#hes less mii-like in this
youkaigakkou-tl · 5 months
so like, we know animal youkai don't live that long (less than a century in most cases) then how is mouse sensei here one of the oldest teacher even back before hiyaki academy??
because the tesso isn't an animal youkai; it's a grudge youkai
the story of the tesso goes, during the reign of emperor shirakawa (1073-1087 CE) there was a monk named raigou who was the abbot of mii-dera
the emperor asked raigou to pray for the birth of an heir and promised him any reward, raigou complied, and he had a prince in 1074. but when raigou asked for a new ordination platform be built for his temple, rival temple enryaku-ji pressured the emperor and the emperor went back on his promise.
raigou went on a hunger strike to protest the emperor's broken promise and to drag the prince down. he died on the 100th day and later his ghost was seen near the prince, who died at age 4. raigou died so resentful that he became a vengeful spirit and transformed into a giant rat with a body hard as stone and teeth and claws hard as iron, and summoned a massive army of rats that poured through kyoto, up mount hiei, to wreak havoc at enryaku-ji, and nothing could stop tesso and his rat army until a shrine was built at mii-dera to appease him.
so there is actually a difference between the tesso and other animal youkai, in that the tesso is a specific story, and most animal youkai are "animals but weird"
(just kidding i dont actually know why mouse sensei built different. because its funny maybe?)
(this was a super abridged version of the tesso story read more here)
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missbunmuffin · 15 days
Tried updating my Joe mii so he was less “cutesy” ig. He’s still cute in my eyes but idk how else to describe it ;-;
Now he looks like he’s done with life. I would be too if I lived on my tomodachi life island too honestly.
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Also I see Aran’s been putting that rent a dog coupon I gave him to good use
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enterrandomname · 2 months
Hi could you do corrupted mii x reader headcannons plz :]
Hey! Hey! Thanku for requesting!! Be specific next time, alright? Hope you enjoy it!!!
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Word Count: 180
He honestly couldn’t care less about where you even came from. Had you been killed by Henry? Who knows.
He refused to interact with you the first time he met you. He’s usually seen sitting on the electric chair, acting like he was a king, before he saw your figure.
Once the two of you got to know each other a bit more, he began to get slightly more comfortable being around. He ends up growing a soft spot for you.
He sometimes picks you up by the scruff of your neck.
“Don’t stray too far away from me.”
He ends up adopting you somehow. Kinda just accepted the role as your “father.” He doesn’t enjoy the fact that he has to look after you.
Gives you pats on the head as a sign of affection. What did you expect from him? A hug?
“What did I tell you. . .”
He purrs in his sleep.
You end up being friends with Eteled? Well, say goodbye to that friendship! Your lovely “father” will refuse to have you in a different room.
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natriae · 11 months
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Chapter 3: This cannot be good
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warnings: none
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Rin having friends over is not an obscure thing. He normally has friends over every other weekend to play video games or to just hang out. However, said friends are not normally this loud nor do they sound this familiar. They don't sound like his teammates or even one of your friends from college.
Opening your bedroom door – hoping to yell at the men for disturbing your afternoon nap – you walk down the small hall in your shared apartment to see four men staring right at you. Two you don't know and one face who could ruin your career (and his) if your company ever found out he was in your apartment. Rin gets up from his position on the couch and quickly jogs over to you sensing your anger. He gives a small smile to his friends before pushing you back into the hall. He looks down at your figure and places his hands at his sides, palms facing you hoping that you give him a moment to explain.
"Some of my buddies from high-school reached out and I told them it was okay for them to come here-"
"Rin-" you started, bringing your hands up to emphasize your point, but his cat-like reflexes immediately grab them and hold them at your sides.
The old Inarizaki blocker went on to say,"I told them to be quiet because my roommate was sleeping, but we haven't seen each other in so long. Of course we got loud, but now that you're up you should join us."
"No-" you quickly rebutted.
Instead of acknowledging that you were uncomfortable he turned slightly to point at each person in the shared living room. Your words are going completely deaf to his ears.
"That is Kita, he's the farmer I told you about," He points at the shortest one in the group. You bring your hand up again to shut him up, but he quickly shuts you down once more without even looking. "That's Aran – everyone likes Aran. And I'm sure you know the loud one over there," He smiled and puts his arm around your shoulder facing you towards Atsumu, " Atsumu, one of my best friends," You turn your head to see the fond smile on his face as he looks at Atsumu. Since when did they know each other to the point of being best friends? But it's obvious that he sees these men as more than just friends. He's at peace with them, but as much as you enjoy seeing Rintarou happy you cannot lose your job.
You take his arm off your shoulder and tightly grab both arms so he cannot escape and cut you off. Leaning in you quietly whisper yell at him, "Rin you can't just invite them over-"
"why not?" He's quick to defend.
"Well you can't invite Miy- Atsumu over," you shook your head lightly before continuing, "I signed a contract with MSBY. No getting close to the team. A strict work relationship. Nothing more nothing less." You watch his eyes relax as he's beginning to understand why you seem so shaken up, "Rin if anyone finds out he was in my apartment I'm sure MSBY will fire me and have no problem finding someone to take my spot."
"I don't think they'll fire you. Just explain that he's my friend. That you have nothing to do with him being here."
You wanna be optimistic, you really do, but you see how they treat people in your position. You're not a shining star that the public would defend. You're a background character at MSBY that no one cares about. They want to protect their players and reputation. And that's exactly your job. You should know better.
Sighing you let go of his hands and nod your head heading back to your room. You don't come out till you know the men are gone for the night. Leaving your room you find the apartment empty with nothing but a note on the fridge.
'getting Onigiri. Want anything? It's the best'
"morning," you cheerfully responded to your coworker with a fake smile. You barely slept last night because of your anxiety, and the last thing you need is to be at the MSBY at eight in the morning. But duty calls and here you are in your office. The one thing that's nice about the MSBY building is that there's a hidden section that not many people know about. There's a small gym where the boys practice drills, and on the 2nd floor are offices with one large pane of glass. Not only does it allow sunlight from the roof of the gym, but many of the few workers here can watch the boys practice for motivation. It's also perfect for Coach Foster. He can watch the boys from another point of view and correct their mistakes. If anyone gets a kick out of the glass wall it's him. For fun you like to sit and watch his reactions from across the gym. All in the comfort of your office.
Opening your laptop you begin opening your emails and reviewing ads of the boys before they are posted to the public. Next, you make a few calls to ensure that times are right for interviews, and security is ready when the season starts. The one thing you love about the pre-season is helping create billboards of the team or securing magazine photoshoots. Seeing the fans get excited when their favorite player shows up on the screen makes your heart pound a little faster knowing that you made that happen.
Being a sports team's publicist may have not been your dream job, but if you had to choose MSBY was your top choice. Another plus, you get to scroll through social media for pretty much the whole day.
Around one pm you decided to take a break from staring at a screen and grabbed your bento Rin made sure to pack before leaving. You smiled at the thought of the lazy man actually putting effort into something that doesn't benefit him. Unwrapping the panda fabric you find two matching panda containers. Opening the one on top you find a still wrapped meito puku puku tai taiyaki wafer - strawberry flavored of course- a chuupet- also not surprising- and a note; 'treats for you obviously not sleeping last night'. You let out a light giggle and place the note down to open the next container. There are four Onigiri neatly placed in the bento, and the one in front is in a heart shape. You try to picture Rin asking the chef to make heart shaped onigiri and you just can't picture it.
Before you begin eating you leave your office to go grab a drink from a vending machine downstairs. Which was a terrible idea because now you have two flies swarming you. Where's Sakusa when you need him? Once you got your water and began heading up the stairs bokuto and atsumu continued their conversation while following you.
Why are they even following you? They've just been arguing between themselves. Once you open the door to your office the large men attempt to fit through the door at the same time. Atsumu's brain cells work faster and he moves back so Bokuto can enter first.
"y/n please tell Bo-kun i'm the sexy one on the 'eam," Atsumu begs as he sits down on the chair in front of your desk.
"what?! no way. I'm the good looking one," Bokuto shouts back. Working with MSBY you learn quickly that you just have to ignore the members when they bicker like children. So you rip open your jelly stick and begin to eat it while zoning out. Hopefully the argument will be over before you know it. And you are correct.
Your door was still slightly ajar, so before the voice spoke you could spot the rooster hair poking in. "Bokuto come here," Kuroo commands as he knocks on the open door. He gives you a curt nod as he motioned for the owl to follow him. It wasn't unusual per se to have Kuroo here on a normal work day, but he usually only ever came when there was a meeting planned. MSBY usually never had any issues so there wasn't anything for him to correct. You move your food to spot the large desk calendar, and can confirm there were no meetings today. Why is he here?
"How's yer Onigiri?" a voice says, taking you out of your panicked thoughts. You look up to see Atsumu still in your office with his arms across on your desk and his head resting on them. He was clad in an old, faded tee shirt and black athletic shorts. Remembering what he said you move the box of Onigiris back in front of you and sigh.
"I haven't eaten them yet, but Rin said they're good." You begin to lift up the heart shaped one and smile at it. You hadn't noticed, but Atsumu gave a shy smile and blushed seeing how you reacted. "I can't believe Rin made them make a heart shaped one," you giggled not noticing Atsumu smile drop and look away, " he's so stupid."
As you took a bite the older Miya let out a "yeah, so stupid…" Not knowing what to do he began looking everywhere but you, and his eyes began to water. Quickly blinking away his tears he tried to watch you eat the Onigiri. His heart lights up at the light moan you let out after the first bite. 'Did ya like it?' He thought in his head as you let out an 'Oh my god' and lean back in your chair.
"This is single handedly the best Onigiri I've ever had," You exclaimed, not even directly speaking to Atsumu. You glance up to see Atsumu with the biggest smile. Not his normal smirk or the smile he gives when he wins a game, but a real genuine smile.
"Ya wanna know who made it?" His smile still plastered on his face. He leans in like it's a secret waiting for your consent. You nod slowly still chewing worried about what the hell is gonna come out of his mouth next.
"ma brother," He smiles like he's the one that made it. He must really love his brother to be this proud of him.
"this," you point at the Onigiri, "came from a Miya?" shoving the last piece into your mouth. How the hell was the rice this good. It's rice, but this rice was magical.
"yeah, ma twin, ma other half, ma brother that i want ya to meet. Not just so ya call me Atsumu," He finishes putting emphasis on the not.
Not wanting him to win this argument you respond with, "okay, I don't know how I feel eating food made by a Miya," You subconsciously reach down and grab another Ongiri to stuff your mouth with.
"come on jus once! Please, yer killin' me 'ere." He exaggerates. You hate how badly you wanna say yes to his puppy dog eyes.
"No, I can't. I already told you."
"ugh, whyy? If ya bring up that stupid contract again i'll walk right into Kuroo's office an' yell at 'im." You roll your eyes at his theatrics not wanting him to know just how badly you really want him to do it.
Before either of you could continue there were three knocks on the door that could be none other then the man himself. You let out a come in wondering if he needed Atsumu. He walks into the office and politely says, "can i see both of you in coach Foster's office?" Kuroo's arms are crossed in front of him and his back in straight. The smile on his face only makes the uncomfortable atmosphere worse. Atsumu turns to you with a look that shows he's just as confused at you. You nod your head and stand up ready to follow the man. On the way over you try to not to worry that worse is bound to happen. You straighten your back, and send a quick glace behind you to make sure Atsumu was still there. His head is low and his eyes watch the ground.
Okay, now your really panicking. Why isn't Atsumu bugging you. He can't possible know what this is about can he?
Coach Foster's door opens to the back of someone's head that you've seen several times before. Kuroo rounds the corner and on coach Foster's desk are three HR folders. Two yellow ones with yours and Atsumu's full names and a grey folder that reads Suna Rintarou. The blinds to the window are shut. This cannot be good.
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taglist: open!
@thisbicc @lovley212 @kyowdani @jacelikespp @bubblewordsofsodapop @chytheshyestguy @kuroosluthoe @littlemochi @bai-wuxiangs-mask
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moonlight-tmd · 5 months
What are Team Prime’s favorite video games to play?
Good question!
Bee is the well-known gamer of the bunch- he has hundreds of games on his Steam account. From all those his favorite is Super Mario, no matter which game. He likes Legend of Zelda too. Surely he plays FNaF and in very into the lore. Secretly he loves singing games, but he can never play them cuz he's too deep in stage fright to do so.
Sari likes Overcooked and Minecraft, those are the games she's quite good at. And it's fun to play with friends.
Bulkhead is similar, he likes multiplayer games but with lore rather than for fun. It Takes Two is one of his favorites, followed by Splatoon games because painting. He also likes Scrap Mechanic, he likes to build stuff from scratch and watch it successfully go on and wreck some unstable build he made for this very reason.
Prowl is the occasional 4th member of the gamer trio, he enjoys peaceful and puzzle games. He loves Subnautica games,Sari got him an enlarged Switch with Animal Crossing games to play. He also plays ARK: Survival Evolved with the group, whenever he goes somewhere he'll always come back with a bunch of tamed dodos.
Optimus doesn't really play games but if he does, he will slay at strategic games. Sometimes he'll hop onto Stellaris and straight up murders entire colonies that are too close to his and enslave species on various planets. It's a little dakr indulgance of his, Bee does violence all the time in other games so why not?
Ratchet is even less of a gamer that Optimus. He tends to focus on actual important things that to indulge in something as time-wasting as games. However, on occasions he will be persuaded to play a group game with the rest and lemme tell ya, NOBODY can beat him at Wii/Mii Sports. Golf especially. He gets perfect scores everytime. "And that's what you call 'surgeon precision'." is a line he will say whenever he wins. Bee has made Docbot his arch-nemesis in tennis, their matches are relentles.
That's all i got, i have not played most of these games so excuse me if i got someting wrong.
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nothing-hurts-here · 2 years
My favorite generated quotes- Fruity Four Edition 3 🍓🍉🍎🍒
Robin: Do you care if we take the skin off this Furby?
Eddie: We want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.
Robin: We also want to softhack his circuits.
Steve: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
Steve: Where are you going?
Eddie: Hell, eventually.
Robin: Is the pink panther a lion?
Nancy: Say that again but slower.
Robin: I don’t get it.
Nancy: He’s a PANTHER.
Robin: Is that a type of lion?
Nancy: No, it’s a fucking panther.
Robin: *looks up panther* They aren’t pink?
Steve: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Eddie: It's Eddie.
Steve: What did he do this time?
Eddie: No, it's me. Eddie. It's actually me.
Steve: What did you do this time?
Eddie: Who's in charge here?
Robin, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
*Eddie is fighting a monster*
Nancy: Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it!
Eddie: The power to believe in myself!?
Nancy: No, a gun! Shoot it!
Robin: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight.
Steve: Actually, Robin, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.
Steve: What the hell were you thinking?
Eddie: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic!
Steve: You released OSTRICHES!
Robin, to Nancy: I'll be under the mistletoe when you start feeling desperate!
Steve: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Eddie: For the Demodogs.
Steve: Why are you making pancakes for the Demodogs?
Eddie: ...They don't know how to?
Robin: Steve, you need to react when people cry!
Steve: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Steve: I just wanna be called pretty 21/7.
Eddie: Why not 24/7?
Steve: Snack breaks.
Eddie, calling Nancy: Hey.
Nancy: Hey?
Eddie: I can't sleep.
Nancy: I can. Goodnight. *hangs up*
Robin: Steve! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Steve: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
*Eddie and Steve's house is on fire, but they don't know it*
Steve: Damn, it's hot in here.
Eddie: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!
Steve: Okay, first of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is.
Steve: Can I ask a dumb question?
Nancy: Better than anyone I know.
Nancy: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers.
Eddie: That sounds like a challenge.
Nancy: I have to stress, that is not a challenge.
Eddie: ...Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted!
Eddie: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Steve: I wrote you a poem.
Eddie, already crying: You did?
Nancy, skipping rocks on Lovers Lake with Robin: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Robin: Yeah, it is.
Robin: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
Eddie: Why do you hang out with me?
Steve: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
Eddie: …
Eddie: I feel a bit sorry for you.
Steve: Punch me in the face.
Nancy: ...Punch you?
Steve: Yes, punch me, didn’t you hear me?
Nancy: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ while you’re speaking but it’s usually just subtext.
Steve: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Eddie: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
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hexiquin · 6 months
Sano & Haru:Meddling Melding
So...here's part 2. Somehow all my major moments I found could be perfectly sectioned off into 3 parts
Enjoy I guess~ (chapters 38-80)
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☆Chapter 38。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
The return of mii-kun!
Past Sano saves Haru, showing that even when not around Haru physically he still is looking out for haru.
And this is very different from what their relationship was earlier. Before I wouldn't believe Sano trying to help or save Haru because he truly wants to see him safe (maybe to not get into trouble or because Mame wants to help him).
He is the FIRST one Haru calls for help (both times!) and also the one who organizes rescuing him. Sano is the first one to get to him, the one to grab, and even lightly insults him. Sano is so afraid and worried for our pathetic boy!
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☆Chapter 43。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
Ah yes...the chapter that has my "shoujo moment".
This scene is probably my favorite scene of them in the whole manga.
The way Sano sees himself as an outcast from the others (and probably now the other gods) and looks like he trying not to crumble in front of his teacher. How haru reassures him of who he is, that he is apart of their class, their makeshift family. How haru offers a shoulder to lean on while not pushing sano to tell him more info than he's comfortable with. Sano smiling (and not trying to pretend it didn't happen!) at Haru. You can tell how at ease and relieved Sano is when he's with Haru (and admits it!). How they both trust each other with their secrets and understand that when the other will tell the rest of the class is something only they can decide on.
I love this scene (this was also the scene that made me realize that this manga was going to a part of my "manga I've read and will keep up to date cause I actually like it" list...I read a lot of random manga for the sake of read manga so that's a HIGH honor!)
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☆Chapter 52。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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I know that this chapter isn't that remarkable but this is my post and i get to decide what dumb little moments we focus on!
To be honest ever since I first read this chapter, I haven't really understood the root of Sano's emotions here (and trust me I know this is a me problem, please someone else explain this chapter also) BUT I WILL TRY!
Sano is a bit jealous of haru intruding at first. And that seems to play a part of his overall frustrations, but i think it mainly lies with two more reasons why.
1-Haru is getting treated like a dangerous madman by the other teacher. He is annoyed at this and from the context of the previous chapters it probably is because he, and many others, don't. Class 2-3 treats Haru generally like a normal teacher, maybe a bit more (a lot more actually) familiar than most people would but still! Sano also knows and has spent so much one on one time with Haru that he understand that any worries are not really valid. He knows who haru is and he decided that to him he isn't a bad guy. He knows how much Haru wants to be treated normal and not like an outcast. He, even up to chapter more current chapters I say, knows the most about Haru. Not even just about his past, the seimei situation, but also about stuff that only applies to Haru.
(and in the next chapter I talk about, he actually shows that he doesn't like people thinking bad about Haru when they don't even get to know him. Very "if you're gonna dislike Haru at least dislike him for real reasons and not because iof misunderstandings cause you didn't try to understand him")
And 2- He seems upset at the effect that Haru has over him. Haru has this aura that makes Sano feel so relaxed around him that has been growing along side their relationship. The manga really shows that when Sano opens up to Haru he acts more like a regular goofy awkward teen and less like a cool guy that only gets involved when he has to, something he most likely pick up after transferring to our favorite little youkai school.
He is annoyed by this (maybe because he doesn't have the same effect to Haru?). Annoyed that Haru just so purely cares about him being his best. That Haru can do this so effortlessly and genuinely it effects him. That it reminds him of what his brother used to be like...Or maybe he (and me) dont know why he feels this way!
For haru's part, he wants to see Sano being his best self and trying hard! He believes in him and knows that Sano can do better! And he wants to push Sano, and all his students, to succeed and be their best. If he has to compete against them or cheer them on, then he will do it!
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(Also this panel...just look at it..)
☆Chapter 54。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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(I chose this chapter/scene instead of 53 because that moment felt more about Sano distancing himself from his brother than his relationship with Haru.)
Like I previously stated, He doesn't like when others treat Haru badly, or like an outcast, when they don't even know Haru.
When he gets to Haru, he takes charge of situation. He the one that get him to open up to why he under the desk ( DEJECTED-AKI!?!?!?! THEY HAVE A DESIGNATED NAME FOR THIS?!?!?!). He's the one who gets him out, though by force. He even kinda references to chapter 52 with how he know that Haru doesn't need to be babied. He sees Haru for what he is, an amazing teacher who works hard to all his students can achieve their goals.
And he tells this to him! Sano us now so open to Haru. Before he would go full tsundere about how he sees Haru as a great teacher, dismissing and lying about it. But now he embarrassingly tells him to his face. He throws the words that he use to comfort Sano when he was feeling down about himself back at Haru.
He see Haru as someone who doesn't need to be coddled, not because he's loser adult (ok, maybe a bit because of that), but because Sano has seen how far Haru has come and believes and knows he is also a great person.
☆Chapter 80。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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Now to end this part on a more light hearted note, Haru and Sano hugs! Haru initiates most of the hugs between the to of them, but sano has been slowly started to get more comfortable with them. First chapter to this chapter Sano has started to allow Haru to full on hug him with backlash. I just thought that it was a neat observation.
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Concluded in part 3
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Group A Round 1
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(please click of Kate's image to see her fully--sorry to Kate for the weird formatting)
[image ID: the first image is of Kate. her body is shadowed and fully black, but her dress is red and white. she has long hair. the second image is of Michael Tutori, a mii with brown hair and a mustache. end ID]
Oh I don’t even know. Every time I think I understand what’s going on in this series, I don’t. But I know she’s cool and that’s all that matters.
Michael Tutori
okay so i said he was from wii music but there’s a bit of a story behind that. so you see, he WAS from wii music, but he was cut from the game seemingly last minute and replaced with the much worse and less hot Sebastian Tute, but his mii files were still left in the code, so years later my friend alice discovered him in the files and she brought his existence to life and now he’s like the god of the mii community and we all love him.
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bulletblade · 1 month
What are the odds of Freddy Fazbear actually joining Super Smash Bros.?
Now, many people will say he shouldn't join, me being one of them, whether that's because he's seen as a meme character, lack of moveset potential, or just blind hatred is not the discussion. No, we are asking if it's actually possible for Five Night's at Freddy's to join not only Super Smash Bros. but the other "Challengers of Smash" (posts every Monday) as well.
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Can Freddy join Smash?
Starting with Nickelodeon All Star Brawl, No, just no.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl has a variety of reasons that they won't add Freddy. The first is that it's a Nickelodeon game, and given that all of the characters are Nickelodeon characters and Garfield, it's highly likely that Nickelodeon won't add them to keep with their brand aimed toward kids, despite most of FNAF's fan base, behind the scenes controversy and the fact that canonically most of NASB's roster will either No Diff Freddy, see this as another Saturday or will be completely ignored by him/her. Maybe if this was Viacom All Star Brawl or if it took up the name of its predecessor: Super Brawl. Then, the odds would rise to being slim.
Rating: Ha, no/10
Next up is Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. Unlike Nickelodeon, the question isn't because he'd feel out of place due to the entire cast having differing themes and art styles. It's not because Freddy isn't a Playstation icon again due to the roster of the previous game. In this case, Freddy seems just as likely to join as Crash Bandicoot or Gubble. No, the main reason is because PSASBR is dead. The game came out in 2012, a decade, and 2 console generations ago.
Rating: Dead Game/10
Multiversus is up next and...I'd say 50/50. Yeah, unlike NASB and PSASBR, Multiversus is more based upon popularity, moveset potential, and whether WB has its head stuck up it's a__.
Rating: 5/10
The penultimate game is Fraymakers, being an indie based Smash Bros. Crossover makes Freddy a likely contender. The question is, either McCleoud or Scott Cawthon ready and/or willing to let him join?
Rating: More likely than you think/10
Finally, we reach Super Smash Bros. and I'd have to say Spirit or Mii Costume at best. Five Night's at Freddy's is a horror game, a pretty ok horror game, but one none the less. Compared to some of the other "horror" franchises in Smash Bros., we have Luigi's Mansion, which is more of a Scooby-Doo scary rather than actual horror, Castlevania despite being some level of violent is more so Fantasy Horror and Resident Evil, which is a "modern fantasy" version of horror, if that makes sense. And while yes, Eternal Darkness and Fatal Frame exist, they are in because Nintendo was involved in their games. Five Nights at Freddy's, on the other hand, has literal on-screen atari style, child murder as a legit feature, and while there is a chance that some of the other franchises previously listed have some degree of child murder as well, you forget those franchises are multi-generational AAA games. Indie games do have a presence in Smash but to a much lesser degree than the big companies, and Freddy has some tough competition in that department, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Zagreus, Sans, and CommanderVideo already appearing in Smash, and outside you have characters such as Hat Kid and The Knight from Hollow Knight as viable options. So, while Freddy has a chance due to multiple factors, including whether Smash will continue to expand the roster or if it will reboot. Sorry, this is just a party you probably won't be rented out for.
Rating: Sorry, Freddy/10
But what do you think, does Freddy have a chance to join Smash or its challengers? Let me know in the comments. I do have actual roster design ideas, but they felt kinda samey, so I decided to mix in some Roster Chance Ideas into the mix, so i'll take turns with both concepts.
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chrysoula · 4 months
Classroom of the Elite
(Note: I have read up to Y2v6 (I'll probably read v7 tomorrow once my housemate finishes it) as well as a summary of the Y0 bonus book.) I really like this series. I think the author is skilled, intelligent and literate. I also think he's writing way above the level of his primary readerbase. Or at least, that's the conclusion I am drawing from going through the subreddit. Maybe it's just reddit, though. Why do I like it so much? I have friends who bounced hard off it because the narrator is such an overpowered isekai protagonist (although it's only an isekai metaphorically). He's pretty much superhuman in most ways. But that's never been the sort of thing to drive me off, as long as there's more going on than a power fantasy. I watched episode 4 of Solo Leveling yesterday and it bored me to tears. I kept comparing it to early Danmachi and early Kumo Desu, both of which had me deeply invested in their boss fights. And this is because Kumoko was being clever and fighting above her weight class (and got the shit kicked out of her). And Bell, while a lot less clever, had emotional growth worked into his minotaur fights just like a proper shonen protagonist. Meanwhile the protagonist of Solo Leveling started out interesting and sympathetic and clever but could not make me give a shit about his totally optional battle with a giant snake.
Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is OP by any measure. But that's the point of the story. He starts out OP, and also 'defective'. He's not a hero. I'm not even sure he's a protagonist. He seems to see himself as the antagonist; he's training Horikita and her class up to be the protagonists. He's clever and manipulative and impossibly badass physically, and his personal development over time is obscured by being an unreliable narrator, but there are bits and pieces that add up over the 20+ volumes I've read that make him just as fascinating a character as the students he's helping 'grow'. One of my enduring interests is exploring how human nature works, and from the beginning that's been the point of the story. Kiyotaka has repeatedly referred to the paradox of his goals at the school. He wants something he doesn't entirely believe he can get, and he's striving for it as hard as he can. It's just that his goal isn't 'saving his sister' or 'defeating the demon lord' or whatever, it's 'being defeated in such a way as to prove his father wrong'. That's really compelling to me! Especially when combined with his own character growth. Over on reddit, people say things like, "Why would Ayanogod lie to the readers, that'd be lying to himself, people can't lie to themselves..." which, I mean, that's a very... young point of view. Which is why I'm ranting to the void here rather than trying to find thoughtful discussion there...
What I've been noticing a couple times in the last few books is Ayanokoji noting that he doesn't have the social skills of the far more socially deft students _right now_. Because he didn't construct a socially deft persona; he constructed an Ordinary High School Dweeb persona. The obvious implication is that he _could_ be anybody he wants, with some prep time. He might not start out good at it--he has never been good at emoting even when he seems to think he is--but he'll keep learning until he is. This isn't interesting to me because 'oooh ayanogod is so cool' but because it suggests his own sense of identity is pretty flimsy. And the edges and fragments where he's slowly developing an identity are just... peak coming of age story, and his particular degree of OPness is just... keeping things interesting. In y2v6 I noticed his interactions with Mii-chan a lot. At one point, when Mii-chan doesn't need any more than a slight push to work through all her issues (and this is without heavy interference from Ayanokoji). He describes her as a 'almost a fully complete person'. I think Kiyotaka (yes, also Ayanokoji, I switch between his names by vibe) would be the first to admit that he's a deeply flawed and incomplete person as he is. And that's great! That's awesome! That is what I want to see as an enjoyer of OP characters. Being able to punch out Cthulhu isn't the be-all and end-all of personhood! (I am also a fan of Nobilis and Reinhard van Astrea.) I have no destination with this post. I just wanted to babble. If you came here via the tag and find what I have to say interesting, let me know and I'll say more of it!
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
The Miys, Ch. 224
Thank you, everyone, for your patience with this being a day late. You are all so awesome and amazing, and make me smile in a huge way, no matter how big my day is. This week’s shout outs go to: @jaden5oo, @the-crushr, @chip5-0, @themightywookie, @walvens, @lord-of-floof, @generouslyandrogynousdragon, @slime-wizard, @benbasscom, and returning champions @dierotenixe, @mustachebatschaos, and @generalperfectionbread.
As always, shout out to my beta-reader, @baelpenrose!
“Poll is up,” I sighed heavily. “Joy of joys.”
Tyche flicked open her datapad while scooping up some soup with the other hand. “I would think you of all people, Miss Pacifist, would be thrilled with the idea.”
Charly nodded and shifted to tuck one foot under herself. “Besides, it’s not like your office has to dig through the results or anything this time around.”
Two quiet thunks accompanied my and Tyche’s flat stares as we dropped our spoons.
“Ohhhhh.” Shrinking slightly, she focused more on her food. “Whoops.”
I shook my head and resisted the urge to chuckle. “I can’t figure out if I want a lot of ideas or none at all,” I admitted. “The fewer there are, the less we have to sort through, but the more depressing it gets.”
“Too many and we’ll be working around the clock to get them all parsed,” Tyche agreed. “That wasn’t fun with the med school shit, and it will be even less fun with this.” She froze, a spoonful of potato and carrot halfway to her mouth. “Or not…”
Panic briefly set in and I frantically pulled up the poll to look at it more closely. One week time frame, check. Function in place for group submissions - Grey and Huynh had insisted on that one, thankfully - check. Requirement that they pass the test that would only be available after Simon’s pre-recorded lecture, check. “I don’t see it,” I insisted, scrolling up and down frantically.
“That’s because Xio and Pranav got super-secret secret-squirrel on us,” she responded. “Third paragraph.”
“Anyone voting against the current proposal must submit a feasible counter-proposal, so on, so forth…. Whoa.” I zoomed in and reread it a few times to confirm. “They have to submit a ‘complete and fully fleshed out proposal’... That wasn’t originally part of it. They just had to have a feasible concept.”
“That tracks,” Charly nodded. “Xiomara and Pranav have the most experience working with bureaucracy, so they don’t want the heavy lifting left up to the Council.”
I had to concede to her point. “I just don’t like that it wasn’t mentioned in the meeting that the stipulation would be added. Not like we would have said no, just… It feels sneaky, and after everything we’ve done to be as transparent as possible, it really makes me itch.”
“You agreed to let them be responsible for the release,” Tyche added. “I told you it would bug you to let anyone else release it.”
“We don’t exactly have a media relations department,” I argued. “So I couldn’t exactly stop them from doing it.”
Charly looked confused. “But, your office is de-facto, isn’t it? You always send out the updates and communications to the ship. Like, always.”
I prodded my pasta sullenly. “Something from Pranav about the coding required to link everything together so that no one could spoof anything. It was very technical and I only followed about eighty percent of it.”
Tyche rapped on the table to get my attention - and ended up getting the attention of several other people nearby. “Not you,” she waved at them before focusing back on me. “It’s out, you can fuss at them in private, but you said yourself that you wouldn’t have said no, right?”
“That’s not the - “
“It is the point,” she assured me. “Who else would have most definitely voted yes?”
“Grey,” I answered automatically.
At the exact same time, Charly just as firmly responded. “Huynh. He hates half-assed ideas.”
I pointed at her. “Exactly. Grey isn’t going to argue against anyone doing the mental leg work, even if they are wrong by the end of it.”
Tyche held her palms facing up and tilted her head at me. “That’s five votes, right there.  This isn’t even begging forgiveness rather than asking permission. This is ‘pretty damned sure they have the permission, they’ll ask for forgiveness if they get yelled at’.”
“But it’s sneaky,” I whined quietly. “We’re trying not to slip down that slope, remember?”
Charly just watched us like a tennis match, switching between me sulking at my food while Tyche propped her head on her hands and growled softly.
Lifting her head, my sister carefully inhaled through her nose and steepled her fingers at me. “Sophia. The Council is openly discussing contracting mercenaries to go on a suicide mission and destroy an entire fleet of Galactic Council police-soldier things.  And you are openly soliciting the entirety of humanity as far as we know for alternatives. You are my sister, and I love you, but I really think you are being unreasonable. You are nitpicking the fact that Pranav and Xiomara are doing us a favor and asking for really well thought out and somewhat provable ideas instead of opening our office up to reading the scripts of every Looney Tunes and Jackass episode ever created.”
“Don’t forget all the heist movies,” Charly added finally. “There were a ton.”
She pointed at Charly and added one final blow. “And Tom Cruise movies. All of them.”
My neck got hot and I started rubbing my collarbones to keep what little food I had eaten in its place. “I’ll talk to Pranav and Xio. And I’ll stop whining.” Unfortunately, at that moment my brain was apparently beyond my control. “Isn’t a week a bit of a short turnaround?”
“We can make allowances for proposals that are mostly there but missing the finer points,” Tyche ground out, gripping her spoon like she wanted to stab me with it.
I threw up my hands in defeat. “Okay, okay, I give up.”
She nodded firmly and re-gripped the spoon, going for more soup. I sighed in relief and she froze, glaring at me. Quickly, I shoved a forkful of food into my mouth to show I was shutting up.
Charly, however, was still fascinated by the interaction. “Sometimes, I’m shocked you two didn’t kill each other at some point.”
Lazily, Tyche gestured at me without looking up. “She was two feet taller than me and twice my weight until way after we quit living under the same roof.”
“She did stab me in the eye once,” I offered once I had swallowed enough food to talk around it.
“I was three, it was an accident, and it was paper!” Tyche retorted.
“Hush. I’m defending your badassness here, sheesh.”
Charly nodded. “It was a much cooler story before you gave the details, yeah. Although bonus points for stabbing someone with paper.”
Groaning, Tyche rubbed her forehead. “Full disclosure, I was trying to imitate her doing origami, and I was trying to show her, and it was a papercut, not a stab wound.  I don’t even remember her being mad at me about it.” Shaking her hands and making ghost noises, she mocked me. “Ooo, so scary… Watch out folks, it’s a toddler with paper!”
“Please tell me she’s kidding?” Charly begged me, looking like she was about to burst. “Please tell me that, for once, there is a story about your life that is ridiculous and also made up?”
“Nope,” I popped. “Entirely true. The universe has been conspiring to kill me for a very long time, and it is very bad at it, apparently.”
A mischievous grin told me I was going to regret confirming that. “I can’t wait to tell Alistair about this,” she gushed. “He will blow a gasket, just watch. I’ll get video, just in case. It will be amazing.”
“Oh nonononono,” I begged. “We’re not doing that. You already told him about the bunnies. And the time with the duck. And the boba tea - “
“No, he was there for that - “
“He wasn’t there the first time. Seriously, I am begging. There’s not even any paper products in my office or quarters. Do not tell him, or I will never be able to leave my quarters again. I can’t keep doing house arrest to save me from myself. It’s horrible.”
“Ugh,” she relented. “Fine. I forgot about the house arrest thing, and that was awful.  I will pretend this conversation about origami never occurred.”
“Ohthankeverything,” I exhaled.
“It really does cement that Tyche is incredibly dangerous, though.”
“Thank you, Charly!”
“House. Arrest. Please. No.”
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h0tarubi · 5 months
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How @yumemirumikazuki ‘s oc (Miyu) and my oc/self insert (Kyouko) spend a sleepover together.
cw/genre: fluff. Mild angst. Set in idolish7’s universe.
To my dearest Kurai, I hope you like this. I’m not sure I managed to characterize Miyu well enough, but I still hope you can enjoy this. Love you <3
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Inside the room, the stars shine.
A dusk amidst artificial constellations, but not because of that any less magic.
Beneath the hanging asters, blankets bunch together, shades of blossoms and clear skies mingled.
Two voices can be heard in this space.
The two girls laugh at something.
It is easy when it’s just the two of them.
They fall into an easy pace, as if a whole different world was written at the tips of their fingers; a song born anew with every exchange of tender words.
A meowing sound is heard, a small black cat emerging from under the blankets.
“Mr. Wobbles! Come back here!” One of the girls laughs, following the cat around the room.
The other watches, amused, a giggle leaving her lips.
“Miyu, he’ll just keep his schemes up if you humor him.” She laughs, rolling around, her brown hair spilling over the pillows.
There’s a sense of peace in this space, where just the two of them can exist, away from time.
“But look at him, Kyo-chan!” Miyu insists, finally holding the black cat in her arms. “Isn’t he so cute and silly?”
Kyouko rests her cheek on her hand, lying on her belly over the covers. In her gaze, the stars overhead surround Miyu.
To her, she always felt like her friend was permanently dancing amidst a field of fireflies; a vivid contradiction, where dark and flashes of fiery stardust collided. A melancholy symphony, for her and the stars alone.
“He certainly is.” Kyo agrees, sitting up from her position, as her black haired friend joins her with Mr. Wobbles. “Look at his wide eyes.” She observes, pink manicured nails gently scratching the furry friend’s chin. “They remind me a little bit of yours, Miyu-chan.” She chuckles, playfully bumping shoulders with Miyu in question. “You look at this world in wonder too, despite it never having been kind to you.”
Miyu tilts her head slightly, resting it on her dear friend’s shoulder.
“Well, maybe but… I found you, Kyo-chan. I found Tenn and Riku, too, and Mr. Wobbles.” She points out, holding onto the other’s sleeve. “Even if I’ve endured a dark abyss, it’s alright if I got to meet you all, isn’t it?”
Beneath the dim light of constructed constellations, her kind brown eyes become the color of pomegranate seeds; beautiful and intense, yet undeniable darkness can be found at their depths.
Kyouko sighs. She always thought her friend was too kind for a world wrapped in shadows.
“You’re too precious, Mii-chan.” She tells her, hugging her close to her side. “I will not let you be sad anymore, I won’t allow anyone to hurt you. You have me now, you have all of us, understood?”
The ravenette nods, then burying her face into her friend’s neck.
Words didn’t always come easy to her, and right now, many emotions are at war in her mind.
But it’s okay, because a warm embrace pulls her close, a steady heartbeat grounding her; the unsung lullaby destined to be composed by the two girls one day.
“I’m here.” The brunette whispers, caressing Miyu’s long black hair.
The latter nods.
‘Thank you.’ It means.
Outside the room, the stars shine.
They take a peek inside a warmly lit window.
Two girls can be seen inside, amidst a bundle of blankets.
Their hands are intertwined, marking the beginning of their song.
The night goes on.
And so do their dreams.
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
A lot happened on day 2
You'll see what I mean but Trash Island is never boring!!!
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First off, new miis! This is Red.
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And this is Rihanna, one of the Reader inserts from The Hand We've Been Dealt.
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Red became friends with his brother, Edge. (He also became friends with Trash!) I didn't get a screenshot, but before I interacted with him the first time, he had a dream about eating spinach and doing pushups... Not like him at all lol!
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Uh oh...
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You've known him less than a day!!! Not like I'm going to stop you...
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He said yes!
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Now they're a cute couple! (Edge also made friends with Rihanna but I didn't get a screenshot.) I had no idea miis could move this fast lol
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The baby my mii had whit sandy cheeks, idk just felt like showing him to you (his name is Isaiah)
Ohh tomodachi life! I LOVED this game in high school. Fr I had a bad addiction in 11th grade. Life may be falling apart but at least I can play God 💪. My island turned into a breeding farm to produce rare breeds of cartoon/anime children fr. Now I know what Dr. Frankenstein was on. This shit hits.
Anyways wishing you well on your mii baby. You sent this ask a while ago so I'm sure the kid is already grown up. Mii babies grow within a week or less idk. Send me invites to Isaiah's wedding.
Heres some stuff from my island.
I have Spongebob and Slappy. Spongebob is one of the first miis I added to the game in 2016. I think I only added Slappy last summer.
Spongebob is well established. He went through 2 divorces. He used to be on bad terms with his kids but he managed to finally build a good relationship with them. Who would've thought Spongebob would be a twice divorced deadbeat dad? Just look at him! He's wearing a little sailor suit and playing on his DS!
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Here is Spongebob's daughter Debbie who is having a little ballet session with her wife and friend (Joshu from jjba)
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I also have Slappy! I've been having fun giving him outfits. He was in the middle of a little workout session with Gappy from jjba.
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I also love how Slappy's favorite foods are all seafood (why no, I have not only been feeding him seafood, why would you say that?)
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He has milk in his stomach. I did not give him food. Idk where it came from but ok.
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When I first added him to the game, cat woman from batman got a crush on him. I had to break them up because it was too soon. Still, slappy keeps rizzing up masc girls. It seems to be his thing. I had at least 3 tomboys confess their love for Slappy. I guess they are simply attracted to his orange cat/malewife energy.
My own mii (the look-alike mii when you start the game) also seems to be stalking him but she doesn't seem to befriend him. Somehow that's the most accurate thing of all.
There is also Ruby from SU and Gappy from jjba
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They are asking for another kid but there are too many children on the island so NO.
There was also Jyushimatsu from Osomatsu-san trying to confess his love but his brothers kept jumping in. This is somehow the most show accurate thing ever.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
Incorrect quotes generator is like the one thing my school chromebook doesn’t block so here’s some I got while not paying attention
Same as usual, Sun, Moon, Solar, Freddy, Monty, and Bonnie
Moon: Seriously, Solar, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to?  Solar: That’s not important  Moon: I DISAGREE. 
Sun: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.  Monty: I witnessed the dumb stuff.  Freddy: I recorded the dumb stuff.  Bonnie: I joined you in the dumb stuff.  Solar: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF! 
Monty: Sun! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.  Sun: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem. 
Solar: I’ve only had Sun and Moon for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Sun: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??  Freddy: Microwave for 40 minutes. Bonnie: Why were you microwaving a lemon???  Freddy: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.  Monty: Did you burn an orange too? How???  Freddy: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Moon: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, STAFF bots DON'T like it.  Bonnie: ...what happened?  Moon: I made a VERY bad mistake.
Monty: When Sun was created, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."  Moon: Please. When they were created, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Solar: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.  Moon: Mine just says "Moon no."  Solar: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Monty: Who the fuck-  Sun: Language!  Monty: Whom the fuck-  Sun: No. 
Freddy: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.  Solar: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference. 
Freddy: I need life advice.  Monty, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Teacher: Your brothers were in a fight.  Solar Oh no, that’s terrible!  Solar: Did they win?
Moon: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby?  Moon: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.  Moon: I also want to softhack his circuits.  Freddy: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
Monty: Yum, thanks!  Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Solar: If I die, you can have what little I own.  Moon: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?  Solar: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.  Moon: Moon: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
Sun, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Monty: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?  Moon: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid. 
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electionfraudking · 1 year
(Takes place several hours before xigbar is brought to bfd)
Xigbar brought the cloak this time. Leaving it behind before was a mistake he wouldn't make twice. Blanket was NOT fuckin' enough.
He hauled the last of the bodies up from the sort of. Morgue/freezer setup Showie had up to the makeshift lab he'd put together under the Kins Storage. He didn't know how far underground he was, but it had to be pretty deep. All the better for human experimentation, he supposed. Not like that's an above ground activity.
He dialed her number on his phone, and she picked up instantly.
“Hey.” She said.
"Hey, doll. Finally got all the bodies down here."
“Great. And you brought the cloak?”
"Yeah. Not doing this without it again. The blanket was nowhere near enough."
“Ha-ha. Got you to admit you didn’t bring the cloak last time even though you said you did.”
"Boooooooo. You suck. Run me through the steps again?"
“You got the body all laid out, yeah?”
"Well. More or less. Kinda just flopped. Carrying a bunch of bodies down here is hard work, okay? Leave me alone." He didn't mean it do NOT leave him alone.
“Okay, okay. Pick one and get it in a separate area. For this experiment we’re gonna revive them over and over and over to see what happens. Run your choice by me, though. No one valuable.”
"Well, the options today are…" He checked the bodies. "Jeremy Heere, Sasha Waybright, Default Mii, Qifrey, and Stede Bonnet. Figured it'd be a good idea to start with the freshest ones."
“Ooooh-kay,” She said, and he heard a tapping noise.
"What's that sound?" He asked.
“Stanley brought me my laptop! I’m taking notes!” Her voice sounded bright. “Anyway, let’s start with,,,,, Stede. Not a teenager and not a non-human. Looking at his historical file there is little of value to lose, memory wise. Additionally, he was in team We Cause Problems.”
"Damn, alright. So I just kill and revive him over and over? How many times, do you think?"
“Take notes each time, maybe ask a set of questions? Record his responses as you go. Maybe,,,, Do you know where you are, do you know who i am, do you know who you are, etc? And keep an eye on his physical form as well. Uh- the kins, they put everyone in hospital gowns, yes?”
"Yeah, they're in the hospital gowns." He looked over the bodies and shook his head in disappointment. "Man, I was hoping Sasha was gonna win that round. I like her. Kid's got guts."
“Well, nothings permanent when you have necromancy!” She said brightly. “We can exclude her from the subject pool and- oh, here’s an idea. Start with her, she’ll be our control. Bring her back once and then set her aside.”
"Works for me." Xigbar grinned. "Perks of being named vice showrunner, huh?" He pulled Sasha aside and set her up to be resurrected.
“Oh, definitely. When this is through we can make you a bracket and switch places.”
"I could make you election fraud queen- we can have matching sashes."
“Maybe that’ll happen in the couple battle? That tournament runner and I had a very nice chat just last night.”
"Ha- why does that make me nervous?" He pulled on the cloak. Gonna remember that every goddamn time now. Hell, he even brought a couple spares.
"Going silent for a minute. Gotta do the thing." He set up the sigil and then lit it. He heard Showie quietly counting down on the other end of the line.
“Okay, get ready~” She said.
The room filled with frigid wind. Most of which went around the cloak, like it had a- No Shit, Xigbar, of course it had a force field. Not like that was Showie’s specialty or anything.
She waited a few more seconds until the real cold hit, then said, “Well, it probably makes you nervous because we were talking about you!”
"You wha-" the words were stolen from his lungs when the Real cold hit. Damn you, Showie. Why does he even work for you. You suck.
“Oh, it was nothing bad,” She said, and he could hear her grin. “15 more seconds until Sasha begins moving!”
"Then why did you say it like that?!" Oh. Cheat code. Breathe THROUGH the cloak. The air is still cold, but it doesn't straight up hurt like that.
“Say it like what?” She said innocently.
Sasha begin to writhe, 15 seconds after that, the air returned to normal and she sat up, gasping.
“The questions,” She reminded him. As if he needed reminding.
"Swear to god, I'm gonna-" Ough. This woman. Xigbar cleared his throat. He grabbed his notepad off the table. "Hey, kid. Can you tell me who you are?"
"S-Sasha Waybright," she responded. Still seeming a bit out of it. Xigbar wrote it all down, the name and her condition.
"And do you know where you are?"
"It was…" Sasha put her face in her hand, like she had a migraine. "Some kind of tournament. White Boy Bracket? I was in a round and-" she looked up, pale. "I died?"
"Sure did, kiddo. But hey, who cares, right? Not like you're still dead!" Never talk to children again.
“That was a bit insensitive,” She said, “Check her physical condition? Mark down any changes you can see and then ask her if anything feels different.”
"Hi, yeah, no?" Sasha snapped, shakily getting to her feet. "No one's checking any of my physical conditions, thanks."
"Kid, chill. You're not getting touched. Just trying to make sure you didn't get fucked up in the resurrection, like some people. One guy didn't have a mouth for a while."
Sasha didn't look convinced. Still, she held her arms out in a T and turned.
"Great. Thanks. Not seeing anything unusual."
"Yeah, no, I could've told you that."
“I did say to ask her.” Showie said.
"Yeah, well, nothing's weird." Sasha rolled her eyes.
"See what I mean?" Xigbar laughed. "The kid's got some balls! Fuckin' love that! Just mouthing off to the Showrunner like it's no biggie!"
“Yeah, well,” Showie said, “There should be a room off to the side. New clothes, food, place to rest. Put her there.”
Xigbar gestured with his head the direction she was supposed to go in. Sasha rolled her eyes again, but went into the designated room.
“Alright,” Showie said, “Pretty successful control. Personality seemed intact, yes?”
"Most personality I've seen from a kid her age in a while." When it came to personality, Roxas and Xion were Not It. At least, not for a while.
“Oh, you should meet Annabeth. Percy, too. But they’re both solidly off limits. If Percy lost, I think I’d rig it. Anyway, onto Stede.”
"Right. So, rinse and repeat with what happened with Sasha, then just kill him again? Just to confirm."
“Yes. Avoid too much blood loss or head trauma, though, Blood loss would only frighten the others once it was their turn. Head trauma could muddy the results.”
"Cauterizing shot through the heart. Got it."
She hummed in agreement. He reset the ritual, this time using Stede, and relit it. Time for cold again. "So if the conversation wasn't 'that bad', then why did you say I should be nervous?" He chuckled.
A sort of evil giggle, “Oh, you don’t need to be nervous.”
Chuckle revoked.
"Okay, now I am nervous."
“No, no it’s fine! We just- you know, I didn’t really have anyone to talk to, so we talked! And it was fine! Now, the cold.”
He was ready this time.
"... You can talk to me-" That came out way more pitiful than he meant. Good job beating the poor little meow meow allegations, Xigbar.
“Not about this,” She laughed, “Anyway, did you put all of Team We Cause Problems into the match? Sasha, Stede- Virgil?”
"Nah, just Sasha and Stede. If I'm going purple, it's gonna be that Afton guy."
“Oooooh,” She said, “Oh, the effects of degradation on him would be fascinating. You know he’s already a living rotting corpse? That’s why he’s purple, he’s decayed! We might even do him a favor, reviving him. Set him right.”
"You want me to save him for when you get back, then? So you can see?"
“Hmm. Yes.” She sounded pleased, “It'll be interesting. He moving now?”
"Yeah, doin' the floppy thing." Don't make a dick joke. Don't make a dick joke. Don't make a dick joke.
“Pfft,” She laughed, “You know what else?”
"What? Did you just-?!"
“Oh, you know! Ah! He awakens!” She said, apparently she had the timing memorized, because Stede did, in fact, Awaken.
"Hang on- did you seriously just make a dick joke-"
“You walked right into it! Now, pay attention to our guest.”
Dear fucking god he was in love.
"Right, ah-" he cleared his throat, and rattled off the questions.
When Stede answered accordingly, Xigbar wrote everything down. Then, without giving him a chance to react, shot him right through the heart. Stede was dead before he hit the ground, and not a single drop of blood spilled. Goddamn he's good.
"Goddamn, I'm good."
“Yeah, yeah. Bring him back. Pretend like the first one didn’t happen, but ask him if he’s seen you recently.”
"Alright, fine."
Run through of the ritual again. Did it Have to be this cold? There is no reason anything should be this cold. Christmastown wasn't even this cold. Stede still answered appropriately. Seemed a little frightened.
Now for the good question.
"Have you seen me at all recently?"
"Y-yes, you just shot me."
"Oh, did I? My bad."
Xigbar laughed like it was the best joke he'd seen in forever. It kinda was. I mean, the look on that guy's face? Absolutely priceless.
“Okay, okay, look him over for non-arrowgun damage and then bring him back,” She said, trying not to laugh, “Just turn him over with your foot or something.”
"Alright, alright, just- give me a second-" He needed to calm down. "Fuck, I wish you were here. You should've seen his face when I shot him!"
“I wish we could do video call, but then-” She paused, “But then tu-sais-qui would be able to hear you. And I don't mean, you know. Mon ex-mari. If only I had headphones.”
"Ah, well. When you're here, we can do this again."
Xigbar nudged Stede over, looking him over for wounds. "Well… He's missing an eyebrow, but nothing else."
“Oh, weird. That’s new. Mark it down- that’s near the head, so. Hm. Carry on.”
Ran through it again. Still cold. Less bad though. Getting used to it?
From the get go, Stede looked scared. Especially once he laid eyes on Xigbar. Good. Be afraid. Xigbar had barely even opened his mouth before the guy took off running. He made it past him, but not much farther before he slipped and fell. In a moment of total clarity and definitely not panic, Xigbar may have. Accidentally slipped and shot Stede perfectly through the heart again. Whoopsie.
“What happened?”
"So. Totally normal, but uh- I may have jumped the gun. Literally. He tried to make a run for it. Knee jerk reaction, I killed him again."
“Oh. Well. Try not to do that,” She didn’t sound mad, “But we have the answer to at least one question. He definitely remembered you.”
"Tell me about it." Xigbar kicked the body- wait. No wonder he fell. "Dude's got two left feet. No wonder he ate floor."
“What, literally? Bizarre. I wonder if it’s just the degradation or if it’s how soon they’re happening, one after the other. Uh, hm. How unethical are we willing to get?”
"Doll, I'm willing to do a lot more than you'll make me. I'm ready to get downright heinous in here."
“Nothing heinous, just… perhaps a bit psychologically cruel? It would be interesting to see what would happen if we spaced the deaths out a little more. Once a day? Once a week? But I- I wouldn’t want to leave them in that sort of consistent, unending fear. Can you kill subtly? I don’t want them to see it coming. Perhaps we can hook them up to some sort of drip? We do have a hospital room adjacent to the lab… we could tell them that they’re hurt, that it’s a sedative? Pretend they’re in a hospital, so they don’t run? And of course I would work to undo any degradation they experienced once I got back.”
"... Good fucking lord." He needed a second. "You have no idea how hot that was, oh my god."
“W-well now I’m worried, was that worse than just killing them? I don’t want them to, like, sit in the fear!”
"No, no, you're fine. Just. Wow. I wanna study your brain." And also maybe. Yeah. Please laugh.
Small laugh, “That’s not very reassuring. I-is that a good idea or should we think of something else? Or, in either case, who should it be? Our test subject I mean.”
“Hm,” He checked his notes, “Washington?”
“Oooh, yes. I wouldn’t mind getting unethical with that creep. That came out wrong.”
"HA! You can get unethical with me anytime." The floodgates are open. Here come the sex jokes.
“Just revive him!” She said, laughing, “We can do this later!”
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