#i also feel VERY strongly that like. i dont think this is an invitation to SEND her amangela stuff.
shesmore-shoebill · 1 month
Obvs, I am saying this as someone who posts about Amangela but doesn't make edits but. Honestly the way Amanda talked about the Amangela edits makes me so. relieved. Like, phew. I'm glad shes not bothered by it, I'm glad she sees it as like, the storytelling (functionally) it is, and not as actual speculation about her life or Angela's (which. It Isnt. And SHOULD NOT BE.) and I'm glad that she finds it hilarious, and not upsetting or bad. (I think finding it strange makes total sense, and what she and Courtney and Shayne are saying about people functionally making up stories and storylines. is. True. thats what we're doing lmfao).
But also she definitely sees some of this stuff AND we know Angela has sent her at least one Amangela edit AND she IS requesting Amangela honeymoon edit. so. we live in this world now.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Pff dont tell ANYONE from that fish dorm about being lonely. Cant be trusted.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You guys feel very strongly about this. And on the one hand I do think there's some truth to the idea you shouldn't tell someone who likes to manipulate people that you are lonely because that makes you vulnerable... I've been through periods of intense loneliness in my life. It has a way of making you feel weird, and behave abnormally. Even when you want to keep it to yourself it sort of just jumps out in conversation, so I somehow doubt those fish people wouldn't notice you were lonely. It wouldn't be a matter of telling because they would know, and they all would prey on it. Azul for labor, Jade for information but Floyd...
He seems to actually like hanging out with Yuu. I just read his birthday boy vignette today (i picked up the platinum bundle :/) and he is constantly inviting Yuu to do things. He wants you to bring him candy, he wants to make takoyaki with you, hell he makes a joke about teaching you to swim in Chapter 4 but I think he'd totally do it. Because it sounds fun and he loves doing random things, so long as there are no stuffy rules to follow. So I do not think he would really see you as being lonely and go "hah gonna make fun of shrimpy till they cry and black mail em" well not too much anyway, but he absolutely would hang out around you more to try and harass you into doing things with him. Cause you're lonely, he knows you will indulge him. And that would make me feel a little less lonely, even if it is kind of toxic.
It's also important to note that longing for friendship and longing for a partner are two different sorts of loneliness. The latter is much easier to mask, and much different. So different I would say that the fish people would not notice it unless you told them... for a different post maybe.
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unfortunatelyself · 2 years
✨️ My autistic/adhd headcanons: ✨️
Dipper Pines
From Gravity Falls
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Mabel being autistic and adhder is a popular headcanon I've seen several times, but I dont understand how no one seems to care about poor Mason guy. I mean, its clear for me that he is autistic as well. He struggles in social situations, has anxiety, wears the same outfit everyday to avoid wasting time thinking about what to wear, the diaries and the author are clearly his special interests to the point he doesn't sleep bc of it, he stims without even noticing by chewing pens when he's stressed plus he's probably trans.
Star Butterfly
From Star vs the forces of evil
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This is a headcanon I've seen a little discussion on and I completely agree. Star behaves differently than those around her and although the show tried this to look like a cultural shock cause shes from another dimension, even in Mewni the only one who understands her is her father. She has echolalia, she happy stims by jumping and clapping, she hyperfocus/obsess, cant stand boredom, always find a way to have fun, she cant get the hint that someone dont like her; Marco was running away terrified of her while she was happily waving at him and saying goodbye and when Britney told her she would invite her to her party when pigs fly she took it literally. She's passionate, resolve things her way, can have strong emotional reactions, shes creative, very energetic and with a strong sense of justice.
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I dont even know where to start, not only bc it is incredibly obvious hes autistic, but also it makes angry that his autistic traits are portrayed as annoying in the show and the ableist inside it.
His special interests are krabby patties. He loves his work, although its not even a work for him, its his life, he loves doing this with a passion, he don't want to stop doing it and gets depressed when Mr Crabs forces him to have some vacations.
He can became hyperfocus/obsessive, specially when it comes to krabby patties and the krusty crab in general.
He is very sensitive and experience his emotions very strongly, hes caring and get attached easily.
He doesn't get when people dont like him, although he is aware that he annoys Squidward and even have a day only to annoy him with Patrick, the rest of his interactions with him or anyone, he doesn't seems aware, something thats portrayed as "dumb" which I totaly hate btw.
He acts younger than he is, even some citizens of bikini bottom refer to him as a kid, when he's actually 20 something. More like an adult who does whatever he wants and makes him happy to me. It doesn't seem like he dislikes being called a kid by others but it stills annoy me a bit cause the ✨️ ableism ✨️ yk.
He has an "inappropriate" and "annoying" laugh and in general he is "annoying" and it piss me off that all that considered annoying are nd traits, and it personally annoys me more bc Spongebob has been my favorite cartoon since I'm like four and most of the think he does, I do them too.
Luz Noceda
From the owl house
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Since episode one u can tell she has adhd and how the principal(? of her school and her mom, instead of trying to understand her, only want her to change and bahave like she should. Not like the spiders where the best idea but still, they also wanted her to stop engaging on her silly fantasy books. Very understandable she decided to stay at the boiling isles.
She lives in her own world. She's full of creativity, passion, new ideas, she wants not only to explore the world, she want to do it now, like, rn. Shes also very energetic, always ready for an adventure or a lecture as long as shes interested.
From Summer Camp Island
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He is so clearly autistic to me. He has difficulties with change and adapting, something we see the moment he arrives at the camp and his parents leave; he even tries to leave bc this new environment, all the changes, being away from the safety his parents represent its too much for him.
Hes anxious asf, hes clumsy and a little clingy. He get his confidence when he feels safe with his friends and in the moment theyre not around he starts getting worried.
He is a calm guy who likes doing things his way and prefer staying at his cabin, chill and cozy but who also likes and is willing to go on adventure as long as he feels comfortable and safe with his friends, from which he gets his strength.
Reassurance and a book are enough to make him happy.
I love him. Hes also the character i relate the most with from this list (I relate to all except from Dipper and Neddy).
From adventure time
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Same thing as with Dipper and Mabel, Neddy is Princess Bubblegum brother, her being autistic is a well known headcanon but Neddy, oh man, hes pretty much too but since he has so little screen time I wouldn't be surprised if people dont even remember him.
He is non verbal and very very sensitive to noise and change, being Bonnies song the only thing that can calm him during a meltdown.
There's not much else to say, Bonnie and Neddy is the only episode hes part of, but i think thats enough. Since the very beginning, he seemed very overwhelmed by the different environments and noises him and Bonnie were facing after leaving the mother gum. He desseperatily cries and tries to run away from the danger or discomfort hes feeling.
I really wish he had at least another episode to see his relationship with his family and to understand and get to know him more, apart from the ending scene in which Bonnie and their aunt are singing to him.
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(For the record, i dont like Bonnie but i do like this quote from Bonnie and Neddy. It also goes pretty well with this post.)
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boethiah · 2 years
I love reading your thoughts about different characters so what do you think about Nerevar and Dagoth Ur/Voryn? I like the idea that they were secretly lovers for a bit, it adds some extra angst to the whole Morrowind storyline
i do think they were lovers too-- aside from everything going on with dagoth ur's behavior towards nerevar, iirc vivec expresses concern that (paraphrasing) "because dagoth ur knew nerevar in life, he may think the nerevarine can be seduced or bribed". vivec was so worried that dagoth ur might try to fuck the nerevarine ze warned them against it in an official temple document. you know what's going on there
character wise-- i am the number one Nerevar Criticizer, i think he was a great hero but only because he was willing to do anything and literally Anything to achieve his goals. the chimer have a society based on subterfuge and backstabbing, you can imagine what it might take to coordinate every single faction to his own goals. i think he was clever and idealistic and headstrong and he tended to steamroll people in his charge forwards to make everything good. that's why vivec is so strongly critical of him imo, ze was perhaps closer to nerevar than anyone and got a very close look at the influence he had on other people. i see him as someone who could overwhelm people by the astounding force of his personality. a great hero and a legendary figure, but people like that can have an oppressive influence on those around him.
and voryn i think was someone who was very willing to be steamrolled by a force of personality, though tbh i don't think he was without grand ambition either (Lord High Councillor is a pretty good title, voryn!). the way that dagoth ur acts towards the nerevarine-- plaintive, flattering, repeatedly expressing servitude and loyalty-- speaks to me of someone who knows from long experience that nerevar is partial to flattery and servitude. ofc dagoth ur's actions are complicated by the fact that he also had genuine feelings for nerevar imo, and dagoth ur himself throughout morrowind acts extremely inconsistent on whether or not he wants to recruit the nerevarine or kill them. voryn is an indecisive person by nature and i don't think he knew whether he wanted the nerevarine dead until the very moment they were standing before him in the facility.
that said i cannot resist discussing one of my favorite things about voryn dagoth-- he was not, in fact, loyal to nerevar to the last or w/e, because when the war of red mountain broke out house dagoth broke with the chimer in favour of inviting the NORDS back in. the fucking NORDS. voryn RESURRECTED THE LITERAL YSMIR WULFHARTH so wulfharth could lead the army that would team up with the god damn NORDS. making wulfharth technically the first ash creature nonetheless!! the reason accounts of red mountain get so messy wrt who was allied with who is specifically because of this, the fact that it was a three faction war of chimer vs dwemer vs HOUSE DAGOTH + NORDS. i find this piece of lore hilarious and i dont think enough people appreciate the fact that voryn "i love loyalty" dagoth smelt trouble in the air and immediately skipped off to skyrim to perform some light necromancy. that's so funny.
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hi, i have a situation/symptoms that ive been dealing with that i was wondering if i could get opinions or guidance on.
content warnings for i think derealization, depersonalization, dissociation
ever since i was a kid ive felt like ive been living in the body of another person, like im living someone else's life. id have these moments where it would seem like i would "wake up" and realize that i was actually alive and living. it was like everything came rushing back to me and i felt like a whole other person watching my own life unfold. my name didnt feel like it was mine, my experiences and memories didnt feel like mine, and lately ive been feeling like i dont even know myself anymore. my name doesn't feel right, my gender doesnt feel right, my personality and the way i act and present myself dont feel right either. i feel like im pretending to be a person. im so confused and kind of scared, i dont know what's wrong with me. is this normal? is there a name for this experience?
- serena
Hi Serena,
I'm sorry about what's been going on. That must be very disorienting and scary.
I think it's fairly possible that you may be dealing with a dissociative disorder such as OSDD or DID. With these disorders, it's common to feel like someone else entirely, as different alters can have unique identities that differ from the body or host. It's also very common for these disorders to develop in early childhood, as it's essentially when your need states never fuse into a single identity due to trauma.
I would recommend just taking inventory of who you feel you are, and get a sense of what your personal identity is, regardless of what you've been placed into. What are your likes and dislikes, how do you identify, are there memories or experiences that do feel like your own and if so what are they, etc. It can be helpful to write these things down to help keep track.
Once you get a clearer idea of yourself and feel ready, then you may be curious to explore if there is anyone else inside. Internal Family Systems tends to be helpful for systems or others who have some level of multiplicity. A way IFS navigates introspection is by inviting a part to speak. You may find this meditation helpful, however I do just want to let you know that this can potentially be overwhelming if there turn out to be many parts that identify themselves at once. I also personally found that it was hard for me to fully follow this practice despite being naturally introspective, but I understand that everyone is different.
Additionally, I'm thinking of something that I can't remember the exact details of, but there is a method to get a sense of who fronts ("comes to") during the day by mapping out your feelings by the hour, and any drastic changes may be indicative of someone else getting close or fronting. Communication and visibility can be especially challenging as a newly-discovered system. As someone who has trouble identifying when someone else is near or fronting, I found this to be helpful.
If you have Discord I recommend the OSDD server as they can help with additional questions or tips on potentially being a new alter. You're also free to ask for specific mods such as Mod Night who have more experience in being a system.
If you can afford and access it, I strongly recommend looking into getting a therapist if you don't already have one, especially a therapist who specializes in dissociation or dissociative disorders.
Ultimately, it's important to be patient with yourself as you navigate this. Remember to practice self-care during this time. I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
Could you maybe write something about the MC flinching when the brothers raise their arm to do something? Like maybe they’re standing next to MC and the go to reach for something and then they flinch? If you don’t want to that’s okay! Hope you have a good day!
MC Who Flinches When the Brothers Raise Their Arms
Thanks for the request! I am going to do this one In the form of headcannons for how they react to this type of situation. Read under the cut
Genre: comfort, some slight angst
Written for GN!Mc
CW: implied history of physical abuse, spoilers for lesson 16+, unpolished
You were trying to reach something on a top of one of the high cupboards in the kitchen.
Lucifer sees this and finds it very funny.
Of course he will go help the puny human reach something on the top shelf, but he will be a smug jerk about it
He walks over to you and reaches above you to get the thing
You jolt out of the way and wince, as if you were afraid he was going to hit you
Oh no oh no oh no
Ok he KNOWS he traumatized you when he had attacked you but he didn't expect this reaction
He is very heartbroken that you still think he'd hurt you
Will clear out some of his schedule to spend more time with you- taking you out to dinner, going to shops, chillin' at the house, etc
He wants to make sure you get even more comfortable around him to prevent these types of reactions from happening again
But if it does, he will suck it up and ask you very gently about it.
He will absolutely hold your hands while you talk and validate everything you say.
Mans is trying his hardest to fix his mistakes but he understands they were BIG MISTAKES and they traumatized you
Still will do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable.
I strongly hc that Mammon is someone who talks with his hands A LOT.
So when he's just talking about some bs he's had to deal with from the witches he has pacts with and throws his hands up in exasperation, he doesn't really think about it
But you immediately threw up your own arms to shield your face
He will collapse in front of you and beg you to tell him why you reacted that way
Did you worry he was going to hurt you??? Was it because of the stuff with his brothers??? Has someone else hurt you???
When you tell him, he will listen as attentively as possible and will probably cry
He will be super super cautious around you from now on and stops using his hands so much when he talks
Will absolutely become 120% attentive to your movements around others and if he sees you wince or flinch he will immediately grab your hand and squeeze to reassure you that you're okay
He had just beaten you ruthlessly in a racing game and was celebrating his victory when he saw you jerk away from him in fear.
Levi has NO IDEA what to do
He starts freaking out and thought that he accidentally did hit you at first
When he realizes he didn't, he is still worried about why you reacted that way
Figures its because he's just a yucky Otaku
He will try his best to pretend everything's fine later but will clearly be avoiding you
He goes to Lucifer to ask what the heck this could mean and when Lucifer explains it could be due to trauma his heart breaks
He will stop avoiding you and invite you over to his room more
Is also very careful of his movements from now on
I dont think Levi would ever directly ask, but he will be way attentive if you decide to talk to him about it of your own volition
He saw a stray fuzz on your face while you were reading with him in the library
Or well. He was more pretending to read while admiring your beauty and thinking of the ways to describe you in poetry
It probably wasn't that big of a deal but it was right in the center of your face and was distracting him from your lovely smile
He reaches to pluck it off. You notice his hands moving toward you and flinch
He was hoping you weren't still afraid he would hurt you
Like hes very very sad and hates that you are scared of him, but he gets it.
He would go back to pretending to read and hide his shattered ego
You would probably notice his contorted features and ask what was wrong
He won't tell you at first but eventually would ask you flat out if you feared he would hurt you
When you talk to him about why you flinch when someone raises there arm he is very attentive.
He will also follow up questions and assess what he needs to do to prevent the reaction or to avoid triggering you
He is just happy to hear you still enjoy his presence tbh
Oh hes crying.
Like. A LOT.
He was just so EXCITED to see you that he wanted to surprise you with a running-up-from-behind hug
He didn't expect you to scream out in terror and wince like you did
He will drag you back to his room and demand you tell him what happened to make you so jumpy and fearful
shower you with affection and compliments and validation when you tell him
He will hold back urges to do those types of hugs in the future, but that only means he won't run up from behind you.
Expect full force hugs from the front a lot more often
He was just stretching after his workout with you while y'all were rummaging around for food in the kitchen
Why did you jolt back like that???
He will stare at you, very confused.
This will def prompt you to tell him what about his actions caused that response
When you tell him why you tend to be jumpy when people raise their arms he will no longer feel hungry
He is now just sooooooo sorrowful.
Precious Beelie loves his family and to see you living with those remnants of pain hurts him so deeply
He will pull you into the tightest of hugs
Will also cuddle you pretty much the whole rest of the night and next day
He will be very wary of his movements and call out his brothers for their behavior if its something that could trigger you
He just loves you so much and hates to see you hurt. Omg.
Belphie was trying to prank you by hiding in your closet and jumping out when you came in looking for something
Cowboy laughs at first bc his is an asshole who thinks pranks like this are funny
That is, until he noticed you are actually trembling in fear
Oh wow he will shut the fuck up real fast
He will be very gentle and apologize very sincerely, though understands if you dont want to forgive him
I mean...he was trying to scare you...just not like this
Will let you explain why you have that reaction if you want to tell him, but he won't force it out of you
He probably assumes its because of what he did to you.
And then he realizes he should have known better than to play this type of prank on you...
He will def be the one to buy you gifts and leave them in random spots of your room as an apology
Will also be sickeningly sweet to you for as long as he still feels guilty after this
Like he will still tease you, but not as relentlessly as before and it turns into more of a making-you-flustered type teasing than insults/roasts
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wakanawill · 2 years
finished rewatching season 11 ice chapter
And I think I have an idea what would had to be changed to make the ending make... More sense to me
Like I remembered not enjoying this season too much but actually I like it quite well! Nya and ice thing was kinda meh cuz it feels like repeat from when she become ninja of water and also as if they(writers) are trying to get rid of zane. I think it could be cooler if it was kai going after zane and not lloyd but that's more of personal opinion. The ending tho feels very... unsatisfactory
And like I do study IT and I know a bit about how computers store that and like for zane to actually remeber SOME of his memories is actually realistic to how computers work or at least I think so. I'm not sure how exaclty resetting a system works but I think that the data drive would still have all the data it had before. Just computer doesnt know its actual data that is important (feel free to read of file systems) but like whatever this is a cartoon about lego ninjas with elemental powers the fact that self aware ninjadroid who can control ice and become a genocidal tyrant for x*10 years lost his memories and then got them back like Yea sure why not
What always irked me wrong is HOW that happened
"You coudnt even protect your friends" (or however it's in english I watched it in polish idk)
just the word protect... that's it???????
Just 1 word?????
Theres like NO WAY that nobody ever said the word protect around ice emperor. I mean sure not many people are around him but just COMMON
It just... AAAHHH
it's very underwhelming
What if lloyd after seeing first hand Ice emperor freezing Akita said something akin to "Zane this isn't you! You were made to protect those who cant protect themselves!"
And that's what snaps zane out. The line is way more specific then just the word protect and it is a lot more important to who zane is. I mean protect is also important but just that one word feel just too generic. "You were made to protect those who cannot protect themselves" Is just important enaght for the character of zane that I feel like it woudnt feel as underwhelming as how just word protects does. and I'm totally amd willing to believe that "You were made to protect those who cannot protect themselves" is very strongly impeded into whatever circuits zane has.
also if like local people didnt like compellty ignore the fact this THIS GUY RIGHT HERE is who basically did reversible GENOCIDE ON THEM and made their lives COLD HELL. I mean COMMON at least be wary of him and like not be all friendly and dont invite him to home. They have every fucking right to not want to have to do ANYTHING with zane and they dont use that right at all. Unimaginable
also I think it would be cool if zane had lost some of his memories (cuz of how computers work) but that's just a little thought
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Companions seeing soles baby for the first time? (Dont specify the name or gender though please, also could add a bonus for maxson-)
Okay... So I might have been slightly self-indulgent with the Piper one at first since I've got such a soft spot for my favorite nosy reporter. But I tried to balance it out so now y'all maybe won't notice so much! 😅
As for the Maxson bonus, I'm not too familiar with his character, but I tried! In my playthroughs, I've only ever sided with the Minutemen and the Railroad, and the most affection I've felt for the Brotherhood comes in the form of Danse. However, I am starting another playthrough, so I might go Brotherhood this time. I did the best I could, y'all. 👍
I hope you enjoy! 🥰💙💛
Cait - Does not even know how to act. When she comes through the door, her eyes locked on the bundle in F!Sole's arms, she trips over the doorway and immediately curses. However, she swiftly apologizes as if the child can understand the words. F!Sole just chuckles and pats the spot on the side of the bed, inviting Cait to come see the baby up close. Cait very slowly shuffles over and sits down, just staring at the baby. She wants to touch the baby, but she's scared to because what if she makes it cry and then she'll cry and then it'll be a mess and then--- And then F!Sole asks her if she wants to hold the baby. She very hesitantly nods just barely, almost a reflex reaction, and F!Sole hands it to her. She hold it very stiffly, but as securely as she can, just looking down at its sweet, little face. She will protect this thing with her very life.
Piper - Is absolutely in love with the baby as soon as she sees it and she carefully sits on the bed next to F!Sole, just grinning like an idiot as she looks at her best friend's child there before her. When F!Sole asks if she wants to hold it, she wholeheartedly agrees. She very carefully picks it up and holds it in her arms, just marveling at it as she gently touches its face. She wastes no time in telling it that it is definitely going to be just as awesome and full of trouble as its mama is. When F!Sole tells it that its aunt is way worse, she feels like her heart might burst at the very fact that her Blue just called her a member of her family. She's definitely going to be the best aunt that she can be and will undoubtedly spoil it absolutely rotten to the core.
Curie - Is overwhelmed with so, so many emotions the very moment that she lays eyes on the baby. She almost thinks that she will cry from the pure joy and adorableness before her. She hurried over before slowing down just as she gets to the bed. She reaches out before quickly looking at F!Sole in a silent question, and F!Sole nods happily, extending the bundle so that Curie can get a better look. Curie softly speaks to it, her eyes ridiculously huge as she gently pokes its cheeks. She giggles and sniffles, reaching up and wiping at her eyes as she looks down at the sweet baby. She cannot wait to help it get used to this wonderful, strange world.
MacCready - Just looks at it with a soft smile on his face and a few tears in his eyes. He is reminded of how beautiful Duncan was as a baby, and he is now lost in thoughts about two beautiful babies. When she asks if he wants to hold it, he happily accepts the offer and holds it carefully. He baby-talks to it a little, telling it just how adorable it is, and when it reaches up and touches his face, he freezes before smiling gently. He then hands it back to F!Sole only to see that she has a huge grin on her face. He chuckles awkwardly and scratches at the back of his neck, shrugging it off. He will definitely love introducing it to Duncan.
Deacon - Grins widely when he sees it and he pulls out a very small pair of sunglasses, offering them to F!Sole. She raises an eyebrow, somewhat confused and he explains that they're for the baby. She chuckles before balancing them carefully on the baby's face. Deacon laughs happily, and he tells the baby that he's going to be the cool uncle and they're going to be partners in spying. He knows that the baby is going to be an amazing spy and he cannot wait to teach it all of his moves.
Codsworth - Is overjoyed when he sees it and dotes upon it, speaking to it in cheery tones while trying to keep his voice a little quieter than it naturally tends to be. He fails somewhat at keeping himself quiet, but it is the thought that counts. He hovers around the bed, looking at the baby from all angles as he fusses over F!Sole and the child. He will do everything in his power to serve them both well for the rest of his days.
Hancock - Makes sure that he is completely free of any and all chems and is totally sober when he sees the child. He wants this moment in his mind to be clear as a bell. When he sees it, he knows that he is totally wrapped around its finger. And when F!Sole introduces him as Uncle John, he clings onto the name and owns it proudly, talking to the baby about everything that Uncle John is going to buy for it whenever he manages to pry himself away from it. Like Piper, he's going to spoil it rotten.
Danse - Just sort of stands in the doorway until F!Sole notices him and waves him over quickly. He ambles over carefully. As soon as he sees the baby, he is enamored and he just looks at it like it singlehandedly hung the moon despite the fact that it has only been in the world for thirty minutes or less. After a long moment, he quietly asks her if he can touch it, and she nods encouragingly. He gently reaches out, his huge fingers carefully brushing its face. When it grabs one of them, he thinks that he could die of pure happiness. Nothing will ever happen to it as long as he's around.
Preston - Smiles goofily when he sees it, removing his hat quickly so that he does not look so huge and intimidating when he comes over to take a closer look. He is just beaming as he looks down at it, and he tells F!Sole softly that it's going to make for an incredible General one day. He then proceeds to talk in a more baby-oriented tone as he tells it how cute it is and how it's going to be just like its mommy. Preston is so, so excited to see it grow up and to see the amazing things it will do.
Valentine - Is at first somewhat hesitant to come in. What if the baby is afraid of him? After all, he is a pretty ghastly sight. However, almost as if she sensed it, F!Sole asks someone to come get him and he has to come in whether he likes it or not. When he sees the little one, he feels a warmth bloom in his chest like no other and smiles a little as he approaches. F!Sole tells him to get over there and sit down with them. She then proceeds to introduce the baby to its Grandpa Nick. He knows that if he was able, he would definitely be crying right about then, but he just smiles, albeit somewhat wobbly, and he tells the baby that how cute it is. He will forever treasure his new title.
X6-88 - Examines it carefully before declaring that he expected it to more strongly resemble its older brother. F!Sole seems crestfallen as a result, and something strange makes him feel inclined to say something else. He adds that it is not a bad thing and that it will likely be as brilliant as its older brother. F!Sole seems somehow more sad and happier at that response, so he simply remains quiet. Regardless of everything, he will keep a close watch over it for as long as he remains functional.
Dogmeat - Hops onto the bed beside her carefully, being sure not to step on F!Sole, and he stares at the baby with great interest. He moves a little closer and sniffs it. When it reaches its hand out and touches his nose, his tail wags unbelievably fast and he licks its hand gently. This is another person that he will protect and love forever.
Strong - Is strangely fascinated by it. He seems to have no desire to eat it, and he very carefully and hesitantly points at it before asking F!Sole if this is the baby she had in her stomach. When she tells him that it is indeed the one, he then asks if she went behind the tree and pooped it out. This makes her laugh entirely too hard.
Maxson - Is quite proud of his most trusted paladin for giving birth to such a beautiful baby. He is excited at the idea of the child growing up among the Brotherhood's ranks and he just sort of looks at it carefully and fondly as he stands near the bed. F!Sole asks him if he thinks it'll one day grow up to be a paladin as well, and he wholeheartedly assures her that he is one hundred percent certain. If the baby is anything like its mother, then it will definitely be a paladin at least by the age of eighteen.
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animated-moon · 3 years
hi moon! could you ship your moots with a hq and genshin character that you’d think would suit them?
oHHHHH OKAYOKAY !! but i have like 20 moots so this might take a while, and there may also be competitions but just pretend you didn’t see that :,) also i’ll just to either or bcus not all of them plays genshin !!
@mysterystarz aKAASHI OBVIOUSLY 🙄✋ how could i ship her with anyone else when i just got her wedding invitation hAHAHA. but that aside you guys just give me really good vibes,,, if that makes sense !! you both are just SO CUTE.
@flairlust seggsy man deelook 😩 why ? bcus man needs some joy in his life (which you will give) and someone has to force him to tie his hair up into a high ponytail 😋 also because i think youre seggsy and i love u muah <3
@yanfeiurl seggsy man kaeya. no explanation needed /hj (granting ur wish of stuffing your face in his mommy milkers <33) and also yall r cute !! you give me power couple vibes (like you kick bird abyss mage ass)
@sunamayo okay the first person who came to mind was actually albedo (or venti). i feel like the vibes you give off are very nice and makes me very comfy, so i think you’d go well w them !! besides you’re a really good listener, and i feel like both of them would be the types to really appreciate it
@teyvatdreams honestly? first person who came to mind was beidou. you’re really nice and sweet, and just give me soft vibes and i think beidou would really like that!! after a tiring day big strong pirate woman would be here to make all your troubles disappear into thin air 😋😋
@infxrity iwa-chan :0 you both as a couple give me vibes of that pic of him and oiks where oiks (you, in this case) goes “go iwa chan!” hAHAHAH. either that or mattsun/makki !! i think you’re good both with someone who’s serious and someone who’s playful
@haikyuutothetop ushijima because rmb you are my co manager at shiratorizawa and im dating his best friend 🤪 (/hj). ushijima would find it very amusing when you send him cursed pics but on the times he actually gets scarred bcus of them, he’d look at you like “>:(“ and go “why?”
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum tSUMS OBVIOUSLY- y’all give me power couple vibes and you both are either the most fun people to be around or most annoying (/hj) and it’s probably bcus of your displays of affection or just because y’all r being rowdy hAHAHA
@mjoork you give me major childe vibes. both you and jacob hmmm. i think you’d be good with either childe or kaeya !! it feels like you’d go well with someone who is playful and not so much serious
@schppo youre a moot boom 😗 aNYWAYS HAHAH you give me major childe and diluc vibes!! i think that your energy matches well with both of them and diluc would definitely find how you type very endearing hAHAHAHAH. childe would probably bully you playfully and you’d bully him back, maybe not so playfully /hj
@flushphoria iwa !! i dont know why you just scream “iwa loves me and i love him too” vibes. iwa and you would definitely play volleyball together and it makes him so happy when he sees you enjoying yourself !! i just think he really appreciates an s/o who plays volley too
@horseanon--simpforall aTSUMU. you give me super strong tsum vibes and it goes well with the tall and seggsy lady vibes you give me (in my mind you are and will always be 170cm tall <33). you probably bully him a lot for fun and thats why he loves you
@aphrodytem hutao vibes r strong rn. if you were a fanfic youd be the best friends to lovers, 19k words, slow burn, tooth rotting fluff with no angst kind of fanfic! i sense strong mutual pining before you date and zhongli is just standing there like 🧍‍ please just date already
@kousukii oSAMU. maybe your discord pfp brainwashed me or something but just, osamu. i think that you can be pretty chaotic if you wanted to but you also give really cottagecore vibes and in my mind, cottagecore person = osamu person
@kitashinsvks actually?? not kita but suna (sorry). i just think that you and suna would be 😚👌 perfect together. you‘re like that couple who’s both chill and fucking chaotic. if you watch korean drama i strongly believe suna would watch it with you, complain it’s cliche then get so invested in the series. also dont even hesitate just steal his hoodies
@luvbub bub you’re so amazing so cute so lovely you’d be good with anyone :,) but you gave me a very strong zhongli vibe!! i think you’re someone who would listen to him talk about the past for hours and drink tea with him ! there was a lot of mutual pining and everyone around you sensed it but yall r just idiots in love
@depraved-empress oooohh the tsukishima vibe is real strong. you were the first person to make him feel like maybe,, just maybe he shouldn’t be so mean (but we’re talking abt tsukki so its only a maybe and it stays a maybe). he’s just so in love with you
@milk-is-here hey seggsy 😚😚 i dont know if you’re still into haikyuu but !! you give me strong tendou vibes !! he would totally watch mcyt with you and would PLAY minecraft with you if you ever asked him to. he probably already does anyway and you both live on a house which looks like a turtle from the outside i will not take criticism
@pockydays SILLA BBY I HAVENT GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO INTERACT WITH YOU YET HOW R U <33 i’m gonna judge you based on your behaviour in the disc server so 🔫🔫 venti !! you give me strong venti vibes. the more i think about it the more perfect you are w venti honestly. like,, he’s a bard and you’re pITCH PERFECT ?? i hope you know this means lots of musical journeys with venti,, at the tavern (don’t worry diluc would rescue you if venti is too drunk for you to rescue him). also you just seem really sweet and would totally hit it off with venti !!
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ddaenggtan · 3 years
say you want passion (i think you found it) | M
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you’re a tease. he’s tired of it.
pairing | shownu x fem!reader
wc | 6.5k
genre/warning | Covid doesnt exist sorry, big dick shownu, sweetheart shownu, dom shownu, sub reader, shownu is called hyunwoo in this, he also likes to be called daddy dont judge, sloppy blowjobs, but still, blowjobs, Shownu eats pussy like a CHAMP, Strength Kink, praise, degradation, degrading praise, this is HIGHLY specialized, you've been warned, deepthroating, DEEP deepthroating at that, nsfw pictures, aka shownu likes to remember it when he does a good job so he takes a picture bc it lasts longer uwu, talking with your mouth full (ill let u guess), doggystyle, teasing, brief nipple play, hickeys, begging, dumbification, rough sex, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, coming inside, gspot shenanigans, this is genuinely so unrealistic please do not think sex is like this ever in real life, i mean literally ever if you ever fuck someone and it's like this then they aren't real they're a fae or a god or some shit okay, aftercare, shownu uses 3-in-1 because He Does, Barely Edited by the grace of @personawife​‘s beta that she fit in when she could ilu, 
a/n | first n last shownu smut specifically bc its leilas birthday (@honiboyyoon​). u better enjoy this. (side note for anyone who isn’t into shownu smut, but is curious: there’s a namjoon version on ao3 that i’ll link here), but this took entirely too much effort and i did my damndest to fit as many things that ur into in this one fic as i possibly could. i hope this makes up for u probably never getting the vampire maknae line foursome i kept promising you sdfkldjsfasdf
The front door opens as you step out of the car, and you grin as your boyfriend appears in the frame. He grins at you and your best friend and you search his expression for a sign of anything other than his usual sweetness, but find none. You resist the urge to pout - you won’t give him the satisfaction. 
“Good luck!” Your best friend teases. You roll your eyes at her - she knows precisely what you envisioned upon arriving back to the quaint little house you call home with Hyunwoo. It’s the reason you wore this outfit, and tried on the clothes you did whilst shopping, and sent him selfies in the poses you did. 
You’re on a mission, dammit. It’s been weeks - literal weeks, not even an exaggeration - since you were properly fucked, and you’re fairly tired of prancing around the house in your shortest shorts and deepest v-necks so that when you bend over just right to water your fern, he gets the perfect eyeful. It’s exhausting to try to send all these signals all day every day - but you know how flustered he gets when you ask him directly, so you tried a different tactic. You were being nice!
And it hasn’t worked. At all. He’s offered to help you water your plants, to let you borrow his flannel pajamas in case you’re cold, and even to buy you a sweater, at one point. 
In August. 
So suffice to say, you’re getting a little tired of him being oblivious. So you’d called up your best friend and invited her to go shopping with you, and yes, it was also very fun to hang out with her and get boba, but she’s also the master of hyping you up and making you feel sexy and desirable, so it was truly a win-win.
Plus, she color-coordinated her own houndstooth pantsuit with your pink houndstooth skirt/blazer combo, so really, you should send her a fruit basket or something. Maybe cookies. 
The point remains that your boyfriend hasn’t responded to any of your borderline pornographic selfies or the very pointed videos of you holding various sex toys and asking if it would fit. You’re at your wit’s end, and you were really hoping that it would truly get through to him this time that you want nothing more than to be railed against the mattress so hard that you cry. 
You’re a simple girl, after all. 
But no! He’s got that sweet smile on his face as you carry your shopping bags in one hand and your purse in the other, carefully sidestepping the cosmos he’d just planted the other day so you wouldn’t step all over his hard work. His smile widens when you reach the door, and he presses a sweet, gentle kiss against your forehead that has you on the verge of tears. 
He waves again to your best friend as she drives off, and as usual snags your shopping bags out of your hand so he can place them beside the door. You’ve already pulled your blazer off to hang in the entryway closet by the time he’s shut the door, and you gasp as you’re jerked back. His hands are on either side of your head, braced against the front door like it’s the only thing keeping him up, and you struggle to focus on anything that isn’t the way his muscles flex.
“Do you have any idea what today was like for me?” He growls. The sound of it brings heat between your thighs, and you resist the urge to cheer. 
“Sorry, should I not have sent you any selfies today?” You ask, keeping your voice as light and innocent as you can. He makes eye contact with you; there’s a fire in his eyes you haven’t seen in what feels like forever. “Did you not like them?”
“You know damn well what I thought of them,” he mutters, one hand coming down to rest on your hip. “I’ve tried so hard lately, y’know? The tiny shorts with your ass hanging out, the shirts that show everything when you bend over. God, the bending.”
“Really?” You breathe. It’s always exhilarating to know that you’re desired, but this is nearly heady. He fixes his gaze on you, eyes burning, and your smile softens slightly. 
“I was trying,” he says, clearly holding himself back, “To be a good boyfriend. To make sure that you know that I want more from you than just sex, and that I value you as more than just someone attractive. I was trying so hard to prove that you– that we have more between us than that. That I respect you more than that.”
“So don’t respect me.” You say it like it’s obvious, because it is. You’ve been laying down signals galore the past few weeks, and clearly he did not get the memo. 
“I’m always going to respect you,” he says instead, sighing slightly as he leans in to press his forehead against yours. “I don’t want to disrespect you, you’re worth more than that. But fuck, all I wanna do is fuck you stupid right now.”
“Please,” you whisper, biting your lip. It’s all you’ve wanted for weeks and now you might finally - finally - get it. “Disrespect me, daddy.”
The hand on your hip tightens, no doubt bruising the skin, and you gasp at the feeling. Hyunwoo makes eye contact - just long enough to make sure that you’re on board for whatever it is he’s about to do. 
He could probably suggest a number of things that you’ve never considered and you’d say yes, at this point - you’re not ashamed to admit that you’re desperate. 
The hand on your hips lowers - he traces all the way down your thigh and to the back of your knee before travelling back up, this time under your skirt. He kisses you as he does it - long, heated kisses that make your head spin so perfectly that you don’t know what he’s doing until he glides a finger across your clothed core. 
You gasp into the kiss, but it doesn’t deter him. He pulls down, kissing and biting down your jaw to your neck as his fingers trace over you once more. You can feel him smile against your skin. 
“You’re already soaked,” he tuts. “You’ve ruined this pair, princess. How naughty of you. Would you like daddy to take them off?”
“Yes!” You moan as his fingers ghost over your folds once more. 
“Yes what?” He asks, and you could cry with how much you want him. 
“Yes, daddy,” you tell him, and he smiles once more. It’s blinding, how bright he is when he smiles like that, and for a second you’re breathless. Then you feel them - his hands, burning a trail along your thigh to tug at the band of your underwear. It only takes him a few seconds to pull them down as he bends, and he kisses your thigh as he brings one of your legs up so he can slide them off completely. 
He was right - they are ruined, the evidence of your arousal immediately apparent by the large wet spot in the center. He doesn’t bother to slide them off your other leg, though - just lets them hang from your ankle, no doubt as a reminder of how strongly he affects you.
He presses kisses to every bit of skin he can as he stands fully upright once more, suckling a mark into your collarbone that you’ll absolutely cherish when you have to cover it up before work tomorrow. 
His hands don’t leave your thighs - warm and strong and utterly distracting, you can’t take your mind off them as he kisses you again, heady and intoxicating. You feel it as one hand travels back underneath your skirt again, gliding between your thighs. 
A moan sticks in your throat as his fingers slide in between your folds - the feeling of them teasing against your hole before they move to rub light circles into your clit is nearly too much to handle. 
“Hyunwoo, please–”
“Patience,” he interrupts. You can hear the smile in his voice as he slides over your hole once more, spreading your arousal across your lips before teasing your clit again. “Good girls have patience, right, princess?”
You whimper, hips arching off the door to try to guide his finger inside of you. It’s a futile attempt - he just returns to the slow, infuriating circles on your clit, and you would cry if it didn’t feel as good as it does. 
It could be hours or it could be seconds that he continues this pattern - slow, maddening circles on your clit, then the slightest bit of a tease at your hole, just enough to make you think that maybe he’ll fuck you with his fingers, before he returns to the circles. It’s enough to make a stronger woman cry, and you can’t help the whines that you let out when he once again deprives you of the fuck you so desperately want. 
“Please just fuck me,” you finally break, hands moving from where they’re wrapped around his neck to circle his waist and do your best to pull him in closer. You can feel him against your thigh, warm and thick and big, and you want him. 
He hisses when you grind against him, and the one hand that remains on your hip tightens ever so slightly. “You’re being very bad, princess,” he chastises, but you couldn’t care less. Your mind is focused on the memory of what he felt like inside you, and you’re ready to burst with need.
“I don’t care,” you tell him firmly, hands sliding up under his shirt to run your nails against his muscled torso. “I don’t care, I need you, please, I just want–”
“I know,” he cuts you off. His hands disappear from you entirely, but only for a moment - before you know it, two large hands wrap around your wrists, guiding yours out of his shirt. You can't stop whimpering, caught between the memory of the last time he was between your thighs and the reality of his lips against your skin.
Hyunwoo drops - he hits the wooden floor with a muffled thud, and before you can even react, his hands are underneath your skirt. He pushes it upwards, muttering something almost reverent about thighs as he does, and then he’s pressing soft kisses to the inside of your thighs. His hands don’t stop, though - they keep going, shoving your skirt up until it pools around your waist.
“Ssh,” he whispers, giving your thigh a light bite. A heartbeat later and you can feel his warm breath against your folds. “You wanted to feel good, right?”
“Yes, please,” you breathe, hands instinctively tangling in his soft brown hair. 
“Then be a good slut for me, and stay still while I make you feel good." 
You stifle a whimper - he knows what his words do to you, and you jolt as his tongue gently nudges against your folds. There's no stopping the soft sigh that falls from your lips as he delves deeper, ghosting across your swollen clit to nudge against your hole. He's tentative, teasing with his movements - he likes to make you wait, tease you until you're grinding against his mouth.
You doubt this will be an exception.
A moan is thrust out of you as you feel your hole stretch slightly. Not much, not far - just enough to accommodate him as he fucks your hole with his tongue. It's just the right side of unsatisfying - you're aching, absolutely dripping for him, and this is just enough to whet your appetite and make you hungry for more.
You can feel his smile against you, and you already know what's coming - still, it's disappointing when he pulls his tongue out. You whine, unashamed of how you must sound or how loud you may be, and he chuckles.
"Patience, baby girl," he breathes. Warm air flows over you, and your hands move to tangle in his hair. His tongue shifts again, lapping at your clit for long enough that you think you may cum before he stops to draw mind-numbing circles around it instead.
Time bends around the two of you - it always does when he's between your thighs like this, when he's teasing and deliberate with every swipe of his tongue against you, every press of him against your hole. He edges you for so long; slow circles around your clit turn to quick thrusts inside of you that shift into laps against your hole that drag upward, just barely catching your clit before they stop.
You're sure there would be a puddle on the floor were it not for his dedication. The entire house is filled with the sounds of his mouth against you, only drowned out by the sound of your cries as he begins to suck on your clit.
Your knees quake on either side of his head, and he doesn't hesitate to bring his hands up behind your thighs. Without a second thought, he lifts - not even pausing in his mission, tongue still thrusting into you at an almost absurd rate - and then your thighs are resting atop his shoulders. You gasp, both in shock and in pleasure as he lets his teeth graze ever so lightly against that bundle of nerves.
This isn't the first time he's done this - put you on his shoulders and left you there while he eats you out within an inch of your life - but it's the first time in a long time, and it has you seeing stars as one of your hands stays tangled in his hair and the other is braced against the wall beside you.
"Hyunwoo, please–" You beg, but you can't catch your breath long enough between moans to say anything more. He sucks again, the flat of his tongue gliding over your clit as it's pulled into his mouth once more, and your vision goes white. Your knees quake, and you're sure that if you had been standing, you wouldn't be anymore.
"That's my girl," Hyunwoo praises after he's done cleaning up your cum. When you can see again, you realize he's set you down on the floor and is slowly massaging your thighs.
"Hyun, I....please....can you–"
"You want me to fuck you stupid, baby?" He asks. His tone is a little patronizing, but that's okay, because it only serves to turn you on more. "Does my sweet little whore need my cock in her?"
"Yes, please," you whimper, hips tilting upwards against nothing of their own accord.
Hyunwoo stands and hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his grey sweats. A few moments later he's pulled them down just enough to free himself. Your mouth drops open slightly when you finally lay eyes on him - you know he's big. You know that he is big, you've had his entire length inside of you several times now and you've felt it for days after each time, but it still never fails to shock you.
Because he is big. Thick, so thick you can hardly wrap your entire fist around him, and long, with the perfect curve that hits that spot inside of you that makes your toes curl. His dick is nearly as perfect as he is, and that is a very high bar.
It's also so hard that you can see it throbbing, jumping every so often as his muscles tense.
"You want me to make you come with my cock, right, baby?" He asks, once again using that patronizing tone that makes heat creep across your cheeks.
You nod.
"Then you're going to have to ask nicely, aren't you?" He prods.
"Please, daddy," you say without hesitation, "Please fuck me, I want you to make me cum so hard that I cry, I want to be a good slut for you."
"Very good, baby," he praises. "Now I want you to prove that you mean it. Can you be a good little whore and suck my cock?"
You lean forward, not even bothering to use your hands because your bones still feel like jelly. You run your tongue across the tip of him, giving small kitten licks to the slit just how he likes. A groan rumbles through him, and he lets out a soft gasp as you slip your tongue down to wet the shaft as well. 
"Fuck, princess," he moans, "I think you've gotten even better at this."
Encouraged, you let your mouth hang open– just barely wide enough to get your lips around the shaft– and let your tongue rest on your spit-slick lips. You glance up long enough to see that Hyunwoo's eyes are blown wide with his desire before you mouth sloppily down his dick. It's messy and would probably be disgusting if it were anyone but the two of you and Hyunwoo didn't have that look in his eyes that promises you'll remember tonight for several weeks. 
His hands move, one adjusting his grip on the doorframe as you suck the head of his cock between your lips while the other comes down to grip one of the two buns you put your hair in that morning. He tugs - not hard, not yet, but firmly enough that it stings slightly and makes you keen.
"If you're going to make a mess, don't you think you should clean it up?" He asks. You lift a brow and he grins. "Clearly you're not that tired if you still have an attitude."
"No," you whine, "I am tired, my bones are basically nonexistent right now thanks to you."
The hand in your hair loosens slightly, and Hyunwoo tuts. "I have to do all the work, huh? Then get on your knees for me, baby girl, so I can use you like a good toy." 
You rush to comply, and only wince a bit at the feeling of the cold floor against your knees. His hand stays where it is the entire time you're moving, but he waits until you're sitting still, legs folded under you and giving you that extra bit of height you'll need. 
"Let me know if it's too much," Hyunwoo commands, and you nod. His eyes darken, slightly, and he runs his thumb along your jaw. "What's the signal?"
"Two taps on your thigh," You tell him, not for the first time. He's always so careful beforehand, and while you appreciate just how much he cares about you, you also are sick of just staring at his cock, and your mouth is beginning to water. 
Hyunwoo coos slightly, and the hand in your hair shifts to guide rather than just anchor. "You're always so good for me," he mutters as he slides the tip past your lips. "Always such a good little slut." 
You don't stop the whimper that escapes your throat – he loves them, and you know it. Your mouth is lax, nothing more than a hole for him to fill as he sees fit, and there's the slightest twinge of complaint as your jaw begins to stretch. 
You ignore it, determined to get as much of him as possible this time. You've practiced for this, nearly every day, since the last time and you're not stopping until you beat your record. 
Hyunwoo sighs as he hits the back of your throat. "God, you're perfect," he mutters as he begins to slide back out. You let your jaw relax a bit as he does, and when just the tip rests on your tongue, you give it a small kiss, just because you can. 
Hyunwoo smiles, gaze softening for a split second. "Hands in position, baby girl," he reminds you, and you do as he says – one hand on back of each of his thighs, so you can tap out if you need to. 
Also so you can feel those incredible muscles flex as he starts shallow thrusts, rippling and tensing under your fingers. If your mouth weren't otherwise occupied, you'd bite them. 
Hyunwoo continues carefully, testing just how much of himself can fit before you start to gag on his length….and just how long you can choke before you really start to need air. 
He pulls back before you even need to tap out, always careful to keep an eye on you for any warning signs. He slides back in and waits until he hits the back of your throat again, pushing slightly further, and just as he's about to begin pulling back out, you look up at him with wide eyes.
You know you look like a mess; drool gathering on your lips because your mouth is too full to hold it, tears streaming down your cheeks from your attempts to stop gagging. Hyunwoo loves it when you look ruined like this, adores taking your perfectly crafted image and crumbling it to pieces in his hands. 
So it's no surprise when he lets out a low moan, or when he lets himself slip a little further down your throat. This is as far as he's ever gotten and you want him to know how good you are, how hard you've been practicing  with the toys underneath your bed. He slides out, precum dripping onto your tongue as he does, and you bat your lashes at him.
"Use me," you tell him. "Use me like the toy that I am for you, Daddy." Something darkens in his eyes and he doesn't hesitate to thrust  back in.
Your eyes water with the force of it and you don't stop the moan that escapes you as he slides deeper down your throat than he's ever been before. There's still a couple inches left before he'd be fully sheathed, but Hyunwoo doesn't even seem to notice as he pulls out just to thrust back in.
Neither of you are quiet — you can barely hear the wet squelch of your mouth. It's drowned out by the moans he draws from you, which in turn pull moans from him between the words he growls out.
"God, you're so perfect," he mutters as he fucks your throat with abandon. "The perfect angel slut, so good at getting throatfucked, just made for my cock no matter where it goes, huh? You're such a good whore, you're probably fucking soaked just from my dick in your mouth, aren't you?"
You whimper around him and he speeds up, relentless; he's not wrong either — you are soaked, can feel it between your thighs as your hips rock fruitlessly against empty air.
"Oh, look at you," Hyunwoo coos, "So desperate to be fucked while sucking me off. Maybe one day I'll get one of your buddies over here to fuck your throat while you ride my cock, since you're so desperate to get used like a good slut. But I don't even think that'll be enough, will it? Because they won't be me." He thrusts a little deeper, a little rougher, and you aren't sure if the noises you're making are as loud as they seem to you but either way, they only serve to egg him on. 
"No," Hyunwoo continues, "They won't be Daddy, will they? They won't be able to get this deep in your throat, won't be able to fuck you like this. And you know why? Because this is my hole." He punctuates the sentence with a sharp thrust and you squeeze the backs of his thighs to show your agreement. "You're my perfect slut. My good little whore. Isn't that right, baby girl?"
You squeeze the backs of his thighs again, but it isn't enough. He stills, still buried nearly to the hilt inside you, and cocks a brow.
"Well? Aren't you my perfect whore?" Your face flames, heat burning in your cheeks. Your jaw aches from being stretched for so long, there spit and precum dripping down your chin  and you can feel him throbbing in your throat. 
And Hyunwoo looks expectant. He wants to hear you agree with him, wants you to remind yourself of this fact.
You don't even blink when he pulls his phone out of the pocket of his sweats. You can't see what he does, but based on how he angles it and the shallow thrusts he gives without looking away from the screen, you can guess. 
"Aw, is my baby girl getting shy now?" He teases as you make eye contact with the lens and feel your face heat up. "Don't even worry about it, baby. I just wanna remember how fucking perfect you look right now forever. My perfect cocksucking slut."
You whimper, pussy clenching around nothing and you're overcome with a sudden need to feel him inside you.
"Are you gonna be a good slut now?" Hyunwoo continues, still recording. "Are you daddy's good slut?" You nod and can't stop the reflexive swallow as he goes even deeper. Hyunwoo groans at the feeling and you can see his grip on his phone tighten for a moment.
"Say it," he commands when his eyes open once more. "I want to hear you say it."
" 'm 'a'y's 'er'ec' 'ore," you moan. It doesn't even sound like words, at this point, but when you look back up at him with wide eyes. Hyunwoo looks proud.
"You absolutely are," he whispers. He hits a button and then pockets his phone again. He slides carefully out of your mouth and casually strokes his cock with one hand as he wipes spit from your face with the other. "I think you've been a perfect angel, baby girl, so you've earned your reward. Where would you like it?"
"Bed, please, Daddy." Your voice is hoarse and scratchy, but you don't care, and Hyunwoo doesn't seem to either as he pulls his sweats up and then bends. The world spins for a moment and then steadies, and you realize he's got you in his arms. Hyunwoo carries you like a princess towards the room you share, and tosses you on the bed without hesitation.
Your eyes widen as he starts to strip out of his clothes, and you can't deny that you enjoy the show. The torso of muscles all rippling, the golden skin all shining, the desire in his eyes. Then the sweats — they hit the ground with a thud and you idly hope his phone is alright before you remember there are more important things right now.
He is, unsurprisingly, still hard — almost painfully so, a deep swollen pink at the head and jumping every so often. The vein running up the underside is throbbing, and you can actually feel yourself get wetter with anticipation.
One knee rests on the mattress, then the other, and Hyunwoo is crawling towards you on his hands and knees, and you can see every muscle as it shifts and fuck you love this man.
"I love you," you tell him, not for the first time. He breaks for a second, a bright smile taking over his face.
"I love you," he replies, pressing a kiss to your thigh. "Can we take those clothes off now, baby, because as great as you look, you're even better naked."
Breath catches in your throat and you nod. Hyunwoo is almost reverent as his hands glide up your thighs and is exceedingly gentle as he slides down the zipper and then the skirt itself. He smiles again, almost shy, and you can't help but marvel at the fact that this is the same man who bad you gagging on his dick not five minutes ago.
He leans in and gently nudges your nose with his, but when you lean forward to kiss him, he backs away with a playful grin. His warm hand rests on your waist and he leans in again only to dart back when you try to kiss him — not far, though. He's still close enough that you can feel the heat of his breath mix with yours, but it's still infuriating. 
You pout at him, and his smile just grows. "What is it?" He asks, teasing. "What do you want?" His lips ghost over yours as he speaks and it nearly breaks you.
"You," You whine. "I want you."
"You have me." He leans forward then, capturing your lips with an intensity you haven't seen in a long time. His mouth moves against yours and it's firm, commanding, and absolutely intoxicating as he pulls back just to lightly bite your lips. It's not rough, not really, but it's fiery and exciting and everything you've wanted. 
He presses closer, nimble fingers undoing the buttons of your blouse in what seems like an instant. Warm hands cross your spine and then your bra is gone, too. His skin seems to meld to yours, hands moving everywhere as he lays you back. 
Your breath hitches when you feel him against your entrance and he smiles into the bruise he's sucking into your throat. 
"You're so fucking wet, baby," he breathes as his tip teases against your entrance. "You're always so wet for me, so ready to be fucked. Just a perfect fucking whore, huh?" He slides in then, but only a bit. Just like before, it's just barely enough for you to feel him stretching you out. Just a tease of what's to come.
"Hyunwoo," you whine. You can see the amusement in his eyes as he chuckles.
"What is it? You want more?" He slides in further, but just a centimeter. You whine again, pushing your hips up against his to try to push him deeper. You can feel yourself throbbing, aching, for him, and you're tired of being teased. You want to be full. 
You tell him as much, watching his pupils dilate with every word until there's hardly any iris left to be seen. 
"Is that so?" He mutters, almost to himself. "Well, your wish is my command." He slides in, slowly, but this time he doesn't stop. He just keeps going and going and going, until you can feel him at your cervix. It stings – you're stretched so far, and he's so deep inside – but you relish it. 
"Beautiful," Hyunwoo mutters as he begins to slide back out, inch by agonizing inch. You whimper as the tip nearly slides out, too, and your hips lift of their own accord. Hyunwoo takes the hint and pushes back in; he creates a rhythm, one so slow, so maddening, that you're on the verge of tears as you whine and whimper underneath him. 
He notices your frustration, pulls himself away from lazily mouthing at your nipples, and hums. 
"What's wrong, baby? You aren't satisfied yet?" He gives you that Boy-Next-Door grin that you know hides a demon behind it. "Are you going to ask nicely again? Tell me no one fills you up like I do and beg me to fuck you the way you want? You look so pretty when you beg."
Any other time, you wouldn't. You would at least hesitate, make him work a little harder for your pleas. But you're desperate and frustrated and have no shame, so you don't hesitate. 
"Please, Daddy," you beg, letting your legs fall open and arching your back so his eyes drop lower and lower. "Please, Daddy, no one can fill this pussy like you do, no one can fuck my holes like you. Pl–please," you moan as he slides entirely inside once more, "Please fuck me right, make me come on your cock, I wan– wanna be fucked stupid, want you to– to fuck me stupid, please, wanna be Daddy's perfect slut, pl– Ah!"
You can't help your surprised gasp as Hyunwoo flips you onto your stomach with a low growl.
Warmth drapes along your back as you rise up, palms splayed across the sheets and elbows locked to keep you upright; his skin is sweat-slick and heated against your own, and a shiver runs down your spine when he pauses to runs his teeth along the lobe of your ear. 
"You are the best part of my life," he announces.
Butterflies explode in your belly a split second before he slides out of you.
"And I'm gonna make you cum so hard that you'll never forget that fact."
"Hyunwo— Oh!"
He thrusts into you with enough force to toss you into the headboard, had he not planted one hand firmly on your hip and had the other curled around your breast to tease your nipple. 
"You like that?" Hyunwoo asks with a smile in his voice. He repeats the movement and you clench around him as you gasp out a moan.  It's all you can do to nod and he flicks your nipple in response. "Good."
He lifts up, both hands now holding you steady by an iron grip on your hips, and readjusts his legs so yours are spread slightly wider. Your arms are trembling but you pay them no mind. 
Until Hyunwoo thrusts forward, pulling back just as quickly only to bury himself again, a heartbeat later. His pace is absolutely merciless; the sound of skin hitting skin fills the room, mixing beautifully with the wet slide as he shoves back in and the rough, throat moans that he pulls from you. Your vision swims, and you can't concentrate on anything else as he gives you the fucking that's been haunting your dreams every night. 
He adjusts his grip, one hand moving to sit firmly on the small of your back and press you down just a bit. The angle shifts – not much, but enough that the next time he pounds into you, he thrusts right up against that spot that makes your toes curl. 
You cry out, vision going white as he hits it again, and again, and again, absolutely ruthless in his mission. Your muscles go weak, biceps twitching as they give out, and then you're face down in the mattress. Hyunwoo doesn't hesitate, just ghosts his palm down to rest between your shoulders and keep you in place. 
He might be talking – you certainly think you hear the low tones of his voice as he speaks to you, but you can't make out words. It's too much work, too many syllables, too much effort to try to work past the haze that blankets your mind. You can still feel him, pumping in and out of your gushing pussy — the stretch barely stings anymore, and he throbs inside of you.  Each thrust is still perfectly angled to hit that mind-numbing place that keeps you from doing anything more than screeching his name. 
He slows, immediately switching from speed to power as he manages to put even more force behind his hips. The hand in your back moves, as does the one on your hip and then you're rising.
A warm palm across your throat – not choking,  just keeping you in place while the other traces along your spread thigh. 
There are words – something your brain is too fried to make out, and then a rumble that vibrates through you. A laugh. His thrusts get a little faster as he fucks up into you, and you're dimly aware of his fingers slipping between your folds. 
Someone screams — no, not someone. You. You scream, something so loud and provocative that it can't even be called a moan anymore, as he begins to rub circles around your clit. Orgasms rock through you,  every part of your body going boneless even as you shake from the force of it. It's impossible to tell when it stops, if it stops – the aftershocks are strong and he still hasn't stopped fucking you, though he's slower and gentler now, letting you ride it out on his cock. 
"……perfect for me, " you hear him whisper as you're senses come back. "Absolutely perfect, an amazing fucking— just divine, you are."
"Hyun," you manage, and it's no shock that you sound absolutely wrecked.  "D– Daddy."
"I'm here, baby girl," he mutters, "What do you need?"
"You," You respond instantly. "Want you, wanna fee– feel it, want you to fill me, please, in– ah, inside, want you dripping ou–" You're cut off once more as your body heaves with yet another aftershock, clenching around his hard length again. 
"Whatever you want, baby," he promises. "Can you come once more for me, baby girl? Just one more time so we can come together?"
"Mm…." You pause, taking the best inventory you can as your muscles jolt again. You consider lying to him, or just omitting this, because you know he'll never stop reminding you of it, but decide against it. Instead, you quietly admit,  "I don't think I ever stopped."
"Oh, fuck," he breathes. Within moments, you can feel his thrusts turn more erratic, more frenzied, and then you're impossibly fuller even as something warm drips down the inside of your thigh. 
He's gentle as he lays you down on the bedspread, exceedingly so as he pulls his softening cock out of you. His weight disappears from the bed for a few minutes that seem to stretch into hours, and then the mattress dips, and his soft smile appears once more. 
"Here sweetheart, drink this." He hands you a familiar cup and when you take a sip, the water is cool and refreshing. Wet warmth, surprising but pleasant, glides along your inner thigh and you look down to see him cleaning you up. 
"Mm, this is quite possibly the perfect view," you tease, wagging your brows as you make a show of checking out his muscular arms. It makes him laugh, the soft one that's just for when you're being ridiculous. 
"Drunk your water, you menace," he commands as he continues to wipe. "You're gonna need to replenish your fluids, after all that." He looks pointedly towards the bed and you follow his gaze, face heating when your eyes land on the rather sizable wet spot staining the sheets. 
"Whoops?" You offer. When you look back at him, he only looks fond. 
"Don't even start, it was hot. Besides, they needed to be put in the wash anyway.  I'll start them after you get into the bath." He gives over you, taking kisses along every piece of skin he can until he reaches your lips. You can't help the way your breath catches – even after all this time, he manages to make you breathless over the smallest things.
He peppers kisses along your cheeks, and nose, and everywhere else until you're giggling and trying to turn away from him. Unfortunately, with his arms on either side of you, you're fairly well trapped, so you settle for fucking your head into his neck instead. 
You pause. Sniff again. Back up. He looks sheepish, like he already knows what you're going to say. 
"We were out of the fancy stuff—" He tries, but you don't let him. 
"You used that 3-in-1 shit again?" You demand. "Actual body wash isn't even fancy, it's what normal people use! That's it, you're coming into the bath with me after you start the laundry so that I can make sure you didn't use it in your hair, too."
He smiles again, though you have a sneaking suspicion that he's just humoring you when he nods and says, "Whatever you want."
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azucanela · 4 years
being bolin’s s/o would include hcs?
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SUMMARY: life with bolin from confession to wedding 
WARNINGS: crying, insecurities, kissing, that it this is wholesome there are like no warnings
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ahjsgdhjsgd a simp through and through, he’s gonna think you are literally so beautiful and handsome and amazing when he first meets you and he’ll definitely stumble over his words but aside from that he doesn’t know you so there won’t be and ~feelings~
he’s just gonna view you as his really attractive buddy from then on until he gets to know you because that’s what up? that’s whats up.
once he does get to know you he is like wow you are perfect this is unfair what, and now he is back to simping because damn you are perfect
accepts his feelings very quickly, he is very in tune with his emotions because at the end of the day, he’s an emotional guy which is good bc screw toxic masculinity right
he’s gonna decide if he wants to pursue this further very quickly as well, and will definitely have a long conversation about how amazing you are to a very annoyed mako
mako does not like you rn, its not because you are a bad person or anything, its just because his brother will NOT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU and now he is annoyed by your existence
anyways back to the better other brother
this is gonna go two ways
based off bolin’s treatment of korra when he had his lil crush on her, he’s gonna be very forward about asking you out and taking you out on a date, but when he actually like confesses confesses its gonna be all shy and cute
the first date is gonna be very basic, just dinner and stuff, talking about a variety of topics and life and all that and he’s just gonna be so in awe of you because wow YOU
at the end of the night he’s gonna confess and be like “yeah, i just really like you and I hope you like me too because you’re the most amazing and beautiful and intelligent and all around perfect person i know.”
if you respond positively our consent KING will ask if he can kiss you because he is a gentleman
than ya’ll kiss and he’s like date me pls and you’re like yes ofc 
alternatively you will approach him and ask him out on a date and he FREAKS OUT like he starts sqeauling and stuff because wow his crush just asked HIM out
someone expressed interest in HIM
bolin is the type to never get picked especially when put beside mako and he was genuinely worried you might like his brother hahaha... good thing you didn’t! this is good this is good!
super super nervous on the date but hey you asked him out you MUST like him, right? right.
bolin is a special boy
definitely treats you like the QUEEN YOU ARE, will try and pay for everything despite being highkey broke, exaggeratively opens doors for you, gives you his jacket if he can, is all around a gentleman because he just wants to treat you right and really doesn’t want you to leave him
PDA PDA PDA EVERYWHERE, unless you explicitly state that you don’t want PDA, or set boundaries— which bolin would COMPLETELY respect, he wants you to be comfortable and happy with him! — otherwise he always wants to be touching you and holding you. while you are out together he is holding you hand, pressing pecks against your lips, hugging you from behind while you talk to friends, always touching you, hand on your hip, arm around your shoulder
in private i can actually see bolin as being more shy about affection, especially if you initiate it. he gets SO FLUSTERED whenever you initiate anything and just sits there like w o w 
don’t get me wrong he is still very touchy, you just make him shy and flustered because you are just so amazing to him
not the type to get jealous jealous, but is the type to get insecure. he isn’t going to fight a guy hitting on you, because you are pretty and handsome and amazing and he trusts you. however, he will fight a guy for disrespecting you. bolin drinks a lot of respect juice and does not hesitate to attack if someone hurts you in any way
your number one hype man, whether you are insecure about an outfit or worried about the future of a project for work/school, he’s going to being hyping you up and reminding you how great you are
bolin is also really verbal about his love for you, he has no shame expressing it and telling you he loves you. all around he’s really good at expressing his feelings and communication
if you two ever fight bolin is probably going to start crying, and definitely will apologize first, even if he isn’t the one in the wrong. if YOU start crying, he will either cry more or begin crying if he hasn’t already. 
speaking of crying, if you are ever crying bolin would be great at comfort ngl, he’s gonna bring you food if you want it, blankets, entertainment, definitely trains pabu purely to make you laugh. he’ll listen to you rant and vent and even add on, especially if he feels just as strongly as you do.
supports all your hobbies and endeavors, comes to any events you want him to
speaking of events GO TO HIS PROBENDING TOURNAMENTS. GO TO HIS MOVIE PREMIERES. SUPPORT HIM. HE WILL CRY TEARS OF JOY. literally it makes him so happy to see you at these events, cheering him on and congratulating him
bolin is a good kisser, you cannot change my mind. he’s really soft, like there’s no harshness or anything like that, just pure love. very passionate and gentle with you.
he’s like still lowkey a celebrity so you guys get recognized in public and there are a few crazy fans that he would totally protect you from if they ever went too far, but most of them respect you guys
they all simp for your bf just like you do 
all in all a good boyfriend.
like he decided he wanted to marry you at exactly 2:11PM while visiting Mako and literally booked it in the middle of dinner with Mako just to freak out over this revelation and stress buy a ring, he doesn’t even know what your ring size is oh no
he is literally panicking so much someone please calm him down he wants to marry you and has no idea if you want to marry him back and simultaneously has a fear of rejection oh no
bolin is gonna avoid you and you’re probably gonna think he’s breaking up with you or something like that, even though it is quite the opposite, he literally wants to spend the rest of his life with you
at some point you confront him, crying, asking if he is going to dump you and if he does intend to dump you then to just get it over with because you dont want to waste more time with him
“have you been avoiding me?”
“what? me? never”
“...are you breaking up with me bolin.”
bolin starts crying because you are crying and he is freaking out again because you got the complete wrong message and literally will get the ring and propose right then and there just to reassure you that he still loves you and never ever wants to leave you
honestly, you guys are the type of couple to both have rings, and then one of you proposes just for the other to start laughing and pull out a ring as well because same wavelength guyssss
alternatively you propose and its probably just as chaotic because bolin definitely starts sobbing when you do, he’s so soft and he loves you and wow you love him too and want to marry him thats adorable
you probably do more research ahead of time and have a planned out thing on like the beach or something, and its all cute and nice, maybe you even hire someone to catch it on camera
he is stunned and speechless for a hot minute, like he cannot breathe but don’t worry, he agrees eventually!!!
bolin wouldn’t want like a public public wedding because ngl once again he is a celebrity and stranger crazy danger
regardless it’ll be a bigger wedding because bolin feels like you deserve only the best and wants a big wedding himself, he would be really involved in planning so if you don’t wanna do that he’s perfectly fine with it and will handle everything
invites your close friends and friends of friends 
cries when he sees you walk down the aisle like just cries, hes so happy and seeing you there just brings him more joy and he just :D
let korra be the best man 2020
the afterparty is going to be so intense ngl there is going to be a DJ and music ranges from slow dancing which is all sweet and romantic with bolin, to some rave stuff with people jumping up and down on the dance floor in the most uncomfy shoes.
honestly perfect i love it 10/10
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heysatori · 4 years
Can you write about the Bakusquad, you know each of them, where y/n has been through a lot of heartbreaks and is unsure about relationships, but they reassure y/n that they won't do that and everything will be fine? And maybe a little fluff in the end for good measure.
Bakusquad reacting to y/n being scared of getting into a relationship genre: fluff, angst pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Kaminari x reader, Ashido x reader a/n: sorry i responded to this a little late! all ive been doing is watching minecraft streams, watching anime and sleeping while balancing school work ehe (⌒_⌒;) but thank u sm for the request ! i hope this satisfies ur request ! disclaimer that the pictures im using arent mine ! they are from heroacacaps ! so credits to them ! if u guys want to scream at me u can dm me here or on my twitter ! @kodzusan (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ im still accepting requests
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Bakugou Katsuki
both you and bakugou were scared of relationships for different reasons
bakugou was scared because he knew how rough he was around the edges, if he was even fit to be in nice relationship 
you on the other hand were scared of relationships because of the amount of heartbreaks youve been through 
you were cheated on, broken up with, ghosted, and just left hanging 
after all those mistakes you learned ur lesson ! 
so after having bakugou come up to you, courting you in the nicest way possible (giving you a bowl of your favorite food), you didnt know how to react 
on surface level, katsuki had quite a few red flags here and there 
but since you had gotten to know the boy a little better over the course of time, you learned to understand why he is the way he is 
you trusted bakugou 
so having him court you was surprising 
although u had the fattest crush on him, you still didnt know what to do
so instead of refusing him with no reason, you explained your past to him (parts of which he already knew) 
he understood completely, all he wanted was to treat you right and make you happy !! 
“listen y/n, i know im a little rough around the edges, but i promise you that i wont do any of that stupid shit to you! all of your exes are absolute fuckin’ dumbasses for doing that to you and im here to treat you right and make you the happiest youve ever been! if you’ll let me” 
ヽ( `д´*)ノ <- he blushes a little at the end
although wary, u trust him 1000% !! 
so you accept his offer !! 
hes pretty shocked that you accepted and instantly pulls you in a hug ! 
“thank you, i promise you fucking wont regret this”
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Kirishima Eijirou 
you had honestly fallen for eijirou the moment you met him 
but with your considerable bad love life you decided against pursuing after him 
but u couldnt help but feel urself get drawn towards him ! 
and surprise surprise ! you two become great friends ! 
but as time passes by, ur feelings for him become stronger, which is the total opposite of what u wanted  (╯︵╰,)
so its an even bigger surprise when kirishima comes up to you with your favorite flower, asking you to be his significant other 
he was so sweet but u were too scared to get into another relationship ! 
even though u and ur exes were in middle school at that time, those things still hurt you 
you explain all of this carefully to the redhead, not wanting to hurt his feelings 
he feels tears spring to his eyes as you tell him about your past 
he just wants to make you happy ! 
so without thinking, he pulls you into a hug 
���im so sorry that happened to you! you dont have to get with me if your scared! but just know that i wont ever, ever do those things to you! all i want is to make you happy, but its alright if you say no, ill still be here for you no matter what” 
overwhelmed with emotions, you end up tearing up as well, melting in his bear hug 
not wanting to make such a rash decision in the height of your emotions you tell the red head you’ll think about it (strongly hinting that you want to say yes)
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Sero Hanta 
sero is a very chill man so your attraction to him was a little unexpected 
but you admire him a lot for a lot of things that he does !
u keep ur attraction to him on the down low though 
it felt a little one sided for a while
you two barely interacted and he didnt even look at you most of the time 
but your relationship with him took a sudden turn and u two became close friends !
you two bonded over mangas that you both read, occasionally spending time in his room to read the latest releases together !
one day, sero invited you to his room to read a romance manga he found out about a few days prior 
you come over and end up sharing the book since you didnt have ur own copy 
when you and sero reach a panel where the main characters aka the lovebirds finally kissed for the first time, the tall boy looked over to you 
“wish i could do this with you” he said gently 
NOTHING could explain how surprised u were !! 
“are you serious?” 
“of course i am” 
at this you explain to sero that although you reciprocate the feelings, relationships are a little rocky for you considering your past relationships 
sero wraps an arm around you and pulls you to his side, burying his nose in the side of your head 
“thats fine, you dont have to say yes, just you knowing that i like you is good enough for me, just know that i wouldnt ever think about doing those stupid things to you, but if i can make you happy now, then im already doing a great job” 
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Kaminari Denki 
kaminari was a very sociable boy !! so it was impossible that you two werent friends after a few months you start to notice the way your cheeks tend to heat up when ur around the blond 
other people were also very aware at how when you and kaminari were together, both of you became blushing messes 
they didnt talk about it though 
they wanted the two oblivious dumbasses to figure it out themselves - ehem bakugou 
one day though, kaminari comes knocking at your door, looking ridiculously shy 
“uhm hi! i uh, i was, uhm, wondering if you maybe wanted to date me?” 
before you could even process what he said, he immediately took it back 
“wait no! uhm well i mean i like you a lot, thats why im asking! like a lot alot! i love your smile and your laugh and everything and i just, like making you happy, it makes me super duper ultra happy!”
although u want to accept denkis offer, your horrible dating life was looming over you
with this, you quietly tell denki that you dont think relationships are your thing 
he doesnt hesitate to ask you why !
you unwillingly tell him about your stupid relationships and hes quick to retaliate your self degrading words 
“hey! you arent stupid alright? you were young, things have changed! you’ve changed! i dont wanna force you into anything but just know, even if im a dumbass i wont treat you like that, ever! in fact, ill even be the best relationship youve ever had!” 
he pulls you into a hug not long after, squeezing you tight against his chest
“i trust you, sure, ill date you” (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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Ashido Mina 
mina is a very determined person !
so when she wants something, she’ll get it one way or another 
so when she realized her big fat crush on you, she knew immediately that she wanted to date you 
and it wasnt just something about you, it was everything about you!
the way you stand, laugh, smile, talk, even if ur just sitting at your desk nodding off into sleep, she still thinks your the most amazing person ever ( ̄ε ̄@)
she doesnt hesitate to approach you after she is absolutely SURE about her feelings towards you
youre shocked of course, but you couldnt deny that you harbored feelings towards mina either 
you reluctantly tell her that although the feelings were mutual, you were still scared of getting into a relationship 
she listens carefully as u tell her about your past, rubbing your arm as comfort as you reveal a few of your insecurities 
“you didnt deserve any of that, i hope you know that! you dont have to say yes or anything, i dont want you to feel forced or pity, but i can treat you so much better that all of those jackasses! but we dont have to date for that, i can still do those things as a loving and good friend!” 
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Oh my gosh so I also headcannon Jack as autistic! But im not comfortable with writing it yet because idk how. Im not autistic; my little sister is and i know a few things jack could have trouble with... but hes a grown ass man so i just dont know. Im definitely taking notes on what you write him as but could you give me some pointers?....maybe?
Im mostly referencing to Bitter with this
aaaa yeah it definitely presents differently in adults who've learned to mask, personally I don't plan to put certain things in specifically to talk about how he's autistic, I write with the background knowledge of what traits he displays, and then express them when relevant, it's relevant a lot with Jack simply due to how much it affects his life
now this is going to get long, so bare with me, because this is a whole lot more complicated than you might expect
there's really no one correct way to write Jack, since there's no one way that autism presents itself, the way I write him is based on a mix of myself and some people in my family, so I can give you a basic idea of what angle I personally come from
for one, I change the way I write about facial expressions and how emotions come across to Jack, in Jazz's chapters I'll write about the exact emotion she can see on their face, with Jack's I'll go with an obvious base emotion, but then if the person is expressing something more complicated, I'll describe their face in physical details
Jazz POV - Danny was upset, but his face was tight with frustration
Jack POV - Danny looked sad, but his eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was set in a hard line
it's a subtle difference but it's one I try to maintain throughout Bitter, Jack's POV is based on how I have trouble reading non-obvious expressions, although in my case I also have trouble looking people in the face when I talk to them, that's harder to write in an emotion driven POV story, so I made Jack better at that than I am
his interest in machines is quite obvious, since he's an inventor, and he looooves infodumping on people, he gets very excited about his passions very quickly and his mouth runs off with him, something I also have trouble with, it hasn't been a prominent trait for Jack in Bitter, because he's so out of his element he's mostly confused and in a way, almost grieving his own death, so he's been far quieter than he usually is
his special interest is obviously ghosts and machinery, and in Bitter I cover that he's got a degree in engineering, physics and mathematics. He's good at them, I like to look at it as though Jack rolled high in intelligence and low in wisdom, he's book smart, he knows things that are straightforward and have firm rules, he's less comfortable in topics that are more wishy washy and vague, biology is complicated and has too many variables, he finds it difficult to grasp, there's no one standard rule that applies to every body
I also struggle with vague and unclear directions, I need a solid structure and clear instructions, my strength is in sorting, organising, alphabetising and colour coding, I like things to Look Right, I stick to a particular routine with very specific things, and it's viscerally uncomfortable and even distressing for me to have that order disturbed, I nearly had a meltdown at work because someone had done a part of my job incorrectly, and I had to fix it, it made me genuinely upset on a personal level, it was MY system, NOBODY should be touching it, NOBODY should be moving things around, they do anyway, and I spend a portion of my shifts just frustrated and on edge because of it
Jack also has issues socially, he often says or does things that other people find uncomfortable or embarrassing, I reference that in Bitter, where Jack assumes everyone is mad at him because he said or did something stupid, this I have much experience in, while in the middle of a social situation it's easy to just do what comes naturally to you and not realise it's off putting to other people, because people often play polite and you can't tell that they're uncomfortable, even though people around you find it painfully obvious
sometimes it's easy to see in hindsight after you've been told you made something awkward or uncomfortable, but in the moment if nobody says anything about it, you can remain either totally oblivious, or become anxious and second guess every interaction you have
Jack is the oblivious type, he's fortunate to live in a family that is fairly understanding, they might get frustrated with him, or embarrassed by him, but they don't really take it personally, they KNOW he means well, they know he cares, and Jack does care, he cares a lot, he feels things a lot, he's incredibly empathetic
this is a trait that a lot of media likes to ignore in depictions of autism, because I guess it makes people with autism seem 'too normal', when tv shows always want to be like 'hey wow look at this clever asshole! isn't he clever, but also an asshole! but you can't hate him because he's ✨autistic✨ and he can't help it'
that bothers me a lot, I mean some people with autism do have trouble relating and empathising with people, my brother is one of them, but some people with autism really empathise a lot, some of us feel things very strongly, I'm highly empathetic and it's a real struggle to cope with
so yeah, it is a very complicated thing, so you need to go in with an idea of what their character struggles with, how it affects them, and when it's relevant in the story, also autism falls on a very wide spectrum, some people, like myself, are able to mask well, but that creates a big issue with identity, when you start to wonder how much of you is real and how much of you is mask, then you have to decide if you want to lower that mask and accept the social consequences of expressing yourself naturally
I have a friend who presents a little more obviously, he's very rigid in his ways and he talks like he's reading from a script, I have another friend who can socialise just fine, but will go into a total meltdown when a plan gets derailed and she doesn't know what to do next
another friend I have is highly social and incredibly boisterous, she stims with her whole body, dances around a lot, she's chaotic and that can be off-putting to people, she's had to spend a lot of her life holding that back, she's only recently started learning how to be herself shamelessly
my brother was incredibly social when he was younger, and people always really loved him, but most of that is mask, he's socially anxious and just wants to be alone most of the time, and he's a total prick to his immediate family, I don't take that personally any more, since now I understand that he's so blunt and brutally honest because he isn't masking with us, but also he still needs to be called out when he oversteps, autism might be why he has difficulty empathising, but it's not an excuse to be a complete asshole, even people with autism need to be called out on shitty behaviour, it isn't a get out of jail free card, our self expression shouldn't come at the cost of hurting other people, most of us are more than capable of learning to not be an asshole
I know this is like, A LOT, but these are the things that need to be considered when writing about autism, it is an all encompassing thing that permeates your entire life experience, I absolutely welcome people like you to try to write about it! Because I think it shouldn't be a taboo subject, and I appreciate that you asked for advice and that you want to do it respectfully, you've probably seen first hand how difficult living with autism can be, having a family member on the spectrum, so you already have some experience to draw from, I don't know your relationship with your sister or how old she is, or where on the spectrum she falls, but if possible you can ask her about her experiences in particular situations that you're having trouble writing, if that's something you and she are comfortable with
I hope this helps, just remember to keep an open mind and listen to any feedback you might get, it is very VERY easy to misrepresent autism so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't quite get it right, if someone gives you a critique, take it in stride and use it to become better ~ you can even express that in an authors note, that you want to write it accurately and invite anyone with experience to share their opinion, because like I said, it is different for everyone and my experiences are not universal, and you're welcome to run something by me every once in a while if you aren't sure about it ❤️
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notfairestwriting · 3 years
lis loses his mind over classpects, pt 1 out of possibly many
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@tisafinedayforsimping​ totally wasnt waiting for you to reply bc i analyzed mar in my head previously MAR IS A KNIGHT OF HOPE. i thought knight of breath before since her character is pretty strongly tied to seeking freedom but Hear Me Out. hope is an aspect for determination and faith/belief and mar just has that in heaps when it comes to her goals. and knight in the “protects their aspect” sense since her character feels a lot like “protecting ones own determination at times”
BUT. i also say this because in universe an important part of a hope players development is to have their hopes shattered and undergo some sort of despair at one point that they have to overcome to become stronger. and it reminds me very much of those bad endings you wrote for her a while back especially with how they always ended up with her finding one way out of it. shes not only a knight of hope but The knight of hope to me.
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@wildnya​ it IS better that you dont know dont worry just enjoy me gifting your boy a fun little fantasy world label. nya would be... a maid of life. maid doesnt have a very strict definition but ive seen “one who prepares others through their aspect” and i think it kind of suits him, life being pretty self explanatory but more about the idea of “life force” than anything. him being kind of this emotional support figure could land him a maid of heart title too (heart as in emotions in this case) but in the case of twst i feel like life would fit better since emotional state pretty much equals the idea of life force with the whole overblot concept. id ont know maybe im tripping but thats him for me.
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@eirasummers​ i may not know them too well... but i for one reason remember very vividly the info doc you posted in the server months ago so anyway HERE is szi and dillon because i love them dearly even though i dont know them as well.
szi.... reading his file is doing something to my brain because i feel like you could go so many different paths with his whole unfortunate situation. i would first classify him as a bard of light, meaning the (unsolicited) inviting of destruction of his aspect (despite his best efforts) and light taking in every one of its possible meanings, knowledge and luck and success. patting him on the head sorry for this one. another possible, angstier route would be heir of doom??? just a very weak one as in hes provided with his aspect, doom meaning just misfortune. both labels kind of mean the same just with different vibes. i think i like bard of light best for him (this poor bastard though. godspeed boy i believe in you) if he was a little less honest as a person and more prone to “cheating” i would 100% make him a thief of light however.
dillon... maybe a heir of life?? life in a sorta metaphorical “resilience” sense too since life players are known for that and as much of a funny little guy dillon is hes gone through some difficult times. something like provided/protected by the capacity to live on, regarding adaptation and resilience. surprisingly simple actually.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Hi @whumpmatsus! Idk if u are still doing asks but I found ur blog and love ur work 😀 😍
I'm trying to get back into writing for Osomatsu-San, but I refuse to watch the next seasons (2 and 3) cuz I Stan/fangirl over Osomatsu and always hate it when my favorite character gets involved romantically with another character (it's dumb but my nerdy ass heart doesn't give 2 shits about it >_<). To the point, i want some forewarning or some reassurance about what goes on in the next seasons about my fav. NEET 😢 (idc for spoilers since i spoiled myself already). Again, a dumb request but i would appreciate it.
Also, if you dont mind, Im wondering how Osomatsu approaches friendly relationships with women (when he isn’t acting like a perv). Thank you for your time! 😄
heya babycakes!! I’m definitely still doing asks, absolutely! 😌
and listen honestly I totally get it! whenever I fangirl over a character or have them as my f/o, I get all ~fluttery stomach anxiety~ when I see them dating someone else on the screen, maybe it’s a lil dumb but I don’t care either, I just! I know how you feel!!
SO, I’ve just finished season 2 and I can tell you Osomatsu doesn’t really get any romance? I mean there’s all the sextuplets’ usual fawning over Totoko, and there’s some friendship with a character name Kin-chan, a little dirty teasing, and he goes on a double date with Totty and these two girls and there’s some flirting... but nothing really comes of any of it in the end!
now, season 3 in full I haven’t seen yet (I’m a brat and waiting for it to be dubbed before I watch it all XD), but I do happen to have seen spoilers bc it’s kind of impossible not to when season 3′s been out for a while now lol. and I know that Nyaa-chan tries to pursue a relationship with Osomatsu after he saves her baby! she gets all crushy over him and I think they go out a few times, but at the end I believe she gets over him and they don’t actually get together haha
hopefully that’s enough of a warning that you can watch these seasons without much stress!!
aaaand here’s some headcanons for you for this concept!
(in the future, if you want non-whumpy stuff, you can always send it to my main Ososan blog, @kisskissmatsu!! I did these here just because idk he gets so shy around women that I guess it could qualify as whump lol)
Believe it or not, he’s pretty capable of not acting like a creep toward women! He plays up the ‘I’m an inappropriate perv with naked ladies dancing around in my head 24/7’ thing when he’s around his brothers, and it’s true that every other thought of his is a naughty one, but… he comes on a lot less strongly once he relaxes. The truth is, despite having a filthy mind and liking to make dirty jokes, he’s pretty shy when it comes to girls, so he really prefers to approach as friends first. To jump right into something romantic or sexual makes him super nervous and insecure.
He’s very laidback after he gets past the initial awkwardness. There’s no pressure with him, surprisingly. Although he might get his hopes up to hang out, he doesn’t push if someone says no. He doesn’t nudge at them or try to convince them. It’s only when someone gets mean with saying no, like making fun of him for asking or something, that he gets upset. Even then, he’s more apt to flee instead of stand there arguing. He’s more considerate and self-conscious than he wants people to know.
Anything he invites them out to, it’s almost definitely something he’d invite a male friend to as well. A night of camping out at Chibita’s cart, eating as much oden as they can and drinking their weight in beer? Or maybe hanging out at the bar doing karaoke… and drinking their weight in beer? Spending an evening at the pachinko parlor, gambling away all their money? Going to see that new movie that’s supposed to be really cool? Hell, yeah! It’s pretty rare that he would invite a girl out to, say, dinner or something unless they’ve already been friends for a while. And if he does, he’ll make sure one of his brothers will come along with a date too.
All things being equal, he kind of treats his female friends just like any other friends. He might have some dirty thoughts or think they’re cute, but really that could go for any friend. He takes a lot of pains to ensure he doesn’t make his friends uncomfortable; sex jokes come with the territory of having Osomatsu for a friend, and yet, he’ll avoid touching people until he knows them better, and he’ll even try to stop making jokes if someone isn’t comfortable with them.
Overall he’s a decent guy, even if he doesn’t seem like it at first blush! He really does care about people, and when he tries to approach girls to be friends, he’s always thinking about how to make them feel at ease around him. Even if he’s not perfect, he’s incredibly genuine and thoughtful, especially around people he wants to be friends with.
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ennui-gt · 3 years
rhhghghg i guess i should talk a bit abt things
this is ABSOLUTELY NOT an invitation to like jump in my inbox and discuss my opinions or whatever. do not do that. i'm only talking about this one (1) time and then it's never coming up again. i think for most ppl, gt is a comfort, as it is for me, so, this is more of an. idk. vent of general frustrations? more under the tag. idk if i can even call these takes, more like just a general clarification of where i stand on things. And then it's gonna be back to regularly scheduled whatever.
so, if i don't mention it here but you saw it in one of the Haute Takes posts i rb'd, i basically feel neutral about whatever the hell got said there. couldnt care one way or the other. 1- RPF
don't like it. dont really give a damn about ppls characters rly but this is Different. This is taking a person who ALREADY EXISTS and caricaturing them (without their knowledge OR consent) to fit within the parameters of what you believe them to be like, or to fit a particular narrative. I'm very, strongly against this. 2- the fucking fat ppl stuff
Yeah hi, as a fellow chubby, tiny-aligned individual, please, for the love of fuck, don't woobify a fat person on the basis of their fatness. Thanks. Again, i'm not gonna be talking about this in detail because I've Got Some Baggage Here and i refuse to let it spill out on a public forum. Also strongly against this. Anyway. 3- comfort vs violence
so. i get that a lot of us use this as a coping mechanism for shit we've experienced and whatnot. i think largely my issue w the fluffy side of things is more based in the fact that I feel like I can't post grittier content, or like it doesn't get enough notes or whatever and I feel kinda shitty about that? that's it. like i enjoy both the fluffier end of things AND the fearplay aspects of gt almost equally, i just tend to lean more towards the fucked up end when it comes to my own work and for the LONGEST time I felt like i couldn't engage w this community or post that shit without getting some sort of backlash. in summary of the 3rd Thing, i don't actually care what you post, I just want to be able to post my own OCs going feral without people trying to either justify their actions or condemn me for making them Like That.
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