#he did nothing to deserve this character assassination
nebulardrip · 4 months
don't mind me just salting over cartoons
trying to get through another li.la-centric episode like "why, oh why, do they keep writing Al.ya out of character and dumbing down the entire class just so li.la can get her way again?" you expect me to believe that someone like al.ya ce.saire is more willing to take li.la's side than mari.nette's? mari.nette dup.ain-ch.eng whom she's known for far longer than li.la??? what reason does she have to believe what li.la says over mari.nette? i refuse to believe her behavior in lila-centric episodes are consistent with her previously established character. it just isn't. and for al.ya and ni.no to just brush off what their friends have to say because they're in love??? make it make sense!!!
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bell-of-indecision · 3 months
rumor has it that if you ask me about porus 2017 I will vibrate at the speed of light and then combust out of sheer anger
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
Home Again
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Most gods would be happy that they were back in the paradise realm after previously being banished and stripped of their divinity, but Fallen God!Ghost aches for you.
His nights are spent dreaming about you, the mortal who showed him what love was. He dreamt of sleeping beside you, kissing you, even cooking with you. He dreamt of your beautiful hair, your breathtaking eyes, your jaw-dropping smile. His dreams were filled with memories of your laughter, your smooth and lyrical voice.
Paradise realm is a paradise, sure, but nothing could compare to you. Your beauty outshines the paradise realm's, your presence calms Ghost in a way the paradise realm can never. The air was always lighter when he was around you, the colors of the world always brighter. You are his light, his world, and everything is dull without you.
He spends week after week searching for how to get back to the mortal realm and back to you. His power is potent, he can just teleport himself down to the mortal realm to see you but that doesn't seem like a satisfying answer to him.
Ghost would eventually have to leave you and go back to the paradise realm, forced to be able to only visit you from time to time. He didn't want that, he can't bear the thought of leaving you. Of sleeping in his own bed, alone.
He also couldn't make you a concubine of his, bring you to the paradise realm. It didn't feel right for him to ask you to leave everything you knew behind just so you could spend hours alone in his temple while he worked. You deserve better than that.
So what else was there to do?
It takes Ghost a few days to realize what he must do. What he has to do in order to see you again.
He is standing in God!Price's temple, all of the deities summoned there for the monthly update of what the pantheon has been doing since they last convened. He can barely hear what the others are saying, it being meaningless as his mind finally reaches an answer to his burning question.
"I'm stripping myself of my godhood and powers, permanently," Ghost says, interrupting the conversation.
The entire temple is silenced at once, everyone turning their heads to stare at Ghost in disbelief.
A god deliberating turning himself mortal? That was unheard of. It was absurd to even those deities who loved the mortals so much.
Price frowns, clearly thinking Ghost has gone mad. "Now, Ghost, let's think about this," he says, his words slow and carefully curated. "You can't just abandon your godly duties, you're the God of Warfare. If there's one thing that the mortals do the most, it's engaging in war."
Ghost scoffs. "My duties can easily be done by our Goddess of War," he replies, gesturing with his hand towards said goddess. "I no longer want to be a god."
His words ignite a flurry of murmurs between the other deities, all of them shocked beyond disbelief. They don't understand why he wouldn't want to be a god, especially after centuries of hearing him look down on mortals.
"Is this because of the mortal you met during your banishment, {Name}?" Price asks, peeved now. "I hadn't thrown you down to them for you to fall in love with them, Ghost."
"No, you did it so I could learn the importance of mortals and I have," Ghost cuts in, his power flaring up as his anger spikes. This isn't up for debate. "I'm doing this no matter what any of you say, I was doing a courteous thing by giving you all a heads-up."
Price shifts in the seat of his throne, itching to get up and slap some sense into Ghost. "Enough of this, Ghost. You don't even know if they will take you if you're not a god. Perhaps that was the only reason they fell in love with you in the first place."
Ghost snarls in rage at the accusation and assassination of your character. "Even if that's the case, which I doubt it is, it is my choice. I'd rather spend the rest of my mortal life heartbroken if they turn me away than spend eternity aching for them," he says defiantly.
Immense power fills the temple, all of it Ghost's as he pools it all in his veins. Stripping himself of his godhood and powers is excruciating, the pain almost enough to stop him, but he keeps pressing on with the action.
It was worth it, for you.
"Someone stop him!" Price bellows at the other deities, but it's too late.
Just as God!Soap reaches for Ghost to try and stop him, Ghost's godhood and powers are stripped from him, his last act of being a god is to send his mortal form where it needs to be: at your doorstep.
His second fall seems euphoric, a laugh bubbling up in his chest as he falls through the clouds and lands on your front porch just like he had done months ago.
He looks to the side just as you open your front door, a smile gracing his lips at the sight of you. The weight on his chest is lifted, everything falling into place once more.
"Ghost?" You ask, surprised. You had thought you would never see him again. "Did... Did you get your godhood taken away again?"
Ghost stands with your help, his skin thrumming at the sensation of your hands on him again. "I took it away myself," he murmurs, breathless as he stares in your beautiful eyes.
Your face twists into confusion, which makes sense since he had been itching to be a god again the first time he fell. "Why?"
"For you, love. I couldn't bear to live eternity without you," Ghost says, secretly nervous that you won't take him now that he's not a god. "I love you, {Name}."
"I love you too," you reply, making him relax. You step closer, happy that this isn't a dream. "I don't care that you're not a god anymore, I only ever wanted you."
"You will always have me, for as long as you will have me."
Ghost steps closer as well, reaching up to gently cradle your face between his hands. He can't wait for you to lean in as well, though you do so as he gently presses his lips against yours.
The kiss can only be described as heavenly, all of the noises of city life fading away until there was only the sound of you two kissing. It's so gentle and slow, Ghost savoring what it's like to kiss you. He pours every ounce of love into the kiss, needing you to be filled with his love.
It feels like you are kissing for hours before you both pull away for air. Your soft pants fill the air between you two, you smiling at him.
"Come on," you say, gently grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers together. "Let's go inside and have dinner together."
Ghost nods and follows you inside the house that truly feels like home now. He lets you lead him into the kitchen, not even complaining about having to cook with you.
He had been a fallen god when he had first met you but now, he was neither fallen nor a god. He was just Ghost. A man you loved.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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lord-squiggletits · 5 months
One of my favorite parts of phase 2 (and indeed one of the few moments I resonated with IDW Prowl) was when the neutrals were coming back to Cybertron and Prowl said that he refused to let Autobots be pushed aside and overruled after they were the ones who fought for freedom for 4 million years (the exact wording escapes me atm).
And I mean, that resentment still holds true even once the colonists come on bc like. As much as it's true that Cybertron's culture is fucked up, and as funny as it can be to paint Cybertronians as a bunch of weirdos who consider trying to kill someone as a common greeting not important enough to hold a grudge over.... The colonists POV kind of pissed me off a lot of times, as did the narrative tone/implications that Cybertronians are forever warlike and doomed to die by their own hands bc it just strikes me as an extremely judgemental and unsympathetic way to deal with a huge group of people with massive war PTSD and political/social tensions that were rampant even before the war?
Like, imagine living in a society rife with bigotry and discrimination where you get locked into certain occupations and social strata based on how you were born. The political tension is so bad there's a string of assassinations of politicians and leaders. The whole planet erupts into an outright war that leads (even unintentionally) to famine and chemical/biological warfare that destroys your planet. Both sides of the war are so entrenched in their pre-war sides and resentment for each other that this war lasts 4 million years and you don't even have a home planet any more. Then your home planet gets restored and a bunch of sheltered fucks come home and go "ewww why are you so violent?? You're a bunch of freaks just go live in the wilderness so that our home can belong to The Pure People Who Weren't Stupid And Evil Enough To Be Trapped In War" and then a bunch of colonists from places that know nothing about your history go "lol you people are so weird?? 🤣🤣 I don't get why y'all are fighting can't you just like, stop??? Oh okay you people are just fucked up and evil and stupid then" ((their planets are based on colonialism where their Primes wiped out the native populations btw whereas the Autobots and OP in particular fought to save organics. But that never gets brought up as a point in their favor)) as if the damage of a lifetime of war and a society that was broken even before the war can just magically go away now that the war is over.
Prowl fucking sucks but he was basically the only person that pointed out the injustice of that.
And then from then on out most of the characters from other colonies like Caminus and wherever else are going "i fucking hate you and your conflicts" w/ people like literal-nobody Slide and various Camiens getting to just sit there lecturing Optimus about how Cybertronians are too violent for their own good and how their conflicts are stupid, with only brief sympathetic moments where the Cybertronians get to be recognized as their own ppl who deserve sympathy before going right back to being lambasted.
Like I literally struggled to enjoy the story at multiple points because there was only so much I could take of the characters I knew and loved being raked over coals constantly while barely getting to defend themselves or be defended by the narrative so like. It was just fucking depressing and a little infuriating to read exRID/OP
#squiggposting#and like dont get me wrong barber wasnt trying to make cybertronians the bad guys or whatever#it's just a problem with his writing where like. he has A Message he wants to send#and so he uses the entire story literally just for The Message even if it involves bullshit plotlines#or familiar characters ppl were reading about for the past decade being shit on by OCs made up to fill a new roster#like barber's writing tends to lean way too much on a sort of lecturing tone#without giving proper care towards including moments where characters get to like. fucking express themselves and share their side#sort of like how barber couldnt be bothered to write pyra magna and optimus actually talking to each other during exrid#and instead during OP ongoing pyra is suddenly screaming about how OP is unteachable#even tho she never even tried to teach him bc she and OP never interacted bc i guess barber couldnt be bothered#he just needed someone to lecture OP so fuck making the story make sense or like letting OP get to say anything in defense#this is the infuriating part of barber's writing bc i think he has incredible IDEAS and was in charge of the lore i was most interested in#but most of the time his execution sucks and he's basically just mid with a few brilliant moments occasionally#or like he has a message about the cycle of violence he wants to convey#but his narrative choices trying to convey that theme made his story come off as super unsympathetic to the ppl who suffered#to the point where barber actively kneecapped some scenes that couldve been super fucking intense and emotional#in favor of the characters lecturing each other or some stupid plot to criticize OP#that time in unicron where windblade screamed about how this is their fault and then arcee replied that her planet is build on coloniation#shouldve happened more often than literally the last series of the ocntinuity. like goddamn stfu about your moral superiority#when your own sins are right fhere lol
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therealcocoshady · 11 days
Recovery - Chapter 38
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Synopsis : Reader listen to the leaked track in which Em mentions her.
Tags : angst
You stared at Marshall for a couple of seconds, in complete and utter disbelief. He seemed terrified. You had seen this look more often that you liked to admit. The very look that said he was guilty of something he definitely wasn’t proud of. You had first seen it the you fount out about him sending armed guys to threaten the rapper who had referred to you in a diss track, when he had admitted to threatening Josh, when you overheard Tracy mentioning blowing him in London… He stared at you, nervously biting his lip, not saying a word.
- Is it true ? You asked. Did-did you really name-drop me on a track ?
- I… It wasn’t supposed to be heard, he said. By anyone. Ever.
- What track is it ?
- Doesn’t matter, he said. Babe, I swear to God, it doesn’t matter. I… I have to call my team. We need to get that shit removed.
- You really are stupid, aren’t you ?! Jamal asked with a sardonic laugh. It dropped last night. It’s been listened to millions of times, reposted everywhere.
- I want to listen to it, you said.
- No you don’t, they both said at the same time.
- If my name is mentioned on a stupid track, I deserve to know ! You argued.
- Babe, please don’t, Marshall pleaded. Please.
- Don’t ‘Babe’ me, right now, you said. Jamal, give me your phone. I want to listen to it.
- Y/N, no… I hate to agree with this motherfucker, but… Don’t listen to this shit, Jamal said.
- That motherfucker’s still your boss, Marshall groaned. You better-
- Wait until I shove a drum machine up your ass, your friend shot back.
They stared at each other, looking as if they were about to hit each other. You didn’t care for either of their arguments. You didn’t need any of these grow men babying you and you deserved to listen to this damn song. You sighed and ran up the stairs to grab your phone. If the track had already gone viral, you’d find it pretty easily. As soon as you started to walk, they both followed you and tried to argue but you slammed the bedroom door in their faces and locked it behind you. You heard them yell at each other and sighed.
- Y/N, come back, Jamal said.
- Baby, open the door, please, Marshall asked.
You sighed and simply started to play the song. As soon as the first notes started playing, you heard complete silence. For an agonizing four minutes, you had to listen to your boyfriend, the man you loved, who said he’d always have your back, assassinate your character. You felt complete disgust, similar to the first time you had heard « Kim ». It wasn’t that the song was bad - on a technical and lyrical level, it was probably excellent - but knowing that these lyrics were about an actual person, about you, made you feel sick. He was describing nothing less than a torture scene, rapping about sequestering you in order to avoid a breakup, painting a scene in which he hurt you physically, going as far as impregnating you and making you abort with a butcher’s knife. The whole thing was horrendous and you thought you were about to faint when you heard your name, your actual name. It was impossible. It couldn’t be. This had to be some sort of nightmare. To make it worse, you had the urge to check the Internet’s reaction. Everyone seemed to be out there, celebrating « Eminem going back to his Shady era » or whatever that was. A few people seemed shocked but, in majority, fans seemed to be here for it. To add to the nightmare, people were linking the name in the song - yours - to the pictures that had leaked a year ago. The pictures of you in lingerie, that the Internet seemed to have forgotten - was back. It made you sick to your stomach. You felt vulnerable, like a prey. Your face, your name, your body were out there for people to make fun of. You were starting to feel dizzy so you laid on the bed, trying to breathe. You kept on listening to the song, hoping to hear another name than yours. Any other name. But each and every time, it was your name that came up. You heard the guys knock on the door, begging you to open. After a couple of minutes, you shakily opened, tears streaming down your face.
- I’m so sorry, Marshall said as he tried to pull you in his arms. Baby, I am so, so sorry…
- DO NOT TOUCH ME ! You screamed as you pushed him away.
- Baby, le-let’s talk, he begged. Please, Y/N. You have to know it-
- Tell me it’s a fake, you pleaded. Please tell me it’s AI or something.
- I’m so sorry, he said.
- Please tell me you didn’t write this, you continued. That you didn’t mention my name.
- Y/N, I- I didn’t mean to, I swear, he said.
- You didn’t mean what ?! You asked as you screamed. You didn’t mean to make a beat ? Didn’t mean to write the lyrics and then take the time to record the whole thing ?!?!?!
Your chest was heaving and you were full-on bowling. Marshall was standing in front of you, too close for comfort. He extended an arm to reach for you but you slapped his hand away as soon as he tried to touch you.
- Touch her again and I’m throwing you out the window, Jamal threatened.
- Fuck, Marshall said. Talk to me, Y/N. Please talk to me. Please look at me.
- I… I need to leave, you said.
You started running down the stairs and opened the door. You were in your pajamas, barefoot but at least you got some fresh air in your lungs. The skin on your face was burning, so were your eyes. You tried to focus on the air filling your lungs, trying to regain some composure. After a couple of minutes, you felt a had on your shoulder and immediately recognized Jamal’s.
- Hey sis, he said sheepishly. You holdin’ up ?
- I can’t believe he did this, you said. Have you heard that track ?!
- I have, he said. That’s why I came.
- That’s the most disgusting track I have ever heard, you replied. He… He fucking name-dropped me. And all these comments online…
- I know, Jamal said. I know.
- It’s vile. It’s disgusting. It’s… It can’t be true.
- I know, he simply repeated.
You started crying again and he engulfed you in a big bear hug. You had been hurt before, but no pain compared to this. You felt betrayed and humiliated. You kept on crying in Jamal’s arms, still not believing the man you loved had done this.
- Get in the car, Jamal said.
- Why ? Where are we going ? You asked.
- Home, he said. You really want to stay here ? With him ? After he did that ?
- I guess not, you shrugged. Wait… I have to take some clothes with me.
- Get in the car, I’m taking care of it, he said.
He opened the car and you sat in the passenger seat while he got back to the house. A few minutes later, you heard him come out of it, arguing with Marshall.
- Let me talk to her, he begged. I can explain.
- She doesn’t want to talk to you, man, your friend said. Leave her alone or I swear to God I will end you.
- Jamal, please, he pleaded. You know I would never hurt her. You know I love her.
- What I know is that you used one of my fucking beats to rap about torturing my fucking sister ! Jamal roared.
Your friend got in the car and drove you to his house, where Talia greeted you with a long hug. The three of you sat at the kitchen table and they encouraged you to eat some breakfast while you discussed the horrendous track.
He didn’t hear of Y/N for a whole week. In the meantime, he heard from a lot of people, though. A few hours after she left the house in Jamal’s car, he got a phone call from Paul, who chastised him as if he were a teenager. The manager came to visit him and they sat in the living room, in order to work things out, on Paul’s insistence. As far as he was concerned, he only cared about Y/N and how he could get her to talk to him. As soon as he arrived, Paul examined his face.
- Did she hit you ?! He asked with a hint of surprise. Wouldn’t have thought she’d be this strong..
- Jamal did, he replied curtly.
- You might be lucky, then, Paul said. Is Y/N here ?
- Left with him, he mumbled.
- Never thought I’d say that, but I’m actually grateful she didn’t sign the NDA or put the addendum she talked about, Paul commented. Might have taken you to the cleaners…
- Paul, no offense, but I don’t give a fuck, Marshall said. My girlfriend left and won’t answer my calls. For all I care, she can take all of my money and full ownership of the label.
- Thank God It’s not happening, Paul groaned. I think we should talk about it, though. Because you seem to have set the Internet on fire.
- I don’t know what happened ! He finally snapped. We argued, I went to the basement studio and recorded that shit out of spite, because I was fucking pissed and scared after an argument. I have no fucking idea how this shit leaked !
- I’m sure we can find someone who can trace the leak, Paul said. But we have other issues. I have people calling me asking for statements from you. The Internet is truly ablaze. That’s some shock value right here.
- You say that as if it were a good thing, Marshall commented.
- If there’s someone who can make something good out of it, it’s you, the managed pointed out. It’s a leak but we might use it to our advantage. Slim Shady being back again. Maybe there’s an album concept…
- I don’t care about Shady, I want Y/N, Marshall roared. And I want the head of whoever leaked that shit ! I’m not using it to my advantage, I’m not promoting it and I’m not giving anyone a fucking statement !
They discussed for about an hour. Paul was a long-time friend and understanding of the situation. He knew more than anyone that Marshall was prone to using recording as a cathartic exercise and that some songs were not meant to be shared. In the past, they’d had to deal with leaks and, though each one had been a colossal pain in their asses, none was as bad as this one. Leaks were usually bad for business but, so far, none of them had destroyed his personal life. This one might as well do the trick, though. He had recorded it right after their argument, when Y/N would not speak to him and it was nothing but the result of his mind going to the darkest of places. Something shameful, using words to convey anger instead of sadness and fright. In a way, this was no different from the Kim track : him using violence on a track in order to express his obsession for the person he loved the most.
- So we agree, no statement ? Paul asked. No promotion ?
- If we put out anything, that should be a public apology to Y/N, Marshall said. I went on Twitter quickly… Have you seen that shit ?! Her picture, her name, they’re fucking everywhere and it’s my fault. I fucked up.
- At least, when you rapped about killing Kim, there was no social media, the manager agreed. Look, if that’s what you want, we can put a statement. I should warn you it might be pretty damaging, because a lot of people might not take kindly to you backtracking on something like this, but if you feel like we have to do this… We will.
- Really ? You’re not suggesting that we feed Y/N to the wolves ? Marshall asked sarcastically.
- I know I’ve been hard on you about your relationship with her, Paul said. But I also know that you usually put in your best work when she’s around. As your manager, I don’t think it would be strategic to publicly apologize to her. But as your friend, I want you to be happy. And I know she’s turned you into a better person. The whole team does.
- Thanks man, he replied.
They were interrupted by the noise of the front door opening. He quickly jumped from the couch, hoping to see Y/N coming home, and that he would finally be able to talk to her. Instead, he was met with Hailie’s angry gaze.
- Hay, he said. What are you doing here ?
- What do you think I’m doing here, Dad ? She asked. I’ve come to ask you for an explanation. Stevie and Alaina are on the way too.
- I take it that it’s about the track…? He asked.
- Of course it’s about the track ! She almost yelled. I can’t believe you did that !
- It’s a leak, he tried to explain. It wasn’t meant to come out or be heard by anyone. Ever.
- Still, she said. Y/N is a mess. She’s being harassed on social media, everyone’s coming for her…
- You talked to her ?! He asked.
- Yes, I called her, his daughter explained.
- She won’t take my calls, he said.
- Shocker, Dad, she said. Jesus, I wonder why she wouldn’t want to take a call from someone who recorded a song about torturing her…
- I know I fucked up, he said. I don’t know what to do…
- I can’t help you here, Dad, Hailie shrugged. She specifically told me she doesn’t want to speak to you.
He nodded. In the grand scheme of things, he could see why Y/N wouldn’t talk to him. Hell, if the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn’t want to talk either. He looked at Paul, who was still sitting in the living room.
- I think we should put out that statement, he simply said.
- I’ll call the publicist right away and have him draft something, Paul replied.
- I want to approve it first, alright ?
- Of course, Paul said.
The manager said his goodbyes and promised to get back to him as soon as possible. Stevie and Alaina arrived and he was met with some sort of intervention which, really, was his three daughters chastising him. He wouldn’t expect them to support him blindly, they were old enough to have a mind of their own, but he was a bit shocked by the intensity of their reaction. Overall, there was a lot of screaming and shouting at him, pointing out how inappropriate the whole thing was.
- It was bad enough when you rapped about killing Mom, Alaina said. But Y/N is our age. You’re literally slandering someone who’s old enough to be our sister !
- I know, he said, but you girls know it’s just fiction, right ? I would never actually do these things. Half of my tracks are fictional.
- It’s not the issue, Dad ! Stevie argued. The issue is that she’s our age, being attacked by a grown ass man who could be her Dad. And that the fans are siding with him ! She didn’t ask for anything !
- I know, he said. Believe me, I know… I just… With everything that went down with your Mom, I have learned lessons, you know ? I never would have put out this track. I know how much it hurt her and I wouldn’t wish the same thing on Y/N. It wasn’t meant to be heard. It’s just me, taking things too far. Like a diary.
- Except that someone accessed that diary and leaked it, and now she’s paying the price, Hailie said.
- … Yeah, he said. I don’t know what to do.
It had been more than twelve hours since Y/N had left and he still hadn’t heard from her. And, as it was to be expected, neither Jamal nor Talia would pick up the phone either. He buried his face in his hands. He had fucked up, he knew it. But he was merely trying to let his anger out in the only way he knew how. The last thing he had wanted when he made that stupid track was for anyone to hear it, let alone enjoy it. Knowing that some fans were praising his writing on this one had nothing pleasant.
- Honestly, Dad, this is the most disgusting song you ever put out, Hailie continued.
- Agreed, he said. I don’t know what to do, girls. I don’t want to lose her. I know I deserve to, but I can’t.
After a couple of hours of discussion, his daughters ended up leaving. They were still clearly mad at him, just like everyone else seemed to be. The day after, he got a call from Dre. His mentor and friend sounded genuinely concerned. The leaked track was typically something he would have told him to shelf and never put out.
- You went too far with this one, Dre said. I’ve heard you go hard on some shit but that was… nasty.
- I know, Marshall replied. Believe me, I know… But it’s a leak, you know ?
- That’s what I heard, Dre replied. How is your girl doing ?
- I wish I knew, he said.
Dre wasn’t the only friend and collaborator who was concerned. Even Porter and Royce talked to him about the lyrics and how they went too far. He’d heard that so many times that he almost snapped at them but, really, he couldn’t really blame them. He was the only one to blame and he knew it. They also told him that Jamal was livid, threatening to come and destroy the entire studio, and they had to talk him out of it. His friends were disappointed in him, Y/N wouldn’t talk to him and even his daughters didn’t seem to want to be associated with him at the moment. It seemed like everything was falling apart. He was truly disgusted with himself. That’s when he decided to put out a statement, speaking in his own name. It was a rather short message, posted on his social media account, apologizing for the shocking lyrics, explaining that the track was not meant to be shared and calling for everyone to stop harassing his partner, whom he had made the mistake of name-dropping. He also apologized for using Jamal’s beat, stating that it was originally meant for another track whose release was postponed. He was not used to public apologies but this one might be overdue. And perhaps it would get Y/N to talk to him. However, in the following days, he still didn’t get any news from her. He tried to go to Talia and Jamal’s to talk to her but he was met with an angry Talia who refused to let him see his girlfriend and threatened to call the cops on him for harassment. He resorted to sending flowers and letters to Y/N, begging her to at least let him talk to her, even on the phone. One evening, almost a week after the track leaked, he got a call from Talia’s phone.
- Talia ? He asked. What’s up ? How is she ?
- It’s me, he heard Y/N say.
- Thank God, he said. How… How are you ?
- How would you expect me to feel… ?
- Right, he said. I’m… Thanks for calling me.
- You know, for someone who made fun of Josh for buying out every flower shop in town, you sure are filling the house with a lot of bouquets, she commented. I guess I’m calling because I’m afraid there won’t be any flowers left in Michigan by next week if we keep this going.
- Jewelers are next on the list, he said sarcastically.
- You know, you could spend all the money in the world, it wouldn’t make things better, Marshall, Y/N said.
- I know, he said. Believe me, I know. I guess I just wanted a chance to apologize, tell you what really happened. You have no idea how sorry I am.
- I believe I do, she said with a sarcastic laugh. Every one of the fifty bouquets you’ve sent contains a note saying how sorry you are.
- Can you come home ? He asked. So we can talk ?
- I would, but for one, I’d be afraid of being held up against my will and, two, Simon is coming over for diner tonight, she replied.
- Simon… Your ex, Simon ?! He asked.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Your favorite Toilet Bound characters as Yanderes with their Darling being a fairly powerful exorcist who can manipulate gravity
(If that is possible I can’t remember it’s been awhile sense I’ve read and watched the series)
Darling is a powerful exorsist
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru, Sumire ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
⚠️ Yandere, I dunno support this kind of behavior in real life, I just write it for fun!
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× Sumire is a character that had only been show in the manga so it could be taken as spoiler
My dear!! I love youuuuuu!! Thank u so much for requesting for JSHK!!! requesting yandere and a really interesting prompt! Love it! ❤️
Sorry, I didn't manage to put the part of controlling gravity 😔 still I hope you like it as much as I did
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Since the moment you got into the school Hanako noticed your presence, specially since you are just not anyone, you are an exorsist, and a really powerful one
Knowing that Hanako spend some time following you close (with you knowing it or not), watching over you from afar trying to know more about you to make sure you won't represent a problem for his plans (specially because he already has to deal with the Minamoto brothers), however, ass the time pass he can't help but get more and more interested on you, maybe it was that he finds you a funny person to be around, maybe you are, in reality, really caring, maybe even you had showed kindness to the weakest supernaturals (like the Mokkes), or maybe it was just everything about you that mesmerize him
Hanako can't help himself but want to be more and more close to you, reaching the point where he can't even hide well because he just wants to approach to you, that is why the moment you confront him (either by attacking him by surprise or just kindly asking him what the hell he wants) is like a reality check for him, he is startled by it for a moment but quickly tries to recover his charming and misterios facade, introducing himself as the honorable no. 7, leader of the seven mysteries (even if you already know who he is)
He doesn't want to let his guard down around you yet and still he can't help but wanting to spend all the time he can with you, it doesn't matter if you find him annoying or even if you want to exorcised him, Hanako just brush it off and even playfuly challenge you to do it (however provoke you isn't his smartest move since that one time you attacked him he barely made it alive)
Hanako wants to be careful, wants to focus on his work and help Yashiro with her wish, but he can't stop thinking about you, wanting to be around you, even if you don't really like him he wants to mess with you, and he can't stop himself from following his heart and just follow you around the school, clinging onto you and teasing you here and there. Somehow you two quickly become friends but Hanako wants more, he craves for more, for him it doesn't matter if you see him as annoying he can't just go away, it hurts his heart when he isn't with you even if you just send him angry glares (however if you are kind and even playful with him that just feed his obsession for you)
Hanako doesn't show it off much his obsession and dependence for you and just cover it up with his charming and clingy personality, when he is with you he can't just think straight, he just want to have fun with you! he want to see you smile! he wants for you to be happy with him! But when you aren't around he tend to overthink a lot, he is nothing but a mere ghost, and even worst, an assassin, how he dares to think that he deserve to be happy by your side? And you are an exorsist! You should hate him! you probably hate him (if you actually express that you want to exorcise him he laugh at it in front of you, but is something that hurt him a lot, in the moments when he feels specially down or anxious/insecure he actually thinks on letting you just exorcise him)
Hanako is really demanding, he is taking your attention from anyone and anything else all the time, specially when he is jealous (what happen constantly), clinging to you protectively and possessively even if you are the only one who can see him (he actually takes advantage of this), sometimes he lets you alone but not complety, if he actually manage to make you mad at him for how clingy he is he will let you and just watch you from afar (after scolding himself pretty harsh, the more angry you are the more harsh he is with himself)
Hanako finds both scary and incredibly attractive how stronge you are, he is completely mesmerize whenever he sees you use your powers, even if is against him (he barely make it of because he is too distracted being in lovestruck) and even when you are clearly more powerful than him that doesn't stop him for trying to help you and protect you from any danger (for what he sees as a danger), he wants to show you that he is more than a simple assassin, that what he had done in the past doesn't define him (he is actually scare that you don't see him as more, the thought of you seeing him just as a mere assassin or supernatural make him incredibly anxious, he fears it even if you don't see him that way)
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa doesn't have a great title like his brother, he is just in the school because he has a goal to achieve and because he wants to have fun, so for him you could easily go unnoticed for a while, it could be that Sakura notice that you are a powerful exorsist or that he sees you using your powers to exorcise a supernatural one day
Tsukasa doesn't really fear you so the moment you catch his attention he waste no time and just approach to you, he wants to tell you that what you did was amazing!! He wants to aks you how did you do that and where you learned to do that!!
Is probably that he scare or trigger you and you attack him out of instinct for how he appeared out of nowhere, he will try to avoid the hit at the best of his habilities and still is probably that you manage to hurt him, however he won't really take it bad, maybe just tells you that attacking him by surprise it wasn't fair or even asking you if that means that you want to play with him and attack you too, turning it into a fight. However, if you don't react bad or against him Tsukasa will be just making you a lot of questions (even some that doesn't have nothing to do with your powers and he almost doesn't gives you time to answer) and with every question he does he get closer to you, until the point where he is just inches away from your face
Once Tsukasa is interested in you his interest grows more and more with time, quickly becoming an obsesion! He can compare the feelings he has for you with the feelings he hold for Amane! The inmense loves he feels for you is your sentence, no matter how stronge you are Tsukasa isn't going to give up with you, the only way to get away from him is exorcising him, vanishing him from this world, and even if that happen he won't be sad for it, in his mind is an act out of love
Tsukasa isn't exactly delusional, but he firmly believes that you love him as much as he loves you even if you try to deny it he won't accept it
No matter how it happens your first met once you catch Tsukasa's attention there is no way that you will be able to get away from him, since that day Tsukasa follows you around whenever he has the time or just want to do it, either by following you from afar or directly by your side, if you ask him to go away he will ask you why innocently, if you ask kindly he may leave you alone for now but if not he probably just cling onto you to mess with you (he finds funny your annoyed expression)
Tsukasa knows you are stronge but he doesn't fear you, he has no problem with going full strength against you if you two end up fighting (as much as he doesn't has problems with killing other supernaturals he doesn't want to kill you, not when you are so funny to be around). Tsukasa finds really interesting and funny to see you doing your work as an exorsist so he sometimes ask Sakura to change the rumors to something really big and dangerous just for you to having to fight against them, and when it isn't that he himself mess with the most weak supernatural to try to create one big supernatural just for you to having to fight it (he is even proud about his creating and ask you how it was, if it was good and if you liked it)
Tsukasa quickly becomes demanding and pretty possessive, he doesn't understand and doesn't care that you go to that school to take classes and more than once he will make you skip classes just so you two could hang out or because he wants to show you something, even if you don't want he will drag you with him because Tsukasa isn't going to accept a no as response
Little by little Tsukasa start to completely monopolize you, for him it doesn't matter if he brings you problems in your personal life, he just want you to himself, also he has no problem with resorting to dirty tricks, like forcing you or scaring you to be with him, even if he has to attack you by surprise just to have all your attention for himself
Tsukasa doesn't see anything bad in his actions, not even when he is practically kidnapping you by locking you with him in the radio club or at the boundary of a mistery just so you two can spend time together, even when you can easily find you way out of there that doesn't stop him from doing it again and again
Tsukasa always act childish and playful with you, but he is totally willing to throw off whatever threat stand between the two of you, it doesn't matter if is a human or a supernatural, it doesn't even matter if that threat is you, if he has to make you change you mind and make you give up to him he is totally willing to do it, it doesn't matter if in the process hurts your body or your mind in his eyes is just part of the fun! he is just getting you ready for all the fun you two are going to have together!
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Teru Minamoto
The Minamoto Family has been engaged in exorcism for a long time and Teru, for being the firstborn of the next generation, he has been trained to be an exorsist since he was really young. Since you are an exorsist too that is the main reason why the two of you met in the first place, and probably you two know since a young age too
For being so stronge the two of you are the main people in charge of exorcising the supernaturals around the city and you two have been working together for a long time, and for that Teru is grateful, being an exorsist is a really rough job but having someone by his side it makes it more bearable
Since the start Teru felt atracted to you, maybe is that you are really stronge or maybe that you can understand how he feels for having to spend all his time in this job, even if you are more introvert or even shy he has no problem with being the one who start being the talktive one at first
The relasionship you two have together quickly grows for how much time you two spend together, even you two had spend some time training together too at some point. As well, his feelings slowly grows stronger and stronger with the time and still because of your job it could go unnoticed for a long time how clingy and possessive he grows with you, hidding it by his excitment to see you again and to work together (what he always express, specially if you get flustered, making you flustered just increase his ego)
Teru doesn't like much his job, having to spend all his live fighting with supernaturals isn't his ideal and you sharing the same fate with him is something that troubled him but at the same time make things a little better, he loves that thanks to being exorsist he can spend almost all your time together and monopolize you but in the other hand he hates that you give your life to fight supernaturals without other option
Sometimes, while things are a little more peaceful or you two are taking a break Teru likes to talk about what you two could do if you weren't busy all the time, jokinly telling you about dates he will like to take you in or even a future together without having to be exorcist with his usual charming smile, even if you take it as a joke or ask him to stop for being flustered he just softly laugh at your reaction but he actually mean what he said, and he isn't planing to let you go anytime soon (it irritated him a little if you take it as a joke but he is confident that with time you will see how serious he is being with this)
Your relasionship could be seem very calm since Teru is really good at hidding his possessiveness, however there is something that dangerously triggers him, he had been feeling like you two have an unbreakable bond, that you two are mean to be together and that nothing can separate you two, he feels like everything goes perfect between you two until he sees you outside your job, seeing you one day hanging out with others (or if you two go to the same school it trigger him seeing others being too close and touchy with you, however for being the school prince he has an advantage), even if they are just your friends is pretty shocking for him
Teru is really possessive, he does not own his own life and it isn't like has other option so you and your relationship is something that he feels that he can fully possessive and have control over it so seeing you be happy with others make him anxious, he may be too shocked and angry the moment he sees you so he will just confront you about it later (but still trying to seem calm). Also, thanks to this Teru grows a little more controlling, trying to lead you to go to the same school with him (even using the mysteries as an excuse) just for you two to spend more and more time together, and he being able do watch your interaction with other and rip off any possible threat
Most of the time Teru tries to keep his charming facade while talking to you but it could be that, since you know him for a long time you can tell that he isn't bring sincere, something is bothering him, still he will just cover it with saying that he is worried about you, but after this he is more and more possessive and a little more manipulative, trying to lull you to do what he wants, he doesn't trust in the people around you and he will try to make you distrust them too
Teru can go as far as training until he feels his body shatter and feeling short of breath every day to be able to become more and more strong until he finally surpass yourself in power so you could depend on him, as well to have an advantage over you
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Akane Sumire
Since a young age Sumire knew that her fate was to be sacrificed to the god to bring peace to the village, she hates it but she just accept it because in reallity she doesn't really have another option, however she never lost her smile
After the village lost the last exorsist of the Minamoto Clan Sumire started to train to be able to protect the village as the Kannagi, although it could be that you are part of Minamoto Clan as the next exorcist in training or that you came to the village one day and were welcome to take the place as the exorcist, in any case Sumire is really willing to meet you and excited to learn from you
Sumire isn't the type to fall in love immediatly, specialy with her position, so you two start as friends, quickly becoming close and despite all the hate and warnings of the villagers it become pretty common to see you, Sumire and Hakubo together around
Sumire always plays innocent with that smiles of her, but the moment she warms up with you she start to be more clingy and truly smiles at you. It doesn't take her long to notice that she feels a true happines with you, one that she only feels when she is with Hakubo or when she is healing wounded animals she have found, you don't treat her as the Kannagi but as a friend and that makes her extremely happy, being with you makes Sumire feel like everything is fine, heck it even make her forget what her fate is at times, she loves the feeling she has when she is with you and she isn't going to lose you
Sumire isn't always honest with her feelings with you, she tend to complain a lot about how bad temporary husband Hakubo and still, deep down in her heart, the only person she wants to be with is you, Sumire lies during training with you saying that she can't do it just for you to focus your completely attention in her a little longer to explain her how to do it again, even more just so you will touch her to explain her how to hold the weapons, Sumire lies and smiles like if she doesn't hate that place, like if she doesn't think that you and Hakubo are the only worthy people of protect in there, and Sumire isn't complety sincere when he tells you that she likes your company because in reality she wants you all for herself, she wants to trap you in her arms, she want for you to depend on her and NEED her as much as she does with you
Also, Sumire loves to play innocent with you, just like when she gets into more troubles just for you to came and stand up for her, defending her from the other villagers, just as she gets really aggresive towards who dare to say something bad about you or start questioning your relasionship
Little by little Sumire start to monopolize all your time with every excuse she can, acting like a perfect wife to you too, healing your injuries carefuly and with love, making you flowers crowns, physicaly clinging to you, acting all cute and innocent, anything she can do to make you fall in her trap to make you hers forever, Hakubo knows exactly what she is doing but he isn't going to say anything about it, he haven't been asked to do it after all
Sumire admire your strength, she truly find it amazing but it isn't really a threaten for her or her plans to be with you forever, it would be even an advantage since she is really smart and can easily lull you to do what she wants, and even if the manipulation doesn't work it doesn't matter, she has learned a lot from you and she can always ask Hakubo to force you or restrain you until you finally accept to be with her
Sumire can't forget about her position as the Kannagi, even if she tries Sumire is still fully aware of her fate, she had given up some time ago choosing to just enjoy the time she had and hoping for all the village to fall into hell after her dead, however now that you are in her live she wants to stay alive a little longer just to be with you, to have you, so some days before the ritual cames she talks to Hakubo about it, saying that it would be amazing for the three of you to just go away and start a new life, go somewhere where all of you can be together, finishing her speach by asking Hakubo to end with the village, make them live a hell in the earth just like she always wanted so the three of you could just leave and Hakubo can't say no when he is asked to do something, however this time he isn't doing it just because he had been ordered to do so
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I’m still disappointed in the way they wrote Stella. It was so… boring. For a show that champions it’s “messy” and “morally grey” characters, Stella is turned into a one-dimensional hate sink who exists for the sole purpose of being mean to Stolas. The show never fails to consider that she was forced into this marriage too and retcon’s Octavia’s comments about them not always hating each other. Which sounds more interesting, a noblewoman forced into an arranged marriage who puts up with it for the sake of status until her husband threatens to bring it all crashing down upon both her and her daughter so she hires an assassin to prevent her life from going down the drain or a whiny brat who exists solely to torment him?
Yeup you can see how they retconned Octavia’s comments and things they established about Stella and Stolas etc. It’s really noticeable and it makes the show anger inducing. No, you can’t just go back on all that stuff you set up because it’s inconvenient now. The fact it’s done for the sake of some horrible forced ship that abuses Blitz makes it even worse.
Their attempts to dumb down Stella more and more to make her a villain actually just made my Stella sympathy even worse though, ironically. Because by adding Andrealphus they reveal they decided to write Stella as having no property rights. For some fucking reason. I guess marriage for goetia is different? But if Stolas dies it all goes to her Octavia, despite Stella being his wife. That’s how it would have operated for women irl hundreds of years ago and confirms Stella has no property ownership in the marriage (historically also why women couldn’t really vote, as voting has historically been tied to property ownership and married women, everything was automatically owned by their husband). And there’s no way Stella could have just decided to work or do something else because the marriage was arranged since childhood. The arranged marriage favours Stolas and protects him more than her so it’s even worse for her. I wish more people analysed that part and talked about it cuz it’s nuts they wrote that like it’s nothing and makes Stella even more of a bitch or something. If they do some sad arc where Stella’s horrible for expecting to be able to still live somewhere and own a home after the divorce because that’s stealing from poor Stolas and she doesn’t deserve anything at all from him!!!!!1 I will actually fucking scream. Who said it Reddit bros who don’t think women should have divorce rights or Helluva Boss lmao.
The “Why do you stay” (I don’t remember exactly how it goes) lines from Stolas boil my blood because of that too. Like what the fuck do you mean? She’s your wife which according to what we’ve seen, for goetia, means owning nothing and everything going to your husband. She’s not like you Stolas. She can’t just leave like you. She has nowhere to go as far as we know except maybe her brothers but he’s a condescending creep towards her and she still wouldn’t have any control or actually own anything. Also she had Octavia to think about too with moving and leaving. Stolas’ home is Stella’s by just as much, and it’s hers by way less choice than it is Stolas’.
Why in the fuck did they make a cheated on woman with no property rights “just a bitch” the list of reasons Stella has to be rightfully angry is actually crazy. As well as the fact she owns nothing and had no choice in marrying him, she also has Stolas cheating on her in her own fucking bed! He brings other people home and fucks them on the bed she has to sleep next to him in. He is brazen and completely unapologetic about cheating on her right in her face. His lines about finding a hotel, they’re him saying he’s just sorry he got caught, that’s it. They imply he absolutely is going to do it again since his concern is just not getting yelled at for it and he has no shame in telling her that. She also has Stolas reading smut at the dinner table, saying completely inappropriate things in front of their daughter, and him calling her a bitch to Octavia.
Making Stella say she sticks around just to torment Stolas is weak. All this rage and her not wanting him to cheat yet no, she definitely doesn’t love him or care or anything she’s just mean and likes being spiteful. WHAT? She puts so much energy into all the yelling and makes all the spiteful remarks “just because”? Not because she’s hurt instead? There’s not a single thing other than random spite motivating her? It’s shit. You are right anon. All these well explored, humanized morally grey characters and yet the one with a plethora of understandable reasons for being mad isn’t allowed to be mad about any of the actual reasons she has to be. Rather she’s mean just so she can be a yaoi fanfic antagonist opposing the sexy mlm relationship. It’s transparent, childish and it’s boring. Dare I say it’s misogynistic too. It’s atrocious writing plain and simple.
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jgnico · 9 months
How do you feel about Gojo saying Sukuna was holding back and the people saying that this is out of character? Because to me it doesn’t seem out of character in the slightest considering how Sukuna didn’t actually go all out??? He didn’t use any of his techniques and relied on ten shadows. Which is great btw!! I think Sukuna using ten shadows is a nod to how ingenious Sukuna can get during battle and in general him solely relying on ten shadows doesn’t discredit him or anything it just shows that he is still got a lot up his arsenal. Also Gojo saying he put his whole soul and body into the fight is true he gave it his all and that’s all that matters idk why people are saying that the writing of this specific part is off because it was very clear that Sukuna was holding back on using his original form and techniques? I could be missing something idk
Short answer? I think it's silly. I've seen people call Gojo's scene in the airport outright character assassination and all that that tells me is that either a) they weren't following the fight very well or b) they don't give Gojo as a character the credit that his writing deserves.
As often as I rag on Gojo for fun, I do genuinely think that he's one of the best written characters in the manga, and his conversation with Geto, Nanami, and Haibara only adds to that. There's nothing wrong with Gojo acknowledging that Sukuna's strong, because he is. Likewise, it's not ridiculous for him to say that Sukuna didn't give the fight his all or that he might have lost even if Sukuna didn't have Ten Shadows. All of that is true and Gojo, out of anyone, would know that.
Long answer?
I think that a lot of the confusion over Gojo calling Sukuna strong comes from Gojo's confidence in the fight and people's own emotions toward Sukuna. We've all seen the fraud memes and Gojo did an expectational job showing his own fighting prowess during the second half of the fight, but a lot of people seem to be forgetting that Sukuna almost killed Gojo as soon as the fight started. Up until the fight flipped in Gojo's favor (after Sukuna was hit by Unlimited Void) Gojo was struggling. If Sukuna hadn't been holding back his other techniques to a) keep them a secret from spectators and b) ensure that Mahoraga adapted to Unlimited Void out of sight, it's very possible Gojo would have died after their first Domain Clash ended in Sukuna's favor.
Quick Explanation: In chapter 226, after Gojo's Domain breaks and he loses his technique for a time, but before he uses Simple Domain to save himself from Malevolent Shrine, Sukuna could have used his fire arrow in the same way he did against Mahoraga in Shibuya. With the amount of damage Gojo was taking at the time, we don't know if he would have been able to survive it, especially when all of his CE was being focused on healing the slashes Sukuna was dealing and likely couldn't have been spared to reinforce his body. (But once again, Sukuna was holding himself back, so neither us nor Gojo will ever know if he could have eneded their fight there.)
This is why I personally don't see anything wrong with Gojo being unsure if he could have beat Sukuna even without Ten Shadows.
But moving on to the less combat focused section of what I want to talk about. What was up with Gojo's confidence up until the literal end, only for him to doubt himself after the fact? I have two points for this one:
Gojo has to be strong for his students.
I touched on it in my response to one of your previous posts, (read: here) but I can't stress enough how Gojo's strength and, by extension, his confidence in his strength is for his students' sake. He teaches through his actions, but more importantly, he never shows them his own doubt.
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The first time he fights Sukuna, he points out that Megumi is watching and, in his own words, "shows off."
Then, going into their actual fight in chapter 222, he looks serious in a way that we never really see from him. At least, up until the point where Yuuji reminds him that he and all his other students are there, that they're confident in him, and we see his entire demeanor going into the fight change. He's smiling; he's not worried in the least. He says, "Yeah, I got this," with a grin on his face, and that, more than it'll ever be for himself, was for his students.
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There's another shift after the opening stage of their fight in chapter 224. What always stuck out to me from that chapter was Gojo noticing that their fight was being broadcasted. I won't go so far as to say he was less confident before that point or even that he wasn't trying as hard because that simply isn't true. But after he realizes that his students can see the fight as it's happening, Gojo's approach to fighting Sukuna changes almost entirely. Before, he was visibly having fun. Before, he was treating Sukuna as an equal to cut his teeth against. Was he getting on Sukuna's nerves intentionally, yes, but there was an aspect to it that felt more similar to how he spoke to Geto in their teenage years. Still antagonistic, that's just how his personality is, but not degrading in the way that he is later. (I'll expand on this thought in another post. For now, let's get back to my original point.)
After he spots Mei Mei's crows, Gojo never, not once, for the remainder of the fight expresses doubt in himself in any outward way.
We see frustration, we see anger, we see surprise, but never doubt. Never worry. And what does he say as soon as he get's the upper hand in the fight?
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But why? Why is making sure that his students remain confident in him so important? Well, what's the answer to almost any question when it comes to Gojo's motivations?
Hidden Inventory and losing the person that mattered to him the most: Suguru Geto.
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The same confidence that Gojo shows as an adult is what we see here, with one important distinction. He shares the place of being the strongest with Geto. "We're the strongest" isn't about them individually holding the title; it's about them together. They as a unit are the strongest. But here, Gojo tries to shoulder the burden of his fight against Toji alone while he sends Geto off with Riko and Kuroi. He seperates them and that duality of strength becomes weaker. Gojo loses, Riko dies, Geto loses, and they fail.
In the aftermath, Geto takes the guilt from that loss onto himself, and it only widens that separation into a chasm that Gojo is never able to cross. But we spend so much time talking about Geto's guilt over Hidden Inventory that I think we overlook Gojo's.
Even in a state where he'd feel nothing over killing a roomful of people, where he can't feel anger toward Toji over Riko, he feels like he messed up. He places blame on himself for their failure. Not just because he had lost but because Geto --someone that shared the position of being the Strongest with him-- expressed doubt in him shouldering so much of their mission at multiple points, only for Gojo to give him confidence in return and have that confidence ultimately be misplaced.
But isn't he making the same mistake with his students? Yes, and no.
Yes, in that he's giving them reassurance that is tragically (for lack of better word) misplaced, but no, in that they never expressed doubt in him. Not just because they aren't on his level when it comes to strength like Suguru was, but because he never gives them the chance to doubt him.
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From the very beginning, when Yuuji first becomes his student, he makes sure that Yuuji doesn't have any doubt in him winning against Sukuna. And even when he's asked again at a time where none of his students are present, he thinks of this exchange with Yuuji. And his response to Kenjaku now was the same that it was to Yuuji.: "Nah, I'd win."
This isn't to say that Gojo didn't have faith in himself going into the fight or even through the majority of it. It would be at least disingenuous and at most outrageous for me to say that Gojo's confidence in himself was an act only for his students sake. What I'm saying with all of this is actually my second point in this post:
Gojo only expresses his true feelings to himself and....
I'm quickly running into the photo limit for this post so I'll be using quotes, but in chapter 233, we get, "Even though the opponent was the King of Curses, said to be the strongest in history, a thought nobody considered possible began to spread; Satoru Gojo could lose. Gojo himself was aware of that prospect. Yet, along with the signs of defeat came an undeniable feeling of satisfaction."
I've read through the entire fight multiple times now, and this is the only time that we see Gojo express doubt in himself. But instead of it feeling like a loss, as we'd expect, it's written as a positive. Gojo isn't upset at the idea that he might lose. He embraces it. As was stated both in chapter 233 and again in chapter 236, he's satisfied. Not just because he gave this fight everything that he had, but because him losing means that he'll return to the person that understood him --and the burden of being the strongest-- the best.
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Much like Suguru couldn't smile from the bottom of his heart until his last moment with Gojo, Gojo couldn't be truly happy in a world where no one understood him. If Geto had been there with him, if Geto had been alive and by his side to share the burden and isolation of strength in the jujutsu world, he could have been truly happy with his life.
But that wasn't the reality that he lived in, nor was it something he could ever hope to accomplish.
Gojo's dream was to raise stronge allies, but that was never so that they could share the burden of strength with him. It was so that they could share it with each other. So that they never experienced the isolation of being strong alone the way that he did for the majority of his life. He wanted them to have their own Geto in each other.
It's not that he changed up his attitude regarding the fight and Sukuna after he died, but rather that his death brought him back to the person that he could finally (finally, after so long of being a pillar of strength rather than a person) express his true feelings to.
Or, to continue the quote from 233: "Being the strongest came with a sense of isolation. So the source of his present sense of fulfillment was..."
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arealphrooblem · 10 months
Kidnapped by the Boss Part 5
Part one here
Synopsis: Civilian is a secretary to the Prime Minster. But when the political summit between the city states goes awry, she finds herself kidnapped by the very boss she tried to protect and nothing is what it seems.
CW: Now with named characters
She awoke to a knock on the door. Outside the window, the sunlight had faded into twilight. It took several moments to swing her legs over the edge of the bed and stand, head fuzzy and hurting from crying. All the while the knocking became more and more persistent.
“I can’t open the door!” she snapped. Normally she spared the servants any vitriol because they were just doing their jobs. But none of them ever pounded on her door like this either.
“Is the princess awake yet?” came the driver’s voice through the door.
Of course it was him.
“She is now,” she grumbled, scrubbing her face and crossing the room.
“I hope you’re decent, then.” Was the only warning she got before the door swung open to reveal the driver holding a tray of food in his hands.
“Sleep well?” he asked, gaze roving over her hair.
The urge to run a hand over the back of her hair was almost overwhelming. But she refused to give him the idea that he could make her feel self conscious.
“What are you doing here?” she asked instead.
His gaze darted down to the tray of food. “Is it not obvious? I’m a delivery man tonight.”
Bitterness laced his tone. Apparently he thought the chore was beneath him.
“I thought you’ve killed for him. Isn’t this a bit below your pay-grade,” she asked. “Or did he demote you?”
The dark glare he sent her way made the petty vindictiveness in her heart glow.
“Who says I’m not here to kill you?”
“If you were, you wouldn’t announce it,” she retorted, trying to swallow down the flash of fear, “seeing as you can hide in my room and hurt me when I least expect it.”
That made logical sense, right? If the king wanted her dead after all it wouldn’t be like this, would it?
A flash of discomfort crossed his face before he quickly buried it.
“You going to let me in or not?”
Reluctantly she stepped aside and allowed him access to the room. He made a beeline to the small table and chairs that sat near the window and set it down. Then he pulled up on the metal cover of the plate with a sarcastic flourish. The smell hit her first, making her mouth water, before she caught sight of a perfectly seared steak, stuffed mushrooms, and au gratin potatoes.
Her favorite indulgence dinner. One the prime minister had insisted she order on company money many times.
Now it felt like a slap in the face. And yet she couldn’t stop herself from stepping closer, and picking up one of the mushrooms.
“Bold of you to eat something an assassin gave you,” he replied, his gaze piercing.
Again that flash of fear. She met his gaze and popped the mushroom in her mouth, swallowing it down with her unease. When nothing happened, she smirked.
“So you did get demoted.”
The driver crossed his arms. “I am many things to my king besides his assassin. And right now he deems you important enough to waste my time on. You should be grateful for that. I don’t know how long that’s going to last with the way you keep resisting him and it won’t end well for you when it does.”
Anger flared, hot and sudden, in her chest. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s a fact. You’re in a very precarious position right now. Whatever favor you have with my king is fragile and you’re not going to last long if you keep taking a hammer to it.”
But she wanted to take a hammer to it, just like he took a hammer to her trust. If anyone struck first, it was him and he deserved nothing from her in return. She should spit in his face the next time she saw him.
The driver looked at her expression and shook his head. “He’s right — you’re as stubborn as a goddamn mule.” Then he shrugged and added, “ Well, it’s your funeral,” before striding off to the door.
“Your concern is touching,” she said acidly.
He stopped at that, hand on the knob. When she met his gaze again, it had turned serious.
“By the way, I need you to understand something: you will always know when I’m in the room with you.”
Her brow furrowed. What did that have to do with anything? “ . . .Okay?”
“When I psychologically torture someone out of their sanity, it’s done on purpose.”
He was talking about her breakdown that morning. Embarrassment crept up her neck in a heated flush at the reminder. She hadn’t believed him that morning when he tried to claim his innocence. He sounded more believable now. Almost . . .contrite?
Before she could respond, he shut the door. The click of the lock sounded after him.
When she looked back at her food, all appetite had left her. She tossed it in the trash and went back to sleep.
She slept all through the night until dawn, jerking awake from a nightmare where she was buried alive under the castle. There was no sleeping after that. Instead she took a long hot bath to calm her heart and settle her thoughts. Only after she had dressed in fresh leggings and a dark red t-shirt did a soft knock sound at her door.
She froze. It didn’t sound like the assassin’s knock. He practically busted the door down, hoping to wake her up. No one else knocked because they didn’t need to -- it wasn’t like she could open the door for them.
The knock sounded again, soft but insistent.
“ . . .yes?” she asked warily.
“Val?” The king’s voice twisted her stomach into sudden knots. “May I come in?”
As if he would let a simple no stop him. Shel debated saying it anyway, just to be contrary, just to fight the habit of always granting him what he asked for because that was her job.
 But she didn’t think she could handle another death threat this early in the morning.
“ . . .fine,” she said, terse.
The door swung open and he stepped in, dressed in loose jeans and a soft t-shirt looking not like a king but an ordinary man, someone stepping out to check the mail or buy groceries. As prime minster, even his casual outfits included slacks or a button down shirt.
But more shocking than his clothes was the pointed lack of another’s footsteps behind him.
“Where’s your shadow?” she asked, arms crossed.
He gave her a lopsided smile. “He prefers not to be conscious at this hour unless I have a need for him.”
“I can’t say I miss him,” she muttered.
“Yes, you two mix like oil and water.”
“Well that’s what happens when someone tells you they’ll happily kill you the literal second their boss gives the order.”
He snorted, a tiny huff of laughter she’d heard a hundred times before and that certainly does not make her heart twist. “I can’t fault you for that. He has a very intense flavor of loyalty.”
Some demented bitter thing in her chest twisted at the sound of that,  a hot spear of jealousy, which she snuffed out immediately.
“What do you want?” she asked instead.
“We didn’t get to finish our discussion yesterday,” he replied.
“Discussion? You mean the one where you told me I could never go back home again or my life is over?”
“I never said it was a guarantee. Just a risk. You’re free to go home any time you like. I’m not forcing you to stay here.”
And yet her door stays locked and she can’t watch the news.
“Well excuse me for not wanting to risk execution or life imprisonment for your bullshit.”
There’s that crooked smile again. He didn’t look the least bit guilty and it infuriated her. “You don’t know even a quarter of my bullshit. There’s still more to share. Shall we?”
He held out his arm, bent at the elbow, like they were about to enter a charity gala. It made her want to throw something.
“Do I have a choice?” she asked.
“Not particularly.” He cocked his head to the side, looking pensive. “I want you to know who I truly am. You deserve that much.”
All his deadly glares, casual threats on her life, the guiltless ease in which he took over her life flared to her memory.
“I’ve seen enough, thanks.”
“I promise you have not.”
Something about his steady, insistent tone made her pause. Whatever he wanted to tell her, he considered it deeply, unshakably important. It stirred morbid curiosity in her. What  could be bigger than the king of the hidden kingdom wanting to invade the other city states? How the hell do you top that?
“Fine,” she relented. “But I’m not holding onto your arm.”
“As you wish.”
He guided her down the halls with a faint touch at her lower back which was worse. It was too intimate, too loaded. After several minutes walking, they came to a large, ornate sitting room, every inch of the walls lined with art. One wall contained nothing but royal portraits.
“This is my family, all the way from the very first of our dynasty,” he said with obvious pride.
At least twenty portraits hung in gilded frames. She tried to feign indifference but it was difficult. Not only could she track the changing fashion trends throughout history, but she also kept discovering all pieces of his features, like a scavenger hunt. This king had his nose, this queen gifted him her eyes.
It carried on all the way until the third most recent portrait, which looked unsettlingly like him: King Aris. They could have been twins. In fact, she thought it was him, save for the date of his reign, which occurred over a hundred years ago. The portrait next to it looked nothing like him. And neither did the last.
“Even in the age of photography, each ruler has had a traditional portrait made and hung here,” he said softly behind her.
“Except for you,” she realized. “Did you not have time for it when you were pretending to run another city state?”
“I do have my portrait up there. I’m surprised you didn’t recognize it.”
Her eyes flickered over to what would have been his great-grandfather. “Are you such a genetic throwback to your ancestor that they didn’t bother painting another one?”
He chuckled, stepping up beside her. “No. That one is mine.”
She squinted at the dates again. Had she mis-read them? But if it was him, why wasn’t it the most recent portrait?
“He died a hundred and seven years ago.” She shot a glare at him. “Do you think I’m stupid?”
“I think you’re brilliant,” he said seriously. “And you’re right — I did die.”
One of his hands lifted to gently brush against his portrait almost with the wistful nostalgia of a parent looking at photos of their child.
“Every ruler of this kingdom has been born with a power. In fact, most residents of this kingdom are born with one. Everyone thought I was the rare exception, that I was born with nothing. My enemies thought I was an easy mark because of it and they banded together to assassinate me and split the kingdom up into their bartered pieces. That’s why the city states are no longer united.”
She knew the city states had once been one continuous kingdom and that civil war had split it apart. But nothing in her textbooks explained this part of the story.
“How did you survive?” she found herself asking despite herself.
His gaze cut towards hers. “I didn’t. I died. And then I was reborn.”
“ . . .reborn.”
“I do have a power, as it turns out.” He smiled and it held a terrifying edge to it. “Reincarnation. I spent my second life rebuilding my support, gathering my forces until I died again. And now I’m on my third life, back in the position I belong in.”
“So you’re effectively immortal,” she said slowly, the process of the truth and all its implications a slow trickle.
Immortal. He could die, sure. But he would come back -- with all of his memories. He would always come back. No one could ever stop him — just delay him. 
She swallowed down the anxiety spiking in her chest and dared to ask, “So what’s the goal here? What’s all these secrets and plans for?”
“Reunification,” he said softly. “To piece back together what was taken from me.”
“You mean reuniting the city states.”
A steely glint surged in his eyes. “By diplomacy, blackmail, or force. I don’t care what it takes.”
Her mouth fell open. “It’s been over a century! You can’t just slap it back together like they’re puzzle pieces. The cultures have shifted, economics are specialized, national identities have split. You saw all that!”
“I did,” he said evenly. “I also saw how much they struggle alone. All the trade disputes between each other, all the political spats and blackmail, the half hearted cold wars between them and alliances that change with the wind. They are so much weaker apart than we were together.”
“So strong together that you were assassinated and they split to pieces?” she pointed out, crossing her arms.
“That happened because I trusted the wrong person,” he nearly growled. “And that will never happen again.”
“A paranoid monarch who uses violence — that’s never gone badly in history.”
He breathed in sharply and she felt grim satisfaction at getting under his skin. She’d heard that rarely during his time as prime minister and never directed at her no matter how she nagged  him.
“You don’t understand. That's alright,” he said, voice tight. “I don’t expect you to. You don’t have all the pieces. You weren’t raised here.”
“Don’t you dare condescend to me,” she snapped, anger sparking like a match on kerosene. “You lost and you couldn’t handle it so you’re going to make millions of innocent people suffer the price of your tantrum. It’s insane and it’s not going to work.”
For a moment it looked as if she pushed too far. A deadly, icy glint hardened his gaze and his fingers curled into fists. Was this how she died, mouthing off to her former boss? Was his shadow lurking around, invisible, ready to stab her with a knife?
But then he took a deep breath and unclenched his hands. When he spoke again his tone was even and calm.
“I know that it will be difficult. I know that I could fail.  But that isn’t going to stop me because I believe the end result is worth it. Maybe one day you will see that.”
“Don’t hold your breath.”
He dared to smile at her, something small and fond and he didn’t deserve to look at her like that after everything. Like they were friends.
“You’re very stubborn. I should have remembered that.”
“Your shadow said the same thing.”
 He gestured to the doorway. “Shall we get some breakfast?”
“No thanks. All your talk of forcible invasion kind of killed my appetite,” she said. “Just take my back to my cell.”
“A cell.” He snorted. “Your cell is more luxurious than any apartment you ever lived in.”
“A cage is a cage. It doesn’t matter how pretty it is,” she shot back.  
He looked at her speculatively. “You know, we do have real dungeons in this castle. You could be languishing in one of them.”
“Then why aren’t I?” She refused to cower at his threats, not this time.
“Why indeed?” He stared at her, like a teacher waiting for the light bulb to go off. 
And it did it. Of course. “You want something from me. What is it?”
A wistful look crossed his face. “I don’t think you’re ready to hear that part yet.” Then his hand appeared between her shoulder blades. “Come. Let's get you back to your cage.”
Part 6
Taglist: @rivalriotrenegade @sunyside-world @fishtale88 @those-damn-snippets @suspiciousmuffin @thats-alittle-gay @girl-of-the-sea-and-stars @tobeornottobeateacher @burningkittypoet @kurai-hono-blog
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brucewaynehater101 · 19 days
Did Jack Al Ghul Drake's parents love him or the money that was sent to them?
Insert the clip from el dorado with the main characters pointing out that both would be good
They were Gothamites, they weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, they got a son and a regular payday? They considered themselves lottery winners. The minion that took Jack away did try to look for a couple that actively wanted a child and also wasn't too awful. The mom was a bit of a karen and the dad was very... traditional. The minion that was tasked with taking Jack away knew Jack was a complete failure but the boy still carried the blood of his master and that blood had worth in the minion's eyes when nothing else about Jack had worth to the league.
Ra's does not at all encourage siblings getting along or having more loyalty to someone in the family other than himself. Talia was responsible for at least one instance of Jack having to be dipped in the pit, possible more but only the one could be proven. After Jack was sent away, Talia did not think of him anymore. He was a failure and deserved no place in her thoughts.
If she discovered that Tim was her nephew? It would be a toss up as to whether it would make her want Tim dead more or less. On the one hand, this makes the young detective a candidate for her father's vessel rather than Damian and some small part of Talia does love Damian and would rather not see her father's soul overtake her son's body. On the other hand, Tim is still very much a threat in her eyes in relation to her son's rightful place and now he has the added edge of having the blood of the al ghul family which to Talia's mind makes him that much more of a threat since it could be argued that she's inherited her father's dismissive attitude towards women but considers herself an exception because she's "not like other women".
Of course this AU still leaves open any sort of interesting heritage on Janet's side of things, a heritage that Jack likely dismissed and that Tim might want to explore since it's a heritage that's NOT related to a crusty old creep and an assassin cult.
At least probably not related to an assassin cult.
Thank you for answering all the questions!
Thr explanations for Jack's parents as well as Talia certainly check out. I am curious if Talia's feelings about Tim affect how Damian views Tim. Also, after Bruce adopts Tim, would they consider themselves brothers, cousins, or coworkers?
It would be cool for Tim to connect to both sides of his family's heritage. I've seen some rad fics that discuss Janet havung various home countries (I've seen Phillippines, South Korea, and Russia) and carrying some of those traditions with her to Tim (such as making certain foods, celebrating certain holidays, etc). I've also seen some that indicate she was Christian while Jack was Jewish, and they thus celebrated both winter holidays. That, or Janet preferred a Jewish funeral with all of the procedures that typically go with it. I'm not sure what Janet's heritage is in this AU, but I bet Tim could compare how he's been deprived of both his mom and dad's culture growing up.
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rawrsatthetree · 3 months
So I’ve had three play throughs so far where I’ve romanced Astarion. Two were Dark Urge and one was a vanilla Tav.
Since so many people can’t wrap their head around how anyone could possibly help Astarion Ascend so I want to run through my thought process of why my Dark Urge Tav’s did help him.
First I’ll start with Puk, my evil bard dark urge. I think of Puk as a dark urge that Orin should have stabbed harder.
He naturally falls back into who he always was, never resisting his killing urge and love of chaos. He’s a cruel, manipulative, power hungry, monster and he loves it. He’ll take any offer that equals more power, going so far to become half illithid. His evil nature is only encouraged by Minthara and Astarion. Puk knew as soon as he remembered his heritage that he wanted to reclaim his spot as Bhaal’s chosen having already re-earned his slayer form. Puk never thought twice about Astarion Ascending, more power for his little vampire meant more power for him. And if Astarion could make him immortal all the better. He doesn’t care how it will change Astarion, he’s always been a toy for Puk: a key to immortality and fine breeding stock for ascendant dhampire bhaalspawn. Puk doesn’t mind playing the submissive little consort either, at least until he takes control of the brain and makes his vampiric master nothing more than a thrall to sit at his feet while he becomes absolute in Bhaal’s name.
Next my other dark urge Ilona, they were my first play through. I’ll admit they started out as a self insert but I’ve replayed they’re run and fleshed them out to be their own character. Unlike Puk, Orin left Ilona’s head full of scrambled eggs. They barley remember how to be a person and start off with very little personality beyond their urge. As they gain companions and spend time around others slowly the urge is joined by a new person starting to form. As this new personality arises they start to become scared of the urge realizing how they’re companions react to them whenever they let the it take control. Especially after the Alfira incident they start to resist the urge and wanting to be free of it. Of course because they’re an excellent killer and their brain is easily manipulated goo, Astarion picks them as his protector. Ilona is completely defenseless against him easily falling for his honeyed words and attention. However as they grow closer they become completely codependent on each other. As they become more and more afraid of the urge they become more and more dependent on Astarion. He’s their protector just as much as they’re his. This only spirals out of control when they get to Baldurs Gate and learn of their past, they’re terrified. They start to feel hopeless in standing up to Bhaal becoming an unholy assassin and almost ready to except their fate to become their father’s chosen puppet. They’re so wrapped up in their past they’re not sure how they feel about Astarion ascending. It seems like what he wants to do and when he promises he needs that power to protect them both to keep them both safe forever, Ilona believes him. Plus it’s not like they can judge him what’s 7000 souls when they’ve killed countless innocents for less. They just don’t have the strength to deny him and risk loosing the one source of safety and comfort they have. They don’t mind becoming his spawn, between loosing their memory and the urge they don’t trust their own mind, better to let Astarion have it. Even if one day he compels them, it’s for the best if he does the thinking for them anyways. Deep down they know they deserve how he treats them. That and with the. daddy issues deeply rooted in their psyche from both Sarevok and Bhaal part of them loves it. They’re his little consort his beloved pet and he’s their master, their husband, and father. For better or for worse they feel they deserve each other.
My vanilla Tav is an Oath of Devotion Paladin. They were never really onboard with the whole Ascension thing. They love Astarion but they’re worried about what that kind of power will do to him. They do start to falter in act 3 after facing so many horrors they’re beginning to loose faith in their Oath and fearing the worst. Maybe it would be ok, he could use that power for good! To defeat the absolute and save the city, to save themselves. When he says he wants that power so they can be safe forever, for good; they almost make up their mind then and there to help him when the time comes. They steel their resolve to stand by him just like they promised however when they come face to face with his victims tied to the ritual, they break. Looking into Sebastian’s eyes, easily picturing themselves in that cell with him, they promise he will not die trapped in that cage and they mean it. Even if Astarion hates them, they can’t let him go through with the ritual if not to save him than to save those poor souls that fell for Astarion’s charm just as they had. And when Astarion smiles at them and tells them he loves them, they feel their faith and hope return.
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First Failure // D. Grayson x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: blood, gun violence, canon typical violence, reader has thoughts that could be viewed as suicidal, self hatred, ANGST
Summary: The prequel to First Christmas, or, how Dick saved you.
This is part of the Assassin!verse that you can read here
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The roof was solid under your feet, but it still felt like the world was shifting and sliding out from under you. Nightwing stood in front of you, his brow furrowed at your words.
“I failed the mission,” you repeated. One month out of the cages and your handlers were getting twitchy. They were recalling you for reprogramming and extra training and sending a new agent to take over your case. This would be your last chance. To do what, exactly, you weren’t sure.
You realized you were slipping four days earlier when your neighbor, a friendly guy named Dick Grayson, invited you over to join him and his little sister, Stephanie, for dinner and to watch a movie. The plot seemed so contrived and random, but you found yourself seated on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest and your eyes fixed on the screen. The Princess Bride, they told you it was titled. By the end of the movie, Steph was fast asleep in between you and Dick, and you were horribly confused.
“Why would he go through all that trouble to save her? I mean, he practically died. She can’t be worth it that much.”
You could see him staring at you out of the corner of your eye so you rested your chin on your forearms and tilted your head towards him. The light of the TV flickered over his handsome face, those kind eyes and smile that seemed to be glued onto his face. He studied you and in that second, you felt for a brief moment that this was the life you were supposed to always have. 
In all of the movies Dick had shown you, the main character always seemed to win in the end. Did your life feel like winning? Spending your days pacing the length of your cage until they let you out to train or study targets or sharpen your skills before being placed back into that cage with a measly bowl of watery soup? That was winning?
“What do you mean you failed the mission?” Nightwing asked. He stepped closer to you, his escrima sticks hanging loosely in his hands. You took an involuntary step back and he raised his hands to signal peace before he slid his weapons back into their holsters.
“You. You were my mission. I thought that was obvious.”
He huffed out a low laugh. “Yeah, I figured from the amount of times you tried to kill me. But you’re still here. Aren’t you going to keep trying?”
The black fabric of your balaclava and hood hid most of your face from view, but your eyes still peeked out from behind your mask. Tightening your hands into fists, you suddenly relaxed them and shook your head.
“I…I’ve been compromised,” you admitted. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, but I wanted you to know so you could be prepared.”
“Why?” The question was bordered with anger and maybe a tinge of sadness. “You’ve been trying to kill me for a month. Why tell me this?”
“Because they told me you were my target. That meant you did something to deserve death. But I have seen the way you take care of this city, these people, and I cannot conceive of a single reason as to why you should die by my hand.”
He faltered, his lips pursing, and you wished for just a moment that you could see underneath his mask and know the man that hid behind it. Was he as kind out of the suit as much as he was inside of it?
“Let me help you,” he finally said. “I know people. I can get you to safety, get you away from whoever is giving you orders, and I can get you your life back.”
A miserable moan escaped you. “There’s nothing for me to go back to, don’t you understand? This is all I know, this is all I’ll ever know.”
“You won’t survive.” His words reminded you of a quote from that movie Dick showed you. A small smile lifted your mask slightly and you shrugged.
“Nonsense. You only say that because no one ever has.”
“Please. Let me help you.” He said it so softly, with such desperation, that you wished you could take his outstretched hand and let him whisk you off into a new world. But that could never work.
“I can’t be saved, Nightwing. I can’t be redeemed.”
A glint of metal reflecting off of the numerous lights of Bludhaven caught your eye. Shit. They must have sent someone already to eliminate the threat.
Nightwing hadn’t appeared to notice the sniper rifle which meant he didn’t react when you hurtled yourself towards him and twisted your body to stand in between man and machine. A startled gasp escaped you as the bullet entered the fleshy part of your abdomen and you immediately fell to your knees as your body absorbed the shock. Fuck, you had been shot before but it hurt like a bitch everytime. Fucking hell, fucking damnit. You needed to move. Needed to get out of the line of fire.
Lying flat on the ground, you tried to shake off the ringing in your ears, but it seemed like your body was just intent on betraying you. Something grabbed your arm and you whirled around, aiming a knife for whoever touched you, but they quickly pulled away. You stumbled to your feet and clamped a hand down over your stomach before stumbling towards the edge of the roof. Inhaling deeply, you turned to look back at Nightwing one last time before you let yourself tip over the edge into the safety of your zip cord.
You practically fell into your apartment once you crawled to your fire escape. Briefly, you wondered what Dick was doing, but you brushed that thought away. By dawn, you would be dead or in a truck being transported to be tortured into submission by your handlers. There wasn’t time to think about the people you would leave behind.
Russet streaks and fingerprints marked the walls as you stumbled towards the bathroom. Your head was fuzzy from blood loss and black spots crowded in on the edges of your vision. Everything smelled and tasted vaguely of iron and your hand was soaked with your own blood.
Your knees gave out mere feet from the bathroom and you crawled on all fours to the cabinet that held your first aid kit. The sopping viscous liquid that coated your hand made it damn near impossible to open the wooden door and you nearly cried out in success when you were able to nudge it open.
“Pliers, pliers, pliers,” you chanted as you threw the massive bag down and began to sift through it. The adrenaline had worn off about now and fiery hot pain licked up through your side and into your lungs. Every breath felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest and your temples pounded with each thready heartbeat. You needed to get this damn bullet out and then you could pack the wound and apply pressure.
Was this all even worth it? What would happen if you succeeded in patching yourself up? You would just be sent back to kill again. The blood on your hands now was freshly painted by the same people who had sent you to do the same thing to others time and time again. If Nightwing was innocent, who’s to say your other victims weren’t unjustly murdered?
That’s who you were. An assassin. A machine. You were a gun loaded and pointed by your handlers. You were simply a weapon.
They wouldn’t cry if you bled out on this bathroom floor. They would simply toss your body into an unmarked grave and drive off to find some other child to snatch in the night and train into their perfect little soldier.
“Damnit,” you hissed under your breath as you fumbled with the zipper on the bag holding gauze patches. In a fit of rage, you threw the kit into the bedroom and watched as the various bags and first aid supplies scattered across your room before falling to the ground with a muted thud. Your chest heaved with wild, strained breaths and then you were sobbing. Shit, you were weeping.
The cries wracked your already weak body and you let yourself slip down until your cheek was pressed against the pool of blood that had gathered underneath you on the shoddily tiled floor. You pulled your knees up to your chest as best as you could, the fetal position they called it, and waited for the reaper to claim you.
A banging noise faintly registered in your mind, but you were too tired to consider who it was they sent after you. Perhaps they would be kind enough to toss a dandelion on your grave. You wondered for a moment what your headstone would read if you were graced with one.
Agent 2327. Failure. Killer.
“Hey, hey.” Someone was speaking. A hand slapped your cheek and you tried to open your eyes, but heavy weights were pulling you under. First things first, to the death, you recalled the quote from the movie. No. To the pain.
Everything was a fuzzy, blissful feeling. It was like waking up from the best dream, but then you realized with a start that you shouldn’t be waking up at all. You let your eyes adjust to the dim lighting in whatever room you were in and tried to take in your surroundings. A popcorn ceiling, a Black Canary poster on the wall…where the hell were you?
“You’re awake.”
You let your head fall to the side and met kind blue eyes. Dick Grayson sat beside you in a chair that didn’t look terribly comfortable, but he didn’t appear to be in any discomfort as he leaned in closer to you. It was then that you noticed the familiar black and blue uniform that you had been tailing for a month clinging to his body.
“You…” The words failed you and he offered you a small smile.
“Yeah, me.”
Why did he save you? You had been hunting him down and trying to kill him for the past month. Was this some kind of sick ploy for him to extract information from you? You knew he worked with Batman occasionally in Gotham. Was he going to turn you over to him?
But that wasn’t Nightwing. That wasn’t the hero you had watched over the past month. That wasn’t the man who snagged kittens out of trees, took down trafficking rings, and faced enhanced threats that tried to destroy his city. That wasn’t the Dick Grayson you had met either. Dick was kind, welcoming, and always made an effort to be…well, neighborly.
You had a choice to make here, but it looked fairly obvious what path you should take.
“Please help me,” you whispered. He leaned closer, his arm stretching out over your head and his thumb stroking along your temple. His eyes were hard and you missed the warmth that usually effused from them. Shutting your eyes, you waited to hear him reject you. To inform you of what he would do with you now that you were defenseless and broken before him. Would he send you to Arkham?
“You’re safe now,” Dick assured you. “I’m going to help you, I promise. You’re safe. You’ll never have to go back there.”
And for the first time in a long time, you truly believed that you were safe.
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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hanawrites404 · 6 months
So @pinguwrites mentioned about the backstories of Cillianverse characters and I am gonna give some of my insight on them lol.
Also, disclaimer. In this post I'm only gonna include the characters whose movies I have completed. But as I see more movies, I'll add their characters in the next post like this. I won't include Jonathan Crane (because I strongly stick to the backstory that DC comics has provided) and Oppenheimer (it's obvious why).
Now that I have established this, let's gets started ✨
Neil Lewis
Watching The Detectives
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Neil was born in a family containing a single soccer mum and a big sister who is at least seven years older than him. Neil was shy as a toddler but would be very invested into something once you give him a chance.
He didn't change much when he got to his school days. He had his fair share of friends and answered in the class like an average student. But what was special about him was that he had the most unique stories. When it came to show and tell or small story writing, no one could beat Neil in terms of creativity (but somehow he never got a prize because his grammar used to be horrible).
At highschool, he was definitely a target for bullying, but luckily his friends always defended him. I believe he met Lucien and Jonathan during highschool too. Neil was a comic + movie nerd and he would randomly start to speak out facts about it whenever he finds someone to talk to, and many didn't appreciate that so he was also sort of an outcast. But he didn't mind that because he had his small circle of friends.
Neil was again, average in his studies. But he was such a theatre kid. He never got the main role but he used to steal the show, even if this mf is acting as a tree. He was THAT talented. He has also participated in sports events but ends up chickening out in most of it. Until one day he practised hard with his sister for a match against the rival school and 'accidentally' won his school the baseball trophy. Neil's mom has a photo of him crying with a red face and holding the well-deserved trophy high in his arms. We love our crybaby.
Neil graduated from high school and went into a decent university where he took film studies as his major, despite his mom and sister wanting him to join something that would make him 'rich and popular' like sports or music.
College Neil was an absolute blast. He had his own style, and he had a second-hand guitar from one of his seniors. He used to drive his sister's old motorcycle to college and he also learnt driving a car from her. Neil met Denise during his final year and after graduation, Neil with help of his sister and his friends opened the famous Gumshoe video store.
Jackson Rippner
Red Eye
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Okay, for this. I really want to thank @/pinguwrites Jackson Rippner bot. It literally provided a very cool backstory that makes so much sense for someone like our thin-eyebrowed assassin. So I'm gonna copy paste some of it here + add some lines of my own.
Jack's parents were drug addicts and he used to live in a slum filled with junkies and small-scale criminals where no one had any honor or sympathy for one another. So the neighbourhood was always filthy and toxic. He has seen murders and robberies at such a young age. And poor boy had no choice but to learn how to fight and protect himself.
Things only got worse as he grew older. He had to join a gang because a child living alone in slums was as a good as dead. The gang would provide him food, clothes and shelter in exchange of stealing, killing and burning houses. He hated everything he did but he had to do it for surviving.
After years of being a criminal for his whole teenhood, he decided to quit it and do something good for once. So he joined the military. But nothing was good there either. With strict routine and rules, and the other recruits bullying him for his past. He used to get into a lot of fights with his peers and he had developed quite a temper there.
Everywhere was war and destruction. Never once that he was spared from witnessing violence and gore that Jack had gone numb from all of it. From feeling disgust and anger, he now loves watching people suffer, especially if he is causing their pain.
He left the military to start everything again, but he couldn't get any ordinary job because he didn't have any formal education. However, he was noticed by a secret association of assassins and contract killers. The agency took Jack in and taught him all and everything which is needed to become a spy.
Also, I highly believe Jackson Rippner is not even his real name. It would be something else that his parents used to call him but he would rather have someone use his alias than his birth name (it brings bad memories).
28 Days Later
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Jim didn't have anything crazy going on with him (at least before the apocalypse lol). He has had a loving family who supported him throughout his life. But what's mysterious and wierd about him is that he was an ordinary bicycle courier man, *yet* he managed to sabotage what, 10-12 soldiers single-handedly?! That ain't male hormones dude, that's something else 😭
So, I at least think that he used to do something more before becoming a delivery man. Perhaps something like a sports player, or a security guard of some complex or maybe he was still a courier man! But of more heavier objects like crates of fruits or something. But one thing is for sure is that he was a guy who would rather do odd jobs than a 9-5.
Also, canonically the director of the movie has described him to be a soft-looking man with a body strong as an iron, and that's so real y'all. Jim throughout the movie was underestimated until the end where he ended up becoming the hero of the whole show. And you know what, we love that.
Also, I don't think he ever had a girlfriend before. And Jim gives strong virgin vibes yet knows where the clit is.
The Delinquent Season
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Jim was a simple boy. He also didn't have much crazy going on with his childhood too. He was quite a smart student and a straight-A kid. His parents were strict regarding his grades and behaviour but they raised him normally. He had his fair share of playing around, partying etc. But nothing hardcore, and Jim doesn't like it that way anyway.
He got into a reputed college away from home and must have studied something sophisticated like law or psychology. Jim in college only focused on his studies and didn't have many friends. He was quiet and light academia student who spent most of his time in library or alone in his desk at his dorm. He calls his parents once a week and that was it.
He has worked from home since the start and met Danielle after two years. Then a year after he married her and had kids.
Raymond Leon
In Time
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Ray is almost similar to Jackson in this case. He was born in timezone 12, also known as the ghetto. Where one minute is like a year for the people who live there. Ray's parents worked at the factory and had died quite early in his life due to a hazard that occured in their workplace. So he was adopted by his uncle who ran a pawn shop. He was a great role model and a second father to Ray. His uncle's dream was to see the world outside timezone 12. And naturally, Ray took on that.
He helped his uncle to run the shop and he used to venture out and doing odd jobs to bring some time. He also learnt how to do trade and gamble as it was one of the main sources of income in timezone 12. Ray was given basic education by his uncle and other skills such as cooking, driving. His uncle had made Ray into a fine and independent man, and for his 25th birthday, his uncle gave him a handgun.
Until one day when Ray was coming back from his work, he finds his uncle dead and bleeding on the floor. Not only his hard-earned time was stolen, the thieves had stabbed him in the chest five times. Ray was devastated and mourned for his only guardian's death. He blamed himself for not being there for him when he needed him the most. But what burnt inside him more was anger and revenge.
With all the skills he had gained while being under his uncle, he was able to track down the thieves. They were not some ordinary robbers but an infamous gang who like to steal from people with a lot of time. He has seen them in the gambling bars many times and it was time to end their reign. Ray had managed to outsmart and kill everyone in the group. He genuinely felt disgusted but also satisfied murdering them.
A few days later, Ray was approached by the head of the Timekeepers who had tracked him. They detected time being lost but not stolen. Ray had not stolen even one second after killing the group. It made the timekeeper intrigued by the young man. Ray was offered to work under him, and that's how Ray got out of the timezone 12 forever.
Robert Capa
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The sun god™ himself. Our beloved Robert was a prodigy in science. Since his childhood, he had always wanted to see a proper sunrise from the horizon of Sydney. He helped his family with the winter while also planning out ways that he can bring out sunny days like it used to.
His room was filled with posters of Icarus I and its crew members. He wanted to be like them but also didn't want to be like them. He wanted to be the reason humanity would feel pure sunshine on their skin but he also didn't want to fail and just disappear when they were *this* close to revive the sun. He opted physics as his passion and had dreams of how earth used to be before it went into the phase of eternal winter.
During his training for venturing into space and fulfilling their mission, Robert was quite determined too. He got acquainted with the rest of the crew members but he usually kept everything to himself. He was only focused on bringing the sun back and returning to see his parents and sister.
I also think Robert has synesthesia. He has a vivid imagination and can sense colours and sounds at the same time. That would really explain his last scene.
Anyways, that's all for my rant. Thank you for listening. Part 2 will come soon once I have watched enough movies.
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catb1tez · 1 month
Define “Damijon”?
I never realized how hard this question could be until you asked me. But if I speak of it off the top of my head, then DamiJon is the relationship between Damian Wayne and Jon Kent. To me, it’s a romantic relationship. DamiJon is built on the friendship the two created together, no matter in what way that friendship is built. Whether in a different universe or their own, they will always find that bond and maybe even a stronger bond. In an ideal world, the bond is one of trust, loyalty, authenticity, love, and more that I’m probably forgetting right now.
Damian grew up believing he had to prove himself, and he was willing to do what was necessary to accomplish the acknowledgment he sought. Even if it meant killing others, or going up against those who were close with him. Although, when he started living with his father, the disappointment this brought to his father had made him start to realize something. I personally believe Damian had a hard time acknowledging this change, especially because he thought he had to fight so hard for everything when it looked like his older siblings did nothing to deserve their home in their father’s heart. At least when he first met them. This train of thought of his combined with his position as the youngest, made him feel like he had to prove himself that much more. And as most assassins are trained, he grown accustomed to seeing stoicism as strength. He hid most of his emotions as best as a child could. But I believe his relations with Jon put a dent into this. Many times we see characters mention how Damian had some characteristics of his changed after bonding with Jon. Some examples are how talkative he was, and his opinions on hugs. This proves that Jon helps bring out the best of Damian, and Damian sees Jon as someone he can not only rely on but also be himself around. To me, this is something to be strongly valued in a relationship, especially romantic.
(Obviously there is so much more to Damian’s character and how he grew up, but I think when discussing my personal definition of DamiJon, this is one of the more important factors)
Then there’s how Jon lives his life, most of this will be based off of Jon’s character pre-bendis. The second he got his powers, there was a sudden tension from the idea that he was the next in line for the title of “man of steel.” To most worlds, Superman is a symbol of hope. Jon is someone who is meant to show kindness to all of those around him. Even so, he still made sure to make room for his personality. I appreciate how there were moments where it felt like Jon was sassy, but those moments shined the most when he was around Damian. Jon will always go out of his way to help those in need, and he will usually show a bright smile while doing so. That’s what he sees when he watches his father. He also sees his mother exhibit the strength that is standing up for what’s right no matter even if someone or something is trying to push you back. Watching these two as role models obviously made a huge impact on who he is as a person and how he views the world. Thats why I think he must’ve been shocked to meet Damian. He wasn’t used to seeing another vigilante behave with such bluntness the way Damian did when they first met. In Jon’s eyes, Damian presented strength and knowledge but in a way he’s never seen before. I think without even realizing it, Damian helped Jon learn about another side to life. Alongside what I had mentioned earlier, I think being able to bring something new to your partner’s life, or having a contrast to them from what they’re used to, can be important in a relationship.
Even though I’ve only really touched the surface of my personal definition of DamiJon/JonDami, I’m going to wrap this response up now. I apologize for my poor grammar, and I hope I made at least some sense. Thank you for the ask, it was a nice challenge.
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livinggeekchic · 8 months
I’ve been thinking a lot more about Harvey on my most recent reread of Purple Hyacinth. He is set up as this kind of bumbling but good-natured kid, whose death hits us hard—only for us to later find out that he was a spy for the Phantom Scythe all along. And we, like Lauren, feel betrayed.
But we are given clues that everything is not as it seems. To start, Bella tells Kieran that Harvey was eliminated because he wasn’t useful.
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That got me thinking about this set of panels. March and Hermann are having a conversation about Lune. This is surely information that the leader would be interested in hearing about. Harvey is in the perfect position to listen in, walking by with a stack of papers. But instead, he hightails it out of there. If you zoom in, you can see the “spinning” of his feet, he’s booking it so fast out of there.
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So while he was a spy, he either wasn’t a very good one, or he didn’t really want to be one. We also see Harvey mentioning that he has to do his best for his grandpa--is it possible that his grandfather needs money, and that's why he's doing it? This is just one possibility of many. Kieran says as much to Lauren, after she tells him that Harvey was a mole. Kieran knows there are many reasons someone might join the Phantom Scythe, but Lauren is still thinking in black and white--right and wrong. While it makes sense that Lauren feels betrayed, she's failing to grasp the nuance of the situation.
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Nothing showcases this better than Harvey’s funeral. We see Harvey’s grandfather violently sobbing, obviously devastated. He says “you didn’t need to try so hard.” (Another indicator that Harvey was likely making choices for his grandfather’s benefit.)
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And how does Lauren react? Her expression here doesn’t look like one of sympathy, or even pity. She looks shocked and almost affronted. She’s so consumed by her hatred of the Phantom Scythe, for what happened at Allendale, that she can’t even see Harvey as a person. She can stand by and watch his close family member grieve, and all she thinks is, “they don’t know what I know.” But regardless of what misdeeds Harvey committed, he was still loved. He still deserves to be mourned.
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She calls him a traitor. She’s almost disgusted by the fact that everyone is mourning him. But was he really a traitor? How much information did he actually give the Scythe? He was "useless" after all. Even if he did help the Scythe stall the APD's investigations, we know he wasn't this inherently evil character. He was genuinely concerned for his coworkers' safety. Lauren tells us that he never lied or showed any signs of being part of the PS. She sees this as evidence that she was blind to the truth, but I think she's actually blind to the fact that not everyone in the PS is "the enemy." Their motivations can be complicated.
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In S1, Lauren views Kieran similarly. He’s an assassin, and therefore, he is reprehensible. She can’t understand why it's so important to him that he kills only when ordered or when it's the only solution. She doesn't really attempt to unearth his reasoning for wanting to take down the leader, beyond asking about it just once. She is inflexible, and rigid in her thinking: good people don't work for the Phantom Scythe. But of course, we come to see that it's more complicated than that.
A lot happens in S2 that helps open her eyes to this, which I won’t go into now. But I will leave you with a quote from Kieran in episode 93: “all these years within this wretched organization have taught me…it’s not a monolith. Not everyone agrees nor is aware of what is truly going on.”
Perhaps Harvey truly didn’t know the half of it. Maybe he was given a chance to provide for his grandfather and took it. Maybe he was told that the Scythe was helping the poor, and he related to that struggle. Maybe he was told they would only use the info he gave them to protect themselves from the APD, and wouldn't ever go on the offense. Ultimately, we don’t know. But what I do know is that if Harvey was outed as a spy in S3, I think Lauren would try harder to understand.
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epickiya722 · 10 months
Every time I see someone say they don't find Midoriya interesting, a piece of me just fades away. I know he doesn't look it, but he's batshit crazy. He is a damn wild card.
All Might decided to give OFA after seeing this kid do something crazy (running ahead to save Bakugou from the Sludge Villain... defenseless).
After that, for training, what does Midoriya do?
CLEAN A BEACH!! Keep in mind, he is just a scrawny kid. And then one morning, he just decides "I'm about to do something wild".
He climbs up a pile of trash, and just screams into oblivion with a war cry, shirtless just as the sun is rising.
That's just the beginning!
Kid has punched a robot the size of a building, attempts to fight an obviously dangerous villain with broken bones.
Later during the Sports Festival, he manages to make a new friend with Icy-Hot Princey boy who holds a grudge (I mean rightfully so, but this ain't about him) by breaking his bones and screaming at him and could have got himself killed in doing so. Oh wait! Rewind! Before that, Midoriya goes through an obstacle course race without using his quirk and just being calculating.
AND GETS FIRST PLACE before kids with quirks that can boost their speed!!
After that arc, he faces a whole serial killer!! He gets told not to run off and guess what? He does it anyways!
You know what, let me just list things he is and has done the best way I can because when I say this kid is not what he seems, he is not what he seems.
Doesn't listen, "I do what I want because it's right even though I'll get yelled at for it". Okay, this kid is impulsive sometimes.
Puts up with Bakugou and calls this explosive kid "Kacchan". Who in the hell gives that boom-boom gremlin a cutesy nickname and not once get told to stop using it? Midoriya damn Izuku, that's who.
Wears t-shirts that says other pieces of clothing like "blouse" and "tank top". WHERE DID HE GET THEM?!
Can mimic All Might's face and voice!
Has to be told to keep his emotions in check because they affect OFA, his strongest emotion being anger. And when he's angry, just beg for mercy. Just get on your knees and hope he doesn't break your face or something and embarrasses you. (Muscular got it twice as he deserves!)
Faced an ASSASSIN.
Somehow managed to still move like it's nothing after being shocked by KAMINARI and after that, headbutting through Todoroki's ice wall (by accident). (Class 1A VS Deku fight)
Midoriya is intelligent, he's observant. He's able to work how the function of someone's quirk just by watching. He was able to figure out how Stain's quirk worked and how he's using it. Stain, the Hero Killer.
On that note, he uses his knowledge to incorporate that in his own moves and how he can work with OFA. Midoriya is creative.
Even though he knows the risks, he sometimes pushes his body to the limit and breaks his bones and sometimes still wants to fight despite his body being damaged at that time.
Tried to talk down Dabi the same way as he did with Todoroki and honestly, he deserves some credit for that. It didn't worked, but he tried talking to DABI. Dabi is something else.
There's probably more I missed, but I'm just saying Midoriya Izuku is just more than that sweet round freckled face. And you wouldn't think with that face he would have the body he does. He used to be a scrawny kid. But now? He is a pint-sized powerhouse!
Do not take him lightly. He needs to come with a warning label!
Look, if he's boring to you, fine. I don't care. Didn't write this post to convince you.
I wrote this post to express just how I feel about him.
I know some people are put off by him because "he's the protagonist, he gets a lot of the spotlight".
But that's not stopping me. I mean, Miruko is my number one tied with Midoriya and she shares a lot less focus than he does! To me, a character doesn't have to be minor or a major one to be liked. I look past that role and see their other qualities and in the case of Midoriya, I like his qualities enough for him to be an interesting character to me.
Which is rare for me because my favorites often be the minor characters, characters that don't get as much screen time and aren't as popular. Even for BNHA! A lot of my favorites are characters that haven't spoken in the manga since forever!
(For goodness' sake, I know I'll sound salty for this and I do adore the other characters! The Todoroki's got a whole arc and even an origin to how their whole mess started dating back to when Enji and Rei met! And we still don't know Midoriya’s dad whereabouts! WE KNOW HAWKS' BACKSTORY!! AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HISASHI LOOKS LIKE!! Midoriya barely has had focus for how many chapters this whole ongoing war arc now? Just saying, even though there's a lot of characters, let's not act as if Midoriya gets the spotlight all the time.)
That's just me now.
(Don't even reblog and say something like "Okay, I see your point, OP, but I still think he's boring." Or argue why he's boring to you. Don't even come into my inbox with all that. Again, I do not care.)
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