#i am sure a lot of my writing habits are weird to some people. like i might be the only one not using google docs and using word lol
tethered-heartstrings · 7 months
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? Weird Questions for Writers
I have been told it is a red flag and that i am very strange for writing in complete silence. no music, background noise, nothing. I struggle focusing otherwise. I have occasionally put on white noise but only to drown out other sounds, it is not my preference. just me, the tippy tap of my fingers on my keyboard, and occasionally a little mrrp or meow from my cat if she is in the room with me. I used to not think it was weird but the more people that tell me it is the more i am inclined to also find it strange lol
maybe that i keep my writing documents (often porn lol) on the same computer/screen as my school work, but my documents are well organized
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sadie-bug345 · 30 days
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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sensitiveheartless · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @feralrookie! :D Thank you for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
10! (technically, kinda)
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Bungou Stray Dogs! It's also the first fandom I've written for, actually. :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is how it feels to take a fall (Dazai goes feral, time shenanigans)
Plate :( (Dazai breaks a plate, experiences emotions)
Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency (Howl's Moving Castle AU)
Chuunyaa's Pawsitively Catastrophic Day (Chuuya is turned into a cat, it's short and pretty much just shenanigans)
Wish in one hand (First fic I wrote, and the first one I posted — Dazai has emotions about handholding)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but I've been absolutely terrible at it lately — whenever I'm particularly stressed I start worrying that the negative emotions are going to leak through into what I'm writing and make my tone sound weird, so then I end up turtling in on myself and not saying anything at all, no matter how much I want to engage with people. It's a bad habit, and I want to work on it, so I'm gonna try to catch up on comments! (I treasure every single one of the ones I receive, so for anyone who has left a comment and hasn't gotten a response from me yet, thank you and I am very sorry about my inability to form words in a timely manner skdjfksd)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably An Unsent Letter, since it's pretty much just a short snippet of Dazai being sad while he's leaving the mafia. And even with that one, I have in my head that skk still get together after the four years apart, I just didn't write it. I am dreadful with sad endings — although the ending to "This is how it feels to take a fall" is a little bittersweet, perhaps.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm...I'm gonna say Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency, because it's the one with the longest buildup, so I think it has the most catharsis, at least for me! But I tend to give all of my fics happy endings because, as established, I am a wimp when it comes to hardcore angst. I will say that Zut Alors I Have Missed One is probably a contender for happiest as well, just because that fic had no angst whatsoever and was just Unhinged
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nope! Everyone's been lovely! I have gotten some for my art, but honestly it was pretty toothless and I couldn't take it seriously lol
9. Do you write smut?
...Yeh. :0 There was an attempt, at least — one fic, and I made it anonymous (so on the extreme off-chance that anyone notices a discrepancy between my total ao3 wordcount listed here and the summed up wordcounts of the fics viewable on my profile, that's why!) It's also another fic I need to finish, I hit my writing roadblock with that one at the same time as all my others, and it's almost doneeee I just need my brain to cooperate >:|
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not any proper crossovers, only things like the Howl AU and the Little Mermaid AU, where I took the settings/plots and put in BSD characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
...Possibly? I'm not actually sure, I've given a couple people permission, but I'm not sure if anything came of that, I haven't heard one way or another :0 I do have a tendency to use puns, which I realize might make things difficult for translations
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not so far — and given how tempestuous my schedule has been, it'll probably be a while before I attempt anything like that! Sounds fun, though
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
...I mean, it's gotta be soukoku, because for all that I've enjoyed a lot of fictional pairings before (for example, Howl and Sophie specifically from the HMC books, Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing — I like bickering duos, what do you know — Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane, currently falling down the Hualian rabbithole because I'm reading Heaven Official's Blessing with my friend, and there's lots of other ones), for as much as I like all those, I haven't really had much of an urge to write anything for them.
So, purely in terms of me wanting to mess around with two characters and write them over and over and over again, it's really only skk! They hit the exact right combination of braincells, I guess lololol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
Hmmm...honestly, most of my WIPs I still intend to finish at some point or another — first priority being the ones I've already started posting, of course! Although...just due to time constraints, I might not get around to writing the thief!Chuuya/detective!Dazai one I was planning a while back. (and I mean a WHILE lol) I didn't write very much of it, and honestly most of the reason I wanted to write it was for comedy — so maybe I'll turn it into a short comic series instead, because I do think some of the bits were funny :0
16. What are your writing strengths?
That's a hard one; I tend to look more at the ways I want to improve my writing then at what I like about it, and I nitpick just about everything I create, art and writing alike. But if I had to pick something, I would probably say dialogue? That tends to be what I write easiest, at least. I still want to get better at that too, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and action scenes. I've been making myself write them more, so I think I'm slowly improving (the Howl AU has been great for that! It pushed me to write all sorts of scenes I wouldn't have normally :D ), but those two things remain what I get bogged down by the most.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the circumstances, I think? I'd include translations if I did. I do tend to include Japanese honorifics when I'm writing in the canon universe, because there's not really english equivalents and it feels like I'm leaving something out when I just do their names straight — although I did take them out when I was doing the Howl AU and the Little Mermaid AU, just as a setting thing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bungou Stray Dogs — like I mentioned in the ship section, this is the first fandom where I've really felt the urge. Although I did write things when I was little that very blatantly yoinked in various creatures and concepts from the things I was reading and watching, which resulted in stories with pirates and weeping angels and Ringwraiths all running around in the same place. But I didn't usually bother with bringing in actual characters from those pieces of media, or even using the settings, I just made ocs and had them run around in my own made up world.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I like all of them for different reasons, but I think my favorite overall has to be Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency. It's the longest thing I've ever written, and when I started out I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it — so the fact that it's most of the way done (currently chipping away at the epilogue, it is getting to be a LOT of words) makes me really happy. And it's just been so much fun! Writing characters I hadn't before, piecing the world together, working out the magic system, writing Dazai being a mess and Chuuya being cool, it's all been a blast. And I seriously need to finish the epilogue, because the followups are living in my brain and they demand to be freed aksdfjksdjfk
But yeah! I'm not sure how many writers I know on here have already been tagged, so I'll just go open tags on this one! :D If any of y'all write and feel like doing this, then go for it!
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sophierequests · 2 years
sophie my sweet love!! i have a request! well multiple, but here is one
dad!kaz where it's years later and they bring their son to the crow club for the first time and he's in awe of everything. and y/n is rushing around to make sure he doesn't touch anything or hurt himself, and kaz is just there with jes smiling at the chaos his family brings
a little crow and a lot of chaos
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Requests
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x f!Reader
A/N: El, I love you for this request, it's so good. I am in love with the idea of dad!Kaz and you have my heart for asking for this. I'll definitely need more dad!Kaz requests or I will pass away (I'm very serious). This is one of the softest fics I'll ever write and I am actually quite happy with how it turned out??? Also, I named the son Jordie, just because I wanted to suffer (and not at all because I'm terrible at picking out names for ocs). Thank you so much for requesting this, El <333
Summary: A little crow visits the Crow Club for the first time and chaos ensues
Genre: F L U F F
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: A very tiny mention of his touch aversion, very soft!Kaz, Sophie doesn't know how children talk and at this point her search history look a bit weird, so she's too scared of looking it up
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“Do you really think that this is a good idea?” You directed the question at your husband as you futilely tried to convince your son to put on his boots. The son in question had been in a very lively mood for the entire morning and, as much as you adored him, he became a bloody nuisance when he was as excited as this. Kaz, who had also done his very best to keep the little boy in check, only chuckled as he looked down at you with playful pity.
“I’m sure it will be fine, love.” He mused, straightening his tie and correcting his appearance in the hallway mirror for the hundredth time today. Both of you were far from being new parents, your son now already shy of four years old, but there were some habits you needed to get used to. Especially Kaz. He still had his bad days when everything was just a bit too much for him to handle causing him to retreat into his old shell. Now they were just way less frequent and when they happened, the waves didn’t manage to overtake him completely. All in all, he had managed to become a loving husband and caring father, of whom you couldn’t be any more proud.
“Ma, you promised!” Jordie pouted, staring at you with wide eyes and an overly dramatic quivering lower lip. Saints, you really needed to limit the time he spent with Nina and Jesper…
“I know, I know and we will go to the Crow Club today,” You consoled him whilst finally succeeding in shoving the godforsaken boots over his feet. You turned your face to a smirking Kaz, who seemed to be having the time of his life just about now. “I’m just a bit worried that we might run into people that your daddy doesn’t necessarily like.”
“It’s the middle of the day. The club is probably close to being empty. There’s nothing to worry about. And if there should be some sort of trouble lurking-”
“Uncle Jes will protect us all with his guns!” Your son jumped up, giving both of you a wide grin before taking confident strides towards the front door. Kaz tried to stifle a chuckle, but he inevitably failed as he saw your utterly flabbergasted expression. Sometimes, you were surprised none of your friends had taught him to say ‘fuck’ yet - not that you intended on giving them any ideas.
“Maybe we should think about who we choose as babysitters a bit more thoroughly.” Kaz stood behind you, letting his hands rest on your shoulders as he placed a chaste kiss on your temple. “But I’d say we leave now, or he might show us what else his aunts and uncles have taught him.”
Since you didn’t live in the Barrel anymore, you had to walk a bit to reach the Crow Club. The walk from your estate in the Geldstraat wasn’t far, but your husband still was very content with carrying Jordie for a brief portion of the way. It made you recall past days when he would struggle immensely with even attempting to publicly show affection towards you, or anyone for that matter. In his mind, it made him appear valuable and weak. As your son grew older, these feelings subsided, replaced by a new sense of responsibility and strength.
Many people couldn’t appreciate the beauty of the Barrel, however, seeing it through the eyes of a small boy, whose father wasn’t reluctant to tell stories about all the crazy heists his parents and their friends had completed here, made it easier for you to understand why your son was so excited to come back. And it wasn’t like the Barrel was all that bad. It had been your home for the majority of your teenage years and it was where you met your closest friends, after all. Becoming parents had kept both you and Kaz from coming back frequently unless it was work-related, so you were more than glad to enjoy your time without having to worry about completing a job or filling out paperwork. The only thing you had to worry about now was keeping your son from touching anything dangerous or hurting himself. That couldn’t be so hard, right?
Jordie wriggled himself out of your spouse’s arm as the oxidized silver crow sign of the Crow Club came into sight. Kaz was quick to reach for his hand, holding onto it tightly to keep him from running out of your sight. You hastily moved forward to grab the other one, letting him walk between the two of you, which he begrudgingly accepted. You couldn’t blame him for being excited. It was his first time actually seeing the club from the inside since you had vehemently insisted on keeping him from the vulgar sceneries that could be found in gambling dens and clubs of all sorts as long as you possibly could. The only exception you ever made was occasionally bringing him around to the Slat to pay a visit to his father while he was working. You were sure that if things would go how Kaz wanted them to go, he would’ve brought him to the Crow Club whilst still in diapers.
Upon entering the establishment, the eyes of the few patrons immediately snapped towards Kaz. No matter how much of a doting husband he may be when you were alone, he still had one hell of a reputation, which he was proud to employ for his benefit. Even though it was quite the difficult task to do so, whilst grasping onto the tiny hands of a preschooler. With one determined snap of his cane, the majority of the gazes found their way back to their drinks and the three of you could finally settle without being the centre of everyone's attention.
One pair stayed fixed on you.
“Uncle Jes!” Your son squealed, yanking his hands out of your grip and running towards the Sharpshooter that stood leaning against the bar, clumsily placing his glass of whiskey on the counter next to him. You wanted to dash after him, but your partner only gave you a reassuring look, putting his cane out in front of you to block your way. Jesper flashed you a toothy grin, adjusting his hat before bending down and picking Jordie up to give him a big hug. Against Kaz’s initial disbelief, your friend proved to be the best godfather and babysitter that you could have wished for. Only when he was not trying to introduce your son to his array of shenanigans and pranks though.
“Look who’s here! Have you gotten taller since the last time I’ve seen you?” Jesper quipped, causing Jordie to giggle uncontrollably.
“The last time you’ve seen him was two days ago, I doubt that he had a paranormal growth spurt since then.” Kaz retorted in his typical sarcastic tone, but with a barely noticeable grin on his lips. His comment was only countered with a jaunty eye roll before the attention was back on the little boy.
“What are you doing here, little crow?” Jesper asked as if he hadn’t been the one to plant the idea of visiting the Crow Club in Jordie’s head in the first place. “Are you joining the big boy club now?”
“It was about time that we showed him where people like his parents and godparents spent their teenage years.” Kaz chuckled, earning a warning glare from you, which he tactfully ignored. As much as you loved spending time here, the fact that it was a gambling den filled with some of the most dangerous criminals Ketterdam could breed, didn’t necessarily scream kid friendly.
And of course, your worries were justified.
As soon as Jesper put him back down, he began to wander around the club. It was a lot different to what he knew from the Barrel. The flashy colours and extravagant designs of most of the other bars were replaced by the rich black and crimson interior of the Crow Club. It was the physical manifestation of Kaz Brekker in the form of a betting hall.
The first object of attraction that managed to reel Jordie in, was the array of card tables that were spread out all over the main hall. He waddled away from the bar, right in the direction of a table that was currently being used by four sketchy-looking men. It was very likely that he was only interested in seeing what game they were playing or that he wanted to look at the intricate crow pattern on the red cloth that coated the circular tables.
“Jordie, don’t bother these lovely men. I’m sure they simply want to enjoy their game in peace.” You called after him, but he didn��t listen. Not wanting him to get into trouble, you hurried forward, trying to catch him, or at the least keep him in check. You didn’t see the amused look on your husband’s face as he watched you scurry after a feisty three-year-old and it was better that you didn’t. He did understand why you were so anxious about your son being here, but he just couldn’t stifle the enjoyment he got from your so-called ‘mother hen behaviour’ as Jes had lovingly dubbed it. Before he could reach the table you were already right behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders to navigate him away from it. The men hadn’t even noticed him, but you weren’t able to hide the embarrassment written all over your face.
To your dismay, a door to one of the private gambling parlours opened, revealing the now empty room. Obviously, this only served as a new point of interest to Jordie, who instantly rushed towards it to see what was going on inside. Sometimes you really wondered whether you should attempt to put a leash on him.
Kaz’s eyes followed you ceaselessly as you sprinted all around the club, holding back your son from touching any sharp edges and apologizing to numerous customers who had been deemed important enough to be appealing to him. No matter how hard he tried to disguise his smile and turn it into a self-satisfied smirk, it didn’t work out.
“Come on, Kaz. Are you going soft on us? If Nina could see you right now, you would never be free from her bullying.” Jesper grinned, raising his eyebrows at the man next to him.
“If Nina could see me right now, she would tell me to get a decent haircut.” He replied, stealing Jesper’s whiskey off of the counter and helping himself to a considerable sip from the glass.
“And she would be right. But she’d also absolutely relish the sight of Kaz Brekker, the Bastard of the Barrel, smiling like a lovesick teenage boy.”
“She’s my wife, Jesper. I am allowed to look at her how I please.”
“Of course you are. It’s just nice to know that the big scary Dirtyhands does have a heart sometimes. Even if that heart manifests through the heart eyes he gives his wife.”
“Shut up Jesper.”
Their friendly bickering was cut short by a hollow clanking noise, coming from a chair that your son had managed to knock over. He watched as you hastily picked it up before ushering him back towards the bar whilst trying to make yourself as small as possible to get rid of any unwanted attention.
“Alright, young man,” Kaz laughed, putting a hand on Jordie’s back to steer him towards the exit. “I think that you did quite enough exploring for the day. Let’s head to the Slat, I heard that your other aunts and uncles might want to spend the evening with us.”
At the mention of the Crows, he gave up his pouting and was now eager to leave the club. You could only shake your head, joining Jesper and Kaz on their way out, still carefully eying your overly energetic child.
"Oh Jes, are we still going out for W-A-F-F-L-E-S later, or did the plans change?" You questioned the Zemeni boy in an attempt to not excite your son too much. This plan flew straight over Jesper’s head.
"Why did you just spell out waffles?" He snickered, cocking his brows inquisitively. You sighed, seeing Jordie’s eyes go wide with joy.
"Are we getting waffles later?! Will aunt Nina be there too? Can I have the ones with extra chocolate?" A cluster of questions started tumbling from his mouth as he nearly seemed to be buzzing with glee.
"That's why." Kaz answered, giving you a slight nudge with his shoulder before lifting Jordie off his feet, whose ramblings were cut short by a joyful squeal.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
I'm curious about the autism HC/Fanon's for different characters. I know there's a few characters that are commonly mentioned to have autistic characteristics (Ichika, like all of wxs ect) but I do wonder how many characters could have parallels or things about them which would suggest autism or similar neurodivergence. Would love an in depth (or slightly in depth) look into this.
Sincerely, an autistic fan who sees herself in way too many characters
Full disclosure that I am not autistic. At least I don’t think I am. So I’ll try to do an overview but feel free to correct / add anything.
Rui is very coded as autistic. I want to do a full post on this one day (currently in the process of translating some magazine “interviews”), but to give a quick rundown: he infodumps a lot (there is a card of him doing this), his interest in engineering and platypuses easily reads like a special interest, he has difficulty processing, understanding, and occasionally expressing his own emotions despite being able to read other people well, he is sensitive to textures and tastes in food (he dislikes fruit that tastes like vegetables, like melon or cucumber), list goes on. Also other people have constantly called him weird and isolated him for this, which is a thing that happens to a lot of neurodivergent people. Revival my dream touches on this a lot so I suggest reading the flashback chapters in that event.
Toya as well is another character who I think is autistic-coded, and I see this pointed out by the fandom a lot. I made a post about the fact that he is sensitive to textures in food a while ago and most people tagged it saying that he was autistic lol. Also the fact that he isn’t good at expressing emotions on his face earlier on in the game reminds me a lot of Rina from Love Live who is pretty much agreed upon to be autistic. Oh and then there’s his habit of staring and not picking up on social cues. So a lot to back up this one as well.
Shiho is one I see brought up a lot too. Iirc the main reasons I’ve seen pointed out are her more direct way of speaking that can come off as mean when she isn’t trying to sound that way, lack of a filter (ties into the last point), as well as her intrest in music that could read like a special interest. Also like Rui people tended to keep their distance from her because they thought she was cold and unkind even though she isn’t.
Also as I was writing this, multiple people said that Ichika is autistic in the tags of her birthday post so yeah that’s something. I’m guessing because her interest in Miku could be read as a special interest, as well as her general awkwardness in social situations and overthinking.
For me personally, I’ve always read Emu as having ADHD but I could understand why people might read her as autistic or both as well.
Other than Rui and probably Toya and Shiho I’m not sure how much of any coding was intentional, or whether it happens to be that you can read it that way, but there’s no harm in seeing yourself in a character and coming up with headcanons. This isn’t the greatest post about neurodivergent coding in prsk and I’ve definitely seen better ones in the tag but I hope this helps a bit.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 9 months
hey, something i've been struggling with recently is i've been struggling with "finding my people" because i'm a minority in my hometown, and a lot of people... aren't. they don't understand me, and often when i try to get them to understand they seem like they fall back into the old systems they were traumatized with (elitism, classism ect.,). 1/2 -solidarity anon
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Im gunna say this at the top, this is so rough and im so sorry you gotta go through this sweetie. We are so isolated and filtered into categories within our current system in order to keep that isolation and to fight solidarity and unity. Now I cannot know for 100% sure what your going through or the extend your suffering. But will say I am from and currently still live in a oil loving, god fearing, anti-LGBT, and very racist city while i was raised wiccan by a poly core family and all my gay aunts/uncles and have been dreaming of an earthship my whole life plus every summer id be stuck in an even more harsh farming community that was so small they gotntheir first street light when i was 9 and the chruch is also town hall (mayor works in a wing off of the building). So there is at least some overlap in the experiences your having.
But that being said, how I got weirdly connected to people and involved in so many projects and stuff might not work for you.
Personally? I just yelled and yelled about the injustice of the system at work, about cool forestry projects and people buying ghost towns to start up Co-loving villages. Sharing discworld and different philosophers with coworkers backed up by their fave hobby. About how terrible the conservative politics are. About how cool transit could be if we funded it. About community art projects and how cool solar glass would make things look. About drags shows and events and did you know there is A SOUP FESTIVAL? I'm autistic and have only really interacted my whole childhood with friends with ADHD so my brain is weird and won't shut up once it starts going.
As a result of my ramblings, I have gotten a lot of responses mostly ones that are positive since if they didn't agree with my absurdist philosophy ramblings or solar project ideas they'd just leave the coffee shop. If they enjoyed it, say they want to join a community garden/event or if someone was as stoked as I was about again UNLIMITED TASTINGS SOUP FESTIVAL than we'd chat about that. The thing is a lot of these things have overlap. Someone who wants to convert their lawn into a pollinators habitate prob also likes little libraries and as a result prob also likes the idea of dark sky street lights. And down the rabbit hole you go.
That being said... my best actual advice is 2 pronged.
I personally have done years worth of research on my city. What local events and politics are happening? Even in rural places there is at least garderns, there's engineers, there's usually a LGBT focused club. And from these spaces, you can build a network. Doing research I found out about 5 different organizations in my city (most of which was founded 40 yrs ago??) That where sustainability focused. Doing research made me realize how cool community associations could be and how I could help mine out. It also gives you all those ideas for convos.
Second, I reached out to those groups about weird ideas I had, about if I could hang up posters for them in my local area, if I could buy groups worth of tickets in advance, and than also reaching out to the ppl I already talked to and had these ppl interact. My fave example of this is T. T is an engineer who built a fully functioning solar car during his degree program but specializes in hydroponics (how we ended up talking was over plants) he than gets shown my fave farm near by and now he's building the farms hydro system and Seedling house. Writing in to newsletter ppl and showing off weird layout design. This is ultimately very anxiety indusing. What if I'm bothering them? Why should I be spamming them like this? But the secret here is-
No one will ever be mad about you showing interest in their interest once you find those ppl. They want the interaction just as much as you do.
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11queensupreme11 · 4 months
Lol that wasn't me but I will let you know when I post on AO3 and credit you. I have a bad habit of jumping around a lot in my writing so it might be a while. Here is a bit from much later that might have to be cut. It features 8 year old Percy and children's fantastic ability to remember complex terms and apply them in the funniest ways possible:
"Percy stared at the man before her. He looked young, with a face she believed would make any of the old ladies from the apartments coo if they saw him. However, pinchable cheeks were probably not a judged criteria when taking the exams to become a doctor. The lady at the department of health office had said that "Medicaid does not cover elective work" and Percy was not even sure they had insurance now that they lived outside the US. Medical debt was a serious issue and would probably spawn paperwork more difficult for Mom to handle than any monster or weird relative. Smiling politely, she said “So are you a pediatrician? What program did you graduate from? Where was your residency and how many years have you been practicing for?”
The man's face was now frozen and Percy decided to press onward continuing “What insurance providers do you accept? I was on Medicaid previously but that won’t apply anymore with the move so you will have to get the new information from my mother. Along with my medical history which would be needed to provide appropriate care.” Pausing and tilting her head racking her brain for more terms she had heard at the real pediatrician’s office, she continued “You did talk to him right? 'Any medical care that is not immediately lifesaving given to minors requires consent from a parent or guardian recognized by the state.' Given my father is not on my birth certificate and has not signed and acknowledgment of paternity his word will not count. If you treat me without mother’s permission billing will be the least of your worries, the medical boards and courts don’t mess around when it comes to unnecessary medical work done on children without parental consent” she finished watching the man’s eyes widen a little more in shock.
However instead of the stuttered backtrack she was expecting, instead Mr. Beelzebub burst into a low and somewhat menacing laugh. With a smile, he said, “To answer your questions, I am not a pediatrician of any kind, I am a researcher specializing in the… hm… how to put it, most unusual of cases, and probably the only god in the three realms capable of treating someone like you.”
“So, you don’t actually know anything,” Percy said folding her arms and feeling rather put out. “And you have no previous experience working with children.” Honestly, she was really starting to wonder what went on in the heads of her father’s family. With a sigh she continued “Uncle Hades, this man is not a real doctor, he sounds like a scammer.”
Normally she tried not to be that blunt (after all mom always said stuff like “discretion was the better part of valor” and all the like) but this was really starting to test her patience. “It is common sense that any strange man offering you free medical treatment in his basement is definitely up to no go. Haven’t you heard of stranger danger? ‘Only trust adults whose credibility can be verified by another safe and trusted adult like your parents’.” She recited while turning to her uncle hoping to see a light of understanding appear in the man’s eyes. Honestly, why did she have to be the adult in this situation? Had these people never seen public television?
Instead, both men broke out into uproarious laughter and Percy considered what the consequences of pelting them both with ice would be. Perhaps if she froze their brains, it would fix whatever mental deficiency they were currently experiencing. Maybe some kind of brain worm?"
OH IT WASNT YOU???? oops 😭😭😭 ok thank you for clarifying then!
ALSO EIGHT YEAR OLD PERCY IS SO PRECIOUS???? and is loki a better mom than og!sally or did he just send percy to a good school cuz she sounds a lot smarter than her 12-16 year old canon self 😭😭😭😭
im ngl, after i realized beel was in the scenario, i blanked out and just focused on him LMAO. i'm sorry i just love him so much 😭😭😭
i can't wait till you post, ur writing is sooooo 😩👍
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nohoperadio · 2 months
Over the past two months or so my tumblr usage has shifted: for a lot of years now it was something I scrolled through on and off almost entirely as a lurker, reblogging stuff sometimes but only truly Posting a single-digit number of times per annum, if that. But suddenly I'm using it more often and mostly actually saying stuff when I'm on here, whether that's just adding silly little tag comments to things or writing actual posts about stuff that's on my mind or even sometimes, like, talking to people, which is not usually something I'm naturally inclined to do (even in low-stakes online spaces) unless I'm basically forced to. Not like a ton, but some--I haven't really done the socializing online thing since I was around 15, we're talking like 2007-era Invisionfree and ProBoards forums, and dipping my toe into it again here in small ways has felt Right to me, I didn't really notice how much I missed existing online until recently. (Man this post is getting weird maybe idk.)
I say this happened suddenly, but I wouldn't say mysteriously, I'm pretty sure I know the proximate cause: I started keeping a daily personal diary in January as a new year resolution and this unexpectedly became a habit I not only kept up(!), but enjoyed, and it seems to have unclogged some part of my brain that craves self-expression in the written word. This impulse has spilled over into the way I use tumblr in that I am having more thoughts that are paragraph-shaped but not necessarily diary entry-shaped and this blog seems like the natural place to decant them. I guess the diary also lessened the aversion of "what if I put effort into writing a post but nobody interacts with it", because I'm already producing a bunch of words that nobody is interacting with or even allowed to look at so what does a few more matter? (I guess the B-plot of this post is that keeping a diary can be a positive experience and I encourage anyone who's ever felt curious about that to give it a try.)
Anyway. All I'm leading up to here is: I'm going to be really fucking sad if tumblr dies in the near-future. I didn't properly keep up with the stuff about the CEO being crazy or whatever because that's the sort of news story I deliberately avoid keeping up with, but it seems to have cast a shadow of uncertainty about the site's future for at least some people (I mean like more so than has been the norm across tumblr's history) and to whatever extent this is not baseless scaremongering: man, what! I was literally just getting comfy! I mean if they kill this place I'll obviously have less claim to grief than the people who have invested lots of time and energy into it for years, but, idk, I'll be pissed off in a very particular and sad and sore way is what I'm trying to say.
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lavender-long-stories · 11 months
Master List in AO3 Popularity Order
And a collection of thoughts from my brain under the cut.
Lavender Memories [SasuHina]
Wheels [SasuHina]
What He Left Behind [SasuHina]
Testing Success [SasuHina]
Lavender Sand [GaaHina]
Lavender Clouds [SasuHina]
Lavender Umbrellas [KisaHina]
Death Wishes [ItaHina]
I Will Love You [SasuHina]
Bread and Tea [SasuHina]
FF | AO3
~Always a Happy Ending~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ It's always so interesting to see what the audience likes the most. I think what wins out is domestic fluff, which is great because I love to write so I will write more for you. >w<
Lavender Memories has always been the core favorite, and it does hold a special place in my heart. (Though uploading the flashbacks in italics is a massive pain in the ass) I really wish I could make reverse Memories work (with Sasuke losing his memories instead). If anyone wants to comment/dm/asks me for ideas to make that work without Sasuke being toxic that I will take suggestions. Every time I have tried to write it, Sasuke just ends up pissing me off.
Wheels was just pure fluff and sweet scenes in my heart, and I didn't want it to end, but there is only so far I can go with stories with no real angst to drive the plot. I am completely open to writing bonus chapters for it, again, toss suggestions my way of what you want to see.
What He Left Behind is weird for me because it's always a struggle when I have a well-liked character as an antagonist because I am not a fan of people bashing the characters in the comments even when the character is doing something wrong, but this story needed Naruto to walk out for the concept to work. I appreciate that people like it, but I am not sure I will do something divorce based ever again. Writing Sasuke a green flag, I will do again, though.
Testing Success has been compared to a K-Drama on more than one occasion, and I am *here* for it. Though the amount of people shipping Fugaku with Hinata really tells me I need to write an ItaHina or SasuHina with a CEO x Assistant relationship because it's clearly wanted. Probably an ItaHina because of how many people were shipping ItaHina hard before Sasuke showed up. I have a bad habit of making side characters have good relationships with one of my main couple of characters and then making a whole new fic on that dynamic. 💀💀💀 Don't worry, I ship it too >.<
Lavender Sand, my GaaHina baby. I love how awkward Gaara is, and this fic has some of my favorite scenes. I have always wanted to make more GaaHina, but it's hard to not rehash a lot of what I did here. I am currently working on another GaaHina that should have a different enough setup that it won't just be Sand 2 - The Remake.
Lavender Clouds was my first ever fic T-T. It recently underwent a massive overhaul (wow, I was bad at writing). Looking back now, I think that I should have made the end game couple different. SasuHina was my thing at the time, but I made so many wonderful side ships in this story (that have been the bases of my new stories, so win-win), but I were to do it again today, the end ship would have probably been SasoHina, and I would have probably leaned a lot more into the initial ItaHina that was happening. Would anyone be interested in me releasing a SasoHina 'what could have been' side story? I am working on more unreleased Akatsuki member x Hinata stories right now. 👀👀👀 (SasoHina, HidaHina, more ItaHina)
Writing Lavender Umbrellas makes my face hurt from smiling so much. I love the dynamic Kisame and Hinata have, and I love how their personalities mesh. Height difference tropes and big scary boi with small sweet girl tropes have my whole heart. Having the Akatsuki as a bunch of teenagers makes for endlessly entertaining scenes. This story is so much cute fluff I never want it to end.
Death Wishes is darker than I initially meant it to be (I say as a story about a girl who is being followed around by death), but it feels oddly comfy to me, and I want to make so many more ItaHina fics, but I always come up for ideas for SasuHina instead >.<. I think Itachi is just too kind for me to have enough drama to keep stories going. More ItaHina to come, though. (That ItaHina office AU has to happen at some point)
I Will Love You - the new one. This is a fun concept I am excited to explore. I am going to try to make it not cross too many paths with Testing Success. The idea of Sasuke's actions being constantly unclear, how much he's playing it up, and how much he means will be fun. It will make the point of where the relationship slides from fake to real a fun find, especially on a second read.
Bread and Tea is proof that even in a one-shot, I can't just let the characters have happy lives. A good friend @nikandrros said it best that she opens it up and thinks, "How is Lavender going to torture Hinata in her new story?" but I always promise a happy ending, and it's all the sweeter with a little bit of painful backstory. I have had requests to continue this one shot, and I will leave that open to do one day, but I have no plans at the moment.
Alright, end of keyboard mash. Have a good day, read a good ship, and thank you for all the support! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
More fic to come!
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awkwardgtace · 2 months
For the ask game, 🔪, ❄️ and 🦴 :3
ask game
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
ohh ok this is hard. A dream theme would probably be a good mystery I can't start piecing together or a horror novel that scares me. For mystery I oddly enough think Brandon Sanderson would be good. I've been unable to predict things moving forward in the Stormlight Archives. But honestly I think it would be written best by someone who hasn't even tried before. There's a way of placing clues in a mystery I feel a lot of people follow. Most of the time those clues placed by someone new wouldn't have the same easy to tell hints and tips.
For horror I kind of am expecting Lydia Prime to do it. She's a newer author on the horror scene (actually have a book she just managed to publish I plan to pick up). I also some comedians would be good at it. Comedy is kind of the other side, takes a lot to do it. I don't know who would be best for this outside of like a pro author. I'm pretty hard to scare, make a habit of marathoning horror games and horror movies just because. That does mean I get psyched to read any horror sent my way that might be good!
For a dream plot it's kinda hard to say. I know how my brain works, but honestly even if i'm not super into it I just like seeing people posting/sharing the stuff they put their time into. It's so scary to take that first step so it's really amazing when someone does and they keep going.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Ok so this one is kind of a lot. For some of my stories it's probably some myth, post, or my own daydream mixed from anime/games/books throughout the years.
Specific media would be MTG Streets of New Capenna set (Mafia AU), Fenyx Rising (Delphia rising), FF14 (some fanfics and an au i am working on), Oddly enough a story I have on and off struggled with was inspired by a yugioh series, Godzilla vs Kong (the fight for Rhys and Felix in mafia au). My gods might have been inspired by the old hercules disney movie.
Oh Delphia is a bit inspired by an Kagome in Inuyasha (got me looking into reincarnation). oh and a book series I read forever and ever ago. The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller. (I went to my bookshelf to find this title.)
I also do love mythology and folklore so I'm sure that's a big inspiration even if it's not obvious. (obsessed with fairies since I was like born. My sister can't even remember a time i wasn't).
Basically it's everything? I have a few characters I've realized over time fit a meme a little or i put together match someone i loved from a game.
Oh last one I can think of. Alice in Wonderland. I loved that from the disney movie, to the books, to the manga based in it, to the new tim burton movies. Pretty much the only time I haven't liked it was in RWBY 😅
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? I feel weird leaving this one out in the open, but like also it's not exactly nsfw. just a little insight into my weird thought process at times
ok so originally it was gonna be the general size of a dick/vagina of the average person to then do the ratio for how big it should be for a giant/how small for a tiny. In searching for this math (cause ofc i only shared it on discord) I realized i had an entire discussion that involved at least a little research where i determined it's incredibly viable that if giants and tinies are under the same homo species it would possible to successfully get pregnant in a multisize couple with the question being the survival rate of the child/birth parent dependent on a number of factors....
I used the dick knowledge in one (1) specific story i wrote on ao3. The pregnancy knowledge was lost until now.
Most likely to get me arrested was how much a person could move after a stab wound
for those curious this was the percentages i came up with are under the cut
balls: 2.7% of total height per ball dick: 6.9% of total height pussy opening: 4.8% of total height pussy depth: 6.3% of total height
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gumy-shark · 11 months
okayh okay HI you said you wanted to know about the freedom/passion dichotomy thing? ive got the graph and i am going to do my best to explain this to you despite me barely having a grasp of it on myself. THIS IS VERY LONG IM SORRY.
so the first thing you need to know is this just started as a way to split my ocs and help me make character arcs and motivations, and it became a little bit of a habit to categorize my favorite characters this way as well. its is in no means a perfect dichotomy, and im constantly looking for ways to refine it, but for now the best way ive found to illustrate it is this:
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basically its which think they represent most... or what they value the most? idk its kind of a case-by-case basis and is dictated by Vibe. like I said THIS IS VERY FLAWED so bare with me pls
when i first started watching lmk i sorted all of the characters i knew into either category. this was within the first four/five days are watching so some of it might be.. off? but i think its still worth something as my first impression of the characters, and it'll probably help illustrate what i mean
Wukong -> Freedom Macaque -> Passion Wukong and Macaque have this thing where one has too much freedom and is learning to temper that with passion (wukong) and the other has too MUCH emotion and is trying everything he can to gain true freedom (macaque) (this is true even when he isn't under LBD's control but is esp prevalent then). they each value the opposite thing they stand for and are trying to be more like the other, without even realizing it. MK -> Freedom Dont get me wrong! He very much has passion! He holds a lot of emotion in that body! but a lot of that passion is the passion for freedom. he just wants to be able to be himself and hang out with his friends, he doesn't do well with all this responsibility :C Mei -> Passion Does this need defending? High sense of duty (mainly towards her ancestors and her friends), and so incredibly passionate. and impulsive. She spits fire when angry! Nothing more to be said honestly. Red Son -> Passion Is a really good parallel to Mei, has too much passion to fit in his body. [In the original notes, I noted that he was 'scared of true freedom, but doesn't know that yet. I'm pretty sure this references his relationship to his parents? Smth smth he's too scared of making them angry so he doesn't explore who he is outside of his relation and loyalty to them?] Pigsy -> Passion this man doesn't need freedom when he as his passion for food. what does he need to be free from? he has everything he wants HEART EMOJI! Tang -> ...Its complicated The thing with tang is that he kind of gets like a character arc with like. Responsibility and his care for his friends? He goes from low passion/high freedom to low freedom/high passion over the course of the show. please note that i am insane about him and if i really wanted i could write a whole essay about him. Sandy -> ??? ONCE AGAIN ITS WEIRD. I WISH THE SHOW FOCUSED MORE ON HIS CHARACTER AND BACKSTORY BC I CANT GET A READ ON HIM.
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theres not a lot of people without any value of freedom and passion at the same time so the grey area is pretty empty LMAO.
ANYWAYS. I BROUGHT THIS UP TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE OF THE CHARACTERS WITH EYE SCARS TRIFECTA!!! Basically i see them all of how i described macaque earlier. He's trapped in a situation that he doesn't want to be in, whether it be LBD's control or his situation wiht wukong or his own creepy and standoffish persona/his trust issues making it hard to make real connections with others.
(in contrast wukong loves doing his own thing and just Hanging Out and never stopping his own momentum, but he also has trouble caring about... a lot of things actually. he's just soo easygoing! responsibility harshes his vibe!)
But anyways, macaque's problems are very similar to quackity and tempest's, i feel. Quackity constantly feels trapped by physical threats like techno or dream, and also his own circumstances and trauma (a lot of it from schlatt and manburg). a lot of his actions are him trying to reclaim the freedom he used to feel when he was younger. tempest felt she couldn't be truly herself without her horn, but in trying to get it she got herself in a really bad situation where any wrong move could get her killed.
The passion part comes in play in different ways for them all. Quackity tried not to care about people for a while, but still can never stop being extremely loyal and protective of his friends. Tempest had lots of rage inside her and was so intensely driven to get to her goal. And Macaque canNOT stop obsessing over wukong honestly. All three of them are very passionate, and all three of them are constantly trying to gain more freedom.
This is a super long ask, but thank you for inviting me to ramble about this lmao. I think everyone represents freedom or passion in their own way, and this dichotomy really only matters for characters BUT I THINK ITS FUN. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TEDTALK!!!!!
i had a whole Thing written out and i was so proud of it and then my phone decided to delete it before i could post and not save as draft. but yeah im putting this chart in the microwave and then eating it and then putting it in the fridge so i can keep it overnight and microwave and eat it again. this is so fucking Good. in their attempts for freedom macaque cquack and tempest all disown the people they were when they Were free, bc they want to be unbound entirely, but they Feel too deeply for that to ever be a possibility for them. so they do the next best thing and try to pass those "lessons" they've learned on to others OUGH it makes me sick!!!
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seeminglyseph · 11 days
Awkwardly realized that I may have a habit of writing or playing characters who. Uh. Have a nasty mouth and insult people in a way that multiple people have commented on as like… I mean funny but also like, obviously harsh and cutting in a way that like. It’s not that I don’t notice it, but like. In my head it’s like. A casual level of catty bitch, right?
Like characters sling insults casually because like, in fights and in passive aggressive negging compliments back and forth and up and down, but like. It’s almost just… like. In my head I thought like. It’s not an abnormal type of character, and the dialogue is not atypical.
I’m a little concerned it’s a habit I have irl and if so I’m going to work on breaking it, because I’m starting to identify that I have just kinda come up in a like… environment where casual insults are common and excused constantly. And like. Generally I was the target and learned to roll or hold my own or whatever. Not always the case with people who meet me.
Am remembering a situation where someone came to a family dinner and witnessed my sister talking to her then boyfriend, and tear into him for picking the movie Austen Powers the night before for like half an hour over dinner. The person would mention for the remainder of my friendship with them that it was one of the most terrifying things they had ever seen, and at the time I honestly had barely registered it. Which, honestly I do kind of feel bad about, though I hope that guy who has broken up with my sister by now, finds someone nice? I guess. Sorry guy my sister once dated, I’m sure it was traumatic. It was also traumatic being her sibling.
I don’t really know if I have a point, I mean I use this as a blog as much as anything. I should probably do a lot of restructuring one day. But lately I feel like I’ve been making a lot of mini-breakthroughs about myself and like. I think the hostile nature of my home environment was like.. I guess higher than I really considered it to be. And it like, tilted my perception on a lot of stuff.
It’s weird, how growing up in an environment that’s hostile can make like… a lot of stuff really… distorted. And it can make empathy weird. Like you can have a whole lot of empathy, but also you can just… have so much stuff normalized that you just like “yeah, that’s a normal ass experience, what’re you complaining about?” And it almost makes a monster out of you sometimes? And those can be moments I really regret. People opening up about traumatic experiences and almost like. Getting angry because like. “Yeah, so? That’s normal shit, that happens all the time, what’re you upset about?”
Like. I get that there’s like… levels, sometimes. I know like, everyone’s problems feel big to them but like sometimes someone’s problems are like… “no actually I really just can’t give a fuck” like… the extremely privileged and wealthy. Like I’m sure it’s really stressful to be like a wealthy celebrity but I literally cannot care. But like some people who are my peers who I brushed off because I was not processing my trauma and was like “that seems like a good day in my house fuck off.” I regret that. (Unless you stalked me for years after we ended the friendship and may potentially still be stalking me. I’m not fucking talking to you bitch. I’m not sending you secret coded messages to send me more weird shit. Fuck you.)
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Prime nummers
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars!
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Cotton candy, probably.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass Cups > Plastic Cups > Soda Cans > Soda Bottles
7. earbuds or headphones?
Headphones. I am not plugging these little shits into my ear. ESPECIALLY NOT WIRELESS.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Cereal and a cup of black tea.
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring all the way.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Uh. My shoes are red! .... not sure what the right words are for this type of shoe. They are cute!
19. sleeping position?
I usually sleep on my side. Left side preferably.
23. strange habits?
I don't really think of any of my habits as strange... hmmm.
29. best way to bond with you?
Chat with me a lot or we could even hang out and watch anime or something! I'll get comfortable and start opening up after like a starting period.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I live the peaceful life that all true warriors strive for, so I don't really have an outfit for situations like that u.u
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
41. last person you texted?
Lena about one of the lewd artists I follow.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
I am a hoodie girl or a hoodie jacket girl at least. I would like to get a jeans jacket at some point tho...
47. favorite type of cheese?
Uh, there is this semi-hard French cheese I like in slices but I forgot the name...
53. what is the current state of your hands?
They are in normal condition! Dry. Clean. No band-aids.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Sea serpents are real and they are seals!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
"I may safely express here in my opinion that the whole paper of Mr. MITCHELL is an unscientific, deceptive dissertation, unworthy of notice, and that the way in which he ridiculed the endeavors of the Committee was unfair."
67. good luck charms?
I don't really have any right now.
71. least favorite pattern?
Polka dot. I still have lots of panties with dots but ugh. It's just because they were sold in sets of striped+polka+unicolor, okay?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
What even is a weird-flavor combo... hibiscus tea + lemon soda. Does that qualify?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Driver's License by virtue of not existing.
83. writing or drawing?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
Uh. I would honestly put most of my friends before a lot of things and people but if everyone needed me, I would help Lena first.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
One. LOL.
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charlesandmiranda · 4 months
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Writing to you this morning from our hotel breakfast! Just wanted to fill in everyone about the rest of our trip before we start our first full day. I doubt we'll be able to post EVERY SINGLE DAY WE'RE HERE but we're definitely gonna try and keep it frequent enough to be interesting!
From our last post, we were heading from Baltimore to Toronto, which was a very quick hour and a half-ish flight. From Toronto, we headed straight to our gate to which started boarding shortly thereafter, so it was a pretty quick turn around. It was almost kind of a shame because airport was actually kinda pretty, and I wouldn't have hated a few extra minutes to look around at all the really lavishly decorated restaurants and stuff.
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Then came the 14 hour flight. It IS a very long time, don't get me wrong, and by the end my back was VERY achy and my legs definitely craved stretching but also they keep the windows closed and the lights low for most of the trip so you honestly kind of lose track of how long you've been on there.
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Charles and I both watched some movies on the flight; we started the first two episodes of Severance (which was also provided on the flight and I've been curious about for a while anyway -- anyone else here seen it?) and played games on our Switches. I also read a lot; I loaded my e-reader up before we left. In a weird way it was kind of nice to have such a long, uninterrupted time where there was nothing to do but leisure activities even if you're doing them in a mostly uncomfortable way --I think Charles and I (Charles especially) struggle with justifying how we spend our free time, always feeling like there has to be something else we can be working on or doing, but it's kind of a bad habit and terrible mental state to always be in, so we're working on it. Unfortunately, neither of us managed to get much sleep on the flight despite our best efforts, I think I managed maybe 20 minutes total?? So it wasn't super restful for sure.
Thankfully, our flight was kinda ahead of schedule, and we ended up landing around 5:00 PM / 17:00 which is like....3:00 AM for those of you in the Eastern US timezone! We're 12 hours ahead of y'all, so when I'm writing this, I'm writing to you from the future!!!
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After getting through customs and immigration, baggage, etc. we were stopped by a news crew from a show called Why Did You Come To Japan? They seem to stop tourists at the airport pretty regularly, and we ended up talking to them for a while. Charles said that as someone who used to be a camera guy himself, he always tries to stop for folks filming stuff like that, because he knows how hard it can be to get people to talk to you and work with you. They were very interested in the fact it was our honeymoon, and that we got engaged here, and even more interested that we were really into Oishinbo, which is a food manga from the 80s/90s. It's not super popular in the US although personally I love & recommend it, and I kinda get the impression from the crew we spoke to that it's a classic but kinda old fashioned here. They said in all their years of doing these interviews, it was their first time having a foreigner mention it. They gave us a card and a slip of paper and asked us to contact them again, because they may be interested in meeting up with us again later in our trip to film more for the show (!?) so we'll see how that pans out I guess!
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Speaking of, after we finally left the airport, we took the Skyliner train to Nippori, and then transferred to a JR Line train to get us to Shinjuku station. We've stayed in Shinjuku for at least part or all of our trips in the past, and it kind of feels like a home base for us now. We usually stay in or around the Kabukicho area, which is known as an entertainment district with lots of nightlife. If you want brilliantly lit signs and that crowded cyberpunk-y look, Kabukicho is a great place to be!
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NOT THAT IT SUPER MATTERS, BUT the card in the photo, with Hello kitty and other Sanrio characters on it, is a Pasmo card, we each got one. Basically it's a little card that you can add money to, and you can use it to pay fare on most trains and buses, as well as lots of vending machines and stuff like that. You can top it off as you go as well.
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We checked in to our hotel, the Shinjuku Gracery, and IMMEDIATELY needed to stretch out on the bed and shower the sweaty airport off of us, haha. The Gracery is built on top of a Toho Cinema movie theater, and the whole hotel has a very classy Godzilla theme to it. There's a to-scale Godzilla head built on top of part of the building, looking like he's about to demolish it, and he roars and blows steam out of his mouth, haha. To be honest, a night in the Gracery is one of our "we're on our honeymoon, we deserve this!" splurges -- it's one of the more expensive parts of our trip, given the rest of the time we'll be staying in smaller hotels and airbnbs and the like. We dished out a little extra cash to stay in what they call a Godzilla view room, where you can see the head of Godzilla that is mounted to the roof of the hotel from your room! Totally cool. I had to include specifically a picture of the shower, because I loooove these big hotel showers!
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(sadly the filter for this exhibit not only doesn't fit my phone screen but also insanely reduced the image quality LOL)
We took a rest, then headed out to get a bite to eat. We hit up a ramen shop we'd been to in the past, and spent a while walking around the Kabukicho area, including the micro-bar district, Golden Gai. It was interesting to see what's changed and what hasn't since we were here last; for example, they were in the process of demolishing a VR arcade when we were last here, and now there's an ENORMOUS, lux-looking hotel in its place!
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We ended up in the unfortunate position of feeling physically very tired but mentally pretty awake, and even though we spent time in our hotel room soaking in the bath, it was probably 1 AM our time before we actually fell asleep, meaning we were up for like....32 hours straight, I think?
Today, our plan is to check out a few shops in the area around Kabukicho, and a little later we'll be checking out and moving on to Akihabara, where our next hotel is. It's well known for being crammed with electronics and used and new like....nerd stuff, and is pretty close to a district jam packed with guitar shops, so we'll have a pretty full day! Stay tuned I suppose!!
Til next time!
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You have matchups you say? 👀
If you don’t mind, I would adore a matchup.
My name is Rose and I’m 5’8 with brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m goth and definitely show it in how I dress, always wearing all black and typically some skeleton jewelry.
I’m pansexual and genderfluid. I am an ISFP personality type and typically creative write in my free time. I love painting and sketching but I absolutely suck at it. I’m Wiccan and have a deep fascination for the macabre. I listen to quite a few true crime podcasts and podcasts about various mysteries. I read quite often and though I typically read fiction books, my current read is a nonfiction book about mortuary science! I do a lot of the cooking in my household along with bake quite often.
I have ADHD and motor tics which infuriate me to no end when they act up. (They also hurt like hell.) I’m on my schools track team for shot put and javelin. I’m typically a very quiet person and don’t talk much but once I get to know someone I actually become pretty lively. I do well academically in most subjects but math is the bane of my existence, along with literary analysis assignments. If I care about someone, I typically give them little gifts that are specific to them. Sometimes they’re hand crafted like mini good luck potions for my favorite teacher, a baked good of some kind, or even a coupon for a free drink that I know they love. I sometimes give… weirder gifts, like animal bones or crystals. I thrive on physical touch and quality time but sometimes can’t quite get the quality time I want due to falling asleep. I’m typically very tired and nauseous….
Now that all of that is done, Ty <3!
Thank you for this first matchup request!!
I match you with....
Lilia Vanrouge!
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I did have a touch of trouble with this one, however, I decided to go with Lilia!
Lilia definitely takes interest in the strange and weird, and you're no exception! (I say this lovingly, don't take it the wrong way!)
A unique sense of style, Lilia can definitely respect that.
Your fascination with the macabre would amuse Lilia quite a lot, as he is one for all kinds of unique and different aesthetics, he definitely appreciates your unique sense of style.
He would be a great partner when dealing with your ADHD, as old and wise as he is, he knows a thing or two about knowing when to adjust the environment to suit you.
He'll be extremely attentive to make sure you're happy, while at the same time, being an incredibly fun partner who you can enjoy your time with.
He'll definitely find it quite entertaining to see you become more lively when you're in private with him, wondering if he could make it a habit to see you livelier more often. Of course, Lilia is a prankster, so he'll often try to get you to loosen up if you feel anxious in public, however he does respect your boundaries.
Lilia is VERY interested in what you do in your free time. Maybe you two can listen to true crime podcasts together? Maybe he could write his own murder mystery and let you try to solve it? The possibilities are endless!
He adores odd little gifts and trinkets (I mean have you SEEN his room??) he will hoard every single thing you gift him. If he likes it enough, he might even eat it.
Lilia's version of quality time will definitely be trying new things with you, going on trips, doing things he's never done before, etc. If you like pulling pranks on unsuspecting strangers, then this is also something you both can do together! Lilia is very used to dealing with sleepy people, as his son is one of them. If you end up falling asleep while out with him, he carries you to your bed, and awaits your return to the waking world.
Sorry it's pretty short. I kind of struggled, but here you go!! I hope it's to your liking!!
Other characters i considered: Malleus, Idia.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Thesis diary # 34
I haven't done a proper thesis update in a while. I have started to organize all the notes I wrote for the historiographical articles I read. I am about to start writing the first chapter of my thesis, which is going to be a chapter dedicated to the general Historiography of the subject of witch hunts in Europe. It will also have a small section at its end with the historiographical work that has been done on the case I am researching for my thesis. This will act as a sort of introduction to the subject, and most importantly to how the study of it has been developed in the past decades. For now it's the only chapter I have enough material in order to start writing, but I can do only one thing at the time so it's fine. I am both intimidated and excited by this task, but I have a good feeling the excitement will take over. I am sure it will take a bit to get into the habit of writing in the style I am require to use and everything, but I have faith in myself. I know I have the skills to do it, and I like this type of job, so I don't see why I should let anxiety ruin this for me. Having selected the main articles I will use in this chapter I have decided to create a file with all the footnotes to quote them in the thesis, this way I will save so much time when writing, and I am making sure that the footnotes are written properly. I have also attempted to write the introduction of the chapter, but I have written ten lines or so, and they will probably change in the near future.
4/30 days of self care
I read first thing in the morning (currently re-reading The Hobbit, and as planned it's working very well for this weird reading slump I have been into.)
I journaled
I took the afternoon off to spend some quality time outside with my mom
tranquilstudy's studying challenge // day 8
 What would you say to people that are stuck in difficult or toxic relationship, be it friendships, romantic relationships or relationships with family?
If you can, distance yourself from that person. I've had a pretty toxic friendship in the past, and I kid you not I got to the point I woke up panicky because just the thought of turing on my phone gave me anxiety. It took a while to cut off the bridges, but I did it, and I couldn't be more grateful I did. I was scared to do it, because change is scary, and because there's feelings and a lot of stuff. But believe me once you'll get those people out of your life you'll start to live again. After I got out of that friendship I felt like coming back to life, I was a new human. I let go of so much negativity and weight I still feel like a different person when I look back. Life if so short to have relationships that hurt or scare you.
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