#how do you react to knowing what an insane stunt he pulled
trashlie · 1 year
man you know what is NUTS about this whole Christmas party/Minhyuk’s party arc?
like arguably obviously the fall to the glass floor and ending up in the hospital is a much bigger issue lol but she doesn’t even know what insane stunt he pulled?! aljkfkjafkjfajkaf lmao GOD
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thehighladywrites · 3 months
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☀︎ — summary: you let them know they’re not allowed to touch you in any way, shape or form. How do they react!
☀︎ — warnings: 18+, nsfw, az being a slut as per usual, cassian being yummy, touchy needy fae males, slight dumbification in lucien’s
☀︎ — amara’s note: lucien was my fav one to write omgggg, also i hope u sluts enjoy😈😈😈😈 also enjoy while i work with tutor az👀👀
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“You’re putting me on a ban? You can’t be serious.”
“Nuh-uh Rhys, you flirted with that girl so have fun by yourself for the unforseeable future.”
Rhysand didn’t actually flirt with anyone, he was being his usual self and the way the girl was leaning towards him made you angry so you just blamed him instead
He gets through the first few days calmly although he is mildy irritated. Especially when Cassian and Azriel tease him about it.
“So no sexy time for you Rhysie, that must suck,” Cassian says as he ties his hair back.
“Well, not really much sucking these days, right?” Azriel snickers, getting ready for the inevitable fight
Rhysand takes out his frustration on them for their smart little comments.
Rhysand has quite a high libido so that man usually fucks you good atleast once a day even when you’re both busy.
“Darling, please forgive me. I will never do it again. Tell me what I can do to earn your forgiveness.”
He begs and begs because he’s going a bit crazy
In the end, it takes him only three days for you to forgive him and lift the ban. The man is charming and seduces you into dropping the ban
The second you drop the ban, he grabs your waist, throws you over his shoulder and winnows to the cabin where he fucks you for a week straight.
“That oughta put that nasty idea out of your head forever” he says, patting your head while smiling at your ruined self. Mascara running, laboured breathing, and a pounding heart is your only answer
Yeah this man wrecks you and you never pull this stunt again…
“You may not touch me or have sex with me in any way until I say you can.”
He narrows his eyes as he slightly smiles when you announce a ban on all intimate activities for the unforseeable future.
“Is that so?”
You cross your arm on your chest, lifting your chin in defiance.
“Yes, that’s right. Since you want to entertain Nesta Archeron, you may not be in my vicinity.”
You are being waaaaaay too dramatic. He didn’t even spare her a single glance until you pointed to her. Nothing at all happened, I mean the male didn’t even know she was at the ball until you told him.
Nesta walked up and was a bit too close to him and even though Eris moved to your side, giving her an unamused look, you were still irritated
And since you couldn’t take it out on her, you take it out on Eris.
But Eris knows what you’re doing, he knows how extremely dramatic you are being, so he just lets you cool off, let’s you huff and puff around the house
You are a mess. An absolute mess
You find yourself longing for Eris's touch, even just a simple headpat from him would send you into cardiac arrest.
The fact that you lasted an entire week is insane bc you’re both touching each other in some way all the time
When you’re lounging; his head rests on your chest, and you lovingly massage his scalp, running your fingers through his hair. Alternatively, he pulls you closer to his body under a warm blanket, nestled in his neck, while he warms his hands for you, acting as your personal heater.
When you’re in public; he always has a hand on your lower back, waist or you walk hand in hand. You also wrap your hands around his biceps, caressing the arm when you feel tired
When you’re in a meeting; your hands naturally seek each other under the table. Whenever one of you gets heated or irritated, the other soothes them by rubbing their thumb on the back of their hand, offering quiet support.
After a week of torture you finally breakdown in his office, storming in and placing your palms on his wooden desk. He looks up at your curiously, an eyebrow raised.
“Okay, I can’t do this anymore, please touch me, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Eris is just as desperate as you are but he wants to drag this out just a tiny bit more before giving in
“Interesting. You initiated this ban, yet you’re the one who can’t follow through? You were fine without me for a whole week, I think you’ll manage another one.”
Your jaw drops in disbelief. Another week? No, you’d rather die.
“I think not. I will beg if I have to. Touch me, please. I will probably die if I go another week without you.”
He leans back in his chair, puts his arms behind his head as his arms bulge. One of your biggest weaknesses
“Normally, I’d make you beg but I missed you aswell. Come here.”
You damn near cry in relief when you sit in his lap and nestle in his arms. His warm hands rub your back and thighs, making you impossibly more relaxed
“This was one of the dumbest things I have ever done. Never again.” You whine against his neck, kissing it over and over again.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he says, emotional as he press a kiss to your head
That is all he says when you tell him your banning him from touching you. Honestly, you thought he’d have a bigger reaction so you start getting second thoughts.
But you thug it out bc you still want to prove a point even though he looks super unbothered
In reality, Azriel is panicking on the inside
Although he knows he can physically withstand sex, it’s the love and intimacy he misses the most
So he does the one thing he knows you won’t resist
He sluts around the house
Okay, he walks around shirtless or with super tight black shirts thst highlight years and years of working out
Azriel knows you’re weak for his muscles and body so flaunting it around is step one of his plan.
Step two of his plan draws him extremely close to you, mere inches away. He leans in as you speak, exploiting yet another weakness.
He wears delicious colognes that make your eyes flutter. He wears chains around his neck and leans over you.
Azriel’s final and ultimate slut move is waking up in the morning, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine as he speaks. It's all it takes for you to cave in to his charms.
You find yourself the one begging for his touch, unable to resist the longing for his embrace. You babble about never wanting to go so long without feeling his presence again.
Cassian’s love language is most definitely touch so when you tell him that he is banned from here on out, he freezes.
Like it doesn’t make any sense, he actually can’t grasp the concept.
“What does that even mean? What do you mean I can’t touch you?”
Tha man is flabbergasted
He will follow you around, apologizing for his behavior over and over. You’ve already forgiven him since it was a minor thing but he doesn’t know that
Cassian starts carrying a pillow with him, imagining it is you. He craves touch, and if it's from a damn pillow, he'll gladly take it
He pouts as you try to surpress a smile at his expression. He’ll give you puppy eyes in hopes of you dropping the annoying ban
Eventually, Cassian levels up and becomes extra touchy with the inner circle instead, seeking any physical touch
A confused Azriel gets extra pats on the shoulder, but Cassian's hand lingers, staying put longer than usual, leaving Azriel puzzled by the sudden change in his behavior.
An amused Rhysand receives more hugs, but Cassian's hugs linger, holding him close as if imagining you there for a moment.
Obviously, nothing compares to you, and the whole situation only makes Cassian more irritated.
No sex is just unbearable. Jerking off isn’t fun at all and he can count on one hand how many times he had to use his hands since you got together
After only one and a half day you start to miss his touches and get jealous that your friends is getting his warm touches instead.
You’re also very horny and since you and cassian have a VERY active sex life, it makes a lotta sense. This male usually fucks you 1-2 times everyday, and I mean EVERY day
Seriously not a day goes by without some action, whether it be fingering, bjs, handjobs, nipple play, him eating you out, 69 just anything really
When you finally, after 1,5 excruciating days let him touch you, he smiles and thank the Mother then drags you to your bedroom
Y’all don’t come out for a solid 2-3 business days
Ever since the ban, he is stuck to you like glue fr
Lucien is very calm for someone who isn’t allowed to touch his mate
“You’re banning me from touching you? That’s really cute,” Lucien remarks casually, a hint of amusement in his tone as he takes a sip of his peppermint tea.
You furrow your brows, pouting. “I'm not joking, Lucien. If you touch me, I'll scream,” you assert firmly, crossing your arms over your chest. With lifted chin and proud gaze, you stand your ground, making your new and temporary boundaries clear.
Lucien chuckles softly. “Yeah? You’ll scream? Love, you scream real nice for me when I touch you anyway, so what's really new?” he teases, getting closer to you.
“I mean, do you really want me to not touch you?” Lucien asks, his voice low as he inches closer and closer until your faces are mere inches apart.
He gets so close, his warmth leaving you breathless. His soft, plump lips barely brush against yours, the touch so light it's almost not there.
“Tell me, my sweet, perfect girl,” he murmurs, his breath mingling with yours, “who put this idea in your head?”
You are barely functioning, your words stuck in your throat as you struggle to come up with a response.
“I know you're too out of it to properly respond to me right now, and it's okay,” Lucien says gently, his tone teasing. “I guess using your brain is a tough task, hm?”
You nodded absentmindedly, distracted by his charming smile
“M'sorry, Lucien,” you mumble, your words breathless and slightly slurred. “It was just a joke. I really want you to touch me,” you admit, your voice trailing off as you become increasingly dumbfounded in his intoxicated presence.
He tsked with mock sympathy. “It's okay, sweetheart,” he said gently, gripping your chin. “Let’s not say things we don’t mean the next time, okay?”
“Okay, I won’t.” you say blushing at the proximity before giving him a sweet sweet kiss on the lips. Lucien pulls you in closer and y’all fuck right there on the kitchen table but damn it was good
Yeah, banning Lucien from intimacy will never work
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🏷️: @thelov3lybookworm @redbleedingrose @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @clairebear08 @rowaelinsdaughter @artists-ally @berryzxx @aroseinvelaris @cupidojenphrodite @jeannineee @daycourtofficial
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theflyindutchwoman · 8 months
You know what we don’t freak out about enough…
Our kids.
The way these two had only been dating for what like 3 months? When they watched Jordy and are already joking about their own kids.
Which on one hand, like isn’t surprising because Lucy did mention their grandkids on their first date. But also I feel like it is because they’ve both been so idk “uncommitted” in their previous relationships — minus Tim married but after that he was not as serious with Rachel and Ashely — like Lucy wouldn’t move in the Chris and never said ILY to him after being together for like probably well over 6 months. And Tim wouldn’t move for Rachel and wouldn’t retire for Ashley after being with them for long too. But here they are at the most 3 months together and are already so all in their talking about their own future kids. And neither is scared or nervous or wanting to run away and I feel like we don’t scream about this enough 😂
I think that also shows just how different this relationship is compared to all the others they’ve had. And it makes me so emo
Lucy said she wanted to take things slow and that lasted like 5 seconds 😂 they basically live together and their talking about OUR KIDS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Not but wait… not only were they joking about their own kids after spending two minutes with Jordy (before they lost him), they were doing this in the middle of the station… Loud and clear for everyone to hear… The insanity!
I still don't know which part was better : Lucy admonishing Tim to take this more seriously if they ever lose their kids… Or Tim feeling insulted that she dared insinuate that their very own kids would even think of pulling a stunt like that… This wasn't the "our kids" that made him react, it was the implication that they would be this chaotic... Again, the insanity! Also, Tim saying they didn't lose the kid, they simply 'misplaced' him was so hilarious! That whole exchange was gold.
But seriously though… None of them batted an eye or freaked out after mentioning their kids. Lucy might have previously joked about their grandchildren but still… It felt more here, with the way they were so casual about it or how Lucy told Tim he will be a great dad. They're all-in and it's so freeing for the both of them. They're finally in the right relationship, with the right person and they're absolutely loving it. They know that they both want the same things… Lucy is getting the love story she always wanted and Tim is at peace now that he realises that he can have it all. It's so blissful that they can actually joke and tease each other about this And I love that they get to kid around the topic… That they're secure enough in their relationship that for them, it's a fact of life, but at the same time, they're not actively making plans either, you know? They're just enjoying this journey together.
Funny how being with the right person makes all the difference in the world. Like you said, Lucy was already having trouble naming her relationship or even simply using the word 'boyfriend', so forget about meeting the in-laws or buying a house. And Tim spent 6ish months with Ashley before finding out that marriage and children weren't in the cards (and that was only due to Lucy's meddling). And yet, here they are now… Ready to change jobs or stations for the other, joking about their future kids, coaching Little League together, making breakfast together, practically living together… And it's so wonderful to see! *insert 'I'm so used to giving and now I get to receive' gif*
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class1akids · 1 year
As someone who had dropped the manga way back but still know generally what’s happened, why do you hate the “Dark Deku arc” (besides that stupid name)
I think the basic idea - letting Deku react to the war by ditching everyone and break himself to become All Might 2.0 - was a fine one.
Deku's biggest flaw is his self-sacrificing, self-destructive, martyristic tendencies and his saviour syndrome, which is ironically both extreme self-lessness (as in not care about himself) and extreme selfishness (as in not caring about the feeling of others who do care about him). Letting this flaw play out until it leads to an epic downfall that the MC has to suffer so he can rise again is the bread and butter of hero stories.
But the problem was with the execution, and notably Horikoshi's biggest flaw as a writer - he's so scared of making Deku unlikable that every single time he pulls his punches, which in turn stunts Deku's character development. To me, this is the biggest problem of the arc - Deku's fall is so ambiguous that half the fandom is convinced that he could have gotten himself out just fine from the predicament he was in, and then "soloed" all of Class A if he made any effort. This ambiguity shows that it wasn't a real downfall.
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Another grave looming consequence of Deku's choices was the heart-breaking scene of him ditching All Might. Both Deku and All Might were meant to learn from this arc that the Symbol of Peace was a flawed concept, that it is insane to place the burden of a nation's security on a single person, no matter how powerful or driven. But despite building a perfect scene, Hori did nothing with it. Neither Deku, nor All Might ever fully confront the reality - they just reconcile, like nothing happened, Stain tells All Might that the Symbol was the right thing and it feels like there is nothing learnt.
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Dark Deku that was meant to be a tragic, sad figure of a child driven to the breaking point by the burden he's carrying as a legacy and the pressure both external and self-imposed to step into a role he cannot be and shouldn't ever have to be ready for, becomes nothing but an empty "dark aesthetic" to please Deku-stans who wanted him to be "cool" and "strong" and "edgy".
When half the fandom doesn't realize that Dark Deku is a point in the narrative where Deku is ironically the weakest in heroic spirit - he's driven by fear, by a selfish obsession to do it all alone, by wanting to deny others their ability to step up as heroes because they are not strong enough, when he's slowly becoming everything he was the antithesis of at the beginning of the story and it still goes over the head of the audience, the point was not well-made.
There are a number of other problems with the arc:
Class A's aftermath gets skipped - we get zero emotional pay-off for big things that happened like Midnight's death, Aizawa losing an eye and leg, how the Dabi-reveal affects Shouto, how the class is impacted by the collapse of hero society, how the parents feel about their children being on the frontlines. Tons of issues the war raised and never delivered on.
Deku's power-ups come too quickly and feeling largely "unearned". It led to a huge power-creep where Deku is nothing than empty recipient of free candy. There is no hype of him reaching "faux-100%" because it doesn't feel like he made any effort to get there. There is no learning curve, everything he tries succeeds immediately. It's boring. It cheapens everyone else's hard-earned progress. It’s frustrating how little sense of accomplishment there is now in the final arc as Deku uses all his powers together in a big power-demonstration. It’s just not satisfying to watch at all. 
The HPSC plot that's been brewing in the background since the Licensing Arc fizzles into a non-sensical plot of a single assassin who takes out false heroes to uphold hero society. A person never referenced committing shady black-ops never alluded to, having no impact on the overall story. By Horikoshi's own admission, he basically ripped off the character and plot from an over-the-top assassin movie (Wanted) like the week before. Which really shows. This is one of my biggest disappointments of the arc. There was such a good build-up to exposing the rotten core of HPSC and it felt like it was set-up originally as a Hawks fall-from-grace-become-a-shadowy-operator kind of plot that would have given also Hawks a more satisfying post-war arc than "being optimistic to a fault". But I feel that just like with Deku, Horikoshi has the same issue with Hawks - being too afraid to make him unlikeable.
The Nagant-fight even as a fight is deeply unsatisfying and honestly feels like a Deku-circlejerk, where Nagant is beaten way too easily for all her hype, turned way too easily by the "irresistible heroism of Deku" who does something that every other hero in the story always did. Like, I hope the end-game no-jutsu will be more satisfying.
The OFA-plot and vestiges are in the center, but still, we are given almost no reason to care about the vestiges or their relationship with Deku or the history of AFO vs OFA. The whole mystery of the 2nd and the 3rd ends in an unsatisfying reveal, where Deku doesn't have to do a damn thing again to get those two on his side.
I do like Class A showing up and the one chapter of flashback we get of them. Some of the fight is fun, some of it is extremely cringy though. The message is also wishy-washy. I think the fight should have squarely focused on the class refusing Deku seeing them as useless victims and telling him that he doesn't get to choose who cares about him. But again, 80% of it is just a "Deku-praise-fest".
Bakugou apology is great though and the highlight of the arc.
Deku's return and Uraraka's speech and the straw-manning of the civilians is again pretty terrible, and the only thing that carries those chapters is Horikoshi laying down thick the ham-fisted parallels.
So these are the main issues. I think the arc could have worked but it didn't because the overall execution was really bad. It had beautiful art and some compelling scenes / images, but didn't feel coherent.
But its biggest flaw was Horikoshi pulling his punches. Not letting Deku stumble, doubt, question, fail meant he learnt nothing and didn't get the kind of downfall after which you feel the sweet satisfaction of him standing back up again (these scenes tend to go to Bakugou).
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
may i request sniperscout angst, specifically hcs about how theyd handle eachotjers deaths in a no-respawn au
SniperScout Angst Headcanons (No Respawn AU)
Of course you can! Even though it breaks my heart because I love Sniperscout sm 😭 Also almost back to back Scout angst, what did this man do to you people?
Uh, a little off-topic, but I feel like Sniper and Scout are Nick and Gatsby, I don't know. Is that weird? Like sure, we know Sniper talks to his parents, but I feel like his mom would be the only one to come while Scout planned the entire funeral. Anyway, on to the actual headcanons!
Scout locked himself in Snipers van. Bearly eating or drinking, he won't talk to anyone. He just lays on the bed, holding on to anything that could remind him of Sniper. He's not even just heartbroken. It's more than that. It's like his soul was ripped out of his body. He just wants to be able to hold him one more time, to tell him he loves him one more time, to live the life they were supposed to, just one more time. He keeps his hat and sunglasses close at all times. He never let's them go, and no one is ever allowed to touch them. He even attaches his van keys to his dog tags.
Once he gets back to normal, or as normal as he could be after losing someone who meant so much to him, he's ruthless in battle. Every kill he gets is for Sniper. Everything he does is for Sniper. He also goes to either his grave or where his ashes are kept after every battle, bringing a gift of some kind to place next to him, and then telling him about the day he had.
"I really gave them hell to day Snipes. You should have seen it." He let's out a sigh and kisses the top of the urn/gravestone.
Sniper would also lock himself in his van. It's never been so cold, so empty, so forgin to Sniper. Scout had added a sense of life to the van, and that was extinguished the day he died. He misses Scout's jokes, his smile, his laugh, and just everything Scout did. He made the world brighter for Sniper. He really just feels lost. He's never really felt a pain like this. He can barely breathe most days, and if you thought he was quiet before, he's dead silent now. He took Scout's dogtags, and he wears them every day.
Eventually, he gets the willpower to join the battle again. He's never gotten more kills in his life. Blood has stained the field more than ever. He visualizes every enemy as the one who killed Scout. He pours all his anger and sadness into his job. He visits the grave/urn a lot, knowing this is the closest he'll be to Scout ever again, so he spends most of his time near the urn or grave.
"I miss ya more than words can say." He says. (He also kisses the gravestone/urn)
OUGH HAPPY TIME BECAUSE I NEED TO ADD IT OR I'LL CRY!!! Basically, how they react if Medic brought them back (before being cremated or buried, obviously)
Scout is immediately throwing himself on Sniper, holding him tighter than humanly possible. Babbling about how he'll never let him go again, tears flowing freely as he jokes that if Sniper ever pulls a stunt like that, Scout will be his cause of death. Scout probably smothered this man with jokes, kisses, and cuddles that entire night. He's so thankful he got a second chance, and he makes sure Sniper knows that Scout will never take a moment with him for granted again.
Sniper runs up to Scout, asking him a million and one questions, all basically asking the same thing. Are you okay? And to Snipers relief, Scout is better than okay. Sniper is crying under his glasses, Scout only reaches up to pull them off and kiss his face. He hugs Scout so tight he knocks the air out of his lungs. Scout, let's out a soft chuckle, hugging him back. Sniper spends the night being the most emotional he's ever been. These two love each other so much it's insane.
Uh, the end! Ough I hope you don't mind the happy ending Anon. I'm a sucker for sweet endings :,) I hope you guys liked this, and I feel really hyped, i think I'm finally back into writing again, I missed it. I think I wore myself out for a hot minute, but I'm back! Anyways, hopefully, at least one or two new posts after this :)
Love you guys, and thank you for being patient with me 💖💖
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober day 31 — Comfort, Bedside vigil
Man. Day 31 already. October always goes by way too fast.
This was originally going to be a continuation for another day (cookies for you if you can guess which) but it wasn’t working, so I scrapped it and wrote something new :)
Thanks to everyone who stuck around and read my insanity, as well as all the lovely comments and tags left on reblogs! You all are so sweet, thank you so much for the support <3
I hope you guys enjoy this last day!
Warnings: a little bit of violence, uncertainty I guess? Intense worry over a character?
Ao3 link
Wind could tell something was up with Four.
The smithy was usually pretty quiet, but lately he’d seemed sort of... numb almost, and after dinner when they’d all usually stay up talking, Four would go right to bed without a word. He wasn’t eating much either, and Wind watched as his eyes grew dimmer by the day.
A few of the other heroes seemed to have noticed the smithy’s odd behavior, but appeared to be giving Four space to work out whatever it was. And maybe Wind would have done that too, but he wasn’t an emotionally stunted mess like most of the Links, and could see that Four was hurting, and needed someone to talk to.
Something was weighing him down, and Wind was determined to find out what.
So he waited for a good opportunity to catch the smithy and figure out what was wrong. Which actually came along sooner than he thought. Wind ended up at the back of the group with him as they trekked through someone’s Hyrule Field one day, and the sailor shot Four a look as they plodded along.
“So... you’ve been pretty quiet lately smithy,” he began, and decided to just plunge in. “Is something wrong? I mean, Wild totally snapped that sword in half earlier and you barely flinched.”
Four blinked at Wind’s abrupt question, then shrugged, looking back down at the road.
“I suppose.“
Wind watched Four walk, head bowed and shoulders drooping, and he trotted up closer to him, giving him a concerned look.
“Well... what is it? Anyway I can help?” he asked earnestly, and Four sent him a weak smile.
“You can’t help with this sailor, but I appreciate the concern,” he said quietly. “It’s not something anyone can just fix.”
Wind blinked, then his voice softened.
“Does it have to do with the letter you got the other day?” he asked quietly, and Four hesitated, then gave him a nod. “Is everything okay back in your time?”
Four sighed, and stopped walking.
Wind stopped next to him, and the smithy waited until the group was a little further out of earshot before he finally spoke.
“My Zelda is sick,” he whispered, sounding miserable, and Wind felt a sharp pang of worry roll in his stomach. “It’s not too serious or anything, but it’s also the sort of sickness that can easily become serious, and I’m not...”
He let out a frustrated noise, and Wind nervously shifted his weight.
“...I’m not there,” he whispered. “I can’t do anything. Dot doesn’t get sick very often, but when she does it’s always rough on her. And I’m not there.”
Four’s voice cracked at the end, and Wind quickly drew him into a hug, squeezing the older boy in a comforting embrace.
“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Wind asked quietly.
“Because then you guys would all worry,” Four said with a ghost of a laugh. “That wouldn’t help anything.”
“Maybe not, but keeping it to yourself isn’t much better,” Wind pointed out, then gave the smithy a squeeze. “We’re your family, Four. We want to know when something’s bothering you, even if it’ll make all of us worried as well.”
He pulled back just a little and gave him a small smile.
“Besides. We were worried anyways, everyone could tell something’s been weighing on you lately.”
Four didn’t have a reply, other then a small nod as he hugged Wind back.
Four got another letter later that week, and Wind watched as he hesitated to open it, looking down at the envelope in dread.
The smithy had finally told the other heroes about Dot being ill, and they’d all reacted about how Wind would’ve expected; worried questions and a general need to do something to help the princess, even though there was nothing to be done.
That was probably the whole hero’s spirit thing, now that Wind thought about it.
Anyways, they’d run across the mailman a little while ago, and the only mail he’d had was a letter for Four, which the smithy was looking at in quiet dread. Wind went to sit next to him, and gave his arm an encouraging squeeze, and the smithy slowly ripped the envelope open, hands almost conspicuously steady.
He read the enclosed note in silence, then set it down, breathing out slowly.
“She’s worse,” he said quietly. “She’s not getting better, and it should’ve run its course by now. One of the maidens thinks it might be magical in nature, possibly a deliberate attack, or... poisoning. They’re not sure what it is. And she won’t wake up.”
Camp went silent, and everyone exchanged looks full of a deep worry.
“Oh Four,” Sky said sympathetically, and the smithy barely protested when Wind pulled him into a tight hug.
Four only seemed to get more downtrodden after the news from the letter, and Wind tried to stick by his side over the next few days, watching rather worriedly as the smithy withdrew into himself. Four was one of the quieter members of their group, but never to this extent.
Wind knew if the situation had happened to him, if Tetra had been the one sick for example, he’d be just as worried and upset. But seeing Four, usually so poised and smart, often with a knowing gleam in his eye and eager to discuss nearly any topic, become so lifeless was awful.
So he stuck by him, offering support in what ways that he could.
Nothing much changed for several days after that, until the group came across a portal, swirling right in the middle of the road. Wind watched Four’s hands clench at his sides, and they all quickly walked through, coming out into a warm sunny forest.
Wind looked up at the cheery green trees and bright sunshine as he shook off the dark magic, inwardly pouting a bit at the obvious indicator it wasn’t his time they’d landed in. Maybe next time.
“Wait,” Four suddenly spoke up from next to him, eyes widening. “These are the Minish woods, we’re... we’re in my time.”
The moment the meaning of the smithy’s words sank in, Warriors immediately asked what direction they needed to go. Four wordlessly began moving, and the rest of them exchanged glances before following him.
As soon as they reached a road, Four made a frantic beeline for the castle in the distance, and the rest of them followed with equal haste. The castle and the small town surrounding it fortunately weren’t far, and Four practically burst through the doors as they arrived, skipping hellos to those inside and asking only “where is she.”
He was directed to the princess’s bedroom, and Wind kept pace with him as he strode at a pace just shy of a full-out sprint (they were in a castle after all). Upon reaching the door Four just barely caught himself from crashing in, instead carefully creaking it open and walking inside to the dimly lit room.
Wind poked his head in behind him, uncertain if his presence would be appreciated as the other heroes finally caught up.
Four motioned them in when he saw them standing by the door, and they quietly entered, not a word spoken as they looked at the room’s occupant.
Dot lay in her bed, eyes closed and face pale.
Wind had only met her once, but the difference between the energetic princess and the pale girl in the bed before him made his stomach twist. Her hair had been brushed neatly away from her face, but the red strands seemed dim and limp. Dark circles lay under her eyes despite the fact she was asleep, and Four crossed the room near silently as he went to her side.
He brushed a loose strand of hair from her face, and hesitated with his hand on her cheek, quietly studying her closed eyes and paled skin.
Then he settled in a chair by her bedside, took her hand, and didn’t leave her side for the next several days.
Wind spent as much time with him as he could, partially out of worry for Dot, and partially out of worry for Four, who seemed more and more wearied the longer the princess lay in bed, unmoving. She occasionally stirred just a little, but never long, and the healer that was tending to her said they were sure now it was more of a magical ailment then they’d originally thought.
The information didn’t seem to make Four feel any better.
The other heroes spent time with Dot as well, but Wind knew they were trying to focus on the reports of monster attacks that had been filtering in, probably the true reason they’d ended up in this time. Hyrule tried once to see if his magic could do anything, but there was seemingly no effect, and Four merely nodded when he apologized.
After nearly a week of no change from Dot, they got a report of a large group of strangely powerful monsters by the south side of the woods they’d arrived in. Black-blooded it seemed, and they were headed straight for Hyrule Town.
“We can manage without you if you want to stay, smithy,” Twilight said in a quiet voice as they explained the situation to him. “Eight of us should be enough based on the numbers that were reported.”
“None of us would begrudge you for it,” Warriors added, and the rest of them murmured in agreement.
Four closed his eyes and didn’t speak for several long moments.
“It’s my job as hero to protect these people,” he said quietly, “and this is my home. I can’t let you all fight for it without me, even if you could easily manage it.”
Four stood, then gently lifted the princess’s hand, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“Besides. If Dot were awake she’d tell me to go,” he said softly.
Then he picked up his sword, and left the room.
The monsters were easy to locate, multiple reports of their location allowing the heroes to hunt them down quickly.
The group of beasts was large, but mostly lower leveled monsters like tektites and chus, along with some that Wind didn’t recognize. It wasn’t an easy fight by any means, but a bit more manageable than some of the ones they’d fought together in the past, even with the large amount of enemies.
Four especially fought with an unusual ferocity, less form and more anger in his sharp strikes. He was taking on the sole stalfos in the group singlehandedly, and Wind tried to keep half an eye on him as he fought a rather large chu.
There was something a bit odd about the monster Four was fighting though, and Wind frowned as he looked at the large eye-like jewel it had on its forehead.
Stalfos didn’t usually have that... did they?
He wasn’t the only one who seemed to have noticed the unusual stalfos, and he saw Legend especially give it some odd looks. What was it the veteran had said the other day? Shoot the eye?
Before he could try and act on Legend’s earlier advice, another chu leapt at him, and by the time Wind had defeated it and glanced back, Four had driven his blade straight into the stalfos’s forehead.
It let out a rattling cry, then burst into black smoke, the force of it so powerful Four was thrown backwards.
Wind yelped as he was buffeted by the explosion, then ran to the dazed smithy’s side, offering him a hand as he dizzily sat up.
“That was weird,” Four said breathlessly, letting Wind help him up. “There was so much magic recoil, it was like... like I broke a curse or something.”
“I felt it too,” Hyrule said worriedly from nearby, clutching a bleeding arm to his chest. “You definitely broke something.”
None of them had any clue what it was that Four had ended up breaking though, and they shelved the conversation in order to catalogue injuries.
Several of the group had been hurt, and the sun was nearly set, so they decided to stay the night in the woods and head back to the castle in the morning. Four wasn’t happy about it, but Wind distracted him by asking him to help maintenance his weapons after the fight. It kept them both busy while Wild made dinner, and Four almost smiled at him at one point, before his expression fell again. Then they were called for dinner.
Wind had barely sat down to eat the meal Wild had cooked up when a sudden shout rang from the road nearby.
They all turned at the cry, but Four practically leapt to his feet when an official looking messenger came out of the bushes.
“Link, it’s the princess,” the man said breathlessly, and Four paled. He stumbled forwards and grabbed the messenger’s shoulders with a terrified look in his eyes.
“What’s wrong? What happened? Is... is she—?”
The messenger rapidly shook his head, waving his hands. “No! Link, that’s just it, it’s good news!”
Four froze, going so still Wind thought he might’ve stopped breathing.
“You mean..?” he breathed, and the messenger smiled.
“Princess Zelda has woken up.”
Legend let out a rather loud gasp, and they all turned to look at him.
“She was cursed!” he nearly shouted, running a shocked hand through his hair. “That’s why she was so sick, and that was what was up with the stalfos, it must have been tied to it somehow!”
Four blinked, looking rather overwhelmed as Wind jumped up from his seat and excitedly took his hand.
“You broke the curse smithy!”
Four went back to the castle immediately, joined by Wind when Time warned him not to go alone.
They made record time to the castle, the moon high in the sky as they burst in once again to the princess’s chambers. Four ran to her bedroom door, then with an movement sharply contrasting his entire frantic state, carefully pushed open the door.
Dot was sitting up in bed, tying her hair out of her face, and her eyes lit up the moment she saw Four.
“Link!” she grinned, looking tired, but awake, and Four crossed the room in what appeared to be a single step, pulling her into an desperate embrace.
Dot squirmed in his hold though, pushing his arms back with a smile.
“Link, you’ll catch germs,” she said, batting him away.
“I don’t care, I was terrified for you Zelda,” he said, the words muffled from his face being pressed into her shoulder. “And I can’t get germs from a curse.”
After a moment the smithy seemingly relented from his hug, and Dot stopped trying to push him away. But the moment she relaxed, Four quickly pulled her into another hug, ignoring her squeak of “germs!”
Wind laughed as she struggled, but Four refused to let her go.
“Link I’m serious! It may have been a curse, but it started as a cold. You’re going to catch it and spread it who knows where,” she scolded, but there was no heart in it. Four only tightened the embrace, and Dot finally gave up, sinking into his arms with a sigh.
“I’d let myself get sick a thousand times if it meant I’d get to hold you,” Four said quietly, and Dot rested her head on his shoulder, a light blush coloring her cheeks.
Her eyes flicked over to Wind, and she smiled at him, and the sailor smiled back, relieved at the sight of her awake.
“Are you doing okay?” Four asked quietly, and Dot drew back a bit, taking his hands in hers.
“Yes Link, I’m feeling much better. Just still a bit worn out, and annoyed I somehow let myself get cursed,” she sighed, but the sound was rather tired.
“Four was the one who broke it,” Wind spoke up. “It was somehow tied to a monster, and he stabbed it right in the head!”
Four blushed a bit at Wind’s exultations, and his face only went more red when Dot leaned forwards and pecked his cheek.
“My hero,” she smiled, and the two stared into each other’s eyes as they both leaned forward again.
Wind suddenly had a feeling his presence was rather unneeded, and slunk towards the door, leaving the two to continue making gooey eyes at each other.
He glanced back to see Four press a gentle kiss to Dot’s lips, and smiled to himself as he closed the door.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
I fumkin love ur fic The Devil so much, love ur oc charlemagne and i gort SO down bad for him, very sadge to see that not a lot of people talkinf about him or the fic in general in tumblr but man that fic in quotev do have a gorilla grip on me that i would reread it back to back every saturday and sundays. Like, charlie is the blorbo from my yandere fic authors that i would want to chew up like a beloved dog toy, knead him like bread dough, let him rise and bake him at 400f for 15 minutes. Soak him with milk and suck the milk out like that one Webkinz toy and throw him against the wall to make a wet thud, wring him like a towel and clamp him down between my teeth and shake at breakneck speeds like those feral dogs , elbow bomb him like a WWE wrestler, put him in a meat grinder and make Charlemagne sausages,,, words alone cannot describe how much that man makes my brain go brr as in jackhammer obliterating tiled floors brr
It gives me some th0ts that wjat if tje mc somehow got into this groundhog type of situation and wakes up on the day where charlie would propose to her with expensive chunky ring. Id think after going thru all the shitstorm she would learn that "okay, maybe he is the greatest detective of all time, rivaling batman" and knows rhat if she drops everything and run, he is jusr going to find her and ruin everything again anyways
So she says yea sure go nuts, but there is that flavour of fear to whenever shes around him, im pretty sure anyone who is partially sentient can pick up on the vibe , especially charlie
Whenever he gives affection or gifts it woild be met with nervousness like mc is about to shit herself out of trembling so hard, but out of sheer fear and anger and hatred
Whenever he tries to ask what's wrong mc would simply dismiss his concerns and kinda gaslight him, saying he is crazy for thinking that something is wrong, the gaslighting done out of revenge and instinct to survive
I feel like that would be a mindfuck for him, i wonder if he would eventually just get used to it or he would smoke so much that he grows an extra pair of lungs cause the carcinogens mutated him so much that he went through rapid forced evolution
Of course, mc probably had to sacrifice her happiness with Elian and the pups, but i guess it should be temporary until charlie rests in pieces due to stress and confusion, but then the mc would also be in pieces from having her CPU on 100% everyday
Whoop another groundhog day event, mc just straight up murders him with the wine glass when she wakes up on the day he proposes to her again, unprompted, maybe even going all john wick and kill him with a pencil after sketching the final coat design
Also mans is lucky he is in the 70's, no doubt hes getting cancelled to hell if he is like in the 2020's
I can't tell if he would be the type to wear a hazmat or astronaut suit during the pandemic or he would brush the cheeky touch of the virus off as a mere cold, being anti vax and all
Makes me think about how he would react with social media and stuff, i kinda headcannon that he would obsessively read his comment section cause he loves feeling angy , but maybe he would simply not, cause as an influencer or celebrity, first rule is to never look at the comment section
Perhaps if you directly bring the 70's Charlie to modern days, he would go insane over social media and how much people talk about public figures
I also headcannon that a massive chunk of his regular business budget is allocated towards lawsuits too, cauae wirh all the stunts he is pulling publicly im pretty sure sometimes its just cheaper and more effective to pay the lawsuit than go on long shady battles wirh them, you know like how that "life hack" where you send a billionaire your wedding invitation and chances are they're going to give you gifts despite literally not knowing who you are? Yea that
I feel like if he is broight into modern modern times, his PR team would be working over time, crying, throwing up, shitting with all the crap he pulls. Everyone is bald from stress, everyone aged into an octogenarian and they have like a pager like surgeons where it alerts them whenever charlie does some silly shit and rhey have to do immediate damage control
Like he would spend hundreds of hours probably feeding the trolls and doxxing them too, nightmare for anyone on his marketing and PR team
But i might be wrong , he probably knows better and just ignores them
If he is 25 in like around 1974 (i assume thats when it takes place), he must be like 74 in 2023 and he would still slay the house down while battling arthritis and chronic bronchitis like yes hater king, go off 👏👏
Imagine though, 74 years old pulling stunts like how he did with mc in prosa, just need to pop a couple painkillers and go committing entering and breaking with their elderly walkers, maybe even with turbo wheelchairs
I feel like he would make his own Charlemagne brand electronics, and call it Charlemobile which comes built in with adware for his products only, like a popup ad keeps distracting you telling you to praise him and he would definitely 100% steal your information, like he is the only electronic manufacturer where you should read the terms and conditions word per word if you don't want to end up on craigslist one day
On the softer side, i feel like Charlie would prepare your medications when the both of you gets old and reminds you to eat it ❤️
Mc would try to sneak in a cyanide pill from time to time for his set of medications but have a sneaking suspicion that he might be immune to them cause of microdosing from years of assassination attempts
But lets muddle up the timeline again, i wonder like, will Charlie still kidnap mc even tho shes abstinent? Like no interest in dating other people, or interest in her dogs or interest in having children, she does her own NPC thing. But religiously rejects Charlie like muscle memory from clicking the "X" on a popup ad, will he still snap or will he just sees it as "oh well i can work with this"
Or like mc gets so spooked with all this groundhog day thing that she moves back in with the parents and refuses to budge, becomes a NEET,, will he still kidnap her ? Or kidnap her family in a twist of events
If they ever get married would he let mc see her family or is it a "god i fuckin hate my in laws , we are not going to the barbeque" type of deal?
I also keep thinking about the engagement announcement party near the end of the book, cause im a gal who has a really reactive bowel when nervous or uncomfortable or feeling strong emotions in general, i was thinking what if during the entire thing mc is stuck in the toilet and missed everything , including Elian and Charlie's top 5 freakouts of all time, so while you nuked the toilet, charlie nukes the whole place down. That would be funny i think
But yeah literally if i were in the story i would spend a great deal of time jailed to a toilet, i would literally miss every show of his because out of anger shits, i feel that would make him smoke a couple extra cigarettes that day and maybe even cry because it is force of nature, he cant conquer nature
Or can he? 👀
I feel like if this happens in the 1920's Charlie would consider lobotomizing mc but im glad its in the 70's
Do u think he would binge watch trashy TV reality shows and clutch his pearls whenever drama happens
Wow this is a long waffle, thanks for reading and until then, i shall be painfully yearning for more Charlemagne content
- Charlemagne Simp Anon (can i claim this anon pls)
Holy shit. Okay. When I saw how long this ask was, my eyes went wide like. My dude, this is a whole essay. I gotta put it under a special tag because I think this is the longest ask I've ever gotten and there's a lot of funny stuff from this. It's so wild to me that you would reread it so often?? That whole first paragraph really just shocked me.
These are a lot of thoughts you bring. A lot. Most I'm not even sure how to react to or how to respond. The part about his age though got me, because I know for a fact that Charlemagne would still be pulling crazy stunts at that age, like crashing the biggest fashion galas despite being on the ban list specifically because he's caused scenes in the past. Also, he would 100% watch horrible reality tv shows and clutch his pearls.
Unfortunately, I don't plan to make any Charlemagne content for the future, unless I had this groundbreaking idea and I see that The Devil reaches another milestone.
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honeycombstrawberry · 2 years
How do you think Adrian would react to being forced to watch his s/o being tortured and hurt but unable to do anything to help?
ohhhhhh shit i loooooove shit like this. LOVE IT. i'm eating this up with a SPOON
okay i think he would at first just be going completely insane. like as soon as he realizes what's happening and he's automatically pulling at whatever bindings he's been trapped with or fighting against whatever glass wall he's behind. whatever you want to imagine. but as soon as he realizes he can't get to you he's going absolutely fucking insane just trying to physically tear apart whatever is holding you apart. he rips at his bindings and punches at the wall and fights until he's strained and bloody and his muscles are screaming but he can't get to you. and it just keeps getting worse and he keeps screaming and fighting and trying to get free but he can't. and he can't stand seeing you this way and hearing this and knowing he's here but he can't save you so he starts thinking as fast as he can until he can come up with some plan, literally any plan, he will attempt the most unhinged acrobatics or try the stupidest fucking stunt or antagonize the people hurting you until he's able to manipulate himself free. he would scream himself hoarse and tear his wrists raw before he'd give up on you. and then when he finally is free he'd kill everyone who hurt you with his bare hands before going to you and doing anything he could to save you, and help you, hoping that he's not too late
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Hii what do you think could be the reasons tk interactions diminished after the tn thing in Paris? I remember jk's live after that where he almost reads tae's name and stops himself, and I also feel like tae is trying not to mention him, he did it once on wv after he came back and the hate he received on social media was insane, after that it hasn't happened, I think maybe he was adviced not to do it for that reason, but on jk's part idk, maybe he doesn't want to cause controversy to Tae? (We know how jokers get when there's anything tk and now with that stunt there's goddam blinks and that woman's solos on the mix) Or maybe this is all connected to the fact that his debut is close and it's better to avoid to have his name associated to gay rumors, controversies etc or maybe a mix of reasons
Hi anon!
So since the Paris stroll (may 17th) Tae has done 4 lives. The first one after Paris was 3:19 minutes long and talked about.. wel nothing much really. He took a shower and was hungry. I feel that live was just to show us his face again after things went down.
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The live after that was 10:48 long. Also in his office/sports room, showing his blond hair. Jin talked to him through the comments. He said he just wanted to show army his face. He got Tannie for a few minutes and that was it. He didn't talk much.
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The next live was in Paris and lasted for 36:43 minutes, which is quite a lot for Tae lately. He played some music, talked about dying his hair, most of the time he wasn't even watching the comments.
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The last live was the one right after he left the airport when every Taennie thought he was going to leave with Jennie. The live lasted 6:44 minutes. He talked about getting food. He was clearly reading comments, but not responding too much. There was a clearly visible emty chair beside him, which was at one point more visible than Tae himself.
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In all these lives, you can see him read the comments, but not react to them. He averts his eyes, he frowns at times, he does not get excited by what he reads, he does not get happy. I think Tae is getting terrible comments. I think it's either people commenting 'Taennie' or 'Taekook' or purple hearts or their country names... and that's the gist of it. I think he hardly gets real questions to respond to. You can see him react kinda relieved when a neutral comment does come through and he responds quickly then, but overall... he just doesn't like what he reads. Tae will easily and happily mention Jk when it's a spontaneous thought, or an actual genuine question he gets, but when it's just people going 'taekook' in his comments it must feel like they're pulling from him, and that is not a great feeling when it comes to your real relationship. I don't think Tae is holding back on mentioning Jk. I just think Tae is a bit bummed out by army and their comments on his lives. I imagine that is a result of the Paris stroll, because that must've intensified the Taennie/taekook comments he gets. But, Tae just want's ary to care for him, because of him. We know Tae has struggled with these things before. Feeling disconnected from army is a struggle for him. So I think he's having a time with frustrations right now. And that's why we get little reall info and he shares little real stuff with us.
Jk is just doing Jk imo. I think he's found a way of doing lives that just works for him. He goes into lives with more of a plan than Tae does. Jk has this way of steering his lives the way he wants them to go. He's more comfortable, he makes it about army and army complies more easily. He has us watching him do laundry and watching him sleep for crying out loud. I think Tae finds that harder to do. Maybe we should tell Tae to start working out on live as well 😁.
During Tae's last lives he wasn't communicating with army. He was showing his face, because he knows we miss him and want to see him, but there was no real connection imo.
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In Conclusion...
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You guys did WHAT!?
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That’s crazy! Are you all positively insane!?
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You’re one to talk with the stunt that you pulled today.
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This ISN’T about me...!
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Sorry...we know it was dumb...
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...Nah, I can’t be mad at ya’. I know full well that had I been there...I would’ve been on your side.
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Nagito deserves to suffer for what he’s done, but it’s not him that I’m worried about. You could’ve gotten everyone in serious trouble.
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Once again, we’re sorry.
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Well, it’s alright I suppose. I just wish you’d run it by us next time.
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So...are...are you gonna-?
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Oh! Uh...o-ok...
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Leave him. He’s not worth the conversation.
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So, what’s the plan? Why’re we all gathered here?
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Because we need to discuss our next move. Remember what we discussed with Hajime before this incident?
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Now that it’s over, we should consider following the Foundation guidelines and, at least temporarily, going our separate ways.
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Some of us however should remain here at the Future Foundation, just in case of an emergency...and uh...we should also do something about him...
*Ryota indicates to Izuru.
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So...what SHOULD we do about Izuru? Should we just keep him here?
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That’s one option...But all things considered, it may be the best course of action if we take Kamukura out of the picture entirely.
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Are you sure? Pretty sure if we have a guy that strong on our side, Zetsubou won’t stand a chance.
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Hajime has always been on our side...
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Yeah, but it’s Hajime’s body, so tomato tomahto.
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Not exactly. Evidently, Hajime knows how to hold back and pull his punches so civilians and allies don’t get caught in the crossfire...As for Izuru...
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It’s not that he doesn’t know it’s just that he...doesn’t care...
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I did mention this before, but if we’re going to move Izuru anywhere, then it would be better if it were somewhere away from greater society. That way, not only would he not be a potential hazard, but he wouldn’t stand out, and Zetsubou wouldn’t be able to find him as easily.
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Do you think we should move him out of the country?
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No, I don’t think so. We wouldn’t have as many available options outside of Japan, plus we need to keep him close in case of an emergency.
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But then...where do we put him?
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And how do you know he’s just gonna agree to whatever you’re proposing? You’re talking about him like he’s a thing or a pet, and need I remind you he’s sitting behind you.
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It matters not to me...
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Well...if you’re sure...
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But it’s not like we’ve got a lot of available places in Japan either, not that we know of.
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Oh! What about that town where we first met Ayumu? That’s kind of small!
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I don’t think that’s wise. We may have aided in the revitalization of the area, but there are likely to be a few citizens there still spiteful towards us over Fujimori’s death. To Hajime especially.
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Oh...good point...
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Hey! I got an idea!
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Really now? Then let us hear it.
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Why doesn’t Izuru come and stay with me?
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With you? Whatever do you mean Akane?
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I double checked with the nurses, but they said so long as I take things slow, I don’t have to stay in the hospital...But I’m gonna need a wheelchair until my back recovers.
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And when we started talking about leaving the Future Foundation and splitting up, I...I kinda gave my parents a call...
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Oh, that’s right! Your family survived the tragedy! 
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Well, yeah, and I called ‘em up and...my mom told me that I should really consider comin’ home.
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Turns out they were all pretty worried about me. I don’t even wanna think about how they’ll react when they find out I broke my back. This is easily the worst injury that I’ve suffered ever...
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B-But! We’re still living in the same run-down old town that we did when I was a kid. We considered movin’ a few times once I got put on the FF’s payroll, but...My current parents ultimately decided that they didn’t wanna get their income through my hard work anymore.
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Sounds like your current parents are keepers.
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So, you’re suggesting that we take Izuru to your old home? In the slums?
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Oi! It ain’t a slum!
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And yeah. My parents already have to feed all my siblings, and I’ve got a LOT of siblings, so I don’t think they’ll mind an extra person!
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You know, that could actually work...!
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Hm...I don’t know...I’ve got one question. Does this “run down old home” have internet connection?
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Uh...well...to be honest, I ain’t so sure. The only device I ever grew up with was a flip phone. Not the kinda stuff that connects to the internet.
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Well, if nothing else, Akane is able to call her family from Future Foundation, so they have to have some kind of service of coverage.
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Wait, hold on, why do you ask Chiaki?
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Because I’m going too, and...I kinda need internet and electrical devices to work properly.
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YOU’RE going as well!? Since when!?
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I mean I don’t mind, but...are you sure? There ain’t exactly a lot for a computer to do at my place.
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I’ve got my games, it’s fine. And besides, wouldn’t me going with Izuru be the most viable option for me?
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Sure, I could stay at Future Foundation and hold down the fort but...he seems to listen to me, so I should go wherever he does.
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That is...a good point...
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Again...he’s sitting...RIGHT behind you...!
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Eh, he doesn’t care...
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I...I think I’ll go live with Akane too, if that’s alright.
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I mean, I trust Chiaki, but there’s a limit to what she can do alone. She doesn’t have a physical pair of hands and feet after all, and I doubt she can rely on Akane to take her everywhere.
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True. Like I said, I don’t know how to work a smartphone, so Chiaki’s not gonna be safe with me for however long we need to hide Izuru.
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Are you sure that’s the only reason you’re volunteering Mahiru.
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I may have some ulterior motives, but...I don’t see how those matter.
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Well, it’s not like we can stop you.
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Then it is decided. Mahiru, Akane and Chiaki will go with Izuru to Akane’s old home.
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What of everyone else then?
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Well, I’ve decided right from the start that I’m not going anywhere.
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You’re staying at the Foundation then? Alright.
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At least one of us has to hold down the fort. Even if I’m still here by myself, it’s ok with me. Besides, it’s not like I can leave anyway. I’m the last remaining pillar keeping Branch 4 up now that Seiko’s gone. I can’t leave, for the sake of the people.
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Besides, I know it’ll be a while, but someone’s gotta at least hold a welcome back party if Teruteru and Hiyoko get out of the pods in time.
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That’s honorable of you. Then, I guess we’ll go next?
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Ryuji...T-Twogami sorry...and myself are going to go travelling together. 
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Don’t worry. I’ll explain later.
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Travelling? Where to?
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Well...wherever really. Wherever life takes us.
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Sorry if this sounds rude, but you two don’t exactly seem like the type to go travelling.
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Yeah, Ryota’s basically a vampire. He has a panic attack if he stays under the sun for more than 5 minutes.
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We used to live on Jabberwock-freaking-Island! What are you TALKING about!?
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But you too Imposter. What brought this on? I mean, we’re not about to stop you, but what’s with this casual trip through life stuff about?
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I...I’ve decided it’s time for some much needed changes and...I made someone a promise. Again, like I said, I’ll explain later.
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That just leaves Peko, Ibuki and Mikan. And us I suppose. In that case, I have a proposition for all of you.
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Yeah? Let’s hear it.
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How would you all feel about returning to the Kingdom of Novoselic with Gundham and I?
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Indeed. The people of the Kingdom will be glad to accommodate you all once more. We also have a wide variety of skilled nurses and doctors there, so they will be able to take care of Mikan once we arrive.
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You want us to come back to Novoselic!?
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I’m down! Novoselic rulez! I mean, sometimes it’s a little to quiet for my taste, but it’s still awesome!
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I...I’m not sure...I appreciate the gesture, but...
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Are you concerned the castle lifestyle will not be to your liking?
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Not exactly. See, one thing I promised myself is that wherever I end up going, I will take Natsumi with me.
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I’m...I’m going to put my battles behind me for a while, and dedicate my time and money on caring for my child. I’m not going to continuously keep handing her to nurses and retainers like I do whenever I go out on missions.
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I’m just wondering...could Novoselic accommodate a baby girl? And much more, can you guarantee her safety? I don’t want to take her anywhere that she won’t like. She’s not exactly at ease with unfamiliar territory.
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Of course we can accommodate dear little Natsumi! I grew up in that castle, as did all of my ancestors and predecessors. 
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Teehee! One day, even mine and Gundham’s children shall be running around wildly in the halls of the castle.
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Now is not the time to draw attention to such things...
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But I can assure you that your offspring will be safe.
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You say that...but Zetsubou already tried their hand at the kingdom once before...
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And it’s BECAUSE of that that the citizens of the kingdom are aware of the threat they pose. Our people, be they trained soldiers or even regular civilians, would be more than willing to fight, and potentially even die on your behalf.
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I will NOT let innocent people sacrifice themselves for me.
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But it won’t come to that, that is what I am saying. Novoselic is a small nation, but it has survived this long because it’s people are POWERFUL. 
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You can trust us, Peko.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[15.18] dad!seonghwa
⇀ as a person, he's gentle and understanding. but as a dad, he knows when he should put his foot down. but how can he when his child has his eyes and your charm?
⇁ it's fluffy dad!seonghwa y'all
Seonghwa stood in front of the sink in the kitchen, pausing mid scrub to look at the clock mounted on the wall just above the fridge. The clock read 15.18, and he was beginning to get concerned.
"He should be here by now," he muttered to himself.
Convincing him that his ready, little Park Sungchan begged Seonghwa that since he's in the 1st grade now, he's able to walk from his apartment's gate from the carpool with his uncle Yunho and 'cousins' Yujin and Yeeun, up to their apartment by himself. It took a lot of begging, promising, slight crying, and a buttload of pouting from both Sungchan and you to eventually break Seonghwa.
Though right now, he was sure that his son is dead in a ditch somewhere. Neverminding the fact that he was only 3 minutes late.
But the sound of the front door opening broke his thought and the sound of small pitter-patter and shoes being put away broke his thought and a sudden sense of relief washed over him.
As Seonghwa finished up washing the dishes, he called out to his son, "Sungchan, is that you?"
The little boy froze mid-walk across the living room towards his bedroom, "uhh... Yes, daddy! I'm home!" he answered, voice slightly quivering. He instinctively held the bag in his arms closer to his body as he adjusted the straps of his school bag.
From his standpoint, Sungchan could see Seonghwa has his back to him, meaning he wouldn't be able to see what he's doing.
The bag in his arms began to rustle and he immediately panicked. His tiny hands patted the bag gently as he spoke in a hushed tone, "Shh, shh, it's okay! I'll get you out soon!"
"Who are you talking to?"
Seonghwa's voice startled the boy, making him jump slightly which pulled the bag down slightly, revealing a small puppy in his arms.
Both of them stared at one another, Sungchan as he waited for his dad to react, and Seonghwa in shock. The puppy, however, was perfectly content nestling itself in the arms of the little boy, now being able to see the whole world as the bag no longer hid its face.
"S-Sungchan, what is this?" Seonghwa asked, slightly hoping that he was hallucinating.
"Uh... A puppy? Have you never seen one, dad? It's quite common here, especially one that looks like this and-" Sungchan rambled, trying to find a way to change the subject or even distract his dad.
Seonghwa's eyebrows furrowed as he stared his boy down, "Sungchan..." he called out in a reprimanding tone.
Immediately, Sungchan stopped his rambling and whined. "I had to, daddy! I saw him every day in front of my school and I always feed him! Look at him, daddy, he's so cute!" Sungchan whined, hugging the puppy tightly in his arms, looking up at Seonghwa with, ironically, puppy eyes.
Despite his son's attempt to butter him up, Seonghwa was determined to not fall for his son's antics. "How did you even bring him here from school? What did your uncle Yunho had to say?"
The little boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Uncle Yunho said "I'll grab the bag, you put the puppy in. This is gonna drive your dad insane,"," he answered without much thought.
At the revelation, Seonghwa felt his left eye twitch, realizing that Yunho actually had a play in the stunt his son pulled. He's sure that he's going to have to have a talk with him after he dealt with the issue at hand.
He has his hands on his waist, ready to firmly tell Sungchan that there is no way that they're going to keep a stray dog for a bunch of reasons. Those reasons might mainly gravitate towards the 'cleanliness' issue, but it was still an important point that he had to remind his son.
But when he saw the way Sungchan looked at the puppy and how the puppy seemed to connect with the boy in such an affectionate way that is so heartwarming considering how short they've known one another, he couldn't find it in his heart to reprimand or separate them.
Seonghwa took his phone out of his sweats and took a picture to send to you. He explained the situation so that you wouldn't be surprised when you came back home from your trip back home to your family. There was even an additional caption saying, 'the things I do for the people I love. You're going to have to help take care of this because I'm blaming you. This blackmailing-using-his-look gene screams you.'
The man of the house took a deep breath before he crouched down in front of his son, "Do you really want to keep him?"
Hearing the question made Sungchan perked up. He looked straight into Seonghwa's eyes, nodding eagerly.
"Do you know the responsibilities of having a puppy?" Seonghwa questioned.
"Yes! I have to take care of his pee, poo, and food," Sungchan listed out, trying to remember the things his uncle Yunho told him back in the car.
Seonghwa nodded in agreement, relieved that his son is actually slightly aware of the responsibilities that entailed keeping an animal in the house. "Don't forget walks, teaching him obedience and tricks too, we can't have a dog who's not gonna listen, right?" Seonghwa smiled at Sungchan in defeat, "I already have your uncle Wooyoung for that," he added, muttering under his breath. "What's that daddy?" Sungchan asked, tilting his head as he heard his uncle Wooyoung being called.
With an awkward smile, Seonghwa decided to brush it off, acting as if he didn't even say anything.
As Sungchan took the puppy out of the bag, Seonghwa automatically inhaled sharply. The only thought in his head was how the dirty puppy is about to touch his freshly vacuumed floors.
Immediately, Seonghwa reached forward to grab the puppy in his arms, standing up as his son whined for his dad to give him back the puppy.
"He's dirty, sweetie. Why don't we go and get him cleaned up? We can also pick up some things for him like his bed, harness, some food," he persuaded the boy.
Sungchan's eyes widened and it sparkled with giddiness, much like Seonghwa's eyes. He immediately ran to his room to put his backpack down.
When his son was out of sight, Seonghwa let out a long sigh. He lifted the puppy to his eye line, "You're one lucky little creature, you know?" he grumbled. Though a smile appeared soon on his face as he gazed at the annoyingly adorable little puppy.
Soon enough, Sungchan zoomed out of his room and ran past Seonghwa, taking his arm in his far smaller ones as he began dragging him out, "Come on, daddy! Let's go!" Sungchan urged, still trying to use what little strength he had to 'drag' his dad.
Seonghwa could only chuckle at his son's eagerness.
For some reason, he felt like he wasn't going to regret letting his son keep the puppy.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
hellu, can I request how would Delinquents, teachers, and bullies react to female reader pepper-sprayed the twins for self-defense when they try to beat up reader?
Hello, it's been a while, I'm sorry it took so long- I've been dealing with a lot of school assignments and I can't lie that I have frequent breakdowns over this-
I'll try and upload the requests that I already have and see if I should open up for requests again, or leave it be closed until the waves of work I need to do gets less overwhelming.
I hope y'all are doing great, stay safe everyone.
I'll make this a very short scenario boo.
TW: this is basically a civil war at this point- // for each pair, I'll add a different context (since technically the delinquents aren't from the same institution as the bullies) // female reader // bullying // self defense // anxiety // bullying (verbal and physical) // mentions of stalker behavior and brief mentions of distrust and paranoia
Triple Spice combo [Yandere!Teachers / Yandere!Delinquents / Yandere!Bullies x F!Reader - Scenario]:
🎇Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
So I'll explain what will happen- This is basically a post with three different timelines, each one based on each character type you're more interested in (example: you want some sour delinquents? You can follow the delinquent timeline and see how they react). Each follows almost similar circumstances, but still a bit differently to be able to fit for each individual timeline.
Come with me boo cause this one is long!
🎆: 🍒Bully's Timeline🍭
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Unfortunately for you, they seem to be heading to the same location as you, apparently they also studied there- Although it should have been quite obvious. You're not the type to confront people physically, and you don't really feel like capable of fighting people of on your own, but because with their constant presence in your life you started to feel the need to get yourself prepared for what was going to come- Especially since you didn't feel like you could count on anyone.
You bought pepper spray in hopes of being able to stop your tormentors from continuing with their sick game.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
It was so fast and so painful that she couldn't even understand what just happened- Like- How dare you?! How fucking dare you?!! You think this is funny? This wasn't supposed to happen at all!
"- AAAAH!- what?- OH MY GOD-" Alexandra wasn't able to even finish her sentence, the pain was too much for her to handle. As she dropped to the ground trying to clean her eyes out, she couldn't help but feel confused as to what had even happened.
How could you do something so cruel to her?? Yes, she followed you, bullied you, made rumours about you, pulled your hair a couple of times and maybe she did throw insults towards you- But she didn't try to blind you!!
The worst part isn't even the humiliation she is going through, it's the fact you thought you would be able to pull a stunt like this and go away without any scars- She is so, absolutely livid by your stupidity.
Alexandra knows you must be liking this- And you know what? Enjoy your last free moments cause she will make sure you'll pay for it. She'll make sure to have a proper revenge under her sleeve, a proper punishment for harming someone like her in public.
Darling, darling, I hope you start looking behind your back from now on, never know what could happen when the person who is obsessed with you is just as insanely pissed off as they're madly in love with you.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
It was so fast and so painful that he couldn't even understand what just happened- Like- How dare you?! How fucking dare you?!! You think this is funny? This wasn't supposed to happen at all!
"- What- Oh my God I'm DYING!-" Adrien would be a lot more dramatic about it, even if he can articulate in great detail how much it hurts. In his panicked state, he started trying to wipe the substance with his sleeves- Which only helped to spread it more.
How fucking dare you not only hurt his precious eyes but also humiliate him on public like this?! What has gotten into you?? Yeah- I guess he did say hurtful stuff, followed you around to torment you, did throw stuff at you- But ya know- He didn't try to take your eyeballs out!?? Now that he thinks about it, he probably should have.
Adrien has a very weird view on your "relationship"- He thinks you're above him and so he must push you down, he loves you but being gentle with you will leave you to pull this kind of shit.
You're probably laughing to yourself now, the man is temporarily blind and you are laughing at him, you're somehow worse than he thought.
Still, he'll make you pay for it, don't worry about it dearest- You're fucked regardless. You tried to stand against him and now sadly he'll have to put you in your place again. Don't worry, it won't be so early- He still needs to prepare his plan.
Darling, darling, I hope you start looking behind your back from now on, never know what could happen when the person who is obsessed with you is just as insanely pissed off as they're madly in love with you.
🎆: 🍎Teacher's Timeline📕
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Unfortunately for you, they seem to be heading to the same location as you, apparently they also studied there- Although it should have been quite obvious. You're not the type to get physical when it comes to defending yourself, but you felt that you still needed to do something about it- You talked with the only person you could trust in this moment, since they were your mentor and you needed some guidance from someone that could potentially help you solve this out.
Their idea was to be able to personally see the harassment happening so they could have visual proof of who is doing what to you, hopefully being able to expel the ones causing you harm.
They personally gave you pepper spray in hopes that if they aren't near you to help you, you can at least defend yourself in some way.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Matthew Robinson:
Although you thought to be in a situation where no one would be able to help you- Causing you to use your only item of self-defense- That couldn't have been further from the truth, as Matthew has made sure to pay close attention to you after you came by and ask for his guidance. It was a call for help and he would have been a horrible mentor to not make sure you'll follow his instructions, and it seemed like you did perfectly fine.
He got to be present to not only see the ones causing you harm, but also to see how well you're able to take care of yourself. He was going to intervene as soon as he saw them come closer, but you managed to stop them all by yourself- Honestly he is very proud of you for being able to stand your ground.
Since Matthew was able to see them starting the aggression just like many other witness surrounding the scene, he felt like he had an argument strong enough to be able to properly punish your bullies- Of course he is aware that the Coldwells have a reputation for getting staff members fired for trying to reprimanding them, but honestly he has been inside this place long enough already.
Getting fired isn't his problem, his problem is not being able to give them what they deserve for frightening you, and even worse than that: He needed to make sure you would stay safe in and out of college- You came to him saying they were following you outside of your classes, so of course he'll be worried for your safety.
After expelling the Coldwells, Matthew will just need to find a way of keeping you safe and under his surveillance, you may need more guidance after all, and it would be extremely worrying to not have you by his side. He just needs to plan out a better schedule for you two, one where he can be more present in your life after you're done with your classes.
I wonder what plan comes to his mind.
→ Madeline Allen:
Although you thought to be in a situation where no one would be able to help you- Causing you to use your only item of self-defense- That couldn't have been further from the truth, as Madeline has made sure to pay close attention to you after you came by and ask for her guidance. Madeline has been following you while you walked through the school's halls as she recorded every interaction you had with any of the other students. After you called her for help she entered full protection mode, she was set on getting your tormentors expelled.
However, Madeline hasn't been inside the institution to be able to earn the trust of the other teachers, or even the principal themselves- She needed some evidence and better witness testimony than those from students who were terrified of getting in trouble with the bullies around this place. You could say she had a guess as to who could be causing you trouble but she wouldn't be allowed to take action unless she could prove their identity and involvement in bullying you.
She gave you the pepper spray hoping you would feel less worried, to feel calmer in knowing you had not only something that you could use against them but also to symbolize how she would be there for you if you needed. Seeing you using it for the first time as you spray in the eyes of the culprits made her realize that she was in fact correct. Of course it's them, right?
If there is something wrong happening in Amaryllis, you can almost always pin it for being the Coldwell's fault. Bullying it's probably the least surprising thing this little demons have been accused of- Still, their rein over this institution and your worried little mind ends today, she doesn't care if she lost her job or if they try ruining her life by blackmailing her and such-
They can try but she is pretty sure they won't have any luck finding her, what can I say, she is good at burning evidence. What worries her though it's what will happen to you if they ever try to take their frustrations out on you again. She can't allow that to happen, you'll end up getting hurt and she'll feel awful if it was because of her interference in the case.
You need her help after all, right? You did come to her asking for guidance, and clearly you know nothing about physical self-defense- You clearly need someone to take care of you dearest. She needs to plan this out carefully, not only so the twins aren't allowed in school's grounds but to hopefully be able to guide you even if she is not your teacher anymore. But how could she have you near her everyday after classes?
I wonder what plan comes to her mind.
🎆: 🍋Delinquent's Timeline🐍
You have been the target of bullying for some weeks now, ever since you crossed some rich kids while going to your college. Fortunately for you, they didn't seem to go the same college as you did- Yet what you should have known was that nothing in life could have been so simple, you would still see them again over and over again after that incident. You started to feel anxious knowing that they were probably stalking you to know exactly when and where to find you, and since you already have to deal with going to a horrible institution and fearing for your own safety everyday.
You bought pepper spray so you could defend yourself not only from your stalkers but also from any possible classmate that could end up trying something weird with you.
That's when the incident happened, you were minding your own business when they came looking for trouble. You took the opportunity to finally put a stop on this by spraying their eyes with it.
→ Jackson Macnee:
He doubts you noticed that he was there when that happened, he doubts that you even care if he is staring at you at all- He always thought you were probably too scared of him to even tell him to stop, most people aren't scared of his appearance but are at least aware of his title, so they at least respect the path he walks. He is already used to this.
But let me tell you, to see the Coldwells come so near his territory seemed pretty interesting at first- Until he discovered why they were dumb enough to come here. He didn't know you were being bullied, let alone by these brats- He did notice you had changed your behavior recently, although he didn't pay any attention to it because he thought you were just getting accustomed with the way things work around Saint's Bernard hellhole of a place.
He was hoping that maybe you were just having issues with settling in- It is a rough place after all, and although he wishes deep down to be able to help you feel stronger he still feels like he shouldn't make you do something you don't want to. If you wished to talk to him, you should just go straight to him (even if he is aware of how terrifying that could be).
However, Jack was so far from the truth. His assumptions were confirmed fake after he saw the twins Coldwell treat you like he treated him- It was unbearable to watch, it was like he was seeing his past collide with his present self, you were reminding him of all the things he hated about himself, while also bringing his blood to boil in a desperate need to help you out. Yet he didn't need to do anything about it, you managed to defend yourself on your own.
It wasn't as rewarding to watch as he wanted it to be, but you sure did crack their ego pretty badly- He shouldn't have doubted you, after all he has been stalking you for so long, he should have known what you were capable of doing. Still, he doesn't trust the Coldwells enough to just let them run away like that, they would probably come back soon.
In the meantime, this should be a good excuse to get to talk with you, right? You clearly need some actual training, some flimsy pepper spray bottle isn't going to stop them from coming back. I hope you're ready to be trained by a lovesick delinquent, he won't be soft until he knows you can stand on your own.
→ Jannette Sartorius
She doubts you noticed that she was there when that happened, she doubts that you even care if she is staring at you at all- She always thought you were probably too scared of her to even tell her to stop, most people are scared of her. She is trying to get used to it.
Janette thinks she has every reason to observe you from afar, you're beautiful and you seem too precious to be in a place as horrible as this one, it must suck a lot for you to be somewhere like this-Seeing people like her.
She considered calling you to join her gang, but she is sure that you'll probably deny the offer- Physical confrontation was never your thing right? She can respect that.
Although you don't talk with her, or even interact with the other students at all, she did notice you were acting a bit more- Reclusive these days. Something was wrong, and sadly she would have to find out about it way too late.
Janette didn't know the twins personally, she knew they were rich and famous but- Yeah, she didn't really care about knowing anything about them, they're just some pretty faces amongst the others in the fashion industry. She does envy them a little bit, but tries to avoid anything relating to them since she feels self-conscious looking at their pictures. Now she has a new reason to hate their porcelain faces, they were stalking you.
They were stalking you and taunting you, and if you didn't do anything to stop them she would have already jumped in. They were alone, and honestly she doubts they have any idea of how to go one on one with someone- There is no way these brats have any experience in fighting, right?
Well, she didn't get to know that since they ran away after you sprayed their faces with pepper spray, clever girl.
She knows this is probably not the end of this, they did threaten to come back and hurt you for defending yourself. But you know- She doesn't plan on letting that happen, not again. Consider yourself lucky cause now you just got a new best friend who I set on protecting you.
Is there something wrong with that? Aren't you happy with being her friend? Well, you could just go to "girlfriends" if that's what you want- She wouldn't mind it at all.
Janette prefers to take care of you without you having to watch her beat someone's ass- But she could teach you a few things if you wished to, hey, spending time with someone so cool it's always nice, so of course she'll take every chance she can to spend as much time with you as possible.
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toruvi · 2 years
Okay so your drawing got me thinking of celebrating Levi’s birthday on Christmas and you wrapping yourself up or just putting bows on yourself and he looks at you so unamused when he sees like “where are your clothes“ and you try explaining that he has everything he could want or need. So your his gift and he is just pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other rest on his hip, he is shaking his head mumbling about wishing he could just forget he heard that. So your just pouting before dumping your little shopping bag of toys onto the bed. “So you don’t want to use theses then?” And his mind just goes blank as he looks at all the toys you’ve brought for him.
I think Levi would actually love your little idea. But is just SO caught off guard by the gesture he doesn't even know how to react. He resorts to feigning annoyance because it's easier than admitting he actually likes seeing you presenting yourself like that.
But when you just--plop all these toys on him? He's fucking overwhelmed. He's had a lot of thoughts. A lot of fantasies-some of which he's too embarrassed to tell you about. And here you are, offering so many possibilities on a silver platter.
And when he walks back to the edge of the bed he stares blankly between you and the toys, trailing an index finger on one of the ribbons wrapped around your leg. "You're fucking with me."
Oh but he knows you're not. You merely bite your lip and smile when his hand dips under the ribbons. He curses under his breath, bending one knee on the mattress, nudging it between your legs as he hovers over you and cups your cheek.
Entranced, he kisses you slow and deep. So, so deep with a restrained want that you hadn't even known was there previous to the stunt you pulled.
"It's really for me?" He murmurs against your lips, the kiss coaxes you to lay down as he crawls over you.
He drinks in your answer while you reach for one of the toys--a vibrator. Something easy, and not too crazy to start with. Though with Levi, he always get carried away in moments of intimacy. You bringing toys into the equation means you don't stand a single chance against his teasing.
"Think you're cute, doing all this don't you? You have any idea what you've started?"
Levi isn't going to show a shred of mercy on you. Because every single moan, every twitch of your cunt around the array of toys you so foolishly dropped at his feet, drives him insane. He feels like he's going to lose his mind, at the sounds that ring through his ears. He'll take his time before he decides to fully fuck you, taking full advantage of the freedom you've given him.
He's not gonna speed through all of those toys. No, no. He's gonna thoroughly explore with every single one. He'll figure out which ones make you lose yourself quicker than the others. Which ones make your arms and legs quiver as you climax from their use. Which ones make you beg and cry for him.
Good luck on his birthday you're probably not going to get any sleep.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How would the Senju family, Gaara, Mei, Yagura and Minato react if their darling was kidnapped by shinobi of a rival village as a attempt to manipulate/blackmail the Kage?
I think all of them would lose it. But a few might act more brutal than others. It also takes some serious talent to kidnap their darlings.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, kidnapping, blackmailing, threatening, manipulation, violence, vicious behavior, mentions of killing
Kidnapping the s/o to manipulate/blackmail the Kage
Hashirama Senju
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🌳It would be very hard for a shinobi from a rival village to kidnap his s/o since he basically never leaves their side. It has to be a moment where he is currently busy with his work and when his brother isn’t keeping a close eye on you. This would be the only chance these guys will ever have since the chances of these two guys not watching you is pretty rare.
🌳Full panic mode! He nearly suffers from a heart attack and feels more than guilty for not being able to protect you. Hashirama isn’t really a violent one and was actually the one who wanted the new built villages to form peace under each other. He might even try to solve the problem without violence, but through talking. But the moment the other village starts demanding things from him even he gets that they’re dead serious about it. And then he gets serious too.
🌳A good thing here is that Tobirama will for sure help him with this problem and that’s a good thing since Tobirama is very strategically. Anbu will infiltrate the village quickly since they can’t just walk in blindly, even though Hashirama would do that. They need to work fast to get you out of there. Normally a Kage doesn’t join missions unless they’re really important. This is important so Hashirama will come alongside the others.
🌳Hashirama is strong. Really, really strong so if they should get in a fight they’ll be fine since his brother would totally join him on his mission in order to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Hashirama is determined to get his darling back, making him go a bit rougher on the enemies, but he wouldn’t kill them. But that is only unless he finds you and sees that they have hurt you in order to get some informations about the village and him which could be used against them. I wrote Hc’s about how he would react if his darling would be hurt by someone. To make it short, he would lose it then and that would lead to some serious troubles for the shinobi who were guarding his darling.
🌳This incident will be engraved in Hashirama’s mind for the rest of his life. He would never get quite over it and would even years later still apologize for ever letting this happen. But this also makes him even more clingier in order to protect his darling. Hashirama will also hold a huge grudge against the other village for doing this. He won’t punish them directly, but he will make sure to never get into any contact with them again. But if should ever even dare to pull such a stunt again then he won’t hesitate to do something against it.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He isn’t all the time with his darling since he has work to do. But he keeps them locked up in his house and has always a couple of Anbu watching over them. But that doesn’t mean that it will be impossible for the enemy to kidnap them.
🌊Tobirama had always known that there might be the danger that someone may try to use you against him. Besides his possessiveness this might be the other reason why he keeps you locked up in this house. Frustrated and angry. That’s the emotions bursting out in him as soon as he hears the news and the Anbu who were watching over you are in for some serious cursing. He does know that this isn’t completely their fault, but he needs to take his mixed up emotions on someone out. Tobirama is a lot more aggressive than his brother and gives the other village one aggressive warning. If that doesn’t work it’s for him like declaring war.
🌊Tobirama is a genius and even though he’s terribly impatient he’ll take his time to come up with a good strategy, finding out everything about the rival village he can find. He’ll join the rescue team.
🌊Tobirama is powerful and way more aggressive than Hashirama and is ready to kill if necessary. But he’ll get hella brutal when seeing that you’be been hurt or during your time here. Then he’ll let all the frustration and pent-up emotions out on whoever doesn’t wear a forehead protector of his village.
🌊This will have some impact on Tobirama and he’ll even start blaming himself for not calculating the situation better and being more prepared for this. It’ll be one of the rare times where he’ll get emotional and apologize to his darling. But the village who took you away? He’ll make them pay for this and will corner them, demanding some sort of reparation. For as long as he’s the Hokage he’ll make sure to somehow make the other village suffer. The relationship between him and the village will be on really thin ice.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade is really overprotective over her darling since she lost her brother and Dan. She doesn’t want anything to happen to her darling and keeps them with her nearly all the time. So the shinobi need to wait for this one moment where she leaves her darling alone and take them then.
🐌Poor woman will be devastated when hearing that you have been taken, feeling like she failed again. But shortly after these feelings of despair are joined by a new one, rage. She doesn’t even try to be polite when she sends a message to the leader, if it’s one of the five ninja villages then the Kage, and demands you back. In this situation she’ll lose her temper quickly.
🐌Just like Hashirama has his brother, Tsunade has Shizune to help her out with not going complete berserk and discusses a plan with the others. And there’s no way that Tsunade won’t come with them.
🐌Tsunade only needs to land one hit with her full power to turn that person into wet stain and she’s mad so I suppose if the shinobi from the rival village don’t want every single bone in their body shattered they should run. But if Tsunade sees that you’re hurt? Flashbacks from Nawaki and Dan will fill her head, making her for a short moment shake in fear before she comes back to her senses. And. Now. She’s. Angry. If the others can’t calm her down than she might destroy the landscape. But you’re lucky that she’s a medic. She’ll take instantly care of any injuries you might have suffered from.
🐌Tsunade could have lost all she had ever loved again and will definitely get very emotional after this, apologizing to you over and over again whilst crying. If someone should ever even mention the name of the village anywhere near her again she’ll snap. If the village that stole her darling really was one of the four other nations then she’ll definitely can’t help, but be more aggressive to the Kage of the village during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
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🐼It’s one of Gaara’s greatest fears that someone will use his darling against him which is why he makes sure that they’re never alone. He tries to be near them as often as possible. But he has also work to do so in these times one of his siblings or at least one jonin are always with his s/o. So the shinobi from the other village have only a small time frame to kidnap them. I can imagine that this might have happened after the whole Akatsuki incident since the village needed some time to restore after this.
🐼Hearing that one of his worst nightmares has become true will throw this boy into a state of pure paranoia, freezing on spot whilst his mind races with worst case scenarios. But despite all of this he tries his best to try at first to solve this without violence. But if the other village refuses and continues to blackmail him with you as the bait he’ll get serious quickly.
🐼The whole village is determined to help him, including his siblings who are for sure going with him on the mission to rescue you. But all of them are also smart enough to not just storm without a plan in the land of the enemy.
🐼Gaara might have lost Shukaku, but he’s still a Kage and insanely strong. If they should have hurt his darling even just a bit he’ll be mad and whoever comes after that in his way will be crushed. Even if he’s only sweet to you, don’t forget that he has a dark side.
🐼Now his paranoia will for sure increase and he’ll be a lot more clingy after this incident. This might cause him to lock you up in his house. Gaara is terrified that this might happen again. He’ll definitely dislike the village who did this hugely and if the village was one of the other four nations he’ll display his hostility towards the Kage during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Not only him. His siblings as well.
Mei Terumi
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🔵Mei knows very well that her darling can become a easy target due to their special connection to her. So she makes sure that everyone knows what will happen to a person who dares to even try to harm her darling. She is most of the times with them and if not a few other strong shinobi so for the enemy this will be a bit hard. They need to plan carefully.
🔵Mei would, to put it harmlessly, freak out when hearing this. She will lose all of her composure in that moment and needs some time to regain her cool. But I think she won’t be able to stay completely calm when she demands for the village to give you back and as soon as they refuse her already tightly stained thread of patience will rip.
🔵The village and all the citizens love her darling and will support her with everything they have. Mei will be more than just impatient and if it wouldn’t be for people like Ao she would probably just storm in there right then and there. Ao will for sure accompany her on this mission since his Byakugan wil for sure be a huge help.
🔵Being gifted with two kekkai genkai makes her a naturally strong opponent even though they try to avoid causing too much attention. But Mei will still fight fiercely everyone who comes in her way until she has finally found you again. But if they should have harmed you in any way then there will be consequences.
🔵The security around you will increase tenfold after that and now you aren’t allowed to leave Mei’s sight anymore. She’ll be more smothering the next few weeks, overjoyed to have you in her arms once again. After that there is visible tension between her and the other village and she will demand some sort of reparation. If she meets the Kage of the village during the World War they should be careful with what they say. Mei misunderstands things easily so one wrong word and she’ll lose all her self-control.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢A normal Yagura is aware of the target his darling carries on their back due to the relationship to him. He’s clingy and will stick to his darling’s side nearly most of the time and if not they’re always watched by some hunting-nin from his village. But if he was being controlled the scenario would look slightly different. He still knows that there might be the danger of somebody using you against him. But in this case being kidnapped will be the best thing happen to you. Everything is better than being locked and chained up in some isolated house guarded by a bunch of hunting-nins and shinobi of the Mist.
🐢Being calm and composed he’ll try to not panic, but in reality he’s flipping out on the inside. He’ll quickly start getting in contact with the village and will try to talk it out at first. But he knows when talking won’t be from any use and is ready to become more forceful. If he’s being manipulated he’ll have a terrifying fit of rage and hate. I can see him in this case as someone who would give the shinobi who couldn’t protect you a heavy punishment, probably even killing them. He won’t even think about talking it out, he’ll just go straight to war mode.
🐢Yagura is a smart one who tries to not get his fear get the best of him. For your sake he needs to stay calm and make a waterproof plan. But if he’s being manipulated he won’t be that strategic and will just collect a few of his strongest shinobi. He will in this case rely more on brutal strength.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage for a reason and since he has power over his jinchuriki this makes him so much more dangerous. He would like to avoid a fight, but is ready to do what’s necessary. If you have been harmed during your time here then he’ll feel angry, but will put your health above his feelings. But in the other scenario it’ll be much more bloodier and brutal. In this case Yagura wants to fight and will destroy everyone who’s in his way. I can see him sadly in this state as someone who might not even care if he hurts innocents. But if you think he was already brutal before then try to imagine his reaction when seeing you hurt. It isn’t like he is sincerely worried about you. But the fact that someone touched what’s his and marked them is what makes him angry.
🐢Yagura will apologize more than once to you that he let that happen to you and will make sure that he never leaves you alone again. He will demand some sort of reparation for this. The controlled version of him will just drag you right back to the prison where he kept you and won’t try to make it up to you. He might even get angry at you for being so weak to let yourself get kidnapped. Never tell him that it’s his fault or even mention this near him or he’ll let his anger out on you. He’ll terrorize the other village for as long as he lives.
Minato Namikaze
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⚡️Another one who is aware that his darling is a walking target for people who intend to blackmail him. He is very busy and has most of the time the Anbu, most likely Kakashi, watching over them. But he’s also aware of his Yandere tendencies so there might be a day where he’ll leave you for a short moment without security and that will give the rivals a chance.
⚡️It hits him pretty hard, knowing that it’s his fault for not seeing something like this coming sooner. But he also knows that he can’t let fear cloud his judgement. He will get in contact with the village, trying to solve things in a more civilized manner. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t ready to do what has to be done when the situation calls for it.
⚡️Minato witnessed war and has good knowledge in making good strategies and he is very beloved by his village and count on their help. Kakashi will help him with everything he has too since he also feels guilty for not being able to protect you better and will 100% join Minato on this mission.
⚡️Minato already killed people in the war and knows that it often can’t be helped and as the yellow flash of Konoha he’s a scary enemy to face. If you should have been mistreated during your time here his first worries will be if you’re alright. He is of course pissed that you’ve been treated like this, but your well-being is his first priority.
⚡️He takes all the blame and if you should be angry at him after this he’ll take all the yelling and the cursing. I feel like Kakashi would insist on watching you from now on 24/7 since he feels guilty too. Minato isn’t someone who holds easily grudges that deep, but this will be an exception. He’ll keep a sharp eye on the activities of this village and if they should ever try this again he’s ready to get more violent.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
A Smile In Fragments
Summary: When Komaeda first woke up, Hinata didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe he wanted Komaeda to scream, maybe he wanted Komaeda to cry, or maybe... Maybe deep down, he wanted Komaeda to smile at him and accept his situation with that carefree calm he had been stuck on for months now.He got that in the worst possible way.
Rating: T+
Warnings: Suicide attempt which results in copious gore.
Notes: This is another old-ass wip that I finished up and posted, which means it was written pre-dr3. Back in the day, I was curious about Amnesiac Komaeda AUs set post-sdr2, so I tried my hand at it. This is what happened. Yeah. It’s, uh, pretty rusty but I guess I have some amount of fondness for it.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
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Just Komaeda smiling at him was enough to make him snap.
“What,” Hinata snarled, stalking forward as the boy in the sheets faltered. That damn smile wilted but Hinata only felt his anger flare burning hot before his eyes. “What the hell were you even thinking?”
Komaeda hesitated to answer and Hinata loomed over him, fists shaking at his sides and glare absolutely poisonous. That the other couldn’t dignify him with some self-righteous answer was even worse. “Do you even understand the shit you’re in right now? Did you honestly think pulling that stunt would make anything better? I was trying, alright? I was trying to help you only for you to just...”
He stopped, trembling with fury and unable to even say it as he shut his eyes. Komaeda made a noise. A familiar sound that has Hinata nearly lose his temper and commit an act he’d regret... But instead, he lets out a heavy sigh and gives Komaeda a look of disgust.
His look drops when he sees how Komaeda’s reacting—how he’d been reacting ever since Hinata started yelling at him.
Komaeda looks terrified—sincerely, purely scared in a way that Hinata had never seen before. He’s back against the wall, knees tucked between them like a barrier and arms pressed close against his chest. His body’s wracked with tremors, his eyes wide like a child’s, and Hinata’s anger utterly dissipates back into worry.
“Komaeda...?” he asks, voice softer with a bit of a waver. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m... I’m sorry...” Komaeda manages just as the nurse bursts in.
“Hinata-san,” she says and Hinata has to tear his sight away. He hears Komaeda stifle a sob, and the seriousness in the nurse’s eyes doesn’t stop him from flinching. “We need to talk.”
When Komaeda first woke up, Hinata didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe he wanted Komaeda to scream—his plan failed after all, tremendously so because not only were they all still alive, but he was still alive as well...and the only person who really died was never living in the first place—or maybe he wanted Komaeda to cry—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, but how likely was that—or maybe... Maybe deep down, he wanted Komaeda to smile at him and accept his situation with that carefree calm he had been stuck on for months now.
Instead, Komaeda shut down as soon as he woke up. He shut them out.
He was in poor condition upon waking and needed to be nursed, so it didn’t require much effort on his part. The rest of them avoided visiting him, too, except for Hinata who was desperate enough to want something...and maybe a little bit anxious because he remembered the last time they left Komaeda alone to his own devices. Not that it mattered, because even when Hinata tried to be polite, Komaeda seemed content to ignore his existence. Like he really was the Ultimate Nobody.
It made him angry enough to stop trying. But he still worried—that traitorous niggling feeling digging under his skin like a parasitic worm and aggravating him to the point where he felt like he was going to go insane. But there was nothing he could do, right, if Komaeda wasn’t going to acknowledge him—there was nothing he could do...
But, god, desperately and shakily pressing torn bits of fabric to Komaeda’s head in a frenzied attempt to stop the bleeding—if there was really nothing he could have done to prevent this...
“Don’t, please don’t die,” he begged, heart pounding. He already called Naegi in hysteria but Hinata was terrified at the bleak, real possibility that it’d be too late. Komaeda’s eyes were already fluttered shut and blood was still pulsing and slicking his trembling fingers. “Please, Komaeda, stay with me, stay with me... I-I can’t...”
It’s only by the time the others get there that Hinata realizes he’s been crying. He tries to wipe the tears away but ends up smearing Komaeda’s blood on his face instead. In seconds, he’s hyperventilating as Naegi takes his shoulders and murmurs to him: it’ll be fine don’t lose hope Komaeda-kun will be fine, you saved him Hinata-kun it’ll be fine...
In the end, Komaeda is saved. Hinata washes away his blood from his hands. And when Hinata hurries to go visit him, Komaeda turns and gives him a smile.
Komaeda smiled at him again when he entered. But this time the smile was tinier, more fearful—and the more Hinata thought about it, the more the smile from before seemed more for the sake of platitude. And yet he got angry.
This wasn’t the time to feel guilty over it. But he should...
“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I...” I wasn’t aware of your condition. But I say something like that, and he’ll know I meant it. The yelling part. I did mean it. But I wouldn’t have been like that if I knew... Does that even mean anything? Does apologizing mean anything? What am I supposed to...? “I’m sorry, Komaeda. Do you really not...”
“I forgive you.” Komaeda’s smile was still meek, but also a bit wider, and Hinata didn’t know if that was good or not. He shouldn’t get conceited when Komaeda still seemed so unsure and insecure. “From what I can tell, I think I’m at fault too... You did say you trying to help me, so... Ah, it’s fine. I just ended up startled, because...you know...”
It’s not like you would even know why I’d lose myself like that... You don’t even know who I am anymore... And it’s weird that he’d be so sheepish about it, too, because it’s not like Komaeda chose to conveniently get retrograde amnesia when he did. Hell, the amnesia thing was probably the furthest thing he was aiming for and that was...
Just fine. As far as Hinata was concerned, when things don’t go Komaeda’s way is preferable to otherwise. Komaeda’s way was twisted and distorted and could invariably lead to disaster. Hinata was aware of this from experience, though he was also aware he didn’t fully understand it. It was entirely possible he never would. Still... “Is there anything you want?”
“Huh?” Komaeda looked at him, his head at a bird-like tilt and wide doe eyes. “I’m...sorry? I don’t know if I can answer that question easily...especially when I’m not entirely sure if I can trust you. Yet, at least.” He looks almost apologetic and Hinata really doesn’t get that either. But finally, Komaeda’s looking a bit bright again, and it’s more of a relief than he cares to admit. “So the nurse did explain what’s wrong with me, right? Recently wrong, I mean. There were problems before... Ah, but I don’t know if you know about that so I’ll just stop here. Did she tell you or not?”
“You don’t remember,” Hinata states it bluntly, his throat thick as Komaeda nods in response. “You’ve experienced trauma that resulted in you losing your memories. You... You don’t remember me anymore, do you?”
“No, I don’t,” Komaeda says, his smile sad. “Nor do I remember how I got here. But I’m not completely a blank slate if it means anything! I remember some things that happened to me before—like once, I had a dog? Ha-ha, something like that... There are still holes in the memories, sadly, but at least they’re still there. If it helps, I think one of the last things I remember is getting an acceptance letter.”
“An acceptance letter? For where...?” Hinata was already dreading the answer. Komaeda chewed on his lower lip with a soft hum.
“Some esteemed academy... But I don’t recall the name...”
“Was it Hope’s Peak?” Hinata’s stomach drops. “Y-You...don’t remember Hope’s Peak?”
“Was that the name of the school? That sounds about right.” Komaeda didn’t sound so sure despite his chipper tone. “Sorry, my memory stops there. But since I’ve been diligently explaining my delicate situation, perhaps you could fill me in a bit on the things I don’t know? It’d only be fair, after all...” He holds up his left wrist, tracing the bandages around the stump as he observes it in plain curiosity. “I’m not entirely sure how I got this. The nurses won’t tell me and to be frank, I highly doubt it was from the incident that resulted in my amnesia. It’s a bit healed over and... I think that acceptance letter was a while ago...before this. I’m not sure, but do you know?”
“I-I...” Hinata hesitates, blatantly. “I-I wasn’t there...when you lost it... S-Sorry...”
“So you don’t know? How disappointing.” Komaeda sighed. “Isn’t that so unfortunate? How am I supposed to write? My handwriting’s awful enough as it is and... Oh. Right. Your question. No, I don’t remember going to school at all. I just remember getting accepted.”
“Do you remember anything after that?” Hinata asks. “Like...your classmates? School assignments? F-Field trips?”
“Hm. Those are some generic questions. I get the feeling you’re hiding things from me...” But Komaeda grinned cheekily as Hinata froze for a moment. Komaeda laughed it off like it was no big deal. “Ah, it can’t be helped. But no, sorry. I barely remembered the school’s name after all. Oh, wait, I do remember being on a boat... Actually yeah. I was on some kind of boat.”
“Do you like boats? You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Hinata blinked hard to dispel the image, but Komaeda turned to him with realization clear in his gaze and face lighting up. “That’s right! You were there, weren’t you? You have the same eyes from earlier, though I see you cut your hair... Funny, didn’t you never want to see me again? You were quite cold, you know...from what I remember. What else were we discussing?”
“It’s not important,” Hinata says, voice quick and thick. “None of those things are important anymore. I didn’t mean anything I said back then. That... That’s not me anymore, so you mustn’t worry.”
“Oh...” Komaeda looks a bit disappointed, but still a bit hopeful. “Um. I don’t remember you introducing yourself...”
That’s because I didn’t. Not back then. I didn’t deem it important.
“What’s your name again?”
Hinata swallows. “Hi...Hinata. Hajime Hinata. I was...” Your classmate? But that’s not true, is it? I was never in that...
“My friend, right?” Komaeda asks, and Hinata’s chest seizes up for a moment. And Komaeda looks bashful too, rubbing at his shoulder with a light blush on his face. “I really am sorry... I must have worried you a lot to make you so angry... Though I don’t know how good my words are when like this. But really, I sincerely appreciate you caring so much. Especially since our first meeting didn’t go so well... But since you’ve changed, I guess... We’re friends now?”
You’ve got that wrong. I didn’t understand you. I don’t even know if I can forgive you. Even though you’re alive now, I feel like things have never been more complicated. I don’t know what we were, but it sure as hell was not...
“Or I’m wrong,” he hums, halting Hinata’s thoughts with a self-effacing sigh. “For all I know I could have just been a troublemaker you got saddled with. Isn’t that more likely?”
Hinata doesn’t answer, but Komaeda gives him another sincere smile that takes his breath away. “But I still like you, Hinata-kun. You must be a really kind person to worry so strongly over someone like me. I don’t have to remember our exact relationship to notice that; especially when you were so fired up earlier. I’ll try and do my best, so don’t fret so much, okay?”
I...I may never understand this person...
“I don’t want to go back.”
The words were simple, clear, and concise. And yet, they didn’t make any sense at all.
“Komaeda,” Hinata groaned, reaching for the other only for him to avoid his hand. Komaeda’s stare remained—those same wide doe eyes and lips pulled into a neutral straight line—but Hinata grew more agitated by the minute.
The wind blew, ocean waves crashing below, and when Hinata’s eyes drifted from Komaeda, they landed immediately on the edge of the cliff not too far behind the two. The idea appeared in his head and soon sank to his gut, and Hinata nearly begged as he attempted to grab Komaeda. “Come on...!”
“If you’re going to take me back,” Komaeda murmured, face unreadable as he continued to evade his swiping hand. “Then I have no choice.”
“Please, please don’t...”
“Hinata-kun.” It was the first time Komaeda had said his name in months, and it sounded raspy. Awful. Hinata hated the way Komaeda said his name. But he still missed it. And that just made it worse. “What do you think will happen? Good luck or bad luck? Make a prediction—just like you did the first time we met. Hopefully, you won’t be wrong like last time.”
Hinata shouted his name, fear breaking through his anger as he launched himself forward towards the other. He missed Komaeda by mere centimeters and he only saw a blur of white and blue before there was only the barren cliff before him.
Whatever shock he would have gone into was shattered when he heard the soft, muted impact from several feet below.
“Oh good morning, Hinata-kun!” Komaeda brightly greeted him, waving his good hand once he saw Hinata standing blankly in his doorway. Hinata wasn’t sure how he looked, and Komaeda gave no comments to it, but there was a slightly concerned way to how Komaeda tilted his head and smiled a bit more. “It’s a bit early... Is something wrong?”
“...Nightmare. I had a nightmare.” With those words out, he stumbled to get close, nearly tripping in his haste to reach out and grasp Komaeda’s still elevated hand. He squeezed it once, briefly, and pulled his hands back to wipe his clammy palms off his pants. “Sorry. I... I just had to make sure for a moment.”
“It’s fine...” Komaeda pulled his hand close, curling it against his chest. His worried smile remained on his face, and Hinata tried not to stare at the bandages wrapped around his head. There were scars there before, from previous hospital trips, and Hinata can only imagine how much worse they’d look now with where his head had bashed on a rock.
“Um... Hinata-kun?”
Hinata’s gaze snapped back.
“I’m sorry,” Komaeda spoke with such ease, and yet, so much regret. “I’m really, really sorry. I just... I feel like I should beg you for forgiveness.”
You should, but I won’t be happy when you’re like this. It’s...
It’s fine.
Even if I won’t ever understand, even if we’re just back at square one again... Even so...
“I should’ve said this earlier,” Hinata said, forcing a smile. “Welcome back.”
Komaeda blinked at him, but he smiled once more. It actually wasn’t half-bad. It might’ve even been a little lovely.
I can keep trying a little while longer.
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