#he was starting to open up to them and he protected them from bb and the crew cared about him and
woodlandthorns · 7 months
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secretsandwriting · 1 month
heyyyy ryyyyy <333
since ur requests are open i thought id go ahead and ask if you're mayhaps open to anything for batmom? i don't have a completely solid idea but maybe smn like batmom has been getting threats or maybe hate or smn from somebody and everyone's reactions and how they get hella protective?
obv no pressure and you definitely do not have to write this
hope you have a great day bb
Heyyyyy, so this grew hands and wrote itself, I hope you enjoy it. It did end up with a lot of backstory.
Earned Position
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You knew this would happen. Once your relationship with Bruce got out there would be an influx of love and hate. You also knew that everyone else knew that as well. It was common knowledge than anyone around a celebrity of sorts would experience that. 
Of course you did the normal things, turned off most notifications and only looked through areas online you knew would mostly be safe. You blocked tags and and only followed people you knew or ones who didn’t post about drama. 
When you did stumble onto hate, you moved on. If someone kept sending you nasty messages you blocked them, when they made other accounts to keep sending the same things, you changed your settings so only those you followed could message you. 
It wasn’t something you wanted to deal with but it was something you could handle. Something you started mentally preparing yourself for when Bruce’s attention on you lasted more than 4 dates, even more so when you caught yourself daydreaming about him.
You were not going to let random bitter people on the internet destroy your happiness like they did their own. Your family however, wanted to destroy what was left of your haters' happiness. Something you were trying to curb, but trying to tell a family of vigilantes who considered you the best mom in existence not to destroy your haters was like talking to a brick wall. Over the years, you had gotten used to it. It barely even registered anymore. But there had been a recent influx of the hate and while it didn’t bother you, it bothered the rest of your family. None of them could stand people talking bad about their mom.
While you hadn’t been there while the older ones were young, the second you had introduced yourself to them, you had taken a very important role in their lives. None of them realizing it at first. All of them had gotten used to the random women Bruce brought home that it took a little while for them to realize how important you were. 
Dick wasn’t sure at first. Thinking you were just another girlfriend that wouldn’t last long. So he didn’t really interact with you much. Ignoring your existence when it wasn’t too rude, or at least obviously rude. Until one night when he was staying at the manor and had a nightmare about his parents death. 
Bruce had an open bed policy. As long as there was still room for him, his bed was open. A policy he had started when Dick had gotten old enough he was worried he wouldn’t be allowed to go when he had a nightmare. Bruce had always reminded all his kids, that nightmares don’t go away just because you’re older and that needing comfort wasn’t something they would outgrow. 
The thing was, you were there. Girlfriends didn’t mind when children did it but they never liked it when his adult kids did it. The shaking in his hands and the way he saw them fall in the darkness of every blink told him the only way he was getting any sleep was with someone. 
Hopefully he could just slip into Bruce’s side and leave before you woke up. That was the plan until he found Damian on Bruce’s side and you had been pulled closer to Bruce taking up what was left. You moved a little and Dick took that as his sign to deal with it himself until he heard you whisper his name. He hummed so you knew it was him and not some random stranger standing over Bruce’s side of the bed. 
“Come on.” You lifted the blanket next to you, “Bruce told me you guys come here when you have nightmares. There's plenty of room over here for you.” Dick hesitated for a second before giving in. He needed sleep anyway. You weren’t when you said there was plenty of room, Dick had most of your half of the bed. Once he had settled on his side, facing away from you, he felt you pull the blanket over his shoulders. 
“Night Dick, sleep well.” For some reason, that was what did it. Once the tears started they didn’t stop. Silent sobs made him shudder and he felt one of your hands gently rubbing his back. “Oh Dick.” There was no pity in your tone and he found himself rolling over and curling into you. Your chin resting on his head while you rubbed his back. 
The next day, he followed you around like a puppy. Your side of the bed became his favorite when he had nightmares and it wasn’t long before he turned to you for general comfort over anything.
Jason met you at his grave. Neither of you exchanged words, but he caught something in your gaze he didn’t quite understand. He also wasn’t sure why you were at his grave either, he didn’t know you when he was younger. 
When he saw the Gotham News post about Bruce and Your 2nd anniversary, it brought more questions than answers. Why were you at his grave alone? Let alone longer than a few seconds. It was an odd way to gain more of Bruce’s affections. 
Every Tuesday you would be there, leaving flowers and talking softly to the stone. Every time you left, you would smile and nod, the look in your eyes he couldn’t figure out was still there. Every time he would strain to heat what you were saying and only be able yo a few words here and there. 
6 months into it, the routine changed. You brought a blanket and Basket with your usual flowers. You did what you normally did with the flowers but instead of talking to the stone you waved him over. When he didn’t move, you stopped what you were doing and looked at him. 
“Jason Todd, I have been keeping your secret for 6 months. Helping me spread this blanket and having lunch won’t change it.” He stared at you while you waited expectantly. Eventually when he could get himself to move, he came over and helped. He sat down where you motioned for him too, all while trying to figure out how you knew.
“Bruce mentioned this used to be your favorite when you were younger so I asked Alfred to teach me how to make it. I hope it's up to your standards.” He looked at the plate of food you handed him. It was almost overflowing with food, all of which reminded him of the good times back at the manor before he died. “Alfred also sent your favorite cookies when he heard I would be eating at your grave.” The bag of cookies was placed next to the basket, within easy reach.
“Why?” Was all Jason managed to choke out around the lump in his throat.
“I decided early on in life, no matter who I was with, I would love their family as my own. My grandfather hated my grandmothers side and it caused a lot of pain in all the generations. I decided I would never do that to another family.” Jason found himself back in control enough to start eating. 
“So when I started dating Bruce and he told me about you, I decided to treat you like you were my own. Even though I had never met you and you were dead. Most of what that meant was keeping your grave clean and always making sure there were fresh flowers. While I did that, I would tell you everything that was going on.”
“How did you know it was me?”
“Your eyes, they may be a different color but they looked too similar. So I did a little digging and found pictures of your biological pictures to place the face shape it matched. I think however you look more like Bruce then either of them.”
“Are you going to tell them?”
“As much as I would love to. It’s your choice. You’ve been keeping this to yourself for a reason. If I can help you get to a place to tell them, I would love to. But I won’t say a word until you're ready. However, I would like to keep having lunch with you.” 
A year later, Jason reintroduced himself to the rest of the family a lot calmer than originally planned and was glued to your side anytime he felt overwhelmed that night. Every Tuesday after that, lunch was scheduled.
Tim was nervous when it came to you. He was still living in the manor so he saw you more than the older two. You always seemed nice and respected his privacy but Bruce was always with you so you obviously would. 
It was when he wasn’t around that worried Tim. Bruce attracted golddiggers and they were always mean when Bruce wasn’t there. When you were given a copy of the key, Time braced himself. 
Of course he knew that if he told Bruce anything that happened like that, Bruce would break it off. He had always told them that they came first. But he also knew that Bruce liked you a lot. All the other ones Bruce liked a lot that turned out to be horrible, he broked it off. Tim had seen how it had made him upset and he really hated doing that to him. Maybe he could deal with it for once. 
So when Bruce left for a business trip, Tim was Expecting the worst. What he didn’t expect was for you to knock on his door and ask if you could join him. When he agreed and stepped back so you could come in. He expected you to go to his bed or his desk chair not, the oversized bean bag on the floor.
“I have a question for you but you can’t tell Bruce yet.” Here it comes. “What would a funny way to tell him I know he’s Batman?” Tim wasn’t expecting that one. “I was thinking a lot of batpuns but his paranoia is too bad for that.”
“How did you figure it out?” You walked him through your process and didn’t say anything as he wrote parts of it down. Once you finished explaining the process for Bruce, you explained any way it was modified in figuring out their identities.
“Who do you think I am?”
“Red Robin.” Tim found himself getting excited. 
“You know those notes you leave him in his office?” You nodded. “You should leave those in the Batcave.” You considered it but your thinking was interrupted but Tim shouting. 
“No! One night when we’re all in the cave, you could bring some snacks!” 
“You just want snacks when he’s lecturing you don’t you?”
“Alright, but you have to tell the others so they can tell me what snack they want.”
So Tim slowly and carefully went through all his siblings, letting them know you figured it out, Bruce didn’t know, and what the plan is. Every time he relayed a snack to you he’d watch how carefully you’d write it out to make sure you had it correct or look up recipes if you couldn’t find it in stores. 
Two weeks later, Tim was the one who sent the signal in the middle of a lecture everyone was receiving and he got a front row seat to see Bruce’s face when you walked in and handed out snacks before giving him a kiss and telling him to be nice and leaving. 
Any other worries were left in the dust when you helped him win the nerf war for the best seat in the home theater. He thoroughly enjoyed his spot next to you while Bruce swore revenge from the other side of the room.
Damian treated you politely but that was it. His mother was still alive and he didn’t want another one, one was more than enough. Not only that, but you were weird. 
One time when you were over, you found one of his report cards. Immediately you were praising him. He didn’t understand why, he had basically failed one of his classes with an A-. You should be disappointed like his mother would be, not hanging it up on the fridge and telling people not to touch it. Definitely not taking him out for ice cream and calling him so smart. He definitely shouldn’t be feeling any pride when he walked past it, but he still was. 
When he was practicing his violin and Messed up, you were supposed to tell him to stop failing, that he should be better. Not smiling at him and telling him he’s making good progress. You should be telling him that he should have memorized that piece in a day. He shouldn’t be feeling any pride when he finally does memorize it, it took him 4 days to learn it.
When he was struggling to learn a language, you were supposed to tell him to work harder. He could do better, after all, he already knew so many. Instead you just smiled and recommended a break to refresh his mind. 
When he snapped at you in Arabic, he expected you to be upset since you didn’t know what he said and it was obviously not something nice. Instead you set the rule that if he was going to use Arabic to speak to you when upset, that he had to teach it to you and if what he said wasn’t something you had learned yet, he had to tell you in english. When he told you what it meant, you didn’t even get upset. He definitely shouldn’t be as excited as he was when you actually started learning. 
So many more little things piled up, leaving Damian confused. The differences between how you and his mother treated him was so big he didn’t know how to process it, he liked you and all the little things made him happy in a way he hadn’t really felt. But he still loved his mom, When he had enough of it, he asked you to stop. He still wanted to love his mom. Once again, you did something you weren’t supposed to.
“Oh Damian, I’m not trying to replace your mom nor am I trying to make you feel like you can’t love her or she doesn’t love you. Your mom and I show our love in different ways and its ok for you to love or like both of us. You mother loves you and she will always be allowed in your life if thats what you want.” You weren’t supposed to do that, but Damian was really glad you did.
Barbara wasn’t sure how you would react to her. She wasn’t just Bruce’s kid. She had a loving family she went back to every night. Most people weren’t really a fan of that, one of Bruce’s past girlfriends had some strong and hurtful things to say about it. 
When you took her for a day out, she found herself warming up to you but still waiting for the other shoe to drop. One of the new places you had planned to go, didn’t have wheelchair access. Like all the other girlfriends who had done this, she expected you to be annoyed that your plans had to change or you would just leave her outside while you shopped. 
You didn’t seem to notice her hesitation, just looking at what was next on your list and starting the trip there. When Barbara stared a little longer at a new movie that was in theaters, tickets and snacks were bought and you listed to all the lore she told you about before it started.
While it had been a nice day, Barbara wasn’t convinced. One day was easy to fake. Sure she had lots of fun, but Barbara was used to fakes when it came to Bruce’s girlfriends. Of course she wasn’t complaining about you being nice, she just wasn’t sure how long it would last. 
“Did you hear about that boutique?” She looked up from her food to look at her dad. “That new one that you tried to go to with Bruce’s girlfriend? Well there was a report that it didn’t meet the Americans with Disabilities act and the boutique is in trouble. People are speculating they’ll have to close down.”
Later that night, Barbara looked into it. They were in trouble, pretty big trouble from the looks of it. Towards the end of the article she found the name of the person who reported it, she wasn’t sure who she was expecting. Not you for sure but the Name Y/n L/n took her by surprise and filled her chest with feelings she couldn’t describe. 
The boutique ended up closing but a new one opened. Once it was open, you were the first to ask her to go. That weird feeling came back when she wheeled herself up the ramp and through the door you held open for her. Later that night, in the privacy of her room. She decided she liked you. 
Steph seemed like she liked you, she acted like she liked you, she didn’t really like you. Sure you were nice, Bruce loved you, the others were warming up to you, but she wasn’t sure how to feel about you. So she stuck with not actually liking you but pretending to. 
So when she was around you, it was all smiles and jokes. She wasn’t a big fan of it all but she did it because she knew you were important to Bruce and that was enough of a reason for her. She knew Bruce and the others could see through the act but as long as you couldn’t, that was enough. 
When Bruce announced he had to leave for a business trip right before she could hand him the parents visit for one of her AP classes, something the new teacher liked doing. She tucked the paper away. When Tim gave her a questioning look, she shook her head and later swore him to silence. 
Every time she heard someone mention their parents were going, she felt a pang of jealousy in her chest. Every time Tim mentioned bringing it up to you, she swore him into silence again. It wouldn’t be the first time no one showed up for her. She was however thankful you wouldn’t be at the manor as much so she didn’t have to pretend to like you.
When the day arrived, Steph was not having a good day. School dragged on slowly. Slower than normal. When school finally ended, she had to sit in the classroom and watch everyone else that was in her class leave and the parents of her classmates show up while no one was there or coming for her.
Someone sat in the seat next to her, she expected another family member of one of her classmates. Definitely not you. She couldn’t return your smile, too unsure of how you found out, the fact you actually showed up, and how she felt about you being there. You leaned a little closer so that the others in the room wouldn’t easily overhear. 
“I know I’m not your parent and someone you just pretend to like so if you want me to leave I will. But I figured someone was better then no one. Oh, and Tim wanted me to tell you he didn’t spill. Your teacher called the manor because no one had RSVPed for you and I answered it.”
That night, as Steph showed off all her hard work to you, the charade fell. She actually enjoyed her time with you and the boost of pride as you oohed and ahhed over all her projects and listened to her explain all the little details. That night, Steph realized, she didn’t need to keep pretending. She liked you, until she found out you didn’t like her favorite show but a nerf war solved that. 
Cass could tell you were different then the other girlfriends, your body language as you interacted with all of them showed it. However that didn’t mean she knew how to interact with you.
She had learned that she was fairly hard for new people to interact with. She also knew she had trouble interacting with people she wasn’t fighting. So it wasn’t a surprise when it started rocky. 
What was a surprise, was when you found out she was still having trouble reading and writing, you stepped in to help. Well, that wasn’t the surprising part, a lot of girlfriends did that. The surprising part was the amount of patience you had when it was only the two of you. 
When one method didn’t help, you tried another. Never once did you snap at her or call her a name. Everytime you got frustrated you would stop and look at her, say something along the lines of “If I had as much trouble with this as you do, I wouldn’t want to keep trying. You're doing absolutely amazing! I’ll keep looking for other ideas, but for now, lets take a break and get a treat.” 
Cass wasn’t sure why that always made her feel better, but it did. Every treat you brought was something you made just for the tutoring sessions and it always reminded her of what Alfred had told her once. “Something made with love for you will always taste better.”
And when a method that made it a little easier to learn was found, Cass found herself smiling along with your cheers. Bad days where she couldn’t seem to make any progress were always met with the same excitement, cheers, patience, and treats that all the others were. 
Cass still wasn’t sure of what to think of you exactly, but she knew she liked you and that you cared about her.
So when Tim saw the new rise in hate, a sibling meeting was called. They all went through each site, blood boiling as they saw what people were saying about their new parent. Plans were made, declarations of war were ready, and anger fueled all of them. Bruce could tell something was going on, but he wasn’t sure what it was and as long as it didn’t get out of had, he wasn’t sure if he had the energy to deal with it. 
War was declared in an interview by Steph. The lady was asking questions when the topic switched to Bruce, then you. The reporter was clearly trying to subtly find some dirt on you and Steph was not going to stand for it.
“Oh yeah! Y/n! She’s the best!” She put on her best press face. Trying to hide her anger over the hidden intent. She didn’t have to lie or act when talking about you but the change in the lady’s face going to disappointment when she didn’t get anything she wanted was making her look very punchable. 
“She’s always showing up for us and making sure we’re doing ok. If Y/n and Bruce were to break up, I think most of us would go with Y/n.” The way the lady kept trying to get anything really got on her nerves and Steph decided she needed to get out of there before she started using the lady’s face for target practice. You wouldn’t like that.
Cass was the first one to resort to violence. They had asked a thinly veiled question, basically asking if you were a golddigger. So she punched him in the nose and leaned down to flip the camera off. She hated interviews already but that made it so much worse. She hoped you wouldn’t be too upset with her punching the guy though.
Jason, surprisingly enough. Did not get violent… physically. He did however curse one out and threaten him when the reporter implied you were forcing them to say nice things. When the reporter kept pressing Jason broke his mic and told him if he ever heard him talking bad about you again, a broken mic would be the last of his worries. Jason knew you would be disappointed but he had held back, he didn’t shoot the guy like he wanted.
Tim threw his coffee at one reporter because he heard them say you were nothing but a regular person who didn’t deserve any attention. He then took over her segment, threatening the company to air it or he would make sure they went bankrupt. Once he finished his threats, anything he said was praising you name. Telling everyone how amazing you were and how much they all loved you.
Barbara made it a point to bring up everything you did for the community when they tried to throw some shade at you in an interview. She had documents to prove it and hacked their systems to add them into the interview so they couldn’t claim it was fake. She also made sure to run over his foot when she left. 
Dick punched a reporter when they tried to ask him what you were really like behind closed doors. He told them the truth, that you were just as good, kind, patient, and loving behind closed doors as you were out in public. He didn’t throw a punch until the reporter disregarded that as asked again because she couldn’t be that good. Dick knew a lecture would be coming once you saw, but he would rather sit through a lecture then let anyone tarnish your name.
Damian spent 10 minutes cursing and threatening a reporter in Arabic when they asked him if you had ever hurt him. When he was done, he told them in english, that if he ever got asked that question again, he would impale them. He knew you were going to make him sit down and translate everything and the general response you would give but he didn’t care, no one speaks bad about either of his mothers.
Bruce figured out what was going on after Steph’s interview. He saw the ones where they assaulted or threatened the reporters and made sure his lawyers were on standby to keep the kids out of trouble. After all, he had seen more than they had. 
He had watched as you tried to connect with Dick early on, how you worked hard to try and get somewhere. He had woken up before you when Dick had come in that night and heard how you handled it. He had woken up the next morning to find you holding Dick close, like you were trying to protect him from the nightmares. He had seen how you never turned Dick down when he wanted comfort, no matter how serious or silly the matter, and he had heard your excitement when you told him Dick liked you.
Bruce had seen the way you never missed a visit to Jason’s grave, on a visit of his own, he saw how much care you showed the stone marking it as his lost son. While he hadn’t been sure why it was alway the same time on Tuesday, he didn;t mention it. He felt the way you would sob in his arms after each visit, a year after the tradition started, you always said you had promised not to tell and he watched as you kept that promise even if it tore you to pieces. Once the shock and tears wore off for a little bit, he could see the trust that Jason had in you.
He heard the way you questioned if you should have a key to the manor, you didn’t want to make Tim uncomfortable in his own home, or how you questioned if you should visit while he was gone. Not wanting to stress Tim out when there was no reason too. He saw the way you and Tim grinned at each other when you brought snacks down for all the kids he was currently lecturing. He head the excitement in your voice as you told him about the tour Tim had given you of the Batcave and the shared laughter as you and Tim worked together to win the nerf war.
Bruce saw how you worked to give Damian the affection he didn’t think he needed. He felt you crying in his arms upset over the fact Damian thought you would be angry because he made a mistake or struggled in a class. He heard you practicing your Arabic as you got ready for bed and he watched as you stress paced over whether or not you said the right thing to him about his mother. 
He saw how angry you had been when you came back from your day out with Barbara. He had heard your call with your lawyer as you tried to figure out what to do. He saw you going through the laws and making a list to make sure your lawyer didn’t miss any. He heard about the movie you didn’t particularly care about and the lore you remembered in case of another because you wanted Barbara to have someone she could tell all of her favorite things too. 
Bruce saw the pictures you had taken from the school night. He heard all the details from you as you praised Steph’s work. He saw the way Steph stopped acting around you and the silly arguments the two of you would get into for fun. He heard the way you would listen to her as she verbally worked out her problems. He saw the way Steph looked for you in a crowd, the way she knew you were there but not where you stood exactly, the thought of you not being there never crossed her. 
He saw the way you stayed up late, researching different ways to teach reading and writing. He heard the patience and kindness and you worked with Cass. He saw the way you always made a treat just for Cass to have after each lesson because you wanted to reward her hard work. He heard the way you cried for Cass when she had a bad day and got frustrated with herself because you knew she was smart and you wanted her to see it too. He heard your celebrations when Cass made any progress, no matter the size. 
Bruce heard, saw, and felt the way you worked hard to have a relationship with his kids. How you had mourned for their losses, celebrated their wins, and felt their pain. He saw the way his kids blossomed under your care, growing to be better and more confident in themselves. The way you cared for them as if they were your own flesh and blood. So when he was asked about his kids behavior, he said as much. 
“Y/n has worked hard to be accepted by them. She’s given so much of her time, effort, patience, and love and never wanted anything in return. She always shows up for them, no matter what the occasion is, big or small, it doesn’t matter. If they want her there, she’ll be there. Everytime they need or want her, she’s there. She never judges them and treats them as if they were her own blood. Of course their upset and lashing out, people are insulting the woman who has cared for them more then most of their biological mothers.”
Later, a clip of you scolding Bruce and all the kids went viral. While you were scolding them over their behavior and making the kids who had reacted with violence or threats write apology letters because asking mean questions does not make it right to respond badly especially when its someone just trying to start drama. Everyone one noticed that there was no actual bite to your tone and no anger when they all refused to stop acting like that. In fact, there was a small soft smile on your face as you shook your head at your family.
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pizzaapeteer · 1 month
maybe a little drabble or oneshot about theo who's usually not shaken by anything or anyone but he get's super flustered when confident!reader starts flirting with him💕
Gobsmacked - Theo Nott blurb
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a/n: hehe loved writing this, muah bb for the idea and thanks to @suugarbabe for helping me with some of the dialogue <3 cute divider found here wording: 840 Warnings: f!reader
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He watched from afar, eyes drinking in your every move, the lively chatter that bubbled around you, laughter buzzing from the surrounding audiences. Mostly aggregating sucks ups who sought advantage in your kindness, at least that was Theo’s clouded impression. His fingers lift the dying cigarette to his lips, inhaling the last sweet release of nicotine as it fills his lungs. 
The afternoon sun shone upon you, radiating the sweet glow of your face, the epitome of sweetness displayed in your expressions. His eyes stayed trained on you, struggling to comprehend how someone could be so mesmerizing, even by the little things they did. From the way you walked gracefully, with a spring in your steps or to how you carried your books, a generally simple task, could entice him in, admiring the way you held them close to your chest tenderly, almost protectively. 
Merlin, you were fucking pretty. 
At the sight of you departing the crowd and heading inside, Theo stood with eager legs following you, ambling afterwards with a determined goal set in place. Flicking the butt of the cigarette in the nearby bin, his mind whirled with positive thoughts. Today was the day he’d speak to you. You had been quite the challenge in trying to approach, that was clear by the multiple of others accumulating around you. Something Theo wasn't used to, making him stall his advances. 
Not that Theo was afraid of seeking you out amongst a crowd, knowing undoubtedly he could grab a girl's attention, even in a throng of other guys. Confidence wasn’t what he was lacking, but rather he found gratification in hitting on a girl alone. Quite presumptuous of him, relishing in the cat-and-mouse ploy that occurred, watching a girl get flustered from the direct, intimate conversation. 
Theo knew now as he trailed behind you entering the library that once he got you alone, he’d be able to win you over. It normally only took one or two lines before a girl was swooning at his feet, and from how he had studied you, he was quite convinced you wouldn’t be any different. His usual surge of confidence pulsed through him while he made his way towards the desk you had situated yourself at. Helping himself to a chair he sat, his tall frame looming over you even while seated. A brash grin stretches on his face as he opens his mouth to give his signature line. 
Taken by surprise at the sudden interruption, the sound of a chair creaking and the darkness that loomed over your lighting had you lifting your eyes, instantly consumed by a vision of deep blue orbs gleaming. The infamous debauchery Theodore Nott had been anything but subtle lately. It had been easy to take notice of the tall boy observing you within the shadows of his own Slytherin pack. You knew he was probably there to give you a line, but instead chose to beat him at his own game. 
“Oh, if it isn’t the Italian Stallion himself,” a small smirk graced your plush lips. “That is what they call you, isn’t it?” Tilting your head in a cheeky manner, watching a pink hue cross over the freckles of Theo’s cheeks. “Well, I am flattered to have caught your undivided attention. It is my attention you want, right? That’s why you’ve been staring at me all those times. So sweet can’t seem to take your eyes off of me, can you honey?” You watch his cheeks flush redder, his mouth parting slightly. It was an amusing sight, seeing someone who oozed confidence freeze up, causing you to smile complacently.
“Cat got your tongue, pretty boy? You’re looking a little shaken up there for a confident lad like yourself.” You couldn't resist the opportunity to continue teasing the flustered boy rendered speechless at your bold words. Unable to help yourself, your hand reaches across to pull out a trick you’d seen him do a dozen of times, caressing his face gently, you tauntingly move his jaw side to side playfully. “Aw, are you blushing? Is this the first time? Am I witnessing a momentary occasion in history?” You keep going, voice laced with a distinct mockery, and hints of sarcasm with your sharp tongue on a roll, basking in his silence. It takes all your strength not to explode into a fit of giggles as Theo's jaw still hangs open. Moving your fingers, you push at his chin, closing his mouth for him. “Don’t go catching flies, Theodore.” Your eyes gleam with a playful tease. 
His astonished expression marks your cue to leave, as you gather your belongings, not wanting to spoil the moment, soaking in the satisfaction of playing Theo at his own game. At your leave into the depths of the library, Theo stays sat behind at the worktable, watching your figure disappear amongst the scrapers of bookshelves. Wracking his brain on how the bloody fuck you had just bested him at his own game. And why it made him that much more infatuated with you.
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girlboypersonthingy · 2 months
Hiiii I wanted to request hazbin boys x injured male reader? Reader gets into a scuffle, gets roughed up quite a bit and comes home not looking too well (I wanna see em fuss over the reader lol)
Mmph, yes yes, I love boys fussing over their injured darling. Too fuckin cute! I have so many great requests for Hazbin and Helluva, I’m so excited 🫨 thanks for the request and enjoy anon 💟
Notes: gn!reader bc anyone can get into a scuffle so why not, mostly fluff with a sprinkle of angst
TW: blood, bruises, fighting, cussing, of course it’s suggestive during Angel’s part 😉
Includes Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox and Alastor
Hazbin boys x reader- Bruises 🖤
You’re not sure who roughed you up, you barely got a look at the dudes before you were laid out on the dirty sidewalk getting punched and trying to push one of the perpetrators off you. Whoever he was, he was strong and brutal and must’ve really had a problem with you because damn, you were fucked up. Not that you couldn’t hold your own, but there was more than one of them and they really caught you off guard. You had suffered several blows to the face and a few kicks to the stomach and back. Seemed like the group showed just a bit of mercy tho- they could’ve broken your legs or straight up killed you. Luckily, you limped away with only minor injuries but a huge blow to your psyche. While it could’ve been worse, it was horrific and traumatizing regardless.
It’s hard trying to stay tough and take care of yourself because you’re scared, feeling like you’ll have to look over your shoulder from now on when you’re out on the streets. It was also a bit embarrassing considering Husk and Angel offered to tag along with you to keep you safe but your dumb ass insisted you were fine alone.
It was late now, around the time everyone went to bed at the hotel so you were expecting to silently creep inside, hobble to your room and take care of yourself in secret. And if anyone asked about the marks or bruises the next day, you’d just blame it on a wild night of partying. To your surprise, as you walk in the door the entirety of the hotel’s staff and residents were sitting on the floor and couches in the front room, drinking and talking by the fireplace. Of course, Charlie had everyone doing some bonding bullshit late at night. The sound of the door clicking open has everyone’s eyes looking towards you now. “Ah, shit…” Leaves your swollen lips as the crowd gasps and one by one, they all stand and approach your damaged figure. Finally, the one person you really didn’t want to see you like this comes rushing forward to get a good look at you.
Lucifer 🍎
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“Oh, Satan! (Y/N), are you okay? What happened? Ohhh, my poor angel!”
Proceeds to fuss and worry over you while wearing the saddest expression :,( his poor bb
Might actually cry a little…just hurts him to see his darling all banged up.
It’s not just the physical pain he senses, it’s the emotional pain you feel too- the fear and the trauma and the stress of it all
His hands just hover all around the most damaged parts of you- fingers almost touching your eye which was now swollen shut, his thumb ghosting over your busted bottom lip
Whisks you away to his room and runs you a bath. Gets you all clean and is probably still whining and crying over you as he watches the bath water turn red with all the blood washing off you and gets you ready for bed.
He’s an emotional man, okay?
He also feels extremely guilty for not being there to protect you. Even if you bluntly told him you don’t need his protection, he feels like it’s still his fault at least a little bit.
Miiiiiiight start a silly little argument over you never leaving the hotel or his side ever again lol
“I just want to protect you, my love. Please! Stop being stubborn.”
He’ll really really baby you tho.
Like even if your legs are working fine, NOPE! Don’t move an inch. Luci will carry you anywhere you desire.
“Lucifer, I just have a black eye and some scrapes. I can walk just fine, babe.”
And he’ll just ignore you and continue to coddle you and do everything for you
For sure this man peppers very gentle, very soft and slow kisses on your tender face once you’re cleaned up and finally resting in his bed
And he for sure cries again in the morning when he wakes up and your face looks even worse
Probably even panics a bit like-
“It’s just some bruises! Luci, they always look worse before they look better, I’m fine.”
Just calm him down with some kisses and words of love
Angel Dust 🕸️
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“Holy shit! What happened, babe? Oh no…this is bad. This is sooo bad! This is why we wanted to go with ya.”
Also gets very dramatic and concerned, looks so sad over your battle wounds
But of course he’s a flirt even under tough circumstances and can make a dirty joke even in the most dire situations
He’d definitely tell you you look hot asf and that you’re soooo brave~
Tries to lighten the mood a bit
“(Y/N), I wanna be the only one who gets to rough you up.” *pouts but also winks at you*
Angel has had his fair share of beatings courtesy of Valentino so he’s very good at first aid and knows tons of tricks to help with bruising, cuts, scrapes, preventing scars, relieving the pain.
He’s great at the clean up part but even better at the comfort part
Brings out all six arms to wrap you up in while you lay in his bed, cuddling up to you while offering soft kisses to the parts of you that aren’t so sore.
Angel is always down to fuck so if you’re feeling up to it, he’ll offer you some great sexual healing while being oh so careful of all your wounds and all the painful spots.
Will let you take control too, he hopes it’ll make you feel better and maybe return some of the confidence you lost from this scuffle.
He can spot a bruised ego from a mile away and he’ll do anything to get you feeling happy and secure again.
Also argues with you about never letting you go anywhere alone ever again lol he just loves you too much. If you’re gonna get jumped, he’s either gonna be there to help you out of it or he’s gonna be taking half the beating right next to you.
Reminds me of a song…
“I wanna walk with you, wherever you go to. I wanna hurt with you. Whatever you go through, I do too.” -sour switchblade by Elita
Yeah that’s Angel, just wants to be beside you no matter the circumstances
Husk 🃏
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“Oh, you dummy! This is why we wanted to go with you. Oh, doll face. Who did this? You alright?”
Yeah, he’s mean sometimes so he’s gonna scold you for going out alone before the comforting starts.
Ultimately, he doesn’t pull you away to get you cleaned up or anything. Lets you decide what to do next, where to go. He just follows you and keeps a hand on you somewhere to let you know he’s here for you.
Will whip up any drink you ask for in hopes of it relieving the pain a bit
But he’s sneaky, he’s gonna ask you tons of questions about what happened, who did it, where you were, how many of them there was. Won’t give you your drink until you answer him.
Husk is plottin and schemin, wanting to get back at the assholes who did this to you. Hes thinking about all the cool, little weapons he has and what he can do with them to teach those jerks a lesson.
In the end tho, he does get more sentimental and soft spoken later while cuddled up to you in bed.
He’ll purr softly in your ear while letting his hands gently roam your body, tracing comforting circles all over your bruised skin
Will def wrap you up in his silky wings and then proceed to pour out his entire heart to you.
“I love you. I’m so glad you’re okay. You need to listen to me. I know better than you, I’ve been down here a long time. You have to be more careful. I dunno what I’d do if I lost ya, doll. You gotta stick with me, I’ll always protect ya.”
Once you fall asleep, he wanders out to the lobby to find Angel at the bar and there they talk about teaming up to get revenge on the assholes who dared to touch Husk’s little babe
The next morning, of course they’re still talking about it. You’ll have to tell these idiots to stop and just let it go bc omg they sound crazy rn they’re gonna make a mess if you let this continue
Buuuut if you kinda like them fussing over you this much, then by all means let them do their thing as you sit back and enjoy the attention
Ooooh, Husky is getting maadddd. Kinda cute when he lets a protective growl slip out while talking to Angel. Aww he loves you~
Sir Pentious 🐍
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Immediate tears and full blown panic attack at the sight of your battered face.
“OH MY GOODNESSSSSS!!! My baby! My darling! Ohhhhhh, you poor thing, come here! I’ll take care of you.”
Doesn’t care that the entirety of the hotel residents are crowded around watching you two- Pentious holds you like a baby in his arms and carefully sinks to the ground with you, holding you so tight it actually kinda hurts due to all your bruises.
Cries for a while like this- goes back and forth between examining your bruises and cuts and bloody nose with his watery eyes to then burying his face in your neck as he weeps for you.
“Pen, I’m okay. Just a little banged up. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“I CAN’T HANDLE IT!!! You’re too pretty to be beaten up like thisssss. Aawwwww.” And he’s crying even harder now.
And this goes on for a while until you finally decide to get up and go to your room with him to get cleaned up.
Babies the absolute fuck out of you- brings you food in bed and tries to feed it to you, gets you in the bath and refuses to let you touch anything while insisting he do all the work for you, carries you everywhere.
It’s actually so nice tho- he washes your hair for you real slow and firm as he scrubs your scalp, very carefully washes the dirt and dry blood from your skin only to reveal more bruises he hadn’t seen before, carefully applies ointment to your bloody cuts and scrapes
Listen…this man is not gonna stop crying until you are 100% healed up. Even the next morning, you wake up beside him to see his face wet with tears as he sniffles.
At least you know he really truly deeply cares for you and loves you 💚
“Oh, it’s okay, babe. I’m felling so much better today, especially since I get to start my morning in bed with you.”
And now he decides he’s gonna keep you in bed all day and continue to baby and pamper you
Keeps his tail and most of his body wrapped around you loosely all day as you watch movies and relax. Cant stop staring at your face and focusing on each blue and black bruise you wear, eyeing every cut and scrape and the split skin on your lip.
You took a beating and he thinks it’s only fair that you and him stay in bed until you’re truly feeling well enough to resume your normal daily tasks.
Of course, he has to stay with you in case you need something! Can’t leave his injured partner alone, wouldn’t dream of it!
Vox 🖥️
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(I know he’s not at the hotel, pretend you just walked into V Tower instead, k?)
You’ll have to cut him off or he’ll go on an entire raging tangent about revenge and eventually short circuit lol
“Voxy, I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. I just wanna get clean and go to bed.”
He slowly cools off and begins to focus more on you and your injuries, asking if you’re okay or if there’s anything he can do. Now behind closed doors, his entire attitude changes.
He’s following you into every room, watching you with an expression of intense sadness and concern, wishing he could take all your pain and give it to himself instead. He’d suffer for you if it meant seeing you happy and healthy
Sits in the bathroom in silence but keeps you company while you wash up. He might ask if you need help but also wants to give you space and make sure you feel safe
Assists you in getting dressed while making it very romantic and being very attentive. Vox will so slowly slip your pajamas onto you while letting his claws ghost over all your bruises.
Will lean in and kiss your busted lips right as your head pops through the top of your shirt, followed by a smile and probably more kisses
Listen, most of these boys are gonna become way more over protective after this incident okay? Vox is most definitely not an exception
Insists that either He’s gonna be with you every where you go from now on or he’s gonna send security with you every where you go from now on.
And no matter who is with you when you’re out in the streets, his cameras will also be watching over you.
Oh yeah, and he goes back in the cam footage and has a perfect view of the whole incident. He watches it over a few times before ordering a hit on every sinner who dared to mess with his lover.
You’ll never have to worry or look over your shoulder or worry again 😘
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Alastor 🩸
Doesn’t say much or even stay long to worry about you at first.
He’s more angry and bent on revenge than anything. He’s worried about you too but he knows you’re strong and can take care of yourself.
He slips off to do some exploring and investigating to find out who did this to you
Spends maybe an hour figuring it out and then promptly goes on a murder spree to take care of all those pesky sinners who dared to lay a finger on his beloved
Okay, now that that’s out of his system, he can come back and take care of you.
Isn’t as cuddly and romantic as the others but he still babies you and refuses to let you do anything for yourself.
“Now now, darling. Just relax. I’ll have you cleaned up and feeling better in no time.”
Bathes you, dresses you, tucks you into bed all while humming slow tunes to you
Doesn’t cuddle you but sits on the bed beside you and gives your head some gentle pets
“You won’t have to worry any longer, my dove. I took care of those degenerates and I’ll never let you wander the streets of hell alone ever again.”
Will place a gentle kiss on your throbbing head before leaving you to rest.
He’s serious tho, anywhere you go he goes too. You’re never leaving his sight again ❤️‍🩹
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hi bb 💕 the premiere of TLOU was so damn good and I’m so excited for the rest of the season! If you’re still writing for Joel and taking requests could we maybe have some domestic fluff with pre-outbreak Joel? Hopefully that’s enough to go off of! ☺️☺️💗
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AN | I couldn’t help myself, dinner is served, bone app the teeth. It’s just fluff with a lil foreshadowing! Enjoy ❤️
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was an early fall day that found you walking over to the Adler’s house and knocking on the door only to be greeted excitedly by Mercy’s barking. As soon as the door was open, the fluffy dog pushed his way past the screen door and over to you, weaving around your legs, tail wagging wildly as you reached down to pet him. 
“Sorry about him, sweetheart,” Mrs. Adler looked at the dog with a raised eyebrow, “he just loves people, but you know that by now.”
“Good thing I love him too. Huh buddy, you’re such a good boy,” you bent down and scratched his ears before kissing his snout, “is Sarah here? I just got to their house and wanted to see if she wanted to come home and help me with some baking.”
“She is,” the screen door opened and you stepped inside, immediately overwhelmed by the smell of cooking and that odor that older homes often had. You spotted the young girl at the kitchen table, but as soon as she heard you, she turned around with a huge smile, “do you girls want to stay for dinner?”
“No,” you and Sarah chorused before looking at each other sheepishly. You gave her a wink before clearing your throat.
“Thank you for the offer,” you smiled sweetly, “Joel’s going to be home soon and we’d promised him some cookies so…we’d better get to baking!”
“Of course,” she seemed unphased by your lame excuse, which to be fair wasn’t a total lie, “well, you know you’re both welcome any time. And Joel.”
“Thank you,” you grabbed Sarah’s backpack as soon as it was packed up and herded the young girl towards the door, “have a good evening.”
As soon as the two of you were outside, after having given Mercy a few more pets, you exchanged a look before both breaking into a fit of giggles.
“You came just in time,” Sarah sighed dramatically, “she was just about to start knitting and insisted on showing me how to knit today.”
“I knew I was getting some distressed vibes for a reason,” you gently nudged her side with your elbow, “don’t worry kiddo, I’ll always be there to save you. Especially from old ladies and their knitting. I can’t imagine a worse fate.”
“Seriously,” she unlocked the door and the two of you stepped into the Millers’ quiet house. You liked it here, it felt so homey and lived in, filled with lots of laughs and love. You cringed when you realized how cheesy that sounded, even in your head, but it was true. In the almost two years you’d been with Joel, it had all but become your home too, “did you mean it when you said we’re doing some baking?”
“Sarah, my sweet Sarah,” you kicked off your shoes as you made your way into the kitchen, laughing internally at the half consumed glass of orange juice and cup of coffee from this morning. They had been running late…again. How very on brand for both of them, “would I ever lie to you?”
“You haven’t yet,” she grinned as you nodded. 
“And I expected you to always be truthful with me,” you put the dirty dishes into the sink, “did you get all your homework finished?”
“Yup,” she grinned, “finished it with enough time to even sell some hardcore drugs.”
“I’m impressed,” you snorted in amusement, “you managed to get to Mrs. Adler’s, do your homework, sell some drugs, and make it back before anyone noticed you were gone. That is some skill.”
“Totally,” she laughed as you high fived each other. Truth be told, she’d hadn’t been sure about you when Joel first introduced the two of you. And you couldn’t blame her; she was fiercely protective over her father. It had been just the two of them for basically her entire life - her mother, Joel’s wife, had left the two of them when she was only a few months old. She didn’t even remember her own mother. And the idea that a stranger was going to come and change everything? It was terrifying. 
But you never pushed or forced yourself into her business, and let her warm up to you. You wondered at first if it had anything to do with the fact that you were a bit younger than Joel, but quickly learned it was all just because she loved him so much. And he loved her just as much and then some. But over time, she’d come to love you too and you loved her. 
These days it was Sarah pushing Joel to just finally have you officially move in. Again, that one was on Joel. You weren’t going to push him either. This was just as new for him; you were the only person he’d dated since his wife. But you loved the Millers and you knew that your future held both of them in it. That was all that mattered.
“How about some chocolate chip cookies?” you suggested and her face eagerly lit up as she nodded, “okay but, tell me how much your dad would hate it, if we tried to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.”
“He’d love them, but he’d never admit it,” she said and you knew she was right, “how about we make both?”
“A grand plan,” you smiled, “throw on a record and let’s get started. Maybe we can have everything ready before he’s home.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Something smells good,” neither of you had heard Joel come in, but when you turned around you found him leaning against the doorway, a lazy smile on his face. You shook your head in amusement as Sarah ran over to him and hugged, “hey baby girl.”
“You’re home early for once,” she grinned at him, and he playfully rolled his eyes, “that’s what you should be doing, as a man of such advanced age.”
“Thirty-five isn’t advanced, it’s-”
“Ancient,” you finished for him, smiling sweetly as he jokingly flipped you off, “we only tease out of love.”
“Some kind of love,” he huffed, affectionately touching Sarah’s cheek, “go on and set the dining table, okay?”
“Sure,” she smirked, looking between the two of you with a knowing little smile, “you just want to make out. I’m not a child, I know these things!”
“Table,” he groaned, taking her by the shoulders and gently ushered her out of the kitchen. She ran off, giggling under her breath, “and you are a kid!”
He turned his attention onto where you were leaning against the counter, setting his arms on either side of your body, affectionately trapping you in his grasp, “the two of you are always ganging up on me. Shoulda known you were going to be trouble.”
“Good trouble?” you reached up and put your hand on his face, swiping your thumb over the apple of his cheek. Joel always was a little rough around the edges, but you loved that about him. You loved how underneath that exterior, he had a kind, gentle heart.
“The best,” he took your hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Despite his best efforts, you could still see the faintest blush in his cheeks, “just so you know, I want to make out, but I don’t want to give her the satisfaction. We’re saving this for later.”
“Aye aye,” you mock saluted him and he snorted in amusement, “we made cookies. And your favorite for dinner, so I’ll be expecting a lot of thanks later.”
“Baby,” he closed his eyes and groaned softly, “you’re killing me.”
“And you’re letting dinner burn in the oven, so move it,” you put your hands on his hips and shuffled him to the side. You felt him watching your every move closely, “stop staring at my ass and help me, please.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, but it was nothing but fondness…and it didn’t stop him from teasingly slapping your ass as you made a sound of surprise, “now I’ll help.”
“You are the worst, Joel Miller.”
What you really meant was I love you with every fiber of my being, Joel Miller.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Are you even paying attention to the movie?” you looked up at Joel, and nodded sleepily, pulling yourself off him as if to prove a point. You’d been lying on his chest, his arm around you for the last hour as you tried to focus on whatever silly movie he’d put on, “mhmm.”
“Shh,” you waved him off, “it’s not my fault you have terrible taste in movies.”
“This is a piece of cinema,” he joked, just as someone else on screen was getting their head chopped off, “niche cinema.”
“Sure Joel,” you yawned softly, “it’s getting late. I should-”
“Just stay baby,” he insisted and despite the fact that you knew he would, your stomach flipped happily, “I don’t want you driving late at night when you’re this tired.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” you felt his fingers wrap around your wrist as he tugged you closer to him. You were soft and malleable and let him pull you into his lap, “but you’ve convinced me to stay.”
You leaned in to kiss him, slowly at first, suddenly feeling wide awake. Your body hummed with energy as his hands found purchase on your waist and he kissed you back with just as much eagerness. He really did make good on his makeout promise from earlier. And he kissed you until you were breathless and dizzy, grinning at him shyly.
“You’re so warm and soft,” he mused as his hand dipped under your sweater and spread his fingers along your ribs, “and beautiful.”
“Is that what you say to all the girls?” you teased softly and he let out a bark of laughter.
“Just you,’ he promised, as if you needed some sort of reassurance. You beamed as you leaned into him and peppered kisses along his jaw and down his glorious neck, “you keep this up longer and-”
“We’re not having sex on the couch,” you laughed quietly, a sound that went straight to his heart. He really loved you, he thought at that moment, “where one - Sarah could walk in on us any moment and two - we all sit on here. Bedroom, Miller.”
“Fine,” he pouted and you turned his face up towards yours as you kissed the pout away. A serious look crossed his features when you pulled away, “I’ve been thinking…”
“Uh oh. That’s never a good idea-”
“Hush,” he pressed a finger to his lips and you pressed a kiss to it, “I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time you actually moved in. Officially.”
“Yeah?” your heart swelled and felt like it was about to burst with pure happiness. He nodded and there was a gentle hopeful look in his big brown eyes that you loved, “okay y-yeah. Yes. I’d really like that too.”
“Yeah?” This time it was his turn to ask for reassurance.
“Yeah,” you promised, cradling his handsome face in your hands. You kissed him a few more times, reverent and saccharine, before you pulled back again, “bedroom?”
“You read my mind.”
“Joel?” you paused for just a moment before either of you could move, “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Forever,” he smiled softly, “and then even longer.”
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xxresi-rotxx · 10 months
Harsh Ending pt 3 (NSFW)
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Hot damn it's been too f*cking long! I just want to say if you're reading this, ily so much<3 I started this tumblr just to get out the brain rot in my head for this man, and I love having found so many ppl who feel the same<3 enjoy bb;)
By the time Leon found you, he was fuming. How the fuck had you gotten this far away? From what he knew about this parasite it should have slowed you down if anything, not made you faster.
You were trying your absolute hardest to get your breathing under control. Your breath coming out in short, quick pants. The sound of your blood pumping only increasing in your ears as you kept hearing an unfamiliar voice speak to you. If you weren't so out of breath, you'd be pissed. You were slumped against the base of a tree, fighting to keep your eyes open as extreme exhaustion began to settle its way into your features. You hadn't even heard the agent sneak up on you.
"Y/n?" Leon asked, putting the back of his hand against your forehead, confirming what he already thought.
"Fuck you're burning up. Y/n?" He called your name again.
Leon? Was Leon speaking to you? His voice sounded so faint you weren't really sure.
"Goddammit," Leon muttered under his breath as he went to slide his arms under you, attempting to pick you up. His heart sank a little when you didn't fight him back. No comment, no movement, no resistance from you at all. The parasite was progressing faster than he hoped it would. He had to get you back to Luis and get that medicine in you.
You woke up feeling groggy as hell and in a bed you didn't quite remember. It wasn't your bed, that was for sure. You didn't really feel as if you had slept either. Your exhaustion fading slightly as you moved to sit up. That's when it dawned on you.
Spain. Ashley. Las Plagas.
Panic immediately set in as you went to reach for your pistol, only to notice it wasn't there. Neither was your knife, or any of your tac gear for that matter.
"Feeling okay?"
Leon's voice startled and calmed you at the same time. He must have taken your tac gear.
"Yeah, just a little tired and," you trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck, feeling how stiff all of your muscles felt.
"Out of it?" He finished for you.
You nodded your head in agreement.
You half expected to see the black veins crawling their way up your arms, but you couldn't find any.
"Luis has medicine, it didn't get rid of the plaga but it should have slowed it down." Leon said, answering the question you were thinking but hadn't asked.
"Y/n," Leon spoke your name, causing you to turn your head and look at him, "you know Luis has a lab here that can remove the parasite."
He wasn't asking you, but you nodded your head anyway, you did know that.
"Why did you run?"
Run? When had you...?
Everything came crashing back to you in an instant. Making your head ache slightly.
You had run, fast too.
Leon already had his suspicions for why you ran but he needed to hear you say it. You were still trying to protect them. Couldn't you get it through your head that your life was just as important?
"Well?" Leon spoke again when you hadn't answered.
"You know why I ran Leon, are you really going to scold me again for looking out for yo-" you cut yourself off "for Ashley."
You knew there was no way he missed what you were about to say.
And he hadn't. But he didn't deserve to be protected, let alone by you. And especially not at the cost of your life.
"If my tactics bother you so much why go after me in this first place?"
This broke Leon right out of his thoughts.
What the fuck had you just said? He couldn't have heard you properly.
"I get you didn't want me on this mission but what I don-"
"No, I didn't want you on this mission."
Leon interrupted you.
"But you have no fucking clue why that is do you?"
Leon was walking towards you now, kneeling beside the bed you were resting on.
"Do you?" He asked again.
"I'm sure it has to do with my lack of protecting-"
"Yourself," again he cut you off, "your lack of protecting yourself. Do you have any idea how fucking nerve wracking it is to have to focus on Ashley when all I'm concerned about is you?"
You could tell Leon was clenching his fists based on how his arms were flexing. There's no way he was saying what you thought he was...was he?
You opened your mouth to respond but cut yourself off. What were you even supposed to say to that? Sorry? Explain please?
You locked eyes with Leon then, your breath hitching in your throat. God, why did he have to be so fucking beautiful? You took a moment to let your eyes wander down to his mouth, picking up on how hard he was breathing. When you trailed your eyes back to his, you could have sworn you saw his pupils get bigger.
"Say you'll stop me."
"What?" you responded, breaking out of your trance.
"Say you'll stop me if I'm wrong about this."
You could see Leon shifting his weight closer to you, getting up from where he was on the floor and moving to sit on the bed.
"I'm not so sure I could stop myself," he adds, "I'm going to need to hear you say it."
Everything finally clicked in your brain. Why he was so furious at you for protecting others over yourself, why he brought you back, why he was so pissed you were on this mission; what he was asking of you right now.
"I'll stop you." You responded in one quick breath, already anticipating what was to come.
"Thank fuck." Leon moved fast, pushing you against the headboard, resting his hands on either side caging you in. His mouth crashing on yours, a low moan emitting from him the second he felt your lips move against his.
The kiss was intense; messy and fast as his lips explored yours. As if he was pouring all of his frustration into this kiss and taking it all out on you.
When you let your tongue slide against his bottom lip you could feel him tense, his grip on the backboard of the bed growing tighter. His lips were so soft and plump, warm and inviting. You wanted to devour him, taste everything he had to offer.
Feeling your tongue Leon eagerly turned the kiss into more. Your tongues wrestling for dominance as you both drank each other in.
Feeling bolder, you placed your hands against Leon's chest, moving your hands up and down feeling all of the taut muscles underneath his shirt. You began moving your hands lower, letting Leon take control of the kiss while your hands were on a mission.
You could feel the sharp intake of breath Leon had, the gasp he emitted once your hands found what they were looking for.
He was so unbelievably hard for you. Painfully so you thought to yourself as you palmed him through his cargo pants.
Leon broke the kiss, letting his head fall to your shoulder as his breath came out in rough pants, his hands still leaning against the backboard.
"Fuck," he panted, voice coming out slightly higher in octave, "God, fuck please don't stop."
You were mesmerized watching how his body reacted to yours. The way his hips moved on their own, finding rhythm with your hand and grinding into you.
"Do you understand now why this mission has been utter torture for me?"
You let out a little giggle, not to mock Leon's torment, but more so because of the inner turmoil you'd been going through ever since your last conversation with the man. How all those feelings of hurt could have been avoided.
"You think that's funny?"
Leon had lifted his head now and was looking down at you, smirk plastered over his lips.
You had no time to respond before Leon trailed his hand down over your sex. The contact through the clothes making you shiver slightly.
You wanted him so fucking bad. You hadn't realized how empty you felt until his fingers started rubbing circles over you. Applying pressure where you needed it most.
"Fuck, Leon." You drawled out, your hips grinding against his hand, similar to how he had been grinding against yours.
He could just picture it. How insane you'd go from being teased and played with, how you would beg for release, all the cute noises that would come out of you; the way your body would react.
He wanted that, no he craved that, but he was losing his patience faster than he would have liked and his cock felt almost painful pressing against the rough material of his pants.
"Le-leon," you rasped, drawing the man out of his thoughts, "I love that you wanna take your time" oh how wrong you were "but if you don't fuck me soon, I think I might actually lose it."
Fuck, you were perfect.
Leon slipped his hands past the waistband of your panties, feeling the evidence of your arousal. You were more than ready.
Leon flipped you over to your stomach, the sudden change in position making you laugh.
"Grab the headboard for me." Leon instructed, his mouth so close to your ear you could almost feel his lips against you.
"Aren't you going to say please?" You teased him.
Leon chuckled, moving his mouth so that he could nibble on your ear, his hands gripping your waist.
"Please Y/n?" He moaned, doing his best to whimper the end of your name.
You grabbed the headboard instantly, your body immediately going flush hearing Leon moan for you. It sent heat straight to your core. You had never heard the man moan, whimper; hell make anything akin to the sound you just heard as he pleaded with you to do as you were told.
Leon had discarded your clothes and was in the process of discarding his own when he decided to slip a finger in, making sure you were fully prepared. The grip he had on his control now completely gone.
Fuuuuck you were tight. His cock already leaking just on how you felt clenching his finger.
Your back arched, your grip on the headboard tightening.
"Leon for fucks sake," you whined, "stop teasing me. I need this, I want this, pleaaase put it in me?" You tried your best to mimic the whiny plea he used earlier.
It worked. Leon slid himself in slowly, the weight of him resting against you, his grip on your waist tightening. Once he was fully in, he gave you a second, a brief one, to adjust.
"Promise me something" he spoke, keeping himself perfectly still.
"Is this really the best time?" you asked, your hips involuntarily twitching.
"Seeing as I think this is the only time you'll actually listen to me?"
You could almost feel the smirk you were sure was on his face, rolling your eyes you replied.
"Make it quick Kennedy."
"That you'll keep yourself safe, otherwise I might seriously fuck up this whole mission."
"I promise, but only if you'll buy me dinner when we get back."
The smirk on Leon's face grew wider, the fear that maybe your attraction to him being only physical slowly vanishing.
"Promise" he whispered against your back.
There was no warning after that. Leon was thrusting into you as if he was certain a lack of contact would kill him. His thrusts fast and deep, finding that spongey part inside of you and hitting it every time.
You could feel your legs start to give way, The messy pace his thrusts were setting, the rough grip he had on your waist, and the little grunts he'd make every time he pulled out just to plunge back in, had you seeing stars.
"Leon I'm cl-"
"Fuck, wait for me, fuck y/n"
You could feel the erratic way his thrusts become rougher, faster.
He was on the edge, and thankfully you were too.
His thumb found your clit, roughly pushing against it and rubbing it in fast circles.
"Come for me y/n"
Your body answering his command without hesitation. The orgasm rocking it's way through you, sending a shiver across your whole body, the sensitivity in your body heightened as Leon's thumb didn't stop.
Just when you thought you'd actually have to remove his hand, both his hands gripped yours against the headboard, holding you to it as he lost himself inside you, his body shivering just the same as yours had.
You let yourself slump against the bed, utterly spent and exhausted. Leon doing the same, his arm coming to rest across you.
You both laid there, listening to the rise & fall of each other's breaths, taking in the moment, knowing soon enough it would be back to the hell that was this mission.
"Hey y/n?" Leon spoke first.
"Hmm?" you responded, so close to falling asleep.
"When we get back, where should we get dinner?"
I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED LOVELIESSSS! This took me like 2 days to fully finish & proofread lol, incase anyone was wondering lol 😘😘
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honeyhotteoks · 6 months
this night together - chapter eleven (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter eleven: a new love song
chapter summary: time, and a well worded letter, heals all wounds. finally, it's time to let go.
warnings: nothing really, social drinking, etc.
notes: reminder that if you're reading this on or around 12.3.23 when it's posted, i'm uploading three chapters at once! if you haven't read chapter ten, go do that before you skip ahead!!
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 5.2k
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
The party is bright, bursting with light and color and art. You can feel Hongjoong’s presence everywhere from the moment you step through the doors and you almost feel underdressed. You selected your outfit for him, something a little bolder than you’d normally do, but something that truly suits the occasion and the honored guest. You adjust the top of your black trousers and glance down to ensure the cream white blouse that is parted open is still firmly secured with the hidden tape you painstakingly applied.  You hope your lipstick is staying put. 
The listening party for New World’s new mini album is in full swing, but the night is about more than just that. Their tour has ended, everyone back on Korean soil, and it will be the first time anyone will hear the album from start to finish and the first time you’ll be face to face with them again.
Three months of nothing, no contact except the letter. The letter you’ve read about a hundred times. 
You texted Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa of course, and they mentioned Yunho and Mingi occasionally, but always in the broader context of what they were doing on tour. You saw them in pictures, travel shots on Instagram or Snapchat stories of their nights out, but otherwise nothing. For three months you let it marinate, and your feelings haven’t changed in the slightest. All you have to do now is find them in this crowd and clear the air. 
It’s no surprise you’re as late as you are, your stomach was in knots getting ready and leaving your apartment had you practically coming apart at the seams. The idea of talking to them is simple, but you’ve rehearsed what you want to say over and over and you can’t imagine how they’ll respond. You take a glass of sparkling wine from one of the caterers and realize there are far more people here than you thought there would be. When you pictured a listening party you expected an intimate crowd, but the gallery space KQ rented is full of faces, some you know and some you don’t. You’re pretty sure you’ve missed the album playthrough at this point, you just hope no one’s noticed your absence. 
“You look so good!” A voice from behind you makes you turn, and you smile when you see Dahan in her sparkly wrap dress. 
“So do you,” You give her a quick, friendly hug. 
“This is your first one, right?” She asks, looking past you to find a drink tray. 
“Listening party?” You clarify, “Yeah,” 
“This is definitely the nicest one so far,” She all but whispers to you, “New World is pulling in that tour money now,” 
“Ah,” You nod. 
“Usually it’s at a nice restaurant or something, not quite so many people,” She explains, snagging a drink, “not that I’m complaining, dressing up is fun,” 
“Do you see Hongjoong at all?” You crane your neck and look through some of the bodies, but you can’t really see anyone else you know closely. 
“Mm,” She joins you, “no, but Yujin and some of the others are over there,” 
You follow her gaze, “Perfect,” 
She starts weaving through and you follow, keeping close to her and protecting your drink as you side step around and behind people. 
When you make it to the little circle of BB Trippin dancers, you slot right in alongside Dahan and give everyone a smile, “Hey,” 
Everyone greets you warmly, but you wonder absently where your little pocket of close friends are hiding. Yujin draws your attention though when she says, “Jaemin’s here,” 
“He is?” Your eyes widen. You barely ever see him, but it does make sense that he would attend an opportunity to bump elbows with people in the industry. 
“Mhm,” She nods, “I saw him talking to Yunho earlier.” 
Butterflies curl in your stomach, “Yunho’s here?” 
“Mhm,” She takes a sip of her drink, “somewhere,” 
“You look really nice,” Minseok interrupts, stepping a little closer so you can hear him better, “I like the whole, you know,” he gestures up and down to indicate he means your outfit and you nod. 
“Thanks,” You nod, “you clean up nice too,” 
“Oh yeah?” He shrugs, “Thanks,” 
You start to turn back to Yujin who looks like she has something more to say, but Minseok keeps going, “Have you met Hongjoong?” 
“Oh,” You start. 
“He’s a nice guy,” He continues, “you’d like his vibe, or at least, I think you would,” 
“I’m not sure if you know this or not, but it’s his voice that’s on a lot of the initial guide tracks we get,”
You do know that, but you nod and take a long sip of your drink, ice slipping down and connecting with your lip as you tip it back a little further. 
“He’s a bit eccentric,” Minseok continues. 
“Who’s a bit eccentric?” Seonghwa cuts in, stepping into the circle and cutting smoothly between you and Minseok, another drink for you ready in his hands. 
Minseok’s lips close. 
“Hi, Hwa,” You smile, “that for me?” 
“Of course,” He trades your nearly empty glass for the full one and leans in to press a fast kiss on your cheek, “you look beautiful,” 
“Stop,” You resist the urge to actually nudge him in front of too many people and give off the wrong idea about how close the two of you are, but you give him the best withering look you can. 
He ignores you though, “Who’s eccentric?” 
“Oh,” You do your best to keep the smile off your lips, “Minseok was just telling me about Hongjoong,” 
“Mm,” Seonghwa glances to the side at him, “is he?” 
“Artistic might be the right word,” Minseok corrects himself. 
“Well, that’s true,” You nod. 
“Oh,” Minseok blinks, “so you know him?” 
“Well, yes, I,” You start to say but Seonghwa cuts you off. 
“Speak of the devil,” He nods and when you turn you catch sight of Hongjoong heading right for you both. He’s dressed in the most decadent dark blue velvet suit you’ve ever seen, and the combination of that and his freshly dyed blue hair makes him look like more of an idol, not a producer. 
“My ears were burning,” Hongjoong says wryly, and then his eyes flick over you, “I love this,” 
“I thought you might,” You grin, moving forwards to greet him with a hug, “congratulations, Hongjoong, this is all beautiful,” 
“Thank you so much for coming,” He gives you a squeeze, “we keep missing each other for dinner,” 
“I know, I’ve been so busy lately,” You tell him, “but let’s plan something soon,” 
He nods and smiles and then turns his attention to the group, “Thank you all so much for coming,” he says. 
Minseok looks a little put out next to Seonghwa, and you hope you didn’t embarrass him, but he and everyone else greets Hongjoong and they loop through the congratulations on the finished album. Once pleasantries are done, he focuses his attention back on you, “I have someone I want you to meet,” he says. 
“Mhm,” His hand settles on your back as he turns to the group, “can I steal these two for a bit?” He nods his head towards you and Seonghwa. 
He doesn’t really wait for permission, he’s just being polite, and he steers you out of the circle and starts walking you back through the crowd closer to the stage area. 
“When did you get in?” Hongjoong asks Seonghwa as you walk. 
“This morning,” He says, “we were supposed to land last night but our flight was so delayed leaving LA,” 
“Thank you for coming anyways,” Hongjoong smiles, “I’m sure you’re exhausted,” 
“It’s fine,” He shrugs it off, “we’ll get back on timezone soon, I’m sure,” 
“Flight was okay otherwise?” You ask, but Seonghwa catches your eye and gives you a knowing smile. 
“Mhm,” He nods, “We’re all home safe and sound, I’m sure everyone else is here somewhere,” 
“Good,” Your throat feels tight, the idea that around one of these corners you’ll find Yunho and Mingi, “that’s good,” 
After three months without any contact, you’re going to have to physically restrain yourself from blurting out how you feel the second you see them. The last time they saw you was awkward at best, and considering the way you left things after the fight, the quickest way to confuse them would be to tell them you want them back with no apology, no preamble. But either way the words still form on your tongue in your imagination, and you’re mid internal monologue when Hongjoong stops walking and brings you back to reality. 
“y/n,” He says, gesturing to the couple across from you, “Seonghwa, I’d like you to meet Choi Jongho and his fiance Kim Eunji,” 
“Oh!” You can’t help the surprised sound that leaves you, “You’re the vocalist Hongjoong has told me so much about!”
Choi Jongho smiles politely, eyes flicking to Hongjoong, but then he nods, “That’s me,” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” You dip your head in quick acknowledgement. 
“So, you’re y/n?” Eunji says before Jongho can finish out the polite greetings and confusion runs through you. 
She’s looking at you with warmth and kindness, and it’s not often that omegas meeting each other for the first time are quite so positive and open. You’re used to a little hesitation, especially when alphas are around, everyone becoming a little territorial in mixed company, but Eunji seems unphased. 
“I am,” You nod as your brain starts to catch up. 
“Hongjoong mentioned you,” She explains at your confused expression, “I was hoping I’d get a chance to say hello,” 
“He did?” 
“Sorry, let me explain,” She smiles, “my little sister is debuting with your company soon,” 
“Oh!” Your brows shoot up and you run through the girls you’ve worked with to realize the common surname, “you’re Jiwoo’s sister?” 
“Yes!” She nods excitedly, “We’re very proud of her,” 
“That’s so nice,” You smile, relaxed now that you understand her abrupt familiarity, “she’s a very good dancer,” 
Eunji beams. 
“She’ll be debuting as main dancer,” Seonghwa nods, “for good reason,” 
Jongho smiles, his hand sweeping a warm line up and down his wife’s back, “Jiwoo says you and the others have been very kind during their preparations,” 
“Well,” You nod, “they’re working very hard, and I’m sure debut must be scary enough, there’s no need to add extra pressure,” 
“It is,” Jongho hums knowingly, and you recall Hongjoong mentioning he was from another idol group that had disbanded. You wonder idly in the back of your mind how difficult it really was for him judging by the brief expression on his face. 
“Exactly,” Hongjoong offers, “I thought you’d all like to meet considering the mutual acquaintance,” 
“Absolutely,” You say, “it’s been lovely,” 
Eunji is about to say something more, but Seonghwa’s hand brushes your upper arm and he leans into your ear, “At the bar,” 
“What?” You glance up at him and he nods past Jongho and Eunji. Your eyes follow his.  
The air leaves your lungs, but you feel Seonghwa’s thumb brush a comforting line over your skin, “Go,” 
“If you’ll excuse us,” Seonghwa interrupts you and gives a dazzling smile to your party, “her partners just arrived and it’s been a few months with the tour,” 
You’ll have to have a word with him about his word choice later, you notice the way Hongjoong’s eyes widen, but Jongho and Eunji just nod with understanding. The bond between alphas and their omega isn’t something to be taken lightly, and they take a step back to clear your path. 
You recover just enough to leave with normal pleasantries, “Thank you, sorry to run,” 
“No, no, of course,” Jongho nods, “it was nice to meet you.” 
“If I ever drop by the studio to see Jiwoo,” Eunji adds, “I’ll make sure to say hello,” 
“That would be nice, I look forward to it,” Your body is all but screaming at you to move now. 
“Well,” Seonghwa pushes you forwards, “I’m sure we’ll see each other later on in the evening,” 
Hongjoong says something more but you don’t quite hear it, and suddenly you’re being propelled forwards. Seonghwa dips his head towards you ear, “Good luck, be braver than I would be,” 
And then you’re alone, surrounded by bodies but alone nevertheless. 
You’re not exactly prepared for how you’re going to feel when you see them again. It’s been months, and the first thought that strikes you is how much they’ve changed in such a short time. Mingi looks broader somehow, but his face looks a little thinner and more angular, like he’s lost weight from all the performances and training and travel. Yunho’s hair is a little longer, the back a shaggier against his neck, but intentionally so, and the cut of his jacket makes his shoulders look wider. You want to barrel into their chests and tug them as close to you as you can, but instead you take a steadying breath and just give yourself a second to drink them in. 
You can’t stop yourself from smiling at the way they stand side by side as they wait for their drinks at the bar, and butterflies ripple through you, but despite everything you felt while they were gone there’s no fear. You just missed them, really and truly missed them. 
You’re moving before you consciously think it through and you watch their eyes widen when they see you coming, but it only spurns you on faster until you’re all but crashing into their sides at the bar. 
“Hey,” You’re just so happy to see them you can’t get the grin off your face, “you’re back,” 
“We’re back,” Mingi nods, and you can see the hesitation in his face. 
“I’m,” A million words run through your mind, but you settle on the truth, “so happy to see you,” 
“You are?” Yunho’s brows go high. 
“Yeah,” You step a little closer, letting the words you’ve been holding finally roll off your tongue, “this isn’t the place to talk, but yes, I’m happy to see you, I missed you both.”
Mingi exhales heavily and his lips quirk up. 
Lowering your voice a little more, you hold Mingi’s gaze, “I got your letter,” 
Yunho’s head twists to the side, confusion all over his face as he looks to Mingi for clarity. 
“We should talk,” You want to reach out so badly, but you hold it back for now, “but I wanted you both to know I’m sorry too, and I’m really glad you’re home now,” 
“Me too,” Mingi nods. 
“Good,” You sigh, “that’s good,”
“Are we okay?” Mingi glances between both of you. 
“Yes,” You nod, “I still think we should talk, we left things badly before, but I thought a lot about everything and I don’t want things to be uncomfortable anymore.” 
In the background you hear the speakers cut off the ambient music, and someone taps on a microphone to check that it’s connected. You glance towards the stage and see someone preparing to introduce Hongjoong. 
“Should we go somewhere?” Yunho asks, “Now?” 
The man on stage clears his throat into the microphone. 
You shake your head, “Not tonight, I want to be here for Hongjoong,” 
“Of course,” He backtracks. 
You reach for him this time, resting your hand on his forearm, “But maybe later this week when you’re settled we can just clear the air. I have some things I want to tell you,” 
He swallows tightly, and you can feel that he’s a little nervous but he nods, “Sure,” 
“I just,” You step back and look between them both, “I didn’t want you to stress about coming back to the studio,” 
The relief is palpable between all three of you as Hongjoong takes the stage, and Mingi says, “For a second I was worried you weren’t going to be here,” 
“No, I was just running so late,” You admit. 
“You’ve been okay?” He asks. 
“I am,” You nod, “you both are?”
“Good,” Mingi says. 
“Tired,” Yunho shrugs, and you suppose you can see a little of that in his eyes. 
“Seonghwa said your flights were delayed,” 
“Something like ten hours,” He sighs. 
“Are you sure you’re okay to come back tomorrow already?” You press them, “You’ll be jet lagged,” 
“We’ll be fine,” Yunho smiles a little at your concern, “don’t worry,” 
There’s a pause, a bubbling lull between you, but you can’t keep yourself from saying it, “I really am so glad to see you,” 
“Me too,” Yunho says. 
Mingi nods, but then his eyes flick up and he gestures behind you, “Someone’s looking for you,” 
You check over your shoulder and see Wooyoung lingering nearby and when he catches your eyes he points to his glass and then to you, checking to see if you need another and giving you a smooth out if you need one. You shake your head and turn back to Yunho and Mingi, “I should go,” 
“Okay,” Mingi says. 
You think suddenly if you walk away without making a plan you’ll think of nothing else all night until you can’t sleep, “Saturday,” you blurt out, “are you free?” 
“Yeah,” Yunho says and Mingi nods. 
“Let’s get dinner,” You say it before you can panic and take it back, “you can tell me about tour and I can… I have things I want to tell you,” 
“Just say when and where,” Mingi says, “we’re there.” 
“Okay,” You sigh, “good, perfect,”
You can practically feel Wooyoung hovering at your back and you take a deep breath as you step away, but part of you wishes you could just take Yunho up on his offer to get out of here. 
“y/n,” Yunho smiles a little, stopping you in your tracks, “you look happy,” 
“I am happy,” You tell him honestly. 
“That’s good,” He breathes. 
“Saturday,” You nod, “I’ll catch you both up on Saturday,” 
You see a flicker of something in Mingi’s expression, but then he smiles, “Wouldn’t miss it,” 
You turn before you lose your nerve and run straight into Wooyoung carrying two full glasses of champagne. 
“Everything okay?” He asks, pushing a glass into your hands, some of the bubbling liquid spilling over the sides and over your fingers. 
“Good,” You assure him, tugging him away from the bar and towards the back wall where you can talk to him unobserved. 
“I wasn’t sure if you needed rescuing,” 
“I didn’t,” You tell him, “I was doing fine,” 
“Shit,” He grimaces, “did I fuck up your moment?” 
“No, no,” You shake your head, “we’re meeting on Saturday, I’m going to talk to them then,” 
Something’s a little hurried in his face though, his eyes glancing past you again and again, and you can feel that he’s not exactly present. 
“Woo,” You start but he locks his eyes with yours and cuts you off. 
“I think I just met the love of my life,” He stammers, “I might fucking faint,” 
“What?” You hush him, pressing him back into the wall behind you, “Are you serious?” 
“I’m not going to faint for real,” He swats your hands away, “but I don’t know, y/n, I can’t breathe. My fucking chest is tight,” 
“Holy shit,” You manage. 
“I know,” He nods, “I know,” 
“You’re not close to your heat are you?” You probe him, wondering if you need to make a break for San and Seonghwa. 
“No,” He shakes his head, laying a cool hand on his flushed cheeks, “it’s nothing like that,” 
You nod relieved, “Well, then what happened?” 
“Okay,” He takes a long steadying breath, “you see that guy on stage? The one to the left of Hongjoong?” 
“Choi Jongho?” Your voice spikes up and he shushes you frantically. 
“No, oh my god,” He waves his hand to get your volume down, “he’s engaged, y/n, no, the other one,” 
You look to the left of Jongho and take in the third man on stage. He’s the one who introduced Hongjoong, his voice low and velvety soft. He has long blonde hair that brushes his collar bones, the top half gathered into a messy but chic bun. You can tell from here he’s handsome, devastatingly so, with a cool expression and his lips parted just enough to make you wonder how he kisses. 
“Oh,” You nod, “got it,” 
“Exactly,” He runs a panicked hand through his own hair. 
“He’s an alpha?” You surmise, “Did you catch his scent or,” 
Wooyoung’s shaking his head frantically before he can finish his words, “He’s a beta,” 
You can’t control the surprise in your expression, Wooyoung’s only ever really gone for alphas. It makes sense, most omegas do, considering the hindbrain of it all, but Wooyoung’s looking about as wrecked as you’ve ever seen someone. 
On stage, Hongjoong gestures towards the two men on his left and you switch your focus from Wooyoung’s whining panic to the man addressing the crowd, “I have one more announcement to make tonight,” he says, “something that would not have been possible to announce without Choi Jongho. I don’t think I need to tell you what a talent he is and how lucky we are at KQ to have brought him on. We have a preview of something we’d like to share, once again, something I felt very creatively supported in by Kang Yeosang,”
“That’s him,” Wooyoung hisses next to your ear and you refocus, “Kang Yeosang,” 
“Shh!” You hush him, but by the time you can hear Hongjoong again, he’s moved on to announcing that he’s going to preview Jongho’s new single, and you roll your eyes to refocus on Wooyoung, “So who’s this guy?” 
“Creative director,” He explains quickly, “album art, concepts, the works.” 
“Damn,” You manage. 
“He’s so fucking smart, y/n, you have no idea,” He breathes. 
“So you actually talked to him?”
“Talked to him?” He laughs, “I had his cock down my throat like thirty minutes ago,” 
“Jesus Christ, Wooyoung, that’s too much information,” You smack his arm. 
He rolls his eyes and continues, “We bumped into each other in the hall, like physically bumped into each other. I spilled my drink all down his nice white shirt,” 
The shirt Yeosang is wearing is still crisp white, so you assume there’s more to this story before he even keeps going. 
“I felt like an idiot,” He admits, “pulled him into the bathroom and told him I could fix it right up with a little club soda,” 
“He barely said anything at first,” Wooyoung continues, “I was just rinsing his shirt out while he stood there half naked looking like Michalangelo or something,” 
“I don’t think Michaelangelo was very cut,” You smirk. 
“The statute,” He swats you, “you know the one, don’t fuck with me,” 
“Okay, fine, go on,” 
“Anyway,” He sighs, “I was just talking, keeping the conversation going, fucking babbling while I washed out his shirt and then before I knew it he had me pressed up against the mirror with his tongue down my throat,” 
“One thing led to another,” He blushes again, “and then we just talked while I finished drying his button down,” 
“Wow, again,” You breathe. 
“I know,” He breathes, “I’ve never felt like this,” 
“Okay,” You squeeze his hand, “but, Woo, this is a good thing,” 
“I know, but I’m kind of fucking terrified,” He admits, “is this how you felt?”
“Pretty much,” 
“It’s awful,” He admits. 
“Tell me about it,” 
The crowd around you starts clapping, the speeches are over, and the men on stage start to head down the side steps to rejoin the crowd as the single begins to play. Everyone in the room is listening attentively to the music except you and Wooyoung. 
“What are you going to do?” You ask him, your voice low. 
“Go home with him,” Wooyoung checks his watch and then presses his untouched glass of champagne into your hands, “I’ve got to go,”
“Whoa,” You shake your head, “are you sure that’s a good idea?” 
“I’m a big boy,” He rolls his eyes again. 
“Text me his number, and his address,” You insist, “and check in with me tomorrow. If you don’t, I’m calling Seonghwa and San.” 
“Oh my god, please don’t do that.” He grimaces, texting you Yeosang’s contact information anyways. 
“Don’t make me,” You tell him. 
“Have fun, please be safe,” You’d take his hand, but yours are full of champagne. You hope the genuineness of your expression gets your point across to him. 
“I will,” he promises, “and I’ll call you. We’ll talk all about Saturday too, I just,” 
“I get it,” You nod, “honestly, I do,” 
“Thank you,” His eyes soften, “and please, don’t tell San and Seonghwa. Not yet,” 
“I won’t,” You assure him, “just go, be happy,” 
“You too, okay?” He smiles, “Whatever it is, you do it. You deserve it after all this,” 
Your stomach warms at that, and you know he’s right, you just want to do this the right way for once. Over Wooyoung’s shoulder you see the blonde man in question smoothly cutting his way through the crowd, and you nod towards him, “Get out of here, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” 
He’s gone without another word, just a rushed smile as he weaves his way towards Yeosang, a bright and beaming grin now on his face. He’s a goner, you can see it clear as day. A brief flickering question passes through your mind of how this might affect his dynamic with Seonghwa and San, but given the way your best friend is lit up from the inside it doesn’t even matter. If you deserve to be happy like that, so does he, however it happens. 
With Wooyoung gone, you take a moment to survey the room, but you can’t find your group anymore. You see people from KQ you recognize, but your normal BB Trippin group is nowhere in sight and Yunho and Mingi are no longer towering over everyone at the end of the bar. You listen to the rest of the new single, something soulful and rooted in R&B just like Hongjoong had described to you all those months ago. 
As you listen to the crooning love song, your mind loops through the encounter with Yunho and Mingi, of every microexpression and you get lost in your plans for Saturday yet again. How you’ll tell them you’re sorry, how you’re ready to move on and to be honest with one another. How much you still want them, that you might love them. 
You don’t know how long you’re standing there by the back wall, thoughts tumbling over what-ifs when you’re brought back to reality. 
“Tough night?” A voice makes you jump, a little more champagne dipping out of your glasses as you turn to the side. 
“Hey, Minseok,” You laugh a little, “you scared me,” 
“Sorry,” He smiles, begging off, “I just meant the two drinks, and you know, hiding in the corner,” 
“Oh,” You shake your head, “no, Wooyoung ran off and stuck me with his glass. Do you want?” You offer it to him. 
“Sure,” He nods, smoothly taking the glass from your hands. 
You take a quick sip from yours and clear your throat softly, ��So, enjoying the party?” 
He nods, “It’s nice, but honestly I was just about to get out of here and call it a night,” 
“Me too,” You nod. You’d try to say goodbye to Hongjoong, but he’s been tied up all evening mingling, and without any of your friends in sight it seems as good a time as any to slip out. 
“Let me walk you out,” He offers, plucking the champagne from your fingertips and placing both glasses on one of the nearby side service tables. 
You probably would have finished it, and a flicker of annoyance passes through you, but you let it pass and nod, “Sure,” 
You’re not far from the door, and he organizes grabbing both of your checked jackets as he makes small talk, “Are you taking the train or,” 
“I’ll probably order a car,” You usually do when it’s late like this and you’ve had a few drinks despite the extra cost. 
“Me too,” He nods, passing your jacket over. 
You shrug it on and search for something to say, but Minseok isn’t as forthcoming and chatty as some of the other dancers, “Do you live closeby?” 
“More towards Itaewon,” He zips his jacket and gestures towards the exit doors that will lead you out onto the street. 
“Mm,” You nod, pushing through the doors. 
“You know, we could,” Minseok starts to say, but the minute you step aside you finally see some familiar faces. 
“There you are!” You smile, and your familiar group of dancers turns at your voice. 
Minseok says something else, but you don’t quite catch it and you spin to apologize quickly over your shoulder before rejoining your friends. 
“I thought you left,” San ushers you over to their group. 
“Good timing,” Seonghwa adds, “my car’s not far, you want a ride?” 
“Sure,” You nod, you’ll never turn down a less expensive rideshare. 
Yunho and Mingi are talking with Jaemin at the edge of the group, but you catch Mingi’s glancing eye and give him a smile. It’s impossible to just smooth over your last real conversation with them, but you’re trying to signal in every little way that you want to move past it, that his letter meant something. You’ll lay out the rest for them as soon as you get them alone. 
He smiles back, quickly catching that you’re about to leave and you can see that he wants to step away from the conversation he’s having about some missteps from the tour. 
“Have you seen Wooyoung?” San asks, bringing your attention back. 
“For a second,” You nod, but look away from quickly as you try to tell a vague white lie, “I think he already split,” 
He hums, but then Seonghwa gently taps your back, “Car,” 
“Oh, perfect,” You step with him and turn to the group, “goodnight everyone, see you in the morning!” 
Dahan and San both give quick, small waves. 
“Goodnight,” Mingi says, his conversation stuttering to a pause so he can address you, “see you,” 
“See you tomorrow,” Yunho adds, nodding. 
Your stomach feels like it might flutter right out of your body. 
“I’ll have him drop you first,” Seonghwa says as he helps you into the car, jogging to the opposite side to get in himself. 
As the car pulls away you feel lighter than you have in months, and seeing them again makes everything feel so much more sure. They’re real, they’re back, and they want to see you too. Everything else falls to the side, for once the path forwards is crystal clear. 
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Alpha!Katsuki Headcanons
Author's Note: I'm working on an actual written blurb for these two, but in the meantime, enjoy this snapshot into what their relationship is like!
From here on out, his omega will be affectionately referred to as BB, just as a pet name.
Bakugou is aged up to mid-20s here, and this does contain slightly mature content so read at your own risk.
BB is quirkless!! Sometimes Bakugou teases her for it, stressing that she needs her big, strong, pro Hero alpha to take care of her and keep her protected. He’s also known for telling her to sit her “basic ass” down. 
She doesn’t really mind the teasing, or the lack of a quirk. She used to be self conscious about it growing up, but now she doesn’t see herself as anything less for it. 
She’s a total crybaby, like big fat Deku tears. She cries a lot when she’s stressed, and don’t even get me started on how she can get when her hormones are all out of whack from preheat. 
Cries a LOTTT during sappy romance movies as well.  One time she got so worked up Bakugou had to cut the movie off halfway, despite her protests. 
These two are stupidly in love with each other!!! Not a single person expected Katsuki to be so open and vulnerable as he is with her, but it’s been such a pleasant surprise!! He’s still the hard exterior Katsuki they all know and love, but it’s impossible to miss how much happier and calm he is around his omega. BB can take him from explosive, aggressive, alpha to someone who’s pulling her close and outright purring at her affections within a matter of moments. 
 He’s very protective of his omega but he’ll be damned if he becomes one of those alphas that has to control her every move. This means BB loves to go out with her friends, but he will be dropping her off and picking her up after, as well as triple checking his ringer is on in case she calls for anything. Everyone jokes that he’s a total mother hen, but it’s an arrangement that makes them both the most comfortable. 
Before he had marked her, there was one time she called him because another alpha was making her uncomfortable at the bar. Katsuki was with Kiri and Mina at the time and let’s just say that Mina had to go in to retrieve BB (checking up on her friends to make sure they were safe as well, ofc), while Kiri held Bakugou back so that he wouldn’t march in and make a scene. It led to him causing a scene outside the front door anyways.
He only calmed down once she was safe and in his arms, her face tucked into his scent glands as her previously sour scent turned sweeter as she calmed down.
BB is very shy at first, but completely opens up once she gets comfortable. This means she tends to be quiet around new people and stick to her alpha’s side, but once she trusts someone, she literally doesn’t shut tf up. 
No, seriously. Bakugou introduced her to the squad once they were officially courting. They had dinner at his apartment, and the poor girl barely spoke while everyone sat around the table, eating. A few hours (and drinks) later, she was practically glued to Kiri’s side, talking his fucking ear off. Bakugou quickly learned that the two are very similar, and they’re best friends now who love to make his life hell. 
About Kiri!!! Kiri is not mated yet, but he has been courting an omega for a while and the two are literally meant for each other. They have double dates with Bakugou and his girl all the time and BB and Kiri’s omega are very close!! 
Whenever they’re at a party, or having a night out somewhere, BB is infamous for pulling Bakugou away after a few drinks to blow him. He always teases that he won’t let her next time, but he’s just a man. He’d be crazy to deny his pretty little omega wanting to get on her knees and make her alpha feel good. 
Yes, this did occur at a hero gala one time. They tried their best to play it off but their friends all knew the blush adorning their cheeks was not from the alcohol. 
Before quitting, BB used to work at a coffee shop in between classes. She would also hang out there to do schoolwork. This is how they met each other. Bakugou caught whiff of her scent one day while on patrol with Kiri, and he was immediately hooked. He bought her a refill and a pastry and the poor dude was stumbling over his words trying to introduce himself. 
He was so nervous, hands shaky as he spoke to her. Kiri definitely teased him about it, but clearly it had worked as BB had slipped him her number before the two men left.
She always felt very safe around him, even from the start. He became a safe space for her very early on in their relationship.
On their first date, he took her to get takeout and they ate it sitting on a blanket at a local park and trying to guess the life stories of different strangers around them. 
Their second date he invited her over to his apartment and made her dinner. She showed up in a dress and heels, and couldn’t help but keep staring at his biceps as they bulged underneath his button down he had chosen for the night. He even set the table with flowers and candles. What a romantic!!
Bakugou was absolutely swooning over her!!! They cleaned up together after dinner, giggling like children as they splashed sudsy water on each other. Bakugou poured them both another glass of wine once they were finished, showing her to the balcony where they sat and talked in the cool night air. 
The night mayyyy or may not have ended with Bakugou’s head underneath the poor girl’s dress, thighs shaking as she fell apart on his face. He moaned into her, cleaning her up with his tongue before pulling away, helping her pull her panties back up into place and pressing a few kisses to her lips as he pulled her into his arms on the couch. He drove her home later that night, making sure she was safely inside before taking himself back home. 
They went on a few more dates before he decided to court her, showing up at her place with a new blanket and a sweater of his he had scented, as well as her favorite chocolates as a courting gift. BB accepted immediately, tearing up at the gesture as she pulled him into an embrace. She left him briefly to add the two new items to her nest, breathing in the mix of their scents deeply once she had finished. She quickly returns to Bakugou, instructing him to take his shoes off before pulling him into her bedroom and inviting him into her nest for the very first time. It’s an emotional moment for both of them as he climbs in, making himself comfortable and allowing his omega to scent him before tucking herself into his chest, the both of them practically purring. 
They spent the rest of the day in her nest and Bakugou even called out the next day for some extra time with her.
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chloe-skywalker · 29 days
Parting Scar's - Poe Dameron
Poe x Fem!reader Solo
Warnings: mention of sibling abuse?
Word count: 656
Summary: Ben left some parting scar’s on his sister Y/n, that she doesn’t like to show off. But when Poe ask’s her to hand him a tool Y/n’s shirt lift’s up and he sees it and get’s concerned.
STARWARS Masterlist
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“Can you help me for a minute?” Poe asked as he saw Y/n in the halls and walked over to her.
“Sure. What with?” Y/n nodded at Poe and started to walk beside him. Y/n wondered what he needed help with.
“I need to fix some things in my X-Wing and I need someone to hand me tools because I have to use both my hands.” Poe explained, he hoped he wasn’t rambling.
“Okay. Just tell me what to hand you.” Y/n sighed nodding along. If he needed help Y/n would gladly help her pilot, even if it sounded a tiny bit boring.
“Great.” Poe smiled back, the two walked to the hanger and over to Poe’s X-Wing.
“So what’s wrong with the X-Wing?” Y/n asked sitting down next to Poe and the tool box.
“Somethings rattling under the cockpit.” he told her as he shoved his hands further into the open compartment of the X-Wing.
“Hello BB.” Y/n laughed as the little droid rolled over to her beeping happily. The little droid loved her and Y/n loved BB as well.
Helping Poe with the X-Wing took longer than they thought it would. But during Y/n helping Poe, Y/n reached to grab a tool for him Poe noticed her shirt lift up and a ton of scars littered her back. It made Poe become alarmed.
Later the two decided to break and get dinner before it was all gone. ALthough they decided to take it back and eat in the hanger, so they could get to work again when they were done. Y/n and Poe rearranged some cargo cases so they could sit diangle next to each other.
“Y/n can I ask you something?”  Poe spoke up after taking a bite.
“Shoot.” She nodded, taking her own bite of food.
“The scar’s on your back.” Poe nervously pointed out, he didn’t want to upset her or embarrass her.
“You saw?” Y/n put down her food not looking at Poe yet. She had to take a minute to wrap her head around the fact that she now had to tell Poe. Tell him about something that eats away at her constantly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry if this is crossing some boundaries.” Poe apologized.
“You were gonna see them at some point, right?” They had yet to be physically intimate, but Y/n wanted to go there with Poe and she was sure he wanted to go there with her. So eventually she was gonna tell him anyway but not now, not when it was unplanned and out of the blue.
Poe felt guilty for bringing it up, he should’ve waited for her to tell him but he saw and he was worried. “Y/n, what are they from?”
He might as well ask since he brought it up.
Y/n took a deep breath to calm her nerves and gain some confidence. “My brother. When he turned to the darkside and joined the first order.”
“Kylo Ren.” Poe had a moment of PTSD when speaking that name.
Y/n nodded and gulped before she explained further. “Kylo Ren, Ben Solo. I don’t know which. Both most likely. It happened the night he turned. We fought and it was his parting gift I guess. Scar’s that run along my back, some of my arms and torso… I think he was trying to kill me but I’m stubborn and survived.”
Poe had to control his anger, if he didn’t hate Kylo Ren already he definitely did now. But Poe also didn’t want to scare Y/n. Poe pulled Y/n into his arms and rested his chin on top of her head. “If I ever get the chance I’ll get him back for you.”
Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled at his protectiveness. Y/n nuzzled her face into his neck. “Thanks Poe.”
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97
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vampirepunks · 3 months
I’m curious what do you think about Higgs and Lou having a connection? Something about her pod gets his attention and how Sam says “he said you don’t know a goddamn thing about Lou.” Sure he doesn’t clearly say Higgs said it but knowing Kojima use of the He usually means a important character.
okay okay okay so I have Thoughts™ about this. Let's start with textual analysis and then shift towards wild speculations. It's messy, but bear with me.
So, body language, tone of voice, facial expressions. Those things say a lot. Higgs' overall demeanor is very familiar overall, not all that different from how he behaves in DS1, but there are a few subtleties that give him away.
Firstly, how he moves his guitar to his back as soon as he initiates conversation with Sam. He could have done this a few moments later to free up his hands, but he specifically chooses to move it aside at what appears to be the very start of the interaction. He's removing a barrier between them by doing so, consciously or not. His shoulders fall slack and he starts off with very open, unguarded gestures (hands at his sides, head held high) and shifts to a self-protective stance after noticing Sam's gun (arms folded in front of himself, hands folded, head tipped lower to focus more intently on Sam.)
This brings us to the moment he takes note of the BB pod. He doesn't hesitate to make a move for it, arms once again held in an open position as he stands up and goes to take it. When he does grab it, he isn't rough about it, using only as much force as necessary to dislodge it from its carrier. Now, this is where it gets interesting: he immediately turns his back to Sam. Whatever his reaction, Higgs doesn't want him to see it. He's anticipating something and he doesn't want Sam to pick up on whatever that is. He holds the pod carefully--tenderly, even--and cradles it in his hands, touching the front of it with a very delicate gesture. The tone conveys a very private, almost intimate moment. The camera lingers, the music softens. We see the little whoosh of air when he does so. My guess is, that phenomenon is related to his DOOMS; he's sensing the ghostly presence in the pod.
When he speaks, his voice is slower, gentler. He takes a moment, ponders his observations, and his eye motions reveal a deep thought process. The very subtle, quick, back-and-forth motions of his eyes as he reacts is... interesting. Psychologically, those kinds of side-to-side micro-movements typically indicate memory recall in the brain, a sign of bilateral activation for information processing and consolidation from long-term memory. Whatever he's thinking about, he's remembering something and contrasting it with the situation in front of him. He's snapped out of it, of course, by Sam asking if he killed Lou. His immediate reaction says it all: the second he hears it, his brow goes up, his mouth presses tight, and he turns his head. That conveys genuine surprise, maybe even confusion too. Not the likely reaction of someone who murdered the child in question. That stone-faced expression sticks for a moment. When he says, "You still don't know, do you?" nothing about his posture, tone, or expression indicates mockery or ill will. In fact, it's almost sympathetic. Again, using a softer voice, and he turns his full body back towards Sam. His brow lowers and his overall countenance remains tense, as though he's somehow bothered by the situation. Hell, he seems tired, as though he's exhausted of Sam not understanding. Contrast this with DS1's "You just don't get it, do you?" which is spoken in a highly aggressive manner. Higgs never lies to Sam (thank you, higgssupremacy, for reminding me of this!) and repeatedly tries to bait him, get him to listen, and observe the truth for himself, separate of his established assumptions. Higgs isn't content with telling Sam the whole story, he needs him to actually see.
The scene cuts away here, as in the next shot, he's no longer holding the BB pod and he's standing quite a bit further away from Sam. So, we'll focus on that first interaction.
Things I've taken away from this:
Higgs didn't kill Lou. If he was involved in her death, it wasn't intentional and harming Lou was not his objective.
He doesn't intend to harm Sam either, at least not at this moment.
Based on this and the lullaby in the teaser, his relationship to Lou is a caring one, potentially parental.
So, naturally, this isn't the first time he's interacted with Lou separately from Sam.
Now, I might be reaching, but I could almost swear if you listen closely when he touches the pod, you can hear a very faint sound reminiscent of ocean waves. (If somebody who works with audio wants to try and isolate the background ambiance, I'll kiss you on the mouth sloppy-style.) So, two things: 1) Did Higgs interact with Lou on the Beach? If so, when? 2) Is his ka still on the Beach? If so, how disconnected are his soul and body? Does he remotely "pilot" his physical body, or was his very being cleaved in half in a similar manner to Bridget and Amelie?
Now, I'm gonna put on my tinfoil hat and make an absolutely batshit leap of logic. I'm considering this a possibility, not a certainty, but... What if it wasn't Amelie that sent Lou back from the Beach when Sam took her out of the pod at the end of DS1? What if it was Higgs?
There are two potential explanations I can think of for how this would be possible, especially given the presence of the quipu when Amelie was the last one to have it: 1) Higgs and Amelie spoke again sometime after the ending, at which time she either gave it back to him or he took it. Not the most likely answer, as we're led to believe she died when she blew up her Beach (to "be the sacrifice"), which we see her do with seemingly no time in between, and she had the quipu in that final scene. However, time works differently on the Beach (aka, it doesn't) and she could have taken a moment to speak with him/kick him off her Beach and send him back to his own. 2) Higgs was still on Amelie's Beach when she razed it. Through yet indeterminate means, he survived this and either inherited what was left or was irreparably changed by such a world-bending event when he landed back on his own Beach.
So, that leaves Higgs alone on the Beach, whereupon Lou washes up on the shore. In this scenario, this is the moment in which Higgs sings to Lou. He repeats the same choice that started the Stranding to begin with: save a child, create a repatriate. Cosmic consequences ensue.
Reasons I think this theory works:
Saying "I'll always be with you" to Lou carries a lot of weight. Whatever happened between the two of them, it was enough that he felt he'd always be a part of her story in some way or another.
Several things happen when Lou repatriates - the timefall stops, the rainbow is no longer inverted, the sun shines without the cover of chiral clouds, the baby BTs in that final scene are suddenly white. The world has been changed. Healed, it seems, but at what cost? If Higgs' new theme is creation + redemption, it stands to reason that this could have begun with saving a life and inadvertently reversing the course of the Stranding, at least partially.
In the first dream sequence in DS1, Sam is shown connected to Lou by a black, synthetic-looking umbilical cord, before she turns into a BT and heads towards the Seam. In the trailer, Higgs has an umbilical cord that is almost exactly identical to that one.
Eternal recurrence. Always, always, eternal recurrence. Higgs repeats the decision Amelie made with Sam and irreversibly changes the course of the world and fate of humanity in the process, just as she did. A choice made out of compassion, regret, and a need for connection. He didn't know any better, how could he know better?
Higgs textually parallels Lady Macbeth. If we assume Lady Macbeth is both villain and victim, and that she (and Higgs) did not in fact die off-screen/stage as the audience is led to believe, how does that narrative continue? Lady Macbeth's guilt is heavily tied up in her involvement with the death of children (and the loss of her own child in some readings) and her inability to rid herself of her bloodguilt ("What's done cannot be undone") and this aligns with Higgs' acts of terrorism after meeting Amelie (an explicit example being Mama's baby) and his act of violence towards Lou in Edge Knot City, in stark contrast with his original reasons for becoming a terrorist ("How tender ’tis to love the babe[...] I would, while it was smiling in my face[...] dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to").
Higgs having turned Lou into a repatriate (and possibly have been accidentally responsible for "taking" her from Sam?) mirrors the conflict between Amelie/Bridget and Cliff. Someone who was (maybe, in Higgs' case!) responsible for a child's death, severing their natural connection to death, and proceeding to claim and love that child as their own, while the father rages on and demands to be given back his BB, trapped by grief for his stolen/lost child. Could that story end differently, this time? In a narrative about disconnection and opposition, could these two people choose to unite--to connect--instead, when it comes down to it? After all, Kojima implied that Higgs and Sam need each other. They are each the other's chiral counterpart, inseparable by their very natures and fates.
If Higgs was the one who said, "You don't know a goddamn thing about Lou," that sounds awfully defensive, doesn't it? Perhaps even protective/possessive? Like a parent defending their claim on their child?
I've also adopted GameLargo's theory that Higgs was the infant of the c-section in which the first true voidout occurred, inspiring the BB experiments to begin with. In this scenario, Higgs would have been "born" from a voidout. It can be inferred that BBs can possibly repatriate, in a sense, as long as they're in the pod, because they're not truly alive or dead and belong neither to this world or the other side. The world of the living staked its claim on him when he came back from the Seam, but his unique means of starting life inherently fractured his place in the usual order of things, thus turning him into a "natural" repatriate and explaining why his DOOMS powers are so different from anyone else's. Again, life from death. Logically, Bridges might have recovered dear baby Peter from the incident site when they investigated, studied him, and adopted him out when he wasn't of use to them, concealing/erasing the records of his existence as part of the BB experiment conspiracy. This overall concept further strengthens Higgs' ties to the human sacrifices committed by Bridges, his relationship to the extinction, as well as his potential to subvert these things and embody a creative force rather than a destructive one. A sudden connection with Lou makes a lot of sense in this context.
Ghost Lou possessing the samurai bot (the working theory among the fandom, as we're all familiar with by now) laughs joyfully while fighting Higgs, as if she's playing with him. He doesn't seem particularly scared, either, at facing such a clear threat, he's just alarmed and vaguely frustrated, like "wtf is happening right now, why is this thing attacking me, etc." You ever seen a baby throw things at their dad and squeal with glee at how he reacts? Yeah, this gives off that vibe.
...so yeah that's my absolutely unhinged take from what we know so far. Guess we'll see!
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 8 months
Hello! Spreading more asks around for the first kiss prompt!
I'd love to see the prompt - "don't you dare tell anyone about this." "wasn't planning on it." With Crosshair, but the second part being said by the reader possibly with a wink? If that's too specific just the prompt going either way. (The inner Crosshair simp must be fed!)
Love and Wrecker Hugs! ❤️🖤
ahhh!! this was the perfect prompt for Cross and I had a lot of fun writing it! thank you bb!! I fully intended to wait to answer all of these all at once but I'm too excited so, I present:
First Kiss - Crosshair
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin, folks. Prompt in bold.
Warnings: some angst (because it's Crosshair), a little bit of a toxic relationship but it's fine, mention of my OC Captain Flare, medic!reader, gn!reader, fluff, confessions
Word Count: 1.4k woops
TBB divider by the wonderful @wizardofrozz, other divider by @dystopicjumpsuit
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You’ve worked with Clone Force 99 now for nearly a full year, and while you could technically be reassigned at any moment, both Cody and your supervisor, a bitter old bat, assured you that the Republic had bigger fish to fry than the logistics of shuffling one nat-born medic every few campaigns. And so you’ve stayed with the outcasts. They’ve become something akin to family, at least to you. You know most of them feel the same—Wrecker never fails to express his brotherly affection for you, Tech continues to adjust the ship’s thermostat to a temperature that is best suited to you when you’re feeling off, and Hunter’s silent nod and smile tell you all you need to know. 
Crosshair, though, is a tough nut to crack. 
At first, you swore he hated you. Despite the rest of the squad’s assurances that he’d come around, you’d been skeptical. It wasn’t until several months into your assignment, on a mission you really shouldn’t have been on as the team’s medic, when you saved Crosshair from commando droids that something changed. He still snarked you, still flicked his used toothpicks at your face to bother you. But he slowly began to open up to you. He included you in inside jokes, actually listened to your medical advice, and even let you hold his Firepuncher once.
So despite the hospitality and friendliness of the rest of the squad, it’s Crosshair that your heart has chosen to love. You know he cares about you. You just don’t know to what extent. 
Because even though he still maintains an impenetrable wall around himself, he looks after you. On missions and otherwise. When you go out on shore leave as a squad, he glowers at anyone who dares even look in your direction. 
And that’s exactly the situation you find yourself in tonight. Planetside, on Triple Zero, you’d convinced the others to have a night out with you before you shipped back to the warzone in a few days. The missions have been nearly incessant, and you’re all starting to feel the strain. 
Leaning back against the sticky bartop, you survey the crowded dance floor. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker lounge in one of the coveted corner booths, looking more relaxed than you’ve seen them in a long time, dressed in civvies and nursing the cheap booze served by the 79s management. A smile lifts your lips. They deserve this, just one night off, to remind them what the war is for.
But you came here wanting more than to drink weak, watery beer. Taking a swill, you glance sidelong at Crosshair perched on a barstool next to you. 
He hasn’t left your side since you walked in. Normally, his presence is comforting, especially in unfamiliar settings, on unfamiliar planets, around unfamiliar people. But 79s hosts none of those things. In fact, the way he’s ordained himself your personal shadow is beginning to grate. You know he’s scaring off any of the regs who might otherwise ask you to dance, or offer a drink, or even just a friendly hello. You know he’s hovering to protect you. 
You just don’t understand why.
Sighing, you take another swill of your drink. “Kark, what’s a person gotta do to get a dance around here?” 
Crosshair doesn’t answer, just shifts his toothpick to the other side of his mouth. 
You huff. “Cross, c’mon. I don’t need a babysitter. Go drink with the others. I’ll be fine.” 
“S’not you I’m worried about,” he mutters. “S’them.” He jerks his chin toward the dance floor, gesturing broadly to the gathering of regs. 
“I can handle them,” you say, an edge of ice to your voice. Frustration at his inability to actually say what he means boils below your skin. 
Crosshair, predictably, ignores the bite of your words. “Didn’t say you couldn’t.” 
“Great,” you say, pushing away from the bar, “glad we’re in agreement.” 
Shoving your half-empty bottle into his hands. He looks down at it with a bewildered expression, then up at you, his eyes narrowed into slits. You give him a sarcastic, two-finger salute before dipping into the crowd. 
You find a clone—Flare, you think he says his name is—who is more than willing to dance. His grasp on your body is unfamiliar but respectful. The pair of you sway and grind through several songs (you’re certainly not keeping track, too focused on trying to avoid the impulse to see if Crosshair is watching). When Flare whispers into your ear, his lips brushing your skin, your eyes slide shut, desperately wishing he were someone else.
A moment later, Flare yelps and his arms are ripped from around you. Eyes shooting open, you whip around to find Crosshair, every line of his body radiating anger, his fists clenched at his sides. Kriff. 
“Sorry,” you call to Flare as you grab Crosshair’s bicep and haul him through the crowd to the front door. “What the fuck are you doing!?” 
Scoffing, Cross yanks his arm free, though follows hot on your heels as you emerge into the cool night air. “Could ask you the same thing.” 
“I was dancing,” you say.
This is going to be an argument, you just know it, and you don’t want to subject all these strangers to the impending shitstorm. So you keep walking, leading Crosshair around the corner where it’s quieter. 
“Bantha-shit,” he hisses. His firm grip on your shoulder spins you around. “His hands were all over you.” 
“He wasn’t doing anything I didn’t want,” you say, glaring at him. “Maker, what is your issue? I can’t even have a fun night out without you stepping all over my plans, can I?” 
“No,” he spits. “Not if it means—” He cuts himself off and looks away, jaw clenching and unclenching. His chest heaves with emotion, two high spots of color on his cheeks. 
Something in you softens, anger cooling into confusion. “Not if it means what, Cross?” 
Nostrils flaring with every inhale, he shakes his head minutely, eyes pressing shut. 
You hesitate, but after a moment, you sigh. Reaching up, you gently cup his face to draw him back to you. His eyes flutter open to meet your own. This is the closest you’ve been to him, you realize, in your entire time with the squad. Besides his medical exams, this is the most you’ve touched him, too. The realization sets your heart pounding. 
“Don’t shut me out,” you say. “Please.” 
He studies you for a moment. Across his face flits several emotions, none of them identifiable, and you begin to grow worried that all the progress you’ve made with him is about to be tossed over the ledge of this Coruscanti sidewalk. 
A worry that is dashed as soon as he surges forward and kisses you, one hand cupping the back of your neck to steady you. A sound of surprise squeaks out of you. Then you’re melting against him. Tilting your head, you deepen the kiss, one hand settled over his heart. It beats hard and fast under your palm, nearly in tempo with your own racing pulse. His lips are chapped and rough against yours, but you don’t care, because it’s him, and this is all you’ve needed these past few months. 
When he pulls away, he doesn’t go far. His forehead pressed against yours, his eyes remain screwed shut. He releases a shaky exhale. 
“Cross, I—” 
He kisses you again. “Don’t. Don’t apologize.” 
“How did you—”
“Because I know you,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Warmth blooms deep in your chest, right where you’ve made space for him in your heart. “Y-Yeah. Alright. But—”
“No,” he grumbles. “You need to know that I- I’m sorry. For being a di’kut. I should have made a move sooner.” 
A soft chuckle spills from you. “Yeah, you should’ve.” 
At last, his warm, amber eyes flutter open to meet yours. Your breaths mingle in the small space between your faces, and the intensity of affection in his gaze nearly makes your knees collapse. Smiling up at him, you catch the barest hint of a smile in return. For a moment, it’s just you and Crosshair in one another’s embrace, the sounds and smells of the side alley of 79s fading away. 
The moment is shattered when he speaks again. “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” 
Laughing in earnest, you can’t help but shake your head. The others are going to find out about this new development sooner or later, but as you meet his gaze again, you realize he doesn’t mean the kiss. Sobering, you nod. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
You can’t resist winking, though. He rolls his eyes and grumbles, but tucks you against his side all the same to lead you back to the barracks.
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List of Ragu: @the-hexfiles @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @dreamie411 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl if your name is struck thru I can't tag you so check your settings! (to be added or removed from my taglist, click here!)
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noroi1000 · 8 months
Nyan XV - Not now. Just love me, f*cking fluffy heads.
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Nyan Chapters List
Summary: Time for Truth
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Satoru: "Bb" "Come back" "It's getting late" "Come home with us"
Suguru: "Honey" "Please come back inside" "Something will happen to you if you drive this far alone."
Satoru: "What you saw is not what you think!" "She only thinks about money!" "We only love you!"
Suguru: "That woman from earlier is our senpai" "We've been working with her since we were in school." "We only love you" "I know what it could look like" "But we wouldn't invite you here just to find out we're cheating on you. We've never cheated on you!"
Satoru: "Bb! I'm not unfaithful!"
Suguru: "Please read our messages and reply to us!" "We're worried about you!"
Satoru: "Bb! Don't ignore us! Please just listen to us!" "She's nothing to us!" "The only thing attractive about us to her is that we have money."
"So I'm with you for money too? Just kidding..." You whispered, wiping your nose with a tissue. "You don't need me. If you have so much money, you must have better houses than mine. Yuki was right... You guys are so damn weird and unpredictable..."
You knew that when you came down from this mountain, you would reach a bus stop nearby. That's why you wanted to go there to get home. Because you don't want to spend much time in this place.
You were supposed to get an explanation here. They were supposed to tell you the whole truth.
And you received the truth.
They didn't tell you everything about them because they didn't want you to know about their affairs...
You understand everything.
Everyone has the possibility of being betrayed. But everyone's situations are different. Some people love each other so much that they don't look for someone else.
Others are bored and will look for something more than one person.
You bored them. They are special and you are normal and boring. You don't have an interesting job. No matter what you may be doing, you look normal. That was always enough for you. But now you think you're worse...
You had handsome boyfriends... But Yuki once told you that when your relationship isn't what you want, he will wait for you...
„I don't want this for you (y/n), but if you ever feel bad for these guys, I'm here for you. I understand that your relationship is special. But if you ever get tired of such weirdness, I'm here for you and I'll wait. You'll feel normal with me, remember? There is nothing interesting about being unique! Just other people's glances at you. Isn't it better to have a peaceful and normal life with happiness? If they no longer want normality and you no longer want uniqueness, come to me. I'll help you feel better!"
Even though you once felt that these words were hiding some meaning and weren't so sweet, now you think that everything he said was true.
You're fed up with this uniqueness. You are a gray human between white and black.
Black and white contrasts. While gray may not be visible as much.
Even though gray goes well with black and white, gray looks best next to gray.
You want to listen to them so much and hear from them everything they wrote. You want a lie detector. Because anyone who betrayed someone could say the same to protect themselves from punishment...
You want to come home so much and hear the whole truth from them.
You want to know everything down to the smallest detail. Whether you believe them quickly depends on what they say...
You: "You have to tell me everything at home" "The Whole Truth"
Satoru: "Let's go now! Bb thank you!!!"
You were sitting in a dark room on your bed. The windows were covered even though it wasn't even evening. You came back from work early to go there later. Now you're back home but the sun is still in the sky. Even though it's getting lower and lower.
You waited for them to come home.
But you didn't hear any sound of the door opening.
Just when you were starting to think that they were avoiding you and decided not to show up, you felt something rub against your legs.
You saw white and black fur as two cats cuddled up to you.
Normally you would reach into their fur and pet them. However, not this time. Even if their fur is temptingly soft.
"Don't play around... Just say what you need to say." You said, moving your legs away from them while sitting cross-legged.
Thanks to their cat eyes, they saw how red your eyes were.
They sat in front of you as cats and suddenly black and white smoke appeared, showing that they were changing.
You looked at your purple and blue collared hands. Have you ever bought this small thing?. But they probably replaced it with the same one but bigger without asking. Because it fit around their human necks.
You saw two tails lying on the sheets.
You looked at their faces and the ears on their heads.
"Do you think it will distract me from what you did?" You asked calmly.
"No. We don't think so. We know you might have understood it differently since you didn't see what was there before..." Suguru said, looking at your hands sadly.
Satoru looked at the blue collar in your hand and reached out for it.
You let him take it.
"I don't think I need it anymore. It's yours, so do with it what you want..." you said, handing the purple collar to the dark-haired man.
The white-haired man put it around his neck. The second one did the same.
"What are you doing?"
"If we're going to tell you the whole truth right now, we need to show you that no matter what you think, we are your cats. Your boys. Only yours. We are yours."
"So hear us out as yours." Suguru cut you off by placing your hand on his chest.
"We are teachers at the school you were at. The woman you saw is our senpai from our school days. Mei Mei. She's not a teacher, but when she heard that we were going to bring our girl there, she got curious and since she was nearby, she just came. She drank the wine we bought for dinner." Satoru said in a serious voice.
"We are Jujutsu sorcerers." Geto added.
"Have you drink?"
"I hate alcohol." Gojo laughed. "We are sorcerers. We studied at the Jujutsu school you saw. Now we teach young sorcerers there. There are so few of us, that's why people haven't heard of us."
"And what? Do you make magical infusions of herbs and sell them to older people who believe in their power?"
"Don't make fun of us..." his white ears fell back for a moment but then rose again.. "Jujutsu sorcerers have been around forever. But we don't make magical herbal infusions... We fight curses... Creatures born from people's negative emotions. Invisible to normal people, most visible to us."
"You can't see anything. Yet it surrounds the whole world. It's everywhere. Without sorcerers, people would die excessively. Death after death. Even though I don't like saving people, I do it." The dark haired man said. "I am a user of Cursed Spirit Manipulation. Satoru is a user of techniques called Limitless and Six Eyes. That's why you saw him floating in the air..."
"I can also teleport."
"Yes... He can do it. I can show you that curses are real. I know you don't believe. But here's the proof."
You saw him raise his hand and snap his fingers. A thin dragon flew out of the black hole above him and began to slowly fly around your body until it suddenly wrapped itself around the dark-haired man's hand.
You've never seen a snake with bird wings and lizard legs...
"This is an example of a curse. There are smaller ones, the same ones, or bigger ones. Gigantic."
"I'm dreaming, aren't I...?"
"No. This isn't a dream, honey. This is reality." The white-haired man's fingers came together and he pointed upwards with both of them. Suddenly you started floating in the air and you were pulled onto his lap. "When people are unaware of the danger around them, they are calm. When they become aware of the curses, it makes it difficult to work there because panic sets in. We will protect you from this, understand? We will always be with you."
When you started to truly believe them because you loved them so much, you remembered one more thing.
You haven't learned the Truth about one thing.
"Why are you cats?"
"It's a long story... We fed a cat that turned out to be a good spirit and in return we were given the opportunity to turn into cats!
"You once said that you could choose what you would be, but you prefer a cat than, for example, a dog... So you can choose him."
"I joked! Honey, you know I like to joke!" Suddenly his goofy smile disappeared. "But seriously, we love you so much that we could never lie to you..."
"We would do anything for you." Suguru's hand was placed on your back.
Tears came to your eyes and you hugged Satoru.
You felt his soft tail against your leg. You hugged him tighter as your tears began to soak into his shirt.
Your back was pressed against Suguru's chest as he hugged you from behind.
"I love you...!" you moaned, pressing into their warmth.
"We know. We love you too."
You just want them to love you. These fucking fluffy heads... You want to love them and be loved!
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fraterfalls · 6 months
Hi, I'm new to Blood Brothers AU and I was curious about it. Can you explain about it or show me where I can see the best explanation about it?
ohhh, dear asker, the rabbit hole i'm about to send you down... >:)
alright let me try and explain it in the most coherent way possible, it's late at night BUT i will try my best!!!
explanation under the cut!
(in general, if you're new to the bb au like this asker and trying to find your way around this overwhelming hell of an au we've concocted, i recommend you start here :D)
wow. i tried SO HARD to make this a semi-concise explanation and YET it somehow turned into a mini-fic in itself towards the end there. sighhh... (lol even still, have fun reading!)
first thing's first i need to tell you aboutttt
The Parallel World / "Better World".
in journal 3, ford mentions visiting a parallel dimension in which stan never pushed him into the portal, and instead took his journal and hid it as ford had requested.
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^ some screenshots to give you the basic gist of what's going on in that dimension, everything you need to know for the time being. you can read more about it on internet archive if you like
at some point in august i reread this part of journal 3 and became obsessed with the idea of a parallel dimension. i also noticed that apart from mentioning how he never pushed ford into the portal and took the journal in this world, parallel stan is just... not really brought up. at all. ...which opens up some interesting possibilities.
as you can probably guess, this dimension features in the blood brothers au! in my interpretation, the reason stan was never mentioned is because after leaving with ford's journal, he never came back, just seemingly disappeared off the planet. parallel ford... has not been handling this well (and a certain bastard triangle only serves to play up his worst fears!), and because he has such a large student body to attend to and take care of and protect, he represses his issues, buries them under layers and layers of work and responsibilities. nobody even knows he has a brother...
not even his nephew and niece, dipper and mabel. however, they're observant as all hell. as secretive as ford is, they see past his little white lies, they see how he doesn't eat properly and falls asleep at his desk and laughs nervously when someone asks if he's alright. (i haven't talked much about the role they play in this au on tumblr, but rest assured i'll be elaborating more on it in my upcoming fic that may come out sometime within... um... the next few months to the next few decades. they're still the same old mystery twins we know and love, except now they've set their sights on figuring out what their grunkle ford is hiding. very Not What He Seems reminiscent)
alright, now that i've mostly covered the parallel world, time to move on to:
The Portal Stan AU
while i was obsessing over the Better World, a parallel dimension/"alternate universe" which already exists in canon, i started thinking about another AU which is fairly popular in the gravity falls fandom: the portal stan AU. in which stan, rather than ford, gets sent into the portal. thought it was a fantastic concept ever since i first saw it, because it opens so many doors for interesting characterization and also some good ol' angst (and later a healing arc, of course). portal stan has, after all, spent 40 or so years without a solid family base or anyone to care for him. and i can imagine that in those 30 years he spent dimension-hopping, his only thought was to return to his home dimension and see ford again. yes, he was furious and frustrated when they had that last argument, but surely in hindsight he saw how paranoid and jittery ford had been throughout their meeting. he would want to get back and make sure his brother was safe as soon as possible.
and then i had the thought which kicked off this entire au:
what if portal stan fucked up and somehow stumbled upon the parallel dimension while searching for a way home? what if portal stan and parallel ford... MET?
portal stan sees parallel ford and his situation and comes to the conclusion that, without him in the way, ford would flourish. parallel ford sees portal stan and comes to the conclusion that no matter the universe, he somehow manages to destroy stan's life just by being in it. even just knowing that the other exists exacerbates their own insecurities. IT'S SO AWFUL AND SO PERFECT.
also, portal stan couldn't be more desperate to get out of the parallel dimension- partly because he hates the reminder that ford would be better off without him, but mostly because he wants to see his real brother again. however, parallel ford has other plans for him. he's been in denial about the true fate of his own brother for a long time now, but he sees this version of stan and decides he can't afford to let go of him. (his own mental state is too fragile to accept the idea of losing stan again, even if this isn't his own stan. he already let go of him once after the WCT fiasco, and again after the journal incident. thrice is... thrice is too much.)
you may also be thinking "hey, smart guy, i actually DID read that screenshot you posted above while explaining the parallel dimension. it said parallel ford and fiddleford constructed a little something called a Vortex Neutralizer which allows for safe, bill-free multiversal travel. couldn't portal stan just use that to get out of there?"
yeaaah, parallel ford doesn't tell him about that!
he will do almost anything to keep stan with him. he is sinking his claws into that man begging him not to leave-
and stan hates him for it. tears into him with insult after insult. he can't stand this ford, why's he acting like he doesn't have everything he could ever want? (except, of course, he doesn't really hate him. after all, this is still stanford pines, maybe not his ford but he's certainly a ford. same old easily excitable nerd he used to tease back in high school. but stan still has his own ford to attend to, one who needs him more than anything... probably... hopefully, so he shuts out the part of him which is growing fond of parallel ford. tells himself not to think too much about this one. he hardly even knows him. he shouldn't have to bother.)
and yeah that's. i think that's enough information to take in in a single post. there's still plenty more going on with the au that i haven't touched on here, but hey that's just the premise! i would link you to more specific posts which will help you further acquaint yourself with the au, but it's. it's 2am and i am incredibly sleepy, so instead i will simply provide you with the link to the blog archive, where you can look at all the posts on here without having to scroll endlessly trying to find specific things. enjoy!!!
if you have any more questions DON'T BE AFRAID TO COME BOTHER ME ABOUT IT !!! i loved answering this ask... <3 been meaning to rewrite a better AU Premise Post than the one i made back in august anyway lol
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shy-blue-blossom · 9 months
Karma Akabane
(Assassination Classroom)
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Irene Jelavić had just started at Kunugigaoka Junior High School and was starting her assignment trying to assassinate Koro-sensei. As she started, so did a sister of one of the classes.
As she was walking up the hill to the 3-E classroom, she saw that they were in PE class, and she decided to join them. She went to the shed to collect a ball. They were at the back of the shed. She got one and pulled it up to her chest. As she walked towards the door, bullets began to fly.
E class was practising their skills when they heard a scream and bullets from the shed. Their heads whipped around as they raced towards it. Karasuma followed them behind, and he got to the door as the bullets stopped firing. The door opened after some slivering noises. Questions were asked as Irene wobbled out of the shed.
"Ah, yes!" Kori-sensei said as he picked something or someone up off the floor and out of his shredded skin. "Does anyone know who this young lady is?" He asked as he tried around with her face hanging towards their direction.
"Ah!" Karma said as he saw her face and walked towards Koro-sensei and took her out his tentacles. "Thanks, Koro-sensei. I'll take her from here." He said as he walked away with her in her arms.
The class watched him walk away with the girl that they didn't get the name of. When he got to the entrance of the school, he noticed she had begun waking up, so he decided to stop. She opened her orange eyes that matched her brothers and looked up. She looked around, and when they landed on Karma, she threw her arms around him and hid her face in his neck.
"What happened?" Karma asked her as he hugged her to his chest.
"There were bullets everywhere a-a-and a yellow octopus..." she trailed off. "Ni-san...I'm scared." She admitted to him. Karma looked down at her and pulled her closer to his chest than she already was.
"There's no need to be scared, y/n." He told her as he carried her down the hill to the 3-E classroom. "I'm here to protect you, and the yellow octopus won't hurt you." He told her as he just kept on walking with her snuggled up to him, knowing he was going to have lots of questions asked tomorrow when he went back to school.
After the incident with Professor B*tch, class 3-E went back to their lessons, knowing they were not going to get an answer out of Karma.
As for Karma and Y/n, they were making their way home, talking to keep y/n's mind off what had happened. Karma kept her calm, laughing and smiling. Even though he was annoyed at himself for not telling her to call him before visiting. He was furious at that new teacher for not using the information given to her by the government and not using the anti-Koro BBs. He kept her smiling the whole way home and explained to her what was happening in class 3-E when they got home as she was joining him in the ranks the following day.
Y/n was a bit suspicious but carried on that day, trying to keep it as normal as she remembered before it all got turned upside down the next day. She cooked their dinner like normal as Karma helped by laying the table and doing some taste testing if she required his opinions on the flavour as he liked his food slightly spicer than her own.
The next day.
Breakfast was cooked and eaten like normal. They made their way to school the same, but they did not split up like they normally would when the split in the road showed up. They walked down the right side of the road on the way to the same school for the first time in three years. Given that y/n just carried going up the years in the same school, while Karma withdrew from the school because of 'reasons'. In reality, their parents did not want him to 'ruin' y/n's reputation. She did not care much for it.
They reached the school and made their way up the hill leading to class 3-E. They bumped into a few classes from the main building, but they did not say anything as this was Karma they bumped into. They could also tell y/n was related to Karma quite easily, so they did not want to mess with her, or they were messing with him. Once they reached the building, Karma warned y/n that she was going to get a lot of questions, and that was not from the class alone. She was more likely to get interrogated by their octopus teacher. She took his advice as he had never done her wrong. She did, in fact, get questioned by her new classmates but not as much as she thought she would, but that was probably due to Karma in the back making sure they did not make her uncomfortable.
However, he could not save her from the octopus once he entered the classroom and realised their connection. She kept getting questions about their childhood and what Karma was like as a child and baby, along with other personal questions that she did not answer. Karasuma has to come in and knock some sense into him. The day went on like an average day in class 3-E with a few assassination attempts by different members of the class. Y/n made some new friends with Karma keeping an eye on her to make sure Maehara or the class pervert did not try to pull moves on her. Y/n had had the first day in class 3-E and could not wait to see what it would bring for her and her brother.
The end.
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astarionsilverbough · 7 months
Prompts you say! Prompts I got!
Love to see some Needy!Raphael in whatever fashion you choose. Just wanna see the devil beg.
Love your work by the way! <3
oh you - you I like
also thank u bb ilu
i hope (such a funny thing, hope) you enjoy ~
“You cannot be here.”
“Shh. You’re making it worse. I need to focus so I can mend these properly without missing pieces of muscle or tender sinew.”
Gale can feel Raphael’s teeth grinding together. The lines of his lean body are tense, every muscle knitted up tight like his furrowed brow.
Guilt chews at Gale despite his protective anger. Exhaling through his nose, the mage presses a hand flat to Raphael’s ruined back and murmurs “how long do we have?”
“It varies,” Raphael drawls. “Depending on what my dear lord husband requires.”
Bile and rage crowd into Gale’s mouth. Raphael’s pale back is a mottled battlefield of new whiplash wounds, frayed flesh going purple at the edges of what will surely become a new grid of scars on his ruined body.
No - not ruined. He has not been ruined in any way that could matter. No one, not even the great devil Mephistopheles, would be the ruin of such a man.
“You need to go,” Raphael says, not for the first time. “Or we will both suffer when he finds you here. Especially as you are.”
“And how am I?”
There’s a brief silence.
“Furious,” Raphael murmurs, turning his head to the side to eye Gale in his periphery. “I can taste it. Like licorice and whiskey.”
Gale smiles a bit. He takes in the elegance of Raphael’s aquiline profile and reaches out when a tear cuts down the devil’s cheek. Slowly, the mage rises from where he sits on a stool behind Raphael - sat backwards on a simple chair so Gale can tend to his back - and moves to stand before him.
The sanctuary of Raphael’s bedchamber is a fickle one. He knows this. It is less a sanctuary and more a concubine’s cell; the bathchamber has become Gale’s domain, the place where he can put a barrier - magical and mental - between Raphael and the rest of the room.
“Dekarios,” Raphael starts warningly; “Gale,” the wizard murmurs as he crouches down and takes in the bloodied plain of Raphael’s chest. “I think we’re past the threshold of surnames and bullish masculinity to keep the tenderness at bay, Raphael. At least, I hope we are.”
Perhaps it’s not the best thing, the fact that Gale finds anger so very fetching on Raphael’s vulpine face. Ever hurtling towards imminent demise, Gale reaches up and cups Raphael’s clenching jaw. He thumbs over the five o’clock shadow there and Raphael’s fury ebbs away to reveal a horribly aching thing - an emotion Gale cannot rightly put a name to because it encapsulates too much.
It bleeds. That much he knows.
And then - Raphael’s eyes flash open and he stiffens, swaying back and away from Gale’s touch.
“You need to go,” the Devil says urgently. “Dekarios - Gale. Please.”
His voice fractures around the word. True fear radiates from Raphael like heat from a burning coal.
“Please,” Raphael utters wretchedly again, lurching forward to fist a hand in Gale’s tunic, “take this victory and run - you have to go. Please, Gale - go. I will be - I will endure.”
Gale’s heart thunders in his throat. When Raphael splays his hand over his chest, he covers it with his own and cups Raphael’s jaw with his other.
There is a moment - a Moment - wherein Gale Dekarios realizes that the world as he’s known it has been irrevocably changed. Raphael’s eyes drop to his lips and Gale’s gut tightens like it’s been wound around a steel bar.
For a Moment suspended far out of fear, they share a breath between them. Their lips do not touch - but it’s a very close thing. Raphael makes a sound as if he’s been struck, mouth parting as his body strains towards Gale’s, drawn by the magnetic force that exists like a living thing between them.
And then -
“Please,” Raphael croaks. “Go.”
He’s done it.
He’s made the devil beg.
It’s a sour, hollow victory. Just as Gale toes the line between utter stupidity and selfish ignorance, his eyes fly open and he sits bolt upright in his cot. In his tent, in their camp - leagues and realms and ruins away from where Raphael lingers in the maw of a beast he cannot outrun.
He moves through his morning in a stupor, the scent of musk and cherries and sulphuric ozone burning at the back of his tongue. It’s not until Astarion says “as long as Gale stays on his good side, that is,” that Gale blinks and forces himself to look up from his own wringing hands.
“I was saying,” Astarion says, irate that he has to repeat himself, “that we can count the devil as an ally - so long as you remain useful to him.”
It’s as if someone’s gone and dropped a chunk of glacier into his belly.
That’s right, isn’t it? Astarion’s right.
Gale is useful. Raphael didn’t beg him to flee out of any want to keep him, the man surrounding the orb, safe. If it weren’t for the orb, Raphael wouldn’t give half a damn about him.
And yet -
And yet.
Gale has sympathy for the devil. That will never change.
But something… something has changed.
And he’s not going to give up on Raphael until he figures out exactly what that means.
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pyro-madder · 2 months
bb thoughts and headcanons : second batch, for djura's clique and then some. because i don't think any of them were powder kegs actually, or rather...
1) Unless this is translation shenanigans, we are only told Djura was "known through his contact with" the late Kegs, and if he was the last of them perhaps the game would have insisted on it just a bit more ?? Regardless, my take is that he was training under them, but Old Yharnam happened before he could earn the title in full. oopsie
2) Now for his 3 companions, in the order in which I think he met them :
Jozef : first of all, the reason I go for him for the alleged third companion is that I would much, much rather use an already existing NPC (especially an obscure one I can develop) than make up a new guy from scratch, and the charred set alone makes him our best lead, even with everything else I will discuss below.
So - he's a variant of hostile "Izzy's Admirer" hunters, all wearing the charred set and wielding the beastclaw... BUUUT considering it's on another beastclaw user that you loot the badge for Oto's workshop - the Kegs' predecessors - I suppose Oto and Izzy were collaborating to an extent ? With Archibald as well, considering both he and Izzy worked on DarkBeast material... unless, on the opposite, that made them rivals... but I'm straying here --
Headcanoning that Oto lived to see his workshop become the Kegs and that the latter respected him greatly - Djura included - it makes it possible to be a follower of both Izzy and the Kegs. However Jozef may wear the charred set, but he doesn't use any firearms, so he probably wasn't a Keg at all. However² nothing specified Djura's companions had to be Kegs, and were rather more likely followers of his philosophy. So my Jozef ends up a bit of a swiss army knife - an early Church recruit to serve with Loran's tomb prospectors, a hunter partaking in Izzy's experiments with beasthood, a friend to Oto and the Kegs, not much older than Djura, present for Old Yharnam but ultimately Taken By The Dungeons.
Djura's disciple, henceforth Ysle (old english for "ash", or so i've read) : I fully believe him sharing facedata with Simon was devs laziness, and I don't blame them for it - Simon has half his face hidden the entire time you know him and Ysle is not only hooded, but also not exactly easy to look at up close in-game. I joked about them being twins, but then thought it could actually work and went with it. Ysle would've started off as a Harrowed alongside Simon, and the two would not hesitate to "switch" to trick others and gain further information on the job. At some point Ysle would take interest in the Kegs' craftsmanship, but would only join Djura after the burning, both for said craftsmanship and ideology : I like the theory that it was the Church that poisoned Old Y to begin with to popularize ministration, and who better suited than Simon to find that out... he'd relay the discovery to Ysle and both would turn against the Church, even apart.
I was convinced Simon was not already dead in the Nightmare due to his opening lines to the player ("must've taken a wrong turn somewhere then // we're more alike than you think", to me it implies he came in deliberately rather than upon death). However I had come to the conclusion that those who end up in the nightmare/dream upon death don't age (Maria), unlike those who were brought in (Gehrman), but the twins' facedata makes them look young compared to Dju and most of all Brador whom I believe them to be contemporary of (edit 17/04 : the Bowblades's desc also reminds us that Simon was one of the first Church hunters)... either way, they were Taken By The Horrors roughly around the same period, but unlike Simon, Ysle eventually lost himself in his duty to protect the beasts and cannot be engaged with anymore.
Djura's ally, henceforth Brandr (old norse for "fire", or so i've read) : last one met, last one standing. My headcanons for him were built on two sources : Oodle's Must we burn it all which I absolutely recommend if you aren't put off by his ship with Dju, and the unused "Old Yharnam survivor" NPC whose dialogue I would've loved to hear in-game. So, Brandr - not a Keg, perhaps not a hunter at all before the burning happened, merely a local who's probably two steps removed from beasthood at all times, was stumbled upon by Djura once the latter returned to the scene of the crime and they struck a deal. fellas is it gay to remain by the side of a self-exiled man you know (participated in what) took everything from you
3) Still raking my brain over how the Kegs were branded heretics. I'd wager the Church conveniently blacklisted them after using them to do their dirty work, but on what account ? Of course they could have just made up anything, but they actually have groundwork here. I don't think it was protecting the beasts as I believe this was specific to Djura and a few others, not something that applied to the Kegs as a whole. Could it have been their connection to Izzy, whose weapon, filed under Church weapons in the Hunter's Dream storage box, is sealed within remote tombs and whose hunter tool deemed "forbidden" ? It's not too far-fetched to assume they and their followers also experimented with beast blood pellets, which are banned by the Church as well.
Let's compare with another craftsman... strangely enough, Tonitrus is listed under the (Hunter's) workshop weapons in the Dream's storage box , despite Archibald being explicitely stated to be part of the Church's workshop... Likely stationned in Yahar'gul, a secret faction of the Church, considering that's where you loot the thing to begin with, alongside many bolt papers dropped by the snatchers, and that you find a copy wielded by a Yahar'gul hunter. Right next to Old Yharnam too, with Paarl's arena considered within the latter. Despite his focus on electricity rather than bestiality, it sounds like Archibald might still have been on thin ice considering his title of "eccentric" and the fact his badge was crafted in secret.
The Beast Roar is cast by human vocal cords. The unused NPC tells us that in Old Yharnam's folklore, beast is the true form of man. The bestial hunter of Oto's workshop bears the same rune that Laurence was branded with in his pursuit of controlling beasthood... but was ultimately forbidden as well.
Perhaps the Church simply desired monopoly over research on beasthood...
a tl;dr (believe me, i needed it too) :
Oto : craftsman & hunter whose workshop would become the Powder Kegs, a rolemodel to Djura
Izzy : craftsperson, hunter and friend to Oto and the Kegs, who understood and explored the inherent beastly nature of man
Jozef : tomb prospector hunter, follower of Izzy and friend to Oto and the Kegs, a bit of a tutor to Djura
Djura : Keg in-training & hunter, understood the real nature of beasts and further connected the dots post-burning through each of his companions
Brandr : actual Old Yharnam local, believes in the inherent beastly nature of man, agreed to cooperate with Djura to defend what little remained
Ysle : hunter, former Harrowed, would have been a Keg in-training if the burning hadn't happened first, only Djura remained to teach him their skills
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