#i have a feeling about which option will win but hmm lets see
Stars Around My Scars
Chapter 1 - All Eyes On Me (Read on Ao3)
“Why me?” Magnus asked at last.
“Because,” Raphael said, his voice thin and drawn. “Ragnor, and every other warlock I’ve called have decided that this situation is exactly your type.”
Magnus frowned. “How many warlocks did you call before me? Actually, wait, don’t answer that. What do you mean this situation is my type?”
“Shadowhunter,” Raphael said, and it all clicked into place.
“I don’t know if you’ve heard but I don’t-“
“Black hair, blue eyes,” Raphael went on as if he hadn’t heard Magnus. “Lost cause who needs saving. Death wish? Definitely. Come here as soon as you can.”
I don’t involve myself with Shadowhunters anymore, Magnus had wanted to say, but it didn’t matter. Raphael had already cut the call.
Magnus sighed and dropped his phone to the side, locking eyes with Chairman Meow who'd been sitting on the floor next to the coffee table, watching him with his beady green cat eyes ever since Raphael called him two minutes ago.
“I guess I’ll be going off to the Hotel Dumort, then,” Magnus said.
Chairman meowed.
All Magnus was told about this situation was “a violation of the Accords” and “we need you here NOW”. Oh, and that apparently the perpetrator was a Shadowhunter. Raphael had said he was ‘Magnus’s type’ - as if Magnus would seduce a Shadowhunter into leaving the Downworld alone.
Besides, if a Shadowhunter was wrecking havoc at the Hotel Dumort, Magnus doubted he could be seduced by a warlock anyways.
But when he portalled into the foyer of the Hotel Dumort, there was no havoc. There was only silence.
“Raphael!” Magnus called out. Faint echoes of his own voice reached his ears, followed immediately by a voice from right behind him.
“There you are.”
Magnus jumped and whirled around, calming down when he saw it was just Raphael.
“Damn you vampires and your silent footsteps,” Magnus cursed silently. Raphael didn't grace him with a reply.
“He’s in there,” Raphael cocked his head in the direction of what Magnus recognised to be the ballroom. Well, the former ballroom. No balls had been held in there for the past few decades, atleast not to Magnus’s knowledge.
“What’s the problem?” Magnus asked. “Because there doesn’t seem to be one.”
"Walk and talk," Raphael grumbled, gesturing at Magnus to follow him as he turned on his heel and headed into the ballroom.
"He came in here a while ago," Raphael said. "And has been goading the clan into sucking his blood."
"What?" Magnus knitted his eyebrows. "Why would he-"
"I don't know," Raphael almost growled, clearly agitated at the situation. "I've kept the clan at bay so far but I can't hold them for long. The Shadowhunter entered the Hotel at his own will, technically we are at liberty to do with him as we please, but-"
"He's a Shadowhunter," Magnus murmured. He had entered the ballroom now, and throes of Vampires parted at the sight of him and Raphael, giving way to the middle of the room. "If he dies here, the rest of them will come down on you."
"Precisely," Raphael said, his voice clipped. "Stop him."
Magnus stepped ahead of Raphael, making his way through the vampires as quickly as he could. The last of the crowd gave way, and then Magnus saw the Shadowhunter for the first time.
He was sitting cross-legged in the center of the room, head bowed, a pale finger tracing something in the dirt lined floor. If Raphael hadn't told Magnus he was a Shadowhunter, Magnus would've thought he was a mundane - he was certainly dressed like one, in a gray sweater too large for him and similarly oversized jeans.
The boy must've heard Magnus’s footsteps, for he raised his head, cold blue eyes cutting across Magnus’s gaze.
Something about that gaze troubled Magnus. There was something hollow in there, almost dead.
There was also something familiar about him.
"Is that…?" Magnus murmured.
"Maryse Lightwood's brat?" said Raphael, who had by now caught up to Magnus. "Yes."
Another piece clicked into place.
"Well, then there's definitely something shady going on," Magnus whispered to him.
"What are you talking about?"
Magnus whirled, looking once again at the Shadowhunter.
"If you're talking about me," he said, "You might as well say it to my face."
Magnus briefly locked eyes with Raphael, and then stepped forward.
"What do you want, Shadowhunter?" He asked, loud and firm.
The Shadowhunter was silent a moment, then he tilted his head, the way Chairman did sometimes when he assessed a stranger, and said, "I want to die."
Magnus was stumped.
He blinked, once, then twice, and quickly recovering from his stupor he asked, "Why?"
"It's none of your business," The Shadowhunter said hurriedly. "I don't see how any of this is your business, in fact. I want to die, and I know vampires love Nephilim blood. I get what I want, and they get what they want."
"Except for the part where they turn you into a vampire instead of keeping you dead," Magnus pointed out. "Or mommy and daddy come after all of us for murdering their baby boy. They're notoriously famous for that."
"I wouldn’t mind that. Becoming a vampire," The Shadowhunter said, to Magnus’s surprise. "And as for the other thing…" Something shuttered close in his eyes. "You won't have to worry about my family coming down on you. You won't have to worry about any Shadowhunter coming down on you, in fact."
The boy raised his hands, palms facing himself, and it took Magnus a moment to realise what was wrong with them.
There was no Voyance rune on either of his hands.
"As far as they're concerned," he said, and now his voice was hollow too. "I am no longer one of them."
Magnus liked to imagine he had two brain cells. A back one and a front one.
The back one was fast - it did all the legwork and simply gave Magnus the information he needed in that moment. The front one, though somewhat slow, told him what he needed to do with the information he had.
Right now, the back brain cell was telling him, The Shadowhunter for some reason got deruned and is now practically a mundane in the eyes of the Law.
All the front one was willing to give him was, Fuck.
There was murmuring breaking out among the vampires now. Magnus couldn't hear what they were saying, but he suspected the gist of it was something like, Well, if he's deruned, there's no harm in drinking his blood and killing him, right?
"EVERYBODY SHUT UP! NO ONE IS GOING TO DRAIN THE LIGHTWOOD BOY!" Raphael yelled, confirming Magnus’s thoughts.
"Lady Camille would've let us drain him," a vampire muttered sullenly from someone behind.
"Dale!" another vampire hissed from nearby, this one a woman. "We don't mention Lady Camille around Magnus Bane, remember?"
Magnus raised an eyebrow at Raphael. Raphael simply shrugged.
"Simply trying to spare your feelings," he said.
Magnus sighed. "Nevermind that. Now-" He turned back to the Nephilim boy, who was still sitting on the ground, eyes flitting among the vampires - who were still muttering in spite of Raphael's orders. "What about him?"
"You have to get him out of here," Raphael hissed. "Now."
Before Magnus could even think of what to do next, the Shadowhunter stood up in one swift move, graceful even with the lack of runes. Just as swiftly, he brought his wrist to his mouth, teeth tearing at pale skin.
The dirt on the floor quickly soaked up the splash of deep red blood that landed on it.
Like a ripple, the smell of fresh Angelic blood hit the noses of every single vampire in the room.
Behind Magnus, Raphael swore in a low voice.
"So," the Shadowhunter said. "Who wants to go first?"
In the silence that followed, one could hear each drop of the Nephilim's blood hit the floor.
There was a stain of blood red on the Shadowhunter's teeth and lips.
The vampires looked on, eyes wide and nostrils dilated. Magnus heard a click behind him as someone's fangs popped out.
Magnus had to act, and fast.
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sunsafewriting · 1 year
Keep Your Arms In - 1 Do A Flip extended cinematic universe
basically just extra one-shots sets in and after do a flip.
Diego forgets about the lie almost as soon as they leave the grocery store. He’s got other, more important things to think about, like how late he can convince Ava to let him stay up, and whether he’ll be able to get a tattoo like Shannon’s one day. 
Ava’s answers to his questions are, in this order: nine-thirty, and yes, one day, but for now, they can hit the mall kiosk that sells temporary tattoos. 
It’s not until they’re back at Ava’s place, unloading their bags, that he remembers their capsicum. 
“I don’t want to eat that,” he says, wrinkling his nose. 
“Nor do you have to,” Ava promises. “I’m going to try it, though. And you’d better start brainstorming vegetables you will eat, because otherwise you’ll get leprosy. Wait, that’s the wrong one. It’s the sailor one, isn’t it? Scurvy.” She taps her temple. “And Sister Frances thought Pirateology wasn’t an educational text.”
He watches her wash the capsicum, chop a chunk off, and pop it into her mouth. 
“Hmm, okay, that’s not winning any awards from me,” she declares, wrinkling her nose. “Nevermind, you were right. Capsicums suck.” 
“It’s no broccoli, that’s for fucking sure.” She pauses. “Should I swear in front of you less? Now that I’m a responsible adult, and everything.” 
Diego shrugs. “I don’t know.” 
That ship has probably well and truly sailed, but they Google it anyway, just to be safe.  
For the next several months, Diego lives a blissfully capsicum-free life. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner at St Michael’s are mostly the same, day in and day out, even if the options have become slightly more nutritional since Mother Superion arrived and overhauled everything. 
When he’s with Ava, they experiment with all sorts of different foods — some he finds he likes and some he finds he doesn’t. It becomes a tradition of theirs. Ava doesn’t have enough money for them to do anything really crazy, but picking out something from the grocery store that neither of them has ever had before is always affordable and always fun. 
It’s still just their thing, even once Beatrice is there, because Ava has never wavered in her promise to keep the things he wants to be just Ava and Diego as just Ava and Diego. But at a certain point, it feels stupid to keep doing it without Beatrice, when like everything else, it would probably be even more fun with her. 
Also, he’s kind of excited to show her their notebook, which is the closest thing he and Ava have ever managed to meticulous record-keeping. 
He presents their ledger while they’re having lunch at Ava’s apartment on a Saturday — the three of them sitting cross-legged on the floor in the living room, because Ava maintains that sandwiches shouldn’t be eaten at a table, that such formality is an affront to the spirit of the sandwich. 
“What’s this?” Beatrice asks, when he hands her the notebook. 
“It’s all the different foods Ava and I have tried this year. And whether we think they’re yuck or not.” 
“Writing it down makes it science,” Ava says wisely. “Learned that from MythBusters. ” 
Diego’s dogeared the page of their most recent entry, and Beatrice opens the book there, reads their review of pineapple upside down cake.
“Is it perhaps slightly unfair to penalise the cake for tasting burned when that’s not an inherent quality of pineapple upside down cake?” she asks, dragging her finger across the line where Ava’s written their criticism. 
“It’s like the Olympics,” Ava replies. “Doesn’t matter how good you are, it’s all about what you bring to the arena on the day. We can only judge based on what’s in front of us.” 
“Also, we got distracted making giant soap bubbles,” Diego explains. “And we had the oven on too high.” 
Once they’ve tried something and it’s gone into the book, Diego doesn’t usually think about it too much anymore. There seem to be repeats of things he really loves and not of things he hates, but he doesn’t really, properly think about the fact that this means that Ava and Beatrice remember .
Or, at least, he doesn’t think about it until the day that they’re cooking together.
Ava’s ducked next door to help Camila with her fire alarm, which won’t stop going off, so it’s just Diego and Beatrice in the kitchen. 
He watches, with moderate to extreme dismay, as she pulls a capsicum out of the grocery bag she’s brought with her. She washes it thoroughly in the sink, just like the zucchini before it, and then slices it up. This time, though, rather than dumping all the slices into the bowl, she offers him one. 
“They’re your favourite, yes?” she says. 
Diego’s chest tightens suddenly, unexpectedly. He can count the number of people who’ve ever bothered to learn his favourite anything on one hand without even needing to use all his fingers. 
But Beatrice only thinks capsicums are his favourite because he and Ava are liars and he doesn’t even understand why they lied, but they did, and now Beatrice is being so kind to him, and her kindness is in capsicum form and it’s like God is punishing him for being deceitful. 
The piece of capsicum looks red and evil — but Beatrice is smiling at him, and he can’t let her down, so he accepts it, thanks her, and shoves it into his mouth. 
It’s wretched, spicy and cold. Still, he swallows. 
“Let me know if you want more, okay? Once it’s in this, you won’t really be able to taste it.”
Diego tries not to let the relief show on his face. 
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altraviolet · 7 months
reader polls for Echo Garden
Every once in a while I make a poll and take the winning answer into consideration for writing Echo Garden :) Important to note that I like all the choices- I don't think setting yourself up for something you don't want to do is a good idea in a poll.
This is a long post so after the first one I'll put a cut :)
1) puns
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This is the only poll I've ever made, I think, where the answer was 100% yes xD I wasn't sure if puns were Rodimus-y or not (he hates hats, for example. his tastes can be esoteric) so I asked. This is why he makes cold puns in Ch 23, Enceladia. Poll date: Mar 28, 2021 Ch 23 upload date: Aug 20, 2021
more 👇
2) spark jewels
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I was trying to think of a scientific name for the spark equivalent of kidney stones and liked a few options, so I asked for opinions. The colloquial term used in Ambulon's dimension is "spark jewels," a phrase that Velocity does not know. He switches to the medical term, "lapides stellae," to which she replies "asterliths." I recall not being able to satisfactorily combine Latin and Greek words for "star" with scintill or spitha so I went with both options in the first choice. This scene is found in Ch 26, Fuel Furnace. Poll date: Nov 29, 2021 Ch 26 upload date: Dec 9, 2021
3) other rarepairs
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I had a secret goal (it's not a secret anymore cuz I've told you) to put as many of my rarepairs into the fic as possible. I wanted to include more of either of the above, so let readers decide. I had a feeling Nautica/Blaster would win. I'm legit surprised Bluestreak/Hot Spot got as many votes as it did. Hmm. Looking back on this, maybe I'll try to give them another little nod before the fic ends. Anyhoo, yup, sprinkled throughout the fic are little bits of Nautica/Blaster. I like what they have. It's really loving and supportive :) Poll posted Dec 10, 2021. At that time the fic had 24 chapters.
4) liminal Cybertron
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Ok ok ok, so originally, Mirage's Cybertron was a destroyed, insecticon-infested world. I actually have most of a full chapter written in this original setting- Rodimus, SW, and Mirage going back to retrieve Skywarp. I might put that scene (and other discarded scenes) up after TEG is done, if people are interested. I don't have the exact date for when I wrote the original insecticon chapter, but I was still considering it in March of 2022 because I put foreshadowing for it in Ch 29 Progress, uploaded March 3, 2022. I don't remember now what made me think of doing a sterilized world instead, and then after I thought of it, I couldn't decide which to do. I was surprised by these poll results. The poll predates when I wrote the foreshadowing chapter, so I was still thinking of doing insecticons months later... I don't remember what ultimately changed my mind, but I remember why: insecticons have been done. The chapter I originally wrote was exciting and there were parts I was sorry to put aside, but a desolate, haunting, sterilized Apple store world was appealing because it hasn't been done before (as far as I know). I think people really liked the aesthetic and horror feel of it, so I'm glad I made the change =) Poll posted Jan 6, 2022 We first see 2938 Cybertron close up in Ch 39: Firelove Part 2: The After Burner, posted March 19, 2023.
5) Most Recents Club storytime
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I honestly couldn't decide who to have tell a story at the club, Ambulon or Trailbreaker, so I had readers choose. Ambulon was chosen, so we got some of his background story in Ch 30, Distress Call. I thought his story was hilarious. I laughed a lot while writing it. I suspect readers didn't find it as funny, though, as iirc only one person wrote about it in comments xD Poll posted March 6, 2022 Ch 30 posted April 25, 2022
6) ruining a big moment
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I've posted about this one before, but I'll put it here for posterity. This refers to the use of the ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪��� in Ch 43 Firelove Part 6 The Shattering. The original scene was supposed to be very heavy and dramatic. The After Burner fleeing a bursting and breaking Cybertron, everyone beat up and kinda shocked after the encounter with Megatron. But ahhhhhhh the idea of including the emoji got the better of me. I wanted to do it! So badly! But I didn't know if it would be good for the chapter! So I had readers choose, lol. People seem to like it a lot so I'm glad it went in xD Poll posted March 29, 2023 Ch 43 posted Sept 10, 2023
That's it for now! Thanks for reading =)
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Ghost of You- Nakamoto Yuta
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You may like: Love At Dawn with NCT Jaemin
Disclaimer: This story revolves around death (Yuta is a Ghost), so if you don't feel comfortable reading this type of content or believe that some trigger can be activated please don't read.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Mainly fluff, but also contains the use of bad words, morbid themes, explicit angst, bullying, arguments, death of the main character and mentions of a car accident, not recommended for minors.
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The crowd of people pushing each other as they walked excitedly through the park, only served to confirm what YN already expected: The Neo House was famous, not that YN has never participated in any of the group's “events” before, far from it; after almost 3 long years of friendship with Haechan, the young woman was even considered an honorary member of the fraternity (according to Jungwoo, who stated the fact after YN rejected Jaehyun for the tenth time during the first year), however, the amount of people in the place was too much even for the Neos, which only pointed out how wrong she was in recommending that the fraternity do something else for the annual event that year, but after all what fault was she in thinking that no one would give in an entire park for a bunch of college kids? Food stalls stretched for meters, fraternity members were spread out working, the whole place was active, packed with hundreds of excited people and even a discount system had been organized for the entire park from the rides to the official stores.
YN couldn't help but let out a sigh as she unsuccessfully searched for an acquaintance; since NingNing had abandoned her as soon as they arrived at the park she had already gotten lost three times while trying to find the agreed meeting point, sending a brief message to Haechan asking him to meet her in front of the red shooting tent, she put her cell phone away and turned to face the large plushies displayed as possible prizes when she heard a voice whisper beside her:
- You lost? - A tall red-haired guy wearing a black jacket was staring at her with a smile on his face waiting for an answer from her which never came- The game, you couldn't win?
- Hmm? – realizing just at the moment that she was staring at him she turned back to the plushies to hide the shade of red painted on her cheeks, he was gorgeous, ethereal if she was honest with her words- oh no, I kind of lost myself and I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up.
- Oh, I understand, so I'll try my luck then - a few minutes passed while the boy kept himself busy in the game and she kept herself busy checking him out and her phone for any answer from her friend - Ok, it seems that your friend ditched u - seeing that the guy had given up on the game and was now staring at her YN nodded in confirmation, making a mental note to kill Haechan the next day- You could come with me- at the sound of the boy's voice she looked up in confusion- Well, it turns out that my friends ditched me too and I don't know about you, but I didn't come here for nothing and since we are both alone now why don't we keep each other company tonight?
- I don't know...- YN looked around to make sure none of her friends were in sight looking for her then she analyzed her options: stand there being judged by everyone passing by, go home and lose all time she'd spent getting dressed and going to the venue or have fun with the handsome stranger— Alright, let's go.
Three hours later as she walked by the boy's side she was sure that was the best choice she had ever made, they went on so many different rides, ate so much and laughed so hard the whole night, she wasn't even sure if she had grabbed his hand on the haunted house or the hurricane, but she definitely wasn't complaining, nor was he, looking extremely comfortable as he dragged her to one of the secluded benches. Shortly as they were seated, he released her hand, and despite wanting to protest she busied herself with feasting on the sweet they'd just acquired, until he came closer, his feline eyes locked on hers, making she anxious, to her, an eternity had passed before he leaned in, soft cherry-flavored lips touching hers, his free hand moving to cup her face, hers pulling at his shirt trying to hold him closer. As they parted he was smiling at her, she almost pulled him back mesmerized by him, low voice bringing her back to reality.
- I've been wanting to do this all night... -she smiled averting her face embarrassed, it was obvious that she wanted the same - did you have fun? - he let out a light laugh seeing the girl shake her head quickly in affirmation while saying that she had never had so much fun in an amusement park before, he took her hand again intertwining their fingers as she leaned on him looking at the stars a comfortable silence settling in- It's late, maybe I can take you home?
YN was close to asking him to do so when her cell phone rang, Haechan's name glowing red on the screen, sending him a silent apology the young woman answered the phone to hear Haechan scream while asking where the hell she was and demand her not to move as he was going to find her.
- Well I guess you'll have to go home alone - she explained after ending the call - my friend is coming to find me right now.
- So - he pulled her away placing a kiss on her forehead - I think it's time for us to part ways princess - he kissed her again, this time a needy kiss completely different from the previous one, full of desire and in a way hungry -  I'll never forget about tonight, my dear.
YN was about to answer him when a distant voice made her turn around, seeing Haechan at far she stood up and called him back, turning to find nothing but anything around, he was gone, not even giving her the chance to ask for his phone number.
- Where did your new friend go?
- I don't know what you were talking about!
- Your body disagrees, you're blushing like crazy.
- I'm tired Haechan, let's go home, pls...
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When YN met with the others on Wednesday to help tally the results of the event - fundraising, profits, tickets, and more - everyone was excited and the girl was assigned to sort food along with other "fraternity" girls.
- Did you go home on Saturday YN? - Johnny's girlfriend questioned while helping the girl move some milk cartons.
- Me?
- Uhun, I remember seeing everyone but you.
- Oh no, I was- she stopped to contemplate not sure what she should say, choosing to avoid further questions, she decided to approach the red-haired guy as a friend - with a friend.
- Haechan? - it was Jeno's sister's turn to join the conversation.
- Haechan stayed with the boys all night - said Renjun's girlfriend - as well as YangYang and Jeno.
- What matters - Kun's girlfriend approached, rubbing the girl's shoulders - is if YN had fun.
- It was really fun actually, we did a lot of things that I honestly don't think Haechan would let me do if I was with him.
-Looks like you really enjoyed yourself- Renjun's girlfriend joked when she noticed YN was blushing- so are you going to tell us who your new boyfriend is?
-He's not my boyfriend- YN replied a little louder than she should have, catching the attention of Taeil who was on a phone call, apologizing briefly while reinforcing to the girls that she had absolutely no boyfriend- He was just a friend, I already told you.
- Then tell us which of your friends was with you - the girl continued pressing - why all this secrecy?
- It was just someone I met there - the girl finally let it out noting how a little argument had started between her friends' girlfriends over her - a guy I met after Ningning abandoned me.
- YN you were walking around with a stranger ??- Johnny's girlfriend rejoined the conversation having clearly heard the last part- that's dangerous.
- He didn't look dangerous at all - the whole group was looking at her intently now - he was funny and handsome, very handsome in fact.
- Our YN has a crush - joked Jeno's sister- and what's his name?
- I don't have a crush and I don't know- fuck ,YN wanted to get into a hole, of course, she had to forget to ask his name- I didn't ask...
- You spent all night long with someone and didn't ask their name? -One of the girls asked.
-Oh come on YN, why are you hiding his name? - Renjun's girlfriend asked in an accusing tone - none of us will steal it from you, you know.
Johnny's girlfriend intervened in the joke after seeing YN clearly fidgeting uncomfortably, asking everyone to speed up the work and little by little all of them went back to their tasks, all except Renjun's girlfriend who kept asking questions about the boy. When they all sat down a few hours later to rest that's when YN lost his temper.
- Can you please shut up - the girl said irritated having completely lost her cool under the girl's insinuations - I already told you everything and you keep acting like a dick.
- How the fuck?- the girl barked louder approaching making YN stand up, the others still stunned by the girl's outburst just watched the younger one now with an accusing finger close to YN's face- Listen here, you Lying little bitch, it's not our fault you don't have enough friends to hang out with and need to invent a fake boyfriend to make yourself feel good- the room was now quite crowded with some of the boys who had come to see what the commotion was all about, Jeno's sister pulling the angry girl back while Kun's girlfriend led YN to another room - I'm just curious - she could hear the girl talking loudly - I mean none of us saw her all night and now she says she was with someone that she doesn't even know the name? She's obviously lying.
- I'm not a liar - YN vented in a low tone to the girl who accompanied her - everyone left me alone there and I was just glad to have someone with me that I didn't care about his name.
YN hurriedly ran away with tears in her eyes ignoring Haechan and the others calling out to her as she ran away from the house as fast as she could.
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Over two weeks passed with YN completely ignoring any frat people and their relatives, even skipping some classes and keeping her phone off to avoid them. In the meantime the girl had been concentrating on trying to find out who the boy she had been with that night was, she had looked everywhere on social media, on forums and college groups, new and old and nothing. YN had also asked to several students if they knew any guy matching his description, in the end no sign that he was real other than her memories of that night, she was starting to believe that her mind had made it all up when she was cornered by Johnny, Haechan and Taeyong in her apartment on a Friday.
-We just want to talk to you... -Taeyong said while the girl tried to close the door in their faces- YN, please, we're worried!
- I don't need you to feel that way.
- Don't be an asshole YN - Johnny said entering the house followed by the others - You don't answer our calls, don't show up for classes, didn't look for or contact any of us for two weeks!
- We're your friends you brat - Haechan said intervening in the conversation - if that's because of what that weirdo said.
- I wasn't lying and I don't need my friends to accuse me of it either - protested YN interrupting.
-I know you didn't lie I saw you guys together- Haechan said as if it was obvious as he sat on the couch next to Taeyong who gestured for her to do the same- Danm YN, I even teased you about it that night.
-Here- Taeyong handed her a yearbook- we found out you were looking for him while you know we were looking for you- Taeyong opened the book and pointed to a boy apparently Japanese with dark hair, at that moment Johnny put a glass of water in front of her on the coffee table as he sits next to the others - Nakamoto Yuta- the girl gave him a questioning look as she took the book from his hands and took a closer look at the boy's face- Johnny remembered seeing someone similar to the description Haechan gave us in one of the yearbooks while working in the library last year.
- I wasn't sure where exactly it was so it took us a while to find it - said the eldest while eating a snack that she was sure she had hidden earlier.
- What? I looked for him everywhere in the media, in college, and nothing- now analyzing the other pages of the yearbook, YN found herself confused by the dating on the cover- class of 98?- she watched as the boys exchanged strange looks between themselves- I think you guys made a mistake, there's no way this is possible- she decreed- this guy should be on his 40 or something, and I'm telling you I definitely wasn't with an old man that night.
-Look again YN- Haechan leaned over opening the book to the previous page while looking for something on his phone- imagine his hair on a dark red and boom - he almost hit her excitedly pointing a finger at the screen - are you really gonna tell me that this isn't him?
She took the device from his hands, lost between her friend's cell phone and the old photo from the yearbook, she certainly noticed the strange similarities between the boy from the park and the guy from the old pages, she sure did it, but the edited photo on Haechan’s phone who showed off a red-haired Yuta took her to a whole new level of conformation and even though the girl wasn't talking to any of them as she muttered meaningless questions trying to prove to herself that none of that was possible, Taeyong answered her.
-We have a theory - he said gently as he gestured to Johnny who held out his phone to her - please don't make a scandal.
Why would I- YN stood there frozen as a newspaper page dated November 2000 flashed on the screen, "Drunken driver crashes into a college group: Yonsei basketball prodigy among fatalities" despite the shocking headline what left YN terrified was the photo attached to it; Yuta along with a few other students smiling broadly, stunned she looked to her friends for an explanation- Ten did this? -the three of them quickly shook their heads in denial- so who dit it?
- It's a genuine story YN- Taeyong moved to sit next to her- the library lady said she remembered the accident and that we can probably find the original newspaper there, you can check it for yourself if you don't believe it.
-What does this mean? - tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she looked at the older one next to her, Johnny joining them handing her the glass of water while Haechan just stared at the window - did I dream about it or what?
- Or you had a date with a ghost - Haechan faced her friend - had a date with a hot ghost on the day of the dead.
- You're not helping.- the youngest shrugged his shoulders while Johnny took the lead to explain the boy's words- you know it was November 2nd, the day of the dead.
- You see - it was Taeyong who was speaking now having noticed the confusion on the younger's face - this guy is definitely on another plane and in some cultures the day of the dead is the day they can roam freely across the land.
- You went crazy- the girl got up moving away from the boys- A ghost? I was very close to him you know, he was very real, there has to be some kind of misunderstanding here.
- Oh I know, I saw how close you were when he was sticking his tongue down your throat, which just means- Haechan said approaching the girl with a mocking tone- that a ghost almost fucked you cutie.
As soon as the forbidden topic - as Haechan named the girl's date with a ghost (which he'd rather dismiss as funny than admit that he'd been totally freaked out when he found the accident article) - it was closed after lengthy jokes and theories from the boys, the night was filled with delicious snacks and complaints about how she'd tossed them aside because of Renjun's stupid girlfriend. YN felt relieved to have her friends back, however, a couple of hours later the girl found herself sitting on the bed staring at the heavy rain hitting the window while thinking about what had happened.
In fact, a little after the boys left she went into detective mode, and now with a name she had scoured dozens of websites looking for information about the guy, info that she had found and that led her to believe in the theory brought by her friends, which she would definitely never admit to them, despite her exhaustion YN didn't think that she could sleep that night, in fact, she didn't think she would be able to sleep well for a while now.
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Please do not copy and translate this work without permission, all creative work is copyrighted and therefore plagiarism is a crime.
©littlecherryhuanlin 2022 - 2023
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rwprincess · 2 years
Worth a Shot (Fred Benson x Fem!Reader)
Word Count: 2.6k
Synopsis: A few inconspicuous touches during movie night lead you to make a bold move in regards to your feelings for Fred during a late night in the Newspaper Office
CW: spoilers for The Elephant Man, anxiety, first kiss
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It didn't start this way. At first, you were just part of a group of kids put together with a common goal: to tackle the school newspaper. 'Work colleagues' turned to friends, which evolved into its current stage of an infatuated crush. While you didn't let on to the latter and counted yourself rooted firmly in the "friends" category, you longed for something more. But, given your current status, you simply suggested 'hanging out' tonight and Fred accepted.
"We could rent a movie," you suggested and Fred gave you one of his signature deadpan stares. "What? What's that look for?"
"I hate going to the video store."
"Why? There's not a ton to do here as it is, options are limited, Freddie."
"Mm, mostly not fond of the buffoons who work there."
"That Robin girl seems nice enough," you chided.
"Sure, but admit it, she's pretty scatterbrained," he said and you gave a non-commital shrug before he continued,  "and then Steve Harrington? Need I say more?" He scoffed.
"Yes. What's your deal with Steve?" You asked.
"What's my problem with Mr. Perfect Empty-Headed Steve? Hmm, I wonder." He put on a faux-thoughtful expression and you giggled. "He also hits on you any time we're there." He muttered, fiddling with his glasses: a nervous habit he'd picked up to try to cover his emotions or lessen his anxiety. 
"Steve hits on every girl in a five-mile radius," you shrugged, trying to be nonchalant.
"And that doesn't bother you?" When you only gave him an 'eh' response and another shrug, he followed up with, "what, do you want him to hit on you?" He adjusted his glasses with the other hand now. He didn't really want to know the answer. 
"Pfft. Good God, no." You replied and the tension dropped from his shoulders, but you didn't notice.  "I just don't care because nothing will come out of it. I only surround myself with people who I find intellectually stimulating." You reached out a hand and gently ran it along his jaw, then patted his cheek. "That's what I have you for, my dear boy." It was a risky move on your part, it seemed like too obvious a gesture. But Fred didn't say anything about it or use the opportunity to try to make a move on you. He simply sighed as you took your hand away, which you took as frustration with your insistence on going to the video store but was really his way of lamenting the withdrawal of physical contact and his consistent inability to read you. It seemed like it was a good sign that you would say you didn't want the hot, popular (and willing) Steve and then to point out that you enjoyed Fred's company instead, but he could never be sure and he had to be. He didn't want to ruin the good thing you already had because he was deluding himself into believing you could be something more.
"Fine. We can go get a movie." He acquiesced. Truthfully, with that one touch, he was already done for. He knew you weren't consciously manipulating him, you just didn't know the hold you had over him. To try to save some of his dignity, he added, "but I get to pick." 
"Look, I get that it's an artistic masterpiece,  but you couldn't have picked something slightly less…depressing?" You hadn't argued with his choice at the store as he was already testy and you could see his agitation grow with Steve hovering to 'make recommendations,' but now you were at your house and you were definitely judging his choice of The Elephant Man.
"Have you actually seen it?" He asked, dryly as you thoroughly examined the VHS cover. 
"No, but I've heard it's sad. Good, but…sad." You sighed at the stern look on his face, knowing you weren't going to win.
"The good outweighs the sad," he said doing air quotes around your words he was echoing, "I promise. You love art, you'll love the makeup in this. It's so good that the Academy was pressured into making an award for best makeup effects."
"Really?" Now he had you interested, and he knew it.
"Are you questioning me and my sources?" He asked, falsely aghast, which made you roll your eyes in response.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to go make popcorn. You deal with…that." You gestured to the TV and accompanying VHS setup before heading to the kitchen, unaware that Fred was watching you, smirking.
So far, it wasn't a bad movie. It started with some curious surreal scenes and took some time building a dramatic reveal for John Merrick, The Elephant Man's makeup, which you found astonishing as Fred had promised.  You both were quietly invested by the time Dr. Treves took John to his own home to meet his wife, Anne. 
"I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr. Merrick." The character of Anne said, cordially. 
"I'm very pleased…"  John began to return in kind, before breaking down in sobs.
"What is it, John? What's the matter?"
"It's just that I-I'm not used to being treated so well by a beautiful woman…" Merrick replied and you put a hand over your touched heart. Meanwhile, Fred was eyeing you from his periphery, feeling very much the same as Merrick in that moment. While he didn't have a severe condition, of course, he had been ostracized growing up, particularly by girls who thought he was a loser. And yet, here you sat next to him, beautiful and kind. 
Later, you sat tensed up on the couch. It was what you assumed to be the climax: a gaggle of strangers chasing and harrassing Merrick through a train station until they had him cornered. "Why can't they just mind their own business?" You lamented to Fred, "It seems like every problem could be solved in this movie if everyone just minded their business and left him alone." Fred gave you a soft smile, knowing what you were trying to say, before you turned your attention back to the screen.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man!" John cried and you felt tears spring up into your eyes. Instinctively, you grabbed Fred's hand. It was an unconscious gesture and you didn't realize you'd done it, really, until you felt his reassuring squeeze. You continued to hold on to him like a safety blanket until the danger in the movie seemed to have passed. 
At the end of the film, Fred looked to you and asked, "So, did you like it?"
You looked up at him with still wet eyes, swiping away the remaining tears. It definitely stirred up emotions in you and the evidence was plain to see on your face and the hems of your damp sleeves. "Yes. The good outweighed the sad, you were right."
"Aren't I usually?" He said with mock pride, trying to lighten the mood and cheer you up. It worked and you gave a tearful chuckle in response.
"Yeah, yeah. I shouldn't have doubted you. Thank you for making me watch such an emotionally devastating piece. I'm a better person for it." You joked, sticking out your tongue and he laughed, reaching up to wipe away one stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.  It was clear that he wasn't thinking about his touch before initiating it, either, as his face immediately turned red and he stumbled to adjust his glasses.
"Um, yeah." He cleared his throat looking away quickly. "Well, it's getting late, I should probably go." He stood up, looking to make a quick and flustered exit. "You don't have to. It's not that late. I could always drive you home later," you offered. He hesitated, pausing for just a moment as though he were going to say more, but just shook his head.
"No, no. I-I best be going. I'll see you later." He spun around and left through your front door before you could make another plea for him to stay. He feared he was already in too deep.
About a week later, you found Fred working late in the Weekly Streak office. Neither of you had brought up the "Elephant Man incident" (as you referred to it in your head), but you had definitely run through it in your mind countless times to try to process it. Fred was not a particularly open person and he seemed pretty vulnerable that night.  You still weren't sure what your touches and interactions meant. Maybe he just acted on human instinct the way you had when you reached for his hand. But even then, you had to admit to yourself that you had done that because it had been Fred there.  The impulse would have been curbed if it were someone else.
He was working studiously at his desk, brows furrowed in concentration and gaze down at his latest work. You took the sight in for just a moment. The hunched shoulders that always made him appear smaller than he was, his signature sweater vest and watch, and of course his large glasses, framing his adorably wide eyes. You sighed softly at the sight before approaching him. You placed a hand on him and he went rigid at the touch, not expecting it, but you saw him visibly relax as he realized it was you. "I think you need to take a break. You look tense." You said, giving his shoulder a squeeze before letting go, not noticing the way he sank into the touch. "C'mon, I brought you a Coke. Caffeine is perfect for meeting deadlines, right?"
He gave you a weak smile as he slid back from his desk to follow you,  "Thanks."
"Don't sweat it. I have Razzles too." You winked and he chuckled at your enthusiasm while shaking his head.
"Somehow, I'm not surprised."    
You sat on the floor, leaning your backs into some of the archives shelves, both facing the same direction.  You put your legs out in front of you, crossing them at the ankles as you talked. Fred was folded awkwardly and pretzel-like beside you as you talked. "I have an idea for a sort of game," you began as your previous conversation had died down. You stood up and gathered a couple of supplies: a few pieces of paper and an empty mug off of Mrs. Callahan's desk. "I guess it's kind of like truth or dare, but you kind of have to earn it."
Fred raised an eyebrow at you,  "I have no idea in the slightest what you mean."
You placed the cup on the floor a good distance in front of him and returned to sit by his side. "So, before you can ask me a question or I have to commit to a wager or whatever, you have to make the shot." You ripped off a small piece from the paper and wadded it up as an example. "Like, I get to pick the next movie night if I make it. If I don't, you do." You tossed the paper at the mug, watching as it bounced off the side. He looked at you as though you'd grown another head. "C'mon. It'll be fun." You nudged his shoulder with yours and he gave in with a nod, taking a paper from your hands.
"Um…I make it in and you have to interview Jason Carver about the basketball game. Save me from doing it." He tossed his balled-up paper and sank it into the mug. "Yessss." He hissed triumphantly.
"Ugh, thanks so much for the assignment. Let's see… if I make it, you have to tell me the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in elementary school." You poised yourself to arch the paper perfectly in, but Fred coughed beside you and ruined your aim. "Oh, come now. You did that on purpose!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied stoically and you laughed, pushing him playfully.
"Come on," you whined, "I didn't know you back then. I wanna know!"
"Become a better shot, then.  Rookie move."
"Fred Benson!" You feigned shock, "I have never been so insulted."
"I can't help it if it's true. And I didn't make the rules of this game, you did." He said, clicking his tongue, trying to hide the devious smile creeping up his face. "My turn. Uh…would you rather be poor and work at a job you love, or be well-off at a job you hate?" Of course he made his shot.
"This is not fair. I didn't expect you to be this good at this. You always claim to have no athletic ability," you complained.
"It's not a difficult question. It's not even that personal."
"I know but it's the principle of it."
"Well, you chose this game and you have to admit that you have no spatial reasoning. That's the only way it's working for me." He shrugged. "Anyway, quit stalling. Answer."
"Job I love.  I mean, I don't get paid for working on The Streak but I stay because I love it." He nodded in acceptance of your answer and you battled back with a question of your own, "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" You took the chance and almost whooped in victory as you got your first scrap of paper in. "Yes! I made it! In your face!"
"What are you, six?" He asked with an eye roll, "I dunno. I guess reading minds selectively would be a good power. I'm never really sure if people are being honest or not."
"Hmm. Would be good for investigating too. See if someone's hiding the truth."
The two of you went back and forth. You, of course, had many more misses but kept trying, having faith you'd make it in. With your last ball, you threw caution to the wind and escalated the game. You had no idea why you decided to take the risk but the dare rolled from your mouth before you could stop it. "If I make it in, you have to kiss me." Fred gulped in response and you tried to delicately throw the paper,  hoping against hope that this one would go in, but it bounced off the rim. "Damn," you whispered and felt your face growing hot, both at your failure and your proposition. You both sat in silence for a moment and you began quaking with regret.
"Did you mean that?" Fred asked softly, voice barely above a whisper. You remembered what he said about never being sure if someone was honest.
"Yes," you squeaked, with a nod. Your throat had become unbearably dry and you were almost incapable of making a sound but you had to tell him the truth. 
He didn't speak, but looked at you, trying to read your expression.  Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours gently before pulling back. Your eyes widened in surprise and your heart took up residence in your throat.  You bit your lip nervously and Fred said, "I shouldn't have done that." You began to panic,  a million thoughts racing through your mind at once before he cracked a smile and said, "I mean, you didn't make the shot. You didn't earn it."
"Oh my God!" You shoved him, nearly knocking him off balance, so you pulled him back up. "I thought you meant you regretted it or didn't like me, or-or, oh, you jerk!' You cried out as he laughed.
"Hey, I gave that one to you because I wanted to." His laugh quieted down and he looked at you more seriously now. "Can I…can I kiss you again?" He looked apprehensively to your lips and then back to your eyes.
"What? Without making the shot?" You joked,  "We both know you would have made it anyway." You smiled at him as you placed your hands on either side of his face, his eyes fluttering closed at the touch before you pressed your lips to his this time.  
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thegongoozlerreacts · 10 months
Cemetery Mary: Reginald's Route
now im in the final stretch!! its time to play Reginald's route!! this time i will not look at the ending guide like i did for my other playthroughs bc idrc abt which ending i get first (i'll use the guide for getting the other ending)
i'll just try to avoid accidentally getting the true ending which shouldnt be too hard
now its time to play!! (spoilers below)
why did Reginald go to the cemetery also how did he finish that book so quickly?? welp now its time to meet up w him there he'll probably tell Mary why he's there anyways
OH HE MAKES COFFINS?????? ok then
LOL the way Mary's eyes light up at the fact that he's a coffin maker
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look at her she's so cute
he has a portfolio?? of coffins he's designed?? i mean i guess that makes sense cuz its a job and he needs like, proof i guess of his skill n stuff?? idk this is just stuff ive never thought of when i think of coffins or ppl who make them
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'I'd love to be buried in one of those one day!' took me out i mean,,, im not that surprised cuz well yk but idk this is just?? so funny??
hmm interesting thing abt Reginald that i noticed is that he always says or does stuff that would make Mary happy bc he wants her to be happy i mean it makes sense cuz he's obsessed w her i guess?? tbh i know he's the killer cuz of the twyla good ending but i still dont know his motives or objective also that line about 'stop killing me, ok?' has been echoing in my head
like wtf do u mean?? what does that mean????? is it like a time travel thing?? when he said that i thought that in other endings there would be a scene where he died or smth idk but its only in twyla's good ending do we see him die all the other endings he just stops contacting her for no reason will he die in the endings of this route or smth???
i am so confused is Crowven her cousin or not he must be right???? theres literally an option right now that says 'crowven's my cousin' so ok wtv i will pick that cuz he is her cousin
OH THEYRE NOT BLOOD-RELATED i finally got an answer theyre just family friends
oh no is Crowven gonne die in this route or in one of the endings bc i hope not Crowven dying in the twyla bad ending emotionally scarred Mary and me and that was just an ending
if he dies during the route then i'll have to see more of Mary's grief and DUDE that would be so painful i literally cant
Reginald do not kill Crowven dont kill him!!!
"...And if ever really gets on your nerves, you can always give me a call." THIS IS JUST knowing he's the killer makes this line so fucking ominous also just further proof that he killed Theodore in the Crowven route like definitely
nahh Reginald's planning a murder for Crowven already pls,,, no,,,, ahh now its time for the diner part how will this go with Reginald i wonder
he didnt see anything cuz he was the guy!!! he's the one!!!
skipping ahead now here we are to the funeral scene and now we are out of the funeral scene LOL
shopping w Reginalddd for his murder weapons why is he making it a game?? maybe just to cheer her up since she was at a funeral??
AN AXE?????? and antifreeze bUT AN AXE????
"What else would you use an axe for?" oh my sweet innocent Mary,,,,
i feel like he let her win on purpose but im not sure LOL depends on what the prize is i guess
"You haven't been spying on me, have you?" hahahahhahahahhahh UR THE ONE WHO IS SPYING ON HER
do i talk about the axe or do i talk about the rat poison
hmm i think i'll go w the rat poison
you're not slick, im onto youuu
oho so he's gonna show her how he makes coffins
at least i know that he wont kill her
that is some really crunchy grass
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he looks dead inside im cackling
Mary notices it too imm
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aww thats cute but he's still a murderer
why was he so like mad/tired tho?? whats up w his earlier expression??? also his eyebags just disappeared after he realized its Mary LMAOAOA tbh thats valid thats fair
Reginald looks very nice in that outfit i kinda want his clothes
aww Mary's so excited... to step inside the coffin... still she's so cute have fun in the coffin bc i know that he isnt gonna kill u
bro wtf just happened
um. wtf. hey who messed up the manga
like first of all how could u do that??? to a book?? and to a library book!??!?!?
second of all
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what the FUCK is this
this seems important but im not sure how
oopsies she burned it
i feel bad cuz it was a library book BUT its deserved like completely deserved that thing was fucking cursed creepypasta style
she's gonna go inside of a church and just the mention of a church, for some reason, made me nervous
pls i hope nothing bad happens cuz it will be worse when it happens in a church
lol she feels an overwhelming sense of dread i think thats a normal thing to feel inside a church esp if u've not been in one theres just some kind of heaviness snd weight when ur in a church
oh is it because of the cursed manga???? bc she came into contact w it and now she's in a church??
nah im feeling scared gosh pls dont make a scene
the music is really adding to that vibe of nausea and dread
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bro its definitely cuz of the cursed manga she just threw up whatever demonic shit she got from it
why cant she just say she was invited by Reginald as like emotional support or smth why gf..... well ok
ok Reginald interrupted at just the right moment at least it was him and not some random stranger do i go his place or the bus stop??????
hmm lets go to the bus stop
ok nvm guess we're going to his place anyways
i am wondering how the coffin and the manga are connected if they even are LMAO
im also wondering if Reginald is dead, like a ghost or something but nah thats not possible twyla knows abt him and has talked abt him to Mary so he's not a ghost maybe a zombie???? but also thats probably not it either
i feel so bad for Mary :(( but also what the FUCK is happening
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it was definitely cursed
oh was it a dream??
GOOD MORNING???? WAS SHE THERE ALL NIGHT??? or is he joking cuz he's still in his funeral clothes
ok he was just joking
hhhh idk if i should ask Crowven to stay or not cuz like idk???
ok i feel bad for making Mary all alone but it'll be fine right??? right???
knowing that the mystery number and Reginald are the same person makes sense honestly still its really a surprise cuz Reginald seems so nice n stuff but oopsies guess he's only nice to Mary in a twisted sort of way
aaAAaaahhhh she's talking to the priest i have no idea what to say so i will pick the middle option
idk what abt it but there's just something about the light shining on the priest, but Mary is covered in the priest's shadow something about that is just interesting
burning a wish?? THE MANGA????
tbh i cant believe that its shoujo manga of all things to be cursed(??) but also like alright sure
ominous note what the fuck does it mean
does it have smth to do w Reginald?? did Reginald write the note?? did he find some way to constantly reverse time bc of Mary or something??
'Makes me wonder how many variations I will see' gives me time travel vibes is this connected to Reginald's 'please stop killing me' thing?? probably
took a quick break from playing the game and ranted about my theories to my brother and he was like '???? wtf r u talking about'
back to playing
WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN WTF IS THIS NOTE is god real in this game?? cuz theres an afterlife and ghosts but what abt god???
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Mary u r so nice u r so sweet i love u
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"After all, it's not like a grave would be going anywhere" u jinxed it u just jinxed it when u look for it it will be gone i swear
if i had done the Reginald route before the twyla good end i would be like 'aww the cemetery reminds Reggie of Mary how cute :))' but the alarms are going off in my head at that
oh fuck its twyla ok i wanna say 'wtf is happening' but i already know why twyla's so pissed off
but still damn
"I'm not a mean person" twyla more like twy-lie cuz ur a fucking liar
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is that graffiti on the wall the same as the grave
lol twyla i think Reginald's gonna kill u for yelling at Mary "I'll get her to apologize to you" yooo Reg..... maybe chill "I'll be sure that she is sorry" YOO????
hmm makes me wonder why Mary never got any of twyla's messages tho
did Reginald kill her ???
oh shit the grave is broken and burned for some reason?? oh Mary looks so upset :((
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but also what happened to the grave and the manga??? what happened????
hmm kinda sus that he wanted them to not go in did he poison someone?? n he didnt wanna go in cuz he didnt want Mary to see that?? who did he poison??
why am i being given options about how long Mary's lived there when its all the same answer anyways??
oh there just HAS to be some time travel thing going on he went '...yes' when Mary said that 'isnt it funny how long the both of us have lived here and only met a little while ago' like but why tho
oh he's nervous now lol he killed somebody definitely. he definitely has a murder planned for somebody here. one of the kitchen staff maybe?
I KNEW IT HE KILLED SOMEBODY but also i cant believe he just?? left Mary like that wtf??
wait did he kill Mary? thats black goo coming out of his mouth, the same black goo that Mary vomitted in the church what the fuck is happening
oh ok Mary's just seeing stuff bc of the cursed manga
Mary struggling to sleep is relatable
bro he was murdering someone im sure
she's calling him Reggie thats so cute
ooooh an aquarium thats cool
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this is such a touching moment. idk what to say but their talk in the aquarium is so sweet???
ok now its time for the sleepover part
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oh shit Reggie lore???? crazy
'just try not to shine it at me while i'm on the couch' its bc u wont be there right??? cuz ur gonna leave in the middle of the night to do sketchy shit arent u?????
oh shit twyla's in danger but for real this time i think???
um?????? wait is he gonna kill her what waitwaitwait
HOLY SHIT WTF. WTF ??!?!??!!??!
that escalated so quickly i
ok so i got the bad ending,,,, im,,, i...... ok.
well then im gonna like,,, process this
holy shit dude wtf
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
☕️ on Ace Attorney (Original Trilogy vs Apollo Justice Trilogy)
Ooh this is an interesting one! Honestly, I think we can all agree that the OT was perfect, not much to say there…but I know Apollo Justice tends to be more controversial. I honestly hesitate to call it a trilogy, but…one thing at a time, let’s start with AA4 (aka my favorite of the three):
Here’s my hot take: Phoenix isn’t the issue. The game has its flaws, but Phoenix being more jaded makes sense (and he still has a brightness within him with Trucy). “But Lavi, you don’t like TLJ Luke for exactly the same reason,” yes, I hear you, but although Phoenix and Luke are very similar, the circumstances of their hermit era are different. Luke leaves his family to exile himself after a brief moment of contemplating murder against his nephew, instead of fighting the First Order (after he saw how dangerous and destructive the Empire was??). Phoenix loses the position he worked so hard towards and is then manipulated by Kristoph for 7 years, during which he still comes up with a plan to fight back in secret! Different circumstances…but I digress. Back to the main point: the issue is not Phoenix.
The game’s big issue is actually with Apollo: he’s so sidelined compared to Phoenix that it’s unfair to him. Like…forget not winning a case on his own (because Phoenix had that issue in AA1 too): his game isn’t even really about him! It’s all about Phoenix! Which, for a game meant to introduce Apollo, is bizarre. AA5 and AA6 (mainly AA6) do a better job of introducing Apollo than AA4, which is a shame. He feels like a plot device in his own intro game, and he deserves better than that.
The other issue is more to do with AA5. That game resets the status quo so much that it weakens AA4 in retrospect…which imo is part of why AA4 is so disliked. Phoenix is a lawyer again, and back to his OT self (no seriously, it’s actually kinda jarring), there’s another new lawyer in Athena (who gets a much better intro in this game than Apollo did in AA4).
Also, this game was “OT Cameo Central” with brief appearances from Trucy, Klavier, and Pearl (Maya was AA6 iirc). And oh, do I mean brief. It’s actually annoying, particularly with Trucy, because…these are supposed to be three of the most important characters in Ace Attorney, with Trucy especially as Phoenix's daughter! Why is she so sidelined?? Why is Klavier sidelined, when he’s Apollo’s most meaningful opposition and a great narrative foil to him in AA4?? (Why don’t we see his reaction to Apollo going all Kristoph-esque in the finale in DD? Feels like something he’d have strong reactions to, hmm?)
AA6 I actually preferred over AA5, but…even then, as I was playing, I just went “wow, after three games, we finally know something about Apollo other than his work life and his post-death-mentioned best friend” 🤦‍♀️
Honestly the more I think about it…this isn’t really a trilogy. I like parts of each game, but…it’s not coherent in the same way the OT was, and it’s not even entirely focused on Apollo the way the OT was entirely focused on Phoenix. It’s more of a beautiful mess, in a sense.
(Hey also can we talk about how messed up it is that Apollo and Trucy still don’t know they’re siblings?? Because that’s messed up, right?? Phoenix found out in AA4 and he still hasn’t told them?? And if he has, why tf didn’t we see that??)
Send me “☕️” and (optionally) a topic, and I’ll talk about it!
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Elegant Vacation - Summer Troupe Practice Mini Chats Translation
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Can you believe they added all my favorite characters in one practice mini chats? (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Important: If you notice I misunderstood a line or there’s a mistake, feel free to tell me.
Itaru and Kumon Mini Chat (30% Flair)
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Kumon: Hmm~... I think it’s the second!
Itaru: No, that one is the third. 
TV: “And the answer for the 5th question is… the third option.”
Kumon: Wow, you were right! That’s awesome, Itaru-san! 
Itaru: I just happened to know it.
Itaru: I can really feel we’re in summer with this student quiz special~. 
Kumon: Yeah, I totally get you! It gives a summer and youth feeling! So cool~ it looks pretty fun. I want to appear there!  
Itaru: Sounds good. Why don’t you try to apply for it? This isn’t just a knowledge and aptitude TV show. Strength and luck are also needed. 
Itaru: This one is just for students, but some don’t have age restrictions. So you can invite people who might be good at it and apply together. 
Kumon: That’s a good idea! Kazu-san, Guy-san… and Chikage-san seem to be good at it! 
Itaru: Yeah. Oh, right, didn’t Banri mention he sometimes helps Amabi’s quiz study group?
Kumon: Hmm, yeah, he might be good too, but… I prefer him as my rival on another team to compete with him. 
Itaru: Haha, I see. Then how about we do a quiz showdown with everyone as practice?
Kumon: I’m totally in for it! Okay, I’m going to train to win the quiz!
Misumi and Banri Mini Chat (60% Flair) 
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Banri: Well then… I should get going soon. 
Misumi: Me too~ 
Banri: Are you going somewhere, Misumi? 
Misumi: Mhm! I’m going to my house. 
Misumi: I met with Madoka by chance the other day at Veludo Way!
Misumi: Madoka told me his summer gift was a tasty jelly and invited me to eat them with him~ 
Banri: Heh, that’s good. It seems like you’re getting along well. 
Banri: I’m also going to my house. My sister called me. 
Banri: I’ll be shopping with her all day.
Misumi: Oh, I see! You also get along with your sister, Banri~
Misumi: I want to go shopping with Madoka too. I’ll invite him next time! 
Banri: Oh, yeah, that sounds good. It has a different feeling to go shopping with a brother. Kinda fun. 
Banri: Well, let’s head to our places. 
Misumi: Mhm, let’s go, go~!
Azami and Hisoka Mini Chat (100% Flair)
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Azami: It feels so hot… I should get a drink. 
Azami: U-Uwah! Hisoka-san…? Why are you sleeping here? 
Hisoka: Ngh…?
Hisoka: Ah… It seems like I fell asleep while waiting… 
Azami: What were you waiting? 
Hisoka: Marshmallows. They are in the freezer cooling. 
Hisoka: I’m testing how much tasty are frozen marshmallows and which flavor is the best when chilled. 
Azami: So, frozen marshmallows? Your devotion for marshmallows is amazing as always…
Hisoka: Munch, munch… Mhm. It’s so tasty when cool. The feeling when you eat it is different too.
Azami: Heh. 
Hisoka: I’ll give you one since you woke me up, Azami. …Here.
Azami: Eh, aah, thanks. 
Azami: …Hm, you’re right. The texture feels different from usual. 
Hisoka: I know. 
Hisoka: The chocolate and the vanilla ones are good too… I’m going to try freezing some blueberry ones. 
Outing Chat #3 (Itaru, Kumon, Misumi, Banri, Azami, Hisoka)
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Kumon: Wah~ the pool was so fun~! 
Misumi: We swam a lot~
Azami: Misumi is pretty good at swimming and also fast. I had the impression he would. 
Kumon: Mhm, mhm! He looked like a dolphin swimming so smoothly! 
Kumon: And the Sky Pirate etude in the pool! It was sooo amazing and impressive~! 
Azami: Yeah, I was surprised when it suddenly started, but it drew me in immediately. 
Misumi: Kazu and the others are performing at a resort pool. It sounded so nice, so I wanted to try it~ 
Kumon: We played a looot, and now I feel a bit hungry. Can we stop by the convenience store?
Misumi: Mhm! I want a triangle ice cream! 
Azami: I think it sounds good. I’m a bit thirsty. 
Kumon: Let’s ask if someone in the dorms wants anything. Sending them a LIME!
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LIME Transcription
Kumon: Stopping by the store on our way back from the pool! Anything you want us to buy? // Read by 5  Itaru: Oh, perfect. I just feel like having soda. Thank you, guys.  Banri: A Pistachio Thazs for me.  Hisoka: The store’s exclusives marshmallows. Azami: There are two, Hisoka-san. Strawberry and grape.  Hisoka: Both.  Misumi: Okie dokie △△△
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Itaru: If I’m not wrong, they went to the municipal pool in the next town. 
Banri: Yeah, that’s what they said. It’s nice to go swimming once in a while. 
Hisoka: You seem like a good swimmer, Banri. 
Banri: Well, it’s easy. You two… don’t seem so into going to a pool. 
Hisoka: Hmm… a pool is refreshing. I think I would just flow peacefully with a swim ring in a quiet spot. 
Banri: Haha, that’s so you, Hisoka-san. 
Itaru: I would be in a sunbed at the poolside eating ice cream while playing the water kingdom event on my phone. 
Banri: I guess that’s, hmm, so like you, Itaru-san. 
Notes: Thazs is a reference to Dazs (Häagen-Dazs).
The LIME messages were adapted to fit in the text boxs. It doesn’t have major changes, though. 
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handelplayssims · 1 year
It’s 5AM! The usual time I break off for the evening! But it’s an hour until Ashlynn needs to go into work. Annnd Zayne woke up in a clingy streak. Welp.
It’s All Haunts Day! Zane is real excited for the holiday, he’s a kid! All the things about spooky stuff, mischief making, costumes and candy is an excellent holiday! Santiago is pleased to decorate.  Ashlynn just wants candy, while Kiara likes the spooky things, trick or treating, and making costumes! Anyway, Zane’s up and being mopey before school so uh...have some fun doing art? Art is some of those sad outlets. Also works towards his aspiration and all that. Anyway, Santiago has the day off. The whole weekend off as Editor-in-Chief! Social need is low so let’s go and invite someone over to chat. I see a neighbor! A family oriented one who’s somehow a friend! Hmm. Let’s change that.
Let’s argue with Noel Grey, a single mom who’s family-oriented and active, about parenting and children in general! She’s the neighbor right across the street and despite her average normal appearance, she has a hidden history...also another townie who was adopted into a household. Lots of arguments happening! All to lower their relationship down to aquantences and disliked. Well not fully disliked but in the red. But in that time, Ashlynn actually came home from work! She’s now here to chat and be friendly, at least a little bit.
The kids are finally back! After they sort out their needs, we’ll get all costumed up! Also I keep sending Ashlynn to go and wash dishes, and she keeps going to the bathroom where Zane is taking a bath. Bah.
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I’m often not pleased with the options given for costumes in the base game so I go with the ones added in Spooky Stuff Pack. Or Get Famous, if I feel they have the skills or wherewithal to get movie set-esque quality stuff. Like Kiara is creative so that would be soon for her but when she’s out of being a teen perhaps. Huh. And just putting on the costume and having the house decorated was enough for Kiara to have a fantastic holiday. Huh. Ah well.
So I’m looking at Ashlynn’s whims and it’s to win a competitive game. While I do have video gaming or chess, she seems like a scrabble sort of gal. Alas, that’s another expansion pack. So let’s go for not!Jenga, Don’t Wake the Llama! ...the problem with the Trick or Treat tradition is that it’s more about serving the kids dropping in rather than the kids themselves going out and trick or treating. So we got kids trapsing through the house to get to the candy bowl I set up. Alas.
Ooh! I spotted ghosts wandering around the neighborhood! Time for the spooky tradition to be fulfilled! You can pester either ghosts or vampires to fulfill that tradition. Sadly, not werewolves. So I’ll send Kiara out to pester a ghost! Oh, and Zane got trick or treat fulfilled. Because that works with mischief tradition. Could get rid of it and just focus on trick or treat but eh. I still think it’s important!
Anyway, Santiago is sad because whims haven’t been fulfilled! I can’t get a job promotion but I could go for the work task, which is to write articles! I need to interview sims and write about them. So let’s interview your wife’s friend! Mizuki Medea! The person we challenged to Jenga! First we interviewed about her life, which gave us all of her traits. Very handy thing to have, and then we interviewed for a story! That only got us just started on the work thing. Three more people it is then! And then I send everyone to bed around 10. Everyone except Ashlynn! Still needs to have a little mischief thanks to her tradition of trick or treating. A few pranks on a few ghosts and its off to bed for her.
Also got door knocked on by a vampire and Greg ran across the street but what you not don’t notice when you’re asleep won’t hurt you!
Neighborhood Watch!
Nothing of note has happened recently. Check back tomorrow.
0 notes
suna-reversed · 3 years
“The bargain”
Sukuna x Reader// hcs
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loads of crack and fluff. putting makeup on the grumpy curse🥺
this is a side drabble to “and when he walks in, I am loved. I am loved.”  (not necessary to have read it as these are independent headcanons)
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- you’ve been Yuji’s best friend since forever, and also one of the rare “outsiders” to know about the centuries old curse that lives within him.
- and you have spent enough time with Yuji for him to be assured about your safety if he was to ever shift suddenly.
- and even though Sukuna has grown to “tolerate you”, there is nothing more he loves than to annoy you every chance he gets.
- which leads to a lot of bickering. like a lot! Yuji wants to rip his hair out every time it starts.
- said bickering eventually leads to the curse regretting it’s existence in the whole wide world on one unfortunate day.
- you were dragging Yuji across the arcade to the alien ship shooting game for the 50th time in that week alone.
- you were startled by the sudden voice of the curse, who further made you yelp as you realised it wasn’t just his mouth that had spoken. it was him.
- had you driven Yuji to such an edge that he thought shifting was a better option?
- “Why are your stupid antics even more annoying than any other day brat?”
- this statement from him paved the way to your usual round of bickering.
- said bickering leading to a bargain being made as Sukuna didn’t wish to be annoyed by the menacing sounds of the guns in the game you had dragged him up to,
- “you have been trying to win the facile task for longer than the span of my life-“
-“well why don’t you give it a try then since you’re so sure about it being easy?”
- and when has the curse ever stepped away from a challenge ?
- pfftt this wasn’t even a challenge, this was a mere stupid simulation made for the entertainment of humans (if only he could shoot actual people with those guns)
- and that’s how a bargain was made.
- sukuna claiming that he’ll win the game in less than a blink of your eye, and then you’d never drag them back into this wretched place again.
- “but if you lose” the curse raised an eyebrow as if daring you to speak,
- “...I get to do your makeup”
- his eyes narrowed at that but he brushed you off, since he knew that there was no way you’d actually win,
- “deal”
- “Ah no! This box is an absolute piece of trash.”
- “hey stop kicking the game !” You said trying to shush down the curse as you got strange looks from the people around.
- You had never been more grateful for Yuji’s uniform covering the marks on his face.
- “Anyways, you’ve lost the bargain about 3 times by now. Time for me to get my due” You said with a grin slowly making it’s way up your face (I imagine it as the same look Hange gets when she sees titans)
- He’d never admit it but Sukuna had never felt this terrified of a teenage girl who was half his size before.
- and that’s how he found himself sitting down on the corner of your bed, you hovering over him with a dozen different products and tools.
- “hmm would you look better in bronze eyeshadow or plum...” you asked no one in particular.
- “Let’s just go with both!” you exclaimed while pulling out even more stuff from the small bag that seemed to contain the entirety of the universe.
- The worst part about the whole thing was that Sukuna knew you weren’t doing this to mock him. He could feel it in your tone that you were genuinely excited to adorn him with these products.
- He scowled as you held his face up, trying to pull away at first, but then sighing and stilling as you gave him a pointed look that said “you brought this upon yourself”
- soon enough, he found his eyes fluttering closed as you rubbed some lavender scented cream into his skin.
- the curse had never really gotten any kind of affection you know...?
- so these new sensations were an absolute treat to him as he tried not to purr when you massaged that one spot on his jaw
- “what am I doing?” He thought to himself. He’d barely even have to lift a finger to crush you to pieces.
- And suddenly, he regretted that thought coming into his mind as he realised that it truly unsettled him.
- he hadn’t particularly considered how human you were before. anyone could easily make your breath stop in the span of less than a second.
- at that moment, he convinced himself that this part that felt protectiveness over you wasn’t even him. That it was just the feelings of his vessel being projected onto him.
-Nonetheless, it didn’t stop him from clenching his fists and inwardly thinking of all the ways he’d destroy anyone who even dared to think of hurting you.
- “tsk tsk, stop clenching your eyes so hard, I don’t wanna end up blinding you.”
- relaxing his eyes at your voice, it was only now that he realised how close you had gotten to him.
- and was that your...knee placed in between his spread legs? (ensue mental screaming)
- however out of everything, this was the most foreign feeling,
- your hand holding the side of his face so tenderly. so gently. as if he was fragile one here.
- he could hear your heartbeat in his ears as you dragged something over the lid of his eye. why was it racing?
- why were you being so careful with him? was this a ploy? because at that moment, he’d have given up his own sanity just to feel you hold him like that every day.
- he almost wanted to whine at the loss of your warmth as you pulled away.
- “there you go” you said while pulling out a small mirror and placing it in his hand.
- he could barely get a look at his reflection before he felt your hands come back on his cheeks and....squish them?
- “you’re so pretty” you squealed with a smile brighter than the sun itself
- even though he scowled and let out a small growl in response, he found himself leaning more into your touch anyway.
- you were surprised at how easy it was to make him look at the camera while you snapped a thousand pictures, ready to show them to nobara the next time you went shopping with her.
- the curse could not care less about its own vanity, but as it stared at itself in the bathroom mirror, he couldn’t deny that the liner on his eyes and highlighter on his cheekbones accentuated his face a lot
- you had somehow managed to make him look more,,,intimidating? (ah the raw fear of gender envy!)
- he didn’t even bother to wash it off his face, walking out the bathroom only to see you passed out on the bed, one of your legs hanging off the end of it
- putting your leg back up, he pulled a blanket over you, stopping by to run his finger over the adorable scrunch between your brow.
- his hand stilled as your eyes slightly opened,
- “you’re pretty” you mumbled, grabbing the hand he had pulled an inch away from you, too deep in your slumber to be ashamed about having clutched it to yourself while you went back to sleep.
- Sukuna held his breath for the longest time waiting for you to realise who he was. what he was. but you held onto his finger with the same softness that you now held his heart with.
- he leaned down, holding his chin up on his other hand while he gazed at your serene face. He had never been more glad to have lost a bargain.
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harfanfare · 3 years
How to win a heart of Floyd Leech?
a/n: Someone requested this; ask got deleted by accident! Hope you will like it, Anon!
Once you start walking through the specific points of the guide, your life will be exposed to the presence of Floyd Leech. Interrupting the action at one of the stages may cause many problems; F. Leech categorizes stopping as "boring", which puts the user of this guide in great danger.
The only way out is to get to the very end. Or not to start at all.
You act at your own risk.
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1.   Be an easy new target.
To one’s surprise, it is much harder not to catch his attention.
You can easily become another entertaining target of Floyd, mostly by doing silly things or him just considering them as ones.
And to automatically get labelled as “silly”, you just need to fall into one of his traps—he prepares them for someone else, maybe for goldfish, maybe for another person given a sea-inspired nickname, expecting to enjoy watching how familiar face twitches with terror as he jumps into the scene and tightly embraces passing student.
But no. You were the one who showed up in the wrong place and time as Floyd jumped out from his hideout, scaring you half to death. With a strangled yelp, you sharply backed away. After gaining a slight flush on your cheeks, you recognised who you just bumped into and quietly gasped.
However, he was much more bewildered than you were.
He had never encountered somebody who wouldn’t just freeze under his touch. Jumping away, gasping, muttering half-hearted apologies and flushing? That’s new.
That’s also entertaining.
Even after your quickly disappearance from the scene, his gaze somehow inexplicably started returning to you.
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2.   Visit Mostro Lounge often.
“We’re looking for someone who would like to work part-time for Azul~” Floyd said, sliding poster across the table. He popped up in front of you unannounced, having your thoughts return to dark reality.
“Oh,” you replied quietly, packing your things faster. “Good luck with it.”
You got up from your seat, but the thought of letting you go just like that didn’t even cross Floyd’s mind.
“Ehh? Shrimpy, aren’t you going to try?” he asked, frowning. You winced a little at the nickname he called you, not sure how to feel about it. “You know, you won’t work there for free.”
Azul will grant your wish.
You fidgeted a little, questioning your response. You heard—who didn’t?—rumours that Octavinelle leader could fulfil any request for a certain price. Ones were working for it, others were paying, and lasts were trading their request with Azul’s one.
The thought of having anything just by working in some café made you consider the offer again—this time quickier.
“I will go,” you decided.
“Hooray!” Floyd smiled cheerfully, just as if he won some grand prize in the lottery. “But what could Shrimpy possibly wish for, to change your response so drastically~?” he wondered but didn’t get any answer in return.
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3.   Be honest.
You passed Floyd, without sparing him a look. Anyone who has known you for a while would notice that your movements were a bit stiff and creaky.
Once you heard Floyd’s voice, a wave of tiredness struck you as if you didn’t get any sleep last night after working your shift in Mostro Lounge.
There were so many people to serve, so many things to do... and yet, you couldn’t help with anything, still not knowing how everything works, messing up with orders and breaking some plates in process.
Floyd buzzing around you, asking you some random questions (“Shrimpy, have you done it before?”). You answered them quickly, but each of them bumped you out of rhythm, making you forget what you were doing. It also didn’t help that Floyd certainly liked you being disoriented, replying with a shrug and grin on his face at your thundering glances.
So now, after gaining a little trauma from working in Octavinelle’s café, all you could do is ignore Floyd’s presence, silently accusing him of your infamous fiasco.
“Hey, Shrimpy!” he called you again, catching you up. “Are you mad?”
“I am not mad,” you snapped and took an unstable breath. “Look, I just started working, and on my first day I made already so many mistakes—”
“Yeah,” he replied indifferently. “And what with that?”
“...I couldn’t even correctly serve drinks—”
“Oh, stop!” Floyd muffled your mouth with his hand, an annoying look on his face. “I know where it is going. And no, you can’t quit a job, after all my efforts to get you there. It will get boring again!”
“Stop, stop, stop,” he corrected his hand on your mouth, now not letting even a sound get through his fingers. “Azul knows that you tried your best. And for these plates you broke, he already added them to your paycheck. You need to practice! Not to give up, Shrimpy!”
You looked up at him, quite stunned by these words. Perhaps he quoted someone from the book or heard someone talking like that...
But it was encouraging. In some way, considering that you couldn’t protest, having your mouth covered. But still, it was encouraging.
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4.   Take classes together.
You can have the power of controlling Floyd’s behaviour, making other students’ life easier. Or you two can be a walking disaster.
Turning alchemy lesson into putting random ingredients into a boiler and praying that the mysterious mixture won’t explode.
History classes started being a regular pinching ritual to keep yourself from falling asleep (you are being pinched more, even when you don’t feel sleepy).
In contrast, flying lessons are peaceful. Nor Jade, nor Floyd, nor Azul are fond of these classes. Floyd is much eager to stand both feet on the ground, watching you practice or having you sulking next to him about heights.
However, if you are a calm, shy, or tranquil person, exchanging little notes or drawings will be a little habit of yours. Handing them discreetly under the eye of sir Crewel is quite a challenge, but it also gives satisfaction once the note was given.
Floyd throws away most of your paper conversations, but the ones he really likes, he cherishes them by keeping them with him, stuffed in his pockets. He will be irritated if anyone would like to see what you two were writing about, even if the talk was about new strawberries delivery for the new recipe.
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5.   Being ticklish or not.
There are two possible scenarios, whether his new, lovely target is ticklish or not.
If is: prepare for being touched a lot. Observing how you quiver with surprise, when he lightly—he especially makes his touch less fierce, knowing very well that tickling isn’t violent—wraps his hands around your waist, making you hold your breath.
He would tickle you a lot, very often making you cry out of laugh and pain that follows sharp writhing and fidgeting, but never that much, to seriously upset you. That’s some luck in such unlucky situation.
If not: he will try to find other weak point. Or will try to make you ticklish—his hands are particularly cold and pressing them to your warm skin, might make you give him a reaction he would enjoy.
Albeit, if you also won’t return any expression even then, he will seriously search for some other weakness. Slightly biting an ear lobe, whispering next to your ear or anything that could make his smile appear, once he made you put him somewhere between “I despise you with each and every cell” and abstract mumbling with the heat on your checks.
Oh, he loves your reactions so much.
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6.   Learn all nicknames he gave other people (you will unlock an option to slightly dish other people).
“Oh Lord...” you muttered to yourself, as your gaze followed scribbled list of names that Jade just passed to you. He willingly connected all student’s names with pseudonyms Floyd gave other people and handed the roaster over to you once you helped him with some kitchen cleaning.
“There are so many, right?” Jade replied with a polite smile on his face. “I’m sure you already memorised some of them, being around Floyd that much.”
You nodded mindlessly as you tried to get names into your head. You mouthed them soundlessly one by one, motivated to learn them by the end of the week.
The chuckle that escaped Jade’s lips startled you, and you realised that he still was in the room. Or that you didn’t leave the Lounge even after your shift has already ended.
“My brother surely didn’t exaggerate anything about you,” he said, his tone a bit more buoyant than ever, although you couldn’t be sure as the thick air of mystery still echoed in his voice. “I wonder how it will finally end?”
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7.   Always share your takoyaki with him.
“What are you hiding, Shrimpy?”
You shuddered at a voice that you did not want to hear at this moment, not for all the world. Unless that the world included a chest filled with takoyaki, which you could give to certain somebody.
You felt that instead of a shashlik of tasty balls, you were holding a knife in your hands, a veritable proof of a crime you had committed. It weighed heavily in your grip, and Floyd's approaching footsteps did not make your situation any better.
It was a time to hide the evidence.
You pushed as much as you could into your mouth and swallowed a few balls without even gnawing them much. You almost choked on them.
“Me? I?” you asked innocently. You sincerely hoped that no sauce or a stray piece of cake was left on your face. “What could I possibly hide?”
"Hmm, hmm~," he drew closer, and you needed all your will gathered, to make yourself stay where you were. Even without looking in the mirror, you knew you were all pale on the face. “With my little eye, I spy something...”
His gaze went down, just to your hands, which you tried to hide behind your back.
Not giving him a clear look at your palms or wooden stick, you turned around on the heel and run with all your might. Your muscles felt somehow stiff as if they also didn’t see a chance to win this race.
Now Floyd was sure you are hiding something, and there is no chance he’ll let it go.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
8.   Watch him at his basketball practice.
81:30 for the blue team!
“Floyd once again started playing wild,” Ace breathed with clear regret in his voice. He glanced your way, frowning at you. “It’s your fault. Please come at practices when Floyd is in my team, not otherwise.”
You laughed awkwardly as he walked away.
A moment later, Floyd reached for a bottle with water and a towel you bravely guarded through the whole practice. He smiled wholeheartedly, happy with the win, water, and your presence.
“How did you like the game?” he asked once he changed from PE clothes and you two started heading towards Octavinelle.
“It was really fun!” you admitted, a speck of amusement appeared in Floyd’s eyes. “The red team didn’t have much time to capture a ball before you got hold of it again.”
“Hehe~ I’m glad you liked it,” he said. “I really like to play basketball, even more than ever, when I know that you are watching! That’s why,” he added, sincerity well-heard in his voice, “you need to come even more often!”
You nodded happily.
You just couldn’t mind it, all that accompanying him.
It was... fun.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
9.   Dance, dance, dance!
Heels tapped on the floor and the sound of these steps would probably have spread through the room, if not for the jazz music pounding through Mostro Lounge’s speakers.
Floyd pulled you closer, letting a playful smile on his lips stretch even more. You couldn’t help but smile back, before gasping as he spun you around your axis. You lost balance and would fall if not steady grip around your waist, as Floyd leaned on closer to you, making you bend on one leg more and entirely rely on his touch.
Last notes of melody faded, and you still were in that pose, facing each other. With each second, Floyd’s face was changing from some form of amazement to amusement, finally letting you properly stand.
“Ha... When did you learn to dance so smoothly?” you asked smiling in wonder.
“Hehe~ With legs you can dance a lot more than in the sea,” he answered. “On land, it’s super fun~”
You nodded at his words.
Floyd was a wonderful dancer.
But you can’t be sure if being a good dancing partner is the only thing that made you feel all warm and fuzzy because butterflies still didn’t leave your stomach.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
10.            “Let’s do something fun!”
“Here is your paycheck,” Azul handed you a white envelope, sealed with a stamp with the Octavinelle logo. “And you, [Name], was also working for some request, right?”
You nodded as you stared at the envelope.
Somehow, knowing how stupid the lingering thought in your mind was, you couldn’t bear to look up. If you would, your gaze would probably ignore all the elegant furniture of the room, even the owner of the room, Azul, just to settle on Floyd.
If you saw anything more than his shoes, that stupid thought would make their way outside, turning plans into action.
And Floyd unknowingly did everything to make them come true.
“Shrimpy,” he cupped your face with his hands, judging by his voice he seemed quite... worried? When he made you look in his olive and gold eyes, you started holding your breath. “Are you okay?”
With that question, your strong will to wish for something expensive or practical was broken.
You started fidgeting more, not knowing how to express your thoughts in words. “I think I have a request... a question for Floyd, rather than for you, Azul...”
Azul nodded at first uncertain and the room has fallen into silence once again until you spoke.
“Well, Floyd,” you turned to him, trying your best not to wander your gaze away from him, “Please, take your time with answering, but I want your response to be, uh, honest.”
You were tripping onto your own words, embarrassment soaring in your body as you started to think that you should’ve kept quiet. But Floyd was patient with your answer, as well as Jade and Azul who observed the situation as if they predicted it before.
“I mean- Okay, just answer the question.” You took an erratic breath. “Would you like to—”
“Sure!” Floyd interrupted you before even hearing the whole question. “I would like to do everything with you.”
You stood there, all confused. But, by Floyd’s expression you knew that he guessed what you wanted to say. Face heating up, you forgot about Azul and Jade, who hid a chuckle by turning his head to the side.
“How fun,” he said as Floyd wrapped his arms around you, as if shielding you from other people in the room.
“I won’t share Shrimpy with you, Jade. Not a chance.”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
examination - overhaul x reader (2.5k)
warnings:  dark content. yandere/overly controlling overhaul. non-consensual drugging, medical kink, glove kink, examination, surgical setting kind of, reader is basically a prisoner, choking, mindbroken reader, needles, non-con implied. afab reader, fem pronouns. not sfw, minors dni!
me: might write that overhaul choking drabble today idk. also me: writes this 2.5k shameful bullshit instead
this is the first mha fic i’ve ever written pls be nice to me, i love this horrible horrible man
The leather of the operating table sticks to your bare thighs uncomfortably as you tug the gown down, despite knowing that the small gesture is useless. You will end the ‘examination’ on your back, gown pushed around your hips, feet in stirrups--
The door opening startles you, big doe eyes flying to the door to see him. Half of his face is still covered by the bird-mask that you always see in your nightmares, but the overall expression of his eyes is satisfied. You are exactly where he told you to be, exactly when he told you to be, exactly how he told you to be. It’s not a surprise – he’s aware of how much fear he commandeers – but it’s still pleasing to remember just how thoroughly broken you are.
He doesn’t greet you as he comes to stand by the operating table, his eyes instead roaming over all of the bare skin not covered by the medical gown. You’ve been careful. You know that you’re not bruised, or cut, or scratched – you’d looked at yourself in the mirror before you’d made your way here.
Bare-faced, hair brushed back, skin still looking a little uncomfortable and raw from the thorough scrubbing you’d given yourself. It’s better to pre-empt these things, you’ve learnt.
He lets out a sigh. Gloved fingers come to pinch at his mask and remove it – you lean back automatically, not wanting to breathe on him or anything that might set him off, and you win a light tilt of his lips that’s covered with a clinical black surgical mask a moment after you’ve seen it.
The gloves he’s wearing are tugged off with a furrow of displeasure, dropped onto the tray beside him as he snaps the new dark latex ones over his hands and wrists instead. Seeing his bare hands always makes a flash of fear go through you. He does not threaten, in so many words – but sometimes, if you displease him, he tugs at the wrist and you feel coldness drench your back.
“Open your mouth,” he says, detached. He always talks like that to you; still, you occasionally hear talk of what he’s like with those who have displeased him, and you think perhaps his cool detachment as he probes and pokes and prods at you is preferable to the other options. Two of his fingers push on your lower lip, forcing your jaw wider until you ache. “Stick out your tongue.”
You think actual doctors use some kind of tool for this; you don’t think they press two long fingers onto their patient’s tongues so that your eyes squeeze shut for a moment, the taste of rubbery latex flooding your senses. You just manage to stop yourself gagging; there’s no telling what he’ll do if you do that with his fingers still in your mouth.
“Hmm.” He says, golden eyes trailing over your tongue. You are not aware of the throb of heat that goes through him at the sight of you, docile and obedient, your mouth wide open for him. He is an expert in making sure his feelings do not project onto his face. “I’ll up your vitamin dose.” He pulls his fingers out, eyes narrowing in displeasure as he changes out the glove on the hand that was on your tongue.
You sometimes wonder how many pairs he goes through, and let yourself have a brief smile at the thought of how much of the Shie Hassaikai’s budget must be devoted to things like surgical masks and latex gloves and anti-bacterial hand gels. Certainly, your little room in the compound must have cost a pretty penny in all of the vitamins and supplements and other various medications that Overhaul tells you to take.
Another vitamin. Your face is falling before you can stop it, and school your features into a blank mask. He does not miss the change; you are usually so good for him.
(You don’t need to be taking half of the things that Overhaul makes sure are emptied into your too-large pillbox. But you’re easier, sweeter and more pliant when you’re so drugged up you can barely open your eyes.)
“Is there something wrong?”
There’s a knife edge to his voice. Your shoulders shrink in, fear evident in every inch of your expression. Thumb and forefinger come to grip your chin, jerking it harshly so you’re looking directly upwards into narrowed, golden eyes.
“I asked you a question. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
A knot of fear in your throat almost stops you from speaking; but that fear, you know, will be tenfold if you make him madder than you already seem to have. Overhaul doesn’t shout; but his cool, clinical tone and the dangerous glint of his iris is just as frightening as if he did.
“I already take so many,” you whisper, your voice very quiet, cracking. You don’t speak much anymore. His face twitches.
“Perhaps a throat spray, too,” he says, evenly. The fingers on your face trail down, and you bite back a whimper as suddenly both of his hands are on your neck, thumbs pressing directly into your windpipe. He doesn’t press, yet, but the danger lingers there as he keeps his gaze on you. “You sound scratchy.”
(He thinks of a throat numbing spray; of your sleepy, dazed eyes as he pushes himself further inside. He might make you bleed, or tear something, he supposes – but his quirk was made for quickly fixing such flaws, even if he was the one to have made them.)
He presses one thumb down, relishing in the soft wheeze that issues forth from your mouth; the terrified, deer-in-headlights shine of your eyes under fluorescent lighting.
“S-sorry, ‘m sorry--” You manage, voice sounding even drier than before. Overhaul tips his head to one side to consider you. You certainly look sorry, pathetic as you are. But . . . not good enough. Your neck feels good under his hands. He presses the other thumb.
Your hand flies up as if you’re going to grab his forearm, but flutters before it does. You force it back down, curling your fingers around the edge of the operating table – good. He doesn’t know how he’d have punished you if you’d been so bold as to touch him without permission or asking, but he knows you won’t have liked it.
You hate the feeling of the latex gloves on your bare skin; hate the squeaking sound they make when they rub against something, hate the cloying scent of them that lingers wherever Overhaul goes.
The fingers wrapped around the back of your neck dig in, too. He’s pressing too hard, restricting too much airflow – you try and take a hurried breath of air, but nothing can get through the blockage. Your lips suddenly feel very numb. Panic is flooding your senses, as well as a vague sense of . . . nothing.
If Overhaul chokes you out right now, and keeps going until you’re limp and your heart stops beating, nobody will do anything. Nobody will care. The thought is strangely comforting.
He releases the pressure, turning away in distaste as you let out a series of distressed little coughs. You manage to get your wrist in front of your mouth before you cough everywhere, but an antiseptic wipe is still pressed into your other hand forcefully before you’ve even stopped choking.
“What do you say?” He asks you, as he turns back to the medical trolley as if he didn’t just come seconds away from killing you. His gloved hand brushes various silvery medical tools, not all of which you recognise, and your heart misses a beat in fear at the sight of the surgical blades. He ignores those ones, thankfully, instead settling on a syringe.
You’re not sure what’s in this one, but you don’t ask. He’ll tell you as he does it; you no longer know how truthful he is, but it’s not like it matters.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” you manage, through the hazy mess that is your poor oxygen-deprived brain. “I-I’ll t-take whatever you tell me to take.”
“I do it for your own good,” he tells you, tapping the syringe with one gloved finger. He looks at it with that same bored, unreadable expression. You wonder if you could tell what he was thinking better if he didn’t wear the mask. “I just don’t want you to be sick.”
He stresses the word. He is always talking about how filthy and ill and diseased the rest of the world is. You swallow again. You should be grateful. You should. Should be grateful that, for all he tells you is wrong with you and plies you with medicines and drugs and vitamins, he doesn’t think you’re sick enough to just outright disassemble you and put you back together.
You hold your arm out, hoping your compliance will make some of his anger at your outburst fade. His eyes linger on the pinprick bruises of your inner elbow, the side he usually injects.
“Just a painkiller,” he says to you, but you don’t believe him.
He doesn’t give you a warning the way nurses used to when you had to be injected as a child. The needle presses into your skin immediately, almost too deep, and you’re immeasurably glad that Overhaul doesn’t see the flinch on your face because he’s too busy watching the liquid be injected directly into your bloodstream.
Needle out. Gauze. Medical tape. He is practised, clinical, careful as he bandages the site of the injection.
(It’ll kick in in about fifteen minutes, he thinks. By then, you’ll have your back flat and your feet in stirrups and you won’t say anything as he presses three gloved fingers inside of you. All you’ll do is let your breath catch, your hips jerk, your eyes hazy and unfocused as the tranquiliser works its magic.)
An alarm sounds from the device wrapped around your wrist.
“Ah,” he says. “I’ll give you the new vitamin now, then. Just a moment.”
He strides over to the other side of the room and you are well-trained enough to not let your eyes follow him, as perfectly organised cupboards are opened and the rattle of pills echoes in your ears.
You turn the bracelet around your wrist off. It’ll beep again once more, later on, for your third lot of medications. Once in the morning, to both wake you up and to tell you to take your first cocktail of pills. Overhaul never usually sees you until the afternoon unless he wants to check on something, but that doesn’t mean he’ll let you rot in bed hating your life all day.
(You are permitted some books, some hobbies that Overhaul does not think will be damaging to your poor health and that don’t make a mess. There is a half-finished embroidery in your desk drawer, a jigsaw puzzle you must have done twenty times spread out over the desk proper, origami animals in a neat line on your bedside table.)
The second alarm goes off at five fifteen. You are supposed to be in this room – you always consider it the surgery room, though it’s more of an examination room than anything else. You’re not permitted to wander the upstairs of the base at your leisure, much less the cavernous underground hallways, so you often wonder what else Overhaul is hiding down here. Overhaul gives you these drugs himself; sometimes this particular cocktail features some new tablet that you’ve never taken before. He watches you take them with the eyes of a hawk, checking underneath your tongue to make sure you’ve swallowed them all.
And the last lot are taken before you go to bed (half nine in the evening, always. Overhaul says a routine for you is integral to keeping you well).
He’s back. One small cup full of rattling pills and medication is given to you, and a half glass full of purified water from the water filter jug in the refrigerator.
He watches you tip the small cup back, watches the bob of your throat as you trustingly swallow them.
You don’t bother looking inside of it before you do this; you probably won’t recognise half of what it is, anyway. You’re going to take them no matter what, so you have decided perhaps it’s better the devil you do not know.
A gulp of cold water, too loud. You’re given a tissue to wipe your mouth.
You’re suddenly getting very tired. Your arms feel very heavy, your mouth dry, your head stuffed with cotton wool. You blink so slowly you feel like you’re wading through a marsh.
“Mouth open,” he’s saying, again, and you do it so he can check you’ve taken the medication, but it sounds and feels like he’s very far away. If you spoke aloud right now, you feel certain that your words would come out slurred and unrecognisable. “Good.”
Your brain attaches itself to the phrase. He so rarely praises you. You feel your mouth pull at the corners, your smile somnolent and pliant. You cannot see the way Overhaul smirks at your expression underneath his mask, but you can see the pleased light reflecting in his eyes.
“Last examination,” he tells you, brusquely. “Lean back. Feet up. You know what to do, don’t you?”
You do! You’ve done this one a hundred times. A soft giggle escapes from your lips as you swing your legs slowly onto the table and the back is readjusted by Overhaul’s own steady hands to make you comfortable. It is comfortable, despite the cold, sticky leather. You miss the stirrup the first time, and you hear Overhaul click his tongue as you’re forcibly pushed into them. It’s not your fault. You always feel drowsy after taking your medicine, but today is even worse than usual--
“Just relax,” he tells you. Latex-covered fingers rest on your outer thighs, pushing the thin medical gown up so that the hem is ruched up around your waist. “Close your eyes. This will be cold--”
You close your eyes and let out a soft sigh as slick, cold fingers (you suppose that he lubricated them, and you’re grateful – he’s not always so kind) gently prod at the space between your legs.
You could fall asleep, right here, you think – which is absurd. You shouldn’t be feeling so heavy and tired and comfortable whilst your . . . you never have quite the right words to describe what Overhaul is to you, but the fact remains that you shouldn’t be so trusting and naive as to fall asleep here with fingers that have killed probing your slit.
You can hear a clock ticking as if it’s somewhere very far away. You can hear Overhaul’s meticulous, even breathing – like even that has to be perfectly in time, perfectly meted out. You can feel your own erratic heartbeat, like a bird trapped in your chest.
You shouldn’t fall asleep, you shouldn’t fall asleep--
You watch fireworks and swirls and patterns on the inside of your eyelids like you’re at a festival; the kind you are no longer allowed to attend, lest somebody’s sickness rub off on you. Watching your own in your mind seems like the next best thing.
You drop into oblivion.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
hi!! can i request a platonic yandere erasermic with a student reader??
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
Thanks for requesting! I love yandere Erasermic so much 😤😤 👊
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
The BEST platonic yandere couple to have!
You're a student at UA, part of class 1A. You're Aizawa's favourite student. You're just so polite and so sweet. Always so eager to learn and try out new things. And even the class would notice his special treatment of you. "You forgot to do your homework? Hmm, alright you can submit it to me tomorrow. Denki you forgot to bring your homework? Go run 5 laps right now."
Hizashi would often hear about you from his husband. You sounded like a good kid. But he really became interested you when you came looking for Aizawa in the staff room, but you found him instead. Hizashi started talking to you, really just rambling about the most random things. He was expecting you to just leave and go look for Aizawa, but he was pleasantly surprised when you started talking to him too, easily carrying the conversation. Your eyes would light up when you were talking to him. And since then, you would always give him your complete, undivided attention whenever you guys spoke, no matter what the topic was. You'd sometimes be rambling, and then suddenly forget what you were talking about. It was just so cute!
Gradually, these two would become obsessed with their favourite student. They'd also become very protective of you. When it was time to choose an internship, Aizawa rejected all offers from different agencies on your behalf, lying to you that you didn't get any offers. And then you'd become so sad, near tears and then Aizawa would offer to train you himself, that he sees potential in you. Of course you'd accept, you'd get to train with Eraserhead, a rare opportunity!
When you'd be training with Aizawa, he'd go easy on you, but he'd still give you great tips on how to improve yourself and control your quirk. You still haven't been able to beat him once though. Since you'd be around Aizawa a lot, you'd also meet his partner, Hizashi, often. And since you would accompany Aizawa on his late night patrols, you'd have dinner (made by Hizashi, who's more than happy to cook for you) with them at their place a lot, and it always ended up with them offering you stay the night, and you sometimes did.
Their obsession love would continue to grow the more you spent time with them. And then one night, the couple would be discussing about expanding their family, and then they both knew it, right then and there. Its you. You'd be the perfect addition to their family, the perfect child! You're so kind, soft spoken. Outgoing yet shy and reserved when meeting new people. But you're just so naive, too innocent for your own good. And they've both seen the ugliness of the world, the worst in the people. They cannot afford to just stand by idly and risk you getting tainted by this filth.
It was decided that night that you had to become a part of their family. They'll make your parents disappear, they have both the money and the skills to do it. Maybe they'll say that your family was taken or killed by some villians, or better yet, they were caught doing something illegal. But don't worry, you can stay with them for as long as you want. When you try to refuse, that you can stay with a relative, they'll tell you that it's for your own safety. They don't want the villians to complete their unfinished business. Plus, they are more than capable of taking care you, and since you didn't want to risk another family member's life, you agreed.
You'll be having the best time of your life. They'll spoil the hell out of you, Hizashi especially. Aizawa does too, but he's just more protective of you.
Hizashi is a great cook! He'd learn to make your favourite dish too. And if you like something from a restaurant, he'll take it as a challenge and try to replicate the dish, or make a better one! At school, all 3 of you would sometimes have lunch together, you always bringing Aizawa's lunchbox along too, since he often forgets it. If you try to cook a dish for them, they'll treat it like its a Michelin star dish!
Aizawa would be the more protective one, always the harder one to convince to let you go out with your friends, especially at night. Hizashi would always convince him in the end, they're gonna follow you anyways so why stop you? Aizawa's a bit possessive too. He doesn't like it when you talk about other pro heroes, you're his little girl, you should be looking upto him. He won't say anything about it though.
Hizashi would love to just talk to you; you guys would often gossip. Oh and you always go to him for any fashion advice. Since he also has long hair that he styles up a lot, he can do your hair too! Just show him a picture of what you want, and he'll style hair exactly like it. Aizawa likes to do your hair too sometimes, but he only knows how to put it in a simple braid.
They're will be a lot fun activities for you to do with them. You can be having karaoke nights with Hizashi, Aizawa watching you guys with just pure adoration in hie eyes. You can play video games with Aizawa, which he is scary good at, especially at Among us. Family game nights are a must!
If you have any other hobbies or passions, you'll have 2 dads, cheering for you. They'll get you the best supplies available. If you win an award, any award, no matter how small, they'll tell you how proud they are and put your achievements either on the fridge or somewhere where everyone can see it.
Of the two, Aizawa would be the to quickly pick up on your mood. He knows when you're lying, when you're sad, or when you've just had a bad day at school. Hizashi would notice too, but it would be Aizawa who would know if you needed some space or if you needed to talk it out; they've always it clear to you that the latter option is always open.
Once they find out whats the reason you're feeling so down, they'll comfort you. You guys would often cuddle on the sofa as a funny movie played on the TV. Once you've gone to bed, they go and eliminate the cause of distress. Oh did you fail a test? Its okay, they'll tutor you personally. Oh did your favourite character die? Cry it out sweetie and let's go buy some of the character's merchandise . Oh did someone confess their feelings to you and you don't know what to do? Don't worry, he's taken care of.
Dating isn't an option. They'll be quick to reject him/her, listing reasons to you exactly why they're not good for you. Of course, nobody deserves their baby. But if you do go against their wishes, and still get an s/o in secret, they'll find about it. If they're thinking about how to separate you guys, and you walk in all heartbroken because your s/o broke up with you, with no persuasion from the couple; on the inside they'll be both glad and mad. Hizashi will be comforting you, cooing sweet nothings in your ear, while Aizawa would be standing with a "I warned you" look on his face at first but then he sees your red, teary face, your lips wobbling, your eyes full of pools of tears, and immediately his stern exterior would melt and he'll gather you in his arms and let you cry into his chest, while his mind will go to "MURDER". You're their sweet girl, their precious little baby. How dare someone play with your feelings like that. Your ex better sleep with one eye open.
If you do somehow find about what really happened to your parents, and you try to run away from them, not only will they have you back in their arms within the hour, they'll take you somewhere countryside. Its always been noisy in the city anyway. They'll try to explain to you, that they really just did all of this to protect you and that it should show how much they love you and care about you. No physical punishment will ever meet you. No, they can't bear the thought of hurting you! They'll use manipulation to control you, and they are master manipulators. They do so much for you, aren't they enough?
Just be happy they still allow you to roam around the countryside, and not had you locked up in your room. School would be off the table for a while, as will any connection to your friends. Its about time they all had a family vacation anyway.
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I'd let Erasermic adopt me in a heartbeat, ngl. 👊 Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this! Requests are OPEN. :)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET’S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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literaila · 3 years
in which loki eats candy. begrudgingly.
convincing loki to try a gummy worm was turning out to be a surprisingly difficult task.
if the glare he was sending your way, and the frown that— always —seemed to be glued to his face, meant anything. he refused to meet your eyes, instead only looking your way when he thought you weren’t looking back.
you might have been playing it up a bit much. delighting in the small, wonderful pieces of sugar that tore between your teeth. the sounds of ecstasy every time you took a bite. the purposeful chewing sounds— mostly just to annoy him, you’ll admit. you wouldn’t deny that it was all a bit much.
but still, he was a bitter, sour-faced god, and he needed to try some candy.
you were certain it didn’t look bad. it was colorful, soft, perfectly sweet and not intimidating in the slightest.
…in hindsight, that probably should’ve been the first indicator that loki would hate it.
“c’mon,” you teased when you’d first noticed loki looking your way, peering eyes staring at the candy on the desk in front of you, confusion written between his brows. “i’ll give you one if you want”
he looked away quickly, disturbed at the thought of sharing maybe, or maybe the colorful look of the plastic bag you’d now opened. “that looks dreadful,” he drawled, turning away.
you laughed, never finding him serious, even when he was very. “you don’t like gummy worms?”
he scoffed. “i don’t need to try gummy worms to know that they’re miserable creatures, unworthy of my attention”
you’d tried your very hardest not to laugh, chortle, at that very clear statement, but, to be honest, it wasn’t an easy task. though, you did almost regret it after you noticed the scowl on loki’s face.
“they’re not actual worms, junior, it’s candy”
the glare only intensifies, loki has heard that word before, many times actually, but until now he’s never actually been in the proximity of the so-called-treat.
it’s really a shame.
“why would it be named after a living creature?”
you snort, pulling one out and holding it as close to him as you can as he’s sitting across the room from you, slightly leaned back in his overly dramatic swindle chair, watching you flaunt the small food in front of him. he looks far too comfortable for a god.
“it’s-“ you sigh and spin around in your chair— far smaller, definitely less comfortable than his, of course —“normally, people don’t take it quite so literally” you say, teasing him again, despite the ‘terrifying’ looks he’s giving you.
he doesn’t answer then, looking back to the papers in front of you, effectively ignoring you.
it would almost be infuriating, but you’re eating candy, so not much can change the pleasant mood you’re currently wearing.
“you can still have one, glorious god of the office, if you’d like,” you smile at him again, sweetly. “i’m not too opposed to sharing.”
loki stays silent for a moment before looking back at you, irritation— wonderful —the clearest emotion on his pale face.
and then
“i would never eat something so…” he pauses, smile as sweet as yours making its way onto its face (you might’ve appreciated it if it wasn’t accompanied by the glint in his eyes). “..vulgar”
and you know, you are absolutely aware that he’s trying to irritate you now, it’s the most obvious thing in the world and still, he’s undeniably good at getting under your skin.
you huff, shove a handful of gummy worms in your mouth, sending a nod his way and returning to your work.
loki would never win this game that you’d started. you wouldn’t allow it.
it’s minutes later when you have the idea, possibly the best one you’ve had all day.
and that is how you end up here, chewing loudly, trying to irritate the only god in the room with your insistent delight, hoping to break him before it’s time to go home.
and really, he could seriously use a bit of candy.
he’s been looking your way, you can feel it despite the papers you’re filling out, his terrible gaze on your face, the furrowed brows you know are awaiting your eyes for when you look up. he’s terribly inconspicuous.
you moan once more before he’s leaning back in his chair once again.
“would you quit it?” he hisses.
but, of course, you don’t know what he’s talking about.
“what?” innocently, pulling another worm out of the bag and stuffing your face with it before you laugh.
“your-“ he groans. “those noises! they’re very distracting, not to mention annoying and loud.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,”
there’s another smile, another groan. and you’re almost sure that loki is about to storm out of the office, crowded with only the two of you now, and leave for the night.
but wait, you haven’t gotten him to try one yet.
“would you maybe.. be jealous of my candy, loki?” the way you say it makes it seem like the most scandalous thing in the world, and the roll of loki’s eyes doesn’t escape your notice.
“of course not,” he answers, arms crossed over his chest as he stares at you openly now, shooting glares to the bag of candy every few seconds.
“hmm” is all you say, disbelief clear in your voice.
loki scowls again, watching your calm face. and you can see the composure slip from him as he finally, with the tension of several men, puts a hand out in front of you.
you almost cackle, terribly excited to watch him try his first bit of candy.
as soon as the gummy worm is in his hand, he’s picking it up with only two fingers as if it holds some disease, inspecting it.
“i swear, i didn’t poison it.”
loki doesn’t find that very funny, you suppose, but even with the frown on his face, he places the candy in his mouth. the calm expression remains for only seconds longer.
as soon as you see him swallow he’s coughing, gagging across from you, never failing to be as overdramatic as possible.
“that is terrible!” he says, acting as if you had poisoned him.
“you’re mad. gummy worms are delightful,” you say, still excited after having tricked him into trying it in the first place. you take another worm, placing it on your tongue and giggling at the way he flinches while he watches. “would you like another?” you ponder, finger to your chin.
“absolutely not.” he shutters. “mortals are sick creatures, insane with the poison they put into their bodies”
“and you,” you say, moving back to the papers in front of you, satisfied with this small interaction. “are very dramatic.”
it’s only a couple of days later when you try again.
loki hasn’t yet forgot the torture you enforced upon his tastebuds, which means he also refuses to let you forget.
mostly, it’s entertaining. incredibly amusing how insistent loki is that you’ve poisoned him, cursed him with “mortal things” and ruined him for everything else that he could possibly encounter.
so of course, you’re trying again.
late last night, after a long day of loki whining about work (and you), it was decided that candy was exactly what the prince needed. something to brighten those terribly blue eyes of his.
and really, you had no other option since he didn’t enjoy the gummy worms that you had so kindly shared with him.
a quick trip to the closest candy store was easy, brief, and you’d obtained exactly what you needed in within ten seconds of entering the shop.
now it was just time to wait.
you smiled at loki when he walked in, called a quick ‘good morning’ surprising him with how early you were, as usually he came in before you even thought of opening your eyes.
you placed the packets of candy on the corner of your desk, setting the trap and waiting for him to notice.
it didn’t take long.
“another treat?” he inquired, saying ‘treat’ as if it was anything but.
you really didn’t know why he found the gummy worms so bad.
“of course,” you answered, not bothering to look up or hide your smile. “none for you this time, unfortunately”
loki laughed, scribbling something down on the paper in front of him (what god needs eyes to watch what he’s doing?) as he stared at the bags on your desk, not uttering a word.
also unfortunately, you knew how high loki’s curiosity level always was, and you knew that eventually, he would want to know more. even if he really despised candy as he said he did.
you continued working, sneaking glances at his desk, watching him do the same thing as you were, eyes on you. you wondered for a moment if he would try and figure out what was on your desk himself. you didn’t quite doubt that he would’ve been able to turn himself invisible, if he wanted.
still though, you said nothing. he didn’t.
“what is it?” he asked, not bothering to indicate what he was talking about. he knew that you knew.
“just a thing i picked up. terribly mortal. definitely poisonous.”
he didn’t appreciate the teasing any more than he’d appreciated the gummy worms. after several, too many, seconds of him glaring at you, you complied.
“they’re called pop rocks,”
loki’s eyes widened, only slightly, before his expression relaxed again. “why are all these things named such unappealing names?”
you laughed, continuing to pretend to write. you were almost sure that the plan was working. “especially unappealing to a god, such as yourself, right?”
…and then he sighed. you weren’t sure if it was because he was frustrated, or if he’d finally realized what you were trying to get him to do, but either way, you heard the wheels of his obnoxious chair push back.
and then he mumbled something.
“what, your highness? i didn’t catch that,” you looked up at him, enjoying his scowl this time.
“canihaveone?” he asked again, too quick to catch unless you already knew what he was asking.
“oh?” you mock exclaimed. “one of my mortal treats? the very mockery to your being?”
“they have peaked my interest,” he admitted, now staring at the black packages still on the corner of your desk. “and i’m very masochistic. i enjoy a bit of poison with my work,”
you finally laughed, his truth tied in with the lie breaking the game you were playing. it was simple enough to win, anyway.
“here, loki” you said. still chuckling as you tossed him a packet. you took one yourself, demonstrating how to eat the candy you were more sure he would enjoy.
possibly, your enjoyment in the gummy worms had been the downfall of his. you were a quick learner, luckily enough.
with the popping rocks in his mouth, head thrown back as he tried not to spill them off of his tongue—following your influence —the truth was revealed to both of you as you shared your laughs.
loki, god of mischief, office devil, absolutely adored the pop rocks.
despite the shouts of “these are torturous!” and the declaration that you were the most devious mortal he’d ever met, a far worse villain than he’d ever be, you still knew the truth.
his smile couldn’t just be erased, and the joy you’d felt radiating off of him from across the room was as true as the color of his eyes.
…and if a couple of days later, you noticed a stash-full of his own pop-rocks in one of the drawers of his desk, well. that was just a trick of the eye.
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