask his annoyance. He had gotten used to being hit on when it was just him and Penny, but it didn’t mean that he liked it. The thought of any women thinking they could take your place—whether they know you existed or not—in his and Penny’s lives made his blood boil.
“Figured. She’s cute. Must have got it from you.” And he really hated it when they did it right in hearing range of his daughter.
He glanced down at your little mini me, relieved to see her distracted by something in the display case that was eye level with her.
“She looks more like her mom,” Eddie took great satisfaction in seeing how red with embarrassment her face got. Served her fucking right, hitting on guys with babies with no knowledge of whether or not they’re going home to someone.
“O-Oh, she must be really beautiful then.” She didn’t look back up at him as she rang him up, and before Eddie could hand her the money, a chubby little hand started tapping at the glass display.
Eddie popped down in a squat to Penny’s height, mouth breaking out into a wide grin when he realized exactly what it was Penny had decided she wanted.
Oh, you were gonna lose your shit.
“Honey, we’re home!” Eddie announced as he unlocked the front door, the bag of clothes in one hand, and Penny in the other arm.At the sound of their arrival, you put the ice cream you’d been eating straight out of the carton back into the freezer and made your way towards the living room to greet them.
The overwhelming amount of cuteness stopped you short.“Oh my god.”
Eddie had his sunglasses on. Paired with the dark long sleeve and his leather jacket, it was a dangerous combo. You would have jumped his bones if it weren’t for the real attention grabber in his arms.
“Imma medohead, mama!”
Penny’s curls were significantly more wild when compared to how they were before the two of them had left, she had what looked like cinnamon smeared around her mouth and all over her pink ‘Girl Power’ shirt. But it was the mini pair of sunglasses on her face that did you in.
Identical to her dad’s.
They were fucking matching.
If you weren’t already waiting for the current bun in your oven to be ready, you would’ve been setting it to preheat for tonight.
But wait, there’s more.
Eddie leaned forward to give you a thorough—but kid-viewing friendly—kiss before he pulled out another small pair from the pocket of his jacket.
“For whenever our little guy decides to make his entrance.”
May whatever God is around help you.
“Don’t move, I gotta get the camera.”
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sericasong · 2 months
Sheepish・✦ oneshot
adjective - embarrassed or bashful, as by having done something wrong or foolish.・✦
The poor thing's never been trained on how to appear to events with a date on his arm. Or if he was, he's forgotten completely just by a glance at you.
THIS ONE GOES OUT TO @takami-takami HAPPY WAY LATE BIRTHDAY THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A DRABBLE AND IT GOT SO OUT OF HAND ALSKHKDGLS. I've been trying to figure out what exactly to write for it and decided you deserve a mishmash of everything we adore about the birdie. Much love always and an incredibly happy (month-after-I'm-so-sorry) 26th. 💕
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For someone with such a fun-loving persona, one would think that number two pro hero Hawks would enjoy this sort of thing.
Keigo does not.
Well, he usually doesn't.
Events hosted by the Commission tend to be just like the front it puts up: bright and decorated displays of prestige with little substance under the glitter. A media staging, as usual.
In years past, he's greeted these Hero Galas with a scowl and a cynical remark in the privacy of his thoughts, the only place where he can scorn his handlers all he wants and get away with naught but a wasted evening.
But tonight? Tonight he's greeting you as he escorts you in.
You look nothing short of radiant, dressed in something he'd caught a longing glance at and convinced you to let him buy, just this once, babe, c'mon, lemme spoil you.
And god, he finds new gods to thank that you let him.
It's perfect on you, its shapes elegant and its colors gorgeous on your skin, wrapping you in what may as well be diamonds.
He pockets the thought- solitaire, halo, three-stone, vintage? Details to consider later with the question of how to ask.
For now, he shows you around the venue. Shows you off, in a way, shows his most earnest expression of pride when he introduces you to everyone he can just for the sake of doing it.
Mine, his poorly-tempered smile gloats, they're mine.
As much as he'd like to, he doesn't say that. It's "this is my partner" instead, warmth floating in his voice with the sound of your name.
He's the picture of lovesick at dinner; sliding your chair back for you, sitting right beside, he barely lets you leave the seat because he's preoccupied with rushing to do everything he can for you.
His eyes have barely left you for half a minute in total the entire night, and you get the feeling that the number won't grow by much.
It sure doesn't raise by even a single decimal when the crowd moves to the ballroom. Those golden hues are set on your features like it would hurt to look away, unapologetic in his captivation.
Except for when you step onto the dance floor together, which is when he turns into the most hopeless fool you've ever seen.
Hawks knows what to do here.
Hawks has been through years of discipline, strict regimens for how to act in every possible situation, combat and negotiation and formal gatherings alike. Taught how to present himself with the easy grace befitting of the Commission's winning prize.
But Keigo?
Keigo is forgetting how to dance.
"Uh, dove," his hands linger in the air, hesitant, "do you mind if I-?"
Even when you nod, he's uncertain of it. Not of the fact that he wants to dance- he'd keep you in his arms for the rest of his life if he could.
But for some reason he can't place, his nerves fold upon themselves until they can no longer tell his limbs to move. He looks like a deer in headlights and his legs feel like a fawn only just standing.
When you send a questioning glance his way, he can only give a sort of helpless gesture. "Sorry, babe- I just, uh-"
"You look too pretty tonight, s'just..."
He trails off with heated cheeks as you press your smile to the back of his hands, pouting with a terminal blush as he admits, "feels like 'm gonna mess it up."
"The dance?" you question, just to be sure, and he raises your hands to hide behind them in embarrassment with a mumbled, "yeah..."
You can't help but laugh at the look on his face, like a schoolboy with a love letter outstretched, and don't bother resisting the urge to tease him as you pull him towards a more secluded corner. "I thought you told me that you knew three different kinds of partnered dance. What happened to that, birdie?"
"I know," he protests weakly, burying his flush in your shoulder as he lets a groan escape him. "I know, I know. And- and I do, I promise."
When you respond with a skeptical mhm, he huffs at you, petulant indignation even while his eyes crease at the corners. "I do!"
"It's just... you're so... you look so..." A sweeping gesture at you as if he can't put the words to it; from his brief silence, you figure that's likely the case. Several moments pass, and he continues more quietly, "you look sacred, dove. Feels like it'd be a sin to treat you wrong."
He's sweet. It's probably the most romantic thing you've ever heard.
You let your lips curve upwards in something between fondness and an utterly shit-eating grin. "You're shy."
Keigo does his best to pretend to disagree, and eventually gives up, only responding with a silent nod. That softens your teasing, fingers carding through his hair and sorting the strands. "You don't have to be embarrassed, you know... I'm a little nervous too. It's not like I'm very used to elaborate things like this."
"But you're the last person who should be," he complains, melting easily into the brush of your touch. "You're too good to be here. You look better than everyone else by a million."
"I think you do," you counter, letting your hands settle around the back of his neck as his face makes a home in the crook of yours. He just hums, flustered but appreciative, allowing you to sway him gently to the music in your little dance floor for two.
His voice is quiet when he speaks next, after a song has passed in your corner. "I'm gonna marry you someday, I swear to god."
He looks up at you as if to examine your reaction, his lashes fluttering when you lean forward to kiss him. After you pull away, he's nearly beaming, and he brightens further at your next words.
"I'll be waiting for it."
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lemon-wedges · 2 months
Seeing your recent work made me curious as to how you pick your colors? I always feel like mine are too flat.
oh man, COLORS. my angel.....and my devil......
ok im going to try and figure out how to break down my thinking process
i guess the first question is. what do you want your art to feel like? i dont say "look like" cause sometimes i fall into the trap of obsessing over a painting being one for one PERFECT while "feel like" helps me think about atmosphere
heres a some paintings with a few of the inpso color palletes i wanted them to "feel" like
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Heres an example of how i would give myself a jumping off point.
In this homumiko painting i started off by thinking about how i wanted something that feels like a Jules Chéret poster.
Now the next question is. What are the rules to these set of paintings?
the use of pure primary colors, blue tends to be in the bg while yellow and red are the focal point
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for this i wanted only the red dress to be the focal point with yellows being a less saturated and blue still being the bg. this means since herlock is the focal point mikotoba has to be muted. but i wanted to tie him and herlock together so made the flower in his hair the same color as the dress
Meanwhile my lastest otacon is a bit more complicated cause now we're dealing with lighting but again,
what are the rules to this set of nature paintings?
shadow areas are bluer
places where light hits the main figure will be an intense yellow
skin will be redder with darker areas being saturated red/brown and areas closer to the light source start skewing towards yellow
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this is when we start getting into color theory and THAT is a whole nother can of worms. but its extremely helpful when trying to figure out how to add colors that arent in the inspo you picked out or figuring out what the FUCK is happing in pieces like this
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those patches of purples in this are just a very specific type of red/orange grey tones matched in a way to make it feel like its blue. IT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM
i actually tried to attempt to figure it out while working on my pin up ryuu piece......
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anyways.....i think im off track now....
i hope that helped a little? I tend to stick to late 1800s/early 1900s art cause thats just my personal preference. so the colors im gonna pick are gonna limited a very specific way (if ur into history its really fun breaking down why certain colors appear in certain time periods and how styles evolved as more paints became readily available. or painting for portraits vs painting for mass printing vs painting for animated movies affects an artists pallete. or maybe u dont give a shit? in that case...ignore this....)
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timidpumpkin · 2 years
Little Light (Stucky x reader)
Part 1: Found
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Summary: The first time you met Steve--or--the first time Steve found you.
Warnings for this part: Dark!Stucky, Female reader, Stalking, Reader has anxiety, Reader cries, Allusions that reader is a little, Allusions to kidnapping.
Warnings for future parts: Ddlg, Daddy!Stucky, Kidnapping, Forced age regression, Slapping, Anxiety, Panic attack, Slight dubcon, Stockholm Syndrome. (Will add more as needed)
Let me know if I missed any!!
Word count: 2.6k
Notes: Reader is in their 20s. There will be a few more parts to this as well as future writings within this universe! :) hehe. This is my first time ever posting a fic...please be kind...I am sensitive. Minors and ageless blogs DNI or I WILL block you.
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It’s chilly. 
The night is abnormally quiet. Your ears have to adapt to the lack of sound. Bugs and frogs are no longer sounding off to the moon. The draft that bites its way up your nose is dry. It’s the first few indications that the trees will transform, stripping their colorful shields to brace themselves for the biting weather that's to come.
You huffed your way into your familiar abode, wishing it wasn’t so late. For the past, well, who knows how long, you had been working prolonged hours that certainly weren’t supposed to be a part of your daily work life. Nevertheless, it was, and you were tired–no, exhausted. 
Your head and stomach oh so kindly reminded you that it was in need of food, but when you make your way into the kitchen, nothing seems appetizing. Well, that wasn't exactly true. The truth was the idea of spending what little time you had left in the day making something that would only add the dishes, another chore, was dispiriting, to say the least.
So instead of meeting your basic needs, you were met with wet eyes that almost lull you into slumber. But before you're taken over by sleep, as you lay on your couch, your mind drifts to a time when things weren't as…hard.
Several months ago, or perhaps even close to a year when you think about it, you were in Washington DC. It was an academic trip, the last one for your last year. Of course, throughout your schooling, you had plenty of assignments to keep you occupied. Yet, trips like these made it much more than bearable–it was fun. Most of your time was spent exploring countless museums and exhibits tailored to define the world you lived in. Elation saturated your spirit as you and your closest friend, MJ, absorbed the new environment. 
Perhaps though, one of the most memorable parts of your trip was when you two snuck out late one night to grab a bite to eat. Your mischievous selves couldn't seem to be bothered by the fact that the city could be known for its more…eventful crime life.
The streets weren't nearly as crowded at this time of night. Still, the warm street lights and richly colored signs decorating local establishments left the perfect amount of people to create a steady hum of activity. After going back and forth between several different food options, you eventually found yourselves on a bench to eat your taco score of the night. You mumbled to each other through full mouths declaring over and over again how delicious it was and made plans to find something sweet afterward. You hummed in satisfaction when the urge hit you. 
You had to pee. Great. 
Where on earth could you find a decent bathroom around here?
“I’m gonna try to find a restroom,” you said, wiping food debris from your pants and standing from your seated position.
“Ha, good luck,” MJ jeered at you, mouth half full. “I’ll be here enjoying this then” she motioned to your leftovers.
“Yeah yeah,” you scanned around you before figuring a direction to try your luck at. “Well, I’ll be back soon if I don’t find anything.”
“Hey wait!” she blurted before you could take off too far. “Don't forget this,” you turn to see an outstretched hand holding your phone. “If you get kidnapped or something I'll need some way to find you,” she teased. “You know, so I don't get in trouble if you do.”
“How very thoughtful of you.” you rolled your eyes playfully taking it from her.
You roam around, one street to another until you finally happen by a small sandwich shop that, mercifully, lets you use their restroom. Once you depart from its doors, you realize you're not really sure where you are. At all. Every street and building looks like the other one and after walking for a bit, you’re pretty sure you’ve gone the wrong way. Where you find yourself now is darker. Few lights illuminate the path ahead, and you can’t shake the strange feeling that you’re being watched–despite not seeing a single soul. You can’t help but check behind you every so often, looking backwards over and over again until you're not even really looking forward at all anymore.
And that when your body hits it. Something hard stops your momentum completely and wobbles you off balance until you feel gentle but firm hands steadying your swaying form. You can’t help the gasp that escapes your throat. 
“Woah there,” the solid figure holding you speaks. You blink up at the deep voice. It’s a man. A large man. His grip eases off you and he holds his hands up, open-palmed. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” he appealed, a reassuring smile on his face. 
“Oh it’s-that's alright,” you try to regain your composure as you back up a step, making space between you and the stranger. “I suppose I should have looked where I was going” you breathed, trying not to sound so startled. “Sorry.” you posture yourself up finally getting a good look at the man in front of you. You can’t help but stare at him for–probably more than a few–awkward moments as you start to recognize his face. It’s one you saw only hours ago during your Smithsonian visit, specifically, the Captain America exhibit. Yep–you’re pretty sure that man looking back at you is Steve Rogers. 
Except, he looks different from the pictures and videos you’ve seen. He’s sporting a beard, and he really does look even bigger than you expected. Even with a few good feet between you, you still have to look up to him. And he’s looking at you too. Luckily, he breaks the silence, likely noticing your gob-smacked face. 
“Are you,” he looked you up and down quickly, assessing you. “lost?” he meets your eyes.
“Oh-uh-, no no, I’m-” you didn’t want to seem helpless, but when he raises his eyebrow at you, you quickly cave. “well yeah actually…I was trying to find my friend. I left her on a bench…somewhere.” you say looking around pointlessly, as if she’d somehow appear before you.
“Well,” he takes a tiny step towards you. “I’m sure I could help with that” he grins confidently at you. 
“Oh that’s okay,” you start. “I mean I don’t want to impose or anything.” You’re sure he has more important things on his agenda than to help some random girl find her friend. You felt like some lost kid looking for their parent in the grocery store.
“Not at all,” he says definitively. “come on.” He gestures for you to follow his lead. He asks you what you remembered about your surroundings when you left MJ. He seems to recognize the place you’re talking about immediately and starts guiding the way. On the walk there, you talk. Well–he talks, mostly. It’s not that you necessarily felt nervous in his presence. Rather, it just wasn't uncommon for you to be at a loss for words, especially with new people. The truth of the matter was, you just didn’t know what to say, it was often difficult for you in that way. In the way that you only felt comfortable around someone after a decent amount of time of knowing them. Regardless, what was uncommon was how comfortable you felt talking to him-or well-answering him when he spoke to you.
“You really should be more careful walking around alone like that.” he said, seriousness lacing his tone.
“Yeah,” you laugh guiltily, “after all, you never know what kinds of people you’ll run into.” you jab at him playfully and he gives you a laugh in return. He asks if you're new to the area, and you explain your presence as a result of a field trip. You tell him simple things, like what you study, and how you’re almost finished with school.
“You know what you want to do after you graduate?” he probes. You wish he hadn’t. You hated that question more than anything, and now it was coming from him. Nevertheless, you felt you could be honest. 
“I’m…not really sure” you look downwards, self-conscious of your answer.
“Hmm, I know what that’s like.” you peer up at him in disbelief. Sure, you didn’t know him at all really, but still, you couldn't help the short judgment that told you that wasn’t true.
“I know, I know” he chuckles, “hard to believe, right?” he glances at you, smirking as you continue to walk. “but it’s true. Maybe not exactly like your situation but…” he purses his lips “I know what it’s like to feel uncertain about your path.” You're slightly taken aback by his honesty, and it comforts you to know someone like him could feel the same doubts as you. 
Well, of course, you think. He is just a normal person–okay, superperson–after all. A person like any other. 
One with feelings, wants, and needs. 
You hum. “Did you ever figure it out?” he cocks his head at you. “You know, whatever you were unsure about?” he ceases his stroll and your legs automatically mimic his as you stand to face each other. Even at a respectable distance, he towers over you. It’s not just his height though, rather, his entire being, his build, is enormous. 
“I think I did,” he smiles at you “yeah,” you smile back and for the second time tonight, you’re staring, but again, he breaks the silence. “Is that your friend?” you turn to see MJ still seated where you left her looking as nonchalant as usual. You give Steve an affirmation and begin making your way to her. As you get closer you make out what appears to be a cup of ice cream in her hands.
“There you are. I’ve been worried sick.” she explains, taking in a spoonful. 
“I can tell.” you quip. 
“Was too! You never answered my texts” she wiggles her phone in front of you for emphasis. You don’t remember getting any texts. Then again, maybe you were too distracted to notice them.
“Oh, well, sorry, I kind of got lost. Luckily I ran into-” you look behind you wanting to show your friend who helped bring you here, only to see an empty street. Your brows furrow. 
“Ran into…” she peers in the direction you’re looking towards.
“Someone that helped,” you mumble mostly to yourself. She gives you a confused look. “I-I’ll explain when we get back to the room.” and you do.
You tell her about how he startled you at first but was quick to offer help. “Of course he’d offer to help, he’s a superhero.” MJ remarks during your retelling. She listens as you describe how easy it felt to converse with him, and how you wished you had only thanked him properly for helping you. Realistically, you’re not sure what would have happened had you not run into him–literally. 
That memory wasn’t one you thought of too often, to tell the truth, but it was one that reminded you of a simpler time. Yet, even then you remember being tired. Only now did it seem to catch up with you how much you had to do. It made even the simplest tasks feel like too much. You longed for a time when you didn’t have so much…responsibility. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
That night may have been the last time you saw Steve, but it certainly wasn’t the last time he saw you. 
He watched you that night, long before you even ran into him. He had been there for some mission, the importance of which he couldn’t remember. What he did remember though–your laugh. It chimed over the noise of the city around him, guiding him to your form where he was met with bright smiles as you giggled at something your friend said. There was something about you that drew him to you, and as the night went on, that something only grew stronger. He watched as you joked with your friend. He noticed your attentiveness to her, and those around you. How kind you were to anyone you interacted with, and how…silly you were for leaving your friend to go off by yourself. He knew then he had to keep watching, to make sure you remained safe. 
He was elated when you took that turn into the dark and empty street. It was the perfect opportunity to hear your voice–up close. 
And oh–how sweet you sounded.
Like how one would imagine a doe-eyed deer would sound. He reveled in how timid you were around him. How hard you tried to be courteous, mouth moving to form words, only for your lips to shut themselves. He truly thought it was adorable how you couldn't really look him in the eye, and when you did, you’d look away, often, with a bashful look.
Steve did see something in you that night–something he was missing. Once he realized it so, and dropped you off with your best friend, he knew he had to find his–Bucky.
Truthfully, he was more than just his best friend. They had been through so much, both together and separate. Both were thrown into treacherous waters more than once, living in unpredictable conditions, and exposed to the most atrocious of people. Though still, they had each other long before any of that. A friendship–a relationship–that knew no bounds–whether it be of time or situation. 
Steve knew Bucky would understand his fascination with you. They both had a lucid awareness of the wretched world they lived in. It wasn’t always that way, but time had proven it so over and over again. They could always rely on each other when everyone else seemed content with being against them. They knew the world still needed help, and they gave it, when and where they needed to. But nevertheless, in their eyes, everything was still tainted with darkness.
Except you. 
Over months, they observed you, studying you like there would be a test over every aspect of your being. Bucky thought you were even better than Steve had described. Beautiful, softhearted, and sweet. Yes, you truly were sweet. But in a way, too much so. He saw how nasty some people could be to you, only for you to return them with kind eyes and meek responses. He hated it. He adored you, and as time went on, it soon became clear that he didn’t want anyone to treat you in such a way.
They saw you working yourself to depletion every day. How you’d let dishes and laundry pile up. How poorly you ate, and how…clumsy you could be. Tripping over nothing after a long day, injuring yourself when actually attempting to make a meal. They knew what they needed to do. They knew what you needed. 
You needed them.
You needed them to take care of you.
Steve couldn’t bear to see you suffer like this, and Bucky knew they were the only people who could truly keep you shielded from the cold world around them. They would be your warmth, and you would be their little light. 
Yes, they could tell you needed them.
They could tell when you failed to do the simplest of things. 
They could tell when, every night, you’d grip your favorite stuffed animal in your arms.
They could tell when you were sure all the lights were out, your thumb would slowly slip its way behind your lips before you drifted to sleep.
Timing was everything. They had only been waiting for the perfect moment when everything was ready–including you. So when they saw you this night, curled up, tears staining the fabric beneath you as you fell asleep with an empty stomach, they knew it was the perfect time. 
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i am soooo fascinated by all of your suitehearts ideas hows it going?
ITS GOING GREAT!!!! taking this as my excuse to start yelling abt their backstories bc i was abt to start making the post anyways and this ask came at the PERFECT time gdhgdhd
so the entertainment industry is CRUCIAL to my version of bli to the point where the original company which would become bli began as an animation studio in the 30s/40s (the original studio producing mousekat cartoons which is a whole other post im not gonna get into rn). whats important here is that nostalgia is key to a lot of bli's early success as they bought the rights to many different properties specifically in childrens entertainment in order to sell the idea that their products and their company is Good and Moral and shit. like getting mickey mouse to endorse your product and shit
anyways one of these old shows they acquire the rights to is a shortlived but incredibly popular late 70s/early 80s childrens show: The Adventures of America's Suitehearts. its got loud vibrant colors and costumes and garish sets and im thinking it takes place in like. a magical hotel with like infinite floors to explore filled with magic rooms for any and everything (kinda like the Imagination Movers iirc). the Suitehearts are permanent residents and episodes would revolve around them helping out and going on adventures with the hotels guests, allowing new kids and characters to show up every episode. the whole show would be focused on having fun and using your imagination to its fullest, meant to bring some light into the world for kids dealing with the effects of the wars and shit but it gets cancelled after two seasons bc. yknow. the wars and shit
ANYWAYS bli picks up the idea and reboots the series once the City is built and theyve fully come to power. they use it as a sort of safety net, a way of easing the kids who originally grew up with and are now adults into accepting bli's ideas and control. its a HUGE propaganda tool and it works really fucking well, becoming a staple show in the city. i havent figure out full timeline shit bc i cant find the doc rn but im thinking probably theyd cycle through actors for the suitehearts over the years with the most recent versions being the ones that led to the shoes cancellation & the ones who become rebels. the cast goes as follows (and city names are subject to change bc these are just placeholders i came up with on the spot):
Dr. Benzadrine (portrayed by Mark Desrosiers)
- originally the Dr. Benzadrine character was this kooky mad scientist type with a sort of bill nye meets mrs frizzle energy. he was always encouraging kids to explore and ask questions abt the world around them, showing the audience how to do simple experiments, and explaining scientific concepts and how things work/are made. obviously this is exactly the type of behavior that bli wants to AVOID teaching kids, so in the reboot he becomes this sort of strict, analytical figure who discourages "unscientific" and "unproductive" things such as emotions, and constantly promotes bli's pills and medications as the solutions to problems! any "science" he explains revolves around how the pills "work" to make you Happier and Better
-Mark originally planned to be a chemist. he wanted to help people and figured developing nee medications would be the best way of doing that!! dudes like a GENIUS too, and bli sees this and singles him out and puts him on the fast track for his goals bc obviously they want that brain making their pills. except, the higher up he goes, the more HORRIBLE OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT he realizes the company is so he drops out and through a series of shady events i havent figured out the specifics of yet becomes the new Dr. Benzadrine!!!
Mr. Sandman (played by Dominic no last name yet bc nothing i can think of sounds good!)
- in the original version of the show, Sandman was one of those characters thats looked back on as kinda creepy looking in hindsight and is joked abt constantly for his more spooky appearance. personality wise though, his whole thing was encouraging kids to get creative by using his dream powers to visualize wacky scenarios and solutions to problems. hed also always lead into the a song fitting the theme of the episode by "singing a lullabye" often by the request of one of the other characters. in bli's version, though, they take his creepier appearance and RUN with it, turning him into essentially the series' antagonist. they turn him from the maker of dreams into the maker of nightmares and hes meant to show kids "the dangerous of creativity", always defeated in the end by the others following rules and conforming to authority and shit yk? just the most heavyhanded propaganda you can imagine
- Dominic i think joins the show because he wants to get rich and famous, break out of the slums of the City and really prove that hes worth something. he doesnt even mind playing the villain because, hey, the villains always the most popular character right? except wow jesus christ, being an actually cared about, actually watched member of the city is kind if a lot and suddenly all these freedoms he used to have are being taken away and he didnt realize itd be like this he needs to find a way out oh god-
H. Shoe Crab (played by Sarah Langley)
- so in the original show, Crab was that type of moral compass character always dishing out the episode's lesson. he had exceptionally good luck, which is implied to be due to a sort of karma- he does and acts good so the universe rewards him and shit yk? thats not to say hes perfect and there are episodes dedicating to showing him struggling with his own issues and he often makes mistakes. but at the end of the day hes there to teach kids the value of kindness, emotional awareness, and basic morals. also theres a tunning joke where his good luck will kinda backfire on/cause problems for Sandman like with Goodluck and Grumpy in Care Bears. played by a girl in the reboot, Crab's character essentially becomes Product Placement and Gender Roles!! all her good luck becomes the result of using bli's products, all her "moral lessons" become about respecting authority and reporting suspicious behavior and shit, and she basically gets Mom Friend-ified by the company to top it all off.
- Sarah i think is the most deep into her role bc she is heavily monitored on set and on far more medications than the rest of the cast. this is because she was actually born in the desert, kidnapped as a teenager, and brought into the City to be "rehabilitated". the whole reason she was probably even cast was as a demonstration for higher ups that brainwashing younger joys could be possible as part of a never seen through initiative. also this whole post was just supposed to be abt their backstories/the characters they played and i wasnt gonna get into any of their later true identities once they become rebels, but it is incredibly important to me that you know they become a transmasc butch lesbian who uses exclusively they/them and neopronouns
Donnie the Catcher (played by Cameron Barnes)
- Donnie's a sort of like sportacus from lazytown- the character encouraging fitness and healthy habits in kids. he was also extremely clumsy and not actually that great at many sports, emphasizing the idea that winning/losing doesn't matter so long as you're having fun with what youre doing. i think hed be the least changed character in bli's version, with their version of equality and non exceptionalism being HEAVILY emphasized. he also acts as basically a walking advertisement for the SCARECROW unit, with many of his games and exercises being underscored with encouragements for kids to look into crow recruitment when theyre older.
- Cameron was a Scarecrow, still kind of is as he was switched from active duty in the zones after the rest of his squadron was killed in a firefight and he found himself too traumatized to go back out in the field. the whole thing fosters a hatred for killjoys within him, sure, but it also makes him resent bli for sending him out there underprepared and to fight what hes quickly coming to believe is a pointless battle. he hates that his only options seem to be wasting away in the city or wasting away in the desert. but maybe if there were a third option...
and yeah this has gotten too long already so ill make the post abt their breaking out of the city and killjoy identities later :P all im gonna say rn is that their leaving becomes this huge public scandal, made worse when they continue using the names of their characters and claiming them as their new identities. the show is removed from the air almost instantly, and all mentions if it are scrubbed from public life- if you remember the Suitehearts no you dont.
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zmediaoutlet · 11 months
murder in the city
for @wincestwednesdays - blood
They've started dimming the bunker lights at night. More like a real place, that way, a motel or a house to squat in. The concrete floors are cold on Sam's bare feet. Still doesn't totally know his way around, but that's all right. There are plenty of long nights ahead to figure out the layout. Or maybe not that many. He's been trying not to think about it, but. Lot of long nights.
The infirmary, the gun range, the library. The kitchen, and the coffeepot, and the newspaper left on the island with a couple of obits circled in thick sharpie, and it's probably meant to be a distraction for him but it's probably a real job, too. Sam leans over to check it out but his eyes blur and he sinks to his elbows, and then puts his forehead down to his clenched fists. His mouth tastes like pennies. All the time now, practically. In his throat the urge to cough rises and he breathes very carefully through his nose because he just—doesn't want to. He doesn't want to have to.
A box of black Lipton appeared on the shelves, when he kept coughing and hasn't stopped. He heats water in the old-school steel kettle, leaning against the stovetop, his fingers shoved in to the soft part of his throat next to his windpipe. Like if he strangles himself maybe that horrible tickling urge won't creep in. He keeps his eyes closed and feels his pulse thump against his fingertips, slow and steady. Imagines a day sometime soon when that'll change. Either staggering and erratic or all-too-fast—like years ago, in those worse days, when there was no unexplained tea as a clumsy attempt at care, when the iron-taste riming his teeth was all his own fault.
If all this goes the way he expects, it'll be yet another broken promise. His ears ring. It takes a second to swim past that to realize that, no, it's the kettle, whistling. God, he's tired.
"You gonna make your tea or do I gotta do it for you, Miss Marple?"
He jerks, turns. "I—sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up."
"Unless you made me have to pee I think you're innocent, this time," Dean says, but not really smiling. He's wearing the robe he claimed, hands deep in the pockets. Squinting at Sam across the kitchen like there's something to see.
Sam turns and busies himself with the kettle. Splashing over the tea bag, pouring too fast so that it judders out of the spout, spattering the back of his hand. He hisses, and for the hissing he's punished with not being able to keep the cough down, and it stings, god—stings so bad, not that deep down-in-the-lungs coughing that feels like it's actually doing something, like the one time he got the flu and thought he'd turn inside out, but just—scratching, shredding, making his eyes water and his mouth fill with—
"Jeez, you're a safety hazard," Dean says, and he's right there, at Sam's side, taking the kettle away, a clatter of the steel somewhere, and then his hand heavy between Sam's shoulderblades. Warm, patient, while Sam hacks and shudders and tries to remember how to take breaths that feel clean. "Yeah, okay. Get it out."
There's no getting it out. Sam inhales very cautiously through his nose and doesn't say it, because that would be cruel, and it's too late or maybe early to get into that kind of fight. Especially when Dean's warm against him, and soft in that robe. His arm slides down around Sam's back, and Sam doesn't need help walking but he lets Dean take him over to the sink, and he leans down with his elbows on the porcelain rim and washes his mouth clean, spitting. With the lights low he hopes Dean can't see the color.
He sits with his back to the table and watches Dean move around the kitchen. His space, like the library's Sam's. Dean wipes up the spilled water and puts the kettle back in its place and glances at Sam, and then goes to the pantry shelf where he's got a bottle of bourbon stashed and pours a healthy glug into Sam's mug. "Seriously?" Sam says, and Dean shrugs and then pours another mug full of bourbon for himself, and brings both of them over to the table. He holds Sam's out to him handle-first and says, "It's medicine," and Sam smiles at him, too tired to do otherwise. Dean clunks his mug against Sam's, very carefully, and Sam winds the trailing string of the teabag over his knuckles and takes a sip, cautious. Hot, both temperature and alcohol, but sweet too. Might not really help but it feels good, and that's something, at least.
Dean waits for him to swallow, and then drinks his own mug down in a single shot. Grimaces into it, when it's empty. He looks as tired as Sam feels. Maybe more. Sam sits forward and sets his hand on Dean's hip, sorry in this—thin, entirely inadequate way. Knowing he'd make the same choice all the same. Dean licks his lips and sets his mug on the table by Sam's shoulder and then steps between Sam's knees, and Sam puts his forehead to Dean's sternum and holds Dean around the waist. Warm dark. His mouth tastes like bourbon now, at least.
Fingers through Sam's hair, carding it off the back of his neck. "You slept through the night once, this week?"
He takes a deep, careful breath. Raw over his raw throat. He's not supposed to lie, anymore. He promised. Dean's always asking Sam to make promises he'll be forced to break. "Once, I think," he says.
Dean sighs but doesn't call him out. Maybe he doesn't want to fight, either. Ever since they moved in here it's been—good. Better. Dean happy to have a home and Sam just—well, it doesn't matter. He leaves his forehead against Dean's chest and feels his breath rise and fall, his fingers tucked just barely inside the elastic of his boxers, holding on. Dean has a place, here, the safest place either of them has ever seen, and all this knowledge at his fingertips, and if Sam manages not to screw up these trials then it'll be—worth it. The world safer and Dean… he'll be okay, Sam thinks. In this bunker their family gave them. It's worth it, for that.
"Can't believe I got up for this sappy crap," Dean says, very quiet.
"Thought you said you had to pee," Sam says, muffled, and Dean says, "I can multitask," and then tugs on Sam's hair at the back so he's forced to tip his head and look up, and before he can say anything Dean dips down and kisses him, soft with a closed mouth, just—pressing close. When their lips part with barely a sound he holds there, his forehead against Sam's and their noses brushing and his breath coming slow against Sam's mouth. Steady rhythm, like a heartbeat. Sam's anchored his whole life to it more than once. He touches Dean's throat and then drags his fingertips down, hooking the collar of his t-shirt, feeling that empty space where he used to wear—but that doesn't matter, now. Dean's here. Nothing matters more than that.
"You're wearing my shirt," Sam says, fingers caught in the v-neck.
"Finders keepers," Dean says, and then lifts up, and tucks Sam's hair behind both of his ears, and looks at him, eyes low and tender in the dim. "Man," he says, soft, and Sam doesn't know why, but then Dean touches his chin with one thumb and says, in a more normal voice, "Finish your tea, princess, and then come back to bed, huh? Cold down there without the human space heater."
"Not exactly selling it with your icicle feet," Sam says, and Dean shrugs, smiling at him kinda one-sided, but then he leaves the kitchen, and Sam's left there, listening to him scuff along the hall until he can't. He sits with his mug in both hands, looking at nothing across the empty kitchen. Since the first red spot he's been composing a note, mentally. Trying to figure how he could say everything that's worth saying. He never ends up writing anything down. Nothing he can think of comes close.
He drinks his tea. Leaves the mug by the sink knowing it'll make Dean bitch at him in the morning. His mouth still tastes like metal. But then—when he goes to Dean's room, he gets into bed and puts his arm around Dean's waist and puts his nose to the soft buzz of hair at the top of Dean's spine, and Dean sighs and pushes back against him, and he's warm against Sam's whole body except for his toes that tuck in behind Sam's ankle, freezing, like he's done since Sam's earliest memories. His skin like ice and then warming slowly against Sam's. What more could Sam ask for.
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hiddenspriings · 2 months
i'm sorry to bother you, i just came across your blog and i'm so shocked with how amazing your sims look. i play sims 3 but my sims look pretty average and my screenshots don't look great, can you please if it's possible explain how your sims look so beautiful like this? (specifically this post hiddenspriings/742135415348330496) like, how do your sims look that good? is that a default skin? and how do they have those shadows on their faces etc, is that editing or reshade? can you please explain deeply? i'm sorry i'm asking for many things, i'm just a noob and i really get confused looking at these beautiful posts wondering how to make my sims look cool like that too!!
I don't even know where to start asdfghjkl 😅 developing a sim style is honestly a journey and when I joined simblr my sims looked like potatoes too, it takes time and effort to actively work on that 'skill' if I might call it that. With that often comes the dissatisfaction of your progress and how your sims look, and sometimes you just have to stop yourself and enjoy the ride, without looking around at what others are doing. Anyways, into actual 'tips':
I think you need to figure out where you stand when it comes to cc (it's not really a need but it's gonna help I guess). I like the look of very simple maxis match skins (I have those linked on my resources page) and very often alpha makeup cc layered on top. I personally don't really like how alpha skins look like on my sims (they usually have much more depth to them but since I’m not into that I can’t recommend anything) so everything you see on them - highlights, blushes, shadows etc. is just makeup cc. For those I recommend: blushes 1 2 3 4 shadows & highlights 1(!) 2(!) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (+ tifa’s stuff here). Add them on top of each other and bam! suddenly your sim isn’t so flat faced anymore (little note here, I often use ‘blushes’ as shadows as well depending on their placement ;)
If you are interested in what I personally use as defaults check my resources page. I also have all the skins and eyes cc I use linked there. My advice would be to also check other simblrs’ resources as well, there are some well hidden gems there that otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find on my own. 
But If you are new to sims 3 you might ask: hey, how do you layer cc if you can only apply one for the category in cas? Well...Get yourself nraas master controller if you haven't already. With that mod you can increase the number of sliders which give you freedom of creating more diverse looking sims and assign multiple makeup per location. I won't explain how to do it here as there are multiple guides online, just google your question :) - I even saw great guides on youtube! It might seem like a lot at first but believe me, nraas along with its many modules will save you a lot of time and hussle. 
Lastly, part of the posting process here on simblr is editing and I cannot lie that my sims don’t benefit on that. I use reshade with mxao which enhance colors and shadows (check my f.a.q page for links) and smooth out pictures further with photoshop tools. 
Now I’m gonna expose myself a little, this is from left to right: the oldest sim in my folder currently (I’d say this is my late 2022 style), my newest sim and my newest sim with reshade on (but no further editing).
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It’s a shame I don’t have access to my very first sims in sims 3 to really compare them but I think even here you can see the difference. So do not get discouraged, it will take a time and dedication like any other hobby but you’ll get where you want to be eventually :)
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bisexual-thoughtss · 1 year
Bernard the Elf x Reader
I know it’s a little late for Christmas, but I just love him so much. It’s a little soulmate AU where you have discolored skin where you touch your soulmate for the first time. Call your dentist, it’s tooth-rottingly fluffy!
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You snuggle up next to Bernard on the couch, handing him a warm mug of cocoa. Christmas Eve had been successfully executed the night before, and you’re excited to celebrate your first Christmas morning with him. He takes a sip, looking thoughtfully at you for a moment before pulling a gift out from beside the couch.
“What’s this? Is it something special?” You tease, looking over to the rest of the gifts for each other under the tree and wondering what he was doing with this one.
“It is. Do you remember the day we met, pumpkin?” He asks, twiddling his fingers nervously.
“Of course, how could I forget,” you laugh, remembering it clear as day in your head.
You truly didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, the snow outside looked good for staying in and reading a book, but you knew you had no choice but to go out. Begrudgingly, you started getting dressed.
Meanwhile, Bernard was having a rough day of his own. As soon as Santa mentioned needing an elf to go on an errand outside of the pole, Bernard was volunteering. Any chance he could to get a break from Curtis spouting rules and regulations in his ear he was going to take. Santa had raised a surprised eyebrow at his willingness, but let him know what he needed and sent him on his way with a sparkle in his eye.
Bernard grumbles as he changes into human clothes to avoid calling too much attention to himself when out and about. He glances at his hands, rolling his eyes at the thought of his soulmate marks. How was he supposed to know who his soulmate was at first touch if it was just his hands. Everyone touches people with their hands! He briefly considers donning a pair of gloves but decides against it. He yanks a beanie over his head to hide his ears before he magics himself into town.
Taking another glance at the list Santa had written him, he hustles down the street towards the shops.
Walking slowly down the street, you roll your eyes at the frigid January weather. You just know you’re gonna fall on all this ice. You really hadn’t wanted to leave the house today but you had to go to the store. Glancing up, you see a guy walking quickly down the sidewalk. You’re impressed by his speed on the slick street, scooting over as you walk on the sidewalk to stay out of his way. As soon as you changed your stride for him to pass, you were slipping on the ice and bracing yourself for impact with the ground, but it never came. You open your clenched eyes to the same guy, his hands underneath your forearms to steady you. Your skin tingles pleasantly where he touches you, and as you look into his eyes it feels like the world has shifted on its axis.
“Hi,” you breathe out, righting yourself on your feet again and rolling up your sleeves. Perfect hand shaped marks adorn your skin where he just caught you.
“Hi,” he smiles, cheeks turning pink as he stares awestruck at you.
“Would you like to get a drink?” You ask, gesturing to a nearby coffee shop.
When you settle into your seats at the shop with orders in hand, you’ve already got so many questions for your soulmate. You both volley questions back and forth, favorite colors, hobbies, jobs. He gets a little cagey when you ask him what he does, brushing you off with “I’m the manager of a large company, what about you?” that only makes you want to ask more questions, but you figure you can come back around to it again later.
“What’s your favorite holiday?” He asks after a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Oh, easy. Halloween,” You answer, swirling the ice in your chai around.
“Halloween!?” He shouts, ducking his head as a couple near you turns to eye him.
“Sorry, but Halloween is your favorite holiday? That can’t be right,” he worries, teeth digging into his lip and you want to kiss him right then and there.
“Why, what’s your favorite holiday?” You ask, beginning to worry that somehow your soulmate isn’t going to like you.
“Christmas, of course!” He says, eyes a little wild.
“I love Christmas, but it’s still in second place,” you tell him, trying to suppress your giggle as his eye twitches.
“Second place! C’mon,” he grumbles, taking your hand.
“Wha- where are we going?” You laugh as he steers you out of the coffee shop and down the street. He pulls you into a little alcove, both of you pressed together in the small space.
“Brace yourself,” he tells you, and suddenly you’re not outside anymore. Christmas decorations surround you, the large workshop leaving you speechless.
“How did you do that? Where are we? It looks like-“ you start before Bernard cuts you off.
“Santa’s workshop,” he finishes, smirking at the awe on your face.
“This- this can’t be real. I can’t believe this,” you breathe as you take in the sight around you.
“Believe it, baby,” he smiles, taking your hand and leading you down the hall. Your mind is racing as you pass rooms of toys being made, cookies baking, people bustling by that you assume must be… elves?
“This is my office,” Bernard tells you as you enter a nicely furnished room, a large desk in the center piled with papers.
“Hold on,” you say as you pace back and forth in front of him, trying to wrap your mind around all of this.
“We’re in Santa’s Workshop,” you state and he nods.
“So we’re actually at-“ you trail off, having a pretty good idea of the answer.
“The North Pole,” Bernard finishes your sentence.
“Oh my god,” you whimper, rubbing your face harshly. He takes a step toward you, gently grabbing your wrists to stop you.
“Are you an elf?” You ask, not believing your own ears as you hear yourself ask.
“Head Elf,” he smiles proudly.
“Prove it,” you say suddenly, catching him off guard. He pulls his hat off slowly, worried about your reaction. What if you think his ears are freaky? Can soulmates not like each other?
His worry calms when you don’t shy away but instead lean forward. You reach out with a shaky hand, trailing a gentle finger from his ear lobe to the pointed tip of his ear. His cheeks immediately flame red as he lets out a quiet gasp, shivering at the feeling. This time you can’t help yourself from pulling him in for a kiss. It’s chaste, just a press of lips, but before you can separate Bernard is pulling you back in.
“Halloween still your favorite?” Bernard pants once you actually separate from each other a few moments later.
“I think I might need some more convincing,” you flirt, giggling as he pushes you onto his desk and pulls you in for more.
“I’ve been working on this since then,” he blushes, handing it to you. You tear the paper off excitedly, a smile lighting up your face at you see what’s inside.
“You made this?” You ask in awe, pulling the knitted sweater out. He nods sheepishly as you take the sight in. You know it must’ve taken him forever with how much of a perfectionist he is. You let out a laugh as you finally see the front, a happy little jack-o-lantern proudly wearing a Santa hat.
“Oh, Bernard, I love it. It’s perfect,” you beam, slipping it on immediately before pulling him in for a kiss. The dusting of red on his sparkly cheeks as you pull away is a sight you look forward to seeing for the rest of your lives.
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samieree · 1 year
Hello! I'm here with another shot with Heimdall 🥰
Requested by anonim, I hope you all gonna like it ♥
Heimdall x reader (female)
You just found the item Odin asked you for. You come back from a mission that took you much longer than you thought it will, and Heimdall seems angry about it... You already had a specific relationship and spent the night together from time to time, but what is he up to now?  And you?  Is it just "friendship" with benefits for you, or did you see something more in Heimdall?
The task that Odin gave you wasn't complicated, but it took you a lot of time. You would never expect that finding a single artifact in Midgard could be so time consuming.  You've been living in this winter-covered world for about eight weeks now, but finally… You finally got what you came here for.
Now just find Huginn where he was supposed to be waiting for you and you can go back to warm Asgard...
Walking through the forest you better covered yourself with a warm, fur coat.  It was windy and snowing all the time.  On your belt you had both the artifact you obtained and the sword you kept your hand on all the time in case someone attacked you. You've already had a close encounter with someone's knife, luckily it was quite blunt… Thanks to that, you only had a shallow gash on the side of your cheek, not a deep gash across half your face.
 You were slowly approaching your destination, but suddenly you heard some sounds of fighting deeper in the forest.  Grabbing your sword tighter, you decided to check it out - after all, you've already spent eight weeks in this cold, another fifteen minutes won't make a difference, will it?
 It turned out that near a house, a strange boy was fighting with Hel-Reavers. You thought that since you came, you would help him.  So you drew your sword and together you quickly dealt with everyone.
 "Thanks for your help, em..." he said when it was over and you were holstering your gun.
 “Y/n.” You gave your name, smiling slightly.  “And you? And what are you doing here?”
 “My name is Loki. And... It's complicated.  I need to get somewhere.” He explained, clearly not sure if he could trust you to tell you everything.
“Me too, I need to get home.” You sighed softly, looking around.  Why did you come to help him?  Because you have such a good heart?  It seems so… You were about to throw some farewell text when suddenly you heard cawing and a raven flew out of the house you were fighting next to. “Huginn?  What are you doing here, you were supposed to wait for me to take me back to Asgard!”
“Wait, you live in Asgard? Really?  That's where I was going!”
“Really? Why?” Loki didn't have time to answer you, Huginn explained everything to you.  You've only been gone eight weeks and Odin's already bringing in more people to do work for him? “Let's go, I'm sick of this cold.”  You shivered as the icy wind blew once more.
Loki got a little closer to you and after a while Huginn transported both of you to Asgard.  Happy that you finally felt the warmth of the sun again, you took off the hood from your face, but your joy did not last long, because instead of familiar houses and cities, you saw... fields and a huge wall.
“Seriously, Huginn? I know you can take us behind the wall!”  The raven answered you briefly, no, and began to fly away. “Hey, wait! I'm not done talking to you yet!”  but it was too late, you were forced to get behind the wall by yourself.
You turned to Loki, who finally had a chance to see your face in all its glory and seemed to associate you with something.
“Oh yes, that y/n!  How could I not figure it out?”  You rolled your eyes.  He probably recognized you just because of them, and more specifically because of their completely black color.
“You'd better save your strength, because we've got quite a long way up.”  You sighed softly, looking at the huge wall once again. It will be a long and demanding climb…
* * *
As you predicted, it was a very tiring climb, but you finally saw your destination.  Loki was practically at the top, you had maybe two meters to climb. You had already smiled to yourself that you were finally at home again when you heard a familiar voice.
 “Hello.” You paused for a moment to look up. You saw none other than Heimdall with his smirk on his face.  He held an apple in one hand and held Loki's wrist with the other.  “So… What part of the enormous wall made you think: 'Oh, visitors must be welcome'?"  Then the stones under the boy's feet fell off and he was only holding on with one hand, and of course Heimdall was holding him.
 “Leave him, Heimdall.”  You said as you were practically on top, all you had to do was pull yourself up.
 "Who do my eyes see?  Y/n herself! Did you train or race with this kid?”  You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself up, finally sitting on top of the wall.
Your relationship with Heimdall was… complicated.  You didn't seem to like each other very much (at least he didn't like you) and you actually loved to tease each other on a daily basis, especially him you. You had peace for too long?  You could be sure he was about to show up next to you with some unflattering comment, ready to ruin your day.
But on the other hand... Well, that's where the complexity of your relationship started.  He seemed to despise you differently than the others because you had a kind of… arrangement and sometimes you spent nights together in yours or his room.
Maybe it was a stupid move on your part to get into this arrangement, but hey - you liked him overall, so why not?  Besides - you never told him, but you also didn't rule out that he figured it out himself - you saw possibly more in him than everyone else.  That was the reason why you often ignored his comments or didn't take them personally, because you knew how Odin treated him and everything around him was overwhelming.
Maybe… You wanted to be the one person in his life he could trust? Who would like him no matter what?
 “I prefer to train in the evening, it's cooler then.”  you replied, taking a deep breath after the hard climb.  “Honestly, I think Huginn just took offense at me.”
 “Oh, yes. He said you threatened to rip all his feathers off.”
 “I didn't say anything like that!”  you shouted back. You may have thought about this from time to time, but you certainly never said it. And the damn bird can't read minds like Heimdall, can it?
 “Hey,think you could pull me up or…?” Loki spoke suddenly, reminding about himself.
 “No, I don't think I will. I think maybe I’ll drop you”
 “Pull him in, he's the All-father's guest.”  You said as you stood up after your short rest.  “Huginn told me. Let's go.” You didn't wait for them anymore, you just headed straight forward.
 But you heard Heimdall's heavy sigh behind you and how he pulled Loki up after all, just like you said.
Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't pay much attention to how Heimdall treated Loki in his traditional way.  When you were already down in the city, you said that you don't need a ride to the All-father's house, after all, you have legs, they haven't given up yet after climbing.
Besides, on the way you could say hello to all the Asgardians you know and watch the Valkyrie’s training for a while.  As soon as you see Thrúd, you'll have to ask her how her training is going, after all, she dreamed of becoming a Valkyrie. Oh how glad you were to finally be back home...
You slowly went to the All-father's house, where something was going on... You saw Odin himself, involved in this action, he was talking to Loki.  Beside him were Heimdall and Thor, the former covered a little in some mud.
You already knew that this asshole will probably get himself into something as soon as you left.  You might have guessed from the way he spoke to Loki…
You sighed heavily and walked over to this little gathering, after all, you had a case with the All-father of your own.
“What are you up to? Dismissed! Go!”  he said to Thor, who just muttered something under his breath and happily left.  “And you - clean yourself up.”  He turned to the blonde here.
 “But... All-father…”
 "All-father?"  You chimed in too, joining the conversation.  Odin looked at you for a while, then returned to Heimdall for a moment.
 "Heimdall, will you just relax? He wasn't going to barge in here and kill me the first thing.” he still didn't seem convinced, whatever it was… “What, that’s not good enough for you? Get outta here.”
 For someone, Heimdall's expression as he left might have been simply disbelief and mild disappointment, but you saw something more. You saw how sad he was, you might even venture to say that he was very close to crying.  He already seemed to be getting worse at his father's treatment as he tried to do his best and prove his worth. But now…
 You had to admit that you felt sorry for him.
 “Y/n, you don't even know how happy I’m to have you with us again! I see you've made it, and you've already met my guest Loki.” Odin turned to you, smiling slightly. In your hand you already held the pouch with what you set out on the mission for.
 “Yes, we met in Midgard.” You replied, handing him the pouch with the artifact.
“Perhaps you'd like to show him around a bit with me?” You looked at the two of them quickly thinking about this proposal and made a decision.
“I would love to, but forgive me All-father… These last eight weeks have been very tiring.  I wish I could finally get a good night's sleep in a safe place.”  You smiled slightly and Odin nodded understandingly.
You nodded at him and walked towards the house. You weren't even lying, you really wished you could finally rest.  Most of all, of course, you were glad that Asgard was warm.
In your room, you immediately unhooked the sword from your belt, the weight of which you had become accustomed to on your hip.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and realized it was definitely time to comb your hair and change into clean clothes.  You dreamed of throwing yourself on the bed and going to sleep, but instead you pulled yourself together and after a short rest you left the room. You headed to the Mead Hall, because there you expected to meet the person you wanted to talk to.
 “Oh, you haven't left for another few weeks yet?”  Even before you turned to where the voice came from, you knew exactly to who it belonged.  You moved a little closer to Heimdall, who was sipping mead, leaning against the wall.  You turned to him and leaned against the wall too.
 “I doubted it for a moment, but it seems like you really missed me.”  you smiled.
“I? Missed you?”  He chuckled briefly and took another sip.  “I'd sooner fatten like Thor than miss you."
You raised an eyebrow and stepped a little closer to him, reaching out to pat his belly, but he caught your hand just in time, giving you a meaningful look.
“It's going to take you a while, babe.”  You didn't care that he stopped you because you used it to intertwine your fingers. “Are you mad at me for being gone so long?”  you asked, lowering your voice a little. He studied you intently for a while, paying attention to every feature of your face, but he lingered the longest on your cheek cut, you could feel it.
“I don’t want to talk.”
 It hurt.
For a moment you wanted to speak again, say that you see how he feels, that if he needs someone, you are next to him. You can be a support for him, he can trust you, you’ll always listen to him.
But you didn't say any of that.  You were afraid you'd make him even angrier after he was already annoyed by the situation between him and Odin.
 “We'll meet tonight…?”  you asked uncertainly, looking at Heimdall, but he just looked away.
You nodded and sighed softly, starting to walk away, but suddenly he gripped your hand tighter as your hands were about to fall apart.
“If you want, then... You may come…” he said quietly, looking at your still connected hands.  You smiled and squeezed his hand for a moment before walking away.
* * *
You've been standing at his door for a good few moments and wondering how you're going to start a conversation at all, so that he would listen to you, let you explain that he can't hold everything inside of him forever. How to keep him from interrupting you by reading all your intentions in your mind at once?
You took one last deep breath and stepped inside, finding Heimdall in the middle of unraveling his braids.  He was standing in front of the mirror, so you walked over to him and stood right behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist lightly, hugging to him. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you also noticed cotton wool and a bandage lying on the table next to the bed, which surprised you.
 “Did you do something to yourself, Mr. Perfect? You got a bump and I didn't see it?” You asked in a playful tone, ruffling his already loose hair.
“It's not for me.”  He replied without much emotion, removing your hands and walking to the table.  “Sit down.”
At that moment, you remembered the wound that you had on your cheek all the time and you still haven't been able to take care of it.  You had no doubt that he had noticed it, but that... He will want to bandage it for you? You didn't expect it, but it made you feel good...
“I'm not nice, I just can't look at it.” You smiled anyway as you sat down on the bed.  Heimdall sat next to you, brushing your hair from your face to behind your ear, and began to gently disinfect the wound using soaked cotton.
Even though you already knew how he can be, it still surprised you how gentle he can be.  Once upon a time, you'd expect him to throw mud in your face or something instead of tending to your wound.
The first time you met his delicacy was the first time you were close, at the very beginning of your complicated relationship, the first night together. Since then, you've started to wonder what he really is like. That's when you wanted to get to know this asshole better, you started to be interested in his behavior and what caused it.
As you got to know him better, you understood.  He saw the worst in everyone and had no one to lean on, say everything, talk about everything. And then you wanted to become that person in his life.  You wanted to gain his full trust, to be always there when you saw that he needed it. Even if he didn't seem to notice or ignore it.
You just loved that damn man, and even if it was just unrequited love until the end of the world, you weren't going to leave him.
“Stop…” It was only when he spoke that you remembered that you don't even know when he reads your thoughts and when he doesn't. You instantly felt yourself blush.
“I…” you started but didn't finish as he abruptly stood up, throwing a used piece of cotton on the table. “I just…”
“Stop.  Just stop.”  You looked down and nervously flexed your fingers. Applause for you, sitting centrally in front of him, you mentally admitted that you love him. If he hadn't figured it out before, or had guessed but ignored it, now… Now you saw his true reaction to such a confession from you.
He didn't want it. It hurt like nothing else before, you felt tears starting to gather in your eyes.
“I hate to say this, but…” he began, but you didn't look up at him, even as he crouched in front of you. “You’re right.”  He finished and took you by your hand and stroked it gently with his thumb. Then you looked into his purple eyes, in which strangely you didn’t find any anger or disappointment. “I was worried because… Because I think I need you, y/n…”
You stared at him, surprised at first.  Heimdall, the same mischievous Heimdall admitted, that he needed you, that he wanted you in his life, that he was worried about you.
You slid your free hand slowly through his hair, running it gently through it a few times.  You smiled softly at the memory of how many times you had tied his soft hair into braids...
“You can braid them whenever you want, sunshine.”  You smiled a little more as you heard him call you that, the first time he'd called you like that since you came back.
Suddenly, he got up from the ground and leaned over you, knocking you onto the bed.  You wanted to kiss him so much when your faces were so close, but you had to ask something first.
“Is it private or still part of the deal?”  You placed your index finger on his lips to stop him from kissing you.
“Do we still need a deal?”  You smiled and let him kiss you, entwining your hands in his hair and wrapping your legs around his hips.
 Your nights together will never be the same again. They will be much better.
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
Just finished this and now I'm going to write a second part of Heimdall x reader (Greek Goddess) 😏😘
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Well he's an angel so I'm taking him being catholic as canon. There are a lot of themes in the game that point to catholisism specifically.
He's so fucking funny. he listens to nine inch nails and quotes one of the songs in a fight basically "fight me like an animal". he and v1 kind of have this yuri thing going on. he has an official bodypillow. hes a metaphor for being excommunicated and no one gets him like me and my friends do
The *true* Catholic experience is leaving the church and having a gay awakening, ask anyone
its debatable if Gabriel truly believes he's "the one true savior" or is mocking the idea of it
ok im actually gonna write some gabe propaganda bc despite what you may expect from a game called ULTRAKILL theres a lot to be said about his character and how catholicism is represented
Gabriel is a genuinely caring person who struggles to square his desire to help people with his duty as an archangel. He's the only one in Heaven trying to make things better for those in Hell, but his faith is used to manipulate him into committing atrocities against the people he used to protect (see the "TRAITOR" mural in 4-2)
he only realizes his mistakes after losing everything and being sentenced to death, but he still decides with only a little time remaining to try and make things right. for the sake of spoilers i will just say that the measures he takes are... extremely drastic and very enjoyable. i just really like the idea that even facing the end of all living things, no matter how steep your crimes, it is never too late to fix your mistakes. you are never unworthy forgiveness.
hes also SO FUCKING GAY for this dumb little robot. it mauled him so hard he tasted his own blood and he fell in love right there. theres no way this guy has a normal healthy relationship to pain he is soooooooooo fucked. i love him. please vote for Gabriel "patron saint of gay lapsed catholics" Ultrakill !!!!!!!!
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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cryptidghostgirl · 1 year
Kadaver Kids (Xavier Thorpe x singer!Reader)
this was inspired by Tonight You are Mine by @lovetorn cause I really liked theirs and I have been considering doing something like this anyways.
pairing: Xavier x reader
description: Ajax drags Xavier with him to see his childhood friend’s band perform.
warnings: its a song fic. song lyrics are included. yuh.
word count: 2520
Status: unedited
Part two
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“So who is it we’re seeing again?” Xavier asked as he followed Ajax out of the uber and onto the sidewalk.
“My friend Y/n. We were neighbors growing up. She’s a normie, but she’s always been really kind to me. She’s in a band and this is their first ever concert in Jericho.” said Ajax, paying the driver on his phone before shoving it back into his pocket, “Wanna smoke before we go in?”
“I’ll wait with you.” Xavier politely declined.
Concerts had never been his thing. They were too loud with too many people but Ajax had been so excited for the show, and so insistent that he didn’t want to go alone.
“what type of music do they play?” asked Xavier as he leaned against the wall of the ally beside the venue.
“Uh.” Ajax began, blowing out smoke and coughing slightly as he did, “like, rock? She calls it angry girl music.”
“sounds interesting.”
Xavier turned his gaze to the ally’s entrance to see a throng of people already lined up outside.
“we should probably head over soon if you want to be close to the stage.” he said, gesturing to the crowd.
Ajax nodded and put out his joint before shoving what was left back in his pocket.
“good point.”
A few minutes later and the pair were inside. It was a nice venue, a bit decrepit, but nice. They found places front and center in the audience and began to wait for the band to come on.
“There’s no opener, its just gonna be them.” said Ajax, “and they’re throwing a party after at Y/n’s parent’s house after that we’re invited to. It’s just gonna be a little get together.”
“I forget that you’re actually from Jericho.” Xavier laughed, “and we’ll see, depends on how late the concert goes.”
The pair fell into silence for a moment before Ajax spoke up.
“Listen,” he awkwardly began and Xavier turned to face him, “Y/n? well shes really pretty. That’s all I’m saying. Just, be careful okay?”
“What? is she a maneater like the hall and oats song? don’t worry Ajax, after Bianca I think I can handle anything. Plus, I’m not really looking for anything new right now.”
“I meant more so that if you hurt her we’ll have problems.” said Ajax, “And yeah I know I just wanted to say something you know? just in case. She’s like a sister to me. We literally grew up together bro.”
Xavier nodded.
“Right, no hurting Y/n.”
“No matter how tough she makes herself out to be.”
“Yes. No matter how tough she makes herself out to be.” repeated Xavier, annoyance coloring his tone.
“Good.” nodded Ajax, “Again, I’m sorry about this. I just couldn’t in good conscience say nothing.”
“No man, I get it.” nodded Xavier, “family is family.”
“Thanks.” Ajax smiled, “I wonder when they’re gonna come on. We’ve been here a while already.”
Just as the last word left his mouth, the entire venue went pitch black and there was the sound of muffled footsteps. In the darkness, Xavier could just make out four figures as they found their places.
The stage lights raised and a girl at the front yelled:
“We’re Kadaver Kids! Get ready for us to make your ears bleed! one, two, three, four!”
I wrote a song on your guitar and it sounds like.
The lead singer broke into a killer breif guitar solo.
You wrote a song on my guitar and it sounds like shit.
Xavier moved his eyes across the stage. The drummer was to the right, dressed in ripped black jeans, a black muscle tee, and lots of jewelry. To the left was another person playing guitar with close cropped hair and a muddied and torn vintage dress matched with thick soled combat boots. The bassist stood at the front beside the singer in a pair of black overalls and with hair teased to all hell. The singer herself was holding a guitar that she was only using to play the songs solos.
“That’s Y/n.” Ajax said, leaning over to Xavier so he could hear, “the lead singer.”
You only like me when I’m sad
You only want me when I’m feeling bad
You only like me when I’m sad
You only want me when I’m feeling bad
And now I’m feelin’ so bad!
She sang, her h/c hair whipping around her face as she put her heart into the music. She too wore a pair of thick soled black boots. Paired with a pale yellow babydoll dress and again, a lot a lot of jewelry. Her ears full of earrings, at least five necklaces, a spiky collar with matching wrist cuffs and, of course, rings. Lots of rings.
Xavier understood now why Ajax had warned him.
After the first song ended, the audience cheered and Xavier leaned over to Ajax.
“I’m surprised,” he laughed, clapping, “they’re actually good.”
Ajax nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ve been trying to tell you!”
“Hey all!” called the girl, Y/n, sounding much sweeter than when she’d been singing once the audience had calmed down, “Thank you so much for having us! I am actually from Jericho and this is the first time we have ever had the privilege of playing here.”
There was another round of cheers and Y/n looked around at her bandmates with a wide smile before turning back to the crowd.
“As I mentioned, we are Kadaver Kids! we’re gonna do like, some little stupid introductions for you guys now. On the drums we have Ace!”
The drummer played briefly and the audience cheered.
“On guitar we have the wonderful Violet, everyone give them a good ol’ round of applause.” said the bassist next gesturing to the guitarist behind him who too played a brief solo before the audience silenced them.
“Our lovely bassist here beside me is the incredibly talented Louis.” said Y/n, turning to face the man beside her who smirked and played a bit to the same response as the others.
“And our jaw dropping vocalist and lead guitar is the amazing, undeniable, fucking dumbass, Y/n.”
Y/n waved and the audience cheered much louder than before. Once they had calmed down, she opened her mouth to speak again.
“Just one last thing, I wanna give a shout out to my best friend who is in the crowd with us tonight, Ajax! Ajax, raise your hand!”
Sheepishly he did so to several cheers.
“Alright well, that was quite a warm welcome for us all.” said the bassist with a light laugh, “The next one we’re gonna play is called Awesome Party, dude!”
“We encourage singing along.” said Y/n, dipping the microphone and speaking directly into it.”
The bandmates exchanged a nod before they turned back to the audience and Y/n started singing.
Well it’s a cool, cool party thanks for telling me
to come back to your house that we grew up in back in july
did you know that you forgot to call me on my birthday 
well thats okay, cause I dont even know your birthday anymore
I dont even know your birthday anymore
Xavier couldn’t take his eyes off the girl as she half screamed and half sang. There was something so incredibly brutal about her, she was all rough edges.
And things dont change at all that much
you’re still wearing the same sneakers
I still smoke the same cigarettes
The bassist kept making weird faces to girls in the audience who were swooning on the spot, the guitarist was jumping around as they played, the drummer smiled brightly the whole time despite the visible sweat dripping down his face. They all appeared to be having the absolute best time despite the tone of the music they played.
It’s a cool, cool party but I can’t come back again
you are everything, you’re perfect
you’re my best misquito friend
it’s a cool, cool party
I don’t love you anymore!
As she screamed that last line she stood up straight, eyes wide as she looked out at the audience in apparent amazement during a short instrumental break.
I dont love you anymore!
I don’t love you anymore!
I don’t love you anymore!
She kept screaming the line, appearing more and more joyous with every repetition.
I don’t love you anymore!
“Are all their songs so sad?” asked Xavier as the audience applauded the end of the song.
Ajax shrugged.
“Shes not a very happy person, she tries her best though.”
“I will say, they have a great stage presence. They’re really playing the crowd.” Xavier said once they had finished a song called The World Ends With You that Y/n had spent all of dancing and jumping around the stage. She was absolutely eye catching, intoxicating even.
“Yeah. I’m really happy to finally get to see them live. I used to watch them practice before they blew up and I helped record some of their first album and shit.”
“Really? thats so cool.”
“Alright folks, last song of the night.” Y/n announced all too soon.
“Last song of the night!!!” roared the bassist into his microphone to many cheers and screams from girls in the audience.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Oh don’t mind him, he’s not nearly as cool as he seems.” she teased and he feigned offense from beside her, “we’re gonna end it on a sad, slow, fan favorite. Can anyone guess what it is?”
There were sounds of people screaming the names of so many different songs that Xavier couldn’t hear a single thing anyone was really saying.
“Yeah! Howd you know!” cried Y/n in suprise before dropping the act, “Just kidding. I have no clue what any of you said but what I do know is that we are going to play Humpty! yeah! A super sad one instead of a regular sad one!”
The music started and Y/n drew herself close to the microphone, holding it as if it were someone she loved dearly.
I’ll live in the bathtub, its cool and its clean
its smooth and its sturdy, it’s all that I need
“her voice sounds totally different on this one.” Xavier said, leaning over to Ajax.
“Yeah.” he responded with a smile, “it took her so long to figure out how to sing the way she wanted to. This is what she sounded like before the band. They only have a couple songs where she uses her real voice, I’m really happy they’re playing one even if it is so sad.”
All the eggshells are on the ground
and I try, I’m trying to pick them up but
they crack and crumble, it’s all too much
too frail for me to touch.
“Does she write the songs?” Xavier asked, his gazed fixed on the girl who was now bent over into the microphone as she sang with a powerful yearning.
“Yeah.” Ajax nodded, “always has since she was little. She says that everything she sings has to be something she writes because if it’s not, it wont be true.”
I broke what you gave me
but you kept giving more
and I’m sorry for taking
But I keep wanting more, more, more
Xavier thought hard about what his friend had said.
“Does that mean all her songs are based on like, real experiences and shit?” he asked.
“Yeah.” Ajax answered as the song ended and the crowd exploded into cheers once more.
“That’s metal.” Xavier nodded.
“Thank you guys so much for coming out! Again, we are Kadaver Kids and there will be no encore because I, am tired!”
The crowd laughed and her band mates got up. As they were readying to leave, Y/n leaned back into the mic once more.
“Oh! And as for the pretty boy in the front row,” she called, pointing at Xavier who felt his cheeks grow hot, “You can come see me backstage.”
She winked and the audience went wild.
“Guys! Guys! Guys!” she cried, feigning innocence, “It’s cause he’s Jax’s plus one! duh! god! you guys are all so dirty minded.”
She stuck her tongue out in fake disgust before waving and following her bandmates off stage.
Xavier stood there, dumbstruck for a few moments, staring at the space on stage the girl had just occupied.
“Holy shit.” he said under his breath, she said he was pretty.
“come on!” said Ajax, excitedly tugging at Xavier’s sleeve, “let’s go say hi!”
Xavier followed his friend back past the security guards and into a dingy area with several closed doors off of it. In the room was everyone except the guitarist and singer.
“hey guys!” said Ajax with a big smile and a wave, “you were amazing!”
“Thanks” said the bassist, standing up from the couch he sat on and walking over.
“We’re really happy you could make it.” called the drummer from where he still sat, “Y/n is so excited to see you.”
A door opened and out stepped the guitarist now wearing a pair of faded grey sweatpants and a white crop top that lay flat over their chest.
“Sup.” they said, nodding to Ajax who smiled back.
“So, whos your friend?” asked the drummer, pointing to Xavier who suddenly felt very self conscious in his jeans, hoodie, and flannel.
“This is Xavier.” said Ajax, stepping to the side a bit so everyone could see.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Lou.” said the bassist, holding out his hand which Xavier shook.
“I know I was introduced as Ace but that’s my stage name. I’m Nate.” waved the drummer from the couch.
“Vi.” Said the guitarist as they took a seat next to nate.
There was the sound of another door opening and everyone turned to see Y/n emerging, now clad in a pair of short black shorts and an oversized grey hoodie.
“Jax!” she yelled, flinging herself at his friend who hugged her tightly back.
“You were amazing up there Y/n.” Ajax said once they’d separated, 
“Why thank you,” Y/n smiled and mimed curtsying before turning to xavier who felt the blood rush to his cheeks once more.
She was much shorter than he had expected.
“I expect you’re Xavier then?” she asked, looking up at him as she pulled her necklaces out from beneath her hoodie.
He nodded.
“hehe we match.” she smiled.
“What?” he asked.
she gestured to his chest and he looked down to see that the hoodie he had on just happened to be the same one the girl was wearing.
fuck. that was cute.
“yeah, I guess we do.” he answered.
“I like you.” said Y/n after a moment, grabbing his hand in her own.
Ajax sent Xavier a look he understood to be a reiteration of the warning he’d given before the show.
“To the after party?” asked the drummer standing up.
“yeah!” exclaimed Y/n, jumping up slightly before turning to Xavier, “Come on!”
With that she dragged him out of the venue through the backdoor.
Fuck. I’m in trouble.
Part two
Pressed 2 Death by Illuminati Hotties
Awesome Party, Dude by Sorry Mom
The World Ends With You by Newgrounds Death Rugby
Humpty by Mitski
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{part Ten}
Fandom: Obey me!
Genre: Angst
Written for F!Mc
WC: 3k
CW: Kidnapping!,  Michael is a heavy antagonist and angels are fucked up, slut shaming/victim blaming, mention of suicide vaguely, fear-based content and lots of tension, angst, depression, mentions to past sexual violence in Vermillion Skies, Torture, anxiety, descriptions of deceit, season 2 spoilers
A/n: Michael is quite the wad in this chapter, just as a fair warning! I will be discussing his character in my brain more in the q&a post later on, so send in your questions about the series to my inbox! Also I apologize if the formatting seems wonky or out of order...tumblr is deciding to test my patience this morning.
Music Accompaniment (Point of No Return thru No Love)
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>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology and clinical training in treatment for mental health, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of depression or suicidal thoughts, and are in need of help, please utilize the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, NIMH helpline, or the SAMHSA helpline. <<
Series Masterlist  
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You can find more of this series by searching the tag #Vermillion Skies or #Melancholia on my blog!
“Are you sure that’s what you saw?” Diavolo’s eyes darted between Simeon and Belphie. He wanted desperately for their concerns to just be baseless anxiety, but the grim look on Luke’s face made his heart sink deeper into his stomach. The phone call he had received from Lucifer hours prior was alarming, but he figured the sounds of shuffling and distant grunts meant he had just pocket dialed him. He never would have expected mc and Lucifer to end up missing, and in the brutish hands of the Archangels, no less. After what he had seen Simeon go through, he only hoped that they could get to them before its too late.
“I’m almost 100% certain that Michael has taken both of them.” Simeon clenched his fists, fighting back his demon form. “I don’t know what he’s planning, but it will surely be nothing good.”
Diavolo’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I see...” 
Luke squeezed his eyes shut to prevent himself from crying. His grip on Simeon’s sleeve tightened as he tried to make himself calm down. How could this be happening? Michael was a good angel; a merciful angel. This had to have been some sort of mistake!
There was a moment of silence as the brothers looked amongst eachother with uncertainty. 
“Well...ain’t we gonna do somethin’ ‘bout this?!” Mammon finally asked, giving a pointed look to Diavolo and Barbatos. "We should be stormin' that fuckin' palace and destroying everythin' in sight!"
A tense sigh passed through Diavolo’s lips as he massaged the slight headache developing at his brow line. “Mammon, it’s not that simple. We have no idea where they’re being held, or why. We have no idea what their next move will be, and we dont know what they'll do when they hear of our rescue efforts.” 
“And we certainly don’t have the manpower amongst us to fight the entire celestial army, even with our combined strength.” Satan paced while rubbing his chin, trying hard to think of how they could get both Lucifer and Mc back with the least amount of bloodshed. 
“I just...I d-don’t understand...” Luke shook his head, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. “W-why would Michael do something like this?!” 
The demons looked amongst each other, unsure of how to respond to the small angel’s query. They felt so much pity for him. He was really having his worldview tested more over the past 4 months than than he had in his entire life.
“Michael is obsessive.” Solomon chimed in as he entered the room, a bag of tinking glassware slung over his shoulder. “He sees Mc as a threat, and it appears as though his desire to renew the exchange program was a ploy to get our guard down so he can neutralize that threat. I only wish i would have picked up on the signs sooner.” 
The remaining color left in Luke’s face drained, and he stared at Solomon, wide-eyed. “W-what..? Do...do you mean they’ll...”
Solomon locked eyes with him for a second, a glint of sadness passing through his expression. “They’re going to try to kill her, yes.” 
Simeon shook his head, finding himself feeling strangely numb in this moment. "They wont just do that. They've risked too much in even kidnapping Mc.” 
Everyone in the room turned to him, looks of pure terror on their faces. The fact that the situation would likely provide Mc with more trauma was enough to try to stomach already, but to run the risk of losing her again made their blood run cold. Each waited with baited breath for what Simeon had to add to suggest that it could get worse than you’re death. 
Simeon sighed, avoiding their desperate eyes. “Michael had said over and over that their worst mistake he made during your fall was not ensuring Lilith had been unable to be reincarnated. To ensure that Lilith’s bloodline won’t ever be able to cause a disturbance in the celestial realm again, they are going to attempt to wipe her from existence, along with the one person who could and would stop at nothing to ensure they would never see another day of peace. The one person who, without him, would leave the Devildom vulnerable in the event of an all-out war.” 
The brothers each dropped their eyes to the floor, slowly understanding what Simeon was getting at. 
Not only would they kill Mc- but they were going to kill Lucifer too. 
“But...But...” Luke stuttered, looking amongst the brothers. "Michael's a good angel! He couldn’t...H-he wouldn’t...” 
Tears burst from Luke’s eyes, now fully unable to hold back any more. Simeon kneeled, wrapping his arms around him gently, and allowed the small angel to sob into his shoulder. Simeon glanced to Diavolo, who’s expression had become a mixture of grim anticipation, and deep anger. 
“My lord, what would you suggest our next move be?” Barbatos did his best to bite his tongue, but was holding onto his sanity by a mere thread. It was bad enough that you had to be taken and threatened with death, but to have a close friend and necessary ally suffer the same punishment made the situation all the more dire. He himself wanted to charge in and swiftly decapitate any angel that crossed his path, but he knew that running in without a plan would be foolish. "If what Simeon says is true, we are already at a major disadvantage given they have been in their grasp for nearly 5 hours. We don’t have much more time left to lose.” 
Before Diavolo could even respond, Beelzebub stepped forward, catching his attention. His normal flat expression was turned into an furious scowl, his muscles bulging under his shirt with all the tension he held in his body. The prince didn’t think he’d ever seen the avatar of Gluttony so angry before. 
“Our next move should be getting our family back, no matter what it takes.” He stated matter-of-factly, but there was a lust for blood behind his tone that neither of the royals, nor his brothers, had ever heard from the 6th born. “I’ll annihilate their entire army by myself if I have to.” 
“While I agree we should prioritize their safety before politics, we mustn’t forget that charging in without a plan only gives them the advantage.” Diavolo sighed. “Though right now, I am frankly at a loss for how to develop one that won’t just be a suicide mission.” 
Beel closed his eyes, trying to refrain from snapping on the prince. He was terrified for your wellbeing, and didn't think he could handle the uncertainty of your fate for much longer. He needed you- all of his brothers did. And they needed Lucifer too. Without both of you, his family would fall apart. No one would ever be able to recover from such a loss.
Luke stared between Beelzebub and Diavolo, almost as if he couldn’t understand what they were both saying. 
“First we should decide who will be doing what.” Simeon stated, now rising from his knees. He gestured toward Solomon to take Luke from him, who quickly scrambled to replace Simeon’s place as Luke’s support. 
Barbatos nodded. “We should establish a rendezvous point as well, in case we get separated.”
Simeon looked to Barbatos, nodding in agreement. “I think it goes without saying that Diavolo and Luke will be staying behind.” 
“What?!” Luke and Diavolo both yelled at the same time, seemingly insulted by the assertion that they would not be helping. 
“Yeah, What?” Mammon added, crossing his arms. “I understand leavin’ the Chihuahua behind, but Diavolo’s got some mad strength. He could take down 10 seraphim at once without even tryin'!" 
“Really, Mammon!? You’re going to call me a Chihuahua now?!” Luke wiped his tears, shooting Mammon a glare. 
Barbatos interjected, ignoring Luke’s annoyance at the teasing name. “But if he is injured- or worse, killed- during battle, the Devildom will be without a leader. That’s not something we can afford. We would be susceptible to both external invasion and violent anarchy amongst the lower demons.” 
“Besides, it might be helpful to have someone here to prepare a space for injuries.” Satan added, tilting his chin toward Simeon. “If his vision is right...Mc and Lucifer could be in pretty awful shape...” 
Mammon winced at the idea of Mc being hurt again, not wanting to accept it as a possible reality. 
Diavolo sighed. “Fine, we’ll stay back for now. But if things go south...” He gave Barbatos a deathly serious look, “...I will not hesitate to charge in there- full force.” 
Luke shook his head, now pulling out of Solomon’s arms and nearly groveling to Simeon. “No! Wait, I...I could talk to Michael! I could get him to s-see reason!” 
Simeon closed his eyes and sighed. “Luke, I know this is hard for you to understand, which is why it’s best if you don’t get involved.” 
“But...Mc...” Luke swallowed back more tears, looking at the floor. “I...I want to help...t-to do something...”
“I know...I know.” Simeon took a deep breath to maintain the softness in his voice. He pressed both hands to Luke’s shoulder. “But the way that you can help is holding down a place for when we come back. Please Luke...this is what I need from you.” 
Luke sniffled, hanging his head and nodding. “O-okay.” 
Simeon gave him a firm hug, solidifying that things were going to be okay. He had experienced a loss of optimism for anything for so long. He hadn't felt the ability to cling to any sort of hope to allow him to move forward. Whether it be denial, fear, anger, or just wanting to see Mc smile one last time, the feeling allowed him to be strong enough to stand as an anchor for everyone else, and to make a plan to get them both back. He needed to be a rock for everyone else, who were near the edge of panic because the two who would normally take the lead were now indisposed.  
Mc and Lucifer will be brought back alive...they had to be.
Simeon stood, resting a firm hand on Luke’s shoulder. He pointed toward the brothers, giving fervent direction of what he wanted them to do. “Beel, you will be our tank.  Belphie and Satan, you’re his backup. Your job is to neutralize anyone in our way of getting to Lucifer and Mc.” 
The three looked at each other and gave a single nod to signify that they understood.
“Levi, and Mammon- you two will help me and Barbatos get into the Celestial prison cells to search for Mc and Lucifer. We will need help getting past guards, and the more people we have searching rooms, the better. You'll take the east wing, and Barbatos and I will be on the west wing.” 
“Got it.” Mammon nodded to Levi, winding up his shoulders to stretch the muscles. "I'll wipe the floor with any crumby angel that dares to do harm to the family of the Great Mammon!"
“Solomon- You and Asmo will take up the rear. Do what you can to ensure our portal home isn’t infiltrated and that the others have first aid in the event of an emergency. You will also be our center point of contact.” 
Asmo nervously glanced to Solomon, who pressed a reaffirming hand to his shoulder. “Not a problem.” 
“For the rest of us outside of Asmo and Solomon, our meet up point should be at the treeline just south of the prison.” Barbatos added, giving a nod to Simeon for thinking through the division of the groups. “If we need to change it, Solomon and Asmo will spread the message. No one should break off from their pairs. There's safety in numbers, after all.” 
The group nodded amongst each other, now preparing for what they assumed was going to be an absolutely bloodbath, and the beginning of the end of peace between the realms.
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“Get up.” 
Lucifer groaned as the words echoed through his throbbing head. He tried to bring his awareness back- to figure out who the voice was, and where it was coming from. A swift kick to the stomach caused him to sputter, the pain pulling his consciousness back to the surface.
How long had he even been out?!
He forced his eyes open, trying to adjust to the dimly lit room he found himself in. As he tried to move his weak muscles, he found his arms restrained tightly behind his back. He looked up, trying to push his vision to convert the blurred outline into the image of the individual standing before him. 
“I said: Get. UP.” 
Lucifer snarled as the individual grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him up to his knees. He gritted his teeth as his vision adjusted to the shape of the blonde angel, who’s nose was only a few inches away from his own. 
“Stand, Demon.” Michael commanded, pulling on Lucifer’s hair again to make him stand. 
His knees buckled beneath his weight as he tried to remain standing. Eventually he was able to keep his balance, albeit barely. He hadn’t felt this groggy since Diavolo had spiked his tea with tranquilizer a few months prior. His mind wandered briefly to you, and he was desperate to know where they were holding you. He hoped that you were safe, but given the aggressive handling that Michael and the guards were treating him with, he concluded they were probably weren’t treating you much better.  Regardless, he knew he had to figure out a way out of his binds- to make sure you were safe again in his arms.
Michael snapped his fingers, signaling for two armored guards came to Lucifer’s side. They hooked their arms under his armpits and followed Michael out of the room. Lucifer swallowed hard, taking note of his surroundings. Clearly, he was in the celestial palace, but he was unsure of his specific whereabouts- that is, until he was brought before the familiar, intimidating council doors. 
He narrowed his eyes, staring daggers into the back of Michael’s head. The last time he was here was when he was begging on his knees for Michael to help him to convince father to let Lilith live. An odd sense of familiarity washed over him as Michael grasped the handles on the doors. He swallowed hard, trying to bring back his cold and confident demeanor...but the fear about whether you both would make it out of this situation alive continued to sit like a rock in his stomach, making it hard to turn away from the anxiety.
Lucifer was thrown down to his knees roughly before the council. He gritted his teeth through the pain, trying to wiggle his arms our of their binds enough to where his shoulder wasn't threatening to dislocate. He took a deep breath before looking to the judging eyes of the council, but was surprised to see only two council members other than Michael who were looking at him with glares of hatred. The rest harbored a look of shock and uncertainty.
"Lucifer. It's been too long." Michael mused sarcastically with a wicked smile as he took his place amongst the council members. “I would love to say it’s good to see you, but unfortunately the mere sight of you is very unpleasant.”  
Lucifer tightened his jaw, but said nothing.
Michael cocked his head at him, the smile turning into a teasing smirk. "Come now, you're not going to even give us a proper greeting?"
Lucifer hissed his retort. "Fuck you."
Raphael winced as Michael let out a sickening chuckle. He looked to the other council members, noticing Uriel and Saraquael with similar grotesque smiles. Gabriel, Raguel, and Remiel, however, shared in his discomfort, and tossed nervous glances amongst each other.
"Uh, Michael..." Gabriel nervously chimed in after a pause, trying his best to keep a smile on his face, though it was clearly weathered from nerves. "We...we shouldn't delay in discussing why you've brought Lucifer before us so suddenly, especially considering you didn't not get all of our approval before doing so."
Lucifer lifted an eyebrow as Michael's eyelid twitched. The archangel slowly tilted his head back to look at Gabriel, his intense eyes boring holes into the second in command. "Approval was not necessary. I made an executive decision for the safety of the Celestial realm."
Lucifer furrowed his brow. Safety? What was he talking about??
"When you discussed the revamping of the exchange program, I did not expect this to be your ulterior motive." Raguel shook his head in disapproval as he scratched his long, grey beard. "This isn't right, Michael. Send him home."
"And the human too." Remiel added, a furious look on her face. "I know many angels- including yourself- are wary of deceit from humans after what happened with Simeon, but we have no right to-"
"Silence!" Michael slammed his fists on the podium in front of him, breathing hard. The other council members snapped their mouths shut, not wanting to evoke Michael's fury. "Humans as a race are not the problem here. I've explained this to you thick headed fools 5 times already!"
Remiel gasped quietly, looking to Raguel and Gabriel for support. They said noting, only looked on in shock at Michael’s behavior.
Michael continued. "The problem is this particular human, and those who enable her. She should be exterminated for her sins... and Lucifer..."
He glanced to his former brother over the rim of his glasses, seeing his eyes go wide with panic at the acknowledgement that he wanted to have you killed.
He shook his head. "Lucifer is our second biggest threat if we are to get rid of her, and as such he should be imprisoned indefinitely at the very least- if not sentenced to suffer the same fate."
"Agreed." Uriel stated, without hesitation. "It took 5 injections of the strongest sedative we had to bring him down."
"Who knows what destruction he could cause with those brothers of his if we didn't include him in this." Saraqael glared at him, seemingly disgusted by his actions. "We should have executed all of them after their betrayal instead of letting them fall. The blood of their sister still runs through their veins, and the veins of that wretch of a human."
Michael nodded as Lucifer's lips upturned into a snarl. "His brothers will come for him, and prove just how much destruction they're capable of- but they're no match for our army." He turned back to Gabriel, shaking his head once more. "Mercy for blasphemous actions are what lead Simeon to fall in the first place. Are you suggesting you're fine with every angel turning a blind eye to grace and becoming demons themselves? That simply will not do!"
Gabriel gulped, glancing toward Lucifer and then back to Michael. "Demons are allowed to make their own decisions for how they run their realm. Lucifer having the freedom to love a human doesn't concern us at all, Michael. We have already agreed not to become politically invested in the Devildom beyond maintaining peace."
Raguel stood, mirroring Michael's intensity with his hands firmly on his podium. He had enough of Michael's dictator like order over the council, and unfairness in making such extreme decisions without their input. As the oldest member of the council and a man of tradition, he was insulted by Michael's apparent insolence and side-stepping of the parliament rules. "What you've done is akin to a declaration of war! We're you not able to set aside your petty jealousy of father's favoritism for one moment to think of the consequences of your bull-headed actions!?"
"Tch!" He stood and rounded the podium to the front of the room where Lucifer knelt. He paced in front of him, dark brown irises glaring down intensely at the eldest brother, completely ignoring Raguel's words. "Tell me: What would we have done if this human wasn't given the ring of light?"
“I hardly see what this has to do with anything.” Remiel muttered, sharing a nervous glance with Raguel.
“Just answer the question.” Michael demanded, glancing amongst the council. “Tell me what would have happened.” 
Gabriel sighed, crossing his arms. "It was told to us by the sorcerer that her pacts with the brothers would have been revoked."
Michael let out a sickening laugh. "And you believed him?"
Gabriel was taken aback by his words. "I beg your pardon?"
"Lucifer needed to die in order to go with that route. Do you really think the demon prince, had he known, would have allowed that?"
There was a pause, before the hesitant council members slowly shook their heads.
Michael nodded, lips turning upwards into a smile. "Precisely. Now, wouldn't there be an easier option that would produce the same results? And it didn't even cross any of their minds."
The room wad quiet for a moment before Michael let out a 'tsk.'
"What they should have done was dispose of the threat. She not only holds pacts with 7 of the strongest demons at their disposal and could be considered a danger to both the Celestial Realm and the Devildom in that right, but weilding that power has made the entire fabric of the universe unstable."
Michael turned to Lucifer, crossing his arms. "Now, wouldn't such a danger to the 3 world's go directly against your precious Diavolo's plans?"
Lucifer swallowed, but remained silent.
"It would." He answered for him, turning back to the council. "And yet, his love for the human resulted in them risking the stability of not just the Devildom, but the Celestial Realm and the human world as well!"
"The solution that was arrived at was a suitable one." Raguel argued. "Providing the human with the ring of light was more than a reasonable solution, And I remember that you had hidden it from the council. Even after Simeon approached us with the option, you were still vehemently against it because of your own pride."
Michael glared at the older archangel. "And what if she were to take the ring off?"
Remiel sighed. "You saw it with your own eyes, Michael. She was terrified. Why in heavens name would she do that?"
"It doesn't matter how or why." Uriel nodded toward Michael. "His point still stands that it's a possibility, and made the option a mediocre one at best."
Raphael gripped his pants tightly in his fist. He wasn't sure who to side with at this point, and kept finding himself thinking back to Luke and the interactions he witnessed between the two of you. Raphael was still indifferent toward you, considering the bias he initially came into the Devildom with, but even a week with you was enough to sway his opinion slightly in the opposite direction.
Perhaps Michael was obsessed and blinded by anger and power, like Raguel had said to him before the meeting.
"Michael...y-you've gone mad..." Gabriel shook his head in a panic. "This isn't the way father would-"
"And how are you to know what father wants!" Michael snapped back. "I am the leader of this council, and I am the direct executor of his will!"
"Enough, Michael!" Remiel shouted, now standing. "The council was elected as a whole to execute father’s will. Cease this absurdity at once, and release these two back to Devildom! They are innocent!"
"Innocent!? Hah!" Michael laughed sarcastically at her. "Even meeting Mc in real life was enough to convince me she is anything but!"
Lucifer growled in warning, wanting desperately to tell Michael to keep your name off his lips.
Michael shook his head, feeling a shiver run through his spine as he remembered his encounter with the human. The way he felt such an unnatural pull toward her made him feel so disgraceful, and only re-affirmed his mindset on how dangerous she was. "Just the way in which she was dressed told me everything about her intentions. She’s clearly well able to use manipulation and seduction to her advantage. No wonder demons and angels alike have a difficult time controlling themselves around her- clearly she's inviting them to defile her!"
"Shut your fucking mouth!" Lucifer finally spat at him, finding himself enraged at the suggestion that your state of dress they had captured you in- that was supposed to be for his eyes only- was somehow an excuse for the trauma you suffered. His eyes bore holes into Michael's as they stared each other down. Lucifer panted, snarling at him as he wrestled with his binds, wanting to beat Michael to death right there.
"Tch." Michael narrowed his eyes. "How pitiful."
"Look, Michael..." Gabriel sighed, "despite your personal feelings on the matter, this entire situation needs further discussion, both amongst the council and with father directly. Until that is done, these two are not to be harmed, and should be returned home."
"We are not doing anything to either of them as long as there is disagreement among the council." Remiel reiterated Gabriel’s words, glaring at Michael with her emerald eyes filled with fire. "That is final."
Michael let out another sickening laugh, making the opposing council members' blood run cold. Even the two who were on his side lost the smirks they displayed through the meeting at the unsettling sound of it.
"This was not a request for any stupid debate, or a vote." He smirked toward Lucifer, who continued to glare at him. "This was just a warning to you that the wheels of retribution are already moving. Her punishment was started well before this meeting, and I saw to it personally."
"Wait...what?" Raphael finally spoke, unsure of what to make of Michael’s words. He glanced uneasily toward Uriel and Saraqael, who shared in his confusion. "Y-you said you would get the councils permission before...before-"
The color drained from Lucifer's face as Michael's smile grew. He felt his stomach churn as Michael folded his arms over his chest, staring Raguel down as the realization of what he had done sunk in to everyone in attendance.
"M-Michael... what did you do to that human?" Gabriel stuttered out, completely blindsided by Michael's descent into madness. He glanced to Lucifer, seeing the Avatar of Pride barely holding on to his emotions.
Michael stayed silent, watching the horror on their faces grow with each passing second. His wicked smile told them everything they needed to know.
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chaoscheebs · 5 months
It's Midnight, Cinderella, chapter 2
(Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Fic Tag)
How did such a good night go so wrong?
Sure, it had been a little awkward at first; Otogi had promptly ditched him to flirt with (admittedly pretty hot) girls, leaving him stranded in a sea of stuffy people in suits he didn’t have the first clue how to approach on his own. But then Seto Kaiba—and boy, was it painfully obvious it was Seto Kaiba, even with the mask—approached him first! Without prompting! Because Kaiba’s apparently into the Ouji look? Regardless of why, it had been… nice. Very nice, to just leave all the drama and troubles and bad blood at the door and talk to him (flirt with him oh god why did he do that) like a normal person. Then it had led to card games in a private room and… Honestly, why should he have been surprised that it was like foreplay to Kaiba?
Leave the masks on, they silently agreed, let’s put aside real life for a while and enjoy the moment.
He could have revealed who he was at any time, but he didn’t. His thoughts were only how good it felt to be in Kaiba’s arms, how good it felt to have Kaiba’s attention on him and solely him for once in his life, how good it would feel to have those long, elegant legs wrapped around him, and thought absolutely nothing about the potential fallout afterward.
In short, Yugi Muto got carried away, thought with his dick, and that’s why he fled home as soon as Kaiba was asleep to go dye his hair back to normal at four in the morning, quietly thanking whatever deities existed that he hadn’t styled his hair like normal and left it in its natural state. No amount of trying out a different hair color would have hid that hairstyle, that’s for sure. Jounouchi’s gonna be upset that the perfect bleaching he helped Yugi with was already being covered up, but better covered up than the alternative.
Shit. The alternative. What was he going to do now, Yugi asked himself, slumping on the couch while he waited for the 20 minutes for the dye to set to be up. What if Kaiba figures out it was him? How is he going to react? Is he going to get fired? Or worse, barred from being involved with the major players in the gaming industry? Is he going to have to focus on the indie scene, or worse, have to take over the game store?! Is it too late to follow Anzu to New York and start over there?
“Yugi? What are you doing up at this hour?”
Yugi snapped out of his anxiety spiral-induced reverie at the sound of his grandpa’s voice behind him. “Wh-what are you doing up at this hour?!”
“I asked you first, m’boy,” Grandpa asked. He gingerly poked at Yugi’s dye-saturated hair, realized what he just touched, then wiped his dye-stained finger off on the towel around Yugi’s neck. “Didn’t you just change this the other day?”
“Oh, I, uh…” Yugi wracked his brain for a quick but plausible answer and mercifully found one. “I forgot I had a piercing appointment tomorrow and want to get this done now so I won’t forget about it being there and get dye in an open wound!”
Grandpa frowned, clearly still suspicious but unable to think of a good rebuttal at this hour. “More piercings? You’re certain your workplace is all right with that?”
Yugi smirked. “I have a company-wide e-mail from Seto Kaiba himself from the last time someone complained about someone getting piercings, telling all management that he, quote, ‘doesn’t care how much metal someone has in their face if it’s not impacting their ability to work, stop wasting his and everyone else’s time with this.’ Saved it to my computer and printed it out too~”
Grandpa laughed and patted Yugi’s shoulder. “Ho, ho! That’s my boy!” He paused for a moment, then let out a bit of a sigh. “Anyway, don’t forget to get some rest when you’re done with this, all right? Staying up all night isn’t good for you.”
“I will, Grandpa,” Yugi lied. Like hell he was getting any sleep when he was in panic mode like this. Thankfully, his grandfather took him at his word, but not without one more worried glance before leaving.
Once Grandpa was out of sight, Yugi started to flop down on one side on the couch, but suddenly remembered the hair dye and caught himself before the wet hair touched anything. His life was difficult enough at the moment; he doesn’t need Mom complaining about dye stains on the furniture on top of it. Again. He settled instead for slouching forward, staring at the floor, until it occurred to him to pull out his phone from his pocket and stare at that instead.
He really should talk to someone about this, but who? Anzu would commiserate with him, but it would be early afternoon for her off in New York; she’d probably be at a rehearsal or something. There’s also Jounouchi, but hearing him talk shit about Kaiba was not what Yugi needed right now. Honda, maybe? Yugi shook his head; they’re close enough, but not close enough to wake him up over this disaster. Bakura’s right out; he’s the god-king of wandering into trouble and making it everyone else’s problem himself. There’s always Hanasaki, he supposed, but he was prepping for midterms or something and did not need this added to his load either…
Finally, he asked himself, Otogi, maybe? It’s his damn fault he was even at the damn party anyway. But no, Yugi decided, remembering the circle of women surrounding the man before he went off with Kaiba. There’s no way Otogi was alone and he wasn’t interrupting that. At best, he’d get an invitation to join, and any other day that’d be tempting, but again, this was not what Yugi needed right now.
Yugi heaved a sigh and flopped backwards, leaning heavily against the back of the couch, head reclined back as far as it would comfortably go. He thought for a split second about what to do, but then he remembered. The hair dye.
He leapt to his feet and spun around to see a great big splotch of purplish pink, then bolted to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth to hopefully clean it up before it set. Dye job first, he told himself, then worry about what to do next. It’s not like he didn’t have all day to figure something out, after all.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel room, Seto Kaiba was sitting on the edge of the bed, pondering his next move.
He had been sleeping more peacefully than he had in years, but when he turned over in his sleep, his arm fell onto… nothing. The other man’s lithe form was no longer next to him, nor any trace of his warmth left in his place. A quick check of the room and adjoining bathroom proved he was no longer there, period, and a brief check of his belongings showed nothing was missing, save for his mask—he presumed the man grabbed the wrong one in his haste—and, infuriatingly enough, the business card the man had given him.
At least corporate espionage seemed to be off the table as a motive for the man’s quick retreat, Seto thought; with everything that’s happened in his life, a honeypot operation targeting him wasn’t out of the question. Not that he thought anyone would be bold enough to try, with how utterly apathetic he was about… well, being with anyone that way, to be frank.
Which, honestly, was what made this hurt, and what he was blaming for the urge to fight his cynical first impulse to let this matter drop and chalk it up to a passing whim and people being shitty yet again.
He growled quietly, running a hand through his hair. What was wrong with him; why couldn’t he just let this go as an obvious mistake, a momentary lapse of judgment? The man clearly wasn’t taking this as seriously as he was, if the bastard could just run away like this. Still, something nagged at him, something he couldn’t quite put a finger on, but he was very clearly missing something in all of this and it was absolutely infuriating.
He picked up his pants from the floor, fished out his phone, and opened a notes app. He needed a guest list, he typed into it, and started typing out a description of what the man looked like and what he could remember the man saying to him. Also, a description of the man his target was the plus one for, not that he got a terribly long or clear look at him. Still, combined with the guest list, what he did notice could be illuminating. If he could find the “date” that ditched the target, maybe he could get the target’s damned name.
For better or worse, Seto Kaiba was a man who, when his personal curiosity took over, could not be stopped until it was satisfied, and this was going to be no exception to that.
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