#he must just be in a silly goofy mood
ghost-bxrd · 27 days
Tim can’t breathe. He can’t breathe.
He thought— the Tower was bad enough. He hates being kept out of the loop, especially for “his own protection”, but he never thought—
It is Robin who had been threatened. Robin that Batman had been taunted with. Enough times, and with grisly enough descriptions of what might happen to him, that Bruce sent Tim to the Titans as a last ditch effort to keep him well out of reach of Gotham and its newly minted crime lord.
But Hood took Bernard, and Tim can’t breathe. Can only stare at the grainy picture from an unknown number, showing his boyfriend tied up and gagged in someone’s— Hood’s, probably, oh god— bed.
Tim wants to throw up.
Please god, please no.
— sneak peek of “Modern Day Cain”
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holocene-sims · 1 year
15 oc questions!
i was tagged by @stargazer-sims - thank you so much!! ❤️ i've never done one of these tags in a character's voice, so it's fun to get extra practice writing as them 😊
i'll tag:
@dandylion240 @bl-sims-anime @idyllicephemera @elderwisp @nectar-cellar @minty-plumbob @crazykissim @mangosimoothie & anyone else who wants to do it!
ANYWAY i'm doing this for grant! idc if y'all have heard enough about grant, the honor goes to him
are you named after anybody?
my actual legal first name is joseph, which is my grandfather's name! so, uh, somehow yes, i am named after somebody! but i'm 99.9% sure it was out of laziness and not out of love. well, no, i'm 100% sure of that. it's not like my mom has ever respected her parents...but that's a whole different thing, we're not going there.
when was the last time you cried?
i'm a crybaby, come on! i'm known for being very emotional. i mean, sad animal commercials make me weepy. externally weepy. like tears running down my cheeks weepy. but the actual last time i cried? hmm, maybe like a week ago? i don't know if i could tell you why, though. i probably blocked it out of my memory! i'm great at that.
do you have kids?
do, uh, do cats count? because i do have a cat who i love and put sweaters on. sweaters! and he loves it.
do you use sarcasm?
it depends? sarcasm usually feels mean-spirited to me, so i'm not super into it, but then again, that's half the conversations i have with my family. i know in that case, though, that it's all bullshit humor and not serious. anyway, i think what i'm saying in a roundabout way is it depends a lot on context and audience. i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or be a dick. i like being nice.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
okay, listen, in the most normal and not at all weird way possible, people's hairlines are always what i see first. i've been the first witness to so, so many fake blondes accidentally showing their dark roots or to dudes going bald. i'm sorry! i'm just freakishly tall! i can't not look down at all your heads unless i'm kneeling down on the ground. i'm not trying to spy on or judge the state of your hair, i promise.
what's your eye color?
brown! justice for brown eyes, the best eye color. i love being able to go out in the sun and not have my eyeballs bleached by the light. also, there's really not that many brown eyes in my family, so that's kind of fun. i'm a special boy.
scary movies or happy endings?
why not both? i love a good blair witch project, final destination moment. i also love a nice mushy gushy romantic movie with a happy ending. hell, i'd watch both in the same evening. start off with a fucked up horror movie and end it with pride and prejudice. sounds like a perfect night to me.
any special talents?
probably not anything relevant? i mean, i've played skyrim on survival mode without dying before. oh, and i guess back when i was still playing hockey, uh, a decade ago, i could score with the michigan goal pretty easily, which isn't all that common. in high school, i got my school the state championship win with that skill. but meh, i don't know how many people in the world know enough about hockey to care about that.
where were you born?
michigan! the part everyone forgets about, aka the upper peninsula, aka diet canada.
what are your hobbies?
i like to think i'm a well rounded person. i enjoy the super basic stuff like listening to music, but i'm also into into video games and tabletop RPGs like d&d. cooking and baking are fun for me, too. i did get into art semi-recently as well. i kind of had to have something i could do while laying down, like, 24/7 after i had spinal surgery.
if you're ever bored, just go fuck up your spine. you'll have SO much time on your hands to get new hobbies. actually, don't. please don't. i've been suffering for years and will continue to. i'm dying. don't be me. pretty please. pinky promise.
oh, duh, i also forgot that i'm into astronomy and um, planes. look, i'm not a car guy, i'm a plane guy. that's more fun, right?
have you any pets?
he's a cat named turtle, so, like, you know, the best cat in the world. sometimes i think about getting him a cat friend to hang out with but then i worry he'd get jealous, so i haven't done it. who am i to say whether or not he wants to live with a friend? or a sibling? being alone is so valid. i respect that.
what sports do you play/have you played?
oh, well, like i said, i played hockey for a really long time, like from, hmm, i think kindergarten and on! i even got a scholarship in college to play hockey. i'm glad to be done, though. some things ruined it for me. long story. but these days, uhh, i don't play any real sports anymore. i like hiking, you know, and i do work out at least every other day because it makes me feel better in a lot of ways, but that's kind of it. my sports days are over. i don't even skateboard anymore and i used to do that all the time.
how tall are you?
like 6'7" - though, i am rounding down a little bit. yes, down. not up. also, don't ask me how i ended up that tall. i have exactly one relative who is also tall. hi, chelsea! anyway, i am an accident or one hell of a joke. i'm laughing, i swear. it's very funny.
favorite subject in school?
i was overall a good student because i studied pretty hard but i was for sure a science and math kid. i loved physics in high school. and then in college, i got some way more fun science and math classes. just so you know, i am really holding back right now from rambling like a total nerd loser about my college classes...
but i mean, if you wanna learn about, i don't know, quantum mechanics or flight control systems, hit me up.
dream job?
that's such an easy question! when i was really, really young, i wanted to be a weather man, but then i changed my mind and wanted to be a pilot because, i don't know, i hit that time in every child's life where they have to become obsessed with a form of transportation. but then i never let that obsession go. my parents wanted me to be a doctor the whole time, though, but eww, no, i'm good. anyway, the dream of flying planes never died and somehow it worked out. now if i could just, uh, you know, go back to that job soon, that'd be sick.
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While I do love all of Kakashi’s friendships and relationships in general, in my eyes, Kakashi has no “brothers” or “sisters” in his age cohort. He has homies, and homies who he can sometimes kiss
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pia-nor481 · 5 months
Max Verstappen NSFW alphabet
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A-Aftercare (what they're like after sex?)
I feel as though he likes to be very sweet and soft so aftercare is very important to him. He's very fond of cuddles and running his hands all over his partner's body, maybe she resting against his chest. He really likes showers together so I think that's really common when at home.
B-Body part (what is their favourite part of theirs and their partner?)
As strange as it sounds I think he really likes his leg (have you seen his thighs and calves? Hot) so I believe he may like thigh riding for that reason. Furthermore, he must really like his girlfriend's thighs, keeping his hand resting on them, slapping them lightly in normal situations. Perhaps fucking her thighs from time to time.
I also think he likes his partner's lips, just so pretty. But also when they're around his cock.
C-Cum (anything to do with cum)
I actually think he likes to cum in a condom. He doesn't like to be messy, so that would help with that. But he would really like to cum in his partner's mouth. However I think he has a soft spot for facials.
D-Dirty secret (just a dirty secret of theirs)
I think, back in the day, he really wanted to have a threesome with Daniel. He never actually asked, but he would still be open to it
E- Experience (how experienced are they)
I think he may actually be very experienced, quite a lot of hook ups too. I'm not sure why I think this but you know. Not to be evil or anything but I think the first few times he would have to be guided a bit.
F- Favourite position
I think a position where he can see her face, so mostly positions where his girlfriend on her back. But I feel as though he would like to hook her legs over his shoulders. Or maybe where she has her legs around his waist and hands on the back of his heads. So things like 'the drop box' and 'counter top'
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment)
I think he'd be a lot more serious, even though (off track) he can be a silly, he's a very funny guy. But at the same time I also imagine some very unserious situations- I'll touch more on this in kinks. Over all I think it's 50/50 as his job is very serious all of the time, so he would want something different to that.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes)
He's one of the odd few whose pubic hair is actually lighter. I also feel as though he's lazy with trimming it, I'm not sure why, but he doesn't strike me as someone who shaves/trims every few weeks.
I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
He definitely likes to be more romantic, it just in his nature to be caring and loving (not to get into daddy issues or anything) so I see him as someone who really wants to pleasure his partner. But of course there are many times where he just wants to cum, whether that be post race or especially post-interview/ media work. (And he deserves it!!!)
J- Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don't believe he masturbates very often, if he does then it will be because his partner is not with him, or she just isn't in the mood. (We love a consent king)
I feel like he masturbates mostly in his drivers room tbh, with a locked door ofc. But that's where he needs a quick release
K- Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Acarophilia- becoming aroused from scratching. This sounds strange however, I think he may have seen a lot of media that expresses "if you've got scratched on your back you've done a good job" so I feel as though it's stemmed from this, and it gives him a sense of pride
Cock worship- he likes praise, give it to him. Both verbally and physically, he doesn't like to be edged though
Snow balling- passing of body fluids from mouth to mouth- but I don't think of it in this context. He likes to make out after giving head, or getting head. Can be kind of linked to a spit kink. At the end of the day he does really enjoy dominance (in all aspects of his life) so this is one of them.
Switch- now, I think he can just about be called a switch, as it is very rare for him to sub. He just likes giving up control every now and then. Mostly in winter and summer breaks from racing. This may link with power/role play, as people who dominate and make a lot of decisions in their day to day lives are like to want to give up control in their sex life to ‘get a break’
Role play- he likes his girlfriend to dress up, his favourite is police woman or nurse. He likes to give her a role that had authority.
L- Location (their favourite place)
I think he might really like hotels as he doesn’t have to clean up any of the mess in the room (he tips real good though) He probably favours more ‘domestic’ places, like the sofa (couch but I’m British so sofa)
Yes he is apart of the mile high club, but he felt as though they needed to be really quiet.
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
Begging, his girlfriend telling him how desperate she is for him, and that he needs to fuck her, he’s just so pleased with himself, and her, that he can’t help but immediately get hard.
Or just generally getting felt up.
N- No (what turns them off)
Anything actually dangerous. For example asphyxiation- he wouldn’t mind having his hand around her throat, or restricting blood flow to her head for no longer than three seconds, to give that breathless/choking feeling, but he would try to steer away from it.
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving. Skill)
He loves receiving as much as giving. I see him as a pleasure dom so he loved to eat pussy. But who is he to deny an orgasm from her mouth? I feel like he’s quite confident and capable
P- Pace (Are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
Definitely more slow and sensual as he would really want her to feel how much he loves her. He makes love, he doesn’t fuck. But if you wanted it hardcore he’d be happy to oblige.
Q- Quickie (their opinions on them? How often?)
I don’t think he likes them very much. He’s actually quite patient, and so wants to take his time admiring and giving praise. Ofc he does have quickies here and there, mainly in his drivers room, or if he’s running late but still needs some pleasure.
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
He won’t try it if he doesn’t think he will like it. His mindset is pretty fixed. However if you were to really explain how much you want it and how good it would make you feel, he would be persuaded. But if he felt genuinely uncomfortable he would definitely say he doesn’t want to do that again. But he’s willing to try a few things.
S- Stamina (how many rounds do they go for?)
Again I think he can last for a long time, just not may rounds. Maybe two in a day. He just can’t cum more than that or he’ll be shooting blanks.
T-Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themself?)
He never used to, but if he found out that she owned a vibrator of some kind he’d really like to see her use it. Then he’d like to use it on her, he wanted to know how different the orgasm felt when he was giving it to her. But I don’t think he’d use many on himself. Maybe a cock ring during a role play or when he’s subbing. He does really warm up to them and is willing to try all different kinds to see what makes her cum fastest or hardest.
U-Unfair (how much do they tease?)
In my mind he hates teasing himself, but he knows a little edging can heighten the orgasm so he would never be apposed to it. However it won’t be a spur of the moment thing, he will need to think about it for a while prior to the sex
V-Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
I don’t believe that he is overly loud, very quiet grunts and groans. But he loves to hear his partner, it gives him a sense of pride
W-Wild card (a random headcanon)
A little later into the relationship, where he’s developed a fondness for toys, he though about buying a sex toy advent calendar (he had already bought one before telling her) and he was so excited throughout December as he wondered what was behind the door and how loud her moans would be
X-X-ray (how big are they?)
I think Max is of average length, but he’s very thick. And was very pleased to hear that’s what a lot of women prefer. I think his cock may turn right ever so slightly
Y- Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
I’d say he has a pretty low sex drive, maybe 4/10 he doesn’t see that as a main part of a relationship so he doesn’t think about it as much as people expect
Z-Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
If he was subbing, he’d fall asleep so quick, defiantly still covered in cum. But if he was dominant, I think it would take a while as he really likes quality time, so he’d like to just talk, whisper sweet nothings, and cuddle for a while, until he gets too hot. (I found that interview so funny)
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Let me know any thoughts you have, I’d love to hear.
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milkloafy · 19 days
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: you notice a beautiful ship and are excited to see what human you can lure out. surprisingly for you, it’s not an entranced sailor, but rather a man who jumped off the ship to chastise you. ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 3.2k ⋆。˚ ❀ genre: mermaid!reader; suggestive, 16+? ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: fyi reader is kind of morally gray just like the slightest bit LOL like they don’t wanna gravely harm anyone yk but they get in a silly goofy mood sometimes -3- happy somewhat-unhinged mermay! xo
There was always a slight thrill that accompanied the satisfaction of seducing a human. 
The way they looked at you with such enamorment, as if they would follow you off the face of the earth; the clumsy way they would leap off their boat just for the chance of being in your presence… 
It was one of your favorite pastimes, to be honest. 
Now, it wasn’t something you participated in a lot, but the days when you and your friends had a contest of who could lure the most men at sea were certainly ones you always remembered. 
There was a line you didn’t cross, naturally. 
While you did indeed lure sailors out of the comfort of their own ships and into the waters, you didn’t leave them there. Sure, there were a few cases of people almost drowning, but you were certain you hauled most of them onto a rock or island to be found. Hopefully. 
You just found humans so fascinating, with their helpless little legs and inability to breathe underwater. How easily they became entranced by your alluring song. 
None of the merpeople you have met reacted to you in such a way. In fact, you found most of the mermen particularly annoying even. 
It was a nice day above the ocean today and you spotted a beautiful ship sailing by—The Wingalet it read. A ship of this beauty must have had a captain just as so. You swished your tail in excitement. 
And so your song began. 
A ringing, melancholic beauty slowly filled the air. When you closed your eyes, you could visualize the fog spiraling up from the sea, carrying your voice to the inhabitants of the ship. Could the humans envision it too? You let your mind wander as you sang. 
When you finally opened your eyes, you saw a figure emerge from inside the ship. He stood on the edge, and though you did not see his face, you could sense that he was looking right at you. 
A chill ran up your spine as you giggled in excitement, the playful wavering of your tune only adding to the appeal. You watched as the man leapt off the boat, swimming towards you. To your surprise, he was able to navigate the waves with relative ease—for better than any human you’ve lured before.
“Hey,” he called in a firm tone as he neared you, startling you to a stop. No human has ever reacted with such a tone. 
You didn’t let that phase you as you smiled coyly at him, shifting your hair to expose the skin of your neck and collarbones. With all the flattery you could muster, you greeted, “Hello, Captain.”
He nodded. If he was affected at all by your antics, you honestly couldn’t tell. “It’s ‘Your Grace,’ actually. Or simply Wriothesley is fine.”
Your brows raised, unsure if you should be impressed by the title. It certainly wasn’t as grand as ‘Your Highness.’ “Well, simply Wriothesley it is, then. What a unique and lovely name.” 
“Thank you for the compliment,” said Wriothesley, wiping a water droplet from his forehead. “But I do have to ask— Could you please stop singing your song around here?” 
You blinked. “Pardon?”
“It is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but are you aware of how many civilians I’ve had to drag back from the rocks?”
Feeling chastised, your face heated up and you no longer felt the trance flowing from you. “Are you not grateful I dragged them to the rocks?” 
Wriothesley sighed, treading water significantly better and longer than most humans could. He wasn’t falling on his face at the sight of your beauty, nor did he seem seduced by your song. You gazed at him curiously. Just who was this man aboard the Wingalet? 
Whoever he was, he ruined your fun. 
Where was the helpless, strong sailor who bowed to your every whims—for the few moments they could last in the ocean, at least. This reaction, or lack thereof, was new and you weren’t entirely sure if you liked it. 
It had been a while since you last lured a sailor… Did you lose your touch? Your friends would have had a field day if they learned about your humiliation. 
“All things considered, I appreciate you don’t leave my people behind after toying with them, but I would appreciate even more if you didn’t toy with them altogether,” he said after moments of contemplation. 
Your mouth dropped. In all your life you have never been spoken to in such a way. Or rather, not by a human. Some mermen you knew could be just as fussy. “I would appreciate it if my hobby wasn’t judged so harshly.” 
Wriothesley shook his head. “It is not my place to judge. But as you are in the borders of Fontaine, it would only be fair if the rules of the region applied to you as well. Including not bringing harm upon others. Is that what your hobby is?”
“I’m not harming anyone!” you protested, folding your arms defensively. 
As you frowned, you couldn’t help but notice the way Wriothesley’s gaze followed the water droplets down to the curve of your breasts. A hint of mischievousness made its way back to you. Perhaps he wasn’t as unaffected by you as he tried to seem. You decided to adjust your tone to one more…appropriate for the situation. 
“Your Grace,” you said apologetically, lips slightly parted as you shyly batted your lashes. He wet the corner of his mouth but didn’t blink an eye. “I truly mean no harm to you or your people. I only wanted to sing for you all.”
Wriothesley raised a brow as you fluttered over to him. 
“The merfolk back home don’t care for my music,” you said with a sigh, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “You humans have much better taste.” 
As you drew nearer, you heard the labored breaths coming from him; his movements grew languid as well. You blinked. He had seemed so unbothered and confident, you almost believed he had no trouble keeping up on his own. Still, you reminded yourself he was a pitiful human—no matter how big and handsome he was. 
“Let me help you, Your Grace.” You offered him an arm to guide him along. “I know a cove not too far from here where you can rest.” 
Though tired, he managed, “Or, you could help me back to my ship that’s also not far from here.”
“But then how would I get on board with you?” you pouted, splashing water up with your tail. “I’m still not done with you yet.” 
Wriothesley choked out a laugh, slightly incredulous. Still he decided to humor you and nodded. “Sure, then. Lead me to your cove. Not that I have much choice, if you think about it.”
“I could also leave you on a sharp rock if you annoy me,” you offered. 
He sighed, an amused look littering his face. “Wherever you wish, darling.”
Your stomach jumped at the pet name, pleased at the sound of it. Sure, this man may be difficult compared to all the others, but maybe that would just make this more fun. 
Deciding against the large rock for today, you began to lead Wriothesley to a nearby island. It was small and quaint but the waves were calm and the vegetation was fruitful. Plus, there was a cove on the other side where you enjoyed picking shells. Perhaps you could show Wriothesley your shell collection if he kept his mouth shut for long enough. 
As you continued swimming, you noticed the grip of his hand tightened. You looked back and he was showing more signs of fatigue. 
“We’re almost there,” you murmured, not necessarily out of concern for him, but rather concern for the extra work you’d have to do if you had to haul an unconscious person onto land. “Don’t pass out yet.”
“Since when were you so sweet?”  he drawled. 
With a huff, you pulled him the final stretch of the way, not letting go until you were certain he could stand steadily on his own.
To your surprise, he did not stumble as he collected himself, even after you let him go. You hummed in delight, Wriothesley must be really strong if he could withstand all that. 
Once he was settled, you hauled yourself further along the shore. When the water become too shallow to comfortably maneuver around, you cleared your throat and looked up at him. When the two of you made eye contact, you lifted your arms, prompting him for assistance. 
Could you haul yourself to land without help? Yes, you’ve done so a million times before. But why would you do it yourself when you knew someone else was capable of doing it for you? 
Wriothesley let out a surprised laugh, voice sounding strained. “Are you asking me to carry you?”
Your eyes widened with indignation. “Of course not!” How could he possible have mistaken your gestures to mean wanting to be carried? “I’m only asking you to drag me over to the shore…”
He almost choked at your words before shaking his head. You twirled you hair around your finger. Was that strange of you to say? “Does that not hurt your scales?”
You thumped your tail down and splashed water on the both of you, displaying your tail’s capability. “My scales are strong,” you chirped.
Wriothesley hid a smile. “Allow me to be a gentlemen this once.”
“What do you mean—?”
You cut yourself off with a yelp as you felt yourself being lifted into the air. Dread filled your body at this unfamiliar feeling and you began to squirm around, wanting to get out. 
“Hey now,” he said in a soothing voice, arms tightening around you to offer a sense of security. “I’m only helping you get to the sand with me. I’ll make sure you are still close enough to the water. And I won’t drop you, if that is what you are fearful of.”
“Are you certain?” 
You heard the horror stories about humans. Some would cut off the tails of merfolk and sell the scales. Others who simply wanted to sate their morbid curiosity and know how your kind tasted… You shuddered.
“I promise no harm will come to you,” stated Wriothesley, slowly kneeling to the ground and placing you on the sand. “See, it was only a short trip. It’s over now. I’m sorry for starling you.”
You sniffled, folding your arms across your chest. “I forgive you. But I am not showing you my shell collection anymore.” 
He chuckled, placing his hand to his heart. “That wounds me.” Wriothesley took a seat beside you in the sand, letting out a sigh of relief as he stretched out his legs. “Maybe next time then.”
“Perhaps if I find you worthy enough,” you said haughtily. “Only a select few can see my collection. Or…perhaps it would be enough if you managed to get one of those orange-looking fruits from the land over there.” 
Wriothesley followed your gaze. “The bulle fruit,” he said in understanding. “You want me to get you one?”
You nodded eagerly, your mouth watering at the thought. You had never tried one yourself—to be frank, the sand was just a bit too hot for your tail and you weren’t able to stand up and reach the fruit on those rare occasions you did make it far enough. But you imagined it was juicy and delicious.
Despite how tired he must’ve been after treading the ocean water for such a long time and carrying you to shore, Wriothesley still stood up and walked over to the nearest fruit tree. Your eyes widened as he punched the trunk of the tree, catching a fruit as it fell, instead of reaching up and picking one from the leaves. 
You grumbled, wishing you had thought of that method yourself.
Wriothesley returned shortly with two fruits in hand, one for each of you. You graciously accepted the bulle fruit and the two of you munched together.
As the juices hit your tongue on your first bite, you let out a noise of satisfaction. It was both sweet and sour, the perfect balance that made you want more. While you had a preference for salty things, seeing as you lived underwater, you had to pay respect where respect was due. 
Wriothesley looked over at you with a chuckle. “Is it to your liking?” 
“Enough so that I may even show you one of my shells.”
“I’m honored.”
As you continued eating your snack, you began talking to him about whatever came to mind—what you had for breakfast the other day, the pretty seahorse you recently befriended, and the unsung horrors of trying to date your fellow merfolk.
Throughout it all, Wriothesley paid the utmost attention to you. He responded and reacted when appropriate and seemed like he was genuinely interested in what you had to say. He wasn’t even entranced by your powers, yet he acted in such a way… To say you were pleased was an understatement.
When you finally decided to take a break from talking, Wriothesley finally spoke up. “Is this the only reason why you choose to lure sailors to you? So you can sing and talk and get fruit?”
A human may have felt ashamed at his words, but you simply nodded. “And so they can pay attention to me and give me compliments.” You looked at him pointedly. “None of which I have received from you, by the way.”
He let his eyes trail down body, from the slightest protrusion of your collarbones down to the tip of your tail, then back up to your face. You squirmed against the heat of his gaze, your throat feeling dry at the intensity.
“Do you want me to begin complimenting you?”
Never once had you shied away from flattery, but the look in his eyes were different—darkened and sincere, not the glazed-over and enamored ones you had grown accustomed to.
“Maybe later,” you managed, feeling bashful under his earnest stare. 
Wriothesley smirked but he did not push further. Instead he asked, “Do you want to know what I think, darling?”
You raised your brows, wondering why it sounded like a challenge. “Why not?”
“I think you are charming and beautiful, but lonely.”
Your mouth dropped in surprised. Was he trying to insult you?
“You want someone who is obsessed with you and only you, and you think it’s fun to see just how smitten you can make someone, no matter who they are.”
Curiously, you looked up at him, staying silent as he talked. 
“But I think you find this more fun.” 
“This?” you questioned.
Wriothesley nodded. “I’m not under your little siren spell, yet here I am—hanging onto your every word like it’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life. It’s a different kind of power you have over me. Is that not thrilling to you?”
You sat in your thoughts for a few brief moments. As fun as it was to make people fall over their own feet at the sight of you, Wriothesley was right. This was a different kind of attraction. You felt it in his stare, in the way he examined your every move. It was addicting in its own right.
“I have a proposal for you,” he offered, fishing something out of his pocket. It was a necklace with a dainty, yet regal shell attached as the pendant. “Instead of enchanting some innocent civilians with your song, why don’t you call on me wherever you get the urge?”
Wriothesley softly placed the necklace on your hands and you brushed your fingers atop the smooth surface. It was a gorgeous, vibrant blue.
“Sing only for me, into the shell, and I will come to you as fast as I can.”
“And if you don’t come?” you tested. 
“I will.” 
You hummed, considering his words. Did he enjoy your presence that much? Or was this some sort of trick? How he was immune to your song was a mystery in itself. Maybe the only way you would find out is spending more time with him, to begin with.
“Something troubling you, darling?”
“Just you,” you said honestly.
He laughed, drawing circles in the sand between your body and his. “I understand your reason for skepticism. But my reasons aren’t entirely selfless. Do you find it hard to believe that I want to see you again, too?” 
Wriothesley glanced at you and grinned, bringing his hand up to wipe your plump lower lip. Your eyes widened.
“Bulle fruit juices,” he said, bringing his thumb to his mouth. You saw the pink of his tongue jut out to take in the leftover fruit.
You looked away, flustered. You were not sure how to react. Something about him felt so indecent…so daring. Had he no shame? And that was coming from a merperson! 
Yet you still craved more. 
“It also helps to know the more time you want to spend with me, the less time you’ll be seducing other men for your enjoyment.” 
“Who says I won’t do both?” you challenged. 
He had a confident look on his face as he said, “I’ll make sure it’s only me you will want to see.” 
Heat filled your face as you bit out, “Such arrogant words for a human.” 
“Such beautiful innocence for a siren.”
“Mermaid,” you corrected. 
“Mermaid,” he said. “Apologies.”
“You’re forgiven.” 
Wriothesley laughed as he stared off into the distance. You looked along with him and noticed his ship drawing closer. Frowning, you avoided his gaze. 
“You’re leaving already?”
“I have some Duke duties to head back to,” he said apologetically, patting the top of your head as he stood, “but don’t forget the necklace I gave you.”
You placed it around your neck, satisfied when Wriothesley’s gaze zeroed in on where the pendant fell between your breasts. “You better come when I sing to you, Your Grace.”
“I’ll be there, darling.” Wriothesley kissed the back of your hand before he waved goodbye. “And who knows, maybe next time I can take you back to my place for a bit. There’s someone I’d like you to meet. A Melusine nurse. She may have a few tricks up her sleeve if you’re interested in some land legs for a day.” 
Your eyes widened as you looked down at your tail. You loved it, very much so, but you were always curious about life above water. Eagerly, you nodded. “Okay! Then, you better come quick.” 
“As soon as I hear your pretty song,” he called out his promise. “Until then, farewell.”
Admiring the pretty new necklace you acquired, you waved goodbye at Wriothesley. He was handsome and you knew the both of you wanted more. But you wondered just how upset you could make him if he were to find out you sang your song for another sailor before you called on him.
You smiled to yourself, pressing a kiss to the shell once his ship sailed away. “Don’t be too mad, okay, Wriothesley? I’m just having some extra fun.” 
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paymechildsupport · 2 months
Sukuna, Sweetheart <3 // ♡ "Worship me..."
Such a cootie patootie, the most baby girl princess in the psyche ward (Sukuna x Reader)
-!! Body worship, -- goofy poetic ahh smut, -- deitification
-------------------'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'------------------- [Jus' thinkin about him getting on his knees to worship at my feet--] •┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
>>My lil' meow meow <33333333
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sukuna hated humans. Hated how mundane they were in their everday life, hated how emotional they were bitching and moaning about their dead grandpa he just cleaved in half , -- hated how pitifully weak they were with the pests they claimed to "love".
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Luckily he has you, to whom he rants to everyday, perched atop his lap on his throne. He can finally let all these icks off his chest, vent to someone who'll listen to him for once. You were such a good listener, he sometimes didn't know how you'd do it, -- putting up with him in his most temperamental of moods. How could you be so nice, so patient, so understanding with such a disagreeable curse?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sukuna didn't really believe in a place called "heaven"-- not like he'd ever go there anyways. But... with the way you'd look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, Sukuna wondered if you were secretly an angel in disguise. You were the closest sensation he felt to "paradise", -- if divinity were real then you must be its incarnate.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ You were serene as water, him the starving man in the desert. Was that really you over there, on the horizon-? Or a mere mirage, an embodiment of all his deepest desires projected straight from his mind's eye?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Oh, how he'd adore you; those claws going straight into his chest, digging out his abominable, monstrous heart-- or at least what was left of it, -- ripping it right from the cavity of his chest.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The sacrifices he paid, the countless slain all in the name of tribute. Your name etched onto so many graves. He'd sink to his knees before you, lounging all the likes of a belligerent god on his throne. Paying homage to, his god, his savior, - for whom he laid waste to entire villages for, for whom he'd destroy and conquer for until the very end of his accursed life. Such a greedy little thing, salivating just at the mere idea of your gaze being reserved solely for him. No other 'shall have the honor of your eye, -- that was his and his alone. Your attention, he craved, -- lusted for, which he feasted like a starving man from when graciously offered to him.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ��̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥
ੈ♡˳ At your feet he'd present you with the heads of thousands. Blood, red and bright, pooled at your feet, puddles of his devotion, liquidized. Drunken eyes greedily feasted on your divine figure, adoring every surface, every crevice, every scar etched into your flesh, every fold of your skin, every wrinkle- every uneven line in your complexion.
ੈ♡˳ You'd bring your hand down, fingers feeling over his skin, reaching under and tilting his face upwards. Looking every bit the excited puppy, you could swear he'd even start to drool at your touch. Your hand would twine in his hair, nails scraping his scalp in such a pleasurable way it had him purring, leaning right into your soft touch.
ੈ♡˳ Silly little thing looked so expectant, so adoring of your mere presence. His lips gently pressed into the curve of your palm, the sensation of his canines grazing your flesh as he traced upwards.
ੈ♡˳ So soft, so gentle, his tongue would trail, tasting you, savoring you. Kitty licks up your forearm, hot air from his lungs huffing, his body practically vibrating with the carnal need to reveal himself fully to you. Laid before your feet, naked and bare, his body all yours, -- he needed your gaze, your attention on him, -- all of him.
ੈ♡˳ Your body so precious, he'd handle it like the most beautiful of porcelain. Hold you gently, as if you were mad of glass. The terror of accidentally damaging you with his immense strength. You were his greatest temptation, the wine he'd down in a heartbeat.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥
Your body was a temple, being inside of it brought Sukuna the closest to the gods as he'd ever been. Buried deep inside you, your bodies becoming one, he'd take you lovingly in the night. How he adored when you'd fall with the sun, landing like a fallen star into his arms.
He'd pour his heart out for you, emptying his essence right in your middle.
Your own release was a gift from his non-existent Heaven. He'd rather die than waste a single drop; eager to take you in his mouth and swallow you up in deep gulps. He'd never had something sweeter. He was a very picky man with his food, - your relief being a five-star meal.
Your body writhed underneath him; your flush faced soaked with fat tears being the sight to undo him fully. You were so pretty and ethereal, the most beautifully pure sight for such a cruel, vile world. Such purity for Sukuna to tarnish, to corrupt, to savor with his tongue and swallow whole.
You underneath him, panting, soft gasps and little moans,-- perfect body marred with his love. Marked up good, neck missing a chunk from where he bit it off. Hands fucking your body everywhere, his tongue fucking into your entrance, sending you to cloud nine. He could spend for eternity in between your legs, head rested between your thighs, lapping up his reward with a devotion unknown to mere man.
High off him, chest covered and legs lathered with his seed, face reflecting the look of pure worship he'd show you, -- this was the sight that stole the breath straight from Sukuna's lungs. You were his masterpiece; littered in his loving marks, stuffed full from his raw adoration, hollowed by his cocks.
He ate up your delicious moans, -- relishing in your pleads for him.
No, love was too fickle, too human for Sukuna.
But pure, undiluted worship? ...
... That, he would breathe into you until your very last, dying breath.
//////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////
Sukuna brain rot goes so hardddd :(( I saw that pic of him with heart pupils in the manga leaks and couldn't help myself--
It's so hilarious to me he has such a thing for literature and poetry, -- makes me love em' even more (imagine him dedicating entire hymns and poets to you back in the Heian Era :0 )
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(kitten. :3 ).
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 3 months
Alright. You wanted it, you got it.
Here you heathens.
Giggles and Cuddles
Switch!Vox, Switch!Alastor. Radiostatic (Vox x Alastor)
To the rest of hell, Vox and Alastor were rivals. Enemies. Each others worst nightmare.
To the Vees and other Hazbins...
They were the most wholesome couple in hell.
It was hard to believe, but it was true. Since the little groups found out about their relationship, they stopped hiding it around them. The others knew better than to tell anyone.
The two were all over eachother, and not sexually (much to Angels disappointment)
They were just very affectionate, whether it was simple kisses to full on cuddle sessions. They were always close by each other when they weren't busy. It was really cute to their little audiences.
Currently, the two were in the hotel, Alastors room specifically. The radio demon was laying in bed reading a book and the TV host was clinging to his side. Full on koala hug. Half his face was buried against his boyfriends rib area and his arm was on the Deer demons chest, scrolling on his phone.
It was quite comfortable for them both. They enjoyed being in eachothers company, they didn't even need to speak to feel like this. Everything seemed perfect.
Until disaster struck...
Vox got a message from Velvette, it wasn't anything important but its what happened next that was. When Vox got the message, his screen vibrated and with where his head was, it messed with his lover. The radio demon flinched slightly and his breath hitched, which did not go unnoticed by the TV host, much to the Deer demons demise.
Vox smiled slightly and put his phone down, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends torso and his legs around his waist. He buried his face into Alastors ribs area, and the Radio demon obliviously wrapped an arm around his lover.
Vox the vibrated his screen against the deer demons ribs, like he was getting another message but it was a bit longer. In response, Alastor jumped and snickered quietly.
"D-Dear-.. Could you please-" His sentence was cut short when the TV headed demon did it again, but this time longer and one of his hands spidered across his partners tummy.
The reactio was immediate. Alastor dropped his book and burst into staticy cackles. Trying to push his partner away but not wanting to hurt him either.
"Whats the matter, Ally?~ Too ticklish?~" Vox says playfully, looking at his boyfriends face for a moment. Relishing in the sight of a genuine smile on the deer demons face.
But... One problem happened. Vox flustered himself. Second hand Lee mood... Fuck.
He stopped his assault and it was clear the Radio demon didn't let this little fact go unnoticed. He quickly switched their positions, now sitting on Voxs thighs and looking down at his lover.
"My, my, how the tables have turned~ Did someone fluster themself? How cute~" Alastor teases with a smile, this one more evil then the one before. He then started wiggling his fingers so close to his partners sides but not making contact.
"Whahahait! Ahal-.." Vox was already giggling and the Radio demon hasn't even made contact yet.
"I haven't even touch you yet, darling~"
"Shuhut it, I knohohw!"
Oh. The squeal that left the TV headed demon after the Radio demon started scribbling his fingers all over Voxs tummy and sides... Alastor winced himself and his ears pinned back for a moment.
"Must you be so loud, dear? Its really not that serious, why make such a fuss~"
"Gahahahaha! Ahahal! Ihihit tihickles! Ihit tickles! Plehehease!"
"Well, that's the point, silly! Its supposed to tickle and make you laugh your goofy little head off! And it seems to be doing just the trick!"
Vox damn near shrieked when his boyfriend tickled his ribs with one hand and squeezed his hips with the other. Holy shit, if thought it tickled before... He was in for it now!
"OHOHO gohohd! Nohoht *Hic!* there! Alahastor!!"
"Thats my name, screen-bean, don't where it out~"
Oh. That got to Vox. His screen flushed and his internal fans kicked on pretty quickly. Alastor wasn't really one for pet names, he found them more demeaning than anything but this little one seemed to stick. It was rather cute to him how much it made his lover flush.
"NOHO MOHORE! *Hic!* *Hic!* Plehehease!"
"Hmmm, alright, alright. Fine, but only because you asked sooo nicely~"
With that the Radio demon ceased his attack, chuckling softly as he watch his lover curl up and melt into a little puddle of breathy giggles. It really was a sight...
"Cruhuel... And evil!" Vox says as he gathers himself.
"Well, you know me, darling" Alastor says with a smile, kissing the top of his lovers screen.
"Yeah... I know you're a piece of shit! A-And a sadistic asshole. And an absolute softie" Vox says with a smile, wrapping his arms around the Radio demon and buried his face into his lovers chest.
"*Sigh* I will not confirm nor deny what you said is true. But.. I think we both know the answer" He says with a softer smile, holding the TV host close.
Things always felt so right in the arms of your loved one, and while they would have to act like enemies once again tommorow. It just means that they'll cherish today all the more.
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mickeyswhore · 7 months
Foreign Beauty
A/N: Might get in a silly goofy mood and write a part 2, let me know if I should. 💕
Summary: After your father made you attend Oxford, you took a detour during the holidays to Birmingham and there you met Thomas Shelby, and the two of you got pulled towards one another.
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Warnings: toxic father, smut (a little bit though)
Tag: @mrkdvidal1989.
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You hated your father now, he made you go to Oxford university. You wanted to only live in 
Paris and be able to just live your life and buy pretty dresses and have fun with your friends, but not now, you needed to be in a gloomy town with people that can’t even dress properly and that made you angry.
“Father, if you insist on me getting an education why not Paris? We already have a place there.” You had no idea why your father wanted you to pursue an education, it was only a matter of time until you were married off for an alliance anyway.
“You cannot be just a ditsy woman that only thinks about what’s on her body, you must feed your mind. End of discussion.” With that your father left you and you went to your room to cry.
How could he do this to you? Wasn’t enough that he was a criminal and you could never bring your friends to where he was? The fact that your mother left and he never allowed for you to have a relationship with her? Every single thing about your life was about your father, and no doubt that he wanted bragging rights to all of his associates of how he had his only daughter to attend Oxford.
If you had to do this, you wouldn’t be caught dead in British clothes. You told your father that you would get a new wardrobe with the latest Parisian fashion, if you can’t change your father’s mind, you would definitely make his wallet hurt. That was exactly what you did, went to Paris and ordered a whole new wardrobe to all of the fashion houses that you could think of. Your father was furious but didn't want to say anything, as  long as you were going to university, nothing else mattered to him.
The boat trip to Cardiff was long and dreadful, and to make things even worse it was raining in Wales, as usual. Your father’s men were waiting for you, and you had so many suitcases that it filled both cars. People in England took their time to stare at you, it always happened, you would never brag but your were a pretty woman in a pretty dress in gloomy Wales, people will stare. You got into the car and waited for your father’s men to be done with loading the cars.
The drive was boring and it was raining in most places, so you decided to take a nap. You woke up with commotion in the car and two of the men were fighting in the front of the car.
“What is happening?” You realised that the car was stopped, and the other two men were outside in the rain trying to fix it.
“Sorry, ma’am but the car broke down and we are nowhere near Oxford, we’re in Birmingham.” You saw a map pf England once and was confused, these are the men that your father employs? You took a deep breath and grabbed your umbrella and left the car, there seemed to be a pub nearby. “Wait, ma’am where you’re going?” One of the men tried to stop you but you kept walking.
“It’s cold, it’s raining and I saw a pub here. Could you please let me know when we can go?” He nodded and you kept walking towards the pub. When you entered the smell of cigars and booze hits your nostrils, and the warmth as well, it wasn’t that crowed so you simply took a booth and removed your very expensive fur coat.
You bought a drink and again all of the men and women were staring at you and you needed to get used to it. You were starting to get bored, maybe going back to the car was the best option. When you were about to leave, both doors were opened and a few men came in, they must be important since everyone got out of their way, you saw the one with the biggest blue eyes you’ve ever seen in your life and the man was incredibly attractive.
The man noticed you quite fast since you were the only one staring at him, quite unabashedly as well. He went to your table and sat down right in front of him, with a grin on his face, that made you smile.
“Never seen you here before.” You smiled, never having the opportunity to interact with people that weren’t from your father’s circle. “I would’ve noticed if I seen you here before, who are you love?” He seemed genuinely interested and you were basking on the attention. You said your name to the man.
“We lost our way to Oxford and the car broke down so I decided to come here and be warm with a drink. May I ask who you are?” You took a sip of your drink and the two of you couldn’t stop smiling at each other.
“I’m Thomas Shelby. Pleased to meet you.” He extended his hand and you shook it, and the two of you couldn’t deny that you felt something when the two of you touched. “Would you like another drink, love?” You nodded and Thomas went to get your drink, after he came back, he sat down near you.
“You’re quite forward, aren’t you Mr. Shelby?” You grinned at him and he seemed very pleased with himself.
“I have to, with a foreign beauty like yourself, someone might steal you away.” Thomas was being coy, he knew that no one would dare to talk to you with him there, but he wanted to make you feel special and also acknowledge the fact tht all of the men wanted to be with you.
“You don’t have faith that you are the most interesting?” You quickly realised that you love to tease Thomas Shelby.
“I know that I am, it simply might not be the case for you.” He wasn’t boring, you had to give him that and also confident, a man has never looked as attractive as he is now.
“Touche, Mr. Shelby.”
The two of you started talking about other things, politics mainly. But also art, and history. You were much younger than Thomas but he didn't mind it all and you loved the fact that he was older, mature and most importantly, confident.
The two of you were touching each other, his hand were on your thigh and your hand in his arm as well. The tension between the two of you was getting worse, the two of you even stopped talking just to keep looking at each other and touching each other. Thomas leaned into your ear, sending shirvers down your spine.
“Should we go somewhere more private, love?” He whispered in your ear and you only nodded, guiding him towards the bathroom.
When the two of you got there, Thomas put you against the wall and started to kiss you. His kiss was full of hunger and passion and you were more than happy to indulge him, you needed this too. Thomas started removing your dress and you removed his shirt, you were only dressed in your undergarments now, and Thomas still had his trousers. He started kissing your neck, drawing moans out of you.
Your hands went to his cock, he was painfully hard and you could tell that he was painfully hard. Thomas removed your bra without you even noticing, you felt his warm lips on your nipple, making you moan, with one of his hands Thomas started playing with your other nipple. His tongue felt like heaven on one nipple and his fingers were twisting and pulling the other, you were panting and moaning. You’ve never felt this way before, your pussy was clenching around nothing and you were so wet. The pressure on your pussy was increasing with every lick of one nipple and the pulling of the other.
“Tommy.” You whispered and a strangled moan espcaped your throat, Thomas stopped his ministrations and looked at you, he had the smugest look on his face.
“Did you just cum from me just playing with your nipples, love?” Thomas’ hands removed your panties and he started fingering you and playing with your clit. You closed your eyes from how much pleasure you were receiving but he was having none of it. “Keep your eyes on me, love.” That’s what you did, you’ve met this man a couple hours ago and he already had so much power over you. With his thumb making small circles on your clit and two fingers deep inside your pussy, Thomas wanted to make you cum as quick as he possibly could. “You look divine like this, love. I need you to cum for me. Can you do that, eh?” The noises that were being made were lewd, if you could think straight you would definitely be embarrassed by them.
As if Thomas has full control of your body, you cum again, Thomas enjoys the feeling of your pussy clenching around his fingers, he couldn’t wait to fuck you. Thomas was helping you ride out your second orgasm when you heard yelling coming from outside, the two of you looked at each other and out your clothes back on in a matter of seconds.
“What is going on ‘ere?” Thomas yelled, and the men that were with him fighting with your father’s men, you slapped Thomas’ men hoping they would stop assaulting your employees.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” One of father’s men asked you, clearly terrified that something happened to you.
“Of course, is the car ready?” All four of them nodded and if this wasn’t a sign for you to stop doing something you’d later regret, you don’t know what is.
You were about to leave when Thomas stopped you with a gentle pull of your arm.
“Leaving so soon, love?” He seemed almost sad that you were leaving, that made you smile.
“I’m going to Oxford university, if you want me come get me when you can.” You winked at him and he smirked at you.
He was going to get you, alright. With that, you left the pub to the car.
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hopelessromantic5 · 3 months
I’m in a silly goofy mood. Here’s some merthur crack.
Nimueh is seeking her revenge on Merlin for thwarting her plans.
She sneaks into Camelot, disguised to be hidden among strangers. But to Merlin, she will appear as what his heart most desires.
Thinking it would be a beautiful woman, she lies in wait, until the manservant stumbles upon her and his eyes bug.
“Arthur, what are you doing here?! Uther will have my head if you aren’t in the-“ The manservant stops rambling and stares at Nimueh.
Nimueh, of course, is shocked. This is a plot twist.
The boy still hadn’t looked away from her eyes. Searching for something and coming up short.
“You are not Arthur.” He breathes out.
And before Nimueh can think to act on her ancient sorceress instincts, Merlin has her paralyzed and face up in a turnip cart, covered with potato sacks.
Well this is going splendidly, she thinks to herself, as she rolls to an unknown location.
Not only is the manservant desperately in love with his master, but he’s also got his wits about him enough to know the real thing when he sees it.
At this thought, she pauses. This boy must be someone. He has power and knowing that she’s never seen in a person so young. So mortal.
Eventually the cart stops and she’s tumbling out onto the floor of a very dusty apothecary.
“Merlin, what are you doing?” An older gentleman’s voice comes closer.
“Gaius, look at this and tell me what you see.”
The older man appears in sight, peering at her with a permanent quizzical brow.
“Looks nothing more than a kitchen maid. What is the meaning of this, Merlin? What have you done to the poor girl?”
“Wait, you’re telling me you’re seeing a kitchen maid and not the Prince of Camelot?”
“The Prince of-“ The old man looks to the boy “Have you injured your head today, Merlin?”
“No, Gaius. That’s what I’m telling you. When I came into the court yard after just leaving Arthur with his father, I can promise you I did not expect to see Arthur again, leaning against a wall, suddenly craving a tan.” The boy, Merlin, stares and keeps staring. “I think she’s a witch, or a sorceress.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Well, the fact that she looks like one person to me and another to everyone else. And…I can feel it. She must be powerful, I can feel the current of energy underneath.”
The old man, ponders for a long minute.
“Do you remember the creature in the water supply? The Afanc?”
Merlin nodded.
“I told you I believed it to be the work of an ancient sorceress names Nimueh.” The woman internally gasps at her own name. “I also feared she had been keeping an eye on her attempts to destroy the Kingdom. It seems now, she knows you are responsible for her plan not taking hold.”
“You mean she did the on purpose? Came here, in broad daylight, to come after me? Dressed as the Prince of Camelot?”
He sounds hysterical. Perhaps it’s affecting his psyche. This image she’s in now.
“That part is strange.” Gaius muses still staring down at her body like it will tell them more. “You said it looked like Arthur in the court yard, how did you know it wasn’t him?”
“I don’t know.” A lie. A terrible lie, followed by his face turning bright red. She could almost laugh at the foolishness of young humans. “I just…did.”
There’s no reply for minutes.
Then Merlin speaks again.
“I say while she’s paralyzed and without her power, we dose her with a truth serum and find out what she’s doing here.”
‘Without her power’? Excuse you?
She’s only now beginning to feel it. Her magic is still there, in her core, but it’s been locked away. Covered in layers and layers of blankets. Blocked by someone else’s will. Someone with more power than they know.
Now she’s really in for it. If only she could learn to let things go.
“And what are we supposed to do if the real Arthur comes looking for you?” Gaius turns in question.
“Just tell him I’m at the tavern, he’ll never make an appearance there if he doesn’t have to.”
“What are you going to do with her when her powers do return?”
“I will wheel her into the forrest tonight. The spell should last us well past morning light.” This time, Merlin speaks to her. “I’m hoping at that point you’ll just go home and rethink your decision on murdering everyone here and destroying the kingdom.”
Then she’s in a chair, tied down with belts. They forced a tiny tube of liquid down her throat. Or more like poured it in, considering she can’t fight back.
And then they sat back on their stools, six feet away, and studied her.
“Speak.” Merlin commands, followed by a flash of golden eyes. Nimueh was beginning to understand that she didn’t have the upper hand here. Not in the slightest. Her centuries of learning are almost nothing against this boy with the magic of the earth inside him.
“That was disgusting.” Are the first words out of her mouth.
“Well it’s not supposed to be a treat.” Merlin spits. “Why are you here?”
The words come out before she can scramble for control to stop them.
“I’m here to switch a goblet in the chambers of Lord Bayard for the cursed chalice in my possession.”
“For what purpose?” Gaius demands.
“To poison the Prince. To start a war that would tear Camelot and her crown to tiny pieces.”
“Explain your appearance. Why isn’t anyone else seeing Arthur?”
“You were correct, Merlin. You were my target. The enchantment transforms me into the deepest desire of your heart. To everyone else, I was nobody, a peasant they wouldn’t waste the time to look over twice.”
The silence in the room after is deafening.
Merlin is staring at her with wide owl eyes, utterly horrified.
Gaius is looking at Merlin, perplexed.
“What- what’d- I don’t-“ comes out in a string of syllables. “That can’t possibly be.” He whimpers and then buried his head in his hands.
Poor boy.
Love is a miserable beast.
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Could I possibly ask for Sebastian Michaelis relationship headcannons with human S/O please?
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
Sebastian Michaelis With A Human! s/o Relationship Headcanons
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Fandom: Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji
Genre: SFW Headcanons
Warnings: none!
Rated: G
Admin Harmony🐯: I did mainly SFW headcanons since you didn't ask for NSFW but you can always request it if you want! Hope you enjoy it!
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‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
♡ A relationship with Sebastian as a human wouldn't be so bad. 
♡But also you need to keep in mind that if you are able to end up attracting Sebastian then you are one intriguing human. 
♡Sebastian doesn't really care that much for relationships so you must be some lucky human to snag him. 
♡ During work hours everything is usually kept professional. 
♡But when no one is around, Sebastian will sneak in kisses rather it is on the lips or on the head. 
♡Doesn't like PDA, gotta keep it professional, he will mostly  just hold hands and maybe kiss you on the hand, forehead or cheek. 
♡Will be very gentle with you, he knows that humans are very fragile so he will treat you like a delicate rose.
♡Obliviously a gentleman. Will hold the door for you, gives you his coat, you know, chivalry stuff. 
♡Favorite past times with you will include, cooking with you, reading together, and petting cats together. 
♡ Favorite places to kiss you are on the hand, neck and forehead. 
♡ Doesn't really like being kissed that much, he prefers to give you them than the other way around but he does enjoy it when you cutely kiss him on the nose. 
♡Even though he doesn't care that much for kisses he will still enjoy other forms of affection like hand holding and being embraced. 
♡Favorite dates include, Fancy Tea parties, going to bookstores, and going anywhere where cats are at. 
♡You and him will eventually adopt a cat together like picking out a child. 
♡ Isn't really the cuddling type of guy but it really depends on his mood but when he is in an affectionate mood he will hold onto you tightly and watch you fall asleep. 
♡ Will check up on you during the middle of  the night to make sure you are okay, will even kiss you on the forehead goodnight as well. 
♡One of the best gift givers ever, he will take the time to notice the little things that you adore and will gift them to you during the holidays or birthdays. 
♡Enjoys cooking you your favorite meals. He loves seeing your eyes light up when you take that first bite of food that you love. 
♡ He is also a bit of tease,  he will give you endearing nicknames when you are acting goofy such as silly or obtuse. 
♡ On the other hand he does have sweet nicknames he gives you whenever you two are alone like darling, kitten, or my sweet.
♡ Overall, a great demon boyfriend 10/10. 
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
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cry1ngchild · 11 months
hellooo! I was wondering if I could request general headcanons with laughing Jack and candy pop?
LJ and Candy Pop Headcanons
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Laughing Jack
- Bro is MONSTROUSLY tall. he’s 7’4 and he has to bend down when walking through doors. It ain’t even funny tbh he towers over everyone and must have some brains cells fall out from the ceiling hitting his head
- He mainly chills in the carnival/circus area of the mansion where there are tall rooms ✌️ (i have a lot of headcanons on the Slender mansion itself and Slendermans magic, if u ask me for headcanons on him… i will go on for days)
- He’s in his 400s, one of the oldest creeps however the biggest menace, age does not bring maturity (refer to Candy Pop for further proof, impressively immature)
- LJ doesn’t mind any pronouns tbh, he just doesn’t care however he presents as a male so he mainly gets called as such. It may raise an eyebrow if you referred to LJ as a woman but he either won’t give a s*bleep*t or laugh
- LJ doesn’t feel threatened by threats or people actually trying to hurt him however he has a set few triggers which make him go complete defensive mode and aggressive. Towering over him, he isn’t used to it as he is extremely tall however say he was sitting down and someone was standing over him and talking down to him… suddenly he is extremely alert and ready to strangle that person to death
- But yea unless triggered he isn’t actually that aggressive, more of just cunning and rude. He tends to mock and embarrass people that try purposefully p*bleep*ing them off
- He likes to make sweets for his friends <3 however he has accidentally poisoned them on many occasions 😄 (LJ is the reason Jason no longer eats sweets)
❥ Candy Pop
- Candy Pop is 6’11 however he has the ability to change some physical features at will but he is 6’11
- He’s always off in his own world / daydreaming; his attention is always else where.
- Nathan and Pop are always talking or texting, Nathan is basically his platonic husband at this point ngl
- Candy Pop can do basically everything in the circus industry however his favourite/speciality is acrobatics and magic tricks
- Jason and Candy talk the most sh-t together it’s unbelievable, they’re that work duo that just sh-ts on all of their co workers at any moment they can.
- For being over a thousand years old, most immature being ever. He has year 5 humour and still laughs at fart jokes also Candy Pop will make a s-x joke at any opportunity
- Candy Pop can go from very warm hearted and genuine seeming to condescending and mean fairly quickly, this is because of Night Terrors
- Whenever he breaks his mallet or anything, before he even thinks to just fix it himself, he goes running to Jason lol. Jason gets so annoyed because Candy is definitely doing it on purpose to get him away from work lmao
- Sometimes he just randomly slams his hammer on the ground to get everyone’s attention… just to go back about his day not saying or doing anything, ignoring the massive disturbance he just made
- He’s just in a silly goofy mood <3
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the-milk-monarch · 7 months
☣︎ Context - I am a dum dum and accidentally wrote a different story for Tyler bc I didn't understand the assignment well, or perhaps that's what you wanted? idk gee I love being autistic /s (from future/in making @yeetusdeefetus ask (Alejandro finished so far 💯))
【 TYLER GETS A CRUSH ON A GUY 】 Summary: After his (ex) girlfriend forgot who he is, Tyler focuses on his boy friend and protects him in a challenge. ☢︎ | masculine reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Tyler
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Tyler was drawn to you after he gave up on Lindsay, who forgot who he was.
He didn't know why, but he wanted to spent each minute with you.
He assumed it's because you were such a cool bro to hang out with.
And you knew his name!!
You were friends before, but most of the time he wanted to hang out with his (now ex) girlfriend, because she used to bring him so much joy.
But now that she forgot him, his attention focused on you.
One day however he started to think more about his dating life situation.
He wasn't quite sure what he felt, but after initial sadness of Lindsay not recognizing him he felt quite- fine??
He was still very unhappy, don't get him wrong, but he wasn't like- depressed.
That made him think about the possible reason, which made him think about you.
That realization hit him like a train.
He "likes girls!" after all.
As if on cue, you appeared on his radar.
You noticed he was looking kind of upset, but you weren't sure if you should approach.
After some thinking though you decided to finally walk up to him.
Once he noticed you nearing his way, he started acting more fidgety and anxious.
You asked if he's okay, to which he responded with a nervous and obviously trying to be cool "Of- Of course Y/N! Why do you ask??"
You carefully asked if it's because of Lindsay, trying to remain lighthearted and supportive towards him.
He stopped for a moment before responding, trying to find appropriate words.
"…Yeah! I just want my girlfriend to recognize me, you know??" He told you, although his expression changed to a more hesitant one.
You spotted his slightly pink cheeks and him side-eyeing you when you weren't looking.
"B-But I mean- They say there's lots of fish in the sea, eh??" He said, trying to lighten up the mood, in his own goofy way. "I will just search for the fish on land!"
You chuckled at his words that didn't make sense.
"Wait- There must be some odd fish that walk on land, right??" Tyler trailed off a little with his side thoughts about what he just said.
You laughed softly again.
"Well, we all were once fish that walked on land, so- I guess?" You say playfully, amused by your own conclusion.
He seems to be glad that you're not calling him stupid, and even a bit proud of himself.
"Well- In any case- If you don't have anyone to hang out with, feel free to come to me sometime." You put your hand on his shoulder in a friendly and supportive manner, which made Tyler's cheeks hotter.
"Eheh-" He mixed a bashful chuckle with "uhuh".
After that conversation Tyler was all over you in a few days.
It was like impressing Lindsay again, but this time it was you.
He tried to be smooth and low-key while catching your attention, but the whole team (even including you, being slightly suspicious about him) knew that he had a massive crush on you.
"Hey Y/N!" He waved at you once Chris announced that you'd need a partner on your next challenge coming up. "Y/N!! Here! Tyler! Do you wanna pair up?"
You sighed, keeping a defeated smile on your face. This man was killing you, but you enjoyed his silly behavior.
"Sure, Tyler, we can pair up," You approached him, making him let out a victorious and a bit goofy "yeah!".
Chris had made up yet another stupid and possibly dangerous challenge, where Chef would be firing items thru his cannon while you go do an obstacle course.
The cannon was a surprise, as Chris didn't disclose that to you all.
Chef had pointed the thing at you, letting it fire with a loud "boom".
A flying pillow flying at full speed almost hit you, but you managed to swiftly avoid it, letting out a quiet gasp.
Chris and Chef snickered at that.
Tyler noticed that you were in danger, so he quickly ran up to you, jumping in front of second object that was supposed to hit you.
The flying chicken toy and Tyler squeaked at the same time as it hit him.
You were worried something happened to him but he optimistically (albeit a bit in pain) raised his hand in a thumbs up.
Fortunately you both were able to complete the challenge without too many bruises.
Tyler was roughed up a bit, but he didn't wanna complain in front of you.
After you both were somewhere alone, you approached him to thank him for being your "hero".
He blinked at you once, processing the words that came out of your mouth, but after he did, he grinned proudly and a bit flustered.
"Yeah, it was nothing." He said while red on his cheeks matched his outfit.
"How shall I ever repay you?" You asked playfully.
"Oh, um…" He stopped for a moment, deep in thought. You chuckled softly, seeing how preoccupied he was with figuring that out.
You were feeling brave after today, being like 95% sure he was into you, so you decided to be a bit bold.
You kissed him on the cheeks while he was still in the process of figuring out what to respond, making his eyes go wider and his cheeks getting redder.
"Wow-" He muttered with his jaw widened a bit. "Is- Is that enough?" You asked, looking at his face in a bashful amusement.
"Hell yeah!" He grinned widely.
"… Wait- Does that mean I have to repay you for that kiss as well??"
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 months
Title: You Just Smile and Take My Hand
Words: 880
Ship: Mike x Dude
Description: Mike and Dude dance together in a saloon on a random night.
Dude held Mike close to his chest as they danced together in a saloon. Someone had paid the band to play a slow song. He looked at his spouse in adoration. Mike returned a smile. He couldn't help but feel elated when they were near. He squeezed them gently.
He pressed a kiss to their forehead. This was it. This was love. This was what he thought he’d found so many times, only to lose it. Though, nobody ever looked at him quite the way his spouse did. Their smile almost seemed endless and their eyes glowed impossibly bright. He saw what he felt reflected in their blue eyes.
He pulled back to spin them. In a series of hesitant gestures they made the turn. He took their other hand again, and placed it on his waist. They gave his side a squeeze and grinned. He adored their silly little antics. He responded by pulling them close again.
He lifted their chin ever so slightly with his finger and pressed a kiss to their lips. Their lips were thin but soft and they often tasted sweet. Today it was from the amount of sugar they put in their coffee. He pulled away slowly so he could savor the moment. His nose brushed theirs as they parted.
“You’re in a kissing mood,” they commented in a voice that came just barely above the music.
Dude didn't say anything, just kissed their cheek, just beside their nose, as confirmation. He pulled back to spin them, and smiled to himself at the blush creeping up their neck.
“All this time and you’re blushing,” he teased.
“Well, if you could kiss yourself-” Mike began, then cut themselves off abruptly. “I just mean you’re a good kisser.”
Dude chuckled. He pulled their body flush with his. They slid their head into the crook of his neck at an angle so that they could kiss below his ear. His eyes moved around the room, looking for anyone who might be staring at them. It wasn't a particularly lively night. It was just them, the bartender, the band, and a man staring into his empty glass. He wondered who paid the band…
The song ended, and they pulled apart again.
He couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. He brushed some of their hair behind their ear. They looked beautiful in the light of the saloon. He admired their ashy brown waves that ended just above the shoulders and their deep-set eyes that were looking expectantly up at him. His eyes went past their short but wide nose to their thin lips to their soft jawline. The hand that had adjusted their hair moved to trace their jaw. He studied the freckles that littered their face and neck. If they weren't in public, he’d kiss every one.
“Are we leaving?” Mike asked him, which interrupted his thoughts.
He repeated their question in his head. He liked being a “we”, in a permanent sense. They wouldn't part at the end of this night. They’d go to the same room in the Hotel Alamo and sleep in the same bed.
Mike chuckled, and waved their hand in front of his face. “I asked, are we leaving? Can you hear me? You must be somewhere else with that goofy grin on your face.”
Dude finally felt the smile that his face was making. It didn't stop him from smiling.
“I’m here,” he said. “Lookin’ at you.”
“Well, are we leaving? Or are we standing here looking at each other all night?”
He nodded. “Sure. I’ll look at you somewhere else.”
Eventually they walked out to the wooden platform that would take them back down to the road. Dude leaned over the railing and looked up at the stars.
“What are you doing?” Mike asked him.
“Thanking God for you,” he replied.
They laughed.
He looked over at them. “I mean it. I never thought I’d find someone like you…especially after…well, that doesn't matter anymore.”
“I’m here for the long haul.”
Dude stood to his full height and turned around. He took Mike’s hand in his.
“I know.”
They stepped down the stairs, and started walking towards the hotel.
“I couldn't imagine it,” Mike said.
Dude tilted his head at them. “Couldn't imagine what?”
“You being alone.”
Dude had been alone lots of times. He could imagine it.
“Why’s that?”
Mike smiled sheepishly. “You’re wonderful. You’d find someone to love you, even if it wasn't me.”
He frowned. He didn't want that. He wanted what they had.
Mike looked back up at him. “Don't look at me like that. I know you picked me. I know you’re happy. I just meant if we hadn't met, you wouldn't have died alone. I don't believe that. I can't believe it.”
Dude squeezed their hand. “I feel the same about you.”
Mike smiled, in a way that still betrayed the insecurity underneath. “I know you do.”
“Good,” he said, as the final word of that conversation. “Let’s go sleep? I’m tired.”
Mike gave him a teasing smile. “You just want to be cuddled and kissed all night.”
He couldn't disagree with that. “We’ll sleep…sometime.”
With a fond shake of their head, they leaned over and kissed his cheek. He grinned at them the rest of the way to their bed.
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gaybananabread · 3 months
Can you do Stan, Ford, and Bill (gravity falls) headcanons? If not that’s completely fine! Take your time!!
☆⑅Felony Trio Headcanons⑅⁠☆
(Stan, Ford & Bill)
~No idea if these three have an actual group name or not, but this is what I'm going with. You can't tell me they haven't committed at least one a piece, accidentally and/or on purpose. These sillies will always have a special place in my heart as one of my earlier obsessions. Thank you for requesting!~
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Silly con-man gives me ler-leaning switch vibes. Loves wrecking his family, but wouldn’t mind the occasional giggle-fest.
Over the years, he’s developed the elusive “can say the t-word whenever” power, though it definitely didn’t used to be that way. Ford reminds him of that whenever it’s most annoying.
Can easily admit that he likes tickling others, but receiving it? Yeah, good luck. He’s willing to die on that hill.
A bit rare, but he will get lee moods. He’s a “ride it out in silence” kinda guy, but Ford can sometimes catch onto his bullshit (definitely not bc he does it too what-)
If he DOES try and solve his problem, it’ll be in the most roundabout way possible. Provoking his brother, teasing his great niece and nephew until they try something, you name it. If it works, it works.
Worst spots are his armpits and the area right beneath his belly button. Enjoy watching him lose his mind if you target either one ♡
Melt spot is his ears. You can’t tell me his goofy ears wouldn’t make him giggle his heart out; he’d love every second of it.
Very gruff, choppy giggles. Sounds kinda like he’s been chain smoking, then saw the funniest thing in his life. When you really get him going, deep and rough belly laughter. Occasional snorts if you wanna kill him.
When he gets in a ler mood, he’ll either bother his overworking brother or mess with one of the kids. Sometimes his family can tell, though he won’t normally admit anything.
Such a wonderful asshole of a ler-
Teases, smart-ass comments, horrible dad jokes, and more! Definitely the one to go to if you want a shameless wrecking.
“You’re a lil’ squeak toy, huh? I just squeeze your side and- yup, just like that.”
“Ya know, you could’ve just pushed me away by now. Don’t worry, I noticed.”
“You sure squirm a lot, don'tcha? Like a lil’ worm, could use you as fishing bait!”
“It tickles? Wow, that must really suck for you.”
Pretty good with aftercare. He'll ruffle your hair and tease you, of course, but he lets you lay on him while the TV plays. Fair trade, honestly.
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Can you really tell me he isn't at least a little lee? After all those years with little to no comforting contact, he loves a good giggle fest.
Making his great niece and nephew laugh, though? Even better.
He doesn't always get that feeling, so I'm going lee-leaning switch.
If you even mention it around him, he'll blush, no matter his mood. It's real bad when he's lee.
You can kinda gauge if he's in a mood by just saying the t-word (if you can, that is)
If you don't have that magic, then he's still pretty obvious in other ways.
Extra stuttering, constantly adjusting his glasses, eyes lingering on your hands, wobbly smiles. If you've got eyes, you'll be able to tell.
Will deny it at first, but it's pretty flimsy.
“I-I don't know what you're talking about. I survived the roughest interdimensional plane there is. I don't need…that.”
He falls apart the minute you wiggle your fingers at him.
Worst spots are his hips, followed by his ribs. A few squeezes to either will have him snorting up a storm.
Melt spots are his ears and the tops of his thighs. Like his brother, his ears are lovely to run a feather across for both him and the ler. He loves gentle traces on his thighs, though. Have him a melted, giggling puddle in seconds.
He loses tickle fights on purpose at least 76.4% of the time. Don’t ask me how I got that number: I just know.
His ler moods are rare, but if he’s feeling a bit distant from his family, he’ll try and piece things with some giggles.
Soft, playful ler. He never wants to go too far, but he isn’t afraid to goof around and tease while he’s at it.
“I think I’ve got a leg up here, huh? Thanks to my extra fingers, this has gotta be at least 20% more ticklish~”
“You really do blush quite a lot. It’s pretty cute to watch.”
“As a scientist, it’s my job to conduct experiments. Let’s try now. Hypothesis: if I get your worst spot, you’ll laugh at least twice as loud as you are now. Time for the experiment~”
The moment you say stop, even if you don’t mean it, he pulls away. If you want more, you’ll have to ask him.
Pretty great with aftercare. Will absolutely cuddle you, maybe even tell some stories if you’re interested. He’s got plenty from his time in the portal, though he keeps the angstier ones to himself. Any tale he tells is almost guaranteed to make you smile.
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Believe it or not, the chaotic dorito does like tickling. In fact, after him and Mabel’s interaction, they seem to randomly plague his thoughts at the most inopportune times. It goes in either direction, his moods as random as his personality.
Considering this, we’re gonna go straight-up switch.
These moods are especially hard for the demon to satiate. His friends are insane, but none completely batshit enough to try something like tickling him. When he needs a fix, he usually has to outsource it or suffer until it goes away.
On the off chance he does outsource, he goes for one of the Pines twins. They’re hesitant to let him in, but he’s a sweet-talker. Once he’s inside, it barely takes an hour for him to provoke someone into wrecking him.
His spots vary based on the body he’s inhabiting. The one time he was tickled in his own (Weirdmageddon incident, don’t ask), he found that his hat and feet got him laughing the most.
(don’t come at me, his hat re-grew flesh when he got shot in it)
He doesn’t really have a distinct melt spot, though he loves being tickled right beneath his bowtie. It makes him kick and squirm, but it also makes him incredibly giddy.
I’d tell you to run for your life, but it won’t do you much good.
Evil, sarcastic and rough ler. Good luck breathing o7
The kinda dude to go for all your worst spots first, and only explore the softer side if he’s wanting to spice things up.
Can and will generate any tool he feels like to wreck you (surprisingly enough, he’ll ask first)
Boundaries really need to be set before anything happens. Otherwise he’ll just go until he feels like stopping. If you look on the brink of passing out, he’ll quit, but other than that nah.
VERY teasy, with a large handful of sarcasm and sass.
“Geez, you laugh really loud when I get ya here. Mind dialing it down? I don’t wanna go deaf before I’m 20 million.”
“Ha! You snort? I’ve gotta hear that again, c’mon!”
“You’re confusing. You say ‘no, go away,’ but you haven’t even tried escaping. I’m supposed to be the crazy one here; mind explaining?”
“Wow, this is driving you nuts, huh? We’re gonna match!”
Not super great at aftercare unless you ask. He can make any snack or drink you want by snapping, and he knows some great rom-coms to doze off to (don’t ask why unless you wanna go for round two).
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ooshu · 1 year
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mark lee / prompt requested by anon [see notes below!] |  🎧 inspired by it’s always you chet baker, telephones vacations
“dude, who even uses the telephone right now?”
this is what mark always hears whenever his friends come over to his apartment for a warriors game night.
no one has ever called via the line, really. but he just… kept it there. he liked how it fit beside three stacks of unfinished books. sometimes, mark checks if the line still works, and he makes sure he includes it in his monthly budget for utility bills.
before, mark was never fond of leaving a light in the kitchen, or anywhere like the living room, except his bedroom, of course. but that is when he met you.
you liked surprising mark. maybe the thought of scaring the shit out of him excited–just for shit and giggles, of course. mark is never a fan of spontaneous visitors especially in the ungodly hours either.
until it backfired.
you, who shrieked in the middle of the night, and who attempted to go romantic and sneak in his bedroom while he works on his overdue deliverables, bumped your waist against the edge of the kitchen counter. mark scolded you, of course, for being in a silly, goofy mood. but he loved you and loved your antics that undoubtedly made him giggly and head over heels even more. so, he made sure there was a light left somewhere, even just a tiny bit.
the other day, the lightbulb ran out, so he hurriedly rushed into the nearest grocery store to buy one. he went home and made sure it was around five o’clock, just before the night kicks in, and installed it. he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief.
and oh, he also stacks his refrigerator with strawberry yogurt because they were your favorite during film nights. you know, mark thought, just in case… just in case.
and when mark finds time to clean his apartment, he makes sure to mop the floor squeaky clean like it wasn’t filled with plastic wrappers of junk foods, messy piles of clothes, and broken picture frames that he aimlessly threw to the wall out of frustration when you told him it was over.
he makes sure he wipes the dining tables you used to both shares, especially for wine and homemade steaks. it was always clean though. he just checks out for the dust now. the food doesn’t taste the same ever since he no longer shares it with you. he now prefers eating on the couch or the bed with a film on just to pretend the void isn’t so loud after all.
and the desks including the living room table where the telephone sits still—mark arranges your favorite franz kafka books right beside it just like how you left them when you walked out his door. you must have mindlessly left them when you were collecting your things after the breakup. your box, despite being big, is still filled with lots of things he still wishes you would have left some for him.
because now, the apartment looks grey and almost empty. the warmth had faded and the laughs no longer echo these four walls. and all he had now is the damn telephone, the kafka books, the strawberry yogurt that he doesn’t eat but is always replaces if it reached the expiry date, and a tiny lightbulb in the kitchen; in hopes that you would think of retrieving some of these little things that you sure would come back for.
mark picked up the black telephone only to hear the static, consistent open line. he finds joy when it rings.
you often called via his line. he would laugh and find it ridiculous to hear you whispering on the other line because you were hiding from your boss, that you were sneakily calling mark past lunch break time at work just because you miss hearing his voice.
and mark desperately misses hearing your voice on this telephone. he thought of the times he couldn’t pick up because he was in the shower or is too deep into slumber. he wishes it would just ring one more time because you were only the person who knew this number. mark never called. he never memorized the number or neither saved it in his contacts. day by day, only his companion is regret. the only thing that could make him less lonely is to keep this apartment you both shared intact.
but mark sometimes regresses. there’s no denying that.
and this day is one of these days when he feels like falling apart. this day, he hopes you wouldn’t hear a knock on his door and find you standing. this day, he hopes his heart would just accept everything is over, and only the apparitions sitting in this apartment will fade in time.
but he was lost in his trance when he hears something strange yet intimately familiar.
he walked back and towards the portion of his apartment, he attentively fixes.
mark picked up the ringing phone.
he can hear you on the other line, sighing. and either could you.
“mark?” you said.
mark smiled, almost bittersweet. he bit his lips, almost hurting him.
“is this still your number?”
thank you, anon, for requesting this! i hope this is okay with you. i had fun listening to telephone (and i’m glad you’re a fellow chet baker enjoyer!).
prompt reveal!
Hi! I would like to request Mark still struggling to let go of his now ex girlfriend that broke up w him and the story is like about Mark going through his days still seeing her in everything and just missing her and experiencing pure heartache and angsty feelings all around, interpret it however you like though since I don't really think I'm very good at this prompt stuff 😅! Please and Thank you! ❤️
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Can you write something for Lyle he is so cute and the way you write is just a turn on I can't!!! I need more content with him. You can write like the reader is also a recom and she steals Lyle's clothes and his sunglasses parodying him and pretending that she is the right hand of the colonel and when he sees her in this guise, it excites him and he cannot be contained and in the end it turns out some kind of smut
Thanks in advance if you notice this!
Eeee cute!
Tumblr media
Recom!lyle x human fem!reader
Not smut but suggestive, may do a part two with smut tho :3
He didn't mean to leave you like this. It was just that his job took priority and it wasn't like you didn't know what you were getting into. The first few weeks he'd be gone most of the day but you were working too, no worries there. Then he'd be sent off to other bases sometimes for weeks!
You'd keep yourself busy with work and your friends. Honestly most days were fine but today was hard and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in your boyfriends arms.
For a moment you'd forgotten. Lost in exhaustion you'd called out for him weakly as you'd flopped onto the shared bed. Then when you heard nothing but your own breathing you'd remembered.
An unexpected hitch in your breathing shocked you and before you groaned into a pillow. It was silly, you knew that, to get so upset about his absence. Still you wished for some level of the comfort you got from him.
You took deep breathes into the fabric and found your heart settling. It was odd how swiftly your mood seemed to change until you noticed which side of the bed you were on. This was his pillow, his smell!
If you weren't alone you'd likely have felt some kind of embarrassment about your next actions. Jumping out of bed and rushing to the wardrobe and flinging it open. The doors bounced loudly against the wall from the force but you didn't cringe at the noise.
Instead your focus was on Lyle's clothes. Uniform, cargo pants, gym gear and to your utter delight, an over sized sleep shirt. You grabbed the clothing and bundled your face against it. You'd scolded him before for rehanging once worn shirts like this but right now you couldn't be happier for it.
In a giddy rush you slipped your own work clothes off and let the soft fabric wrap around you. In your mind you imagined it was him, his warm chest you'd find yourself draped across each morning. The large shirt hung from your frame and you couldn't help but wonder how silly it must look.
Crossing to the mirror you were met with the humorous sight. Of course it was large on him so on you it was just comical. Dangling low on your shoulders and falling to your thighs. Your laugh broke the silence in the room.
You caught the glint of his sunglasses. A spare pair just tossed on the bedside table. Quickly you scooped them up and slipped them on. The look was complete and you laughed again in the empty space.
"Oorah! I'm corporal Wainfleet." You said in as close an approximation of his voice as you could muster. It was a terrible impression but it made you giggle. You held your fingers out in a fake gun before a sharp bark of laughter made you spin.
Lyle stood in the door frame, bag dropped on the floor and a goofy grin spreading across his face. You felt a flush of heat in your cheeks moving to remove his glasses. He was across the room in a second, catching your wrist in his long fingers.
"No no. Those stay on too." He smirked. His fingers loosened around your wrist before tracing down your arm. He tugged the collar of his shirt.
"You miss me that much huh?" He purred. You looked to the floor but his fingers took your chin tilting your gaze back to him. "Missed you too."
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss. You whined throwing your arms around his neck and tugging him in deeper. He chuckled lightly but his kiss was deepening each moment. Every second locked in this embrace becoming more fervent, more demanding. You felt heat pooling in your core. A clawing need to be closer, to have more.
His hand roamed down your form, caressing, squeezing before he broke away. You chased after him but his hands returned to your face, cupping your cheeks.
He stared down at you a moment before lifting his sunglasses up to rest in your hair line. He stared half lidded down in your eyes for a moment longer. You shifted on your feet, squeezing your legs together for the friction you craved. It didn't go unnoticed.
Squeaking you were pulled into the air and slung across a firm shoulder. Lyle's hand came up to massage your ass as he crossed to the bed. He tossed you down onto the plush surface and you huffed frowning up at him as he crawled over you.
"Can I tell you how hot you look right now?" He smirked leaning into press your lips together again.
"Of course you'd think so, self obsessed much..." You joked against his lips. He tipped lower laughing against your neck before nipping his way to your collar. His hand roamed up your leg pulling your knee. You locked your legs around him as he rocked gentle against your hips.
"How about I go fuck myself then" He purred.
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