#i am prob forgetting some people
fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Everyone who said tattoos were addicting....y'all were right. It's been less than a week and I'm already itching (ha) to get more pieces added to my half sleeve
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man, i am more touch and sex repulsed than i thought
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
Glad to see I am not the only one whose a sucker for Shark!Vox-
Elaborating on some of those ideas for a second, first of all the binder point. That goes for pretty much all his shark aspects, he hides them to the best of his ability because he doesn't think they fit his brand. So in the case of his tail and back fins, their probably constantly aching because he insists on keeping them tamped down. Prob also makes them more sensitive in general but I digress
I'd also imagine he has gills but they aren't on his neck their on his screen, like people assume their just vents for his system to cool off but in reality their gills. Just closed gills.
He swims with Vark to keep his skin healthy cuz he's almost completely dried on by the end of the day. Wearing that suit constantly does not help either, it already itches super bad you don't need to make it worse with that tight ass suit come on :(
Probably covered in scabs and scars because he scratches at himself so violently.
This on the more angsty/general side but hey, he's an insecure little guy (who probably has some identity problems to work through) it seems only natural that he'd try and hide the more "unsavory" aspects of himself.
I will also leave you off with this more goofy note, y’know how sharks go completely limp when you flip them over? Yeah...Vox has to sleep on his side cause if he lays on his back for too long he straight up can't move-
I mean less work for me, don't gotta break out the cuffs no more-
End chorus! Good night darling!
The angsty part is so sad because like if this were canon, he would absolutely hide all of these features and try to forget about them for as long as possible.
Swimming with Vark thing gets me thinking, though. Because until he waterproofed his head, which probably he probably didn’t start out with, he’d just have to take really long baths I guess.
I mean, I feel like in the shark au, all of his features would be waterproofed and updated like that way faster because he’d be actively trying to figure out how to do that.
But i’m just thinking like… because wants he trusts you enough and lets his shark parts show in front of you, just like running your hands up and down the fin on his back. He’d literally snap at you to stop but like all of the bite leaves his voice because that would just be so relaxing. Same with his tail.
(p.s, cd anon i love you feel free to rant about shark vox whenever, it makes my day.)
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 month
Hi roman. I know this is very weird, but i've seen you give some life advice to other people, so i thought i could give it a try too. Don't answer if you don't want to. Anyway
Do you have any advice/tips for a 15 y/o who thinks they just have no control over their life? Like, my concentration is dog shit, i think my grades are slipping. My executive dysfunction so bad and i think i'm disappointing a lot of people. I have no idea how to handle anything in my life. I can't force myself to do the things i need to (not that that'd be any good, i'll immediately cry lol). I just, don't fucking know how i could make things better for myself. And i can't really talk to adults about it, they'll repeat the stuff i already know, and i am the worst person to put their feelings into words, so they'll prob never understand. Not in the edgy way.
Yeah so sorry for half venting into your ask box. Thank you in advance if you'll answer it, if it's too weird and you don't want to do that for whatever reason, that's ok. Peace and love <3
Dude, you’re unfortunately suffering from being 15. And possibly a learning disorder. Godspeed to you.
And I don’t say that to belittle your problems. In many ways as a teenager you don’t have control over a lot of things. You’re still under the control of your parents, you’re still learning how to deal with adult level emotions and ideas. A lot is expected of you and a lot of things are made to seem more important than they are. It’s hard to tell what’s actually important and what’s just adults blowing things out of proportion. It sucks and it’s frustrating!
If you can, you might want to talk to a counselor. If your parents or guardians are anti-counseling you might try to talk to someone at your school like a teacher or administrator or school nurse about the possibility of getting counseling without your parents knowing. Some schools have programs like that.
The adults closest to you might not understand but if you keep looking you’ll eventually find someone who remembers what it’s like to be in your shoes.
And I remember fully feeling like I’d never get control over anything. The end goal of life was graduation from high school and god only knows if I keep existing after that. But the thing is, you do! You keep existing and you figure a lot of stuff out. Wisdom does come with time, it turns out. And legally and practically you end up getting a lot more autonomy as time goes on.
And I know hearing things like this might not feel comforting. When you’re stuck, you’re stuck and no matter how much you logically know it’ll get better right now it sucks.
Just find ways to keep going. And try asking for help sometimes. If your family won’t listen, find someone who will. Take the time to write down your problems and how you feel if you can’t come up with explanations of what’s going on. Or find a friend to talk it out with so you can practice explaining yourself.
If there’s one thing I can promise you, when you’re a couple years into adulthood all of the problems from your teenage years start to feel small. At the time they were big and important though. And that’s what you’re going through right now. And a lot of adults forget about that. Hang in there, and when all of this is behind you, remember how hard it was and maybe someday you can help someone like you.
I’m sorry if all that wasn’t helpful. I don’t know too much about your individual situation. But ask for help when you can. Someone out there understands. You’ll find them.
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jq37 · 1 month
Are we sure Sandralynn wasn't cursed with like. Shit taste?
It's def a real mixed bag, though I think besides Bobby it's more just wild choices than straight up bad choices.
Bobby Dawn: Regular Freak. Liar, Frumpy, Wrong. Cheated on his wife and then ruined another woman's life over it. This is not a a ranking so I'm not giving him a score but I almost wish it was so I could give him a comically low number. Actually, there aren't any rules here. I still can. Negative infinity and kick rocks. If I was Sandra Lynn's friend I would be *begging* for her to love herself (or at least have a better sense of self preservation) and RUN GIRL.
Gilear Faeth: Gilear was a successful, hot elf before his loser energy kicked in because of his curse. Wasn't he like a diplomat or something? Like, Gilear now is a loveable loser but Gilear then was probably kind of a catch. And hell, Fabian's mom likes loser Gilear and she's a pretty hot commodity herself. As Sandra Lynn's friend I would be doing cartwheels if she moved on from Bobby to be with Gilear. 1000% improvement. And, for what it's worth, so is loser Gilear. Most guys would be frankly.
Gorthalax: Def seems a bit reactionary to go from a cleric of Sol to one of Sol's fallen angels turned devils. But Gorthalax is a nice guy from what we've seen and as a devil of gluttony he prob can conjure up some killer date night food. I think that if I could get over the shock of him being a MAJOR DEVIL, as Sandra Lynn's friend, I could warm to the idea. And he's not Bobby Dawn so instant improvement. However, as there was infidelity involved this would be another GIRL WHAT? reaction from me. But again, less about the guy himself, more about the decision to cheat.
Jawbone: OK so the thing about Jawbone is that I think he's great and a super good person and he's Brennan's semi-self insert so of course I love him. But he would also be an insane person to know IRL. Like, the stories he tells so casually. I think I'd be like, uh are you sure about this one? But he seems to have at least mostly chilled out now that he's working with kids and I think he's a really great guy. There's maybe a risk of contracting Lycanthropy but I'm sure they're using whatever protection you use for that. Solid guy as long as you're cool with his past.
Garthy: When Garthy was introduced, 80% of the fandom was instantly thirsting over them so objectively, "Garthy is hot" is a pretty mainstream opinion. And even if you (like myself) were in the 20% of people not thirsting over them, they're still very clearly a good person between raising Ayda and being super into self care (I loved the scene with them and Mercer's char in PoL). Also they're just really cool conceptually. So again, very normal person for Sandra Lynn to wanna hook up with. The problem, once again, is the infidelity. Especially because Jawbone was willing to have an open relationship! He closed the relationship for her! She took an L here for no reason!
So, to recap: shitty guy, good guy (who was cursed), devil (who is a good guy* and also an affair partner), good guy (with a wild past), and hot pirate (who is a good person* and also an affair partner).
*I don't remember if they knew Sandra Lynn was in a relationship when they were hooking up with her and am not factoring that into my judgement.
Besides Bobby Dawn, the rest of her choices were pretty OK (unless I'm forgetting stuff). Wild and with no obvious connecting thread--she absolutely has a rogue's gallery to rival Batman's--but it seems like the problems she had with relationships came down more to stuff other than, "She picked an objectively bad guy."
She really has the most inconsistent taste ever. I can't even begin to categorize what her type is. Gilear and Garthy should never been on any list together besides, "NPCs with G names."
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yelena-belovas-gun · 4 months
Last Resort Pt. 2 (Maya Lopez)
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Summary: She came to get something...and to hide.
Maya Lopez x fem!nurse!reader
Warnings: None
Taglist: @probs-reading-fanfics (dm/comment to be a part of the taglist <3)
Flashbacks are bold <3
She was wondering if the universe was conspiring against her. Why was it so hard to just stay away from you?
She thought she could forget about the jacket. She had another one anyway.
Yet here she was again, out of breath and in danger, right in front of your apartment building.
Coincidence? I think not.
The bright, flashing lights of the cop cars whizzed by, and she had to duck behind the wall again. It was honestly annoying how ridiculous these beat cops were.
Of course, you were her very last resort.
So up she went again, into the elevator and to your house.
You had been reading a book, plate of pasta in hand, spooning the tasty stuff into your mouth at intervals, only to have your quiet, peaceful time interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.
"Oh, for christ's sake-" you grumbled, pushing your cat, Kaz, off your lap and going over to the door.
Honestly, you really should start looking through the peephole more.
"Again?" You raised a brow. "I am not a lodging house."
"The police," she signed, glancing down the hallways. "I need to hide."
"Go hide somewhere else!"
"And risk being seen?"
"Your safety isn't my problem anymore!"
Maya had to admit, you were right. Bit she was desperate. So she put on her most pleading face and signed, "Please."
You wanted to kiss her. You wanted to strangle every breath out of her. You wanted to keep her safe. You wanted to dial 911 in the next two seconds.
You just wanted.
"Get in, you useless little shit," you signed in annoyance, opening the door.
"Thank you," she signed, looking away from you.
You began packing your dinner up, and noticed her sitting anxiously on the couch, fiddling with her fingers and randomly petting Kaz.
Why couldn't the gods have just made you a cold-hearted killer? Why did they make you a soft-hearted lover?
"Need something to eat?" You signed after flicking the lights on and off for her attention.
"Did you poison it?" She raised a brow.
"Every word you say which isn't a 'yes' or a 'no' is making me wish I did," you quipped, scowling.
"Yes, please," she nodded. "Thank you."
You grumbled and dismissed her statement with a wave, heating up some of the last bits of pasta.
"Baby, I'm hungry," Maya had said, pouting at you.
"Pasta?" You'd laughed and asked her, raising a brow.
"You know I love the food you make," she'd smiled and kissed your cheek.
"Damn you, Maya Lopez..." you scowled, setting a plate for her. You walked over to the couch and handed her a fork and the plate.
"Want a bit of rat poison with it for seasoning?" You scowled, crossing your arms after you'd signed.
"No, I'm fine with being alive," she shrugged and started eating. You rolled your eyes, and sat on the other couch, reading.
Every bone in your body pulsed with confusion at your feelings. Your heart tugged towards Maya, with the round face and cheeks you liked to pinch. Maya, with the sleek hands which could weave words to make you blush and do things to make your eyes roll back. Maya, with her slight smiles and expressive eyes that were too cute for you to handle.
But it also clenched at the sight of Maya, who had left you alone that night when you'd needed her. Maya who'd lied to you about one of the biggest disasters of your life.
Maya, who had broken you down till you were just pieces of the woman you had once been.
She noticed the glare you were shooting her and raised a brow. "What?" she finger-spelled.
"Why am I your last resort?" You scowled as you signed. "There are so many doctors, so many people you have some connections with. You can go to them. But you don't. Why me, Maya?"
"Because you're the only person I can fully trust," she signed after placing her plate on the coffee table. "The only person I know who wouldn't stab me in the back."
"Oh, is that why you found it so easy to stab me in the back?" You scoffed.
She sighed. "I guess I had that one coming."
"No shit," you scowled.
Maya sat in silence with you. An uncomfortable silence, which filled the entire room and suffocated you both. She stared at you intently while you continued to read, or, atleast, pretended to.
She, too, felt her heart split apart. She saw the curve of your jawline she loved to kiss, the upward slope of your lips which always fit against hers so perfectly. She watched your brows furrow, and noticed your hair falling on your face a bit. The hair she'd spend hours with her hands in, whether the moment was soulful or sinful. Her heart pulled towards you. It wanted you in a way she knew exes with 'no feelings' would never want.
But she also felt her heart pressed under the weight of her blunder. She felt it clench as she watched you get mad at her. She thought she'd seen the depth of your hurt, the day she'd left, but it was not even in the twilight zone of the trench-like abyss that was your sorrow.
She walked over to you and tapped your shoulder.
"Can I stay for a few days?" she hesitantly signed, looking at you pleadingly.
You scowled, "Why?"
"The police have probably tagged my apartment." She sighed. "I'm on the run, so..." she let her hands stay in the 'so' sign, the deaf equivalent of trailing off.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut. You inhaled deeply, as if mentally preparing yourself for what was to come.
"Fine," you scoffed. "But you're not going to mess up anything in here. That means you will go about your business and only come home to eat and sleep."
"Done," she shrugged. "Beggars can't be choosers."
"Now you're getting some sense into that thick skull of yours," you rolled your eyes and went back to your book, but only after signing, "And you're sleeping on the couch."
Maya sighed.
This was going to be a long few days.
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tubatwo · 1 year
feel free to not answer this ask if it doesn't inspire you, you are not obligated to! <3 /gen
thoughts on them having a v short s/o ? :( prob unrealistic and i am most definitely projecting but this is me living vicariously thru fiction HAHAH
no you’re fine! thank you for submitting <3 i’m short too (5’0) so this will also feed my delusions ,,Ծ‸Ծ,,
yeonjun would see you as the cutest thing to ever grace the planet tbh. you might as well prepare yourself to hear “my baby” and “you’re so precious” all day long cause he’s never gonna shut up about it. yk that look he gives the other members (especially beomgyu) when he’s extremely endeared by them? yeah. you’re getting that look 24/7 along with a bajillion kisses right after. yeonjun’s going to treat you like royalty
soobin is what people dream of when they say “I want a tall boyfriend”. like he would be perfect… everything you’ve ever learned about life is wrong cause you are now officially living in a disney channel original movie!!! expect plenty of piggyback rides and hugs/backhugs where he leans down to snuggle into your neck. oh, and don’t forget cuddles where you lay on top of his giant body and his arms are wrapped tightly around you. soobin would always make you feel warm and safe
beomgyu is 100% going to tease you, so prepare to be sick of him lol. I can imagine him calling you “shorty” and resting his arm on top of your head in public. at home he’s teasing you by purposely putting things on high shelves and not grabbing them until you give him kisses (he might even break out into a roleplay and call you royal titles) but of course, he keeps his jokes lighthearted and is willing to stop if they ever truly bothered you. beomgyu loves being able to take care of you, and he falls in love all over again whenever you look up at him
taehyun wouldn’t think too much about it. he might make a few jokes here and there or give you some random health fact like “you didn’t drink enough milk” lol but I don’t think it would make a difference to him at all!! actually since he’s a bit shorter himself and used to being the one clinging onto the other members, I think he would enjoy reversing the roles and spoiling you. a bonus is that you don’t have to hurt your neck too much trying to reach him!! taehyun would always make sure you were taken care of
huening kai would probably make YOU give HIM piggyback rides (tb to the huening tiktoks loool) but of course he would happily return the favor after. he’d probably lift things above your head if you were ever playfully wrestling but eventually give in as soon as you flash your puppy dog eyes at him. how could he resist his angel? he may tease lightly, but not without letting you know that he’s only kidding after. huening kai would be the biggest sweetheart who would do anything you asked
soft hours open!
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cuephrase · 1 month
What are some things introduced new52 to current day that you like and think are an overall net positive for batfam continuity? (As in, it's not uncommon for me to see fan things that mainly focus on post crisis/pre flashpoint stuff but still incorporate new comic aspects, such as slightly changed family dynamics/new developments, and it's interesting for me to find out what different people think is and isn't worth keeping from what got added after the reboot)
ooooh this is a fun question!!
i was going to say i haven't read that many n52 and onwards runs, and then i realized i have actually read most of the ones i want to, i just haven't read any batman/'tec/batgirl/or duke's runs yet. (i read like...half of We Are Robin, Joker War, and i've read batman from where zdarsky come in so like have also read Gotham War.) (might read Catwoman?? not the point.)
since we're sticking strictly to net positives, i'll include something that i like, even if i have criticisms of it, but i won't get into those criticisms so we can stay positive!! (future cue, so this is kind of a lie but i swear i didn't go overboard.) i'm going to include stuff as minor as like costumes bc why not. also nothing is going to be in order of like what i like the most to what i like the least, just fyi. also, probs not definitive, knowing me i will forget something lmao
New52 Era-
tim's red robin costume. that suit is *chef's kiss* imo. i love that he has wings. i...i don't know if i necessarily want it back rn bc i am sososososo in love with his current robin costume, but i do adore the n52 red robin suit
i personally like that they went ahead and made jason less villain, more anti-hero. i think him trying to reintegrate with the batfam creates some very compelling crises
dick as Agent 37!! which...okay, no criticisms nvm. michael janin's art tho >>> okay well actually maybe sometimes i wish this was like elseworlds/black label instead of mainline but
might be a bit of a reach, but i really enjoy the first handful of arcs in n52 b&r and the relationship dynamic they established for bruce and dami
i like that tim and jason are somewhat friendly. i think it makes sense. for a lot of reasons. this is a somewhat controversial opinion, which i understand. but this is where i stand
did i like anything else from this era specifically?????????
DUKE!!!!!!! i loooooove him very happy he was added
Rebirth Era-
the outlaws, specifically jason's relationship with bizarro. (i enjoyed artemis a lot too!! tbh, haven't read these guys outside of this run tho so zero clue how accurate these portrayals are, so grain of salt?)
the return of dick's fingerstripes!!!!!!! best part of tom taylor's run /hj
TIM'S ROBIN COSTUME AHHHHHH. i'm sorry i love that suit way too much
love damian's current robin costume, although...does he have combat boots rn still? can't remember. if he doesn't, they should give those back
damian + jon's relationship, ik it gets obliterated by the stupid age up, but super sons is still very special to me
tim being bi!! now do kon dc you cowards
alfred's death. i refuse to elaborate. i could, but i shan't (this is not alfred hate tho i swear)
i'm forgetting something rn i know it
oh yeah, i do like tim being robin again. IK. IKKKK. no, i don't think he should be robin forever. no, i don't think dami is a bad robin/shouldn't be robin.
um...i liked dick getting shot in the head. the ric era is not how i would've wanted the aftermath but
i don't want to comment on anything super recent, but i do think there's stuff going on rn that could end up being net positives
the titans being reassembled. jury's out on their location but, i do like that they're back
i'm not counting yj because they're not doing anything with them rn, but they should ugh
i think...i think that's it? there could honestly be a lot more that i'm forgetting. i hope this was interesting!! if there's anything i didn't mention that you're curious about, or something i did mention that you'd like a more in-depth answer about, please feel free to ask!! i'm curious what you consider net positives anon, you should shareeee
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kindestofkings · 7 months
never go out of style
josh jenkinson x stylist! reader
authors note: I had loads of fun with this one! this one is for the josh girlies. also its so fluffy, as all my stuff is, life is sad enough so my fics will probs always be soft lol !
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liked by harry_lambert and others
bryantartists we just wanted to re-introduce our wonderful SENIOR stylist. yourusername has diligently carved out her place in our team, harry_lambert's prodigy is stepping into her rightful place!
Her work ranges from musicians to actors, and we're just as excited to see what she gets up to !!
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yourusername such a pinch me moment !
harry_lambert the hardest of workers
yourusername never a hard task working for you <33
1975fan1 omg is she still working with matty? I miss those outfits
1975fan2 fr the part of the band outfits where so dark.. yourusername heya lovelies I'm not currently working with sir healy for the up and coming album! we are friends tho so if things get too dreadful I'll step in xx trumanblack too dreadful wtf is this..
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
yourusername incase you dont follow bryantartists, I've been PROMOTED! they did a truly lovely post featuring some of my clients but I had to note my love for the boys who to a risk on a no name stylist who was looking for her first client. inhalerdublin a girl never forgets her first 🤠 (@eli please give the leather jacket a rest some more xx )
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joshjenkinson_ thanks for making us look cool
yourusername its easy making the cool cooler 🫶
ryanmcmahon_15 too big for us now 💔
yourusername for you ryan NEVER bobbyskeetz fr we do not have the budget for you anymore.. yourusername I tell you to drop the trackies for free EVERYDAY
elijahhewson you'll have to pry that leather jacket out of my cold dead hands.
yourusername you MANchild inhalerfan1 dont fix whats not broken I say
yourusername posted to their story!
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elijahhewson now why do I also feel targeted by this 1975fan1 please please date him!
trumanblack posted to their story!
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yourusername I know I made this and practically forced you to post this, but thank you hahaha yourusername I didnt think far enough ahead tho cause all your fans think we're dating 😭😭 trumanblack ouch what does the secret boyfriend think of that? also you're not my type sorry love xxx yourusername 🙄🙄
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liked by yourusername and others
inhalerdublin we are back to work and yourusername has removed all leather jackets from the premises... the withdrawl symptoms are kicking in.
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yourusername inhaler girlies bare with me, it'll be worth it I promise !!
inhalerfan1 I'm so obsessed with you, I'll do anything you say.
elijahhewson really regret hiring her again
joshjenkinson_ I dont bobbyskeetz oh well we all know you dont joshie 😏 joshjenkinson_ literally stfu inhalerfan2 ooohhh now what is this
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liked by harry_lambert and others
inhalerdublin love will get you there. link in bio.
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inhalerfan1 people died.
inhalerfan2 🤯🤯
inhalerfan3 sooooo excited omg
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liked by yourusername and others
bryantartists inhalerdublin for british gq styled by yourusername !
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inhalerdublin wow are we cool...?
yourusername the boys killed it as per 🔥🔥
yourusername joshjenkinson_ you are lucky you're so cool or I'd be more annoyed about the leather...
joshjenkinson_ I feel so special &lt;;3 bobbyskeetz what about me am I cool too?yourusername hahahaha robert don't make me laugh!!
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername a gift for the inhaler girlies !! so I usually get my clients to send me pics of their outfits, for the portfolio and what not. but the lads pics have gotten increasingly more dramatic over time, so I guess enjoy ? 🤷
tagged: inhalerdublin
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inhalerfan1 you are the peoples princess thank you
inhalerfan2 josh looks so cute in the second pic awwww
yourusername stop I know he can do it all, cause look at the serve in the third pic!! inhalerfan2hahahah OMG hi! I love that you're a secret josh girlie bobbyskeetz nothing secret about you being a josh girlie yourusername for once in your life SHUSHH
bobbyskeetz feel like you could appreciate these masterpieces more
(liked by elijahhewson, ryanmcmahon_15 and others)
joshjenkinson_ (private)
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liked by yourusername and others
joshjenkinson_ glastonbury bits.
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bobbyskeetz now when oh when did you see our favourite stylist.....
ryanmcmahon_15 suspicious that it was kept a secret... elijahhewson huhhhh wonder why were we left out of this little rendezvous ?? bobbyskeetz care to comment sir jenkinson ??? joshjenkinson_ jesus cause you act like this 🙄
yourusername wowww i've made it to the insta :o
joshjenkinson_ is this what they consider a hardlaunch...? elijahhewson a HARDlaunch ?!?? yourusername the DRAMAtics
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
yourusername later in the summer, I sit beside the sea
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harry_lambert well earned break, you never stop!!
yourusername says the one haha! pleasing, love on tour, zara collab, gucci editorials... the list goes on and on xx
elijahhewson huh good lyrics them
joshjenkinson_ whos picture are you looking at?
yourusername no picture needed I've real thing infront of me, which is wayyy better bobbyskeetz yall are sick
inhalerfan1 oh not my wife soft launching a MAN
inhalerfan2 omg imagine it was josh!!
inhalerfan3 so random wtf inhalerfan2 no hear me out! shes a self proclaimed josh girlie !!
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanclub guys GUYS so I just thought id post these here incase some of you dont follow josh on twitter, BUT LOOK HE'S SOFTLAUNCHING A GIRL
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inhalerfan1 wow i dont know how to feel..
inhalerfan2 these photos are so delicate I cant
inhalerfanclub fr to be seen in this point of view ! a need!!
inhalerfan3 I am CONVINCED its yourusername, their recents are such similar vibes !!
inhalerfan1 wait no you're right inhalerfan2 and that dress is soooo something she'd wear, our stylish queen <3
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
yourusername give it up for josh jenkinson (my fella !)
and my boyfriend's boyfriend (robert keating 🙄)
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joshjenkinson_ haha what happened to the soft launching
yourusername its no funnnn I've pictures to post god damn it ! joshjenkinson_ <333
bobbyskeetz oi whats with the full name
yourusername stop stealing my boyfriend and I'll stop using your full name 😤 bobbyskeetz no way I was here first yourusername but I'm WAYYY cuter bobbyskeetz and I have nicer hair !! yourusername damn I've been bested joshjenkinson_ I think you have beautiful hair love x bobbyskeetz thank you yourusername thanks love inhalerfan1 hahahah this is the best thing ever
inhalerfan3 ohh it feels so good to be right
trumanblack finally can the people stop shipping us now?
1975fan1 yeah we were so wrong, he's wayyy better for our mother yourusername ahahhaha imagine getting abuse from your own fanbase
would LOVE to know you're thoughts! come chat about this fic or even ideas you have for my next one??
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More Erik The Phantom Headcanons!
these are all autistic hcs since @madreemeritus asked for more, i am happy to deliver on more of one of my favorites boys!
let's start off strong with this mans EGO, alot of autistic people are kind of full of ourselves lol this man is always boasting how articulate and amazing he is and how better he is at everything than you (example: playing the organ)
2. he has the opposite of sensory overload this man has sensory UNDERLOAD he will nearly go deaf with all the loud music cheering and clapping going on in the opera, he loves loves loves the sounds.
3. nervously picks and bites at his skin around his nails, he gets very understimulated and needs some type of sensory outpit, so picking it is! (me too)
4. one word. Dysgraphia. This man's handwriting is SHIT (again me too)
5. hygiene is not that great... his breath prob smells like straight up cyanide and ass, anyways hygiene is something all autistic people deal with in one way or another, like we forget to brush our teeth or purposely don't because it feels horrendous.
6. stimming! stimming! stimming! he definitely does this especially at points where Christine holds his hand ever so gently, or how she hits the most perfect high note on stage. he can't help but jump a little, or alot lol
7. he occasionally deals with echolalia, when Christine tells him "i love you Erik" he will get giddy and repeat it 10 times over, not just for reassurance but because it makes him so happy, "Christine loves Erik!"
8. he may not deal with sound sensitivity but textures are def a big NO. he must only wear silks and soft materials, he will complain of a thousand prickles on his skin if you make him wear such cheap and horrible textures.
9. again with the textures is food, i feel like since the acid hit his mouth his teeth must have been affected making them weaker. he tends to eat much softer foods, like puddings, soups.
10. thought about this last one alot and I think he might have light sensitivity as well, since he only uses candles to light his dark bedroom, and likes to keep the lights off in his private box. His eyes were badly injures, leaving them extremely sensitive to light.
thanks for requesting more phantom headcanons! i got a bit more technical with these ones compared to my last post because i thought i could also make this somewhat educating for people who might not know certain things about us autistic individuals. anyways tell me what you think and don't be afraid to add some of your own interpretations or headcanons of autistic Erik!
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roughdaysandart · 3 months
Rough Day Comic Masterpost
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= Yes I'm making a comic based on Rough Day by @no-droids
= Yes I'm editing the smut out ("Abridged for Christian Roomates") but I acknowledge its sanctity 🙌🙏🏼
=Yes I'm adding filler content/altering the intimacy timeline to make up for editing out the smut (consider this BASED on RD rather than a direct translation)
=Yes it will be just as clever and soft, just less Ooga Booga
= YES THERE IS A PINTEREST BOARD (behind the scenes etc)
 PT 1: Other Talents (5/10/24)
 PT 2: Rules and Habits (in production)
Prolouge: Part 1
PT 1: Ow, ow, ow, OW-OW-OW
PT 2: All Action/No longer.
Prolouge: Part 2
PT 1: Useful.
PT 2: Convincing
Prolouge: Part 3
PT 1: Unrelenting Interruptions
PT2: Quiet Murmurs in the Dark
Prolouge: Part 4
Prolouge: Part 5
PT 1: Forget about it. Forget about it.
PT 2: The Deal
Prolouge: Part 6
PT 1: Honor
PT 2: Something
PT 3: Natural, Not Normal
Prolouge: Part 7
PT1: In Memoriam
PT2 : Oil and Water
PT3: Stepping Stones
Prolouge: Part 8
Book/Season 2: THE UNSTOPPABLE, THE IMMOVABLE (Or "torn" idk yet)
Pt 1: Listen and Learn 
Pt 2: Unintended, overheard.
Prolouge: Part 9
PT 1: TBD ("devastatingly, upper-hand”?)
PT 2: TBD (“Fireside Chat?”)
Prolouge: Part 10
PT 1: Promise Me
PT 2: It’s Yours
Pt 3: If You Close Your Eyes
Prolouge: Part 11
PT 1: TBD: (“Lucked out/”?)
PT 2: Shot to the Heart
Prolouge: Part 12
PT 1: …and to lose.
PT 2: Is to love...
Prolouge: Finale
PT 2: Everything, and then Everything Again (Confessions of a Middle-Age Trauma Queen)
Book/Season 3: THE CHASE
CH 18: HOME(Parts TBD)
CH 21 - End
"Fuck it I'll try making a Rough Day Comic" 🤦
I just loved the process of creating that Cantina comic so much, and I really really have been a imagining how cool a comic could look for the entire fic (its just writted so well) and I really wanna make it super clean so...I think imma break out the tablet and get this going. Also I just love this work so much that it would really being mw so much joy (especially as my fiest comic) and thats what's important in the end.
No idea if it'll stick or if it'll be just a few or how soon but...I really am excited to try
Also kinda have to get used to drawing starvwars environments/backgrounds/people in general, as I'm not used to that at all so here's to learning ALOT of new things ahead!
Probs will start out with the backstory drabble from @no-droids masterlist just for chronological sake and then do the chapters in order.
About the smut...🙃
*sigh* I live with my very christian siblings in a one bedroom so.....just no soft or hardcore smut (idk if i can even get away with any spicy gestures at all lol), and will probs have to clean some of the language up or leave bubbles blank until I live alone and can edit them later then re-upload 🤣
At least for now lol
So yeah I hope anyone who also enjoys this fic has as much fun observing this process as I will have making it!
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chickenskins101 · 5 months
mike wheeler
okay so with all these set photos coming out and these arguments between byler, and mileven, i think it’s time we start focusing on MIKE WHEELER.
people think that he is some b!tchy dude who is mean to his friends but people always forget that he has trauma too. but see, his trauma isn’t exactly from the upsidedown itself like wills, els or max. his comes from everyday struggles and i am here to speak my truth about that.
let’s not forget how heartbroken that kid was when his BEST friend will disappeared. I mean we’ve all seen that one scene where dustin and lucas are arguing and he’s in the middle look so depressed. for a whole week, he’s looking for will. this guy tried to 💀 himself. yeah yeah he did it for dustin, and im sure that’s part of it but for his teeth? they were baby teeth too. but he lost el, had a big fight with lucas, his best friend is still missing, and is living on one ounce of hope that will is alive after seeing his “dead” body dragged out of the water.
he grows a connection with el, then loses el. on the positive side, he did get his best friend back, but that doesn’t change the trauma we went through. but how can he express that trauma? i mean, his best friend is suffering from bullying and the side effects of coming back to life all year. how pathetic would it look to him if he started going, “when you went missing, i went through hell.” not to mention he couldn’t talk abt that to his mom or sister because barb didn’t come back. nancy has to deal with losing her best friend. at least mike got his back. that’s all that is going through his mind.
when el comes back, he can’t talk about the depression he went through after knowing what it felt like to lose will, and then to lose el for a whole year. she’s got all this trauma from the upsidedown and the lab. once again, he would look stupid if he started talking about his depression.
then his best friend and girlfriend move away to the other side of the country. cleary that destroyed him. i mean he prob thought that he would have will and el his whole life. will, who he has known for like what a decadeish? is gone. can he mourn, be sad, tell his friends that his two favourite people gone is killing jim from the inside? no! and why? because max just watched her step brother die. (i’m not a big fan of that arc cause he was literally so abusive). anyways max is going through it, thinking about what she could’ve done, isolating herself from lucas and the party. he once again probably would feel selfish if he were to mention that in front of his friends.
eddie was his friend too. cleary, he looked up to him in some shape or form. but he knows that dustin was closer AND had to watch him die. mike, wasn’t there for yet. he’s probably going through it too, knowing that someone he cared for is gone. does he even know that eddies dead yet? (pre s5 time skip). but dustin had to watch him die so it feels like him mourning would be more pathetic cause at least he wasn’t there. he can’t be as sad as everyone else when max his in the hospital bc he isn’t close enough like everyone else. that’s one of his best friends girlfriend, he has if way worse.
people forget that will and el weren’t the only ones bullied!! (dustin and lucas are also forgotten, that’s a post for later!). he was bullied his whole life too. he almost died because he was bullied. bullying, especially at a young age will affect you. i’m not excusing any of his fights he’s had with el or will, but apart of trauma and not getting help for it, means you are going to act as what you hate the most.
even the unrelated upsidedown stuff makes him look pathetic. his dad is there physically, but not emotionally. that would put a toll on anyone, having a dad that is never trying to bond or connect with you. but can he say anything about that? wills dad abuses him, dustin doesn’t have one and max had hers replaced with an abusive stepfather.
his whole life, he felt like his trauma want important enough because everyone has it worse than him. i am not shaming any other characters for their trauma, their traumas are just as important. what im trying to prove is that he isn’t some butthole teenager. he is a teenager who feels alone and keeps his feelings hidden until they explode.
plus, if you are a byler fan or a queer mike truther, you can add on to the fact that he probably hates himself for being some different weird losers who wants to be with his best friend, a man. that probably breaks all rules he grew up with.
add all these things tgt, and you get a very emotionally drained teenager who needs help.
(all the kids need therapy, srsly, why is max the only one in therapy. each kid has gone through sm, im not dissing them or ignoring their trauma, everyone’s trauma is equally important and ill make another post about each character in the future).
i really hope they talk about his trauma and depression, this dude has gone through and yet feels like it’s not important enough.
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whumprecs · 5 months
you’ve prob done this but umbrella academy whump/angst recs?? all ur others are so good!
Sorry about the delay! So I am a huge Five fan, so most of them are slanted that way, though I think Diego sneaks in there a few times -but also they're almost all Family Fics.
I'm going to leave off the NSFW/non-con ones I know of, just in case. If you are interested, feel free to send another anon ask (or message if you would prefer) and I'll send links.
i'm walking backward into my own myth by eluvion  Five is in 1963. He’s in 2019. He’s in 2002. Time is falling apart, and Five is in every piece. Five is a disease, and time is coughing up a lung.
Or; Five Hargreeves breaks time.
I kept running (for a soft place to fall) by chromaticality He'd hoped they had given up. Really, he should have known better. The Handler thinks he's the solution to all her problems. Five thinks he'd like to turn the whole place into a slaughterhouse. But with Allison and Luther caught in the crossfire, Five has to cooperate with the Commission's plans until he can figure out a way to get everyone home.
No Time, No Time, Dear Brother O’ Mine by I_Logophile
At Gimbel Brothers department store, Five’s injury is a bit more serious than a simple bullet graze. Not that it matters to him.
That is, until the police show up while he’s trying to leave, and Five finds himself remembering things he’d rather forget. -- There’s something going on with his brother. That much is very clear to Diego.
Why else is Five at a crime scene? Why else is he attacking the people trying to help him? Why else is he going around ranting about time?
There’s something going on with his brother. And Diego is going to find out what.
He just has to get Five some medical attention first.
the walls kept tumbling down by Ingu It started small.
There was a nagging ache in his chest, phantom pain from where the bullets had pierced his flesh, in the overwritten timeline that never will be.
(the one where rewinding time doesn't miraculously resolve mortal gunshot wounds)
Here, Beneath My Lungs by beastboy12
After they get back from the 60's, Five starts investigating a string of suspicious murders while distancing himself from a family he's convinced he's already lost. So, naturally, Klaus and Diego join him. "Holy shit, Five," Diego says, rushing forward. "What the hell happened to you?" Five is off-balanced by the sight of Diego. Shouldn’t he be at the other address? What is he doing here? Klaus appears on the other side of Diego and lets out a laugh that sounds almost frantic. "Oh, thank God you can see him, too.” “Why are you here?” Five says. Diego scoffs. “Yeah, no, the one covered in blood doesn’t get to ask questions.”
Part 1 of Five is an emotionally stunted yogurt lid
The Longest Roads Lead to Home by assaily (twistedskys) Five raised his glass to the rafters. “I’m home,” he said simply. “I’d like to take the time to enjoy that, y’know.”
Diego watched him pour another drink, suddenly understanding him. He’d been gone a long time, lost in a really terrible place that probably never felt like home unless he could somehow forget he was the last soul on Earth. ‘Home’ meant a lot to him.
When Five’s glass was ready again, Diego raised his own, still half-full. “To being home,” he said.
That earned him a smile, a real one that managed to soothe the crease in Five’s brow and make him look so incredibly young in its sincerity, and so incredibly old in its deep gratitude. He raised his glass and clinked it against Diego’s. “To finally being home.”
Or; Five gets kidnapped and it goes wrong (for the kidnapper).
heart heart head by morimaru
a series of hurt/comfort snippets featuring Five.
Blink by Lady_Origami When Five blinks, sometimes he's back in the world of ash and embers. It's hard to remember how to breathe when that happens. In which Klaus tries to play the role of supportive brother with Ben's help, and Five struggles more than he lets on.
Can you hug me as I go? by maddienole What if the FBI captured Five instead of Vanya?
2x7 canon divergence.
Simple by sharkneto Diego runs into Five at the park. He’s just here to catch a mugger. Why does Five always complicate things?
Lend a Hand by sharkneto If Luther’s being honest, he’s not sure how they’re going to get out of this one. Effectively trapped and powers negated, the Umbrella Academy is in a dire position.
Luther really needs to stop underestimating the lengths Five is willing to go to save his family.
Howling at the Moon by assaily (twistedskys) Five is now a permanent resident of the Hotel Oblivion. The rooms are crap, service is even worse, and he's pretty sure his family left him here. But at least they're safe, right?
A pre-season 3 AU of season 3, Hotel-as-a-prison concept from the comics.
lie awake, sleep awake by morimaru Number Five does not get sick. He refuses to be sick. His body obeys. Right up until it doesn't. (- this one is literally my favorite of all of these rec's, I have lost count how many times I've read it)
and all the kids cried out by morimaru The one where Five is sick, the Handler is clingy and hard to get rid of even after death, and Klaus has a ghost-busting side-gig that is a lot less exciting than it sounds.
Guilt Trip by I_Logophile In typical Five Hargreeves fashion, a drug ring bust with his family turns into a rescue mission, which turns into a complete and utter shitshow. Because, of course, things had to go sideways— No, scratch that. Things didn't just go sideways, things went upside down, backward, and inside out. And then got blown up. Literally.
In the aftermath of the whole fiasco, Five is left reeling, floundering, drowning in guilt.
Because how could he have done that?
How could he have attacked his family?
spoiled by morimaru Number Five is a survivor. He fought his whole life: he fought their father, the apocalypse, the commission, then – the apocalypse, again. Having made that fateful jump back to 2019, he unwillingly left his old body with all of its scars behind. Physical ones, at least. It’s funny, in a way, that the hardest thing for him to fight ends up being food.
The Dangers of Vigilanteing by aceofwhump Diego gets injured during one of his vigilante acts and is forced to go back to the one place he swore he'd never return: The Umbrella Academy
Also, the best way I've found to get to the fics I want in this fandom is to troll through favorites of the authors of my favorite fics. Most fandoms that doesn't seem to work, but this one it does. Happy reading, and again - sorry about the delay!
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soosoosoup · 25 days
What’s your opinion on each of The Snack Pack? (And Creek)
Do you think they should own Branch an apology for how they treated Branch for many years? (Except Prince D and Tiny, of course because they weren’t there/born yet, and I know Creek probably won’t-)
The worse part was that they liked BroZone but have been treating Bitty B! (Poor Branch!😭)
I feel like Pop Village needs to own Branch an apology. How older generation did to Branch, the fact no one takes him in just because he’s grey! (And other reason I think) which is worse. I’m not sure about King Peppy.
The new generation just went along, following older generation.
They have been treating Branch in a bad way, not just Branch! Bitty B who was once part of BroZone Band.
I’m not sure if anyone ever thanked Branch what happened during the pot scene, only Poppy did thank him. He was singing! He did it to bring the hope back! He have done so much for Pop Trolls. Not just Branch, Bitty B did!
Don’t forget about Bridget, she said she thanked him sure, but she should not say “I guess” because without him. They would have been caught sooner!
How would Viva think about what they have done to Branch?
How would Bros especially John Dory, think about them? What would they do with that?
Now about DJ Suki
Do you think she would be back? I miss her but I’m not sure if she will be back. I wonder where she went…
I know TrollsTopia showed that but I don’t feel like it’s canon and because she wasn’t in TWT and those series are not canon so yeah
so so sorry for making you wait like a couple days, been pretty busy and didn't notice 😓.
Ah, the snack pack. I must confess that I don't really think much of them 😅eheh. At least when first watching the movies, they kind of just blended into the background as more character were introduced with the sequels. But!! I am quite a fan of how they're expanded through fan works!!
Yeah pop village can be quite harmful, toxic positivity was pretty ingrained into their society. probs bc it seemingly ‘works’ for all of them. The older folk can forget the pains of the past and the young can grow up happy. But for those it doesn't ‘work on’ (branch), it is very invalidating. But I also see the harm they do as unintentional mostly. They probs think that at this point Branch must not want to be happy. For the snack pack they’re probs like 'come on man this again? just lighten up and sing along' while like totally ignoring what is burdening him. Though I mostly see that as the failing of the older generation who at the very least needed one person to step up and work through the traumas that's being buried for Branch. Could have really helped him process and cope growing up.
While it would be nice for some apologies to be given, I doubt Branch would ask for it (it would be a conga line of ppl saying sorry, yeah branch would get tired of that real quick lol). Oh and thanks you’s would be great too, maybe theyre were some and we just didn’t get to see it. That’s how i hc it anyway :)
I’m sure the bros would be very unhappy to hear B grew up as an outcast, and viva would as well, but even more so I see her being disappointed by their disregard of the possible danger of bergens & their erasing of her and the putt putts.
Ahhh and Creek. He's always a joy to have, he makes things interesting lol. I think before the whole 'betraying your people to certain death' he was just a troll, a condescending troll who thought very highly of himself, but just a troll nonetheless. But yeah he’s def not a good person after all that was said and done. This guy would need to apologize for days!
DJ Suki's been missing!? how did i not notice that? Perhaps if the next movie had more snack pack suki could hopefully come back. Come back dj suki, i need to know more about you!
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the-gentleman-pining · 8 months
Decided to rewatch OFMD S2 eps 1-3 and actually jot down my thoughts as I go! Oh what fun! Ngl this is mostly for me babes but if you enjoy it that's neat ❤️
Episode 1: Impossible Birds
Stede bearded in his dream could just be playing to swashbuckling archetypes for funsies, but is it some lingering wish that he was more masculine?
Con O'Neil truly graceful about it with the sword huh
"WHERE IS HE. WHERE'S ED?" Stede seeing Izzy as the thing that is keeping Ed from him when he's the one that left lol ok
His idealised version of Ed doesn't hold him accountable either. My mans doesn't want to face what he did at all!!
His first words to Ed in his letter are reassuring him that the crew are safe, as if he doesn't remember that Ed marooned them and left them for dead on purpose??
I know it's meant to be funny but Jackie was a bit of a sex pest toward Swede at first and the power dynamic was a bit 🫤 Glad he was into it in the end!
Stede truly is unphased by people being assholes to him and I just,,, respect it.
Ricky your vibes are strange and unsettling
Who in their right mind would have an ocean wedding in the golden age of piracy?? I know they probs didn't know it was the golden age of piracy while they were in it but STILL
Ed looks so dead behind the eyes 😭 Just going through the motions eh buddy?
Dressed up like the book Blackbeard I see. God he's trying so hard to inhabit this character.
I would die for Archie. Truly the himbo we need in these depressing angst riddled times.
Jim asking someone else how they're bottling things up?? Hello?? Who are you and what have you done with Jim?? Aren't you the bottling up Master? Olu bewitched you too good and now you've unlocked Feelings 😔
"He's actually a good guy" Stede babygirl did we actually forget the marooning???
I have so much I could say about how Izzy and Blackbeard's relationship has deteriorated hhhhh,,,, Izzy is a problem child but I'm so glad the story is crashing towards his character actually growing and changing. In season 1 he at least got the crumbs Ed would throw him like "I need you here", now he's only getting abuse and maybe he's throwing himself at it because he recognises he had a part to play in reaching this point and believes he deserves it.
Fang's delivery on "how you doing Izzy" will keep me warm and fed all winter. Masterclass in approaching someone, truly tender and genuine but not too pressuring. God.
That second "unhand me" hhh the panic of realising you're going to start crying if the situation continues
Con is gonna rip my heart out and eat it this season if I'm not careful
Labour exploitation Jackie what a girlboss x
Why does "you'll be having a lot of breakfastseses together" sound so ominous though 😭 Smeagol Jackie my worstie...
Stede doing Blackbeard Voice is adorable but damn he really doesn't believe that he made Ed's life better. Like how??? Why doesn't Stede equate happiness with better? Ed was explicitly happier around you ya dingus!
Swede deserves his married bliss so much. The crew can be so mean to him!!
"What am I to you" and "I have... love for you" are said so softly I'm gonna be sick,, Izzy you fucked it by wrestling this man into this particular coping mechanism and your tenderness is coming wayyyy too late. Heartbreaking tbh cause the guy didn't know how else to help Ed and now he's realising it could have been different. Sick and twisted little dynamic I'm eating it like good soup.
Definitely supposed to be taken that Izzy didn't realise "talk it through" was a Stedeism as he said it but godddd you idiot dude
Once again god bless you Archie I'd die for you
Fang I want to rescue you hhhhhh my hot topic fashionista must be so dehydrated from all these tears!!!
No way in hell Ed expected anything else out of Izzy's mouth than something about Stede, but god I wish the guy had just payed attention to Frenchie shaking his head. The catharsis of saying the quiet part out loud wasn't worth your leg, man.
"Start by cleaning up that mess"... yeah we def see Ed is killing people himself again but outsourcing the Big Job on Izzy makes sense. He's also exactly the kind of self sabotager atm that would know Frenchie won't do it, and he's looking for reasons to Be Worse.
Indigo heist my beloved. Fuck those hammies up!! I love how loud Black Pete was omg 😂
Oh fuck off Ricky I know you're a S1 Stede mirror but you're doing it detestably
Roach why is your instinct to immediately put the blue dirt on your face darling
Zheng Yi Sao completely unphased by Jackie is giving me so much delight
Sexy Dutchman 😭😂 Jackie never change
I love that Zheng Yi Sao is taking the whole crew on just to have her lil Olu moment, get it girl
TENDER JIM IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM THEY'VE COME SO FAR. I LOVE THEIR BIG SMILE 😭 (also Archie is so wholesome what is she DOING here???)
Ed oh my god you're not alright at ALL
Frenchie's quiet "sounds like a plan" is just so... painful. The acting this season is off the charts.
When Roach asked if they were in soup now I thought he was referring to the ocean as soup I'm an idiot 😭
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