#i got another ask just like this so i hope you can see the answer anon
jedi-luca · 2 days
Avenger Lane Chapter 13 PT 1: Ignite The Love
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis
Previous Chapter
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“Santana what the fuck?!” Quinn yelped, holding her cheek.
“You lying cheating bitch! You let your mother ruin Y/N’s career and got with Berry?!”
“I- I tried to stop her-“
“Stop lying Fabray or I swear I’ll punch you and knock out those perfect teeth.”
“She wanted me to go to Yale, and she knew if Y/N went to MIT they would leave me and Beth.”
“You should know Y/N wouldn’t have just dropped you both. Especially Beth. You’re blaming your mom because you secretly wanted that too! You know what Fabray you’re a sorry excuse for a person. I can’t believe you did this to Y/N. B we’re leaving.”
Santana muttered in Spanish as she walked out of the house. 
“If you’re looking for Y/N they’re next door.” 
The two wives looked over to see Wanda.
“Pretty sure they need clothes.”
“B go pack a bag for Y/N I already stormed off I can’t go back in there without smacking Fabgay around again.”
Normally Brittany would roll her eyes playfully her wife and Quinn would fight all the time, but this was different. The blonde walked back inside.
“I’m getting Y/N some clothes.” 
“I’ll help you, I know they’re favorites.” Quinn muttered. She stood walking upstairs with Brittany. Quinn set your toiletries aside and packed your clothes thought not too many she did want to see you again soon.
“Why?” Brittany couldn’t help but ask.
Quinn began crying as she zipped the bag. “Because I’m a selfish bitch who keeps self sabotaging.”
“Y/N is one of the kindest sweetest people and you hurt them so much for so long.”
Quinn inhaled trying not to sob.
“Why Rachel?”
“I don’t know…”
“You seriously need help Quinn. You need to answer for your actions.”
“I can’t lose, Y/N.”
“You already did… you need to let them go. Let Y/N move on before this gets worse. Think of the girls.”
“I am thinking of them! They- We can’t lose Y/N.”
“Then you need to do some soul work and pray that Y/N gives you another chance.”
With that Brittany took the suitcase full of your things and made her way outside.
Quinn knew Brittany was right; she can’t just sit and cry about it. She needs to figure out how to win you back.
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“I’m sorry Y/N.” Santana said softly as you placed some shorts and a hoodie on.
“Don’t be, you didn’t ruin my marriage.” You grumbled. “Hell wouldn’t be surprised if she poked a hole in the condom.”
You didn't really think that but to be honest you don’t know what to believe anymore.
“Want me to beat Berry up?” Santana offered.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Nah.”
“What are you going to do?” Brittany asked softly.
“I- I don’t know… a part of me wants to take the girls and go back home…but I can’t do that. It’ll
crush my parents if they find out what she did.” you rub your head and groan you really wanted your mother.
Suddenly Leho jumped up and on your lap purring, getting you to pet her.
“If you want to go home you can and if not you can stay here for as long as you’d like. You have a lot to digest.” Natasha rubbed your arm trying to be of some comfort. Santana caught the way you squeezed her hand. She doesn’t know when but she knows in her heart you and Natasha will be together one day. She kind of hopes it happens.
Her focus went to her wife who nudged her. 
‘Tell them.’ She mouthed.
“It was- her mother that put the idea in her head.”
“Judy?” Your head snapped up looking at your friends for confirmation. 
“Quinn just admitted it.” Santana added.
“What a witch.” Natasha muttered.
You are so angry you don’t even know what to do anymore. You really wanna get so fucked up the whole day will be a blur, but you know you shouldn’t. You know that’s a slippery slope. 
“Thank you for telling me.” You mutter.
“If we knew we would have told you a long time ago.” Santana says softly.
You nod and turn to Brittany. “Did you happen to get my gym clothes?”
“Yes.” She says opting out that Quinn packed it.
“Thank you both but I think I’m going to go for a run and just the gym I need to let this out in a more constructive way.”
“Don’t overdo it like in high school Y/L/N.”
“Y/N ran themselves into exhaustion and passed out on the bleachers when they found out about Quinn’s first pregnancy.” Brittany explained.
“I’ll call you later and you better answer me.” Santana warned as she stood with Brittany they each hugged you goodbye. “Thanks big Red for taking care of Y/N.”
“Of course.” Natasha couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle.
Brittany hugs Natasha speaking near her ear. “I know you like Y/N but I wouldn’t try anything until the divorce is final. Quinn will stop at nothing to win them back.”
Natasha, stunned, nods her head as the blonde takes her wife’s hand as they walk out hand in hand.
You quickly shove your gym shoes on when a note falls out. You sigh angrily as you read it.
‘I know you need to be away from me but please come back soon. We can work through this. I love you - Q’
You roll your eyes as you stand up.
“I can come with you? Or meet you at the gym?”
“I think I need to be alone with my thoughts.”
“Of course.” She nods in understanding.
“Thank you Natasha for everything.” 
With that you shut the door and began jogging towards the gym.
Natasha sighs before taking your suitcase upstairs to the guest room. She sets it down on the bed before taking it out it’s contents. She set your toiletries in the bathroom, and began sorting your clothes in the drawers when she ran across a note from Quinn.
I’m sorry please come home baby we can work through this. Please don’t give up on me.
Natasha rolls her eyes and stuffs the note in her pocket. She’s more than sure you wouldn’t want to see it. Natasha makes her way back downstairs to the kitchen. She knows you’ll probably be starving by the time you come back.
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You were punching the heavy bag when your watch dinged.
‘If you’re ass is still at the gym I will call Natasha to drag you out!’ - Santana
You sigh it’s been at least 4 hours you need to call it before you can’t move.
“Hey Y/N.” Korg smiled, handing you a smoothie.
You reach for it but hiss in pain as you try to lift your arm.
“Yeaaaah, you’ve been punching that bag for an hours now. I figured that would happen.”
He led you to the ice baths and helped you in. You hissed sitting down in the tub. Once you’ve
gotten settled. He helped you drink from the straw.
“So cold.” Your teeth chattered.
“Yeah cold drink and an ice bath probably don't mix.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded, shivering, feeling the strain in your muscles fade away.
“So wanna taco bout it?” He asked. 
“Not really.” You shook your head.
“Okay, but you should probably talk about it with someone. Working out for 4 hours is probably not too good for the body. Just 30 more seconds and we’ll get you out.”
Once your time was up you got in some Revenger Bod sweats and a hoodie and Korg took you back to Natasha’s in the golf cart.
“Thanks Korg.” You say before getting out.
“Of course bruv remember to heat and ice your shoulders.”
You nod and make your way up the driveway to Natasha’s house.
You don’t even knock before she opens the door bringing you in a hug.
“I was getting so worried.” She said squeezing you. “You’re shivering.” She said looking you over. “Come on.”
You feel her lead you towards the kitchen table before disappearing and popping back inside with a blanket.
“Thank you.” You say softly as she wraps it around you. Leho jumps on your lap.
“Let me heat up your food.” She replies.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Her brows are furrowed as she heats your food up.
“Worrying you, bringing this drama to your doorstep.”
“Don’t apologize, I don't want it nor need it.” She brings your plate over, setting down one of your favorite comfort meals.
“You made-“
“I figured something comforting is what you needed.”
You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore you brought her against you crying against her taut stomach. She ran her fingers through your hair as the other rubbed the middle of your back.
“It’s okay detka.” She says softly as you squeeze her tightly. “Shhh don’t cry over her anymore. She doesn’t deserve your tears.” She grabs the cloth napkin wiping your tears away, and moves a chair right next to you.
She kisses your temple softly before whispering for you to eat.
You try to move your arms and they wobble as you try to use the silverware.
“Y/N please don’t do this to yourself again.” She says softly, taking your hands, noticing how red and slightly bloody they are. She walks over to the sink heating up a couple of clean rags. She rang them out before walking back over to you.
She wrapped them around your knuckles and began to feed you.
“Natasha please I can-“
“Y/N.” She warned, giving you a glare. You shut up and let her feed you. 
Once you ate and drank a couple glasses of water she led you to your guest room.
“Wanna get some rest? I know it’s still early, but I could put something on maybe-“
“Stay with me?”
“Okay.” She smiled and you both got in bed while she played one of your favorite comfort movies.
Soon you were lightly snoring away. She paused the movie about to leave you in your slumber when you wrapped an arm around her. “Please don’t go.”
“I’ll stay as long as you want me too.” She whispered as you pulled her close. She pecked your forehead before turning in your arms.
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Natasha woke in the middle of the night to your head on her stomach. She chuckled lightly seeing your feet off the bed. You seemed to be somewhat of a crazy sleeper. She lightly placed a pillow under your head before slipping out of bed and into the bathroom. 
When she walked in the bedroom she spotted you against the headboard.
“Hey.” She smiled making her way to the bed. “Did I wake you?”
“Hmhm.” You shook your head.
She raised her brow.
“Okay maybe a bit. Mainly my muscles they’re so sore it hurts.” 
“I’ll be right back.” She nods.
A few minutes later she walks in with a glass of water and some aspirin.
“Here this should help a bit.”
“Thank you.” You reply by taking the medicine when she pats a spot in the middle of the bed.
“Sit here for me.”
You comply scooching over when she hands you the remote. You can feel her sit behind you as you put on a nature show. “Ohhh fuck that’s good.” You groan as she begins massaging your shoulders and arms with some tiger balm.
She smirks hearing you moan in approval. She bites her lip feeling your muscles beneath her hands. She briefly imagines running her fingers down your back while you’re on top of her hitting her special spot.
“Your hands are magic.”
She smiles and begins working every knot and sore from your neck to your shoulders, arms and hands. 
“Lay down.” She says softly near your ear. 
It makes your abs twitch a bit. You quickly grab a pillow and lie down when you feel her hands on your calves.
“Ohhhh fuuuuuuck!” You shake under her fingers as she massages the soreness away. She works for a while on your muscled calves when she straddles your legs and begins working up your thighs.
“Ooooh God that’s good.” You moan against the pillow and you know you’re definitely got a semi right now. It’s hard not to have one when you have full body chills from this massage.
“Want me to work on your glutes?”
“Would it be weird if I said yes?” You chuckled looking back at her.
“No.” She smirked before grabbing your two cheeks. Soooo tight and firm she thinks to herself.
Your moan is so high pitched she asks if you’re okay.
“Yes sorry that spot just- you get it.” You clear your throat and she uses both hands to rub the spot on your ass that’s been killing you for ages. “Ohhh Natasha!” You moan jolting under her hands. You’re officially bricked and hope to God she won’t notice. You’re member feels very
smushed you can’t help, but reach below and try to rearrange yourself. 
“You okay need me to stop?”
“No, don't stop, I'm good just getting comfortable.” You respond.
She smirks knowing you were adjusting your large package. “Is it annoying sometimes having to arrange yourself all the time.”
You let out a deep chuckle that makes her twitch. “Kind of… especially in the summer.” You look up at a lioness mauling a buffalo hoping that will help your hard on go away.
She works on your back using her elbow to get that spot under your shoulder blade. After a few minutes you feel yourself start to doze off.
“Thank you, Nat.” You say half asleep. “You’re amazing.”
“Feel better?”
“Ready to go back to sleep.”
You nod and move back to your spot. 
She can’t help but notice the slight outline on your shorts. Natasha quickly averts her eyes, biting her lip.
“I should probably use the bathroom real quick.” You mutter making your way in. You quickly pee and feel your staff soften.
Natasha chuckles lying down as she hears the faucet running. Placing a hand against her aching pussy she rubs herself hard a couple times to relieve the ache between her thighs just a bit until she hears the water stop.
You walk to the bed and lay down next to Natasha who curls up next to you but only her feet touch you. You lightly rub her foot before speaking. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
“I’d do it again.” She says softly pushing your hair back and away from your face. “Now sleep.”
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You wake up to Natasha’s forehead and knees against your back, her arm loosely around you.
You sleepily move on your back and she automatically cuddles against you. “Hmmm Y/N.” She hums in her sleep.
Your brow raises looking down at her as she smiles in her sleep. She’s probably just as exhausted as you are. Normally you’d wanna get up and move around but you let yourself lay still as she sleeps.
A couple hours later Natasha wakes up to find you reading up on divorce steps on your phone and Leho meowing on the bed.
“Sorry.” She mumbles sleepily.
“Don’t be sorry.” You smile, setting it aside. “How’d you sleep?”
“Really well actually.” She yawns as she stretches, catching a glimpse of her abs. Her stomach grumbles and you can’t help but laugh.
“Want me to make breakfast?”
“You don’t have to I-“
“Nat. Let me. Please? I’ll feed Leho.”
“Okay.” She smiles, still waking up watching her cat run after you.
You were making your way downstairs when your phone rang.
You answered seeing it was Mike.
“Dude you and Quinn are separated and you didn’t call me?!”
“This all just happened yesterday. I haven't even really wrapped my head around it.”
“I had to hear it from Santana, Y/N, Santana!”
“I’m sorry man I just have kind of been out of it.”
“Santana mentioned you’re at Natasha’s?”
“Yeah she just took me in…. What?”
“Nothing, it's nice of her.”
“I feel like you have more to say?”
“I mean I don’t agree with Quinn whatsoever but was she far off from the truth?”
“What are you trying to say Michael?”
“Nothing nevermind. You’re upset.”
“Say it.”
“You think maybe you two are into one another? No one would fault you. Quinn is a terrible human being. Natasha is beautiful and she seems really into you.”
“I can’t think about that stuff right now Mike. I need to focus on my separation first.”
“And that’s great but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to test the waters? You’ve been with Quinn since you were 16. I’m not saying to jump into bed. Just maybe see how compatible you two are.”
“I better go, I'm making her breakfast, and she’s going to come down soon.”
“Talk later?”
“I’ll call you.” You agree.
“Let me know if you need any chonese you can borrow mine.” Mike smirked.
“You are not even close to my size Mike.” You chuckle.
“Rude. I’m a grower not a show-er.”
“Bye Mike.”
“Talk to you soon.” He responds.
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“Momma, where's papa?” Finley asked as she ate her breakfast.
Quinn felt her heart ache. She was just glad Val kept Beth for another day. “Daddy has some things to do today.”
“Aw.” Finley pouted. “I miss papa.”
Quinn shot you off a text.
Meanwhile next door
You sighed reading the text. 
‘Fin is asking about you… please come home. We can talk about everything. We can work through this, I'm begging you.’
“She texting you?” Natasha asked as she ate her breakfast you made her.
“I know this might be a little soon but you should use the divorce lawyer Bruce and I used she just so happens to be Bruce’s cousin. Her name is Jennifer Walters she does everything. She made it very easy.”
“Yeah, if you want I can see if she’d see you today?” 
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“Okay Y/N this is gonna hurt a bit.” Jennifer cringes as she sets an affidavit down. “New York state law has a no fault clause which means you have to be separated for at least a year, but if I have enough evidence of clear irretrievable breakdown of a marriage which I believe we have then you’ll only have to be separated for at least 6 months, see a couples therapist, annnnd Quinn has to agree to it. Do you have kids together?”
“Yes, two little girls.” You answer.
“Then you’ll have to also have discussions of custody, visitation, and child support. Which seeing as you haven’t had a job in a very long time shows she will most likely get custody. I feel I could get you full custody being as you were the full time parent as she was at work most of if not all of the time. Which would also grant you spousal and child support.”
“I don’t need spousal support, we may need child support but I can get a job.”
“We’re going to get it regardless, especially after cheating and taking away your chance at M.I.T., but I do think it’s a great idea to get a job. It’ll show the judge you can take care of yourself and your girls. I also suggest getting a place of your own, but we’ll get to that when we
get there. One step at a time it’s a grueling process and sometimes can get very ugly.”
“I really don’t want this to be messy or ugly.”
“No one ever does but it happens, I just don’t want you going into this thinking she’s just going to sign. 90% of the time they don’t. She could drag this on for years if she wanted.” Jennifer cringes.
“So what’s the first step?” You ask looking at the stack of papers.
“I’m going to draw up divorce papers, and custody agreements papers. I’ll need you to send in everything you want from the divorce via email, and I’ll work it in the papers. In the meantime I would suggest staying separated.”
You nod as she stands to take your hand.
“It’s going to be a helluva ride Y/N.”
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Natasha was driving you both to her house when she broke the silence. “How’d it go?”
You sighed, rubbing your head. “It all sounds so tedious. I need to talk to Tony about that job and maybe see about finding a place nearby but it’s so hard because our kids are involved. They’re gonna be broken up about it. Children of divorce.” You groaned holding your head feeling a headache coming on.
Natasha pulled over in a parking lot and turned towards you, placing a hand on yours.
“I’ll be here for you through it all. Anything you need. If  you want, can you live with me? I have another room and the girls are right next door. You wouldn’t have to worry about rent; the house is paid off.”
“Really? You’d let me stay?”
“Of course.” She smiled with a light chuckle.
“I’m really lucky to have you here.”
“Stop it.” She blushed. “How’s take out sound?”
“Sounds good.”
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After eating you got a text from Quinn. 
‘Fin wants to talk to you… can I let her call you?’
‘Yes.’ You respond.
The phone rings and you hear your daughter.
“Hi papa!”
“Hi sweetheart!”
“Whatcha doin?”
“I just had some dinner. What about you?”
“Mama made me take a bath.”
“That’s good you don’t wanna be a stinky baby.”
“Nooo stinky baby papa!” Fin giggled.
“Did you have dinner?”
“Yes mama made sghetti.”
“Papa, where are you?”
“…I had to come visit your grandma and grandpa I’ll be home in a few days Finny.”
“Ohhh.” Fin sighs. “I miss you papa.”
You feel yourself wanting to cry. “I miss you too Fin.”
“I see you soon papa?”
“Soon my love.”
“Night papa.”
“Good night Fin.”
“You okay?” Natasha asked as she dried her hair.
“I miss my kids.” You say clearing your throat.
“I know.” She whispers, taking your hand. “Why don’t you pick a movie and I’ll get the popcorn?”
You nod and stand up making your way to the living room. You mindlessly chose as you thought about how to get custody of your kids. You need to talk to Tony first to get that job he’s been offering you. Start saving money you already had a good amount from Burt’s Garage back in Lima you were going to use that money for Beth and Fin’s college fund but you may need to use some of it for what’s to come.
A few minutes later Natasha walked in with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of drinks.
“Thank you.” You say snapping out of your head.
“Uhhh you chose a horror movie?”
“Oh yeah…” you smirked. “You're not a big scary movie fan?”
“Uhhh I mean I’m good if you are.” She muttered.
“Nat it’s okay I’m here. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
She gave you a half smile remembering you saving her not that long ago. “I know… I just have bad dreams is all.”
“Gotcha. What’s something you would want to watch?”
“How about The Notebook or Fried Green Tomatoes?”
“Ugh sad romance movies? Gross.”
Natasha laughed, throwing popcorn on you.
“How about your favorite movie?”
“What if one of those is my favorite?” The redheaded challenges.
“Those aren’t your favorite.” You smirked, catching a piece of popcorn in your mouth.
“Oh and what is my favorite?”
“We've been over this 007: Moonraker.”
She grinned as you put the movie on.
“You get romance and I get some action….. annnnnd I just realized how that sounds.” You chuckled, making her slap your chest.
“Shut up and start the movie.” She huffed.
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You kept secretly watching Natasha as she mouthed the words in the scenes.
She only caught you a couple times.
“Stop it!” She giggled, her face flushed in the glow of the tv.
“It’s cute!” You argued. She kicked you as she laid down her legs now in your lap making Lego jump off. “Rude.” You chuckled.
“She had her turn.” Natasha chuckled.
You returned to watching the movie as you rubbed her legs. Soon you felt goose bumps on her legs. You reached behind you grabbing the blanket on the sofa and placing it over her body.
“Thank you.” She said she wiggled her foot.
You chuckled and began rubbing her feet.
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When the credits rolled Natasha stretched and said “I still believe I’d make a great spy.”
“Oh I believe it.”
“Yeah?” She grinned looking over at you.
“Yeah you’d be the Ballerina to my John Wick.”
She chuckled as she scrolled through the movies. 
“I am John Wick, you killed my dog and stole the gift my dead wife gave me. Prepare to die.” You growled.
She cackled at you and you turned to her with finger guns. “dos vidaniya.” You smirked.
She laughed even harder sitting up. “It's do svidaniya you idiot.”
“Alright fine miss KGB you do it!” You huffed.
Natasha sat up straightening her back. “I am Natalia Romanoff. Thank you for your cooperation. Prepare to die. do svidaniya”
“Chills. Literal chills.” You chuckle. “Wow, have you been hiding that accent?”
Natasha laughed and smacked your arm.
“No seriously, do you hide it?”
“I feel like I lost it… I definitely watched movies and shows to have an American accent because kids thought I was weird, but if I’m around my family it comes back.”
“I’m not gonna lie if I met you in school and you had that accent I would totally wanna be your friend.” You nodded.
She smiled. “Too bad we were an hour apart.”
“Hmm, I think things would have been a lot different.”
“How so?” She asks. 
“I think you would have kept me from making a lot of stupid decisions back then.”
“I definitely would have.” She chuckled. 
You also think it would have been Natasha you went after, not Quinn. That thought made you pause.
You were now deep in thought when you felt Natasha tickle your side.
“What are you- are you trying to tickle me?!” You laughed.
“What is wrong with you, why aren’t you ticklish?!” She huffed.
“Oh I’m not ticklish but now I know you are.” You smirked and she took off running. You bolted after her upstairs. She was laughing and screaming as she tried to get away from you. You stopped the door from closing and she ran on the other side of her bed.
“Oh my God Y/N stop.” She warned as you began to corner her.
She squealed as she tried to hop over the bed but you caught her.
“No!” She laughed as you pinned her down, tickling her sides. “No! Stop! Oh my gosh!” She cackled even snorting as she lost her breath.
“Oh Nat, you shouldn’t have tried to tickle me.” You laughed. “You showed your hand.”
“Okay! Okay! I give! I give!” She laughed.
You stopped and quickly realized your positions here she is beneath you her chest heaving as she catches her breath occasionally giggling.
You reach down gently, moving her red locks out of her face. Her eyes are twinkling and her plump lips are parted. You look into her eyes and lower yourself gently rubbing her nose against yours. Her hand locks behind your neck and just as your lips meet the doorbell rings jolting you off of her.
Natasha clears her throat and looks over at her security pad as the doorbell continues to ring. “It’s my sister.” She says softly.
You nod, touch your lips and you can still feel her breath against them.
“I’m going to kill her.” She mutters as she rushes out the room. “Stop ringing the fucking bell!” She shouts to Yelena.
You snap out of your haze and make your way downstairs as she opens the door.
“Hey sis!” Yelena giggles.
“Hi Nat!” Kate grins lazily.
“Are you two drunk?”
“Maybe.” Kate squinted.
“We went back to the apartment and had some mac and cheese but Kate burnt it.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“Anyways then I remembered those amazing piroshkis you used to make. Can you make them?”
“Yelena it’s like 12 AM! No I can’t!”
“Ohhh hello.” Kate waved to you slyly.
“Y/N? Ohh we’re we interrupting an affair?” Yelena smirked looking at you.
“No!” You and Natasha said in unison.
“Hmhm.” Kate smirked.
“Both of you shut up and just go eat our leftovers.”
“Hm, I am hungry and a bit tipsy but I wanna know what is going on over here.” Yelena smirked, pointing between the two of you.
“Nothing is happening I’m separated with my wife right now-“
“And you thought you’d just shack up with my sister?” Yelena raised her brow.
“Whoa no that’s not-“
“Listen up Y/N Y/L/N. I can do a lot with a knife so I’d tread lightly if I were you. No one hurts my sister.” Yelena pointed her knife that she had somehow taken out and into your chest lightly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You say pushing away her knife gently.
“Yelena, give me that now!!” Natasha yelled. 
Yelena huffed and whined before giving it to her sister.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Take her to the kitchen and eat something.”
Kate pulled Yelena in the kitchen, Leho trailing after them.
“Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”
“I’m okay.” You chuckled.
“Really because she poked a hole into your shirt.”
You looked down and Natasha flicked your nose.
“Wooooow. Nice. The Romanoff’s are straight up bullies.” You grin.
“I am really sorry though.”
“Don’t be, I wish I had a sibling like that.”
“You do; her name is Santana.” Natasha smirked.
You chuckled with a nod.
“I’m sorry she’s eating our leftovers. I know you were excited about them tomorrow.” Natasha takes your hand.
“Don't be they need to eat something. I’m gonna go to bed. I'm pretty tired actually.”
“Okay.” She nods sort of wanting to know what that almost kiss meant as she looks at your hand.
You leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.” 
She nodded letting your hand go as she watches you walk up the stairs.
“Hmm nothings going on my ass.” Yelena chortled.
“Stop. There really isn’t.”
“Eh, that didn’t look like anything. Kate?”
“That was definitely a ‘we’ll fuck later kiss on the cheek’” Kate muttered.
“Okay I just wanted you to say that definitely looked like something not that gross Kate. She’s my sister, show some respect.”
“Sorry Nat.”
“Well wanna tell me why a married person with kids is in your house?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Natasha sighed as she poured herself a shot of vodka.
“We’ve got time.” Yelena raised her brow.
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“Wow.” Yelena sat back.
“Wow is an understatement.” Kate muttered.
“What a fucking cun-“
“Yelena.” Natasha grit pointing upstairs.
“But it’s true!” She whispered harshly.
“Well yeah but we can’t say it when Y/N is right upstairs. What if they get back together?” Kate shrugs.
“They’re not going too… Y/N is clearly into my sister. They’re going to get together, get married and give me more nieces and nephews.” Yelena smiled lovingly.
“Yelena it’s not that simple.” Natasha sighed.
“How? Y/N is going to get divorced then you two can finally be together.”
“Lena divorces take a very long time. Especially if you have children.”
“Kate, stop being logical and help me keep Nat delulu! You totally like Y/N right?”
“Sooooo much.” Natasha groaned, laying her head against the table.
“If it’s meant to be it will be.” Kate shrugged. “Ow!” She huffed after Yelena smacked her arm.
“Cestra I’m telling you the way Y/N looks at you says everything. They clearly want you too.”
“One of Y/N’s best friends told me they knew we liked each other but that I needed to wait until the divorce is final. That Quinn is relentless and always wins.”
“Maybe, but she hasn't been against you.” Yelena smirks.
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Natasha woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. Her eyes widened realizing you were probably alone with her sister. She quickly got up brushing her teeth and changing before rushing downstairs.
“Well there she is sleeping beauty herself.” You grinned spatula in hand.
“Cestra you didn’t tell me Y/N can cook!” Yelena smiled, eating her breakfast you made her.
“Oh my God it’s so good.” Kate moaned.
“I got yours right here.” You winked.
“Some nice sausage.” Yelena smirked, earning a glare from her sister.
“Take a seat, I'll make you a cup of coffee.” You nod towards the table.
Natasha nodded dumbly and sat down as you brought her a mug and her breakfast. “Thank you.” She said softly. You gently squeezed her shoulder before going back to the stove.
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“No way.” Yelena chuckled.
“Yes wayyy.” You smirked.
“Prove it!” Kate hounded.
“How? There’s no space for the Jubie Slide.”
“I think you may be forgetting a certain new dance studio.” Natasha smirked from behind her mug.
“Wait what?!” Yelena gasped.
“It was supposed to be a surprise but this is to good to pass up. I spoke with Thor and Val they’re letting me teach ballet at the gym.”
“Cestra that’s fucking great!”
“You never said when you can move in.” You add.
“Pause!” Yelena held up her hand. “You knew?!”
“Well yeah.”
“Y/N is the one that made me talk to Thor and Val.”
“Wow you told Y/N but not me.” Yelena shook her head.
“I told you it was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to fix it up first.”
“Well let’s go look at it.” Kate smiled.
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“Oh hey Nat!” Thor waved as he helped a scrawny string bean squat lift.
“Thor!” The man huffed, falling the barbell nearly hitting his foot. “You idiot that almost got me!”
“It’s just the barbell stopping being such a baby Loki!” Thor rolled his eyes and walked towards you guys. 
“Oh I didn’t mean for you to leave him.” Nat chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him, he's just my brother.” He laughed.
“I take it you’re here to check out your new studio?” He grinned playfully.
“You got me.” Natasha chuckled.
“Come on, I'll show you the way.” 
He led the way towards the other side of the gym leading down a hallway to the locked door.
Natasha opened it only to find the room full of dust, and old gym equipment.
“It’s perfect right?” Thor beamed.
“Uhh yeah I’m trying to picture it.”
“Thor, what about all this old equipment?” You asked, walking inside gesturing around.
“Right… well the new equipment we bought from the manufacturer didn’t want to take the old equipment back so we just stored it in here.”
“So it’s trash?”
“Well- yeah… yes it’s trash. I just haven’t gotten rid of it yet.”
You and the girls raised your brows.
“I’ll do it now.” Thor said carefully before rushing off. “Loki! Korg! Help me clear this room out.”
“I’ll help him.” You muttered looking at all the crap laying around. “Might call a friend to help us.”
“Same if we all pitch in the faster we can prove you can’t dance.” Yelena smirked.
“Psh.” You scoffed dialing your best friend's number.. “I can dance.”
‘Hey Y/N!’
“Suuuure!” Yelena smirked.
“Mike, I need your help. Also tell these girls I know how to dance!” You whined.
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After an hour of cleaning everything out of the room you all were really taking in the space.
“What do you think Nat? Can you vision it?” You grinned, waving your arms.
“I can! The mirrors will be here on this side, and I want rails as well for stretching.”
“Oh you need a shoe box!” Yelena smiled pointing to the front of the room.
“I can do all of that and polish the floors.”
“You don’t have to Y/N I can-“ Natasha smiled at you.
“I want to.”
“Well then I’m helping you.” She grinned.
“Couldn’t have asked for a better helper.”
“Wow, I came all the way down here.” Mike huffed.
Natasha smiled watching you measure the walls, and telling Mike as he typed the notes in your phone and took photos.
“Okay that’s actually very hot.” Kate whispered towards Natasha.
“Back off my future in law.” Yelena hissed.
“Let's check out the supply house.” You grin.
“Ugh that place is so boring Y/N!” Mike whined.
“I’ll buy you those hotdogs you like out front.”
“Fine but hotdogs first.” Mike pointed, handing you the keys to your truck.
“Was Quinn-“
“Asking me a billion questions? Yes.”
“Did you get to see the girls?”
“I only saw Fin, Beth was at school.”
“She said they miss you and I said you miss them too but that you need some more time.”
“Thank you Mike.”
“Of course.” 
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After eating a couple chili dogs and eating a handful of mints you were now walking around with Natasha as the girls ran to the garden section with Mike.
“I think this would look perfect with the hardwood floors.” You said pointing to the plank.
“I trust you.” Natasha smiled.
“Hi congratulations on your new home! Need any help getting some paint samples?” One of the employees asked happily.
“No thank you.” Natasha smiled
“Okay but might I say you two are just so beautiful together, absolutely beautiful! Congratulations and please let me know if you need anything I’ll see if I can knock off a few bucks.” The employee winked.
You put your arm around Natasha. “Thank you so much we definitely will!”
The employee walked off and you and Natasha chuckled as you let her go.
“That’s not nice.” Natasha smirked.
“Hey I’m helping you save money.” You smirked.
“Oh by the way Mike gave me a number for his mirror guy so I already sent off the measurements. Should get them in a couple days. Also said he’d hook you up with some speakers.
“Mike has a mirror guy?”
“Yeah he and Britt have their own dance studio back in Brooklyn.”
“Oh yeah Mike is killer on the dance floor.”
“You never said how you knew how to dance.”
“Well when we were kids we were obsessed with You Got Served and mimicking dances on music videos. Then Glee club happened and we got to dance everyday with our friends. Brittany is probably the best dancer out of all of us. She danced on tour with Beyonce right out of high school.”
“Wow! I never would have guessed that I mean she has a dancer's body. I just never put two and two together.” 
“Yeah Britt and Mike were the best I'd say Santana, Quinn, and myself were just behind them.” You moved up in line.
You rented out a floor polisher as you ordered the polls of wood.
“Oh great we’re done here?” Mike asked, relieved when you nodded.
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After finally giving the studio a deep clean
You and Mike finally did the Jubie Slide.
“Pay up.” You smirked at the girls.
“Okay you got me I didn’t think you could do it. Kate pay Y/N.” Yelena cackled. 
“Here’s $20 bucks.” Kate muttered.
“Nice.” You grinned before Jubie sliding around the trio.
“I’ll take that for my labor today.” Mike smirked, snatching the $20.
“Wooooow.” You glared. “I bought you 2 hotdogs, nachos, and 2 sodas!” 
“This is intrist.”
“Okay you’ve gotta teach me that.” Kate asked.
You stood next to her as you instructed her on the first step with Mike.
“I like this one.” Yelena nodded towards you.
“Same.” Natasha winked towards her.
“So are you going to tell them?”
“I don’t know. I want too and I’m more than sure Y/N knows but-“
“Y/N is still married.”
The redhead nodded.
“Yelena look! I’m doing it!” Kate giggled.
“Not even close, Kate.” Yelena replied.
“Practice makes perfect.” You chuckled.
“What other moves do you know?” Natasha smirked.
“Oh I know a lot of moves.” You smirked.
“What’s your favorite one?!” Kate asked.
“Mike let’s show’em how it’s done.” You chuckled.
“Oohhhhh here we go.” He chuckled while putting on his old playlist.
Sirens began wailing from the speakers.
“Ohhhhhhh!” You grinned as you and Mike began dancing Shmoney.
“Running through these checks 'til I pass out (pass out) And shorty give me neck 'til I pass out (pass out) I swear to God, all I do is cash out (all I do) And if you ain't a ho, get up out my trap house!”
“About a week ago! Week ago!” You and Mike clapped hands before the next clip began. That old familiar sound of the steel pan.
“Soulja Boy off in this, oh, Watch me crank it, watch me roll, Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, Then super man that, oh, Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy)”
“I think I know this one!” Kate pointed just as the playlist switched songs.
“But aye do me a favor call me jerk one more time(your a jerk!)
I know, You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know)”
“Y/N is always throwing me curve balls.” Natasha muttered with a smirk on her face.
“They be like smooth (what?)
Can you teach me how to dougie?
You know why? Cause all da bitches love me (aye) All I need is a beat that's super bumpin' And for you, you, you to back it up and dougie!”
You laughed as the next song started.
“Come on ladies you gotta know this one!” Mike laughed.
You waved Natasha over showing her the steps as Mike taught Yelena and Kate.
“Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah)”
“Alright Y/L/N you can dance.” Yelena chuckled as you and Mike kept going.
“One more!” Mike begged.
“Alright alright.” You chuckled.
“At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you. At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you”
“So Y/N can fix things, cook, and dance?” Kate looked at Natasha. “I don’t know how you haven’t immediately jumped their bones”
“Ugh Kate!” Yelena huffed.
Natasha smiled at you as you danced with your best friend.
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“We definitely need to have a dance party like we used too.” Mike grinned as you both chatted by his car.
“Oh for sure Brittany is going to school the hell out of us
“Always.” Mike chuckled watching you look over at Natasha who spoke with her sister. “I think you should go for it by the way.”
“Huh?” You asked looking back at him.
“Natasha… she’s obviously into you pretty sure she has been since you’ve met.”
“I like her Mike… a lot, but I feel like it’s just too soon. I’m not divorced yet I feel like any move I make will be refuted.”
“Well you are separated, granted you probably need to move out but there’s no harm in having some fun.”
“Natasha’s not that kind of girl and I’m not that kind of person. Especially with her. She’s the type to marry and whisk away, and I don’t know if I can do that again. I trusted Quinn for so long and she completely broke my heart time and time again.”
“Then I’d tread very lightly or just tell her how you feel and see if she’d wait? I don’t know I’m not the best at relationship advice.”
You chuckled and hugged him goodbye with the promise of reaching out to him more.
You walked over as Yelena was saying goodnight to her sister. “Thanks for everything you do for my sister Y/N.” Yelena smiled, giving you a side hug.
As you and Natasha head inside the house you finally feel exhausted.
You yawned as you walked through the threshold.
“Tired yourself out?” Natasha smirked.
“I’m beat.” You smiled sleepily.
“Well you did feed my sister, Kate, myself and you. Then cleaned the studio, polished and waxed the floors and gave us a show. Thank you Y/N for all your help.”
“Of course it’s the least I could do.” You shrug.
Natasha went in for a hug but you stopped her. 
“I am very gross and sweaty. I should probably hop in the shower.”
“Well I wasn’t going to say anything.” Natasha cringed.
“Wooooow! Burn on me!” You chuckled before heading upstairs. “I’ll see you in the morning, Nat.” You smiled down at her.
“Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.” She smiled watching you walk in your room Leho purring against her leg.
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Even though both you and Natasha were exhausted from the previous day you both woke up to a wet dream at the same time.
“Ohhh fuck!” Natasha moaned, waking up to her fingers against her swollen bean.
“Fuck.” You sighed tiredly feeling your cock soften. You grumbled as you got out of bed to wash up. You looked at yourself in the mirror feeling guilty and lost. You have never wanted another woman so badly in your life until now. You rubbed your head wondering how much longer you and Natasha can go on tip toeing around these unspoken feelings. You’re so over the wet dreams and the almost kisses. 
You were walking out of the room just as Natasha was walked out of hers.
“Morning.” “Hi.” 
You both chuckle.
“I was just about to start breakfast.”
“Stop, you've done enough. Let me.” Natasha smiled before heading downstairs. “How’d you sleep?”
“Uh good.” You gulp hoping you weren’t moaning in your sleep. “You?”
“Good.” She nods also hoping you didn’t hear her moaning. “Sooo I was thinking maybe we should take it easy today. You did so much yesterday, maybe we could just relax?”
“But your studio?”
“It can wait another day.” She said softly, "You worked so hard yesterday, let's just relax today.”
“You sure? The wood is ready.”
“The mirrors will be in tomorrow we can do it then.”
“Alright if you insist.” You chuckled.
“I do, now, do you wanna make the coffee and I’ll make breakfast? She asked and you nodded.
Leho meowed.
“Yes, I’ll make yours too.” Natasha smiled, petting Leho’s head.
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“That was so good.” You say standing up to collect her plate taking it to the dishwasher.
“Thank you.” She stands taking your hand as she leads you upstairs to her room.
You hadn’t been in here since your kiss.
“Figured we could watch something in bed.” She spoke turning on the tv.
You stretched a bit before rubbing your lower back.
“Your back still hurting?”
“Yeah it’s an old football injury I flare up from time to time.”
“Well yesterday didn’t help. Massage?” Natasha smirked.
“Maybe? If you don’t mind?”
“Turn around.” 
“Yes!” You grinded and turned over.
Natasha climbed on top of you and began massaging your back.
“Ahhhhh yeah!” You groaned.
She giggled and continued massaging your back. She stopped and said: “Take your shirt off, I'll rub this oil on your back.” She moved to grab some soothing oils and you took off your shirt.
“Ready?” She gulped seeing the veins leading down your waistband.
“So ready.” You smirked lying down on your stomach.
Natasha poured some of the oil on the spots you said were hurting and began massaging you.
“Your hands are magic.” You mumble against the pillow seeing her in the mirror of her dresser.
She chuckled, moving to your neck and shoulders. Admiring the muscles you have that make you look like you were carved out of marble by a Greek God.
“What happened to you? From the football injury?”
“I got tackled pretty hard in the end zone in my last year. I ended up in the hospital for the night, nothing too bad but I fractured my lower spine. So I get flare ups every now and then.”
Natasha could only imagine how scary that must have been for your parents. Even for Quinn. Natasha on the other hand probably would have killed the player that hit you in the first place.
She could imagine herself now seeing you on your back ball in hand in sheer pain. She would have rushed to your side.
“That must have been scary.”
“At first I remember just seeing him in my face saying something and the next thing I knew I was in so much pain. I could hear Finn and some other guys fighting in the field. Quinn was by my side and then I saw my parents. I remember crying and then feeling the paramedics take me to the hospital.”
“Did the player that tackled you get in trouble?”
“He did cause I already made the touchdown. I think the guys got him pretty good too if memory serves correctly. He ended up in the room next to me with a broken knee cap and some broken ribs.”
“Yeah there were a couple bullies on my team that didn’t take kindly to what happened to me.” You chuckled.
“I think if I had known you during that time I probably would’ve done the same thing.” She chuckles.
“You would have been at my games?” You asked looking back.
“Every single one of them.” Natasha replies, booping your nose.
You smiled holding the pillow imagining what it would have been like seeing her cheer you on. Even better what winning would have been like after the game.
“Would you have taken me out for a victory beer or ice cream?”
“Excuse you Y/L/N I was a good girl in high school. No drinking, no drugs, no sex-“
“No sex?” You asked flabbergasted.
“No!” She huffed.
“I was too busy trying to make ends meet with the Maximoffs to be a bad girl.”
“Bad girl.” You chuckled. “Alright I get it.”
“Is that what you did?”
“Not all the time I had Beth at 16 remember?”
“I always forget you were a teen parent.”
“So you didn’t really party?”
“Neh not really, sometimes my parents would have mercy on us, and take care of Beth on Friday nights.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah it really was.”
Suddenly you flipped your positions causing her to help as you laid her down.
“You’re turn.” 
“Oh you don’t have- wow… Oh that’s good.” She muttered as you worked on her back. She arched her back as you massaged her spot. “Fuuuck that’s good!” She groaned unintentionally arching her backside into your pelvis.
“Damn Nat you’re so tight.” You sighed and gulped realizing what you said. You could feel yourself growing.
You bit your lip feeling her ass raise against your bulge.
“Can you do my shoulders?” She asked sweetly.
“Uh sure of course.” You gulped realizing your cock is definitely getting harder with every sigh, groan, and moan she lets out. You leaned over her, reaching for her shoulders.
Natasha’s eyes opened feeling your bulge pressed against her cheeks. She smirks, wanting to laugh feeling like a tease. She really wants to drive you crazy she knows you have to like her after the brief kiss. She sort of wants to drive you to the point of ripping her clothes off and turning her into a pillow princess.
Little did she know that’s exactly what you wanted to do as images of her pussy came to mind. 
“Ohh Y/N that’s sooo good!” She moaned, feeling you completely harden. ‘Easy.’ She smirked
She reached out for the headboard.
You left one hand around the back of her neck as the other rubbed her lower back. Her gasps are making you impossibly horny. You desperately needed to touch yourself. You let go of her back and began moving your cock you felt so dirty for it but fuck you just need it out of the way. 
“Can you go lower?” She asks innocently.
“Yeah like lower back or lower legs.”
“I was thinking more of my glutes.” She smiled.
“Yeah.” You gulped she pushed back a bit causing you to straddle her legs as you massaged her ass.
“Ohhh that’s good.” She moaned.
‘Fuck.’ You bit your lips this was torture in the best fucking way. You finally get to touch her ass and God was it glorious.
“Like this?” You asked, watching as your hands massaged her ass.
“Just like that.” She sighed.
You worked on the same spot for a few minutes before pulling a bold; very bold move. First you began rubbing her area where her thighs meet her glutes. Her little shorts barely hid little to the imagination. You rubbed up and up until your thumbs were dangerously close to her pussy.
“Hmmm.” She hummed practically vibrating. Are you finally going to do it? God she was so wet for you she began to grow frustrated.
Your thumbs slightly rubbed beneath those damp little panties.
“Y/N please.” She sighed, pushing her ass into your hands.
And so again you took that as a sign to push forward.
Your thumb pushed inside gently earning a mouth watering moan from the redhead beneath you.
“Ohhh fuck you’re so wet.” You groaned, falling forward against her back as your thumb began to move inside of her.
She turned rubbing your nose against hers when you took your thumb out bringing it in your mouth.
“You taste so good I need to really taste you.”  You mutter.
She nods and you both meet in an embracing kiss as you dry hump her ass. You couldn’t help but bite your lip imaging what your covered cock with look like sheathed inside of her. Fuck just being able to dry hump Natasha Romanoff was almost enough to get you to cream your boxers.
She turned over beneath you to bring you down against her.
“Fuck I want you Natasha. I want you soooo fucking bad.”
“Take me!” She groans as you rip her shirt off and tug her shorts down along with her panties. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long now.” You breathed her in, making her whimper from the
soft kisses you left on her thighs. The fact that you had been aching to taste her made her want you even more. You were a little surprised at how bare she was. You were so excited to see tuffs of ginger. Now you know. Natasha likes it smooth.
“You are such a sight to see.” You say kiss her bud lightly causing her to jolt. “It’s alright baby girl, trust daddy.” You smirk.
“Ohhhh Y/NNNNN!” She moans as you begin licking from her tight hole to her bud.
“You taste soooooo fucking good dollface.”
Your hands roam her body as her eyes are locked on the sight of you licking her cunt. Her fingers run through your hair tugging you right where she wants you. No one had ever made her feel this way.
“That’s it daddy right there. Oh God, don’t stop, ohhhh yesss Y/NNnnn!” She groans her abs flexing as she feels a burn in her core.
You hum feeling her juices run down your chin. You can’t believe this is really happening as you play with her nipples.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” She mewed. “Just like this. I can’t wait until you’re inside of me.” She spoke breathlessly her eyes drooping but always staying on you.
Your tongue is working overtime swiping left and right and up and down until she presses your face against her pussy as she cums.
“Ohhhh fuck! Ohhh fuck! Ohhhhhh!” She groans loudly and you lift her ass up a bit letting your tongue like the very very tight hole beneath her vagina, and let your fingers take care of her rosy bud and aching pussy.
“Ohhhhh my fucking God! Ohhhhh!” She moans and gasps feeling completely filled. “Yesssssss! Yesssss! Yesss daddy fuckkkk!” She moaned meeting your fingers with every pump.
“That’s it baby you’re so close let go.” You say feeling the burn in your forearm before diving back in.
Suddenly she gasps as her walls clamp down around your fingers. Her pelvis humping your hand and face as she cums. You can’t help but moan against her bud looking at the sight of her chest heaving trying to catch her breath.
“Oh fuck that was sooooo good.” She sighs.
You wipe your mouth before kissing up to her neck and smooching those pouty lips.
She mews against your lips tangling your legs.
“Daddy’s just getting started.” You smirk against her lips.
She bit her lip pushing your hair back.
“You taste so good Natasha I wanna taste you again.” You go back down but she tugs you up.
“What if I wanna taste you?”
You groaned as she palmed your hard on.
“Off.” She demanded as she snapped the waistband of your shorts.
“Yes ma’am.” You grinned, shoving them off letting your cock finally breathe.
“Fuck you’re making my mouth water.” She took in the length and girth of your member. “Lay down.” 
You laid next to her bringing her in a kiss.
“You really don’t have to do anything. This can only be about you. I’d go down on you all day if I could.” You say lightly running your fingers down her spine.
“I’ve been wanting you for so long now, and I want you in every way.” She husks, reaching down and wrapping her hand around you. “Don’t you want my mouth daddy?”
“Hmpf.” You grunt feeling her warm soft hand wrap around your dick. She kisses you once more as she pumps you lightly in her hand. “I can’t wait until you’re inside of me, but first I want you inside of my mouth, maybe down my throat. I wanna gobble you and swallow you whole.”
“Oh fuck.” You whisper as she moves wrapping both her hands around you.
“You’re so big daddy I can barely wrap my hands around you and just two isn’t enough you’re the size of my forearm.” She’s a little glad you can’t notice the fact that she’s drooling just a bit and her eyes have become crossed eyed.
But you can see her pussy it makes you twitch seeing her juices dripping down her thighs.
You can’t help but reach out and palming her peach. She smirks looking back at you.
“I can’t keep my hands to myself.” You admit.
She chuckles her breath hitting the tip of your cock. Natasha watches as more precum seeps out. Of your member. She leans over more laying her tongue down against your head licking up your honey. 
You moan just as she wraps her lips around the tip. You can feel her tongue swirling around as she begins to choke you down. 
Her breath hitches feeling your fingers playing with her pussy. She breathes through her nose as she makes it half way down before bobbing her head.
“Oh baby.” You whisper feeling her hand rotating as she sucks your cock. Her other hand is playing with your sack. “That’s so good baby. Can you go deeper?” You ask as you sit up slightly to hold her hair back.
She nods against your cock pulling her mouth off of you so she can breathe before engulfing you in her mouth descending down past her gag reflex to the base of your cock.
“Fuuuuuuuck that’s it baby girl.” Your abs tighten, she moves her throat like she is swallowing you down. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You groan it’s honestly not gonna take long at this rate. She hums letting the vibrations of her throat tingle your cock.
“Oh shit oh baby! Natasha!” You moan. “Ohhh I’m gonna cum where do you want it?”
She sucks you even hard, her tears running down her face. Her pussy is throbbing when she feels you move your hand away from her hair back to her ass as you rub her ass. She moans feeling some relief and you moan finally shooting your cum down her throat. 
“Fuck!!!!” You grunt as your cock twitches in her mouth she lets go and you gasp for air as she pumps your ropes of honey down her throat.
“Oh my God.” You say breathlessly seeing her red hair sticking to her sides of her face due to saliva and sweat.
You sit up pushing her hair back, wiping her mouth. “You’re a fuckin sight to be hold Natasha.” You say before pulling her on top of you kissing her roughly.
“Was that good?” She asks, pulling back from your kiss.
“Was that good?” You chuckle in disbelief. “That was the best head I’ve ever had.”
She smiles shyly and you roll her to the other side of the bed beneath your body. She instantly spreads her legs for you to fit between them.
The redheaded beauty can feel your cock harden against her pussy as you kiss her softly with no hurry to be inside of her. She said she’s wanted this for so long, and though you have questions you really wanna live up to her imagination.
Your hands begin to wander lowering from her nape to her thighs running your fingers up and
down sending chills down her spine.
You steal one last kiss before leaving a trail of open kisses down her chilled body before you get to your target. You inhale her pussy before tasting her again.
“Y/N.” She sighs feeling your tongue swiping up and down as you savor her. Her pussy is soaked and throbbing for you and only you.
You sit up getting between her legs you let your cock play with her pussy a bit biting your lip at the feel of her hot cunt against your cock. You lean over and reach for the nightstand grabbing your wallet to take out a condom. She reaches out to stop you. “You don’t need that.” She says softly. “I haven’t been with anyone and I can’t have…” she gulps.
And you toss the condom laying down against her body you kiss her softly. “It’s okay baby.” You whisper. “Do you want to stop?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Do you?”
“Not if you don’t.” You whisper back.
You kiss her once more. Letting your staff slide against her wetness. “You’re so wet baby.”
“Only for you.” She responds.
You sit up and she reaches out rubbing a hand over your abs memorizing the creases of your six pack down to your cock.
You rub your tip up and down gathering her wetness before slowly pushing the tip in. She sighs gripping the sheets and you grip her hips gently and slowly pushing the rest of the way inside of her.
“Relax baby daddy’s got you.”
She moaned loudly and you felt more wetness come through. “Yeah that’s it. Hmm…You are so fucking tight.” You whispered, feeling her walls clamping down around you. You stayed still for a minute peppering her with soft kisses as she adjusted to your girth.
“You’re so big daddy.” She sighed, opening her eyes. She pushed your hair back bringing you down to kiss her. She whimpered as her hips bucked into you giving you the go ahead.
You slowly pumped in and out hearing her whining grow.
“Oh my God!” She moaned out as your lips left hers to nibble on her neck. She shook in your arms cuming around your cock.
“Naughty girl cuming with daddy.” You tsked.
“I’m sorry daddy.” She twitched from an after shock as you continued your strokes.
“That’s alright Angel I’ll let that one go.” You smirked, kissing her softly.
“You just feel sooooo good daddy.” She hummed letting her nails take down your back.
“You’re doing so well.” You groaned out as you continued your rhythm as she whimpered beneath you. Your eyes fluttered closed as you paused your motions pushing in deeper. “I never thought this would happen.” You sigh feeling your abs twitch.
“I hoped it would.” She admits before gasping at your cock stretching her out.
“Look at my cock baby.” You run your hand over the bulge and she gasps.
“Oh my God.” She whimpered. “I need you closer.” She says and you obliged gently lying down against her body one arm holding you up and the other caressing her cheek.
“You are the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this Earth.” You say studying her features.
She brings you all the way down in a kiss, her arms wrapping around you.
“I’m gonna move now a little harder and faster now baby is that okay?”
“Please do.” She gasps as you back to pump in and out.
You begin nibbling her neck and she wraps her legs around you.
“Natasha you feel soooo good baby.” You groaned.
She whines as she claws your back. “I’m so full daddy.” She husks.
“Oh fuck.” You groan thrusting harder. 
She bites and sucks on your neck causing you to thrust a little faster. She is determined to mark your body and stake her new claim.
“Oh daddy you’re dick is big it’s so good baby it’s so fucking good inside of me!” She moans in your ear. As she meets your every stroke.
You both keep the rhythm going, occasionally locking eyes before locking lips once more.
“You feel sooo good.” You say gazing into her emerald eyes. 
“I can say the same.” She brings you down in a kiss bringing your weight down on top of her.
Her moans are growing as you pick up the pace. Her velvety walls are clamped so tight around you that you can barely pump in and out.
“Fuck you are so tight I can’t move!” You kiss her once more before sitting up. Looking at her red hair splayed across the pillows. Her breasts bouncing and the way her hands can’t not be touching you as she grips your arms.
“Choke me.” Natasha moans.
You use one hand to wrap around her throat as you thrust harder and faster.
She grips your arm, her face turning a blushing red as she feels herself getting higher and higher.
“Fuck Natasha! God damn!”
She gasps and you reach below rubbing her swollen little bud.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck!” She moans as the bed creaks and, the headboard bangs against the wall. Her pussy is squelching with every stroke just as her hips are meeting your every motion. “Cum with me daddy!” She pants.
You throw your head back afraid to cum before her but her hands pull you back to her. “I’m cumming! Fuuuck I’m cumming!” She whines as her cunt twitches and clamps around you. It's a wonder how you're hitting her spot.
“Arggghh auhhh!” You grunt pulling out half way feeling your seed shoot out. “Ohhhh fuck!” You both moan as you pull out your creams spilling against your twitching cock.
“Hmmm.” She hums watching you use your staff to pick up the cum spilling on you and lathering it against her pussy before entering her once more.
“That’s it baby that’s it.” She says softly as you pepper kisses around her face. She kisses you lazily, her fingers trailing your jaw as you continue your strokes.
You kiss her fingers softly as she groans in appreciation.
“Yessss daddy yess yesss.” Her accent is coming through her sex hazed mind. You lift her legs against your shoulders, and you begin to hump up halfway hitting her spot over, and over again, and again. 
*Hisss ahhh hisss ahh* Her moaning grew. Natasha could feel a deep coil inside of her ready to burst at any moment.
You grinned lazily seeing your second head bulge in her stomach with every stroke up.
“Natasha darling; how are you feeling?” You ask as you continue.
She all but moans in response, her hands reaching for your forearms.
You thrust a little faster until she’s quivering. You smirk as she cums again and finally you feel that rush of pressure you were aiming for.
“There it is.” You thrust even faster making her twitch and wiggle against your cock as her orgasm shakes her to her core, and finally when your cock is being pushed out you pull out.
“Oh my-!!! daddy daddy- YYYYY/NNNNNNNN!!!!!!!” your name spills out as a booming moan, her pussy is spasming as a rush of liquid squirts against your abs and cock.
You slowly enter her once more once the squirting stops, kissing the sides of her legs against your shoulders as she catches her breath. “That was so good baby you did so fucking good for daddy.” 
“Oh my God.” she moans, making grabby hands so you bend her legs slowly until she’s filled to the brim and your abs are against hers. She kisses you with so much passion she almost utters those three little words. “What? How? That’s never happened before.” She says in shock.
“Well not to toot my own horn but baby you didn’t have daddy.” You bite her lip before pulling out once more, gently lowering her legs.
She giggles as you kiss her belly inhaling her pussy once more. 
“Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I love this pussy.”
You open wide and begin eating her out.
“Ohhhhh fuck! No daddy, I'm sensitive.” She moans with a smile.
“Turn around for daddy then baby let me eat that ass like groceries.”
She bites her lip rolling over on her belly before going into child’s pose. Stretching her back out.
“Oh that’s it. I can’t wait to play with you more. See how flexible you really are.” 
She looks behind at you and smirks as she twerks her ass. You grab ahold of her spreading her cheeks as you lick her little hole.
“Fuuuck that feels so good daddy!” She groans, stretching her arms out.
You slap her ass cheek and sit back up as you align your cock with her tight cunt.
“Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about this moment.” You slowly enter her. “Having you bent over for me just like this.” You bit your bottom lip moaning loudly as you pushed all the way in. “Fuck yes!”
“Now you have me.” She husked sitting up wrapping her arms around your neck from behind.  
“Hmmm.” You hum kissing her as your body’s move together. “Yeah that’s it Natasha…. You’re so fuckin’ sexy baby.” You say cupping her cunt and rubbing her clit.
She moans moving back down on the bed as you thrust into her from behind.
“Gorgeous.” You sigh letting your hands wander her back. Your hands grip her butt massaging her before slapping it again.
Your thrusts were fast and rough hearing her groan against the pillow. You groan hearing the sounds of the room. The head board banging once again you may have to fix it later but it’s worth it. The sounds of her soaked pussy and of course moans you were bringing out of her.
“Yesssssss daddy fuuuuck that’s so good!” Her voice was muffled. She lifted her head when you slapped her cheek.
“That’s it use my dick baby.” You say as she pushes back against you. “Aag fuck I’m close.” You flex and hold your hands behind your head as Natasha fucks herself on your staff.
“Me too daddy.” 
“Let go baby!”
Your body flexes as you stop her and thrust faster and harder you can feel the spring being ready to pop. 
She whines and moans not being able to wait without you she’s cuming around your cock.
You let her enjoy herself for as long as you can until you abruptly stop deep inside of her and pull right out pumping your load against her back.
You hiss as your dick convulses. “Natasha.” You groan as she looks back at the cum falling down her spine.
“Feed it to me daddy.” She smirks seeing your cock twitch.
You swipe your fingers down her back gathering your seed and lean over to feed it to her. You groan as she sucks on your fingers.
“Delicious.” She smirks. 
Your eyes roll back as you bite your lip and move to lay beside her.
She immediately snuggles up to you kissing your cheek.
“Wow.” You breathe out letting your arm wrap around her with your hand on her upper thigh.
“I don’t think I’ve ever orgasmed that many times in my life.” She said softly.
You smirked eyes now closed.
“Yeah you get to get away with that smirk Y/L/N.”
“I love your accent by the way.” You smile peeking down at her, rubbing her ass.
“You do?”
“Very much so.” You sigh. “My Russian mommy.”
She leans up kissing your lips softly.
“Princess Romanoff.”
“I’m not Anastasia.”
“You could be.” 
“Baby they were brutally murdered. They were stabbed with bayonets.”
“Aww let me have this.” You frowned with your bottom lip out.
“Fine.” She sighed. “Anything for you… daddy.” She smirked feeling you twitch against her knee.
“Stop playing with fire Natasha.” Your voice is raspy.
“I like playing with your fire.”
You chuckle and she pecks your chest letting her nails graze your abs. Your fingers trailed up her thighs massaging her beautiful luscious mound of an ass.
Her nails send chills around your body luring you to sleep.
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mopopshop · 1 day
Cooling Off
based on this request <-
Summary: Jayla (OC) and Emily do that one water dunk tiktok challenge, example
I’m 99% sure this is the trend that anon was talking about so hope yall enjoy 🤭 and i made an oc for this one too
“Hey y’all! We’re gonna do that water dunking challenge— thingy, I don’t know but we’re gonna see how well we know each other” you say excitedly.
The phone is set up on the counter, Emily’s sat in front of you with a big bowl of water and you’re standing behind her.
“So I’ve got a few questions for Em and vice versa, starting with… um.. what’s my favorite movie?”
Emily squints her eyes, thinking hard. “Uh, The the… hold on hold on!! I know I swear- It’s that um… fuckin one with—“
“Times ticking..” you singsong, smiling 
“Damn, babe you gon’ let me answer??” she teases
“I’m trying! Taking a hell of a long time to do that though”
“I know it!!  It’s that one with that one actress, uh.. Anne? Something?”
“Is that your answer?”
She groans “Yeah no… I don’t remember”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Close, but it’s The Devil Wears Prada” Before she can react, you gently push her head into the water. She comes up spluttering but grinning.
“Okay, okay, I got this next one trust”
“Alright, what are my parents names?
She scoffs “Jay this easy, Brenda and Shawn”
“Okay, okay, I see you Ms. Know-it-all” you say, giving her a kiss on the side of her head. 
Emily laughs back “You already know”
“This my last question, what’s my chipotle order?” you smile
“Oh baby, I know this shit by heart” she chuckles “ brown rice, black beans, chicken, veggies, lettuce, guac, and sour cream” 
You groan “How did you manage to make that so sexy”
Emily bursts into laughter, standing up and switching places so you’re now in front of the bowl, not before giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Now, I’m not ‘boutta make this easy for you Jay”
“I got this, don’t play with me Em” you chuckle confidently
Emily grins, clearly enjoying the game. "Alright, first question: Favorite shoe I own?”
You look back at her with a confused smile “Fuck kinda question is that?”
“A damn good one, that’s what Jay” she defends playfully
You laugh harder and turn towards the camera
again, thinking carefully “Uh.. how am I supposed to know this?”
“If you really loved me you’d know”
“Shut up!” you shove her lightly “I don’t know.. you’re converse?”
“Wrong,” she grins “my Black Cat Jordan 4’s baby!”
“Em, you know I don’t give a fuck about shoes”
“Well you lost so” and before you can retaliate she dunks your head under.
You come up gasping and laughing, ready for the next question.
“Next one: When did I start playing basketball?”
“ … 8? No, no, 9”
“That your final answer?”
“Well now you’re making me feel like that’s the wrong answer” you pout
She throws her hands up in surrender “I’m not, I’m not, just asking” 
“Then yes that’s my final answer”
“Well baby, I love you so much but you had it right the first time, it was 8” she chuckles again before dunking your head in.
You come up huffing and pouting “Imma get one right”
“Last chance, Jay” she smiles “What was my first concert and who did I go with??”
“And who you went with??” you question
She beams, proudly “Yes Ma’am”
“I literally told you this like— the other night”
“Um um.. A Boogie it’s gotta be him”
“Correct about one thing…”
“And you went with… Dani? Sarah? Hailey? It’s gotta be one of them”
“None of them but since you got it half correct I won’t dunk you” she murmurs, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
You shrug, a mischievous grin on your face. “Fair enough. But you have to admit, I know you pretty well.”
Emily leans in, wrapping her arms around your neck, her wet hair brushing against your cheek. “Yeah, you do. And I love you for it.”
As you pull her in for another kiss, the phone’s timer beeps, signaling the end of the challenge. Emily grabs a towel, handing one to you as well.
“That’s it for now, bye people ” Emily says, waving at the camera.
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zerokurokawa · 2 days
hiii💗 i read some of your works and i can say that you’re really amazing at writing and i have one request to you to make fic or head canon (you decide) where bonten haitani brothers (which one you decide) accidentally have a daughter from their ex-girlfriend (who they had been together for long time) they don’t knew about anything because they were broke up for 17-18 years and she’s been living with her daughter in another country and after they come back they accidentally met each other and how would their reaction would be? how would they treat her?…
ill be honest i’ve read so many fics that was written topics like that but none of them we actually enough interesting… so ty for attention and good luck💗
Daughter From Another Lifetime | Bonten!Rindou x Reader <3
Once he found out that he had a daughter from your previous relationship, he would try to reconnect with you. He was shocked at first, seeing your daughter walk through the doors of his office, asking for him directly by name. 
"Hi, uhm... I'm d/n Haitani... I'm looking for my father, Rindou Haitani..." Your daughter would trail off, stumbling over her words as she tried to speak properly. She was intimidated by the office and the security guards. When he heard his name and saw a sweet girl come through the doors that looked just like him, he instantly knew that she was his. 
While taking her out to eat for lunch, Rindou began to ask questions about you. 
"How is your mother? I haven't heard from her since she... left me." He would ask, seemingly sad. 
"She's doing okay, she told me all about you and I've always wanted to meet you, so I came and found you!" She exclaimed, taking a bite of her food that she greatly appreciated. She was excited to of finally met her real dad after all these years. 
"Will you tell her I need to speak with her, d/n?" He asked nervously, not even touching the food that he ordered. He didn't have an appetite, for he had just found out that he had a child with the love of his life from many years ago. 
"I'd love to, dad!" Hearing her call him dad was what made his heart instantly melt. He decided right then and there that he was taking the rest of the day off to get to know his daughter. Rindou would take her shopping and buy her new clothes, shoes, and even took her to the arcade that he used to go to when he was younger. He enjoyed watching her play the same games he used to play. 
Thoughts ran through his head as he watched his child smile and have fun; like what would happen if he tried to reconcile with you? What could he do to win you back? He wanted this, he wanted a family. Seeing his perfect little girl made him want and miss you even more than he already did. 
Eventually, it was time for her to head back to you. Rindou made it a point to take your daughter home, hoping you would talk to him at least. Once they arrived at your apartment, Rindou got out of the car and walked d/n to the front door. He knocked nervously, straightening his suit and fixing his hair, trying to look as pleasing to the eye as possible. 
You answered the door and your eyes went wide. 
"D/n, where have you been all day?" You asked, gesturing for her to come inside while staring at Rindou, who was standing quietly in front of you with a slight smile on his face. He was trying to not seem upset or shocked. All these years, he knew you resented him for being involved with gangs, violence, drugs, and dirty money.  That's the reason you two broke up in the first place years ago - because he wouldn't let that lifestyle go. You ended up having to let him go instead. 
"Y/n, can we talk?" He finally spoke up. 
"Come in." You said with a stern voice. 
You sent d/n to her room while you and Rindou sat at the counter in your apartment. 
"It's been 17 years since we broke up, yet you never told me I had a daughter." He started the conversation, cutting to the chase. 
"We were kids, I didn't think you were ready to be a father. Plus, I was scared because of all of the things you were involved with." You went on, taking a sip of a glass of well needed wine. 
"You were pregnant, and you didn't even bother to tell me..." He trailed off, "Did you really not trust me to be around OUR child?" 
"I just told you exactly what went wrong. You never listened to me, not even once." You put the glass down and stared at him. 
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not listening and I'm sorry for everything that I've done that caused you to leave. But keeping my daughter a secret from me breaks my heart. I've only been around her one day and I already love her. Please..." He stammered with his words, trying not to tear up at the thought of you not wanting him around. 
"Please what, Rindou?" 
"Please, let me be there for her. I can support you both. You'll never have to work and she'll never have to go without. I have money, tons of money-" You interrupted him quickly. 
"Dirty money that you got from doing bad things, Rin." You said, assertively. 
"Please, I'm begging you. I can keep you both away from all of this. I can keep you both safe and sound. You'll never hear or see any of the things I do. I just want my family." He was begging at this point. 
"I'll consider it on one condition." You said after a moment of silence. 
"Anything." He sat up straight, ready to take on whatever conditions you threw at him. 
"You have to promise to be the best father you can possibly be to her. Meaning, you choose her over anything - your job, your money, everything." 
"I promise." He said, without a single doubt or hesitation in his voice. He wanted this and wanted you more than anything in the entire world. 
(A/N: I may make a part two to this if you like it! I enjoyed writing this.)
Update: Part Two
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scoobydoodean · 1 day
CASTIEL I'm sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him. DEAN What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire? CASTIEL Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright.
Another scene people use to villainize Dean for putting Sam's soul back in his body—a kind of meta I have already criticized several times. The context of this scene gets really lost in the weeds when it gets giffed. Most obviously when you actually watch the scene, it's part of a larger conversation about whether or not Sam (who's been unconscious for 10 days) is even going to wake up. Immediately prior to this bit of dialogue that always gets giffed:
DEAN Is he ever gonna wake up? CASTIEL I'm not a human doctor, Dean. DEAN Could you take a guess? CASTIEL Okay. Probably not. DEAN Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it.
Dean asking Cas questions ("Will he wake up?") that Cas doesn't have the answers to is also a thing Cas hates. He likes to avoid questions he doesn't have the answers to by flying off when he can (ex: 5.01, 6.03) or not showing up in the first place (ex: 6.03, 6.06). And all those moments this season have been in regards to questions about Sam's soul... because it's a sore subject in a way we can only realize retroactively after finishing 6.20 "The Man Who Would Be King" where we find out Cas is the reason Sam came back wrong to begin with.
In this scene, Cas thinks Sam isn't going to wake up, and he just felt his soul and saw what a terrible state it's in, and secretly, he sees this as his fault. If Cas hadn't fucked up, Sam's soul, just like his body, would have been back to the earthly realm within a week of Sam going to hell. Because he fucked up and missed something that probably feels painfully obvious in hindsight, Sam's soul spent a year in hell being "skinned alive" as Cas describes, while his body walked around fucking everyone around him over—including Dean who this was supposed to be for. It's his fault that Sam came back soulless. It's his fault that while soulless, Sam hurt people and used Dean and nearly killed Bobby. It's his fault that Dean got so desperate he put Sam's soul back in. It's his fault that Sam's soul is damaged like this because he's the one who accidentally left it behind (and making what in hindsight must feel like such an obvious mistake must be infuriating).
Cas was able to avoid the soulless Sam problem as long as Cas wasn't around. From afar, he could just say "good enough" to have Sam's body around even though he knew Sam was off and was secretly bothered by his behavior (6.06, 6.10). By putting Sam's soul back in his body, Dean unwittingly made the reminder of Cas's mistake unavoidable.
Cas wanted to bring Sam back to make Dean happy, but he fucked it up, and Dean faced the fallout and (tried to) clean up the mess, which probably stings. In the process, Dean was in danger and (by bargaining with Death) put himself in further danger—the number one thing Cas has been trying to avoid since watching Dean rake leaves— which probably stings. Dean asked Cas to touch Sam's soul and then Cas had to directly feel what his careless mistake meant Sam suffered through which definitely stings. And there isn't even a consolation prize here of "well at least I got his body out" anymore because (unwittingly) Dean is telling him “well your fuck up consolation prize wasn’t good enough”. Cas wants to convince himself soulless Sam could have been enough and HE isn’t the one that created Frankenstein’s Monster—Dean did—but Cas knows that isn’t true deep down. In his head, he ultimately created this situation and this incongruous Sam and all the fallout is on him. Sam wakes up and prays to him and Cas immediately shows up with no ulterior motives like an ancient weapons (such as in 6.03 or 6.06 or 6.10). He shows up purely because Sam is awake and alive and his soul is in his body and he's OKAY despite all the damage resulting from Cas's major fuck up and it's such a relief Cas forgets all the awkward interactions they had in season 5 and tries to hug him.
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uh! hi, i saw in one of your tumblr posts that you decided to open up your ask box for requests soooo, being aroused excited to see this up, i got a request, an early birthday gift for myself (June 4th!)
so... temperature play with nikolai? can be with ice cubes, or hot wax (or both??) but i just really wanna have a scenario that includes that cause imho, i want to have our GN reader torture in more than just ass pegging (no offence tho, it's hot af)
you don't have to answer if you don't have a big idea of what to do or like. i misread that you had requests opened (i’m a bit dum), i'm just a big fan of yours, and i might actually ask more requests like this in the future, so be on the lookout! okay, thanks!
- 🃏
happy birthday darling, I hope it’s a joyful day for you - and welcome 🃏 anon :>
Dom!reader x sub!nikolai
Warning: Temperatur play, teasing
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“All set.” You murmured, putting aside a lit candle and lighter. Both of it was on your drawer now, among a bowl full of ice cubes. The man who was spread on your bed, all tied up and restrained by a rope, observed your every movement with attendant eyes. His lips were curled into a repressed smile, as if he couldn’t hide his emotions very well. “Are you ready?” You asked him, your hand brushing over his bare body. Careful fingertips danced across his chest, increasingly going lower, until you grazed his soft thighs.
He squirmed ever so slightly as his smile widened into a grin. “Of course, I’m ways ready for you!” Nikolai replied, his tone so cheerful you couldn’t tell if he knew what was going to happen any moment, or if he was just a huge masochist. His eyes scanned the night table next to him, noticing the medicine you placed as preparation. “No need to be gentle with me, I can take it all.” He reminded you while tugging at his restrains. Nothing bulged, good.
“I didn’t plan on going easy on you.” You admitted, then put on some gloves, sliding them around your hand. “Just making sure I have your consent.” The white haired boy laughed, that irritating yet somehow charming laugh of his. After receiving your confirmation that you won’t play nice with him once again, he spoke, “hahahah!! Good, good! Then I have nothing to worry about!” Sometimes he got on your nerves, enough for you to want to shut that mouth of his in multiple ways.
This time though, all you did was sigh in response to his chaotic antics. From the corners of your eyes, you checked out the red candle, to see if it burned long enough. After all, you were going to need a lot wax for this session. “Not yet.” You whispered to yourself, which is why you reached out for the ice cubes. “Finally starting now?” Nikolai asked, and instead of entertaining his question, you shoved one of the ice cubes into his mouth. Then you snarked at him, “Enough, just stay quiet.” His face brightened and he tried to say something, but all that came out were muffled noises and slurps to keep the ice cube inside his mouth.
Without wasting any more time, you took one ice cube and pressed it against his inner thighs, trying out what kind of reaction he might make. “Mhmm- oh!” His muscled tensed and his bulge twitched in anticipation, but you still payed him no mind. Instead you pressed the ice onto his chest, before moving it across his pecs and rubbing it against his nipples. That yearned you a nice flinch from the male.
Nikolai ate the remaining piece of ice in his mouth, sticking his tongue out to prove that fact to you. “It was so cold~” He started yapping once again, causing you to furrow your brows at him. “Mhm.” You hummed as you reached for another cube, bringing it over to his other nipple. “Iiik..! Ah- cold.” He remarked, some drool was hanging out of his lips. This continued for a few minutes, were you’d rub it in circles around his sensitive parts, stimulating his nerves. Every time you did that, a low whimper would emerge from him. Until both of the objects in your hands melted away completely, you did not change to anything else. At that point, his skin has been irritated to the point of becoming red.
“Hnngh!! I think my nerves are numb there now.” The boy said, half joking half serious. Some sweat was collecting around his forehead. His back was arched off the bed so prettily and thighs clenched together. You ran your tongue over his chest, to lick off the water pooling around the area. Still cold. “Ah.. it feels good, your tongue- hm, it’s warm.” A quiet gasp escaped his throat as he looked at you with desire and lust. The feeling of your wet muscle drawing on his chest was amazing, he loved the difference in temperature.
Next thing you did was reach for the candle, and holding it above him. His breath stuck in his throat, you noticed his fists clench around the rope you used to bind him. Instead to dripping the hot wax onto his skin, just as he wanted, you grabbed another piece of ice and pressed it against his half erect dick. “AhhHHH..!! Hnnng, y/n!” Nikolai almost cried out, shocked by your sudden change of plans, a tint of red clouded his cheeks. His legs trashed around, and his sex bounced against his belly. Precum covered the tip completely, so a bit of it stuck to his tummy as well.
When Nikolai clenched his eyes shut to get used to the freezing feeling, you didn’t hesitate to finally drop the hot, melted wax onto his chest. It sizzled on his skin, burning him and causing a bruise. “Hu-hMHMm.?! AHH-, oHhHmmm!!” He immediately moaned out, whining and wincing in pain that has been converted into pleasure. Mouth agape as his entire body shuddered in ecstasy and bliss, you knew exactly how to rile him up.
“You like this?” You smirked, a sadistic expression replacing the rather nonchalant one from before. The way you seemed to enjoy his suffering caused him to become fully erect, how he adored that unsympathetic look you owned. “Ahh, yes!! More, hurt me more~” The boy arched his back to get closer to the candle, almost making the fire touch his now shivering skin. He subconsciously hold his breath in anticipation.
You quickly pulled the candle back, noting down his mimics. A little wax wouldn’t hurt no one, but a fire was too risky even for you. But this wasn’t enough, he was still enjoying it too much, you wanted him crying and mewing in desperation. Then you brought the burning heat over to his arching cock, dripping down the crimson wax and watching it decorate his swollen tip, which had the same colour as the candle. “uhHmm! Wait- it’s, uGhhH!!” He groaned, throwing his head back as much as he can as tears flowed down his cheeks.
It hurt, it hurt so damn bad, and how it did. At the same time his heart pounded like never before, and every fever of his body was aroused to no end. He could swear he saw stars. “So- so good..! It hurts so mhmm-much.” With such misleading words, you weren’t sure if he was complaining or encouraging you to continue. Though judging by how his useless little dick kept wagging around like the tail of a dog in heat, it seems he enjoyed it.
Once again you switched the item in your hand and grabbed the cold object from the half filled bow, pressing it against his abused member. “No-noO!! Ah, it-HnnGhh, hurttsss.?!!” The sudden change in temperature caused him to squirm around uncontrollably, trashing and wriggling his hips as if he’s putting on a show for you. More precum leaked from his slit, flowing down his shaft and dirtying the mattress.
What a work of art he was, all ruined, hurt and helpless like this. To think it was your hands that made him like this, that created this masterpiece. Nikolai was drooling, melting and crying like a whore. Many rosy marks covered his tattered body, and the wax of the candle dried around his dick. Water mixed with his body fluids, dripping down in a perverted and erotic way. His eyes look like he’s about to pass out, rolled to the back of his skull and pupils all blurry. Not to mention how his cheeks flushed in a dark colour or how his hair was messy and spread everywhere. His lashes were clumped together due to the shining tears, all while quiet sobs slipped from his mouth.
You caressed his face gently, brushing away one tear with your finger before licking it off. Then you peeled off some of the wax from his tip, and he immediately shouted again. When he saw you staring at him, he grinned back at you. That made you chuckle, rubbing his tummy before bringing the burning candle over his body again. “Don’t pass out now, I’m still not done with you.” Of course he won’t pass out, only when his master wants him too. His only response was him biting his bottom lip, bending his body like some common slut as cum shoot out of his disgusting sex.
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52 notes · View notes
how about jason todd?? dating headcanons??
A/N: Thank you anon for this ask! I myself have never written headcanons before, so I do hope it’s really good for yall! ❤️
After-writing note: I might’ve went overboard- I also put how you met and then the dating afterwards. I even separated the two. I was going to do NSFW, but that got scrapped.
This whole thing is gender neutral, but one part. The only part that isn’t is in pink. It’s talking about time of the month/periods. You can skip over that if you’d like.
(S/H/N) = Superhero Name
Might be grammatically incorrect-
Pairing: Jason Todd x GN!Reader
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First Meeting!
You both met thanks to Bruce. Just like Jason you were taken under Bruce’s wing to become one of his own. You both took the deal.
You and Jason met on mission. Bruce had sent both of you out to find and detain the same villain, but was never told that the other was looking for the same person.
Jason had found the villain, but it was minutes after you found him. He was bruised and bloodied from your attacks to the guy.
“What the hell?” Jason exclaimed, walking up. “He was my kill.”
“Well, too bad. I got to him first, run along now.” You motioned for him to walk away as you cleaned the blood of your bat symbol.
“Wait, you with the Bat too?”
“What’s it to you?” You said, stopping what you were doing and finally looked in his direction.
“That asshole!” He said, and you scoffed using your grappling hook to reach the top of a building. Just as you did, cops started swarming the area.
Some time after that Jason made his way back to base, and noticing someone sitting on the couch, talking to Bruce. “Bruce? Who the hell is this?”
“This is (Y/N), also known as (S/H/N). You too will be partners.”
“Partners?” You both exclaimed, looking at one another with nothing but pure disgust and hatred.
From that day forward, you both trained and worked together as a team. No matter how much either of disliked it.
Both of you had grown to dislike one another, never seeing eye-to-eye. Always had different opinions about how things should be done.
You having enough you climbed to the roof of the Wayne Mannor and just looked up at the stars. It was one of the things, that couldn’t be taken away from you.
“What are you doing up here?” Jason asked poking his head out.
“Was trying to get some alone time, should’ve know I wouldn’t get that either.”
“Look, I’m not here to argue. Alright? Just want a moment of peace. That’s all I ask.”
And with that he sat on the roof next to me, it was the most normal interaction you’ve had since you met.
Jason would make comments here and there, resulting in a laugh coming from you. He doesn’t know what it was, but something inside him loving it. So he continued.
He never thought that you’d laugh at his remarks, and it made him feel good.
And more days like this followed, after training hard, you both would go up to the roof and talk. Whether it be something you’ve already talking about, or something new. Both of you would always find something new to say about the topic.
Dating each other!
A couple times during training Bruce and Alfred have caught the both of you talking during the training Bruce was putting you both through.
Bruce is happy to see you both get along, believe me, but he’d appreciate it if you did that outside of the training room. Only cause he wants you both to focus.
After a lot of time spent together Jason asked you out. He waited for you both to be on top of the roof and asked right then and there.
After you hadn’t answered right away he thought he messed up big time. But all his thoughts were quick to leave his head as soon as you put your lips onto his.
The happiness he felt in his heart is unmatched.
Jason’s nicknames for you would be ‘baby,’ ‘babe,’ ‘bae.’ He rarely ever calls you ‘honey, but if he’s joking around he’d call you ‘hot stuff.’
He’d also take your superhero name and turn it into something funny.
Now that you were dating Jason took every chance he could get to flirt with you, trying to fluster you.
“Jason, stop!” You exclaimed, waving him off.
“You know, telling me to stop is going to make me want to try harder, right?” He said, the corner of his mouth upturned to form a smirk.
Jason was always known to be stubborn and hardheaded. Ask anyone.
But if he were told by you, he’d listen, but he’d still think about what he wanted to say, before you shut him up.
Does Jason get jealous? Most definitely. One time you and Jason snuck into a club and someone came up to you, and immediately started flirting.
Jason came back with the drinks and saw the altercation, no matter how many times you tried to defuse the situation. Jason ended up with a sore hand and banned from the premises.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Fuck yeah! He was tryna get with, my partner. He had that shit coming.”
Is it to at time of the month? Jason has no clue what that was until you briefly explained it to him.
He took note of what the do’s and don’ts were, when you were on your period. What snacks to surprise you with, how you like to be held, etc.
He wasn’t going to let you go through it alone, best believe.
Regardless of if it’s your time of the month or not; if you’re sad or mad, or just stressed overall, he’d do the same thing! Getting you snacks and treating you like royalty!
Kisses? Oh, he’s basic as ever. He loves to kiss those lips of yours. He’ll kiss your lips whenever, he saw fit. So, do expect random kisses throughout the day.
If your lips were occupied or you were on the phone, he’d lean in and plant some kisses on your neck. Just gotta let you know, he’s there.
Cuddles? He loves being the big spoon, yeah he’ll let you be the big spoon every now and again, but nothing compares to him then protecting you whilst you both sleep.
And if you wake up in his arms, best believe, you will be staying there till he decides you can get up. Hope you don’t need to be anywhere, any time soon.
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dawneternal · 3 days
The Benevolent | Eris x Healer OC | Seven
☁︎ Notes: okay I mention Aya's powers a lot in this chapter. Bear with me, there's explanation coming soon! The plot picks up a lot after this one. 👀
I tried to stay true to the order of events in ACOWAR but it was melting my brain a little bit so if you see something wrong no you didn't
Aya's Dress
☁︎ Warnings: Angst, female character is called a slut, canon fighting and violence
☁︎ Word Count: 4k
☁︎ AO3 Link / Masterlist
☁︎ Taglist: @cauldronblssd @teddyhoneybear @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @imma-too-many-fandoms @allyjoe755 @milswrites @shadowdaddies @zenkindoflove @landofpetrichor @secret-third-thing @bookwormysblog @mal-adaptive-dreams
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The sky was an annoying shade of blue today. Its cheerfulness was obnoxious and mocking. If the sky would not respect her dismal mood, it could at least have the respect to be a little more solemn with the threat of war hanging over Prythian.
Aya sat at her desk in the classroom, staring out the arched window with her chin resting on her palm. Her other hand was curled into a fist, knuckles tapping on the table top. She was vaguely aware of a voice drifting in her direction and it took her a moment to untangle her thoughts from her grudge at the sky. 
"Did you say something?" She turned toward her instructor, hoping her tone didn't hold any of her grumpiness. 
"I said I have another job for you," Helene answered from behind her desk, her eyes glittering with amusement, "Set up for a visiting lecturer. Pays 40 marks."
Aya nodded, her gaze turning toward the window again. 
"What's got you in such a mood?" Helene asked, swallowing her chuckle. 
Everyone else avoided Aya in this state. Her temper was not easily provoked, but the consequences of it were weighty enough to make most steer clear. Helene, however, had never been scared of Aya. Not of her power, her temper, or the fact that her cousin was High Lord. 
"Thesan will not let me attend the High Lord's meeting," Aya grumbled, brows drawn together in a deep scowl. 
"What on earth would you want to do that for?" Helene scoffed, "You hate politics."
That was something Aya was having a hard time answering for herself. She didn't know exactly why, only that the unfairness of it burned in her chest like she was a child left out of something fun. It unraveled a restless feeling that she thought she had stitched down a long time ago. She knew that if she wanted to, she could dig deep and find the words to explain what she was feeling, but she was not ready.
"It's the principle of it," She said, "Zoren gets to go."
"There's nothing of interest for you there," Helene soothed. 
"It's just such a rare opportunity," Aya sighed. 
That much was true. What she did not tell her teacher, or anyone, was that she planning to do something incredibly stupid, because it was the only thing that would quell the rising beast. She was going to break her own vow not to snoop or sleuth, and she was going to take a page from the Autumn Court’s book to get what she wanted. 
"At least you can still mingle," Helene said, "You could buy a new dress for the parties."
The rest of the students began to file in, the bell chiming in the distance to signal the beginning of class. Helene had managed to find probably the only silver lining of the situation. The prospect of a new dress managed to cheer Aya up just enough to stop glowering at the undeserving sky. 
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Aya stood in front of her mirror, pale light illuminating her wide eyes and parted lips. She barely recognized her reflection, bundled in a wool shawl, thermos tucked under her arm. She asked herself once more if she was really going to do this. And something stubborn snapped in her chest and she knew that the disappointment of not doing it would be unbearable. 
But as she squared her shoulders and wiped that cowardice from her expression, another question drifted into her mind. What was she doing this for? Aya watched her face fall again in the mirror, something solemn and pensive taking over. She still did not have an answer. Maybe by the end of the day, she would know.
Outside, Aya was surrounded by a blend of lovely pastel colors, a classic Dawn Court sunrise. As if the sky knew of the impending meeting and sought to showcase all of the beauty the court had to offer. The morning air was chilly and sweet-smelling, caressing her skin with a soft touch as she flew to the hiding place she had scouted. 
In between carved sunstone ornaments and billows of ivy and flowers, there was a blind spot in the eaves where no one would see her. It was just inside the wards Thesan had set up, but she stepped through them easily. Closing her eyes, the layers of wards appeared as closed gateways, each one faintly humming and glowing a different color. She had never tried to pick apart other wards before, but she had always been able to dismantle Thesan's easily. She had never told him that fact.
Guilt spread through her body with every beat of her hammering heart as she caught sight of Thesan and Zoren waiting in the meeting room. Thesan had not exactly forbid her from attending, but then again he had never had to use such harsh wording with her. He would probably never think to check the eaves for a spying Aya. 
Zoren might, however. He was not as biased in his view of her, seeing her from an angle that her cousin could not. He saw her cunning and zealousness plainly. But neither one of them looked up. Their soft, lovesick laughter echoed gently through the tower as they leaned into the other and shared their secrets. An ache spread in Aya's chest at the sight of it. 
The lovers quickly straightened as Kallias made his arrival. The air around him was hazy with frost, his almost-white hair and skin stark against the warmth of the golden sunstone. Thesan rose to his full height as he stood, his unassuming power wrapping around him like a shield. Aya could see the personal wards around each figure, faintly humming and each glowing a different color. Vivian's lovely laughter filled the room as she joked with the rest of the group. 
Each High Lord had loosened their glamor, for reasons both arrogant and practical, and each arrived in a wave of grandeur, the essence of their court filling the air like perfume. It was a dizzying experience to behold it all in one place, the earthy smell of spring, the frost of winter dancing through the air. At certain angles, Helion was almost painful to look at, like he reflected the entire sun. Staring at Tarquin for too long made the room start to sway, as if the space around him moved like the ocean. 
As for the High Lord and Lady of Night, Prythian may have plenty of opinions, but it could not be said that their entrance was not impressive. Their powers seemed to dance together in a way that others did not, like Feyre's magic had been elevated with her status. Or it was simply their mating bond, as visible as their matching tattoos. The air around Rhysand rippled with darkness, and Feyre beside him was the glimmer of starlight. Both held equal measures of bite and beauty.
Aya had a personal policy of not believing rumors, one she shared with Thesan. In part because nearly every High Fae was robed in legends, myths, and lies. And in part because the truth always proved to be worth pursuing. And in turn, it never proved to be beneficial to believe in rumors about women that were started by men. She guessed that this was the main reason for Thesan's attendance. He wished to begin untangling truths and lies. 
She knew it was true as she watched him, sitting quietly and listening with intense focus, his eyes darting back and forth as he pulled the threads apart in his mind. He had no idea how much her powers could have helped. 
Watching her cousin's gaze flit back and forth around the table, paying attention to what he paid attention to, Aya listened to the High Lords’ examination of Rhysand's character. Given the events of Under the Mountain, it did not seem unfounded. Especially because they could not see what Aya saw. The High Lord had his fair share of dark threads weaving through his being, ego and temptation like clouds that sometimes drifted over the moon. But despite those things, despite the blood on his hands and the red in his ledger, he wanted to be good. 
The Autumn Court’s late arrival interrupted the interrogation. They walked in a formation, Edana tucked into Beron’s side looking regal and lovely, despite the fact that she had shrunk herself into the shadow of her husband. All fire and cunning gone from her eyes. The entourage glittered in fabrics of deep green and plum, gold trim catching the sunlight. 
Beron had relaxed his glamor like the other High Lords, but Aya noticed that Eris had not. Even so, he was easily the most beautiful of the group, borrowing so many features from his mother. Something he had in common with Lucien. His strong jawline and thick eyebrows contrasted with soft eyes and full lips. A lean and well-built body, covered in countless scars that hid underneath the velvet of his suit. The sunshine followed him, glowing with an extra warmth in every place it touched his skin, threatening to erupt into flames. Eris kept a leash on his power so he would not overshadow his father. 
With Eris present, Aya became so acutely aware of herself that she was certain she would be noticed, that someone’s gaze would drift just a bit too far upwards and she would be caught. But all attention was stuck on the other three brutish brothers, staring down each attendee like wolves circling their prey. Eris hissed a command and they backed off, ending their show of power. Aya could not tell which brother was the one she had healed in Eris’s room, but none of them looked like they would like to express their gratitude if they knew.
As the meeting continued and more voices joined the din, it grew difficult to catch every word. The roaring wind swept away half of the conversation, other bits drowned out by the chattering birds. Aya could piece it together with context and a few of her secret talents, but when Tamlin began throwing his tantrum and hurling insults, she let the words remain lost. Beron and Helion seemed to enjoy the discourse, but Aya did not care to listen to it. 
Aya did not know when the conflict between Tamlin and the High Lady had dissolved and the tension between Eris and the Night Court began. She watched each tense face carefully, straining to hear what the Autumn Heir was saying.  
“....like a slut.” Were the only words she caught.
The last word reverberated through the room, and time seemed to move slower as Aya watched the Morrigan’s face contort in pain and anger. It was not even a full second between the insult leaving Eris’s lips and the shadowsinger pouncing. Azriel slammed into Eris, pushing him to the floor and enveloping the pair in a bubble of cobalt magic. Aya pressed a hand over her mouth, heart racing as she watched them grapple. Her wings threatened to spread but she pulled them in even tighter, so tight that her back cramped with the effort. Eris was not fighting back, only fighting to get free. He did not try to move out of the way of Azriel’s fist.
Several called out for the fight to stop, but it was the High Lady’s voice, low and calm, that made the shadowsinger pause. Aya watched, her breathing ragged, as Azriel knelt and whispered something into Eris’s ear, and then stood. She turned her gaze over to Edana, gripping the arms of her chair with white knuckles, still unmoving. Eris stood, murmured an apology, and smoothed his jacket. 
The meeting moved on quickly, but Aya could not stop hearing Eris’s voice echoing through the tower. She almost wished she had not heard it, that the whole scene had been swept away by that persistent wind and then he would be the same Eris as before. She had heard a vague version of the
 events between him and the Morrigan. She had never really thought much about it. Every person sitting at that table had done terrible things for good reasons. And everything Eris did was calculated, he would not have said such a thing without a reason. Or would he? The Eris she had built in her mind was crumbling, growing fuzzy at the edges as she realized that she might not know him at all. 
She held the secrets of his scars, had collected handfuls of late night meetings, but that could very well mean nothing in the grand scheme of knowing Eris. There was a chance he was just like the rest of them. Cold, jaded, cruel. And there was a chance that up here, on the outside of everything important, she would never get close enough to find out. 
The uneasiness under her skin heated to a simmer as she watched Nuan enter and present her antidote. Nuan, beautiful and smart and clever. It was a childish thing that should have faded a long time ago, but Aya could not rid herself of the jealousy. There may be plenty of room at Thesan’s table for his found family, but some days when her mind grew cloudy, she wondered if she had a place there at all. 
That mood continued to roll in like a thick fog, and she laid down on the sunstone, pressing her cheek to the cool, sleek surface. Pulling the wool shawl tighter around herself, she continued to half-listen to things she only half-understood.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Just as Aya had begun to grow bored, the tension began to rise again. A long string of scathing insults poured from Beron’s mouth, filling the air with burning heat. He spat each one with more disdain than the last, not once heeding the High Lady’s warnings. He should not have been surprised when Feyre exploded. A wave of brilliant fire pushed through Beron’s wards and managed to singe him. The vibrant flames caught Edana’s sleeve, and Aya stiffened, a choked sound leaving her throat. 
Beron gathered himself and his wards, but Feyre did not relent, sending waves of water next. Aya dared to glance at Eris and saw his eyes gleaming with wicked hope as his father struggled. The others gaped at the reveal of Feyre's powers. Rhysand persuaded her to stop, managing a few jabs towards the Autumn Court as he did so, and the damage was done. None of the High Lords were particularly happy about their supposedly stolen kernels of power, even Thesan. Aya thought to herself that they didn't seem to mind so much when Feyre was the Cursebreaker and freed them all.
Beron was furious at all of it, declaring the meeting over as if he had the power to do so. His loyal entourage stood, following his every move, save for Eris.
The High Lady’s sister rose from her seat and spoke before they could leave. She had the whole room within her grip, something terrifying and ethereal in her eyes and voice. But Beron only muttered his dismissal and winnowed. A chorus of snaps filled the silence as the rest of his group followed.
Eris lingered just a moment longer, his gaze flickering upwards and finding Aya in the eaves. Almost imperceptibly, he tilted his head toward the door.
Aya's heart leapt into her throat and she forced herself to move slowly and quietly as she backed out of her hiding spot. Careful not to rustle the ivy, she crossed back through the wards and scrambled down the levels of pillars and carvings. 
Eris had winnowed to the hall outside of the door, waiting with his hands clasped behind his back. Aya stood before him, her breathing heavy, eyes widening as she caught sight of the blooming bruises around his neck. His brows were knit together tightly, worry etched into the space between them. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice still that of the Autumn Heir. 
Aya opened her mouth to answer and found that she still had not thought of a good answer to that question. I wanted to see you, was on the tip of her tongue, but she would not let it loose.
“This is my court,” She stammered. Her mind felt slow, frosted over. His eyes searched hers and she was terrified he could somehow read what she refused to say.
“You shouldn’t be here,” He said, face softening into something more recognizable.
“Why not?” She whispered, swallowing hard.
“The other High Lords would not take kindly to finding a spy,” His voice was tight, “My father could have killed you on the spot.” 
He was right. She had not thought of that. That Thesan could not go easy on her if she was caught in front of everyone. Her gaze flickered away from his intense stare, landing on that necklace of purple fingerprints. She could not help but focus a spark of her power on them. Eris frowned as he watched her expression turn distant, and then his eyes widened. 
“Stop that,” He hissed, taking a step back. A hand flew to his neck, as if to keep the bruises from disappearing.
Aya flinched, her focus returning to his face. To his flushed cheeks and wild eyes.
“You can’t heal me,” He said, “My father would know.” 
Aya just shook her head. This was all wrong.
“I have to go,” Eris sighed, looking over his shoulder, “Just go home, please.” 
He was gone in an instant, the air crackling as he winnowed. Aya stood still, staring at the space where he had been, feeling like something of a liability.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Aya smoothed the front of her dress, a slip of dusty pink silk with golden trim. She had picked something similar to the one Eris had seemed to like so much, with a low back and draping neckline. Her jewelry was all pearls and gold, bracelets clinking as she moved. She took one more deep breath and walked through the archway into the party. 
Soft Dawn Court music played through the circular room, every surface draped in lovely fabrics and pillows. Trays of food and flutes of champagne littered the tables, servers swirling through the crowd to refill and take away plates. There were groups playing cards, boisterous laughter over drinking games, dancing, and pairs flirting in candle lit alcoves. Colors of all the courts mixed together, a rainbow of merriment. 
Aya’s gaze swept through the mix of faces, searching for one peppered with freckles. She found him, sitting on a velvet couch with cards in his hand. And one of her classmates sat on the back of the couch, giggling down into his smirking face, her fingertips grazing his neck as she made his bruises fade.
If Aya had thought she felt sick earlier, it was nothing compared to now. Dizziness overwhelmed her as she understood a dozen things at once. She was realizing how attached she had grown to him, how much she had wanted his compliments on her dress. She was realizing that, somewhere between the healing sessions, in the quiet and dim light of Eris’s room, she had begun to think of herself as his. 
His healer, his angel, his friend. 
Now, to think she had dreamt up that intimacy was too painful to bear. And it was Fleura healing him, the one who hated her most, never failing to toss Aya a look of disgust. She stood there frozen in the archway, gaze glued to him. To make matters worse, Fleura noticed her, flashing a look of mocking pity before she giggled behind her hand. Eris followed her gaze, locking eyes with Aya, and his smirk faded. 
The rest of the party disappeared. It was only Aya and Eris, staring at each other with miles of unsaid things between them.
“Are you coming or going?” A deep, smooth voice pulled Aya from that moment. 
She turned and looked into the face of the High Lord of Summer. The weight of Eris’s stare was heavy, but she willed herself to hold the gaze of the turquoise eyes looking down at her. 
“Oh, I haven’t decided yet,” She stammered, stepping aside when she realized she was blocking him in. 
Tarquin gave her a crooked smile, revealing perfect, shiny teeth. A bit of her angst melted under the pure sunshine that radiated from him. He smelled like sea salt and coconut and summer.
“I thought I might go,” The High Lord said, “But the most interesting people keep appearing in this archway. I think I'll stay.”
Aya’s cheeks burned as she returned his smile. He offered an arm to her and added, “Would you like to get a drink?” 
“Yes,” Aya breathed, taking his arm and trying to quiet her dizzy mind as he swept her away toward the bar. 
She decided to be a little wicked, letting her billowing skirt brush over the arm that Eris draped over the couch as she walked by. She did not turn to see if he was looking. To inspect for any sliver of jealousy on his face. Though it felt as though her heart was splitting as she looked back up at Tarquin and realized that as lovely of a color as blue was, she still liked amber better.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Eris did not sleep well that night. 
He did not particularly care for the open, breezy rooms of Dawn, all stone and sheer fabrics. None of the cozy velvet and dark wood he was used to. There was also no fireplace, depriving him of the comforting crackle of fire as he slept. With everything that had happened, he should be tired enough that it didn’t matter. But he lay awake, trying and failing to catalog the events of the day. 
He would not forget the look on Aya’s face when she had spotted him sitting there with that giggling, air-headed healer. He should have just shoved the girl away, but it was like all of the fight had drained from him and for some gods-damned reason he had simply disguised his grimace with a smirk and hoped she left him alone soon.
The image haunted him, continuing to appear no matter how many times he shoved it away. Aya, standing in the archway, her wickedly lovely dress shimmering in the candle light, with the unmistakable look of someone who had been betrayed. He should have stood, should have rushed to her, should have confessed.
I came back for you. I've been waiting for you. 
But something about her never stopped causing him to act the opposite of how he wanted. So he sat there like an idiot while she was spun away and charmed by Tarquin. Young and powerful Tarquin, likely better suited for someone like her.
When he did sleep, he was plagued by a new nightmare. Cobalt blue slammed into him over and over, breaking something new every time. Those golden brown hands wrapped around his throat and pinned him down, that deep voice whispering in his ear and echoing again and again, 
“Your Sparrow in the eaves has a long way to fall.”
And then Eris would shift his gaze from the soulless brown eyes above him. Up and up into the eaves of the meeting room where Aya was hidden. Blue light would wrap around her ankle and pull hard, causing her to stumble and fall. The floor would begin to crumble and give way into blackness, and the blue light would bind her wings so she couldn't fly. He would be forced to watch as she fell into the inky abyss, screaming his name until her voice disappeared into nothing. 
Then he would wake. Calm his breathing and take a drink of water. Fall asleep, and dream it all again.
If he had known then that he would not see her again until the Battle of Hybern, he would have made very different choices, indeed.
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creadigol · 14 hours
Hello i just recently found this blog and i'm in love with your writing.
Can you please continue the hero x villain story with the criminal please?
I am so sorry for the long wait…but here it finally is! Thank you so much for the ask! I hope y’all like part 2! 
*Warning for slight flashbacks of a traumatic event, but nothing bad.
Part One here.
“Once again Detective, I have no answers to your questions, I have no clue where they are, and if you don’t leave my property within the next thirty seconds I claim the right to shoot you for trespassing.” 
 Hero heard the voice below them speak with little attempt at patience. Their eyes were heavy and their body felt like lead, but their ears seemed to awaken with no problem. Why would Villain be threatening to shoot Detective? Hero had thought the two tended to keep out of each other’s way. Wait, why was Hero asleep in the same vicinity as Villain in the first place? 
“I know you have them! All accounts place you following Hero into the house! Dammit Villain! What happened?” 
God, Hero had never heard Detective so worked up before. The man was usually made of stone, even in the face of absolute evil. Hell, Hero once saw the man play a game of russian roulette with a mob boss and win through sheer intimidation. How had Villain got him so worked up? Of course they were enemies, being on opposite sides of a moral code tended to do that…but they had never been outright hostile to each other. 
“Fifteen…sixteen…seventeen…” Villain counted. Hero could just picture them casually looking at their watch while unholstering a weapon. 
“Fine!” Screamed Detective. “But don’t think I won’t be back! I’ll not rest until Hero is found!” 
Hero heard the stomping of boot heels on the walk. 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have lost them in the first place!” Villain yelled back. 
“Fuck you!” 
Hero fought to open their eyes. They moved their fingers and toes, feeling like they were some kind of mummy awakening after centuries of death. 
What was Detective talking about? Hero was right here. They had just finished up another case for them when…
The memory flashed before their eyes…the Criminal…the knife…that goddamn smile as Hero bled onto the kitchen floor…the fear…Villain!
No amount of lead in their veins could keep them down at the thought. Hero shot out of the plush bed with speed their body was not ready for. 
The window to their right was open, that must be how they heard the conversation at the front door, and Hero stumbled towards it. It took a moment, as their foot got caught in the exceptionally soft bedspread, but they made it. 
Hero stood to the side, not wanting anyone outside to see them in such a state of weakness…nor did they want Detective to see them…and looked out. Sure enough, this was Villains street…at least this was the street of their safe house. Hero had found it six months ago while following Villain after a deal gone wrong. They had just wanted to make sure Villain wasn’t too beat up…they ended up staying all night wrapping the Villains wounds. 
Hero assumed Villain would have changed houses after that. Guess not. 
Hero watched as Detective stomped angrily to his silver sedan. Now how had Detective found the safe house? And why did he not just raid the place? Why put up with Villain’s taunts if he knew Hero was here? 
Hero took stock of the room. It was a nice bedroom, rather typical. Blue walls and a matching white and blue quilt. There was a small dresser, night stand and desk that looked like they were bought together at the local Big Lots. Nothing expensive, like how Villain usually liked. Nothing gleaming of elegance or gilding. Nothing special…but comfortable. Actually really comfortable. And kind of cute. 
Nothing at all like Villain. 
A shuffling outside the bedroom door made Hero stiffen. The door opened revealing Villain, still muttering to themselves about ‘nosy, pain in the ass detectives’. Hero stayed frozen by the window. 
Villain was carrying a tray with a sup and bowl on it, something steaming from the bowl when they glanced at the bed and saw it was empty. 
“Shit!” They swung around frantically, somehow not spilling anything, and immediately laid eyes on Hero. 
“Hero!” Villain gasped. They placed the tray on the nightstand as the tension in their shoulders released. “What in the hell are you doing up? Do you have any idea wha…”
“Where am I?” Hero interrupted them. Villain froze. “What the hell is going on?” 
Villain’s eyebrows scrunched. “Hero…” They started. “Do you remember what happened? I mean, I understand if not…” 
“Of course I remember,” Hero snapped. “But that does not explain why I’m in your safe house or why Detective was here.” 
“Fuck. I knew his voice carried,” muttered Villain. They looked at Hero, seeming to take in their appearance, which Hero felt was probably not great. “You were stabbed Hero. It was bad…really bad. I had to heal you, but…” Villain gestured vaguely. 
“You redirected my body’s energy to heal the wound,” Hero finished. That’s why they were sleeping. That’s why they had no energy to spare. 
“You should still be out,” Villain said as they walked forward. “I estimated at least another week, if not more. Had planned on Doctor giving you an IV tonight.” 
Hero looked down at themselves and took stock of their appearance. Their hair was down, though that had happened during their scuffle with Criminal, and their arms were bruised. Finger prints littered their wrists and elbows. They lifted the front of their t-shirt and glanced at their stomach. Only a slight discoloration showed any sign of the life threatening injury they had received. 
“How long was I out?” 
“Four days. Detective’s been following me incessantly after they couldn’t find you in that damn house.” 
Villain had walked to only an arm's length away. Seeming reluctant to come any closer, yet holding themselves as if to reach out. 
“Followed you here I see,” Hero said. They traced their fingers over the discoloration on their stomach. 
Hero let the shirt fall back down and only then comprehended their attire.
“Did you dress me in your pajamas?” Hero asked incredulously. 
Villain laughed, “Well your clothes were ruined and there wasn’t much else here.”
“You didn’t…” Hero gave them a look that promised quick vengeance should they hear the wrong answer to their question. 
“I was perfectly professional, I assure you. Nothing but doctoring on my part.” Villain clapped them on the shoulder. “You should get back to bed though. You still need time to recover.” 
Hero was feeling faint standing, so they agreed and got back into the bed. They got situated under the covers, but sat up by the headboard. Villain stood hovering for a moment before stepping back.
“Why did Detective need to follow you? Why not just tell him I’m here?” Hero eyed Villain as they fiddled with the covered steaming bowl, “Not like saving my life is very illegal. Unless you..you know.” 
Hero didn’t finish as they thought about Villain’s words to them before they passed out. 
Best not to look to your right though…you have too fair a disposition to look at Criminal now.
“Criminal’s alive,” Villain spoke as if reading their mind. “Did my best, but the bastard lived.” 
Hero felt their insides freeze. 
You really are perfect aren't you?
Let’s not prolong this dear. 
“They’re secured in the hospital ward of the prison.” Villain sat down on the edge of the bed and placed their hand over Hero’s pale one. “You got enough for the case while you were undercover. Better than a confession.” 
Villain made eye contact, “They’re never getting out Hero. And if they did, I would finish the job.” 
Hero smiled softly. “I have no doubt you would finish the job now if I asked.” 
Villain chuckled, “Wouldn’t be the worst job I ever took.” 
“But why Detective?” Asked Hero. 
“But why Detective what?” Villain said. They patted Hero’s hand and got up to go back to the tray once more. 
“Why lie about saving me?” 
Villain took the top off the bowl and Hero saw that it contained hot water and a white cloth. 
“Should have known you’d have heard that. Damn hearing.” 
“Why?” Hero pressed. 
Villain handed them a hair tie. “Because I don’t trust him. Or at least I don’t trust who he works for.” 
Hero pulled their hair into a bun. “Why?”
Villain swirled the cloth through the water a couple of times. Hero could smell what they assumed were salts or oils mixed in. 
“They never should have called you in,” Villain spoke.
Hero reached out for the cloth, “They call me in all the time.” 
The cloth stayed in Villain’s hand, submerged in water. “They don’t for the petty stuff.” 
“Well this wasn’t exactly petty. Criminal was the killer we’ve been looking for.” 
“Exactly!” The water sloshed with Villain’s outburst. “All the victims look like you. All the Criminal’s ‘types’ look like you. Every outfit, hair style, and mannerism was just like you. Criminal’s had an obsession for a while Hero and those bastards banked on it.” 
Hero faltered. 
“You’re saying they tricked me to get them?” 
“I’m saying something’s going on and until we figure it out you’re not safe to go back.” 
Villain handed them the warm cloth. “Yeah…damn.” 
The scent infused water felt heavenly on Hero’s neck and face. They wondered if this was how Villain kept them clean while they slept. 
“So what do we do?” 
“You,” Villain pointed, “rest. At least for the next couple of days.”
“And you?” Hero handed the cloth back. 
“I’m going to pay the good Commissioner a little visit this week.” 
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portals-posts · 3 days
So What Now?
2018!Billie eilish x fem!"nepobaby"reader
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Summary: Y/n hasn't been answering Bilies calls, Why?(based on another tt i found!)
TT cred: sotobilsgf
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"Y/n is ignoring me" Billie said fiddling with her rings while looking out her car window. "How long?" Maggie asked, looking at billie. "For like two week now" Billie repiled. "Is she mad?" Maggie asked only to get a shrug back. "She may just need a break billie", " If you really love someone you don't need a break" She said before take a bite from her buritto. "If she wanted to leave you she would have said it", Maggie said glancing at her phone before look back at billie. "She's important to me, I don't want her to leave" bilie said in response to her mom with a slightly worried face. "Well has she posted?" Maggie asked,throwing out ideas. Billie shrugged yet agian not knowing. Without any further advice from her mom, billie looked back out the window, waiting to get home.
Once they got home, Billie went straight to her red lit room, flopped onto her bed and went on her phone to see if you had posted. And you did,yesterday and a few hours after she had called you.
*What was posted(or an idea)
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Photo #1: The outdoors is my home🫀
Photo #2: A new baby in my collection🥰🍰
Billie seeing these posts was confused yet upset, Why weren't you answering her calls or texts. Were you mad? Billie decided to call you again but leave a voicemail if you didn't answer.
"Hey babygirl, you aren't answering my calls or texts. I just want to know if your all good, If were all good. Just call me back when you can mamas, I love you." Billie ended the voicemail and tossed her phone onto the end of her bed before heading to her brothers room to get her mind off of this.
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a/n: I hope you like this!!! Might make a second part if yall would like! 🫀
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blarshwritezz · 6 hours
Can I request a yandere mafia boss x fem reader Nsfw where reader just wants to finish her education and get her dream job when the mafia boss asks her out but when she declines so he just makes sure reader will never be accepted back into any universities anywhere or get any jobs ever as a way of showing how well he can "provide"
I'm finally back! probably
Yandere Mafia Boss x Careerwoman Reader
M yan x F reader
TW - manipulation, abuse of power, NSFW, kidnapping
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"I'm sorry?" You raised an eyebrow and looked at your dean. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said. You're expelled under the premise of violating this university's code of conduct."
You didn't understand. What did you do? Did you violate some obscure rule that you've never heard of? But that couldn't be! Sure you may have gone against a few small rules every once in a while, but everyone did! You've done nothing to warrant this, you were a model student!
But it looked like there was no hope. You left campus rejected, never to return.
This was truly awful. This was your walk of shame. Your apartment wasn't far, so usually you walked. It was always nice to get some fresh air.
And along your walk, of course you ran into him. You didn't know much about him but he just seemed dangerous. And he seemed to like you.
"Why the long face, darlin'?" He asked, walking alongside you.
You ignored him, hoping to get rid of him. But of course, that didn't work.
"You know, if you were my woman you'd never have bad days. I'd spoil you to no end." He wrapped an arm tightly around your waist, guiding you to walk another direction. You tried to resist, not wanting to deal with him today, but of course he dragged you along anyway.
You didn't have time for this. You had to figure out where to go in life from here. Maybe you could apply to another university? You wouldn't have good enough chances because of this new expulsion on your record. But surely somebody would still take you, right?
So you, of course, struggled and struggled to get out of his grasp, but to no avail. His grip was strong, and only tightened the more you tried to get away. He didn't let go of you for a second. When you got to his luxury car, he even sat you on his lap while he drove. You wanted to get away, but you didn't want to be in a car crash, so tried to stay out of the way.
"If you keep squirming around like that, I might have to pull over and teach you how to be still." His husky voice whispered in your ear. He pulled you tighter against him, something hard rubbing against your thigh. You hoped it was just his phone in his pocket.
As you pulled up to his mansion, your jaw dropped. You knew he was rich, but what was he, a billionaire?! You didn't even know what he did for a living!
While you were gaping at his little home, he took that as an opportunity to carry you inside. Somehow, the inside was even more impressive. You see at you even saw a few servants, but that only made sense for a home of this size.
"You see, this is the kind of life I can give you. All this and more, my darling." His hot breath brushed against your ear as he spoke.
His grip on you only tightened as he carried you up to your room. He's spent so long preparing it just for you. And him too, of course. His woman should have a suitable living space.
And it certainly did not disappoint. It was like your dream room to the max. You even spotted a few items you previously had in your apartment around the room. You were going to ask, but he tossed you on the bed and got on top of you before you had the chance.
You didn't need to know that he had his men break into your apartment and bring everything here while you were being expelled.
"And you know, it's not just luxury I can provide." He grinded against you slowly, his hand cupping your breast. "I can give you more pleasure than you can dream of, you know."
Again, he gave you no time to answer. His lips were immediately on your neck, gently sucking and biting, making you gasp. He was especially hard on your more sensitive areas, making sure to leave as many hickeys as he could.
He groaned as he went lower and your shirt got in the way, annoyed. Damn thing limiting his access to your gorgeous body. So naturally, he ripped it off of you, murmuring that he'd replace it between kisses and bites.
He did the same with your bra, pausing for a moment to stare. This close of a view was way better than spying on you with binoculars.
His mouth soon enveloped one of you sensitive nipples, his hand pinching and playing with the other. He swirled his tongue around then sensitive bud, only spurred on by your pretty whimpers.
He didn't want to leave your breasts, but he just had to. If he wanted to get to his ultimate goal, that is. So his kisses trailer down your stomach, and before he had the chance to be stopped your pants and underwear were already shredded and discarded like your other clothes.
He let put a soft moan when he finally reached your perfect pussy. Fuck, you just tasted to good! Oh and those sounds you made, it was like you wanted this more than he did. And you were already so wet too.
He attached himself to your cute little clit, gently sucking and flicking the bundle of nerves with his tongue as two of his fingers found their place inside your wet hole. He started gently, of course; he didn't want to give you too much at once. Not yet. But soon he couldn't help himself.
His mouth and fingers got rougher, his free hand holding your hip. He was only further encouraged when your thighs wrapped around his head, keeping him trapped against your pussy. He'd gladly eat you put until he suffocates or until you passed out. Whichever happened first.
And he couldn't help but grind into the bed as your fingers found their proper place in his hair. His moans as you made his head move however you wanted vibrated against your lower lips, driving you closer to the edge.
Eventually it was too much. You just had to cum. And he happily lapped up every last drop as you kept his head firmly pressed against you.
"Oh, Darlin'," He groaned, a perverse smile on his face as you finally looked up at him. "You really do make me crazy~"
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This was the one that I apparently forgot to save so most of it got deleted a while back lol
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feinv · 12 hours
hi I wrote u the welcome ask but now it’s time for business 😈 I desperately need a dbf!wick scrap from u xo
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i’m here to serve and serve only. (yall can claim emojis and nicknames for anons btw if you want!!) accidentally made myself horny with this. enjoy 💌
dbf!john wick. legal age gap. smutty ending.
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dad’s best friend john wick who is your father’s business partner in whatever they do. you were never interested in your father’s line of work — numbers, hour-long meetings full of random middle aged men using dramatic and unnecessary termins to prove a point, so naturally, you didn’t give two shits about his colleagues either. not until you met him.
you were dropping your father some lunch, eager to leave the building before men came barging into the meeting room. (un)fortunately, one of them arrived sooner that day, and that was when you saw the tall and handsome man in a suit who just radiated dark energy. he looked sinful.
your father didn’t even introduce you to one another, knowing your disinterest in this, but you caught john’s name from your dad’s lips when you were shutting the door behind. the poor man was taken aback by the sudden shift in your behavior when you asked him to partake in the next meeting, hoping and needing so desperately to see john again.
during the said meeting your father proudly introduced you to everyone, and your anxiety faded away when there weren't several pairs of eyes prying on you further into the meeting. except for one pair, which belonged to john wick.
you could practically feel his eyes shooting daggers of lust and curiosity towards you, even without having to move your gaze into his direction.
after the meeting john very generously suggested introducing you to the basics, which started the controversy of it all.
your meetings were titled as “trainings” by john which really was an excuse to get to know each other, and your father was too blindfolded by the excitement of his daughter taking after him to see the reality of the relationship you and john shared.
“you know i’m old enough to be your father, sweetheart,” he said one day, acting as if he was looking out for you and didn’t like the idea of how inexperienced you were in anything compared to him. but you didn’t miss how his eyes were viciously scanning your body from head to toe. “lucky for us you are not,” you would shamelessly flirt back.
at some point you got so confident in yourself that you started challenging and teasing john during meetings and calling him out, using your sarcastic/passive aggressive tone to disagree with him, and even interrupt mid sentence. he knew you were trying to rile him up, and he wouldn’t give you the satisfaction in front of others.
during the break, however, you would find yourself trapped under him on a table, with his one hand pinning your both above your head while he mercilessly pounded into you, making you a quivering mess of whimpers and whines.
“all quiet now, huh sweetheart?” he would question into your fucked out state, receiving incoherent mumbling as an answer. “don’t get shy on me now. let me hear you,” he would whisper, purposely hitting your cervix with his tip over and over to earn a loud moan from you.
“keep making those pretty noises, darling, and everyone will find out just how much you agree with everything i say.”
safe to say everyone in the room noticed how unusually silent you were when the meeting resumed, your cheeks flushed as you kept avoiding looking in the eyes of someone in particular, while he was confidently manspreaded on the chair, small smirk evident on his lips.
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©️feinv, 2024.
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shiqmns · 2 days
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Everyone but You
no crash au
part 2 at some point..
was listening to everyone but you by the front bottoms while writing this so take that as u please!
shauna shipman—shauna fucking shipman, like #6 on the WHS soccer team, jackie taylor’s bestfriend—bitch to everyone except apparently you is pulling you away from a party, you!—
how the fuck did this happen?
lunch 3 days pre-party—that’s when things began getting weird, lottie matthew’s (who to the general public of Wiskayok high—is the second most popular girl, succeeded by non other than jackie taylor) comes up to you, you’re nose deep in a book, a jane austen book to be specific, and to be really specific ‘Pride and Prejudice’, you’ve got your headphones on, blasting whatever playlist spotify thinks you should listen to when you read consisting of mellow-sad-angsty songs; when suddenly you see a hand waving in front of you, you jump and set the book down before placing one of your headphones off your ear, only to realize it’s lottie matthew’s trying to get your attention. she questions you about your book but you can tell she’s not really interested—anyways, you out of everyone get an invite to some kind of party that she’s throwing on friday, invite by lottie only. you obviously agree—you’d be choosing even more social suicide if you didn’t (you’re already a loser)—with a simple yet unsure “okay” lottie nods and writes her address on your forearm, telling you 8 o’clock on the dot.
what the fuck?
2 days pre-party: vanessa palmer (she’d kill you for calling her that) and taissa turner sit at your lunch table, you don’t think you’ve ever seen one without the other following right behind (usually van following) anyways—tai mentions something about the party, and you simply answer with a “yeah, lottie invited me, i’ll be there” in which van replies with an “oh shit! i didn’t really think lottie would go through with it—you know for sh-“ tai puts her hand over vans mouth before giving a simple awkward smile and muttering a “see you there!”
weird, so fucking weird.
1 more day until the party you think to yourself in non other than english class, which by some weird coincidence you share with #6 of the WHS yellowjackets, shauna shipman. no one really likes her in this class—you don’t know why, i mean she can be abrasive and stick to her guns, but the girl knows her stuff. she’s never been rude to you. always answering anything with sincerity and kindness—why you get this honor? you have no idea. today in english class you pull out yet another jane austen book, this time it’s ‘Emma’, popping your headphones over your head and pressing play on that same spotify shuffle, you don’t even get a page in before you feel a tap on your shoulder, looking up, of course it’s her—shauna shipman, that red flannel on, those shorts—her hair tied up in that low ponytail, her bangs framing her face, her eyes—holy shit her brown eyes, you’d think she couldn’t hurt anything with those eyes—her lips, oh my god—
you’re struck out of your thoughts by her laughing and saying something like “you weren’t listening were you?” with an awkward apology you take your headphones off and set the book down “what’d you say?” you say softly, scared to have any sense of rejection from the harshness you know she’s capable of, but she proves you wrong asking about the book your reading and saying something about “The classics” whatever you’re just astonished that she’s even talking to you and it’s not yelling.
fuck you’re in deep, you think.
the day of the fated party, it’s 7:30 you’re on your way to the matthew’s estate praying and hoping that everything goes fine, even asking the saints to make some exceptions. you roll up and park in the driveway that must span at least an acre, noticing that there are more cars than just yours and the expected soccer team, and that fact alone immediately calms your nerves. 7:55; you make your way to the door and before you can even make an attempt to knock, #9 jackie taylor, opens the door not even making an attempt to look at you before she steps outside, crashing right into you. of course this would happen to you, based purely on instinct you grip onto her waist to keep both of you upright, and of course because why wouldn’t this happen to you? shauna fucking shipman is at the door as it happens—she sees you grabbing onto jackie taylor in broad daylight? nightlight? whatever nothing matters.
why the fuck does this happen to you?
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manglam-marfach · 3 months
dyke!Chilaios has me understanding breeding kink all of a sudden
#chilaios#that's a lie i understand breeding kink very well lmao#HOWEVER IT MUST BE SAID#they finish up a great scene. hot lesbian sex. all going well.#and laios lies back with her eyes closed. still flushed and sweaty. she rests her naked hand on her naked lower stomach and says. 'hah....#'did you know ...that tallmen and halflings can have kids together?' Like its just another fun monster fact.#she's trailing her fingers absentmindedly over her stomach now. tracing idle patterns.#'with our lifespans being so similar it isn't even as big a deal as it is for elves and humans. they're even fertile and that's ...#that's really rare for hybrids.' her eyes are still closed. she swallows hard. She's more red now than she was when they fucked.#'you should talk about that next time you're in me. i'd like it...' and she cracks one eye open a sliver#to see chilchuck . BEET. RED.#because Chilchuck DID NOT. KNOW.#She was already fucked out and now she's dying?? she's dying. Laios still has her huge hand resting on her huge smooth stomach#miles and miles of soft skin...that she wants chilchuck to put a BABY in#she's thought about the hypothetical lifespan and safety of the hypothetical baby! is this just a sex thing? is this a for real thing?#chilchuck does not know and does not know which one she's hoping for now!! cause both sound GREAT#AND OF COURSE THERE'S ALSO#chilchuck remembering that conversaion next time Laios's huge huge fingers are inside her. Laios's hot wet breathing by her ear.#Laios's breathing going ragged even though no one is touching HER she is the one toying with Chilchuck right now. She always does that.#between the breathing and the fingers and the warmth and the smell Laios is all around her and she just thinks -#'Laios is so huge. Laios's baby would be so huge. I'd be so huge. Pregnant with it.' And she cums.#rattles her to her fucking core. Chilchuck who HAS BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE realising. holy shit.#i want this fluffy haired socially awkward 26 year old doggirl to . to fuck a baby into me. in a sexy way.#i think . I think it's hot.#enough to turn you to drink isn't it!#u may ask - hey how come chilchuck has a girlcock and has got pregnant? can laios get chilchuck pregnant?#does anyone even have a womb in this situation? I may answer - don't worry about it#a wizard did it. whatever. its a fantasy world.#whatever is sexiest in the moment i don't care#lesbiance
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bloody-wonder · 3 months
Top five mangas?? 👀👀
thanks i'm gonna include manhwa too tho bc i read it more often :)
semantic error made me unlock hitherto undreamt of levels of fun that can best be compared to the profound enjoyment a hetero woman experiences when watching a really good self-indulgent romcom. i previously thought i'm only into exceptionally fucked up bl but this manhwa taught me i'm not above very basic romance if it's well-written, hilarious and sexy and frames weirdness as something that can be appealing and awaken desires
killing stalking was the first bl manhwa i ever read and what an introduction to the genre it was! it's very good but very dead dove do not it so i wouldn't rec it to just anyone. for me, it was very fun binging the whole thing overnight bc why sleep when you can instead plunge deep into the darkest corners of human psyche while scrolling cartoons
twittering birds never fly has the audacity to maintain that slowburn since *checks wikipedia* 2011?? what the fuck?! if semantic error is a romcom twittering birds is a soap opera with no end in sight - and it has me in a chokehold. yashiro is one of the most characters of all time, i hope he admits his feelings for doumeki sometime before i turn 50 but it's still fun to watch him get into increasingly dramatic situations in order to avoid doing just that lol
painter of the night is just self-indulgent. i don't think the plot is any good at all and i don't particularly like the main character but i'm sufficiently compensated for these flaws by the historical setting and yoon seungho. the joseon period costumes are just so fun to look at - at one point i went down a rabbit hole researching those fascinating gat hats. more bl should be set in the past tbh but it probably takes more time and research for the creators. and yoon seungho is just your classic bad boy you want to fix and do in fact fix. the drrrrama of it tho!
the cornered mouse dreams of cheese / the carp on the chopping block jumps twice is probably the least well-known on this list? this short two volume manga was recced to me by a friend and i really liked it bc it features a protag struggling with his sexuality in a way that to me read very aro. it's also about the quarter-life crisis so. all the themes very near and dear to my heart lol
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chuluoyi · 5 months
the secret wife
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- nanami kento x reader
follow the first years’ misadventures as they find out that apparently, the infamous 7:3 sorcerer is also a dutiful and loving husband in private!
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, the first years are simply chaotic, an attempt at humor, gojo cameo (he’s so insufferable), mentions of pregnancy, nanami being the best husband there is
note: based on an anon's suggestion, this is a spin-off to love entries' wife (so gojo is married to love entries reader naturally!) this is full chaos and crack omg so sorry and isn't proofread bc i’m kinda tired so pls forgive any mistakes and my dry humor :')
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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On one fine, sunny day, which was supposed to be a calm and relaxing afternoon...
“Hello? Yuji—”
Megumi could've sworn, they weren't usually this nosy.
“Gojo-sensei! It's urgent!”
Call it indulgence, because Nobara's curiosity just got the better of her.
“Oh? What's—”
“Does Nanamin have a wife!?”
And Yuji... well, he just needed answers, because the three of them were now in the ‘Mom and Baby’ section of department store, having just witnessed a monumental sight of their esteemed mentor, Nanami Kento—
—with a remarkably stunning woman hanging onto his arm.
“Huh?” Gojo's confusion was evident from the other line. Oh, yeah. Yuji had decided to cut to the chase and call him too, hoping for a swift clarification.
Okay, so why were the trio—plus Gojo on the speakerphone—hiding behind a pillar just to spy on Nanami and his very possible wife? Let us rewind 30 minutes before...
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Yuji considers himself to have an exceptional eye and taste for women.
And 30 minutes ago, when he fell on his butt on the rough, hard asphalt in the jammed Shibuya crossing after accidentally getting shoved by the crowd, and encountered a kind, vivacious older woman—you, who extended a hand to help him up, he was even more convinced of that.
“Are you alright, Itadori-kun?” your soft voice entered his ears, catching him off-guard, and Yuji was certain of two things then.
One, that you were just like a literal angel descended from skies above, all dolled up and pretty with your flowy sundress.
“Ah, uh—” he stammered, eyes darting everywhere and anywhere at once as his palm started sweating after clasping your hand. “I-I am…”
And two, for the life of him, he had no idea who you were.
But it registered late in his mind to ask as he was busy controlling his ragged breathing and instant crush, and before Yuji knew it, you graced him with another kind smile and went on your way.
And did he feel so miserable afterwards.
. . .
“She’s sooo hella pretty, Fushiguro! And she knows me! Me!”
Megumi sighed, eyeing his friend in disgust. Truthfully, all he wanted was to return to the dorms and collapse onto his bed, and not listen to his friend’s incoherent ramblings.
"You sure you weren't imagining things?" Nobara questioned with slight irritation. "After you embarrassed us in front of Gojo-sensei's wife a while back, please think more before you act."
"I'm not, I swear! She said my name!"
"Itadori, can you please just not?" Megumi grumbled, having enough of this ruckus. "I want to walk back in peace."
And so tucking away his pout, Yuji walked in silence just as his best friend asked, and he was really going to leave it at that when suddenly he caught the sight of a familiar pristine coat and the sundress from earlier. “Oh?”
"Isn't that Nanami-san?" Nobara also spotted him, her eyes widening when she saw you, who was happily beaming as well as Nanami's light chuckle. "And wait, who is—?"
"That's her!" Yuji burst out, pointing decisively in your direction. "That's who I was talking about!"
Oh, no. Megumi dreaded it already. He could already see the utter catastrophe—
"I'm going after them!"
"Wait, Itadori! Me too!"
Too late. Before he could stop them, Nobara and Yuji had followed the pair. Reluctantly, Megumi trailed behind them too, albeit wearing a vexed scowl. Yet despite his misgivings, he couldn't deny that the things he saw over the next 30 minutes were genuinely unexpected.
Nanami consistently led you to a quieter spot away from the bustling crowd, his hand holding yours firmly. He would occasionally throw you a smile, or when you didn’t hold hands, then he’d wrap an arm around your waist. And to the trio's bewilderment, they also saw him tenderly brushing his lips against your head while on the escalator.
Soft and gentle. It was a side of Nanami Kento they had never witnessed—either with anyone else or even himself.
The two of you ventured through home appliances, visited food stalls, and eventually... the ‘Mom and Baby’ section.
"Do you want to rest for a bit?" Nanami's voice held a touch of concern as his hand settled on the small of your back, and seeing that, Nobara positively swooned.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," you responded with a reassuring smile. "Let's head over there. I'd like to see that next!"
Watching you and Nanami meticulously going through strollers and cribs like a pair of would-be parents was apparently too mind-blowing for Yuji and Nobara, leading to the decision to call Gojo right then and there. And, as they say, the rest was history.
"Last I heard, Nanami wasn't married," Gojo answered resolutely. "If he is, then it's the ultimate betrayal because he never told me!"
"But we see him with a woman! At mother and baby care section!"
Gojo hummed in thoughtful manner. "Okay, students. Now I'm tasking you to see this to the very end! Keep me on the line!"
With that, Operation: Uncover Nanami's Wife was officially underway, and frankly, the way the three of them were clumsily tailing the 7:3 sorcerer made Megumi want to facepalm. How was it that Nanami hadn't noticed their rather conspicuous attempts at all?
Now you were fawning over baby clothes, cutely trying not to squeal as you picked a little blue and yellow overalls. "Kento! Kento! Look, how cute!"
And all of them were floored once again when the expression on his face softened, as a warm smile adorned his lips. "Yeah, they are."
"Is she pregnant? She doesn't look it..." Nobara remarked, squinting and frowning, still watching the two of you like a hawk.
"Or maybe they're shopping for someone else?" Megumi suggested, earning teasing grins from Yuji and Nobara, to which he quickly rolled his eyes, as they chorused, "Looks like you're curious too!"
After a while, you moved from the clothes to sections stocked with mother's necessities. Yuji leaned against one of the racks, pressing his ear against it, with Nobara and Megumi crowding behind him, attempting to catch a snippet of your conversation with Nanami.
"I think we should get some heat packs and these pillows—"
"Oh, Kento! You're such a worrywart, I still won't need them for a few more months—"
"Wait, what?" Yuji whipped his head around in surprise, causing Nobara, who was leaning on him, to stumble and inadvertently collide with the racks.
"Eh? Huh!?"
Unfortunately, the racks weren't sturdy enough, and the force caused them to sway dangerously. Nobara, sensing her imminent fall, instinctively grabbed Yuji's arm to steady herself. However, he got tugged instead and their combined weight exacerbated the situation, leading to the racks quickly toppling over and a deafening commotion ensued—
"Careful!" Nanami immediately pulled you behind him, a protective arm around your shoulder, sensing your shock from the sudden crash. He was on high alert, expecting some sort of attack of cursed spirits, but instead, he was met with the most astounding sight of the bickering culprits amidst the fallen racks.
"Kugisaki! What are you doing!"
"You dumbass! Why didn't you stop me from falling?!"
"Itadori-kun...?" Nanami called out in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't fathom as to why the first years were here. However, his attention quickly shifted to Megumi, who was seething and sending his friends a glare so hard it could drill a hole into them.
Then, the boy swiftly fixed himself into a low bow in front of him, ashamed, disregarding Yuji and Nobara's groans altogether. "Nanami-san, I'm very, very sorry on their behalf."
"What are the three of you doing here?" he inquired, and poor Megumi seemed at a loss, huffing as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start.
Meanwhile you were full of worry for the fallen kids. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"
For the second time today, you tried to help Yuji to stand on his feet, and this time, he really had a good look over you.
It wasn't exactly noticeable due to how loose your dress was, but now he could see that under it, your belly was slightly rounded—an unmistakable baby bump.
Amidst his shock and pain, Yuji couldn't bring himself to take your hand as he inadvertently let this slip, "N-Nanamin! You knocked her up!"
Nanami blinked. You gaped. Megumi and Nobara went pale in sheer horror, ready to murder their friend on the spot for his extreme height of rudeness.
“Itadori-kun,” Nanami cleared his throat then, and if he was offended, then he chose not to show it. “First of all, I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. This is Y/N, my wife, and yes,” his tone hardened slightly, “She’s carrying our first child.”
“S-so you are married!”
“Yes, that was what I—”
“What the hell?! NANAMIIII!”
Oh, the freaking phone. After his fall, Yuji’s phone ended up on the floor, and of course, Gojo did hear all of the entire madness, evident from how his voice blared from the phone.
Nanami frowned, unwittingly reaching out towards the phone. “Who—?”
“NA-NA-MI!" Gojo screeched in righteous exasperation, and the former immediately pulled away from the phone with a cringe. “How could you?! I invited you to my wedding! Are you a hermit or something—how could not tell anyone!? Didn’t you say I can officiate—”
“I said no such thing. Please refrain from saying outrageous things, it’s both annoying and misleading,” Nanami stressed, growing more irritated by the mere sound of Gojo's whining voice and feeling his patience waning rapidly.
"Aren't we friends?! How—!"
"Should I find you instigate one more of this... shenanigans with the kids, I won't hesitate to report you to Yaga and your wife," he interjected then with clear irritation, and right that second, Gojo shut himself up.
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi couldn't help drawing that one conclusion in wonder: So, that's what Gojo-sensei is afraid of.
Nanami swiftly ended the call with a flick of his finger, returning the phone to the still mystified Yuji. Turning back to the trio, Nanami's irritation simmered as he glanced at the mess of broken goods on the floor, as well as noticing the approaching clerks.
"You three..." Nanami started, his voice rising slightly, unfaltering even as the three of them flinched. "Do you realize what you've done? Are you so idle that you can ditch your assignments?"
"Kento, don't be too harsh," you rebuked, placing a hand on his arm with a frown on your face. Nanami sighed, looking over the situation once again. It was a whole rack of baby necessities destroyed; plates, glasses, and whatnot scattered across the floor.
Nobara bit her lip in anxiety. “Oh my god, who's going to pay for all this damage?” She could already imagine the staggering amount this mess would cost. This is worth millions, anyone can go bankrupt.
There was only one person who can and will. Immediately, both Nanami and Megumi turned to her with a shared resolve.
"Gojo," Megumi blurted.
"He will be charged for everything," Nanami added with spite.
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"You just love those kids, don't you, Kento?"
That night, when both of you were ready for sleep, Nanami had one hand caressing your still growing belly, and you teased him with a chuckle.
"Huh?" your husband looked at you in mild confusion as he stopped stroking you. "What do you mean?"
You giggled again. "You said to put it on Gojo's name, but in the end, you were the one who covered the damages first."
Nanami huffed lightly. "That's because I can't get the kids in trouble. But mark my words, I'll make sure Gojo pays up later, by force if I need to." He made a face when he remembered just what a massive bill it was. "That's too much money to be spent carelessly. We have our child and our future to consider."
"You're always like that," you sighed fondly, taking his hand and placing it back to the swell of your belly. "Always on the first line of defense for the students." Your smile widened. "It makes me think... just how lucky our kid will be with you as their father."
"On the contrary, I'm counting my blessings that they'll have someone as soft as you for their mother," your husband retorted with a smile, kissing your temple. And your heart melted into a puddle by his affectionate gesture.
"That's too sweet... ah, yeah," suddenly, you were reminded of a critical thing. “Kento, have you ever considered telling everyone else that we're married? At least to people at school?”
Nanami always wanted privacy for safety reasons most of the time, and you understood that, but seeing that Gojo and the first years knew already, you thought it might be the best time to let everyone know.
"I honestly don’t see the need to, why?"
"People like Gojo are confused—"
Your husband rolled his eyes then. "Don’t worry, dear. People like Gojo exist to spread the word so we don't have to."
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mickyschumacher · 6 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: after seeing you with play with some young fans you and charles meet on the streets of monaco, charles can't get his mind off having his own. or in which, charles has got a case of the baby fever. 𝐏𝐓. 𝟐 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: established relationship, fluff, 18+ (minors DNI), unprotected sex (wrap it if u don't want babies), breeding kink (obvi), charles meeting the bare minimum requirement to be a good human (lmao), slight lactation kink, mutual orgasms, handjob, pussy rubbing(?), reader is sensitive as shit, google translated french (my bad to the french speakers), a questionable perversion of having children that always comes with this context, also questionable whether this qualifies as baby fever but yeh
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: charles leclerc x fem!reader
𝐀/𝐍: wrote this one when i first started if you can't tell by the mention of pedro and tlou! my absence explained in another post! ♡︎
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
Charles loved his fans, especially Tifosi. After you, his family and friends, they were the most important people in his lives and constantly motivated him. Most of them were kind and sweet to him and loved and cherished you more than they loved him.
That's why whenever fans asked for photos with you, the both of you or autographs, Charles always accepted. He rarely refused them unless the fans gave off a certain vibe that rubbed him the wrong way; crazed fans or fans who liked you a little bit too much for his liking.
His favourite fans normally, however, were children. It was definitely pressurising to have that many children look up to him but Charles found it rewarding. They were so young and full of dreams that he could help fulfil. They always looked at him wide-eyed with their jaws open as if they had just seen an angel walk by, similarly to how Charles reacted when he had first seen you in the streets of Monaco.
Today was no exception. It was currently the mid-season break and you two were roaming the partially empty streets after having breakfast out, relishing in the privacy of Monaco. Halfway through your walk, you and Charles had bumped into some small fans, literally.
A set of 3-year old twin sisters and a boy who only seemed a year or two older had run to Charles and you yelling 'Charles!' and 'It's Ferrari!'.
Charles instantly was smiling at them, crouching down to talk to them and entertain all their bombarding questions that flew one after the other.
"Is the car really that fast?"
"Can I go in the car?!"
"I hope you win!"
You chuckled softly as Charles answered them with ease. You looked at the parents who also seemed to be equally as excited as their children. "Do you want me to take a photo for you guys?" You inquired softly.
The parents looked at you with wide eyes. "Can you? If it's no bother!" The father fretted, sharing a slightly alarmed expression with his wife.
You shook your head and smiled. "It's not a problem." They held out their phone and you took it into your hands, opening the camera. You hummed as you looked at the group. "Let's do three photos. One with the three angels, one with the parents and one family one?" You asked.
The parents were about to nod when the kids suddenly refused. "Four! We want one with a pretty girl!" One of the sisters yelled out, pointing at you.
Your mouth fell open while your body flushed with slight embarrassment. Charles grinned at you, agreeing with the children profusely. You gave a playful sigh and nodded. The children and parents began to poise for the camera several times and left the last one for you to take a selfie with them.
The parents turned to Charles, inviting him into a conversation as they apologised for the kids running to him all of a sudden.
You could hear Charles say it was fine when you felt a tug at the bottom your dress. You crouched down to the children who now crowded you.
The boy looked at you wide-eyed while the two girls poked your arm and asked "Are you a princess?"
You smiled softly. "I am!" You implored, "How did you know?" You asked in a hushed tone.
The children giggled. "Princesses are always pretty, that's why!" The boy said with red cheeks.
You hummed, pondering over the statement. You brought your hand out to pat the girls' heads and pinch the little boy's chubby cheeks. "That must mean all of you are also princesses and princes, hmm?"
The children cheered in agreement, giggling to themselves before discussing who was the best prince or princesses out of them all.
"I'm the best prince!" One sister said, putting her hands on her hips in determination. Her older brother looked at her almost offended. "How can that be? I'm the best. I'm older."
The other sister looked at her siblings dumbfounded. "Why can't we all be the best?" She sighed.
You grinned at her answer. "You're right! You are all the best. Equally. You know why?" You asked.
Three pair of big eyes looked at you with curiosity swirling within them as they shook their small heads 'no'.
You brought their hands together and held them in your palm. "Because you're siblings. You're family. That's the best."
The kids stared at you blankly, probably trying digest your words as much as they could at that age. The previous sister smiled widely, letting out a deafening yell, running to her mother. "Did you hear that, maman? We're all the best!" She screamed with joy.
You stood from the ground slowly, grinning at all the kids. "I did. We all heard that, ma cherié. It's true!" The mother chorused, giving you a thankful smile.
You smiled in response, shaking your head as if it was nothing. The parents and kids began to say goodbye to you and Charles, although the latter did so rather reluctantly as you walked over to your boyfriend.
You raised a brow at the dazed expression on Charles' face. "Cha? Mon amour, what's going on in that head of yours?" You hooked your arm with his, resting your head on his shoulder.
Charles blinked. "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about those kids. Cute, right?" He breathed out, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
You smiled. "Very," You agreed as the two of you began to walk to Charles' car.
Arriving home, the two of you decided to lounge in your living room, not bothered to do anything else for the day. You had managed to put on the newest episode of 'The Last of Us', eager to find out what was happening next.
You and Charles laid on the couch; your head resting on his chest while he cuddled you from behind. You were intently watching Pedro Pascal after being besieged with edit after edit of him on TikTok. Charles on the other hand wasn't focusing at all.
All he could think about what those kids you and him had met earlier that morning. Specifically, you conversing with them. You hadn't realised since you were so caught up with them, but at one point him and the parents had stopped talking and tuned into your conversation with the kids.
Charles had talked to you about kids before. You both wanted them and although Charles always talked about having three kids specifically, just like him and his brothers, he would leave it up to whatever you wanted because at the end of the day, it was you giving birth, not him. He would prefer to have children when he was slightly a bit more older, you both had more control over his life, and obviously with at least one championship under his belt.
But after today, Charles was prepared to throw that plan away. As lewd as it was, the idea of you getting you pregnant and having a family not only touched his heart, but immorally touched his cock.
Knowing that he would have to ensure that his cum was entirely within you, stuffed into your cervix, and not letting a single drop come out made him feel feral. To make matters worse, you would look like a goddess when pregnant because hell, you were so beautiful now. Round and full with his child because he made sure to fuck you till you were overflowing with his cum. Or when your breasts became heavy and sensitive to his touch, leaking sporadically, giving him the opportunity to clean you up with his mouth.
God, he was an animal. The worst.
"Charles, what are you doing?" Your voice erupted into the air, breaking him out of his deep train of thought.
Charles blinked at your question in confusion before he looked down, seeing his hand traversing under your dress and up your inner thigh. He looked over to your amused eyes peering at him.
"Sorry," He let out with a sigh, rubbing the warm flesh of your thigh softly. "I just... I can't stop thinking about children."
You raised a brow, not seeing the correlation to Charles' wondering hand. "Children?" You iterated, running a hand through his hair.
Charles shut his eyes at your actions, feeling at ease. "Those kids today... make me want our own children. Now. I want to have children now."
Charles peeked his eyes open, looking at your astounded expression with a bit of fear. "What about our plans? What was it? Thirty-three, a championship, lives under control, and then children?" You queried. "I-I'm not mad or anything, Cha. Just curious. Why the change of heart all of sudden?
You had now turned to face Charles, knees on either side of him, straddling his lap as you became fully attentive to him.
Charles played with the tresses of your hair that had fallen past your face before tucking them gently behind your ear. "You would just make such a good mother, mon ange. You're so sweet and kind. You now how to talk to them. God, pregnancy would look so good on you. I can't stop thinking about you pregnant," Charles let out a small moan a thought. "You all round with our child, hormonal, sensitive at my touch."
Charles' fingers brushed over your neck, making you shudder involuntarily. You melted at his words. Charles thought a great deal of you. You weren't opposed to the idea either, in fact all of his words were making you hornier by the minute.
"You know what?" You queried, "I also want to have children. You would make an amazing father, Cha. I know you would," You softly said, pressing a brief kiss to his lips.
Charles pulled away, boring his gaze into you. "Yeah?" He whispered, eyes soft and full of lust and love.
"Yeah," You repeated. "A father of all three," You teased, giving him a small knowing smile.
Charles' eyes darkened slightly at your words. His hands rested on your hips, his half-hard on in his pants turned harder, pressing into your clothed pussy. "Mon amour," He whispered into your ear, making the hairs on your body stand straight. "Should I fuck a baby into you?" He pulled his face back, waiting for your answer.
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip, relishing in his words. "If you're going to fuck a baby in me, Charles, you better do it right the first time."
Charles groaned, grinning at your words. Staring at you with a fiery gaze, he quickly brought you down into a hungry kiss. His grip on your hips tightened while your hands became entangled in his hair. Another groan fell against your lips when you tugged at his locks.
Your heart slammed against your chest, beating loudly in your ears. Your skin was heated with Charles' touch ravaging all over you; grazing your arms, squeezing your ass only for you to press further into him. Your stomach surged with desire, feeling his clothed cock grind into you. "Fuck," Your swollen lips uttered out, high with an intoxicating buzz circulating your veins.
"Charles, I need–" You began only to be cut off by your own whimper as Charles bucked his hips up into you, setting a pace of stimulation with the tent of his pants and the gritty material of his shorts.
Charles smiled at the sight of your head thrown back and your back arching. "What do you need, ma cherié? Hmm? Tell me and I'll give it to you, my love," He sighed out, feeling his cock ache in its restraints.
"Fuck, j'ai besoin de ta bite, Charles," You murmured, feeling the temperature of your body rise with every passing second. Fuck, I need your cock, Charles.
Charles grinned at your use of French so early on. Normally when you were nearing your climax, you would lose yourself to all the French you knew. "As you wish, princesse," He stated. "Let's get this off, hmm?" He began to slid down the straps of your dress, pressing warm kisses on your shoulder. The sight of your bare breasts made him sigh in content, licking a strip from the base of your neck and down the valley of your breasts.
You felt a shiver crawl up your spine, feeling Charles' hands wander down your back while he pushed the fabric past your ass, hooking his fingers under your the waistband of your panties. You lifted your body up, aiding him in getting rid of your dress and underwear.
You settled back down on Charles' lap, pushing your wet core against his clothed cock. Charles nipped at your neck, dazed at the feeling of your pussy on him. Your hands reached out, rushing to get those shorts and shirt off of him. Pulling his shirt of him, you placed a trail of kisses down his chest. You could feel his lower stomach tense as you neared his waistband. With a grin, impatiently, you took off his shorts and the boxers underneath.
Your stomach churned and pussy throbbed at Charles' red, aching cock springing up, begging to be touched. You flickered your sultry gaze to your boyfriend, reaching over to put your fingers in his mouth.
Charles maintained eye-contact, lubing your fingers generously with his spit before he felt a shudder rip through him when you teasingly pushed your pussy to graze the angry tip of his cock.
"Vous taquinez," Charles uttered out almost with a whine after you removed your fingers. You tease.
"Don't be too sad, mon amour," You breathed out, trailing your wet fingers over his v-line before wrapping them around his cock. Charles sucked in a sharp breath as your hand began move up and down his shaft, mixing his spit and his pre-cum together, giving him a new, unique shine of his own.
"You wanted to see me pregnant, right? Full of your cum. So pregnant that everyone will know in a few months that you fucked me that good," You started, eyes trained on him while you pumped his cock with a tantalising grip. "We need a lot of your cum today. I'm just getting you prepared," You purred.
Charles let out a series of high moans, letting your words wash all over him and mix with his euphoria. His fingers reached out to your wet folds, stroking your heated slip with need. You trembled at his touch, bucking your hip against his fingers, increasing the pace of your hand on his cock.
Both of you moaned loudly while you jerked each other off, breathy sounds bouncing off the walls of your apartment. "Merde," Charles swore, pressing his head further into the couch, hips sensitively bucking into your hand as you brushed the slit of his cock.
He pushed himself, refusing to slack at your pleasure. He rubbed your pussy, groaning at the wet, glistening folds that were coating his fingers. You moaned, feeling a familiar buzzing pool in your stomach. "I need to," Charles panted out, covering your hand with his to stop you, "I need to..." He trailed off once again, pulling you closer to him.
Charles could barely think straight. He didn't know what he was saying or what he was doing. All he knew was that he needed to feel your pussy against his cock.
A guttural whimper escaped your mouth when Charles rubbed his cock against your folds. God, the both of you could get off just like this. He sighed out, eyes clouded with pleasure while he bathed in the warmth of your pussy. He could feel you jerk time to time against him, sensitive from nearing your climax.
You were was a sight to behold. You couldn't control your hips or yourself. You were just so receptive, automatically rubbing your pussy and clit up and down the head of cock. Your head falling back, supported by air while your back arched with lust. Sweat clung to your warmed body and your dry hair was now coated in a light sheen of grease. Face contorted with pleasure and flushed with heat.
"I'm gonna cum, fuck," Charles hissed out, partially angry that he already was about to climax but how could he not at such a view and feeling?
You blinked through your pleasure, remembering how you had gotten into this situation in the first place. You pushed your hips to him, hovering over his cock and sliding down onto him. You whimpered, feeling full with his throbbing cock in you.
Charles groaned, feeling your warm walls clench around him as you began to move your hips up and down. He watched your breasts bounce, making him flicker to that thought of them being full with milk once he got you pregnant. He would be selfish and have a taste of them himself.
Your pussy was a siphon, drawing and pulling his cock even further into you. Charles placed his hands on your hips, pushing you down on his cock to ensure he was balls-deep within you, fully sheathed. The breathy air was now replaced with both of your lewd moans and the sound of your skin slapping and sticking against one another.
"Merde, merde," Charles began to chant, increasing the pace of his hips snapping and rutting into your folds. Your hands fell to his own hands, tightening around them as pleasure bubbled at the pits of your stomach.
"Fuck, Charles. Cum in me, mon amour. Fais de moi une mère. Hmm? Imagine it. I'll be even more sensitive, my tits will be heavy and sore with milk and I'll ask you to massage them... everyone will know what we did," You moaned loudly. Make me a mother.
Charles's hips came to a halt, shaking with pleasure while he poured ropes and ropes of his hot cum deep into your walls. He let out staggered moans, feeling you clench around him and take even more of his load. Charles pressed his swollen lips onto your, kissing you dizzy while he thrusted out his high, ensuring his cum was staying within you.
Charles sighed out, pressing his forehead against yours. Realising you were once again on the brink of cumming, with his cock still in you, he brought his fingers to your engorged clit, rubbing the sensitive nub gently yet harshly.
He felt your walls grip him even tighter if possible as you began to convulse in his arms. "Jesus fucking Christ," You sobbed out, waves of your euphoric climax hitting you.
Christ, you were so sensitive, hips jerking up against his fingers, grinding to maximise your stimulation. He couldn't even stop you if he wanted to.
"Merde, ma cherié, cum for me. Yes, just like that," Charles coaxed, groaning as you somehow managed to get more cum out of him.
You let out a final whimper before collapsing onto him, feeling Charles' softening cock drive and push the cum deeper into you. You let out a low moan against his chest.
Charles pushed your chin up with his finger, looking into your eyes. He smiled, pressing a slow, soft kiss to your lips. "You did so well, mon amour," He praised, running a hand through your sweaty hair, getting a better glance of your face.
You gave him a weak smile, peering up at him through your eyelashes. "You think we did a good job?" You queried, voice quiet and tired. "You think we'll have a child soon?"
Charles grinned at you, planting another kiss on the side of your head. "If I didn't, I'll fuck you again and make sure that test has two lines."
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