#i want to go back to ecuador so bad take me back
cobycobsy2k · 2 years
The diary of a frustrated CobyCobs 💔
(Disclaimer: when I wrote this blog I was very angry and sad... I really don't want to come across as rude or a jealous ex-boyfriend)
I honestly didn't want to do any more blogs talking about my personal life (because I don't like to pity, be cringey or anything like that), but my mom always says that you shouldn't keep things quiet and you should always speak up.
And here I am, to begin with, do you remember when I uploaded that I had a date with a crush?
Well, it turns out that we became boyfriends, the boy's name is "David" (This is a fake name I gave him, since his real name is a bit similar to "David"), everything was rosy, David treated me super well , he always invited me everywhere and I treated him super well. But one day I saw that he disappeared from WhatsApp, he didn't read my conversations and that worried me... I thought that David had been robbed or something worse. My friends calmed me down, they told me that everything was going to be fine and that David was fine... Days go by and I discover that David started following me on instagram (something I want to clarify is that David is from the United States and came to Ecuador to visit, it's more a friend introduced us), which scared me a bit, since I had never given him my instagram (because it's very cringe and makes me want to delete it)..
I go to his instagram account and I see a publication that said: "Enjoying with my boyfriend", in that DAMN PUBLICATION he appeared with another guy almost the same as me, but THAT GUY WAS NOT ME!!. David was cheating on me and I didn't even realize it! That put me in a very bad mood, I cried and called my friends with whom I trust a lot... In the end I blocked David from everywhere.
David, if you're watching this (although I doubt it), I want you to know that although our relationship was almost perfect and had a not very happy ending, I don't hold a grudge against you or your new boyfriend... But at least you could have explained it to me, many Thanks for everything.
And the worst thing is that here in Ecuador (well in the state/province where I live) the classes went back to being virtual. And I miss having my face-to-face classes! I swear to you guys that I can't take this anymore! I've been feeling in a really bad mood lately and I feel like I'm going to end up saying very rude things and then I'll regret it...
I am simply sad, angry, disappointed and above all very hurt by everything that happened.
I don't know if anyone is interested in knowing this or the other bullshit I post, thank you very much for reading, have a nice day and i love you guys, you are so special for me ❤✨
Sincerely CobyCobs ✨
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loving-jack-kelly · 3 years
sometimes all i want is to be back in ecuador drinking colada morada
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mio-parasite · 3 years
❤️ Monsters in Latin America ❤️
Hello very good dear community of monsters lovers how are you? I hope you do well and if not I hope that your day will improve so that everything goes well.
I want to introduce you to some (not all as there are too many) lovely monsters of Latin America, I want to spread a little about my own culture and expand the repertoire of monsters to love, care for... Etc, I hope you like this bit Latin American story any questions you have about these creatures can contact me.
And I want to apologize if my English is very bad
Well without further ado, I introduce you to these lovely monsters from Latin America.
El Athrathrao o Basilisco
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It is born in a henhouse, from a small round egg of coarse and rough cascara, of grayish white color, called lloilloy egg or lloe egg, which according to legend is believed to be laid and incubated by a rooster. If this egg is not removed, within a few weeks it will become a basilisco.
In the daytime, the basilisk chilote hides under the house of the owner of the henhouse, and at night he would come out of his hiding place while all the people sleep. At that time he would emit a hypnotic chant similar to cockcrow, which would cause people to stay asleep. After singing, he would go into the rooms to be able to feed himself, absorbing the breath and sucking the saliva of those who sleep. The affected person would lose the desire to eat, so he or she would get thinner and thinner, and his or her face would become pale. With the passage of time, a strong and persistent cough would appear and his breathing becomes more and more difficult, and finally he dies. The same thing happens with every one of the inhabitants of the house.
La Pincoya
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She is a mermaid of extraordinary beauty (with a slightly tanned white complexion and blond hair), whose job is to protect the sea, sow it and rescue the castaways.
When the pincoya dances facing the ocean, it is warning that there will be an abundance of fish and shellfish. And when you do it looking toward the coast, there will be shortages.
To be favored by it, one must be content; That is why the fishermen are accompanied by happy friends.
It is also said that if you fish or shellfish a lot in one place, the pincoya gets angry and leaves that area, which then becomes sterile. The pincoya is sometimes accompanied by her husband, the pincoya.
The mermaid lived in a huge cave and used to swim in the lagoon and the puchanquin river. From the rocks, with a whistle, he made emerge from the bottom of the waters a solid trunk of gold, which he climbed to comb his golden hair. Sometimes, during the night, he would sing haunted love songs, which no one could resist.
In addition, many people sought the woman for favors, until she disappeared from the place. It is believed that it was called cuada from the huelde lagoon to bring prosperity and abundance to distant beaches.
Since then, the waters took on the dark color they have today, and although many have tried to imitate the siren's whistle, the golden trunk is still submerged waiting for its owner.
El Muqui / Muki
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The muki, or anchancho, is a goblin in the mythology of the central andes in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia; Which is characterized by being a miner and, as such, its existence is limited to the underground space: the muqui lives inside the mine.
Its name comes from the quechua "murik" (" he who asphyxiates "). However, 'muki' also means' humidity ', so it is said to also appear in places where there is water. From puno to cajamarca, passing through pasco and Arequipa, the descriptions of this creature are always the same: it is of small stature, does not exceed half a meter. Their favorite victims are unbaptized children, whom they hide in FIG and banana trees to make one of them.
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Piwicheñ is a Mapuche voice that means "to dry people", this mythological creature is better known as Pihuchén, Piuchén or Piguchen.
It generally has the appearance of a flying snake, emitting high-pitched whistles. But also its changing appearance has something of a human, snake, bird, fish, quadruped, frog and bat. It is usually covered with grass, bushes and twisted cylinders, like hooked horns. It produces a substance so irritating that when it is transmitted through the air or water, it causes skin eruptions very similar to scabies.
It has incredible longevity, its wings grow when it has reached its mature age, in old age it transforms into a bird the size of a rooster or a young turkey, equally bloodthirsty. It has such a powerful force that it can topple large trees and raise gigantic waves that wreck ships.
He is used to living in lakes and rivers, where his presence causes panic, those who have the misfortune to contemplate him will soon die. At other times, he petrifies his victims with his intense gaze, and then sucks their blood.
Trentren Vilu y Caicai Vilu
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Trentren vilu (terrestrial snake) and caicai vilu (sea snake) are two colossal and powerful snakes that have the ability to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (trentren) and tsunamis and floods (caicai).
Legend has it that one day caicai awoke from his sleep and, seeing how ungrateful men were to the sea that gave them so much resources, unleashed his fury and used his tail to cause tsunamis and flood the earth as punishment. Trentrain, however, came to the aid of the terrestrial creatures and saved those he could on his back to put in the hills, those he could not save he turned into birds, fish and Marine mammals and drowned in sumpall. Caicai, for his part, did not stop and raised the waters even higher, to which he responded by raising the hills even higher.
Seeing this challenge, caicai attacked trentrum, thus beginning a Titanic battle that lasted for a long time until they finally ran out of strength.
By the end of the battle, the geography had changed, resulting in the numerous islands and canals of southern Chile.
Exhausted and defeated, caicai returned to sleep, leaving millalobo as ruler of the seas. For his part, trentrum also went to sleep.
However, with the passage of time, the men became ungrateful again, also causing the displeasure of trentin, who from time to time moves in his sleep causing earthquakes and eruptions, while caicai by moving his tail causes tsunamis.
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Tiger man or leopard-man, this being is a character known in northeastern Argentina and the great chaco, this arises from the great adoration of a sorcerer towards these animals and is based on the metamorphosis from human to beast, or the reverse.
The transformation of the sorcerer begins with the use of a jaguar leather and a sauma with hen's feathers. And that because of these they were given the power to shed their skins and transform into a creature half jaguar and half human. Later, they go hunting and after eating their prey they return to their human form performing the same procedure.
He is extremely aggressive and only eats human flesh, from mule or cow, he liked to loot ranches and he liked to force young women to clean it. The only way to escape from his escape is to manage to remove his hide and spit in his face because they are blind and vulnerable to attack, after death they return to their human form. This must be accompanied by bullets or machetes that are blessed but this is not all - you must behead him after killing him to make sure he does not come back to life.
La Fiura
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She has the appearance of a disgusting woman, with large breasts and tiny stature (40 to 50 cm) and long black hair. Her face has hideous features, with sparkling eyes that are almost hidden behind her huge nose. Her limbs are thin and hooked, and she has the ability to lengthen and twist them in all directions by nervously moving the misshapen fingers of her huge hands. She wears red clothes, and uses to adopt strange postures and hideous grimaces with her face.
It is said that he wanders in the woods and sneaks through the bushes, in search of the fruit of the thorny chauras, which he eats gluttonously; and people can tell that the Fiura has passed through a place by observing the depositions it leaves on the protruding roots of large trees. It is also said that taking great care, it can be observed when she carefully combs her hair with a highly polished crystal or silver comb that shines in the sun's rays, while bathing in small lakes. After bathing, she sits on the moss, and remains naked for hours or goes to dance on the scraps. It is characterized by possessing superhuman strength and by the ability to make use of the stench of its breath to twist or break the limbs of animals or people who observe it; her power being such that she can have her effects at a distance.
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The millalobo (golden Wolf) is a creature resembling a newt, with the upper part of a man and the lower part of a sea Wolf. The millalobo was born from the union between a woman and a sea Wolf which saved her from drowning during the mythical battle between trentrain vilu and caicai vilu.
Millalobo is the most powerful being of the seas after caicai, who chose him to rule the seas on his behalf.
According to chilota legend it is said that upon seeing him, caicai decided that he was a creature of his liking and chose him to delegate his power and rest after his battle with trentrain.
Millalobo lives on the seabed and rules with his family, his wife huenchula and their three children; The pincoya, the pincoy, and the mermaid chilota. Various mythological sea creatures are under his command and help him in his tasks, which range from planting and caring for the development of shellfish and fish, to managing the Marine climate; In addition to guiding and caring for the dead produced by the sea.
Millalobo is said to be the creator of the caleuche and the evil creatures of the seas also pay him respect.
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jacknosabeleer · 2 years
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MY SPANISH IN 9 ALBUMS: Revisiting my journey of learning Spanish (and earning my degree) through 9 different albums that each marked a period of my life. If you like the idea, feel free to take part using your target language and your favorite albums!
(left to right, top to bottom)
¿Dónde están los ladrones?, Shakira, 1999: The soundtrack of the summer before I left for university, worrying I would get to my first Spanish class and totally flunk out (spoiler: I did great). I used to put songs from this album on repeat and transcribe them, then translate them, and it was super helpful for my Spanish. Favorite tracks: Ciega, sordomuda, Moscas en la casa, No Creo
Latinoamericana, Alex Anwandter, 2018: A more chilled out album, and truthfully coupled with his other album Rebeldes. Brings me back to Spring semester of Freshman year and the first half of the summer before I left for Ecuador, trying my best to find new music in Spanish and achieve an 'indie' look -- so glad I've left the search for aesthetics behind hahaha. Favorite tracks: Malinche, Latinoamericana, Axis Mundi
ENCHASTRE, LOUTA, 2018: My first semester in university, accompanied by Cocteau Twins and Bjork, roaming around the streets late at night in the cold but enjoying it so much, being out of my comfort zone for an extended amount of time. I returned to it again once I moved to Ecuador and it was still so fresh. Favorite tracks: Palmeras, Todos con el Celu, Chocolate
El Madrileño, C. Tangana, 2021: My current soundtrack, among many albums! Preparing to move to Spain and finally shaking off those old negative feelings with regards to my language abilities. Favorite tracks: Párteme la cara, Nominao, Cambia!
X 100PRE, Bad Bunny, 2017: The soundtrack for the summer before I left for Ecuador! Reminds me of waking up before the sun and riding my bike through the countryside, dancing in my room alone, and cleaning the kitchens when I worked as a dishwasher saving up money to go abroad. Favorite tracks: Tenemos que hablar, La Romana, MIA
Amor Prohibido, Selena, 1994: Chronologically, this is the first album to enter my life. My mom was a HUGE Selena fan when I was a kid, and I'd always try to sing along in the car, even before I knew Spanish. Favorite tracks: Amor Prohibido, Fotos y Recuerdos, El Chico del Apartamento 512
Entre el Cielo y el Suelo, Mecano, 1986: Representative of early 2021, this album makes me think of walking around empty streets worried about COVID, studying the Generación de 98, and waiting for warmer weather. It's also the soundtrack for when my intellectual interests also started to come together and I decided I wanted to go to graduate school for sure. Favorite tracks: Ay, qué pesado, Hijo de la luna, 50 palabras, 60 palabras o 100
Destellos, CLUBZ, 2018: My pandemic album. Makes me think of long pandemic drives, California, and my biiiig chill playlist (called Axis Mundi), because this album was a HUGE part of it. Favorite tracks: Áfrika, Nagano, Templos
Sí, Julieta Venegas, 2003: I don't know WHEN, but one of my friends went on an hour long rant about how much they LOVED Julieta Venegas, and since then, this album has formed a part of my music taste. Makes me think of cleaning the house on Sunday mornings and smiling in the mirror while getting ready, just such a fun album. Love the MTV unplugged versions of songs too!! Favorite tracks: Lento, Algo está cambiando, Mala Memoria
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1976
The X-Men, those fiery mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 97 - 102) - by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum
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If I ever participate in Drag Race, this will be my entrance look. (“Hear me, bitches! No longer am I the woman you knew! I am fierce! I am fashion incarnate! Now and forever, the winner of season 27!” *mugs at camera* ) (X-Men 101)
It really amazes me how quickly Claremont shifts things into high gear. One year in and he absolutely does not calm down, giving us both the Shi’ar, more Sentinels and the (motherfucking) Phoenix. SO LET'S GOOOO
You’d think that, as a telepath, Charles would be used to dreaming absolutely twisted shit, surfing everybody else´s freaky dream waves, but apparently, vividly dreaming of space is so exhausting that he needs a vacation.
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To be fair, I’d be exhausted too if I dreamt of schizo space bugs on detailed splash pages. Get into it, Mr. Cockrum. (X-Men 97)
Meanwhile, Alex and Lorna have absconded to the sizzling Rio Diablo to work on their doctorates. It’s unclear what they’re studying (archaeology?) and where this Rio Diablo is (Panama, Chili, Ecuador?), but considering that Rio means River, I’m unsure whether drawing a dry dry desert is the appropriate setting. But hey, this was the pre-Google era and you’re not here for topographical nitpicking, so.
Lorna is shot by an unknown assailant and continues the long, long history of Polaris being mentally overtaken by other entities. Together with the equally not-himself Havoc, they travel back to NYC and attack the plane Xavier is boarding. The X-Men battle them, until it is revealed that these former not-quite-X-Men are in league with… Eric the Red?
Scott is all: But I was Eric the Red! Also, Eric the Red does not exist!
Xavier escapes, apparently not giving a fuck that all kinds of X-Men are demolishing the JFK airport, but the still-evil Havok and Polaris also get away. The X-Men are shook!
Some time later, The X-Men celebrate X-Mas at Rockefeller Square, where Claremont skips some steps in favour of narrative expediency. Moira and Sean are apparently in a relationship, Jean and Storm are the best of friends. It’s some pretty rough telling, not showing, but we’ll allow it, but only because the Storm/Jean-friendship is one of my favourite things.
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What, you think only the movies indulged in Lee/Kirby-cameos? (X-Men 98)
Anyway, Jean and Scott are attacked by the Sentinels, who continue their trend of being way too sneaky for supersized racist robots! Xavier is kidnapped on his boat trip with super-duper scientist Peter Corbeau (seriously, he has two Nobel Prizes), while they steal away Jean, Sean and Logan in NYC. When they come to, there’s some gloating from Stephen Lang.
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Jean Grey being a literal pin-up while delivering nazi-burns is such a big middle finger to everything she was in the sixties and I am here for it. (X-Men 98)
When the three kidnapped X-Men make a break for it and escape the Sentinel’s clutches, they burst through a wall, only to be greeted by the cold vacuum of space! They’re not on Earth at all: they’re on a formerly SHIELD space station! GASP! (literally)
In secret, Peter Corbeau, inventor of sliced bread, helps the X-Men back on Earth board a space shuttle, where Colossus remembers his brother Mikhail (objectively the worst Rasputin), a kosmonaut who died at the launch of another spacecraft. It’s another Future Plotline Seed©.
The X-Men dodge solar storms which sounds like a made-up contrivance but aren’t, while the Sentinels try to destroy the shuttle. In what the kids these days call a pro-gamer move, the X-Men instead ram the space station and go through to these apparently sub-par Sentinels like Magma through butter. Kurt’s showmanship and Colossus’ loyalty are highlighted, while Cyclops becomes more robotic and repressed the more Jean is in danger.
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Colossus’ secondary mutation is apparently BEING THE BIGGEST DORK. (X-Men 99)
Scott almost kills Stephen Lang, but then Stephen throws his ace in the hole at them: THE OLD X-MEN? This reveal throws us right in the hallmark one hundredth issue!
And, look. Stephen, this is just a terrible plan. Instead of using most of your budget on making more impressive Sentinels, you blow half of it on making janky X-Men clones to… what? Confuse the real X-Men?
It works for a hot minute, but Kurt and Ororo quickly figure out something is wrong. This Beast, for example, isn’t hairy and this Jean doesn’t remember being in Storm’s confidence. Wolverine is the first to snap: acting on instinct, he kills ‘Jean’, proving she’s an android.
Stephen Lang, foiled by the X-Men’s logical thinking skills (which, to be fair, are notoriously unreliable), spews some hatred and accidentally blows himself up. Nothing of value is lost.
Too bad the X-Men can’t return to Earth: their space shuttle is too damaged. I actually love this: going to space is kind of a big deal for most people and the fact that the X-Men have trouble because they’re stranded in space lends them a kind of vulnerability that has been lost over the recent years. Jean steps up to the plate, herds the other X-Men into the protected life cell and assumes the pilot seat of the shuttle. This is after zapping Cyclops into unconsciousness and telling the other X-Men to kindly fuck off when they try to stop her.
As the X-Men descend onto the Earth, Jean’s telekinesis isn’t enough to protect her as she’s engulfed by solar flares. OR IS SHE?
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Nothing funny. All of these panels are just beautiful. Forget those robot copy X-Men, this is why this issue is worthy of being the hundredth one. (X-Men 100)
The space shuttle crashes, rolls over JFK airport before dunking in the water. The X-Men emerge, safe, sound and very lucky and then, defying all odds, Jean emerges as the Phoenix. Fire, life incarnate, etc.
After a brief but melodramatic burst of energy, Jean collapses into unconsciousness and is hospitalized. Wolverine intends to bring her flowers (aw!), before throwing them out when he realizes the gal’s taken, establishing the X-Men’s most famous love triangle. (You can fuck right off with your Scott/Jean/Warren-bullshit.)
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I’m not sure what my favorite thing is here: the absolutely bonkers everybody’s-elated-panel (special mention to Kurt’s boots and his bounce) or the subtle character beat where Kurt goes all heart-of-the-team and checks on Scott, who turns out to be not so stoic. (X-Men 101)
Charles orders all the X-Men (except Scott) to go on vacation, so he can take care of Jean. Like, Charles, you’d think they could just go hang out at the X-Mansion. Instead, they go to Ireland because Sean has conveniently inherited the ancestral Cassidy Keep.
All the X-Men dress up fancy for a welcoming feast, and it seems Kurt and Ororo are flirting? But sometimes, it also seems like Ororo and Piotr are flirting? Listen, I’m not judging: I love these polycule vibes from the early X-Men. Especially because neither Kurt nor Ororo have had particularly satisfying romantic plotlines for the past 20 years.
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I’m not here to insinuate nothing, but last time I said “I enjoy being with both of you”, it ended up in a spitroast. (X-Men 101)
The soiree is interrupted by… THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH, and Black Tom, Sean Cassidy’s evil cousin. They are hired by an unknown someone to kill the X-Men! Since nobody subtle is involved, they quickly wreck the castle and everybody tumbles into the dungeons. (Local news paper reports: gay power couple harasses ill-dressed American tourists.)
This story is mostly a vehicle to tells Ororo’s backstory: Storm, one of the few who could conceivably put up a fight to Cain Marko, feels caged by the cold rocks of Cassidy Keep and is incapacitated by her claustrophobia.
Back in the USA, Charles, who’s heard Storm’s mental anguish, is furious with Scott because he doesn’t hop in a plane to save the other X-Men, even though Scott correctly points out that he’ll never get there in time if he leaves now. Meanwhile, Jean awakens, convinced she somehow brought herself back to life. Yeah, you go girl.
While the rest of the X-Men fight the evil duo in Ireland, Claremont tells Storm’s backstory in a few gorgeous spreads.
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“I could write a novel about Storm’s backstory.” “You get two pages.” “Deal.” (X-Men 102)
Another classic comics trope appears here, where family members are immune to one another’s powers. I have no idea how Black Tom is immune to Banshee’s sonic scream - he has ears.
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Does Black Tom just have a voice in his ears going NEENER NEENER NEENER when Sean screams? (X-Men 102)
When Storm finally pulls herself back together, it’s too late: the Juggernaut has pummeled the other X-Men into a paste and she also falls to his onslaught. IS THIS THE END OF THE X-MEN?!
Other things introduced this year:
Kurt’s image inducer, which he abuses to look like Errol Flynn. (I would abuse it to look like an amalgam of Milo Ventimiglia (ca. Gilmore Girls) and Timothée Chardonnay. OR like Emmy Raver-Lampman.)
The fastball special!
All kinds of name confusion: Lorna is Polaris, Havok is sometimes Havoc and Piotr becomes Peter.
Best new character: Phoenix. Hit me with that iconic shit.
What to read: The Stephen Lang arc is not fully necessary, just read issue 100 and 101. Don’t skip issue 102 if you want to know all about Storm’s past.
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papipopsicle · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: In which Y/N keeps bumping into various Avengers on missions, sometimes to their benefit and others not so much. As Bucky finally decides to go back into the field, he comes face to face with a ghost from his past life.
Song: Death Valley by Fall Out Boy
Warnings: swearing, general lack of morals
Words: 2.4K
feedback is always appreciated
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     "You sure about this, Buck?" Steve asked, willing his reassuring nature onto the stoic man sat next to him. They were eight minutes from the drop sight in south Ecuador and only Gamora was joining them on the mission.
There was no way in hell he planned on backing out now.
James Buchanan Barnes no longer held the mantle of the Winter Soldier, but ever since Shuri, Princess of Wakanda, extracted the programming in his brain, he remembered everything. At first it was like puzzle pieces, fleeting memories and nightmares that he couldn't quite put together. But the last fifty years slowly found its way back. And the twenty before that of torture too.
Every bullet.
Every last breath.
Every tortured soul he killed for Hydra. And the lives he was forced to steal, forced to work along side with.
Wanda found out rather quickly his mind wasn't a happy place to venture into. She cried herself to sleep that night.
It took a long time for Bucky to realise his body was no longer a weapon, and longer to even begin trusting his prosthetic limb off the battlefield.
This was only a minimal risk mission; a group of young inhumans had been wreaking havoc for the past few weeks, Friday had been tracking them and noticed they were meeting a large arms dealer in Amazula tonight. Fairly simple. The enhanced individuals would be handed over to Agent Johnson's task-force while any weaponry will be confiscated by the CIA under Tony Stark's surveillance. All the trio had to do was detain the inhumans. Easy.
"Sure," Bucky responded slowly and shrugged his shoulders, "about time I got off my ass, right?"
"You can wait here if you don't feel up to it." The Zehoberei woman replied while picking at her nailbeds, voice dripping with sarcastic sympathy. Admittedly, she enjoyed the presence of these two no nonsense men, but their friendship made them worry too much and she didn't have the patience for it.
Gamora released the hangar door and without waiting for the super soldiers to respond, she jumped. Steve rushed to the edge and rolled his eyes as she landed perfectly a hundred feet below them. Once the quinjet had actually landed, the three stealthily made it to the warehouse unnoticed.
"Eyes on the kids, all five are headed down the north corridor." Bucky stated plainly over the communication device hidden in his right ear, still unable to comprehend how a pair of goggles allowed him to see through steel walls. He stayed crouched down low in the overhead railings, his large figure hidden with ease from any surveillance equipment.
Only a few seconds could passed before his ears were assaulted by a string of curse words from the alien woman, even more surprised that Steve hadn't reprimanded her for the foul language.
"Gamora?" The Captain questioned, launching out of his position in pursuit of his endangered teammate. When he arrived though, the scene before him made his eyes hurt from rolling them so hard, a simple "Not you again." fumbling from his lips.
Bucky calmed at the annoyed tone, having scrambled out of his hiding space with surprisingly the same amount of stealth. His heart was erratic, thinking it was a code red, but his steps slowed to a jog as soon as he registered they weren't in any kind of peril.
Y/N grinned up at the man in his usual navy stealth suit, watching his irritated expression tauntingly, "You missed me really, Rogers."
She'd arrived after Gamora, finding the kids tied to a post by the green woman with illuminated ropes. The mercenary began undoing their bounds, but was soon interrupted by their capturer and eliminated the threat with great skill.
Y/N stabbed Gamora in her thigh, her copper dagger dripping with blood as she twirled it between her fingertips.
Bucky rounded the corner and entered the open warehouse, finding his friend jogging over to the scene several feet ahead. Steve began assessing Gamora's wound and was quickly shoved off by the warrior, who simply stood and wiped her leg down as if it was dust and not blood.
Bucky stood frozen. It felt all too surreal - the flicker of orange hair, the bright teal suit which was anything but stealthy, and the familiar scarred tissue surrounding her magnificent hazel eyes. She was anything but a ghost, though he felt a soul step through his being.
"Buck? A little help?" Steve pushed, watching his friend move towards the group of teens without taking his eyes off of the annoying mercenary. He'd met her on numerous missions throughout the past couple of years, mostly getting in the way of things and a handful of times even aiding them.
"Buck?" Y/N mocked in the Captains authoritative tone, "What kind of name is that? What's it short for? Buckbert?"
Bucky blinked, forgetting all about the young inhumans, "Buchanan, actually."
"James? What in the fuck are you doing here?!" Y/N recognised his voice instantly, the gravelly pitch unrivalled by anyone else on this planet. She stopped fiddling with the electrified rope and spun on her heel, finding the first Winter Soldier mere meters from where she stood.
The mercenary slid her blade back into its sheath on her hip, sprinting over to her former partner and before anyone knew what was happening, her body enveloped his. Y/N squeezed him so tightly he thought is eyes may just bug out, but with Steve and Gamora's astonished expressions watching him, he returned the embrace. It was familiar, and Bucky didn't know whether that should be a good thing or a bad one.
"I'm sorry, actually I'm not. Care to explain how you know the asshole who just put a hole in my leg?" The Zehoberei woman seethed, checking the detainees were still detained before marching over to the pair.
"Yeah, not that this reunion isn't..." Steve trailed off, motioning towards the two still embracing. Bucky eye rolled his friend, letting the mercenary drop from his body but keeping his arm around her, "whatever it is, but why is it a reunion in the first place? Please don't tell me you two used to-"
"Fuck?" Y/N scoffs at the insinuation, knowing she'd hit the nail on its head when Captain America turned the same colour as his shield, "In his dreams, maybe."
"Y/N used to work for Hydra every now and again." The super soldier intervened, watching her wounded eye twitch from the corner of his vision, "Even when she wasn't, she'd follow my missions and find work in the same countries."
"Until I stepped in one day when his handler was being especially dickish and got myself this as a memento." She signalled to her paled scar with a sad smile, "I'd lost you for a while there, but it's good to have you back, James."
Steve couldn't believe how casual their conversation was, but instead of finding the answers he so desperately wanted, he had a role to play, "Is she going to be an issue?" Is all he could ask.
Y/N frowned at his no nonsense attitude, he usually threw a couple sarcastic remarks for her to bat back before getting on track with his mission. She looked up at Bucky with the same expression, arms crossed and eyes rolling as she begrudgingly shook her head. If it wasn't for her old acquaintance, the mercenary would've figured out a small way to annoy America's golden boy.
"Not this time, at least." The metal armed man reassured his childhood friend, who was getting the group of inhumans ready for the inhibitor pod on the quinjet. Gamora was busy glaring Y/N down, throwing her own blade up into the air a few times before charging at the human woman with no fear.
"What the-" Y/N screamed as the alien's dagger became the only thing her eyes could see, and without any other option, she climbed Bucky like a tree. Her torso hugging his face and her legs wrapped around his neck, "I'm sorry, pretty green lady!"
The super soldier, slightly unsure of what was happening, unarmed his teammate and shook Y/N off his shoulders. She fell to the grass with a small thud, quickly getting to her feet and backing away from the seething warrior.
"Let me stab her, it's only fair!" Gamora demanded, struggling in Bucky's vibranium grip. At this point, Steve had already transported the enhanced teens onto the quinjet and had come back to inspect and take inventory of the weaponry, only to find this scene playing out in front of him.
"I said I'm sorry!" She definitely wasn't, and although she didn't know the green woman, she knew it wouldn't end well if her apathy shone through. While Bucky held her back, Y/N knew this was her chance to dip out. After all, she was only here as a favour for a friend, it certainly wasn't worth getting injured over. But, against all better judgement and knowledge of stabby people, the mercenary decided to stay for a while longer.
"See, she's apologised, she didn't mean it." Bucky reasoned, pleading eyebrows raised at Gamora. His body didn't know whether to go into shock or revert to the way it used to react around Y/N, and got stuck between the two. He remembered so much of her; her squeaky laugh and scrunched nose at her own sardonic jokes, the dark chestnut hair lying under her luminous wig, her soft lips kissing his at the end of a mission. It came rushing back like blood to a sleepy limb.
"Alright, alright." Steve interjected, not wanting to escalate the situation, "Let's not forget why we're here." He eyed the merc specifically.
"Pffft," She batted her hand towards him passively, no longer in imminent danger as the green woman stood with her arms crossed, "you can have this one, Golden Boy. Something else has taken my interest."
Y/N made a mental note to buy Wade something to apologise for not getting the guns and ammunition he wanted. He wouldn't really care, probably moved onto some other enemy already. Steve began closing the crates of various weaponry, not caring for the young merc until he heard her voice ring, "Mind if I hitch a ride with you guys, if you're heading back to New York."
"Sure." Bucky insisted.
"We aren't-." Steve objected, glaring over at his best friend before amending his words, "Fine. Just don't mess with anything."
Gamora found the woman intriguing, so laid back yet clearly on a dark path. If they'd met under different circumstances, she would've welcomed another strong and calculating female into her life suffocated by testosterone. But the Zehoberei warrior's leg still seeped with blood, aching with each step, so she wasn't ready to give in so quickly.
They all made the walk back onto the quinjet fairly quickly, passing by the white pod which inhibited each of their powers without causing them any harm. Y/N had never been on such a technical aircraft before, amazed by all the lights and buttons. But Steve swatted her hand away before she could find out what they did, "Sit down and stay out of trouble."
"So, you been doing okay, James? Back in the real world, I mean." Y/N slumped down on the seat next to Bucky's frame. She unhooked her tactical belt and slid off the bright ginger wig, slinging it on the metal cabinet beside her.
Bucky eyed her up, finding her raised scarred brow oddly endearing, "Not at first, a lots changed since the forties." He nudged her shoulder as a sad look appeared on her face, "I'm alive though, been going to therapy. This is my first field mission, actually."
"Looks like my bad timing's paid off this time, then." Y/N looked up at him sincerely, finding familiar icy eyes staring into her own. He had changed so much, and not at all in the same breath. She'd never seen a smile on his lips before, usually covered by a mask during missions, yet it suited him so beautifully. He'd brushed his shoulder length hair behind his ear, watching his jaw clench and relax.
They chatted back and fourth about the past few years, no boundaries or judgements held in the space between them. Y/N actually did research about a customers background before accepting their offer, targeting her homicidal rage towards sex traffickers whenever she got the chance. She still held no permanent home, currently residing in an abandoned apartment a dozen blocks away. The super soldier offered that she could stay with him if she ever wanted, used to her company and lax attitude.
"Thanks James, I'll keep that in mind." She hopped down from the hangar's opening, marvelling at the acres of land surrounding the Avengers facility. Steve and Gamora had left a while ago, briefing Agent Johnson on the inhumans. So it was just the two of them, a warm wind flowing through their hair. Y/N stepped behind him, tying his hair half up in a pony tail to stop it from getting in his eyes.
"Thanks, Y/N/N." He beamed down at her, "It's been good having you around again, hopefully it doesn't take a bunch of rebel inhumans for us to see each other again."
"It better not." She smirked, a fuzzy feeling sitting in her stomach as her nickname left his lips like a melody, "Now since this little mission was a success on your part, I feel it's only fair we honour our tradition. Especially since it's been your first in a long time."
Bucky didn't even want to waste time responding with words, his cool metal hand finding it's way to her neck pulling her closer. Their eyes both fluttered shut, Y/N pulled herself up onto her tiptoes just as he leant down enough to bridge the gap. Her body shuddered all over as she felt him return the kiss and his free hand grip her waist ever so tightly.
Bucky broke away first, noticing the lust blown look in his little mercenary’s eyes as she blinked innocently up at him. After a beat, she hid her head in his chest, only for him to kiss the top of her head. “Don’t be a stranger, Y/N/N.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” Y/N giggled, pulling away just enough to look up at the tall super soldier, “I can honestly say it would be my pleasure to fuck with Tony Stark and his band of merry men.”
“Invite me on your next job so we can do that again.”
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weirdestbooks · 3 years
Secret States Chapter 7
An Uncomfortable Conversation
Panama POV
Spanish Empire is an asshole. If that's surprise to anyone, they obviously don't know any history from a country colonized by the Spanish Empire. And he colonized a lot of countries. Spanish Empire, my asshole of a father, having other children wasn't a surprise. I don't see how it would be.
And unfortunately, hearing about Florida being abused by Spanish Empire wasn't surprising. Spanish Empire hurt a lot of his children. He loved power, and the gold our lands had, and along with his hatred for our native people, it was a perfect recipe for his colonies to be hurt by him.
"Hola todos." (Hello everyone) Florida said as he walked over to us, his snake, Algodón, wrapped around his arm.
"Hola. ¿Porqué tienes un serpiente?" (Hello. Why do you have a snake?) I asked Florida. This seemed like something Australia would do, not an American state.
"¿Y es venenoso?" (And is it venomous?) Honduras added on, looking at the snake with slight fear in his eyes.
"Sí!" (Yes) Florida responded.
"¿Que? ¿Porqué trajiste un serpiente venenoso a una junta? ¿No tienes miedo que lastimé alguien?" (What? Why would you bring a venomous snake to the meeting? Aren't you afraid of hurting someone?) Nicaragua asked.
"No. El esta bien. Lo tuve por muchos años y no ha lastimado nadie." (No, he's fine. I've had him for years and he hasn't hurt anyone.) Florida said, before giving us a confused look, "¿No que tienen junglas en sus países? ¿Porqué les dan miedo un serpiente?" (Don't most of you have jungles in your countries? Why are you afraid of a snake?)
"Bueno, sí, pero no buscamos criaturas venenosas." (I mean, we do, but we don't actively seek out venomous creatures.) Peru said.
"Guau, eres aburriendo." (Wow. You're boring then.) Florida said. I began laughing at Florida's blunt statement toward Peru, who looked offended.
"¡Florida! Compórtate bien!" (Florida! Be nice!) Louisiana said, smacking Florida on the backs of the head.
"Ay. No me tenías qué pegar." (Ow. You didn't have to hit me.) Florida muttered back. Rico rolled his eyes.
"Este es una familia tan violenta." (This is such a violent family.) He muttered, smiling.
"We make up America Rico. Did you expect us not to be?" Guam said walking up next to him.
"Esperaba que lo estuvieras. Eres un activó militar importante o lo qué sea." (I expected you to be. You're a major military asset or whatever.) Rico said.
"Yeah. Don't really know what you said, but I know it had something to do with the military. But Sam does a lot of stuff for the military to, so it's not just me, you son ba bi tsi." Guam told him. Mariana smacked her twins head.
"Guåhan! Be nice!" She said. I guess Mariana was the nicer twin out of the two of them. Guam rubbed her head.
"Rico, you're right. People in this family are violent." Guam said. Rico began laughing as Mariana rolled her eyes.
"Hu guaiya hao lokkue'." Mariana muttered with a smile. I didn't know what language Mariana and Guam were speaking, but they seemed to prefer it to Spanish, and seemed to not understand Spanish. Did they forget it? Or did they just not learn it to annoy Spanish Empire?
"So, what are we bonding over? The general fact that our shared dad is a troud chi?" Louisiana said.
"Sí, obviamente. Yo solo llegue para maldecir al Imperio Español y enseñar el mundo el verdadero poder del Florida Man." (Yes, obviously. I came here to cuss out Spanish Empire and unleash the true power of Florida Man on the world) Florida said, smiling.
"Esto es mi consejo. No lo hagas." (Here's my advice. Don't.) Puerto Rico responded.
"Rico! You're harshing my mellow man!" Florida said. Rico raised an eyebrow as he gave Florida a weird look.
"Why the fuck would you say that." He said.
"You sound like Cali when they were in their surfer phase." Mariana said.
"What do you mean were?" Guam asked. Mariana snorted and looked over to California.
"Good point."
"Como quiera, quieres ayudarme hacerle una broma a Cuba. Estamos en el medio de un 'Guerra de Bromas' en este momento." (Anyway, want to help me prank Cuba. We're in the middle a prank war right now.) Puerto Rico said, turning back to us.
"Siempre lo eres." (You always are.) Florida muttered again, pulling out a jar of spaghetti sauce.
"Yo no empezará una 'Guerra de Bromas' con Cuba." (I would rather not start a prank war with Cuba.) El Salvador said.
"¡Voy hacer lo!" (I will!) Dominican Republic said, smiling.
"Por supuesto que tú lo vas a hacer. Yo recuerdo cuando todos éramos colonias. Ustedes islas les encantaban haciendo bromas entre ustedes." (Of course you will. I remember when we were all still colonies. You islands loved pranking each other.) Chile remarked.
"Era mas una competencia para ver quien era le mejor isla. En el Caribe al menos. Habría sido todos los territorios insulares españoles, pero tengo mucho miedo a Guam." (It was more of a competition to see who the best island was. In the Caribbean at least. It would be all of the Spanish island territories, but I'm very afraid of Guam.) Rico said.
"Thanks Rico. Can we switch back to English though. My Spanish isn't that good." Guam said.
"Why not?" Costa Rica asked. Guam smirked and Mariana sighed.
"Guåhan didn't bother remembering how to speak Spanish after she became an American territory. It's her way of getting back at Spanish Empire." Mariana explained.
"Yet somehow she remembers the curse words." Louisiana muttered. Florida laughed as he covered his snake with spaghetti sauce. I wanted to ask what he was going, but I was afraid of the answer.
"That's Guam for you!" He said smiling.
"Florida what the fuck are you doing?" Argentina asked.
"Relax. No one will get hurt. I just have to get back at Cuba for pranking me." Florida said.
"How are you not concerned by your, our brother covering a snake in spaghetti sauce?" Guatemala asked. The American state shrugged.
"We've learned it best not to question him and just get him some form of supervision. Or Ohio." Mariana said. Florida laughed. I heard a commotion coming from where Mexico and her children were sitting and looked over in that direction. Wait.
"Mexico had children. Does that mean we're, like, aunts and uncle?" I asked the states.
"Oh shit. I hadn't though of that." Venezuela muttered. Guam shrugged, while Rico furrowed his eyebrows.
"I think they said they weren't going to consider anyone who is technically a child of Spanish Empire as being related to them, mainly just because that means we," Mariana said, gesturing to the other American state, "Would be their aunts/uncles, and they though that was weird because we're also their siblings."
"I'm doing the same thing with France. After than pitin sold me, I wanted nothing to do with her as her sœr. That kind of relationship is over. And I don't really want to form any kind of relationship with her until she shows me she is truly sorry for what she did to me." Louisiana explained.
"You like disowning people." Columbia remarked. Florida laughed again.
"Our dad, America, that is, literally disowned his entire family during his revolution. It's a family trait." Florida told us smiling.
"You're not going to disown us, or refuse to accept us as family, are you?" Ecuador asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"Åhe'." Guam said. Ecuador blinked.
"Umm, is that a yes or a no?" Bolivia asked.
"It's a no." Mariana explained. There was suddenly yelling, and I looked over to see California and Texas arguing.
"Ugh. Ignore those two. They like picking fights Popá and Del will take care of it." Louisiana said, pinching the bridge of her nose. I watched as America and Delaware calmed down the two fighting states before turning back to the group.
"Any other questions?" Rico asked. Paraguay raised her arm.
"Is America good to you? I mean I know he punched Spanish Empire-"
"And earned my respect." Argentina cut her off. Argentina did hate Spanish Empire, but honestly, most of us did.
"Shut up Argentina. Anyway, you guys don't get hurt by him, right?" She finished.
"Don't worry. Padre doesn't hurt us. He's not like Spanish Empire." Florida said.
"Well that's good. It's be very bad if you went from one bad situation to another." Uruguay said. Mariana rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, America rushed out of the room.
"Oh fuck. What's happening now?" Guam muttered.
———————————————————————— America POV
I turned and looked at my family after my kids went to reunite with their biological families. And whatever you would consider Netherlands and Sweden to be to Delaware and New York. My family had to have a lot of questions.
This wasn't a conversation I ever wanted to have. How could I explain everything, all the hurt and pain they and others caused to my children, the secrets, me hiding my real personality, my insomnia, and everything else I kept secret. Those were all problems I have to deal with on my own. They shouldn't have to worry about me. They'll just baby me. I have to take care of my children and myself. They shouldn't have to.
And what if I messed it up? What if they hated me because I kept it all a secret? What if they hated my real personality, the smart, anxious, self-doubting, and self-hating person I was? I acted like I was stupid, and had an incredibly large ego because that's what everyone expected of me. And when I act like how they expect me to, they don't look any further into me.
I wanted to tell my family, but many of my children made it clear they didn't like that idea. And I couldn't just tell the countries about the children that wanted other countries to know they were alive because they would figure out I had more children.
I had to keep them secret. It's what they wanted. But what if my family didn't see it that way?
My children mentioned a crisis in the 1860s to the countries. I didn't want to bring up my civil war. That was a horrible period of time that I hated mentioning. I knew Uncle England would keep my civil war a secret as well. He knows how horrible they are.
"E hōʻoki i ka noʻonoʻo ʻana i nā mea e Pāpā.  Inā mālama nui lākou iā ʻoe, e ʻae lākou iā ʻoe inā he aha.  Nānā ʻole i ka hoʻopunipuni o ke kanaka āu i hōʻike ai iā lākou.  E noho i lalo, e kamaʻilio me kou ʻohana, a hōʻike iā lākou i ka United States maoli o ʻAmelika. " (Stop overthinking things Dad. If they truly care about you, they'll accept you no matter what. Regardless of how fake the personality you presented to them was. Now sit down, talk to your family, and show them the real United States of America.) Hawaii said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Maopopo iaʻu ʻo Hawaiʻi.  ʻO ia wale nō ... " (I know Hawaii. It's just...) I started, trailing off and taking a slightly shaky breath. I looked over at my family, who were looking confused and curious. Probably about me and Hawaii's conversation. But the staring just made me more anxious.
"E hoʻolaki wau iā ia!  E inaina mai lākou iaʻu a i ʻole ... a i ʻole ... a i ʻole ... kekahi mea.  Ua hūnā wau iā lākou.  ʻAʻole wale ʻoe a me kou mau kaikaina, akā ʻo koʻu ʻano, koʻu ʻeha, a me nā mea hou aku.  Manaʻo lākou ua ʻike lākou iaʻu, ʻaʻole naʻe.  He aha inā e inaina lākou i ka ʻoiaʻiʻo iaʻu? " (I'm going to screw it up! They're going to hate me or...or...or...something. I kept so much secret from them. Not just you and your siblings, but my personality, my pain, and so much more. They think they know me, but they don't. What if they hate the real me?) I spewed out to Hawaii, who smiled.
"A laila ʻaʻole pono ʻoe e mālama iā lākou ma ke ʻano he ʻohana.  Inā hōʻeha ka pili ʻana iā lākou, ʻaʻole pono ʻoe e mālama iā lākou a puni.  Hana i ka mea maikaʻi loa nāu e Pāpā.  ʻO wau pū kekahi me ʻoe i nā ala a pau. " (Then you don't have to keep them as your family. If being related to them hurts you, you don't have to keep them around. Do what's best for you Dad. I'll be with you all the way.) Hawaii said.
"Mahelo e Hawaii." (Thank you Hawaii.) I responded. I mentally prepared myself for the questioning before looking over to my family. I raised an eyebrow.
"You can ask questions you know." I said. Australia immediately stood up.
"Why didn't your states want us to know about them?" He asked. I sighed. That was a complicated question. All the states were different, and it was hard to put them all in one category. I ended up shrugging.
"I don't know. My kids all have their own, widely different, reasons. I do know that a main part that convinced my kids to keep themselves secret was them." I said, pointing towards Uncle England, Canada, and Dad.
"I...I...I'm sorry." Canada said. I wish Canada would stop blaming himself for the War of 1812. The only people at fault were me and Dad. We just dragged Canada into it.
"1812 wasn't your fault. Besides, I burnt down your capital first." I told him. Canada got himself mixed up into my messes way too much. He didn't need to blame himself for the messes.
"That still didn't stop me from helping burn down your capital. Or stop me from stabbing you." Canada muttered.
"You stabbed Ame?" Maman and Australia asked. Australia sat back down in his chair and put his head in his hands.
I winced, thinking back to that memory, of the White House burning, D being stuck in the building, and the flames burning my skin. I pushed those memories aside. It's not something I wanted to think about, especially after what happened earlier this year.
"I'm fine now. We were both really upset with each other. Besides, I tried to kill both Dad and Uncle England during my Revolution, so it's not like it's the first time this family's tried to kill each other." I told them, think back to Breed's Hill when I broke Uncle England's jaw with a musket.
Uncle England flinched and held his jaw, so he was probably thinking back to the same memory. Dad's eyes held a lot of pain in them. While I may have un disowned my family, none of us have tried to talk about any of the pain caused by my Revolution. We haven't worked out anything on forgiving each other for specific things we did to each other. We agreed to put the Revolution aside, but we never tried to fix their pain caused by it.
We probably should. As soon as I brought up the Revolution, the air became awkward. Maman, New Zealand, Uncle North, and Australia all looked uncomfortable, as they weren't a part of the family during my Revolution.
My family and I needed to forgive each other for my Revolution. For everything we did to each other. For everything that caused it. For all the pain caused by it. I wanted to forgive them. But there was just so much that happened between us.
Dad is my oldest enemy for a reason. And I didn't see how we could fix that kind of damage to our relationship. We ignored it. I should've know that was going to come back and bite me in the ass. I made the same mistake before, and had a civil war because of it.
Kicking the can down the road doesn't help anyone. Especially when said can is full of explosives.
"How about we move on to anther topic. Does anyone else have any questions?" Hawaii asked, trying to diffuse any tensions. Thank god for Hawaii. She, along with all of my other children who help me take care of their siblings are amazing.
"You know over 300 languages." Uncle England said.
"It's not as great as it sounds. I mean its cool and all, but it also making talking out loud incredibly annoying." I said. Aussie groaned, while the rest of my family looked increasingly confused.
"I know, right? Ugh, if there's ever a reason for me to get an official language, it would be just to make talking out loud less of a chore." Australia complained.
"Wait, why is talking out loud hard for you? You know a lot of languages wouldn't it be easy?" New Zealand asked.
"Because talking out loud is multitasking for us. We have to think about what we want to say while simultaneously having to focus on speaking whatever language we want to speak." I explained. Our family looked at me and Australia in shock.
"Seriously?" Uncle North asked. Australia nodded.
"Yeah. If we don't focus on speaking English, well, there's no guarantee that we'll speak English. We don't have a default language, so in order to speak one language constantly, we have to focus on speaking it." Australia continued to explain.
"But how does that work?" Maman asked.
"Well, if I stop focusing on making sure I speak English. ऐसा ही होता है। En die taal verander met elke sin. A vorbi este mult mai ușor pentru mine în acest fel. あなたは本当に混乱しているように見えます。To'hta." (This is what happens. And the language changes with every sentence. Talking is so much easier for me this way. You look really confused. Hold on.) I said, before focusing back on speaking English.
"Ame?" Uncle Wales asked after a couple of seconds. I was slightly annoyed, but understood that this was the first time they saw this, and they were most likely confused.
"Calm down it just takes a minute." Hawaii said.
"It's doesn't take that long. It's just the mentally preparing myself to multitask speaking. Which is very hard. Have you ever tried to give a presentation while focusing on something else? It's hard, and that's what talking out loud is like for me and Aussie." I said, "Anything else?"
Please don't bring up the 1860s. Please don't bring up the 1860s. Please don't bring up the 1860s. Please don't-
"Why don't you get a lot of sleep?" Maman asked. I furrowed my brows.
"Have you ever met an American?" I blurted out, before covering my mouth. Hawaii began laughing.
"Pāpā! ʻAʻole hiki iā ʻoe ke ʻōlelo wale. ʻIke wau ʻaʻole e hiamoe nā ʻAmelika, akā ʻaʻole ia he manaʻo he kolohe ʻoe. " (Dad! You can't just say that. I know Americans never sleep, but that doesn't mean you should be rude.) Hawaii said to me between laughs.
"Pehea ʻoe e ʻaʻa ai e ʻōlelo aku i kou makuakāne pēlā. Maopopo iaʻu maopopo ka mea aʻu e hana nei. " (How dare you speak to your father that way. I obviously know what I'm doing.) I joked back with her. Hawaii did enjoy chewing people out as a joke, or seriously, when her siblings were being agents of chaos.
"E inoa i hoʻokahi manawa." (Name one time.) Hawaii said back with a smile.
"Um, we don't speak that language, and I still want an answer to the question. And what do you mean by have you ever met an American?" Uncle Ireland asked.
"E kala mai iaʻu." (I'm sorry) Hawaii began. "It's Hawaiian. It's my first language, so I prefer it to English. Not that there's anything wrong with English-"
"I can give you a list of things wrong with English." I commented, smiling at Hawaii. I'm glad she decide to stay with me. It makes me more comfortable and this conversation less awkward for me. Hawaii rolled her eyes at me.
"Fair enough." She said. I then turned to Uncle Ireland to answer his question.
"It's a joke that Americans don't sleep because most Americans have horrible sleep schedules, since, you know, sleep is an option, but work is not." I explained.
"Sleep is not an option!" Maman said.
"Yes it is. You don't need sleep." I said back. I never slept a lot and I was perfectly fine. Sure I sometimes passed out from exhaustion and had memory and attention problems because of it, but it wasn't that bad.
"Yes you do!" Uncle England protested.
"I'm fine without it. Besides, I got an hour of sleep, like, three days ago, so I'm fine." I told them. I don't know why they were overreacting. This has been my sleep schedule since World War Two. I sleep for an hour or two every four days or so. It was fine. They didn't need to baby me. I was fine.
"That's not healthy Ame. You need more sleep than that." New Zealand said. No I didn't. I was fine. Sleep is optional. I didn't need anyone's help. I didn't need to be babied. I was fine. I was fine. I was fine.
"I've had this sleep schedule for a while now. I'm fine." I insisted. I didn't need anyone to baby me. I was fine. "Any other questions?"
"Stop being stubborn and give her a chance!" I heard Texas say from where he was over by Mexico. I looked over to where he was. I saw Texas had his hands on Cali's shoulders and was looking them in the eyes. I hope he and Cali weren't arguing again.
"Ame?" Canada asked, tapping me on the shoulder.
"Sorry. Just hoping Cali and Texas don't start another fight. Anyway, are there any other questions? Ones that preferably don't revolve around my sleep schedule." I asked.
"Ame getting that much sleep isn't healthy! There are a lot of negative things that come out of sleep deprivation!" Uncle England insisted. Why couldn't they just drop this topic. I was fine. I was fine. I was fine.
I didn't need anyone's help. I was fine on my own. I could handle myself. Just because I acted a little immature, or didn't seem like a good father figure doesn't mean I couldn't handle myself. I was fine. I didn't need to be babied.
My family didn't need to worry about me. I was fine. I was fine. I was fine. They were just going to hate me if they found out about my sleep schedule or the Civil War or the Trail of Tears. I couldn't accept their help. I made it this far on my own. I was fine. I was fine. I was fine.
"TEX YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I heard Cali yell. Oh thank god those two started a fight when they did. Now I can avoid this conversation about my sleep schedule. Well, they're probably going to bring it up again. Maybe Ohio and Michigan can start a fight. Then I'll have to leave.
"WE HAVE THE SAME MOM! SHE'S RIGHT THERE!" Texas yelled back. Cali began speaking to Mexico, which I couldn't hear very well.
"You need to stop cussing out Tex. You guys are reaching 'Hio v Michi or York v Mass levels of arguments." Delaware said, obviously having overheard the beginnings of an argument between Texas and Cali. But Cali can yell very loudly, so I'd be surprised if he didn't.
I nodded in agreement with his statement. Those two had been reaching Ohio v Michigan levels of conflict, which I thought was impossible.
"Del's right. You two need to stop fighting over any small thing you can disagree over." I spoke up, feeling my family's eyes on me. It made me nervous. What if they thought I was horrible parent and tried to take my children away?
"Oh come on Pa. We ain't that bad. You've seen 'Hio and Michi. How can we be that bad?" Texas protested. I don't know that either, but you been getting close to it, so obviously something must be happening.
"I dealt with the Toledo War firsthand. I know how bad 'Hio and Michi can be. Michi wasn't even alive when the Toledo War happened." I told him.
"Yeah, so how are we that bad?" Cali asked.
"Four fights in less than an hour. That's more than 'Hio and Michi on a bad day. They can keep it under two." I told them. Ohio and Michigan may not like each other, but at least they know when it isn't the time or place to fight.
"That's because we have a group of states-"
"The Midwest"
"Yes the Midwest. Anyway they're in charge of keepin' those two apart." Texas finished after the being interrupted by New York. Fair enough, but they can still not fight on their own when they realize it isn't the time or place.
"Fair enough, but if you guys don't stop turning every conversation into an argument, we'll have to do the same for you." I told them. Texas rolled his eyes.
"Alright Pa we get it." He said before turning back to Mexico. I sighed.
"Alright if you don't want to talk about your sleep schedule, then tell us this. What happened in the 1860s that none of your kids want to talk about?" Uncle North asked. My breath hitched. I began to feel my panic growing as I thought back to that horrible, horrible war.
Shiloh. Antietam. Gettysburg. Fredericksburg. Vicksburg. The Wilderness. Secession. The Confederate States of America.
My Civil War.
"I have to go!" I said before running out of the meeting room. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself into a stall and my breathing quickened. I couldn't talk about the Civil War. The would judge the south. They would hate me.
So many horrible things happened. I just wanted to forget all of the pain Confederacy wrecked across my land, against my people. I began crying as I thought back to all the pain caused by the Civil War.
I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell my family. The Civil War was a burden carried by the states and I. No one else.
I couldn't accept help from my family. I was fine on my own.
I was fine.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Nothing Holding Me Back
Chota Segawa
C h o t a w i t h a c o n f i d e n t d a r i n g g i r l
"Come on Chota! It would be so refreshing for you to leave Japan, come with me," you begged the man, leaning over his desk, your elbows holding you up, and you hands clasped together . "A-ah, um- (Y...Y/N), I can't. I... my mom, and uh... I'm sorry, I can't c-concentrate with you like that," he stammered, staring at your chest. You smirked. "Like what? Like this?" You asked, feigning innocence. You fluttered your eyelashes, leaning in further, teasing him. "(Y-Y/N)! Please, I-i-i-i-" he stammered. "So, will you?" You repeated, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He shakily sighed, and nodded. "Yay! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" You shouted, hugging him tightly. He blushed, and gave you a hum of acknowledgement.
"So... a whole month?" He asked as you two got on the plane. "Yep! I'm excited, are you?" You asked. "You won't tell me where we're going, so I'm worried than anything," he muttered. You kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry bubba," you apologized. "It's ok... um... can you tell me where we're going? And what happens on a plane? It's my first time going on one..." he admitted bashfully. You giggled, helping him to your seats.
"Window seat or middle seat?" You asked. "Middle. I'm not... that fond of heights," he said. You slid in, sitting by the window, snapping your seat belt into place. He did the same, and you clasped your hands together. "Ok, so we're going to South America. It's pretty much an 18 hour or more flight. Which is why I booked us first class," you explained. His eyes went wide and he stared at you in shock. "(Y/N) why did you do that?" He asked. "Because it's your first time on a plane, I'm spoiling you, I have the money to do so, so why not?" You giggled. It was true, you were the CEO of your own company, making you very well known. Your company was one of the best in Japan for what you did.
Chota didn't know why you were with him, and not some rich man. But you always wanted him. You used to go to high school together, but were disappointed when he would avoid you.  It wasn't till the last year of high school you finally approached him about it. Then, he apologized, telling you how he thought you were already with someone and he didn't want trouble.
"Now the flight attendants give the safety info, they start to take off, and we lift from the ground. Oh, here have some gum. What flavor do you want, because I have spearmint, peppermint, watermelon, and cinnamon," you explained, holding out the packets of gum. "Why do I need some?" He asked. "The altitude makes your ears plug up, and it can be painful. I've found chewing gum helps," you said with a smile. He picked a piece of cinnamon gum, and thanked you. "No problem baby~ Oh, you wanted to know the specific countries we were going to earlier right?" You asked. He nodded. "Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela, " you said. He nodded. "Were going to Venezuela first, then Chile, then Argentina, and finally Brazil. We might get to Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador, I don't know. But, if I get the chance, I'm taking it. Fuck hesitation," you giggled. He shook his his head, and smiled. "Let's hope there's no turbulence!"
"There's no what now?"
Needless to say, there was turbulence.
He gripped your hand tightly as the plane bounced and jittered. "You ok baby?" You questioned softly. He shook his head, and you closed the door leading into your seats. "It's ok. You're ok. The pilot has years of training and experience. Nothing bad will happen to us, I promise," you said soothingly. He nodded his head, interlocking his fingers with your own. "Thank you (Y/N)..." he whispered.
It was nighttime and you looked out the window. You couldn't see anything, all you knew was that there was ocean beneath you. The turbulence had stopped, and Chota had calmed down a bit. "How many more hours do we have left?" He asked. "Um... about 10. Well arrive there at 8:30, so we have time to check into the hotel, and figure out what to do for the first day," you responded. You yawned and curled up in your seat, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Go to sleep. They'll wake us up," you muttered. You heard him yawn, and felt his head fall on top of yours softly.
You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes. You groaned, squinting at the golden light. Once your eyes got used to the sudden brightness, you looked outside. There was no clouds visible in the sky, and you could see the sparkling blue water below you. "Oh wow... beautiful... Chota... Chota, wake up," you whispered, shaking his shoulder. "5 more minutes..." he murmured. You peppered his face in kisses, telling him to wake up in between them. "I'm... up? I'm up... what's wrong love?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. "Look outside baby," you said, pointing out your window. He unclipped his seat belt, leaning over to look out. "Wow... we're so high up," he marveled. He squinted a bit at the light coming from the sun, but other than that, he seemed to be enjoying it. You were confused on why he wasn't worrying, or panicking, but we're very proud of him.
"What if we just dropped into the ocean?"
There it was.
First thing you both did when you landed was sigh in relief. Him in relief that he didn't die, you in relief that you got away from home. "Chota, come on, we gotta go get our bags, then taxi to the hotel!"
The hotel wasn't too far away. "Don't they speak Spanish here though?" He asked. "Baby... did you forget?" You giggled. He had. But then he remembered. You knew Spanish. In fact, you knew many languages. "Right. Sorry," he apologized. "You don't have to apologize for that. Come on, let's go spend our first day the right way!"
This was not what he had in mind for the first day. He knew you were adventurous, but this might be a bit too much for him. Sure, a hike sounded nice. Until he noticed you'd taken him up to a waterfall. That overlooked the whole forest.
"Isn't this so amazing?" You questioned. "Y-yea- Watch your step," he stuttered, pulling you back into him. "Chota, it's ok. Come on," you said, leading him closer to the water. "You can actually drink this water it's so clean, did you know that?" You told him, reaching your hand out. "Eh... I wouldn't test it," he said. "No, like they've tested it. I swear!" You tried to convince him. "Yeah, ok... you do you."
It was later that night, and you were looking for things to do. "Anything in particular you want to do?" You asked him. ''Not really? I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you pick out."
Famous last words.
The music was loud, the lights were bright, and the room was full of life. This was your kind of place. "(N/N)... if someone recognized you, couldn't it affect your business?" He said, hoping you heard him over the music. "Of course it won't! Who cares, I didn't want to inherit my mother's company anyhow! I'm grateful for it if course but I'd rather be travelling, exploring, and doing new things everyday. With you!" You shouted, swaying to the music. "Come on, let's dance!" You said, pulling his arm. He pulled back, shaking his head. ''I can't dance... I'd rather not embarrass myself... especially with so many people," he said. "Just picture everybody naked, let's go, loosen up babe!"
Your hips swayed to the beat of the music, and he watched, gulping. "Chota~ C'mon! Dance with me!" You begged, pulling him in to you. "But what.. do I do?" He asked. You giggled, placing his hands on your hips. "And we kind of... just move against each other to the beat," you instructed, showing him how to. "Isn't this kind of... dirty? Like... to do in public?" He asked. "Chota, Chota, Chota.... This is South America. This is tame. Oh, you should've been to the trip in Puerto Rico. That reminds me, I have to teach you Reggaeton and some others," you laughed, "There's nothing holding me back from taking you there."
You had always been spontaneous. Free willed. You didn't have anything that scared you. Staying in one place bored you. The thought of it gave you chills. He wouldn't mind doing everything with you. But only because it would be you that was with him. Even if you two took it a bit to far, he knew you'd be alright. You were right. Why should anything hold him back?
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sturnioloshacker · 4 years
Grocery Giggles - A Christopher Velez Imagine
Requested by @lil-angxlll​
Prompt #7: You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle
A/N: Sorry this took so long, bub! University problems took over 🙄
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Trying to seek out cute guys in my area is way too difficult. Everywhere I go, I try to spy on every guy to see what they look like. They’re either too young or too old and it’s frustrating. I can never find one who’s around my age! High and low, left and right, I can’t find an attractive male who is somewhere between 21-25 years of age with a gorgeous face and little personality traits that I find cute. That is until I went to a specific aisle of my local grocery store…
Early morning walks are honestly the best! No one is around, the air is nice and I can enjoy the morning sunshine through the trees. As I walk along the footpath, I listen to the birds chirping in the trees and watch as one or two cars drive past. I usually take this time to collect my thoughts from the past couple of days and erase any bad ones - this helps me stay motivated and focused on the rest of the day and keeps me on my toes.
The one thought that keeps running through my mind is trying to find a boyfriend. My mum, my grandma, my aunties and my friends all pester me about trying to find someone. In this area, there’s no one. Absolutely no one! There’s hardly any guy that is around my age who is my type. I am so close to giving up and just staying single for the rest of my life. It’s too difficult. How in the hell did all my relatives and friends find attractive guys? Oh yeah, they country-hopped. Different year, different country. My mum found my dad who was from Australia and my grandma and aunties all found their significant others from the UK. Me, on the other hand, can’t country-hop because of college. What’s my type, you ask? Well, I like me a man who is sexy and charming yet also caring and sweet. I want him to be family-orientated. I don’t care what he looks like, I just want him to have certain personality traits that I can tolerate. You definitely can’t find that here.
I walk through the automated doors of my local supermarket to grab some stuff for dinner. I walk up and down the aisles, grabbing the items I need and placing them in the basket. I turn the corner to enter the next aisle and the sight in front of me caused me to let out a gasp. Someone had dropped a jar of sauce and that, combined with the glass, is everywhere. Signs blocked the area the mess was made and a worker is in the middle cleaning up the messy situation. I needed to grab stuff from that aisle so I made my way through the people standing and watching. As I pass people, I get to a big group of workers who were standing into the middle of the aisle helping the worker cleaning the mess. 
As I’m about to pass, a guy opposite me started coming through. I quickly measured the distance between us and saw that it was easy for both of us to go past without touching. Boy, I was wrong. We both crash into each other and apologise. We continue trying to budge through but it wasn’t working. Each time we tried to go past, we kept bumping into each other. This resulted in both of us erupting into a fit of giggles. His laugh is contagious, oh my gosh! We finally decided to shuffle side-to-side which looked like a little dance. We eventually made to the opposite sides and giggled some more. I grab what I needed and walked to the check-out. I took a quick look back to see where that guy was and he wasn’t there. Oh. I didn’t see what he looked like! That was my chance! God, I’m so dumb! After taking my receipt, I begin my walk back home.
I walked through the front door and set the bags on the table. “Ah good! You’re home! I need to tell you something!” my mum gushes and sits me down on the couch. “You know how we have new neighbours across from us?” my mum asks and I nod. “Well, we kindly invited them over for dinner tonight! They’re super nice and friendly! I think she said they have a son!” Oh great. This is a set up to find me a boyfriend! “They’re originally from Ecuador but moved here recently”, my mum continues. Ecuador. Interesting. Maybe I don’t need to country-hop! I decided to get a nice and dressed up to look somewhat decent. Hopefully he’s attractive! Hopefully he’s my type!
I hear a knock on the door and yell out to my mum. I hear chatter from downstairs so I went down to introduce myself. “Hi, I’m Nicole! This is my husband, James and my daughter, Sammie. It’s so nice to have you over!” my mum gushes. The three new neighbours laugh and I heard a laugh that sounded really familiar. I could be hearing things. “Thank you for having us! My name is Yenny and these are my two sons, Jonathan and Christopher”. I look at the two boys and my eyes widen. The boy opposite me does the same thing. “Christopher?!” I gasp. “Sammie?!” Christopher gasps. “How do you two know each other?” my mum questions us. “We kept bumping into each other and giggling while trying to pass each other at the grocery store!” I explain.
As the night went on, Chris and I got to know each other more. He’s attractive, he’s super sweet and he’s very family-orientated. I think I found my man! Dinner was filled with stories, laughs and tissues. Hearing about Chris’ life was hard. I’m so glad that he managed to win the competition and do it all for his family. Our family shared some stories, most of them being about me which was embarrassing. At least Chris got a good laugh out of them.
After dinner, I took Chris up to my room where we just told each other our most embarrassing and most memorable stories which resulted in laughter and tears. He’s honestly the sweetest and most caring guy. Thank god he’s moved here! “So, have you been in any relationships?” he asks. I explain my problem and he giggles. The same giggle from the grocery store. “Have you been in any?” I ask. “I have been in a couple but they haven’t been serious”, he tells me.
We all said our goodbyes after what felt like the best night ever. I hug Chris and I feel him slip something into my pocket. I have a feeling I know what it is. Yenny and the boys left and we shut the door behind them. I walk up to my room and get ready for bed. I take out the little piece of paper Chris slipped into my pocket and open it up.
Text me
**** *** ***
Chris ❤️
I enter the number and begin typing.
S: Hey Chris! Sammie here. Tonight was fun! Thanks for coming over xx
C: Thanks for having us! Thanks for the giggles this morning as well xx
C: I miss you already 🥺
S: Awwww! You’re cute! Did you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?
C: Of course! Is it okay if I bring the CNCO guys as well? They’ll love you!
S: Sure thing! I would love to meet them!
C: Awesome! See you tomorrow, amor! Good night xx
S: Night Chris xx
I hear a knock and my door. “It’s open!” I yell. My mum opens the door and walks in. “So, what do you think?” she asks and I smile wide. “He’s cute! In fact, we’re going for lunch tomorrow and I get to meet his bandmates!” I squeal which makes my mum squeal. “You’ve finally met someone! I’m so glad! Now to tell everyone!” she gushes. “NO! Let me tell them when I’m ready!” I say and she nods. “Good night, honey, sweet dreams”, she says. “Oh, I will have sweet dreams”, I tell her and we both laugh. I shut my bedside light and roll onto my side. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Tomorrow is going to another great day!
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I just read a thing that reminded me that I went on a trip to the galapagos last year which reminded me of my terrible no good very bad morning which was legit crazy so I have to tell you about it because I can’t believe it happened. 
So, it was the night/morning of my flight back to America, my flight was going to leave at 1am and we got to the airport at like 7pm, we ate, hung out, I felt very nauseous but it was also kinda whatever, it was the day of the very first covid case in ecuador it had been at the Guayaquil airport which we had been at earlier that week which was a little worrying. I had been wearing a mask on airplanes/airports the entire trip because my immune system is literal garbage and my mom was opposed to the recycled air thing (this’ll be important later). But basically we had to go through customs, tsa, etc then we got to kinda sit and hang out, I filled up my water bottle, I went hunting for a makeup store I had seen at the same airport earlier that week, couldn’t find it which kinda sucked, stole Maya’s french fries and avoided other people because I have terrible anxiety. 
About 10 minutes before the plane was supposed to leave me and my teacher were called up for an extra security check, this was incredibly stressful, we were also like the last people out of like the 15 of us who were pulled aside I assume randomly, to do this so we barely made it on the plane in time, it was about 1am I was very tired, I sat down, realized I did not have my mask, subsequently freaked out, my groupmates were like “ask if the flight attendant has seen it” and I freaked for a minute before going up to the flight attendant guy, he looked down at me as I was like “have you seen a little black face mask?” and he was like so thinly veiled pissed it seemed like he was in his head going “ugh, this brat, overreacting about this freaking virus like everyone else” and so I pretty much shame/awkward slunk back to my seat accepting it was probably gone at this point. I fell asleep, and woke up like 3 hours later, I really had to go to the bathroom, but the only flight attendant in sight was the one who I had already embarrassed myself to and the seat light was still on so I just sat there suffering for 20 minutes till another one came by and I could ask if I could use the bathroom. When I came back out, they were serving breakfast or whatever I was hungry, and then! it was like sausage....and I’m a vegetarian....so I was stuck, and decided to go back to sleep. 
We landed in the miami airport, I picked up my carry on from under the seat, found my mask right there so like so much stressing for no reason, which sucks, we go through customs, and we have to go through TSA again which is weird but also okay I guess. At this point all I want is to make it through, and get dunkin doughnuts. My morning has already been a bit of a wreck and I am very hungry and still tired so I just want dunkin, I just want a doughnut. I’m like 10 feet from the TSA when I realize I filled my water bottle and did not drink any of it, so I have a minute or less to drink 20 oz of water, I am the kind of person who drinks that much water over the course of like,,,a day,,, so I’m suffering but I do it. I go through the metal detector, so far so good, then my bag gets pulled aside, everyone else in my group has already gone ahead, I’m reeling thinking of anything in there that might have caused it to get pulled aside. My teacher notices that I’m kinda hanging out in distress and comes over and hangs with me while we wait for them to check my bag. The lady goes through it, finds an orange juice box. Now heres the thing, this orange juice has been in my bag half the week since I was on the island and they gave it to me for breakfast but I hate orange juice and I was too nice to say no. This orange juice has been on 2 planes, four boats, 5 busses, and nobody cared until now, but they pulled me aside for this juice box. I wanna cry but I console myself with dunkin. 
We get all the way through and start looking at a map, someone tells me there is no dunkin, I seriously wanna cry at this point, there is no god, it is just me and 20 minutes before the next flight leaves. I try to make myself feel better with 2 croissants and some hot chocolate from an organic stand thing I found 2 minutes away from the terminal. I sit down with 5 minutes until we have to leave, I write a yearny little post here on good ol tumblr (the one about being in an airport and how it’s magical because there's so many different kinds of pretty girls, u probably don’t remember it, but I do), and then 3 boys in my group come from the opposite direction, and they’re holding dunkin. Now, it’s pretty well known in the group that the only thing holding me together was the promise of dunkin, so one of them sits down next to me and holds out his cup of doughnut holes to me so I can take some, He was godsent and I will never be able to appreciate him enough. I did cry, but also still got on the plane. 
I later got starbucks for the very first time because my throat hurt and it was very good, and Maya braided my hair for me on the last plane to montreal which was fantastic (ever had your hair played with by a girl? 10/10 recommend). At customs I had to keep one of the younger kids from being held (On the way into canada 9 days earlier he had told the customs officer that he had a gun, it was not a great way to start the trip), he was doing so much stupid stuff, Gomez, one of the teachers, was like ‘christi, just...don’t let him do anything stupid” so I held both of our tickets and gave simple succinct answers, smiling and being nice, we made it through by some miracle and safely made it home, but like that whole first part was such a nightmare, and my ear/head had hurt half the week to the point that I ended up crying and the tour guide gave me chamomile tea (he was a fantastic person), and I found out at the doctor 2 days later that I had a double ear infection aka, I had debris in my ear that got infected and like my ear fluid had also gotten infected, so like my head and ear had hurt the entire plane ride and I could have lost my hearing from the 3 plane rides in a row, so it was a train wreck. 
Moral of the story, life is crazy, dunkin doughnuts holds my life in their hands, even if this happened, it was still an awesome trip but also crazy. 
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girlbabyvelez · 3 years
Hasta La Muerte // Chapter Eight
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: None
Note: Not me updating this fic like ages later. I’m truly sorry though I just lost inspo but here is another chapter to anyone who still currently reads this!
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Everyone around you burst into cheers and applause as Christopher stood up and pulled you into a kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling your body close to his. Once you pulled away you were able to face the man you were going to marry in just a few months, a wide smile on his face as he looked down at you and the sight made a smile grow on yours.
“I know you’re the one who made a wish but my wish came true tonight.” He said loudly as everyone began to step closer to bombard the two of you with congratulatory statements and questions. This caused a blush to spread over your cheeks for a moment before remembering what the true reason for this engagement was. You turn your head and scan the crowds, eyes landing on the two men who threatened you not long ago.
Sergio and Paulo stood at the back with scowls on their face. Sergio had already pulled out a phone and you knew that he must be informing Santiago about this new move.
“Hey it’ll be okay.” You hear Chris and he pulls your attention from Paulo and Sergio back to him. You look over at him and see a reassuring smile on his face. 
“You’re right. I just have to be extra cautious now. We don’t know what this news will cause Santiago to do.” You whispered. You felt Chris’ hand at your waist give you a comforting squeeze before turning over to all of your friends, coworkers and family. You convincingly and excitedly grabbed at your closest friends to gush about your engagement, making sure that it looked like you and Chris had been ready to marry.
The anger pulsed through his body as he heard the news. His hands were clenched tight, the knuckles turning ghostly white and the vein in his neck was popping out, both obvious signs of his fury. Y/N Camacho was now engaged to Christopher Velez. Santiago knew how this business worked, you were engaged to Chris only to protect you and the precious business that took so long for your family to build. The engagement sets his plan back, but he knows you and he knows exactly how to take you and your family down.
“Paulo, tell Yarliza to come in here.” Santiago orders and within minutes he sees Paulo escorting his girlfriend into the room. 
“Amor why did you call for me?” Yarliza asks as she walks towards Santiago, arms outstretched towards him so she could easily slide into his side. He placed a hand on her thigh, his eyes meeting hers that were so familiar to yours. A smirk crossed his face at the thought of what was coming.
“You know what you have to do.”
The engagement ring that was wrapped around your finger still felt foreign to you, even after you had worn it for a week trying to get used to it. Your plan worked, everyone believed that you and Chris were a real couple who were deeply in love. And you knew that Chris was starting to have feelings towards you, and it wasn’t love but he did feel affectionate towards you. 
“Hola hermosa,” You hear him say as he steps around the couch of his apartment, well now the apartment the two of you shared, he leans down and places a quick kiss on your forehead. It had become a routine of his whenever he was about to leave the house to go with your brother. 
“Good morning Chris,” You respond, allowing him to move to sit on the couch besides you. He smiles warmly at you as he pulls out his phone. You position yourself to fully face him and bring your arm up on the back of the couch.
“Richard said you should start planning the wedding while we do business today.” Chris states as he began to text Richard about the meet up. You furrow your brows at his words and you sit up to get his attention back to you rather than his phone, which he quickly does, eyes meeting yours.
“You don’t want to plan anything?” You question. This wedding was for the both of you and it would probably be your only wedding. He laughs at your question before dropping the phone onto his lap and turning to face you, doing his best to assure you that this was something he wanted as well.
“Of course I do amor but I need to do this business before we leave.” He tells you but his words only made you more confused. Ever since Paulo and Sergio had cornered you that night, you were aware of everything involving the business now, and you had no clue what your fiance was talking about.
“Leave?” You question, moving your arms to cross against your chest. He noticed your uncertain and angry position as soon as you did it. He let out a sigh before moving his hands to uncross your arms and moving them down to intertwine with your hands.
“Well I was going to tell you later tonight but I got us tickets to Ecuador. I want you to meet my family before we get married.” He explains and he removes one hand from yours and you slightly miss his warmth but instead he reaches his free hand out to your face. Your face slightly falls at his words and this doesn’t go unnoticed by Christopher. Just as he was about to question it, you took the opportunity away from him. 
“Really? When do we leave?” You ask, you knew that his family was important to him but you weren’t sure if you were ready to meet his family. He turns his body to fully face yours and he could see the uncertainty in your eyes. He felt his heart fall at your reaction, he wanted you to be happy and excited to meet them but he knew it was a big step. 
“We leave at the end of this week.” He answers. You let out a small gasp at his response which he heard. “I know everything that happened between us happened fast but I want you to meet them and they want to meet you. In plus, I’ll be by your side the entire time amor.” He whispers to try to comfort you. And the warm smile on his face just made you want to do whatever he wanted to. You nodded at his words before returning the warm smile.
“Okay. I want to meet them too and maybe hear some stories of Chris before he became a mafioso.” You joked and Chris winced at your words because just like you he was also lying and hiding from the people he loved. His family wasn’t aware that Chris was a part of the mafia, he had been feeding them lies for years that he worked at this fancy business.
“About that...they think I’m a businessman.” He admits
“So I guess I’ll have to ask about stories before you became a businessman.”
You looked at all of the options laid out in front of you. You felt stuffed from all of the cake samples you had to try. And now you couldn’t make a decision, you were always indecisive and now that you were having to pick things for your wedding it felt worse. Mariana was sitting on the other side of the table, looking at you expectantly for an answer while Tati said beside you for moral support. 
“I can’t choose.” You admit as you looked at the two of them before moving your eyes back to all of the cake options in front of you. 
“I know it’s hard. But we have two months until the wedding so you need to start making decisions.” Mariana tells you which causes you to groan. You throw your head back before getting yourself together. You look at the options laid before you for a few minutes, making the decision in your head. 
“Fine. The base tier, let’s do chocolate with mocha mousse filling. Second tier will be red velvet with cream cheese. And the final tier will be white chocolate raspberry with vanilla buttercream.” You answer and look back at Mariana who was writing down your order. She smiles at you and pushes the notebook aside before pulling out her planning binder. 
“Okay now onto flowers and table arrangements.” Mariana continues and you sigh at her words. The only thing holding you over was the fact that you would be travelling with Chris to Ecuador tonight. You just had to finish this wedding planning first and then you could take a break with your fiance. 
“So are you excited to meet his family?” Tati questions as the three of you finally take a break from the wedding planning and arrangements to grab a cup of coffee. You sigh at her question, you were excited but filled with nerves. You were going to see a part of Chris’ life that many haven’t seen, it was going to be meaningful to him and that scared you. 
“No, I'm nervous. This is something new.” You answer honestly. You see Mariana and Tati nod at your words, they understood where you were coming from. Your relationship with Christopher seemed to be moving at warp speed, and to you it was so unsteady and you weren’t sure that you could handle any more bad things. 
“Oh by the way, when you come back we need to pick the dress and do the bridesmaid fittings. Which I advise getting a friend from your normal life to make it seem more realistic.” Mariana advised and you were back to remembering that this was just a business negotiation first and foremost. You weren’t planning a wedding just because you were in love, you were planning a wedding because you needed to help the family business.
Taglist:  @phanislife124 @bbyyelyah  @zabdisamor @xxxstormyninixxx  @babecita-1 @yashuazbabygirl @getmealifepls @cyaneaa @codename-nyx @cncoh-damn @mamacamacho @smoljoelito @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @ladykxxx08 @la-undercover-latina @lostpil52 @undeadspazzattack @plentyoffandomss @babyyynatty @juneninetynine @cnchoe-imagines @valeriiaaass @moonlitzabdiel @damnthoseyes  @ourkarlanicoleuniverse @niallisworld @multi-fandomgoddess @california-creator @ ego-allie-bap @zabdicl @chellybear98 @sometimesbadalwaysboujie​ @estoy-enamorado-de-ti @nochillnelly @ericksmamita @cncoamor @you-kinda-smell-like-christmas @pizzaspirits​ @josiemara​ @deniseasonrisa @nqbmf @afro-doll @h-bea92​ @the-almond-dinger​  @miericksongo​ @cncosoftie​  @ohitsnicolexo​  @midnightjmadness
Note: This chapter was really short dskdk I was gonna do the trip but I wrote the trip and it was super long so I made it the next chapter instead. I hope you like :)
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kitkat4406 · 3 years
TW- the homophobic f slur, homophobia in general, racism, a swear
Pairings- Platonic Virgil and Remus
Part five > Part seven
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Remus whispered, fixing his hair that showed under his beanie. Virgil laughed lightly.
“Yes, it's just a small lunch date, there's nothing to worry about, I'll meet him with you and then I'll head off so you can go to lunch in peace,” Virgil said, fixing Remus’ collar of his plaid shirt. “Just calm down, it's going to be okay” Remus stared at him in the mirror.
“You're telling me to calm down.” Remus muttered, stepping away from the mirror and slipping his shoes on. “Look, I’m just nervous, okay? He ghosted me all day yesterday then just randomly said let's go out for lunch” Virgil smiled reassuringly, patting his shoulder.
“Remus, I’ll be with you for the first like, ten minutes. If he seems like bad news i'll get you outta there, I promise” Remus sighed, nodding.
“I know you will, I again.. Just worry” The two came to a comfortable silence, before Remus almost jumped out of his skin when his phone went off.
“Who is it?” Remus showed the phone to Virgil, nervousness rolling off Remus in waves. “He just wants to make sure you can make it dork,” Virgil laughed lightly. “Just saying that he wants to meet in the park you two went for a walk in” Remus said oh softly, nodding.
“We should get going then shouldn’t we…” Virgil hummed, grabbing the bag he had brought over.
“Yeah, it's a bit of a walk isn’t it?” Remus nodded, putting his phone into his pocket and following after Virgil.
“I don't want to keep him waiting, ' Remus mumbled. Virgil shrugged it off.
“We won't be late”
“We’re late! Awesome, wow! Thanks” Remus muttered bitterly. Virgil groaned.
“I didn't think we were going to be!” Remus looked at him exasperated.
“You stopped at a busy coffee shop because you needed tea!” Remus said anxiously, hoping Logan wouldn’t be upset. Remus looked around the park, spotting Logan at a bench reading. Remus bit at his lip, tugging on Virgil's sleeve. “He looks content” Virgil looked at him with an eye roll.
“He’s biting his lip, checking his watch every few seconds, and also, he is looking around not reading” Remus stared at Logan.
“How…” Virgil shrugged.
“I’m engaged to a therapist, Remus. Work it out” Remus shoved him playfully.
“Lets just go over” Logan then looked up, smiling slightly and standing in all his 6’ 8” glory. Virgil blew out a breath.
“Damn,” Virgil muttered. “He’s tall”
“Hello Remus, is this Virgil?” Remus nodded, not finding his voice as always. Virgil cleared his throat.
“Yeah, nice to meet you. I’m Remus’ best friend.” Virgil said, not letting Logan's taller nature affect him unlike Remus. Logan nodded.
“I’m sure you know who I am then” Virgil nodded, looking Logan up and down.
“Lets go have a chat while Remus works through his gay panic.” Logan snorted, while Remus looked at Virgil with an embarrassed whine. Virgil gave a peace sign, grinning before his face fell, looking serious as he talked with Logan. Logan nodded with what Virgil said as Remus attempted to calm down. Remus watched as Logan said a few things, before a serious and grim expression came over his face for half a second. Remus looked away, nerves flooding his veins.
“Remus?” Remus jumped, looking at Logan. He noticed Virgil off to the side thinking, before he nodded and waved by to Remus with a soft ‘your going to be in good hands.’ Remus looked up at Logan.
“Y-Yeah?” He asked, grabbing his shirt sleeve tightly.
“I hope you know I don't mean to hurt you in any way or bring you stress” Logan explained softly. Remus nodded.
“It’s okay, I just worry” Remus said lightly. Logan nodded before clearing his throat.
“I am not… very good at dates and feelings like these, so I hope you will forgive me with any mistakes I may make,” Logan said with a soft nod. Remus nodded.
“It’s okay, I’m not the best at saying how I’m feeling so its going to take a lot of communication on both ends,'' Remus said lightly. Logan hummed, the two falling silent before Logan cleared his throat.
“Well, we should go to our lunch now, yes?” Remus nodded, following after Logan.
The two talked and walked for awhile, before Remus very hesitantly touched Logan's hand. Logan hummed, stopping what he said and looking down at Remus, offering his hand. Remus shyly took it, smiling nervously as many thoughts filled his head. Was he holding his hand too tight? To light? Was he holding Logans hand right? Was his hand sweaty?
“Get a room you faggots!” Remus flinched, dropping Logan's hand and falling behind. Remus didn't notice Logan's eyes fill with rage, or how Logan seemed to examine the girl before his eyes narrowed.
“Last I knew, what me and my date did was none of your business” The girl rolled her eyes.
“Get out of America, I don't know where you’re from, but I know that you should go back” The girl hissed at Remus. His family was from Ecuador, yes, but he had been here since he was a year old. Remus shook his head, quickly walking away with Logan. Logan glanced back at the girl, before looking down at Remus.
“Are you okay Remus?” Logan asked kindly. Remus nodded.
“It happens all the time” Remus muttered bitterly. Logan shook his head.
“I apologize for that then Remus, you shouldn’t have to deal with it” Remus shrugged.
“Lets just get to our lunch thing” Remus mumbled, not taking Logans offered hand, even if he wanted to. Logan nodded with a slightly hurt expression, dropping his hand again.
“We’re just going to a restaurant I used to frequent, the food is very good in my opinion” Logan explained as they turned a corner. “They’re very friendly people too” Remus nodded, looking around the street, looking at the only restaurant around.
“That one?” Remus asked, pointing towards it. Logan nodded.
“Indeed it is” Logan said with a soft smile, crossing the street with Remus.
“That was a very good lunch,” Remus said with a grin. “It tasted like home cooking,” Remus laughed. Logan hummed with a smile.
“I happen to agree,” Logan nodded. “Now, should we go back to the park?” Remus hummed, nodding.
“I should probably get back to writing, my boss is on my ass again about getting this book out '' Remus said off handedly.
“I thought you were an author, not a newspaper editor or something” Logan said with a confused tone. Remus nodded.
“Exactly, I’m an author meaning I shouldn’t have any due date. God, I wish my boss just conveniently stopped existing sometimes” Remus laughed. Logan nodded.
“What’s his name?” Remus looked up at Logan.
“Why?” He asked with a light smile. “You gonna take him out for me or something?” He laughed.
“Sure” Logan shrugged, seemingly completely serious. Remus giggled.
“You're funny Lo, but no, he is normally a really cool guy, but his family is in a rough patch from what I know. I'll be fine” Remus grinned, taking Logan's hand with hesitation. Logan smiled, holding his hand.
“Okay, I suppose nothing will happen.” Remus laughed.
“Silly goose” Remus said, smiling up at Logan. Logan smiled at him too, before looking back up to make sure the two didn't run into anything.
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theravenclawlover · 4 years
Parings: James “Bucky” Barnes x Reader.
Warnings: +18 Mentions of torture, mature language, future smut, mentions of death, slight depression, mentions of kidnapping.  
Word Count: 1,741
Summary: You are one of the youngest members of the Avengers, and you love it. Out of the blue an impossible mission is assigned to you alongside Natasha Romanoff, and it was sure to change your life. Lies, and betrayal from the closest people in your life; they never told you who you really were.
Chapter Number: 7.
Chapter Tittle: What else did I miss?
A/N: You guys... it’s been a solid since I last posted some fanfiction. It’s been a crazy year and we all have been preoccupied with other stuff. I hope all of you are okay and as well as your families. This chapter is super short, and I didn’t notice until I was done. I’ll try to make the last couple of chapters longer, so I can tie anything that I missed before. I hope you guys like it. [side note: I’ve been working a bit on the twins fic and boy it’s long. I think it might be one of my favorites...maybe...I have like a love hate relationship with it. I don’t know when that’s coming up, especially that school is starting up again. Last year before I graduate college. damn.]
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Fury had called you and Steve in for an important last-minute mission. Top secret, he’d said. You and Steve were to lead the other assigned Avengers through the mission while they were on the dark on some important information. For their own good, had said Fury. The gist of the mission was to destroy a new-found HYDRA base in South America, but only you and Steve knew that it was HYDRA. Being told not to say a word about HYDRA had been important to emphasize as Fury did not want anyone to go on some side-vengeful quest. For the rest of your team it was just an extraction of some important documents that would allow to locate some high ranked bad guys. It wasn't exactly a lie, there were documents that S.H.I.E.L.D needed to get their hands one. But the secrecy was needed in favor that Bucky wouldn’t get triggered by the mention of HYDRA or direct exposure to anyone who knew what was in his head. And it was the soldier’s first real mission along you and Steve. He was bound to be excited and anxious about it all.
But aside from Bucky, the mission was going to be a challenge to almost everyone in the team. Wanda was made by HYDRA and still held resentment but it was more at the thought that her brother had been next to her throughout it all and now he was gone because HYDRA had been the bad guy all along; Sam had fought HYDRA when they destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D and almost Washington D.C along with it; Vision was ultimately created by a villain that had used HYDRA facilities to try and conquer the world; and the same time the most affected were Steve, Bucky, and you. Two ex-HYDRA trained and raised assassins and one super soldier who lost his best friend during the war by the same organization. Yeah, it was going to be hard. But only Steve and you would know HYDRA’s involvement, and the only left thing to do was hope for the best.
The mission was going taking everyone to Ecuador. Small country that borders with Peru, and Colombia. Apparently, HYDRA was now trying to turn the country into their main headquarters; as far as possible from the States as they could. The country was still in development of better systematic aspects, aiding the organization to hide in a country where no one would think twice to search. But S.H.I.E.L.D did. Noticing that the Quinjet was approaching its landing, Steve turned to the assembled team to go over the mission plan before landing.
"Okay team, we are about to land in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The mission for today is simple: we are inspecting all abandoned buildings that we come across. We are in a big city, so we’re going to be divided by groups,” said Steve as he looked at you to continue.
Bringing up and 3D map of the city, you pointed as you continued on, “Wanda, and Sam; you two are going to take north of the city. Steve, Bucky and I are going to take southside. Vision, I want you to run a quick visual scan of the city range and report back to me or Steve. Take the east and west after the first rundown. If we get anywhere today, tomorrow we go in and see where that takes us.” You look around and see everyone nod in understatement. “But right now, we are going find a hotel and change from out suits. Got to look like tourists."
It took less than half an hour to find a hotel good enough to lay low, disguises were used and thanks to your love for idioms, the language barrier wasn’t much of a trouble as you were the one who most of the talking. It came in handy at the time of asking the receptionist where guys could eat something good too. There was a lot of seafood dishes at every restaurant or little corner you all found, and they tasted as good as they looked. Even though all of you were there on a mission, you had convinced Steve to take a minute to take the beauty of it all. But soon everyone was ready to commence their respective mission. Steve reminded everyone that a map of their area had been added to the watch Tony and Bruce had developed. Everyone went their separate ways and as you saw Sam and Wanda walk away, you wondered how Sam or Wanda were going to handle themselves if someone spoke to them. You had thought him some words as he had decided to join you when watching those damn novellas; nevertheless, he didn’t know enough to even make out a sentence. You started laughing at the thought of him getting all frustrated with himself as his veins on his forehead become visible at his obvious irritation. Steve, and Bucky stopped and looked at you, who had stopped to put your hands on your knees as you laughed a little too loud.
"Y/N? What's so funny, doll?" said Bucky, looking at you with the hint of a small smile on his face.
"You’re laughing a bit hard there," added Steve, the blond man not hiding his smile.
"Well, I was just thinking how…how…. Sam would look all frustrated not knowing what to say in Spanish!!! Bahahaha…." You erupted into bigger cackles as you couldn’t shake the imagine of a raging Sam Wilson.
The men were looking at you then Steve started laughing at your red face and streaming tears. The sound of your hyena laugh had broken the will of the blond man, and now was laughing as hard as you were. It wasn’t that funny really, but it was your attitude toward the joke that made it funny. Bucky stood there, looking at his best friend since childhood, and the girl that made his heart flutter and head hurt from memories. And just as you held to Steve for support, Bucky found himself chuckling at the ridiculousness of all. Your ears caught the sound, and almost immediately your laugh stopped as you looked ahead of you…
You were in a small room, it was hot inside, but just cold enough to send small shivers down your body. You found yourself dirty and sweaty. It looked like you had been training. You heard a door opening behind you, and turning on your heels, you see him. The Winter Soldier. In his usual uniform. He looked dirty too, and just as sweaty. Well what a view: combat boots, those black pants, and that damn white shirt so tight on him. Damn, he looks good. You were brought back to reality when he started talking
"You've improved. Good," he said in English. He normally spoke to you in Russian, as it was protocol. He sounded tired, but he still held that strong voice that had started to make your knees buckle only a couple of weeks ago during training.
"Well, I have to improve. Otherwise dad would be mad at me again, and I don’t like it when he gets all pissed because I can’t defeat you or at least give you a hard time," you said rolling your eyes and crossing your arms in annoyance.
"You know he wants to make you strong enough so he can put you out on missions," he said walking toward the only chair in the room.
"Yeah, I know. But I just turned 16 and he still thinks my powers are not strong enough to fight on missions. I can do it. I know I can, I’ve put down 50 of his lame soldiers in less than a minute. But you are too damn hard to defeat with how massive you are, " you said sighing almost in defeat. A small blush dusting your cheeks as you dared to say that about him.
"You just need to practice more with your powers if you want them to get stronger. You are good at fighting hand to hand, but you need to learn to mix them both in order to be on top." He sounded less strict with his words; he was now more than your instructor…it felt like having a talk with a friend…maybe more.
"Yeah, whatever. So, are we going to train again or what? I really would like to take a shower. I'm all dirty and I smell," you said looking down at yourself. You didn’t like it when he got to see you looking all dirty and messy like that.
"I think we both feel like that. But we must go out and train again but this time they want you to use a bit of your powers towards objects. See if you can concentrate enough to aid yourself in combat," he said as he stood from the tiny chair.
"Okay, let’s go," you said sounding sarcastically happy. Unexpecting, he chuckled at your fake cheeriness making you stop on your track. For the first time since you met him he was finally showing emotions. Towards you. You! You felt damn special, but it made you feel fear as he wasn’t allowed to show any kind of emotions. Once outside everything was quite again, as if the small sound had never happened. You were not going to mention this to papa.
…Steve grabbed you by the shoulder, shaking you a bit, starling you from your mind.
"Hey, Y/N, you okay there? You kind of froze there,” asked Steve, sounding worried about you.
"Hmm? I’m…okay. Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I just thinking of something and I guess I spaced out too hard," you lied.
With a quick scan of your face, Bucky visibly relaxed, "okay then, let’s go. We have a ground to cover."
"Right. Let’s go," you said looking at his turned back as he walked ahead of you and Steve.
As you silently walked, your mind drifted back to your earlier episode. It was the first time you've had a memory come back like that. It was different from the others. This time was one close to when Fury got a hold of you. It felt as if it had been yesterday you had stood in that tiny room. It was weird. You didn’t like the feelings you were having right now. Past you had talked about powers, and Bucky knew about them. Was there more that you didn’t know about yourself?
@cnco-ravenclaw-46​ @clockworkherondale​ @john-benderr​  @boredtotearz100​ @musiclover812​ @boxofteenageideas​ @oneweirdbean
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buckysrighthanddoll · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x enhanced!Reader
Warnings: angst, character death, anger, more death (of the murder variety), reader painted in a negative light
A.N.: This is the third installment of the Seven Deadly Sins mini series that I’m writing! Read Envy (Bucky Barnes) and Gluttony (Peter Parker) here!
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Steve had to hold her when she found out. Hydra had taken her little sister--hardly a teenager--. (Y/N) was beyond angry, she was beyond desperate, she was beyond anything that Steve had ever seen from his girlfriend. The energy in her veins hummed loudly, the lights flickered in the room (and, according to Tony, the entire tower), and sparks occasionally flickered in her eyes.
He didn’t know how to help (Y/N). She was usually composed and in control of her emotions--with electrical manipulation, you had to be in control lest something horrible happened.
Hydra contacted (Y/N) directly--found her number from her sister’s phone and dialed it at 0433, when she and Steve were in the middle of something. Had it been anybody else besides her mom or sister’s name, she would’ve let it go to voicemail. But her sister was never up at this time, and she hardly called first. So, she answered.
The deal was simple. Her or her sister. Hydra wanted their little soldier back, and if they didn’t get her, they would turn her sister into another one of their creations. And if anybody else came with (Y/N), they’d kill her on the spot. (Y/N) grit her teeth and told them that she would do it, and then she fried her phone in her hand.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, slipping his underwear and sweatpants on.
(Y/N) was sparking and humming, and she let her control slip. Steve held her, biting back the fear of being electrocuted until she could get her emotions in check. “They have my sister.”
“What?” Steve asked in shock. He grabbed his shirt and threw it on unceremoniously, walking toward the door. “We’re telling Tony.”
“Steve, no,” (Y/N) commanded. “It’s her or me. If anybody comes with me, they kill her.”
“We’re coming up with a plan,” Steve asserted, shaking his head. “Now, come on.”
The lights flickered in and out as (Y/N) and Steve walked down the hallways and to the elevator. Steve went up to Tony’s floor (lucky bastard got a whole level to himself while the rest of the team shared another) and walked in, calling out for him.
The second (Y/N) walked into the living room, all of the lights on the floor turned on. “Don’t you two have some enhanced super-babies to be making?” Tony asked, coming out in a robe while rubbing his eyes.
“We were trying; something came up,” Steve said. His voice was short and pointed due to the urgency of the matter. “It’s (Y/N)’s sister--”
As soon as he mentioned her sister, the lights got twice as bright and began humming--a telltale sign that they would explode quickly.
“Come on, take a breath,” Tony said, coming up to (Y/N) and resting his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me; control it, take a second, then tell me what’s going on.”
So she did. (Y/N) closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths, and empties her mind--she’s done it a thousand times before; it’s second nature now. She snapped her eyes open and went in to report mode.
“Braxton Novikai found my number and called me. Hydra agent. He was heavily involved in my enhancement. He took my sister captive and said that they’d run their experiments on her if I don’t come back. And if anybody tries to get us out of it, they’ll kill her.”
Tony’s jaw clenched in anger. He knew that (Y/N) had been through too much shit. If she went back, she’d likely be gone forever. She’d never recover from what they’d do to her, from what they’d use her for.
But he also knew that she’d much rather do that than have any harm come to her little sister.
“How can we help?” Tony asked, letting go of her shoulders.
“You don’t,” (Y/N) said concisely. “You let me go, and you never seek me out. Keep my sister safe.”
“Sweetheart, that’s ridiculous,” Steve interjected. “We can’t let you do that.”
“Too bad,” She quipped. She turned her back and went to the elevator.
Steve and Tony shared a look, and then the super-soldier ran after (Y/N). He found her getting into her tactical suit. She knew that the second Hydra got her back, they’d strip her of it and possibly even destroy it, but this was going to be her last shred of humanity. They’d brainwash her and send her on missions, sit her down for a mission report, and then wipe her clean--just as they had done with Bucky.
“(Y/N), please, let’s figure this out,” Steve pleaded. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Don’t you get it?” She snapped. “There’s no way around this. It’s her or me.” She did the last of the buckles and looked up at her boyfriend. The amount of pain that she felt just from looking at him was overwhelming. She wanted to live the rest of her life with Steve. She wanted to retire with him, maybe have a family with a couple of animals. Get a house. Get married. She fully believed that he was it. She didn’t want to lose him. She didn’t know how she could handle not having him in her life in some capacity. But, “I can’t lose my sister.”
“(Y/N). You’re not thinking right now. Let’s sit and--”
“I love you,” She interjected. “I thought that you were the one for me. I still do. But this is my sister. I will always choose my sister.”
(Y/N) grabbed her keys and gave one last look to her boyfriend and then turned to leave. This time, he let her go. He immediately went up to Tony, who was already getting dressed and calling others from the team.
Ecuador was blistering hot this time of year. (Y/N)’s tactical suit clung to her, Tony’s cooling suit material doing little to help the humidity surrounding her. She walked to the base, which was unsuspiciously placed a mile into the forest.
“We knew you’d come back,” Zola smirked upon her entrance.
“Let her go, then you’ll have me back,” She responded stoically.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” He said, circling the young teenager held up by two men. “I thought I said to come alone.”
“I did,” (Y/N) responded concisely. “You gave me the call, and I dropped everything and left.”
“Then why is my radar telling me that there’s a quinjet right outside and four Avengers walking in?” Zola quirked an eyebrow before looking back at the young girl and two men. Right as the doors burst open, Zola gives a command, and the two men inject something into the young girl’s neck, and then they drop her to the ground.
The pure anger that flooded (Y/N)’s veins was overwhelming. She feels her energy surge all at once, emitting a golden explosion while she screams out for her sister. Everybody falls backward before she’s running and collapsing on the ground next to her sister.
It was easy to tell that she was barely hanging on. While men swarm out of the open room’s many doors, she comforts her little sister by holding her close and stroking her hair. She says sweet words as the light drains from her eyes. Tears slide from both of the sisters, and as soon as the girl stops moving, (Y/N) stands up and lets the anger transform her.
Battle cries are the best way to describe the noises coming from (Y/N). She demolishes any Hydra agent that she comes in contact with. Bright golden light is pressed into the men’s eyes, and there are nothing but burned sockets left. Once they’re blinded, she releases her energy into their hearts, making damn sure they feel their death coming to them.
The last one dies, and she looks at her team. Steve, of course, and also Bucky, Tony, and Nat. The air that once inhabited (Y/N)’s lungs left, and she collapses to the ground and cries. She’s broken at the loss of her sister. Nobody blames her.
Steve places a hand on her shoulder. He doesn’t know how to help her--she’s completely broken inside. Steve looks at Bucky and nudges his head toward (Y/N)’s sister’s body. Bucky kneels next to her, but (Y/N) snatches his wrist in her hand.
“Hey, baby, look at me,” Steve says soothingly. “He’s bringing her on the jet with us, and we’re gonna make arrangements. Can you let him do that?”
She looks from Steve to Bucky, who gives her a curt nod. She took a deep breath and released his wrist, and he picks up the body. (Y/N) stands up next to her boyfriend, sparing a glance before following Bucky out to the jet.
When they get back to the compound, Tony contacts the others of the family. (Y/N) walked to her room and started the shower, stripping off the clothing layers that clung to her body.
The water was steaming hot as she stepped in, nearly making her hiss as she steps under the streams. She can hear Steve outside the bathroom door, and she wonders how long he’ll take to come inside.
It was five minutes exactly, and then Steve steps in. He’s in a pair of boxers and nothing else. “Can I come in with you?” He asks.
(Y/N) nods her head, and he slips out of his boxers before opening the glass door. He holds her for a moment, letting the water run over them as he runs his hand up and down her back. He reaches for the shampoo, then the conditioner, and then the body wash, making sure that he takes his time and is gentle with each motion. He leaves light kisses on her shoulders, on her forehead, on her hands.
“It’s my fault,” She mutters once in a while. It hurts to hear it, but Steve lets her say and do what she wishes, whatever helps her.
They lay in bed hours later, no clothing on them, hair a mess, chests moving erratically. It helps her at the moment, but as soon as they lay and say nothing, she’s thinking about it again.
Steve helps her get to sleep, and then they’re making arrangements the next morning with Tony.
“I’m paying for everything; don’t even try to argue,” Tony says. “I talked to your mom last night, and she’s on her way to the compound for legal reasons. Cremation, no burial, keep it small--her orders. We have the front row for her, you, your--”
“I’m not going,” (Y/N) interjected. Tony and Steve fell silent for a moment. “It’s my fault that she’s dead. The attendees aren’t going to see me as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the big sister; they’re going to see me as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the reason she’s dead.”
“That’s not true,” Steve said, placing a hand on her back.
“Yes, it is, and you know it.” (Y/N) stepped away from Steve’s hand. “I could have stopped this. I could’ve stopped her from--” She cut herself off, not wanting to even finish the sentence. Saying it out loud meant that it was true, and (Y/N) wasn’t ready to handle that. She knew that she’d have to come to terms with it eventually, but today was not that day. Healing does not happen overnight.
(Y/N)’s mom showed up forty-five minutes later. The woman’s eyes were red and puffy from crying.
“I want an open casket showing for her, and then I want her to have a Christian burial,” The mother said.
“She didn’t want that,” (Y/N) muttered. “She wrote down what she wanted to have in case she died. Said she didn’t want a showing; she wanted a natural burial under a willow tree.”
“You have no say in what happens to her--if it wasn’t for you doing this superhero bullshit, she’d be alive right now. So shut your mouth and stop pretending like you cared about her!”
(Y/N)’s face was stoic as she looked at her mother—the woman who raised her and loved her unconditionally for her entire life--until now. She looked at Tony and Steve, that same blank expression on her face. “I told you,” She said, sparks coming out from around her. “Mom, you know damn well I cared about her. Yes, her death was my fault, but don’t you come in here like my job is what makes me a shitty person. I assure you that I got that from you.”
And with those final words, (Y/N) walked out of the room. She spent that entire day in the gym with Bucky, Sam, and Nat. She had so much anger coursing through her that she won nearly every spar and split three punching bags.
Steve walked in at seven in the evening, long after everybody else had left the gym. “Sweetheart, you’ve been down here for ten hours.”
“And?” She snarked, taking another swing at the punching bag. Steve came up in front of her and placed his hands on her elbows. “Let me go, please.”
“Only if you come up for the night,” Steve bartered. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and took off her gloves, following Steve through the door and to the elevator. “I really wish you’d stop worrying so much about me.”
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
“A typical one.”
Steve sighs as they step into their shared bedroom. “I’m always going to worry about you. I love you, and I know that this is a massive deal for you. What your mom said wasn’t right or fair--”
“But, it was true.”
“You couldn’t have predicted that,” Steve said as he helped you out of your clothes. “You didn’t know.”
“I should have,” She insists, now down to her bra and underwear. Steve starts up a shower for her, and she steps in. “Are you coming in, too?”
“No, I’m going to make you something to eat,” He responded, leaning over and kissing (Y/N)’s cheek. She reaches up and cups his face, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Steve smiles and steps back, shutting the sliding glass door. While he’s gone, (Y/N) takes her time to clean her body. She uses every product she can think of to calm her angered mind. Lavender soaps. Tea tree shampoo and conditioner. Lemon balm sugar scrub. Raspberry shaving cream. It hardly made a difference. Where the anger once resided, sadness moved in.
Steve returned to the bathroom right when (Y/N) turned the water off. He handed her a warm towel--fresh out of the dryer, he said.
He made her some homemade pizza, which was lying on the bed. “They were supposed to send me on a mission tomorrow, but I had Buck take my place.”
(Y/N) snapped her attention to her boyfriend. “Baby, you don’t have to skip out on missions for me. I’d have gone with you.”
Steve shook his head. “That isn’t a good idea. Not when you’re in this state of mind.”
“I’m fine, Steve,” She insisted. “A mission would be good for me.”
Steve swallowed harshly, and then he nodded. “I’ll text Tony. But you have to promise to stay with me.” His instructions were clear. She nods her head in agreeance. He reaches for his phone and texts Tony, but he isn’t sure that his sweet girlfriend should be in the field. Not yet. H didn’t think that she was stable enough right now--not when her sister’s death was so fresh in her mind.
They both had nightmares that night. For Steve, he saw you being reckless. For (Y/N), she saw her sister’s death play out in numerous cycles.
Tony agreed to let you go on the mission. It was a raid, two days tops, and there wasn’t supposed to be any combat. Steve and Tony agreed that doing some intel would be the best approach right now. It was comfortable, distracting, and had a minimal opportunity for escalation.
That was until their cover was blown. The team was at a dinner party when it happened, and one of the assailants recognized (Y/N). Steve used the comms to tell Tony, Bucky, and (Y/N) to get out as quickly and quietly as possible and meet at the rendezvous point. She was in the hallway as a man approached her.
The suited man grabbed (Y/N)’s arm and shoved her into a room, locking the door behind them. When she looked at who was there, she saw six men, all of whom were bigger than she was (and somewhat intimidating).
She wasn’t scared in the slightest. She knew that she could get her way out of this.
“What are you doing here?” One man (who (Y/N) had guessed to be the ringleader of this circus) asked.
“Wow, no introductions or anything,” She tsked. “Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
“Now is not the time to be snarky,” Another man said, kicking (Y/N) in the back of the knees, so she was on the ground. She could feel her anger rising--emotional regulation was not on the list of strengths as of late.
“Don’t test me, extra number three,” She responded, rolling her eyes. She knew that it was only a matter of seconds before someone was coming to get her--it was standard to leave the comms on when leaving for an emergency.
The idiots’ leader kneeled to (Y/N)’s level, a scowl adorning his features. “We’re going to get as much information from you as we can, and then we’re going to take you to see your sister again.”
That caught her attention. “Mention her one more time, and you’re dead,” She warned, already feeling the electricity humming through her veins. Her jaw was clenched; her features were cold like steel.
The man chuckled lowly. “What? Don’t you want to apologize to her face-to-face?”
The scream that came from (Y/N)’s throat was deadly. She stood to her feet and let out a ball of energy, which killed the four men standing closest to her. One of the two remaining men lunged at her, but she narrowly dodged the hit and rebutted with a roundhouse. She pulled the knife that was strapped to her thigh and lodged it in his heart and then ran at the second guy (as Steve opened the door).
She doesn’t even notice her boyfriend standing in the doorway as she uses the man’s body to climb onto his shoulders, legs on either side of his face. She grabs the nearby wall and uses it to gain momentum, breaking the man’s neck between her thighs. As he falls to the ground, she hops off and catches her breath.
Steve stands in awe of what he sees. Six men, dead. Four of them with blood coming out of their ears and burning holes where their eyes once existed. His girlfriend, standing in a circle of bodies as if she had hardly lifted a finger.
“Baby…” He trails, trying to meet her gaze.
“Don’t,” She interjects sternly. “I’ll file the debriefing and hand in my resignation from the team.”
She steps over one of the men without a glance, brushing past Steve and leaving him motionless.
She’s stoic on the trip back to the compound. Not a single word. Not a single movement. It hardly seemed like her mind was in her body. She doesn’t even shower before she seeks out Fury.
He doesn’t even have to hear her resignation. After she explained what went down, he gave her two months of unpaid leave. No missions, no team exercises. She wasn’t even going to be staying in the compound for the first five weeks. Fury sent her to Wakanda, where T’Challa and Shuri worked with her to accept her sister’s death.
Wrath worms its way into everybody’s life. Sometimes it’s subtle, others it isn’t. For (Y/N), she was found to be dangerous. She blamed herself for her sister’s passing. She always would. But, with time, she learned how not to let it control her emotions, which were much more even upon her arrival back home. She refused to use her powers; although, she was still a weapon without them.
It was time to let it go. Let go of the burdens, of the bottled up emotions, of the resentment. It wasn’t time to move on, but it was time to rebuild. 
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romaxnogersav · 4 years
Sunset picnic
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, hinted Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: literally just fluff, a curse word or two but mainly fluff
Word count: 4009
Summary: You and Steve spend an afternoon together, cooking, hugging, watching the sunset with a picnic laid out.
Tags: @et-lesailes​ if you get sick of me literally just let me know😂💕
A/N: I kind of just wanted to write something fluffy and cute but it turned enormously fluffy. This took me two weeks to finish and I have no idea why. The food, I picked from some of the things I love, plus Cevans has Italian roots, hence the pasta. I’m also a big car lover, so Steve’s car had to be a classic. Soo emjoy <3
Also I’m starting a Steve Rogers tag list, so if you want to be added, sent me an ask <3
***My work is to not be posted or translated on any other site (AO3, Wattpad, Fanfic, ect.) without my permission!!!***
the header for the story is made by me!💫
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You were unwrapping your hands free from the boxing tape, taking deep breaths to bring your breathing to normal after the intense sparing match you just had with Natasha.
She wasn't any better, sitting in front of you, drinking from her water bottle, one hand on her hip.
She drank half of it in one go while you were unwrapping your left hand, then closed the bottle and looked at you.
"Steve and the boys back yet?" She asked getting to unwrap her own hands free.
"Should be back later today, late afternoon I think, something like that" you said finishing up, moving your neck a bit.
"Why, you missing Barnes already?" You asked chuckling at her, reaching for the hoodie you had discharged earlier.
"There's nothing going on between me and Bucky, Y/N" the two of you got into step, walking out of the gym, passing by recruits on your way to the elevator.
"Yeah, see I don't believe that."
"Well I never asked you to" she answered, pressing the bottom for the elevator.
"Oh come on Nat. You are basically flirting every chance you get." You laughed getting in. You pressed the bottom for the living quarters.
"Voice activation required" F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice echoed around the closed space.
"I swear to God, I'm going to kill Tony one of these days" you quipped, explaining, being overly done with the billionaire.
"Mrs. Capsicle" you said, another exhale leaving you.
"Well, yeah get in line" Nat joked. "Double Agent Natalie" she looked at you, lifting a brow up. Both of you bursted out laughing after that.
"Access granted. I genuinely am sorry for Mr. Stark's child behavior" if only Tony was as polite as the AI's he made, the Avengers would have a field day.
"Don't worry about it FRIDAY, so are we" Nat said, wiping a light tear from the corner of her eye.
"Okay, back to the conversation at hand." You said clapping your hands together.
"Drop it"
"Seriously thought, Bucky is honestly one of the nicest people ever plus he is on your level and you have been getting more than a little acquainted lately, give this a shot" you chatted, the singing sound of the elevator notifying you that you've reached the floor you, Steve, Natasha and Bucky were occupying.
"Hey, drop it, nothing's gonna happen" she said
"Oh come on, you like him, he likes you, go the fuck out" you whined.
It wasn't actually your business, but they were two of your best friends, was it that bad that you wanted them happy?
You reached a hallway, one separating the directions you were headed in.
"I can't hear you" she said, walking in the opposite direction, doing her hardest to get you out of her hair.
"Give it a shot Double Agent Natalie" you said, chuckling
"You are next on my list after Stark" she yelled back at you, making you chuckle again.
"You love me" you headed down the hallway towards the living quarters you shared with Steve.
You and Steve had been dating for around seven months, and had decided to share a living space around two months back.
It had taken so long for the two of you to get together, you thought your feelings were giving headaches left and right to the other occupants of the compound, or so Bucky had told you.
You had danced around your feelings for the good part of a year, that everyone had had enough, and a plan had been formed to set you two up.
While you thought you were having dinner out with Wanda and Natasha, Steve had been set up on a blind date by Sam and Bucky themselves. Going into the restaurant, and finding yourselves in each other’s company had been strange and awkward at first, but things had blossomed up really fast and the night had ended with a walk in downtown Manhattan hand in hand, a kiss goodnight on the cheek and a promise for a real date where you weren't set up by your friends.
Things had escalated from there, and now almost a year later, you were in a happy relationship with Steve Rogers.
Being in a relationship with Steve was a heartwarming experience. He was an affectionate partner, gentle and caring. He wanted to spend as much time with you as possible when you weren't on missions, but not that much for it to feel suffocating. He was supportive of your choices, understanding in different situations. He loved doing things for you, and you did too.
Between missions out and training, the lives you were leading weren't the easiest ones, so you were both always sticking to small things that much more showed your affection, rather than how big you could go, and you didn't need to compete with Tony Stark on that front.
Your personal favorites were the times where Steve would get you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers, stock the freezer with your favorite ice cream or get your favorite dessert. You could also honestly say that you loved the little notes you found around your leaving space left from him. You had a whole bunch of them stacked in a box in the bedside table drawer.
The most recent one was a little note you found three days ago, the morning Steve, Sam and Bucky had left for a little mission down in Ecuador.
It was a sweet red sticky note, left on the coffee maker.
"You were snoring a bit last night, but I still love you. See you Wednesday afternoon twinkles"
The note had read with a couple of stars around it, a little kiss lips doodle in the corner.
God, and the pet name, it had you melting. You weren't much for the common ones, so you had your own spiced up pet names that Sam claimed were making him gag.
But dating a Super Soldier, and an Avengers leader was also kind of a hard, good thing was you were both equally trying to make it work, and it was, which was all the more proof that you and Steve were good for each other.
As you neared the door to your apartment space, you were able to hear the faint sounds of jazz. The oh so familiar words of Walkin' my baby back home by Annette Hanshaw, or in other words one of Steve's favorite songs from his time, were softly sounding from inside.
You smiled at that, he had gotten home a bit earlier than you expected, so that meant you were going to have a bit of time for yourselves.
When you neared the door, you pressed your thumb to the scanner, and waited for the door to unlock.
You honestly didn't know why Tony had put scanners on the living quarters doors, but you appreciated them at times.
When the door clicked, you opened it and stepped into the space. The music was a bit louder now, and you could also hear Steve's faint voice singing along. From your place at the door you saw Steve in the kitchen, chopping what looked like veggies.
When you closed the door, his attention snapped to you, a big smile making its' way on his face.
"Hey you" he said putting the knife down, toweling his hands on a towel nearly.
"Hey yourself. You are back early." you said, leaving the hoodie on a chair in the living room, making your way to the kitchen. Steve rounded the island and met you halfway, his hands finding their way to your hips.
"We finished early." He said, bending down, pressing his lips to yours. It felt good to be near him again, even after just a few days.
The kiss was gentle, passionate, full of how much he had missed you these past few days. It was slow at first, but soon after your lips started moving just a tad more urgently. When Steve nipped your lower lip, you couldn't hold back the little moan that came out of the back of your throat. Steve used the opportunity to deepen the kiss, passing his tongue into your month, swallowing down your moan.
One of his hands rested on your hip, giving it a squeeze, and his other was spread out on the back of your head, strands of your hair between his fingers. Yours in turn were positioned around his middle, holding him close to you.
The long kiss was a welcomed moment even though you were sweaty from the training session, and Steve as it seemed was trying to cook something.
Soon you parted, foreheads pressing against one another for a few seconds while your breathing got back to normal.
Steve pulled back to look at you, a smile on his face.
"I missed you" he smiled, squeezing your hip again, kissing your nose.
"Me too. What do you have there?" You asked, gusting to the veggies on the kitchen counter and the water boiling on the stove.
"You'll see." He said giving you one last peck on the lips before pulling away from you and going back around.
"Now, go shower because you stink, and put something nice and comfortable on afterwards. We are going out." he told you, smiling your way before he started chopping the veggies again.
"What a gentleman you are Rogers, what a gentleman." you chuckled, but still started making your way over to the bedroom. You could hear Steve's little laugh on the way, and soon after it was followed by the tender words of yet another classic, Summertime by Ella Fitzgerald.
Small surprises were always something you and Steve did for one another, and right now you were really curious as to where you might be going later.
You sure needed some time for yourselves, away from the Compound, so a little going out and spending some time with Steve was something you were sure you would enjoy.
Around an hour later, you emerged from the bedroom dressed in black jeans, with a navy blue camisole, white sneakers and nude pink cardigan in hand.
When you went back to the kitchen in search for Steve, you found him on the stove with an apron on.
He had changed while you were taking a shower. The sweats and t-shirt from earlier were traded for dark blue jeans and a dark red henley.
There were a couple of ingredients spread out on one side of the island, along with a bowl, whisk and two cute little mason jars. On the other side sat a basket, two bottles, one of a favorite wine of yours and the other with what could only be homemade lemonade.
You left the cardigan on one of the bar stools, moving around the counter and sneaking your arms around Steve's middle, resting your cheek between his shoulder blades.
"I thought you said we were going out. What's with all the food?" You ask, running your hands up and down his chest and abdomen.
"We are. We are having homemade dinner outside" he told you while stirring a pasta sauce in the pan.
"Like a picnic?"
"Yeah a picnic outside at sunset" he took one of your hands, bringing it to his lips and laying a kiss on your knuckles.
"Steve, you just got back from a mission," you started, wanting to protest. You wanted to tell him that you could just stay in, snuggle up on the couch, watch a movie, he could have even skipped up on cooking, you would have been perfectly happy with ordering something.
Your protest though, died as soon as they began when he put the spoon down and turned around, putting his hands around you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I know, but I want to. I want us to spend a couple of hours away from here, just you and me, nice wine, homemade dinner, the spring sunset. How does that sound?" He asked, getting close to you, prepping your face with kisses. One on the nose, each cheek, on the eyes, forehead and finally a couple of quick pecks on the lips.
You were giggling, trying to get away from him, pushing on his chest a bit. When your giggles died out, you looked into his eyes and smiled.
"It sounds incredible" you answered, kissing him on the cheek.
"I'm going to finish the pasta, and then how about we make the dessert together?" He squeezed your waist, letting you go afterwards. You just nodded, going on the other side of the counter.
After Steve finished the pasta, he took hold of your hand, took a second apron from somewhere and tied it around your waist.
You were trapped between him and the counter, with his chest against your back.
"You look so cute" he whispered, kissing the back of your head.
"You know this is only slowing us down, right?" You asked while Steve was mixing the crushed cookies and the butter.
"Yeah, but I get to do it with you, so I'm not about to complain." he chuckled, pinching you in the ribs, making you laugh and swap at his thigh.
"You are a dork." you laughed, pulling another bowl from across the counter.
Steve sat the mix of cookies and butter aside, then opened the heavy cream and poured it in the bowl you just pulled.
"Yeah, but you still love me" he kissed you again, then took the whisk and passed it onto you. You chuckled and accepted it.
Just as you were about to start whisking the heavy cream, Steve placed his hand on top of yours, and started doing all the work. You wanted to melt into him, and just sit there and make the dessert the whole day.
There was something so domestic about the whole thing. You were Avengers and having moments such as this one was really rare. You were doing your best to separate your avenging lives from the lives you led with each other, so those moments where you could just be with each other, vulnerable, open and loving were your absolute favorite.
Steve longed for that, the domesticity outside of being a national symbol, and being able to share it with you in whatever capacity that was. It made him feel like Steve Rogers, and Steve Rogers only, and he loved it.
When the heavy cream was thick enough, he added a packet of cream cheese, some vanilla and some powder sugar and with shared effort you started whisking them together.
When the cream was fully ready you sat that aside too, while Steve sat a pot on the stove and put a full assortment of berries in. A couple of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries with a bit of sugar, lemon juice and a bit of cornstarch were set to heat on the stove, while you started filling the little mason jars with the cookie and butter mix.
Just as you were about to put the cream part in the jars, Steve came with the pot of warm and thickened berries.
He sat it aside to cool, and out of the blue, took a bit of the cream mixture and smeared it on your cheek.
"Stevee" you whined but laughed nonetheless. He was being such a child today, but you couldn't even complain. He pressed you against the counter again, circling his arms around you. You wanted to push him off, take the cream off and finish the dessert, but he had other plans.
"Hold still, let me get a taste." he whispered in your ear, then ran the tip of his tongue where the cream was on your cheek, then lightly sucked on it with his lips.
A spark went through your spine at his words and actions and for a moment you wanted to forget all about the dinner, the dessert, the picnic and being outside by yourselves in favor of retreating to your bedroom and spending the rest of the day under the sheets, covered in sweat and prepping kisses all over each other.
"Delicious" he whispered again, making you move around in his arms, trying to wiggle back, but just as fast as he had covered your cheek in cream, he let go of you and stepped back. You almost whined at the loss of contact.
"I swear to God Rogers..." you started but he cut you off by turning you and kissing the words out of your mouth.
It was a hungry kiss, like he too wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed, hearing you whine and protest, sigh and moan, let him touch you, love you.
You kissed until you could hardly breath, then he ended it.
"Later" he said lowly, pecking your lips once more before pulling you to him again, and just like minutes ago, having his front against your back.
"If I didn't know you well enough, I'd say you have some kind of fetish about having my back pressed against your front" you joked, taking a spoon, and starting to fill the jars with the heavy cream and cream cheese mixture.
He laughed, the sound from his chest vibrating against you.
"Maybe I do, and you'd never know" he said, squeezing your hips.
When the jars were filled with the white mixture, Steve took the pot and placed a couple of spoons from the berries mixture on top, even feeding you some in the process.
It was so nice, you rarely got to cook together. Tony had cooks most of the time, or you ordered in, so even making dessert together was incredibly good.
When the dessert was ready, you closed the jars and rinsed all the dishes before stacking them in the dishwasher.
Steve packed the basket, setting the food and wine in, adding silverware, plates and glasses.
You pulled the apron off, setting in on the counter, then pulling your cardigan on. Steve pulled on a jacket, took the basket in one hand and your hand in his other and exited your living quarters. You took the elevator down to the garage.
When you got there, you walked by the all the cars there, until you reached Steve’s at the end. The 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS 350 painted in navy blue had been a gift for his birthday last year from you and the team. You knew Steve loved his bikes, but you couldn't count on the Harley every time you wanted to go on a date, so at the end you all settled for getting him a car.
Tony had found the perfect car, and you all had liked it. You and Natasha had picked the color and after that the car had been fully restored and ready exactly for Steve's birthday.
He had been ecstatic. He loved the car, he loved the gesture, he genuinely appreciated the thought and the time you put into his gift.
Steve put the basket in the truck and came to even open your door. When you settled in, he circled around and got in himself.
Soon after you drove away from the compound.
You were driving, the faint sounds of Steve's favorite songs playing in the car. It was a long but pleasant drive, most of which spent with Steve's hand resting atop your thigh.
Around an hour into the drive, you were able to point where you were. You were driving around in Brooklyn, Steve's old borough.
After fifteen more minutes, Steve pulled up to the parking lot of what you couldn't even mistake, a park.
There was a sigh up front that read "Prospect Park". Steve got the basket from the truck, followed by a blanket and two pillows.
"You have to be kidding me. Steve!" You said, already giggling and laughing at what a cute boyfriend he was.
"What? I want us to be comfortable." He said and you just shook your head at him, taking the pillows from his arms. He locked the car, and took your hand leading you through the park.
You walked for a while, trying to find a bit more secluded space to settle. Soon enough though, you found the perfect place.
A few trees closing the area just a bit, with an overly beautiful view of the lake that faced west, right where the sun was going to set.
You were at a loss of words. It looked so beautiful and peaceful, you get to spend an afternoon right here, overlooking the lake, while enjoying the company of your incredible boyfriend, with homemade dinner and wine and to top it all off, you get to watch the sun set behind the horizon.
You rarely got to have that much freedom to spend the time like this, so seeing Steve doing this for you almost made you tear up.
"Steve...this is, all of this....I-" you stared, your voice almost cracking. You looked up at him, tilting your head just a bit to look at him better.
"You don't have to say anything, I wanted to." He said, putting the basket down.
Soon the blanket was laid out, the two pillows set on one side with the basket on the other, you and Steve sitting in the middle.
He unpacked, opening the bottle of wine and pouring you both a glass, before getting the food out. An assortment of cheese and vegetables with dips was put in front of you, with a few salty muffins, curtsey of none other but Sarah Rogers, the recipe for which Steve had found through an old cookbook of hers.
The pasta was pulled out too, soon after and you enjoyed dinner, while talking back and forth, laughing and smiling at one another. It was nice and sweet, it felt, like all that mattered right now were you and Steve, and that made it all the better. Sharing his beautiful moment with the person you loved.
You were feeding each other dessert when the sun started slowly going down. You were so engaged in each-other, you were almost going to miss it.
The cheesecake was left unfinished in favor of laying back, your head on Steve's chest with an arm draped over his stomach. One of his was wrapped around your waist, with the other settled on your thigh.
You were relishing in the quiet while gazing at the sun setting when Steve's quiet voice broke the silence.
"I love you, thank you for being with me, supporting me and loving me. You've been there to fill that loneliness I've been feeling for as long as I can remember. Thank you for seeing me as everything else but Captain America, as everything else but a man born out of war." He told you, leaning just a bit back to look at you.
"You sound like you are about to propose" you giggled, reaching to lay your hand on his cheek. Your eyes stunk a bit at his admission, but you were trying your best to keep everything at bay.
"I'm not, not now, but maybe in the near future"
"You are something else Steve, you are something else, but I love you nonetheless. Thank you, for giving me a place to call home, for being a part of my life in such capacity, for being my home" you told him. He closed what little space was left between you, placing his lips on yours and gently but surely kissing you breathless. You felt a single little tear slip down your cheek and smiled into the kiss, because this? You could never get used to how attentive and gentle Steve was, you couldn't. He was everything you could wish for in your significant other.
You spend a couple more hours relishing in being with each other, watching the sun fully set and the starts lighting the sky.
You felt like the world could end at any moment, and you'd still be happy, because you got to spend your last moments with the person you love and cherish the most.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Sick Little Games: Nineteen
When you stepped out of a portal, dripping wet and looking like an irritated cat, Thor chuckled, “Overshot your portal?”
“In case you were wondering, it’s raining in Ecuador,” you say, ringing out the end of your cloak.
“How do you hit Ecuador if you’re aiming for New York?” Tony asked. 
“I was just a little distracted,” you murmur, cheeks heating. 
“By what?” Bruce asked, handing you a towel.
“Long story,” you answer, turning away to take jewelry off and towel off your hair. You didn’t know how to explain that Bucky had sent you a really long, frankly incoherent wall of text messages vacillating between being apologetic and being fucking pissed that you’d gotten an abortion and not told him. 
You had wanted to know how he found out but, you had next to no interest in talking to Bucky. Not anything outside things for work. 
“Ew,” Tony said, “Barton sent you dick pics, didn’t he.”
“No, you freak,” you sigh, throwing the soaked towel at him. “Ugh, I’m gonna go take a shower.”
You turn and start towards the elevator, slipping past Steve with a small smile of hello. Steve looks at the water pooled on the floor and at your back, confused, and Thor laughs, “Evidently, it’s raining in Ecuador,” he says. 
“Ecuador?” he calls after you, laughing a little. 
“Barton sent a dick pic, and she got distracted,” Tony shouted, smirking when you flipped him off as the doors slid shut.
Clint sat on the couch, fussing with the pizza and the cold six-pack the coffee table. He had his black hoodie where you could find it in the closet and your rainbow socks neatly folded and lying next to a warm, freshly fluffed towel. Everything you asked him for. And he had a few more little things. A new book and a pretty dagger you’d had your eye on for a minute. 
Still, even with all of that in place, he felt a little sick. Like he’d just breached your trust when he’d blown up at Bucky. He didn’t like it. There had been no reason for him to blow up like that. None. Except for letting Bucky push his buttons. And the worst part was, he’d known it was happening. But hearing him gloat about having sex with you. Hearing how fucking smug he’d been after seeing how fucking shattered you’d been. Knowing he was proud of himself for taking something from you that you had a good reason to be keeping for yourself. He looked down at Lucky, gazing longingly at the box and smiles a little, “Let mom get her piece first, ya cretin,” he scolds fondly. Lucky swishes his tail and barks once, easing himself onto his hind legs to beg properly, prompting Jinx to do the same thing. “Animals, both of you,” he sighs, going to find their treats. 
He was about halfway to the counter, grumbling to himself when the door to the suite opened, and their current pizza lust was temporarily forgotten to get pets. Clint leaned on the table and smiled, watching you give kisses and pats. “Why are you wet?” he asked, amused.
“It’s raining in Ecuador,” you sigh.
“Overshot it, huh?” he teased.
“Yeah... but At least I didn’t end up in Antarctica again... I’m still pissed Steve wouldn’t let me keep the penguin.”
Clint chuckled and kissed you softly when you stood on your toes to lean over the counter, “Where would we have put it?”
“We have another bathtub!” you pout.
“Speaking of bathtubs,” he says, kissing your nose, “Why don’t you go get warmed up and then I’ll feed you and give you a beer.”
“But what about a shower beer?”
“You’re such a brat,” he groans, “I guess. If It’ll get you in the shower before the pizza gets cold.”
You smile and kiss his jaw, padding towards the bathroom, going to strip out of your wet clothes and find something warm and snuggly to put on. Clint waits until he hears the shower turn on and then brings you the requested beer before padding out to the living room to sulk until you came back. He knew he needed to tell you. He knew he needed to talk to you about it. But he just. He wanted a date night, He wanted to love his girl and forget that this day had happened. He felt like a dick. 
Worse than a dick.
He felt like a dildo. He wasn’t real enough to be a dick. Flirting with you and not just telling you the truth. 
Still, When you come back warm and soft. Wearing his black hoodie and your rainbow knee socks, snatching a fresh beer before wrapping yourself around him. He still can’t bring himself to talk about the day. “Hungry?” he asks, popping you on the bottom as you wrap your legs around his waist. 
“But cuddle,” you murmur, hiding your face in his neck.
“Baby-” he protests lightly, but he stops when you tighten your grip. These aren’t just needy cuddles. These are “Clint is angry” cuddles. And you might not know why but you’ve managed to twist it around in your head to be all your fault. And you’re trying to fix it without knowing what you did. “Okay,” he soothes, “Shh, okay.” He rubs your back and kisses the side of his head.
“Are you mad at me?” He feels the question instead of hears it. Your lips against his neck and the tremble in a deep breath you took before asking. It’s such a soft whisper he can’t actually hear you. But he knows that question well. 
“No,” he murmurs, “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at me.”
“What happened?” you ask, fingers toying with the close-cropped hair at the nape of his neck, rubbing gently. 
“I- I fucked up today, babe. I fucked up really bad.”
“What, you murmur, “Get caught reading fanfic about yourself getting railed by Hulk?”
Clint snorted, “Worse- I think,” he tilts your chin up tenderly to look you in the face and sighed, “I- I blew up at Bucky today.”
Several emotions flit across your face. Confusion, understanding, hurt, and then... oddly amusement.
“Oh,” your forehead thuds gently against his collarbone, and you sigh, “Clint, you dummy. That explains so fucking much.”
“Oh no,” Clint said, “What-”
“Bucky sent me this massive fucking text wall and yelled about the baby and kind of apologized but... didn’t then yelled at me some more and I spent like, all fucking day trying to figure out where he heard it from.”
“That’s gross,” Clint said, crinkling his nose, the knot in his stomach loosening a little when you weren’t angry. 
“Right?” you yelp, “Who the fuck yells at someone about that via text... fucking boomers.”
“Technically, he’s too old to be a boomer,” Clint says, brushing the hair out of your eyes. 
“Well, he acts like one... seriously. He used Emojis. Too many. Like Ew.”
Clint snorted, “And you’re okay?”
“I mean... yeah. Fuck him”
Clint grinned and smacked the swell of your ass again lovingly, “Yeah... But don’t fuck him. Fuck me a few times, and let me feed you pizza.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you liked me or something,” you tell him, stealing another kiss.
“Baby,” he hums, shifting you over gently and popping open the pizza box, “I don’t just like you. I love you.”
He hands you a plate and lets you tuck yourself against his side, “I love you too,” you tell him, beaming. “Can we watch Manos: Hands of Fate?”
“Anything you want, baby girl,” he chuckles. And as you settle in with your pizza and beer, Clint wonders just who exactly he had to blow in a past life to be this fucking happy.
@lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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