#i dont have this issue with dogs. like i will pet them and mess about and not be so worried about bothering them. im still conscious of not
brightokyolights · 3 months
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Animal rights vs animal welfare , aka why I struggle to identify as vegan
Not every animal rights issue puts the welfare of the animals first, which is seen most often in groups such as peta.
In animal welfare cases there is such a large difference between different types of animals and peoples opinions on how they should be treated, it makes me wish there were universal rules that could be applied to all animals and people could get in serious trouble for it (its not illegal to keep a dog locked indoors without walking it but that doesn't mean it's good for the dog)
Personally and in my own experience, zoos and aquariums that have high welfare standards do help people to connect with and understand wild species better and it gives people more incentive to help that animal if they are endangered and aren't typically cute, I've seen it and experienced it with vultures, no one really cares about the conservation of vultures until they see them in person.
I fully believe that it's possible to ride horses with the horses permission and for the horse to enjoy it, as long as it is done correctly. Every horse breed we have today is a domesticated or comes from the domesticated species, there is only one true wild horse species left in the world - the przewalski's horse, with only one record of a person being able to ride one. Your shetlands/clydesdales/warmbloods/icelandics were bred to be domestic, they bred to carry people and pull carts. Is there a significant amount of abuse in the equine industry ? Yes. Is the current equestrian standard putting the horses needs first ? No. Is the "normal" / industry standard way of backing a horse beneficial for them ? Nope. But that doesn't mean none of it is, yes riding two year old horses can cause significant health problems but not everyone starts their horses at that age, it's becoming more common for individuals to start training their horse for ridden work at 4 years old because they are more developed physically and mentally. They can learn more complex things and develop more confidence. Yes, some people try to speed up the training process with abusive and harsh methods, but not everyone does.
Not every human-animal interaction is good or bad, it depends heavily on the circumstances of the situation and how the interaction is handled
Everyone is capable of harming animals when they aren't informed of their care/behavioural cues. I see far too many "animal sanctuaries" interacting and caring for animals in neglectful/dangerous/sometimes abusive methods because they haven't researched the animal they're trying to look after
I dont believe it's possible for all pets to be fed a plant based diet, and I don't believe that all exotic pets are inherently bad. Like I said before research is needed so you can look after them properly and obtain them through responsible methods.
Some culls are necessary to sustain the current ecosystem in place in certain areas, because humans messed up and removed natural predators or let invasive species take over (yes I'm talking about deer and grey squirrels, yes I will die on this hill, no you can't change my mind on this one)
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housewifebuck · 6 months
Do you have any unpopular and/or strong opinions about car care? Products people get or don’t when they should?
I’m in the freaking out about getting a cat soon stage lol
hiiii<3 congratulations you have pressed my special interest button! I have extremely strong opinions on proper cat care from the perspective of a rescuer since every day I am faced with cleaning up the messes of people who do NOT take care of their cats properly. I am putting everything under the cut since this will include mentions of animal abuse/neglect etc. And also it’s going to be very long I fear.
First and foremost as I’m sure you will soon be able to tell animal welfare is something I am very very passionate about. Rescue work is my entire life. These are all things I have had to repeat over and over to people who just don’t care/don’t get it and so if some of it sounds aggressive that is NOT directed at you (Michal) 😭 I’m talking to the royal you here since this is advice for everybody.
the most important thing in the world is to make sure your cat is FIXED. if she is coming from a rescue she likely already is, but if shes not, make sure you have an appointment set up to get it + rabies and FVRCP vaccines done asap (I also recommend getting the feline leukemia vaccine, which is not usually done in house by rescues). I would even make the appointment now if you know when you are bringing her home. on top of preventing countless health issues down the road, it will also keep her from reproducing if she ever accidentally gets outside. not only is that awful for the mom cat but we already have enough homeless kittens out there tyvm. PS this is just as important for male cats.
speaking of which, do not let your pet cat free roam outside*. Ever. here is a handy article outlining just a few of the many many reason why it is a terrible and irresponsible thing to do. I dont care if you think you live in a low risk area, or if your cat seems to want to get outside, or if you've had outdoor cats before with no issue. I have had to scrape countless dead cats out of the roadway after being hit by cars because their owners let them outside. Rat poison (very commonly found around peoples houses and in trash cans), if ingested, will literally cause an animal to exsanguinate and die in agony. Other stray cats in the area could be carrying FIV/FeLV or worse. If any of your neighbors grow lilies and your cat brushes against one and licks the pollen from their fur, they will die. There’s just so many reasons to keep your cats indoors I could go on about this forever. if you absolutely must take your cat outside either leash train them (properly, dont just take them out on a leash for the first time and expect them to be okay with it) or get a kitty stroller. But there are PLENTY of ways to keep your cat enriched and entertained indoors. Cat trees, shelves, bird feeders outside, interactive toys, treat dispensers, just to name a few. Go on chewy.com and just browse. They have an excellent selection and great customer service. Another alternative is building a catio! Just make sure your cat receives regular flea/tick treatment year round.
avoid the hell out of those backpack carriers with the clear plastic windows. those are terrifying for cats to be in they feel completely exposed and the ventilation is shit. get a proper hard sided (plastic) carrier. I recommend one with two doors (one on the front and one on top, otherwise known as a top loading carrier). When you travel outside or in the car be sure to cover the carrier with a towel or blanket. This calms them down a lot. The reasons I recommend against soft/mesh carriers are: they are impossible to clean or sanitize if your cat has an accident (very common in the car) or contracts an infectious disease, they provide no protection in the event of being dropped or if you are in a car accident or if you run into a cat-aggressive dog in the vet waiting room, and especially anxious cats can and will fight their way out of them and having a terrified cat loose in your car on your way to the vet is extremely dangerous for both of you.
Expect your new cat to be scared and shy for a few days-to-weeks, minimum. This isn’t always the case, but it is more often than not. I have had so many cats returned for not being friendly enough right away because adopters were too impatient to wait. It takes cats time to decompress in a new environment. I recommend keeping your new cat in a separate room like a bathroom or small bedroom for the first few days so a) it is less overwhelming and b) once you allow them access to the rest of the house, that room will be their “safe space” to retreat to. Also normal when a cat has experienced an environmental shift are: mild vomiting and/or diarrhea (I recommend keeping the cat on whatever diet they have been fed previously and doing a slow transition to your food of choice, + add in probiotics. Proviable and Fortiflora are two brands I like, both available on chewy), hiding in one place for the first 24ish hours, and occasionally stress induced urinary issues such as UTIs. To best avoid the latter make sure their litter box is somewhere they can get to easily without encountering any human or animal traffic. But don’t put it next to their food/water obviously.
And speaking of food/water! Cats tend not to like their food to be right next to their water. I recommend placing the dishes a few feet away at least if not in separate areas of the room. Also, cats by nature do not drink enough water usually so some amount of wet food in their diet is pretty important, and water fountains/bubblers also help get them to drink more. Chronic dehydration can cause urinary issues and more. Dry food is better for their teeth but higher in carbs and a dry-only diet often leads to an overweight cat, and wet food can cause plaque buildup faster but has a much higher moisture content. A balance of both is ideal. Avoid raw diets as well as these food brands: Hartz**, kit & caboodle, meow mix, friskies.
If you keep houseplants, be very very careful. Cats are curious and love to chew on anything that smells like nature and will go out of their way to do so, but a LOT of common houseplants are toxic to cats (for example, every part of the Lily flower, if ingested and not treated immediately, will kill your cat within a day). The ASPCA has a database online to search for plants and see if they are toxic or not.
The rule of thumb with litter boxes is 1 per cat +1. So if you have one cat, you need a minimum of 2 litter boxes, preferably in separate rooms of the house. Corners and secluded areas with little foot traffic are ideal. Make sure the box is the length of your cat standing up + about 6 inches for ideal comfort. Avoid “lightweight” litter; it’s super dusty and very fine and can irritate both your lungs and your cat’s lungs.
Stay on top of your annual vet exams. Even if your cat seems perfectly healthy it’s better safe than sorry, and having a good rapport with your veterinarian makes it much easier to deal with them in the event of an emergency. And on that topic, make sure you know where your local ER vets are + their hours and phone numbers. Cats are tough and resilient but they are also fragile and stupid.
*obviously different rules may apply if your cat is feral or semi feral and cannot live happily indoors. It is not typically a good idea to try and force a feral/working cat to be strictly indoors before they’re ready. But a regular domestic pet cat does not ever “need” to be outside, nor is it cruel to keep them in. This doesn’t always stop them from being interested though, so be careful around doors until you know how your cat will behave around them.
**while the other brands are just low in nutrients, high in filler byproducts, and just overall not super healthy, Hartz brand products (especially their flea and tick medication and shampoos) have been known to straight up kill peoples pets. Like, a LOT. I have seen this happen countless times. Everyone I know who’s ever used a Hartz product has a horror story about it. Do not ask me how they’re still in fucking business.
Honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head but I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff. If you have any specific questions you can hit me up, I don’t mind! Part of my job as a rescuer is educating the public so this is information I am very happy to share. Congrats on your new kitty and good luck!!!!
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eclipsewarrior101 · 4 months
Poppy playtime Heal those left behind au
Chapter 3 Smiling critters Headcanons
( LISTEN!!! This one is darker cause of the chapter. So I can’t save everyone!!!! But I can only make it fair. )
( Warning. TW: Mention of death, abuse, cannibalism ptsd, hostage ptsd and survivors guilt)
Kickin, dog day, picky, catnap and Bobby are the only ones alive. ( reasoning is because of the screams on the cutout boards)
Picky works for Catnap in exchange to eat.
And Bobby because she has abandonment issues and it has become a mental health issue
Kickin is alive but was kept away from dog day as a prisoner and a pet for Bobby.
Bobby has an unhealthy obsession not being alone so catnap gave kickin to her and she keeps him locked away for Catnap.
Bobby has made kickin very very dependent on her for food and has used tactics to make him afraid of being alone ( he thinks dog day is dead )
Unfortunately, Kickin lost one of his legs, Cough pickys cough. So he can’t exactly escape easily.
Dog day is saved by Evangeline.
catnap is still dead. But the prototype killed him early due to him messing up badly and him letting kickin escape.
The prototype is dead. ( player killed them)
Dog day uses a wheelchair
When Evangeline first finds kickin hiding, he has severe ptsd and isn’t fully there mentally. He hates touch, hates small spaces and immediately thinks he will be hurt. He also has no idea how to tell positive affection & talk from toxic affection & talk.
Dogday and kickin have a hug sob hug as they realize the other is alive.
Miss Delight is not allowed free.
Bobby and Picky are antagonists. They could change but they dont want to
Playcare is not safe yet
Evangeline has a schedule for the toys. This includes teaching, fun and therapy
I said before that Evangeline will have company. She has a friend named Payton who is a therapist and Phylicia who knows how to sew and is training to be a nurse. ( if you want to know more about them then ask away)
The toys from the upper floors try to help the play are toys adjust to a new life
Sooo. I know this is overdue but I hope you like it. If you have any questions ask away
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lazyauthor9000 · 1 year
Hello! i was wondering if I could have a one-shot where the reader has adhd? (stuf like slow memory, forgetful memory and behaviour problems and being bad a spelling?)
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A/N: Thank you for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Rise!Turtles x ADHD!GN!Reader
Genre: Platonic, Fluff
Type: One-shot
Reader: Gender-neutral
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"Crap!" You yelled, skidding to a stop as you finally made it to a nearby sewer. Opening the hatch and climbing down, you continued running. Making it into the lair, panting heavily, you managed to make it on time to the training session you had almost forgotten.
As you enter the training room, you noticed everyone already there. They greet you with a smile, quickly becoming concerned at your current state.
"Woah, (Name)! Are you okay?" Mikey asked as he bounced over to you. "You're sweating like crazy!"
You nodded with a sheepish smile, feeling embarrassed as you finally caught your breath, "I forgot about the training session... I've been having trouble remembering things a lot lately."
"It's okay, we understand what you're going through. We all have our own struggles." Donnie said as he typed away at his bracelet, looking up when he was satisfied with whatever he searched for. Raphael nodded in aggreement, "Yeah, and we're here to help you out. We're a team, the Mad Dogs! We've always got each other's backs."
Their words put a smile on your face as you felt your anxiety fade away as they reassured you. You take a deep breath and got ready for the training session.
As the training began, you find that you're having trouble keeping up. You keep forgetting the moves and getting confused. You started to feel frustrated and upset at yourself for messing up multiple times.
The turtles take notice of this and start giving you their attention and encouragement, making sure you understood each move and technique. Leo used his humor and jokes to help you stay focused and engaged as everyone would groan here and there at his lame jokes, but it only made you pumped.
"You're doing great!" April cheered as she witnessed you do a difficult move by yourself as she trained alongside you. Leo nodded and grinned, "Yeah, you're really getting the hang of this! We're really proud of you."
You rubbed the back of your neck as you blushed at the compliments being thrown, a wide grin on your lips as you realized by the end of the session, you really couldn't have done it without them. They helped you stay focused and motivated the whole time. And most importantly, they did not give up on you.
"Thanks, guys," You say while packing up your things and slinging the backpack straps over your shoulders as you turned to look at them with a wide smile, "You really helped me out today."
"Anytime!" Mikey beamed, "That's what friends are for!"
"Heck yeah! Now, who wants to order some pizza cuz' I'm starving!"
BetterThanLeo🥶 (You) is typing...
BetterThanLeo🥶 (You): look at mu mems i senr yoi burtheads.
🖌Picasso🎨: On it!
Megamind💯: Already watched them.
BetterThan(Name)✨: Of course you have 🙄
BetterThanLeo🥶 (You): dont strart. snyways i thimk my fisj drownd
🖌Picasso🎨: WHAT?? HOW
BetterThan(Name)✨: Sounds like a skill issue tbh
Megamind💯: The last time we had a pet, you flushed it down the toilet and it came back to bite us in the ass. You mostly since it was your fault.
BetterThan(Name)✨: ...
🔥RaphaDoodle: GO TO SLEEP.
BetterThanLeo🥶 (You): lmaooo i donr evem habe a fisj. ehos the one wiyh skill isues now?
BetterThan(Name)✨: ... You both will see me in your dreams.
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A/N: I APOLOGISE FOR TAKING SO LONG OMG ☹ finished this at 1 am and i am exhausted so I'll edit this in the morning. Writing suggestions are appreciated as I don't feel too confident with this one 🥲
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i wanna see more content of hannibal with the dogs, but especially about the rescue dog issues. will having to tell him hey, don't take your shoes off in front of buster. he bites feet. Or dont excite roxy. she pees. Feed buddy first, he'll eat everyone else's food. hannibal having to stop a fight by scooping up the smaller dog, or him cleaning up throw-up before will gets home.
I always want to see more Hannibal + dog/animal content. I think it would be really interesting to see which animals he gravitates towards, what personalities, how he chooses to interact. Plus, I'd love to see him at a vet clinic as a client. Very respectful, non-argumentative, inquires but doesn't demand. He wants the best for his and Will's pets.
I do like seeing the more realistic side of owning pets. It isn't all perfect. Every pet has their own personality and needs and even the best behaved animals have quirks and naughty habits, get in disagreements/dominance debacles. Also the mess! Like yeah, every animal poops, it isn't super glorious to clean up but it has to happen.
I do see Hannibal being overprotective with them post-op or after any medical procedure. Being super dainty with them after they had their teeth pulled or a wound sutured shut. Just babying the hell out of them.
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trollocs-ooc · 3 months
show us the touys. show us the touys milli.
MY TOUYS!!! Pardon the mess of my table
If u only want to see my collection and main faves do not click read more. If you wish to know all of the Milli LPS lore, click read more. If you dare
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i keep all of the accessories here (i somehow managed to only lose 1 ever)
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My main ones were these i didnt really gaf about the others
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I will now impart to you the life story of every lps i care about
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This is Mikey. He is named after the ninja turtle. He is the only "old type" of lps i own, and my first lps ever. I always wanted g2 pets because lpstube inspired a hatred within me for the new ones(they weren't that bad, but let's be honest they were worse), but could never get them because they were already gone.
He is SHY, and for some reason spoke to a poster (card) in his room like it was his mom. Dude had issues. He is the adopted brother of BERNARD, who is a saint Bernard dog. Because i was terrible at names even back then. They were both a part of the mafia.
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To the left is Bernard, who is a part of the aforementioned mafia. Next to him is his sworn rival Shades Shepherd (i got them together) and Shades only friend and gay stereotype Justin. Bernard and Shades are enemies because Shades was a policeman(dog? also theyre all teens. Don't ask me how a teen is a cop i have no clue) and also because they both fight over a girl named Suzie who you will see shortly. Suzie likes neither and has a boyfriend (the only accurate thing here i guess 💀 ). Also Shades has a fucking girlfriend already named Savanna
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Here is Suzie, to the left. And her bestie Melody to the right. My other aunt got them for me and they were some of my first other Lps. You can see Suzie was the main character because of how fuckin nastily worn down she is. Melody had a crown acessory i immediately lost at my aunts house and could never find ever again because we live in different countries.
Suzie was an aspiring film maker or whatever it is people with cameras do. All she wants to do is film but people won't stop involving her in Highschool drama and it pisses her off to no end. She is in love with Mordecai. Melody is in lesbian love with Penny.
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Here is Mordecai and his little sister. He's named after the main character of Life of Revenge, despite them having nothing in common. LOR Mordecai is an edgy abused serial killer, and this Mordecai is a stoner basketball player. He's chill. The first "set" lps i got. I decided retroactively that he is trans, Because yes i think of these as characters with a story
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Here is Penny with Melody. As aforementioned they were always lesbians. Yes Even as a kid i made them lesbians. Penny came with the iguana but i never used him because i thought he looked goofy. Im pretty sure her name was not Penny in the show but whatever . Standard shy girl
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Here is Savanna, who is Shade's girlfriend. She came in like a mismatched family set, which is why theres a cat there. She was probably meant to be the mom but kids are allergic to roleplaying adult toys so she was also a teen with 4 siblings she took care of on her own i guess. Standard rich mean girl. Technically named after LPS popular Savannah but i never watched it (probably for the best) so not really. Her friend is the penguin
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Penguin i Forgot the name of. My sister bought me these for Christmas and i actually cried? Because i wanted g2 lps 💀 Dont come at me please i was a child. Standard mindless follower. Girlfriend to justin despite him being gay for Shades
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And these two. I got these two when i was sort of stopping to care for lps but still liked them enough to include them. I don't remember the Zebra's name but her partner's name is Foxy. Foxy is nonbinary. And is also a reluctant participant of the mean girls friend group
anyway if i could write the story today it'd be something like this
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Bernard and Shades homoerotically killing each other while everyone watches in abject terror, the lesbains kiss and Mordecai and Suzie are left alone to do whatever the fuck they want with their school life.
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doomdaysdecays · 1 year
every multiple of 3 O_O
girl u are killing me. thank you <3
06: How do you want to die?
Old and peacefully, seeing the stereotypical light and some loved ones. That would be awesome.
09: Do you bite your nails?
I stopped a few years ago but right now im having a weird phase & im doing it again for no reason🫠(well i guess theres some reason)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Nope. Hope I never have to. A few one nighters were enough for me.
15: Have any pets?
I had two bunnies, but not anymore. I have a dog though, hes the one man in our household lmao
18: Are you scared of spiders?
It depends where they are but generally im pretty chill about them now, they only scare me when they move fast or jump because jesus christ
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Chill while my new medication kicks in & spemd quality time with the fam!
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
My best subject was English (not my native language)
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I’m afraid i did when i broke up w my last girlfriend. Everything is amazing between us now but it was just so difficult and sad back then
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Hmmm maybe my writer’s block. And my messed up fingernails because i was doing so well for so long
33: Do you have trust issues?
I dont think so, no
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
Nope lmao. I cut out of my life like snip snap and two family members can confirm that
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Good question because it hasnt happened (i dont count kindergarten/primary school kisses since those barely qualify as kisses)
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allbrainrot · 4 years
Hi! First, i love your writing🥺 Now to the point. How about felix, sylvain and dimitri pinning after the female reader? We are basically yeeting ingrid and placing a fem reader instead😂 Like, they are childhood friends and the three of them have had a lovestruck for her since they were kids? And now they just end up fighting for her love or smth? Either hdcns or an scenario is fine! You can pick whichever you wish! However if you dont want to write this req please dont feel forced to! Love u🥺
Thank you so much!! 🖤 And yes, you got it! Bye Ingrid LMAO 😎😎 I write pre timeskip wayyy better so I’m gonna just say that reader is 18 (i don’t write NSFW or anything but age is still a thing lol) so that they’re in between the ages of Dimi + Felix & Sylvain and it works out, hope you don’t mind! I love you too anon 🥺
- Dimi is probably the first one to catch feels when they’re kids! Felix does too but he’s kinda just like wtf is this??? until someone teases him about it. Sylvain is quite ✨special✨ with romance but I think he’d be inclined to trust you a lot more because you’ve known him since you were teeny tiny before you even knew wtf a crest was! So he probably also catches feels when you’re kids but then he goes through his whole girl phase SIGH
- None of them realize their predicament until they all see you again at the officer’s academy together. I wouldn’t say they’re super obvious about it, but they’re teenagers (well Syl isn’t but shhhhh) who all like the same person so they’re going to pick up on each other’s crushes while reader remains ignorant. It’s not an issue that needs to be addressed immediately, but they’re all watching each other cautiously.
- Syl would have a massive head start on flirting with you, but he’s faced with the big issue that you don’t believe he’s being genuine and brush him off. Felix is constantly challenging you to duels to get close to you and also have alone time with you, although the other 2 will occasionally ruin his plans and insist on joining. Ah man bby Dimitri would probably come across as a little overbearing because he’s very protective of you and is constantly offering to do things for you. He’s just a mother hen that’s whipped for you and doesn’t know any other way to express it!
- When it comes to the 4 of you sitting together at lunch or in class, Sylvain is the worst. He’s very aware that his competition is far less bold than him, and so he’s making sure he’s always closest to you. Will squish as close to you as humanly possible HE WOULD DEADASS PUT YOU IN HIS LAP IF HE COULD 😭 If he puts a hand on your thigh or an arm around you it’s a wholeass declaration of war.
- Felix will likely become much more protective which may cause a lot of yelling at you for being careless or weak, but really he’s just so worried! To ease his mind, he’ll help you correct your mistakes himself (which has the added bonus of getting really close to you and occasionally lowkey holding hands when he adjusts your grip). Around other people, especially Dimitri and Sylvain he’ll be evidently sweeter to you to get the message across. A blended mix of jealousy and concern will make him very protective of you around the other two. Dimitri is not getting within 5 feet of you while guard dog Felix is around.
- In the Blue Lions the tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife everyone is thoroughly confused but frankly just sick of it lol. Felix glaring at Dimitri? That’s totally normal but Dimitri is doing it back AND Sylvain is added to the weird stare off- wtf happened?? Byleth would have to talk to them after class and be like guys what in the goddess’s name happened 😭 They’ll all give a vague answer that doesn’t give away that it’s about you and each one of them has a jab at the others to shift the blame..please find your chill lads !
- At this point everything gets a little bit needier because they’ve all had this pent up yearning but have been blocked by the others. (If you’re ok with it) Sylvain will just randomly peck you on the cheek or your forehead when he sees you and you’re just like LOL ok ✨typical Sylvain✨ But when you sit next to him at lunch or in class he’s started very tenderly holding your hand under the table and you’re like huh ok that’s a little odd. If Dimitri is on the other side of you he will carefully take your other hand in retaliation. Felix will probably give in and do the same but he’ll snatch your hand a lot more aggressively and look away from you with a scowl and a blush.
- Dimi and Felix are both touch starved AF and would very much appreciate cuddles or any physical contact. If you’ve reacted positively to everything thus far, Dimitri will slowly start to bite the bullet and initiate affection because he wants it so bad. Any time you touch Dimitri, he gets sappy and lovey af and will express his adoration in hopes that you’ll keep giving him affection. Felix would never upfront ask for affection but he just kinda sits really close to you and glares at you with a little pout and you will have to realize that this is Felix language for ‘it is a crime that you aren’t cuddling me rn’.
- Obviously Sylvain gets lots of physical contact with women but I don’t ever see it as holding affection yknow?? Like yeah he spends a night or two with chicks after them crest babies™️ (i cannot take myself seriously this sentence is so funny-), but I don’t really think that they’ve done actual cuddling or casual displays of affection like petting someone’s hair because they likely don’t care too much for Sylvain and will just do the bare minimum. So in a way, Sylvain is also starved of affectionate touches and he would very much appreciate the little things that no one else has done for him. It’s new and scary for him to actually seek romantic attention, but he’s still pretty bold, just not very tactful when it comes to you lol. If you’re sitting by yourself on a bench he will not hesitate to sprawl himself out on top of you with his head in your lap and stare up at you with an innocent grin. Is also lowkey not embarrassed to whine or pester you?? His reputation is pretty hopeless at this point so what does he have to lose by sitting behind you in class and poking you while dramatically whining about you not paying attention to him?
- Attention is a huge deal to Sylvain. It’s one of the main things he’s looking for when he randomly flirts with people at the monastery. He can’t handle being ignored and that leads him to often seek many girls at once so that he always has attention when one is busy. But when it comes to you he finds himself in deep shit because once he’s gotten a little bit from you, everyone else seems minuscule and with others he only receives a mere fraction of the satisfaction he gets from being with you. So he’s gradually allotting more and more time to you until he hardly talks to any other girl. But Sylvain is used to being the one that everyone wants more of, so when he finds himself in the shoes of the smitten women that piss him off, he’s plagued by the worry that you’ll think he’s overly needy. So he comes to seek validation from you too. If he can just get you to comb your fingers through his hair or give him a kiss on the cheek then he can renew his confidence in trying to court you.
- Dimi is somewhat similar but for different reasons and in different ways. Dimitri has practically no experience with romance so he’s extremely smitten and has an overwhelming desire for the affection you give him that he’s never had. But he’s painfully aware of how extreme his feelings are in comparison to any other couples he may have seen at the monastery, and he’s terrified that he’ll scare you away if he expresses exactly how much he yearns for you. So Dimitri is always very visibly holding back much like he often holds back his strength. Dimi will do anything for you or with you, but you have to initiate it so he can be certain that he’s not smothering you. On days where he’s extremely lovey and never wants to let go of you (which is kind of often lol) he will constantly ask if you’re sure that he’s not bothering you. He is just so horrified at the thought of messing up whatever it is you have.
- Felix will be very easily overwhelmed by you, so it’s much better if you wait to cuddle up to him until you can both go to one of your rooms. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be touched, he does, but his feelings for you make him way too vulnerable for his liking, so he’s not going to want anyone else around. Felix is still Felix and he goes off to take out his feelings in the training grounds every free day, but has started occasionally coming to your room when he’s done for the day and receiving his required cuddle time away from prying eyes. He may have accidentally fallen asleep with you a couple times..
- You’ve probably snuck in to sleep in Dimi’s room on occasions when he’s dangerously sleep deprived. The man, the myth, the legend Dedue would definitely help sneak you in because he knows it does Dimi a lot of good. Dimitri is able to fall asleep with you practically on top of him in his grasp. Feeling your heartbeat close by and your hair beneath his head and hearing you breath peacefully is enough to ground him from his fear of losing you too. He’ll still have nightmares, trauma is a bitch, but when you’re there you can bring him back down and he’ll eventually be able to fall back to sleep (which he typically can’t do alone). It’s not a perfect night’s sleep, but it’s enough to keep Dimi functional and that’s what you’re there for. He’ll thank you a million times and unnecessarily apologize for the inconvenience, please do what you can to reassure him that he’s not a nuisance to you. 
- SIGH Sylvain, this god damn silly little goose, is extremely distressed by his feelings for you and even moreso by his developed neediness. It honestly kinda scares the shit out of him to realize he’s whipped for someone and at a loss for a way to ask you out. He’s used to having that power, to have someone’s feelings in the palm of his hand where he can do anything he wants. Genuinely trying to figure out how he would court someone is a frightening new thing for him and he’s suddenly on a playing field where he doesn’t have his experience or his power to shield himself with. So he reverts to his old ways to try to get a handle on his fear and have his confidence boosted back up. But of course, Syl still wants all the attention he can get from you so you so he spends all of the day with you, then does his other girl bullshit at night! It doesn’t go as smoothly as planned though..Sylvain is used to being yelled at by crying girls, but it hasn’t gone unnoticed that he ignores them all day and drops by whenever he feels like it, and he ends up getting in some pretty nasty arguments that do not help his already vulnerable state. So it’s like 2 AM and Sylvain’s feeling like a sorry sack of potatoes and just wants to be held by someone and talk until falling asleep in their arms. And there’s only one person who Sylvain wouldn’t mind being open with and who could provide him genuine comfort..and you’re the lucky winner of the ‘Sylvain on your doorstep at 2 AM’ lottery!! Unless your sleep schedule is wack you’re gonna be all groggy like hey uhh wtf Syl??? And that is how the occasional nights that Sylvain falls asleep in your room happen!
- If the 3 of these scenarios interfere with each other ummmmmmmmm no they didn’t 😳
Ok! That’s where I’m leaving off because I don’t want to try to write endings with you picking one of them it just makes me kinda sad LMAO. Bro omg it’s the return of the ridiculously long Allister fics she do be goin a little insane though 😳 But for real I’ve been gradually adding to this for like?? a week? And I just kept picking cute relationship milestones or whatever in my walnut brain and writing a point for each of them so that the 3 of them are equally written. So it might not line up perfectly but I hope you like it!!
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sydneyshipsstuff · 3 years
so uh last night at like 4 am i couldnt sleep, decided to walk my dog, and came up with this bad boy. It’s a rough draft, though. um @professional-benaddict read it and told me to post it, so whatever rafni says goes. 
-Little! Peter with like everyone lmao (platonically), but main pairing is Tony x Peter. everyone is 18+ and Littles are known. but yeah, I call this “uncanonically Canon AU” because it follows canon character tropes (except Peter).
so i LOVE the doctor trope w stephen and tony to death, like probably a lil too much, but hear me out
--canon tony and the avengers with not canon (aka powerless) little peter
--im thinking how they met is before peter became classified as a little, he was smart smart. so, he still gets the internship, but a real one this time.
--hes hanging out with the other interns when he feels himself regress. he freaks and goes to hide in a bathroom or something
--he runs into (probably pepper??) someone and they help him get out of the tower because he's obviously very vulnerable
--they (pepper?) take him to the hospital to get tested and find out hes a high care little. once they find out peter freaks out because omg he cant work like this
--(pepper?) assures him that they will figure it our, but with no CG, and just for plot sake, he also is living alone at this point so they dont feel comfortable sending him home, so he stays overnight, at least, in the hospital
--(pepper?) goes to talk to tony himself about this since hes the one who chose and hired the interns. tony isnt quite sure what to do because peter is one of the best in their group
--(pepper?) suggests that he go have a one on one talk with peter and see what the boy wants to do with his future, and also meet with the doctors to see what they think is best for his future
--now, tony has met peter a few times, and the kid is pretty cool, but he never really cared about him (harsh, but canon tony is pretty reserved so yuh) so, when he goes into the hospital room to talk with him, hes mentally preparing to never see peter again
--but, when he walks in, he sees peter sat on a cot carefully coloring in an avengers coloring book, and his entire aura is different and /adorable/
--as if he wasnt already kinda done for, when peter notices he's there, he looks up, eyes blown wide and a kid-like face on full of awe
--he sits on the end of the bed and they simply stare at each other before peter finally gets the courage to ask why tony is there, stuttering through it like an adorable mess
--tony freaks out, because as good as peter is, he planned on letting peter down, but now that hes here, all he wants is to see the boy.
--instead he smooths his nervousness and easily asks about how the boy is doing. he asks if peter has a CG, and predicably, peter just sadly shakes his head
--anyways i dont really know how this part would be worded, and it probably wouldnt happen in just one day, but eventually tony asks peter if he wants tony to take care of him
--peter is a cutie and accepts, again dont really have this part planned out, im akward when it comes to writing about the adopting of a little
--he goes with tony and since he lives in the tower, he also gets the avengers as glorified CGs. now this is the part i LOVE
***added part by Rafni:
"I’d imagine that Peter would just be kept in the hospital, like he doesn’t need any meds nor saline so he doesn’t even have a drip nor is he hooked up to any monitors. He is just there in the hospital pyjamas colouring and waiting for someone to take care of him🥺👀"
And since there’s no medical concerns (anymore) the nurses would have more time to just chat with Peter and make sure he is like mentally taken care of 🌸🌸
tony stark- he's obviously the main man and does all the main caring. hes the one who sleeps with peter and makes sure he gets food, and plans the days. he also sometimes will hand make little gadgets (safe ofc) to occupy peter. he gets peter little engineering/inventing kits and will hold back any groans he has as peter hits his leg with a plastic hammer and screwdriver. he also is the one who is ALWAYS there, when he cries, when he's happy, when he's sad.
thor- he lets peter play with his hair, and even lets the boy snuggle, and sometimes even chew on, mjolnir (because of course peter would be worthy)
steve rogers- he lets peter look at and hold the shield. one day he finds the boy curled like a cat dosing on the inside of it
natasha- she speaks in russian to him, and when he goes outside to the park, shes there making sure no one disturbs him
wanda+sam (i had an idea for them when i originally thought of this, but i cant remember it now :/)
bucky- he lets peter also mess with his hair, although more rare than thor, but he does let peter suck on his metal fingers when hes really small, and will scratch peters scalp with it, the metal scratching much better than normal skin. also if he ever gets a fever, the cold of the arm feels amazing on his forehead
bruce- not strictly canon since hes more sciency than doctor, but i imagine bruce is the one who does checkups and takes care of the meds when peter is sick
stephen- he doesnt do it often, plus he's not at the tower much, but hell do little harmless "magic" tricks to excite Peter and when peter gets grumpy, stephen will give him a little stress spell thing to calm peter down
peter quill- i imagine hes the one who is down to do lots of fun stuff, but is also the most reckless towards the actions suited towards littles, getting a lot of scolding from tony. also, he has great taste in music, so when peter has bursts of energy, he'll bounce around the room dancing to old 80s music
rocket- hes the closest peters ever gonna get to a pet, and with lots of bribing from tony, rocket /occasionally/ lets peter pet him and feed him "treats", sometimes peter will ask rocket to do a trick like jump or spin, but rocket with always decline...at first. peters trademark pouts do the trick because either rocket will concede and hurt his pride, or tony will see and threaten rocket into making his little boy happy. its always worth it to see the happy little squirms and claps
gamora- she's the resident story teller. when its bedtime, she'll share her cool space stories, leaving out the gory/scarier aspects. it always does the trick as hes out in minutes. sometimes hell catch her and peter q engaging in loving activities (ie kissing, hugging, whatever), and he'll just giggle away, and as embarrassed as gamora gets, not being an openly affectionate person, she might just go to the extreme to hear the cute giggles out of the little boy
clint- hes pretty chill with peter. he also likes to play games with the boy, playing things like peek-a-boo when he's super small, or playing darts when he feels older. tony isnt /too/ happy about it, but its better than quill so he doesnt say anything.
pepper is there too because i love the idea of tony working away somewhere and pepper calling peter in, handing him a few sheets of paper, sometimes actual documents, sometimes just scratch paper to entertaim the boy, before asking peter to deliver them to tony. she always has a smile when peter eagerly nods with his whole body before running to the office to give tony the papers. it almost always ends with peter in his lap, but it /always/ ends in tony praising him, saying something along the lines of 'theres my little helper boy. look at you'
--on any particular day peter wakes up aged up, he doesn't even miss his old internship because this life is so much better, although on these days tony actually lets him help with some safer stuff in the lab with him
--also, they are still the avengers and still have to save the universe. tony leaves him in the care of Happy or Pepper, trusting them both to handle him. sometimes, it ends in disaster. sometimes, they are lucky enough to find happy laying on the couch, with a drooling little boy soaking his suit
--no matter how things end up, it never gets old being able to come home and cuddle up with the reason tony wants to save the universe.
--its no surprise peter is able to help the man just as much as tony helps him. tony stops locking himself up so late at night so he can put peter to bed and cuddle up. he stops drinking when he's stressed, instead finding his boy and reading a story to him. his hookups end, he wants to be there for peter all the time. he gets more work done, the added bonus of having a pretty little boy in his lap helping keep his mind on track.
--tony still has his canon issues, but having peter there makes everything a little more manageable. and when he eventually gets too old to be ironman, its okay, because his universe is lying in bed, a red pacifier in his mouth, and a family of superheroes softly arguing about who the boy loves most
--and despite tony being a narcissist, he knows this is not that, when he thinks that without a doubt he is peters favorite. after all, peter helped him see the good inside the bad
so uh yeah thats all i had to say. maybe in the future it will become an actual thing, idk. i still have so many projects im working on first. feel free to add whatever you want to it though !!
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tigerdrop · 4 years
u know u could put out the weirdest most fucked up shit and we would still love it. obviously don't share stuff if it makes u uncomfortable but for every single thing you find embarrassing there's something several times worse
i really hope ur ready to stand by these words b/c im about to tell you about.......showdog dogboy gordon. for five thousand fucking words
look. listen. hear me out. my dear kogo introduced me to an idea and it has not left my mind since: showdog......dogboy......gordon
like.........you know.......its about. dogboy. submitting while benrey dolls him up and makes him look nice. maybe hes been a lot......fuzzier since he got forcibly nintendogged. and maybe benrey cracks a joke about it, maybe the joke gets pulled out a little too far. b/c its the two of them, and thats what they do. its jokes. games. jokes being riffed upon and thinly-veiled dares being issued until gordon freeman finds himself standing awkwardly next to a grooming table in nothing but his underwear while benrey tells him to chill the fuck out. puts that collar on him. after all, he wants to look nice for his friend, right? they say a dog is mans best friend
this definitely would not be the first time a joke or a game went too far and they ended up fucking at the end of it, but this is......this is a whole level beyond. this is definitely, like. theres a Lot going on here. but neither of them are breaking character yet so
and. you know. if youre feeling really insane. like me. if youre feeling just fucking diseased. you can make benrey.......pretty big here. make gordon dogy-sized next to him. not like, tiny, but enough that gordon, ordinarily a Big Guy, feels......small. a little emasculated
and.....yknow. gordon could be collared and chained to the table. like a real dog. not a lot of slack on that thing. and maybe hed be.......muzzled, too. if hes the kind of dogboy that gets snippy at scissors
its really good also for.....benrey being fully clothed and gloved up while gordons almost entirely bare. i know dog groomers dont strictly have to wear gloves. but still. not that it was really going to stop me if he wouldnt actually have a reason to wear gloves. i would make him anyway b/c ive lost all dignity
ITS ABOUT. THE HORNY FUCKING GAME. like they could talk about it if, if they wanted, if they were normal about it, b/c in this scenario they have absolutely fucked it out before (b/c i cant imagine any other fucking way gordon freeman acquiesces to this unless hes Aware that theres gonna be dick touching involved), but they are not normal and they are not going to break kayfabe even if it kills them
and like......i think the muzzle thing is......good. its really really good. b/c benrey can get real fuckin mean and tell him that hes gonna have to be a good boy and keep his teeth to himself if he wants it off so that benrey can make him look less like shit
those new canines of his are awful pointy. is gordon sure he can handle it? can he get a grip on his dogy side for fucking long enough to let benrey take a straight razor to his face? of course he can, he thinks, b/c hes not a fucking dog, okay, hes still a guy, and hes here to prove it and just. behave. while benrey manhandles him and grooms him and brushes out his fur and files his fucking nails. hes not in thrall to his instincts whether they be animalistic or vulgar. and hes definitely not going to cave and ask benrey to touch his fucking dick while he does this
> i enjoy the thought of benrey posing gordon as he pleases but never directly touching him, lifting his leg to get under his upper thigh or stretching the skin of his belly taut as not to nick him. so concentrated on gordon but feigning ignorance to his building arousal, ignoring it
> that art jordan did where gordon is on the table and has the collar on. his chest is shaved into the shape of a heart and that made me so DFUCKING CRAZY I STARTED BARKING AND SNARLING AKLSJAKDJFS
YEAH.....ITS......its shaved into a heart on purpose. and i left that in the first version i posted but nobody said anything about it so i just whistled and walked away
> LIKE. the emasculation of it....the fucking. possesiveness. theres also an undercurrent of like tenderness to it that made me fucking go apeshit
its such a fucking power move too. like. thats not gonna grow out for awhile. every time gordon freeman looks in the mirror for the next few weeks hes gonna be reminded of how fuckin debased he was
just..............consider........the trust hed have to put in benrey for it........benrey holding gordons jaw very firmly in his hand and showing him the straight razor and being like "yo.......uhh......this things sharp. dont wanna make a mess......better, better sit real fuckin still. sit boy. dont move." and sitting rigidly after benrey says something like that while tilting his jaw up to look directly athim is one of the hardest things gordons done in his life. hes sweating and hes making himself dizzy by trying not to breathe too much
he can just......he can see exactly where gordons jugular is fluttering madly under the razor and where gordons adams apple bobs as benrey skims stubble off his throat and rest assured that benrey is getting off on this just as much as gordon is
big......big hands on his face.....turning him every which way.......running his thumb over the clean line of his jaw to feel the results..........i think its just, its a cool scenario. to think about. but instead of this being just a normal "gordon freeman gets shaved" scenario, hes half naked and chained to a table and also has dog ears for some fucking reason
but also this is just like......his face. its the "trimming him everywhere" thats the really fun part
> like...the moving down his body....touching almost clinically by moving part of him around to get everything...yknow....
casual.....clinical.......nervewracking to be on the receiving end of
> thinking about him having to restrain his horny is fun, but it’s especially fun when you think about how he’d spend hours like that, hard and dripping, since friend benrey wants to be so through
fucking. hours. of just laying there anxiously running his mouth and laughing and gasping when benrey moves him like its nothing or touches him somewhere that makes him jump......like.......benrey with something whirring as loudly as those clippers in his hand doesnt exactly inspire confidence......but hes weirdly good at what hes doing and hes got a broad palm flat on gordons stomach to hold him in place/get him to chill out......but it just makes gordon sweat and flush and hes trying so hard to stay still b/c benrey keeps demeaning him when he squirms too much......like, what, is he scared? thinks benreys gonna cut his other arm off with a pair of hair clippers? get real. calm down maybe.
but thats not really the reason why hes acting weirdly ticklish about the whole procedure. (its because of the Scenario, man. gordons trying so hard to be normal in the face of the awareness that this is one of the most insane things hes ever gotten hard for, but we all know how strung out this dude gets at even relatively normal shit. so much so that benrey will just stare at him blankly and ask "uhhh, stop moving please? thank you?" b/c gordons so handsy ordinarily and he keeps trying to move his hands when he talks)
> listen. what if he....absentmindedly like...pet. him. on the stomach. just doing the motion cause it soothes normal dogs so when he feels gordon squirming he strokes heavily down. repetitive...but hes not even focusing on that, hes like intent on getting the part hes trimming just right gordon freezes up and stops breathing for a second to flush all over. benrey’s hand is so hot on his stomach, and he can only focus on how good it feels,
> squirmy because he feels like he’s gonna die if his dick doesn’t get touched and all his instincts are screaming to disobey and hump benrey into the ground (not like he physically can with the restraints but)
eventually benreys gonna have to get down to brass tacks and shave and trim all of him
> and like the whole time. the whole goddamn time gordons just in his boxers absolutely throbbing with it and like. benrey's hand moves to his stomach and like the waistband of  his boxers. yeah. all of him.
can you imagine. gordon freeman desperately trying not to be horny while his best friend kneels between his legs and hooks those fingers in his waistband and starts peeling them off and completely fucking failing at it but hes still gotta try, right. whether hes cis or trans this idiot is so horny that his underwear is just. ruined
> i still cant stopr thinking abt. in the pictures you drew jordan. the way benrey is. delicately touching gordons dick/pussy to get a better angle for shaving
Y. YEAH. ITS POTENT. IMO. gordon having to pretend like hes not fucking horny in the slightest while benrey just kind of clinically moves his dick around and laughs at him when it twitches......ITS A LOT.
> the amount of willpower gordon is exercising not to fuck up into benrey’s palm when he’s loosely holding his dick to shave all the hair around it is honestly impressive
hes trying so fucking hard. hes shaking. look at him. tail thumping weakly against the table
just......like......i was thinkin about benrey getting gordon stripped bare while he stammers and rambles because he is so very fucking turned on right now and hes so embarrassed by this that he just stares firmly at the ceiling and humiliates himself ranting about how its a totally normal response and plenty of guys get erections during prostate exams and benrey has no idea what the fuck hes talking about
> this was th. part. ...benrey ignoring his boner and his rambling like "yeah alright. stay still for this part though for real" and gets to work. gordon absolutely mortified but hes breathing real shallow cause he doest want to get nicked here of all places so. and benrey placing a hand on his thigh to push them open further so that he can get a better angle and gordon's leg shakes. its quiet until benrey says to himself "'youre bein still. 's good." and gordon's dick visibly twitches at that and he shuts his eyes quickly and turns his face away. also i was still thinkin,,,,bout how the little praise straight up goes to gordon's head and his tail might also thump a lil faster on the table.
> would benrey notice? probably. maybe not say anything at first but just let a real evil smirk spread on his face, laughing a little. and then say lowly when hes focused on his work, "really like that huh. lil dogboy. you like being good?" and gordon lets out a harsh breath, stomach jumping. doesnt respond but his tail moves even faster. benrey's wrist brushes the head of his dick and he lets out a small sound, which turns strangled then he actually takes his hand and presses his dick to the side so he can get right below his stomach. its detached, hes just holding it pressed to the crease of his hip, but gordon's dick throbs under his palm and dribbles precome against the gloved fingers
> Okay, so, part of the grooming process is, of course, bathing the dog. And luckily, Benrey has a wonderful tool to help him with this. A hand-held shower hose with a lovely little shower head with very nice settings to help our little showdog get... clean.
> Imagine, if you will: Gordon, on all fours and chained up to keep him upright as Benrey slowly, methodically, wets him down. Lathers him up. Works his hands all over his body, from tail tip to the top of his head. Massaging into his belly. Rubbing inside his thighs. Cleaning every part of him. Every part.
> And the shower head occasionally dips down, pulsing, right to a sweet spot between Gordon’s legs, the closest thing he’s got to attention the entire time they’ve been playing this game. He’s so close, so GODDAMN close to getting what he wants, but every time Benrey realizes he’s getting somewhere... ... He moves it. To spray his back. His head. His chest. Anywhere but where Gordon wants it.
> Gordon is shaking. His legs are trembling, the table is wet and slick. He’s having such a hard time staying up on all fours, he’s panting and begging and losing his footing and EVERY TIME he loses his footing, well, the collar and chain choke him and force him right back up. And Benrey is just watching. Grinning.
> Waits for him to get his composure.
> And does it again.
just......like.......jesus. gordon would be. shaking. his whole body. panting like a dog. trying so hard to stay still. but he keeps trying to spread his legs wider when benrey reaches his thighs and he keeps slipping and accidentally choking himself and hes nearly at the breaking point trying to keep himself together but benrey runs a big, warm hand along his side and makes a passing comment on what a good boy hes being and gordon almost fucking yells from how overwhelmed he gets
i want gordon freeman fucking obliterated. i want him to suffer first from benrey jerking him around and then being made to jerk himself around, trying and failing to keep his shit together.....and when benrey tells him sumn like, hey no, dont lay down........even if your arms and legs are shakin, you gotta stay up bro.......its so fuckin demeaning and gordon just spits out "im trying!" and benrey buries his free hand in gordons hair like hes gonna tug in retaliation, but instead he just scratches gordons scalp in a way that feels really fucking good and asks "you gonna bite? huh? gonna bite me? when im treatin you so nice......jeez, man" and that takes him back from the brink a little
hes just always keeping gordon on his toes. switching settings. dragging it out and making gordon shake from head to toe, sometimes putting on one of those real powerful pulsing jets to overstimulate him and make gordon yelp and just work him up into a trembling mess struggling to stay upright. snarling in ugly frustration when benrey yanks the showerhead away just as gordons starting to Get There. it feels like it must have been hours that hes been being bathed like this and teased from occasional glancing sprays with the waterhead to direct stimulation while benrey chuckles at him and just blandly comments "youre shaking." and gordon stammers out hotly "of course im fucking shaking, you keep fucking with me and i just wanna--" and benrey takes him by the chin and makes gordon look up at him and says, laughing at him under his breath, "dogs dont talk, bro"
ike.......at this point u might think "surely thats enough. throw the guy a bone." and that maybe, now, gordon freeman will get his dick touched like he deserves. you owuld be wrong. benreys not done here. gordons gotta come down from that table, get toweled off. and when benrey unclips that leash from the table, gordon just fucking collapses. his arms and legs cant really hold him up right now......hes being strung out like a violin, drawn to maximum tautness before being let go all at once just before he snaps.
and this is where benrey plays a little nice.......dries him off and blowdries him a little, brushing out his hair and his tail. hes committed to the bit, okay? he said he was gonna make his best bro look nice, so hes gonna make gordon look nice. this whole time hes letting gordon come back down.....and its......its kind of frustrating, if benreys just gonna decide to leave him like this and drag him outta here  and call that the end of the game, but its not the worst thing in the world right now. for the first time in hours hes not being asked to do something. he doesnt even really have to move his own arms and legs.
but No. hes still not done. theres something theyre forgetting........gotta clip your nails, bro. its the last thing on benreys docket, and gordons embarrassed for a different (but taxonomically similar) reason. all the personal attention and the bizarre intimacy of it makes gordons mouth start running, just to get his mind off it. pretend to be normal! surely thats gonna work when the guy who nearly gave him a nervous breakdown from being edged and toyed with beyond belief is now at his feet, filing nails and running curious thumbs over the tendons and muscles. benreys almost more lost in it than gordon is at this specific point. (hes been doing nothing but jerking gordon around and its hard work. he deserves this.)
gordons been good. really fuckin good. didnt even nip his fingers. benreys best friend deserves a treat.
> look. hes been so fucking good the whole time. not moving and not touching himself, not breaking the tension they have with each other, staying so still. i think he deserves something nice. but like gordon doesnt expect it, he expects to just be jerked around and let go. benrey tells him to stay on the table and he complains about it like "im done now. you. you said we were done" but benrey comes back with a fresh pair of gloves and gordon tenses until benrey places a hand on his chest and tells him to calm down. he was good. rubs at his chest and stomach, slowly pushing him down onto the table while gordon squeaks when benrey parts his legs.  hes mostly soft now but he hears benrey doing something and then rubbing a slick finger around his hole and he lets out a little "oh god. oh god. " that turns into a moan when he presses in.
> gordon's calmed down a bit but its goddamn embarrassing how quickly he gets wet again, dick throbbing a little. and i think. hm. i  think it would be very fun to do overstimulation in this way now too since hes been edged so much that hes actually fucking desperate to come
> i think he should be be fingered until he howls and comes like 3-4 times. he's finally finally getting what he wants i dont know if he would know what to do. hes probably embrassed as all fuck from the way he acted that whole time, but when he starts getting fingered all that stuff just blanks from his mind and its so, so hard for him to not just chase that feeling and whore himself out. the opportunities for whoredon dialogue when hes that desperate are like  saying shit hes cant even think about like "god - please f- fuck." and benrey's only got one finger in him but hes so wet already that benrey tries a second and it slips in easily. he crooks his fingers and gordon fucking keens, thighs shaking.
the fuckin. the agony in his voice when hes hoarsely begging benrey "do not stop do not fucking stop i cant take it" and just. slamming his fist into the table and being so fucking loud, oh my god, this guy is loud
> the thought of how loud he would be crazed me im just. just. him laying on the fucking table, eyes shut tight and moaning high and loud while he pulls tightly on his own hair, clenching hard around benrey's fingers
i think it would just be cool if. uhh. the thing that finally breaks gordon. gets him to just Let Go. is benrey catching him trying to choke back his words and his sounds and just laughs at him, like, "this is the easy part man. you wanna be a good dog? better, uhh.....better beg. cmon, boy. beg." and gordons hips jerk and the subsequent praise he gets when he actually does it makes him just.......snap.......Bye
> and what if.......benrey doesnt remove them as gordon comes down from that. he just waits a few seconds while gordons still panting and then scissors them and wrings a strangled sound out of gordon, whos hips move down again. and the heat starts building again in his gut and he cant even get out full sentences anymore, just bits and pieces while he fucks onto benrey's fingers. m. maybe benrey's growling out shit like "thats it, cmon. been good for me all fuckin day. you want more?" and gordon nods his head without even looking but he hears a thump and sees benrey kneeling between his thighs and he. licks up from where his fingers are to his clit and he just seals his mouth on it and sucks and that makes gordon come a second time, thighs clamping shut around benrey's ears.
i just......i lvoe......overstim.......and i think gordon freeman should have his pussy eaten until he cannot fucking take it anymore
maybe......even.......maybe after gordon comes a second time. benrey doesnt stop sucking and licking. at first it seems like benreys just working him thru the orgasm, but then he just keeps going. and gordons sensitive, hes too fucking sensitive, each time benreys tongue swipes over him he jerks and tries to close his legs. frantically gasping that he did it, okay, he got gordon off, voice getting high and broken, but benrey just pulls back and looks at him flatly and then very deliberately. spreads his legs wider in one swift movement. and pins them with his big fucking hands. and just looks him in the eye and says "i know, dude" and puts his mouth right back on gordon anyway. and gordons legs twitch like fucking mad but benreys so strong and he cant move and hes slamming his fist on the table again from how overwhelming it is, tears prickling in the corner of his eyes, howling into the open air how benreys killing him, hes fuckin killing him, why does he like jerking gordon around so much........and benrey glances up and breaks the seal of his mouth around gordons dick and mutters something about how he must not be doin his job if gordons still talking
i want him to howl wordlessly with frustration and grab benreys hair and yank him closer as gordon rounds the corner from "the agony of getting sucked off when hes hyper-sensitive" to "the agony of chasing yet another orgasm". i want this dude to be tonguefucked until he wails!!! I Want Him Ruined. meat: massacred. pussy: destroyed. i think it would be cool if gordon freeman was wailing at him for more, dont stop, benrey, until benreys got two big fingers back in him and is squeezing in a third alongside them and hes so fucking tight from having just come twice in a row, but the groan gordon lets out when its finally inside him is so guttural and low it makes benrey blink and shiver
and i think that for the grand finale benrey should smash that dogboy pussy. thanks for coming to my TED talk
hes been going thru this shit for hours. taking his time to really screw gordon freeman up good. and its been so fuckin worth it just to hear all the fun new sounds gordon made (cuz of him, he reminds himself). benreys been awkwardly adjusting his dick in his pants for way too fucking long, and gordons been watching him do it. staring at it. saliva collecting at the corner of his mouth. he was achingly hard the whole time he was giving gordon a glorified pedicure. and he didnt even ask to shift forward from where he was kneeling to let the arch of gordons foot press against his dick. its been just as hard for benrey to keep control and stick to the rules of the game as it has been gordon, and this dude oughta get to crush mad pussy okay
> the thought of this is kinda making me insane actually so. im just. h. im just thinking about how it would go down like. augh. i think that gordon would be shaking from his third consecutive orgasm but like. he can keep going. and he finally gets a moment to breathe and look at benrey whos just a mess. hair messed up where gordon gripped it, red faced, mouth dripping with his own drool and gordon's slick and hes remembers like. this guys so fucked up over this, god. and hed been thinking about his dick the whole time, even though he thought he wasnt gonna get anything out of it for a while. hes been wanting it. and so like like he doesnt want to play any more games. hes been good he deserves this.
> benrey's still got three fingers in him so he kind of just pushes him back and breaths out "fuck me". benrey's actually absolutely dazed from everythin and has to process it like "huh. wh" but gordons like "just fucking do it, cmon. im not gonna say it again" and benrey finally actually registers it like. "y-yeah. okay." and he barely has any time to think before gordon's hauling him up onto the table. starts fumbling to get his pants and shirt off and gordons practically tearing at his clothes which doesnt fucking help. letting out little growls maybe like "fucking. jerking me around this whole time fuck you. can see how much you wanted it" and they finally manage to get them off and gordon pulls him on top and ruts against him. its finally now clicking for benrey that fuck. this is actually happening and he pushes into him with a low sound and gordon's thighs and tail go still and taut until he bottoms out.  gordon's fucking panting and clenches down on him and they both let out a little sound and benrey starts fucking into him slow. but cmon. this dudes been pent up the whole goddamn time. its barely any time before hes gripping gordon's hips and fucking up into him fast and hard, hips slapping against gordon's at a desperate pace. he probably tries to make it last but he cant, hes been edging himself too long. im going to fucking die see ya everybody
thinking about just how fuckin bad benreys legs would shake from the effort of pushin in reaaalll slow b/c gordons so fucking tight after having gotten off 3 times in a row.......trembling from the effort of trying to hold himself back......and gordons nails digging into the back of his neck and dragging down his back to leave long red furrows behind....... gordons eyes screwed tightly shut while the only thought on repeat in his head is "oh my god hes big hes so fucking big" and he can barely fuckin speak
> like yeah he had three fingers in him but this is so goddamn much. thinking about...gordon's hands clawing into back involuntarily from the stretch, letting out little cut off pants while his legs shake a little from it. i just. like the thought of his tail pointing out stiffly and trembling too. the absolutely wrecked sound he would let out when he bottomed out, all of that tension kind of leaving him in a drawn out deep moan. benrey shifts just a little to get a better grip on gordon's thighs and it causes him to yelp a little cause its so fucking much just from that movement.
> benrey's trying not to move but his hips are twitching from holding himself back and gordons letting out little. sounds that are making him insane. he pulls out just a little and that makes gordon let out a whine. and when he pushes back in gordon lets out breathless "fuck!" like its been punched out of him. even going this slowly is making him fucking shake like a leaf. hes squeezing his eyes shut tight heaving deep breaths, chest rising and falling fast. hes so full be can barely think. and benrey's just fucking stupid with cumbrain and hes saying all kinds of filthy shit like "h - fucking - so fucking good for me. so good. nnh. best. best friend -" and that makes gordon let out a whine. the praise has been getting to him the whole time and just. again with the loaded phrase of best friend. like the possesiveness of that. that combined with the near-overstimulation of getting filled makes him actually kind of lose it. his thighs clamp around benreys hips and his toes curl and pulls benrey's hips forward to make him thrust into him, so he stop going slow. bye. goodbye
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A Christmas to Remember
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Reader/You
This is my Secret Santa gift as part of the #Pedros12DaysofChristmas to one @mickeymouse-moshpit​ who wanted some fluff. This is my first time writing for Whiskey and I had a lot of fun with it. (Also, I sent an anon a while ago but I dont know if you ever saw it, or if tumblr ate it, so if you specified anything else my apologies!) I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: Talks of loss of childhood dog, Whiskey mentions his deceased wife. Some anxiety issues in the form of trying to be a people pleaser. 
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It was a few days before Christmas Eve, and most of the Statesmen were spending the day catching up on paperwork before heading out on vacation. That is where you were; stuck in your office finishing up reports.
It has been a rough couple of weeks for you. A mission you went on a week ago, went terribly. Your CI had gotten killed, and you had almost walked into a trapped that could’ve been the death of you and your team.
Thankfully, another agent who had been your backup got you out of there before anything could happen. Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels had been a literal lifesaver that day.
Then on top of that, your childhood dog had passed away over a month ago. He had been about 15, so his passing wasn’t too shocking, but it still broke your heart. He had been with you through so many changes: college, jobs, moves, break-ups. This was the first Christmas in years, that you would be spending it alone.
So, here you were typing up the last report before the holidays, with a smidge of dread.
It was as you were editing the report that you saw Whiskey making his way out of his office across from yours. You had always thought he was extremely handsome. He was a flirt, sure, but he was damn good at his job. You had been trying to figure out how to properly thank him for days since he saved your ass.
You bit your lip as an idea popped up in your head, and found yourself chasing after him, trying to catch up before he got on the elevator.
“Hey Whiskey!” You called out when you see him waiting for the elevator, just ahead of you.
He turned around, slight confusion on his face as he watched you run up to him.
“Where’s the fire darling?” He asked slight concern in his voice.
“Sorry. Um. Was wondering… do you have any plans for Christmas Eve?” You slowly asked, trying to not sound too winded.
“Uh. Not much. I’m on the graveyard shift both nights. Why you ask honey?” He questioned curiously.
“Well. I tend to have a small dinner at home and watch cheesy Christmas movies. I was wondering if you would like to join me? No one should spend the holidays alone or at work,” You offered with a small smile, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly.
Whiskey stared at her surprised. He wasn’t expecting that.
“Um. That’s mighty kind of you. I may take you up on that. I’ll let you know, yeah?” He finally answered not knowing what to say.
You nodded your head, somewhat excitedly.
“Great. No pressure though! I just… don’t want to be alone to be honest. But um. Just let me know, okay?” You said with a wave as you walked back to your office.
You go back inside, finish your edits and sent off the report for review. It was as you were gathering your things, that you realized that what you said… sounded a little guilt trip-y.
You winced as you thought more and more about it. When you got down to your car, and was simply sitting in it, you decided to text him.
‘Hey, umm. I’m sorry if what I said early made you feel awkward. I just wanted to do something nice for you after that mission last week. If I overstepped or made you feel weird, I am sorry.’
You hit sent before typing out one more thing.
‘If you want… we can just ignore that whole conversation.’
You sent it and then threw your phone over into to the seat next to you, not wanting to look at it ever again.
You made your way home and soon enough you were walking upstairs into your apartment. As you set your stuff down, you checked your phone expecting something horrific. There was nothing. You unlocked it to see the conversation, wanting to be sure nothing had been said. All that was there were your two messages. So, you continued on with your night, checking your phone occasionally.
Two days later, it was Christmas Eve, and you still had yet to hear from Whiskey. You simply sigh in resignation that he was either weirded out by you, or just wasn’t interested.
You began cooking your dinner at about 11am. You tended to make a lot of food, despite it usually only being for one person. You loved leftovers and it meant not having to cook a lot for a few days. It was about 3pm when you were fixing up the ham, getting ready to put it in the oven, when you heard a knock at the door.
You stared at it confused before walking over to it. When you opened it, there was a man you didn’t know standing there.
“Uh. Can I help you?” You asked awkwardly looking at him and the dishes he was carrying.
He looked at you then at the door number, and went, “Aw. Shit. Sorry. Got off on the wrong floor. My bad. Um. Merry Christmas?”
You laughed a little and said, “Merry Christmas to you. Enjoy whatever you’re about to eat, it smells delicious!”
He threw a ‘thanks’ over his shoulder as he walked away. You close the door and went back over to your ham. You finished preparing it and set it in the oven, creating a timer for it.
You were in the middle of cleaning up the slight mess that had been from that and was setting the table with everything that you had made earlier when another knock came to your door.
You walk over with a sigh, mentally preparing to direct another person who was at the wrong door. But upon opening it, you were surprised to see Whiskey standing there instead. He was wearing a simple black polo and jeans, a white cowboy hat in one hand and a bottle of wine tucked under his arm.
“Hi,” He greeted with a small smile.
“Hey,” You were shocked to say the least.
It took a moment for your brain to start functioning again before you realized you had yet to let him in. You stepped aside and he walked in setting his hat on a rung on the coat rack.
“I uhh… I brought some white wine. I remember you saying you’re not a fan of red,” He stated showing you the bottle.
You smiled at him meekly, and asked, “You remembered that?”
He nodded with a small smirk, “I only remember the important things.”
“My preference in wine is important?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Indeed. I find most things that you tell me about yourself important. How else would I be able to woo you?” He fired back his smirk growing.
You felt your face warm with embarrassment before clearing your throat, “Ahem. Um. Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes. There’s plenty to snack on as well, so help yourself.”
You made your way into the kitchen to get a bottle opener and a pair of wine glasses. Whiskey followed you, taking the opener from you gently. He quietly opened the bottle and poured the both of you glasses.
He then picked up both glasses and took them over to the couch, holding them, waiting for you to join him. You sat down next to him and took one. You clinked your glasses together before taking a sip.
You turned slightly to look at him, leaning back on your couch.
“Are you uh… still doing the graveyard shift tonight?” You politely asked, fiddling with the stem of your drink.
“No. I’m not. Decided against it,” He answered softly.
“Why uhh… why did you agree to do them in the first place, if I may ask?” You inquired, propping your arm up on the back of the couch to rest your head on it.
“Nothin’ better to do. Haven’t really celebrated the holidays in years. Not uhh. Not since my wife died,” He admitted with a flinch.
You stared at him, horrified. You didn’t know what to say. What does one say after that?
“I’m sorry… if this.. if this bothers you, you don’t have to stay,” You whispered feeling awful.
“It doesn’t bother me. Not as much as I thought it would. To be honest, I had planned on saying no. But. I don’t know. Somethin’ kept naggin’ at me to go. Maybe it’s cause yer the first woman in years that I’ve truly been interested, if it’s not too forward of me to say?” He confessed looking you in the eyes.
As you met his gaze, could see the honesty in his eyes. You set your glass of wine down, and got up, to walk over to the fridge. You reached in and pulled out 2 beers.
“Drinking wine doesn’t quite feel right for the current mood,” You lamely joked handing him one of them.
He chuckled softly and murmured in agreement.
“I lost my dog a month ago… Old age. Passed away in his sleep. ‘Best way for a pet to go’ as I’ve been told by everyone. Never really knew just how quiet this place can get without him. Thought about getting another to fill the void but I don’t know… None quite measure up I guess,” You told him before taking a swig of beer wincing slightly at taste of it mixing with the wine.
“I was about to ask, I remember you talking about him a lot,” He said with a nod.
“I know it’s silly, to not want to spend a holiday alone when your usual company was a dog-” You began to explain before he cut you off.
“It’s not silly to me. Now, I’m not quite sure who put that in ya head, but he was yer family. Just because he was a pet, doesn’t invalidate that or your grief,” He began, his hand gently brushing against your cheek. “I’m just… happy that ya asked me to come be with you.”
You smiled in appreciation, your hand reaching up to touch his as you leaned your cheek into it.
He slowly moved forward, his eyes glancing between yours and your lips, silently asking for permission. His lips slowly met yours a moment after you nodded your once. You kissed back just as hesitantly. His hand at your cheek, slowly slid into your hair bring you closer.
The kiss was slow but with each second that passed, the both of you gained more confidence. The kiss became deeper and more passionate. Your hands slid around his neck, slowly burying themselves into his hair. His other hand was fiddling with the hem of your shirt, brushing against the skin he found there.
The only reason why either of you pulled away was to suck in some much-needed air as you felt your lungs burn a little.  You wanted to go back for more, but the kitchen timer was going off, signaling the ham was done. The both of you chuckle as you took in the state of each other: lips swollen, hair a mess.
You quietly stood up to go take the ham out of the oven. The both of you fixed up a plate, and began to watch a few Christmas movies, curling up next to each on the couch. You were about halfway through the Nightmare Before Christmas when you paused it to put your plates into the sink.
“Before we continue… I.. I got you something,” You said to him walking over to your tree.
You picked up a small box that you had labelled as “Whiskey.”
The both of you returned to the couch, as you handed him the present.
He opened it stating, “I didn’t get you anything. Now I feel a bit bad ‘bout that”
As he opened the box to reveal a watch his breath caught. He looked at it and then slowly turned his wrist to look at the watch he had on. It was almost identical to the one he wore now, just silver instead of gold.
He pulled it out gently, examining it. What really got him was when he saw the engraving at the back. It had his name… and the name of his wife.
His gaze turned to you in confused amazement.
“I’ve seen you prepare for missions a lot, and when I first started, I was one of the people who had to lock up personal items when the mission called for extreme discretion. I noticed on your watch it had a name on it. I didn’t know who she was, but I figured she had to be pretty important to you. You mentioned a while back that it broke, and no one’s been able to repair it. So, I tried to find one that looked similarly,” You explained biting your lip.
He looked at you for a moment longer, before turning back to the watch. He gently set the watch back into its box.
You opened your mouth to apologize when he stopped you… by pulling you into a kiss. The kiss was brief but passionate.
“Thank you, darlin’. That’s… that’s the kindest thing anyone’s done for me in a long while,” He whispered against your lips, as he reached up to wipe away a tear that had escaped.
“You’re welcome. I was hoping you’d like it. I was worried you’d hate it,” You admitted.
“You worry too much. You need to stop worryin’ about upsettin’ everyone all the time. You are one of the best agents we have, and everyone adores you,” He assured you, kissing you again and pulling you into his arms.
You smiled sheepishly at that and nodded. You curled back into his side, and he held you as close as possible. You continued to watch movies until you fell asleep, feeling safe and warm next to him.
As morning came and you slowly woke up on the couch, a blanket covering you. As you sat up, looking around, you realized you were alone. You got up looking around trying to see if he left a note.
As you walked toward the kitchen to your phone, you realized that it had been cleaned up. He had put away and saved the food that had been left out.
She checked her phone and saw that there was one message waiting for her.
‘Needed to go do some things. Merry Christmas, beautiful. If it’s alright, I’d like to see you again tonight?’ -Whiskey
You sent a quick response back, ‘I would love to see you tonight! Merry Christmas!’
The rest of the day you went and hung out with some friends for Christmas and did gift exchanges. When you finally came back home, it was late in the day. You set the presents down and freshened up really quick before Whiskey arrived.
It didn’t take very long before you heard a knock on the door; perfectly timed since you had just finished cleaning up. You could feel yourself get excited at the thought of seeing Whiskey again. You walked over to the door to see Whiskey standing there with a large box in his arms, that was brightly colored.
You stared at him, slightly confused at the box. It was as you stared at it that you noticed a shimmer of silver. He had put on the watch.
“Hey darlin’. So. Funny story. I went out planning to ask a friend a question… when I saw something in an alleyway,” He began to explain hesitantly.
He slowly lifted the lid off to reveal a puppy. “He was alone. Took him to my friend who works with a shelter and had one of those fancy scanner things that checks for microchips. Found none. When I told him where I found this lil guy, they said it’s a common place for people to dump pets.”
You stared at the puppy wide-eyed, vaguely aware of what Whiskey was saying to you. The puppy gave a small bark, and his tail wagged excitedly. You could feel your heart melting as you stared at him. You could feel your eyes swelling up with tears.
You slowly reached forward, holding your hand out to his face to sniff. He sniffed it once and then began to lick your hand several times, causing you to choke out a laugh. You then picked up out of the box and held him close to you.
He gave you several kisses before snuggling into your arms.
“I uh… I think I’m gonna have to keep him,” You said tearily as you held him.
“Those are happy tears, right?” He asked nervously.
“Yes. Very happy,” You answered with a laugh, moving back to let him in.
“I had planned on just askin’ my friend about any available dogs for you, thinkin’ maybe we could go find you one tomorrow when the shelter was open. Then I just found him on my way over. I ain’t a big believer in fate but…” He trailed off smiling as he watched you.
“You wanted to take me on a date to find a puppy?” She asked setting the puppy down to let him explore.
“Yes ma’am. I did indeed,” He replied stepping toward her. “Now, however, I think it’s gonna be a get supplies for the little rascal kind of date.”
“I’m good with that, but uhh…  I do believe that I need to kiss you right now,” You said with moving closer to him.
“Oh? Is that right? Well then... please don’t let me stop you,” He drawled as his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you in as close as he could.
You giggled in response as you kissed him slowly and thoroughly, your arms around his neck. He kissed back, his arms lifting you slightly off your feet.
You broke apart when you heard a little bark at your feet. The both of you looked down to see the puppy staring up at the two of you, tilting his head.
You reached down and picked him up and as you held him, you looked at Whiskey who was smiling brightly at you.
“Not gonna lie, honey. This has probably been one of the better Christmases I’ve had in a long time,” He said fondly.
“Same here. Maybe uhh… when the holidays are over, we could go on some proper dates?” You proposed.
“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot,” He remarked pressing a kiss to your lips, before giving a small kiss to the puppy’s forehead.
You smiled and as the two of you spent the rest of the evening together, the both of you realized something. This wasn’t what you were expecting for Christmas at all, but neither of them will ever complain. This was a Christmas to remember.
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I just spent like the last hour writing a very long post explaining my personal issues with my religion and how it affects learn to be and tumblr deleted all of it! But since I actually want to talk about this in an online space where there are people with many experiences and haven't heard me talk about it before ill try and give a short version.
Tw: religion talk, suicide mentions, homophobia, transphobia, just anything queerphobic, pet death mention, self harm mention
I grew up catholic with two not catholic parents and one catholic grandma. My mom went to church with me and my grandma and my family is very open and accepting of me and my identity. I was sent to Sunday school cause you have to if you want to get confirmed and being confirmed is a big thing for catholics. And at Sunday school they shoved a lot of bullshit down my throat about how it was wrong to be gay. How I either had to have sex or become a nun (im ace and do not want to be a nun thank you). Transphobic shit (I feared for my safety if I came out). Bullshit like that but there was more. They told me how to vote and if I didn't vote that way I wouldn't be considered catholic. They told me to tell my gay friends they were going to hell in order to "help" them. They told me when I was depressed and suicidal that one, it was a sin to have those thoughts and that I needed to repent and do penance for it. They also told me that unless I became a Saint I would be physically tortured in purgatory for years until I properly repented all my sins. And then once I was in heaven the only thing in heaven was to bask in the glory of God. That's it. No talking to friends and family, no petting your dog (they litteraly told one girl the day after her dog died that her dog wasn't going to heaven), no talking to saints! Just basking in god for eternity. The end. Or you go to hell where you'll be horribly tortured forever. They also kept doing this thing where you were supposed to offer your pain up to God, so any time you were in physical pain you would give it to God? They'd also tell us stories where Jesus would tell people to remove parts of their limbs if it caused them to sin. I'm not actually sure what thats supposed to mean and the Jesus part was probably supposed to be metaphorical but my depressed brain took it as the go ahead to start self harming. Which isn't the churchs complete fault but its another bad association I have with the church, which is what this post is about.
So basically I have all this bad gunk in my head associated with catholicism. But I've also spent the last 19 years identifying with and participating with only catholicism. So my mental and spiritual health are all twisted up and confused with religion. So I've taken the different parts of my feelings about religion and put them in Heather, jesse, and Jester.
Heather is the bad shit church did to me and put in my head. She believes all the garbage.
Jester rejects the church, all of it and believes that when you die you just die. There's nothing left. Just a body to decompose.
Jesse starts off a strong believer but then figures out in the eyes of his religion hes considered wrong, has a crisis that continues to the end of the story.
Now that's the only religious stuff I have planned so far because (i really don't want to type out the long explanation again but long story short catholicism highly discouraged me from learning about other religions and im not ready to completely let go of it yet or maybe ever I dont know) of spiritual reasons and just the way I write. I can look at other religions academically but if I try to write a charecter believing in a religion in the way I view in academically it feels stiff and wrong and not how I want to represent something. And im not sure how to write someone really believing in something I dont believe in for reasons that aren't artifical, like, I grew up this way so I am this way. Because if I write it that way then the charecter will probably end up in the same position I am and I dont want every charecter feeling that way just because I am. I hope that makes sense. I plan on all five of the main charecters having some sort of belief system and I plan on having noah and malcolms beliefs based on real world religions (not elena because her parents beliefs are a tangled messed up knot and no real religion should be associated with that). But I cant write it into the story now. And I hope that by the end of the story jesse will not be in crisis but since I still am and have found no resolution I dont know how to give him peace. I would be thankful for any advice anyone has or any questions about how the one religion I have planned will work in learn to be :3
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pinkvhs · 4 years
this has been a long time coming
ive detached from jack / dont watch jack anymore. i’ve poured so much into this story that involved the egos that i just....can’t let it go. so, im making ocs for the story instead. 
inspired by @lilakennedy . . . here is some info about my boys
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Marvin the Magnificent➜ Marvin Lir MacKenna 
age: 27- from the 1920s
Brown wavy hair that goes to past his ears a bit
Blue eyes
Height: 5′7″
irish & welsh ( mother from wales father from ireland ) 
an illusionist / performer 
 Stage performance & regular attitude are a complete 180. Very bold on stage and confident but once he is off he is more reserved and calm
Best friends with Daniel
Knew Daniel for years, since they were around 10 years old. Extremely close bond.
Doesn’t believe in spirits but is very cautious / superstitious 
Gets powers whenever he and Daniel accidentally summon Phonus at Daniel’s Birthday/Halloween party. When it was just the two of them alone. 
He tries to attack Phonus since the monster killed Daniel 
but once he made contact with the demon, he was immediately teleported into our timeline. He took some of Phonus’s powers as a result 
He ends up getting burn marks on his arms/hands and face due to trying to physically fight Phonus when he was furious 
He has powers now, some he doesn’t know he can do yet. But his powers are: ✪= Not used often. ✦= strongest. ✧=weakest
✦ Empathic Element Manipulation ✦✪Fire Manipulation, ✦✪Necromancy, ✦Telekinesis,✦Kinetic Charging
✧✪Electricity Manipulation, ✦Magical Wall Generation, ✦Teleportation, ✧Intangibility, ✧Healing Hands, ✦✪Naturakinetic Combat
Riley finds him and helps him on his feet to find a place to stay
The two of them become close friends eventually, it takes a long time for Marv to warm up to people in this strange new environment- still tortured by that night. 
He blames himself for Daniels death every day. 
With his new unknown powers, he tries to go back in time to stop all this from happening. 
He opens up about his powers to Riley and the truth. 
Riley is beyond amazed that powers and magic exist, he tries to help Marv with his powers. 
He ends up needing to find a sort of job to stay at his home, so he tries the one thing he loved- entertaining people. With his magic, he dumbfounds audiences. 
However, once things were just looking up, his fire magic (the strongest) goes wrong.
He ends up catching a stage set on fire, causing injuries to hundreds. 
He panics. Riley tries to calm him down. But he can’t take it, he is convinced that he is destined to cause harm with these powers. 
He vanishes to a place by the sea and isolates himself, causing people to believe he died in the fire accident. 
He spends his time trying to prefect time travel and is consumed by isolation. though, he does attract wild life to him. they are very at ease with him
Refuses to use his fire magic 
One day, he comes across Viktor’s body on the shore. He takes him in quickly to his small home that he protected in case Phonus ever finds him.
He revives Viktor to come to. The stranger is a total mess and he tries to heal the man, but Viktor grabs him on reflex. So the man patches himself up
The two live together for a few months as the injuries heal up
Viktor convinces him to visit Riley again, so he does.
He teleports there and leaves a note stating that he is alive. He can’t bring himself to see Riley face to face
In the end, he tries to fight off Phonus. He fails miserably
He returns to his home, having Riley there with him. He gives Riley his powers because he doesn’t want to die and these powers go back to Phonus.
He trusts Riley with his life
Once Riley is given the powers, he passes away.
When his body is all alone peacefully at rest in the home, without any magic to protect it, Phonus finds the body
But no magic
The demon still takes the body. Using it to wake him up again and look into his mind to find out where the powers have gone
He remains a soul bounded victim to Phonus and reunites with Daniel
Both under Phonus’s control
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Chase Brody➜ Noah Oliver Dodge
age: 29 - from our timeline
messy brown hair thats dyed blonde at the tips of it
brown eyes
Height: 5′9″
Dropped out of university and works part time at a local electronics store
loves to break things and try to fix them up again and make it totally new! 
has a passion for computers and likes to make his own computer 
he also loves film and had dreams of making a film 
a disaster cook but god help him he tries 
Father of 2 girls 
childish and fun loving 
reckless at times 
loves nature and going on walks / hikes 
met his wife in high school (been together since they were 16) 
they go to the same university, his wife studying to be a nurse 
at 18 he accidentally gets her pregnant and her parents arent the happiest about it
they get married at 19 
he becomes a stay at home dad and drops out to take care of their baby till she finishes nursing
they end up having another child once they get a small apartment together 
his daughter is friends with Viktors daughter and thats how the two families meet 
His wife actually works with Viktor and didn’t know at the time
his wife divorces him because, even though she does love him, she can’t keep working like this just to get by. she needs security and they dont have it. 
he is allowed to see his kids still but at the time it was very painful for him
he lives alone in that apartment, often calling Viktor to talk and invite him over so he doesn’t do shit he regrets 
he talks about how Viktor is so lucky to have such a wonderful life and wishes he could have that (since he doesn’t know the truth)
Viktor and Noah become very close and often have their kids over at each others houses
he hears news that Viktor is missing and becomes a mess. he is alone and doesnt know what to do. 
he tries to make it known that he is missing online, making posts and videos as much as he can to get peoples attention 
he visits the Valentin house hold and offers his wife any help thats needed, despite knowing all the turmoil they went though. he cares about the kids and doesn’t want them to worry. 
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Henrik Von Schneeplestein➜ Viktor Alexis Valentin
age: 32 -from our timeline 
short grey hair
extremely pale blue eyes
pale, almost sickly skin 
Height: 6′2″
Doctor that specializes in internal medicine (meaning he focuses on helping adults) but also is a surgeon
Father of 3 girls
loves to bake! 
a hopeless romantic actually
he is very cold and standoff ish but once he loves you, he LOVES you
blunt to a fault still though
cares about people. more so than his own well being
extremely loyal
met his wife in university. he took an anatomy art class 
his wife helped him improve his drawing skills and the two became close
he fell for her very hard 
they get married and live in a house that they saved up for (with extra help from both of their parents)
once settled, they have their children 
his wife is a biology teacher with a minor in art teaching! 
he takes family trips whenever he can to the beach! his kids love the ocean!
he comes home one day to find his wife cheated on him- he suspected this for a while now. he found a shirt underneath the bed, thinking it was just a gift for later down the road for christmas or something. he went to fix it when a piece of paper fell out of the pocket. her phone number
he never gets mad at her. he blames himself
he thinks he isnt perfect enough
he becomes extremely distant and cold, more than before. never knowing when to bring it up
the two of them grow apart but still live together
they make sure not to worry their children though, they dont want them to think its their fault. 
he never brings up this information to Noah because he doesn’t want him to worry. 
very envious of Noah though and wish he would smack him. Noah has a wife that loves him and he wishes that Noah could wake up and see that and fix his actions. 
he does break down one night and tell Noah everything that happened
one day at the office, a man came in with a horrible neck injury. 
he typically sees people who just need some medication or the worst injury being a bite from a dog, but even that wasn’t bad. 
he rushes to take care of the stranger. once they were alone for a brief second, he gets trapped inside. 
Phonus used Daniels body in order to get to the Doctor. He attacks and possesses Viktor. 
Once Phonus is done using Viktor, he takes him to a cliff near the sea
He is snaps his neck and lets the body fall into the ocean. 
Eventually, he washes up to shore where Marvin is
he stays with marvin for months while he heals up himself, he refuses to get any magic help
once he decides to leave marvin has a hard time letting go, he is worried viktor will fall victim to phonus again 
he leaves to go home but once he reaches the steps, phonus finds him again. 
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Jackieboy Man➜ Riley Lee Young
age: 23 - from our timeline 
very curly blonde hair
green eyes
skin that tans pretty easily 
the most muscular out of the lads but isnt extremely buff 
Height: 5′6″
Lives alone in a small apartment 
a college student, unsure what to major in but possibly wants to be a vet
LOVES animals! 
a vegetarian ! 
a pretty good cook actually! 
has a heart of gold and sees the best in most people, though he isn’t stupid. he knows there are terrible people in the world that can’t change and deserve punches to the face
he watches pets and volunteers at animal shelters!
he also babysits Viktors kids to get some money
was kicked out of his home. Viktor found out about it and bought him a small apartment to live in. (he would of offered Riley to stay but he has issues at home that he doesn’t want to subject Riley to on the daily)
he is the girls big brother figure and he loves to pay pretend with them ! 
He meets Marvin and they eventually become friends
he helps Marvin gain back confidence, giving him a place to stay, and helps him actually feel . . at home in this timeline 
when he finds out the truth that marvin is from the 1920s and has powers he cannot get over how cool it is! calling him a super hero and showing him comics that he has. he helps marvin try to get a better hold on the powers
he was around whenever the fire accident with marvins powers happen, he tries to calm marvin down but ends up alone. left to wonder what happened to his friend. 
When he has to start university up again he has to let the Valentin family know that he can’t be around as much as before but will try to help out if needed 
Viktor’s wife ends up calling Riley one day and begs him to come to the house as soon as he can for Viktor has been missing for days now
Riley puts up posters and gets the news out that Viktor is missing as much as he can around the city. 
He still goes to university but spends a lot of time in the Valentin household. Visiting on holidays and the girls birthdays. Having no news of Viktor. 
he later on gains marvins powers, his mainly being electricity and strength. 
he is set on finding phonus and fixing things for marvins sake 
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Jameson Jackson➜ Daniel Edmund Thomas
age: 27 - from the 1920s
slicked short black hair
brown eyes
Height: 5′7″
a charming, bold, charismatic man 
an actor and musician, exceptionally good on piano
very witty and clever
lives a rather extravagant life 
very close friends with Marvin, trusts him with his life
on his 27th birthday on Halloween, he throws a party
he loves to mess around with guests and asks Marvin if they can have a a seance
they try it to entertain the guests, but nothing happens (to marvins relief) 
the party continues on till its just marvin and him by the end of the night
they try again to contact from the beyond
they succeed 
he comes face to face with the demon. an invisible hand causing him to kill himself. making Marvin watch 
he becomes Antiphonus’s personal toy 
his mind becomes warped and he loses all sense of who he used to be
he tries to fight back, but once he does, his tongue is cut out of his mouth. never to be able to voice for help again 
his body now bound to Phonus becomes a personal pin cushion. being cut open and inspected to see how far humans have come with healing themselves. to see how far a human body can handle things
being trapped with phonus he starts to believe that Marvin caused his death. he believes everything phonus tells him and is set on killing marvin 
he becomes very aware of realities all thanks to Phonus. 
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Antisepticeye➜ Antiphonus
age: unknown. 
an immortal being / demon
seems to have been around for centuries 
first appears invisible, then a shadow figure, to a pitch black faceless figure that takes on more of a human shape - till finally, he appears to look like Daniel 
he is fascinated with humans, very curious and destructive 
he takes Daniel in as a host. he rests inside of Daniel’s body till he is strong enough to mimic the physical outer appearance of him
when he possesses people becomes stronger. he doesnt have full control right away, it takes him a bit of time to warm up once again to how powerful he used to be. 
he can see into his victims mind when possessing them, he knows all what Daniel knows / remembers. Daniels fame, fears, friendship. family, love- he knows it all. 
He uses this to his advantage to keep Daniel around without fighting him back- using Marvin against him
he is after the powers that he accidentally gave to Marvin on impact
he travels to the dimensions he has access to and time lines in hopes to find Marvin, taking Daniel along with no choice
he lands in our dimension and timeline to sense that his powers are close by
He ends up sabotaging Marvin’s performance with fire magic in order to kill him or capture him but it fails- he looses sight of him
While he is searching through the streets, he over hears talk about the human body. He comes across Viktors practice building and opens the door a crack. He can sense so many souls and blood in that building and gets vastly curious. He notices people injured and ill, waiting for care. He hatches an idea. 
 He returns to Daniel and possesses his body. He takes Daniel to an alley way close to the building, away from the eyes of others. He grabs the sharpest thing he can find and plunges it deep into the side of his neck and carves it out slowly and rips it out. 
He quickly makes Daniel reach the building and barges in, causing everyone to look on in horror. The nurses there rush to his aid as Phonus makes Daniel gasp and hold his neck to try to stop the bleeding. Nurses page for Viktor asap as they get Daniel to a stretcher and room fast.  Viktor arrives shortly after and is fast to help Daniel. Daniel just looks at Viktor and tries to nod. 
Once the nurses leave for a brief moment and its just him and Viktor, Phonus makes the door lock them inside.
Viktor goes to inject him with medication but Daniel reaches out and grabs Viktors arm. He say to Daniel that he knows needles are scary but you need this now, let go please. Daniel sits up and twists Viktors arm, causing Viktor to wince in pain while looking shocked. 
He grabs Daniels hand with his free one and tries to pry it away, but can't. Daniel kicks him away, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. He gets up from the bed. The lights inside the room begin to flicker faster and faster. Electronics in the room flickering on and off, radios and tv consumed with fast stations, fluctuating volumes, and static. Viktor gets to his feet and hears all this noise and sees this horror in front of him. 
Phonus leaves Daniels body, causing Daniel's wound to disappear. Phonus stands in front of him.
He gets inside of Viktors mind to find all that he can about the human body and the amount of pain that it can handle. 
He sees in Viktors mind a young man with curly blonde hair. And for a brief moment inside of Viktors mind, he sees Marvin 
in the end he ends up taking Marvin captive but finds that the powers are gone. 
he keeps marvin around because he sees too, that he gave that blonde boy his powers
so he is on the hunt for Riley 
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iyliss · 4 years
Destinyship for the ship ask meme, as asked by @sleepy-space-nerd General:
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? Forever, whatever their relationship is, it’ll always be an important part of their life.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -It took Saiou 10 years to understand Edo was his friend, and he’ll probably never truely gets the subtleties of feelings (and whatever romantic ones are supposed to be). Anyway, his affection for Edo went through such complication it’s hard to tell exactly when it became love. As for Edo, he fell the moment Saiou smiled to him.
How was their first kiss? I have a hard time not seeing canon saiou as quite touch (and romo) repulsed, so it’d pretty much be an awkward try followed by the promise to never try ever again. But I do have some AU where it’s different and it has been many things , desperate, soft and hesitant, passionate... My fav one is in an angel/vampire au where saiou was disowned by heavens for protecting Edo, and he’s dying they have a last kiss which actually turns him into a fallen angel, so a physical being, so he can be saved.
Who proposed? - Edo
Who is the best man/men? - Judai
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Mizuchi
Who did the most planning? - Both I think? Edo got the money, and Saiou is a manager so he must know a bit about planning events.
Who stressed the most? - They immediately knew the risk of both of them stressing to death was too strong, so they took much disposition so it didnt happen (it still did)
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. Since it’s supposed to be a happy time, they organized it for themselves and the people they both appreciate. which is something like 3 people including a cat. So yeah, it was pretty small.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Almost everyone? Edo did have some friend he could invite, but Saiou was scared of them.
Sex: (i cant really answer the questions cuz same as kiss, for me default canon saiou is too aspec for this and probably slightly disgusted. But i have other stories where it’s more or less different. Can range anywhere from both of them being very soft and awkward, to saiou being ace but still actively going for it. But i guess the common  point is always that Edo is the most hesitant, he’s scared Saiou would accept just to please him, and he has this kind of “pure” vision of him which made him feel a bit bad about his desires and all? but it’s also a big ass mess. And i dont like talking abt sex in public anyway.)
How many children will they have naturally? - none.
How many children will they adopt? - legally? not much since they can’t just adopt a whole orphanage. Actually? a WHOLE lot. (and also in one post canon story: aki)
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -both
Who is the stricter parent? - Edo tries, someone has to do it
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - They *are* doing the stunts with them and it also let them make sure it’s safe.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Saiou
Who is the more loved parent? - Per votes, Edo because he’s the one who comes the most to the orphanage. But the few who prefer Saiou do without any doubt.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Saiou, Edo wishes but he’s away every single time.
Who cried the most at graduation? -Saiou but that’s not even special.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -Edo just needs to say his name and things are fine.
Who does the most cooking? - They both do, but Edo puts a little more effort in it.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -As we know per tag force canon: Edo loves meat and rich kid food and hates veggie/poor people food. Saiou just like anything as long as it’s edible.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Edo tries.
How often do they bake desserts? - Not so often, they don’t have a very sweet tooth.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -Edo loves meat. Saiou kind of want to go on the vegan side of things but so his health hasnt permitted it.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - They both try, but always guess it too easily.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? -Edo
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? -They both almost did when they were kid.
Who cleans the room? - Saiou
Who is really against chores? - Saiou don’t really like some due to sensory issues
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - none
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Saiou for the simple reason that people
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Saiou?
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Saiou because: hair
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - they don’t have dogs.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Often, they’re both quite creative and Edo loved making his own decoration as a kid.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Making sure the other is happy and safe
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - If you don’t wake up saiou and he feels safe, he will use everysingle moment of actual sleep he can get. One of his habit from childhood that never left.
Who plays the most pranks? - Edo sometimes do, and its mostly stupidly cute things like hiding a very cute note somewhere.
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shametheshadow · 4 years
It's been a while. A lot of shit's been going on since I was last kinda active. Sorry, I dont remember how to hide this under a read more line... feel free to scroll past if you arent in the mood for existential whinging. I got a new job and it's pleasant. The people are nice. It's still food, but it's at a fancy restaurant where the management actually cares and tries to keep their crew happy. The hours could be better and I'm currently sick of salads with how many I've made. They give hours based on reliability and if you're a hard worker who is nice to work with. But like... everybody is nice and hard working so it's hard to just muscle in sometimes. But on the positive side I've dropped ten pounds, probably thanks to how light my wallet is. Had an issue with my little brother. Well, there's been an unspoken issue for years that I've been trying to just give him space on, but it finally came to a head. I called him out and he said some pretty hurtful things. I saw him on Christmas, but it wasnt the same. I think it kind of damaged something between us, or at the very least it certainly has me. I think, as people, we build these pillars of absolute truths into our identities. The things we know without a doubt, that we can rely on to stay true even when things are bad. Like, that the sky is blue or that a parent we have will always love us. When those truths are shaken they really make you wonder what else could be wrong or if there was ever any truth in it to begin with. For me, no matter how bad I felt or hated myself, I knew I could be a good sister. I'd throw myself down for it. I have done so, unfortunately, many times before. We all see the world a little differently, so my truth may not be the truth someone else sees. I dont know whether that makes it any better, but I certainly feel unsure about more things now than I used to. Some days I even feel like giving up on our relationship. I'm just too tired, too worn down, and I don't think I can handle being called a failure again. Which sucks, because I dont really want to. I just want to know how to fix it, even though I'm not sure I have any more energy to try again if it's just going to lead to another failure. And on top of all of that my bio dad and all those siblings are tasting the bitter consequences of their actions. My youngest sister got taken away from her parents because instead of breaking up and being adults about it they have to be petty and cowardly. One has unchecked anger issues mixed with plenty of excuses and the other thinks she's owed some sort of respect despite her immature actions. Thing is, I've had plenty of talks with my bio dad about the effects their toxic relationship have on his 6 year old daughter. He knows. He isnt stupid or blind. He'd just rather keep it going despite everyone's unhappiness and dig a deeper hole so he doesn't have to risk losing custody of his daughter if they break up. And here we are now. With his daughter taken away and given to our 21 year old sister who doesn't have a clue. And they've failed to regain custody once already. And you know the fucking hilariously tragic part of it? Me and my sister Des are the only two without some sort of record so nobody else in the family can help. Just a fucking warning for any teens out there who think being a gangster is cool, life always has consequence. Doing drugs, selling pills, pimping, stealing cars, assault, having unregistered weapons... my family has probably done just about anything. Apparently my bio dad's stepfather even threatened to shoot my grandma once. There's an argument to made about the environment they all grew up in, but I really wish people would just have the self awareness to realize that things will always find a way to bite you in the ass and it's it big enough then it'll get the people around you too. I normally get my sister on weekends, but I need to work Saturdays as a requirement for my employment. I try to cut it short so I can be there when they drop her off, but half the time they dont and send her somewhere she isnt supposed to go. I'm risking my job trying to be there when I'm needed, just for them to change their mind at the last second because I wasnt home soon enough. They'd rather risk losing our sister to the system by breaking the rules. CPS doesn't play around. I've had to tell them two or three times that I couldn't take our sister because I was sick or dealing with some really stressful family stuff that Koral didnt need to be there to see. Every time I feel like the punishment is that they stop letting me see her by not bringing her over anymore. Then out of the blue they call on a weekday and ask if I can take her because she has a day off or something. I have never once said no but every time it sends me into an anxiety attack because I can't handle being kept in the dark until they need me. It's got me so worked up that sometimes I genuinely wish I had never been told my dad wasnt my real dad. Of course, I know that by knowing I can help a little girl who needs help, but I wont lie and say that I never wished I didn't have time deal with any of it. I got the news today that my bio dad is in trouble for something else, though they wouldn't say what. So they arent going to give him custody until that's settled at the very least. Shortly into it my sister had asked me to take over the guardianship. I was so out of the loop that I thought the question was absurd. I thought they'd pull it together and get her back in a short time, so what would the point of moving her to another town and school be? How would I go about that? What would the home requirements be? Would I be able to provide for the both of us? I wouldn't be able to leave work until 4 at the earliest shift, so would after school stuff be best or daycare? There's so much that goes into taking care of a kid to just spring that question onto someone. Now it's been four or five months and I'm hating the idea that she's stuck there in the middle of it all more and more. People keep telling me I should take her. Even my manager after I broke down and told him everything after my sister's call left me a mess at work, said that I would be the better option. I know what it's like to be fought over in custody battles and I understand way too well the fear of being taken away from your home as well as what it's like to change schools. I dont want that for Koral. I dont even know if I would be the better option. I talked to my cousin, whom I live with, about it for a while last night and she said she wouldn't be opposed to having Koral with us... but I feel bad making this her issue too. I want what is best for my sister. She's way too smart. You know when unqualified pet owners get a dog breed that is really smart and they struggle to meet the needs to keep it entertained so it just makes trouble? That is what my sister is like. My family has their strengths, but Koral is 6 and could run circles both physically and mentally around them. It might be "funny" now, but Lansing itself is a shitty influence on people and by the time she's a teenager and wants to go to a party, nothing is going to keep her from getting out short of bars on the windows and doors. The only thing stopping her from doing it now is motive. But would I do any better? I genuinely dont know. I wish I could talk to my brother about it. He knows where I come from and, even if he thinks I failed, he could at least tell me how to be better so I dont fuck up again for a little girl who is in a situation similar to one we were in. I asked Des today if she wanted to talk to their case worker about transfering guardianship. She said she's have to talk to her dad... which is bullshit. He lost the right to dictate where Koral goes when he fucked up. How is he supposed to be motivated to fix this if the only thing that has changed is that she doesn't sleep in her bedroom anymore? He shouldn't see her when he wants to or be able to say what happens to her. And I dont say that because I think he shouldn't ever be able to, because I want him to step it up, I just feel like he wont if things keep going as they are. I dont want to lose my sister to the system. Supposedly the social worker said that Koral also has to stay in the same school and can't see anyone not on the already approved list of people for the sake of consistency... but that's stupid. I know that changing schools can be traumatizing, and if Lansing was a good place to live and raise a kid, then maybe I'd try to make that work, but it isnt. So it makes me wonder that if I came to the table with a clearly stable, appealing plan would they change their minds? If it were my choice, I'd have her in therapy to help deal with everything, maybe a sport like gymnastics or whatever else she might be interested in to keep her engaged. I'm planning a kids d&d session for her and another kiddo that she plays with when she's here because last time she found my monster manual and got obsessed. And I know it wont be all good. She's a handful and a brat, and she can be a force of nature when she doesn't get her way, but I've been an older sister since I was five and my family didnt out up with bratty behavior. I know how to deal with it, and I also know how to use the internet and other resources to learn. Hell, I live with a child therapist/youth minister. I know I could do it. Even if it ended up being a permanent thing. I'm torn between the fear of not being enough at the expense of my sister's wellbeing and knowing that I'd gladly twist myself into a pretzel to try and do right. But when it comes to other people, especially a kid, is trying enough? Good intentions don't equal a quality of living. So yeah, that's where I am right now. Trying to be better and figure out who I am while also being incredibly stressed out and lost. If you read through this, thank you for listening to this TED talk. I'm open to advice.
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