#i can almost never get to them right away but i feel like i'm owed a reading break for it so i can enjoy instantly adljf;ljjlkdj
aurevell · 5 months
when you get an email that your favorite author just updated their fic........you should not have to go to work. unbelievable that no one even KNOWS that it should be an international holiday of curling up and reading in bed.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Part Four
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Summary: After last night you don't know where you stand but tensions are still high and you don't know what you really want. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 5.6K~ Warnings: Smuuuuttt, Explicit Language and a crap ton of pet names (I'm sorry okay I love pet names lmao) Same warning as before cuz ya'll wanted more smut haha. Horribly edited too so have mercy on me y'all I just wanted to get it out. a/n: Aw shit here we go again 🤣 Anyways ya'll asked and I delivered lmao so another smut chapter but next one is gonna be mainly plot alight 😂 gotta save some more smut for later 🫢 Requested by: @kkusadmirer 💜
Waking up the next morning I feel incredibly disoriented. 'Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I naked?' and at that last question I feel all the memories of last night rushing back to me.
Echos of the pet names and praises and the ghost of his fingers all along my body make every cell in my body buzz with need for more. I've never done something like that, something so...scandalous and with and man almost twice my age at that.
I thought that if I ever did something like this before I got married I would've felt shameful but I feel confident...wanted by someone who respects me for who I am and wanted nothing in return. It felt different that I thought it would've, having him hover over me, meeting me with his heated gaze. I wanted him closer. I wanted him to crawl under my skin and give me everything.
It's selfish to say I wanted more because he owes me nothing, he's given me so much and what have I given him in return? Nothing...
He says I've given him plenty but I still feel unworthy of his kindness. I have to do something to show him my thanks, to show him that I'm grateful for everything he's given me. I just don't know where to start.
Getting up and out of bed after I get my bearings was more difficult than I thought it would be. I felt almost a little sore from what we had done last night and I don't know if I should love or hate the sensation. Should I be mad that it got rough enough to cause this feeling or should I feel excited from still having a sensation left over from the pleasure he had given me?
As I continue to go round and round in my head with more useless doubts that run through my head I'm suddenly met with a light knock on the door.
"Um, just a second" I panic, looking around for something to cover up and notice the silk robe that had been placed on the bed and throw it on without a second thought before telling him to come in.
He opens the door and takes in my form for a second, biting his lip at the barely there fabric covering everything he saw last night. "Good morning" he husks out, his voice sending a shockwave between my legs making me cross them unconsciously, which garners a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth.
"Good morning" I squeak out, exposing my flustered state right away, cursing myself internally. "How'd you sleep?" he ask, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning up against the door frame, giving me space but somehow making his presence felt throughout the room.
"Amazing" I say, looking down at my feet in embarrassment, being honest but hating myself for it. "Yeah?" he prods, satisfied by my answer but begging to get that confirmation. "Yeah" I reply, nodding but still averting my gaze.
"Lunch is ready if you'd like to come downstairs. I check on you earlier to see if you wanted breakfast but you were still sleeping like a baby" he teases and if his voice alone didn't make me drop to the floor then that pet name at the end surely did.
"You alright?" he chuckles and I clear my throat before responding, knowing my voice would be no good if I tried to speak without doing so.
"I'm great, perfectly fine" I answer, glancing up at him before adjusting my robe and closing it around me even more. "I'll be waiting downstairs then. You can take your time getting dressed but you're also more than welcome to wear that all day" he taunts, pushing off the door frame and turning to leave after looking me up and down once more.
"I'll be down in a second" I call after him and wait for him to get downstairs before following the path he had just been on and running into my room, quickly but quietly shutting it behind me.
Leaning my head against the door I try to collect my thoughts and stop my racing heart that bound to explode at the next Baby, Bunny or Darling that's bound to come out of his mouth. 'It's just Jungkook. He's been nothing but nice to me and he seems like a really great guy.
We just need to talk and figure things out before something like that happens again' I coach myself and turn to face my room where I'm greeted with a freshly made bed and a single flower in a small vase.
'I can never catch a break with this man' I smile, shaking my head and dropping the robe to change into something more comfortable.
"There she is" Jungkook say when he catches sight of me walking down the steps and into the kitchen where he has both of our lunches set out across the island from each other. "This looks so good!" I compliment the food he's made as he motions for me to sit down.
"I'm sorry it took me a while to come down" I apologize, sitting down and taking a drink of water before piercing a fork though the strawberry he has in a bowl full of fruit for us to share. "It's alright, I don't mind waiting for you. Seems like I tired you out last night so I'm glad you got some sleep" he say, smiling over the lip of his glass, making me choke on the next strawberry I had just placed in my mouth.
"You okay Darling?" he asks, handing me a napkin, with that last word aiding to my death by asphyxiation along with the strawberry lodged in my throat. "I'm fine" I choke out after a few more coughs and a drink of water.
"You seem rather jumpy today. Is something wrong?" he asks, tilting his head a bit and attentively waiting for my answer. "I'm fine, I think I'm still trying to wake up" I say, faking a yawn at the end to hopefully legitimize my claim. "Fair enough" he says, taking a bite of his food and grabbing his phone when it starts ringing.
"You can take that if you want" I say, taking a drink of water and glancing down at his phone before making eye contact with him. "No it's alright, I can take care of it later" he brushes off, silencing the call and taking a drink of water.
"So do you have any plans for the day?" he questions, looking at me as if I'm the most fascinating thing on earth. "Well, um, no not really. Do you?" I echo and when he goes to open his mouth to respond he's cut off by his phone ringing, not doubt from the same number again.
"Just take it. I'll be here when you get back I promise" I tease and he clears his throat, unbeknownst to me have flashbacks of when I asked him to take my virginity.
"It's for work, I'll be back soon" he says and I nod my head in response and close my eyes when he comes over to give me a kiss on the forehead like he's done time and time again but when I look up at him afterwards I see he hasn't made moves to leave.
His phone stopped ringing at some point which leave us with a lingering silence with so many words unsaid ultimately cut off by another incoming call. "I'm sorry" he whispers, his eyes glancing down at my lips before he turns around to head to his office answering with a curt 'What?' to whoever is on the other end of that call.
'I would hate to be that guy' I smile to myself, the vision of seeing him get mad comes to mind leaving my pressing my thighs together. 'Why am I so fucking horny these days?' I roll my eyes and continue eating my lunch, laughing at the sound of his frustration but hating that he's going through it at the same time.
It's been about a half an hour and he's still on the phone leaving me scrolling through mine until my brain feels as though it's turned to mush, a part of my brain occupied by him and only him.
As I hear another irritated sigh I decide I'll bring him some pain medication to help with the onset headache I'm sure he's having. It's gotta be a big problem if they're calling him on a Saturday morning.
I open the door slowly and peak my head in, being met with the sight of him with his laptop open and a mess of papers all over his desk. He looks up at me with an apologetic wince but waves me in nonetheless.
I raise my arms up, showing a full glass of water along with a bottle of pills and he mouths a silent 'Thank you' and I nod happily, proud that I made the right decision and place the glass on his desk while I open the pill bottle and drop a couple onto his palm to which he places them in his mouth and immediately chases it with the glass of water.
Watching as his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he gulps down the water has my head dizzy for some reason but I'm not sure why. While I'm trying to come up with an explanation some water spills on his cheek as he swallows the rest.
I feel as though my body has been taken over by an outer being because my reaction was to catch that stray drop of water off his cheek with my thumb and bring it to my mouth.
His eyes dart over to mine, wide in shock and leaving me feeling as though I'd done something wrong. My next move being to hightail it out of here but he stops me with a firm grasp on my hip, making me lean up against his desk next to him.
I make an effort to slip out of his hold but he gives me a warning glance, wordlessly telling me to behave and I do just that, shutting my mouth and watching as he works. He keeps a hand on my waist, making sure I'll stay, his thumb gently rubbing circles on my hip mindlessly where my shirt had risen up in my try to escape.
I do my best to keep my composure but the visions of last night flashing though my head makes it hard to control myself from rubbing my thighs together and I ultimately lose the battle.
Forgetting that he still has a hold on me earns me a knowing glance when he notices my actions, his gaze gradually getting more and more heated.
I lean back in an effort to get comfortable while I wait, my palms helping me balance on his desk behind me, leaving my chest sticking out a bit. I earn a tight squeeze on my waist as a warning to be patient and to stop squirming, which at the moment is very hard to accomplish with him looking so fucking sexy talking business with the man on the other line.
Was I relieved that it was a man calling him three times in a row on a Saturday afternoon? Yes, yes I was. It's none of my business though, nor do I have any grounds to have an opinion on it but his hand sliding up my waist says otherwise.
"Yes. Okay, okay alright was that everything? Okay well we'll pick this up on Monday morning. Thanks alright you have a good weekend too. Okay bye" he says, looking at me the whole time he finishes up his call, squeezing my waist now, making my breathing pick up and I know I'm in trouble when he hangs up the phone.
"You're a little minx you know that?" he says, turning his chair to face me and takes his hand off my waist only to slide it down my arms and hold my hand, placing kisses on my knuckles. "What do you mean?" I question, already breathless from the look of him sitting back in his chair, his legs spread wide and his gaze getting darker by the moment.
"You know what I mean. You came in here acting all innocent and helpful and next thing I know it you're licking water off my cheek? Seems pretty naughty Bunny. Don't you think?" he says while kissing the tips of my fingers, making sparks fly through my arms and straight to my head, keeping my gaze locked on his.
"I didn't lick it off your cheek" I say quietly but he lets out a dry chuckle in response. "Technicalities will get you nowhere sweetheart. Just admit that you wanted my attention, you were too impatient and couldn't even wait an hour for me to come back to you. It's okay, I won't laugh" he says, pulling on my hand and making me stumble onto his lap, my legs hanging over one of them.
"I- I just wanted to hel-" "I'm sure you did Darling and you were so thoughtful bringing me that medicine but I know you wanted something else huh?" he says while brushing away the hair that had fallen on my face when he pulled me down.
I shake my head but he cocks a brow at me, wordlessly telling me to tell him the truth so I in turn nod my head, admitting that deep down I did want his attention again.
"Now what was it that my Princess wanted? Did she just want attention or did she want to be touched again? Wanted me to take care of her again?" he taunts, taking note of all the times he's seen me rub my thighs together or get that breathless look on my face. I nod my head but he shakes his leaving me confused.
"If my Bunny wants something she's gotta use her words. Can you do that for me Darling? Can you use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me you want Daddy to touch you again?" he says, testing out a new name to call himself that's got me squirming again.
"Nuh uh none of that Darling, if you want something you've gotta ask for it. Now be a good girl and tell me what you want" he says, holding my hips in place, unbeknownst to me preventing me from rubbing my ass against him, still wanting to hold himself back.
His only priority and desire is to make me feel good and he wouldn't have it any other way. He knows I'm inexperienced and doesn't want to scare me away. He wants to take his time with me. 
"I want you to..." I start, trailing off from embarrassment, not being used to saying stuff like this let alone to someone as intoxicating as him.
"What was that Bunny? Didn't catch that" he presses, clearly enjoying the internal struggle that's shown all over my face. If he didn't know I had a shit poker face then he sure as hell knows now. No matter how you slice it he'll always be able to read me like a book.
"I want you to touch me" I whisper and he leans in as if he couldn't hear me but my lips at this point are inches from his, the slightest movement connecting mine with his.
"Lie back for me yeah?" he asks, his lips ghosting against mine before grabbing my hip and guiding me to sit on his desk before pushing all of his papers and laptop to the side dramatically making me laugh at the motion until I notice his laptop falling to the floor. His eyes follow mine and notice said device and simply shrugs.
"I can buy another one" he mumbles against my lips before connecting them in a short lived kiss as he guides me down, my back against his desk while he hovers over me. "You wanna try something else?" he says, watching my expression change from one of nervous excitement to intrigue.
"You trust me?" he questions, watching my face for any hesitation but finds none. "Yes" I say, nodding my head and he smiles before placing a kiss on my lips. "Close your eyes for me yeah? I promise I won't put it in. Well, not yet" he says and my eyes bug out at his words, my legs that are wrapped around his waist pull him even closer in an effort to close my legs.
"You like that? You like the idea of me claiming you as mine? Me being your first, your first everything" he says, leaning down and placing kisses on my neck, his warm breath against my sensitive skin driving me insane. I shudder at the feeling and he chuckles before placing a kiss under my ear, garnering another shudder in response.
"Answer me Bunny. You want me to be your first everything? Want me to learn and teach you everything you need to know about your body and what brings you pleasure?" he says while tracing his right hand along my torso, ghosting his fingertips along my waistband.
"Yes. Yes, I want you. Please just take it, take everything" I mumble and he tsks at me, again leaving me confused. "I'm not just gonna take everything. I'm giving you as much as I'm taking love. If you're letting me have you then you have me in return. Never forget that" he says and I nod my head. "I won't forget" I utter and he smiles in response before telling me to close my eyes again.
"Can I take these off bunny?" he asks in regards to my leggings and I mumble out a quick 'yes' trying to hold the whimpers at bay from the thought of me letting him have complete control over me. I know I have the power to stop everything but I wouldn't want to. Not with him.
As he slides everything off me he curses at the sight of me. "Fuck you're dripping" he rasps and I try to close my legs in response, now truly feeling that sense of vulnerability "You've gotta stay nice and still for me Darling. Can you do that?" he asks and I respond with a whimper which satisfies him, having mercy on me this time.
He drags a finger along my folds just as he had done before, gathering up my arousal before circling around my bud, gaining him a soft moan in response. "Be loud for me yeah? Wanna hear you moan my name" he prompts, wanting to hear what his name sounds like when it passes through my lips filled with ecstasy.
He doesn't wait for a response and just continues to play with me just as he did last night but as I feel myself getting closer he pulls away leaving me groaning from the feeling of getting that high again being taken away.
"Ready for something new princess?" he asks, caressing one of my thighs and placing a kiss on the inside of it. "W-wait!" I flinch nervously, not knowing how to feel about this. I've heard about it before but I never knew if it would be something that I'd like.
"You want me to stop?" he ask, pulling away a bit and letting me take control. "I'm scared, I-i I don't know what it'll feel like. I'm not sure if I'll like it" I admit, feeling as though I was about to cum just from the thought of him doing that to me.
"I can stop if you'd like, it's up to you princess. I wanna make you feel good and this is something I think you'll love. I know it's something I'd love to do to you if you'll let me" he says, coaxing me into it since he knows I'm just nervous, placing a few more kisses on my skin, this time switching to the other thigh.
I take a few breaths and think about it but decide to trust him, just as he asked me to. 
"I want you to do it" I let out, my cheeks burning up at the thought of what I'm asking for. "You want Daddy to eat you out?" he says smiling, loving the fact that I've still kept my eyes closed. I start to squirm, feeling his warm breath traveling further up my thigh, the anticipation driving me crazy. 
"P-please" I choke out, tears prickling my eyes as the intensity of the moment increases. "Patience Princess. Remember what I said about being loud?" he asks, his breath fanning directly over my core, making me lose all sense of feeling except for what he's barely doing to me. He hasn't even touched me and I'm about to cum. 
He leans in and gives a soft kiss to my clit, my legs spread wide and giving him full access to me. I take in a sharp breath at the sensation, my muscles locking up only for a moment but nonetheless catching his attention. 
"You want me to keep going?" he whispers into me, his nose nudging my clit, making me clench around nothing and he notices right away, utterly exposed to him. I moan out a ‘yes’ and he smiles, placing a kiss on my upper thigh before going back in, slowly making out with my clit, his tongue tracing circles around it before traveling down to my hole that's begging to be full. 
He licks inside me and watches my reaction, my brows drawn together and my lips parted, uttering curses when I feel him slip his tongue in further, the sensation driving me insane. My back arches off the table when he presses his face against me. His nose rubbing against my clit while his lip and tongue make out with my entrance. 
If I were to open my eyes now I bet all I could see was the world spinning around me, the feeling of being drunk on him being my drug of choice and I don't think I'll ever be able to live without it.
"Fuck Jungkook" I moan out, this being the first time I get close to screaming his name and he growls into me before going back to playing with my clit, making me do it again. "You sound so sweet Bunny, but you taste even sweeter" he groans, watching as my chest rises and falls in the baggy shirt I've still got on. 
"Do me a favor love and lift up your shirt, that's it. Wanna watch you play with your tits" he rasps out. Doing just as he asks I moan at the image of him watching me touch myself again, incredibly turned on by the though of it alone. 
"There you go, you're doing so good for me. Look so pretty laying here and letting me play with you in my office. Fuck you're driving me crazy" he praises making me whimper in response. 
"You like that? You like it when Daddy praises you? Like it when he tells you you're being so perfect for him? Pretty just wants to be worshiped doesn't she?" I let out a moan at the thought of him taking time and worshiping anything and everything about me. I try to close my legs again on impulse but he pries them open, growling at the thought of me hiding from him. 
"I'm not done with you" he says, biting the inside of my thigh leaving me arching my back off the desk again, squeezing my breasts and making him even hungrier for me if even possible. 
"Does my baby like pain? Does she want me to leave marks all over her as a reminder? A reminder of how you let me have my way with you while you were spread out for me on my desk. I'm not gonna be able to focus next time I have to work in here. Always gonna remember how sweet you taste and how adorable you sound"  he says, licking the area he just bit before sucking a mark into the same spot.
I groan at the feeling, the slight sting from the bruise making me want to ask him for more. To mark me everywhere like he said, always leaving a reminder. 
I scream at the feeling of him putting his mouth on me again, kissing, sucking, licking into me without mercy, catching me off guard by the intensity. I let out an incoherent string of curses, hoping he knows I'm begging for more and he moans against me, the vibrations sending shockwaves throughout my body. 
"Don't stop, please please don't stop" I scream, the first decipherable words I've uttered in a while. On the cusps of ecstasy he growls into me when he sees me throw my hand over my mouth, embarrasses by how loud I'm getting. "Louder" he growls as a warning, not a request and so I do. 
I get louder and louder, screaming his name with curses being the only other words in my vocabulary. I feel as his movements get more intense, now using his fingers as well and moments later a wave of pleasure is crashing down, making me let out any and every sound I could possibly make, my voice getting softer and softer and I start to come down. 
Just when I feel like he's gonna stop he doesn't, he picks up the pace again which makes me whine in overstimulation, trying to wiggle away from him. 
"You can give me one more can't you?" he asks, pulling back only to lick a stripe into me, taking time to suck my sensitive bud into his mouth. "N-no no I can't" I say, shaking my head and trying to push him off and he pulls back and chooses to lean over me. 
"Just one more Bunny. I know you can" he encourages. Although I'm reluctantly saying no we both know I want to experience it, wanna experience coming undone one right after the other. 
He comes down and kisses me, making me taste myself on his lips and I can't get enough of him, I want to be good for him, I want him. I whine when he delicately runs his fingers over me again "You're so swollen but I'm sure you can handle it, can't you Darling?" he taunts. 
He pulls away from my lips and trails his down, kissing and sucking marks all over my chest giving me a bit more time to recover before deciding. "Yes, fuck yes" I moan when he greedily sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My back arches again when he moans around it, making me desperately want to cum again, wanting it as much as he does now. 
"Want you to watch me this time. Can you do that?" he ask, giving me one last kiss on the lips before sliding his tongue down my torso, stopping to bite my hip, breaking me out of the daze I'd been left in, asking me to answer.
I nod my head and he luckily takes that as a response, going easy on me since I'm still not fully there after what he'd done to me. What he's still doing to me...
After he makes me cum again I lose all sense of reality and I can barely tell up from down. He leaves the room only for a moment to get a warm towel to clean me up and I take that time to catch my breath, staring at the celling and trying to wrap my head around what just happened. 
I jump at the feeling of him cleaning me up gently and he apologizes, going a little slower with a lighter touch, doing just enough before helping me sit up. "You with me?" he asks, steadying me as I still sit on his desk, swaying back and forth. 
I turn my eyes to him and blink sleepily, smiling and taking in his handsome features and notice how red and swollen his lips have gotten. 
"There she is" he coos, brushing my hair back and cupping my face, looking at me as if I was incredibly precious to him. Little do I know that that's exactly what I am to him. 
That's a conversation for another time though. For now he'll just enjoy the dazed and freshly fucked look I give him, laughing at how adorable I look. 
"You wanna bath?" he asks and I nod, making the corner of his lips turn up before he scoops me up. I cuddle into him and link my arms around his neck, enjoying the slight bouncing sensation I feel with every step he takes. 
After he ascends the steps with ease I watch as we pass by my bedroom door and get confused as to why he's not taking me to bathe in there. I frown at him and he chuckles shaking his head and walking the both of us into his room.
"My bathtub is bigger and more comfortable" he explains and I nod, tightening my hold on him for only a moment before he guides me to sit on the edge of the tub. 
"You want a bubble bath?" he asks, turning to look through his cabinet and pulls out two bottles, one that smell of lavender and the other of eucalyptus. I point at the lavender and he smiles, nodding his head and putting the other one back before walking over to turn the faucet on, adjusting it until it's just the right temperature. 
"Do you take bubble baths Mr. Jeon?" I tease, earning a playful glare that breaks into a smirk moments later. "Who says grown men can't tale bubble baths? And it's Daddy to you" he says booping me on the nose, giving me butterflies. 
"You like being called Daddy huh?" I tease again and he crouches down in front of me, putting us at eye level. "I dunno, sounded like you liked it back there too" he says, smirking when he sees me avert my eyes, this time placing a kiss on my nose before straightening up. 
"Arms up" he orders and I lift them up so he can take off the last piece of clothing I've got left. "Who's shirt is this?" he asks, taking note of the oversize fit. "It's mine" I say truthfully, too quick for his liking though, making him suspicious of me. "Uh huh" he says slowly before throwing it in the corner of the bathroom. 
With a look like that even I can tell that I won't be getting that back anytime soon. It really is my shirt though...
After he pours in the bubbles and I'm satisfied by their bubbliness (which he reminds me is not a real word) I get in and moan at the feeling of the warmth enveloping me. My muscles losing all of their tension as I breathe in the calming scent of lavender surrounding me.
"You enjoying yourself?" he chuckles, leaning up against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest just as he had done this morning and I gulp at the sight. "Yeah, I needed this" I say, sinking further into it and being swallowed whole by the bubbles. "Well just call me if you need me" he says but before I can stop myself I quickly tell him 'No'.
He tilts his head to the side and smiles softly, taking in the precious sight of me surrounded by bubbles with almost a panicked look on my face, showing my honesty in wanting him to stay. "Can you sit with me maybe?" I ask, looking down and playing with the bubbles, shy that I'm begging for even more of his attention. 
"Sure Darling" he says, grabbing a stool that was tucked in a corner and placing it right next to the tub so he can stay with me. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence I break it with the one question that's been on my mind since I felt the air shift between us. 
"Can I ask you a question?" I say, looking up at him, noticing that he's started to play around with the bubbles that rest high above the surface. "No" he answers, pushing a dampened strand of hair off my face. 
"What?" I freeze, surprised at his answer. "I know what you're gonna ask so no. You can't, not yet. Let's get you cleaned up and well rested before we go there, alright?" he asks giving me a sad smile, so many words left unsaid behind those eyes, begging to be released.
I wait for a moment, studying him and notice that he looks almost...vulnerable. Something I had never seen from him before so I decide to just nod my head, returning the same smile before leaning back against the tub and sinking in a bit further, the water now just below my nose. 
"Aye! Don't you go drowning on me in there" he chuckles and my eyes smile, glad my efforts of lightening the mood had worked. 
Taking it a step further I choose violence and splash him, making the bottom of his shirt get wet. He gasps at the action and puts his hand over his chest "I make you a nice bath and this is how you repay me? The audacity!" he says dramatically before giving me a splash in return leaving me gasping just as he had done.  
After exchanging a few more splashes and laughs we call it a truce and we sit there talking and joking around until the water goes cold, going back to that sense of normalcy that I was so scared that we might've lost... 
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literaila · 3 months
small talk
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru has never learned the definition of "small talk" and you don't care to teach him
a/n: i was requested to hold off on the angst, so i decided to comply (very gracious, i know) so take a flashback fic, in which our characters lack all of their trauma (also I'm working on the next actual part and it... might take a bit)
last part | next part
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second year, month two.
“c’mon, nanami, you owe us," you're saying, laying across the couch in nanami's room, feet sore from walking around all day. 
it's only noon, and you already feel like you've suffered through several weeks of this. your only two classmates siding with each other almost always. 
except for now, because you're pouting. trying to convince kento that being a recluse will get him nowhere in life--you would know. 
“no, i do not.” 
you roll your eyes. “sorry? who sliced the curse in two before we even got the chance to look?" you ask, rhetorically. "oh, you? that’s right.” 
nanami shakes his head, but you see his lips twitch—about to give (another) involuntary apology. if you keep up the whining, he'll probably give you his firstborn. 
“it could be fun,” haibara adds, chewing on some weird candy he picked up at the convince store by your mission. it smells like a rotted corpse, which is what you told him when he offered to share. 
“i seriously doubt that.” 
“well, i seriously don’t care,” you tell him, “this is the first time we’ve been invited. unless you want to spend the next two years getting wedgies—“ 
“gojo can’t even touch me,” he argues, arms crossed. his eyes are unyielding as he stares at you. “and geto is more respectable than that.” 
haibara laughs, probably at the mention of a wedgie. 
“well, i wouldn’t know. but i’ll find out tonight when we all go with them to… wherever they’re going.” 
because you showed up a couple of weeks after the two of them, much to your dismay, you haven't become acquainted with your seniors or any of their quirks. it's honestly unfair. but neither of them seems to care about their upper hand or the fact that you're tired of being stuck around them all of the time. 
“i have plans.” 
“no you don’t,” you snort. “we’re your only friends.” 
“that’s not relev—“ 
haibara hangs on nanami’s shoulder, smiling at him with his puppy dog eyes. “kento, we have to go. i want to ask geto a couple of questions, and y/n’s already annoyed.” 
you huff, crossing your arms. you have a good reason to be upset. 
nanami looks at you, then sighs. “i already told you, it was a grade four, it didn’t even look ‘cool’ like the one you and haibara exorcised last week.” 
“i’m not talking to you.” 
haibara laughs, going to sit down next to you, ruffling your hair. it’s irritating, how nonchalant he is about this. like nanami didn’t steal your mission right in front of you. 
and kind of adorable. you lean into him, resting the side of your body against his arm. maybe his energy will mix with yours. 
“y/n, i already apologized.” 
you turn your head away from him. 
“this is very immature.” he gives haibara a pleading look. 
you can feel it as he laughs against you. 
nanami sighs. “fine. this once. if you ever ask again—“ 
you jump up, moving beside him to squeeze him into a makeshift hug (which he doesn’t return). “i knew you’d come around,” you say. because you did. nanami is notoriously easy to break, despite his untouchable demeanor.
nanami sighs again. more forlorn. “this is going to be a disaster.” 
and obviously, haibara takes this opportunity to move to his other side, participating in the group hug.
in all honesty, you’d expected more. 
it’s not that you idolize your upperclassmen—if they can even be classified as such—but seriously, after a year they haven’t come up with anything more entertaining than dragging someone’s tv into the common room and playing mario cart? 
you figured there'd be more excitement here. a lot more break-ins, and more chances for heroics. 
but, you remind yourself, trying to sit pleasantly, this is the first time any of you have been invited. the first time you've spent with geto, Gojo, and shoko without yaga hanging over your break, threatening all of them to be nice. you just want a chance not to be the only new one around. the least educated, weakest.
so you might as well try and enjoy it while you can.
besides nanami and haibara, you don’t have a lot of friends. you didn’t, even before you started at jujutsu high. you barely even had a family. 
so you’ll take what you can get (even if it's three people who speak in code and seem to do nothing but fight).
“oh, how’d that mission you guys went on go?” geto asks after he’s beaten haibara at a fourth race. “where was it?” 
“harajuku,” nanami says, sounding more like he’s telling you his grandma just died. 
“get anything cool?” gojo asks, leaning his head back against the couch so he can look at you upside down. his sunglasses are sliding off of his nose, and you blink. 
“we left pretty quickly,” haibara answers, for all of you. “it was just a grade four.” 
“they sent all of you for that?” shoko, who is pretending to read some sort of biology book right in front of the tv, raises her brow at you. 
at least there’s some common ground there. being the only two girls in a fifty-foot radius creates its own sort of bond. 
you’re about to remark something snarky about nanami and his control issues, but haibara is eager to please, so he says to her, “nah, it was supposed to be harder. grade two, they said.” 
“been there,” she answers. 
geto raises a brow, but his eyes don't move from the screen. “no you haven’t?” 
“listening to gojo’s story about that ‘grade one’ he ‘exorcized’ is basically like being there.” 
“hey, that was true!” 
the two of them give the boy a look, then resume their activities. nanami taking haibara’s place—not without some convincing—and the rest of you watching. 
wow, what a life for jujutsu sorcerers. 
you laugh at the thought and ignore the weird look shoko gives you. 
eventually, gojo makes his way from across the room, his chin resting on geto's temple, and sits on the floor next to you, long limbs getting in the way. 
you barely glance at him with your brows raised, then look back to the screen. nanami is surprisingly good at it. and you find gojo kind of... bizarre. he's always laughing, always leaning against something, and just his presence right next to yours feels like an intrusion. 
“so,” gojo whispers to you, schemingly. “gabumons better than agumon, right?” 
you turn to him, tilting your head. “what?” 
“kind of an unpopular sentiment,” he adds, “but true. i mean, c’mon, metalgarurumon? freezing breath? so cool,” he says, like you’re supposed to know what it means. he's got that same grin on--the one you've watched from across the courtyard, shaking his hand, and probably even that time you caught him napping on the dining table. 
“satoru, leave her alone,” geto says because this must be a regular occurrence.
“i’m just making small talk!” 
shoko snorts. “i don’t think you’ve ever talked small a day in your life.” 
gojo opens his mouth but apparently has nothing to say about that. 
he sighs, leaning his chin on a hand, and watching the screen again. clearly, his classmates have ruined all of his fun. how is he supposed to mess with you in peace with them around?
when he catches you staring at him a moment later—mostly bewildered because you’ve heard many rumors about satoru gojo, and none of them involve him being a grumbler—he grins. “your turn.” 
“to what?” you say, hoping he doesn’t mean the game. 
he leans toward you. “to make small talk.” 
“i don’t think your turns over.” 
“you’re supposed to continue the conversation. answer my question…” he hints. 
“you didn’t ask a question,” you say, “just made a statement about what’s-your-mon and who’s-your-mon.” 
he looks around, outraged, like you’ve said something completely insane. 
you cut in before he can add anything, “and you know that small talk is supposed to be about, like, the weather, right?” 
“the weather? you’d rather talk about that than cyborg digimon?” 
“…i think so?” 
“ignore him,” shoko calls. 
but you can’t. there's something about him that gets under your skin. and, it's satoru gojo, he's intriguing in his own, annoying way. 
“fine. how do you like the weather?” he asks, tapping his fingers against his chin, smiling at you again. 
you pinch your lips together. “it’s fine. rainy.” 
he throws his head back, groaning. “see? this is boring. and so is this game, because suguru just beats everyone.” 
“i think nanami won the last round.” 
he gives you a ‘really?’ look, and you shrug. 
“do you guys do this a lot?” 
“do what?” 
you gesture towards the tv. “sit around and do nothing.” 
gojo scoffs. “this is very important, you know. we take video games very seriously.” 
you take a look at geto—who’s sticking his tongue out while he handles the controller—and haibara, who’s pointing at nanami’s face and laughing. 
you must’ve missed something. not that you've been paying much attention to the game, anyway. 
you've been mostly obsessing over your expressions, trying not to say anything out of place, and figure out how to speak to any of these people without sounding foolish. 
which, so far, hasn't gone well. 
“what do you guys do, then?" gojo asks, sarcastically. "meditation circle?” 
you snort. “study, usually. or hand-to-hand combat. haibara and i need the practice.” 
“shoko won’t spar with me and suguru can’t anymore after we accidentally put a hole in the gym wall last time.” 
“that was you? how do you accidentally break through concrete?” 
he shrugs, winking at you. “suguru’s flying frog things are heavy.” 
“flying frogs?” you say, skeptically. 
“oh, child,” satoru pats you on the head. “you’ve got lots to learn.” 
“apparently,” you say, and turn back to the tv, and the debate the four of them are having about character types or something. 
but gojo doesn’t move from his spot. he sits next to you for the next hour, and you learn, for the first time, just how insufferable he is. 
especially with his smile, which you find yourself staring at every couple of minutes. 
next part | series masterlist
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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zeykoyu [zɛj.ˈko.ju] n. healer
Anonymous Request: I would like to request a Neteyam x Na'vi reader with the "you'll never be her trope", where reader is promised to Neteyam, but he loves another. He is sort of a shitty asshole to her, a girl who is a quiet not very well known member of the clan; he treats reader with the coldest shoulder. However, he overhears the girl talking to her friends about how she just using Neteyam to gain status in the clan. He then sees reader for the caring person she is, and grovels for forgiveness.
I have resigned myself to my fate.
In what feels like a very short amount of time, I will be mated for life before Eywa, to a man who does not love me. In fact, he barely seems to tolerate me.
He looks at me with disappointment, and sometimes, it even looks like he feels disgusted by me.
It wasn't always this way. Neteyam used to be a friend, and someone I trusted. He was so kind and good-hearted when we were younger, but he has turned his back on me and come to resent our pairing.
As if it is my choice! I am the next Tsahik of our people, and he the next Olo'eyktan. We are promised to each other from youth, and there's nothing either of us can do that would not cause much upset in the clan, and with our families.
Though Neteyam clearly does not want to be mated to me, even more than that, he does not want to upset his family.
The change in his heart happened just a year ago, and it was slow at first. We went from friends to acquaintances to strangers, and now to near enemies, because of her.
I don't really blame her, though. He fell in love with her, and she can't control that. I felt jealous at first, but over time, as Neteyam has treated me more and more coldly, I have started to hate both of them.
If I'm being honest, I understand why he loves her; she is beautiful, and funny, and many men have had their eyes on her. I am plain, and small, and not many people speak to me. She does seem a better match for someone like Neteyam, and I almost wish we could be free of this pairing.
As much as Neteyam does not want to disappoint his family, I don't want to disappoint our people; I am a talented healer and I will serve our people well as Tsahik.
So I have resigned myself to my fate.
Our fate.
Neteyam watches Sa'me from a distance, as she approaches the center of home tree with her friends, dropping off a full fishing net from a day's work.
His heart swells with pride at the woman he loves, and then, he gets angry. These two feelings always accompany each other.
Love and adoration for Sa'me, and disappointment towards his fate. It doesn't matter who he loves; he's promised to Y/N, and he can't get out of it. That's just not how it works.
She is the next Tsahik and he knows, despite how he wants things to be, that she will be an excellent Tsahik for their people. He has to put the people before himself.
But he does not have to be happy about it.
He approches Sa'me and her friends, but their backs are to him as they empty their nets, and as he gets closer, he hears their conversation.
"Aren't you worried, about his upcoming mating ceremony?" one friend asks.
To his surprise, Sa'me laughs. "No! I have gotten what I wanted, and I am relieved it will end soon."
He stops in his tracks, listening closely.
"Sa'me!" a friend chastises.
"Well, I have three offers for my hand, from fine men. I owe that to Neteyam. When they knew he wanted me, that made them want me. I think I'll pick Marek - he's handsome and strong. Neteyam is nice, but too boring for me. Plus, the way he's treated Y/N since we started spending time together... I almost feel bad for her. She will have a miserable life."
The girls laugh, and Neteyam spins on his heel, charging away.
He expects sympathy from his sister, but earns only an eye-roll when he tells Kiri what he overheard.
"Well, she's right. You knew you were promised and pursued Sa'me anyway, even though it was kind of obvious what she was doing. And you have been an asshole to Y/N. She's really nice to still put up with you - to even speak with you. You've treated her like dirt the last year, and she's never said a mean thing about you. Even though, she would be right to do it."
Neteyam stares at his sister, slack jawed, unsure whether to feel angry or guilty. A fine mixture of both rises in his chest, and he sighs.
"You used to be friends with her, you know. She's so sweet, and so kind. She's only putting up with your behavior so she can be Tsahik, and not because she cares about the title. She wants to help the People, and knows she'll be able to if she's Tsahik. She just has to marry an asshole to do it."
"Okay, okay," Neteyam says, waving his hand in the air, begging his sister to stop.
"Well, I just don't feel bad for you, Teyam. You need to grow up and deal with what you did."
He rolls his eyes, but he can't deny it: Kiri is right.
Without her noticing, Neteyam starts to watch Y/N as much as he can from that day in. Her daily routine is simple. She rises early, and heads into the forest to gather supplies she can use in her healing practice. Once she's done, she begins going around to people who she knows need her help, in and out of their homes all day, gaining hugs and smiles and thanks wherever she goes.
She is soft-spoken, and kind hearted, and her small stature only serves to make her seem more gentle, more dispositioned for healing.
He sees the way people look at her as she approaches - they look at her with relief, and hope, and when she leaves, she leaves people better than she found them.
Neteyam feels sick to his stomach.
He tries to remember what it is about Sa'me that drew him in. He sees her beauty, he can't deny it still, but it's clear now that her beauty is only on the surface.
Did she ever compliment him? Support him? Offer him a kind word?
He can't even remember what they talked about... for a year.
He turns from the tree he's leaning against and sees Y/N approaching, a large basket in her arms.
"You look ill. Are you okay?"
Neteyam wants to tell her he's fine, that she should leave, but he feels light-headed and instead, he sinks to the ground, a sweat breaking out on his brow.
"I'm... okay. My head feels light."
She kneels in front of him, rummaging through her basket. She pours a few things in a cup, and mixes them together with a powder.
"Here," she says, handing it to him. He takes it, his hands touching hers for a second, and he's struck by how small her hands are.
She's so delicate, like a flower, and he has certainly done his best to trample all over her.
The shame he feels is unlike anything he's ever felt before.
The drink is bitter, but it starts working almost immediately, and the faint feeling begins to fade.
"Thank you, Y/N," he says, handing the cup back to her. She takes it with a small smile and a nod, and rises to leave. Neteyam reaches out, grabbing her arm. "Wait."
She turns, frowning down at him. He stands up.
"I want to apologize to you, Y/N. I have been... terrible. I have neglected you, and I have been an asshole. I'm sorry. I would like to start again."
She tilts her head to the side and narrows her eyes, staring deep into him. He wonders if she can see his soul.
Of all of the things I thought Neteyam wanted to say to me, 'I'm sorry' was not even on the list.
My instinct is to tell him to go to tell, but there is such a strange look on his face... he still looks sick, and sad, and a little bit ashamed.
Well, he should be. But also - what choice do I have? If Neteyam is offering me a chance to make the best of this situation, shouldn't I take it?
I remember how I felt about him once. Hopeful, excited, nearly in love... but that feeling is so far away now. I'm not sure if there's even a possibility of re-gaining it.
But, it seems smart to try, if we are to have any chance at a happy life.
"Okay," I reply finally. "But I don't think Sa'me will appreciate it."
Neteyam hangs his head for a moment, and then meets my eyes again. "What she appreciates does not matter. You are to be my mate. You are all that matters."
He places a hand over his heart.
I would like to trust him, but it's going to take more than one conversation where he says the right things.
It seems I cannot get rid of Neteyam now. When I gather supplies in the morning, he is there. When I make my rounds in the village, he is there. He is always... there.
Not silently, either. He is full of questions. Everything I do and say, he has a question about. If it wasn't endearing, it would be exhausting.
After a week of this, he asks me to take a ride on our ikrans with him - and I can't say no. I have been so busy working lately, that it sounds like a wonderful and welcome break.
Early in the morning, we head out together, and take one of the longest rides I've ever been on. In the air, we twist and turn and glide together, and all the while, Neteyam is whooping and throwing me ear-to-ear smiles.
He gestures to a nearby cave in the floating rocks, and we land together, dismounting. We are both wind-burnt, but smiling.
"I must ask you something," I say.
"Anything," Neteyam replies, chest heaving from the effort of riding.
"Why did you change your mind? About Sa'me?"
His face darkens, and he sighs. "I overheard her talking about how being seen with me has gotten her offers from many fine potential mates, and she doesn't care that I'm promised to someone else."
I wince. Even if Neteyam is a jerk, I don't think anyone deserves to be used like that.
"I'm sorry, Neteyam. Though, that does explain your sudden... interest."
He shakes his head. "No. After I heard what Sa'me said, I went to Kiri and she, uh, pointed out what an asshole I've been. She also pointed out how kind and smart and talented you are, probably to let me know, uh, what an asshole I've been. So I started kind of, uh, watching you. And I realized she was right."
"About what?"
"Well, I am an asshole but... you are the most kind-hearted woman in this clan. And you did not try to withdraw from our match because you deserve to be Tsahik. Not for the title, but because you are best suited to serve our people. You care about them more than yourself. You're selfless. And beautiful. And I was blind to think anyone could be better suited for me."
I bite my lip, and take a step back. "Neteyam, that all sounds very nice, but I..."
He steps forward, reaching out and taking both of my hands in his. "It isn't enough. I know that, Y/N. I don't expect our problems to be solved now. I just want a chance to prove to you, who I really am. What a good mate I can be for you. I can make you happy. I want to. It's all I want."
I can feel the tears gathering in my eyes, and I blink hard to keep them at bay. "I always thought so highly of you, Neteyam. I want us to be happy. I want to try."
He squeezes my hand tightly, pulling me to him.
"I will make you happy. I promise you, Y/N. Please, let me kiss you."
I hesitate for only a moment. The look in his eyes is so sincere, and his eyes fall down to my lips for just a moment, then back up to my eyes, and I can't resist. Everything I want seems to be within my grasp.
He places his hands around my waist, and pulls me in.
"Say yes," he whispers. I can't find my voice, but I nod.
The kiss is explosive. A year of anger, frustration and want packed into one kiss. My body is flush to his, and I feel the tears spilling over, but I can't stop them, and I don't want to pull away.
It feels too good.
I put my hands in his hair, gripping tightly, sighing against his lips, and he groans.
Finally, we pull away, and stare at each other, both breathless.
"I will make you happy, healer," he whispers.
I might believe him now.
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zillychu · 5 months
woke up from a dead sleep last night realizing I could make soroku flavored pitch pearl and no one could stop me
edit: you know what? I'm feral and I won't apologize. more under the cut bc this is my house
I slammed this out all at once so I apologize for the quality but I'm having EMOTIONS
so imagine. bc of the way Danny was quickly resuscitated, his ghost only barely started forming. With the excess blast of ectoplasm from the portal being created, that little whisp was given form even after Danny's soul returned to his body.
except this ghost (Phantom) slowly comes into consciousness while trapped in Danny's body. they're separate entities sharing one body, but Phantom doesn't really have a sense of self right away. he pieces together vague fragments of Danny's memory to get a basic understanding of the world, and is mostly just observing like a backseat passenger.
Phantom starts reflexively protecting Danny, his powers and instincts bleeding through when his emotions are high. Danny doesn't really transform, and his personality doesn't totally shift that much at first because Phantom’s mind isn't complex yet. but as time goes on, and Danny has tense conversations with ghosts, Phantom realizes that's what he is. he's a ghost, somehow trapped in his old body. and even now, this early on, he already feels separate. he doesn't have all the memories Danny has.
this slowly turns into horror. into rage. sorrow, mourning a life he never got and will never get to have. forever trapped behind the eyes of someone else, never able to interact with the world. Phantom's rage eventually boils over until it allows him short bursts of taking over Danny's body. it starts out small–a stray hand moving without his consent, knees locking up, ghost abilities going awry. Danny can start feeling emotions that don't belong to him. get vague impressions, almost hears a voice inside him.
and eventually, Phantom is able to fully take over. this is when Danny “transforms". at first, Danny blacks out because his consciousness isn't used to being shoved into the back seat. but eventually, he's awake for these “episodes", trapped in the back of his mind while Phantom controls his body. this only happens when ghost stuff is happening, when Phantom feels threatened enough. he's not protecting Danny, he's protecting himself. Phantom knows instinctively that if Danny dies, he dies too. he's not a normal ghost, he wouldn't be freed. he'd simply disappear.
at one point after a fight, Phantom can feel Danny struggling to take back control. and he talks to Danny for the first time, acknowledges he's there. asks how it's fair that Danny is the one that gets to exist. but Phantom is tired and weak, he slips back into the passenger seat.
over the next few days, he's able to start talking to Danny even while he's not driving. though he's not chatty, it's only when necessary. and Danny knows, can feel it across the link between them–Phantom hates him. the ghost he created is desperate to find a way to take over completely. and as time goes on, Danny realizes with horror that it might actually be possible for Phantom to do that. he grows stronger every day, can stay transformed longer, controls Danny's body with much more ease.
it's only through a chance meeting with Frostbite that Danny and Phantom fully learn what happened to them. Danny feels sympathetic towards Phantom now. this isn't a malevolent ghost, it's a person who was never given the chance to live. who's trapped. who has to watch someone else live a life they're just as deserving of.
and Phantom feels that emotion from Danny. is so shocked by it, he doesn't know how to handle it at first. it takes him a while to contemplate, to talk to other ghosts like Frostbite. until one day, Phantom realizes… he feels sympathy for Danny, too.
neither of them asked for this. both of them deserve to live. Danny didn't do anything wrong. they're both villains to each other's story. and if anything… doesn't Phantom owe his life to Danny in the first place?
Phantom takes over less often. Danny doesn't feel hatred from him anymore. anger, yes–but not aimed at him. in fact, Phantom starts controlling their body in little ways in order to protect Danny from things that aren't even dangerous. just to avoid pain that would only affect the human tethered to him.
it isn't long before they're separated, either thanks to another ghost or Danny's parents. they're thrown apart in the middle of a horrific fight, and when Danny sees Phantom's equally shocked expression, he's terrified.
this ghost that hated him for so long–at best, Phantom would leave him defenseless. at worst, surely some part of Phantom still wants to kill him for stealing away his chance for autonomy.
and yet, when fire rains down on them, Phantom risks it all to grab Danny and get them both to safety. they're still both shaken and stunned this is even happening, but Phantom is able to nervously be like shit shit shit okay stay here don't go anywhere or I can't protect you, okay?
after the fight is over and dust settles, Phantom offers Danny his hand. they stare at each other and god if this isn't the weirdest thing. like, uh, okay, what now? they decide to go see Frostbite, who confirms that they're fully separate now. they ask if there's any chance of merging again and Frostbite assures it's impossible.
Phantom asks, even if I overshadowed Danny? or stay real close? yes, it's nothing to worry about. they leave, and back in the quiet of Danny's room, they talk. Phantom isn't sure what to do. now that opportunity is in front of him, he feels paralyzed. Danny does his best to let Phantom know that… they might be separate now, but if he ever wants help or even just a friendly ear, he's here for him.
Phantom is quiet for a while. then says maybe he just needs to rest first. he'll think about it tomorrow. they're both exhausted and injured. Phantom asks quietly… if he could rest in Danny for the night.
Danny's shocked, and–really confused. Phantom blushes and is like I don't know what my haunt is yet, I don't know where to go, but I know… you're kind of my home. now that I know I can leave whenever I want, it's not something bad anymore. I miss feeling your heart next to my core, just a little bit.
and Danny is just as surprised when Phantom overshadows him, then quietly nestles into the passenger seat again. he didn't realize how he got used to feeling Phantom with him. it's a feedback loop of contentedness, and Danny sleeps easily. (they also find out while sharing a body, Danny gets to reap the benefits of Phantom's supernatural healing)
anyway that's all I got for now thank u for coming to my ted talk
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Thoughts about Ascended Astarion! (This is a long one, and I'm not trying to change anyones opinion, just highlighting the fact that the player is in complete control of the situation at all times. This game is about choices.) First off, I don't usually prefer to ascend him. But I love all versions of Astarion. His character is so well written and all of his arcs deserve praise and attention no matter what your personal opinion of them are. The devs did an incredible job. If any parts of his arc (ascended or spawn) make you uncomfortable, then romancing him isn't for you. If the dynamic between AA and your character makes you feel scared or upset, don't ascend him. That dynamic is supposed to be 100% consentual. He's a tough nut to crack and his story can be very triggering. I myself broke down a few times hearing him talk about what he went through. There are other companions with lovely character development that you can choose. When people go "ugh he's ruined I didn't want this" My dear, with all due respect. This is the dark fantasy romance option. Emphasis on the fantasy. You didn’t get his approval by being nice. It's not like he's the only option. You chose to romance the vampire. The game warns you of what exactly you're about to do multiple times. You willingly help him murder thousands of people for freedom. A vampire who was a literal slave for longer than he was even alive for just got a MASSIVE amount of power. Were you expecting he was gonna just be a good guy now? He has had NOTHING for so long. His entire life trajectory changed within moments. He’s still figuring himself out. You as the player are still completely in charge. He owes everything to you and he knows that. You can walk away at literally any point. He asks you to kneel and obey to establish trust and a dynamic. To confirm this is what you want. YOU CAN SAY NO. Then, he gets right down on the floor with you. He's either gentle or rough based on your choice. If you don't like the vibe just break up with him at that point like he literally lets you do. Or, even just reload the save. But just remember. "That's what you want, isn't it?". When Astarion ascends, Neil says it best. His mask is off and he's allowed to be at his most terrible with no fear. He doesn't have to perform or be aloof as a distraction from the pain anymore. He was never good aligned. But now, he has the power and ability to give himself and his favourite person the life he thinks they wanted. Otherwise why would you ascend him? His love language becomes acts of service and gifts. He ADORES tav to almost obsession. He's always doting on them and calling them his. The ritual only amplifies that. "but what about what he says if you convince him not to go through with it?"
He’s not lying. He knows tav saved him from himself. It is technically the “good” ending. But that’s not what matters here. The ascension is for characters who are not good aligned. It is for characters that are just as much of a power hungry monster as ascended Astarion is. They want to be a monarch that rules the world over. It’s a role playing thing. Is it wrong? That’s for you to decide for yourself. Not others.
"but what about karlach? He's a massive jackass to her when he ascends" ...Yes. He's not a good guy. Karlach is basically the goodest character in the game. It won't work. And if you do break up with him, he lashes out and says some extremely hurtful things. Because you just broke his heart. It's a perfectly normal response from someone being completely blindsided. He thought you wanted this. You said you wanted this. After everything you both did you get here, he feels betrayed. Not even to mention ascended Astarion does not make you just a regular spawn. You quite literally become his vampire spouse. He thanks you for putting your trust in him. Then eventually you become a true vampire with time. He wants to make sure tav doesn't go insane after being turned. If you wanna learn more about vampire spouses in DnD I highly reccomend doing some google searches. It's fascinating. Is ascending him the right thing to do? No, but it's not "wrong". The game doesn't work that way. Is keeping him a spawn the right thing to do? Maybe, if your character thinks it is. Either route has their sets of pros and cons. It's up to you which ones you think work for your playthrough.
I almost always convince him not to go through with the ritual. But ascended Astarion + durge is a power couple and the vibes are immaculate for evil runs. Just have fun with the game! The devs made all these character arcs for you to explore! Thanks for reading <3
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patrophthia · 7 months
you know me like no other | regulus black
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⇢ now playing 'get up’ : track 3
pairing: regulus black x reader
wc: 1.9k
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers!!, very slight angst, both reader and regulus are lovesick idiots
note: thank you to @lucy-is-never-logical for being so kind and reading this over for me, i owe my heart to you!!!
summary: to love is to sacrifice, and to love your best friend is to apparently make jokes about wanting to have grandchildren with them.
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Regulus gaze lingers on you, even through the flailing hands and flashing lights; you are his only sole focus. You and the drink in his hand. 
His eyes dropped down, finally looking at something that wasn't you for once. A party wasn't really his scene, it's yours, and you wanted him to be here with you so here he is. He could only hope he seems cool to you.  
"Hey?" There's a tap on his shoulder. "You want to get out of here?" 
Regulus licks at his lips and looks at you, slowly —almost painfully, he nods. And you smile at him; your hand slipping into his as if it belonged there to lead him out the door. 
He's walking by your side, drink still in his hand. You bump into him slightly, purposely even; trying to grab his attention as you did so. "You know," you begin, dragging out your words, "you don't have to come to these parties if you don't want to."
He wants to nod, it's his habit to answer people by nodding by now. But it feels wrong to just nod at you so instead, he says: "I know." 
"Then why do you always look so lost whenever you're at them?" You ask him with a small smile. "And why do you even come to them?" 
"Someone needs to look out for you," he admits bashfully, "you can get pretty reckless, you know?"
"And you think you're looking out for me?" You're teasing him, ghost of a smile never leaving your face. "You know every time you come to one of these parties I always end up leaving early with you."
"... do you want me to stop coming?" 
There's a pause, and before he knows it, you're frowning. "That's not what I said." 
"That's what it sounds like," he murmurs. 
"I don't mean it like that, baby," you reply softly. When you started calling him baby exactly, he can't remember —what he remembers about it though, is why you started calling him it. "I just meant that, if you don't like these things you shouldn't come because I'll end up leaving early with you and it's no fun for the both of us." 
"So you're saying I'm no fun?" He's teasing you, really, he is, but his tone remains so serious that you seem to not be getting it. 
"Reg," you drag out, there's a small look of frustration on your face and he can't help but find it cute. "You know I don't mean it like that." 
He finishes up his drink, your hand slipping from his as he did so; pinkies left intertwined in the process. "I do." 
It's later that night, with you tucked under your blanket, slipping in and out of sleep did your friend return back from the party. They're quiet at first, careful to not wake you to only find you still somewhat awake. 
There's a small tsk from one of them, frowning as she says: "you’re sacrificing your own fun for him again?" 
"I have fun with Reg." Was your argument, words blurring into one another as you tried to defend yourself. "I'm not sacrificing anything." 
"Right," she scoffs, "especially not your love life." 
There's a slight implication in her words, your brows furrowing as you think of a reply. "What does he have anything to do with my love life?"
"You're always with him, you know? You're with him everyday and it's like you're always putting him first," she says, wiping away at her make up. "You've been excited for this party for weeks and we were barely thirty minutes in and you leave all because of Regulus? How does that work?" 
You blink slowly at her, awake enough to think it through. "He's my best friend." 
"That's your argument?" She asks softly. "Does he think of you as his best friend then? Because I'm starting to think otherwise." 
Your voice is soft and hushed, whispering in the dark of the night. "What do you mean?" 
"I don't think he thinks of you as his best friend," she says lowly, switching off her lights, "I think he thinks of you as something more." 
There's a rustling of blankets, your friend slipping under her comforter as the question whether Regulus was asleep by now crept into your mind. "Like?"
"His girlfriend." 
And if you'd thought of him as your best friend, would you really be wondering whether he was asleep by now? Maybe not. Maybe you should go to sleep. 
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You fall asleep with a lot on your mind that night. Though it might not seem like it, you're sure that Regulus thinks of you as often as you think of him —or at least you hope so, or else you've spent the past few years of your life working yourself over nothing.
"Reg.” It’s a Hogsmeade weekend, the two of you walking side by side —pinkies connecting to one another just to keep you from getting lost within the growing crowd. “I told you that I’d pay this time.” 
“Mhmm.” He only nods. “I’m sure you do. But my mother taught me to never let a woman pay if they’re going out with me.” 
“I’m not exactly going out with you though?” It’s getting colder now, the first snow expecting to have fallen at any given moment. Regulus’ cheeks are flushed, the tip of his nose tinged just a adorably. “We’re just two friends hanging out.” 
“And?” He asks, as if what you said was going to change anything. “As if you’ll have to pay for anything when I’m here.” 
Though you understand that he was rich enough to buy the entire of Hogsmeade, and that friends paid for their friends from time to time; Regulus always having paid for you —and continuing to do as you speak— didn’t feel right. 
“If I asked you to pay for a mansion, would you then?” You ask rhetorically, annoyed by his behavior. 
He looks at you, short curls bouncing as he tilts his head to the side. “If you asked me to then why wouldn’t I?” 
Regulus lips curls when you roll your eyes at him. “What?” He chuckles, eyes glinting prettily. 
“You can’t say stuff like that baby,” you tell him, “you say that to a girl and they’ll start thinking of names to name your grandchildren with them.” 
His chuckle turns into a full laugh, his nose scrunching in the process. “You already call me baby, I don’t think me wanting to pay for you is what would push someone to think of names for their grandchildren.” 
“Are you saying me calling you baby makes you think of having grandchildren with me?” You giggle. “I only call you baby because Sirius calls you it.” 
He turns his face to the side bashfully, cheeks red whether from the cold or from embarrassment, you can’t tell. “It’s different with you.” 
“Is it?” There’s a slight lilt in your words. “Is it really?” 
“Yeah.” It’s soft, barely audible against the sound of people passing by. “Being his baby and being your baby feels different. He doesn’t know me like you know me neither does he see me like you do.” 
There’s a shift in the air, the atmosphere feeling tranquil for second; your heartbeat being the only sound you could truly hear.
“Apparently I don’t see you like how my friend does either,” you murmur, Regulus turning to you with furrowed brows as you did so. “They’re starting to think that we're more than what we tell them." 
It takes Regulus a good minute for his ears to catch up with your words. "They think we're hooking up?" 
"Not hooking up perse." You shrug. "More like secretly dating." 
"They think we're together?" 
Is it wrong that he doesn't mind it one bit? That people thought the two of you were together? Maybe. 
"Is it cool with you?" 
"Hmm?" Regulus hums questioningly, not having hearing anything you've said passed your confirmation.
"Does it bother you that they think we're dating?" You ask again with a small laugh. 
". . . No?" He answers slowly, his shoulder bumping against yours as he did so. "As long as it's cool with you."
"It is." You nod. "You want to know something else?" 
He's attentive and slow, watching you carefully as you speak. "Yes?" 
"I'm starting to think that we are too." 
"We already do all the couple-ey stuff just without labels, you know?" You ask him, the two of you slowing down your pace as you spoke. "We hold hands, we put each other first always, and you're always on my mind it exhausts me." 
"But . . ." He pauses, eyes cloudy. "Isn't that just what friends do?" 
"Maybe," you offer with a shrug, "but I don't think about my friends the way I think about you." 
"Which is?" Regulus prompts. 
You seem, oddly enough, embarrassed. "How much I want to kiss you." 
"Does it matter then?" 
It's your turn to be confused. "Hmm?" You hummed. 
"Does it matter what your friends say then? Whether we're together or not?" He asks, eyeing your hand in his. 
"Reg, what are you saying?" 
"Maybe there's some truth to it —what your friends said." Regulus is hesitant, slowly chopping up the courage to continue on his tangent. "If it's cool with you then I don't see why we couldn't be together."
For a minute it's quiet, his words going from one ear to the other without really full processing it. 
"You like me?" 
There's a dry laugh that coughs up his throat, it's cold and you hope to never hear it ever again. "Is that not obvious?"
"No?" You're gazing up at him, seeing him in a different light. "Obviously not or else I'd have made a move on you by now." 
There’s an amused smile on his face. "How so?" 
"I don’t know," you huff out with a small laugh, “I’d probably kissed you by now.” 
Regulus' eyes drops from your face to his feet, lips pursed as he find the floor incredibly interesting. How does one react to that? How does he react to this? 
He peers back up at you, eyes softening as he took a step forward; a hand reaching up to cup your face. The palm of his hand, rough and scarred presses against the cushion of your cheek. 
And as he leans down towards you, your eyes finds themselves fluttering shut; reaching up on your tippy toes to close the distance between you and him. 
The kiss is slow, soft, gentle, and loving in every way. Years of unrequited feelings oozing out with every passing second. 
You're the first to pull away, watching as his pupil blows wide in front of you; taking every inch of you into his memories. 
Slowly, you ask. "Does this mean you're my boyfriend now?" 
Regulus finds himself smiling at your words, sure that he's looking foolish as he did so. "Mhmm," he nods, "for as long as you'll have me."
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— from bee: regulus’ installment is finally here, now for remus’ hehe
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sadesluvr · 6 months
Freak - Mike Schmidt x Reader (Songfic)
Mike dials a 1-800 number and gets more than what he asked for.
A/N: Reader is a secret sex guru, and an unlicensed therapist, 18+ only. I'm going to abuse the FUCK out of this GIF. Based on the song 'Freak' by Doja Cat!
Word count: 2.2K
Tags: SMUT / Sub! Mike, Dom! Reader / Fem!Reader / Handjobs / Edging / Unprotected sex / Creampies / Marijuana usage / Brief mention of contraceptives (the pill)
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‘Call 1-800-2323 for the answer to your troubles. Enlightenment is just a phone call away!’
Mike looked down at the card in his hands, given to him by Abby’s wellbeing officer out of concern for his personal troubles. He’d never read too much into spirituality, but considering psychoanalysis hadn’t gotten him much further than his usual dream it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
The dial rang, and he expected to hear a raspy elderly woman with a smoker's cough. What he didn’t expect was a lively, young voice at the other end of the line.
“…How may I be of assistance?”
“Uh — There’s something in my past — It’s been bothering me for practically my whole life…I need help finding the answers…”
“Hm,” the voice hummed. “Vague, but I sense you’re holding back…I like ‘em that way…Name?”
Freak like me You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak Freak like me
“Mike Schmidt,”
You'd heard of him from your mom’s friend.
“I’ll book you in for Friday at 8PM,”
“Okay…How much will I owe you? Money’s a little tight right now…”
“Don’t worry. It’s all free of charge,”
Tied him down to my queen bed Tease him just enough to hate me  Tied it tight enough, he can't break free  Keep him waiting 'til he try This can go one of two ways We could flip the coin, I'll be your slave  Call you daddy, give me a nickname I ain't afraid of a little pain (No, I ain't 'fraid of a little pain)
He showed up at the address listed on the card a little after 8PM and rang the doorbell, his hands in his pockets as he scanned his surroundings. You, the mysterious voice, answered the door, and you briefly took his breath away, dressed in a nude, flesh coloured spaghetti strap dress that stopped halfway on your thighs, paired with a sultry smile.
“You must be Mike,” you grin. “Come in,”
The interaction is brief, and he follows you to the couch, an armchair sat traditionally opposite like it would in a therapist office. You gesture for him to take a seat and he does, already feeling like he was under a spell. His eyes glance down briefly at your bare legs as you cross one over the other, letting out a soft moan as you got comfortable. Blood was slowly and suddenly draining from his face to his cock, and he moved his hands to cover the issue, which didn’t go unnoticed to you.
“So, Mike…What is it that’s haunting you?”
He wanted some'n else and he wanna be selfish He wanted them three rounds, DC had to come help him Look, I know your position Try to squeeze in the full nelson though Beat on it, beat, beat on it, mercy like a black belt give Daddy the grand master, daddy, I want it faster Them bitches you fuckin' with, I know they gon' need some practice So bring 'em along wit' ya, I'll teach 'em how to smash ya When I made a little mess on it, he told me to clean my act up
He told you everything; from his brother’s abduction to the breakdown of his family and his living situation with his sister. He was a tortured soul, and he just needed a bit of release. You were so, so glad he’d been referred to you.
“I empathise with you, Mike,” you sigh, leaning in. “It must be hard,”
Hard. Painfully hard.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you?” you say coyly, and he shakes his head. You notice he licks his lips as you get up, recognising how the dress is clinging to your body and beginning to bunch up your thighs. For a split second he gets a glimpse of your black lace panties, and his now fully hard cock twitches in his jeans. 
He wants you, and he’s almost certain you want him too, but a deeper part of him wants to let it play out. For once, he’s not in control of all of the decisions and he wants to keep it that way.
“What I’m hearing is that the route of your issue is frustration,” you say, eyes locked on his as you reach out to run your fingers through his messy locks. “When was the last time you ever thought about yourself?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t - I can’t — How is this going to help me find who took Garrett?”
“Because you’re thinking too hard, and it complicates things. It’s time to redirect your attention,” you purr, dragging your vowels so that it produces a tone that sends shivers down his spine. 
“…How?” he chokes, eyes wide and pupils dilated. You’re so fucking close to him now, and he thinks he might burst. You smell like weed and sex, and he can’t stop staring at the way your strap is sliding down your arms.
You slide off your dress in a quick motion, revealing your bare body. Mike is rabid now, unable to stop staring at your hardened nipples and the barely there material of your panties.
Freak like me (Tryna freak you down) You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak
“I’m gonna touch you, Mike,” you say simply, and it holds a thousand words. “And then you’re gonna fuck me,”
Hey, I could take a big bat, bet that he thinkin' this a game Hey, batter, batter swing, you could put it on a swing Freak like a triple XXX flick, put her on a chain This pussy off the chain, this kitty insane I could fuck him in the rain, I could fuck him in the Range (Uh) I could fuck him every day (Uh), I'ma fuck him 'til he sang (Uh) Milkshake bring the boys to the yard, I'ma need the whipped cream Ain't ever been vanilla, honey, just wait until you get a taste
He knows he can say no, but relaxes into your touch. One hand rubs his upper torso, massaging his tight muscles as the other is wrapped around his neck as you plant gentle kisses along his cheek and neck before you move to his lips. His kiss is eager, and he wastes no time in finding your tongue with his own. 
He needs this so fucking badly, and he doesn’t want to let go.
The kiss continues as you begin to claw at his body, and he briefly pulls away to tug off his jacket and shirt before resuming the make out session. His body tenses as your hands make their way down his chest, down towards the beginning of his happy trail. He desperately wants you to continue the skin-to-skin contact, but you slide your hands over his jeans instead, squeezing him through the material. 
He furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small whimper, earning a gasp from you. He was so pretty.
“That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back…”
Skirt off, fuck in the backseat Take that shirt off, baby, put it on me Got me like, "Yeehaw," ride it like a horsey Kinda like see-saw, up and down on the D, give it to him
You relieve his frustration by hastily pulling at his belt and unbuttoning his jeans, leaving him in his briefs. They were black and you could see a clear wad of precum that had been built up over the past hour. Wasting no time, Mike lets out a louder moan as you slide the material down, his cock springing up onto his pelvis. It’s average sized, but with a slightly thicker girth, and is bright pink with want.
“Kiss me,” you instruct, and he nods. His lips find the crevice of your neck and collarbone as you begin to grip his shaft, his tip between your thumb and index finger as you squeeze out some remaining precum, the liquid pooling around your fingers.
It’s pure pleasure for him as you take the entirety of his cock in your hands, slowly beginning to jerk him off, not forgetting to cup his balls as you do. He throws his head back as his hands clench, physical pressure dissipating as you take his hands in your own, guiding it to your breast.
“Fuck…” Mike groans, beginning to massage the skin as you coo in his ear, your grip tightening and fastening on his cock. Four of his senses are overstimulated, and the icing on the cake is your unrelenting sultry stare, making sure you were attending to his every need.
You were the goddess he never knew he could have.
Freak like me (Need a freak like me) You want a good girl that does bad things to you (You want a good girl) You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak Do, do-do, do-do, do-do (Now you need a freak)
You could feel him shudder underneath you and knew he was loosening up, edging closer to orgasm. His whimpers and groans were now louder, and he’d found the confidence to latch onto your nipples, pawing at the skin with his hand whilst his tongue swirled along the hardened bud.
Spreading your legs over his, you angled his face towards you as, taking in his hazel eyes. 
“Touch me, Mike,” you said, gaze flickering down to your pussy. “Touch me like I’m touching you…”
He moves away from your breasts to make his way between your legs, his fingers sliding into your wet cunt. He lets out a deep sigh at the sensation, feeling rather proud of himself as you begin to writhe against him.
“Is this good?” he asks, sliding a second finger into you. 
“So good,” you moan. “You’re so good for me, Mike,”
His heart and his cock swells, and your bodies begin to move in sync. He quickly finds your clit as your pace quickens on his cock, and you both begin to reach a point of ecstasy.
“Y/N…” he whimpers, lips wet and eyes glassy. “I’m gonna—“
“I know, baby,” you whisper on his lips. “But not yet,” you say abruptly, and draw away. He’s shocked, and stares at you open mouthed.
You respond with nothing but a smile.
“I’m only here to guide you to enlightenment, not give. You have to do the rest,”
He’s totally blank.
“Let go, Mike. I’m here,” you say sweetly, and it feels strangely romantic. “Take me…Do you want me on top, or bottom?”
“Top,” he responds without hesitation. “You’re beautiful,”
Mike can barely contain his euphoria. You, a literal sex goddess, are sat on his lap, body on full display as he fucks up into your tight, wet pussy. The pleasure is almost painful, and he’s almost worried that he’s hurting you by the way his hands are gripped on your hips and his thrusts are desperate and sloppy. All the anger and frustration from his past was slowly unravelling, and judging by the knot in his stomach, so was he.
Freak like me Freak like me (You never, you never, you never been) You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak (You need a freak) Do, do-do, do-do, do-do (You need a freak) Freak like me (Like me, papa)
“Oh fuck,” you whine. “You’re perfect, Mike. So perfect,”
You weren’t lying, he looked gorgeous; pussy drunk and sweating, his frayed bangs clinging to his forehead in an odd pattern. Your lips met once again as he pulled you into him by your waist, the kiss sloppy as he drew his cock deeper into your cunt, hitting all of the right areas. 
“I’m so close Mike,” you whined. “Cum for me…”
“Where…?” he whispered. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to see you covered in his cum, or see it seep out of you and down your thighs. 
“Wherever you feel best,” you said devilishly, before placing your lips to his ear. “I’m on the pill,”
The words sent him over the edge as he came, hot and heavy spurts of cum filling into your warmth as you finished along with him. Mike bit his lip as he held you close, almost on the verge of tears as you soothed him through the last of his orgasm. A weight had suddenly been lifted away, and he could feel his eyes grow heavy with tiredness.
After a few moments you pulled away from each other, your nude bodies dropping to either side of the couch. Still high from orgasm, you pulled your dress back on and leant over the armrest to open a drawer, not oblivious to the way Mike was staring at you fondly.
Babe, you never been with no one nastier than me Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too
“Wanna blaze?” You asked, holding a joint to your lips. He paused in thought, not wanting to let go of the moment before answering.
“Can I use your phone?”
You nodded and gestured to the phone, watching as Mike dialled a number. 
“Hey, Max - Can you put Abby on the phone? Something’s come up and I can’t make it home tonight…”
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honeyhotteoks · 11 months
this night together - chapter nine (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter nine: too little too late
chapter summary: you probably would have preferred the cold shoulder. yunho and mingi find out about your heat, and things get harder.
warnings: this chapter is a pain train. no other warnings except angst and consistent references to heat and all that goes with that.
notes: i'm SO glad you all enjoyed chapter eight!! it was a fun one. please enjoy the moment many of you have been waiting for..... yungi's return and everything that comes with that. good luck because oof our y/n is going through it.
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 6.3k
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
You expect to see them immediately when you walk into the studio a little early on Monday but it’s painfully empty. The back office door is shut and locked tight, so you know Yunho hasn’t been in yet and if he’s not here, neither is Mingi. It feels familiar, and you’re starting to wonder if every heat is going to end with them throwing a tantrum. 
“You just going to stand there?” Wooyoung’s voice nearly knocks you sideways and you jump in your shoes. 
“Don’t do that!” You spin on your heel and smack his shoulder. 
“You’re literally staring at a door,” Wooyoung levels you with a look, “I’m trying to pull you back down to reality so you can make it through this stupid day,” 
“Fine,” You sigh, “I guess… I don’t know, do I look okay?” 
He rolls his eyes, “You know you do,” 
“I just don’t want,” You start but the sound of the heavy back door to the studio startles you once again and your heart lands squarely in your throat when you see them. 
They barely look at you. A swift, fast glance, just enough for you to know they’ve seen you. Your hands suddenly feel slick and clammy and your stomach starts churning immediately. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung steps around you to grab their attention and break the sudden awkward tension in the hall, “did anyone ever call to get the lights in Studio 3 fixed?” 
Yunho blinks, almost confused by his words but then he recovers, “Uh, no, I thought they were fixed already,” 
“Out again,” Wooyoung shakes his head, “I think it’s electrical if the bulbs keep blowing,” 
Mingi listens for a moment, but the moment he’s sure this conversation has nothing for him he simply says, “I’ll catch you guys later,” and then he’s pushing past the two of them to cut down the hallway. 
He doesn’t look at you at all. 
Yunho watches him go and then refocuses on Wooyoung, “I’ll call someone,” he says, “is it the whole back panel again?” 
“I’ll show you,” Wooyoung gestures down the hall, throwing a fast glance at you that communicates so much with just one flick of his eyes - Don’t follow, you’re welcome, you owe me. 
As Yunho turns away from you to follow Wooyoung down the hallway you mouth a thank you and watch them go. The cold shoulder you can deal with, you’re almost too practiced with that at this point, so at least you can breathe a little easier and get back to work. 
You bottle it all right back up, and even though the day has been terrible and long and awkward, you know that San’s right. It’s your studio too. You’ve missed things being out for your leave and you have to catch up quickly to stay an unshakeable member of this group. All you have to do is focus on the work. 
You know you probably have to talk to them at some point, but you really didn’t think it would be today of all days. You thought they’d go back to the way it was before, an entire day of their tense glances communicated that clearly. But suddenly Mingi’s in front of you while you’re tucked up on the computer in the corner of one of the studios rewatching a cut of today’s practice and you know it’s going to be now, now or never.
“So, you’re good?” He asks suddenly, a little starting since you had expected him to just pass you by without a word, just like the rest of the day behind you. 
“What?” You manage, swiveling around in your chair. 
“You’re good?” He asks again, but his face is blank, passive. 
You open your mouth to answer but Yunho’s voice from the side has your head snapping towards it. 
“Mingi,” Yunho’s voice is firm, “let’s go.” 
“One sec,” Mingi doesn’t look away from you. 
“I said let’s go,” Yunho shakes his head. 
“Hey,” Mingi starts and then Yunho looks at you. 
“Can you lock up if you’re not leaving?” He asks, jaw tightening as soon as the words are out of his mouth. 
“Sure,” You manage. 
“Mingi, let’s go.” Yunho’s attention leaves you instantly, and you’ve never felt more invisible to him. 
“Bro,” Mingi shakes his head, “can you fuck off for one second?” 
“No, I’m getting in the car, do you want a ride or not?” Yunho’s jaw jumps in frustration. 
Mingi mutters something under his breath and then meets your eyes again, “y/n,” 
“Yeah?” You’re so overwhelmingly confused. 
“I said, are you good?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be good?” Your brows draw together. 
Mingi shuts his mouth tightly, his hands forming loose fists and then he nods once, “Fine,” 
“What’s going on with you two?” Your eyes dart between them, the anger in the room so palpable. They’ve been cold, they’ve been passive, but they’ve never, ever been angry with you. Not like this. 
There’s a long beat of silence and then finally Yunho speaks, “Are you serious?” 
“You disappear for three days,” Yunho drops his gym bag and looks to you, “and you can’t even answer a single fucking text message, and you want to know what’s going on with us?” 
Your stomach clenches hard, his dark eyes boring into you now and you need him to look away. “I was on heat leave,” You say clearly, “you got the paperwork, I know you did.” 
They’re both silent. 
“Look,” You sigh, and it’s already harder to maintain the wall than you thought it would be, “I’m sorry I didn’t text you back, that was shitty, but I was a little preoccupied,” 
Yunho grimaces. 
“Yunho, jesus,” You push yourself up off the chair and take a few steps towards them, “I don’t know what you want from me,” 
“We were worried,” Mingi offers, and his voice is still low and firm, but his words at least are a little kinder. 
“Well, I appreciate that, but I was fine.” 
Yunho huffs, and you can almost see him fighting an eye roll. Anger bubbles inside you at their entitlement over you and your time and you can’t stop your mouth or your hot head now. 
“Seriously,” You square your shoulders towards him, “Yunho, we’re friends so I feel like I can say this, but you’re acting like an asshole right now.” 
“I’m acting like an asshole?” His voice gets sharp at the end, anger radiating in him. 
“Yes!” You push farther into his space, “Sharing a heat together doesn’t mean I owe you something,” 
His jaw jumps at your words. 
“No one’s saying that,” Mingi cuts in immediately, physically pushing between you both and holding his hands up. 
“Tell that to him,” You nod towards Yunho. 
Yunho stays silent. 
Mingi keeps his hands up, “Listen,” he catches your eyes, “no one’s angry. We just didn’t hear from you for three days, we didn’t know if you were somewhere safe. That’s all.” 
“Well, I was,” You assure him, “I had everything handled, I’m back on my suppressants,” 
“I know,” Mingi nods, and you suppose he would be able to tell, with your scent dampened. 
“What about onboarding?” Yunho pipes in and you crane around Mingi to see him. His cheeks are flushed pink, and you can see how frustrated he is, but he tries to ask this question a bit more softly. 
“What about it?” You give him one more chance, just one. 
Yunho clears his throat and says again, “Onboarding. Mingi said it can be a lot, like before,” 
“I had it covered,” You assure him. 
“I just thought,” Yunho shifts from foot to foot, trying to find his words, “I thought maybe if it was as hard as before you’d be out of it, and I, I don’t know,” 
You want to be mad at him, you really do, but that part of his fear makes sense to you. When you think about your time with them and how much you don’t quite remember perfectly, how hard it was to make it home, you get it. 
“Honestly,” You exhale, relaxing the tension a bit, “I am sorry I didn’t text you back. I can understand why you were worried,” 
His shoulders relax with yours, “I’m sorry too,” 
You can’t say it’s okay, but you nod, glancing up to Mingi who’s seemed to soften up a bit too. There’s a long beat between you and finally Mingi asks, “So, we’re good?” 
“Yeah,” You nod, “we’re good,” 
Yunho nods and agrees, “I am really sorry, I really was just worried about you,” 
“I know,” You nod, “I think I should have just texted you, but I didn’t know what to say,” 
“Yeah,” Mingi laughs a little, just a huff and he runs his hand through his short hair, “that’s fair,” 
You smile too and press your hands to your cheeks for a little cool relief, letting out a long sigh as the tension starts to release. It could end here, they could say goodbye and goodnight and you could finish up and then it would be over, but when Yunho shifts and glances between the two of you, you know immediately it won’t be so simple. 
“Well,” Yunho clears his throat, “next time if you’d rather not be alone, you know, I think we’ve done pretty good at staying friends,” 
“Oh,” Your heart feels like it might just fall straight out of your chest, “Yunho, I,” 
“It was weird for a couple of weeks,” He adds, “but,” 
You know you just have to say it, you have to get it out of your mouth before you can’t, and the words bubble up sharp and sudden, “I wasn’t alone,” 
“You weren’t?” Mingi’s brows shoot up. 
Yunho falls silent, ears running dark pink. 
“No,” You shake your head, “I wasn’t,” 
“Of course you weren’t,” Yunho manages, “sorry, that was… I don’t know why I assumed,” 
“Probably because I told you that’s what I normally do,” You soften, “so I understand why you were worried, but I’m telling you that I was fine, taken care of,” 
He asks it like he can’t help himself, the word falling right off his tongue, “Who?” 
You take a half step back, shaking your head, “Yunho, no,” 
“Why not? We’re friends,” Mingi rationalizes. 
They suddenly look so much like jealous lovers you can’t breathe. Something deep in your gut must have been right all along about them, and you don’t know why you can’t stop making this same mistake over and over again. Your biology must really want you to fall for a guy like this but as harsh as the twist in your gut feels, you push it back, refusing to submit. 
“No,” You turn on your heel, “I’m leaving,” 
Hands on your arms pull you back and twist you around in Mingi’s hold, “Fuck,” he says, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, that was so out of line,” 
“You don’t get to ask, okay?” You push him off, putting a foot of distance between you. 
“I know that, we know that,” Mingi nods, holding your gaze and trying to diffuse whatever this conversation has become, “it was stupid, forget it,” 
Yunho moves closer, stopping by Mingi’s side to give you the same distance, “Completely stupid, I’m sorry,” 
You’re already so sick of them apologizing, but you swallow tightly and try to let it go, “Okay,”
“Only,” Yunho pauses, debating on whether or not he should say this and your breath catches in your throat, “only, why didn’t you call us?” 
“What?” You can barely believe him. 
“You don’t have to tell us anything,” Yunho says, looking quickly at Mingi who nods, “I just… I thought you would have called us, and when I saw the paperwork and you didn’t answer I thought maybe something happened.”
The stretching silence between you is crushing you. A flare of anger bubbles in your belly, “You said my heat before was a one time thing.” 
“I never said that.” 
“You did,” You shake your head, and now you just can’t stop the words, “and you know what, Yunho? Maybe this wouldn’t have been so hard and confusing if you didn’t treat me like I was invisible for weeks after we had sex,” 
“You were avoiding me too,” His tongue is quick when he’s angry and you can almost see the regret in his eyes but he doubles down, “both of us.” 
“I’m not going to listen to this,” You cheeks flare with angry blush, “I’m done. We work together, that’s it. I don’t know what you want from me, I’ll get whiplash if you keep-”
Your words die on your tongue, your back connecting with the hard studio wall behind you. You don’t see Mingi coming, your eyes steady on Yunho and you’re about to throw up your hands and leave again when Mingi collides into you, his lips on yours. 
“Mingi!” You squeak against his mouth. 
“Please,” He pleads, shaking his head.  
His body feels so good you might lose your mind entirely. His plush mouth stays on yours, tongue dipping between your lips to flick along yours. His scent envelops you, his hot hands holding you against him, and you melt into him as your body responds to him. He kisses like you’re his only lifeline, messy and hungry and pouring desperation into you ounce by ounce. Your hand tightens on his back. He hitches your leg up onto his hip, pressing your body open for him to slot between your legs. 
Your eyes stay shut as he kisses his way down your jaw, nipping along your skin until his mouth is on your throat, ghosting softly over your pulsepoint. Your mind is spinning, flooded hot, everything falling away and then it all stops. 
Mingi stiffens, body locking up and you hear him take a deep inhale of breath. He rocks back away from you, “Seonghwa?” 
“What?” Yunho’s voice re-enters the mix. 
Mingi steps away from you and you brace your body against the wall, finding your feet under you and trying to catch your breath, “Don’t,” 
“I’m right,” Mingi’s face knits up in confusion, his fists tighten, “fuck,” 
Yunho looks stricken. 
“You slept with Seonghwa?” Mingi repeats.
“Don’t,” You repeat, anger curling inside you and you push off the wall, “we’re friends and maybe I should have texted you, but that’s all we are, you made that perfectly fucking clear after my heat. You don’t get to treat me like I cheated or try to mark your fucking territory,” You scrub your hand across your throat where Mingi kissed you, where he let his tongue linger. 
“We’re not together,” You reiterate, “we’re not in love, or soulmates, or scent matches, or whatever the fuck else people say. We had sex, that’s it.” 
The words are out there, dropped between you like lead and you realize coldly somewhere in the back of your mind, you can never take that back. 
Yunho and Mingi stand stock still at the grenade dropped between you, but then Yunho shifts forwards one step with a tight inhalation of breath.
“That’s not all it was for me,” He manages, and when you meet his eyes your resolve nearly, nearly crumbles. 
“Whatever you feel for me isn’t real, it’s biology,” You shake your head, trying to catch your breath and keep your words straight. If they loved you before they would have come to you then, you just have to hold onto that truth. 
“Don’t tell me what I feel,” Yunho looks away from you, his hands tight, “don’t patronize me.” 
“This is why we should have never,” You shake your head, looking at Mingi like you might see a scrap of reason in his eyes, but you see nothing, pure passive inattention like he’s shut down and left the conversation. 
“y/n,” Yunho shakes his head, “I’m not some lovesick virgin,” 
“I know that,” You sigh, “I didn’t mean,” 
“You did,” Yunho interrupts, “and if you don’t feel the same about us, just say it.” 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You feel like you’ve entered an entirely different narrative, “You said you wanted to be friends, isn’t that what we are?”
“Friends don’t kiss like that,” Mingi admits gruffly. 
“You kissed me,” You manage. 
“y/n,” Mingi says softly, “I felt it, the way you kissed me back, touched me… there’s something there,” 
“Is that what this is about?” Your jaw tightens, “You think I’m yours?” 
Mingi’s jaw snaps shut, muscles jumping. 
Yunho shakes his head, bringing you back to his eyes, “No,” he sighs, “but,” 
“But what?” You won’t cry, not here, “You’re perfectly fine treating me like I’m invisible until another alpha gets a little too close? I’m a person! A whole entire person, I’m not an omega for you to… to…” 
“I know that!” Yunho exclaims, “I like you. We like you, it has nothing to do with designation,” 
“That’s the most naive sentence I’ve ever heard,” You take a step back, away, closer to the mirrored wall, “if that were true why didn’t you say anything weeks ago?” 
“I didn’t know then,” He insists, looking to Mingi for help but finding none in his vacant eyes. 
“That’s what I’m saying,” You sigh, exasperated, “you’re just realizing it now? Right when I spend my heat with another alpha? You’re confused.” 
“It’s not confusion,” Mingi says simply, “we’re not stupid.” 
“So, you both have feelings for me? Is that what you’re saying?” You bite back, and you clench your fist tight. You won’t cry.
They say nothing, silence filling the room like smoke and you need to get out. 
“After we spent that time together,” You take a steadying breath, “I missed you both so much it hurt. All the time. I would convince myself not to come to your place and knock on the door and… and I don’t know what I wanted. I thought about you all the time, and the things you said and did for me. I missed you so much it made me sick,” 
“Then,” Yunho starts, his voice small but you shake your head. 
“But you didn’t want me,” You insist, “you spent weeks making sure I knew it. Every day you wouldn’t look at me, you wouldn’t talk to me, I’ve never felt so small.”
Mingi’s eyes cloud and he drops his head. 
“And it was hard, but the things I felt for you went away,” You press, despite the tightness in your chest, “with a little time and space, it went away. I know you both care about me, and I care about you, but you don’t love me.” 
“I don’t accept that,” Yunho shakes his head, moving forwards before you can process it, his arms around you as he tucks you into his chest, “how can you say that when this feels the way it does?” 
Your head throbs with the scent of him, washing through you and making your limbs go soft and your heartbeat slow to a stutter instead of a pounding thump, but your brain clicks back into place and you wriggle in his arms, “Let me go,” 
He leans away, cupping your cheek in his hand to draw your face up to his gaze, “Don’t you?” He manages, voice cracking gently. 
You’re dizzy, mind flooded and confused, but you try, “I don’t,” 
His thumb strokes a gentle line over your cheekbone, shifting just a little closer, “y/n,”
“Yunho,” You manage, your voice shaking as you try to stay level, “if you kiss me now, there’s nothing for us.” 
His brow creases as he studies your eyes, exhaling an unsteady breath. 
“I’ll go, I’ll find another studio.” You grip your hand tight and let your nails dig into your soft palm, “I need you to let me go, please, let me go,” 
His arms fall away, and he takes two sizable steps back, running a hand through his hair, “After everything, that’s it?” 
“It has to be,” Your eyes feel prickly, “I’ve moved on. I need you both to do the same. Find someone else, another omega. I know you think you want me, but it’s just your alphas talking. And maybe we could have been more than this, but you hurt me, you both did, and I’ve moved on.” 
“I shouldn’t have kissed you,” Mingi manages. 
“No,” You shake your head, “you shouldn’t have.”
“I’m sorry,” His voice is small. 
“This,” Yunho tries to say something, but his voice is thick with emotion and he clears his throat, words dying on his lips. 
“I’m sorry too,” You finally add, “and I thought we could go back to being friends, but this, it hurts too much.” 
“What do we do?” Yunho asks, voice hollow. 
“I need some space,” You swallow tightly, “we’ll do the work, but that’s it. If we ever have a shot at being friends someday, at feeling like this isn’t always there… that’s what I need, and maybe we can fix this.”
“Okay,” Mingi says. 
“Tour,” Yunho takes a deep breath, and you realize now that he has tears flooding his eyes that he’s doing his best to blink away, “we’ll be gone for months,” 
He’s right, in a matter of weeks they’ll be gone with a small group of the BB Trippin dance crew to Europe. You have your focus here with the newly debuting group alongside Dahan and Yujin, but they don’t, they’re leaving with New World and it would be almost three full months until they’d be back in Korea. 
“Good,” You breathe, ignoring the pit forming in your stomach at the thought of not seeing them, “then let’s just get through the next few weeks, but after that you go. Don’t text me, don’t call me, just… move on.” 
Silence stretches, but Yunho nods. 
If you stay here for one more minute you’re going to cry, “I have to go,” 
He nods again. 
There’s more to say, you can feel it, but you can’t do it now and you have to push yourself to get out the door. You push past them as quickly as you can, eyes on the door in front of you, but Yunho follows behind and catches you once more in the hall. 
“y/n,” He doesn’t touch you, but calls after you in the hall, but you don’t turn around you can’t. If you look at him one more time you’ll cry, you’ll go back, you’ll throw all the things you said to the side just to feel his arms around you one more time or Mingi’s lips on yours and you can’t. You have to be better than this, for yourself. 
You stop though and turn your head just a little to let him know you’re listening. 
“I’m,” His voice tightens and hitches, “I’m really fucking sorry we lost you,” 
Hot tears overflow at his words, spilling over down your cheeks and you drop your head and nod. You grip your hands tighter and steady yourself and hope to god that your voice will hold up, “Me too,” 
He takes a tight, wet inhale and you have to move, one more second in this hallway and you’ll want nothing more than to comfort him, to soothe your alpha and smooth this moment over, but the latent thought of him as yours strikes panic in your chest and you push forward down the hall.
You round the corner at the end by the office, and the image of him coming out of the doorway that first night won’t leave you alone, the way he softened when he saw you in heat, the way he took you in his arms. 
You stifle a sob with your hand over your lips, and then you’re running. Out of here, away from this, and you don’t know where you’re going until you get there, every step a blur. 
You knock fast on San’s door, and you feel bad about crashing their night, but you can barely breathe and you need to see a friendly face or you just might fall apart. You had gotten your tears under control on your way over, out of sheer embarrassment that you were crying in the middle of the street, but tightness gathers in your throat now as you wait for an answer to the door and pins prick the back of your eyes. 
You hear shuffling on the opposite side of the door, a hand on the knob, and tears spill over already. 
San’s smiling when he opens the door, looking over his shoulder back into the main living space and finishing saying something to Wooyoung who’s inside, and your breath hitches. 
His eyes settle on you, “y/n?” His face falls as he sees your tears, “What?” 
“S-San,” Your tears rush faster, your words cut off in a sob and you launch yourself forwards to collide with his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his shoulder, sobs wracking yours. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” He stumbles back, wrapping his arms around you, “what’s going on?” 
“y/n’s here?” Wooyoung’s voice comes from the side and you can’t stop yourself from crying harder. 
“I need you to breathe,” San soothes you, his voice low, “I need you to tell me what happened,” 
You shake your head into his neck, hiccuping as you do. 
“Are you hurt?” He presses, one of his hands sliding up your sides to search your body, “I need you to talk to me,” 
You drag in a shaky breath, but Wooyoung sees you now and jumps forwards, “Is she hurt?” 
“Woo,” San interrupts him, “hang on, okay, just,” 
“I’m,” You clear your throat, “I’m not hurt,”
San exhales heavily, relieved at your words and nods, cupping the back of your head, “Alright, just breathe,” 
“What the hell happened?” Wooyoung says. 
“I know as much as you do,” San says, “just grab her stuff and let’s get inside,” 
“Yeah,” You hear Wooyoung moving, picking up your bag from the floor outside his apartment door, and then you hear it click shut. 
“y/n,” San tries again as you try to get your breathing under control, “can you tell me what happened?” 
“I t-talked to Yunho and Mingi,” You murmur wetly into his shirt. 
“What the fuck did those idiots do?” Wooyoung’s hand settles between your shoulder blades as he shifts closer to try and catch your eyes. 
“It’s a mess,” You manage. 
“Woo,” San says softly, “get her a glass of water,” 
“But,” Wooyoung starts. 
“Go.” San insists. 
Wooyoung’s hand leaves you. 
“y/n,” San says, “come inside and sit down,”
You peel yourself away from him, covering your face immediately as tears continue to roll down your cheeks, but San steers you inside with a warm arm until you’re sinking down onto the couch. 
“Water,” Wooyoung says, holding an icy cold glass in his hand and taking his spot on the extended length of the sectional so he can angle towards you and see your face, “drink this,” 
He presses the glass into your hands and you take a shaky sip, the cold shocking your brain a little as you try to get a little more down. 
San tugs the coffee table a little closer and takes a seat on the wood top and then leans forward to catch your eyes, elbows resting on his knees, “Can you tell us what happened?” 
You sigh deeply and then recover your breath, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater, “They know,” 
“About this weekend?” San surmises. 
“Just Seonghwa,” You clarify, taking another sip of water, “they were so angry, I didn't want to tell them the rest,” 
“Fucking assholes,” Wooyoung curses, his jaw tightening as he looks away. 
“What else?” San’s voice is gentle, so unlike confident alpha tone you had gotten used to, “You can tell us,” 
“They… I mean, Yunho… he said that they,” The words get jumbled in your mind as you flash back to the studio room, “it’s all so fucked, they’re acting like this is…”
“Babe,” Wooyoung plucks the glass from your hands and passes it to San, returning his hands to yours so he can steady your shakes, “you’re not making a lot of sense, and I’m about two seconds from driving over to their place and castrating them. I need you to please tell me they didn’t do anything stupid,” 
“Youngie,” San sighs, exasperated. 
You shake your head, “No,” you manage, “they have feelings for me, they said… when they found out about my heat they were so…”
“Now?” Wooyoung’s eyebrows go high, “Now they have feelings for you?” 
“That’s basically what I said,” Your lips turn up in the smallest smile. 
“What else?” San cuts through the commentary. 
“If they had said something, anything weeks ago,” You trail off. 
“They didn’t though,” San reminds you, “and that’s on them. Not on you.” 
“So you fought?” Wooyoung surmises. 
You wipe your eyes again and nod, “It was awful,” 
“I’m sorry,” Wooyoung takes your hands in his, smoothing his thumbs over the back of your knuckles, “We all knew they might be upset, we shouldn’t have left you alone,” 
“I handled it,” You shake your head, the telltale feeling of a migraine coming on in the back of your skull from how many tears you’ve shed, “I… just - I don’t know why this is so hard,” 
San shifts forwards, cupping your cheek in his hand and soothing you, “How about you stay over tonight? We can order some takeout and just forget about this for now,” 
“I’ve got soju if you need a drink,” Wooyoung adds, “whatever you need, we’re here,” 
“I just want to know what to do,” You push San’s hands away and drag your fingers through your hair, “it shouldn’t be this hard,” 
“How did you leave it?” Wooyoung asks gently, hand on your knee. 
Yunho’s words in the hallway strike back through your chest, but you shake your head, “Kind of terribly,” 
“Okay,” He prompts you for a little more. 
“I told them to go on tour and to not contact me so we can get some space,” You say it in a single breath and then you duck your head in your hands again. 
“Damn,” Wooyoung grimaces. 
“I know,” You sniff back fresh tears, “maybe I should have stayed, but, I just… I couldn’t,” 
“y/n,” San pulls your hands down and takes them in his, smoothing his thumbs over the soft hollows of your palms, “you did the right thing. Space is good,” 
“Is it?” You said it, and in the moment you believed it, but months without speaking to them feels like torture. 
“It’s good,” He nods, wiping away your tears, “you need time to figure out how you feel and they need time to do the same. You’re never going to be able to get it if you’re working on top of each other every day,” 
You let San’s words sink in and you know he’s right. All of the talking and the not talking with them up to this point had just left your relationship a jumbled mess. Time away could fix this. You knew it deep in your gut in the studio as you backed out the door and you know it now. 
With a deep breath you scrub your hands under your eyes to clear away the last remnants of tears and any smudged mascara and you nod, “Woo,” you face him, “where’s that soju?” 
“On it,” He grins, “I know exactly what you need,” 
“Mhm,” Wooyoung hops up and heads for San’s kitchen, “Beer, soju, and junk food. I’m making chapagetti,” 
You groan, knowing exactly what your body is going to feel like tomorrow.
“At least put some protein on it,” San calls back, “for the love of god,” 
“Sannie,” Wooyoung says, his head clearly in the fridge at the muffled tone, “just let me work my magic,” 
“Mhm,” San shakes his head. 
“I’m going to be so hungover tomorrow aren’t I?” 
“Definitely,” San laughs, “but you can crash here, we’ll take care of you.” 
You nod, knowing they absolutely will. 
When Wooyoung hands you the cold glass of beer and the shot you clink your glass with him and knock it back in sync and for a little while you put it all out of your mind. 
It isn’t until later, in the safe darkness of San’s bedroom with your best friends on either side of you, that you feel like the words might make it out of your mouth without it all ending around you. The alcohol in your system has started to dissipate, leaving you exhausted and a little heavy feeling, but your thoughts are starting to stitch back together and you just have to tell them. 
You’re snuggled tight to Wooyoung’s chest, your forehead pressed to his sternum, San behind you but not really touching you, just laying on his back and staying close enough to give you the comfort of another body. You can’t stop replaying it, seeing them when they realized you had been with not just someone else but someone they knew. 
You don’t know what possesses you, but in the darkness you murmur, “Mingi kissed me,” 
Wooyoung’s breathing hitches for just a moment as he registers your words, but he recovers cleanly, his fingers just running over your hair again and again, “When?” 
“Tonight,” You shift, pushing yourself to lie on your back between the two of them, “I think he was trying to show me he meant it,”
They let your words sit there for a moment, and then Wooyoung turns to look at you, “How do you feel about it?” 
“Stupid,” You exhale, answering honestly, “really fucking stupid,” 
“Why?” San props up on one arm, hand on his cheek and brow furrowed as he looks down at you. 
You feel the outline of his mouth on yours again, his hands and how they held you, how much he poured into one moment just to get you to understand. “Because,” You answer, “all I could think about was how much I missed him,” 
“y/n,” Wooyoung murmurs, “do you think they meant it? That their feelings are real?” 
“Maybe,” You say, “but the timing,” 
“And besides,” You shake your head, “I said some things I shouldn’t have,” 
“Like?” San asks. 
“I told them they fucked it up,” You blink back tears, “and that we weren’t soulmates and that they’re wrong,” 
“Oh,” San says, “that’s direct,” 
“I know,” You groan, dropping your hands over your eyes, “I was just so angry,” 
“Space will be good then,” Wooyoung offers, “you all need a breather.” 
“There’s no easy way to work together when that’s how you left it,” San points out, “so time away gives you all a chance to rethink some things and get some clarity,” 
“What if,” The words die in your throat. 
“What?” San nudges you. 
“What if they come back and nothing’s fixed,” You sigh, “what if it’s worse?” 
“You won’t know it until it happens,” San takes your hand in his, lacing your fingers together, “you can’t control everything, y/n, sometimes you just have to let things work out.” 
You nod, and then you ask the question you’ve been afraid of since you walked out the studio door, “Should I have just stayed? If… if they do have feelings for me, and they’re real, should I have just stayed?” 
“It would have been easier,” Wooyoung murmurs, “but babe, you’d still have the same questions,” 
“Yeah,” You breathe, stomach in knots.
“Tour is soon,” San reminds you, “you got through weeks of the cold shoulder last time, you can do this,” 
You nod. 
“It’s late,” Wooyoung comments. 
“I know,” You murmur. 
“It’s going to be okay,” San says, “I know it will.”
“You’re right,” You breathe, “I just think it shouldn’t be this hard, if we were meant to work out, shouldn’t it be easier than this?” 
They’re quiet for a moment and then San sighs, “Probably,” 
Wooyoung turns and looks at him, his lips closing before he shrugs and rolls towards you, snuggling up to your side. 
“What?” You nudge him, reading through his silence. 
“Nothing,” He says. 
“Woo,” You nudge him harder. 
“I just think you shouldn’t close any doors,” 
“I’m just saying,” He wraps an arm around your middle, “take the break from them, see how you feel later. You’re overthinking this,”
San drags his thumb over your knuckles and Wooyoung shifts closer, resting his head on your shoulder. The quiet stretches around you as you take in his words. He might be right, but you can’t think about that now. Not with the day you’ve had and the headache behind your eyes. 
The fight plays over and over again in your mind every time you close your eyes, a loop of Mingi’s mouth on yours and Yunho’s eyes shining with tears. The feeling of their hands on you, begging you to stay. The look on their faces when they realized you had sought out another alpha for your heat, and not just any, but one of their best friends. You wonder what might have changed had you texted them back, who you might have met at the studio today instead. 
That’s not all it was for me. 
A little piece of you wishes you could take back everything you said. 
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notmorbid · 6 months
garden of earthly bodies.
dialogue prompts from garden of earthly bodies by sally oliver.
do you think this is a mistake?
i think you should say you changed your mind.
do you remember what we talked about?
i have endless stores of self-pity.
i feel less awful than before.
you're allowed to lose it now and again.
i don't mean to be horrible.
you can't adopt someone's pain to dilute your own.
stop being smart with me.
you'll give me a heart attack one day.
you're pushy.
life has a way of revealing the truth to you before it occurs.
how come you haven't said anything?
i wish you'd take things more seriously.
i wish i knew when i was going to die. then i could be ready for it.
i'm relieving you of your conscience, alright?
i don't want to write about it. i don't owe that to anyone.
nobody has seen your face in half a year.
i had a strange dream in the night. you were in it.
you probably won't remember most of it.
you need to look out for yourself. nobody else will.
can you stay in my room tonight? i don't want to be alone.
there's no point in being secretive.
you can't shut everyone out. one day they won't bother.
i don't think i'm really in myself.
i miss you all the time.
are you in any pain?
i'm bored of waiting for everything.
you're almost smiling again.
think more of yourself and less of others.
don't give away your thoughts. you won't get them back.
you don't have to say anything if you don't want to.
i wanted you to love me the same way i love you.
do you believe in god?
what can you not tolerate in others?
what is the quality you least like about yourself?
i love my parents, but i've never understood them.
this is the most alone i've ever felt.
i have to find something to wear.
hospitals manage despair, not disease.
it helps if you're stoned. only, don't do that.
i don't want to leave you if you're so unhappy.
watch the road, not me.
do you visit cemeteries often?
female comradeship is its own religion.
don't pull that sad, serious look you do.
i'm running out of ways to procrastinate.
i could like anything about you.
i wonder if you'll ever hate me.
life is too long and too brief.
i was always going to come home again.
you don't look like you.
you'll get back to feeling like your old self. just let it happen.
i don't even know what it means anymore. to 'be myself'.
i know who you are. i just can't believe it.
i'm not going to make this easy.
nothing is ever as sinister as you think.
i can tell something's not right.
we'll move at your pace.
i miss who i was. i don't feel like the same person anymore.
a life can end and not be over.
you had me. what about me?
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anticomedygarden · 7 months
Annabeth had a complicated relationship with her hair.
also on ao3
"Ow!" Annabeth whined when Thalia pulled on another messy blonde tangle.
"Sorry," Thalia said, probably for the millionth time. The older girl was kneeling behind Annabeth on the floor of their current hideout and attempting to get the knots out of Annabeth's hair. None of them really knew the last time it had been brushed - probably not since she ran away. "I don't really know what I'm doing here."
"You just gotta unknot it!" Annabeth said. She didn't see why it was so hard; Thalia was 14 and should know how to untangle hair by now. Annabeth did.
Thalia laughed at her, but it sounded strained. "I don't even have a brush, Squirt. Plus, I've never had long hair."
Annabeth's mouth dropped open. "Really?" She thought all girls had long hair at some point.
"I don't really like it. I like yours, though." Annabeth beamed, at least until Thalia tugged again, and she whined.
Suddenly, there was another set of hands in her hair. "Let me help," Luke said.
Thalia put a hand against Annabeth's back, and the younger girl tried not to buck it off. She was independent! "You can try, but I don't know how much better it can get without a wash and a brush."
Luke sighed. "I can at least try."
(Annabeth had never particularly cared about her hair. It wasn't that she didn't like it or anything, she just really didn't have any strong feelings toward it. She liked that it's there, liked the comforting weight and extra warmth in winter, but she'd figured out at a young age that the yellow color did nothing but hinder her in her pursuits, so she didn't bother with it. She could deal with it, but she wouldn't put any extra effort into it.)
When Annabeth left the showers, Percy was waiting on the steps of her cabin, lurking awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" she asked. It was a surprise, to say the least. She would've expected him to be hanging out with Grover or training in the arena. Besides, she had just gotten out of the shower. A blush worked its way into her cheeks.
"I don't know, I thought we could hang out," he said. Then, he caught sight of her fingers tangled in her knotted hair. "What happened?"
Her blush deepened. "It hasn't recovered from the quest yet." And she hadn't had the patience to brush it out in the few days since they'd been back, compounding and compounding the knot until she couldn't get it out if she tried. "I might have to cut it."
"Oh." Percy looked at her funny and stood, then made a move like he was gonna touch her hair. She stepped back on instinct, and he raised his hands. "I can try and get it out."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"
"I can work a brush." He almost sounded offended.
Normally, she would refuse, balking at the prospect of someone touching her hair, but after the quest, she found she didn't mind the thought as much as she thought she would. Plus, the knot was really bad, so he couldn't make it much worse, and it'd save her a lecture from Silena. She shrugged. "Fine."
Then, she went and got her hair brush from her bunk and went back out the door and sat on the step in front of him.
"Holy crap, what did you do to it?" he exclaimed.
She turned to give him a disbelieving look. "I went on a quest! When do you think I had time to untangle it?"
He didn't really look like he believed her, but he didn't say anything else.
"All right," he muttered. The first pull through had her jerking her head back and grabbing his hand behind her.
"Don't try and do it all at once, you'll just make it worse," she scolded. "Start from the bottom."
She felt him gently pull the lower half of her hair and start brushing it. "Sorry."
"It's fine."
After a minute, she relaxed, actually kind of enjoying the feeling. It was nice.
Finally, he finished and handed her back the brush. "I'm done."
"Wait, really?" She reached back to feel her hair and sure enough, it was back to its usual wavy strands, unknotted and flowing. "How'd you do that so fast?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It probably helped that it's wet. Do you wanna spar?"
Mouth still open, she nodded. She'd have to keep that little affinity of his in mind.
(As she got older, she couldn't help but think that indifference was an asset. Quests certainly didn't provide any time or supplies for hair care. Plus, having Percy around made sure it was wet with dirty water half the time, so why try.)
"Remind me why we're out here, again?" Percy asked as they picked their way through the forest.
"Because Tyson said he smelled something funny," Annabeth answered. "And be quiet, you're gonna scare whatever it is away."
Percy stuck his tongue out at her but stopped talking, and they continued walking through the forest until they heard a sound from a ways away.
They froze. One look and they were heading off toward the noise.
It soon became apparent they were heading for nothing as the ground beneath their feet became squishier and squishier.
Then, there was another noise, and she stopped abruptly.
Too abruptly, apparently, because the next thing she knew, she was face down in muddy swamp water.
Groaning, she didn't stay down long and jumped up, knocking Percy over into the water. (He'd be fine.)
"What the Hades, Seaweed Brain?" she said.
He stood slowly. "Why'd you stop?"
"I heard something," she said, reaching up to get some of the gunk off her face. When she touched her hair, though, she paused. It was soaked through with the brackish water. The only thing that could clean it now was a good shower.
Well. It's not like she really cared all that much.
That was her only consolation as they trudged back to camp.
(She didn't think she'd ever want to chop it off; no, it was a part of her, a part she did kinda love on good days, even if it was a nuisance. And she loved having that connection to Percy, and Silena, in a way.)
"Damn, girl, what did I tell you?" Silena said from her spot behind Annabeth's chair. The older girl was attempting to rescue the blonde mass from its latest adventure, and Annabeth was afraid it wasn't looking too good.
"I was kidnapped by a titan, I couldn't exactly take care of it," Annabeth grumbled, wincing when Silena gave a particularly rough pull. She'd been sitting in this chair for years for the daughter of Aphrodite to cut her hair and just generally take care of it, and she still couldn't stand watching herself in the vanity mirror. She looked away.
"Well, I'm afraid I may have to cut it."
"That's fine," she said. It wouldn't be the first time. She looked at herself one final time to mourn the current length and caught sight of the grey streak. "Wait!"
"What?" Silena said, sounding surprised. "What's wrong?"
"Are you sure you can't untangle it?" she asked.
Silena sighed and picked up the knot of hair again. "I can try, but it'll take a while."
"That's fine," Annabeth said definitively. Hair grew at approximately half an inch per month, but Annabeth wasn't sure how the stress from holding the sky would affect the growth rate or the return to its normal color. However, she wasn't going to hurry the process along, at least, not as long as Percy still had his.
Not that she would ever tell anyone that.
So she sat as patiently as she ever had while Silena untangled her hair.
(Probably the longest Annabeth ever went without brushing her hair was when Percy was missing. Without his fingers to run through it or Silena to pester her about it, she just didn't think of it. Or want to think of it.)
"Okay, no. Come here."
Annabeth looked up from the map she was staring at on a table in Bunker 9 to see Piper walking towards her. "What?"
Leo glanced over from whatever project he was working on with a similar expression of bewilderment on his face. Clearly, he didn't know what Piper was talking about, either.
"Annabeth, your hair. When was the last time you brushed your hair?" Piper asked exasperatedly, steering Annabeth to sit down in a chair.
"I was in the middle of something," Annabeth protested.
"You can go back to staring at that map after I fix this rat's nest," said Piper. "Seriously, I know you have a brush. When was the last time you used it?"
Accepting her fate, Annabeth just shrugged. Her hair was rarely, if ever, on the front of her mind.
When Piper attempted to drag a brush through it, they both winced. "Oh my gods, there's a ponytail in here? How long has that been there? And how long has it been since you washed it?"
Once again, Annabeth shrugged. She honestly had no idea, though, come to think of it, it had been pretty itchy lately.
"Okay, well, that ends now." With that, Piper went to work on the knot, attacking it with the brush. "I'm gonna have to cut the ponytail out."
Annabeth startled. "Wait - the hair or the rubber band?"
"The rubber band," Piper said, causing Annabeth to breathe a sigh of relief. She knew it was stupid, but she didn't want there to be any risk of Percy not recognizing her when they found Camp Jupiter. "Your hair is completely wrapped around it."
Without waiting for a response, she whipped out Katoptris and sliced the rubber band out. Annabeth's hair didn't move much.
"Good lord," Piper muttered. "Here we go." The daughter of Aphrodite then went at the knot with the same vigor as Annabeth going at a training dummy. It did not feel good.
Piper was far less gentle than her sister. Piper was far less gentle than Percy.
Annabeth didn't like that thought, didn't like thinking of the dead, and she really didn't like thinking of Percy as missing.
But when she squirmed to try and get away, Piper gripped her shoulder, keeping her from standing. "Piper, I-"
"Hold still."
"I can do it-"
"But you won't, will you?" Piper said, raising an eyebrow.
Even Annabeth had to admit that she was right, but that didn't make it any easier. "I promise I'll-"
"No," Piper said with finality. However, it was what she said next that rooted Annabeth in place. "Let me do this for you, please."
She paused. It had never occurred to her that Piper might be trying to help in whatever way she could, that she didn't have the mechanical skills to help build the ship or the memories to help try and pinpoint where exactly Camp Jupiter was. "Fine."
"Thank you."
So, she sat there while Piper untangled her hair and only winced every so often.
Finally, probably an hour later, she was done, and they both stood. "Now, you're going to go eat dinner, then you're gonna shower, and then you're gonna go to bed."
Annabeth blanched. "I still have so much work to do."
Piper put her hands on her hips. "And it will still be there in the morning."
They stared at each other, neither one willing to relent, until Leo giggled from across the bunker. "Someone's in trouble."
Piper snorted. "I don't know why you're laughing, Repair Boy, you're going, too."
Annabeth didn't have to see his face to know his mouth had hit the floor. "I never agreed to that!"
Piper's eyes narrowed, and she went to grab Leo from his work bench. "I don't care." She pointed at the door. "Now, both of you, dinner, shower, bed."
There was no way Annabeth would agree to that, not when there was still so much work to do on the ship, maps to study, star charts to examine - really, she didn't have time. "How about dinner and bed, then shower in the morning?"
Piper's eyes hardened from where she was dragging Leo by the collar over to the door, then she pushed Annabeth's back until the blonde was also standing outside the door. "Dinner, shower, bed." She turned around to lock Bunker 9 behind them. "And for the love of the gods, wash your hair. Yes, Leo, both of you."
(Annabeth needn't have worried about Percy recognizing her. She probably could have shaved her head and painted her face to look like Iron Man, and he would recognize her, even in the depths of Tartarus.)
"What do you think of me cutting my hair?" Annabeth asked.
Her and Percy were limping along the Phlegethon at the approximate rate of a Zamboni in a swamp. Pain and soreness had settled into every corner of her body, but Annabeth was somehow thinking of her hair tangled at the back of her neck and stuck to her face with sweat, and how the hell she would fix it if they made it back to the mortal world. (When. When they made it back to the mortal world.)
She barely felt Percy turn to look at her. "I think you should do whatever you want with it."
Aw. She probably should have predicted that. "Come on, tell me the truth."
He paused. "You know I love your hair."
When he didn't say anything else, she pressed her fingers against his waist. "But?"
"But," he started. "But it's your hair."
"I know that," she said with more force than she meant to.
If she could see anything in the dark, she would've seen his brows furrow. "Do you really wanna get rid of it?"
She bit her lip. "No." She couldn't bear to let go of everything it meant to her now, the memories it carried beyond just the grey streak: Thalia, Luke, Silena, Piper, Percy. It was hers to care for, hers to maintain, and she hated that it took Tartarus for her to realize that. "I just don't know how it's going to recover from this."
"Hey," he said, stopping them. "It's gonna be fine. It'll get through it." She gave him a disbelieving look, though she wasn't sure he could see it. "Do you know how I know?"
Her hands fiddled with the back of his shirt where they were wrapped around his waist. "How?"
"Because it's so bright that it's one of the only things I can see right now."
She pressed her face into his chest. "All right. If you say so."
He rested a cheek on her head. "I do."
(Then, of course, there were the practical purposes.)
"Okay, I think I'm finally getting this," Percy said above her.
"Thank the gods."
He had been messing with her hair for about two hours now trying to figure out how to do a French braid. Without technology, his only resource was a book he found at the library, and it wasn't like Annabeth knew how to do it.
Though she may want to learn soon for the same reason Percy was. He was gonna have a little sister, one that, for all intents and purposes, would probably grow up with Annabeth as an older sister figure which was absolutely insane for her to think about. She technically had plenty of experience as a counselor and an actual older sister (though that qualification was debatable), but it was a whole other thing when it was Percy's baby sister.
It was very hard not to think of Silena, and even harder not to think of Thalia. If she was half the older sister to the new little girl that Silena and Thalia were to her, she would have succeeded.
But for now, she could help Percy learn to be a big brother.
(So maybe she did love her hair. Just a little bit.)
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yallllllllllllll if you want this to be a series pls lmk and alsooo should she forgive them and not write songs about them or should she??/
I just sat there.  Listening to them but i wasn't gonna bitch out and change my set, my set was awesome my 3 grammys tell me that 
Stage time
The crowd is filled with famous faces im more nervous about the team then the other celebs im surrounded me as i walk on stage they give a kind clap i decide to shake the team a little bit as i remember they have no idea i heard them 
‘’ ahh guys im so grateful to be here ’ as you guys know i made the song what was i made for, for the barbie movie which was amazing and i can talk about it for hours  
but i will try and make this quick i don’t wanna have you guys fall asleep mid song.’’
The team is in my direct eye of sight i see each and every one of their faces drop especially spencers 
The instrumental starts playing
I used to float, now I just fall down
I used to know but I'm not sure now
What I was made for
What was I made for?  
I take a short  pause during that pause i look at the team who still looks uneasy after my comment
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
Just something you paid for
What was I made for?
I think in my head “the songs almost over three more songs and you'll never have to see those assholes again.’’
Think I forgot how to be happy
Something I'm not, but something I can be
Something I wait for
Something I'm made for
Something I'm made for.
The audience claps, genuine claps the faces of happy celebs that enjoyed my performance buried the insecurity that my songs, my career wasn't good enough the team also claps i assume its because they don’t wanna look bitter.
“Today has been such a blessing thank you guys so much.’’
I leave the stage leaving to my dressing room
I knew Spencer would try to come and find me but i didn't think he'd bring the team too.
‘’Hey.’’ spencer says his team practically hiding behind him
“ hey’’ i say back what else can i say my mind i all over the place
‘’ you were outstanding out there everyone loved you, im proud’’
Hm. proud.
‘’Proud? Proud of me? Or your team for not falling asleep mid song.”
The room was so quiet you could hear a strand of hair drop.
‘’I would say it isn't what it sounded like but that wouldn't be true.”
His team is looking at each other figuring out if they should say something
The peppy girl garcia says something first, well she tries to
“ we owe you such-”
“No?” she says voice shaky
“You didn't say anything wrong matter of fact you were the only one who defended me, not even he did” I say as I point a finger at Spencer who just looks down in shame and guilt.
“Listen y/n you gotta understand we just want  what's best for reid-”
“Exactly’’ jj chimes in “it's nothing personal were just overprotective” she says with a nervous giggle
“Obviously we were immature and went way too far to attack your profession’’ emily says breaking her silence
Now, i'm a sensitive person i can’t help but choke up while trying to stick up for myself against 5 people 
“i..’ ‘ you can hear me about to cry i look down so i don’t have to see their pity faces 
Where did my confidence go why can’t i talk without crying
“I just wanted to impress you guys with this performance you guys were so cool and nice in my eyes”
They all look so guilty when they can literally hear the cry in my throat.
‘’And you” i say while looking at spencer ‘’ you made me feel like you understood me, understood my music, why i make music.’’ 
“I do!” spencer tries to defend 
‘’ no, or else you would have DEFENDED me instead of bitching out and agreeing with your friends’’
I have never been in a room this quiet
“Anyway i wanna get home and shower its been a long day’’
I get up to walk away and spencer tries to stop me but i pull away and grab my stuff and leave
Prove them right. Make a song about them.
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hhonghu · 1 year
I am resisting the urge to bombard you with sub yandere thirsts while you're working and will limit it to only one
Sub yandere Kabukimono
He has absolutely no idea what he's feeling or why he's feeling it, but he knows he really wants you to stay with him- maybe Niwa gives him a bit of encouragement and our lovely, naïve Kabukimono takes it the obsessive wrong way?
More of a general idea than a thirst, but I really really like it
hehehe don't be shy to share more anon >:) i'm happy to see my inbox from anyone and i love this idea of sub yandere kabukimono
oh, poor kabukimono.. he feels so conflicted! he doesn't understand what he's feeling in his chest, it frustrates him! he just love's you so much, it feels wrong when you pay attention to someone else. you have have him! you have him by your side, why do you look somewhere else? the frustration gets to him so much that even niwa notices it. he couldn't help but ask what was bothering him and kabukimono almost cries out. "niwa.. i'm so upset.. [name]..", "did they do something wrong?" kabukimono shakes his head, no no! you can never do anything wrong, it was just.. "niwa.. it's just i feel so sad.. i really love [name].. i want them by my side all the time, i don't want them to keep looking at anyone else.. niwa, what do i do?"
niwa felt pity on him, he guessed that kabukimono was just feeling overwhelmed for what he feels for you. "uh.. kabukimono listen, what you feel is normal for [name]. they love you back, don't they? they love you just as much you love them, there's no need to be insecure." but kabukimono shakes his head again, it is not enough. "niwa.. you don't understand.. this feeling.. i want them all for myself, there is no one else suited for them other than me. no one can compare to me, ever." niwa's eyes widen, kabukimono changed. but he shakes it away, chalking it up to his intense love for you.
"i'm sure that you're right, you don't worry about it much. they wouldn't confess their love for you if they didn't feel the same way. they know your worth to them, kabukimono and you've proven yourself that." niwa pats his back to add for comfort, "their yours, everyone knows that. if you want, you can ask [name] to prove it to you." niwa thinks that kabukimono just needed reassurance from you, afterall you were popular with people and he was just as a student learning a craft, so it was understandable that kabukimono would feel rather insignificant if there was other people next to you most of the time.
kabukimono thought for a second before agreeing with niwa. that's right, [name] could prove to me that i'm the only one for them and no one else. kabukimono thanked niwa and decided to come visit you tonight.
when night came, he set out to your home and knocked. he didn't tell you he was coming over so you assumed it was someone else and opened the door to reveal a seemingly desperate kabukimono and lett him in. "ah, darling, it's you. you should've—" you cut yourself off, feeling his body crashing into yours. you wrapped your arms around him before your back hits the ground making your groan in pain. "o-ow! darling, is something the matter?" he nuzzles his head to your chest and nods, pitiful sounds can be heard escaping his lips. you lay your head down on the floor and brought your hand to his head, carding through his hair with your fingers. "what's wrong?"
"[name].. i'm yours.. please.. i can't take it anymore... you can't have anyone else.. i—" he hiccups as pretty tears slide down his cheek, his hands roaming around your body and pawing at your shirt as if you'll disappear. you glace at him confused before cooing at him, how cute. "[na-name], please.. say i'm yours.. i belong to you.. that hic— there can't be anyone else, right?" his glossy eyes bore back into yours and you nod. "of course, there isn't anyone anyone else i want than you. i love you and you love me, don't you?" he nods, sniffling at your words. "you're mine. your heart, your mind, and your body is all mine. you're a smart boy, darling. you belong to me and no one else." you can feel him hump your thigh, not so subtly rocking his hips as you keep saying words of possession to him. kabukimono felt his entire feel warm, he needed to hear more. he wanted more of you to stake claim of him.
he sat up on your thighs and began to loosen his shirt, pulling it down to reveal his already hardened nipples. his hands grabs yours, slowly dragging until it reaches his chest, his fingers guiding your thumb to press on his hard nubs, making him moan. "i-it's not enough.. prove it.. play with me, [name]. do anything to me, please.." you stare in awe before smiling.
"of course, darling."
heheheeh yandere kabukimono innocently feeling sily to kill people bc they're a little too close to you lol. thank you anon for the food!! ^^
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
you haven't changed a bit.
do you ever think about what happened between us?
you look really good. i'm happy for you.
Donna Sheridan
you haven't changed a bit.
do you ever think about what happened between us?
you look really good. i'm happy for you.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
Tumblr media
"Where the hell did Laz put it? Jesus." You hissed quietly under your breath, back aching from the time you spent crouched or bent over searching for the damn bottle of whiskey Lazaros had hidden for his own personal use after his mother had forbidden him from drinking in front of customers, not that the bar got any, to begin with, given Lazaros... unique singing and Sophia's often stern nature. "Next time I see him, I'm gonna-"
"(Y/N)! I've been looking everywhere for you, boy! Come meet our new singer." Sophia's voice sliced through the air, demanding and attention-grabbing as always, prompting you to flinch and lift your head only to slam right into the underside of the counter.
"Ow, fuck-"
"Language, (Y/N)." Sophia tsked as you properly wiggled out from under the counter and straightened up, one hand rubbing the sore spot on the back of your head. You heaved a sigh and spun on your heel, eyes drifting over the rather empty bar while you made your way to the end of the counter and finally took in the new singer. 
And she seemed just as surprised as you.
"(Y/N)?" A breathless, surprised, and giddy laugh escaped her as her eyes widened into saucers, the jaw-dropped look almost comical. You stared back at her in silence, your mind trying to piece together how your spunky ex from college managed to find you on a semi-remote Greek island. Donna moved first, practically throwing herself over the counter to wrap her arms around your shoulders. "I can't believe you're here! In Kalokairi, of all places! I mean, I know you mentioned you wanted to travel around Greece but I never expected the first place I visited to be where you were staying!"
"You know each other?" Sophia questioned, one brow arched as she watched Donna wiggle off the counter and plant her feet firmly back on the floor. Donna nodded excitedly in return, brushing some of her loose curls away from her face and laughing again. 
"Yeah! We, uh.. dated briefly in college and then... (Y/N) graduated and..." Donna trailed off, her fingers toying with a ring on her hand. Her teeth dug down into her bottom lip, a dejected look briefly appearing in her eyes. "We broke off. Totally mutual." She assured Sophia with a forceful laugh and you winced when you caught the squinty-eyed look Sophia shot your way.
"Good, good. This means you'll get along, right? That's good." Sophia pursed her lips, the look in her eye telling you that you'd receive an earful later. Donna had a way of making people like her, making them care for her. It seemed her charms even wormed their way into the stern, always straight-faced Sophia. "Feel free to warm up on the stage. I'm sure my son is... somewhere around here." 
"Oh, Laz went to see if Korianna would take him back. Again. With the whole band." 
"Ugh, God," Sophia sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose and heading toward the back doors to retrieve her son from his ex's porch again. You watched her go, withholding the urge to snort until she was out of earshot and out the door. Turning back to Donna, you licked your lips and cleared your throat.
"Uhm... I'm sure you know your way around here. The band will be back soon but, as Sophia said, you can warm up in the meantime. I'm sure you'll bring in customers without them, though." You offered her a smile and glanced over your shoulder, eyeing the selection of drinks you could offer her. "Do you want a beer? Wine? Ouzo?"
"Maybe later." Donna dismissed with a wave of her hand, her brown eyes slowly raking over you. "You... you look really good. I'm happy for you. I never thought I'd find you here. I thought you'd be putting that law degree into use in Greece, not working in a bar in the middle of the ocean. What- What do your parents think about it?"
"And you haven't changed a bit." It was comforting, at the very least, to know Donna hadn't changed her spunky, adventurous nature despite the time that'd passed. She still sported her typical vibrant, almost hippie-esque clothes and was still a singer. She'd always performed wherever they let her back when you'd been attending Oxford. England, Bristol, Reading. At any place in dire need of entertainment, Donna and the Dynamos would show up and show out. "What does the Ruby Sheridan think of her daughter coming to a small, basically unknown island to sing for the locals? This isn't Las Vegas, you know." 
"Well, she doesn't think anything of it 'cause she doesn't know. Like always, she didn't bother showing up to my graduation." Donna rolled her eyes, head shaking slightly, but you caught the hurt that appeared on her face. Despite every complaint, every huff and puff, and insult she threw at her mother, Donna never stopped caring or hoping for Ruby to turn a loving eye toward her. "I went to Paris, you know. Sang there a night or two but something was telling me to come here... to come to you, I guess."
"Maybe if I'd said Spain instead of Greece, that something would've pulled you to Ibiza or Tenerife."
"Maybe," Donna repeated softly, bracing her arms against the counter, her curls tumbling over her shoulders and framing her face perfectly. She traced random shapes into the wood with her fingertip, eyes jumping between looking at you and staring at the counter. "Do... do you ever think about what happened between us? Two years is a long time. Longest relationship I've ever been in."
You pursed your lips and sighed, leaning against the counter and crossing your arms over your chest, head tilting toward some of the fishermen stepping into the bar for their evening beer before they headed back out into the water. You acknowledged them with a nod and fixed up their usual drinks, feeling Donna's eyes locked on your every move. You returned once finished and finally looked her back in the eye. "Sometimes. I- I don't really know what to make of it, Donna. My parents always said it was some whirlwind thing that wouldn't last in 'the real world' and your friends always said it was fated. I was... confused, I guess. I told my family I needed a break and heard of this island when I was in Chania so I came here, found a job and a place to live." 
"I just wished you would've waited for me. You know I would've said yes to traveling, to anything, with you." 
"I'm sorry." You apologized softly, reaching out to curl your fingers around her arm gently. "I'm glad you're here, though. I think you'll really like this place."
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hihiitscai · 2 years
Dimension 20 moments that have hit me right where it hurts (spoilers ahoy):
Fantasy High
"My parents just left and I don't know where they are"
"Having panic attacks? That is not a character flaw, you understand?"
"I do not know why I was so easy to discard"
"Will you be my big sister? I'd really like for you to be my big sister"
"In the same way that your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. If you choose to care, it cares. If you don't, it doesn't"
"It's Gorgug, keep going"
Unsleeping City
"You can't take other peoples' reality away to be real
"You come for my family, you come for my friends, I will drop you"
"I am faithful! I was faithful! I would have continued to be faithful!"
"You know, just kind of when you're already in a shame spiral and then people are good to you, it almost stings a little bit worse"
"I owe you an explanation, and an apology"
"You're not done yet, kid"
"Hey, I want you all to meet Langston Brown"
“My love—for you are my love, my one true love: you don’t need to enter, because you are already here. You do not need to become real, because you already are”
“American dreams change”
Crown of Candy
"Don't let them kill me" "I will die before they kill you"
"My last wish is for you to come home"
"Bring her back!"
"Hello, Liam"
"You can be my sister or you can be my queen but I cannot give you both"
"Even something as primal as a dragon can be changed by the wish for a better world"
“I misjudged you, chancellor.” “Oh, shut up”
Misfits and Magic
"I have the best friends...nothing I'm ever gonna do is worth endangering any of that"
"You're not GOING anywhere!"
A Court of Fey and Flowers
“You’re more than just a goblin”
“They’re good things to me”
“Thank you for allowing me to see you. It is an honor that I will never disgrace”
“He turns to join the goblins, and in that moment, knows himself a coward”
“Thank you for seeing me”
“You guys are alive, and there’s nothing wrong with that”
“If you are orphaned then so am I, and you will never know a lonely day again, not while I draw breath”
Mice and Murder
“You being duped is the only lie I can’t believe”
“I forgive you”
“I’ve never truly been in love”
“I will not change for you so you may as well just give me up”
The Seven
“Thanks for showing up”
“I don’t know what I might do to try to get in”
"If I was so dead, where was my funeral?! Where’s my headstone?"
“But when you’re gone, I don’t really know what I’m supposed to be fighting for”
“It’s only gotten harder to make friends, now”
“It is as painful to lose as it is wonderful to have”
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daisyvisions · 1 year
A Promise Is A Promise… - (k.yh)
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‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), enemies-to-lovers (ish?), fondling with tits, nipple play, tit sucking, thigh riding, pet name (sweetheart), act is consented
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word count: 1.4K
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: Here you go, this is me entering my Younghoon era 🙃 Also, this fic is heavily focused on the mention of breasts but size in particular is not mentioned (I hope? I'm sorry if it does!). This was supposed to be a blurb but I got carried away so enjoy haha 😭
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“Show me your tits…”
“I'm sorry, what?”
You looked at him in disbelief. Your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised all the way to your hairline. Did he just say that?
“I said, show me your tits.” He reiterated.
“And why the fuck would I show you my tits?! Are you insane?!”
Younghoon just smirked at how you were reacting to his demand. “That's because you owe me one, remember?”
“No, I don't.” You scoffed. The nerve of this guy.
Amused by your demeanor, Younghoon takes calculated steps towards you and mirrors your current pose. He places his hand on your shoulder and bends down to your eye level.
“Really? Let me refresh your memory then, sweetheart. Didn't you say you'd do anything I wanted after I got you out of that mess last Tuesday? Where you almost could've gotten suspended if only I didn't show up and save your ass?”
Fuck…he's right.
Your flaring cheeks go unnoticed by Younghoon, who's completely reveling in the moment. To have you completely bend to his will. If only he could record this moment and watch it over and over again.
“But-but I-” you stammer, your heart slowly pounding knowing there's no way out of this.
“Oh yes, remember now? So… shirt off!” His smile widening from ear to ear.
“Can't I just give you a kiss on the cheek or buy you something? Please anything but…that.” You couldn't look at him in the eye at this point. Had it been some other guy, you would've instantly flashed your tits at them.
But Younghoon? You would rather die.
“No can do. I wanna see your tits…. now.” He demanded.
“FINE! “You throw your arms up as you turn around and stomp to sit on his bed. You immediately tug on the hem of your shirt and lift the article of clothing off your body, leaving you with your favorite colored lace bra.
“There… happy? Like what you see?” You ask with a snarky tone, but you feel your confidence slowly deteriorating as he says nothing and just looks at you in the eye.
Younghoon briefly chuckles to himself for a moment and sits down, manspreading on the armchair across from the bed.
There's an awkward air between you two. The way he's looking at you is making you feel nervous and… tingly? Before you could even ask what's next, he speaks.
“Come here.” He utters as you absentmindedly follow his command.
You stand between his legs as he looks up at you with a look you can't really understand.
“Remove the bra.”
“I said… remove. the. bra.” His tone becoming more stern.
“You promised, remember? Or do you want me to do it for you?” He smirks.
Without realizing it, you nod at his question, only snapping back into reality as you feel his warm hands pulling your waist closer to him to reach the hook of your bra behind you.
You both watch the straps loosen around your shoulders as the whole bra slowly peels off from your body until your chest is completely bare to him. Your breasts falling naturally to their position after being constrained.
His face is mere inches away from your soft skin. Your cheeks start flaring up even more than they were earlier as he continues to stare at the sight in front of him.
“Fffuuccckkkkk…” He drags out every letter of the word, staring at your tits like they were the eighth wonder of the world.
You feel your hands getting clammy, knots slowly forming at the pit of your stomach. You've never seen him stare like this before.
Sure, death stares from across the room and side glances were common between the two of you. But this? This was something entirely new.
“Okaayyy I think we're done her-” You suddenly squeal as Younghoon grabs your waist and pulls you to sit on his lap, making you land on his thigh.
“Ah ah ah.” He waves his index finger in front of you. “We're not done here, sweetheart.” His hands slowly moving up towards under your breasts, you feel the rough pads of his fingers deliciously graze your skin.
Before continuing, he looks up at you for reassurance to what he's hinting at and you nod in response. Younghoon may be an asshole, but he needs to make sure you're okay with this too.
His hands move to slowly grasp the flesh of your tits, letting out a sigh of content before he starts fondling with them.
At first, he gives your tits a light squeeze, seeing his fingers make an indent to your skin. The slow movements making your spine shiver and your core grow warm. He continues to knead your breasts until his thumbs fiddle with your hardened nipples.
You bite your lip, refraining from letting out a soft whimper nesting in your throat. But Younghoon sees right through you and continues to flick your nipples with his thumbs faster.
“You're so pretty…” he mutters under his breath, watching his hands groping and kneading at your chest.
The movements of his hand start to get to you as you feel your core dampening with your slick. You try not to think about it too much, but Younghoon is ten steps ahead of you. He feels the warmth blooming down at your cunt against his thigh.
He bounces his leg once to cause friction to your core, watching you try to keep it together miserably.
“Shit I can't take it anymore.” He suddenly says before diving his mouth straight to your nipple, licking your sensitive bud like an animal. His other hand rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
Very faint whimpers of pleasure start to spill out of your mouth the more he keeps on giving attention to your breasts like this. Sucking and licking your nipples like his life depended on it.
You hear the rumble of his groans vibrating against your skin, the front of your panties becoming even more wet than it was earlier on.
Younghoon is living his best life right now. Sucking the tits of the girl that drives him insane (in more ways than one). His cock practically throbbing and aching to be set free, but he pushes his own pleasure aside for now to focus on his current actions.
A litter of red marks appear across your chest as he sucks hickies on your sensitive skin, marking you for the next person to see and well…. as a reminder for you when you look at yourself in the mirror.
A reminder of this moment with him.
All the sensations coursing through your body were making your head get foggy to the point you didn't even realize you were already rolling your hips, grinding your core against Younghoon's thigh.
“That's it, sweetheart, use me. Get off on me.” he mumbles against your skin. You listen to him instinctively, increasing the pace of your hips.
You start to feel a knot tightening in your abdomen, continuing to roll your hips as you chase that sweet release.
“Y-younghoo- I'm gonna cum…” you whine. You feel his hands grip your hips and drag them against his thigh as he helps you get closer to your high.
“Cum for me… I wanna see your pretty face when you do- shit” he looks up at you, keeping his gaze on your face.
Your mouth starts forming an “o” and suddenly the knot inside your abdomen snaps, making you clench your thighs against Younghoon's thigh. Your head falls instantly against his shoulder as you let out a string of moans.
You stay in that position, trying to catch your breath as Younghoon rubs his hands on your back, soothing you from your high.
As you lift your head off from his shoulders, your eyes meet his. You both look at each other for a moment until you start to feel nervous again from his gaze.
“So… we good?” you awkwardly ask.
He smirks as he lets out a chuckle before tucking the loose strand of hair behind your ear and moves to hold your chin up with his fingers,
“Just perfect.”
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