#the last 2 episodes felt super rushed
woodlandthorns · 7 months
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
In addition to Yor's epiphany scene, this scene was the other one I was most looking forward to in season 2 - a scene that, in my opinion, is one of the most Twiyor-ish scenes in the series so far 💖
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Why is it so significant? Because there was no reason for Twilight to put on any Loid Forger acting in that moment. He wasn't conversing with nor being scrutinized by anyone. So why would he give that soft smile followed by such affectionate, comforting words as "お疲れ様/otsukaresama"? (this can be translated in many ways, but generally it's something you say to thank someone for their hard work).
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The answer is because it's something he truly felt...he understood the sacrifice Yor made for Anya's happiness and genuinely appreciated it (if only he knew the sacrifice she made on the larger scale, lol). While he's a bit perturbed at first since some onlookers were snickering at him, it didn't take long for him to soften and then graciously carry his queen and princess the girls back to the ship 😭
But Twilight overall was really soft in this episode and I loved it~ From his blush upon seeing Yor to the several times he gave that same soft smile when talking with/looking at her...I think Anya was right when she called him out on the ship about missing his wife 😅
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I liked how the anime conveyed his shock when noticing her bruised face...what must have been his thought at that moment? 👀
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The scenes of the family activities translated better in animated form in my opinion. While they were each only a single panel in the manga, they lasted a few seconds each in the anime, plus the addition of the insert song helped the with the comfy, wholesome vibe~ Also the part where Yor inadvertently chucks Anya across the ocean is still hilarious.
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Loid's dorky skip at the beginning of the episode translated very well in animated form too 😅
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The ending of this chapter in the manga always felt a bit rushed to me...it quickly jumps from the aforementioned scene of them returning to the ship, to suddenly being home, reuniting with Bond and Franky, having a meal together, then Twilight meeting Sylvia, all within a few panels. Even though I wish the anime added more than just some additional scenes of the ship leaving the island, I felt it flowed much better in the anime since, just like the family activities, each scene in the ending lasted a second or two instead of being a single illustration.
But I love how this chapter/episode ends, with Yor, Anya, and Bond napping while Anya draws about her family vacation. This seems to take place the next day or maybe later the same day they got home, so makes sense they'd still be tired from the trip!
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By the way, the manga has this additional scene showing that Olka and company are safe. Weird that the anime didn't stick it in at some point.
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Also, the anime team didn't have to go so hard with this episode's key visual but they did...and I love it 😍 Might actually be my favorite of the key visuals so far!
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I was very happy to see the "surrounded by liars" panel finally animated! This is such a funny scene and a great way to fully wrap up the cruise arc.
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I also burst out laughing at Yuri's locker 🤣
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Damian is surprisingly laid back in this episode. I think the reason is because Anya's antics aren't directly involving him. He tends to go total tsundere only when she's actually talking to him, lol.
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The new scene of Yor getting the keychains for her coworkers was a nice addition! Guess it's canon that Yor and Anya didn't sleep for the entire trip back, lol. Glad they got to spend family time on the ship too! (though I wish we could have seen Yor's reaction waking up in Loid's bottom bunk bed, haha. He must have brought her to his room since he wouldn't know where her room is. Unless she woke up before he even put her in a bed, in which case she would have been super embarrassed knowing he was carrying her around in public 😆)
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Looks like next week the anime will be changing the order of things a bit and giving us the Becky home-wrecking and Fiona chapters (the latter of which seems to have some anime original content?) The Becky chapter is one of my favorite stand-alone chapters...I'm already dying of laugher thinking about it 😂
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aerogator · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Song Tierlist
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Ranking Explanations-
S Tier (my favorite songs)-
Loser Baby: Do I have to explain myself?
Hell’s Greatest Dad: What’s better than watching 2 prideful ass men fighting? Nothing.
A Tier-
Stayed Gone: Love this song so much. Debated on putting it in S tier but I’ve been replaying those songs more than I have this one.
B Tier (Songs I like but I’m picky)-
Respectless: At first I didn’t like it but it kinda grew on me. I don’t like Velvet since she’s kinda dumb but she absolutely ate during this scene.
It Starts With Sorry: Super sweet and I really liked it. Not in my playlist but I wouldn’t mind listening to it.
Hell is Forever: It’s fine. I love rock so this song could’ve gotten into A tier but most of it is pretty mid. Even though I know Adam is supposed to be an asshole he just makes the song annoying. I only really like the last part of the song. Plus most of my other complaints aren’t really about the song, mostly writing of the actual show and Adam’s design. Adam’s design sucks.
C Tier (Mid songs that I would only sit through when watching the show):
Poison: Don’t get me wrong, I love Angel Dust and his story but I feel like this is such a bad song to convey his feelings through. It’s like it’s trying to be a catchy pop song but also trying to convey abuse and deep feelings and it just falls flat. Some of the lyrics just get on my nerves because of how much they’re repeated. “Yeah” doesn’t even feel like a word anymore after this song. Reminds me of Cotton Candy from Helluva Boss. It would be a good song if the words “cotton candy” weren’t 90% of it. But like I say with most music, everybody is subjected to their own music taste and it’s cool if you like this and I don’t. I just wouldn’t listen to this unless I was rewatching the show.
Happy Day In Hell- Again, this song is fine. There’s a few seconds where I kinda vibe but most of it where I don’t. It’s a mid tier song.
More than Anything- It was cute and all seeing Lucifer be there for Charlie but it felt a little rushed. Plus it didn’t really stick out to me. If I listened to it again maybe it could grow on me but for now it’s mid tier.
You Didn’t Know: Like I said with More than Anything, it didn’t really stick out. I liked the Seraphim taking Charlie’s side and stuff but it didn’t really do anything. They were trying to protest and stuff but the song kinda felt useless after Sera made her final decision. Still mid.
D Tier (Songs I literally forgot about):
Whatever It Takes: No joke, forgot about this song only a week after I watch the episode. That’s how bad this song was. I didn’t like the pacing in the song. Charlie and Vaggie’s conflict felt rushed too so Vaggie’s part felt unnecessary. Plus, we still barely know anything about Carmilla except she makes weapons and she loves her family so this song really falls through. I think the show’s writing sabotaged this song but I don’t want to get into that.
Welcome to Heaven: 😐. My face during this song. Such a bad song. I guarantee to you that I’ll forget about this next week. I also just don’t like most of the designs from heaven. They look so tacky and rushed. I literally let out a disappointed sigh when I saw the seraphim. Most of my gripes about this is mostly just the character design. I know Viv put thought into some of the demons but the angels have me dead.
Here’s me ranting again about the show that doesn’t have anything to do with the songs. I just have so much stuff I want to rant about this show, some of it good and the rest bad. But that’s my tier-list so far.
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danafeelingsick · 9 months
[Takes place after episode 3, in which Clark Kent is sick with an actual stomach bug this time and Lois takes care of him.] AO3 | masterlist
Stay tuned for the art I made for this fic!
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CONTENT WARNING: graphic descriptions of vomit, nausea, fever, stomach ache, sick at work shenanigans, belly rubs, back rubs, some emphasis on comfort, caretaker Lois for the most part, somewhat horny descriptions? (nothing out of the ordinary), established relationship (to-be?)
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A/N: so, you know how in episode 2, Clark uses tummy ache as an excuse and hurries off? and like a few scenes later Lois muses about taking care of him? I took that personally, this might be my longest one shot yet.
omg i love them sm. great series, recommend. 8/10, because it's too short and a bit rushed. this could contain spoilers? idk, superman media is super old already.
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          Clark Kent was already half awake when his alarm went off, but couldn't bring himself to roll over and turn it off, or rather, smash it to pieces. His body felt so unusually heavy he was considering drifting back to sleep for just a few more minutes, to try and compensate for the restless night he had.
         It had been too much optimism to think he would be able to sleep on a full stomach, especially when he was sure he was coming down with something nasty. The worry alone had been enough to turn his stomach, worry that he mistook it for hunger, which turned out to be nausea. Now all of those late night snacks seemed like an even worst idea.
          His thoughts of regret and self-reflection were interrupted by his roommate coming down the bunk ladder, the clunky footsteps on the metal were even louder than the alarm, making his head pound. Clark buried his head under the pillows until it was manually turned off, and he swore he had heard it sigh in relief. One less broken alarm clock for the count.
          “We're gonna be late for work if you don't get up", Jimmy shouted from the other side of the room, rustling through his drawers.
          “Need five more minutes...”, Clark grunted, relieved when all he heard was a chuckle and his roommate stepping away, instead of blankets being snatched from him.
          Despite gaining those extra minutes, he sat up after two, suddenly bothered by the feeling of humid covers, even the shirt he had slept in was drenched in sweat. It was a choice between enduring the heat or a headache from the bright artificial light. He chose the latter and dragged himself out of bed.
           By the end of his extra time, he was already in the shower, sweaty clothes hanging from the laundry basket, with hot water falling on his back, his head swimming with the steam.
         Clark caught his mind wandering to the Daily Planet and the day full of errands that waited for him, and... Lois. The two hadn't known each other for long, but Clark already knew that he had to be careful around her. Careful wasn't the right word. Every day she was coming closer to pinning down Superman's identity, and he was growing out of ways to hide it.
           The kryptonian bit down on his lip when a wave of dizziness crashed over him, holding onto the wall with half a mind to not use his force on it. A soft groan escaped his lips as his hand wandered to his belly. Whatever he had eaten last night was not sitting well, it felt like his stomach was doing somersaults.
           On top of that, there was a tight full feeling resting on the upper part of his abdomen, it looked round and firmer to the touch as well, like whatever was there refused to digest. Embarrassed by the thought of it being noticeable under his sweater, he rested his hands over it until the feeling was mostly gone. It was enough for him to step out of the shower and dry himself off.
           It came back moments later, while he brushed his teeth. With a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still wet, he suddenly felt shivers crawling up his back, and choked around his toothbrush. His mouth flooded with odd-tasting saliva, overpowering the minty taste.
           It felt like he was going to vomit, even though that notion was foreign since he had only gotten sick a handful of times as a kid, rarely as an adult. He spat the frothy toothpaste and stared inside the sink, realizing he could hear the churning in his stomach. He hadn't felt anything like this in a while, he could consider himself lucky.
         With shaky hands, he turned on the faucet and rinsed his mouth out, trying hard not to gag.
           That was bad, he couldn't vomit now… Clark focused on his breathing and on his hands holding onto the sides of the sink, his vision was starting to narrow, out of anxiety, or he was even sicker than he thought. He didn't think he could make it to the toilet, sprinting would only make things worse. If he ran into the wall, he would go right through, and that was a whole other issue.
         Shaking, he glanced up, catching his own piercing blue eyes in the bathroom mirror, looking glossed over and unfocused, his expression pained and miserable. He looked pale, he looked nearly green.
           His lips puckered as he fought against the urge to gag and lost, his tongue rolled out with a thread of saliva joining the sink. He really didn't want to puke, he was running late already, but that did little to stop his stomach from trying to turn itself out. He swallowed hard, a soft hiss escaping through gritted teeth, and wrapped one arm around his middle, trying to keep his footing. If he found out whatever had gotten him sick, he would never eat there again.
           Clark hunched over and dry heaved, feeling his stomach roll under his hand. His lips pursed as he felt something burn in the back of his throat, flooding his mouth. He closed his eyes and coughed a thin stream of lumpy vomit, something sickly sweet acidic mixed with minty toothpaste in his tongue, forming a disgusting taste 
           Before he even had the chance to spit he was retching again, bringing more of what he had eaten the night before in a watery and clumpy surge. He tasted the stale donut leftovers in it, and gagged, trying not to think about it. It was gone with the running water, he didn't need to see it.
           He turned off the faucet after washing his mouth but didn't move away from the sink. His head was pounding even worse now, but at least his stomach didn't feel as full, now it was tender and sensitive like an open wound. Not much of an improvement...
           “Clark, your phone is ringing and it's Lois~”, just as he was starting to relax, Jimmy knocked repeatedly on the other side of the door. ”I gave her your number, you don't mind right? Of course you don't mind.”
           To say the startled Superman jumped was an understatement, he flew, taking a chunk of the sink with him.
           "I-I-I'll be just a minute", he sputtered, scrambling to piece it together.
          His roommate was waiting for him as he came out of the bathroom, half-dressed, looking even worse than before. He must've noticed it right away, his blue eyes now looked a bit red at the bottom, like he was holding back tears.
          "So, are you going to tell me what's up or I'll have to guess?", Jimmy interrogated him with crossed arms, his phone dangling from his hand. "We're late, y'know?"
          A second of silence hung between the two before Clark sniffled. “I… think I'm sick.”
          Jimmy couldn't think of another time where he looked as much like an abandoned puppy. Now he regretted the accusatory tone. 
          "Another one of your migraines?”, he asked, relaxing his posture as he handed his phone back. Clark had frequent ones, and Jimmy never acknowledged it, but it sometimes made his blue eyes look like, well, he wasn’t sure either. That didn’t seem like one of those, however.
          “Don't know...”, Clark mumbled, and his eyebrows furrowed with pain as he stepped away. “Think I ate something bad.”
          Jimmy nodded, he had seen him raid their fridge last night but nothing there seemed bad so Donuts and sandwiches were the first thing that came to mind. He knew Clark had a big appetite and he was always snacking whenever he could, the possibilities were endless. That scene was quite familiar, seeing him trying to soothe a bellyache, rubbing circles over it with his eyes closed, and lips pouting. Only this time he did look like he was about to fall over.
          “I think you should stay home today—”
          “No, not going to leave you two to do all the work. It's not fair”, Clark interrupted, briefly scrolling through his phone, with a strained expression.
          “We'll manage without you. Besides”, Jimmy crossed his arms, his tone had something of suspicion in it. “You really don't look well.”
          “I can't...”, Clark interrupted, showing the screen.
         Lois had left a couple of texts, clearly written in a rush, but summarized meant: “Come ASAP, thought of a new plan. We're going to get that interview!”
          “Alright, since you're not going to listen. You hurry, and I'll hurry. Five minutes”, Jimmy sighed, already on his way to the bathroom. “Oh, and you're eating something on the way because our fridge is empty!”, he added, trying to ignore the welded gash in the middle of their sink.
          Clark grumbled but focused on tying his shoes instead of arguing.
          True to his word, Jimmy stepped out of the shower in five minutes, and another five later, they were leaving the apartment. Clark was already looking a little better now that he was outside, with sunlight and fresh air, though it didn't take long for him to get too hot inside that thick pullover he always wore. He cuffed his sleeves, still managing to do it neatly while Jimmy dragged him to the nearest sandwich shop.
          “I don't think eating and —uRp, walking is a good combination”, Clark commented, muffling a meaty burp into his fist. His face grew a bit red, but at this point, he couldn't tell if it had been out of embarrassment.
          “It's actually good for digestion. Look it up”, Jimmy argued, crumbs of bread and lettuce falling off his mouth.
          Clark wasn't convinced that would make any difference, his optimism was failing him today, but there wasn't much room for it when his stomach felt like it was waging war on that cheesy steak sandwich. Why did he have to pick the greasiest option out of a health and diet menu? Each bite was weighing on his belly like a rock.
          He covered another queasy burp that brought the taste of acid to the back of his tongue, the sandwich was sitting atop that stubborn mess of food, refusing to digest. He risked another bite, he needed food in him after throwing up earlier, but had to hold back a gag as he tried to swallow. Nope, he was done.
          “Do you, uh, want to eat my half?”, he offered, awkwardly pulling his jumper down, feeling like his waistline had grown several inches. 
          “Yeah, you're definitely sick. You usually eat mine”, Jimmy shoved the last bite into his mouth. I’m full too. Just wrap it, and you can eat it later.”
          Clark produced a disgruntled noise but complied, and stuffed the half-eaten, now lukewarm sandwich back in its paper bag. He suspected that he would indeed be tasting it again later, but the thought still made him shudder. By the time they reached the Daily Planet, the young  journalist had resigned himself to the fact that he was going to be feeling queasy for the rest of the day.
         Inside the break room, he went to store his leftover breakfast in the fridge, finding another sandwich already there with a note stuck to it. A fishy stench leaked through the homemade wrapping, permeating the air. Then it clicked:
          “To the prick who stole my Sandwich. This sandwich is for Steve. Not for Clark. Don't steal it, Clark. – Steve”
          Labeled a thief after he had eaten his by mistake, and left his weird combination of mayo, tuna, and avocado for him, sounded like something only a jerk like Steve would do. Clark rolled his eyes, made sense why he was feeling like shit now. He had thought his usual sandwich had gone and in the end, he could barely stomach it. The mix of textures was so odd, and the taste was just wrong, but he wasn't about to throw food away.
          He gagged at the memory, then again at the smell, and hurriedly shut the door. Fuck, not again. He jogged over to the trash can, not trusting himself to use super speed, and hunched over it, trying to breathe. The whole room smelled now.
          It took a minute of breath control, swallowing and spitting the excess saliva, but he thankfully managed to keep his breakfast, even though now his stomach was sensitive all over. He pulled on his sweater, trying to make room for it.
          Scowling, Clark filled a plastic cup with water, drinking it whole in tiny sips. The cold liquid was refreshing on his throat, which still felt a bit tender from the earlier spell. It took his mind off the swirling nausea for a moment. He stepped out of the break room with another cup, entertaining the thought of pinning charges of biological terrorism on Steve.
          “Found you, Superman!”, a familiar voice shouted from down the hallway. Clark felt his soul leave his body.
          He spotted Lois, he had spotted her giant green jacket first, but regardless, both were now marching in his direction.
          “I-I-I think you have the wrong guy”, Clark stammered, nearly dropping his cup.
          Lois stopped in front of him, both hands on her hips, now grinning. “And that's what I'm going to say when my plan works.”
          “A-Ah! Haha”, Clark fake-chuckled, then swallowed hard, it felt like his stomach was running laps now.
          “Wow, you went pale. Hope you're not hiding anything from me”, she half-joked, giving a playful look. ”So, what took you so long, Smallville? Didn't see you out jogging this morning.”
          “I, uh... overslept”, ‘Smallville’ muttered, cocking his head in slight embarrassment. It wasn't a lie, for the most part, but he didn't feel like Lois needed to know the extent of his bad morning.
          “Yeah, I can see that”, she commented, pinning him down with her gaze. “You do look a bit tired.”
          “I, uh....couldn't sleep well”, he admitted, resting his hand on the back of his neck. He suddenly felt hot and dumb, as if he had been cooking under the sun for too long.
         “Aw, is the stress already getting to you?”, she asked with a wince of sympathy, reaching one hand out to cup his cheek, but stopped midway, thinking twice about it.
         “I guess you could say that...”, Clark muttered with a small sigh, eyeing her with a bit of hope, he somehow wanted her to…? He wasn't sure. “So, uh, what's your plan? I thought you already had gotten your interview with Superman”, he tried to change the subject.
          “Oh that, I can't publish that! He lied to all of my questions”, the aspiring journalist said, waving a hand as she dug through her pockets, bringing out her voice recorder. “But I already revised them, there's no way avoiding these. And I already know how we're going to get another interview with him.”
          Clark felt a lump of cold anxiety drop in his stomach, and it must've shown on his face because Lois eyed him with curiosity.
          “What if he was being honest? He didn't seem like the type of guy to... lie”, he said, taking a sip of water to hide the shudder in his voice.
          “I thought that too, I mean, he looked so—!”, she paused, flushing. “Uh, nice. Anyway, and when have you even met him?”, she raised an eyebrow, but before he could respond she was already grabbing his hand. “It's easier if I just show you the murder board. I spent all morning laying it out. Come on.”
         Clark let out a yelp but didn't put up a fight as the shorter woman dragged him through the corridor. He couldn't tell if it had been her hand on his, or the way his body was already feeling awful, but his head suddenly felt hotter, his legs weaker. He didn't have it in him to resist.
         Inside their provisory office, among cabin files and dust bunnies, Lois sat Clark down in one of the chairs, and he was grateful for that, right as he thought he was going to keel over. Jimmy was already there, trying to make sense of whatever Lois had pinned to the murder board.
         “There, don't sleep, okay?”, she commented, and Clark was once again grateful for Lois' tunnel vision when it came to a story. She patted his back briefly before walking up to the board, bumping playfully into Jimmy on her way.
         The wheels squeaked as she pulled it to the front, slamming her hand on it, and dropping some of the thumbtacks in the process. “So, here is the plan.”
         Clark tried but couldn't pay attention to what his senior was saying, his gaze wandered across the board before it settled on the table, the only thing that didn't seem to be warping and tilting before his eyes. His head was starting to ache again, making it difficult to focus on anything. He blinked a few times, and brought an empty cup to his lips, feeling its contents sloshing in the back of his throat.
         Jimmy took up the talking before Lois had the chance to ask anything else, he couldn't tell if it had been on purpose, but he was thankful either way. Clark slipped a hand under the table, then under his pullover and shirt, gently rubbing his queasy tummy. He could feel the organ churning under the taut skin, the food sitting there like a rock. He regretted every second that led to it.
         The queasy-looking journalist silenced a sickly burp into his hand, swallowing back the trickle of viscous sizzling bile that threatened to come up. It tasted cheesy, greasy, and highly acidic, he couldn't think of a worse combination, but soon found one when he realized he could taste something spoiled as well. He had to suppress a fit of gagging, disguising it with a hand on his mouth when he caught Lois glancing in his direction.
         “Come on, we're not risking our lives just to get another interview with Superman, that's not happening —”, Jimmy tried to argue, but he only caught part of the discussion.
         Clark winced as a hot flash of nausea crashed into him, hitting him like a truck, though he had experienced that before, he didn't have a better description. His abdomen clenched, producing a string of bubbly complaints. He leaned forward, hugging his midsection tightly, feeling it gurgle unhappily under his thick sweater.
         A soft moan tumbled out of his lips when his abdomen tightened involuntarily, that same awful anticipation taking hold of him.
         “Um, are you okay there, big guy?”, Lois' voice broke through the stupor. “You've been silent.” 
         “S-Sorry”, the shaky young man whimpered, with his chin to his chest, curled even further into himself. “I-I really don't feel good right now...”
         Lois gave a hum of sympathy, putting whatever she had down before her soft steps trailed his way. Jimmy didn't sound as graceful, he ran along the table, stopping right by him.
         “Hey, what's wrong? What are you feeling?” she called with a slight tremble to her voice, and put a gentle hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention.
        Clark winced at her touch but didn't try to pull away, looking up was a bad idea. It felt like the whole room was spinning, only making him feel dizzier.
         “My stomach hurts…”, he whimpered, his voice barely audible.
         “So, his stomach's been bothering him since morning”, Jimmy explained.
         “Oh, is that what those sounds were?”, Lois whispered, speaking off to the side, though her sick coworker still heard it, and froze under her hand, his face taking a whole another tone of red. Did she hear that?
         “Yeah, he threw up too", Jimmy continued, which prompted his friend to raise his head and give him a strained look of bewilderment, his friend only shrugged.
         “What!? And you still let him come into work?”, Lois' hand briefly left him as they went up, in a sign of exasperation.
         “Well, he insisted!”, he tried to defend himself, and Clark felt a pang of guilt.
         ”R-Really, it… wasn't as bad this morning”, he tried to argue, glancing up at the short woman, who was scowling now, thankfully not at him.
         “That is not—! Ugh, forget that”, Lois took another look at the puddle of sweat that used to be Clark, noticing that he was shivering noticeably now, his clothes already damp. “Hey, are you alright? Do you need anything?”
         “I-I don't know, I think I’m— urP!” he began to answer, not really sure where he was going with it when he was cut off by a wet hiccup. The woman opened her mouth as if to speak, but shut it as she heard a sound akin to a reverse gulp coming from Clark.
         That was the only warning he needed before his hand flew up to his mouth, in an attempt to stop the watery bile from flooding past his lips. He was up on his feet in a second, and out of the office in the other.
         Lois called after him a second too late. She had barely seen him run off, she had only noticed after he was already gone.
         The sick Kryptonian was too concentrated in not vomiting down the front of his sweater to realize that he was walking too fast for a regular human. Thankfully, the hallway was empty, he didn't have to worry about explaining anything to anyone. His boiling stomach lurched with every step, lunging against his abdomen as it sent its contents gurgling up his throat.
         He pushed past the door to the restroom, and thankfully found it empty, though he didn't reach the stall in time. Something hot and acidic surged past his throat, quickly filling his mouth with more than it could hold. His cheeks ballooned out behind his hand, his throat convulsed, forcing the sour watery vomit through cracks of his fingers and down the front of his sweater.
          Groaning with disgust, he pushed himself into one of the stalls, dropping to his knees just in time for his stomach to push out the rest of it. Clark didn't think he would end up like this, on his knees retching inside a toilet bowl, because of a stupid tuna sandwich.
         At least he was due some mercy, all that came up was mostly water, at first, spurting out of his nose. Hot acrid water that dyed the bowl a cloudy brown. Though it didn't look like it would leave a stain, it tasted absolutely awful, like drain cleaner with an aftertaste of grease. He gagged hard on the thought of it and began to dry heave.
         Scowling, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, infiltrating behind his lenses. He could feel himself shaking violently, a horrible nauseating heat latching onto his skin. He wanted nothing more than to take his sweater off, but he didn't think he could uncurl from the miserable position he was in.
         A pained moan dribbled out of his lips as he gave into another fit of loud dry heaving. His abdomen spasmed under his tight damp buttoned-up shirt, the fabric clinging to it by sweat. It was like he was being suffocated by it.
         Clark clung to the ceramic bowl, though his vomit-covered hand couldn't get a grip on it, and burped up a stream of viscous runny puke. He winced at the violent splash, it almost sounded like an open faucet. He gagged hard as he felt the solid parts passing through his gullet, bits of sandwich his sick stomach couldn't digest.
         “Kh—”, he coughed as the vomit finally tapered off into a sirupy trickle, and spat out what still clung to his tongue. The disgusting cheesy taste of his breakfast was so evident now, with some rotten aftertaste he didn't want to dwell on.
         For a moment or two, Clark hovered over the toilet, panting heavily.  Drool and sick hung from his lips, thin ropes waving along with his breathing, which was the only sound apart from the muffled churning of his upset guts. His belly kept clenching unproductively, struggling to bring up what remained inside of it, only worsening the dull ache of his sore muscles. The dizzying nausea hadn't eased one bit, though he kept heaving, it would be a minute before he had the strength to let any more out.
          A shaky hand came up, wiping vomit all over his sweater, then absentmindedly tugging at his neckline. Once, before a tiny button went flying. Reminded of his superhuman strength, he eased his grip on the toilet bowl and slinked back.
         It could've been minutes or just a few seconds, he couldn't tell exactly, but something pulled him out of his feverish daze. A knock on his stall, a careful one made the door creak as it was pushed ajar. He froze, ready for the worst his anxious mind could come up with.
         “Clark? Are you in there?” It almost didn't sound like Lois, but it was her. He didn't think he had ever heard her so livid before.
         He looked over to find a pair of familiar sneakers peeking under the gap, shifting nervously. He even saw the small manicured fingers sneaking in to pull it closed, allowing him a little more privacy.
         “H-Here Lois, ngh…”, he groaned, and though he still felt dizzy he put in the effort to flush out the toilet, hoping the smell hadn't already permeated the whole restroom. “I'm here.”
         “Oh, good! I've been looking for you everywhere”, she exclaimed, her voice still shaky.
         “Sorry for running off, I felt really sick all of sudden”, he replied, sitting back on his knees. It was a struggle to keep his voice from cracking when it felt like he had swallowed sandpaper.
        “You don't have to apologize for that”, she sighed, her feet kept fidgeting. “Are you alright? Did you… um, throw up?”
         “Y-Yeah”, he admitted, his face flushing with embarrassment, and grabbed a few pieces of paper to wipe his mouth with. “I think it was something I ate.”
         “Jimmy told me so, said you weren't feeling well this morning”, she commented, and he heard her fidgeting with something in her pockets. “He went out to buy medicine, I only found headache pills around here.”
         Any medicine would be a lifesaver right now, but Clark couldn't even stomach the thought of swallowing anything.
         “Anyways, I brought you some water”, she added, followed by the sound of a bottle being agitated. “Can I come in?”
         Clark gulped anxiously at the idea, he didn't want the girl he liked to see him like this, but the idea of being left alone was even scarier. 
         “Okay… come in.”
         The door opened then shut with a small click, Lois actually bothered to close it properly, even though the stall felt small with someone of Clark's size inside, the short woman made up for it
 While he took up half of the space, she barely filled a third. The squared space felt noticeably warmer too, just by being close to him she could feel the heat rolling off him.
         “Hey, big guy” she greeted softly, shedding her puffy green jacket as she crouched behind him.
         “Hey…”, he glanced over his shoulder, offering a tired but genuine smile under a sleeve he ran over his mouth. It tugged on her heartstrings seeing his misty eyes. “Sorry, I'm not doing so hot right now…”
         “It's okay, I'm here now to take care of you”, she told him, rubbing his arm, and offering a reassuring smile of her own. “Anything you need, okay?”
         He mouthed an “okay” before he had to swallow again, feeling his stomach jump, this time he could tell it was from the nerves rather than the nausea. Something about being in a tight space all alone with Lois, no matter how gross the actual situation was, made him anxious.
         Those thoughts were quickly banished as she busied herself cracking the bottle open.
         “Here, drink. You need to replenish your liquids”, she humored, handing him the water bottle.
         Clark mustered a nervous chuckle before he took it, too eager to notice her fingers might've lingered on his for a moment too long. She did note how much they were trembling, though.
         “So, how are you feeling?”
         “A little better now”, he responded after a small sip, trying to return her good humor, and Lois chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow. “I don't know…”, he gave a more sincere answer this time, resting a hand over his belly. “I feel… hot? and dizzy… and a little… hm, nauseous still.”
         Lois hummed, looking at his oversized hand distractedly rubbing his belly, picking up on the bubbling sounds she hadn't before.
          “I'm sorry you don't feel good. Food poisoning is never fun”, she cooed, in a tone that should've been mocking but quickly took a side of sympathy. He chuckled too, the bottle's rim still on his lips. “I think you might be overheating in that big sweater, though.”
         “You might be right…”, he panted.
         Her hand wandered to the rim of his jumper, playing with it before she offered, with a smirk: “Wanna take it off?”
         He gulped, then nodded, putting the water bottle down, and raised his arms just enough for her to pull it off.
         Without it, he almost looked like another person, his hair was up in spikes, his blue tie was messed up and his glasses were crooked. The white dress shirt he had underneath was nearly see-through, with a couple more buttons threatening to pop off. Lois looked away for a moment, convinced the heat was getting to her as well.
         He hummed, while adjusting his glasses and combing his hair down, coming off a little weaker than he meant to. In reality, he was still feeling quite groggy, and his head was pounding, not to mention…
         “You don't sound sincere”, she commented, her eyes now fixed to his hand, which in play was fidgeting with the buttons of his undershirt. “Does your belly hurt?”
         “A little…”, he started to reply, but as if to punctuate his answer, it gave a low grumble that Lois heard and had to disguise a snort. “Hah, I guess… a lot”
         “You're a bad liar, Clark”, she pointed, smirking.
         He would have blushed if his face wasn't already a feverish red. Instead, he lowered his eyes and simpered.
         “I think we have a hot water bottle somewhere in the break room”, Lois commented after a moment of silence, bumping him in the shoulder to lift his spirits. “It helps a lot with cramps.“
         Clark made a noise at the mention of it, a mix between a grumble and a snort that drowned out as he took a swig of water. While it soothed his sore throat, it was getting hard to ignore the way it seemed to slosh inside of him, sitting heavily on top of his undigested meal.
         Another noise, one of surprise, escaped him when a small hand came to rest on his cheek. Instead of flinching at the feeling of cold fingers, he nearly melted, putting his hand over hers before she could retrieve it. In turn, Lois widened her eyes at the heat rolling off his skin.
         “What are you doing?”, he asked, holding her there.
         “Checking if you… have a fever”, she responded, with a mix of surprise and embarrassment at his reaction. His hand completely covered hers. “Can I?”
         “Ah, right… Go ahead”, he gave a sheepish look before letting go.
         Now flustered, her hand glided up, resting the back of it against his forehead, his once fluffy bangs were flat and soaked in sweat. A soft hiss left her mouth, all that was left was steam to come out, his skin was nearly sizzling, and she didn't even think it was humanly possible.
         “Do you think I have a fever?” Clark humored her. “That would explain a lot…”
         “Definitely, I don’t even need a thermometer to know”, she half-joked, brushing off a few damp strands of hair. ”You're burning up, and covered in sweat too…”
           “Feels really hot in here”, he muttered, growing a little groggy from what she was doing to his hair. “Your hand is cold, feels nice."
         Lois gave a small hum, cupping his cheek again, and caressing her thumb over his cheek. He seemed to relax as she did it, closing his eyes and sighing, though his eyebrows were still furrowed, and his throat kept moving.
         “I might have an ice bag for you if we go to the break room", she mentioned. “How about it? There's a nice sofa there to rest.”
         Clark considered the offer for a second, or rather, the mental image of falling asleep on her lap, he would've said yes then and there. Then he felt his stomach tighten, and was reminded of the nausea swirling in the pits of his stomach.
         “I don't know, Lois… I really don't think it's safe with me, guh, like this”, he replied, looking up at her with a frown.
         “Aw baby, are you still feeling sick?”, her voice took a more comforting tone as she ran her fingers through his bangs. “Do you think you might throw up?”
         “I– I don't know…”, he echoed, swallowing thickly, enough in his mind for him to miss the nickname. “I think…?”
         Lois sighed, still holding him, she could feel him letting more and more of his weight onto her, and worried he might be getting weaker. Her eyes wandered down to his collar, where a faulty button left a peek of his chest out, and quickly went back.
         “You hadn't eaten much today, have you?”, she asked.
         “Just, gulp, half a sandwich since I woke up”, he responded, his expression crumpling in disgust, as if recalling his previous meal wasn't the right move.
         “Do you think that might've been it?”, she asked as he pulled away from her, going back to fidgeting with his buttons.
         “No…”, his lips trembled as he said, like he was trying not to gag. “I– , had something from the fridge yesterday. I— muRp, excuse me.”
         He pressed a fist to his mouth, closing his eyes and swallowing convulsively as he recalled the taste of that horrible tuna sandwich.
         Before Lois had the chance to ask anything else, he was crossing his arms over his middle, groaning with nausea. She scooted closer, wrapping an arm around him in a somewhat awkward but still comforting hug. He leaned on her, even if everything in him said to pull away before he vomited all over.
         “Ugh… my stomach's churning again”, he moaned, curling into a tight ball. “I really don't want… puke.”
         “Well, if you need to”, she told him and heard an airy gulp in response. His face scrunched in what looked like disgust, but it could've been frustration from the way he shook his head. “Hey, I know it's bad, but it's your body's way of helping you through this.”
         Clark mused about his options, his expression still pinched in pain. He could feel his stomach bubbling, the bile constantly at the back of his throat, like a boiling pot threatening to spill over. He looked up at her, at the cute frown she had on, and felt guilty worrying her like this. 
         “Lois, I think you shH— uRp!”, he opened his mouth and his body made the decision for him, letting a wet burp come up without warning. He cupped his mouth, wide-eyed.
         Before he even could apologize, he was muffling another into his hand, trying to swallow the acidic saliva flooding over his tongue. Lois, on a calmer note, placed a hand on his back, gently guiding him to lean over the toilet.
         “It's okay, just let it happen”, she told him, rubbing slow circles in an attempt to put him more at ease. It didn't seem to be working, she could feel his muscles tensing under her.
         Clark was about to ask her to stand outside, he really didn't want her to see him like this, but he didn't seem to have a choice. Hell, they weren't even dating yet, and she was already seeing such a gross side of him.
         Groaning, he draped his arm over the seat and hunched over, resting his head on the meat of his wrist. This way his head was mostly inside the toilet, affording him a smidge of privacy. He stared at the clear water below, taking deep careful breaths, feeling his stomach churn, his breakfast working its way up his throat.
         “Ngh—”, he whimpered when his abdomen caved in, bringing a weak airy gag and a river of salty saliva to his lips.
         It couldn't get worse at least, he told himself. Lois was there, rubbing his back and trying to keep him calm, seemingly unbothered by him being a contagious funk. Clark clenched his eyes shut, tears prickling his eyes, and dry heaved loudly, feeling her flinch at the harsh noise echoing inside the bowl.
         “That's it, try to get it up”, Lois urged in a gentle voice, stroking his back as he retched again, louder but unproductive. “Keep going.”
         He tried again, sucking in his abdomen and whimpering pitifully when it felt like a punch to the gut instead of the relief of emptying it.
         “Easy…”, she instructed, her other hand wandered down, grazing his sore pained tummy over the tight shirt.
         Clark shivered as he felt her touch it, letting out another needy whimper that made her pull away.
         “I-It's okay, you can, gulp, touch there”, he managed to say before he was gagging again, his voice thick with nausea.
         “Ah, got it”, she responded, now sounding flustered. “I’ll be gentle.”
         Her hand found his stomach flat under the shirt, humid and warm, clenching in preparation for another harsh dry heave. A soft whistle escaped her lips as she realized she could feel the muscles of his toned abdomen underneath the clammy skin, even his stomach lunging as he gave another, this time wet-sounding heave.
         Humming with sympathy, Lois tried to rub her open palm up and down, trailing from his belly button to just below his ribcage, gently kneading into his bruised tummy as she went. The surface felt firm, his stomach was full and bloated underneath. No wonder he was feeling so uncomfortable, there seemed to be a lot in there making him sick.
         Her poor boyfriend-to-be let out a queasy moan and belched, the sound turning thick and wet as he forced it out.
         “There, try to get it up”, she instructed, patting his belly and widening her eyes as she felt it gurgle underneath her fingertips. That seemed like it did the trick.
         “H— urp! EUrGhH!” Clark made a miserable sound as he retched into the bowl, the violent heave turned hauntingly wet as vomit gurgled out of his mouth.
         Lois winced as she heard it connect with the water inside the bowl in a sharp splash, hearing him choke up and spit out the rest of it. While that seemed to have been just the liquid he had drank, the strong acrid smell still reached her quickly, making her shift with a slight discomfort.
         “There you go, let it out”, she whispered, trying to keep the disgust away from her voice.
         Clark dry heaved again and his whole body seemed to follow the motion. His back arched forward, his musculature showing through the damp shirt, shoulders hitching as he strained. She felt his stomach lurch under her palm and braced as he brought up more of his stomach contents in a lengthy surge, some of it spurting out of his nose with a hiss.
         He couldn't get a breath in as a second wave came up without warning, sounding thicker on his throat and heavier as it fell into the bowl, making a somewhat soft splatter. Lois didn't want to dwell on what it meant, but from how much he was straining she already had an idea. She could feel his stomach deflating under her fingertips, pumping itself empty.
         “There you go, let it all out”, she encouraged him, rubbing his back, to which he responded, or at least tried to, with a weak groan.
         “I'm, hrk— s-sorry…”, came the garbled apology, punctuated by harsh gagging.
         “Aw, baby… It's alright, don't apologize”, she frowned, tempted to just scoop him up into a hug, but another loud dry heave made her think twice. “You're doing great.”
         “No, I'm— urgh, this is so gross…”, he moaned, sounding completely clogged. “You shouldn't have to… hRk, see this, muRp!”
         “Aw, Clark, it's okay, really. I don't mind being here with you. I wouldn't just leave you like this either”, she responded, sounding timid as the sentence went on. He, on the other hand, didn't have much time to dwell on it as another flash of hot nausea slammed into him.
         Clark could barely keep his eyes open, but at a time like this he was almost thankful, his vision was blurry with unshed tears, which meant he couldn’t see much of the mess he was making. Retching harshly, he choked up another thick stream of his undigested sandwich and stomach juices, feeling the clumps passing through his throat.
         He sucked in a greedy gasp of air, choking up another lengthy wave of vomit not a second later. There was so much that for a moment he couldn't breathe as it gushed out his nose, burning through his airways. He coughed violently as it tapered off, noticing the disgusting taste hanging from the tail end. He knew better than to think too much about it, but now he could taste a pull of spoiled fish at the end.
         “EuRrGhH!”, he moaned, mustering a third consecutive wave before he was left panting so hard his lungs were whistling in his throat.
         “Hey, remember to breathe”, Lois told him, but Clark seemed too caught up in his own misery to take her advice.
         It felt like his stomach was trying to turn itself out. He clenched his eyes shut, tears of exertion gathering on his eyelashes, his throat still working through the last bits of vomit.
         “Breathe…”, she instructed him, her hand still on his stomach, grounding him.
         Clark lunged forward, nearly losing his grip as a harsh retch tore out of him, choking up a trickle of viscous bile into the toilet. He kept gagging for a solid minute, runny puke dribbling inside the toilet as his stomach continued to wrang itself empty, trying to get rid of any traces of that disgusting sandwich he had eaten yesterday.
         A moment or two passed of Lois shushing him while he continued to heave weakly, the involuntary motions growing more sparse. It felt like his stomach was finally empty, even though it kept clenching, leaving his abdomen sore.
         “Think you're done, big guy?”, she said, patting his back.
         “Mrgh… hm-hmm”, he made a pained noise before humming, though it still took another minute before he felt confident enough to raise his head.
         His face was an utter mess of orangish-brown vomit, drool and snot hanging from his nose and lips in thick slimy ropes, some of it coating his chin. He instinctively brought a cupped hand under it, trying to keep the mess from dripping on his shirt, but Lois was quicker, handing him a handful of rolled paper.
         “Think you got it all out?”, she asked sheepishly, while he blew his nose.
         “Think so…”, he rasped, his voice completely shot. 
         “Um, here, rinse your mouth out”, she instructed, bringing the water bottle to his lips and tipping it so he could take a sip. ”You don't have to swallow, just to get the taste out.”
         After he swished and spat out, she flushed the toilet, glancing at the swirling vomit inside and grimacing. She could make out bits of green lettuce among the murky orange mess, and lowered the lid before she had the chance to see anything else.
         Turning her gaze back to him, she found his junior intern sitting there like a lost kid, misty-eyed and sniffling, staring at the ground through half-lids. His color hadn’t improved much, in fact, he looked more green than pale now, with a feverish blush still burning on his cheeks.
         “Hey?”, she called, waving her hand in front of him. He raised his head weakly, blinking. “Are you alright now? Still feeling nauseous?”
         “Huh? No, I… think I'm empty now", he responded, though that didn't exactly respond to the question. His stomach was settled now, though it felt sore, like he had just done the worst workout of his life.
         “That's good, I think? At least you got out whatever was making you sick”, she commented, to which he had to put a hand to his mouth, covering a gag. “You must have a pretty weak immune system, huh? I mean, you were last week too.”
         “O-Oh, yeah, I was, yeah”, he feigned a chuckle, recalling the lie he had told her, when he needed to fly back home. His face quickly dropped. “Lois, I'm sorry you had to see this, I really didn't know what to—”
         “Clark, it's okay, really. You don't have to apologize for being sick, or for needing help. None of it is your fault. I'm here, okay? For whatever you need”, she silenced him, cupping his cheek again. A small smile played on his lips, before he nodded, finally convinced. “Now, do you think we can go? It's not exactly hygienic to be on a restroom floor.”
         “Ah! Y-Yeah, you're right“, he chuckled, putting his hands on his knees as he struggled to his feet. Lois followed, lending him a shoulder to lean on.
         “Come on, big guy. If you play your cards right, I might even make you some chicken noodle soup when we get to your place”, she said playfully.
         “Wait, really? That does sound good”, he replied, blue eyes sparkling with a naive and hopeful look.
         “We'll see”, she smirked. “But now, what you need is to lay down and rest.”
         He didn't argue, looking forward to the possibility of falling asleep on her lap, to her small fingers brushing through his hair, to her scent. At least there was some good to be taken out of this situation.
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humanpurposes · 6 months
These are all my thoughts about the Season 2 teaser, under a cut because I'm mentioning book spoilers and doing some speculating, and also because I have sooooo much to say
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Starting off with the first shot of Rhaenyra, standing by Shipbreaker Bay with Storm's End in the distance. The fact that she goes looking for Luke is so heartbreaking, but this is why I'm so excited for the show!! In the book there's not really an explanation of how the Blacks found out about Luke's death, just Rhaenyra's reaction and the "son for a son" line. I do really love the portrayal of Rhaenyra as a mother in the first season, especially her bond with Luke and I can so see her rushing to find out what happened to him.
I'm so excited for Emma D'Arcy in general. I'll be honest, it took me a while to warm up to post time jump Rhaenyra, especially because I felt like the character felt so different to Milly's Rhaenyra, but they really won me over in episode 10. What Emma is able to do with just their expressions is incredible, particularly in the very last shot of season 1, that look of grief and fury was so impactful. I hope we get more 'silent' acting moments from Emma and I think this could be one of those.
I wanna jump a head and mention the parallels between this scene and the shot of Alicent by some lake? I really thought that was supposed to be Alys Rivers until they showed her face. Obviously there's a similar visual there with Alicent and Rhaenyra. My questions are, where is this meant to be? It looks misty and you can't see much in the background, so I'm thinking it could be a dream given that she's dressed very plainly? The other lake that comes to mind is the God's Eye, but in the book, Alicent doesn't leave King's Landing. This bit also excited me because I've kinda used bodies of water as symbol for death and grief in one of my fics haha.
Sticking with Alicent, the first we see of her in the teaser is her speaking with someone off camera, probably Larys Strong because you can see his cane. My girl looks tired (probably because her son started a war whoops) and she seems very reluctant with the "many will die line." Super excited for more Olivia Cooke looking melancholic!!
I hate Criston Cole's haircut, but it's not a big deal.
Aegon on the throne! He still looks miserable lmao. I think of all the interpretations of the characters I think Aegon will end up disappointing me the most. I really don't think they developed him enough last season to set up any meaningful rivalry with Rhaenyra, which I can understand because the focus is on Rhaenyra and Alicent. But I feel like he's been left out of his own story in a way because in the book, he doesn't want the throne, but is convinced by Criston to stake his claim and properly fight for it. I have a feeling HotD is still going for a mopey emo boy. I mean he literally has a chain around him. Also I wish his crown had more rubies, it looks so underwhelming, but the dragon embroidery on his tunic is sick.
Also, dragon shoulder things going on with Rhaenyra's dress? Slay, she's the more fashionable monarch for sure.
0:26, the dragon flying overhead. I think this is Nettles!! Some people have been saying they're disappointed she was left out, but I think could be her looking at Sheepstealer? And she has some stick thing idk it looked like a shepherd's cane to me.
And immediately after that we have a shot of a dragon flying over another lake. It looks like the same one? I was thinking it might also be Jace on Vermax when he's delivering his messages to the Vale and Winterfell? Omg but so many dragons this season!! I'm so excited to see all of them.
Going back to Daemon, he's definitely on a war path this season, we have that first shot of him grabbing his helmet and storming off, presumably to battle, then he's beheading someone in front of a Weirwood tree. One thing I really found interesting about the time jump in season 1 was how subdued older Daemon was compared to his younger self, even when he killed Vaemond he played it off so nonchalantly. But then in episode 10 he's just desperate to make a show of strength and end the conflict quickly and violently, with Rhaenyra being the one who has to restrain him. So I'm interested to see how their dynamic as a couple will play out, and to see a return to form for Daemon as a force of nature.
Aemond being the very next frame after Daemon swings his sword oof. I'll get more into Aemond in a bit because I will talk about him forever and ever amen once I get started. But that LOOK, my man is yearning for the throne and we're all obsessed.
0:38, that looks like Seasmoke to me, which would mean the person standing in front of the dragon is Laenor or Addam of Hull. I don't really have an opinion about Laenor possibly coming back, we'll just see what happens. Would be quite devastating for Corlys and Rhaenys though, after mourning their son for 6 years.
speaking of mourning sons Helaena looks so stunning in 0:40. I tried to avoid those leaks but these look like they're from Jaehaerys' funeral procession. I'm looking forward to more prophetic stuff from Helaena, hopefully get more into her relationship with her family. I just hope she gets the time she deserves in the show because in the book she very much exists in the background, especially after Blood and Cheese. And the audacity of them to show a shot of the Dragonpit before Helaena, that's just cruel 🥺
UM ALSO 0:52. Took me a second to register what was happening the first time I watched this. Something that really stands out to me is how gentle Helaena's expression is (unless I'm misreading Phia's face completely) but that is something that's mentioned in the book, Helaena supposedly met them very calmly. I just know Phia Saban is going to do an amazing job in this scene and I'm absolutely terrified to see it play out.
Ok going back again, there's some battle scene or whatever, that's cool ig.
0:45-0:47 Rhaenys' voiceover, her and Rhaenyra (I'm guessing at Dragonstone) and then BAELA!! Again, I'm really hoping for some canon divergence from the book because I am so down to see Baela being utilised more! That's something I didn't really get about the book, Baela has Morning but they only participate in one battle. I'm thinking this is her at Rook's Rest, seeing Rhaenys die or getting there too late.
0:53 Duel of the Cargyll twins? omg :(
And to finish off, the shots of Aemond, then Rhaenyra, then Vhagar. Excited to see Rhaenyra being more active in the fighting. Although her unwillingness to fight her own battles was something that was used against her in F&B, I think it feels very much in line with what we saw of her in season 1.
Aemond looks SO GOOD, and I know these probably won't be from the same scene, but with the shots of him and Rhaenyra being one after the other, I feel like there could be something there about the (for what of a better word) rivalry between them in the aftermath of Luke's death. If we got to see them face off against each other or have some kind of interaction, that would be insane.
Ok now I'm going to ramble about my war criminal princess 🥰
So we all know one of the biggest talking points of the season 1 finale was the part Aemond played in Luke's death and what this means for him as a character moving forward.
It's really interesting to compare HotD Aemond vs F&B Aemond, because in the book he comes across as a lot more abrasive, ruthless and impulsive. In the show, Aemond is an imposing but understated presence which is so unnerving and so captivating to watch, and then he has these moments where his anger comes out. I think in episode 8, his anger feels deliberate when he reacts to Luke laughing at him at the dinner, it's all a threat and a reminder of what he's capable of. It's all to get a reaction and it works, he insults the Strong boys, laughs off Jace's punch, but the moment he comes face to face with Daemon he backs down. Then we have Storm's End in episode 10. His anger is meant to intimidate again, but the difference is that there's no one to make him back down, so he takes things too far, chases Luke and is helpless to stop Vhagar when she goes in for the kill.
I love what Ewan Mitchell has said about the bond between Aemond and Vhagar, how their bond has changed his view of himself and shaped the person he becomes. He's bonded to an ancient war dragon, he's an ambitious second son who has to settle for being a supporting act to his useless older brother, and he's been through a lot of physical and emotional trauma since childhood, so while he's trying to play the part of Alicent's golden child, he's had all this pain simmering under the surface, which was inevitably going to reach boiling point.
I think it makes perfect sense that Aemond's first kill was 'accidental' considering he's never had any experience with actual combat, but this doesn't mean it has to detract from his character and in fact I think this lends itself to the tragedy of his story. Enough people have said it but I think he'll come back to King's Landing, get a right bollocking from Alicent and Otto, and he'll play it off as though he killed Luke to avenge his missing eye. The alternative is admitting that he doesn't have full control of his dragon, not a great sign considering she is the Green's most important asset in the war. B&C is going to devastate their whole family but with Aemond has to carry the guilt of being the one who drew first blood, and I think from there we'll really see him lean into this persona of The Kinslayer and become more ruthless and overtly violent. AND THEN after Rook's Rest and Aegon's injury, Aemond will become Regent and will be closer to the throne than he ever has been or ever will be.
I think he's just going to become completely insane and even more unhinged and I'm absolutely buzzing to see it all go down. Just please, HBO, for the love of God, give him more than one outfit.
Additional thoughts:
I wonder if they'll keep the GoT theme for the opening credits? I kinda want something new, maybe a bit darker? Either way, so excited for new stuff from Ramin Djawadi
No Daeron which isn't looking good, yikes. Dare we hold out hope he'll show up in a later season? But then there was a shot of the Hightower army in the teaser and he'd be with them
We also have no Cregan Stark which surprised me because I really thought they'd play up nostalgia points with Winterfell
No Sunfyre :(
No Caraxes :( unless we count that quick shot of Daemon in his saddle.
No Dreamfyre, but this is less surprising
I'm nitpicking now, but I would have liked a shot of the Velaryon Fleet too, that would have been cool
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mosswitch219 · 28 days
Some thoughts on Bad Batch Season 3
First off I want to say this is going to be a very unpopular opinion and if you liked the szn this probably isnt the post for u, but I feel I have to speak my mind.
Overall after watching season 3 I honestly feel let down and unsatisfied with the events and especially the ending.
1. Techs death is probably the biggest thing that frustrated me because when you kill a character off you should either have your other characters morn and grieve them and learn to accept the loss or bring them back.
However they didn't either of those, instead they pretty much forget he existed they barely reference him and only say his name like twice, it would be fine to show characters in denial about someone's death but it's more like the show is in denial. This is why many bad batch fans were expecting tech to come back, if you don't morn a characters death than the story arch feels incomplete a ppl will wait for it to "end".
Not to mention techs story didn't seem over he left on weird unfinished terms with Phee and it seemed like they would touch on it again but nope.
Also they introduced CX-2 and made it seem like he might be tech, such as having the same build and teasing the identity like it's important and like it will mean something and then at the end for CX-2 and all these super soldiers to mean absolutely nothing.
2. So many unfinished questions, I can't believe this is the end of bad batch and apparently the last clone show. Especially when we still don't know where tf Cody is and all we're told is that he's gone AWOL (mentioned like it will mean something in the future) and then we never see or hear anything about him again.
Then there's Wolffe obviously we know he's in Rebels but what happens between then and now?
Then there's Echo same as Wolffe what happens to him as we never see him fighting alongside rex in Rebels.
Then ventress she was introduced back and then she leaves and we never see or hear about her ever again, she didn't rlly add much they revived and went "look ventress is back" for one episode and then that's it she's no longer important all she did was say "yup omega has a high M count" and then left.
3. Omega and the other force sensitive children could have patched up the plot hole of "somehow palatine is back" by saying using omegas clone DNA that can sustain high levels of a M count and a force sensitive child they were able to figure out how to clone palatine or smth but no it all meant nothing and we never rlly knew what the tests where for even when they had a golden opportunity to reveal it when Rampart forces Nala se to tell him everything abt the experiments
Honestly season 1&2 were great and so I went into season 3 expecting the same amount of quality but I didn't get that. They usually tie everything together and I never felt unsatisfied or confused in szn 1&2 but I did in szn 3. I kept waiting for things to start to tie together especially when the had so many moment where it seemed like the scenes where there just to make things make sense but no they were all there for nothing.
I walked away from szn 3 thinking it must have been rushed or gotten a new writers team bc wtf was any of this, it was so out of character for the writers to make such bad decisions.
I understand if other people like the ending bc we don't usually get somewhat happy endings but this was more like a half-assed happy ending to me, I would have preferred a well written devastating bad ending but this is what we got instead and I am so disappointed. All I could think of szn 3 was about how angry, let down and confused I was and that it was a lame and made me feel meh.
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popchoc · 2 months
Grey's 20x04
Or: The big return of Dr. Arizona Robbins!
Boy, was it good to see her again, shining bright as always and looking taller than ever (okay, she was standing next to Bailey for most of the time, but still - lol). I'm gonna be honest though: the writing this episode wasn't particularly good (imo), and many parts were rushed which didn't help either (I just hate it when someone says 'no' and then someone else comes with three semi-profound lines and the first one goes 'okay then' just like that. Even when it's one of our beloved super docs.) Also there were ZERO remarks about current life in NY, or about their shared past except for 'this room looks different' which felt like a waste. If it weren't for some very typical Arizona traits that made me go 'ah there she is!' this guest part could've really been anyone.
Sooo, let's try again in early season 21, shall we?!? *insert puppy eyes*
The rest of the episode didn't really stand out either. It was a bit like S19 last week: too much, and too messy. It felt like they kept cramming people in (yet where's Helm?!), just for the sake of it, at the expense of the stories that were actually worth telling. I'm sorry, but I'm just not feeling Teddy's story, and Richard please, retire already - you've been talking about it since season 2 fcol!!
In the meantime we could have had an actual investigation about those season finale shenanigans (yes, they finally addressed them choosing Teddy over their dying patient!!), including interviewing the attendings who were very MIA at that crucial moment, and work with the consequences of those conclusions (instead of Bailey's personal ones), besides - as said - a better written story around Arizona.
The mini arc that I did like was about Jules and her brother (and his patient), that made me see how she learned to scream so well (see: last week) and let to more bonding between her and Mika. Mika in general was a blast again, and I'm glad she got some rectification.
My personal highlight this week though, was Amelia taking the stairs. Cause in this universe, we all know what that foreshadows... hahaha.
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larmalot · 1 month
who else has conflicted feelings on the Bad Batch finale
Maybe it was the budget but something just felt off to me -- I don't know that I can put it into words but it was there. I am whelmed.
The runtime was so short! And for a show typically heavy on nuanced emotions, it felt rushed and pointedly lacking on emotional impact. 
We absolutely should have heard more from the rescued clone prisoners! And we barely got anything from Crosshair even though he got dismembered!! Emerie's betrayal for the sake of the children and finally her choosing her OWN path -- that deserved *way* more time.
Nala Se honestly deserved to kill Hemlock herself, but killing Rampart was actually pretty good consolation. I enjoyed that scene even though I was surprised the dialogue didn't reference Rampart destroying Kamino directly.
But so many plot things went unaddressed. The clone special operative set up as a mirror rival for Crosshair (i only recently learned his name was CX-2) i think died when Hunter hit him with a spear, but i'm not even sure it was him bc those agents were so anonymized in part from the canon of having their identities erased. But definitely it should have been Crosshair who killed him!!
I was also a bit disappointed that Hemlock didn't go off the rails more. Even Anakin lost it at the end and became super aggressive and violent, and i was expecting was at least some growling and rough handling from Hemlock -- especially directed at Omega, whom he views as imperial property. But I guess this is a kids' show. Part of me was also hoping to find out the reason behind his excellent gloved hand tic, but nada. I'm just saying he spent two seasons priming that hand to strangle someone and then never did. *shrugs*
The appearance of those CX(?) agents emerging from their tanks with new special weapons we'd never seen before -- well it wasn't unfathable, but it was a bit random and almost too much (i was reminded of those helicopter lightsabers from the season 2 Rebels finale). With how they seemed to be designed to hold off the Batch with varying weapons and body types, i could easily buy them as orginially designed as mirror antagonists for an aborted season 4.
(The whole fan theory that Tech is alive but Hemlock made him an evil brainwashed clone would have been interesting, but i'm glad they left the sacrifice of his death intact.)
Rex never arriving with a calvary of reinforcements was the real surprise of this finale. As much as I like the title, I don't think it suited the episode at all or fit well with the context of these last episodes. It's a line said by Wrecker when the Batch debuted in TCW, but in this episode the Batch retired???! Plus they arrived on Tantiss in the episode before this one and were captured as soon as they entered the hangar. Not really the mighty calvary... Maybe it's that they arrived on Pabu (to stay). Idk.
And!!! the massive giant hanging plotline of the offscreen clone rebellion is so odd. The same guy does all these voices!!! It's a lot less forgivable than the way they've been writing around the Pabu characters -- which, by the way, got old FAST. This season it was worse than ever and since all the Pabu characters are POC, there is definitely another race insensitivity case to be made here. I know it ultimately boils down to budget, but how many times can an established character be mentioned or seen in a non-speaking role before it becomes a massive disservice?
I wasn't exactly expecting it but I'm also surprised they never wrapped up Cid's character. Another reason I'm thinking The Bad Batch was meant to run for at least 4 seasons, bc she also kinda deserved a farewell or a chance to make amends. And Emerie deserved more development!! Her joining the clone rebellion is just one small step of a whole new life, making her own decisions and learning to value herself!
I know I should be happy with the ending but it all felt so sanitized and disneyfied. Everyone chilling around Pabu in their Tantiss clothes was just too much for me. I'm convinced there was a budget issue that affected those decisions. And the finale scene -- even though I *liked* it, it felt like a neatly wrapped up means to funnel a grown up Omega directly into a Rebellion era show/movie as a guaranteed fan favorite character. That cheapened things for me, a lot.
Anyway, I'm glad people got what they wanted -- wet Batch boys in the rain, salt and pepper daddy Hunter, and the Zillo Beast going off into the sunset to live happy and free in the jungle. I didn't hate it, I'm just surprisingly unenthused. I'm holding out for bonus content to drop on May 4 (but i doubt it lmao).
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TBB s3 ep 14
Only one more to go after this, we ready!? (no, pls help)
Yes Hunter, how IS Echo gonna get off the ship?
Oh I see we’re just gonna let him wing it and do it on his own?
Like don’t get me wrong I have full faith in Echo I just don’t like how Hunter is so focused on Omega he doesn’t even try to find a way to help out Echo
He also doesn’t listen to Crosshair’s remark about the Jungle being dangerous
Love how Omega is like “oh base on high security alert? Multiple explosions? it’s my brothers!!”
I swear Rampart and is constant bitching is so tiring
Gaaaahh Cross talking about his first time on Tantiss
His hand tremor acting up
Poor baby I love him give him a hug
“…but Omega didn’t leave me behind when she could have. I owe her.”
Bro just say you love your baby sisters like it’s not that big a deal we already knew
The utter fucking relief I felt when Echo made it off that ship unharmed
Jesus, I am so scared that we might,,,
Okay I don’t wanna jinx it so I’m just gonna say “scared that the writers pull another Tech”
Aaaaaaand Rampart’s bitchiness got them a) attacked by a giant beast and b) discovered by imperial troops
I hate him so much
Emerie not only recognising Echo but immediately volunteering to help?
She’s growing on me tbh
Is Omega gonna free the Zillo? To get out? Like as a distraction?
Idk that seems kinda dangerous girly
wait wtf that’s it???
That was already 20mins?
I wasn’t ready for the end there I though we were gonna get more😪
Tbh, I think it felt so short because they had to fit three storylines into twenty minutes. I really wish they were allowed 40 minute episodes, then they could’ve really done a deep dive into all three moving parts of this episode. Like at this point it’s not the writers or show runners fault, it’s just that they probably didn’t get the budget to make their episodes that long, which rlly sucks but like,,, ya can’t be mad.
But! I honestly still don’t understand how ALL OF THIS is gonna get wrapped up in 1 more episode. Like how? Genuinely, how?
On the one hand, that makes me worry that the last episode is gonna be super rushed and feel unfinished or whatever but on the other hand it gives me hope that we’re gonna get another show. Because we still don’t know how Gregor, Rex and Wolffe ended up on Silos (?) alone, what happened to their rebellion, where the entirety of the batch went, what the hell Echo Base on Hoth is all about, who tf CX-2 is and Hemlock and Rampart are still alive also?? Which seems like an oversight.
AND all the clones still need to be busted out of Tantiss and relocated and why am I getting the feeling that Tantiss is just gonna blow up with everyone still there and that’s the reason why Rex gives up SHIT FUCK DAMNNIT
Anyway, point being!! This can’t end well any way you slice it. Lovely.
I will say that all in all I did like this episode!! Rampart getting panic attack after panic attack was rlly fun, we got a heart to heart between Wrecker and Crosshair (brief as it was), Echo again proofed why he is an ARC Trooper and why, after the apocalypse and the explosion of the galaxy he will still be standing, and Omega showed us once again that she is a far cry from that scared kid in season 1 and has instead turned into a sharp, competent, mini soldier (lets not talk about the fact that she’s essentially been turned into a child soldier out of pure necessity)
Anyway!! Good stuff, I am terrified of the finale!! Hope y’all enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!! See you next week when I try not to have a breakdown!!
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ripplestitchskein · 7 months
I personally loved Season 2, it was a bit rushed but I think it suffered less for the budget cuts and limited episodes than like any other show I’ve watched tbh. The unfortunate state of modern television is they don’t have time to let character’s breathe and let the plot develop gradually, especially with a cast the size of OFMD.
Each character had a little bit this season.
Frenchie really came into his own and became my fav, he was kind of the glue that held the two disparate crews together in my opinion in really subtle ways. Like just amazing job on Frenchie.
Olu really leaned into his soft boy persona and charmed and softened not only Jim last season but Zheng this season. He was instrumental in repairing her relationship with Auntie and though I would have liked more of that for it to really pay off, like us seeing more Auntie being hard and overbearing and it’s affect on Zheng and then the reconciliation I think broad strokes it was good. I was sad at the beginning that his relationship with Jim was more queer platonic but I think they handled it super well and their bond was just as strong and important.
Jim was amazing this season, really embracing that softness and dealing with their trauma even though again I would have liked to see more. Their interactions with Zheng and Auntie were limited but critical and I don’t think the Jim of season 1 would have been able to do that if they hadn’t of grown through these past 2 seasons.
Roach didn’t have as much as the rest of the crew imo but he was definitely a bit more human and less weird feral butcher. His little spa day with Wee John was super cute.
Wee John was probably my fav this season in terms of all the little details about his growth. The knitting, the drag, the sweaters. Just chef’s kiss.
I loved the soft focus on Lucius and Pete’s relationship. How it weaved in with Lucius’s trauma and how steady Pete was throughout.
Buttons got what he wanted imo. I was disappointed he didn’t have a more central role this season but if they get a third I think he’ll be critical. But even if they don’t I’m glad he was happy.
The Swede was just so cute and I love that he was the tie to Spanish Jackie and we saw more of her and a softer her because of him.
And Izzy, omg Izzy, the complete turnaround for his character, Con’s amazing performance throughout. Truly the breakout character of the season. So much to unpack with Izzy but I wasn’t upset with his ending, it felt right to me? I know many are, and I personally don’t think it’s the end for him anyway, but even if it is, looking at him from S1 to now as a whole I felt pretty good about it even though I sobbed my eyes out. I expected him to die early on so that he got to merge with the crew and repair his relationship with Bonnet and at the end find a peace with Ed was great. Would I have liked something bigger and more impactful. Always but that was a lot to fit in and I feel like they did their best with it.
Ed and Stede’s journey was straight outta fanfic. Just hit all the notes for me, again I would have liked more but what they did was satisfying and realistic and I didn’t feel like they were missing anything as far as navigating their relationship went. I would have liked to see their conversation when they decided to start the Inn, maybe some more apologies all around, but the way it was done was fine. I think too much groveling would have made it different kind of show. A central part of this genre is that the trauma and sadness is kind of brushed by and touched on lightly but not a central point you wallow in because it is ultimately a comedy show that is more silly than serious.
I love that they ended on a note we the audience could be satisfied by but still left doors open for a 3rd season. I am always terrified in sophomore seasons of cliffhangers and unresolved nonsense that we never get solved so to end it there was perfect for me.
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johanna-swann · 16 hours
It's been a few days, I've had time to sleep on it and I changed my mind. The season 7 finale was the worst finale yet. In short: The entire thing felt super rushed, there was next to no emotional payoff, the main plot made no sense and I was underwhelmed / confused the whole time.
The end result, where the characters are at right now, the position from which they will start into season 8 I'm happier with than last season (goodbye forced heteronormativity), but the way we got there was... not good. (Long review under the cut. Like, long review. I have a lot of thoughts.)
Just as in 6x18 the pacing of that episode was all over the place. There was this main plot that they teased us with, the "whatever is going to happen? are they all going to survive? what will the consequences be?" and then halfway through the episode that big mystery was resolved and there were no consequences.
I remember the bridge collapse last year was super underwhelming because they just rushed through the incident in a way that gave us no time to even worry about the characters much. Buck finally was put in a position where he had to assume leadership and then that lasted for exactly the time it took him to get to Hen and once she was awake, she took over as acting Captain. Nobody was hurt so badly that we had to assume the worst. That one earthquake victim showed up which was supposed to be meaningful I guess, but it just felt random. (I doubt most viewers even remembered a random victim from 4 seasons ago. I sure didn't until someone else pointed out it was the same actor.) And then the danger was suddenly just over. The "big dramatic disaster" took up less than 20 minutes and there were no consequences. There's a reason why 6x18 only made 99th place out of 106 episodes on imdb.
7x10 repeated those very same mistakes all over again, but worse. In this case the two big questions concerning the main plot were "Who committed the arson?" and "Will Bobby be okay?". Both questions barely had to be asked at all because 1) it was very clear (and not at all a plot twist as some early reviews suggested) that Amir was innocent and the generic Latino drug smuggler cartel (loved that btw, who came up with this bullshit) was involved. 2) this is 911. The main characters don't die. The least I expected though were some heartfelt moments between the rest of the team holding each other up, people sitting with Bobby and talking to him, maybe some parallels to last season when we had a similar situation with Buck.
Instead it takes almost 10 minutes until the other characters even figure out something is wrong and we proceed to focus heavily on Athena who's going rogue again and keeps critical information from her Captain because she wants to take revenge personally. She then threatens an innocent civilian with her service weapon while off duty which - as we learnt in 2x08 from none other than Athena herself - under California law is an assault. Well done 911, a show who has previously criticised Cops abusing their power but keeps writing stories for Athena to do the exact same thing. Wtf.
Anyway, my point was that we spent so much time following Athena around on her nonsensical quest for revenge that we barely even have scenes with Bobby in the hospital. Once the generic cardboard cutout cartel is dealt with it turns out that Bobby despite having been without his own heartbeat for 14 minutes, despite having been seizing and on a ventilator last we saw him, despite the Doctor being unsure if he'd wake up at all is actually just fine. Perfectly happy and healthy even. Okay. My bad for expecting something more here I guess.
Bottom line, the main plot around the arson was very straight forward (I don't know which part here was supposed to be considered a plot twist and using Amir as a very obvious red herring twice just seems lazy), had little emotional impact and "the big showdown" was very anticlimactic. Basically the same things I also criticised about the last season finale and I don't think it's a coincedence that 7x10 is the second worst rated episode as of right now. At least the bridge collapse made sense.
One storyline they (temporarily) wrapped up rather well is the one around Mara and Henren. This will be picked up again in season 8, but for now we know Mara is in a safe place, she can have contact to the Wilsons and it might also evolve into Madney discussing having another kid in the next season. I don't feel bad waiting 3 or 4 months for how this continues. However I still think that they should've waited with the plot around the council woman for season 8 maybe. Have Henren take in Mara, show them growing together as a family, show Mara slowly opening up to them. But season 7 had so much personal drama going on already, maybe if they had pushed the incident with Ortiz, her son and her revenge plot to season 8 it would've helped keeping these last few episodes more grounded. They still could've shown Mara struggling to fit in in her new home and all of that.
Madney didn't have much going on this season. The wedding episode had its moments of course, but those were contained to the confines of 7x06. Now they've taken in Mara and there's potential to build on that, but nothing that has been explicitly teased at yet.
The Eddie/Kim Doppelgänger plot was just unhinged. It was sort of fun and I enjoyed it in a way that I also enjoy Doctor Who, Umbrella Academy or Legends of Tomorrow when they go off the charts again with their weirdness levels, but did it really fit into 911 as a show? I don't know. It's also not exactly clear yet if they're going to bring back either Marisol or Kim next season. And like, I get it. Tim Minear regrets killing off Shannon, but for the love of god just stand by your mistake. She's dead. It's been 5 seasons. We already had a plot where Eddie realised that he can't date just to give Christopher a mother figure, we already had an arc where Eddie realised that if he starts dating again he has to do it for himself, we've had scenes where Eddie admitted he was angry with Shannon for wanting a divorce, for leaving or that he still misses her sometimes, we've seen Eddie and Christopher keep up traditions to mourn her together (visiting the grave, smores). I get that grief doesn't follow a specific timeline, but still. Can we please just move on already.
Also I don't understand why they had Christopher move to El Paso. Eddie's parents are both retired, they could've stayed in LA to support Christopher instead. Chris is probably a lot closer to a bunch of relatives they have in LA than he is to his grandparents too, what about Tía Pepa? I'll be honest, even if I was in a bad place and my kid was angry with me, I would not let my 13 year old who impulsively and in the middle of the night called his grandparents (who have a history of manipulating Eddie into giving Chrisopher to them) move over a thousand kilometres away, away from his school, his friends and all the other family members he's close too. There are other options. (Also why was Buck there? He was in the room, but that's about it. Again, my bad that I had the expectation he'd be there for a reason.)
Then we have Buck and Tommy. Nothing much going on here either. I get that keeping Tommy around for 7x09 and 7x10 was a bit of a last minute decision, it was probably difficult to schedule filming with the actor etc. But that doesn't stop other characters from talking about Tommy. Instead we still barely know what's going on. Are they officially boyfriends? How do they spend their time together, do they have a hobby in common? How long have they been dating? They're still cute, but it seems a little superficial.
Which brings me to a big issue: The timeline. What the fuck is going on with the timeline? I don't even mean the obvious mistake with Tommy leaving the 118 "5 years ago". But Henren are talking about adoption and according to my research adopting a foster kid takes at least 9 months. The cruise ship disaster happened "last march". What? What is going on? How much time are we missing here? Have Bucktommy been dating for a year now and we don't even know? How long was the Eddie/Kim thing going on? Then again, if we're missing an entire year, wouldn't Buck have been with the 118 for 8 years instead of 7 as Bobby said? I am so confused.
Another thing that has been mentioned before is that season 7 barely felt like a procedural drama. It was so chock-full with the characters' personal drama that it felt more like a soap at times. How many calls did we even have this season, especially in 7b? Episode 6 was the wedding, I only remember the abduction case from ep. 7, ep. 8 was Bobby begins once again, ep. 9 only had a montage and no specific calls and ep. 10 didn't have any calls at all. Hopefully this change will be reversed in season 8 when we get more than 10 episodes again.
Only thing left to mention is the "cliffhanger" with Gerrard. Is it really a cliffhanger though? Doesn't feel like the stakes are high enough to call it a cliffhanger. They're stuck with an asshole for a Captain, getting rid of him will be an important storyline in season 8, but it's also not as dramatic as they're trying to make it seem. A big part of the reason why Gerrard's 118 was so bad back in the begins episodes is that Chim and Hen felt isolated. They didn't have back-up against Gerrard, nobody helped them or spoke up for them. That is very much not the case this time. They all still have each other and Gerrard will not stick around forever. It will suck, but it also doesn't seem like a death sentence.
In conclusion: Most of the finale was just plain bad. Not cleverly written, not well balanced, not emotionally rewarding, not planned out enough. There's little positive I can take away from this episode. Some storylines weren't explored enough, others did get the necessary screentime and still made no sense. Not all of these mistakes were made just in the finale, some have been happening for most of season 7. Let's hope for a better season 8.
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sahaias · 6 months
Finished Violetta season 3
Idk how to feel now that i have no content left to watch (outside of the reunion special and movie that I consider non-canon), this is my comfort show and to have it gone kinda sucks
I guess some thoughts on season 3 as a whole:
Still my least favorite season, but it wasn't bad like I remembered
Gery and Clement feel like such pointless additions who would've been better off being one-off antagonists for like 10 episodes at most.
The Milton plotline is genuinely so stupid and forgettable. Once he's gone at the halfway point and he's nonexistent, it feels like "why did we waste so much screentime on him?"
Vilu and Leon should've been together the whole season, facing barriers in their relationship but never breaking up. The season was at its best when they were together, and it's genuinely so fucking annoying that they were together for the longest amount of episodes in season 1 over season 2 and 3 when Tomas was still a thing.
Fuck the whole Roxy storyline, it was so aggrivating
The side couples' plots were kinda boring imo. I like Naty and Maxy but their storyline was a bit blah. Diego and Francesca have telenovela drama and then just kinda exist in the show it feels like. Broduey and Camilla's relationship was super boring imo.. I'm not very interested in Federico even if Ludmila was super interesting this season. And I don't even care the slightest about Gery x Clement, Pablo x I forgot her name (though Pablo deserves to be happy after losing Antonio), or Nicolas x Jade. All are actual screen waste imo
Angie and German are hard for me to root for bc he and Maria were together when she was a little girl? Even if she's like 30 in the present, the whole knowing her back then aspect ruins any interest in the relationship for me
I actually thought the Andres love doctor plotline was kinda funny, and it matches how so many queer people in my life are amazing at analyzing others' relationships but struggle with finding relationships themselves
Ludmila's development was definitely the highlight of the season, but I don't think it's enough to carry the season
The whole "new kids in the studio" plotline was cool for giving Maxi his career development story, but the characters were weird. It was weird how one of them was played by an actress in her 20s and was set up as Andres's love interest, only to suddenly leave, Meanwhile, the rest were just children who looked younger than the studio students we saw up until that point (being like 12-15 instead of 17-18)
The last few episodes felt so rushed through with a ton happening, which was annoying considering how much the conflicts dragged on throughout most of the season
The show is still my comfort show bc I love the characters (most of them) so much
I'll definitely watch Soy Luna soon, and I'm excited since it'll be my first time watching it. But it probably won't be until a while into 2024. I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week, and I think I'm going to watch stuff that's lower commitment for now. Plus, I have a massive game backlog. My free time is super limited
Thanks for reading my thoughts while I rewatched Violetta! I don't know what I'll post about moving forward (definitely Soy Luna but that might not be for a hot minute), but it was nice to interact with everyone! I hope we can continue!
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veryoaki · 1 year
Petals (AvM fanfic)
(This takes place after episode 30, I started this story way before the finale and after episode 29, but I decided to finish it. I hope you enjoy!)
Green stretched his arms in the air after he finally finished chopping down the last oak tree he needed. He picked up and gathered all the scattered wood blocks across the ground, scrolling through his inventory to a empty hand. It had already been a couple hours since he’s been gone, the others are probably going to worry if he doesn’t get back soon. 
“I guess I should get going already.” Green told himself. 
He threw his headphones over his head, having one ear open so he can still hear his surroundings. He began to head back onto the dirt trail.
It didn’t take him too long to get to the farm him and his friends had created. He hummed with the the tunes playing in his ears, remembering the Note Block Universe him and Purple were in. Green really enjoyed visiting that place whenever he had a chance. Everyone there would give him a nice greeting especially when he would visit Taiga Village. And even after King’s Arc, he would drive his friends insane whenever he would sing. Orange was definitely annoyed when it would come to him making tunes and singing after 2 am.
Green eventually made it to the farm, waving at the blue stick who was planting. 
“Hey Green, you’re back!” Blue leaned on their diamond hoe. 
Yellow rushed over to Green, “Good thing you came back on time, Orange is in need for some of this wood.” She took some wood from out of Green’s hands and lied it on a crafting table. 
Orange came out of a small wooden house, carrying a bag string in their hands. They walked over to Yellow, setting the bag down next to the crafting table.
“Thanks for the wood Green!” Second smiled as they begin to craft. 
“Oh it’s no problem, I got some more than you wanted so we can have spare. I also took a trip to a lake to fish.” Green scrolled through his inventory again and before passing bones he had picked up, “Hey Red! I found some bones for you to tame some wolves!” 
Red perked his head up the pig he was cuddling with. He got up and closed the gate behind him running towards Green, “Thank you so much Green!” He said giving him a big hug. 
Green hugged him back, patting his back, Red let go and smiled at him before running back to  help Blue with gardening. Orange continued crafting and Yellow settled a table outside so they can have super outside. That was Green sign to start making food since Blue was busy. Green pulled his headphones back onto his ears and jammed to more music. But then he realized something in the middle of chopping carrots.
“Hey Orange?” He pushed his headphones down from his ears, “Where’s Purple?” 
Orange looked up, “They were with you…Weren’t they…?” they raised an eyebrow.
Green felt confused, ‘They were never with me…’ 
“What makes you say that?” Green asked again, he wanted to have a clear answer. One that didn’t confuse him.
“Well Red told me when I asked him about them.” Orange lay the stick he was holding down. “He said that they were with you.”
Now Green was definitely confused, Green left with no one to follow or for them to go with him. And even if they did follow him, he would’ve notice after hours. He walked over to Red who was collecting chicken eggs.
“Red where’s Purple? I know they weren’t with me because I would’ve known.” He asked but this time it wasn’t a confused tone for Red to know.
Red scratched his head, “Well Purple said they went to go catch up to you. I thought they were going to help you with the trees, but when you came back alone…” Red paused, his face blank realizing and in thought, “They weren’t with you…?”
Green shook his head, “No Red, they were never with me.”
Red slapped his head, he felt dumbfounded.
Green patted his shoulder, “It’s okay it’s not your fault…”
The others quickly rushed to them.
“Purple’s missing?” Orange asked worried. 
“Yes but I’ll find them, okay?” Green stated. 
He grabbed his fishing hook and sword he left in the near by chest. He looked through his inventory to make sure he had the right equipment for any sort of emergencies. He grabbed his diamond sword that was found leaning against the chest, about to head into the woods before he looked back at Yellow.
“I swear, that you have a tracker on me-“
“Yes yes yes! I do have one on you! But it’s just so we can make where you are heading so if you are in any danger, we would know where to find you!” Yellow explained quickly.
Green rolled his eyes but gave his friends a reassuring smile, “I’ll make sure that I travel safe.” 
“Wait! You should take Rueben with you.” Red exclaimed, “He’ll be able to track Purple’s scent!”
Rueben beamed around Red and to Green who nodded at Red in “Thank You”. He walked inside the forest with Rueben in front of him, his snout lowered down to the ground followed by Purple’s scent. Rueben led the way, far from where Green had stopped at before he realized it was too far. Wherever Purple journey to…it was going to be a long trip. 
As Green and Rueben traveled through the familiar biomes, he seemed to wonder where would Purple had gone. His mind replayed back at the whole incident between the King and them, remembering more about what Purple had told Green about his childhood. Purple was full of wonders back before, but now it made sense to him of why they were always drifting off to other places just to prove their father they were strong. And by far knew, Purple was already strong enough to come long ways, Green thought. 
Green noticed Rueben getting tired, so they made a stop next to a steady riverside. Rueben sat down next to Green who had their fishing pole out, flicking it out into the water. The diligent pig looked at Green to who rubbed his ears. Rueben grunts, stretching his limbs before laying in a comfortable position. Green himself was feeling tired too, even after some wood chopping and then a long hike. 
Green reeled in his cast of the fishing rod and put it away, then yawning. He looked up at the fading blue sky and which the sun was about to set, it began to turn into a soft orange color. Rueben was already quietly snoring away, Green rested his hand on the pig’s head, nodding off. His eyes closed, the only thing that was still keeping him awake was only the faint noises of slow water flowing through rocks. Before his entire mind turned off, a new sound interrupted. Green opened his eyes again, not only hearing just the river but to which seemed like an unclear voice. 
Green rise from where he was sitting, he walked into the woods from where he was hearing the voice. The closer he got, the more familiar it was to him. He found himself stopping behind a tree, peeking his head out at the opened area with a cliff. There he see Purple standing before the cliff, hearing them singing a tune. Green listened to them sing, hearing hurt in their voice, he worried. Purple finished their song, and stood their with their head hung. Green watched them as they took a step forward, he dashed after them, pulling them back from their shoulder.
“AH!” Purple screamed. 
Purple whipped their head, “Green?! What are you doing?!” 
“What am I doing?! What are you doing! I was looking for you, even after you lied to the others you were with me in which you weren’t, and now I find you about to step of a cliff!” 
Green huffed but then noticed Purple holding something in their hands.
“What? I wasn’t going jump, you think I’m stupid?!” Purple turned their body towards the cliff again and let out a sigh, “…I was giving my mom orchids…”
Green looked down, before the edge of the cliff was a gravestone of Purple’s mother, Orchid. 
“Oh…” Green felt like an idiot, but mostly a jerk because he assumed worst from Purple.
“Purple I’m sorry-“ 
Purple sighed, “It’s fine Green, you just didn’t know…” 
Purple kneeled in front of the stone, slowly putting down an orchid one by one. When Purple finished they stood back up again, “It was suppose to be her birthday today…” 
Green put a hand on Purple’s back, giving them comforting pats. Purple began to sing again, but this time their voice sound a bit more shaky, but lighted. Green couldn’t see their face, but he could tell that they were crying. The wind blew softly, Purple’s singing echoing through the air, and the moon rose giving the grave a glow. They both had a pretty sight of the world from beyond the cliff.
Green, Purple, and Rueben spent the rest of the night talking to each other, they decided to build a fort to stay in because traveling back home at night was dangerous. Green texted and reminded the others that he would return back home in the morning with Purple. Green and Purple lied outside with Rueben on Green’s stomach, watching the stars.
“Hey Green?” Purple said.
“Yes?” He responded while stroking Rueben’s ears.
“Thank you for finding me… It meant a lot to me for you being here…”
“No problem buddy…” 
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emsylcatac · 1 year
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, clown anon here after a long time of not talking :0) how do you feel with this season? what do you think of it? i just watched derision and hmmmm i'm having mixed feelings about how things are developing
hiiiii clown anon omg it’s been so long!!!!! How are you doing ??
I have mixed feelings too to be honest! I reaaally loved it up till Elation (episode 9 I think? I’m forgetting all the names), but after I’m feeling a bit confused on a few things that are leaving me hungry for more. But I’ve yet to see all the episodes so maybe some stuff are gonna make more sense later
(I’m gonna put the rest undercut cause I don’t want to be too negative for those who don’t care about that, especially because I’m still enjoying watching very much, but I’m still underwhelmed about a few things)
The interactions are super cute and I’m rooting for them so I still love it, but while I had the feeling the lovesquare sides were merging together as expecting till Elation, I feel like the writers are splitting the sides more now if it makes sense? Like Ladynoir and Adrinette are existing more on their own than as a whole right now. Which, I’ve said enough times that I always expected / hoped for them to date post-reveal instead of pre-reveal, so I was already super disappointed by that. Because to me the whole idea with the lovesquare was for them to discover each other fully and all, having all these conflicts with the identities while right now they’re not really…playing much into anything (apart from sending Luka to Brazil lol) between the 2 of them (thought this might change in later episodes & we might not have had the time to see it yet properly)
I feel like a lot of the Adrinette we see now should have developed as friendship last season, especially if they wanted to go with the pre-reveal dating part. I feel like they’ve started some plots only for them to fall short or be dismissed easily (Marinette supposedly falling in love for Chat Noir is completely brushed aside despite the built-up, as if potentially being akumatised and getting back to reason could erase romantic feelings easily which is…weird. Her refusal of getting close to Adrien at the start of the season because of her trauma from loosing the miraculous, while understandably not being a problem anymore in Kwami’s choice since she’s free of her Ladybug responsability, isn’t being addressed anymore when she get it back (unless I’m misremembering which is possible cause I watched the episodes only once while I was traveling dhfhjfd). Then today’s episode explained lots of her struggles with confession, which is great and I really liked that we got all these insights, but it comes a bit late imo - we’ve thought for so long Marinette was scared of rejection, but turns out it’s not exactly quite just that. Then for the whole show they’re telling us how important secret identities are, then the Luka plot with him knowing is just brushed off like it’s nothing and honestly didn’t really add anything to the plot and all, etc etc.& I won’t talk about Kwami’s choice because apart from the Adrinette in the episodes & the wish getting stopped by them as civilians, the rest wasn’t it hahaha)
They’re also now suddenly focusing a lot on side-characters (Zoé???? when again we could have gotten more Nino development instead but anyway), that are taking a lot of the intrigue leave Adrien more in the background than some side-char, or taking the place for some other plots that could have felt less rushed. Not that it’s bad to develop side-characters, but ML hasn’t been great at it so it comes off as them waking up like ‘oh shoot we gotta develop these guys’ on the late.
Anyways I’ve rambled enough as it is hahaha, overall I’m still laughing a lot and having a great time, and it’s nice to see them getting closer and I love that 🥺 and I hope the next episodes will change my mind on a few things, but I can’t say I’m entirely satisfied with the way the lovesquare plot is unfolding. It’s not bad, it’s nice and I enjoy it, but a part of me will always mourn the loss of potential. Things would have been a lot more meaningful if they had dated after the reveal imo but oh well 😅
I don’t know if your mixed feelings were on the same points as me or not clown anon, but here are some of mine!
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formulaorange · 11 months
Spring 2023 Anime Review
Sorry this is late - I was in Japan for a month and a half
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Oshi No Ko The series that easily stole the #1 spot this season. It really stands out, I've never seen a story like this one and it really hits hard. The episodes feel real and definitely show a side of the film/idol industry that a lot of people brush over. It's such a great concept and I'm thoroughly looking forward to future seasons. 10/10 - Masterpiece
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Demon Slayer - Season 3 I really can't stress how next level Ufotable's animations are and you really get to see it in this season. The story itself is also picking up the pace with my guess of 2 more seasons before the series is completed, it's such a great feeling to really experience the series moving forward and being able to get to know more of the key characters introduced in season 1. A really killer season packed into a reasonable amount of time and episodes. 9.5/10 - Amazing
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Hell's Paradise I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, but this really didn't hit as hard as I thought it would. The manga was impeccable and I guess the anime just didn't live up to it. I also felt that some of the animations were lackluster, which is surprising for MAPPA. Maybe they're really starting to feel the weight of having to work on so many titles. I'm hoping the next season feels better, the second half of the series is really where it picks up and is what makes everything worth it. 7.5/10 - Good+
Mashle Honestly one of the best comedy series I've seen in a while, I kept thinking maybe it wouldn't hit as hard the next episode but it always did. Excellent Harry Potter memeage and overall comedy. 8/10 - Very Good Dr. Stone S3 This took me a second to get back into but once I started watching, I really got into it, it's honestly such a good series. I feel like we're really headed toward the main story now and things are picking up the pace. Was a solid season for the story. 8/10 - Very Good My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 I loved this series so much. It was a bit of a slowburn but so very wholesome. I think it reminded me a bit of a younger wotakoi if that makes sense. just realistic and cute, the last episode is 100% a killer payoff, very much like jdramas where it's not over the top and you're stoked about the tiniest thing. definitely a couple i support all the way. 8/10 - Very Good Heavenly Delusion This season did such a 180 for me. I loved the initial concept of post-apocalyptic survival vs the captive kids but man did it get uncomfortable fast. There were just way too many naked kids and borderline harassment scenarios that I felt super icky watching the show. It could've gone such a different direction without all that stuff and be amazing.. End of the day the series was novel and that stuff wasn't the whole show. 7/10 - Good Gundam: Witch from Mercury Season 2 - Part 2 I was a huge fan of the first season, the story was solid, the characters were great and in general it was just a really good season. I had a much harder time with this season, it felt way more political and felt a little more rushed than i'd like. 6.5/10 - Fine+ With the new season coming out this weekend I'll post this and add to it when I complete the following 2 shows: The Dangers in My Heart Skip to Loafer
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weasleywizardpranks · 1 month
Bad batch finale rant
This is probably just me bitching and not being able to let go of things so my apologies.
I’ll just say that overall I’m not super happy with the final season. To me it felt rushed, so much happened off screen and it feels like we wasted characters. And what the hell was the point of Echo giving Omega the crossbow?
And I’m here to complain about how the Bad Batch were practically useless on Tantis. Echo and Omega carried that rescue mission, the bad batch just made it way more complicated. Also really missing Hunter’s insane senses. It’s like they were forgotten about.
Crosshair has joined the hot men of Star Wars who lost a hand squad.
I’m happy and sad all at the same time that we finally got a good mention of Tech after all this time. “Clone Force 99 died with Tech” will actually haunt my dreams. Hauntingly beautiful.
But I do wish we got to actually see a bit more of them dealing with their grief, especially Crosshair. I kind of get why, but it also just kind of pushed Techs existence to the side.
Speaking of Tech, I’m actually happy that he stayed dead. I much prefer that than him being winter soldiered. And I love that you get to see him through his brothers but especially Omega. His memory lives on through them. I do get the complaints about CX-2 though. The way he was handled led you to believe he was at least someone. Just for all of them to be no one.
I’m not shocked by the deaths, I think we all expected those. Hemlock got what he deserved.
I was a little shocked they actually stayed on Pabu just because that’s where the empire found them last time, but I guess they didn’t bother to look for her. Obviously the project continues in some way though. I’m happy all of them lived, and Emerie came along. It’s obviously setting up another show, or at least it better be because that’s a whole storyline we should see.
The epilogue. I will say I tend to dislike large time jumps anyway because I’m the kind of person that likes seeing everything. What was their life like? Did they ever travel anywhere? Etc.
1. I am very happy that Omega is a pilot and is going to fight for the rebellion. It makes sense that she would want to help. Tech would be proud.
2. Dilf Hunter the man that you are. It was nice to see him accept that Omega is leaving.
Here’s where I say that I suck at letting go. This goodbye seems so permanent. Stories that could have been told with them gone. Characters with minimal development. The fact that you don’t even see Crosshair or Wrecker in the epilogue really bothers me. I was expecting them to come out of the shadows or something but nope. Nothing. It felt like Wrecker barely appeared in the episode. Even if we got a time lapse or something leading into the epilogue so we could see them grow old with omega would have been nice.
I will say at least with Crosshair, his story I think has been done the best out of all of 99. A complicated character with a satisfying arc and a happy ending.
I really do think we should have had another season (or more). We barely got to see the Bad Batch together, we got five or six episodes I think?
It almost feels like wasted potential. We could have gotten so much more and it seems like we won’t be getting really anything. Maybe a couple of appearances in spin off shows.
Just overall the finale felt lacklustre to me. Not saying it was horrible, because it wasn’t. But I just have very mixed feelings about it. The fact that we don’t really get a goodbye from Wrecker or Crosshair bothers me immensely. But also nothing from Phee? Or any of the other side characters?
But that’s it for the Clone Wars era. Probably my favourite era and it gave me so many of my favourite characters. Ones I could relate to, ones that made me smile any time they were on screen. I’m very sad to see it go, but I’m really hoping for more clone stories because I’m not ready to let go of them. I’ll get over it eventually.
Mission accomplished
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