#honestly all possibilities of it are deeply entertaining.
faerociousbeast · 2 years
i cant in good faith say i find itadei much funnier onesided anymore given my brain roommate but... it is kinda funny .
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eyesthecolorofarson · 4 months
Soul healing
Damian was angry.
He was one of their best fighters, knew the layout of Arkham like the back of his hand, AND was on good terms with both Riddler and Ivy! Why wasn’t he allowed to help in the breakout? What was the point of making him babysit!?!
Father had said he was to keep the child safe but he’d neglected to say why. And honestly, the child was three months old. Who would be hunting down an infant, why would they be hunting down an infant, and what would they do with an infant? If anyone was after the child, that is.
The infant in question was babbling incoherently and rolling around on her stomach. She squealed and he huffed. All he knew about her was the information in her file, which was surprisingly little. Three months old, no name and orphaned, she was of Brazilian heritage and her blood tests located her place of origin as Blüdhaven. She was moved to Gotham to be fostered, which is one of the stupidest decisions he’s ever heard of.
The foster parent in question was Daniel ‘Danny’ Nightingale. Nightingale showed incredible intelligence, graduating upper primary school two years early and high school in two. Currently a student at Gotham University Nightingale was double majoring in chemistry and aerospace engineering when he decided to apply for a New Jersey foster license, which he was given due to already having one in both Wisconsin and Ohio as well as his incredible record.
Nightingale was in the room with him and the infant. He was 14 years of age and had short black hair much like himself, but Nightingale was disturbingly pale and had almost ultramarine blue eyes. Nightingale was sitting with the child in front of his place on the couch. There was a gate in a circle connected to each end of the couch that contained a multitude of children’s toys and a few books. The infant was currently playing with a keychain-like toy while Nightingale entertained her.
One part of him wanted to sit and stew in his contempt, but the other, the son of the Bat, was deeply curious. What was so special about this child that it warranted him–an Al Ghul, Robin, heir to the mantle of Bat and Demons Throne–to act as bodyguard? Was it her heritage—correction, what was her heritage, because there was no other reason for her to be hunted. What else could it possibly be?
But when he began paying attention to the infant, it made him realize that the child was not the oddity he was sent to watch, but Nightingale. Nightingale acted normal for the most part, but when the infant made a certain sound–a loud shriek–his pupils would retract and slit before expanding again, like a cats. That wasn’t the oddest thing he noticed.
Nightingales teeth were sharp, and the more he babbled and cooed at the infant the more teeth Damian could see. It appeared all his teeth were canines except for the teeth in the normal place for canines. Those four teeth were long and thin, like a vipers. When the light hit his eyes his pupils shimmered, like a cat or an owls. His ears, which were slightly pointy, twitched every now and then. His nails were noticeably sharp as well, and his voice would sometimes distort. As if a record player were malfunctioning. And the infant would respond! Respond in that same distorted tongue. That loud shriek would turn into a two second wail that made his heartbeat rise to his ears and his vision blur. Then she would giggle or coo and it would end. He had to do something. Those wails were coming more and more often now, and she was starting to lose shape.
“What is this?” Damian snapped. “Don’t worry,” Nightingale told him gently, “this is normal for her species.” He blinked and processed his words. Species. She wasn’t human. “I’m surprised the Bat picked up on it,” Nightingale continued, “Humans aren’t usually susceptible to this sort of thing. But I also sorta expected it? Because he’s, y’know, Batman.”
Nightingale smiled sweetly as she shrieked again, her outline blurring and walls shaking. He could feel his teeth rattling in his head. Suddenly Nightingales jaw unhinged with a quick clicking sound, as if his bones were straining and breaking, and an even louder whistle-hissing sound came from between his now many, many teeth. She stopped, her mouth in an ‘O’ and her eyes wide. He didn’t notice before, but an infant her age shouldn’t have teeth. Especially that sharp. And her eyes were a light yellow color, like straw.
Then she giggled, and began babbling like she didn’t just use a sonic voice ability similar to Black Canary’s. “Dawww,” Nightingale cooed, tickling her, “she’s developing quickly! Garalings usually only start fawning when they start walking.” Damian watched warily. He didn’t want to get any closer, in all honesty. His ears were ringing.
But he was curious, so, so, curious. What was a Garaling? What was fawning and why did they do it after they began walking? Could all Garalings do this ‘fawning’? Compared to other Garalings, exactly how fast is she developing? Is early development common?
Start with the most important. “What is a ‘Garaling’?” Nightingale smiled at him again. “Garalings are an extradimensional species that reside in a place called The Valley. They act as lords of nature and patrons of a chosen plant or animal. Her fawning,” he tapped her nose and she giggled, “will soon turn into either an animal sound or a sound of her own.”
“Fascinating,” he muttered, “is it an attack?” “More like a call to arms,” Nightingale leaned back, relaxed, as the infant shook her toy. “Gathering her chosen animal or plant for whatever she needs.” Damian watched her chew on the toy, drooling and babbling.
“What are you?” “I’m dead. Well, sort of. How to explain this…” He thought for a moment. “Think of me….as the line between life and death, but not exactly limbo. More like I move the line. Sometimes more dead, and sometimes more alive. But always a bit of both.” Damian couldn’t help but be reminded of Todd. And himself.
“Your not from this earth.” Nightingale smiled sadly. “I used to be. But not anymore. Even so I can’t bring myself to fully leave, though I probably should.” “Why? What makes you stay?” Nightingales eyes drifted away, back to the infant. “I want to continue the life I never got to finish. Experience the things I never got to experience. Do what I always wanted to do, even if it’s too late.”
He could understand that. Nightingale looked to be his age. To be ripped from life so soon was something he worried about constantly. Knowing that Nightingale was…..He understood wanting to stay, to pretend to be alive.
“What brought her here?” Nightingales face tightened. “Cultists.” He sounded annoyed. “They exist in every world and their always fond of sacrificing children. Even though my summons specifically say if I’m offered children or anyone unwilling I’ll destroy the cult.” It took Damian a moment to understand the implications.
“….who are you?” Nightingale smiled at him again, and for a second his outline wavered like the infants had. “I am Danny Phantom, High King of the Infinite Realms, the afterlife dimension. I rule over everything and everyone who’s died, if they’ve stayed dead or not. I am The Warm Winter, The Space Between, The Brightest Star. I act as Defender Of The Undead.”
“And what do you plan on doing with her? Why did you take her if you do not accept living offerings?” It was suspicious. Even though Nightingale–Phantoms titles painted him as benevolent, and his stance on sacrifice was very pacifistic, Damian knew better than to trust him just on those facts alone.
But he was being very honest, and it made him wonder why. Compared to Phantom, he was microscopic, a nuisance even. Why was he answering all his questions with seemingly endless transparency? “Because her parents were apart of the cult that offered her, which is unfortunately a common case. I had to bring her here because I already have another offering child going to school here.”
“Another?” He tilted his head, eyes narrowing. “How many children have you kept?” He suddenly had a feeling. Not a bad one, just…a feeling. Phantom thought for a moment. “Well the first was Sirius, she’s from a dimension where people are made completely out of star matter. She doesn't live with me anymore since she’s all grown up now, but she’s a really popular singer in the Realms! I can see if she set up her inter dimensional and universal site, her music is great!”
“Casey is my second, he was offered when he was about ten and he’s from a universe that’s essentially the same as this one but everyone has magic. He’s currently in his home dimension in school as well. He specializes in hydrokinese but he’s trying to learn Essokineses. He’s a really quick learner but has a tendency to either give zero or a hundred, no in between.”
“A few months after that I was offered a pair of twins in their twenties. Well, they were built to look to be in their twenties, their actual age is, as of now, seven. Their from a world where hyper realistic androids have no rights and are destroyed if they develop sentience, so when they did they were offered to me because they thought it would get through my rule. They named themselves Poppy and Posies. They don’t like to leave the Realm so their being homeschooled. They really enjoy learning and playing, and Poppy’s favorite thing to do is dance and Posies is jewelry making.”
“I got another infant from a dimension where everyone’s a centaur a few weeks ago. I named her Amaranthe and her lower half’s a sheep! She’s so cute. She’s not the best at walking yet but she loves jumping whenever she can. She likes playing perk-a-boo with the handmaidens. And the child going here is Aiden, he was offered a few months ago. He was originally from Kentucky but everyone in his hometown was apart of the cult and Lady Gotham likes me so we’re here now. He’s still rattled but being on earth helps him so he can stay as long as he likes. He wants to get into a trade school.”
“And this—“ Phantom tapped the infant on the nose, who giggled and grabbed his finger. “Is Velvet! Like I said she’s a Garaling from The Valley. I literally got her two weeks ago so her fake identity is pretty rushed and I think Batman could tell which is why you’re here. But I need to be here for Aiden, so she’s probably going to stay with me for at least another four weeks or until her room in the Realms is ready.”
“You have an adoption problem,” He groaned. God forbid his Father learn about this even though he knew he had to show him the footage being collected from his mask. Phantom laughed. “Probably. But it’s not like I could just give them away to someone else. Well, I could. But I don’t want to. I don’t have any family other than my sister, and she’s still alive. So it’s nice to have people running around the castle.”
He respected it. Even though he was suspecting Phantom was older than he appeared, his physical appearance was probably the age he died at, he was still going out of his way to take in not only traumatized adults and children but infants. He’d never dealt with infants but he had no doubt that they were a handful, even though Phantom said he had handmaidens he didn’t seem like the type to let them do everything.
“Have you had any problems with vigilantes such as myself? I know Batman can be quite forceful and rude if he encounters something he does not understand.” Phantom allowed Velvet to shake his fingers with surprising strength. “Nope! I’m very good at staying under the radar. That’s why I was so surprised when Batman sent you. Like I said, humans aren’t usually capable of picking up on things like the undead. But it’s probably that contaminated ecto you and him are covered in. Can I ask you about that, by the way?”
Contaminated Ecto? “Whatever do you mean by ‘contaminated’? What is this ecto?” Phantom held his hand up and Damian watched, fascinated and horrified, as Lazarus water bled from his skin and rose into a ball. “This is ectoplasm! Every ghost is made of it. It’s our blood, flesh and atoms all in one. Judging by the look on your face you’ve seen it before?”
Damian cleared his suddenly dry throat. “Uh, yes. We call it Lazarus water, and it comes from Lazarus Pits.” Phantoms eyes narrowed. “Pits? Like, a natural or artificial hole in the ground? It doesn’t move or flow in and out? It just sits there?” Damian told him yes and explained the way the League used the Pits, the effects of being revived or healed by the water. By the end Phantoms carefree attitude had left and in its place was someone who held himself like a king.
“Let me put Velvet to bed.” He waved his hand and the gate and various toys began to float and put themselves away as he picked up Velvet and walked away. He was alone for a few minutes, watching as the toys stacked neatly in a toy box and thinking. There was a whole species of people made out of Lazarus Water. Ectoplasm. Pure ectoplasm. What he’d experienced, had contact with, was apparently so corrupted that Phantom had noticed it.
Phantom came back and sat next to him, running a hand through his hair. “Ok, so; ectoplasm has a mind of its own. It connects with and enhances emotions. That’s why a lot of ghosts are angry or sad. Because the ectoplasm connects with the feelings they had when they were dying, and that’s why ghosts are so emotional. It’s all we’re made of. Some people don’t become ghosts but their emotions do. We call those blob ghosts.”
Phantom looked disturbed. “Ectoplasm can’t just sit there or else it’ll start to deteriorate, mold. It’ll become poisonous, borderline radioactive. It needs to be moving and connected with more ectoplasm to filter it out. Yes it does having insane healing properties but it’s not supposed to hurt you. Never supposed to hurt you. Again it has a mind of its own. Most ectoplasm wants to create new life, heal and help. If this Lazarus water is hurting people, it’s because it wants to. And that’s really, really bad.”
“You said it was boiling?” Damian nodded. “That’s also not good. Ectoplasm is supposed to be cold. That’s why most people who contact ghosts feel cold or the temperature drop. I’ve never heard of ectoplasm boiling before.” Phantom looked very troubled. “You said these pools are controlled by the League of Assassins?” At his nod he waved his hand and a small white circle appeared next to him.
Through the circle he could see only what appeared to be a bookshelf. Phantom traced the spine of a few before pulling one out and closing the circle, flipping through the book. Damian leaned over to read. It seemed to be a list of people. At first he didn’t recognize them, but then the name The Sensei appeared at the top of a page labeled ‘The Demons-Al Ghul’
It was a family tree. One he’d seen and studied more than a million times. It showed his ancestors, great grandfather, Ra’s, his Mother, Dusan, Nyssa, even Mara and I’son. And him. Phantom pointed at his name. “Is this you?” He swallowed.
There wasn’t any real point in lying. He already knew, but if his Father found out he’d get in trouble despite the recording showing Phantom had figured it out himself. “Uh, yes. Yes it is.” Phantom nodded then flipped more pages before coming across a map. He folded the page out and Damian saw it was seven small but detailed maps. Maps of the locations of the Pits.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, “Phantom you can not let anyone find this book. If this got into the wrong hands—“ Phantom laughed. “Don’t worry, Damian. These kinds of books are only in the castle library. No one other than me and my family can get in there.” He flipped through a few more pages before coming across one with a sketch of the Lazarus Pits. Phantoms eyes scanned the pages quickly, growing more concerned the more he read.
“Do you have any of these symptoms? The anger, lost time and enhancement?” Damian bit his lip. “I…used to. The Pit rage and blackouts faded after time and I have no enhancement that I know of. But, one of my brothers, Jason Todd…” Phantom muttered the name, opening another circle and pulling out another book. He flipped through it quicker than before and pointed at a page near the back.
“Jason Peter Todd-Wayne?” Damian nodded. Phantom sighed again. “He’s a revenant, an angry spirit that was put to rest and then forced back into life. It’s no wonder these symptoms stuck with him; this Pit probably attached itself to his barely formed core. It’s a miracle his body’s still functioning.”
“What’s a core?” Damian leaned over and red more names in the book, all unrecognizable. “A core is a ghosts soul. Each core has a sort of unique elemental power or structure to them. I have an ice core.” Phantom opened his hand and Damian watched as wisps of ice and snow rose out of his palm.
“Ok, so; a ghosts age depends on how long they’ve been dead for and how developed their core is. So someone who dies at a hundred will suddenly become a newborn ghost. Ghosts get more powerful with time, and depending on how violently they died they might become newborn ghosts who are already really powerful. I was one of those instances.”
Phantom opened another circle and pulled out another book. “Every new ghost will usually search for or be found by an older ghost who’ll become their caretaker or ‘parent’. These ghosts are supposed to teach the new ghosts about their powers, what type of ghost they are, how their religious beliefs will affect their afterlife. I had a really, really old ghost named Clockwork.”
Phantom flipped through the pages again and showed him one. It seemed to be a medical diagram of a ghost. It was fascinating; they didn’t appear to have muscles or organs, but rather this core acted as not only their stomach and heart but their brain. In fact their whole body seemed to be one big vein, the whole thing circulating this ectoplasm throughout it.
“Finding a new ‘parent’ is really, really important. Like I said before ghosts are nothing but emotions. So when we get lonely, it’s like a major depressive episode. We start hurting ourselves and others, we do things that go against our beliefs or moral codes, we do anything to bring any sort of attention to ourselves. Is this similar to anything Jason went through after being forced back?”
“I believe so? I don’t know what he was really thinking, but he definitely did horrible things that he would never have done before.” Damian didn’t miss the wording Phantom used. Forced. Todd didn’t come back to life, he was dragged back. Ra’s wanted to come back, his Father wanted to come back, he wanted to come back. But Todd had been put to rest somehow. Todd had moved on.
“If Todd had moved on before being forced back, why would he react so violently? If he’d been at peace, why all the anger?” Phantom closed the book and pulled out another, flipping through it to another diagram, but this time it was of a core. It was cut up the way he’d seen cells be in schoolbooks. “I honestly don’t entirely know, and I would have to see Jason or take him to one of my doctor's, but I think it’s because of the Pit.”
“As I said, ectoplasm is slightly sentient. But if this Lazarus water is working the same way normal ectoplasm does but maliciously, then Jason’s entire core might be made out of this corrupt ecto. It might have connected with one of his dying feelings, anger, and blew it out of proportion.” Damian bit the inside of his cheek. Todd would not be happy to learn his new soul is made out of mold and corruption. He’d take it the completely wrong way.
“How would we fix something like this? If a core is every organ, how would we get rid of the Lazarus water his very soul is now made of?” Phantom thought again. “Maybe we could flush it? Like, get him pills or an IV of pure ectoplasm and try to push it out. I don’t really know, but I know a doctor who might.” Damian hesitated before speaking again.
“…Would the Lazarus water fight back? Is it sentient enough to do that? What if by doing this it inadvertently harms him?” Phantoms made a displeased sound. He snapped the book closed and put it back in the portal before turning to him. “I don’t know, but I can find out. The book said there’s one of theses Pits in the Batcave, is that true?” He saw where this was going.
“My father would never let you in,” he started, “But you can bring me some.” Phantom finished. “I can get you some transport-safe tubes from one of my doctors, and they can look it over and find out how it works. If we find out a way to purify it, we may be able to use that to purify all the pits.” It was optimistic, but hell, he could use some hope in his life. And if he got caught, the mask footage would be his saving grace.
“If it is for the purpose of curing Todd of his Pit madness, then I will do whatever needs to be done. Where will you get these containers?” Phantom smiled and opened another portal, this time showing what looked like a laboratory table filled with beakers and containers with a green tint. Phantom grabbed five vials with stoppers and tongs. He handed them to him, and then grabbed a rack and gave him that as well.
“Want me to open one to the Batcave?” “If you wouldn’t mind.” That’ll make it far easier to get to and from, and lessen his chances of getting caught. Phantom stood and opened a much larger white circle, and it showed the closely guarded Lazarus Pit that was deep in the cave. He quickly filled the vials and went back in the apartment. “What now?” Phantom secured the tops with ice before replying, “Now I take this to the Far Frozen. That’s where the best doctors in the Infinite Realms are, they’re a group of Yetis.”
“How long will it take you? How long will it take for them to test it?” “I don’t know,” Phantom opened a larger portal, showing a frozen tundra. There seemed to be a large cave of ice in the distance. “But I’ll be back as soon as possible. We’ll find a way to get rid of the Lazarus Pits, and purify your brother. I promise.” He said it with such certainty and confidence that for a second Damian fully believed him.
In a flash of white Phantom’s hair had turned a snow white and his eyes Lazarus–ectoplasm green. He was wearing a black suit similar to a superhero’s with white gloves and boots, and he had what looked to be a crown of northern lights. He had a white cape that’s inside showed stars, and the absolute power he radiated almost knocked Damian down. Phantom smiled at him, reassuringly and calm, then stepped into the portal. It closed without a sound, and Damian was left with his thoughts.
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trashytoastboi · 3 months
Can I request headcanons of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Ace with a sleepy head S/O? They just love sleeping and taking naps.
Hiya! Sure thing! My apologies for the long wait on your request and hope you enjoy ~
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Headcanons: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace with Sleepy head S/O – They just love sleeping and taking naps
> (Gender Neutral) <
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Monkey D. Luffy
🍖 Luffy could always find {Name} in their favorite nap spot. They had developed little napping corners, all throughout various places on the ship. Some were cozy, others unusual. Luffy initially found it to be entertaining like a game every time he had to seek out another new place that {Name} dubbed as their sleeping spot. He had even adopted some to be his own sleeping corners that he would share a refreshing nap or two with {Name} especially after a big meal. He didn't understand how one could sleep so often but nevertheless, {Name} had their moments of energy. Although everyone could agree it was an unusual match up considering how low energy {Name} is compared to the ever energetic Luffy. 
🍖 Luffy loves that {Name} is so trusting of him that he could move them around in their sleep and instinctively they’ll know it's him and won't wake nor stir. Simply entrust themselves to him. That trust is a precious thing to Luffy, and he would never seek to betray it. Out of curiosity they had tested if it worked with anyone else on the crew and with the exception of Chopper, no one else was able to even touch {Name} without waking them up. Knowing that they don’t stir or get disturbed Luffy is still always careful when handling them while sleeping. 
🍖 It goes without saying that naps are a daily occurrence, {Name} enjoys napping with Luffy. It’s a two in one, they get to sleep and spend time with their beloved. How could they possibly pass that up? Especially after a delicious meal served by Sanji, a satisfied stomach makes the eyes heavy. {Name} already heads to their spot of the day and Luffy follows. I mean nothing beats a post meal nap, and it’s only got all the upsides. He does find it surprising that {Name} can easily sleep more than Zoro but when you’re tired, you're tired. He’s understanding of that given the amount of times he would see Ace just fall asleep in the middle of things. He wouldn't even wait until after the meal until he was passing out.
🍖 Luffy has tested how deeply they sleep. He’s poked, prodded, tickled, raised a ruckus and yet they slept through it all. Honestly you’d need that kind of deep sleep to survive the craziness of the Straw-Hat crew. He also finds it adorable how they koala to him. If they sense that Luffy is near they’ll stretch, shuffle and pull him into a surprise snuggle. Which 99% of the time also results in Luffy deciding to take a nap too. 
🍖 Luffy can tolerate a lot, but there are some sleep habits that just don’t fly with him. He can tolerate the blanket stealing, snoring and cold feet. But the sleep talking- specifically sleep talking about food is just one of the worst habits {Name} has. It makes Luffy so unbearably hungry that he has to go and find food as soon as possible, even if it means getting through Sanji and the padlocked fridge. 
🍖 {Name’s} sleeping habits, believe it or not have actually gotten a lot better. One of the trickiest things to deal with, was {Name} falling asleep in the middle of fights. One second they’re dominating, next someone is yelling to rescue them before they’re injured because they decided to stop, drop and nap right on the spot. The only saving grace was that their adversary was so stunned that they just stopped fighting momentarily, which gave Luffy an opportunity to save his partner and take them to safety. Which usually entailed tossing them as gently as he could to some random corner. 
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Roronoa Zoro
⚔️ Zoro never thought he’d meet someone who shares his need to nap. If not more so, he appreciates that they understand. Who can refuse the true beauty of a good solid nap, you wake refreshed and energized, sometimes a little hungry but right as rain. Sleep was the magic cure all, and {Name} embodied that. When awake they were sleepy, yawning and dazed as if they were constantly on the verge of going to bed. Zoro finds it charming in his way, and {Name’s} constant bedhead is something he also finds quite adorable. He’s even gotten to the point of being able to rate the quality of their naps based on their bed hair. A neat little party trick. Not that he could say he’s met someone that sleeps that match, so he likens his partner to a cat because that’s the only creature that comes to his mind that naps as much as {Name}
⚔️ All of Zoro’s napping spots became {Name’s} napping spot and underwent a metamorphosis, to become extra comfortable. A whole upgrade, things were far more comfortable than Zoro thought possible. {Name} had the magic touch, Zoro swears that he had never in his life ever slept that comfortably. His partner was genuinely happy that they could make his naps, along with theirs a little more peaceful and accommodating. Hell, even Franky swore left and right that they must use sorcery because he couldn’t see HOW it made any sense. {Name} has often said that to understand the art of sleep, one must sleep a lot. 
⚔️ Zoro wasn’t much of a cuddler, not at first at least. He would fall asleep his usual way, on his back with his hands behind his head. Sometimes he’d be holding his swords and other times he’d just lay on his side on the deck. {Name} would scoot, shuffle and shift until they were snug against him, comfortably and using Zoro’s chest as their pillow. They said it was the best pillow and it was hard to nap without. Eventually Zoro got so used to them, that he just always fell asleep expecting {Name} to eventually join him. Oddly enough Zoro discovered he was quite the big fan of snuggling. Having them in his arms, and feeling the warmth of another person was so comforting. Unless there was a heatwave, being the only exception when {Name} didn’t cuddle up with him. 
⚔️ Zoro never knew whether to be impressed, entertained or creeped out by the fact that {Name} could hold full conversations in their sleep. They’d said it’s all basic and autopilot answers. There were plenty of times when they weren’t supposed to be sleeping and at least being able to answer questions and speak saved them a lot. If someone tried to wake them they would simply reply “I’m not sleeping, just resting my eyes.” The most common excuse in the book is that someone would ask a second question and [Name} would respond, even going as far as being able to make small talk. All for the preservation of a good nap.. 
⚔️ Constricting. Zoro absolutely detested this strange sleep habit of his partners. For literally no reason, their cuddles would turn into crushing death grip, strangle holds and gentle arms turned into constricting snakes that would have Zoro being crushed. He thought it was related to dreams, nope. Come hell or high water, good dreams or bad. {Name} would get these random moments when they would just tighten their grip and send Zoro into mild panic until he wakes them up or slips out of their hold. Now it’s just a thing that happens and he handles it easily, the first few times however were nothing short of terrifying.
⚔️ Well Zoro has had his fair share of badly timed naps, during a crisis when he’s napping so soundly. But one thing he wishes {Name} would work on, is having no sense of crisis. Mid fight and they’re eepy? Sleep. The amount of fights he’s had to undertake with {Name} slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. If not that, then falling asleep in the bath and literally fearing for his partner drowning because they decided to take a quick nap in the bathtub. 
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🍽 Cute, so cute, adorable- precious. Sanji has many adjectives to explain his partner, not that they ever do any justice because {Name} exceeds them. He thinks their sleepiness is adorable. Sounds odd, but seeing how they yawn, eyes barely open and they waddle towards Sanji to hug him and wish him a good morning, nuzzling into his chest as the warmth lulls them back to sleep. Sanji is literally trembling from how cute that is. “{Name-chan} You should go back to bed.” He helps them back to bed, and even prepares the usual. {Name} gets an exemption from the dining table to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in bed, benefits when one’s boyfriend is the chef. 
🍽Absolutely adores what a snuggle bug they are. Sanji loves it. If he’s cooking they’ll usually hug him, leaning into him while he’s busy. They’re half asleep mumbling half asleep answers, occasionally being fed bites to taste test while Sanji deciphers and translates based on their hums and mumbles. If he’s sitting down, they want to use his lap as a pillow, if in bed, they’re snuggling him. Sometimes they intentionally seek Sanji out, pouting until he agrees to join them in a nap just so they can cuddle him. He loves the affection. 
🍽 {Name} has gotten Sanji into the habit of taking naps too, in the small time gap after lunch and before dinner. Sanji originally didn’t see the appeal, only if he had a poor night's sleep, then he’d do it for a boost of energy. Ever since {Name}, naps were his daily ritual. His little bit of me time, and thankfully he convinced {Name} to sleep in relatively normal places. Some of their previous places were questionable if not downright dangerous. One long lecture later, they shuffled around until napping spots got Sanji approved. 
🍽 Sanji discovered the greatest joy he has. {Name} who is always extra ravenous after waking up from a nap. They say food always tastes better after a nap and eat whatever Sanji serves up with such enthusiasm that it genuinely touches his heart. He loves being able to cook and prepare light meals, snacks, anything they crave really after a particularly good nap. Even with their sleepy and low energy selves they express such clear excitement for whatever Sanji cooks up. 
🍽 Sanji has very little to complain about when sharing a bed with them at night, the only thing he’ll probably say was tricky to get used to was how much {Name] moves around in their sleep. They change sleeping positions every so often, occasionally banishing the pillow from the bed unintentionally or throwing the blanket off, Sanji always wakes up to return their pillow and cover them again. This happens a few times a night, even if they’re cuddling sometimes {Name} will very abruptly change their sleeping position and smack Sanji in the face, giving him a nosebleed. (Oh the irony) 
🍽 Sanji was wholly curious about what would happen should {Name} not sleep as much for a day. Satisfying his curiosity they didn’t nap and it was hard. They were so groggy and tired it made them sluggish. They grew irritable beyond belief, and grumpy. They would hug Sanji everytime they walked past but instead of enjoying it, they would leave almost immediately saying it would make them sleepy. Sanji knew that naps were like snickers to his partner. Because {Name} wasn’t themselves without having a nap. 
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Portgas D. Ace
🔥 Ace is very high energy, he is always in go mode. Ironically until he has those sudden naps that recharge him for his next bout. {Name} found that relatable and cute on Ace’s behalf. Meeting while he napped in his soup probably wouldn’t make the best first impression to most. {Name} reassured him it's quite alright. It happens to them often too. Ace took it as a joke, not exactly knowing that it was almost the truth. {Name} is so sleepy all the time, that a couple of instances of falling asleep in their food was actually pretty commonplace. Ace thinks it’s cute though.
🔥 {Name} loves sleeping with Ace, he’s always warm and loves cuddling as much as they do. Ace enjoys seeing them so peaceful and undisturbed, he strokes their head to calm them and it works. It soothes {Name}, anytime they’re with Ace and he starts doing that, it’s guaranteed that they will fall asleep. He knows it too, he doesn’t mind if they fall asleep though. Ace takes it as a sign of their trust in him, enough to fall asleep near him and entrust them with their safety. That trust is something precious to Ace even if it stems from something like sleeping near him, he still values it. 
🔥 {Name} will occasionally ‘kidnap’ Ace to join in their afternoon naps. One minute he’s socializing with the crew, the next {Name} is sprouting up out of nowhere trying to drag him to their favorite napping spot, which of course is decided at the time. In consideration of a few key factors, such as the weather, the sun, the wind, comfort factor, and {Name’s} mood of the day. Do they want an indoor nap? Outdoor? Is it cold or hot? 
🔥 One of the most entertaining things for the crew to witness is Ace trying to escape from {Name} after they’ve fallen asleep. Him trying to stealthily slip out of their grasp and every time they stir, threatening to wake up he freezes. Holds his breath in this game of red light, green light until he’s finally free. Eventually he shuffles a pillow closer to act as his body double as {Name} snuggles into it and goes on sleeping without a care in the world. 
🔥 An annoying sleep habit that {Name} has is ‘mood swings’ in a sense, one minute they want cuddles, snuggles and fine, the next, they want their own space and roll away from Ace or violently boot him out of bed (All unintentionally), Ace never knows when the mood will shift. One moment he snuggles, the next he dodges an elbow, a knee, a foot and resorts to sleeping on the cold side of the bed, banished to the forsaken realms until [Name} is rolling back towards him.
🔥 Ace learned to deal with his adorable partner who just curls up and sleeps on any comfy surface, even if it’s an inappropriate place that could potentially be dangerous. The amount of times he believed his heart would give out when he saw half of the strange and perilous places his partner fell asleep in. Ace had the tendency to worry about them and made {Name} promise that even if they’re tired they have to hold on endure until they get to a comfortable and safe location above all. 
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belphegorbillickin · 1 year
Obey Me! Love Languages (+Side Characters)
(CW!): Yandere-ish behavior in the Levi, Diavolo, and Belphie sections. Diavolo is the worst out of the three.
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Nothing makes Lucifer much happier than simply spending time alone together, especially in bed.
(He practically jumps you every Devilgram I swear.)
He's more than willing to keep chaste if that's what you prefer though. Lucifer cherishes any and all time you spend with him.
He prefers to go somewhere private with you, where he can let his guard down completely and tell you exactly how much he appreciates you, but he enjoys calmer, more "mature" dates as well.
You don't even have to talk to each other, simply spending time together makes his (shriveled, blackened) heart swell and tension ease.
Although if you'd like to completely remove his tension…
(Have I mentioned that this man is even more desperate than Mammon and Asmo combined? Give this ancient babygirl a hug and a back massage.)
You may or may not be as busy as he is, but he still sees you being willing to spend what little time you both have together as a big gesture.
It certainly is for him at least, as he's far too busy to entertain someone he doesn't truly care for.
It may sound odd coming from an effectively "ageless" being, but time is honestly his most limited resource.
Lucifer's too much of a perfectionist and control freak to let you do anything big, but he deeply appreciates anything you do to make his life easier.
Even something as small as bringing him breathtakingly bitter hell coffee or a pen he forgot brightens his day considerably.
Of course, being the Avatar of Pride, he's more than happy to receive any and all compliments you give him.
They're not exactly uncommon, but he feels they sound so much sweeter coming from your lips.
(Lips he would love to kiss if you'd just let him…)
You know you've made it when Lucifer allows you to see his vulnerable side and trusts you enough to ask for help with the more serious, complicated tasks.
Something no other human, demon, or angel, will likely ever have the privilege of experiencing.
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It's canonically stated that whoever he loves is showered in riches, and I don't believe it's just from his latent power.
What better way for the avatar of greed to show he loves you than to be selfless and give you what's his?
Anything that reminds him of you is already in his hands before he can even think about it, paid for or not.
It can be something as simple as a pretty flower or a giant piece of furniture he thinks you'll look great relaxing in.
It's a shame it won't fit in your room, but that just means you'll have to come visit him in his more often. He totally didn't plan that though! (You know he did.)
He's also a huge showboat and always tries to go for the most extravagant options even if it doesn't actually add anything either of y'all would like.
Mammon was already pretty horrible at budgeting, but after becoming infatuated with you it's almost like he's actively trying to get into a ridiculous amount of debt with everyone.
It's only because he desperately wants to impress you and show how much you mean to him, by any and all means possible.
Of course Mammon would love to receive some gifts in turn, but I feel like, unless they were homemade or otherwise really special, he'd start to take it for granted and complain when it's not expensive enough.
It's not that he means to take advantage of you or doesn't appreciate it, but he is the Avatar of Greed after all, and you're feeding into it.
What really makes him feel loved is when you defend him publicly and happily turn down the others to spend more time with him.
He doesn't mean it in a nasty way unlike some demons, *cough* *cough* Levi & Belphie, but the way his brothers have treated him has worn on him a bit.
You know you've made it when Mammon finally feels secure enough to say he loves you with zero hesitation.
Alone, in front of his brothers, even in front of Simeon and Diavolo and the others. He'll scream it from the rooftops if you want him to.
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Leviathan is actually very generous. He's offered to buy things for his brothers and MC surprisingly often.
It makes sense in a way, as he doesn't really have to do much to maintain it. He can just drop the gift and run when he's nervous, rather than having to stay still while holding your hand or possibly tripping over his words and getting rejected when he tries to say something nice.
I bet he feels as though even if someone didn't like him they would at least like the gift, and then maybe they'll eventually like the source of all the gifts as well.
I could definitely see Levi trying to "buy" your love even if he doesn't realize it.
He's also very helpful when he wants to be, Satan even listed him as his most reliable brother.
It makes him feel good to do things for other people and again, he feels like maybe people will like what he does for them even if they don't like him the same way.
It's not as though he hates compliments and any other loving comments, but he's never really going to believe them until you've already "proven it" through your other actions.
If anything it has a very high chance of backfiring if that's your main way of showing affection, especially if you're a kind person in general.
Levi has got a nasty habit of twisting everyone's words against them and he's not gonna kick it anytime soon, regardless of any reassurance you give him.
His insecurities are far too deeply rooted and connected to his very existence as the Avatar of Envy to be soothed so easily.
Even gifts are a much better way into his heart, if you take the time to research his collection and support his hobbies that is.
Not only did you take the time to listen to what he says, but you spent all that time and effort tracking it down, waiting in line, or staying at the website refreshing repeatedly until you could buy it.
It shows him you're fully supportive and not embarrassed to be seen as a "weeb." That you won't pretend to not know him in public when he freaks out the latest Ruri-chan merch and proudly displays it on his person.
What really makes Leviathan believe you love him is getting jealous over him and turning down the others to be with him.
Especially if you made plans with them first and then ditched them for Levi when he threw a fit.
It's very mean-spirited, unlike Mammon who mostly wants reassurance. As Leviathan actually wants to feel them hurting, but again, he's a demon and The Avatar of Envy at that. Take the most jealous, unreasonable, and controlling person you know and multiple it by a thousand. That's what he has to deal with in his head 24/7, and though he does a very admirable job of keeping them as thoughts rather than actions, it's still a very heavy strain and things do slip out.
Levi will end up throwing a fit if you try to restrict his Ruri or TSL time out of jealousy, but any H-games and etc. are fair game so long as you promise to pick up the slack.
He'll even stop going to idol meet and greets for you, but it's only fair you start restricting your time with other people (including his brothers) in return, right? Right?
…Yeah, good luck handling that.
You know you've made it when Leviathan feels confident enough to regularly initiate physical contact and casually ask for your time and affection.
It's not that he doesn't like it, he's completely touch starved and has been fantasizing about initiating for a while, it's that he's completely sure he'll be rejected or mess it up somehow.
Or that it'll become overstimulating and he'll hurt your feelings by abruptly breaking it off when it suddenly becomes too much.
It means that you've brought his self-esteem up quite a bit, that Leviathan finally trusts that you won't suddenly make fun of him. That you actually like him for who he is and not in spite of it.
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Satan likes to show his love through gifts, acts of service, and the occasional sprinkle of affectionate words. Possibly even through poetry he wrote himself. He wants to show you that he's the superior choice. The reliable, practical, and in-the-know choice without being too stuffy and uptight, unlike some people. *cough* Lucifer *cough*
He also prides himself on his knowledge, and would be very eager to share said knowledge with you.
Feel free to ask him about any topic you want, chances are he at least knows a good book for it. If he somehow doesn't, then he'll gladly try to find one for you.
Just don't expect him to do your coursework or any other intellectual work for you. As much as Satan loves to be useful, he values self-sufficiency and growth even more.
He just can't understand wanting to cheat yourself out of a possible learning experience, and only wants the best for you.
What makes him feel loved is when you acknowledge his flaws but don't make excuses or demonize him for them.
When you don't push too hard for him to open up or spend all of his time with you, and instead set a schedule of sorts so the two of you always have at least some time together without it becoming too much.
He's not the biggest fan of physical contact though, as the circumstances of his "birth" meant that non-violent contact was rare until he finally calmed down and repaired the few relationships that he had. Truth be told, he also a bit afraid of hurting you. Satan's afraid that he'll instinctively lash out when you touch him suddenly, or that he'll hold on too tightly when he goes to touch you himself. You'd never know it now, the way he handles his centuries old books and week old kittens, but Satan is not gentle by nature. He won't shove you away or anything, but he will tense up and never initiate "pointless" physical contact even if he knows you love it until you let him approach it at his own pace.
You know you've made it when Satan finally opens up and doesn't avoid talking about his insecurities and weak points, or feel as though he's competing with Lucifer for your affection anymore.
When he feels free to act as he would like to instead of trying to compensate for his inexperience by imitating romance novels. When Satan doesn't feel as though he has to hide his purely demonic upbringing and everything that comes with it in fear of intimidating or scaring you off.
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I feel like Asmodeus' love languages are pretty obvious, as in he absolutely adores all of them, as he's got so much affection to give and is plenty eager to receive.
He especially loves spoiling you and dressing you up. It's as much for his benefit as it is yours.
It's the same with all the pictures he takes of the two of you. He considers himself very generous indeed for sharing your beauty with the world instead of keeping it to himself, unlike some people.
Asmo will tell you as much himself, in fact, he never grows tired of describing your beauty in every possible way he could.
You can't go more than a day without him comparing at least one aspect of you to some beloved art piece or wonder of nature.
And of course, you can't forget the physical affection. Asmo lives for the chance to run his fingers along your skin and drape himself across you.
Platonically, romantically, sexually, it's all amazing to him.
He also finds testing out all sorts of creams and lotions on you incredibly intimate and relaxing, despite always preferring to be the one being pampered before.
You know you've made it when Asmodeus allows you to see him at his "ugliest," whether that be physically or emotionally, and trusts that you won't leave him for it.
When he feels like you would still be with him even if he never did anything sexual again.
It may or may not seem like that big of a deal to you, but Asmodeus is incredibly insecure deep down.
He can't help but feel like he'll never be as loved as he was back in heaven all those years ago, and certainly not for the same reasons.
What Asmodeus needs is someone who will prove that wrong, that sees him as something more than to look at and get off with.
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"You didn't get me a snack? It's okay. I don't mind being stuck with you forever." (Slightly Used Handcuff Item - 2020 Valentine's Event)
Beelzebub makes it extremely obvious that what he wants more than anything is just to enjoy being by your side.
You don't have to do anything special or even talk, just showing that you're willing to spend time with him is proof enough of your love.
It's also how he shows affection. Like how even though he's not that interested in anime or video games, and Levi usually doesn't let him play (thanks to his messy eating and sticky hands,) Beel still goes into Levi's room surprisingly often.
Honestly, I'm not convinced part of it isn't at least partially from PTSD as well.
Beelzebub feels the need to stay by your side so that he can always be there to take the hit for you.
So that he can see you're still here with his own two eyes and not permanently gone the second he turns around.
What really makes him feel loved is when you look out for his emotional well-being and refuse to let him put himself last.
When you don't take his self-sacrificing ways for granted or come to expect them.
It doesn't matter how you show your appreciation, he's grateful for anything you give him, so long as you do it.
He is a bit insecure however. Both about his behavior and his appearance, as surprising as that may be to anyone who's seen him.
His demon form is associated with something most humans find disgusting after all. So he really appreciates any way you try to reassure him about it.
You know you've made it when Beelzebub is consistently willing to share his food with you.
Beelzebub arguably has the worst control over his sin and readily admits it. Belphie is the only other person he'd ever really share his own food with, and even then not all of it all the time.
But the ultimate test is when he's willing to go against Belphegor for you, even if it's just not immediately agreeing with everything he says.
Beelzebub feels very indebted to Belphie, no matter how many times he tells him it's fine Beel still feels like he has to do any and everything to make up for it.
So if he's willing to go against that, willing to risk upsetting Belphie, it means that you mean everything to him.
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Belphie's all about physical touch and quality time. Both in the sense of spending all of your time with him, and in the sense of not spending that time with anyone else, except Beel of course.
Not just cuddling in bed or taking naps together, but holding hands, letting him lean against you, and kissing are all things Belphie also really enjoys, and expects.
Despite getting embarrassed fairly easily by some of his brothers at times, it's almost impossible to ignore PDA when you lean into it like that, and he's desperate to stake his claim even in public. (Though his embarrassment quickly fades as he becomes more comfortable being vulnerable with you and his brothers again. His guarded, territorial behavior quickly turns into bragging and "tests of your loyalty" after that.)
Now, despite that he does expect you to respect when he wants his alone time, but Belphegor doesn't respect your boundaries all that well until you make him.
Not that he minds if you do try to force him to stop being as much of a spoiled brat though, he likes someone that can give as good as they can get so long as you do it with love.
He's another one that wants to watch you crush his brothers' hopes and dreams in favor of spending time with him. Not Beel though, never Beel.
Seriously, he likes to make out in public and actively fantasizes about his brothers getting jealous because of it in his devilgrams.
(He's also the most suggestive even after they started toning everything down. He gets implied sex and makes out several times a devilgram while other characters don't even get kisses at all sometimes.)
Belphegor is a Belphewhore when it comes to you. (Which is rather fitting, if you know anything about demonology.)
You know you've made it when this lazy cow gets up off his ass to do something for you, something usually only reserved for Beel.
Now, normally being compared to someone you're trying to date's twin brother would be a bad thing, but not in this case.
It just means the only one who will ever be equally important as his figurative other half is his twin, his literally magically and psychically connected other half.
The deepest form of trust is when he fully entrusts Beel's safety and happiness to you.
He may not seem as outwardly protective as his twin, but he is very much so, and he's become even more paranoid and codependent after being forcefully separated for so long.
Whereas Beel is more concerned with physical safety, Belphegor is more concerned with Beelzebub's mental state.
He knows his twin has a tendency to be self-sacrificing, full of guilt, and a bit too eager to take things at face value at times (despite being the emotionally intelligent out of all of them) for a demon. He also knows plenty of people would take advantage of that, intentionally or not.
Belphegor will act uncaring, but he's carefully monitoring your interactions with Beelzebub and paying attention to all of the shared feelings from their connection, intent on matching them up to see if you caused any of his poor moods.
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Lord Diavolo constantly puts himself into frustrating lose-lose situations.
He only really feels assured if you keep coming to him of your own free will, but he's so terrified of rejection and losing you that he rarely ever allows you to do just that.
He's always coming up with some brand new scheme or just outright forcing you to come to him, sometimes even physically, which only reinforces his bad habits and insecurities.
It doesn't matter how much you try to resist. Do you really believe you could do something to stop it when even several-thousand-year-old Lucifer and his strong-willed brothers can't? When even Barbatos couldn't? You'd need the power of God and anime on your side for even a small chance at that.
He'll literally pick you up or drag you if he has to, laughing all the while, refusing to take it seriously as you squirm even though he's really hurt deep down.
He tries to keep in mind that some people are "shy" and don't want to be dragged out all the time, but if you say, take the week in between his tiring plots to catch up on coursework and relax, he'll start to worry you're distancing yourself.
Diavolo's severe abandonment and boundary issues make it nearly impossible for you to challenge them without doing exactly what he wants, when he wants.
Who does he think he is, some kind of all-powerful demon lord or something?
Diavolo doesn't consider himself to be a big gift-giver, but he spoils those he appreciates regardless, and you receive his love on a completely different level.
He's just so used to opulence and never wanting for anything purchasable (easily or not) that he may overwhelm you with uncomfortably extravagant displays without even considering how the average human might react.
Want some chocolate? Diavolo will have Barbatos summon the most skilled chocolatiers immediately.
Can't find the perfect formal wear for yourself? He's calling in his personal tailors to make the most beautiful pieces of clothing you've ever seen in your life.
And yet despite all that it can still fall a bit flat at times.
Diavolo is the most flexible with this form of affection, but he can still be very inconsiderate in a sense.
He takes being told it's a bit too much surprisingly well, but he's fairly controlling about the gifts themselves.
You don't like the colors he picked? Too bad. It matches his own outfit and the color you want would match with the brothers instead and etc.
Sometimes it almost feels like the gifts are more for him than you, or that they come with hidden expectations rather than to make you happy.
Even though he really does want to make you happy, very much so in fact.
You know you've made it when Diavolo finally trusts you to come back to him on your own. Something that might take years and years of "absolutely perfect loyalty."
When he's not constantly sending you messages every time you're apart and doesn't try to force his way into every outing or private moment you have.
Quality time is still his main love language, giving and receiving, and he's still very aggressive in his attempts to spend time with you, but it's expressed in a (slightly) healthier way.
It does mean fighting against his very nature as a demon, even more so than he already does, but he's more than willing to try for you.
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Despite being quite powerful himself, people are often so used to taking advantage of him that they don't see him as much of a person compared to others.
He's rarely Barbatos and often "The Prince's Butler, who happens to be called Barbatos" instead.
Barbatos is targeted quite often by various groups of people, but few of them are after his attention specifically, instead of his power and connections.
He doesn't really allow himself to date in general. Besides not having the time for it, he's too worried about accidentally giving a spy or old Demon King loyalist an opening to cause trouble.
Whether that'd be because he's distracted or because he somehow ends up dating that kind of demon, Barbatos is rarely a risk taker when it comes to Diavolo's safety.
Even when he's liked it's usually for what he can do for other people, like Beelzebub wanting to keep him as his chef and Solomon eyeing his powers for example.
The only one who's really broke past that in the last couple of centuries has been Luke, who's come to be like an adopted son (or pet chihuahua) of sorts to him.
As much as the child loves to say he's using Barbatos, it's clear that the affection is mutual.
Now, a lowly human on the other hand? He'd worry about them being taken hostage or having loose lips, but otherwise they're fairly harmless. Barbatos has all the power in the relationship, just the way he likes it.
In a way, humans' short lifespans also helps to prepare Barbatos for the possibility of seeing your untimely death.
He knew what he was getting into, even if he's gotten far more attached to you than he ever intended to.
In a way, your presence eventually becomes synonymous with respite to him.
At first because of the physical aspect of entertaining you, but it slowly starts to be because of you specifically.
How sweetly you talk to him, really talk to him and not at him. The way you're so considerate in ways that even angels are not for a "mere butler."
Not much longer after that, it comes to be everything about you, even your smile becomes enough to make his day.
Besides being helpful, proving you're willing to "stoop down to his level" and "serve the servant" makes him much more willing to believe you're genuine.
In his (plentiful) experience, pretending to actually enjoy helping out in person is much harder to fake than anything else, especially for the snobbish nobles typically attempting to gain Lord Diavolo's favor.
Barbatos is another hardcore perfectionist who takes his work extremely seriously, who would rather die than let anyone else do it for him, especially since it would cause him to look as if he was "slacking." However, small things like drawing a bath for him, bringing him his favorite snacks, and giving him massages really helps him relax and feel loved.
He's also very fond of homemade gifts for similar reasons. The thought of someone going to all that effort for "just a butler" is very much appreciated.
Despite being such a perfectionist he'll accept the love put into almost anything you give him if it's made with care and free of the furry beasts he despises so strongly.
He'll have them all displayed properly in his room, in a way that will let them last longer, right next to everything Luke has made for him.
You know you've made it when Barbatos allows you to take care of him and ease his burdens.
When he'll allow you to wash his hair and pour tea for the both of you without stressing about how perfect it may or may not be.
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Solomon's main love languages are gift giving and acts of service, and yes, you're gonna have to eat his cooking and you're gonna have to like it.
More seriously though, I'd argue it's quality time and acts of service, both giving and receiving.
He may have an excess of years left, for the understatement of the century, but he knows not everyone else does.
So Solomon really cherishes what little time you're willing to give him, especially if it means ignoring the demon brothers in favor of him. Asmodeus included. Solomon needs to know you're willing prioritize humanity, and him of course, before he can really begin to trust you and let you in.
He's also very fond of physical touch, he's close to Asmo for a reason after all, but that doesn't actually assure him your love is true regardless of how much he enjoys it.
You know you've made it when Solomon is fully willing to become attached and admit it to himself, regardless of any potential heartbreak he may suffer.
When he's ready to tell you so, to make concrete plans about the future with you, instead of for you, and commit to them fully.
But he also really does want to see you eating his cooking, that he infuses with all of his love just for you, every day.
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Simeon is another tricky one, as he rarely allows people get close enough to see his more vulnerable side. Not even those that he was once brothers in arms with.
I believe one major indicator of Simeon being truly in love with you is when he's seeking out your touch.
When he's always brushing his fingers against your shoulders and grabbing your waist as he walks past, just to feel your skin.
Or even allowing you to come to bed with him, "just to cuddle, of course" he says, despite the major risks being that close poses for an angel already teetering on the edge. That's not to say that he doesn't express it through other means, like through the written word, but his playful brushes against you and sly smiles as he tells his white lies to get some alone time are something exclusive to your (not-so-secret) relationship.
He does however, always want to spend time with you. Even before he's ready to fully commit and be completely vulnerable around you.
You may or may not have that much time together after all, and he wants to spend as much of it as possible with you. Simeon also adores teasing the ones he loves, and that will most likely be the first bit of "personalized" affection he gives you. He just can't get enough of your embarrassed faces and mannerisms.
You know you've made it when Simeon is willing to trust you with all of his darkest thoughts and concerns.
When he can trust you won't judge him for his sins or try to guide him to any particular path.
When he's certain you'll stay true, and value and respect his guidance, no matter what form he's in or what he's done.
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It's a common idea I know, but I got an ask for it literally years ago and I wanted to dump my reasons onto y'all anyway.
The draft date on AO3 said I started it in the middle of 2021, which should explain exactly why I feel bad about taking requests.
Also shameless self promotion, but I have a full Obey Me! rewrite fic out now!
Please do note that this is a fully realized fem OC with her own personality, not a gender neutral reader insert, and there are a lot of potential triggers involved.
So please make sure to read the tags fully before going in!
But don't worry, everything else will stay gender neutral and reader insert! Nothing is going to change about that here or on tumblr.
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littlemonday · 2 months
So much of the difference in player response to the Emperor vs. Raphael comes down to aesthetics.
I’ve been seeing a lot of fan posting of Raphael lately, which is honestly fine. I enjoy seeing fan creations on all the characters. But I feel like I need to address something that is, for me, rather glaring in the fandom. Raphael is a pretty popular character, while the Emperor gets so much hate posting I’ve had to block users and entire groups on other sites because it was so over the top. These characters are functionally quite similar in the game, but the disparity in how they’re each perceived couldn’t be more different.
Both characters need to form an alliance with the main character. Both characters need the main character to defeat the brain. Both characters are willing to manipulate the main character to meet their own ends. But, one character is a conventionally attractive middle aged man, and the other is a humanoid squid monster. (How many times have we all seen posts about how upset someone was when their hot dream guardian turned out to be the squid monster?)
Not only is Raphael conventionally attractive, but he stays that way when he reveals himself as a devil.The Emperor presents himself as someone the main character would trust, but when he’s finally revealed, he bears no resemblance to the facade he was wearing - a facade that he sincerely believed was necessary to keep himself safe and to win your trust. Raphael is quite literally the handsome devil. His ascended form barely makes an appearance, but even so that form is not alien. It’s devilish, but not alien, and “alien” unlike devilish, invokes a deeply discomforting fear of the unknown.
Raphael is all opulence and performance, wearing tailored clothing and living in a grandiose house that hides the horrors of what happens there until late into act 3. While the mind flayer colonies by comparison are grotesque organisms that look like the inside of a body, and the Emperor’s home is a bare bones cellar with the last remaining keepsakes of his former life. The chains he uses to hold his victims are right out in the open.
Raphael is like an old school campy Disney villain who tries to entertain you all while openly admitting that he wants you to come to him when you’re desperate and all hope is gone. And like those old Disney villains, he just enjoys being evil. He even comes with his own villain song that he sings. He enjoys your suffering. He’s openly playing with his food. The Emperor does try to seduce you, but mostly tries to appeal to your pragmatism and empathy. However, he doesn’t have Disney villain camp to help him out here. He embodies all the body horror and fear over the player's loss of humanity by virtue of him being a mind flayer. He does have a song, but most of us miss it on our first play through and don’t hear its tragic lyrics.
Raphael, and this one is perhaps the most frustrating to me, imprisoned and tortured Hope for years! He takes advantage of people, including orphans, and gets them to sign away their souls for eternal torment in exchange for something they desperately want or need in life. While the Emperor has that one infamous cutscene in which we see him enthrall Stelmane, but it comes on the heels of the player dehumanizing and provoking him. A lot of players will refer to this as a “call out” and a “mask off” moment, which is very disingenuous framing. It’s frustrating that so few players never seem to consider the deeper role their choices may play in triggering this scene: you treat him like an inhuman monster, and you get an inhuman monster. Players will complain all the time about how the Emperor manipulates you and lies about everything, but apparently in this one scene he’s suddenly being completely honest and not manipulating you? So many never consider the possibility of confirmation bias when it comes to this character.
As I said, this cutscene is an obvious threat, but I know that just because he’s threatening you, it doesn’t mean there’s no truth to what you’re seeing. However, it also doesn’t mean that this is somehow “the truth” as so many players seem to think it is. I’ll write more on this in another post, but there’s just not enough information in the game to make definitive conclusions on their relationship. And I bring this up because I don’t see anywhere near the outrage over Hope as I see over Stelmane.
Then there’s Ansur. The Emperor killed his love, Ansur, out of self defense (we know this from Ansur himself), and for a lot of players, this was what solidified their hatred for the Emperor, and they will endlessly hate post about it. Raphael, on the other hand, never killed any of his loves. But the reason he never killed any of his loves is because he’s never loved anyone. He’s incapable of it, and anyone he has killed was, at best, a mere tool for his use.
Which brings me to my next point, even though both characters are trying to manipulate you to their own ends, only the Emperor sees you as more than a means to an end. Raphael does not. In fact, I wrote a lot of words on this very topic.
I’ve had people tell me that they like Raphael more because he’s upfront with his intentions, while the Emperor isn’t. That’s not entirely true. The Emperor tells you he wants his freedom, even tells you the power he uses to protect you is power he’s stolen, but he goes to great lengths to hide his identity, where Raphael barely goes to any lengths at all. As I said, the Emperor sincerely believes he must do this to protect himself. He likes to puff his chest out, but he’s quite aware of his own vulnerability, so he lives a life in which he’s constantly hiding and disguising himself. He’s surviving, as he puts it in the end. Raphael is essentially a prince in the Hells who wields a lot of power, and whatever vulnerabilities he might have are well protected. Whatever difference this makes is not enough to justify the gulf in how much hate the Emperor receives versus how little Raphael does.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is not me saying that you have to like one character or dislike another. That’s personal, and I’m not going to waste time telling people how to feel. So please don’t take away from this that I want to see more hate posting about Raphael. I don’t! Please don’t hate post about any characters, and if you absolutely must, please don’t use character tags to do so. What I am saying is that there’s a clear double standard in this fandom, and I want more players to engage with this media in a way that is both empathetic and analytical. I think both of those things together can prevent a lot of toxicity.
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astrologylunadream · 6 months
How They Want to Spend the Holidays With You 🛷⛄🧣 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Happy holidays!! It's Lunadream🥰 We're getting in the festive spirit with how your person imagines spending the holidays with you.🍫🤍 hope you find your message~✉
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the spending christmas with that special someone, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~♥️
Pile 1🎅🏻
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Pile 2📍
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Pile 3🎧
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Pile 4☕
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🍫♡
Pile 1🎅🏻
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Sign energy: Conflict, Lesson, Cold, Message, Reality, Mercury, Fire, Scorpio, Vertex, North node, 🚷🩹🧎‍♀️🗡
🧣Your person's energy: Alright for your person there are some very distant vibes, I feel like they don't get along with others the best. They have an intimidating way about them that others fear slightly, your person could easily start arguments with people accidentally🙊 They have a lot to learn when it comes to connecting with others through words, and the universe plans for them to learn many lessons most likely the hard way and through trial and error🥺 Virgo, Gemini and Scorpio could be possible placements. I'm getting that your person can be more cold with what they say, definitely don't sugar coat much.🚫🍰 Very straightforward and heavy attitude, which makes them very captivating though.🥴 Your person may have issues facing reality or dealing with matters that affect their future, they have a lot of inner conflict in their heads⚔💭💥 Now I'm totally seeing that this person is very forceful in their approach to communication, they tend to be very intense or blunt. But even though they tell it like it is, they aren't one for over sharing. Like, they have more of a "back off" mentality, and prefer to keep things to themselves. Could be introverted for some of you, I definitely see they aren't fond of many people but a few. For my pile 1's I'm seeing that your person seems to push you away and then pull you back strangely, very hard to read indeed🔍😳
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Vulnerable, Competition, Crown, Comment, Jealousy, Libra, Chiron, Saturn, Juno, 3rd house, ♂️🍁🍋♨️ Okay my pile 1's this person is really possesive over you I just had to mention😭❤ They don't want anyone to take their place with you this year. Canada may be a place they want to spend the holidays with you, definitely dates I'm seeing. Your person imagines stepping foot in the snow with you all dressed in thick clothing, and briefly mentioning proposing to you as either a joke or a little hint🤭💍 I think your person really wants to spend the holidays with you knowing you could be committed to them, they want that deeply♥️ They honestly would hate it if any other potential love interests came in the picture for this time, they are very vulnerable to jealousy and possessiveness over you. They get very bitter and hurt if they feel like 2nd place to someone else I'm hearing. My pile 1's your person is very competitive to win your commitment, so they may imagine doing so during the holidays like finding cute and fun activities to impress you with.💗🤗 Omg like going to christmas cafes, shopping and driving you around to see the christmas lights together.✨ They want to become more successful and stable during this time simply to seem more like dependable/marriage material to you and also so they can buy you lots of gifts!!🥰🛍 I'm also hearing they want to be very hot and attractive for you haha like they're working on their body or appearance maybe as your little christmas present lol♡🎁😳
📮Messages from your person: Thinking of you, You must be desperate, You're mine forever, I'm always supporting you, I worry what people will think of us, I can't stop looking at you, You're too pretty to be sad this christmas, How are you so pretty? (AHH🤧♥️ So sweet oml) Extra cards: Foreign, Finger, Love letter, Explosion, Jawbone
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the santa emoji~🎅🏻 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 2📍
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Sign energy: Affection, Name, Violate, Care-taker, 9th house, Aquarius, Leo, South node, Uranus, Moon, 😰🧚‍♀️🧩🤚
🧣Your person's energy: Okay so the first thing I noticed is that your person could have a unique name, one that isn't common or spelled differently. They are pretty smart I'm hearing, and their method of learning things is quite odd but effective. This could be aqua moon but over all Aquarius placements, Sagittarius, Leo, and Cancer.😌 Your person is very sweet and kind, they empathize with others often. I feel like they are the kind to cry at the strangest time in a movie like it wasn't even that sad??😂😢 But their emotions work differently than most people's, like their reactions may be delayed or odd reasoning. Your person is so caring though♥️ People may tend to invade their personal space or business I'm getting, but they don't say anything to be nice.🥺 Definitely over empathize with people, I think more so in the past. Also the way they show love may be in strange ways, like they may study you if they find you interesting also being overly friendly buddy-buddy with you haha😂 I feel like that is how they express their love or interest in someone they like. Omg and people buzz around them like flies I'm getting, they may have people oddly involved in them. You may start out as friends with this person or that is the dynamic you would have, like friends who really care for eachother I feel like they really care for you!! Now your person may have put a stop to something that they used to do.. I'm called to say being too nice or letting others use them. People definitely took advantage of your person in the past or it feels that way to them. I think they allow invasive behavior they shouldn't out of pure sympathy for those people, they might be putting a stop to that now or at least trying.✊😊
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Unheard, Cute, Inspiration, Violence, Practical, 10th house, 4th house, Pluto, Venus, Leo, 🎤☔👑🧛‍♂️ Ahh so your person wants to spend the holidays with you doing cute cozy things like decorating and spending quality time together😫😭 This is so cute, they would want to go somewhere nice and fancy but also very pretty!! Like somewhere iconic or recognizable from a movie📽♥️ Think grand and unforgettable. My pile 2's your person definitely wants to do cute stuff with you like making snowmen and all the old fashioned traditions🥰 I feel like they imagine a romance movie between you two like this is so much sweetness. My pile 2's they want to be inspired and unlock their creative side with you, aww I bet they want to write you a card too. Somewhere familiar and cozy like a cabin would be their dream with you, sipping on hot cocoa by the fire.☕🔥 They imagine watching cute vintage christmas movies and cuddling together, and then waiting for the perfect moment when you least expect it so they can hush you quietly and push you down to steal your kiss.💋 Now things would probably get really spicy between you two if it were up to them but we won't get in to all that😅😳 They really want a moment like that with you, somewhere quiet and well thought out. Like they would plan it all so perfectly for you, and they're just waiting to create those soft memories with you.🥺💌♥️ I think they currently feel it isn't achievable in some ways, but if there is ever the chance to do what they have in mind they would take it without hesitation. My pile 2's your person wants to make it real for you😍
📮Messages from your person: You leave me wondering, I left a mark on you, You are not alone, Stay positive, Soon, Calm down, What are you hiding? It's love at first sight. (Pile 2 yess!!💋) Extra cards: Cupid, Note, Star, Head, Top
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the red lollipop emoji~📍(it's actually a pin but y'know it had to match😂)Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💫
Pile 3🎧
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Sign energy: November, Side effects, Home, Less, Nose, Taurus, Gemini, Venus, Lilith, Pluto, ♍🎸🤕🪓
🧣Your person's energy: Okay for my pile 3's your person sure has a lot going for them♡ May be born November or fall, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo or Scorpio placements. Very prominent Taurus energy for this pile!! Your person may have a noticable nose, I feel like they are insecure about their nose but it actually looks really good on them🥺♥️ They have a very clear and soothing voice, but also hot oml🥵 Like they could do ASMR and everyone would be obsessed😭😭 For some of you this person may not have family or a "safe place", they feel lost in some way. I feel they look really good in plaid, they may enjoy rock music or grunge. Listening to music heals them I'm hearing, they find it very pleasing and calming to their chaotic mind.🧠🎸 Your person may be harsh on themselves, also they take a lot of hits in life like they've been through so much.😢 Now my pile 3's your person has such an intense energy about them, it definitely makes them very attractive too. They have a huge effect on people's minds, especially feminines. People get obsessed easily with this person, and they don't even ask for it😫 I'll just say people definitely think your person is hot, they have this dark side to them that is so mysterious and eye catching. People talk about them behind their back and all. But what your person is really looking for is a safe place, something that is home to them.🏠
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Fear, Outfit, Decision, Zoo, Limits, Sun, Eros, Pluto, 2nd house, Fire, 🥳😴😎🦴 Ohh they really want to go christmas shopping with you!! I'm surprised, like they are actually really sweet for my pile 3's🍫 They wanna buy matching outfits for the winter, letting you choose and all. But they do have their limits to what they can and cannot wear so they wouldn't just let you pick out everything for them.😂 They may want to go see winter animals with you like penguins, huskies and snow bears🐧🐺🐻🤍 Spending money on you is something they want to do, because it's truly their choice. I'm definitely seeing that my pile 3's you turn them on like they are actually so attracted to you omg!! They are secretly afraid of this attraction to you because you make them so obsessed.😳 Like just as they are intimidating to others you are intimidating to them😰♥️ Definitely a hot attraction to my pile 3's. They may stop themselves from fantasizing of you otherwise they could fall too deep into it, they really want to have control over you and your experiences this christmas. They wanna visit winter gardens with subtle slow music so you two can dance together, ohhh but they would definitely imagine feeling all over your body with that chance.😫🧤 Omg and they would want to see you in a classy white dress that fits you well, they're wanting neck kisses by the fire~💋 Eating out at a nice candle restaurant with expensive food to celebrate the season, ooh and enjoying a christmas party with you🍷 They have a fear of disappointing you, perhaps you have many expectations when it comes to the holidays each year so they feel it takes a lot to impress you. But trust me when I way they really would put in the effort if they could for you because oml they just want to make you pleased♥️
📮Messages from your person: If it's what you want, I can't stop, We're apart this christmas, I won't let you be with anyone else, Everything is real, I can't control you, It's awful, Tell me your secret wishes. Extra cards: Compliment, Cafe, Self love, Signs, Luck
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the earphones emoji~🎧 (idk why there isn't an earmuffs emoji yet but yeah🙄) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading😘
Pile 4☕
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Sign energy: Summer, Fluff, Touch, Creativity, Captive, Pluto, Fire, 3rd house, Mercury, Venus, 💔🦚🗻🚨
🧣Your person's energy: There is so much softness to this pile♥️ Okay we have some creative vibes for your person, they have a very artistic mind. This could be someone you met in the summer, or ended the relationship at that time. For others this person may be born in summer☀️ Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Taurus, and Libra Libra placements. Possible mercury-Venus aspects. You are stuck on this person, and they may be stuck on you. Long distance or something is keeping you apart, but over all they are distant with you. My pile 4's for some reason your person is agitated that you are thinking of them, because they want what's best for you. Part of them hopes for you to stop loving them for your sake, but they also don't want to let go.😢 You think of their touch sometimes and it causes you to overthink. (They have a siren's touch)🤯❗ Your person is very magnetic and their love captivates you, but your attraction to them can take you over sometimes. They are cute and gorgeous, but they also make you lovesick I'm hearing.🥺♡ They have a soft touch to them, may be more soft spoken or at least with you. My pile 4's are a little obsessed with this person, but you can't help it!!😫😭 You love the way they speak, like they word things in such a pretty format💕 Your person may have specific feminine's obsessed with their beauty and charms. They have very kissable lips I'm hearing. Often wear outfits that stand out and may enjoy wearing fluffy winter clothing.
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Off, Purpose, Special, Break, Reality, Chiron, 12th house, Aquarius, 6th house, 11th house, 🆕️🤵🍒🦴 Ohh okay so your person is really worried about your hopes this year, they don't want to let you down. But they definitely have something in mind with you♥️ They want to break routine and spend the holidays in an abnormal unique way, I'm definitely seeing that your person wants to facetime with you for christmas.🎄 They wish they could send you cute messages and tell you "happy holidays!"🤗🎉 They want to spend christmas with you even in separation, if only to connect on a soul level to spend this special time with you.✨ It is hard for them to know you miss them, and want to spend the holidays in their presence. They really want your wishes to come true, to be there for you.🥺💝 They want to spend the holidays connecting on a higher level, through spiritual contact can they give you their warmth and love for christmas. Who knows, maybe they may even appear in your winter dreams as a little christmas gift to you~💌 How sweet, They want to do something meaningful for you. Something that will heal you, and keep you going. Spending the holidays at a festive gathering with you, giving you hope and cheer is all they want to do. They want this year to be a fantasy for you, and they imagine making christmas crafts, immersing yourselves into christmas movies, and exploring the winter wonderland together.☃️☁️🤍 I'm melting like a snowman this is so cute.
📮Messages from your person: Things aren't going that way, I don't look at other people, I'm mad at you, I hate that I love you, You should stop, Would a kiss be enough? I love when you get shy, I want to be with you. (Aww😍💕💌) Extra cards: Kabedon, Structure, Mermaid, Phase, Endless
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the hot cocoa emoji~☕ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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arlathvhenan · 2 months
I think it’s weird that people try and point the finger at Solas for being racist and bigoted when I don’t think I could name a single character in DAI who isn’t?
Except maybe Cole and he’s the exception as he’s a spirit who’s newly crossed over and therefore can’t possibly have been shaped by the world’s prejudice.
But as for the rest, has no one listened to their dialogue? Even at their most well meaning, each character has had their actions and world view shaped by a certain form of prejudice. Casual racism is kind of everywhere in Dragon Age.
Just look at Dorian. He says some genuinely racist things to Solas over the course of their banter. And remember that Dorian is an incredibly privileged man who was born to and benefited from the culture that built itself on the ashes of another civilization and enslaved/abused/dismantled the personhood of the survivors for generations. Tevinter is actively a slave state, and at no point does Dorian really give the impression that he’s all too bothered by it. He outright denies the personhood of Spirits, an assessment we definitively know to be not just inaccurate but deeply immoral.
Then there’s Bull. His banter with Solas reveals so much about them both. In particular, it reveals that Bull looks down on pretty every other culture. He holds up the Qun, an ultra authoritarian nightmare state, as the pinnacle of civil order and admits that he thinks the world would be better if they simply conquered and subjugated everyone.
Even Cassandra, Blackwall, and Varric, as much as I love them all and consider them genuinely good people, have their prejudices.
As for Solas, I’m honestly not sure you can call him a racist? It’s just a gross misreading and oversimplification of his character. People point to his plans for the Veil as being genocidal. But they aren’t. Solas hasn’t set out to wipe all Non-Elves from the face of Thedas. He’s not trying to purge the world of all other races. He’s trying to fix a mistake that he made long ago, one which has left the world in a state he can only perceive as nightmarish and doomed.
I feel like people forget that Solas was only back in the world for about a year prior to Inquisition, and in that year he likely experienced nothing but violence and cruelty. The few redeeming things the world had left before he put up the Veil are all but gone. His people have been scattered, subjugated, and enslaved. They’ve had everything taken from them by this new world he helped create, and that clearly horrifies him.
Solas is absolutely misguided, and he’s absolutely stubborn. But racist? I don’t really think you can call him any more prejudiced than the rest of the characters, except in his case we’re talking about someone who is quite literally from another world. He is as alien to the world and its people as they are to him. And still he shows care and respect to others, despite how awful they’ve been to him.
He respects Cassandra and comes to enjoy her company despite how hostile she was towards him at first. He genuinely befriends Varric, reads his books, jokes with him. He never attempts to fight with Sera, despite her being an outright bully towards him. He shows compassion for Blackwall. He even comes to show respect for Bull and Dorian, despite their various ideological differences.
So, bigoted? No I wouldn’t say he is. Bigoted implies that Solas is incapable of tolerating a worldview outside his own, which is demonstrably not the case. Solas can and does accept the arguments and opinions of others. More than once he concedes to Varric. If you’ve played a Dalish Inquisitior who either befriends or romanced him, he changes his opinion about the Dalish, too.
The only subjects he won’t budge on are the ones that a person really shouldn’t?? He sure won’t entertain the idea of slavery being anything but a horrible atrocity, and that’s a bad thing? He’s a hardliner when it comes to Spirits being recognized as people, because they are and it’s the morally correct stance to have. Again, why is that a bad thing?
What is it with people taking characters who have been made victims by either society or circumstance and are vehemently anti-slavery and trying to cast them as monsters who go too far? I keep seeing it in different franchises cough gameofthrones and it’s starting to make me genuinely uncomfortable.
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poisonous-honey · 5 months
The Venti Parable
(This is a re-upload: originally posted on UniverseUchu on Feb 25, 2023)
Characters: Venti and The Narrator. The Reader and Stanley have very little presence
Warnings: None really. They enter the zending room if that upsets you, but they barely stay there for long. This is mostly in drabble form and lightly skimmed for errors
This is both the Narrator’s and Venti’s worst nightmare. An omnipotent, self-destructive perfectionist who strives to keep everything self-contained and the ever funky little god of freedom.
Venti is not impressed with this game of choice in the slightest. He had hoped his position in your heart would’ve saved him from the torture some of the others have been put through, but he was unfortunately not given this blessing. He didn’t feel like following this narrator’s every whim, he only wanted to do that with you. He was free to do as he pleases
As you’re talking to the Narrator to convince him, having someone else to narrate for just a few runs would help him with his story (“He can speak! You can get instant feedback!”) Venti sits in the office next to Stanley. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll let Venti play the game in Stanley’s place for a short while, only because you keep incessantly asking.”
“Hey! I am great company. Wouldn’t it at least be nice to have someone else to talk to for a little while?”
“This is the story of a man named Venti”
He sighs and gets up from his position next to Stanley before walking through the office
After what he feels was him being ignored, Venti reaches a fork in the road
“When Venti came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.”
He holds his chin with his hand and closes his eyes, acting as if he was deeply thinking about his next course of action. Of course, he already knew what he'd do as soon as the directions were spewed at him.
“No, I think I'd rather go right.”
Que sighing from above. Quelle Surprise
After getting told no one would ever love him and having the parable restart, though disoriented, his next objective is to try and see if he could leave the building
He was not a fan of the Narrator and vice versa
His first attempt is to see if he can jump out of any windows
Honestly surprised he managed to fall through one on his first try (or at all, really)
He had a bit of hope that he had escaped the Narrator, but after accidentally breaking the phone and still getting an ending, he highly doubted it.
And he sighed as he was unfortunately proven right, and the Narrator starts to monologue
“What do you think, are you sick of this gag yet?”
Venti didn’t think there was a correct answer, so he just hit yes while smiling cheekily up into the air. At this point he was just trying to be entertaining for his player, but so was the Narrator
“Now would be the time I go on about having ample amounts of opportunities to restart the game, but unfortunately for you, our player is in control of that. Since all I hear is laughter on their end, I'm going to try to make this as miserable as possible, before they reset to help you out.”
As the Narrator started to sing, Venti quickly looked towards the screen in hopes he could get you to reset immediately, but all you did was shrug
How very cruel of you
After a few more runs, the last of which had Venti falling flat on his face, he decided to see where listening to the narrator got him
The Narrator kept to the script as usual, he was a professional after all, but the light elation in his voice was obvious to the two of you
Venti couldn’t help but mess with him on the way though
The Narrator could feel his temper rising, watching Venti doing literally nothing. Letting out a sigh, he directs his next questions to you. “Did you put him up to this? Be honest with me here, I have— I am extremely skeptical of this entire ordeal.” You laugh as you hear The Narrator’s anger and Venti asking if he wasn’t allowed to simply relax, further upsetting The Narrator. “I’ve done no such thing. Informing either party beforehand would’ve made this far less entertaining.” “So you’re telling me that everyone, but me, is able to see what’s so fascinating about a broom closet? If that’s where you’re getting at, then it’s absolutely wonderful to have confirmation that I am, truly, the smartest person here.” “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Narrator Sir.” “... I refuse to acknowledge this behaviour.”
Finally making it to the end and turning off the mind control machine, every light turns off as The Narrator starts his freedom ending speech
The door slowly opens and Venti can just about feel the wind call to him
Daylight peaks through the opening and grows larger every second as it descends. He can barely wait for the door to fully open and finally be able to see the skies.
As the door comes to a stop on the floor and Venti takes in the view, he finally feels a sense of ease wash over him since he was brought here. The scenery was truly beautiful.
Venti takes his first steps forward onto the grass and as he continues to drown out The Narrator’s dialogue, he figures that maybe this was the reason you brought him here out of all games.
“...- And Venti was happy.”
The Narrator finishes speaking. Venti opens his mouth to actually throw him a genuine compliment - when-
It all fades to black
And within the blink of an eye, he wakes up in the office next to Stanley, who can do nothing but look at him with a reassuring gaze and wave.
Venti just about curls into a ball and cries while Stanley panics and silently frets over him
“That’s the ending you wanted to guide me to...”
“It’s called the ‘Freedom Ending!’ The one true ending for my story that Stanley refuses to cooperate with me on. Surely someone such as yourself understands and is able to appreciate what I’m trying to-”
“On every level of irony, you’ve managed to single-handedly rip away my own freedom with this horrific outcome.”
Walking through the red door after bamboozling The Narrator long enough, Venti reaches the platform and is quickly stunned at how pretty the light show is
“Right here, see! All I want is to show Stanley, our dear player, and now you, something remarkable. Now tell me. Can you really look at this space and say it’s not truly beautiful?”
Venti giggled before spinning and sitting down. “Why, this room is a poet's dream! The only thing I’d add is nature.”
He sat in the room for a bit longer, just staring at the stars and light show. This is the closest Venti’s gotten to a true place of rest in a while, so he’d like to treasure it a bit more before leaving.
Eventually tearing his eyes away from the sparkles, Venti looks around and realizes the only rooms here are the space room he’s currently in,  and a room with some stairs. Getting up and going over, the narrator panics.
“Hey Venti, what are you doing? Where are you going?”
“I’m just looking around. I haven’t seen an exit, so I want to know where the stairs lead.”
“But we haven’t even been here that long a-and there’s nothing over there but stairs, they don’t go anywhere.”
“... It seems I’m in a predicament. Oh, my dear player, where is the exit?”
“Don’t tell him! He’s done nothing but ruin my story time and time again, the least both of you could do is allow me this solace for a little while longer.”
“But I followed your every instruction just before this run!”
All you do is sigh. Maybe you should’ve told Venti not to come here. “... I’m going to begin the game again.”
“But my peace and tranquility!” “But don’t you want to see the proper ending?”
“No, I really don’t and trust me, you won’t want to take the intended ending either.”
“Player I have to admit, the only difference working with Venti is the constant sass I’ve been receiving in turn. This hasn’t been beneficial in the slightest.”
“Hey! I still gave you plenty of good input you can use!”
“I highly disagree.”
“I beg to differ!”
You had hoped meeting Venti would help The Narrator with some of his issues, but without informing Venti in advance, all they did was annoy each other. Oh well, it was still fun to witness.
“I hope we never meet again.”
“And I hope you learn to enjoy life's intricacies instead of obsessing over the same story over and over… Aaaand that I never have to go through this ever again.”
Venti trusts you with his entire being, he really does, but if you offer him a chance to participate in another game he's going to be asking a lot of questions beforehand
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b-as-i-ll-e · 10 months
"In Your Eyes"
Diluc x (f) reader ----- Summary: You find diluc in a compromising act and offer relief and a new trick in the bedroom.
NSFW: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! Mutual masturbation, squirting, hand kink, Mentions of cowgirl
It was a long day of commissions from the Adventurers Guild. The number of requests was unusually high as of today. Nonetheless, it was done and very tiring once it was over. With the amount of energy spent today, you didn't think you would be able to make it up the steps of the Winery. Once you climbed your way up, you hear smacking sounds coming from your shared room with diluc.
You stop in your footsteps quietly listening to those strange sounds.
"Ahn... m-my love..." With fear entering your heart, you quickly burst through the room, ready to find the random stranger possibly ruining your relationship. Instead, you find diluc's beautiful hands wrapped around his cock squeezing and making a mess of himself.
He stops in his tracks and freezes his movements. His cheeks are flushed, and his hair is in disarray from his earlier entertainment.
"D-Darling? It's... I... !" You walk over and place a finger on his lips to silence him before he could explain yourself.
"I'm really tired, and I would like to let out some frustrations from today..." You start. You grab the wrist that is still connected to the hand wrapped around his dick slowly moving it up and down for him. " May we try something together?" You look into his eyes as his eyebrows knit together. He nods his head, and his shoulders no longer remain square.
You strip off your clothes, and he does the same, not once stopping his moving hand. You get comfortable on your bed and look him straight in the eyes as you move your hands across your own body. He breathes deeply and slows his motions. You move closer to where you are only about a foot apart from each other.
Your hands start at your neck, gently caressing your body. You move your hands lower across your collarbone, just barely touch your breasts. You whine at the soft touch of your fingertips across your erect nipples. You could feel shivers make their way to your own throbbing pussy. Diluc watches it all.
"Do it with me?" Without breaking eye contact, Diluc nods his head. He runs his long, thick fingers through his hair as he traces his way down his neck and across his nipples. Honestly, diluc has never done this much foreplay to himself before. He only mimics his movements after watching how tantalizing your actions were. Sometimes, the only foreplay he gives himself is imagining how you could slowly inch his cock inside you pussy using him for your own pleasure.
You tease your thighs for what seems like years neglecting the pussy that Diluc longs for you to touch because he himself has yet to his own cock. Without closing your eyes, you imagine what it would be like to suck and choke on diluc's fingers, all the while touching yourself.
You inch your fingers closer to your pussy lips only tracing the lips and Diluc moves his fingers towards his balls. Almost simultaneously, both of you strike to the main show and begin the event. You place a hand on his shoulder to balance yourself as you stroke your clit.
"Don't touch me yet..." you whisper breathlessly. Diluc breathes heavy as he squeezes his tip just enough for his precum to lubricate his dick for his hand to slide easily back and forth.
"I need to..." Diluc starts as he leans forward for his breath to fan against your neck. Shivers run down your body and straight to your clit. "Touch you..." he breathes again. Here, both you are touching yourselves with one another near, and neither of you refuse to give in.
You whine as you pick up your pace. Diluc notices this and does the same while he keeps his distance. You both are so close, and yet so far, just itching to touch each other.
"I'm close," you whisper, blowing on his ear. You hear a high-pitched whine exit his mouth as you swear you almost orgasmed from his sounds alone. Diluc is practically fucking his hand as his lips brush your neck.
"Let's switch" he suggests as he pushes you on your back as he lays on top of you in-between his legs. He grabs your hand and places it on his dick. "And I'll do you..." he groans as you instantly stroke his cock. You sigh as finally his thick fingers tease your poor little clit.
"Oh Archons...." Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he moves his fingers to your cunt and enters with curling fingers. Nothing in Celestia would ever compare to the heavens he has brought you...
You stroke his dick at the same pace but you continuously add pressure almost massaging the cum out of his dick. "Ahhhnn !" Diluc gasps rutting his hips into your own hand. The amazing part is how his hands have not once stopped stroking your your g-spot.
"Oh, Diluc, right there! Please! Right there!" He strokes faster, and you bring him the same pleasure.
"Oh f- fuck my love!" More and more presumably coat your hands.
"AHN!!" You lift your hips wishing at this point his cock was pinning you to bed every time.
Like a thread in the string of fate, everything snaps. Diluc shouts as his cum covers your pretty little thighs still moving his hips to continue the sensations. Your eyes roll to the back of the head as you grab his wrist and arch your back. At the moment, it felt like you might have let go a little much only to discover you had squirted all over Diluc's gorgeous hands. You sigh as stars still fill you eyes. Diluc, on the other hand, scrunches the bedsheets between his fingers as he pants like a dog. You glance down at his cock only to see it still hard and pulsing.
"My Love... please let me touch you?" He groans. You place your hand on his cheek pulling him to look you in the eyes.
"Touch me." You moan bringing his hips to finally enter your poor little cunt.
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utilitycaster · 1 month
A less talked-about but no less interesting part of God Discourse I've noticed is that amongst the There Is Nuance Here crowd there's a weirdly pro-Betrayer God attitude; like there's examples of gods being bad right here (see: The Actual Devil in Literal Hell), but we're choosing to focus on Melora for some reason? Fascinating levels of dissonance here.
So here's the thing. I've found that this has also been an evolving position.
I think during EXU Calamity, the main argument was pro-Betrayer God. Some was that Asmodeus was in fact played masterfully; Zerxus, after all, fell for it. The rest seemed to be to me the usual dull "but I wanted it to be subversive" argument, upon which the motivations of that desire I can only speculate (and such speculation, while entertaining, is not productive). I would argue, Calamity was not lacking in subversion, notably with the portrayal of Vespin Chloras and the fact that this was ultimately an immensely hopeful, if also deeply tragic story of an averted annihilation.
I think currently? It's the Wild West, at best. I don't have much to add other than what I've said already, and unfortunately it does require either familiarity with the posts I'm thinking about or me doing something as tacky as publicly posting screenshots to get the full context. Suffice it to say I've rarely seen such unformed and unsupported arguments. They are phrased in apery of a coherent argument, but, crucially, lacking the evidence.
Getting back to your point I think the focus is more on the Prime Deities because those are the gods whom past characters (and FCG) were affiliated with. I honestly don't think most of them have the lore knowledge to recall deities who have not come up as directly in game; they're focusing on Melora because they know who she is. Possibly because she was Bor'Dor's deity; possibly because she was the deity who reached out to Orym and was insufficiently clear in her communication to Fearne to satisfy them (and yet we stan Liliana, queen of clear responses, amirite?); possibly because it's edgily rewarding to them to fantasize about upending and destroying Caduceus, Fjord, and Fy'ra Rai's lives. Similar arguments can be made for Pelor and the Raven Queen; one can point to the genuine harm mortals have done in Pelor's name and the fact that the Raven Queen collected on a deal, willingly made, from Vax, and you get to weakly and cringingly tell yourself you are dunking on people who like Vax, or Vex, or Morrighan. It is interesting to me that people are not focusing more on Lolth given her appearance and the fact that Opal's choice, while technically willing, was much more manipulated than anything the Raven Queen has every done. Lolth behaves in canon as idiots believe the Raven Queen to have done in fanon. I've found a significant number of the arguments against the gods rely on a profound misattribution or at best deliberate avoidance of what is voluntary vs. what is coercive or done without consent (eg: comparisons between Judicators and Ruidusborn).
Basically: they bring in the Betrayers when it's convenient for the argument and cherrypick around them when it's not; they do the same with the Primes. There's just a lot more to pick from with the Primes.
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Some headcanons with reader admiring the boys abs and muscles and teasing them about it Jake Samuel Vasco Danny Eli sorry if i passed the limit or smth you can take vasco out if you want :))))
You can write about their reactions too
admiring their muscles
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: thanks for the request~ 💕 + u can check my request rules if ur worried about the limit but ur fine T_T !
> he'll notice the second you start admiring his figure and tease you before you can even start your own teasing of him (even if you do, he's not that affected by your words)
> this man will literally put on a show for you
> mainly in the form of flexing and getting reeeeaal close to you. you're already staring, why don't you get a closer look~?
> it depends on the mood but his flirtiness either comes off as cringey or him trying to rile you up lol
> honestly, he loves whenever you admire him. it's good for his ego and gives him an excuse to tease you (not that he needs one 💖)
> sometimes he even strategically places himself in a place where he knows you'd be able to stare just so he can tease you ^_^
> this guy wears comically tight shirts nearly 24/7. you can ogle at him whenever you want
> samuel's a hit or miss when it comes to him teasing you back, but he definitely notices every time you stare
> sometimes he'll stare back! sometimes he'll ask in a rather sultry voice, "do you need something?" sometimes he'll just ignore you <3
> when he feels like entertaining you, he'll often reflect your teases with arrogant things like, "oh, you don't say?" otherwise he's not really affected lol
> acts like he doesn't care whenever you give him this kind of lighthearted attention but he does care. a little bit. only because it's you <3
> if you want a blushy samuel--you have a better chance achieving that by showing him genuine kindness/trust instead of teasing him about how hot his muscles are!
> think about the most dense object in the world. now multiply that by two and you have vasco's amount of denseness
> you really do have to be straightforward with your teasing or else vasco is going to misinterpret you for friendliness (as in, no romantic intentions, even though you two are dating) or possibly even making fun of him ("are you... downplaying the effort i put into my muscles? :(")
> once he does realize, he'll get a little embarrassed but prideful because his loving partner is complimenting him <3 he appreciates the fact that you're admiring his muscles either way !!
> 100% compliments you back but in his own... unique, charming way, you know?
> "would you like to touch my muscles? since you are such a big fan of them ^_^" <- might sound flirty but you know he means it in the most innocent way
> finds your teasing/admiration cute :]
> will always get flustered when you tease him, but the intenseness of said feeling decreases the more he gets used to dating you~
> mostly just a stammering mess
> when he's feeling particularly cheesy/flirty he'll try to smoothly tease you back about your charms. usually it's just him being too cute to have any real effect on you, but sometimes... 👁️
> if you embarrass him enough, he'll try to cover up, and if that's not possible, cue daniel rolling into a ball <3
> still, he'll welcome compliments from you anytime !!
> not to be angsty but. he will always have deeply rooted feelings of guilt whenever you compliment his taller body in general because he doesn't feel like he deserves them
> honestly he doesn't really react with much other than a chuckle but he stores the info in mind like "so they seem to like when i wear this shirt that emphasizes my chest... i should wear it more often~"
> will probably use said info against you in the near future.
> anyways he thinks you teasing him is adorable, and he doesn't mind it at all
> also he gets a little shy <3 everyone already calls him good looking, but hearing it from his special someone means a lot more!
> he'll flirt back if you tease him for long enough, but it's in a very soft way; pulls you in for a hug and a forehead kiss while saying, "aw, you really think so?" (yes he's playing a little dumb to mess with you)
> gets embarrassed more easily if you tease him in front of his friends (hostel) <3
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xiaq · 1 year
What was your relationship with HP in your childhood and what did it mean to you?
Warning: long answer is long.
I read the first HP book when I was 10. It felt like coming home. I was a deeply awkward, anxious kid dealing with bullying at school. I felt wrong and out of place and like everyone except for me had a manual for how they were supposed to navigate life; without the manual I was certain I would never catch up.
Books were a fucking haven. And THIS book. This book was about a kid that I empathized with so much. Except he's bullied and feels out of place because he IS out place. He's meant to be somewhere better, with people like him, who (for the most part) treat him kindly and with respect. And suddenly he's able to make friends and excel at his studies, and he settles into this fantastic world where he fits, and he's bright and likable and he has a purpose. It was just. God, it was everything I wanted for myself. AND there was magic and a train and a cool castle.
I think the first two books were already out when I started reading and I read the rest as they were released (re-reading them all multiple times in between). The friends I did manage to make also adored the books. I went from "playing Harry Potter" on the playground to writing fanfic to going to midnight book releases and meeting up with friends to see the movies as they started coming out. The final book came out shortly after I started high school, and the final movie came out when I was in college. I went to that midnight showing with a good portion of my friends and we all cried like babies at the end. Because it was over. This thing that had sustained us for so long. This thing that marked our childhoods.
You have to understand that Harry Potter-related expectation was a constant for the majority of my life. Since I was in elementary school there was always a new book to look forward to every year or so. And when the book series was completed, there was the next movie to look forward to. And then it was over (and with such an unsatisfying epilogue). That's when I really got involved in fandom (outside the fic I wrote amongst friends in a the group journal we kept and passed back and forth during studyhall, ofc). And fandom was the most accepting, glorious, place for an anxious queer kid just starting to come out of her shell as college afforded her the freedom to realize that maybe the very narrow (private Christian school k-12) concept of normalcy she'd been afforded until that point wasn't entirely accurate. And it continued to be glorious. I went to cons and got merch and put my House in my online dating profile and 3D printed custom HP cookie cutters and joked about having a HP themed wedding some day and my friends and I loved our nerdy little world that made us happy. Until Joanne ruined it.
And I'm honestly not trying to be dramatic, but when something has been so intrinsic to your life and your social circle and even, to an extent, part of your identify, it's fucking devastating when you find out the creator of that thing is a bigot and actively using her platform to target people you love. I stopped supporting her (buying books/movies/merch etc.) a couple years back, and I was content in embracing the concept of Death of the Author (or, as I've previously termed it, "we've killed the author and are now rifling through her stuff to keep the good bits and throw out the bad"). But now, in light of her continued escalations and the recent TV series announcement, and the conversations I've been having with friends (particularly Jewish and trans friends), I do mean that the very concept of Harry Potter is ruined for me. My, now decades, of nostalgia just...aren't enough to supersede what feels like an irresponsible attachment. Before, I wanted HP's social presence to live on in spite of and without JK Rowling. Now, it's becoming more and more apparent that the entertainment industry is going to squeeze as much money out of the HP world as possible which will, by extension, continue to give her a platform and money with which to actively support her shitty dogma.
So. Here I am, too sad to pick up my HP books for my annual summer re-read, or start the new fic a writer I love has just posted or open the document to work on my own HP fic. Which is not at all a condemnation of folks in fandom who ARE able to keep reading and creating and loving the world while thumbing their nose at her. I just can't right now.
So I'm stepping back and blocking the tags and ignoring the show and trying to let other worlds consume me.
Anyway. That's what it meant to me. Sorry for the tiny violin moment but your ask made me sit down and confront the fact that I'm dealing with an extremely weird sort of grief I haven't ever encountered before.
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h-c-u · 1 year
I see forever in your eyes
Summary: Evolution of the relationship, ended with a bit of fluff in the end ;)
Pairing: Tom Cruise x fem!reader
W/C: 1.6k
Rating: PG | Age Gap
TWs: None
Dedication: This fic is dedicated to the lovely @malavera :) Something in a conversation with her gave the idea for the last few paragraphs, and the rest kind of materialised out of it's own free will.
A/N: I don't usually write RPFs, so it's a bit new for me, but I like the challenge :)
Masterlist | List of tags | Dandelions - Ruth B.
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Being engaged to a movie star had its ups and downs.
Even though Tom did everything in his power to keep as much of your private life, well... private, he couldn't stop the press and paparazzi from trying to squeeze anything and everything they possibly could from the crumbs that he didn't manage to hide. And honestly... you didn't care. As long as you had him with you all the crazy theories and speculations didn't matter, and even more - few of them were actually funny. There was one that said that he literally bought you when he was visiting a 3rd world country... And another that said that you hypnotized him with your super-psychology powers, because how else you could have landed one of the most recognizable celebrities?
It didn't help that you were so much younger than him, which only fed them more... There were caricatures of him as a grandpa and you as a baby, sworn testimonies from people neither of you knew that he groomed you when you were still underage, and your personal favorite - a couple who pretended to be your parents, trying to convince the police and press that Tom kidnapped and brainwashed you, is abusing you and that they just want their little girl back home. As if you weren't almost 30. And you actually had to entertain the last idea for a bit, because even though there was no relationship between you and the crazy couple, you and Tom were still placed under observation for a week.
Sure, it wasn't the easiest, and you hated seeing Tom get angry at every ridiculous rumor. But one gentle touch from you was enough for all that negativity to disappear, and you loved watching him instantly relax just because you placed your hand on his shoulder. Or cupped his face. Or placed a soft kiss on the top of his head...
With time both of you learned that it was actually better for you to be in a public eye right next to him. The press couldn't say that he was abusing you if you were seen in a backless dress with slits up your thighs and there were no visible bruises. They couldn't accuse him of grooming you when you look nothing like the child they painted you to be. Sure, there still were wild theories, but not as aggressive as at the beginning, when there were only a few blurred pictures of you two together. And there were more and more articles talking about how much you loved each other with pictures of him looking at you with that relaxed expression, when you were holding hands, or when he was kissing your hand while someone managed to snatch a picture.
He wanted to take you with him to work, but that wasn't something that you wanted to do every day. Sure, you could fly with him whenever he was leaving the country and occasionally visit the set to meet his friends and co-stars, but you much rather focus on doing something else.
Since you had a Ph.D. in developmental psychology, you weren't exactly able to find a job in your field, and it was weighing on you, because you've spent so much time studying and doing research in a field you were deeply passionate about, only to have to choose between it and the man you loved. Because there was no chance that you would risk files of your patients being leaked to the press, which was a real possibility if you started working as a therapist while being engaged (and soon to be married) to one Mr. Tom Cruise. He would have never asked you to choose though, and it was a burden you were carrying alone because you didn't want to worry him.
But even if he didn't know exactly why he knew that something was wrong... So he helped you find something that you could do while he was on set, which was charity work. And of course, the press jumped on that with headlines like "Tom Cruise's latest fling gets HER way with HIS money". It didn't matter that you never touched his fortune... And instead of focusing on collecting money, you were finding local companies who were willing to donate their time or products to communities they were already close to. It was much easier than you first assumed because your name was linked with your fiancee's in every google search, and you were basically promoting those companies just by association.
And when you eventually started giving interviews to get ahead of any nasty rumors, there was a lot of venom from your interviewers. But because you basically had a degree from human behavior, it didn't take you long to understand what exactly most of them were after, and you were skilfully flipping the script in your favor, using their own words against them, to the point that few articles accused you of demanding the questions before the interview. You were happy to prove them wrong again and again. It was fun, dueling people who started with pure resentment towards you and ended up supporting your cause.
And as it turned out, you had a knack for it.
Eventually, the word about your agenda carried and you had to hire people to help you manage all the companies that wanted to join your cause, and only after four months you were running a full-blown non-profit, that matched companies willing to donate surplus of their products to people who needed it most. And it grew more and more every week to the point, when finally when you were out with Tom, you were asked about something other than who you were wearing, and what it was like being with such a famous actor.
And he was your number one cheerleader. Not only by praising you in every interview he did, but also by including you in the conversation, and encouraging you to talk about your latest projects. Logically you knew that you wouldn't be able to grow as much that quickly without his name associated with yours, even if he was purposefully staying away from the charity, not wanting to take the light that was shining brightly on you.
It took a while, but the venom slowly disappeared from the headlines, replaced by your latest pictures full of affection and speculation if you had already gotten married, and if not - was the date set up.
And now you were standing in front of the venue where there was another award afterparty, you were mostly alone in the area where you were supposed to wait for your turn in front of all the cameras, with only a few other people, who - if you were completely honest - you didn't recognize. You still had a few minutes without all the flashes and millions of questions. He was holding your hand in his, with your fingers intertwined, and just looked at you. In his eyes you were the most beautiful creature on this planet, nothing could even compare. You eventually gently put your head on his shoulder, stealing a moment of intimacy from all the reporters. You were careful not to transfer any makeup to his grey suit, even though you knew he didn't care.
With Tom so close, and a subtle scent of his cologne surrounding you, it was extremely easy to forget that showing up here tonight was more of an obligation than an actual date. And as if someone somewhere heard your thoughts, speakers started playing one of your favorite songs, Dandelions, which you started humming with a giant smile on your face. And as soon as Tom realized what was happening, he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and changed the way he was holding your hand, so he was able to twirl you, and you immediately followed his lead, because at this point no words were necessary to communicate. You came back to him with another twirl, and he was already waiting for you, ready to put his hand on your shoulder blade, and as soon as he did that, you put yours on his shoulder, and off you went.
It was extremely easy to slip into the steps of the waltz you were following so many times in the privacy of your home, far from any prying eyes. And it wasn't a complicated choreography, but with your flowy dress, every twirl, every turn, every switch looked magnificent. You let Tom lead, and you closed your eyes, imagining that you were far away from here, letting him steer you away from anyone who was waiting for their turn to go to the red carpet. 
Every move either of you made was meant to compliment the other person... He was your ornate frame, and you were the painting within it... And together you were a masterpiece. You opened your eyes again, just to catch him doing the same, and you couldn't stop the giant smile climbing onto your face. It was so easy to forget why you were here, with his beautiful green eyes so intensely focused on yours, because everything else faded when you were together, and you hoped that this would never change.
But eventually, someone loudly said his and your name, calling you to the red carpet, and one look from Tom told you exactly what he planned to do, and you couldn't help but laugh out loud, and let him lead you, still waltzing, to the red carpet, giving reporters a small glimpse into your real life. You were immediately attacked with a cacophony of screams and flashes, but none of that mattered. Right now there was only him and you, twirling your way to the center of the carpet. Because you were focused on only one point in space, you didn't even get dizzy when you finally stopped.
He let your waist go and placed a small kiss on your hand, and pulled you closer, so both of you could take your rehearsed, photograph-worthy poses, and come back to reality. 
P.S.: For the choreography I thought about something like this set of course to this song The tempo is really similar, so you can open both at the same time and mute the dance video while the song will play in the background :)
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copperbadge · 1 year
One of my favorite parts of writing the Shivadh romances is that the stories are full of smart, interesting people who are very driven to succeed and also frequently lose. 
It’s not so much losing in the sense of not getting what they want, but in the sense of not getting what other people (or the traditions of literature) think they should want. Like yes, on the one hand, Michaelis and Gregory both deeply desired to be king and got it; Eddie attained his dream of TV chef stardom. Jerry is a duke and Alanna will be a duchess, and both have fulfilling jobs unrelated to that. Jes is a successful broadcast journalist, and Noah is a prince, and first mate of the Dychev. Caleb and Buck are famous, in Caleb’s case even more than he wants to be. 
But also like...in another story, Eddie would be a TV megastar instead of giving up food television to entertain himself in the communications office of a country that has fewer people in it than he has followers on social media. Jes chose their son’s welfare over continuing to climb the ladder of success in New York and has no regrets. Noah isn’t captain of the Dychev, he wasn’t ready for that. Alanna didn’t get to be queen of Galia. Jerry is working to turn something he didn’t earn back over to the people who should have it. From the outset, Caleb doesn’t want to win Eurovision. I’m currently writing a story where the lead characters know they can’t possibly win the World Cup, but would rather lose representing their homeland than win representing some other country. 
Gregory and Eddie could send their daughter to one of the most elite schools in the world but they aren’t going to because, one, it isn’t what she needs, she needs dads who love her and teachers who understand her, and two, they aren’t going to send a child with such specific needs to a school that failed Jerry so badly, even if that was fifteen years ago. 
I wasn’t setting out to write about ambition and acceptance and playing to play rather than to win, but honestly -- sometimes “losing” is a choice and sometimes it’s the right choice. It’s why I haven’t bothered trying to secure an agent or a publisher for most of my books; whether or not I could, I don’t want a lot of the baggage that comes with all that, so I chose the smaller, less prestigious, but more fulfilling route of self-publishing. 
I like writing about people who like themselves well enough, or know themselves well enough, to choose an easier and a more beautiful path. 
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gingerylangylang1979 · 8 months
The representation debate.. yes, this is all over the place.
I don't even know if I'm the most intelligent person to start this discussion nor do I have answers. What I do know is there is a debate brewing surrounding Bottoms and queer representation that got me thinking about representation in entertainment in general. I'm not queer but I am a black woman, so that is my frame of reference. I will also preface by saying I haven't seen the film.
Apparently some people are mad that Rachel isn't a lesbian or Jewish but has played multiple characters with those identities. In a plot twist, Emma, a Jewish lesbian cast Rachel in Jewish lesbian roles twice, so she's unbothered. Ayo has played a few queer roles and has been consistently vague about her identity but one could assume from her interviews that she is possibly bi or pansexual. Anyways, it came out that Rachel has/had? a boyfriend and Ayo has/had (maybe they broke up?) a boyfriend and people have been up and arms. Like Ayo's dude/ex-dude? was getting harassed to the point a mutual friend stepped in. I think part of this is people just mad because these women maybe are taken and they can't date them but also mad because they feel the roles should have gone to women who are 100% lesbians. I've read some people mad that they think it's a cop out for the actresses to not be transparent because they are in possibly the biggest lesbian movie for this generation. So I guess the question is what do they owe that community, if anything? Not my community, so I dunno but fascinating to think about what this means culturally.
I get that a community can feel that actors who get roles representing them should be cast with people from that marginalized group being prioritized. It took years for things like black, brown, and yellow face to become taboo, for queer characters to even be a thing, and actors allowed to be out. So it does seem like that work should be graciously granted to people who fit those demographics. Like, all of this is still new and messy in Hollywood so I do feel like some reparations as far as opportunity are due. And Hollywood has failed hard even recently. We've just a few years ago had cases of white actors being greenlit to play Asian characters. And I don't care if the characters were bi-racial, most mixed race Asian people look identifiable as being of Asian ancestry and are viewed as non-white. Like, I don't want to see a white person play a bi-racial black woman. Nope. And don't even get me started on how colorist the industry still is. In 2023 black entertainers still feel the need to bleach their skin, only wear European looking hair, and get nose jobs to get ahead. And the sad thing is, it often works. Even Erykah Badu gave in. So we need more black women who look straight up black to not be sidelined... STILL.
So my next thought is people who would say, but, but POC are playing traditionally white characters. To me it doesn't make a difference if the OG character is white if their specific heritage had nothing to do with the character. And even then, exceptions can be made. British, doesn't have to mean white, for instance, etc., etc. And Hamilton subversively cast POC as American founding fathers.
But anyways, back to Bottoms. Again, I don't have a true dog in this fight except to say I'll just focus on Ayo, because she's a black woman. Honestly, I'm just happy to see her get good roles. I don't care if she is personally queer, if she personally isn't queer as long as she is representing an interesting black woman. I do have stakes in her being into men on The Bear because that's the romance I see brewing regardless of what people think representation wise. Her character could be bi or pan and I would be fine with that but sorry, I can't dismiss what I see as her into Carmy. Not to derail this with my shipper goggles but there is a strong contingent of people deeply invested in seeing Syd be a lesbian and I get it but I think if that's not what is written, it isn't what's written regardless of what representation people want to see.
I dunno, my opinions aren't coherent nor do I think I've figured anything out and am not trying to speak for other communities. I'm just sharing passing thoughts and wanted to get other people's opinions in hopefully a civil discussion.
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quillkiller · 7 days
on my knees begging for more bartyrosiers
hello!!!! i would love to!!!!!
so i’ve only been thinking about them since yesterday (albeit obsessively) so they’re not super established yet. however i have a million wandering thoughts about them <3
first off. barty is already the kind or person who would unashamedly have twin fantasies and this obviously applies to pan and ev. he’s deeply obsessed with both of them and wants it to be true so bad. he’s been suspicious of them since forever and whenever he entertains the thought that he might be wrong he gets sooooo upset. he never ever consideres that he might be a little fucked up for salivating at the thought or ev and pan sleeping together. he will watch them all throughout the day just imagining them in every possible position feeling absolutely no shame
he flirts with them openly. makes insinuations and innuendoes but he’s not actually serious. byt he’s also sooooo serious. in a way it’s just the way he is and he’s not afraid to let it be known that he’d love to be in the middle of a rosier sandwich. he sees it more as if he’s dropping hints that he knows. he wants them to know that he knows. but he would also never actually out them because he genuinely feels so protective over them. he’s just so obsessed and envious and he wants in. so he’s being serious when he openly flirts with them both as siblings, but he’s also sort of not. atleast not as serious as he would like to be.
he’s so envious of their sibling bond. barty has no healthy relationship to family dynamics. he can’t fathom the grey areas because his upbringing was cold and devoid of love. so he sees the rosier twins and their undying love for each other and it makes sense to him. they love each other in every concievable way, being the direct opposite of how he grew up. so he’s so envious because he genuinely thinks that what family should be. the yearning he feels for the rosier twins is bone aching and all consuming
i like the idea that he ends up dating one of them. i haven’t really figured out who he ends up dating first because im a fan of both rosekiller and bartydora. but either way, he ends up dating one of them. he’s slowly but surely picking apart the twins relationship and sees this as a huge success because i don’t think either of them has ever properly dated anyone before. barty feels very special. dreams and hopes that ev and pan stay up at night sharing him between themselves. talking about him and whispering sweet nothings involving him. (spoiler: they do)
barty doesn’t stop flirting with the other just because he’s dating one of them. and the one who isn’t dating him is living vicariously through the other one. all three of them are plotting at this point. ev and pan entertaining the idea that they could actually live visibly even if it’s just infront of one single person. and they want him so bad they’re burning with it. and barty entertains the idea of being invited into their bubble. being their protector and loving them
i haven’t figured out how they all eventually end up together but to me they both end up dating barty and they don’t bother keeping it a secret. i have the image in my head where all three of them sit on a couch and barty has both twins curled up against him on each side, arms around them. i also have the image in my mind of regulus trying to explain their relationship to someone but honestly. he doesn’t really know either to be fair
people talk and speculate and barty and the twins are aware of this. they don’t care because people may talk but they’ll never actually know. it’s theirs and theirs alone. their actual relationship is for behind closed doors and that’s how they prefer for it to be. it reassures barty to no end. he grew up in a home where love didn’t exist as something other than blackmail to the public eye. senior cared about the public image only and how they were supposed to seem like a proper family. love was a costume the crouch family wore as something ill fitting for the public. at home it was cold and quiet and harsh and probably violent.
which is so interesting to me in contrast with barty stumbling into this relationship with the rosier twins. where their love and intimacy knows no boundaries, but it’s confined to closed doors. it’s to the public eye they have to restrict themselves, and minimize their relationship. the complete opposite to how barty grew up. and he finds it endlessly comforting to be behind closed doors with the twins and bask in their undying love that knows no boundaries
ev and pan will never ’date’ publicly. for many reasons, one of them obviously being incest lol. but also because they don’t consider themselves dating or even in love. they’re together and always will be because they’re twins. they already love each other because they’re twins. they’re a union, an extension of each other and their relationship simply doesn’t have any boundaries and never has. they want each other, love each other, are an entity who simply belong together— and now they also belong to barty. they both see themselves as dating barty. barty is dating them.
that’s some of my thoughts!!!!! they’re very very special to me and they’re consuming my every thought……. they’re all in bed currently, ev and and pan tangled up together, a mop of tangled blonde hair mixed together and barty running his fingers through it and not knowing where ev ends and pandora begins :,)
i also went looking for fics last night and found one that i got obsessed with!!!!!! this one<3 it’s a pwp and 900 words and ive reread it multiple times……
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