#i have like 50 blankets on top of me anyway so like
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
i unplugged my electric heater bc it should be like. basically summer right. and then last night or the other day i think we had an overnight frost warning and im too lazy to plug my heater back in but i have noticed it is cold enough in my room rn that the melted chocolate chips on top of my waffles have become completely solid again
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sourlove · 1 month
Omg the jock is so cute I was wondering if maybe we could get a scenario thing we're maybe reader and jock are at a diner on a hot summer night just chilling idk how you want to interpret that but I love your writing so far ♥️
A/N: I immediately thought of like a small town in the 50s or 60s when I read this lol.
Thanks for the ask!
The heatwave that settled over the town had everyone abandoning their houses in favor of hanging out at the lake or starting up their barbeques. You, on the other hand, were heading to a date with a certain someone that evening.
"Y/N! Y/N! Over here!"
You had barely even stepped into the diner when you were swept into a bear hug. You didn't even have to guess who it was, by the way your feet completely stopped touching the ground.
"Hi Lucas," you said wearily. The star football player grinned at you, eyes bright from beneath shaggy, golden curls. You snorted and ruffled his hair. "You doofus, didn't I tell you to get a haircut after practice today?"
Lucas pouted. "I wanted to get here before you did. Look, I got us a booth! You said you like booths so I got us one!"
"Yes, I can see that. Thank you, Lucas." You sighed as he dragged you to a seat at the back of the diner, where the crowd was thinner. Lucas squished himself next to you, instead of opposite, rendering the booth pointless. You didn't mind anyway, as you were used to Lucas doing this.
"What can I get you lovebirds today?" the waitress asked, giving the two of you a grin. You smiled back at her. She had always been kind to you and had on more than one occasion, smacked Lucas with a newspaper for trying to makeout with you in the diner. She playfully glared at him and he stuck his tongue out at her, hugging you closer.
"Hey, Donna. Can we just get two milkshakes and some fries?" You asked, ignoring the way Lucas buried his head in your neck.
"Sure thing, hon." Donna walked away to place your order and you patted your boyfriends head gently. Honestly, it was too hot for his shenanigans. You let him stay like that for a while, though. As much as you refused to say it out loud, sometimes you really enjoyed being smothered by Lucas. It was comforting, like a heavy weighted blanket draped on top of you.
Lucas sighed happily as you combed a hand through his curls. "I thought you said you like when my hair gets long? I was growing it out for you."
"I love your hair, short or long, baby," you said. "But not when it gets in your eyes. If you fumble on the field again, I think Coach is gonna get his scissors and hunt you down to cut it himself."
"You love me?" Unfortunately, everything else you just said was obsolete to this boy. "You mean that, don't you?"
"Of course she does," Donna chimed in, holding a tray of your food. "There has to be a reason she would put up with you slobbering all over her."
"Thanks, Donna. Um-there's only one milkshake?" you questioned.
"Yeah, and two straws." She winked at Lucas. "Enjoy!"
Lucas beamed and immediately stuck the straws into the frothy drink, looking at you with such hopeful eyes, you couldn't do anything but sigh and lean forward to drink. You had to admit, the cold drink was just what you needed to stave of some of the heat of the day. Your eyes fluttered close as you savored the sweet taste.
When you opened them, Lucas's big brown eyes stared back at you.
"What is it this time, Lucas?" you asked with a huff.
"You're just so pretty." He smiled sweetly, the big dope. "I like looking at you."
You and you smacked his arm, though it hurt you more than it probably hurt him. "You're such a sap."
"A sap for you, honeybun~"
"I said don't call me that in public!"
"But whyyyy?"
You stuffed fries into his mouth to shut him up, giggling at his puffed out cheeks. He begged you for more and you rolled your eyes but relented. Sometimes saying no to Lucas was like kicking a puppy, there was no logical reason to. You could practically see his tail wagging as he ate greasy diner fries form your hand, licking your fingers clean.
"Let's go home," he whispered softly when all the fries were gone. The look in his eyes was so intense you grew flustered. Lucas grinned and tossed a few bills on the table, pulling you out of the booth.
You called out a hasty goodbye to Donna and she smiled at the both of you from behind the counter. There was something odd about that boy and the way he looked at you. But then again, who was she too stand in the way of young love?
The night hadn't gotten much cooler, but there was a little breeze stirring up the heat. The smell of grilled meat and distant laughter told that people were still enjoying their evening. You would have to swing by to your neighbor's house later. He always saved leftovers from his barbeque for you and Lucas.
Lucas held your hand tightly as usual. He didn't seem to be in a rush like he was on other nights. "What's on your mind?" you asked, swinging your hands back and forth.
Shocker. You laughed and shook your head in disbelief. "I can't always be on your mind, dummy." He glanced at you in confusion.
"Why not? You're the best thing that ever happened to me!"
You stopped walking and stared at him. He tilted his head, the action making his curls fall into his eyes again. "What's wrong, honeybun?"
The stupid nickname, the shaggy hair, the dumb, sweet smiles. Everything about Lucas that you once thought was annoying, now made you smile about your boyfriend. This was bad.
He yelped when you suddenly dragged him down by his collar to mash your mouths together but soon reciprocated the kiss happily. When you released him, his face was flushed with another stupid grin plastered over it.
"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining!"
"Nothing," you hummed, linking your fingers again. You would have to get the leftovers later, it seemed. You had plans for your boyfriend that night. "Nothing at all, baby~"
A/N: Everyone seems to love Lucas! And I don't blame you, he's the sweetest boy. Thanks for the support! If you enjoyed this, leave a like, comment and reblog. My asks are open though I might not reply to them immediately, I will try to reply to all.
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gay-dorito-dust · 17 days
hi hiii its my first time ever asking anyone idk how this works ( ;`Д´)
i rlly love your writing, i often find myself staying up late reading through your blogs!! funny bcs u were the one who got me into jason todd (ФωФ)
anyways!!! i was hoping you could pls pls pls pls plssssss write smth about Jason Todd who has a lover thats a sleep-deprived uni student having a hell week and jason is like "bitch put google docs down and get some sleep, ur ass has been awake for 48 hours" all worried and wanting them to rest and reader is like "correction, 50 hours."
i hope it makes sense (´ 3`)
tyyyyy!!! woopee woopee
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Sorry this took so long to get to anon, I hope you liked it either way. And don’t stay up too late reading fics but I truly appreciate you reading my stuff, I’m glad you like them 🦦🐿️
A week.
An entire week Jason had noticed you have been forcing yourself to stay up at the dead of night, glued to your laptop all the while chugging energy drinks and cups of coffee as though they were going out of style, and for what? An assignment that determined your future at uni should you not get straight marks.
Jason thought it ridiculous that you made yourself sleep deprived over this but he knew that if he didn’t do anything about it, then you’ll continue this habit until you were well out of university, struggling to come to terms that you had well and truly burnt yourself out before you could properly start living.
So when Jason couldn’t fell you next to him in bed one night, like you promised him you would, and groaned as he got himself out of bed before making his way towards the kitchen where he’d knew you’d be.
‘What time do you call this?’ Jason asked when he saw you in your usual spot at the kitchen counter, hunched over your laptop with a thin blanket frapped over your shoulders and a can of energy drink on one side of the laptop and a cup of coffee on the other side. He hated what this stupid university has made you do just in order to get good grades, it was harmful, damaging and it would inevitably lead to health complications later on in life; If he could Jason would more then gladly march down there and threaten the professors to stop shoving a boatload of work onto their students, but firstly he has to get you away from that damn laptop and learn how to take a fucking break.
‘Mid-afternoon?’ You asked, not looking up from the bright screen of your laptop, where the words scrawled across it in an incoherent mess for your overworked brain to comprehend.
‘It’s actually 3:30 in the morning.’ Jason replied unamused as he crossed his arms over his chest and you winced when you saw that he was indeed right about it being three thirty in the morning. ‘Don’t you think it’s time that you shut the laptop off and get some sleep?’
‘But I-‘
‘Actually sleep.’ Jason cuts you off as you slumped back into your chair, unable to come up with a decent enough response to defend yourself with because deep down you knew Jason was right, you’ve hadn’t had a decent sleep in a long while and it was definitely taking it’s toll with how lightheaded you’ve become as of late.
You sighed and ran your hands down your face. ‘Jason I can’t, I’ve got-‘
‘An assignment to complete for tomorrow I know.’ Jason cuts you off again as he crossed the room to put his hand over the top of your coffee cup upon noticing that you were intending to take another drink from it. ‘But I look at you and can tell you can barely keep your eyes open for more than five minutes.’ He adds and upon your silence, he puts the cup aside as far as he could before doing the same with the half empty energy drink, and then finally shutting the laptop close despite your weak protests for him not to.
‘No, Jason my assignment, I need to finish it.’ You told him with slow, sluggish movements as you tried to pry his hand off of your laptop, all the while biting back a yawn. ‘Just give me five more minutes please and I’ll come to bed, promise.’
Jason had enough of this habit of sleepless nights, it ends now, the professors will have to understand and extend the due date for your sake as he remembered how often you had harped on about how important this assignment was for your overall grade; However Jason didn’t take neglecting your bodily needs lightly and would prioritise that over anything else,you could hate him all you wanted but he was only looking out for you and your wellbeing.
‘Sorry chipmunk but I can’t watch you do this to yourself for any longer than I already have.’ Was all Jason said as he then lifted you out of your chair suddenly causing you to yelp in surprise and cling onto him for dear life, now being more awake then you ever have been five minutes ago, as he then proceeded to carry you back towards the bedroom before unceremoniously dropping you onto the bed.
‘Jason, I seriously needed to get that assignment-‘
‘We are going to sleep, end of discussion.’ Jason said with finality as he crawled under the covers and quickly held you against his chest as tightly as he could, rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly. ‘I know how important this assignment was for you sweetheart but I’d much rather have you well rested, clear minded and healthy than to ever to have you pass out in my arms from exhaustion. I want my baby happy and healthy and you are neither of those things right now.’ Jason whispers into your ear, kissing the side of your head a couple of times before resting his forehead against yours so that he was looking into your weary half lidded eyes.
‘Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open.’ He spoke with worry laced in his words.
‘You’re really warm and comfy jay birdie.’ You murmured, feeling the need for sleep grow ever stronger the longer you stayed in his arms as it fogged your mind.
‘I know, so please we can talk to the professor in the morning and sort something out, but until then no more late nights understand?’ Jason said firmly as he held you a little tighter, he just wanted you to get a decent nights sleep and be looked after properly but all these late nights weren’t cutting it and were making your situation worse, how were you meant to get anything done when you were half out of it due to overworking and lack of a sleep schedule? Were the professors at your university thinking they were teaching robots instead of humans with breaking limits?
‘Okay I understand, I love you.’ You replied sleepily as you burrowed your head into his neck, falling asleep in record time as Jason stayed awake a little longer as to make sure you were properly asleep before following suit, watching over you in the dream realm as he did the waking one.
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miaowitch · 3 months
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What Makes a Date? (18+)
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Read on Ao3 or below !!
Sam (SDV) / Fem! Farmer OC
cw ⋆。‧˚♡ swearing, smut, porn with plot, grinding over clothes, blowjobs, cumming without warning, sam pov, sams a loser?, canon/oc
summary ⋆。‧˚♡
Sam has two tickets to his favorite band, but none of his friends want to come with him. What does he do instead? Ask the farmer on a totally platonic outing, just as friends with no underlying feelings! Everything should go according to plan, especially the part where he ends up in her house! Right?
5k words
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Sam found himself in an odd situation. Two tickets to a concert in Zuzu City, two busy friends, and one available farmer. He’d been talking with Bella for a few months. Every time she came around he couldn’t help feeling like his heart would burst from his chest alien-style, but all in all he tried his hardest to be normal around her. Even if he’d written hundreds of scrapped melodies about her, even if he dreamt of her constantly, even if he wanted her laugh as his alarm clock. Samuel Neilson was a normal 20-year-old who could have hot friends. 
He’d been a fan of the band JamPot since middle school, and he figured Sebastian and Abigail would’ve died hearing about the tickets. They were all massive fans in fact, they’d discovered them together on YouTube in fact. Sure, he could only take one, but Sebastian rarely left his house anyway. Abigail was his backup plan for concerts most times, he just liked extending the offer to Seb. Abigail would never turn down the option to go to a concert without paying. 
He decided to ask them both on their weekly pool night, Sebastian was riding on his first win of the night and Abigail was lounging on the couch closest to the table. Sam thumbed the tickets in his pocket before working up the courage to ask, “Hey uh-” He started, pulling out the envelope. “Either of you wanna go with me to see JamPot on Saturday?” Sam’s hopeful tone was instantly crushed by their simultaneous rejection. “Sorry, Sammy. I’ve got plans on Saturday.” Abigail finally looked up from her phone to look at his defeated expression. “Yeah, I’ve gotta catch up on work. It wouldn’t be smart to..” Sebastian had just finished setting up the next game, but Sam couldn’t care less. “Whaat?” Sam whined out, leaning on the pool stick now. “I spent 50 on the other ticket, just hoping one of you’d tag along!” 
Sebastian, as if he was unbothered by his friend's distress, just rolled his eyes in response. “Just ask Bella.” Beginning the match by hitting the cue ball, managing to hit a solid color into a corner pocket. Sam stood dumbfounded. He didn’t want to go alone, but he also didn’t know if Bella would even agree to the…date? Would it be a date? He pondered for a minute before Sebastian cleared his throat in frustration. “You’re stripes, now play the fucking game, dude.”
The rest of the night, Sam was in a sort of daze, wondering if he was even close enough to the farmer to ask her to a concert. What if she rejected him, thinking it was a date? What if he wanted it to be a date? After his…circumstances with Penny, he wasn’t sure if he should even try to make a move. Walking out of the pub at 11, he was still thinking about Sebastian’s suggestion. Abigail waved goodbye, the one sober member of the group. Sam was slumped on Sebastian’s shoulder, the two held each other up with drunk motivation. “Can I..” Sam sighed, tossing his head back. “Just take me to your basement, Sebby.” He didn’t plan on drinking so much, but he knew his mom would kill him if he walked in wasted. “Whatev’r…” Sebastian slurred back, as he lead Sam around the corner to the mountain path. 
Sam didn’t quite remember how he’d gotten to Sebastian’s house. He woke up with a twinging headache, sprawled on the rug next to Sebastian’s bed. An old throw blanket was tossed over top of his body, but no pillow. His mouth was dry, lips cracked slightly as he pried them apart. “Seb…” He groaned, his voice was dangerously hoarse. Clearing it, he called once more as he sat up. “Seb. Get up.” Sam reached up to push at Sebastian’s sleeping back, but only received an angry groan in return. Being friends with Sebastian for so long, he understood that groan as a rejection to waking up.
Sam decided to just leave on his own, his mother was probably concerned about the fact that he hadn’t even come home. The alarm clock on Sebastian’s bedside read off [11:00 am]. He sighed, searching for his shirt that had been thrown off in the night. Picking himself up from the floor, he grabbed his phone, found his shirt, and slipped on his laceless shoes. Hobbling up the stairs was the hardest part, with stiff joints it was hard to even walk a straight line.
“Hello, Sam!” Robin announced to the house as Sam emerged from the basement. He winced at her volume, but still put on a smile. “Hey, Robin, sorry I crashed last night.” Sam adjusted the faded band shirt, hoping she couldn’t tell he’d been half naked two seconds prior. “Seb’s still asleep downstairs, I don’t know if he’s getting up any time soon.” He rubbed the back of his neck, anxious that Robin could still smell the alcohol. She didn’t seem to catch on, laughing softly. “Oh, Sam, you don’t have to apologize for staying over.” She sat back in the chair behind the front counter. “You two always stay up so late at night, at least you’re having fun.” 
Sam said his goodbyes, walking out the front door and closing it silently for the sake of his aching head. He took a deep breath, feeling around in his pocket for his phone to text his mom that he was headed home. Instead, Sam found the tickets that cursed him. “Fuck.” He muttered to himself, but apparently not quiet enough. Bella was rounding the corner at that very moment. 
“Fuck what?” She appeared with a sly, teasing smile. Sam felt his throat tighten up. “Me?” He replied with a violent voice crack. Sam couldn't help feeling like an ass when Bella was around. Something about her jet black hair, piercing blue eyes, and….assets? He didn't want to disrespect her, she was a nice friend. Why would he talk about her like that? He respected her too much. 
Bella laughed, harmoniously (to Sam). While covering her smile, which killed Sam, she dropped it after her giggles. A happy sigh escaped her, straightening up to really get a good look at him. “You look rough.” Bella spoke with almost a hinge of concern, looking him up and down. Sam had been so caught up in overthinking, he forgot completely about why he had been overthinking. “Rough? Yeah, I guess I feel the same too.” His hand nervously rubbed at his neck, Sam had a habit of doing it. “A-Actually I had a question for you!” Bella cocked her head, Sam felt his stomach toss. 
Bella was a girl who loved music. It was her and Sam’s first conversation. Wearing an old TilledSoil shirt, a band Sam had seen upwards of 10 times. After their hour of conversation on their favorite bands, Sam deemed Bella to be cool. He knew she would agree to going to a free concert with him, but was he even confident enough to ask her out? “What’s up?” Bella asked, now actually concerned for Sam. He’d been clutching the tickets for the entire time. The ticket envelope crumpled in his grip. “Do you wanna go to a concert with me- If you’re not busy or- or anything.” He felt like a total ass. 
There was no reason for her to actually reject him, but every bone in his body was cringing out. Standing in front of his best friend’s house, asking someone to go on a maybe-date. If Sebastian had been awake, he’d be instantly cooked. “What band?” Bella spoke up to break the internal panic that fogged his brain. That and the hangover headache. “JamPot!” Sam blurted out, making his headache come back with a vengeance. “They’re just…some dumb pop punk band from overseas.. I just have another ticket!” Yet she was already smiling, “JamPot? I don’t think I’ve listened to them since middle school!” Pulling out her phone, she looked back up at him. “When’s the show?”
Sam seemingly forgot every single detail about the show in that very minute. After frantically opening the envelope to look at the tickets, he looked back up. “Tomorrow, doors at 7?” Bella then started looking through her phone for a moment. “I’ll drive too! All you gotta do is tag along!” Sam wasn’t trying to beg, but god, he just didn’t want to waste the money. She looked back up with a smile, “Deal, I’m free to go tomorrow.” Stammering to himself for a moment, Sam finally got out a sentence. “Cool! I’ll pick you up at 6?” Bella agreed, and Sam floated back into town on a high.
Sure, his mom was pissed, and he was slightly late to work. Sam just couldn’t care. He was just really excited to hang out with his friend Bella. There wasn’t anything else lingering there, no matter how many times Sebastian and Abigail brought it up. This was just two really good friends going to hang out at a concert. Getting close, and sweaty…and doing normal friend things. Sam wasn’t going to ruin anything. Surely. 
Sebastian and Abigail heard the ‘news’ from him over a text, both were convinced it was going to end in Sam’s demise. Abigail bet on Bella thinking it was a date, but Sam shut her down immediately. There’s no way Bella would think it was a date. Even as he put a little bit of extra time into getting ready the next day, he was positive that Bella was on the same page as him. After assuring himself that his hair was perfectly quaffed, he headed out to pick up Bella. 
His car was just a hand-me-down from Jodie, her old car from before they’d gotten a family van. Sam wasted a few minutes throwing trash from the passenger to the backseat. Scrambling just to make it to the farm at six. Pelican Town wasn’t the most drivable, but it was still nice to have a car for longer trips. He just hoped it was comfortable enough for Bella. Not that it was a big deal, of course, she was just like every other friend. He just wanted her to enjoy her first ride in his car.
Sam arrived at the farm at 5:52, pulling into the gravel driveway just after he was done freaking out about being late. He fixed his hair in the rearview mirror, fussing over nothing at all. Waiting for just another minute, he was too impatient and honked at the horn once. He didn’t have her number, but he also wasn’t sure if he could just walk up to the front door. What if she thought he was rushing her? At the moment Sam honked– Bella opened her front door. A black cat ran from the house, and Bella locked up the front door. Sam was leaning on the steering wheel, watching her. When she looked at him with a smile, he instantly straightened up. His palms were grossly sweaty, and suddenly he felt underdressed. 
Bella walked to the passenger side of the car. Sam for a moment felt compelled to brush off the seat before she sat down, but still held himself back. Sharing greetings, Sam took a moment to really look at her. Trying to get his breath back, he smiled. “Ready for the show?” Sam managed to get out, gripping the wheel with white knuckles. Bella could probably wear a burlap sack and look good, but her black skinny jeans and cropped tee suited her perfectly. Bella smiled back, buckling in. “You know it.” 
It was hard to pay attention to the road with her in the passenger seat. Bella wasn’t distracting in a bad way, but Sam couldn’t help wondering what the feeling in his gut was. He just didn’t want to mess anything up. The drive wasn’t boring by any means, Bella and Sam talked the whole way there. Bella mentioned listening to JamPot’s new album, and Sam had to hold himself back from gushing about each detail in the chord progressions. But– It wasn’t long until he did start gushing about it. It was really difficult for Sam to not spill every thought around her. Normally, people would just grin and bare it while Sam rambled about music, but Bella listened to him. She seemed like she really was interested, a rare find. The drive and the time spent waiting in line was mostly just the pair talking about shared interests. Finding out she also preferred Hawaiian Pizza was a game changer for him. 
The venue was old. It’d been there since the early 70s, but was still kept up with. High ceilings, low concrete floors and bars located on both sides. It was already halfway packed in, the merch tables weren’t busy either. Small fairy lights decorated the trim of the brick walls, highlighting the merch tables easily. 
When they were actually in the venue, Bella split off to find the merch table while Sam grabbed a spot on the floor. “I’ll see you in a few.” She smiled, softly placing a hand on his upper arm before walking off. Before Sam melted to the sticky concrete, he had to text his friends. Sending a frantic text to Sebastian, Sam felt his head swimming. [ “Is this a date?” ] He typed the words with nervous, shaking thumbs. Sam was wrong, kicking himself in the ass. What if he was in the process of destroying any chance with Bella? What if he did like her more than he was allowing himself? 
[ “Yes.”  ] Sebastian responded, Sam mentally crumbled.
This was the issue with Sam. He didn’t read the room properly, didn’t understand most situations. It’s what ruined a lot of past relationships for him. Bella didn’t seem like she was hating their conversations, but girls were just so confusing to him. During his overthinking, Bella returned. A new beanie on her head, and a CD in her hand. The new JamPot album. “I got this for you, I wasn’t sure if you had it already.” Holding it out to him, Bella had no clue what had been occurring in Sam’s head. “What?! I’ll pay you back, Bella, I swear.” All fear dropped from his mind, her presence was enough for him to stop overthinking. She shook her head, “It’s for the ticket, don’t worry about it.” Bella’s hand touched his arm again. Soothing his anxiety, but slightly raising his blood pressure. 
After each of the two openers, Bella and Sam kept getting closer and closer. The crowd crushed together in excitement, filling the air with the heat of upwards of 200 people. “Are you okay?” Sam spoke up, bending to Bella’s ear just so she could hear him. She responded with a thumbs up, but still moved closer to Sam. Somehow they’d pressed forward to the barricade, in the middle-left. The headliner hadn’t come on yet, but Sam was preparing. His hands were holding the barricade, with Bella standing between them. He knew she’d be fine on her own in the crowd, but he wanted to keep her safe. The crowd had been rough all night, the openers being much heavier than JamPot, but Sam didn’t want her getting crushed against anyone else. 
Music played across the loudspeakers to fill the silence for the crowd during the stage set. The energy throughout the show had made him less high-strung, less worried on the topic of their night. “You’re having fun, right?” Sam asked, again at a higher volume, just so she could hear him. Bella nodded, leaning against the barricade and looking up at him. “Thanks for bringing me, Sam!” She hadn’t been able to stop smiling that night. 
It was honestly rare that Sam had seen her leave the farm. She and Abigail hung out by the mines occasionally, and he’d see her on walks by the water. Sam just rarely saw her doing anything out of Pelican Town in the few months they’d known each other. He liked taking her out, taking her places with him. “N-No problem.” Feeling that same tossing in his stomach, for some reason his face felt hotter. Maybe it was just the room? 
If Sam thought the first half of the show was close quarters, he wasn’t ready for the second half. Pressing up tightly to Bella’s back as she jumped around was the hardest thing Sam had to endure. On one hand, Bella was safe and comfortable at the barricade, while Sam had to get knocked into continuously. On the other, every single movement against Sam’s dick was like the purest form of torture. It’s not like she was grinding into him, but every once in a while they’d make contact when Bella would start jumping around. Gritting his teeth through it, Sam stood strong. Even if he ached, feeling the slightest brush of her hair against him. Her perfume with hints of clove, brushing by him, was his own heaven. The only thing Sam could circle back to at that moment was the original question.
Was it a date? Sam really tried to focus on the band, but how could he? He’d tune in for a song, then get lost in thought, staring at the back of Bella’s head. The end of the show came quicker than he’d been paying attention. The encore was really just one song, then the whole night was over. Sam felt like an ass, once again, for letting his mind wander all night. Walking out of the venue, Sam stayed close behind Bella. He felt like he’d been a weird freak all night, he just watched her. Bella didn’t notice anything, she’d been talking about how great the show was all the way to the car. Sam bantered back, acting as if he had really watched the concert.
After finally making it to the car, everything sort of shifted. Bella felt a little shyer now that they were fully alone. “Um– Sam?” She asked, as Sam put his keys in to start the car. “Yeah, Bella?” He looked over to her, the radio in the car started playing some obnoxious radio song. The CD hadn’t been automatically reading, so he reached up to press the button. “Well, I just wanted to thank you for taking me on this date. I really had a lot of fun with you tonight.” 
Sam froze in place.
Date? It was a Date?
The annoying pop track played its repetitive tune. Sam was staring at Bella with a dumb look on his face. “It was a–?” He managed to catch himself before saying his first thought, “Right– Well, I just thought..” His extended hand toward the stereo retracted, holding the back of his neck to feel at any beads of sweat. “I just thought it was about time, y’know?” A goofy grin cracked on his face, feeling suddenly free of his worries. “Me too..” Bella had been messing with a strand of hair framing her face. “I really appreciate it, Sam. We should really do this again, okay?” She smiled again, softly. The fluorescent lights in the garage gave her an outer glow, a soft halo on her black hair. Sam had to look away before he forgot the route home. 
Still, a sort of tension lingered in the car. They talked like normal, joking about the show. They talked about typical things from the daily special at the saloon, to weather during the week. Sam considered for a moment that he was just being dense, not understanding the palpable pauses between each topic. Bella adjusted in her seat every few minutes, Sam could’ve sworn he caught her looking his way every few minutes. His energy was high from the concert’s atmosphere, so maybe his mind was just working overtime. 
Eventually, though, they made it to Bella’s home. Pulling in the same gravel driveway as a few hours prior. Sitting in silence for a moment, neither truly wanted the night to be over with. Bella finally offered though, “Sam, I think I might have a pizza in the house. If you’re hungry or something..” Bella played with the fabric of her beanie, now clutched in her lap. Her hair was slightly messed up from hat hair, but to Sam, she hardly looked imperfect. 
“Yeah, uh.. I don’t see why not.” Sam turned off the car a little too enthusiastically. Mentally high-fiving himself for making it this far. Considering how the situation started, he didn’t even think he��d be in a car with Bella. Let alone be on a date with Bella. It was only midnight, his mom knew he’d be back late, so Sam didn’t have any reason to say no. 
“Sorry if it’s a little messy, I don’t normally have people over..” She apologized, unlocking the door with a set of keys attached to a decorated keychain. Sam figured it would probably be cleaner than his room, and he was right in assumption. Bella was exaggerating. Only a couple of cups laid on the coffee table, a few sweatshirts and jackets were draped on one of the dining room tables, and burnt out candles littered the main living room. “It’s not messy, don’t worry.” Sam made sure to close the door behind him, only slightly jumping when a black cat ran through the house and towards the bedroom. 
Sam quickly followed Bella into the kitchen, where she was staring at the box of frozen pizza branded with JojaMart logos. “Have you had this before?” She asked with a pensive tone, looking over her shoulder and back at Sam standing in the doorway. He felt a knot in his throat. “Please, I think I’ve had every frozen pizza in the Joja aisles.” Sam tried to push past it, leaning on the dining table to keep himself from collapsing. 
“It says it’ll take 30 minutes, can you wait that long?” Bella set the box on the counter and turned to him. It was one of those fancier brands with a rising crust. “I could make us some sandwiches if you’re too tired, I know I’m already keeping you out pretty late..” Her lips pursed in thought, but Sam scrambled. “I-I can wait!” Bella began opening the box, and setting the frozen disk pizza onto the tin tray. Watching her preheat the oven, Sam felt his heart race. Two peers, in a house…alone. Sam hadn’t thought this far ahead. 
Sure, he’d kept a condom in his wallet, but that didn’t mean he just expected to get laid. He wasn’t that cocky. He understood that they were just two friends, fresh off an unexpected date. Two very available people that liked each other a considerable amount. Sam just knew the kind of guy that he was. He wasn’t the type to hold off if he wanted something. And god, did he want Bella. 
She turned around now, unaware of the horrible thoughts in Sam’s brain. He wondered if he should just go home. “Well, we’ve got a 30-minute wait… anything you wanna do while we wait?” Bella took a few steps closer, setting the flannel she was wearing on the kitchen table behind Sam. “You.” He felt tempted to say his desires out loud, but held himself firm. “Oh, I could just watch TV if you want.” He was lying, but it was late. Sam doubted that she was that into him. 
Following Bella into her living room, he took a spot on one end of her blue, velvet couch. Bella placed herself on the other side after getting the remote to her tiny television set. She sat forward, stiff as she tapped through channels, just trying to find something to fill their silence. The tension between the two was thick, Sam just tried to relax. Leaning back in his seat and getting comfortable. It was almost 11 at night, there was nothing to be worried about. As if the notorious early bird farmer Bella would stay up much later than 12. 
A couple of minutes passed, but Bella didn’t seem to relax. Sam kept stealing glances, but each time she would lock eyes with him. Her panic hidden as she looked back to the boring music documentary they landed on. “Are you comfortable?” Sam finally offered, figuring that it was an innocent question. Bella finally looked at him, “Um… Well…” She shifted in her seat, “I guess not, I just can’t rest after concerts..” Bella seemed almost embarrassed, “I just have such a hard time laying down..” 
Sam opened an arm at the instant. “C’mere then, I’ll show you how to relax, Bella.” He didn’t have bad intentions at all. Sebastian was the same way, you had to force him down to get any sleep after going through concert adrenaline. Sam had no problem getting cozy, he just wanted to help her out. 
He was more than surprised when she actually agreed to it, Bella gladly crawled over to lay on his chest. Sam positioned himself to lay along the couch, one hand behind his head to pad the hard arm of the couch. Bella just draped herself on the inside of the couch, pressed onto him, but hardly comfortable. She still felt like she wasn't quite comfortable, so Sam let a hand creep down and rub the space between her shoulders. A sigh released, and Bella let her guard down.
Sam’s hand continued to rub circles around her back, and Bella’s sighs became more frequent. Every shift she’d make against his thigh, every shudder as his hand shifted to her mid-back. He wasn’t sure what he was doing to make her react that way, but he’d always been told he had magic hands when it came to massages. “Are you still comfortable?” He asked again, not sure why he was whispering. Bella could hardly be heard as she softly moaned at his touch. Sam felt himself going insane as their eyes met. Her lashes fluttered, his heart could’ve given out at any time. 
It only took a second for Sam to realize what was actually going on. Bella moved up, now straddling him to the couch. A mere centimeter away from his lips as she felt her own hesitation. “Bella? C-Can we…” Sam started, but Bella cut him off. Their lips met with sparks under Sam’s skin. His hands drifted to her waist, rubbing slow circles with his thumb as their tongues mingled. One of Bella’s hands moved to his hair, lacing together with gelled, blonde strands. Even lightly brushed against his hair almost made him burst, but whatever Bella was doing to him made him weaker to the touch. 
Their kiss broke with Sam panting, holding on tighter with one hand on Bella’s waist. Basically guiding her to grind against the center of his crotch. “Ohhh… Oh god, Bella…” Sam couldn’t help begging for her, what else was he supposed to do with a beautiful woman on his dick? Her hips gyrated, moving forwards and back to tease at his quickly hardening cock. 
It’d been too long for Sam. He didn’t fool around as much as he had before Bella came to town, but she was enough to dedicate his life to a monogamous relationship. “Y-You’re so fucking good, holy shit…” He gasped as her hands trailed up his chest. Holding herself firm as she now stopped and held herself up. Moving down, she positioned herself between his legs. Sam propped himself up, sweaty and confused. Watching Bella lay on her stomach with a determined look in her eyes, she understood her intentions as she unbuckled his checkered belt. Her soft hands pulled down blue checkered boxers, taking in everything slowly. 
Sam’s ears were burning hot, he threw his head back to avoid her seeing his embarrassment. Bella, on the other hand, slid her hand around his cock with love. Licking her lips with anticipation as she took it all in. Gently kissing the blushing head of his cock, leaking precum and begging for more. Sam writhed under her, missing her lips after every sweet peck down the shaft. He begged, desperate for something that wasn’t a teasing kiss. Bella listened, smiling devilishly as she swept her long black hair behind her. 
Bella’s hands firmly stayed on Sam’s hips, making sure he wasn’t bucking too hard. Her mouth wrapped around him warmly, lowering slowly to halfway, then bobbing back up. “S-Shit..” Sam cursed, biting his lip to stop from exclusively swearing. His right hand gripped at the back of the couch, while his left hand trailed to Bella’s head. Softly petting as she moved with intention. Her big eyes looking up as if she wasn’t melting him with each move she made. 
“B-Bella slow down, Please-” She bobbed faster, and stopped teasing him. His hand now gripped in her hair, inky black strands lacing between his fingers. “Fuck- Fuck, you’re so good to me, Wh-” Sam’s rambling was cut short by his body near folding from her mouth hitting the base of his cock. Sam wasn’t monstrously lengthy, but he was still slightly longer than average. Aside from the fact that he wasn’t getting very many blowjobs, he’d just assumed deepthroating didn’t exist. Tortuously, she moved her mouth up, with her tongue pressed to the bottom of his shaft. Sam couldn’t keep his mouth closed. A mixture of her name, whimpering, and swears poured out as she worked her head up and down. His head pounded, a whooshing in his ears grew louder.
Without warning her, Sam crumpled under her. Cumming into her mouth, now holding onto her head gently to keep her still. Bella moaned, the vibrations only making him moan out louder as he bottomed out. She pulled herself off as his hands fell, a quiet ‘pop’ broke the humming in his head. As she got up and left towards the kitchen. He’d realized the timer started going off when Sam heard the creaking of her oven door. “Bella?” Sam called out, almost missing her after she left the room. A second later, Bella’s head peeked around the wall of the kitchen. “Do you still want pizza?” She acted like she hadn’t just been on his cock, like she still couldn’t taste him in her throat. 
“No, I think I want something else.” He propped himself up, smiling back at her. 
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158 notes · View notes
minkyungseokie · 19 days
第三章 | First Day of Work
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), untranslated Korean, untranslated Chinese
note; chapter three!! I might be falling out of love with the sport ngl. After this, I might take a long break
note2; please feel free to request moodboards, blurbs, smaus, or anything else you want for this series. Or just request anything as long as you read my rules and how to request thing
fc; imleslie(Y/n), xavier serrano(Aaron Antognelli), blanca soler(Chiara Lorenzi)
Come Talk to Me
Driven by Destiny Masterlist | Previous | Next
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Toto Masterlist
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
DO NOT ask me to update this story. I'll update this when I can.
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An arm reached out from under the mound of blankets and practically slapped the phone off the table as the alarm pierced through the quiet and comfortable atmosphere, "Ugh.." Y/n groaned, retracting her arm and cuddling into her pillow. Just as she was about to fall back to sleep, the familiar sound of her ringtone rang through the air, "God fucking dammit." Y/n cursed, throwing the blanket off of her body and grabbing her phone.
Y/n put the phone on speaker and threw her legs over the side of the bed, "What?" She barked, "Woah, why so hostile? You told me to call you to ensure you woke up." The voice of Y/n's sister, Jisue, or Rachel, said. Y/n sighed and picked up her phone, unplugging it from the wall before walking to the bathroom, "Yeah, I remember. Sorry, I just...didn't sleep very well last night." Y/n groaned, running a hand through her hair as she searched through her drawers for an outfit.
"It's fine. You forget that I'm your older sister. It isn't my first time dealing with you when you're like this. Do you know what you're going to wear?" Rachel questioned, "Nah, I'm completely clueless, mate. You wanna hop on FaceTime and help me pick an outfit?' Y/n asked, grabbing her phone and waiting for her sister to answer.
"Duh. You know I would love to help you out. Say, I'm at Mum and Dad's right now, so I can get Olivia to help as well if you want." Rachel suggested. Y/n gasped, "Yes! Yes, go get her!" Y/n encouraged. She loved all of her siblings the same amount and Y/n refused to treat one better than the other two, but Olivia was the baby of the family, everyone had a soft spot for the girl.
She was an absolute sweetheart, as all of the Lee siblings were. "Okay, hold on. She'd love to help since you're probably her favourite sibling." Rachel joked, Y/n scoffed playfully and rolled her eyes, "Oli doesn't have a favourite sibling. If she did, it'd be Felix."
Rachel quickly got up and went to go get Olivia while Y/n pulled out some options to wear otherwise they would be there all day going through her clothes.
Thudding was heard on the other end of the phone and the thump of someone landing on the soft bed the phone must've been on. "Y/N!!" Olivia greeted cheerfully, "Oliva!" Y/n copied her enthusiasm. "Olivia, be careful with my phone." Rachel hissed, plopping down on the bed next to her youngest sister, "Oh shush, Rachel. I was being careful. Anyway, I'm going to FaceTime you now." Olivia directed her attention to Y/n.
The older Australian waited until the screen for the call popped up and immediately hit answer, "G'day, my lovely sisters." Y/n greeted again, waving with both hands. Olivia was lying on the bed with her feet up in the air, swinging back and forth while Rachel sat behind her.
"Hello! Show us what you have already." Olivia said, getting into a better position, "Move over, Olivia." Rachel ordered, getting on the bed and pushing the youngest Lee sibling over gently. "Okay, keep in mind that I want to make a good impression on my boss." Y/n reminded, putting the shirts over her arm so she could get ready to show them off.
Y/n looked at her phone to see both of her sisters giving her looks of suspicion, "What?" Y/n asked, "Since when did you care about giving off good impressions?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at the younger woman, "Yeah, you usually don't care unless..." Olivia let out a loud gasp, "You're...are..Y/n! Do you want to attract your boss?! Is he or she attractive?! What's their name? I'm going to look them up."
"Woah, woah, woah, Olivia. Calm Down. What are you getting at?" Rachel asked, putting a hand on their sister's shoulder, who was vibrating in place as she grabbed Rachel's laptop. "You weren't around when this happened, but every time Y/n put more effort into her appearance, she found the boss super attractive," Olivia explained.
"Is this true, Y/n? Do you find your boss attractive?" Rachel questioned with a teasing smile growing on her face, Y/n looked to the side as her cheeks gained a hue, "Maybe, but it doesn't matter. She's married and way out of my league. Anyway. here are my shirt options." Y/n brushed off the topic and showed off each of the shirts.
"Hmm, personally I like option number three the most. I think go with the black button down. You look amazing in black." Olivia said, "I agree, black is a part of your aesthetic." Rachel agreed.
Y/n took off her pyjama shirt and threw it onto the bed just as she got another call, "Who's calling you?" Olivia asked, "Yongbok. I'm going to add him to the FaceTime call." Y/n said, picking up her phone again and sending a text to her younger brother.
After the text was sent, it didn't take too long for Felix to join the call just as Y/n was propping the phone up, "Hello. Why are you shirtless?" Felix asked as his face popped up on the screen.
A face popped up over Felix's shoulder and stared at Y/n with wide eyes and rosy cheeks, "I was getting dressed for my first day at work. Hey, Hannie." Y/n greeted, waving at the wide-eyed quokka.
The chubby-faced boy waved back, "안녕하세요, 누나." Jisung greeted, "지성아, 말해봐요. 이 셔츠 마음에 들어요? 아니면 다른 걸로 갈까요?" Y/n asked, holding up the black button-down. "Black..is good. I like black." Jisung answered, giving the girl a thumbs up.
Y/n unbuttoned the shirt and threw it on, "너도 도와줄 거야, 하니?" Y/n questioned, seeing the younger man was still there, "네, 괜찮으시다면." Jisung answered.
"Next up are the pants. Show us what you got." Felix said, "Yeah, I'm ready to see what you have for pants." Olivia spoke, "Knowing her they are all going to be high-waisted pants that are either in black or that weird tan-beige colour." Rachel joked.
Rachel looked at Y/n, who was now standing frozen with a guilty look on her face, "Y/n, you do have jeans in more than one style and two colours, right?" Rachel asked. Y/n pursed her lips and picked up two pairs of shoes, "So what shoes should I go for?" She asked, changing the subject
"I like the platform Doc Martins." Felix said, "I like the boots." Rachel said, pointing to the Doc Martin boots that Y/n held in her other hand/ "I like the platforms." Olivia said, "I like..boots as well." Han spoke.
"So we have two for the boots and two for the platforms. Hey, Olivia, go get mum and ask for her opinion." Y/n ordered. Olivia rolled her eyes but went to go get their mother as requested, "Mum!" Olivia called out as she jogged to wherever their mother was located in the house.
"So how are things in Monaco?" Felix asked, "Oh, Monaco is amazing so far. I've only been to a few places which were the market, my new home, a cafe to meet my new boss, and that's about it." Y/n shrugged.
"Speaking of her new boss. Y/n might have a little crush on her married boss." Rachel told Felix, "Rachel! Lixie, don't listen to her. I don't have a crush on Mrs. Wolff. I do think she's gorgeous, but nothing would ever come of it if I did want to be more than friends, or more than boss and PA, with her." Y/n rolled her eyes.
"I don't think it means anything. You know how Y/n is. She finds people attractive, but she's too scared...sorry, shy, to do anything about her attraction." Felix said.
"I'm back with Mum!" Olivia announced, running into the room and diving onto the bed. Sure enough, after a couple of seconds, the Lee sibling's mother enters the room and sits down, "Hello, Mum!" Y/n greeted the beautiful woman.
"Hello, sweetheart. I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you for finding such a good job." Mrs. Lee said sweetly, wishing she could hug her child and run her hands through her hair.
"Thank you, mam. I'll be right back." Y/n said, grabbing her clothes before stepping out of the frame. Mrs. Lee got up and exited the room since she was no longer needed, "Do you guys really think Y/n isn't interested in the boss lady?" Olivia asked in a low voice.
"I am not sure, honestly." Rachel admitted, "Y/n 누나는 쉽게 사랑에 빠지는 타입이 아닙니다." Han spoke up, "You're right. She really isn't the type to fall in love easily and she definitely isn't someone who is into homewrecking." Felix agreed.
Rachel opened her mouth to say something, but the sound of rustling clothes getting closer made her snap her jaw shut as quickly as she opened it.
"Okay, how do I look?" Y/n asked, giving the group a 360 view of her outfit. "You look amazing as always." Rachel complimented, "As pretty as always." Felix added, "Unbutton a few of those buttons. You look like a fuc- ahem a nerd." Olivia said.
"N/n, I'm being so serious about this when I ask and I don't want you to think I'm accusing you of anything, but..." Felix trailed off, unsure as to how to phrase the question.
"You usually wear more masculine or androgynous clothing, but all of a sudden you're being really feminine," Olivia spoke up. 
Y/n nearly reeled back in shock. She wasn't doing much of anything other than getting dressed and ready for her first day at work, which she had to get to in an hour. "I'm not sure if I follow what you're trying to say." Y/n narrowed her eyes.
"I'm just saying that maybe you're much more attracted to that woman who hired you than you thought and maybe you're unconsciously changing things about yourself to appeal to her." Rachel shrugged.
Y/n stared at her family with wide eyes. She didn't know why they were accusing her of being into her boss, but it made her want to rip her cochlear out of her head, but it wasn't that serious.
Y/n didn't understand why they would think that. Y/n hated things like that.
Love at first sight.
To her, it wasn't real and never existed. How are you going to fall in love with someone based on nothing but their looks? It's shallow and it's also how people end up in bad relationships since someone could be the most handsome man or woman you had ever met and simultaneously be the shittiest person alive.
To Y/n, being accused of being so attracted to Susie without her properly knowing the woman made Y/n feel like they saw her as shallow and superficial.
To Y/n, being accused of trying to dress to attract a woman with a family meant calling her a homewrecker.
Y/n didn't associate with people like that or live by the love at first sight thing because beauty will fade, but one's character will not.
"You guys know damn well that I'm not like that." Y/n hissed, "Y/n, we don't mean it like that--" Rachel started.
"No, you do mean it like that. I dress for myself and my success, not to attract an already-married woman. What kind of person do you think I am? I told you that she's married. I told you that she has a family." Y/n interrupted.
"Y/nnie..." Han called out, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to any of you right now." Y/n huffed, pressing the 'end call' button. 
The Chinese Australian dusted the imaginary dust off of her outfit and finished getting ready. She grabbed her glasses and put them on before putting her hair in a half up half down style.
Y/n grabbed a belt and wrapped it around her waist, making sure she didn't miss any of the belt loops before grabbing her backpack and the keys to the BMW Series 3 she had rented.
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Y/n sat in the car with her hands on the wheel and her eyes closed, she felt bad for assuming what her sisters had meant by what they had said. She also felt really bad for getting so upset with them and she didn't even know why she was so upset by it.
Yes, she was willing to admit that Susie Wolff was an absolutely gorgeous woman, but to say that she was changing herself in order to attract the older woman was blasphemous to her.
Y/n input the address into her phone and followed the directions to a makeshift office that Susie used while In Monaco. The Headquarters was in London and Susie had a son to raise, so she couldn't be in London all the time like she wanted to be.
"Wait, does this mean I'm going to have to travel all over the world? I know that I have an expensive apartment and rent this expensive car, but I'm not rich. This job better pay me enough." Y/n muttered.
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Y/n stopped in front of the makeshift office and exited the car with her bag in hand, shoving her keys into the bag as she walked up to the front door. As she stared at the building, her stomach did flips, she hated starting a new job.
Starting a new place of work always made her feel like her stomach was flipping so hard that it'd fall out of her ass. Taking a deep breath and gripping the straps of her bag, Y/n muttered encouragements to herself, "来吧, Y/n。别这么娘娘腔 男人......呃......女人,快滚进大楼" 
After cursing at herself in Chinese, Y/n finally opened the door and stepped inside. "Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked with a sweet smile on her face, "Um, I'm here to see Mrs. Susie Wolff. I am her new PA." Y/n explained, wiping her clammy hands on her pants.
The receptionist typed a few things before picking up her phone and calling someone. After a few minutes, the woman looked up at her again, "Okay, you can go sit and Mrs. Wollf will be with you shortly." 
Y/n nodded and turned to go sit in the lobby. The girl sat down and looked around, studying the lobby of the building. This must be where Susie works when her husband is busy doing whatever it is he does and she wants to be around her son.
"Alright, have a wonderful day. Be a good boy for Jessi, okay?" Y/n turned at the sound of Susie's voice to see her kneeling down with her hands on a little blonde boy's shoulders. The little boy nodded and wrapped his arms around Susie's neck.
Y/n and Susie watched as another woman, whom Y/n admittedly didn't notice at first, picked the young boy up and walked out of the building. Y/n continued to watch the duo leave, not noticing Susie turn to her with a smile.
"Ms. Lee? Ms. Lee?" Susie called out before putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n jumped up in surprise and whipped around, "妈的! Oh, Mrs. Wolff. I apologise. I didn't see you walking up to me." Y/n breathed, putting a hand over her heart as if it would stop the racing.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry." Susie apologised with a chuckle, "It's fine. Anyway, good morning to you, Mrs. Wolff. How was your morning so far?" Y/n questioned, standing up.
"Oh, it was okay. It's been a long and busy one. How about you? How was your morning so far?" Susie asked, "It was a morning. I woke up, got dressed, and drove here." Y/n answered.
Susie gestured for Y/n to follow her, "That's certainly a way to start the morning. Are you hungry?" Susie questioned, Y/n opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by her stomach growling.
It wasn't as loud as books and stories make it out to be, but when in a huge, silent, echoey hallway where things seemed much more audible than they really were...
Y/n's jaw dropped and her hands pressed against her stomach as if that would stop the growling. "I guess that answers my question." Susie chuckled, "We don't have food in the office, but I was planning on revisiting that cafe we went to last time. It's a tad bit stuffy in the office anyway."
Sussie led the younger woman out of the building, "Do you want to ride with me or are you fine taking your car?" Susie questioned. 
Y/n wanted to take the rental car, but she also wanted to ride with Susie. It would be nice to get to know her boss better, but at the same time, Y/n didn't know if it was appropriate to do so.
But wait.
She's a PA, which means she should be nearby at all times during work hours, right? With a nod, Y/n walked up to the passenger side door and put her hand on the handle, "I hope you don't mind if I ride with you." 
Susie waved her in, "No problem. Come on in." She said. Y/n opened the door to the Mercedes and slid into the passenger seat. 
Y/n looked around the interior with a look of awe. She had never been in such a luxury car. She rented the BMW, but it was at a discounted price and even that price was much more than she could afford.
"You like the car?" Susie questioned, looking at Y/n inspecting the interior of the car, "Yeah, it's much nicer than any other car I've been in. When I make enough money, I'm going to get one. A Mercedes, I mean." Y/n answered.
"Is your current car not good enough?" Susie asked, reversing as Y/n buckled up, "No, that's not my car. I rented it and I have to return it soon. I don't have enough money to get one at the moment. Spent all of my money on my expensive apartment." Y/n sighed.
Susie's smile faded as she processed what Y/n had said, while Y/n herself was practically kicking herself. 
Why would she just tell her business to her new boss like that?
"Y/n, do you have enough money for food?" Susie asked but got no answer, which was enough of an answer for her. 
Susie cleared her throat, "Moving on, I'm going to need you to fill out some stuff when we get to the cafe. I forgot to bring it with me last time." Susie changed the subject.
"Of course. I'm excited to go to the cafe again. They had delicious pastries. Have you tried their normal menu?" Y/n asked, gratefully accepting the topic switch.
She didn't need to or want to, seem like she wasn't in a good place. She wasn't, but she wasn't going to tell her new employer that she had spent so much on her apartment, the car, and buying her first set of groceries, that she had no more money.
Which was a huge reason as to why she got this job in the first place. She was a wannabe model whose life went to shit as soon as she tried to be a model. If it weren't for her parents and Felix, she'd...
Y/n shook her head. She didn't want to think about what would've become of her if they hadn't lent her enough money to pay her bills. 
In a way, they were also the only reason she was able to make it to Monaco. 
Susie looked at her new assistant out of the side of her eye. She had been talking to her, but she could tell Y/n's attention wasn't on her.
Her face was blank, but her body said that she wasn't happy with what was going through her head. Susie parked the car in the lot of the cafe in which they first officially met and turned the car off.
She studied the half-Australian before reaching out, pulling her hand back in hesitation before fully reaching out and placing her hand on top of Y/n's clenched one.
Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin when Susie's smooth hand covered hers, the touch was cool yet sent sparks of heat in her stomach. Y/n looked up at the much older woman with wide eyes, "Sorry ma'am, did you--?"
"Are you okay? Truthfully, are you okay?" Susie questioned, Y/n nodded her head, putting her free hand over Susie's, "I'm fine. I was just deep in thought. We should go in." Y/n said, pulling her hands away and exiting the car.
Susie let out a sigh and followed Y/n. It wasn't her place to push the girl, but as her employer and more importantly a mother, she couldn't help but want to understand more about what was upsetting her.
She wanted to help the younger woman as much as she could. But first, it seemed she had to gain her trust.
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The two women now sat at a two-person table on the patio with menus in their hands and a silence between them. It was the type of silence that was not uncomfortable nor was it comfortable. 
It was the type of silence one could enjoy for a long time without feeling awkward, but it wasn't the type of silence that was comfortable.
Y/n didn't know how to describe it in any other way than that.
The dark-haired half-Aussie looked up when she heard Susie clear her throat gently, "Uh, do you know what you want yet? The stuff we got last time was pretty good, so I might take some home for my family." Susie said, continuing to look at the options for food.
"Uh, yeah. I think I know what I want, but I don't know if it's any good. It's the Brioche au Homrd façon Riviera. What about you?" Y/n asked, Susie showed Y/n the menu and pointed at which one she wanted, "Ah, the Croque Monsieur à la Truffe. It sounds delicious. Oh, here comes the waitress." Y/n noted, politely waving over to the waitress.
As the waitress walked over, Susie's phone began to ring, "Shoot, I have to take this. Do you mind ordering for me?" Susie asked, grabbing her phone from her purse.
"Go on, Mrs. Wolff. I'll order for you." Y/n smiled before turning to the waitress.
Susie walked outside the cafe and stood by the car, "Hello?" Susie answered, "Hello, liebling." The gruff voice of her husband greeted sweetly.
"How are things going in Sakhir?" Susie asked, "Things are going great. The car is looking wonderful and I'm really confident this season. How are things going with your new intern?" Toto questioned.
"She's my personal assistant, Toto. And she's wonderful so far. A really beautiful and sweet girl that I think will make a wonderful personal assistant." Susie said. Toto could hear that she wanted to say something, but didn't want to continue and, knowing her, whatever it was was eating at her.
"And what is the problem?" Toto questioned, "I..." Susie hesitated. She wanted to help Y/n because she knew that the woman would end up in a really bad situation. She'd earn €33,965 per year or €2,684.85 per month and, as much as it seemed, it would only pay for her rent. 
It wouldn't be enough for her to fully live off of and Susie wished she could raise the amount she had to pay, but she wasn't legally allowed to.
But it also wasn't any of her business, so she just shook her head, "Nothing. Nothing at all." Susie sighed.
After about a twenty-minute conversation with her husband, Susie hung up and made her way back to the restaurant. "I'm back. Sorry for keeping you." Susie apologised, pulling out the chair and sitting down.
"It's fine, Mrs. Wolff. The food just got here anyway." Y/n said, placing the food Susie ordered in front of her. 
"Okay, so while we eat, I'm going to have you sign some documents that I forgot to have you sign and I'll explain what you'll be doing," Susie said, opening up her purse and pulling out some papers.
Y/n, who had begun cutting her lobster roll in half, looked up at the sound of the paper being placed in front of her. Her hands were a bit messy, so she extended her pinky and used it to drag the documents over to her side where she could see better.
After looking it over, Y/n grabbed her napkin and wiped off her hands before grabbing a pen that Susie offered, "Thanks," Y/n muttered.
"So as my personal assistant you will help me with managing schedules, communicating, taking notes, planning, organizing, preparing, and reminding." Susie explained, picking up a half of her sandwich.
Y/n looked up from the paperwork she was doing and looked at Susie with confusion written all over her freckled face.
 "I know I didn't explain it well. You will basically be helping me schedule meetings, appointments, and events. You'll help me answer phone calls, emails, and any inquiries. You will be taking meeting minutes and transcribing from dictation, planning travel, including flights, accommodations, and transportation, organizing events and conferences, preparing reports, presentations, and briefs, and reminding their manager of important tasks and deadlines." Susie said.
Y/n put her pen down and nodded her head, "I know it sound like a lot to do alone, but you won't be doing git alone. We'll be working together. The only thing that you'll probably be doing alone is running errands for me when I'm busy." Susie reassured, biting into her sandwich.
"Oh, I understand. Doesn't sound too difficult to do." Y/n spoke, picking up her roll and taking a big bite. Y/n hummed in satisfaction as the flavours of her food hit her tongue, "This is really good." The woman muttered.
"I've never had food from here either, but I'm really enjoying this." Susie agreed.
"So, Mrs. Wolff, how long have you been in motorsports?" Y/n asked, "Well, I started out as a driver and then I decided I'd  help little girls achieve their dreams of becoming F1 drivers themselves. What about you? I read that you used to be a really talented driver before quitting." Susie noted.
"I was close to becoming an F1 driver, but I contracted menegitis and I lost my hearing, so I couldn't compete anymore. Also, I couldn't get any sponsors despite being "talented"" Y/n said, putting air quotes around talented.
"I've watched some of your old races and I think you would've made it pretty far in F1." Susie complimented, wiping her hands and mouth.
"Thank you, Mrs. Wolff." Y/n thanked bashfully.
"Please, call me Susie. We'll be working close together from now on." Susie gave Y/n a smile and, once again, the girl couldn't help but notice how beautiful her smile was.
The two had settled into a comfortable silence where the only sounds that were heard was the ambiance of the cafe with the patrons chattering, utensils clinking against plates, and the sound of the kitchen workers making food and drink in the back.
Susie finished her food and wiped her hands and mouth again, leaning against the table and watching Y/n finish up her own food. 
"Say, Y/n," Susie called to grab her attention. Y/n looked up and tilted her head curiously, "If you had the chance, would you become a driver again?"
Y/n froze. Driving again had always been a sensitive topic to her. She wanted to drive again. She wanted to feel the wheel under her hands, a helmet on her head, and the seat that's fitted perfectly for her.
She wanted to be a driver more than she wanted to model, but she knew she could never do it again. The inside of her ears didn't work, which means she couldn't hear any radio messages.
Unless there was a way they could help her hear without using the ear pieces, it was impossible and Y/n told her just that.
"I would if I could. But with me being unable to hear normally, there's just no way. I have to wear headphones that cover my cochlear and hearing aid or else I wouldn't be able to hear anything." Y/n explained.
Susie nodded in understanding, thinking about something before deciding to discuss it with her husband later.
"Okay, well, back to business. The F1 Academy won't be announced until November, but we have a lot of things to do before it opens. Are you ready?" Susie asked.
"I am."
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@lewisvinga @only-nope @goldenmoonbeam @victorharrington @cheyxfu @xoscar03 @sunnylikesfrogs @laur2608 @evie-119 @alliwantisadonut @exotic-iris13 @thewolffswife
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wosemi-sama · 6 months
i worked too long on this just to not post it but i kinda gave up at the end. also male reader for uki. yippee. i also wrote fulgur's part but i didnt like it and ended up deleting in lmao. enjoy, guys.
alban knox
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Cat boyfriend cat boyfriend cat boyfriend oh my GOOOD
He is so silly
Don't know if you know this, but if if you look at his full model, he's so long??? Long cat.
He likes holding you in his arms but he also likes when you hug him from behind
He also likes holding late-night conversations with you, too!
You guys watch SO many movies. Movie marathons at least once week. YouTube too
"Alban, what should we watch?"
"Why don't I sit here and find something nice to watch on Netflix while you order us takeout?"
"It's four in the morning. I'm not ordering anything for you."
"I thought you loved me..."
uki violeta
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Top 10 little spoons of all time
He is SO soft???
They wear really cozy sweaters and fluffy clothing in general so cuddling him is a very nice experience
Would much rather have you hold him or hug him from behind. (If you bury your face in the back of his neck and kiss him there he WILL melt.)
They also like it when you put your arms around them (waist, torso, etc.)
His bed has at least 50 blankets and pillows though, so be prepared!
Also his hair is super soft, so you run your fingers through his hair while he dozes off.
Thanks to the mountain of blankets on his bed, his body is super warm. It's super soft though, so that's a plus.
Living heater.
He also likes covering your face in kisses. He'd much prefer if you'd do that to him, though.
sonny brisko
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No yellow... :(
Anyway, he mostly hogs the blanket if you're cuddling in bed
He likes messing with you too, so he might throw a pillow at you or something
If I'm being honest, he's not super cuddly
He mostly just keeps an arm around you or something
If you want, he'll let you sleep on his chest
Also gives you forehead kisses while you're sleeping
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fox-bright · 1 month
So my "The tax return came in, I get One Niceness" was going to be yarn. I'm not fancy about my crochet; I do mainly blankets, and they need to be washable, and they need to be cheap, so acrylic yarn it is. So I hied me to the Joann Fabrics website (which is just. Always so, so awful. Please fix your abomination of a website with some of that bankruptcy freedom, Joann, I would spend more money there if spending money there didn't piss me off every time) and I spent a lazy afternoon putting things into my cart and taking them out again.
This was a splurge, so I wasn't going to do the cheapest acrylic yarn; I looked for colorways that delighted me, and finally I decided on a bunch of Lion brand "Ferris Wheel" yarn. It was on a pretty good sale, so I picked out more than I usually might.
The MFH has a little online widget that gives him a percentage back on the things we buy, and another widget that looks for good coupons, so I sent him a screencap of my cart, and then went and sat in his lap and used the cap as a diagram to fill a cart under his login. Very pleased with how cheaply I'd managed to get things, I sat there while he attacked the cart with the various widgets.
There were twelve potential coupons and the widget ran through all of them one after another, seeing what would give the greatest discount. I watched, interested, as the price jumped up a little higher than what I had already, fell lower, went a bunch higher, hit the same number I had--and then fell much lower.
"What." I said, looking at a cart that was thirty dollars cheaper than it had been a moment before.
EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT, it said across the top. Something like 50% off.
"No way are they going to let us have this." I said. "Someone either put their store manager's employee number in there as a bit of revenge, or they quit and put their own up for everyone to use before it gets shut down. Joann's is gonna notice, and they're gonna cancel the sale. But let's try it anyway. And while we're at it...let me add some more, first?"
Anyway, so
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my 57 skeins of yarn came in
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Aceness in BL: Let’s go for a Ramble
(I made this post soon after Be My Favorite finished but shadowbanning has delayed the posting) - I'm Freeee (@plantsarepeopletoo @shouldiusemyname)
So, I’ve been thinking more and more about aceness in BL (mainly BL anyway), and to get my thought’s in order I thought I’d make a post.
This post is NOT intended as a blanket rule in literally any context. It is specifically about how 1. I frame aceness in my head based on very surface level research and my own experience and how 2. I apply that to a few characters (In BL) who, to me, have felt acespec.
This post will cover
A brief overview of how I understand the acespectrum (with reference to aesthetic, romantic and sexual attraction)
How I view demisexuality as a kind of doorway (with reference to my own deminess)
How I feel five characters (Ae from Love by Chance, Arthrit from SOTUS & SOTUS S, Kat from The Warp Effect (yes not BL but whatevs), Kawi from Be My Favorite and Khai from the Warp Effect) might fall on these spectrums. (THIS WILL INCLUDE SPOILERS)
A wrap up on acepectrum, transient identities, and labels
First Up the Ace-Spectrum!
(How I frame aceness in my head)
Aesthetic attraction = I really want to just stare at this person, they so pretty
Romantic attraction = I want to have this person with me, I want to hold them close and see them daily and talk to them about everything, also I want to cuddle and sleep together (maybe idk this is the attraction I am vaguest on)
Sexual attraction = I want to have sex with this person, I want to personally bang this person, I stare at this person and think about what it would be like to kiss them with tongue and push them against walls and have them underneath/on top of me. (This isn’t necessarily at like 100% all the time I think)
Romantic and Sexual attraction are both spectrums (obvs) and in my head they go from
Allo (100%) <------- to --------> Ace/Aro (0%) with the percentage reflective of how frequently you find people attractive, (I don’t think 100% is everybody all the time though).
So theoretically anyone not at 100% for either romantic or sexual attraction might identify as acespec, though I IMAGINE most people over perhaps, 30% feel attraction often enough that they don’t consider it, so for headcannon purposes I’m considering under 30% as ace or aro.
Sometimes people might consider themselves grey-ace (or grey-aro) if they fall within the more middling but still low percentages (say 15-50%,) So they experience attraction to individuals on occasion, but less frequently than typical. (But, again any label that people identify with is true for them)
Framing Demisexuality as a doorway
Demisexuality is, to me (in brief), not experiencing sexual attraction prior to the development of strong emotional/intellectual/romantic feelings (also can feel like a significant jump rather than completely 0-100, for me it’s almost like a switch on/off, but it can be gradual too)
Demiromantic people don’t experience romantic feelings for people unless there’s a strong emotional bond in place. (Same caveats as above)
The demi-doorway doesn’t automatically open the moment bonds/romantic feelings are developed, it’s simply that these feelings DON’T occur without the bond first. An alloromantic demisexual person MAY develop sexual feelings for someone they like romantically, but they also may not.
Personally, I consider myself demisexual and demiromantic because (based on 1.5 data points (data points = people), which is really not enough evidence) after bonds are formed both my romantic and sexual interest about a specific person jump up to allo. My deminess also feels tied to the way the changing/wavering of these emotional bonds also closes the door really quickly?? (So I can become abruptly not attracted to someone anymore if my romantic feelings/emotions are gone/destabilised, let me tell you it is weird to experience)
The lines around characters and actors and attraction gets all blurry too. Kind of like there’s a window in my door(s) that can be open or shut, but I can always look through it? (IDK how this metaphor is holding up)
For example, here’s some arbitrary categorites:
1. People are nice looking because everybody is nice looking (e.g., most people)
2. Aesthetic attraction (let me stare) e.g., Jean from The Warp Effect or Ayan from The Eclipse
3. Aesthetic attraction but more??  E.g., Joong (Joong is pretty, VERY PRETTY. But it’s still not really sexual attraction…I just want to stare at him…extra hard…and if he WANTED to fuck me…I mean for science…but I still don’t really WANT to??)
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Clear as mud I’m sure.
Ace people can also dislike sex, be sex repulsed, enjoy watching, and whatever else without it emphasising or erasing their aceness, since it’s about sexual attraction to an individual more than anything else.
In a similar way you can also be sex repulsed or dislike sex or dislike aspects of sex without automatically being ace.
ALSO Demispec people may experience full (e.g. 100%) romantic/sexual feelings once the door is open without the caveats that I listed (about emotional instability) and this in NO WAY erases their aceness (or their deminess). There is also something to be said for the different ways the emotional bonds are formed/feelings are triggered. My two data points (attraction to people) were both triggered by strong intellectual connections.
ALSO acespec (which includes all aro/ace/demi people FTR) people can have gender specific (or non-specific) orientations as well (e.g. homoromantic asexual or aromantic pansexual or even biromantic bi-grey-ace).
Examples from Thailand BL/QL in my headcannon
I’m only talking about allo/ace/demi here, no gender-(non)-specific orientations.
Ae (Love By Chance) alloromantic demisexual (through the door 100%)
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Ae is, I think, a pretty classic example of the most common view of demisexuality. He experiences romantic feelings for someone (idk if it’s the first time for this) and then slowly realises he’s sexually attracted to said person and goes a bit crazy because he doesn’t quite know what his feelings mean because he’s never experienced them before and, well, he’s a horndog (I love Ae and this depiction for the record) his demisexuality is absolutely a gateway to 100% sexual interest!
Some signs of his aceness might include his lack of interest in sex as commented on by his roommate and his confusion over the feelings he’s experiencing for the first time because they’re outside of his frame of experience. Also his sexual feelings seem to take a while to develop, after his crush has begun.
(I’m much less certain about romantic orientation here because we don’t know if he’s had crushes before (without wanting sex) and also he’s only 18, so even if he hasn’t doesn’t mean he’s arospec)
Arthrit (SOTUS & SOTUS S) Alloromantic demisexual (but different!!)
Arthrit seems alloromantic, in his previous feelings for his childhood friend and his clearly developing romantic feelings for Kong.
Arthit’s aceness is less clear cut than Ae’s because even after he develops sexual feelings (through the demidoor) he doesn’t experience allo sexual attraction as strongly as someone like Ae. I found a lot of his reactions to the relationship ups and downs in SOTUS S were very relatable (and prompted my first ever long post lol click for way more info on this) because of how Arthrit’s desire for sex (or sexual touch) seem to waver with the relationship stability. This is not about being uncomfortable with Kong exactly, but more about how even after they’re technically on an even keel and Kong’s sharing his bed and apartment, Arthit still seems uncomfortable with some of his sexual advances. While LATER after they’ve properly talked about it, he goes back to leaning into Kongs space and making flirty eyebrows.
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So his deminess kind of means his aceness is variable even through the demidoor, like the door is wavering between open and closed. But it also doesn’t ever feel like his romantic feelings for Kong waver, just that the unstable grounding of their relationship boundaries lead to emotional instability which effect his sexual interest.
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(Because I will take every excuse to use my Arthrit screenshots)
Kat in The Warp Effect (aromantic allosexual)
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Honestly, Kat being Aro seemed basically canon during my viewing of The Warp Effect. She shows essentially no evidence of romantic feelings for anyone the whole series. (Though obvs people can want and have sex without wanting relationships and not be aro)
While Kat later tells Alex that she likes him (and tells Jean too) I don’t really feel like this mucks with the head-canon for a few reasons:
Kat is shown to be pretty monogamous when in sexual relationships with people even as she want’s no strings (she tells Alex he’s the only one she is currently having sex with (I think), she later tells Captain Asshole this and then later tells Tony this).
Thanks to Captain Asshole she begins to feel unsafe with the way she lives her life.
She initially wants to commit to Alex as the person she is most comfortable with, but we are not really shown any evidence of romantic feelings, just a desire for commitment.
She seems to reach a similar sort of balance with Tony in the OG Warp Timeline, but there still (to me) isn’t really evidence of romantic feelings
Aro people can, after all, want a committed and/or monogamous relationship.
Kawi in Be My Favorite (Alloromatic Asexual (not Demi IMO))
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The reason I think he’s ace rather than demi is more about the language he uses even after he’s in love with Piseang (please see my thoughts about ace-kawi coding in ep 10 for more details if you're curious). Even after this wasn’t made explicit by the narrative, I stand by my thoughts around his lack of interest in sex in general. (As well as the coding in ep12 of him trying the rollercoaster and not liking it). It didn’t really feel to me like he gained sexual feelings for Piseang (unlike the vibes I personally got from Arthrit even if they wavered), more than he tried sex and enjoyed it enough to participate again in the future because he loved and felt comfortable with Piseang.
If you feel ambivalent about playing tennis, but your partner really likes playing tennis than maybe you make a point of playing tennis regularly even if it’s not something you’d think about doing on your own, because playing tennis with your partner is fun you know?
Of course, if tennis makes you feel icky, or really bored, you many not ever want to play it even if your partner enjoys it.
Khai in Theory of Love (demiromantic allosexual)
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So Khai is my most recent addition to this post given I just finished ToL but he was so demiromantic it crushed me into pieces so he gets to be included! ways Khai feels demirom:
His confused realisation of feelings when he talks to his Phi at the beach.
He likes to keep things uncomplicated with the girls he’s seeing because he doesn’t do relationships.
He actually tries to take his relationships seriously but just never really seemed to genuinely want the romance.
Even after he realises he has romantic feelings for Third, when he returns back to him (after the beach reflection) he notices his sexual attraction more easily than his romantic feelings.
His confusion over how much he hurt when Third seemed to be choosing Un over him, and how it was the first time he realised how much Third must have been hurting because he’d never felt like this before.
The entirety of Ep12 with Third telling Khai what he feels isn't love (because Third has seen time and time again that Khai hasn't loved anyone before). Khai's attempts to prove himself even though he really understand what loving someone means, even as he follows his emotions, and tries hard to be “better” for Third because he does love Third, he chooses Third, he changes for Third, he cries for Third.
He also curls up in his room watching romantic movies for multiple days because Third tells him that what he's feeling isn't love and if it isn't then what is?)
Very relatable and also owie ouchie my brokenness feelings.
Lack of data points makes it tricky:
There are probably lots of other characters that COULD fall into a-spectrum, (just as there are reasons why these characters might not) but the thing I find the trickiest to navigate (for my headcanons) is lack of data points. Most characters in BL are in highschool/college, and this, combined with a desire for lack of messiness in story structure, means characters are often experiencing feelings ‘for the first time.’ Long term pining, childhood crushes, and first attraction to the same gender, all come into play and make evidence muddy and lacking a concrete foundation, from which to draw conclusions.
We can’t ask characters about their preferences, previous feelings, levels of emotion etc. so in my opinion conclusions can’t be drawn, only inferences made.  
I don’t have a problem with anyone headcannoning these characters as not acespec.
I don’t have a problem with anyone headcannoning other characters as acespec.
Identities, Transience and Labelling
In discussing this post and my own framework with a couple of people I wanted to add a bit more of my personal experience with the ace label and the ace spectrum. Because the thing about both ace-ness and allo-ness is that they’re not equal all the time. Some people experience sexual attraction first or more frequently and may only experience romantic feelings later or less frequently. Some people feel romantic attraction before sexual, but only sometimes and sometimes people feel both at once and straight away, or both at once but only later on…
The romantic and sexual attraction spectrums are spectrums that everybody exists on and in existing on a spectrum some people have a firm placement and others a shifting one.
People who are ace-identified are typically those who have felt meaningfully different from their peers in the level and/or frequency of experiencing any sexual attraction and/or any romantic attraction and whose attraction is close to zero for one or both of those spectrums. They have thus sought out explanations for their difference and found the ace labels. Demi-ness, on either spectrum, then relates more to the way emotional(/intellectual) bonds, positive or negative, directly impact your ability to feel romantic or sexual attraction.
In the context of TV, for me, it’s picking up a photo of a character you love and being confused when they don’t seem right anymore. Its looking at a cast of beautiful humans and not really feeling anything but awe at their acting. It’s forgetting that characters were shirtless until the gifs show up on your dash the next day. It’s reading the definition of chemistry and not really understanding what it means. It’s not realising that there’s a difference between kisses where the lips move and kisses where they don’t because the way the characters talk and stand and stare means so much more. It’s so many things until you must notice because what you’re seeing and noticing and caring about is just…not the same as the things other people are seeing, noticing and caring about.
In the real world it’s messier, because aceness is sometimes framed as only 0%. Experiencing emotions outside of 0% can make the label feel hard to keep, or wrong or mismatched:
My 16-year-old-self called herself Asexual and was relieved to have found a reason why she felt so weird, even if it didn't quite fit right.
My 18-year-old-self called herself maybe-bi because both boys and girls can be pretty to look at, and this must be what crushes are right?
My 20-year-old-self called herself Asexual again (even though it still didn't fit right) because she’d tried things with one of these apparent crushes and it just felt…weird.
My 22-year-old-self called herself maybe straight afterall because she dreamed about kissing someone for the first time and that person was a boy.
My 24-year-old-self picked up demisexual and clung to it like a lifeline because why else would her attraction just be…gone. Was I broken?
My 25-year-old-self discovered demiromantic was also a label and felt like things finally made sense.
But what’s important to know is that at no point between finding the asexual label at 16 to finding the aromantic label at 25, was I not aro/ace. And that if I had settled on a non-aspec label after any one of my identity-questioning experiences, it wouldn’t have made me a liar at any age or negated the experience of other aspec people in any way.
Because what my 25-year-old-self now understands is that labels aren’t there to put you in a box and squeeze you into shape, nor are labels there to lay across your shoulders and weigh you down with their expectations.
The labels are a lifeline, a hand reaching out, a voice whispering in the darkness…
You are not, and have never been alone.
So, for me at least, to label characters as this or that, is not to box them in, instead it is pointing and gasping, look, look, that one is like me…or maybe, look, look, that one is like you.
When a character acts the way I would, thinks the way I would, talks the way I would I am again reminded that,
I are not, and have never been alone.
So please, label away, I don’t mind if we pick different labels. I just like that I can share my labels with you. 
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muertawrites · 2 years
I don’t even know if your requests are open or closed,, so if they’re closed you can just ignore this☹️
So,, hear me out — it was present day, 2022, and Eddie and Y/n’s grandchild(ren) find photos of Eddie and Y/n in the 80’s, and Eddie and Y/n’s child, their mom, catches them looking at their parents photos, and when Eddie and Y/n find out about this, they offer to show their grandchild(ren) more photos.
I need some Eddie fluff,, sO😭 YEAHHH. anyway,, have a great day/night ily/p — 🦔 (call me hedgehog anon😁bc i love hedgehogs fr)
i am screaming. i am crying. i am puking up blood at how unbearably ADORABLE THIS REQUEST IS how dare you make me face my romanticism and sentimentality
i'm going to write this as just a headcanon bc if i think about it too hard i might actually shatter my own heart. i'm also gonna tweak the family setup a lil bit.
so like
let's talk about eddie in his 50s
that man's a silver fox. kept his long hair and totally metal wardrobe. aged to perfection. still a massive ball of unchecked chaotic good. owns a music shop and rides a motorcycle.
and of course he's still head over heels in love with you. every day he wakes up next to you and is like "that's my person. the most beautiful person in the entire world. i am so lucky <3". like he still gets butterflies around you. you've been married for 20 years but he still writes you notes like "will you go out with me yes or no"
and hey let's talk about that marriage!
it was not planned
you were perfectly happy living in a domestic partnership and not getting the law involved
until you both royally fucked up and he got you pregnant
and this poor man was terrified when you found out. not because he didn't think he could be a dad, but because he was afraid you were gonna leave him. you told him you didn't want kids and he went and did the big dumb and didn't use a condom. but he reminded you repeatedly that it was your body and he didn't care what you did, he would still love you and support you and be there through all of it.
but you actually decided... hey. if i'm gonna have a baby, eddie's the only baby daddy i could ever want. so you told him you wanted to be a family.
and he immediately proposed.
so fast forward to today. it's 2022, and your now full-grown baby is headed off to college. she's nervous as hell. so you pull out the shoebox full of photos of you and eddie when you were her age to help reassure her.
the first ones are just goofy ones, back from before you and eddie started dating. pictures from the road trip you guys took when he drove you to college, standing in front of his van packed with your stuff. pictures from parties you went to together, drunkenly laughing with plastic cups in hand. polaroids and letters you sent back and forth to each other, unable to talk about anything more than how much you miss each other.
the next ones you show her are of your pregnancy and her birth. eddie kissing your growing bump. standing with his arms wrapped around you in front of the house you bought. sleeping in a chair in the hospital with a bundle of blankets in his arms, thick tufts of black hair peeking out the top. uncles dustin and steve huddled around her, staring at her with massive grins on their faces. wayne sitting with her at his kitchen table, eddie at his side and both smiling adoringly down at her.
then there are the ones from her childhood, the ones she remembers. sitting on eddie's lap while he teaches her guitar. getting carried on his shoulders at her first metallica concert. giggling at the funny voices and faces he made while reading to her. asleep in the back seat of his van, curled up with the stuffed dragon she's had since she was a baby.
eddie making devil horns with her to celebrate her spelling bee win.
you braiding her unruly curls for her middle school graduation.
you and eddie hugging her in a sandwich on the night of junior prom, forcing her date to take the photo (not pictured is the very long, very menacing lecture eddie gave the poor boy, even though he was just taking her as a friend. it worked though - he got her home an hour before curfew.)
"... you didn't want a kid, right?" she asks. "how did... how did you do it?"
you sigh, pulling her in close.
"it was terrifying," you admit. "but... i had your dad. we had each other. and we had everyone else in the family with us, too. none of it has ever been easy, but it's all been so much better because we're surrounded by people who love us, and we love you more than anything. and that's what you've got to focus on. the good things will make you strong enough to kick the bad things in the teeth."
"hey, that's not how i taught her to fight," eddie chimes as he enters the room. "kicking teeth is too difficult. you gotta go for an uppercut, jam the fucker's nose into his skull."
he grins and flops down onto the couch beside her, kissing her forehead.
"ready to head out, padawan?"
she nods.
"yeah. i'm actually... i'm really excited!"
as you watch her bound into the back seat of eddie's jeeep, he wraps his arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly and pressing your back to his chest.
"we made a pretty cool little human," he muses.
"yeah," you agree. "yeah, we really did."
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whumpsday · 1 year
Kane & Jim #50: On Your Own
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: angst, parental death, kids grappling with newfound orphanhood, religious angst, pandemic, discussion of foster system, very vaguely referenced past child abuse, flashback to hospital setting
takes place 4 years before You're Mine Now. the hardest time of Jim’s life pre-Kane. he doesn’t like to think about it very much. this isn’t really ‘whump’, more ‘angst’, but i hope you enjoy it anyway.
@amonthofwhump​ March Trope-A-Thon Day 5: Sickfic / Fevers / Cold/Flu / Headache / Blankets & A Hot Drink
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Jim kind of expected someone to come after the funeral. A social worker or orphanage owner or however this shit worked. Did orphanages still exist, or was that just in movies? He never thought he'd have to think about it.
But no one came.
Well, people came. His friends, Mom and Dad's friends, Rabbi Geller, other people from temple, Liz's friends' parents, even Liz's teacher from the elementary school. They brought food, and said I'm sorry for your loss and May their memory be a blessing so many times that the words lost all meaning.
It felt like the kind of thing Mom would tell him to just be polite for, but Mom wasn’t here. Mom would never be here again. It still didn’t feel real.
But that wasn't what he meant. Someone was supposed to come get them, right? Because he was only fifteen, and Liz was only eleven, and they didn’t have any other family. Right?
Someone was going to come help him, right?
Liz was a nightmare. Jim felt like he didn’t even have a second to think. He was used to watching Liz- Mom and Dad worked long hours, after all- but now it was all time, especially because they hadn’t gone back to school yet.
She was throwing another tantrum. Jim felt like they were only getting worse. He cringed as a plate flew into the wall, shattering with a crash barely audible above Liz’s incessant screeching.
“Lizzie, you gotta stop. You’re too old for this.” Jim fought off his pounding headache as he got right in front of her, blocking her as she reared her arm back to throw another.
“No I’m not!” she yelled, darting to the side and throwing the plate as hard as she could, shattering it against the wall. Tears streamed down her face.
Jim let out an exasperated groan. “Stop! Yes you are! Go to your room!”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Liz ran back into the kitchen.
Fuck, she was gonna get another plate. Jim ran after her, blocking the cabinet. “Yes I can! I’m in charge now, go to your room!”
“I hate you!” Liz shouted. She kicked him in the shin before running up the stairs, slamming her door.
Jim rubbed his temple, his headache only getting worse. He thought about breaking into Mom and Dad’s drink. It wasn’t like anyone was around to stop him. But he didn’t.
Instead, he fought back tears and grabbed the broom and dustpan. He was tired of crying. Just when he was finishing cleanup, Liz appeared at the top of the stairs, holding her bear tight in her arms. She hadn’t carried that thing around since she was 6, but things were different now, he figured.
“You calmed down yet?” he asked.
“Sorry.” She squeezed her bear tighter, avoiding eye contact.
Jim shrugged, dumping the last of the shatters in the trash. “It’s cleaned up now anyway.” His eyes drifted over to the stove. “How about I make some hot chocolate?”
“But it’s summer,” Liz protested half-heartedly.
“Who cares? We’re sitting shiva,” Jim pointed out. “Do you not want hot chocolate?”
“...I want it.” She sat herself on the couch.
This was something he could do without fucking up, at least. He barely even had to think about it, just focus on the steps. Set some whole milk over heat. Cocoa powder, sugar, a dash of vanilla, and the part people always miss: chocolate chips and a little bit of cinnamon.
He poured in some half-and-half to make it extra creamy and cool it enough that Liz wouldn’t burn herself, and topped it with some mini marshmallows before bringing the mugs out, handing one to Liz.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, sipping immediately without blowing on it.
“You’re gonna burn your mouth, stupid,” Jim chided lightheartedly.
Liz rolled her eyes. “No I’m not ‘cause you always put extra milk in after.”
“Because you never give it a minute to cool down!” He ruffled her hair. “No more throwing shit, okay? Or if you need to, use stuffed animals or something. Why’d you do that, anyway?”
Liz was quiet for a long moment, sipping her drink. “I dunno,” she mumbled.
“How about next time you wanna do that, come get me. We can make it into a game, yeah? We could play catch or something. Not with plates,” he suggested.
“It’s not supposed to be a game.” She took another sip, eyes too stormy for an eleven year old.
Jim took the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it around Liz’s shoulders. “Okay. Come get me anyway. We’ll figure it out.”
No one from the government came. Even after a week. Even after they were done sitting shiva and Jim made Liz start going back to school, another nightmare of an argument.
He wished he could’ve asked Mom or Dad for advice. Liz almost always listened to them, at least about the important stuff. It felt like someone was tearing a fresh shred in his heart every time he missed them.
After he finished walking her, he turned and made his way to temple on a whim. He only went to temple a couple times a year, on the holidays when Mom wanted everyone to go as a family. He hadn’t even brought his kippah. But he doubted anyone would really care, and he needed advice, and it was this or a teacher, even if Jim hadn’t talked to the guy since his bar mitzvah. Before the funeral, that is.
“Hey, Rabbi Geller.”
“Good morning, James.” The rabbi gave him a sad smile. “How are you and your sister holding up?”
“Uh, y’know.” He shrugged awkwardly. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a sec?”
“Of course. Let’s go to my office for some privacy.” The rabbi led him to the office and gestured for him to sit. “What can I do for you?”
“I’m not here for anything, uh, spiritual or whatever,” he clarified quickly. “I just needed some advice about something. Um, is someone gonna... come get us?”
The rabbi’s brows furrowed in concern. “No one’s come to get you? Who is it you and your sister will be staying with? I know Beth said she didn’t have much family...”
“Mom and Dad were both wards of the state or whatever,” Jim said awkwardly. “Kinda thought we would be too, now. But, uh... no one came. I wasn’t really sure what to do. Plus Liz is throwing things and refusing to go to school and stuff.”
“I’m so sorry you’ve been left floundering. I should have been there to see to it.” The rabbi sighed. “Things have been hectic. This flu’s taken quite a toll. It’s lucky you even caught me here. If you ever need something and can’t find me, the funeral home’s likely where I am.”
Jim knew he was one of the lucky ones. He and Liz both got sick too, but they recovered. It was no wonder they all got it, with Mom being a nurse and all. He didn’t really feel lucky right now.
“The government... tends to overlook this town,” the rabbi continued. “No one wants to come here, even during the day when it’s safe. I can certainly get in touch with people for you and make sure someone gets you two set up in a foster home. I’d just like you to think about your options first.”
“Options?” Jim questioned.
“James, do you remember your bar mitzvah two years ago? I sure do. You were very well-spoken.” The rabbi gave him a kind smile.
“Uh-huh.” He kicked his feet, unsure where this was going.
“A bar mitzvah is when a boy becomes a man, as we discussed. Now, I certainly don’t believe a thirteen year old boy to be a man in the modern day, nor a fifteen year old boy. But you are the man of the house now, and you’re going to have to make some adult decisions no one should have to make at your age.”
The rabbi sighed again, his breath full of grief. “The foster system isn’t known for its kindness. I’m not sure how much your parents have told you of their own experiences. Children your age aren’t likely to be adopted, and you’ll be spit out three years later and possibly separated from your sister. Since no one’s come to claim you, one option you have is to continue living where you are. Your parents managed to buy a house here, and you won’t get much from its sale, if you’re able to sell it at all- again, this town is not most people’s destination."
Mom and Dad didn’t like to talk about their childhoods much, and Jim never pried. He figured that if they didn’t want him to know, he didn’t want to know either.
“This isn’t a decision you have to make right away. You’re grieving. Someone from the state may come to collect you yet. Both options have their benefits, and I don’t want to force you into either one of them. Just know that I’m here if you need anything I can provide, and that God is watching over you,” the rabbi said warmly.
Jim could barely hear anything over Liz’s crying and the sounds of the hospital. One of the nurses was trying to pry her off of Dad’s body, but he was too focused on Mom to pay much attention.
She wasn’t conscious anymore. Her last words before she fell asleep were ‘I love you’, and that scared him, because he knew she probably did that on purpose.
He prayed and prayed, despite his unsure feelings of God’s existence. It was the only thing he could do. Tears streamed down his face as he offered more and more words to the higher power Mom believed in with her whole heart, his voice still raspy from his own recently-gotten-over flu.
He wasn’t sure whether it was the ringing in his ears or the flatline until a nurse pushed him out of the way.
“I don’t really believe in that stuff anymore,” Jim muttered.
“Yes, I imagine you might not. That’s perfectly normal.” The rabbi gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Still, I’m certainly real, and I’m here for whatever you need.”
Jim knew that didn’t include taking them in. Rabbi Geller had four kids of his own, and no one lived here if they had a lot of money.
“Thanks, Rabbi. Um, thanks for the advice. And for not just calling the government on me and letting me pick and whatever. I’ll think about it.”
Liz was being a brat again after Jim walked her home from school. Before Mom and Dad died, she only had bad days every once in a while, but now it was every single day. Wild mood swings where she’d get angry and even violent, before she calmed down and apologized tearfully.
Part of him, the part he’d never dream of voicing, almost wanted to take Rabbi Geller’s offer to help them get placed in a foster home in the hopes they do get separated. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.
But he knew he didn’t actually want that.
“I’m sorry,” Liz said, helping him tidy up the living room after she’d finished trashing it. As if reading his mind, she asked, “You’re not gonna go too, right?”
Maybe she could just sense how irritated he was. But it was right then and there his mind was made up.
Jim smiled at her. “I’m not going anywhere.”
taglist to be added in reblog!
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griseldabanks · 4 months
Oh, and to mix it up, how about 50 for Din and Grogu?
Prompt: "I know that face."
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Contains mild spoilers for The Mandalorian season 3.
It wasn't the crash of thunder that woke him, nor the pounding of the rain on the roof. No, it was a small voice that cried out for just a moment before being stifled under a blanket.
Din's eyes popped open, his hand flying to the blaster at his side. Lightning flashed, for a brief moment illuminating the room where he lay. No intruders. The green light over the door indicated that all security systems were still online. No immediate danger.
But then a crash of thunder split the air, and Din heard a tiny squeak from the other side of the room. Turning his head, he switched on night vision and eyed the quivering ball of blankets on the small bed in the corner.
Slowly, the blankets lowered, until Grogu's enormous eyes peered over at him. He let out a tiny, plaintive squeak, his ears drooping almost straight down.
Din sighed, but a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth despite himself. “I know that face,” he groaned. “Yes, you can sleep with me. Come on.”
Thunder seemed to rip the very air in two. With a shriek, Grogu hurled himself across the room in a Force-propelled leap. His small body smacked against Din's breastplate with a painful sound, but Grogu didn't seem to mind.
“Careful,” Din chided, shifting Grogu from one arm to the other as he unfastened his breastplate and set it aside. “You'll give yourself a concussion or something.”
With a whimper, Grogu buried his face in Din's chest, his tiny claws poking Din through fistfuls of his shirt. He was trembling so hard, it was like holding a small motor.
“Hey, hey,” Din whispered, settling back against the wall and pulling his blanket up again, tucking it around Grogu's small body. “You have another nightmare?”
After a tense moment of listening to the thunder dying away, Grogu gave a single nod.
There'd been a lot of those lately. Din wasn't sure what they were about—it wasn't like Grogu could tell him—but he had a feeling it was something about the darkness in the kid's past. As if what he'd been through recently wasn't enough.
The thunder and lightning didn't help, either. It didn't rain too often on Nevarro, but when it did, it came with all the fury of a whole fleet of Star Destroyers. It was enough to make any child tremble in the middle of the night, even if it didn't remind them of blaster fire.
“It's okay,” he murmured, cupping his hands around Grogu's small body. “I've got you. Nothing can hurt you now.”
Grogu sniffled, looking up at him with huge eyes that glistened in the dim light. He raised his arms, letting out a warbling babble that almost sounded like words, but none that Din knew. Grogu's nails clinked against the helmet as he made insistent little grunts.
“Sorry, kid,” Din said gently. “You know I can't let anyone see my face.”
Grogu grabbed his huge, bat-like ears and pulled them down over his eyes.
Din let out a long sigh, but they both knew the battle was already won. How had it come to this? Din Djarin, wrapped around the tiny, clawed finger of the kid he'd once been paid to kill.
“Okay,” he said reluctantly. “But keep your eyes closed. You're supposed to be asleep anyway.”
Grogu obediently closed his eyes, settling into a more comfortable position against Din's chest. Once he was sure Grogu wasn't peeking, Din pulled off his helmet and laid it on the bedside table, where he could easily reach it if necessary.
The night air was cool against his cheeks, but it was fresh and clean. Even inside the house, he thought he could smell the rain that pattered against the windows. Thunder growled, menacing but slowly retreating. Another shiver passed through Grogu's body.
Din absently pressed his lips to the rough, leathery skin on top of Grogu's head. He could feel Grogu's warmth through his lips, could feel hot puffs of breath against his neck. Such a small being, but so alive.
A small hand reached up and rested against his cheek as he nuzzled closer, finding a warmer spot under Din's chin. Grogu couldn't speak. He couldn't put words to any of the thoughts plaguing him. He couldn't talk about any of his fears or hopes or wishes.
But they could do this.
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underoossss · 2 years
sleepless night - s.h
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pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
warnings: none just pure fluff
an: i wrote this little blurb for y’all to enjoy. have some softness, have some cute boyfriend!steve. let me know if y’all enjoy it, i hope you do! this didn’t show up in the tags the first time so I’m going to try again. so if you read this already, thank you.
The night is still cool around you as your eyes stare at the window. Steve’s chest rises and falls steadily, you can feel it from where you lie your head on top of his chest. Minutes, maybe hours, seem to pass by as you try every other technique you had read about to fall back asleep. You had counted backwards from 100 to 1, and instantly gave up when you reached 50 and realized you weren’t getting drowsy at all. Then you tried not thinking about falling asleep which made the ordeal even harder. Lastly you had kept your eyes set on the window, hoping the soft movement from the tree branches outside would lull you into your previous slumber.
It has been this way for more than a couple of weeks, you wake up around 3am and can’t get yourself to fall asleep again.
The tree branches  keep moving, their shadow decorates the bedroom’s floor thanks to the full moon outside, but no matter how hard you try to relax and sleep you can’t. You move away from Steve and settle yourself on your back. You can only stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before you change your position, remembering how you can’t ever fall asleep on your back either.
With a soft sigh, you give up on sleep altogether, deciding instead to continue reading your new book in the living room. Steve has an early morning shift later, he needs all the sleep he can get. If you keep moving around in bed you’re most likely going to wake him up. You keep the lights off as you make your way to the living room, only turning on the lamp next to the couch. It’s soft and warm, perfect for reading, and hopefully getting through some chapters will get you to fall asleep. Though you’re not entirely sure it’ll happen.
You make yourself comfortable with your book and a blanket, settling back on the armrest with a few pillows and opening your dog-eared page. A few sentences in, you manage to fall head first into the story, growing more and more curious about the heroine’s long awaited decision. She needs to choose between love and duty, and she’s struggling to find a way to have both…
Footsteps down the hall make you look up from your book, head turning to the right and toward the end of the hallway. Steve appears, looking soft and sleep rumpled. Grey sweatpants hang low on his hips, his chest bare to the cool night breeze coming in from the kitchen’s window. His hair is a mess, sticking out in different places —it endears you beyond words.
“Baby?” Steve’s voice is rough from sleep as he squints looking at you. “Can’t sleep?”
“No.” You shake your head, frowning slightly. “Did I wake you?”
Steve makes his way towards you, a yawn escapes his lips. “‘Couldn’t find you in bed. Came looking for you.” He sits on the couch, and places one of his hands on your leg. It moves from your ankle to your knee in a repeated motion. “Missed you.”
“At least one of us had to get a good night’s sleep.” You chuckle, placing your book on top of your stomach –all your attention towards him. “All my tossing and turning would have woken you... I guess I did anyway.”
“Woke up because I missed you.” Steve shakes his head, eyes still heavy with sleepiness and soft smile on his face. “What can I say, my baby’s got me wrapped around her finger.”
“Hmm, I can say the same about you.” You smile at him, chest swelling with warmth. You thought you would get used to this –the domesticity that came with living together– but every day it pulls at your heartstrings just the same. It’s always comfortable, it’s always beautiful, it makes your feelings grow unmeasurably. Your body bends slightly at the waist as you reach out to push some of his hair away from his face, fingers lingering in the back of his neck for a moment.
Steve’s eyes drift to your smiling lips and back to your eyes again, leaning in closer. “Come here.” He whispers.
The space between the two of you disappears as Steve moves close you, his lips capturing yours in a soft press of lips. Your lips part slightly and Steve angles his face just right to kiss you again, catching your bottom lip between his.
“I love you.” You whisper. “Even more when your hair is a mess.”
You feel Steve’s laugh briefly against your lips before he’s leaning back and away. He grabs a throw pillow from the other side of the couch and holds up the  blanket that’s currently covering your body.
“Scoot over a bit, yeah?” He mumbles. “I can’t sleep without you anymore.”
You comply with a hushed laugh of your own, moving closer to the edge and making yourself comfortable while Steve tries to do the same by your side. He sets the pillow down by your abdomen and lies down on his side, dropping the blanket over himself and your legs. His right arm drapes itself across your waist and one of his legs settles over yours. He hums in content, eyes closing with his lingering sleepiness as he drops a kiss on top of your pajamas.
It’s quiet for a few minutes, the two of you enjoying the stillness of the night and the warmth the other provides. You’re almost sure Steve fell back asleep but he speaks up once more.
“I’m sorry you can’t sleep lately.” He moves his hand so he can draw shapes on your belly, on top of your sleep shirt. His voice is muffled slightly by the soft cotton material. “Wish I could help.”
“I know, Stevie.” You whisper, heart warming at his care. He always showers you with so much of it that you feel that you glow from the inside out sometimes. “I’ve been looking for tips, they say lavender helps.”
You feel Steve nod against your side, his brow is furrowed in concentration. “Okay, we’ll get you some lavender… is it for tea?”
“Yeah.” You chuckle, fingers carding through his hair softly. “It can be for tea, there’s also soap.”
“Both then.” He yawns, cuddling closer to your side —his arm is a comfortable weight over your hips, his breath warm against the fabric covering your ribs. “Lavender tea, and soap for my baby.”
“Don’t you want to go to bed?” You ask softly, moving to stand from the couch but Steve pushes you down gently with a groan. “What?”
“Just keep reading beautiful, I’m very comfortable here.” Steve tells you, tilting his head back to look at you briefly —even sleepy, he sends a cheeky look your way. “Wrapped around your finger, remember.”
You smile softly at him and nod, pushing your fingers into his hair again as his breath starts to even out. Your hearts and breath seem to synchronize in the cool night and you pick up your book again to starts up your reading once more. You steal one last glimpse at Steve then, cuddling your body on the couch. The lamp light casts soft shadows on his face, and his lips are already parted slightly as sleep’s arms finally embrace him.
For a moment, you’re grateful for the insomnia you’re passing through, it gives you quiet moments like this. Moments often taken away from you by the sometimes hectic days and tired body that falls asleep the second it hits the mattress.
“Night, Stevie.” You smile softly at Steve and leave one of your hands on top of his as you go back to your book.
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cecilyacat · 10 months
Soooo do any of you remember when I mentioned here aaaages ago that I was making a knitted blanket out of little puzzle pieces? No? Anyway, I need 496 pieces and today, after 7 1/2 years I finally finished knitting all the pieces!!!
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This is what it looks like all arranged nicely on my floor. (The white pieces of paper on top of the stacks have the number of puzzle pieces for that colour on them but it doesn't show up well on camera...) On the left are the stacks of long and short edge pieces and the four corners.
This took you 7,5 years??? you might say. Well, yeah. But mostly because I did this in between other projects. I knitted a whole bunch of sweaters and socks and other things in the meantime and when I was finished with one of those I started knitting puzzle pieces again. Sometimes just a couple but lately larger batches of 20-40 in a row. So bit by bit my stack of finished pieces grew!
Each piece took me about 30 minutes to knit (please don't do the maths on this one thanks) and by about piece 50 I could knit them by heart. The pattern is quite easy, there's just a couple of techniques you might need to learn (cable cast-on and wrap-and-turn short rows), otherwise it's all just stockinette stitch and increases/decreases. A very nice mindless project for watching tv with the added benefit that quite quickly, you finished something!
All of these are sock yarns. Many of them I had left over from knitting socks or other items but especially in the last few years I purposefully bought yarns I liked and colours that I thought were missing to make it as colourful as possible. I quite like the array of colours I got in the end! Looking at the other project pages on Ravelry I realised quite quickly that I didn't like the look of the blankets with lots of variegated colours or gradients so apart from using up leftover yarn (and the rainbow yarn at the bottom!!!) I only used solid colour yarns.
The next step now is to lay them all out on my floor and figure out how I want to arrange them. And then... lots and lots and lots of sewing. I'm confident it won't take another 7 1/2 years but please let it be less than three...
You can find my project here on Ravelry and the pattern can be bought also on Ravelry from the designer for 5.95$. It's called "Puzzle Pieces" by Megan Ellinger. You don't even have to make a full blanket, you can just make whichever number of pieces and make a scarf, a placemat, a pillowcase... (or just make one as a keychain!)
Anyway, on to the sewing now.
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years
fav hcs for each of the turtles?
Alright headcannons time~
Gonna do the Rise turtles specifically cause they are currently rotting my brain the most rn, even though I grew up with 2012.
Dude cannot stand sleeping with his soft shell exposed out in the air, so he's often sleeping on his backside with the soft shell itself pressed against the bed. Even more so after the movie.
Between him and Leo, I hc that Donnie is the older twin. I feel like Splinter would base the turtles ages soley on height and Donnie is only SLIGHTLY taller than his blue twin lol.
Another fav headcannon (tho it's pretty much cannon now I think lol) is that Donnie is only okay with touch, with those he cares about (like his brothers, Splinter, or April), if he is the one who initiates it. Outside of that, touch is literally revolting to him (he just like me fr).
Also you know this man could and would kill God given the chance.
Definitely the "Mom" of the group. Whenever any of his little brothers have a nightmare, he let's them stay in his room with him so that they aren't alone.
With Leo, he'll let him tuck himself underneath his arm, under the blankets for as much contact, warmth, and weight pressing down on him as much as possible.
Mikey simply likes to cuddle or lay next to his oldest brother with as many blankets and pillows as possible (pillow fort wooo). He doesn't enjoy being squeezed to death like Leo does in his sleep lol (on the rare occasion Leo can sleep, anyways)
Donnie will switch between sleeping on top of Raph's shell, one of the few times he's willing to sleep with his soft shell completely exposed, or simply lay next to Raph with his shell facing him.
When Raph has a nightmare, all the bros come to comfort him and keep him company.
He doesn't just paint on canvases, my guy also does sculpting as well as digital art.
My fav hc is that he'll make his fam paintings of their favorite things to cheer them up. He started doing this when he was little and made Leo a painting of him and the family smiling under a rainbow (its one of Leo's most prized possessions to this day).
Another fav hc is orange boi enjoys being held and carried up high. He likes to feel tall.
Fav hc of him, as I've mentioned before in another ask, is him being the team's best medic, but also being the worst fucking patient imaginable. Trying to treat his injuries after the Kraang's defeat was a pain for everyone involved lmao
He'll also correct Donnie on any medical terms he may get wrong on the very rare occasion that happens (the smugness that radiates off him is absolutely s u f f o c a t i n g lmao)
My dude is also an insomniac. On particularly bad nights, he'll drink de-cafinated tea to try settling his nerves. He needs pressure in order to sleep, but after the events of the movie, sometimes pressure tends to provoke unwanted memories... it's a 50/50 chance he'll receive it well.
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babyspacebatclone · 9 months
Can I get some help with something? Cuz I really would rather prevent a fire from happening at my work if my fears turn out not to be exaggerated….
I’ll start off by saying I did just do a quick search about this to prove I’m at least not making stuff up, but I’m afraid I’m going to need to parrot back some expert advice to my daycare’s owner because yes he really is that big of an idiot.
The question:
Exactly how dangerous is it to have a dryer start melting down fabric tags like shrinky dinks???
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Like, that one corner is just straight hard plastic. I had to cut it loose to be able to get the baby bouncer cover on, which initially just confused me until I processed exactly how bad it was.
There was also a cloth baby book with teether-like edges that had them fuse together that I didn’t think to get a picture of before handing it over to my director, this book though so you can get an idea:
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I know if something were to get caught in the door or similar that could cause the overheating, but the book is too big for that.
When I brought up what I found to my director, which has only been stuff from about a week, she (sadly rightly) said the owner would just tell is to “Not put stuff with plastic in the dryer then.”
I immediately showed her the bouncer cover, which proved that it’s not just obvious plastic but any synthetic fabric at risk, but she just sighed, had me turn down the temperature setting on our only working dryer, and reminded me that our idiot of an owner has let the other dryer sit broken for over four months because well, how badly do we need two dryers?
(We wash all the children’s nap blankets once a week. I’m 90% certain this is required by licensing. We have to do each room on different days because they take multiple loads. This is on top of cleaning rags, washing baby toys on every use, and older soft toys as often as we can manage….)
How big of a fire risk is there? Because the building is old, the basement hasn’t seen updating in probably 50 years, and if there is a fire starting in the laundry room there will be issues.
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 2 years
Kinktober is here yall, with a lil delay I offer you this:
Day 1 - Outdoor sex
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Pairing: Jason Kolchek x Reader
Word count: ~3k
Rating: M, it's kinktober kids, it's smut time
Warnings: dirty talk, drug use, sex pollen (kinda), fingering - f recieving, lovey-dovey Jason, he's 50% a real gentleman 50% a tease, uhhh idk what's more im kinda suck at listing warnings but it's 18+ so that should do da thing
No more talky, it's kinky-tober time. Enjoy💕
"Alright alright!" You scoffed at Jason with a half smile, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "You should really tell me what you are up to, Jase, otherwise I might think you're bringing me to the woods to drop me off." The seatbelt slightly pushed into your collarbone as you turned to the side, to see your boyfriend's expressions. 
You and Jason agreed on an outdoorsy date as in today's program but the man has yet to reveal his destination with you, although you have been on the road for almost two hours now, long left the highway, and now dumping on the rocky paths of the nearest national park. 
A cheeky smirk splayed out on his lips, but Jason did not look at you- his gaze always focused on the road ahead, eyes busy taking in the possible holes and bumps that he wished to avoid at all costs.
"You'll see soon sweetheart." He rasped slowly- a hand rising from the wheel, gently squeezing your knee as reassurance. "Besides, I would have already told ya, if you weren't so pushy with guessing. I told ya to let me handle this but you didn't listen, now you suffer the consequence baby." Huffing you leaned back onto your backseat, trying to at least enjoy the amazing scenery that mother nature gifted you, if your boyfriend won't gift you with his knowledge. 
Soon you will see it anyway.
He stopped at a wide clearing on top of a lower cliff, surrounded by green trees and red poppy flowers. There was a small parking lot, marked with white and gray pebbles; Jason slowly drove onto it- rocks cracking and creaking under the tire. 
"Arrigh' we're here." He announced finally, turning to you with a soft smile, eyes sparkling as you were the most precious item in the world. 
Your stomach fluttered as you held Jason's gaze, heat crept up on your cheeks as his warm brown orbs captured you. 
You could never get enough of Jason's tender looks, that no matter what he always turned to you with kindness and care. 
It was a silent connection, the two of you shared. What he gave you, you always returned, treating the other only with respect and adoration, because this worked. It worked for Jason, as you always found his best qualities in him even if no one saw those, not even himself. You gave him strength and courage, that he indeed was worth more than he felt he did, that he was good at his things, and he deserved kindness and love. 
And he gave you as much as he could from his heart, from his soul, as much as his walls let him. You were the best thing that happened to him and he treasured you dearly - reassuring you, having your back and being there when you needed him. Jason treasured you, and he wanted to make sure the two of you could bask in each other's love as much as it was possible with your hectic daily life. 
"Just like in a romcom." You giggled, getting out of the front seat. "A cliff, flowers, a cozy picnic. You know how to sweep me off my feet, Kolchek." 
Jason chuckled at your formality; a tiny part of him even liked it when you addressed him with his surname - like you are his superior. 
"What can I say?" He shrugged, walking to the back of the car, already taking out the baskets and blanket for the meal. "This is what happens when you watch too many movies with your girlfriend." 
Chuckling you stepped beside him, arms brushing against his tattooed ones, as you hooked your elbow below the basket. 
"So you did pay attention." You teased, leaning up, so you could face him. 
"I can't zoom out for the entirety of the movie." Jason rolled his eyes then shrugged, winking at you, as he took out one last basket from the car. 
Circling you, he quickly slid one container onto his left arm, offering you his free hand. 
"May I?" He asked theatrically, bowing slightly at you. 
"It would be my pleasure." You played alongside, with a wide motion you took his hand, fingers lacing into one another. "Show me the way, Sir."
"At your service, Ma'am." 
You giggled, and squeezed his hand, giving Jason's cheeks a quick peck. "Such a gentleman." 
"And the date didn't even start yet." 
The sun shone brightly, even at the late hours of the day, warming up the earth around you, along with your skin. The fresh breeze blew through the emerald canopies, leaves rustling above your head. 
After the busy week, the two of you had  it was refreshing to finally be able to catch up on the other's stories, how the days went, what gossip did you hear and what news could you discuss in peace. It went just like it would in a fairy tale until the sun finally set its last rays at you, coloring the sky with deep oranges, bright pinks and reds. 
When it started to get dark Jason set down his plate, arms coming up above his head to stretch after sitting so long in one place. 
"Sweetheart, how much do you trust me?" Cane the question unexpectedly from him. 
You broke your gaze from the beautiful scenery in front of you, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I trust you with my life." You replied without hesitation. "Well…kinda with my life. I trust you very much Jase, why? What are you planning?" You furrowed with a lopsided smile, for which he chuckled and raised his hands to his chest. 
"Me? Nothing! Why the suspicion eh? It was just a question, I plan absolutely nothing." 
You hummed, narrowing your eyes. 
"Of course, of course. But you can't lie to me honey. I can see through you." You giggled, cupping his cheeks for a soft kiss. "So, what do you plan?" 
Jason leaned forward, brushing his nose against yours before he broke the closeness, and raised up from the blanket. 
"Arright' , I'll show ya, but don't be mad."
"That depends on what you are showing me." You told him, shooting a cheeky grin at him. 
Jason walked back to the car, only to return a few moments later with a small iron box. 
Settling down beside you again he brought the metal container between your bodies and opened it with one flick of his thumb.
You gasped when your eyes took in the content of the box. 
"Jase!" You whispered amused and slightly amazed, giving his arm a light smack. 
Jason laughed, as he took out two rolls of joint from the box, a lighter appearing from his pocket. 
"Just a little weed sweetheart, nothing heavy." He assured you by offering one, which you took with a scoff.
"I know, but we're in a public place! Cops can come and see it?" You reasoned, already rolling it between your fingers. 
"As if they would come up here right now." 
"Babe, you speak like a teenager right now." Jason shrugged, moving the paper up to his lips, but when you gave him a skeptical look he sighed.
"Okay, okay" He gave in, placing his share back into the box. "Then let's watch some stars like in the movies, you like so much." 
He moved to take your piece from your hand, but you hesitated. Baffled, he called your name, not understanding your actions.
After a moment of silence, you tilted your head to the side, raising the last cig in front of his face. 
"But…" You drawled, acting as you were considering things. "Maybe you're right. Sharing one wouldn't hurt anybody…. Cops could come later, you know." 
A smug look appeared on Jason's face as he understood what you wanted. 
"That's what I call romance." Bringing out the lighter again he offered you to light it. 
"Oh just shut up." You chuckled, locking eyes with him as he lit the small package. 
You eased your mind into a slow and cozy numbness as the two of you switched the cig back and forth. It wasn't heavy, it didn't feel strange, you thought he brought some lighter ones only to ease up from the stress. And it really worked; your mind fogging every worry and task you were thinking about a day long, strengthening only the warm feeling in your heart as you looked at the man in front of you. 
Jason noticed your stare, as you lended him the slightly smoking cig again. Your hands brushed together and he took the opportunity to slide his hand up your arm to your neck, before sliding back and taking it from you. 
Smiling, you leaned closer to him, watching carefully how his lip and hand moved. 
"Hey." He rasped taking your wrist, pulling you into his form, until you climbed into his lap. Wrapping his free arm around your waist he pushed his forehead to yours, lips barely touching. Opening slightly your lips you waited, not even daring to breathe as you locked eyes with him. 
He took a sip from the joint before his hand came to hold your cheeks, thumb and index finger moving down to your jaw to open it up further for him. 
As you obeyed him, Jason slowly blew out the smoke, the mist connecting you two, before he seized your lips with his. Using his hands on your jaw he opened your mouth further, making it into an open mouthed kiss. You moaned when his tongue slid into your mouth, caressing and lapping. 
You didn't even notice you straddled him, arms wrapped around his neck until you started bucking your hips into his own. 
"Shit baby, you wanna ride me?" He rasped as he took another sip, sharing his breath with you. "You want me to fuck your pussy here, huh?" 
A sharp ache rose in your core as you listened to him, grinding harder at his growing bulge. 
"Yes Jase." You breathed seeking his lips again, teeth biting into his soft lower lip. Jason hummed as he repositioned you into his lap, pushing you further into his hardening cock. 
"What?" He broke the kiss, bowing down to plant hot kisses over your neck, sucking on the side, over your pulse. "Didn't hear ya. What do ya want from me, baby?" He teased as he snuggled his nose into your hot skin.
"I want you to fuck me." You whined, impatient that your clothes were still on. 
"What a restless lil' thing you are." Jason mouthed at your earlobe, slowly sucking it into his mouth, nibbling on it. Taking one last sip of the joint, he blew some at your nose as well, then throwing it into an empty glass he focused his attention fully on your form.
Warm and firm hands slid up to your hips, fingers squeezing and palming on your soft flesh as he guided you upwards until you were on your knees. 
"Baby I can't take your clothes off here." He cooed as his hands traveled to your front, now cupping your breasts in his palm.
"Then..then don't." You managed to say as Jason found his way under your shirt, quickly unbuckling your bra, rolling your nipples between his thumb. "Just the jeans." 
"The cold might bother you sweetheart…" He continued, stopping in his moves, face buried in your collarbone. 
"Shit Kolchek" Cursing you grabbed his right hand and shoved it down to your navel, trying to unbutton your own pair of jeans. You felt the button let go, and you immediately pushed Jason's hands into your underwear. "Start fucking me before I lose my paitience." You demanded, under gritting teeth. 
"Oh, really?" He chuckled, but his fingers hooked into your pants, grazing the line for a while. "How so?" 
Grunting, you rocked your hips up into his touch, and with a pitiful snicker he finally glided down his fingers, brushing through your lips.
Your eyes fell shut and your head lolled to the side as Jason started to circle at your clit, his hot tongue coming parting your mouth, capturing your short pants. 
"Gotta prep you for me, darlin'." He murmured into your lips; his stare burning into your eyes. Now the warm and calming glint of his eyes vanished, leaving darkened stares, filled with lust and hunger – ready to set you apart then put you back together at his will.
You opened your mouth, wanting to plead to hurry his moves up, because you wanted more, you wanted to feel more, to feel him inside you, his skin and sweat on your own, but before you could manage out any words; with a smug smile Jason pushed one finger into you, curling it at the right angle. 
The breath stuck on your throat, your body reacted without a thought - back arching into his touch, you started rocking on his hand. 
"Jase" A weak mewl escaped your lips, as your jaw opened up, head falling onto Jason's shoulder. 
"That's it, sugar. Fuck my hand like the pretty little brat you are. So fuckin needy for my cock, aren't you?" He praised you with ragged breaths, his other hand grabbing a handful of hair on your nape, not hard enough to hurt you, but firmly holding you into his body. "Speak baby, I want to see that gorgeous mouth moving." Putting emphasis on his words, Jason slightly pushed your nape back, so you would look up at him. 
"You can't be without me, fucking you silly, can you?" Jason gritted between his teeth, as he smiled down at you, studying your expressions.
"N- no I can't." You mumbled, barely comprehending the words you just said. "I need your dick inside of me baby, I need you to fuck me so much." 
A chuckle left Jason, the vibration rumbled through your connected chest; he grazed his neck with the tip of his nose, slowly moving down to your shirt.  
"Okay then." Was all he said when he suddenly added two more fingers, thumb rubbing quick circles at your clit, as you squeezed your thighs together - stingy flames arising in your core, your climax was slowly building up in you. 
"I want you to soak my hand sweetheart. Fuck my finger until you're a big mess for me." 
"Shit, Jason!" You gasped, suddenly grabbing his shirt at the shoulders, pushing him down. "I want to…hmmm want you to take care of me fully." You let go of the fabric only to bring your hands to your own shirt, shaking fingers pulling the hem up to your stomach, and over your chest. A shiver ran down your spine as the night's cool air hit your heated skin, a sudden twitch going through you, but the cold went away as soon as Jason nestled his head down, soft strings of brown hair tickling your chin while his breath tickled your skin. He drew out his tongue, testing - first flicking your hardened nipple a few times, his warm cheeks rested on your chest. 
"Fuck yes. Just like that, Jase. Continue please, make me cum baby." Hands moved back to his neck, brushing through his hair as he sucked in one hardened bud, pinching the other between his thumb and index. 
Flexing your already trembling muscles you rose from his lap, only to sink back after a moment, pushing his fingers further up in your cunt. You felt your core tightening, ready to snap the tension; and chasing it you quickened your peace, bouncing your hips up and down. 
When you finally tipped over the edge, your walls fluttered around Jason's fingers, legs locking up around his hips as you choked out a broken moan of his name, over and over like a prayer. 
"Goddamnit, you fucking drenching me babe. What a nice pussy you have, cumming for me so hard; imagine what will my dick do to you." Jason's amazed voice was muffled, you only heard your blood, pumping through your veins, in your ear as you came down from your high. 
You mumbled out his name again in a semi-comprehensive way, head bobbing down the crown of his own, to brace you. 
All the strength and energy left your body, you were sure if it weren't for your boyfriend's arm that sneaked around your back, you would probably fall backwards. 
But he had you in a steady hold, kissing his way back up to your face, studying it with a fond smile.
"Shit baby you're so good. So damn good for me, cumming like this. What a nice job you did." He murmured into your skin as he slowly pulled out his hand from your pants. Hissing from the sudden emptiness and cold, you moved closer to his middle, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
But Jason dodged your kiss, tilting his head to the side he turned away from you. You frowned at him, wanting to question the sudden denial of your silent compliment, but before you could say anything, you saw from the corner of your eye that he brought his hand to his mouth, pushing in his glistening fingers, sucking them clean with obscene sounds. 
You made a small whine  seeing it, Jason responded with a snicker, when he finished cleaning his digits. 
"I leave no crumbs darlin'." He explained with a smirk. "Catch your breath sugar, I'll go get another blanket, cause soon I'll give you a second round." He promised as he gently put you down to your back.
Planting a soft kiss to your temple he stood up and with quick steps he walked back to the car. 
Jason didn't want to waste much time, after all this date was all about the two of you. 
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