#howl 🫂
killuazedykeremade · 1 year
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love her so much why is she snuggling this bottle 😭
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madame-fear · 1 year
so, 𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚, where will you live when you marry larys? king's landing, harrenhal?
i strangely see too many posts about him lately!;)
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maiteo · 2 years
tickets to the ghibli fest secured🫶🏽✨
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faeryarchives · 4 months
don't lose me, not yet
summary: sometimes, getting into a heated argument with your lover can't be avoided, but things get a little too far, leading you to get up and leave - what would they do? recent works: stay with me (leona kingscholar x gn!reader) & little ball of sunshine (leona kingscholar x fem!reader) & you feel like home
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・❥・calm down, let's talk about this, okay?: they knew they should've stopped when he saw the look in your eyes change but one thing lead to another and he watch as you almost leave the room only for him to block the door sighing + placing their hands gently on your face / shoulders and look at you directly in the eye "calm down, let's talk about this, okay?" before pulling you towards their chest making you cry and let it all out while they whisper words of comfort and apologies with his hands running along you back in attempt to comfort you 🤍
— trey clover, leona kingscholar, jade leech, vil schoenheit, rook hunt, silver
・❥・walk five steps away and they are already hugging you from behind: you wouldn't actually leave in the middle of talking right? oh wait, why are you walking away? its not a prank? before you could even go and take another step - he will come running and hug you from behind 😭 they are so scared that if you walk out of that door, everything will be over and goes on apologizing for all the things that hurt you during the argument + expect to have them around you for a while because he really want to make it up to you (clingy bfs alert)
— ace trappola, floyd leech, epel felmier, idia shroud, sebek zigvolt
・❥・i'm sorry, please stay: they can be a little oblivious and to be honest it's because they don't now why you two are arguing in the first place but they sure know that it hurt you to the point of walking out mid-discussion so they proceed to holding your hand in his while saying "i'm sorry, please stay." + it will involve a lot of hand holding and assurance from both parties so please be patient they are not accustomed to this thing and they are a little confuse but will try to fix things that's why please don't leave yet 🥺
— riddle rosehearts, deuce spade, jack howl, kalim al asim, malleus draconia
・❥・decides to give you some time but after a few days, he couldn't resist: contemplating if he should go after you or let the two of you cool off before having another discussion + ends up giving your space but didn't expect that he would have to experience silent treatment and being avoided by you so expect him to appear on your doorstep late at night and immediately went to go and hug you 🫂 you have a lot of cuddling to catch up on after all
— cater diamond, ruggie bucchi, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, lilia vanrouge
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meatonfork · 1 year
HELLO!! I've got an idea (idk if anybody request it already or u already wrote it). Can you write about grim stealing clothes from the 141? And their reaction? IT WOULD BE AMAZING I SWEAR! THX <3 P.S YOUR STUFF IS SO CUTE AND PERFECT. KEEP UP THE WORK💕🫂💕
A Thief
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none i believe
summary: grim gets caught read handed
you’d always enjoyed winter. but, because of your small size, it was always harder for you get warm and stay that way.
the first time you’d ever stolen one of the task force’s articles of clothing was when you were stuck in the russian woods during winter.
you and ghost had been thrown into the field. alone. the mission actually went incredibly well considering it was tackled by a grumpy, closed off lieutenant, and a jittery, talkative, kid-sergeant.
the two of you were in and out- just like you’d been briefed to do so.
the issue? a giant fucking snowstorm that prevented evac.
the wind howled in your ear as you shouted over to ghost, “do you even know where you’re going?”
the wind pushed you back, but you prevailed. the cold nipped at your nose and cheeks. snow fell into your eyelashes, and your body was soaked from the wet.
“jus’ a bit further.” he was gruff, as usual, but even the loud wind couldn’t silence his chattering teeth.
you were severely underdressed for the weather. just a thermal shirt, your cargo pants, boots, a fleece quarter-zip, and your tac gear. ghost was no better off than you.
the small cabin came into view after roughly 20 more minutes of silence.
ghost rushed in, clearing it, before pulling you by your bicep.
the cabin wasn’t dirty, but it wasn’t exactly what you had hoped. luckily, there were two bedrooms. but, other than that, there wasn’t much. a kitchen, a bathroom, and a random couch.
“it’s not much, but it’ll do.”
the giant next you hummed in agreement, “go get in the shower. you’ll get hypothermia, kid.”
you almost argued, saying he could’ve gone first, but your body was shaking so badly you almost couldn’t stand.
you sighed with a nod and made your way to the bathroom. stripping yourself down to nothing and turning on the shower. the water was heavenly even if it wasn’t that warm. you stood there, letting it warm up your limbs. your red fingers finally gaining some feeling.
a knock on the door about 5 minutes later sounded through the room.
“want me to take your clothes to dry them off? built a fire.”
“go for it!”
ten minutes later, you walked out with sweats and a t-shirt on. a towel bunched in your hands, with your head tilted to the side- drying your hair off. goosebumps raised on your skin as the steam rolled out of the bathroom behind you. looking around the small house, you found ghost crouched in front of the fire, warming up his hands.
“hey, big guy. bathroom’s all yours” you offered a small smile when his dark eyes met yours.
“thanks, grim.” he stood and made his way to shower before he paused right next to you.
you were about to ask him what was wrong before he stalked back the way he came, riffled through his pack, and tossed something at your face.
you squeaked as you caught it, dropping the towel.
you were about to scold him, but the soft material of a hoodie stopped you in your tracks. you offered your lieutenant a questioning look.
“you’re fucking shivering, grim. put it on.” his voice was gruff. and with that, he walked into the bathroom without a word.
later that night as you both sat in front of the fire, backs resting on the couch, ghost voiced out, “i’m not gettin’ that back, am i?”
“nope!” you curled up to him with a smile too big for your face.
since that mission, you’d taken it upon yourself to make yourself as cozy as possible.
ghost’s hoodies were just so much bigger than yours.
soap’s sweats were just so much comfier than yours.
gaz’s shirts just fit so much better than yours.
and price’s socks were socks, but you didn’t want him to feel left out.
this is how you found yourself being interrogated in the commons, surrounded by your team.
“why am i here, boys?” you almost sang out.
“grim. you have an issue. who’s clothes are you even wearing right now?” gaz was the first to break the ice.
“oh, a little bit of everyone’s i suppose.” you shrugged.
“kid. we need those back. you have your own clothes, for god’s sake!” price scolded you, arms crossed against his chest and head tilted to look you in the eye.
“but they’re comfier than mine! and, they keep me warmer! please?” you threw out your best puppy dog eyes, knowing it would hit them in the heart.
soap sighed out, a hand dragging down his face.
“let me tell you what, kid. keep what you have, but no more stealing them.” ghost’s voice was gruff from behind you.
you whirled around, “how about i switch them out when they don’t smell like you guys anymore? heh, variety!”
“whatever. meeting dismissed, i’m tired.”
a/n: thank you for reading <33
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senualothbrok · 10 days
Feeling sentimental...
Today is my birthday. I have existed for 36 years, and am now officially older than Gale. (This makes me laugh a little bit because if I stood next to Gale, I think he would look significantly more mature. It's probably also the double edged sword of being an Asian woman, who will look 'young' until she is 60 and then suddenly transform into old Sophie in Howl's Moving Castle.)
Anyway, I wanted to say thank you. This past year has been pretty brutal, but the shining light of it has been my discovery of the Gale fandom. Within it I have found hope, strength, healing, and the joy of creativity. I have met kind and passionate people who I can be myself with in a way I haven't been able to for maybe ever. It has been the most wholesome, life-affirming experience, and it has quite literally kept me alive.
Thank you, Galemancer / Tumblr family. Of all the things I thought would happen to me at this stage in life, I didn't think it would be this, and I am so grateful.
And of course, all thanks and praise to our pixel husband Gale for making this possible. 🫂💜
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(one of my favourite Gale shots, courtesy of @galedekarios )
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
🧠❤️‍🩹🫂 with natasha. reader has been gone on a mission for a few months. only a couple weeks into the mission, reader is forced to cut off communication with the avengers, leading to them being MIA for months, tho nat never gives up hope that reader will come home. after a couple months of struggling to complete their mission, reader makes it back to headquarters. they’re finally reunited with natahsa who just holds them close out of relief and cries into their shoulder. both reader and nat finally find comfort, only in each others embrace.
Authors note: hope you enjoy! 💖
Word count: 577 Marvel Masterlist Nat Masterlist
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You sigh as you look down at your phone, a few messages from your girlfriend still go unanswered from last night and you can feel a pit form in your stomach. Regretfully you rip the battery from the back before tossing it into the nearby dumpster. You pry the SIM card out next and let it fall to the pavement below where you stomp on it for good measure.
   “Y/l/n, you ready? We can’t risk lingering too long.”
   You think back to two weeks ago, before the mission, and how you and Nat had been so happy. Now she was undoubtedly worried about last night's unanswered texts and your sudden absence was only going to increase that worry. You wish you could tell her what was going on, that you were ok and had to do this for your cover and own safety, but you knew saying that would go against protocols. Plus she’d want to get involved.
   “Yeah, lets go”
   A few months have passed since then, and Fury has classified your team as MIA, much to Natashas dismay. She was adamant you were out there somewhere. Either completing your mission under the radar, being held captive by Hydra, or were on the run due to the mission going sideways. If it was up to her she would have had agents sweeping the area for you as soon as you went quiet, and now she would have had more than a three man team keeping their eyes open for any sign of you.
   Fury even turned down her request to look for you herself, claiming a lost team wasn’t an Avengers level emergency. Needless to say, that pissed her off. She didn’t care about that. She just wanted to make sure her girlfriend was safe. Still, she refused to give up hope on you. Despite not seeing the proof she knew you were out there, she just hoped you’d come back to her soon.
   “Hey Romanoff!” Tony suddenly calls out, “Get your ass to the helicopter pad! Your girl’s there!”
   She bolts up from her spot on the couch, moving so quickly that Clint had nearly been run over when she passed him by. She moves so quickly through the hallways that all the other agents scatter to get out of her way. By the time she makes it to the helicopter pad the medical team had already cleared you and sent you on your way. She's only met by an amused Maria.
   “She's headed for your room. Probably there by now”
   Natasha spins on her heels and makes her way to her room, nearly knocking her own door off its hinges as she barges in. The excitement she feels when she sees you is indescribable, her heart pounds against her ribcage and your form becomes blurry as a few tears roll down her cheeks.
   “Hi Natty”
   You let out a small ‘oomph’ as her body collides with yours and you immediately wrap your arms around her in a tight embrace. She tucks her face against your neck and soaks in your presence, your scent, just everything you.
   “Hi detka(baby)” she greets, voice cracking slightly as a few of her tears land on your skin, “I missed you so much”
   “I missed you too” you admit a few tears of your own falling, “I'm sorry I was gone so long"
   "I knew you'd come back, and you're here now. That's all that matters"
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight
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thetriumphantpanda · 3 months
charlie!! thanks for letting me send late! haven’t been on tumblr much these last few days. congratulations again on the milestone it’s so well deserved!!! sending you the biggest hug 🫂
🖊️ and ❛ can’t sleep? ❜ with joel please?? 😇 feeling a bit meh and nothing cures like that old man
thank you!! xx
omg Liv thank you so much for sending this in and for celebrating with me! Sorry that it took me so long to get to this - I couldn't post anything from Tumblr jail :( BUT WE ARE BACK BABY. And I love love love this!
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You've been tossing and turning all night, ears pricking to any sound you can pick up on, whether it's the chirp of an owl or the howl of an animal; even in the safe haven of Jackson, no matter how safe you feel, your fight or flight mode refuses to let you rest.
You turn over, body flopping a little too heavy back on to the mattress, sigh a little too loud leaving your lips, because you feel the shift of his frame behind you, the warmth of his front pressed against your back and the solid safety of his arm wrapping around your waist.
"Can't sleep?" He murmurs, lips close to your ear.
"Not tonight." Is your answer.
You don't know how or when it happens, but at some point, with his body draped over yours and the rhythm of his breathing in your ear, you manage to drop off, waking up when the sun is blaring through the curtains and he is long gone for patrol. He is, and always will be, your safety blanket.
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lonelyplanetfag · 5 months
got tagged by @jwowwsboobs 2 do this🫂
are you named after anyone?
when was the last time you cried?
an hour ago i think. will definitely happen again 2day but its all good
do you have kids?
no n idont wanna change that
what sports do you play/have you played?
i did a lotta thst kinda thing as a kid so i don't rly remember but nothing stuck
do you use sarcasm?
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
either how theyre dressed or who they're around
what’s your eye color?
sludge green👎👎👎👎👎
scary movies or happy endings?
depends on the day ig
any talents?
where were you born?
florida #eastcoastbeastcoast
what are your hobbies?
i sleep a lot n draw in class n listen 2 a lotta music but i dunno if any of that counts
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
dream job?
working at the record store or book store downtown would b cool but idk
tagging @transsexual-heart @junkyardromeo @star-that-howls
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 10 months
Hi!!!!! Once again THANK YOU sm for the FOOD like i've reread all ur fics again while waiting for my hair to set hehe it's just. a really great way to pass time and think abt the fluff and the sin <3
AND ummmmmm not to also jump in the bandwagon but. im feeling... 😳😳😳 rn and would like to request for a 5'1 catgirl!reader with gp!Marilyn OR Laurel if that's okay 👉🏻👈🏻
Basically Reader doesn't realize she's going into heat (IT'S HER FIRST TIME & SHE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS EVEN A POSSIBILITY BUT OHHHH BOY) but Mari/Lau notices and teases her throughout the week with indulging her being more affectionate but then the heat smashes into reader like a freight train and she's left a mewling mess for her Mommy!!!!
like help she's full on NEEDY for Mari/Lau but she's MEAN and teases Reader further and Reader goes "if you don't want me, I guess I'll just to go out and see who wants me! >:(" to trigger Mari/Lau's possessiveness & Mari/Lau rising to the bait BC READER IS HER KITTY & NO ONE ELSE'S LIKE. hhhhh hhHhHhhHh NUH UH, YOU'RE MINE 🔪
AND HELP also Mari/Lau going "Aw, does my dumb little kitty cat need Mommy to breed and fill her up her own kittens? Is that what you want?" while Reader just a drooling mess underneath her IS CURRENTLY LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE AND IM JUST. CLENCHING MY FISTS SO HARD. like PLEASE,,,,,,,,, bestie,,,,,, if ur ok with this req and write it I will literally owe u my life thank u sm 🫂
PS: feel free to go ham with the breeding & dumbification kink bc im literally biting down on one of my stuffed toys rn just thinking abt it and WAHHHH once again, thank you 😳💕
Yesss!!!! Here it is!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! It was so funny to write it!! Thank you for your request!!!! <3 <3
Poor Kitty
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Student, Cat girl! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Intersex Marilyn (She has a dick) several kinks, heat, teasing, blowjob…
Word count: 5,181
Summary: You were a cat girl, and you have many needs, maybe your lover can fulfill your desperate desires…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Shit, it's hot,” you whispered.
You were in the library, doing what you had to do, homework, study...
But you were finding it much more complicated than usual. It was supposed to be winter, it was supposed to be cold, but you were sweating while chills of unknown origin ran through your body. It was hard for you to focus, there was too much noise in your head, a noise that didn't come from outside, there was no one in the library, and those strange sounds could only come from inside you, purrs that you were afraid someone besides you would hear.
Purring was something common in you. You were a cat woman, something like a werewolf, but without problems with the full moon and increased aggression. You were simply, according to what your companions said: Just a kitty.
You knew you could be fearsome if you thought about it, that if you transformed you could rival even the fiercest werewolf. You weren't interested. Your only worries were your studies. You were always a very good student and you made your parents proud. You just had to be careful about maybe a ball rolling on the ground or some small animal in the forest did not attract your attention so much as to distract you.
The book in front of you turned into a jumbled, blurry array of letters. You were unable to read it. Nervously, you ran your hand over your trembling leg, and the sensation produced an unexpected reaction.
“Meow,” you meowed unintentionally, putting your hand over your mouth and looking around embarrassedly. There was nobody there, much to your relief.
Normally you were quite capable of controlling those small impulses. You were proud that you weren't a howling, restless mess like your fellow werewolves. That day you felt strange. Simply with your hand touching your body all your senses went crazy. You were always quite sensitive, but never so sensitive as to lose control.
Some footsteps coming from the stairs took you out of your thoughts and the strange nervousness you had was accentuated even more.
Luckily for you, it wasn't one of your classmates from Nevermore, it was one of your teachers, your favorite teacher, Marilyn Thornhill.
The redhead came down the stairs with her usual smile and immediately noticed your presence. You stared back at her, feeling your heart beating faster and the disconcerting heat inside you growing.
The woman tilted her head as she walked over to a secluded bookcase, motioning for you to follow her. You didn't even have time to think about your next move. Dragging the chair with a nasty creaking, you got up and went with her.
You turned the corner and there she was, pretending to look at some old books. You approached cautiously, looking around you. As if on automatic impulse, you wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your head on her back.
The heat you had increased, but at that moment all you thought about was her. Marilyn laughed softly and turned around, taking your hand.
“Hello, honey…” She whispered in your ear. After glancing to either side of her briefly, she leaned her head towards you and placed her lips on yours. A desperate moan came out of your mouth. It wasn't a meow, it was a sound you couldn't remember ever making.
When you arrived at Nevermore, the last thing on your mind was having an affair with one of your teachers. For you, those kinds of relationships were fiction, things that only happened on a tv screen. After whole afternoons in the conservatory and funny talks, that nice teacher-student relationship crossed the line it wasn't supposed to cross.
It was a forbidden, clandestine relationship, based on kisses, hugs and whispered words of love. You were madly in love with Marilyn and she knew it and enjoyed seeing your eyes begging for a kiss, for a caress.
The kiss was not meant to be what it became. Agitated and terribly nervous, you deepened the kiss, causing the redhead to widen her eyes in surprise as your tongue entered her mouth moving mercilessly.
You didn't know why you were doing it. It was just like your instincts were guiding your actions. You were a shy girl and you never asked for more than Marilyn seemed to want to give you, but with each passionate kiss, with each brush of your body against hers, that strange state you were in seemed to subside.
“Honey, honey…” Marilyn said when her back collided with a self. You didn't listen to her, you kept kissing her, caressing her, while your purring became more and more evident. “Honey, what's wrong with you?”
Her hand went to your chest to stop you before you started another round of merciless kissing. Involuntarily, you snorted at the loss contact, causing her gaze to turn curious. With severe difficulty, you managed to relax and shook your head, embarrassed by your enthusiasm. You were not yourself, all the kisses you gave her gave you a strange pleasure and you almost lost control.
“I…I…I'm sorry,” you said, with your cheeks red and your breathing fast and disordered. Marilyn smiled, shaking her head slightly.
“(Y/N), you know we have to be careful…” She told you, caressing your cheek.
Every time her skin brushed against yours, millions of electrical impulses made your pupils dilate and you had to fight the urge to jump at her neck again.
“I know, it's just that…” You said, keeping your composure, putting distance between her and you to avoid the temptation.
“Are you okay? You're sweating,” she told you, looking at you now with some concern.
You shook your head and sighed. Your heart was pounding, your purrs were loud, and the heat you felt was becoming unbearable.
“No… I don't know what's wrong with me. I was calmly studying and suddenly I started to sweat...”
“Do you want to go to the infirmary, honey?” She asked affectionately, putting her hand to your forehead. Her breathing was also fast, you were able to realize that.
“Meow,” you meowed again, covering your mouth immediately after. The brush of her hand against your skin made you lose control. She pulled away and frowned at you, carefully studying your condition. “I'm sorry…”
Marilyn was looking at you curiously. Her eyes changed in an instant, turning slightly dark.
“I think I know what's wrong with you…” She whispered, getting a little closer to you. Her hands went to your waist and her lips kissed yours again.
There were too many sensations to be able to control. You pressed against her as you deepened the kiss, you wanted to feel all of her body, all of her warmth. Little by little the chills increased and an overwhelming heat began to form between your legs. Marilyn pushed you away again, but this time with a petulant gesture.
“What's happening to me? It's a feeling I've never felt before...” You said, ashamed of your erratic and passionate behavior. The redhead smiled mischievously.
“It's pretty obvious,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Obvious?” You asked, starting to get very nervous. Marilyn agreed.
“Of course, just look at you...” She said, amused, pointing at you.
You looked at yourself. You were a sweaty mess purring desperately. You didn't quite understand what she was referring to, and worst of all, you couldn't take your eyes off her dress, where a rather obvious bulge had formed.
“I still... I still don't understand anything...” You said nervously, closing your eyes.
“My love, you are in heat. I've had enough cats to know that.”
You opened your eyes and you were speechless.
Your parents had told you that it could happen, but the years went by and you never had that feeling, so you had completely forgotten about it.
Even as a human girl, your feline counterpart often took over your feelings without the need for you to transform. Apparently, heat was one of those feelings.
“Oh…” You said with flushed cheeks. “I don't know what to say…”
Marilyn approached again, curiously watching the reactions your body had with her caresses. It seemed that the way your hair stood on end and your body trembled desperately was amusing her.
“You don't have to say anything, honey, it's normal, you don't have to be ashamed,” she said to you with a loving voice, a tone of voice that even under normal circumstances made you tremble.
“I feel like I'm going to explode… What can I do to stop feeling like that?” You asked, instantly regretting it. You weren't an idiot, you knew the answer.
“Do I really have to answer?” She said, laughing, with a tender look.
You shook your head and, checking that the library was still empty, you rushed to her lips again, this time with more desperation. You didn't know if it was the right time, but you needed it, you needed something that you hadn't considered in the last few weeks, you needed her.
Marilyn kissed you back, trying to keep you as still as possible. You, with a too indiscreet meow, kissed her neck. The redhead was panting, but she barely moved, letting you do everything you wanted, almost everything. Your hand moved down between her legs, where her arousal throbbed, wanting to come out. Immediately her hand stopped yours, grabbing your wrist.
“What are you doing?” She asked with a sigh. Her breathing was also disordered, and she didn't seem to want to lose control. You barely heard her voice, your head imagined what it would be like to feel her inside you, how pleasant it would be for her to take you, to fill you up...
“I… Well… I…” You stammered. She laughed again, shaking her head.
“Honey, I'm very flattered but…” She said, looking at you determinedly. “I, I don't think it's the best time, nor the best place.”
You meowed again, going crazy to try to silence your own instincts.
“I thought…” You whispered, trying to calm yourself down with all your might.
“You have to be patient, honey,” she told you, pulling you into a warm hug. It would be a loving, romantic gesture, if you didn't feel her arousal digging into your body. Marilyn seemed to notice and she backed away in embarrassment. “Sorry, (Y/N), my body sometimes seems to think for itself. Come, I'll make you an infusion so you can relax, okay?”
You nodded, feeling enormous frustration. Your need didn’t change after that infusion. It would be a terrible week for you.
There was nothing that could ease that tension. Your encounters with Marilyn were still just as pure. Sometimes you thought she was amused by seeing you desperate, seeing how you begged for her to take you. At first you thought it was your imagination, but her kisses and her caresses, her most common gestures of affection were much more intense and she smiled, she always smiled.
You no longer felt ashamed, your need was so great that you asked her directly. Marilyn just laughed, shaking her head, saying that the time would come soon, that you would have to hold on a little longer. Your despair increased every day and your meows and purrs began to affect your academic life, interrupting classes and unleashing teasing from your classmates.
A week had passed and the cold showers and the walks and hunting moments in the woods were no longer useful for anything. You knew what you wanted and the only woman who could give it to you seemed to mock you. You loved Marilyn n and she loved you, you didn't understand why to make you wait amused her, why she enjoyed seeing how your body begged, a docile body, that would let her do what she wanted, you would be a rag doll for her.
“And put that one in that corner,” the redhead told you, while you placed some pots where she was indicating. You always obeyed, hoping that this sudden extreme submission would make her please, make her please you.
“It's already done...” You whispered, controlling your trembling. You couldn't help it, every time you looked at her you had those visions, those uncontrolled desires. It didn't matter how many times you masturbated, that wasn't enough, your body wanted her.
“Great,” Marilyn said, clasping her hands together, satisfied.
You agreed. Your body trembled and sweated, your pupils were dilated. You could barely speak normally, every three words, you would meow. You had to do something.
“Marilyn…” You said in a low voice, without looking at the redhead.
“Mm?” She murmured, cutting a few small leaves from a plant.
“I...I, I can't bear it anymore...” You said, slowly approaching her desk.
“What's wrong, honey? Have I made you work too much?” She asked, completely ignoring the true meaning of your words.
“That's not what I mean…” You whispered, suppressing another meow. “I'm having such a hard time...”
She looked at you and made a fake sad face.
“Oh, my love, come here,” she told you, extending her hand for you to take.
You obeyed her, feeling a rush of warmth as her hand gently gripped yours. Your heartbeat quickened again and your breathing was rapid, sonorous. The purring was not long in coming.
“Sit down,” She ask you, pointing to her lap. You carried out her order immediately. That was even worse, you'd rather she told you not to go back to the conservatory, to break up with you, than to be sitting on her lap, so close to her, your most desperate desire.
“My poor kitty…” She whispered into your ear, grabbing your hips to place you with your legs on either side of hers. “You’re having a hard time”
You nodded, letting yourself go. Little by little, your hips began to sway, rubbing against her body. She did nothing, she just laughed tenderly, seeing how you melted with that little contact. As if evil had taken over her, she emitted a subtle and very erotic moan in your ear, while the touch intensified. Her body was responding quickly and soon you felt her arousal rubbing against your needy center.
That sensation was completely new and dangerously exciting. You moved automatically, seeking as much contact as possible. Marilyn kissed you, caressed you, while she gently followed the rhythm of your hips.
You could feel it, you were so close that you lost control completely, moving desperately and not being able to suppress a considerable amount of meowing.
“Please... Meow... I... Meow... I need... Ple... Meow... Please,” you said almost crying. She looked at you surprised and ran her hand up your legs, under your uniform skirt. Your wetness was overwhelming and she seemed to find that so funny.
“Shhh… Calm down, (Y/N), does this relieve you?” She whispered to you, passing her hand through your folds, over your underwear.
You moaned strangely. No one had ever touched you there. It looked like what you wanted, but it wasn't enough, you knew it, and so did she. You didn't want her to stop. Among more desperate meows, you agreed, while her caresses became slower and slower.
“Very good, honey…” The redhead whispered. “You're a good kitty...”
Saying those words, she pulled her hand away and with a gentle push, she pushed you off of her. You groaned in frustration and tears began to run down your cheeks.
“What?” You asked, your purrs completely drowning out your words. “Why? I, I liked it…” You said desperate, trying to return to her lap. She got up, pointing to the clock on the wall.
“It's time for dinner, (Y/N), I don't want you to be late,” she said as if nothing happened, with that tone and that mocking smile that became too frequent that week.
“Meow…” You meowed, before clearing your throat to be able to speak clearly. “Why are you doing this to me?”
She looked at you surprised.
“Doing what, my love?” She asked with an innocent voice.
“You know it perfectly…Meow,” you stammered. “You do nothing but make fun of me. I just want you to love me, to want me... you know what I'm going through and you know what I need.”
“(Y/N), haven't I relieved you a bit?” She asked mockingly.
You snorted, incredulous and stopped to think. You needed it badly, you needed it desperately like you'd never felt before, and your body was going crazy.
“I'm sick of your games,” you said, hissing, suppressing the trembling of your body. “You know what I tell you? If you don't want me, I'll find someone who does,” you said without looking at her, going to the conservatory door.
Marilyn didn't say anything, but her expression told you that those words made something move inside her.
“What did you just say?” She asked in a dangerous tone, stopping you from leaving  with a strong grip on your wrist.
“You heard me. I'm tired of waiting... I'll look for someone who doesn't laugh at me and gives me what I need,” you said defiantly. Marilyn pulled you hard in front of her. Her look was not that of the tender and sweet botany teacher, her eyes were cold, threatening.
“How dare you talk to me like that, you filthy kitty?” She hissed, grabbing your hair and yanking it hard. “I don't care how desperate you are, you're still mine, you hear me?”
You widened your eyes. That possessive attitude surprised you for a moment, but soon you began to enjoy what you had achieved. It was the button you had to push to get on her nerves, to make her realize you needed her. You meowed with pleasure and your purring was once again present in the conservatory.
“I need you…” You said, faking more pleading than you really wanted to show. Marilyn released you and crossed her arms, shaking her head and softening her expression.
“You need me... Oh, poor silly kitten... You're so desperate...” She said caressing your cheek. “Do you need me so much how to make me angry?”
“Yes…” You sighed, letting yourself melt from her warm touch on your skin. “Please… I want…”
She laughed and returned her mocking and amused expression.
“What do you want, honey? Do you want mommy to take care of you?” She asked ironically.
At that moment, you put your defiant and rebellious attitude aside and nodded profusely without thinking. All your clothes were in the way and your eyes went to her crotch, which was marked in her blue jumpsuit, which seemed to call you by name.
“I want you to…” You said stammering. “I want to be yours, Marilyn… I, I need it. I need you inside of me… Please.”
The redhead laughed with satisfaction, passing one hand over your chest while she with the other she got rid of her underwear.
“How cute you are, (Y/N), you're such a desperate kitty…” She whispered while you only dedicated yourself to feeling her caresses. “Mommy likes to play with the kittens like you… She wants them to pray for her…”
You just nodded automatically, noticing how you had fewer and fewer clothes. You didn't feel capable of saying anything, only of purring, of panting, of feeling how the moment you wanted so much was getting closer little by little. The redhead stepped away a bit and undid the buttons on her blue jumpsuit, letting it fall to the floor and finally freeing her length which looked almost as desperate as you. You drool at the sight before you.
Marilyn ran her hand along the length of her cock, stroking it gently, making her quiver with eagerness. She was enjoying her own caresses, but she obviously had other things on her mind.
“Get on your knees,” she ordered, pointing to the ground. You were surprised, noticing how the despair you felt seemed to have no end. She wasn't going to make it easy for you and you knew that, but seeing her excitement, the desperation with which her cock throbbed in front of you, made your body move by itself, resting your knees on the cold stone floor.
“Mommy… Please….Meow,” you said, meowing again involuntarily. Marilyn laughed at the speed with which you picked up on her game, and she gently cupped your chin.
“I know you're anxious for mommy to give you kittens, to feel how she fills you up, but you've been bad, honey, and now you'll have to please me. Use your sweet mouth, you silly girl... Show me that you need me...”
You nodded and timidly obeyed, running your tongue along her entire length. She moaned as she felt your lips around her and gently swayed her hips. She was big, overwhelming for your mouth, but you still held on and were as skilled as you could be as a total inexperienced in the matter.
“That's it…what a nice kitty…” Marilyn murmured, moving even faster as you struggled to please her. “I love you…”
Those words took you out of the situation a bit. She had told you that she loved you many times, but this didn't seem like the right time to say it. She surely she was having so much pleasure thanks to you that she even seemed to lose her sanity. You stuck out your tongue and moved it quickly, making her moans even louder. You noticed that her body tensed, that her cock trembled in your mouth.
She was close, you could feel it. Your human part considered it normal, something that had to happen and it didn't matter. Your feline part was horrified, terrified to see how something so precious for your needs was going to be wasted. You didn't just need the pure pleasure that sex gave, your instincts and your nature had another purpose.
“I'm close, honey… I, I'm going to cum in your pretty little mouth…” She said between gasps, moving in a disorderly way, almost as if she was fucking your mouth. You opened your eyes and pulled away immediately. You didn't need that, you needed something else, and you had waited long enough. “What the hell are you doing now?”
“Please... Meow...” You said getting up and sitting down at the desk.  “Please, take me.”
Marilyn sighed, clearly frustrated, but she didn't comment, she simply lifted your skirt, exposing your wet center and stroking it roughly with her serious gaze. She would surely be upset that you pulled away from her, but seeing how your arousal shimmered between your legs made her change her mind.
“Oh… My silly and needy kitty, you are so wet for mommy…” She whispered with a childish tone. “She can't wait any longer… she needs mommy to fill her up…”
You nodded as she inserted two fingers into your wet and slippery center. The sensation made you moan very loudly. Marilyn covered your mouth with her hand while her fingers explored your interior.
“Shut up, kitty, you wouldn't want to be found out, would you? Imagine that someone hears your kitten meows in heat and they find you like this, a mess desperate for mommy to give her what she needs... Poor silly kitten...”
You didn't answer, you just moaned and meowed, this time controlling the volume. You weren't even able to think about the consequences of being caught that way, you only thought about the feeling you had in your mouth, about how pleasant it would be to have all of her cock inside you, filling you up.
Soon her fingers came out of you and with her hands, she parted your legs. It would be an image worth seeing. You, some random Nevermore student, spread-eagled on your botany teacher's desk, desperate for her to fuck you.
“Are you ready, my kitty? Are you ready for mommy to give you what you want so badly?” She asked, aligning the tip with your slippery and soaked entrance. You wanted to answer like a normal person would, but your heart was beating so fast and your purrs and meows were so overwhelming that you could only nod. “I've asked you a question, (Y/N)…” She hissed in a darker tone.
“Yes…Yes… Please…” You managed to say.
Marilyn laughed and sighed as she slowly eased into you. She was not soft, nor delicate, but she was slow, painfully slow. You noticed how your body was slowly getting used to the intruder. You remembered what your friends said, that the first time was painful, that it was not pleasant. They were just dirty liars. You never felt something so pleasant, such a warm and pleasant feeling. Your walls stretched little by little, sending a lot of sensations to your whole body.
You smiled, you didn't quite know why, perhaps to finally see your wish fulfilled, to grant your most primal instincts what they so longed for.
“Oh, (Y/N), you're incredible, so wet, so tight... You hug me so well... You're a very good kitty for mommy...” Marilyn told you, while she moved slowly, introducing herself completely. “It hurts? I know I'm big, I don't want my little kitty to get hurt.”
You shook your head, slapping your hand against the table, wishing those slow movements would speed up, that you could feel completely hers.
“It's okay, it's okay, calm down…” She told you, amused, grabbing your ankles and raising them over her shoulders. “You are so impatient… You drive me crazy, (Y/N)…”
You smiled, enjoying that little by little, her rhythm was accelerating, while your body was allowing deeper and faster movements. You could feel her inside you, all of her, you were right where you wanted. You weren't capable of thinking clearly, of seeing the risks that something like this could cause and surely would cause. You were only concerned about satisfying your hunger, feeling each of her small movements.
“My sweet, silly girl…” Marilyn whispered, picking up the pace a bit when your body finally allowed it. “Your body was waiting for me, it adapts so well… Oh, my kitten, we are made for each other… You will have such beautiful kittens…”
You laughed at that statement, reaching out your arm to try to touch your lover. Everything she said sounded heavenly, almost divine. It was what your body wanted to hear, what your instincts wanted. You did not remember such a happy and embarrassing moment. If you happened to see yourself reflected in one of the crystals, you would look away. You were a mewling, drooling mess, completely at the redhead's mercy.
“Marilyn…” You sighed as she took a hand from your legs to take yours. “Please…”
She nodded, it seemed like she could read your mind. After letting your hand go, she jerked you toward her and her movements intensified, now fast, passionate. You moaned, not like a cat, but like the desperate girl you were at that moment.
“That's it, honey…” The redhead whispered, without stopping moving. “Be a good girl, a cute kitty for mommy… You take it so well… I would spend my life inside you, my love.”
You meowed at those words. Your body finally realized her strong thrusts and little by little that unpleasant and at the same time pleasant heat began to overwhelm you again. You were close to your first real orgasm, and you were excited, but desperate at the same time. You wanted to feel it all, you didn't want your own emotions to hide the sensations that Marilyn provoked inside of you. Your hips disobeyed your wishes and began to move restlessly, following the redhead’s rhythm.
“Oh my God,” you were able to say, before your entire body arched and your inner muscles hugged her cock tightly, as if they didn't want her to leave your body. Marilyn stopped for a moment, enjoying your crazy vision, your orgasmic sounds and the tremor of your body.
“Good kitty…” The redhead murmured, holding you so you would stay still. “You've done very well, even though you're a silly and desperate girl, mommy loves you, honey, mommy wants to see those beautiful eyes when you cum...” She said, smiling tenderly, something that didn't match her words at all.
“Please…. I…” You said panting, trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want mommy to fill you up honey? Do you want mommy to give you some precious kittens?” She asked while little by little, she moved again. You nodded, almost with tears in your eyes. Each of her movements were like electric currents running through your body.
“Yeah! Yes please!” You yelled. This time she did nothing to silence you, she simply smiled and closed her eyes, increasing her speed, moving abruptly. Surely you were not aware of what was about to happen, but it was what you wanted, nothing could change your mind, it was the bad thing about having an animal inside you.
“Very good, honey... Mommy is going to cum... She's going to fill you up, my love... I'm going to...” She gasped, grabbing your hips tightly as, with a heart-rending moan, she leaned into you, squeezing her eyes shut.
A sudden warmth appeared in your center. A hot liquid ran through you while you felt how her cock throbbed. At last the moment had arrived. You had no idea that it could be so pleasurable, so much so that you had another small orgasm while her cum filled you completely.
“Damn, (Y/N), you're perfect…” The redhead whispered, still inside of you. “I'm sorry I made fun of you… I didn't know what I was missing.”
You just stared at the ceiling, noticing how a trickle of liquid ran down your leg when she finally pulled away from you. The purring disappeared, the messy meows no longer fighting to get out of your mouth. You felt great relief, your whole body relaxed. You felt weakness, you had no strength. The tension you'd had that last week was finally released, and just the way you wanted it to.
“Sweetie…Honey…” Sweet whispers brought you out of your state of ecstasy. You sat up at the desk and blinked several times, in case your subconscious had played a trick on you and all this was a simple dream.
“Hey? What?” You said, pleased that no cat sounds came out of your mouth.
“My love, it's been wonderful, but we have to put all of this in order…” Marilyn told you, getting dressed again. You nodded, jumping off the desk, still feeling how her cum was inside you. You got dressed, you put on your uniform while you thought when would be the next time that would happen. “You stay there for a moment.”
“I love you,” you said happily, like in a hallucination. Marilyn smiled and sighed, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
“Me too my love. You're mommy's good kitty, don't forget it…” She told you in her ear, giving you a soft kiss on her lips. “We don't get to have dinner anymore, but what do you think if we both take a bath together in my room? I really want to love you again...”
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marvelousmugs · 29 days
👹👺GGRRR😼😼👻BARK🐶🐶BARK🤴👨‍🎤👨‍🎤WOOF🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️GGGGRRR🧛🧛🧛GRR🐻🐻🐻🐻BARKNFKFLH🦧🦧🦧🦧🐐🐐FMSMANBARK🔥🔥🔥WOOF✍️✍️WOOF🌰🌰GR🤼‍♀️🤼‍♀️🤼‍♀️TNGFMR🗽🗽🗽BARK🤶🤶🤶🤶BARL🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟🧟👰‍♂️BARK🫀🫀🫁🫁BARK👥🫂👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽WOOF🦷🦷👅👅👅💋💋WOOF👣👆🏾🤙🦵WOOF🙀🙀🙀GGRRRR BARRKKFNBFB👺👺👹👹GRR🤖🤖🤡WOMGMHMBOF😪😪😪GRR🥸🥸BARKNFKFLH 🫁🫂🫂👩🏿👩🏿👩🏿👤🗣️BARK BARK🗣️🗣️🗣️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥BARK🔛🔝❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥WOOF GGGGRRR🧌🧌GRR🕺🏻💃🕺🏻💃🕺🏻🕺WOMGMHMBOF👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨GRRR🪖🪖BARK BARK🐼🐼🐼🐻🐮🦊WOOF🐩🐩🐕ARF🐲🐧🐲GRRR🦦🦦🐔🦦GXNXHSJSH🐾🐾🐾🐾BRRR🐳🐳BARK👄👄🫦🫦BARK💄🔛🔝🗣️🔥✍️✍️
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killuazedykeremade · 2 years
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i love the crazed gaze she just always has
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teejaystumbles · 4 months
26. Wild Card! I'll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
Uuuum, it's so hard to pic a fic...so let's go with the Fire Elemental Hob one.
Sorry you're sick, hope you feel better!
Fire elemental Hob came to be because of talking about elements and elementals for the October prompts. Calcifer was mentioned and the fact that he fell from the sky and was taken in by Howl gave me the idea of Hob falling into the Dreaming and being taken in by Dream 🔥😊
(also thank you very much 🫂)
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peanut-booi · 2 years
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Harvest Harringrove Day 5 - Prompt theme
| Howl's Moving Castle |
~ Wizard!Billy and Butler!Steve
A Love story between an 19-year-old young man, Steven, cursed by a Witch and a moody but sensitive Wizard named William.
Steven, an 19-year-old young man, works hard in a small shop trying desperately to make his father proud of him. One day, in town, he meets a young blond man, very attractive but moody Wizard. Later on, a Witch, mistaking their feelings and behaviors, changes Steven into a 50-year-old grown-up man.
Seeking to break the curse, Steven leaves home and sets off through the countryside. He meets a living bat shape scarecrow, whom he calls "Bartholomew" leading him to William's moving castle.
He subsequently meets William's young apprentice Maxine and a demon named The Mindflayer, the source of the castle's magic and movement.
The demon makes a deal with Steven, agreeing to break his curse if he breaks his link with William. When the young blond man appears, Steven announces that he has "hired himself" as a bulter.
The rest of the story is yet, to be discovered !~
My participation to the @harringroveweek ! Thank you again for organizing those amazing events 🫂💙
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faeryarchives · 5 months
so, what are we?
alternate title: it makes you think what do you two currently have because you are already being lovey dovey but doesn't know what stage your relationship is currently at 😂
note: tldr ano nga ba kayo 😂 🫵
recent fics: in sickness and in health & happy birthday (malleus x reader) & when your hopless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace x reader)
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༊*·˚ what do you mean? we are dating right?: oh bless their pure (not) souls because when they asked that it was like asking you if the sky was blue and looking at you as if you just said something crazy because what do you mean 'what are we' ?! 🤬 they don't know whether they should panic or feel mad and they look so lost as they go on explaining how they were already making it very obvious for you that they were dating you through showering you with gifts, taking you out on dates, always being there for you + explaining how the things they do are part of their custom in dating in their hometown ARE YOU BLIND ?! 🫵 oh wait, you are not from here so you didn't know !! so it's a them problem not you 😭 well apparently it serves as a lesson to them that even though action speaks louder than words, without words it just makes everything confusing
— trey clover, leona kingscholar, jack howl, azul ashengrotto, floyd leech, kalim al asim, vil schoenheit, sebek zigvolt, malleus draconia
༊*·˚ wait, you like me too?: sure they have other friends but they thought it was normal because you two are almost best friends material but with a sprinkle of feelings and butterflies getting wild in their stomach + thinking they only have one-sided feelings but of course they wouldn't give up easily and still treat you more special than the others 🧍🏻‍♀️ after hearing your question, their world actually stopped moving as he had to think about what you just said like is this real? his mind is still buffering but he slowly turns to you and start shaking your body back and forth asking you to repeat what you had just said 😵‍💫 might think you are playing with them until you made it very clear + boy you were shocked when they didn't waste another moment to swoop you in their arms and actually sob in happiness whispering to you 'thank you for choosing me' 🥺🫂
— deuce spade, riddle rosehearts, epel felmier, idia shroud, silver
༊*·˚ we are... happy! + two best friends in a room: oh they know what is going on they are not blind 😂 they might tease you at first that you two are more than friends yet less than lovers BUT inside they were only waiting for the right time to ask you out directly without any mixed signals that is why they are doing the best they can !! they don't want you to be with them in such state and would probably settle with the two of you being happy AT THE MOMENT but when directly confronted by you, they would eventually give in and confess everything 👩🏻‍⚖️ they are not usually the ones to voice out their true feelings (except for rook and lilia) but when the time comes where you admit that you thought you had something really special to the point you thought you were already lovers - this man would literally blank out on the spot and blush + probably regretting why they didn't confess sooner like why settle for less when they can have more aka being in a true relationship with you 🫵
— ace trappola, cater diamond, floyd leech (2), idia shroud (2), ruggie bucchi, jade leech, rook hunt, lilia vanrouge
༊*·˚ wrote 5 whole essays only to say they forgot to confess: oh buckle up because they wouldn't back down with this question because they would come up with literally five pages worth on how could you think of that way? how could you forget everything you had together 🤬 grim is watching everything unfold like his parents are going through divorce or smth 😭 similar to the first scenario they thought they already made it very clear that they are asking for your hand in dating but as your discussion and their essay goes deeper it turns out they haven't confessed to you at all 🫨 !! they will try to say something but nothing comes out then silence then cue them finally realizing they fucked up because all this time they thought you were avoiding their advances but it turns out you didn't want to accept it without any assurance so expect a lot of catching up and dates you are going because they want to make it up to you 🧍🏻‍♀️
— riddle rosehearts (2), azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, sebek zigvolt (2)
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tw0starz · 3 months
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the way i raided my childhood dvd cabinet to get these out.
i have found my new therapy, it's howls moving castle on this tv, drinking out of my fav cup, and with a snack after school. life is stressful, its important to find enjoyment in the little things, things like those make each day have some value. my tv motivates me to get thru the day so i can go home and relax to whatever dvd i choose to watch while i let my worries leave me for a bit. I almost didn't even start this project because my mom and a handful of other people were so doubting of what I wanted to accomplish, but I'm glad I didn't let that get to me. Making this work gave me something to look forwards to.
dont let people stop you from doing what makes you happy and comfortable if what you're doing is safe and not hurting anyone or you.
do you have a hobby or interest that you love to death but people consider weird? thats awesome!! me too!! dont let anyone make you abandon it because you'll regret missing out on it.
do you have a safe coping mechanism but people think you're weird for what it is? COOL!!! KEEP BEING SAFE AND HELPING YOURSELF!! You deserve love and the healing your coping mechanism brings you.
are you neurodivergent and learning how to not mask in public anymore to be yourself? i understand your struggle. Don't let anyone get to you if they think they can bully you. Don't let them make you feel like you need to mask again. The authentic you is the you I admire.
sorry for my yap session, i needed to let people know that i love them all for who they are. stay "weird," stay cool, and don't die out there 🫶🏻🫂🩷
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