#hockey boys with tiny humans
lunaroserites · 3 months
Art and Ice
Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, a lot of the avengers cast is mentioned.
Summery: This might a 2 or 3 parter. College AU, our boy Bucky is on the hockey team, and reader is an art major (because I love that troupe and couldn't help myself)
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing I think, mentions of college students being college students. Bit of friendly harmless flirting between friends. Derogatory use of the word puck bunny. Bucky is a playboy. There is not interaction be MC and Bucky quite yet.
Word Court: 1935
Likes, reblogs, comments are appreciated!
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
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“I don’t know what to do,” you groaned as you threw your head back against the worn couch. 
“I want the project to focus on movement, but lifelike movement. Human movement.” You mocked your professor. It not being nature themed had to be a jab just for you. All your projects were nature related or still motion. 
“Professor Grace wasn’t targeting you,” Wanda said, letting out a chuckle at your dramatics. 
“Are you sure you’re not a drama major?” Pietro laughed as he threw a butter packet at you. 
“You two are the worst,” you sighed as you threw your arm over your eyes. Twins, why did my best friends have to be twins. The world is cruel, your thoughts drift.
“Why don’t you come to the track and draw me?” Pietro wiggled his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes in response.  
“Eh,” you sighed. You didn’t want a solution at the moment. You just wanted to complain. 
“She just wants to vent guys,” Natasha said as she came through the door holding a couple bags of takeout and a box of wine. “And I doubt she wants to see you and the rest of the track team in those tiny little running shorts you call clothing,” she sassed at Pietro. He just laughed, and stuck a pose with his leg up on the bar stool next to the island counter causing you all to laugh with him. 
“Thank you,” you exclaimed as she handed you your food. You threw a 10 at her and settled back down into the couch. 
“You know, you could come by the rink and draw a couple of the guys,” Nat mentioned. Her long term boyfriend was on the hockey team, Clint, a sharpshooting winger nicknamed Hawkeye. 
“Pfft,” you scoffed. “I’m not going to have them think I’m one of those, puck kitties, or whatever they’re called.” 
“Puck bunny,” Wanda chimed in, you pointed your chopstick at her and smiled. 
Natasha let out a loud laugh, one of those full bodied ones, “god they won’t think that.” You raised your eyebrow at her and gave her an incredulous look. 
“I can’t have them showing off because I’m there. I need to get them in their element. Not focused on what I’m doing,” you groaned again. “Biggest issue is I will need permission from the person or people. So they’ll have to know.” 
“Like I said Princessa, draw me. You have my permission,” Pietro winked, you rolled your eyes at him. 
“You’re too obvious of a choice. And as much as Wanda insists that Professor Grace doesn’t have a personal vendetta against me, she’ll love pointing out I picked the safe option,” you whined. 
“Wanda, you haven’t seen Grace in class. She will take any chance to criticize her pieces. Nitpicking to the extreme.” Natasha chimed in, “if it wasn’t for Dr. Rain I think our resident artist would've failed out of this course by now.” Dr. Rain was the head of the art department and after a wholly undergraded piece you submitted last semester Prof. Grace was on thin ice. So she graded you fairly but took every chance to tear you apart in front of the class. 
“I’ll think about the hockey team. It would be the least expected from me anyway,” you signed and got up from the couch taking everyone’s garbage and throwing it out. Football season was over, but the hockey season was in full swing right now and our team was top of the league. 
“They have practice tomorrow night, you should come by and look at it,” Nat said, giving you a knowing look. 
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~The Next Day~
That's how you ended up in the rink. Underdressed because you didn’t realize how cold an ice rink would be in the stands. You were right though, about the type of girls that hung out there, they were scantily dressed and leaning over the tunnel that the players exited and entered from. How they weren’t frozen baffled you. 
Nat was sitting reading a chemistry book across from you near the bench, as you didn’t want the team knowing you knew her. Well everyone but Clint. You’ve hung out quite a few times over the past couple years. You took a seat a few rows up opposite the bench near what Nat called the Sin bin (penalty box.) It gave an excellent undisrupted view of the rink and the players as they practiced. 
The sounds of skates gliding over fresh ice and sticks bouncing off it was an almost soothing sound. The puck skittered across the ice as it was passed between teammates and shot toward the empty net. The goalie, a guy named Quill, was performing some kind of ritual at the opposite end of the rink. Nat mentioned he was a bit of an odd duck. But according to her all goalies were odd in their own ways. 
The movement was fluid and easy to follow. How these giant men moved so weightlessly across the ice left you in awe. The Captain of the team was a blonde center named Steve Rogers, better known as Cap. Most of the school knew him, he was in a few of your art classes over the semesters. His girlfriend Peggy, was the student union president. 
The star of the team was his blurry best friend James “Bucky” Barnes. He was a “winger,” with good prospects for the NHL according to Nat as she gave you a lowdown of the team as you guys went there just after practice started. He was nicknamed the White Wolf. How a man of his size moved that easily was mesmerizing, he almost floated over the ice and it looked like he was dancing. He was sinfully handsome as well. Every other week he had a new girl hanging off his arm. Undoubtedly one of those puck bunnies as they were called. He was the talk of the school after the football season concluded. 
It made you dislike him on principle. The sports were definitely more priority in the school and the art department lacked thanks to these overgrown toddlers on skates. But you couldn’t deny his natural handsomeness, he looked effortlessly handsome and it was almost unfair. 
You looked down at your sketch pad that you had been absently scratching at. Bucky seemed to be your muse because you couldn’t take your eyes off him as he effortlessly skated around the rink. You were in danger and you knew it. You gulped and closed the book before quickly gathering your things and leaving. 
It didn’t take Nat long to text you and ask where you went. You sent her a quick message back saying you were cold. Not that Bucky, the school's playboy, had quickly become the muse of your piece. 
“Nat, I thought you said your friend was coming by,” Clint asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
“She did, she left because she was cold,” Nat chuckled. 
“Anyone know the pretty one watching by the sin bin?” She overheard Wilson ask. “And what she was doing?” 
“I think I was in a couple art classes with her,” Steve mentioned missing your name. 
“I won’t complain if she comes by again,” Barnes said. Wilson raised a brow at him. 
“What, so you can break her heart well?” 
“Look doll, it’s not you,” 
“It’s me.” Wilson and Stark said together. Barnes shot both men a glare. Then the high pitched whine of Barnes newest fling squealed his name and that was Clint and Nat’s queue to hightail it out of there. The collective groans from the rest of the team matched her thoughts. 
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~A couple days later~
“Loki, I don’t know what I’m going to do, this project is worth too much for me to go safe,” you sighed as you laid your head on his lap. He was reading some classic novel for his English class in the student commons. His fingers nimbly moved through your hair as he held the book in the other hand. 
“Darling, just go back to the ice rink,” he knew almost immediately when something was up when you were walking together a couple days later. The perspective bastard. Loki was your best friend since middle school, his brother Thor was the star quarterback for the football team in both high school and here. 
“Why would I do that,” you pouted. 
“Because you clearly want to draw this man, and it will ruin you for months just like that piece you did of Helena,” he said shortly. Helena or Hela was his big sister and she was absolutely stunning. You had pined over drawing her for a piece for months before Loki forced you to ask her. It fixed everything and life back to normal after you painted the piece. 
“I hate when you do that,” you whined, his eyes flicking down to your face. 
“Hate what darling,” he mused. 
“That, being reasonable and knowing what I need before I admit what I need to do.” He laughed and ruffled your hair affectionately. 
“Comes with years of experience,” he sighed and placed his book down next to his leg. “Do bundle up this time will you,” he called as you walked away, you quickly flipped him the bird as you rounded the corner. 
And there you were back at the rink again. Although tonight was a game night and the rink was packed. “20 dollars,” a nasally boy said as he pushed his glasses up, he looked bored out of his mind. 
“Pardon?” You asked, looking at him. 
“It’s 20 dollars to get in the game,” he said in an annoyed tone. 
“Oh, I’m a student,” you showed your ID card, he rolled his eyes, “5 dollars.” You nodded and placed the five down. Only partners of the team got in free. Perk of fucking one of the team members you guessed, that must have outweighed the fear of them cheating or getting bored. You knew that wasn’t fair. At least two of the guys were in committed relationships and one was in an on again off again relationship. The rest though you weren’t sure, you shock your head at the thought. 
You caught the flaming red hair of Nat in her reserved seat next to the bench, Peggy was next to her. There were a few open seats at the top of the rink, not great from getting a good view of what you needed to draw. But it would have to do. Instantly your eyes were drawn to Barnes, number 17, flying up the ice leaving the opposing team in the dust, snow? With a quick flick of his wrist the puck was shot sideways and Barton scored. The crowd stood and cheered loudly. You wished you had ear plugs now. The buzzer was insanely loud and made your ears ring. How Nat enjoyed this you’d never understand. Barton. You thought, Nat wasn’t big on sports, but she was big on her sweet boyfriend. 
You focused on Barnes as he showboated around the rink, celebrating his assist. He moved so fluidly, you were mesmerized. You drew many little pieces focusing on the movement trying to capture the effortlessness of him skating. You were startled from your drawing when the buzzer screeched again the crowd roared in applause. The team scored again and it seemed to be Barnes that scored this time. Hats flew onto the ice as he skated around. That was odd, you squinted at the action. His eyes caught yours for a split second as he rushed past and it felt like eternity. 
Read Chapter 2 here
Feel free you send me a message if you have a request or would like more <3
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Instead of trying to kill Belos, the Collector turned him into Kid Philip so that he could be played with. Hunter saves him, unable to leave the kid next to an omnipotent entity. The Hexsquad and Kid Philip jump into the portal and end up in the Human Realm.
Fic - Something about Hunter and Kid Philip's life in Noseda's house and Hunter's attempts to be a good big brother
(Ooo! 👀)
Philip and Caleb's Hunter's Seven-Day Sibling Celebration!
While sleeping in his sleeping bag in the basement, Philip slowly awakens to the sight of Hunter standing above him with a warm smile.
After the blonde greets the smaller boy with a friendly wave, a banner which reads, "Philip and Caleb's Hunter's Seven-Day Sibling Celebration!" then drops along with confetti.
A group of Gus illusions appear and display their jubilation by waving tiny flags with cute child-like drawings of Hunter and Philip's heads inside a heart and blowing into party horns.
The sight of all of this enthusiasm causes Philip to slowly smile.
After that, a montage of Philip and Hunter's seven-day celebration commences.
On day one, the two are seen sewing damaged clothes together, when they suddenly prick their fingers on their sewing needles at the same time, causing them to look at each other with a whimper.
Fortunately, Gus is able to fix their cuts with animal-themed band-aids.
Hunter receives a cardinal band-aid and Phillip receives a horse band-aid.
Both boys begin talking excitedly to each other about how cool their band-aid looks.
Gus smiles as he watches the cute brotherly interaction before proceeding to pull out a notepad and pencil.
He flips through several pages before arriving at a page that contains a list that reads, 'Sewing, Video Games, Baking, Piggyback Ride, Movie, Catch, Sleeping Under The Stars.'
He crosses out the word 'Sewing'.
On day two, Hunter and Philip are having a good time playing a racing video game on the TV while Gus watches them.
Hunter's character is in second place in the game, while Philip's character is in last place due to constant acceleration into a wall.
Smiling, Gus pulls out his notepad and crosses out the words 'Video Games'.
On day three, Hunter, wearing a chef hat, approaches the dining room table where his friends are sitting with a steel platter in his right hand that is covered with a silver dome.
Placing it down, he pulls off the lid.
Both he and his friends are surprised to find only chocolate crumbs laying inside.
Meanwhile, Philip, who's overalls and mouth are stained with chocolate frosting, is in the background trying to slowly tip toe away.
Hearing the footsteps, the Hexside glances towards him and Philip smiles nervously, revealing bits of chocolate stuck in his teeth.
Hunter faces palms as his friends laugh and giggle at Philip.
Taking out his notepad, Gus crosses out the word 'Baking'.
On day four, a "horse race" is apparently about to start (It's really just a piggyback ride race between Luz and Amity and Philip and Hunter. Luz is Amity's "horse" and Hunter is Philip's "horse".)
The race begins once Gus blows his whistle as the "horses" take off with their riders on their backs.
Both Luz and Hunter are neck and neck as they jump over "obstacles" (They're really just pillows that were laid on the ground).
A Gus illusion is standing by the "finish line" with a checkered flag.
He brings his flag down once Hunter and Philip cross the finish line first, making them the winners.
The real Gus pulls out his notepad and crosses out the words 'Piggyback Ride'.
On day five, Hunter can't help but grimace at the gory scenes as he and Philip are watching a horror movie on TV about a crazy guy in a hockey mask going around killing teenage campers with his chainsaw, while Philip happily cheers on the killer.
Gus, popping his head from behind the couch, pulls out his notepad and crosses out the word 'Movie'.
Getting a glimpse at the screen, he too starts cheering on the masked slasher with Philip.
On day six, at sunset, Hunter and Philip are playing catch with a ratty baseball.
As the two catch and toss the ball back and forth to each other, a terrifying memory suddenly crosses Philip's mind.
Philip, whimpering, is stepping back from The Collector who's floating towards him with a playful look on his face that's a mix of menacing and merciless.
He wants revenge.
Slowly removing a crescent moon from his sleeve, he is preparing to throw it at Philip to transform him into a puppet.
As the memory ends, Philip drops the baseball from his hand and begins to cry.
Hunter hurries over to him and comforts Philip with a hug while gently shussing him.
Gus, viewing this tender interaction from the front window, takes out his notepad and crosses out the word 'Catch'.
On the seventh day, it's night.
As Gus opens the patio door and slips outside, there's a small tent in the grass.
Approaching it, he opens the door and observes Hunter and Philip sleeping peacefully in a shared sleeping bag.
He smiles softly and zips up their tent door.
Pulling out his pad for the final time, he crosses out the words 'Sleeping Under The Stars'.
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larsnicklas · 3 months
hockey writing appreciation club part ii (part i here) hi team. let's support good sportswriting, whether with clicks or subscriptions! here are some more of my favorite articles i've read in the past little bit! i'll keep sharing articles every few weeks or so, and i always welcome recommendations if you have them as well!!
A mysterious illness halted his promising NHL career. Eight years later, hope and a comeback 🔒 Hodgson didn’t think about the mysterious illness that caused him to walk away from the game. Or the tests for lung cancer, brain cancer and liver cancer that he’d endured in a fruitless quest to figure out what was making him sick. He wasn’t thinking about the months of on-ice work and yoga and a grueling weight-loss regimen that led him to this point. He wasn’t even feeling the blunt soreness of the broken rib he had sustained in his first professional game after his long layoff. All he was thinking about was the gimme pass he’d just received. “If I hadn’t scored on that one,” Hodgson joked, “I might’ve had to shut it down.”
How the NHL rookie class has handled life on and off the ice Confidence becomes more than just a buzzword: It's a mantra. The rookies, after all, have to believe they belong -- even among the future Hall of Famers. "It's not like the guys you're playing against are not human, you know what I mean?" Carlsson said. "You realize you can be a good player here too, and you don't have to be worried that you're not going to make it. If you have confidence out there, you're going to be fine."
For players on the roster fringe, every day in the NHL is a treasure — and a challenge 🔒 Confidence is a funny thing. Even superstars routinely lose theirs during a stretch of what qualifies as mediocrity by their impossible standards. Hang around the game long enough and you’ll lose track of how many times you hear a player talk about just needing to “see the puck in the back of the net” to get himself going again. Never mind that he’s been the best player on the ice at every level. Never mind that he’s scored hundreds of goals in the NHL. Never mind that he’s been so good for so long that he’s paid massive sums of money and showered with love and affection every night. Even the toughest players can spiral mentally. Hockey’s hard, and the pressure’s high.
Nils Hoglander on growing up in a tiny village, why he stays on the ice after practice and his 'hidden talent' Is it harder to shoot a moose or stay in the NHL? A hint is a never-satisfied 5-foot-9, 185 pounds of bowling ball persistence and last player off the practice ice on Tuesday. “I guess I have to say hockey is the hardest,” said Hoglander. “But if you’ve never been out in the forest or anything, it’s kind of hard to know what to do. If you bring Petey (Elias Pettersson) he would have no idea what to do, he’s a city boy.”
'Open people's eyes': How the NHL's evolved in the decade of data The chemist's cell phone rings. He finds a quiet area of the lab to take the call. Hockey Hall of Fame forward Ron Francis is on the line. It's the 2014-15 season, Francis' first as general manager of the small-market Carolina Hurricanes. Francis asks the chemist - who's assumed a part-time consultant role with the NHL team - about a few players. How would you rank them? The call is short. The chemist slides his phone into his pocket, slips his gloves on, and walks to his work station. Back to the day job for Eric Tulsky.
After 1,400 games and counting, Alex Ovechkin still doesn’t break 🔒 When Alex Ovechkin was a rookie, his teammates were concerned he might have a heart attack. The Washington Capitals forward, who was 20 when he played his first NHL game in 2005, has always done things his own way. Back then, that meant a pregame routine of three Red Bulls. When the rest of his teammates were drinking Gatorade or water between periods, Ovechkin was downing soda.
Why a first-round pick walked away from the NHL — and found peace doing odd jobs 🔒 Over the course of his 10-year career, Koekkoek admits he paid far too much attention to external noise. He read negative articles about his play. He paid attention to critics on social media. And he put too much stock into various coaches who didn’t believe in him. “I lost that self-value that someone believed in me to take me in the first round,” he said. “I wish I could have kept my swagger.”
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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sophsicle · 6 months
I feel (fear?) that you are the only person I can come to with this question. I have recently become enamored with hockey. I followed KYD and also read quite a few books you recommended (Thrown Off the Ice, my beloved ❤️), and so I got hooked. I’m watching random games and loving it and learning so much. However…the problem is…I need a team. I have no connection to hockey whatsoever, and there isn’t even a team in my state (I’m sorry to tell you I’m *cough* north american all lowercase *cough*). I want a team to root for, but I don’t want to pick something ~obvious~ because I don’t want to feel so bandwagony, but also I want a fun team with players I can both root for and swoon over (I’m only human). Ugh, I’m just lost. Help. If you were starting from scratch with no loyalties, who would choose?!?
hmmmmm interesting
I feel like I might go for the Canucks? like, wholesome captain Quinn Hughes who loves his brothers, constantly looks confused or afraid (which is very relatable 2 me personally) and is also a stellar hockey player, plus they're like sort of the underdog that's rising up out of the ashes of years of hardship doing way better than anyone thought, and while i don't think they'll win it this year, I feel like they have the potential to be stanley cup contenders in the future so cheering for them will not break your soul,
I'll throw the habs (the montreal canadians) in there because i love them so i gotta, no one believes in them right now but they're also not doing as bad as people thought they would, and you have Cole Caulfield who is tiny and smiley and jumps on his teammates and his best friend Nick Suzuki who is two years older than him and yet acts like his dad (i can fully see nick putting a leash on cole just so he doesn't get lost when they go out), they are kind of in a rebuild but the dream is that over the next few years they will just be getting better and better, there's potential is what i'm trying to say!
im partial to the Avs too (colorado Avalanche) because Nate MacKinnon is just a lil boy who is trying so so hard always and is full of self doubt and anxiety (which, again, very relatable 2 me), and also Cale Makar who is like a mathlete who can fuck you up
these are the teams currently coming to mind!
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crashtestjeffy · 12 days
I wrote this today. It has stuff in it that might trigger you. Suicide, drugs and sex. But everything does so I guess...Anyway. This means something to me if you want to read it.
If I let go the latches that tie down my memories, I can still see it as clear as if I were standing there right now. 
My father - dead on the floor of the tiny bedroom that used to be mine in the bleak two-bedroom apartment I grew up in. The building was a place most people used as transitional housing. Going from nothing to something. But we got stuck there. 32 years.
It was a building in a poor government housing neighborhood. We started out in government housing. Because I was born sick, my parents spent the first 6 months of my life in the city. And it just seemed logical to them to stay. A social worker got them a nice townhouse that was government owned and rent geared to income. 
My dad got a job at General Motors. And the rent geared toward income suddenly became more than market rent. In those days, that was possible. So we moved out after living in the townhouse for four years. Moving out meant we moved to a privately owned apartment building across the street. It had an indoor pool, and we had a balcony. I lived on the 8th floor. Apartment 810. 
My brother and I were three and a half years apart. As soon as he was old enough to leave the crib and move to a bed, we got bunk beds. Me on top and him on the bottom. Because he was a bedwetter and would be till he was 13.
And so it went. 
There was a lot of abuse. There is a lot of dysfunction. My father was a violent opiate addict who was miserable all week long, but on weekends and holidays, he would binge drink in ways I have never seen another human consume alcohol. He'd start drinking the moment he came in from work. Drinking the first six of many beers in an hour. While popping pills, snorting, and smoking anything he could get his hands on. He's never injected, though. "That's junkie shit, and I ain't no junkie.".
My mom was a slow-burn drinker. By the time I was six, she got a job within walking distance of the apartment. And she would drink every day if she could. She hated anything that took her away from her booze. At first, it was a 6 pack a night on weeknights and a dozen a day on weekends and holidays. She was just trying to get a little oblivion. She didn't want to deal with anything, and that was that. She built a bubble around herself, as foreboding as stepping inside the radius of a chained-up junkyard dog. Only right after she would tear your head off, and then she would cry and tell you in one way or another that she couldn't handle this and that no matter what problems you had, they were not her concern; everything else she was dealing with was bigger.
And so it went. 
In my tiny bedroom, I was beaten with everything from a belt to half of a pool cue. Where I was left in a puddle of my own urine on a few occasions when I was hit so hard that my bladder released. Where I would crawl into the corner of the bunk bed, which after a few years required repairs to keep standing and was a white trash castle. And I would sit. And talk to no one, to Jesus, to myself, to the walls, to the gods of good boys—to give me a chance. But it never happened.
I would grow up and leave at 15 and float back and forth on occasion or on a bail order. I would always end up back in that room. I did everything in that room. I had sex in that room. I made a child in that room, a secret that I still wrestle with. I did drugs in that room. I nearly died in that room three times. Once from asthma, once from a beating, and once from an overdose of barbiturates and opiates.
And so it went on and on. 
My daughter would be born, and we'd have visited, and my daughter and I napped in that room. By then, the room had become my father's. My mother kept the other room, and my dad just lived in that room. Computer for hockey stats and playing online games. Bed and a TV. It was as good a cell as any deteriorating man could ask for.
And so it went to goodbye.
Till one day, I got a call from my daughter's mother. "Come home," she said, since I was at work and my daughter was 11 weeks old. I asked why. She said, "Just come home," and I felt it like some kind of Star Wars Jedi vibe. "My dad died, didn't he?" and she broke down, crying and sobbing yes. Okay, I would go home.
Then I hung up and started to gather my things. Then, almost immediately after, my brother called, "Hey, stay where you are at. I am coming to get you; we can go down  together." We had both been living in a smaller city to the north of the one I grew up in. So I went outside and stood on the curb, and the supervisor was yapping at me about breaks and leaving the site. So I pushed him away and said, "You're gonna leave me alone; I am leaving," and he looked at me as if he wanted to fight for a second, and I calculated I had time for a dust up before my brother got there, so I was game. And I immediately thought how funny it would be if my brother showed up to pick me up to go to the big city and I was fighting this guy on the curb. I even laughed. Instead, the supervisor looked at me and said, "Okay, it's not my fucking problem," then turned around and went back inside.
My brother rolled up. I got in, and he spent the first 30 minutes of our drive arguing with his wife. A charming woman who informed him on that very day that she'd been cheating with his good friend. He had her phone, and he handed it to me; it was ringing. Then he lowered my window and said, "Throw that fucking thing out."  We were on a major highway. So I did. 
I asked what he knew, and he said he talked to my mom. My dad had died by OD. It was a suicide. She thought he was just passed out on the floor, which was a regular occurrence. So she left and went to work. My dead father is on the ground. Her unaware. The dogs were alone with him. 
When she got home and he hadn't moved, she knew something was wrong. So she went into his room and saw that he was blue and cold, He was gone. She called 911, and the operator tried to convince her to do CPR, but she told the operator there's no fucking way that's helping. My mother was always pragmatic like that. Then she called my brother and then my daughter's mother because she had her number, but not mine.
My brother and I were sitting in pained silence after he caught me up. And that was that. We were not going to cry together, talk, or reminisce. Until he broke the silence to tell me about his wife and how she was cheating. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I shrugged and said, "Shit man, what are you going to do?" and he must have said something, but my head sank back into silence, and I have no recollection.
We got to my parents place, and there were cops, my mom, and a couple of her co-workers. They were waiting for the coroner. I asked her if she was okay. She explained to me, in the most guilty way I have ever seen, how she had left, how she didn't know, how he was alone with the dogs, and more, but I didn't take any of it in. I just said, "Mom, don't worry, you did nothing wrong; the asshole passed out on the floor lots of times, I would have left the fucker too."
I turned around to see my brother emerging from the hall to the bedroom. His face blank and pained all at the same time. And I said, "The cop let you go in?" and he said yeah, and the cop interjected that I could too, but it was not pretty, he'd been on the floor for twenty hours by then. So I walked past the cop and into the room.
The same little room I was a frightened little ball in. The same room I hung magazine pictures from as a teenager and hid Penthouse magazines in and the same room in furious masturbation sessions, I would wear myself out till I slept. Or I would eat mushrooms and lay in my bed listening to music and watching the lights play on the ceiling, till I got really high and went away.
The same room that I felt like all my damage was held in. 
The same room had a secret box up inside the wall where the radiator meets it, and there is a gap to allow for the pipe. I showed it to my dad as a joke years after I left home and said I hid my drugs there so he wouldn't steal them. He then took to hiding his drugs in there too. As well as in a little corner of his dresser beneath the bottom drawer. There were two lesser spots he used too. I knew them because for years he would freak out and accuse me of stealing his drugs, so I had to learn where he hid his drugs so he would shut the fuck up. When I was a younger guy, it was never that simple. He'd accuse me of stealing his drugs and then break my nose, or beat the shit out of me and take my wallet and empty it, or hit me with a bat. Right there in that little room.
Now my blue/white father lay on the floor. An empty shell. His mouth open, and his eyes were almost closed, but not enough that you couldn't see the whites that had gone a weird pink. His body dappled with dark splotches. Livor mortis. The spots were where blood pooled inside the bag that once held his life. He had no shirt on and a pair of sport shorts. His arms and hands sort of pulled at his chest like a squirrel. And the smell... It is a smell you cannot possibly describe. It was all at once heartbreaking, horrifying, and fascinating. 
And so it went. And it was gone.
Then I turned around and found all his stashes. And then some. In his final hours, he had balanced pills on picture frames and on the head of a soapstone totem pole he bought in the Yukon twenty-five years before. And he had grouped up pictures of my daughter and my brother's son, the boy was three weeks older than my daughter. And it was something magical for him. There was a weird, surreal feeling about it all. I was gathering drugs while a cop stood with his back to me at the door, less than twelve feet away. I could hear my mom and my loud brother talking in the living room next to me. But there I was, knee-deep in death. 
A suicide. He went out angry after trying to call me, and I didn't answer because his drug-rotted brain was just being squirrely, and it had become like talking to a ten year old. He left sad voice messages instead. I was giving my little baby a bath, putting her in her PJS, and handing her off to her mom the night before. I had something more important to do. 
If you don't think the guilt around all that was a fucking bramble and nettle bush that took a long time to work through, you'd be wrong.
All that in that little room.
I would stay really high for most of the next three days. But by then, I was an old hand at being stoned. So I did all the things I needed to. I just didn't feel it all.
And now it's someone else's home. It probably has been a few someone else's home since he died, and my mom disappeared for eight months, reappearing on the east coast, telling me and my brother she was going to stay there and live with her mom. She was not talking to us for a while. Once again. My mother, the queen of avoidance,.
I have been dreaming about this room ever since. three or four times a week. Sometimes my parents are still alive, and they live in the apartment. Or it is just my mom, and she lives in a house, but she brought the room with her. Or my father is in a skyscraper, and the room is there.
When I talk about chains, this is what I mean. This is the kind of life that tears you to shreds as sure as running through razor-wire.
I am empty now. If you made it all the way through., holy hell! You're crazier than me. I hope it was decent at least.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Weekly Recap | August 1st-7th
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If you need me, you’ll probably find me in the Steve/Eddie tag 🥺 guess who fell into the rabbithole of a new ship... 😆 
💙 The Masturbation Challenge by Gfawkes/ @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes (Modern AU, Strangers to Lovers | 29K | Explicit): If Bucky were honest with himself, and he frequently was, jerking off daily was really doing wonders for his mood. Aside from all the laundry he had to do from cum-stained sheets, the soreness in his knees from bearing down before he came, and the slight redness across that spot on his dick that sent him over, everything was fine.(Everything was not fine.)
gloom / gleam by plincess_cho (CATWS | 2K | General): Natasha drags Steve to the Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian to find a Steve she's never known.
💙 i could have chained your heart to a star by PanoramicSubDrop/ @koiponderingart, powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst)/ @stuckyflangst (Canon divergent, Silver Fox Steve, Silver Fox Bucky | 16K | Explicit): Steve Rogers came out of the ice in 1965. Almost thirty years later he discovered Bucky Barnes had survived, and it seemed like a chance for a new beginning. But when Bucky say that he doesn't want Steve in his life anymore, Steve has to forge a life without Bucky. Now, in 2025, two aging supersoldiers find themselves back in Brooklyn, reconnecting.
Weary but Ready by Southern_Natter (Evanstan RPF, Daddy kink | 2K | Explicit): Chris has been insanely busy with all this The Gray Man press, and he hasn't been able to sleep because he's missed Seb too much. Chris gets to stop in New York for a couple of days, and Sebastian takes it upon himself to get Daddy relaxed so he can get some much needed rest.
Gift Wrapped by grandmacore / @thedamageofherdays (Evanstan RPF | 1K | Explicit): Sebastian can't get over how good Chris looks and they have phone sex.
Sucker for you by Neonbat (Modern AU, PWP | 4K | Explicit): Steve has been in love with his best friend since the dawn of time, but that doesn't mean he behaves himself. A tip from an unlikely ally leads to his dream cock and he's going to give it his all or die trying.
Plugged and Cuffed by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle), DeamonSlayer576 (Modern AU, Silver Fox Steve | 5K | Explicit): Steve Rogers is rich and has a young, sexy boyfriend. Life doesn’t get a whole lot better than that.
Fit for Use by AllegedlyAnn (PWP | 1,5K | Explicit): Steve loves being Bucky's sex toy, his dick might not agree as enthusiastically tho.
💙 hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 1/7 | 3K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
💙 Okay, so he can play... (pretty's got nothing to do with it) by darter_blue (University Hockey AU | 1/10 | Explicit): This is supposed to be Steve's year. He's meant to be taking his team to finals. He's meant to be the number one draft pick. He's meant to have it all. Until in walks the new kid, with his beautiful face and his tiny shoulders and his long hair and his graceful skating. Who doesn’t look anything like a proper hockey player. Who's going to ruin everything. Bucky Barnes is about to bring Steve Roger's world crashing down. And Steve is about to realise that's a good thing.Maybe the best thing that ever happened to him.
💙 Lights, Camera, Action by Kellyscams (Porn star AU | 17K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes, aka the Soldier is one of Stark Naked's most popular models. Having worked in the adult film industry for a few years, he's gotten used to the daily flow of things. Not to mention also earning himself Stark Naked's "Naked Boy" of the Year, and something of a reputation for being a powertop.So when his favorite director, Sam, calls him in for an unscheduled shoot, Bucky figures it'll be more of the same. What he's most definitely not prepared for is meeting their newest model, Steve Rogers--who personally requested Bucky for his first scene. Not only is Steve the hottest guy Bucky's ever seen, he's sweet and adorable and cuddly and... Bucky's never hit it off so well with another model before.This shoot might very well changed everything.
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libertyreads · 1 month
May 2024 TBR--
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Connor Cow and I are excited to talk about the books we're planning on reading in May. (AKA look at my cute stuffed cow because my physical TBR is TINY.) I have three Kindle books and three NetGalley ARCs I plan on reading during the month so the physical TBR for the month is small. I'm so excited for my reading plans for the month. I've already started one of the Kindle books and I am INVESTED.
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo-- I'm continuing my reread of the Teen Titans graphic novel series. Up next we see Beast Boy and Raven meet and we see them starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. This isn't my favorite of the series (that one's next month), but I still enjoy the Teen Titans graphic novels so much.
Aesop's Fables by Aesop-- I found this beautiful collection of Aesop's Fables when visiting a small bookstore in San Antonio a few months ago and I decided this would probably be a good choice for May since I am back to school and I need some light reads to help me push through the month. There are more than 200 short fables (less than one page per) that use animals to discuss human problems. Some are as short as two sentences. Some are as long as five or six sentences. I'm hoping to finish this one early on in the month.
Blood Over Bright Haven by M.L. Wang (Kindle)-- Okay. So this is the one I'm already SUPER invested in. I started it at the end of April and I'm 100 pages in. All of the people who said this book made them angry were so right. This was sold to me as a standalone dark academia novel featuring a woman trying to survive the magic school as the first woman admitted to the High Magistry. She has the janitor forced upon her as her assistant as a cruel joke by others in the High Magistry. And we follow them as they try to make it in this magical school. The absolute rage I've felt in the first 100 pages is astounding. I can't wait to dive deeper into it.
Faking It with Number 41 by Piper Rayne (Kindle)-- This is the next book I'm picking up in the Hockey Hotties series. In this one we follow Ford who is the heir to Jacobs Enterprises, but with a career in the NHL, he doesn't want to fall into the family business. His father agrees...with one condition. He fakes a relationship with the family's PR rep. But do things stay pretend? Or does Ford find himself in an even bigger pickle than he was in before? I liked Ford in the other book I read in this series so I'm excited to read his story.
Pacific Rim by Alexander C. Irvine (Kindle)-- Did I really buy a novelization of a movie I watched last month? Am I really about to read it...despite having watched the movie two times now? Yes and Yes. Hey. Hi. Hello. Have you met me? The Resident Hyperfixation Expert is here to continue the hyperfixation. Pacific Rim follows a former Jaeger pilot and an untested trainee as they attempt to push back a giant Kaiju and keep the world from the edge of defeat in their war against the Kaiju.
Icon and Inferno by Marie Lu (NetGalley)-- This is the second book in the series which follows a spy and a pop star as they team together to take down a very bad man. I reread book one recently and remembered how much I love Winter and Sydney. In the first one, we saw Winter brought into the agency and trained up as he joined Sydney on a mission to bring a rich, and bad, man to justice. I was so worried reading book one the first time that this would be a one and done situation with their partnership, but in book two we've got the gang back together and I'm so excited. This time things get a little more personal for Sydney which I think will really up the stakes (and possibly the romance).
The Calculation of You and Me by Serena Kaylor (NetGalley)-- The GoodReads pitch is as follows: "A calculus nerd enlists her surly classmate's help to win back her ex-boyfriend, but when sparks start to fly, she realizes there's no algorithm for falling in love." I'm excited to meet this moody musician and this math nerd and see how they inevitably fall in love. I've read from this author before so I'm excited to dive on in to a new one.
The Stars Too Fondly by Emily Hamilton (NetGalley)-- When I heard Kayla from BooksandLala talk about this one, I had to request it. This is going to be a genre mash-up that could be everything for me: Sci-Fi/Romance. It's pitched as "part space odyssey, part sapphic rom-com." Four twenty-somethings accidentally steal a spaceship and as the ship travels deeper into space, the laws of physics start twisting and old mysteries come crawling back to life. I'm going to try to go into this one without knowing too much, but I was so excited to get an ARC for this one.
I do want to clarify that reading all of these is my goal for the month of May. But I started a class in April and if I need to then I will start pulling things off of my TBR in order to keep up with my coursework. I'm hoping that having a couple of short and easy reads for the month will make it easier to hit my daily page goals.
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sweet-gargoyles · 6 months
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Know about the couple ✶ ࣪˖࿐ *
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⠀ ★ Malleus Draconia.
— Third Year. Diasomnia's housewarden. Descended from fae. One of the most powerful mages in the world. Heir to the throne (prince).
— Capricorn (01/18). 178 years. 202 cm. INTJ - 6w5. Gargoyle Studies Club. Class D (No. 6). Junior. His dominant hand is right.
— Lilia Vanrouge (guardian), Maleficia Draconia (maternal grandmothe), Meleanor Draconia (mother), Revan Draconia (father).
— Tall young man with pale skin. Cool-black hair that’s mostly cut mid-length, with long bangs and two longer sections of hair on his sides that fall over his shoulders. Has one small cowlick on the top of his head. The bottom ends of his hair fade into a dark turquoise color. Has bright green eyes with vertical-slit pupils and long eyelashes. His lips are a slightly darker color than his skin, and usually wears what appears to be subtle dark eyeshadow. His most unique features are his pointed, elf-like ears, and long black horns on the top of his head. His horns are covered in small ridges, and curve back in an s-shape. Sharp fangs are shown when his mouth is open. Is often seen with a serious expression, or a mysterious smile.
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⠀ ★ Riku Volpex.
— Third Year. Heartslabyul's spade. A black fox beastman. A country boy from Shaftlands.
— Scorpio (11/05). 18 years. 1.80 cm. ENFJ - 2w7. Gargoyle Research Society, Band, Football, Hockey and Horse-Riding Club. Class D (No.9). Junior. His dominant hand is right.
— Widow Tweed (human adoptive mother).
— Tall young man also with fair light/midtone skin. Black hair that's is mid-short length, short bangs. Has heterochromia, his left eye is a black one and his right eye is red (with a tiny mole under this eye) with a mid eyelashes and over his right cheek is a small black marking shaped like a spade symbol. His lips are the same color but slightly pinker because he uses cherry balsam every day. Is often seen with a with a smile and a friendly face.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Tags ✶ ࣪˖࿐ *
⟢ rkls q&a : you ask something and rikulleus answers !
⟢ rikulleus , sweet gargoyles , foxdragon , rikuxmalleus &/or 🦊🐉 : selfship content !
⟢ lovely heat : nsfw content !
⟢ bitter sweet tears : angst content !
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 Before you follow me ✶ ࣪˖࿐ *
I'm new in yume tumblr so I actually don't know how to use this app. I'll try to post whenever I can. ࣪ ࣪ ׅ  ⊹
I use selfinsert for my selfship.
I'm 19 y/o. I use he/him pronouns and dating !!
I speak spanish since thats my first lenguage and english (i'm very insecure with this but I try my best)
I don't draw or edit since idk how to do that things so most of the time it makes me feel bad knowing that I can't do more than neka &/or picrews for my selfship.
Writer's attempt so you will soon see lords or au's. <3
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ellora-borealis · 4 months
15 Questions + 15 Friends
Thanks for the tag @stochastiz!
Are you named after anyone?
No? Kinda? I'm named after a place, the Ellora cave temple in India, but I think my parents also liked the name from the movie Willow (1988), which has a character named Elora :)
When was the last time you cried?
Oh boy I think it was Thursday, I had a doctor's appointment get cancelled for like the third time and I was fucking Done
Do you have kids?
Nope, and I certainly don't plan to have any biological children. I could maybe see myself adopting or being a foster parent to an older kid at some point in the future
What sports do you play/have you played?
I rode horses for like five years, but it was expensive and the culture was bougie and I hated it. At school I played field hockey and softball just because we had a sports requirement (I converted to full-time Theater Kid as soon as I possibly could)
Do you use sarcasm?
I think everyone does sometimes, it's part of human language. I guess I don't use it as much as I did when I was younger, I'm too afraid of being misinterpreted now lol
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmm maybe eyes? I notice them immediately on meeting a person and then subsequently struggle to make eye contact until I've known them for at least three years
What's your eye color?
Brown (so soulful... like [insert food comparison here]...)
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like a happy ending tbh, never really been a horror fan
Any talents?
Drawing and writing, I've been told, but idk if I really believe in the concept of innate "talent"? Like I've had a lot of practice doing the things I'm good at and I enjoy them, so that's all that matters to me
Where were you born?
Massachusetts baybee, New England gang rise up
What are your hobbies?
Writing, baking, playing Animal Crossing, making extremely niche playlists
Do you have any pets?
No but I am DYING to get a cat or a dog I am 90% certain it would cure my depression
How tall are you?
5'2" (.. smol)
Favorite subject in school?
English and Latin :P I was so excited when I got to college and discovered that Linguistics was a thing, like... wait these two subjects are connected?? you can study ALL the languages at the same time?? wild
Dream job?
God I don't fucking know, some days I want to be a tenure-track historical linguistics professor and some days I want to move to a tiny rural town and open a cat cafe and some days I want to have a stained glass studio in my garage and some days I want to publish six fantasy novels. What is life
I know it says 15 friends but I do not have 15 friends so I tag anyone who feels like it, go forth and overshare on the internet amigos
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
As a teacher, I fully approve of teacher!reader and EJ!!! I teach tiny humans (6 and under) and most days I imagine that it would be similar to keeping hockey boys in line 😂😂
PLS- i just know erik would lowkey find it hot. like we all know him, he's a man whore. but he would also be so impressed by it. like....my mind is wandering with this potential au.....i'm not minding it
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duckit7 · 2 years
Born Small 4
Here is just a little bit to add for this story. The heat of the summer down South is making me miss the cold winters of the North!
George counted down the seconds till the last bell of the day rang. Class was boring as it usual so when the bell rang all the students seemed to be rushing to get out. George collected his things and patiently waited for his personal chauffeur to pick him up.
Becky appeared minutes later. She leaned against the door frame and looked at the only person still in the room, George. “Ready to go pipsqueak?”
From anyone else George would have been offended, but he knew his best friend didn’t mean anything by it. “Har har har… Drunk on power already?” He chirped back.
Becky smile widened. “Maybe.” She said walking over to George. She leaned over and placed her palm softly on the desk for the small man to crawl up on. “Or maybe its just fun teasing you.” Her wicked smile made George a little flustered as his cheeks turned red.
He gave her hand a few pats to signal that he was ready. “So what are we going to do today?” He asked as Becky stood back up.
“I was thinking that we could go skating on the outdoor rink. We haven’t done that for a while and it would be nice to play some hockey with my pocket sized best friend.” She said as she moved to their locker.
“I’m so down! Its been a while since I have dangled, sniped, celeied on you! We have to run back home quick so I can grab my skates though. I left them in my room.” George replied excitedly.
Becky nodded. “Sounds good.” She said opening her locker and setting George in it.
George had his own locker but liked to use Becky’s mainly because she had a much easier time getting it open and because he didn’t need all the space. George stacked his books in their regular pile as he grabbed his homework for the night. Becky did the same before laying her hand back down for him. With George safely in hand the two walked home together.
Becky dropped George in his room to find his skates while she went to the kitchen to grab them both a quick snack. She returned to find George no where in sight.
“George?” she asked as she hesitantly walked through his room. “George where are you? Did you find your skates?”
She heard a faint mumble from the corner. As she approached she noticed a hand waving up at her from a box in the corner. She peered over to see George smiling up at her.
“Perfect! I knew you would find me! I ah… accidently got stuck in here… But I found my skates!! Can you help me out!” He said waving his skates wildly above his head.
Becky shook her head as she laughed. She plucked the small boy out with ease before setting him in the palm of her hand. “I swear George. You are always getting into some sort of trouble.”
George beamed up at her. “That’s why I have you around! You get me out of everything. Imagine how boring your life would be without me!”
Becky snorted a laugh. “You are not wrong there!”
The outdoor rink was empty. The ice was nice and smooth as Becky stepped on. She loved the feeling of the cold winter air filling her lungs as she strided along the boards. George followed her as he gingerly lowered himself to the ice from the door.
A mischievous idea popped into Becky’s head as she skated full speed at the little human situating himself on the ice. George didn’t notice Becky coming towards him till she stopped abruptly, spraying snow all over his tiny body. Becky couldn’t hold back her laughing as George looked up to her with annoyance all over his face.
“I hate you…” He said trying to dust the snow from himself. He was covered from head to toe. Becky couldn’t get over how adorable he looked when he was mad.
She then closed the door and grabbed a plastic water bottle from behind the bench. She screwed the small cap off before downing all the water, tossing the bottle in the near by garbage can. Becky then took a knee next to George. He was still working on getting the snow off and could care less of what she was doing.
“Hey.” Becky said reaching a hand out and wiping snow off gently with her fingers. “I’m sorry… I just couldn’t resist.”
George looked up to her and stuck his tongue out. Becky broke into a laughing fit once again. “You’re the worst!” George yelled. He tried to hide the smile on his face as he looked up into the joy filled face of his friend. “Enough dilly dallying. Do you have the puck?” George said trying to be serious.
Becky smiled warmly down at him before tossing the plastic water bottle cap at his feet. “Yep! Ready to go?”
George nodded. “Let’s do it! I need to get revenge from your little snow show.”
Becky giggled as she stood. “Alright, give me your best shot!”
George was pretty good with his little homemade stick. If he was the size of everyone else he would have had a good chance of being on varsity. The two passed the plastic cap back and forth as they made their way down the ice towards the goal.
Becky loved these moments. They brought back good memories of when she and George would spend the whole afternoon on the outdoor rink or on the lake playing. Becky would always say she had such soft hands because of George.
George couldn’t help but laugh and smile as Becky passed him the puck. He use to hate that he couldn’t play hockey with everyone else. It would kill him that no one would want to play with him because they were afraid they would hurt him. Becky was the only one that tired to work with him.
The plastic bottle cap was her idea. She also worked with his dad to help make his stick. She was adamant on painting it to look like all the other sticks. He could still remember she hovered over him as he worked on the small details of the design. She kept glancing between the real picture and the work I was doing to make sure it was close. George thanked his lucky stars every day that Becky was in his life. He truly didn’t know what he would do without her.
George pulled his thoughts back to the present as he went for the shot only to have his whole view be blocked as Becky drove in front of him to block the shot. George laughed so hard when he collided with her body. He hand came around to catch him as he fell back.
George looked up at her and winked as he grabbed the cap with his stick and skated as hard as he could around her head before coming to a stop and taking the shot into the open net.
“GOAL!!!” George screamed as he tossed his hands in the air.
Becky let out a loud groan which only increased in volume as George skated up to her and sprayed snow in her face.
“Little jerk. Hitting me when I’m down.” She teased as she wiped her face.
“Payback is so sweet!” George said skating over to tap her nose softly with his stick.
Becky faked snaping her teeth at him which only made George laugh harder. He then went over to lean against her neck. The cold air had been biting at him so the warmth from her body was a relief.
“Dang… you are stupid cold man! Should we head back? I can make us some hot cocoa while you help me with math again.” Becky said removing a glove as she let her warm hand wrap around George’s body. He loved having his best friend back like this.
“Mmmmm… That sounds really nice.” He said draping his arms over her fingers. Becky just laughed as she stood before softly picking up and their gear up.
She walked home with George pressed tightly to her neck. He was like a turtle sunbathing as he soaked up the heat radiating off her. A little smile came to Becky’s face. She liked having George close again.
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oh my GOD i just went through your entire mitch marner tag (which im guessing you've def noticed from the incessant flurry of notifications) but like - YOUR TAGS ARE SO FUCKIN TRU AND YOU PERCEIVE MITCH THE EXACT SAME WAY I DO AND I AM SIMPLY....OBSESSED. also a fellow marc andre fleury stan?????? UGH!!! TASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may our beautiful canadian french goalies and little ontarian blue-eyed timbit flourish forever!
me, looking at a solid brick wall of notifs on a blog i never use: dang someone is rip roaring thru my mitch marner tag wonder if they're oka--
me: dang that's crazy get well soon 😔
like, are there people in the world who DON'T perceive mitchell as a tiny dewdrop pixie? people who look at him and DON'T think "perfect mermaid boy from the deep i need to put u in a lacey bra and shove u in a pool!!!!!!!!!" ?? are there actual human being with consciousness and working eyes that do not think mitch marner, the littlest and mitchellest of boys, should be covered in puppies and babies and giant hockey men whomst adore him at all times? surely there is no one so stupid
also if you're asking if i own a penguins era fleury shirshey the answer is yes.
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An edgy ask for Celia: 2, 11, 23 please!
Thank you Dujour!!! ohh interesting questions! [last two under cut]
2, What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Ough... with how Celia looks now there's a lot of assumptions people make... but im gonna have to go for her struggling- for respect/power/ to just live. Celia looks like and is a powerhouse now, easily able to show of her physical strength to earn respect, but that only really started when she was in her 20s, when she was a teenager her and Conficcare were at the bottom of the social ladder and felt it- Celia is such an effective and terrifying fighter now because she was so used to having to do everything to magnify her little strength. not only that but her sharp ability to understand people comes from being in desperate situations and also being deemed so little a threat no one cared about what she saw, whereas everyone was a threat to her so she was always hyper-aware.
she actively encourages people thinking shes always been this good, that she ascended to the position of power she holds with a perfect balance of hard work and skill that was easy compared to what she actually did, but the truth is she spent almost a decade clawing for every little thing and it affects her in every way. [and she still struggles! she just hides it with confidence and intimidation]
11, What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
In terms of actual weapons she regularly uses, all manner of knifes [fixed blade & switchblade depending on the situation] as well as guns a few times [shes a snob about them. 'less personal, lack of skill blah blah' shes wrong-ish but petty about it even if she wont avoid them if they are needed] and whatever heavy thing she can hit someone with.
She would probably say her weapon of choice is a larger bladed weapon like a machete [axe has too small a blade and shes not rural enough] but in truth she prefers using her fists. unless someone else has a weapon that's escalating the fight she will always rely on her own body before anything else.
the technical answer would probably be ball bearings of all things. small, easy to get your hand on, and combined with Human Algebras powers of force it creates a lot of tiny projectiles moving at fast speeds, much easier than propelling something larger
[Bonus answer for when she was younger: Hockey stick. im not sure if americans have non-ice hockey but over here girls hockey is not a normal sport its a blood sport. the sticks are easy to pretend are for practice, and the nail polish method makes them practically indestructible as well as hurt like hell, and the curved end can easily be used to snag on clothing or ankles to even more damage. its long so Celia can use lever principles, and is just all around nasty in a match fight [same difference- its not technically a contact sport but there were hell of a lot more injuries and fowl play from us than the boys rugby] so its the perfect weapon for her to use as a kid]
23, What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
ough... i feel like ive thought about this before but here's my answer now: regret. actually that's not right because shes actually really good at processing it, if by that you mean justifying her actions and then sweeping the feelings under the rug.
debt. what she owes people. guilt. the people she did fuck up with. Guilt at the effect her actions had on the people she cares about. she hates it being brought up. she may be good and not letting herself regret her actions, but she sure as fuck will always feel guilty, no matter what happens or how much time has passed.
Express? my first answer would be love. not even just in how she struggles to express it, but how even when she does in her own way, she never feels like she can express the depth and sincerity of that love. she loves few people but those she does she loves the shit out of for her whole life. honestly if i made one of her friends betray her [and not just like Elena leaving to pursue a better life] it would be the worth thing i could do to her. no matter how many times she whispers or laughs i love you and again and again show it through actions, she will always worry that she isn't doing enough
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kanerboo · 5 years
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thanks to @cbhlatebloomer‘s friend for allowing me to post her pics of her daughter (i cropped her face out) getting autographs from patrick, jonny and seabs! from yesterday, after the exit interviews.
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texanstarslove · 3 years
The fact that TK is gonna be a dad still has yet to sink in fully. Like...
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