#he gets so hype which is so nice to see bc it’s stuff I’ve already seen
majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
So I’ve never done a rewatch of rwby just bc. It’s not Long but it’s a lot of time that I could be doing other things and you know I watched it already so I don’t NEED to go back each season eight?
But I’m watching gh0xttherebel and at first it was just his V9 reactions. But then I remembered I LOVE volume 6 so I started that last night. But then I saw he’s watched the whole show. So now I’m watching the show via his reactions. And it’s been so nice to see someone watch it for the first time and getting to remember all the little things and just see through a fresh set of eyes why I love this show so much. It’s been a fun time
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intotitties · 8 months
mm maybe a hazel x cheerleader!gf!reader where reader is a little taller than hazel and usually wears heels and that makes her taller and more intimidating, as if the majority of the school pisses themselves in fear every time she passes by except for hazel who only looks at her with heart eyes. Obviously all this if you feel comfortable!
Hazel Callahan x reader
warnings: cursing, mention of broken bones
a/n: it took sm time to write this bc i had 72817938 ideas at the same time but i love the idea
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You were one of the popular cheerleaders who has always been told that she looks scary. When people in the school hear a characteristic noise of heels they immediately get out of the way, knowing that you are coming. Everyone feared you.. except for her.
— Morning Hazee - you hugged your girlfriend from the back in front of the girls from the fight club that she was a member of.
— O-oh good morning - she blushed at your gesture.
— Are we still up for tonight? - you pecked her cheek.
Hazel nodded slightly, her friends from the fight club looking at you both like they couldn’t believe their eyes.
You ran your hand through her hair and left to the class with a smile on your face. The only thing you could hear was Hazels friends whispering behind your back.
— I don’t know what you see in her - Britt said as she sat down on her table.
— Good, i hope no one else than me does - you winked at her.
— No but really, she’s a weirdo - said Isabel.
— You’re literally crushing on Josie, you don’t have the right to speak up - you giggled at which she just rolled her eyes.
— Anyways, are you going to train the choreography with us later? - Brittany asked.
— Isn’t the gym taken by the fight club after lessons? - you looked at your friends.
— We can just tell them that we need to practice, gyms big I’m sure we won’t be disturbing them a lot - she answered before the class started.
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As soon as the lessons ended, you, Brittany and Isabel went straight to the gym.
Girls from the fight club had already started and you could see Hazel and PJ throwing punches at eachother.
— Hi girls! - Isabel came closer - Would you mind if we use the corner to train our choreography? - she smiled.
— No! - Josie answered immediately - I mean.. go ahead, please - she corrected herself nervously.
She’s such a simp.
You sent a smile to your girlfriend and went to the corner with your friends.
The time passed quickly and in nice atmosphere. You noticed a lot of looks in your direction, which made you smile a little bit.
You were doing the last step of the choreography - backflip. You’ve always feared it the most of all the acrobatic stuff you’ve learned.
But instead of landing on the ground, you tripped on a ball and fell down with a scream.
— Oh my god ladies i’m so sorry, it was supposed to be them! - Tim ran to you immediately.
Of course, he wanted to eliminate the club members.
— You’re pathetic Tim - Isabel said while helping you to stand up.
— Fuck! - you hissed - I swear if you broke my arm, i will end your sad little life.
— Slay girl! You tell him! - Sylvie hyped you up.
— I said that im sorry, now you’re just being dramatic - he said.
— Yeah? So im gonna tell you something - you said quieter - I’ve got videos from the last party and guess who’s the main character? - you looked at him with a smirk on your face - you. so you better leave the club alone, and be more careful next time - your smirk disappeared with the end of the sentence.
You waved him goodbye as he left without any words.
Before you could say anything you felt Hazels body crashing into yours and her messy kisses on your lips. It took you a while to turn it into a gentle yet passionate kiss.
— Thank you so much for dealing with him for us! - she wanted to hug you but you stopped her.
— Please call a doctor first.. im gonna pass out - you said as you looked at the bone sticking out of your arm.
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fbfh · 3 years
peter quill dating hcs
Listen this isn't the smut headcanons
But it's peter quill
There's gonna be some 18+ jokes and content
I will keep this as sfw as possible bc you'd better fucking believe that Peter Quill relationship and intimacy hcs are on their fucking way
So yeah just a prelude
Yuh let's get inTO it
Okay two things first
1: I'm so mad there's like no fics for him?????????? Why is he not yet a tumblr sexyman??????? I get the first movie came out in like 2014 so I probably just missed the hype window but for gods sake
2: a lot of ppl think he'd be easily flustered and blushy and that's totally and completely valid
Why are we overlooking the whole "I've slept with half the galaxy" thing????????
Okay Peter is a goofball
We know this
And on top of that
He can get it
I'm going to stop myself there so more on that later
He's like 6'2, hilarious, charismatic, so loving and compassionate, fan fucking tastic music taste i could go on for days
I feel like more likely than not you'd probably go from fwb to lovers
Since this is the sfw half we're gonna focus more on the second half
I feel like he falls so hard and fast he doesn't really have time to be like
Oh no I'm falling in love dammit
He's so easily distracted by everything about you that he can't hear that voice going "snap out of it Peter"
Cause he does not want to
Oh my god sit on his lap when he's in the pilot's seat in the Milano
When he's not driving obviously
It's one of his favorite things you do
If you're Terran you bond over earth stuff really quickly
He's really affectionate
Like really really affectionate
Rocket makes gagging noises whenever you're in the same room cause there's usually some kinda cuddling or kissing going on
Even just loving gazes across the room
Rocket is the voice Peter ignores telling him to snap out of it
Rocket: come on! This is gross! It's gross, right Groot?
Groot, handing Peter a flower to give to you: I am Groot :)
Peter, handing you the flower: thank you Groot, you're my new wingman
Rocket: >:(
Don't worry though, you call Rocket the weapons expert and he likes you suddenly
"What should we bring to the attack?"
"We should ask Rocket, he is the weapons expert"
Rocket, dropping down from an air vent, "DAMN RIGHT I AM"
Rocket gives me Rigby meets Dan from Dan vs energy
When Peter sees you getting along with the rest of the crew it makes his heart so happy
I’d say out of all marvel subunits the guardians have the most genuine found family dynamic
The support between him and his friends is so important to him, so when you integrate pretty easily as part of the group, it means a lot to him
If you’re terran
Which presumably you are
When he first shared his awesome mixes with you you loved it
You checked your phone and realized, very distraught, that you don’t have wifi in space
Luckily you had some music downloaded, so you have like 3 playlists you can listen to
Once you get to a planet with actual reception, you make copies of his mixes on spotify so y’all can shuffle them
He kind of prefers to listen straight through but the variety is nice
And the fact that you did that for him???? His heart goes boom boom
And his peepee goes hELLO
He’ll dance with you a lot
Albeit very shittily
But you both have fun
If you’re insecure about dancing you won’t be for long
Sometimes when you’re dancing he’ll have his hands on your waist
Just staring at you
He’s been from one corner of the galaxy to the next
He’s seen everything
And you still top the charts as the prettiest sight he’s ever laid eyes on
His eyes get all big and sparkly
His brow gets a little furrowed and he has this smirky smile
He lets out a breathy laugh, baffled at how after all the pain and loss and bullshit he’s endured
How someone as
As you came into his life
He just likes spending time with you
And as much of a front as he puts up he will come damn near death to protect you and make sure you’re safe
The only reason he wouldn’t actually die for you is because then he wouldn’t be able to protect you more
But he will 100% sacrifice himself for your safety and wellbeing
Afterwards he’ll cover it up with self aggrandizing humor
“So we’re in agreement… that was so heroic, right?”
Through tears, you’ll clutch him and laugh
“Oh, yeah. Very brave, your medal of valor will be arriving soon,”
He does this to soften the blow of what he did
Both for you and him
Let’s be real, he’s not best with up front emotional vulnerability
He’ll deflect with humor or seduction
But it’s very thinly veiled
When he falls for you you know exactly how much he likes you
Which is a lot
Later during a quiet moment
Maybe you’re falling asleep with his cassettes playing softly
You can tell him not to do that again
How worried you are, how stupid it was, and that you don’t know what you’d do without him
Keep it brief though, he already knows good and well how much it scared you
Most importantly let him know how much how love him
How much you care about him, how much everything he does means to you
And that you’d do the same for him
“Uh, no- no way. The whole point was to keep you away from bodily harm.” He’ll chuckle, half joking, fingers tracing your neck and jawline
“Okay,” you’ll reply into the crook of his neck, “next time, we come up with a plan b where both of us avoid bodily harm. Deal?”
“Yeah,” he’ll say softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “deal.”
Oh god his feelings for you are so overwhelming in that moment
They're swirling around him like a typhoon
He’s so focused on your touch, your breaths, the warmth coming off of you that it just washes over him
All he can do is hold you close
He knows he has no idea what the coming days will bring
But he’ll be damned if you don’t face it side by side
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binniesthighs · 3 years
multifandom soulmate aus ✨
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soulmate (n): a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
✨ a/n: hello hello!! today on, “Ro’s self indulgent fics” ehehe i’ve been thinking a lot about some of my favorite kpop besties and how i feel like sometimes in a group, there’s the members who just stick like glue and it’s kinda like they were destined to meet that way! anyway hehe this concept is so fkn cute to me so i wanted to make some poly r-ship headcannons with some of my favorites! 
➛ disclaimer: the pairings that i use are def not all inclusive of all “soulmate” pairings out there, just the ones i know of atm! also, i know some of these groups better than others, so some will be more specific, and others a little more general! 
✨ groups included: stray kids, ateez, the boyz, monsta x, seventeen, txt, bts 
✨ feedback is always appreciated! who’s your favorite?✨
➛maybe if we’re feelin’ spicy i can do a part 2 with the ones i haven’t done yet ;) 
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Pairing: idol x female reader x idol (see fandoms above!) 
Genre: fluff n’ smut
Tags: established r/ship au, poly r-ship, sexual content (the usual stuff also including unprotected sex-please stay safe!) comfort ahhh, mentions of food alcohol  
*all photocreds go to ops :) 
both sfw and nsfw under the snip snip! 
♡ chanlix ♡
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omg where the hell do i start with chanlix we love our cannon soulmates 
arguably the softest fkn pairing on this list; being soulmates with chanlix is like meeting your other halves (thirds?). there’s some serious destiny at work here!! 
the three of you understand each other on a spiritual level--almost to the point where you could likely read their minds if you wanted to try haha. there’s also a really, really strong type of emotional intimacy that you share with them that’s out of this world. 
this soulmate bond is so fkn strong, the three of you could go through any hardships and come out of it stronger than ever! 
the three of you have cute lil nicknames for eachother that you thought up yourselves! 
 your families are close as heck! it’s really pure how by the three of you so many people can get close ahhh 
i think that chanlix would be really into more outdoorsy dates? camping, swimming, hiking, sightseeing, stargazing, picnics etc! felix also loves taking you on food tours! 
bc chan is chan, he really takes on such a protective role over you and felix, he would quite literally do anything for you two: forgot your notebook or documents on the way to work/school? he’ll drop everything to bring them to you. sad? he’ll get you your favorite food, tons of blankets, his hoodie to wear and your favorite movie/tv show to watch with you! if anyone hurts your feelings too he will square tf up. 
felix is the world’s most adoring boyfriend in so, so many ways. not only is he such a cuddle bug, he shows you that he cares with tons of acts of service similar to chan! this comes in the form of his baking of course and other silly little gifts he sees that reminds you of him. he isn’t the best at words sometimes, but will soothe you by giving you a little massage or by playing with your hair! 
okay...😏 damn i’ve been wanting to write some poly chanlix so fkn bad ahhhh 
once again i really see chan taking the lead in more intimate situations. he really likes giving directions and seeing both you and felix carry them out! honestly he gets a bit of an ego boost seeing the both of you all whiny and fucked out ahhh 
here i come with my softsub!felix agenda oops hehe but this boy is frickin’ angelic for you and chan oml, he always asks for permission before he does things and eats praise up with a fkn spoon. praises alone really get him off: “does lixie like it when i play with his cute cock like this?” 
there’s something that gets the three of you ridiculously amped when you do all kinds of roleplay scenarios FRICK some favorites are pet play (you and lix being the kitties) teacher/student, roleplaying strangers, sex slaves, artist/muse, oh my god there was a halloween where you once did vampire roleplay you still think about it 🤤 
since the three of you are so comfortable with eachother, experimentation feels really safe! for example, the suggestion of shibari came up and now....let’s just say lix looks really pretty tied up ;) 
chan’s got a huuuuge (cock) and size kink!! he really likes topping both you and lix and seeing a bulge omg.... also when he can bulge your throats mmmhm! 
felix loves it especially when you ride his face, and he cold do it for hours! he looks so cute between your legs when he licks over and over your clit. he’ll ask you too if he’s doing good and you better say yes ;) 
favorite position would be all cuddled up and cozy with the two of them double penetrating you real nice and slow with tons of kisses and just touchin’ all over 
cockwarming cockwarming all day, every single time, without fail, it feels wrong if you finish without it! 
♡ woosan  ♡
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idk why but the first thing that comes to my mind is that in certain settings, ya’ll are loud as fuck AHA i guess what i mean to say as that as a trio, you are all super, super unapologetic and confident when around each other! this might have lead to you getting kicked out of a couple bowling alleys and karaoke places before... 
there’s a type of unspoken understanding that the three of you have that makes your bond so special. while you love eachother so dearly, it isn’t something that you really feel needs to be said out loud, it kind of just is! 
woosan are already really clingy on their own and when you come along?? you all can’t keep your hands off each other!! ya know how in movies there’s the whole “hand in the back pocket of your jeans???” woosan!! 
their energy together is so fkn chaotic but that's why you love them! they never fail to make you laugh and this is also the best way that they know how to cheer you up! 
Bc the three of you are a bit unbridled, it’s a bit hard to be serious at times when you go on dates/hang out with friends together so often you get some affectionate eye rolls haha 
wooyoung is someone that will try anything with you! hehe even if he knows that he mind not be that into it, he’ll still go with you! of course, he might say something snarky but he really does love just spending time with you! wooyoung also shares you with all his friends (changbin, yeonjun) so lowkey it feels like you’re one of the bros at times LOL 
san is a big fan of giving you gifts! oh also! words of affirmation too, san is someone who knows your insecurities well, so hypes you tf up all the time!! he especially loves buying things for you that he knows you’ll look pretty in just so he can compliment you ahhh 
at the end of the day however, there’s nothing more more that the three of you love than the tightest cuddles ever as you fall asleep! honestly, sometimes its a little too tight haha 
and of course they expect the same from you as well! i mean....can you blame them??? these boys are sexy as hell and they frickin’ know it!! 
i have this super clear image of both of them stripping you down and rubbing massage oil all over your body and then giving you the turn to do it to them my lord...
sort of along this line, temperature play makes these boys feral. wax, ice, blowies with popsicles you name it 
both of them really just like being touched all over because they have the prettiest dancer’s bodies and just feeling hands on their muscles makes them loose it. 
wooyoung loves to mark the hell out the both of you in a really territorial way: all over your chests and necks even on your thighssss 
san, while he often does find himself in sub space, really easily can switch to dom you in the most beautiful way. everything with him is really intimate and raw: if this wasn’t already obvious haha he would like have a hand kink and loves seeing the way that his fingers look pumping in and out of your entrance and how your juices look as well. 
back too wooyoung, he’s the king of oral. whether it’s going down on you and sucking at your clit or deep throating with master level skill...foreplay is never boring with him! 
in my brain, i can see the both of them filling nearly position so this makes for an interesting dynamic to say the least AHA 
every once and a while, they’ll let you take complete control of the both of them while they just sit back and watch you with the most smug-ass grins that you’ll see in your life! 
AH another thought: woosan fkn love when you squirt on them, in any way this might look: when you’re nearly screaming in your overstimulation they want it all over them. 
favorite position would be 69 threesome style with all of your sloppy moans in-between <3 
♡  moonbae  ♡
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HEAR ME OUT the king of soulmates that know that they are soulmates but don’t take it seriously in the slightest istg this is my most favorite dynamic ahhhh 
there is not one dull day with these two boys, they’ll have you laughing in stiches until you can barely breathe like, the best kind of wheezy, silent laughter ya know what i’m talking about 
INSIDE JOKES literally so many inside jokes with the three of you 
Kevin is never scared to call your ass out, but that’s bc he knows you so well!! it’s all just jokes don’t ya worry ;) 
Along this line, your groupchat like has some random-ass name that’s also an inside joke
Jacob on the other hand is the biggest sweetheart when it comes to you, boy frickin’ melts. There is not a day that goes by when he hasn’t told you he loves ya morning and night. 
Also the best listener in the whole world, you can tell him anything and everything and he’s just sit and listen and give advice. 
Kevin loves you a ton a ton but just shows it differently! He remembers all the little things about you that you tell him to the point it’s scary how he does it so well 
Meme king Kevin would send you memes that remind him of you and Jacob
Lowkey i can see the both of them getting into the cutest petty arguments like which one of them you love more or think is more talented AHA again it’s all in good fun hehe 
it goes without saying but...it’s cuddle central up in here. 
THEY WOULD SERENADE TF OUT OF YOU oh my god it’s literally heavenly, Kevin would play piano and Jacob would play guitar FRICK 
You have oddly specific dates?? Like they would pick a movie to go see that the three of you would all hate just to meme the whole time. Jacob would still get invested accidentally tho. 
The way to both of these boy’s hearts is their stomachs so when you cook for them they would quite literally do anything for you 
ok ok so i’m a baby deobi so this is the gist of what i’m getting (i also did a little research LOL thank you @ deobi smutblr hehe) 
firstly i would like to say that i’m manifesting thigh riding with Jacob and i literally can’t think of anything else for some reason just p h e w and BOY does he love it too he thinks its so fkn cute to watch you! 
i get heavy, heavy switch vibes from Kevin with maybe some sub leanings??? either way, jacob def has soft dom vibes (oh god and occasional soft sub) to me but also has no problem with you taking control and doing what you like to him if that’s what you desire! 
kevin is impatient impatient and does not do well with your teasing. also...loud as hell, like, sometimes you have to tell him that he needs to calm tf down hehe (but of course you love it when he gets like that) 
separately, both of them are very different experiences i think: kevin is a fan of hard and fast, kitchen counter over the sofa type stuff sloppy toppy in risky places, and he loves to experiment too! 
jacob is also really different where he likes much, much more slow and intimate stuff like missionary, shower sex, real atmospheric stuff like candles and nice scents ahhh BIG fan of really fluffy pet names too like baby, princess, angel etc. super visual too omggg gets hard when you strip for him i think ;) 
together it’s a fkn whirlwind i’ll tell ya that. its like, honestly the most unique experience i can think of on this list because the two of them are so different. i will say that it can end up being really giggly and sweet tho! 
when it’s the three of you, kevin’s dom side comes out a little more so you’re left with these two lovely boys who want to give you all the attention! it’s lowkey a competition lol 
favorite position is when you’re sucking jacob off and kevin gets to do literally whatever the hell he wants with your pussy...i imagine that it might have to do a lot with edging if you ask me ;) 
♡ jookyun  ♡ 
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oddly, i find myself soft af for jookyun and idk how to describe it haha (considering that they can often be hard as hellll) 
the three of you are also really nonchalant, but this is really in the way that you just feel as if you’ve known eachother for a really long time! 
as we know, jookyun were a bit of an enimies to lovers arc (AHA) so with the time that they’ve spent building their bond, it’s strong asf! 
i like to think that jooheon and changkyun would really get a ton of artistic inspiration from you for their music. since both of them write and often reflect bc of this, you’re totally their muse! (they’ll write some nasty as hell lyrics thanks to you too LOL) 
while our lovely thicc mx boys have unbridled confidence at times, really, they are babie. and they are frickin weak for your pampering. 
because of this, the two of them would become flustered as all hell when you do lil things for them!! this could be making them some lunch or just giving them the off compliment that they look a lil extra handsome that day. 
your safe place is with them!! ahhh i would also like to add the number of slick ass grabs when you’re in public is a bit off the chain at times ahah 
the duality of this r/ship is really something to note LOL when you go out and about when the two of them you certainly get some stares bc they look a lil intimidating at times but when you and your boyfriends cuddle up on the subway you give all passerby's whiplash haahah
Kyun is someone who is insanely romantic. almost to the point that it is cheesy haha he’d treat the both of you to expensive ass dinners, beach vacations and maybe even matching couple’s jewelry like rings or bracelets! 
jooheon on the other hand is a little more toned down haha but has another side to him that fkn swells with pride knowing how breathtaking you both are...frankly, his ego skyrockets knowing that he’s got you both for arm candy if this make sense teehee 
the three of you call eachother “babe” interchangeably, so it can get a bit confusing when you’re all in the same place and someone says “hey babe?” you need a new nickname ooP 
hello and here i am to push the sub!changkyun agenda. first and foremost i would like to explain how this man is such a pillow princess with the most lovely bratty edge *sighs* all that kyun wants is for you to fkn use him and do literally whatever the hell you want!! this man daydreams about you riding him right then and there wherever the hell he is. 
also, kyun is the king of toys, both using them on you and on himself! need i also say breath play as well in the same giving and receiving form? more than anything he loves it when jooheon wraps his hand around his neck hooooly ahhh he prefers it when you tease his tip with a vibrator until he’s angrily red and begging for you to give him a break just for you to bend down and give a kiss to his pearly head which makes him jolt 
jooheon is often more of a soft to hard dom if you ask me and takes care of both you and kyun really well. also... he will manhandle the hell out of you if you feel up for it (cough cough your arm kink for him ) oh shit and his thighs....don't’ even get me started 
while the three of you often opt for the hard and fast (even in some more risque places--such as in the recoding studio) there are really some more intimate times that you share too! 
on one of changkyun’s vacations, in the middle of the night, when no one was in sight and the hot tub was free for use...it started out as a bit of making out but then turned into something else when you decided to straddle jooheon and he let his hands creep under the straps of your swimsuit...needless to say you were bouncing on both of their dicks while you were warmed by the crackling bubbles 
at times, jookyun can get a little needy and impatient without you, so this has lead to a couple situations where you walk in on them letting out their frustrations ;) of course, immediately then they’d love for you to join! 
kyun has an oral fixation too, sooo he may or may not love cockwarming with his mouth or sucking your fingers lightly when you go to suck his dick~ 
♡  junhao  ♡
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here me out with this one...but...there’s something really intimate about this relationship?? oh how to put this into words LOL junhao also have an insanely deep bond that really transcends if ya ask me haha 
while they both can be really goofy around eachother when comfortable the soulmate vibes are just...immaculate! this is all i can say? all three of you are just so connected in the way that you accept each other for all that you are and just kind of naturally gravitate towards each other even before you really knew that there were romantic feelings involved! 
first, i would like to say that out of all the pairings on this list, you three are classy as FUCK. seeing the three of you next to eachother is like seeing literally three models in the flesh. the way that you dress (sometimes even to match a little) is unbelievable bc you all just look so good? 
hand holdingggg wherever you go! holding hands across cafe tables, playing with each other’s hands absentmindedly hehe 
TRAVEL BUDDIES you would go anywhere with them and take tons of pics!! i mean the prettiest pics 
hao shows his love for you in the form of so many things, all of which he makes himself!! you inspire his physical art and drawings which he shares with you and he also loves to take clothes too and personalize them for you! 
jun on the other hand would take you to the studioooo and you could watch him danceee oh my gosh he’s literally so breathtaking and he would be dancing just for you with every curve of his body he’s so magical :’) then he’d ask you for feedback and you’d just be speachless...also loves to make you smile!! just being his goofy self he’s the best at it and thinks you’re so cute! 
there’s a ton of adoration in this relationship! tons of cute little displays of skinship that might look like a poke in the cheek or the fluffing of their hair ahh 
still, i feel like you would have kind of silly little nicknames for them that match their personalities and perhaps...you could have matching phone cases with these nicknames.... 
in this relationship there’s a ton of quiet moments that are really peaceful and indulgent such as watching sunsets, drinking wine together, just talking about life n stuff like that! 
hellz yeah we’re in for some more intimate-ass fuckin! but also....😏
this boys are kinky as shit but in like a really classy ass way lolll this is so hard to put into words. 
well, i’ll start with junhui catboy agenda so there’s that hehehe he would most def be into pet play: that could be like ears or pretty collars and of course calling you (or him) kitten. 
minghao is really versatile and doesn’t really like labels of dom and sub, he just does what he wants and what feels good to him! bc we’re talking about how intimate everything is, the kind of sex that you share with them is often never rushed but really purposeful and even planned sometimes! 
i also see there being TONS of sensory items that would come into play with junhao such as flowers, fragrances, aphrodisiacs, all kinds of fabrics for sensory deprovision such as velvet, silk, hemp rope, and so much more! 
BOTH OF THEM WOULD SOUND ANGELLIC i see hao as letting out really pretty soft moans that kind of trail on his tongue and jun sort of choking out gasps with a bit of a rasp to them when they cum or they feel turned on
oh god MIRROR SEX that's what i have to say about this 
it doesn’t happen often, but sometimes when any one of you would be feeling needy or pent up they can certainly do hard and fast with you between the two of them. especially when this happens, oh my god hao loves it when you moan really breathily into his mouth when you’re pressed against him ooooh shit 
and jun loves it when you bite into his shoulder too when he fucks you it just makes him feral 
actually, i could really see the three of you recording yourselves, or even taking pictures when you have more intimate moments to look at later, just for your own enjoyment or to get off when you’re without the others 
favorite position: hmmm mirror sex with you on top of minghao literally just kissing him and marking his body as jun eats you out until you’re dripping down to minghao’s cock which he jerks off too~ 
♡  yeonbin  ♡
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admittedly i don’t know too much about this pairing but i do know a lil so i wanted to add them!! i also did a lil research hehe 
FIRST i would like to say that the three of you would without a doubt have the cutest puppy together, if not one, then two!! they would be little dogs with perfect haircuts and likely have their own instagram account which the three of you would run! they’d be instragram famous of course 
LITERALLY EVERY DAY ITS A FIGHT OVER WHOS CUTEST i kid you not this is an ongoing battle you’re all just...so weak for the other ahaha 
being in a relationship with them is like being in a relationship with your bestfriends! 
dates with the two of them can really range all over the place bc you just like having fun together! movie dates, breakfast dates, ZOO OR AQUARIUM DATES, taking little trips to places you haven’t been before or stay at home dates like having a little indoor picnic! 
soobin is really low energy, and would often opt to hang out with you at home or at a cafe while the two of you do your thing together! he lovessss when you bake or cook for him, literally whatever it is he’ll eat it! 
his smile is instant serotonin and the reason why you fell in love with him! the two of them together all smiley is your lockscreen! 
yeonjunie prefers going out with you clothes shopping and would DEF enable you to dye your hair a color that you’ve always been dying to do! he also loves showing you new music and blushes like heck when you tell him that you like the songs that he picks! 
in their own playful ways too, they’d always call you out on your bs LOLL but they just wanna motivate you! they’re your biggest cheerleaders! 
Deep down though, both of them are quite cheesy and would love to shower you with alll the stereotypical romance that you can take even if it makes all three of you cringe ahahah 
NEEEEDY and literally so mf horny on the dl like it’s comical to how soft and shy they can be in real life situations 
oh my god this is a godly thought but i see both of them being both switchy as heck but not really bc they like how it feels to be in those different postions but literally....bc no matter what it is they are getting off lolll 
i see both of them having sub leanings but can get real bratty if they’re feeling it. 
yeonjun does have a dom side to him that just comes with his general confidence that he gets around you! when either of you beg from him he’s ready to let himself loose. 
im so sorry but they literally handed pet play to me on a silver platter with cat & dog and there is no going back for me. SO you’re in for puppy, kitty and bunny play (shhhh yeonjun’s got his fox ears too) 
both of them love being edged to high hell by you...no matter if it hurts...they kinda like it? 
at the same time, both of your boyfriends also love giving you all the attention at times too! i’m talking about one of them playing with your breasts while the other trails kisses down your body all the way down to your pussy aching for attention too
FUCK this might be just me but soobin eating you out>>>> a GODLY sight. 
i have this other fantasy of yeonjun with either lip piercings or nipple piercings or even a dick piercing someone plz tell me to calm down 
oh please...bubble bath with the two of them holy shit baby pink bubbles all around you while you take turns givin’ each other cute kisses ahhhh 
one more thing to the pile here would be hella mutual masturbation soo much of it. the three of you get off just simply watching eachother too and dirty talking how much you love the way the others look with hands rubbing themselves away with cute whiny moans~ 
♡ taekook ♡
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omg! this is my first time remotely talking about bts on my blog hehe this is so exciting!! i don’t really read too much bts ff so this is going off of my own perception! 
i just wanna say....there’s so much to unpack here LOL but like many of the soulmates on this list, these boys are ~whipped~ for you and eachother!! its so stinkin’ cute 
another thing about these expensive boyfriends is that they loooove to sing for you too! they’d sing you to sleep, when you’re sick, sad, or just had a hard day allllways hehe 
the three of you have sickeningly adorable nicknames for eachother, the kind that honestly make heads turn LOL 
jk would without a doubt get tattoos with you!! and wine drunk lollll he’s also a huge enabler so if there’s anything that you’re considering buying or doing he’d hype you up so bad you barely have to think twice heheh 
kinda like junhao they’d also make amazing travel buddies but less for the aesthetic, but for the luxury. you’d stay at amazing hotels and eat at Michelin star restaurants wearing luxury brands that they bought for you
i feel like this goes without saying, buuuut in this r/ship, its alll about the adoring glances from afar or even just right next to you bc they love you so much!! 
i also get a very protective vibe from them as well, you’re very special to them, and they never wanna see you in harms way or disrespected by anyone! this could even look like having their arm around you on the bus or on the small of your back in a crowd 
together, they’re the biggest jokesters and flirty as HELL they think that it’s so funny when they flirt out in public AGRESSIVELY just to make you a lil embarrassed hehe  
forehead kissessss and kisses on the back of your hand! 
luxurious in this area tooooo 
they would rent out the penthouse or presidential suite to make an evening for you and pull out all the stops: expensive champagne, lingerie selected just for you, a breathtaking view of the city ahhhh 
ya all know how much i love my soft and intimateeee body touching and there would be plenty of this! they take their time undressing you and eachother and would plant kisses into the nape of your neck and shoulders as you do so! 
i would like to contribute to this conversation sub!jk bc this is something that ahhhhh i really like to think about as well as soft dom tae bcccc why not heheh 
these boys are utterly gorgeous under soft lighting and prowling all over your body too tho ahhh 
BUT! imagine teasing the hell out of jk, barely letting him feel your mouth besides fleeting kisses while tae drives his hips into you from behindddd 
in fact, these boys actually don’t mind a little voyeurism with the wide windows in your suite, opting to leave them open so there's a bit of thrill in the way that they fuck you too~ 
tae has a bit of...dare i sayyyy a power kink, so when you call him names such as sir, daddy, master etc oh boy 
jk himself is bit into sensory dep specifically with blindfolds especially when its your hands travelling all around his body making him shiver. 
both of them just looove cuming all over you as well: face, ass, thighs, belly, literally anywhere, they just think that you look amazing like that! 
there are a couple times here and there when the three of you also do a bit of cam work together for other people to watch--although it isn’t often, you rake it in when you do so. the three of you are a perfect fantasy! 
sex also can happen in odd places with you three too since you can just start feeling it and don’t really care ;) strangest place....hmm i’d say when you joined the mile high club with them~ 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
felix x reader | part six of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy, slight relation to sex, birth
↬ notes; this took so long lmfao i just had it sitting but i’m finishing up seungmin rnnn 🤓 i’ve been doing requests whew i just have EVERYTHING coming at once
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u guys r really surprised 
u two had been in a relationship for four years now so this was inevitable as u two were putting off the pressure of marriage for awhile now
“woah, i’m gonna be a dad!! does this mean u have to call me daddy now?”
u r s e n s i t i v e
felix first notices this when he gives u a kiss in the morning n ur crying like two seconds after
“why are you crying??!”
“you just leave so early and i miss you!!”
felix skips the day, not rly caring he just wants to cuddle u 🥺
speaking of cuddling u two r so cuddly together now
u guys just cant get enough of each other
ur at practice less often just bc of media and he thinks the house is safer for u
so the boys come over a ton more to the dorm just bc they wanna see u and spend time with u
he is so cute, whenever he sees you he’ll instantly be on his knees to kiss your baby bump and leave u with a light kiss on ur lips
u guys go to ur scan at the beginning of the second trimester
its hush hush and ofc felix has u with the best doctor hes heard of 
his hands are clammy asf, hes smiling and so dazed while he stares at the ultrasound
“look at that!! baby a and baby b!!”
felix is like, 
“oh im gonna pass out”
now he gets these corny ass JOKES like
“wow lix has really GOOD swimmers!!!”
“felix knows his way around the bedroom!!!!!!!!”
poor baby jeongin :( they are POLLUTING HIS MIND
he doesnt but this boy is scared shitless now, two babies?? thats a lot to handle
he likes to shop, a lot. 
for some reason everything is dog themed, puppies on everything and he’ll come home with bags of baby stuff everyday
lix is just so in love with your body
sweaters, t-shirts, hoodies, anything he owns, he 100% wants you to wear it
he might be a little excited at the thought of u in his clothes, it was usual but now u pregnant, he was a little MORE excited
abnormally this guy worships your body 100% 
he loves how easily you can just unravel, to the point of tears and have u begging for him to stop
ok lemme not ill start writing shit type smut anyways chile yes lix loves u A LOT in and out of the bedroom
mmm he’ll always be brainstorming names
aeygo for the babies 🥺
tons of kisses he has plenty to go around
he acquires a new skill called cooking 😣
ur his new favorite taste tester
he’ll read books for them both
tons of research on expecting twins and what to do
“hey, okay.. so i bought a pregnancy pillow, and like, i wanna use it?”
felix has this smirk, holding the huge pillow that is supposed to be a maternity one, but he much prefers himself using it as a regular pillow
he actually goes public with this, knowing that the fans adored u after being his girlfriend for so long nd u soon became a favorite for them
some shit like ‘stays meet your new members’ 😣
this guy has a knack for painting, his newest canvas is your large baby bump, doodling little flowers n hearts or animals on it, sometimes painting characters on it or whatever it may be
u two have this rly cute vlive together which consists of him painting ur baby bump, plenty of fun while he asked stays to tell him what to draw on ur bump :v
“ooh!! a ladybug!!”
he posts the finished project in nice high quality on their official instagram, showing off the many things he had painted
the dreaded bed rest comes into play
u are now nearing seven months, which meant that u should be experiencing labor or maybe labor pains soon
he takes his paternal leave, now indulging in ice-cream and gummy bears with u, rather than working out and drinking nasty smoothies
guess who has that sympathy weight 
(jk he just uses it as an excuse so he can just give up on his diet)
sleep all day
sleep all night
u two are honestly so tired for WHATEVER reason
lix is there to be a cuddle bug, pulling ur back close to his body, ur legs entwined and his hand on top of ur own that was on ur bump
its rly cute just try and picture it for a moment
u guys r trying everything to hurry and get to the end of this seemingly forever pregnancy
he’ll def buy two yoga balls instead of just one for u and he’ll bounce on them with u
who cares ab trying to hurry up y’all are having so much fun regardless of the fact u have to pee every ten minutes
u both forget the thought of it and just go with the flow
making a deal to go with the names for whomever u claimed aka baby a or baby b
i see ur guys timing to be during the summer so its miserable in ur house
its hot n stuffy
u two r just lounging n u both have popsicles, then ur just like
“oh! oh.”
it was a steady gush of fluid between ur legs and that was when the nervousness set in
u two just look at each-other in shock
“oh! we’re having a baby- um.. wow!”
he is abnormally good at keeping calm, helping u keep ur breathing steady and getting everything together 
felix is a pro.
u guys r kinda chilling in the parking lot just quiet and sort of nervous that the next time ur walking out of there you both will have not one, but two babies
“i don’t know if i’m ready yet.”
felix groans, grabbing ur hand
“ur right, ur more than ready. look at us!! parents of two in at least the next twenty-four hours!!” 
his hands r around u in a second to help u up and there to help u walk in
u two honestly decide to play games on ur phone to kill time
felix crawls into ur bed, seeing as how u looked extremely lonely, letting his arms and legs wrap around u n he’s just playing with ur hair
its honestly adorable
u two are really tired for whatever reason, falling asleep like this before u would be consumed in the late nights of being parents
these nurses wake u both up and are just like
“let’s see if we’re ready to meet ur babies!!”
felix is kinda scared but nonetheless he’ll grab ur hand and hold onto it with a smile
10cm woo!
if he wasn’t hyping u up before he is hyping u up right now
ur somewhat laughing and crying while in pain
yall r so weird
felix is there to wipe ur face with the wet cloth, or to give u a sip of water, rly whatever u need he is on it
poor baby just wants to be of help
“here’s baby a! it’s a girl!”
u two have at least a moment with her, taking in her small appearance, felix holding her out for u to see
abruptly cut off by baby b needing to make an appearance
“i don’t wanna do this again.”
“it’s alright, shh. we’re going to have two babies, two perfect ones. we have one little girl, let’s get ready for the next one, yeah? our two babies, you’re doing so good.”
they take away ur little girl while felix does what he already did beforehand
“here’s your second one!! we have a pair of sisters!”
u and felix are so overjoyed at this news, literally sobbing, u two r a mess
both r brought over to u, felix taking in the fact he’s a father of two girls, such small girls
ur both smiley while u kiss them n cuddle them, getting the nurse to take a picture of u two
ur obviously tired, felix emotionally worn out but having the brightest smiles on ur faces while u hold onto ur pair of newborn girls
he’s so proud, he’s the definition of a proud father
lix is holding onto one and he comes over to you, the other one cooing
“that’s it, my three girls.”
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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mego42 · 3 years
Hi, since you seem more positive/excited about the triangle possibility than a fair amount of people, can you talk more about why? I fall into "the not thrilled about the possibility, but have a little hope it could result in some good moments" group and would love some more reasons to not dread it. Thanks! And love your writing and love reading your tags :)
hey anon!! i am v sorry you are not thrilled and am always happy to shriek nonsense about why i’m excited (though idk how much it will help bc the tl;dr is more or less i’m hype for a triangle bc i am an incredibly messy bench who lives for drama and if you are not a similarly messy bench, ymmv)
don’t get me wrong, i super understand the trepidation, pop culture is LITTERED with absolute shite examples of love triangles but here is an incomplete list of reasons i personally think beth and rio are the perfect kind of disaster to set up a spectacular love triangle:
the existence of a triangle implies there are FEELINGS at the various points
the use of the descriptor "romantic" applied to said triangle implies ROMANTIC feelings
i am a simple woman and my pulse has already picked up
one of my absolute most favorite things about the toxic stew that is beth and rio is how completely balls to the wall obsessed they are with having and holding each other’s attention and focus
like straight up possessive nightmare people
now imagine wedging an actual rival for one or the other’s attention between the two of them
(something we have not reeeeeally seen before, 206 withstanding and i’ll come back to that, bc lbr beth doesn’t give a fck about dean and rio’s known that for sure ever since he walked LITERALLY RIGHT PAST THE GUY to rail his wife in a public bathroom at her invitation)
(the 204 proximity point has nothing to do with this list it’s just a source of endless delight and that was enough for me to justify adding it)
where was i
mmmmm feelings, possessive nightmares, OH RIGHT
they are also nightmares in the sense that it appears to be physically impossible for them to use their words with each other unless it’s like, ripped out of them which means they’re sitting on ALL THE BAGGAGE between them and it’s just stewing and boiling and
wait, let me back up
look, i want brio sex as bad as the next person
but even more than brio sex? i want them to fight
i mean like, Fight fight
i want the kind of knockdown drag-out brawl that brings Stuff to the surface and leaves them with a bunch of nasty, ragged, pieces dragged out into the light bc lbr they’ve both done some incredibly awful things to each other
(kind of like what 213 was looking like before it all went to shit tbh)
(i’m just saying, beth saying you put it all on me with that kind of jagged, disbelieving betrayal behind it? my catnip)
(it’s up there with rio at the picnic table in 306 telling her that ship sailed when she put three slugs in him)
i live for them being raw and honest and emotional okay
bc here’s the thing, for the magnitude of horrifying shit between the two of them? i (personally) think that they like it because they are so! twisted! when it comes to each other and i love that for me, specifically
like no seriously a huge part of what i love about the ship is that whole i see your monster and it looks like mine thing they’ve got going on when they let themselves and i am full on foaming at the mouth feral at the thought of them leaning into that
i’m sorry i’ve lost the thread again
wait no that was the thread
okay so basically they’re both ticking time bombs of smothered angst and rage who are absolutely incapable of being normal about each other but are also keeping all of that locked tf down and the only time we ever really see it come out is when one o them is too emotionally overwhelmed to keep their iron grip
you know what brings emotions to the surface?
like don’t get me wrong there is absolutely no way it’s gonna be pretty but i didn’t get on this busted ass carnival ride expecting nice things, i am in this to feEl stuFf and nothing makes me feel stuff more than seeing the two of them feel stuff and this is  perfect set up for that
you know how they say the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference?
you know what’s not indifference? big messy emotions
but okay okay okay i am icarus and the sun looms large, lets say they don’t fight, that doesn’t mean they’re not gonna feEl stuFf on their own
do you remember beth’s face in the van when rio hugged dylan??? do you?????
and what did she do after that? went out and robbed him blind and held his shit hostage until he caved in what is one of my top 10 of all of their scenes
and god, idk if we’ve really seen rio really get jealous of attention lavished on beth yet but when i think about it i want it so bad my teeth hurt
and i know i’m not alone here bc i have i think 3 jealous!rio prompts in my inbox rn
(i’m not saying i’m working on it but i’m also not not saying it)
god i just
can you imagine how much fun it could be to watch rio seethe over having to watch someone else be into beth
oh christ and if beth responded to it??????????
oh gOD thE mESS
idk even if it doesn’t lead to a confrontation (but i feel like??? it would have to????) just the idea of the kinds of feelings they’d have to grapple with and confront within themselves is D E L I C I O U S
also, to jump back to an earlier point: brio sex
i know some people are feeling like the sexy chemistry between beth and rio is lacking this season
you know what’s great for chemistry? fuel
you know what provides great fuel? messy emotional situations that tug at intimate connections and make people feel out of control
you know what’s a messy emotional situation that tugs at intimate connections and make people feel out of control? 
you probably guessed it
(and we know that neither of them does well with feeling out of control period at all even without the intimate emotional stuff mixed in so like oh boy)
listen i am just saying given where they’re currently at with each other i cannot think of any situation more ripe for an explosive hook up than one or both of them feeling driven to reassert their claim/mark on the other 
would it be nice? no, probably not
would i care? not even a little bit
(don’t you judge like any of y’all are any better than me)
look. to quote marie kondo horrifically out of context: i love mess and the mess potential in a romantic love triangle with beth and rio as two of the three points is stratospherically high.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!Mingyu Fluff
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Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
Thanks for the request @ajusquishy​ !!! I really hope you like it, thanks again for all the compliments on my writing! Feel free to request more! Reminder to everyone that this is a series I only do by request so if there’s one I haven’t written that you want, just request it! (Sorry this one took longer, I had long shifts at work and forgot I promised to do favors for some people)
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You and Mingyu have been best friends almost your whole lives
You both met in elementary school
You were in different classes but the whole school got lunch and recess at the same time
You meet each other on the playground
And Gyu being the big puppy that he is, immediately starts whining to you about how he hasn’t made any friends in his class
And you eventually admit that you haven’t either
And then you quietly ask Mingyu if he wants to be friends
And he immediately hugs you and proclaims that he’ll love you forever
And you two have been friends ever since
You know that character trope everyone loves?
Gentle giant befriends a defensive person who’d kill anyone who so much as looks at the gentle giant the wrong way?
That’s you and Gyu 
He’s all fully trusting of others and bright smiles and sunshine and flowers 
And you’re all 
“That person said what to you??? I’m gonna go beat them up”
Truthfully most of your high school days are Mingyu dragging you away to stop you from fighting anyone who’s mean to him
But really since Mingyu is so trusting of everyone he meets 
You really have been taking care of him since you met him
Warding off people who try to take advantage of him, helping him with the favors he couldn’t say no to, and comforting him when his feelings get hurt
Usually you’re happy to do all of that for him because you care about Gyu so much and honestly you’d do anything for him
But one time your teacher asks Mingyu to help round up volunteers for garbage pickup 
And on the weekend you were planning to go to the beach with other friends
You get stuck on the side of the highway helping Gyu and your teacher pickup trash
You never let him live that one down
But even when you’ve graduated high school and started your 20s 
You’re still happy to help Mingyu with what he needs
It’s a bit different now with you being in university and Mingyu being an idol
But you’re also both so much more grown up and mature and understanding that it’s not just the two of you against the world anymore
You’ve made more friends and Mingyu has the boys
Who are all incredibly happy you’re around btw
Especially Coups who sometimes finds being a leader to twelve really stressful and is incredibly happy that Mingyu has someone to depend on even when he gets busy
But aside from all of that, not a lot changes between you and Gyu
“Honestly, Woozi, I don’t know what I’d do without them, [Y/N]’s the kindest person I’ve ever met and I feel like they made me who I am and I honestly can’t even imagine life without them”
“It sounds like you’re in love with them Gyu”
And Mingyu’s like
*white guy blinking gif*
And he realizes that oh
He definitely is in love with you
And after that he’s just 
Because he is so completely infatuated with you
And you’re just like 
And he starts convincing himself that you don’t feel the same way
“You don’t know until you tell them, though, Gyu.”
So Mingyu decides he’s gonna tell you
He hypes himself up
Dresses up really nice
Practices a speech in the mirror
Tries to ignore Seungkwan and Hoshi walking in every once in awhile to tease him
And heads over to your place 
And when he walks in
“Oh hey Gyu, I have big news”
He doesn’t want to assume the worst but he can feel his heart sink down to his feet
“You know that summer internship I applied for? The one abroad? I got it!”
You squeal excitedly and grab Gyu’s arms as you jump up and down
“Can you believe it? The whole summer overseas, interning at my dream job!!!”
“No, I can’t...”
“What are you so dressed up for? Do y’all have something important scheduled today?”
“Oh, uh, yeah”
“Bummer, I was gonna force you to help me pack”
Mingyu is distressed when he gets back home
What if he tells you and you get into a relationship but it starts off long distance and it’s too much and your relationship ends before it can even begin?
What if he doesn’t tell you and you meet someone while you’re there and it’s over for him?
He just lays face down in his bed the rest of the day, groaning and pulling at his hair
When the day comes for you to leave, he drives you to the airport
“Remember the time change when you try to call me, and make sure to keep me updated on how that new song is going, and tell Hoshi I said to be a little nicer when he’s teaching you the choreo and...”
You stop in your rant when you see Mingyu’s forlorn face
“Hey, it’s only three months-”
“Three months and two weeks” he pouts
“Three months and two weeks” you roll your eyes “But it’ll be over before you know it, I’ll be home soon!”
He nods before pulling you into a tight tight tight hug 
And you start to pull away but he just grabs onto you tighter so you just let him hold you for a minute
“I made you some snacks and stuff for the plane ride”
He hands you a bag before sending you off towards your gate
He waves until he can’t see you anymore
To be honest, you don’t really look inside the bag until you’ve already landed and reached the hotel you’re staying in
It’s because you know you’ll miss home and you wanted to have that with you when you were so far away 
So you pull out Mingyu’s snacks and chow down
Then you look through the bag to find the other things he packed
An extra pair of headphones bc you always forget yours
Some face masks
Other odds and ins
And a letter
You put the letter to the side, deciding to only read it when you really miss home
Which happens half way through your internship
You get back to your hotel room absolutely exhausted, thinking about how you’ve only made it halfway through
And you really really want to go home
Your employers told you they’d give you some time off
But you’re not sure you’re gonna take them up on their offer
You turn over in your bed and reach around to find the letter Mingyu had written you
You stare at your name written in his handwriting for a bit before opening it
It’s mostly a pretty standard letter
He tells you how much he’ll miss you
How great he thinks you’ll do at your internship
How nervous he is for their comeback
“I’ll give it my all but it won’t be the same since my heart will be across the sea”
You reread it five times thinking you must be misinterpreting it
But nope there it is
You decide to take the vacation days
Mingyu is nothing short of surprised when you show up to the dorm halfway through the summer
“Well you’re back early” 
“Oh I’m just here on my time off”
“Why’d you come here for your time off?? You were abroad, there were places you could’ve seen and-”
“Mingyu, I’m in love with you”
He stops dead in his tracks
“I don’t think I realized it until I read your note but... I love you”
Time stops for Mingyu 
He doesn’t even realize it until
“Usually when people tell you they love you, some sort of response is expected”
“Oh right sorry”
He steps forward towards you and looks over your face
He forces you to look at him by pinching your chin between two fingers and guiding your face towards his
“I love you too”
Then he presses his lips softly against yours and kisses you slowly
As it turns out the long distance isn’t so bad once you go back to your internship 
You call as much as you can and send each other gifts
And once you get back
You two are inseparable
Like still the same duo as always
But with a lot more fluff added on top
Just smothering each other with affection
“Mingyu please, [Y/N] has their own place, can’t y’all be gross and mushy there instead of at the dorm???”
“Quiet maknae”
Mingyu is elated to be your boyfriend
Like honestly he’s been waiting for this his whole life
He’s kind of clingy in a cute way
Every time you two see each other at the end of the day he runs to you to hug you and greet you
Since you two were already with each other 24/7 before you started dating
Your relationship is really easy
You know how to navigate arguments with each other well
You know each other’s habits
And favorite things
It was already a perfect situation with a beautiful love added on top
Mingyu isn’t always super open about his feelings
But sometimes at night when it’s super late
He’ll lay next to you and play with your hands as he quietly whispers his deepest feelings to you
You always take him seriously at times like this so he knows he can trust you and that he’s safe with you always
Like Hoshi, he’s a bit of a crier at times like this
He’s just so utterly happy to be with someone who cares for him so much and makes him feel so loved
So he can’t help but tear up when he tells you he loves you
Usually it’s during your late night talks
But sometimes it happens in the middle of the day
You’ll just be talking about something or cleaning the kitchen or doing something to entertain yourself and you’ll look over
And Mingyu will have a pout on his face and tears in his eyes
And you’re like ??????
“Babe what’s the matter???”
“I just love you a lot”
Cue the giant puppy pushing himself into your arms and burying his face in your neck
You two switch on being the little spoon quite often bc you both like being held by the other
There are some nights when you both want to be the little spoon and you’ll try to stand your ground but then he’ll act cute to convince you to let him be it
Cue knocking on the wall next to the bed
“Mingyu, [Y/N], please remember that this is a dorm housing twelve other people that don’t want to hear your disgustingly cute argument over who gets to be the little spoon”
“Oh god, Hoshi hyung, you heard that???”
Hoshi is bitter that y’all kept him up
But not bitter for his new material to blackmail Mingyu with lol
But you’re not the only one taking care of Mingyu
Mingyu does lots to take care of you
He remembers your allergies bc sometimes you forget and almost eat something that might set off a reaction
He’ll slap it out of your hand like you do when a baby picks something up off the floor and tries to put it in their mouth lol
When you’re stressed from classes he’ll stay up all night with you until you finish your homework
Even if he can’t help you with it, he’ll keep you company until it’s done
And he’ll make you lots of yummy food while you’re working on it
When you’re upset he’ll hold you while you cry/silently mull it over/rant about what’s happening
And he’ll massage your back and pet your head
Buys you lots of cheesy couple gifts
“Look [Y/N]! I bought us couple plushies for when I leave on tour”
“He stole that idea from me by the way”
“Shut UP maknae”
But he’s willing to do anything to make you happy
Like how you are for him
You two have a one in a million love story
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funkin-news · 3 years
ninjamuffin ama summary - 9/28/2021
you know the drill, purple text is me paraphrasing, everything else is direct (or almost direct) quote, FNF-related stuff only
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Q: What is one common misconception about FNF or its development that you wanna clear up?
A: im not the sole creator, im not some sole director. Each of the boys have very important roles with the game. This isn't just 1 dude having tunnel vision about a game, its generally all us coming to similar conclusions on where we want to take the game and what we wanna do wit it
Q: why
A: because I love video games and I love newgrounds
Q: Do you or the team plan to go back and make the older weeks higher quality?
A: that will definitely happen. both for general polish, and things leading up into future weeks / story or whatever
Q: Why did everyone think Week 8 was gonna come out on the 22nd?
A: accidental "teases" (Dave's MC-related doodle), madness day, general anxiousness bc the devs haven't been sharing much
Q: What kind of QOL changes are being added in the future?
A: charting editor improvements is one
Q: What is the most insane, most likely impossible to happen person you would like to collaborate with, could be Funkin related, could be just a personal project
A: the girl reading this
Q: Is Cassette Girl week 8?
A: no
Q: Is there concept art for the characters, or did they look the same during development?
A: GF looks exactly the same as the first ever drawing PhantomArcade did. There's a few small lil variations for a good chunk the other MAIN characters, one day u will see all them
R: can you explain the old bf icon? or is it just a dumb placeholder?
A: just a cool ass lil icon evilsk8r did during the game jam weekend
Q: Are you letting yourself getting inspired by more different genres of music for future weeks?
A: i think that more a Q for kawaisprite, but that man loves music, and can and does get inspired by anything he listens to in regards to music
Q: Why has the team been so silent about update progress?
A: They do better working in silence than hyping things up; when Week 6 was teased working on it became really stressful for them. Also, element of surprise
R: but youve been silent abt week7 on desktop for months, half a year. & week 8 is like….. nonexistant
A: week 8 isnt nonexistant, we just absolutely do not want to talk about it whatsoever. i said all the week 7 stuff will come with week 8 update
Q: what do you genuinely think about the people thinking you guys scammed people out of $2 million? just curious is all, i’ve seen lots of people talking about it rn
A: i think people are a bit wary about kickstarter, and makes sense when people's coin is on the line. if u want a breakdown of what we used KS coin so far, we spent maybe 2K of it on some development stuff we needed, most other expenses been paid from our savings / donations, etc.
Q: When does the OST come to the backers?
A: Kickstarter vinyl OSTs still need to be manufactured, which would take at least 6 months because of a global PVC shortage, completely out of our control. what is in our control is that we also still need to finish up and finalize artwork for it, the boys wanna make it all perfect. Same goes for CDs, but those should be done way sooner
Q: You got a date range of when Tshirt / Poster / or Pin surveys will be out by any chance? 👀
A: kickstarter tshirts / poster / pin stuff have been coming along nicely and hopefully those surveys should be coming soon, prob next few weeks
Q: Do you guys think you'll experiment with other artstyles in future weeks?
A: yes, cuz we've already done that (week 6) theres a lot more where that came from
Q: if you could isolate one part of the game and say it’s your favorite what would it be
A: the fact that FNF is our pure creative vision, with absolutely nothing getting in the way of that. Open source free Newgrounds rhythm game with crazy zany kawaisprite music, and stylish and charismatic animation and art style. and game been successful because of all of that.
Q: what do you think about people compiling the full ass game and playing it without paying anything
A: that makes me happy
Q: what do you think of all the mods and stuff people has made about your game
A: mods make me happy
Q: any inspiration from doki doki literature club for the weird stuff in week 6?
A: no, but some of the cool lil programming things DDLC did do interest me
Q: How do we know you're working on the game
A: you don't, and really it doesnt matter all too much. we being productive and things are moving forward, and people not believing that doesnt change that
And now, a speech:
i think trying to focus on keeping hype and keeping game popular can very easily be hollow. We have no worry about trying to keep hype or relevancy or anything like that. If FNF popularity shrunk to 0.1% of it's size, we'd be content, cuz that's still like 1000% more than before
"before" referring to anything we did before FNF.
you can lose success just as easily as you got it, and for FNF, it got successful INCREDIBLEY fast. With that in mind, it's just the nature of things if it all loses relevancy.
So far FNF doing good through the year, but if it wasn't, it's no real sweat off our back.
Although it's uhhh easy to look at it that way from our perspective. Get back to me and see if my thoughts on this has changed if FNF is forgotten from all memory.
Q: will there be a sequel to the full ass game? Like 'the full a2s game' or something clever like fast & furious movies do
A: friday night funkin: tokyo drift
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staytiny-present · 3 years
Ateez Coraline!au
anyway, this is meant to be a little headcanon thing for a series i’ve been planning that is, obviously, based on the movie coraline. it’ll be a reader insert for you to enjoy as well :) this is basically a “ateez as characters in coraline,” but my plan is to still make them unique to the story. i hope you like this!
warnings: this does not match at all swearing, angsty situations, borderline crack (you’ll see), i think i make one sex joke, allusions to depression - PLEASE take caution when you read yunho’s part. i don’t think i go into any specifics, but his gets serious that i just want you to be aware
Reader’s backstory: you’ve lived with your grandmother who owns the pink palace apartments since you were a teenager so you can help her out as she gets older. the pink palace isn’t the most well-known, but it’s gotten a pretty negative rap since the disappearance of your best friend in high school. it’s hard living there still, but you know your grandma needs the support. you know nearly all of the ins and outs of the place, and all of the tenants adore both you and your grandma
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Wooyoung and Yeosang ~ Spink and Forcible
tell me i’m wrong
that’s right you can’t
they’ve been friends for years and bicker and tease each other like they’re married and still love and support each other? yeah
wooyoung and yeosang are childhood friends
they mostly did dance in high school but they were also in theater, and they were kinda well known for being The Best™
they were recruited to join a lot of teams and a lot of colleges wanted them because they were just??? amazing??? how tf??
so yeah they earned a lot of recognition in high school that honestly got them really famous from when they were 16 onward
it’s been a few years since then and so the hype around them has definitely died down but we’ll get to that
they are currently still working on stuff in regards to dancing and acting
they’re technically in college too, but they do online classes so they can stay at home and work on their shows
wooyoung is the idealist while yeosang is the realist
like i said, they act like an old married couple always bickering and fighting but they really do love each other
ride or die best friends dude
it’s just that they say they’ll do certain things or are planning things soon and it just… doesn’t happen
that’s mostly idealist woo talking before yeosang can reign him in
so for years it’s been a lot of empty promises of new work that many people just stopped expecting things from them
and because of that they’ve past their peak and are basically just in limbo before they are actually able to make/perform their next show or something like that 
they rent the basement apartment of the pink palace, and they’ve technically lived in there the longest actually
growing up, both of their families lived there so that was how they met and became the best of friends :)
they didn’t want to leave either but they had to for a couple years
but at least they stayed together :)
their families moved back when the boys were about a year into high school just because the old woman who owns the place is a gem and the city had a great school for them to go to
while they were living there though a boy around their age went missing, and it basically convinced their families that they should move out
wooyoung and yeosang were very adamant about staying, so their families told them you’re either moving away with us or finding a way to pay for the apartment yourselves
so the next day wooyoung and yeosang went out and found themselves some jobs so that they could
it upset their parents sure, but they were also kinda proud that they took so much initiative about this - they knew they would succeed in life
it also factored into why grandma let them stay because she knew the same thing
the sweet woman even said she would help them out from time to time :(
then cue the next 3-4 years where woo and yeo are making a bunch of money with their dances teams and performing in shows 
they’ve gotten a good amount of money over the years that they’ve been able to renovate the basement so that it’s really nice
now they have posters of their “golden years” (as wooyoung says) from high school and their first years of college all around their place
they have a dog and have been seriously considering getting more because he’s getting kind of old :( 
they don’t really get out much bc they are constantly trying to plan and work on their shows, but it’s fine because there’s nothing really close to the pink palace :/ the closest city where they went to school is quite the commute
but because of all this - the empty promises, the lack of activity, the radio silence - no one really takes them seriously anymore, and really people just stopped believing in them
it’s a major factor in their motivation and work ethic, but they try their hardest not to let it deter them from what they want to do in life
Mingi, San, and Jongho ~ The Amazing Bobinsky
trust me here ok?
mingi, san, and jongho start their own circus right out of high school
hear me out
the boys all went to high school together, but jongho is a year younger than them so they all graduated at different times
however they had a lot of classes together because they didn’t really care much about school and it reflected on their academics
so they were put in a lot of lower classes together that they all did well in, they just didn’t care about school
their circus started out as a joke honestly
it was probably edgy teen jongho who was like “ugh i hate school i should just drop out and join the circus”
and it became a running joke between them like haha yeah let’s join the circus, who would we all be tho?
mingi and san were both very adamant that jongho would be the strongman what with all his fruit breaking endeavors and the buff buff arms dude
san did martial arts and liked dancing and was very flexible so he was like ayy i’ll be the acrobat
it took them a while to decide what mingi would be because they were like “huh well what about the lion tamer?” “you know how much of a fraidy cat he is?” “ok well what about a trapeze artist?” “he’s a great dancer and flexible sure, but would he ever be able to have that kind of coordination?” “ok fine then what about a clown?” “fuck you guys”
they chose sword swallower mostly because like??? how does it work?? idk mingi should find out 
and yeah for a while it was a running joke between all of them like yeah we’re gonna drop out of school and join the circus lol
but then come mingi and san’s senior year and they were like… hang on
could… could we actually do this? it sounds fun as hell
it went as far as them all researching circuses in their spare time and income and how to go about joining one
and it ended with them not wanting to live the lifestyle of a traveling circus 
sure it sounded cool as fuck, but while they were somewhat willing to live with those conditions, they weren’t willing enough
so the next best thing for them would be to start their own circus
of course, how do you tell your parents that what you want to be when you grow up is a circus performer?
the answer: you don’t 
whenever they were asked things likes “oh what do you want to do in college?” they all just kinda passed it off as they didn’t know, but in reality they didn’t really have any desire to go to college
you don’t need a degree to start a circus, so they didn’t really want to
once mingi and san graduated, they immediately started looking for affordable apartments where they could do their thing - start their circus
in all honesty they started looking before they graduated too, partially since they would be moving out after hs but also because they just felt better about not living with their parents 
they had seen the pink palace in the newspaper a lot with a vacant attic apartment, and basically since they found out about it they were sold on it
a weird place in the middle of nowhere run by a woman who doesn’t mind housing younger people? perfect
they actually met her before they graduated so they could see about renting the apartment sooner or later
grandma all but told them it was there’s once she met the boys, and she understands that when they are finally able to start living there they will be pretty tight on money, so she doesn’t even make them pay the down payment - she does that herself and holds the apartment for them
because let’s face it: the pink palace isn’t very big,, it already has a good amount of people living there,,, how many people are actually gonna consider moving to the middle of nowhere to actually live there?
plus she likes these three boys, so she wants to help them as much as she can
so yeah once mingi and san graduate, they are basically ready to move into the pink palace
but this is technically after that boy went missing and after the case turned cold, so grandma doesn’t want to rent to anyone new
but she already assured the boys that the attic was theirs, and she’s not about to break that promise
so before giving the boys the keys she gives them the lowdown of what’s been going on and what will happen in the future
they know the boy went missing, but she explains to them all that happened and that it gives the pink palace a bad rap (even though she hardly cares about that), so she wouldn’t normally be doing something like this but they will be the last people she lets rent from her
and they don’t completely understand because they have no idea what this has been doing to the poor old woman, but they understand enough and are grateful for her that she’s still letting them live there
they decide then that it would be better for jongho to start living with them now even before he’s graduated just so it’s less of a change for grandma in the future
which jongho is totally okay with because he honestly would rather live with them anyway
but uh yeah mingi, san, and jongho are the last ones to start renting at the pink palace for a long while
they split rent three ways so that it’s less burdensome on them, and they all have jobs so that they can afford it
mingi and san work full time while jongho has a part time job while he finishes school
but full time they are all preparing and planning their circus!!
takes a lot of throat training for mingi 😏 since he is literally putting swords down his throat, and he started this basically right when they decided their circus was going to be real
san and jongho have advantages because they already have some skill in their areas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t train
san still takes martial arts and dance, and he’s even signed up for gymnastics to help him with his flexibility
jongho basically spends all of his spare times working out (mostly lifting weights) so that he can really be strong
but also jongho has a thing for rats/mice and is like “hey,, why don’t we use them for something so that it’s not just us?”
and the boys lowkey are like wtf dude why but then again who are they to shut down his ideas when they are literally starting a circus?
so they’re like fine but that’s on you to decide how to do that and to plan the act
jongho: yessss ratssss
also jongho: NO they’re not RATS they’re MICE these are MICE THANK YOU
this is the “jumping mice” aspect of the coraline movie with bobinsky just fyi
a lot of jongho’s time in school is spent in the science and psychology departments talking to teachers about animals (specifically rats/mice) and how to train and work with them
the teachers are all kinda like… what? but also they are just happy that jongho is interested in something enough to come to the teachers and ask questions and apply himself
lmao it’s not for school tho
so he learns a lot of this information at school and honestly this might be the only thing he learns at school because soon enough he’s graduating with a bunch of knowledge on how to work with and train animals
once out of high school he starts working full time too so that money and rent is even easier
all of their extra money that isn’t toward rent and bills and groceries go to their circus
they hardly ever buy new clothes unless it’s something for their circus
also the boys had to go to grandma to ask if they could house mice in their apartment, and while it was a hard no (unless they were trained and wouldn’t cause trouble), jongho still smuggled them in
grandma knows about it too (bc she knows everything that goes on for the most part lmao) but she doesn’t say anything because they don’t cause trouble and she likes the boys
the day one of them gets loose and starts terrorizing and infesting the pink palace is the day she intervenes and tells them to get rid of them
but jongho is actually really good at training the mice so it’s fine
my point surrounding all of this is to say that mingi, san, and jongho are in the long and arduous stage of their lives and their circus of planning and preparing everything
they only make so much money and have so many resources that setting up their circus and doing everything to prepare is going to take a long time before they can actually open and show people what they’ve been working on
they’ve been doing it for a few years now and they’ve still hardly made a dent
they have to train and perfect their acts sure, but they also have to do all of the logistical stuff like advertising, selling tickets, finding venues, paying for safety and legal stuff, etc.
and these boys are only in their early 20s, so it’s gonna take a while before they can actually open their circus
but they are determined and passionate, so if this is what they have to do then they will happily do it
Yunho ~ The Ghost Children
oh god this is gonna start getting serious i’m sorry
in case you can’t tell, yunho is the boy that goes missing from the pink palace
he and his family lived in the pink palace from when he was pretty young until he was in high school
he was also really good friends with wooyoung and yeosang because they were all the same age
however he was... not happy
he always worked his ass off dancing because that’s what he wanted to do, but it meant his grades in school tanked
this would obviously be worrying to some parents, and his gave him an ultimatum
either get your grades up and start taking school seriously, or you’re not going to be allowed to continue your dance lessons
the answer was clear to yunho, so he told his dance teacher that he would be taking a break for a bit so he can focus on school
everything was fine until he realized his parents had zero intentions of letting him go back anyway
he didn’t understand,, his grades were getting better so why couldn’t he go back?
to put it plainly, his parents said this:
“what kind of career could you make out of dance? you’ll never succeed”
it was crushing
it was then that yunho realized that his own parents didn’t care about what he wanted and was passionate about
he didn’t think they ever would either, so he just sort of... stopped believing in them
it wasn’t all bad because he had his closest friends and grandma (who treated him like her own grandson)
but he had some pretty bad days that made the happy and energetic boy almost completely unrecognizable
he would look at wooyoung and yeosang and see how successful they were despite still being in school
he would see how their talent was rightfully recognized and sought after
and he would get down on himself, thinking how he wanted the same thing but fearing no one would see him
that’s why he worked hard at everything he did, why his motivation plummeted, and why he nearly wore himself out before even graduating
but one day he started acting strange
everyone noticed how a switch seemed to flip in him
that excited glimmer was back in his eyes, and no one knew why
don’t get me wrong, everyone was so happy to see the smiley yunho was back, but everyone wanted to know what happened
but he hardly made any sense when he told them
he supposedly found a place in the pink palace where he could do what he wanted, but whenever he tried showing anyone he couldn’t? the door was bricked up
everyone started thinking he made it up, that the stress was finally getting to him and he dreamt up a place like this so he wouldn’t lose his mind
that glimmer was gone again, and he stopped trying to talk to people
in fact, he closed himself off from everyone 
the day he went missing was the scariest day for everyone in the pink palace
everyone was devastated, but it completely changed his parents
grandma advised them to move out while the police investigated, but they refused despite how hard it was
but after a year the case became cold
no one could find yunho nor could anyone figure out what happened to him
he just disappeared without a trace
his parents still tried to stay though because they needed to find out what happened to their son
but they couldn’t. no one could
it wasn’t long before they too found it best that they move out of the pink palace
it was just too painful
that was the last time grandma ever rented to anyone new, so the apartment became completely vacant for years
even after they left, no one was able to figure out what happened to yunho
Seonghwa ~ The Black Cat
geomeun goyangi nero nero nero
uhhhh yeah seonghwa’s a cat lmao
he’s not owned by anyone and doesn’t have a collar or anything
he’s a stray that has been around for a while
he showed up pretty soon after yunho started distancing himself from people, but not soon enough for people to think that he’s an omen or something
and he’s not exactly
idk really how to explain it so i won’t lmao
he just sort of became the pink palace’s cat???
grandma takes responsibility for him though and makes sure he’s fed and has a place to rest and play if he ever feels like it
which is nice and all but he doesn’t?? do any of those things?
he comes and goes a lot sure,,, no one really knows where he goes but they know he’ll be back
but when he hangs out around the pink palace? he just... wanders?
it’s hard to explain but it’s almost like he is surveying the domain, like he’s searching for something wrong
he’s a weird cat
not only that though, but he doesn’t eat? or sleep? at all???
at least no one ever sees him sleeping or eating
he’s always getting into shit tho, like he’s always there when you don’t want him to be
there have been many times wooyoung has kicked him out of the apartment because the dogs hate him
mingi and san also try to keep him out because of jongho and his rats mice, but honestly jongho is pretty cool with him
because he doesn’t do anything to the mice? he literally just sits there and watches with wide and curious eyes
sure jongho worries about hwa one day stealing one of his mice for grandma to see so that she can make him get rid of them or kick them out but that’s not going to happen right?
hwa is chill tho, so jongho is chill
the cat would follow yunho around a lot, and a lot of times they were seen curled up together
yunho would be taking a nap the poor boy but hwa wouldn’t
he would just be there to comfort him :(
honestly he liked yunho and his best friend the most and everyone could tell jongho was a close second tho
they all came to start calling him mars instead of The Cat™ since they didn’t know his name
they still call him The Cat™ when he pisses them off but i digress
despite how fucking weird he is though, everyone at the pink palace basically loves him
he’s just Their Cat™ ok?
sure he might be annoying and shifty, or he might be haunted, or he might even be immortal
he’s a really weird cat dude
but he’s part of the family,, they gotta love him
Hongjoong ~ Coraline
curtesy of inception era hongjoong 
so joong is our main man here
at first he had no relation to the pink palace whatsoever,, he had never even heard of it
he lived with a friend in a fairly large city before and it was fine and all but WOW was it expensive
and it was honestly very stifling to hongjoong,,, he couldn’t really do everything he wanted to do there
he found the pink palace by accident
he was searching up affordable apartments to live in places that have good weather and conditions for gardening
let me explain though
hongjoong is in his downward stretch of college for a journalism degree, but he’s taking online classes with his move so that he can focus on that and working
he wants to work in gardening and writing, but he also really just wants to make stuff
his realistic plan is to work in journalism and write for like a gardening magazine or journal while gardening as a “side project” or something (like coraline’s parents do)
did somebody say florist joong? because i did
the dream job though would be to work in song writing or fashion or something artistic like that
he likes painting and making/customizing clothes so he would like to be able to make a career out of that
his goal is to eventually make his own business or store where he makes and sells affordable and sustainable clothes and accessories
he’s going for a degree in journalism with a minor in business, but he has been struggling with both so he has been debating dropping business
arguably it would be better for him to stick with business but most people in his life have told him he’s better in journalism and so he keeps at that mostly 
he feels unfulfilled - he wants to plant a garden, he wants to make and alter clothes customly, he wants to make music
but he isn’t able to do any of that because what are the odds any of that ends up working as a career? 
it might work for a little while but in the future he would technically be a small business, and maintaining a small business is difficult
at least with writing and working for a magazine/journal is stable
however it’s not what he’s most passionate about, thus he finds it hard to have motivation to work
he feels like a zombie going through his days the same as the last, just trying to get through school before he gets a 9-5 job that he’ll hate within a year (if that) doing something he doesn’t want to do
but hey, that’s adult life, isn’t it? 
he doesn’t like to complain and feels guilty when he is ungrateful for his circumstances because he knows plenty of people (his parents included) that went down this route who ended up fine, which means he will too
the one person who always told him to go after what he wanted was his mom even though she technically “settled” in life
holy shit did i digress
but yeah in his search for an affordable place to live with good weather, there wasn’t a lot 
but he also wanted a drastic change from what he was used to, and that was the pink palace
it was practically in the middle of nowhere, and the pictures (while pretty dull) showed potential for a great garden
it was perfect
it was a hard no from grandma when he called about possibly renting, so he wasn’t expecting her to call him back at all
grandma didn’t want to risk anything because of what happened with yunho
but with some convincing, she realized that she couldn’t keep holding on
while what happened was horrible, there was nothing that could be done as sad as it was
so she called hongjoong back about when the best time to come look at the pink palace would be
and the rest is history
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part six (aka me losing my mind over the final problem)
Hi, I am once again reminding you all that I've formed a parasocial relationship with the crackhead detective 👍 This made me overly emotional for the fact that he didnt even die
But like
hhhmmmmmmmm those were certainly an interesting 14 pages
Yeah, I already made a post about how the final problem relates to yuumori's final problem and how incredibly sexy it is but yes now I'd just like to relay to you how absolutely heart brocken i am over this lol I will eventually get to reading the post hiatus stories i just. I haven't emotionally recovered from this yet
Yelling below the cut somehow this reaction feels longer than the story itself. but it's about half cracking jokes and half sobbing so be prepared
I mean, starting off strong with "well yknow since i got married my and sherlock's Very Intimate Relations had to be modified and all but we hadnt seen each other in a while so it was kind of jarring to see him crawling in my second story bedroom window clutching Wounds and closing the shutters absolutely fucking wasted losing his mind over some dude named moriarty"
We've been over this but. Oh my god why are they gay
I just like????? Imagine how fucking bizzare that would be to just see your old homie crawl into your window bleeding on your floor and asking to exit the other way in case he's followed like "hey bro can we Talk i hope you're not busy" WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, SAY HE IS? Imagine watson just like "no dude I'm fucking busy go get killed"
But legitimately. That's certainly something. And like, I see a lot of books starting like this lmao but. Holmes's stuff usually starts off kind of easily with watson going "yeah so lately ive been Experiencing Sherlock Holmes" and spend 20 minutes on exposition with them having a Conversation but no. mans just fucking escaped a hitman and went directly to his boyfriend's house having apparently Never Before In His Goddamn Life mentioned his actual nemesis to this guy. How the FUCK has watson never heard of him before.
Im also loving how he calls moriarty a "mathematical celebrity" awhi;grih;oaewhhta;ioh;iaewh;ii;oewh;eh;rg mans just. ok lol hes a Math Celebrity that had to quit his math teacher job because EVERYONE JUST KNEW HE WAS A CRIME LORD LIKE THEY TOOK ONE LOOK AT HIM AND WENT MANS DEFINITELY HAS BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT I DONT WANT HIM TEACHING HERE
But yeah, it was interesting to see what the big deal about og moriarty was... especially since the deal simply did not deliver. There was not really a big deal. It's like reading the first chapter of a book and immediately skipping to the climax. Everything is so hyped up and clearly having been building for years and you just get like NO CONTEXT. I swear Moriarty wasn't goddamn mentioned any time before this. He's just suddenly the big guy and watson has just never fucking heard shit about this guy.
What's so funny about this whole situation is that I just. Cannot objectively know anything about Moriarty at all because sherlock just... does not go into what this dude's alleged crimes even were, other than. The fact that he like. Does them. He's just really involved in crimes. How? Why? For how long? In what way? For what purpose? NO FUCKING CLUE HE JUST. HE JUST DOES. And there's nothing to really suggest that Moriarty was honestly a really evil guy. They're all like trust me he was just. he was just really bad but show absolutely No examples of being such. The most evil thing we saw Moriarty do personally was call sherlock stupid for letting him get into the apartment. And even then he immediately followed it up with complimenting him lol
yeah, my impression of Moriarty was like. I expected him to be worse, honestly. I expected him to be like a cartoon villain because he was kind of made out to be one and then he's just honestly a really polite and refined guy?? Mans strolls the fuck into 221B like hi shawty and it is Not like yuumori obviously man's holding a gun but like. What the fuck they are just. They have never met before but They Clearly Have and it's. its so weird
Like honestly I don't dislike og moriarty. He's really what william tried to be (and fucking failed, but beside the point) but like. Dude's so powerful and for what. He just walks into the apartment with No Pretense like why sherlock holmes is that a revolver or are you just happy to see me oh my goodness you are a dolt why would you hold the gun that way. disgusting. disgraceful. dreadful. Oh my god. I love him I'm sorry
abngnahhghifeah;iewh and Why does sherlock describe him like that hes like "MANS A REALLY REFINED LIZARD /pos" HIEHIFEHW:HGIHOEWFEEW FOR WHAT. FOR W H A T
baaaaaaaaghhhhhh but likeeeee they went STRAIGHT to "you know what I'm here for" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "yeah" "mhm" "damn well it really do be like that sometimes" "ur really smart by the way" "im fucking aware let's kill each other as we both Thought in our Minds" "yes lets" AHDHDHDHDFS WTF THIS IS INSANE
But damn uh. mutual destruction my beloved this is very different from sherliam but im not. im not. opposed to it tucks hair behind ear
I just. Holy shit they really went "if you destroy me I will ensure that we both go down hand in unlovable hand" "I wouldn't mind that"
Annnnd I just noticed that the actual lines for this part kind of. that kind of happened in chapter 31 when sherlock was like i would Gladly die to take down the lord of crime and william was like. hahahah yeahNO NO NO NO
And then watson is like wowww that was cool you wanna spend the night and sherlock is like "UNFORTUNATELY BESTIE I AM BEING FUCKING TRACKED DOWN ID LIKE YOU TO NOT DIE WITH ME"
This bit gave me a Moment Moment because oh my god. Then watson is like "no shut up i'm coming with you i don't care" and i just had to Take A Minute because THEY SWITCHED PLACES AAH SHERLOCK IS TRYING TO KEEP WATSON SAFE NOW AND WATSON IS NOW MORE RECKLESS BC OF HIM AND. AHHHH
Completely random but. How sherlock still refers to 221B as "our rooms" to watson even though watson hasn't lived their in years........ shawty i am emotional.........
But. Ok as funny as this is. They have this fucking Conversation on the train to switzerland where sherlock is like "I have not lived in vain" and watson is like "YOURE NOT DYING" and hes like "i have not lived in vain. like i said. this will not be a bad way to die" UHHHHHH DAMN SHAWTY
hhhhhh and it just Gets. it. it. it Gets. These fuckers get to switzerland and they stay in a hotel and then leave for reichenbach but watson gets this goddamn letter telling him that hes needed at the hotel to basically save this lady's life. And he doesn't. Like. he doesn't even want to go he's like FUCK IT SHE CAN DIE IM NOT LEAVING YOU but sherlock convinces him to go fULLY KNOWING THE LETTER WAS FUCKING FAKED BY MORIARTY JUST AS A PLOY TO GET HIM ALONE
God I just. Wow sherlock really did that huh. He really went and did that. And I went over it in the post about this compared to yuumori but it just RUINED me how watson just. Never saw what happened and there's just so little information about it that all they have is these assumptions and pieces that just suggest that these guys met up, walked up to the goddamn waterfall having a nice civil conversation about how talented and smart they both were at this and how they revealed their methods to each other and complimented them because of course they did
And they just sat up there talking to each other so long and Moriarty legit waited politely or even possibly was the one that suggested he write a letter to watson in which sherlock just went "damn lol moriarty's pretty nice actually anyway uhhhh sorry watson ily ✌" and just like. left it up there in his damn cigarette box
But just like. damn the insinuation that moriarty just sat there and watched while he wrote that entire goddamn letter, sealed it up, and then got up and went alright buddy let's go but it makes no goddamn sense if they wanted to actually kill each other and assure they themselves would survive I could name like 23 different ways they could have managed it so easily and they Didn't. they were really set on mutual destruction huh. There's no way they were even trying to do anything but Die Together at that point and that's Something huh
It absolutely baffles me how they could say that these guys had plummetted like, holding each other tho. Like. ok lol but How Do You Even Know
It was certainly a ride. But the fact that Watson had to actively try to think like Sherlock to figure out what happened in the scene was just. The cherry on top. Especially after they'd consciously started to switch roles in this i just. Damn.
In conclusion uhhhhhhhh gay people real I suppose
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bitchiha · 4 years
Can you please make HCS for sasuke, madara and hashirama (naruto too but I want to bother yo😢) and how they'll deal with their pregnant s/o? When the bump start to grow and their mood swings, weird food combinations and pregnancy struggles in general? Also when their s/o becomes 10 times more affectionate with them and is just soft and clingy. Thank you!💞💖💗
A/N: thanks for the request! I know I was a little slow getting to it but man I’m so swamped with life rn lol 😔 uhh also I swapped Madara out bc I felt like I didn’t make it accurate enough and so I physically couldn’t bring myself to post w his headcanons so I subbed naruto in
✎ Pregnant s/o!! (Sasuke, Hashirama, Naruto)
Sasuke Uchiha
!!I’ve done some headcanons for Sasuke + a preg s/o over here before, so His will be a bit shorter!!
He’s surprised when the baby bump actually starts showing because he didn’t actually believe he was going to have kid. So it really starts to settle in at that point.
Will make sure to be extra cautious around you to make sure nothing bad will happen to you or the baby. He’s in full force protective mode, of course he’ll play it cool but know that he’s got your back.
He’s used to his own mood swings, but when you start getting them he’s like?? What do I do? He’ll be tolerant asf though like you can call him every name in the book and then hug him five seconds later and he’ll just be there like: it’s apart of the process I guess. He can really keep his cool through a shocking amount of insults.
When he starts seeing you eating the weirdest food combinations he is confused, but he won’t say anything because he’s already experienced your mood swings and is not about to trigger them again by saying anything. If you offer him some he’ll just say no and back out of the kitchen, he doesn’t really need to get a snack.
Oh boy the clinginess. When it starts to happen he’s a bit shocked, but he assumes it’s apart of the process. (He assumes everything’s apart of the pregnancy process tbh.) I know he lowkey likes it, I know deep down he digs that clingy shit. Of course he won’t outwardly admit that, but the fact that he isn’t putting up a fight at you smothering his face is a good enough sign.
He will probably very sneakily get a book from the library about pregnancy instead of asking someone about it. Over his dead body would he ask someone like Hinata or Sakura about this stuff. So he consults a book, it was difficult bc some of the stuff he was shook to read about, but he managed to finish it.
Once the book’s finished he feels like he’s prepared for any pregnancy struggles you may have. Still somehow manages to internally flip his shit when something happens. He’ll try his best to help though.
Hashirama Senju
He’s so excited when he finds out that you’re gonna have a child together. Like a child of your own that you’ll both raise to be an amazing shinobi. Ugh he’ll be daydreaming about his kid until you actually have the child, then he’s in shambles, but that’s another story.
Will flex the fact that he is gonna have a child to anyone and anything in his path, which is kinda not a good idea. He also tightens security for the house just incase. He will be so protective bc he’s the Hokage and that makes you and the baby more vulnerable to possible attacks.
Probably yaps Madara and Tobiramas ear off because of how much he’ll talk about you and the baby. Like every five seconds he’s like “I’m having a kid lol” and tobiramas just like shut the fuck up (he’s happy for him tho.)
When he first sees the little baby bump he’s so fucking hyped. Like he’ll probably come up to you randomly just to place his hands on it. He’s like “that’s my kid in there wow.” Honestly he’s just so excited like that man is a ball of happiness.
He’s gonna be kinda shook about some of the pregnancy struggles. Like when you start getting mood swings he’s like so confused at first. He just figures it’s cause of the baby and so he’ll try and hug it out. You could have just called him a bunch of names and he’s just gonna be like “shut up let’s just hug it out.”
That usually does the trick and when it doesn’t, he’ll sneak out and let you fume for a bit before he comes back and tries again.
Enjoys the clinginess 100%. Like he loves it. Its a nice change from the bad part of the mood swings. While you’re cuddling he’ll play with your hair and have a hand resting on your belly. Then you’ll both talk about what you want to name the baby if it’s a boy or a girl, what you think they’ll be like, if they’ll have his eyes or you hair. (He prays they have his hair bc let’s be real it’s lucious asf.)
Like idk I feel like I need to emphasize the fact that he really does love the soft clingy side you’ll get. If he’s working a lot he will sometimes bring you to work with him, will let you lay on a couch in his office while he does his work.
He will have to refrain so hard from laughing at the weird cravings you’re having. Like if he walks into the kitchen and sees you eating some next level crazy meal he’s gonna need to back out of the kitchen and calm himself down. Then he’ll walk in and be like “hey honey, whatcha doing?”
Just because you knew he was laughing and what you were eating five seconds ago you’ll force him to eat it with you. Then he’ll be all like “I’m the hokage! I can’t get sick! Not like this, anyways.” Then he sees your face and he’s like: shit. So he ends up eating with you. Will pretend it’s good but he’s dying on the inside.
When you’re too tired to get out of bed some days he’ll definitely try his best to make you feel comfortable. Will use an earth style jutsu to put flowers around the room to entertain you while you’re in bed. He will also make your weird pregnancy craving meals for you while you’re in bed. And yes, he will laugh to himself the whole time while he makes it.
The closer to the pregnancy he gets the more he daydreams about your kid. He’ll get so excited and will think about all the things he’s gonna teach them.
Naruto Uzumaki
I feel like him and Hashirama would have similar reactions to a lot of things. Like when he first finds out about your pregnancy he is so hyped and will tell literally anyone. Thinks about his future kid all the time. Will probably suggest to name the kid after some type of ramen.
He’s the most immature about dealing with pregnancy stuff. Like I know I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt but.. let’s be real here he’s freaking out the whole time. That’s not to say he isn’t gonna try and be helpful though, like he will genuinely try his best to help. It just won’t end up the way he wanted it too.
Will ask Sakura about what the heck he’s supposed to do, she’ll probably be super helpful and will try and give you some weird special food pills to help you keep energized. Naruto will burn them when she leaves bc he knows those food pills are so gross, it’s the thought that counts I guess.
He also takes videos and pictures 24/7. He wants to make sure he documents everything. “Look, future baby! Your mom is having another pregnancy mood swing- ach! Did’ya see that? Your mom just tossed a shoe at me!”
When the baby bump starts forming he pokes it. Not harmfully, just like.. he wants to make sure it’s real. Like he’s actually having a kid, Crazy! Anyway, so after he pokes it to make sure it’s not fake, he’ll document the moment. “Hey future baby! Look, this is you. Inside there.” (Cue a vv gentle stomach poke)
The mood swings can entertain him sometimes and other times they can annoy the crap out of him. Like you’re crying one second and the next you’re yelling about the one time he forgot to pick you up for a date like three years ago. He’s really crappy at handling anything that have to do with mood swings. He’ll either be a doof about it or he’ll get offended. Then Sakura has to knock some sense into him.
He means well though, he’s still getting used to everything.
Don’t even get me started on how he reacts to the weird food cravings. Like sometimes he’ll lovingly tease the crap out of you for the weird things you’re eating or he’ll be excited and join in. Like you’re putting a scoop of peanut butter in your ramen? He’s grabbing the chopsticks! Will probably be sick afterwards.
The times when you are clingy are the best, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing so you two can just hang out. If that means you just want to lay in bed and sleep, then he’ll do it! Or if that means you wanna go on a walk, then he’ll do it!
Likes to spend as much time with you as possible. Just wants to make sure you’re okay and if you need him to do anything for you.
Overall 10/10 bc he may be a little bit of a goof, but he always means well <3
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Could you do a fic where Steve or Chris falls in love with an exotic dancer? ❤️
Hi, i hope i’ve done a good job with this. I’ve done it as Steve and i hope you love it
Dirty Dancer
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to whoever made this gif, if anyone knows who made it pls let me know so I can give credit. I genuinely just search gifs up on google and I never manage to find out where the original gif is from bc of so many people re posting gifs. I never wanna give credit to the wrong person! So if this gif is yours or if it’s someone you know then let me know and I’ll credit them. Thank you💗
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Warning: Fluff, light smut, explicit language (sorta)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Dancer!Reader
Summary: It’s Steve’s first time at the strip club and your first week as a stripper...
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You never thought it would come to this, stripping for money and yet here you are, your first week in your new job. It paid well and you need the money for school. You’ve always had a talent for dancing so why not put it to good use. 
You were already racking up some regulars that were quickly becoming obsessed with you and the way your body moved up and down the pole, you were informed by the other girls that having regulars come to you within just one week of being here was rare. You must really be good. 
It was the last night of your first week here and although at first you felt a sense of shame for doing this, it soon faded when you got the hang of things. Plus the money was insane. 
As soon as you get to the dressing room to change into your clothes your boss approaches you. Telling you that you’re working the private dance rooms tonight, which means you’ll have to do the rounds on the floor to see if anyone wants one. You didn’t hate this but you didn’t love it either. Money is money. 
“Someone’s looking sexy” a familiar voice calls out to you as you check yourself out in the mirror, you turn around to see your colleague Jessica in the doorway. 
“Well i mean, this is average but you... Dam” she giggles as she walks over to you to help you put your heels on. 
Once you’re ready you head out onto the club floor, it’s packed in here. Time to work your magic.
As you strut around, flashing a couple of winks to some of the randy men, you spot a group entering the club. 3 guys. All 3 of them are fine as hell but there’s a rule here. You have to let them get a drink and sit down first before you approach them, if they come to you first then it’s fine. 
“Sam, i don’t even know why you brought me here” the tall blonde one chuckles as he looks around the room whilst leaning on the bar, his eyes flicker over to you, meeting your gaze. You look away instantly and strut off. 
Steve had never been to a strip club before neither had Bucky and Sam was determined to teach the two of them a thing or two. They get their drinks and find a seat. Right by the stage. You spot them all joking around but your attention is mainly on the tall blonde, he’s your type. You don’t stand a chance though after all, you’re just a dancer and he’s a regular guy.
“Excuse me” a voice calls out, breaking you from your daydream to see if it was calling to you, he was. You approach the group of guys with a friendly smile.
“Do you do private dances?” you nod in response to his question and he nudges the blonde. 
“Sorry, i don’t mean to be rude, i’m Sam, this is Bucky and Steve. Steve here would love a private dance” his name is even cuter. Steve.
You grin as you hold your hand out for him to take it, Sam pushes him up and out of his seat, handing him some money. His hand grips onto yours and you lead him to the back room, locking the door to signal it being engaged. 
He takes his jacket off, taking a seat down onto the chair in a huff. You can’t help but notice that he seems off. 
“Is everything okay?” you ask nervously “I’m fine, honestly i am” you shrug it off as you remove your cover up, your low cleavage purple dress catches his eye.
You strut over to him, the music playing quietly in the background. Your back faces him as your hips start to grind in a circle, your ass brushing over his crotch, you feel him start to get hard. 
He rests his hands on your waist, stopping you mid dance. 
“Okay what’s up?” you stand up, sighing. “Nothing it’s just, do you mind if i ask you something?” you sit down next to him, motioning for him to go ahead.
“Why do you do this and doesn’t your boyfriend hate it?” you look down at your hands before bringing them back up to his blue eyes. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend and i dunno, i love to dance and i need the money for school” you shrug and he rests a hand over yours.
“Shall i continue now or not?” you really liked him, he was attractive and very obviously not the douche bag type. You respected that about him. He nods and you go back to your previous position before turning around to straddle his lap.
You take his hands and rest them onto your ass whilst you continue to grind your crotch on his, teasing him further. 
Minutes later, the time is up. He grabs his jacket from the table and you place your cover up over your shoulders. You both exit and he returns to his table with his boys. They lean in closer to ask him if it was good and he grins at them. 
The rest of the night consists of private dances to all the major dick heads in the club, some try to get a little too handsy, leading you to snap at them. You have to make sure they know their place. 
It’s now 2am and your shift is over, you head back to the locker room, changing out of your stripping attire and back into your high waisted denim shorts and jumper. 
You slip on your converse and collect your money on your way out. As you walk out onto the streets, the cold hair hits you like wave. It feels good, you flick your hair out of your face and start to walk to find a cab. 
“Hello again” you jump out your skin, turning around to see him. Steve. He’s leant against the wall outside the club, his mates are nowhere to be seen.
“Hi, your mates left you?” he looks around as he walks closer. “Sure does seem that way, they left with some girls” you continue to walk and talk with him.
“So is this what you normally look like when you’re not stripping” you can hear his nerves in his voice.
“Pretty much, not exactly sexy bu-” 
“Oh i beg to differ” you freeze in your spot
“If you’re looking for a hookup, i don’t do that okay? i just want to go home” you don’t mean for it to come out as snappy as it does but you can see he’s not at all fazed by your random outburst.
“I’m not after a hookup, just company i guess. I don’t really wanna be alone again tonight and besides i like you” he what?
You can’t believe your ears, he likes you. But why? You’re a stripper, you just snapped at him and you’re probably not even his type.
“Yeah right. You don’t even know me” you laugh, continuing to walk with him
“No seriously, like i know we only met tonight but i think you’re great” you both come to a halt as you stand near a cab. 
“Look, come back to my place? no funny business or whatever you want. I just want to get to know you better” it’s too tempting to pass up. You reluctantly agree, getting into the cab with him.
You soon arrive at his place, it’s a nice but small apartment and it suits him, very chilled decor. A double bed in the room with Egyptian cotton sheets. You sit down on the edge of the bed, removing your shoes. 
“So, how did-” you cut him off
“No no, if you want to get to know me more, at least let me ask stuff too” he holds his hands up in surrender, signalling for you to go ahead. 
“So, Steve. What do you do?” he tenses up a little at the question
“I can’t really answer that” but why not? “Okay then, what’s your last name?” he smirks “Rogers”
“Steve Rogers, i recognise that name. Wait, aren’t you Captain America?” everyone went on a hype a year ago, The Avengers was all anyone spoke about. 
“Indeed” he joins you on the edge of the bed 
“So i gave Captain America a lap dance earlier. Wow. Guess i can tick that off the old bucket list” you both break into laughter at your joke.
“How old are you?” 
“I’m 21″ he seems shocked. 
“I’d have guessed 25 but not because you look old. You don’t look ol-” 
You can’t hold it any longer, he looks so good. You press your lips to his in a sudden kiss.
Once you pull away he sits there in a state of shock.
“You really don’t know a thing about women do you Rogers?” your little giggle comes out and he shakes his head in admission to your question. He seems so innocent. It’s obvious that he’s a virgin. 
His body language screams it. 
“I’m exhausted” you stand up from the bed “maybe i should go home, i know-”
“Stay, there’s enough room for the two of us in my bed and it’s a little late to be travelling home alone” he wasn’t wrong. He stands up too, taking a white shirt from his drawer, throwing it over to you. 
“Wear this” you smile, walking into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. You walk out to find him, in nothing but his boxers. He’s ripped, his body looks like it was sculpted by gods. You quickly look away and shuffle past him nervously, making your way to the bed. 
He finishes up in the bathroom then steps out of his room to lock up.
You both get into bed and adjust the pillows to how you like them.
You lay there, facing each other talking for a while until you feel yourself getting sleepier.
The sunlight flashes through the blinds, instantly waking you up. You rub your eyes as you look at Steve next to you. He looks so peaceful. You quietly get out of bed and head into the living room to find your bag, you check your phone to see it’s 7:00am. You should probably go, you collect your things and shove your shorts on with his shirt too. It’s too comfortable to take off and you figure he won’t miss it. 
You unlock the door and make your way out, hailing a cab to get you back home.
Steve reaches his hand to the other side of the bed, only to discover that you’re not there. He sits up, looking around the room. 
He searches around the small apartment, you’re nowhere to be seen. 
Great, you walked out. 
You arrive at work again, it’s your third week here now. You were really getting good with your moves and the money is flooding in. 
It’s only a short one tonight, a dance on the stage and a couple of private dances. As you take your money from your stage slot and walk into the locker room, Jessica is waiting for you. You shove the money into your bag.
“There’s some dude out there asking for you” you turn to face her “wait what?” 
“Yeah, tall blonde, very hot” It’s him again.
He’s made a couple of visits to the club since you walked out on him that morning, before he woke up. 
Each time he comes in, he asks for you. You’ve gotten to know him a bit and you’re starting to like him but the thought of him settling for you when he could have a woman who was more together was horrible. You didn’t feel good enough for his attention.
“You again” you call out and his face lights up.
“Me again. Look can we talk?” you roll your eyes and lead him to the private dance room.
“You can’t keep coming here just to talk Steve. I gave you my number for that” he pulls you close to him, taking you by surprise. 
“Let me take you out on a date” your eyes widen at his offer. 
“Please” you wrap your arms around his neck loosely and his hands fall to your waist. 
“Fine, you can take me out” he smiles down at you and you walk away from him. 
“How about tomorrow?” you agree, winking at him before exiting.
It was time for your date with Steve, you decide on wearing a little black dress with some matching black heels. You strut up to him as he’s leaning on his motorcycle, greeting him with a hug, he presses a kiss to your cheek as he hands you the spare helmet. You get onto the bike, making sure to grip onto him real tight during the ride to the location.
The bike comes to a halt and he parks up at the side of the road. You look around, taking your helmet off to discover that you’re outside of a restaurant. Italian to be exact. He rests his hand on the small of your back and you both walk in. He’s wearing black pants, a white shirt and a jacket, smart-casual dress sense. Not too formal.
Once the waiter seats the two of you, you speak up.
“How come you wanted to take me out?” you rest your head in your hands, giving full eye contact. 
“You’re attractive and funny and like i’ve stated plenty of times i just want to know more” he sure knows the lines.
“I like you but why do i get the impression that you struggle to believe that? That someone could actually want you” 
“Because i’m not the girl worthy of being treated like this”
“Why not? Because you work at that club? You said yourself, it’s for school”
“You deserve a lot better than a girl like me okay” he shakes his head as your drinks arrive. You take one sip and look around. This place is fancy. Too fancy for you. You stand up from the table.
“I gotta go, this was a mistake” you storm out, he follows closely behind.
“Y/N WAIT” he runs over to you, you stay still as he stands in your way.
“Steve, i think you have the wrong girl here. I’m not your ty-” he crashes his lips to yours.
His tongue swipes across your bottom lip and you moan slightly making way for his tongue to enter your mouth.
“Stop with the ‘i’m not good enough’ routine. I’m a grown ass man and i can decide who i want to date”
You feel the tears brimming. You’ve never really felt worthy of love and now a guy who is quite literally perfect is telling you he wants to date you.
“I see this going somewhere but it can only go somewhere if you let it. If you truly don’t want to then i’ll leave you alone, i’ll stop bugging you but if you want to give it a shot then i’ll be thrilled” 
You look up at him, his blue eyes meeting yours, making you melt. He’s so attractive and sweet.
A silence falls upon the two of you whilst he awaits your decision.
That was a couple months back. You still work at the club to help with school fees and supplies but you don’t work as often.
“Steve stop” you squeal as your boyfriend tickles you, leaving you with no option but to squeal and writhe around. 
“Okay okay” he holds his hands up in surrender.
“How about this instead. Do you like this more huh?” he leans down, taking your sweet spot into his mouth, sucking and biting at it. 
You let out a breathy moan, letting his hands roam your body.
“Those men might get a small part of you, but i get all of you” he peppers kisses down to your sex until his face is inches away from your clit. His mouth attacks you, sucking and licking your folds. 
“As sweet as ever” 
“Please Steve, just fuck me already” you whine and he chuckles, it vibrates on your clit.
“Of course my lady” he rests his tip at your entrance, soaking it in your arousal before pushing in slowly.
“Fuck, just like that” he flips you over so you’re straddling him.
“Ride me” he instructs, you do as you’re told. 
The slow movements on his length have him turning into a moaning shambles. You know he won’t last long with you doing him like this. But you don’t care.
“Make yourself cum baby” you pick up the speed, bouncing up and down rapidly, chasing your high and pushing for him to reach his. 
You’ve been teasing each other all day. You’d bend over on purpose in front of him, extracting a grunt from his mouth in the process. He’d adjust his size in his jeans in front of you, making sure you saw it every time. 
“Cum on my dick baby girl, come on” his words send you over into your high. Your pussy pulsates at the feeling whilst you milk him for everything. 
You feel him spill into you, filling you up just the way you like.
“I’ll never grow tired of that” his chest heaves 
“Me neither”
“I love you Y/N” you stare down at him, happy tears brim in your eyes at his words.
“What?” you know what he said but you just want to hear it again.
“I’ll admit, you had me wrapped around your finger the second we locked eyes for the first time. It’s clear you’d spent so many years doubting yourself and not believing anyone when they slipped you even the smallest of compliments but i meant every one i gave you and i mean it now when i say i love you”
“Steve, i love you too” 
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thrillridesz · 4 years
Could you ship tbz members with your mutuals? (Seeing this everywhere so I thought why not pass it to you!)
ahh i’ve been seeing this everywhere as well!! i’ve actually done this awhile back but since i’ve gained a lot of new mutuals since then, i’ll just give it a go once more ^^
i may or may not have put too much thought into this oops 🤭
sangyeon +  @moondustaeil @aveluant1a
talking to amber feels like i’m talking to a trusted older sister ngl. she's one of the people i’d turn to for an honest opinion or some much needed advice on stuff and i value her insights very much. she's also very mature in their thinking which is what i think sangyeon would appreciate a lot as the leader of a group of 11 (10) other boys who are always constantly on crack.
as for yu, she gives me very gentle and calm vibes seriously. she’s strikes me off as a hard worker from our conversations and she is very dedicated to her writing which i believe sangyeon would love in a person. i can already imagine him just staring at her work, with a look of affection and admiration in his eyes 😆
jacob + @ihearttbz
riane is an absolute angel to talk to and i love our conversations tgt because it’s always so easy to talk to her and i feel like i can tell her a lot of things i normally wouldn’t tell anyone else. she’d pair very well with jacob and just be that couple that everyone loves and adores, the really sweet couple that people just love to hang around with 💞
younghoon + @chaoticdeobi
um was it really going to be anyone else other than bea? XD younghoon as we know is a pretty shy person and bea to me, seems like the opposite of that. in their case, i think the phrase ‘opposite attracts’ is applicable! bea’s enthusiasm and liveliness is something younghoon would definitely find to be very charming, prompting him to come out of his shell very quickly when he’s around her. i believe whatever he lacks, she makes up for it and vice versa
hyunjae + @bobagyu @kpophours
rose is just so random and funny sometimes which is honestly just like hyunjae to a tee, they’re just so like each other in a way! i get the feeling that rose may be a little unsure of herself sometimes ( which she shouldn’t ) and i think hyunjae would be a great fit because he would definitely be able to help her become more confident while she can probably teach him to be a little less tough and be more vulnerable to his own feelings.
anna is an extremely bright and outgoing person from what i can tell from our conversations. i think that would complement well with hyunjae’s loud and larger than life personality and they would a 100% be that couple that everyone just asks to tone it down but secretly love having them around because they’re just so intriguing and fun to have around 💫
juyeon + @jyeonvoir
elsie has these very calm vibes and i’ve mentioned this before but she gives mad older sister vibes as well. she’s gentle and soft, very much like juyeon and ngl i may be just a little intimidated by her at first but after getting to know her, she’s actually super friendly and nice! she and juyeon would make a lovely couple and i can totally imagining them just chilling on a rainy night, watching Netflix while he wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace.
kevin + @2hyunjae​ @mae-gi-writes​
luna imo is pretty quiet for the most part but once you talk to her, she’s actually pretty fun to talk to! she’s also artistically inclined ( also have you seen her calligraphy skills? they’re insanely good omf ) which i think kevin would appreciate a lot as an artist himself! i feel like he can bring her out of her shell and when he does, he’d just be enchanted by her lovely personality and did i just write a fluffy fic prompt?? o.o
mae is JUST. SO. CUTE. my biggest kevin stan out there, you would be a great match for kevin i just know it. your enthusiasm and your meme vibes would complement kevin perfectly! she’s incredibly supportive and lively which is definitely something i think kevin would look out for in a partner. i can 100% see him with someone who’s just like mae in the future 💓
chanhee + @tidalstorm​
something about ros to me screams vogue and classiness and when i think of her, i feel like she’s super bougie? maybe im wrong but that’s how i feel! i get the same vibe around chanhee as well and her really cute personality i feel will mesh well with chanhee’s seemingly harder personality? they’re just very alike to me in terms of vibes!
changmin + @fluffytbz​ @sankyeom​
having talked to rosie, i can tell you that she’s one of the easiest people i’ve talked to on tumblr so far. she’s also such a sweet person and her vibes are really similar to changmin’s come to think of it? lovable but with a tiny hint of shyness? that’s changmin and rosie! i know we always see changmin smiling since that boy basically exudes happiness but i feel like there’s got to be a special kind of smile, the soft kind that speaks volumes of his feelings that he reserves for those he loves and i feel like that person could be rosie. does that make sense?
talking about belle is like talking about a role model to me >< i still fangirl sometimes but that’s beside the point. belle has such warm vibes that changmin would have loved! i feel like he’s not someone who likes to make his feelings know and he’d rather just be happy in front of the camera all the time but i think with belle, he would definitely be able to let his guard down around her. there’s just something about her that wants to make ppl trust her instantly 😋
haknyeon + @atbzkingdom​
dee is an absolute sweetheart which is just what hak needs. she can be level headed and mature when the situation calls for it but she can also have fun and be wild which i think hak would appreciate a lot in a partner! he’s been through a lot so i feel he may need someone who he can feel comfortable around to tell his secrets to and since dee is trustworthy like that, he’d feel at ease around her 😌 
hyunjoon + @tbzwurld​
ok i’ll be honest. i was kind of intimidated by bee when i first started talking to her. there’s something about her that just makes her whole vibe so powerful and just radiate such dominant energy ( not in that way ) but yes, she just seems so cool to me and the vibes she gives off to me is exactly the vibes hyunjoon gives me as well. once you get to know her though, she’s actually so sweet?? and kind?? and amazing?? idk why but to me, she’s what i think would be hyunjoon’s ideal type ✨
sunwoo + @minfuwa​ @jopping-to-my-kpop​​ @mjlkau​
although i haven’t rly talked much to iris ( but i really want to >< iris can we be friends pls ) iris has this sort of charm that i can’t quite put my finger on. it’s a certain type of charm that i associate with sunwoo? like there’s a certain appeal which they both have in common! from our very little interaction ( hopefully we can change that ), i get that she has a vibrant personality that would make everyone just love to flock to her and befriend her. ngl when i think of sunwoo, i think of her sometimes! maybe this is a signal from the universe idk 👀 
yo ok emma is just like super cool ok? idc what tf you have to say, she’s cooler than you and me and everyone else combined. her swag is just out of this world and i think her effortlessly cool persona is something that sunwoo would just be completely enthralled by. she's also a very reliable friend who i am so glad to have gotten to know bc hell, even i’m attracted to her personality so how can sunwoo not be? actually, sunwoo would love her personality! they both exude such badass but soft vibes it’s almost unreal 💙
anie has a very surprising personality imo! my first impression of her was really cute and sweet so imagine my surprise when she reveals that darker side of her >< i really like the duality though ngl and i think sunwoo would too! he’d just be so fascinated by her and just want to get to know her more and as he learns more about her, he’s just going to end up falling deep in love without realising until one day he’s like “fuck, i’m an idiot in love without even noticing it.”
eric + @heartyyjeno​ @lovely-kpop-writer​​
alesha is just a BIG ball of floof and i love her omg she's such a supportive and caring friend, it’s unreal. her enthusiasm to me, is on par with eric and if he’s the energy boy, she’s the energy girl for sure. they’d be that couple that just goes around hyping everyone up and everyone would just LOVE them! i know i would and if anyone disagrees, i’ll fite you >:(
jasmine my love!!! this girl here is just so incredibly lovely just like her url suggests and honestly, she’s one of the ppl who are most significant in my tumblr journey because her love for people is just so heartwarming? she’s always friendly and kind which is what eric would love in his future partner.  jasmine is just so PRECIOUS istg ❣️
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
ask answering/updates
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first of all, thank you 💘 second of all...
ok ok ok don’t get too excited, but I finally got the juice to start working on the next part of Fanatic 🖤 most of you guys will be like ‘who cares’ but i know some of you have been waiting for this for a while! it’s been what, 2 months?? hope I’m not jinxing myself by saying this *knocks on wood* also not to hype myself too much but it’s kinda bomb 😳 maybe this is just my sick bias but I’ve really been wanting to write about...aftermath iykwim haha. reader all scared & shy & trying to avoid him but yk he’s not going to leave her alone :P
I also figured out the ending to it will come back!! it wouldn’t be shiggy if it didn’t get dangerous 😈 also gonna be nice to write some eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head fuckery so our favorite handsy creep can finally get his dick wet with his beloved little nursey <3
here are some other vague ideas, some based on requests, some not. as always no promises!!
BNHA—pillage & plunder with fantasy AU warlord Bakugo (and his gang of ruffians?? hmm...)
BNHA—Overhaul makes you work off your daddy’s gambling debts the extra hard way uwu...also I have SO many ideas for Overhaul 😷 after I finish iwcb my next multi-part fic will probably be with him
BNHA—various things with reader as an aspiring villain set in the same universe as Caught in the Act: reader getting quarantined with shiggy & dabi...dabi getting mad at you after you keep fucking up...incel shiggy jacking it to his adorable protégée without her knowledge (a galaxy brain request from a very good buddy!!!!)
BNHA—ABO with alpha Hawks and omega reader in an elevator...and uh-oh, it’s stuck! and you’re going into heat! oh no, whatever will you do??
Haikyuu—you get stuck in a hole in a wall, good thing your dutiful boyfriend Kuroo is there to help you out ;)
Haikyuu—gangbang with Tsukki, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo...a challenge bc I’ve never written a gangbang before!! will have to do some research 🧐
Haikyuu—your bf Atsumu does mean things when he’s jealous, like putting his hands up your skirt in public
KNY—Kokushibou decides to keep a shrine maiden as his cute little human pet 💜 actually already wrote pt. 1 but I’ll wait to post til I’m done with Fanatic
AxK—just some no good very bad yandere content with Dr. Midori...neglect play stuff...sensory deprivation stuff...icky icky
Gintama—something with Kamui. does this count as monsterfucking? very very rough...idk what exactly? some form of dastardly acts
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thanks for the concern friends 💕💕 I’ve been preoccupied by things happening irl for the past few weeks, trying to educate myself, going to protests, etc.
also in case anyone else is confused, my stance is and always has been that Black lives matter and all cops are bastards. I’m not sure my porn blog is the right place to talk about this at length but if you’re a bootlicker, please smash that unfollow button and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. if you don’t already have a decently functioning moral compass you should not get anywhere near my writing...fr
learn more and get involved
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omg thank you & yes yes a million times yes!!! hope you don’t mind commitment issues and student loan debt 💝👯‍♀️
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the line between not hawksfucker and hawksfucker is very thin and very blurry, beware.....lol and thank you!!
the video you recommended...like damn!!! that’s exactly the vibe I feel like fratty Hawks x reader from be a little bad would be like if they had a happy ending eventually (start at 1:39)!!!!! “I didn’t make you do this” “I’m not accusing you of anything” it’s that exact dynamic. imo Hawks might be a little less willing to make things official and reader would prob have a hard time being straightforward enough to ask tho...hmmm
I did get several requests for a part 2! I’m thinking it over atm. I will say tho that most of my reqs have very slow turnaround so if I write it, it might be a while
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ooh I love getting recommendations! here’s what I like:
fanfic: I read stuff like what I write (smut, kink, yandere, villains). at some point I’m going to make a long post of fic recs of my own! I also read fluff and character x character ship fic so interests are pretty broad
TV: humor, crime shows like Bones, Criminal Minds, Psych, that kind of thing. nothing too dark or complicated, nothing that requires too much investment. same goes for anime
movies: pretty much everything! lately I’m really into Howl’s Moving Castle and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
books: literary fiction. can I say I’m into dark academia if the only dark academia I’ve read is The Secret History? favorite books I’ve read semi-recently are TSH, All the Light We Cannot See, The Poisonwood Bible, and Discipline & Punish. currently reading Foucault’s History of Sexuality
music: idk man...all kinds of stuff. I listen based on vibe more than genre. all my spotify playlists are named things like “sunday” and “the power” and “[sparkle emoji]”. my artists on repeat are Hozier, The Weeknd, Kendrick, M.I.A., The Neighborhood (F I’m a basic bitch) but I’ll try anything once
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jfc these two asks have given me so much hope 🥰😭💗 you know what? sooner or later I’m going to post Kamui x reader smut and it’s going to get 3 notes from the three of us liking it and that’s okay because I’ve thirsted over this man too long and too hard to go my entire life without reading over-indulgent reader-insert porn of him. yes the villain kink jumped out but DAMN!!! the man has ‘h*rny scumbag who lets his instincts rule him’ baked into both his DNA and his psyche, and I’m so here for it 😌
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if you don’t know who Kamui is, do me a favor and watch gintama. yes there are like 400 episodes but it’s worth it. I will convert more bitches to the gintama thirst train if it costs me my life. Kamui was made to star in disrespectful breeding kink smut and this is a hill I will die on.
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??? sure, if you can point me toward part 2 ????? lmao
I’m guessing you meant to ask for a pt 2 instead of pt 3? in which case, thanks for asking!! but tbh...for some reason I have a really hard time imagining what a pt 2 would look like, maybe because I wrote it 100% from Overhaul’s POV so it’s hard for me to define the reader’s feelings. I’m not saying it’ll never happen but 🤷‍♀️
HOWEVER if it’s Overhaul content in general you’re craving, you’re in luck!!! he’s a favorite of mine. legit he ticks so many of my boxes—villain kink? check. medical/scientist kink? check. yakuza kink? honey I’m weak. I’ll definitely be writing more for him in the future!
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oh no! I checked it on my computer & on mobile and all of the links are working for me? are the links still broken for you guys?
anyway, here are the rules, here’s the short version of the request rules, and here is part 1 and part 2 of it will come back.
thank you to everyone who has sent kind words, everyone who replies to my writing, and everyone who posts thirst in the tags!!! I read that shit!!!! and it makes me fucking cry, I love you all
one more thing: several people have requested continuations to Sleepless, Sidekick, and Fanatic. on one hand, I’m so flattered that you guys want more!!! on the other hand, I actually already answered asks about pt. 2′s for those particular fics. before you request a continuation of anything, it’s probably a good idea to look up the name of the fic as a tag on my blog so you can check and see if anyone else had the same question 💖💖💖
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asiryn · 4 years
so, i just started playing the ffvii remake! it’s taken me a while to get going on this, despite my HYPE, bc i couldn’t order it physically online, so then i had to download it, which took days, plus general physical disability stuff, but i’ve finally got to sit down with it!
i’ll be talking about some of my thoughts and initial impressions behind a cut, just so i don’t spoil anybody. i’m currently towards the beginning of chapter 3,  but i’ll probably mention full original ffvii spoilers, so if the remake is your first time with this story....beware of that :P
i got to say, i’m loving this experience so far. here’s a list of Thoughts:
- one gripe that i have is that i HATE that the attack button is square, when in most ps games it’s the x button (especially since the kh3 dlc was the last console game i played), so like....that muscle memory is biting me in the ass with this game, lmao. i’ll have to be careful to not play any other ps game while i’m playing this, so i can get into the rhythm of this battle system, and not keep tripping myself up (.....and then after i’m done with this game, that new muscle memory’s going to trip me up in the next game i play, probably XDD)
- one thing that i’ve noticed, at least so far, is that there aren’t that many new things, but rather....it’s just expanding on what was already there. like, the fact that what avalanche did in bombing reactors wasn’t necessarily a good thing, and that had drastic consequences for the ppl of midgar, was definitely an element in the original game, and cait sith even called barret out on it towards the end on the highwind, but bc we saw so relatively little of midgar, and bc of the hardware and graphical limitations, you never truly felt much of that impact. most of it you had to pick up from npcs, and you had to deliberately talk to them (bc everything was text boxes, back in yonder year) to get that dialogue. in the remake, tho....it’s all fully realized and reflected in the environment, and even if you don’t seek out the npcs, you’ll still hear snatches of their conversations as you go by them, so you can’t completely tune it out
- building off of that last point, we’re also spending much more time with jessie especially, but also biggs and wedge, and it’s taking the time to allow them to dwell on the consequences of their actions, and you can actually see them struggling with the weight of that. they’re trying to keep faith in their higher cause of saving the planet (which they are more right about it than even they know), and yet they’re having to ask themselves whether the ends truly justify the means
- and the scene on the train with barret and those managers really helps to show why they don’t come across so good to others; even tho i know for a fact that shinra’s evil, even i was like....barret, this is why ppl are so willing to believe the picture shinra’s painting, you’re not exactly covering yourself in glory here 
- also, avalanche.....could you guys be any more obvious that you’re behind it all?
- with that initial scene of heidegger and president shinra....it’s interesting that they’re incorporating a bit of the ffvii compilation canon, w/ there being a different avalanche that tried to assassinate him before. makes me wonder how tf nibelheim’s going to go down, bc i swear, it was different in every version
- also, interesting that they had president shinra order to make that reactor explosion worse. there was nothing of the sort implied in the original game, but considering that this is the guy who will order the sector 7 plate to be dropped onto the slums and frame avalanche for it, it’s definitely in-character
- this whole ‘ghosts’ subplot seems to be new, and i can’t think of anything that it’s building off of from the original, unless if we count the fact that there were enemies called ghosts that you could fight in the train graveyard, so.....?? intrigued to see where it’s going
- i also LOVE that they’re showing just how clearly cloud is traumatized, and by nibelheim especially, and that he’s getting realistically triggered by things, like the fires in sector 8
- i still don’t really know what’s going on with the seph hallucinations (are they hallucinations?? it can’t be jenova in the guise of seph yet, can it??), but i’m very curious
- also, they’re adding in the seph clones even earlier, and i’m also loving how this is unfolding so far (i stopped just after that encounter, right when cloud’s getting up the next day after the reactor bombing). i also loved that they used the “trail of blood” music, as it’s a nice hint that it’s connected to sephiroth. and at least in this case, cloud seeing seph in that clone makes a lot of sense
- in general, they seem to be adding in more realism, like tifa finding cloud a place to stay for the night, instead of him just....sleeping in the corner of avalanche hq XD
- i love that we’re getting to see more of barret being a good dad to marlene 💖💖💖
- i also love the little hints they’re dropping about how something’s Not Right with cloud....first him not knowing his own age, and also tifa being confused when he said that it’s been 5 years (when of course, from her perspective, it’s been 7), and then there was the shinra guard who clearly recognized him. even tho square had to know that probably a lot of ppl have already played the original game, they’re still not skimping on laying out those clues
- this game is utterly breathtaking, btw. like, man, being in the slums, and then looking up at the sky and only seeing the plate, is seriously creepy. not to mention the brief glimpse of nibelheim that we got in that little flashback!!! i know this is only supposed to be part 1, and just going through all the events in midgar, but MAN i can’t wait to see the rest of the world realized like this. no wonder this game’s gonna be too big to fit on one disc, it’s so massive, especially to recreate it on this scale
- i love aerith forever, she’s so beautiful i’m cry 💖😭💖😭
- also....curious that a seph hallucination showed up when cloud met aerith, and interacted with her a bit.......hmmm
i think that’s all my thoughts for now. loving the way this is expanding the game so far, and can’t wait to see where it goes (and even tho i do know the major story events....can’t wait to see them done justice)!
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suggable · 4 years
Im going to write down my second experience seeing Day6 live mostly for me, but feel free to read it after the break if you want (please do not reblog it tho) ✨ a little warning i’ll probably get very emotional and personal and this is going to be Very long and probably will get incoherent at some point!!!!!
I saw Day6 yesterday in Madrid for the second time, and not to be dramatic but it was probably one of the best experiences of my life 😭💕 I already had lots of fun last year but this year’s concert was not only fun but very meaningful for me.
As some of you may know I finally finally finished this week my architecture studies after 6 and a half very long and tough years. The last two have been especially hard, aproximately the same ammount of time I’ve been following Day6 closely. When I first discovered their music I immediately fell in love with it, and I fell in love again when i got to know them. I can positively say they’re the closest artists to my heart, my soulmate band. I do love and appreciate a lot of other artists but the way I love day6 it’s.... unparalled. I’m gonna stop being cheesy now hfjjsjka but knowing that I was going to see them again and meet them after all the constant exhaustion that my master’s has been has given me so much strenght during those all nighters and endless days working on my project kjfdkjjks 
I’m privileged enough to have been able to get vvips tickets this time but tbh that’s not important, the whole experience of the concert it’s what makes it worth it. Me and my friends decided not to go queueing very early bc we wanted to be well rested and we knew we were going to have a good spot in any case. We were so lucky yesterday’s weather was sort of warm, considering our awful awful experience from last year jkdjkskj. I’m so happy we were so prepared this time, we brought lots of snacks and blankets for the queue. We also prepared some fanart freebies to share and trade and it was the nicest experience, everyone there was so so lovely!!! I had such a great time only waiting in line and chatting with myday ^^ After we got out numbered wristbands we picked up our signed entropy copies. I got the “Sweet” version which is my fave!!! I traded around the pcs so i ended up with all Sungjin and Dowoon jhjfhjsdj (and the loveliest Dopil pc 😭❤) I was so happy we didnt have any trouble with queueing or numbering this time!!!!! Then we went for lunch and almost didn’t make it back on time bc it took us ages to get out meals n we wanted to leave all the heavy stuff and coats at the car jdfjkdkjskk but!!! we made it thanks to the lovely people next to us in the queue!!!
We finally got into the venue (which is so big!!! and we filled it!! im so PROUD) and my friends were headed to the left side where Jae is but I noticed the middle section was also kind of empty so we ran there kjkjfd and ended up in 2nd-3rd row!!! so we were in the middle and had a great view of everyone ^^ i felt kind of bad bc the people around us had been queueing from 3am and we’d arrived at 8:30 :P also next to us there was this korean girl who runs a Dowoon fansite and she was very nice and polite and she must kind of hate now me a bit bc I didn’t stop moving and jumping  i hope her pics came out nicely anyway!!! we only had to wait for an hour inside n we had lots of sweets to keep our energy up so it was quite alright :)
when they boys came out i noticed i had the clearest Sungjin visual so I ended up looking at him most of the time kjfjdkkkdksd i just couldn’t help it like the pics don’t do him justice he’s just so cute and expressive and makes the funniest faces when playing!!! and sort of bounces when playing which is the Cutest thing!!!!  there was some sort of problem with his guitars at first n seemed a bit annoyed but it turned out alright!! I also paid lots of attention to Jae bc he has Such Energy performing, the truest hype man!!! when he plays you can see he’s genuinely enjoying himself and loves myday so so much :(((( he interacted a lot with us!! 
Dowoon was also in front of me but he was covered most of the time by his drumset :(( I could see him making all these baby bird pouty faces or mouthing the lyrics and it was.... so CUTE :((((( he’s so cute i 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also i was in awe at his drumming technique like he’s so so so talented and you can clearly see how much he loves it!!! He’s the best boy!!!
I had to move my head a bit to see YoungK and Wonpil and I tried my best looking at everyone when they were singing, but my eyes would automatically go back to Sungjin jfdjskjkaskj I can tell you Young K is very VERY Atractive when performing, he has a sort of magnetism!! He also seemed soooo happy and would jump around non stop and smile at the fans and just Bless us in general!!! Wonpil was sort of serious when playing but you could tell he was concentrated !!! Also his piano and dj skills im!!!!!! like when he plays the Time of Our Life intro so easily!!! i play piano and let me tell you it is difficult as Fuck!!! he truly is so talented!! plus when he was talking with us he was so playful and cute :(((((
Some concert Highlights for me: hearing Best Part live, also So Cool, TOOL, Headache, wanna go back!!! how to love!!! SWEET CHAOS!!!! also hearing WARNING again which may easily be my fave song of them now (well no...we all know it’s impossible to pick just one but yeah jkdfjskkç) also Colors!! when the first chords started playing i started tearing up n then the chorus came n i just broke down crying jsdsk I also cried during I Need Somebody and that bit when we sang back to them and we sang I Smile :((( also the fucking SOLOS hello most talented band in the universe????!!! but like for real they all sound so good live!!! i love that you can clearly hear the drums and keys and all the instruments, plus their vocals are just!! so!! good!!!!!! Jae and Young K went Mad with the adlibs I was living my best life!!!!! 
at some point i locked eyes with Sungjin n my potato brain decided the best thing i could do was to send a flying kiss his way so i did n he got so SHY!!!! and made a 😳😳😳😳 face jkdfjkjkjks i felt v awkward afterwards like i didnt know he was going to react that way jfdkjksa 
Also hearing them speaking spanish...fucking surreal...but when they did their ments in English!!! wow!!! they’ve gotten so good!!!! they kept saying they were so happy and this was the best way to end the tour and they’d grown so much, and reminding us to always be happy i :((((( Wonpil’s ment was the sweetest thing and he sent such an important message and I started crying again (and i made eye contact with Jae while ugly crying so i had to hid behind my banner jkdskjjkjdskks) and couldn’t stop through the whole length of their ments :(( i barely remember anything from young k’s bc i was trying to compose myself a bit jkfkjkjd Dowoon’s was so cute!!! He’d wait for the translator and make such funny faces i :((( Sungjin’s English and like Everything about him im so gone kjfkjjkds and then JAE’S...........
that was truly the Highlight of the night, what truly truly made everything special and what i hope will make them cherish and remember this night forever. So a bit of context: we had prepared a project where during For Me we would take out some prints of some of Jae’s encouraging and inspirational tweets and held them up. So at first Jae was surprised but I guess he didn’t have the time to read which specific tweets we were holing. Then during like the second half of the song he realised n got like v serious like he was trying not to cry...I remember Sungjin also realised bc he was looking at Jae just Knowing.... When we took the concert pics Jae asked us to take an extra one with the tweets bc he wanted it for himself....and then his MENT he thanked us for listening to him and letting him know we hear his words and basically acknowledge and validate him when he passes those life lessons to us and that it meant more than we could imagine....and he was getting more n more emotional n trying not to cry but im p sure he did...and then Sungjin and Wonpil came to his side n started doing this weird dance around him hdjfjjkskjsdkjskkkladsslk n cheered Jae up THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS :((((  but like moments prior u could see Sungjin just Waiting for it n smirking jkjkfdsjkjkkjs also the fact he immediately tweeted about it after the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the whole hi touch thing was such a fiasco but tbh i didnt have much hope to begin with jkfdjkdkjs they made us wear face masks as a prevention for the coronavirus break.........but it didnt really matter bc there was an insane number of vips so we were a LOT of pple for the hi touch...we were rushed n pushed n screamed at by both security n mmt staff....i was laughing at the whole absurdity of the situation n wonpil saw me hjdfkjksjks...we barely had time to say something and high five them but i did manage to say thank u to each of them n look them in the eyes at least!!! (they’re so beautiful from upclose!! and GIANTS! and sungjins eyes.........otherwordly) i felt so bad for the fans that were looking forward to it and for them as well bc you could see their apologetic faces....but anyways everything else went so well im not going to dwell on that!! so yeah i’ve met day6 but i barely remember anything kjjkdsjkd it feels like a fever dream :((((
but tbh considering everything it was the nicest experience!!! im so happy i had the chance to see them again n i hope they come back again!!! also i really wish they’d tour more cities, like there are so many mydays that deserve to see them too :((( 
ok im done with this whole essay like i could keep rambling and rambling but this is the most essential of it!!! if you also read this thank you!!!! please be happy and trust and listen to day6!!!❤💖💕✨🌟
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