#i am v happy about spending nearly 2 years together with him
lilacslovers · 2 years
lilakuwa 2nd anniversary tomorrow ... <3
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eclecticvalor · 3 years
7 Things I experience as a DID System. Mental Health Awareness Month.
In light of May being America’s mental health awareness month, I wanted to talk about something that has consumed my entire life for the past year and a half: Treatment and healing from a disorder that is stigmatised into the ground by poor representation and misunderstandings both socially and in the medical field. Those who are close to me know first hand how my symptoms and experiences have shaped the way I interact with the world since starting treatment, but aside from my closest friends and family, and the people I live with, I don’t normally talk about the fact that I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and what that means to me. 
Hi. My name is Atlas, some people call me Cadyn, and I am the primary host of 26 fragmented parts of my consciousness. I am not dangerous, none of my parts or alters are dangerous, and no, it is not like “Split”. 
Dissociative Identity Disorder is a trauma based dissociative disorder listed in both the DSM IV and V,  and is recognized as an uncommon disorder characterized by two or more distinct personality states existing within the same consciousness. These personality states come to be when natural childhood development is disrupted by severe, continued, or repetitive, trauma, the child has a natural inclination towards heavy dissociation, and a lack of adult or parental support to develop the means to cope with the things happening to them.
Unfortunately popular mental health media has seen an uptake in people viewing DID as a quirky “trait”, the ability to have functional imaginary friends living in your head... but in reality DID is a lot darker, a lot scarier, and isn’t something I’d wish upon my worst enemy. Because of this media spike I wanted to share 7 things that living with Dissociative identity disorder means to me
1. Amnesia
Living with DID means that I miss out on a lot of my life. A primary symptom of DID is amnesia. I have no solid memories before the age of 13, and the memories I do have are often skewed, incorrect, or completely false as my brain fought for a way to fill in gaps and cope with the loss of memory. I forget a lot, and not just things like forgetting where I left my wallet and keys, or forgetting the day - those do happen, but I also mean forgetting big things, important life experiences and things I wish with all my being that I could remember like my highschool graduation and my wedding reception. 
I often forget important day to day things that make it difficult to maintain life as an adult, like doctors appointments, work schedules, meetings, and important daily tasks. I’ll forget that I’ve eaten at all that day and risk going days without eating, or overeating due to having no recollection of the last time I’d eaten. I forget birthdays (especially my own), anniversaries, and important holidays. 
To an outsider, who has no idea what’s happening inside my head, this can come across as though I’m thoughtless or unreliable. That I am cold for forgetting an important date, or simply that I just don’t care when this very much is not the case. 
2. Alienation
Oftentimes DID comes with a sense of alienation from people who you’re supposed to know. For me a really clear example of this is when I previously mentioned my childhood memories being skewed - I have a clear memory of a conversation I was having with some blood relatives a few years back in which I mentioned that one family member I had happy childhood memories of, and remembered playing together as kids, but with another family member they were practically a stranger to me. I had, and still have, no memories of ever spending time with them growing up, no memories of having any kind of relationship with them at all. My understanding of our relationship was that it was “forced” because we were family and our parents expected us to exist in the same space as we grew up, but that we never talked. But I was informed by a separate member of the family that I was very wrong, and this “stranger” was actually someone I had been close to growing up. This is a common experience with DID patients, and also a very frustrating one. It creates feelings of “You know me but I don’t know you”, and it’s extremely difficult to trust your own judgement of the people you know, because you often can’t tell if your judgement is skewed by your memories or lack thereof. 
3. PTSD and Flashbacks
A diagnosis of C-PTSD (Or complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is required for a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder. This means that while the individual symptoms of DID can be frustrating, scary and sometimes depressing, the most difficult aspect of DID, and the most important to focus on in treatment is the PTSD symptoms. 
PTSD symptoms in DID can be extremely powerful due to the additional dissociative aspect. This can mean that for a lot of DID patients, flashbacks can produce full blown body sensations, hallucinations and terrifying delusions. This is One thing that I find incredibly difficult to talk about, but I also believe is extremely important to understand. It can be embarrassing, shameful and while I only speak for myself in saying this, can cause a lot of guilt and grief. There have been times where I have been experiencing powerful flashbacks and did not recognize my own husband, resulting in lash outs and fear towards him being delusioned into thinking that he was out to hurt me, or had harmful intent for just existing in the same space as I was. 
For me, a single wiff of a familiar smell, hearing a sound, a certain color, an idea, a name, a passing thought or comment can throw my previously stable mental state into one of pure panic, hyperventilation, hallucination, delusion, fight-flight-freeze and reactionary responses. Through treatment I’ve developed adaptive and healthy coping skills and management responses but trauma responses can be so quick, and so unexpected that I don’t always have time to process my coping skills before my body and mind respond in negative ways. 
4. Decision making and skewed Behavior
Because living with DID, means living with a shared or fragmented consciousness, this often means that while I may not remember, my life is still being lived during my time of memory loss. Alters or parts will take control and operate my body, reacting to things, interacting with people, completing tasks and functioning. But oftentimes parts who take control are very different from myself, and make choices and decisions that I wouldn’t normally make, and sometimes decisions I wouldn’t *ever* make. An example of this is the fact that technically I am a conservative voter, despite myself as an individual having leftist or NDP views, or decisions to leave or apply for jobs and work positions that I have no interest in, or that I don’t even have the qualifications or physique to do, or leaving ones that I personally loved and excelled at. This also reflects a lot in everyday life in more subtle things, decisions like what food to eat, things to buy, activities to do shift between parts while they’re in control. 
To outsiders this can look a lot like impulsivity, lack of self-control, or lack of a sense of identity. This is a huge reason why a lot of DID patients are often misdiagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar Disorder because the behaviour between alters can be so drastically different that it can look a *lot* like manic or depressive states. 
5. Denial and Dismissing Trauma
A very common experience among DID patients is denial and being dismissive or disregarding the things that happened to them. I often find myself in a state of questioning whether my symptoms, my disorder, and even my trauma were ever real to begin with. In therapy I find myself saying “It’s not that big of a deal” or “It wasn’t that big of a deal” more times than I’m actually saying anything productive. A huge part of this is why I wanted to make this list, because the media, and a lot of medical circles deny that DID exists or believe it’s impossibly rare and those, while both false, can cause intense feelings of “Maybe I’m just doing this for attention”. DID is a very real, very difficult disorder to diagnose, to treat, and to live with disorder, and while it is uncommon, statistics show that approximately 1-2% of western population is diagnosed, and up to a suspected 7% are living with the disorder undiagnosed because of these misconceptions. It is not common, and it’s not something that everyone is going to have, but it is a very possible response to very real trauma and is a valid diagnosis to give to those meeting the criteria. 
6. Hidden Symptoms
DID is often referred to as a “covert” presenting disorder. What this means is that most commonly outsiders, friends, family, employers and even the patient themselves can have a nearly impossible time recognizing the symptoms, and it often goes unnoticed until an event destabilizes the function of the person’s life. This can lead to a lot of backlash or denial coming from peers and family close to the person. This leads to the patient hearing a lot of:  “I’ve never noticed personality changes”, “You don’t act like you have it”, “You couldn’t possibly have that”, “No, I would have noticed”, “You have to be mistaken”, “There’s no way, it would have been obvious”. And so, so much more. The reality of DID is that it’s *not* noticeable. It’s a safety response that the brain created to protect the psyche from the intense damages that come with long term trauma experiences, so it’s often designed to hide itself from abusers or perceived threats as a way to compartmentalize trauma memories and maintain the ability to survive through stress and unstable situations. Not being able to “notice” is kind of the point in most cases.
 7. Wandering and Dissociative Episodes
Living with untreated or unmanaged DID can potentially be dangerous due to episodes of dissociation, “wandering” experiences (where the patient will wander away from home, family, or life in a confusion, attempt to return to a perceived life never lived, or in a state of belief that their current life is unsafe). For me this took a head last year, and was actually an event that led to the solidification that this disorder was the explanation to my experiences. According to nurses and my husband, I had wandered into the emergency room of a hospital in the middle of the night, with no idea who or where I was, with no idea how to return home, or even where home was. I was wearing a t-shirt, and it had been raining, and my body was so cold they needed to retake my vitals nearly 6 times because they were unable to get an appropriate reading. After discovering my identity, my husband was called to take me home. Working with a therapist helped to develop a safety plan during events like this to prevent harm from coming to my body, or from ending up in newly traumatic environments, but I was lucky. These situations can lead to re-traumatization, victimization, it can lead to kidnapping, assault, it can lead to being injured or harmed by environmental factors and so much more and it is so incredibly important that DID patients work with their therapist to develop solid safety plans proactively to make sure that the patient doesn’t experience any worst case scenarios during episodes like this. 
My experiences are individual to me, and to my psyche. Not everyone will experience the disorder the same way, because not everyone experiences or responds to trauma the same way. I am so lucky, and extremely privileged to be able to access consistent care and treatment, that I found a professional who trusts me, and is focused on stabilizing and supporting. Too many people living with this disorder have no access to supportive mental health care because of the misconceptions that parts of the medical field hold regarding the legitimacy or frequency that the disorder develops, and too many peers and circles of people outcast or disregard the very real, very difficult experiences because they don’t understand the disorder, or believe it doesn’t exist, or believe it looks like split. If you, or someone you know is struggling with Dissociative symptoms, or dissociative identity disorder do not be afraid to reach out to a professional for support, and educate yourself on the reality of the disorder. 
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windsweptlassie · 3 years
On Love
So as you know I made this uquiz with an open-ended question at the end, tell me something about love, and I’ve gotten the most wonderful responses! They range from descriptions of wonderful partners: 
Lauren: oh, how long I went without being myself until I met him and he showed me who I truly was and that my worth was higher than I ever thought was possible
Levi: I love who we are with each other. I love who I am with you. In your company I am me. In your company I am the best of me. The best with the best, I've told you. I wouldn't give you up for anything
Daniel: i fell in love for the first time when i was 17... at the time, i didn’t realize it was the first time, i thought i’d been in love before, a couple times actually, but falling in love at 17 was such a fulfilling experience, it felt so forceful yet so right. it’s when i first truly understood what love was. never before had i felt so understood and so cared for as i did when i was in love with her, and she was in love with me. it’s been nearly 4 years since then, and nearly 3 years since we broke up and stopped talking, and still, i think about her almost every day. i’ve never known anyone like her; to me, she was love itself.
El: oh i’m in love with everyone that i know op!!! especially my girlfriend, of course ,but also my friends and my family and random people on the street and uh
Grace: i’ve met my soulmate and we plan on getting an apartment and marrying after college
A: I’m going to ask the woman I love to marry me and I just wanted to tell someone because I am so excited
Jeremy: you ever have that feeling where basically after years of denying that someone couldnt understand you in a way or love you and then the next thing you know you happen to find that person and its just great from then on out? idk how to explain it anyways I love my boyfriend so much he means the world to me
Lucy: i am so happy i have found the one i love
to descriptions of best friends and favorite people:
Nightbyrd: Love is a hug from an alzheimer's patient who hasn't the foggiest idea who you are, but they know you're worth hugging.
H: I have been doing so much yoga with my roommate recently!! It's a great way to center my mind for an hour
Riv: [platonic] i’ve literally never met anyone who understands me in the way that my best friends do. they’re literally the best people in the whole world and i genuinely don’t know what i’d do without them. i love them with my whole heart
Cillian: when i talk about how much i love my best friend i get so teary eyed because i cant believe that such a genuinely wonderful person wants to speak to me every day - i care for her more than anyone else on this planet
O: my two besties are my sources of happiness and they’re so pretty i would die for them :D
to beautiful quotes:
Kai: "you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." DARCYYYY PLS MY HEART CANT HANDLW THIS PAIN
Dorian: When the plane went down in San Francisco, I thought of my friend M. He’s obsessed with plane crashes. He memorizes the wrecked metal details, ____the clear cool skies cut by black scars of smoke. Once, while driving, he told me about all the crashes: The one in blue Kentucky, in yellow Iowa. How people go on, and how people don’t. It was almost a year before I learned that his brother was a pilot. I can’t help it, I love the way men love. (accident report in the tall, tall weeds- ada limon, bright dead things)
Adam: every day I think about lemony snicket I will love you if I never see you again I will love you if I see you every Tuesday or however it goes. and it KILLS ME. love only fits in small things
Hero: “Your heart beats in my ribs and mine in yours, and both in God’s… The divine magnet is in you, and my magnet responds.” - Herman Melville to Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mary: "Love is watching someone die."
Alex: "meet me at blue diner, i'll take coffee and talk about nothing baby"
Sparrow: "How dare you love me like you've never known fear?" and "For you, the world," and "Darling, I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades," and "Will you start where I end?"
V: " You want to die for love. You always have. " and "someone will remember us, I say, even in another time" are living rent free in my mind 24/7 and I'm shaking. When will I finally be not the only one falling ?
Sahar K: To love another person is to see the face of god!!!
Miriam: all the love in the world is useless when there is total lack of understanding- kafka
Juls: Don’t you think they are maybe the same? Love and attention
to practices of love:
Leo; i love feeling happy bc somebody that i love is happy and comfortable....like its not about me i just love seeing you smile. we are safe together...idk i just feel it bro
A: I like to think love is leaning on each other during the light or dark days. Its a personal mission of mine to find out who I am and what I want. Yet I never seem to find my place in this world and as I look and look , I realise the only place I can be myself even with or without the efforts to find myself was done on that day or not, I am always tired so shall I lean on you? And you can lean on me as well. I shall be your fig tree and you shall be my favourite willow tree.
L: It's too late at night to be soul searching, but it's a journey we all seem to find ourselves on these days.
Anthi: feeling safe and at home, I guess (also I love frogs)
Julia: ive found that loving someone is like becoming your own thesaurus. you have to find or come up with infinite ways to say, you’re beautiful, or, i love you. it’s a gift
Galexies: ive been writing letters to the person i'd love one day since i was 14. i write them in a little journal usually, but i've been digitizing them into emails and sending them to one account that i'll give to them someday. i'd like to put pictures, but i haven't been outside much recently so theres that. i wonder if they'd like the sunsets i have on file, or if they'd find my cat cute in a bowtie.
Caeles: Love is sharing fruit slices and making someone tea at random
Dundy: Love is sending your friends cursed shit and watching them react in horror
to crushes and potential loves: 
Jess: I have a crush on my roommate. It sucks, but it's also wonderful. I get to be around him all the time when we're at school. we share a life together; it's rather domestic. I think a lot about marrying him and being domestic with him forever. It won't happen, and I'll move on eventually, but I'll be happy with him for as long as I can. I hope you feel loved tonight, because you are. Sleep well.
Aki: I so desperately want to believe that love is fake because I’ve seen what happens when loved ones leave but whenever I start to convince myself that I’ll never love anyone my best friend messages me telling me she loves me. She’s the only person I’ve ever pictured having a future with but love scares me and I don’t really know what to do but I think as long as she’s with me in some way, I’ll be fine
Hi: her her i keep thinking abt her.... gonna see her in 8 days or so i really miss her. its ok if shes never gonna love me like i want her to really being her friend spending time with her makes me the happiest girl on earth.... outsold antidepressants
Kit: this guy i have a crush on has hypnotically dark brown eyes and he's wonderful and shows me kindness like no one else
Juno: my crush has all the stars in his eyes
Mads: When I have the courage to meet my eyes with hers, the world stands still
Be Nice To Me: Look bro I never do these but I am yearning to hold them SO badly right now and someone needs to know it besides me
to the trials of love: 
Pppppp: I just wanna love like from the movies and what I read about.. but everyone tells me that that’s fictional and rare to find in the real world and it sucks bc it seems like all the guys I’ve met are terrible and the norms of society are all about not respecting women and uthdjdjdk
Manny: I have been in love before and I will be again but I’m not now and I miss it
Ok: I don't think I've ever been in love, though I love many people. I am waiting for the day I look at someone and can say, YES. IT'S YOU.
Chloe: idk rn i'm like okay with my love and i'm happy so we'll see i'm just a little cautious rn bc my last partner told me i didn't know how to love
L: love is so fucking complicated I don't even know where to start
Corrin: He’s not real and it worried me that I will never allow myself to live or be loved because I will always be waiting for him
Sean: Good luck it dont exist
Serena: i want 2 b in love :(( </3
13: I don’t know anymore
M: I just really don’t like dealing with it lol
to beloved characters: 
Janaya: I’m madly in love with my comfort and kin character and I hope maybe in the afterlife I can relive a life with him in some sort of dimension
Jhgjdf: when i was a kid i had a crush on ash ketchum from pokemon and id always daydream about being a female pkmn trainer and meeting him and we fall in love
to advice and prose: 
Mikolai: Love is earth, gentle and soft at first flight but upon being broken, drowns you in the dry choking wastes of its consequences...
Thex: Your hands will not go cold without someone to hold them. I am here. I will be here.
Kat: it is the nearest proof to god that i find myself surrounded by people who love in a way that complements so wonderfully the way i love
H: believe in love out of spite believe in love to prove everyone wrong believe in love because you were told not to and we will not do what we’re told anymore believe in love because it’s the strongest act of teenage rebellion we have left believe in love because it’s easier not to and when is easy worth doing? believe in love because everything says otherwise but you are untouchable, you are your own, you are not made by their design believe in love because, perhaps, you are love
Ali: I used to want a kind of love that feels like coming home and now I want nothing more than to be away from home on many different adventures
Em: you dont need to love yourself to accept it from others
to the small, the simple, and the sweet:
Ireal: Poems
O: Flowers
Fay: ah im sorry that i’m feeling unmotivated but you are very kind.
Ad: we love LOVE
A: <3
Isak: small things
H: intense
Hey: Listening to a clock ticking away
S: her
E: <3
Hania: Amorous, I adore that word ^^
Catboy: wholesome
J: i love love so much it hurts
Emmy: hi i love the song darkest of discos!! try and give it a listen!! <3
Nora: Love is painful, but most of the time love is great
Ariel: i like the comfort it can bring
M: i love love
to food!
Cool Whip: Matzoh ball soup!!
Woop: I love sausages.... I hope that's ok with you?
and animals too <3
Nee: hmm i have pet geckos and i love them very much!
96: raccoons ????
DJ Big Penis: cats
:3: I Love frogs,,, love is stored in the frog,,,
I hope that this serves as a sweet compilation of what love means! Love to all of you, it warms my heart so much to hear about your people and your geckos and your characters and soup and all the songs and quotes you love. <3 Strength to all of you who are figuring out to do about your feelings for your crush, and congratulations to you who are proposing or moving in with your person! Your words are a source of light to me, truly.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about requests! :) could I get some BOB head cannons of what it’s like to date them while also being is easy company? :)
I’m so so SO sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it 🤞🏻also, I couldn’t do all of them because school has been keeping me very busy. If you want to send another request, and i’ll do more for you when I have time 💕 Enjoy!
Dick Winters
generally very private about his relationship
mom and dad™ of easy co. 
 i want to say that he puts you on his team during missions, but i feel like he thinks it’s unprofessional 
so he probably puts you on a team with someone he trusts and that he knows won’t take unnecessary risks *cough cough* Speirs *cough cough* 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t get worried though 
give this man a massage please, he’s stressed af  
you’d never want to jeopardize his position though, so you’re generally okay with it 
however, sometimes you get a little lonely 
Dick notices this and tries to clear out a slot in his schedule in order to spend some quality time with you 
treats you like any of the other men, except when you’re alone
king of stolen kisses behind crumbling walls before a battle
very healthy relationship overall 12/10 would be an amazing father 
secretly wants to get married when the war is over 
i’m not saying he definitely proposed on V-E Day but he definitely did it 
cries at the wedding, especially since it’s been so long since he’s seen you all dolled up because of the war 
also cries because he’s finally getting to marry the love of his life 
drunkenly told Nix at his bachelor party about how amazing you would look at your wedding and then went on and on about the specific shade of your eyes
S I M P 
Nix never lets him forget it 
Lewis Nixon
this man 
let’s be for real here 
he has NO idea how to display affection at all, especially because of his past 
so he does what any rich boy would do 
showers you in gifts that you don’t need 
it’s not that you’re ungrateful for them, you just wish he would understand that you don’t love him for his money 
i feel like everyone forgets that he’s lowkey rich 
can’t relate Nix
he will buy you anything he sees you look at for more than a second
always has them delivered by some random Private 
the men tease you RELENTLESSLY for it 
“hey Y/N, what did that overflowing wallet buy you this week?”
“Shut up Tab”
is always worried about you 
especially since he usually isn’t on the battlefield since he moved to staff
you’re fine 
you can definitely handle yourself after Sobel’s training what a fucking dick
takes you out on small simple dates when you guys actually have weekend passes 
the guys always help you get ready for your dates (they see you as a little sister it’s really cute) 
Ron Speirs 
this man 
oh wow 
the flavor 
never really got to see you until Dog Co. was basically absorbed by Easy Co. 
definitely thinks he’s not good enough for you 
when you first introduced the Easy Co. men to him, they thought the exact same thing (they changed their minds after a while though) 
P L E A S E 
secretly is a cuddle monster
will 100% sneak into your foxhole to cuddle and will slit anyone’s throat that mentions it 
this man has arms and legs like an octopus when it comes to cuddling 
will pull you back into his arms even if you need to use the bathroom and will not be letting go 
steals you pretty things for absolutely no reason (Ron, no) 
the man is like a freakin magpie
the men of Easy Co. grow to like him more when they realize how happy he makes you and how he doesn’t hurt you 
he actually values their opinion on your relationship a lot
he knows Easy is like family and you’re like the younger sister 
doesn’t show it though 
pushes you away when he feels insecure 
surprisingly domestic 
Carwood Lipton 
wholesome but to the max™
you’re both so in love i feel like i’m going to throw up rainbows
signed up for the paratroopers together
i feel like Carwood is the type of person to marry his high school sweetheart 
so yeah, you guys are that™ couple
best aunt and uncle of easy co. 
Lip worries about you just a littleee more than the other men 
he’s just a worry wart in general 
almost threw hands with Sobel once when Sobel insulted you 
he will not stand for anyone insulting his gal 
isn’t as private as Dick is with his relationship, but is known to hide it from superior officers other than Nix and Winters
aka Sobel
was 100% willing to get kicked out of the infantry to defend you from Sobel 
thinks a lot about how good of a mom you’d be, especially when he sees you caring for the men
is also a cuddler, though not nearly as clingy as Ron
just a loose arm to tuck you into his side, especially during Bastogne 
prefers having you on his team, not only because he cares about you, but also because he admires your skill and accuracy 
you’re a damn good shot, and he’d scream it from a mountain for all to hear 
so proud of his gal 
George Luz
you’re either the jokester and the stoic couple, the shy kid and the jokester couple, or the jokester and the jokester couple 
there’s no in between 
cracks terrible jokes just to see you smile 
still tries pick up lines even AFTER you two are dating (even the guys shake their heads)
you two are the entertainment for easy co. let me tell you 
you’re also the only person that can get George to shut up 
you must thank him in kisses he takes no other currency 
clingy baby™
it’s like dating a 12 year old boy sometimes 
he can be so immature but it’s kind of endearing at times
everyone is immediately accepting of your relationship because it just makes sense and you’re both good for each other
wants a hug and a kiss even if you’re just leaving the dining hall to go to the bathroom 
just give the man what he wants or he’ll pout all day until you kiss his cheek 
you guys once had a match of how long you could ignore each other once 
he was surprisingly dedicated 
but he broke 
he snapped like a twig after everyone went to sleep
he dived into your foxhole and begged you to talk to him
he kept snuggling closer to you until you talked to him again
Joe Toye 
rough on the outside, soft on the inside  
brings you flowers when he asks you out (surprisingly very traditional and respectful when he asks you out)
everyone has a good time when Toye is with you, he loosens up a lot more 
loves when you pet his hair and he can just stare up at the stars while laying in your lap 
he’s just as bad as Speirs when it comes to cuddling 
a cuddle bug but won’t admit it 
actually might be worse than Speirs when it comes to cuddling because he can actually sneak into your bunk while you’re sleeping 
also wants to fight Sobel when Sobel insults you and actually almost threw hands 
he almost got court martialed and was 2 steps away from getting up in Sobel’s face before Guarnere and Luz stopped him
hands down the dumbest thing he has ever done 
you were so mad at him for it 
you didn’t talk to him for a week 
you felt bad because he was always giving you those puppy dog eyes from across the dining hall 
Joe gets teased by the guys for being sweet on you  
“at least I got a broad! the rest of ya’ can’t really say that much.”
will not hesitate to let you win during arm wrestling 
he’s not allowed to arm wrestle with you anymore because the guys know he’s just letting you win 
you’re his #1 fan during arm wrestling 
look at those arms tho
Joe  Liebgott   
y’all thought Toye was soft 
the way Joe acts around you is definitely bullying material for the other guys 
Lieb drinks respect women juice 
thinks you’re so cool 
would probably walk up to random people and be like “that’s her. she’s my girlfriend. can you believe how lucky i am?” 
thinks it’s so cute when you show off your brand new jump wings to him
you just looked so excited 
he wasn’t even staring at the wings when you started rambling about how happy you were, he was just making this stupid in love face
definitely grabbed your face and kissed you hard after that 
he wants SO many kids???? 
ya know those lists that lots of girls have on their phones and it’s just a bunch of future baby names??? that’s Joe 
this man has 8 names
4 girls names and 4 boy names 
he plans to use every name 
just wants to live the domestic life with you after the war 
will freeze his ass off and take your watch just so you can get some extra sleep 
another cuddle monster (they’re multiplying)
whispers really cute things in german to you until you fall asleep
has also almost fought Sobel for shit he said to you 
David Webster 
you help him fit in more with the other guys 
please teach him the art of socializing  
yes, the men have stolen his journal to read all his terrible poetry about you
still gets shit for it to this day 
shares his chocolate bar with you 
longing stares but from across the room 
doesn’t actually take you out until the war is over because he wants to do it right dammit 
has little to absolutely no relationship experience
please teach him 
or better yet, struggle with him and get made fun of by all the guys 
they actually accept Web more now that he’s with you 
cuz Easy Co. loves you 
sends letters all the time when he’s sent to the hospital 
everyone teases him that he acts like he’s more likely married to Liebgott than to you
you’re the only reason the men will stop teasing him 
definitely more badass then him 
you radiate boss energy and that’s what easy co. likes about you 
especially Web
everyone’s like “that’s my girl!”  
and he just smiles in the corner with the rest of them 
Bill Guarnere 
S O F T 
weak for his girl 
arm wrestles just to get your attention (flexes all the time for pete’s sake) 
also wants like a gazillion children and talks about it constantly with Liebgott
this man wants an army of little Italian kids 
no one makes fun of you or Guarnere for his actions to get your attention because they don’t want his fist in their face 
people who have almost punched Sobel for making fun of their girl: let’s add Guarnere to the list 
you didn’t ignore him, you just told him off for being an idiot 
if i could describe it, he sulked like a puppy that got told no more treats
so proud of you when you get your jump wings 
probably makes a toast about it at the celebration 
he was so drunk but it was so cute
literally will do anything for your attention 
chugging three bottles of whiskey so Y/N will pay attention to me??? pass the bottle bitch
not a massive cuddle monster but enjoys PDA and the occassional ass slap
probably has slapped your ass in front of company before
this boy has no morals smh 
don’t worry, you get him back though 
Frank Perconte 
worry wart but multiply it by 1000x 
is always bothering you to brush your teeth 
not because he’s scared your breath stinks, but because he cares about you and your oral hygiene 
now gets bullied about oral hygiene and his relationship with you 
ft Skip. “oh Y/N, take me away my princess. did you brush your little pearly teeth??? i would never want your perfect smile to be ruined.” 
Skip has been chased multiple times around Toccoa for this behavior 
will fight anyone that thinks you’re not a good shot 
is amazed how good you are at darts (knows you’re better than Buck) 
does share a foxhole with you 
is NOT part of the monster cuddler club because he knows when to stop 
has not arm wrestled for your attention but will if so needed 
always needs attention
whiny 12 year old boy P.2
sometimes it’s like you’re dating Luz as well 
Luz has purposefully third wheeled before 
yes, you heard me 
likes spontaneous dates 
would fight Sobel for you but isn’t stupid enough to almost do it 
Buck Compton  
realized he had heart eyes for you before his old girl broke it off with him
the other Easy men were like “dude, what the hell are you waiting for. GO GET YOUR GIRL!” 
let’s you win at darts 
is also stupid and needy enough to arm wrestle for your attention
actually wins though 
wants you to kiss his guns (absolutely not sir) 
jealous and protective 
jealous af around Winters 
gets teased a lot about it by the other men
but they can see why he’s insecure about it, Winter’s could sweep any girl he wanted to off her feet
indeed a cuddle monster 
will only share a foxhole with you in Bastogne 
no one else
radiator of heat and thus a good cuddler though 
will only let you make fun of him without repercussions 
wants you to move in as soon as the war is over
always demands to be in your unit during an attack
will keep you safe at all costs (and one of the reasons why he got shot in the ass again) 
Floyd Talbert 
 people use to bully Tab for his condom shipments
now they bully him for the way he acts around you 
tough guy??? no. absolute stick of melted butter when around you 
thinks you’re a saint 
so does the rest of Easy though, so I guess it doesn’t matter
they had everyone from Easy give him a pep talk just to ask you out (Trigger even barked at him) 
he was actually worried you would reject him 
no one will ever reject that man lol it doesn’t make sense
not necessarily a cuddle monster
likes when you sit on his lap 
can’t explain it, it just makes sense
will also arm wrestle for your attention 
will honestly do anything for you 
you need me to bring you Jupiter in a jar??? 
sure babe I’ll be right back 
has specific pet names for you 
his favorites are buttercup, angel, and beautiful
Babe Heffron 
P U R E 
does not get bullied for being in a relationship with you because everyone loves him
not a single person in this company, including you, would hesitate to sacrifice their life for that replacement 
whines a lot to you when you don’t give him attention
will arm wrestle for your attention and loses
has not had the chance to fight Sobel before but I feel like he could if he wanted to 
will tear Dike to shreads if he even mutter one hateful word against you 
cuddle monster #2323293
enjoys being the little spoon and the big spoon while in the foxhole 
shares his food with you during meals 
will not hesitate to get shot in the ass for you 
also will not hesitate to get shot for you in general 
is like an angry 6 year old baby when you don’t pay attention to him
is known to give the silent treatment when you’re too busy to talk to him for days
wants you to meet his Ma in Philly after the war 
has many hopeful dreams that include you after the war 
will only share chocolate with you and Gene
give him a hug, even when he says he doesn’t need it
Eugene Roe 
this man has so many pet names 
he is not afraid to use them on the battlefield, especially if you’re bleeding out because he’ll know you’ll answer to them
“darlin’, mon amour, ma mie, ma belle, ma chérie” 
 please stop Gene, it’s embarassing but also like don’t stop
get us a defibrillator his heart stopped while he was looking at you and we need to do CPR NOW-
thinks you’re the most beautiful girl ever
is not dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
he just makes this grumpy or upset face and you catch on quickly 
he’s also not dumb enough to fight Sobel
is always worrying about you
especially in Bastogne 
always jumping into your foxhole to check for any wounds
probably lost his sizzuhs that way
always has extra bandages just for you 
treats you with tender care
Donald Malarkey 
is not dumb enough to fight Sobel for you 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to punch him though 
is dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention 
it lowkey depends on the day though 
i mean 
he doesn’t need to arm wrestle for you to admire his arms 
like, have you seen that gif of him taking of his shirt???
loves cuddles in your foxhole but is not a cuddle monster
he’s a big baby when he gets tired
loves it when you take care of him 
has definitely fallen asleep once on your shoulder during watch 
would run up Currahee with full gear 3 times just to see you smile
he needs a hug. give him one now. 
likes to rest his chin on your head 
also wants you to move in (and maybe get married) after the war
treats you kindly, but he’s still a sarcastic little shit 
kiss his muscles
that was literally so long i can’t believe i finished
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mystic-oneshots · 4 years
Swimming Pool (Jumin X MC) (Jumin Week Day 4)
I was inspired by the 2 year anniversary picture for this one! Thought it was a good starting point for this prompt so I decided to use it! Also sorry but this one is a long one! (Nearly 2k words!!)
(Swimming pool vs beach)
Jumin sits under an umbrella at the side of the pool, observing the action happening in front of him. Splashing, playing, and fooling around wasn't on his agenda for the day. Instead, he planned to take this day as an opportunity to relax and take his mind off of all the stress work had given him.
The rest of the RFA, on the other hand, took this as a chance to have some much-needed fun together. Seven took this as an opportunity to mess around with everyone as much as possible, wearing a shark fin floatie on his back as he swims under the water to scare someone. I lost count of how many times he's knocked poor Yoosung out of his bright yellow duck ring. I can't help but feel sorry for that kid. Sort of. I must admit it's very entertaining to watch!
Zen and Jaehee attempted to play with an inflatable ball that resembles a watermelon with Yoosung but got distracted numerous times. I guess Zen thought it was funny to splash Jaehee at times where she'd least expect it. It might be to get her to relax. She's worked awfully hard too.
I sit at the edge of the pool, my legs submerged up to my calves in the cool water. I'm not quite on Jumin's level where I'd want to stay as far away from the pool as possible to avoid any mischief, but I'm not quite ready for any energetic interactions within the water yet. Sitting and swinging my legs in the water, creating small, therapeutic ripples across the water's surface is quite enough for me at this moment. It's relaxing to see everyone together and having fun! Even if V couldn't make it...
"MC!" I hear a voice call. I look up to see Yoosung waving his arm vigorously as he struggles to keep balance in his inflatable ring. The others all gather around him and look in my direction. "Come join us!"
"I will in a little bit!" I shout back, adjusting the pair of sunglasses sitting on my head.
"Okay!" His voice drift slightly as he starts to swim away.
"Don't be too long, yeah?" Zen adds, following on in Yoosung’s direction. Jaehee and Seven tag along behind.
A relaxed laugh emerges from my lips as I watch them slowly shrink in the distance the further away they get. A warm summer's breeze blows gently against by back, pushing my hair to expose my skin not covered by my swimsuit. The sun shines brightly, creating a shimmer across the water that bounces from the splashing that my friends create. It's like I'm lost in a trance. I feel so calm and happy.
"If you're not going to join them, why don't you join me?" A baritone voice suggests from above. I turn to see Jumin, his hair falling down in front of him as he tilts he's chiselled chin down to me. His sunglasses held to sit at the tip of his nose by his toned hand, staring at me with his grey eyes that I love so much.
"I thought you said you didn't want to get near the pool? Yet here you are!" I snicker jokingly. His lips pull up into a wholehearted smile, letting out a deep, playful sigh.
"May I?" He gestures to sit next to me. I lift my hand up out of the way and nod. The proximity closes quickly once he's sat by my side, his gaze not leaving my face. His hand sits where my own once laid, asking for mine to be placed on top. Our arms barely touching as we both have our legs dangling into the pool water.
It's nice to finally get him to join me. I didn't want him to sit so far away from everyone the whole day. I want to be able to spend some time together in the pool and have some fun! Even if he's not keen on that idea.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look right now?" My husband's voice barely a whisper. My cheeks heat up, turning red as if I've caught the sun.
"You have. If I recall correctly, that would have been the seventh time today!"
"And I'll happily keep telling you." His laugh melts my heart! I tangle my fingers on top of his and bring my body in closer. I feel his head lay on top of mine as I rest my face against his shoulder. The fabric of his buttoned shirt is like silk against my rosy cheeks. Just his presence alone makes this moment feel perfect and I somehow am able to relax even more.
We sit here together for a moment. Nothing ever beats being with him, even if there's other people around me who I care about. I wouldn't be able to be this still and calm with anyone else. I feel my eyes slowly close and a smile form on my face. This is really the best feeling. The sun on my face, the laughter of my friends and the presence of my husband. I couldn't as for anything more!
Suddenly the calmness is broken as I'm pulled to the ground. Jumins arms wrapped tightly around my body as if to protect me. His grasp as tight as a knot. I couldn't see what happened as my eyes were closed but when I open them again, I see Jumin's body on top of mine. I hear a burst of laughter from afar. I feel cold and wet on my legs as if I've been splashed. Is that what happened?
I look up over Jumin's shoulder to see Seven not far away. He's in hysterics over the action he just pulled. I can't believe he just splashed us!
The dark haired man lifts his body up from mine, looking rather uncomfortable at how drenched his back has now become. I cannot help but to start laughing. I cover my face to try and conceal my laughter but it only gets worse when I see him turn to face Seven.
"Luciel!" There's annoyance in his tone. Seven's joker smirk fades instantly and is replaced by wide eyes filled with fear. He retreats to the others as fast as he could swim to avoid any conflict from Jumin. My own laughter continues to grow.
Jumin's attention shifts instantaneously to me who is now trying to suppress as much laughter as possible. It's a near impossible task!
"Are you laughing at me?" A devilish smirk grows on his face, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. This doesn't help the giggles that are still seeping out of my mouth behind my hands. I shake my head, tears from the laughter threatening to now fall. My stomach now hurting too.
"You are laughing at me!" He snickers. His body leaning in closer to me. I lean back to avoid him, trying my hardest not to let him see how much the laughter is making me hurt.
His hand reaches into the pool and flicks forward, splashing me wet with the cold water. I squeal and flinch in response which only makes my laughter grow even more. I didn't think it was possible! Has Seven created a catalyst of events which are changing Jumin as we speak? Is Jumin… Fooling around?
"Now we're both soaked! Is that better?" My husband stands and cups my face in his hands. He places a loving kiss on my forehead before retiring back to his seat under the umbrella. My cheeks grow redder by the second.
"Oh, come on, Mr. Trust-fund! Seven was trying to do you a favour! Do you really plan on staying over there the whole day?" Zen yells, teasing Jumin into joining everyone in the pool. Jumin stops in his tracks and turns to look out at the pool. That playful glint still in his eyes.
"Luciel has already made me alter my plans..." He shoots back, shocking not only Zen but everyone else too. Even me! What exactly does he plan on doing? Jumin Discreetly removes his shirt, revealing his back before turning around. My heart begins to flutter but the others faces become even more shocked.
He adjusts his trunks and slicks his hair back when out of the blue he starts to run. His destination: the pool! What has gotten into him? This isn't like him! His feet leave the surface of the edge as he morphs his body to create the perfect dive. His body barely makes a splash when he enters the water. He's like a dolphin as he swims under the surface before emerging for air.
He flicks his soaked, ashy hair as his head exits the water and runs over it with is hands. I've become mesmerised by how stunning he looks! With the sun reflecting off of his dewy skin, it's hard to believe he's even real!
Everyone claps and cheers, amazed by what just happened. However, Jumin doesn't acknowledge the round of applause from the others. He only focuses on me.
He swims forward, meeting me at the edge of the pool, only a couple of feet away from where I sit.
"Will you join me, sweetheart?" he pleads with his arms wide open. "I'll catch you!"
My smile widens. I move to stand at the edge of the pool and prepare to jump in myself. Jumin readies himself, moving a little closer in the water. I jump. His arms stretch out and grab me around my waist as I enter the water.
He lifts me up, chuckling with joy. Seeing him act like this is in many ways alien but to me, it's a common sight. He treats me so preciously and shows his best self, his happier self, when he's with me. This is an example of that!
The others swim over to join us as Jumin lowers me back down into the water.
"I cannot believe you jumped in like that!" Yoosung exclaims excitedly. "That was awesome!"
"It was rather unexpected, I might admit." Jaehee humbly adds.
"Well, as we're all here now, are we going to go and have some fun?" Zen announces. Seven yells in response before diving back under the water with everyone following him.
This is honestly what I was hoping to get out of this trip. Everyone having fun! And I'm pretty sure we'll all have some fun now!
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myuntoldstory · 3 years
saeran after end after thought
it took me a ducking month and some change because i had to farm hourglasses. when i started playing i kept getting the bad ends and i got so frustrated i didn’t touch the app for two weeks. i had to consult a guide to finally reach the end.
i wanted to play this because i needed to see where jihyun ended up and... well... we all know what happened there. anyway...
i have many thoughts and feelings about this ae. i don’t know if i can ever properly organise them, but i’ll put it in bullet points for now. this is my personal feelings, not any kind of fact. i have nothing against nearly anything and anyone (character or real) involved in this game. i’ll always love and appreciate them for being in this game, for creating this game, for giving us something to love for the past four or five years.
these thoughts are rather unfiltered. this is me coming out hours after finishing the ae. i might change my mind after letting it marinate for a while and after reading up some more about it.
it’s all under the cut. it’s long and rambling. there’s no need to read this, really; the ae is a month old after all, but i just needed to get this out. also, it’s salty as hell. literally saltier than the dead sea. it will dehydrate you... best to not bother with this.
also spoilers.
1. during the first playthrough the game mechanics were wonderful, novel, and immersive. but years later and for the sake of an ae? unnecessary. it’s too long. it’s too much work. i did my due when i played the game during ray’s route. why do i also have to work for something that should have been my reward? why do i still have to worry about hearts, choices, and game branches? why do i have to go through multiple endings? it’s an after end. it’s after the ending.
of course i love new content, i love more content, but not like this. and i know i sound super entitled. if i was impatient i should have justt read the wiki, but i wanted the experience, but not this specific experience. lucky it’s the pandemic and i have more time on my hands, but in normal circumstances my life is very different from what it was in 2016. i can’t be waiting for chats and making plans around it to get to the after ending. honestly i expected something like the secret ends or even similar to the style of jihyun’s ae... but no. apparently, chertiz thinks it’s fun to make us spend three and a half days to reach an AFTER END.
2. saeran choi needs love... but, in my opinion, not ours. not mc’s. the love he needs is his brother’s. the person he needs most is saeyoung choi. he’s suffered so much, endured many things no person should ever endure. of course he deserves romantic love, but i feel like he needed to recover first. that’s why after all this im firmly in the very bare, maybe even empty camp of preferring secret end saeran choi over ray route saeran choi.
3. never in my life has a game made me exhausted about the act of forgiveness. i feel a little sick. it’s terrible to say that, i know, but i am just so emotionally exhausted. there is this heavy feeling in my chest that makes me want to cry because i feel like i somehow destroyed a part of myself?
first it’s the saviour in jihyun’s ae. it’s still her in this ae. but in addition to that there’s also the prime minister? when does it stop? at this point we might as well forgive the twins’ mother too. she imprisoned her own sons to benefit from their father; beat the shit out of and starved saeran to the point that he wanted to die, but there must be a reason behind it, right? like all the villains in this game her choices are not her own; they are the product of their circumstances and we have to understand that.
i just... i understand what cheritz is trying to convey here. and granted saeyoung is not as forgiving, but this isn’t his story. it felt like the forgiveness was nearing some extreme by the end of it. i don’t think there’s anything wrong if you’e unable to forgive. if the only way for you to move forward is to not do so i feel that’s valid. as long as you’re not hurting anyone and that you’re not hurting yourself, you do whatever you need to recover. forgiving is not the only way, the noble way. not everyone’s backstory you have to understand and take into consideration in order to move on. even if they realise what they did was wrong, it’s okay not to forgive. sometimes that’s what we need to take care of ourselves.
im rambling on this point, but im going through this currently. it’s not as extreme as the choi twins or the rfa, but all my life i’ve been forgiving and understanding and it chipped away at me. even at my expense i forgave everything and it landed me in a place im struggling to get out of. i needed justice and this ae didn’t give me a bit of that... at least not in the way i needed.
4. cheritz said this is the grand finale, but... it didn’t feel like it? again this is me being entitled, but i expected something more. something bigger. something poignant because after this mystic messenger is over. i expected some kind of epilogues in the form of story modes. of course i appreciate everything the company has done, especially the efforts of the writers, artists, voice actors, and everyone, but... it’s so rushed? it such a short farewell that instead of getting catharsis and satisfaction i felt... drained. and i feel sad that it’s all over because im not ready to say goodbye and that goodbye is far too short for me.
i don’t know im just sad it’s all over.
also, the conclusion they come to is the dissolution of the rfa once everyone found their happy ending. i... this is a group that has been through some shit and that doesn’t make them closer somehow? the rfa app lies neglected and abandoned as everyone moves on with their lives? that is so... lonely? at least for me.
i mean, of course, not all endings have to be necessarily happy in the “everyone gets together once a week for dinners” kind, but i just... i dont know i expected them to be closer somehow. maybe they are. maybe outside the app they’re all closer, but... i don’t know. i feel sad they’re abandoning the app.
5. and then there’s kim jihyun.
and im... i dont know anymore. if you know me, follow me, or have read any of my fics you know im a jihyun fan. i love that man and YES i know his sins. we all do.
as i played the ae i started to hope that he’d die in the end instead of suffering through this egregious character assassination. yes, i literally preferred that he died and that i go through that pain instead of suffering whatever this is. obviously i dont want him to die, but this is like killing him anyway. they killed the essence of him, who he is as a person. hell, they probably killed him already and just installed a stranger in the ae because that v is not our v. all throughout the game he’s been kind and compassionate and selfless. his whole thing is about protecting the rfa, the mc, saving the saviour, and sacrificing himself for them. this is the idiot who gives you his hearts when you’re being actively nice to his abuser and saeran in his route. his ultimate happy ending involves everyone being happy, reunited, and given the proper mental care. he went away for two years, putting a much needed pause in your budding relationship, not only to recover from his trauma, but also to rescue saeran and help him recover too.
yes, v enabled the saviour even before another story. he lied. he put everyone in danger. he’s reckless and he keeps secrets way more than what’s natural. but he will never let any of them come to harm. my memory is fuzzy but im sure he never lets the rfa get in danger. he was devastated when yoosung got injured. he also tried to rescue seven and mc in the secret ends thats why he got shot. this guy always looks out for everyone. 
in what world is he okay with drugging the twins? making deals with the villains? the idea of trapping the twins in the saviour’s delusional, twisted family life? he’s not the type to be okay just standing there when his best friend’s life is falling apart or for even causing it. when zen, jaehee, and yoosung get backed into the corner he wouldn’t have been just idle. but in this ae all he does is play stacking chairs, buy strawberry yoghurt, and echo the saviour’s words like a puppet. he asks only mc to save herself and like... jesus christ he never gets a break. he doesn’t even get the same gesture of forgiveness everyone and their father gets. he goes through a trial and jail, which is fair enough, but he’s also a victim of abuse and suffering and despair and mental illness. but somehow because it’s v it’s okay that this is all he gets. somehow he doesn’t deserve any compassionate resolution.
literally the only time he’s happy is his route and after end and even then that happiness is not his own. even then there were concessions to be made before he could get it.
seriously. it seems like cheritz hates him. they think little to nothing of him. if that’s the case why even make content for him? he’s not even meant to be romanceable in the original stories. they could’ve just ignored the petitions and left him as a side character. i mean, i dont know if i prefer that honestly, i do appreciate the content we got, but as his fan it hurts to see all this half-hearted decisions. and to see all this hate still pouring out for him, now magnified because of this ae.
this is like a tiring odyssey, starting way back when he got shot and killed all because he loved someone. he loved the wrong person and it’s the wrong kind of love and he committed his crimes because of it. he had a hand in making the rfa and mc suffer, but still all he did was love. and i know that sounds blind and naive and ignorant and im sorry for not picking up the nuances of his relationship with the saviour, but that’s all i saw. i saw a guy loving the wrong person and it made him make all the wrong choices leading to a bad life.
gah. i am drained people. i am drained, and frustrated, and tired.
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bethsakura · 3 years
currently untitled | prologue | atsumu x reader
A/N: Hiya, there! Beth here! I wanted to add a quick disclaimer because I’m absolutely terrible at starting stories =v= I tend to get a bit ahead of myself, so my apologies if the beginning of this feels awkward. That’s probably because I’m awkward and I’m really good at portraying that through my work :D 
Anyhow, I really hope you all like this prologue! It’s basically just a bunch of set up for the initial story, but I tried to make it as interesting as possible >:3 If you want to follow along with the story through music, I have a playlist over on spotify! Each song roughly inspires the chapters, and it’s kind of how I figured out what I was going to write about. There isn’t a song for this first part, but i figured I’d go ahead and link it anyways ;P
Now, enough of my babbling. I really hope you enjoy the story!
Much love! - Beth
Prologue - A Strange Meeting
Miya Atsumu - the worst first impression you ever had of someone was attached to that name. When you first met him, you definitely thought he was one of the most annoying people on the face of the earth. Not that your opinion of him had changed much over time, but you had gotten to know him a bit better. Regardless, that initial meeting with the fiery boy was a memory you were sure could never leave you. 
“Y/n, you need to choose a club,” stated your father one night at dinner. Your heart sank and your face turned red. A slight burning sensation began to build in your chest. Not one of passion, no; more so one filled with anxiety. It had been two weeks since the start of school and most of the clubs were established. To find one that was accepting new members would prove difficult. 
You mentally screamed at yourself for taking your sweet time about this decision. On the first day of school, you were already busy with other commitments: going home and spending your precious time alone. Your goal in high school was to avoid friendships and focus on your studies. You had been burnt one too many times by those awful people in middle school, and there was no way you were going to let that happen again. People had tried talking to you, but you typically politely dismissed them. 
“Y/n?” Your dad pulled you back from your racing thoughts. You shifted your weight in your seat a bit. Who on earth would be accepting new members at this time? 
“I can try to find one. I, uh, might have waited until past the acceptance date, though…” you start, and your father scowls at you upon hearing this information. Your mother looks sympathetic towards you but disappointed, nonetheless. Something in your mind switches and you sit up straight in your seat. You cannot let them worry about this, you decide. You wouldn’t want them getting too involved in your school life. So, you dig some confidence from deep within you and declare, “I will find a club to join! Don’t worry about me, I’m sure someone is accepting new members!”
There was actually zero confidence in those words, but you couldn’t let them see that.
The next day you began asking around your class to see if anyone knew of clubs with open positions; and, just as you suspected, there were little to none. 
As you sat at your desk you heaved a sigh and lay your head atop your books. You hit it a little harder than intended, but maybe someone would notice and offer some advice. You weren’t one to bring attention to yourself, but right now you desperately needed it. 
And, of course, you were successful. 
Someone made their way up to you and tapped you lightly on the shoulder. You craned your neck to the side, not lifting your head. A silver and black-haired boy with beautiful brown eyes stood before you, his face straight and posture being practically perfect. You were a tad intimidated by him, so you lifted your head and straightened up. “Hi,” you spoke softly.
“Hello. My name is Shinsuke Kita, a second-year here. You must be L/n F/n, yes?” he spoke concisely with a tone of authority. You had no clue who he was, but suddenly you wanted to impress him. You started to stare, lost in thought when you noticed his eyebrows furrow slightly. 
“Oh, uh, yes. That’s me!” You said, nervously. You almost tripped over your words but caught yourself before it could happen. Good lord, what powers does this guy have?! You thought to yourself. 
“I am part of the volleyball club and I was told to inform you we have a manager position open. Our team captain has said you are welcome to jo-”
“WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!” you blurted out as you stood up from your desk. Kita did not waver, standing perfectly still and holding eye contact with you the entire time. This guy must not be phased by anything, you thought to yourself. Kita then extended his arm out, handing you a paper. It read, ‘Inarizaki High School Volleyball Club Member Application.’ You bowed sweetly, taking the paper from him. 
“Thank you very much! I’ll be sure to bring it to you by the end of the day!” you exclaimed, then sitting down you grabbed a pen and began to fill out the form. 
“Feel free to stop by this evening. Practice begins about forty-five minutes after school. I’ll be in class 2-7 if you need anything,” said Kita. He gave a small wave and then walked out of the classroom calmly. That guy is terrifying, you thought to yourself. You then turned back to your paper and began scribbling as quickly as possible.
≻ ───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Before you knew it, the end of school hit. You gathered your belongings in a rush and then ran out of the classroom, making your way towards the gym. The wind flew through your hair, rustling it everywhere. You thought maybe it looked like you were in some shoujo manga, but in reality, it made you look like you hadn’t brushed your hair in five days. 
Once you got to the gym you began to slow to a walk. It was only 3:20, and practice wouldn’t begin for another 40 minutes or so. I got so excited that I arrived way too early. Great job, Y/n. Now you look desperate, you thought to yourself. You prayed the gym was open so that you could at least sit in there for a little while and study or something. Your hand reached for the door handle and pulled ever so slightly. The door slid to your right and you heaved a sigh of relief. However, to your embarrassment, someone was already in the gym.
A tall boy, maybe around six feet or so, with an athletic stature, golden hair, and hazel eyes turned to meet your gaze. He was absolutely stunning. You thought maybe you had seen him before, but… well, he looked different than how you remembered him. His hair color seemed to be different in your memory, as well as the way he stood and-
“Take a picture if you must, but don’t stand there just starin’, miss,” said the boy with a bite in his words. Your eyes widened at his rude remark, and your stare only deepened. You didn’t move, held your breath, and just stood motionless in the doorway.
“Hello? Earth to miss girl?” He waved his hand. You didn’t budge. “Good lord, come in or stay outside, doesn’t matter to me either way. Just close the door,” he said, rolling his eyes. This got your attention. You stepped inside and made your way into the room, leaving the door wide open. I’ll jab at him just a little because that was completely uncalled for, you thought. He watched you walk down the court, making your way to a bench and sitting down, matter of factly. His expression was completely and totally disgusted.
“Oi, didn’t I say to close the door?” he huffed, making his way over to you. He stood before you, a hand on his hip and an annoyed look plastered across your face. You looked up at him, then stood up boldly. You then turned around and stood on the bench you were previously sitting on. You turned back to face him, both hands on your hips, leaning down to meet his gaze. 
“You didn’t ask politely,” you said, a harsh tone in your words. He looked extremely flabbergasted, annoyed, and offended. You smirked, stood up straight, and crossed your arms. He then smirked in return. This slightly confused you, but you didn’t let him catch on to this. 
“I like you,” he said, pointing up to you. You smiled brightly, still keeping the high ground over him. “Atsumu Miya, pleased to meetcha’. And you are?” He extended his hand out to help you down. You accepted the offer, hopping down from the bench. Not breaking the gaze.
“L/n, F/n. You can call me L/n. I don’t trust you yet with my first name,” you said, intending to jab at him a little. Of course, he retorted back with, “And you can call me Miya. Don’t trust ya yet with my first name.”
Laughter filled the nearly empty gym, and the two of you walked to the door together. “So, what class are ya in?” he asked.
“1-3. Yourself?” you said, a competitive tone in your voice. His face dropped slightly. He muttered under his breath, but you didn’t quite hear him. “Care to speak up, Miya?”
“...1-2,” he said in an embarrassed voice. You burst into laughter, being a bit dramatic with your reaction. 
“Looks like I beat ya!” you exclaimed, throwing up a peace sign and smiling brightly. He rolled his eyes, scoffing at your happy go lucky attitude.
Wait a minute, what’s up with me? You thought to yourself. You let him go on to the door to close it, and you made your way back to the bench. I’m not a particularly competitive person. I’m not near this outgoing on a usual basis, either. Do these volleyball boys have some special powers or..? 
“Oi, why are you here, anyway?” There he was again with that biting tone. You rolled your eyes and met his gaze once again. He seemed to be genuinely curious based on his expression. He didn’t seem to be angry or annoyed… What was with this guy?
“I’m going to be your new manager,” you said confidently. You didn’t know if the confidence was false or not, but you wanted to figure that out. 
“Oh..?” Atsumu said curiously. 
“Yes. I have my application in my bag, and today is my first day,” you replied.
“Well,” said the boy, smiling at you sweetly, “welcome to Inarizaki’s volleyball club. Try to keep up,” he said, winking. 
A chill ran down your spine and a fire ignited in your chest. This time, it wasn’t one filled with anxiety. No, this one was most definitely one filled with passion. 
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planetjisungie · 4 years
détester- l.dh
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characters; slytherin! haechan x gryffindor! reader ft. gryffindor! mark (its just a given at this point) and slytherin! jisung
summary; enemies to lovers, you and donghyuck had always just hated eachother. you dont know when it started, or why it started but it was starting to get annoying.
an; i WILL finish my hogwarts series tonight we only have chenle left but now we have more fluff than actual crack because simon says is playing
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congratulations you have reached gryffindor level you lucky prick
only the finest gryffindor
you are the embodiment of courage, literally if there was a ditch and someone fell down while everyone was too scared to help them, youd dive in before they could even say ‘dumbledore’
and you just so happen to be the younger sister of mark lee
the infamous mark lee,, that is
lucky prick part 2
but one thing made you seem not so lucky
your sworn enemy, lee donghyuck
or haechan as he liked to be called because apparently all evil villains needed a fake name
thats what you said anyway, he just liked the name haechan for its meaning
but he was also the emodiment of a slytherin, ambitious, cunning, resourceful and he was a pretty damn good leader
hence him being the captain of the quidditch team (no we are not going down the jisung route)
you didnt actually know when you started hating him, in your first year he had just decided to tie your poor, poor cat like a pig for roasting (he was in his second year already)
mr snuggles was traumatized
after that day it was small things to annoy you
like when he put hair dye in your conditioner bottle, resulting in your hair turning out a seafoam green colour
which you actually didnt mind so the joke was really on him, you pulled that shit off
or when he put spiders in your school shoes
that was unpleasant
and he also put a cockroach in your pocket, scaring your poor best friend who was terrified of the creatures
jisung was shaking, he hates cockroaches
to this day you still didnt know why he was a slytherin, but you guessed it was because he was a pureblood, very ambitious and resourceful but not so scary
but today was no exception
you walked towards the gryffindor table, robe billowing behind you as if you were walking in a movie
you were a lee sibling, you were both good at literally everything and deserved all the praise on earth
you fucking go girl, i stan
jisung sat at your table, the gryffindors appeared not to mind, especially as he was actually super nice
"y/n haechan told me to give you this"
ah there it was
the small hufflepuff girl handed you the letter before scurrying off back to her table
"y/n im scared"
jisung was already frightened of what that letter would hold
and you were a good friend, who knew no good would come from that letter
so you shoved it in your pocket, letting it crumple up before turning back to your breakfast
rip donghyuck
that was a fat L for our boy
he just wanted your attention
at first at least, he just wanted to be noticed by you so he pulled the cat stunt, making sure he didn’t actually harm the creature because he is still a decent human being and the grey furry animal did nothing to him
but now he had taken things too far
and he realised that after the stunt he pulled which resulted in you
yes, you, the brave, courageous gryffindor, crying
yeah he fucked up
he casted an illusion spell that infiltrated your sleep, creating nightmares with your deepest fears
and he regretted that
prank gone wrong *nearly killed her* (not clickbait)
you were still pissed at him for that
but that letter in your pocket was no ordinary letter
it was a confession letter, because he; yes him, the infamous slytherin, was too scared to talk to you about it in person
yet you literally just crushed his heart
which he kinda deserved to be fair
but jisung sent you a grateful smile and you went back to your conversation of which cereal brand was better
the answer is obviously lucky charms or frosted shreddies pengers mate
so our baby slytherin needed to find another way to get his feelings across because he was failing
and brother mark was: not happy
mark was a friend of haechan but despite his complaints every goddamn time that he needed to stop his stupid jokes that weren’t actually jokes, he didnt listen
maybe he shouldve listened
mark knows best
apart from jenos fic, mark was a real bitch but this is mark 2.0
mark really doesnt know best
anyways moving on
its time for innovative hyuck™️
so its back to the drawing room, sitting next to yuta (his head boy) to discuss the next plan of action
cutie yuta felt that haechan opening up to him about his feelings was the biggest achievement during his time at hogwarts
so right, the next plan
it was to leave flowers on your bed and then when you turned around to see who put them there (hypothetically) he would be there and he could make his outstanding apology
but of course, this isnt some fanfiction where everything goes right
who do you take me for?
so later that day he gathered his flowers, tying them in a cute dark green ribbon
staying with the slytherin theme
and he put them on your bed
they were some seriously nice flowers
you noticed them as soon as you walked in and your heart swelled
unfortunately that wasnt the only thing that swelled
you were allergic to pollen, and your eyes had puffed up slightly, itching a little and you had some sniffles
that was another L for hyuck
and he ran, he fucking booked it out of his little hiding spot back to his common room aka the dungeon
"how the fuck do you fail giving someone flowers hyuck?"
"shes fucking allergic"
so you never found out who gave you flowers
but you did keep them, despite your obvious physical irritation to them
they were pretty :(((
so you pressed them into a random notebook you found, because seriously you couldnt just chuck them out
unfortunately for hyuck, he was not so slick to mark who narrowed his eyes on the boy
he knew something was up
what kind of torture device was flowers ?? this was too soft
and so he found out that the same boy who had been making your life a little
how should i say
s p i c y
had a fat crush on you and was just a pouty baby who wanted your love and attention
mark didnt know whether to support this?? like ?? he knew that underneath your front of disliking the long legged boy, you had some feelings, maybe small but they were there
you wouldve called it fondness
i promise youre not a sadist or masochist
but you would see him in class
he was very focused and had a beautiful smile
and laugh
he may come across a little... stand offish and arrogant at first but hes actually a kind soul
from how he made a mess in the grand hall but when he thought everyone was gone, he stayed behind to help clean it, having fun conversations with the staff (elves? who tf cleans the great hall??)
that goddamn melodious laughter constantly ringing in your head
shawtys like a melody in my head
but moving on
you noticed the pranks he pull decreased
and that was because he was spending time with yuta and mark, planning the perfect, foolproof (unfortunately not jeno this time) way to confess
and he sent you small smiles ?? what ??
this is so unlike the hyuck you knew
like he did a 180
i did a full 180 baby crazy
i said this was gonna be less crackish but when regular comes on and you hear jaehyuns queso line you cant not feel qUirKy
okay so the next plan
you loved quidditch too, mainly because your brother was the captain for the gryffindor team
so the plan was for you to attend the slytherin v gryffindor match and
mark somewhat willingly agreed to have a friendly match so that hyuck could show off his skills
this was an awful plan
because it was raining the day of the match
so you and jisung huddled together for warmth, shivering as you watched the match
and hyuck couldnt feel worse, he felt like you were now going to be sick because of him
damn, you really couldnt catch a break
the groan of pure frustration yuta let out was amusing at least
he was just as invested in this as haechan at this point
like he was germinating a seed??? he was fathering this relationship
so with another L, haechan felt super super bad
and this baby cooked for you
he got his best friend jaemin to teach him how to make chicken soup
because you were actually not a herbivore
(thats the category i put vegans and vegetarians in)
omnivore tings
so he carried his little pot of soup, his fingers kind of burning as it was piping hot
he legit walked right past a suffering jisung in the slytherin dorm, the pot of soup still in hand not even sparing a thought about taking pity on the poor kid and giving him some
so he walked to your dorm, being let in by mark who was being big bro™️ and looking after your sick ass
you looked dead
pale skin, eyes closed, lips tinted blue, your body was shivering but you felt fucking boiling
peak peak times
but haechan still thought you looked gorgeous
mark vacated the dorms, leaving to his lessons so hyuck could look after you
this wasnt a plan ?? but hyuck rolled with it
setting his lil pot down he sat in a seat next to you, staring at your asleep awake form with closed eyes
his eyes held so much love and adoration for you, you really are lucky
he took off his robe, just sitting there in his shirt, trousers and green tie and watching you sleep
you were actually awake, just vibing and breathing to stay alive
and he had a lot on his chest
"i know ive been a massive prick to you and im really sorry. i know you’re asleep right now but im too much of a coward to say this to your face. i really only just wanted your attention because i seem to have feelings for you and i am sincerely sorry for going about it the wrong way"
your ears were {}
wide open
boy were you listening and taking this all in
oh shit
realizashun xx
so you fluttered your eyes open gently, watching his face morph into an expression of pure terror from his previous one of literal love
*whipping noise*
"youre awake!" he squeaked out, eyes darting around the room to look at anything but you
which you couldnt help but smile at
shifting to the side in your bed slightly, you lifted the covers, lazily patting the now open space
your voice was kind of croaky and hoarse
that made hyuck feel guilty
baby it wasn’t your fault
but he complied, kicking off his leather school shoes and sliding besides you, staying as far away from you as possible
not to offend you, his heart was just going a million miles a second and there was no way you wouldn’t be able to hear it
this boy was like blushy sausage face part 2
arrogant hyuck has left the chat
you pouted seeing him shuffle away from you, shuffling to move yourself closer instead
power move, he either had to cuddle with you or fall off the bed
"can we just forget what i said earlier?"
that made you frown
the fuck?
hell no
"hyuck wait-"
"no dont bring it up its embarrassing"
whiny baby is back
"hyuck i-"
"nope nope nope nope"
he had no choice but to listen
your voice sounded strained already and he didnt want to make you feel worse
"i have feelings for you too you big baby"
double take
you what now?
haechans mouth just kinda froze open
so you shut his jaw gently
cant let him get jaw ache
"wait what?"
his soul has returned
he felt elated, completely happy, dare i say like he was high on a drug and said drug was not THC it was your TLC (LMAO GET IT IM PROUD OF THAT)
and so thats how mark returned to your dorm room to see you and hyuck cuddled in your bed, your head laying on his chest as his chin rested on your head, nuzzling into your hair (which was still half seafoam green might i add)
hyuck wasnt awake to celebrate, so yumark had their own small celebration, counting this as their success
you only found out he had put the flowers on your bed about two months after you started dating
a month after that you read the letter he gave you
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dayables · 3 years
4 and Shin? That's a dark one, but you write him well so I'd trust you with it. If you want something lighter instead, 17 for Shin!
Thank you for asking this! As you can see, I got into a very deep ramble about his life pre-death game and it doesn’t really tie in but I’ve kept it there :)  The last few parapraghs are the actual answers ahaha. Play some sad music in those paragrapths because I nearly cried with halloween music in the background.    4) What they would do if they had one month to live.   If Shin had one month left to live? We see it in the game kind of. Or at least kind of. Obviously imitating your ‘scary friend’ most likely abuser to try and turn everyone against your biggest threat isn’t going to work in real life. 
What the game and his 0.0% score does tell us (or heavily shove in our direction so we infer it) is that Shin is petrified of certain death to the point of desperation.
I do believe/headcanon that he is a very logical person. Almost everything he does is backed up by logic in the death game except for his last moments because screw logic that’s never worked before.  (The opposite of Keiji who’s likely very emotional until his potential last moments but this isn’t about him). So the question is, when did Shin’s last moments begin for him?  As the player, it’s when it’s that final choice between him and Kanna. To Shin this is likely a very different response. His last moments start the very second he gets told he’s doomed to die. Almost all of Shin’s choices in the game are emotional. Trusting Sara or at least earning her trust is the logical choice here. Making yourself her enemy because you are scared is the emotional one. He just lies to himself on the basis that she’s untrustworthy. Which, you can trick yourself into believing is logical.  It triggers a kind of flight or fight response in all our characters when they realise they can die here. All the cast barr Shin choose to fight and try and escape. Shin chooses the flight option here. Nothing he does actually prevents his death in the end. He just runs away from the inevitable doom. 
 I am once again inferring by comparing him to rest of the cast the death is a deep rooted trauma (and I definitely have thoughts on why). While the concept of death is one that scares everyone, no one seems to revel in it the way Shin does. He is living an incredibly safe life. A free lance programmer (by the sounds of it)  which earns an average of £60 an hour. He has a side job at a convenience store (that wasn’t a lie). He doesn’t leave his apartment much meaning he doesn’t have much of a social life. Shin is in a position in life where it’ll be near impossible to hurt him. Obviously he isn’t earning 60 quid an hour, but he has the potential too. Once he’s set up and successful, he’ll be able to die old. Alone, maybe not happy, but old.  For a guy likely in his early to mid twenties, things are bound to change but only as much as he lets them. From one person who will happily spend all their life in their own company to another, Shin isn’t going to change that. Not when he’s too scared to let someone past arms width and will avoid doing so. By the time he gets his game together and his skinny self to therapy it’ll likely be too late to make the same connections he has the chance too at his current age.  It’s not emotional because even the most introverted of introverts desires a life all alone. It’s a logical one for the fears and life he has. I don’t think that means he isn’t happy. It just thinks there’s a potential that he could have been happier. 
For Midori to have gotten as close as he was and no one to pull up the red flags his friends either didn’t care or didn’t exist. Most likely the latter seeing as he is very much in the process of mourning three years after his friends death. He likely wasn’t close enough to his parents to feel he could go to them over something as silly as Midori’s death. In the aftermath, Shin will be confused and muddled. In some ways, he’ll be elevated because he is free, he can move on. In other ways he’ll be lost, devastated and empty. Shin will also have a semblance of independence back. He doesn’t think he shows enough gratitude to his parents for materialistic items. Midori’s abuse was likely emotional or verbal. It probably consisted of vague threats, put downs, anger, power dynamics and a shrug at Shin’s emotions. I’m in no way a professional but after years of this Shin is going to think his emotions are something he should be able to handle himself, something he might not be able to do if he started to repress them in his teens. Shin likely has a warped sense of independence. Instead of being free from others control, he’ll likely think it means he can’t get help and must deal with everything alone. 
Being told that his death is round the corner strips two things that he values most away from him. He now has zero control over his life and worse, it ends with him dyeing. Shin would grasp for straws to have that independence back and therefore escape his own death. If he couldn’t get his independence back then he’ll try and avoid the end outcome. 
His last month would be a goose chase to avoid death. There’d be a list of everything he has to do. Fuck his jobs, fuck debt he needs to get to the hospital. Get checked up! Make sure he’s well. He’d do it everyday. Does he have enough medicine? Wet wipes, stock up on healthy food, hand sanitizer? Does he have enough hand sanitizer? Make sure his room is squeaky clean, don’t let anyone in, don’t answer the phone. Bolt the windows and live off ramen and debt for the rest of the month. Beanie on, beanie off, what is he going to die from? Has he prevented any possible cause? He’s forgotten to call his parents. That’s fine because he shouldn’t be dyeing anyway. It’s logical. It’s all logical. This is not his fear of death speaking through everything he is doing is logical! Now he just needs to figure out what’s causing this all? How did that person know? Then on the last day. He’d just give up. He’d finally pick up that phone and call his parents. He’d thank them and explain. He’d apologize for the debt because he’s swimming in it then he’d hang up. Shin would then proceed to cry in bed all day and trying to sleep so he just doesn’t wake up.  Then, while it’s a tragedy, I think he’d accept it. I don’t think he ever really thought he had a chance but his emotions drove him round and round in circles. Maybe he would regret his whole life and look back on it all. In a none death game scenario Shin seems like a brooder. He doesn’t have Kanna to live for so he has no reason to push forward. I think in the end he’d reach the conclusion his life was pretty pointless. Just as he’d slip from consciousness I imagine he’d think of Midori. Nearly everything we know about Shin seems to revolves about Midori . We, the player, never know him before the guy entered his life. That guy has a big impacts in his life and in a world where that was the only person to leave such a big mark? I think he’d go back to Midori. Especially with nothing to distract him from his mourning. 
It’s quite sad really. He lets his fear control him too much. Midori controls him too much and they’re both aware of that fact. But in the short, Shin would try and avoid his death. Hell he’ll likely die of exhaustion or caffeine overdose
His ending in the main game, I think that’s the best way Shin could have gone at that age. Dying for Kanna and letting go of his cynicism. 
Ending this off with 17 because I need that jokeness now, after all that. 
17) What would they sing at Karaoke? 
Everyone expects Shin to like bang out with some Beyonce or something. Maybe one of those silly little disney parodies. Everyone would make a joke about what he should sing because he’s indecisive as hell. 
Keiji Kai and all of those mature adults suggest Single Ladies,  Mr. Brightside,  Fireworks, Wannabe because classic Karoke songs you actually have to be able to sing when Shin 100% can’t? Count them in! 
Midori would suggest something embarrassing he knew wouldn’t even be funny to watch. Just painful. 
Gin, Sara, Reko and Alice are snickering behind their hands as they suggest Poor Unfourtunate Souls,  How Bad Can I Be (Alice ended up doing that one), The oogie boogie song and the price Ali reprise. 
When he refuses Sara refuses to let him get away with not being painted as some corny villian and dedicates her singing of Cruella De Vil to him.
Then Kanna taps on his shoulder and tells him what to sing and A: It’s Kanna’s suggestion B: It’s not and a bonus C if he’s drunk: He gets to whack a certain police officer and teacher with a hockey stick. 
And my inner theatre Kid shines through as he I say Shin sings Revolting Children and can’t get his letters write, drunk or sober. 
‘R e v o t l i n !’  instead of ‘ R E V O L T I N G’ 
‘S P L L!’ instead of ‘ S P E L’ 
‘TOO LATE FOR YOU?’ Instead of  ‘ 2-L-8-4-U ‘
I kid you not I have knows this song for years and I still struggle. You can not do that spelling rhythm first time. 
Also the lines. The lines!   We will become a screaming hoard.//Take out your hockey sticks and use it as a sword.// Never again will we be ignored.//We'll find out where the chalk is stored// And draw rude pictures on the board.
It’s such a childish song but it’s so hard. He struggles and struggles and one day he will get it because it’s so simple and why can’t he do it roght! Also, it suits him. Sue me.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Right of Way
For @klaroline-events KC Bingo - Enemies to Lovers - On AO3 and FF
At the Palm Beach Equestrian Club, Klaus Mikaelson is the prince of the polo field and Caroline the showjumping darling. They immediately dislike each other but, at the same time, can’t seem to get out of each other’s way.
right-of-way (noun) \ ˌrīt-ə(v)-ˈwā \
1: a legal right of passage over another person’s ground
2: in polo - when a player has the line of the ball on their right, they have the right of way (ROW). Enforced to keep all players safe and avoid collisions on the field, players may only enter or cross the ROW if they can do so safely and with enough distance.
Present Day (February) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“I hate you.”
“Well, I hate you too, Forbes,” he growled, “now are you going to keep talking or am I going to have to...”
Before he could go through with his threat she’d pushed him up against the stall door, his intense gaze only increasing her desperation.
“Has anyone told you that you talk too much, Mikaelson?” He didn’t respond, just leaned in impatiently, his mouth claiming hers greedily.
Caroline pulled him closer, grabbing ample handfuls of his number 3 polo jersey. He was warm and familiar against her skin and a delicious aromatic mixture of spice and sandalwood. She’d never admit it, but Caroline loved being close to him post match. They’d just won convincingly, no surprises there, but he was always more needy and urgent and the sex decidedly more explosive.
His mouth travelled down her neck and Caroline had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. She wanted to take her time and enjoy him but given where they were that wasn’t an option. Plus, she knew from experience that he would make it up to her later.
He was trailing kisses along the length of her collar bone now, his lips teasing the swell of her breasts and his tongue close to delving into the valley between them when she heard a noise in one of the far stalls.
It startled them and broke up their kiss. They started at each other intently, panting but at the same time holding a silent discussion with their eyes. Should they risk it or should they move apart and avoid suspicion? It seemed like a fairly easy decision. No one could know they were together but the strong magnetic pull between them made moving seem inconvenient.
A further noise and subsequent horsey neigh made them realise that, unfortunately, it wasn’t going to happen. Not now anyway.
“I don’t like you that much anyway,” she reiterated, shrugging her shoulders. If he was offended by her comment he didn’t show it. His crimson lips curved into a knowing smile, a rogue dimple making an appearance in his left cheek.
“The feeling is mutual, love. Don’t miss me too much.” He was walking purposefully through the stables before she had a chance to reply.
Caroline hit her head against the stall a few times, hoping that it would somehow allow sense to prevail but unfortunately she knew if he kissed her again she wouldn’t resist. She was supposed to hate the guy not be rubbing up against him every chance she got.
Caroline felt a soft nuzzling against her shoulder, looking up into the warm and expectant eyes of her chestnut mare Coco.
“Don’t start,” she murmured, patting her nose affectionately.
How did she get here? How did they get here?
It had all started out so innocently. You don’t like the person, you ignore them.
Simple, right?
10 months earlier (April) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
Equestrian was the way of life in Wellington. In fact, if you didn’t ride, compete or spectate there was no point in actually living there. Home to the Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre and to the famed Winter Equestrian Festival, they lived, breathed and everything else horse related. Caroline’s mom and grandmother had both competed at a national level and were local legends in her hometown.
She was following in their footsteps and out of the three she possessed the most natural talent. While skilled in dressage, her forte was showjumping and there were hopes she’d one day compete in the Olympics for the USA. As much as Caroline loved horse riding, she didn’t love the pressure associated with it.
Her best friend Kat competed with her from a young age, but she maintained she only stuck it out because she couldn’t resist a hot guy in jodphurs.
It was a Tuesday, Caroline remembered because she had her private lesson. After arriving at the club, she noticed a few new faces. Two guys and a girl, all around her age. The brooding blonde was especially good looking, he looked kind of familiar but she wasn’t sure why.
He also seemed generally unimpressed with his surroundings as the director Jenna Sommers showed them the facility. Caroline hung back, but was still close enough to overhear.
“The stables were built in 2017, there are sixty 12x12 stalls, twenty wash stalls, specialty hay and grain storage, multiple dressing rooms, laundry rooms, office space, full sized kitchen and bathrooms. There are three arenas, one covered, one sand and one grass.”
“And the polo facilities,” the blonde interrupted, clearly impatient. His voice was very English and his tone incredibly brusque.
“The Polo Club is adjacent. It spans nearly 250 acres and includes seven state-of-the-art tournament fields that can accommodate multiple games simultaneously.”
“I suppose that will have to do,” he muttered. Caroline knew she was biased but the polo club was internationally renowned and held many top level national and international competitions, this guy was clearly hard to please.
“Oh, Caroline,” she didn’t realise just how close she was. Jenna was looking at her curiously and she could tell was relieved by the interruption. “Meet the Mikaelson siblings, they’re new to Florida and the States. Caroline Forbes is one of our very best show jumpers.”
They seemed intimidating from the outset as they looked at her expectantly and Caroline wasn’t quite sure what to say, until she managed to get something out.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
The good looking one’s eyes flickered over her attire briefly before looking away. Charming. Well, two could play at that game.
“Rebekah is the same age, Caroline,” she said, gesturing to the blonde girl. “Maybe you could take her out to the arena for your lesson so she can look around?” Caroline figured it wasn’t a suggestion but an order.
At first Caroline thought Rebekah was incredibly uptight. Katherine would say she had a stick up her ass and Caroline was secretly glad her best friend wasn’t part of the welcoming committee.
She found out that the family were members of the exclusive Cowdray Park Polo Club in West Sussex and Rebekah’s older brother was skilled in polo. Rebekah excelled in dressage and was quite heavily involved in competitions like Caroline.
“So, I take it this isn’t that impressive compared to your previous club in England?”
“Why would you say that?”
“Your brother didn’t seem very happy with the polo facilities.”
“Niklaus isn’t happy with anything,” she drawled.
“He hates it but I do it just to annoy him,” she offered, a slight smile crossing her face. Maybe there was a less uptight side to her after all.
“No, I meant that name sounds familiar.”
“He’s one of the best polo players in England and beyond, but don’t tell him I said that because I will deny it,” she groaned.
Now, it was all coming back to her. Caroline didn’t play polo but knew she’d seen him on the cover of quite a few magazines. He was incredibly good looking but from what she’d seen, he was clearly arrogant and self absorbed too.
“None of us are happy that my father was transferred for work but Nik is feeling the move the most. Elijah is off to Yale so is only passing through town and Kol is Kol.”
Caroline wasn’t sure what that meant, but she was certain she’d find out.
4 months later (August) USA v Argentina Display Match, Palm Beach International Polo Club, FL
“Look at that South American stallion in action,” Katherine purred from the sidelines. “And by that, I don’t mean the horse.”
Caroline rolled her eyes although it wouldn’t be Kat if she wasn’t checking out the talent.
The annual display match was a big event on the club’s polo calendar. People from all around the country and overseas attended and it was one of the premiere fashion events of the year. Although Caroline enjoyed it, something was making it less that way. Or someone if she was being specific.
Klaus Mikaelson.
Watching him take the field like he owned the place was a bad enough start to her day. In the four months she’d had the displeasure of knowing him, Caroline had decided that he was one of the most arrogant, conceited and smug idiots she’d ever met. Of course, the other girls at the club didn’t share her feelings and were all vying for his attention on and off the field. Caroline thought they were all pathetic for not seeing what she saw.
That he was an ass.
Caroline had every intention of steering clear of the guy but it seemed as if everywhere she went, he did too. It didn’t help that her and Katherine had been spending time together with his sister. It also didn’t help that he looked so attractive annoying her. Whether it was a flash of those dimples or a curve of his crimson lips, Caroline found herself doing all that she could not to jump him. And she hated herself for that. It also meant she was moody more often and it clearly hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“The grouchy look on your face is doing nothing for that stunning Burberry dress, Care,” Kat insisted. Caroline looked down at the white, fitted ensemble thinking her friend was right that it didn’t match her personality.
“Why do we have to watch this?” She growled, noticing Katherine was about to interrupt. “And I don’t want to hear about the South American stallions."
“Well, unfortunately the club has this really annoying policy whereby all younger members need to be present. Apparently, it helps with publicity and that means more members and we all know what that means.”
“Money,” she murmured. “I don’t like it but I get it. But since when did we become the cheerleaders for the guy’s polo team? I don’t see any of them at our show jumping meets.”
“As much as you don’t want to hear this, polo is more popular and it doesn’t hurt that the club’s star player is the best advertisement they’ve got.”
“If you say his name…”
“The club has hit a gold mine with Hottie Mchottie as a member and I’m inclined to agree.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I could have meant anyone,” she smirked. “Okay, maybe. I have to admit, I love the way he riles you up, it’s like watching live action foreplay.”
“You have a one track mind.”
“And you, my dear, are in denial.”
“I can’t stand him and his pompous ass.”
“Talking about his ass again, are we?” Kat teased. “Anyone would think you were obsessed.” Caroline gave her a look which plainly said she wasn’t interested in engaging. “Have you considered relieving some of that sexual tension with him in the nearest stable on a strategically placed haystack? You might find that helps with your general mood.”
“Well, on that rather weird and erotic novel type note,” she growled, annoyed that Kat probably had a point. She couldn’t stand the guy but there was no denying her attraction. “I’m going to get a drink and then spike it so I don’t have to deal with your wild opinions.”
“Best thing you’ve suggested all day, get me one too,” she called out to her retreating back. Caroline could hear her laughter and it wasn’t helping improve her mood.
“Why are you in such a bad mood?”
What was this, pick on Caroline day? She looked over at Kol Mikaelson standing by the buffet table, his plate piled high.
“You realise you can come back again for more, right?”
“This is my third helping,” he said, gesturing to his food. “I don’t know why they insist on these tiny plates.”
“Probably so people like you don’t hoover up the entire buffet in one fell swoop and leave nothing for the rest of us,” she offered. “I’m surprised to see you actually.”
“Really? This is my dream come true, free food and beautiful women.” Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes.
The youngest Mikaelson had always been an enigma to her. Kol had absolutely no interest in horses. Period. Unlike his sister and brother he only attended the club on social occasions. She actually found him to be the most fun, not that she’d ever admit that.
“Of course,” she sighed knowingly. “I’m not sure why I said that. I can see the food has been a hit, how about things on the girl front?”
“Not yet, but it’s still early. I have to say Katherine is looking…”
“I’m going to have to stop you there,” she interrupted. “I love my best friend but she is a pariah and will devour you and not in a good way. Plus, she likes older guys.”
“Well, that explains her checking out Elijah,” he muttered, referring to when his older brother visited the club on a break from college a month earlier. “Any other friends for me?”
“Not any I’d introduce you to, Kol,” she joked, noticing his face falter slightly. “The day is still young though and I’ve caught April Young checking you out.” Given the way his expression changed, Caroline figured she’d buoyed him slightly.
“Of course she was,” he grinned. “So, why so glum, sugar plum?” He asked, placing his plate down and looking at her earnestly. “Usually Niklaus has to be in at least a half mile radius for this kind of reaction.”
“This has nothing to do with…”
“I’m his brother and, trust me, I know the signs,” he advised. “I assume you’ve heard about the Winter Festival then?”
“Well, it’s held every year,” she replied.
The Winter Festival was the premiere equestrian event running from January to April every year in their hometown of Wellington. It was considered the largest and longest-running competition in the world and attracted varying levels of riders from all over the US and beyond.
“Yes,” he drawled sarcastically. “I meant about you and Niklaus doing...”
“Me and Niklaus?” His face was ashen now, clearly he’d misjudged the situation and her reaction. “Doing what exactly.”
“You’re going to have to ask him,” he blurted out, holding up his plate of food like a shield between them. “I have no intention of being the messenger who gets shot, especially when I’m so young and handsome and have so much to live for.”
“Gee, how dramatic. Just tell me, Kol, “ she pressed. “Trust me, my anger will be squarely directed at your brother. If you need any proof just look at precedent.”
“He told me that you two are going to be the faces of the festival,” he mumbled. “Do all the publicity and promotional things for it.”
“Unbelievable...” she scowled. “I’m going to kill him.”
She was gone before Kol could offer any rebuttal.
45 minutes later
“No need to tell me how wonderful I am, Forbes,” he smiled, walking towards the stall leading his stallion Jet.
He’d happened upon her pacing outside his stall, her white dress doing nothing to hide her delectable curves. He’d almost lost concentration multiple times during the match thanks to that particular ensemble. Klaus wasn’t one who lost concentration often but was starting to realise that Caroline Forbes did something to him that no one ever had before.
Sure, he liked to give her a hard time and revelled in the way she reacted but she’d commanded his attention for months now. No one even stood a chance when she was in his line of sight.
It started when they met. Those golden waves and blue eyes were mesmerising but if Klaus was being honest it was the slight dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose that really drove him crazy.
“I’m not one of your pathetic, sycophantic groupies,” she hissed, finally coming to a stop and placing her arms across her chest defiantly. “I hear you’ve been making decisions on my behalf.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific,” he said, leading Jet into the stall and removing his bridle. Klaus wondered how long it would take for the news to reach Caroline.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t just go around making decisions on my behalf,” she argued.
“The festival, I assume?” He asked feigning innocence. “They needed two photogenic, equestrian talents to promote it. If anything I thought you’d be flattered.”
“Wow, you really think I’m going to fall into a giggling heap because you called me both photogenic and talented? You picked the wrong girl.”
“I didn’t pick anyone…”
“Oh no you don’t,” she shot back. “I just spoke to Jenna and apparently it was all your idea.”
“She asked me for suggestions and I obliged.” Klaus figured that at least sounded half true, even if it wasn’t.
Klaus knew that if he was going to be stuck doing publicity then the only person he wanted by his side was Caroline. Yes, it was selfish, and now, probably in hindsight, a little creepy sounding but he wanted her to see there was more to him.
“If that’s true,” she accused.
“If you do this then think of all the benefits.” She gave him a curious look and Klaus knew he had her attention. “Sponsorship, fame, fortune.”
“Just because you want those material things doesn’t mean I do,” she answered. “There’s more to life than all of this.” Klaus detected a sense of sadness in her tone, like show jumping wasn’t her only ambition in life. Before he could respond, she did. “Anyway, why would I make a pact with the devil?”
“You know, I’m much nicer once you get to know me, Caroline.”
“Says Satan,” she drawled. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Well, you’re going to have about six months to see it,” he replied.
“This is not happening,” she insisted. “I’m going to tell Jenna that this was all your hair brained scheme and I want no part of it.”
“Now, even I know you won’t do that,” he said, knowing he was right. If she backed out on this it would be frowned upon by the upper echelons at the club, not to mention her family. “Look, maybe you might even have a bit of fun. Did you ever think of that?”
“I’ve never associated you with fun,” she murmured. “More like the impediment to it.”
“We’ll see about that, love.”
“If we’re going to at least pretend to be friends, don’t call me love.”
Klaus watched her walk away, her hips wiggling hypnotically from side to side. Jet nuzzled into his neck, almost like he was thinking the exact same thing.
“Hooves off, boy, I saw her first.”
2 months later (October) - Municipal Beach, FL
“Why exactly am I wearing high heels on a horse on a beach?” She asked, as someone touched up her make-up. “I think this is up there with the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s supposed to be artistic.”
“Well, it’s not. Anyway, who asked you?” She shot back, as he held onto the reins of her horse. “You get to wear comfortable footwear at least.”
“If it’s any consolation, red is your colour,” he said, gesturing to the patent heels she was wearing. She groaned, no doubt moving around in order to get more comfortable, but given she was wearing a matching ball gown, Klaus knew it was no mean feat.
“I’ll tell you where you can stick your consolation, Mikaelson.”
“Now that’s not the way for a lady to speak, is it Jigsaw?” He spoke to the horse she was atop.
“Remind me never to agree to do this again,” she mumbled, leaning down so she could say it in his ear.
Klaus couldn’t help but laugh aloud, she’d been saying it ever since the publicity campaign began in September. Photo shoots had become commonplace for them but they’d also just finished a nation-wide interview blitz where he’d be charming and Caroline had no choice but to follow suit. He might have also held her hand a couple of times and gone out of his way not to deny a possible romance between the newest equestrian darlings. The media had eaten it up of course and Klaus was in no rush for it all to end. Luckily, they still had a while until it all wrapped up.
Her frustration with him seemed to only add to his need to be near her. Klaus knew it was a tactic she employed and that the attraction between them was not only one sided. Caroline seemed to make it her aim in life to keep her distance but Klaus could feel it in her looks and her touch.
“You secretly love the attention.”
“Not bloody likely.”
“Someone’s clearly been around me too long,” he teased hearing the ‘b’ word.
“And don’t I know it,” she groaned, then attempted to sit upright again in the saddle. In the process her left shoe fell off and landed on the sand. Klaus sprang into action, kneeling down and picking it up. He noticed her looking downwards from the saddle and held it up to her foot.
“I think there was a fairytale about this once.”
“That’s fantastic,” the photographer shouted excitedly, what seemed like a thousand clicks sounding out from his camera. “Smile, Caroline, it’s your very own Prince Charming.”
“You’re never going to let me live this one down, are you?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“Never, Cinderella.”
One month later (November) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“That’s not the right of way,” he insisted, watching as she attempted to get the ball further down the field. “The line of the ball needs to be on the right.”
“But it’s my right of way,” she argued, moving the ball again.
“No, that’s cheating.”
“You are no fun, anyone ever tell you that?” She laughed.
“They want the faces of the festival to play in the charity polo tournament,” he said. “I don’t think the organisers would take too kindly to you breaking the rules.”
“Polo is entirely too civilised for my liking, far too many rules.”
It was at that point, her horse stopped dead in the middle of the field and no amount of encouragement was going to move her. Klaus swept in and took possession of the ball and rode the rest of the distance to score.
“Hey, that’s not fair! My horse is broken,” she shouted.
“That’s no way to talk about Scout, is it girl,” he grinned, trotting closer so he could rub her ears and mane affectionately.
“Sabotage, that’s what this is,” she growled. “I should have known when you gave me one of your fifty million horses for practice.”
“I have three and every polo rider should have a few to choose from,” he remarked. “And as much as I love Coco, she’s not a polo pony.”
“She wouldn’t cheat like this little lady.”
“Says the biggest cheater of them all,” he teased, nudging her slightly.
Caroline, not wanting to be outdone, pushed back until it became a full on play fight. Catching him by surprise, Caroline pulled at one of his stray curls causing Klaus to reel backward and off his horse completely. It had been raining overnight so the field was wet and muddy in parts. Klaus managed to fall right into one of them.
As much as he wanted to get angry and be upset, Klaus couldn’t help but think her melodic laughter was contagious and he started to follow suit. Pretty soon they were both in fits of laughter and Caroline wasn’t expecting him to reach up and pull her off the saddle and into the mud with him.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
“Says the girl who started it,” he joked. “I don’t know, I think mud is a good look for you.” Before she could react he’d smeared it across her cheek.
“You did not just do that!” Caroline threw some back, hitting him square on the chest. “This means war, Mikaelson!”
“Bring it on, Forbes,” he provoked, pulling her into the mud with him.
45 minutes later
“I think we can safely say that our first polo practice was a disaster,” Caroline murmured.
They’d both showered in the centre’s bathroom facilities and were sitting outside waiting on some clothes to dry. Klaus was trying not to notice just how good she looked in a towel, her usually creamy skin tinged pink from the hot water.
“I don’t know, I personally thought it was a lot of fun, especially when I pulled you into the mud pit.”
“Of course you did,” she drawled. He noticed her eyes riveted by a stray water droplet running down his bare chest. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one currently distracted by the view. “I, uh, didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.”
“Have what in me?”
“I thought you were far too into yourself to let loose and have a bit of fun,” she offered. 
“Wow, you really think that badly of me?” He asked, not exactly surprised by her account of him but also slightly offended. “Talk about judging a book by its cover.”
 “I’m sorry but you seemed unimpressed with everyone and everything here after you arrived in town.”
“I was homesick,” he replied honestly. “I still am sometimes. I never wanted to leave England. My whole life was there, my friends, my family. Florida is like a whole other world and I wasn’t sure how to act.”
“Yeah, it is intense.” The empathy reflected in her eyes was enough to tell Klaus she was reconsidering her views. “You do that confident, smug act a little too well.”
“Trust me, it was difficult. This place is like horses on steroids, well you know not the animals themselves.” Klaus couldn’t believe how stupid he sounded, he decided to blame it on her being barely dressed.
“I know exactly what you mean, although Wellington is all I’ve ever known.”
“You said something about there being more to life than this,” he recalled. “What did you mean by that?”
“The dreaded legacy.”
“Family pressure?” He guessed. Klaus knew from asking around that both her grandmother and mother had been champion riders.
“This life was it for them,” she murmured. “This is all they’ve ever known and they want me to follow in their footsteps but I’m not quite sure that’s what I want.”
“You mean there’s more to life than this equestrian dream?”
“I want to get out of Wellington, go to college next year and see what else is out there.”
“Have you ever considered talking it out with them?”
“Many times,” she shared. “But I chicken out every time. How do you start a conversation like that?”
“My step father is the opposite,” he offered. “Mikael thinks riding around on a horse is extremely unmasculine and that I should be doing more practical things in my life, like concentrating on college.”
“Wow, he sounds like a real…”
“Ass?” He answered for her. “I think he hoped this move would make me reconsider polo but I don’t really know anything else.”
“We are an extremely pathetic duo.”
“Maybe we need to do something to cheer ourselves up,” Klaus suggested, trying to ignore just how much he wanted to pull off her towel and play out every single fantasy he’d had starring Caroline.
“I’m not going to roll around in the mud again with you, Mikaelson.” He could tell by the way she was looking at him, biting her lower lip as her eyes devoured him, that she wasn’t opposed to it at all.
“I could think of other, more clean, ways to pass the time until our clothes are dry?” She clearly didn’t need to be asked twice.
“Now that you mention it, I think I missed a few spots,” she smiled, pulling him up by the hand and leading him towards the showers.
“I’d be more than happy to help with that, love.”
The tension that had been building between them for months finally dissipated in a shower stall. Her back up against the tiles as he moved inside her, the hot water falling down on them. Time stood still and they only emerged once the water ran out and they were forced back to reality in a cold burst.
As relieving as it was, Klaus was disinclined to ask too many questions in case the spell was broken. Caroline seemed just as reluctant. Suddenly, being near each other was all that mattered and any talk about their feelings pushed into the background.
Present Day (March) - Competition Arena, Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“Only one circuit between you and the championship, Care,” Kat smiled, giving Coco an obligatory good luck sugar cube.
Caroline barely heard her best friend or the announcer over the loudspeaker, she was too busy trying to get into the competition zone. Usually, it was easy to block out outside influences but she’d been struggling for the last few weeks.
It had all started when Klaus decided to ask the question they’d managed to avoid for months now. They’d finished their ‘picnic’ at a secluded spot they secretly visited and rather than redressing and leaving as usual, he’d asked the question.
“What are we?” She’d frozen to the spot, unable to respond. They didn’t do this, they didn’t talk about their feelings or wherever this was going between them. They didn’t do anything.
“You and I both know that things can’t continue like this.”
“Why not?” She cried. “We’re having fun, we’re enjoying ourselves. Let’s not ruin what we have.”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know what we have,” he murmured. “I know that you make me happy and that the last few months have been the best of my life.”
“So, why do we have to put a label on it?”
“Because no one knows about us, we hide away like we’re ashamed of being together. I don’t want to do that anymore because I love you, Caroline.” He’d never said that before and she wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, especially mid-fight. His gaze was as intense as it was imploring.
“It’s just…” Caroline broke off, unable to explain how she was feeling and what she wanted. She knew she had strong feelings for Klaus but it scared the hell out of her. “You’re going to Oxford in the fall and…”
“So, you’ve had enough of me then? This was all just a game to you?” She knew it wasn’t a game but it was difficult to find the words. She was expected to keep on the equestrian track in the States and the thought of him leaving her there was too much. 
“Of course not,” she murmured, her gaze now firmly downcast to avoid his gaze. “I just don’t know where this is going and the sooner we realise that the better.” 
He was gone before she looked up and they hadn’t spoken since.
“Caroline, hello?” Katherine asked, waving her hands in front of her face animatedly. “Where did you go? If that was a sex trance, I want to know all of the dirty details.”
“I only told you about that because you’re my best friend, but I have no intention of going into detail, even if you’re giving me those pleading, sex-starved eyes.”
“No fun, bestie,” she pouted. “So, why do I sense there’s trouble in paradise?”
“There’s no trouble,” she offered. “We’re actually not seeing each other anymore. It’s really for the best given...”
“Are you dumb or blind or both?”
“It’s not going anywhere, he’s off to England in the fall and then what? I’ll still be here doing what I do.”
“And you sound so excited by that prospect.”
“You’re going off to Columbia, Rebekah to Harvard and I’m going to Brown, not because I really want to go there but because it has the best equestrian team.”
“You need to tell your mom that this isn’t the life you want.”
“Easier said than done,” Caroline groaned. “Did I tell you that I got into Oxford?”
“What do you think?” Kat drawled. “How could you not tell me this, I’m only your best friend.”
“I only received the letter on Thursday.”
“So, I’m officially confused. You want to go to Oxford, you always have. Doesn’t this mean that all the moaning and groaning about Klaus and a possible future is redundant?”
“Caroline, I say this with love, but you’re an idiot. Yes, your family wants one thing but I think you’re old enough to make your own decisions. Plus, I bet the equestrian team at Oxford is pretty good, you know if you want to keep your options open.” She did have a point.
Caroline didn’t have time to respond though because one of the guys they knew from the polo club came running towards them frantically.
“Please tell me that’s not some new and really bad dance?” Kat asked, looking at him curiously.
“There’s been an accident on the polo field.”
“What happened?” Caroline asked, her stomach dropping. It could have been anyone but for some reason she felt like it was him.
“Number 3,” he panted. “Opposing team broke the right of way, there was a collision and he was thrown off his horse.”
“Is he okay?” Caroline asked, all composure lost. She didn’t care who knew just as long as he was going to be okay.
“They took him to hospital by ambulance, he was unconscious,” he replied.
Caroline handed Katherine the reins, and they held a conversation with their eyes. The decision about what to do was the easiest one she’d made. No championship was worth it, she was going to the hospital.
1 hour and 45 minutes later
“He always was the most dramatic one in the family.” Klaus heard Rebekah’s voice as he started to come to. They all knew she was the most dramatic but liked to pretend she wasn’t.
“Oh, look,” Kol exclaimed. “I guess Rebekah having a voice like nails on a blackboard has finally come in handy. Welcome back, Niklaus.”
“Is this a nightmare?” He managed to get out, his gaze trained on his younger siblings.
“Wow, you made a joke,” Rebekah cooed. “Looks like big brother is back with an even worse sense of humour.”
“Can I have some water,” he rasped, his throat dry, not to mention a splitting headache. “And as much as I love your comedy act, can we please keep the yammering to a minimum.”
“Oh, he’s definitely back,” Kol joked. “How about I get some water and you find the doctor, Beks?” She hated that nickname and her scowl confirmed it.
They both left the room and Klaus had to admit he was happy to enjoy the silence and just close his eyes for a moment.
Although he wasn’t at fault, Klaus knew he’d been off kilter for a few weeks now and might have had a slight lapse in concentration. It was bad enough he hadn’t seen Caroline since their argument but the worst part was that she didn’t even seem to want to try and make things work for them. She also seemed embarrassed for some reason and that hurt more than Klaus had imagined.
Sure, things started off fun and as much as Klaus liked that he knew things couldn’t continue that way. Yes, he was off to Oxford but he hoped that she’d offer to try rather than giving up. He even told her he loved her and nothing. To say he was hurt was an understatement.
“Oh my god,” he heard her voice, almost like he’d summoned her or something.
“Klaus.” He could hear the emotion and the slight wobble in her voice. “What have you done?” He heard her take a seat at his bedside and felt her take his hand. Klaus knew he should have opened his eyes but he was curious about what she might say.
“Please tell me the other guy looks worse and if not I’m going to kick his ass.” Klaus had to fight the urge not to smile. She was incredibly adorable when she was being jealous.
“Can you please just open those pretty eyes so we can talk? I want to tell you what an idiot I was last time I saw you.” As much as he wanted to do just that and gloat, Klaus stayed still waiting.
“Fine, if you’re going to be stubborn about it,” she muttered. “A couple of things.”
“One, I was an idiot and if you expect me to admit that when you’re conscious, think again. Two, I was scared about losing you and what we have because my family has these overwhelming expectations and I was trying to be all things to all people.” Klaus figured she was just about done and then she continued.
“Three, I want you and I want us and I love you and I really regret not saying that the other week. And finally, four, I got into Oxford and I really want to go but I don’t want you to think I’m some crazy weird stalker..”
“You got into Oxford?” His eyes flew open and he spoke before thinking, he was that shocked.
“You were awake the whole time?” She growled, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Ouch, Caroline.”
“You deserved it,” she insisted, before relenting and loosening her grip. “Yes, I got into Oxford.”
“And you love me?”
“Well, there’s no point in asking given you heard it all,” she muttered.
“And you were an idiot?”
“I’m never going to live that one down, am I?”
“Probably not,” he smiled, pulling her closer. “But I wouldn’t have you any other way. Hang on, aren’t you supposed to be competing right now?”
“I was but decided I needed to be here,” she replied. “I need to start doing more of what I want with my life. But don’t let it go to your head, Mikaelson.”
“Come up here,” he asked, pulling her onto the bed so she was laying beside him. She felt familiar, comfortable and like home. “I want to make up for the last few weeks.”
“You want to do it in the hospital bed?”
“No, but someone is clearly over eager,” he chuckled.
“I’m so glad I’m in a hospital right now because I’m going to be sick,” Kol groaned, walking into the room with the doctor and Rebekah on his heels.
His reaction was predictable but Klaus and Caroline didn't really care, they were far too immersed in each other to even respond. Not when they had a future to look forward to and, after all of the initial animosity, it was most definitely worth it in the end. 
46 notes · View notes
Gas station encounter Part V
Part IV
A few hours later I await him in front of my door and as he pulls up and gets out I can see the frown on his face.
“Hey, this is a relaxing weekend, you shouldn’t have carried your bag down here!” he says and I laugh until I realize he is serious.
“Well I´m sorry, you can take it from here on” he nods and tosses my bag in his back seat. We drive to his home and I am amazed by how huge this is.
“Are you living here alone? Isn´t it lonely? I sometimes hate it in my 3 room flat but this is the next, next level” he smiles and shuts down the engine.
“It is but I wanted to buy something where I can spend my life. And this is big enough to have a family someday and a bunch of kids” he explains as I follow him up the steps. He gives me a house tour and shows me where the huge guest room is. I even have my own bathroom.
“So, let´s get some music on and while I prepare dinner you take a nice bath, how about that? I put everything in your bathroom, enjoy” he winks at me and I smile.
“Thank you, see you in a bit” I wink at him and do to check out what he got for my spa day.
After my bath, which was really relaxing and soothing for my hurting legs and feet, I put on some comfy clothes and go back downstairs. My hair is still wet and when I walk down I can smell the food he made. He listens to some music and has changed into a pair of grey sweatpants, which hang low on his hips. His T-Shirt is the same as before and I watch how he swings his hips to the beat. He has a towel on his shoulder and stirs in a pot.
t“Smells amazing, what is it?” I ask and step closer to him. He turns his head towards me and holds out a spoon for me to taste what he is cooking. It looks like a curry and it definitely tastes like one, too. It´s delicious and when I tell him, he turns a bit red.
We sit down at his huge dining table with a glass of wine and our plates filled with his curry. We chat and laugh and when our eyes meet, I can feel a tingle in my stomach. Eventually, we end up on his couch, cuddled in a cosy blanket and watch a funny movie. I giggle and sip from my wine when I feel his eyes on me.
“What?” I ask and raise an eyebrow but he shakes his head.
“Then stop staring, it´s rude” I reply and he smirks but turns his head back to the TV.
“I like this,” he says after some time and I look confused at him. He gestures with his hand a vague movement into my direction and back to himself.
“Oh yeah, it´s fun” I agree.
“Is it awkward?” he seems to be a bit scared of my answer but I shake my head.
“Not at all, feels almost natural doesn’t it?” he nods and we smile at each other.
The weekend goes by way too fast and before I can even blink properly it is Sunday afternoon and I stand next to his car, waiting for Harry to bring me home. He forgot his phone and went to get it.
I enjoyed this weekend and I am a bit sad that it is already over. We had a great time and finally got a bit closer emotionally.
“Go it. Ready to go?” he asks smiling, as he comes down the steps and I sigh.
“Not really, I really enjoyed spending time with you outside of work” he beams and takes my bag, to put it in the trunk.
“Glad to hear that because I had a blast. Can´t wait to do this again sometime” I nod and get into the car. The ride home is mostly quiet and I am captured in my own thoughts when he pulls over in front of my house.
“Thank you so much, Harry. I feel like we grew a bit closer, which takes time for me but I am glad that we did this” he smiles widely and tugs a strand of my hair behind my ear. His finger brush lightly against my skin.
“Me too, I´ll see you next week in the hospital. What is your shift?” he asks and I smile because he always comes when I am there.
“Starting at 2 pm”
“Okay, can´t wait” I get out of the car and he hands me my bag, before he pulls me into a hug. I grab his shirt at the back and tug my nose in his shoulder-chest area to inhale his scent.
After a minute or so he lets go of me and smiles.
“Don’t want to draw attention on us, see you soon Y/N”
 The next month goes by and we hardly manage to meet outside of the hospital. Due to the illness of one of my colleagues, I have to work nearly every day and Harry told us, that he is going back to LA to finish his album. He will be gone for a few weeks and I can´t help it but feel sad. I can't get free time until Dr Sally is back. Dr Seymour and I have to manage the whole station and it´s I have a hard time.
The kids and Harrys goodbye was sad but he promised to come back. I am not good with goodbyes and didn’t really know what to say, so we just hugged and said our goodbyes. Sometimes we text a bit but he knows that I am very busy and when finally Dr Sally gets back, I relax and take a few days off.
During this time Harry and I managed to facetime a few times and at first, I am a bit awkward but he makes it normal by being himself and being worried. To be honest, I look like shit and I am tired as hell and so exhausted.
“I have some good news, I will be back in a few days,” he says and my heart skips a beat before pounding like crazy.
“When? Annas final bloodwork is in the lab and will be due in around three days” I ask excited and he grins at me.
“I wanted to surprise you all but I can´t keep a secret from you…I will be home tomorrow night” I clap my hands together and reply:
“That’s awesome, she will be so happy to see you”
“And you? Are you happy to see me?” his voice gets a bit deeper and I can feel the heat in my cheeks.
“Of course, Harry. I miss you”
“Good…because I miss you, too” we smile at each other and chat about his music and how his album work goes before I head to bed.
 Three days later I stand in front of the hospital and wait for Harry to arrive. It´s Wednesday and I have to be back at work on Friday but I promised Anna and her family to be there when the blood tests come back. I chose my red duffle coat and as I wait it starts to snow. I am freezing but instead of waiting inside, where everybody knows me, I keep standing outside.
I put on my hat and tug my hands deeper into my pockets. Where the hell is he? I look around and see a tall man with a beanie and a dark coat walking towards me. He wears warm boots and gloves. His green eyes are fixed on me and he smiles as he comes closer.
“Hello there, you are so bright” he laughs and pulls me into a hug. I giggle into his ear and feel his hot lips on my cheek.
“Hey, how are you? You look great and relaxed” I compliment him and he beams.
“Thank you, you look lovely as always. I like the coat, red suits you. Wait…is that make-up? Just for me?” he mocks me and I shake my head and roll my eyes at him. Of course, I tried to look my best.
“Oh shut up. Come on” I pull him with me, trying to get him to stop but he won´t.
“So tell me, why did you put make-up on? You look so different but still cute. I like it but I like you anyway” he asks again and again until we are in the elevator and I face him finally.
“There is no deeper meaning behind me putting make-up on. I just wanted to, so calm the fuck down”
“Hm. I hoped it was because of me” he mumbles and looks down to his feet.
“What would that change, H?” he smiles as the door opens and I immediately get a bit nervous. This is Annas bis day.
“Harryyyy” she squeals and flies into his arms. I laugh and hug her parents, knocking on the office door.
“Oh hey, you are here for Annas results aren´t you?” Phil asks and I nod. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. He is always aa bit flirty with me and I kind of like it. He is just a bit older than me and we always liked each other.
“Yes, we are. How are you?” I ask him and he nods. He had an operation a few weeks back when he couldn’t work.
“Better, thanks for doing all those extra hours. I owe you one…maybe some dinner soon?” he asks and I smile widely.
“Sure, I´d like that” he returns the smile and prints the results before we head back to the others, his hand on the small of my back.
“So Anna, you excited? Oh, you must be Harry, I am Dr Phil Sally” he introduces himself and shakes Harry´s hand. I feel a bit uncomfortable when his eyes wander to me and how Phil handles me. I never took a piss out of it and I honestly never thought about it but now…I can see that he is a bit hurt, I think. I immediately step back from Phil and wrap my arm around Anna.
“Soooo…this looks great Anna. I think you made it and you are clean” he says and I put my hands in front of my face and start crying. Anna hugs me and I lift her up into my arms, we both are crying and I am so overwhelmed with joy. Of course, I know that she will have to go to checkups rhythmically and often the cancer strikes back later but this is great news. She can have a few carefree years and experience being a teenager.
“Thank you for everything,” her mom says and we all hug each other, with watery eyes. Phil leads them into the office to give further information and I wave goodbye to them.
“I´ll text you about dinner” he says not too loud and kisses my cheek before joining them in the office.
“You okay?” Harry asks and I nod, trying to rescue my make-up. I smile at him and he smirks.
“So you and him, huh?” he asks and I look confused at him.
Part VI
@wotamelonsugar @lanallaa @highladyofelfhame-remastered @lucky-worm @theresthingsthatwellneverknow @nibabyy @magnificentbonkfarmlover
Hey guys, I am so sorry for letting you down but my life has been a bit crazy the last weeks/months. I am very sorry for keeping you waiting...I really am. 
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A/N: Hello all! My job has been incredibly slow, so good news for me, I can actually get some writing done! I’ve decided to do some songfics. The first one I’m doing is ‘Tequila’ by Dan&Shay (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j8afmT-bLM) with Rami! 
Pairing: Rami Malek x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Rami Malek dated in college, but when things started to blow up, the two of you couldn’t keep it together. 5 Years later, something jogs his memory of you. 
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Open Ending (is that a warning?) 
Taglist: @astrovcly @queenlover05
“Tequila shots!” Joe proclaimed, putting the four shot glasses on the table. The other three men groaned.
“Joe,” Ben began with an eye roll.
“It’s your guys’ fault. You left me up at the bar alone,” Joe responded, handing the shots to each of them.
“Alright, alright,” Gwil chuckled as he took his glass from Joe.
Rami didn’t say anything. He just stared at the glass. He hadn’t drank tequila in about five years. And there was a reason.
“Y/N!” Rami called when he found you. He slid his hands around your waist and you turned around to face him with a smile.
“One more drink and then we should head up to our room. What do you think?” You ran your hands up his chest and winked. Rami nodded enthusiastically.
You turned back to the bar. “Can I get two tequila and sodas? One with a lime?” You had to yell to the bartender. You swayed along to the music as you waited for your drinks. Rami pulled you close and pressed a kiss to your neck. He was so in love with you. If only he could…
“Rami?” Joe asked, almost nervously. “
Rami shook his head and. He must’ve zoned out.
“Yeah, sorry. Shots, huh?”
“You alright, mate?” Ben frowned at him.
“Totally fine. Let’s do these,” Rami finally grabbed his shot and held it in front of him, waiting for a toast. The other three exchanged glances, but brought their glasses to Rami’s.
“To us, guys. Nobody else I’d like to be pretend rockstars with,” Joe proclaimed.
“Here here,” Gwil agreed.
Ben and Rami made noises of affirmation before all four of them threw the shots back.
And did that shit burn.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with yoooou!” You sang along, drunkenly swaying to the rhythm. You grabbed the bottle of tequila off the counter and took a pull.
Rami chuckled as he watched you.
The two of you were on spring break your senior year of college. Instead of going some place warm like most of your friends, the two of you had decided to go skiing in Colorado. The two of you had even splurged and gotten yourselves a suite.
“Rami, don’t make me drink alone,” you pouted at him and then held out the bottle to him. He took it and took a drink as well, the tequila hitting him now. The two of you were just shy of drunk when you’d gotten back to the room and then had continued drinking some of the liquor that you’d brought with you.
“Ram, will you promise me something?”
“Anything, love.”
You grinned and went into the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” Rami called after you, starting to move towards the room.
“No! I’ll be out in just a sec!”
Rami heard a drawer close and watched as you emerged from the bedroom, holding something behind your back.
Rami smiled at the sight. You’d changed into a t-shirt from the Chi Omega/Sigma Phi Epsilon mixer that the two of you had met at sophomore year. It was still big on you, and came to half way past your thighs that were covered with a pair of boxers that you had stolen from at some point in your relationship. Your hair was still curled from the night out on the town. You still took his breath away, even after almost three years together.
“You’ll always love me, right?” You asked.
“Of course.”
You finally pulled what you’d been hiding behind your back out and Rami burst out laughing.
“A Bible?”
“Yes! I want us to swear we’ll never leave each other! Right now!” You held the Bible out to Rami.
Rami stepped right up to you and placed his right hand on the Bible.
“I swear that I, Rami Said Malek, will never leave you.”
You beamed and pulled him in for a kiss.
“Another round?” Gwil looked around the table.
“Let’s do it!”
“I’ll help you,” Ben jumped up. He and Gwil walked up to the bar.
Joe looked at Rami with a concerned frown. “Dude, what’s going on?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You seem…off tonight.”
Rami shook his head. “I’m fine,” Rami drained his beer as he saw Gwil and Ben come back with their beers. And…
“More shots!” Ben held them up. Rami saw the clear liquid again and groaned internally.
“Alright, tell us what’s going on. You look like somebody just kicked your dog.”
“Joe, stop, alright? It’s nothing.”
Joe held his hands up in surrender. The men threw back their shots, but then Ben picked up the badgering.
“Rami, is something wrong?”
Rami rolled his eyes. “Nothing! Jesus, you guys are more annoying than my mother.”
“We’ll let it drop if you just tell us what’s wrong.”
Rami looked at the three of them. They had all become like brothers during filming. They all looked genuinely concerned about what was bothering him. He hadn’t talked about it in so long…
Rami tried to be quiet as he came inside your shared apartment. He knew he was late, but the director kept making them do the scene over and over again. He couldn’t just leave. He was already preparing for the argument the two of you were bound to have when the lamp flicked on.
You rubbed your eyes and squinted at him until your eyes adjusted. You hummed and stretched.
“Sorry, baby, I must’ve fallen asleep.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. Let’s go to bed,” Rami gave you a soft smile, thinking that maybe tonight could go without a fight. Maybe the two of you could just go to bed. He would be happy to take you.
Then you looked at your phone.
You frowned at it and then looked at him.
“It’s nearly two AM, Rami,” your voice was annoyed.
“I…I know. I just…”
“You told me you’d be home not later than midnight. And that was an ‘exaggeration’,” you used air quotes on the last word to remind him that he was the one that said that.
“Sugar, the…”
“Don’t you do that,” you spat. ‘Sugar’ was what he called you when it was just the two of you, usually when you were being intimate.
Rami sighed, raised and dropped his arms in defeat. “What do you want from me, Y/N? An apology? I’m sorry I’m so late. It truly wasn’t supposed to last…”
“This long,” you finished with him. “It never is. Never,” you turned away from him and folded your arms around yourself. “Let’s just go to bed.”
“Wait, can we talk about this?” Rami was hoping that maybe if you yelled at him for a bit you could make up and you wouldn’t be so mad at him.
You turned back towards him and you didn’t look mad. You looked tired. Not just because of the time. You seemed tired of the conversation the two of you were about to have.
“Talk about what, Rami? How you’re late? Again? How I waited up for you, again? How things have just totally changed all of a sudden?”
“I finally have a steady acting job and what? You’re upset about that? I thought you of all people would be happy for me!”
“I am! I am happy for you, but I…I don’t know if I can keep up.”
Rami stared at you. “What does that mean?”
Tears came to your eyes and you tried to blink them away. You’d been thinking about it for a while now. The two of you barely saw each other anymore. And when you did, you were fighting.
“I…I mean…maybe…this life just…I…” You couldn’t pick a sentence and go with it.
Rami’s expression hardened. “I come home late a couple of times, and now you want to leave?” His voice was colder than you had ever heard it.
“It’s not just that!” The tears in your eyes had started to fall. “ It’s the late nights, the people stopping us in the street,your new attitude you have, the new so called friends you have!”
“Oh, so now you hate my friends!?”
“Those new assholes that are around all of a sudden are not your friends! They’re using you!”
Rami shook his head with a humorless chuckle. “Alright, babe, you know what? We’re both tired. Let’s just…”
“NO!” Suddenly you were fuming. He’s the one that wanted to hear what your problems were. These were them. “You wanted to fucking talk about it, let’s talk! Why do you think they’re your friends now, huh? They wouldn’t give a shit if you weren’t an actor!”
Rami stared at you as if you’d slapped him. “Wow, Y/N, just…fucking wow. You think that little of me, huh?”
“What’s not what I said.”
“No, no, you just said that people who are around me only like me because I’m an actor. That must mean you, too, right?”
It was your turn to feel slapped.
“You’re kidding, right? Jesus, Rami, I’ve been with you since COLLEGE!”
“You know, you weren’t complaining about my ‘asshole’ friends when we were going on trips with them. It was all fun and games until it was inconvenient for you, huh? Now you just have nothing to do but sit at home and wait for me and…”
“When did your ego get so fucking inflated?! Do you honestly think that I just wait…”
“No, but if I’m even ten minutes late you’re down my fucking throat!”
“Two hours is a hell of a lot different from ten minutes! Sami’s noticed it too, by the way!”
Rami’s face fell completely and then his voice was deathly quiet. “You and Sami have been talking about me?”
“We’re worried about you,” your voice softened, hoping that he would listen if you did that.
“Worried?” Rami scoffed and his eyes seemed to burn with fury. “You’re jealous! I’ve finally made something of myself and I don’t need you around anymore!”
That took your breath away, and not in a good way.
“You don’t…” your voice broke for a moment. You cleared your throat. You hoped in the quiet Rami would realize what he said and take it back. No such luck. “Fine, Rami, if you don’t need me around, I’ll just go.” You pushed past him to put your shoes on.
You were mentally preparing to tell your sister why you were going to show up at her place at 2:30 in the morning when you felt Rami grab your wrist.
“Sugar, don’t go, I…I’m sorry.”
You ripped your hand away. You wanted to forgive him, but the look on his face and his tone of voice when he said it... You knew he actually believe it. He didn’t need, or want, you around anymore.
“I’m gonna go,” you whispered, slipping your shoes on. You didn’t notice Rami had moved in front of the door.
“Y/N,” you saw tears swimming in his eyes. “I didn’t mean it! Of course I need you. Baby, please,” Rami fell to his knees wrapped his arms around your waist. “P…please, don’t go.”
Your tears continued to fall as you ranked his fingers through his curls. You knew it would be the last time.
“I have to,” you unwrapped his arms from you and stepped around him, walking out into the mild New York night.
Rami wasn’t sure how much later it was, but he finally got up off his knees. He walked over to the freezer and pulled the bottle of tequila out and took a long pull. Then another. And another.
“She didn’t come back after that. Sent her sister to come get her stuff. Her sister gave me a letter,” Rami drained his beer. The whole table was silent now. “A fucking letter basically telling me how much of a son of a bitch I’d been.”
“Mate,” Ben tried to begin, but Rami held his hand up and shook his head.
“She was right. I’d changed. I talked to Sami and Jasmine, they’d seen it too. I didn’t mean to. It just…happened.”
“Come on, man,” Joe clapped Rami on the back. “We all change.”
Rami just shook his head again.
“Who needs another one?” Rami held up his empty beer bottle. Everybody said they needed one, so Gwil went up to the bar with Rami to help carry the drinks.
“Have you tried to reach out to her?”
Rami sighed. “No, last I heard she was still in the city, still working as a nurse.”
“Do you know which hospital?”
“Haven’t tried to figure it out, to be honest. She wanted to walk away. I don’t blame her.”
“But you’re clearly still hung up on her. She might feel the same way about you.”
“I appreciate that, but she shouldn’t. She should be with somebody who…”
“Can I get a vodka soda with a twist, please?” A voice from down the bar carried over.
Rami would know that voice in his sleep. He turned towards the voice and saw your profile. His heart started pounding in his chest. You hadn’t noticed him yet. He watched as another bartender made you your drink. Since when did you drink vodka?
You thanked the bartender, told him to add it to your tab, and started to walk away. Rami felt almost a magnetic pull to follow you.
“Rami?” He heard somebody (Gwil?) say behind him, but he didn’t care. He followed you to a table with about four other women, but Rami didn’t look at them. His gaze was fixed on you.
Finally (FINALLY), you turned around and met his eyes.
You nearly dropped your glass. You hadn’t seen him since…well, in person. You watched everything he’d been in. Every interview you could watch on TV and Youtube. You couldn’t help the sense of pride that always swelled in your chest when you saw him. There was also sorrow. You missed him like hell. You missed him so much it ached.
“I…I thought you’d moved back to LA,” you whispered, not sure if he heard. It was the first thing you could think of to say.  
“I did, I’m, just in town for a press junket,” Rami’s voice was equally as quiet. You were both sure the other could hear your heart trying to beat out of your respective chests.
You nodded, head still slightly swimming with the confusion of seeing him. You needed a drink. You took a long pull from whatever was in your hand. You didn’t taste it at all, but it helped slightly.
When you did that, something caught Rami’s eye. On your left hand. It sparkled, even in the low bar lights. His heart stopped. You were…married. For some reason he felt like his world was crashing down. Not knowing either way was alright, but now? To have it shoved in his face that you were married? It broke his heart all over again.
You noticed Rami fixate on your ring and you hid it behind you. You weren’t sure why. The two of you had been broken up for years. Why did you feel guilty?
“A…are you married?”
“This is her bachelorette party!” One of the women exclaimed, clearly already enjoying herself a little too much. Another woman who had known you and Rami quieted her down.
“I…um…I’m getting married. Next month,” you replied sheepishly.
Rami stared at you for a long moment, his big blue eyes boring into yours. Almost like he was waiting for you to explain yourself.
“Wow. That’s…wow. Congrats,” Rami fixed a stiff smile on his face. He maybe a great actor, but you could tell it was fake.
“Thank you,” you offered him a small smile.
“I um…I should get back to my friends,” Rami offered lamely.
“Oh,” your heart longed for you to reach out to him. To hold him. To run your fingers through his overgrown curls. God, you hadn’t seen it grown out like that since college. “Um…yeah, okay. It was really good to see you.”
“Yeah, you too,” Rami’s smile changed to something more sorrowful, but at least it was genuine this time.
Rami turned and walked back to the table.
“Dude,” Joe whispered.
“Yeah,” Rami took his beer that Gwil had brought to the table and drank about half of it in one go. 
On the other side of the bar, you watched Rami interact with his friends. He seemed…mostly happy. Good for him.
“Did you really date him?” Kelley, one of your bridesmaids that you’d worked with the past couple of years, asked you.
You looked at her and sighed. “Yeah, I did. For a while. He’s…he’s how I ended up here. We were living together and he was filming…”
Danielle, the only one that had known you and Rami together, put a soothing hand on your arm.
“I can’t believe you LIVED with him!” Marci shouted. Marci had enjoyed more alcohol than anybody.
“Sh,” you hissed at her before looking over at Rami’s table. You knew he couldn’t hear, but when you looked over there, you were met with Rami’s stare again.
He was looking over at your table. You all seemed to be enjoying yourselves, but then you looked over at him. His heart rate increased again. You turned away quickly.
You took a shot that had been brought to the table.
“I…I have to go to the bathroom,” you told nobody in particular and stood up.
“Want one of us to come with you?” Randi, your soon-to-be sister-in-law, asked.
“No, no, I’m good,” you told her and walked towards the bathroom. You really wanted some time to collect your thoughts.
Rami watched you get up and walk away from the table. He shouldn’t do it, he knew he shouldn’t, but the alcohol was making him less in control of his impulses. He quickly stood and followed you towards the general direction of the bathrooms.
“Where are you going?” Ben asked him,but Rami didn’t respond, he just followed you.
You were about to step into the bathroom when you felt somebody grab your hand and spin you around.
“Hey what are you…?”
“Y/N,” Rami stared at you, his eyes tracing your face.
“Rami,” you breathed out. He was so close to you you could feel his breath on your face.
“I…I know it’s too late, but for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry.”
“Sorry about what?”
“The way I was acting that lead to us…our…the fight.”
You noticed that Rami’s hand was still around your wrist. You wondered if he could feel the uptick in your pulse (he could).
“I…um…d…didn’t handle it well either.” Had Rami gotten closer? You were pressed up against the wall and Rami was nearly pressed against you. “I’m sorry too.”
Rami’s eyes just continued to look over your face. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. Maybe he was just committing it to memory. All he knew was that he couldn’t look away.
“Y/N, I…I know I can’t…I can’t change anything. And, I see that you’re happy with this…new guy,” Rami started.
“His name’s James, he’s a doctor at the hospital.” You don’t know why you felt the need to explain to Rami who he was.
“James, huh? Well, he’s a lucky guy,” Rami knew he should pull away. He shouldn’t be leaning into you more. He shouldn’t be thinking about taking you back to his hotel room and trying to make up for that fight.
“I um…I…” you gulped. It was taking all your control not to grab him and kiss him.
Rami gave you a smirk. He sort of hated how happy it made him that you were still a little nervous around him.
Rami jumped back and you both looked down to see Randi staring at you both.
“We uh…should probably get going,” Randi’s voice was hard.
“Yeah, of course. Rami and I were just catching up.”
“Alright, well, I think that’s enough of that. We should get going.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there,” you smiled at her, hoping she would go away.
“We’ll be waiting,” she turned around, leaving you and Rami alone again.
Rami looked at you and raised an eyebrow.
“I…um…I should really get going, Ram.”
“Yeah, I…uh…I should probably go too.”
But neither of you made a motion to move.
“Well, bye,” you offered him your hand.
Rami looked at your hand then back up to your face. “Really? A handshake?”
You chuckled and opened your arms. Rami fell into them and held you close. It felt like coming home. You could smell his cologne a feel all of his warmth. It made you miss him even more.
“I’ll be in town for a couple more days. The Waldorf,” Rami whispered in your ear before he pressed a kiss to your temple. He pulled away and gave you a smile. A real one. One that made your heart melt. “Maybe we’ll see each other later on, Sugar.”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded at him. Him using that nickname just wasn’t fair “Yeah, maybe.”
Rami walked away and you watched him, trying hard not to chase after him.
You walked over to your table and Randi looked you up and down.
“So, how was he?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The two of you looked VERY close is what I’m talking about.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled your coat on. You were not going to get into it with her.
“Nothing happened, Randi. Let’s get going. Marci looks like she’s about to pass out.”
You weren’t wrong. Marci’s head was on the table and she was groaning.
“Let’s get going.”
You all stood up, Kelley and Danielle supporting Marci. You cast one more glance at Rami’s table, they all seemed to be looking at you. You quickly looked away and Randi grabbed your arm, pulling you out of the bar and into the waiting car.
“Thank you, ladies!” You called to Danielle as she helped Marci up to their apartment.
It was just you and Randi in the car now (Kelley lived just a couple blocks away from the bar so she was dropped off first).
“So, now that it’s just us, can I ask you a question?” Randi turned to look at you in her seat.
“Sure?” You were pretty sure she was still drunk, but weren’t about to argue.
“Are you going to leave my brother for that actor?”
“Wh…what are you talking about?” You started sweating.
“Look, Y/N, you’ve been with my brother for almost three years. You’ve never looked at him the way you were looking at that guy. And I’ve seen you two in a LOT of different…situations.”
“Randi, I…”
She held her hand up and stared at you hard.
“You still love him. I get it. Just…let James down easy, okay?” 
When Randi said ‘him’, you weren’t sure if she meant James or Rami.
“No, no, I’m not…”
“Next stop,” the driver turned back towards the two of you.
Randi gave you a small smile, then leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Love you, not matter what,” was all she said before she got out of the car, paying her portion of the fare, and then going inside her apartment building.
“And where are we taking you tonight?”
You paused and thought about it. You should go back to your apartment, go to sleep, and just wait for Rami’s new movie to come out to see him again.
“Miss, I can’t go anywhere if you don’t tell me where to go.”
You opened your mouth to say your address, but what came out was…
“The Waldorf Hotel, please.”
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What do you think of Saeran's after ending? I honestly cannot believe he chose forgiveness in such a short time....
(nick don’t look at this one yet it’s spoilery)
oh that aspect was bullshit of the highest caliber. it’s softened a LITTLE BIT because of the sheer fact that 1. papa choi (and rika and v) still does face legal consequences and saeran doesn’t seem to be opposed to that at least, and 2. seven is unceasingly angry with papa choi so at least SOMEONE recognizes the severity of what happened!!! but... oh my god. this turned into a long rant and for that i’m sorry, but oh my GOD.
like, okay, if it was just rika and v, that would be one thing. tbh i’d always thought that, once he was out of mint eye and in a space where he could process everything and recognize how wrong the things rika did were... after working through that, eventually he would have decent odds of sympathizing with her, if only a little. like, not to the point where he’s cool with her, he’s never going to get to a place where he plays happy family with rika and v, or even allows them in his life as occasional ‘friends’ or whatever, no way. they’ve gotta vamoose (to a cell) for the sake of his mental health, i think anything else would just do more damage.
but given the history he has with rika, how much he believed in her cause and how much he just plain cares about Helping People Who Are Hurt... whether it’s merited or not, i can see him forgiving rika eventually, at least to an extent. so i think i’m okay with the broad strokes of saeran’s forgiveness towards rika and v, at least.
(in v’s case, i can’t believe my headcanon that i’ve had for years was validated — the idea that if saeran forgives v, it’s with a mindset of ‘wow you’re pretty pathetic, huh. just... totally spineless. you’re not a mastermind after all, you’re just... kind of an obsessive loser with a martyr complex who consistently picks the most harmful choices. i guess this is the best i could expect from you, so..... i’m choosing to focus on moving forwards from this, too.’ i’ve never thought that saeran would sympathize with v, regardless of whether forgiveness entered the equation, and it is SO funny to see that reflected in the after end. he really does just look at v as a sad, strange little man.)
and i understand that there are times when forgiveness can be much more about the person doing the forgiving than the person being forgiven, and saeran has spent years and years and years being blisteringly angry because the feud rika manufactured with seven benefited her and mint eye. i can see how he might be just........... tired of spending so much of his life and his energy on anger. his dad’s a terrible person, no one’s questioning that, so maybe at the end of everything, he just wants to move on and not be exhausted from always being scared and angry.
like, the concept of letting go of your anger and choosing to forgive, conceptually, is one thing. it’s quite another to sit through that long sequence of SAERAN BEING BEATEN TO DEATH AND NEARLY SLIPPING AWAY and then also having so sit through and SUPPORT (in the dialogue choices) not only forgiving but sympathizing with THE MAN WHO TRIED TO CAUSE HIS DEATH AND IS STANDING THERE WATCHING HIM DIE
at the very least i wish mc’s responses to papa choi had been... colder. she gets one or two lines to emphasize that she thinks he’s scum, but there’s too much “i feel sorry for you.... how empty your life must have been to reach this point.... if only you’d made better choices...... if only you could find love in your heart now.......” no???????? i wish it was at least skewed more towards “listen, you’re a murderous brute and you deserve everything that’s coming to you but i’ll leave it at that since my boyfriend is trying to not let his trauma consume him and i’m trying to not let the injuries you inflicted on him be fatal. you should be groveling at his feet for this saintlike display tho, you miserable sack of shit.”
god i’m so. mad about it. i was even pleased with how cheritz had tackled something similar earlier! the conversation you have with rika and v where the mc learns that rika killed the twins’ mom in self-defense, and rika talks about how even though her own mother never showed a scrap of love for her and was a terrible person by all accounts, the idea of someone doing to her mother what SHE did to the twins’ mom makes her skin crawl, and she knows that despite everything, she’d view her mother’s killer as a monster. so even though the twins’ mom was an abusive shitheel, rika is convinced that saeran knowing she killed his mom is going to drive an immovable wedge between her and him, bc she assumes saeran‘s feelings towards his mother mirrors rika’s feelings. and man, i thought maybe cheritz was finally doing better at portraying this sort of thing because hey, people often DO hold very complicated feelings towards their abusers! rika knows her mom was awful but part of her still craves that love she never got, and if her mom died or was killed, she would still grieve! that’s a decent portrayal of a really complicated and nuanced idea AND it’s another important step for rika to take if she’s serious about taking responsibility!
annnnnd then everything else happened.
like...... i look at it and i can almost understand it. saeran has spent his life in pain and misery and fear and anger, being beaten by his mother, hiding from his father who he knows will kill him if he’s found... and when he sees his father, i think this might be him letting go of the last of his sense of responsibility for this? it’s never been his fault that his parents are shit people. he was made to believe that it was his fault, but it’s not. and now, he can look at his father and realize all his father’s flaws and faults, realize that if, after everything he himself has been through, he can still crawl through the bullshit and make the choice to learn and grow and love, then the fact that his father has not done that is his father’s own choice, and that’s....... pretty sad and empty. and he pities his dad for it. i break it down like this and i start to nod along with it. the pieces SEEM to fit together!
it’s just... bad. and if they hadn’t made mc ALSO embody this saintly, selfless forgiveness, maybe it would’ve been less hard to swallow, but papa choi’s line about how both mc and saeran sincerely believe he can change.......... even tho he follows that up with ‘i mean, i can’t change, that’s utter nonsense, but it makes me sort of wish i could,’ that doesn’t feel like enough acknowledgment bc i just wanted to yell that i DON’T think he’s capable of change and i DON’T think he’s worthy of ANY measure of goodwill and i AM going to punch him in the trachea
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hercbled-moved · 4 years
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                                        Send Me A Ship <3  //  ACCEPTING. 
@inmydrcams​ said.   Zack/Aerith
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1. Made the first move:   Zack 100% made the first move, the boy was CONCUSSED && he was over here flirting.  BUT he stopped once he found out she was afraid of SOLDIER, It’s only when she made the first move with the full knowledge that he was a member of SOLDIER did Zack carry on flirting. 
2. The big spoon:  Both ? Why spoon when Aerith can just sleep on him ? She can fall asleep on his chest whilst he smooches her forehead listening to his heartbeat. [ reassured by the knowledge that he’s here, he’s back with her, he’s alive, everything is okay....for now. ]
3. The little spoon: Again both, but I am a sucker for Zack being the little spoon when they do spoon. 
4. The cuddler: They are both very cuddly people in privet, his love language is touch, && she’s a little clingy. [ something he finds v cute. ]   W
5. Cries during movies:  Neither....a movie is just a movie [ && I can’t really see them as movie people, Zack wouldn’t really enjoy having to be silent + still for that long... Tho if they did go to a movie...they maybe that couple that just sneaks smooches when they think no one is looking. ] 
6. More affectionate: They are both very affectionate && needy so...But it depends if they are in a teasing / flirtatious mood or a soft mood. 
7. Their favorite non-sexual activity:  Before Zack went missing, he used to just spend hours chilling at the church, just talking, doing his SOLDIER exercises, && really talking about anything && everything, while she looked after her flowers. && I do think this is something they would still both enjoy. it’s those everyday mundane normal relationship experiences. Picking her up from work, like a normal couple, FIGHTING monsters together, going to exciting dates. [ trolling their friends.]  All these things they never got to do before. 
8. More nervous to meet the parents:  Aerith, Zack has already met Aeriths mum...&& she doesn’t like him....But Aerith is probably afraid that she’s not ‘normal’ enough, that Zack’s parents will reject her or wish he was with someone else. [ Crazy talk really, as long as she’s not ShinRa, his parents are happy. ] 
9. More protective/jealous: This one is kinda hard, because I don’t see them getting jealous, though Zack can be a little protective when it’s serious, he’s actually mostly chilled. So I think Aerith might be more jealous / protective because she’s already lost Zack once, && this applies especially when he’s having interactions with Turks / ShinRa. 
10. Sneaks into the shower with the other in the mornings:  Aerith, Zack nearly always gets up early && is out going for a jog, Aerith would be the one to slip in the shower with him after he gets back. 
11. Initiates sexy times the most:  It highly depends on the stage of their relationship. Since his return, Zack && Aerith seem to be in this  non official relationship where they don’t actually talk about what they are, but they do always end up sleeping or cuddling together, especially when they are off chasing Sephiroth.  Zack has been gone for nearly 5 years, && this was v hard on Aerith, all of this doesn’t just vanish once he returns, pain && hurt doesn’t work like that. He still hurt her, it doesn’t matter if it was his fault or not, the pain && hurt has been dealt. So he’s giving her space && the option to choose him or not, he doesn’t want to pressure her. 
With Aerith tho, she’s stressed, the encounter with Hojo shook her, this journey is going to be hard on her emotionally && Zack is warm, safe && comforting. Especially when she’s overwhelmed, && having nightmares. He never turns her away when she sneaks into his tent, or his room at the Inn.  && having these stolen moments together helps her keep from spiraling, 
12. Fuck or make love:  I’m gonna go with make love cus he’s a soft boy who wants to be soft with her. 
13. Behind the wheel more often during road trips:  Zack, i’m not sure if Aerith knows how to drive....Zack will teach her if she doesn’t. 
14. Gives the silent treatment when they’re mad at each other: Aerith...Zack doesn’t really do silent..&& she might start mad but it soon turns to teasing. What silly thing will Zack do next for her attention ? 
15. Reaches for the other’s hand first: Zack because he wants to make her blush, 
16. Whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear at inappropriate times: BOTH! tho Zack maybe a little more so, it depends on the confident lvs && where they are in their relationship
17. Comes up with cheesy pick-up lines:”An Angel ?”  “I must repay you somehow...how about one date ?” It’s 100% Zack. 
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hergan416 · 4 years
First line meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @touchmycoat and I will pass this on to anyone who wants to do it. Even if I don't follow you, or you don't think I mean you, I mean you if you think this sounds fun. Feel free to tag me so I can see what you learn!
About formatting--I am considering each chapter in the fic "Thirty One Days" a unique chapter for the purposes of this meme, as they are written to be loosely connected one shots.
I am using both of my pseuds to better get a picture of my writing history, so if you end up looking up my yugiomo pseud...know that there WILL be omorashi and consider this your warning. If you do not know what this is, and are over 18, use urban dictionary or something.
Astonishingly, all of the first lines of all of the fics are tumblr safe. Horray. Most of the fics aren't. If you look up any fics, PLEASE pay attention to the ratings on AO3, and any content warnings.
Patterns: Every. Single. One. Of my new (2019 holiday season forward) fics starts with the name of a person and a paragraph. This paragraph immediately sets up the person's thoughts. Previously, I had begun fics with much more action, often with dialog, or specific thoughts or actions. "Keijo!!!!!" was sitting in my drafts for years before it was finished and posted, so it makes sense that it followed my old format, despite falling on the newer side of the break I took writing. (It is the only thing I published besides the 2018 YGOME before the 2019 YGOME started me writing again.) The long break coincides, to my memory with the tumblr purge and me entering a long-term relationship with my current partner. I should maybe think about adding more action into my writing again.
15. "War of Love: The Game" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Draw!” Atem yelled as he pulled the card out of the deck and looked at it.
14. "Dignity Lost! The Ship Ride to Duelist Kingdom" (yugiomo pseud, and yes apparently I'm mainblogging that now). --- Anzu grit her teeth as she listened to the gentle sound of water on the hull of the giant boat, every wave torturous to her ears. Finally she stood from her position crouching next to Honda. “I’m at my breaking point,” she complained, her voice a slight whine.
13. "Paladins: Champions of the Realm" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Enemy double kill... enemy triple kill!” the automated voice announced. "Enemy killing spree.”
12. "Failure" (yugiomo pseud) --- Stupid Kaiba and his stupid rules! Jounouchi thought, desperately working at the restraints that held him him in place. Who even made desks like this anyway? It almost seemed like the chain was built in, like it was meant to be on the desk. But that couldn’t be right. Kaiba had said he’d had this desk as a kid.
11. "More Sex Play" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Want to play something other than Duel Monsters this afternoon?” Atem suggested to Kaiba as he dug through the golden box for his deck. “I live in a game shop, surely there is something else you’d like to try to beat me at.”
10. "Alone" --- All Kaiba wanted was to shrink away from the music, the noise and the crowd. He didn’t want to play this part anymore, but he had to, for Mokuba’s sake. Mokuba was all that was left.
9. "Trying (On) My Patience" -- “Look, all I’m saying is that you need to find something other than a discarded school uniform to throw over your shoulders. And maybe some better jewelry.”
8. "Keijo!!!!!" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Don’t you think we should check it out?” Atem insisted, his intense gaze meeting Kaiba’s across the desk. “It’s the latest competitive fad in Japan. According to Yugi, men are going crazy for it.”
7. "Liquid Gold" --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XaS93WMRQQ
Atem sat at the computer, simply searching the internet while he waited for Seto to finish up with his work. While he almost exclusively had been using this specific computer in Seto’s office space since coming back from the afterlife, occasionally Seto would use it to set the ambiance while Atem was gone. What Seto didn’t know is that Atem had figured out how to search the browsing history, and that he had recently seen that there were nearly 20 plays of the same youtube video.
6. "All I Want For Christmas..." --- Yugi yawned as he watched out the window of the Kaiba jet . It was the private one, not the blue eyes white jet; Yugi had always been secretly nervous about that plane’s capability of flying, and regardless, there wouldn't have been enough room for Mokuba, Yugi, and Seto to fly in the dragon-shaped jet together. He’d been woken by the announcement of the plane’s descent, as dawn broke over the unique arrangement of city and harbor that forms Sydney, Australia. 
5. "Help Me Doctor (I Have Sinned)" --- Marco always had an eye out for sails as he went about his daily tasks on Whitebeard’s peaceful home island. He’d been expecting Edward Weevil to make his way there eventually, and in the meantime needed to protect the small island from bands of low-class marauders. So, when he was walking down the beach and he recognized the telltale black flag, he immediately pulled out his spyglass. The jolly roger showed a skull surrounded by a fluffy pink scarf, with giant red lips and a brown and pink tricorne on its head, and Marco’s heart rate immediately increased.
4. "Shimmering Blush" --- Tony Tony Chopper woke up bright and early, excited to go back to see his friends. The last two years in Birdie Kingdom without seeing any of the other Straw Hats had been long, even with the new friends he’d made here. He knew he was stronger, and would do his best to support everyone now that he would finally get to see them again.
3. "House On A Hill" --- Marco wasn’t about to listen to Katakuri (of all people) lecturing him on selflessness. They both had always been the kind of people that would prioritize their families over themselves. That was why they had ended and Marco was cursing Katakuri for not leaving the island after yet another ill-advised tryst.
2. "Relief" (yugiomo pseud--you thought this died in 2017, didn't you?) --- Ryou had, for the most part, reached an understanding with the Spirit of the Ring. Unlike Yugi, Ryou was well-aware of the other person that had come attached to the Millenium Ring, the Item his father had gifted him from one of his archeological digs. Most people probably would have assumed they were cursed the first time they saw the disembodied Spirit following themselves around, and thrown the Ring away as far as they could. Ryou, in contrast, turned around, faced the Spirit, and said hello.
1. "Shared Nightmares" --- Robin has had nightmares about the Buster Call that destroyed Ohara ever since she escaped her fate. Sometimes it’s just the kids back home that picked on her and called her a devil child, all in the rescue boat and dying because she might have made it on board, sometimes it’s the burning of the Tree of Life, sometimes it’s Saul’s laughing face as Akoiji froze him solid.
0. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" (I miscounted and started a fic late and I am not spending time readjusting this nonsense) --- Atem was so happy he’d finally found a way to at least view what was happening back in Domino. Rather than getting surprised by the Gods’ future requests at world-saving, he could keep an eye on things from the afterlife. It’s not like he could transport himself to Domino without the Gods’ help, so it was more a way to keep an eye on things in the meantime. The Kaiba Dome seemed the best place for the mirror into the realm of the living; after all, Seto Kaiba now seemed the center of all the trouble.
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deifiliaa · 5 years
don’t plagiarize. period.
it is *squints at red LED digits of the generic alarm clock in the corner of this beach house bedroom* 2:10 AM here, and i should be sleeping, but i literally cannot rest until i speak my mind on What, exactly, Is Up.
for those of you browsing @genivslab tag to try and figure out why she’s deleted all of her posts and apparently left tumblr, here’s the summary:
she got caught plagiarizing, nearly word for word (minus a few name changes), other writers’ fics after attempting to pass off the writing as her own
a few of the writers (whose work she had stolen) and people who had read her works and noticed similarities to other works they had read, called her out— privately, first (until she blocked them lol), and publicly ( @provocative-envy and @lovewyself wrote great and more detailed posts about what happened— with screenshot RECEIPTS!!! they didn’t come to PLAY 😤💪🏼 )
within MINUTES, apparently, of the call-out posts going up (i, unfortunately, missed the good Drama as it was going down in real time), she wrote a post claiming she would be leaving her blog and proceeded to delete all of her posts except the goodbye post.
what’s crazy to me is that (from what i’ve heard/read from people whose work she stole, or people who actually directly confronted her) she hasn’t yet apologized about her actions. in fact, she’s purposefully kept her goodbye reason very vague, and in the replies of some of her fics, where readers have thanked her or praised her for her “writing” (ie. CTRL + C and CTRL + V dexterity), she’s gladly taken credit for the writing?? and then goes on to encourage other people that they can be great writers, too??? lol i actually can’t even fathom how people think they can a) think any of that is okay to begin with and b) think they can successfully keep their plagiarism a secret in this day and age of advanced technology and readers whose interests span multiple fandoms???
anyway, all of this to say that:
writers write their fics/stories with situations and characterizations and relationship dynamics in mind for certain characters. to lift a story and try to pass it off as your own is not just lazy on your part as a growing writer; it’s also extremely disrespectful to the writers who spend great amounts of time and effort creating scenarios meant to fit/work with their originally intended characters!!
if you were one of genivslab’s readers, please don’t feel as if you have any responsibility in genivslab’s actions. according to her about page (which i’d seen before she took it down), she is 21 years old, which means she absolutely should have had a full understanding of what she was doing when she stole from other writers. none of you should feel as if you should have “known better” or should be apologizing on her behalf for what she did. thank you, though, for those of you who are sincerely sorry for the writers who aren’t being properly credited and for your willingness to help the rest of the fandom’s fic readers (who might not have known about what’s gone down) understand what genivslab did. thank you for taking action to remove her “works” from fic rec masterlists and fic communities. please remember that one fandom member’s actions are not reflective of a fandom as a whole! i, personally, have seen much more support in discrediting plagiarizers and plagiarism than blatant dismissal of it among your community members, and i am buzzed that we can all come together, regardless of fandom, to stand in solidarity against plagiarism and plagiarizers. you all are real ones. hope you’re all doing well!!
also important, but if you ever notice plagiarism, don’t send hate or personal attacks to the offender lol. confront him/her/them about their v wrong actions and let the trash take itself out. 🤷🏻‍♀️
if you plagiarize and are ever confronted about it, acknowledge the wrong on your part, apologize, delete your post(s), and aim to do and be better. you owe it to your readers and to yourself to be the best writer that you can be.
ANYWAY— happy writing, happy reading, happy supporting your friends who write and create content for your respective fandoms!!
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