#i have 3 ssrs who are still level 1 now
milkteataro-chan · 5 months
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my toxic trait is spending real money to summon a servant but can’t afford to maximize their skills up
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Cater Diamond Halloween Personal Story: Part 3
"What a bunch of lies"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Hall of Mirrors]
Silver: Please don't push. There is no entry permissible into the Hall of Mirrors
Man A: Eeeeh, come on! I came all this way out the remote Sage's Island just to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We're trying to do the Draconia Challenge! C'mon~
Woman C: He's inside, right? The real Draconia! The Malleus!
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[lightning flashes]
[thunder rolls]
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Silver: This was supposed to be a special event. And Malleus-sama himself stepped up to help host these guests…
Silver: And yet for this sort of thing to happen…
Silver: You all should leave now. Malleus-sama is extremely angry.
Man A: We all spent a ton to travel all the way here. Doesn't he know the meaning of noblesse oblige?
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[Exterior Hallway]
Cater: So, even Malleus-kun's gotten pissed off at all the Magicam clout chasing guests, huh?
Sebek: Correct. At first, he was so calm that he was even telling me to settle down…
Sebek: But then one fool grabbed at his horns and did some sort of pantomime.
Lilia/Cater: GAH!!!
Cater: Don't know if that was brave… or just reckless…
Cater: So then, all those dark clouds and lightning that's looming over the Hall of Mirrors is Malleus-kun on a magical rampage?
Cater: Wait, he wouldn't overblot over something like this, would he…!?
Lilia: Don't fret. He won't overblot just by using that amount of magic.
Lilia: This is a mere temper tantrum. Back when he was a wee one, he would also completely reduce crags to mere pebbles with his lightning whenever he threw a fit like this.
Cater: Hahaha… He's just on a different level entirely.
Cater: It was smart that we sent Kalim-kun along to go call for a professor.
Sebek: When Vil-senpai realized what was happening, he evacuated my liege, and is putting up barriers to make sure to no harm comes to the visitors.
Sebek: Also, it seems Jade-senpai is working on trying to persuade the young master to come back to his senses with his own tactics…
Sebek: All of these humans who still don't understand just how grave this situation has become are just causing further ire to my lord, and things are spiraling out of control.
Lilia: We'll have to use our last resort.
Lilia: In order to keep the "worst outcome" from happening, we should forcefully try to subdue all these rubberneckers.
Cater: Wait, Lilia-chan. I got an idea. 'Cause it's not like they all are here 'cause they hate Malleus-kun.
Cater: But that doesn't mean they really like him, though… More like, they're just trying to stick with what's "in" right now.
Cater: Basically, just like how my old acquaintances are doing.
Lilia: ?
Cater: Alright, first, I'm gonna snap a pic of you, Lilia-chan, since you're dressed the same as Malleus-kun!
[shutter clicks]
Cater: Next, I'll use the tool that every influencer needs. This photo editor'll stretch Lilia-chan's picture vertically!
[swipe, swipe]
Cater: Then, I'll just quickly slap some text on there. And then upload it alongside the picture!!
Cater: #MalleusEncounter #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedMeetingOnTheSchoolGrounds #NRCHalloween
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Man A: H-Hey. Look at the DraconiaChallenge tag.
Man B: Looks like he's at the sports field right now. That's Malleus for ya. He's so much faster than us!
Woman C: Ooookay. Let's head over there, everybody!
Silver: What is going on? Malleus-sama should still be within the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Whew. The storm should calm down now… Right?
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Vil: For goodness sakes. Accidents are an unavoidable part of being on stage. To react as such to instigating visitors is such an amateur move.
Vil: Well, this is where I leave you, I will be heading back to my dorm for a moment to freshen up my appearance.
Jade: Well now, that was touch and go for a moment there. Malleus-san's power is quite mighty, isn't it.
Jade: I had wanted to persuade him to stop by utilizing good, strong eye contact, but it was much too far out of my depth.
Jade: And now, I shall also leave to return back to my station. Have a pleasant Halloween, everyone.
Malleus: I fear I almost stoke the coals on the relationship between our species during a mere school event.
Malleus: I must learn to control my emotions better…
Sebek: There is absolutely no blame that should fall on your shoulders, my liege! The fault purely lies at the feet of those indecent humans!
Silver: Malleus-sama just said he did not wish for any hostility between species. What do you hope to gain by exacerbating that hostility?
Lilia: Malleus. Have you forgotten the promise we made when you were naught but a wee one? Whenever the emotions in your heart are tumultuous, you should call for us.
Lilia: We may not be connected by blood, but we are family. Understand?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. And to everyone else, as well.
Silver/Lilia/Sebek: ……。
Cater: …Family…huh.
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Lilia: ―I think I understand you.
Lilia: Just as you professed earlier, Cater, perhaps one truth to it all is to avoid becoming too attached to certain people.
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Cater: (What a bunch of lies.)
Cater: (Lilia-chan's built up these priceless relationships from being with them together for a long while…)
Cater: (How can he even hope to understand my stupid, pathetic little feelings?)
Cater: Hi, Trey-kun. What's up?
Cater: Eh? Our night-time rehearsal for our stamp rally site's starting now?
Cater: And my fellow committee member Deuce-chan's so shorthanded that Ace-chan's helping out?
Cater: Augh, Ace-chan's definitely trying to get me in his debt!
Cater: Gah! And Riddle-kun's on the verge of exploding? I'm on my way right now, Trey-kun, so try to calm him down for me!
Cater: I was just caught up in what could have been the biggest, most terrible crisis of this Halloween Week!
Cater: No, really! I'm not lying. Come onnn, don't be so cold to me, 'kay?
Cater: Alright, now that the Diasomnia fiasco has calmed itself down, time to get hyped again.
Cater: It'll be the same here, anyway. Once four years pass, we'll all go our separate ways. …Well, guess not if I get held back~
Cater: So, I gotta make sure I enjoy the "now" as much as I can!
Cater: I'm gonna rock this skeleton costume and scare everybody!
Cater: I'll show 'em all just how hard Cay-kun can go.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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justanotherfanfolks · 8 months
...I have better things to do.
But this is about TWST, so I don't care!
Ok so I saw this post by @ventique18 (mind if I tag you? I can undo it) and I made me wonder:
Who has the most R, SR, and SSR cards respectively? Like what is the break down?
Now, I'm excluding cards everyone gets at the same level, so no School Uniforms, PE Uniforms, Ceremonial Robes, Labwears, Birthday Cards, Culinary Crucibles, or Clubwears.
I made colleges cause Tumblr has that 10 image cap. I organized the event cards by dorm, with rows being person and columns being card level (and now I have hundreds of pictures of TWST cards saved to my tablet). If I missed any cards, uh, sorry kings I tried.
So if we look at this:
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In terms of SSRs, Leona and Azul had the most with 3 each, and Ortho and Kalim will be tied with them after Stage in Playful Land.
Vil and Cater are going to be tied for the most SRs with 4 each.
And the King of the R Cards is Jack, being the only one with FOUR! TWST, give the boy another SR, please, he's dying out here.
Now for some interesting observations:
Malleus and Ace are in what I like to dub "the No Event Rs Club"
Lilia was the last person to get an event SSR, and is currently beating his kids by 1 SSR
Lilia, Ortho, Vil, Floyd, and Jack each have 7 event cards, which is the most event cards held by one person
Silver only has 4, beating Malleus by 1 but is still the character with the second least amount of cards
There are 38 event SSRs, and Heartslabyul is hogging them with 8 being from them (ignore the fact that this is the biggest squad)
There are 37 Rs and 52 SRs (I think, I can't count). I was shocked at first that there were more SRs than Rs, but that actually tracks with how events work.
Silver and Trey really need another SR (Azul also only has one, but he's got 3 SSRs, I think it cancels out)
Cater and Jade haven't seen an SSR in 84 years
Ace was the character most overdue for another SSR before this event (with his only other one being in literally the 3rd event)
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hananoami · 28 days
[05/05] Deepspace Trials Progression
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I was too tired to do this write up for my main yesterday so it’s a day late, but to summarize the only person who had any sort of progress today was Zayne, albeit it was at a serious cost to a lot of my resources aha... All I have to say is thank God for the Hunting Season event for Core Hunt because those double drops in protocores helped me get the core energy resources I needed in order to progress... ☆ Xavier : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Zayne : 3/3 - cleared stages 108 to 110; going on stage 111 ☆ Rafayel : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Open Orbit : currently stuck on stage 120
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I'm still stuck on Directional Orbit: Light - Stage 110-- it's been roughly 2 weeks now? No changes were made to Team 01 since my last progress post. For Team 02, I got [Fluffy Trap] and [A Captured Moment] from level 60 to level 70. No changes in protocores for either team as well. Additional notes:
Team 01 clears without much trouble with Lightseeker companion using Luminescence Blade or Hunter Wand (just need to group them)
Team 02 has around a full HP bar left by end of timer still; same issue with open orbit 120 (as they have the same team set up).
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Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 108
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Oh boy, this this is my most hated stage ong fr fr. Since my last progress report I got [Drunken Intimacy] and [Medical Rescue] from level 60 to level 70. Didn't see any improvements trying to clear the first wave of wanderers so I decided to go the upgrade protocores route. I upgraded the following protocores: -- 1 Ruby gamma protocore from +9 to +12. -- 3 Ruby delta protocore from +9 to +12 -- 1 Pearl delta protocore from +9 to +12. -- 1 Sapphire beta core from +9 to +12. -- 2 Sapphire gamma protocores from +9 to +12. All I have to say is thank god there was a Hunting Season event going on to give double drops event for core hunt. I got lucky and found some decent protocores I ended up swapping to and was also able to replenish my core energy resources. Overall, I had three +9 and nine +12 SSR protocores equipped. Originally I was planning on respecting the protofield stellactrum, however, I opted yet again to go off colors and used my Foreseer build with the above team set up and stat attributes. It took me a bit longer to break down the protofield shields one at a time since I didn't have a perfect match so was a very close fight. I still struggled to focus target the frenzy wanderer while trying to defeat it before the energy dissipated. Out of all of the battle stages I loathe frenzy the most. Note the blacked out memory in my screenshot is [Business Trip] -- for some reason the emulators don't properly render that memory amongst a few others in game. It's been a known bug? within the community so IDK.
Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 109
This stage had the same protofield as 108, so I just went off the colors with the same team I already had set up, opting to choose higher leveled memories instead of having a perfect match. Cleared, but it was still a close one... -_-
Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 110
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Huzzah! We've finally made it here! I plan on writing another post about Stage 110 with my clear video. Will update this post with a link soon. Update! My clear vod post can be seen here.
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Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110
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Since my last post about Rafayel's Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110 I've upgraded [Hidden Shadow] from level 60 to level 70. I also upgraded one of the Violet gamma protocores from +9 to +12 on [Whispers]. More details will be mentioned below per team updates.
Team 01 - No changes have been made to this.
Team 02 - I swapped out 3-DMG to weakened protocores I was using for 2-CRIT rate and 1-CRIT DMG. The ones I've swapped out had to be upgraded from +0 to +9. I also slammed one Violet delta protocore to +12. Tried out using Sea God companion here cause we rolled a few HP and HP bonuses substats, but it didn't really give me the results I wanted so I swapped back to using his Phantasma Sands. I still have roughly the same amount of HP bar left when the timer runs out. I'm working on slowly upgrading those +9 protocores to +12 now.
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Stage 120
Not consistently clearing with Team 01; looking into switching protocores. Started to use my stamina to farm Emerald protocores, focusing on delta/crit rates. I'm currently using DMG to weakened, but that's not working out for me.
Need to go back to see what is needed for team 02-- but I'm pretty sure it's the same problem as Rafayel's Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110.
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cyborg-squid · 1 month
i am quite excited with all the new Arknights stuff but 1) i finished playing Chapter 13 but still have to go back and read it, so the story portion is a little jammed in me right now, 2) i will have to play and read Zwillingsturm as well, 3) whatever big big stuff went on with the Babel event, and 4) i really am getting tired of Arknights alts. at least the way they've been doing them. so i'm a little Arknights-ed out at the moment.
a new Amiya class is good, an alt for Fang is a-okay, but an alt for W feels really unnecessary. she's already good! she already has a large story presence! the anniversary video literally has her walking alongside Amiya and Ch'en, showing her possession of the Protagonist Nature! she doesn't need an alt to prove that! AND SHE'S ALREADY LIMITED!!! i mean, i guess it's kinda like what Granblue's been doing with new versions of their already SSR units, selling you back characters that you already own.
i'm mostly fine with alts and new versions of low-rarity operators (Lava, Hibiscus, Fang, Kroos, Jessica) or ones for operators that, frankly speaking, weren't the best or even particularly good when they first came out (Texas, Skadi, Swire), but ones of units that are/were good, like Specter, Eyja, Ch'en (debatably)? c'mon man. and actually it further sucks that the Ch'en and Swire ones are seasonal swimsuit ones. like, okay, a seasonal version more powerful than the original one, that's old hat in gacha games and i'm used to it (*cough cough* Yukata Vania *cough cough*) but i don't like, in Arknights, these seasonal versions being where the continuations of Ch'en and Swire's respective stories are being put.
Also i wish that Bloodline of Combat skin for Ch'en Alter was available for original Ch'en, it's quite good. or really just give OG Ch'en a new outfit that does away with the Cop-py-ness, it's been shown multiple times that she has progressed past solely Lungmen and is a Rhodes Island operator, give us an outfit to illustrate that. it really sucked that the paid outfit for season 2 of the anime was even more Cop-py than her base E2 art.
also hey wait a second, with the new outfits, is this Corrupting Heart's 2nd Bloodline of Combat outfit? like, it looks good, she looks good, but c'mon, distribute that to those who haven't gotten any yet.
this turned into mostly me complaining and then talking about Ch'en. i really like her, not in the "bluh bluh muh waifu" sort of way, she's just such an interesting character and gets so many cool moments in the latter half of Reunion Arc (doubledragons), she's more than just the sort of "One Chapter Protag Operators" that we get every now and then (Blaze+Greythroat in chapter 6, Horn+Bagpipe in early Victoria Arc, Stainless in 10 and 11, etc...), she's really really central for a large part of AK's story and has well written relationships with Amiya and Talulah, the 'full' protagonist and antagonists of Arc 1, she is on a similar level as them, so to speak.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 6 months
hi my love!! 25, 21, and 5 for nessa? :3c
AAAA HI DARLING!!! HELLO!!!! i got nessa to level 39 tonight in bcm,,, soon i'll be able to get her to SSR, i just need one (1) more mage stone!!!
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
oooo i think "kick up your heels" by jessica mauboy!!! i know you reccomended it for mob au but it gives SUCH vanessa vibes!!!!
21) If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
hmmm i think my favorite thing to write about vanessa is how clever she is. she's very very smart, and she's got brains on her brains. the thread trick with the mosquito guy? absolutely fucking genius. i also really like having her kill people with her threads thats based.
i guess i don't like writing drunk vanessa because i don't know how, but i'm learning :3
25) What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
well, my first impression of vanessa was reading ecm actually! i think i've told you about this, but i remember reading your fic and going "shiiit idk who this lady is but i think she's COOL AS HELL!". now? i still think that. she's great!
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 57-60: Arjuna
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[Disclaimer: For posterity's sake, realistically he only needs the last two of these. Even more realistically he only needs the NP rank up to be brought up to to his competition. But three things that trigger me are "Crit star drop rate up" on an Artscher, a 1 turn buster mana burst on an Artscher, and anything having a cooldown in the double digits. Plus I'd argue even if he only needed the NP rank up, the gap between old and new servants is so wide that even with all of these he's not powercreeping any new units. I don't use Arjuna at all myself (Unless Extella counts in which case I freaking main him) so special thanks once again to @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong for help with the lore and NP stuff, and thanks to @bitterrosebrokenspear as well for also looking over the skill mechanics! ...Okay additional disclaimer cause wow I talk too much, reminder that the only important part is the indented bit. Everything else is just the rationale behind it.]
Clairvoyance (Archer) B+ -> A+
Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns).^ Apply Debuff Immune to self (5 turns). Apply Ignore Target Focus for yourself (6 turns) Apply Sure Hit when attacking with Arts Cards (6 turns) [Star Drop scaling increased from 30-50% to 50-100%]
Honestly whose idea was to give him clairvoyance and buster up with a triple arts deck. What the actual fck was that. Well his official rank up for the first of those was really good, even if it was pretty lazily just...making the skill's main focus something else entirely. The real use of his Clairvoyance now is to be a near perpetual full debuff immune, so lets take that even further with effects that are VERY much perpetual if fully leveled. In exchange, these effects are both relatively minor, being the EXTREME niche of ignoring target focus (which is especially useful when it's not uncommon for challenges to pair sabers with target focus lancers) and the ability to always have Sure-Hit up on his arts cards. Both of these have their utility but they're so situational that you could argue the obligatory star drop buff is the bigger change. Bringing the star drop up to a doubled 100%, which crazily isn't even anything too special these days despite being the SECOND time it's been increased, Arjuna's high hit counts mean even as an Artscher he'd be potentially generating over 20 stars BEFORE factoring in his second skill or ally support. Given the duration remains at 3 turns though, and the cooldown remains an unchanged 8/7/6 as well, this means you're effectively choosing between two options. Do you want Arjuna to be a decent crit star generator, or do you want to save the skill for its utility and make sure those other effects are up when you need them to be?
Lore wise it's actually quite simple. Arjuna's just styling on everyone he fight, as per usual when he uses his clairvoyance not to actually aim better, but to see how much he can show off while still actually landing shots. Canon fact! So with his main card type, IE Arts, Arjuna's aiming is so good that his clairvoyance allows him to ensure his shots always hit their mark. What's more because he has the ability to ensure his shots hit their mark, enemy skills are unable to draw his attack to an undesired target.
Hero of the Endowed A+ -> A+++
Increase own NP Gauge by 25%. Recover own HP every turn (5 turns).^ Gain Critical Stars every turn (5 turns). Increase own NP Gauge by 10% each turn (5 turns). Increase own DEF (5 turns). [Double healing to 1500-3000. Defense scales from 5-35%.]
Ironically his most notable skill gets the simplest change, most of the skill remaining untouched. Arjuna, like Karna, completely lacks any real defensive options. Whereas the rank ups for Karna gave him almost no soft defense in exchange for a unique hard defense, this is the opposite, giving Arjuna VERY good soft defense but zero hard defense. Hard defense is borderline mandatory for SSRs at this point (Seriously the only gold unit not in NA left who even has Defense Up is Ibuki) so it has to be really good to make up for it, totaling at 5 out of every 8 turns having up to 1.5x the initial regen and an additional 35% defense. This gives him both unquestionably the best HP regen in the game and one of the best defense buffs in terms of %-to-duration ratio. Between these 2 effects and the long term debuff immunity on his first skill, the margin of support needed to keep a dedicated Arjuna alive is also drastically reduced to be feasible for more than just those with Merlin's invincible and Waver's damage cut. (Seriously though what is with these "great heroes who are uber powerful" in lore DYING IN SECONDS?! Don't answer that its because enemy NP scaling is horrid...)
Mana Burst (Flame) A -> Mana Burst (Agni) B++
Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (3^ turns). Increase own NP Strength (3^ turns). Apply Increase Critical Strength to self (3 turns) when landing a critical hit (5 turns) Apply Spreading Fire to all enemies (5 turns) every turn (5 turns) Apply [Burning] field status to self (10 turns).
Okay now we get to the important stuff. As stated before this is where the truly necessary buffs start. Arjuna's biggest issue is the lack of damage - his NP hits hard but he has no sustained damage at all even with his crit generation. If he had any survival at all that'd be fine but...see previous rank up. The solution though is easy. Feedback loop. Arjuna's issue is that his stim isn't just a Mana Burst, therefore Buster, it's also a weaker than normal one, being the same 50% total as most but 20% split off to NP strength up. For comparison, Artoria's OOPS ALL BUSTERS rank up gives her 30% NP strength on top of a base 50%. Rather than do that kind of crazy shit though, we're gonna actually leave the scaling on the mana burst untouched, making it 3 turns to compensate. This means you don't have to wait until the NP turn to use it, which is crucial with the new effect giving a very good reason to not wait until then (Whereas before you never had a reason to use it when his NP wasn't ready). I really wish we had more crit buffs like Orion and Hokusaber's, because it's really good design and feeds into how quick and crit star based teams are best at feeding into themselves. On that note, Arjuna would finally get proper use out of all those crit stars he generates per turn. Hence, while the crit buff itself is the standard 3 turns, the amount you can apply them is 5 turns, which means at its max Arjuna has yet another pseudo-passive of boosting his crit damage on crit. And that's the real trend of these rank ups.
The other new effects are entire flavor based to that's as good a point as any to go into the lore side. The burning field gives Arjuna synergy with his fellow anti-divine servants the Nobus, as well as that previous Karna rank up idea, and given Tomoe's whole deal there's definitely some niche situations where the absurd number of potential Spreading Fire stacks could be genuinely useful, but in 95% of situations both aren't even worth mentioning and are included solely for flavor. More speciifcally, WHY Arjuna has Agni's blessing to begin with, the events of Khandava-dahan or "The Burning of Khandava Forest." Agni basically wanted to "feed" by burning down a forest, but Indra was friends with the Naga who lived in it so he obviously said no. Agni decided that clearly the sensible thing to do would be the equivalent of "Dad said no so I'll ask mom" and asked Indra's son for permission, the specific son in question of course being Arjuna (Krishna was also there). Arjuna was like "Um...OK? You probably know best you're the god here-" and then shit hit the fan and while the entire forest burned down Arjuna fought off Indra himself and a bunch of divine forces with a bow given to him by Agni. That bow was Gandiva, which Agni would let him keep as thanks alongside a special chariot and two quivers that would never run out of arrows. In Fate, this translates to him getting his bow with arrows he can just manifest at will, being able to float, and being able to use flames to turn his arrows into veritable napalm rockets. So yeah, it doesn't take much to figure out why I gave him Spreading Fire and Burning Field.
Citation needed on this last part but I got the idea for the Crit buff from the same story. I found this one description of the events (there's like a million versions of every part of the Mahabharata apparently) where during the fight against Indra, Arjuna fought for days on end - in order to keep Gandiva's bowstrings lubricated, he used his own sweat from the flame coming off of it, so that's where the feedback loop idea came from!
Pashupata A+ -> Pashupatastra EX
Deal heavy damage to all enemies. 50% chance to inflict Death to all enemies. Extra 80% chance to inflict Death to [Divine] targets. Remove Buffs from all enemies. [Activates first] Apply NP Boost to yourself (1 turn). [Activates first] Gain Class Affinity half-advantage (1.5x) against [Divine enemies except for Saber, Berserker, and Foreigner class enemies] (1 turn). [Activates First] <Overcharge> Decrease DEF of all enemies (3 turns).^ [NP Boost scaling is 50/70/80/85/90%. Defense down scaling increased to 20/30/40/50/60%]
AAAAAAAND here's the big one. FUCK instant death. All my homies HATE instant death. Honestly who the actual fuck thought the rank up he needed was "The same but the chance of instant death is even higher" as if they don't literally program it so that Instant Death doesn't work in any major fight whatsoever? The only reason I'm even writing it out instead of letting him keep it on top of everything else is the visual clutter. The obvious thing to give him would be Ignore Invincible, but we're choking to death on AOE Buster Archers with Ignore Invincible, given the lore. It's the same lore reason it has ID - Pashupata is Arjuna's use of Shiva's Astra, an Astra being a sort of conceptual weapon of Hindu myth that only a chosen few can even hope to wield without destroying themselves instantly, ESPECIALLY when it comes to those of Shiva. The Pashupatastra, the true form of Pashupata, in particular is said to be for destroying any living thing regardless of its strength. But that can be conveyed through more than just Ignore Invincible. Ya know what we don't have a single one of? AOE Archers with Remove Buffs. Plus it's arguably more accurate since Enforcement defense has the one weakness of remove buffs. Just like with II though, I didn't go with Ignore Defense either to avoid sheer overlap, instead giving Arjuna class advantage against ANYTHING divine, nicely keeping the anti-divine nature of the weapon as part of the kit. The difference simple anti-divine attack and this is that the base multiplier is affected. This won't apply to Sabers or Berserkers since there's already an even bigger x2 advantage against them, but it also can't apply to Foreigners since their divinities come from Outer Gods beyond the scope of human history and its respective gods. The real game changer is that NP Boost though. Oberon is currently the only one to have it, his being targetable and scaling from 50-100% at the cost of the permasleep. Considering the existence of things like Black Grail, it's REALLY not hard to see why it has that demerit and why it can't stack....but I scaled it pretending Holy and Black Grail don't exist. If they wanna make badly designed CE's that's their issue not mine. So Arjuna's applies before attacking, and scales with NP level, which is obviously hard to raise on an SSR but should also be heavily rewarded if someone does love an SSR enough to go for dupes. Even at level 1 this is an decent boost when paired with his natural mana burst NP buff and your basic NP damage support (Santagale, support Tamamo, Bart) but it's once you reach level 2 that you'd regularly have buffs on the level of AUO's automatic 30% buff on his AOE Archer Buster NP. While the nature of NP Boost means it won't get any use without dedicated CE's/team support, the buff removal on the NP combined with it makes it arguably even more devastating than what AUO has. On the one hand, it's a bit much....on the other hand, it's canonically an attack as strong as Ea and it's still not as busted as some of the newer stuff they release, so yeah might as well! Like I said at the start, these last two rankups are the only ones I would actually give for the sake of balance. It's deserved if only for that Instant Death garbage...
TLDR: Again, the real trend of these rankups is to capitalize on what Arjuna's biggest strength already is thanks to the official rank ups he's received: "Set it and Forget it." Normally that's used as a negative description of servants who you thoughtlessly skill spam, but Arjuna could be done in a way that's actually fun by combining dynamic elements with that more passive design. Whereas someone like Karna is suited to burst damage in one massive blow, Arjuna's role becomes much more focused on the other end. 5/6 turn full debuff immune, 75% battery across 5 turns, etc. His OFFICIAL kit is clearly already best for a "set and forget it" approach, with the first two of these rank ups highlighting that with the passive-like effects of ignore-target-focus and sure-hit-arts, while the second rank up reinforces the idea of relying on passives for defense options rather than hard defense. Most crucially though is that third skill which would give his damage output the same approach, rather than being a waste in most situations. The feedback loop of stars per turn and crit buffing crit could be amped even further with the right support to keep arjuna alive and/or increase his star gather, as those are the two failings he retains, being reliant on soft defense (which is terrible for tanking NPs) and his naturally high star gather as an Archer rather than a more certain gather buff. Outside of that, the other hard part becomes making sure you still line the skill timings up. That's where the active elements come in. His first skill has a massive star gen for a shorter duration, his second skill has that 3 turn gap if the fight is drawn out, and his third skill would require you to potentially choose between starting the feedback loop of critical now, or wait until the NP is ready to give a serious buff to what is now a damn good NP, even against single target fights, and probably breaks quite a few CQ's in half, and unlike what we have in game actually lives up to its lore.
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 1 year
Hey Grim! The en server now has the club outfits going on and I was curious if the items in the Club Token Shop repeat? Like will the Pop Music Club Members have some repeat furniture or are they all different each time?
Hi hi :3
Good luck for the GuestRoom if you’re getting the Clubs from the very beginning, it will be quite demanding funyaah.
The GuestRoom Furniture fall into the below categories :
Theme Furniture = basic pieces to fill your Room at the beginning (depending on who you’re planning to invite, use the character favourite theme)
Dorm Furniture including Ombroryo / Ramshackle (additional pieces will unlock for all Dorms as your Room Level rises)
Event Furniture = can only be crafted during the Event period and may require Event-specific materials (usually each Event will feature pieces from 1 or 2 themes, often matching the Event SSR character favourite themes)
Club Furniture = each Club will have its own set of Wall / Flooring and a fixed number of elements (these are time-limited but remain the same, and can be obtained only during Club GuestRoom Campaign of each character from that Club) + 1 character outfit each (that will be released as each character of the Club gets their banner and campaign) + 1 character dedicated furniture each (e.g. the music instruments only got released one by one together with the character banner) + 3 character-exclusive SSR items (including a frame, will be received only if you have their SSR card as you level up the Personal Story / Vignette)
At the moment in the JP server, we only got the Pop Music Club and the Basketball Club, both of them with 3 members, so there were 3 campaigns during which we could gather their GuestRoom furniture, no big rush. If US server has released Kalim, now is your only chance to get his SSR card, but you will have other chance to get the Pop Music Club furniture when Cater and Lilia are released. The 3 outfits can still be bought during the 3rd and final campaign, for example.
In JP server, we don’t know yet how it will work for single-member Clubs (Malleus or Jade) but we know you can keep Club Medals after one Club has ended and use them for other Clubs later.
Here you go, hope it helps.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 9 months
nukani Q&A
Questions from here! https://matadorofheart.tumblr.com/post/717595845428707328/
1. What got you interested the game? What kept you playing? - some leaked H scenes, now i'm still playing to find out the lore/story and see more H scenes
2- Who was your first SSR? -OG SSR Kuya!
3- Who’s on your home screen? Do you tend to stick to the same character/card or switch it up? Do you have Eiden onscreen with them? Currently SSR Aster + Eiden, i originally had OG SSR Kuya. haven't played the game long enough, but i think i'll be switching up on who i think is coolest at the time
4- Favorite character? -Kuya & Aster, closely followed by Garu, Rei, and Morvay
5- Favorite Eiden ship? -I think i'm a polyclan shipper, but I like Kuya/Eiden, Eiden/Garu, and Aster/Morvay's H scenes the most.
6- Favorite non-Eiden ship? oops, Aster/Morvay xD but I'd watch Morvay bang everyone. I also believe Quincy/Kuya is partially canon, but dont care about quincy so i dont actively seek out fan content about them.
7- Favorite territory of Klein? -No favorite territory. But maybe wood since thats where Kuya is from?
8- Favorite chapter? -oof, i'm torn between Rei's chapters and Kuya's chapter. but i also kinda hate them bc getting through the chapter boss fights WERE SUCH A PAIN IN THE BUTT. Ok technically Rei's should not have been that hard, but I was only building up 1 healer and 1 support. I didn't know i'd need several of them to beat his fight :(((
9- Favorite event? -GAMBLER'S PARADISE, and I'm really liking Misty Vale so far. Ok maybe I have recency bias xD but i really liked everything about Gambler's Paradise except for the high stakes stages which i couldn't clear story, the new SSRs, H scenes, eiden's outfit, the violence/gore in the event story, the horniness of the event story, the intimacy gifts, and how everything tied itself together. what the heck, it was such a well packaged. (Especially compared to Sunburst Festival and Chase the Rainbow's rerun, which are the only 2 other events I played)
10. Favorite original SSR? I think overall (battle stats + H scenes) Kuya, but Edmond (for battle stats) and Garu (for H scenes) are a close second.
11. Favorite event SSR? H scenes- Aster & Morvay, Outfits- Edmond slays in every outfit he has I swear. But also Maid Blade and A/B/O Garu? Hnnng. Battle stats- I have no idea, but I want the Kuya and Garu event SSRs
12. Favorite H scene? Oof, a tie between SSR Aster & Morvay. Warning that there is some dubcon/noncon in there, but if you ignore the dialogue, the voice acting and artwork is very yummy. A close second are Kuya's OG SSR and SR H scenes, but i KNOW i would love Kuya's Sunburst & Lakeside Spark H scenes if i had them- I've seen the screenshots. A/B/O Garu also seems to have very promising H scenes and I'm very excited to unlock EG Garu's scenes cause they look fun too.
13. Current level? 60... but none of my units are 60 yet xD
14. Most powerful unit? SR Morvay at 59 xD SR Yakumo is a close second at 56.
15. Least powerful unit? Probably all the cards i have that are still at level 1 (which is like 80% of my cards lol)
16. How many of your units have maxed out bonds, if any? I have maxed out SR morvay, SR aster, R yakumo. Then several cards that are at room 4.
17. Do you strategize & focus on gameplay, or are you just here for the spice? -I'm only here for the spice.... but I've spent significantly more time on strategizing instead :( I'm bummed out about that
18. Thoughts on the challenge events? (Sorcerer’s Trials, Lost Relics, etc) Uh I dont have strong enough teams to tackle anything higher than trial 29 on ST... I wish I could like them. Lost Relics looks particularly intimidating
19. What’s your favorite thing about the game overall? The H scenes xD And i guess the lore too. Rei & Garu's mysterious backstories are especially interesting to me. (I really like horribly traumatized characters lol)
20. Got any wishes for the future of the game? (Story, events, new characters, etc?)
ok so mostly a lot boring gameplay/gacha complaints that i've already seen like the pulls/energy/currency/etc. Buuut for fun wishes, I can't believe maid Blade is the only card with crossdressing! we need another one! Yakumo cooks & cleans! he should be in a maid dress at least once! Also more violence and gore! I dont know if there was any explicit murders before Gambler's Paradise, but as a huge horror fan, i loved that tiny glimpse of fictional violence. Also more *extreme* kinky activities! Nuca is surprisingly vanilla; we only get some glimpses of bondage or some sex toys here and there, so when Aster whipped out some tentacles, I was so so so excited. LIke I've seen the Kuya 4koma webcomics. He's a super kinky bastard- we should see it more. Currently the femboy possibly trans twink is more sadistic than Kuya is. C'mon, its a porn game, there should be more porn in it. Speaking of Aster, I hope there's something somewhere hidden confirming that he's trans. Too many signs point to it, but i still see denial. Also I'm not into big guys or DILFs, but Aster said he has an old-man form, and I know there's a subsection that would go wild over DILF Aster. (Especially traaans DILF Aster maybe? trans DILFs can be very hot).
Also this isn't a wish, so much as a hope it stays, but i hope we never have a "true ending/route/romance" type thing. I think Eiden & his harem should remain poly.
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twstgameplay · 2 years
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Hi octa mods, I hope you guys aren't busy and late for submission. I need your help with the current event exams especially void and Omni basic. Only Union Silver, Tsum Riddle, Union Silver, DW Deuce Halloween Riddle, bday Lilia and Union Leona are not maxed buddy and magic. Their buddies are level 5 except for DW Deuce and bday Lilia as 2 of his buddies are maxed out. I have all the lab coat, ceremonial robe, all the welfare cards except the Harveston ones, Chef Riddle, malleus, trey, deuce and kalim, beans rook, DW Ortho, new year deuce, Halloween trey,ace, Ruggie,jack and Lilia, fairy gala Jamil and ace, tsum Floyd and cater. SSR magic level are at least level 6 and up except for union Leona and Union Silver which is 5. My SR magic and buddies are 5 , their levels are 40 ish(still grinding for that exp potions). My score in fire defense is 17896, water defense is 17669, flora basic is 18245, void basic is 16143 and Omni basic is 17642. My total score is around 87595. Which of these test can I improve? Please and thank you
Looking at your cards, you can definitely boost all of them except maybe Cosmic for now. I am not sure if I understood right, but from your explanation, most of your SSRs aside from the ones you listed in the beginning are maxed out in terms of buddies and magic, which if they are, that’s great! All you need to work on now are their card levels.
Fire Defense
I have a few recommendations for this one. My main advice to you would be to level up Dorm Azul here (and no, I’m not biased for once 🥰).
Team 1
Dorm Trey
Dorm Azul
Dorm Jade
Lab Idia
SUPPORT: Dorm Trey
You have three healers: Azul and both Treys. Idia boosts their HP as well. Jade boosts Azul’s ATK stat, and Azul boosts Jade’s HP stat. Trey also boosts Jade’s ATK. Both Azul and Idia are double Water cards, so they also help you in tanking.
Save the Flora magic of both Treys for last turn, but be sure that the leftover HP by that point is around 1k or lower so you don’t have to get struck down on a weak element. The other thing to worry about is should you max out the card levels of Azul and Jade, be wary of the possibility that you might kill on turn 4 since Azul and Jade get boosted. I think you’ll be safe, but just a word of caution.
Team 2
Dorm Azul
Tsum Riddle
Silk Cater
Dorm Trey
SUPPORT: Dorm Azul or Dorm Trey
4 healers! You also have Silk Cater who gives a medium HP boost to Riddle and Trey. Azul gets HP boost from Riddle as well. Your choice of support depends on how much damage you need to bring down the opponent HP by turn 5. Double Dorm Azul is more optimal for this test than double Dorm Trey since it’s more Water magic, but if you do raise your Azul, there is the possibility that you might kill too fast despite activating 0 duos and buffs because double Azul is that strong. I think as long as Tsum Riddle’s magic isn’t maxed out, you can safely use two Dorm Azuls. If not, you can go with Dorm Trey.
Water Defense
For this one, I suggest you level up Birthday Malleus or DW Deuce, whichever you’re more willing to do.
Dorm Trey
Halloween Cater
Birthday Malleus/DW Deuce
DW Idia
SUPPORT: Dorm Trey
Both Treys get their HP boosts from Cater and Idia. If you choose to go with Birthday Malleus, Malleus gives HP boost to Cater, and he also gets a HP boost from Idia. His duo partner is also Idia. If you choose to use DW Deuce, Deuce gives both Treys ATK boost and receive an ATK+HP boost from Idia as well as a HP boost from Trey.
Between Birthday Malleus and DW Deuce, assuming maxed out levels, I’d say Deuce has more chances of bringing down the HP of the opponents enough that you can kill by first attack T5. But it seems like it’d be easier for you to raise Malleus, so the option is there for you.
Flora Basic
Dorm Riddle
Robe/Lab Azul
Halloween Cater
Dorm Jack
SUPPORT: Dorm Riddle
This team has 3 duos, Riddle -> Azul, Riddle (support) -> Azul, and Cater -> Jack. The Dorm Riddles are the most vital to the team, so Azul and Cater are there to bring out their full power. Jamil’s heal in this test is pretty generous, so killing too early won’t be too big of an issue. Depends too on what Azul you choose to bring. Robe Azul deals a lot more damage than Lab Azul assuming both are Lv.80 5/5 magic. If you need more power, choose Robe Azul. If you need less power, choose Lab Azul.
If you’re brave enough, you can go for Dorm Azul as well. It brings your team up to 4 duos. Even if it’s a weak duo, it’s still a duo, and the weakness might actually help you even more should you have an issue with killing too early.
Omni Basic
Honestly, this test is just rng, so hopefully you might get an even better result with whatever current team you’re using.
I can recommend two teams you can try out in the meantime.
Team 1
Dorm Riddle
Dorm Azul
Dorm Leona/Halloween Silver
Robe Vil
SUPPORT: Dorm Leona
4 duos here, Riddle -> Azul, Azul -> Riddle, Leona -> Vil, and depending on who you choose, either another Leona -> Vil or Silver -> Leona. Your finishing duo should be your strongest Leona because he’s the one who gets his ATK boosted thanks to Vil.
I’d personally recommend using double Dorm Leona because there are more Water elements than Flora in the exam itself. However, it’s really up to you and your rng at this point. Feel free to experiment.
Team 2
Dorm Riddle
Dorm Azul
Any Lilia (preferably Birthday)
Dorm Epel
SUPPORT: Dorm Rook
Like the other team, this one has 4 duos. The difference is that instead of Dorm Leona, you have Dorm Rook as your finisher. Lilia boosts Rook’s ATK, so he’s important. Birthday Lilia is preferable because he duos with Rook, adding a 5th duo to the team. But if you already have another Lilia card that’s more leveled up than Birthday Lilia, then go ahead and use that Lilia.
The only thing I’d warn you about is that there aren’t many Flora spells, so you really have to pray that rng works for you here.
Hope these all help!
~ 🐙
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freyayuki · 10 months
Fate/Grand Order Oberon Pickup Summon Banner
The Part 2 Chapter 6 Conclusion Commemorative Oberon Pickup Summon banner just started in the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game.
This is to celebrate the conclusion of Part 2 Chapter 6 "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born".
This banner features the following Servants and Craft Essences (CEs):
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5-star SSR Pretender Oberon (#ad)
4-star SR Saber Tam Lin Gawain (Barghest)
4-star SR Archer Tam Lin Tristan (Baobhan Sith)
4-star SR Saber Gawain
4-star SR Archer Tristan
5-star SSR CE Great Marshal of Magic
Note that Great Marshal of Magic isn’t on rate-up. It’s just been made available or “summonable ahead of its official Story Summon release".
Thoughts about 5-star SSR Pretender Oberon
At the time I’m writing this post, currently still in Part 2 Chapter 5.5 “Naraka Mandala, Heian-kyo - Thunderous Flash”. So haven’t seen Oberon in the story yet and don’t really know anything about him in terms of his personality and character.
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All I know is that he’s one of the top or meta supports in FGO. Aside from buffing Buster-type cards, Oberon also buffs Noble Phantasm (NP) damage which all DPS Servants can benefit from. He can also charge the party’s NP gauge.
Interested in pulling for Oberon to further boost the damage output of my DPS Servants.
Thoughts about 4-star SR Saber Tam Lin Gawain or Barghest
Don’t know anything about Barghest either but I ended up pulling 3 copies of her on the 5-star SSR Berserker Morgan banner. I talk more about my Morgan, Baobhan Sith, and Barghest pulls in this post.
Tam Lin Gawain seems like a pretty good Saber from what I’ve seen so far. Got to use her in a few fights, and she did pretty well. Since she’s NP3, her NP deals pretty good damage. Definitely wouldn’t mind getting 2 more copies of her to NP5 her.
Thoughts about 4-star SR Archer Tam Lin Tristan or Baobhan Sith
Have 1 copy of Baobhan Sith. Only got to use her a few times so far. She does seem pretty good but already have lots of other Archers who have higher NP levels than her so don’t really feel like I need her, especially since I don’t have my own 5-star SSR Caster Scáthach-Skadi, the premier support for Servants with Quick-type NPs.
Thoughts about 4-star SR Saber Gawain
Currently have 1 copy of Gawain. I like him but don’t get to use him that often since I have lots of other Sabers, and I don’t have any of his skills leveled to the max. Certainly wouldn’t mind getting more copies of him though.
Thoughts about 4-star SR Archer Tristan
My Tristan is currently NP2. He has a Quick-type NP and don’t have any of his skills leveled to the max so don’t really get to use him much at all.
If I could choose between the aforementioned 4-stars, then I prefer to get Barghest first then Gawain followed by Tristan then Baobhan Sith. But of course, my main priority is getting Oberon.
Fate/Grand Order Guaranteed Summon Function
Fate/Grand Order now has a “pity system” but it costs 900 Saint Quartz (SQ) for 1 rate-up SSR. If you happen to get the rate-up SSR before spending 900 SQ, you’re not guaranteed to get another copy even if you keep pulling until you spend 900 SQ. In short, this so-called pity system sucks.
Fate/Grand Order Pulling Plans
Pretty sure I don’t have 900 Saint Quartz since I ended up using a lot of my SQ pulling for Morgan and 5-star SSR Assassin Koyanskaya of Light. I talk more about my Koyanskaya pulls in this post.
The Morgan and Koyanskaya banners showed up pretty recently. Heck, the Koyanskaya banner is actually still up in the game right now. So haven’t had the chance to recover from pulling for Morgan and Koyanskaya.
Thankfully, I was able to get those 2 but with the current state of my SQ, I can only hope that I’ll be able to get Oberon without having to pity him because I can’t afford to pity him.
Ahh, if only the rates in this game were higher and/or the cost to pity a SSR Servant wasn’t so high.
Part 2 Chapter 6 Conclusion Commemorative Oberon Pickup Summon Banner Pulls Results
Currently have 185 SQ on hand. Still have a few more that I can get from my present box, from the SQ fragment exchange shop, and from rewards from clearing missions and such.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get Oberon right away. Also hoping that I can get at least 1 or 2 copies of the 5-star SSR Craft Essence The Black Grail.
My copy of this CE is stuck at Level 60 of 60. Need 2 more copies in order to be able to fully MLB this CE.
The Black Grail is one of the best CEs in FGO. It increases NP damage by 60%. When fully MLB, it increases NP damage by 80%. The downside or demerit is that the Servant equipped with this will lose 500 HP each turn but that’s a small price to pay for such a powerful effect.
Anyway, here are the results of my pulls on the Part 2 Chapter 6 Conclusion Commemorative Oberon Pickup Summon banner. Only gonna list the notable stuff I get though.
Have some summon tickets so started with single draws. When I tapped on the summon button, a textbox showed up. It had the following text:
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About the locked Saint Graph
Oberon’s Saint Graph from Stage 3 Ascension and higher is locked. By completing “Fae Round Table Domain Avalon le Fae” and reaching Stage 4 Ascension, a “Spirit Origin Release Quest” will be unlocked in Interludes, and the Saint Graph will be unlocked upon its completion.
After tapping the close button on the textbox, was able to summon already. Got the usual 3-star trash as well as 2 dupe 4-star CEs.
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But aside from that, a gold Saber card showed up.
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This soon turned into a dupe of 4-star SR Saber Gawain. Nice.
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After that, did a multi-draw. The only gold I got from this pull was a dupe of the 5-star SSR CE Heaven’s Feel. This is similar to The Black Grail.
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Heaven’s Feel increases NP damage by 40%. When fully MLB, it increases NP damage by 50%.
Honestly, it felt like the game was trolling me by giving me a Heaven’s Feel dupe. I mean, if I was gonna get a 5-star CE anyway, why couldn’t this have been a copy of The Black Grail instead?
I remember getting a dupe of Heaven’s Feel on the Morgan banner. Thanks to that, I now only need 2 more dupes in order to MLB said CE. After getting another dupe on the Oberon banner, I now only need 1 more copy to be able to MLB Heaven’s Feel.
Anyway, my next multi-draw just gave me dupes as usual. Meh.
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At least my next multi-draw actually gave me a new CE. Just got my very first copy of Great Marshal of Magic.
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This CE is actually pretty good because it lets a Servant start the battle with their NP gauge already charged to 80%. When fully MLB, this CE will give 100% starting NP charge. The only issue is that it boosts the HP stat instead of the ATK stat.
I thought for sure that I was about to get all crap as usual with my next multi-draw and, well, I did get lots of trash but aside from that, I also -
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Just got a dupe of The Black Grail! Yes, yes, yes! So, so freaking pleased to see this. Now I just need 1 more copy of The Black Grail in order to fully MLB it.
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My next multi-draw gave me another copy of Heaven’s Feel so now I can finally fully MLB this CE. That’s great and all but - ahh, wish this had happened with The Black Grail instead.
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A gold Caster card showed up in my next multi-draw.
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This turned into my very first copy of 5-star SSR Caster Scheherazade.
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Well, at least she’s new but still couldn’t help but wish that this had been Oberon instead. Heck, if I was gonna get a Caster, I wish it could have been 5-star SSR Caster Anastasia instead.
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After getting Scheherazade, I thought that was it. But then a silver Archer card showed up. It then started turning gold.
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This soon turned into a dupe of 4-star SR Archer Tristan. Nice. But still wish I’d gotten a Pretender card instead so I could have gotten Oberon already.
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Aside from Tristan and Scheherazade, this pull also gave me 2 dupes of the 4-star CE called Divine Banquet.
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Ugh. By now, I’m so sick and tired of seeing Divine Banquet. Also got dupes of this CE while pulling for Koyanskaya. Already have 1 copy of this that’s fully MLB so really don’t need any more.
Tried single draws next but didn’t get anything worth taking note of.
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So went back to doing a multi-draw. This one gave me yet another dupe of Divine Banquet alongside the usual crap. Ugh, wish I could get another copy of The Black Grail again. Also, Oberon, doko da?
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Tried single draws again but, again, got trash and more trash. Man, eff the crappy rates of this game.
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By now, am starting to run out of SQ so was beginning to lose hope of ever being able to get my first copy of Oberon.
Tried another multi-draw. Was already bracing myself for disappointment yet again, but then, to my complete and utter surprise, a gold Pretender card actually showed up.
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OMFG! Also hell, yes! Oberon is the first and so far only Pretender in Fate/Grand Oder so already know the gold Pretender card was gonna turn into my first copy of him. Really so glad that he showed up before I ran out of SQ.
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After Oberon appeared, I thought that was it but then I saw some rainbow and gold sparks, which was soon followed by the appearance of yet another gold Pretender card.
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Welp, color me surprised. Could hardly believe that I just got another copy of Oberon.
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It’s too bad that I wasn’t able to get more copies of Barghest and even Baobhan Sith but now that I have Oberon, done with this banner.
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Don’t want to keep pulling anymore. Need to save the rest of my SQ for future banners.
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4-star SR Saber Gawain and 4-star SR Archer Tristan
Got Gawain to NP2 and Tristan to NP3.
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5-star SSR Pretender Oberon
Got Oberon to NP2. Then I leveled him up to 90.
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After that, started leveling up Oberon’s skills. Was able to get his second skill, Morning Lark Ex, to level 10 but unfortunately, found that I don’t have any more of the required materials or items to max level his other skills.
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Oberon’s first skill, Evening Shroud Ex, is stuck at level 7 since I don’t have enough Small Bells of Absolution while Ending of Dreams Ex, his third skill, is stuck at level 8 since I don’t have enough Scales of Fantasy.
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I could use Pure Prisms to quickly get more of these items but for now, opted not to since it’s not like I really need to use Oberon right now anyway. After all, there are no ongoing events in FGO at the moment. So for now, focused on trying to catch up with the story.
5-star SSR CE Heaven’s Feel
Fused the Heaven’s Feel dupes I got to my main copy so it’s now fully MLB. It’s currently at level 23 of 100 with 833 ATK. Opted not to level it up further since it seems like The Black Grail is still better even if mine still isn’t fully MLB yet.
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5-star SSR CE The Black Grail
Fused the The Black Grail dupe I just got to my main copy. This made it possible to level it up some more.
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Readily spent the resources needed to get it to level 80 of 80. Just need 1 more copy in order to fully MLB it and allow me to level it up to 100.
Back when my The Black Grail was stuck at level 60 of 60, its ATK was 1671. Now that it has been leveled to 80, its ATK is now 2034.
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Really pleased to be able to further level up my The Black Grail. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get the last copy I need to MLB it soon.
So, what about you? Did you pull on the Part 2 Chapter 6 Conclusion Commemorative Oberon Pickup Summon banner? What do you think about Oberon, Tam Lin Tristan, Tam Lin Gawain, Tristan, and Gawain?
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Fate/Grand Order game account
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matadorofheart · 1 year
anyway time to answer my own questions bc it'd be a little silly if i didn't huh
nu: carnival questions!
1. What got you interested the game? What kept you playing?
my friends were into it early on and finally dragged me in a couple months after release. i'm so reluctant to get into new media but i'm pretty sure i was in the midst of a Mental Health Moment(tm) and desperately needed a distraction so i picked it up on impulse one day.
i was most interested in olivine initially bc religious trauma vibes, but all the other characters CAPTURED me (also the horny obviously)
2. Who was your first SSR?
garu! and then i rerolled my account for zest for life and got buckeye miracle quincy
3. Who's on your home screen? Do you tend to stick to the same character/card or switch it up? Do you have Eiden onscreen with them?
currently rei's SR, but i usually tend to rotate between variations of quincy & whatever my current favorite event boy is
i don't usually have eiden on bc i like to zoom in and they don't both FIT but i like hearing his little exchanges with everyone
4. Favorite character?
quincy my love my heart my soul. blade is a close second
5. Favorite Eiden ship?
it's hard to choose between yakumo & blade, i'm usually not too invested in the canon ships but they are just,, so cute
6. Favorite non-Eiden ship?
blade/kuya/quincy they are hilarious and the angst potential is lovely
7. Favorite territory of Klein?
i'm biased bc of how much quincy (+ kuya) i write but the wood territory
8. Favorite chapter?
hm hmmmm. 10 was definitely SOMETHING and it was nice to see a bit of everyone even if they were in peril, also all of us collectively losing our shit was fun
9. Favorite event?
i'll be thinking abt astral duo for the next 5 years. but also forest carnival, not for the SSR boys but for one of the first blade + quincy interactions they're friends now 😭❤ army x blood x oath is up there too for the same reason
10. Favorite original SSR?
besides quincy. i really like blade's outfit
11. Favorite event SSR?
zest for life oli was my OG favorite and still holds a special place in my heart, also very fond of idol blade. school boy yakumo is also killing me recently
12. Favorite H scene?
in-story is probably either rei's or yakumo's, as far as the intimacy room goes i Love the astral duo scenes
13. Current level?
60, it's been ages but i miss the free energy refills for leveling up 😩
14. Most powerful unit?
i THOUGHT it was aqua bloom oli but apparently he's second to morvay's SR at 32k+ battle power i forgot i beefed him up recently for the trials
15. Least powerful unit?
edmond's N card at 704 battle power fjdksf, but as far as SSRs it's ice equilibrium dante at 954 bc i haven't bothered to level him up much i got my support cards
16. How many of your units have maxed out bonds, if any?
16 apparently, and i have like 10+ lingering on the last room rip
17. Do you strategize & focus on gameplay, or are you just here for the spice?
i came here for the horny but unironically got into the gameplay. i use guides a lot of the time bc i can't be bothered but sometimes i DO figure the harder levels out on my own and that's neat
18. Thoughts on the challenge events? (Sorcerer's Trials, Lost Relics, etc)
sometimes they're frustrating but i have fun with them! the rewards are nice and if i can't figure something out i know zerophos on youtube has my back 🙏
19. What's your favorite thing about the game overall?
i like that the relationship anarchy is simply canon. my romance repulsed ass wouldn't wanna deal with like, serious jealousy drama or "what are we" convos, it's not my thing. eiden calling his clan members "my buddies i hang out with" is the best thing in the entire game to me personally
20. Got any wishes for the future of the game? (Story, events, new characters, etc?)
rei sort of answered my prayers for some sort of medical man but i would LOVE a character who's like. an actual doctor. like a HEALER but not in the magic way. also if we ever get some sort of medical/hospital themed event i'll Die
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multitrackdrifting · 1 year
gacha game anon - you have my full encouragement on going back to fgo! for some of the faults with it, the writing in Camelot (chapter 6) and onwards is amazing, and from what I know it just keeps getting better from then on. im on anastasia at the moment and it hasn't dipped in quality for me so far! it's a bit of a slog until it gets good but when it gets good it gets REALLY good. and good luck on your protoarthur rolls! i don't remember when he's on gacha but if you've got $15 to spare the guaranteed SSR is going on right now and im 80% sure he's on one of the banners that's up right now.
i haven't played granblue yet but with that endorsement i want to check it out! im always on the lookout for new gacha games, I started nikke myself recently but nothing else has much caught my eye. i completely agree though localization being trash is the number one reason I usually quit on games I think I otherwise would have loved. but I've generally heard great things about granblue and would love to try it out. if you like I will keep you updated on that!
and totally take your time on mahoyaku, when you get to it I recommend watching a video of the game, or playing it alongside if you can get your hands on it as it's jp only at the moment. i went in with no visuals and it took me a lot longer to put names to faces and stop getting everyone confused with each other haha.
enstars is a very good game but the lack of access to translations and the subpar level of quality for the English version has been really hurting it. the rhythm aspect is fun, actually, but my heart will always be with enstars basic. which has no rhythm elements, but mirrors the original idea for the game, which was an idol game where people who can't play rhythm games could still participate. unfortunately they didn't even try to give that version an english release, probably because they would have to translate a good five years worth of event stories from the previous game that are hosted on that version. which is really unfortunate because id love to read the official translations for those. and thank you for that image lol im definitely going to be saving that for future use!
I didn't mind the first few arcs in FGO, but I've read a lot of manga in my time including a lot of bad shounen and romcoms so my pain tolerance is pretty high. My brain is just like oh man time to read more fgo *burns all my AP on farming mats* . I will probably make a liveblog tag at some pt though I probably need a theme so I can just put a page up with different threads im running through since I use my pinned for my videos rn
Granblue is honestly very dear to my heart but the like "end game" cycle is very unappealing bc its super grindy - that said the story stuff [the main attraction imo] is not power-gated so you're not forced to engage with the worst aspects of the game (i.e. multiplayer/ranking called "unite and fight" or guild wars, kind of similar to how idol game card farming works). The event stories & main story are for everyone, so that's fun :' ). Also they do fun character themes, which I love - I think most people got hooked once they did What Makes The Sky Blue Parts 1-3 (it's like an epic about fighting for the fate of the world but in a more direct sense than most of the early conflicts in the story) which you can do in the event archive nowadays once you pass a certain chapter I believe. The art style might seem somewhat familiar bc the art director used to work for Square Enix
Granblue is kind of funny because just, one day they decided "yeah we will support eng" but the login stuff & lack of a localised app. It's just a web-game so they never released it in other regions, it just has full english language support - thankfully it's just like a g-mail signup process not as annoying as like doing lottery for an account like kancolle was
Mahoyaku I'll have to just login to my jp itunes acc dl it and play along or st so I know what people look like
0 notes
shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (Finale)
Summary: The ghosts may have left, but the wedding they officiated is not something to be easily forgotten. Will unsaid feelings remain hidden? Idia thinks so, after seeing you with your admirers. 
Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
After that 3-star difficulty sidequest, it was finally time for the ghosts to leave. They were filing out through a shimmering silver portal to the Land of the Dead, which you joked about jumping into “for the meme”. Idia was quick to discourage it. The joke would’ve been funny at any other time than right now. 
Each ghost made sure to give the newlyweds their congratulations. Each congratulation made Idia want to take off into the night, never to be seen again. It was beyond embarrassing. Unbearable. Way past his limit of social interaction capability. Things were getting way too much to handle for his now-empty Energy bar. 
While Idia longed for the comfort and isolation of his dorm room, you were the one who thanked the well-wishers and said the goodbyes—from a safe distance, of course. 
“When we return, I want you to meet our baby!” Eliza announced before she stepped into the portal. You and Idia shared a look. As if reading each other’s minds, you checked your schoolmates’ faces for their reactions—which did not disappoint. Different ways of saying “Don’t come back!” filled the hall, in varying degrees of anger and vulgarity. Before she disappeared for good, Eliza huffed and stuck her nose up in the air—an expression that tonight’s failed suitors knew all too well. 
At her departure, the portal shrunk into a mere speck until it completely disappeared. Then came the loudest cheers of the night serving as Victory fanfare. It was all over! But before he went, Idia hoped to say goodbye and take a look at you in your suit one last time. Or maybe even ask you to hang out tomorrow, depending on his current Courage level. 
While he silently rehearsed his thank-yous and good-byes, he wondered if you knew that you were still holding his hand. He decided not to mention it. 
Unfortunately, his brief moment of (weak) celebration was cut short when he noticed that the now-mobile Groom Rejects were approaching. They might as well have red bars floating over their heads to warn him of danger. He froze, contemplating whether to: 
> Bear it and stay with you just until he was prepared to say goodbye (+10 relationship points -20 comfort LV)
> Just run off on his own without saying anything, ignoring your calls. (-10 relationship points +10 comfort LV)
For now, he decided to stick with Option 1. Just a little bit longer. 
“That was amazing!” Deuce exclaimed, rushing over to give you a high-five. You laughed and  met other high-fives, low-fives, fist bumps, and head pats that came your way with that lovely smile of yours. 
Suddenly, Ace rips you away from him. Suddenly, you weren’t holding hands anymore. The loud first-year put his arm around you and Idia couldn’t help but notice how easy and natural it looked. Meanwhile, there he was: someone who needed to rehearse his goodbyes. 
Clearly, there was a huge level difference here and Idia was the one disadvantaged. 
“Our hero!” Ace yelled, inspiring more cheers. The distance between you and Idia grew as your wave of admirers and friends swept you farther and farther away. He was an outsider once again, stuck watching the fun from the sidelines. Their eyes sparkled. Their mouths smiled. Their loud voices laughed and praised you and laughed with you again. 
They loved you. And Idia was no different. 
Everyone’s Friend and the Weird Shut-in. Was there hope?
“Brother, I’m so glad you’re safe!” Ortho’s voice cut through his stream of thoughts. Immediately, he feels the weight on his shoulders lighten. 
He watched as his brother, his beacon of hope, made his way around your fan club until he eventually reached his spot. Ortho wouldn’t care if he looked like a loser, standing there awkwardly at the side all alone. Finally, he was saved. 
My savior! “Ortho! Thank you, thank you…” 
“No injuries… tense muscles… an increase in cortisol production,” Ortho muttered, frowning. “Are you okay?” 
Ortho nods. “We’ll return to the dorm, then. But before that, we should thank the Prefect.”
“Oh… right.” Idia looked over to you, still surrounded by your “fans” like the SSR character you were. You listened to Azul, who prattled on and on about something that was oh-so-interesting that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. And Vil judged your suit’s design, reaching out to fix something near your neck. You cracked up at something Floyd said. You posed and smiled beside Cater as he took a selfie with you. 
His mind raced as it continuously spotted the students on his list and everything they did. What was so interesting about Azul? What was so funny about Floyd? Did you like Vil’s hardworking, confident attitude? Did you think Cater had a way with words? 
He looked away. 
“Ortho, I’m going back to my room,” he said with a heavy heart, admitting Defeat. He was underleveled, had zero energy, and zero SP (social points). He’ll see you… some other time. After his cry-sesh, maybe. 
“Huh? Don’t you want to talk to the Prefect first?” 
“I’ll just… DM them later,” he lied. In truth, all he wanted was to drown himself in a video game while he gorged on candy and tried not to think about you. Ortho’s eyes narrowed, but followed him as he sneakily left the hall anyway. 
You’d understand, right?
Once he and Ortho were out, he looked back at the hall doors, hating himself for being too shy and cowardly to make a move. He imagined charging back into the room, wedging himself in between your friends, grabbing your arm, and pulling you away. Then he’ll kabedon you and—
Who was he kidding? He can’t do that, and you probably wouldn’t like that. 
“It was terrible, brother. Nobody wanted to help!” Ortho said, and Idia thinks he didn’t need to be reminded that nobody liked him. 
“When the Prefect and I reached Diasomnia, we expected them to reject us too…” he mused. “But Malleus Draconia agreed to help us! Can you believe it?”
“Wait… Malleus-shi?” 
Ortho nodded enthusiastically. “Yes… because the Prefect talked to him… and then he cast a charm on them to help us ward off those ghosts! It was really nice of him.”
“I see…” Idia knew that you and Malleus were friends. But to actually help you and him? Maybe your relationship with the Diasomnia dorm leader ran deeper than he thought. Why else would he go through that trouble? 
“The Prefect volunteered without needing to be asked, you know,” said Ortho, who he now noticed was observing him carefully. Idia tried to ignore the way his brother’s eyes lingered on him as they walked (floated in Ortho’s case). 
“...I’m so glad their plan worked!”
Wait, what?
“Volunteered? Their plan?” All this time, he thought you’d been forced to do this by the Headmaster! You did always rant about Crowley promising you different sorts of rewards if you did jobs here and there. But… you got yourself into this mess… all for him? 
Idia looked at the hand you held just moments ago and dared not hope again. Maybe you would have done this for anyone else in his place. Maybe you treated everyone the same, and it just so happened that he was the one kidnapped by a ghost bride. 
Still, he felt bad for not doing as Ortho said earlier. It was too late to turn back, however, as Idia and Ortho finally reached the Hall of Mirrors. 
“Finally… I’m so tired,” said Idia, meaning it in all ways. But as he put one leg forward to enter the door to Ignihyde, he heard someone’s voice, along with the scuffle of shoes against the floor coming closer and closer to where he and Ortho stood. 
“Idia, wait up!”
Oh no. It’s you. Enter now! Enter now!
But no matter what his head told him to do, he remained rooted to his spot. He stood still despite his pounding heart, that elevator-like feeling in his stomach, and the blaring alarms in his head. 
Object of affection at 5m…
Ortho was probably seeing his vitals going haywire and giving him that look again. He turned to look at his brother… only to not find him there. 
Help… oh no…
“Hey,” you gasped out, catching your breath. “When I turned around, you were gone…”
Yeah, same. Just like Ortho… 
No one said a word for a while. The silence was only filled by your heavy breathing as it slowly evened. Inwardly facepalming at himself, he decided to take the chance to tell you everything he should’ve said before he left. 
But before he could open his mouth and apologize for leaving, (gods know he had too many things to apologize for after tonight), he was taken into a warm embrace. 
“I thought I was too late.” you mumbled into his suit. 
At that moment, without anyone else around, nothing else mattered but the safety of your arms. And damn, how good it felt to be embraced. Did anyone else get these hugs from you? Idia didn’t think so. He hesitantly lifted his arms up and hugged back. 
Looking up at the domed castle ceiling, he wondered what he did to deserve something this good. 
It’s okay. I can have this. He allows himself to melt into your arms, head drooping down to rest against your neck. 
“G-good thing you weren’t,” he finally whispered back, freezing as he heard you sob against his chest. Oh no, oh no, what do you do when your love interest is crying? Quick, quick, pull up the archive of romantic scenes from your memory. 
“Hey, hey, I-I’m okay, you see?” he said, patting your back awkwardly. You let go after releasing another sob to wipe your eyes with your sleeve. 
“Sorry I got your suit wet,” you said softly, turning your face away. “I’m really, really sorry about what happened there too.”
“About what?”
“The whole wedding thing...” You took a quick look at him but immediately dropped your gaze to the ground. 
Idia blushed. “I-It’s okay! D-don’t worry about it… I-” 
Come on, say more! Ugh… I hate myself. 
You pulled at our vest and slipped something out of it—an envelope. “I… wanted to tell you everything through a letter.”
Tell me what?
“But… Eliza came and took you before I could give it to you.” You avoided his eyes as your fingers tightened around the white envelope. Idia’s breath hitched, expecting you to crumple it. But to his relief, your fingers relaxed. Then, as if it took all your courage, you handed it to him with a slightly shaky hand. 
“It's old-fashioned, I know but yeah... just read it!” 
In the hall’s silence, he could hear your breaths quicken once again. 
“Th-That’s all I came here for. Goodbye!” 
Before he knew it, you were running off. Your arm waved frantically from a distance as every step carried you farther, farther away. He lifted his arm to wave back but you never saw it. You were gone and all he had left was the letter. 
His curiosity made him impatient. With fast and purposeful steps, he sprinted on the way to his room. What did he feel? Excitement? Dread? An unpleasant mix of both? His room, feeling farther than usual, was the only safe place he could experience whatever it was.
After a lot of walking and almost slipping over someone’s spilled soda (he cursed the shoes those ghosts made him wear. His very own would never fail him like that), he found himself in front of the doors, which slid open, revealing Ortho already inside. 
“You left me there!” Idia huffed. 
“Couples need alone time, brother,” replied his brother, innocently blinking.
“Wh-wha… we’re not a couple!” 
“Hmm? I could’ve sworn the signs were all there...”
A blushing Idia threw off the silly coat those ghosts made him wear and threw it over his desk chair. He sat on the bed, fingers racing to open the envelope. Ortho watched with great interest as two sheets of paper covered in your handwriting slipped out.  
Unfolding the first page, Idia took a deep breath and began reading:
Hey Player 1!
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight last night. Maybe you can show me your new manga tomorrow? I know how excited you are about it.  I’m writing this while Grim’s asleep. He’ll never let me hear the end of it otherwise. 
I figured that this would be the best way to communicate my thoughts and feelings. This way, you won’t feel pressured to respond immediately. You can open and read it whenever you’re ready, in the safety of your room. I know it’s old-fashioned. But to me, a handwritten letter feels more personal—like I’m giving you a piece of myself. So here’s that piece of myself. Please, handle it with care. 
Beware. I’m about to get sentimental and mushy and cheesy and everything you cringe at! I hope you read on, anyway. 
First of all, I want you to know how much I admire you. Right from before we were friends, I was impressed by your intelligence and knowledge with technology. I’ve seen nothing like it back home. I always wondered why you hide yourself and those talents away. My curiosity drove me to want to get to know you. I’m glad I did. 
You were closed off. To you, I was just another normie. Do you remember? Your dismissal annoyed me, so I challenged you to a 1v1 match. I thought I was good, but you crushed me. I guess that’s where it started: our friendship… and something else. Soon, I found more and more reasons to admire you. Honestly, I find more with each passing day. 
I should have known, right from when songs started to make me think of you, that I was falling. I started to see you as, well, more than a friend. Your quick mind, your expressive hair, your soothing voice, your precious grin… your voice when you talk about things you love, your love of cats, and your candy, and your cold hands… Okay, I think you get the point.  But if you have time, I could go on forever. 
There’s something different in your eyes when you truly care. You say you’re bad at being sentimental and feel-y, but that’s okay! We express love differently. I see your love pour out in the way you perfect every detail on Ortho’s modifications, anyway. I’m sure he knows how much you love him. 
I want you to know how special you are to me. You’re so amazing, Idia. I wish you knew that. I want you to know that. 
I know it’s hopeless. You’re the young master to a noble house. I’m just… me. A homeless, magicless foreigner with nothing to my name. Nothing to offer but my feelings (and my superb gaming skills of course). I’m not asking nor expecting to be your special someone. But hey, I can be a top-tier teammate. A worthwhile BG opponent. A movie buddy. And most importantly—a friend. 
Our time together has always been a highlight of my difficult stay in NRC. The times we hung out in your room were my refuge from the outside world’s demands. Somewhere I was untouchable and safe from harm. Safe from demeaning remarks. Even if you never get back to this letter and decide you never want to see me again, I will always treasure the matches we played, the movies we watched, the candy we shared, and the memes we laughed over.
That’s all of it, really. Please don’t sleep too late. Watch your sugar intake. Listen to Ortho. Take care of yourself. 
Oh, and enjoy your new manga. 
Your best raid teammate, 
Player 2
Wide amber yellow eyes glistened as they repeatedly flitted over the words. A shaky thumb caressed the smudged ink from where a fallen teardrop marked the paper. Burning different shades at once, fire-hair slowly released itself from the tie it was forced into. Now free, it swathed Idia’s back in warmth like it should.
“Th-This can’t be real!” he sputters as he waved your letter around like he was fanning a bonfire. In a way, he was. 
However, Idia knew his hair wasn’t the only thing that kept him warm. He stared at the letter and it stared back. But no matter how many times he blinked, the words remained the same. You felt the same. 
“What have I done to unlock this route?” Idia clutched the letter to his chest, but noticed he was wrinkling it. “Nooo!” He quickly smoothed it over again. 
“They… they like-like me!” Saying it out loud made it more real. It was a fact! It was true all this time! Thinking of everything you did tonight: rescuing him like a true hero, running after him because you couldn’t keep your feelings secret for much longer… he couldn’t stop himself from swooning. 
“Like-like… did you mean love?”
“L-love?” Idia exclaimed. He suddenly felt dizzy, so he fell back onto his bed and talked to the ceiling. “It’s too early for that word!” 
But he knew the effect which that word had on him didn’t go unnoticed by Ortho. Well, at least he knew now that Idia wasn’t suffering from an illness. Can love be considered an illness? Idia recalls a documentary that said it was. Back then, he ate that up. Love made people do crazy things, after all. 
But ‘illness’ wasn’t an apt word to describe this dizzying happiness surging through him, was it? It was way too wonderful for a word like that.
“I’m so glad the Prefect finally confessed!” Ortho bounced happily, reflecting his brother’s joy. “I knew they would do it soon!” 
Mouth hanging open, Idia looked at his brother. “Wait… you knew?”
“I’ve known for a while,” Ortho giggled. “Vitals can’t keep secrets!” 
Contrary to plan, Idia didn’t touch his video games, nor gorge on candy, nor cry himself to sleep. Instead, he replayed the night’s events in his head over and over like a song he couldn’t get enough of. It had been two hours and thirty-five minutes since he read your letter. Two hours and thirty-five minutes since his world was turned upside down. In his reflection on the dark screen of his off tablet, he almost looked different. He saw someone who was admired. Wanted. Loved. 
Was that what you saw whenever you looked at him?
Ortho told him what the next move was: asking you out. He was scared. You might have changed his view of himself a bit, but that didn’t mean he was suddenly ready to go the distance and conquer the world, or whatever those overenthusiastic extroverts say. The night was still too much, and maybe he still needed those three weeks of being a complete hermit. 
Okay. Maybe with your help, I'll get there little by little. 
Perhaps you could watch a movie in his room... Would you be okay with that? You always hung out with him in there. But what if you wanted to do something outside? Eh, maybe it all didn’t matter, as long as you were together. 
When he put on his headphones, he knew which song to choose right away. There was one forgotten song in his music library that he couldn’t bring himself to delete. A love song. It wasn’t a bad one, because Idia would never keep a bad song in his music library. It’s just that the lyrics  were too happy—its singer so blissfully in love that it amplified the loneliness that had always been there.
Now playing: “Immortal Flowers” — SERPINA
This time, it’ll be different. Tonight, he puts it on repeat. He listens to it with a head for once clear of uncertainties. Instead, he thinks of fluffy otome scenarios. 
That date idea would have to wait. For now, he’ll imagine and dream of you, with your warm smile and open arms—skin basking in the glow of blue fire light. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
There you have it! Thank you for reading. I had fun writing this 4-part series. Would love to hear some feedback! 
Btw, the title of the song Idia listens to at the end comes from “Conversations with Persephone” by Nikita Gill. “What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.” 
220 notes · View notes
twstarchives · 3 years
Let Me Go!!
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Card: Dorm Uniform - SSR Characters: Epel, Rook, Vil, Idia
Chapter 1
Epel: Um... This is where the film studies club meets, right?
Epel: Excuse me...
Rook: Hello, Epel-kun! I see Vil asked you to lend a hand here.
Epel: I’d say it’s more like I was forced... Did he ask you too?
Rook: I’m helping on my own accord. The pleasure is all mine if I’m able to be with Vil.
(Clap, clap!)
Vil: Film studies club! Everyone gather around.
I’m going to discuss the details for when we begin our next student-produced film.
I’ll hand out the script first. Everyone, take one each.
Epel: Whoa, this script is so thick. They must really go all out with their activities here...
Vil: The next film we’re producing will be about time travel.
It’s set in the present day. The students of Night Raven College use a time machine...
And travel to the era of the Great Seven’s Fairest Queen of All.
Rook: The era of the Fairest Queen of All... How très bien!
What a fascinating idea, don’t you think, Epel-kun?
Epel: Hah... I guess.
Vil: The leading role is still undecided. I’ll let you know once I’ve chosen them.
Now, the time machine is the key item in this story... Epel!
Epel: ! Yes?!
Vil: I’m putting you in charge of designing it.
Epel: What?! I-I’m just the help. Why am I in charge of something so important...?
Vil: I’ve deemed you the most suitable for this.
Epel: (What gave him that idea?! I’ve never designed anything in my life. I want to say no...)
Vil: The time machine will use a magical wheel as a base. You’ll be customizing the exterior.
This way, we can shoot driving scenes.
Epel: You said magical wheel...?!
Vil: Yes. I’ve already arranged for one to use in our shooting.
I’ve asked Ignihyde’s dorm leader, Idia, to modify it, so you will work with him to complete it.
Epel: Got it!
Vil: ...You sounded very genuine there. Well, if you’re feeling motivated now, then that’s fine.
The theme of the time machine’s design should be “something beautiful and fitting for the setting.”
Your deadline is in three days at noon. Is that clear?
Epel: Yes, Vil-san!
(I was so reluctant about having to help out the film studies club... but I didn’t expect there to be a magical wheel involved!)
(That feeling of the passenger becoming one with the vehicle as they ride on... Just watchin’ it gets me all excited.)
(Maybe if I made a design that makes Vil-san’s jaw drop, he’d even let me take it for a test run.)
(Okay, I’m gonna do my best!!)
Epel: I’m Epel, a first-year from Pomefiore. You’re Idia-san, right? Let’s work hard together.
Idia: Ugh... The glittery Pomefioran is here, hurray...
O-Oh, um... Vil-shi explained everything to me. We’ll use this lounge to work...
Epel: Okay, thank you.
Oh, that’s the magical wheel we’re going to modify there next to you, right? It’s so cool...!!
Idia: Hah... I only agreed to this ‘cause Vil-shi said he’d compensate me...
But working with other people... really makes me irritated by the second.
I need to finish this and go back to my room ASAP before my sanity gauge runs out.
Epel: (I know Vil-san’s taste pretty well since he’s been training me for months ever since I enrolled here.)
(I need to aim for a fancy design that goes with the setting and also satisfies Vil-san.)
Idia-san. Let’s do our best designing this magical wheel...!
Idia: Yeah. Let’s get this done as fast as we can...
Chapter 2
Epel: It took all night... but it’s done! Idia-san, the coloring for the magical wheel is all finished.
Idia: Congrats on getting it done. You told Vil-shi you’d show it to him once it was finished, right? Shouldn’t you call him?
And end this so I can be alone.
Epel: Yes, I’ll go do that!
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Epel: Here’s the magical wheel, painted to look like a time machine.
The design was inspired by the peacock engraved into the Fairest Queen of All’s favorite chair.
Vil: ......
Epel: Um... Vil-san?
Vil: Epel. Are you satisfied with this design?
Epel: What do you mean, am I satisfied...?
Vil: I ordered you to design something “beautiful and fitting for the setting.”
However, this piece conveys nothing from the creator’s heart.
You wouldn’t consider this design “beautiful,” would you?
Epel: ...! Well, I...
Vil: To me, this looks like you only tried to match the setting.
Redo it, Epel. And don’t think about coming back to the dorm until it’s finished.
Epel: What?! Vil-san, wait a seco— ...He’s gone.
...Dammit! How can he be angry that I made it exactly as he said...?!
But I get to work with a magical wheel, which I love so much. No way am I giving up after failing once!
I need to make something that I think is beautiful, that matches the setting,
And something that would make Vil-san satisfied, right?
I’m gonna do it!!
...... But what would that be...?
Idia: Hehee! I got that kitty accessory I wanted! It’s a rare strength item that boosts my speed by 100!
Hehehe, now, the boss from this ultra-hard quest... You should tremble in fear of my dodging power.
(Running footsteps!)
        (Epel barges in)
Epel: Idia-san!
Idia: Eee! E-E-E-E-Epel-shi! It’s rude to come into someone’s room without knocking!
Epel: Oh... S-Sorry.
It’s just, we have to redo the time machine...
Idia: Hah? He rejected that flashy design?
Epel: Yeah... So please help me make it over again!
Idia: (I can’t believe Vil-shi. He should’ve done this himself if he was going for something specific. Why’d he leave it to someone else?)
(I can’t stand them taking away my gaming time anymore. I gotta get this done now and chase out Epel-shi...)
H-Hey, Epel-shi. Do you have anything you’re good at?
Epel: Huh? Why are you asking?
Idia: ‘Cause wouldn’t this get done faster if Vil-shi just made it himself instead of having you make it over again?
But he still put you up to it... So shouldn’t you consider that maybe you’ve got some kind of secret talent?
In online games, leveling up skills you’re good at makes getting through the game easier.
Epel: But I’m just good at things like carving apples. I can’t really use that in desig——
(...Hm? Apples...?)
I figured it out!!
Idia: Ee! I-I-It scares me when you yell out of nowhere! Wh-What did you figure out?
Epel: I figured out what I can make that’s as beautiful and fitting for the setting as I can!
Idia: I-I’m glad to see you came up with an idea. Well, let’s get on with it then.
Epel: Huh? But you stayed up all night last night. Are you sure you shouldn’t rest a little...?
Idia: Heh, staying up all night is nothing to me. I stan a group of idols who look elderly but with hearts eternally 17...
And even Moirai on the Edge can do live performances for 72 hours straight.
We’ll prevail over this ultra-hard quest!
Epel: M-Moi...rai? I-I don’t know what that means, but let’s work hard!
(This time, we’ll make a design that Vil-sanーno, that anyone would approve of!)
Chapter 3
ーーThe day the time machine is due.
???: ...el... Epel!
Epel: *Yawns*...?
Huh? Ahh! When did I go to sleep?! And Vil-san, what’re you doin’ here?
Vil: Your deadline is today at noon, so I came to check up on how you were doing. Honestly, I cannot believe you were sprawled out asleep on the floor.
So? Have you finished the time machine?
Epel: Oh... I did. Take a look at this!
There’s a story where the Fairest Queen of All made a poisoned apple, right?
So this time, I used that as my inspiration.
The color of the whole body represents a ripe, red, shining apple.
Like one you reach out to take without even realizing it... Anyway, I made sure it looked delicious!
Vil: Hmm... Go on.
Epel: Right. The other thing I worked especially hard on was this design that’s hidden when the machine is stopped, and only gets revealed when it starts up.
I’ll turn it on to let you see.
Vil: ! You painted the tire kept inside... Is that a skull?
Epel: Yes! One of the stories mentioned that a skull rose up before the poisoned apple the Queen made turned red...
So I added a symbol that can’t be seen from the outside unless you start it up.
This time machine is as “beautiful and fitting for the setting” as I can make it right now!
Vil: ...Allow me to ask you one thing. Why did you change to a poisoned apple?
Epel: Um... When I tried to use a peacock in my design, I honestly couldn’t tell if it was good or bad...
But then I thought, no one would be able to resist a design that makes apples look appealin’...!!
Vil: ......
...Heh. You finally came up with a design that reflects you.
Epel: ...! Yeah!
Vil: Now, I will leave you with the keys to this magical wheel.
Epel: Huh? Why me?
Vil: I’m heading back to our set. You’ll deliver the machine to the film studies club yourself.
You have until noon to bring it, just as we discussed. Don’t be late. Understood?
        (Vil leaves)
Epel: ...If he was in such a rush, he could’ve just taken it himself... Wait, hold on?!
Does this mean I can ride it back to the set... maybe?
Idia: Ugh... Epel-shi, you’re too loud... Your voice is ringing through my sleep-deprived head...
Epel: Oh! S-Sorry, Idia-san.
I’ve always wanted a magical wheel... And I get to ride one I designed myself. I just can’t believe it...
Alright, let’s get to the school building!
Film Studies Student A: Hm...? What’s that? There’s something coming towards us from the front gate.
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Rook: That is a magical wheel. And the one driving it is... Monsieur Cherry Apple, Epel-kun.
Film Studies Student A: It’s so glossy, like a real apple... And his Pomefiore uniform looks so nice. It’s beautiful!
Film Studies Student B: Driving that machine, Epel-kun’s got a radiance that’s different from his usual frail beauty.
Film Studies Student C: Yeah. That piercing cold look and his unconsciously curled-up lips... I’m so drawn to it; I can’t look away.
Rook: Did you hear that, Vil? Everyone is praising Epel-kun!
Vil: Hehe, these potatoes’ reactions are perfect.
Epel: Oh... There he is! Vil-san! Just as promised, I’m here to deliver this.
Let me stop the machine... Okay. Well, I’ll get going now.
Vil: Hold it, Epel. Stay right there.
Film studies club, your attention! I have an announcement to make regarding our next film.
For our undecided leading role... I’ve decided to cast Epel right here.
Epel: Wh... What?!
Vil: You all saw how he looked riding that time machine, yes?
I believe there’s no better person out there more suited for this role. Are there any objections?
Rook: It’s true, the sight of him riding that time machine up here almost felt like a scene from a movie.
Film Studies Student B: Yeah! Hats off to you for how dashing you looked. I’ll let you have my seat today.
Epel: W-Wait a second. I thought I was just helping with the design——
Vil: I’ve already made up my mind. I’ll thoroughly train you to be an actor, so do prepare yourself.
Now, you must do a costume fitting. Costume committee, take Epel to our club room.
Costume Committee: Okay!
Epel: I-I still haven’t said anything about doing th—let me go!!
Vil: ...I see now how drastically the sparkle in his eyes changes depending on whether he’s interested or not. Honestly. He’s a difficult apple to deal with.
Rook: Epel-kun was shining like a completely different person than he was yesterday, yes...
But perhaps were you anticipating this finale from the start?
Vil: Well, now. Who’s to say?
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lilacknights · 2 years
Thank you for responding to my ramble hshshs. Can I ask po? What is your progress in obey me(level, cards so far, lesson you're in, etc...) and you first impressions on the characters.
Hi pi
Hellooooo <3 And thank you for sending that 😂 I can never look at Lucifer the same ever again. As for the question, I've actually started just this April of this year! April 1 to be exact and only because I gave in to my sister and @rambles-on-obey-me's persuasive ways — the said persuasive ways is the promise of lore and getting to see more of Asmo. 😔✨
So yeah, I'm still on Level 30. My cards are still baby cards and I only have like two UR+ — the Asmo card you get when you start the game (Snowy Bliss) and the Luke card where he's a cutie giving us a big smile (An Angel's Smile). The rest are SSR and lower. I checked and it's exactly 81 cards. Sksksks Yes, I'm a newbie but I'm already writing headcanons. 💀 I just got to Lesson 15 in normal levels, so I'm still waiting for Belphie to heimlich MC to unalive mode. (◕દ◕) But I'm pretty caught up on story lore though cause I'm impatient and love spoilers. (◕દ◕)
First impressions will get me rambling for AGES so I'll try to shorten them to one sentence or less. And make it SFW. ಠ◡ಠ
Lucifer: Bastard man who is actually just a brat who needs to be spanked but like the Asian parent way.
Mammon: "You're stupid. I like that in a man." <333
Leviathan: CRINGE (affectionate and derogatory) because he reminds me of myself in highschool so I wanna punch him - he's my second fave tho next to Asmo.
Satan: Why in the lord fuck is your shirt THAT shade of green and why are you wearing a yellow bowtie???
Asmodeus: I took a uquiz for what's your fav blorbo and it showed "hottest person in the room has (unresolved) issues" that they hide behind their confidence — that's Asmo for me and I freaking love him.
Belphegor: He's gonna fucking betray me, I don't trust the emo bangs.
Diavolo: Himbo who just wants to be included in stuff 🥺
Barbatos: Your personality is being a butler, ain't it?
Solomon: This is the shady guy your parents warned you about.
Luke: He is my son now, I am adopting him and sucker punching Lucifer while I'm at it.
I haven't met the new characters but I am very, VERY gay for Thirteen. 😔💖
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