#hays rambles
onehundredpercentsane · 9 months
till and ivan's cover of my clematis will be what pushes me to the other side of the sanity spectrum.
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wheatormeat · 21 days
If there's anything I've felt about ace attorney since playing through the original trilogy, it's how cheated I've felt about the fandom interpretation of it. Y'all were so caught up with your gay boys and your Miles Edgeworths I didn't realize how much of this game was about WOMEN. THE CORE OF ACE ATTORNEY IS IN ITS FEMALE CHARACTERS. From Mia jumpstarting Phoenix and guiding him throughout the whole trilogy even after her death, her presence being the primary connecter of Phoenix and Maya, Maya and Godot, heck even Dahlia and Iris and the whole lot of them. From Franziska's earnest faith and consolation of Miles Edgeworth, even begrudgingly, pulling him out the trauma of his childhood with the face to face confrontation of a bullet wound in the same spot as the man who killed his father. Lana and Ema dragging Phoenix back into the thing he does best. Lana and Ema who's tragic story lies in a pair of sisters ruined by the heinous law system and their unconditional love for each other. Dahlia and Iris with a different version of sisterly tragedy, struggling through generational trauma in separate settings and support systems. The matter of the Fey tradition looming over the entire narrative and all the legal and social terror that comes with it. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE ACE ATTORNEY WOMEN.
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Pookie ban ne nikli thi dukhie ho kar lauti hoon 🥺🎀🥲
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yonemurishiroku · 7 months
Haven’t stopped thinking ab older Nico with a floppy green cap like Bianca’s in the middle of Venice since that Grover & Nico prompt.
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shadyufo · 3 months
just spent the last half hour watching otters playing in the pond in my pasture!!! it is a pretty small and shallow little pond and i NEVER would have expected to see the otters come up this far from the creek. they were splashing and squealing and churning the water up like little sea monsters. watched them until it was too dark to see.
rip to all the minnows i put in there a few years ago haha
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fromgoy2joy · 5 months
The anger is gone
I’ve felt so much anger recently. These past few months, that’s just how I’ve been living.
Not at Palestinians fleeing for their lives and who have suffered unimaginably. I want the war to end, desperately. But my fury lingered- at Hamas. At each person who celebrated, denied, and/or excused it October 7th and beyond. At the people who I loved who see my community as an acceptable target for righteousness. At the rampant rise of jew-hatred.
It only got worse when I played with the children in our community. Every Friday night, I’d be the one who would entertain them at our rabbi’s house, with makeshift puppets, drawing whatever prompt given, and making up stories for whatever they wanted. And every time they’d laugh, I’d feel a stab in my heart- 
How could anyone want to kill us? How could anyone want to hurt us? And the children? What have they done besides babble out hebrew words ? 
It worsened whenever I held a newborn in my arms and listened to the very Jewish name his parents gave him or her.
When I had to wonder about that same babies- "Will they be safe in the world we have now ? In the world they'll grow up in, that we have in part created? Will they get to be old men and women? When will they learn of evil- in their superhero cartoons or when their preschool gets a bomb threat?"
I grit my teeth when peers protested hostage shabbat tables, or talked loudly at coffee shops where they wished for the death of "Zionists", uncritically rehashing nazi talking points. It's a unique kind of hopelessness, to see fellow young and hopeful students- the world changers- lend themselves so easily to hate. I learned to contend with it, but I will never regain that hope I had before. Or rather, the one hope I had that the people of today are fundamentally different than the ones of the past. Where in fact, the same vile ugliness remains in the form of infographics on Instagram and in the hearts of English literature majors.
And now, I sit here in early January still in grieving of the world I thought I knew that had been ripped up to pieces. And the anger has puttered out into a sadness I think I'll always carry. I cannot trust the activist, the academic, or my generation. I can only speak out, but not too harshly and in acceptable terms. But most of all, I have started my Jewish journey with the knowledge that my destined to be adoptive family are incredibly in need of protection.
But most of all, what I know I can do, is keep showing up to shabbat dinners and speaking in high squeaky voices for the puppets. I can make the kids laugh. And for now, that'll be my superpower.
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intellectual6666 · 2 months
Mujhe kaanch ki chudiya gift karne wala chahiye 🥲🥲
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Hi! I was curious about the history of the word fairy as a queer slur, and I got the impression that that's the kind if thing you'd love to ramble about. If I'm wrong, that's fine, I can do my own research, but I wanted to ask you first
oh FUCK yes!! funnily enough I don't actually know much about the history of this particular slur other than that it seems to have been used most commonly towards particularly effeminate of flamboyant gay men. So YOU, lovely anon, have given us the opportunity to do something we love- research!
According to the wiktionary page for the word fairy in general, homophobic uses of the term were/are most common in the US and Northern England, and lists a few instances of its use as such in literature from the 1930s, 50s, and 80s. I also came across this fabulous tiktok on the terms history, which mentioned the term being used as early as 1895, in a section of the American Journal of Psychology discussing "inverts" (a common term for gay men at the time). The video also discusses how the term started falling out of fashion once the community started to reclaim the term, particularly thanks to the work of Harry Hay, who cofounded a counterculture movement called Radical Faeries in the late 70s
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strawbbfluff · 2 months
sometimes a brat but squeals when she’s tickled
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onehundredpercentsane · 9 months
Hello tumblr, tis me, Hays, who has not succeeded and will not succeed in life for the forceable future. Did I really just not think about anything but this image below and the new Valkyrie album preview for the last few days?
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Yes, I did not.
Whatever higher dimensional being is out there, I hope you are happy for guiding this tiny insignificant human to discover the absolute hellhole that is Ensemble Stars approximately three months ago. And I hope you are glad that you steered me right into this stupid rabbit hole at top velocity inside a metaphorical SUV.
Dear higher dimensional being, I hope that you are happy as those stupid little fictional men tap-dances and tangos constantly inside my frontal lobes, disrupting my daily functions and my ability to think about anything that is not Valkyrie.
I hope somebody is benefiting from my brain rot because I sure am not.
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unhonest-iago · 9 months
@10piecechickenmcnugget idk if i did this correctly but it’s been made
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Mera future paani mein gaya
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Since nobody hearing me so here, hc how gods claim their kids.
Hades crack open the earth next to his kids
Zeus literally throw lightning at 'em
Pegasi neighing like crazy to Poseidon kids
Iris made a little rainbow over her children head
Apollo just shine them with a light ray with pop music playing in the background
Hypnos knocked his children out at their first dinner in camp
Hecate don't do anything, who her children are should be obvious
Tyche half-bloods will always found a drachma on the ground on their first day, literally just pick it up the ground outta nowhere
Demeter materialize barley in their pockets
Kids that smells like grapes are Dionysus, period
...Iris being literally outing her children LMAO
No but srsly Rick pls read this.
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cedricsnotdead · 6 months
ok so yesterday i was watching the two towers for the 56th time and i was suddenly hit by the stupidest w.i.t.c.h. AU idea, where:
we have five brave and mighty hobbits: will, the bearer of the heart of kandrakar tasked with destroying it in mount kandrakar together with her companions cornelia, hay lin, irma and taranee
and then we have the fellowship of the heart who accompanies the five hobbits in this quest:
caleb, a human also known as strider, great fighter, possibly heir to the throne of gondor, kicks helmets when frustrated
orube, an elf with amazing fighting skills, great archer, awesome elf eyes that see miles away, her dad is a fashion icon in mirkwood
vathek, definitely not a dwarf but still good with the ax, has a prejudice against elves, but overall a good boi
matt, a human who becomes tempted by the heart of kandrakar, thinks that one does not simply walk into kandrakar and is probably right
yan lin the gray, an old but powerful wizard, has some grudges with the balrog
and then we have some more elves and creatures:
weira, lady of rivendell, a millenary elf, she’s the one who sends the fellowship of the heart to kandrakar
elyon, daughter of weira, also an elf, but she’s in love with caleb so she might want to become human at some point
cassidy, an extremely powerful elf lady who has banished the big baddie into the state he is now
nerissa, who was corrupted by the heart of kandrakar and then became a creature consumed by the desire for her precious, she knows the way to mount kandrakar
and then we have the baddies,
phobos, also known as the lord of the nazgûl or the witch-king of metamoor, he is the head of the thugs dressed in black who look for the heart of kandrakar for the big boss, wears fancy pointy boots and has overall impeccable style
cedric the white, a powerful wizard who turned to the dark side and commands a huge army of orcs for the big boss
and finally... the final boss, the big baddie, the one who created the heart of kandrakar and now is just an eye looking for it - THE ORACLE OF KANDRAKAR
the list is not exhaustive, i accept suggestions for other characters
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citricacidprince · 8 months
I’m sorry for the person I will become when the new style savvy game comes out
Not only to the people who don’t care, but to the people playing as well
You’re gonna see my store and it’s gonna be the most cobbled-together ugly sight ever since I can’t decide to just stick to one aesthetic and wanna buy everything 😔
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scuddle-bubble101 · 13 days
*Flomps down on ground*
Hihi!!! Hru today? :DD
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Doing alright! you?
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