#medical grade zine
medicalgradezine · 1 month
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🚑Contributor Applications for the Medical Grade Zine are now OPEN!🚑
This will be a Zine focused on the medics of Transformers!
Apps will run from May 10th until June 1st!
Please make sure you read all the information in the form!
🩹Fill it out here!🩹
Let us know if you have any questions!
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robobrainrot · 28 days
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Oh yeaaaaahhhhh!!! 🚑🏥🩺❤️
Now THIS is a zine I can get behind! Hopefully, I get accepted and can do Knockout! I also submitted for Minerva because I got a figure of her at TFcon. I think she's a cutie~ Third preference is Velocity because uhhhh I needed a third one and I relate to her stress/anxiety levels.
Follow the zine & it's progress: @medicalgradezine
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candychameleon · 1 month
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🚑Interest check for the Medical Grade Zine is now live!🚑
This will be a zine dedicated to the medics of Transformers!
This interest check will run from now until May 15th! Let us know your thoughts!
🩺Fill it out here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2H6U0yyjnLGFhZoS3nIraCd3xbB3foabM3SzUv56mJSWIfA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Zine mods: @dataglitch , @mal-co-holic , @synchrosart @candychameleon , @dazzledictator
All relevant info is in the interest check form!
If the interest check goes well and we go forward with this zine, I will make dedicated social media accounts for it!
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me/reply!
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prince-liest · 3 months
sorry if this is a weird question or something you dont rlly want to talk about on a fandom blog, but i noticed youre in medschool! im a college undergrad freshman whos trying to get into medschool, and i was wondering if you had any tips on getting into medschools while still being an active member of fandom spaces?
No worries, I actually get asks about med school not-uncommonly! I'm happy to chat about whatever!
Honestly, I think that depends on what 'active' means for you and what issues you think you would run into? I feel like it's a little cheap to say "plan your time well and take care of yourself" as my go-to answer for this question, but that really is what it boils down to when it comes to being pre-med or in medical school and still having time to do literally anything else in your life, fandom included. Most of the people I know in medical school that don't have time for other stuff are the folks that study in groups with Twitter open in another tab that I get like a dozen snaps from over the course of the eight hours they're in the study rooms, and not-coincidentally they're also the people that go, "It took me eight hours to study this one lecture and I barely got any sleep!"
Creativity and learning ability (and anything else that requires mental power) rely on you having free time, and also you being well-rested, well-fed, and well-exercised. There are always going to be busy times when you can't do as much of your preferred hobby as you'd like (as you have probably experienced even now in undergrad with finals week at the end of your first semester!) which honestly fucking sucks, but that doesn't mean that those times are permanent.
Aside from that: depending on what kind of fandom stuff you get up to, don't be afraid to put that shit on your CV and applications! I literally put fanfiction writing (especially zines) on my CV this past year when applying to residencies, and have had many people ask about it in interviews and think it was just the coolest thing ever that I do this stuff. Medical school applications basically require you to check certain boxes (grades, MCAT, at least 50 physician shadowing hours, some kind of job or volunteering), but because those are things that are basically required at this point, putting fun shit in your extracurriculars stands out. I was never the person who could hack spending my free time volunteering for things I didn't care about, but my extracurricular section was still full of things that stood out and people found interesting.
My AO3 doesn't really date that much fanfiction to when I was in undergrad (2014-2018), but that's mostly because I was busy doing elaborate Homestuck fantroll RPs instead, hahaha. I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of words I must have written of it during that time!
This was a little all over the place, but I hope it was at least a little reassuring!
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tomyo · 1 year
Hi there, I uploaded a lot of comics tonight so I thought I'd just give some info on things no one care about!
So I'm trying to get my eggs in order lately. My therapy comics had kinda been a big practice into being better towards my page layouts in general while also just trying to emotionally vomit hard shite. Admittedly they are also in part just to have a comic portfolio of some sort for event marketing. Tonight was mostly part 1 of working to empty out my backlog but I still have a few left. First what's actually been on the back burner; two 8+ pagers that are kinda foundational to all these since one is a redraw of essentially the first therapy comic and the other was a metaphorical peeling back of the layers of the stages of my mental illness journey to find the start of it. It would've only been those two but tonight I ended up sketching two more 1 pagers, a two pager from when a glass ceiling lamp smashed on my head, and a four pager.
In general my work is in a weird transition, my autobio comics are skewing slightly towards more queer stories and I'm debating taking up another slightly longer project later this year about how even realizing I was gay at 19 felt kinda behind everyone else. There's also been a semi joke story Top Quest which I don't know if I even have the balls to properly work on it. Outside of that my hope is to move onto more fictive stories properly.
Do You Need Love? Is my oneshot I came up with in 2019 thats taken me an ass load of time mostly because I struggle to design the MC fully. The concept is a new customer to a coin op professional cuddling booth; philosophical debate ensues!
Her Tanlines Catch My Eye was supposed to be an even easier one shot because it was August last year and I was gay but my understanding of CSP slowed me down a little on it. It remains to be seen if I'll pick it up again.
'Middle School Zine' is a little bit of a hybrid of a story from each year of being in middle school as a weeb mixed with the 'Naruto Doujinshi' I tried to make in the 8th grade story (it's peak cringe and pick me at points despite being a whole 6 pages).
And then finally is the actual big project I've been sitting on waaaaay too long.
Natural Disaster's Agape was something that's really been sitting around for a while. It's the story of what if someone gave into making every wrong impulsive decision. Gale is a dumb angry lesbian with too much baggage that she doesn't deal with. Her only experience with therapy was being forcibly hospitalized, she self medicates on her friend's meds and drugs, and she causes a lot of unneeded fights. Its hard to sell it beyond that without giving away much more than she gets a girlfriend and they are the worst uhauling, shameless pda ing, couple anyone has ever seen but I can say I'm going for the feeling of a Greek tragedy. NDA has been roughly 40-50% outlined but also always struggled at the character design phase which isn't helped by the fact I keep putting it off for "when I finish all my other shorter projects" which never happens.
As it is, currently it's "a bunch of time sensitive for max effectiveness" charm season that will likely come first but my hopes are that maybe I can finish DYNL in time for Valentine's Day (even though it isn't a love story), maybe try to get the middle school zine done in April and then try to make room to give my attention to NDA the rest of the year (alongside the soul eater plushies which probably mostly just need production back and forth and campaigning to raise the money).
Anyway that's all
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rinusagitora · 2 years
The foundation of a relationship.
Fandom: Over the Garden Wall
Characters: Wirt, Sara
Pairings: Sara x Wirt
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Canon compliant & post-canon. WARNINGS- discussion of trauma; Wirt didn't leave The Unknown without scars. So he keeps secrets from his girlfriend Sara, as if it can keep him together.
A/N: Commissions are open! For @yummi-gummi-zines​‘s Beyond the Garden Wall fanzine. Found here: https://gummizines.itch.io/beyond-the-garden
Sara once asked Wirt, "Do you wanna marry?" He, being the Casanova he was, proceeded to choke on soda. "Not like… now. Or to me. But settling down in the future with someone."
Wirt didn't remember what he said but he remembered feeling like he would end up dumped if Sara didn't like his answer. He remembered his throat swelling thanks to his anxiety while he wracked his brain for an answer and tried to figure out if it was a test. Whatever he said, though, Sara ended up liking it. So much so that they moved into a university apartment together after graduating high school.
The U, as it was fondly referred to by the locals, had a great performing arts program, so Sara became even prettier and more popular while Wirt started smoking and got medicated and saw a shitty psychology major on Thursdays at the campus clinic.
Suffice it to say Wirt had no idea why Sara stuck around when she could've been dating way cuter, more functional guys. But he never told Sara about it. Too scared he would end up jinxing their relationship if he voiced his worries.
Wirt kept a lot of things from Sara, much to the chagrin of his counselor, like how much he smoked (a pack a day), what his grades were (Bs and Cs), or why he didn't talk to anyone in his family except Greg (because his stepdad was a prick and he never forgave their mom for remarrying). The Unknown, and his coma by relation, was a topic he gave an especially wide berth. Three years had passed since Greg and Wirt were there and Wirt still couldn't process it. He would sooner wander its haunted acres before trying to explain that shitshow to Sara. 
The quack Wirt was seeing managed to coax it out of him. Wirt left out the part where he and Greg remembered it with remarkable vividness, of course, and his psychologist was more than happy to give a shot at translating it. Wirt stopped listening around that time. As inclined as he was to seeing art in melancholy and trauma, he drew the line at his therapist's asinine interpretation of The Unknown.
Nonetheless, his counselor ended up convincing Wirt to tell Sara about The Unknown. Leaving their office, he said, "She's outside. I'll tell her now."
He climbed into the driver's seat and fiddled with a lighter. Sara turned down the radio. "How'd it go?"
"Therapy isn't easy."
She hummed. When they first started dating, he didn’t get her humming and she didn’t get his nonanswers. But like most couples, they eventually created a dialect unique to their relationship. Her intonation was easily interpreted, and she got her yeses and nos reading between the lines.
Wirt fumbled with a shitty Bic lighter. It took about as long for it to light a cigarette as it did for him to formulate an opening that didn't sound insane or dumb. "I need to tell you something." 
Sara turned three shades lighter. "Are you breaking up with me?"
"What? No. Nonono." Wirt combed his fingers through his hair. That almost gave him a heart attack. "But this will sound insane, so I need you to put a ton of stock into my sanity."
She frowned. Her voice was shaking and his hands were shaking because of it. "Okay. What's up?"
"Remember when Greg and I almost drowned?"
"We…" Wirt debated telling her that he and Greg shared their time in The Unknown and then decided it was too much too soon. "I saw something while I was drowning."
"What did you see?"
He tapped his fingers on the wheel. "A lot. And every minute was more bizarre than the last."
"Wirt, I don't understand…."
"I just. I wandered through a potter's field where the dead never rested. I fought ghosts. All the while, I was chased by a beast trying to take my soul to… to more or less feed off of." Wirt ashed his cigarette out of the window. "And I remember, vividly, wandering through the forest trying to find my way home, and knowing, just knowing I'd be stuck there forever."
Sara stared dumbly. He swore. He wasn't making sense. "I know it's nonsense, but I'm trying, Sara."
"I know you are. Let's just… let's slow down. Take it from the top, y’know?”
He sighed. “Right. From the top.” He ashed his cigarette out the open window again. “When Greg and I almost drowned, I lived through something. Days, if not weeks, of wandering through a forest the inhabitants called The Unknown, avoiding a monster who fed off souls.”
“I… I know,” he stopped and took a long puff from his cigarette, trying to stop his hands from shaking, “I’m mostly certain at least, that it wasn’t real, but I still dream of being made into sustenance for The Beast, and my dreams feel so real, they make my blood feel like ice.” Wirt rocked in place. His eyes were watering so much he didn’t dare blink. "Like… even if it wasn't real, the terror I felt was real.” Wirt tore at his hair before he flung a hand up. He could smell his cigarette burning a hole in the car’s ceiling and cursed. “Am I even making sense?"
Sara pulled one of her feet onto the seat and wiggled her toes. “It makes sense, Wirt.” She smiled. “I believe you.”
He sighed. “Really?”
“Did you beat it? The Beast, I mean.”
"Kind of." Wirt never really talked about that part. Not even with Greg. Even if he did, he wasn’t sure Greg would understand what happened there. He coped better in fairy tales than Wirt did. “I didn’t bother killing it if that’s what you mean.”
"Why not?"
"It seemed pathetic. I mean, it was dangerous," Wirt said, almost forgetting that The Unknown was supposed to be a dream, "a manipulative hallucination, I think. But I outwitted it. I caught it in a lie, and its bluff didn't work, so I walked away." He had done everything that needed to be done, looking back on it.
It was the Woodsman who deserved justice most anyway. Wirt decided to save that for another day, though.
Sara held his free hand. "I'm sorry, Wirt. You had to have been so scared. But I'm so glad you're here now. Just… I just want to know why it took so long for you to tell me about this."
Wirt scratched his head. He wasn't sure how to answer her question without sounding paranoid. "I guess I was scared you'd think I'm crazy and leave me."
She laughed. “We do stupid things when we’re scared, huh?”
“Crap.” Wirt’s cigarette almost completely burned away and the embers burnt his hand. He flicked the butt onto the asphalt and shook out his stinging fingers as if pushing blood flow into them would stop the stinging.
He sighed. Beautiful, brilliant, kind Sara, brave enough to face his insanity unflinchingly. Sara, who never let him sink into his dark, abyssal feelings without a lifeline. Sara, the first thing he saw waking from The Unknown. How he adored her. As she squeezed his hand, smiling at him, he felt lighter with fewer secrets, like rocks slipping off his chest.
“I love you, babe,” he murmured, running his thumbs over her smooth knuckles.
She smiled at him and the tension seemed to dissolve like styrofoam over an open flame. “I love you too, baby.”
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‘She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her.’
Women are truly incredible creatures. We have spent centuries being overlooked, downtrodden and dismissed. In some respects, we have come a long way in terms of gender equality but there are still many recent occurrences which remind us of how far we have to go. 
So many female illnesses take years to diagnose or aren’t taken seriously enough when they are. Women are still having to justify why they chose not to have children. We’re still working with a pay gap. Some women aren’t considered to be women because of the body parts they were born with or without. There are still places in the world where women simply don’t and never will have the opportunities to live life on their own terms. Despite all this, we’re still out in the world making and doing amazing things and looking beautiful while doing them. 
This recommendation list is really a collection of books that celebrate women, their courage, their friendships and their choices. It’s pretty varied in terms of genre and style, so I’m pretty sure you’ll find at least one book here that piques your interest. Keep being your fierce, unstoppable self and honour your girls today. -Love, Alex x
1. Dangerous Women by Hope Adams.
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In 1841, 180 English women are on board The Rajah, a ship bound for Australia. All of them are criminals, most of them convicted of petty crimes but one of them has a deadly dark secret. Then someone is killed and the hunt for the culprit is on. But it’s hard to protest your innocence when you’ve already been found guilty. This addictive mystery is so well-researched and is based on the true stories of real female criminals aboard The Rajah. There is an overwhelming, stifling darkness, haunting the whole novel that is so atmospheric and reflective of conditions on board. It’s a story of sisterhood, female friendship and the existence of the Rajah Quilt is an example of the incredible feats that women can overcome if they work together. 
2. Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu.
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Viv is tired of following the rules at her high school and is determined to shake things up. Channelling her mum’s former punk persona, Viv creates and secretly distributes a feminist zine to her classmates, who start to take action. Cliques are abandoned as new friendships are formed and a revolution kicks off. The real sweetness about this gutsy, fierce YA novel is the fact that talking about the daily trials and tribulations that girls go through brings them together rather than divides them. There are some fantastic characters and the inclusion of male allies is everything.
3. Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams.
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After a disastrous break up, British-Jamaican millennial Queenie embarks on a journey, riddled with bad choices, to discover what she really wants from life. Straddling two cultures, a job where she is perpetually underappreciated and an underlying mental health condition, Queenie is a relatable depiction of what it means to be a young, Black woman in 21st century London. Funny, honest and deeply moving, Queenie is an essential enlightening read with a wonderfully flawed, real woman at its heart.
4. Hag: Forgotten Folktales Retold.
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Inspired by British urban myths, this collection of spooky, fantastical stories by various female authors celebrates women in all of their guises. These stories are written by the likes of Daisy Johnson, Kirsty Logan, Irenosen Okojie, Eimear McBride and more. Some of the stories are very dark. Some of them offer powerful insights into other cultures. Some of them explore inherently female issues such as the repression of desire and motherhood. Overriding the whole collection is the wonder and power of women defying the odds and achieving their dreams. A fantastically unique read, ideal for International Women’s Day.
5. My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman.
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When Elsa’s grandmother dies, she discovers a series of letters apologising to the various people she has wronged. Elsa’s mission to deliver these letters leads to some strange places and a journey that leads to getting to know her grandmother in a way she never did, when she was alive. The relationship between seven-year-old Elsa and her grandmother is so beautiful and I’m sure I’ll never read another grandmother-granddaughter relationship like it. Granny is a truly formidable character and a woman who has left behind a very full, colourful life. Backman is a master at writing quirky, uplifting stories of community and this charming novel is no different.
6. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo.
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Kim Jiyoung has recently given up work to raise her baby daughter but before long, she begins displaying strange symptoms, such as impersonating the voices of other women. As her psychosis deepens, Jiyoung’s entire life is spilled to her male psychiatrist and it’s a life of restriction, abuse and control. This incredibly evocative book is a harrowing illustration of the misogyny ingrained deep in Korean culture and the devastating effects it can have on the women who live within it. A woman on the brink of insanity speaks for them all in this heavily symbolic, heartbreaking read.
7. The Shelf by Helly Acton.
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Amy is pretty sure that Jamie is about to propose, so she is more than shocked to find herself on The Shelf, a reality TV show for single women. Over the next few weeks, she and five other women must take on challenges to improve themselves and be crowned ‘The Keeper’. The Shelf is a joyful celebration of singledom and female friendship. Funny and heartwarming, it inspires its readers to never settle for second best and discover life and yourself, completely on your own terms.
8. Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez.
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The world is made for men. Cars, phones, the medical industry, workplace laws and more areas of modern society largely ignore women. This fantastically informative manual exposes all the data biases that have been hidden from us. Caroline Criado-Perez has collated stories and case studies from across the globe that show how women’s lives and health are affected by our male-minded world and calls for drastic change.
9. A Kind of Spark by Elle McNicoll.
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Addie has autism but she is so much more than that. When she learns of her hometown’s involvement in witch trials, she launches a campaign to erect a memorial for the women who died during them. This gorgeous, uplifting, funny middle-grade book offers a unique insight into a neurodivergent mind and simultaneously honours innocent, murdered women. You’ll get all the feels!
10. Olive by Emma Gannon.
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Olive’s choice to not be a mother has ended her nine year relationship and her three best friends are all at various stages of motherhood. So, where will Olive fit into their lives now? This wonderfully sensitive and thoughtful novel is a wonderful celebration of women who are child-free by choice as well as giving voice to those who have struggled to become mothers. It will speak to any woman who has ever been asked when they’re going to take the leap into that ‘inevitable’ stage of a female life -motherhood.
11. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
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Evelyn Hugo is a retired Hollywood icon who has personally chosen struggling, unknown reporter Monique to dictate her biography to. No one knows why, not even Monique herself. Over a series of intimate meetings, Evelyn tells Monique her story; from her rise to fame in the 1950s LA to her retirement 30 years later and the myriad of romances throughout that time. In time, it becomes clear that Evelyn’s and Monique’s lives intertwine in a heartbreaking fashion. Soaring, epic and completely unforgettable, Evelyn Hugo is the story of a woman who was consistently objectified, moulded and suppressed. Ultimately, it is a story of a great forbidden love and the hell that fame can bring, especially for women.
12. The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson.
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Imannuelle’s mixed heritage is sacrilege in the tiny, puritanical community in which she lives. So she does her best to obey the rules and worship the Father. However, she finds herself in the haunted Darkwood where the spirits of murdered witches roam but they have a gift for Immanuelle -her dead mother’s journal, which leads to her discovering the dark truths behind the community she was born into. This atmospheric, brooding fantasy-horror novel champions the overthrowing of control, the discovery of one’s own inner power and capabilities as well as demonstrating how women have been villified by the patriarchy for centuries, simply for leading the lives that they want to lead. An addictive, Gothic witchy treat!
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jamieedlund · 3 years
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YOU WANT SOME? COME GET SOME! STREET SMART!!! Pre-order the elite grade zine for this heavy medic bookmark that i big-brained :D 
and also great artworks from the lovely people i worked with! STREETSMART!
> https://guysngalsofteufort.storenvy.com/products/31700965-elite-grade-zine <
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slaughtergutz · 4 years
I NEED to know more abt the dear Vigo boi and spiky goth Aquarius. May or may mot have a crush on both of them ; w ;
TIME FOR SOME PARAGRAPHS [tw: child abuse, cult mention, death; ask to tag for other things that i might miss]
ALRIGHT SO Virgo boy is Judas Punch. He usually just goes by Jude.
Born in 1970 to a well-off family in Los Angeles, Jude’s older sister, Michelle, was secretly a huge Manson groupie. After a particularly intense LSD trip while listening to The White Album,  the song Hey Jude came up and she took it as a sign. As he began to grow older, she started grooming him for her vision of Helter Skelter, to carry on Manson’s work. 
November 16, 1978 was scheduled for Manson’s parole hearing, and that, she believed, would be the perfect time to send a message. 
Jude, in the meantime, has been a worry for his family. He doesn’t speak. Doesn’t like eye contact. He moves very strangely--born with hypermobility, he bends very easily and comfortably, and this worries his mother. He’s had three exorcisms, none of which seemed to have helped any. That doesn’t even cover what sort of things his sister has been having him do. His twin brother doesn’t seem to have half of the problems he does and is much more well adjusted.
But he’s smart, and learns quickly. What Michelle does, it makes him feel bad, and he doesn’t want to do what she’s making him do. For tomorrow, she explains, when she tells him to, he needs to give this knife to their neighbors, right in their belly as hard as he can. But he knows that won’t feel good, because his back and forehead still hurt where it kissed him. He doesn’t like being bossed around, and he doesn’t like her. 
So the night before the hearing, Jude kills his sister. It seemed to be the right thing to do, why didn’t anybody else understand that? 
Jude spends the next five years in a mental institution, receiving no real help and no support from his family. Eventually he is shipped off to the east coast, to a small town called Pockmark. Unsuspecting though it may look, they boast one of the best institutions in the country, specializing in music therapy. 
There, Jude is finally able to open up and takes up various instruments quickly. They help him organize his thoughts and keep his hands busy.  And eventually, there, he meets an obnoxious punk rocker named Sisco who won’t stop asking him to join his band. Jude’s therapist says it might help his social skills. Whatever. Jude doesn’t really care, but relents as it gives him a chance to challenge himself musically.  He still can’t stand listening to the Beatles.  Other tidbits: He’s in the closet because he’s seen the sort of trauma Sisco has gone through and he doesn’t want to go through that himself. He’s also clairvoyant and sees white crows nearby people who are about to die, and can otherwise speak to the dead. Nobody ever believed him, of course, so he doesn’t talk about it. Corinne’s the only one that really believes him. He can seem airheaded sometimes because he often experiences missing time.  --------------------------------------------- AND AQUARIUS, that would be Xenon. Born 1952 as Adam [Redacted], he had medical complications from early on. Albinism was the most apparent but due to developing alopecia, he was completely hairless by the age of 10, which also affected his immune system. Xen was in and out of hospitals from various illnesses through most of his life, in addition to be very serious and introverted, left him with few friends. He bonded closest with other black sheep, his best friends being beatniks and those in the freak scene. 
He was only in the sixth grade for a week before falling horribly sick once again, and was stuck in the hospital for the rest of the year. Two of his classmates, however, would visit him daily. They were outcasts too. Dmitri, Beatrice, and Adam were inseparable. 
They didn’t bother to wait for graduation to pack up and run away to New York City. It may not have been any more accepting of them than other places, but they had ways of getting work, and it was much more exciting than a small town. And more dangerous. Especially for three young queer kids. 
On June 28th, 1969, a police raid on Stonewall Inn turned into a riot. All three of them spent the night in jail. 
After that, Adam and Dmitri became less hidden about their relationship. Beat got in the most trouble usually for being both an outspoken Black Panther supporter and an outspoken feminist lesbian. But the two men stood behind her every step of the way. 
Dmitri eventually founded a wildly successful underground zine called Fantasy Planet, which showcased queer models (like Adam) and queer art and literature (with many contributions made by Beat.) In their off-time, Adam and Beat were apprenticing as a piercer and tattoo artist respectively. 
With a supportive network and community, Adam was finally able to explore parts of himself he ignored before. His gender. His sexuality. His humanity. Morals, worldviews, politics, ideas, purpose. Around this time, he began to go by Xenon, taken from the noble gas. On occasion he would publish articles and stories under this new name before using it in public. Many of the characters in his stories were alien, and used new and ungendered pronouns. It was safe to do so, in fiction. And it was safe to do so, at home, when it was just the three of them. 
Hard drugs weren’t uncommon in the scenes they frequented. They didn’t have a name for what killed Dmitri. It was pneumonia, they were told. 
Xen completely shut himself away and became solely focused on his own work. The remaining two left NYC and opened up a shop in a small town called Pockmark in PA. Dmitri’s grandmother lived there and she needed to be taken care of. She raised him. It was the least he could do. And, despite how bigoted the townsfolk could be, there was a growing market for body modification.  Their most frequent visitor was a man named Billy, and his entourage. He often visited from Crater City. There were rumors he had mob ties. Nothing Xen wasn’t familiar with. His only concern was the boy who followed him around. A young orphan they called Francis who couldn’t have been older then thirteen.  Not stepping in sooner ended up being one of his greatest regrets.  (But don’t worry, he sort of made up for it by being the only person to visit him in the hospital after the fire. He’s basically his dad now.) Other tidbits: One of Xen’s most hardcore body modifications was the removal of his nipples and genitals. He also has the majority of his body tattooed and, being a huge fan of the movie Alien, has a heavy biomechanical theme. He considers himself to exist outside of gender and being human. After Dmitri’s death, Xen and Beat became legally married--in case either died, the other would be able to get their assets. They love each other deeply but platonically. Beat frequently dates other women (though not as much in the small town), while Xen does not. If he had the words we have today he would call himself asexual and aromantic. (He was in love with Dmitri and found no reason to continue romantic exploits after his death.) While he is a father figure to Sisco especially, he also very much plays a mentor role for Jude as the two are rather similar (introverted, serious, and both contenders for being the King of Deadpan Humor.)
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gekuximi-blog · 5 years
How to Choose Kaliningrad Visa
The debut of electronic visas can result in migration, criminogenic and other risks which are hard to calculate, or so the procedure is going to be carried out in stages.  An e-visa doesn't extend the validity period of a normal visa.  You ought to make sure you have all the required visas for the length of your travel.
If you're a citizen of a country on the next list, you are needed to get a Schengen visa in order to see the Schengen nations.  There are several sorts of Russian visa. You ought to keep the other part by means of your passport.
Only the headline was changed. Yes, there's no distinctive exception.   The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
What Kaliningrad Visa Is - and What it Is Not Historically speaking, it hasn't been easy for tourists to go to Russia.  If you want to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.  There are a number of different varieties of visas to go to Russia.
It will be essential to apply for a different kind of visa to be able to travel to other areas of Russia.  Nationals of 53 states are qualified for an e-visa.  My plan was supposed to receive a train from Gdansk to Kaliningrad.
The photo has to have no frames.  Flash reflection off the lenses, and tinted lenses aren't allowed (if you can, avoid heavy frames wear lighter framed glasses, if you've got them).  In regard to tourism, there are a couple things worth seeing.
When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.  The payment confirms the grade of the service.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The Foolproof Kaliningrad Visa Strategy For instance, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.  Automated banking machines can be found in all key cities and towns.  It is relatively good.
The Benefits of Kaliningrad Visa You will be liable for paying the price of the stay.  It's possible to submit the applicationhere but it's impossible to yet as ticket approvals have yet to be sent out yet.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  It's far better to purchase your ticket beforehand, seats are numbered.  If travelers want to learn more about the nation but don't want to experience the hoops of receiving an invitation letter or needing to go to a neighborhood embassy, they can make an application for a Kaliningrad visa instead.
The ideal way to learn more about the city is by bus.  The amber business is still a crucial company in the city and attracts thousands of visitors annually.  Kaliningrad is the sole Russian Baltic Sea port that's ice-free all year round and hence has an important part in maintenance of the Baltic Fleet.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip by yourself, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  The region was known from classical antiquity as a principal source of amber in Europe.
| Kaliningrad Visa - Overview The photo must demonstrate the peak of your head and the surface of your shoulders.  Yes, there's no distinctive exception.  The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
It is possible to submit the application here but it's not feasible to yet as ticket approvals have never been sent out yet.  You need a present-day U.S. passport with the right visa.  Those eligible won't be asked to pay a visit to an embassy or consulate and instead will just be asked to submit an application for a visa online.
Just about all embassies and consulates need medical certification you aren't HIV positive if you're planning to go to Russia on a business visa.  In 2019, citizens from eligible countries who intend to come to Russia will have the ability to find an electronic entry visa by completing an internet application.  If you intend to sightsee on your own you have to have a tourist visa.
Life, Death and Kaliningrad Visa Public transportation Tickets have to be validated at the beginning of any trip.  The visa, nevertheless, isn't valid for travel to other sections of the Russian Federation.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  You must be sleeping on the boat every evening.  The tour here makes it possible for you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Kaliningrad Visa The ideal way to learn more about the city is by bus.  The amber business is still a crucial company in the city and attracts thousands of visitors annually.  The island of Kant, previously known as the island of Kneiphof, is situated in the center of the Pregolya River.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are plenty of districts and a couple of monuments from pre-war times.   The region was known from classical antiquity as a principal source of amber in Europe.
A Secret Weapon for Kaliningrad Visa As the amount of worldwide expatriates continues to rise, it's very likely that an increasing amount of international companies create specific goods, services and expatriate media to serve the requirements of this target group. You should also think about checking with your transport provider or travel company to make certain your passport and other travel documents satisfy their requirements. It isn't surprising that British businesses are also leading the way in regards to creating special expatriate services.
Historically speaking, it hasn't been easy for tourists to go to Russia.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia and you're a visa national, you will have to have no less than a normal double entry visa so as to exit and re-enter Russia.  There are a number of different varieties of visas to go to Russia.
Foreigners entering Russia is going to be fingerprinted.  In addition, Taiwanese nationals are now able to use the e-visa system at the completely free port of Vladivostok.  Getting into Russia is easy if you're on a cruise or organized group.
You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to get the e-zine.  Traveller's cheques are frequently not accepted.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The photo has to have no frames.  You will require a personal invitation from those who receive you.  In regard to tourism, there are a couple things worth seeing.
| The photo has to have no frames.  You will require a personal invitation from those who receive you.  The paper that's completed on the government-approved blank will demand a long waiting time.
The debut of the Kaliningrad eVisa comes as changes start to get implemented with respect to Russia's visa system and modernizing the process for foreigners who want to go to the country.  Prior to applying for a Kaliningrad eVisa, it is going to be essential to verify that you're ready to apply.  Starting from July 1, it's going to be possible to go to the Kaliningrad region employing an electronic visa.
Foreigners entering Russia is going to be fingerprinted.  However, please be aware that it is only going to allow visa holders to pay a visit to Kaliningrad and doesn't offer entry to other pieces of Russia.  You are able to make an application for eVisa at Russia's MFA site.
You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to get the e-zine.  Traveller's cheques are frequently not accepted.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The Little-Known Secrets to Kaliningrad Visa For instance, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.  Automated banking machines can be found in all key cities and towns.  The general public transportation system is extremely great.
You will be liable for paying the price of the stay.  It's possible to submit the applicationhere but it's impossible to yet as ticket approvals have yet to be sent out yet.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  You must be sleeping on the boat every evening.  The tour here makes it possible for you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
The photo must demonstrate the peak of your head and the surface of your shoulders.  Obviously, there were not any borders then.  The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
What You Should Do to Find Out About Kaliningrad Visa Before You're Left Behind There are many visa agencies that can give you with this business invitation.  You need a present-day U.S. passport with the right visa.   Those eligible won't be asked to pay a visit to an embassy or consulate and instead will just be asked to submit an application for a visa online.
Just about all embassies and consulates need medical certification you aren't HIV positive if you're planning to go to Russia on a business visa.  In 2019, citizens from eligible countries who intend to come to Russia will have the ability to find an electronic entry visa by completing an internet application.  You ought to keep the other part by means of your passport.
The Unexpected Truth About Kaliningrad Visa If you wish to get a sense of how Russians live outside Moscow and St Petersburg, it's an exemplary alternative.  The Kaliningrad Zoo is likewise an arboretum.  If museums aren't your thing take an opportunity to find your very own small bit of amber when walking along the Baltic Sea shore.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip by yourself, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  If you're considering entering Russia by road, you are going to have to take an alternate route through a different nation.
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medicalgradezine · 1 month
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The official tumblr account for the Medical Grade zine! All relevant links/dates will be posted here and this pinned post will be updated as necessary!
This project is a fan-zine dedicated to the Medics of the Transformers franchise!
​​@dataglitch - Art
@mal-co-holic - Writing
@synchrosart - Art
@candychameleon - Merch/Production/Shipping/Graphics
@dazzledictator - Formatting
💉Contributor Applications (CLOSED)💉
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📅Tentative Schedule:📅
May 10 - June 1: Contributor Applications June 1 - June 7: Selection process June 8: Acceptances sent out Sept 10: Final submissions due Sept 25 - Nov 15: Pre-orders open Nov - Dec: Production period Dec: Shipping begins TBD: Leftover sales
This will be a physical, non-profit/for-charity booklet. Proceeds from sales are to be donated to Doctors Without Borders.
All zine content will be restricted to SFW only (pin-ups, and depictions of fighting/violence/robo-gore that are in line with most continuities will be allowed). However, prospective contributors will need to be 18 years of age or older in order to participate.
Books will be 7"x10" when printed.
Zine entries must be focused on (robot) characters that are canonically medics/do work in the medical field/etc. across all Transformers continuities.
Have a question?  Ask here! Medical Grade Zine on Twitter FAQ
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turixoco-blog · 5 years
What Everybody Is Saying About Kaliningrad Visa Is Dead Wrong and Why
You'll be arrested if you put in a restricted area, so it's imperative that you include all destinations on your visa application.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the corporation's website at.  You will require a transit visa even if you're just passing through to change airports.
Kaliningrad Visa and Kaliningrad Visa - The Perfect Combination To have a tour ticket you have to order a tour program with the assistance of our business and give us a photo copy of your passport.   You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
Using Kaliningrad Visa The economy is just one of several tribulations plaguing the Kaliningrad district.  The main reason is because you're basically entering Russia twice.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.
Flights aren't very pricey and you safe each of the hassles of handling transit visas. Starting from July 1, it's going to be possible to see the Kaliningrad region employing an electronic visa.  But if you'd like to do independent touring of Kaliningrad, you will require a Visa.
The goal of travel can be tourism, organization, or humanitarian factors.  When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
As the amount of worldwide expatriates continues to rise, it's possible that an increasing amount of international business will create particular goods, services and expatriate media to serve the requirements of this target group. The e-visa process doesn't have any charge, so foreign nationals will have the ability to save costs normally connected with applying for non-electronic visas.  The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
Type of Kaliningrad Visa There are lots of nations in Africa which are visa-free access for UK citizens.  English is understood by a lot of people.  DPRK nationals will be permitted to remain in the city for as many as eight days, it added, and won't be charged a consular fee.
A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are many districts and a number of monuments from pre-war times.  The phenomenon was condemned by local Kremlin supporters as an indication of Germanisation.  It's not only that folks come and spend money, but in addition that actually people leave with a rather different impression of Russia.
Currently there are five bridges, the issue is solvable.  In this instance, please make sure your face is clearly visible from the base of the chin to the surface of the forehead.  The photo must demonstrate the surface of your head and the surface of your shoulders.
The Benefits of Kaliningrad Visa There are lots of border crossing points.  The island of Kant, previously known as the island of Kneiphof, is situated in the center of the Pregolya River.
| Kaliningrad Visa Can Be Fun for Everyone For England fans heading over for the last group game against Belgium, it is not anything that a budget flight to Gdansk and a quick bus ride can't solve.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip all on your own, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  You need to depart and come back to the port with the tour, you don't have the choice to stay in St. Petersburg and come back to the ship by yourself.
You're able to produce the request remotely.  You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
Most Noticeable Kaliningrad Visa Any component of a visit to this nation is a risk.  Some airports may still require that you finish the migration card manually.  You're able to stay for as many as eight days.
While the proportion of migrants in the overall population of developed countries continues to rise, in addition, there are a growing number of expatriates from developed countries that move abroad for professional or private factors.  Yes, there's no exceptional exception.  All individuals from eligible nations, no matter their age, have to have an individual eVisa to be able to stop by Kaliningrad.
The Characteristics of Kaliningrad Visa It's well-known that global tourism is a huge tool to help achieve that end.  The region was known from classical antiquity as a chief source of amber in Europe.  The tour here enables you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
The economy is just one of several tribulations plaguing the Kaliningrad district.  The main reason is because you're basically entering Russia twice.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.
Flights aren't very pricey and you safe each of the hassles of handling transit visas. If you want to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia and you're a visa national, you will have to have no less than a normal double entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.  But if you'd like to do independent touring of Kaliningrad, you will require a Visa.
Type of Kaliningrad Visa He added that Trump's visit is going to be rescheduled whenever possible.  You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to obtain the e-zine.  For example, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.
You'll be arrested if you put in a restricted area, so it's imperative that you include all destinations on your visa application.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the corporation's website at.  While seeking information about travelling to Russia, you may have heard that you have to register your visa.
Tips will clarify the significance of the questions you should reply.   When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
Because of this you need to wait, after which you get nervous and get started searching for a different visa provider hoping for the very best.  The e-visa process doesn't have any charge, so foreign nationals will have the ability to save costs normally connected with applying for non-electronic visas.  The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
| Type of Kaliningrad Visa UK citizens are most likely among the most well-travelled people I know.  English is understood by a lot of people.  DPRK nationals will be permitted to remain in the city for as many as eight days, it added, and won't be charged a consular fee.
A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are many districts and a number of monuments from pre-war times.  Yes, there's no exceptional exception.  All individuals from eligible nations, no matter their age, have to have an individual eVisa to be able to stop by Kaliningrad.
Naturally, there weren't any borders then.  It isn't surprising that British organizations are also leading the way in regards to creating special expatriate services.  The payment confirms the grade of the service.
Using Kaliningrad Visa You find virtually every conceivable problem in Kaliningrad.   Kaliningrad region is known for its production of amber.  Indeed, Kaliningrad is a little enclave surrounded by the EU countries, therefore it is reasonable.
Indeed, in regards to tourism, Russia is apparently opening for business. The way the new e-visa rule will affect DPRK citizens who aspire to go to Saint Petersburg remains to be viewed.  Getting into Russia is easy if you're on a cruise or organized group.
You're able to locate a large number of souvenirs, necklaces, knick knacks and other jewelry made from amber in a various stalls and shops all over the city.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip all on your own, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  You need to depart and come back to the port with the tour, you don't have the choice to stay in St. Petersburg and come back to the ship by yourself.
The 30-Second Trick for Kaliningrad Visa He added that Trump's visit is going to be rescheduled whenever possible.  You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to obtain the e-zine.  For example, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.
All communications concerning the condition of the visa (like the final approved visa) will be transmitted via email.  It will be essential to apply for one more kind of visa as a way to travel to other areas of Russia.  If you're a citizen of a country on the next list, you are needed to get a Schengen visa in order to see the Schengen nations.
The New Fuss About Kaliningrad Visa You're able to produce the request remotely.  You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
The goal of travel can be tourism, organization, or humanitarian factors.  When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
Because of this you need to wait, after which you get nervous and get started searching for a different visa provider hoping for the very best.  If you're unclear about any facet of the entry requirements, or you require further reassurance, you're need to get hold of the embassy, higher commission or consulate of the nation or territory you're travelling to. The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
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candychameleon · 1 month
Interest check for the Medical Grade Zine is now closed! Those who submitted questions through the form will be contacted shortly with an FAQ, and we will be opening contributor apps soon! For more updates, follow the zine's socials:
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bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
what age did you start investing into your artistic skills and was there anything specific that inspired you to do so? do you dream often, and what are your dreams usually like (how vivid, what kind of details do they focus on, are there any reoccurring ones)? have you ever imagined an ideal afterlife, what would that look/be like for you?
These are such cool questions thank you!!!
1.) What age did you start investing into your artistic skills and was there anything specific that inspired you to do so?
All my life I've been an avid daydreamer. I'm an only child and my parents always joke about how they could never truly put me in timeout/punish me cause I'd make a blank wall interesting. I've always talked to myself and created elaborate worlds in my head and doodled. I'd stare at the ceiling and see creatures in the plaster, all that kinda thing. So for sure it's always been a part of me to be creative. As I got older I started copying cartoons I liked, memorizing their styles, starting with Scooby Doo and SpongeBob being the main two. Other kids would ask me to draw their favorite characters from stuff they liked and if I didn't know the media I'd ask for a magazine clipping (dating me there). I'd make my own original characters and imagine myself going into the shows I liked and drew that too. I even made my own zines and would pass them around. 8yr old me should been chargin I stg. But, and this is honestly such a silly answer, but in 7th grade my English teacher gave us an assignment to research the career we wanted to get into. Now, I'd always thought of being either an artist or a veterinarian cause I both loved to draw and I loved animals. My deciding factor was that I didn't want to see animals in pain every day so I researched being an animator. I loooooved cartoons and wanted to work on them too, my goal being to work on Invader Zim which had come out and ignited my newest obsession (it's also why it holds such a special place in my heart). So from that point on I made it a legitimate goal. The year I went into high-school, my school actually started an animation program that went freshman and sophomore years, combining your Eglish and History classes with the Art class. I was basically stuck with the same kids those two years and anything we learned in one class was taught in tandem with the others and then we'd animate stuff that had to be in line with those topics. What's even cooler was that we would then have meetings with animators at Warner Brothers Studios and they would critique our work and teach us tips and tricks. This was because our teacher was an animator with the studio before he became a teacher, so he swung a deal with his old pals to help teach us. I'm totally gonna brag here but I was at the top of my class along with two other dudes. Out of all of us, I think I'm the only one who actually went on to do anything in the field but that's ok. Ultimately, I found out I didn't actually wanna be an animator but I really loved character design and storyboarding, so my art teacher had me study under him as Independent Study and taught me how to do those things. I ended up getting a scholarship to an art college after entering a competition and getting second place in the nation. I was legitimately going places. Theeeen I broke my back my senior year and everything changed. A week after graduation I had my first back surgery that permanently disabled me and didn't find out it was medical malpractice until 4 years after that. I still tried to attend a different art college but couldn't finish cause my health rapidly deteriorated. I still have applied a lot of that knowledge though and, after a lot of therapy and time, I've found my love for art again after kind feeling like it was robbed from me. Now, my relationship with my art is healthy and happy again and I'm very proud of that.
2.) Do you dream often and what are your dreams usually like (how vivid, what kind of details do they focus on, are there any reoccurring ones)?
I dream every night! Like I said above, I have a very vivid imagination. My dreams are in full color and sound. I dream in full cityscapes! If I'm running through a town, I can hear the sound of music and wind, people talking and laughing, smell coffee and bread as I pass shops. Same goes with the nightmares too. When I was a kid, I'd have horrible night terrors. My parents wouldn't always be able to wake me and they'd have to coax me out sometimes taking 20mins to even do so. I'd say that my nightmares are just as often as the good ones. They're kinda all over the place but a lot of time time I'm running, which is funny cause I can't actually run anymore in real life due to my disability. I'm almost always with someone and they're someone new every time, but I know them and I love them. My good dreams always have a lot of people in them while my nightmares are always void of people. I've had 2 reoccurring dreams my whole life:
1 - It's a nightmare. I'm in my middle school campus. It's night time and I'm trying to get to the parking lot. Every time I go down a hall that I know is towards the exit, I end up coming back to this courtyard that had a tree in the middle of it. Every time I come back to it, the tree is more dead. As the dream goes on, I know that something big is chasing me and I start to get more frantic. I'm running as fast as I can but I know it's behind me somewhere and I've got to leave but I keep coming back to the courtyard. Right before I wake up, I end up back at the courtyard and this MASSIVE shadowy blob creature drags itself out of the darkness across from me. It's got 8 long human arms, 4 on each side. Even though it's made of shadow, I can seen that it's undulating and rippling because it's made up of screaming souls trying to get out of it, but it's got a film of skin over them. It's making these labored breathing sounds that are mixed with cries from the souls. It's towering over me and it whips its head to look at me and instead of a face it has a blank dolls mask on. As it lunges towards me I wake up.
2 - This is a good dream. I'm in this cloud city that has these glittering crystal buildings on each cloud. There's gorgeous foliage that is whisping up from the clouds, framing each building. The trees are pinks and purples and blues and filled with flowers. There's waterfalls pouring over the sides of each cloud that connect unto another and so on. I'm falling but slowly and there isn't any danger in falling. Kinda like the scene in Alice in Wonderland (the Disney animated movie) when she's first falling into Wonderland; a slow fall where I can grab onto things and it feels safe yet odd. There's fairies laughing at how excited I am at the beautiful world around me and they pick at my hair and clothes, flying away from me when I go to touch them. Everything is warm and bright and smells sweet like maybells and strawberries. I wake up when I fall through a cloud.
3.) Have you ever imagined an ideal afterlife? What would that look like/be for you?
I think it would be something like our world tbh. There is so much beauty on our planet. I just think maybe it would be the untouched version of it. No pollution, no destruction of resources. I think you could still cook and eat, but the ingredients just are there without the actual impact to the earth. We live in harmony and side by side with nature. To me, it's laughing and music on the beach, sitting in the warm sun while the sound of the waves crashing filters through. It's warm break broken with people you love and laughing at a joke someone is telling for the 100th time. It's staring at the stars while crikets fill your ears and a blanket is wrapped around your shoulders. I think a perfect afterlife is being able to touch the cosmos and rest in a warm bed while doing so. I think it's our home without strife. I imagine being able to tiptoe in space and touch down back on the cool grass afterwards. So, home and a bit more I guess.
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wastedenglishmajor · 2 years
a final with no outcome
it’s weird how i write a zine, and for a final where i could have written one, i really didn’t want to.
then again, i think blogs are a little silly, but this was the easier option for me because i am lazy and writing tends to bore me very quickly when i cannot articulate what i want to say.
that leads me to whatever this post is gonna be about. the title is just truth; i am writing a final in which i will most likely not see a grade for, considering i will be out of the class in which i am writing it for. at first, i thought it was selfish to drop a class. i considered it to be disrespectful in a way, it feels almost like you’re leading on your classmates and your teacher into thinking you’re there to benefit them. but you aren’t. 
then again, i don’t like classes where i’m not learning anything. not to brag or boast, but i have excelled in most english classes i have taken to the point where the subject in total bores the fuck out of me. still, this isn’t a fair statement for writing for publication. let’s go back a little bit.
the first issue was fantastic, but the way i mended my part of it to life was remarkably striking. when i first started laying down the bricks for an article about a punk show, i thought its success would be fanciful. success as in, would i even succeed in writing the fucking thing. it didn’t seem realistic, but low and behold, i worked my ass off, and sculpted a piece in which i am very proud of. taking about our benefit show, and my hatred for cops while being non biased? fantastic.
unfortunately, the fun ended there for me.
issue two comes along and i am drowning in work. technical theatre (my passion), college bullshit, utterly ridiculous economics assignments. the face of education had reared its head, and it was staring directly into my baby blues. with very little free time and frankly, very little energy, journalism was the last thing on my mind if it was even on my mind at all.
i wrote an article. an article. which i wrote. those are my thoughts on my article for issue two. plain and simple, “i wrote an article.” at first i hated the fucking thing, but it’s whatever. it will not be a piece i remember out of how fantastic it was. all i knew was, i hated the process of writing it and getting the stupid interviews for it. it sucked.
at this time, while not even helping lay out the newspaper, i knew i was going to drop the class. i almost feel guilty in saying that, but if anything, i had known before that i wanted to drop the class. finding time to even be inspired to do anything was about as difficult as reading morse code, and on top of that, my enjoyment for writing was fading. i wasn’t writing poetry, music, or anything. i would do technical theatre, and i would go home and sleep for a couple hours. i repeated this loop for weeks, until the play was over.
now, here i am, on finals week. no, i wont lie. here i am, december 15th, a day before this final is due. it’s raining a little bit, i’ve got some grateful dead on (a ritual i have committed to when writing) and i’m burning carnival incense. carnival incense is a strange scent. its not like popcorn and cotton candy, its just sweet. sweet to the extent which is tolerable by a young child who could probably eat sugar packets and enjoy it. that kind of sweet. but it’s been burning for a while, and don’t wanna put it out.
for a conclusion, i’m at a writers block. i was gonna bullshit about the big takeaway for this class, but to be genuine, i don’t really have one. i still can’t use indesign, i still don’t really want to write, and i still only sleep a couple hours a night. my brothers melatonin gummies taste bad, so i don’t bother with those. i also don’t really wanna take anything like that, let alone any sort of medication or shit like that.
i watched good will hunting on monday. it was strange.
the grass bleeds for centuries to come,
and the man sunk his atomic knife into its flesh
from the pain there is beauty
and a deformity so unique you can only gaze in confusion
how can i articulate this life form?
is it mutation
or is life maturing again?
are we victims of his atomic knife
or are we all beautiful?
is there a reason to forget your pain
or am i stuck in a trance with a fifth leg
or a third eye
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Thank you so much for making this zine such a success! Your kind donations and support have made a world of difference to countless disaster victims. You are all truly miraculous! 
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Zine orders are now closed. We will no longer be accepting donations on behalf of the zine.
While the zine is over, we urge you to consider donating to one of the fantastic charities below if you get the chance. No zine, no prize, no reward we could give you compares with the knowledge that you took action to help those in need. 
Thank you!
Hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, mud slides, fires: How can I donate?
Due to the immediate and massive need around the globe, we ask that you donate as soon as possible. Please give whatever you can, even if it’s small. If everyone in the US alone donated a single penny, we could raise over 300 million dollars. 
We currently have three donation tiers:
$0.01 or more: full zine featuring more than 80 creators
$5.00 or more: the zine, plus MAHR (80+ pgs) when the zine comes out
$10.00 or more: the zine, plus access to MAHR right away
Here’s how to donate (aka pre-order your zine):
1. Select any reputable charity that is actively providing disaster relief. 
Here is a list of top-scoring charities as vetted by Charity Navigator (a charity-grading organization). They are all rated 4 stars, the highest grade that Charity Navigator awards. Please know that these are not personal opinions, but merely a collection of data from Charity Navigator. 
Direct Relief
International Relief Teams
World Medical Relief
Heart to Heart International
Doctors Without Borders
International Medical Corps (currently focused on Mexico & PR)
 ******* UPDATE -- IF YOU’D LIKE TO DONATE TO IRAN/IRAQ US sanctions limit the ability of Americans to donate. Here are some great charities that avoid those sanctions, provide international relief, and are currently doing active campaigns to send aid to Iran and Iraq:  *******
Children of Persia
Moms Against Poverty
Relief International
Child Foundation
While the Red Cross is usually the go-to in situations like this, it is not a 4-star rated charity, and suffered serious scandals during the Haiti disaster last year. Please consider donating to a 4-star charity (like one listed above) instead. If you prefer to support a local charity (not listed here), that’s fine! Our focus is helping those in crisis, not on a particular organization. If you want to double check before you donate, feel free to message us and ask. 
2. If you can, please mark your donation to go into the ‘general fund’. Because there are so many victims all over the globe, we prefer that you mark your donation as “general fund”, “use my donation where it’s most needed”, “no specification”, etc. (each organization uses different wording). By not earmarking your donation to a specific disaster/region, you allow the charity to send aid more quickly to those in need.
3. Dedicate your donation to the zine. If there is an option to dedicate your donation (usually “dedicated to” or “in honor of” or “for what organization”), please write in “ML Disaster Relief Zine”. If there is no space for you to write this in, don’t worry about it.
4. Get your receipt ready. After you donate, you will receive a confirmation email/receipt. Please keep this email, as it will serve as your proof of purchase. Please crop/block/blur out any sensitive personal information (last name, credit card number, etc.). 
5. Email us your receipt. Send your receipt to [email protected] . Please note that we will use this email to send you the zine when it’s finished, so make sure to add us to contacts to keep us out of the spam folder.
If you have any questions, please feel free to Ask.
PS: It goes without saying, but please don’t try to falsify receipts. The goal of this zine is to raise money to help people who are currently without homes, schools, roads, electricity, and even essentials like food, water, and medical care. Fake receipts only hurt victims who have already been tragically affected by these disasters. Please don’t let them down; we’re counting on you to be Miraculous!
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