altraviolet · 17 hours
I apologize if you’ve been asked this question before I’m sure you have, but how do you feel about AI in writing? One of my teachers was “writing” stories using ChatGPT then was bragging about how good they were (they were not good) and said he was going to sell them. To put aside any legal concerns in that, I’m just trying to talk him down from that because, personally, I would not enjoy dream job being taken by AI.
The poor man.
Many magazines have closed their submission portals because people thought they could send in AI-written stories.
For years I would tell people who wanted to be writers that the only way to be a writer was to write your own stories because elves would not come in the night and do it for you.
With AI, drunk plagiaristic elves who cannot actually write and would not know an idea or a sentence if it bit their little elvish arses will actually turn up and write something unpublishable for you. This is not a good thing.
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altraviolet · 3 days
ummmm <3 maybe percy for 1? or haha a rodimus for 7? :3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!! Hope you have an awesome dayyy!
SHHHH don't let them hear!! I had to stop procrastinating lmao but here they are, you can have both <3 as a treat
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From this expressions challenge, I'm still open to requests but might take a while
Bonus sketch for u
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altraviolet · 3 days
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Contributor applications are open!
Please read the FAQ before applying
This zine is a free digital project open to fans of any skill level, don't be shy about applying! The application will be open May 12-26.
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altraviolet · 3 days
⭐️⭐️ Two stars for two things you want to talk about!
Hello anon!
Hmm... I honestly can't think of anything to talk about 🤔
I searched through my files. Here's some random stuff to share!
My "rough draft" map from The Angel Breaker:
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haha it's so ugly. the symbols denoting the cities (the circles with pink in the middle) come from the IDW1 brain module:
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I originally drew the map as reference for myself for writing, but then thought it would be cool to put into the fic itself. so I spent quite a while making a much nicer looking final version:
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The spirit of the circles with pink in the middle remains in the final :D
Some other map details I'm proud of (lol)
-the "zippered" land between different rock types- you just know that's good for political issues
-the erosion of the rich rock. the area that 10 and 9 sit on used to be surrounded everywhere by rich rock, but the sea has eroded the rich rock away. hence the fortifications on either side there (and by Nyon, #7)
-in the fic, Skywarp calling the Crater of Vos the "Vos hole" makes me laugh way more than it should
-Iacon is the cultural superpower of the continent. there are lots of little hints about this in the fic. it's meant to be entrenched in the world: it's not pointed out specifically. one of the subtle ways I did this was to have Iacon be labeled as city #1 on the map. Iacon's rival, Uraya, is #11, the last numbered city in the stable rock type xD
2. Hopping over to my TEG folder... oh!! here's a screenshot from one of JRO's "MTMTE Notebooks"
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And, to be clear, obviously I had no idea JRO had this idea hiding in his notes xD My photo of this is dated Oct 2023. Convergent evolution of thought, if you will. in TEG, Nautica plays the energon harp. Soundwave unknowingly plays the Empyrean Suite (it has a different title in his dimension) on the harp.
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altraviolet · 3 days
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut
Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
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altraviolet · 4 days
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YES finally found a pic of data pads in MTMTE... rounded corners! kind of xD this scene is pre-war
to be honest I wrote about rounded cornered data pads in TEG & hoped that conformed to canon. I didn't have an easy way to check. but I came across this panel while researching for my mini bang fic!
Side note: Momus being from Helex is why he's a named character in my fic The Angel Breaker. he's a bartender at a Helexian bar in Iacon in the fic! I searched the wiki for characters known to be from Helex & found him, hehe
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altraviolet · 5 days
Regarding Writing Samples
What if I only have NSFW writing samples?
If there is at least 500 words of SFW content before or after the smut in your fic, feel free to copy-paste that scene into a Google Doc and use that for your submission.
What if I only have long-fic?
Same deal! Pick a short section of your fic to copy-paste into a Google Doc and shoot us the link to that.
Remember to please try to send short samples! 500 words up to 2k is preferred as ALL of the Mods will need to review every document in order to come to our final decision.
Hope that clears some things up!
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altraviolet · 5 days
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🚑Contributor Applications for the Medical Grade Zine are now OPEN!🚑
This will be a Zine focused on the medics of Transformers!
Apps will run from May 10th until June 1st!
Please make sure you read all the information in the form!
🩹Fill it out here!🩹
Let us know if you have any questions!
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altraviolet · 5 days
How many contributors will be chosen?
This is the list we created based on the cost of printing a roughly 64 page zine. Please note that we do not currently have a set number of merch artists as merch is a separate category with its own associated costs/production.
35 artists (1 completed, fully rendered piece of art per artist)
4 writers (400 words min, 1.5k max per writer)
2 comic artists (1 page min, 2 pages max per comic artist)
If no one signs up as a comic artist, we will convert those roles into either 1 additional writer slot or 4 additional artist slots. If we only get 1 comic artist, then we will select 2 more regular artists to fill the remaining pages.
Additionally, we will also be selecting pitch hitters in case anyone drops out and we need to fill those contributor roles. However, if you get selected as a pitch hitter, you will likely have less time to complete your final piece (depending on when the person you're replacing exits the project).
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altraviolet · 6 days
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The above text is what Trepan's erasing as he mnemo's Megatron. I wonder how far he got before being interrupted...
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From IDW1, an excerpt of Megatron's "Towards Peace," research for my 2024 minibang fic. My printer refuses to print the image so I'm writing it out below the cut!
In a society built around a grand Cybertronian taxonomy that is obsessively revised and reinterpreted, the one thing that never changes-the one thing that must never change-is the system itself. Every revision, every reinterpretation takes place within a rigid framework of social stratification. Nothing must threaten the Functionists' core philosophy: utility as an organizing principle.
If you could step outside the system you would recognize it for what it is: a prison. Worse than that, it is a prison full of willing prisoners. And not only are you a prisoner within the system, you are a prisoner within your own body. Whether you were born or made, forged or constructed cold, you are trapped inside your alt mode. The Functionists built the lock and the Senate holds the key; but most of us are unaware that we're locked in.
Make no mistake: your life is mapped out in front of you, as clear as the grooves in your transformation cog. You can no more choose to change jobs than Cybertron can choose to stop orbiting the sun. You can no more acquire a skill unrelated to your vocation than the sky can acquire a conscience.
In denying you the ability to reject your alt mode-in preventing you from pursuing a path of your own choosing-both the Senate and the council say they are acting in your best interests. They have a responsibility, they say, to ensure that you make best use of your god-given form. If you turn into a drill, it is because Primus knows that Cybertron needs drills. To deviate from your function is to risk invoking the wrath of god and bringing the world to its knees.
In truth, it is about control. A multi-skilled population is an empowered population. And if you reject your alt mode, what next? Would you reject your class? Would you reject your government?
The Functionists don't rely solely on theology when rebutting arguments for change. Working outside of your alt mode would be confusing, they say. Imagine being treated by a medic with tank treads; you would question their competence. And they extend the same question to the miners. "Would you feel comfortable working alongside a microscope?" And to the military: "Would you put your life in the hands of a soldier who turns into a data slug?"
And it is true. People would be unnerved-at first. But the Functionists-enabled by the Senate-have created the conditions that have given rise to this culture of suspicion; and they have done so deliberately, because it reinforces the status quo. Moreover, it fosters division, and division is another means by which they can control the population. The more walls you can put up between people, the easier it is to contain them, and the stronger the structural integrity of the system.
And that is why when you see a stranger you don't think, "What are they like?" You think, "What are they for?" You don't think, "What are their hopes, dreams, aspirations?" You think, "What do they do?" And then you think, "Where are they positioned in relation to me? Do they sit above, alongside, or below? Are they better than me, or I them?"
Even if you believe in the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy, ask yourself this: who decides on that order? And then: why should there be an order? And that is the question that the Senate and the Functionists fear the most, because they know that their world would collapse if people arrived at the answer. Why should there be an order? I'll tell you: there shouldn't be.
Be happy in your work, they say, for it enriches you. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Be thankful for the system-it protects you. Be mindful of your betters-they think for you. I say enough. Reject your work. Reject your alt mode. Resist the system. And your "betters"? You have none. We are all equal. And we have a right to decide how to live our lives.
[interrupted by a word balloon saying Cough! Cough!]
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altraviolet · 6 days
this is just a little thing from mtmte #51
but it’s 1. fucked up 2. Revealing in a characterization and Thematic way 3. something that jrob has been writing into the background for like at least seventeen issues.  
under the cut there’s some (but very small i think) spoilers for #51 & discussion of first editions, dead bodies, and book history. this is sorta half-baked but i’m gonna roll w/ it. 
Keep reading
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altraviolet · 7 days
Heads up! Contributor applications will open May 10th! Make sure to keep an eye out! If you left your e-mail in the interest check form, we will also be sending the contributor app link out via e-mail!
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altraviolet · 8 days
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From IDW1, an excerpt of Megatron's "Towards Peace," research for my 2024 minibang fic. My printer refuses to print the image so I'm writing it out below the cut!
In a society built around a grand Cybertronian taxonomy that is obsessively revised and reinterpreted, the one thing that never changes-the one thing that must never change-is the system itself. Every revision, every reinterpretation takes place within a rigid framework of social stratification. Nothing must threaten the Functionists' core philosophy: utility as an organizing principle.
If you could step outside the system you would recognize it for what it is: a prison. Worse than that, it is a prison full of willing prisoners. And not only are you a prisoner within the system, you are a prisoner within your own body. Whether you were born or made, forged or constructed cold, you are trapped inside your alt mode. The Functionists built the lock and the Senate holds the key; but most of us are unaware that we're locked in.
Make no mistake: your life is mapped out in front of you, as clear as the grooves in your transformation cog. You can no more choose to change jobs than Cybertron can choose to stop orbiting the sun. You can no more acquire a skill unrelated to your vocation than the sky can acquire a conscience.
In denying you the ability to reject your alt mode-in preventing you from pursuing a path of your own choosing-both the Senate and the council say they are acting in your best interests. They have a responsibility, they say, to ensure that you make best use of your god-given form. If you turn into a drill, it is because Primus knows that Cybertron needs drills. To deviate from your function is to risk invoking the wrath of god and bringing the world to its knees.
In truth, it is about control. A multi-skilled population is an empowered population. And if you reject your alt mode, what next? Would you reject your class? Would you reject your government?
The Functionists don't rely solely on theology when rebutting arguments for change. Working outside of your alt mode would be confusing, they say. Imagine being treated by a medic with tank treads; you would question their competence. And they extend the same question to the miners. "Would you feel comfortable working alongside a microscope?" And to the military: "Would you put your life in the hands of a soldier who turns into a data slug?"
And it is true. People would be unnerved-at first. But the Functionists-enabled by the Senate-have created the conditions that have given rise to this culture of suspicion; and they have done so deliberately, because it reinforces the status quo. Moreover, it fosters division, and division is another means by which they can control the population. The more walls you can put up between people, the easier it is to contain them, and the stronger the structural integrity of the system.
And that is why when you see a stranger you don't think, "What are they like?" You think, "What are they for?" You don't think, "What are their hopes, dreams, aspirations?" You think, "What do they do?" And then you think, "Where are they positioned in relation to me? Do they sit above, alongside, or below? Are they better than me, or I them?"
Even if you believe in the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy, ask yourself this: who decides on that order? And then: why should there be an order? And that is the question that the Senate and the Functionists fear the most, because they know that their world would collapse if people arrived at the answer. Why should there be an order? I'll tell you: there shouldn't be.
Be happy in your work, they say, for it enriches you. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Be thankful for the system-it protects you. Be mindful of your betters-they think for you. I say enough. Reject your work. Reject your alt mode. Resist the system. And your "betters"? You have none. We are all equal. And we have a right to decide how to live our lives.
[interrupted by a word balloon saying Cough! Cough!]
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altraviolet · 8 days
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He is a big fan
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altraviolet · 8 days
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This is the official tumblr account for the Medical Grade zine!  Updates will be posted here, and this pinned post will be updated as necessary!
This will be a Zine dedicated to the Medics of the Transformers franchise! Mods: ​​@dataglitch - Art @mal-co-holic - Writing @synchrosart - Art @candychameleon - Merch/Production/Shipping/Graphics @dazzledictator - Formatting
💉Contributor Applications (TBA, not open yet)💉
📅 Schedule:📅 TBD: Contributor Applications TBD: Selection process TBD: Acceptances sent out TBD: Final submissions due TBD: Pre-orders open TBD: Production period TBD: Shipping begins TBD: Leftover sales
This will be a physical, non-profit/for-charity booklet. Proceeds from sales are to be donated to Doctors Without Borders.
All zine content will be restricted to SFW only (pin-ups, and depictions of fighting/violence/robo-gore that are in line with most continuities will be allowed). However, prospective contributors will need to be 18 years of age or older in order to participate.
Books will be 7"x10" when printed.
Zine entries must be focused on (robot) characters that are canonically medics/do work in the medical field/etc. across all Transformers continuities. Have a question?  Ask here! Medical Grade Zine on Twitter
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altraviolet · 8 days
You know what would really make this work? Some adults (me) loathe summer and would rather have winter off. We could shuffle all the work around so everyone is happy. I work while you play in the sunshine, friend. You work while I lay in the snow. Yay :D
I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.
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altraviolet · 10 days
I'm finally getting around to reading Transformers: Exiles and
omg. It is so bad. Like, bad on multiple levels.
I read Transformers: Exodus a few years ago. It was... OK. Definitely not a great work of literature, and there were some "huh" moments in it, but it was fine. But now I'm starting on the next book. I didn't look at the TFWiki entry for Exiles until last night, but just the Errors section is absolutely sending me. (The idea that the book was panic rewritten by Hasbro just before publication would explain a LOT of the issues I'm seeing.)
As someone who loves the franchise, it physically hurts that this guy was paid to write this. It is completely phoned in. Now, I'm sure he was writing on spec, and was probably handed an outline or specific plot points/characters that needed to be included, but even with that limitation it could have been a LOT better.
Anyway I'm going to jot down some of my impressions in this thread because I want to make sure I remember why I didn't like this book, years down the road when I see the book still sitting on my bookshelf. (If I even keep it, that is up for debate.) I'll even keep away from the things mentioned in the Error section of the wiki entry, since that's low-hanging fruit.
(If you enjoyed this book I'm glad for you, but I am down to just hate-reading it now. Sorry about that.)
Impressions will be behind cuts in case you don't want to spoil yourself for this masterpiece. XD
I've finished Part 1 and some of the things that stuck with me have been:
There's a thing in fiction writing that's often bandied about, how you should show and don't tell. It's hard to explain to new authors what this means, and why it's a bad thing. Well, this book has about a million examples. Instead of showing how a character is feeling, it just tells us. Optimus was stressed. Optimus was worried. Prowl was irritated.
Related to the showing/telling thing, this book loves just giving a laundry list of things that happen, regardless of how important it is. For example, we got a whole paragraph on what happened after a race on Velocitron. None of these details mattered to the story in any way, but we still got a whole half page of detail about it:
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We got a multi-page scene of Prowl cultivating an informant. He gets named (Armco). A few chapters later Prowl brings him in saying "Here's someone who can keep his mouth shut" and then IMMEDIATELY someone tries to blow up the Ark, and Armco falls out of the plot, never to be seen again. RIP Armco, we never knew ya.
Weird character note: The Autobots show up on Velocitron and discover there's a schism in the leadership there, with factions forming on both sides. While the Autobots are preparing to leave the planet, the "bad" leader says something relatively innocuous to Optimus, who then punches the Velocitronian in the face. This sets off a giant battle between the two factions, whereupon the Autobots dip and go through the space bridge. Brilliant.
More when I finish part 2.
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