#i cant decide whether to scream or sob
cupoftaae · 1 year
Hi, Nini!! Can I request a Jimin angst with prompt 13 for the drabble game? (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
13- "you are breaking my heart...and you cant even fucking see it" x Jimin
Hi sweetheart! apologies for the late post but I hope you enjoy it <3
warnings- angst, swearing, mentions of drinking
"dont slam my car door!"
you heard jimin call after you as you ran into the house, him getting out of the car still.
"y/n!" he shouted, putting his phone in his pocket and running in, seeing you taking off your coat. He caught his breath before speaking "whats your issue?"
You scoff, giving him a knowing look before turning and walking past him.
"Hey!" he shouted, urging you to talk, "you screamed the entire car ride home and now your silent?"
You finally turned to look your boyfriend in the eyes, your stomach churning- "what"
He blinks, "what do you mean 'what'"?
"what do you want me to say?"
Jimin almost laughs "I want you to explain why you are fucking freaking out about this, and why the hell we had to leave the party early?"
"jimin..." you try to gather your thoughts, stepping down the stairs to be at his level. "im mad because you told me-you promised me....that the drinking would stop"
He takes a deep breath before speaking "It was only 2 glasses-"
"4...it was 4" you interrupt
"taehyung offered those, and so what?"
"youre an alcoholic jimin! you can risk to have just 4 drinks, because you end up like you did"
"and how is that?"
You scoffed "you were yelling and causing a scene, then you started being aggressive with ME!" you feel your voice shake as it gets louder, your body cant decide whether youre more sad or angry
"oh are you embarrassed? did i embarrass you?"
"yes, you did. You embarrassed yourself as well, and I wish you'd see that." you sigh and run your hand in your hair, "you were sober for 7 months, jimin, you were doing so well....you finished your therapy progr-"
"oh fuck the therapy program, fuck them and fuck this too" he threw his hands up and tossed his coat to the floor.
"jimin" you warn sternly
"you know...the thing with you is that you cant stand when things arent up to perfection, it fucking irks the shit out of you, doesnt it?"
You remained silent, watching your boyfriend pace the living room.
"like...you bragged about my sobriety like it was something you did, I did it myself. You didnt care when I was drunk and alone in the studio every night"
"jimin thats not true"
"yes it is! dont tell me its not!" he scoffed, looking at you "and then, I decide to have a few drinks at a party when I havent seen my friends in so long, and when I feel like im having a good time, you whisk me away so you arent embarrassed of me anymore"
"jimin I care about you, I fucking care so much and I want you to be healthy!!"
"oh shut up, stop with the bullshit y/n, You only fucking care about yourself, you are a selfish bitch"
You feel yourself tear up at his words, trying to remind yourself that he isnt sober, and this exact behavior is the reason he landed into rehab in the first place.
"are you crying?" he looked at you with a glare, his fists balled up into his own shirt.
You sniff and wipe your tears, "yes?" you bite
"why" he questions, as if he hasnt been involved in the situation
you widen your eyes and look at him, shrugging helplessly, "Because you are breaking my heart.....and you cant even fucking see it!!"
His gaze softens, but he is past forgiveness tonight.
Its silent for a few moments as you quietly sob into your hands, he decides to try to hold you, but you jump away as if you got burned.
"n-no....dont touch me...ever" you spoke through gritted teeth...his words stung deep.
He sadly looked back at you as you spoke, "you arent sleeping in our room, you can sleep on the sofa- or the street for all i care" you wiped your tear
"dont say youre sorry....you dont say that shit unless you mean it, and im starting to think those words were real"
"save it, im going to bed" you turn, walking up the stairs and slamming the door shut, leaving jimin alone downstairs as he watched you go.
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cactusringed · 6 months
hi! its t! i hope you dont mind me spamming your inbox abt this, i dont have any other scardubs shippers who i can talk to. you can let me know if you do! :]
youre so right about bdubs not being cruel and calculating enough
just imagine bdubs not quite understanding the weight of scar offering him his life. to scar, it feels like lilacs and poppies and can we still be friends. to bdubs the offer feels like no kill passes, clocks covered in blood, and scar's fire aspect sword burning through his back. salt on top of a ready existing wound
bdubs furious in a way nothing but scars blood on his hands could ever describe or soothe. but he can't do it yet. all he can do is snap at scar about, 'just you wait until im red,' and tell him that hed really appreciate it if scar went and jumped off a cliff or stood on a cactus.
but it all just rolls off scars back like water with a laugh and a joke. it makes bdubs see red, but hes not red. theres nothing he can do to get it through to scar that hes serious
i dont know if its better or worse if scar knows hes serious or not
maybe scar is completely clueless. sure, the ribbing is angrier than he remembers, but the routine of teasing and joking around an anger that doesn't really mean anything is familiar enough. and its not like the world theyre on hasnt made everyone darker, scar's done things to people hes not proud of too
but maybe scar knows. hes not an idiot. its a right there in your face answer that someone hates you when they keep threatening to kill you when they can and asking you to just go die already.
maybe scar thinks he can fix it. even after he makes himself useful to bdubs, dedicates himself and this life of his to bdubs, it doesn't make him any less angry. and i think scar knows that it doesnt, but just cant accept that he cant fix it. cant accept that he hurt bdubs, someone he cares about, so greatly that bdubs hates him and wants to hurt him. wants to kill him. is going to kill him, and no amount of making himself useful is going to change that
either way, whether he sees it coming or refuses to, i think when bdubs does turn red and kills him it hurts the exact same. it stings with betrayal and grief and, worse, the knowledge he deserves it. that he's the villain in bdubs book. that the only redemption hes getting is through death
i cant decide what route from here i like better
1) bdubs feels completely satisfied. the bloodlust in his veins is gone. none of it matters to him anymore... but it still matters to scar.
scar being terrified that even dying couldn't fix things, only to find out that his death fixed things and feeling worse. he pledged his life to bdubs (it feels like im sorry im sorry im sorry) and that means nothing to him.
scar means nothing to him anymore.
scar thinks hed prefer if bdubs hated him still. at least him pledging his life means something then, at least his death means something then, at least this whole situation means more than scar pulling one stupid prank
2) bdubs is still angry
scar thinks it's fixed now, with his death, but hes wrong. bdubs is red, and he wouldnt be if scar hadn't taken his green life
when scar comes back to bdubs smiling and asking if its all even now, bdubs sees red. scar thinking this is all something transactional, an eye for an eye, a debt he can pay off, pisses him off
scar treated bdubs' death like a joke. then his own like a joke. and bdubs decides hes going to make sure scar isnt laughing by the time hes done with him
3) bdubs feels horrified
seeing scar getting torn apart by the zombies was what he wanted. and for a long moment he feels euphoric.
until he realises scar isnt yelling or screaming or anything. just quiet pained grunts and heavy breaths
until he realises that scar doesnt even bother trying to fight back
until he realises the heavy breaths are sobs, and the look on his face is betrayal not pain
he realises just a moment too late and scar is dead. bdubs doesn't even have time to say he's sorry, let alone try and help. all at once scar pledging his life to bdubs feels like when grian attacked the two of them in third life screaming betrayer, his voice so heartwrenching bdubs felt bad for him even on red
scar pledging his life feels different
it feels like an apology, utter devotion to making things right with someone you care for, trust and love built on a pillar of death.
and bdubs doesnt know if he can fix it
Hiii don't worry I love talking to people I just hope u don't mind how slow I can be replying to asks ^_^ hehehuhu my ask box or dms are always open either way xoxo
See your idea of Scar third lifing in and pledging his life to bdubs is to tasty when, well, you take third life into consideration. Scar who knows what it's like to die to a prank but who was quick to forgive in exchange for complete and utter devotion. Scar who believes he can offer the same, and receive the same forgiveness he once gave Grian.
Only to realise he isn't trusted. It's a transaction. The same as a no kill pass. Meaningless unless given value by the person receiving it. And bdubs giving it no value, not believing in Scar anymore, not after he was burned one too many times.
For Scar to think he can fix it with what anyone else would call a 'deal' is an insult, after all the lies and frauds and betrayals - and bdubs, who should be familiar with in-the-moment, hot blooded betrayals for one's own safety - has none of it.
I think he would regret it and feel not only pity but horror, after killing Scar. He'd think of killing Tango in last life, and Skizz in limited life. How even in his rage Skizz offered a fair battle to settle scores. How he didn't afford the same kindness to Scar, whom one could argue pushed Bdubs (and Impulse!) into the zombie horde as a means to self preservation, with the same sort of red hot fear that a boogeyman might have. But whom one could also argue did it out of a bout of sadism and cruelty instead.
It's that uncertainty that hurts, and makes it difficult, in the end, to know if his anger was warranted. It's that uncertainty that makes it difficult to feel true satisfaction as he's torn apart just like he was.
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chocoyeo · 9 months
ohhh there was a bunch of things but the main is that chan isn’t allowed to do chan’s room anymore bc the last time he did, it caused a fan war (its so stupid. he just mentioned how some of the newer idols don’t greet the senior ones and that he finds it a lil odd and disrespectful. but he literally also said “but idk maybe i’m just old fashioned”)
and he didn’t mention anyone. but stays on twt especially started guessing and decided he was talking ab this one gg and that gg’s fandom are like… all minors lol. bc the gg is full of minors jdhgfdhja so they got really angry. and started sending a lot of hate to chan even though he didn’t mention anyone. anyway. the thing escalated and chan had to release an official apology even though he NEVER mentioned any names and was just speaking in general.
but anyway, yeah. so he can’t do chan’s room anymore. he told a fan one-on-one during a fan meet but someone in the audience was filming it and made it viral. which made stay go crazy and send hate jyp and his family kwjhwgfdjk
and then chan had to kinda low-key tell them to stop on bbl and that they aren’t helping the situation like they think they are. but anyway. all the drama lasted for a few days and then it went poof! as usual AHHAHAHA (in happier news…. skz won a VMA two days ago!! they were so excited hehe)
and awwww summer holidays are over? :( das sad. but hey at least you’ll be one semester closer to graduating~ that’s fun hehe. good luck with uni starting againnnn <3 i hope you stay relatively stress free hehe
sorry for the late reply help but this sounds like a total mess dfsjdkfd i read some stuff abt this but i didnt think it would blow up this bad ! I might not feel that affected from all this since i lost interest completely but im sure if it happened a few years ago i would be screaming crying sobbing since i remember clearly how i would build my schedule around chans room
i saw skz at vma and thats so nice, they've come so far :( <3 !!!!!!
SKDFJHDSKF ONE SEMESTER CLOSER TO GRADUATION IS QUITE THE POSITIVE WAY TO LOOK AT IT but yeah ur right, i also cant wait to finally have a proper schedule (so i can complain abt it i guess since im a mess no matter whether i have schedules or not kjhdskfjdshf)
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cloversdreams · 6 years
i did art based off ur fic close your eyes!! twitter(.)com(/)kirantic_(/)status/1064735248993435648 (just realized i missed a letter in your ao3, lol)
I love it!! Im flattered you liked it that much since I really enjoyed working on that one XD! Even got Mirko watching those gay disasters haha. Goddddd Hawks looks so lovestruck, that’s dead on! Thank you for this lovely blessing. Im just gonna weep now TuT
Do you mind if I add a link to it at the end of the fic?
Link for others to see too!
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ikissjesse · 2 years
*enters ask box* jesse x robaire pls 🥺
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I hope u dont mind i made this a hc list !! I could def do a fanfic for u if u want that instead <33 btw im making this 2 sections, first is confessing then second is couple stuff HEHSHDJAH
jesse n robaire confession hc's !!
they mean sm to me :(( <3 *stuffs them into my pocket while sobbing violently*
i am a firm believer that jesse confessed while drunk
remember my drunk 4town hc's where jesse's the chill drunk ? yeah, he confessed in a painfully chill, relaxed way
robaire (who was sober) was sitting next to him on the tour bus, when suddenly a very drunk jesse puts his arm around him n says "y'know, i reallyyy like u. ahah"
jesse was so calm while ro was abt to go up in flames
aaron z slid t a 50$ bill since they made a bet about who would confess first, which aaron t happily won
robaire assumed he was jus saying that cos he's drunk n didn't think much abt it
^ is what i would say if it werent the ONLY THING HE COULD THINK ABT FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT
he was always the cool n collected member but today was not his day
he was blushing sm aaron t was abt to tease him on it before aaron z quickly pulled him back to his seat, giving him a glare that basically said "say anything n ill make sure the cops cant find ur body"
needless to say t smiled nervously n stayed in his seat for the rest of the car ride
ANYWAYYY back to jesro
robaire decided to vaguely bring it up the next day when jesse was sober,
"sooo, do u remember anything from last night?" type thing (he's not smooth when he's nervous shhh)
jesse thought about it for 3 damn seconds n said no, to which robaire gulped n contemplated whether or not he should tell him
"did i say anything weird?"
robaire laughed to cover up his fear of what jesse would say next, then told him abt how he got touchy-feely w him n that he told him he "really liked him"
jesse pretty much choked on whatever he was eating at the time when he heard that
"oh- heh, did i?" ~nervous voice crack~
they ended up laughing abt it for a bit, making robaire think he really was jus saying it cos he was drunk :(( ueueue why am i hurting myself w my own hc im so sad rn thinking abt this
jesse (being the confident bitch he is) stopped n looked robaire in the eyes w a soft smile, n BAAM cue the romantic background music n the aarons watching from a distance, he TOLD ROBAIRE HE LIKES HIM FR WOOOOO clap clap clap
robaire.exe has stopped working
for a ~cool, collected~ guy, he was an absolute MESS after that, stuttering n blushing (if his hair were longer i bet loads of money he'd b twirling it /j)
he didnt think his bestfriend (slayyy friendzone him /j) would like him too??? like??? hello?????? he thought he was dreaming
nonetheless, he confessed his feelings for jesse too n they just sorta had that movie moment where they jus look at eachother w love eyes n stupid grins thats only romantic to the ppl doing it n probably awkward for ppl around them
aaron t jumped up from his hiding spot next to aaron z n screamed "JUST KISS ALREADY LOSERS" n quickly hid again, giggling while z rolled his eyes n smiled
nnnnnn now they were both flustered messes. great 🚶
from most confident guys in the band to shy bitches smh
spoiler alert; they didn't kiss </3 but thats okay bc
now we're onto...
dating hc's !!
slightly suggestive not that much tho
jesses kids already adored robaire n probably already knew that their dad had a crush on him bc of the drawings n paintings he had of him so they were ecstatic when they learned the two started dating <3
"so.. what do we call uncle robaire now??" "daddy2? dada?" -his kids having a super duper important meeting at their toy kitchen
robaire overheard this n quite literally started sobbing instantly
he went to jesses room where his ☆boyfriend☆ was n layed down next to him, when asked what happened all he could say was "uehdiadhaxikz... ur kidsksbsixj...theyre talking abt what they should call me now that we're todhaidgadaosoaudjajdjaowiw9uskznal"
obviously jesse had been w him long enough to understand him thru the sobs, n started rubbing circles on ro's back as a smile broke out on his face
robaire was literally this picture dont even try to argue w me on this:
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the kids settled on dada n robaire sobbed aGAIN when they first called him it
he was like whispering "dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry" to himself then excused himself to go to the bathroom to cry
"daddy, is dada okay? he looked sad" "oh dont worry hun he's fine"
he was in fact not fine (/pos) n jesse went n knocked on the bathroom door to check on him
robaire loves these kids to death n spoils them soooo much, jesse jokes about it making parenting way harder than it should be for him
onto other couple things now !!
their first official date was at a nearby art cafe where u could do pottery, paint, etc
they went w pottery like the cliche romantics they r ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
think jesse guiding robaire, head resting on his shoulder, holding his boyfriends hands
they fucked up the first pot bc they kept making flirty little remarks about eachother (gay ppl 🙄 /j)
"jess i love u but if u make me fuck up another pot i will drop kick u into oblivion"
🏳️‍🌈 insert 'fuck me instead' joke from jesse 🏳️‍🌈
robaire may or may not have elbowed jesse for that
their first kiss was so extra like omg
during their france tour they found some time for themselves n went on a little date thru paris n at EXACTLY midnight (no it wasnt new years <3) while they were admiring the eiffel tower they leaned in n dkjaidhsi!!!!! <333
a fan actually saw n started squealing as quiet as they could so jesse n robaire wouldnt notice
they did notice . .
robaire (jesse was recovering from the kiss, red-faced as hell) asked the fan to keep it secret n not tell anyone about it since him n jesse wanted to keep it private until they were comfortable enough to tell ppl outside of their band, to which the fan agreed to
stan that fan for clear skin !!
they did eventually tell the press about it during an interview after they'd been together for around 2 months, it was vvvv difficult hiding it from paparazzi
before anyone (besides 4town n the fan) knew about them they had v light pda, like putting their arm around the others waist <3
they weren't rly big on pda so after everyone knew it was still just a little kiss on the cheek, holding hands, etc, they prefer doing couple things in private
like i stated way before, the kids love robaire, n they did a little date night for their dada's !! preparing a meal made of toy food, making the couch nice so they could relax n watch a movie together, n went straight to bed after bringing them drinks so they could have some alone time
jesse n his baby mama raised the twins so well <333
they spent the rest of the night cuddling, watching a movie n jus enjoying the company of one another
n the rest is history !! <3
i wouldn't mind making a part 2/fanfic tho ngl, i could go on abt them for ages HAHAHSIDHQI
anyhowww, thank u for reading !! sorry for the long post, they're just so skabidbsobdoabz <3333
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yinses · 3 years
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| he would make sure that everyone knew who you belonged to |
tattoo artist! sukuna ryomen
rating: t
a/n: this is going to be a three part series. it got too long because i couldn’t shut up. thank you to @teoran for beta reading !! 
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you should have never informed yuuji that you were thinking about getting a tattoo, because of course his first response would be hey, sukuna owns a shop. why don’t you stop there. as if you didn’t already known that. your other friend, unfortunately had not known how to be subtle about it.
its when you go to hand off your card that they gasp audibly, drawing the attention of both yourself and the woman behind the counter.
“you’re not going to ask for a discount? i mean you know the owner, right?”
she jumps back quick enough to dodge the errant elbow you throw her way.
you knew you would regret telling her.
the woman is undeterred as she take your card, looking bored with the news. “so you know sukuna, huh?” the way she said it implied that it wasn’t the first time it had been made known to her.
you had known the man long enough to know where her thoughts were going with that assumption. sukuna wasn’t only popular for his art. a shudder rolled through your body at the idea of being categorized as one of his flings.
it wasn’t as though you were intentionally shaming the women. but it was sukuna. the same guy who locked you and his younger brother out on the patio whenever he was meant to keep an eye on you. and then blamed you for hiding from him when the responsible adults got home.
in hindsight, maybe you should have chosen another location. but now your card has been charged.
you scribbled your signature on the receipt, “uh yeah, awhile now. im not requesting him or anything.”
“his appointment book is full anyway. he doesn’t take walk ins.” its not said snidely, just matter of fact. as if she was seasoned with dealing with these kind of customers.
the man of topic strides in then, carrying a few bags of take-out that he drops carelessly onto the counter. he doesn’t m look unlike any other day, a loose white sleeveless shirt with a low hanging v-neck that just invited attention to his skin. the swirls of black ink made permanent by his hand only. though that was the advantage of this field and owning your own business on top of it.
sukuna was prepared to ignore the clientele planted at front desk, until he did a double take. those vermilion eyes took you in, morphing from speculation, to shock, a pinch of awe, then back to postulation.
“what are you doing here?”
a small frown mars you face. you didn’t actually consider that perhaps sukuna wouldn’t want you here. it was one thing to know the guy, but whether you wanted to accept it or not, you weren’t just another customer. so you unsurely respond with, “getting a tattoo?”
the snort he gives isn't one of annoyance. in fact its almost comforting to see the minuscule curl of his lips until they start to part, “yeah, missing something aren’t you?”
you realize with a frown that he’s referring to his brother.
“i have other friends.”
that slow smile wides as he gives your friend a brief look of appreciation. suddenly all those years of witnessing him cart his flings around rise to the forefront of your mind.  really nothing rarely changed. “ i can see that.”
his gaze cuts back to you, “what are you getting? your boyfriends name?”
you cant tell if he’s teasing, fishing or a combination of them both.
he turns to lean over the counter, arms flexing at the action and pinches the fresh design still hot from the printer. you resist the urge to shuffle in place as he inspects the image with more interest than there were lines. it was hardly all that complex, just as you intended.
sukuna finally voices his opinion, to no surprise of your own. “yeah? kind of small isn’t it?”
“its my first sukuna,” you drawl.
you realize too late that the wording isnt best around him.
“no kidding.”
he tugs a styrofoam box free from the plastic bag before gesturing to you with a tilt of his head.
“alright, lets knock it out.”
you look to the woman expecting her to complain about his pending appointments but she only returns it with a pointed look. when it came down to it, what the boss wanted goes.
right then.
turning, you address your friend who seemed more invested in watching sukuna’s departure. “are you coming?”
her gaze snaps to you and she doesn’t even bother to pretend. she shrugs, “you may not be squeamish about needles but i am.” her hand waves vaguely towards the lounge area near the coffee station and stack of assorted snacks. “i’ll come running if you scream though,” she teases as you turn down the hall.
sukuna’s voice carries from the right in guidance where you find him setting his food off to the side. the room is neat. though you don’t know what you were expecting given the health expectations lining his work. then again, you’d spent the better part of the decade watching him cart week old pizza boxes out of his room so it was hardly a baseless assumption.
aside from the desk of tools and variety of inks the only other defining feature was the wall at the back. there was no rhyme or direction to the madness. the once white wall was littered with varying penmanships and messages. almost like an autograph book. some derogatory, others genuinely thankful for his work - you think you see a few numbers too.
the cushion of the seat protests under his weight as he rolls to the center of the room. he has the stencil of your chosen art held up in expectation.
“where is this pretty little thing going?”
“oh my rib- here on the right.” you think nothing of bringing up the hem of your shirt to expose the skin just under the curve of your breast.
he almost looks impressed, though there is some doubt. he wheels closer and gives no warning as his hand palpates the area. “over the bone? that’s daring for your first tattoo, princess.”
the name was nothing new, an accompaniment to yuuji’s ‘brat’.
part of you actually grateful that its sukuna. the entire shop had good reviews but it was best known for his talent. besides, the charge was already sitting on your card.
“i can handle it.”
he’s still squinting at your side, fingers tickling at your skin.
“yeah?” he answers absently. nimble digits you didn't think had any taste for delicacy carefully peel the plastic from the stencil. he doesn’t second guess himself in the slightest before pressing it to your skin.
when he pulls away, the chair follows him as he collects a hand mirror from his desk to reflect the design back to you.
“double sure?” he’s still rallying your resolve, but there is a hint of warning to his voice as professionalism seeps in.
with a firm nod you seal the deal,” yeah.”
“aright, pin up your shirt out of the way. tuck it into your bra if you want.”
you were expecting this already, given the location you’d decided on. with sukuna that action comes effortlessly without thought. it was no different than the times he’d seen you in your bathing suit, your brain reasoned. at least you still had your pants this time.
sukuna rests back into a lean against his small desk. absently you note that his eyes haven't left you once since you’d entered the room.
“eager little thing aren't you?”
but its sukuna.
you shrug.“ i guess. kind of been saving up for this one.”
the noise he makes is non-committal as he nods to the angled chair.
without your shirt there was no barrier between yourself and the leather. you expected the cold chill but the lack of stickiness kind of surprised you. once again you were reminded of the indisputable list of reviews at your fingertips.
sukuna goes about collecting the materials to disinfect your skin, angling the bottle and cotton over the trash can to catch the excess drops. satisfied with the saturation, he slides back.
you try to absorb the brief shock you feel when he applies the alcohol to your skin. it was hardly a substitute for actual bracing to come but it was good practice. when you look up, you catch his gaze again.
he’d been more observant in these last few minutes than you could ever recall sukuna caring before. maybe it was the job. though the thought of him excelling at customer service has you fighting a snort.
“cold,” you supply and he gives another grunt.
he chucks the cotton ball into the trash with all the efficiency of a man who has made a sport out of it and probably keeps score.
deciding on a solid color eliminated the need for him to break away to change shades, eliminating any surplus time keeping you in this chair.
a gloved hand braces your side, pinching the skin, while the other holding the gun rests against your sternum. when the motor starts you take a careful breath in. sukuna’s eyes raise at the sound.
“not nervous?”
you blink, expecting him to just get to it.
“uh, not really? i’ve never really been afraid of needles.”
he pauses. just when you part your lips to ask what wrong the buzzing starts.
its impossible not to tense at the first bite of the needle. but you fight the urge to jerk. it stings. the vibration of the motor is uncomfortable against your ribcage but it's not unbearable. you certainly wouldn't cry.
sukuna seems to notice it as well.
“not going to lie thought you’d be more of a cry baby? weren't you the one sobbing after you stubbed your toe.”
you latch onto the idle chatter even if it's a jibe.
“i was eleven and i sprained that toe.”
he gives you a quick glance. “sure, princess. completely called for the waterworks.”
you snort. “yeah well it made me stronger. im barely affected today.”
your words are followed by a shift of his hand as it turns to follow a line, the movement pressing firmly against the underside of your breast. you're too attentive to the needle pinching at your skin to take notice.
but sukuna does, eyes narrowing without your awareness.
“yeah, i can see that.”
rather than closing your eyes to block out the pain, you find a more comforting distraction in tracing the lines of his tattoos with your gaze. you can hardly make out the first tattoo he’d gotten at the age of seventeen after forging his parents signature. 
the abstract design had now branched out, interlocking with new styles to map out the formation of a sleeve. it was almost like his own branded language. a dialect of bold shapes and bands. you’d never thought to actually ask what his tattoos meant. nor did you expect an honest answer.  
sukuna works rather quickly and efficiently while your mind wandered. even if he hadn’t squeezed you in during his lunch break this felt like the usual pace for him. he looked so in the zone as he followed the pre-made lines to perfection.
you weren’t the model customer, still having your brief moments of weakness but he rolled with the interruptions better than you expected. sukuna was brash growing up and didn’t tolerate nonsensical people. you’d had your fair share of opportunities to be chewed out by him.
and earned a reasonable amount of them, though your returning attitude said otherwise.
but this sukuna was softer, if you could put it like that. he knew the right time to give you breaks but didn’t let your nerves settle too much. when he wasn’t adding a layer to permanency to your skin, an errant finger would smooth over the swelling flesh.
more than once you heard him throw out a quiet good girl. that you knew was meant to be encouraging but it came with additional implications that tickled your skin.
he tells you that you should be grateful that the artwork doesn’t need any shading. that it was never a good fit for beginners.
your chest expands the furthest it had in the last half hour when he finally rolls back.
“alright, princess, go ahead and take a look.”
you take the offered mirror again and angle it to take in the fresh piece. the reflection you get back is- amazing. you’d been so concentrated?? on micromanaging the pain that you failed to take in the little details he’d added along with the original design.
as if reading your thoughts, he snorts. “it's not my art if i don't leave my mark. you can tell me it looks good you know.”
if you didn't know any better, you’d say he was authentic in his attempt to bait your approval.
and you had no reason not to provide.
your legs are a little shaky but you manage to balance yourself before brining the eldest itadori into a hug. sukuna goes stiff for a moment before returning the embrace and doesn’t resist when you press your face into his shoulder. there’s an awkward pat before they release each other from the hold.
sukuna .. before he’s shrugging you off.
“god, what a noob. at least let me cover it up. you’re going to irritate the skin.”
when he turns back to rummage through his desk you note the hint of a flush creeping up his nape. you know better than to mention it, instead just smiling at his back.
there is a scowl on his face as he applies the cotton square to your skin and tapes it in place.
“please do not itch this shit. i don’t care if you feel like your skin is going to fall off.”
he presses a small tube of antibiotic into your hand.
“and apply this daily. you don't need it drying out. “
you’re grateful for the little slip of printed instructions that follow. you were able to remember the sensible directions but it couldn't hurt to have additional guidance when you started to question the progress.
“oh and no sex.”
that was definitely not on the list.
sukuna raises a brow in all seriousness. “what? if you get your blood pumping too much.”
you call him on his bullshit,” this small? hardly. “
he raises his hands in mock surrender. “alright, try it yourself if you want. i charge for touch ups though.”
the two of you size each other up. just like old times.
with a sigh you relent, “fine, no sex.”
“good, see me in two weeks.”
his words stop you short. it wasn’t as if you needed anything added and he wasn’t a physician checking on your progress. if anything, you would only revisit your artist if there was a problem.
“what for?”
the dawning grin would follow you for the next fourteen days.
“to make sure you didn’t have sex.”
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
reality vs fantasy 
bonus part 3.5 of the noritoshi kamo story; im just spoiling u brats enjoy [passes holy water] thread lightly, sexual content ahead
tagging: @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] directory: read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
“does that feel good?”
he asked as his lips traced her sharp jaws, spreading kisses as his hands steadied her hips. she took a sharp breath, nodding in pleasure as moans escaped her parted lips as she lowered herself down back on his hard dick. through his opened eyes, he watched pleasurably as her tight cunt swallowed his dick inch by inch so easily, like she was moulded to fit him and only him. her long hair covered half of her face, as she flipped it to the side, sweats dripping down her chest glistening her swollen breasts. 
she looked so ethereal riding him. 
her pace was slow, and his hands were roaming all over her body. 
he whispered encouragements, how beautiful she looked sucking in his fingers hungrily, her perky titties and the way she hugged around his length made him feels so good made her roll her eyes back to her skull. feeding her kink so well. pulling her against him, her back resting on his chest, she let him take over the pace, loud moans fillers the room as the sound of her skin slapping against his with wet squelching sound echoed their bedroom. 
“you’re so needy, my wife.”
she was beyond needy, she was desperate for release only he could give, “fuck me, please, just fuck my brain out.” grabbing her chin, he smiled pleasingly as he kissed her lips so passionately. his rough hand palmed her breast, nipple swollen and hard it made her legs bucked.
“you want me to fuck you?” he teased.
she nodded vigorously, trying to move her hips to meet his pace. his other hand moved lowered below her slightly bulging abdomen, finding her swollen clit immediately. 
“please just fuck every inch of me,” she cried out, tongue lolling out, her eyes stared deep into his eyes, “i’ll be very good, i promise.” with every bat of her eyes, he couldn’t decide whether she looks adorably innocent or just a devil in disguise. 
but when he had her pressed on all four, begging for all holes to be filled, he couldn’t deny his wife’s wishes.
she panted. sweaty and sticky, she looked down on the pillow tucked between her thighs. her face flushed red as guilt washed over her. the effect of the orgasm had left her legs shaking and she cursed.
noritoshi had not returned to their house for almost three days. 
she missed him dearly and she was losing her mind slowly. 3 days alone to heal from the mess from the attack at the stadium and to deal with the fact that she’s growing their child inside her reduced her to nothing but a mess. she fell on her side, pushing her sweaty hair up as she kicked the pillow soaked with her fluid to the floor. she fixed herself, not that it helped with anything; she lowered his shirt down her chest back. she has been wearing it for 3 days straight. 
enveloped by everything that reminds her of him but not able to have him physically hurt her chest. he hadn’t call, text, or even send her a letter. she was alone. 
whenever she missed him, she hid in their walk-in closet, nose buried in whatever that belong to him that her eyes caught first. when she has enough energy, she would brew the tea just as he likes it, sat at the balcony, and just not even drink it. she isn’t even a tea person; she prefers coffee but holding a cup of warm tea during the cold night makes it feel like he’s around.
she’s an addict but the drug is gone.
she felt tears prickling the corner of her eyes and before she knew it, she was sobbing on his side of the bed. she remained there, beating herself for being stubborn, blaming herself, blaming him even every single god that existed in the world for fucking her life up. she missed him; his smile, his voice, his touch, his kiss, she missed everything about him. 
shoko explained that she was 7 weeks pregnant, and her baby is as big as a blueberry. 
“i think the period you are describing last month might have been implantation bleeding, something normal that might be mistaken for period. you need to listen to me. your body is adjusting, you should stay home and rest. don’t stress yourself out.”
she felt wave of nausea bubbling in her belly triggering her gag reflex. kicking herself off the bed, she made it to their bathroom, throwing her head into the toilet and she quickly emptied her stomach out. they should rename morning sickness because the sickness haunted every single hour of her day. she spent more time in the bathroom, head in the toilet than the other part of her house. she stared through her teary eyes at the content of the bowl, clear disgust on her face when she realised it was nothing but the liquid she’d been having. she has been struggling with food, only able to tolerate porridge and juices and she was growing tired. 
weak, her mind mocked. 
she unlocked her phone and dialled gojo’s number. she waited for him to pick up, breaking into sob as she felt so exhausted, she couldn’t even move. 
“gojo, i’m in the toilet, i just can’t get up anymore i feel horrible i want to eat but i can’t i want to get out of here please-”
she startled.
there was a lot of cum.
noritoshi was glad that he chose to release his pent-up stress in the bathroom, feeling the water showered down all over his body. all cooped up in their room back at the kamo estate for almost three days, he didn’t expect to feel a sudden wave of horniness crashing over him when he accidentally turned over to her side. 
it’s not like he wasn’t already thinking of her. she was literally all he could think about. 
her scent overwhelmed him even when he tried to push the thought of her away; but she’s still his beautiful stubborn wife and his heart ached when he thought of her. he always has a good control of himself, he believed that sexual urges should just be solved by a traditional fucking but for tonight, it was just him and his left fist. 
the way she smiles, the way her body moves, the way she ties his bangs or the way she always makes sure he wakes up with a cup of tea waiting by the bed; she missed every single thing she does. the way she teases him and the way she begs for more and more always reduced him down into a simpleton. 
he wished nothing but to run back into her arms. 
he quickly washed up, removing traces of him from the floor and exited the shower immediately. his phone suddenly blowed up. without thinking, he pressed the green button and what greeted him surprised him. 
“-the toilet, i just can’t get up anymore i feel horrible i want to eat but i can’t i want to get out of here please-”
his breath hitched and he stood there. “y/n?” he called, and he could feel the slight tension in the air. she had realised her mistake. 
“m’sorry, i-i want to call satoru. i didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“are you okay?”
he sat on the edge of the bed; phone pressed hard against his ear. talk to me, their hearts screamed. she let out a nervous laugh, trying to mask the sniffles, “i-i’m okay. i’m sorry for disturbing you. i thought you were gojo.”
gojo had been telling him how he has been taking care of her. told him that she was more than weak, could barely hold her food in without gagging. 
“she’s miserable. she’s 7 weeks pregnant. we suspected that the reason her body didn’t fully succumbed to the poison that cursed spirit had infected her with was because of the the baby. the higher up thinks that it’s carrying the same inherited technique as you. the fact that it was able to protect its host; your wife is impressive.”
he rubbed his forehead, nervousness overwhelmed him, and he felt like a child about to ask his crush out.
“you’re not disturbing me. you don’t need to call gojo, i can come over,” holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder, he immediately slipped on his pants, “do you need anything? are you hurt?”
“i’m just stuck on the bathroom floor. i can’t get my ass back up and out of this bathroom.”
“you called gojo for this?”
her face reddened, “i get overwhelmed easily. i’m sorry,” she rambled, “you know what? forget i called. bye,” she ended the call immediately. she slummed her head back against the wall, groaning at the discomfort of her abdomen pressing on her bladder whenever she sat wrongly. she closed her eyes, covering it with her arm before soft snore escaped her lips. she’d pass out on the floor of her bathroom. it felt like hours until she heard soft pitter patter of feet on the cold cement, arms around her body lifting it up off the floor. she was too tired to open her eyes, soft noise coming out of her lips as the arms laid her on the soft bed. she sighed in relief; the cold bathroom floor was giving her back ache. 
she opened her eyes and she let a nervous laugh. her shaky hand reached out to touch his cheek, it felt soft to touch, too realistic. no, he’s gone, he won’t come home, you’re not real, she reminded herself. “my hallucination is getting realistic nowadays” she stifled a yawn. 
he smiled, his finger brushing her stray hair back, revealing her watery eyes, “you think of me often?” 
“don’t you?”
she gasped when his warm hand cupped her cheek, another touched her neck as he straddled her. boldly, she tugged on his leather jacket, pushing it off his broad shoulders, confused when the jacket fell on the floor with a loud thud. this sounds too real. the feeling of his breath tickling her cold skin, his lips tracing kisses after another, she was drowsy. 
“i’ll take care of you,” he whispered, “i promise, i’m here.”
“nori,” she called out eagerly.
“yes, my wife?”
the hair on her body stood, shivers caused her back and toes to curl in pleasure. she couldn’t differentiate if it’s just fantasy or reality; not with his hands roaming all over her bare skin. 
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow
Minghao: Chapter 2 (Mr. Brightside)
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Characters: Minghao x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, unprotected sex, mentions of voyeurism, mentions of exhibitionism, public sex, nudity ish, marking, mating, creampie, dirty talk, angst, fluff, blood and gore mentions (I’m not really good at being descriptive busy still, it’s there in this chapter and if you’re not up for it, please don’t reader), runaways, domestic violence, death mentions, violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to Mr. Brightside by The Killers. It sets a good mood for this chapter I think.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
🥀 & 💋 & ☁️
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow Master List
Chapter 2: Mr. Brightside
The pack decided that once morning came, they’d send out a group to investigate the screams you had heard last night. Low and behold, after breakfast was finished and everything was cleaned up, Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Jun, Mingyu, and you went out to see if you could find any remnants or answers on what had happened last night. Of course, Minghao fought for you to remain at the house and have him go in your place as he didn’t want you around any danger, but you insisted on going out with the others instead. You were the only one who really had any knowledge of or experience with Sirens. It just made the most sense. So he reluctantly agreed that it would be best for you to go, after some heavy convincing from his Alphas.
As you all sat out on your adventure, Mingyu was the one that lead the charge. He had the most reliable sense of smell compared to the rest of you and, as a single man, he would have a better chance at tracking the Sirens whereabouts than you would. After what seemed like hours of false leads and suspicious activity, you all finally stumbled upon something worth while.
“Ew. What is that?” Jun questioned aloud while covering his nose to try and mask the scent of death that met his nostrils as you approached the scene.
“I think the question is: WHO is that?” A disgusted Seungcheol stated, nearly vomiting from the sight in front of him.
You couldn’t blame either of them for their reactions. The picture in front of you was enough to churn even the hardest of criminals stomachs. On the forest floor, there was a dead body, though you couldn’t really even classify it as that anymore. It was a mess of blood, bone, meat, and skin that trailed on for about five feet around its center. Bits and pieces had gotten caught on the rocks and trees around. It’s smell was putrified as it had been sitting out in the middle of the night. It was so unrecognizable, the only reason you all figured out it was human was because of the scent. Animals and humans had different auras around their essence. Animals had more rustic scents to them while humans smelt more … fresh in nature to wolves. And whoever this was smelt more fresh than your average animal.
“Yep. This was definitely done by an angry sire boys.” you let out casually as you knelt down to examine the victim more in depth, holding your breath as much as you could so you didn’t have to inhale the scent of death anymore than you absolutely had to.
“How the fuck did some poor person end up as a piñata on the forest floor?” Wonwoo asked, still in quite a bit of shock at seeing a human so messed up. Wolves could get vicious, and they had all seen a lot of carnage in their time, but this took the fucking prize for most traumatizing corpse they had ever dealt with.
“Sirens use men to get pregnant. They know within minutes if it worked. And this mess here tells me this guy didn’t… satisfy her needs. So she killed him” you declared, bringing yourself to stand back up in an upright position, dusting your hands off once you were standing.
The boys were all honestly shocked that you remained so cool during the whole commotion. The thought of what happened even made Wonwoo wince, but not you. They were a bit taken back by your ability to deal with such a thing and not want to draw back in disgust.
“So he didn’t get her pregnant. Big whoop. For most girls, that’s the dream. Why does the bitch care so much about it?” Seungcheol responded to your last remark, attempting to bring back his usual cool exterior while crossing his arms over his chest.
“Sirens are like wolves in that department. Any wolf with a mate will tell you just how hard it is not to mate them to have kids. It’s a primal urge. Even humans feel it, just not as strong. But with Sirens, their goal is to continue spreading themselves around the world to wreak havoc.” You explained, using your knowledge of them to your advantage so you could tell the boys more about the dangerous creature you were dealing with.
“And when a human can’t give the siren a baby to continue it’s work, they eat the human they used to procreate. The result’s… pretty brutal as you can see” you added, gesturing to the mess around you.
“So this is for sure the work of one of those things? A siren?” Mingyu asked, clearly wanting to know whether or not he would be in danger as he was one of the few boys in the pack who always had to have sex, regardless of who it was with.
“Yeah. I’m pretty positive. Which means everyone needs a curfew now.” You huffed out, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance at the thought of being stuck in the house all day again.
“Hey (Y/N), you said that these siren things really only go after single men yeah?” Jun inquired while dropping to his knees next to the pile of flesh beside him.
“Yeah. Single men are the easiest targets as they’re the ones most susceptible to their song. Most sirens, not all, but most used to be scorned women when they were mortals. They don’t usually want to put that fate on another woman, so they just find horny single guys. Why?” You responded to Jun’s question.
“Well…” he said as he picked something up off the ground and brought himself to his feet again, “I think this… pretty much proves that this thing doesn’t care if the dude’s taken or not.” He continued as he held something out for the rest of you to see.
It looked like the remains of a human hand. But there was a gold band wrapped around one of the fingers. Shit.
“That’s- that’s really REALLY not good.” You gulped as you took the hand from Jun and examined it yourself, praying that his first hypothesis was wrong.
“Why? It just means that she’s not picky, right?” Seungcheol let out a dry chuckle at his own shitty joke.
“No. It means that she was probably born a siren. If she’s able to seduce a man in love, she’s worse than a conjured siren. It means She’s half human. So she can walk around during the day looking like a normal human.” You shuddered out, worry now spreading throughout your whole body for everyone around you. This was bad. This was really REALLY bad.
“Hey baby!” Minghao exclaimed as he came and kissed your head, meeting you guys right outside the house just as you returned home.
“How’d it go? Find anything out?” He spoke as he quickly engulfed you in a hug, having been waiting by the door for your return the entire time you were gone.
Once he had caught up with you and had you in his arms, you suddenly burst into tears. You buried your face in his chest and sobbed uncontrollably, worrying Minghao a great deal. He looked to his brothers for answers as to what your sudden outburst could’ve been about but, all of them were just as shocked, they had all thought that you were fine after everything that had happened. So they saw no reason to panic as your coolness earlier showed them they could handle what was coming. But clearly, your currently state meant that something was very wrong and, regardless of how curious they were on what it could be, they knew you well enough to know that you just needed to be alone with your mate when you were like this. They knew he’d get to the bottom of it and come to them if it was anything important or concerning. Everyone bowed their heads towards Minghao and then quickly made their way toward the house.
You didn’t mean to start crying. You tried your best to hold it in. But you were absolutely fucking petrified on what could happen with the siren running around. You weren’t a protective Alpha like Seungcheol, you weren’t as level headed as Wonwoo, you weren’t as innocently curious as Jun, and you weren’t as optimistic as Mingyu. Seeing everything that happened to that married man and knowing everything that the siren could still do to the people you loved hurt you on deeper level that even you didn’t understand.
You held a solid face in front of the others earlier as you didn’t want them to see your pain or feel scared themselves. But Minghao always made you feel safe and loved and knew how to comfort you and he took all your bad thoughts away. So when you saw your mate’s face, you just lost it. You needed him. You didn’t care that the others saw, you could explain it all away to them later. You just needed your mate to hold you and tell you that everything was gonna be alright, even if it wasn’t.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?” Minghao asked as he picked up your depressed form and walked with you into the forest, far enough away so that the pack couldn’t hear you.
“Hao- I- I’m so worried. The siren- she- she destroyed a man. He was just a puddle when she was done with him. We wouldn’t have even been able to see that he was human if we weren’t wolves.” You sniffled as you clung to his shirt for dear life.
“What if she- what if she does it to one of you? She- she can do it whenever she wants. She can hurt anyone anytime she wants. She can walk around during the day- she’s half human. She- she can hurt anyone. She can hurt you. I- I cant lose you Minghao. I- I just can’t” you choked into his chest as he sat down with you on his arms on the forest floor with his back against a tree.
“Baby, it’ll be okay. I won’t let her hurt the pack. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m all yours. Siren be damned.” He spoke softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“There- there was so much blood Hao” you whined as you looked up to his angelic face, watery eyes causing tears to stream down your face.
He subtly wiped the water off of your cheeks and held your chin with his index finger and thumb.
“I know. I’m sorry you had to see that my love. But it’s over now. I’ve got you.” He shushed you with a small kiss to the top of your nose.
“He was married. He was in love with someone and she- she still got him. I- I don’t want her to take you too” you whimpered out, he brought his hand up and cupped your face gently, stroking your salted cheek to help sooth your pain.
“She won’t take me baby. You’re the only girl I could ever want. You’re the only girl for me” he smiled at you, the adoration in his eyes evident. But you were still unconvinced.
“But… how- how do you know that?” You whispered as you look down at your hands, trying to focus on something else so your tears wouldn’t start up again.
“Because my love” he said, pushing some stray hairs that had fallen in front of your face behind your ear, “No one in this world could EVER give me what you can”
“And what’s that?” You mumbled. He quickly pushed your face up to look at him and connected your chapped lips to his plump ones.
His lips were beyond the softest thing that you had ever felt. You had kissed him before, but this was different, it was like he was trying to express everything he felt for you through one kiss. It was powerful and passionate. You responded immediately, grabbing the nape of his neck and pulling him deeper into the kiss.
He slid his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for access, which you swiftly gave him. Your tongues started fighting for dominance and, although both put up a good fight, it was Minghao who came out on top, as usual.
The kiss quickly escalated, ending with him lying you down on the ground and placing himself between your legs. His lips started traveling down your neck, leaving bright purple patches on your skin, before he stopped at your breasts.
He gave you a devilish smirk moments before he ripped the tank top that you were wearing in two. You gasped, using your arms to help cover your semi-exposed chest as a blush rose to your cheeks.
“Relax baby. It’s just me and you here. And I…” he said in a deep, almost inhuman voice while unhooking your bra, “want you just like this.”
Before you could react, he attached his lips to one of your perky nipples, rolling the other between his two fingers and groaning. The vibration sent shivers down your spine, making you lose touch with reality for a second. When you regained your senses, you grabbed his face and brought it up to yours to gain his attention.
“But we’re in the woods. You tore my shirt off. And I cant just be naked on the forest floor while you pound into me. My back’ll get all torn up. And what if someone comes and sees us fucking. What’s then?” you pouted at him before you pecked his rose petals lips.
His bottom lip protruded out before an idea struck him. He pulled his shirt off of his toned body and slid it on yours. It was obviously much bigger on your petite frame than it was on his, it came down to your mid thighs.
“There, now you’ll be protected from the ground and any gazing eyes and we’ll both get what we want” he smirked before he started unbuckling his belt.
You had to admit, after the day you had, you REALLY needed him. And the thought of him taking you right there out in the open had you wet within seconds.
You bit your lip in anticipation as he finally managed to pull his hardened member out of his constricting jeans. You never got sick of this part, wtching his dick smack back up to his stomach after being restrained for so long always made you giddy.
He grabbed his cock and stroked it a few times, smearing his pre-cum down the base to help lubricate himself. He pushed himself back down to kiss your lips one more time before he glided himself in your entrance, leaving you momentarily stunned.
You had had sex with him a few times before, but Fuck, you’d never get used to his length. He fit inside you like a glove, hitting all the right places with the perfect amount of pressure. Like he was made to fuck you stupid. You loved it.
He paused for a moment after bottoming out, wanting to give you a few seconds to adjust. You groaned out and, even though you were still feeling a dull pain from the sudden stretch, you lifted your hips to meet his, indicating that you wanted him to continue. He quickly got the hint and slowly started pulling himself back from your heat before he thrusted in at full force, making you wail out his name.
“Fuck. It hurt so good. Please go faster Hao. Please!” You moaned in a pleading voice while grabbing at his biceps and scrapping your nails down them.
“Whatever you say baby” he smiled to himself as he picked up his pace, placing his hands on the sides of your head for leverage. You let out a Yelp and a gasp before throwing your hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t get any louder, not wanting anyone to find you in such a compromising position.
He felt your walls tighten around him and he couldn’t help the growl that emitted from his chest. He lifted your leg and put it on his shoulder. Hitting deeper into you causing you to lose your breath.
He tilted his head down to look at you. Fuck. He loved how you clung to him while he pounded you. He loved the dirty little moans that passed your innocent lips as he pushed into you deeper. He loved how quickly you would get wet at the thought of him fucking you. But most importantly, he loved how your pure little face scrunched itself up in pleasure whenever he hit the right spot.
“God, you take me so well. It’s like your little cunt was made for me. So tight and warm. Who do you belong to baby huh?” He grunted out, gritting his teeth as he moved to kiss your neck, enhancing your pleasure by sucking at your sweet spot under your ear.
“I’m yours. I belong to you. Only you. Please, don’t stop. I’m so close” you whined, dragging your nails down his biceps so hard that it no doubt must have broken part of his skin.
Just as he hooked your other leg to his waist to add to your ecstasy, you heard a twig snap nearby. Minghao immediately darted his head up to look around, though he didn’t stop his pace.
“W-what is it?” You question, trying to form words even though you were close to your orgasm. Your walls starting to flutter around his dick, earning a groan from him.
“It’s just a dear baby. Don’t worry. Nobody can see me ruining you. Not that I would mind the boys seeing me take you like this” he said while thrusting as deep into you as he could. Your walls started to clamp down on him at the thought. He laughed slightly.
“Maybe then they’d finally get the hint that you’re mine. Maybe then they’d stop thinking about fucking you. Everyone would know you’re mine. Everyone would know this pussy is all mine.” he bit his lip before he grabbed your hair with one of his hands, jerking your head to look him directly in the eyes.
You were so close, you felt like screaming. And, almost as if he could read your mind, he stopped you by lightly squeezing your neck with his dominant hand. The lack of oxygen felt incredible and your eyes began to roll to the back of your head. Minghao was quick to take notice of your sudden increase of pleasure and decided to tease you.
“Do you like that baby? Do you want me to show everyone who owns you? Is that what gets you off? Or do you like the idea of them fucking you huh? Which is it?” He sneered out and tightened his grip on your neck a little more.
“Answer me baby. You know I don’t like being kept waiting” he stated, continuing to fuck into your heat like it was his sole purpose in life.
“Fuck- both. Both! Part of me wa-wants them to take turns fucking me. Part of me want-wants you to force them to watch you rail me. Both.” You scream out at his sudden roughness, knowing full well the ideas both make him hard too.
“What a naughty girl you are. Wanting to be their little slut and wanting to be claimed by me in front them. I should go fuck you in the living room right now to show them this cunt is mine. But…” he started in a sexy tone that seemed to be only half joking, his fangs elongated as he got closer to his release, “I think making you cum and marking you right out here in the open will do. For now”
He smirked as he took the hand that was wrapped around your thought and started to rub your clit, finally tipping you over the edge, making you see stars. He bit down on your neck and made your release ripple out in the most jaw dropping orgasm you’d ever had.
Soon after, Minghao came inside you, his hot cum painting your walls in the most delicious way possible. He pulled his teeth from your neck and ran his tongue over the wound to have it close up. He found your panties and shorts and slid them on your exhausted body before he laid down beside you.
“You’re- you’re not mad are you?” You wondered aloud in a small voice.
“Mad? Why would I be mad? You just let me mate and mark you out in the open. What could I possibly be mad at?” He chuckled out as he moved you to his chest.
“Because of what I said before I came…” you trailed off, drawing small invisible shapes on Minghao’s chest.
“No baby. I’m not mad. I think it’s kinda hot actually. But we can talk about that another time. The only thing that matters to me right now is that you’re okay. Are you feeling any better?” He asked, concern laced his tone as he rubbed your back with his large hand.
“I’m okay. It helped comfort me. I just hope that the siren doesn’t try and take you away from me.” You responded earnestly, snuggling further into his torso.
“Don’t worry. She won’t. I’m all yours” Minghao declared confidently.
“But… how can you be so sure? I know we love each other, but the siren can take anyone she wants.” You added, nervousness surrounding your tone.
“Relax baby. She won’t get me. It’s never gonna happen because I love you too much.” He stated positively before kissing the top of your head.
“When did you become Mr. Brightside?” You smiled up at him with playfulness glistening in your eyes.
“One of us has to be my love” he laughed out, “Now rest up for a minute. We’ll have to go back inside soon or they’ll send a search party. That is… unless you want them to know we fucked out here” he let out questionably with a mischievous grin.
“Hmm… Relaxing for a minute it is.” You say shyly as you nuzzle into his chest. God you loved him.
Another Author’s Note: Okay so smut chapters take a lot longer for me to write so so only wrote this one. But technically Mingyu’s went up after midnight so I actually wrote two today. Which isn’t awful… but I want to write more. I’ve just been sick. But I swear tomorrow I’ll read these two chapters for errors and as soon as I get better I’ll start writing more!
(Updated 8/22)
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
Paper flowers: The little things
In life it’s often the little things that make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Your best friend and the person you just cant stand to be around.
This chapter Patton especially is confronted with how the smallest actions can cause big changes.
In the imagination, it’s noticing the little things that gives the nemessis an advantage.
Virgil was looking up at the clouds passing by in the purple sky of the field. In the edges of his vision he could see flowers in several hues of red and purple.
Suddenly a shadow fell over him and a face entered his vision.
It was Roman, his head cocked to the side, a smirk on his face. “S’up Princey?” Virgil smiled as he sat up. Roman sat down next to him and with a wave of his hand, a new species of purple flowers was added to the field. Forget-me-nots to be specific.
“I do appreciate the flowers Virgil, but may I ask what I did to deserve them this time?” Roman wondered curiously. He’d gotten in the habit of adding Virgil’s flowers to the field. Or well copies of them. The original flowers were held in a vase in his room. Was there a slight chance of someone walking in and seeing them? Yes. But he could play it off. Purple was a royal color and Roman only associated it with Virgil because he’d mentioned it was his favorite color in one of their early conversations, when the friendship was still new.
“Just… Felt like it…” Virgil couldn’t pinpoint it. He’d been feeling pretty down the past week and found himself grateful for Roman’s presence in his life.
The whole point of the flowers was to let Roman know Virgil valued him as a friend and a side without having to get into details.
“Well, thank you. I really appreciate your thoughtful gifts,” Roman offered looking at their doors, now each framed by rose bushes in the other’s color. Roman had considered giving Virgil the purple roses but that felt like regifting him the one he’d made him and that just wasn’t right.
He chanced a glance at his friend, gaging his mood.
"Soooo... you want to talk about what had you storming of this morning?" Roman asked casually.
Virgil sighed he should have known.
Virgil had joined breakfast more often since the first time a few weeks ago. And this morning as Roman was teasing him he called him Kevin again. Virgil had rolled his eyes and reminded Roman that that was not his name. Roman had beamed when he said he knew. He was way to proud of that. The moment of secret camaraderie was broken however by Patton suggesting they could call him Marcus if he preferred. That had set Virgil off. He'd said something about how they couldn’t force him into opening up to them and stormed off. That was less than an hour ago.
Knowing Roman, Virgil was rather impressed that he’d waited this long. He appreciated it though. It’d given him the time to calm down and sort through his thoughts.
“I just… Marcus… it’s the name of a villain. And I know that that’s what I’m going for. But… It makes me feel like I’m still stuck down there.” It was stupid, irrational, he knew. But it had triggered him none the less. “I’m fine with the character being called that. But Marcus… It’s not me.”
Roman nodded thoughtfully and let the subject go.
"Patton wasn't too upset with me right?" Virgil worries.
Roman shrugged. "He seemed mainly worried about you. I said I'd talk to you about it."
Virgil nodded. "Sorry. You shouldn't have to clean up my messes," he mutters as he plucks at the grass.
"Nonsence. Cleaning up each other's messes is half our dynamic. Sometimes you cover for me, and sometimes the other way around. You have the harder job. I get to play my overzealous Prince card. You have to play the bad guy."
Virgil took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah you're right, I know you are... thanks."
Roman waved him of. "My pleasure. Oh about the next vine!"
 While Roman and Virgil discussed whether they should make another video about the rivalry or another Dark lord's least hated things episode (those were very well received), Patton was pacing in the living room.
He hadn't even noticed Logan standing in the doorway, contemplating wether he should offer assistance. This was most likely an emotional driven issue and that was not his area of expertise. Then again the one having the issue was the one he'd usually alert jn such situations. Who knows a voice of reason may be the solution.
"Patton. What is troubling you?"
Patton jumped a little at the unexpected voice.
"Oh, Logan. Didn't see you there bud," he smiled tensely,  trying to hide his turmoil.
Logan, wasn't fooled though. "Understandable. You were clearly preoccupied. Is there any way I could assist you?"
For a second Patton considered playing it off, he didn't want to put his worries on Logan. But if Logan noticed and found it necessary to comment on his mood, then it was probably best to come clean. And who knows? Logan was very smart. Maybe he'd help him figure this mess out.
He let out a long sigh and leg himself pretty much fall into one of the chairs. "I messed up Logan. Like in a bad way."
Logan took a seat. "If this is about Anxiety's outburst this morning, mag I remind you he's had similar if not worse fits in the past?"
Patton nodded. It was true but there were so many layers to this time. He decided to start with the one that stung the least, though it was also the one he most dreaded to admit.
"Why was he fine when Roman did it though?” he asked.
Logan frowned and thought about it. “Roman calls Anxiety nicknames all the time. You don’t. He might have taken your comment more seriously because of that.”
Patton’s eyes widened.  He had been trying to explain how things worked on their side of the mind to Anxiety ever since he decided to try tough love. And thinking back, maybe his phrasing  had made Anxiety think that Patton was pushing him to pick a name for them to call him.
“We could call you Marcus if you prefer.”
Patton groaned, how was he going to fix that? No wonder Anxiety preferred his fights with Roman over Patton’s attempts at friendship.
“I am sorry. Did I make it worse?” Logan wondered uncomfortably.
“No, I mean. I don’t feel better, but I’m less confused. So you are doing great actually,” Patton smiled tensely. There was another much more complicated issue he needed to talk about.
“Is there something else I can help with then?” Logan offered, hoping to make Patton actually feel better. It was the least he could do after all the effort Patton regularly put in trying to make everyone comfortable, even if he wasn’t always successful.
Patton let out a long breath. “You remember when Anxiety told us he could sometimes hear us in our rooms?”
Logan nodded, he had attempted to approach the subject again, but Anxiety had made it clear that he would not answer his questions under any circumstances. A source of mild frustration, but Logan assumed that Anxiety had his reasons to deny him this research. Anxiety was usually rather open to learning how things worked if it might affect them or Thomas.
“Afterwards,” Patton continued pulling Logan back to the present. “We talked… And he gave me a chance to open up to him. To prove that I was genuine in trying to be his friend. And I hesitated. I second guessed and he… He looked so hurt, and I didn’t know what to do and I let him leave!”
Patton confessed. Just saying it out loud helped him feel a little better already.
It had taken him by surprise, the brief look of rejection and hurt on Anxiety’s face before he went back to his usual detached sarcastic self. For a second he had proof that there was more to Anxiety than met the eye, sadly that was right after he messed up a chance of bringing it out.
Logan processed that for a minute. “Patton, Anxiety is hard to predict. But, just because you’ve had a small setback doesn’t mean there won’t be any opportunities in the future. Something made him try and reach out that time. So it could happen again,” he offered. It was the most he could do. Providing a rose colored outlook would be more up Roman or Patton’s alley. All he could give was facts.
“Do you really think so?” Patton wondered hesitantly.
Logan nodded. “Undoubtedly.” And that was the truth.
Paton smiled, his eyes still slightly watery but there was once more a spark to him that made Logan relax. He hadn’t even realized he was tense until now.
“Thanks Lo. I actually feel better now,” he told the intellectual side.
Logan smiled. “A pleasure Patton.”
Both sides promised themselves to keep an eye out for opportunities in the future. Though both had slightly different motivations.
One thing was sure. Next time Anxiety decided to invite either of them in, they’d be ready. They considered including Roman but decided against him. Patient was not his strong suit.
He’d probably scare Anxiety off with well-meant enthusiasm.
 The dark lord laughed maniacally. He had Prince tied up and at his mercy!
“Behold!” He exclaimed as he uncovered his surprise for the noble heir.
Prince gasped and then squealed. “Oh my goodness!!! How did you know my greatest weakness!?”
Dark lord flushed. “You said something about it in our first fight,”
Prince gasped, clearly moved. “I can’t believe you remembered,” he squeaks through an almost sob.
Important Question!!! 
“I did!” Dark lord announced. Raising a hand. “And now perish!!!” he pressed a button and as he let out a scream of victory his opponent screamed in horror.
Next: Assumptions
Do you guys want Prinxiety to be romantic in this story? Let me know, through a comment an ask a dm. Any way you want. Just let me know. I can understand that some are here because of the platonic prinxiety and i don’t want to take that away unless you guys are all waiting for these to to fall in love already. So...
Prinxiety! Romantic or platonic?
Also any other ships you guys are hoping for? 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Plz i need more papa dabi with his little girl! They're so cute! Can i get dabi with a preggo s/o? At first he doesn't want to be inhis baby's life but when his s/o is involved in an acciedent where the baby had to be taken and put into an incubator he runs at high speed to the hospital and wants to see his little girl! Just imagine him sticking his hand into the incubator and the baby grabbing it and he cries? The s/o didn't survive the acciedent tho :(. It's ok if u don't want to write this..
Mentions of abortion and dabi is toya theory
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He laughed.
The bastard had the nerve to laugh when you spilled the tea... when you took all of the courage in your being to tell him taht you were carrying a baby.
His baby.
Suddenly he went to look at you, his smirk slowly dissapearing when he saw your expression.
"Wait, shit-You're serious?" He asked out of no where and you almost snapped.
"Of course Im serious Dabi! I'm pregnant!" You almost cried out, knees almost giving up on holding your form as a billions of thoughts went through your boyfriend's head.
"... we can't." He breathed out, dedperation coming over his eyes but his face still hold onto the same resting bitch expression of his "We can't kept ... whatever the fuck you're carrying."
"I'm sorry but what?!" You exclaimed on horror "How can you even say that? Dabi I-"
"Listen." He said between teeth "We can't have a kid, okay? I can't have a kid... I'm no good for you for fuck's sake, imagine for this thing growing on your-"
"Don't you dare call our child a thing, Todoroki Toya." You growled, not backing away when he glared past your soul for using THAT name on him.
"Don't test your luck now dollface. Or even myself can get rid of this problem we got in." The words slipped his tongue before he could stop them before he felt a huge sting on his stiches and right cheek.
He hissed a bit and looked over at the woman he loved for years... completely broken and absolutely terrified of him, yet a hand still on the air to prove to him she indeed had slapped him.
Well, he deserved it. He couldn't lie.
"Listen..." you sobbed and he could feel his heart shattering "If YOU don't want to be a part of this baby's life, be a better father than yours was... that's alright, but I AM having this baby Dabi. Whether you liking it or not." You cried but still manage to stay with your gaze locked to his.
"No. If you don't want this kid, then you won't want me then, since I am having this baby."
He snatched his coat before grabbing the handle of the door before looking at you dead in the eye, words spilling like the venom of a snake.
"I should have fucking pulled out when I had the chance then huh?" He slammed the door right after, fighting with himself to prevent him to come back when he heard you falling and collapsong with cries in your apartment.
Nine months have passed since then, and after all the shit he had been through, this was by far the worst time of his life. He couldn't raise a kid while being a villain, he was already aprehensive on entering on a relationship, yet... you were the only one able to enter his heart and break the barriers he worked so hard to build ever since his childhood.
"Yo check it out! Disgrace!" Spinner's loud voice echoed on the room as he pointed at the Tv. A car accident aparently as some heroes showed their false selfs off to the reporters while some hurt pregnant woman was hurt and...
He jumped from his seat, turquoise eyes widening so much that his staples hurted like a damn bitch. But he couldn't care less to his pain, he couldn't care less at hearing shigaraku and the others asking him where he was running of to.
No, he couldn't care about a fucking thing when his doll was the one injured.
Wearing his disguise while running he almost sey on fire someone blocking his way as bis legs almost created wings from how fast he was running. His heart was on his ears as he manage to follow the ambulance.
Bjsting on the hospital he was easily barried by the security and some nurses.
"Get the fuck out of my way before I burn you pieces of trash to crisp." He said nonchantly but glaring through his glasses as he showed his palm on fire.
At the sudden scare of them he jumped and stormed his way until one ghard holded onto his shoulders.
"Young man you cant go on there. That woman is on a surgery right now. Between life or death situation."
"Bullshit I saw that woman kicking ass far better than All might, let me enter bastard." He was at the verge of shouting as some other securities came to help contaon the villain.
"Listen, family is usely allowed to wait on another room but-"
"For fuck's sake, I AM THAT FATHER'S KID!" He shouted in ager as some flames erupted, scating the poor workers as they let them in at least on the waiting room.
Boucing his knees fervently, he flinched when a doctor came to talk with him with a frown.
"Im sorry sir. We could only save your daughter... but the mother suffered a lot of loss of bloss."
He felt like screaming... vomiting? He didn't know... he had lost you. He cjrsed under his breath shakily before slamming his fist on the wall... his stiches coming out and blood of his being spilled on the wall and the floor as the doctor watched silently.
He couldn't even fucking apologize for being an ass to you...
He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder but he growled and shrugged off anyway. The doctor, not taking it too personally, decided to spoke up.
"I understand your state of mind... but if you wish, your daughter is on a incubator. Safe and sound, you can go see her without a problem, just ask the nurses and they will lead you there." The man spoked before leaving the room, letting Dabi scream all of his wtath and destroy the room in the middle of his outburst and regret.
Crouching down on the ground, he brushed his indigo looks out of his eyes as he let out tears to slip down his eyes, to his scars then drop on his clothing.
Standing shakily up, he made his mind. You wanted to so badly have a kid, his no less... it didn't matter whose he was or what his past was about... you loved him and then he treated you like that?
He looked at the window and the sky outside to see it was about to rain... promissing to you, wherever you were, that he was not going to mess up the last remain of love that you both had.
Following the nurse without a word he almost gagged when he saw the bundle of clothing enevelopong such a small human being that had a tuff of his natural color hair. He didn't had words to deacribe on how beautiful that sign was...
You would have loved amd even cried with that...
"This is your daughter sir! Congrats! Rei is such a cute and healthy baby despite being pre mature."
His head jerked in her direction as he mouthed a what... shocked and frozen at hearing that name.
"Oh! Sorry, but before... she died, she only could say that her name was Rei. She kept saying until she blanked out.."
He looked at the girl and slowly lifted two of his fingers to touch the incubator in a mix of regret and adoration.
The nurse mumbled that she was leaving them for a while just when the baby had opened her eyes to look at him sleepily. He forgot how to breath for a second befofe he saw the baby touch her hand where his fingers where before smilling and giggling for the first time.
He couldn't control the disgusting sob that ripped out of his throat as he watched the girl smile back at him despite how he was wearing. He couldn't believe that she was a perfect mixture of him and you... but judging by the giggles... she took a lot from your personality.
"Hello... Rei."
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roemerschanze · 3 years
I wrote a thing!
or rather it just fell out of my hand, beginning to end in one sitting... read on AO3 THE FREEDOM OF DECEIT - Qui/Obi Fic
PART I Obi-Wan woke on a hard daybed in what seemed to be the living area of a small starship. Confused.
He blinked, waiting for his vision to properly focus so he could hopefully see a sign of whether this was a republican ship or not.
It must be, why else would he not be restrained and locked up in the brigg ...or dead for that matter…
His muscles hurt. He was exhausted. But uninjured he realised as he rubbed the back of his head. With a groan he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the daybed.
The fight still sat deep in his bones.
It had gone on for what felt like hours and his angry attacks had drained all the energy from him until finally his former Master had made use of his slowing reaction to forceknock him into the wall.
He remembered the breath being pressed from his chest, then nothing.
Had his Master shown mercy for the sake of their joint past?
In fact Qui-Gon had only defended himself, never attacked ...until his first and final blow.
So his ability was still hopelessly inferior to that of his Master who had blocked his every strike withcalm concentration… efficient … graceful … showing no sign of exertion … or emotion … giving the impression of utter tranquillity even when he evaded Obi-Wan’s lightsaber at high speed. His face expressionlessand only his blue eyes always vigilant… He had felt naked under this piercing gaze, as if Qui-Gon knew his every thought, anticipated his every move…
His fists dug into the thin mattress.
It made him so angry! He had felt, no, still felt like a foolish Padawan attacking and attacking even though he never stood a chance!
… completely at his Master’s mercy…
His fist hit the table next to him as he briskly rose.
Enough of these useless thoughts! He was a Jedi! It wouldn’t bother him to lose to Masters Yoda or Windu, so why should it bother him to lose to Qui-Gon?
Obi-Wan took a deep breath to release his anger to the force.
Focus now.
He scanned the room for his lightsaber but it was nowhere in sight. Also no other hint on whose ship this might be.
He started towards one of the doors to go and find his presumed rescuer, who must have found him after Qui-Gon had left, as the door hissed open in front of him. Obi-Wan stopped dead in his tracks.
“You’re awake.”
The tall figure stayed in the passage to the bridge. A concerned look on his usually calm features.
“How do you feel?” He finally asked.
BETRAYED! Obi-Wan wanted to scream ...but he only gritted his teeth and stared at the man he had trusted so deeply for so many years, who hestill continuously and involuntarily called Master in his head.
Ire burned in his guts, seeing the Master he had always admired for his unshakeable integrity just standing there. As if nothing ever happened!! As if he had not betrayed everyone he knew and most of all himself! Infuriating!
Qui-Gon slowly entered and closed the door behind him. Paused.
Obi-Wan still stood there as rigid as a stone. Trying to reign in his wrath.
“You’re mad at me… and you have every reason to be...” Qui-Gon said quietly.
Obi-Wan’s fury cooled as fast as it had come and his stomach dropped. He felt as if a bucket of cold water had been emptied over his head.
Why did his Master suddenly look so weary?
“I missed you, Obi-Wan.”
The man’s voice was low, almost a whisper. No hint of tranquility anymore. Instead he looked slightly nervous, an inner turmoil clearly visible in his eyes and his posture giving the impression of a heavy weight pressing him down.
Obi-Wan had to fight the urge to run to his Master and throw his arms around him to offer comfort.
Never trust a Sith.
Nothing good could come of that.
He steeled himself.
“Why?” he asked, voice firm.
It was not a ‘why did you miss me?’
Qui-Gon understood.
He walked to one of the chairs at the table and sat down. Collapsed, more accurately.
“Sit with me, Obi-Wan. I’ll tell you.” He sounded exhausted.
Warily Obi-Wan went back to the daybed.
Don’t let him fool you, Kenobi, he’s a Sith now. Not the man you knew.
He sat down still staring mistrustfully at the Master who had meant so much to him for so long.
Not your Master! See through this mummery!
“No mummery, Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon must have read his mind… but their bond was cut! ...or wasn’t it?
“...not right now at least...”
He tried to read his Master’s face. Could he play this exhaustion? Had he always been such a good liar or had he only learned it as a Sith?
“Dooku is not he Sith we’re looking for. I’m sure you know that. He’s only the apprentice.”
Qui-Gons voice took him back to the present.
“Wha-” He hadn’t known. And what did he mean by ‘we’?
“But YOU’re the apprentice!” He blurted. “There can only be two!”
Qui-Gon smiled at him warmly. Foolish Padawan, it meant.
Obi-Wan clenched his fists again. Yeah, foolish he was, sitting here, listening to what was most probably a blatant lie.
“Eventually there will be only two. But a Sith does not wait until their Master dies of old age to try for power.”
‘…,my Padawan.’ Obi-Wan added in his mind, memory of many such cryptic explanations washing over him.
But the warm smile soon enough vanished from Qui-Gon’s face and gave way for a more serious expression as the tall man pulled back his broad shoulders and straightened in his chair, bracing.
“The council sent me to find the Master.”
The firm statement hit Obi-Wan like a brick. He had expected this lie, yet hearing the words from his Master’s lips knocked all the doubt from him.
“They sent me to join Dooku, to become his apprentice again and to ultimately find his Master and destroy them both.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, his mouth open.
“But Dooku is no fool. After all this time … he still hasn’t brought me anywhere near the identity of the Dark Lord.”
Qui-Gon exhaled, his broad frame collapsing in the chair again, while exhaustion returned to his voice.
“I suspect he keeps me mostly hidden to eventually try and kill the Master with my help. But who knows how long it will be before he sees his chance...”
Silence fell over the both of them, with Obi-Wan unable to decide whether he was hearing truth or lie.
“All the Jedi you killed...” he finally murmured.
“It was part of the assignment, Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon sounded as if he needed to convince himself.
“And I should have killed you, too, indiscriminate...” His voice broke and his gaze fell to his hands in his lap.
He swallowed.
“I was not supposed to tell anyone about the mission, not even you, Obi-Wan. And I was to make it convincing...”
Was that desperation now?
“But when it was you I had to fight… I just couldn’t do it any longer.”
Qui-Gon’s gaze rose to meet his eyes again. A silent plea for forgiveness.
Obi-Wan remained still, fighting to not let any of the feelings he had buried deep inside himself so long ago come to the surface.
“I needed to tell you. ...To make you understand…” his voice trailed off, eyes roaming around, searching for the words he couldn’t seem to find until his gaze came to rest on Obi-Wan again.
“I love you, Obi-Wan.” he said simply.
Obi- Wan jumped up, screaming.
Qui-Gon rose as well, reaching out in a soothing gesture but Obi-Wan quickly stepped out of reach.
“You cant just throw that at me! After all these years! After all the….”
He had yelled but then the anger flowed from him as if a drain had been opened and gave way to the same exhaustion he had seen in Qui-Gon before.
“...the heartbreak your betrayal caused me… “ his voice broke and he had to stifle a sob.
This time he didn’t evade Qui-Gon’s touch as the tall man drew him into his arms and buried his face in the soft red hair.
For a short while he let his Master hold him and leaned his head against the broad shoulder while he tried to restore order to his thoughts and untie the knot in his chest. He reached for the force and let it calm him avoiding the warm presence that was his Master’s body and force signature but instead reaching further into the cool calm of space surrounding the small ship.
Finally he freed himself from Qui-Gon’s embrace and firmly looked the man in the eye.
“So what did you plan on doing now?” he asked down to business.
Qui-Gon drew a deep breath and took a step back to give him some space.
“I told Dooku you got the better of me and escaped.” He said after collecting himself for a moment. “Your fighter is in the loading bay.” He reached under his robe. “Here’s your lightsaber.”
“...You can leave anytime...”, he added hesitantly as if saying it would make Obi-Wan do it.
Obi-Wan took the lightsaber from Qui-Gon’s extended hand and started towards the door he supposed would lead to the loading bay.
“Good, I’ll better be on my way then before you’re caught in your lie.” He stated coldly. “I wouldn’t want to make your efforts to be in vain.”
Qui-Gon looked shattered as he watched Obi-Wan turn away offering nothing but brutal sarcasm.
“Obi-Wan wait!” He finally called out as the door slid open.
“No!” Obi-Wan said firmly without turning. “meditate it away or whatever it is you do these days. There’s no point in expanding this any further.” His voice never faltered as he dismissed Qui-Gon yet he felt his determination wane as he spoke. He turned around not wanting to be cruel.
His Master stood there stooped like a beaten dog.
“There is no point.” he continued softly. “All we could gain from this before your return to the temple is more heartbreak.”
It hurt him to see his Master defeated like this but it needed to be said. They were both Jedi, they both knew what it took.
“And even after your hopefully safe return...” He tried to swallow the big lump in his throat but to no avail. “There is really no room for attachments like this.”
Speaking the words made him want to throw up. His chest felt tight and his hands were covered in cold sweat. Part of him wished Qui-Gon had never said the words. There was a reason Obi-Wan had never spoken up about his feelings even after the knighting.
Qui-Gon came up to him now a wide warm smile on his face that seemed to say ‘I’m so proud of you, Padawan’. Oh, how he wished they could go back to being Master and Padawan, when being close had been so easy.
He didn’t back away as Qui-Gon slipped an arm around his waist and brushed an errand strand of hair from his face.
“You’re right, Padawan.”
Qui-Gon’s soft rumble gave him goosebumps.
“There really is no room for this in the Temple. But maybe then this right here is our place in space and time. Maybe this assignment, as hard and horrible as it is, finally gives me the liberty to do and say what I wanted to for so long.”
Warmth radiated from Qui-Gon. And warm was the smile on his face though his eyes were glossy wet.
“If this moment is all we’ve got, I want to savour it.” He paused. “All of it. The joy and the pain.”
He cupped his former Padawan’s face with both hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
Obi-Wan shut his eyes tightly to keep the tears from falling but it was no use. His fist curled into Qui-Gon’s tunic anger again boiling inside him. Why did his Master have to make him feel all these emotions that would be nothing but painful in the end?
Qui-Gon seemed to read his mind again as he kissed the tears from his face.
“Because every moment is precious with you, my Obi-Wan.”
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (8) | T.H.
Summary: Tom, Harrison & Harry have a talk about Y/N. Our broken up couple has their first physical conversation with each other. Natalie has a little talk with a certain someone. Does another truth unfold?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
A/N: To the readers, thank you for all the support! More drama to come!
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No one likes it, but sometimes it’s needed to get a point across. Another use, to threaten another and instill fear, but we’ll get to that when we cross that bridge.
Harrison and Harry settled Tom down in the kitchen, ready to confront him about everything that’s happened. Tom fidgets with his fingers, unsure of what’s to come. All he knew, was he was furious that they both went to see Y/N, and didnt tell him. “Look”, Tom starts off, clearly impatient waiting on their prepared speech. “I just want to know why you left to see Y/N and didn’t tell me. Why am I being kept in the dark with everything?”
“Becuse you couldn’t figure it out. Even after being baby fed the information.” Harry says abruptly, his arms crossed as he stared down at his brother
Tom scoffs at the response, rolling his eyes. “How can I figure anything out when you all keep it a secret from me?! Mind you that all of this involves MY girlfriend and OUR relationship! And you have the balls to go out to find Y/N in secret and not tell me because I cant figure out a fucking thing in this chaotic fucking mess?!” Tom rants out, eyes and voice filled with anger and jealousy. He wasn’t sure if his yelling was towards the boys or if it was more toward himself, because deep down Tom knew he should have tried harder, but didn’t.
“No. Don’t you dare turn this on us, and make us look like we’re the bad guys.” Harrison snaps as he looks down at his best mate. “Just because you don’t know half the things that are going on, doesn’t mean you can be mad at us. Even when the words are written in stone, you’re still a complete div to not be able to comprehend it.”
“I dont understand.” Tom mutters as he looks at the table, trying his hardest to figure all this out. He had already talked to Natalie days ago about Kate and the pictures, but said she had nothing to do with it. They couldnt possibly mean there was more to the story other than Natalie being a complete piece of work.
“Read the fucking signs, Tom!” Harrison yells out. “I know you talked to Y/N that night about Kate and what did you say?”
Tom looks up at him, realizing what this is about. It wasn’t just about the pictures. It was more than that, something Tom should have realized and reacted to the moment it happened. “I said I was sorry and didn’t know what to say.” He mutters, his face now displaying a sense of guilt. “Fuck!” He whispers.
“Yeah start crying about it now you div!” Harry comments roughly, before continuing his speech. “Kate didn’t just backstab Y/N. She went behind the both of you. She was the spark that ruined your relationship, and you don’t know what to say to that?”
Tom shakes his head, realizing his mistake. For someone that works to display his emotions on screen, he failed miserably when it came to real life situations. It was miscommunication for him, the boys, and Y/N. In his mind, he was more pissed that Y/N was left there to think that he didnt care as much when in actuality he cared a lot. More than anyone would ever know, he cared the most. “No you all don’t understand that wasn’t my intention. Fuck!” He screams in frustration.
“Really and what was your intention then?” Harrison questioned, sarcastically intrigued to know Tom’s excuse.
“She lost her best friend. Fuck, she lost the only other person in her childhood that stood up for her, before this whole bullshit. That right there was more important than our relationship. I know shes the reason I got into this PR mess, the runors exploding, and pushed Y/N away fron me, but Kate betrayed Y/N’s friendship and trust. I didn’t say shit because I didnt want to make it about us. I wanted it to be about her and what she needed.” Tom spilled out, sighing deeply. Silence filled the air, and neither spoke for a minute, sinking in everything that’s happened.
“What she needed was you, Tom.” Harry said as both he and Harrison made their way out the kitchen, not until leaving Tom with a final warning. “We get that Kate maybe the reason she started all of this....but that doesn’t mean it ends with her.”
It left Tom wondering. Again, he had just talked to Natalie about the whole blackmail pictures but said she had nothing to do with it. Then again, she always wanted him to push away from Y/N. A talk he hoped would clear some answers, only left him with more questions. He knew who he had to talk to if he wanted straight answers, and she was going to give them whether she liked it or not.
Y/N had managed to avoid Tom the first week of her return in London. Sadly, it could only be said for that one week, and she had no one to thank, but a sink filled with dirty dishes to wash. Tom made his way into the kitchen by chance to grab sa quck bite to eat when he saw Y/N. It was his chance, he had to take it. It was now or never.
As he walked in, he made eye contact with her to which she responded with a slight smile and a nod. It was silent, nothing but the clashes of dishes and water running. “Do you want some help?” Tom asked with a smile. Might as well make the first move, he was a gentleman after all.
Y/N nodded as she handed him a dish towel, implying for him to dry and stack the dishes away while she washed. They continued this routine for a while, until Tom couldn’t take it anymore. “What happened to us Y/N? We were never like this in person. Hell the phone conversations we had the past weeks are more lively than this.” He confesses as he looks into her eyes.
Y/N shakes her head as she returns to her dishes. “There’s just nothing to say anymore. We’ve said everything we needed to say....Now things are just clockwork.”
“That’s not true. I know you still are keeping things from me. There’s more to this than Kate...” He waits for her to answer, but judging from the hesitation and the look of fear that dwelled in her eyes, his assumption was correct.
“You want to know everything?” Y/N asks as she looks in his eyes.
“Yes. I want to help you. I want us to be back to where we used to be before you left.”
Y/N sniffles as she shakes her head. “We can’t.”
“Why not?” He asks softly, hoping she will open up.
Y/N looks at Tom, taking a deep breath before she decides to tell him. She thought of the possibilities and the consequences that would come about. Kate was gone but it didnt mean Unknown wasn’t still out there. Everything had been so quiet the past few days, it almost seemed like she could breathe without having someone threaten her. Then again maybe her subconcious was right. Maybe it wasn’t a person anymore...Maybe it was just her.
Her mind wandered to Tom, who was staring at her waiting patiently for her story. Opening up her mouth, would be unleashing Pandora’s box and all hell could break loose. Blackmail, shattered dream, shattered relationship, broken trust, it would all come to the surface. The worst part...it wouldnt just stop there. But in this moment, Y/N didnt care. She had kept things bottled up from him for as long as she had. He deserved to know, he was a part of this as much as everyone. Maybe if Y/N kept Tom at bay, it would just be enough to statisfy Unknown and keep things as they were. Safe.
“Before I left...” Y/N starts off, her lower back leaning against the sink, eyes looking down as she lets out a deep sigh. “ There were already rumors of you and Natalie. Speculations that you’d be an item.”
“And you believed that?” Tom interrupts, his eyes rolling, unamused by how the story was starting. “Y/N if you were just jealous. Why didn’t you just say —“
“You think I didn’t know that?” Y/N fires back, scowling her eyes towards Tom, only to receive a knowing look from him that indicated to stop lying to herself. “Whatever. Yeah maybe I was a little when I saw how close you two got and how it just built the rumors. Did I want to tell you? Sure, but that didnt mean I could.”
“Im not following.” Tom comments, his messy eyebrow raised in confusion. “So you wanted to tell me..but couldn’t?”
Y/N nods, taking in another deep breath. “As the days went by, I started getting unknown text messages. At first they started off vague, saying how I didn’t belong with you. Look how much happier you were with Natalie. Did he ever do that with you? Did he ever smile at you like that? I bet he doesn’t love you anymore.”
Y/N’s eyes water as she relived the conversations, small sniffles escaping her nose. Tom was at a loss for words. He couldn’t for the life of him understand why someone would text complete lies to her. He was getting mad by the second as he heard each insulting sentence that came out of her mouth. “Y/N..” he says.
She shook her head as she continued. “But the insults started to become threats. They knew everything about me and was willing to use you as blackmail. If I didn’t breakup with you...they’d make sure you’d never live out your dream again. And for the life of me I wasn’t going to let that happen.” She cried, hiding her sobbing face in hands.
Tom quickly rushes to her, taking away her hands so he could look into her eyes. He held her close, cradled her tiny body into his arms as she tried to slow her breathing. “Then I found out Kate was behind the pictures and the start of the rumors, and now we’re here. I don’t know what to do anymore Tom. Everything’s just been so fucked up.”
“Hey, its okay. Im okay. I’m not gonna let them hurt you like this.” He cooed. “I dont give a fuck if it ruins my career or not. I care about you. You come first, that’s not going to change. But it’s over now, right? Let’s just move on from it. Ill break the PR, I’ll make sure Kate doesn’t walk away from this without serious consequences, I wont keep you a secret if it means it’ll fix everything.”
Y/N pushes away from Tom, reluctantly. She knew how much he cared for her. He was willing to risk everything just to make sure they would be okay, and in a perfect world, maybe that would have been enough. Could live happily ever after and not have to worry about anything anymore. Both could just walk away from it all if they wanted, but this wasn’t a perfect world. “Just because Kate started it, doesn’t mean it’s over. Unknown could still be out there.” She whispers, afraid of anyone listening.
“Then we find out. Together.” He responds, holding her hand. “I let you slip away once. Im not letting it happen again.”
He looked into her eyes, almost silently asking to hug her once more. Two embrace each other, and stay like that for a while. It had been so long since they felt this sort of comfort, which brought up a familiar and warm feeling for each them. So warm, so familiar...they almost didn’t want to let go. Y/N breathed into him, taking in his cologne, the one she had grown to love over the three years. It felt right. It was home.
But not all moments can last forever. Behind the thin walls was Natalie, who had overheard and seen the entire conversation. Hearing Tom, mention how he’d break the PR for Y/N and how he’d do anything, risk everything to find Unknown, rubbed her the wrong way. The way Tom held Y/N close, made Natalie furious, and as soon as she heard her phone ring, she answered. “He knows you exist.”
“A slight hiccup. He’s so caught up in Y/N, he just can’t see the real you.” The voice reassured. “Dont worry, he’ll love you when she’s out of the picture.”
“There is no out of the picture anymore. You should have heard him...He wont let her go this time.” Natalie answers, discouraged more than ever.
“Then we just have to up the antics. Clearly her dim-witted friend ruined the original plan. Thats the last time I ever trust an American do the dirty work. She can start a fire but can’t be beothered to finish a job. ” The voice scoffs. “If the messages don’t work, threaten her in person. Alone. Make sure Tom doesn’t see you.” The voice orders.
“You know it wont work. She’s not as afraid as she was before.” Natalie whispers as she continues to watch them from a distance.
“Then we’ll give her something to be afraid of. Why do you doubt me?” The voice asked, challenging Natalie. “Is this what you wanted?”
Natalie hesitates. Of course she wanted Tom more than anything in the world, but to what point? To what cost? These questions swirled around her mind as she thought back to how Y/N and Tom interacted in the kitchen. Their bond was so strong, they always found a way back to each other. For a moment...she felt almost bad. “Of course I want Tom.” She answers “but.. I want him to love me the way he loves Y/N.”
The voice scoffs at her response.loud enough for Natalie to hear the disgust in her voice. “Haven’t I taught you anything? Love is superficial gets you nowhere in life. You’re lucky enough that we’re settling for Tom.”
“I...I guess.”
“Then you’ll make sure Y/N stays away. Im doing this for you Natalie. Fame, fortune, your career, and your superficial love life. I want what’s best for you.” The voice becomes calmer more gentle, yet the sinisterness was still very present.
“Yes...mother.” Natalie says sourily.
“Darling, how many times have I told you to only refer to me as your publicist? Now go, before someone finds out about this.” The line drops, and Natalie focuses her eyes on Y/N who leaves for her room. Her eyes narrow, and fill with jealously and guilt. Her mother’s words replying her mind. “He will love you...just get rid of the girl.”
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs @joyleenl @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @viwihere @marvelobsessedteenager
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princessniquane · 4 years
His Obsession
Dean Ambrose/reader
🚨 Warnings: stalking, non con (a good bit of it, don’t hate me), rape 🚨
I went a bit dark with this one so beware.....
Your pov
I feel eyes on me again. Ever since this morning at the gym with Dana Brooke. I've had this feeling of being watched. Having people stare at you is one thing but this feeling is just creepy and dangerous. I don't like it one bit.
I'm ready to go accompany Cesaro to the ring. I wore ripped light blue jeans, a Cesaro shirt that shows of my abs and black boots with my hair in loose curls. I look at Cearo whose in his gear ready to go against Sheamus.
Damn Cesaro's fine. If he wasn't already taken I'd snatch him up. I mean come on who wouldn't. He's smart, speaks multiple languages, strong, sweet and has a great personality, just lucky. Before the bell rings Ambrose's music hits.
“What is he doing out here?”
He walks out with his usual swagger. Black leather jacket, black tshirt and jeans and hair wet. He stays at the end of the ramp then he looks at me with this...twinkle in his eye.
"To watch the match," he says like its the most obvious thing the world. I mean it is but like...nevermind. That distraction gave Sheamus the upperhand as the ref called for the match to start.
Minutes in the match and I completely forget about Dean. I was to busy cheering on Cesaro but still felt his eyes on me. I turn to the crowd clapping to help get Cesaro's momemtum up. I turn back around to the ring just to run into a chest. Dean's chest. I almost fell back but he wraps an arm around my waist.
I try to push back to get him off me but he just tightens his grip.
"Get off me!"
"Mine," he whispers in my ear lets me go and goes to commentary.
I stood there confused. What does he mean 'mine'?
I hear the bell ring. Cesaro made Sheamus tap to the sharpshooter. I get in the ring shaking off what happened and celebrate with Cesaro. We get in the back and Cesaro tells me that that was a job well done. I laugh and go find Dana.
Should I ask Dean what he meant by 'mine' when I see him? Or just ignore him and go about my business? I decide to walk to the gorilla and wait for him. I see Renee getting ready for an interview, probably with Ambrose since he won against Kevin Owens by DQ.
When he walks out from the curtains I get second thoughts on confronting him. He stood there looking at me for a second before making his way to me. Only to be stopped by Renee but apparently he has other plans. I turn to walk away but he catches me.
I try to turn around and leave but he turns me around and mashes our lips together. I try to push him off but he pulls me closer. I gasp as he bites my lower lip. He quickly slides his tongue inside my mouth as I struggle to get him off me.
When he moans against my mouth i push him off catching my breath. He has a smirk on his face.
I turn my head away as he gets close again. "Mine," he whispers. Then he walks away, again leaving me standing but this time a little...ok who am I kidding A LOT scared. I lift my hand up to touch my kiss swollen lips. What is happening?
I didn't feel eyes on me for the rest of the show. So I went to the locker room to grab my bags and leave to get to the hotel. Only to be grabbed from behind and knocked out.
Dean's pov
I finally got a taste. I finally got a taste of my obsession. Hopefully this will hold me over for awhile, just for a little while. Dean was taking a shower after his match. God she tastes so sweet. Like Caramel and strawberries.
Dean knew it wouldn't be enough. The kiss only made him want more. To touch. To feel more. He knows this is an obsession. SHE is his obsession. And he wants more. He cant help himself. And now that he's had a taste and that she feels the same he will get her and make her his.
Dean doesn't know how but he knows she wont come quietly. Or willingly go with him. She'll question everything and he cant have that. Dean tries to think of a way to get her with him without being seen or heard when he sees her walking his way.
He quickly hides in a dark room waiting for her to pass by. When she walks by he grabs her and pulls her in the room. He accidently pulls her with too much force and she bangs her head hard on the wall knocking her out.
He picks her up and her bags and carry them to his rental. As he drives to the hotel he glances at her sleeping form. He stops at a red light and strokes her cheek.
So beautiful.
They arrive at the hotel and the man behind the desk looks at Dean suspiciously. Dean gives him a smile and a chuckle.
"Long drive." She stirs a bit and tightens her arms around me while nuzzling in my neck. "We're at the hotel babe."
The man gives me the keys albeit hesitant and I make my way to the room. I have to hurry before she completely wakes up. I drop the bags on the floor and set her on the bed gently. I quickly take her shirt off, handcuff her hands to the headboard and get one of her scarfs to put over her eyes.
Dean stares at her nearly naked body. To her lips down to her neck, purple strapless bra that barely can contain her breasts, to her stomach to the curve of her hips that's covered by her jeans.
‘I finally have her. She is finally with me!’ Dean thought gleefully smiling. He starts to lightly kiss her neck and chest. He doesn't want her to wake up just yet. He wants to savor this for as long as he can. Dean knows he cant keep her forever but wants to take advantage of being with her if only for one night.
She stirs a bit panting. Dean panicks a bit. He doesn't want her to start screaming waking up their neighbors. So he rubs her sides whispering in her ear to calm her down.
"Calm down, I won't hurt you. I'd never hurt you. I promise," Dean whispers.
"Please, just-just let me go. I won't tell I swear. Just don't hurt me!" She whimpers.
Dean kisses down her body slowly. "I won't ever hurt you Darlin'. Ever." Dean contemplates whether to take the make-shift blindfold off. Even hearing his voice she shakes in fear. Dean takes a breath knowing that she won't open herself up when she's scared.
He reaches up and takes the blindfold off and waits on her to open her eyes. When she does she gasps.
Those eyes. They are even more beautiful up close. Just looking into them now I feel like I'm getting lost in them. And that sound will drive me crazy every night after tonight. But I want to hear her scream, scream my name til her voice is no more.
Dean looks at her eyes and then her lips. He goes for it but she turns her head. He growls and goes down nipping at her body. By the way she's gasps and her body twitches he can tell she is enjoying it.
He unbuttons her jeans and slides them off her body. He leaves kisses on each thigh then sucks on her hip bone. Dean rubs up and down your thighs as he watches her bite her lip.
He takes the top of her panties in his mouth and slide it down her body, eyes never faltering from hers. Dean licks above her clit trying to get a response she still is a bit tense. He gets a whimper. Well its something.
"Relax for me baby."
Dean watches the different emotions pass through her eyes. Fear. No need to fear me. Nervousness. And arousal. That's it baby. He feels her tense up even more and bends her legs to close them. He growls and she shivers, Dean forces her legs open. Still making eye contact he goes to suck her clit gently. Another whimper.
Dean goes to kiss her and she moves her head away again, he glares and she lets him fearing what he might do. He gives her a kiss that takes her breath away. Against her will she moans and it unintentionally urges him on.
She wants to push him off her and run but cant since she's cuffed to the bed. But she does the next best thing, the only thing she can do, she tries to get him off her by using her lower body. But that only has her grinding her heat against him making him groan.
“Fuck Baby....I knew you wanted this.”
He unhooks the bra and latches on to a nipple making her arch away and try to get his mouth off her. Dean sucks and bites at one nipple and gives the same treatment to the other not really deterred. When he gets up to take his shirt off he hears her whines and chuckles.
"What's the matter Darlin'?"
"Dean...," she pleads.
"You gotta tell me what's wrong. Or i can't help you," Dean tells her as he kisses down her body.
"Please......don’t want this...” she whimpers.
Dean ignores her and licks up her core and around her clit. Her body betrays her as she moans but bites her lip to stop it, and moves away from his face as he licks and sucks at her heat. Dean holds her hips down and starts to add a finger than two. When he works the third finger in she starts to thrash around and clench around his fingers sobbing.
He doesn't let up as she tells him to stop over and over again. Dean sucks on her clit hard as he fingers her through her orgasm screaming his name. God she sounds amazing screaming my name. Dean takes all she gives him.
Dean leaves a kiss to her clit and kisses up her body, tugging on her nipples and smoothing it over with his tongue, up to neck bitting and sucking, and finally to her lips.
At some point Dean took all of his clothes off. The two naked but only Dean grinding against her. She moves her head but he holds on to her face to make her look at him as they kiss. They separate as Dean moves to her neck to leave love bites as she catch her breath.
‘Damnit this isn't suppose to happen. I was suppose to be possessive, and sensual but... I don't know what has gotten into me. It's like something changed when I looked in her eyes.’
Lifting her legs under his waist to push him away shakes him out of his thoughts. "Off.....please,” she begs him.
"What. Sorry I just...I can’t help but want to leave my mark on you.” He kisses her and position himself at her entrance moving your legs around his waist. He looks at her like she’s the stars in the sky. She shakes her head. "Say it. I wanna hear you," Dean whispers.
"I....let me go....”
“No!.....no don’t. Say. That,” he says laying his whole weight on her and squeezing her tight.
“Dean please.”
After hearing that Dean pushes in with one thrust. Dean moans in her ear as she bites her lip so hard she tastes blood. She tries again to get him off her thrashing her body against his and trying to kick it out. But Dean pays no mind to it, he just thinks that she wants it just as bad but he doesn’t want to hurt her so his thrusts are slow, but pick up at the ‘encouragement’ of her grinding and pleading.
She feels helpless and can’t defend herself so she just takes it and hopes it ends, prays it’s ends. Names and endearments are said by Dean but she hears none of it. Positions are switched. Gripping of sheets and hair. Skin meeting skin. Marks being made by Dean. Limbs are tangled within and around the other's limb as she feels numb all over.
Licking. Biting. Sucking. Marking. Orgasms. And finally cuddling. Dean has her in his arms holding on tight as if she will disappear. Even though its happened he still can't believe that it did and when he opens his eyes it'll all be just a dream. But when he looks down she is still there, in his arms with her head on his chest and is arms still wrapped tightly around her.
She looks up at him, eyes glossed over.
"Dean,” she whispers as her throat is dry from him using her body.
He doesn't say anything just kisses her again. When he pulls back he wants to say how he feels but doesn't want the chase to end. So he keeps holding her against him.
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elena-reina · 5 years
Mudblood - Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Request:  can i get a oneshot where the reader is an extremely rare muggleborn in slytherin and draco likes her but he knows he cant so he bullies her about everything (mudblood, weight, etc) and one day he goes too far and tells her to die and then realises what hes done and finds you crying in the bathrooms and apologises profusely and confesses his love, love ur writing btw <33 - Anon
Warnings: Bullying, Cursing
A/N: I know this took me a while, but I hope this is what you were expecting
Y/L/N: Your last name Y/N: your name
Part 2
"Look here comes the Filthy mudblood!” Draco’s voice boomed as you made your way over to the Slytherin table. The whole house was giving you a dirty look as you sat down. You didn't bother to eat the feast in front of you even through your stomached growled for the food. All the roast chicken legs, juicy pork sausages, freshly cut vegetables, and-
“Oh, does the fatty not want to eat all the food this time? Try leaving some for the rest of us if you do!” Pansy cackled, joining Draco in his teasing.
The rest of the Slytherin table began to laugh along with Pansy. 
“How did she even get into Slytherin? She’s so ugly and from a family of muggles,” she continued, picking up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and flinging it at you.
Rolling your eyes, you stood up and stormed out of the Dining hall. You wiped the food off of your, now dirty, robe and headed for the Slytherin common room.
It’s not fair. You don’t know why the sorting hat decided to put you in Slytherin, it’s not as if you can choose where you want to go. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you are getting bullied over something that was out of your control. 
Quickly trailing after you were Crabbe and Goyle just to get even more of a kick out of you.
“Oi, Y/L/N!” Crabbe shouted down the corridor. 
You ignored them and kept walking a bit faster. Why couldn’t they just leave you alone.
“Are you just gonna ignore me, Y/L/N? Get back here you filthy mudblood!” Goyle followed behind, smirking as his friend backed you into a corner. 
“Really, Crabbe? I didn’t think your brain was capable of such large words.” You spat and walked into your common room. You headed to your room and slammed the door closed, locking it, so they couldn’t barge into your room. They banged on the door of your room as you went and changed out of your robe.
“You’ve got a mouth on you today haven’t you Y/L/N? You’re a good-for-nothing mudblood Slytherin. You don’t deserve to be one of us. You aren’t and will never be one of us, you-”
You grabbed your wand and stormed to your door. You swung it open, pissed. 
“FUCK OFF!” you shouted, “Stupefy!” 
Both Crabbe and Goyle flew backwards, crashing into whatever came into contact with them. They laid on the floor knocked out. You huffed to yourself and slammed the door closed once more. 
You skipped over to your bed and grabbed your books. Sitting down, you began to flip through the pages studying for your Muggle’s Study test you had the next day.
The next morning, you walked down the halls, circles were barely noticeable under your eyes. You had stayed up all night re-reading your books just so you could pass. 
“Hey look, it’s that shit stain,” Draco’s voice rang, announcing to everyone in the corridor causing his followers to crack up laughing, you rolled your eyes and barged past him. Without paying attention you tripped over someone's outstretched leg. Your books went flying and you slammed on the ground. You winced slowly sitting up, rubbing the dirt off of your hands. And as expected the shrill laughs and vacant stares began to erupt.
"Why don’t you watch where you’re going, Mudblood! I mean really you are the stupidest person to ever walk this Earth, isn’t that right Drakey?” Pansy giggled, grabbing onto Draco’s arm, peering up at him. He rolled his eyes and shook her off of his arm. She huffed and crossed her arms, returning her gaze back to you.
“Is your weight keeping you from getting off of the floor and out of my way, or what? Move.” Draco sneered.
He'd always hated you, there was no reason, it was purely popularity and to be honest you hated him too. His words hurt you more than the pain he inflicted on yourself.
You collected your books and slowly stood up, getting into his face. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it was your friends to push me down in the first place,” you spat, jabbing your finger into his chest. All he did was look down on you and grin.
“Does, wittle-Y/L/N need a bottle?” Blaise teased.
“Get your hands off of Malfoy, you mudblood!” Crabbe shouted from Draco’s side and pushed you back, having you fall yet again flat on your back. You head throbbed from the impact of the stone floor. The pain made you want to cry, but you didn’t dare cry in front of them. They were only going to make it worse. You shakily sat up rubbing your head and pulled out your wand.
But before you could do anything, Goyle snatched your wand out of your hand and handed it to Draco. Draco gladly accepted it and put it in his robe pocket.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Draco smirked and walked around you.
You clenched your fists. Enough was enough.
“Draco Malfoy! Give me back my wand you gormless twit, or I will report you back to your father,” you glared. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, glaring at you. Soon enough, everyone around you bursted out into laughed as he let out a small chuckle and stormed up to you.
“You honestly think a nobody like you would be able to reach someone as famous as my father? You truly are pathetic!” he hissed, “I would gladly call him over to Hogwarts just so he can look at your pitiful, mudblood self. You are a disgrace to pure blooded Slytherin’s.”
Tears pricked in your eyes as he stared back at you.
“But by all means, call him. I’d love to see you make a fool of yourself. And while you’re at it, you mind as well go and kill yourself since that seems to be all that you’d be good for,” he spat.
You sucked in a breath as soon as his words left his mouth, you looked around as everyone was pointing fingers at you laughing. You took a few steps back as a single tear made its way down your face.Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. You turned and dashed down the corridors until you reached the girl’s bathroom. You threw yourself to the floor, bent forward where you sat on the floor and pressing your palms to the floor. You began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours.
Moments seem to fly by like minutes. Soon enough, the door of the bathroom opened and in walked Draco. He followed the sound of your crying and stood a few feet away as you shook with sobs. It was painful for him to see you like this.
He had always liked you, but due to his reputation, he never could have let it shown. But this time, he knew he had taken it too far. Too far in telling you to kill yourself. The moment he saw the tears welling up in your eyes, his chest dropped and immediately regretted what he said.
He slowly stepped forward and bend down near your crying figure. He softly put his hand on your back and you jumped at the sudden impact. You turned your head, with your watery eyes meeting his.
“NO!” you shouted through tears, and pushed him away, “Get away from me!”
Draco didn’t speak. He didn’t know what to say in a moment like this. Nothing he were to say would have made it better.
“I don’t know what you did, but why don’t you try apologizing to her?” Moaning Myrtle whispered into Draco’s ear. She then giggled and floated away, leaving Draco there with your vulnerable figure.
“Y/N,” Draco spoke grabbing onto you with more force this time, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean what I said.”
You didn’t respond and continued to push him away with your hand.
“F-Fuck off, Malfoy,” you sobbed.
He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He then lurched forward and pulled you in for a tight embrace. Initially, you fought against him, however he was a lot stronger than you. He held onto you muttering how sorry he was and how he didn’t mean it. Eventually, you gave in, crying on him. All he could do was embrace you and let the torrent of your tears to soak through his shirt. 
Draco could feel you clench your fists, not knowing whether you were to be mad or give up hope all together. He listened to you silently screaming, suffocating with each breath you took holding onto him. He ran his fingers through your hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within your mind.
You sobbed into his chest unceasingly. All he could do was hold you in silence, rocking you slowly as your tears soaked his chest. The mental pain you felt came in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths.
The moment Draco noticed you calming down, he pulled away and spoke, looking down at you.
“Y/N, please listen to me,” he spoke softly.
You laid there with your head on his chest. You didn’t look up at him, instead looked forward with your eyelashes heavy with tears. Without hearing your protests, he continued.
“I did not mean a thing I told you out there,” he began, “It’s all a facade I put up in front of my friends. I want you to know that. Yes, I tease you, but I don’t mean half of the things I tell you. I love you.”
You rolled your eyes and sat up, sniffing. You wiped your cheeks with your hands and peered into his eyes. 
“Stop messing around, Malfoy,” you frowned, “I’m not going to fall for your shenanigans anymore.”
He shook his head and took your hands into his. He brought up your knuckles to his mouth and kissed them. A breath hitched in your throat as you gazed at him.
“I mean it, Y/N. I’m sorry that I let things go as far as they have today,” he continued, “I love you. That means I would defend you with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. I will be there to comfort you in the difficult and painful times.”
“And how am I supposed to believe you? Do you even know a thing about love,” you mumbled. 
“Love is not a concept for sheep, for sheep run at the first sign of fear; it is a concept for lions. I do love you,” he finished.
You didn’t know what to think.
Was this real?
Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to your hip. It settled there and pulled you closer. Inhaling sharply, you were pressed against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. 
You put your hand against his chest, intending to push him away, but instead left it there. His breathing quickened as did yours. His head angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to yours. You watched as he slowly leaned in, surprised to find your own lips slightly parted. His lips brushed yours. Not innocently, like a tease but passionate and demanding. 
He pressed his lips softly to yours. Your lips molded into his as he kissed you with passion. Your hand traveled through his blonde hair to the back of his neck. Draco then firmly pushes his lips onto yours, hungrily, but pulled away before it became too heated. His silver eyes met yours.
“I forgive you,” you whispered.
“Well isn’t this cute!” Moaning Myrtle, spoke, ruining the moment. You both turned to look at her. Her smile faded into a thin line. “Fine, I’ll go.” She dramatically floated away, crossing her arms.
“I really do mean it, Y/N. I am truly sorry for everything that has happened,” he apologized. He then lowered his hand into his pocket and pulled out your wand. “I believe this belongs to you.”
Your fingers wrapped around your wooden wand and put it to the side. “Thank you,” you lightly smiled and looked back at him, “But do tell your friends to lay off otherwise I will have to curse them to oblivion.”
He let out a chuckle, looking to the side, and then back at you. “I don’t know, I kind of would like to see that,” he joked. 
You punched his arm.
“Kidding, kidding,” he defended and wrapped his arms around you, “I will.”
He leaned forward once more and reconnected your lips. You smiled into the kiss pulling him closer.
He wasn’t as bad as you had originally perceived him to be.
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Ghost Hunter AU
“yea boy im doing one of these bullet point outline things bc i dont have time to ever write this but im not letting this idea go to waste //dabs
sorta inspired by bfu bc i just started watching that yea boyyyy
this is such a mess im sorry
so lets set the context 
virgil and logan are both youtubers. virgil runs a paranormal channel, talking about different conspiracies and ghost stories and whatever; logan specializes in educational videos, specifcally history
and they watch each other’s channels and dont have a crush on each other what no
but then one day, their topics coincide
logan’s doing a video talking about the gruesome history of some old prison, and virgil’s doing a video on the ghostly legends that surround the place
they collab, and their viewers love it. they work really well together too; virgil’s spooky humor and logan’s skepticism mesh together and the fans adore them. it’s educational, it’s terrifying, and it’s fun. 
“hey, maybe we could collab more often?” Virgil asks when they go out for coffee after filming. “If... if you want.”
Logan does want
they make a joint channel not a week later
and thus begins their ghost hunting career
break here bc damn this got long shdfklhsdfk
virgil provides the terrifying ghost stories. logan provides the history. together, armed with their knowledge and their trust in each other, they conquer some of the most haunted spots in the world
including goatman’s bridge ofc
the video of logan yelling “FUCK YOU GOATMAN” goes viral within a few hours
“i cant believe you achieved meme status before i did,” virgil remarks, scrolling through their tag. “unfair.”
logan hastily pulls out his vocab cards. “uh — ah — then perish?” he says, and virgil laughs himself breathless
but then, they decide to investigate the legend of an old, abandoned house
it’s said that the house is haunted by an evil demon, who lures people inside and kills them in horrible, cruel ways. no one who sets foot in the house ever returns
so, naturaly, Logan and Virgil are going to spent the night.
they set up in the living room with sleeping bags and an ouija board and a spirit box and set to work
“Are there any demons in this house?” Virgil asks, ignoring Logan’s skeptical laughter. “Hello?”
The spirit box crackles and shrieks
and then
the clearest voice they’ve ever heard. even logan is shaken, eyes wide as he glances around the room. 
but the voice didnt sound angry, or evil, or cruel
it sounds scared
“GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓” it screams. “GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓ P͖̪̭͉̘̄͒͆ͮͬLE͚͎A̤͚̙͚̯̻͕ͯ̾ͦ̃ͯͮ̐SE”
virgil nearly drops the spirit box, his hands are shaking so badly. the room has grown so cold that their breath fogs in front of their faces. even logan has nothing to say.
they barely have time to share a glance before two men appear
one stands in the shadows, dressed all in black, his cloak billowing around him, one eye seeming to glow bright, poisonous yellow
the other has ashen skin and furiously beaming red eyes, hidden behind shattered glasses. his clawed fingers are curled into fists; his pastel-blue outfit stained with rusted red. one horn curls into a sharp point; the other is cracked off at the stump.
“i̻̘̽̂̏ͅ ̻͎̟̖t̞̞̅̍r̫̬̝̈́̂̏ȋ̥͎̰̟̲̠̯̉̋͆́̍ͥe̫͈̘͈̭͉ͩ͑̆̈́̐̾d ̣̥tô͚͓̤̥͐͌͛ ̄ͩͯ̑waṛ͑n̐̍͂ͦ ̞̹̣yͨ̔ͪͥͯou̟̻” he whispers, garbled
and in the split second before he lunges, Virgil spots tears in his eyes
they just barely escape with their lives. their gear is gone, left back in the house, and their lives are changed forever.
“well,” virgil says, breathless and terrifed. “you can’t be skeptical anymore.”
“shut up,” logan says. 
the logical thing would be to stay away from the house. logan says as much, at least three times. but virgil can’t stop thinking about the way the demon had tried to warn them, had pleaded with them to leave
there’s more to this story, he knows it. he wont let this one stay unsolved
so they dig through the town’s history, find records of the house’s owners, search and search and search until finally
Dolos Morel. the last known owner of the house. though he lived hundreds of years ago, there are no records of his death. he was imprisoned young, sentenced to death, but he vanished the day before he was set to die. 
he’s yet another unsolved mystery. virgil’s so used to those, he almost passes it by
but one thing stands out, one thing that makes virgil sure he’s the guy
he was born with one yellow eye
“this is him,” he says, slamming the records down on logan’s makeshift desk in their hotel room. logan scans the papers and nods, eyebrows furrowed
“why do you care so much?” logan asked, though he has to admit, he’s become invested in this as well
virgil doesnt answer
tears pooling in crimson eyes flash through his mind
finally, he meets logan’s eyes. “too many people have gotten hurt because of him,” he says. “i mean — shit, logan, we’ve got a real demon and some sort of immortal asshole on our hands. we should at least try to get to the bottom of it. isn’t that what we do?”
virgil doesn’t know where this heroic streak has come from. logan isnt sure what to think of it
hes not blushing shut up
but he and virgil have been partners for years. he’d follow him anywhere.
and so, armed with as much knowledge on exorcism and demonic protection as possible, and as many lucky charms and bottles of holy water as virgil can carry, the two set off to solve the mystery
they sit in the dusty living room, side by side on the floor. virgil turns on the spirit box and takes logan’s hand instinctively, and logan’s too busy watching the box to notice
“Why are you here, demon?” Virgil asks, getting straight (gay) to the point. “Are you Dolos Morel?”
“n̟̮̆ͦ,̯̫̖̦̼͚ͫ͐̋̊ͧ̄ ̝no̙” the box whispers through a cacophany of static
“Is Dolos Morel in this house?” Logan asks, more serious than Virgil has ever seen him on a hunt before. 
the voice hesitates
then: “yes̰“
virgil and logan share a look. virgil opens his mouth to ask more questions, but then
“ÿ͍͈ͣou͎̱͔͎̫̥̻ͤ͐̈́͐̔͂̚ ͖̭͙͙ͅh̤̠͔̜̲̙ͬ́ͧ̒̍̚aͨ̔̊͌ve̜̮͖͔̅͊ͭ̽ ̞͎̼͖̬̼̅ͦͦͨ̑ͪͮͅto ́̑̈ͫ̆͑le̳̹͛̈a̞̥͕͈̪̙̞v͖̇e̳͈͔ ͍͇̝̯̟̌̓̊̋̂y̜̍ou̺̱̪̼̟ ͉͇̹̼̗̭͕h͚a͐V̥̮̤͇̫̤E͓̹̥ͯ̓̈́̚ͅ ̟̔T̫̻̃͛O͖̫̞̰ ̂ͩ͆ͥ̈́L̬̳̞͔͇̪̲̊̔̎̽̄́̔E̲̩AVE͍̩̦̜͎ͩ̓͋̍̈́͐ͅ ̞̘̫N̿̋̉ͤ̽͋̆O̺͊W”
he wants to leave, his legs are about to give out, but the fear in the demons voice roots him to his spot.
“No!” he yells. “We’re not leaving.”
the spirit box goes silent. no crackling, no static; it’s like they turned it off
the air grows deathly still
“very well,” says a new voice, clear as day through the spirit box. “enjoy your stay.”
the world shifts and hisses and crackles and then goes dark.
when virgil wakes up, he’s in a dark room. his hands have been bound. he struggles and yells and screams for logan, and his stomach drops in terror when there’s no response. 
“you can’t get out,” says the first voice they’d heard in the spirit box. it’s more subdued, a whisper. “there’s no escape.”
“fuck that,” virgil growls, never once stopping straining against his bonds. “tell me what the hell is going on. where is logan?”
he doesn’t know where this bravery is coming from, red-hot and acidic as he snaps at the demon he knows is waiting just outside. maybe he knows he’ll die anyway, whether he’s polite or rude as all hell
“i-i can’t, kiddo,” the demon says. 
virgil hears remorse in his tone, maybe, and clings to it as his only hope.
“we came to help you,” he says. “but i need to know what’s going on. are you working with dolos?”
the demon falls silent. for a moment, virgil grows disappointed
but then the door opens and the demon stumbles in, his own clawed hands pressed tightly over his mouth
he meets virgil’s eyes, and shakes his head. no.
virgil remembers another unsolved legend he studied a while back: a man who would summon demons to trap them in agreements, getting himself eternal life, eternal power, and eternal fame in the process
“you’re trapped with him,” he guesses, and the demon jerks his head in a shaky nod. 
he cant feel good about being right for long
a loud yell pierces the air and virgil’s lungs forget how to work. “let me out,” he hisses, as his mind screams logan’s name. “you have to let me out now.”
“I-I can’t!” the demon cries, tearing his hands away from his mouth. “Dolos forbade it, I can only attack —”
“Then attack,” virgil says without hesitation. he plants his feet firmly on the ground and says it again, tensing beneath his bonds
the demon lunges — virgil spins — and the demon’s claws slice right through the thick fabric tying him to the chair. they sliced through his shirt, too, and his back aches, but he doesnt have time to dwell on that. 
he’s gotta save the man he loves
Logan stands across the room from Dolos Morel, among a minefield of broken chair bits. his face stings where dolos slapped him, and theres no chance of escape
but he’s smart. he’s cunning. he’s already gotten some of Dolos’ backstory and only confirmed what he already suspected
he hears a crash in a room down the hall and knows
he is not going to die here
virgil bursts down the door, brandishing a water gun like a deadly weapon, and soaks Dolos with a loud warcry
“Eat holy water, you shit!”
Dolos splutters. “I’m human, you fool. Holy water cannot harm me.”
“no,” logan says. “but this can.”
and he grabs Dolos and punches him directly in the face
logan shakes out his hand with a wince as dolos collapses to the floor and virgil becomes Too Gay To Function
and the demon steps forward and kneels beside his master, placing his hand on the weird symbol on the man’s left wrist. 
Dolos wakes with a start as the demon grabs his hand. logan and virgil stand watch as red light fills the space between them
“s̺̱̆͑ͨͅa͍̣͌̾y i̒ͧ͌t̜͕ͧ̓” the demon whispers
dolos’ fight drains and he slumps against the wall, his glowing eye fading to dull brown
“I release you” he whispers, and crumbles to dust.
the demon stumbles away from the pile of dust. he sobs once, then twice, and then doubles over, trembling, his eyes overflowing with tears
logan laces his fingers through virgil’s as he straightens up
“Thank you,” he says hoarsely. “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“my name is patton,” he says when he’s stopped sobbing, “and i owe you my life.”
so now virge n lo have a Demon Friend and theyve p much proved the existence of the supernatural, but they dont want to stop making videos
still, it’s a few weeks before either of them brings up the notion of finding another haunted place to investigate
but virgil cant stay away from the supernatural for long
“I found our next stop,” he says, shoving his phone into logan’s hands. “A theater mysteriously burned down there like, 60 years ago. they say the spot is haunted by the spirit of the man who died in the fire.”
logan scrolls through the article, and nods. “it looks interesting,” he says, and returns virgil’s smile.
“let’s go find this Roman Kingsley.”
i might make a second post abt roman if yall are interested owo
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saxonspud · 4 years
Kidnapped - Chapter 2
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“Three days McKenzie! Two hundred thousand, or you’ll never see your daughter again.”
These words echoed in your mind, as Dutch carried you towards the front door.
You’d stopped struggling, but you were still crying.
You felt dirty, the way his hand had stroked your face, the way his thumbs had rubbed up and down on the back of your neck.
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” Dutch soothed, “three days and it’ll all be over.”
Panic raced through your mind, what if your father didn't have the money, or what if he decided not to pay. These men, these kidnappers would like as not kill you. They’d already told your father that if he didn't pay, he’d never see you again!
Dutch waiting by the front door, for Arthur and John.
John appeared first, with a bag in his hand.
“How’s he gonna get us the money if he’s tied up?” John asked.
Dutch rolled his eyes, “a house this size doesn’t clean itself. The maids will find them in the morning! Now stash that bag on your horse.”
John headed out the front door, just as Arthur emerged from one of the downstairs rooms.
“How d’ya get on, son?” Dutch asked.
Arthur nodded, “pretty good, ten thousand in the safe. If that's his loose change, the two hundred thousand shouldn’t be a problem!”
Dutch nodded, “good, c’mon lets get outta here.”
As Dutch carried you out the front door, you realised that this would probably be your only opportunity to get help.
“Help! Please, somebody...” You screamed at the top of your voice, but your scream was cut short, when Dutch’s hand clamped over your mouth.
Not to be silenced, you tried to bite his hand.
“Fuck!” he hissed, “you little...” he didn't finish the sentence, biting his tongue.
Dutch put his hand around your throat, enough pressure to silence you, and frighten you a little.
“Now that wasn’t very polite, was it!” he growled.
Arthur walked beside him and pulled out a bandanna.
“You want me to do the honours?” he smirked.
Dutch nodded, as Arthur tied the bandanna over your mouth.
You tried to scream, but it just came out as muffled grunt.
“Now young lady, you better behave yourself,” Dutch growled, as he walked towards the front gate.
Javier looked at you and grinned, “furiosa chica bonita!”
You couldn’t understand what he said, but you carried on trying to scream through the gag.
Dutch laid you over the front of the saddle, the mounted up. Before he had a chance to push his horse on, you started to kick with your legs, still trying to scream through the gag.
The Count, Dutch’s horse, started to prance and whinny.
“Enough! Dutch yelled, and swatted you on the backside three times with the flat of his hand.
You squealed through the gag, then started to cry.
“Listen to me Emmeline,” he growled, “we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I can assure you, you won’t want to do it the hard way!”
Dutch pushed his horse on, as you whimpered, through the gag. The other men followed closely behind, as they left the city, and your family home behind them.
You had no idea where you were going, and even less idea how you would be treated. The ride to wherever they were taking you, was not the most comfortable one for you. Your screams, turned to sobs, and then into whimpers.
You wondered if you’d been a little less rebellious when you left the house, whether the trip would have been made more comfortable.
It was very unlike you to be quite so unruly. You were usually very meek. But then it wasn't everyday you got kidnapped, tied up, and in fear for your life.
When you finally arrived at your destination, Dutch dismounted, but didn't lift you immediately from his horse.
“Arthur, take her upstairs and put her in one of the bedrooms. One with a bed,” Dutch ordered.
You were lifted off the back of the horse, and tossed over Arthur's shoulder.
From what you could see, it was a big plantation house. It was certainly nowhere near St. Denis. Any hopes of being rescued, completely disappeared as Arthur carried you into the house.
Dutch took your bag of clothes from John’s horse, and headed towards the house. He was quickly intercepted by Hosea.
“What have you done now?” he questioned, rolling his eyes.
Dutch smiled, “that Hosea, is our ticket out of here. That is Jonas McKenzie’s daughter. In his infinite stupidity, he decided to sell his daughters hand in marriage to our friend Leviticus Cornwall for a twenty percent stake in Cornwall Kerosene and Tar!”
Hosea frowned, “and there was me thinking slavery had been made illegal. So what's the plan?”
Dutch chuckled, “three days from now, McKenzie will be paying us two hundred thousand dollars to get his daughter back!”
“Are you sure he has that much?” Hosea queried.
Dutch rolled his eyes, “of course he has. Why do you think he wants those shares? Its so he can buy more, and have a controlling interest in Cornwall’s company. He had ten thousand in loose change in his safe!”
Hosea nodded. Although he still wasn’t happy about kidnapping a young girl.
“Poor kid, how old is she? Doesn’t seem right her being married off to that old bastard, he’s old enough to be her grandfather!” Hosea huffed.
Dutch nodded, “Seventeen, according to the information Josiah provided, and his information is generally good. Everything else was, including the lack of security.”
Hosea shook his head, “so the poor girl still gets offloaded onto Cornwall, once we get the money.”
Dutch hummed, “maybe, but that’ll be up to her. If she wants to go back in three days, she can. If not...In the meantime, I’ll let our little guest know the house rules!”
The room that Arthur took you into was lit by a couple of lanterns. As Arthur dropped you onto the bed, you whimpered. The ride from St. Denis had taken most of the fight out of you. That and the fact that you were wearing next to nothing, and your bottom was still stinging, from the swats you had received.
Arthur did kind of feel sorry for you, you hadn't asked to be kidnapped.
“Just try and behave kid, it’ll go better for you, if you do,” he advised.
He walked away from the bed, and headed towards the door.
You made a noise through the gag, hoping he would take it off. He didn’t he just quickly glanced over his shoulder, before leaving the room.
You laid there on the bed, all resistance and fight had gone. Being kidnapped by outlaws was bad enough, but learning that your father was intending to marry you off for money, was the last straw.
As the door opened, your heart began to race faster.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and you felt now that it had been a mistake to try and bite your captors hand, and kick his horse.
You closed your eyes. If he was going to kill you, you just hoped it would be quick.
“Emmeline? Are you going to behave?” Dutch asked.
You just lay on the bed, tears trickling down your cheeks.
You closed your eyes, as you felt him sit on the edge of the bed.
Dutch started to untie the bandanna at the back of your head, then gently pulled it from around your mouth.
“Emmeline, look at me?” you opened your eyes, and looked at him for a second. More tears flooded out of your eyes, so you turned your head and buried your face back into the blanket that covered the bed, and started to cry.
Dutch pulled his knife out, and cut the ropes which bound your wrists.
“C’mon sweetheart, sit up,” he soothed.
You pushed yourself up, so that you were sitting on the bed.
“Show me your wrists,” he ordered.
You held them out, not looking at him.
Dutch rubbed his thumbs across where the ropes had been.
“There,” he soothed, “no harm done,”
Dutch hesitated, before he spoke, “Emmeline? Look at me?”
You didn't move, you didn't want to look at anyone, you just wanted to be left alone.
Dutch put his fingers under your chin, and tilted it up.
“Emmeline, are you going to behave?” he asked sternly.
You nodded, gently.
Dutch shook his head, “No Emmeline, I need to hear you say it!”
You glanced at him, for a split second, “yes sir,” you whispered.
Dutch cupped his hand on your jaw, and stroked your face with his thumb.
“Good girl, now talk to me Emmeline, what's the matter?”
“I...I” you stuttered.
Dutch swept a strand of hair behind your ear, “take your time, I know this is all a bit strange, but there's something else bothering you, isn't there?”
You nodded, “I...I want to go home...but...” you hesitated.
Dutch sighed, “Well to start with, you cant go home, not yet. You have to stay here for a few days. While your here, you have to do as I tell you, is that clear?”
You lifted your head, and looked at him, “did you tell the truth?” you asked.
Dutch frowned, “the truth, which particular truth are you talking about?”
“Is...is Daddy really selling me off,” you stifled a sob, “I...I thought he loved me.”
Dutch thought for a moment, how was he supposed to tell and innocent young girl, that her father, had in fact sold her off for some shares in a business.
“Come here a minute, Emmeline. Sit next to me.” he urged.
You scooted across the bed, and sat next to him. Dutch put his arm around you, and gently rubbed your back, “I’m sure your daddy loves you, in his own way...but he loves money and power more. When your daddy pays us. If you go back, then he’ll still marry you off to that old oilman. He’s not a good man. He cares about money and power, more than your happiness.”
You let out a sob, and tears began to fall again.
“Now Emmeline, I need you to listen to me, and listen real good. We don't just randomly go around kidnapping young women, like yourself. That ain’t my style.”
Dutch gently stroked your face, “A pretty girl like you, could have any man she wanted. You shouldn’t be marrying a sour old weasel like Leviticus Cornwall!”
You frowned, “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”
Dutch pressed his lips to your forehead. “You’ve had a long and stressful day, go to bed, and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.”
You pouted, “No...Please, you have to tell me now!”
“Emmeline! What did we say about behaving? Do you want a repeat of what happened when you upset my horse?” Dutch warned.
You shook your head, “no sir.”
“Exactly, when I tell you to do something, you do it. If you don't, there will be consequences, do you understand?”
“yes sir, I’m sorry.”
Dutch softened his voice, “good girl, now hop into bed.”
Dutch removed his hand from your back, and you crawled up the bed, and climbed under the covers.
He stood up, and sat on the edge of the bed, next to you.
“Lay down.”
You slid under the covers, and laid your head on the pillow.
“Letting you do as you liked, with no consequences, didn't mean your daddy loved you, Emmeline. Now be a good girl and go to sleep,” Dutch scolded.
You looked at him, “can I ask you a question?”
Dutch rolled his eyes, “quickly then!”
“Who are you, how do you know my daddy?”
Dutch chuckled, “that's two questions, but I’ll answer one of them. My name is Dutch Van Der Linde.”
You gasped, “I read about you in the paper, you killed someone!”
“I’ve killed a lot of people, Emmeline, but your safer with me than with a lot of people I know!”
“Are you...Are you gonna kill my daddy?”
Dutch leaned over and kissed you on the forehead.
“Enough questions Emmeline. Time for you to go to sleep,” he whispered.
You watched as he walked towards the door. He didn't look around when he opened it, but he sensed you were looking at him
“Emmeline, I’m coming back in ten minutes, and if your not asleep, your gonna wish that you were!” he scolded.
You quickly closed your eyes, as you heard him chuckle on the other side of the door.
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