#he guides people to their place in hell and works with angels and for them
6-2-aestheticsofhate · 7 months
After making one of my own and really looking at it I appreciate ferrymans fucked up little halo so much more
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vesppperoro · 1 month
can i request angel dust x a protective overlord reader?
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Angel Dust x Overlord!Reader
Includes: Angel Dust, Valentino, Overlord!Reader (male)
Warning: Valentino is a warning
A/N: overlord reader breaks his contract real?!!! Anyways. Angel is GAY so I made the reader masc. I hope that doesn’t make you too upset. I tried to make the form as vague as possible so you can imagine your own demon form.
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Power. You rose to power more than 10 years ago. Going from a lowly pornstar to an overlord in the matter of a few months. You owned many souls and had your own territory that involved your own porn studio.
You were also a dancer. You owned the souls of your strippers, dancers, and your pornstars. You took very good care of your souls, but you did have to show who was in charge every now and then.
After the sudden appearance of the radio demon, your comrades fell. He disappeared for the 7 years you built your reputation.
Now, you were at the Hazbin Hotel for quite a minute. You had your own territory, yes, but you also enjoyed staying at this place. It was free and you got to help out.
At this place, you met some interesting characters. Charlie Morningstar, the princess of hell. She was the one who founded the hotel and she was very sweet. However, she was awkward socially.
Vaggie, Charlie’s girlfriend. You learned she was a fallen exorcist that the princess found. She was levelheaded and almost always spoke for her girlfriend as the voice of reason.
Husk, the bartender. He was under contract with Alastor. You recognized him as a former overlord. He was stubborn, but he had a good heart.
Niffty, the maid. For a little thing, she was creepy as hell. She loved climbing you and killing bugs.
Sir. Pentious, a snake inventor. He took care of these little egg things that you found weird, but it’s hell. Who is anyone to judge.
Alastor, the radio demon. Everyone knows him. You were the only old overlord he didn’t kill. Maybe it was your matching power, or your presence. You didn’t know.
And finally, Angel Dust. You knew him as Valentino’s little toy boy. That moth guy ranted about him during some Overlord meetings. It’s good to finally put a face to the name.
He was very flirtatious. He even flirted with you. He showed you one of his movies and it almost made you sick. The true fear in his eyes that went unedited, the pain he seemed to be going through, the moans of agony. You could tell he didn’t like it. Why was he showing it if he didn’t like it?
You didn’t want to push on it. You just hung out with him more. You had even told him about your studio! “You should come work for me, darling. I’d give you way better perks.” You smiled and offered. His look of distrust and fear made something snap inside of you. A parental instinct? No. An instinct to protect him. You knew you had to.
After that exchange, you hung close by him. You two became very good friends! He even ended up confessing his love for you and you accepted gratefully.
It took a few months before he opened up, but he eventually did. Angel told you about his situation. His contract, how Val had treated him, his movies, and other things. Not all at the same time, of course. You pieced them together from bits of information he has told you.
Even if you didn’t show it, his situation enraged you. You wanted to kill Valentino, just as Alastor killed the overlords before him. You tried to keep your cool. You did your best to comfort your boyfriend, but you devised a plan. A plan to help Angel Dust out of his situation.
Valentino had come to you about collaborating with him on a porn project. Originally, he wanted you to star in it but you refused sternly. Today was the day you had to arrive at his studio. Angel had been gone the whole day, so you assumed he was there.
After stepping out of the limo that took you to your destination, you looked around the place. You were guided inside by a guard of sorts. You had to show your ID and shit to people at the front before they allowed you into the studio.
Before walking in, the moth man himself came out to greet you. “So great to see you, mi querido..~” He spoke, picking up your hand and kissing it. Your smile let down for a moment and you slowly dragged your arm away. “Valentino. Bring me to the studio already. You’re 15 minutes late.” You said between gritted teeth. “Right this way, el cariño.~” He pulled you inside of the studio.
As soon as you stepped in, the smell of sex hit your nose. You expected it, obviously. It’s a porn studio. But this strong? Does he even clean? You shook it off and tried to ignore the smell. You took a look around the studio and noticed some workers staring.
“Alright. Hello, my name is Reader. I will be working with Valentino on this project. I hope you will have me.” You introduced, bowing your head to the group. You heard some whispers before many just nodded and smiled at you.
Your eyes turned to the door that opened. It was Angel Dust. Your face turned red at the slutty outfit he was in and you waved. “Is that the star?” You questioned. You didn’t notice the slight snarl on Valentino’s face. “Yes.” He took a puff of his cigarette and blew red smoke off to the side.
“Alright. Let me see the script.” You walked over to one of the Hellhounds by the massive pink bed and took the script from his paws. Hands? You didn’t know. You skimmed over the script and you stopped. Your head slowly turned to the moth man and your expression dropped.
“We are NOT collaborating with a script as bad as this. Also, non con? We aren’t doing that.” You ripped the script up, much to Valentino’s dismay. “I will be working on a new one. Expect a better one by tomorrow.” You sighed and shook your head. The look of fear your boyfriend gave the man made you pissed off.
“Angel, may I see you for a moment?” He said, falsely sweet. Before Angel could reply, you stood in front of the moth demon. “You can say whatever you want to say out here.” Your eyes darkened as they scanned Val’s body. You could tell he was hiding his anger, but you could care less. “I’d like to have a word with my star, in private.” He fumed silently. You rolled your eyes. “Fine. Angel, darling. If anything happens, please let me know.” He said nothing and turned to his room.
“For the rest of you, I’ll order you guys some food while I think of how to proceed. What do you guys want? It’s on me.” You heard a mixture of ‘pizza’ and ‘burgers’. You decided to get both. You pulled up a chair and sat near Angel’s room. A loud thud made you jump out of your seat. You slammed his door open and saw the gruesome scene at hand.
Angel was on the ground, nose bleeding and clothing torn. He looked like he had been roughed up. At the sight, your demon form immediately flared. Your hair rose and your eyes turned a dark red. Your pupils dilated and your claws sharpened as well. You grew a bit in size and your voice boomed throughout the room.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Your voice was demonic. It sounded like many voices. Maybe the voices of the souls you owned too, but who knows. You grabbed Valentino by the scruff of his neck and threw him out of the room. You crawled out of the room and pinned him to the floor. He was probably into it, if you really thought about it, but you didn’t care.
“NEVER. AND I MEAN NEVER. TOUCH ANGEL LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN OR I WILL RIP YOUR DICK OFF.” He nodded aggressively and you backed off of him. You ruffled your hair and transformed back. “You have him under contract, correct?” You questioned, staring at the bruises that were starting to form on his body.
“Yes?” He pushed himself off of the ground and brushed the dirt off of his clothes. “Give it to me. Or else.” Your eyes darkened once again as you snarled at the moth man. He hurriedly made Angel’s contract appear and you grabbed it from him. You ripped it up, effectively ending his contract. “Reader..” The spider demon stared at you in disbelief.
“Do you want a contract with me so this doesn’t happen again?” You asked him, cupping his face gently. “…I’ll think about it. Thank you.” You gave him a gentle kiss to his cheek and led him out of the studio. “This collab is over. If any of you want to come work for me, my address is on that paper.” You pointed to a card you placed down earlier and walked out the door with your boyfriend.
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Bonus Scene
As you arrived back at the hotel, Angel brought you to his room. “I found this new movie I thought you’d LOVE.” He said happily, pulling Fat Nuggets into his arms as he went to grab the movie he spoke about. “You can tell me about your little meeting while we watch it, darlin’. ”
“It was about the same as it normally goes. There was one interesting part, however.” You picked up the popcorn you had made and placed it in the middle of the bed. “Oh? What happened, sweet cheeks?” He started the movie and walked over to you. He sat beside you on the bed and leaned on your shoulder.
“Y’know that girl Velvette?” You leaned back against the pillows as he placed his head onto your chest. “Yeah. She’s part of Val’s group, right?” His hands made its way to your arms as he held them. “Yeah. Her. She made a theory that Carmilla killed that one Angel. It was interesting, to say the least.” You shrugged and placed your arms around Angel’s body. He laughed at your words.
You two then sat in a comfortable silence. Fat Nuggets squeezed between the two of you and laid there. You gently pet his head, along with Angel’s. As the movie progressed, Angel Dust seemed to be thinking of something. “Darling?” He spoke up. “Yes?” You looked down at his beautiful eyes and kissed his forehead.
“Thank you.”
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nunalastor · 4 months
just curious about what your personal interpretation of the alastor charlie dad thing is. do you think he's being 100% sincere and it just comes up quickly cause of the small amount of episodes or are you in the it's a scam to make lucifer super angry camp?
tl;dr - I think he has ulterior motives and pissing off Lucifer is an added just a bonus.
I feel like Alastor has some growing fondness for the gang at the hotel, but he wouldn’t go out of his way for them - and I’m not sure he even would for people he considers his friends. 
The show seems to imply he’s put some distance between himself and everyone. 
Angel: He’s been here a while and is still a big, creepy mystery.
We rarely see him attending group activities, even though he’s usually around. He doesn’t seem to eat with the rest of the gang - we see him having a drink on the balcony of the hotel before Sir Pentious attacks - then later, eating alone in his room when Vaggie comes to ask him to take care of the egg boys. (It’s an interesting contrast to Angel, who’s almost always lounging around on the couch on his phone.)
Even the night before the Extermination when everyone is spending time together, he’s hanging back with Niffty and says these two lines: 
Alastor: It’s been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection.
Alastor: An enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed.
To me, that implies he doesn’t consider himself part of the collective - but he does like them, to some degree. And we see he’s capable of genuinely liking and caring for people, like Mimsy, if we take the relationship at face value. 
But even Mimsy seems to think “friends” isn’t quite the right word for their relationship. She knows she can count on him to protect her and that he likes her company and admires her skill but the way she talks about Alastor seems to imply she sees him as somewhat self-involved: 
Mimsy: Friends? Well, that’s your word not mine but I think it fits.
Mimsy: You don’t actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on. I know you. You heartless son of a bitch.
And when she thanks him for getting rid of the loan sharks, there’s a lot of feed his ego and implying he’s big and strong and powerful and she’s weak and needs him: “what a fantastic show”, “thanks for helping little ol’ me”, “but you love taking care of me”. And that kind of relationship probably feels safe for someone like Alastor, who needs to feel in control.
His relationship with Rosie also seems to have some level of being transactional. She immediately tells him about a deal he could make and says he’s never done her wrong, implying they’ve worked together before to her benefit. 
Rosie: Yo Alastor I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickings for a deal to be made, my friend. 
Rosie: And old Alastor has never done me wrong before.
He seems to even trust her enough to be upfront about his motives about Charlie with her (but that could be misdirection), saying she’s: “filled with potential that [he] can guide” after directly singing about how she’s powerful like her father.
As for Charlie, I think it’s hard for most people to not eventually come around to her in spite of her flaws, and I don’t think Alastor would be an exception. 
But I think at the end of the day, Charlie is a means to an end and Alastor values that end more than he values his current relationship with her.
She’s the princess of hell, with all the power that comes with that. And when singing with Rosie, he mentions “like her daddy [Charlie] is very powerful” and “filled with potential that [he] can guide”.
And Vox himself worries about Alastor’s power if he strikes a deal with Charlie - which is why he sends Sir Pentious to the hotel to try and prevent it:
Vox: We have a problem. Alastor is getting close to little princess Morningstar. So our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer’s brat and that smiling freak. 
Therefore, because Alastor seems to hold everyone at arm’s length, have transactional friendships, and ulterior motives with Charlie, I don’t think he’s being 100% sincere in Best Dad In Hell.
But I also don’t think he was necessarily lying. He is stepping into the role of the dad she desires because it benefits him. All she seems to want from her dad is someone who believes in her and will support her. And he is caring for her in that way if not a traditional sense.
His wording is letting Charlie (and the audience) draw their own conclusions from his actions. 
And he never says how he feels about the idea of the hotel itself - he just says “Charlie has a unique vision” and that they’re “all very proud of her”. And we’ve seen he does seem to be proud of her and find her capable, whatever his motives - (to Rosie: “Surprised? Why I knew she could do it all along” “she’s filled with potential). 
I don’t think Alastor has had a reason to grow attached to Charlie beyond passive fondness (“enjoyable collective to be around”).
But I think Hell's Greatest Dad is a turning point in Alastor and Charlie’s relationship for Charlie because she starts to see Alastor as a contrast to her father and recognizes the extent of how much he’s done. I think it’s also one of the main catalysts in why she was willing to make a deal with him. He’s shady af but he’s the devil you know.
As for why he does what he does with Lucifer, Lucifer threatens the role he’s established for himself in Charlie’s life (mentor, wish granter). And I think that's why he makes an effort to insert himself between them at every opportunity (we’ll give the tour TOGETHER) - and part of the reason he’s so annoyed by Husk interrupting. Because so long as he's antagonizing Lucifer, he can't insert himself back into his daughter's life.
And it's obviously really hard to tell from Alastor's expression how he feels during More Than Anything but to me the look was similar to the one he was wearing while the Egg Boys were annoying him before his eye twitches around them (similar to what he does with Lucifer while she's hugging Charlie).
wow that was a novel sorry lmao
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littlepputo · 3 months
A/N:Crawling out of my cave to bring this long awaited part 2. (Happy late new years)
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"Hb + Hh comforting their S/O after a bad day."
Part1 Part2
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Blitzø is probably one of the last people you would want to go to for comfort, but he was working on the whole comforting thing.
Since you've been there to comfort him, he wants to be there for you too.
You groaned loudly as you walked through the front door of apartment dropping your belongings at the entrance, telling yourself you'd pick them up later.
"Heyyy bitch" Blitzø greeted loudly, his hands wide open as he walked towards you.
In the end you two end up watching one of Blitzøs favorite horse show. Which kida ends up with him spoiling the whole show.
Her personality to the rest of hell is quite different from the one she shows her loving partner. One who's been with her through her break up with Blitzø. And any other relationships she's been in.
So it's not s surprise when she sees her favorite person in all of hell being upset about a day at work or anything that's bothered them through out the day.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"Hey babes." She said as she heard the sound of the front door open, and an annoyed groan that left your mouth.
Clearly upset at someone or even the world itself. Veroskia got up after a few minutes of staring, taking your thing form you placing them down on the dinner table before turning to you.
"Here how about you lay down." She suggested guiding you to the couch. "Tell me what happened."
Ofc she could never pass out on some drama that could have happened at your day at work. Getting everything out of your system really does help.
And Veronika being the way she is totally stood by your said.
even if you were in the wrong
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Angel Dust
Angel Dust knows a thing or two about having a bad if not horrible days.
It's not a surprise when you come back to the hotel, tired and groaning as you flop down on a stool at the bar asking for a drink from Husk.
"Hey sugar." He said walking over to you, putting an arm around you. Taking a seat on a stool next to you at the bar. After a few if not a couple of drinks, and you drunkenly whining about how bad your day was. He drangs you up into his hotel room.
Setting you down on his bed, pulling a blanket over you to get some rest.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘✩✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
Charlie's every observant and a very good listener. So when you come back to the hotel after an outing. Shes quick to pick up in your mood.
After you take a seat next to her on the couch in the parlor, she doesn't push you to talk about it, but when you do she listens.
She might even plan something for you to get you relaxed for the remainder of the day.
After she cares about her partner and will be there for them through thick and thin.
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writersdelight · 3 months
Hiii! I hope you're having a good day. I absolutely adore Husk, I just wanna smother him with hugs 😆
Could you write one with him and reader that takes place the night before extermination day? They love each other but are scared to admit it. Ultimately Angel Dusk convinces him to confess since 'tomorrow is never guaranteed'.
Lots of fluff and love please! Thank you! ❤️
“ I don’t know what to say..”
Husk/Reader fluff before the Extermination. Not long.
Word count: 842
-> Content: Fluff, I hope this is tooth-rotting fluff, swearing, mentions of dying, not-proof read (we die like Adam)
-> Author’s note: My first request! Ajdjdgj. I don’t think I’ve written fluff ever, but I swear I tried my best. Tysm, Anon! I’m having a great day.
Husk hadn’t been interested in making his feelings known during his life and that was all the more prevalent in death. When living in a place like Hell, you gotta be safe, keep your card close to your chest or someone will take advantage of you. He knew that all too well.. but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have certain soft spots..
He liked how you were so genuine, it’s part of what he loves about you. He knows he loves you- he’s good at understanding people and that includes himself. Even if it’s something.. that’s hard for him to admit. Something about the prospect of letting someone in like that is unnerving.
There was only a day left until the Extermination. The rest of the hotel residents were celebrating, trying to live it up before the battle tomorrow. There were some residents who were calmer.. one was Angeldust or well.. Anthony. He appreciated the change he saw in Angel.. Though in the moment with Angel at his bar, he knew the other could tell something was on his mind.
“ …you thinking about tomorrow, whiskers? It got you worried?”
“ ‘Course not. I’m just thinkin’ of how we might run out of booze at this rate.”
Husk laughed the question off, gesturing the empty bottles around the bar. Angel knew that he was lying. With the entire exorcist army about to be on their doorstep, there was practically no chance any of them would making it.. even you. He both loved and hated that you’d be fighting by his side. He loved your passion, the way you wanted to protect your loved ones, but that’s just it: he wants to protect you. You’re safest far away from there.
“ That’s bull and you know it. You’re worried.. but I don’t think you’re worried about you. I think it’s someone else. Someone special to ya~”
As he danced around outright saying the name, he gestured with all four of his hands over to you. You were wrapped up in a conversation with Cherri Bomb at the moment, talking about who knows what. Husk’s gaze followed Angel’s movements… he wasn’t wrong.
“ ……..………”
“ I knew it! You ain’t denying it.”
Angel had a grin on his face as if it was the most satisfying moment in his afterlife (though it certainly wasn’t).
“ You gonna make a move before it’s too late? Say something you need to?”
“….. I don’t think there’s anything I can to say. It’s.. complicated.”
Angel looked at him, taking the situation more seriously than he had before.
“ ….Husk, Buddy, tomorrow ain’t guaranteed. We both know it... so why not go tell your special little someone how you feel..? What’s there to lose?”
The party had died down, most people were talking amongst themselves at this point… He had to gather himself to work up the nerve to go through with the confession. He knew that he loved you, he was almost positive you felt the same way, but that didn’t take the edge off of this type of deal. He took a breath before walking over to you..
“ Hey.. you mind joinin’ me upstairs?”
He wanted to be somewhere more private for this. Just the two of you.
“ I don’t mind at all.. something up?”
“ Nothin’ to worry about, doll.”
He guided you to the stairs. Once you two were at the top, he led you straight to his room.. you had never been in there. It was.. sort of nice. Certainly dingy. It’s exactly what you thought a man like him would have.
“ …what is this about?”
“ ……….”
He took a moment to figure out his words.. how can he say this? There are so many wrong ways to put it and the possibility of doing it right was slim to none.
“…..we might die tomorrow-”
“ I know that. There’s no where I would rather be than here. Someone needs to show these angels what happens when they pick a fight.”
You interrupted.
“ This isn’t about the damn fight- this is about you. Doll… I.. got feelings for you- I love you. I need you to know incase we’re both double dead tomorrow..”
He was almost surprised to hear the words leave his own mouth much less the surprise you felt.. your eyes met his in the moment after he confessed. There was a silence.
You had felt the same way, how couldn’t you? But putting it to words and saying what you both knew aloud..?
“ I-”
Husk couldn’t finish his sentence as you moved, tightly hugging him. You could feel him loosen up slightly, he had been so tense.. slowly he hugged back.
“…I feel the same, Husk.”
He smiled a bit.. his wings wrapped around you, pulling you closer. It was like you two were the only people in all of hell and that’s the way he likes it. You’re one of the best things that’s happened to him.
Tomorrow may not be guaranteed.. but you two will always have tonight.
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sierrrraaawwwwwcgtcvh · 4 months
Childhood friends reunite carmilla
You internally groaned as your boss told you to go pick up weapon shipments. He gave you the address, but not the company name. So, that sucked.
You kinda needed the company's name but it was already too late. He walked away to deal with some other business so it was just you and your thoughts. You grumbled out curses as you took a truck and drove to the address.
As you neared the address of the weapons, you couldn't help but feel nervous. It was only you getting the shipments and the place was.. heavily deserted. Maybe because they wanted to make sure you were the right person..?
You chuckled nervously as you pulled up to the address a warehouse quickly coming into view as you  parked the truck near the warehouse and got out. Oh! You quickly entered your truck again for the paperwork and then finally exited the truck and shut the door behind you.
You walked towards the warehouse as you saw two men hellhounds guarding a door, talking to each other.
Oh what the hell. You thought to yourself as you walked up to the men and cursed yourself out in your mind. You really should've brought other people with you. 
The two men quickly turned to look at you with serious expressions on their faces.
"Who are you?" One grunted as he walked towards you.
"Uhm.. I'm just here to collect weapon shipments?.. do you want the paperwork?" The man raised an eyebrow at you before holding out his hand.
You quickly handed over the paperwork and he looked it over, sparing a glance at you every so often.
He then turned and nodded to the other that was still guarding the door.
The one guarding the door turned around and opened it as he gestured for you to head inside.
As you walked inside, you noticed angelic weapons everywhere. Most in boxes, others out in the open. The man with the paperwork followed after you before guiding you to an office.
You entered the office with the man as a person sat at a desk, the chair turned around so you couldn't see them. "What is it now? This better not be a waste of my time." The person, you quickly realized was a woman, spoke as the man cleared his throat before speaking.
"There is someone here to collect weapon shipments, ma'am." 
"Who?" She spoke as the man walked over to her and handed the paperwork.
"Hmm." She hummed as you awkwardly stood in front of her desk.
Who is this woman? Why does she sound so familiar? You pondered as you heard the chair make a noise.
The woman had turned the chair around and her eyes widened in surprise. You supposed she wasn't expecting you to be there.
You glanced at the woman, then the man. Wait what? You did a double-take as the woman reminded you of someone you met prior to your adult-life. Some you met during childhood perhaps?
"Carmilla?" Her name spilled from your lips before you even registered that it was her.
The man raised a brow at you as Carmilla waved him off. The man opened his mouth to protest but Carmilla quickly shut him down. "Go, now. Don't make me repeat myself." She sneered as the man nodded and left the office, shutting the door behind himself.
Carmilla, you met her when you were little. Granted.. you were only friends for a couple years until she left but you still remembered her.
She said your name as you quickly snapped out of your thoughts. "What're you doing?" She asked as her gaze towards you softened.
"Um.. my job?" You awkwardly chuckled as she made a gesture towards one of the seats in-front of her desk.
"Well, this is quite a surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you. Not that it was bad or anything, just.. it's been awhile."
You nodded in response, "It really has been awhile." You agreed with her as she nodded.
"How come you're working for a small company? I figured someone like you would be having a well-paying job." She chuckled as she leaned her head against her hand.
"Well, I haven't really.. made an effort I suppose. But hey! Look at you, you've got yourself a good job!" You smiled at her.
"Yes, I suppose I do have a good job." 
"What's your position? If you don't mind me asking." You watched as her eyes widened.
"Oh my, well. I thought you knew.." she laughed as you stared at her, confused.
"Knew what?" You asked as she smiled in response.
"That I'm an overlord, and the CEO of the company." 
Word count: 785
Platonic :)
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avonne-writes · 1 month
Angel AU drabble
A lot of people asked about this AU, so here's a little drabble to hold you over until I can start writing this story 😇 Read the premise here
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Invisible to the human eye, Gale follows his ward everywhere he goes. After a few years of careful guidance, humans tend to become more independent, and then he has time to pick up a second or even a third case, but John is a rescue. He’s going to need all of Gale's attention for a much longer time if his soul is to be saved. It’s exciting to be challenged with such a difficult ward. Neglected by an incompetent guardian - who's now demoted to administrator - he went down the path towards Hell. Gale's priority is to guide him back. His second, more personal goal is to make him happy too. They’ll have to see how John manages, but Gale will do his best.
Currently, they're on a dirty bus that coughs a trail of smoke as it chugs on towards the most dangerous neighbourhoods of the city. Gale tried to discourage John from boarding the repulsive vehicle, but his suggestion was ignored. It’s only their first day though - Gale just has to find the right technique to get through the wounded exterior of his soul. For now, he just settles down beside John and radiates an aura that keeps people from sitting next to him. He can tell that a stranger's closeness would distress John.
There are earbuds in John's ears. Gale examines them curiously, leaning in real close to see the emotions flickering through John's mind as he listens to the music. Human music has always fascinated Gale. He used to wonder if humans were trying to find the tunes of Heaven, but he knows that's not the case ever since he discovered rap music. He wants to learn John's musical taste. It could come in handy if Gale wants to influence his mood in the future.
The bus rolls to a stop, and John moves to get off. Again, Gale tries to hold him back. This isn’t a good place - he can already see the stains of malice peeling off the walls of a house by the bus stop, like a black, rotten layer of skin. He knocks a woman's suitcase over and makes a backpacker move to block John's way, but John is determined. He shoulders his way out of there and gets off the bus.
Outside, the night greets him with a chill and cruel blows of the wind. John's bruised face hurts as he squints against it. As he takes off towards an alleyway, Gale makes that wind stronger, even though his own nose wrinkles at the smell of depravity it blows out from the direction they're headed.
"Why don’t you go back home? You could take a hot shower there." He tells John gently. If he talks to John from the ethereal plane, his words form suggestions in John's mind, ideas that he thinks are his own. It's the easiest tool to use. Humans usually go along with what they call their sixth sense. And indeed, John stops. But a moment later, he squares his shoulders and resumes his steps.
Gale frowns. He has to step up his game.
They enter an establishment that Gale identifies as a nightclub. A shady one. Spilled drinks sticky on the floor, cigarette smoke, knives tucked into pockets, unprotected sex in the putrid bathroom. Gale can hear, see and smell it all as he traces John's steps, but his senses also reach beyond that. The place is swarming with demons and malicious spirits. Their waste litters the ethereal plane and clings to Gale's feet until he blasts it off in disgust.
His feathers ruffle. Behind him, his wings move from their relaxed position to a casual back-shield. He doubts that the slimy creatures cowering from him in the corners would attack him, but it never hurts to be cautious. As it is, the sea of demons threaded through the dancing human crowd parts for him, hissing at his light. His lower ranking siblings, those few who had the strength to brave this place, all seem to breathe a sigh of relief when he nods at them in greeting.
"Sir." They say as he passes.
"Keep up the good work." He replies calmly.
John doesn’t stop on the dance floor, so he doesn’t linger either, no matter how much fun it is to see the cowardly demons skitter, scared that he might smite them. He follows John to the back of the club, then out into the alley behind it.
There, they wait. It’s raining. Water soaks through John's hoodie. The residue of malevolent beings falls from the sky with every raindrop. Soon enough, Gale’s brushing its black soot off his wings. His iridescent white feathers contrast harshly with it.
"You don’t want to do this." He tells John. "Come on, why don't we get out of here?"
As if in reply, John mutters to himself. "The fuck am I doing here."
Gale smiles. "You don’t belong here."
He can feel the ideas battling in John's head, and he tastes the sweet scent of a step in the right direction, but suddenly, in a sharp twist, John's thoughts plummet into despair. Unpleasant memories swirl in his mind. "Right where I belong."
Gale's wings twitch. This won't be easy. They have a long road ahead of them, don't they?
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7hrsh · 2 months
𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒌 | 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!OC
(note: this story was inspired by @saturncodedstarlette 's lucifer drabbles)
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Whenever a human soul is born on earth, they are automatically assigned an angel to guide and guard them throughout their lives. A guardian angel can only guide them in choosing the right decision to be on the correct path in life but of course, not every human can pick the best choice for themselves. Guardian angels are present to record and witness how a human chooses to control their lives, with this they will be able to put them under divine judgment to see if they are to be put in heaven or hell.
Unknown to the humans of today’s earth, the angel who was tasked to guide the first man and woman, failed and had to face consequences.
There’s only a handful of angels that God himself acknowledges, most of them being seraphims. One of his sons, Lucifer, is a seraphim himself. An angel with an explosive personality, beloved by fellow residents in their realm. His love for animals is as big as his heart, passionately telling and teaching the angelic residents how amazing those creatures are, especially his favorite, which are adorable winged birds, one he cannot seem to avoid talking about. Lucifer indeed is a charming lad no matter what he does. He has his way of enchanting people to listen to him.
With this, most of the angelic residents know of Lucifer. Another one of the seraphim, Yvaine was captivated by his natural charm. An Angel beloved by many, one who is also acknowledged by God due to her kindness and how the heaven-born residents can rely on her most of the time. The two of them met through mutual connections which is by Sera, being close in age and as two of the youngest seraphim, the both of them instantly clicked and became friends.
The two of them spent most of their time together as they talked about how the earth probably has different kinds of creatures.
“Thank you for watching over the little ones, Yvaine. They seem to be very fond of you and enjoy your presence.” one of the heaven-born elders flashed Yvaine a smile as the children ran around the place. It seems as if Yvaine voluntarily goes to this facility to teach the little ones about heaven and the goodness of oneself. “It’s no problem, I like taking care of these little angels. They are very attentive listeners despite being an energetic bunch,” she answered as she knelt down to match the little one’s eye level while pinching their cheeks and patting their head making the little angel giggle. “Will we be able to see you again, the next day, miss?” The little one asked, Yvaine looked at them, shook her head, and gave them a sad smile. “I won’t be able to visit you all the next few days, unfortunately, I have to work on some of my duties but don’t worry I’ll visit you once I get free time.” she smiled.
“Oh, it seems that my friend is here. I have to go now, I’ll see you soon!” She looks at the entrance of the place and sees Lucifer standing there patiently as he waits for her. The little angel waved goodbye to Yvaine as she sauntered towards her friend. “Lucifer, you’re just on time. I see that you have your book with you. Did you teach them about the winged creatures on Earth?” she asked, chuckling and showing him an adorable smile. “Well, It seems that there are more unknown creatures on earth that fly and crawl around it. So, I had to check it out with my magic.” Lucifer replied, giving his book a tap as he lifted it up to face her.
“Really now? Why don't you talk to me about it as we go on our way?” She asked, looking at her friend who's eyes sparkled and grin growing bigger than ever. He's always been a curious one, fascinated by the beauty and mystery of such creatures that marvel on earth. Never has he not talked about them without any hint of passion in his voice, he adored them clearly.
Eons passed and their bond remained stronger than ever, some even thought of them as a couple seeing as they were glued to the hip. Even God himself found it intriguing, witnessing the blossoming relationship between the two.
A perfect obedient angel with his son Lucifer, he pondered at the thought of the two being together. He knows that Lucifer is often going out and about all his creations on earth, learning and teaching fellow angels about its inhabitants and the peaceful life there is at present. While there is Yvaine, one who is willing to listen to Lucifer's ramblings indulging in his fascination with such mere creatures. An angel who is able to keep up with him and keep him in check. A perfect match, God thought.
Hence, why he decided to put matters into his own hands. Grabbing his quilt, God began to write down a letter to pass on Sera who shall break the news contained in the scroll to both of the younger seraphim.
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eggcats · 20 days
I'm still working on chap3 (I have a bunch of unconnected little things, but I'm a bit stuck on how to connect them quite yet - but hopefully soon I'll he able to write and edit)
But instead I decided to write a "current day" slice of life fic, based on my AU, where they meet Charlie and the Happy Hotel
(some ideas came from @shizukasobsessions and my replies in the comments of my fic♥️)
There's so many different pieces here tho, lmao - like, Alastor killed Valentino and took Angel's soul to replace him as the overlord of porn, to prevent Angel from failing he gave him Husk to guide him on being an overlord, (Alastor refers to Angel as solely Anthony, the less he thinks of the pornography offshoot of their media empire, the better)
Vox is still the face of their company, Voxtek is still named after him (Alastor has no issues taking a more behind the scenes role, there's a reason he WAS the radio demon but mostly got that name from torturing souls on the radio, not by trying to force everyone to only listen to his radio show - he has no issues with Vox doing just that with television/hypnosis but he doesn't mind allowing him to truly embrace his cult-leader personality here. Vox is still his housewife behind closed doors, tho, Alastor just doesn't want to hobble him in any way)
So it's really funny to think Charlie is just dealing with overlord after overlord (and one former) as she's trying to run her hotel
I'm thinking in this AU, Angel/Anthony decides to let some of his employees stay and try out the whole "redemption " thing, as long as Charlie gives them a safe place to stay rent free - in my AU, Angel was originally owned by Valentino when Alastor killed him, so Angel not only knows what brings people to his studio, he knows he can't protect them all - hence his agreement with the princess of hell
However, Angel and Vox are friends (Husk's #1 piece of advice to him, while Angel was freaking out that his soul chain changed hands along with a bunch of new responsibilities, was "make Vox like you - if Vox likes you then you're almost entirely safe from Alastor, trust me, I know it looks the other way but it's not")
(Angel now does genuinely like Vox, and they get along pretty well, but he will admit - if only to himself - that he originally became his friend to prevent from being torn to pieces like he watched happen to Valentino)
Alastor still obviously doesn't believe in redemption, but the only reason he's there at the hotel is because Vox asked him to be (and Vox is there because Angel asked him on behalf of Charlie for some advertising for the hotel)
And @proshipper-on-ship mentioned the Chaggie parallels of Charlie finding Vaggie at a dumpster, and Alastor doing the same, and I thought it'd be really funny to have their first meetings come up
Charlie, awkward but trying to come to terms with the truly alarming amount of Overlords in her hotel: "So...how'd you two meet?"
Alastor, smiling as he finally can set up his punchline: "Found him in an alley and brought him home with me."
Charlie, super excited: "OHMIGOSH, that's basically how I met Vaggie!! How'd you find him?! I was looking for anyone to help after the Extermination!"
Alastor: "I sensed someone using my radio waves and immediately went in search of who."
Charlie, actively looking at Alastor like he's as harmless as a kitten: "OhEmGee that's so sweet! And you were just going to take him under your wing but then you fell in love?!"
Alastor, deadpan: "No, I was going to kill him."
Charlie, looking exactly like 😦: "What."
Alastor: "He wasn't a radio, though, so I decided to let him live."
Vox, with his screen in his hands: "Alastor, you gotta stop telling people that."
Alastor, thinks it's secretly very funny: "Why not, it's the truth, darling?"
I just love the idea that Charlie, for a second, thinks Alastor might be as soft and kindhearted as herself as she sees similarities in their relationships, and then Alastor just immediately breaking the illusion.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Afterlife :Jason Todd x plus-size!fem!reader
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credit for the graphic goes to @3-minnnn (amazing work, I love it, hope you don't mind me using it here)
This is part 2 of Retaliation i.e. what happened after.
@jasontoddsthickbabe - special dedication goes for you :)
Warning : a bit of smut, so MINORS DNI!
Regardless of what people say, death is not the end.
Jason Todd had experienced that well enough. After all, his end was rudely interrupted by some crazy people who couldn’t just leave him be.
Anyhow, every culture has their own belief of what is waiting on the other side.
Angels, demons, jackal-headed gods to judge your actions and your soul, virgin, feasts etc.
Heaven or Hell.
Eternal pain or eternal happiness.
So many people try to believe there is something bigger than them in this world, some higher instance.
But death is also not what they claim to be a new beginning, a new story.
In some cultures, afterlife is pretty much the reflection of the life on earth with all the familiar places and people. Maybe without so much pain and hurt, but still. Surprisingly similar.
But the place she found herself in was neither of those.
First of all, it was so dark, she could barely see her own hand in front of her face.
Secondly, it was empty and cold and impossible to judge how big this place was.
And last, but not least, it was cold to the point where she started believing it could not be hell, unless someone made a stupid bet, ending starting from "the hell my freeze, but..."
For what she knew, she could have been standing on the edge of some cliff and nothing more than a step would make her fall and crash on whatever was down there.
How the hell did she got here?
And where exactly was here?
Slowly, the memories started coming back.
The capturing, the torture, the fight ….
The fight. Oh no. Last thing she could remember was Jason's pale, terrified face and desperate grip on her body as she started drifting off in his arms.
Wait, was she dead?
Instinctively she reached towards her neck where, as she recalled, Marseille dragged his knife, almost expecting to find a scar, or even still bleeding injury. But there was nothing. Maybe a bit of roughness, barely palpable.    
 Poor Jason.
Her heart clenched when his name came onto her mind, picking up the pace, hands started trembling. Atop of previous layers of trauma he’s been through, now she added to it.  Fuck, she died in his arms! He literally had her blood on his hands!
If she wasn’t already dead, she would probably hurt herself for bringing that on him. A single though that it was not her fault and she was the victim, not a perpetrator did not cross her mind for even a second.
Come on, Y/N, think. You are familiar with the bats. They have come back to life more times than any average person should be allowed to. How did they do that? Apart from the Lazarus Pit, of course. Think, think.
"Hello?" she called, not really expecting an answer and her voice echoed through the empty place.
"Hello, Y/N." the response got her by surpise and she jumped, startled. "Don't be afraid. You called and I came."
"Yeah, I.... um..... well" she stuttered. so many questions creeping in, all of them so cliche.
"It's ok." the newly arrived person assured, their face covered by the hood of the coat they were wearing "It's ok to ask."
"Am I .... dead?"
"It depends."
"What?" she scoffed "how can it depend? It's either yes or no. I mean I can't be half-dead, right?"
"Oh, please" the girl rolled her eyes, now rather annoyed than scared "if you have to start a sentence from technically we are all doomed. I just... "
"Come with me. I'have to show you something. "
"And who are you exactly?"
"Think of me as your guide. You people have an inexplicable tendency to give name to everything and if that's the case with you, you can call me Shadow." they grabbed her hand and dragged her straight forward into something she so righteously believed to be the abyss.
"Where the hell did you take me?"
"Just be quiet and observe."
“Jason. You need to rest. You’ve been sitting by her bed for 48 hours straight.”
“Fuck off.”
“Be reasonable.”
“I said fuck off, Grayson.”
"Come on, bro. You won't help her in any way by beating yourself up." Dick put his hand on Jason's arm making the younger boy shudder and sigh deeply.
"I need to be with her, Dick. Just... a little more."
"Fine. But I will take over soon, is that all right? You know you should have some rest in a bed and maybe have a shower.
"I know."
Jason was the perfect example of misery and despair. Ever since what happened in that barracks he could not focus on anything else than her. He wasn’t eating, he wasn’t sleeping, spending all the time by his love’s bedside in a hospital room. Of course, Wayne money provided her with the best medical care that could have been bought, but he still did not trust any of those doctors. He was in his full alert mode, refusing to leave even for a second, observing each of the actions with cold, threatening gaze which made some of the doctors tremble. If it wasn’t for Dick, with his lighter attitude, most of them would probably run away.
It was a miracle, Y/N was still breathing and Jason was not taking any chances on that. If he had protected her better, she would be now laughing with him, holding hands and just spending time together in the best health. Instead, she was lying in the hospital bed, plugged to all those crazy medical equipment that were supposed to keep her alive. The cut on her neck was capably stitched, but the risk of it leaving scars was extremely high. She looked so small, fragile, pale and vulnerable.
And it was all his fault.
And he could not think of any way to recover from this, except for begging for her forgivness, if when she wakes up.
"Oh, Jay....." she whispered, few tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh, my love" she took a few step forward, in desperate attempt to touch him and hold him, but she was a ghost without any material form "I am so sorry...."
"I am so sorry, baby." Jason spoke at the same time, almost as if he could hear her. "Please come back to me...." he sobbed, grabbing her limp, cold hand carressing it gently "I need you."
"I'm right here, baby."
"You do realise he cannot hear you, right?"
"I don't give a single...."
"fuck" she smirked and finished the sentence despite Shadow's warning "I don't give a single fuck."
"For someone who's on the verge of saying goodbye to mortal life you have quite the humor. How about you take a look at yourself, instead of focusing on your lover boy, huh? Go ahead" they motioned towards the bed. "Sneak a peek at your broken mortal body."
As much as she did not want to, it was like his verbal nudge made her leg move without her thinking. She came closer towards, well, herself and froze at the spot. It was like looking in the mirror, just a tad more creepy. Bruises on her face, stiches on her neck and barely moving chest made Y/N shiver. And all that blinding white, underlying any lack of color on her. Seriously, why all the medical establishments insisted on using this color.
"How does it feel looking at yourself like that? Freaked out already?" Shadow asked, but much to his suprise Y/N turned her back towards the bed, facing Jason instead, muttering something under her nose, still reaching for him. "Ekhem, I'm sorry what are you doing?"
"I couldn't care less about myself. I've been with all the bats for so long that no injury can really scare me. But he ....." she shook her head "I can feel his pain.... so much of it."
"It's normal" shadow shrugged "you two had a connection."
"connection?!" she yelled standing up abruptly "I love him!! And you...." suddenly she felt taller and stronger "you better tell me how to get back to him."
"I don't .... you don't ...."
"I am not joking right now!" her eyes were so full of fire it made her guide tremble a bit. "Talk or I swear I will tear this whole place down and burn it to the ground. And if you are not willing to cooperate, I will be more than happy to talk to your supervisor or whoever the fuck .... what is that?" sudden warmth spreading on her forehead took her by surprise and she turned around only to notice Jay, leaning over her body and kissing her gently.
"Just hold on there, baby. I know it's tempting to stay on the other side and leave this fuckign city behind, but I can't help being selfish. I am here and I'm waiting for you. Please, find your way back."
"NOW!' she yelled at the Shadow again. She would rather tear her heart out than watch any more minute of Jason like this.
"I...... Fine, there's one way, but you are not going to like it."
“I just need to cross the bridge? That’s all?”
“Huh, good luck with that. We call it “the aisle of memories” for a reason. You must be truly desperate to refer to this.”
“Maybe. Or I am just deeply in love. And so it happens the recipient of it is currently losing his mind over my unconscious body. Fuck, he is almost praying! Jason! almost praying. And fuck me if I am going to let him plunge into despair.”
“Good luck then. You’re gonna need it.”
“How hard can it possibly be?” she shrugged and took the first step.
Time in the afterlife passes differently than in corporeal world. What seemed like hours for Y/n, was days and weeks for Jason. Extremely long days and weeks when he was spending days in her hospital room, napping on the armchair, refusing to let go of her hand and nights at patrolling in his Red Hood attire, much more violent and unpredictable than ever before. Even Dick and Bruce could no nothing to stop him, but honestly, as long he was not killing people again and avoided increasing his body count they were fine with it. If they even think of trying to stop him he would turn into a rabid animal, probably tearing down the manor. It was better to let him use all that rage, despair and fury on the field.
However, no one missed, how every night for the past two weeks after a patrol, he could not sleep. Instead of laying in his own bed, he was walking around like a ghost, constantly spotting her favorite things at the manor. The books she loved reading most, her chipped cup, she forbid Alfred to throw away, her cherished blanket…. The same blanket they used to cover themselves with while cuddling during watching the movies. Fuck, he missed all those little things, they were doing together. He missed her hugs, the way she was snuggling into him, making him feel like someone important. Like someone worth love.
And he just had to fuck it up.
Shadow was right.
Passing the bridge turned out to be slightly more difficult then she thought it would.
Just as she took the first step the anthropomorphic personifications of her past mistakes and fears materialized and of course, they took the form of Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian.
“Hello, Y/N” fake Dick smiled at her, his smile being lick-alike of this of the real Grayson
“Where are you going?” Tim pouted
“Leaving us so soon, baby?” Jason added
“don’t you think you’ve done enough damage, Y/L/N? Damian eyed her warningly
“do you remember the time you could not fight those guys in the alley and Jay had to come to rescue, getting badly hurt in the process?”
“Shut up, Dick!” she hissed taking a step forward, even though the guilt made her leg lead-like.
“Is that a way to talk to your friend? Almost brother?”
“You are not my brother.”
“You’re right. I am your pride. The one you never show and yet everyone around you see. Aren’t you just the most conceited?”
“I am not conceited!”
“Sure, sure, you keep telling yourself that.”
“It’s not true….” She focused on walking forward, turning deaf ear to Dick’s words.
“Competitive. Always trying to prove your point. Getting your own way. Individualistic. That is just painful, sweetheart. You want to cause me pain? Just like that one time when you were supposed to navigate me during patrol? Just like you did Tim?” he spat and disappeared into thin air.
“Tim?” she made a mistake of hesitating and felt the bricks slip from her feet making her fall to the ground. So that is how this was working. Heavy legs and  mind traps. “I never hurt any of you!” it took a lot of strength to stand up and yet she managed to resume her walking.
“Really?” Tim asked “Little Miss Smarty Pants? Little Miss Expert on Technology? You always though yourself better than me, didn’t you?”
“I admired your work, Tim.”
“And yet you destroyed it.”
“How….” she tripped again, this time cutting her leg that started bleeding heavily “fuck….” Tim just laughed at her.
“I am your greed….” He flashed a predatory smile “such big ambitions and definitely too high treshold for your little feet. Poor, sweet girl, never fulfilling your aspirations. Remember that one time you lose to me in a competition. How did that feel?”
“Please, stop….” She gasped, feeling sudden pain in the chest, bending her to the ground “It’s not true….”
“Hm” Tim vanished and the youngest Wayne came into the scene. She was almost crawling forward now, and it was ironic how this little fella was towering over her, mocking poor girl with his gaze “Aren’t you just pathetic?
“Let me guess….” She hissed “you are vengeance, aren’t you?”
“Not even close.” He smirked “ I am fear.”
“Fe… fear?”
“What else? I am to remind you of all those time you acted like a coward. Burying your head in the sand, to put it lightly. Waiting for someone to take action instead of  doing it yourself. Such a shame….” He cluck
“I never….”
“Let me think….” Damian tapped his chin and stepped on her back, stopping her from moving. Now this was embarrassing. “Oh, I know. The shooting. You had all the resources and skills to stop those attackers. And what did you do? You run. And yet, you still think we would need you back there. You are an useless menace. A liability.”
“I run to save two girls from dying because of the bullets!” she squirmed and crawled some more, now seeing little square of light at the end of the bridge. Probably the exit “You cannot… stop me….”
“Maybe. But I know someone who can. I’ll leave you two alone.” He laughed and followed his brothers out of sight.
“Oh, no…”
“Y/N.” Jason stood in her way blocking it. Of course they left him at the end. His brothers waited and weakened her enough so that a single word coming from him would break her.
He’s not real, he’s not real. The real Jason is waiting for you on the other side, weeping and ….
“You think I am not real?” his initial smile turned upside down “How about I show you?” with one move of his hands, he grabbed her waist pulling her close to his chest and connecting their lips, kissing her so gently, but with so much fire. How could this be fake if it felt so good? “My baby…” he cooed pulling back and cupping her cheek “how about you stay with me? Here. We would be together, forever” his lips moved to her cheek and neck, sending goosebumps all over her skin. Involuntarily, she arched her back towards him, wanting more, remembering how good it felt to have him so close and how long it was since she had his hands on lips on all her curves.
“Jay…..” she whined, losing all her focus, hands tangling in his hair.
“I’m here baby…. Let me make you feel good….”
“Ah….” She whined when he reached under her shirt, grabbing her breast and massaging it gently through the thin material of the bra “Please….”
“Tell me what you want, princess….”
“Take it off….” She tugged on his shirt and he quickly exposed himself to her, letting her hands roam his body freely. His abs, his pecs, his chest, his neck. All of him. “I need you….”
“I know baby… “ he muttered, kissing her again, grabbing her ass and wrapping her legs around his waist “always so desperate for me. Tell me” he unhooked her bra and tossed it away, licking her sensitive skin “does that feel good?”
“It can always be like this. You just have to stay. Let go of what was. Stay with me. Here. You don’t need anything else. I was made especially for you….”
Those words were like a bucket of cold water on her hot skin and she pulled away instantly. Not without mentally cursing herself for that action.
Come back to me.
I need you.
Don’t leave me.
Those words started echoing through her head like a mantra.
“You are not my Jay.” She jumped away from him, covering her bare chest, now feeling embarrassed
“I am, baby, look at me. I told you, I’m yours…”
“Get away from me! Who are you?!”
“I am regret.” He smirked “don’t tell me you don’t feel guilty for falling for that little trap? For being so desperate for touch that you were just ready to let me take you right here right now.”
“But I did not.”
“How does that make anything better, princess? You still want me.”
“What I want” she hissed, forcing her legs forward and ducking under his arms, almost reaching that light. “is to get to my Jason back. You did not use me or turn me bad. If anything you showed me how much love I hold for the version of you that’s sitting my bed. And guess what?” she flashed him a smile “I won.”
Sharp exhale and beeping of the medical machine keeping Y/N alive made him jump on his feet instantly and turn around in search for a potential threat. Instead he met with shocked and terrified gaze of his beloved girl. Fully conscious.
“Y/N?” he asked carefully, mindful of the fact that she just woke up from two and a half week of coma and he was far from good looking. Fuck. He could have at least wore a clean T-shirt.
“Jason!” she cried, reaching her arms towards him and he could not care less about the look or the clothes as he rushed to her side, bringing her into his embrace, caressing her back, smelling her soft her, kissing her cheek and temple and forehead, over and over and over.
“My love.” He whisper “my princess. My baby. God, I was so scared for you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But I’m back now. I’m back to you.” she hid face in that smelly shirt of his, not caring either “I’m back.” Her grip grew a bit tighter.
“And I won’t ever let you go anywhere far from me again. consider yourself being put under a house arrest.”
“As long as you stay with me.”
“Always.” He assured “right after I take my revenge. No one would ever hurt you again, I’ll make sure of that.”
“Yes, princess?”
“Can you do something for me?”
“I need you to teach me how to fight.”
To be continued <?>  
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Lucifer? Couldn't you just declare Babies and children as unable to be binded by a contract? Like they can't make deals, can't 'inherent' them and can't make any that would start to be binding when they reach adulthood. That wouldn't free Husk, but it would free Freya and the unborn one. And countless children in hell, probably. Wouldn't be too different from the laws many places on earth have
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Husk: *continues to struggle, his desperation turning into outright panic. Angel Dust tightens his grip, trying to calm him down, but Husk’s cries and thrashing only grow louder. The commotion draws the attention of Lucifer, who swiftly appears in the corridor, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the scene.*
Lucifer: *voice commanding* What is going on here?
Husk: *sobbing, still struggling against Angel* I can’t leave Freya alone! Alastor put a claim on her—he says he owns her soul! I’m scared he’ll take her away!
Lucifer: *expression shifts from confusion to a stern, protective anger as he processes Husk’s words. He steps forward, placing a reassuring hand on Husk's shoulder.*
Lucifer: *calm but firm* Husk, listen to me. No one, not even Alastor, can lay claim to a soul without my permission. I promise you, Freya is safe here.
Husk: *breathing heavily, looking up at Lucifer with wide, fearful eyes* But he said—
Lucifer: *interrupting* Whatever he said, he does not have the power to take her soul. I will personally ensure her safety and get to the bottom of this. But right now, you need to take care of yourself and your unborn child.
Angel Dust: *seeing Husk beginning to calm, loosens his grip slightly but keeps a supportive arm around him. Husk's resistance wanes, exhaustion and the emotional toll evident on his face.*
Angel Dust: *softly* See, Husk? Freya’s going to be okay. Lucifer will handle it. But you need to get back to the infirmary.
Husk: *finally relenting, tears still streaming down his face* Okay...okay. Just... please, don't let anything happen to her.
Lucifer: *nodding resolutely* You have my word. Now go, rest and recover. We need you strong for both your children.
*With Angel Dust gently guiding him, Husk finally allows himself to be led back to the infirmary, his worry for Freya slightly eased by Lucifer’s assurances*
Lucifer: *his demeanor imposing and unyielding, makes his way to Alastor's quarters. He finds Alastor lounging in his room, clearly annoyed at the disturbance.*
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Alastor: *voice dripping with irritation* Lucifer, to what do I owe the displeasure of being awakened at this hour?
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Lucifer: *eyes blazing with authority* We need to talk, Alastor. It's about Husk and his children.
Alastor: *raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence* Oh? And what about them?
Lucifer: *steps closer, towering over Alastor* Husk mentioned that you claimed ownership over his daughter, Freya, and the unborn baby. Explain yourself.
Alastor: *sighs theatrically* Decades ago, Husk made a deal with me. In exchange for saving his power, I claimed his soul. Through that claim, any offspring of his also fall under my ownership. It's all very straightforward, really.
Lucifer: *voice cold and commanding* You have no right to claim Freya or the unborn child. They are not yours, and they never will be.
Alastor: *smirks, leaning back* Oh, Lucifer, you of all people should understand how deals work. Husk’s soul belongs to me, and by extension, so do his children. It’s the fine print that matters.
Lucifer: *leaning in, his presence menacing* You seem to forget whose domain this is, Alastor. Deals or not, I am the ultimate authority here. Those children belong to their parents, and no one else. You will release any claim you believe you have on them immediately.
Alastor: *eyes narrowing, annoyance flickering* And if I refuse?
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Lucifer: *voice dangerously low* Then you will face consequences far beyond your comprehension. I am the Morning Star, and my word is law in this realm. You will not harm or claim what is not rightfully yours.
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*There’s a tense silence as the two powerful figures lock eyes, the air crackling with latent power. Finally, Alastor breaks the silence with a begrudging smile.*
Alastor: *with a mock bow* Very well, Lucifer. Consider your decree acknowledged. I will release my claim on Freya and the unborn child. But remember, Husk’s soul is still mine.
Lucifer: *straightens, his expression still hard* Husk's soul may be bound to you by a deal, but his children are off-limits. If you violate this agreement, you will answer to me.
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Alastor: *waves a dismissive hand* Understood. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back to my rest.
*Lucifer turns on his heel and leaves, his mind already turning to how he can further protect Husk and his family. He knows Alastor is not to be trusted, but for now, the immediate threat is dealt with.*
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
No because in an arc where the page is so important.
How are the decay of angels letting Atsushi, the guide to the book itself run free?
I mean Dazai's in prison, Ranpo's on the run, the rest of the agency are incriminated and are being hunted down.
But while Nikolai fights Atsushi, he says it himself that Atsushi isn't a murder target. And he leaves him stuck underground but Atsushi can still escape.
Sure people come and would presumably arrest him on sight because he's part of the agency.
But they aren't soilders, they're the forensics team.
And not for nothing I think Atsushi could handle them before backup was called and get away.
I'm glad Kyouka went after him but Atsushi wasn't really in any immediate danger after Nikolai left.
It's only after they escape that shit gets complicated. But even than Atsushi isn't attacked by the Hunting Dogs until hes left to face Fukuchi.
Who has no qualms about killing him.
And it's not like Fukuchi cares for Atsushi's safety nor needs him alive or something.
I mean Fukuchi tells Akutugawa straight up to kill Atsushi if he wishes to join his ranks.
Which does make me wonder if his plan was to kill Atsushi, and make him a vampire instead.
And that's why no ones tried to kill Atsushi till now.
With Akutugawa suspecting they were after Atsushi (without knowing about the vampire shit) and thus Akutugawa made his own strategy to give Atsushi an escape route.
Remember Fukuchi was going to go back in time and prevent Atsushi from escaping.
Until backup showed up and he realised how complicated it would've made the time line to stop Atsushi from escaping.
Also the back up only showed up because Akutugawa chose not to kill that one guy.
So Fukuchi doesn't go after Atsushi. But it could be why Vampire Akutugawa still attacks and than bites Atsushi.
Remember Fukuchi is still controlling him.
But on the other hand, Atsushi surviving might've also been part of the plan.
Not on Fukuchi's part but Fyodor's.
First of all, because Nikolai keeping Atsushi alive was presumably him following Fyodor's instructions.
Second of all, Atsushi being free is how the Guild comes into play.
When Atsushi goes to Fitzgerald for help, he's in the middle of squaring off with Nathaniel, who we know is working for Fyodor.
And who later shows up at the Sky Casino and ties a string of blood to Atsushi.
Not one made to kill him like the one with Fitzgerald, but one to follow him.
A plan that was stopped by Lucy, who Dazai names on the imaginary prison chess board as his Queen.
So Dazai would be aware, hell he may have suspected both outcomes. He did meet with Akutugawa prior to all of this afterall.
And well it's not the first time Dazai has let himself get captured to figure out what someone wants with Atsushi.
Fyodor has said numerous times that he wants the book, not the page but the book.
He's the one who put the bounty on Atsushi in the first place. And why the Guild captured him and were gonna incinerate everyone in Yokohama but Atsushi.
To find the book.
Yes the page is part of the book but it's only got two sides. And is kinda treated as it's own entity, which I'm guessing is because it's separate from the book now.
For what Fyodor's got planned he needs the whole book, which Atsushi is the key too.
I think if Fyodor wanted Atsushi alive it's because if Atsushi became a vampire even if he aided Fyodor, ultimately he'd still be under Fukuchi's control.
Fyodor who's directly called out as someone who trust anyone he can't control.
Fyodor and Fukuchi are both apart of the same organisation, though they share different end goals one thing is certain: They need the book.
And for that they need Atsushi.
It's just whether they care if he comes to them alive or dead.
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Villain: Attero, The Ledgermaker
One-fifty-one thousand, six hundred people die/
Every day on Earth/
And if that's not a reason to cry/
Well, it's an awful lot of paperwork/
-The Stupendium
Death is a kingdom with many emissaries, psychopomps that guide departed souls from the waking world to their rest in the land of shades. While some of these grim couriers wear a friendly face or approach their duties with a solemn reverence, there are some others that detest having to deal with mortals day in, day out, the way a discontent stablehand detests having to muck out stalls.
Attero  is one of those sorts of spirits, taking the form of a spiteful sprite of a lad with a heavy tome, dressing ostentatiously to mock the seriousness of his charge. Like each preceding entity to hold the Ledgermaker title, Attero possesses a book which marks off the time, place, and circumstance of every death he is responsible for from now until the end of time, a staggering responsibility he circumvents at every pass by cooking the book of the dead: bringing about early deaths for the mortals he is charged with reaping to leave himself with free time before his next appointment.
Adventure Hooks:
The subversion of the natural order is no easy feat, even for one charged with upholding it: Attero must stalk his victims for days or even weeks at a time, mapping out their life in the labyrinthine tome to ensure their end slips under the watch of his fellow death-wardens or other arbiters of destiny. Such manipulations are easier to spot from the mortal side of fate’s tapestry, manifesting as a series of improbable accidents or odd coincidences (such as seven people in the same town  with the first name john and the last initial B all dying of cartridge accidents on the same day).  After a sequence of a sheerly improbable series of accidents befalls a minor noble, he becomes convinced that his conniving relatives are out to murder him for his estate and hires the party to investigate... his only real lead being the sightings of the creepy child glimpsed at the site of two of the accidents.
Psychopomps are supposed to guide their charges to the right sort of afterlife, either matching them up with their sworn deity or leading them to the shade lands where they can spend eternity quietly. Attero, in line with his childish appearance, is more prone to shoving wayward souls into whatever underworld is handy like a kid tidying by shoving all the mess into a closet. Should the party suffer a TPK, they may find themselves in a dread realm or other unpleasant reach of the shadowlands, entitled to a cosmic do-over if they can escape hell and find a post-mortum manager to talk to.
When an overly ambitious necromancer attempts to bind the Ledgermaker and steal death’s account, Attero is happy to play along and give the mortal what he wants. Having your icon of power stolen is a great way to play hooky from work and watching his “captor” slowly go mad attempting to decipher the tome has been great for a laugh.  As the party encounters an escalating number of fate-sundered undead wrought by this necromancer, they’ll be steered in their quest by one of those previously mentioned arbiters of destiny: an angel of the goddess Istus who’ll use subtle disguises to nudge the party into “freeing” the Ledgermaker without confronting him directly.
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strangefellows · 1 year
Okay this is gonna be a long post but I figured why the hell not throw my absolute fucking lunatic conspiracy board Limbus Company theory out there, because I’ve had four people tell me it makes sense when I’ve brought it up to them, so! Here we go. Theory: I believe that Dante is Ayin (a main character of the first ProjMoon game, Lobotomy Corp, for those who don’t know). There’s a metric asston of evidence in just the first few chapters alone that keeps making me lie on the floor and scream, so let me document it! 
We’re going under a cut for length, let’s get started! Heavy spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation and Ruina under here, be warned.
The Song: First of all, just looking at the lyrics to In Hell We Live, Lament has me absolutely losing my fucking mind. We’re looking at insane lines like “I walked down a path / Leading to the past / Stole from the tree's hands / A regretter's friend / The forbidden fruit” and “If you wanted me to speak / If you wanted me to think / If you wanted me to carry on our dreams / Each loop we live through / The standards inside me / Thе line I drew for me / Lowers to the earth” and “Why'd you make my voice stutter? / Why do truths never matter? / Why'd you curse me with "you're a natural born genius"?” and “Replayed thoughts / Forget me not / I'm inside the empathic light / I bite off your skin / Exposing the angels on your ribs” and just...the repeated mention of loops. The song basically reads literally like Ayin himself singing it to Carmen. (The ending song also feels suspicious lyrically as well, but I can’t pin that down as easily.)
The Prologue: Not as much here, but I find it extremely suspicious that they didn’t show us a damn thing of Dante until after he loses his head and his memories. And honestly, Faust and Vergilius going ‘your name is Dante’ feels very blatantly like a goddamn lie. An amnesiac is gonna accept whatever you tell him is his name, man. Not to mention that he’s explicitly someone very important (Vergilius says so in ch3), and clearly knows something the bad guys desperately want. Which ties to my next point.
The Bad Guys: First of all, they want the Golden Boughs, which as apparently ‘pieces of L Corp’s Singularity’, are a very nice way to say they’re probably literally pieces of Carmen somehow. Branches sure look like the central nervous system, huh. Second, one of the trio in the intro refers to their boss as a ‘her’, says she wants to do something that’s ‘not illegal, but has never been done before’, and IIRC, calls her the Serpent. Now, looking at that serpent reference alongside Carmen’s existing parallels to WhiteNight, as well as Adam and his constant talk of the forbidden fruit...you see what I’m getting at here? Who tempted Adam in the first place?
The Inferno: Now, you see, even if the big bad is somehow Carmen in some way -- similarly to how the Voice led Argalia in Ruina, perhaps? -- that doesn’t necessarily mean Ayin is Dante. HOWEVER! Look back at the Inferno itself, the poem we’re working off extremely heavily. What is the purpose for Dante’s trip to hell? Beatrice. Dante’s dead girlfriend who’s become a divine being. Literally, Beatrice sent Virgil to guide Dante through hell and limbo and shit to bring him to her, roughly speaking. So, uh, looks at the whole dead now divine gf thing. Hm. Yeah. And where is our own trip to hell taking us? Through the ruins of Lobcorp, grabbing what are more or less pieces of Carmen, and I can’t remember if it’s said outright or not but there is a heavy ass chance this trip is ending at the main facility. Which, coming full circle...
The Clock: I will politely resist making a Hokma joke. But you have to admit it’s funny. In all seriousness, though, the fact that Dante’s power is resetting -- something that the entire gameplay of Lobotomy Corp and a major aspect of the plot was built around, resetting and looping and bringing the dead back to life -- is a major sus factor. In fact, I’m just waiting for someone to say ‘death is meaningless’ if I’m not just blanking on dialogue and someone’s said it already. Not to mention, the aspect of Dante feeling the pain of the injuries/deaths he’s rewinding gives me a lot to say about the (fairly canon) interpretation of Ayin martyring himself using the loops to punish himself for what he did. Suffering how the people he’s tied to suffered, so to speak. In fact -- I wouldn’t be surprised if the clock is/was Ayin’s EGO like the Library is Angela’s. How else would it be immediately to hand to slap on his neck, and what else could possibly have been able to legitimately replace his goddamn head on such short notice?
Manager: LOOK, THIS ONE IS TENUOUS BUT WHEN ADDED TO THE PILE-- the simple fact that Dante is deliberately given the title of manager feels important, when looked at through the lens of the rest of the evidence. There’s a line at the beginning of Chapter 1 when the children Sinners start fighting where Dante goes “Should I step in? Is this the part where I exercise my authority as the manager with dignity and grace? A faint memory urges me to do something." and it feels significant.
Random additional note: The Mirror Dungeons Wellcheers event has Dante say it ‘feels familiar’ -- does it? Does it now, Dante? 
While I’m still going through the game myself - middle of ch2 - I’ve had the whole story told to me, so I know what’s up, and though there’s probably more small bits I’m missing, the major beats here are definitely enough to support my theory for sure. It feels very right and fitting.
I’m just sitting here with several tinfoil hats and my ConspiracyBoard.gif going GUYS I SWEAR, THIS MAKES SENSE and losing it silently. I hope I’m right. I mean if I’m not right I’m making an AU fic anyway, but I hope I’m right. What do y’all think?
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laugtherhyena · 8 months
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Also since I'm talking about this Au again here's the demigod fam for the Tumblr people who have no idea what I'm talking about
"Brief" explanation of their roles bellow
So there are gods, but they're in such a different level from everything else that they don't care to watch iver and solve problems of their creations so they made the demigods to do the work they don't bother doing themselves.
So each demigod has a role they're meant to fulfill for eternity, they're very powerful and pretty much immortal. They don't get sick, they don't die of old age, but they can be killed. And if that happens the gods will make a new demigod to replace the old one, because dying is seen as a failure for them so they'd rather assign someone else for the role than revive the old one.
Tsurugi is the demigod of justice, he was the first to be created and is like a thousand years old. His role is to watch over all of humanity and if a catastrophic level threat ever arrives, it's his job to neutralize it and restore order. To his dismay, he's not allowed to inverne and just kill every single criminal ever, he's only meant to show up when it's a threat so strong that could destroy the world or cause massive irreparable damage. In the meantime, he spends his days traveling across the world to make sure nothing crazy is happening, training and occasionally visiting his kids.
He used to live in the Sky palace with Kinji, who was the original demigod of knowledge, created at around the same time as Tsurugi himself, and his husband who he raised the twins with. But after Kanade killed him Tsurugi began avoiding the palace since it brought him bad memories.
Hibiki and Kanade are the demigods of heaven and hell respectively, they were originally created as a single diety, the godness of afterlife. But a creature equally good and evil just can't exist, one is always a little stronger than the other, so this god collapsed and split into two demigods which are the twins. Thing is, they were born with grey fur and no outright devil or angel characteristics, so the gods put to be raised by Kinji and Tsurugi until these traits started showing and they could start training to fulfill their roles.
Their job is to decide the fates of living creatures after their deaths and guide them to their respective afterlife.
Kokoro is the current demigod of knowledge, she was created to fulfill that role after Kinji died. She was put to be raised by Tsurugi alone since Hibiki and Kanade had been sent to heaven and hell to start their training to become the demigods of those realms.
Her job is to take care of the Sky palace and protect it at all costs, this place is a big sanctuary/shrine on the top of a huge mountain that countians countless of books created by the gods that hold all knowledge of their universe, Kokoro herself has read all of these books and holds their knowledge, so she's aware of the crazy damage they could do if ever placed in the wrong hands. While there isn't any physical barrier stopping her from leaving, she's not allowed to do so cuz she can't just leave the place unprotected.
Lastly there's Mikako, who is not a demigod, but she is Kokoro's so still part of the family.
You see, Kokoro still struggles with understanding emotions and is curious about them in this Au, because it's one thing to have knowledge of what they are and mean and another thing to actually experience these things and build a connection to someone. But since she's isolated in the palace most of the time she doesn't interact much with anyone, even her family can't visit as often as they wish due to their own jobs as demigods.
Very rarely mortal beings will make their way up there to seek her guidance and that's how she met Sojiro, she wanted feel and experience what's like to love someone romantically and to love someone as a mother, which is why she had Mikako. She was so enamored by this idea of building her own family that she failed to notice Sojiro's true intentions, when Mikako was still a baby he took her away in the middle of the night, Kokoro noticed and tried to intervene but she couldn't bring herself to kill him, Sojiro took advantage of that and stabbled her legs repeatedly so that she couldn't follow them.
What he wanted with the kid is that he thought by being from a demigod she would be on a similar level as one and he could use her for power, to his dismay, demigod powers don't get passed down by birth so Mikako is basically just a normal human. He abandoned her once he realized and she qas eventually found and adopted by Hanzo Kisaragi.
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seramilla · 2 months
So the idea of an overlord Sera has made me wonder what showing up in hell is like for a normal sinner. I imagine she wakes up on the ground somewhere last memory being whatever it last was on earth so probably getting shot by whoever was after her. I assume after the shock of realizing she died but now isn't dead notices the whole new body and the surroundings and probably concludes she's in hell. My guess is Hell doesn't have a doorman like peter you just show up. I think the most striking thing at first is it probably isn't as bad as she expected like it isn't great but there isn't say a demon actively torturing her for her sins it's more the that the environment is pretty hostile and the people aren't friendly but it could be a hell of a lot worse. Once she gets on her feet and confirms Emily didn't somehow end up in hell she goes wondering around trying to figure out what to do. In life she had a purpose of protecting her sister and a business to run now she doesn't have her sister her or a business to run so is bouncing around without much to do maybe she starts trying to live a little she was too busy working and or dealing with her parents to ever really party, date or do most of the fun stuff so she tries it out at first for a bit. Eventually a few months into her damnation she finds Emily and is horrified because it means Emily died and shocked that Emily somehow didn't get into heaven. She does however have a purpose now which is to keep Emily safe and now doesn't feel so alone.
I think you're right. Spawning in Hell seems to be pretty random. You just wake up in some part of Pentagram City itself, somewhere on the outskirts, etc., maybe close to the type of environment in which you died. Sera was probably killed in one of her warehouses back on Earth, so she wakes up in a similar setting in Hell, and probably doesn't realize she's dead until she really takes everything in. She's not surprised about where she ended up, but she is shocked that no one is there to greet her; she's just alone, in a brand-new place, and no one even seems to care that she's there.
I think she spends some time bouncing around, working odd jobs around Hell, but that proves very difficult to ensure her survival. Eventually she runs into Zestial, and he sees some potential in her. Sometimes he chooses not to make a contract with a soul, if he sees some innate potential he can guide. He could easily make a deal with Sera and mold her into what he wants her to be, but there is something about her that gives him pause. He decides to take her under his wing, and see what she does. Eventually, Sera makes a name for herself being the only one stupid (brave?) enough to start harvesting angelic weapons during the next Extermination, and that quickly leads to her making a name for herself.
When Emily shows up, thankfully, Sera's just getting established, and has her own place to house them both. Secretly, Emily went to Heaven when she died, but immediately made the choice to fall to be with the sister who saved her. It is many months later that Sera learns this truth. Emily hid it from her for a long time, because she didn't want Sera to go through that type of pain, knowing she'd saved her sister, and died for it, only to end up being the reason Emily chose to go to Hell anyway.
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