#he’s always invited along their dates. none of them mind in the slightest
thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
the only context you get is that i doodled this with a modern au ive developed entirely in my head in mind
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Helping Billy and Stu on their murder spree would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This might not be exactly what you were expecting but I hope you enjoy it anyways! Sorry it took me longer than expected!)
- Wrong. That was the best way to describe your relationship with Billy and Stu: wrong, fucked up, and dangerous …but you couldn’t deny the fact that it was exciting. 
- You were no saint. That was a fact you’d come to terms with a while ago. You were no saint but you certainly weren’t a killer; at least not when all of this started. No, back then, you were just a really, really bad girlfriend.
- Truth be told: you weren’t single when you’d gotten involved with the boys, though, to be fair, neither were they; not that that made things any better.
- You’d had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you’d once really cared about, but somewhere along the line, you’d begun to have problems and instead of resolving them, you’d both chosen to ignore them and resent each other instead. Which is probably why it was so easy for you to fall into another boys arms; especially when they were as charming as Billy was or as sweet as Stu was.
- You’d always had a bit of a crush on Billy. The two of you’d been acquaintances ever since freshman year and for a while you sort of thought that you and him might get together. But then he started dating Sidney and you got asked out by your boyfriend and you just sort of tried to put the idea out of your head.
- Unbeknownst to you, the idea never left Billy’s head and he found himself plotting all the ways that he could make you his; all while finding out that his partner in crime was seemingly just as interested in you as he was.
- Stu ended up playing a crucial role in your “arrangement”. The two of you found yourselves made into lab partners and thusly, you were invited over to his place after school and later given the perfect excuse to spend time with him; and/or Billy, without causing suspicion.
- The first few times you go over to the Macher place, nothing of value happens. You do exactly what you’re supposed to: work, study, joke around a little and get a bit more comfortable being in each other’s presences. It’s a few study sessions in that you get a curveball thrown at you.
- It’s late one evening, Stu’s parents are out and you’re both studying on his living room floor when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Stu gets up to answer it and who else would it be but Billy.
- Stu pretends to act surprised and tells the boy that he forgot they were going to hang out and that he’s studying with you. Billy assures him that it’s alright before Stu tells him to wait a second and reappears in the room, saying that he thinks the two of you have studied enough and that Billy’s got some horror movies that the three of you can watch if you’d like to stay and chill. How could you possibly refuse?
- And so, your makeshift friendship with the boys begin; a friendship which very quickly leads into something more once Billy decides the time is right to make a move.
- You obviously don’t expect it the first time it happens but you find yourself wanting more the minute it’s over.
- Sure, sometimes the guilt will kick in when you see Tatum and Sidney or when your boyfriend is being particularly sweet, but it never seems to be enough to stop you from coming over whenever they ask or letting them in whenever they knock on your door.
- But the longer the three of you keep up your affair, the more things you start to notice.
- Billy isn’t stupid. Regardless of how he feels about you, he isn’t going to jeopardize his whole plan by making one wrong move and trusting someone he shouldn’t have. He’ll take his time analyzing you, picking apart your every move and reaction until he’s sure that you’re the one.
- You’ll start to pick up on little things about your boys that some might consider weird: all the horror movies and Billy’s knowledge in them, strange questions, indecipherable looks, things like that.
- As Billy comes closer to making up his mind, more of the mask will slip; though not enough to scare you off or make you think that anything’s really wrong. More odd inquiries, questionable sexual activities, and Billy testing your loyalty; oftentimes by asking you to cover for him or Stu to see how far you’ll go for them.
- You might be asking what I mean by “questionable sexual activities”, well, Billy has, on more than one occasion, demanded that you only watch whatever gory film he’s put on instead of looking at him as he pleasures you. He watches you closely, muttering lowly in your ear about the movie and talking dirty as you lock your eyes on the screen.
- When the boys first confess to you about the murders, you don’t believe them. You think it’s a bad joke but once you see just how serious they are, your smile drops and you say “you’re serious aren’t you?”.
- It definitely takes you a while to get used to the fact, but you find yourself opening up to the idea more and more as Billy explains their motive and butters you up with his charming words.
- Your involvement starts with little things: patching them up when they’re hurt, analyzing horror movies, giving them ideas or intel and telling them what won’t work.
- Stu likes to bump your shoulder or ruffle your hair and call you smart whenever you offer up good advice. Billy is much more subtle in his praise but his reactions are usually the ones that make you want to help them more and more.
- The blonde enthusiastically recounts stories of their slayings to you, jumping around the room and making a bunch of noises and hand movements while he does so.
- The first time you mention that you’d like to help them “...more”, both their faces break out into shit eating grins. They don’t immediately hand you a mask, knife, and mission but they do start to ask more of you.
- Helping them hide evidence, giving them alibis, waiting outside of their crime scenes for them and helping them lure people right into their traps all becomes second nature to you.
- Then comes your initiation. 
- There’d always been some jealousy involved in your relationship; mainly on their parts. You had a boyfriend and they had girlfriends which meant all three of you had to; at some point, act all lovey dovey with your partners in front of the others, if only to keep up a façade. 
- But, as obvious as it was that none of you particularly cared for your significant others, that didn’t stop Billy or Stu from absolutely hating your boyfriends guts. This hatred would eventually play a key role in solidifying your role in their lives.
- Your parents aren’t home and you’re in your bedroom with the boys, doing exactly what one would assume you’d be doing, except, unlike all the other times you’d done “this”, your bedroom door swung open and revealed a very unexpected visitor: your boyfriend. 
- Maybe it was the pent up jealousy or the fear of his plan potentially being ruined or maybe it was a little bit of both but when the boy immediately began to just book it towards your front door, Billy followed after him. 
- By the time you make it out into the hall, Stu has him held in place and Billy is turning to look at you, telling you to “come on” as they walk the boy into your kitchen. 
- Once you get there, Billy pulls a knife from the block and walks up to you, telling you that you said you wanted to be a part of things and that now's your chance.
“Go on.” He says, nodding his head back towards the boy who Stu’s restraining and watching you closely as you slowly take the knife from his hands. Stu’s grinning excitedly as you approach him, cheering you on while Billy remains silent behind you. 
- The blonde whoops and hollers as you cut into the boy, audibly expressing his pride in you, and when you turn to look back at Billy, he’s got a tiny little smile pulling at his lips, showing that you’ve just proven yourself and done exactly what he wanted. 
- The brunette locks eyes with you before he walks up and wraps his arms around you, pulling you back against his chest and tilting your head down to look at the boy who’s currently bleeding out on your kitchen floor. “Would you look at that.” He says and you can hear the smile in his voice as he says it, his hand trailing up to grope at your chest as he stares down at the gory sight before you.
- There’s no going back after that. You’re now officially one of them and get your very own father death costume. 
- It’s perfect really. More hands, more confusion for the police, more bloody sex.  
- Billy gets turned on by the sight of blood and the adrenaline that he feels after a kill; and Stu has never been one to turn down sex, so don’t be surprised if you end up pressed against the floorboards of a victims house or thrown on one of their beds the minute the three of you get back to their house. 
- You and Billy tend to make the plans while Stu just goes along with whatever you say. 
- Helping them get Neil Prescott.
- Going along with Stu while Billy talks on the phone. 
- The two of them both baby and yell at you. They tend to do most of the dirty work because they think you can’t handle it but at the same time they; namely Billy, will get angry if you mess anything up in the slightest. The brunette will yell or insult you because he’s a control freak and wants everything to go exactly as he planned. 
- On the drive/walk home, you’ll stay quiet, wondering if maybe you’ve made a very severe mistake when deciding to be with the boys. But then Billy will grab your arm and pull you into a kiss, asking if you’re alright and apologizing so sweetly and for better or for worse, you’ll fall right back in again. 
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script-nef · 3 years
Confession in the moonlight | Gojou Satoru
Category: fluff
2.2k words; Hatsumoude date [6/6]
Happy New Year everyone!
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Bells and chatter are almost deafening even this late into the night. Families and friends are gathering here, mingling and pushing against each other in the narrow path leading up to the shrine. There are so many carts lined up on the sides, owners screaming their products and shouting over another.
And you're walking through the crowd with the one person who you want to avoid the most in the world.
Thanks to the event which is now dubbed "The Alcohol Incident That Can Never Happen Again", you learned about a couple of things in the following days.
First, alcohol is the enemy. This is ironclad and nothing will ever shift your opinion on it. Alcohol. Is. The. Enemy. None of it will ever touch your lips again.
Second, you discovered what type of a drunk you are. The clingy, bubbly one who has the misfortune of remembering practically everything that happened. Worst combination ever. Because your brain wants you to die from embarrassment. The only plus is that you don't feel like throwing up and you don't have headaches. Whatever Gojou fed you worked wonders. 
Just thinking his name makes you want to slam your head into a wall. 
Facing him again after that has proven to be a challenge. The memory of what happened on that day intrudes every time you see his face and then you have to take a break to calm down. Faking ignorance and acting as though you remember nothing from the night was your choice. Which was a bad choice since you’re not known for your acting skills and you also have the misfortune of wearing your heart on your sleeve. Which brings on the next problem.
Third, you… seem to have feelings for Gojou. The romantic kind. Like, the boyfriend-girlfriend kind. When you woke up the next day, it was probably the most clear your mind had been in months. Alcohol is a confusing drink. Still, you're never going to go near it again. Making a fool out of yourself once is enough.
Lastly, perhaps most importantly, you basically confessed to him. While drunk. And then went to sleep.
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Sitting up in bed the morning after, hair everywhere and jacket still on, you did an analysis. 
It's like a typical light novel cliché. A guy and a girl, co-workers or something like that, comfortable with each other, hangs out all the time, one major event or couple of minor events happens, the girl falls in love with the guy or vice-versa, confession and then happy ending. 
It all kind of made sense with your new, alcohol-cleaned brain. The fluttering feelings, the spike in heart rate, the uncontrollable blushing and noticing physical contact more. There’s a reason why he’s so comfortable to be around, why you practically entrusted your life in his hands. And you literally said to him once, you think in the movie theatre, that he would make a good boyfriend. To his face. Who says that? Embarrassment turns into self loathing. It makes you wonder how you didn’t notice it last time.
With this new shocking revelation, you didn’t know what to do. Confess? If there is even the slightest bit of chance he doesn’t like you back and rejects you, life will be hell to live. Because you live in the same goddamn place, work together and all of your friends are his friends.
So two options. Three outcomes. One: you confess and he accepts and everything is fine. Ideal. Two: you confess and he rejects you and so you leave the place, never come back again and work in a farm halfway across the world by changing your identity. That sounded reasonable enough. Three: you don’t confess and somehow act naturally around him. This has problems because, again, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It’s still very tempting. More so than the second one. This is perhaps the most difficult decision you’ve made in your life.
So you turned to the one person you can vent this kind of thing on. Shouko. Who looked at you like you were either stupid or dense. Maybe both. Definitely both. It was quite amazing what she could express while moving the least amount of facial muscles. 
“So… yeah. I think I like Gojou and I don’t know which of the options I should take. Help me?” 
She just stared at you. With a deadpan face that has all the stress and exasperation in the world. You pride yourself in being able to read other’s faces quite easily. Rubbing her fingers over her eyes and groaning for a bit, she eventually took her phone out and dialled a number. The line rang for a bit.
“Ijichi? You owe me 10,000 yen.” Clicking off the phone even before hearing a response, Shouko turned her focus back to you. “You seriously don’t know?”
“Don’t know what? What was the phone call about?”
“That he likes you? That’s he’s insufferable because of that? You seriously don’t know?” She inched closer and closer until her face was right in front of yours. Shouko is seriously scary when she’s angry, like a sleeping lion. And you just somehow poked her. “Look at me in the eyes. You seriously never realised?”
“Um, what?”
“The dates. Remember when I couldn’t go to the movie for Howl because someone came in? I immediately gave it to him because I owed him a favour and he wanted to spend time with you. The time he went shopping with you by flying. Do you know why he offered that in the first place?”
“I mean, it was getting late… And I was in a bad mood so— oh.”
“Yeah. Oh. Do you get it now?” 
“So then… the dinner, that was also…”
“A date.” Sighing, she sits back on the sofa, letting her head drop onto the backrest. Thoughts jumble inside your head, all of them slowly clicking into place.
“Wait, so. He likes me?”
Annoyed moans are her response as she thuds her head into the furniture. Something along the lines of “Why me.” could be heard.
“So him inviting me to hatsumoude today is also a date?” Her hand waves lazily in the air.
“Yes, it is. Tell me you accepted.” You nodded, then realised that she can’t see from her position.
“I did. I can’t really say no to him.” She makes a gagging sound.
“Good. Finally. So just confess to him then. He’ll accept, you’ll be happy, he’ll be happy, and we’ll all finally be free.”
“Free of what.”
“Your denseness.” She snaps, sitting back up. Fire burns in her irises. “It’s like the Chinese story, the one with the shield and the spear. You’re the shield, oblivious to every single one of his advances and he’s the spear, never giving up. And we’re the spectators who are bored and tired. So dress up in your prettiest clothes and go.”
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And that’s why you’re walking up the steps to the shrine, swaddled in clothing. Gojou is right next to you, enjoying mochi he bought from somewhere and humming. He’s humming while you’re having one of the worst crises of your life. God, you envy his ability to keep cool. 
Making every effort to keep calm and not look move your head in his general direction, you finally arrive at the bell. The sound resonates clearly into the night. Coins clink into the offering box. Two bows, two claps, pray, one bow. Your wish is the same as always, with one more sentence. Gojou copies you, mochi finished and trash discarded.
The way down is much easier, your heart a little lighter. Maybe the rest of the night will be fine. 
This is a delusion and you realise it as soon as Gojou opens his mouth.
“What did you wish for?” His voice cuts through the commotion, nudging for your attention. You flinch a bit at the closeness but try to regain your composure. If he saw it, he doesn’t comment on it.
“I—I  wished for everyone I love to survive the fight with Sukuna and have a peaceful retirement. Especially Ken-chan.” In actuality, you did wish for that but also for a way to confess. He doesn’t need to know that yet. Your voice trembles a bit, betraying you. 
“You do know that saying it out loud negates the wish right?” There’s a delighted tone in his voice, like he’s happy he baited you. How is a person this childish? And what does that say about you, the person who likes him? A hand ruffles your head before you have a chance to lament your heart. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your wish comes true.” Your heart thumps.
It’s so unfair how he always knows what to say. It’s so unfair that it’s having this kind of effect on you. Your earlobes grow hot and you scramble to find a reply.
“What did you wish for then?” He shifts his head to look at you. “Yeah, I know. It won’t come true if you say it out loud, but if you can protect everyone and save the human race, I’m sure it's not up to the gods or spirits whether or not your wish comes true.”
He seems to contemplate it. Then nods. 
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s not up to them.” 
“See? So what’s yo—”
“It’s up to you.”
You nearly trip over one of the stone tiles, flailing for balance. Of course Gojou comes to your rescue, hands gently gripping at your sides. The first problem here is that your reaction was too obvious. You can’t feign ignorance now, like you didn’t hear him over the crowd. The second is that you just made a fool of yourself. Which leads to the third problem. 
He is way too close. 
“You okay?” And now he’s whispering. The blushing worsens. “Come on, let’s go.”
It’s a clearing in the forest a bit away, a smaller dilapidated shrine on the edge of it. A small pond is in the middle, fireflies skimming over the surface and glimmering beautifully. 
“There you go.” He guides you to the steps of the ruined shrine, letting you sit down but stays standing. Shifting on his feet, neck cracking as he rolls it. Nervous energy leaks out of him. Wait, is this— 
“I don’t know what to say. I’ve rehearsed this like, hundreds of times but my heart is kind of going crazy.” So is yours. He comes back to you then lowers himself to one knee. Your heart stops. “I’m not proposing. Not yet. I’ve heard dating comes first.”
One of your hands slots into his. He removes his blindfold, revealing his cerulean eyes to you for the second time. Breath hitches and he most definitely heard it because his smile, no matter how tentative it was, becomes full and true.
“Let’s get to the main point straight away. I like you.” The words burn you alive and you try to take your hand back but his grip is strong. So you do the next best thing. Averting your face. “I know you do too. I also know you remember the night. Your acting skills are terrible. And Shouko told me.” If you’re not drowning in mortification and something that feels vaguely like hope, you might hit him. And Shouko.
But the second you face him, you see him. The heart-gripping worry in his eyes, the way he’s smiling to cover for his anxiousness, the light trembling in his fingers. It’s so different to his normal self, the aloof and laid-back aura completely dissipated. This is what you do to him?
“I’m not good at this. But I mean every word when I say that you’re the kindest, cutest and the most loveable person that I’ve ever met. You put up with me, and that’s saying a lot.” Protest is at the tip of your tongue, ready to argue that he should stop being so hard on himself and that you genuinely like spending time with him, but he recognises the look on your face and laughs delightedly. “See? So ready to come to my defence, even if it’s me you have to fight. Everyone’s fed up with me to some extent, and I know you are as well, but you still put up with me. That’s what made me fall for you. That unlimited kindness.”
He presses a kiss to the palm of your hand and it feels like he’s giving you his heart at the same time. Love shines in his eyes and clogs at your throat. A shuddering breath passes over the both of you. But then the cheeky smile comes back.
“I think that’s enough to sweep you off your feet. Is your heart beating fast?” A nod. “Hands clammy?” A nod. “Think you can manage granting me my wish?”
A wave of calm washes over. Gojou’s words, filled with sincerity and bare hearted emotions, turn into butterflies that travel to every inch in your body. It’s delightful and there’s no way you can live without hearing it again.
The distance between your lips close, and you swear your heart synchronises with his when they finally touch. 
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blu-joons · 3 years
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With such strong arms, Hyunwoo loves to make you feel supported and keep his arms around your bump as much as he can. He constantly has you against his chest so that he can look around at you too and make sure that you’re alright.
More than anything else, Hyunwoo tries to help you out with your bump and stop it from getting in your way. He’s always moving things out of your way or warning you when a tight space is coming so that you can get around with your bump being a problem. Or, around the house he’s often completing little tasks that he knows your bump gets in the way of.
Hyunwoo is never one to say no to food, and so whenever you’re craving, he’ll be more than happy to sit down and eat with you too to stop you feeling so bad about eating so late into the night. Having him as a bit of a craving buddy certainly stops you guilting yourself for eating so much, even if Hyunwoo still ends up eating more than you.
Having spent so many years in charge of the boys and keeping things organised, he can’t help but do the same with you and your baby too. Everything gets sorted around your due date, it’s always in the forefront of Hyunwoo’s mind so that he can make sure things are kept on schedule and organised. Whatever he has to plan or do, he’ll always makes sure it’s done before your due date so neither of you have to worry.
He’s not always someone who shows his emotions well, but Hyunwoo can’t help but get excited knowing that he’s about to become a dad. At night especially when he lays down beside your bump, he’ll open up to you a lot about how much he’s looking forward to welcoming your baby in the world, making sure that he promises to you too that he’ll take the best care of you both and keep your family safe and loved.
With you living away from home, Hyunwoo’s conscious often of how far away you are from your family and how alone you sometimes feel too. And so, behind your back he ends up organising several trips for various members of your family to fly out throughout your pregnancy to support you, sorting as much as he can on his end secretly, making sure that you don’t find out what’s going on until you hear a knock at the door.
You both were happy to wait, it wasn’t particularly important to either of you, boy or girl, neither of you seemed to mind. You’d already agreed that you wanted at least two kids, as Hyunwoo didn’t want them growing up an only child like him, and so whatever you had this time, you just hoped that you could have one of the other next time around.
The beat of your baby’s heart would always bring the smile shy to Hyunwoo’s face which you absolutely adored. His eyes would light up every time he managed to find the spot where he could hear the beats, nodding his head along to the rhythm when he found it, completely lost in his own little world.
Hyunwoo wasn’t the best with words, and so his actions and the way in which he looked after you would usually show you that he loved you the most. He was always making life easier for you, or cuddling up to you, both making sure that you felt loved and appreciated by him even when you were feeling pretty low.
The protective side of Hyunwoo can sometimes leave him feeling a little bit jealous, especially so now that you’re pregnant. He’s not the biggest fan of someone being all over you at the best of times but watching someone be all over your baby bump too is far from ideal for him. He’s not one to kick off, but he’ll use his tall frame to insert himself into a situation where he feels like he needs to intervene and keep you and your bump protected.
As with the beat of your baby’s heart, the kicks of your baby are another action that Hyunwoo can’t get enough of it. His hands are always exploring around your bump whenever he’s holding onto you in the hope that he’ll be able to find the spot where your baby is kicking and enjoy feeling a few kicks for a little while too.
He knows more than anything that he has to be there for you through your labour, supporting you the entire time. His hand is bright and red and on the verge of breaking when your baby finally arrives, but it’s a small price for him to pay when he’s watched you be so strong. Despite the many smiles you’ve seen from Hyunwoo through your pregnancy, none of them are as wide as the one he wears when your baby arrives.
Your sickness doesn’t faze Hyunwoo in the slightest, his only concern is you. Once you’re finished, he’s more than happy to tidy up too and make sure that you rest instead of worrying. He’s completely unbothered, and when he returns to you with the bathroom clean, he’s more than happy to lay with you too and help you settle.
Being able to build the nursery is one of the things that Hyunwoo looks forward to the most, being able to impress you with his strength and skills excites him, knowing how much you love watching him do manly things too.
Hyunwoo is obsessed with your body and completely fascinated by how much it changes. He’s always finding out new things about you as your baby grows, admiring the way in which your body looks with your bump too.
For a good few days Hyunwoo barely lets you lift a finger, he’s more than happy to be the one to take care of things, usually stubbornly too. He won’t ever ask for help from you unless he really has to, even then he’s reluctant, determined to handle things and be the best dad and partner that he can possibly be.
Hyunwoo is forever offering out his help to you, even when you’re completely fine. Even if he knows that you’re more than capable of completing a task, there’s still always a small part of him that worries that you might not be able to do it.
At night, Hyunwoo loves to talk about the future with you, especially now that you have your baby to consider too. He often wonders where life will take the two of you, and what sort of pathway your baby will go down too, questioning what they’ll be like, and what sort of mix of the two of you they’ll be as well.
He can’t get enough of your scan photos, and more importantly, showing them off to people. Everyone knows how proud Hyunwoo is about becoming a dad, and so they’re always happy to entertain his excitement and let him talk them through the scan photos, making sure that he doesn’t miss out a single detail.
You’d been secretly trying for a little while to fall pregnant as Hyunwoo’s schedule became quieter, but neither of you ever expected that you’d fall pregnant as quickly as you did, after only a couple of months of trying.
There were a few near misses, but Hyunwoo just about managed to get to all of your appointments, cursing his forgetfulness most of the time.
He was keen to keep things between the three of you for the first few days and make sure that you were well recovered before inviting too many people round, making sure that numbers were restricted for a short while too.
Hyunwoo was incredibly patient, he loved to just see what each day brought and the different changes in you and your bump that he’d be able to notice too.
With his hugs often coming from behind, it almost feels like instinct for Hyunwoo to follow that up by kissing you. He doesn’t want to just give your baby affection; he wants to make sure that you feel loved by him too.
You left Hyunwoo in awe, he couldn’t believe quite how incredible your body was.
Most nights anyway, Hyunwoo loved to have you against his chest, but even more so now that you were pregnant. He loved wrapping his arm around your bump and giving you a human cushion to rest into at night too.
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
slow hand
pairing: jack daniels / reader
word count: 1624
summary: after another failed date, your coworker takes it upon himself to show you how you should be treated.
a/n: my first ever commissioned fic! the prompt was “slow dancing with jack” from the darling @writeforfandoms 💕 i hope you enjoy!! (side note, the reader’s moniker is “moscow mule”, affectionately referred to as “mule”
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jack can tell by the tension in your shoulders and the exhaustion in your eyes that your previous night didn’t go as planned. it was supposed to be a pleasant night out filled with dancing and good food, smiles and close touches. the evening should have ended with one of you going to the other’s place and seeing where the night went from there. you had said as much when he asked you what your plans were over lunch in his office the afternoon before, but the waves of dejection rolling off you sang a different tune.
the first flaw in that plan showed itself when your date was over an hour late picking you up. a lame excuse or two slipped from his lips but you ignored them, favoring to just pretend like the night didn’t begin on a sour note and cross your fingers for the rest of the evening to go smoother.
you could have crossed every finger and toe and your eyes till they stuck, but that evening was one concocted by the devil himself to ruin your positive attitude. when you finally got to the club, everything was just off. your date kept getting distracted by other patrons (or rather, the asses of other patrons) and when he went to the bar to retrieve drinks, he didn’t come back for twenty minutes. even in some of the more densely packed clubs, it wouldn’t take twenty minutes to get two drinks.
by the time your date returned, you were tired and not in the slightest mood to dance. you just drank the free alcohol in a brooding silence. he had the audacity to ask why you were feeling down and it took a mighty amount of willpower to not wrap your hands around his throat and shake it as violently as possible. champ would’ve been mighty proud of the self-restraint you held, that’s for sure.
it was harder than you thought to genuinely have a good time after all you had endured that evening and it was infuriating. just looking at his face reminded you why you were so frustrated. no one deserved to deal with this, you reasoned, so you made an excuse of using the bathroom then slipped away.
originally the plan was to cool down in the bathroom then try again, but when you exited the bathroom and saw him chatting up some redhead at the bar, your resolve left with your patience. with your head high and frustration building, you strode out of the bar, calling a lyft to get you home. the rest of your evening was spent with netflix and junk food on your bed, wondering why you didn’t just do this in the first place. yeah you woke up with a crick in your neck and a half eaten family size bag of chips next to you in bed, but you were content.
armed with a soft smile and your favorite drink, jack made his way to your office. he sat the cup down in front of you and made himself comfortable on the chaise he’s all but claimed as his own, sipping on his own coffee. when you raised an eyebrow at the unprompted kindness, he just shrugged. “just thought you could use a pick-me-up. what happened last night to get you so blue?”
you groaned at his question. “better question is, what didn’t happen last night?” his posture suddenly changed from relaxed to intrigued, elbows propped on his knees and his favorite mug (it was shaped like a cowboy hat) held with both hands as he sat with rapt attention. the previous night was recounted to your friend with not a single detail withheld, including the bag of chips that shared the bed with you.
his attention never left you once and when you finished regaling your tale of woe, he took a contemplative sip from his mug before setting it on the end table next to him. “if you’d’a just called me, mule, i’d have come and got you. no sense paying for a ride home when you’ve got people willin’ to help ya.”
the kindness of this man never ceases to amaze you. ever since you’ve been an agent, jack has oozed southern chivalry and always had a charming smile to send your way, even after the toughest missions. any and all doors were opened for you, he would bring you your favorite drinks if he noticed you were in the dumps (like today); he was the epitome of a southern gentleman.
you give him a smile and shake your head. “i wouldn’t have bothered you so late, jack. i’m just bummed that i didn’t get to dance like i wanted to.”
“well darlin’,” he stands and pulls his phone out of his pocket, flipping through it for a moment before setting his phone down on your desk. he was in front of you now, a hand extended to you as an invitation. it wasn’t until music came from his phone that you realized he had a plan. “may i have this dance?”
alright this is it, you’ve officially ascended.
you place your hand in his with an exaggerated flourish, letting him guide you to the center of your office. the lyrics are recognized immediately from times jack had control over the music en route to and from missions and the blood rushes to your cheeks. “to conway? of course.”
when the lyrics start, you’re immediately grinning at the ease jack softly sings along with; not enough to overpower conway twitty’s voice but plenty enough to make sure you know he’s singing along.
this felt totally different than every other time you’ve danced with jack. there have been missions where you were “spouses” at galas or “dates” to clubs owned by cartel heads, and he always cut every rug he stepped foot on. but none of those days had the same intimacy that you felt with him in this moment. he sang along and held you with intent, his eyes smoother than molasses as they gazed into yours.
you want a man with a slow hand
you want a lover with an easy touch
you want somebody who will spend some time
not come and go in a heated rush
baby, believe me i understand
when it comes to love you want a slow hand
jack didn’t know just how right he was in that assumption. you always feel safe around jack during work, he always has your back on missions and is nothing but a (sometimes cocky) gentleman after hours, but this? this was the kind of safe that made you want to curl up with him and hide from the world, the kind where the only thing you wanted to worry about was if he was going to continue holding you like this.
the song ended, but neither of you paid any mind. jack simply kept on holding you, humming a simple melody as he kept you in his arms as long as he could. you didn’t dare speak and interrupt him, lest he snap out of whatever trance he’s under. this was too good an opportunity to pass up.
it’s peaceful in his arms. if you weren’t so hyper focused on the reality of dancing with him, you could have dozed off with the scent of clean aftershave and leather pillowing you. you don’t even notice that your head fell to his shoulder until he pressed a soft kiss to your temple. his mustache is a gentle scraping sensation, lips warm and gentle giving you such tender affection liable for nearly putting you through the floor.
“was this the dance you wanted, sugar?” he’s never spoken so quietly in all the time you’ve known him. the bold and brash verbosity has been shed, the snakeskin of confidence molting away to reveal new and raw skin. this is jack, stripped of the bravado that comes with being the cowboy he is and all but kneeling at your feet.
you bring a hand from behind his neck to cup his cheek. the way he leans into your hand sends your heart racing, still unused to the gentleness he’s showing. “this is everything i wanted. thank you, jack.” you watch the way his lips twitch into a wide grin at your sincerity, feeling your lips mirroring his.
“son of a bitch!” of all the times for your office phone to ring, it just had to be now. you feel jack’s quiet chuckle before you hear it. whether he’s laughing at the ringtone ginger added (it was an inside joke, don’t ask) or your frustration, you don’t know. you don’t want to answer and plan on letting it ring, despite the way it totally obliterated the atmosphere. but jack, ever the pleasantly chaotic man he is, decided that the phone would not go unanswered. so, without letting go of you, he scooched you both back towards your desk until he picks up the phone, his bravado flipped back on with the ease of a lightswitch.
“mule’s office, whiskey speaking… yes ma’am, i’ll get right on that… always my pleasure, bye-bye.” he rested your phone back in its nest and turned to you with a smile. “your secretary just called sugar, said we have a mission to get ready for.”
you groan and slump into his arms. “now that don’t mean we can’t dance more later,” he reassures you with a quick peck on your cheek. “i mean, we’ve got the jet to ourselves and you have that spotty thingy you rattle on about.”
“you mean spotify?”
“... did you just combine ‘precisely’ and ‘exactly’?”
“you catch on quick, darlin’.”
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whiskey taglist: @catsnkooks @obirain @themarcusmoreno @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @captainrexstan @darthadeline @majorshiraharu​ @getdookuedon @max--phillips @andysficrecs @darklingveracruz
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Hello! It's me again, your fellow Katipunera. Thank you so much for actually doing a short of my request and omg tibak Hange is just so fitting! 🥺 I hope you actually turn it into a full-length fic eventually, I can just imagine Hange teaching Levi different constellations as they stargaze at the PAG-ASA observatory lol. Again, many thanks and stay safe always! 🌻
Felt some sort of motivation to continue this fic, and since it's @levihanweek, I wanted to write something in a college setting, so here we go:
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Day 1: School
(Read the first part here.)
He doesn’t know when it all started, how it happened. Hange draws him towards her by inviting him to more of these gatherings. The non-rallies. The post- or pre-processing for the protests. It’s informational, she says, something that classes could never teach them. And all he can do is listen and follow along.
They reserve a room on campus, one hidden from plain view, and Hange stands there in front in her plain black tee and baggy jeans, her flip flops a signature element to her outfit. A small crowd has gathered beforehand, waiting for what she has to say. Going up the small platform in the room, she balls her right hand into a fist in front of her audience, raises it up high, and begins her talk.
“The March for Science is a protest on behalf of the scientific and the marginalized community,” she says, reminding everyone that “no farmers, no food,” and “just the facts, bitches.” She elicits a few giggles from the younger audience, and that’s how Levi knows Hange’s got them hooked.
The people are intrigued by her speech, and there is a certain curiosity in their eyes with the way they burn bright. For Levi, politics was always something he didn't dare venture into and would rather leave things to his uncle who had a seat in the government. He wonders if there really is something worth fighting for in these kinds of issues. If there’s something worth standing up for. Or if it’s merely just Hange being Hange that sparks the interest of people.
When the meeting is over, he’s about to head for the exit, but Hange comes up to him. “What do you think?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Could go a little bit softer with the dissent, but shit, you do you.”
Hange laughs, thinks it’s a joke. It’s only the two of them left in the room now. She puts her hands in her pockets. “Wanna have lunch with me?”
"I just feel like having some company right now. Besides, it’s National Resilience Day."
"I don't give a shit about the date," he says, making a mental note to remember that it is, indeed, National Resilience Day. He really doesn’t know how Hange has an inkling to know these kinds of obscure events. In the silence, his stomach betrays him with a gurgling sound, much to Hange’s amusement. “I guess I don’t mind grabbing something to eat.”
Truth be told he doesn’t like eating at the public cafeteria. It’s too open, too messy, and the busboys who collect the empty plates from the tables are terrible when it comes to waiting—last time he stayed there, Levi was still finishing up his meal when someone swiped his plate from him. Now he’d rather dine elsewhere. Perhaps in fancier restaurants that he can somehow afford with the weekly allowance that his uncle provides him.
But Hange doesn’t take him there.
She takes it a notch above his expectations when she brings him to the public food carts where vendors are selling street food of all kinds. Levi can hear the sizzling of fish balls getting deep-fried in a wok, the crackling of hot oil, the clinking of coins being exchanged in transaction. One of the vendors is basting the meat sticks in sweet sauce, flipping the skewers once in a while, the smell of barbeque wafting through the air.
“I go here ‘cause it’s cheap and it helps the small business owners,” Hange explains as she orders them the so-called combo meals. He offers to pay nevertheless, but Hange dismisses it, saying it’s her treat—for tagging him along to these talks. She continues to explain the plight of the vendors: “Some days they need assistance, so they allow students to take over the stalls and sell their food on behalf of them for a day or two.”
“What kind of students would do that? It’s disgusting to be under the heat of the sun all day.” He blurts out without really thinking, but thankfully, Hange’s not the slightest offended.
In fact, she seems to understand where he’s coming from. “One day, maybe you’ll see.”
When their meals are ready, Hange shoves one of the plates into his hands. He frowns. “You don’t eat cheese sticks?” she asks him.
“Never tried.”
“Oh, boy.” Hange smirks at him. “This will change your life.”
Instead of heading to the cafeteria, she proposes to take him someplace else. They’re sitting cross-legged on a bench in front of the academic oval, watching people run across the grassy field. Hange waves a hand at someone and Levi recognizes Moblit from their other class. He has never really done this before, just watching, observing from a distance. Except when he’s with her.
Hange takes another piece of cheese stick from the paper plate of instant stir-fry noodles. They’re running out of fish balls on the side. He likes what he’s had so far, even the sauce that goes along with their meals.
"So what are you taking?" Hange asks him while munching on her food.
He twirls his fork on the plate so he can scoop the remaining noodles. "Communications." Hange guffaws, and he’s offended. "What's so funny?"
Hange tries to compose herself and proceeds to dip her cheese stick into the honey mustard. "No, it's just that… for someone who's so awfully high-strung and silent and, uh, non politically-involved, you don't strike me as the type of person who would be… communicative."
Her conclusion does make sense. Most students studying Communication are lively, energetic, and talkative. Needless to say, he’s none of those.
"I don't imagine myself to be a reporter. I imagine myself writing articles for print. Editing. Proofreading. Stuff like that."
"I see.” She stares into the sunset, and Levi does the same. There are trees all around them, the honking of cars on the main road, the clamor of barkers and passengers alighting the public vehicles, the nuances of their campus life.
Somehow, it makes him feel safe.
Hange proceeds to tell him about how she likes to stargaze at night, because the constellations are so much clearer from this point of view in their university field. He has an inkling that it’s her way of inviting him to stargaze with him some other time. He already likes the idea a lot, but he feels like he still wants to get to know her even better.
“Why are you into all of this?” he can’t help but ask her. “What makes you think your anger can solve the nation's problems?”
It’s a very loaded question, one that really makes Hange think. She doesn’t speak for a while and proceeds to finish her food. He allows her the silence between them. Maybe he should have been a little bit nicer. A little less aggressive.
"Our very own Father President refuses to put medical science before politics. Everyone should be a supporter of science, you know? We all should listen to the scientists."
He scoffs. “Easy for you to say. It’s hard to believe what’s true and what isn’t nowadays.”
Their plates are now empty, and Levi takes hers so he can throw it in the nearest trash can. When he comes back, he sits beside her once again, this time, closer.
"I care about science and evidence-based policies, not the nonsense that politicians say,” Hange tells him while staring at the sunset. After a few seconds of silence, she faces him. “What about you?"
Levi finds the strength to hold her gaze. "I care about the untarnished truth."
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harlowsage · 3 years
Strange (CH)
{Part 1}
Pair: calum & Jude Armenta (fictional character)
Summary: Based on the song “Strange” by Celeste. The couple had broken up due to clashing schedules, resulting in Calum’s first ever taste of heart break.
Warnings: sprinkle of some angsty goodness.
Character preface: Jude Armenta is a Grammy winning producer who’s on the level of Kanye west and Max Martin.
Side note: Been a long minute since I’ve had any inspiration to start writing again. Promise to get better at story telling as time goes on. Warming up again.
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(Story Moodboard)👆🏼
{part 3 is up👆🏼}
It’s been a year since they broke up and went their separate ways, not because they wanted to, but because they had to. With the success of Calum and the bands career reigniting their popularity and even placing them on the same level as major artists such as The Weekend and Ariana Grande, all with the help of Jude who helped create their new sound with the last two albums they released.
Jude would never admit it, but she blamed herself for the break up. Calum tried, god knows he did, constantly trying to keep up with her although he was always touring while she was either in LA, New York, or Sweden producing music for artists like she’s supposed to. But due to their conflicting schedules, they had trouble communicating on a healthy level. It was always either Calum calling her before and after shows with her stuck in a studio with her phone put away somewhere, to her returning his calls and texting him a summary of her day and what kind of artists she was working with at the time. After a while, they slowly faded into strangers, once meaningful conversations turning into meaningless small talk.
One day Calum had showed up to their house in Topanga after a red eye from Spain, only to find Jude wide awake sitting on the side of the pool with her feet in the water smoking a joint. He joined her, sitting next to her crossing his legs staring at her painfully beautiful side profile. He noticed that his presence didn’t even affect her.
“It’s 5 in the morning, what are you doing up?” He asked in a tired voice.
“I have a flight back to New York in an hour, thought I’d come out to watch the sunrise while I wait for my ride” she hummed, still looking into the distance.
“I see” he hummed, not knowing what else to say.
They both sat there in silence for a few minutes, listening to the sound of birds chirping in the trees and crickets in the bushes.
“Calum”, she spoke, finally turning to look at him.
The look in her eyes made his stomach twist, there was hardly any warmth or admiration in them.
“I know”, he sighed, the sadness loud and clear in his tone.
“We tried, we really fucking tried. But I think it’s time we accept the evident truth” she choked out, her voice ever so slightly wavering.
“I love you”, he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.
Jude bowed her head, her own tears forming.
“I love you, I always will” she whispered placing her hand on top of his.
He intertwined their fingers leaning into her pressing his lips to her cheek tasting the salty tears streaming down.
Jude pulled away, her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, she stared at him for a few seconds taking in the beauty that is him, before nodding her head and getting up.
“I have to leave, got a flight to catch. I uh, ima be staying there for a quite a bit, the house is yours” she said in an almost robotic like voice.
“No it’s yours, I’ll have my stuff moved out once I’m fully awake”, he tightly smiled trying to reassure her that he’s gonna be ok, even though they both clearly knew he wasn’t.
Jude could only nod her head, lingering for a moment until she heard the sound of the town car that was sent to take her to the airport. It was like a switch had turned off and she was on auto pilot.
Not having the guts to say good bye, she turned on her heel and grabbed her shoes along with a suitcase which Calum had just realized was there the entire time.
He could only watch her back as she walked further and further away until she was gone. It was then when he finally broke down clutching his shirt where his heart is.
After that day, the two hadn’t seen each other since. Calum only showed face to events he absolutely had to, while Jude turned down any public appearances even if she was winning awards. Not entirely because of Calum, although he was an aspect of it, she’s just always been the type of public figure who hates the concept of Hollywood.
When the Grammys came around, the band won album of the year, the album Jude had a big hand in. Ashton took lead and thanked her in the speech. Calum held a fake smile making sure to not waver his tight expression even though it pained to hear her name. But when you date the most famous producer in the industry it’s almost impossible to escape the near mention of their impactful presence.
Jude had the opposite effect on her, not being one for social media, she never kept up to date with the boys ever growing success. There would be countless weeks that would go by where she wouldn’t even have the slightest thought of Calum, until she’d hear a song that reminded her of him which would then cause an avalanche of memories hitting her. She wasn’t one to let emotions control her, so whenever he would seep into her mind she’d find something to distract her until he turned into a fading figment of her imagination. After a while she began to move on, meeting a fellow songwriter through a mutual friend. The two hit it off right off the bat. Next thing she knew, she was seeing him outside of work, grabbing lunch/dinner with him, inviting him into her New York loft, and vice versa.
Calum had heard through the grape vine that Jude was seeing someone. It drove him insane that she could move on so fast, when he was still hurting the way he was. He found himself growing a toxic habit of sleeping with women who reminded him of her. They all had long brown her with big brown eyes, but none of them could ever touch the enigmatic beauty that is Jude Armenta. The boys had to have a serious talk saying that sleeping around isn’t gonna fill the void he’s trying to cover up, it’s only gonna cause a deeper hole. He knew they were right. So he swore off having countless one nighters, to focusing all of his hurt into music.
As time passed he found it easier to go to sleep without reaching for her in the middle of the night. Days felt slightly brighter and his mind was no longer consumed of thoughts revolving around Jude. He was finally getting better and beginning to move on with his life.
That was until he caught sight of her at cafe that he knew was her favorite to eat at, she was sitting at a table outside, captivated by a book she was reading. Her hair was cut short accentuating her heart shaped face, she was wearing cut off shorts paired with some old vintage tee from her dads collection, and some sunglasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. To the common eye no one would even know that was her, but spending countless hours admiring her beauty up close, it was so natural that he would be able to spot her.
“Jude”, he whispered.
Lemme know what you think, and if I should continue this story :)
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culticunti · 4 years
may i please get sasuke for the whole fluff alphabet? ty either way!
hi my love, thanks for stopping by! enjoy (o´ω`o)ノ
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A... Affection - How do they show affection?
Sasuke isn’t very physically affectionate, and will even push you away at times. He shows affection through words, and through sitting down with you at the end of the day, watching the dying embers of the fire, and pouring his soul out in words that are spoken too softly for their heavy meanings.
B... Babe - What kind of nicknames do they give you?
He’s not one for nicknames, but he does indulge in the occasional “babe” or “Honey”. Mostly, though, he calls you by your name, but for some reason when he says your name, it might as well be a pet name from the way it makes the butterflies in your stomach do laps.
C... Coddle - How differently do they treat you in a relationship/out of a relationship?
Outside of a relationship, Sasuke is very stoic. There’s always people begging and pleading for his attention, yet he’s always only had eyes for you. In a relationship, he’s much less stoic, but he still tries to keep his distance to avoid getting too emotionally attached. ( That doesn’t work, of course, but let’s let the poor man have one thing. )
D... Daddy - Do they get along with your parents?
Your parents absolutely adore Sasuke! When he’s away from the public eye, he’s so courteous that he practically had your parents begging you to marry him from the first time they meet him. 
E... Earful - How talkative are they about your relationship with other people?
Sasuke is relatively quiet about your relationship, though sometimes he’ll talk to Kakashi about how happy he is that you’re in his life. He can’t help but let a look of pure bliss slip onto his features, eyes crinkling and a light flush covering his cheeks, which rewards him with nothing less than a wide-eyed look from his former Sensei.
F... Flaunt - Do they brag about you?
Sasuke brags about you to the people who approach him to ask for a date. He'll probably say that he already has a partner that he has no intention of leaving, and his lips will curl on satisfaction when the group crowding him disperses. 
G... Gifts - Do they spoil you? 
Absolutely. Sasuke tries to compensate for his lackluster physical affection by buying you everything that you show even the slightest interest in. At first, it was suspicious, and you began to think that he wanted something from you, that he was trying to ask for through gifts. But no, he simply enjoys watching the joy on your face when you receive something you've been waiting for. 
H... Heartfelt - How do they compliment you? 
His compliments are soft-spoken, almost inaudible, and if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it entirely. His words are so achingly full of emotion that he gets choked up on them, reaching out a shaky hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face.
I... Intuitive - How easily can they read your emotions and comfort you?
Sasuke may seem emotionally constipated, but he’s anything but unaware. He can read your emotions like an open book, pages laid out and sorrows so plainly obvious to him that he can’t help but try to reach out with shy, comforting touches.
J... Jealousy - How easily do they get jealous over you? vice versa?
Sasuke attracts the attention of a ton of people, and you can’t help but be jealous. You knew none of the people who approached him had even a sliver of a chance with him, but you couldn’t help your heart racing and your face glowing in embarrassment as people who adored him looked at you like you were nothing but scum.
Sasuke was very overprotective of you, if not a little obsessive. Any man or woman who gave you even so much as a second glance was struck with Sasuke’s heated glare that seemed to strike their hearts as it sent shivers up their spines.
K... Kisses - Where is their favorite place to smooch you?
Sasuke isn’t the type to beat around the bush. He loves to kiss you out of nowhere, lips always tasting like some variety to juice. Full and greedy, his usual appetite doesn’t even compare to how constantly starved his lips felt against yours, like a starving man hungry for food.
L... Lonely - How attached to you are they?
He’d never admit it, but Sasuke simply can’t live without you. On any given day, he’d lay down his life for you, but at the same time, he still tells you to stay on your side of the bed. ( Even if this never works, and you always wake up with a Uchiha pressed into the crook of your neck. )
M... Mannerisms - What silly things do they do for your attention?
Sasuke almost reminded you of a cat, always curious and ever so push, but never in a blatant way. He’ll follow you around for hours, eyes never leaving the back of your head, silently trailing you like a predator stalking its prey, until you can’t take it anymore and ask him what his damn problem is.
A small smile creeps onto Sasuke’s lips as he laughs, wide smile and scrunched up eyes so contagious you can’t help but laugh along with him about his stupid antics.
N... Name Tag - Who’s name would they take after marriage?
Sasuke would keep his name, but it’s up to you to decide what to do with your last name. He loves you more than anything, and he’s not really bothered by the fact that your last name won’t be Uchiha, Sasuke is just happy to have you all to himself.
O... Oath - What promises have they made you?
A long time ago, when the two of you were all but children, Sasuke promised to marry you when the two of you were old enough, and not a single second later.
P... Provoke - What silly things do you do to get their attention?
It’s quite hard to piss your lover off, but you know how to do it in just the right way every single time. Your best ploy to date was subtle, yet effective, and it involved moving every single object in the house an inch or two to the left every single day until Sasuke noticed.
Q... Quiet - What are some things that they do that renders you speechless?
When the Sea breeze rustles his hair, salt flooding the air around the two of you, so dense you can practically taste it on the tip of your tongue. When he stares into the coastline, his frigid fingers weaved with your own, his eyes shining with unvoiced desire and hopefulness you’ve never seen directed at anything but yourself before. You can’t do anything but admire your lover as he has such an intimate moment with the sea, all you can do is stand witness to their holy matrimony.
R... Rapt - What part of you did they notice first?
It’s hard for Sasuke to remember his first time meeting you- you were only kids, after all, but the thing he appreciates the most about you is your honesty. He adores your sheer transparency about every topic, and your calm stature when faced with problems that may be even too big for you to handle.
S... Sour - What kind of candy do they like to share with you?
Sasuke loves bitter things, which you always joked was perfect for such a bitter man. Dark chocolate was a must-have in the (Last Name)-Uchiha household.
T... Truce - What’s one thing the two of you will never agree on?
Sasuke prefers sleeping on the left side of the bed, while you also prefer the left. The middle ground is sleeping on top of each other, of course, but after a few too many mornings waking up with kinks in your neck, you’ve collectively decided it was a battle neither of you could win.
U... Unconscious - What’s something they do around you without realizing it?
Sasuke has a bad habit of laying his hand on your thigh and mindlessly rubbing circles into it, his mind a thousand miles away and definitely not paying attention to the flush that carried from the tips of your ears down to your knees.
V... Vulnerable - What’s a topic that you should never bring up with them?
Naruto. Never speak of the man if you want your lover to speak to you for the rest of the month. Sasuke is very vocal about his dislikes for the two of you being on good terms. His reasons aren’t as shallow as you would think, though, he’s just worried that you’ll see something in Naruto that Sasuke just can’t compare to. For one thing, Naruto felt *alive*, his aura so welcoming and inviting that Sasuke simply couldn’t compare if his lover did leave him for his friend. ( Which - To clarify wouldn’t happen in a thousand years, but the poor man still worries. )
W... Weightless - What’s the happiest they’ve ever been around you?
Sasuke has honestly lost count of all the times that you’ve made him happy- for one thing, every morning that he wakes up to your relaxed face, his gaze softens and he runs a calloused thumb across your cheek, waking you up softly and with a tooth-rottingly sweet kiss.
X... Xanax- How do you calm them down?
When Sasuke is really, really, really mad, there’s no stopping him, but when he’s just plain angry, a careful hand slipped into his own and comforting words whispered in his ear calms him down almost immediately. 
Y... Yearning - How often do they find themself thinking about you?
Sasuke has much more important things to do than think of his partner- is what he would say, if that wasn’t the biggest, fattest lie he’d ever tell. You never leave his mind, whenever he’s out in public without you he’s always daydreaming about what it would be like if you were here with him. Even if he appears present in the moment, his mind is a million miles away.
Z... Zzz - Do they fall asleep easily?
Sasuke has a hard time falling asleep on his own, but with you wrapped in his arms, he sleeps like a little kid. There's just something so relaxing about feeling your chest rise and fall in time with his own, his senses being filled with nothing but you, and knowing that you’re his and not going anywhere.
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sleepawaywriting · 4 years
Mornings, Part I
[Piers x Reader, NSFW]
okay so this is half domestic headcanons, half unadulterated horniness. i love the goth boy okay I JUST WANT HIM TO GET SOME SLEEP.
You learn a lot about a person by sleeping with them. In your case, literally. Sleeping next to someone can be an exercise in trust, as it can be extremely vulnerable, and potentially disastrous. After all, you never know who you truly are while asleep until someone is there to bear witness. You could see everything: their nightly routine, their little habits and quirks. What did they prefer to wear, if they wore anything at all? How did they wind down? How did they get comfortable? Did they read? Listen to music? Did they prefer one pillow, or two, or ten? Did they surround themselves in a cocoon of blankets, or sleep completely uncovered, mocking the monsters under the bed? Did they stir at the slightest disturbance, or could they sleep through the end of the world? Were they restless in their slumber, or still as the grave? Did they snore? Did they talk? Did they steal blankets in the night, or did they cling to their partners? You personally found all of these details fascinating. It was as if the other person was sharing a special part of themselves, a part not too often seen by others.
You especially appreciated it now, as you dozed in-and-out of consciousness on a warm, cozy Sunday morning, lying entangled in the slender arms of your loving boyfriend. Your mind tended to wander on mornings like this, when you had no duties, no obligations, and could simply bask in the comforting presence of your slumbering musician. You thought it was funny, how you personally had very little change in your own sleeping habits since dating the ex-Gym Leader, despite your newly-inherited responsibilities as the Champion of Galar. Piers, on the other hand, had gone through an entire circadian metamorphosis since the two of you became intimate. Before you had moved into his flat in Spikemuth—a shocking and borderline scandalous development in your relationship, as far as the tabloids were concerned (you rarely paid them too much mind)—and before he had stepped down as Spikemuth’s Gym Leader, you were amazed if he managed to sleep more than four hours a night. You had an idea of how rarely he slept before you started dating—after all, why else would he send you texts in the dead of night and wee hours of the morning? But it wasn’t until after the two of you began sleeping together that you fully understood the extent of Piers’ problems. He had insomnia, that much was clear, and tended to become restless in the hours that you normally retired to bed. He claimed that all of his best ideas came to him late in the night, and would spend hours scribbling in his trusty journal while you cluelessly snoozed away next to him. Upon discovering this, you felt somewhat guilty, but he assuaged your worries by waxing poetic about how your soothing presence provided him with endless inspiration—that even while asleep, you helped organize his frenzied, haphazard thoughts long enough to translate them into song (and no matter how many times he admitted it, hearing how much you effected his music never failed to make you blush like a starstruck teen).
After moving in together, and as your domestic routines began to blend, so did your sleeping habits. It was surprisingly easy to get Piers into bed with you, you discovered. You simply had to tip-toe down to his basement studio and subdue him with a gentle kiss to the neck, along with some soft words teasing the shell of his ear. Though your schedules were not entirely in sync, as you had very different jobs, your sleepless songbird was finally getting some well-deserved rest. Gone were the mornings spent opening Spikemuth’s Gym, and spending most of the day prepping Gym Trainers, training Pokemon, and fighting rambunctious, overly-confident Gym Challengers, who often underestimated the rockstar’s abilities, much to your frustration. Now that he was a full-time musician, his workday didn't begin until late into the afternoon, and his concerts would often go late into the night. During your busiest times, when your Champion duties required you to be up at sunrise, you would have to bow out early most nights, feeling guilty when you could only support your boyfriend’s gigs about half of the time. Of course, in typical Piers fashion, he was endlessly understanding, and there was nothing quite as sweet as the feeling of going to bed alone, only to wake up and find him exhaustedly cuddled up next you, face buried into your chest or the small of your back (along with your menagerie of Pokemon, which, due to many of them being simultaneously competitive and cuddly, the two of you had to make a schedule for which Pokemon got to share the bed on certain nights).
You never expected Piers to be such a massive cuddler, but you very much welcomed it. At the beginning of your relationship, you suspected that Piers was averse to touch, as he tended to tense or not entirely reciprocate when you first began kissing or embracing him. You soon discovered that this was far from the truth, and that the poor guy simply wasn’t used to the type of affection you so enthusiastically showered upon him. Once the two of you lived together, it became increasingly obvious that he adored and craved your touch, often snuggling up against you and draping his arms around you when asleep. You also learned, that despite having trouble falling asleep, once Piers was securely in dreamland, it was almost impossible to wake him. On most mornings, escaping his Bewear-like grasp was your first Champion challenge of the day. On top of being a heavy sleeper, he was also a heavy sleep-talker. This rarely bothered you, in fact, you enjoyed having full conversations with him while he was none the wiser, with topics ranging from Marnie’s homework, Obstagoon’s yearly PokeCenter check-up, scheduling future gigs (he often mistook you for his manager in his sleep-addled stupor), and other silly, mundane things. He never remembered any of it, no matter how much you tried to jog his memory (he once mumbled out an imaginary itinerary for your future wedding—you never told him this, but it was a secret you held near and dear to your heart). There were many mornings where you would lie next to him, mindlessly scrolling through your phone or checking your emails, only for him to jolt half-awake, ask you, groggily, to write something down (usually an idea for a song), then immediately plop back down onto his pillow, snoring comically.
Those mornings were much like this one: quiet, unassuming—where you would debate for several minutes on whether you were gracious enough to let him sleep in, or impatient enough to wake him. You weren’t exactly in a hurry to get out of bed, as this was one of your rare days off, and the warmth radiating from Piers’ body, the welcoming scent of his lingering cologne, and the light pitter-patter of rain on the roof of the massive structure overhanging Spikemuth was enough to tempt you back into sleep. Your head rested under your boyfriend’s chin, your face close to the base of his neck, and you gently brought one hand up to trace a finger along the smooth metal of his collar, which he rarely removed. You weren’t sure if it was because he never wanted to, or if he simply forgot it was there, and either sounded like him, if you were being honest. Yawning quietly, you nudged your head back, wanting to get a better view of Piers’ sleeping face. Your bedroom happened to have a window facing the outside of Spikemuth’s container, allowing the diffused morning light to bathe your room in an overcast veil. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, despite his perpetually-grumpy expression still present, if somewhat more relaxed. You smiled to yourself, remembering when you first admitted to him, early in your friendship, that you assumed he hated you because of how he always seemed to look annoyed around you. “Hate to break it to ya, love, but that’s just my face,” he said then, making you feel embarrassed for assuming the worst about him, but also somewhat flustered that he referred to you as “love”. Back then, you wanted to write it off as one of his many Spikemuth-isms—that perhaps it was just a more casual nickname where he was from—but here you were, proven wrong.
Sighing softly, you looked over his sleeping form, admiring the way the stormy glow highlighted his features. You had always found him both incredibly adorable and handsome, despite the things he would say about himself in hushed tones on his worst days. His large, sad blue eyes, though closed for now, paired nicely with his high cheek bones and dark, striking eyebrows. You drew the tip of your index finger down the bridge of his nose, slightly crooked from the handful of times he had broken it in his youth, through back-alley scuffles and far-too-wild concerts. You tried not to giggle when the muscles in his face twitched as you reached the tip, giving it an extra boop for good measure. And, of course, you loved his mouth, the way his lips felt so soft and inviting against your own, the way they curled into the most adorable little smiles. The way they felt against your skin, at your wrists, the dip of your neck, across your shoulders, between your breasts, down your stomach, flush against your sensitive, needy heat, along with his overly-generous tongue.
Suddenly and without warning, you really wanted him. Biting your lip, you didn’t wish to disturb the musician’s peaceful slumber, nor did you want him to spend the energy on reciprocating, which you knew he would insist upon (it was difficult to get him to be the least bit selfish about his own pleasure). Not to mention, you were still fairly groggy yourself, but you were equally as longing for your boyfriend, and the way his body would react to your loving, methodical touches, the way his beautiful voice would sound upon waking up in the throes of pleasure. Then, you remembered something. It was an idea the two of you had discussed before, whispers of heated fantasies in the dead of night, something that you had been waiting to act upon, but only at the right time, when it would truly be a surprise. Well, now was as good a time as any, you thought, smiling mischievously to yourself.
Ever-so-slowly, you wriggled out of Piers’ all-encompassing grasp, trying desperately not to laugh at how ridiculous you looked—arms firmly pressed to your sides, legs squeezed together, shifting yourself to-and-fro like a newly-hatched Caterpie. Once free, you sat up on your knees, careful to not shake the bed with your movements. Next came the difficult part, you thought, as he was on his side, and you needed him to be on his back for your plan to work. Placing one hand gently on his shoulder, and the other on his hip, you subtly began nudging him onto his back. You almost startled when he suddenly moved, shifting onto his back of his own accord. You winced internally, fully prepared for him to stir awake and be reasonably confused as to why you were leaning over him, but he quickly settled back into sleep, completely oblivious to the waking world. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, smiling at the silly, dramatic, sprawled-out position you boyfriend had assumed.
Carefully, you straddled his waist, making sure to place most of your weight onto your knees. Since the weather was getting warmer, even in the rainy, coastal town of Spikemuth, the both of you were sparsely clothed, with Piers completely bare, save for a thin pair of briefs. Looking him over, you watched the slow rise-and-fall of his chest, and admired the way his long, thick, two-toned hair cascaded down his pillow, descending into rivulets of stark white and midnight black against your bedsheets. He had just showered the previous night, which meant it was extra soft and fluffy, and just messy enough to make him look even more attractive, without risk of becoming a tangled mess. From your angle, you took the time to appreciate his slender frame, which you found endlessly attractive. You loved everything about him, from his prominent collarbones, to his flat chest, to the slight indents of his ribcage traveling down to the smooth plane of his abdomen, punctuated by his sharp hip bones. It took everything in you to not draw your hands up his torso, feeling every muscle and the occasional edge of bone beneath your eager touch. You frowned slightly, remembering how he would occasionally jab at himself, stating that he looked like a skeleton or a walking corpse at times. Though you knew he was joking, at least for the most part, you were adamant on reminding him just how much you adored his body, which was something that simultaneously baffled and flattered him. Your effortless and brutally honest compliments never failed to turn him sheepish, avoiding your gaze and hiding his warm cheeks behind his long, thick bangs. And you would keep reminding him, again and again, that he was plenty attractive, even if you needed to give him a a few more hands-on demonstrations to prove it, which you were more than happy to provide.
Taking a deep breath, you leaned over him, slowly placing your hands on either side of his head. Leaning down, you simply couldn’t resist brushing your lips against his own, just the softest, feather-light touch, holding yourself back from diving in and kissing him blissfully awake. Moving down, you grazed your lips across his neck, planting a gentle kiss at the base, right beneath his choker, noting the faint, yet sharp scent of leftover hair product, and the smooth, silky scent of mild soap. You left a trail of soft kisses across his collarbone, smiling into his skin as you noticed goosebumps appearing at your touch, then moved down to his chest, leaving a few kisses over his sternum before boldly swiping your tongue over one of his nipples. He flinched, and you looked up at his face, fearing the worst, but he simply turned his head to the side and settled back into sleep, breathing deeply. You could have imagined it, but you thought his cheeks took on a slightly rosy tint, contrasting with his normally pale complexion.
Continuing your journey downward, you lavished his soft belly with loving kisses and the occasional warm, gentle sweep of your tongue. Reaching the top of his hips, you nuzzled the soft, dark hair trailing down from his navel into the waistband of his briefs, before shifting your body down between his knees. You gingerly spread his thighs apart with your fingertips, lying down onto your stomach and slowly shimmying yourself forward, fitting comfortably between his long legs. Kissing up his soft inner thighs, you began to apply more pressure, teasing the sensitive skin with the edges of your teeth. You journeyed further upward, sucking on a particularly sensitive patch of skin that made his legs twitch beneath you. Hearing him exhale, you looked up, noticing as his breathing became slightly more labored. With a satisfied grin, you reached up with one hand, lightly palming the growing bulge beneath the soft fabric of his briefs. You adored the way Piers’ body reacted to even the slightest, most teasing touches, and the fact that you could make him feel so good so easily was a massive turn-on. It certainly helped boost your confidence—not to mention, seeing the handsome musician thoroughly enjoy himself never failed to make you weak in the knees.
It only took a few moments for your boyfriend to grow hard and wanting beneath your ministrations. You released him from his briefs, taking a moment to admire his cock in all its unapologetic glory. You suddenly remembered his reaction to you the first time you saw it. You must have been making some kind of face, because he immediately interjected with, “It’s not that big, is it?”, to which you replied, “Oh, ‘It’s not that big, is it?’,”  playfully mocking his accent for good measure, “Mr. Humble over here with ‘It’s not that big’. Seriously?” you smiled and rolled your eyes as your boyfriend laughed. You then told him it was pretty, which made him laugh even harder, but you were being completely serious. It was big, as in long, but not too girthy, and as pale as he was, save for the last half, which was flushed pink (it was actually quite similar to the rest of him, now that you thought about it). It also never failed to make you feel so full and satisfied, hitting all the spots inside of you that made you whimper and squirm. You wanted to be re-acquainted, preferably soon, but for now, you had other plans.
You decided to tease him a little more before fully indulging yourself, drawing the soft pad of your index finger up the underside of his shaft before circling it around the tip, taking your sweet time to feel every dip and curve. His breathing grew heavier, and now you could see that his cheeks were fully flushed, his brow tensing slightly as you all but tickled his aching cock. Licking a stripe up your hand, you gently wrapped it around him, keeping your grip loose enough as to not overwhelm his senses right away. Stroking him slowly, you lavished the rest with gentle kisses, reveling in the way his hips twitched and his breath stuttered once you began swirling your tongue around the tip. He was so warm, and you felt him throb beneath your hand, his hips practically jolting in place when you gave the tip a generous squeeze. You briefly wondered if he was dreaming, and if so, if he was dreaming about you.
Watching, enamored, as the tip began to leak clear pre-cum, you felt a hunger welling up deep within your chest and between your legs. You slowly began to take him into your mouth, securely holding his hips down in case he unconsciously thrusted up inside of you (though you weren’t opposed to the idea, you didn’t want him to wake up to the sound of you gagging). You took him down about half way, before delaying his gratification by withdrawing and, again, swirling your tongue around the tip. His entire body shifted this time, a soft, tired, breathless moan escaping his lips, sending a sharp pang of arousal deep into your lower belly. Your brain grew foggy, a wave of lust and adoration clouding your thoughts as you took him all the way, brow furrowed in concentration, wrangling in your gag reflex once the tip hit the back of your throat. He moaned again, and if it wasn’t the most beautiful, erotic sound. His voice was already gorgeous under normal circumstances, but especially in the morning, when it was tinged with the slightest bit of gravel and honey-like richness. It made you feel hopelessly needy, your own arousal, slick and hot, pooling between your thighs.
You continued with the same action, slowly taking him until he hit the back of your throat, then withdrawing, listening intently to the way his moans became more haggard and desperate—until about the fifth time, when you pulled him in completely, daring to swallow around him and practically choke yourself on his cock. You heard him gasp, a startled moan escaping him as you felt a hand grip the back of your head. Well, good morning, you thought, trying not to smile or laugh with a cock stuffed halfway down your throat. You drew up off of him, your eyes connecting with his sparkling blue ones, his pupils blown wide, noting how his adorable flush had spread up to his ears and down his neck. Before he could say anything, you took him again, setting a more intense pace now that he was awake.
“Fuck—,” he groaned loudly, hips stuttering as he carded his long, slender fingers through your hair, his other hand clinging to the one holding his hip. You laced your fingers through his own as you drew up off of him again, sucking on the tip almost obscenely before licking a firm stripe up the underside of his shaft.
“So good, love,” he praised, shuddering as he threw his head back onto the pillows, taking a handful of your hair and tugging slightly. Pulling him back into the slick heat of your mouth, you moaned around him, his breathless praise making your heart flutter. Feeling him throb inside of you, you moaned again, breathing out through your nose, before bracing yourself and taking him as far as you could go, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. He practically convulsed, making a delicious choked, startled noise when you felt him spill down your throat—hot, musky, and not entirely unpleasant. He held your head firm to him as he rode out his orgasm, a string of curses, praises, and broken moans leaving his exhausted body, before you tapped him twice on the hip, indicating that you needed to breathe.
“Ah, sorry—!” he startled, releasing you as you practically gasped for air, settling back onto your knees. He leaned up, reaching out to cradle your face with one hand, drawing a thumb along your cheekbone before hooking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His gentle touch made you shudder, closing your eyes as you steadied your breathing. Upon hearing your name, you opened them again, your heart swelling at your boyfriend’s tired gaze and dopey, lovestruck grin.
“I… I just—,” he started, stumbling over his syllables, drawing a hand back through his messy hair, “You— you’re so— ah, fuck it,” he gave up on words and decided to just pull you up into his lap instead. You laid on top of him, chest flush against his own as he drew you into a lazy, tender kiss, and you couldn’t help but hum at the way he slid his tongue lovingly between your lips. Cradling your chin, he broke the kiss, staring deep into your eyes.
“I love you,” he practically whispered, and you felt your face heat under his intense gaze. Suddenly feeling shy, despite the filthy things you just did to him, you hid your face into the crook of his neck.
“I… I love you too,” you squeaked. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, and you could feel the vibrations of his voice beneath your flushed cheeks.
Sighing, you settled into him, listening to the rain and breathing in his warm scent as he came down from his high. You had almost dozed off again when he suddenly spoke.
“Ya know, if ya want me to do somethin’ for ya, I could—“
“Not right now,” you hummed, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, “Can we just stay like this, for a while?”
“Of course,” he replied, voice gentle and smooth as silk. He felt you smile against him, before you yawned dramatically, nuzzling further into him. He began tracing soothing circles into your back, sending tingles down your spine, and you quickly fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.
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noonachronicles · 4 years
The End of the F**king World - Prologue
Byun Baekhyun X Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Language. Violent imagery if you squint. 
Genre: Apocalyptic/Alien Invasion AU. Slow Burn (ish?). One pining pup and one idiot in denial to eventual lovers.
A/N: Here goes nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The atmosphere that morning when you stepped out of your apartment was strange. You could feel it immediately, before you’d even pulled the hood of your jacket over your head to avoid getting the light drizzle of rain on your hair and outfit. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it wasn’t good either, mostly it left you uneasy. As you made your way down the street towards the subway you tried not to think too much about it. It was probably just the gray overcast clouds and the rain. It wasn’t like an off vibe was uncommon for a rainy day.
You’d already made it a couple of blocks when you finally saw your train buddy, Taemin. He was leaning against a light pole rubbing his hands over his thick jacket to warm himself as he waited for you. After casual greeting the two of you made quick work of the next couple of blocks. As a distraction from the freezing cold drizzle you listened to him tell you all about how his weekend went. Finally reaching the subway entrance you headed down to the train platform. It took a few minutes of waiting for you to realize that there were only two other people standing down there with you. You thought to mention it.
“Something feels weird today.” Taemin said before you had the chance, eyeing the empty platform. “Or is it just me?”
“You’re weird everyday.” you joked, “But you’re right. Something’s definitely off today. Probably just the weather?”
“No.” he sighed, too distracted by thoughts to even appreciate your dig. “It’s something else.”
“Is it a holiday? There’s like no one here. Do I even need to be going to work today?” you asked, seriously curious about whether or not you’d even had to get out of your warm bed this morning.
“No birds.” he said under his breath.
“On the street, there were no birds. Did you notice?” he asked as the train came to its screeching, metallic halt.  
You hadn’t noticed, but by the time you’d settled in the car Taemin had moved on. He pointed out an ad poster for the musical running at the theatre in midtown. Apparently his friend Jongin was a performer in the show and he was going to see it in the coming weeks. He asked if you wanted to accompany him and you told him you’d have to get back to him on it. By the time you’d reached your stop at midtown the conversation had moved on to something else entirely, as it often did. When you reached the top of the stairs you found it was raining harder than before so your goodbyes were brief, both of you promising to see the other for the same trip tomorrow. Then he headed towards downtown and you headed up.
There weren’t any birds, you realized on your walk. There were none of the usual noises of the city actually. No birds or other animals. Barely any traffic, which was incredibly strange even for how early in the day it was. In fact, the  streets were usually packed with cars whose drivers were trying to inch their way to work. And the trains should have been full of people attempting to do the same. The thought just made you uneasy all over again so you dropped it from your mind and just assumed the sound of the rain could have distracted anyone enough that they wouldn’t even notice the silence. Mostly because you didn’t want to believe you were that unobservant. Honestly, if Taemin hadn’t put the thought in your head in the first place you would have never realized it yourself.
It was just before six in the morning when you reached work. The doors were still locked when you’d arrived since the store didn’t open for another hour. You tapped incessantly on the glass as your exhausted best friend made her way over to let you in.
“Morning.” Seulgi muttered as she pulled the door open, she looked as tired as you felt.
“Good morning, beautiful.” You smiled as you pulled off your soaked coat and unraveled your scarf from your neck.
She groaned at your subtle sarcasm, “Coffee hasn’t set in yet. So kindly table any witty commentary.”
“Yes, darling.” You laughed and your eyes brightened as you found the coffee she’d brought for you.
“How was your date last night?” She asked, following you into the back where you’d gone to put your things away.
You shrugged as you locked your wooden locker, “I don’t know. We’ve been together five years now, at this point they’re all the same. Marco not coming in today?”
“No, he said his wife didn’t want him coming in today, whatever that meant. It’s just us all day.” then she waved off your attempt to distract her, “Siwon didn’t ask you anything...specific?”
“Was he supposed to?” you laughed before sipping your coffee. Seulgi just shrugged innocently, which you knew meant something, “What do you know?”
“You know me, I rarely knowing anything, especially what the fuck I’m talking about.” She shrugged again and hurried back out onto the main floor.
“Seulgi!” you shouted after her, “What do you know? You have to tell me! No secrets, it’s in the best friend's handbook!”
She bit her lip as she contemplated her options, of which she had none. She had to tell you. You watched her move over to the folder with the newest paid receipts. After rifling through for a minute she pulled one out and held it against her chest, “Tell nobody that I showed you this. Especially Siwon.”
You held out your hand, palm up, and she slapped the paper down onto it. After flipping the paper over you read over the order form and your eyes went wide and filled with tears. It was a receipt for an incredibly pricey diamond ring that just happened to be your size. On the signature line, in your boyfriend’s curve and swirl was his signature.  “Oh my god.”
“I know!” she said, grabbing your shoulders excitedly, “You’re totally getting engaged!”
Armenia was an upscale jewelry store, slated to be the next Harry Winstons. Seulgi had gotten a job there while the two of you were still in school and had helped you get a position afterwards. Though a career in the diamond trade had never been your dream, the money you made was far and beyond what other people you’d known in school were making. It got you invited to extravagant events, introduced you to the rich and famous, and was the perfect chance to spend everyday with your best friend playing with jewelry. It was similar to the way you played as a child except where all of your old jewelry was fake back then, there wasn’t a single ounce of plastic on the entire floor. For aesthetic purposes it was actually a strict company rule, even cleaning products had to be in glass or metal containers.  
After the thrill of your morning realization, it had been an uncharacteristically quiet day. Which you blamed once more on the rain. You weren’t complaining. Not entirely. It was just a little boring as the day would often drag when you had nothing to do. Between the two of you every square inch of glass casing had been wiped spotless, and every displayed piece of jewelry was cleaned to perfection. Finally, a little after noon, the door opened. You’d been slumped over one of the counters doodling on the back of a piece of receipt paper, but quickly perked up at the sound. Though your customer service smile dropped from your face when you caught sight of your guests.
“Oh, it’s just you two.” you said leaning back over the counter and went back to your doodles.
The Beagle Brothers. You weren’t sure why people called them the beagle brothers when you’d first heard the nickname. They weren’t even brothers. However they could have been conjoined the way they were always glued together, which is where you assumed the nickname came from. Chanyeol, tall and wiry, was one of the sweetest men you’d ever met in your life. He was incredibly funny, outrageously smart and insanely talented at anything he put the slightest effort into. He was Seulgi’s roommate and though she hadn’t confirmed with you yet, you were pretty sure they were hooking up. Though the way he spent time with his counterpart it could have been safe to assume they were the ones hooking up too.
Baekhyun was Chanyeol’s tag along best friend. Maybe that wasn’t entirely fair, he was more than that. Baekhyun was average in build and height. Though next to Chanyeol he always ended up looking like his little brother. He was cute, you guessed, like a puppy. It was possible that he had actual beagle DNA coursing through his veins with his constant need for attention and endless energy. He’d always been sweet and kind to you, though you’d watched him around other women and knew he could also be a horrible tease when he wanted to be.
He was a good friend to you, both of them were. They both worked about a block away at a prominent electronics company. As he did every afternoon Chanyeol had brought Seulgi her refresher coffee and lunch, which they took into the backroom. With the feel of lurking eyes on you, you looked up unsurprised to see two big, brown eyes staring back at you. Accompanied by an absurdly charming smile.
“Hey, Baek.”
Somehow his smile grew even larger at the greeting and he placed an iced coffee on the counter in front of you. “Hi.”
“You know just because he brings her coffee doesn’t mean you’re required to bring me anything.” you said even as you took your first sip. “Especially since she’s probably repaying him…”
“I do it because I want to.” he said and brought his other hand from behind his back to place a brown bag in front of you as well. You tried not to but you smiled as you opened the bag to the sandwich he’d brought too. “How has your day been?”
It always surprised you, how genuinely he asked you about your day. “Slow, long… a little weird honestly.”
“Totally agreed. It’s been weird all morning. The vibe is off.” he sighed, “I can’t figure it out.”
“No birds.” you said offhandedly, thinking about Taemin before taking a bite of your sandwich.
He gave a small thoughtful hum. “Or all that stuff on the news is freaking people out.”
“What stuff on the news?” you asked.
“We’ve been watching it at work all day.” he shrugged, “I’m sure Yeol is in there making Seulgi watch clips on youtube, he won’t shut up about it. He has all these theories.”
“What stuff, Baek? What happened?” You were half annoyed by his vagueness. Of course they’d been watching it all day, they had a hundred televisions set up over there, you had none. You weren’t even supposed to be on your phones at work.  
He pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed around for a minute before a female newcaster’s voice came through and he handed you the device.
“Major and sudden changes in atmospheric levels over twelve major cities around the world have left scientists scrambling for the last eighteen hours or so. It’s even said that air force units from the United States, Russia, Egypt, and Korea have been in heavy communication over the last few hours as more and more strange pictures are being uploaded to social media from those twelve cities.”
On the screen they were showing a montage of videos from snapchat and instagram, photographs from users on facebook and twitter. One was a group of what looked like high schoolers speaking Japanese, it was captioned as being at the Tokyo Skytree. The camera panned over the ground below. For a moment it just looked like it was overcast there as well, nothing strange, but as it moved back, showing more it was clear the shadow was only covering part of the city. It seemed like maybe there was something large in the sky blocking the sun from the ground. Whatever it was, it had to have been massive in size. As the camera moved up to the sky you waited expectantly to see what was there, but there was nothing. It was clear. Not even a single cloud was visible.      
“What the hell is that?” you whispered as it flashed to pictures from Paris, New York, Moscow, Seoul, and Cairo where the same thing seemed to be happening. Long, narrow shadows all leaving the same shape covering miles worth of city in darkness.
“They don’t know. All morning they were talking about it like it was some global warming effect, but as more of these videos and stuff kept coming in they’ve been talking about it like it’s an invasion.”
“What like aliens? Shut up, that’s insane.” you kept your eyes on his phone, shaking your head as another picture flashed, “Shit, that’s us, Baek...that’s our city.”
“That’s what I’m saying. I think that’s why the city is so dead compared to normal. People are in their buildings, people are at work. But anyone who doesn’t have to be in the city for some specific reason is avoiding it.” he said as he moved over to the window.
“Marco’s wife didn’t want him to come in today.”
He hummed as if in agreement, “A ton of people called out at our work too. It’s crazy.”
Leaving his phone on the counter you moved around and stood beside him at the window as you looked out. He was right. Normally you would look outside of the shop and see a swarm of bodies pushing each other around all trying to get somewhere. There were more people than you saw that morning, but not a lot. There were still people coming in and out of buildings, smoking cigarettes on the sidewalk, going for lunch at the bistro across the street.
However it was missing the horns honking from taxis frustrated about being stuck in traffic. The loud chatter of groups of friends just shopping around. There were no family’s snapping pictures for vacation photo albums. Looking to the sky you could see the rain clouds had dispersed and the sun was shining above but the ground still looked dark like it was covered by overcast. If you hadn’t just clearly seen the sun in the sky you might have thought it was near dusk.
As the two of you stood there you could hear a humming start in your ear. It was the kind of subtle buzz that people say means someone is thinking about you so of course you figured it was just your ears at first. As it grew louder, uncomfortably so, you looked over at Baekhyun. He was rubbing his own ears in discomfort. The sound became worse, almost piercing. You turned around to see Chanyeol and Seulgi come out of the back covering their ears.
“What’s happening?” Chanyeol shouted over the noise.
Shaking your head unknowingly, you turned to look back outside when a low rumble shook the ground beneath you. It felt like there had been a huge explosion and the blast moved through the city like a wave. When it reached you you’d been blown backwards to the floor. The glass in all of the jewelry cases trembled and  started to shatter around you. You could hear Seulgi screaming and you watched as Baekhyun threw himself over you. The glass windows of the shop were shaking but they were made of much thicker, tempered glass, and held through it. It took several minutes for everything to settle. Baekhyun stood up and helped you to your feet.
Chanyeol walked over to the window and looked out. “Oh... fuck me.”
The rest of you followed suit and went to look outside. Hoards of people were sprinting out of their office buildings, broken glass from skyscraper windows rained down on the street below, and the worst part was what was in the sky. Where there had been nothing just minutes ago was now what you’d could only describe as a spaceship. It was absolutely massive and hovering just over the city. You were honestly surprised it wasn’t hitting any of the taller buildings, it was so low to the earth. Baekhyun ran over to the counter and grabbed his phone and walked it back over to the three of you.
“- over every city that has been under discussion today, have revealed themselves it seems. It remains unclear whether or not these ships are here with any sort of malicious intent. Military specialists have been trying to contact the ships but have received no return communication. We ask that viewers remain patient and cautious as we await further information and instruction from - Oh god, oh what are those?”
Looking over at the screen on his phone you could see where the news camera was zooming in on objects falling from the ship over one of the cities. Creatures, long creatures with gangly, scaly arms and legs. They had bulbous heads, four eyes, and teeth long and sharp that matched the claws on their hands and feet. Quickly you looked outside, whatever they were, they were falling out of the ship over your city as well. After several minutes of staring in shock you could hear the deafening sound of military aircraft speeding overhead and watched as they launched missiles towards the ship and shot bullets at the falling creatures.
“What do we do?” Seulgi asked in a clear panic, “Do we run?”
“Fuck that!” You screeched, “I’m not going out there with those things!”
“Y/n is right.” Baekhyun agreed, “We don’t know what we're dealing with, if we start running where would we even run to? Just-oh shit.”
All of you turned to look at what caught his attention. One of the fallen creatures had rounded the corner down the block and was attacking any and every human in its path. You let out a terrified cry as you watched the creature tear the head straight off a man like he was opening a bottle of soda. As fast as you could you ran towards the door and opened the panel with the emergency security switch. In an instant thick steel bars were dropping down in front of the windows. You could still see out to the street where three more creatures had gathered. Two of them had made their way to the front of the store and were clawing at the glass clicking and hissing as they tried to get in.
“Is there somewhere we can barricade ourselves?” Chanyeol asked, grabbing you by the sleeve, dragging your shocked and frozen form back and away from the window.
“T-the safe room.” Seulgi stuttered. “We can lock it from the inside. There’s screens for the security cameras so we can see what’s happening out here.”
Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun by the shoulders, “What do we need? We don’t know how long we’ll be inside there. Quick! What would you put in your bunker?”
“Seriously?” you asked returning yourself to the conversation, “Are you talking about video games right now.”
“Uhh.” Baekhyun shook his head, “No, he’s right...this is good. Water, weapons, lights. Like flashlights, fire, whatever works. Something to connect us to the outside world so we know when it’s safe, the cameras should work for that.”
“We’re not going to have all of that!” you yelled, frustrated and terrified as several other creatures had joined the ones trying to get inside and the glass started to crack under the pressure.
“Water jugs by the back door. They use them for the machine in the breakroom.” Seulgi said and looked over at you, “Come on, think, you can do this.”
“Ohh, god....Marco keeps a gun in the office...and flashlights! There are flashlights in the desk drawer. Gina! Gina keeps food in her locker.” You said, your brain finally starting to process things again.
“Alright go! GO!” Chanyeol shouted and you all made your way to the back.
You took the office where you got the gun, flashlights and batteries. You even found an old battery operated radio on the back of the shelf before you went for the safe. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had carried the water jugs and Seulgi had raided every cabinet for food and other things you might need. She had just made her way into the safe room when you heard the shattering of the windows in the showroom. Seulgi wrapped her arms around you and both of you sat together on the ground as Chanyeol secured the door. When he turned around he looked over at Baekhyun.
“Does your phone have service?
Looking down at the screen he shook his head no. “Door’s probably too thick.”
“What do we do now?” you whispered as Seulgi trembled in your arms.
Chanyeol sat down and sighed, “I...have no fucking idea. I think all we can do now is wait.”
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queenofnohr · 4 years
Shi Huangdi Interlude - The Arbiter’s Melancholy
This........ may have been the hardest Interlude I’ve translated to date just because of all the techno-fantasy magic terms + Lostbelt lore + Emperor’s speech patterns, haha.
There aren’t too many variable dialogue options, but it may be easier to read on Dreamwidth.
This was a commission for none other than @tainbocuailnge c:
The shape destruction takes is not uniform. That was the hypothesis We arrived at. Just as there is no fixed standard to how a dream ends…… When the Tree of Emptiness is pruned, what form will the vanishing of that degenerated fiction — that Lostbelt — take? The particulars of each world will surely differ. Will its end come suddenly, like a candle being blown out……? Or will heaven rend and the earth be torn asunder as the agonizing cries of hell ring out…...?
In Our Eternal Qin Dynasty, what first forcibly opened Our eyes was the lack of observant people. Forests, wilderness, unexplored mountains and rivers — one by one, they became naught but pockets of nothingness. An implacable darkness covered them, and they were lost to the world.
Yet the people did not notice. They were people satisfied with living peaceful lives within their homes, with no interest in the outside world. Another uneventful day passes, and they go to sleep again.
Eventually, in the middle of the night while everyone slept, a certain village was swallowed whole by that nothingness. No one noticed anything out of the ordinary, and while they slept, they returned to nothingness. In that way, one-by-one, the radius of the peoples’ existence disappeared.
Those who were able to awake to another peaceful morning had forgotten that there was a neighboring village in the first place. They had no questions at all about it. That was the destiny of the people. That was the way they were raised. We are the only ones who ascertain all with Our own eyes. Only We, who stand upon this earth as an ordinary person, know the end of this pruned dream. The one watching the crumbling world is the sole person who watches over everything.
How fortunate— Indeed, rather than postponement, the best thing one can hope for is the end. We estimate the time We have left. It will be around three months until Our Qin Dynasty disappears completely—
Zhenren Shi Huangdi: How does progress look, Our Hun*? Steel Shi Huangdi: Unsatisfactory, Our Po. Zhenren Shi Huangdi: Hmm, We wonder if it’s possible to mobilize all computing resources to Epang Palace…... Steel Shi Huangdi: It is unsatisfactory, but it is not stagnant. Although it moves at a snail’s pace, steady progress is being made. Zhenren Shi Huangdi: Hurry. We don’t have much time left. Steel Shi Huangdi: It is unnecessary to tell Us. After all, the authority of analysis is the responsibility of Our Hun. Zhenren Shi Huangdi: Yes, and Our Po is at a loss for what to do. We are vexedー Steel Shi Huangdi: No, Our Po. There are some things that can only be done by one who has attained human form. Soothe Our people as much as possible. Be with them until the last moment, as one who stands on their same earth. Zhenren Shi Huangdi: That’s right. That, too, is the duty of the emperor. It cannot be neglected. However, sooner or later everything will return to nothingness…… Steel Shi Huangdi: Indeed. Our Po has received the next most important role. With a body that is a perfect imitation of those ethereal beings, We should be able to once again step into that enchanted land. That Mystery, at the end of it there must be a path to pan-human history. Zhenren Shi Huangdi: It won’t be a long journey. The preparations should be enough, but…… Steel Shi Huangdi: Then, We do what We can, and the rest is in fate’s hands. Because We are the sole being under heaven, in all creation……
[in Chaldea]
Shi Huangdi: There’s a Singularity! Reyshift is a go-go! Fou: Foufou!? Mash: Um, Shi Huangdi......? You just said there was a Singularity, but...... is that true? Da Vinci: Oh, Guda? Sorry to interrupt your break. A very excited Servant might pay you a visit soon……
> They’re raving all about it as we speak
Da Vinci: Oh, I see. Nonetheless…… Please come to the control room for a detailed briefing on the situation.
> Roger that > I’ll be there shortly
[in the control room]
Shi Huangdi: It’s Xianyang, right? 210 years before the founding of Christianity, right? That should be around the time We reached a dead end in Our quest for immortality, no? Indeed, We shall declare it. It was Our complete failure. Da Vinci: That’s some declaration…… Shi Huangdi: Well, let’s see, the Us of that time was so impatient, such a quest made Us completely lose Our mind. The reason for extending Our life, what the meaning of having a country and emperor were — We lost sight of it completely. Sion: ……*sigh*. It’s true that it’s hard to think of that behavior coming from Your Majesty, who is wise— and furthermore, an ultra-high powered supercomputer. You know that you’re the one causing the Singularity, but you’re talking as if it’s someone else. Shi Huangdi: But you know, We will be 2276 this year. Yet when We died, We hadn’t even reached 50. For comparison, for you all it would be like watching a toddler. They have to grab onto something else to stand on their own two feet, and fall all over themselves. In that case, isn’t criticism much too petty? Da Vinci: I suppose so, but. Setting that very emperor-like fallacious argument for a second— what’s with you? You’re way more pushy than usual. Was Your Majesty always this type of character? Fou: Fou. Fofou. (Translation: More-or-less) Shi Huangdi: Well, it’s a dark past We don’t really want to recall. Let Us hide Our embarrassment, at least a little. Da Vinci: ……Ooookay. I don’t really think this counts as “hiding your embarrassment,” but whatever…… In any case, the one who will accompany you on your Reyshift to the Singularity will also be our strategy officer taking responsibility for operations therein…… Right now, I’m currently covering Goredolf’s position so, Guda, your judgment on this matter is of utmost importance. Do you really intend to bring Emperor “How Interesting!” along with you on this expedition?
> Well, with our destination being what it is…... > Aren’t they qualified?
Shi Huangdi: Indeed! An appropriate judgment. Just what We expected from the protector of humanity! Sion: ………… If that’s what Guda concludes, I have no objections. However, I’ll also be accompanying you this time as Novum Chaldea’s Weapons Development Advisor. Mash: Huh? You’re going to Reyshift, Sion? Sion: Don’t worry about my aptitude. There haven’t been and won’t be any problems, because I deal with them all flawlessly. Shi Huangdi: Oh ho? You are aware that as We are Guda’s Servant, We shall only concern Ourselves with Guda’s safety, yes? Sion: That doesn’t matter. I have no desire to stand on the frontlines, and I’m more than equipped to see to my personal self-defense. You’ll come to see that both martial arts and marksmanship are my forte. After all, I am a genius of the Atlas Institute. Shi Huangdi: Hm. So long as you prove not to be a burden, We have no objections. I’m sure Guda is of the same mind?
> It’ll be encouraging to have you along. > Welcome aboard!
Da Vinci: Well, it’s fine if Sion comes along with you, but, well…… Sion, didn’t you say you didn’t want to do Spiriton Hacking? Sion: That was then, and it’s only sometimes in some cases! This is a rare opportunity, so it’d be a waste not to experiment! Da Vinci: ……*sigh*. It’s fine. Well then, head into the Coffins, everyone. The Singularity coordinates have been inputted, and I’ve made the necessary adjustments to accurately monitor your proof of existence. Sion: Please be scrupulous in your surveillance, Da Vinci. Don’t overlook even the slightest anomaly. Da Vinci: Yes, leave it to me. I’ll use the utmost care.
[we Reyshift]
Mash: Reyshift successful. However, this is…… Shi Huangdi: Oh my, how cruel this is. Our beautiful Xianyang, reduced to this sad sight, feels like some terrible joke. And what is this miasma? Mash: It's a magical energy thick with curses that permeates the air. If it’s this bad with the protection of a Mystic Code, an ordinary person in this environment would…… Shi Huangdi: Indeed. It is unlikely that any of the residents have survived. Even if they were alive, they would surely no longer be Our subjects, but something else entirely. Sion: Even if this is a Singularity, what the hell could’ve happened to result in such a dramatic change? Just what was the Shi Huangdi of this point in time planning? Shi Huangdi: Well, corrupted as We were, We expect that We underrated the degree of destruction We would invite. Speaking of Ourselves at that time, Our disposition was that if something were to be done, it should be done to its completion. Nevertheless, it seems We persisted in such folly…… Of all things, We devoured Xianyang completely. Sion: Devoured it……!? You mean you used that complete monopolization of resources arbitrarily!? I know your quest for immortality escalated, but did you really start a biohazard level calamity? Shi Huangdi: Um, well, it’s embarrassing to say, but We cannot assert that it would be completely outside the realm of possibility for Us. One would simply have to scrape together banned techniques from every corner of China, as well as every conceivable foreign system…… Thinking back on it now, that’s probably why Xu Fu ran off.
> Xu Fu?
Mash: Xu Fu was a court sorcerer who served at the time of the Qin Dynasty. It’s said that Shi Huangdi ordered him to search for immortality, and he traveled to the east with many researchers, but…… Sion: He never reached that enchanted land, nor did he return to Qin. According to one theory, he reached Japan and became a king there.
> So mercury was only the beginning……
Shi Huangdi: It got to the point that We tried invoking the homeopathic magic of Western Europe. No, it was because of its eternal, everlasting beauty— but thinking about it now, using it as medicine was truly the height of recklessness…… But We would like to tell Ourselves to drink a barrel of mercury if relying on curses is the alternative. This is truly pathetic!
[Mash looks surprised then puts her headset on]
Mash: ! Master, I’ve received a warning from Sheba! Hostiles incoming! Shi Huangdi: Mm, indeed, now is not the time to be in low spirits over a weak-mindedness that both is and is not Our own. On Our honor as a Servant, We shall serve as your guard. And here, to this fallen city, We shall demonstrate the law as the true emperor!
(Node 2)
Shi Huangdi: …… Sion: ……That was difficult, wasn’t it. Even as you are now, at the apex of mankind, does your heart still ache? Shi Huangdi: Our spilt blood is not enough for the end of Our people. Moreover, the root of all this evil is the person We used to be. Mash: ……This is a Singularity. It was a different Shi Huangdi that made the wrong decision…… Shi Huangdi: No, because that person is still Us. We know where the end of that person’s delusional convictions lie. After all, it was none other than Us that had a glimpse into that regime. Guda, this is where the root of Our anxiety toward the human species stems from. No matter how noble the ideals you laud are, fate is much too cruel. The fear of ruination and making mistakes can all too easily mislead even those who seek to venture down the correct path. It is impossible for ten out of ten people to reach enlightenment even after a lifetime of devoting themselves to their studies. Yet if even one person falls to heresy, the remaining nine will be consumed.
> Do you think it’s impossible for mankind to improve?
Shi Huangdi: A person cannot resist fear and despair. So long as they are unable to surpass death and become Zhenren, they will be inadequate. And so, the duty of traversing the wasteland of humanity should be borne by one person alone…… In the end, even We, who were enthused by the prospect, met the bitterness of a pruned Lostbelt. Now, the right to challenge that cruel future lies in the hands of those that would inhabit that future. But do not forget. Even if you acknowledge the potential of mankind, an evil exists in this world. The same evil that you see here, that led Us to expose the depths of Our depravity— and it will appear time and time again.
> I know, but > We have no choice but to improve
Shi Huangdi: Heh. No matter how We might mean to intimidate you, a glance at your admirable and precious gaze and the words die on Our tongue. Well, shall We leave this trivial matter be? Then let us go to exterminate the source of these delusional convictions.
[inside Epang Palace]
Vengeful Spirit: You…… Shi Huangdi: Ah, We are truly painful to look at. Indeed, We had steeled Ourselves, but…… Looking at Ourselves again is so repulsive it nauseates Us. Vengeful Spirit: Oho…… That form…… We never thought We would reach it. Shi Huangdi: We were truly foolish in Our youth. It isn’t as though We do not understand the extent of that anguish, but such a downfall is unpardonable. Spreading enough curses about to hail a miasma— shouldn’t that have been beyond consideration? The capital was the price paid in exchange for prolonging Our life! Vengeful Spirit: *sigh*…… If the law of death is imposed upon the whole world, then it can also be considered a cure. Under the care of this first emperor, Shi Huangdi, China has finally realized eternal rest. Sion: (“This” first emperor...?) Hold on a second. Stop talking. I have my own personal opinions on using inhumane acts to achieve immortality, but doing it for political measures is outrageous. Even without being soft, there’s no reason to go to these excessive lengths. Just look here. After all, this is a successful emperor that freed themselves completely and achieved what you could not by taking a different path. Shi Huangdi: Ah, no, this isn’t the type of opponent you should instigate…… Vengeful Spirit: And so they are a saint? That’s the height of absurdity! That one is the fool who would reap the future of the world in exchange for their own future! Sion: ー! Shi Huangdi: ……Oho? This is the first time one has seen into Our origin. Well, We suppose that even corrupted, you were still Us. Then, your verdict is that the apex of unsightliness, this city of death, is preferable to the history We had woven? Vengeful Spirit: Aye. We, the Qin Dynasty, will continue beyond death. We shall reign until its destruction! This will become true eternity! Shi Huangdi: We have decided! Both pity and consideration are wasted on you. You are no longer a heavenly being nor emperor. All that remains is simply carrion. That throne is not a place for the dead to dream. We shall return you to your rightful place thusly. After all, isn’t that what this mausoleum was built for?
Vengeful Spirit: Guh…… Why do you stop Us? Why do you prune Us? This time, for sure, the Eternal Qin…… Our peaceful reign…… Even though We could finally see the signs…... Shi Huangdi: Coming from Us, whose life can no longer cross into the realm of death, any advice is useless. Even so, let’s see. Do not be angry. Do not lament. For even if you alone will not bear its burden, humanity itself may somehow manage yet, surprising though it may be. Vengeful Spirit: What foolishness…… There is only Us…… Only the emperor, the Alpha and Omega…… is able to carry the fate of this world…...
[it disappears]
Shi Huangdi: Ah, how tiresome. That was like coming across someone doing a dramatic reading of Our entire dark history. Well, We did what We had to do. Let us return quickly. We cannot stand the air in this corrupted palace for another minuteー no, not even another second. Sion: You did what had to be done…… I wonder. Is that all you have to say about this? Shi Huangdi: More or less? Were you expecting something else? Sion: ……No. You were able to resolve this Singularity pretty reasonably. Good work as a Servant. You too, Guda, good job. Then, let’s head back.
[we Reyshift back]
Da Vinci: Yes, yes, bang up job this time, too. Well done! Now then, go take a shower and rest up. You can report back later. Mash: Huh? This isn’t standard protocol…… Da Vinci: Well, some stuff came up. I gotta adjust the machinery and such, ya’know. Oh, Shi Huangdi, could you stay a little longer? There’s something I’d like your help with. Shi Huangdi: Hm?
> Well then, I’ll take you up on your offer > Please excuse me
[we go; scene is still the control room]
Holmes: With this I trust all the details of the case have been disclosed? Then, all that remains is to solve the mystery. Shi Huangdi: Oh my, out with Guda and in with the detective makes for a truly detestable atmosphere. Ah, that reminds me, We do believe We had promised to have some dim sum with Shuwen. What an unfortunate time to forget. Then, if you’ll excuse me…… Holmes: Stop with the transparent lies. Why don’t we start talking. Da Vinci: We’ve already observed numerous Singularities, both large and small. Combining that with the data received from my previous incarnation, I have enough samples to be able to classify everything depending on trends observed. Therefore, I can draw this conclusion. This Singularity was not a natural occurrence. The pattern corresponds to the construction being from that of intentional outside interference. Shi Huangdi: And you suspect We are responsible? No, you overestimate Us completely. Certainly, Our form is that which is expected of Us as a Servant in this world, though as a supreme ultimate being it is the implementation of a modern human frame. Looking at it from another perspective, We are nothing more than an individual with nothing to Us, supreme only in name. We could not possibly reach the authority We once had in Our sacred mechanical body that once controlled all the world. Da Vinci: Thank you for being so eloquent, and for making your excuse as long-winded as physically possible. It’s true that as a Servant, Guda has the means to control you with a Command Spell. However…… it’s a different story if you were to regain the power you once had in your Lostbelt. Shi Huangdi: Well, We intended for you to forget your vigilance in your awe. Is it even possible that the feat of creating Singularities would be available as We are now? Actually, in the first place, it was an artificial Singularity. Is that possible? Da Vinci: In theory. However, it would require a Reyshift or some other equivalent means. Shi Huangdi: In other words, the machinery here has been used fraudulently by someone? Sion: Even if you want to ridicule it as a security system riddled with holes, I’ll reject that notion. As a hacker myself, I won’t say anything about a “perfect security system,” but if we’re talking about Novum Chaldea’s equipment, I can affirm that it’s impossible to operate the system without leaving a trace. Holmes: Rather, we should consider the possibility of someone other than ourselves implementing a Reyshift system. Shi Huangdi: If we’re talking about “possibilities,” then they’re endless. Especially considering that it might be a common technology in the future? Holmes: Finding the suspect ー in this case, the one who implemented the system ー is possible, even without jumping to such extreme leaps in logic. One would simply have to acquire the Animusphere’s theories, the Laplace software, and have a means of computing comparable to Trismegistus…… if we consider who can satisfy all those requirements, the conclusion is nearly at hand. Da Vinci: Well, this was borne from my own carelessness, but Shadow Border, at the time of entering the Chinese Lostbelt, contained backup data from Antarctic Chaldea that had been evacuated just in case. I never imagined that the entire vehicle might be captured and analyzed. Sion: Furthermore, your other form on-site was that of a supercomputer that ruled over and controlled the planet. It really is a shame I wasn’t able to see it directly. And there was no chance to know the details of what happened afterward.  Holmes: Indeed. After we left, the Chinese Lostbelt as an externally observable object disappeared promptly. However, it is impossible to know how much time passed within the Lostbelt itself. If there wasn’t a sudden collapse, but instead a grace period in which the data obtained from Shadow Border could be fully analyzed…… Sion: And, the most damning evidence was a statement made by the other emperor who was out of control in that Singularity. You were able to detect the pruning event with a single shot. At the time, it was a skillful deception, but logically it was impossible. The only possibility is…… Holmes: The Shi Huangdi of that Singularity had already been in contact with you once, in regards to the pruning event. The culprit who made the Singularity is not the Shi Huangdi who serves as a Servant of Chaldea, but the Shi Huangdi who was a Lostbelt King…… Am I wrong? Shi Huangdi: Hmmm…… However, after the pruning event is confirmed, what use would it be to Reyshift? A Reyshift cannot grant the falsification of history. At best, it would produce a Singularityー nothing more than a stagnation in space-time. Da Vinci: You’re right. It’s impossible to change the outcome once the pruning event occurs. But if you went back to the past, regardless of a pruning event, there was certainly a time when you rode the waves of history, adding onto itー “compiling” it. Holmes: That answer seems to be why you stuck to Xianyang as the Singularity. The Lostbelt Shi Huangdi established multiple Singularities in stages, trying to see which of them would be detected by Chaldea, right? And that particularity would need an accompliceー a role played by “Servant Shi Huangdi” …… Shi Huangdi: …… Da Vinci: Establishing a Singularity from a Lostbelt, if we assume that there was a Singularity Response that could be observed from pan-human history, it would be from their shared past, and then that point becomes the crossroads between pruning and compiling history. And from there, establishing a Singularity in the past can become a means of interfering with pan-human history. Just like the trap devised by the King of Mages, Goetia.  Sion: I thought they might have intended to do something during the last Reyshift, so I accompanied them, but there was nothing at all out of place. Since that was the case, it was reasonable to believe that there was another prime culprit. Of the traps set, which had been set to target this side of human history……? My aim was to verify that. Or, rather, was your purpose for answering Chaldea’s summons for that purpose? Shi Huangdi: Ah, good grief. Humanity so used to conflict really is lacking in charm.  Da Vinci: There’s no way we could have this conversation in front of Guda. We’re doing it this way because we must confirm your true intentions. Shi Huangdi: Well. In the event that you would accuse Us, We would think that Guda, equipped as they are with Command Spells, would be essential to have present. It’s quite a sweet sentiment especially compared to the sharpness of your deductions. We have misgivings about the future of pan-human history. In any case, We have warned Guda time and time again. That should the mankind of pan-human history prove themselves to be unpardonably hideous beings, We will revive the Qin once more. Da Vinci: Then…… Shi Huangdi: Oops, wait three seconds before you get truly angry. We do not mean to say We will implement that plan immediately. We have no intention of hindering Guda’s efforts. We came to your pan-human history to see with Our own eyes your struggle, and should you fall into trouble, We shall spare no effort to lend Our assistance. After all, We have already abdicated Our throne in favor of a virtuous successor.  Holmes: ……Then why the shady behavior? Shi Huangdi: It is Our belief that hope for the future will be pioneered by Guda, and you allー the “people.” However, faith and trust are two different things. After all, We are a politician. We do not engage in gambling. Should Guda shrink from their duty as a human inhabiting this world at the unprecedented crisis known as the bleaching of humanity …… At that time, We will become responsible for humanity again. “A humanity according to esteemed people.” Da Vinci: ………… Sion: ーRejected. That’s a contract built on the premise of defeat. Is there any other name for that than betrayal? Shi Huangdi: There certainly exist Heroic Spirits that dedicate themselves to Guda under pretense of friendship and conviction. However. Would it be okay if a world that could not be saved by “goodness” met its complete ruinationー We are different than those that cannot overlook disarray. Our bond with Guda is righteous. But to defeat the “Alien God” is an even greater justice. Should there come a time wherein these two ideals need be weighed against each other…… We shall choose the heavier one, without hesitation. Such is the duty of an arbiter.  Sion: …… In short, you assert that this is a means to resist the bleaching of humanity? Shi Huangdi: It’s insurance, so to speak. We are a heavenly being that rules over the world of man. An invasion of earth by something inhuman is something We cannot forgive. In the event of Guda’s complete victory over the “Alien God,” We shall forget Our precautions as a needless anxiety. With the dismissal of all Singularities, We shall celebrate this victory of the people. Of course, that was the plan all along. Sion: Good grief. All this talk is hard to believe after seeing another Shi Huangdi who fell into the depths of their delusions at the end of their ambition just a little while ago.  (Agh, I really can’t recognize this person as Their Majesty The Emperor) Shi Huangdi: That is why We keep repeating it. Here We are, living,  2200 years after Our death. Our viewpoint has since changed, and Our worldly desires have perished. You shouldn’t look down on the mental state sainthood achieves.  ……In addition. Considering whether or not this insurance can go as smoothly as We had originally thought, We now possess a smidgeon of anxiety. In the first place, the arrangements for Reyshifting are in no way……  There is another matter that is displeasing. There is a faint smell of heresy. Da Vinci: Heresy? Like what? Shi Huangdi: From the beginning, you all easily saw through Us…… There is no reason why the other Crypters could not do the same thing. Holmes: I’ll tell you in advance that your caution is worthy of recognition. Since it doesn’t seem that you’ll resort to acting rashly. Shi Huangdi: If Guda and everyone else follows Our plan, everything will advance with a rock-solid formation~. Da Vinci: Ahaha. It’s impossible, so just give up. No matter what the reason is, strategies hinging on sacrifices won’t be approved. That goes doubly in Novum Chaldea. Otherwise such a victory would have no meaning. Holmes: ーHm. Although I do agree with some of Your Majesty’s thoughts…… As a matter of practicality, first and foremost must come the felling of the remaining Trees of Emptiness. So long as we have the invader, the “Alien God,” as a common enemy, I do hope our alliance will be maintained. Da Vinci: Yes, it’s safe to say that they bear no malicious intent toward Guda. However, Shi Huangdiー do not forget that we are keeping careful watch over your movements. If you do anything to make that child sad, I won’t forgive you, okay? Shi Huangdi: Then We shall say this. Heroic Spirits. That person is likely the next generation of mankind. We will surely be victorious, no matter what the cost. We shall not need to be roused again.
[in My Room]
Fou: Fou? Fooou! Mash: A- Are you okay, senpai? Did you get sick?
> No, I’m fine > For some strange reason, I got chills……
Mash: ……Okay. You don’t seem to be running a fever. Perhaps someone was talking about you, senpai.
> I hope they’re not saying anything weird…… > Hmm, it’s like I’m carrying a weight on my shoulders……
* EDIT: Shoutout to an anon for being the real MVP and alerting me that, aside from being a compound in Japanese, the kanji Shi Huangdi uses here are in reference to soul-types in Chinese philosophy. The concepts refer to two different souls that exist within the self, representing yin and yang, but I... don’t really want to turn this into a lesson, nor am I an expert (obviously. since I didn’t catch it while translating) so I’d recommend looking into it if curious/wanting to know more about our emperor!
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I’ve always been told, one day I’ll find someone who changes my mind but when they come along, I won’t think twice cause I already good thing with me, yeah I got everything I dreamed.” 
note: still looking for more MHA and Haikyuu!! character suggestions!! this is a bit long but I had fun with it so that’s why. if you want another anime with this scenario, dead ass lemme know, I’ll do it. 
them seeing you with someone else after your break up:
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Sakusa Kiyoomi: you end up with Bokuto 
the reason why you probably ended up with Bokuto was because of Sakusa’s germaphobic tendencies. 
with Sakusa not really being into going out much, the options of where to go out on dates was v. limited. you would offer to just go to a park and walk around, somewhere in the park that didn’t have a lot of people in the park but he didn’t like the idea and shot it down. 
it got to the point where you got tired of him constantly shooting down your date ideas and you were tired of having to bend over backwards for him and just broke it off. 
was Sakusa hurt? probably. but you tried to let him down smoothly and even tried to remain friends but he didn’t like that and cut complete contact with you. 
a few years passed when you ran into someone at a bakery. he had black and silver hair and the brightest personality you had ever seen. some stuff and things happened and you got his name and number. 
Bokuto had told you that he played professional volleyball and your mind immediately thought of Sakusa. you didn’t pay much attention to it so when Bokuto begged you to attend one of his games, he gave you a spare jersey and front row tickets. 
the professional volleyball scene was something someone had to experience at least once in their life. the crowd, the players, everything was turned up to eleven and it had been one of the funnest nights you had in a while. 
you had waved at Bokuto a few times but Sakusa hadn’t seen the interactions. it wasn’t until after the game when you met up with Bokuto when Sakusa realized everything. 
“hey Sakusa, how are you?” you asked him as Bakuto gave you a look, “you know him?” the owl eyed boy asked, “yeah, we dated in high school and bit in college but I guess you can see what happened,” you mentioned. 
Sakusa remained silent as Bokuto waved off the small jealousy, “it’s nice to see you again,” was all Sakusa said before heading to go take a shower. 
being that Sakusa and Bokuto had their social media accounts, he would see what went on that night and the photos he posted with you. videos of the two of you at a club with a few other players were on Bokuto’s Insta story but he couldn’t say anything. it had been years since the two of you broke up and it wasn’t his place. 
did it sting? yeah but what was it to him. he just had to deal that his teammate was now dating someone he once loved and that was that on that. 
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Haiba Lev: you end up with Kenma
oh, your break up with Lev probably had to do with his modeling career. your schedules didn’t add up and the two of you hardly seen each other. it was a lack of time and it was a mutual break up.
Lev was hurt that you were no longer with him but he understood that his career didn’t make time for you. he was upset and Alisa tried to introduce him to other girls but they weren’t you. 
Lev probably thought of you as his first and only love. 
as for you. you rekindled your relationship with Kenma out of genuine accidents. you would end up at the same stores Kenma would be at and the two of you exchanged numbers. one thing led to another and he added you onto his team.
the two of you tried to hide the relationship for a while and it worked for a bit but you knew that the relationship was going to get more serious and it was best to rip the bandaid off before it became too late. 
the fans of Kenma loved the two of you together. even if you weren’t together, you would end up on his streams every so often and just watch him play whatever game it was while answering questions, giving him playing advice, or even trying to learn how to the play the game he was playing. 
one day out of pure curiosity, Lev checked out one of Kenma’s streams. he had a bit of down time and wanted to see how successful his former teammate was. 
for a while, the stream was normal. Kenma was playing Minecraft and Lev was engrossed in the stream until he noticed the door opened. the stream went mute until a baby pink gamer chair was pulled up and you sat down next to him. 
Lev’s eyes widened as you gave Kenma a kiss and offered him advice on his Minecraft word (I’ve never played it before so ignore my ignorance). Alisa was able to see Lev’s sudden change in mood and looked over to see what caused it. when she made the connection, she sighed knowing her brother was probably going to be upset for a few hours now. 
she called off the rest of the photoshoot they were doing and told Lev to head home. all Lev could think of was how you would hold him the way you were holding Kenma. you ran your fingers through his long hair while answering questions from the fans.
Lev knew you weren’t a gamer. he tried to get you to play video games with him but you always denied but as he watched the stream, you would grab the controller from Lev and do something every so often.
fate was a dumb thing, Lev thought. the love of his life was happy in another relationship and there was not a single thing he could do. he knew he could always find another girl but none of them amounted to you. 
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Kuroo Testurou: you end up with Yaku 
this man was a WHORE in college. am I wrong? No. I don’t take criticism. he probably dated you during your time in college and during that time, he thought of you as another fling but that wasn’t exactly your thought on the relationship. 
the cause of the break up was probably because he cheated on you. you were done with him and you absolutely disgusted by his actions during your relationship. 
the way you dealt with that was by you going over seas to teach. under some odd circumstances, you happened to land a teaching gig in Russia and there you met Yaku. you didn’t have the slightest clue that those two were friends nor did Yaku ever bring it up. 
you found it odd how you ended up in another relationship with someone in the volleyball world but maybe that was your type. a relationship with Yaku was completely different than being with Kuroo. he prioritized your relationship and even offered to have you hold some position with the Cheegle’s so the two of you wouldn’t be apart for so long. 
you admittedly accepted it and taught the kids of the players who happened to travel along with him. Yaku was over the moon because of it and not even a year and a half in, the two of you married. it was super sudden but you said yes and held the ceremony back home.
because of the ceremony, it was like an unsanctioned Nekoma reunion. Lev, Kenma, Yamamoto, Taketora, and of course, Kuroo attended the marriage. Kuroo hadn’t gotten the fancy wedding invitation with your photo on it but he texted Yaku a few days before for the venue address.
the ceremony was huge but the thing that stopped Kuroo dead in the tracks was the huge photo of the two of you in the front of the venue. it was from your engagement photoshoot and it was like Kuroo’s life had turned upside down. the two of you being together, nevertheless married, was not what he seen coming. 
Nekoma players had a table separated for just them and their partners and when you both finally made rounds to thank everyone for coming, your eyes widened at the sight of your ex boyfriend sitting next to Lev. the two of you stare at each other, you with mild disgust and Kuroo with genuine surprise. 
the both of you figured it was best not to mention the past between the two of you to Yaku being that it was your wedding and the mention of a past relationship at this point was useless. you put your pride aside and quickly thanked Kuroo for coming to the wedding. 
what didn’t stop you was basically showing off your happiness with Yaku. this was your last hoorah before you completely shut Kuroo out of your life for good and made sure to kiss Yaku in the most civilized yet slightly sexual way. 
Kuroo was happy for the two of you because he knew Yaku was giving you the life you craved with him at some point. Kuroo was not ready to settle down yet however seeing you happily married kind of kicked him into gear. his bachelor days would have to end eventually and in the back of his mind, he thought that maybe he made a mistake by fully pushing you away. 
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Oikawa Tooru: you end up with Kageyama 
oh how fate worked in such weird ways, right? the two of you went to Seijoh together and when he left for Argentina, the two of you had to break it off. neither of you wanted to do distance and as much as that hurt, you were the one who made the first move and broke it up with him. 
Oikawa was BIG HURT but knew this was the right choice. the two of you tried to keep contact with each other but considering he lived and played in another part of the fucking world, the time never worked out and eventually, you both just gave up. 
okay so you met Kageyama when played with Schweiden. you were a reporter who happened to oh so catch the eye of Kageyama and he personally seeked you out after every game. what Kageyama thought would be a small fling was actually more of a crush. 
Kageyama finally grew a pair and asked you out. the two of you dated for about the time he played for the Adlers and up until he went to play in Italy. he asked you to come with him knowing that you were probably the only one he could ever see himself with and you agreed. 
the move to Italy was odd but you and Kageyama made it work. you got to know who his friends were in high school and that’s when Oikawa came up. when you broke the news that you used to attend Seijoh and actually dated Oikawa during your three years. he was admittedly surprised and even though there wasn’t any animosity, a pang of jealousy and hatred was still there and in the end, Kageyama snagged his girl and with that, he was hella proud. 
again under weird circumstances, the two of you ended up in Japan for a a volleyball thingy and with that, Oikawa had to be in attendance. 
you weren’t harboring feelings for Oikawa anymore and although you were 100% in love with Kageyama, seeing Oikawa made your heart race out of nervousness. you ended up dating his former enemy and you had no idea how he would take that. 
after Kageyama introduced you to his former teammates and his best friend, all of you sat down to talk amongst each other. you heard stories on top of stories of how Kageyama was like at Karasuno but what you weren’t prepared for was when you finally met up with Oikawa again.
you and Kageyama were secretly making out in the parking lot after the dinner thingy. he had you pinned up against the car and literally initiating sex right there but what stopped the two of you was the familiar voice to the two of you. Oikawa had sang Kageyama’s name and when Kageyama looked to see his former enemy, Oikawa’s eyes immediately shot at you. 
“are you the two of you?” Oikawa asked you as you nodded, “Kageyama and I? yeah, we are,” you replied extremely flustered, “how?” Oikawa asked again.
“we met when I played for Schweiden,” was all Kageyama said before he whispered to you to get in the car. you did what he asked and waved Oikawa off as the two men stared each other down. 
no matter how much those two grew up, there would still be that small animosity between them and like Kageyama had previously mentioned, he won Oikawa’s girl and for the moment, Kageyama finally one upped him. 
neither of them thought of you as some competition but Oikawa was still kinda in love with you so seeing you nearly having sex with Kageyama so openly, it triggered that small high school feeling. 
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tsukishima kei: you end up with Nishinoya
an odd pairing?? I know but when I was looking for gifs, those two oddly came up a lot together so I ran with it. okay back to what I was saying, you must’ve dated Tsukki in college, homeboy was not dating during his Karasuno years. 
the two of you were probably going really strong together but when an opportunity arose for you to go to Italy to do some interning there, you accepted and Tsukki was less than pleased. he thought it was irresponsible of you to make such a huge decision without his mild input. 
that decision caused for the two of you to fight like there was no tomorrow and broke up because of it. Tsukki thought what you did was irresponsible and you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. with that, you left for Italy and had no intention of paying mind to Tsukki or the argument. 
you met Nishinoya at a market. the two of you were in the same city as you interned in the same place Noya was fishing for Marlins at. you were picking up a few things for your apartment and your roommate at the time wanted you to get her a fish for her to cook later in the day. when that happened, you caught Noya’s eye and the two of you got to talking. 
his vibrant attitude was a complete 360 from Tsukki and even though he wasn’t exactly your type, you gave Noya a chance and managed to actually fall in love with him rather quickly. because of that, Noya managed to keep in contact with Tanaka and he found out. during that time, Karasuno was holding a get together for former players, brought to you by Daichi and Suga. 
you thought of the reunion as a way to visit everyone back home while Noya just wanted to see Tanaka and a few others again so the two of you went. again, you had no idea that Tsukki and Noya knew each other and when the day of the reunion came up, the three of you were S H O O K. the entire team was tbh. 
Tsukki probably never lost his smart mouth and when he seen that you were with Noya, you were ready to fight the 6′0 man without any consequences when he made a comment in passing. Noya had the mediate the entire interaction and said that the past was the past and you were with him now and Tsukki had no business in something that no longer included him. 
in the back of his mind, Tsukki knew what Noya was saying was right but his insecurities and ego wouldn’t let him back down. Noya loved you and although Tsukki was technically his friend, he was going to pick you over Tsukki any day of the week and the three of you probably had to end up being separate tables. 
because everyone was of age and there was alcohol being provided, you and Noya def got drunk along with Tanaka and admittedly Yachi and Hinata. the lot of you drank like there was no tomorrow and while Tsukki wanted nothing more than to continue his smart comments, he knew it was best to drop it and watched as you and Noya drank and danced together. 
Yamaguchi was able to tell that his best friend was hurting in the inside but he knew if he said anything, he would earn a smart comment. every time you and Noya kissed, Tsukki would make a disgusted face or straight up gag but anyone could tell that Tsukki was HELLA jealous. 
finally when the reunion ended, everyone who got drunk got sent to their hotels in cabs as you and Noya were basically blacked out and not even in the right stage to be driving home. you were hanging onto Noya as he placed kisses all over your face while you waited for the cab to arrive. 
Tsukki wanted to apologize for his actions but by the time he got to you and Noya, the two of you were already in the cab, probably making out and trying to get home as fast as possible. his mind wandered to the nights where you and him would go home drunk and do exactly what you and Noya were probably planning on doing. 
in the end, Tsukki knew there was no chance that you and him would ever become friends and in a way, he liked that. he was glad that you and Noya were living in another part of the world because it gave him enough time to get over you and find someone else. overall, the break up was rough but Tsukki knew that shit happens for a reason and maybe you weren’t meant to end up with him. 
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Akaashi Keiji: you end up with Konoha 
oh boy, this relationship was odd from the start. when you were dating Akaashi, you knew his teammate held feelings for you but at the time, you didn’t pay any mind to him and stuck with Akaashi as you were basically enthralled with him. 
the reason for the break up was probably college. both of you went to different ones and you figured it was just more beneficial for the two of you just to end it before anymore feelings got hurt in that process. it sucked but that was just the way life worked. 
you ended up meeting Konoha in Tokyo. you both were in the pharma business and worked in the same building, just different departments. you knew that Konoha would befriend you the minute he found out you worked at the same place he did so when you found his office, Konoha fucking ASCENDED when you told him. 
that day the two of you went out for drinks and that was assumedly the first date for the two of you. you found it odd how you ended up finding Konoha again but this time, there was nothing stopping from the two of you dating and Konoha made sure that he asked you out as soon as possible. 
Konoha and yourself made enough money by working in medicine that the two of you lived lavishly once you moved with each other. the house was placed a few minutes out of Tokyo and the house was big enough to hold a house warming party when it was done getting remodeled and furnished. 
you had pushed him to invite a few former Fukurodani members to attend the party and that included Bokuto, Akaashi, and Haruki to which they all came. Akaashi had heard from word of mouth that the two of you ended up together but he wanted to see it to believe it. 
when the party came up, you were wearing a dress, pretty tight fitting in the areas you wanted to flaunt and you knew that Konoha was going to have a ball taking the dress off of you when the party was over. plus, Konoha knew how to wear a suit well and you were planning on doing the same thing to him. 
as soon as the three Fukurodani members arrived, you sat them at the main two tables and made sure that you and Konoha would sit with them for the dinner. you wanted to catch up with your former friends but you were still a bit awkward around Akaashi. 
the awkward atmosphere wasn’t really felt around Konoha nor Haruki or Bokuto but you knew you wanted to get Akaashi alone to thank him for coming and making sure that there was no hard feelings between you, him, and Konoha. 
once you were able to get him alone, the two of you talked for a while and chatted about how work life was until Konoha found the two of you. while he trusted you completely, he didn’t have as much trust in Akaashi and decided to stay for the rest of the conversation. 
Akaashi understood where Konoha was coming from as he did the same thing with Konoha back in high school but he was already kind of over you and had no intentions of stealing you back. in a way, he liked you and Konoha together. he had no idea why but he did like it. 
he watched as you and Konoha would give each other pecks here and there but while he felt a pang of jealousy, ultimately, he wished the next time he seen either of you, he had that special someone in his life. just to show that he had moved on and that the three of you could start becoming friends again. 
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eponinemylove · 4 years
aftg tattoo/flower shop au
so it’s wymack’s parlor and he still technically runs it and everything but he’s tired most of the time and he lets kevin pretty much take over
kevin has almost no tattoos himself except one he got that he deeply regrets (in my mind it’s bc riko was his piece of shit ex boyf and pretty much made him get it, but however u want to imagine the backstory of this tattoo is up to you)
anyway he runs the shop with his dad. matt, renee, and seth all work there
andrew runs the flower shop around the corner (managed by betsy). he could not give less of a damn about the parlor tbh. he barely noticed it existed
he’s more of a piercings guy anyway but it’s not like he’s against tattoos
at least, he didn’t care about the parlor until him and renee became friends
i imagine they met at the flower shop when she came in and ordered some for allison. maybe they started seeing each other around more and more, and you know how andrew makes friends. he probably followed her to work one day and they went from there.
either way they’re besties and they work on the same block. so andrew goes in and out of the tattoo parlor fairly often to pick up renee or have lunch.
him and kevin obviously run into each other at some point, probably more often than not
at first they ignored each other’s presence but then andrew started to notice kevin
tattoo artist without (many) tattoos? interesting. he won’t talk about the tattoo he does have? very interesting. he flinched when someone dropped a glass of something and it shattered? now you have his attention
and of course kevin can’t help but notice the hot, 5-foot-nothing guy who comes in at least once a week to harass his patrons and distract his employees
both of which are definitely crimes andrew commits regularly around the parlor
andrew invites kevin out for drinks one night after they’ve been noticing each other for a while. it’s not flirtatious or romantic, but it does feel... weighted. kevin goes. renee and the others are there too, vaguely, but he still manages to end up spending most of the night alone with andrew
they talk. a lot. it’s really slow going because neither one of them particularly feels like talking, but they do. or they come to a mutual understanding at least
they have a weird relationship after that that none of kevin’s friends or andrews relatives can even pretend to understand, but you know what? whatever. they’re KevinAndAndrew
i don’t want to say they’re attached at the hip, but they totally are. anywhere kevin is, andrew follows, especially if kevin is drinking. and they’re not even nice to each other. that’s the confusing part for the others. just looking at them, you wouldn’t even think they were friends, much less maybe-kind of-dating?
so this goes on for a couple of months, and just when everyone thinks they’re getting used to it, neil comes in
literally no one was ready for him. he shows up at the tattoo parlor one day and just applies for a job. no resume, no interview. straight up walks up to the front desk and asks for a job
kevin wants to throw him on his ass but matt says the least they could do was interview the guy
(neil probably looks all kinds of a mess. not like insane or dirty, but just generally disheveled and exhausted and... neil. he looks like neil)
kevin still thinks this is a waste of time, but he lets neil show him what he’s got
no one was expecting neil, but they definitely weren’t expecting him to be so goddamn good
it’s hard to tell if he’s a natural or has actually had years of hardwork and practice, but he’s an amazing artist and he knows his way around a needle
so they hire him.
matt becomes quick friends with neil. seth and neil don’t get along, per se, but they’re almost the exact same brand of asshole so there is a sort of solidarity between them
renee obviously is nothing if not entirely pleasant to neil, but he still has issues trusting her
and kevin? well kevin kind of hates his newest hire
he complains to andrew about him nonstop. about how he’s stupidly talented and a complete bastard and gets along with people but in a chaotic sort of way that makes kevin anxious and annoyed and
kevin has a lot to say and andrew is more than inclined to listen
it’s a surprise to no one when andrew is in the parlor the next day, scoping out neil for himself
oh, and i should mention that neil has literally NO tattoos. not even one. (his mother would never allow something so easily recognizable)
neil barely notices andrew until he confronts him after his shift. i don’t know what he would say, but it would go pretty much like how their meeting went in the books, just probably without the racquet
a fight immediately breaks out that matt and kevin have to break up. renee knows better
yeah neil and andrew don’t get along
andrew is very interested though. so he does what andrew always does. he gets nosy. and personal. and mean
it takes him a surprisingly long time to find any information on neil. he thinks it might be a fake name and kevin assures him that it’s definitely likely, which helps exactly none.
eventually the only thing he manages to gather is that neil has one hell of a temper and could start a fight in an empty room. he also won’t take any shit from anyone, whether it’s from andrew or some random Karen screaming at one of his coworkers for giving her daughter a tattoo she didn’t approve of. he can and will tear someone to shreds, and as much as kevin hates it (“Neil that’s bad for business, you can’t verbally abuse the clients”), andrew is very amused
kevin secretly also really likes neil. it’s hard not to—he says everything kevin wouldn’t dream of and sees through all of kevin’s bullshit. also he’s ridiculously hot and incredibly good at his job, and there’s nothing kevin appreciates more than talent and competence
after, idk, a month? of getting nowhere to unraveling neil’s past, andrew invites him for drinks.
kevin is there of course and pre-approved the decision. matt comes along bc he doesn’t trust andrew in the slightest and he loves neil. renee is there to make sure no one actually gets murdered. seth just shows up bc he thinks something funny might happen, like another fight
not strictly relevant, but allison, dan, and nicky working at the bar/club they frequent??? a Concept.
andrew and kevin are both pretty surprised to find out that neil doesn’t drink. they try and “convince” him otherwise, but neil refuses and short of drugging him, there’s not really anything they can do
nothing really happens the first couple of hours. nicky flirts with neil a couple of times, neil doesn’t notice, the usual. things take a turn when neil spots kevin’s tattoo. other than that, the night was a bust
since this is an au, idgaf what’s in their past. reader interpretation, use ur imagination, go crazy. however, whatever kevin was involved with, neil was somehow tangled up in too. that part stays the same
he doesn’t mention it
he doesn’t mention it
he doesn’t mention it
and then, of course, he mentions it
it’s not on purpose or in anyway eloquent. they probably get into some sort of fight while closing up and it just slips out
there’s a moment of “oh shit”, the complete understanding that passes through the two of them
they don’t mention it
except they do, because andrew finds out
he and neil have a another “talk” bc yeah andrew might run the flower shop, but if neil brings trouble from kevin’s past back to him now, when he’s doing so much better, andrew can and will actually commit homicide
and that’s the start of their relationship!
well, no, not really. neil still takes a while to warm up to them, and a while longer to start feeling any sort of romantic attraction to them. and of course that’s after he realizes they’re even a couple, because trust me, with those two is always questionable whether or not they’re even friends. or acquaintances. or on speaking terms
also they have to eventually talk about everything. set boundaries, clear the air. neil gives them piece by piece looks into his past. it’s slow work, but it’s a little bit of trust given by someone who has never trusted anyone before.
yeah so anyways everyone thought KevinAndAndrew was confusing? well they don’t know what the fuck is going on with KevinAndAndrewAndNeil
what they do know is that kevin and neil do some of the best tattoos in the country. what they do know is that andrew and neil take smoke breaks together in the back alley, halfway between their two shops. what they do know is that andrew and kevin have adopted neil into their relationship and the three of them are so close-knit, it almost becomes impossible to find one away from the others at any given moment
what they do know is that at least twice a week, the short, blond, very scary flower-shop guy walks into a tattoo parlor and a 6-foot tall intimidating tattoo artist and 5’3 ginger with a sharp tongue and sharper attitude immediately stop what they’re doing and go meet him
that’s pretty much it. scary blonde who sells roses for a living falls for scary tattoo artist who doesn’t seem to believe in tattoos. both these idiots then fall for the (not at first glance) scary new guy who is obviously trouble, because this is a tatto/flower shop au, and everyone loves the broken badass with a heart of gold.
there’s something to be said here about the most intimidating and kick-ass power couple (throuple?) ever
also it’s funny bc based on appearances alone, everyone expects neil to run the flower shop, and kevin and andrew to do tattoos. boy are they in for a surprise though, because andrew knows every single flower you could ever think of sticking in a bouquet, and neil could operate a tattoo gun blindfolded
ALSO they all get matching tattoos at some point bc they’re idiots and in love and it probably has a whole crap ton of heartfelt meaning that i don’t want to explain bc i feel like i’ve rambled forever at this point and still said nothing significant
oh and neil 100% gives kevin a coverup, replacing his old tattoo with something else.
there’s all kinds of plants decorating the parlor courtesy of andrews shop, and neil and kevin design andrew’s logo
and betsy makes everyone flower crowns at some point. andrew refuses to acknowledge it i’m any way, but dutifully wears it regardless. neil wears it to work the entire day, and after hangs it in his office-thing. whatever tattoo parlors have. kevin straight up refuses to wear it but neil wears him down and he puts it on for like 20 minutes. there’s even pictures to prove it
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avatoh · 3 years
@notalwayslate : Hope I answered the prompt:
She caught his eye as soon as she walked into his shop, his head jerking up as soon as the bell over the door rang. 
Her name was Belle French and she was in town visiting her parents who owned the flower shop ‘Game of Thorns’ down the street. He had seen her around town a lot as of late; but he never quite had gotten the chance to talk to her since she’d been back, which was odd since they always had conversations that lasted for hours within a day or two of her arriving back into town. Her presence had been a yearly occurrence for nearly a decade, for as long as her parents, the older couple had lived in Storybrooke. Sometimes Belle was in town for as long as three months, sometimes she just stayed a week or two but she was always around during Christmas. 
He had first stumbled upon her when he was collecting rent at the flower shop about 8 years ago. She had been covering the counter while her parents were away and he still remembered the day as if it were yesterday. She had been trimming the stems off of a bushel of roses and making a huge bouquet, very intent in her work. He had been absolutely stunning. There was a ray of light shining into the shop, hitting her just right, highlighting her chestnut curls and eyelashes as she intently focused on her work. The moment had been all too surreal, like it was out of a dream or movie of some sort. He hesitated to walk closer, afraid of running the moment. He felt something stir inside him for the first time in a long time that day that would be the bud of almost a decade of on again, off again, pinning and emotional suffering; of the anguish of never quite finding the right words to tell her how he really felt.
They made a bit of a connection that first day as he and she exchanged a handful of words. She didn’t fear him and made him exercise his mind and trip over his words as they spoke. She caught him off guard and twisted his tongue and made him feel like she had the upper hand on him when it was usually him who had the upper hand on everybody else. One thing for sure was that she was a most peculiar woman.
Belle never stayed quite long enough for him to scare her off or to succumb to town gossip. “It’s nice to see you again Mr. Gold!” is always what she would say without fail when she came back into town. Being around her made him feel shy and she almost always caught him off guard, which was a super strange thing for him since usually he considered himself quite the guarded person. There was just something about her that made him stumble and feel quite like a fool.
There had been a number of attempts on his part to appear collected and resolute when talking to her, but always she said or spoke of things that made him take a long pause to think about his next words and even on a few occasions, she made him stutter, which was very unbecoming of him. Belle had a way with her words and a unique way of thinking that he admired. But he would be remiss to not notice that there was always some weird sort of tension and awkwardness between them whenever they spoke or interacted. He could have sworn that she liked trying to get the upper hand on him and for some reason, it didn’t annoy him in the slightest, simply because it was her.
“Miss French. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he said as she walked further into his shop.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to accompany me to the town hall Christmas ball on Sunday?”
“Excuse me?” She'd been back in town about a week, hadn’t spoken to him, hadn’t even waved to him or seen him in the street and now she was here in his show inviting him to a dance when they hadn’t acknowledged each other in 7 months. Was he hearing her correctly? “You’re inviting me to the Christmas dance? You know I never go.” 
“Maybe you can go this year. With me,” she added.
“Why?” he asked her cautiously.
“Why not?”
Once again she really had caught him off guard in the most unexpected way. “Very well,” he said without giving the proposal much of a second thought.
Belle quickly reached out her hand to shake his. “Alright. You can’t go back on your word now, we shook on it. Pick me up at 6 on Sunday.” She turned to leave. “Good to see you again, by the way.”
“You as well, Miss French.” He gave her a bit of a nod and found himself cracking a bit of a smile as she left, immediately feeling panic set in. He was going to be going to a dance with Belle. Why had she chosen him over all the men in Storybrooke, surely there were men more suited to her tastes that she probably had more in common with than him? He never went to the town gatherings, much less dances. What if this was an elaborate joke at his expense? She wouldn’t do that, he told himself, but this was still an odd thing to ask of him. He usually hated these sorts of things.
It was a Tuesday. He still had some time to think about her offer, still some time to back out to spend the evening alone. He didn’t hate Christmas and dances per-say, but a lot of people made a bigger deal about it than they should. Christmas was a fine holiday but all the Christmas movies, songs, the red and green, the oversaturation of it all seemed like a bit too much most of the time. It was a good time for his Pawnshop and Antiques business, he supposed.
This wasn’t a date: he had told himself this Tuesday night, a few hours after her invitation. This wasn’t a date, how could it be? They were just two acquaintances that saw each other every now and then who had nice conversations that he really looked forward to. They were friends of sorts, if he could even call it that. A date would mean that they had feelings for each other. He had admitted to himself years back that he did indeed have feelings for her, but she never gave so much of an indication that she did as well for him.
If he was going to be honest with himself, he didn’t give her really any indication that he liked her as well. She wasn’t even around all year round, she clearly had something to go back to. He remembered years back that once she brought up the fact she had a boyfriend, he wasn't sure if she still had one, but she could. He tried his best to not think of her like that following that occasion. Despite this, he always just seemed a wreck whenever she came into town, he would be fine then his world would completely change in an instant as soon as he laid eyes on her again. 
Every instance of them meeting for the first time in awhile was like how he felt the first time he had seen her. There was just something about her presence that just resonated with him and made him want to get to know here better. Getting to know her was a whole other story though. He was constantly choked up around her. And when he did open his mouth, every word and topic just seemed increasingly awkward and unlike him. He remembered their infamous chance meeting at Grannies Dinner 4 years back when he ranted about ketchup for a solid three minutes like the fool in love that he was. He was his own biggest annoyance and knew on Sunday he was going to be the most awkward man alive on the planet. Not that it mattered anyway.
The days ticked on and eventually Friday fell; he still hadn’t seen Belle since the incident, but he did keep an eye out for her when he was around town but he never happened to see her. Friday was the day he was due to collect rent at her parent’s Flower shop, he kept on thinking about what he would say if he saw her there. Something along the lines of, “See you on Sunday,” to confirm that they were indeed still on for Sunday but he had to say it in a way that wouldn’t look too over-eager, but still acknowledged that he was aware that they had a planned outing together.
Game of Thorns was next place to collect on his list and he was dreading and looking forward to the possibility of seeing Belle. She usually was around when he was there to collect rent and this is when they usually chatted. A coincidence, it probably was, but he couldn’t say for sure. 
He walked into the small shop and was met with Colette French at the counter. He frowned with disappointment, now this was odd. “Oh, Hello, Mr. Gold.”
“Hello, Mrs. French. I’ve come for the rent.”
“As usual,” Colette said, handing over a wad of cash in a folder that he slipped into his breast pocket.
“Thank you,” Gold said, about to leave.
“Mr. Gold,” Colette prompted, making him falter.
“Yes? What is it?”
“My daughter,” she said. “You are going to take her to the dance on Sunday, is that true? She’s very excited and won’t stop talking about it. Told me to say “hi” for her and that she’s sorry you two couldn’t have a chat today but she’s off with one of those friends of hers shopping for a dress.”
“Ah.” Gold paused, not expecting that.
“It’s just all so strange,” Colette said.
“What do you mean?” He had to keep his defenses up and at least address that last jab from Collette. 
“Oh, heavens, I mean nothing by the word ‘strange’, just poor choice of words; it’s just that she hardly talks about wanting to go out with single men nowadays and all the years I’ve lived here I’ve never once seen you go out with anyone…”
“You’ve never seen me go out with someone? Oh, I see That’s actually none of your concern.”
There was an awkwardness in the air, Colette opened her mouth to respond but he just left. So, Belle was telling her parents, or at least her mother that she was going to the dance with him, and that she was excited by it, no less. This was thrilling news, to be sure. He had felt a bit rude about how he responded to Collette French’s comment. That was what usually happened when people made comments about it being strange that people would want to spend time with him, ect. His words are what he used to defend and protect himself but they often hurt him more than they helped him. Being far too quick and curt with no sort of response back is probably how he had managed to shun and separate himself from most of Storybrooke society. Perhaps he’d apologize next time he saw the elder Mrs, French or just slip back some of the rent money. How he spoke to her was exactly why he was hated. It was probably a good thing he couldn't speak with his usually ferocity around Belle. 
The day of the ball, Gold could hardly work, usually he spent Sundays crunching numbers for his various enterprises, but he could hardly focus as the time ticked on. Ultimately, he had to call it a day a lot earlier than usual on account if not getting anything done. It would be better to focus on getting ready for the ball anyway. In the days prior, he had gotten his suit cleaned and  a small trim at the barbers, all he had to do was decide between the two ties he was thinking of then pick out a complimentary pocket square to complete the look.
He was ready and dressed quite early and was just sitting there in his suit hours before he needed to be.The thought of drinking crossed his mind, but he forwent that idea. The minutes ticked by and soon it was only a half hour until he was due to pickup Belle. He could hardly wait any longer and decided that he would head over early. Hopefully he wouldn’t be such a nervous wreck once he saw her. He had practically been panicking for hours and it was quite unbecoming of him; she shouldn’t see him like that.
Gold arrived at “Game of Thorns’ and the house that was attached to it to find the building quite empty. No lights, no sign of movement. Gold had gone around back to the house and fear crept in his mind once again. What if Colette French were to open the door and was mad at him for the way he spoke to her? He’d have to apologize and then explain to Belle how he had been awful to her mother and l undeserving of her, it's what he should do regardless if the woman opened the door or not. What if Maurice French opened the door and didn’t expect to see him there or know that he was taking his daughter to the ball? The man would probably never forgive him for that. He crossed his fingers as he knocked on the door, hopping not to have to deal with more awkwardness than Belle.
“Just a minute!” he heard Belle’s voice call out to his relief. Her reply was accompanied by a few loud thuds and a sound of clattering. Belle opened the door a few moments later and she looked gorgeous. “Come on in, I’m just finishing my makeup.”
He hesitated at the threshold. “If you don’t mind, I think I rather-”
“Nonsense!” Belle pulled him in. “Nobody else is home anyway, if that’s what you’re worried about. Please sit, it’s far too cold outside and I’ll only be a moment longer.” She disappeared into the next room over. Gold looked around. He had been in this house and room a few times while collecting rent, but he mostly did his collecting in the attached flower shop. It had changed since he had last seen it. He didn’t know whether to keep his eyes transfixed on an object in front of him or to allow himself to look around. He stayed mainly focused at the wall in front of him but started to look around as the minutes ticked on.
Belle had shocked him so much when he met her at the door. She had dressed up considerably, he couldn’t really remember seeing her pull out all the belles and whistles like this, even at the previous dances that he had only seen in passing. She was stunning regularly but now she had on jewelry, a nice rose scented perfume, and the most gorgeous satin green dress that most certainly made him feel things. Once again, she had left him speechless and in awe of her.
Belle had been a little longer than five minutes when she finally came out again. This time she had a shawl on and had finished her makeup. Her lips were candy apple red but looked more delectable than the sweet treat itself. “Sorry, I took a little longer than I expected,” she said a little sheepishly. 
Gold was up on his feet in a fraction of a second. “No worries.” He should tell her how beautiful she looks, he thought. “You look stunning,” he said quickly before realizing that the words had left his mouth.
“Oh, thank you. You look quite dashing yourself. It looks like we match too.” 
He looked down at his tie and pocket square which complimented her dress and bright red lips and was glad that he had chosen this ensemble. “It appears so.”
Belle let out a little laugh. “It’s good to chat with you again Mr. Gold. How about we finish catching up in the car?”
The ride to the ball couldn’t have felt shorter. 
It was a good 15 minutes to the town hall with the roads he took but the two of them were still comfortably chatting in the car 15 minutes after they had parked. Most of the awkwardness had melted away and the two of them had gotten to talk with one another, uninterrupted, awkwardly, longer than they had ever before. It was nice and the conversation flowed smoothly.
“Is there a reason that you decided to go to the ball with me, Belle?” he asked her. It had been the question on his mind, after all.
“Well, I wanted some arm candy to keep me company,” she teased. A false answer.
That was immediately when he became a mess again, stumbling over his words until he finally said they should probably get going and get to the dance. His confidence continued to falter as he felt that all eyes were on them. “Gold and her!? That poor girl,” he heard somebody say. Perhaps it was even what he deserved to hear, but it was something he wouldn’t stand for. He snapped back his head in the direction of the voice but couldn’t tell who it came from as everyone in the vicinity shrunk back in recoil. He was about to open up his mouth and shout at them when he felt Belle’s hand rest on his elbow, pulling him back.
“Don’t mind them. Please, let’s continue on.”
He felt his anger melt right out of his body. “Ok,” he said plainly. He was then introduced to some of Belle’s friends, women around her age and perhaps around his age who he had seen around town but hadn’t really talked to before due to not having any business dealings with him. They were polite, welcoming, and nice to both of them. They stood gathered in a group with them for about an hour before people began to break off and dance or mingle elsewhere. His leg being the way it was made him a clumsy dancer and he had spent the previous week hoping that she wouldn’t actually ask him to dance at the dance but knew the question would probably be unavoidable.
After the conversation with the group had filtered out and only a few of the uncoupled people they were talking to remained, he suggested out loud that Belle take one of them out on the dancefloor so he wouldn’t have to. Despite wanting to stay in her company, she did deserve to have a bit of fun for herself. “Oh, I was hoping to dance with you if that’s something you’re interested in?”
Gold shook his head. “I have two left feet and don’t make a great dance partner,” he said as he tapped his cane on the ground for emphasis.
“Does it hurt you to dance?”
“You just don’t want to?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “It’s just been quite awhile and I can’t quite move certain ways or as fast as my partner.”
“Oh,” Belle said. “I don’t mind that at all. Would you be willing to try a slower song?”
“I’ll think about it, if the opportunity arises.” Not but one song later, the tempo of the new song signaled her to ask again, He reluctantly agreed to dance with her. She made him give in so easily. They danced to two songs before they retired to an alcove alone.
“That was fun.”
“It was,” Gold agreed. “But I need a bit of a break now.”
“That’s understandable, I’m a bit tired myself.”
They sat looking out at the crowd.
“Thank you,” Gold said. 
“What for.”
“I- thank you for your company. I don’t really go to these sorts of things but I had fun tonight.”
“I did too, but the night’s not over.”
“True. But every time I see you, time feels too short. You always leave just when-”
“Just when what?”
“Just when I think you’re going to stay and grow used to your company.”
“I’m leaving the first week of the New Year. There’s still some time left.”
“But I want to get to know you better, have for years,” Gold said. “I-” he paused, fighting through the next few words. “Even though you are only going to be here a bit longer, would you consider going out with me again?”
“On a date?” Belle asked.
“Yes. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take you out on a date.”
“I’d like that very much Mr. Gold. I never thought  you’d ask; that’s why i thought I’d be the one to ask you first, here.”
Gold flushed. “Is this a…”
“Well it didn’t have to be.” Belle was equally as red. “But I liked to think it was, and is, if you don’t mind. Each year I hoped you would ask me, but you never did, so it had to be me to ask you now. I- There’s something about you. From the moment I saw you I just couldn’t get over you and I'd like to get to know you better as well. I want to learn more about you and grow used to you if you’ll permit it.”
“Merry Christmas,” Belle said, bringing her face closer towards his for a kiss.
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Scratch (Frederik Andersen Imagine)
The 100 followers imagine, posted at 11:30pm because it’s quarantine and time isn’t real.
Rating: T
Pairing: Frederik Anderson/Reader
Warnings: none
Requested: yes/no
Summary: You volunteer at an animal shelter outside of Toronto and make an unlikely friend.
Volunteering at an animal shelter is somehow both better and worse than people seem to think it is. Worse because people seem to assume that all you do is sit around and play with animals all day, completely ignorant of all the hard work that goes into caring for animals on a somewhat large scale- and definitely unaware of how much paperwork is involved in the adoption process. Better because not only do you get to play with animals sometimes, but you get to celebrate when they get adopted. Like this morning when a pitbull who’s been at the shelter for longer than you have finally found a home. She was the sweetest little lady with the most beautiful brindle coat, and she always had some kisses to spare for anyone who spent time with her. Guess you’ll have to get your kisses somewhere else, now.
That’s been the highlight of your day so far, which has otherwise been pretty boring.Two families had come in to look at the dogs this morning, and a couple teenagers wanted to see the litter of kittens that had been born a few days back, but overall you were less busy than usual. You were just finishing up swiffering the pet hair off the lobby floor when the door opened, and you thank whoever may be watching over you for postponing cleaning the cats crates. The new arrival from Tuesday has been spraying ever since and you’re not looking forward to seeing what mess she’s made this time. You wipe your hands on your jeans and get some sanitizer from the counter before turning to greet the visitor, already halfway through your greeting spiel by time you look up (and up, and up) and see who it is. Only by the grace of habit do you manage to finish what you’re saying, because that’s a whole lot of man and you might be a bit dumb struck that a Leafs player just walked into this little shelter.
“Hi,” he greets, deceptively soft for someone his size, offering a hand for you to shake, “I’m Freddie, I’m looking to adopt.” You shake his hand politely, refusing to get caught up in how rough and warm it is. If he’s looking to adopt, you’ve got a job to do. You’re sure he has the financial means to adopt, but you’re a little iffy on how much time he spends away from home, if you’re being honest. But plenty of hockey players have pets and take good care of them, apparently, so you’ll worry about that later. Plus your boss will probably grill him within an inch of his life to make sure he’s a proper home anyway, and she has good instincts about that kind of thing. So right now all you have to do is introduce him to the residents.
“Great!” you reply, “I’m Y/N, I’ll help you out. Do you know what you’re looking for?” Some people come in with an idea in their minds of exactly what they’re looking for, others have a general idea, and some just know that their apartment is big and lonely.
“Ah, not really,” he seems a bit sheepish, so you’re assuming he’s definitely the third kind, “Just figured I could look around and see?” You’re still trying to get read on him and what he may like, but it’s still pretty open.
“Definitely,” you say, beckoning him to follow you as you start toward the back, “Did you want to look at cats, dogs, or both?” You nod to Steph, the receptionist, as you pass, and she gives you a wide-eyed look and mouths “what the fuck” in return.
“Both, please,” he responds, and Steph’s reaction had almost made you forget what you’d even asked. You give an “of course” and decide to start with dogs. Most hockey guys (and guys in general) went for dogs, and it’s better not to disturb the cats if you don’t have to.
“Do you have any breed restrictions?” You ask as you push open the heavy door to the dog section. Each dog has their own space indoors, connected to a small grassy outdoor area so they can get air and exercise. It’ll be easier if he has some type of guidelines; otherwise you’ll be looking at every animal in the place.
“No,” he says. All right, looking at every animal, it is. Not that you’re complaining about having to spend more time with him, or watching him play with pets, but your hearts been racing since you saw him standing in the doorway and you’re not entirely convinced you’re not going to have a heart attack. Nonetheless, you walk him down to the end of the section, going just slow enough so that he can get a first look at the residents and you can catalog who his eyes linger on for reference.
The bigger dogs stay in the back, so people who are afraid of them don’t have to walk past. You start introducing them, giving Freddy little tidbits of information about the ones he looks closer at. He takes pretty well to a retriever, letting her smell him through the fence and lick his fingers, but he still moves on to the next after a few minutes. You do your best to discreetly write down her name in the notepad from your back pocket as he greets a boxer, not willing to risk forgetting any possible matches he may want to see later. The dogs get smaller as you go along and he seems to do a little better with them, relaxing into the process of greeting. He listens intently to everything you tell him, asking questions here and there. You’re surprised how quiet and gentle he is, how careful with the dogs. It’s not really a shy or insecure way about him, just a calm confidence that sets you at ease despite the way your heart had been racing at first.
“Do you still want to see the cats?” You ask, once you’ve made your way through the halls of dogs. He nods and says “please”, following easily as you lead him back toward the obnoxiously heavy door. Before you can even get a hand on the door, he’s reaching past you to push it open one-handed. He’s taken off his coat somewhere along the way, and you spent the last 15 minutes staunchly refusing to acknowledge his mostly bear arms and when he fills out his T-shirt, and effort which is now for nothing. It’s kind of impossible not to notice the flex of thickly corded muscle under his smooth skin when it’s right in your face, and it’s all you can do to mumble a “thank you” and scurry through the door before you get caught staring. Maybe you walk a little too quickly around the corner to the cat room, but you hardly think you can be blamed. Okay. Deep breath. Move on.
You tackle the cats the same way you had the dogs, introducing them one by one. Then you let him wander the room a bit, examining the cats and letting them sniff his fingers cautiously, careful not to stick them into the crate until the cat has brushed up against the metal to invite it.
“So, how long have you worked here?” He asks suddenly, not looking away from the tabby he’s trying to coax out of the corner of her cage. You startle just the slightest at the unexpected sound, but shake it off.
“Little over two years,” you respond. It hasn’t been too long, but you know what you’re talking about, it that’s his concern. He gives you an inscrutable look that morphs into a small smile, before he turns his attention back to the Tabby, who has ventured out far enough to sniff him, if she stretches. He keeps on like that for a bit, asking more questions about yourself instead of the animals, slowly shifting more and more of his attention to you. You answer as much as you’re comfortable, which is more than you usually would be, for some reason.
“I’m sure it gets you attention on dates,” he says, “Working here, I mean.” The question itself is enough to throw you off, but the look that accompanies it has your face heating as you turn away, flustered. What does it matter to him? Like yeah, people tended to think it was cute, but that usually lasted up until they realized this was volunteer, which means you also have a normal paying job, which means you don’t have a whole lot of time to devote to a relationship. Not that you wouldn’t mind a relationship, just. People get weird when you spend more time cleaning up cat shit than hanging out with them. Probably fair.
“Kind of,” you laugh the littlest bit. You’re not sure you want to explain it to him, but he looks so genuinely interested that you can’t stop yourself. He listens intently, nodding in understanding.
“It can be the same for me, too,” he says after you finished. Oh shit, right. Professional hockey player. His schedule probably makes yours look like a vacation. He doesn’t talk like that, though, drawing comparisons between the two of you as if you were equal. It’s an improvement over your lawyer ex-boyfriend who had decided your “silly pet project” was nothing and insisted you change your entire schedule so you could spend more time with him and at home, cooking and cleaning. Needless to say, you dropped him rather than the shelter.
“Do you want to hold any of them?” You ask an indeterminate amount of time later, realizing you’d both just been talking to each other for who knows how long, rather than finding him a match. He agrees, asking for the Tabby he’s been coaxing out. She’s been here longer than you have, too shy and distrustful for most peoples tastes. Not many people care to put in the time and effort to get her to trust them, especially as she’s gotten older. You’re one of the few that’s allowed to handle her, because she’ll claw up anyone but you and your boss by trying to get away from them. You’re not sure you want to risk bringing her out, but she immediately comes to the front of the crate when he approaches, so hopefully it’ll be okay. Freddie doesn’t seem like the type to freak out and, like, sue if he gets scratched, anyway.
You unlock the crate and carefully take her out, making sure she’s cradled safely in your arms like she prefers,  motioning with your head for Freddie to follow you into the next room. This one is carpeted and scattered with cat toys and cozy chairs, meant to be comfortable for people to get acquainted with the cats before they make a final decision. Sometimes you just take cats in here to give them some time to run around and play, especially the ones who have been here longer and don’t get considered much anymore. You squat down low to put her down, not keen on her jumping down and scratching you up on the way. She rubs up against your legs as you stand, making her way over to Freddie to do the same.
“She’s never liked anyone this much before,” you comment as he slowly sits on the floor, smiling at Alice and scratching behind her ears.
“I like her too,” he replies. He looks up to give you a dazzling smile when Alice climbs into his lap, nudging his hand with her head until he resumes petting her. You’ve never seen her like this with anyone, and you’re not sure if you were jealous that she talk to him so quickly or that she gets to sit in his lap. Either way, you sit cross legged across from him to supervise. Alice comes over to get some attention from you as well, purring like a motorboat all the while.
“So, what’s your favorite movie?” He asked after a moment, watching intently when you look up from Alice. The two of you get caught up in talking again as Alice has the time of her life going back-and-forth between your laps. You’re engrossed in the story Freddie is telling about Mitch Marner and a bath bomb when the door opens just enough for Steph to peek in, ripping you out of whatever little bubble the three of you had been in. You’re expecting Alice to bolt across the room to hide in the corner, but instead she hunkers down in Freddie’s lap and hisses. Interesting.
“Hey Y/N ,” Steph says, “It’s two, do you want me to take over so you can go?” How was it two already? Damn, you really had lost track of time. You looked at Freddie and then back to Steph, suddenly feeling every bit like you’ve woken up at 5 AM on your day off and worked seven hours, which you did. But if Alice is finally going to find a forever home, you want to get a chance to say goodbye. But Freddie still has to talk to your manager and fill out all the paperwork, and you’re so fucking ready for a nap. And anyway, he’ll probably have to come back to pick her up tomorrow anyway, with how your boss likes to make sure people are completely certain before taking an animal.
“Y/N?” Steph calls you again. It snaps you out of your thoughts and you reply without thinking about it.
“Yeah, thank you,” you say, not happy to let this experience go, but knowing it’s for the best. Freddie stands when you do, Alice cradled in his arms. Steph introduces herself and puts Alice back in her cage, suffering a small scratch along the way. Freddie follows you back out to the front in silence, walking much closer than he had when he’d gotten here. You duck behind the front desk to grab your things, and are more than a bit surprised to see Freddie still standing on the other side of the counter once you’ve got your bag and coat in hand.
“Thank you for showing me around,” he says politely, looking a bit more subdued than he had just five minutes ago. Then again, you feel the same.
“Yeah, of course,” you reply easily, “My pleasure.” And you mean it. Usually when you say that it’s just out of habit or manners, but you’d actually had quite a bit of fun today. The two of you stand there silently for a probably too long stretch of time, neither quite willing to let this end. Finally, you make a decision and tear yourself away from where you’d gotten lost in his eyes. You grab a post it note and pen from behind the desk and scribble your name and number on it, because fuck it. Once in a lifetime, and all that. And if you’re wrong, no harm no foul, right?
“Let me know how it works out with Alice?” You request, handing him the note with a small smile. You really do want to know how it works out with her, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t mostly a selfish endeavor. His face lights up when he looks at the paper, smile firmly in place when he looks back to you.
“I will,” he says, a promise you’re sure he’ll keep. He folds the note in careful thirds, letting the adhesive strip hold it shut as he slips it into his pocket. Your heart is racing again, but in a much better way this time.
“Anyway, I should get going,” you say, extending a hand for him to shake, “It was nice meeting you.” He looks at your hand for a moment before turning his gaze back to your face, painfully deliberate when he takes your hand in his own and shakes it twice, lingers until you can’t help but think about how big and warm his hand is around yours. You both drop the hold at the same time, and Freddie’s smile returns, much softer this time.
“See you around, Y/N,” he says, and he will, if you have anything to say about it. Your boss comes in as you’re shrugging on your coat, and you watch him turn a bit more professional, greeting her and shaking her hand briskly. You throw your bag over your shoulder and dig out your keys before heading out the door, one more glance over your shoulder in case this is the last time you see him. He’s already looking.
Once in your car, waiting for it to warm up, you let out a sound that had been trapped in your chest since he came in, and rest your head on the freezing steering wheel. Holy shit. You just gave Freddie Andersen your phone number. You flirted with Freddie Andersen and then gave him your number. Alice provides some plausible deniability, but you’re pretty sure you both know what this is really about. You think about it the entire drive home, considering what to do if he actually does text you, and how to not seem like you have a pathetic schoolgirl crush on him even though you do, and how he had been the one to initiate non-pet-related conversation, and if that means as much as you think it does, and a million other things. You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t think to check your phone until you get through your front door, which is probably good for traffic safety, but whatever. You force yourself to hang up your coat, put away your bag, and take off your shoes at the door before daring to touch your phone at all.
Well, it’s only been like half an hour, so that’s reasonable, right? He’d just gone into a meeting when you left, so he’s probably just still busy. Yeah. You’re actually tired, so you settle in for a nap before dinner. Maybe you toss and turn for longer than usual, and maybe you dream of tabby cats and empty inboxes, but no one can prove any of that.
You wake up groggy after the sun has set, though that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s particularly late, this time of year. The clock beside your bed says it’s not even six yet, which isn’t bad at all. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, wondering what you should get your brother for his birthday and not coming up with anything good, you haul yourself out of bed to make dinner. The plan had been to heat up some leftovers, but you’re kind of in the mood to do something with your hands right now, so you make some chicken and rice and green beans. Typically you would be listening to music as you cook, but you left your phone in your room, so you just sing little snatches of whatever songs come to mind.
After a dinner eaten while not-really-watching some show on Netflix your friend had suggested, you go back to your room. Maybe you should just go to bed early tonight. It’s not like you have anything else to do, or even really want to do anything. Luckily, you’re still in your sleep clothes from your nap, so you just cuddle back up in bed and habitually grab your phone to scroll social media for a bit before bed. Maybe you should read some more of that book you haven’t touched since last week. Except there’s a message from an unknown number amongst your notifications, and you don’t even consider anything before immediately opening it.
Hey Y/N it’s Freddie from the shelter. Thanks for your help today.
Okay, this is fine. This is totally cool, and you’re not clutching your phone to your chest like a teenager.
You’re welcome! Did it work out with Alice?
You’re expecting to have to wait again, because guys are like that when it comes to texting, but his response only takes a minute or two.
Yes, they said I can pick her up tomorrow
There’s a little smiley at the end, which you aren’t expecting from such a seemingly serious guy. The grey bubble with dots pops up and vanishes, comes back a second later and is replaced by a message.
Will you be there?
You won’t, because Sunday is your one true “day off” every week, but you find yourself considering showing up anyway.
No, it’s my day off
You tack on a :/ face, making sure it doesn’t get replaced with an emoji, because everyone knows nothing conveys the emotion of :/ . Again the dots pop up and disappear, over and over. You’re starting to think it’s just a glitch when it stops, but nothing comes through for long moments.
You could come visit her at mine some time, if you wanted. I’m sure she’ll miss you.
Alright, cool. Cool cool cool, totally not a big deal, everything is chill. You’re not screaming into your pillow at all, not even a little bit. Okay. It takes a moment to collect yourself and figure out what the fuck to say to that, but you don’t want him to think you don’t want that, so you eventually give up and press send with whatever’s in the text field.
Sure! I’ll miss her too.
And maybe when you say “I’ll miss her too” what you mean is “I’ll miss you”, but no jury could convict you. You’ve known him for a day and you already know he’s going to be stuck in your brain for a long time.
How’s Friday? I could make dinner.
That’s like. That’s definitely a date, right? Like this is all a very thinly veiled excuse for a date. You’re like 98% sure. And even if it isn’t, you’ll still get to see Alice, so it works out either way. You agree to Friday and a time, chatting a bit afterward about nothing in particular. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, looking forward to Friday, whatever it may be.
When he kisses you good night a few days later, you figure yeah, definitely a date.
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sophiabsh · 3 years
𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 // bushvill
Characters: Sophia Bush & Henry Cavill ( @henrycavillx ) Setting: South Kensington, London Date: April 15th, 2021 TW: None Summary: What seemed like a normal night out for two best friends, quickly turned out into something different when paparazzi interrupted Sophia and Henry’s evening with flashing cameras and questions about their relationship, which eventually led to both actors confessing their feelings for each other.
Henry —
after his last text to Sophia, Henry hadn't though she would honestly show up but not even two days later the woman was walking into his home in London pulling a bag behind her. looking like she was moving in, instead of just being there for a few days. he was happy she was there, though he was worried that she had taken time off from her filming to come. that wasn't something that he wanted, not in the least, but then again he wasn't going to complain either. she had taken time out of her busy schedule to visit him - and his mum - when she could have been doing anything else. "hey, do you want dessert?" he questioned, folding the menu that he had been looking over. there had been a pie that his eyes kept getting caught on but if his best friend and potential 'more than friend' - eventually - wasn't wanting anything, then he wasn't going to get anything either. "what do you want to do after we leave? is there anything you want to see? anything you want to do?" his mind began going over a few places that he could take her that he loved, places that his mum used to take him when he was younger and he brought Kal to all the time. though, this time would be different, he'd be going with a human and not his furry best friend.
Sophia —
After receiving Henry's text a few days ago inviting her to come to London, Sophia hadn't thought twice and had booked a flight. Yes, she was currently filming season two of Love, Victor and still had some interview scheduled for Work in Progress but her scenes for the show weren't due yet and the good thing about being your own boss when it came to her podcast is that she could rearrange the schedule to her convenience. So, no she hadn't regretted her decision in the slightest,  especially now that they were sitting at a restaurant that could potentially become one of her favorites given the many mini orgasms in her mouth she had felt with the four-course meal they had just finished. "God, everything in me is telling me that yes, I should have dessert but I think I'm going to pass, otherwise I won't be able to get up from this table." The brunette said with a soft chuckle as she took a sip of her chardonnay. Upon listening to Henry's follow-up question, Sophia turned to him with a small smile, "I know it might be a little late.. BUT I've always wanted to go to the Peter Pan statue at the Kensington Gardens and I've never had the chance to go whenever I am here, so.. there?"
Henry — 
tilting his head to the side, Henry couldn't help but grin at her suggestion. "so Wendy wants to go to Neverland after all?" the older male asked with a soft laugh, nodding his head as he raised his hand to call for their check. "it's never too late in London, darling, so we'll definitely go there. how about, instead of getting a dessert here, we find a vender closer to the statue and get ice cream?" if there was one thing he knew about Sophia, it was that she enjoyed ice cream and who could blame her? when you were over the pond, you couldn't deny yourself the pleasure of having one of a kind ice cream that only Londoners could make better than anywhere else in the world. "did you have a nice time here?" he had watched her eat her food, her eyes closing from time to time and a smile gracing her lips. so he needed to know for sure, not just a guess, that she enjoyed the restaurant and the food. the atmosphere was quiet, it was quaint and it was one of his favorite places to go to when he was in the area. Henry knew the owner by name and they had been given a free bottle of wine along with the best table in the whole place.
Sophia — 
at his comment, Sophia let out a chuckle as she nodded her head firmly, "Wendy wants to get lost in Neverland." She stated, focusing on those baby blue eyes she had grown so accustomed to. "Now it sounds like a plan, and I don't think there's anything better than street ice cream in London." The brunette stated as-a-matter-of-factly. "I did, you know how much of a foodie I am, my relationship with food is the longest and most stable relationship I've ever had." Sophia said with a soft chuckle as she extended her arm over the table so she could grab Henry's hand. "So thank you, everything was wonderful. I know you had to pull some strings to get us a reservation -- even though you'll say no, I'll find a way to return the favor and don't argue with me on this, you should know better by now." The actress smirked, as she started tracing patterns on the back of Henry's hand with her middle finger.  "Did I tell you that your mom and I are having brunch tomorrow?" Sophia said casually, finishing the rest of her chardonnay. "It's a girls day, so.. you're kind of not invited but you can have my undivided attention afterward."
Henry — 
dark eyebrows rose over blue eyes at her words and he chewed on his lower lip. "don't you mean your second longest and most stable relationship? what am i? chopped liver?" a small smirk appeared on his lips before sliding his fingers through hers once she took his hand, rolling his eyes at her. he hadn't had to pull that many strings - a few, sure - but it had been worth it to see her have a good time. "i'm not going to argue but only because i want to see what you're going to come up with to make it up to me," his lips turned up into a broad smile before he blinked his eyes a few time. they were having brunch without him? hm, he wasn't sure if that was going to be a good or bad thing but he shook his head all the same. "i didn't know that, so thanks for the heads up to stay clear of all of the apartments that i usually frequent. what do you two have planned? spa day? shopping?" the male was curious and much too happy about the fact that Sophia was going to have a day that was just her and his mum. his mum loved his best friend just as much as he did.
Sophia — 
Sophia couldn't help to roll her eyes, playfully, at his words, "second longest and most stable relationship." She clarified while shaking her head in the process. "happy now?" sophia challenged, raising both of her brows. But she knew Henry was right, even if their relationship hadn't been a romantic one, it had been the longest one the actress had ever had. They had been each other's lives for over a decade and it was safe to say that she simply couldn't imagine her life without Henry's annoying ways in it. "I'm trying to decide if I want to make you wait for it or simply give it to you..." Sophia said vaguely, shrugging her shoulders as she placed a lock of her wavy brunette hair behind her ear, with her free hand. "How patient would you say you are?" She pressed, trying not to smirk, but it had been an impossible task. "Can't tell you, that's between Marianne and myself." Sophia gave him an innocent smile before her eyes darted to the main entrance. "Should we head out? Wendy is dying to meet with Peter Pan." She said, with a soft chuckle.
Henry — 
"good girl," he spoke up while patting her hand and smiling as the waiter that had waited on them that night came over to hand the check to him, he put money inside and told him to keep the change. "i'm always happy," which was true, especially lately since he had been able to spend more time with Sophia now that they had talked through everything through the other day. being away from her for two months had nearly destroyed him, even though he'd never admit that out loud to her. having her with him now was making him happier then she'd ever know. "hmm," he pursed his lips at her question as he stood up and let go of her hand for a moment. "i can be patient most of the time but this is something i'm going to want, right?" his head tilted to the side again, walking behind her so that he could pull her chair out for her to stand. "that's plain rude," he chuckled out before taking her hand again and starting to walk towards the exit. "yes, Wendy, we're going to meet your one true love. or was that Tinkerbell? either way, soon you will be reunited with Peter and probably leave me. which will break my heart but i suppose i can let you go - for true love."
Sophia — 
"Good girl?" Sophia repeated with a small smirk while raising one of her perfectly done eyebrows. "You've said that to me before but in a very very different context." The actress said vaguely wondering if he would indeed catch her hidden innuendo. "I'm happier when you're around... as cheesy as that sounds." The brunette rolled her eyes at herself, but kept a smile plastered on her features. It was true, she was her happiest when Henry was around. He understood her in a way that no one else did, he made her laugh like no one else did, he made her feel safe... and lately, he was making her feel wanted which was a feeling that she had experienced in quite a long time. "Mhm, you'll definitely want this." Sophia said looking over her shoulder at him when he was pulling out the chair for her. She stood up and chuckled, "How is that plain rude? I told you I'm giving you my undivided attention afterwards." The actress welcomed his hand and laced their fingers as if it were the most normal thing for two... best friends? "What if you're my actual Peter Pan?" She considered, "You're a child half the time especially with your video games..." Sophia muttered as they walked outside the restaurant, and just when she was about to elaborate she was blinded by a wave of camera flashes and people yelling both of their names.  What on earth.. "Henry." Sophia was used to the paparazzi but not in this crazy amount.
Henry — 
if Henry would have been taking a drink or chewing on food, he would have choked in that moment with her comment. holy shit, he thought to himself before letting out a loud laugh. "well, your mouth.." no, he wasn't going to go there and walk around with a hard on for the rest of the night, that wasn't going to be good and extremely painful for him. "you are being cheesy and that makes it even better. go on, now, tell me more about how happy i make you when i'm around" this night was turning out to be a night of truths and he wasn't against it. "then i can be a very patient man," he let out before frowning when she said his name, right before he was going to comment on her saying that she'd give him her undivided attention after the outing with his mum. "i can't actually fl-" he started then moved so that he was shielding her from the camera flashes, from the voices that were calling out to them, asking questions that weren't any of their business. "of all the places.." Henry started before saying 'excuse me' while trying to get through the paparazzi who were blocking their way down the sidewalk. "i'm sorry, Sophie" he spoke up softly, hearing one of the men say 'her name is Sophie!' in a loud voice and taking another photo of the two of them. thankfully they didn't know that it was Sophia, or not yet, at least.April 11, 2021
Sophia — 
It was as if everything was happening in slow motion now, Sophia could barely see from all the camera flashes and people trying to get close to them.. to - her -, wanting to invade their personal space. That's when her heart started beating faster than usual and she gripped Henry's arm tighter than before. Paparazzi in the US would follow her and take a picture here and there, but they always kept their distance, here in London was a completely different thing. They wanted to get this exclusive one way or the other. As Henry shielded her from them, Sophia kept walking, keeping her head down, not wanting to fuel rumors that they wouldn't be able to stop. And luckily, they made it to Henry's car. The windows were tinted so it was impossible for them to see inside; once in the passenger seat, Sophia let out a deep breath, running her hand through her hair, and closing her eyes for five seconds trying to control her heartbeat and her breathing. "It's not your fault." She finally said, opening her eyes slowly, turning to Henry as she placed her right hand on one side of his face, stroking his cheek with her thumb. "But you do realize that a bunch of rumors will start right?"
Henry — 
"of course rumors are going to start, that's how Hollywood works" he grunted out as she reached over and grabbed her seatbelt, sliding it over her and clicking it into place. they needed to get out of there, especially since there were a few of them that had followed them to the car and were actually standing right outside their windows. what the ever loving fuck? "don't look out of your window, the windows aren't tinted enough that they can't see clearly inside" shaking his head, Henry started the car and slowly drove forward so that he wouldn't run into either of the men that were standing outside. this was ridiculous, they couldn't even have a nice dinner without having to deal with photographers. "it might not be my fault but.." but what? he hadn't given anyone any tips that they would be there and he doubted that the owner would have, since he was someone that Henry trusted. maybe the waiter? one of the other workers inside? that was the only thing he could think about as he turned left and picked up speed. "do you still want to go see the Peter Pan statue? i will bring you if you still want to go," he spoke up again and let out a small sigh, not sure what would happen if they were found there as well.
Sophia — 
When Henry warned her about the photographers that were out her window, Sophia moved slightly so she could give her back to the window while taking a deep breath. Luckily, Henry had managed to get the car running and now they were on their way out of there, leaving the wave of camera flashes behind them. The actress readjusted in her seat, and leaned back, this time, she looked out the window, at the gorgeous London setting during night time.  She thought about going to the statue, but she knew that right now, it wouldn't be the smartest decision, so at his question, she shook her head. "Maybe we can go there tomorrow? All I want right now is to go back to your place, take a shower, get in my pajamas and watch Grey's Anatomy." Sophia said, turning to look at Henry, "Yes, I'm making you watch Grey's with me.. and no, that's not up for debate." The brunette said with a small smile, trying to lighten up the mood.  "Let's not allow for these people to ruin our night, we can still continue having a good time but this time from the comfort of your apartment. Besides, I need Kal cuddles."
Henry —
nodding his head, Henry couldn't agree more that they should skip another adventure with more paps if they were found out again, so he made a right this time and drove toward his apartment. letting out a groan, he turned his head to her and gave her a small pout. "do i really have to watch Grey's? as much as i love a good doctor show that one isn't up my alley. just don't tell Sarah Drew i said that, she'd kick my ass if she knew," he let out a small laugh before turning his eyes back to the road and continuing his way to his place. "Kal cuddles? are Henry cuddles not good? Kal loves you but if he's asleep once we get there he might not want to get up just for cuddles, so you might have to get mine instead" maybe it was just Henry's way of saying that he wanted to hold her, now that the excitement of what they just went through was gone, he wanted to make even more sure that she knew she was okay and that he'd try to protect her no matter where they were or what was happening around them.
Sophia — 
A throaty chuckle left Sophia's lips; she shook her head, still chuckling as she turned to look at Henry, "Your secret is safe with me, I won't tell her. But yes, you really have to watch it because it's the best doctor show ever... well, it will be the second best after Good Sam comes out." the actress clarified, getting more comfortable by the second. The closer they were getting to Henry's apartment, the more like herself she was feeling, and she was also feeling how the anxiety was starting to leave her system. "Riight, you know what that is?" Sophia paused, pursing her lips to stop the smirk she felt coming."Bullshit." She blurted out, chuckling once again. "If you want to get in bed with me for a cuddle session, you can just say it. We have done it countless times before, so why would this time be any different?" Maybe because back then she truly felt they were 'just friends' but now? Now that line was blurry and as much as Sophia was trying, she couldn't see him as just her best friend anymore and she knew that if she didn't do something about that, she would get in trouble, and soon.
Henry — 
"Good Sam is going to be phenomenal because of the lead actress in it," he smiled over at the brunette beside him as he slid into his parking spot and shut the engine off, unbuckling his belt and leaning his head with a soft sigh. "fine, i'll watch it with you but only because i don't have any of my new games in yet that i just ordered to play" he stuck his tongue at her out of the corner of his mouth before opening his eyes and smiling at her. her question caught him by surprise and he decided to tease her before he became serious. "mostly because i'm not sure you'd be able to keep your hands off me. i know you find me irresistible, Soph. you can't deny it any longer." he joked with her before his eyes grew serious and he turned in the driver seat so that he was facing her straight on. "i do want to cuddle with you but it's not in the same way as it used to be. i don't want to just cuddle, i want to hold you to my chest and hear you breathe. i want to feel your heart beat against my chest, i want.. a lot of things now" was that too much honestly? Henry wasn't completely sure but he figured why not? there wasn't a reason not to tell her what he was starting to want more as the days went by.
Sophia — 
"Look at you being nice for 2 minutes and not being a pain in my ass." Sophia said rolling her eyes with a smile on her face, "In all seriousness, thank you. Hopefully people will really think it's phenomenal." The actress breathed out, she was still slightly nervous about the show but that was something for later. Right now, she had other things to focus on. "See what I mean, you're an actual child half of the time - my perfect Peter Pan." Sophia agreed with a warm chuckle, turning around to face him once Henry had turned off the engine. Even though he was teasing her about her finding him irresistible, she knew that maybe there was some truth behind his words. "I -- " Sophia began, clearing her throat and looking out her window, searching for a distraction but thankfully, Henry continued, his following words leaving her frozen in her position. "... You want a lot of things? -- like what else?" Sophia pressed, her voice was softer now. Her eyes were glued to his, searching for something.. anything that might give away what he was currently feeling. Sophia used to be an expert at reading him, but she didn't know if it was because of her own messy mind that night, but as much as she tried to read him, she was coming up blank.
Henry — 
"don't doubt the work that you've created, if they don't like it then that's their own ignorance" which was true, Sophia was a wonderful actress and put your heart into her work, so anyone who didn't see that wasn't worth worrying over. "i can't deny that and wouldn't even if i could. i don't fly, remember? so i can't be Peter Pan but i might possibly be able to find you Neverland one day." her question had him pausing as he thought about how he could answer that without scaring her away. for so long he had only seen her as the girl who was his best friend, now she was the woman who fully owned his heart. after everything they had been through, everything they had lived through in recent months, it had made them stronger together and they continued to grow even more strong - together. that word is what made him happy. "i want to kiss you in the morning before we leave to go our separate ways for the day. i want to wake up next to you each day and go to bed with you each night. i want to take you on dates, whether they are extravagant or simple picnics in a park somewhere. i want to bring you flowers after a long day on set. i want to make you dinner and dessert. i want to make love you to.. not just sex, Sophia. like i said, i want a lot of things and even though i won't get most of them in this life time i'm hoping that i've been a good enough person in it that i could get them in my next life."
Sophia — 
Hearing those words come out of Henry's mouth made Sophia feel goosebumps in her entire body, she could also feel a wave of electricity running down her spine. Was this real? There was no way in hell that her mind would be able to imitate his voice, his breath, his scent so perfectly, so she knew that this wasn't a dream and that this was indeed happening. All this time she didn't think Henry was also having thoughts of them being 'more than friends', Sophia had kept thinking that she was alone in her feelings which is why it was more torturous and why she couldn't say them out loud. After all, she couldn't risk ruining a friendship that went back for over 10 years. But hearing him say those words? It changed everything. So instead of saying something, Sophia simply grabbed Henry's face in both of her hands and leaned in so she could place her lips against his, stealing a soft and tender kiss from him. She didn't know how to respond, so she was allowing her body to do the talking. "I think I love you." Sophia pulled back, and instead of looking at him, she looked ahead through the windshield, she was starting to breathe a little faster than usual, "Fuck.. I do love you." She breathed out, not being able to remain in the car anymore, so she made her way out and ran a hand through her hair, taking a couple of deep breaths to try to calm herself down. What was happening? She hadn't said that to anyone in the longest time and now, she had blurted them out just like that. "God.. I hate you." Sophia said closing her eyes and leaning against the passenger door of his car.
Henry — 
she loved him? that wasn't what he was expecting to hear but he could admit that he liked hearing her say it, he liked knowing that her feelings were deeper than just friendship. that she could let the words slip out, even if now she was running from them - or was she running from him? either way, that wasn't an option, not anymore. climbing out of the car and walking around to her side, he watched her lean against the door and he moved so that his hands boxed her in, his body leaning into hers so that she was pressed against it now. "say it again, Sophia" his voice was shaking a tiny bit and he could hear it but he cleared his throat and leaned in so that his nose was running gently over the skin of her throat, his lips peppering little kisses along the warm skin there. "tell me you love me again and stop fucking running from me. i'm tired of this cat and mouse game that we play so much. i'm done running. can you please stop running too? or, if you want to run, let me run with you." he moved back again so that he could gaze into her hazel eyes as a smile appeared on his face. "and just for the record, i love you." if she could say the words, those three words that would change everything, then he could too. the difference was that he wasn't going to hyperventilate like she was seeming to do right in front of his eyes. "tell me something, what scares you so much about what's happening between us"
Sophia — 
The moment Henry's nose was running along her throat, Sophia could feel how her knees started to weaken right there. Fuck, why did he had such a big effect on her? Henry was so close to her that she could feel how she was starting to get intoxicated by his very presence. She wanted to do nothing more but close her eyes and taste his lips again, but she couldn't, not now when he was hovering over her. Demanding to hear those three words again. Why did she run? For such a long time, she had always prided herself on her courage but she had had such a horrible track record in the love department that every time her heart wanted to beat again, it was as if red alerts were would go off. But she was tired now, tired of running and tired of being afraid to jump into something. She knew that it was now or never. "I love you." Sophia repeated the words Henry was demanding to hear. Her hazel eyes were locked on his baby blues the entire time. But then, something that she didn't expect happen, he loved her too? Unshed tears pooled at her eyes, making the brunette look up so he wouldn't notice them.  "What scares me?" She chuckled, shaking her head from side to side. "That something will happen that will fuck this entire thing up! I've had you in my life for over 10 years and I don't want to lose you.." Sophia began, breathing out. "And do you honestly think we stand a chance? You spend most of your time here and I wouldn't want you to change that just because of me."
Henry — 
Henry blinked when the words came from her lips, he hadn't been sure that she would say them again but there they were. hanging in the air between them and they made his heart thrum hard against his ribcage. his right hand reached out so that he could lightly run his fingers over her cheek, his head dipping down so that he could brush his lips against hers. "i love you," he replied before shaking his head at what she was saying, trying not to roll his eyes at her. yes, it was scary these feelings, but they didn't scare him. not like they would have if they would have come from any other woman. his own record when it came to love wasn't good either but he wasn't going to let that stop him from feeling. from reaching out and taking a chance at happiness when it appeared in his path. "the thing is that this could be the only chance we get, Sophie. tomorrow could come and something could happen. would we regret not taking this chance? would we hate ourselves for looking this in the eye and stepping around it and not walking straight into it? i'm not willing to take that risk. i'm not willing to let you go. not anymore. it's going to be hard, we both work all the time and we each have things that will pull us in different directions but we can make it work. i will do whatever it takes." seeing the unshed tears in her eyes, he now used both of his hands to cup her cheeks and look even more intently into her eyes. "that's what love is all about, right? making things work. figuring out ways to share a life together and that's what i want. to make a life with you. so, if that's not what you want too, please tell me now. it's going to break my heart but i won't stand in your way to find what will make you happy."April 12, 2021
Sophia — 
The moment Henry brushed his lips against hers, Sophia couldn't hold it in anymore, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed so she could deepen the kiss. The taste of his lips was something the actress still couldn't get used to, and everytime she had a taste, she wanted more. He was like her own personal drug, something that she was now addicted to and that thought alone terrified her. She wasn't used to needing and wanting someone this much. Sophia was the epitome of independence or she thought she was until Henry had come along and turned her world upside down. Every word that was being spoken was being engraved within her, she knew he was right. So, why keep fighting it? So with a deep breath, the California native lifted her head, hazel eyes staring deep into baby blues. "Of course I want that." Sophia began to say, placing a hand on one side of his face as her thumb graced his lower lip, one that was slightly swollen from their previous kiss. That thought made her smile, the fact that she could now leave little reminders of her all over his body was something she was looking forward to. "I want to make a life with you, I was ready before it happened and I'm still ready now. And yes, maybe it will be challenging at first but god, you have no idea how much I want you - how much I love you. I don't want you to be with anyone else, but me. I'm the girl for you, Cavill." Sophia said with a small playful smile as she poked the tip of his nose with her index finger.
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